#Lair of Mystery AU
(Possible continuation for Lair of Mystery au)
← Main Prompt
*Danny showing up in full king costume and subdues world ending threat then spots JLD members*
Danny: Hey guys! How's it going? We still up for movie night at my place?
Constantine: Yeah, shouldn't be a problem.
Billy: I just have a few minor things to wrap up (i.e. homework) and I should be free.
Danny: Awesome!
Meanwhile the rest of the Justice League is freaking out over the amount of death magic rolling off of this new guy and Batman's off to the side wondering how JLD are on friendly terms with what basically amounts to an ancient death god like:
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nobodysdaydreams · 7 months
✨My Unhinged Visions for the TMBS Kids’ Villain Arcs: ✨
Based on this poll, and this post by @kaslynspeaks and @sophieswundergarten. They activated the brain bees, and you can blame them for this.
Warning: Insanely long post. I go through each kid individually, discuss a premise for their fall to villainy, and then I give you a hastily written scene which I did not proofread, that probably contains typos and misspellings. Some are longer than others, some end abruptly, some are a lot darker than others, but they all have happy endings so you're welcome for that at least.
I also kept it vague whether I was talking about the book or show characters so while I draw on elements from both, you can imagine most of these with either character.
Please enjoy!
I'll start with Kate Wetherall.
The Premise:
I picture her as a teenager or young adult for this. Her villain arc is pretty brief tbh, but I think that fits Kate. She'd impulsive and emotional and maybe even the most likely to go dark the quickest for those reasons, but she also has strong morals, and I don't think she'd fall very far, and I also think she might be the most likely to turn around.
Here's the scenario. The society has won, and now they've started working together to take down bad guys.
Kate loves it, but she starts getting carried away sometimes. Seeing men that are willing to hurt children the way that she was hurt sets something off in her. Sometimes she takes things too far, or acts impulsively in the heat of the moment. The others protest this, insisting that Kate only needs to use enough force to stop other criminals, not harm them.
Kate feels frustrated, not only because she feels like her friends are criticizing her, but also because this is what she's good at. She's the one who fights. Why should she hold herself back when the others can use their intellect to their full potential?
The others don't realize how much of this is connected to Kate's inner turmoil, her feelings of frustration. They simply remind her that "that's not how they do things."
But maybe it should be, thinks Kate.
Maybe it would send a message. Not just to the criminals but to the children they hurt. To let those children know that someone cared to make sure that the people who hurt them paid for what they did. So that they wouldn't feel abandoned. So that they wouldn't feel how Kate always felt.
So she works in secret. She couldn't bear another condescending lecture from her father or the others. I picture her leading a sort of vigilante circus themed squad. They're all strong and athletic, obviously, but they're also incredibly creative. Whatever a bad guy's fear is, they can use illusions, contortion, and all sorts of creepy imagery to make it come to life. To make them pay for what they did. To break them, to reduce them to nothing.
And Kate as a leader finally feels respected, valuable. For once, she isn't told to hold back her impulsiveness, her emotions, her abilities, her creativity. In fact, she's praised for her lack of restraint. And she tells herself she doesn't need to feel bad either because after all, these are the bad guys. They deserve it.
But eventually the others find out. Kate tells them there's no point in another lecture, but this time, they don't lecture. They don't even know what to say.
Because they're horrified. They're horrified that Kate could ever think that punishing people like this, criminals or not, is a suitable use of her talents. Kate reminds them that they always got to use their intelligence to their full potential whenever it suited them.
And now, the scene (picture this occurring in a circus themed lair. Idk just role with it. Brain tired):
"I was the one who was too much," Kate reminded him.
"You three were the brilliant ones. The psychic, the scholar, the genius. But me? I was just the muscle. The "creative" one. The impulsive one. The liability," she scoffed.
"My talents were only useful when they were directed by my intellectual superiors. What you wanted. What you planned. But here? Here I'm a leader, Reynie. I get results and I get justice my own way. And I'm not interested in hearing another lecture about acting impulsively, or going too far, or about how all of your know so much better than I do. So save it."
"Fine!" snapped Constance. "Then we'll spare you the lecture, if you want to skip straight to the fighting."
Kate paused, and the look of betrayal in her eyes was evident.
She thought they might be here to lecture or disapprove of her methods, but had they...had they really come here to...to...
Kate shook her head.
"I don't want to fight you. And even three against one, was all know that would hardly be a fair fight."
Sticky winced and held himself back from the overwhelming urge to nervously polish his spectacles, remembering how many times he'd watched his friend take down men (grown trained men) like it was nothing.
Constance, still bitter from Kate's deception, raised her fists.
"I'd still take those odds."
"Constance-" cautioned Reynie, but it was already too late.
"Very well," said Kate.
Her followers stepped forward to assist her, but Kate motioned for them to step back.
"Trust me," she said to them. "I appreciate the offer, but I can take handle this one on my own."
The others knew that wasn't a lie.
Kate raised her own fists and addressed the trio.
"You always thought your minds made you so much better than me, so let's see how well you can actually do without me. Good luck. You'll need it. Even if I do intend to go easy on you."
Kate groaned.
"This is none of your concern."
"I should say that it is," her father replied, stepping out from the shadows to confront his daughter. "Considering I raised you better than this."
"Raised me?"
Milligan immediately realized his mistake.
"Katie-Cat, I-"
"Didn't mean to leave me?" Kate snapped. "I know Dad. I know you didn't mean to. No, you just chose a dangerous job working for a dangerous man and put your own life at risk, when you knew your child had no one else but you."
The hurt in her father's eyes made Kate regret her words, but only for a moment.
After all, it's not as if what she said wasn't true.
"I'm sorry," said Milligan earnestly, realizing perhaps for the first time how much his child was still hurting.
How much she'd been lying every time she said that she was fine. How much she'd been hiding her pain from him, from everyone.
"It wasn't fair to you. I promise, I'll do whatever I can to make it up to you."
"Really?" said Kate. "Well then. I suppose there is something you can do for me."
"Anything Katie-Cat," said Milligan softly, his eyes brimming with tears.
"Stay out of my way," Kate ordered, looking her father directly in the eyes, doing her best to look tall, strong, and intimidating.
Milligan's face hardened slightly. He knew that look. It was a look he'd seen in his daughter's eyes before, her fearsome determination, her resolve not to back down.
It was normally one of the traits that he admired most about her.
"I can't do that Katie-Cat," he replied, seriously but still with a tone of affection in his voice.
"I love you too much to let you waste your talents and potential like this."
Kate laughed.
"Of course you do," she replied, gesturing for her followers to step forward.
"It looks like I might need some help after all. But try to go easy on them," she advised her followers. "Most of them aren't trained fighters and their biggest crime is shortsightedness. Hardly worth our best or most painful efforts."
"Don't fight them," interrupted Milligan. "They don't need to fight this. Just you and me."
Kate eyed him suspiciously.
"You hurt your leg last month," she reminded him. "You're not in peak fighting condition. If this is some kind of trick-"
"It isn't," replied Milligan. "You and me. If you win, we'll let you keep your operation and leave the decision up to you. If I win, you end this."
Kate's face became thoughtful, carefully considering his offer.
"Uh Milligan," interjected Sticky. "I know that you're pretty well trained, but you were just injured, most doctors wouldn't recommend-"
"Deal," said Kate, charging forward without warning, as Milligan side stepped.
It was hard to tell who had the upper hand. Milligan was stronger and had a clear height advantage, but he was still recovering from his injury and Kate was faster, and more flexible.
They held nothing back, but still neither of them succeeded in doing much damage, mostly because the skill with which they dodged the other’s attacks was just as impressive as the fighting techniques they employed.
"Tired old man?" she asked.
"Oh believe me," said Milligan. "I haven't even started yet."
They fought for hours, until at last Kate found something else that gave her the upper hand.
Environmental knowledge.
One of the circus' tricks was a series of platforms that were triggered to fall when you stood on them for a certain amount of time. They sent the performers falling to either be caught by a fellow trapeze artist or (worst case scenario) fall into one of the safety nets.
It was simply a matter of cornering her father onto one of the platforms, and removing the bridge.
"The fall is too far, and we haven't put the net out," Kate reminded him.
"You lost. Surrender."
Milligan looked down for a moment, judging the distance, then he looked back up at his daughter.
"No," he replied.
Kate was confused.
"What do you mean no?" she asked.
"I mean no," Milligan replied. "The fight's not over until it's over. I don't surrender."
"I'm not putting the bridge back," Kate reminded him. "Whatever trick this is, I'm not falling for it. Don't be stupid."
Milligan stood firm.
So did Kate. They were both stubborn. Like father, like daughter.
The seconds ticked by.
"20 seconds," Kate reminded him.
"Milligan we'll find another way!" Sticky yelled. "Just surrender, it's not worth it."
"This is my daughter," Milligan replied. "She'll always be worth it."
Kate scoffed.
"15 seconds," she announced.
Milligan didn't respond.
Kate still waited. Her father was fast. He only needed a few seconds to make it back in time, and would no doubt run out the clock.
10 seconds.
9 seconds.
8 seconds.
Kate groaned. Of course he would play it like this.
She walked over to the bridges control panel and pressed the emergency stop button.
It wasn't working.
Kate felt as if her heart had stopped.
"It's not working," she whispered.
"Kate it's your dad!" yelled Reynie. "You won! You won okay? Just press the button, put the bridge back!"
"It's not working," she yelled, the panic rising in her voice.
4 seconds.
"DAD-" she yelled, turning to her father, the father she'd missed for so long, the father she loved, the father she didn't want to lose again.
2 seconds.
"I love you Katie-Cat."
0 seconds.
The platform dropped.
And so did Milligan.
And so did Kate, diving after her father, clinging to him tightly as if that could somehow save him.
The others surrounded them as soon as they landed.
Kate was mostly undamaged, Milligan had broken her fall.
But he wasn't moving, wasn't responding.
"Dad?" Kate whispered, tears in her eyes.
"Dad I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, I-please don't go. Please. I can't lose you again."
Kate reached down and hugged her father.
"You won," she whispered. "You won okay? Just please come back. I love you."
At once, Kate felt her father sit up and wrap his arms around her, wrapping her in an embrace that even she could not escape from.
"Victory," he announced, looking down at his daughter.
"And I love you too Katie-Cat. I'm sorry for the dramatics. I assumed you'd be able to put the bridge back in time, but it's always nice to have a plan B."
"What-" said Kate, who was too relieved to see her father alive and well to be upset that she had been tricked.
"But, but the fall-"
"I've fallen before," Milligan reminded her. "From greater heights than this. You get better at falling the more you practice. Just uh...don't tell Mr. Benedict. Or Number Two. Or Rhonda...perhaps it would also be wise not to mention this to Miss. Perumal."
Kate sighed.
"I'm sorry. I guess I just got tired of your criticisms."
"We didn't mean to sound critical" said Reynie. "I'm sorry you felt that way. But you were never a liability. You're our friend, and we need you."
The others nodded.
Kate sighed again and smiled.
"I need you guys too," she admitted, as her friends joined in hugging her.
And now for Constance Contraire.
The Premise:
I picture her being pretty young in this, but not too young, teen years at the most. The story here is that Constance succeeds in destroying the Whisperer and saving the day.
But this time, it leaves her mind damaged, seriously damaged. So damaged that her powers become uncontrollable and scary. Some government researchers offer to help Constance, but Mr. Benedict, suspicious of their intentions, turns them away. Nicholas vows to protect Constance, insists that they will figure out what's wrong, that they will help her, but then one day Constance ends up hurting him on accident, basically incapacitating and nearly killing him. At this point, there isn't much left to do, accepting outside help is the only option. The others promise to visit Constance and make sure she's taken care of and happy until Mr. Benedict recovers.
They never get the chance. Something goes wrong, and the story is that Constance is on the loose and dangerous, causing out of control destruction and physical harm. The police and government agents try to bring her in several times, but all end up hospitalized from the encounter. The society seeks Constance out, and they eventually find her hideout.
The Scene:
"Why are you here?" demanded Constance.
"What do you mean "why are we here?"" asked Kate.
"We're here to bring you home Connie girl."
Constance scoffed.
"Connie Girl."
They always acted like this. Like she was still a tiny defenseless child. Even though she was now older than the others had been when she'd first met them, they still acted as if they were her older siblings.
Or at least, they did with their words. But their body language sent an entirely different message. They stayed on the other side of the room, not daring to approach her, not daring to put their arms around her like they would have done before.
"You're afraid of me," she observed.
"Constance, we care about you!" Reynie protested.
"That doesn't mean you're not afraid."
Reynie didn't answer. There wasn't much he could say.
They'd all seen what she could do. And Reynie had never been a good liar.
"We just want to talk to you."
"We're talking now," observed Constance.
"Not here," said Kate. "Not in some secret lair or hideout where you've hidden yourself away."
"Where then?"
"Home. Your home."
For a moment, they can see it. The longing in Constance's eyes.
She quickly puts that aside.
"Right," she responds. "Home. Where the government will no doubt be waiting to take me away again."
"What? No!" Sticky exclaimed. "Constance, we would never let that happen! Mr. Benedict would never let that happen!"
Mr. Benedict.
She disregards the name and the emotions that come with it.
"And yet, it's happened before," she replied.
"You even let them take me.”
Her friends hung their heads and looked away at the reminder of their guilt, the unbearable weight that they would forever carry with them.
“They told you what I did to them. But do you have any idea what they did to me?” asked Constance.
“What they put me through? The things they made me do?"
"We thought they could help you Constance," said Reynie. "You were scared and in pain, and they offered help, and we wanted to help you. We didn't know...if we had known-"
"You would have stopped them?" asked Constance. "How? By asking nicely? And would you really have let me stay with you? After knowing what I could do to you?"
"We would have figured it out," Reynie insisted. "We're a family."
Constance laughed.
"Family? Gosh Reynard, you always were so childishly sentimental. It's a terrible weakness of yours"
Sticky and Kate briefly glared at Constance on their friend's behalf, but Reynie could hear the pain behind his little sister's insult.
He took a small step forward.
"Constance please-"
"Get away!" Constance barked, a hint of panic in her voice as she took a step backward.
"You know what will happen. Don't be stupid. Just leave. It's what's best for everyone. I'm a monster now. I'm only going to hurt you. And deep down, you all know it."
The voice came from behind her. Constance didn’t need to turn around to know who it was.
The others were immediately horrified. They'd told him not to come; he'd promised not to come, for his own safety.
But they should have known better. Nicholas would not be kept from his daughter.
"Dad?" Constance whispered weakly, then silently chastised herself for having spoken aloud.
She refused to turn around.
Nicholas still hobbled towards her. Constance could feel his mind. Still split, shattered from what she'd done to him, but slowly healing. And his emotions towards her...pain, lots of emotional pain, but no anger. No, there was something else, something far more powerful.
The others warned Mr. Benedict back, but he ignored their warnings. He wouldn't be deterred. His daughter needed him.
He limped over and knelt down, as best he could for an injured man so that he could address his child.
"Constance," he whispered. "Look at me please."
Constance turned away and shook her head.
"Please," her father whispered.
"I-I can't," she responded, a tiny tear rolling down her cheek as she squeezed her eyes shut.
Nicholas looked at her sadly, but affectionately, as if she was the most precious thing in the entire world.
And to him, she was.
"Oh...oh my dear Constance-"
"You should go," she ordered, pushing her father away.
"Go now. Or I'll hurt you again. I'll hurt them too," she threatened, but there was no malice behind her words. Only fear, fear that her threats might not be empty promises.
Nicholas ignored his daughter’s threats.
He stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close.
He could feel her emotions in his mind. His daughter's power, too great and uncontrollable for her tiny body, made so much worse and so much stronger by what she'd been subjected to. Her power radiated from her mind, seeping outward and infecting every mind it came in contact with.
Nicholas let it come. In fact, he embraced it fully. The pain didn't matter. If that was the price he had to pay to keep his child safe and let her know that she was loved and forgiven, then that was a price he would gladly pay.
"Oh Constance," he whispered, as the tiny girl collapsed into a puddle of tears. "There's nothing you could do that would stop me from loving you."
Now for Sticky Washington.
This is largely inspired by @sophieswundergarten's amazing fics and posts about Sticky and his anxiety. I can't possibly link all of them, so if you're not following her and reading her fics, that's your own personal problem, and I pity you.
Sadly, I didn't write a reunion scene between him and his aunt or the Washingtons for this, because I wanted it to kind of work for the book or show versions of the character, but please know that in the full version of the fic that exists only in my brain, Sticky does reconcile with his family.
The Premise:
Sticky is older in this, an adult, maybe 20s or 30s. The story is that even after the Whisperer, after Curtain, the nightmares, the anxiety, it still haunts him. He can't get over it, but at the same time, he doesn't want to burden his friends, he can't burden them.
So he distances himself. He doesn't want to, but the voice inside him tells him that this is for the best. He would only burden them; he would only weigh them down. The others aren't sure why he's doing this, but assume it's because he wants his space and they try to respect that.
The anxiety, the fear, the flashbacks, it all gets worse. Finally, Sticky can bear it no more. So he does the unthinkable.
He builds his own version of the Whisperer. Not to control people. Just to calm his anxiety. And maybe, as the show version of Sticky says "[...] put good thoughts into people's heads. Make them feel happy." Nothing intrusive, nothing exploitive, nothing selfish. Just things like advising people to wear a seatbelt when they drive, and use dangerous equipment properly, and basically anything else that's unsafe or would make Sticky nervous. After all, what's the harm in that? He's making the world safer. And it's not like his old friends would care enough to bother with him.
But that's where he's wrong. The society detects the machine's influence, and they know it's not Curtain. They don't want to believe that it's Sticky, even when the evidence points to him. But eventually, they have no choice but to accept the truth and confront him.
The Scene:
Sticky looked up at his visitors from behind his desk. His office was nice, not extravagant or expensive, that wasn't his style, but it was neat, clean, and organized. As for Sticky himself, he was hardly the boy he was when he'd first met his friends. He was older, taller, stronger. Handsome. Confident.
Reynie told himself that he had nothing to fear. Appearances might change, but underneath it all was his friend.
"Sticky-" he began, but Sticky cut him off.
"It's Mr. Washington now," he corrected in a professional tone, trying his best not to reveal how much he'd been hurting. "Though I suppose I could allow you to call me George, for old times sake."
"Okay Mr. George," said Constance. "Having fun playing supervillain?"
Sticky frowned.
"If you came here just to criticize me, then I'll have my secretary show you out. Better her than my security," he added, glancing at Kate, who had her hand on her bucket.
"That's not why we're here," said Reynie quickly.
"Oh?" said Sticky, raising an eyebrow.
"Your family misses you," clarified Reynie, hoping to appeal to his friends' sentimentality.
"Well they have no reason to miss me. I brought them some lovely property, send plenty of checks, and cover all their medical expenses, which is all they ever wanted me for anyway," said Sticky.
"Would you ever go to visit them?" asked Reynie. "I um...I don't want to get involved in your family's personal lives. But I think they might want more than money. I think they...I think they really miss you."
And then he sees it. A sense of longing, and a yearning in Sticky's eyes.
But it vanishes almost instantly.
"I'm a busy man," Sticky reminded his friends. "I have businesses to run."
"Honest businesses?" asked Kate suspiciously.
"Yes," said Sticky, glaring at her. "You might disagree with my personal hobbies, but I assure you, I make my money fairly."
"You call brainwashing the world a hobby? Really Mr. George?" asked Constance.
Sticky sighed.
"I'm fixing the world," he lectured them. "Crime is down, addiction is down, people's rates of anxiety and depression are down-"
"Including your own no doubt," muttered Constance, but Sticky ignored her.
"-and it's all thanks to me," he finished.
Reynie looked horrified. Kate looked disgusted.
"But you're doing it without their consent!" Reynie protested. "And you don't know what the side effects could be."
"And the way you're justifying it," said Kate, "you sound exactly like-"
And then she stopped, realizing that what she was about to say would have gone too far, way too far.
But it was too late. Sticky knew what she'd been implying, and his faced morphed from a look of uncomfortable and false politeness to sudden rage.
"Like who?" Sticky snapped, and his friends jumped at the sound of his voice. It was so much louder and deeper than it had been when he was a child. It was a man's voice now, but it wasn't just the maturity or the confidence of his voice, but the anger it possessed. The harshness that had been so absent from him as a child.
Constance was the first to recover.
"You know who "Mr. George,"" she answered, glaring at her former friend.
The other two glanced at each other. What Constance was saying was cruel, especially after all that man had put Sticky through, but it was also undeniably true.
"How dare you?" whispered Sticky, the anger rising in his voice.
"How dare you compare me to him? AFTER EVERYTHING HE DID TO ME!"
Sticky rose from his desk.
His friends had never seen him look so furious.
"Sticky-" began Reynie nervously.
The others took a step backward.
Sticky's self-consciousness and compassion suddenly returned to him when he saw the fear in their eyes.
That’s the thing about anger. If you are someone who is small, short, nervous, mild mannered, someone who is perceived as “weak”, then your anger, no matter how justified, is often belittled, patronized, or dismissed as "cute", unless you can find a way to be taken seriously, to yell louder, to make yourself more threatening. Of course, the other side of this is that if you are someone who is tall, strong, loud, powerful, and intimidating, then it doesn’t take much anger to make others afraid of you, even if that’s not your intention, unless you learn to moderate your emotions and remember how threatening you look from their perspective.
For most of this life, Sticky had been on one end of this spectrum, always needing to yell louder and be more insistent to make his voice heard. Now he found himself on the other side of the spectrum. But although his height, physical appearance, and position in the world had changed, the emotion felt the same to him as it always had, and he often forgot just how frighting he could seem.
Even to those who had once called him friend.
Sticky sighed and took a deep breath.
"I'm not like him," he insisted.
"I'm not giving myself fame, money, power, or anything like that. That's the difference. When I say I'm doing this to help people, to make them feel happy, I mean it."
He looked at his friends, glancing over their faces, trying one last effort to get them to understand.
"You know me," he reminded them. "You know I wouldn't do that. I'm not doing this for power. I'm doing this for peace."
There was silence for a few moments.
"We know," said Reynie.
"We know you are Sticky. And we know you've been hurting. We should have noticed earlier, and we should have offered to help sooner. I'm sorry. But whatever your intentions are, that doesn't make this right."
Sticky didn't reply. He knew that Reynie was right; he always was.
"What do I do?" he asked, his voice suddenly sounding softer.
"Stop this," said Kate. "Turn yourself in. We'll help you, we'll- we'll get you the help you need. So you don't have to feel this way anymore."
Sticky was surprised.
His anxiety...his fears...he tried to act like it didn't bother him anymore. He didn't want to be a burden. He didn't want to drag his friends down with him.
And yet they were here, right next to him, not as adversaries, but as friends.
They didn't have to come. They didn't have to forgive him.
"You've needed help for a while," said Constance, her voice suddenly gentler and far more compassionate then even her friends were used to hearing from her.
"Haven't you George?"
Sticky didn't answer. He could feel Constance tentatively poking her way into his mind. But he didn't fight it. He sat back down and nodded silently, feeling weak and exposed, the reality of his pain revealed at last.
"I'm sorry," he whispered. "I thought I could deal with it on my own but I...I can't. I'm not- I'm not strong enough. That's why I needed to do this. I thought I could help not just me, but others, because the truth is I...I'm just not enough. I'm not strong enough."
His friends ran forward to hug him.
"You don't have to be dummy," said Constance.
"None of us are. That's why we have each other."
And finally, Reynie Muldoon.
Ngl, I went pretty dark for this one. He's the only one I actually gave a body count to (I know I'm sorry don't blame me blame the bees and I apologize if you think any of these are OOC I'm trying my best here. Also Reynie is older in this and there are darker themes mentioned so consider this your warning). This is based on @kaslynspeaks amazing post here and her awesome comments on my poll where she talks about the whole book conversation where Reynie can "only see snakes" so he lets himself be bitten and becomes a snake himself? Genius. 10/10. Set off the bees for sure, so thank you for that.
The Premise:
This one blends a lot of elements from the others. Like in Kate's situation, the society has won, they're fighting crime, but Reynie becomes disillusioned, though for different reasons. He's older than Kate was in her version, he's late 20s, 30s, maybe even pushing 40. It took a long time for him to get to this point.
You see, at first, Reynie is fighting for what he believes in: bringing bad guys to justice, keeping his friends on the straight and narrow, and doing what's right. But being a leader has a cost. He's always the one emotionally supporting the team, he gives more than he gets back, and that starts to take a toll. As he gets older, he encounters more bad guys, ones that make him sick to his stomach, but what's worse is the lack of people who seem to care. The politicians with empty promises, the corrupt police, the ordinary citizens who look the other way instead of helping. Nothing changes. There's always another crisis, another bad guy, another problem that needs the society, and the society needs him. So Reynie drains himself until at last he can give no more. Finally pushed to the brink by what he's seen and the sense of hopelessness and isolation he feels, he makes the decision.
He starts by cutting himself off from the society, at least professionally. They respect his decision, but are surprised by it. Once he's free of that obligation, Reynie tells his mother he's getting a new job and needs some space right now to figure himself out.
What he actually does is get involved in the criminal underworld. He tells no one of course, they'd never approve. But Reynie has learned that there is one thing that can control a snake: a bigger snake (or as the expression goes "there's always a bigger fish").
And his intelligence, knowledge of others, leadership skills, and experience with criminals quickly leads to Reynie becoming the boss of the criminal underworld (how did he do that so quickly? What is this "criminal underworld" I keep mentioning? Like. Is it a gang? The mafia? The ten men? Some random group of thieves? Idk, don't question it, just use your imagination).
Anyway, now that Reynie has control he determines what crimes happen, when they happen, and how many people get hurt. Which he views as damage control. He keeps his real occupation hidden from his mother, telling her he's involved in important government work, and it's better that she didn't ask questions. Eventually he completely cuts off ties with the rest of the society, knowing it's only a matter of time before they put together what he's done.
They do figure it out, eventually, and they're heartbroken of course. They can't believe it. Especially that Reynie, out of all of them, would ever do something so terrible. They want to confront him, but they can't find him.
Until one day they receive an anonymous coded message, tipping them off to his location.
Reynie's security team laughs when they tell them they're his friends. Their boss doesn't have any friends, and no one shows up to see him without an appointment unless they either have news that can't wait, or some kind of death wish. And he certainly never takes social calls.
Still, they let Reynie know about them. And of course he recognizes their description. Turning them away unharmed shows weakness, which his team would never accept from their leader, but Reynie doesn't want to harm his friends either.
Which gives him only one other option: to confront them. He has his security bring them to his office.
The Scene:
The men roughly shoved them into the room.
"These people came to see you boss. They said they were friends of yours."
Reynie looked up at his friends, who had just been pushed unceremoniously into his office.
"Thank you," he nodded, waving his hands to dismiss his security team.
Then he sighed.
"How did you find me?"
His friends didn't answer at first.
"That's what you want to know?" said Kate. "You're running the criminal underworld, and that's the first question you have for us? The route we used to get here?"
"Not the route. My location. How did you find me?" asked Reynie.
"Anonymous tip off. A coded message," said Constance. "Seems some of your men aren't as loyal as you thought."
Reynie looked disappointed, but shrugged.
"That's not all that uncommon in this line of work," he clarified. "Whoever it was will be dealt with accordingly. Snakes will be snakes"
"But since when are you one of them?" asked Kate.
Reynie sighed.
"I don't expect any of you to understand."
"You're right Reynie," said Sticky. "We don't understand. You were always the best of us. The one who reminded us who we were, what we stood for. How could you ever think something like this was right?"
"The best of us?" Reynie repeated disbelief.
"I was the average one, the one who wasn't special. I wasn't a genius, or a psychic, or some sort of super athlete. I was just me. I'm not special."
"So that's why you're doing this?" asked Constance. "To feel special?"
"No," said Reynie. "I'm doing this because it's inevitable. The cycle just repeats itself. We fight another bad guy, we almost fall apart, I hold us together, it takes everything out of me, I finally recover, and then we go around again. The only way to end the cycle is to become a part of it."
"Takes everything out of you?" repeated Sticky. "Reynie, we had no idea-"
"It's fine," dismissed Reynie. "Like I said, this is for the best."
"You really believe that?" asked Kate, shocked her friend could ever really think something like this was right. "You...your men...you're criminals! The worst criminals!"
"We are," agreed Reynie. "I won't deny that. But when you make yourself the king of the snakes, you decide how poisonous they are. These men follow me because they know I'm intelligent and powerful enough to let them get away with the crimes they want and have all the money and power they desire. That's a better deal than most other bosses could give them. But they also know that comes at a price, that certain things are off limits. If I hear any rumors of human trafficking or exploiting or harming children, well, then I'm sure to make an example of them. To remind them that I'm in control and that I have my standards."
"Make a example of them?" said Kate, her eyes widening.
"That...that doesn't mean what I think it means...right Reynie?" asked Sticky.
Reynie couldn't help but feel a little ashamed as he watched Constance, who had always looked up to him as her protector, her big brother, take a step away from him when she saw from his face that his words meant exactly what Sticky thought they meant.
But he didn't back down.
"They were human traffickers and people who abused children," Reynie said simply, trying his best to remain logical. "You can't say they didn't deserve it. If I wasn't running the criminal underworld, someone else would, someone who would be just as cruel, maybe worse, and would likely choose less deserving targets. It's no different than carrying out justice."
"And who made you the judge, jury and executioner?" asked Constance, crossing her arms.
"We're going to stop you," said Kate, raising her fists.
"Really?" said Reynie, his expression turning dark at his friend's declaration.
"I think you'll find that harder than you expect. You three might have been the talented ones, but I was the one who kept you together. I know you. I know how to build you up, and I know how to bring you down."
His friends looked horrified by the threat. Even worse, they looked hurt.
"I don't want it to come to that," Reynie clarified. "But it will if you stand against me. I don't want to hurt you, but trust me, I can. Worse than you can imagine. And I will. I know how it sounds, but believe me when I tell you that this is the only way."
The others were shocked by his words. Reynie cared for them; Reynie protected them.
How could he threaten them so easily? How could he have become so misguided?
Sticky thought a bit about what his friend had said, and tried one last time to reach him.
"We understand where you're coming from, really Reynie, we do," said Sticky. "But this isn't the way to do things. You're still hurting people in other ways, and I agree that people need to be brought to justice but this...this isn't the way to do it."
"We didn't know it was so hard for you," added Kate. "You were our leader Reynie. And you're right. You held us together, you kept us strong, and you were always there when we needed you. To remind us who we are. I'm sorry we didn't appreciate that more. But now it's our turn to be there for you. To remind you who you are."
Reynie didn't answer for a moment.
"And who do you think that is?"
"Our friend," said Kate.
"Some who is kind, gentle, intelligent, wonderful, and anything but average," added Sticky.
"Someone who knows deep down that this is wrong," said Constance, poking her way around the edges of Reynie's mind.
"Someone who's better than this."
Reynie couldn't believe what he was hearing.
"You...you really think that?" he asked. "After everything I've done... you really think that's who I am?"
"We do," said Sticky.
"We all do," agreed Kate.
"I know it," said Constance, as Reynie felt her enter his mind, unearthing the guilt, shame, exhaustion, and pain that he'd kept buried for so long, as well as the love, compassion, and the values he'd put aside and tried to forget about.
They were still a part of him. An unused and forgotten part, but nevertheless, they were still there.
"Your friends are right Reynie."
Reynie turned to see his mother enter his office.
"Amma?" he asked in a small voice.
"But, but I don't understand- how...how did you-"
"For the leader of the criminal underworld, you have pretty bad security. They're easy enough to knock out with a few blow darts and they are much too unsuspecting of a simple old woman," his mother replied with a sad smile.
Reynie's heart dropped. She knew?
One look in her eyes told him everything. Of course she knew. She knew when he started staying out late and never telling her where he was going, when he came back with scars and a haunted look in his eyes that he couldn't explain, when he begged her for the millionth time to stop asking questions, when he moved her into a bigger fancier private house and had the property constantly surrounded by security guards because of a "promotion" that he refused to explain.
His mother was kind, but she certainly wasn't stupid.
And then Reynie realized.
"The coded message. You brought them here."
Dipika nodded.
"You needed them Reynie. You needed to be reminded of who you are."
Reynie hung his head.
"Amma-" he began, but his voice trailed off.
What could he say? What words could ever make it up to the woman who'd taken him in, who'd given everything to him? There was nothing he could say, not when she knew what he'd done, what he'd become.
"Oh Reynie," said Dipika, walking forward to hug her son, who trembled at the affection he knew he didn't deserve.
"I know," she whispered. "I know you're sorry. And I'm sorry too. I'm sorry I wasn't enough. I'm sorry I couldn't reach you. But it's not too late. I promise Reynie. It's never too late."
At last, Reynie broke down, returning his mother's embrace as the three people who refused to give up on him even when he'd given up on himself stepped forward to hug their friend.
I apologize for nothing, or maybe I will if enough people tell me this was disturbing and that they didn't like it, which honestly? Fair enough. Anyway, have a lovely evening! 🥰
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meandtheyeehaws · 1 year
one of my fav things ive done, this is my streetartist!mikey au where mikey runs around the city after the krang, painting vent art in random places (he didnt wanna do it in the lair cuz he didnt want his brothers to see it). the public takes notice and he gets a lil famous as this mysterious anonymous artist🐢
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later some stuff w rise!bishop and him being on the run w draxum happens too but thats the basics 🥳
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zanarkandskylines · 3 months
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Hollow Heart { chapter 1 - hurricane }
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『♡』 pro-hero fem!reader x pro-hero bakugo ╰➤ ꒰ pro-heroes au | friends to lovers ꒱ ♡ katsuki bakugo masterlist ♡
summary: The dynamic duo of Dynamight and Deku are unstoppable, climbing the hero charts like they always dreamed of as kids. Their journeys were tough, but offered them the world - fame, fortune, protection of their family and friends, a comfortable hero life. The recent increase in crime around Tokyo kept their entire sector busy, sending heroes out non-stop, desperate to keep the statistics as low as possible to maintain a clean reputation. When a nearby sector is requesting assistance, the boys are tasked with a mission to inspect a villain’s lair in a deserted area outside of the city. Reports have noted people going missing, specifically with rare quirks. With plenty of other heroes being unavailable, you’re chosen to tag along with the duo for the night operation. Everything is going according to plan until the villain lands a surprise attack, resulting in the your kidnapping and whisking you away through a mysterious portal. It’s been a month since your disappearance with no help of the hero agency. Bakugo and Midoriya take it into their own hands and are determined to get you back - no matter how long or what it takes. tags & warnings: mentions of blood/violence, eventual & mild smut, kidnapping/abduction, experimentation, physical & psychological torture, PTSD, implied/referenced self harm, cursing, talks of trauma | angst with happy ending, emotional hurt/comfort, regret, mutual pining, friends to lovers, insomnia, eventual romance a/n: Prepare for the heartbreaking journey of Bakugo battling with his feelings when it’s too late…or is it? :) ꒰ Ao3 version | word count; ~20.6k as of ch.4 ꒱ Chapter 1 | Hurricane [5,092k] Chapter 2 | The Ghost of You [4,799k] Chapter 3 | Choke [3,995k] Chapter 4 | The Grey [6,756k] Chapter 5 | The Good Left Undone Chapter 6 | Tourniquet Chapter 7 | There is Fear in Letting Go 『♡』 this fic has a playlist! ✩
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A beautiful summer morning, rays of tangerine light poured into the living room of your apartment as you sleepily make your way to the kitchen, desperate for that first cup of coffee. The clock on the stove read 8:35AM - the latest you’ve overslept in the last month. It was another long night in the office, writing reports for your previous week’s hero patrols that you’d put off for far too long. You'd think someone else would be responsible for inputting notes into the agency's system, but no - anyone below rank 10 was tasked with entering in their own data. 
Criminal activity in the area had increased significantly within the last 3 months, calling heroes of all ranks out nonstop, especially lower ranked heroes. Was it annoying? Sure, being awoken in the middle of the night out of a dead sleep to go stop a small robbery at the local late-night supermarket wasn't ideal. Especially when you dreamed of dealing with bigger threats, akin to crime syndicates and large scale villain organizations. As a hero, you’re taught to tune out the small details and focus on what’s in front of you - keeping the citizens of your ward safe and sound, even if it's helping a granny cross the street in the middle of the afternoon.
The agency accepted you with open arms right out of UA High, over the moon to have a hero with a quirk like yours in their roster. Psionic energy manipulation was shockingly uncommon amongst the 80% of the population of quirk users. The kinetic hero, Y/H/N, ranked number 37 - high enough to earn respect from your peers and low enough to not have to worry about being followed by paparazzi and negotiating brand deals. Cities were full of billboards with ads sponsored by heroes, heavily focused on those in the top 10 for allure to their product. Deku and Dynamight’s athletic wear collaboration, Uravity’s mochi bites, Shouto’s fire and ice energy drinks - it was impossible to avoid. Did you wish you had the smallest bit of spotlight? Sometimes, but being able to walk the streets off-duty and not be bothered was a luxury you'd like to keep. On the counter, your phone buzzed and flashed awake, shaking you out of the sleepy stupor.
Incoming Call: Katsuki Bakugo 
A picture of you and Bakugo appeared on to the caller ID screen - one of your favorite pictures with him. It was from a concert in Shibuya you'd attended a few months back. His arm around your shoulder, pulling you close as he flipped off the camera, wearing his infamous toothy smirk as you leaned against him with a small peace sign and a warm smile. 
It's unfair how effortlessly attractive he was. Admittedly, you'd had a crush on him since high school and drank up every ounce of affection he threw your way over the years. Even though you've known him and Midoriya since childhood, your friendship didn't truly blossom until your first year in UA. Thanks to your tenacity and fighting spirit, he respected you after a long six months. That broke down his walls just enough to tolerate you and continue to be friends ever since. 
You, Midoriya, and Bakugo became three peas in pod, a strong bond established to last a lifetime. Post-UA life wasn’t as easy to see each other, but you made it work - trainings, missions, conflicting work schedules, and general life couldn’t get in between the three of you, even if it was just over texts, phone calls and late-night movie marathons. It helped that you all lived in Tokyo, at least. Midoriya, of course, was extremely special and essential to your life. He’s like the little brother you always wanted and a constant ray of sunshine, always there for whatever you need. There was just something different and special about your bond with Bakugo - a spark, without sounding cliche. And after all these years later, he's still your favorite person and one of your best friends. 
You wouldn't trade it for the world. Oh shit, I forgot we planned to go for a run this morning. You answer hesitantly, knowing full well you’re about to get an earful about being late. 
“Yo, Y/N, you plan on showin' up anytime soon?” There was shockingly no annoyance in his tone. “It’s almost 9.”
“Sorry Kat! I overslept. Had a long night writing reports in the office. I’ll be there in 10,” you say, not making any excuses. You hear a loud tch in response - ah, there’s the annoyance.
“I was about to bust down your door and give you a personal wake up call,” he teases, laughing to himself. “Get your ass to the park. See ya, lite-brite.” The line ended with a click. 
He'd never let that nickname go, one that followed you all the way back from high school. You'd grown used to it as he typically reserved it to get under your skin or light a fire under your ass. Most of the time? It worked - and you liked it.
Setting the coffee cup in the sink, you jog back into your room down the hallway and change into a clean set of workout clothes. You'd just gotten the PR package from Midoriya last week with his new sports wear collaboration with Bakugo, saving you time by not having to dig through your laundry pile. He would have scolded you for slacking on chores if he were to have woken you up in person, and then folded it himself to prove a point. He’d often harp on you for not keeping up with basic shit around your place, but in the same breath, start cleaning up for you - it was one of his love languages. 
The company they collaborated with nailed the designs perfectly. It was minimalistic, but still paid homage to their hero costumes. You grab Bakugo's set - a cropped black sleeveless hoodie with an orange 'X' across the front, a forest green band with a drawstring around the midsection, and an orange hood. The matching shorts were all black with a simple orange stripe down the sides. The neoprene material allowed for the set to breathe in any weather condition.
Thankfully, the park you were meeting him at was only a couple minute walk from your apartment building. Not long after pulling your hair into a ponytail, splashing your face with water and brushing your teeth, you're kicking on your sneakers by the door and shuffling out of the apartment. A few minutes to spare, you duck into the convenience store along the way, grabbing two sports drinks and a bag of his favorite spicy-flavored chips. God, you hated the taste of them and never understood why he liked them so much. Some part of you jokingly thought it fueled his already explosive personality, literally heating him up from the inside.
"You wear that on purpose?" Bakugo snickers over his phone as you skip toward him, pointing to your workout gear. 
"What can I say? It's comfortable. Happy to be a walking ad for the number four hero," you say, elbowing him in the arm. He rolls his eyes, snatching the sports drink you've outstretched to him and mutters a thanks. 
"You should model our next set," he pats you on the back. "You're the perfect fit." 
You scoff, waving a hand at him. "Yeah, like I'm model material."
"I literally just said you were, dumbass. Take a damn compliment!" 
He peers over your shoulder to see the chips in your bag. "Damn, you're really kissing up to me today. What's the occasion?" He's beaming over the attention you're showering him with - he'd never admit how much he loved it.
You shake your head playfully. "What, I can't spoil my favorite person?" 
Bakugo barks out a laugh while opening the sports drink and chugging half of it in one go. Again, it was stupid how attractive he was, no matter what he did. The summer breeze made his blonde locks dance lazily in the morning sun, a sheen on his flawless skin as some of the liquid spilled out of the corner of his mouth, trickling down his jawline. A sadistic part of you thought he did this shit on purpose to rile you up, testing the boundaries of your friendship. 
If only you had the nerve to just scream from the rooftops - Katsuki, I fucking love you.
“You good, Y/N?” He's waving a hand in front of your face. “Space case much?”
“Yeah! Sorry, apparently still waking up,” you apologize while stretching your arms over your head. “Let’s go!”
An hour later, you and Bakugo finish your run in the park, completely drenched in sweat. The two of you plop under a nearby tree in the shade, the humidity adding a layer of exhaustion to your depleted stamina. Lazily slouching over onto your shoulder, he steals the sports drink out of your hand and downs the rest of it himself with a satisfied hah. Somehow, you always forget that he smells like caramel and burnt sugar after a run, invading your senses with that sweet essence that you loved. His bangs stuck to the sweat on his forehead as he dropped his head back against the tree, eyes closed as he caught his breath. 
God, he’s so fucking beautiful, you think to yourself, almost afraid he'd somehow hear you.
"I'm free the rest of the day," he comments between shallow breaths, lazily opening one eye and elbowing your side. "Down for a movie day? Been awhile."
"Hell yeah. Junk food, too?" Your eyes light up with excitement.
"Like you gotta ask. I didn't run three fuckin' miles just to look good," he quips. "Cool if I shower at your place?"
That catches you off guard, sending a flutter of butterflies off in your stomach. Why the hell are you so riled up today? Sure, you've had a massive crush on your best friend for ages, but its usually not this intense. Must be the scent of his sweat deluding your thoughts...or maybe it’s the potential scene of watching him walk out into your living room, shirtless - excess water cascading down his hourglass figure, tracing his abs and settling into the hem of his sweatpants.
Stop it! Calm the fuck down.
"S-sure. I have a pair of your sweats, I think…maybe Izuku’s? It’s like you guys leave your shit at my place so I do your laundry for free." 
He shoves you jokingly, a mischievous gleam in his eyes. "Hah! Knew it was you who stole my favorite pair. I’ve got shit with me, no worries.”
Bakugo climbs to his feet, extending a hand back to you. “C’mon, I’m fucking starving and dying to do nothing the rest of the day.”
The sunset’s sorbet-colored afterglow flooded the living room as the fourth movie’s credits rolled on the TV screen, a faint warm breeze coming through the open balcony door. The two of you had settled in after your run, marathoning through a collection of films you'd be wanting to watch, surrounded by a buffet of comfort food - taiyaki, meat buns, spicy fried chicken bites, mabo tofu, yakitori, and a box full of various flavors of dango. The cashier at the convenience store must have thought you two were hosting an insane party with how much food you bought, cleaning out their entire hot foods section in minutes. 
Bakugo stretched out like a cat, his abs flexing as his black tank top moved up his midsection. It was impossible not to stare, especially when he wore cropped shirts, showing off his hard earned muscles. You found it ironic how you mentioned once - and only once - how crop tops on guys are attractive as hell, and a few weeks later? He had a handful of them that he’d rotate wearing during the summer, claiming he only wears them for “regulating his temperature for his quirk.” You knew that was a bold-faced lie, but never called him on it. Why would you risk making him change his mind when they looked so good on him? 
He let out a satisfactory groan, putting his feet up on the coffee table and hands behind his head. You stretch as well, throwing your feet in his lap like always. Bakugo looked comfortable, like he was at home. You were home to him.
“I got somethin’ on my face?” He jokes, lolling his head to face you. 
Lost in thought, you have no time to stop the words falling from your mouth.
“No, just admiring you.”
Bakugo quirks an eyebrow, surprised by your flattery. You see a faint pink blush begin to make it’s way across his cheeks, an extremely rare sight.
“Th-thanks,” is all he can muster to say in a low voice. 
“Is that so weird to say? You’re gorgeous, Katsuki,” you blurt out, shocked by your own words. Where the hell is this coming from? You normally weren't so...forward. Not that you were lying in any capacity. You've complimented him plenty times before, why is now different? 
You pause, realizing you could be overwhelming him. He'd always been adamant on how much he hates when "fans" view him as just a sex object rather than respect him as a heroic figure. 
“I know you hate being objectified. I’m sorry -,”
“Don’t be, y’didn't.” 
The static of the TV hummed through the lull in your conversation, the credits of the last movie approaching the end of its sequence. You nervously fiddle with the hem of your shirt. Thank fuck he can't hear your thoughts.
Bakugo notices your nervous tick and grins. That damn shit-eating grin. 
"Relax, Y/N. I didn't say I didn't like it. Big difference between you and a fan girl sayin' shit like that." 
As he’s about to continue the conversation, both of your phones ring simultaneously. That’s weird…it’s 8:30PM on a Tuesday night. Neither of you were scheduled for patrol and all sectors had coverage from the last e-mail update. You pull your phone out to check the caller ID and sigh in annoyance.
“The fuck?” Bakugo huffs, his brow furrowed in confusion. 
After 15 minutes, you're debriefed with a new mission, and strangely, you’re assigned with none other than Bakugo and Midoriya. This was extremely uncommon for heroes of top 10 rank to work with those below rank 25 and only happened when other top 10 heroes are too busy. Emergency calls were normally automated messages, but this was a personal conference call from the board of directors.
We are in need of Y/H/N to assist Dynamight and Deku’s mission to stake out a villain’s laboratory tonight in Sector 42. We’ve received reports of civilians going missing near the area over the last few weeks, specifically those with uncommon and rare quirks. There is a probability that hostages are being using for the development of a secret serum, to which is unknown at this time. Report to the agency by 11:30PM for further instruction.
Man, you were really looking forward to more time with Bakugo. Granted, you’ll still be with him, but now you’ll be stalking around for work, not stuffing your face on the couch together.
“Kat, I don’t know what it is, but I…I have a really weird feeling about this stake out,” you admit, unsure of where this anxiety is coming from. This isn’t the first time you’ve been assigned to a mission like this, and certainly won’t be the last, there was just something odd in the air surrounding this one. 
“Yeah. Go grab your suit, I’ll call Izuku to meet us here and we'll go over together,” Bakugo says hesitantly, already dialing Midoriya and bringing his phone to his ear. 
“Hey, yeah just got the call. Y/N and I are at her apartment, swing by and we'll go to the agency together.”
By 11:45PM, the three of you are suited up and stationed in Sector 42. The area was very…barren? It was confusing to you how people would wander out here and disappear. It was in the middle of nowhere, miles from the city limits, an open field surrounded by a spotty tree line. Something still felt off about this entire set up - a gut feeling, but it was enough to keep you on edge.
“Y/N?” Midoriya called to you, blinking with concern. “Are you feeling okay? You look a little pale.”
You rub your temple, desperately trying to push the feeling down. 
“Sorry, Izu. I’ve had a gut feeling something was wrong since the phone call.”
“What do you mean?” His interest is peaked, both out of curiosity and concern. 
“Can’t place it, but I feel it, too. Something’s not right,” Bakugo chimed in, surveying the field for any signs of…whatever the hell it was they’re looking for. An entrance to a lab? Masked minions abducting people? The agency was extremely vague in their details. That didn’t sit well with you, and Bakugo now, too. 
“You’re not wrong. This is an open area in the middle of nowhere. Why would anyone wander out here alone?” Midoriya muttered, continuing a conversation with his own thoughts aloud. “It's not a common road for travel, by foot or by vehicle. And how would the agency know what this villain is making without having the location of the lab in question?”
The abrupt sound of creaking metal echoed around you, a sense of danger spiking in your nerves. You place a hand on the shoulder of both Midoriya and Bakugo to halt them in their tracks.
“Did you hear that? It sounded like a door was opening…close by,” you say, your voice barely above a whisper. 
You didn’t register there was another presence amongst you until the dart made contact with your skin. A warming sensation flowed through your right shoulder as you let out a cry, stumbling to your knee. What the fuck? Your hero suit was designed to prevent piercing damage to a degree, but this dart cut right through it. The dart resembled a syringe, automatically activating the injection mechanism as it pierced your skin.
“Y/N!” Midoriya shouted, immediately wrapping an arm around your waist to whisk you away from another potential attack. Bakugo whipped his head around, looking for any sign of where the dart came from. Was someone hiding, or was it a device hidden out of sight? Maybe in a nearby tree? That's not possible, these trees don't have enough leaves for coverage like that.
“Hold still, I’m going to pull it out,” Midoriya warned. You braced for the pain as he yanked the dart from your shoulder, tossing it out of reach. You wince, the sting slowly fading a few seconds later. “Are you feeling okay?”
Things were starting to feel fuzzy, the ache spreading rapidly through the rest of your body. Everything felt warm and cold simultaneously, as if your body was at war over what temperature to settle on. 
“I’m alright, just…dizzy,” you mumble, slurring as you attempt to reassure him.
Midoriya helps you to your feet, offering to let you use him as support. You wave a hand, muttering over and over again I’m fine, I’m fine. There’s a pulsing sensation starting to build in your shoulder, creeping its way through your right arm. It’s tingling, crawling - uncomfortable, but not painful. What the hell was in that dart? 
A flash of black invades your vision, throwing you off balance as things pixelate and sharpen repeatedly before completely disappearing. Things are spinning and your senses are dulling. You notice that you don’t hear Bakugo or Midoriya anymore…did they wander off? You should be able to hear explosions, gusts of wind, crackling energy - something.
A force knocks you on your back, slamming you to the ground. You don’t feel a damn thing, just a vague numbness as your body, what you presume, hits the ground. You can’t make out whatever, or whoever, it is that is attacking you. I still can’t hear anything! Can you speak? Can anyone hear you even if you could?
…Y…N! …Y/N!
A voice? It’s muffled, but you hear someone calling for you. Was that Midoriya?
“Let her go, jackass!”
Oh no, that’s Bakugo. 
His booming voice reverberates through your head, sending your thoughts whirling in a vortex more than they already were. A vision of the battlefield was starting coming into focus, hazy, but a semblance of scenery was making its way back to you. When did I get up from the ground? Didn't I get knocked down? 
The field before you was littered with debris.
…Branches and broken stumps of dead trees.
…Craters in the ground.
…are those broken pieces of Bakugo’s gauntlets? 
…patchy trails and puddles of blood soaking into the dirt.
The sights sent a chill up your spine - your gut instinct was right. 
To your right, Midoriya panted with force as he held onto his thigh, blood seeping through his suit and staining around the wound. He was close enough that you could see the detailing of his tendons exposed from the impact, frayed pieces of skin hanging from the damage. His hair was slicked back, matted with a mix of, what you think, is dirt and blood. The rest of his suit had a variety of slashes and cuts, the material tattered and torn all over his body.
To your left, Bakugo’s on the ground, battered and bruised as he’s struggling to get to his feet. His gauntlets were missing, along with the glove underneath on his right hand. His exposed forearm was beat red, what looked like hand prints blistering the area. Blood trickled from his forehead and pooled under his mask. He’s shouting again…you can’t quite make out what he’s saying as he’s extending his bare arm in your direction.
What the fuck happened?! 
Something inside you clicks abruptly, adrenaline surging, urging you to fight. It’s competing with the numbness in your muscles. How much damage have you taken if you can’t feel a damn thing?
Fuck. Come on, dammit. Move, fight - do something! Help them!
In your peripheral vision, a man appears beside you, placing a hand on your shoulder. You turn on your heel, ready to activate your quirk and blast this guy into oblivion. Your hand meets his clothed chest with a thump.
Nothing happens. 
Your quirk doesn’t activate.
Another swing, focusing all the energy you have into a concentrated blast.
Panic sets in as you study your hand, mortified that you’ve been rendered useless. Your mind is racing faster than you can keep up with. Is this the serum they talked about earlier? How long was I unconscious...was I even unconscious? 
And then it dawns on you - it’s a quirk suppressant. 
The serum they’re using to abduct people nullifies their quirks to make them a willing target.
The mystery man cups your chin, forcing you to look up at him. Your vision tunnels on his face, the rest of your body shutting back down. You feel your arms flop to their sides as your knees begin to buckle - the adrenaline being zapped from your muscles at his touch. 
“Good, it’s setting in. You’ll be a decent specimen. We’ve been waiting for a psionics user like you to add to our roster.”
A giant swirl of matter begins to manifest in front of you, a gentle force sucking you closer to it’s entry point. You can't help but think about how helpless you look in this moment, confused as hell that this scrawny man could take down three heroes with ease. You fucking hated the feeling, never wanting to be the damsel in distress. It pissed you off beyond belief.
“It’s time.” The man, in what you can now see is a white lab coat, turns you around to face the boys sprawled on the battlefield. “We’ll be going now.”
Every inch of your body is screaming run. But you can’t. You can’t move, paralyzed by all the conflicting effects of the serum running rampant through your veins. Your vision is dimming once more, your eyes threaten to close as Bakugo’s voice drags you back to reality. Your eyes snap open as he appears in front of you, digging his heels into the dirt. 
“Hey, wake up! I’m not letting you go!” 
He’s screaming at the top of his lungs, pleading for you to hear him as he clutches your forearm, attempting to pull you to him. You can’t feel it, but by the strain shown in his bicep, he’s using all of his strength to hold onto you. His eyes are full of panic, wide and bloodshot, crimson irises aflame.
"Let her fucking go!" he roars a second time. His hand is slipping down your forearm, now desperately gripping onto your hand. You attempt to grasp it to no avail, your strength failing you. You hear him let out an anxious grunt, struggling against the force of whatever is pulling you away behind you.
Time seems to slow as you lock eyes, an exchange of unspoken words between you two. A sense of dread begins to flood through your body as you see tears threatening to spill out of his eyes.
He's terrified. 
You remember a thought from earlier in the day, if only I could scream "I love you."
There will never be a perfect moment, never a time and place for you to say it. You have to create the moment yourself.
A steady breath escapes you, softly gazing at Bakugo as you see his fingers slipping through your own.
"Katsuki," you mouth, barely able to hear the sound of your own voice.
"I love you."
The last thing you see is Bakugo frantically scrambling toward you before darkness envelops your sight.
- - - BAKUGO POV - - -
Everything happened in the blink of a fucking eye.
Ambushed, both him and Midoriya were hazed with a mysterious smoke, rendering their quirks useless. His explosions fizzled out as he fought the onslaught of henchmen surrounding them, armed with various weapons. The two of them blitzed through a good number of them before quickly becoming overwhelmed - 25 on 2 wasn't ideal odds.
Their hero suits were ripped, equipment shattered as they were punched, kicked, stabbed at, battered, and thrown around.
"I don't need my fuckin' quirk to kick your asses!" Bakugo threatened as he swiped at a nameless henchmen, nailing a right hook to his jaw. Midoriya was holding his own behind him until he let out an agonizing yelp, falling to the ground audibly.
"Deku!" Bakugo called out, spinning in the direction of his cry as someone socked him from the left side. He skid onto the ground, particles of dirt trailing behind him.
Regaining his composure, he looked around to see that all of the henchmen had swiftly disappeared without a trace, as if they were never there in the first place. What the fuck?
He saw her body standing still, some man in a lab coat behind her. She resembled a lifeless puppet, the light from her eyes dim and limbs loosely at her sides. It looked as though she could collapse at any moment.
"Let her go, jackass!" Bakugo shouted, unable to get to his feet.
The unknown man gripped her shoulder as a large black mass appeared behind them. 
Is that a portal? That looks like Kurogiri's quirk from years ago, he thought to himself, willing every fiber of his being to get to his fucking feet.
He's able to muster enough strength get one knee off the ground, enough to launch in range of her and wildly grasp for her hand. 
“Hey, wake up! I’m not letting you go!” 
Bakugo doesn't realize he's screaming, he's acting on impulse and adrenaline - desperation to save her. His hand is slipping at an agonizingly slow pace, moving from forearm to her hand, hardly able to keep his hand clasped with hers. He's cursing internally, hoping that she can't see the terror in his eyes, the anxiety filling him to the brim. That's when he hears her speak, her voice hauntingly quiet.
"Katsuki, I love you."
His hand slips away, watching her disappear into the portal. It closes in an instant as he's hopelessly dashing to it, not noticing that Midoriya is charging from behind him. They briefly collide, stumbling from the impact before they both steady themselves. 
The silence surrounding them is deafening.
"Kacchan," Midoriya snivels, head hung low. "I'm sorry I wasn't fast enough to help." His voice was breaking, clenching his fists at his side.
Bakugo stares at his hand, collapsing to his knees. He felt nauseous, the crippling realization churning in his stomach.
I love you.
Her voice ricocheted through his head, bouncing around as it tugged hard at his heartstrings. An overwhelming sensation of loss fills his heart, refusing to come to terms with the current reality. 
A brief memory flooded into Bakugo's mind, reminding him of a feeling he'd long shoved away. One night - years ago - at his brand new apartment in Tokyo, they'd been up all night talking after the long day of moving his shit into the place. It was 3AM, boxes piled everywhere as they laid in his bed, bullshitting the night away with random talks of life. She started a vulnerable conversation of mental health amongst heroes, ranging from her own family issues and medicated struggles as examples of not knowing what people deal with beneath the surface. He'd been listening, watching as she poured her heart out next to him, able to smile through it all. It was in that moment that struck him like lightning - he'd fallen madly and irrevocably in love with her. He had convinced himself there was no way she would have felt the same, forcing himself to suffocate that feeling for years.
And he was wrong.
Midoriya crouched down beside him as he's lost in the memory, a hand on his shoulder. 
"We'll find her, Kacchan, don't worry," he attempts to declare confidently as his own tears are staining his cheeks. "She's strong, she'll be -,"
"She said she loved me." Bakugo's facade was shattering before his eyes as he watched his best friend crumble onto the ground, clutching his chest. He couldn't control the wail that escaped him, tears pouring from his eyes like the downpour of a rainstorm. 
Midoriya pulled him close, Bakugo falling limply into him, curling into a ball as they sobbed together.
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and thus begins the traumatic story of bakugo and midoriya losing their best friend to a mystery portal to nowhere!
Divider by : @/saradika
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spacedace · 1 year
Had some more random ideas for the Accidentally God Queen of Clones Elle and her Amnesiac Knight Champion Kon AU (which really is a prompt a swear, ignore all the details/too many ideas I don't know enough about DC to be able to write this, so I'd anyone sees anything they like in any of this go wild ❤️)
- Tim doesn't take his mask off while in Elle's lair so Kon doesn't put together the fact that Tim is the mystery boy he kinda remembers. Leading to Kon saying that he hopes to one day find the boy he was in love with while Tim is trying to help him get his memories back, which then has Tim spiraling that Kon had a secret boyfriend that he never told Tim about before going missing.
- Elle and the rest of the Clone Club realizing immediately that Tim has to be The Guy and deciding to run with this chance for chaos and matchmaking. They lie about being able to send Tim back immediately and that he's gonna have to stay for awhile, but hey he can room with Kon! Ignore the fact that there are hundreds of rooms in this place, Kon has a big bed and is great at snuggles!
- When Kon became Elle's Knight, he started getting trained by Fright Knight & Pandora. He gets really good at fighting with just about every weapon (baring firearms) imaginable as a result.
- Fright Knight also insisted on teaching Kon all the other stuff outside of fighting a knight must know including the code of chivalry and the "Seven Points of Agilities" which sounded fine to Kon (learning how to ride horses/Night Mares and how to joust were both cool & expected) up until he was learning how to waltz with the giant ghost of fear as his partner. And don't get him started on having to both be able to recite and write love poetry (Elle, at least had fun, though that really came from laughing at his expense).
- He has tattoos now, some sentimental or just because he likes them, but he also has an ornate sword going down his back, and a shield split across both firearms that appears whole when he holds them together. The sword and shield are actually his (magical/ghost made) weapons that disappear from his skin when he summons them and return when he's done with them.
- Baddass and beautiful ornate (but practical and very comfortable!) Knight armor! It has filigree! And a cape!
- Instead of his sword sending people to the Nightmare Dimension, instead his shield can reflect attacks back at people (it's made to be used for ectoplasm based attacks, but can be used to deflect lazers).
- When Kon surrenders to the Justice Leage, he is wearing his armor, though sans helmet (which Pandora & Fright Knight are gonna kill him for later, helmets being a key features in the whole not dying portion of fighting has been something they've been yelling at him about for ages) and seeing Kon in ethereal knightly armor makes Tim bluescreen for a bit because damn.
- Kon falling in love with Tim and feeling conflicted because his mystery boy is out there somewhere, while Tim is just agonizing over the fact that Kon never told him about mystery boy and oh god did Kon not trust him with that?
- Elle gets Fright Knight in on the match making by telling him it'd be a good way for Kon to practice chivalry. Fright Knight takes this as an opportunity to make Kon recite his bad poetry (written about Tim both in terms of Kon writing about mystery boy and writing about Red Robin). It's truly awful. Tim loves it.
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jisungsdaydreamer · 1 year
Charmer | TEASER | 18+
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Pairing: Hyunjin x fem!reader (ft. Lee Know) Genre: detective/crime au, smut, angst, thriller, mystery/suspense Warnings: murder, psychological manipulation and gaslighting, swearing, substance abuse, mutual obsession, strong violence, narcissistic tendencies, stalking, yandere, explicit sexual content (specific warnings will be posted with release) Release Date: TBA
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As a detective, Hyunjin’s life is centered around lying and fabricating his own version of the truth. After all, to catch a mastermind, you have to be a mastermind yourself. 
On this fateful evening, Detective Hwang is working on his internationally sought-after case, which was assigned to only his genius after a string of brutal murders in the city. The savant he is, he finds his target sitting innocently in an upscale cocktail bar, instead of some kind of an underground lair. 
But he doesn’t expect this nefarious new villain to be so… beautiful. And it’s the kind of beautiful that would make anyone sink to their knees and beg for even an ounce of her attention. Hyunjin can’t help but be drawn to her charm and enigmatic persona, through their sultrily guarded exchange over drinks- but really, it’s laden with innuendos of the night’s secrets. And more than just secrets are bound to be revealed… 
...You know very well that the handsome stranger eyeing you at the bar is the Miami Police Department’s star detective, Hyunjin Hwang, and exactly what his intentions are. You’re one of the most notorious crime lords the world has ever known, overseeing every kind of illicit cartel agreement, from a global drug enterprise to a booming embezzlement affair. For years, INTERPOL has been after you, failing to capture you every single time, but somehow, this scrappy local detective managed to figure out who you are. Color yourself impressed. 
You’re new to the glittering scene of the Southern coast, looking for trouble, fun, and the best cocktails. And looks like you’ve found all three right here, in this bar next to a sexy detective. He’d treat you to great drinks and a good time tonight, and maybe, just this once, you’ll let yourself be handcuffed.
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TAGLIST @army-stay-noel, @hwangjuhong, @chizumiyoshi
If you’d like to join my taglist, click here!
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©jisungsdaydreamer 2023 | All rights reserved. I do not condone translations or transfers of my work onto other platforms such as Wattpad, AO3, etc. Tumblr is my only platform. Acts of plagiarism are strictly prohibited.
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mangthemango · 1 year
A Genshin Impact SAGAU Brainrot
Pairing/s: Albedo x Creator!Reader (platonic)
Warnings: Imposter!AU, cult behaviour, medication withdrawal symptoms, you take anti-depressants, Albedo is possibly OOC just because I don't know too much about him (because mf refused to come home >:()
Author's Notes: It's currently eight in the morning and I decided to write this entirely on a whim. Friendly reminder to take your medication when you need to! Otherwise, Genshin will make sure your fave doesn't come home lol.
Fic under the cut! I hope you enjoy!
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Waking up in Teyvat was fun at first. After emerging from unconsciousness in Windrise and getting over the initial thoughts of 'how the hell is this possible', you were actually having a good time. The sun wasn't too hot on your skin, the breeze was nice and cool, even the hilichurls were more than welcoming to your arrival. Being able to try sunsettias for the first time and feeling the gentle tingling of an Electro slime under your fingertips were core memories you hoped you'd never forget.
Well, it was fun. It was until you started getting chased around Mondstadt.
The Knights of Favonius had it in for you because of your appearance, weirdly enough. While you did share some similarities to some released characters, you couldn't think of a single character who looked identical to you as your hunters claimed. Maybe it was an unreleased character or an NPC they were talking about.
You couldn't care less, though. All you knew was that this mystery stranger was held in such high regard that they wanted to kill you in their name.
No more than twelve hours after waking up in the Nation of Freedom, you were cowering in a hidden radish plot in Springvale, watching the setting sun shine gold on the faces of your pursuers. Some interrogated the townspeople of your whereabouts, others put up posters calling for your arrest at the decree of someone called 'The Divine Creator'.
A Divine Creator? Could they maybe be Fontaine's Archon? Your knowledge on the lore of Genshin Impact was rusty at best. However, you knew of the emphasis the French-inspired nation had on invention and composition. Perhaps Fontaine had a unique system of worship for their regional god, just like all the other nations you'd come to know and love. Plus, it'd explain why you hadn't heard of the title before while playing the game.
Yet, the longer you pondered over it on your way to Stormterror's Lair, the less it made sense. You'd only just woken up in Teyvat and unless there was an omnipotence amongst the Archons which you hadn't learned of, it was pretty much impossible for the god of Hydro to know about you when you'd barely stepped foot out of Barbatos' territory.
That left the questions: who was this Divine Creator that wanted you dead? And why did it feel like you'd forgotten something important?
Your trek towards Old Mondstadt was tiring - you'd never done this much walking in your life - and when the moon was high, you had no choice but to put your journey on hold for the sake of taking some much needed rest in Wolvendom. A Wolfhook bush was your bed for the night and you prayed to any Archon who'd dare listen to you for a peaceful trip and some safe refuge.
No one was listening that evening. That seemed more and more apparent as your hike continued.
Knights were scattered across the lands, vigilant eyes scanning the surroundings and forcing you to rely on sneaking and climbing abilities you didn't know you had. Mobs that were usually hostile towards you as a player were more than willing to lend a helping hand but as it became clear they were also more than willing to die for you, you steered clear of hilichurl camps, no matter how small. You soon only had yourself and a growing queasiness to keep you company on your travels.
It became a hard-won miracle that you managed to make it to the ruined city, your mystery illness that struck no more than a day after you first arrived in Teyvat reducing you to shaky limbs, stale saliva, pounding headaches and teary eyes. However, you only barely managed to cross into the new region before you fell onto the stone in a heap, crying. You hadn't felt this bad since you were first put on your meds-
Oh shit. Your medication. No wonder you were feeling like garbage.
As quick as the realisation came, another wave of helplessness crashed into you. Teyvat likely wasn't advanced enough to manufacture something like anti-depressants and even if they were, the Knights had made sure that any citizen of Mondstadt who saw you would drag you back to the city to witness your execution. You probably had more of a chance of finding the Unusual Hilichurl with a blindfold than seeking out someone who'd be willing to help you.
Metal gently scooped you off of the floor and you wiped your eyes, clearing them enough to see the Ruin Guard which was carrying you towards the centre of the lair. All you could do was lay your head against the machine, eyes fluttering shut. You knew that withdrawals wouldn't kill you but with how awful you felt, you almost felt like handing yourself in just to make it stop.
When you opened your eyes next, it was to the sight of a makeshift lab built in the cave you'd been placed in. A familiar blond man was sitting cross-legged at the small bench, fiddling with eye-droppers and beakers, and before you could stop yourself, you weakly called out his name.
Albedo was quick to move from his seat, moving to you and hovering his hands over your arms. "You still need rest, Your Grace. Please, sleep some more. I'm almost finished."
Delirious from your foggy mind and in disbelief that the nation's Chief Alchemist was aiding you, all you could mutter was "My name's not Grace."
A ghost of a smile crept upon his lips, although that might've been the withdrawals messing with you again, before he moved settled next to your hunched figure. "It's your title, Your Grace. It seems my hypothesis has been proven, unfortunately. You don't appear to remember much about yourself-"
"Why are you helping me?" you interjected. A small voice in the back of your mind scolded you for being impolite to the only person who'd helped you since you first arrived in Teyvat but it was quickly lost in another wave of wooziness. "They've got a big cash reward if you kill me."
Albedo's eyes widened ever so slightly, his face seemingly growing a shade paler. "I would do nothing of the sort, Your Grace. You are the Divine Creator and what the people of Mondstadt are doing is treason against your great name," he explained.
"But I'm not a Divine Creator of anything. I thought that was another name of the Hydro Archon," you mumbled, eyes squeezing in pain.
"Oh dear, it's worse than I predicted. Please, provide me with a few more moments, Your Grace. I almost have the fluoxetine ready for you."
It was that single word, so starkly familiar amongst the blond's overwhelming claims, that had your eyes darting open and your body sitting up so quickly Albedo didn't have enough time to move his hands away. The soft fabric of his gloves touched your skin for a moment before his arms recoiled like you were hot to the touch. Cheeks flushed a soft pink, he fell back, restoring the distance between the two of you.
"Fluoxetine? Y-You have anti-depressants? How do you even manufacture them here?" you questioned, disbelief keeping your eyes wide. However, it was the prospect of finally getting rid of these shitty withdrawal symptoms that injected life into you once more. You never thought you'd be excited to take your medication, not since you were told you'd need to start taking those tablets, but in this moment, you wouldn't blame anyone who thought you'd just won the lottery.
"Teyvat, uh, doesn't manufacture the fluoxetine," Albedo replied in his usual soft tone, moving back to his knee-high bench to finish his chemistry. "The recipe for the 'anti-depressants' comes from an ancient scripture. I've been studying this sacred text for a long time to deduce how to make this substance if you ever were to descend in a mortal form in my lifetime."
"Albedo, with all due respect, I have no idea what you're talking about," you said, staring at the blond as his words swum in your already full head. "I'm sorry. I think the explanation might need to wait until I've had my meds in my system for a little bit. It's really hard to think right now."
Albedo only nodded. "That is understandable, Your Grace. I will finish concocting the fluoxetine so we can restore your form to its full glory. Once you are feeling like yourself again, you may ask me any question you want answered."
You nodded back in response, leaning back onto the soft grass with a sigh. As bad as things felt right now, somehow the promise of your meds reentering your system, even being delivered by a character from your favourite game, made your symptoms ease ever so slightly. It wasn't enough to get rid of the stale taste in your mouth or the tremors in your hands. It was enough, though, to finally allow you to get some more rest since your sleep in Wolvendom.
As for all the Divine Creator stuff Albedo claimed you were? You'll just deal with that when you've had your tablets.
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For this year's Mer-may (which I definitely didn't almost forget about) I present Angler Fish N & Octopus Uzi~ just the sketches though.
◀◁Possible AU details below? ▷▶ Warning: Long.
Ok, so I've never really made an AU before. Still, While I was designing these I was trying to figure out how the sea/ocean creatures would work good not just with their respective species (worker, disassembly) and abilities but also how I could integrate their pre-existing designs so that they would look nice and make sense.
First, I decided I didn't want them to be robotic for this since I like working with organic creatures a bit more. Having flesh eliminates most movement restrictions when posing since the body material is malleable. while the idea of robot mermaids is cool, I didn't feel like drawing a bunch of joints and stuff like that. Second, If they were organic then I needed to figure out why they were fighting if it wasn't for a huge human plot to destroy rouge AI. And finally, how was I going to incorporate their powers like absolute solver and other such stuff without necessarily using technology. Having all these things in the back of my head while I was drawing led to the following, so without further ado, here's that ↓. This gonna be long, I can already feel it...
◇Story stuff.
A long time ago, merpeople ruled the water in peace. Humans kept to the land and the only thing they had to worry about were the sirens: Natural predators to the merpeople.
In the eyes of the merfolk, sirens were dangerous. Mindless, bloodthirsty monsters that couldn't be reasoned with. fortunately, their naturally heightened senses left them sensitive to sunlight. This kept them mostly contained to deeper, darker waters than the merpeople usually inhabited.
During the day it was safe to hunt, play and generally flourish as a species and at night they would hide in sea caves and other small spaces that a siren would have trouble fitting into.
That's how it was for many peaceful years. Occasionally one or two would die a victim to the monsters of the deep, but that was just nature.
But slowly as time moved forward and Humanity continued to develop, the merpeople were driven to deeper waters to escape pollution and being hunted.
Uzi's mother, Nori began having visions of a terrible fate that awaited her kind if things continued as they were and after weeks of pleading with her people and her husband to heed the warnings, she went to the sirens alone. for what reason? No one really knows. It's a mystery that only she knew the answer to.
After getting stung by the sirens paralyzing venom, her husband Khan made the heartbreaking decision to put Nori out of her misery before the sirens could do any worse, leaving him to raise their infant daughter Uzi by himself.
The incident resulted in a lot of deaths and many of the families of those that had passed blamed Nori. Saying that she was a mad woman and rumouring that she was a witch who had been meddling in dark magic that caused her to lose her mind and wander towards her death.
Seventeen years later, Uzi had grown up to be an unstable and particularly angsty teenager with a strained relationship with her colony and her father. Uzi believed that the ever-looming threat of the sirens was not something to hide from, but to confront head-on. Such notions labelled her as her mother's daughter in the worst ways possible: Crazy, an incident waiting to happen, most likely going to get eaten by a siren for reasons they will never understand.
Khan had kept the colony safe since Nori's death by having everyone hide away in a cavern big enough to house them but with an entrance so well hidden that everyone believed that the sirens would never find a way in.
Inevitably, Uzi grew tired of cowering and after fashioning the first semi-modern weapon her people had seen out of sea trash and other things humans had chosen to toss into their waters, she snuck out to confront the enemy.
The siren's lair was decorated rather grimly, with the nest seemingly fashioned out of the bones of long-dead mermaids, skulls stacked up together to make the walls of the lair. Inside the dimly lit den was a single male siren who was in the middle of feasting on a mummified corpse which looked to have been drained of all its blood.
As soon as he noticed her, he rushed toward her with killing intent. Uzi's fight or flight kicked in as she brandished her weapon, but it failed to deter the monster in his bloodthirsty craze. He grabbed her by the shoulders, stinging her with the paralyzing toxin in his Claws. Uzi barely managed to break free from his grip by slashing his face with her weapon, sending him reeling back from shock.
Uzi immediately felt her limbs growing heavier but ignored it in favour of taking the opportunity to take the Siren by surprise. While he was distracted she threw her weapon to the ceiling causing an avalanche of skulls to come crashing down on top of him. Uzi had only a moment to breathe, thinking her enemy was buried and dead before a clawed hand burst through the top of the pile like a zombie about to dig itself out of the grave.
Panic surged through her and with as much strength she could muster she pushed away the darkening of her vision and forced the few tentacles that didn't refuse to move to propel her forward with enough force to hopefully finish the job.
The siren's head burst through the pile of death with a groan of pain, but before he could do anything else, he was knocked unconscious as rock made contact with his already aching head.
All was silent for a moment, Uzi fighting for consciousness as her vision continued to darken, whether she was just crashing from the adrenaline or if the toxin was shutting her brain down she wasn't sure. but then the monster woke up, a confused look on his face as he pulled himself out of the skeletons. he blinked and turned his attention to the little creature before him.
"Did you just hit me with that rock?"
"Holy crap it talks."
◈Extra details.
-The sirens and Humans have a deal with each other that if the humans drive the Mer-people deeper into siren territory the sirens will kill the species off in exchange for making them more powerful.
-Apparently, the humans want them dead because they are considered a threat, and can't be reasoned with.
-this is a giant lie on the human part, as they have made no attempt to talk with the merpeople and plan to kill all the sirens after the mermaids are dead.
-Rather than absolute solver being a program I'm changing it to being some form of magic that the humans discovered mermaids had after analyzing corpses that had washed ashore.
-In order to gain this power plan on reverse engineering it from the merpeople's remains while eliminating the prospective threat to humanity at the same time.
-The humans claim that they will make the sirens more powerful by implementing them with tech that will supposedly allow them to live and hunt during the day.
-This tech would actually be something of a remote detonator that once activated would be used to kill all the sirens off at once.
-I haven't decided if all sirens are angler fish, but probably not because that would be boring for me to design.
-Not all merpeople are Octopi though, that's for sure.
-I'd say that since merpeople can be the same species without necessarily being based around the same sea creature, the babies would simply take after one parent entirely.
-This would make sense in this as to why Uzi looks like the spitting image of her mom.
-While trying to figure out Absolute Solver I was really channelling Ursula for Uzi with the skull and the octopus stuff and it all just kinda resulted in sea-witch.
-Both mermaids and Sirens got bioluminescence as a default so that we don't gotta stifle that glow they got in canon.
-Since it wouldn't make sense for fish to have screens and stuff of their faces and bodies, those dark areas where the face-screen would be are just body markings now.
-Uzi's hat is now a sea anemone that just kinda chills on top of her head, kinda like how they do with crabs in real life.
I know this was really fucking long but if you made it to the end, thank you very much for reading❤️
Im still workshopping this and I don't even know if anyone has already done something like this. I wouldn't be too surprised if they had since it's May and Mermaids are pretty popular... idk, if I make a fic I'll let you know.
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mlbigbang · 1 year
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2022 Marichat Fic Rec List
It's the end of the year which means it's finally time for the ML Big Bang's yearly fic rec lists! We're really excited to bring you our contributors' favourite fics from this year to supply you with plenty of reading material while you're waiting for the Big Bang fics' publication in January.
Asking the important questions by @ultrakart 1,397 words, General, 1/1 chapter
After having returned home from Shanghai, Marinette and Chat Noir have some important questions for each other.
"Platonic Marichat shenanigans, resoundingly reminiscent of canon in the absolute best way."
final girl by @picayunearts 41,310 words, Teen, 10/10 chapters
Marinette has ninety-nine problems, and the superhero trio of Paris counts for a hundred. [AU where Marinette follows through on giving up her earrings after Stoneheart, but becomes the Guardian to protect her replacement.]
"This one floored me. Characterization is on point. I love the premise of Marinette giving up the miraculous and being guardian. Wonderfully executed in my opinion. And the writing. THE WRITING. :chefskiss:"
"Another amazing au. I love the take on "Marinette gives up on being Ladybug" and teh way it's written is chef's kiss."
Everything's Not Fine by @flightfoot 976 words, Teen, 1/1 chapter
"Why’s mother down here? What- what is this?” “Still committing to the bit?” Gabriel snorted. “Really now, I thought you were smarter than that. Adrien was compelled to obey the order Nathalie gave via his amok - you would not have been.” “My WHAT?!” -------------- After the events of Risk, Adrien makes his way down to his father's secret lair. Gabriel catches him. Unfortunately, he cares even less about Felix than he does about Adrien.
"An alternative follow-up to 'Strike Back' that packs twist after twist after twist into a very short space, leaving you a little breathless as you read it and sorry that it didn't happen this way in the show."
The Dating App by leadernovaandthemacabre 14,960 words, Teen, 1/1 chapter
Chat Noir and Marinette cross paths on Paris’ newest dating app and keep crossing paths until secrets slip. - [MDC]: why are you here [OfficialChatNoir]: we matched! shall we go out for sweethearts ice cream? [MDC]: i’m blocking you [OfficialChatNoir]: wait wait marinette wait *[MDC] has blocked you*
"I loved the bonding between these too and how naturally everything flowed and how open they became with each other and aaaaa"
NSFW works
Patient is the night by @mostlymoony 72,243 words, Mature, 31/31 chapters
Beware the Cat Knight, he demands a price For this fallen prince, gold shall not suffice Fear the Cat Knight, as he trades life for life Cry pretty girls, for the cat needs a wife. When Marinette's small farming town is attacked by Hawkmoth's army of night creatures, Marinette rides for the dread Butterfly Castle, seeking aid from the mysterious Black Cat Knight and his band of masked fighters. She's determined to save her town, even if that means handing herself over to a strange man with wild, green eyes and a penchant for cat-related puns. There will be smut, and this is my first time writing smut. I'm so sorry.
"Such a good gothic romance/fairy tale vibe to it and I just found the plot/progression very enjoyable. The magic and world building is unique and vague enough to make it important but not overwhelming. They also made some great artwork for it!"
Pink Really is Your Color by @inkmousey 2,811 words, Explicit, 1/1 chapter
Marinette really hates that dumb Cat. Until he's pressing her against a wall and making her forget Adrien Agreste ever existed.
"It's amazing!!! So very amazing and it has a great dynamic that's great for Marichat!"
I’d Never Forget About You by @inkmousey 3,400 words, Explicit, 1/1 chapter
Adrien thinks everyone forgot about him on his birthday, and by everyone— he means the only person who ever remembers it anyway, Marinette.
"MariBlanc is such an interesting pairing and the fic handles them so amazingly!!!"
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frenchiefitzhere · 2 months
*highlighting every guest VA I've ever had on my channel* (and hoping to high heaven I don't forget someone) Series: Corollary
1. The OG guest VA: @teafairywithabook as Doctor Marigold "Goldie" Fletcher First Appearance: Episode 6 - The Reigning Queen of the Port Greene Historical Society 2. Ghostly as The Cashier in Episode 16 - Don't fall in with the wrong sort 3. @sweetnothingproductions as Nariah First Appearance: Episode 19 - Wrath 4. @thatlesbeanjew as Lori Bach (a.k.a. My TV Wife) First Appearance: Episode 23 - The unvarnished truth 5. @penncilkid as Avery Rush First Appearance: Episode 25 - Clarity 6. Honk as The Eminence First Appearance: Episode 31 - It will be over 7. @mr-laveau as The Medic in Episode 33 - Pancakes 8. @alexrayva as Penemue in Episode 36 - A bad influence ...and more to come!
Series: Ruby the Dragon Queen
@tepid-judas as The Magic Mirror First Appearance: Magic Lesson and Cuddles with a Yandere She-Dragon
@sweetnothingproductions as Appoline First Appearance: Flying with Your Dragon Queen to a Palace in the Clouds
@starlitangels as Flora Rowe First Appearance: Flying with Your Dragon Queen to a Palace in the Clouds
@alexrayva as Peregrine Rowe in Returning a Thankful Villager to Her Family
@chaotic-spaghetti-cowboy as Cyrus in Discovering a Seelie Princess
DadeAudio as "Grey" in Meeting Your Dragon-In-Law
CiceroSays as Tony in Entering The Dragon Lady's Lair [Mob Boss AU]
NoraASMR as Acamar in Seeking Wisdom from an Enigmatic Centaur
Series: The Waking Nightmare Series
This is my newest series, with only one featured guest so far: Mister @escapedaudios
(If I somehow forgot someone 😭, please just DM me and I will make the BIGGEST deal about recognizing you in a separate post! 🌻 I didn't include people who've done music collabs with me since that's a different kind of thing, but hey, that's not a bad idea! And I also plan to do a little tumbly post about all the amazing artists who have made thumbnail & promo art for me because they deserve that recognition too!) p.s. this is the part where I sneak in an announcement that I'm planning a new series for with a big ensemble cast, hoping to start this summer
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toji-bunny-girl · 2 years
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The night is cold and crisp against your skin as you follow the mysterious trail up a hill covered with thick–trunk trees that seemed to be carved with faces. Bats and crows stared at your every move as you continued walking, their eyes glowed in the dark, unblinking and silent, preying on your every move.
When the trees finally cleared, an abandoned mansion came into your view. Curious, you enter the building with the wooden floor creaking beneath your steps…
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the contents below will contain dark and mature materials, you have been warned. readers below the age of 17 are not allowed to interact. all works belong to the respective writers, do not steal or repost anything that does not belong to you. reader is set to be a female.
The Witch’s Lair . . .
♱ MORE THE MARRIER— jock!itadori yuuji x reader x best friend!fushiguro megumi
♱ PRIZE— neighbour ghostface!getou suguru x reader
♱ TRADING PLACES— gojo, getou, toji, nanami, sukuna, hiromi x shapeshifter!reader
♱ GIVE ME A PURPOSE— nanami kento x curse spirit!reader
The Mad Man’s Cell . . .
♱ SLASHER— serial killer!midoriya izuku x reader
♱ WRIST, THIGH AND NECK— vampire!todoroki shoto x reader
♱ HAPPY DEATH DAY— college au!bakugou katsuki x reader
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let’s see if you get to walk out alive…
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(Possible crack/one-shot continuation for the Lair of Mystery au)
All of a sudden I had a really stupid idea. Does the House of Mystery have a bathroom?
← Main Prompt
Constantine: Any of you know how to fix a leaky sink pipe in the bathroom
Danny: ...This place has a bathroom?
Constantine: *sputters* What do you mean? It's your house?!
Danny looks at Constantine with a blank expression and puts his hand on the Brit's shoulder.
Danny: John. Sweetie. Buddy. I'm dead. I don't NEED a bathroom.
Constantine puts his head in his hands with a long-suffering groan.
Constantine: Do you know how to fix a leaky pipe or not? You're pretty much the landlord here.
Danny: Oh. Yeah sure. Just let me get the tool box from the lab.
Danny disappears and leaves Constantine with a dumbfounded look on his face.
Constantine: Wha- LAB??
Could just be the tiredness talking but I laughed a lot more at this than I probably should. To the person who said Danny was JLD's landlord, THANK YOU.
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ridhearts · 2 years
VAMP AU - basics vii.
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So, you want to know about the Diasomnia Coven? Well, good luck finding anything out. They say this coven has a living history, and reliable documentation is difficult to find, let alone any vampires themselves.
CW: blood, death, stalking/hunting, religious imagery, dark/obsessive/possessive characters. this au is not NSFW, but it does deal with darker content and sometimes discusses sensuality and sensual topics. reader discretion is advised.
overview. ❧ heartslabyul. savanaclaw. octavinelle. scarabia. pomefiore. ignihyde. {diasomnia.}
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The Diasomnia Coven isn’t really a coven at all (if it was, it’d beat out Pomefiore as the oldest) - it’s a small group of vampires living just on the edge of the barrier between worlds, an offshoot of the realm where most of the true vampires reside. The future keeper of all vampires has been in mourning for thousands of years, and the others keep watch over him while maintaining a balance between both the realms. There is an abandoned village with a forgotten and decimated stone castle, miles and miles away from any humans, where they reside. The mourning keeper insists there are memories that play within the village when the circumstances are just right…
Nobody knows much about these vampires, and very few humans know they exist. They’re a sort of urban legend among the vampires though, both turned and true vampires whispering every little detail they have about the mysterious brethren living in an untouchable forest. Legend says that the Diasomnia vampires are more powerful than even most vampires within the vampire realm, and they’re awfully shrewd, too. Rather than hunt humans, they trick any who dare come close to their cursed forest to follow them to their lair, where the human is then hypnotized and used for a food source until they die. If vampires ever have to tread near the forest, they always go on an empty stomach, hoping to reduce their chances of being swept away. Many do not return.
…This is all a fabrication, of course. (These vampires just like to play a few good-natured tricks, and the vampires die often in the forest because they purposely deprive themselves of food and there are no humans around.) The truth is much more sad, and is halting the progress between the realms as well as endangering the balance of magic. But vampires are stubborn, and it’s hard to shake a man from mourning when condemned himself within sorrow for eternity.
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Malleus Draconia - Lovelorn
Malleus is supposed to be the next Keeper, the closest thing to an all-powerful being with the most thorough understanding and control of all magic. However, he’s delayed accepting this position because it would mean going back to the vampire realm, and he’s got unfinished business with the humans.
A long, long time ago, while he was in the human realm studying the way magic interacted compared with how it did in the homeworld,Malleus fell in love with a human. They were witty and bright, and even in a dark period where vampires weren’t meant to be seen, they treated him with kindness and with care. But it wasn’t meant to last. Before he could properly ask them to become a vampire and live with him - before he even got to do much of anything with them, really - they were discovered and taken away, killed for fraternizing with a creature of evil.
Malleus wanted to destroy the whole village then, but it hurt when the feebleness and naivety of humans reminded him of them. Instead, he just retreated further into the forest to mourn. When he returned to the village, a thousand years plus some later, they had all abandoned the place or died out from a plague. The village was isolated in its heyday - nobody would be returning anytime soon.
Malleus believed that a soul as powerful and beautiful as his love’s couldn’t just be gone (and part of him wonders if it isn’t), but he waited long enough to realize nothing was coming to him. Still, his heart had been wounded, something that never would’ve happened if the vampire world didn’t constantly insist on being so hostile towards the humans, even during times of peace. He can’t return to the vampire world, just abandoning his love’s memory in the cold stone of the old village. He doesn’t want to work with vampires who wouldn’t care that they died, even if he’d be above them.
Malleus doesn’t venture out of the forest very often, but sometimes he explores the more populated areas of the human realm just to see what it’s like. You may meet him then, or maybe you find yourself unlucky enough to be lost in his “cursed” forest. When you aren’t scared of him and are instead thankful for the lodging he offers you, falling asleep far too easily with a “bloodthirsty” creature watching over you, he decides that he likes you. He won’t keep you in his village forever if you insist on leaving, no no! But he would like to follow you wherever you go.
He is careful not to hold you to a standard you are not meant to meet - he does not view you as a replacement for his former love. But he sees similarities sometimes, ones that remind him of what he wants more than anything. And with such tragedy still fresh in his mind, whatever you decide, just know he has no intention of letting you go so easily…maybe even if the thing that threatens your place by his side is your natural death.
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Lilia Vanrouge - Living History (Vicious Cycles)
Lilia was/is Malleus’ mentor. Though never the official Keeper himself, he’s trained many, many Keepers over time and has been a friend to Malleus’ “bloodline” for many generations. It’s a pity how they all seemed to fall. Dramatic bunch, they are.
Some people think Lilia is the oldest vampire, the father of all vampires, even. He isn’t, but he is one of the first and one of the truest. He knows the history of all the covens, of all the keepers, of all the dark and light ages of fighting and peace. Honestly, he’s grown weary of it all, of how easily history repeats itself. The humans he can understand - they don’t live long enough to SEE the loop restart. But the old vampires are simply holding onto a pride that they can’t afford to have if they don’t want to eventually wind up destroying both realms…
Lilia has fought before in some of the earlier dark ages, and he’s fought on the side of the vampires. Eventually he realized what he was doing, what THEY were doing, and tried to stop the violence, but instead he was somehow twisted into a position of prestige as the Keeper’s keeper. Perhaps those he went against know that he’s never released his true power, and think it’s best to appease him to keep him quiet…
Lilia is not appeased, but he knows he’s much more help pretending to be satiated than on the run from the council trying to kill him. If anyone knows how to take down the council, it’d be him and his first-hand knowledge of vampire history. But the time has never been right. Infighting within the vampire realm would mean an influx of vampires in the human realm, which would put them in danger. Their interrealm ecosystem is much more fragile than people realize…
So now, he watches over Malleus and flits back and forth between realms to take over as Keeper while Malleus pouts mourns. He’s also the one that travels the most, hunting to bring enough blood to the four of them when they’re in need.
Lilia knows that there are many things in this world that are easy to lose. He’s seen all kinds of betrayal and hate and violence, he’s in the middle of whatever is brewing between the realms, and yet he can’t help but be endlessly endeared and amused by it all. There is a loving protectiveness to him that he is not afraid to show, should there be a situation that calls for it.
Perhaps you, somehow, some way, are related to the plot he’ll create to settle the tensions once and for all, or perhaps you are just a particularly charming human he met on his travels. But he finds himself utterly infatuated with you, and though he tries to keep his distance, purposely removing himself from you is painful and feels like he’s adding to the regret he’ll feel once you pass. So forgive him for popping in so often, dear, but you are just so entertaining!
Lilia is wise, and Lilia is patient. He knows how to bide his time and he knows when to act. Whether you are as embedded in the turmoil as he is or will never see it come to fruition (or, not until they’re already encroaching upon your realm), it doesn’t matter. Lilia will do anything to keep things as they should be, but he will never be willing to sacrifice the ones he loves to do so. And yes, that does include you.
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Silver - The Cover of the Forest
Silver was a sickly human baby that Lilia happened to save one day while he was traveling the world. It sounds rather whimsical, but it’s true! Lilia found him, colicky and alone, and decided to see if he couldn’t nurse him back to health. Miraculously, he did, and once Silver reached human maturity, Lilia turned him so he’d never have to part with his precious son <3
(Malleus was very confused when Lilia floated back to the village with a baby in his arms, but Silver was such a calm baby, he didn’t mind the interruption. In fact, Lilia never mentioned it, but he believes Silver’s presence helped Malleus heal more than anything else has.)
In an abandoned village, there isn’t much to do, so Lilia taught Silver how to protect Malleus when he was away. There were times he’d have to go and fulfill the duties of the Keeper, after all, or when he’d have to go traveling, and there’s no telling if an ill-meaning human (or vampire!) could come for Malleus.
The vampire realm doesn’t technically know about Silver. They know another vampire was turned, but they don’t know how Lilia cares for him (and how he cares about Lilia.) If they did, the council might deem him a threat, so Lilia keeps his mouth shut while he’s there and doesn’t let Silver come to the vampire realm with him.
Lilia wouldn’t mind traveling with Silver sometimes, but Silver is notoriously difficult to keep awake. Lilia sometimes wonders if he messed something up when turning him, or if the illness he had as a baby is the problem - but it doesn’t bother him too much. Nobody actually ventures into the forest anyway, and he trusts Silver’s skills. Might as well let the boy sleep.
Silver has led a rather…uneventful life as far as he remembers. So he’s fascinated with you when you somehow show up in this strange corner of the world, and he’s very insistent on making sure the rumors that surround his family don’t scare you away. He’s always very gentle with you, very considerate - it’s hard to leave him, when you can no longer stay in the village and must return home.
Maybe Lilia urges him to follow you, to go on adventures of his own. Or maybe they convince you to stay, saying you’re important for something but not telling you what. Either way, Silver will always be there to protect you - you’re the first thing to kickstart his sleepy heart, after all. Of course you’re important to him.
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Sebek Zigvolt - Black Knight
Sebek was born to a vampire mother and a human father. In an unusual turn of events, his father wasn't turned until after Sebek was born - which means Sebek and his siblings have a bit of a trickier time with their magic and vampiric abilities than others do.
Sebek isn't as cold as the others, his fangs are less pronounced, he can get sick in more human ways, and sometimes he even feels a slight hunger for real food. However, he's also more resistant to sunlight and can more easily blend into human crowds (although this was admittedly more useful when the village wasn't abandoned.) He can also go for longer without feeding on blood.
He was sent to the human realm to watch over Malleus (because they don’t know about Silver). Lilia hand picked him, thinking it’d be nice for Silver to have a friend around his “age.” Sebek was OUTRAGED at the questionable legality of Silver’s existence, but Lilia and Malleus urged him to keep quiet. Begrudgingly, Sebek agreed, but he gives Silver a hard time now. He’ll never admit that he’s actually grown a little fond of Silver.
Sebek thinks vampires are OBVIOUSLY superior to humans and naively believes in all of their traditions, including ones that say turned vampires are “secretly” not as “powerful” (read: important) as true ones. He gets angry when you ask where he fits in on that scale, as a technically half-vampire.
Over time, Sebek has unlearned some of his more problematic vampire views, but he still feels a sense of loyalty to the vampire realm. It’s how he was trained in his knightly duties, and he trained so well he was able to help defend the Keeper…! 
But Sebek has never met a real, true human before. He’s met his father and Silver, along with other turned vampires, but never a real, full human. When he meets one for the first time, he’s mumbling this and that about how puny and weak and useless you are. But eventually, he warms up to you, and if he somehow winds up in your more populated town, he quickly finds what’s so…endearing about humans. What’s so endearing about you.
Sebek’s faith isn’t in the vampire realm per se, but more in himself and the things he learned. His faith is unwavering, whether it’s to Malleus and Lilia or to you. If you’re the one that teaches him about the things that make human life worth protecting, then the human realm should praise you forever. You just earned them one of the fiercest defenders they’ll ever have. Hopefully, they won’t ever need it.
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sailorb00 · 2 years
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Just a few doodles.... that turned into a few mini comic panels 🤭
I'll look to maybe continue this in the near future, but who knows... 🤷
OH. And I've included a partial summary of this AU that I've been brewing in my noggin just below💡y'know, in case anybody was interested fsdf
So basically this is the premise for my Salamandrian Encounter AU (still thinking of a better title tbh 🤔) or at least the beginnings of it — somewhere between a few months to a year following the aftermath of the ROTTMNT movie, a strange meteor flies across the NYC skyline before crashing in the middle of Central Park. Witnessing the sight while doing their usual nightly patrol, the "Mad Dogs" go to investigate. At the crashsite, they find a strange frog-shaped alien spacecraft (I gotta doodle it some more, but drawing mechanical is hard orz. A mini doodle of it can be found here) and its pilot, knocked unconscious.
Before the boys can do much of anything, besides freak out about a another possible alien invasion, men in black suits and armoured vans arrive—i.e. the EPF/Earth Protection Force—with Agent Bishop at the helm, and the two parties have a stand off. Finding it hard to not only keep the government agents at bay, but also to keep them from seizing the unconscious alien, the Mad Dogs make a hasty retreat, leaving the spacecraft to be collected and contained by the EPF.
Taking the pilot back to the lair, the boys patch her up, remove the two strange half-spherical objects from her temples—of which Donnie's interest is immediately piqued. I mean, c'mon, mysterious alien tech?! Boy's brain would be ABUZZ with all the possibilities!—and leave her in the medbay to recover while they debrief the crazy events of the night. Unbeknown to them, not long after they begin to discuss the EPF, with supporting security camera footage and drone shots taken thanks to Donnie—who is multitasking: fiddling with the strange alien tech in his hands mid-discusssion/info-dumping about the information he's found about the EPF—the pilot stirs in the medbay.
POV switch to Y'Gythgba—a young, intelligent, earnest but socially naive Salamandrian warrior/engineer on a mission, awakes not only to a pounding headache and a couple of cracker ribs—made worse by the bright flourescent lights and her lack of psionic amplifiers/holovisor, which have mysteriously gone missing—but also to an unfamiliar environment, with no sign of her AMPHIBAMECH (if anyone can come up with a better name, please pass along your suggestions lol). Immediately on alert, Y'Gythgba goes into full on Solid Snake stealth and begins to sneak about the lair, not sure of what to make of her strange 'alien' surroundings.
Silently, she stalks from tunnel to tunnel, passing a sleeping rat-man in a lazy boy recliner as a projector plays an archaic holovid of a strange humanoid in a jumpsuit and large optic lenses, fighting several adversaries. Y'Gythgba pauses to observe the old rat, trying to assess if he is an immediate threat or harmless, until raised voices—faintly familar yet unintelligible to her ears—grab her attention. Summoning/'pulling' her NovaBlaster from its pocket dimension with a wave of her hand and a trail of pink alien code and light ribbons (think Tron Legacy 😉), Y'Gythgba confronts her 'captors' from the doorway, catching them by surprise as she demands to know where her ship/AMPHIBAMECH is.
Obviously, neither the Mad Dogs or Y'Gythgba can understand one another, so as the boys take a step towards her, Y'Gythgba raises her blaster and fires a warning shot on its lowest setting... just inches above poor Raph's head 🥲
And voila! SHENANIGANS ENSUSE. That's all that I really have set in stone ATM, but I'll probably add more in the future if I do more doodles (...maybe)
OH. And the alien language that Y’Gythgba/Mona is using can be found here
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symphonic-scream · 4 months
It's me the fool back again with another au this time it's
Actual Criminals Au for P5
Where. They're real criminals.
The metaverse isn't real, and all of them grew up with qualms about how some people get away with everything. And, eventually, they all get the push they need to stop being a bystander and become Phantom Thieves
They all live in the same building, and have a secret lair under it. They pose as normal people with jobs and lives and then at night they're plastering evidence of assaulters all over Shibuya, or leaking videos of insider trading or what's on someone's hardrive
Sometimes they do normal crime like stealing from the rich to fund their bigger operations. Just for fun
Okay let's go down the list
Akira works as a bartender in a fancy hotel bar, and goes home to his "wife", Haru, each night. That's how it appears, at least. As a fresh graduate from secondary school, he ended up coming together with some friends to expose a shitty pervert for who he was, and thus began their lives as the Phantom Thieves. Joker is the ringleader, and known publicly to always be listening from the shadows
Then there's Ryuji, a middle school phys Ed teacher, married to Makoto. It's perceived to be a functioning marriage. He was a founding Thief, and is their Rough'em'up guy. Between Skull and Queen, they get their answers when they want them
Ann is next, wed to Yusuke, working as a model. Mysteriously, the guest room at their place seems to always be occupied by former top athlete Shiho. Ann's love for her best friend was one of the main flames behind the beginning of the Thieves, and Panther is key at tricking their enemies into drinking a spiked drink or spilling secrets for a moment with the attractive blonde
Okay now, Yusuke, he came later. Yeah married to Ann blah blah. He's an artist, paints in a studio all day. His former mentor drove him to the brink, but luckily the Thieves found him there, and gave him the power to drag himself back to his feet. Fox is very feared, as his harsh words and quick moves remind his enemies of an old samurai
Makoto was once looking like she would be another young officer on the streets, doomed to being beat down by the system. Now, she owns a gym a block from where she lives with her husband Ryuji, and moonlights as the fast driving, hard hitting Thief Queen. The only thing that burns brighter than her rage at the failing society around her is her homosexuality.
Software engineer Futaba lives alone, and she likes it that way, supposedly. She's gotten her act together, again, supposedly, and is no longer hacking. Yeah right. After taking down the false shepherd Medjed, Oracle does the computer work for the Thieves, keeping them in the know during missions
The final standard member of the Thieves, Haru, didn't exist until recently. Well, under the name Haru. She used to live as the sole son of the CEO of Okumura Foods, and has found a life that suits her much better. As Haru, she runs a bakery just outside the entrance of her apartment building, and lives with her husband, Akira. As Noir, she's more than willing to show that actions have consequences, though she's often aware enough to keep her act to just frightening rather than deadly
Then it's the half members, Goro and Sumire. They're legally married. One is a top tier detective, the other teaches youth gymnastics. Crow and Violet appear maybe once every other month at most, filling the roles the teams those nights need
Okay so this is a Polythieves au, so the married couples above are mostly for cover. Below is a simplified web of the poly workings of the group
Akira -> Goro, Sumire, Ryuji, Ann, Yusuke, Shiho, Haru
Ryuji -> Akira, Ann, Yusuke, Haru
Ann -> Shiho, Akira, Ryuji, Yusuke, Makoto, Haru
Yusuke -> Akira, Goro, Ryuji, Ann
Makoto -> Haru, Ann, Shiho
Futaba -> Sumire
Haru -> Makoto, Akira, Ryuji, Ann, Shiho
Goro -> Akira, Yusuke, Sumire
Sumire -> Akira, Futaba, Goro
I have lots more for this but this is just the like outline post. SEND ME ASKS IF YOU WANNA KNOW ANYTHINF OR HAVE QUESTIONS
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Who's ready to feel pain again?
Here's an angsty eldrich horror prompt to make you cry <3
Au where Danny is blind and Damians younger twin. He was raised basically being told he was abandoned by his mother for his blindness and that his brother was healthy and happy with her. Meanwhile Danny's life was a living nightmare. No one wanted to adopt a blind kid in a small city like Amity Park, so he stayed stuck in the crappy little orphanage with neglectful caretakers. He hated this place and everyone in it, though he had no doubt his life would be much better if he hadn't been blind.
Danny was killed when a drunk driver purposely ran him over for something as stupid as ableism. Unfortunately, dying as a person with a lot of sorrow and angst in his heart inside Amity Park basically ensured he would become a spirit. That, or it had something to do with the Fentons expiramenting on his corpse.
No one could have known he would be so powerful though. Or that he would be able to "see" after his death. He soon became obsessed with finding the woman who abandoned him in this tiny city in the middle of nowhere and making her pay.
First, he needed a lair. He found out from research -aka possessing his mothers ninjas that felt like her and by extention, himself- that his father was Bruce Wayne- the Batman, and the first time in forever his heart filled with want.
He wanted a father. Someone who was kind and caring and who would protect him. Someone who would want him in turn.
He wanted brothers who would play with him and tease him and teach him him how to be like them.
He wanted sisters who would stand by him and hug him when he had a bad day and help him get away with things he wasn't supposed to be doing.
He wanted a family. The family Talia had cheated him out of. The life Talia had cheated him out of.
So he picked a mansion. A horrible dilapidated old thing, literally half falling apart. One pulse of his core transformed it into a billionaires dream. Everything was pristine as the day it was built. The gardens outside changed from weeds and grass taller than he was to beautiful paved garden paths, forever in full bloom.
This of course drained his energy and he fell asleep, never taking notice of the "For Sale" sign out near the gates
Needless to say, once he awakened he was not amused to see a couple unboxing thier belongings and taking over his home. He just wanted to scare them. He didn't think throwing heavy boxes across the room into thier heads would kill them, but it did. He killed them and there was no going back.
It was only a few hours later that he discovered whoever he killed within his lair would become a ghost.
A weak ghost fully under his control.
So he continued killing the people who moved in, but was sure to always give them a month to move out, signing a warning on thier calenders. Some left. Most didn't though, and became lesser ghosts.
His obsession with the picture perfect family allowed him to develop the power to trap any one person in a painting, but only one person per canvas and he had to have a full view of thier body and he has to do that double L thing with his hands and line them up in the center.
Once he lures his mother home with a mysterious letter addressed to her mentioning her League he wastes no time trapping her and hanging her portrait in the grand entryway.
He did the same with his Father, inviting Bruce Wayne and his wards to speak about someone committing corporate espionage in his company. Danny didn't actually know what that was but it sounded important, and the end goal wasn't to fool them but to get them here. Sadly nothing seemed to go as planned. First Jason snuck into the mansion as Red Hood a week before the planned meeting time and saw something he wasn't supposed to. Namely one of his victims. So he ordered the spirits to pin the startled Jason to the wall as Danny trapped him.
The painting came out better than expected. You could tell he was startled even with his helmet covering his face simply by his body language. The multitude of transparent arms coming through the wall to pin him made the scene all the more haunting.
The bats grew more concerned with each day that passed with no word from Jason and as the day on the invitation grew closer they begin preparing to go in groups. One group goes as civilians and the other sneaking about as vigilantes and trying to find Jason while Alfred and Barbara stayed behind to keep an eye on them and the mansion respectively.
Cue them arriving at the mansion and being forced to play real life Pac-Man and free thier kin from thier paintings while avoiding getting trapped in one themselves.
Eventually one of them discovered they could actually use the furniture around the house as weapons and Danny couldn't phase through it and they told the others about it so they didn't have to keep relying on Jason's unexplained ability to punch ghosts.
Eventually they manage to temporarily defeat Danny and escape the mansion. It was so hard on everyone listening to him sob from where he was pinned on the ground, begging them not to go. Promising to be the best little brother, the best son, he promised to be good.
Bruce took it the hardest. He had failed another of his children but he needed to get the rest of his family out of the sprung trap before the weaker spirits dug Daniel out of the rubble and the mansion is pulled back into that pocket dimension and captured them again. They had been here a while and he was fairly certain his family could go for a round 14 but he wasn't sure they would last beyond that.
So they left. But Bruce silently promised himself he would come back for his son. He kept repeating it over and over in his mind like a mantra to block out his sons desperate cries as they left him behind.
Needless to say the ride back to Gotham was mostly silent as his children processed everything that happened.
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