#This looks romantic but jokes on you moon is telling y/n that he could easily snap their neck-
marauders-venting · 3 years
Pardon My French
pairing: wolfstar (sirius x remus)
genre: fluff
warnings: none
words: 3556
note: thank you to @ probably_wizardingworld_artist on instagram for helping me translate things into french. also i got some of the lines that sirius says from this website https://www.fluentu.com/blog/french/french-pick-up-lines/
a/n: if you dont speak french (like me) dont look up a translation! everything will be clear by the end of the fic and its more fun if you find out along with remus. i mean, i cant really stop you if you want to translate the sentences but thats just my advice :)
Remus was sitting in the library, a French to English dictionary open on his lap, sighing in frustration as he flipped through the pages. For the past couple of weeks, Sirius had taken to murmuring things in French under his breath and it drove Remus crazy that he didn’t know what they meant. He had asked Sirius on several occasions but Sirius always refused to tell him. But the fact that he didn’t understand the words wasn’t the only reason it drove him crazy when Sirius spoke French. It’s not Remus’ fault that Sirius sounds really hot when his lips curve around the words in “the language of love”.
Remus tries not to think about it but it’s becoming increasingly more difficult because every time they’re alone together Sirius seems to find something to say in French (if only to piss Remus off).
The last time Sirius had said something in French to him had been last weekend. It was the first sunny weekend since the winter and Marlene had suggested that they all go down to the lake for a swim.
Remus’ brain could barely form a single coherent thought from the moment Sirius took off his shirt; he was too busy trying not to stare. He remembered jumping into the lake and trying to get warm by swimming to the far side, away from all his friends. Sirius had followed him to make sure he was okay.
“I’m fine,” he had said, smiling slightly at Sirius. “Just cold.”
“Oh okay,” Sirius said, looking relieved. He had glanced back at their friends before whispering, “On devrait t’arrêter pour excès de beauté sur la voie publique” and submerging his head in the water and swimming back to James, Peter, Lily, Marlene, Dorcas, Mary and Alice. Remus had felt a shiver down his spine that had nothing to do with the cold.
Then there was the time that Sirius had skipped Quidditch practice to visit Remus in the hospital wing after a particularly bad full moon. James, being the captain, had been able to delay the practice so that he and Peter could come to visit as well but they had to practice for the game the following day. James had to be at the practice because he was the captain and Peter had to be there because they didn’t have another Keeper to fill in. But James had given Sirius permission to stay with Remus (which showed just how terrible he felt that he couldn’t stay as well). They watched a bit of the practice from the hospital wing but Remus was getting frustrated, having to stay in a hospital bed for so long. So, after clearing it with Madam Pomfrey, Sirius helped Remus climb all the way to the Astronomy Tower. They sat up there watching the sunset when Sirius said, “Il y a tellement de soleil dans tes yeux que je bronze quand tu me regardes.”
“Ugh, do you make it your life goal to patronize me?” Remus had said.
“Of course, Moony, what else would I live for?”
“Are you ever going to stop doing that?” he asked.
“Probably not,” Sirius had replied, grinning at him. “It’s too much fun.”
“Why do you even bother?” Remus said. “You know I don’t understand a single word of what you’re saying. Why don’t you go talk to someone who speaks French?”
“Because then they’d know what I was saying,” Sirius replied simply. He had refused to answer any more of his questions.
Remus had needed to spend that night in the hospital wing again. All night, Sirius’ voice rang through his head but every time he tried to make something coherent of it, actually words or letters or even sounds, he couldn’t. He could never remember what Sirius had said long enough to actually look it up or ask anyone.
But lately, Remus had noticed that Sirius had been repeating the same sentence in French practically every day. He recognises the sound of the words in Sirius’ mouth.
So today, Remus waited until he was alone with Sirius, waited for Sirius to say what Remus knew he would. And when he did Remus repeated the words in his head a million times until he remembered them. And now Remus was in the library and looking up the words in a dictionary. 
He knew that he could’ve gone to Lily and asked her to translate it for him but he didn’t want to. He knows it’s stupid but he feels like this is something that Sirius is saying to him and only to him. Remus had never heard Sirius whisper in French to anyone else. And as much as Remus pretended to be annoyed by it, he actually liked that he had this with Sirius. He liked that they had something that was just their own. And even though it was probably nothing, he didn’t want to share it with Lily right now.
Chaque jour je tombe plus amoureux de toi. That was the sentence. Remus looked up each word individually and came to the conclusion that he must have heard wrong or maybe the words were spelt differently to how they were pronounced. Because there was no way in hell that Sirius had said these words to him. It was impossible. Right? Remus didn’t know. And he knew that the only way he could be sure was by asking Lily. He had asked Sirius a million times to no avail. And he needs to know what Sirius has been saying to him, especially now that there’s a chance… No, Remus tells himself, you just translated wrong. Don’t get your hopes up. So Remus gives in. He’d rather ask Lily and find out what Sirius has been saying to him every day for the last month than keep this to himself without even understanding it.
“Hey Lily,” he started, getting her attention. Remus had waited until the two of them were alone, just in case he had translated right. Which he hadn’t. He knows he translated it wrong. But he’d still rather nobody knew about it. “What does ‘chaque jour je tombe plus amoureux de toi’ mean?” He fumbled across the words a bit, hearing how terrible his pronunciation was. Lily looked at him, her eyebrows raised.
“Where on earth did you hear that sentence?” she asked.
“I read it somewhere,” Remus lied easily. “So what does it mean?”
“It means ‘every day, I fall more in love with you.’” Remus’ jaw dropped open. “Remus, who told you they’re in love with you?”
“What? Nobody! What makes you think someone said that to me?”
“You said that you read that sentence somewhere but if you had read it, you would have no idea how to pronounce it. Besides the look on your face when I told you what it means is more than enough. So who was it?”
“None of your business,” he said. “But y–you’re kidding, right? That’s not actually what it means. Right?”
“No, I’m not kidding, Rem. That’s what it means,” she replied, laughing at the look on his face. “Come on, tell me who it was.”
“No fucking way,” Remus said. “Besides, they’re probably joking. I mean… no, they’re definitely joking.” Lily shrugged.
“Just ask them,” she said. “And then you have to tell me who your secret admirer is.” She poked him in the side.
“Stooooop,” he said, jumping away from her and laughing against his will. “I’m going.” He got up and started walking away.
“Have fun with your mystery lover,” she called after him without looking back. Remus rolled his eyes but his mind was racing. So apparently he hadn’t been wrong. That was what Sirius had said to him. What does this even mean? He’s teasing you, said a voice in his head, like always. Sirius doesn’t love you. Not like that. But he said he does. Don’t be stupid. Sirius isn’t in love with you. He’s joking. Like always.
The next time Sirius said it, they were in the Room of Requirement. Sirius had ambushed Remus in the middle of his prefect rounds with Lily levitating a cardboard box in midair. Typical. He had practically given Remus a heart attack by interrupting his conversation with Lily, leaving Remus to wonder just how much of the conversation he had overheard.
“So have you talked to your mystery French lover yet?” Lily had teased. Remus groaned.
“No, I haven’t,” he said. “And I probably won’t.”
“Why not?” Lily demanded. “They’re being very romantic, Remus, you should at least appreciate their effort.”
“I’d appreciate it more if they’d just tell me what the fuck they want instead of sending me coded messages that they know I don’t understand,” Remus grumbled.
“Moonyyyyy,” Sirius said, coming up from behind him. Remus jumped, turning around, heart racing in his chest.
“Sirius? What are you doing here?” he asked. “You know it’s after hours, right?” Sirius snorted.
“Yes, Remus, I am fully aware of the fact that I’m breaking a school rule,” he said, smirking.
“Are you aware that technically Remus and I have to turn you in?” Lily said.
“Ah, but do you really plan on doing that, Evans?” Sirius asked.
“That depends,” she replied. “Why are you here?”
“Right,” Sirius remembered, then he turned to Remus. “James forgot to put this box with the rest of the stuff for tomorrow so I said I’d take it. And you’re coming with me.”
“Remind me why again?” Remus said.
“Moony, come on, don’t make me go alone. I’ll be lonely,” Sirius pouted.
“You are insufferable, did you know that?”
“And yet, you’ve tolerated me for 6 years now.”
“Yeah, the keyword there is ‘tolerated’,” Remus said, rolling his eyes. “Lils…” he started, turning to her.
“Nope,” she said before he could even ask. “No way. You are not leaving me to do these rounds alone because then I’ll die of boredom. So unless you want me to tell McGonagall that your planning something for tomorrow, you’re going to finish this floor with me and then I’ll go back to the common room and you can do whatever the fuck you want.”
“Evans…” Sirius pouted.
“Nope, that’s non-negotiable, Black. Also, do I want to ask?” She gestured to the hovering box.
“The less you know, the better,” he said. “Although, I would avoid the classrooms near the dungeons tomorrow if I were you.” She nodded and Remus thought he saw her smile slightly for a second.
“You go on, I’ll catch up,” he said to Sirius, knowing that Lily’s mind would not be changed. He couldn’t blame her. He wouldn’t have let her leave him to finish this chore alone either. She was right, it was painstakingly boring. Which is why he would much rather be with Sirius. But it was only fair that he finished tonight’s rounds with her; she did cover for him around the full moon, after all.
Sirius pouted but knew better than to argue and turned to go to the Room of Requirement. Remus watched him and he disappeared up a flight of stairs. Only then did he notice Lily was smirking at him.
“What?” he asked, sounding a bit defensive.
“So Sirius is your secret French admirer?” she said.
“W–What?” he spluttered. “What makes you think that?”
“Well, for one, the look on your face when he showed up right behind us while we were talking about your mystery lover,” Lily said. “It was the look people make when you’ve just been talking about someone and then they show up and you’re worried that they may have overheard you.”
“That… is a very specific look,” Remus said, avoiding the question she was asking.
“Then you smiled at him when you called him insufferable,” she said.
“So it was one of those I’m-smiling-at-you-while-I’m-teasing-you-cause-I’m-secretly-in-love-with-you smiles.”
“Again, that's a very specific expression,” he said.
“Look, I know you like him, so will you just admit it already?”
“Why? What good would that information do you? It’s for me to worry about and for Sirius to never discover, ever.”
“Remus, you’re kidding, right?” she said. “Sirius literally told you that he loves you, in French no less.”
“Exactly, Lily. In French. If he actually meant it, why would he say it in a language that he knows I don’t understand? He just knew that I would look it up and he wanted to make some joke.”
“I really don’t think so, Remus,” Lily said, shaking her head. “I think he really loves you.”
“He doesn’t,” Remus said. “He can’t. Not like that.”
“Remus, do you love him?” she asked. Remus closed his eyes.
“Yeah,” he said quietly. “I love him.”
“So why are you doing this to yourself? Just ask him what he meant when he said it. You don’t even have to tell him anything, just ask him what he meant.”
“But… what if he says it was a joke?”
“First of all, I don’t think he will,” Lily said. “But if he does, that’s what you’re expecting, isn’t it? It won’t be a surprise or anything.”
“I know, I know, I just…” Remus sighed and looked away from her. “I don’t think I’m ready to hear him say it. To be properly rejected.”
“Oh, Rem,” she said. They had reached the end of the corridor and Lily stopped to hug him. “Obviously I’m not going to make you do anything. You know what I think. Go find Sirius now, he’ll be waiting for you. Do what you think is right.”
“Yeah,” Remus said, hugging her back. “Yeah, okay.” So Lily went in the direction of the common room and Remus went to the Room of Requirement.
He found Sirius sitting with his back against the wall, the box beside him.
“You’re an idiot,” Remus told him, trying to put the conversation with Lily out of his mind. “You’re practically begging to get caught.” Sirius shrugged.
“I was waiting for you,” he said. “Come on, let’s go in.” They paced back and forth in front of the wall three times. We need a place to hide our things, Remus thought. A door appeared and Sirius opened it, leading the box in with his wand. They had been here before to hide loads of things. The room was pretty cluttered from years of students dumping their things in it but they knew where exactly to hide the box so that they’d be able to find it tomorrow when they needed it. Remus followed Sirius through aisles upon aisles of junk, looking at all the broken, discarded things people threw in here.
They found the corner where they’d left everything else and Sirius added the box to the rest of the pile.
“Are we done here?” Remus asked.
“Yep, we can leave now,” Sirius said. They had started walking back towards the door when Remus heard Sirius say it from behind him.
“Chaque jour je tombe plus amoureux de toi.” Remus turns to him and stops him in his tracks.
“Pads, why do you keep saying that? Who are you talking to?”
“Remus, you are aware that you’re the only one here right? I’m talking to you.”
“Then why… why are you—?”
“I know, I know, you don’t understand French,” Sirius says. “That’s why it's fun. It’s amusing to know something that you don’t, for once.”
“Sirius… I know what that sentence means,” Remus says quietly. Sirius’ neck snaps up.
“I know what that sentence means,” Remus repeats.
“No, you don’t,” Sirius says, shaking his head.
“Yeah, I do. I asked Lily after the last time you said it. She translated for me.”
“Fuck, I didn’t know Lily could speak French,” Sirius says, rubbing a hand over his face. “So… so this whole time you’ve known what I’m saying? So you know that I… you know that I… oh god, Remus I’m sorry. I didn’t mean… I didn’t want to… I was just…” Sirius starts to back away, shaking his head and looking anywhere but at Remus. Remus reaches out and grabs his hand.
“Don’t go,” Remus says. “Sirius. Is it a joke? Are you making a joke? Actually, no, don’t tell me. Cause if it’s a joke I’d rather you bury me under all the crap in this room and spare me the pain.”
“It’s not a joke, is it?” Remus asked, a pleading look in his eyes.
“No,” Sirius said, softly. “It’s not a joke. I’m sorry, Remus, I didn’t mean to—”
“Shh,” Remus said, pressing a finger to Sirius’ lips. “Sirius,” Remus tucked Sirius’ hair behind his ear. Remus was vaguely aware of Sirius stepping towards him, towards his touch. “I love you, too.” Sirius gapes at him
“Really?” he whispers.
“Yeah,” Remus says. He’s still holding Sirius’ hand. He pulls Sirius closer and lets his other hand graze Sirius’ cheek.
“Puis-je t'embrasser?” Sirius whispers.
“Pads, I… I don’t know what that means.” Sirius lets out a small laugh and looks down at the floor. Then he looks back up at Remus, his grey eyes glistening in the last sliver of sunlight. He’s biting his lip.
“Can I kiss you?”
“Please,” Remus says, without thinking. He feels the blush blooming on his cheeks but Sirius is already kissing him, rising on his tip-toes to make his lips reach Remus’. Remus feels electric currents dancing around his body, unable to contain the excitement. He’s kissing Sirius. Sirius is kissing him back. Sirius loves him. Sirius loves him in the same way that he loves Sirius. Sirius is snaking his hands around Remus’ waist pulling him closer. Sirius’ hair is soft, tangled between his fingers. Sirius is here, in his arms, and it’s everything Remus has been wanting and more.
“Wait, so now can you tell me everything you’ve been saying in French the whole time?” They’re sitting in the same large armchair, hands still linked together, legs tucked against their chests, knees and thighs and hips pressed together. Remus is very aware of every point where his skin is making contact with Sirius’. He’s counting them.
They found the armchair in the Room of Requirement; it’s unclear to them whether the chair is something that’s been dumped in the room by somebody else or if the room conjured it up because they were looking for it. 
Neither one of them wants to go back to the common room yet. Remus doesn’t want to see Lily’s smirk and to have to admit she was right at the moment. He’ll do that tomorrow. Right now, all he wants is to be with Sirius. To press little kisses to his nose, his cheeks, his jaw, his lips just because he can.
“Oh god,” Sirius says, burying his face in between Remus’ shoulder and the back of the armchair. “It’s like you want me to embarrass myself.”
“This surprises you?” Remus kisses the corner of his mouth. Then his jaw. Then his neck. Just because he can. “Please.”
“Ah fine,” Sirius gives in. “Um, what do you want to know?”
“What did you say that day at the lake?” Remus asks.
“Oh that. I said, ‘on devrait t’arrêter pour excès de beauté sur la voie publique’. It means uh… ugh, you’re going to laugh at me for this. It means ‘you should be arrested for excessive beauty in public’,” Sirius said, blushing. Remus rolled his eyes but he felt his cheeks heat too. He smiles a little.
“What about that day on the Astronomy Tower?” he continues.
“Ugh,” Sirius buries his face in his hands. “You’re trying to kill me. I said, ‘il y a tellement de soleil dans tes yeux que je bronze quand tu me regardes’. Which means, uh… ‘there’s so much sun in your eyes that I get a tan when you look at me.’”
“You’re quite the poet, aren’t you?” Remus smiles. “And what about tonight?”
“I thought you said you knew what that meant,” Sirius says. “Or were you bluffing the whole time?”
“No, I know what it means,” Remus says. “I just want to hear you say it. In English this time, please.”
“So demanding,” Sirius teases. “I’ve said it in French a million times already and you want me to say it in English? What difference does it make?”
“Well, none to you, you speak both languages.”
“Oh, alright,” Sirius says. It’s the first time Remus has seen his face really go red. He decides he likes it. “Every day I fall more in love with you.” Remus can’t hide his smile, nor does he want to, as he leans in to kiss Sirius. He brushes his lips against Sirius’ timidly before connecting them, his hand caressing Sirius’ cheek. Remus loses count of the points of contact between him and Sirius as their bodies melt together and Remus worries that he’s about to wake up from a dream. But when he feels Sirius’ hand gently tracing the scars on his hand he knows that this is real, that Sirius can really love him. Sirius does love him.
People come to the Room of Requirement to throw things away, to hide things that they don’t want anybody else to know about, to leave things they never want to see again. But that night, Remus didn’t just leave something in the Room of Requirement. He found something, too.
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Drv3 boys request. Best friend-crush reader constantly gets confessed to and hit on bcuz of their beaty and very admirable personality, but alway declines(cuz they like the boys). The boys want to ask out reader but is scared they’ll reject them like the others and it would ruin their friendship. How would they react when reader suddenly makes a big romantic gesture and ask them out instead?
I didn't expect the last part of this ask Aaaa that's amazing.
V3 boys with a crush that constantly gets confessed to... That confesses to them!
Ryoma Hoshi
Do you really think that he even thought of confessing to you? All those people he witnessed confessing to you made you extremely uncomfortable.
So there's no way that he's going to say it and be another person on this list. He's perfectly fine being your close friend. Actually it's more than enough.
It's a bit funny really. He doubts any possible feelings you may or may not have for him while you reject everyone just to be with him.
But it's not like he thought it'd be good for you to like him. Heck he thought that you being friends was a bit dangerous for you.
So even if you shared mutual feelings it doesn't really mean that he would accept it. There was a slight possibility that he'd reject you.
You were aware of this possibility, but you still wanted to try. You had to!
You had the flowers, the time and the place. Ryoma was a little early but it's not like you were possibly bothered by it.
He was a bit surprised to see you holding flowers but there was no way it could-
You turn towards him and give him the flowers. But the most shocking part was you asking him to date you.
He wanted to think that you're joking but he knew you weren't. His silence made you anxious.
"So... You rejected everyone because you liked me? Geez you have an odd taste kiddo" he joked still not believing it was happening "I might not deserve it but- I feel the same about you"
Gonta Gokuhara
It was a bit weird when people had the guts to confess to you while you were hanging out with him.
The fact that someone wanted to tell you something while you spend time with him didn't bother him... But the fact that it made you uncomfortable did.
So he wanted to help you. Picking less crowded places, trying to make you appear busy. He asked if you agreed for him doing so. The second you change your mind he'll stop.
But you had just the thing that would stop at least the ones that are decent and know when to back off.
And it's of course confessing to Gonta and if he likes you back your relationship will be official right away.
You didn't do it to use him obviously- you liked him for a long time and what I just said was a joke.
You wanted this to be special since he was special. You thought about your favorite places and found a perfect option.
There was a lake where you often could see lots of dragonflies. And although it's not his favorite kind of a bug this lake is one of the first special places he took you to. So it had that sentimental points.
When he showed up you decided to first have a warm conversation before you told him how you feel.
The grass was soft but not as soft as he felt when you told him this. He was overjoyed and did speak ever so slightly louder.
"Gonta would love to be with Y/N! Gonta swears to make Y/N happy everyday!"
It took him a while to figure out his feelings... When he did things got a bit awkward for him.
He was scared to change things between you two... But he wanted things to change. He wanted to be with you, to be able to hold your hand, be the reason why you're smiling and to make you feel how he feels around you.
He didn't wanted to be like all those people saying sweet nothings out of nowhere, disturbing you and even being rude to you when you reject them.
But of course those things are something he wouldn't dare to do... He just didn't wanted you to think that he's like those people.
There was no other choice, he had to grin and bear it. With time you had realized and connected the dots that he liked you too and you couldn't be more happy.
Even though it was just a silly assumption the very thought of being with Kiibo just made your day.
Now it was time to make that thought into reality! And you had a silly plan that probably would work.
You were listening to music together- but between the songs there was one audio file of your confession.
While you cringed at the sound of your recorded voice he was shocked.
He didn't really believe what was happening so he asked if you recorded it. When you admitted to it he didn't really know how to react.
"I- uhm- I like you to. Sorry I just don't know what to say, I'm so happy!"
Kaito Momota
He was over the moon about his feelings for you actually, but he had no problem keeping it to himself.
Knowing how many people made you uncomfortable with their confessions he thought it'd be best if he waited it out and most importantly respect and ask what your feelings are in the first place.
He didn't really think when he asked if you liked anyone. But as he found out that yes, there was someone he was ready to support you.
Although he'd be lying if he said he wasn't jealous... Or angry about the fact that you won't tell him who you like.
He'd try to guess but he couldn't. At that point he thought that he did guess at one point and you just said no anyways.
You knew that with him you had to be straightforward. Of course he probably would be able to tell your intentions but it'd be ideal to let him know without having to worry if he thinks it's platonic.
So you were ready for anything even to bluntly correct him.
When you were hanging out he noticed that you were acting a bit differently and he thought it was becouse he was forcing you to tell him who do you like so you're trying to be cautious around him.
So he apologized for that and ended up giving a few hints that he might like you back.
It gave you some confidence boost so you had a perfect opportunity to strike, and that's exactly what you did.
"What!? It was me all that time!?... You could've just said so. I was worried that I'll never get to tell you how I feel"
Shuichi Saihara
He tried to pay no attention to all those people who declare their love to you. Some were flashy with their confession while some just told you about their feelings.
He was a bit jealous over all those admirers... Not because you had so many. It was because he wished to be as brave as them and tell you how he feels.
But it's not like he could easily admit to it himself. He just didn't know what to say and with each admirer he became more and more scared.
One day he just asked- okay more just blurted out the question if you liked someone.
You weren't lying when you said yes, but you needed some time before you tell him you-know-what.
So his any interest to confess to you was out of the window. But he prepared himself to support you and your future partner.
His question prompted you to step up and finally confess. Since he's definitely going to start guessing.
That was what you assumed, Shuichi didn't actually want to know who you fell for. He only "knew" that it wasn't him.
You decided to confess in a bit risky way. What I mean is: you left a confession letter inside a novel you let him borrow. It could fall out at any time!
You were worried this might happen but soon enough you got a message from him.
He would call you and thought a lot about doing so but he knew he'd be at loss of words so he just decided to text you instead.
"Do you really like me?" this was a sign that he did in fact get your letter.
After that you texted for a while but as to his feelings for you, he decided that he'll try to tell you in person.
Rantaro Amami
He never paid much attention to his feelings. So even when he realized that he's in love he knew he shouldn't say anything.
Looking how many people you rejected he thought you weren't interested in anyone at all.
Of course there were some people you considered strangers. But there were few that were close to you too.
And hey being friends with you was super fun. So why should he make things awkward by letting know how he feels?
You can't have everything in the world and for Rantaro just your smile was enough.
While he set his feelings aside you were preparing yourself to confess.
You decided to strike at a perfect time. The beautiful sight before you (other than Rantaro obviously) the warm atmosphere...
You said it. Without regrets, you couldn't stop yourself. He was a bit surprised but he didn't let you wait long for his answer.
"Hah... I don't really know what to say at a time like this... Can I kiss you instead and let it be my answer?"
Kokichi Ouma
He saw you reject people so often he swears he knows the outcome just by the look on your face. Even when you politely decline and show no signs that you'll say no he still can tell.
If someone really messes it up he's gonna joke about this later with you. He just wanted to make you laugh so you won't have to worry about it much.
You might not like the idea so much but it happened when someone crossed the line and made you feel uncomfortable so you didn't feel that bad...
And it DEFINITELY doesn't make him anxious about confessing... Impossible- he would never.
Of course he's not like those idiots who don't even know you. And in the end he can turn it into a joke if he messes it up.
But the memory would probably haunt him and not let him sleep at night, so he rathers not risking it.
So you had to make the move. It was a bit hard but you knew how to get to him. You had to wait for your "making fun of people who confessed to you" session to do that.
That's when you mentioned that you were interested in someone and now it was the best time to make things obvious.
He was ready to tease the living shit out of you and hoped you'd share the news. But you made him guess.
It was interesting to hear the names he'd assume before himself. So you spoiled the fun.
"Aww Y/N I almost got it! That's not fair" he crossed his arms "But since you're really dying to be with me I suppose I can entertain you from now on in a bit different way"
Korekiyo Shinguji
He's observant and he's pretty sure somehow he saw all of the confessions so far. Some were creative while some incredibly creepy.
He did make a joke once about you being so popular just to see your reaction. It was interesting that you rejected everyone even those he assumed you were close with.
A little tease like this can show him how you view those interactions. He wanted to know if you find it amusing or heartbreaking.
Whatever your answer was he acknowledged it and knew that from now on it'd be better to keep his feelings to himself.
He was entertained enough just being with you as you were so he didn't really care that he has to ignore his heart's call.
You were beautiful, the special kind of beauty within you was something he could witness every day. What more he could ask for?
Only if he knew what you were up to... It'd ruin the surprise!
You studied the language of flowers just so when you give him the special bouquet you'd tell him meaning of each flower.
He was of course already aware of those but since you were telling them about it he knew that it was supposed to mirror your feelings.
"To believe that I was blind to your feelings all this time... Let me make this up to you"
~Mod Angie
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nattyslover · 3 years
two wise unknown people
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picture NOT mine credit: @castielbarnes
loki x gn!reader
f l u f f
warnings: loki episode 3 spoilers!!, mistakes?
wc: 2k
Today has been a hectic day so far. First started off with a few minute-men,Mobius and Loki alongside you going to Alabama 2050 to try to catch the variant in an apocalypse but went downhill when you got enchanted by the variant and then got passed out. The only thing you can remember was being picked up bridal style and carried through a portal going to the TVA. Once Loki followed the variant and ended up in the TVA he gently woke you up telling you to follow him. Loki grabbed his daggers from the locker hunter b-15 stored.
Following Loki through the halls of the TVA, minute-men on the ground passed out, or they looked passed out. When you caught up with the variant, Loki and her started to fight. Loki got thrown, you tried to stop her before she killed him. Throwing a few punches here and there, and dodging a few you wrapped your legs around her neck and flipped her to the ground were you grabbed Loki’s dagger and brought it to her throat leaving her defenseless. out of breath you opened your mouth to say something but was interrupted by Ravonna and two minute men on both of her sides with those look alike glow sticks. While you looked up at Ravonna, the variant got a hold of the dagger and flipped you on the group about to stab you but Loki came up from behind her and got the TemPad and opened another portal underneath all of you and fell through.
You ended up on a moon called Lamentis-1 2077 where a planet was going to destroy everything and everyone. The TemPad is dead and needs to be charged but in order to charge it, it needs to have a lot of energy. You found out the variant is now named Sylvie or wants to be called that. You still didn’t trust her since she tried to kill you multiple times but yet again you fell in love with a man just like that. You found out that there is an ark where people are getting on in order to escape this coming disaster. You will have to take a train to get there.
Loki disguised himself to look like one of the men guards and took you and Sylvie as “hostages” to Shuroo by orders. One of the men in charge of looking at tickets wasn’t buying all of that and just as your cover was about to be blown, Sylvie touched his arm and enchanted him so you could board the train. And that’s how you ended up here, on the train going to the ark to charge the TemPad to get back to the TVA.
The doors slowly opened, and stepping inside the train there were people that you could tell were high class. The walls were green and there was a small bar in the middle and all around the room were tables with booths. “Good evening, passengers. Hi.” Loki said to everyone while still holding you and Sylvie by the arms. Sylvie sits down in a booth, and you follow by sitting on the opposite side of her.
“Um-“ Loki starts hesitantly, “Uh look, I can't go backwards on a train.” You snickered at that trying to cover it with a cough. Loki looks at you glaring but with a small smile rolling his eyes before Sylvie starts to talk.
“Well, I never sit with my back to the door.” She says, turning her head away.
You scoff, “what? there are doors on both sides.” Loki said, looking around.
“Oh, just sit down.” you told Loki, grabbing his arm and yanking him to your side.
There was little silence before Sylvie spoke up. “FYI that wasn’t even a plan.”
“Oh really?” replied Loki. “plans have multiple steps, dressing as a guard and getting on a train is just doing a thing.” said Sylvie with a scoff.
Loki shifts his jaw, and about to open his mouth but is interrupted by you.
“Oh, are you a bit tired? feel free to, you know, get some rest.” you tell Sylvie after you see her yawning.
She glared at you before grunting and rolling her eyes. “I can't sleep in a place like this.”
“You can’t sleep on a train.?'' Loki asks. “No, I can’t sleep around untrustworthy people.” she replies leaning over the table staring Loki right in the eye. “Oh right, is that me?” “You feel free to take a nap.” “No you can.” “I already told you I can't.” “Right because untrustworthy people.” you had enough of their bickering.
“Shut it!” you whispered and shouted at the pair. they both stopped and looked at you. ”Just shut it.” you tell them again before leaning back and taking a deep breath.
Sylvie looks out the window while Loki keeps staring at you. “What?” he doesn’t respond, he just keeps looking at you. “Why are you staring at me like that?” you ask. He just smiles and taps his shoulder, motioning for you to lay your head on him. You comply and lay your head on his shoulder while he grabs one of your hands and holds it under the table before he kisses your head.
Seconds later you fall into a deep slumber. Loki looks down at you with a loving smile thinking how lucky he is to have you even if your relationship isn’t a romantic one. He tore his gaze from you to Sylvie, “So, where’d you learn to do the..” Loki motioning his hands while he speaks. “You know, the… whatever i-“ “I taught myself” Sylvie interrupted Loki, knowing what he’s asking.
Loki's eyes went wide. “You taught yourself?” he asked in disbelief.
“Yeah I did.”Sylvie replied, shaking her head.
“Do you just go into their minds and project some sort of illusion?”
“It’ll be easier if i just-“ bringing her hands to Loki’s head.
“Enchant me and take the TemPad and lead me out of the train? No thank you.” Loki tells her slapping her hands away but being careful so he doesn’t wake you.
“Well then don’t ask.” Sylvie leans back with an emotionless expression.
“You almost woke up y/n by the way.” Loki informs her, looking down at you sleeping still.
“Did not.” “Did to” “Did not” “Did to” “Not” “To” “Not” “T-“ they were interrupted by you stirring a little bit while still asleep. Loki let out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding before getting the last word in. “Did to.”
A lady comes by the table a few seconds later asking if anyone wants champagne. “Champagne?”
“Ah yes, thank you very much.” Loki says to the lady without hesitation.
The lady moves over to Sylvie where she replies with a dull answer, “No i’m good thanks” with no emotion.
“Oh i’ll take hers, thank you” Loki grabs the other glass of champagne and with that the lady walks away. Sylvie looks at Loki with a raised eyebrow, questioning him.
“For y/n when they wake up” Loki says knowing what Sylvie was asking about.
“Cheers,” Loki says, clinking the two glasses together, “To the end of the world.” Loki takes a sip.
“I pity the old woman who chose to die, don’t you think?”
“She was in love.”
“Mmm-, she hated him”
“Maybe love is hate” Sylvie replies back smirking.
Loki conjures a quill and paper. “What was that? ‘love is… love is hate.’”
“Oh, piss off!”
Loki makes the items disappear before going back to the subject of love while pouring your glass of champagne to his.
“Is there a lucky beau waiting for you at the end of this crusade?” Loki asks while raising the glass to his lips.
“Yeah there is actually.” She responds easily.
“Oh,” Loki takes a sip.
“Managed to maintain a quite a serious long-distance relationship with a postman while running across time from one apocalypse to the another.” Sylvie says sarcastically.
Loki chuckles lightly, “Witch charm like that who could resist you?” Loki jokes.
Sylvie smiles a little looking down before looking up at Loki, “How about you? wait, don't answer that you have y/n.”
Loki's eyes went wide,“What? I-I dont- me and y/n we aren’t together.” Loki is a stuttering mess.
“You aren’t? Really? I don't buy that.” Sylvie says slightly surprised. “Y’all are practically in love with each other, I keep catching you staring at them and vice versa. Y’all have the love look in your guys eyes when one looks at the other, quite frankly it’s sickening.” Sylvie says, gagging a little but smiling.
Loki turns red after he hears that. Has he really been that obvious of his staring problem? Has he really been that oblivious to not notice you staring at him? Do you know he stares at you? Do you feel the same as him? No you couldn’t possibly feel the same- could you?
Loki's brain was hurting from overthinking and asking himself over and over again if there is a chance you could feel the same as he does for you. Loki takes a deep breath before looking at you then back up at sylvie.
“Why don’t you tell them?” Sylvie asks before he has a chance to speak.
Loki thinks for a moment, remembering something he read that stuck with him, “‘Friendship Or Love... It's really hard to choose, though sometimes friendship ends in love. If romance ends, it's hard to return to friendship.’ but also ‘Over thinking ruins you, ruins the situation, twists things around and just makes everything much worse than what it actually is’ do you know the two people who said that?”
Sylvie shakes her head no. “Two wise unknown people said that. Not knowing that their words would relate to almost everyone who is in love with their best friend but doesn’t want to ruin the friendship if something happens.” Loki is rubbing his thumb on your hand looking down at your sleeping figure. “To answer your question ‘why don’t I tell them?’ it’s because I overthink and because I don’t want to ruin something so great just because I want something more. I would rather stay friends forever than get into a relationship not knowing if it will last forever.” Loki says honestly.
Sylvie doesn’t say anything for a few seconds and just looks between you and Loki. “That's with every relationship.” Loki looks up, encouraging her to continue. “Whether it's friendship or a romantic relationship you don’t know if it will last forever. no one does.” Sylvie laughs a little , “Not even the time keepers. you know why? because they can’t decide your future for you, no one can, only you.”
“The timekeepers know everything.”
“Do they? Then why are you here? They didn’t know you would change the timeline and come here did they? The time keepers didn’t plan on having you at the TVA. So who says they know everyone's futures? Because from the looks of it, they don’t know everything that happens in the future.” Sylvie finished with a sigh.
Loki stares at Sylvie, surprised that they had this conversation with each other even though not even 24 hours ago they were trying to kill each other and now they are talking about love and being honest and open.
Sylvie shakes her head before clearing her throat, “I need to get rest so you do your thing and i’ll do mine got it?” Loki nods and Sylvie gets comfortable and closes her eyes.
Loki just sits there looking at you before him, getting comfortable himself with your head still on his shoulder, closing his eyes and letting rest take over him in a matter of seconds.
You open your eyes looking at Sylvie before looking at Loki, slightly shocked because of two things. One they had a full conversation that didn’t include any arguing or childlike behavior and two you just heard your best friend talk about his love for you.
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pepper-up-potion · 3 years
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Starry nights (Remus Lupin x fem!reader)
Summary: Remus has a crush on reader but never directly admits it so reader grows impatient and fesses up before him.
Warnings: the mention of the word penis (not in a sexual way it’s a joke more specifically the penis game where u say the word lowered and lowered in a public place), nothing else, it’s just fluff
Word count: 1783 words
A/n: Once again a fic inspired by my relationship 🙈. I feel like Remus is one of those people that thinks you’re already dating and forgets to make it official (much like my bf) so I wrote a fic about that. Hope you like it :)
(Y/n) is scribbling away trying to finish her astronomy paper about Jupiter’s moons before the end of her free period. She’s gone up to the library where she expects no distractions and absolute silence.
This wish is met until she arrives at her concluding paragraph. Laughs erupt from the front entrance of the library and she suspects that is all the work she is going to get done before class. Three boys sit down in front of her while she finishes her sentence. She finally looks up at Sirius, James and Remus who have just started playing the penis game.
“Penis” James whispers.
“Penis” says Sirius with a normal register. The few students close by turn their heads and look in disapproval. To this the boys start howling with laughter.
Remus fills his lungs and gets ready to scream but she cuts him off.
“Shhhh. You’ll get us kicked out.” She whispers with her eyes narrowed.
Remus looks at her apologetically as he releases the air from his lungs. “Sorry” he mumbles, cheeks red.
“We’re bored y/n come hang out with us.” Says James with a whiny voice.
“Don’t you have work to do?” She whispers sharply. Maybe if Madam Pince sees her whispering she’ll only kick out the boys and let her stay and finish her paper.
“Ughh who caressss” groans Sirius.
“We were thinking of playing a short game of quidditch. Do you wanna come with us?” Remus whispers.
“It sounds fun but I really want to finish this paper before my next class.” His face falls when she declines but he quickly covers it with an acknowledging nod.
“nerd.” Coughs Sirius.
She sticks her tongue out at him making them chuckle.
They quickly realize she isn’t going to budge and before she knows it, they were gone. Grateful for the peace and quiet she focuses back to her paper and writes down another sentence. As she ponders on what to write next she looks up and notices a small bit of folded parchment that had not been there before the boys came to visit.
Looking around to make sure it couldn’t be someone else's, she reaches out and unfolds the paper. Maybe she will recognize one of the boys’ writing and give it back to them.
Meet me at the boathouse at 10:00 tonight. -Mooney
Her stomach fills with butterflies and a deep blush tints her cheeks. It’s been a month now they’ve been going on what feels like dates. It’s always just the two of them, the activity always more romantic than the last. Remus walks her back to her common room every time and there’s the occasional hand hold during these night excursions. Neither of them have addressed how they feel about each other. It’s like a secret they’re both trying to keep from each other. A belief that it’s better left unsaid. Sometimes she wonders what would happen if she told him how she felt.
Remus is standing at the edge of the harbor looking out at the still water.
“Should I have brought a bathing suit? Or maybe a life jacket? How good are you with boats?” She jokes with a quizzical brow.
Remus does a fast 180 and smiles wide as soon as he sees her face.
“Do you trust me (y/n)?” He asks, smirking.
I trust you more than anyone. I’ve never felt safer than when I’m with you. It’s what she wants to say. She looks in his soft eyes. It’s like he knows the answer already. She settles with a small nod instead.
He grabs her hand and guides her to one of the small boats. He steps in first, offering his hand to help her next. With the flick of his wand the boat moves forward.
“Where are we going?” She asks, already a few guesses in mind.
“You’ll see.” He smirks.
It’s mid-October and she can already feel the cold wind stinging her cheeks as the boat moves away from the castle and into the darkness. They mostly ride in silence. There’s the occasional question and anecdote about their day but they don’t really feel it’s necessary to fill the silence.
“Were here” he says after a while.
“What do you mean we're here? There’s nothing here but water!” She says in somewhat of a panic.
“No love, look behind you.” The surname makes her stomach knot on itself and she feels her cheeks turn that familiar pink. She still can’t believe how easily he can get her all flustered.
She turns at the same time as the boat docks onto an island.
“This is bowtruckle island.” Remus says as he climbs out of the boat and gives her a hand out. “I come here when I need some time away from the boys. This is the only place they don’t know I go to. I call it my safe haven.”
She laughs but after looking at the small island, she sort of understands what he means. “There’s something sort of serene about this place. I can see why you like it.”
“Exactly.” He looks at her in absolute admiration. He knew she would see it too, it’s like she understands him perfectly, she feels what he feels.
For a moment they both stand awkwardly on the shore before Remus pulls out a pack. He walks towards the large tree that almost takes up the whole surface of the island. He pulls a blanket and two small pillows from the pack and lays them out on the ground. He looks up at (y/n) and points to one of the pillows.
“I thought we could look at the stars together.” He suggests.
She smiles and nods in agreement. She never knew Remus could be such a romantic until they started these “dates”.
Their conversations flow smoothly as they talk about the stars and classes and funny memories, getting more and more familiar with one another. They eventually fall into a comfortable silence. The rhythmic sound of the water swishing onto the shore helps her drift away into her thoughts. She wishes she could stay there forever. She feels at her best when she’s with Remus. She thinks maybe she should tell him that. Maybe she should tell him everything she’s ever thought about him. How badly she wants to kiss him. How much she wishes they could be a couple and walk around the school hand in hand to rub in everyone’s face that they are together. How she’s had a crush on him ever since he smiled and shook her hand when they first met in second year.
Her thoughts are interrupted by a sudden warm feeling around her hand. Remus had intertwined his fingers with hers. She turns her head towards him and they lock eyes. There’s a hopeful glint in his eyes. He turns his body a bit to face her and leans forward. She closes her eyes in anticipation for their first kiss when a strong gust of wind swoops their way. It sends a strong shiver down her spine and immediately kills the moment as she curls into herself and unintentionally moves away from Remus.
“Cold?” He whispers. It’s soft but there’s a light growl indicating he’s bummed. He sits up and grabs another blanket from his bag and unfolds it.
“This should hel-“
“What is this Remus?” It comes off much harsher than she had anticipated but she hardly had time to think before she spat out the words. She thinks maybe it would have been better to say any of the things she had been thinking before he went in for a kiss but she’s quite flustered. She’s fallen for Remus years ago and her feelings grow stronger every time they see each other. She just wants more clarity on what is going on between them and she’s growing impatient about it.
“What?” A panicked look crosses his face. “It’s a blanket...?” He tries.
“No Remus, I mean this.” She sits up and gestures to her surroundings. He furrows his brows in confusion. “Well, you’ve been planning these elaborate and romantic nights where we hold hands and do couple things and I have so much fun every time and I feel like we get along really well and I really like you, like I wouldn’t want to do this with anyone else because you’re so kind and caring and thoughtful and funny and you smell good and you have nice hair and you’re the only person I want to take home to meet my parents and then kiss in my room afterwards.” She rambles out in one breath. Remus chuckles with a look of pure delight on his face as (y/n) pants completely out of breath, cheeks tomato red from the blunt confession.
“Do I have to wait until I meet your parents to kiss you?” He asks. She can’t tell if he’s joking or not.
“Please don’t.”
He cups her cheek before leaning forwards and softly placing his lips to hers. It starts slow and tentative but quickly develops into a desperate kiss as they make up for years of lustful temptations. Remus places a hand behind her head and one on her waist and guides her down onto the blanket as she hums softly in encouragement.
“Yeah Mooney!”
The cheers echo on the lake as Remus and (y/n) jump apart in surprise. They spot another boat on the water with three boys in it. Remus shakes his head as Sirius jumps up in excitement which sways the boat so far that Peter falls in the water. Peter pulls on the boat until it capsizes and soon there are three heads bobbing in the water.
“Merlin, I can’t with those three.” Remus shakes his head but his adoring smile says otherwise. “This is your final chance to back out. I can’t even take you to my quiet place without them interrupting.” He points his thumb towards the three who are now bickering on how to turn the boat over.
She places her finger on her chin pretending to think about it. “Hmmm, I think the benefits out weigh the consequences” She concludes.
“I was hoping you’d say that.” he says as he fills the space between stopping before their lips meet and quickly jerking back. “Just to be clear, I like you too.” He blurts with a panicked face and hands out to stop her from leaning forward.
“I’m happy we got that cleared up.” She smiles wide. “Now get back here.” She whispers as she wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him in for another kiss, the sound of the boys yelling fading out as the kiss deepens.
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tastyykpop · 3 years
nct dating headcannons!
I only did 127 because there's so many but ill do the others if anyone requests it :)
ɴᴄᴛ ʙғ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴ
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Mr. Moon Taeil is the definition of a cuddly boyfriend
Hes always holding your hand or kissing your cheek
Definitely gets shy when the members are around but in public youre all his
Hes super sincere about anything too but also knows how to joke around
I mean have you seen him with nct
Hes funny❗❗
Like he's gonna make you laugh no matter what
And those deep convos yall would have at night while cuddling>>>
"What if we were put on earth by aliens as an experiment to see if we would live and everytime we see ufos its just our cousins checking up on us"
Eyes wide open, "bro"
Taeils either the big or small spoon too
There's no in between
Also the biggest baby when yall are chilling
"I call small spoon!"
"But you were the small spoon last night"
"K and what about it"
10/10 would complain if you didn't want to sit with him and watch a movie or show
Would probably guilt trip you by saying you never watch something with him
Hes a sweet manipulator...
But he could easily replace you with one of the members
Like sicheng
Taeil will always ask if you've eaten
If you haven't eaten he gets big sad
Don't make him sad
Plus hes always checking on your health
And he'll know if your lying if you say you're doing fine when you're not
Also don't lie in general cuz he doesn't like that
That would make him trust you a bit less and he definitely wants trust in the relationship
Trust is a huge key or hes out
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This man 🥲
Boyfriend Material™
So gentle and loving
Loves making you feel special and will hype the shit out of you when you don't feel confident doing something
Will always make sure you're doing okay
Johnny puts in so much effort to make this relationship work and expects you to put the same amount of effort into it too
Like taeil, hes really big on trust
Add honesty to that list
Plus he expects you to be mature when needed
If you're the type of person who depends on someone else for everything and I'm mean everything he will actually leave
Hes not your babysitter❤
But he will take care of you to some extent
Like basic things for instance
He'll make you food if you're sick, get you water if your dehydrated, will get your feminine products when you need it
Very sweet😌
Okay and he spoils you but wbk
"Why are you getting me so much things?"
"Because I love you."
"But why did you get me a kitten costume???"
He has some kinks to work out 😐
Johnny will go to shop after shop even if you say you don't want something (you do but you just don't want him to pay) he'll get it without batting an eye
"Youve been staring at these shoes for 5 minutes imma buy them for you"
"Huh? No! I-"
"Too late"
will take you out to dinner all the time just to be romantic
Hes actually really good at romantic stuff
I say Johnny you say whipped
His free time is always you time
So don't bother saying your busy cuz now hes busy with you
"Johnny i got a test coming up can you come later? I need to study
"Thats cute im coming over to help"
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Judging taeyong on his looks, some say he would be cold to his girlfriend
Like a tsundere
But the man is quite the opposite
Though he can be stern if need be
He has 22 children what do you expect
Will literally treat you like his members and always taking care of you
But there will be times when you have to take care of him because hes so tired from work
He turns into a baby when he's tired or lazy too
So wrap him in a burrito blanket and hes all set for the day
Makes weird noises but thats normal
You're just watching tv and hes just making some old video game sounds with his mouth
No one questions it
If he didnt make sounds you'd probably question it
Talks in pout if he doesn't get his way with you
"Why don't you wanna play games with me~"
"Bruh I'm tired"
Or just gives you those big puppy eyes without even trying
Complete other person when you're not listening
He just kinda stares at you all intimidating like until you listen
Taeyong won't do anything too bad if you kept ignoring him, but you don't know that
Omg bro he'd literally bring you on vlive with him to chat
Even if the company is like '???Shes not an idol???'
But its taeyong so SM doesn't care🧍‍♂️
"We have special guest again! Its y/n-ah!!"
You'd be just chilling on his bed giving him a wtf look until you realize there's a camera and smile
"Shes cute. Isn't she cute guys?"
Don't try to escape the vlive, he'll just get up and sit you on his lap
Makes everyone watching jelly🥲
Bro he would make fun of you the same way he makes fun of doyoung
you'd be sitting with doyoung or sumn and taeyong just comes up to the both of you and decides
'Its time to end these two'
You and doyoung are just like 'tf did we do'
Somehow some other members are making fun of yall
Of course they aren't mean
Its all fun and games and gives you a good laugh after
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Hes literally a mom
But its ok
You love it
He also nags a lot
And if you don't listen he gets mad
You wouldn't tell him this but you find it funny
And cute🤐
"Youre almost as bad as dream" 
"what are u talking about im an angel"
"Kay then put the knife down we kinda need haechan to live"
Hes beaten you with a pillow once
In front of taeyong
Taeyong was watching like 👁👄👁
I dont think he cares much for pda tbh
But he doesn't hate it
He'll hug you a lot
And doyoung will probably kiss you here and there
But thats depending on his mood
If he's tired he'd probably just hold you in his arms
Either way he still makes you smile even with the smallest of touches
When you guys go out in public doyoung always holds your hand
I mean always
Remember when I said he doesn't seem like the type to be into pda
I lied
Doyoung wants everyone to know youre his
He won't kiss you but he will pull you into random hugs and hold your hand like he's gonna lose you any second
Doyoung also can't go anywhere without dressing his best
Like even if he's just practicing he's gotta look cute
And he always does because he's fucking kim doyoung
Doyoung also has a habit to make up names for you
Like one day he'll call you babe/baby
The next day could be angel or princess
Then there's you who just calls him bunny because he hates (loves) it
Expect some random gifts from him
Cuz like Johnny, he likes to spoil you
he just loves the smile thats plastered on your face
Pinches your cheeks evey time you smile too
When you guys are just chilling in the dorms you are always doing something to make doyoung get "angry"
"Angry" doyoung is a fun doyoung
Says you and taeyong 🤭
Literally will chase you around the dorm until he gets you and "scolds you"
Hell also scold taeyong
Sometimes you prank him with the other members
But doyoung knows youre just being playful
So he kinda laughs at you
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Hes a devil
He can go from calling you the cutest lil thang to saying the most inappropriate stuff
"U have such a pretty mouth" 
"no stop" 
"how about u use it on my-"
Besides that he's actually very nice
Although he doesn't really show his affection like how most couples would
At first hes kinda like a "cold boyfriend" but not?
Gives off a tsundere kinda vibe
He lives for pda
Especially if you initiate it
His favorite is kissing your neck
Not in a sexual way or trying to give you hickeys tho
He just comes over and kisses it
Probably has a neck kink 😳
Same 😌
When you guys are out in public his arm is always around your waist or shoulders
He gets easily jealous when you give anyone any attention
Especially if you have a pet
He will be pouty for God knows how long until you notice
"I'll make it up to you"
"ok then prove it *pats his lap*"
"...I can and will replace you with this animal"
Will not let a dude flirt with you
If he sees a dude flirt with you he just gives them ㄒ卄乇 ㄥㄖㄖҜ
Lowkey hot
But sometimes gives you that look if u aren't listening to him
Its an advantage
Freaks you out tho
When your sitting on the couch minding your own damn business yuta always pulls you onto his lap or sits you between his legs
He really likes to be close to you
So when you guys are sitting he keeps his head on your shoulder and his arms wrapped around you gently rocking you both
Omg im making myself feel single
If you are sad yuta will always be the first person you lean on
Even if its not serious
"Who do I need to fuck up?"
"Im literally just on my period..."
The members sometimes tease him because they'd never seen him so in love
He looks at you like ur his everything
Because you are
He'll tell you that too
If you say something bad about urself he gives you a whole ass lecture about how u should love yourself the way he loves you
He'd be talking for 25 minutes but you stopped listening 30 minutes ago
Literally scolds you for not listening
Loves how well you get along with the members
But also hates how well you get along with specific members because of how similar you are with them
What I'm trying to say is that you are a bit too similar to mark🚶‍♂️
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Frat boy boyfriend
Lowkey wants to fuck everyday
Idk he gives off that vibe
But jaehyuns just chill half the time
Hes like an American boyfriend like bitch you're Korean 👁👄👁
Hes super cuddly and warm
Thats weird wait
Like when you're cold just snuggle into him because body heat <3
Always loosely has his arms around your waist when just laying down
Whole different story if you're sitting on his lap and just standing around
Back hugs😫😫
Dead ass the first thing he does if he sees you is give you a back hug
It works for a lot of things
Surprise? Back hug
You're cooking? Back hug
Horny? Back hug
Solves his life problems basically
Hes a freak omg
Very flirtatious too
Hes just that bitch
Either he makes you blush or roll your eyes
"Y/n you're ass is fat"
Def an ass guy😑
Hes the type of guy to put his hands in your jeans back pocket
Wait no im feeling jaehyun too much rn
Or when yall hug his hand doesn't rest on your back but your ass
If you're wearing some shorts or something that makes your but pop
Hes gonna smack it and pretend like nothing happened
Yo someone pls save me im in my jae feels
Nah I've been talking about his ass kink for too long
Okay for real though jaes actually really nice and kind of careless when it comes to you
Fuck everyone else, if you've fallen and scraped your knee hes gonna be that soccer mom and rip a band aid out of nowhere
But if one of his members scraped their knee he'd just look the other way and smile like nothing happened
Earlier I said he was chill but hes also loud too
You walk into the dorms and the first thing you hear is "Y/N!!" Wyd?
You swear he doesn't realize how loud he is half the time because of that deep voice
This bitch always makes sure youre healthy and tries to take you to the gym with him
It dont work cuz this bitch just stares at your ass
Nah I need to do the next member
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hes literally the cutest especially around you
When he greets you its basically a whole ass bear hug
Whole lots a kissing
Literally doesn't care where you guys are
He will kiss you anywhere
Loves to kiss your forehead because he doesn't have to bend down as much🤭
doesnt care if the members are there
Nobody ever questions it either
"youre my baby right?"
He does aegyo if he doesn't get his way
It works every time don't lie
Will probably sit on your lap for some reason
Hes not light
But if you can do it so can he
you guys never get into fights
Even if you do its never anything serious
"you fucking pushed me so u could win"
"false I accidentally bumped my arm into urs"
"whats accidental is the murder im going to commit"
Smh young love
Going shopping with jungwoo is like shopping with a kid
Will beg for any food he lays his eyes on
"Omg can we get cookies?🥺"
"only if your paying"
“*gently places cookie dough back* lmao cookies? Never heard of her"
No matter how tired the boy is he will always find time for you
Hell take you too your favorite restaurants and even if you insist on paying he wont let you
If you don't marry him I will
When you guys are walking in public he will always be holding your hand
Says its because he doesn't want you to get lost
But you know damn well its actually him who doesn't want to get lost😳
Jk you just know he wants to be close to you
If you make any suggestive joke he always knows how to counterpart it
Leaving you speechless like the members
When you guys are going to bed he has his arms wrapped around your waist
first thing jungwoo does before sleeping is giving you a kiss
Doesn't care if your asleep or awake
Then a quiet 𝐼 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢
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i dont even know how to explain this relationship bruh
like its mark lee its gonna be a weird time
ok so marks actually hella nice
kinda bro or dude zones you but you do it back
theres a bunch of yo’s too
as someone who says yo a lot im happy i can relate to him
“yo youre doing that wrong though”
“dude im literally reading the directions, it said 3 cups of water”
“bro it says 3/4 oh my god”
yall cant cook 
taeyong wont even allow even you to help him cook
anyway marks special
but seriously marks actually a very gentle person with you
like legit is super nice to you even if you sometimes piss him off
marks probablys only been mad at you once then was like ‘its okay’
go to his practices cuz he loves that shit
he really likes when you are social with the members too
cuz then you guys are all friends and he can just bring you to places with them :D
this kid will literally not to pda in front of any member so you have to basically force him to just hug you
johnnys always making fun of you two and mark panics everytime while youre just like ‘yeah what about it’
compliment mark and hes blushing and squealing like an anime girl
inch resting concept 
“mark you look cute today”
“o-oh um..yeah thanks”
and this man can take compliments but with you its a whole new story
aight lemme get serious
marks mad sensitive 
so dont actually purposely make him mad, jealous, or upset
it would crush him
and he doesnt want someone like that in a relationship
cuz if he doesnt purposely do it to you, dont do it to him
take notes 
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hes a brat bye
would actually fight you just to get his way
makes fun of you on a regular
thinks hes cute 
hes not wrong
but actually he knows how to act mature when he needs to
like if youre genuinly getting upset with him, he will straighten up and quicky apologize, even give you a phat kiss and hug
might take you to get ice cream after if he really upset you
he can be nice
nah jk hes very nice and is a really energetic boyfriend
haechan always wants to do something with you liek go to the amusement park, go out to eat, or go shopping
sometimes makes everything seem like a hassle to leave and go somewhere with you cuz hes either lazy or playing video games
“cant you just go by yourself?”
“but what if i get lost”
“the ice cream place is literally five miles away”
“actually its seven so im gonna get lost”
hed groan the whole time just to be annoying but you dont care cuz you got your ice cream
if you go to any concert or practice, haechan always has to make things more sexy than they should be
like ‘fool’ became hella sexual and for what
its probably one of his favorites to make you blush
he loves your reactions
keeps him alive
hyucks always got something to say even at the most awful times
youre literally choking on water and he goes “ill give you something to choke on later”
and you have to cancel your dying session to smack his head
my guy has no filter
and he wont even hide that around the members
theres always that smirk on his cute ass face if he succeeds too
i have the sudden urge to fight him
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fairyoftbz · 3 years
Étoilé | m. kevin
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🏵 pairing: bf!Kevin x fem!reader 🏵 genre: fluff, suggestive  🏵 word count: 2.5k 🏵 tw: suggestive themes, a very badly written make-out session in the water 🏵 synopsis: you thought that you’d celebrate your relationship anniversary like every other couple, but Kevin had another plan in mind. 🏵 requested: yes! thank u!! 🏵 a/n: i apologise if it’s cringe or in a rush, i’m still not used to writing this type of thing! i hope it’s any good...
Today was a special day for you and Kevin. Celebrating your third year together, happiness hadn't left you since you met this young, talented man. You were over the moon (no pun intended) when you first started dating this little ray of sunshine, and you don’t know where you would be or what you would do if he had never appeared in your life. He brought so much positivity in your life that you could only thank him for making you a better person and the happiest girl on earth.
And today was the day to celebrate those beautiful years of common life. Kevin and you had made sure that you were clear of any type of schedule or appointments to make the most of this beautiful day. In addition to that, the weather seemed to be on your side considering the temperature skyrocketing as the hours passed, not a single cloud on the horizon ready to come and ruin your day, none of that. It looked like even the stars were ready to celebrate your anniversary by offering you the warmth necessary. 
You had talked about your plans a few days prior, and you were the one to come up with a beautiful idea. Why not going back to the places that were essential throughout your three years of common life? 
Kevin instantly agreed with the idea, suggesting places that brought back beautiful memories. You managed to narrow down the places you wanted to visit again to three.
The first place was the coffee shop where you worked as a student with his sister, the one who made this relationship possible by introducing you to him one night during an aperitif at the shop. You remembered how attractive you found him, being a spluttering mess the entire night spent getting to know each other better. 
The next spot was the abandoned field a few streets away from your apartment building. As for your second date, he had prepared a picnic and you spent the entire day there, flirting like two teenagers. You played around and joked for a while, Kevin suddenly asking you to kiss him. Wanting to play around and tease him, you only kissed his cheek and scurried away, leaving an offended Kevin behind. After running out of breath while trying to flee from your date chasing you, you fell back on the picnic tablecloth and timidly pecked his lips before pulling away, your boyfriend becoming flustered by your actions, a bit disappointed that it didn’t last any longer. 
And the third place was at the beach, where you spent the entire day together, enjoying the ocean and the sun as much as you could. Kevin, being the hopeless romantic that he is, asked you to be his girlfriend as the sun was setting, making the scene unforgettable. You still remembered it, even three years later, gladly telling the story to anyone with a huge smile on your face.
You were so sure to have become the protagonist of a fiction that you had to pinch yourself after he had asked you out, just to make sure that you weren’t hallucinating.
And today, you felt all giddy to back to the same place you went to for your second date. just like the first time, he prepared a nice picnic and messaged you to meet him up at the same spot as a few years prior. 
Kevin looked handsome when you arrived, and you were excited to spend the day together. Everything surrounding you was gorgeous, you took a lot of pictures from the scenery and your boyfriend, having fun and flirting like the first time until the sun decided to leave. However, instead of acting cute, Kevin was more teasing, sometimes borderline explicit, just to see the bashful look on your face.
“Stooop, not this loud,” you playfully nudged him in the ribs and he cockily raised his eyebrow, breaking into a laugh. 
He swiftly tackled you to the ground and hovered above you, nearing his face to yours while whispering sweet nothings into your ears. You grabbed his face and gently grabbed it away from you to press your lips against his, slowly making out with him. 
“So I am not allowed to whisper things to you, but you can kiss me like that?” he said while pulling away, making you giggle as you looked to the side. “You know that there are families around, with children, trying to have a good time together. So try to keep your needs to the bedroom, baby,” he teased, and you rolled your eyes with a huff, knowing that he felt the same as you did.
His teasing grin confirmed what you thought, the light in his eyes changing into something quite different, hotter, needier. With only one look, you understood the other and immediately packed everything, putting away things in a rush, Kevin on your heels as you dashed to the car park of the supermarket nearby. When you were in the car, giggling like a schoolgirl as the exhilaration rushed through your veins, your boyfriend’s hand resting on your thigh as it innocently trailed higher the closer you got from your apartment, breath itching in your throat each time he teased you even more. 
Yet, as you were about to take the small street to reach your building, Kevin decided differently by driving right past it, speeding away after taking a sudden turn. Your eyes watched the street sign and you smiled as he started following a route to a well-known spot: the beach. 
In the thrill of getting out of the car, you took the untidily folded tablecloth and bolted to the beach, laying it on the sand before happily sitting down between Kevin’s legs. His arms immediately surrounded your waist and his mouth trailed open-mouthed kisses on the skin of your neck, making you shudder at the sensation. Kevin smirked as you were easily affected by his touch, laid hold of your waist to press you further against him.
You smiled and gave a half-suppressed laugh as you pressed your cheek on his shoulder, getting lost in the sensation as you struggled to suppress the moans that were already threatening to spill at the abandoned field.  Your boyfriend stopped for a while and you sighed in relief, feeling your heartbeat slowly calming down as he stopped his ardent attack on your neck.
“I have an idea,” Kevin declared, now huskily whispering in your ear. “Yeah?” you replied as his hand gently caressed your thighs up and down. “Do you follow me?” you slightly frowned at his words, turning your body around as you watched him get up. He took off his baseball cap and dropped it on the tablecloth, grabbing the back of his V-neck sweater and took it off before unbuttoning the first few buttons of his shirt. 
“You wanna go in the water?” You stated, observed getting into work, earning a smirk from the man standing in front of you. “Isn’t it a good idea?” Smirking, he threw his shirt at you while biting his lower lip, rolling your eyes at his comment. “The last in the water will do the dishes until September!” he yelled as he was about to take off his jeans, only to watch you spring on your feet and removed your dress, getting ahead of him as you wore fewer items of clothing than him.
He froze for a quick second as he saw the sheer, sexy white lingerie you hid under the fabric of your dress, his distracted eyes allowing you to take the lead and run towards the ocean at full speed. The water was cold but the burning sensation travelling your body didn’t prevent you from entering the ocean. It managed to cool you down instantly as you got water to your stomach, gazing at a defeated Kevin that arrived a few seconds after you.
“That is so unfair,” he said while entering the water, dragging you by the waist in deeper water as you laughed. 
With your hands resting on his shoulders, he glanced at you with a smirk tugging on his lips, wrapping your legs around his waist. Hair framed your face in the most gorgeous way, Kevin observing you with admiring eyes, a gentle smile appearing on his face. 
“You are gorgeous Y/N. You never told me you were wearing this set though,” he mumbled, without being affected by the small waves, looking at you with a sudden sparkle of lust illuminating his eyes. “Oh. My mistake. I should have undressed in front of everyone at the field to show you,” you murmured with a mocking smile, only to have Kevin roughly grabbing the back of your head to pull you against his mouth, messily kissing your lips as he hungrily held you tight against him.
The hotness of your bodies grinning against the other was almost enough to warm up the entire ocean, his touches lingered in your mind as his hands travelled lower to grab your ass. You hated to admit it, but Kevin only needed to kiss you with all his might to make you melt in a small puddle of love. It was delicious, you couldn’t even deny it, his hands kneading the flesh of your butt cheeks always achieved to make you feel some type of way. Just feeling him against you felt like heaven, pressed chests heaving together as you were about to lose yourself to him. 
“Don’t play with me, baby,” he mumbled against your lips before kissing you again with more eagerness this time. You grabbed the shorter hair at the back of his head and tugged on it, Kevin emitting a groan against your lips.
Pulling away, he slowly yet roughly grabbed your lower lip between his teeth, tugging and playing with it as his hands were busy playing with the wet lace underwater, pursing your lips to stifle a whimper. 
Lust and arousal filled your eyes as you stared at Kevin, barely keeping them open at the intensity of the emotions you were feeling. He let go of a hand on your ass to come and gently cup your throat, tongue slowly entering your mouth and easily dominating yours as you felt a rush of heat bolting south, a small moan escaping your mouth.
“I’ll never get over how easily you get turned on with just with my hand around your throat,” he chuckled, and you groaned, slightly annoyed at how cocky he sounded. 
Kevin acted all smug and playful, but you also knew he was slowly losing his mind at how much he loved and cared for you. The only thing that he wanted to do right now was showing you all the love he had for you, but he also knew that words and actions weren’t going to be enough to even reach how much he loved you.
You wanted to talk back, but he was quick to silence you by trailing his hand to your cheek to cradle it while his mouth went the opposite direction, leaving prominent hickeys on the smaller ones that he gave you on the beach and at the field. Your eyes rolled at the back of your head and your stomach did somersaults at the overwhelming sensation. 
“I think that’s enough foreplay. Don’t you think?” you said, and his mouth stretched into a smirk, dying the following second as he kept on taking the right path to send you to cloud nine.  “Someone’s quite eager tonight, hm? Let me take care of you, love,” he whispered and disappeared in between your breasts.
Chests rising and falling against the other, Kevin gave you a quick kiss on the lips and another one on your jaw before walking closer to the shore hand in hand, feeling the exhaustion washing over you. With an arm crossing over your breasts just in case, you picked up the discarded bra on the sand that your boyfriend threw a few moments prior, holding it away from you as it was wet and sandy.
You both quickly paced to your tablecloth, drying yourselves as best as you could as you got dressed again, relieved when you noticed that no one had stolen anything during your little lovemaking session. The adrenaline rushed through your veins as you pulled your dress over your body again, shivering as you felt the lace wet some parts of your dress. Quickly discarding the panties off your legs for some comfort, you glanced at your boyfriend who was rebuttoning his shirt as if nothing happened.
“Naughty girl,” he smirked as he detailed your actions, handing you his V-neck sweater. “I’m not that cold,” you stated but took it anyway, Kevin breaking in a fit of laughter. “Your nipples say otherwise, darling, or it's the thrill of getting freaky in the ocean maybe?” your eyes widened at his boldness, a shocked, playful look painting your face before putting his sweater on. “You perv,” you giggled, and he shook his head, grabbing the panties you were holding and tucked them in his jeans back pocket.
Turning back to the ocean, you looked at the dark blue water, the starry sky and the moon illuminating the small waves and the foam crashing on the sand before vanishing back in the salty water. You sighed and softly smiled, two arms wrapping around your shoulders in a much gentler way than a few moments prior.
“What are you thinking about, Y/N?” Kevin whispered in your ear and you lifted a hand to rest it on one of his forearms, enjoying your boyfriend’s hold and warmth surrounding you. The teasing atmosphere had disappeared, getting replaced by something deeper, softer. “Look at the sky, it looks gorgeous,” you whispered as if speaking louder would break the moment. Kevin kissed your cheek, lips lingering on your skin and you smiled, gently turning your head to peck his lips. Everything was slower, gentler, and softer as if your actions in the water were just a great memory. “It is indeed gorgeous, there’s nothing compared to you admiring it,” he whispered, and you smiled, a delicate warmth engulfing your heart in a hug at his cheesy words.
Boy, this man was a flirt, but you adored it. It made you feel like you were still in the chasing part without the doubt of not being this type, and you could stay in this state forever.
“I love you,” you whispered, and Kevin placed himself in front of you, lifting your head with his finger under your chin, admiring your face as pure love adorned his pupils.  “I love you too Y/N, to the moon and back. I love you even more than all the stars in the sky tonight. Happy anniversary, love,” he whispered before taking your hand, lifting it to his lips to press a gentle kiss on top.
You shivered at the contact and Kevin drew you closer to him, lips connecting with your forehead before you started to walk back to his car. 
He was the best thing that had ever happened to you.
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heathenarmyimagines · 3 years
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Title: Find Us
Summary: (Y/N) has done her job, now Ivar must do his.
Pairing: Ivar x Reader
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten
Taglist: @ubbesgirl, @shewolf2000, @tis-itheapplepie, @atequila, @demoncrypt1066, @greennightspider, @badbitsh13, @fireismysaftey, @minarawr, @laketaj24, @hvitserksgirl, @blahblahcookiesdoma, @fabulous-peasent, @sforsammmmmi, @minmiin1d, @courtrae89, @letsloveimagines, @tomarisela, @titty-teetee, @beyond-the-ashes@elenawrit, @mblaqgi, @whenimaunicorn, @chuflisworld, @mystruggledlife, @moose-squirrel-asstiel, @syreni-dea, @trashqueenbitch, @alykatv, @mbaku-babygirl, @perfectus-in-morte, @beyond-the-ashes, @neeadinghugs, @readsalot73, @triumphantreturnofpies, @anarchy-is-coming, @tephi101, @alicedopey, @ivarslittlebadgirl, @jtrstp, @nejijjeoroo, @charlylama, @ivartheblessed, @captstefanbrandt, @fabulouschrissi, @ivarsrideordie, @3x5gurl, @the-writer-appreciation-blog, @lolabee9, @captainfoxy22, @young-ugly-god, @im5ftbutmythroat66, @bribyyy, @irishhiggins, @cadetomlinson, @keclleon101, @slutforragnarssons, @ltkeke, @meeeeeeeeeps, @lille-kanin, @opalscarab, @ssraven7, @ivarandersen, @concretewaywardangel, @funmadnessandbadassvikings, @sharon-is-tired, @cadetomlinson, @mystruggledlife, @chuflisworld, @justmarissa97, @lol-haha-joke, @weirdly-randomly-awesome, @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanim, @idonthavehusbandsihavelovers, @alexa040004, @buckythetinman , @burntmythroatskullingmytea,@jorunnravenslayer, @two-unbeatable-beaters, @buffy-the-vampire-blogger, @arses21434, @ltkeke, @captainfoxy22, @chinduda @letsshamelessqueen-m @my-soul-is-the-moon @we-are-transcendent
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six,Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten
The sleep came easily enough, even easier considering that you had gone all day with no rest and unbeknownst to you it was the most rest you would receive in months.
In the land of the living it had been three days and you hadn’t had a clue, for you it was just like any other dream. Time was irrelevant and nothing important to worry about as you walked around the abandoned market. With the information you now had you came to the conclusion that this was a Viking age settlement.
And just knowing that much made you eager to look around and see everything. How many people could say they had seen something like this? It would be an opportunity lost if she didn’t explore.
You were still in your hospital gown and had been barefoot before you found some shoes that were too big but they stayed on.
Viking mud is still mud after all.
There was so much to see, there were stands that had vegetables and fruits and less attractive ones that had dead animals hug up on display. Further into the market area you found jewelry and long stretches of fabric. Most were brown or white but others were absolutely gorgeous colors like red, blue and gold.
It was while you were touching a blue silk fabric that you heard something behind you.
Muddy footsteps.
It made a wet squishing noise; squish squish squish, getting closer but not at a rushed speed. 
Whoever was behind you felt no need to rush.
You turned around; fully expecting to see the man with no eyes to be standing there with a new riddle for you to solve, but that wasn’t who it was.
It was you.
The woman standing before you had your face, she was older maybe in her twenties or early thirties, her hair was longer than you could imagine growing yours and it was in a braid that rested plainly over her shoulder. She was wearing a brown dress and leather shoes.
Despite how much you had looked into mirrors you had never seen yourself like this.
‘Y-you.’ you managed to say when you found the will to speak.
‘You.’ the woman smiled.
‘Do you know who I am?’ she asked as she stepped closer to you.
Instinctively you stepped back.
‘Your name is Wilda, you are a Saxxon woman.’ you replied.
‘I am, or maybe I was. It is hard to understand even for me, I have been dead for so long and yet here I stand speaking with you.’ she mused.
She walked over to the fabric you were just holding and rubbed it curiously.
‘I had been wanting this fabric when I died, the woman who made this was the best seamstress in all of Kattegat.’
‘Kattegat? Is that the name of this place?’ 
‘Yes, this is where it all began. This is where it all happened, where your fate was sealed with the Boneless One. I must apologize, for I am also responsible for involving you in all this, but please know I didn’t wish for any of it.’ she said sadly.
It was weird seeing yourself like this, it was like watching yourself in a movie but you had no memory of acting in it. Either way this woman...this you, was talking and it was understandable.
‘Can you tell me what happened, why am I involved and what will happen after Ivar accepts his past life?’ you asked.
‘I do not know it all, but I will tell you what I know, come walk with me, I want you to see something.’ she said as she began to walk away from the fabric stand.
You walked beside her, still keeping a bit of distance.
‘I was a child of the church, in York. When I was a small child the city was raided by the Sons of Ragnar and their Heathen Army. I barely survived but after they took over Ivar took me in as a slave.’
‘I was often the apprentice to the healers after men would come from battle. I would take care of his legs with salves and oils. He hated me, it was simply a fact but he valued my care through the years.’
‘Why did you marry him?’
‘Years had passed and I’d seen him do...horrific things, he’d won great victories and suffered massive losses then all at once he was just losing. Battle after battle his plans failed him, he was losing his fame, becoming a joke among warlords.’
As the two of you walked past the last stand of the market she led you through a trail in the woods.
‘At his wits end he called on the seer.’
‘Seer? The man with no eyes?’ you asked. 
She nodded.
‘He sees peoples’ fates and speaks with the Pagan Gods. He told Ivar that the Gods had abandoned him; that they had favored his father Ragnar despite the disrespectful way he viewed them, and they would not show Ivar the same mercy if he followed his father’s footsteps.’
‘Ragnar? I thought he was a myth.’
‘People spoke of him as if he were, but he was a real man with real feelings. Ivar loved him despite the strain his broken legs put on their relationship, and like his father he began to place too much pride in his own importance.’ 
‘Broken legs...he really couldn’t walk could he.’ you said in amazement.
‘Not on his own he made braces to keep himself upright, really they were amazing to see. Even I, who despised him, felt a small amount of admiration for his resilience.’
‘I grew up in his care, he never hurt me but he was cruel. When he came to me demanding my hand in marriage I didn’t understand. He told me it was life or death, he said he would have the church in York reduced to ashes if I refused.’
‘How romantic.’ you said sarcastically.
‘I thought so as well. From what was told to me Ivar had gotten everyone close to him cursed, exiled from all their nine worlds, left to wait for the reincarnations of both Ivar the Boneless and a Christian Girl to to reunite and his guilt alongside her love and forgiveness would be the light that lead them to Valhalla.’
‘My love?’ you asked in embarrassed shock.
‘Yes, you love him and I know it.’
‘How can you know something like that? Do you feel my emotions or something, because I’m not sure if it is more than a crush.’ you said in your defense.
Wilda laughed and was odd to hear it, you recognized it as your own laughter but you never heard from someone else.
‘My sweet girl, you are not the first reincarnation, and your Ivar isn’t the first either, if God wills it you will be the last.’
‘I’m not the first? How many have there been and what happened to them?’
‘They all end up here eventually.’ Wilda answered as at last the two of you had arrived at your destination.
You were in a large clearing. There was nothing else there to take your eyes away from what was in the center.
Two graves, both empty and two piles of dirt waiting to fill them in once there was a body inside.
Your heart was lead.
‘It is never painful, for any of them, you’ll just go to sleep.’
‘But I- I’m sleeping now...am I am I d-‘
‘No, you are alive outside I promise. All you have to do is wait, wait for Ivar to accept his faults and remorse.’
‘And if he doesn’t then what? You’re saying I can’t do anything for myself? What kind of misogynistic bullshit is this? I thought Viking women had rights of their own.’ you ranted angrily as you paced, looking away from the graves.
‘Unfortunately, I wasn’t Viking, even if I did follow their beliefs I was a thrall. I had no rights before my marriage and even with that title I was still Christian.’
‘So what? Just sit here with you and wait?’ 
‘Yes, do you have faith that your Ivar will save you?’
‘Of course!’ you shouted so suddenly that it surprised you.
All at once it hit you how much faith you had in Ivar, the one thing you had no doubt about was that he would do anything for you.
He cared for you, even if not romantically, he cared about you; and no matter what he had to do he would save you.
Or he would die trying.
‘Then wait.’ Wilda said sweetly.
Ivar’s POV
The last three days had brought about a lot of chaos.
(Y/N)’s family was devastated by the news, her siblings were scared and her mother was in complete shambles. Miss (Y/L/N) had called your father who flew out with his wife and other kids and had arrived on the second night. 
His own family had been affected as well, he had been too shaken up and crushed by guilt that he couldn’t drive so he just sat in his car feeling sorry for himself and crying harder than he had since he was a child. His brothers ended up tracking his phone and once he had calmed down he explained what had happened.
No one in the Ragnarson family could ever remember seeing Ivar this distraught before, even his parents sat aside their marital issues enough to sit in the waiting room with Ivar and (Y/N)’s family.
It was strange to see for Ivar.
His family loved each other in their own odd constipated way, but they rarely got together like this. Even Bjorn and Lagertha showed up once, apparently they all wanted to be there for him but he suspected they just couldn't get over the fact that he had a friend.
Every day there were at least four people in the waiting room for (Y/N) and one of the most constant residents was Ivar.
He hadn’t even gone to school, all he could do was sit and watch...and think about things. Think about what he had to do, because no matter what logic told him he just knew this was his fault. She was a human vegetable and was because of him.
That thought alone made his head hurt, he was constantly taking pain killers that did little to ease his headaches.
He was on his phone watching the same video he had seen a thousand times it felt like.
The footage from (Y/N)’s sleep study. 
Her mother had demanded the footage, in hopes to find some kind of clue about what led to (Y/N)’s sudden seizure. She expected to see an administration of medicine or maybe even a nurse sneaking in, anything to explain it.
Unfortunately there was nothing on the film that the doctors hadn’t already explained. For about an hour she was sleeping peacefully, a bit of uncomfortable tossing and then, like a firecracker had startled her, she shot up.
Her body convulsing as she thrashed around so violently that she fell out of the bed and if the visual wasn’t upsetting enough the scream she let out after she landed on the floor was absolutely blood churning.
She was screaming loud and shrill at the top of her lungs, all the while her body never stopped shaking, her limbs were endlessly flailing. The nurses and doctors had rushed in to restrain after only forty seconds or so but it felt so much longer to Ivar.
He watched how carefully Herald administered the sedative and the way (Y/N)’s body went immediately limp. Ivar closed the video once the doctors started hurriedly checking her vitals.
Ivar sighed and stood up to stretch, the joints of his shoulder blades cracking in protest as he did so.
‘Going home for the night Ivar?’ Miss (Y/L/N) asked as she yawned in her own chair.
‘No, just going to the restroom, might get a coffee.’ he assured.
‘Grab me one please.’
‘Of course.’ Ivar said happily.
He didn’t really need to use the toilet, just needed to move around. His legs were getting sore and he needed to take his pills and he preferred to do that in private.
‘I would have killed for a treatment like that in my life.’
The color drained from his face as he looked in the mirror and saw a most unwelcomed sight.
‘I get the feeling you don’t like me much...understandable I suppose.’ the old man said from behind him.
His heart suddenly swelled with anger as he turned and swung, ready to feel his fist connect with the bearded face of this bastard, but it didn’t.
All that happened was his fist went right through him, as if he were air, with nothing solid to connect to he stumbled to regain balance.
‘I’m sure had I been alive that would have been a solid attack, were you done or do you want to waste more time? Because your Christian doesn’t have much to waste.’ the old man said tiredly.
Ivar turned around and glared, but it softened a bit when he saw something he hadn’t noticed before in his anger.
The old man was standing.
There were unpainted metal braces on the viking’s legs that seemed to be the only thing keeping him up, along with the cane he was using.
‘Why are you here?  Are you going to kill her now, brain dead not enough for you? She has nothing to do with this, whatever bullshit this all is, leave her out of it!’ Ivar shouted, not caring if someone heard him yelling to himself.
‘My Christian had nothing to do with my problems either, and had she been as selfish as I was she would have refused to take part. Then I would be cursed with no hope of redemption, and both of our Christians would have had longer and probably happier lives without us.’ he said tiredly.
‘But she was soft, she felt it was her stupid Christian duty to help others over herself. Despite her resentment for me, and mine of her, she agreed to help my family and for that I want to repay my debt to her. In order to do that I need you to see me.’
‘I do see you.’ Ivar argued.
‘No. You see an old man in strange clothes but you don’t see yourself in me at all do you? It's frustrating because you are the last and most important piece to this complicated puzzle. The Christian, her job was to find us, you and me, now you have to see us. Really look at me and see yourself...she will die if you don’t and the loss of her will drive you mad.’ 
He felt like ripping out his hair in frustration, Ivar had never been this angry. In his youth anger was the backbone of his personality, he was angry because his legs hurt, he was angry he couldn’t talk to anyone other than his brother because he didn’t have any friends, he was always angry. But this was pure rage; red hot and scalding, he was angry because he was terrified.
‘What do you mean she will die?’ 
‘Her body is here where you can see it, but her essence is in the void between the nine worlds and a living person can only stay there a short while before their body lets them go completely. Please if not for me and my family or yourself do it for her.’
For her, all at once his anger left him.
‘J-just look at you?’ he repeated.
‘See me...and look into you.’
Ivar felt like fire ants were covering his entire body, his stomach felt ready to rid itself of the crappy hospital lunch he’d had earlier, his heart felt like it was frozen in ice; and all that paled in comparison to his headache.
He had only met the eyes of the old man for a few seconds and already he wanted nothing more than to look away.
For her.
Ivar dug his nails deeply into the palms of his hand as he held the man’s gaze.
‘There you go, see me...see all we have done.’
Then as if zoomed in like a scene from a movie he could see images in the blue pupils, and what he saw made him want to look away even more.
He saw...a boy with a dirty face it looked like he was trying to pull something, suddenly he felt like there was something leather in his hand and he pulled it back he felt the boy in the eye pull it back and suddenly he struck his hand out with all his might and watched as the boy in the eye was hit in the head by the blade of an axe.
‘No!’ he gasped in horror.
‘Don’t look away, no matter how terrible or how ashamed. Do not look away.’ the viking said, but his voice was different now. It wasn’t as hoarse as before it appeared to be...younger in a way.
The boy faded away and he saw something worse than the boy.
In the eye there was his brother, his hair long, his clothes strange and he was talking and Ivar wished more than anything that he couldn’t hear what his own brother was saying, but he did, clear as a bell in his mind was his older brother’s voice.
‘It must be hard for you now that your mummy’s dead. Knowing she was the only one who ever really loved you.’ Sigurd said in a strange dialect as he sipped something from a chalice.
Hurt and anger swelled and he felt something wet and thick touch his lip and distantly his mind realized his nose was bleeding heavily, again his arm jerked forward and watched an axe fly and plant itself in his brother's ribs.
‘Sigurd…’ he whimpered as his eyes began to overflow with tears.
If anyone came into this restroom they would see him standing still as a statue, staring into space as his nose bled like a red river and his eyes leaked like faucets.
‘Don’t look away, don’t run from what you have already done.’ 
‘Sigurd...Siggy I’m sorry. I didn’t mean-’ he choked on the lump in his throat, the blood from his nose leaked into his mouth as he spoke and the taste was horrid but it felt nostalgic in a horribly gruesome way.
Again the image in the eyes changed and this one was more than the image it practically sucked him in like a portal.
No longer was he in a hospital restroom; he was in a stone building and there was so much noise, loudest of all was a baby crying. He could recall this, the dream, the one he remembered in the truck that night with (Y/N) the one that made his nose bleed.
This time it was so much more, it felt like his brain was exploding in his skull, he felt an aching throb in his ears but it didn’t compare to the horror he was seeing and hearing.
He could smell burning flesh, feel the heat and as the melted gold poured into the crying man’s mouth; the screams would haunt him until his last breath.
In horror he felt his chest shake in laughter.
Just when Ivar thought he would pass out from the pain in his head he felt something he hadn’t felt in years. His legs were breaking under his weight, but that wasn’t possible, he had titanium bones, they could never break but still he felt it. Even worse so he heard that familiar cracking noise as he fell to the floor.
‘Hold strong, we both know you can take more than this, and there is so much more to see.’ now Ivar was certain the voice he heard wasn’t the voice of an old man.
That was his own voice, and he suddenly processed that he wasn’t being sucked into the eye, but the eye was moving closer to him.
No longer was the phantom standing on crude braces as an old and ragged man. Now he was crawling, using his strong arms to pull himself along, his legs dragging behind him like a useless tail.
More than anything Ivar wanted to look away and see what the face of this man looked like now but he couldn’t.
For her… for (Y/N).
He stilled himself and tried to brace himself for more pain he was sure would come.
He had been right, more pain came and no amount of preparation would have made him ready for it.
A thousand or a million images flashed in the eye going so fast it shouldn’t have been possible to follow each one, but he could. Not only did he see and comprehend each image he felt them.
He saw the light go out in a fat man’s eyes as someone was chopping into his back with an ax, he felt the muscles in his arms ache with the effort it took to stab through the muscle and bones of a man in the heat of battle.
That was when he realized that these images, these senses were all things he’d seen and experienced before.
These were his dreams.
 ‘Yes, you are remembering. That is good, almost done now; look at me.’
At last that horrible eye closed, and Ivar nearly collapsed in relief, but he kept just enough energy to look up at the face that carried the eye.
There was no longer a beard to hide anything from view he could see the face in front of him with complete clarity.
This truly was his face, it was like looking into a mirror but this mirror showed what he looked like before.
‘Finally...you see me.’ He smiled.
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thatslikely · 3 years
we - g.w.
we - george weasley x fem!reader
warnings: mentions of food, tooth rotting fluff
word count: 1.3k
a/n: ok... this was meant to be 800 words ish but I guess I just can’t write blurbs?? i think my shortest work ever was 800 soooo
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“Hey, Georgie,” you said hesitantly, tapping him on his broad shoulder, “we need to talk.”
The laugh that quirked his lips and crinkled the edges of his chocolate eyes you weren’t shy of adoring fell as flat as the icy Black Lake during the harsh winter months. The slightest wrinkle formed between his eyebrows, nonchalant concern seeping through his pores.
The phrase you just uttered never led to anything remotely good. Those four dreaded words are what ended his juvenile relationship with Katie Bell all the way back in fourth year. Bill had stated the four words as he sat down a ten-year-old George so many years ago, who loved his older brother dearly, and broke the news that he would be indefinitely moving to Egypt. 
It was safe to say he didn’t have a great history with the phrase.
With worry wincing his features, he agreed. “Sure, darling. Everything all right?” You nodded, grabbing his wrist and dragging him away from the group of Gryffindors that he had previously been enthralled with in conversation.
He sat on your curtained dorm bed with a creak uncomfortably, as if he were a guest visiting your house for the first time. “You look like you’re about to explode Georgie, relax,” you meekly smiled. “I just have something to tell you.”
The heel of his shoes lifted up and down, causing his knee to bounce every so slightly, a habit that was only expressed when fear truly racked his body. With a dry mouth and averted gaze, you said, “you see, after Hogwarts, there’s been a little change in plans.”
“I want to attend a Muggle college.”
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“The Muggle world’s a lot bigger than I thought,” George said thoughtfully as his tongue licked vertical stripes up the scoop of ice cream in his palm. “No one ever told me there were so many places to go and see and do.”
“Yeah, they never did talk about its expansiveness back at school. Even Muggle Studies barely scratched the surface.” 
As your mind swam through the previous school year, which was packed full with laughs, pranks galore, romantic dates with your titian-haired boyfriend, and an awful case of senioritis, George swiftly lurched to steal a bite from your cone with a mischievous smirk.
However, you were too quick for him, you always had been, and your treat was safe from his stomach. “Not today, Weasley.”
“Bummer. I regret not getting that flavor, ‘looks delicious.”
“I guess I’ll let you have one bite.” You turned your cone in his direction, and unsurprisingly, he snatched it from your grasp, dashing away from you, laughs interspersed with joking taunts escaping his strawberry cream-coated lips.
“Get back here!” you shouted at the lanky, retreating figure, moving your legs swiftly after him.
The sun had risen tranquilly to the center of the dreamy, blue sky above, and its golden beams were trickling down from overhead. The weather fostered the perfect atmosphere to tour one of the college campuses you had been accepted into, accompanied by no one but the doting, red-haired boy you could call your’s.
The brilliant idea of attending Muggle college had stemmed from Hermione, who one day in the library, when stacks of yellowing books and dusty pages crammed with research enveloped the two of you in a world of strictly academia, mentioned in passing that it was on her list of possible things to do post-Hogwarts.
Before you had learned that the blood coursing through your brains contained traces of magic-harnessing abilities, university had seemed some distant end goal expected from you after graduating high school. That notion had been quickly swept aside when you learned of your wizard ancestry and you received a letter informing you that you would attend Hogwarts first thing the next fall.  
But now, observing the cliques of college students sauntering around the open-aired quad, you realized that this was the next step for you. The only next step for you.  
“Hey, Y/N, I have a question,” a sixth-year George asked as his thumb lovingly caressed your skin, leaving warm, tingly patches in its wake. “When me and Fred open the shop the moment we’re out of here, will you come live with us? Me?”
“There’ll be a homey flat above the shop, perfect for us. Fred’ll be there too, of course, but I reckon we’ll have plenty of time just the two of us.” George’s umber eyes scanned your face in an attempt to know what thoughts and opinions ran through your mind. He meant what he said: he couldn’t imagine not seeing you after the both of your educations concluded.
“I’ll live anywhere as long as you’re with me, Georgie,” you replied with a grin.
A small chip of guilt flaked off your heart when you knowingly broke the promise you had sworn by not even two years ago. You outright refused to attend any universities not within the UK, as part of your internal compromise for leaving George.
George was beyond happy for you, though, and he was not shy of showing it. He’d unabashedly boast around the Great Hall or common room practically every day, saying with a smirk oozing with pride and joy, “I’ve got the smartest girl ever. She’s going to college.”
You and George strolled along the brick-pathed sidewalks and trails, admiring the different buildings with elegant architecture. When you two walked past the dorm rooms, varicolored flags could be seen draped from the windows; in the patches of well-groomed green that dotted the landscape, students were tossing frisbees and eating sandwiches on picnic blankets.
It was like no school you had ever attended, and you were undeniably enamoured by it.
As the afternoon faded away, conquered with a sweeping tsunami of darkness, the silver moon encroached closer to the pinkened sky. You and George treated yourselves to a nice dinner on the river, at a restaurant that you wouldn’t dream of dining at again if you chose to enroll.
You and George had covered all the logistics of college: how it worked, where you would live, when he could visit. 
“Maybe Fred and I will open a shop down here someday,” he said, forking a bit of the food before him. “You think college students (or to-be college students in your case) would like pranks?”
“I wouldn’t put it past them, by the looks of campus so far.”
He gave you a genuine, innocent smile (his mouth still full of food, not unlike a squirrel’s), as if to say ‘it’s settled then.’ “You never were the neatest eater,” you giggled.
“I can be sophisticated if I want to!” he rebutted.
“Oh, yeah?”
“Definitely. One-hundred percent. No doubt about it. I’ll take you to another nice restaurant one of these days and watch me have the best manners ever!”
The string lights illuminating the patio looked great, the beads of contained golden light highlighting every detail about him that you love so much. It shone on the faint, near indistinguishable scar on his eyebrow from a failed prank when he was six. The glint of pure love in his eyes that he held ever since he laid eyes on you back in fifth year. The way one specific tessel of his soft ginger hair would never sit quite right, no matter how many gels and spells he’d apply.
The boy opposite you was so easily tempted to simper and tease you for so blatantly staring at him, every inch of him it seemed, as it was a trait him and his twin could never rid. But instead, a fuse in his brain finally clicked; the final piece of a undeniably complex and breathtaking puzzle fell into place, and he finally made up his mind.
He smiled warmly, his eyes prickling with joy. It wasn’t a grin of the same nature as one derived from one of his pranks, or a clever jab Fred would crack: it was an expression of ultimate contentment, resulted from the pure emotions that sputtered through his chest like a firecracker. 
“You think we should apply here?” He’d accepted the fact that he had been grappling with for so long: there was no way he’d live without you, and if that meant leaving Fred the shop for a while, or even delaying its construction, then so be it.
general taglist:
@amourtentiaa @anchoeritic @accioweaslcy @theweasleytwinsgirl
twins/george taglist:
@horrorxweasley @hufflepuff5972
send me an ask or dm to be added!
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autumn-writes · 3 years
could you write the fluff alphabet for nagito? tysm!!
sure thing, anon! i hope you enjoy! if you'd like me to re-write this, do tell!
Nagito Komaeda Fluff Alphabet!
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A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
- Everything! But of course, Nagito admires your hope.
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
- Your eyes! He likes how much emotion they can show and how you look at him with eyes full of so much love and admiration.
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
- He likes to hold you! Since his luck took almost everything important to him, holding you makes him feel as though he's protecting you! It's as if holding you will make all the bad things his luck throws at him be directed ONLY at him, none towards you.
D = Dreams (how do they envision a future with you?)
- He'd like to be married to you and have a family! The thought of you two being married and having a child, maybe even children, is enough to make him turn into mush ♡
E = Everything ("you are my ______." ? eg. eveything, light, sunshine)
- "You are my hope."
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
- As I said in the Dreams part, yes he would! He'd preferably want one after marriage.
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
- He loves spoiling you! He buys you anything that he thinks you'll like or things that remind him of you.
- During dates, he gets you flowers! (if you're allergic, he buys you a gift)
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
- He likes holding hands as to not be separated from you. It reminds him that you're still there with him.
I = Inspiration (did you manage to change something about them? did you inspire them to try new things?)
- His self-depreciation went down! He still does it, of course, but not as much as before! He often does them as jokes now.
- Nagito tries out things that have to do with your talent! He finds it a way of getting to know you more.
J = Jealously (do they get jealous easily? how do they deal with it?)
- Nagito trusts you! He doesn't get jealous often. Then only times he actually does get jealous is when people lay moves on you or flirt with you. When those happen, he inserts himself between you and the one flirting with you, dropping very obvious hints that you are taken.
- If the person stops flirting, Nagito doesn't do any more things and just hugs you from behind. But if the person DOES continue to flirt, he blatantly tells them that you two are dating and that he'd appreciate if the person were to avoid flirting with you. Then he pulls you away and is a bit pouty and clingy.
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
- Softly! He is very gentle with you! His favorite kisses are forehead kisses! He certainly has the height for it.
- He also loves giving you a kiss when you two are eating ice cream. Gives him the "You had some on your lip, so I kissed it off" excuse. He loves the blush that appears on your face when he does it ♡
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
- Compliments! He loves to compliment you on, well, everything about you!
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
- He cherishes all memories with you. So all of the memories he has with you are his favorites. He can't choose <3
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
- He is very afraid of losing you to his luck :(( he doesn't care if all bad luck he receives is directed towards himself, please don't leave him :(
O = On Cloud Nine (how are they like when they're in love? is it obvious?)
- Most certainly. He talks about how amazing you are to anyone willing to listen! Hearing your name is enough to get him smiling all day.
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you and why?)
- He likes calling you Angel, My Hope, Dearest, and Blessing.
- He calls you Angel because he thinks you are one. My Hope because well, Nagito loves hope and he loves you! You're his hope. Dearest is something he got from a romance film you two watched together once and it just stuck to him. Blessing came from the fact that he thinks you are a Blessing given to him after all the stuff that has happened to him.
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
- He loves to spend tim with you by doing literally anything! If he had to choose a favorite though, it'd be times where you two are cuddling and talking to each other about the future you two plan to have together.
- Allow him to talk about hope and how amazing you are. He will be very happy! Just be sure to do the same to him and tell him about how amazing HE is! It makes him very blushy and warm on the inside.
R = Romance (how romantic are they? are they cliché or creative?)
- Nagito is very romantic!
- He tries his best to be creative! One time, he left love poems all around his house where you were staying in. In each of the poems, he left a hint on where the next poem is, so basically, a poem scavenger hunt! At the end of the hunt, you received a promise ring and a kiss from a rather well-dressed Nagito.
S = Support (are they helping you with reaching your goals? do they support you? )
- Yes. 100% Y E S. Nagito will support you in anything you do and he will be sure to let you know that you're doing a great job!!
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
- It took about, 2 months at least. One month and few days were spent pining over you until Hajime told him that if he didn't confess, someone else could have you! Nagito didn't want that! So he spent a few weeks planning on how to confess and then wham you two got together.
U = Understanding (are they empathetic?)
- Yep yep! Nagito greatly accepts you telling him about your problems! He will give some advice, though he thinks they aren't that helpful due to them coming from him, but they help! He also empathizes with you!
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
- He's VERY proud. He can and will talk about you to to anyone who is willing to listen to his "1,000,000 reasons on why S/O is an amazing partner."
- If you didn't get the message above, yes he will show you off.
W = Wild Card (random headcanon)
- Nagito is quite clingy. When he requests for your affection and doesn't get it, he gets a teensy bit pouty and sad :( but then hug him after you're no longer busy and he's just ":D"
X = XOXO (are they very affectionate? do they love to kiss and cuddle?)
- Yes! Nagito is sure to give you all the love and affection in the world! You deserve it!
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
- He's quite nervous at first, but he pushes those thoughts aside and reassures himself that you will say yes. He first takes you to a fancy restaurant in which he booked a reservation a few weeks before the proposal. He then takes you to an open field where you two can stargaze. He calls your attention before giving you a speech that he had prepared in advance, and then finally asking the question.
- Due to his luck, things may go wrongly. So it may start raining before he even says his speech. Nagito is pretty upset, so when you notice this, you ask him what's wrong. He then tells you how his luck ruined a very important event for you and him, and then he brings out the ring he was going to propose to you with. He asks you the question, although glumly thinking that you'll say no due to what happened, but when you say yes, he's over the moon and he kisses you in the rain.
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
- Listening to your heartbeat. It reminds him that you are alive and that his luck has not taken you away from him.
- He also loves listening to your heartbeat after he gets you flustered. The pounding of your heart in your chest makes him giddy.
- If you two are married, looking at each other's rings makes him very happy. It reminds him that he's married to such an amazing person <3.
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here you go! this took quite a while cause tumblr kept deleting my progress each time i was halfway done :'). i hope you enjoy this, maple leaf!
stay safe and healthy always, dear! don't overwork yourself, eat your meals and stay hydrated!
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harryspet · 4 years
dark peter parker x innocent naive reader (or ofc it doesn’t matter) non-con fic?
CAMP KISSLESS | peter parker
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[WARNINGS] dark peter parker x reader (Y/N), virgin reader, noncon sex, outdoor/car sex (public?), peter isn’t very friendly neighborhood spidery in this
A/N: I’ve wanted to do a camp au for a little while so that’s why I chose this setting! This ended up being way longer than I thought it would be. Read at your own risk.
In which your the new camp counselor and you’re excited to start your job but Peter has other plans for your summer.
word count: 2.7k
It was gonna be a great summer. 
It wasn’t your first summer at Camp. No, your parents drove you to upstate New York every summer since you were eight and you stayed at Camp Moonfall for three weeks out of the summer. You always made the best memories there but, now that you were older, you were saving up for college next semester. Now that you were eighteen, you felt responsible enough to get a job and of course, Peter put in a good word for you. 
You remembered the summer before, all the counselors had let you join them around the fire since you were older. That’s when the game of never have I ever happened and that’s when you changed the way you looked at Peter. You always thought he was cute but with him smiling around all his friends, the firelight illuminating his skin, you developed a small crush. He was a year older than you and you remembered saying how you were going to miss him during your Senior Year. 
He smiled at you, of course, and your heart fluttered. 
It was in that game that everyone learned your secret about how you hadn’t even had your first kiss yet. They looked at you, shocked, and you would’ve preferred if they had just teased you rather than pitied you. You didn’t care that you hadn’t had your first kiss because you were waiting for magic. You wanted to settle for nothing less. 
“So who’s first on your list?” Peter had asked you and you raised an eyebrow. He turned his marshmallow over the fire, letting it brown, “Your kiss list? Who’s your dream first kiss?”
“Thor, I think,” You joke to Peter and he only rolled his eyes. 
“Haha, Y/N,” He spoke sarcastically, “But I’m serious, who’s number one?” For a moment, looking in his eyes, you could’ve sworn he wanted you to say him. 
“I don’t have one,” You slouched back in your chair, “Whoever it is, I want them to be the one I marry.”
All of their eyes turned to you, even Peter as if you had said something offensive, “What?” you asked. 
“You should save it for as long as you can, Y/N?” MJ said across from you, easing the tension, “High school boys are Satan's spawn. And I hear college boys aren’t far off.”
For the first day of camp, your outfit consisted of a tie-dyed t-shirt and a pair of running shorts. You had dreamed of carrying the clipboard you now possessed. Along with the wooden whistle around your neck, you felt complete.
MJ pointed at a gray minivan parked in a long line of cars where parents were unpacking their kids, “Y/N, can you check them in?” You immediately nodded 
She remembered her training, all eight hours of it, and took a deep breath as she approached the family. The Dad was lugging things out of the trunk and the mom was rustling around with her triplets. 
“Good morning, campers! I’m Y/N” You greeted them with a wide smile, hands tight around your clipboard. The kids didn’t seem to care much about you but you could get used to that, not every child was gonna fall in love with you, “Hope you all are excited for the best three weeks of your year. Can I get the last name?”
“We’re the Nelson’s,” The woman muttered, clearly not excited to hear your chipper voice this early in the morning. She pointed to each child and named them off. 
You looked down the long list of names and easily found the three Nelson’s. You took a look at each boy, knowing you’d have to remember all of them, “There, found ya! Are these all of their things?”
The father nodded, three suitcases and several pool noodles on the ground, “You got a bellhop, Betty?” He spoke, clearly not bothered to know your name. 
You looked down, still trying to smile wide as you crossed off the names, “Uhm, if you carry your things over there, someone will be there to carry their things to their cabin. Someone will also be there to take the boys down by the lake and they can join in the welcome festivities. You guys can say goodbye there and that’s when your vacation begins, Mom and Dad.”
You expected a smile or a nod of approval but you got cold stares, “We want to make sure they get settled in and see where they will be living. You can’t expect us to say goodbye now.”
Your smile fell a little bit but you kept your composure, “Well, here at Camp Moonfall, we want to keep the goodbyes short. When you took the tour, you were able to see the campsite. It’s very safe. We just find it’s easier for kids to adjust without the big, emotional goodbyes. It helps the homesickness when you start the fun right away,” You thought your smile would somehow lift their spirits but it only crushed yours. 
“Could you stop smiling like an idiot? You’re an adult, aren’t you? They must be hiring the mentally incompetent here, Diane,” The father said to the mother. 
Your heart sank and your lips parted to say something but the words didn’t leave, “I’m going to that cabin, sweetheart. Do you know what it’s like to give birth to triplets? I spent nine months with these kids and you aren’t gonna rip them away from me. I was in labor for twenty hours!”
“I-I didn’t mean to upset you. I’m just telling you the camp policy. We just find that it works best-”
The dad interrupted, mimicking your voice, “We just find that it works best. God, Diane, I told you this was a bad idea.”
“My mother said this would be a good experience for them!” The Mom yelled back at the husband, she held her boys closer to her, “The boys are not staying here. It seems like there’s something in the water here anyways …” The woman scowled at you. 
“I-I can g-get my supervisor-”
“And now she’s stuttering,” The father rolled his eyes, starting to grab their things and put them back in trouble, “Get in the car boys.”
How could your first time at this have gone so wrong? You clutched the clipboard to your chest, tears stinging your eyes. 
A second later you felt a hand on your shoulder, “What’s going on, Y/N?” He looked at the family then back at you. 
You just shook your head. He could tell you were about to start bawling, “Hey, hey, it’s okay. Go back to your Cabin and collect yourself,” You nodded and instantly walked away. 
You heard Peter talking to the family, hoping to solve the issue so that the boys didn’t miss out on camp because of their crazy parents.
“I did it. I saved the triplets,” Peter entered the girl counselor’s cabin, a soft grin on his face. He saw where you were laying on your twin bed and sat down on the edge, “I might regret it later because the funny looking one with the mo-hawk looks like a biter.” 
You didn’t laugh, just pressed your face further into the pillow. Peter’s hand rested on the small of your back. You felt him start to rub circles there and that level intimacy enticed you as much as it scared you.
“I suck,” You spoke but it came out muffled. 
“You don’t suck,” Peter insisted, “They sucked, hard,” That made you laugh. You turned your body to look at him and his hand moved to your waist, “You’re gonna have a good rest of the day. You’re gonna go swimming, eat hotdogs, and play way too many rounds of hide and seek. It’s gonna be awesome and you’re gonna have to perk up if you want to steal my title as everyone’s favorite counselor.”
You snorted, “Really? I recall Ned being everyone’s favorite last year.”
Peter faked a frown, “The man can make a mean s’ more.” 
Absentmindedly, your hand touched his and you moved it away quickly. Too quickly, “You’re right,” you coughed awkwardly, “Today will be good.”
Something clicked, you could see it in his eyes that something had shifted. 
“Do you want to come on a drive with me tonight, after everyone’s in bed. I have a view I want to show you.”
“Isn’t that not allowed?”
“I’m head counselor, Y/N. Plus, I’m Spiderman. Who’s gonna fire me?” 
You rolled your eyes, “Fine, but we’re back before midnight.”
For such a techy guy, Peter’s car was more run down than you expected, “What? She’s a passion project,” He said, touching the dash as if he believed the car was actually a person. 
Peter was right, you had a great day. The kids loved you and you even had one of Ned’s famous s' mores. You had a feeling the night might even get a little better. The way Peter was looking at you was how you’d always wanted to be looked at by someone. 
The car turned on onto a dirt road and it seemed you were on it for ten minutes before suddenly a valley opened up before you. Peter parked the car so the trunk was facing an amazing view. You got out of the rusty truck with your flashlight shining for extra light. You really didn’t need it because the moon was full and the stars were shining so bright.
They illuminated the valley and the beautiful mountain range in front of you, “Wow,” your mouth formed an ‘o’ shape and Peter looked at you as if you were the cutest thing in the world. 
“Just wait,” Peter opened up the back of the pick-up trunk and there laid a bunch of blankets and pillows. He kicked off his shoes, climbing in and setting the lantern down. He patted the spot beside him, “You can see the stars better if you lay down.”
You would’ve thought this idea was the most romantic thing in the world if you didn’t get so terrified at that moment. This was like … a date. At least, to her, these weren’t things normal friends did. Not when they held your waist and looked at you like that. 
You played with your fingernails, “Uhm..” Your voice trailed off. 
Peter had already laid down, expecting you to join him. He sat up on his elbows, “Y/N?”
You could do this. 
You climbed up into the truck, crawling beside him but leaving a few feet in between you. You let the small lantern keep you separated, “D-Did you only bring me here because of what happened earlier, Peter?”
You looked up at the stars and it was breathtaking.
“No,” Peter laughed nervously. “I just … It just made me realize something.”
“Realize what?”
You turned your head and realized he was already looking at you, “That I wanted to get to know you. You were still nice to those people even after they were so rude to you. It made me …” His voice trailed off and his eyes shut as if he didn’t want to admit what was next, “It made me want to protect you.”
Was this it? The magic you always wanted. 
“You don’t … y-you, don’t have to protect me, Peter.”
He laid his hand out and you surprise yourself when you pressed your hands to his, “But I want to,” He said. 
“I don’t know how to do things like this,” You admitted. 
“It’s okay, I can show you,” Peter said quickly, “Not that I’m super experienced either. But, as you can see, I’m pretty good at choosing romantic locations.”
You blushed and he interlaced your fingers. 
You laid there for a while, pointing out constellations and making jokes about the new ones you made up. 
“There, I found it!” Peter pointed up but there were so many stars that you couldn’t tell which one he was looking at. 
“What is it?”
“It’s you, can’t you see it?” You shook your head, leaning closer to him so you could try to see from his perspective. As you moved closer, Peter turned his head towards you, “Take my word for it, it’s as beautiful as you look right now.”
You looked at him too and you stared until Peter leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on your lips. Magic. This was magic. You weren’t sure how to move your lips but you just pressed yourself further into him. 
As you pulled away to catch your breath, you smiled, “Was that good?”
Peter nodded, “Yeah,” and he pressed his lips against yours again, his hand on your waist, “I’ve wanted to do that since last summer.”
You pulled away, “You’ve liked me for that long?” 
He tried to kiss you again, pulling your body into his, “Of course, you’re so beautiful … and innocent.” And naive, you thought. You didn’t want him to think of you as innocent. You didn’t want that to be the reason he liked you. 
You pressed a hand to his chest, trying to create distance, “Peter, maybe we should go back now. What if someone notices we’re gone?” He held you tighter and your heart raced, “Peter, I-I think we’re moving too fast.”
“This is what people who like each other do, Y/N?” He buried his head into your neck and began to kiss the skin there, “You don’t like me?” His breath on your neck sent shivers down your spine. 
“P-Please, please, Peter,” You begged, struggling against him. He soon was on top of you and, as you tried to escape his grasps, he pinned your arms above your head. You screamed for help and Peter only frowned. 
“No one’s gonna hear you,” He sounded annoyed. Who was this boy above you? Was he always a wolf in sheep’s skin? All these years? 
“Peter, you saved me today,” You tried to reason with him, “Don’t do this.”
He held your legs down as he ripped off your shorts with ease, “White panties? I should’ve known,” This was what he wanted. To steal your innocence and to hold that title forever. He spread your legs with his own. 
His eyes hovered above your own, his eyes staring right into, “What do you think people will believe? This story or that an innocent little girl like you wanted to lose her virginity with the boy she’s always had a crush on. Who do you think they’ll believe, you or me?”
You cried out but he shushed you by forcing his lips on you. You bit his lip and he pulled away, fuming and his grip on your wrist tightened, “We’re gonna have fun these three weeks,” He pulled off your panties next, stuffing them into your mouth to muffle your screams, “I’ll be gentle if you stop struggling, Y/N. I know it’s your first time.”
He positioned himself between your legs, pulling down his own shorts before feeling your sex with his fingers. He tested your reaction, watched you flinch as he stimulated that foreign part of your body, “I bet you haven’t even masturbated,” Peter growled, “Jesus.” He could probably finish just with the idea of you being so tight. 
He positioned himself at your entrance and you felt just how hard he was. You closed your eyes tight but they shot open as he slowly entered you. You struggled but that only made it worse. You were still, the pain ripping through your lower region. Tears were spilling out of your eyes. 
He didn’t need to hold you down anymore, his body was pressed against yours now and you felt too helpless to fight it anymore, “You’re gonna be mine, Y/N,” Peter whispered in your ear, tasting your tears with his tongue, “Only mine.”
As he rubbed your sensitive area and moved in and out, you hated that you were getting used to it. You hated that it was starting to feel pleasure. Peter noticed that you were getting wet and that only made him start to thrust his hips faster. 
Something began building in your core and you thought you might explode. Your body convulses and your breathing becomes even more rapid. You tightened around Peter’s member, milking his climax out of him as you did the same but against your will. Peter slammed his hand down beside your head, groaning loudly as he finished inside of you.
You were his for the rest of camp and you were not to tell anyone what happened. 
“This is gonna be such a good summer, Y/N.”
Feel free to request some drabbles! If you want more dark peter than check out my masterlist!
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rreeaahh · 3 years
“I like you in blue.” | Blaise Zabini
pairing: blaise x ravenclaw! fem! reader
words count: 5,786
summary: despite of any difference between them, blaise found himself falling for the ravenclaw girl who likes to shuffle the tarot cards.
warnings: swearing; underage drinking; sexualizing; smoking; fluff, angst, happy end
tagging a person who showed minimum interest for this idea (sorry if im bothering you, love!!!) @freddieweasleyswife​
a/n: this is the longest thing i’ve ever create. please be kind dear lord.
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 Your smile was growing with every joke Michael Corner was telling you and the other Ravenclaw girls while sitting in the courtyards of Hogwarts, the sun giving your hair a fairy sparkle. Your robe was besides you, the sunny day of April giving you a warm feeling to your spine and if it wasn’t the blue tie around your neck, tied carefully, Blaise Zabini wouldn’t assume your house.
“Blaise, fuck off,’ spoke Pansy, already annoyed by his lack of concentration to her speech, ‘I’m trying to help you with your birthday party.”
The Slytherin boy looked at her and gave her a bored look, after rolling his eyes. “I already told you, Pans, my birthday is next week, Monday.”
“Yes, I know,’ she responded with a sigh, ‘but we can throw the party Saturday.”
“Why not Sunday?’ asked Goyle, his best mate nodding his head.
“Yeah, Sunday’s closer to Monday,” Crabbe added, making Draco roll his eyes.
“Because you two are the dumbest people alive and you’ll be sick the next morning, and that’s going to get us in trouble if we’re caught.”
“Yes,’ continued Pansy, ‘so keep it a secret, only Slytherins.”
The rest of them agreed with the dark haired witch, but Blaise was looking to you again. He was somehow jealous of the way other guys could talk to you so easily and make you enjoy the conversation, while he failed every time he tried to approach you. He could feel you tense up as soon as he’d be next to you, talking, and how you were trying to avoid any contact with him.
“Do you hear me, loverboy?” Pansy snapped her finger in front of him, gaining his attention. “Only Slytherins, so stop looking at her.”
Despite of his friends believes, Blaise was interested in you. They told him multiple time about your subtle rejection, but you never actually told him to stop – he’d observed you since your fourth year and he figured out your talkative attitude, and he was pretty sure that if you’d want him to disappear, you’d simply tell him.
“Oi, Blaise,’ spoke Goyle, also looking at you, ‘didn’t you get bored?”
“Yeah,’ Crabbe continued his speech, like an annoying parrot, ‘she’s annoying, playing hard to get.”
“Besides,’ said Malfoy before Blaise could tell something, ‘I really am surprised you pay that much attention to a mongrel.”
He only rolled his eyes again, questioning himself about the kind of friends he chose – it was true that he also had that purity concept in his mind, but when it came to you it seemed to be invisible; besides, you were half as pure as he was, so it wasn’t such a big deal.
“She doesn’t play hard to get, Crabbe,’ he said and got up, the bell announcing the end of the last break of that day, ‘She is hard to get, and that’s a really fun game to play,” he smirked to himself as he saw you leaving the group of Ravenclaws and going to your last class for that day. “My birthday, my guests, Parkinson,” he simply said to the girl and left them behind, following your steps to the Divination class, a class he chose to attend in his third year just because of boredom. That’s were he saw you for the first time, and the next year he found himself looking for you in the big room.
Usually you were going to Divination with your housmate and friend Padma Patil, a girl who was somehow strange in Blaise’s opinion just for the fact that she was in a different house than her twin – looking at the Weasley boys he always thought hat identical twins are identical in everything. When Blaise entered the class, the tea smell hit him immediately, along with the scent of old books from where Trelawney could teach them something important, but she only spoke nonsense.
His eyes found you quickly, seeing you at a table, looking at the crystal globe with boredom. He walked to you and set his books down, gaining your attention, You looked like you saw a ghost, but that didn’t make him step back.
“Hello, dove,” he spoke gently as he sat down next to you.
He could already feel you tense up because of the nickname he gave you after a dove sat on your head in the fourth year, as you were in the train station, waiting to go back home. Nobody seemed to notice besides Padma and Cho, who were right next to you, but Blaise saw and smiled when you two made eye contact.
“Blaise,” you simply greeted him, trying as hard as you could to give him as little attention as you could.
Deep down you knew that all the attention Blaise gave you made something to grow in your soul, but you were also aware of all the comments running around Hogwarts about his reputation and behavior, so you tried to keep you for yourself. He wasn’t a bad person to you, even if you often heard him being a jerk to his friends, but that wasn’t enough to fall into his trap.
“How it comes you’re here, all alone?” he asked in a calm voice.
His voice was something you started to hate about him – it was so dual; when he’d spoke to anyone, he’d have a flat tonality, bored and cold, but when he’d spoke to you, he’d become the nicest person in the entire school, and that duality made you doubt his true intentions.
“Padma’s sick,” you said and looked at him in a rush, your eyes leaving his as soon as you realized he was already watching you.
“You don’t mind if I take her place today, right?” he asked and you dared to look at him, his dark eyes softening suddenly.
He thought that that question was actually asking if his presence was bothering you or not. By the way you’d respond him – sincere or just polite – he’d know how to treat you in the future. You, on the other hand, tried to make the best decision; a full hour next to him would be dangerous for your lucidity, but before you’d think twice you gave him an unexpected smile and nodded your head slightly.
“It’s fine,’ you said and Blaise returned your smile, ‘you can’t work alone in this subject.”
“So I’m just didactical material?” Blaise asked, pretending to be offended, but Trelawney entered the class, shuffling a deck of cards.
You didn’t respond Blaise, paying attention to the introduction the Professor made about that lesson, talking about Cartomancy and they way the cards could tell you the hole future of a person. Your tablemate wasn’t so concerned about her speech, his eyes and full concentration being on you. Even after two years of being aware of his interest in you, the boy still wasn’t sure about the nature of his feelings – it was a crush, an obsession, a target or a true love? He wanted so hard to find out and to reach that goal, but he couldn’t do that if you gave him no opportunity.
“Blaise?” you tried to wake him up from his open-eyed sleep he fallen into. He saw you looking at him with big doe eyes and he was amazed by the bright color and tried to play it cool, even if he was caught off guard. “We’ll read each other future,” you told him and continued to shuffle the deck of tarot cards.  
“You really involve yourself here, don’t you?”
“I didn’t take this class just to pass time,” and by his shamed expression, you figured out that it was exactly what he did. You laughed at his reaction and continued to shuffle the deck. “D’you know how to do it?” you asked and looked at him – his eyes were scanning your hands, their fast moves.
“Ladies first,” he winked in your direction and you rolled your eyes. “Could you also tell me what’re you doing, exactly?”
“I need to shuffle the deck so the energies will become one – after that, you need to pick some cards. Think about your future and chose one,” you encouraged him as you showed him the cards.
Blaise got one out of the deck at showed it to you – The Lovers, upright.
“Another one,” you said and he did as you asked; The Fool, upright. You just gave him a look and he understood that you wanted him to choose more cards.
The next three cards made you open your eyes wider – Chariot, Hermit and Sun, all of them in reverse. Blaise looked at you, confused, and asked if everything’s fine.
“Well, we should take it step by step,” you began and took The Lovers. “It’s kind of obvious what that card means, but in connection with the rest of them it’s not so bright,” you admitted and he only looked at you, waiting to continue.
“The Fool means innocence and vulnerability, but it’s also a card that shows already misplaced steps, so maybe you have a romantic situation with someone but you made the wrong moves on them.”
Blaise raised his brows – did he make something wrong to you? Would that be the reason that you were so distant?
“The next three are more complicated,’ you continued, ‘because The Chariot means that a part of you knows what’s best but you don’t do it, and it may be because of The Hermit brings a fear of loneliness with it, but also a state of isolation. The Sun is a card that usually doesn’t bring bad things with it, so you don’t need to stress too much over it – it means that everything will end up fine, but you need to take care and to be gratefull.”
If Blaise would be honest with himself, he understood nearly nothing – the only cards that seemed important were The Lovers and The Fool – if that nonsense was true he needed to approach you different.
“Your turn,” you smiled and gave him the deck, which he started to shuffle, thinking about your future. He hoped for you to have more good cards than he did.
When Blaise gave you the possibility to extract five cards, you ran your hand all over them and picked the first ones that you felt  connection with – The Devil and The Star upright, while The Moon, The Lovers and The World were reversed.
“Holy shit,” you said out loud, all the students looking at you as Blaise tried to figure out if it was good or not.
“What happened, Y/N?” asked Professor Trelawney and scared you with her sudden presence. “Merlin bread,” she also muttered and picked up the cards.
“It’s good?” Blaise asked. “I mean, we both got The Lovers and The Sun and The Moon,” he said confused.
The panic took control over him as he saw you being concerned with your cards. “That means your approaching future is connected,” the teacher said, suddenly excited of the odds the cards predicted.
“But not in a necessary good way,” you said somehow annoyed. “The Devil means seduction and The Star is hope, The Moon in reverse is full of insecurities and fears, while The Lovers in my case will bring suffering and conflict.”
Blaise felt embarrassed. He thought that you two will match each other in a good way. “And The World?”
“The World in reverse means that she’ll feel incomplete for a while,” Trelawney explained and clapped her hands. “You two are bonded, you need to keep in touch with me for the next days, kids, that’s exciting.”
The teacher left and gave you a feeling of anxiety, being alone with Blaise. The cards meant that you two will have a dark future together so all you needed to do to avoid that is to avoid him – but why did that idea give you a bigger feeling of sadness that the cards did?
You let the rest of the deck back on the table and started to write down what Professor Trelawney was telling about Cartomancy and its way to predict the future. “Y/N,” Blaise whispered, trying to get your attention, but you asked him to let you focus. And he did. He even wrote down some things too, despite it was clear that he was bored to death.  
“That’s all for today, kids, and remember! The future can’t change you, but you can change the future!” the teacher shouted. “Or it was inverse?”
“Michael, shut up,” you laughed and cover your mouth, trying to make less noise. “We’ll be kicked out of the library.”
It was already Saturday and a lot of students were in Hogsmeade, leaving the castle emptier. Michael offered himself to help you study to Potions, an object you were struggling with. It was even more complicated now, when Horace Slughorn was the teacher.
“Fine, fine,” he said and grabbed your hand, uncovering your mouth. His action was seen by the Slytherin boy from across the room, who was pretending to study with his friends. “I think we’re done here,” the boy told you and you rolled your eyes.
“You’re not helping me if you get bored after twenty minutes,” you told Michael as he got up and grabbed his things, smiling to you as he left you there, books all over the table along with parchments.
Blaise saw it as the perfect opportunity to approach you again – since the weird Divination lesson he got no chance to talk to you. You were always running to your classes, eating with the rest of the Ravenclaws, hiding Merlin knows where – all he got to do these few days was to watch you whenever your ways would came together. He left Crabbe and Goyle alone, not caring if they would say something in protest.
“Alone again, little dove?” he asked you and sat down right next to you, making you jump in your chair, scared of his sudden apparition.
“Not anymore,” you chuckled and damned yourself for the feeling of joy that erupted inside you.
“Glad to keep you company,” he smiled gentle, resting his elbows on the wooden table. Blaise Zabini was a gorgeous boy – his dark eyes seemed to be lighter when the sun would hit them and his skin seemed to be warm and soft, especially his lips, which would always lift up in a smile near you. He wasn’t the same bored, annoyed and frowned boy you’d see when he’d be around other Slytherins.
“Why so happy?” you asked and put your elbows on the table too, resting your head on your palms.
“Can’t a boy be happy when he’s near a pretty girl?”
“I’m flattered,” you smiled and looked at your notes, only to avoid his gaze.
The sweet gesture of blushing and avoiding his eyes made Blaise’s heart jump in his chest – it was a strange sensation, which made him even more confident on his decision.
“What’re you doing tonight, dove?”
You tried to think about your plans, but they were nonexistent. It was a Saturday night, so you’d probably end up staying up late with Padma and Cho while talking about Rowena Ravenclaw knows what.
“Nothing much, I think,” you shrugged. “Staying in my dorm.”
Blaise felt luckier than ever. “Come to a party with me,” he asked with joy in his voice. The smile on your lips only grew bigger in amusement but you realized that he was dead serious.
“A party?” you asked and laughed with sarcasm.
“Yeah,’ he responded, ‘don’t tell me that Miss Y/L/N doesn’t break rules sometimes.”
“Oh, she does,” you said and started to draw in the corner of one of your parchments. “What party?” you asked and this time Blaise was the amused one.
“A Slytherin one, of course,’ he said proudly, ‘and you’re my guest.”
Not knowing how to react, you gathered your things slowly as Blaise watched you and got up, squeezing the papers to your chest. “I don’t know,’ you answered and you were ready to leave, ‘I’ll think about it and I’ll let you know.”
You wanted to leave so you stepped away from him, but before you knew he got his hand around your wrist, pushing you behind a book shelf. Instinctively, you pressed your back against the old wooden shelf and looked him in the eyes, confused.
“Why are you always running away from me?” he asked directly, leaving you breathless. He was close to you, his body nearly pressed against yours, and his nose was blowing air on your lips.
“I’m not,” you lied and he just scoffed, like he was tired of this stupid behavior of yours.
“Y/N, it’s confusing, dove,’ he started, ‘you’re not saying no to my flirt but you don’t play along either. Am I bothering you with all my insistence?”
It was the first time when Blaise was playing his cards as he got them – open to the public eye; in that case, you. All you could do was to shake your head as you’d continue to watch his facial expression, now relaxing.
“Then why are you always so scared to be around me?”
His question was so simple and yet so complicated. If he’d know the true answer everything would change, and your future could be the same as the cards predicted.
“We don’t belong together, Blaise,” you sighed.
He laughed, shaking his head as he disapproved you. “And why’s that?”
“I’m a Ravenclaw and you’re a Slytherin,” you tried to say, but he interrupted you.
“You think we don’t belong together because of our houses?” he said like it was some kind of joke.
“Don’t you?”
Blaise Zabini didn’t know if he should be upset or amused by your question, Yes, of course he was raised with the idea of Slytherins being superior to the others, but he was also a very curious boy, who always got what he wanted – and now he wanted to know why you were running away from him.
“I don’t when it comes about you,” he confessed. “I don’t care if you’re a half-blood, a Ravenclaw or anything else, dove. You’re pretty, and I like you in blue.”
His other hand was now on your cheek, caressing your skin gently.
“I’m not so pretty,” you said and looked him in the eyes, like you were trying to convince him that he could do so much better.
“Shouldn’t Ravenclaws be smarter than that?” he joked, making you also let out a chuckle. “Come with me tonight,” he asked you again, this time witching you with his soft touch.
You were sure that Blaise put a spell on you, or else you couldn’t explain yourself why you were getting closer to him. “Ok,” you whispered.
“Good girl,” Blaise smirked and placed a fast peck on your lips, like he just showed you that his intentions are way bigger. “Sorry,” he said smiling, “I wanted to do that for two years.”
You blushed – hard, and he found it cute. Everything about you seemed to be so innocent and vulnerable that he wanted to keep you for himself.
“What should I wear tonight?”
Blaise shrugged. “I don’t know, dove. Anything you feel comfortable with.”
But his answer wasn’t satisfying. “I’ll find something good enough to not embarrass myself in front of all those pretty SLytherin girls.”
“They’ll be basic, darling,’ he laughed, ‘green or black.”
“Then I’ll search for something like that, too.”
“But I told you, I like you in blue.”
After another blushing cheeks, Blaise freed you and let you go to you dormitory. He went back to his table, were now were also Draco and Pansy, talking with the two idiots.
“I knew you’d come out of nowhere after your little bird left the library red like a tomato,” Pansy laughed but he knew it was just a way of hiding her true emotions – she wasn’t mean in reality, but she wanted to keep up with her boyfriend’s reputation.
“Funny, Pans,” he simply said and sat back down on his chair. “Got what we need?” he asked Draco.
“Yes, your mother made sure we could bring all the bottles back to the castle without being caught.”
“That’s the least she could do for her only child,” he joked. “Y/N’s coming tonight, so you better be nice – or, better, don’t even speak to her.”
“Why?” asked Goyle.
“She’s hot,” continued Crabbe.
“Watch your mouth, idiot,” muttered in annoyance Blaise, looking at him.
“Oh, c’mon,” continued Pansy with a smirk. “Don’t tell me that she didn’t caught your eye after she grew a pair of boobs.”
“She’s right, mate,” Draco said and laughed.
“Her body’s a bonus,” he admitted without any shame. You were gorgeous and he couldn’t deny that your body was a bonus to your personality.
“A big one, if we keep in mind that you know the bare minimum about her,” Pansy said in the same mean tone, making Blaise roll his eyes as the rest of them laughed at him for being so in love.
In six years at Hogwarts you took part to many parties – parties thrown by your house, by the Gryffindors or Hufflepuffs, but you never got the chance to enter the Slytherins’ Common Room and to party along with them. They didn’t bully you personally, but you had eyes and ears so you could be aware of all the mean comments those kids could say. Just because they were rich and pure they thought they were some kind of royalty, and you felt strange, being half of what they were.
The cyan dress was hugging your curves and the make-up Cho putted on for you was elegant and yet simple.
“Take care, ok?” Padma asked as she hugged you, being afraid of the idea – you meeting Blaise after the cards literally said that you two together would destroy each other.
“It’s a party, Padma,” you laughed as you stepped away from your friends, sneaking out of the Ravenclaw Tower. The cloak you were wearing helped you walk in the dark without being too obvious. It was around ten when you entered the Dungeons and when you were surrounded by the sound of water hitting against the stone walls.
In the letter Blaise sent you was written the hour he was expecting you and the password of the Slytherin House, along with an advice about how to trick the skull.
“Password?” the skull asked when it saw you standing there, arms crossed to your chest.
You rolled your eyes and sighed. “Pureblood,” you said between your teeth, and the big door opened immediately after.
You stepped in and you were amazed by the green lights coming from the ceiling, the loud muggle music you could recognize and the dancing ring in the middle of the room. All the Slytherins were dressed elegant, the boys wearing shirts unbuttoned to the first two or three buttons, and the girls being dressed in fancy dresses while holding a champagne glass or dancing sensually with each other. It was new for you, all that club atmosphere.
“You’re Y/N, right?”
You looked behind you, were two young boys were holding firewhiskey glasses. You nodded, still confused.
“Blaise’s waiting for you,” the taller one told you while the shorter one held out his hand.
“Give me your cloak,” he asked nicely and you did as he said, thanking him. You felt kind of revealed, the dress reaching your knees while the other girls’ were half to their thigh or long to the ground, but cut on the side. Some of them were watching you and the anxiety took control over your body. Did Blaise really deserved you to go through all of these, only to see if you could be good together?
You followed the boy to the other side of the big room, walking past dancing teenagers. Blaise sat down on a leather couch, surrounded by boys and girls, all of them smoking or having a glass of alcohol. You really felt strange watching them, because you knew how forbidden was to do such things in Hogwarts – in the muggle word, when you’d visit your grandparents, you’d frequently see teenagers smoking in parks or having a can of beer.
“Y/N!’, Blaise greeted you with a big smile on his face, ‘you made it!”
He got up from the couch, abandoning his cigarette in an ashtray to hug you and kiss your cheek. “You look amazing, dove,” he whispered in your ear as you melted slowly in his arms. Now that Blaise was present, you didn’t felt in danger anymore. You were completely lost, no chance to leave that party without admitting to yourself that you’ve fallen in love with the boy who, for two years, was nice to you everyday.
“Guys, she’s Y/N,” Blaise told the others as he sat back on the couch, dragging you along with him. The other Slytherins greeted you and a girl named Tracey said how much she loved your dress, asking you where did you get it.
“It was a present from my mother, from the muggle world,” you said, realizing the words you said only after saying them.
“How cool!” she shouted, a little dizzy from the firewhiskey. “You two have that in common,’ she said while leaning to Theodor Nott, ‘Blaise spends a lot of time in the muggle world too, even if he hates them!” she laughed.
You only nodded your head and smiled to Theodore, who apologized for her behavior.
“Want something to drink?” Blaise asked you, a hand appearing over your shoulders.
“Do you guys have anything else besides firewhiskey?” you whispered in his ear, giving him goosebumps.
“I’ll bring you some champagne,” he said back, making you laugh.
“Fancy,” was all you could respond before he got up, leaving you alone with the others.
They were chatting and laughing, only Tracey smiling to you and asking you some questions from time to time, while she was now in Theodore’s lap. Blaise came back with a sparkling glass, the bubbles tickling you when you drank.
It was the third or the ninth glass of champagne and you were laughing to yourself as Blaise was talking nonsense in your ear, kissing your lobe from time to time while holding your hand. He’d kissed you now and then, only shortly when he considered to be fine with you – you didn’t mind his soft lips against yours.
“I need to go to the bathroom,” you said and tried to get up.
“I’ll show you the way,” he told you as you were on your feet, but a sound of heels stopped him.
“It’s fine, partyboy,’ Pansy laughed and grabbed your hand, smiling friendly, ‘I was going to the bathroom too,’ she said, ‘and also, Draco’s waiting for you in your dorm, for your birthday surprise,” she winked in his direction and started to walk away with your hand in her, her steps taking you to a large common bathroom with mirrors and sinks and toilets. You entered a toilet in the same time as Pansy and let out all the liquids in your body, breathing in release. When you exited the toilet, Pansy was washing her hands and watching you through the mirror.
“I’m really glad you could come to Blaise’s party, he really wished to have you here near his birthday.”
“It’s his birthday?” you asked terrified. He never told you why there was a party.
“Yeah, but it’s Monday, you still have time to bring him a gift if those kisses don’t count,” she joked and winked to you, while your hands froze under the water. “It’s fine,’ she said when she observed the blush on your cheeks, ‘we already know about your friendly relationship.”
“Our…,” you muttered confused.
“Yes, Blaise told us how long he ran after you until you gave up and accepted.”
You didn’t understand her words. “Could you be more explicit?’ you laughed, ‘I think I had too much champagne.”
Pansy leaned on the sink and took out of her purse a cigarette, lighting it with her wand. “I heard Blaise telling the boys how good you were looking and how curious he was to see what’s under those blue robes, and I see he didn’t give up until he brought you here, to his party.”
“What?” was all you could ask, starting to feel the emptiness in your body.
“Yeah, I guess you know his mother,’ Pansy chuckled, ‘I think it’s a family tradition to want something that you can’t have and after you have it, to use it and be bored of it soon after.”
Her words were hurting your ears, your heart.
“But don’t worry,’ she continued in a friendly tone, ‘Tracey was in your place too, and she told me it was worthy – Blaise knows what to do with a girl.”
But he didn’t know what to do with you. That was his intention? To seduce you, to give you hope that you could be together, after all, and then to use you as a toy? Madness started to grow inside you along with sadness.
“Thanks for taking me to the bathroom, Pansy,” you smiled to the young witch, who only smiled back and watched you leave.
You wanted to leave. You wanted to leave and never get back there or near one of those Slytherins. They knew – they were aware of Blaise’s little game of playing with you and they did nothing. Of course they did nothing – you weren’t one of them.
“Dove!” shouted a voice behind you but you continued to walk until you left the Common Room, standing in front of the skull and ignoring its questions. All your dizziness disappeared once you heard Pansy’s words.
“Y/N!” called Blaise again, now grabbing your hand and making you stop. “What happened, dove?” he asked confused, his eyes red and his breath smelling like menthol and smoke.
“I don’t want to be here anymore, let me go,” you asked him calmly but he didn’t.
“Tell me what’s wrong,” he requested worried. And that made you angrier.
“It’s wrong how stupid I am!” you laughed and freed yourself from his grip. “I really believed we could end up together for real!”
Blaise raised his brows. “We could?” he asked confused, and then he realized. “Of course, we still can,” he said immediately and made you laugh harder, angrier.
“Fuck off, Blaise Zabini. I’m not one of your toys so fuck off and never talk to me again,” you told him and left, he still shouting after you when he heard a pair of steps and paws coming from behind him.
Even if he knew what was the best thing to do for you two, he swore and got back into his Common Room, ready to question Pansy about what the fuck was wrong with her.
Monday was already a tiring day, but after a whole weekend full of tears, you were practically a zombie. The bags under your eyes were dark, no matter how hard Cho tried to help you to cover them, and the lack of sleep and food was obvious simply by looking at your face. The reason, anyway, was known only by you, your friends, and probably all the Slytherins.
Care of Magical Creatures was a fun class for you – that’s why you chose to take it. Hagrid was a nice teacher, always making everyone feel good during his lessons. The worst part was that Blaise and other Slytherins were taking that class too, and you didn’t feel like dealing with him. You practically had no idea what Hagrid was talking about because you were trying too hard to avoid Blaise’s gaze in the crowd of students. You’d look at the cloudy sky, the trees moving because of the wind and you tried to predict when the rain would come.
“Thank you very much for today, kids,” Hagrid said in his accent, happy that no one got hurt that day.
Everybody started to go back to the castle, following the path, but when you wanted to leave the forest the way was blocked by a solid body.
“Move away,” you asked without looking at him.
“You can’t ignore me forever, dove,” he sighed and looked over his shoulder, seeing that you two were now alone.
“I could try, at least,” you shrugged and crossed your arms over your chest.
“Could you just listen to me?”
“So you could lie?”
But Blaise did something you never expected – he got a little bottle out of his robes – Veritaserum.
“What the…”
“Stole it, long story,” he simply said and took a sip before giving you the bottle. You did what he did and gave back the now empty bottle.
“What happened?” he asked.
“Pansy told me you’re only playing.”
“I’m not,” he answered and you were somehow shocked.
“I don’t think we are good for each other.”
“I do.”
You rolled your eyes and tried to keep your mouth shut, but the potion made its effects. “I’m not good enough for you. I’m not like them.”
“Like who?” Blaise asked worried and approach you, grabbing your hands gently.
“I’m not elegant like the girls in your house. I don’t smoke and I don’t drink firewhiskey, I don’t party like that and I don’t wear that kind of dresses. I’ve never had sex and I don’t think I want to have just now.”
You covered your mouth and looked down to your shoes.
“I don’t care about those things,” he said sad. “I care about you, ok? I care about your smile and your passion for Divination, I care about your cute cyan dress and about your big eyes. We are good for each other, Y/N.”
His voice was strong and sure about its words, and that made your eyes form tears again. “I’m scared,” you admitted. “I’m not a Slytherin and I’m not like who you’d like me to be.”
Blaise smiled to you and cupped your face, wiping away your tears. “You’re pretty,’ he said, putting a little smile on your face, ‘and I like you no matter what.”
Knowing it was the pure truth, you smiled bigger and crushed your lips against his, the rain starting to pour on your bodies.
“I told you, my dove,’ he said with his forehead leaned to yours, ‘I like you in blue.”
You started to laugh with happiness as the rain started to be more violent, hitting the ground with big drops. Blaise grabbed your hand and started to run with you to the castle, hand in hand, his green robes fluttering along with your blue ones.
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pyox1 · 4 years
A Team Effort - Liu Yangyang
When you learn from your teacher that the biggest project of the year will be a team effort, you can’t help but grow frustrated. Yet again, you’ll have to give double the efforts for an assignment that’ll be signed by two names that haven’t done anything close to equal work. You can’t help but be pleasantly surprised when you find out your partner is actually a fairly decent person.
Genre : Stranger to lover au, fluff
Pairing : Liu Yangyang x reader
Word Count : 3,2k
This goes out for the anon that requested a stranger to lover au with a shy yangyang confessing. Hope you like it <33
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It had all started when you had been assigned to a project with a name you weren't familiar with. Your teacher had decided on making the biggest project of the year a team effort, which you found to be ridiculous. Your grades were something you were proud of; not like the usual student that attended your school. Even if you were in enriched classes, the vast majority of the class couldn't care less about their academic performance. All from rich families with contacts in almost every field, they didn't have to worry about studying, knowing their dream job was already waiting for them.
When your name had been called after the one of Liu Yangyang, you were everything but happy. You wanted nothing more than to be able to work by yourself, without having to constantly drag someone behind you, only to get a passing grade.
Not knowing much about the boy, you had been reluctant to meet up with him. You could already imagine how your first meeting would look like. Awkward silences followed by ideas the both of you wouldn’t agree on, and even more awkward silences. You had already come to the conclusion that you would have to do the work on your own.
Surprisingly, it had gone well. He had arrived ten minutes earlier than planned, with arms full of notebooks. You clearly remembered how he approached you with a warm smile since you were expecting the complete opposite.
"(Yn), right?" He asked, to which you nodded. "Hi, I'm Yangyang. I'll say it right now, I'm so happy to be paired with you. Now I won’t have to worry about Lucas leeching off my back for good grades." Relieved flooded through you. You let yourself relax into your chair as he sat down next to you.
"Okay, so, I did a bit of research this weekend since I had free time. I hope that’s okay with you." He said flipping through pages, already immersed in the work. To say you were in awe was an understatement. You couldn’t believe he was real. "Uh, hello?" He waved his hand in front of your face.
"Yes! Sorry- yes. It’s perfect." You said, trying to hold back a blabbering mess from spilling. "I just… I didn’t think I'd be paired with someone so enthusiastic."
"Is… that a bad thing?"
"No!" A loud shush resonated through the library. You swallowed nervously, repeating lower. "No, it's a great thing." Yangyang stared with a playful glint in his eyes.
"Good. I was joking by the way." With that, he continued explaining his ideas as if nothing happened. Your mind couldn’t process the situation. First off, you had been teamed up with a decent person. Well, decent was underplaying it. He seemed hard-working, interested, and even… kind? You concluded the next few weeks weren’t going to be so bad after all, and you were right.
In fact, the first few meetings in the library had gone so well that Yangyang had invited you to work over at his place instead. He had tried convincing you by saying that you’d be able to share your ideas more freely without the constant death stares of the librarian.
"Plus, I have an amazing variety of snacks and drinks at my place."
"Mmmh, I'm not sure if I'm convinced." You said with a teasing frown.
"Well, I also have a hot older brother that you can swoon over while you're pretending to listen to me." You through a pencil his way, trying to distract him from the blush that was slowly glazing your cheeks.
"You’re an idiot."
"I'll take that as a yes. We can walk there tomorrow together after school." and that’s exactly what you did. Walking down the streets of the neighborhood felt comfortable with him. The conversation flowed naturally, with jokes and teasing being the main elements. It was as if you had known him for a long time.
After walking through his front door, you immediately complimented the nice home. He had laughed a bit, promising to tell his mom. He assured you that it would bring her over the moon. You smiled thinking about Yangyang talking to his mom about you.
If you had thought that studying at his house would be a good idea, it had turned out to be a horrible one. Without the constant supervision of the librarian, you and Yangyang were left on your own. Almost no work was done that night. Instead, you discussed your favorite shows, meals, hobbies, and much more. You quickly realized you had a lot in common and that you liked being in his company. You hoped he felt the same way.
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The rest of the week was spent forming a pattern. With you walking side by side with the grinning boy, arms occasionally touching each other. It was such a banal touch, but it still got your heart pumping faster. You were getting more at ease in his presence.
You had spent every afternoon over at his place. Sometimes you even forgot the main reason you were over, too occupied talking about anything and everything. It was so out of character of you to avoid finishing your school work, but here you were, captivated by the words of a boy you barely knew.
You usually left before his mom got home, trying your best to avoid any uncomfortable introductions. Each and every time, he’d walk you out with a twinkling smile and a promise to see you again tomorrow.
You always felt on cloud nine while walking home, reminiscing over every little detail that had stained your mind. For example, when his finger brushed against yours while reaching for the same pen at the same time. Or when he’d compliment your makeup and your clothes, although already seeing you that day.
Those small moments brought out the cliche school girl in you. You wanted nothing more but to stay in a constant state of daydream, with these little bits of souvenir being its main plot.
God, you were such a hopeless romantic. One more step and you were about to write his last name with yours in a journal.
It was only on Friday night that you told yourselves you needed to concentrate at least a minimum on the project due in a week. The both of you putting your mind at work for once, you had completely forgot about the time ticking by. It must had been around 6 o’clock when a little girl appeared in the dining room.
"Yangyang?" The girl called out. She could only be his sister, you assumed.
"Yeah?" She shyly walked up to him.
"Mom was wondering if your girlfriend was staying over for dinner." Shoot, you had overstayed your welcome. But wait... Were you hearing things right? Had she just called you his girlfriend?
"I don’t know, why don't you ask her." You felt as if you were on the edge of bursting. He stared at you intently, a smirk plastered on his lips. The girl inched towards your side of the table.
"Will you?" Her eyes held a hopeful glint.
"I- I, yeah. I mean- yes, sure." The little girl's smiled grew as she excitedly exited the room. You didn't dare to say a word until the sound of her skips resonated further in the house. "What was that about?"
"She wanted to know if you were staying over for dinner." He answered, unbothered, his attention glued to the screen of the laptop in front of him.
"Huh? Yeah, I got that part." You tried formulating your next words without sounding like an idiot. "She called me your…"
"You'll have to speak up if you want me to understand anything you're saying." He was playing dumb, you thought. Unless he was actually dumb but that couldn't be right. You crossed paths with a lot of stupid people in your life, and Yangyang wasn't a part of them.
Shaking your head, you let out a small laugh. It had probably just slipped out of his sister's mouth by accident. She probably called all of his female friends that and it just went over his head.
"Nothing. Don’t worry about it." You still weren’t sure if he was messing with you. He probably hadn’t heard it. Looking back at him, you swore you could’ve seen a look of disappointment flash on his face. You instantly tried lightening up the mood.
"Didn’t you tell me you had a hot brother?" You took the snicker he let out as a success.
"I only have a little sister… How else was I supposed to convince you to come over?" Definitely not the answer you were anticipating.
"Oh… I see." Silence followed. You had no idea how you were supposed to answer. You continued writing down on your paper until his voice interrupted you.
"The rosy cheeks is a good look on you." That's when you officially knew that Liu Yangyang would be the death of you.
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After the dinner you had spent with his family, you felt that you couldn’t get closer to the boy. It was crazy to you that you barely knew of his existence a week ago.
His sister had shown herself to be way less timid at the table, blabbering her day away to you. You had listened carefully, adding jokes, where you thought, was necessary, earning high pitched giggles from the girl. You hadn't noticed how Yangyang was carefully watching the interaction.
His mom also noticed the way her daughter had opened up so easily to you. She also had caught the way her son's smile formed as he talked with you. She hadn't seen his smile get that big in a while. Peacefulness invaded her mind. She automatically knew that you were going to positively influence him.
When the dinner was finally over, you took the time to thank his mom for her kindness and the meal. You helped clean the table while the overjoyed girl insisted on showing you her doll collection.
"Don't bother her dear," Her mother tutted. "Y/n will have to go home now.” The girl crossed her arms, displeased with her mom.
"Yangyang, why don't you walk her up to the door?" Her mom sent you a wink, assuring you that you didn't have to clean up. She made it clear that you were welcomed whenever.
Arriving at the front door, the boy cleared his throat. "Sorry for my sister and my mom, they're a bit intense."
"Don't worry, they're super nice. I might come back next week just to see them again."
"Not me?" He let it out as a joke. He would have never admitted to it out loud, but he also wanted to see how you'd react.
"I think we've seen enough of each other for a while now, don't you think?" You teased back. He shrugged, his hands hidden in the pockets of his pants. Any trace of sarcasm had left him.
"It's nice spending time with you." He admitted. Your breath got caught in your throat. The expression on your face said it all. He took it as a win. "See you next week then."
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The weekend succeeding that Friday night felt like the longest you had ever lived. Confined between the four walls of your bedroom, the minutes felt like hours. It was the first time you could remember being bored alone. Usually, you’d love having time to yourself, but now it seemed so pointless.
Still, an idea popped into your mind. You could take some advance on the work. That way, you'd get more time with the boy without this stupid project butting in.
“I’m such a genius.” You had mumbled to yourself, tipping furiously away on your computer. Even then, the subject had become dull and boring. You huffed and puffed through a few paragraphs before coming to a realization.
You wanted nothing more then to be in Yangyang’s presence again.
That’s why when you got to school Monday morning, the first thing you did was to scan the hallways, in search of his brown locks. When you had finally landed on his tall figure, putting his books in his locker, you felt an instant boost of happiness. Clutching the straps of your backpack, you walked up to him.
"Good morning!" You chirped. In response, he laughed gingerly. He was wearing a black hoodie and black jeans. It might not have been the finest fashion, but he shined in whatever clothes he was wearing.
"Someone seems to be in a good mood." You couldn’t even let his teasing get to you, too happy to finally see his charming face again.
"Your place tonight? I found more information, I think we might almost be done with this project!" The intentions behind your words were to be encouraging, but Yangyang had taken them like a blow to his guts. He didn’t want this project to end this fast. You, on the other side, we're working on the side to finish it quicker. Maybe he had read this wrong.
"Yeah, sure. I’ll meet you at the end of the day when the bell rings." With no other words, he walked further in the sea of students. You stood in the middle of the hallway, a pit forming in your stomach.
Something was wrong. You hadn't known him for long, but it had been enough time to know that the lack of emotion in his voice was not normal. You disparately wanted to run after him to know what was wrong, but ultimately decided against it.
You shouldn't have to push any information out of him. If he had something on his mind, you believed he'd come to you to discuss it.
In the meantime, you had continued your day as normal. It had gone by longer than usual, the itching thought of an upset Yangyang never quite leaving your mind alone.
As promised, when the last bell ranged, he was waiting beside your locker. The walk was different that afternoon. You had tried the usual small talk, but his answers were cut short. Even when you had thrown a few jokes, his reaction had stayed the same; serious and thinking, almost.
Arriving at his house, you were already making your way to the dining room until he grabbed your hand, stopping you from walking any further.
"Is it okay if we study in my room this time?" He asked. It was the first real sentence he had spoken to you in the last hour. His voice had a hint of a plea in it.
"Aren’t we going to finish the work in the dining room like we usually do?" The boy let out an exasperated sigh. There you were again with your fixation on finishing the project.
"Is that all you care about? Finishing the project and then going back to what it was like before?" He said, his grip on your hand tightening, almost as if he was scared you were going to disappear into thin air.
"Yangyang… I have no idea what you're talking about." He signed again.
"Can we please just go in my room, I’d prefer having this conversation in private, out of prying ears." He gestured to the side with his chin. You looked over to catch sight of his little sister's curious eyes peeking from the living room.
You agreed, following the boy in silence, your hand still in his. Entering his room, he closed the door behind him. His eyes wouldn’t leave the floor.
"Look, I know that you only care about the assignment at this point and all you want is to end it as quickly as possible, so here's what I suggest. I can finish it myself and you won’t have to come back-" You rapidly cut him off.
"Stop rambling, I won’t let you finish this thing alone." He had been bottling up his thoughts for the whole day and now they were coming out like word vomit. He bit his lip, annoyed with himself.
"Look, what I guess I’m trying to say, is that you don’t have to spend time with me anymore. It’s okay, I won’t take it personally." You held his arms as if to shake him out of his weird thoughts. His eyes finally met yours.
"I don’t know who or what made you think I didn’t want to spend time with you but it’s the complete opposite. I want to finish this project to spend some time with you, you idiot." Right away, you felt himself relax in your hold.
"So that’s why you continued working without me this weekend?" His tone was suddenly much gentler.
"Of course it is. This weekend felt like an eternity to me. The least I could do was to take some advance to spend some time with you doing literally anything else." The boy felt all his worries wash away. You knew exactly what to say for him to feel better.
"I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought those two days were abnormally long." You broke into a giggle. His expression quickly returned to a serious one.
"Y/n… I have to tell you something." You nodded, encouraging him to continue. " I- um, this is kind of hard to say."
He started playing with his fingers, trying the find a good way to deliver his feelings. You would’ve never thought you would get to see the boy grow so nervous. It was the first time you saw him stumbling over his words. Normally, you’d be the one in that position. You found the situation quite amusing.
"Stop smiling," He whined. "I’m trying to be serious!" You pressed your lips together, repressing a laugh.
"Sorry, sorry, go on." He walked around his room for a while before taking in a big inspiration. He stood in front of you, standing as still as a statue.
"I like you, Y/n." He said. His confession was remarkably anticlimactic that you couldn’t help but be confused.
"I like you too…?"
"No, you’re missing the point." He bit the inside of his cheek. " I like you, like you. I like the way you laugh or the way you’re so serious about your studies. I like your smile, your eyes, your nose, the way you giggle, or the way you roll your eyes when I say a stupid joke. I want to spend all of my free time with you. But most importantly- I want you to be my girlfriend." Your hands reached for his face, cupping his cheeks gently. He closed his eyes at the contact, his hands coming to layover yours.
"You’re in luck then, because I’d really like for you to be my boyfriend." You didn’t leave him the time to answer, instead choosing to press your lips carefully against his. He hummed, his hands diverting to your neck. His thumbs threw circles on your skin as he deepened the kiss.
His tongue swiped on your lip, to which you gladly let access into your mouth. Shivers ran through your body, the closeness being almost intoxicating. When he backed away for air, your lips mindlessly followed his, to which he chuckled, resting his forehead against yours. His lips landed one more time on yours, in a quick and chaste way.
"Don’t worry, when we finish this project, we can do all the catching up we have to do in that subject."
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Aaand it's done! This is my longest work yet and I'm super proud of it.
Thanks to everyone who took the time to read it. Feedback is always appreciated:)
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mae-gi-writes · 3 years
Feux De Joies | Kevin (The Boyz Christmas Series)
La Joie de Noël Series : Feux De Joies [Kevin]
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[ Feux De Joies: Bonfire. ]
Stories revolving around the small miracles of Christmas.
Read more of La Joie De Noël Series here:
Sangyeon | Jacob | Younghoon | Hyunjae | Juyeon | Kevin | Changmin (Q) | Chanhee (New) | Ju Haknyeon | Sunwoo | Eric 
Y/N and Kevin's relationship had never really been all love and warmth after he'd played a prank on her heart. Losing a bet required him to fake a confession of his love to her and while Y/N's heart had skipped a beat, the said young man had proceeded to giggle in her face before telling her that it was just a prank and, how could he even see her that way anyway? He was totally smitten with another classmate of theirs.
The mixture of embarrassment and shame and taken over Y/N's countenance and since that day, she had regarded Kevin as no more than an insect she wished to squish with her toe. Much to his displeasure, the pair had drifted apart mainly due to the girl pushing him away. Numerous times, he'd wished to ask her what was wrong, why she seemed so cold and distant but he'd never really had the chance.
The irony of the pair being invited to the same end-of-year Christmas bonfire made Y/N want to drop out at the very last minute. But her friends' incessant whining couldn't go unnoticed and she had finally relented with the condition that she wasn't to be left alone that night.
"I promise," her friend had pinky-sworn at Y/N's glare.
"You better mean that."
Despite Y/N's protests, the pair ended up getting a lift from Jacob and much to her surprise, she found the latter much easier to talk to. Maybe it was the lack of school setting that made it easier to detach stereotypes or maybe she was just in a great mood. In any case, by the time they had reached the beach and spotted the group of people crowded around what seemed to be a pile of branches, Y/N's mood had lifted considerably.
They had hung up a string of Christmas lights in the trees that circled the fire, giving the small area an ethereal, magical glow that made it seem like she had just stepped into a Christmas movie. It was just so beautiful, too beautiful to even keep being mad at someone. Plus, everyone was decked in their ugly Christmas sweaters and that alone was enough to turn this into a comedy. 
"Hot choco?" One of their classmates held up two paper cups which they all accepted graciously. Y/N felt warmth spread through her palms and an unintentional smile lifted the corners of her lips.
After all, it couldn't be that bad. Right?
Wrong. A scowl dropped over her features the moment she laid eyes on a familiar face sitting across the bonfire. She looked away.
No, she told herself off adamantly. She was not going to let Kevin, of all people , ruin her mood.
That was what she kept at the back of her mind in a continuous wave of reminders as the sun set over the horizon and bathed the entire scenery in glimmering gold despite the cold spreading through their limbs. The group huddled in as the bonfire was lit, flaring orange and casting a warm glow over their bodies as marshmallows were passed around on sticks.
Y/N wasn't really sure, throughout the countless conversations and the lighthearted socializing, how she still ended up with Kevin sitting at her side. He was chatting idly with Jacob and when the latter spotted her face, sent her a casual wave.
Y/N waved back quite unsurely, hating how her stomach squirmed uncomfortably when Kevin's almond orbs flitted over her face.
"Hey," Kevin said as he plopped a marshmallow onto his stick and passed her the bag. Y/N had no choice but to take it almost reluctantly, "the bonfire's quite something huh?"
"If you say so," she mumbled and focused her attention on fiddling with her marshmallow stick.
"Y/N, I thought you hated sweet things," Jacob's voice chimed in.
"Today's an exception," the said girl stuck her tongue out at him, causing Jacob to chuckle.
Kevin's eyes swept back and forth between the two, "since when do you two know each other?"
"Oh just now. We spoke on the way here," Jacob then nudged the skinny raven-haired man, "why? Jealous?"
"Me?" Kevin spluttered and if Y/N had looked away a second too early, she wouldn't have gotten the satisfaction of noticing the heat lighting up his entire face. And she was pretty certain that was not a result of the bonfire heat.
A nudge on her shoulder brought her attention back to her friend who asked "do you know where the toilets are?"
"Uhm, I don't think there are any toilets...You'll have to go pee in nature or something."
Her friend's horror was written all over her face and though Y/N had insisted on accompanying her, Jacob jumped up at the chance, sending Y/N a wink which suggested that there was much more to friendship in his gentlemanly intentions.
She watched the pair go, a frown shadowing her face as she questioned whether that was a good idea.
Kevin seemed to read her mind, "don't worry. Jacob's a good guy. He won't do anything."
"Makes me wonder why he's friends with you," she shot back without missing a beat. Her eyes quickly flitted to his own Christmas sweater -- a vivid white that had olaf’s face printed on the front, his orange nose jolting out and dangling. 
Why the fuck did he still look that good?
Kevin wasn't hurt though, throwing her a grin instead, "always the charmer, aren't you? It's been a while since we spoke. Why's that?"
"I wasn’t the one busy trying to woo the pants off Seulgi."
"Woah there tiger," he blinked, "where did that come from?"
She twirled her stick through the flames, now glad that the darkness enveloped most of her features, "I thought you liked her. That's the only thing I remember from our past conversations."
"Oh gosh," He chuckled softly while taking a bite of his marshmallow, "well, there's a lot of catching up to do."
Despite her initial desire to stay away from the said young man with the piercing almond eyes and the beautiful raven-coloured hair that made her fingers itch with the desire of running them through his locks, conversation flowed as easily as water and as the night gave way to the moon and stars glittering across the night sky, she found herself falling into that familiar memory of sharing secrets and stories with Kevin, remembered how it felt to have him make her giggle with his lame jokes and with his never ending list of puns. It was as if nothing had changed and she hadn't realized the way her heart summersaulted in her chest with every smile, every chance his eyes met hers, until a hand landed atop her shoulder.
She jolted, gaze fluttering up at her friend who had a knowing look in her eyes, with Jacob was close behind.
"I thought we were supposed to stay together," her friend chided, though there was a mischievous smile on her face.
"I--I was waiting for you!" Y/N stuttered out, "where did you go anyway?"
And that was when she noticed their entwined hands. Everything clicked, fell into place. The girls' eyes met with silent understanding before Kevin cleared his throat.
"Well, I guess we'll leave you two to it," he grinned and before Y/N knew it, his arm was had shot out and was dragging her away from the pair, away from the bonfire into the darkness.
The cold was instantaneous, taking hold of her limbs and freezing them over as soon as it engulfed her figure in its icy grip. She shivered and pulled her jacket close, trying to gather as much heat by tucking her hands into her armpits.
Kevin probably noticed, for his arm gingerly went around her shoulder to pull her close.
She swallowed thickly upon feeling his warmth envelope her side. This was not in the plan! Her subconscious mind screamed, you were supposed to stay away from him because he played your heart like an old guitar that he then tossed away!
It wasn't his fault per se. Y/N knew that much. In fact, she blamed herself the most. For she wouldn't have been so hurt, so offended, if she hadn't had any inkling of romantic feeling towards the said man.
But here she was, falling over for him once again.
That was the thing with Kevin. One could fall for him as easily as breathing.
"Kev? Where are we going?" Y/N blurted out in attempt to hide how uncomfortable she felt. Her hands fisted into her ugly sweater sleeves, hiding her sweat-coated palms.
"Uh, I don't know actually. My only intention was to get away from them," he chuckled, which reverberated through her own body, "seems like Jacob got what he wanted."
"I knew he was after her. It was so obvious," As the pair kept on walking through the dark, Y/N's head lifted to gaze up at the night sky glittering with stars.
Kevin's soon followed, "I remember him telling me to specifically back off when the deed was done."
"Asking a girl out right after she peed in the words doesn't seem that romantic to me though."
"Oh," his nose crinkled, "you're right. It's not. Oh my god, they held hands right after--"
"She didn't even wash her hands."
They looked at each other for a few beats of silence before bursting out laughing, the sound rippling through the dark depths of night as they tried not to topple over each other as they bent to hold their stomachs.
"That--" Kevin heaved to catch his breath, "that is gross."
"Hope Jacob's not germophobic."
They proceeded to grin at each other like naughty schoolchildren sharing sneaky secrets and Y/N swore her heart skipped a beat whenever her dark brown met his obsidian depths. She'd be lying to say that there wasn't the faintest lingering affection in her heart for the said young man, especially when her entire body seemed to follow along to his every move as though he had her trapped in a trance.
It was only when Kevin's grin faltered into an unsure smile as they gazed at each other for a little too long, that Y/N quickly turned her head away, clearing her throat.
"Wanna hear a scary story?” Kevin piped up as they kept on walking, not realizing that they were drifting further and further away from the glowing Christmas lights. 
Y/N looked up at him from her small nestled space he’d created with his shoulder, “we’re celebrating Christmas. Not Halloween.” 
“I promise you that has nothing to do with either of them.” 
“Alright then,” she paused, “shoot.” 
“Well,” his voice dropped to a murmur, which caused a shiver to tingle up her spine, “apparently there was a pregnant woman who was running away from her husband. She came into these woods and gave birth to her baby. But then, something weird happened during the night. Nobody knows what happened to her. But the baby was found a few days later,” he paused for dramatic effect, “weird you know? Considering that it’s a newborn baby that wouldn’t have lived in such circumstances. So he --it was a boy -- he got adopted, grew up to be a fine young man. But that’s not the point.” 
She knew, deep down, that this was only a story to scare her off. But she couldn’t help but ask what happened to the mother.
“Nobody knows where the mother went. But then one night, on that same night she apparently disappeared, a group of friends came camping. Just to have fun. One of them had to go pee at night,” his voice lowered dangerously, captivating Y/N’s ultimate attention, “when she went in the bushes, she felt someone standing behind her. So...she turned, and then--”
“Holy shit!” 
That was Kevin, who had literally jumped into her arms without thinking at the weird noise that bustled behind them.
“Kevin!” Y/N cried, before bursting out laughing at how he’d scared himself, “oh my god, you’re such a coward!”
“Wha--That was not in the plan!” He whined, voice muffled against her shoulder. He pulled back with an annoyed face when noticing that there was barely any hint of fear on hers, “why aren’t you scared?” he pokes your sides.
“Because I have more sense than that.”
“You’re so annoying.” 
“At least I’m not a coward.”
He leaned closer, “I’m not a coward.” 
“You’re the one who got scared,” her chin tilted up adamantly. 
“That’s not the point.”
"Then what is?"
And in a split second, his mouth was on hers.
Hands clasped her jaw as Kevin moved in closer, lips moving softly against hers as if he knew exactly what he was doing. Surprised, Y/N's own lips parted and he took this chance to kiss her a little deeper, teeth sinking down onto her lower lip and making a small gasp fall from her voicebox. Her shaky hands clasped onto his shirt while his twined around her waist, tugging her close so that his warmth enveloped her completely like a wave of dizzy euphoria, sensual waters that Y/N didn't mind getting drowned in.
She had no idea what she was doing, no idea why the heck she wasn't pushing him away like she was supposed to.
It was almost on instinct that her body pressed even closer if that was possible, causing a soft grunt to echo out of Kevin's chest. His hands skimmed over her backside, left a series of sensual heat that left her dizzy with want. And just when Y/N thought she couldn't take anymore, his tongue joined in, turning her into a gasping mess.
She whimpered, that mere sound enough to prompt Kevin's hands to tangle through her hair and tilt her hwad back, lips locking with better access and her legs turning to jelly with each searing touch he imrpinted on her, with each caress of his tongue that rendered her mad with temptation.
Lights suddenly blared through the dark.
The two jumped apart, chests heaving, as they looked up at the christmas lights dangling from the row of trees surrounding them.
"Eric!" Kevin yelled with slight exasperation as a head popped out from behind a tree.
The said young man named Eric smiled at them sheepishly, "sorry, why are you even here?"
"I was trying to confess!" The heat of Kevin's cheeks seemed even brighter red in the glow of the christmas lights and Y/N couldn't help but laugh at how embarrassed he looked. Without a second to waste, Kevin's fingers laced with her own before he tugged her away from the now illuminated tier of blinding lights, ensuring that they were well away from prying eyes before he swivelled around so abruptly she almost bumped into his chest.
"Okay so, that-- that clearly did not go as expected," he started pacing around like an unappeased tiger while his hands fisted through his locks, and if Y/N's own mind wasn't as scrambled with the memory of Kevin's lips tingling across her own, she would've laughed at how comical he looked.
"Look, Y/N," he halted, facing her and grabbing on to her shoulders as his words spilled in a rush, "If you don't like me, just tell me because otherwise I'm gonna kiss you."
He was so close, only holding on to her shoulders and yet her body yearned to melt into him as though his mere existence was made out of desire. When his dark orbs found hers, glimmering with a tenderness, with a genuine warmth that caused air to constrict through her throat, she did nothing but swallow as she decided to play out her fate.
He searched her face for any clues, with an intensity that made her heart practically jump out of her chest. But still, she stayed quiet as she held his gaze with a burst of naked courage.
Then, gentle warm hands came up to cup her face, and just as his mouth brushed hers, he breathed, "I guess you do."
And he kissed her once more, fully claiming her lips as his own just like he claimed her heart. A kiss that the girl gave into as though she had never planned to fight, arms circling his neck to pull him down, closer, chest to chest, mouth parting with a small gasp that he stole just like he did with her heart. 
The moon glimmered, bathing their figures in a silvery light as they slowly lost themselves into each other, leaving the bonfires and the Christmas lights behind. 
For this Christmas, I’ve decided to write small drabbles involving TBZ because this year has been their year really (Kevin moon stole my heart). I hope you like it! Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist xxx 
More coming soon! Hope you enjoyed this one! 
As usual I just go all out when it comes to Kebin i mean HOW CAN I NOT AFTER THEIR MAMA STAGE RIGHT????? 
Anyway, stay safe and stay healthy everyone ❤
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Fandom: Assassin’s Creed Rating: Teen and up Pairing: Shay Cormac x reader Word count: 2344 Genre: angst
Shay is the Templar now, while you’re still the Assassin. Your love is as strong, as it’s forbidden. Yet sometimes the smallest things can mean the most. Inspired by “In The Heights”, this time.
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Some people are unable to stay away from trouble by either causing them or finding them involuntarily. This kind of people simply cannot sit still when something is happening, they always have to be involved. Each one of you was that kind of people, you, Kesegowaase, Liam, Hope and Shay. After all, regular and peaceful people don't become Assassins, this kind of job is meant for uneasy spirits who can't stay in one place for long. They also must want to change the world for the better. At least this kind of thinking led you to the Brotherhood and you couldn't complain. You had an adventurous life, you were making the world more free with every killed Templar and you had your friends who always had your back. One of them was even more than a friend.
Shay was always the most energetic and impatient, like a white hot spark popping out of the fireplace. He acted or spoke first, then thought, compared to him you were almost stoic. Yet you had found a common ground easily, a lot like him, you doubted if what your Brotherhood was doing was right. You would've spend hours talking, joking and having fun, which ultimately lead you to develop a romantic relationship. For a very short time your life just couldn't be better. You were young, unstoppable and absolutely in love.
Unfortunately, your doubts turned out to be real. When Shay was sent to Lisbon, you couldn't stop thinking about him, you wanted him to come back to you, despite knowing he was fully capable of taking care of himself. One day, after painfully long weeks, you saw your lover coming back to the Homestead. You missed him dearly and you were pretty sure he missed you as well, yet when you ran to meet him halfway, you noticed he was upset. He didn't want to talk to you, he only said he needed to see Achilles. Soon you got to know what was bothering your man and you wished you didn't. Shay was right, the Brotherhood went away from its own tenants, but unlike him, you believed it could be fixed. You tried to convince him to help you, but he wasn't listening. Therefore he earned himself a mark of a traitor and was presumably killed, while you were punished for trying to protect him. But when you had found out he survived and joined the Templars, you stopped caring about the others. You had to see him.
Hidden in the soothing darkness of the night, when there was no moon and only stars were shining, you snuck out of the Homestead, triple checking if no one followed you. Then you infiltrated the Templars' quarters, where you expected to find your former partner. Finally, after a few hours of hiding in the shadows, you had found Shay's room. But as soon as you stepped in, he pulled out his sword and pointed it at your throat.
“I must admit, I am impressed. It doesn't happen often, that a prey comes to the predator themselves” he spoke trying to be cool, but you could tell his voice was about to crack. He didn't want to hurt you, even if he thought he had to.
“I'm not your prey” you answered, looking directly into his eyes.
“Why did you come?”
“To see you. Whether you believe it or not, I genuinely miss you. It's not a trick and no one knows I'm here. If you really want to kill me, go for it. But I don't think you can” you said daringly. Shay's hand trembled and he bit his lip. He certainly expected a trick, but failed to sense it, because there wasn't any.
“I can. You won't be the first Assassin who fall to my sword” he protested, but you knew he was bluffing. You could see it in his eyes.
“Really? You already forgot what was between us? How I tried to stop the others from killing you, because of my feelings for you? I love you, Shay. And nothing can change that, even if I wanted it more than anything. I didn't come here to kill you, I came here to see you and here's my proof” you exposed your hands proving you didn't have your hidden blade. That seemed to convince the man to lower his weapon.
“You came here unarmed? That's just stupid” he raised his eyebrow in disbelief.
“I'm not unarmed, I have a dagger, a few smoke bombs and some throwing knives. Everything that can provide me escape if something went wrong. But I didn't have to use them and I don't need them for now” you scoffed and unbuttoned your coat, then undid your belt and put them on the floor, clearly showing you didn't take anything from it, then you stepped away from them.
“What game are you playing, (y/n)?” Shay asked and you shrugged.
“I'm not playing any game. I missed my boyfriend who turned out to be not dead, so I wanted to see him. Now, would you allow me to come close to you, or am I supposed to take off something else?” you asked and his eyes lighted with feelings. Just like you, he couldn't simply ignore his heart.
“I have a few ideas” he admitted with a smirk.
“Then come and take it off yourself” you copied his smirk and opened your shirt, exposing your chest. That made Shay inhale sharply and unbutton his own clothes. At the same time he started to approach you and you weren't going to wait patiently. Your bodies crashed with desperation and longing, touch starved skin itched with the lightest brush, your clothes quickly became disturbing, so they had to go. It didn't take long until you both were naked and heavily aroused.
“I missed you so much, love” Shay purred as he kissed your neck.
“I missed you too” you whispered, stifling a moan as he sucked on your pulse point. For a moment the whole world was gone, Assassins, Templars, nothing mattered, only the two of you. It felt divine to feel him so close again, to make love with him, to forget you had any issues. The bliss lasted until the dark room started to light up a little, an inevitable sign that the night was coming to an end. Yet you kept lying in the arms of your beloved one, trying to figure everything out.
“Join me, (y/n)” you heard him say and you sighed. You knew he was asking for too much.
“I can't, my love. I understand your point, I shared your doubts, after all, yet I don't think there's no other option. There has to be.”
“They need to be stopped.”
“They need to be corrected. I believe there is a way to prove them wrong, to make the Brotherhood follow its Creed again. But becoming a Templar is not the solution” you lifted yourself on your elbow. “I respect your decision, Shay, but I also want you to respect mine. I will not betray the Brotherhood. I'm the Assassin since birth. If you're the Templar, that makes us mortal enemies” you stated, fighting back the tears. Shay caressed your cheek and you leaned into his hand.
“You were right. I couldn't kill you. And I will respect your decision, though I do not approve of it. I also can't go back to the Brotherhood.”
“Yes, I know. However this means we have no future together” you sighed and kissed him softly. “I wish we could have our happily ever after.”
“Seems like our fairy tale has no happy ending” it was Shay's turn to sigh.
“We have to catch little moments like this one. Before sunrise. When we are not the Templar and the Assassin, but two people in love.”
“It's sunrise already?” he asked with disbelief and looked at the window.
“It is. And I should go soon.”
“I wish you could stay for longer.”
“Me too. But I can't risk getting caught. I wouldn't want you to get in trouble because of me.”
“I don't care. I just want you” he pulled you close again.
“Anything at all can happen just before the sunrise” you smiled and gently caught his bottom lip between your teeth. He answered to that with a kiss.
“Promise me it's not our last encounter. Promise me you reconsider your allegiance. Promise me...�� he silenced as he couldn't find the right words.
“Promise me you'll stay beyond the sunrise. That every time you see it, you will be thinking about me. That you will never forget our love. Because I promise I will never forget it. You will always be in my heart” you swore, marking an X on your chest.
“Why does it sound like a goodbye?” Shay looked at you with concern.
“Because I decided to leave the colonies if everything else fails. I'm not sure where should I go, but I decided that will be the best. If they keep ignoring my warnings, I will have to leave. I don't want to fight them and I don't want to fight you. And if I stay, it will happen sooner or later.”
“Maybe the Brotherhood needs a new mentor. Maybe you should take Achilles' place.”
“Would you be able to spare me if I did?” you asked and his silence was the answer you needed. “That's what I thought” you smiled sadly and slipped out of Shay's embrace. He watched you dress up with sadness and adoration.
“Goodbye, my love. I really hope we meet again” he said and you could tell he missed you already.
“I hope so either” you turned to the window and smiled. “Sunrise” you whispered and went outside, sending your lover one last look. Then you snuck back to the Homestead, which was slightly more difficult, yet not impossible.
“Where have you been?” you heard someone asking. When you turned around, you saw Liam.
“Doesn't matter” you answered, not even stopping by. Your heart hurt after your parting with Shay, you didn't care for much. But Liam grabbed your arm and turned you around, so he could look you in the face.
“You seem sad. What happened?” he asked and pulled your collar, to expose red mark on the base of your neck.
“Nothing happened, let me go” you protested and took a few steps back.
“Nothing happened, yet you snuck out, then came back sad and there's a love mark on your neck” Liam crossed his arms in his chest. “Did you meet with Shay?”
“Why would I?”
“You two were close, so I assume you didn't betray us then only to work for him now.”
“How dare you...”
“He's a traitor, (y/n)! You are supposed to kill him, not fuck him! Otherwise you're a traitor as well!” he yelled and you felt anger overwhelming you.
“I would never betray the Brotherhood! I love Shay and he loves me, but we're painfully aware of our allegiances. That night we forgot about them so we could be together, but I came back, because I'm loyal to my Creed. Even if I'm in love with the enemy” you confessed, unable to look Liam in the eye. “I value the Creed more than the man I love and while I share his belief that the Brotherhood is lost and doesn't follow its own tenants anymore, I know becoming a Templar is not a solution. Shay made his choice and so I made mine. I want to try to restore the Brotherhood, but if you keep being so stubborn, I'll have no choice but leave. I'd rather be a lone Assassin than join Templars or support your actions.”
“Then you can pack your bags already, because we're not going to listen to a traitor. If you're not with us, you're against us.”
“Fine” you turned around and ran straight to your room, where you packed your belongings. The sunlight was pouring through the window and you did your best to not cry. You knew however, that it was the only thing you could do to avoid unnecessary bloodshed.
“(y/n)? What are you doing?” Achilles asked, appearing in the entrance to your room.
“I'm leaving. I can't stay here anymore. Besides, Liam has just accused me of treason, because I've met with Shay” you closed your bag and looked at the older man. “I'm sorry, but I don't want us to fight. I also don't want to fight Shay. It will be best if I leave.”
“You just want to run like that?”
“And what am I supposed to do? I'm torn between my friends and my lover. I can't join him, I can't betray the Brotherhood, I've been the Assassin for all my life and I can't agree with Templars' philosophy. Yet I can't kill him, both of us had plenty of opportunities to kill each other and we couldn't bring ourselves to do that. Despite our allegiances, our love is strong and we can't help it. That's why I have to leave. Shay isn't going to stop, neither are you. I don't want to be a part of this. I'll do better if I serve another Brotherhood than get myself killed here.”
“Very well. Go if you want to, I can even write a letter that would help you get into another Brotherhood. But you are not allowed to come back. If any of us ever see you again, we won't hesitate to kill you” Achilles said and you nodded. Part of you hurt, it was tough to leave the place you had lived all of your life, you were also never meant to see your lover again. But the other part of you was relieved. You expected to be killed for treason, yet you had a point that exile was wiser. After all you were a good Assassin.
“Goodbye, Achilles. I hope one day you find the way to the Creed again” you said and not waiting for an answer, you had left to never come back again.
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starkatana · 3 years
So Close
Pokemon Piers x Female Reader (OC)
You and Piers confess your feelings for each other but you’re only in the Galar Region for a limited amount of time. What do you two decide to do with your newly professed feelings?
Notes before reading:
Originally from Unova, in Galar for research.
You’re working with Sonia researching dynamaxing pokemon.
You’re full-time job is working at the pokemon nursery, you rehabilitate injured pokemon and you take care of abandon pokemon.
You have a Levanny as your pokemon partner.
AN: I’m back! I’ve been sitting on this forever thinking “why do i always have an OC when writing for different characters, i don’t know” I’m going to post it anyway! Hope you enjoy!
You are at a party in Hammerlocke hosted by Raihan in honor of the new champion because it’s long overdue after the Rose incident and the twins' fiasco. A party was what everyone needed to celebrate and unwind. You’re Sonia's plus one, and once you had a moment by yourself Raihan came over, drink in hand, smug look on his face, “Hey, y/n are you single?” he’s straight to the point, “Asking for a friend.”
Your face immediately gets warm. Your eyes quickly shift over at Piers before looking back at Raihan. As quick of a glance you thought it was to Piers, Raihan noticed, and his smug grin only got bigger. “Piers?” he asks.
“Is that the friend?” you respond.
He simply shrugs in response giving you a playful smile.
You give him an eye-roll and followed by a light shove. Your cheeks are pink with embarrassment and you’re only a tiny bit upset that Raihan was able to read you so easily.
He lets out a laugh, “Don’t be embarrassed.” He reassured, “So you know. He stares at you every time you look away.”
“Why are you telling me this?” As cute as you think Piers is, the thought that he could like you back never crossed your mind. “I don’t think he likes me much at all.”
You’ve been in town for about two weeks now, and every time you are around, he never seemed to be interested in you. He would only talk to you if someone else was already talking to you. When you two got into a conversation, you thought he was just being friendly. There was that time where he invited you to Spikemuth, but he invited everyone, and when you said thanks, he ran off without another word.
Raihan lets out a small laugh, followed by a slight headshake, “I’ve known Piers a long time. As fearless as he is on stage, offstage, he’s shy. Keeps to himself, and never draws any more attention to himself than he needs to.”
For some reason you didn’t believe that, but decided not to push the topic. “Again. Why are you telling me this?”
“because” Raihan sighs, “I’ll say it outright. Piers likes you, and I’m letting you know that he’s not going to make a move. You’ll have to do that.”
You turn to face Raihan, who mirrors you and smiles at you, “He’s a good guy, but he’ll always put everyone’s feelings before his own. He’s focused on getting Marnie set up to take over the Spikemuth gym. So, he’s just going to stare at you from afar and use Marnie as an excuse to come over and talk to you because my poor punk baby is never going to do it himself.”
“Please ask my brother out, y/n.”
You turn around, and Marnie steps up next to you two. “We have to make this conversation fast.” She says, “It’ll only be a matter of time before Piers comes up to join our conversation.” You look over at Piers, who makes eye contact with you, and you look away again, heart beating fast and blush washing over your face.
“I don’t know what you guys are talking about. He doesn’t like me.” You try to lie to yourself. You are only going to be here for three months you live in a different region, even if things went well and things worked out, how long would it last with the long-distance?
Marnie and Raihan roll their eyes sharing a glance.
“Everyone can tell that you two have a thing for each other.” Marnie gestured at you.
“Everyone except you two.” Raihan continued.
You don’t know what to say. All this information was coming so fast.
“And then I whipped out a peace sign saying I would win the next one.” Raihan let out a hearty laugh.
“What’s going on, you guys?” Piers asked as he walked up to your group. “Hey, y/n.”
“Hey, Piers.” You quickly sink into your drink, at the same time trying to shrink into the background to disappear. Now that you knew that he liked you back, you didn’t know how to act around him. Not that you knew before, but definitely not now.
“Raihan was just telling us how he lost to Leon. Again,” Marnie said.
How were these two so good at lying?
“Now, my goal is to defeat Leon AND Gloria.”
“Good luck with that.” Gloria laughed, joining their group as well with Hop and Bede close behind. “These two nincompoops want to duke it out in the stadium, can they Raihan?”
“Oh, hell yeah.” Raihan cheered, “I’ll ref! But first!” he takes his Rotom phone out, “Selfie!” and he brings the group together to snap a picture. It felt purposeful where Marnie took a step forward, giving peace symbols as Hop and Gloria get close to you, pushing you into Piers. You and Piers lock eyes, you feel your face turn bright red while you give him a sheepish smile. He smiles at you in return. When the camera snaps, neither of you were looking at the camera.
“This one’s a keeper!” Raihan said looking at the photo, “Let’s go to the stadium!” Raihan announced to the room. The kids run off with Raihan as they run past you and Piers. Piers instinctively pulls you close as the VIP room empties, leaving you in a daze as to what just happened. You two are some of the few remaining people in the room. You look up at him, and the two of you share a moment where his arms are around you protectively.
“Thanks, Piers.”
“No problem.” He hesitantly lets go of you and pulls at the ring on his choker, “Raihan always manages to get people pumped up for Dynamax battles.”
“It's fascinating.” You say, looking through the window over at the stadium, “I’m just curious what the lasting effects on dynamaxing pokemon are.”
“Is that what you’re working on with Sonia?”
“A little.” You look over at him and catch him looking away from you when Raihan’s words go through your head: He likes you.
“Do you want to watch?” he asked.
You shake your head no, “I’m good after that Swordbert and Shieldbert thing, I’m good without dynamax pokemon for now.”
He nods, “Alright then.”
You suck in a quick breath, you take a shot, “Do you want to get out of here?”
“Sure.” He agrees without any hesitation.
Crap. You didn’t think you’d get this far this fast. “Let’s go to the daycare and see some baby pokemon.”
He gives you a soft smile, “Sounds like fun.”
He orders a Corviknight, and it takes you two to route 5. Not only were you working with Sonia on the lasting effects on Dynamaxing pokemon, but you also helped out at the daycare. Your fulltime job is daycare caretaker, you help rehabilitate pokemon and care for the ones abandon by their owners. You two go inside the daycare and see your Levanny sitting outside the door of the nursery spitting silk as if she was knitting.
“How are things?” you ask her.
She lets out a soft coo and points to the door, telling you to be quiet. Then she starts pointing at you two and nods.
“Okay.” You blush, “C’mon Piers.” And you lead him out of the daycare.
“She takes her job very seriously.” Piers joked.
You laugh, “Yeah, she’s great at it.” You breathe relieved. Even your pokemon seem to think you two would be good together. “Sorry, we can’t see any baby pokemon right now. They’re all sleeping.”
“It’s alright.” He was so go with the flow, it was nice change of pace from your crazy structured day-to-day life and his presence is just so calming, “It’s a beautiful night,” he gestures down the bridge towards Hulbury, “care to join me?”
“Of course.”
The two of you silently walk down the cobblestone together taking in the view and the fresh air. The night was perfect. The sky was clear, the stars shined bright next to the moon in the sky, there's was enough moon in the sky to illuminate your walk, but not enough to drown out the beauty of the night. It was a picture-perfect evening. Other couples were walking around and standing on the bridge.
“This is romantic.”
You blush at his voice and the thought. “Yeah.” You let out a weak chuckle, “I walk this every day, and I never realized.”
“It’s… beautiful.” He stammered. You looked at him, he was pulling on his ring again.
You gently touched his upper arm, “I think so too.” He lets out a light sigh followed by a smile.
You two stop in the center of the bridge, overlooking the wild area with a gorgeous view of the Hammerlocke gate, “This is my favorite view.” You say leaning against the railing as he takes his place next to you.
“It’s beautiful.” There’s a noticeable pause between the two of you as you looked over the wild area. “Just like you.”
You stop and look over at him. He lets out a low cough, obviously looking away from you trying to avoid eye contact. A lightbulb went off in your head, he was trying to do that earlier too. He’s so precious.
“Piers,” you pause, I like you.
“What's up?” his voice sounded hopeful.
“Nothing, it's dumb.” You shake your head, giving yourself an eye roll. While he turns to look at you, you turn away looking in the opposite direction.
“I’m sure it’s not.”
You face him, and for the first time, you two make eye contact without the other turning away instantly. Everything about him takes your breath away. You feel your face get warm again. He’s so cute, especially in the moonlight. His bright blue eyes were so easy to get lost in. It wasn’t obvious, but he has such a welcoming and friendly energy that once you got past an exhausted looking Piers, that did scare some people, he is honestly the nicest person anyone would be lucky to be around.
“What?” he asked, his face grows concerned. You look ahead of you again, taking a deep breath trying to find your composure.
“Okay.” You wipe your hands on your shorts. “I’m going to take a shot here because of,” you rotate your hands around each other avoiding his eyes, “ideas.”
“Yeah?” you could hear his confusion.
“Has anyone told you anything.” you wonder aloud, looking back at him.
“I mean.” He looks away this time but back at you before continuing. “I think you’re cool, but I know you’re only here for what two more months?”
“Yeah.” You sigh. That was a big factor in why you didn’t want to get involved with anyone here. You were only in Galar for three months, you had two and a half left. There was no need to get into a relationship with each other or even bother about letting him know how you feel. As much as everyone wanted to, there was no point. Why make your small group of friends here awkward?
“I’ll just come out and say it.” You look over at Piers. “I have a crush on you.”
“What?” you say instinctively. Raihan said he wouldn’t make a move, but apparently, he didn’t know Piers as well as he thought he did. You heard what Piers said your brain just needed a second to comprehend and register what he said.
“I’m sorry.” He apologized, pulling at the ring on his choker, “I just felt like I would’ve exploded if I didn’t get it out right now.”
“No, it’s okay. I just….I like you too.” You respond, “I just don’t know.”
“Same.” He lets out a weak smile.
The silence is tense between you two.
“You leave in three months, and I just don’t want to make things awkward.” Piers said. “I really like hanging out with you and I don’t want that to change, but if….” His voice trailed off.
“Yeah! I totally get that.” You agreed, “We don’t want to force anything.”
“No. No. Definitely not.”
“So, we could just take this as it goes.” You say.
He nods, “Yeah…”
“So, because you said it. I do like you too.” You reassure him.
He gives you a smile, “Thanks, I was getting nervous for a minute there.”
“Have you not been nervous this entire time?” you joke, “I’ve been freaking out.”
He laughs, “No, I’ve been a nervous wreck this entire time.”
You two share another laugh together as you have before. It felt natural and easy being with Piers. You deeply wished something would happen between you and Piers, but there was time to see where this would go.
“So, we’re just going to see where this goes?”
“I’m okay with that if you are.”
“I’d really like that.”
“Okay.” He smiles at you, “Want to come over for dinner on Thursday? I have this new song I want you to hear.”
“Yeah,” you agree, “Text me when you want me over.”
It was a good feeling to get that off your chest. You two lean against the railing looking back out at Hammerlocke gate in silence, but closer together. You lean your head on his arm and take in the moment you have together. Piers settling into being your pillow.
“Thank you.” You say, “I’m glad.”
“Me too.” He responds.
Thursday came. He was just finishing up a training session with Marnie, while you sat in the back watching the two battle. Immediately after Piers comes up to talk to you about what he was planning to make for dinner.
“I hope that sounds okay.”
“Sounds awesome. I can’t wait.”
“I really hope you like the song too. I wrote it with you in mind.”
“Piers.” you hold your hand over your heart, when Marnie walks over and starts stabbing the air between you two.You two stop what you were talking about and stare at her.
"What are you doing?"  he asks her.
"Trying to cut the romantic and or sexual tension between you two.” She continues furiously stabbing the air, “Crap, it’s not working!”
You and Piers blush furiously.
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Heart of Stone {R.H.} [Pt 6]
Warnings: Angst
Pairing: Racetrack Higgins x Reader
Description: You didn’t agree with your brothers much. You didn’t like how they treated people or handled emotions and etcetera. But you could all agree that the Delancey’s were a proud family. A strong family. You didn’t get close to people, you didn’t show emotion, you didn’t let anyone have power over you, no matter what, because that made you weak. Except for the pretty newsboy with the foghorn voice and smart jokes, apparently.
A/N: i haven’t been making race suffer as much as i could be...
It was not a date.
You had been repeating that phrase in your head for the past few days. It was not a date. It was a rally. A newsboy rally, where everyone attending would be wearing simple work clothes, so it really didn’t matter if that was what you wore, too.
So why were you still hovering in front of the mirror, like if you stared at yourself hard enough, you’d magically change what you looked like?
Your clothes had been through hell the past week. Jumping out a window, crashing into a dirty alley, running through New York City, getting beat to hell and back, then running through New York City again had not been kind on your humble work clothes. Medda had done the best she could, and the woman was certainly a hell of a tailor, but it was still easy to see the faint stains of dirt and blood, the black thread against the white fabric of your shirt, and the mismatched patches decorating your trousers. You didn’t even know where your vest had run away to – the moment you’d realized it was missing, you’d spent about ten minutes panting in a corner while Medda frantically tried to calm you, panicking about what your uncle would do when he realized you’d lost an expensive vest. Then you remembered your uncle no longer took care of you anymore. You did not feel any better.
“Still staring into that mirror, Snow White?” Medda joked as she poked her head into your room.
“Evil Queen.” You said absentmindedly. “The Evil Queen’s the one with the mirror.”
“Eh, Snow White suits you better.”
You shot her a playful glare.
“Excuse you, Miss, I think you mean the Huntsman.”
Medda rolled her eyes and made her way fully into your room, and you couldn’t help the pang of fondness in your chest when you realized just how careful she was when it came to respecting your space.
“You’ve been saying all week how it isn’t a date.”
“It’s not!” You snapped far too quickly. “And it’s only been four days.”
“Potato, pot-ah-to.” Medda shrugged. “What’s got you all rattled?”
You lifted your shoulders in an awkward shrug.
“[Y/N].” Medda said firmly with a raised eyebrow.
“I-It’s just-“ You stammered quietly, feeling entirely too exposed in this situation. “I don’t care how I look, okay? I like my clothes. They’re comfortable, I – I feel comfortable in them. I’m used to them, y’know? Where I was brought up, stuff like dressing up, looking pretty, it was just... Unnecessary. It isn’t like I’d hate to dress up once in a while, but...”
“But?” Medda prompted.
“I – I know these clothes.” You stumbled over your words with how fast you were speaking. “And I know they’re messy and beaten up but they’re mine and I like them and I feel comfortable and safe in them and I just – I just...” You sighed and ran a hand through your hair. “What if Race is expecting me to wear something... More than this?”
Medda sighed, moving to stand behind you at the mirror. She placed her hands gently on your shoulders – not hard, not hurting, just a comforting presence. A silent ‘you’re okay, I’m here’.
“What do you see?”
You wrinkled your nose.
“I dunno, a kid?”
“Well, that’s a better answer than what I was expecting.” Medda chuckled. “But I meant something a little more specific.”
“Work clothes?” You frowned. “Messy hair, eyebags? What?”
“No, you stubborn little raincloud.” Medda rolled her eyes. “I see a very determined young person. Someone who felt so deeply for people they didn’t even know that they went against everything they believed in to help them. Someone who had such a strong moral compass that they risked everything they had just to do what they thought was right. Someone brave and honest and kindhearted. And I can guarantee you that Race sees the same thing.”
You averted your gaze and thumbed at the fraying hem of your shirt.
“Even if I look like this?”
Medda tipped her head back and groaned.
“Oh, you stupid kids will be the death of me.” She sighed. “Look, kiddo – why did Race start talking to you?”
You furrowed your brow as you thought back to that sweltering day in July. So much had happened since then... Could it really only have been a week? You felt the corner of your mouth twitch into a smile when you remembered Race cockily smirking at your uncle, his cheeky comments in his foghorn voice. The way he looked at you like you were this foreign object, something totally new and exciting that he’d never seen before...
“I laughed at his joke.” You said quietly. “He was making my uncle go crazy, saying all the stuff I wished I could say... So I laughed, and he heard me. And then he wouldn’t leave me alone, the asshole-“
“No cursing in my theatre, ya little wretch.” Medda flicked you over the head with her finger, making you giggle. “You see? That’s what brought him over to you. Not what you wear, or how you look. Understand?”
You nodded slowly.
“Yeah. Yeah, I think so.” A small smile curved over your face as a spark of warmth bloomed in your chest. “I like him.”
You groaned and tipped your head into Medda’s shoulder.
“I like him!” You whined. “Ugh, I like him so much. I hate it.”
“No, you don’t.”
“No, I don’t.” You muttered. “But it’s... It’s so weird.”
“Oh, honey, it’s always weird the first time.” Medda snickered, patting your shoulder gently. “It’s fun and embarrassing and exciting and scary and... Oh, it’s wonderful.”
“Mostly embarrassing, though.” You said petulantly.
“And you can stop that right now.” Medda huffed, swatting your shoulder. “That’s your silly teenager brain talking. Being in love is beautiful, don’t be scared of it! I know something’s strange when you’ve never felt it, but honey, you mustn’t run from it, okay? Especially not when it’s with someone special. Don’t throw something away just because you’re not used to it.”
You swallowed heavily. A small part of you wanted to object to the ‘love’ part. You and Race had only known each other for a week – granted, you were usually always thinking of him; ‘oh, that’s a cute dog, Race would go crazy over it’, ‘wow, this sandwich is great, I should get Race to try it’, ‘I’m cold, I wish Race were here to-‘ -  well, that part didn’t matter. And yeah, maybe you missed him when he wasn’t there, and maybe he made you happier than you ever thought you could be, and maybe – oh.
“I, um.” You mumbled shakily. “I-I won’t.”
Medda looked about ready to make another smart comment when you heard a knock on your room door.
“Gotta go.” You grinned, darting out of the bathroom and ignoring Medda’s protests that ‘the damn rally’s only downstairs, [Y/N], slow your roll!’. You rolled your eyes and scampered through your bedroom, so caught up in your eagerness that you tripped over the doorway and collapsed into a firm chest.
“Whoa!” Race laughed, grabbing your shoulders to steady you. “Gee, someone’s happy to see me!”
“Shut up.” You shoved him away with a roll of your eyes. “Or I won’t come.”
“Aw, c’mon, [Y/N]!” Race whined pitifully. “After I bragged aboutcha to all the fellas?”
“You did not.”
“Sure I did! Ask Albert, he threw a chair at me.”
“You’re so weird.” You scoffed, ignoring the way your stomach flipped at the idea of Race bragging about you. The two of you looked at each other for a moment, entirely content to just smile each other and know exactly what the other was thinking, when you heard a small squeak from behind you.
You looked over your shoulder to see Medda grinning in the back of the room, her hands cupped over her mouth.
“Ignore me.” She smiled. “Ignore me, I’m not here.”
You rolled your eyes and slammed the door.
“C’mon, let’s go.” You scoffed, making your way to the stairwell.
“Hey, hey, hold on a second!” Race protested, swinging you around by your arms in a way that was so disgustingly romantic you weren’t sure how to handle it. He held you by both hands, looking you up and down like he wanted to take in every little detail.
“What’re you doing, idiot?” You snorted, avoiding his piercing gaze.
“Just lookin’ at’cha.” Race said quietly. “You look nice.”
You cocked your head and glanced at your grubby sleeves.
“I look the same as I always do, Race.”
Race met your eyes with a curious smile.
And just like that, you were set alight. If your brothers were here, they’d scoff and scold and mock you for being so easily undone. For losing all ability to speak over one simple word. Over one simple boy. They’d tell you to grow up, to stop acting like a mooning little kid, to realize how stupid you were being and in that moment, all you could think of was how you just... Didn’t care.
You should’ve. It felt weird not to. Their grip on you had been so strong – how could it just go after a week? But the only thing you could think of was Race. Race’s smile, Race’s eyes, the way Race looked at you like you were worth something...
The way Race made you feel like you could be more than you were ever meant to be.
You took half a step forward and placed your hands on his shoulders, pulling him into a sheepish brush of lips. It lasted half a second, possibly even less, but when you pulled back, Race was looking at you with wide eyes. You bit back a proud smile. You don’t think anyone had ever looked at you like they wanted you before. Like you were something special.
“Let’s go.”
“Uh – yeah.” Race stammered, a wide grin spreading across his face. “Yeah, let’s, um... Y-You look nice.”
You raised an eyebrow.
“You said that already.”
“Oh! Yeah, yeah.” Race chuckled. “So, um...” He held out his arm. “Shall we?”
You couldn’t help but laugh as you linked your arm through his.
“You’re so dumb.” You snorted, shoving him with your shoulder, which made him shove you with his, which made you shove him hard and run down the stairs with Race hot on your heels screaming for vengeance.
You loved every second of it.
The night went from dreamlike to nightmare in about three minutes. Personally, you thought it had to be some kind of record.
“Race!” You yelled, jumping over the crowd to search for a mop of blonde hair. Everything was moving in a blur – the newsies were all in disarray, littles crying and teenagers yelling; pretty much all of the Manhattan newsies were scrambling, desperately trying to explain what had happened while the other boroughs turned on them.
Out of the corner of your eye, you spotted a flash of golden curls.
“Race!” You cried, tearing after him as he ducked through the theatre doors. “Race, wait!”
You grabbed his wrist. He yanked it out of your grip and whirled around, and it was then you saw the tears running down his cheeks.
“Race, I-“
“Don’t.” He snapped. “I don’t – he fucking-!”
“I know.” You said quickly, running your hand soothingly down his arm. “I know, Racer, I know-“
“Do you?!” Race cried. “Tell me, [Y/N], fucking tell me how you know. When did something like this ever happen to you? When did your friend, your family, the person you risked everything for, just completely betray you in front of everyone?!”
You narrowed your eyes.
“You’re right, Race. When have I ever known what it’s like to have your family let you down and stab you in the back?”
Race softened, deflating before your eyes.
“I didn’t-“ He said quietly. “I’m sorry...”
You sighed. He looked so lost, so scared... You could only imagine the amount of pressure he had on his shoulders. You swept him into your arms and squeezed him tight, as if you were tethering him to the ground.
“I know.” You murmured in his ear. “It’s okay. You’re gonna be okay.”
“The newsies...” Race whimpered. “They’re gonna – I don’t – Jesus, [Y/N], I ain’t ready for this!”
“I know, I know. It’s not fair.”
“I don’t know what to do!”
“It’s okay. You’re safe. I’m here with you.” You murmured, rocking him back and forth. “Come home with me, okay? Come to my room.”
“The lodgin’ house, the newsies... [Y/N], they need me-“
“You’ve been working yourself to the bone for days, Race.” You said firmly. “You need rest. One hour, alright? One hour, rest, stay with me. We’ll figure out what to do together, I promise.”
Race shuddered in your hold, his head jerking in a nod against your neck. Wordlessly, you tugged him to the theatre’s fire escape and led him up the ladders, waiting on each platform to help him up. He clung to your hand similarly to the way a child might cling to their parent’s clothes, terrified of losing them and not knowing where to go. You guided him through the window of your room and shut it behind you, dragging the thin curtains shut.
“Here.” You said gently. “Bed.”
Race shook his head.
“It’s yours, I can just-“
Without even acknowledging his protests, you nudged him backwards until the back of his knees hit the bed. You hopped onto the mattress and pulled Race down with you until you were both cuddled up on the tiny twin bed, your body crammed against the wall and Race just teetering on the edge of the mattress.
“This is your bed.” Race muttered half-heartedly. “I shouldn’t even be here right now, I gotta go the lodging’s an’-“
“Race.” You said gently. “Y’know how you’re always trying to get me to take help? It goes both ways.”
Race screwed his eyes shut and took a shuddering breath. You stroked your hand against his cheek, and tried to ignore the pang of sympathy you felt when he leaned against it in a way that was almost involuntary, as if he was so desperate for touch he hadn’t even bothered to think about keeping up his strong façade.
“It’s just us, Race.” You murmured. “You and me, okay? I’m here. And I ain’t going.” You smiled, remembering that day in the alley, the two of you excited and terrified, rocking on the brink of you didn’t even know what. “No matter how scary it is, or how bad things get. Okay?”
Race looked at you for a moment, lips parted and eyes wide and shining. His lip twitched, and that was the only warning you got before he began to cry.
You sighed and pulled him against you, holding him close to your chest as he wept into your shoulder.
“What do I do?” He sobbed pitifully. You swallowed the lump in your throat and tangled your hand in his hair, keeping him anchored to you.
“I don’t know, love.” You whispered. “Don’t think about that now, okay? Get all this out, and then we can start on the rest.”
Race made a devastating sound in the back of his throat, a broken cry that made your heart shatter inside your chest, and clutched at your clothes desperately.
“M’sorry,” he panted between his sobs, “m’sorry, m’sorry, this is so – God, you must think-“
“I think you need to cry right now.” You said firmly, pulling one of his hands away from your shirt and pressing it to your lips. “I think you need someone to hold you and tell you you’re safe. And I want to be that someone, okay? So if you need to cry, then cry. I won’t let go, Race. I want to be here.”
Another sob wracked through Race’s body. You shushed and soothed as best you could, running your fingers through his hair and rubbing circles on the back of his hand as he cried. Eventually, his heaving sobs gave way to smaller shudders, until even those were replaced by the gentle rise and fall of tired breaths. You couldn’t help but smile at his sleeping form – he looked so sweet, so at peace. He deserved that, you thought. Race deserved so, so much.
Your door creaked open. You lifted your head to see Medda poking her head into your room, looking at you with concern. She pointed at Race, mouthing something along the lines of ‘okay?’. You made a see-saw motion with your hand. She winced and motioned to come inside. You shook your head, cradling Race’s head against your chest with care. You could handle this one. Medda smiled gently and nodded, closing the door quietly behind her.
Race murmured something in his sleep, nudging his head against your now still hand. You tried not to laugh and continued your stroking, thoroughly enjoying his little hum of content as he nuzzled against your collarbone.
Yes, you decided. You could handle this one. No matter what Race was going through, you would always handle it with him. If he wanted you there, that was.
Race tightened his arms around you, pulling you impossibly closer.
You decided to take that as a yes.
(tag list: @annabethgranger123 @farfromjustordinary @yxseminx @oswin05 @theater-geek76 @wnygirl2012 @fayepummeluff  @enbyalbert @inconspicuousasparagus )
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