jckeperalta · 8 months
"they say don't open old wounds but this is still brand new" SO TRUE LYNDSEY GUNNULFSEN
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darkworkcourier · 1 year
tiny little ghost/dancer fic that's been spinning around in my brain for weeks. the background is that ghost and dancer joined the SAS at the same time (they're only a month apart in age) and they're besties. (also FWBs in the future.)
so around this time, they're about 22 years old. ghost's just staring to really become Ghost, but dancer's just dancer.
cw for PTSD, trauma, and a wee bit of gore.
"Ghost. Hey. Hey." A hand tapping his helmet, the dull thunk-thunk reverberates through his skull. Then, with a little more insistence, "Simon. Look at me."
He does. Slowly. His neck feels like it operates on an old, rusty mechanism, aching as he turns to look at Dancer.
Dancer, right? At the moment, his mind is a tempest, throwing thoughts around like flotsam after a wreck, misplacing things he knows are supposed to be important. Their mission, what he's supposed to do next, the face of his best friend—
"Fuck," Dancer whispers. His eyes go wide, searching Simon's face for... something. Whatever he's looking for, Simon isn't sure if he's found it or not. He immediately opens the Humvee door and leans out, calling to their captain. "Give me a minute with him, 'kay? Just—"
He must make a motion with his hand that communicates something, because immediately after, Simon hears the captain grunt and say something like, "If it was anyone else," whatever that means.
The door shuts, leaving them alone in the wide cab, engine muttering quietly like an afterthought.
In an instant, Dancer's undoing the clasp on Simon's helmet, removing it and setting it down on the console. Dancer's own helmet follows, and then one of his hands is on Simon's head, fingernails gently scratching over his scalp—grounding him.
"Talk to me," he says. "Where are you right now?"
Hell if he knows. Maybe ten klicks back, caught in the frozen black mud with ordinance firing and leaving a burning taste in his mouth. He's back with a body, left arm missing, right hand gripping a rifle with fingers bent like claws. Fragments of a skull cling to his gloves, grey matter on his fatigues, patches of blood itchy on his face. All the while, the mantra—if I can hold his head together, he'll live. He'll live.
"Simon." Dancer's voice cuts through the chant, his hand firm and warm on Simon's head. "You're here. With me. You're in the back of this same bloody fuckin' Humvee that brought us out here. Captain Whitman is outside right now with our Lt., an' they're probably talkin' about something really fuckin' boring like... like cricket scores. Or that pub that Whitman never shuts up about. The one with the stupid name— what is it? The Hare and the—"
"The Barking Hare," Simon hears himself say.
Dancer grins. It's exhausted, and there's dirt at the corner of his mouth, but it's earnest. "Yeah," he replies. "The hell kinda name is that, anyway?"
Simon shakes his head. Doesn't know.
"Right, so they're talkin' about their stupid pub and cricket scores. And then they're gonna get in here and keep talkin' about it, so we'll have to hear it all the way back to base," Dancer goes on. His voice moves up and down like a song, and Simon feels himself lean into it. His right side is pressed against Dancer's left, and he nods slowly. Dancer's hand drops to the back of his neck, pulling Simon in close so their foreheads touch. "Whitman'll talk about how they don't play cricket like they did back when he was young, whenever that was. An' Lieutenant Foster will just say the word 'right' over and over because he's not actually listenin'."
"Until they start talkin' about rugby," Simon replies.
He feels Dancer laugh against him, a low rumble that draws Simon in even closer. "At least I can talk about rugby."
"Whitman wouldn't let you get a word in."
"No, but you an' I can talk about it," Dancer says.
Simon closes his eyes, smells the gunpowder-smoke-sweat clinging to Dancer. He focuses on the feeling of his best friend's hand running back and forth across the nape of his neck, drops his head a little to give Dancer more room.
Then Dancer asks in a low, soft voice, "What do you need from me, Si?"
Anything. Everything. He needs Dancer to hold onto him like this, to keep Simon from leaping out of his own body like he's a squatter just barely claiming rights. He needs him to scrub out every drop of blood and brain matter violently embossed into Simon's skin from the man he couldn't save. He needs—
"You," Simon replies, wretched and broken up. His throat feels tight. He hasn't cried in years, but for the first time, he feels perilously close.
Dancer's nuzzling up to him, undoubtedly leaving a dirt smear on Simon's face. "You have me, mate," he tells him. "Y'know that."
He does. They've had each other since day one, when they were scraping their way through SAS selection like two desperate animals. Dancer had him the moment he shoved their shoulders together during an exhausted walk back to the tent during their stamina trials, muttering, 'I feel like I fuck up less when I'm around you.'
"I know," Simon replies. One of his hands finds the back of Dancer's head, fingers running through his sweat-damp hair.
And he thinks, I'm less fucked up around you.
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taelovesjohnny · 9 months
Muted ( The Outsiders ) Chapter 18 That was then, this is now
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Millie's PoV
Well, i kinda got beat up at the party. It wasn't Dally's fault, it was mine. I got drunk, and well things happened. I was wondering what would happen when anybody saw me, like how about Darry. Well, it actually was Alley.  She's taken my best friend away from me, and she doesn't realize or care. That night, she told me her feelings, and like i said i wasn't gonna get in the way of who soda loved. So i put on a fake smile, and moved on. I went home before Dally because, well i was bleeding something aweful and i needed to get myself cleaned up. 
It's not the first time I got drunk or beat up, abviously.
Well, anyway. When Alley was yelling at me, i litterally contemplated smacking her in the face, but soda would probably kill me 'cause he's changed like that. So i just stood there 'cause i couldn't talk so, yeah. And when soda came in, really. I would expect him defend me, but no he didn't he defended the girl who was crying. 'cause she doesn't know what real pain is. like honestly, i didn't even cry when i got beat up tonight. She's such a crybaby and i think she just wants sodapop to come running to her aid. 
I can't stand girls like that. I mean, thats exactly the type of girl sandy was, and look where she is. pregnant, in florida, with no husband, and no boyfriend. I think some of the boys have noticed some of my changes toward soda and alley, and my changes in my attitude. 
I've spent more time with Dally, getting to know him and things like that. And doing crimes like shoplifting with Two-bit and of course Dally. It's fun, but if Darry ever found out, oh jesus, you better watch out cause there's gonna be blood splatter clear to mexico. 
I really dont have anyone to talk to anymore. Hahahahahaha, funny. Im halirious!!!
well, anyway, when we got done our little, 'talk' so to speak, i went out to the living room.
" Hey, is Alley ok?" Soda asked me. 
I felt livied. I walked up to him and smacked him as hard as i possibly could. And then i ran. I couldn't take this, all he cared about was Alley, he didn't care about me like he used to, just Alley. He didn't even ask if i was ok, or-or anything. i ran, i didn't know where i was running to, but i knew what i was running from. I never thought it was possible to hate home, where all the love and happieness happened when we were young. but i did, I know that's possible now. And i knew half of what Johnny felt now. dammit. I cant go back now.
Well. Last memory of Soda, being an ass. there goes the brother i knew.
That was then, this is now.
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whatwh · 2 years
Respect is Earned Never Given
“It seems,” the leader yelled over the crowd, catching Aizawa's attention, “that there is a hero in our ranks.'' The entire gang seemed to scream in outrage, it was only a matter of time before they realized that only someone in their ranks could have told the heroes about the planned kidnapping, he only wished that it could have waited a little longer. The raid was scheduled in 3 days if things went well. The current assignment he was working on was to try and defuse a gang war from the inside, the Cutters (dumb name, Aizawa thought, its not even creative) were very disorganized but had a lot of people so there was a chance of them doing some serious damage to the comunity if they got too out of hand. He was normally able to not intervene in a Gang's choices up to a raid but this time the cutters were planning on kidnapping the young daughter of one of the opposing gang leaders. He should have stayed quiet. They were aware of the mole, the leader was distant at best he wouldn’t be doing an announcement unless they already found him. He slowly started moving to the door.
“I bet you all remember Sato” He booked it, running between the last few members of the crowd, all of which were slashing at him and grabbing. Luckily they were slow to draw their guns. By the time they did he was halfway out the door, using the warehouse's support beams to swing, He was tripped by some sort of string quirk, the high speed leaving gashes on his legs and blood spewing out a particularly deep cut on his cheek. There were people yelling for Sato all around him, trying to trick him into making a mistake, luckily he was too smart to give his real name so he didn’t have to worry about reflexes.
“Hey, just because the heroes have a big raid nearby tonight doesn’t mean I shouldn’t work! You want me to die of boredom?” “I’m not saying you shouldn’t work, just that you shouldn’t leave the Stacks.” “What else is there to do!” “I don't- wait, why not just look over the cameras? You got them set up for something like this!” “…” “That might work”
The Blood had gotten into his goggles when he tried to put pressure on his face wound. Well, It doesn't seem to be serious- He cut himself off, suddenly feeling the pain from his leg wounds. He realized that he must be bleeding everywhere and started to climb to a roof. If he moved vertically enough they might lose him, but he would have to slow down drastically. Good thing he had a head start.
“That's weird” the boy using the fancy looking pc setup muttered. The other boy wouldn’t have heard him, let alone understand him, if it wasn’t for his years of practice. The boy on the computer pulled up a better shot of what was a masculine figure running from a crowd. “Well follow them!” the second said, earning a glare from the first who had already started pulling up more cameras to do so.
Midnight was used to raids, her quirk made it so that she was perfect for taking out large groups all at once, she was more used to cases with more media attention and cameras on her every step of the way, being a daylight hero after all, but that doesn’t change her job. (Maybe she operates more like a twilight hero but that's not here nor there.) She wanted to help in whatever was the most practical way. If that meant that she needed to do a case every once in a while that was out of her comfort zone then so be it. So when Aizawa went fully underground for a case, she was the first to volunteer for the raid. She knew that there was no need to worry since he had done so many before, but hero work is dangerous. It was so easy to forget his experience though, hero work was always so dangerous. It was so easy to make a mistake that a person couldn’t come back from. But she's not going to think about that, he has done hero work for years, he's not going to make a rookie mistake. They have a few more days before the fight anyway. That's what they told her at least. She was not told that the foiled kidnapping would mean so much to the group. She didn’t know that they would only find out that they knew about the mole when the Cutters had an emergency meeting 3 days early. She was running through the crowd, putting as many people asleep as possible. She was looking Sho but it was quickly evident that the gang had split up to find him. She had know clue which path to follow, but she knew her friend well. That was the most concerning thing, really. He should have doubled back by now. She pulls up her comms as soon as the last person falls, looking for an update, only to find a black screen with white numbers - no. coordinates. She quickly uses a back up to send the information to the rest of the raid, and a small group is made to check it out. As they approach, an ambulance is called by the newest sidekick. Shota Aizawa has a very large amount of small cuts that were quickly losing blood. None of them would normally be bad enough to put him out of commission, but the collection as well as the deeper cuts in his legs must have overwhelmed his system. As she watches him get in the ambulance, allowing herself a moment before continuing the raid, the comms message comes to mind. This is going to be something, I just don't know if it's good or bad yet.
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sorry-i-ship-drarry · 3 years
12. Liars and lovers
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Dialogue prompt : If you don't hug me right now, I think I might fall apart.
Request by my favourite @thebusyfangirl @sunflowerishdolphin
TW- ANGST | highly inspired by young royals..
" you're just young in love. It's all just puppy love " beat
" it's not real. Wake up from this horrid dream" beat
" you're not in love, you can't be "
" you have black blood in you " beat
" you're a Malfoy " beat
It felt like flashes imploding in front of his eyes with the shutter of those lights going off with his heart palpating heavily like the beats of a rock music deafening his ears. He was over the solid surface but he felt as though he was in a Quicksand, sucking him under and his throat as if tied with a telephone cord which Only tightened with every beat. He could feel his hands but not his legs, it was weird, it felt strange like his eyes were closing but they were forced open. The feeling of the resting tongue on the top of his mouth felt very strange, as if it was the first time he was feeling it, but he wasn't. He always had felt it but it seemed so vivid. All his thoughts ran into had that wall always been that black? It was as if he was standing in the middle of a raging cyclone but not an inched of him was harmed as the water passed through him. And there he was, standing in his white sweater with emerald eyes, staring in the longingness , waiting for draco to take his hand.
" Mr. Malfoy ?" He heard. Draco's eyebrows shot up as his trance of thoughts broke and he looked at the opened door with a small figure's shadow casting on the surface.
" they're here " Reggie, the house elf said. Draco nodded from where he was sitting on the bed with a remembrall in his hand.
" I'll be there in a second " he whispered. Reggie nodded and left the door opened. Draco breathed heavily as he stood up and watched himself in the mirror, fixing his suit.
With a beating heart, he went where he was supposed to be.
" you know what to say ?" Lucius asked as he squeezed on draco's shoulder.
Draco reluctantly nodded, pulling his coat, shaking his hands to get rid of the anxiety bubbling.
Narcissa smiled fondly at her son, fixing his tie, then leaning down to whisper in his ear "it's all on you draco "
Draco tried to give a fake smile as he entered the living room, an interviewer waiting for him.
" the name had already a been corrupted enough for us that you had to be seen with the potter kid. Have our name not been tainted enough that you had to pull up another stunt to drown our name draco ? You're the hier of Malfoy, you can't be like this. We can fix this, fix you together but all you need to do is refuse any accusations that stand our way. You are a Malfoy draco, a Malfoy and we don't play with love. You are to marry a girl and live a life like everyone of ours and it ends there. You are to say, to deny everything printed out in Media. It's the Only way, the only way "
" are you ready ?" She asked. Draco heaved before he nodded, sitting down in front of her.
" we'll start of with the business you are bound to take upon soon ? So is it true that you had came up with the Malfoy business, right after you've been drowned in debt and you actually want to run something like that ?" She asked
" but I don't want to be the chairman or the bloody ceo or anyone of that company "
" yes, I will be taking over. And I very much look forward to it " he smiled stiffly.
" and is it also true that you will be in denial to any muggles and strictly follow a wizards and witches employees ?"
" people are never going to like it. Think-"
" that's enough Draco "
" yes. We believe that wizards and witches are the only one's capable of being our employees " draco answered with a stiff nod.
" and you're going to manage running the business alongside school ?" She asked
" but my education-"
" think about the family for one bloody second instead of just your own self " Lucius sneered
" I think it's very much that I run it alongside my education. And I very much think I'll do my best "
" now as of talking about the news that recently spurred through, you were seen with mr. Harry potter, at the recent fundraiser after party held by Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry ?" She asked, penning down with much interest
" big deal I was seen with him-"
" you can't be and that's the end of it. You are going to say that you were having a civil conversation, that's it "
" we have put our differences aside and I see no reason as why I cannot be seen with him " draco sternly replied, earning a low threatening glare from his father behind them " We were in a civil conversation if anyone interested " draco added
" so it's not true that you two were supposedly dating ?" She asked
" it's a lie "
Have that wall always been this green ? Draco wondered as he stared at the opposite wall longingly, unnoticed tears escaping his eyes. He didn't even cared anymore to wipe them away as the memories rang loudly in his head from the very afternoon, the conversation he had with harry himself, how he had let him down and his loving eyes and the pain it caused him. The look of pain etched so defined over his face.
" I waited like an hour for you " draco whispered as he watched harry come closer
" oh did you now ? Why was that mr. Malfoy? Shall I apologize my majesty?" Harry sarcastically replied as he crossed his arms in front of him after reaching close enough to have a conversation.
" harry-"
" it's potter to you " harry raised his eyebrows sternly
" harry, i can explain " draco sighed
Harry looked at the tree behind draco, almost rolling his eyes " and what would it change Malfoy ?"
" harry, please-"
" please what? Or do you want me to please you with another comforting things so you can bluntly say it to the media that we aren't fucking together " harry Snapped
" I had no choice " draco raised his voice
" you never have one draco " harry too raised his voice. Just for a moment, just one, draco wanted to scream at harry, to tell him thing's aren't served on a silver platter for him as everything think's it to be.
" I- it was the only way whether you accept it or not" draco sighed. He shook his head as he Turned around to watch over the lake they'd been standing near to away from everyone, their meeting spot. Maybe looking away would make it all easier, just maybe.
" also I think we should break up" draco suddenly whispered behind him.
Harry frowned as he turned to see Draco "you want to break up?"
" is that your decision?" He added
" yes, i don't think we should do this anymore then" Draco's voice quivered as he spoke through " we knew it wasn't going to last anyways. And I m- I need the family name to go on and not being with you is the only way. It'll just be like a little school fling "
"fine " harry whispered after a long pause, sniffing, wiping off his escaping tears.
" it's better anyway. I'd rather be with someone who doesn't throw me away " harry whispered.
Draco sighed turning to face harry and cupping his face in his hands " you know it's not like that "
" seems otherwise " harry distantly replied as he stared far ahead over the lake.
" hey" draco tried to make harry look at him but only met with stern denial " look at me, please " Draco chewed his lip controlling his emotions.
Harry finally looked at draco, his jaw clenched " and what ?"
" I'm sorry " draco whispered as he wiped Harry's tears and kissed his forehead. Harry hummed, avoiding draco's face again. Frowning draco wrapped his arms around harry, not meeting with the same..
" hug me" draco insisted
But harry didn't.
Draco let his tear finally escape his eyes over Harry's shoulder " you have to understand harry, please "
" I do understand, very clearly " harry replied stiffly
Draco had nothing more left to say. His tears spilled with his arms still wrapped around Harry's in unrequited action, feeling his heart palpating rapidly with a void.
" I'm sorry " draco whispered again, wrapping his arms tighter but met with only the emptiness of lost love. The pain soothed across his body with the denied physical touch harry had once enjoyed so much. He hated this harry, the one who didn't hug back, the one who was so distant. He needed his harry back, if only for a moment before they break apart but aware of the pain he caused harry, he knew he wasn't going to but he tried.
" harry, please " his voice quivered in Harry's neck
" if you don't hug me right now I think i might fall apart"
" you don't deserve it " and with that harry broke free and without a glance walked away leaving draco with the the agony of losing him. He wanted to hug harry, he really wanted him to, he needed to but harry didn't and somewhere draco knew he was left to deal with it himself from now on. Harry was gone and it was draco's fault.
" Draco I asked if you're coming for dinner ?" Someone asked as they opened the door slightly
Draco looked up from the wall to the door, pansy holding the door half open " you go. I'm not hungry " draco sniffed
Pansy looked at Draco with pity " take care " and she left, too.
They were officially broken up. It was clear. Harry didn't spared a single glance at Draco, not even accidentally, he didn't share the table at potions with him either and much so, he didn't even cross paths with draco anymore but would rather be 4 minutes late to the class.
Harry was distant and not just with draco but with everyone else and it ached draco. Layin on the bed with lonely feelings, he missed their nights together, the nights of Laying under the star watching each other instead of the sky because they thought other was more beautiful. He missed the way Harry's wrapped around his waist from behind and the way he kissed his neck and whispered words so smoothly of a normal conversation as if it didn't affect him at all but most of them all, he missed kissing harry. He missed feeling the way Harry's lips Whispered in the howling wind his love for Draco. He missed it.
Draco threw his head back, sighing to himself, wiping away the tears of unhappiness that visited him like a nightmare every night after having lost Harry's because of his own faults.
But grief turned to sorrow, sorrow to pain, pain to numbness and numbness to anger, he threw away his journal at the opposite wall.
" fuck " he yelled as he harshly tugged at his hair " fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck " he groaned, crying heavily.
The entire month he had been waiting for the void to be filled with something, something other than harry but harry like a pest had reached the core of his heart and infected every inch that he missed him in every song, in every story, In every poem, in every walk, in every talk, in every conversation, in every tear, in every smile, in every melody, in every tune, in every aspect, he was infected with Harry's love and he missed him with the core of his infected heart that Could've only been cured by harry, who had left. Left for Christmas break, left draco, left everything about him.
He ran his hand down his face, pinching his nose trying to get rid of the feeling but nothing worked and he had to show up at another interview in another hour to talk about inauguration. He was screwed and he blamed himself.
" you are responsible for your own actions " narcissa had said one night " always remember that. Before anyone else's you're your own. Remember that "
" save the heart, you moron " harry had laughed one day while they were discussing a silly riddle..
" Save your heart, moron " draco's reflection mocked as he stared at himself in the mirror.
Wiping away his tears, he immediately got ready and checked out of the school.
" and you'll be running the business, right ? Like your father expects ?" She asked, over the mic..
" yes, I will be" he replied, uncrossing his legs..
" Mr.Malfoy, if you don't mind of course, after having denied last month of any sparks of your relationship with mr. Harry potter, are you In general seeing anyone then? Someone who'd take forward the malfoy name ?"
That ought to do it, possibly. Draco stared at the fraction of people waiting for his reply.
" save your heart "
" you're your own "
" mr. Malfoy ?" She asked again.
Draco broke out of his trail, suddenly becoming aware of the mic in his hand.
What the fuck was he doing ?
Suddenly everything seemed so real and all he could think of was the emerald eyes, standing in the middle of the cyclone waiting for him to take his hand..
" I'm sorry" Draco suddenly said as he stood up, dropping the mic and walking off the Little stage
" Mr. Malfoy ? Can you please answer the question?" She asked again..
Draco looked at her before for one last time he picked up the mic and said " I lied "
" what do you mean you lied ?" 2 people asked
Draco stared at everyone, his mind doing circle one more time before he found the little courage and replied
" I'm gay"
" and I love harry potter "
Will have part 2
300 followers appreciation dialogue prompt requests open
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pog-sad-muffin · 3 years
The dreamscape.
Vilbur and Reader pt. 6
!TW! freezing, manipulation, yelling, violence, mentions of blood, feral Tommy!TW!
Hope you enjoy <3
Art credit to: @elevenshaze on twt
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Tubbo's POV
I know I am dreaming, I can hear Phil pacing around the room. Soon his pacing fades away.
-entering the dream state-
The sun rests just over the horizon, Tommy is here. We are on the hill that overlooks L'manburg.
"Hey, big man?"
"Yeah what's up?" Tommy answers.
"Will we get our happily ever after? Everyone is talking about how they work towards their happy ending. But I just can't seem to see the end." I say brushing my hair away from my eyes.
"There is no ending because there was never a beginning," Tommy says, his voice getting scratchy.
"What do you mean," I ask, turning to look at him. His eyes are the void and a smile is etched into his face. No! NO! DREAM CANT TAKE HIM FROM ME! please...
Waking up with a start. Sweat dripping down my face, my breathing erratic, and shaking all over. Phil, with a concerned look on his face, swiftly walks up to me.
"Are you alright mate, you look like you just had a nightmare," Phil says softly, sitting down next to me and rubbing circles on my back. I open my mouth but no words come out, my mind racing from what I saw.
"It's ok you don't need to talk about it. Go be with Ranboo, he was worried about you." Nodding, I shakily stand. Walking cautiously down the stairs I make it to the kitchen. Collecting myself I look around for Ranboo. Nope, not in the kitchen, not in the living room. Though Techno is when he notices me peeking into the room he points to the porch. Stepping over to the door I bring it open and looking out. Seeing Ranboo playing with Michael, a lazy smile adorned his face. Smiling softly to myself I walk outside fully and close the door, getting their attention.
"Dad!" Michael yells, wobbling up to his feet he shuffles towards me.
"Hello buddy, how are you?" I ask resting Michael in my lap after I sit down in one of the rocking chairs on the front porch.
"Good, Papa called some people over. Mister Pink looked at me weirdly and Mister Green told Papa to relax so he played with me out here while you were sleeping! We played all these fun games…" my son's voice settling into the background, he thought I was sleeping and Techno saw him… "and then I saw you and you were awake and here!" Michael says finishing his story.
"That's nice, now I need to talk to your Papa for a moment, would you go inside with Phil?" I ask, voice cracking slightly.
"Ok, Dad see you later!" Michael says, jumping up and running inside. We wait a few moments, I'm still sitting on the ground, the cold of the snow no longer bothering me.
Ranboo's POV
I look over at Tubbo when Michael runs inside. His eyes are glassy, and he is still on the ground. After a moment I walked over to him. Sitting down next to him I pull him into a hug. I feel him start to cry, it burns into my chest, but I don't complain. Comforting him I feel myself starting to cry as well. My tears cascading down my face, sizzling and burning down my face. It is snowing now. Tubbo and I don't care anymore, we grasp onto each other and start sobbing. Tubbo let out a cry, one you would hear from someone who just got the news that their last hope had passed.
3rd person POV
Techno is watching the two broken children cry into each other from the window. Something in him breaks in him as well. They shouldn't be in this life of violence, they're only kids. And yet they had suffered so much. He thinks shaking his head. Started when he hears the most heart-wrenching scream from Tubbo. His eyes tearing up, he turns away and walks up to the room where Tommy lays. Phil has long since left the room to comfort Michael. Looking over Tommy, he notices all the details of what had happened. Tommy's lips were dark purple, his exposed skin looked like icy veins crawling up his body, Tommys breathing slow and labored. He is not much better than when Ranboo found him. We don't know why he isn't getting better. Niki should be on her way, unfortunately, she lives far away from Ranboo and Tubbo's house.
Knock knock knock. Phil upon hearing this sets Michael down on the bed, the young child having fallen asleep. Hears the knock and makes his way downstairs. Opening the door, letting Niki inside.
"So where is Tommy? I saw Tubbo was awake." She mentions, taking her winter coat and winter gear off. Grabbing the satchel that was under the coat.
"Good to see you again mate, follow me," Phil says waving his hand towards the stairs. As they make their way up the stairs Niki is looking around, looking for clues to what had happened to the boys. Phil stops at the door opening it for Niki.
"He's on the bed over there," Phil mutters, refusing to make eye contact or look in the room. Niki looks at Phil with sympathy in her eyes before entering. Walking in closing the door softly behind her. Techno once he saw her stood up, knowing her past and her hate against Tommy. Pulling out his ax in a defensive stance.
"Woah, calm down I'm only here to help. Phil called me in," Niki says, trying to calm Techno. Slowly lowering his defensive stance in front of Tommy, who is effectively dying without treatment.
Niki's POV
As I cautiously approach Tommy, I can see the damage of whatever had been done to him. His lips are dark plum and black near the center, his ears are blue and black, his hair was stiff from what seems like the cold Ranboo found him in, his breathing is more like wheezing and pained. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Focusing my eyes back on Tommy I grab the bag that I had brought with me. Opening it I grab my book, my candles, and a heater. Looking over at Techno I ask, "Would you put some coal in here," I hand him the heater. He looks skeptical about it before doing what I asked. As he loaded coal into it, I pulled out my book looking through various supernatural creatures before finding what I was looking for.
“Here!” I shout, after a while, startling Techno. “Sorry,” I say softly when he glares at me.
Hearing a thundering sound running up the stairs, Phil bursts into the room, “Do you know what caused this?!” Phil says frantically. Techno being confused at the question looks between Niki and Phil expectantly.
“He means what creature caused this,” I explain, “I'm a mob expert.”
“HUH! Since when?”
“She has been for a while… Anyway, that's not the point.” Phil says.
“Yes, Phil is right. I found what caused this. It says here-” I say, pointing at a page in my book,”- the only thing that could have caused this would be… A spectator aka a ghost essentialy.” Once I say that Phil and Techno’s eyes go wide and they stare at each other, then Tommy. Their eyes are filled with confusion and terror. And then the realization hit me, we only have two ghosts, and both of them were close to the young boys. But they wouldn't do this… would they?
Tommy's POV
-entering the dream state-
It is warm here, I remember it was cold earlier. Why was it cold again? Eh doesn't matter now that I am warm. A new wave of heat cascades through me, thawing my body into comfort. I am calm, wow when was the last time that happened. Maybe when Tubbo and I were building our bench, Techno and Wilbur watched our back. It was the most peaceful week of work… ever I think.
"Hello?" I hear an echo crossing the room.
"Hello, who are you?" I question back to the voice, not bothering to open my eyes.
"Tommy is that you?" I hear, starting to recognize the voice. Snapping my eyes open, I look around in search of the voice. Y/n they are here, I want to see them again. I miss them.
"Y/n? Where are you?"
"I'm right over here Tommy," they say. I turn around and see them, glowing with their arm stretched towards me, a soft welcoming smile decorated their face. Rushing over to them I tackle them into a hug, crying slightly.
"Hello Big man," they say softly, engulfing the smaller in a hug. I smile through the tears that are free-falling down my face.
"I missed you Y/n," I say, my voice heavy with emotion. Finally, I reluctantly pull away from the hug.
"I have something important to tell you, Tommy…" Y/n says, eyes going downcast and glossing over. "They are trying to take you from me," their voice growing softer, as I grow more confused and I furrow my brows.
"Who is trying to take you? I want to stay with you." I say, standing my ground ready to fight anyone who gets in my way of being with my sibling I was forced to lose.
"They are Tommy you have to stop them…" their voice fading away more as I am being pulled away from them.
"No! Stop! I want to go back! Y/n!" I yelled, reaching desperately towards them, despite me being pulled away.
Waking with a start, all of the warmth from the dreamscape gone. Niki, Techno, and Phil standing over me. They are smiling. Why do they get to be happy? I just want to go home, the place where I belong. With Y/n, Will, Tubbo, and L'manburg. The good days.
"How are you feeling?" Phil asks, my head slowly turning towards him. I throw myself at him, clawing at him. I get a handful of feathers and his hat before Techno and Niki pull me off of him with my arms behind my back. I hear an animalistic growl until I realize it is coming from me. Not that I care they were the ones trying to take me away from Y/n. Phil, who has now fallen onto the floor. Looking at me in shock. I feel my lips curl up to bare my teeth and growl once again.
"Niki what's happening?!" Techno shouts frantically, as I struggle from their grasp. I hear people storming up the stairs. Tubbo and Ranboo slam the door open. They see me and I'm not sure what sparked it but I think it was looking at Ranboo, I never liked him, he took away my friend, and now he is here for Y/n as well. With newfound strength, I launch myself at Ranboo, ripping my grasp away from Techno and Niki. I go to attack him only to be hit with something and thrown off to the side. Looking at where the item was thrown I see a shaking Niki, standing on all fours I growl at them. My hybrid features on display. My tail swishing behind me defensively, my razor-sharp canines bared at all of them, the two joints on my legs ripping through my pants near the joints.
"Hey… Tommy, Big man calm down…" Tubbo says cautiously sidestepping towards me, in response, I let out an unnerving growl that makes everyone flinch in response.
"Niki! What is going on!" Techno growls, furiously.
"I don't know this isn't supposed to happen! Though there is a chance that the spector had said something to him!" she says, looking through her book frantically trying to find an answer.
"What do you mean! There is a chance! What could they have said'' Phil yells, I ignore them focusing on Ranboo. Tensing my legs and lowering myself onto the ground I feel something fall from my mouth.
"Umm… Phil what is dripping from his mouth," Tubbo asks, voice quivering. Suddenly everyone's attention is on me again. I let out another growl, more of the goop falling from my mouth, looking at it this time I see it is a black-looking slime. Hearing someone step closer to me, my head snaps at them. I let out a roar. Tubbo and Niki are staring at me in fear, Phil is staring in shock, and Techno in distress. I lunge at Ranboo once more this time reaching for his horn with the reached ring on it. Tubbo shrieks when he sees what I'm going for, and he jumps at me. I make it to my target and start yanking on his horn trying to rip it off, so he will let me see Y/n again. Tubbo hits me off, falling to the floor with a whimper. Techno and Phil rush to restrain me, Niki rushes to Ranboo to check on what I hurt. I see Ranboo reach for his horn and realize the ring is gone.
"My ring is gone! Did it fall off!?" Ranboo asks, I plant myself onto the ground. It's not like I needed to, I have two people keeping me on the ground. Smirking, I look Ranboo in the eyes.
"Tommy where is it!" He yells at me, part of his jaw unhinging. I close my mouth tighter, locking my jaw. 
"Guys… I think it's in his mouth." Tubbo says, noticing my jaw tense.
"How? We didn't see it?!" Niki says, baffled. She runs over to Techno and Phil, something in her hand.
I feel something cold touch my neck as the world fades to dark.
-entering dreamscape-
"Tommy are you ok?!" I hear Y/n yell when they see the state I'm in.
"I wanted to come back… they are the enemy…" I mumble my words slurred.
"Ah... I see what happened. I'm so glad you came back," they say, picking me up into a soft warm hug. Just like Mum used to do. Feeling the familiar warmth return.
"Don't worry Big man I will protect you," they say. I feel warmth flood my being and patterns scorching into my body. I didn't mind though it felt nice.
"They're going to sting when you wake once more, but don't worry I will always be here when you go to sleep." I nod limply.
"Want to see them?" Parking up at this I nod once more, not finding the energy to speak. A mirror appears in front of me. I have marks up and down my back and arms. They have symbols that look like, "⋔⊬ ⌿⎍⌿⟟⌰" I feel myself fading out of dream world into a deep sleep.
"Y/n would you stay with me?"
"Of course my pupil."
Thank you for reading, don't be shy if you have a recommendation🖤
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catzula · 4 years
Seven stages of falling in love.
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Synopsis: You're afraid of needles and Bakugou is not the most suitable person that should be handling your shots for seven days.
Pairing: bakugou x reader
Warnings: cursing, I have no idea how long it is since it's written on my phone this time, probably a lot of errors
Genre: fluff, some tiny bit angst but a happy ending so no worries
A/N: I was on a 9-hour road trip and wrote this to keep me sane.
BTW 50 followers yaay!
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Day 1
"What do you mean I need to get antibiotic shots for a week?!" You exclaimed, refusing to believe what you just heard. It was just a sore throat, or so you had thought. You never liked doctors, so you rarely saw one, but when your 'sore throat' lasted for a whole month, your friends literally forced you to go see one.
You knew it wasn't anything important, but maybe it would help to get a home rest for a day or two, giving you a little more time to binge anime study for that one exam that was coming up.
All your hopes and dreams died when you;
a) didn't get to have any home rest, cause apparently, you didn't have to stay home for a sore throat,
b) had to get shots for a week?!
This was why you hated doctors! You went in for a sore throat, hoping to get a home rest, and got what? A week of-
"It means what I just said." The doctor answered your question gruffly, making you send him a questioning look. Weren't the doctors supposed to be all nice and smiley? This one sure wasn't.
"I don't want to!" You whined, "Isn't there a pill or something I could take?" He sent you a look that could only mean, are you dumb or something?
But you couldn't care less about what he thought about you, though he was one of the most handsome men you had ever seen, all you were thinking about was doing whatever you could to not get any shots. "Is there no other way?" You asked, once again. This caused him to sigh loudly, turning his red eyes once again on you.
"No. You'll come here every day for a week to get shots, no pills, no nothing. Okay?" The harsh tone of his voice sent chills through your body, blood-red eyes of his made you wonder if they were real. "I- uh... Yeah, okay." You told him, feeling a little intimidated, though you wouldn't admit it if it killed you.
He turned his back to you while he prepared the syringe, giving you the perfect chance to look at him without being crushed under his crimson gaze.
His shoulders were so wide and his waist so narrow, it created the perfect triangle. You could see his the muscles of his arms flexing with every move, you almost felt unable to take your eyes off of his arms. But what stood out the most was his ash blonde, spiky hair. It defied the gravity in a way you had never seen before, and you just wanted to run your fingers through them, wondering if they were as hard as they looked.
He turned his face to you, you knew he noticed you staring, you could see that by the smirk he sent you, though he didn't comment on it.
You took deep breaths in, trying to calm yourself, though you could feel the blood draining from your face, your hands shaking ever so slightly. His brows furrowed, a look of slight frustration on his face. "You okay?"
You gulped, biting your lip. "I- I'm just..." you didn't want to admit you were scared of needles, not to him, but he did it for you. "You're scared."
You shrugged, still not admitting but not denying either. "You could say I'm not a fan." He rolled his eyes, looking at you as you were dumb. "Nobody is a fan." You could swear you heard him mumble, dumbass under his breath.
He pressed the base of the syringe slightly, testing it, not noticing or simply ignoring the look you had sent him. He rubbed alcohol on your arm, bringing the syringe closer. He was about to stick it when you couldn't stop yourself and gripped his wrist with all your might. Your hand couldn't wrap his wrist at all, and he could have ripped it free so easily, though he didn't.
"What the-"
"Wait!" You told him, not aware of what you were doing, your fear taking over. "Please don't? I don't- don't want... it."
"Come on, it doesn't hurt that much." He told you, feeling his frustration growing bigger with every second that past. He was Bakugou Katsuki, for fucks sake, he wasn't supposed to deal with little girls afraid of needles.
He was the number one of his class, he always was. He decided he wanted to be a doctor and save lives when he was so little, and he always had that dream in him. He worked so hard to achieve that, and now he was spending his summer as an intern in the best hospital of Japan, the hospital he always wanted to work at.
But this wasn't it! Ever since he started, they gave him small, insignificant things to do, like check-ups he was doing now. Sore throat? Who did they think he was, making him check sore throats and runny noses?
He felt so frustrated, he didn't notice you trembling like a leaf under his touch. Your eyes were so wide open, filled with pure fear, your under lip trembling, your hands gripped his wrist like it was your lifeline.
"I'm sorry-" you told him. "I just can't... can't stand needles."
He sighed, though he could feel his frustration disappearing slightly.
"That's fine, I guess." He told you, earning a hopeful glance from you. "Just look at me, nowhere else." That wasn't hard, was it? You couldn't take your eyes off of him anyways. You locked your eyes with his, noticing how oddly soothing his hard toned voice was.
"Listen to me, okay?" He told you. "My name's Bakugou. I went to UA Medical school, and this is my third year, 'm an intern here." You never would have guessed he was that young, only a year older than you, and he went to one of the hardest universities in Japan?
You never once looked away from his eyes, trying to forget the sharp object that was about to enter your skin. When he asked about you, you gulped, you were about to send a small glance at your arm, the one he was holding, but he gripped your chin with his free hand, not letting you look anywhere else, but his eyes.
"I- I'm Y/N." You whispered. "I'm going to ****, and I'm a second year." He nodded, and you smiled weakly.
"That's cool." He told you, "though not cooler than the fact that I finished your shot almost two minutes ago." A smug grin was now curving his lips.
"You what?!" You exclaimed, you looked at your arm, which now had a small band-aid. "You- you... how did you do that?" You asked him, smiling uncontrollably.
"A doctor never reveals his secrets." He told you, though you saw he had a small smile too.
You took your bag and coat, about to exit the room when you sent a small glance his way. "Thank you, doctor Bakugou. " You told him, earning a surprised look from him.
Nobody had ever thanked him this way before.
Day 2
"Hi," you stood at the door, not sure whether you should enter or just stay there.
"Why the hell are you standing there?" He asked you roughly. "Oh, uh, sorry." He shrugged, sipping his coffee. You could tell by the smell that it was pure poison, or in other words, espresso.
"Don't apologize and sit down already."
You sat down, feeling uncomfortable, though you weren't sure why. Maybe it was because you showed him your vulnerable side the day before? You weren't sure. 
Your eyes wandered over his figure, he looked as handsome as he was the first time you saw him, or maybe even more? It shouldn't be allowed to be so handsome, you thought. And why did that white coat look so good on him?
Though he was aware of you watching his every move, he didn't want to say anything about it since he could feel your growing panic as he walked towards you with the syringe in his hands.
"We're doing it as we did it yesterday. "He told you, "You're looking at me, and me only." He smirked when he saw you nodding. "Good."
"Now, tell me, what are you studying?" He shook his head, genuinely looked interested as he listened you blabbering. "Why are you doing this?" You asked him. "Is it for the money?"
He shrugged, though he had a smirk on. "I'll tell you about that another day since you're good to go."
"No way!" You told him, looking at your arm, which was once again already stung, cleaned, and stuck with a cute little band-aid.
"You're the best. " You told him as you giggled, still not over the fact that he already gave you two shots without you even noticing.
"Of course I'm the fucking best." He told you, making you giggle once again. "Not sure you should be using that language around your patients, Doctor Bakugou."
He made a tch noise, turning his back to you. "Whatever, go complain to the administration or something." His voice was harder than you had ever heard from him, though to his surprise, you giggled as you walked to the door.
"Of course I'm not going to do that," you told him, smiling sweetly. "Don't expect me to complain about my favorite doctor."
With that, you left the room, leaving Bakugou once again struck with shock. Nobody ever told him he was their favorite doctor, on the contrary, people loved to complain about his angry behavior and foul mouth.
And though he would never accept it, he smiled ever so slightly, noticing a warm feeling spreading to his chest.
Day 3
"Hey, doctor." You entered the room, a big smile on your face that you didn't seem to have any control over.
"Hey." He answered, making you surprised. This was the first time he said 'hey' back. "I noticed you changed our appointment hours." It used to be in the morning but you had learned just today that he changed it to 13:00.
"Yeah." He answered, looking a little uncomfortable. "Why?" You asked further, but your eyes widened a little when you noticed his cheeks had a pink tint to them. "I fucking wanted to, okay?"
"Okay," you told him, laughingly. "I was just curious, you know?"
Nope, you weren't just curious. You wanted to know if it was because he had a date or something, and even though that didn't make any sense at all, you just couldn't help yourself.
What he didn't tell you was that he did change your appointments because of a girl, you. He switched your appointment to right before his lunch break so he could spend a little more time with you, though he couldn't even admit that himself.
"Don't be." He answered as you sat down. This time he had prepared the syringes before you came so that you wouldn't get anxious as he prepared them in front of you.
"That looks like a nice book." He told you as he rubbed your arm with alcohol. You were so stressed that you couldn't even understand what book he was referring to, not aware that you were holding the book in your hands for your dear life. "It's my favorite book." You answered, not looking away from his eyes. You could swear you saw his eyes in your dream last night.
"What's it about?" He asked, once again, looking genuinely interested. You loved talking about books, so much that people would sometimes ask you to stop. But he looked so interested, like he was actually listening, not because he had to, but he wanted to, you couldn't stop.
You started talking about this book, jumping to talk about another, then another. He joined you some time, you weren't really sure when. You started to talk about your favorite books, you talked about his favorite book, argued on one book that he liked, but you hated, did the same with a book you loved, and he didn't.
The conversation lasted so long, and you wouldn't have stopped if your phone hadn't ringed. "Oh, fuck." You mumbled under your breath, realizing you were in there for at least an hour and a half. "I'm so sorry, I lost control!" You told him, laughing nervously. Did you bore him to death?
"It's okay, I guess." He told you, his hand scratching the back of his neck. "You do talk too fucking much, but it wasn't necessarily bad. And it was actually my lunch break, so I won't get in trouble or shit."
"Oh, okay." You answered smiling once again. "I guess, I owe you lunch now."
You exited his room before you let him answer, you were afraid he was going to tell you to fuck off or something, though you had never thought he would agree, he was about to do just that before you sprinted out the room.
He realized only minutes after you exited that you left your 'favorite book' behind, only for him to read it.
Day 4
"Instant noodles?" He asked you, with a look on his face you couldn't quite interpret. It resembled something along the lines of trying to hold his laughter in and thinking you were the dumbest person on the earth.
"I did owe you lunch, you know." You told him. 
"Yeah, I know, but I thought you meant something like a bagel or some shit, somewhere outside the hospital."
Thinking back, maybe instant noodles were a bad idea.
"How about tomorrow?" You asked. He shrugged, "Fine, whatever." He looked indifferent, but his pink-tinted cheeks told you he wasn't.
He shrugged, you noticed he did this a lot when he was uncomfortable, you also noticed how fast your heartbeat was every day you entered this room, and not because of the needles.
You noticed how, since the first day, you woke up feeling excited about seeing him. Thinking about what you were going to talk about that day, as you go about your day when something happened, you found yourself thinking about telling it to him the next day.
You noticed how your heart clenched, a dreadful feeling in your stomach, when you thought about the week was coming to an end.
You noticed you were starting to... fall in love with him.
You talked about this to your friends too, and they were more than aware of how your eyes glistened when you talked about him, how you smiled unintentionally.
And the problem was, that he was also aware of all these too. He saw how you looked at him, and he wasn't dumb, he knew what these meant, as well as the tightening in his chest.
You weren't the only one, waking up, excited to see each other. When Denki said something dumb, he thought about telling it to you the next day, he thought about what he could talk about with you to soothe you the next time you gripped his wrist, asking him to stop with teary eyes, he never ever wanted to see you looking that afraid ever again. Hell, he even looked at wikihow, how to calm someone down when they feel afraid, and he was about to be a doctor for God's sake.
It was scary for him, to be this vulnerable for someone, to care so much in such little time, such a foreign feeling taking over his sensible part.
He was about to say something else when he noticed your knee and the very poorly wrapped bandage over it, you had 'wrapped' the bandage like a shoelace and he never in his life saw something so horrible. He sent you a look that made your cheeks all red.
"What the fuck is this?" He asked you, opening the bandage in one quick motion. "Oh, I fell yesterday, nothing too serious."
"You dumbass," Bakugou mumbled as he looked at the wound closely. "Didn't you even clean it?" He asked angrily.
"I did!" You told him. "I mean, I tried to. But it hurts when I touch it..." He rolled his eyes as he took some stuff from the drawers. "Are you afraid of these too?" He asked sarcastically, not expecting an answer, but you did anyway.
"No." You answered as you pouted. "Just needles." He shook his head as he laughed softly. "And trees at night." You mumbled and he froze.
"You have to be kidding me!" He told you, he wasn't even treating the wound anymore, but just looking at you like he waited for you to say you were joking.
"Hey! You have to admit they have a scary side to them!"
"Trees at night?"
"Don’t laugh." You pouted. "They look all shadowy and like... they have long arms, open wide like they're about to catch you and never let you go."
"Oh my God," he groaned as he went on cleaning your wound. "That’s the dumbest thing I've heard." Though he thought it was the most adorable thing he heard too. A girl afraid of needles and trees at night.
The wound stung a little, but you didn't even feel it, you were thinking deeply about wanting to touch his hair. When he finished, your knee was wrapped nicely, and it didn't even hurt anymore.
"So, you never told me why you wanted to become a doctor." You told him as you recalled your chat the first day.
"Thought you would forget about that." He told you as you laughed. "Never."
"I wanted to save people, ever since I was a kid, I wanted to be a... hero, I guess." He told you, not even sure why he was telling you such a personal thing when almost no one knew this about him.
You couldn't stop the words tumbling down your lips. "I don't know about other people, but you're my hero."
Oh, shit. Your words led to a very awkward silence, and you thought you probably shouldn't have said that, though you meant every word.
"Thank you for that." He mumbled finally, causing your head to snap up and lock your eyes with his. You didn't expect him to thank you, at all, but now you just couldn't stop grinning.
"I feel like I'm getting over my fear." You said as you looked at the band-aid on your arm, the band-aid which, once again, miraculously appeared there. There was no way he could give you a shot, clean the small wound, and put a band-aid without you noticing at all! He was either a magician or you were in too deep.
"Yeah, seems like it." He told you, though he wasn't very enthusiastic about it.
You both ate your instant noodles in silence, I'm telling you, it's a bad idea to eat instant noodles with your crush, especially if its the first time you're eating together, and you just didn't know why his presence felt so distant and so awkward all of a sudden.
After you finished your noodles, oh my God why did that last that long? you grabbed your stuff, feeling a weird tug in your chest. "I think I should go."
His crimson eyes found yours, but you had no idea what he was thinking. "Okay." 
"See you tomorrow?" You asked, but a grunt was your only answer.
Day 5
"What do you mean Doctor Bakugou has another patient?" You asked the receptionist. She looked at you like you were dumb. "He isn't available at the moment, miss. Doctor Kirishima will be looking after you today."
You didn't know who Kirishima was, but you knew you didn't want him to handle you.
"Can I maybe come later? When he's available?" You asked with the last piece of hope left in you. "I'm sorry, miss." She answered by not actually answering. You sighed as you looked at the red-haired man watching you with a smile. He looked like a nice guy, but he wasn't the reason you were here.
"Wow, " Kirishima rubbed his temples as he took a so from his coffee. "One patient really pushed me today."
"What?" Bakugou asked, his voice so stern, Kirishima's eyes narrowed as he looked at his friend. He was really moody lately, and Kirishima wasn't sure why.
"I had this one girl, apparently she was afraid of needles." Suddenly Bakugou's hand was gripping the glass he was holding it a little too hard. "I tried to convince her that it wasn't going to hurt, but she was crying so hard I don't think she even heard me."
"She was crying?" Bakugou's voice was nothing more than a whisper, he could feel how fast his heart was beating, and how tight the grip on his chest was. Kirishima had never seen his friend worry over someone, and he never thought he would either, but today he could sense something was up. "Well, yeah. Really hard. But it wasn't the crying that got me but more like... She was so afraid, genuinely terrified. Even after the whole thing, she kept looking at her arm and still looked scared."
Bakugou looked away, he didn't want to hear this anymore. "That must be tough."
Kirishima shrugged. "I felt bad."
That day, Bakugou left the hospital with an ache in his chest.
Day 6
You didn't want to go back to the hospital. You didn't. You were too scared.
You had thought you were over your fear, but obviously not. You could only stand them when... He was around.
The moment you thought about the spiky blonde hair and red eyes, you felt your chest tightening.
You entered the lobby, eyes instinctively going to the door that had his silver initials. Your heart fluttered in your chest, longing to see him, praying that he would be here. You walked to the receptionist. She was telling you the same thing she did yesterday -sorry ma'am, he's just not available- when the door opened, and the silhouette of a man you longed to see standing in the doorway with a cup of coffee in his hand.
A smile found its place on your lips as you started to walk towards him -the receptionist was trying to talk to you still, but who cares- feeling relief washing over you.
He was here! You felt so relieved having him here, not only because he could do your injection without you noticing -but you had to admit, that was an amazing skill right there- but also because you... trusted him. You trusted Bakugou so much, that you could open your heart to him. You loved how he listened to you when you were talking about nonsensical things, how angry of a person he was but actually so nice, how he told you he hated those 'dumbass' friends of his, desperately trying to conceal how much he loved them.
He didn't see you as you walked to him, his eyes on the paper he was holding in his hand. You were about to call his name when you heard your name being called, though it wasn't he who said it.
Your brows furrowed, eyes turning to ho was calling you. The doctor from the day before stood there next to you, with a smile plastered on his face, his hand touching your arm slightly, about to lead you to his office. "Miss Y/N, you're with me today."
Bakugou's eyes snapped up, finding you almost instantly as he heard your name being called. Realizing you were also looking at him, his crimson eyes widened a little. "But..." you started to tell Kirishima, but the guilt-stricken look Bakugou sent you that he tried to conceal told you everything you should know.
You felt like your heart that was just hammering your chest stopped, hurt spreading in your body. Bakugou wasn't coming to the appointments on purpose, avoiding you, trying to get rid of you.
Were you really that hard to deal with? He couldn't take it not even for a week? You thought about the chats you had and how much you laughed when you were near him, and your chest tightened. Maybe you just were talking too much. Or maybe, he just didn't want to deal with a girl who was afraid of needles.
You let Kirishima lead you to his office, trying not to look at the man that you just turned you back to.
Even though you avoided looking at him, Bakugou could see how hurt you were in your eyes. And as he watched you walk with Kirishima, concealing how afraid you were and how much your knees were shaking, he felt like the asshole everyone told him he was.
Bakugou went to Kirishima's office the second you left. "How was she?"
Kirishima sighed, taking a sip from his coffee as he watched his angry friend with curious eyes. "I don't know, man. It was just weird." Bakugou's eyes widened, his hand anxiously running through his hair. "What the fuck does that even mean, shitty-hair?!" Bakugou felt like he was going to punch his red-headed friend if he didn't give him straight answers now. And obviously, Kirishima was aware too.
"Woah, chill down. Why do you even care, Bakubro? Never saw you so interested in any of your patients." Bakugou gritted his teeth. It was true he never really cared for his patients, nothing else than their health. But it was different with you, he cared about you, and everything about you.
"Just answer the damn question already." Said Bakugou gruffly, avoiding to answer his question.
Kirishima shrugged. "It was weird." He repeated. "Yesterday she was crying, at one point she begged me not to do it. I don't think she's scared of the needle hurting him but more like the needle itself." Bakugou knew all of this, and he was going to punch him in the guts if Kirishima didn't get straight to the point. "But today she was silent."
Silent? He had never seen you silent.
"She was like a- a statue. Didn't even flinch when I stuck the needle in her, didn't cry, or said a word. She was just looking at the needle and my hand, genuinely terrified. I felt like I was stabbing her or something." Kirishima recalled the memory, and a chill went through him.
Bakugou wasn't very different either. Thinking you like that broke his heart. He could understand you crying, and he would still be mad at himself for letting you cry, but what Kirishima told him was something else. It almost made him afraid.
"Anyways, I don't know man, tomorrow's the last day anyway."
"Yeah." Bakugou mumbled as he tried to forget what Kirishima just told him.
Bakugou couldn't get the image of you frozen with fear out of his mind the whole day. He buried himself in his work, still not able to think about anything else but you.
He went home, exhausted.
He took a shower and ate something when he saw the book you had left for him to read laying on his dining table. Ignoring the tightening in his chest, he picked the book up, and he realized the book was the only thing that could make him stop thinking of you, even just for a second.
And as he read, nonstop, he could swear the trees he saw from his window were watching him, making him feel a little creeped out.
Hell, maybe trees at night were creepy after all.
Day 7
Bakugou was having a bad day.
First of all, he had read your favorite book the whole night, not getting any sleep whatsoever. He wasn't the type of man to stay up till night, he never liked to do so either, but he did just that. No cup of coffee was helping him either.
What was bothering him, though, was that you just wouldn't show up. It was almost the end of his lunch break, and you still weren't anywhere to be seen. He knew that because he had been asking the receptionist about you every 5 seconds for the last hour or so.
He sighed as he finished the last sentence of the last chapter, of the book he was so caught up on, and as on cue, you went in the doors as he closed the book.
Bakugou felt anxiety doubling the beating of his heart as he saw you talking to the receptionist. He started to walk to you, replaying the speech he had decided on the day before to talk to you. But as you lifted your head and your gaze found his, he forgot everything that was on his mind.
And awkward silence sneaked in between you both as he towered over you. "Uh, hey," Bakugou mumbled.
"Hey." You said. "Umm, where is doctor Kirishima?" Ouch, Bakugou thought. He knew you didn't do it on purpose but it hurt anyway. "He won't be with you today," Bakugou told you, you didn't know why he looked so tired today, but how did he still look so damn handsome? "I will."
Your eyes widened as you understood what he said relief and anxiety washing over you at the same time.
You didn't trust your voice to say anything, so you just nodded.
As you sat in his office, awkwardly tapping your fingers according to a rhythm, you didn't know he was trying to gather up the courage to apologize. You didn't even mean to come in today, but you just didn't want him to see you as a coward, even more so. So you anxiously eyed the room when your eyes found the book you had left. He saw you looking at your book that was on his desk, and he smiled. "I finished the book."
"Does that mean I can have it back now?" You asked, making him grimace. He expected you to shower him with questions, to talk about it, to hear your voice... but apparently not.
"Yeah- yeah sure." You took the book back, holding it so hard, your knuckles turned white.
Bakugou sighed. "I missed you, you know."
Your heart started to beat so fast you were glad you were at a hospital. "Well, that isn't my fault." Bakugou didn't want to, but he smiled nonetheless. "No, it's not, it was me being an asshole."
"Right." You answered cynically, earning an angry look from the explosive guy.
"And I thought it was... for the best." He went on.
"Oh, of course, what else could it be?" You just couldn't seem to hold your tongue back today, and he was aware of that too.
"Can you not make this any harder?" He finally said gruffly. "I'm trying to fucking say that I'm-" his eyes widened as he realized what he was saying, that he was apologizing. But for the first time in his life, it didn't feel necessarily wrong.
"That I'm sorry."
You didn't need him to explain why he did what right now, just hearing that he was sorry was enough for you, so you smiled. "It really hurt, you know?" You told him as he started to walk towards you.
"I know." He answered, "and I'm fucking sorry." His hands held your arms as if he was about to pull you into a tight hug. But it wasn't necessarily a hug he was pulling you into. "But I can make it up to you." He whispered as he leaned in.
"And how are you going to do that?" You asked, but those were the last words you said before feeling the soft lips pressing on yours.
Your hands went to his hair almost instinctively, and you smiled into the kiss as you felt how damn soft they were.
"Remember that bagel promise we had? We could either do that or I could keep kissing you." He told you, smirking when he realized how breathless you were.
"But what about the..." your voice trailed off when you noticed the small band-aid on your arm. "When did you even do this?!"
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Their Doll 4
Y/n Stark
B.Barnes x Reader, S.Rogers x Stark!Reader
series synopsis:  y/n Stark, all records of her non existent, and yet Hydra still find her. When she is kidnapped by a certain super-soldier and no one believes her, she finds herself searching for unexpected familiarity in her not-so-distant past.
Series Warnings: smut, violence, torture, swearing
Chapter Summary: the avengers find some stuff out about y/n
Warnings: swearing
A/n: The timeline in this has been altered, as there I things I wanted to include but I also wanted this fic to follow the storyline/timeline of Winter Soldier and Civil war.So for purposes of this fanfic, Peter Parker was discovered by Tony at a much younger age - when he was bitten - and has been an intern with him since, almost like a protégée.(For the purposes of this story Peter was bitten much younger too - more like when he was 9 or ten rather than 14/15)
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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"SO there's some weird HYDRA girl locked and sedated in my basement? Cool, don't want to know." Tony dismissed, not looking up from his white mug as he tipped a generous amping of sugar into his black coffee. He swirled the liquid in the mug and turned around, leaning against the counter as he raised the drink to lips lips and took a sip before sighing intently. Bruce frowned, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Tony, I don't think you get it, I ran a DNA test and-"
"And she's probably some innocent girl that went missing years ago and was never found? I get it, I feel bad for her but at the end of the day she has nothing to do with me." Tony dismissed, pushing away from the counted to deposit his now-empty mug in the sink. He turned the tap on, rinsing out the cup before carelessly placing it on the drying rack.
"Just, please, come and see her. You won't regret it, and if you do - dinner's on me?" Bruce suggest, arms outstretched in welcome. Tony rolled his eyes, before scoffing.
"Yeah, no. I'm good. Catch you in the lab later though?" Tony was quick to deflect, exiting the room with so much as another glance. Bruce's hands feel to his side with a slap as his shoulders sagged in defeat.
Bruce nervously paced the lab, desperate to tell someone his horrifying discovery. The click of the door made his head snap up, a smile of relief spreading his on lips at the sight of Nat.
"Nat, finally." He sighed, walking towards the scowling girl.
"What did you need to tell me Bruce? You sounded pretty urgent when you called." She pressed, crossing her arms over her chest and raising a brow. His smile faulted, his gaze dropping to his hands where he fondled with a biro pen.
"I- uh. I made a... discovery about y/n." Bruce confessed, finally meeting Nat's eyes.
"Go on.." Nat prompted. Bruce took a deep breath, chewing on his bottom lip nervously. "Bruce-" she started.
"Y/n isn't entirely human-"
"Well we knew that much."
"It's what she is, that's shocking. Looking threw all her blood tests and whatnot - it's showing she has an ability to manipulate minds when she s-sings. It's like a certain note her voice forms that can control the minds of people around her."
"So what is she?"
"I don't know, there's not really a name-"
"A siren. She's a siren." A third voice joined the room, and both the avengers' heads snapped round to the direction it came from. In the door stood Steve, shoulder leant against the frame and ankles crossed.
"Who's watching y/n?" Nat asked.
"Clint. Anyway, my father - he used to read me a story when I was a kid. The Odyssey, I believe it was called. It was a Greek myth about a bewitching girl who lured saloons in with her voice so she could feed off them." Steve continued, pushing himself off the door frame and walking further into the room.
"There's no way that's real, though." Nat dismissed, frowning heavily at his words.
"No, no. He has a point - I mean, look at Steve. Look at me." Bruce said, gesturing to himself and Steve. "We shouldn't be possible, but science does some crazy things. Y/n was with HYDRA, right?"
"Yes, but-"
"Well, what if they did this to her. We know she was taken when she was young, so what if they did so to experiment on her?"
"I should go talk to her, you know - girl on girl. She seems to like me, maybe she knows what she is and she might open up to me, if I ask nicely." Nat suggests, walking out the room when she was met with no protests from the two men.
"There's something else I should mention." Bruce started fidgeting again, which man Steve's brown knit together.
"What is it, Bruce?" The super-soldier prompted. Bruce continued to fidget, not looking up from him hands as he spoke.
"Are you aware Tony used to have daughter?" Bruce asked sheepishly.
"Tony had a daughter?" Steve said, brows now raised with genuine shock. He knew of Tony's...escapades from before he was with Pepper, but he couldn't see Tony as the type to actually keep a child from just a one-night stand.
"She was adopted, some kid he found on the streets with no parents. So he took her in, raised her and then she just disappeared. Many people have forgotten she existed, and those that remember her are all under the impression that she is dead. I thought so too, until..." Bruce paused, flipping through some papers on his clipboard until he found what he was looking for. "Until this." He finished, handing the board over to Steve.
In Steve's hands was proof that matched y/n's DNA to that of Tony's adopted daughter.
"Well that explains the name, and her hesitation to tell us who she really is." Steve frowned, eyes scanning over the paper repeatedly. Bruce hummed in agreement, taking the clipboard back from Steve when he held it out for Bruce to take. "Do we tell Tony?" Steve asked after a moment.
"He doesn't want to know, I've tried telling him but he doesn't care." Bruce told Steve and Steve pressed his lips together as he thought. "I do think we should wake her up though. If she's Tony's daughter there can't be anything that's more dangerous about her than you expect her attitude." Bruce said and Steve nodded, suppressing a laugh.
"I'll tell Nat to wake her up." Steve said as he exited the lab.
The steam from the shower engulfed me, my hands running through my hair and brushing out the tangles lightly. As I scrubbed the shampoo from my scalp, I hummed a small tune - thankful to be somewhere noisy enough that I wouldn't risk affecting anyone with my powers. After waking me up Nat told me to clean up and get changed before handing me a pile of clothes and telling me that she would meet me at my room in half an hour to take me to meet the rest of the team.
Shutting the water off, I slid the glass door open and my feet padded onto the thin bath-mat. The towel wrapped around me as I patted my hair dry with another one, looking over my scarred figure in the large mirror opposite me.
A large scar spanned the width of my stomach, smaller remnants of cuts littering my thighs that were joined by one larger one from where I was once stabbed. Looking at myself over my shoulder, I observed the large scars that spanned over my back, the layers fading at different degrees from their varying ages. The memory of how I got them brought tears to my eyes, which I was quick to blink away and focus back onto what I was doing.
Pulling the large sweatshirt Steve had lent me over my head, I left the large bathroom clad in a pair of leggings and some socks I borrowed from Nat. I brushed my fingers through my wet locks, detangling them. I threw the towel onto the bed in the room I had been assigned and plopped down next to it, taking my time to survey the room I barely got a look of earlier.
The door to the en-suite bathroom I just exited sat on one side of the room, accompanied by a big closet and a dressing table. A chest of draws was propped next to the king sized bed the sat in and the free corner housed a small kitchen. It had a stove, fridge-freezer, sink and a few cabinets. On the side sat a kettle, toaster, blender and some chopping boards.
A sharp knock on the door bought me back to my senses, making me perk up a little at the sound of Nat's voice.
"You feeling okay?" I nodded. "Good, well Steve and Bruce want you to meet them in conference room 4. I'll take you." She quickly added the last part in seeing my scared face.
As we walked down the halls we chatted, talking about our pasts and finding out that we were fairly similar - we were both forced into the bad things we did, we both found a way to redeem ourselves, neither of us have ever had a boyfriend and we both love chicken noodle soup.
"Well, this is it." She announced, pointing at a door to our left. I nodded, going to open the door before pausing and turning around.
"Thank you. For taking me with you, for giving me this chance, for hiding me from HYDRA - thank you, really." I spoke softly, giving her the friendliest smile I could muster.
"No problem. I couldn't live with myself if I knew we could've helped you. Everyone deserves a second chance."
"I genuinely can't thank you enough - you saved me." I said, quickly swiping away the threatening tears with the heels of my hands.
"I was nice meeting you, y/n."
"You too." And with the last words said, I pushed the door open, walking into the room and being instantly greeted by Bruce and Steve.
"Hey, y/n, why don't you take a seat and we'll get the introductions out the way?" Bruce suggested and I nodded shyly. I took a seat next to Steve, who appeared to shuffle slightly away from me but I couldn't be sure.
"So, another midgardian?" a bulky man with shoulder length blonde hair and a red cape clipped to his shoulders broke the silence. He was clearly the God I'd been hearing about - I mean how much more of a costume does he need to look like Thor?
"Yes, we think so." Bruce confirmed. I frowned at this. Midgardian? What the hell was a midgardian?
"We think she's been tampered with, like me," Steve elaborated, "but as far as we know, she is of this earth." Steve spoke and Thor nodded. "We are keeping her safe from HYDRA." Steve said to break the silence as they all stared at me with funny looks. I kept my eyes cast down now, cheeks hot with embarrassment after feeling so many eyes on me at once.
"Does she-" I interjected the second I heard another voice. I stood abruptly, pushing me seat back and wincing at the screeching noise it made before resuming my angry face. I slammed my hand down the table as I stood, catching the attention of everyone sat at the table.
"If even one more of you refers to me as 'she' rather than just fucking talking directly to me I am going to end up sirening one of your asses!" I demanded, seething with anger. A grin broke out on Thor's face.
"Atta girl, I like this one already!" He laughed and I sat down again, smiling contented ay his compliment.
"She's got Tony's patience, all right." Another man remarked with a smirk. Steve simply rolled his eyes as common menus about my attitude were thrown around the room. Finally, someone addressed me. It was a woman with Blonde hair and kind eyes. She looked motherly.
"Hey, I'm pepper." She smiled kindly and I quickly reciprocated it. They went around the table - the man who had commented about my patience was called Clint, the blonde man was was indeed called Thor and obviously I'd already met Bruce and Steve.
"I'm y/n." I returned and she repeated my name in her beautiful voice, almost as if she was testing how I'd felt in her mouth.
"Y/n. A stunning name for a stunning lady." Thor commented, boyish grin still in place and I gave him a sheepish smile.
"Oh, cut it out big guy - you're like, a billion times her age." A voice came from the door and we all turned to find out who it was.
"Tony. I wasn't aware you'd be joining us." Steve said in a monotone voice and Tony gave him a tight smile.
"You don't get everything your way, Capsicle. Now, who's this?" Tony said, stuffing a mouthful of blueberries in his mouth before stuffing the bag of food in his back pocket and motioning to me with a nod.
"Tony, this is y/n," Bruce said moving out the way from where he was standing so Tony could see my face. The man's eyes widened instantly as the recognition sank in. "Y/n Stark."
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kerie-prince · 3 years
We're Worlds Apart (7)
Draco Malfoy x American No-Maj!reader
series m.list | general m.list | previous chp
warnings: none (other than blaise being jealous)
summary: Draco Malfoy is a pureblood wizard. Magic runs through his veins and has been since his birth. You're a Wiccan No-Maj; a non-magical being with ordinary blood through your veins, but practices what you call magick. And this very practice upsets your neighbor.
a/n: my workplace is under construction and i'm stressed bc i have to work around all the rubbish and it makes me stay longer when i wanna come home and write 😭 anyways, this is unedited so i'll come back to it after i clock off tonight
(gif cred)
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Being friends with you was kind of weird. Draco couldn't really tell you about his day because it consisted of magic nearly the entire time. He’s also at work for almost the entire week, so he wasn't really at home much.
Except for now. Draco finally had twelve days off to spend with his best mates. He had been so caught up with the chaos that surrounded him at work that he wasn't able to plan any sightseeing activities to do with them, so he just let them pick whatever it was they wanted to do.
“I could always ask Y/N what to do,” Blaise suggested. Yes, Draco hadn't forgotten the small fling between you and his best mate. Blaise would go over to your house at least three nights a week while Draco stayed overnight at Santa Marie's. Theo didn't mind being by himself and was grateful that the guest bedroom was farthest from your bedroom window. Draco was also grateful that he chose to go on nights he wasn't home; he didn't need to hear you two throughout the night.
Now that a hatchet was somewhat buried, Draco thought that asking you was a good idea. He nodded his head and headed for the door. Blaise also got up, but the both of them stopped when their hands nearly collided on the door knob. “Oh, did you want to ask her?” Blaise questioned.
“Uh… no you go. She's your…” Draco paused, “You go ahead.” Blaise gave him a weird look before walking out the door and headed to your house. Theo watched the whole thing and waited to start laughing at Draco. He glared at Nott and spat out, “What are you laughing at?”
“What was that?” Theo held his stomach as he caught his breath. “Did you want to talk to her?” Draco didn't appreciate whatever his friend was trying to say. It's just a bloody question. He sat down on the couch and picked up the Daily Prophet from Theo’s hands. He wasn't surprised to find Harry Potter in it, a column about his recent marriage with Weasley’s sister. He was surprised that they hadn't gotten married sooner.
“Do you think it's weird that Blaise is dating a muggle?” Theo asked. His face was neutral, but his tone was suggestive. Draco internalized the question. On one hand, it didn't really disturb him all that much. He was confused as to whether or not you were his girlfriend, but Blaise doesn't really talk about you too much. On another hand, he knew Blaise and even though you annoyed him – or did you? – he always took pity on any girl that mixed with Blaise. Draco didn't know what Blaise would do, but it was enough to get anyone on their knees for him in more ways than one.
“I don’t care who or what he dates,” Draco stated. Theo went to minding his business, until something caught his attention from outside. “Oh Salazar, what is he doing?” Theo’s voice was filled with amusement. Draco turned from his sitting position and saw what was happening.
Blaise was fully making out with you right on your porch. Out where anyone could watch. One of his hands were tangled in your hair while the other one was resting gently on your waist. Your hands rested shyly on his shoulders and it looked as if you were on your toes just to reach up to his height. The kiss was slow and sensual.
It was exactly what Draco needed to see. Because from that, he felt nothing at all. Just a gross feeling that he was potentially invading someone's privacy. Sure, they were outside but it still felt weird. Draco wasn't one to enjoy public displays of affection.
“Wow, he’s really milking it out. You reckon he asked her about sight-seeing?” Theo kept observing them from the window. Draco hit his head with the newspaper rolled up. Theo laughed and turned to look at the blond man next to him. “How come you’re not with anyone?”
“With where I work, do you honestly think I have time to find someone?” Draco sassed as he continued reading. Dating was the last thing on his mind. He was too focused on work to even flirt with another woman. Pansy was the last person Draco had ever dated. He was meant to be betrothed to Astoria Greengrass, but Draco declined and started his path to becoming a healer. He also didn't want to be in a marriage knowing he couldn't genuinely love her.
Moving to America, he never found anyone interesting. Ashley was nice but not only was she already married, she was married to a woman. Other women in the department, or hospital as a whole, took an initial liking to Draco, but he figured it was solely due to the fact that he’s a foreign British man with an accent. After a month of women flirting with him, it died down almost completely and everyone treated him as normal which pretty much confirmed it to him. Would Draco like to date someone? Absolutely. But right now, he was perfectly happy being by himself.
Theo knew Draco enough to know when he was fibbing and this wasn't one of those times. He was glad to see Draco be okay with himself after all this time. He remembers the constant need of validation during their days at Hogwarts. And it was because of a certain wizard who Draco was always competing with. Now as for Theo, he had been out of the dating scene for a while and he was nearly desperate to get laid.
He dropped the topic and got up to take a short nap in the guest room. A few moments later, Blaise was knocking on the door. Draco got up to open it and was caught by surprise to see you standing behind Blaise. You looked like you weren't really sure what you were doing there either. “Mate,” Blaise started off, “what if we brought her along with us?”
You blinked at the tall man standing in front of you and then looked at Draco who had the same facial expression. “Who else better to show us around than someone who actually lives here?” Blaise suggested. It made sense; you would know your way around and Draco could save himself the trouble of not only Blaise and Theo being lost, but also Draco also getting lost. He still had a hard time with some of the streets. One-way streets, round-a-bouts, and bike lanes were still new to him. And you once mentioned how Manhattan was worse than the streets here in Buffalo, so how would he deal with that?
You stood unusually quiet. Blaise had only just asked you to tag along with them and before you could even process the question, you were being dragged to Draco’s house. “I don’t know, I don't want to intrude on–”
“Nonsense, you’d be our guide. I highly doubt Draco knows where he’s going,” Blaise assured. He got a stern ‘Hey’ from the blond but ignored it. “What do you say? Come with us?” You looked back and forth from the both of them and settled on Draco, your eyes asking him if he would even want you there. He shrugged his shoulders, leaving it up to you.
“Uh, sure. I’d just have to fix my schedule and–” you started before Blaise cut you off, “Great! We leave tomorrow at seven in the morning.” He kissed your forehead and walked inside. Draco stood at the door and was still confused as to what just happened. You started to walk away before Draco asked you, “Should we take my car?” You turned around and thought about it. “If you want.”
Draco preferred it, so he just agreed to it. “I’ll see you tomorrow, then.” You smiled sheepishly and raised your hand to say 'bye’. Tomorrow was surely going to be… something.
You were hoping to be able to rest your head on Blaise’s shoulder for the ride to the airport. But here you were, in Draco’s car with the largest cup of coffee that was barely keeping you awake as you drove there. You were glad that Draco had common sense to book two flight tickets for everyone to go there because there was so way in hell you were going to drive six hours to Manhattan and another six back.
Theo, however, was resting his head on Blaise’s shoulder as he snored away during the short ride. Blaise tried to shove him off, but it turned out that the sleepy friend was heavier than he looked. It was funny, really. Draco sat in the passenger seat next to you on his phone trying to read out directions. You insisted you didn't need them, but he said they were more for himself when they come back home.
Once on the plane, you finally got some shut eye. You stayed up all night thinking about what to do for the day. Where to go, what to eat, what to see. And other things kept you up, but that's besides the point. During the security check, you had to hold your laughter. It was hilarious to watch the three men be so confused as to what was going on. They acted like it was their first time in an airport.
The seats you had were nice and surely expensive. Draco insisted that you didn't have to pay him back. Must be nice being rich you thought. Blaise looked at you and poked your nose, “Is someone sleepy?” You glared at him before laying back into your seat, “Maybe if you didn't keep me up all night, I wouldn't be tired.” You didn't know how the man could have this much energy in the morning.
The hour went by quick and you were in Manhattan by ten in the morning. You suggested a local diner that was near the airport which they all agreed to since they didn't know their way around. At the diner, Blaise and Theo had made a dash for the restroom. You laughed at the view of Theo pushing Blaise behind him and Blaise glaring at him as he smacked the back of his head.
“I swear, they’re still childish gits,” Draco groaned. “26 years old and they still don't grow up.” You nudged his arm from across the table. “Leave them be. They’re still young, and so are you. Let loose, we’re in New York City after all. Can’t be brooding the whole time.” Draco rolled his eyes and looked at the menu that was under the glass on the table.
A waitress came up to your table with a small clipboard and notepad. “Are you two ready to order?” she asked sweetly. “Not yet, we’re waiting on two people to come back,” you answered. “Oh that’s cute, is this a double date?”
Without hesitation, you and Draco stated at the same time, “We’re not together.” The waitress looked between the two of you and just nodded. “I’ll be back, then.” The both of you hadn’t said a word when she left and patiently waited for his friends to come back. Shortly after, they did. Blaise took the spot in the booth next to you and Theo next to Draco.
“Alright, what do you suggest I get?” Blaise asked you. He had his body slightly facing yours and an arm over the top of the seat around you. He hadn't bothered to look on the menu and just focused on your features. “Depends, what do you like?”
“Anything,” he lowered his voice and was close to your ear. The breath tickled your ear which made you giggle. “Okay, we get it. You two are cute. Now keep it down, I’d like to be able to digest this food,” Theo’s nose crinkled as he complained. You still didn't know Theo all that much. This morning, he walked like a zombie and he probably just became fully awake, so to see his best friend making kissy faces at you before his first meal wasn't an ideal way to start the day. Draco chuckled in his seat as he was still figuring out what to order.
“I have to make a quick call,” you announced before pulling out your phone and called one of your employees, “Were you able to open fine on your own? Okay, call me if anything happens. Okay, bye.” The waitress came back and took down the order after she set a pot of coffee for the four of you.
Theo was the first to say something, “So, Y/N is it?” You nodded in response as you took a sip from your mug. “What is it that you do in your free time? Other than Blaise, of course.” He had a smug smile watching as you blushed. Two seconds later, the table shook and Theo groaned in pain. Unbeknownst to you, both Blaise and Draco had kicked Theo in his shins.
“Stupid git,” Draco said under his breath. Theo glared at his friends as he rubbed his legs. You cleared your throat and started to speak before Blaise stopped you, “You don’t have to answer that.”
“It’s okay, he was just joking,” you defended. “No he wasn't,” Draco added. You ignored him and looked at Theo, “What do you want to know?”
He had your full attention and ignored the looks from his friends, “What do you do for a living? What’s your work like?”
“Well, I uhh,” you started, “I own a store downtown. I’m there almost everyday.”
“What kind of store is it?” Theo asked as he leaned over the table closer to you. “What do you sell?”
“Candles,” for the second time that day, you and Draco synchronized. “Yeah, I sell candles and little… knick knacks,” you still hadn't opened up to Draco or Blaise for that matter about your Wiccan activities. So to say that you sold sage bundles, specially made oils and healing crystals would raise questions you weren't ready to answer now.
“Draco, have you ever been to the place? What is it called, by the way?” Theo kept on. Blaise was certainly not kidding when he said that Theo loved to talk. “No, I haven't,” Draco answered. “It’s called Soul Beads, wasn't it?”
“Yeah, that’s the name.” The food was brought on a large tray. Blaise handed your plate to you and you grabbed your fork to dig in. He was eating slowly, looking as if he was thinking about something. “Hey, you okay?” you whispered to him, Draco and Theo having their own conversation. “Oh, uh, yeah. I’m fine, love,” Blaise continued eating at a faster pace now. You looked around the men that surrounded you and smiled. Today’s gonna be fun.
The day went… weird. Blaise tried to have as much fun as possible but something was bothering him. Was it Theo talking his head off the entire time? No, I’m used to that. Was it his legs tired after walking almost all day? No, not that. Was it how even though you held his hands the whole time and gave him occasional kisses on his cheek or lips, you had gone the entire day talking to Draco and shared a couple laughs with him? Absolutely.
Jealousy was always an ugly emotion to Blaise. It annoyed him during his time at Hogwarts, and it annoys him now. The way girls would ask him if he was messing around with other girls and he’d always say the same thing. “How could I when you’re the most beautiful girl in these halls?” They’d all swoon over it. And by the looks of it, you swooned over his every word as well. But the looks you gave him were different from the ones you gave Draco.
From all the letters he had gotten from Draco, Blaise knew how much he hated you. No, loathed. But after the two of you decided to make nice, it was like you had been friends since day one. Draco may have even looked comfortable talking to you. And it bothered Blaise. His time with you may have been short, but today made him realize something.
Blaise is nowhere near being in love, he knew that much. But he knew that he didn't want to be messing around anymore. He wants to have an actual relationship, and right now, he wanted it with you. Blaise was confused by it all. He should be happy that his best friend and a girl he likes gets along. It would make it all that much easier.
But something about the two of you was odd today.
Maybe there was a look that lasted too long. Or a tone that came out differently. Or maybe… no. Blaise knew what it was. He just wants to have that same friendship with you. Blaise still didn't know that much about you. He didn't even know you had your own store until that morning. And to hear that his friend who supposedly hates you even knows not only the name of the store, but what you sell, hit something in him.
So, he was going to change that. Because for the most part, you were pretty interesting. He knew you were a Wiccan and as much as he doesn't really care to know what it was all about – considering he can just do any magic with a flick of a wand – he’d at least know you a little better.
Momentarily, as he was deep in thought, Theo’s annoying voice popped in his head. Hey, at least you know her in a way Malfoy won’t. He mentally cringed at it for a second before he thought Wait. I do. It was a start, not one that someone usually prefers, but it was better than nothing.
You sat beside him on the ride back home and had a smile on your lips while you rested on him. Draco was driving and Theo wanted to raise the volume of the music but his hand was slapped away. “She’s sleeping, idiot.” Draco scolded.
“Merlin, look at this,” Theo looked at Blaise as he pointed to Draco’s face. “Malfoy caring for a muggle? I’ve seen everything now.”
“M-muggle?” You rubbed your eyes and yawned. The three Slytherin’s had wide eyes, Blaise cursing Theo with his eyes. “I've heard,” you let out another yawn, “Draco say that before.”
Merlin, how many times have these actually talked? Blaise thought. “I-it’s just slang from London,” he tried to cover up. You nodded your head and gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek before going back to sleep.
Once everyone was home, Blaise walked you to your door. “I had fun today, did you?” Blaise gave his most convincing smile, “Yeah, I did.”
You said ‘Good night’ and almost closed the door when he stopped you. “Is it alright that I stay with you tonight?”
“I'm kind of tired, maybe tomorrow–”
“No, not for that,” Blaise chuckled at your insinuation. You looked slightly surprised. And it made sense considering that's almost all he came over for. Nonetheless, you let him into your home. Blaise stayed true to his words and just laid beside you in bed until the two went to sleep.
In his own bedroom, Draco smiled as he thought about the fun day he had. Maybe being friends with you wasn't so bad. He went to his kitchen to grab a drink when he noticed there was one person missing. “Where's Blaise?”
“I think he's staying at Y/N’s,” Theo stated. Inside, Draco felt an unusual pang in his chest. He let it go and went to bed. Hopelessly trying to get out of his head whatever you two were up to.
next chp
(っ◔◡◔)っ taglist: @beiahadid @malfoy-styles-wife @fivenightslaughter @juneballoon999 @leydileyla @fangirlanotherjust @originalsoulcollector @opiomancy @lipstickandloveletters @ninacotte @daedric-sorceress @frecklesandfirecrackers @hahee154hq @disartrous @oh-those-barricade-boys @lunalovecroft @bornforfangirling @c4th3r1ne
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kuai-liangst · 2 years
Lost Snow Child Chapter Eight
Emily goes snooping where she shouldn't be and finds something she shouldn't play with. Kuai Liang asks some questions at the dinner table that he doesn't really want the answers to.
Emily knows she should have followed Kung Lao to get dinner, but her phone was going to die, and she needed a charger. She hopes either Mom or Dad remember to bring a charger.
She searches through Mom’s suitcase when she finds it.
A KUNAI!! It looks more like one of the Fourth Hokage’s kunai instead of the normal ones in Naruto.
Emily sighs as she looks over it. It seems old and like it was covered in old blood.
Why did Mom have it in her suitcase?
Abandoning her quest for a phone charger, Emily leaves her Mom’s room with her new prize. She hid the kunai in her room before running over to where she saw the others sitting down. She chose to sit next to Kuai Liang, who lights up.
“Emily!” Kuai Liang chirps, “Where were you?”
Emily chuckles, “I was trying to find my phone charger.”
“I don’t think there’s anywhere to charge it,” Cole says as she shrugs.
“I figured I could ask the lighting man,” Emily says nonchalantly as Bi-Han grumbles something under his breath. “Anyway, what did I miss?”
Kuai Liang giggles, “The pig was going to open his mouth.”
“Kuai Liang,” Bi-Han gently scolds the younger child as he flicks Kuai Liang’s temple. “Kano decided to be a di-...inappropriate and lost his speaking privileges.”
Kuai Liang giggles, and Emily snorts, “Hey, Kung Lao. Can you pass me an egg roll?”
“What’s the magic word, Emily?” Cole reminds her as he eats his food.
Emily sighs, “Please.”
“Of course, Miss Young.” Kung Lao tells her as he hands her an egg roll, “The pig needs to learn some manners.”
Kuai Liang is quiet as he looks at Dad and Mom, “Big brother,”
Bi-Han hums and looks at Kuai Liang, “What is it?”
“You killed the bad man, and the bad man was Mister Cole’s ancestor. But, Mister Cole doesn’t have any family...what...happened to the bad man’s family?” Kuai Liang quietly asks.
Emily remembers Kuai Liang asking that question before when Dad asked him about Kuai Liang’s parents.
Her Grandparents died in an accident before she was born. Emily knows that. She knows that Bi-Han had nothing to do with that.
“I thought I killed them. I suppose I was mistaken,” Bi-Han says coldly.
Kuai Liang lets out a soft whimper as Emily’s stomach drops, “Why? They didn’t do anything.”
“I wanted Hanzo to know the pain I went through when he butchered our people. What I did to his wife and whelp was nothing compared to what he did to you and Sareena.” Bi-Han says coldly as ice starts forming on his hands.
Kuai Liang is silent, and Emily isn’t sure what to think. “How is Kuai Liang here if he died over a hundred years ago?”
Bi-Han looks away, “I did a job for a Necromancer less than a year ago. My payment was him bringing Kuai Liang back.”
“It was weird.” Kuai Liang chirps, somehow bouncing back from the conversation.
Mom has a frown on her face, “Did it hurt?”
“Dying? Tons, he cut me to pieces, and it took a while for me to die. Coming back didn’t hurt. It was weird to see Big Brother cry.” Kuai Liang chirps.
Emily couldn’t stop herself from pulling the younger child into her lap and hugging him. “I’m sorry you had to go through that, Kuai,” She says softly as Mom’s, and Dad’s faces turn dark.
“Cut him to pieces?” Mom asks darkly, and Emily notices everyone’s gone a shade paler, “That's..horrific...wait, this Sareena, who was she, your sister?"
Emily feels Kuai Liang almost deflates in her arms, "No, she was big brother's girl-"
"I...we were good friends, little brother," Bi-Han interrupts, "I...was planning on courting her after we set up an alliance with the Shirai Ryu. We never got that far."
Mom looks at Bi-Han, surprised, "Courting, I wasn’t aware that courting or dating was a thing in China that long ago.”
“It wasn’t...but she was,” Bi-Han sighs sadly, “She was more than I could have ever dreamed of. I fell in love with her the first time she knocked me on my ass.”
Kuai Liang snickers, “She said you had a cute butt.”
Emily snickers as Bi-Han’s face starts to turn red, and everyone but Mom and Dad starts snickering as well.
“Well, she’s not wrong,” Mom says, and Emily immediately stops snickering as she looks at her with horror. “Doesn’t he have a cute butt, Cole?”
Emily wants to puke as Dad looks right at Bi-Han, “I think he’s just cute.”
Emily sits up with Kuai Liang in her arms as Bi-Han turns red. “I think we’re done. I’ll just take Kuai with me as you guys do….whatever you guys are doing.”
Emily doesn’t let anyone say anything else as she carries Kuai Liang away from the table toward her room. “What was that?”
“Mom and Dad were flirting with your brother,” Emily says, trying to hide her disgust.
Kuai Liang looks amused, “Alright, but...why did you call me Kuai?”
“That’s your name, isn’t it?” Emily says, confused.
Kuai Liang shakes his head, “No, it’s Kuai Liang. Big Brother and I don’t have last names.”
“Oh…” Emily says as she makes he way into her room and gently sets Kuai Liang on her bed, “I’ll keep that in mind.”
Kuai Liang watches her as she retrieves the kunai from its hiding place. “Look at what I found!”
“A gardening spade?” Kuai Liang asks, confused as he looks over the bloody blade.
Emily blinks, “Is it actually a gardening spade? I thought it was a kunai.”
“That’s a gardening spade,” Kuai Liang confirms, “Kunai don’t usually look like that. I guess someone used it as a kunai.”
Emily looks over the gardening spade, “It looks weird for a gardening spade. Is it sharp?” She runs her finger over the edge.
“Ow!” She yelps as a small trail of blood falls onto the blade, “I guess that’s a yes.”
Kuai Liang jumps off the bed and runs over to her. “Let me see it.” He tells her as he sets aside the newly bloodied spade and looks over the small cut. “I’ll freeze it, but we’ll want to show it to the healers, so it doesn’t become infected. We’re lucky it’s a paper cut.”
Emily smiles sheepishly at Kuai Liang before her attention is diverted to the spade….which was on fire.
Emily scoops Kuai Liang up, slowly backing away from the flaming Kunai. “Emily, what’s wrong?”
“Everything is fine, everything is going to be just fi-” She cut off as she bumps into a warm, almost hot, mass.
They look over and up to see a man with a similar-looking mask to Bi-Han and armor. Emily swallows as Kuai Liang lets out a soft whimper.
She slowly begins to back away from the man as Kuai Liang starts to hyperventilate in her arms, getting cold.
“Stay away,” Emily demands as Kuai Liang sobs. “I don’t know who you are or how you are here, but if you think you can hurt us-”
The man kneels before them, “I am not planning on hurting you. Come. We need to have a healer look over you, and I must speak to Bi-Han.”
“Don’t hurt my brother,” Kuai Liang hisses as he tries to control his breathing.
The man looks at Kuai Liang sadly, “I just plan to speak to him. It seems like we have been misled.”
“You killed me,” Kuai Liang accuses as he clutches Emily like a lifeline, “You killed Sareena and Sektor.”
Hanzo shakes his head, “I did not. I swear it.”
“You lie,” Kuai Liang snaps, “I know who killed me. Your allies called you by your name.”
Hanzo shakes his head, “I have never met you or this Sektor or Sareena. Please, that blade was dirty and we should get your friend to a healer.”
Kuai Liang glares at Hanzo, “Fine, but try anything, and I’ll kill you.”
Hanzo looks at Kuai Liang sadly as he leads them to the medical room. They passed a couple of monks, and all Emily could think of was that she was going to be in so much trouble.
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mercuryonparklane · 4 years
To add even more to the red and blue theme as it might relate to Tayliz...
Liz said she was listening to Augustana’s “Can’t Love, Can’t Hurt” album about a week after attending that rep tour show. This is the opening track of that album:
"Hey Now"
Sky black and blue Blue turned to red There's quiet in the streets now But it's screaming in your head I ain't a fool I've got my doubts Say it doesn't hurt It doesn't matter anyhow, anyhow... Hey we're just bleeding for nothing It's hard to breathe when you're standing on your own We'll kill ourselves to find freedom You'll kill yourself to find anything at all So lock all the doors And put your child to rest There's fire in the streets now But it's quiet in your head We're passing the time By breaking apart We're damned at the end And we're damned at the start Blame it on the roses Blame it on the red We're running out of time And we’re running out of breath Hey now, we're bleeding for nothing It's hard to breathe when you're standing on your own We'll kill ourselves to find freedom You'll kill yourself to find anything You say goodbye Every day and night With writing on the walls Everybody's gonna need somebody To take our troubles, and our worries, and our problems all away 'Cause, hey, we’re just bleeding for nothing It's hard to breathe when you're standing on your own We'll kill ourselves to find freedom You'll kill yourself to find anything at all Hey now, we’re bleeding for nothing It's hard to breathe when you're standing on your own We'll kill ourselves to find freedom You'll kill yourself to find anything at all Hey now, hey now, hey now Right now...
Another song on this album (”Sweet and Low”) was Taylor’s ringtone in July 2008 (which was not long after Liz moved to Nashville):
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"Sweet And Low"
Anywhere you go, anyone you meet, Remember that your eyes can be your enemies, I said, hell is so close and heaven's out of reach But I ain't giving up quite yet, I've got too much to lose Hold me down, sweet and low, little girl Hold me down, sweet and low, and I will carry you home Hold me down, sweet and low, little girl Hold me down and I'll carry you home The rain is gonna fall, the sun is gonna shine, The wind is gonna blow, the water's gonna rise She said, when that day comes, look into my eyes No one's giving up quite yet, We've got too much to lose
... And I'll carry you all the way, When you say you're fine But you're still young, and out of line When all I need's to turn around, To make it last, to make it count I ain't gonna make the same mistakes That put my mama in her grave I don't wanna be alone 
In June 2011, the same journalist did this writeup about Taylor’s Teen Vogue article:
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“Getaway Car”, tho... “We never had a shotgun shot in the dark”...
"Shot In The Dark"
I had a vision for the life that was ahead of me I had a reason, had a ride and had a destiny I thought I knew where I was heading I would never look back I had it all and then I went and let it slip away I'm working overtime I'm gonna make it anyway Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes you never get her back Oh, you know that I'm Rising up slowly and getting higher I've been living with a hole in my heart Weighing down on me, but I'm a fighter I know I still got a shot in the dark Baby, we still got a shot in the dark Sometimes in life you meet the people that you think you trust Wake up one day and find that everything had turned to dust I always knew that you'd be waiting for me when I got back Waiting when I came Rising up slowly and getting higher I've been living with a hole in my heart Weighing down on me, but I'm a fighter I know I still got a shot in the dark Baby, we still got a shot in the dark I'm gonna find a way I'm gonna find a way, yeah I'm gonna find a way I got a vision for the life that’s right in front of me I got a ride, I got a reason, got a destiny I know exactly where I'm headed and I'm never looking back Well, nothing's holding me back Well, nothing's holding me back Rising up slowly and getting higher I've been living with a hole in my heart Weighing down on me, man, but I'm a fighter I know I still got a shot in the dark Rising up slowly and I'm getting higher I've been living with a hole in my heart Weighing down on me, baby I'm a fighter I know I still got a shot in the dark Baby, we still got a shot in the dark And I know that I still got a shot
Liz put these 2 Augustana songs on her “H8U, love these...” playlist: 
"I Still Ain't Over You"
Out of luck and out of tune Half a day and night confused Love may wash away the blues But I still ain't over you Damn the day that I forgot Came so close and almost lost It's been one year and fourteen months But I still ain't over you Hey, I'm the blood in your veins I'm the cold when it rains I'm your heart when it breaks Time, no it ain't on our side I'm the truth to your lie I'm your tear when you cry Back and forth and side to side Right ain't wrong if wrong ain't right Well I will love you day and night 'Cause I still ain't over you Hey, I'm the blood in your veins I'm the cold when it rains I'm your heart when it breaks Time, no it ain't on our side I'm the truth to your lie I'm your tear when you cry When the walls come crashing in When the flames come closer then Just remember time and again I still ain't over you 
"Remember Me" Will you hear me blowing in the wind? Will it give you shivers down your skin? Will you stop and stare, wonder if I'm there? Will you think about me now and then? Will you hear me when the stairs creak? I always sang you what I couldn't speak Will my voice carry on when your angels gone? And will you still remember me?
Remember me, please remember me May your heart be strong May your fears be weak And remember me, please remember me May our love live on for eternity Will you keep my jackets in the drawer? And keep the kitchen how it was before? Will you look to the sky in a cold dark time And wish we had a little more? Will you laugh about those little things That used to piss you off and make you scream? Will you stay up late reading books you hate Tryin' not to fall asleep, so you can...
Remember me, please remember me May your heart be strong May your fears be weak And remember me, please remember me May our love live on for eternity
Will you keep those notes I used to write? Will you hang em on the fridge at night? Will you miss my smile every once in a while? Will you think I was worth your time? Will you find me somewhere in your dreams? When you're swimming up against the stream When the days get long, and you can't go on Sweetheart just remember me Remember me, please remember me May your heart be strong May your fears be weak And remember me, please remember me May our love live on for eternity May our love live on like a child's dream... 
Liz has an unreleased song she cowrote with Augustana’s lead singer/songwriter (he also cowrote quite a few unreleased Harry S. songs as well):
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It may not mean anything, but the amount of songs/artists both of them have referenced in some way is insane. It’s possible that they aren’t connected, but between this and the Joni Mitchell, Patty Griffin, Tom Petty, Ryan Adams, etc. connections, it’s the strangest set of coincidences. 
I also feel compelled to mention that there is a song called “Twenty Years” on that “Can’t Love, Can’t Hurt” album... again, maybe it’s just another coincidence.
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S.T. REWRITE - S2:E2; Chapter Two, Trick or Treat, Freak - [Pt. 3 - FINAL PART]
A Will Byers x Reader Series
After Will sees something terrible on trick-or-treat night, Mike wonders whether Eleven’s still out there. Tensions grow between Y/n and Mike as does their concern for Will.
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||Reader's POV||
There was a slight hiccup in plans, so I was unable to go over to wills house before hand for trick-or-treating, but thankfully everything was back on track. I ended meeting at mikes house with Dustin and by the looks of it, we had gotten there just in time. Jonathan pulled up and we all waited anxiously for them. The boys started hitting each other with their empty pillow cases and I laughed. Movement up ahead caught my eye and i smiled when I saw will heading our way
"Hey, Egon!"
We all caught up quickly before, planning our route.
"So, Jonathan's not coming?" I asked, knowing that was originally the plan.
Will smiled and told us Jonathan was cool enough to let us go alone, as long as he was back by 9. I smiled at him and linked our arms, as I goofily marched on down the street.
"Tonight we feast, fellas!"
We'd been out for about an hour now, and will had turned on the video camera he brought.
We all waited patiently at the front door, Dustin and Lucas fought over who got to ring the bell. Soon enough a nice lady answered the door.
"Trick or treat!"
"Oh!" She beamed, reaching for the candy bowl. "Well, aren't you cute? The little exterminators." We all tried to hide our disappointment and the unexpected statement, when the lady turned to me.
"And who are you, young lady?" I forced a weak and awkward smile, and I felt the camera pan over to me, I could see Will snickering at the comment.
"Uh," I looked around, and finally shrugged. "It doesn't matter, thank you!" I trailed off, taking the candy. 
The door had closed behind us and the boys did not miss the opportunity to laugh. "Well, at least I'm not an exterminator!" I retort with a laugh.
Lucas began rummaging through his pillow case and sighed. "If I get another 3 Musketeers, I'm gonna kill myself."
"What's wrong with 3 Musketeers?" Dustin asked.
"'What's wrong with 3 Musketeers'?"
"No one likes 3 Musketeers." Mike argued.
"Yeah, it's just nougat?." Will said.
"Uh oh, here we go." I thought.
Dustin was quick to the defense. "Whoa, 'just nougat'? Just nougat? It is top three for me."
"Top three?"
"Top three!"
"Oh God, Give me a break." Mike whined.
"Seriously, I can just eat a whole bowl of nougat. Straight up."
"That's cause you're weird, Dustin." I laughed, as he stuck his tongue out at me.
I had fallen into the head of the group and just as I turned around I was surprised to say the least when I saw a Michael Myers Mask inches from my face, the figure was in all black and swinging a machete.
In my fight or flight response, I screamed, and threw my arms out and pushed the figure away as backed up.
The figure had been laughing, by winced and it's hands flew to to it's arm, holding it and wincing. "Ow, what the hell?"
The voice sounded familiar and with it's free hand, pulled the mask back and we all relaxed when we saw it was Max.
She shook her arm out and frowned, seeming confused, but she looked back at us and laughed.
"Holy shit! You should have seen the look on your faces. Also, your hands are, are like burning up, you might have a fever or something, cause like, what the hell was that. And you?" She pointed at Lucas. "Who screams like that? You sound like a little girl." 
She laughed and continued walking. I looked down at my hands and saw that they were still pretty red. I frowned as I looked at my hands, and rolled up my hands and touched m arm, wincing at how hot it was.
Lately, I've been noticing that it's been getting... worse. More frequent, to be specific. It's getting harder to control, like when I'm caught off guard like this, it's like a reflex and I can't control it. I don't know what's wrong with me, or how this is possible, or even how in the hell I got these abilities, but i can't help but feel more.... isolated. I-
I looked, up, realizing everyone was heading for the next house, except for Will. He lowered the camera a little.
"Are you okay?" 
I smiled weakly and shook my head. "Yeah, I'm fine." I wanted to tell him my concerns, but the tape was going so I opted not to. "Let's go, we better catch up."
I straightened my head and kept on walking.
Some time had passed, and we had stopped by a few houses at Loch Nora. And Max was right, there were a ton of full sized candy bars.
"Another full-size. Like, seriously, rich people are such suckers." Dustin laughed, but then he grew quiet. "Wait, you're not rich, right?"
"No, I live up Old Cherry Road."
"No, it's fine. I mean, the street's good for skating."
"Mmm, yeah. Totally tubular." Max raised her eyebrows and laughed at Dustin's comment.
"What? Did I say that right? Or is it, like, tubular."
Lucas and Dustin started doing their impression of a surfer, which made Max and I laugh. "Stop, my ears are actually hurting."
I had started to fall behind so I could walk with Mike and Will.
"You okay, Mike? You've been quiet."
He looked between Will and I, Will was now aiming the camera at us.
"Did you agree to this?" 
"What?" Will asked.
"What do you mean?"
Will lowered the camera. 
Mike glared at Max. "To her joining our party."
"It's just for Halloween." Will offered.
"You should have checked with me." He snapped.
I frowned. "Mike, what is your problem?" I asked, annoyed by his sudden behavior.
"She is! She's my problem. She's ruining the best night of the year." With that he stormed off.
"Mike," I called after him, quickly walking to catch up with him. "Mike, we should at last talk about this, Mike-!"
I heard a clatter from where we came from and my instinctively whipped around. I noticed Will wasn't with us.
"Will?" I called out, my heart starting to pound.
I ran back around the corner, and I could hear Mike following me.
I wanted to kick myself for not getting there in time, a bunch of a-hole teenagers were harassing him. Will was laying on his back, looking taken aback and his camera was on the ground with him. But all I could focus on were those bullies who were laughing and pointing at him as they walked away.
I ran after them. "Hey, piss off! You leave him alone, you hear me? Mind your own fucking business, a-holes!"
They just laughed and sneered as they kept on walking. I took a sharp and deep breath, and turned around. I heard Will calling my name, he was frightened.
"Will, are you okay-?"
"[Y/N]! Mike!"
I felt my stomach drop when I saw him. He was pale as a ghost and staring up at the sky. Before I could say or do anything, he turned ran behind some houses.
"Will!" I ran after him and I could hear Mike behind me. 
"What's going on?"
"He must be having another episode. Some assholes cornered him and now he's having an attack. Come on!"
I heard other footsteps join us and I assumed the others overheard and ran after us.
I saw Will stop suddenly and dive behind a ledge. "Will!"
I came around to halt, and saw more frightened than I'd seen him in a while. He was clutching his legs as they were tucked far into his chest, he rocked back and forth, his eyes closed and his breathing heavy."
My heart ached to see him like this. As quickly as my body could register, I reached out to him and put a hand on his shoulder. He jumped when he saw me.
"Will, it's me. It's okay, it's over. It's just me. What happened."
His eyes ere wide and frantic, he was looking around, still in shock.
"Will, I need you to breathe, okay?" He was shaking pretty heavily but he looked at me and nodded, taking deep breathes.
"Holy shit!"
"Is he okay?'
The others had caught up to us. 
"I-I don't know."
Mike knelled down and I moved over so they could talk.
"Will are you hurt? Are you okay?"
"I'm gonna get you home, okay? I'm gonna get you home. Hold on."
I stood up and offered my hand, Mike did the same. Will grabbed our hands and shakily stood up, he still hadn't said a word.
I grabbed an arm and started soothing him. That was when Mike snapped at me. "I got him."
I just stood there in shocked silence.
Even Dustin seemed put off by his behavior. "Mike?"
"Keep trick-or-treating. I'm bored anyways." He had a weird venom in his voice, and my blood began to boil.
We all stared after them. I was very angry at Mike, but more than anything I as worried about Will, and I just wanted to make sure he was okay.
"What's wrong with him?"
I felt anger and sadness blending together and I stormed off. I wanted to run after Mike and give him a piece of my mind, but I knew that's not what Will needs right now. I stopped short when I saw Will's camera and candy bag. I sighed, all the anger leaving my body and all that was left was worry.
I walked over and knelled down, pickup the camera and checking it. Thankfully, it seemed to still be in good shape, nothing other than some scratches and a dent in the plastic but other than that it seemed fine. I sighed, and turned off the camera, having realized it was still on. I closed it up and knelled back down, picking up his pillow case full of candy. 
My mind was racing, and but it never seemed to leave Will. 
||3rd Person POV||
"It's like... It's like I'm stuck."
Mike and Will had made it back to Mike's house. Will was currently waiting for Jonathan to show up, and the two were hiding out in the basement. Just before they had gotten to the house, [Y/N] had caught up to them, returning Will's camera and candy. She checked in with Will and quietly slipped away, something the boys couldn't help but feel a little bad for, Mike specifically.
Will had calmed down enough and he trembled ever so slightly as he recalled the encounter.
"Like, like, stuck in the Upside Down?" Mike asked gently.
"No." Will sighed, trying to find the right words. "You know how on a View-Master, when it get's like..." Will struggled with the words and gesturing.
"Caught between two slides?"
"Yeah. Like that. Like, one side's our world, and the other... the other slide is the Upside Down."
Mike was quiet s tried to understand all that was being said, all the while Will continued. "And there was this noise coming from everywhere."
Mike noticed the look in Will's eye, it was distant like he wasn't there. "And then I saw something."
"The demogorgon?"
"No. It was like this huge shadow in the sky. Only, it was alive. and it was coming for me."
"Is this all real?" Mike asked gently. "Or is it like the doctors say, all in your head?"
"I don't know. Just..." Will looked to Mike desperately. "Just please don't tell the others, okay? Especially [Y/N]. I don't want her to worry, and... and I know she's got a lot of stuff to worry abut already. And the others, they... They won't understand."
Mike looked to his lap and nodded. "Eleven would."
Will recalled all the stories they would tell him about Eleven. This made Will perk up. "She would?"
"Yeah. She always did."
The boys grew silent and Mike smiled sadly. "Sometimes I feel like, I can still see her. Like she's still around, but she never is." he shook his head, sniffling ever so slightly. "I don't know. Sometimes I feel like I'm going crazy."
"Me, too."
Mike looked to his best friend and smiled weakly. "Hey, well, if we're both going crazy, then we'll go crazy together, right?"
Will chuckled lightly, and smiled at Mike. "Yeah. Crazy together."
"[Y/N], are you sure you're okay, you seem kinda not fine" Dustin called after his sister as she walked sadly into the house.
Her only reply was the front door slamming shut. Dustin sighed and was about to go after her when he heard a noise coming from behind him. He froze in place, and ever so slowly turned around. He stared at the metal trashcan as he heard the strange noise again. It was strange, high pitched growl.
"Mews," he called softly, not believing for a second i twas his mother's cat. "is that--"
The trash can moved suddenly with a loud echoing thud and Dustin gasped, dropping his bag of candy on the pavement. His heart was racing and he kept telling himself that there had to be reasonable explanation but for the life of him he could not think of one. Dustin slowly reached behind his back and pulled out his "proton blaster" and aimed it at the trash.
He slowly and cautiously stalked forward.
The high pitched growl echoed off in a metallic manner once more and the trash can shook.
He crept further. "Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit."
It chirped and growled. 
He stepped closer.
It growled again.
This is it, He thought, Now or never.
Dustin summoned every scrap of courage he could muster and let out his best battle cry as he ripped the lid off the trash can, and aiming his blaster at the bottom of the can.
He froze suddenly, staring at the strange sight before him.
"Holy sh-"
Tag List: @dickkwad @aimee-lucass @iblesstherainsdown-in-africa @miscellaneoustoasts @acexattorney
DM me if you want to be added!
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*you're sitting alone in your room, maybe you're working on something for school or job, or maybe you should be listening to music and doing a hobby. Maybe you're even just staring at one of the your walls where you swear the previous night a whole had opened up and the eyes of millions appeared in the darkness.
whatever you're doing you notice a radio somewhere in the room which is funny since you don't want to re-do it like that and even if you do the one you have doesn't look like that. Slowly the radio begins to crackle to life and something clicks in your mind, drawing you in as you hear voices pipe up from the speakers*
Dallon Weekes: hello listeners my name is [REDACTED] but you can call me Dallon Weekes, and I'm here with a new co-host why not introduce yourself
Ryan Seaman: uh, right. I'm um... I'm [REDACTED] oh that's right you can't hear that.... Okay then I'm Ryan Seaman and I'll be the co-host with Dallon for now on here on I Don't Know How Radio
*there is the sound of scuffling and quiet mumbles but sounding like a chorus of voices regardless, your unnerved by this that you still listen intently as a state secrets were being told*
Dallon Weekes: tonight hearing Cain the sky is clearing the star shine like glitter on your old kindergarten project when your teacher made you make constellations. Not sure if anyone remembers Tak four-nine-eight but if you do that means you were in my grade and well maybe we should have told miss Kravitz about what Austin Brown was doing when he went outside the next day
I'm sure some of you may be wondering where [REDACTED] is but rest assured that he is fine. The boss and him disagreed on something and well he's no longer at the radio station at all. You can still find them of course down at the old Cafe near the cemetery to be exact, our Westside cemetery the please don't bring up the radio station. my boss informed me that if you do then his head will explode, which I'm sure just means you're giving me migraine but it would be a shame if you had to trouble the new young couple who moved in to clean it up!
Oh well listen to me going on and on, why did I give Ryan a shot at talking? remember everyone know mean letter sent to the station or else we will find you and I'm sure mr. When's wouldn't have a problem with me asking if I could borrow Bowie for a bit has anyone seen him lately? Such a lovely dog! He's growing again now he's roughly at nine feet and a second head is finally opened its eyes!
*the feed is cut suddenly whatever trance you were in his interrupted but what sounds like screams there static but just as fast as you were throwing your caught again as a radio host coughs*
Dallon Weekes: aha, my apologies, went off topic there. Go ahead Ryan
Ryan Seaman: um, thanks Dallon... So the... The weather this week has been pretty hectic right? I hate to be the cleaners with all those fish and frogs being dropped from the clouds today.... Wait wha.... What that's...that isn't normal
Dallon Weekes: of course it isn't Ryan! that's why you're telling the weather report, to report the strange weather
Ryan Seaman: oh, yeah I guess. right so like I said fish and frogs are raining from the clouds today around seven and didn't stop until ten-thirty. The cleaners had their hands full today because night school got out early-wait night school? What did they get out at-
Dallon Weekes: Ryan focus please
Ryan Seaman: the students are snatching up frogs and throwing them at each other, apparently when frogs make impact they pop into little green cotton balls. Who knew right, you think they were full of blood and guts but apparently these were special cloud frogs
*you notice Ryan son and mechanical then, as if a robot had taken his place momentarily. There is a static again though faint music is heard through it almost like a soft music box with its metallic notes*
Dallon Weekes: that was only had for the weather today, I'd say Ryan too great for his first time wouldn't you all? Anyway on to the news! We've got quite the interesting plethora today folks; like Ryan said some night school students thought it would be fun to throw frogs at each other like water balloons but instead of Gore like one might expect cotton balls dyed neon green fell to the streets. several students have now made themselves Cotton bowl rabbit pets and animal control is scratching their head as to whether they can detain these creatures and if they can even be classified as animals
next we have Cain's annual town meeting and I hope all of you will be willing to come seeing as how it's not only a welcome to Ryan but also to discuss what to do about the town hall infestation. I don't know about you all but the thought of skeletons just walking about is a bit unnerving to me especially since I'd rather not have to awkwardly handsome and back their arm if it falls off. the mayor thinks maybe we could use the old Craven estate to house them until they can find places for themselves, which I think is a nice idea but we have to make sure the floors were secure no one likes following through.
Ryan Seaman: skeletons are just piles of bones though they can't move on their own
Dallon Weekes: *laughs* well of course Ryan! that's why they're ghosts are possessing their skeletons, come on, everyone knows that kind of logic. but Ryan makes a good point if we do decide to send them to the Craven estate I ask all of you here and Cain to please participate and make sure none of them are injured and reduce the piles of bones-oh? Hang on...well hello! We've got a c aller! A little early I admit but alrighty. Hey Ryan, why don't you take it?
Ryan Seaman: yeah okay *a phone line clicks* hey, you're on the air
A female voice, young and probably in middle school: hi I know this is really early for the caller segment- oh and um, welcome to Cain! I think you're doing a really great job so far. anyway I don't know how long you've been here, but there's the cemetery south of town where some of us go to the library nearby and the zombie guy is back
Ryan Seaman: oh uh- first thanks for the compliment but I haven't been in Cain long...I think... so what zombie guy? Oh and who's calling
The caller: my name is Jenna,Jenna Wilkins. I don't know the zombie guys name, I can tell you his hair is green though and he has white eyes. Dallon did a segment on him last week weren't you liste-
Dallon Weekes: thank you for calling it another sighting, Jenna! It is very much appreciated. Can you please tell us what the zombies up to?
Jenna: oh, yeah sure. He's uh.... Well he's just walking like he always is. I mean he waved to me and my friend when we were leaving the library but he's not doing much like always
Dallon Weekes: well it's nice to know he's so friendly! Thank you again for calling in another sighting, Jenna, I hope you have a nice day
Jenna: wait but-
*the call is disconnected is a heavy sigh that clearly means irritation followed by slightly feared whimpering but not from the sigher*
Dallon Weekes: how about we do our caller segment now? however I'm going to put a rule down, don't ask Ryan questions about how long he's been in town. That's quite rude of all of you so I ask that you respect my rule. Ryan I think we have another caller, line four?
Ryan Seaman: hi, you're on the air
The caller: hey Jay Rockport. I don't know what that Jenna girl was talking about but uh, the zombie guy was just outside my work? He always stares about this one window of this abandoned apartment. there's a priest who always hangs around outside there too but the zombie kid just takes off running-and I mean it when I say running, we're lucky he doesn't try biting anyone
Ryan Seaman: but that's kind of impossible don't you think Mr. Rockport? Zombies can't teleport-wait zombies aren't even-
*again there's an explosion of static that makes you jump, what the hell just happened? it doesn't make any sense what you're seeing but the radio looks as if it's glitching and turning into mist all at once. In a hurried tone, you hear the first host again*
Dallon Weekes: thank you all for tuning in! I'm afraid we have to cut the segment short too many callers are causing our signals to ah-malfunction! Yes, a malfunction! tune in tomorrow at the same time as always to hear stories from a town with a modern day Cain
*first you blink, a little confused to be truthful, because what just happened within maybe the last hour? At least it feels like an hour to you. Frowning, you sit up and think you must have just fallen asleep wherever you were. for some reason a part of your mind is telling you to look at a certain area of the room... But for what? There's nothing there, you must just be really tired. So you walk yourself to your room and curl up under the covers, letting sleep slowly blanket you into a dreamless night*
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taenamseok · 5 years
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Summary: After receiving a mysterious invitation, your life is changed forever. Is it better or worse? It all depends on how you handle the situation.
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Chapter Two
You groan softly, stretching your aching limbs. There's not much room to move on the couch, so you almost fall off, but you're stopped by something. "Y-Y/N?" Your mysterious counterpart stutters. You sit up, but feel dizzy. "What have I done?" The male says shakily. The light blinds you as your eyelids part. After your eyes adjust, you see Lestat, sitting on the floor, knees tucked to his chest. Your eyebrows raise as you see his mask off, revealing his face. He's incredibly handsome, and you'd love to focus on his features, but you realize you're freezing, and your neck hurts.
"Sh, please, lay back down, Y/N. You need to rest." He cooes. You nod slowly, not arguing as you lay back down. "What happened?" You ask, your voice raspy. You hear a sniffle and shuffle, a large hand pushing the hair out of your face. "I'm so sorry. Oh God, what have I done?" He cries. Just then, there's a knock on the door. "Oh no." He whispers. He gets up, and you hear the click of the doorknob. "Dude, are you ready? Hoseok really made a mess this time. It's all hands on deck." Another voice says. "Um, now's not exactly the best time, Taehyung." Lestat stutters. "Why? What-" "No!" Lestat shouts. "No way." You open your eyes to see a young man hovering over you. "Dude, Namjoon is going to kill you." The man says.
You hear the door close, and Lestat sigh. "I know. I just, I don't know why. I couldn't go through with it. She's special, Tae." Lestat explains as you sit up. "What's so special about her?" The young man, Taehyung, asks. He gets really close to you, examining your features closely, making you uncomfortable. "Wait, is she the one I smelled at the party?" "Yeah, she is." Lestat replies. "Shit, man. You're definitely screwed." Taehyung chuckles. "I'm sorry, what are you guys talking about? Who are you?" You ask.
"I'm sorry, I haven't even introduced myself yet. I'm Taehyung. Nice to meet you." The man knelt down in front of you smiles, holding a hand out to you. You shake his hand, whispering a hello. "My name is Y/N." You reply. "What the hell is the hold up?" A shout comes from the hallway. You all turn to face the door as a man stands in the doorway. He's nicely dressed, just like the two men in the room, his head held high. He radiated power, and the men cower at the sight of him. His gaze lands on you, and his jaw tightens. "What is the meaning of this, Seokjin?" His voice deep and chilling.
"Namjoon, I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. I couldn't let her die." Lestat stutters. 'Seokjin' is what the man, Namjoon, called him. So is that his real name? "What the hell do you mean you couldn't kill her? That's what we do!" The man's voice booms, causing you to jump. You feel a hand on your thigh, and see Seokjin's shaky hand resting there, squeezing softly, but you push it away slightly. "I'm sorry, but could someone please explain what's going on?" You spit. The dominant man looks towards you, smirking slightly. "You." He says. "You're the one I smelled earlier. The virgin. Oh, Seokjin, what mess have you put yourself into?" He chuckles before moving quickly. Before you know it, Seokjin is pinned to the wall, fingers tightly wrapped around his throat.
"Namjoon! Hey!" Taehyung cries, racing to the men and trying his best to pry Namjoon away from Seokjin. His cries apparently attract attention, and you hear many footsteps echoing through the hallway. Multiple men appear in the doorway, and three of them run in to help Taehyung in his efforts while the other just stands there, eyes as wide as a dear in the headlights. Shouting and tussling continues until they finally free Seokjin, who gasps for air. "Namjoon, what the hell?" One of the new men ask. In the group that rushed in, you recognize one red haired man, Deacon he said his name was, standing with them. "Look for yourself." Namjoon says, pointing at you. All eyes are on you now as you shift in your seat uncomfortably. "No way, Seokjin did that?" The shortest one asked. Namjoon nodded, and you wonder what they mean by 'did that'. Surely you guys didn't hook up, unless he did that while you were passed out. But, he didn't seem like the guy to do that.
You look at him as he slouches against the wall, catching his breath. He looks at you somberly before mouthing a phrase. "I'm sorry." What is he sorry for? "Do you think we have room for her?" Another man asks. "She could bunk with me." Deacon smirks. "No." Namjoon booms. "We aren't taking her." "But, we can't just leave here on her own, she doesn't know how to live like us! How will she survive?" The smaller one cries. "I don't care how she survives! Seokjin ruined her life as she knows it so there's no going back, but we cannot take her with us." Namjoon shouts. Seokjin ruined your life? How?
"Alright, I've had it!" You scream, grabbing the attention of everyone in the room. "Somebody tell me what's going on before I lose my fucking mind!" Everyone stares at you in shock, Namjoon only smirking St your outburst. "Fine. I'll cut to the chase. We're all vampires that hold parties all over the world in order to feed. This was one of the parties and you happened to be invited. We have a few rules, however. We only go for people that are alone, so that no one suspects they're missing. You were one of those people, and it seems Seokjin had his eye on you. You're different though. Out of everyone there, we could all smell you. Your blood is pure, you are pure. The first virgin we've come across in a while. Another rule is that whenever we come across a virgin, whoever found them brings them to me. The leader always gets the virgins. But Seokjin broke this rule. He broke another rule too. No turning anyone." Namjoon explains. Turning? Does he mean-
"What do you mean 'turning'?" You ask. Namjoon sighs, shaking his head. "Seokjin had turned you into one of us. A vampire." He says. Your eyes widen, not knowing whether to believe this or not. You turn to Seokjin, and his head is buried in his knees, his shoulder shaking. A vampire. A room full of blood-thirsty vampires, and you were now one of them. "I'm a vampire?" You ask silently. "Namjoon please, let's just take her with us. Without our help she's gonna turn into a Wither." Taehyung says. Namjoon looks back at you, thinking. "Give me time to think about it. For now, let's clean up Hoseok's mess." He says before turning on his heel. Everyone follows suit except you and Seokjin, who is still shaking on the floor.
"Seokjin..." You call out to him softly. He looks up at you, tears staining his cheeks. "Oh my God." You gasp, seeing the fingerprints around his neck. You run over to him, kneeling on the floor before him. "Y/N, I'm so sorry. I took your life away. This is all my fault." He sobs. You think about his words. Can you really not go back to your normal life?
Your whole world has changed, just because of your decision to come here. You could've stayed home, spent the night with your wine and your books. The one time you decided to let go and be a little reckless, it cost you your life as you knew it. "Seokjin, can I ask you a question?" You ask softly. He nods, and you sigh deeply. "Why? Why did you turn me?" His lip quivers at he question, and he takes a deep breath before gathering the strength to answer. "Y/N, I, I know we only met tonight, and have barely talked, but, you just, feel, different, than anyone I've ever met. There's something special about you. A connection between us. I've lived many, many years, and never have I ever met someone like you. I know, I'm not making sense right now, it's just a feeling. Dancing with you tonight, I knew my mission for the night, but then when I was, you know, I couldn't fully go through with it. I couldn't lose you. It was selfish and I'm so sorry that I did this to you."
You know he's being sincere, your connection to him you felt before even stronger than when you were dancing. Your thumb strokes over his bicep, a soft smile on your lips. "It's okay. I mean, I didn't really have much going for me anyways. No friends or family around, dead end job, maybe you helped me." You tell him. He sniffles, looking down at the ground. "I still shouldn't have been so selfish. You had no control, no choice." He whispers. Maybe you won't be able to convince him. He may learn by actions, not words. The only way he'll understand is if you show him that it's okay.
As the door opens up, you realize you don't have time to do that right now. "Well, I've decided. She'll come with us. However, she stays with me." A deep voice says from behind you, Namjoon smirking at the two of you. Your eyes flicker between the two men, Seokjin's mouth hung open in shock. "B-But why does she have to stay with you? I'll be okay, I'll make sure she doesn't get in trouble." He stutters, standing up. "I met her tonight, I did this to her, she's my responsibility."
"No." Namjoon's voice so deep it reverberates through your whole being. "You fucked up, Seokjin. You don't get to hold responsibility over her. You were selfish, reckless, and this is the punishment. From now on, she stays by my side. She does not leave my side. You do not talk to her." Namjoon stalks over you to you, tilting his head to the side as he curls a finger under your chin. "From now on, she's my pet." He smirks.
You smack his hand away violently, glaring at him as he rubs his arm. "Like hell I'm gonna listen to you. I don't even know you, and now you think I'm just gonna do whatever you say now? Who do you think you are?" You shout. A hand grips your jaw tightly, the mysterious leader looking down on you intimidatingly. "A feisty one. I like it. Not my type, but I just have to break you in, that's all. Hoseok, shut her up." He calls behind him, his eyes locked on yours. He has no actual control over you, no connection like Seokjin has, but his mere presence, his power, had you almost kneeling. Almost.
You open your mouth to defy, but something pops into your mouth, a small ball, and a collar attached to it is wrapped around your head. Your eyes widen as you're unable to close your mouth, or even speak. A ball gag. Did they really just have this laying around or with them at all times? You try to speak, the only noises emanating from you being strained groans and gurgles. "Perfect. That oughta shut you up for now." Namjoon smirks, patting your cheek. "Maybe I'll keep this on you when I take your virginity."
"No! You can't-" Seokjin runs at him, but is cut off by a large backhand against his cheek, the hand that was just on your own cheek, as if he was just a small fly and Namjoon was the swatter. "As I said, Seokjin, you hold no power. Come. Hoseok and Yoongi, you're in the car with me. Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung. I trust you to take care of the bodies. Take Seokjin with you." Namjoon commands. You look to Seokjin, whose still knealt on the floor. The sadness on his face, the defeat, you wish desperately to hold him, to tell him everything is going to be alright. Everyone nods, and Namjoon grabs your hand, pulling you out of the room. You try your best to call back to Seokjin, but all that comes out is gargled whines.
You pass by a few people, and try to call out to them, but just a glare from Namjoon has them silent, ignoring your muffled cries. The grip he has on your wrist is tight, and you have no doubt you'll have a bruise. He pulls you all the way out to a pair of awaiting, black cars, and he rounds the car to open the door for you, putting you in the passenger seat. The back doors open, Hoseok and Yoongi climbing in as Namjoon climbs into the driver's seat.
The car ride is tense in the front seat, the men in the back seat chatting away about their night. From what you've heard, he brought the gag you were wearing. He was planning on using it but apparently "her mouth was so fucking good" that he let her scream while he fucked her before he killed her. A tear rolls down your cheek as you think back to earlier in the night. That could've been you. You were talking to him before Seokjin swooped in. Seokjin. Your supposed knight in shining armor. Is he okay? You can't help but worry about him. Was Namjoon always so harsh with everyone? If so, you're scared of what he has in store for you.
Namjoon takes a turn down a dirt road, the path shrouded by trees, blocking the moonlight. Through the dense foliage, in the distance you see a large metal gate. Namjoon presses a button ad you approach the gate, and it slides open, allowing the car to pass through. A long driveway leads to a large house that make you feel insignificant in size. It's a lot nicer than the venue of the party, the dark elegance of it giving off a sort of foreboding feeling, as if when you step through the front door, you'll be doomed for eternity.
A garage door opens, and Namjoon pulls the car into it, and it's fairly large. He parks and turns off the car, the men climbing out of the back. "Come on. Follow me." Namjoon says to you, opening the door for you. You glare at him before reluctantly climbing out, following behind him as he leads you into the house. It's gorgeous to say the least. For a group of vampires, the flooring and walls are fairly bright. Eggshell walls garnished with intricate paintings, white marble floors, it was bright, but cold.
"Follow me please." Namjoon says, ascending the grand staircase. You decide to follow him, figuring it'd be best not to find out what would happen to you if you disobey. You're in their territory now, their domain. They have the upper hand. They could catch you and kill you before you can even think of a way out. You bunch up your dress, careful not to trip up the stairs. Maybe if you're obedient he'll take this stupid gag out of your mouth. You can barely swallow with it on, you're constantly wiping drool from your chin.
You're lead up to the third floor, the top floor, up to a dark oak door. Namjoon stops, hand on the doorknob. He turns it, revealing a large, dark room. The walls are painted a deep maroon, a king sized bed with plush pillows and a midnight duvet draped over it, neatly made. You're surprised, the room seems dark, but kind of cozy. That changes when you see a large, mahogany cabinet in the corner of the room, an intricate dragon carved into the top. You raise an eyebrow at it, and he chuckles deeply, noticing your reaction.
He stands behind you, moving your hair to the side and unbuckling the gag. You sigh in relief as you close your mouth, your jaw aching after being kept open for so long. He tosses the gag on the dresser, and you reach up to sooth your jaw. You stand there awkwardly, looking around, wondering what you should be doing. What was Seokjin doing? Somehow, you knew he was far away, but it felt like he was getting closer. Is he ok? Will he be here soon? Caught up in your own thoughts, you barely realize he's undressing until you hear the clink of his belt.
You shift uncomfortably as he sits on the bed, smirking over at you, his shirt unbuttoned. He does the come hither motion with his fingers, and you raise your eyebrow at him, shaking your head. "Y/N, is it? Do you realize the situation you're in?" He asks, a seemingly playful glint in his eye. You gulp, avoiding his gaze. Where is Seokjin? You desperately wish he was here right now. The feeling you have, he seems closer now, getting closer by the second. It's probably just your desire to be around him that's causing the feeling, wanting him to swoop in and save you again.
Namjoon gets up, stalking towards you, and you slowly back up. "Right now, you are in my room, in my house, surrounded by dangerous men that are under my control. You may not be under my control, but I have no doubt that in time, you will submit to me." He says, backing you against a wall. He has physical power over you, but you are in no way connected to him, and refuse to give into whatever he's trying to do. You try to turn away, but he grabs you by the waist, picking you up and carrying you over to the bed. You cry out, writhing in his grasp as he flips you onto your back, pinning you to the matress as he looks over you. "You're mine now. You will stay by my side, and you will not disobey me. Do you understand?" He asks, leaning his head down, his lips hovering over your neck. Was he going to try and bite you? Is he about to kill you?
His hands slide down your body, pushing the hem of your dress to bunch at your hips. He wraps your legs around his waist, and you've never been more uncomfortable in your life. You try to squirm your way out, writhing and hitting and shouting, but he just pins your arms above your head. "The less you move, baby, the less this will hurt." He smirked. 'Please. I don't want this. Seokjin, please help.' You think to yourself, closing your eyes and preparing for the worst.
Before anything more can happen, there's a soft knock on the door, Namjoon groaning at the interruption. "What is it?" He calls out, clearly annoyed. "Namjoon, please, can we talk?" A soft voice asks through the door, and the mere sound of it has you sighing in relief, much to Namjoon's disapproval. "You," He says to you, teeth grit "don't get to say anything to him." He warns. You hate him. You want to talk to Seokjin so bad. You wanted to know what's actually going on, you wanted him to help you. "Come in!" Namjoon shouts, climbing off of you to sit next to you, your body still sprawled out and disheveled.
The door creaks open, and Seokjin steps in, dirt staining his elegant clothing. As soon as he walks in he sees you laying on the bed, your dress up and your legs open, a tear rolling down the side of your face as you look at him, and at that sight, something takes over him. "You son of a bitch." He growls before charging at Namjoon. You move before they topple over you, standing and watching the brawl as they both fall from the bed to the floor. Everything moves so fast you can barely tell what's going on until they stop rolling, Seokjin on top of Namjoon, repeatedly connecting his fist with his face. You do nothing but look in horror.
Someone must've heard the quarrel because a young man with dark hair comes rushing in, pulling Seokjin off the leader. More men flood in, and it takes three to hold Seokjin back. A vein on his neck protrudes, his face red from rage. Namjoon groans as he gets up, rubbing his damaged face. "Why the hell would you do that?" Seokjin cries. "You have no right to take her virginity! It's not your decision to make who she gives it to!" He shouts. That's what he's mad about? He thinks Namjoon took your virginity?
Namjoon chuckles, standing up and leaning against the bed, rubbing his bruised cheek. "Look at her." He says simply. "Smell her. I didn't take anything." He shrugs nonchalantly. Everyone looks at you, and you're still embarrassed at your disheveled appearance, even though your dress had fallen back down, you still felt dirty from him trying to take advantage of you. "He's right." You croak, and all eyes turn to you. "He tried, but he didn't actually do anything." "See? I told you. I didn't do anything." Namjoon shrugs proudly.
"Just because you didn't go all the way with her doesn't mean what you did was right." Seokjin says, pulling out of the men's grasp. He's fuming now at how easily Namjoon brushed off the situation. "Stand down, Seokjin. I told you before. You have no power in this situation." Namjoon smirks. He stands up, straightening his clothes out. He stands in front of Seokjin, trying to tower over him intimidatingly, but it doesn't work. Seokjin straightens out, and he's about the same height as Namjoon, not backing down. "Namjoon, I think we both know that that's isn't true." He smirks. He seems different somehow, more courageous then at the venue.
"Y/N, come here." Seokjin says, holding his hand out to you. You avoid looking at Namjoon as you take Seokjin's hand, standing close to him. A loud chuckle startles you, and Namjoon stands there, a smile on his face. "So that's what's going on, huh?" He chuckles again. A round of mumbles sounds throughout the room, and you notice all the other men are just as confused as you are. "Well fine then. Why don't we make a deal?" Namjoon asks. "Since you're no longer loyal to me by connection, if you stay loyal to me out of your own free will, you can have your little toy."
You look up at Seokjin, whose glaring at Namjoon. "I stay loyal to you professionally. What I do in my free time is out of your control." Seokjin adds. Namjoon smiles, holding his hand out. "It's a deal then." Namjoon smirks, shaking Seokjin's hand. "She's too squirmy anyway. I couldn't do anything unless I tied her up. Which, I wouldn't have minded." Namjoon winks at you. "Come on, Y/N, let's get you to where you'll be staying." Seokjin says softly, wrapping his arms around your waist. Everyone watches in shock as he simply walks out of the room with you, Namjoon grimacing at Seokjin's newfound bravado.
Seokjin brings you to a room, and it's a lot cozier than Namjoon's room. The walls are painted a soft blue, a queen sized bed tucked into the corner of the room, a TV sitting on top of the dresser and a desk with a computer against the wall. It feels warm and inviting, and you sigh in relief as you finally don't feel a darkness looming over you. You look over at Seokjin, whose ruffling his hair, leaning against the desk. "Y/N, what did he do to do to you?" The worry and hurt on his face saddens you.
"Um, he really didn't do much. They gagged me and brought me here, then he took the gag off and put me on the bed and slid my dress up and laid on top of me and pinned my arms and then you came." You explain, shifting awkwardly on your heels. It doesn't seem like a lot when you say it out loud, but to you, it felt like everything. Before you know it, a strong pair of arms wrap around you, and Seokjin holds you in his embrace. "I'm so sorry." He mumbles.
"He's not gonna do that to you anymore I promise." He says, leading you to sit down on the bed. You feel safe with him. You feel like you can finally breathe again. "Seokjin." You whisper, looking at the ground. "Yes, my dear?" He asks. He's still so charming, even in this situation. "What exactly is going on? What did Namjoon mean by 'loyal by connection'?" He sighs, scooting back to sit against the wall, and you turn to face him.
"Well, let me think on how to explain it." He says, looking off in the distance. You nod, waiting for him to say something else. "So, you feel the thing, right? The connection between us? I know in the car, I could feel exactly where you were, how far away you were. Did you feel that?" You nod, knowing exactly what he was talking about. "Well, we call that a tether. It connects a master and their follower. A follower is someone who was turned, and whoever turned them is their master." He explains.
"So, you're my master?" You ask. The title seemed strange to you, but it made sense. "That's right." He said. "I was Namjoon's follower. He turned Hoseok, Yoongi, and I. All the guys in the house are his followers." "Wait," you interrupt "what about the other three guys?" "Oh, well, they were following another vampire, an enemy of Namjoon. Namjoon killed him, and once a vampire kills another, the killer becomes the new master. So, the younger ones became tethered to Namjoon." You nod in response.
"There are ways to break a tether. One of the main ways is if a follower turns someone, and becomes a master. Once a follower becomes a master, they are no longer tethered to their master, and are no longer loyal. That's why 'no turning' was are main rule, and I broke it tonight with you." He explains. "So, you're not tethered to Namjoon anymore, so you're not under his control anymore?" "That's right." He nods. "And we have the tether, the connection, so I'm loyal to you." You think out loud. "What exactly does that mean? Do I have to follow your orders or do everything with your permission or something like that?"
"Oh, no no no." He shakes his head. "I won't be controlling. You can do pretty much whatever you want, I won't make you do anything you don't want to like Namjoon does." He promises. "You can do whatever you want. The only thing I ask is for you to not go near Namjoon. I don't trust him anymore. I made a deal with him to only stay loyal through our business, but other than that, I would rather stay as far away from him as possible."
"I promise, I won't go near him. I'd rather stay away from him anyway." You say, looking to the side. "Hey." He says, placing a finger under your chin and gently turning your head to face him. You look into his sad eyes, and he smiles, cupping your cheek with his large hand. "Are you sure you're okay?" He asks softly. You nod, relaxing into his touch. It feels good here, like you belong here. What is this feeling? Is it because of the tether? The connection? Or is it something else?
"I'm sorry I pulled you into all of this. I'm glad you're not hurt though." He smiles. "Don't be sorry. My life kinda sucked anyway." You giggle, leaning back against the wall next to him. "I still took your life away. I don't know anything about your life and I took away everything you had." He frowns. You turn to face him, grabbing his hand. "I'm a twenty-three year old mail room sorter that lives alone in a studio apartment, has no friends or close family, not even a pet. I went to that party to change up my routine, take a risk. Now, apparently, I'm a vampire with a very handsome master in the most beautiful house I've ever been in. I don't think you ruined anything." You smile.
"You think I'm attractive?" He asks, smirking and raising an eyebrow. "That's the part you focus on?" You laugh, and he shrugs. "I wasn't sure if you actually thought I was cute or if you just wanted a hook up." You roll your eyes. "Well, I definitely could've met someone ugly. Plus, I'm not exactly one for hook ups, obviously." "So, you don't mind staying here?" He asks. You shake your head, smiling. "I'd love to."
"That's great." He smiles, and it really is the most beautiful smile you've ever seen. The way his plump lips curve, he pearly white teeth exposed. You look at his lips, desperately wanting to feel them on your own. You remember how it felt earlier, and your breath starts to get heavy as you think of what more could've happened if he didn't bite you. Maybe things would've gotten-
"Oh, you're still in your dress." He says, interrupting your thoughts. "Why don't you borrow some of my clothes for tonight and we can go buy you some clothes tomorrow? Or we can even go pick up clothes from your place if you'd prefer that." He suggests. He could order you to do anything he wanted, yet he was very sweet about everything, making sure you don't feel under his control. "I think I'd like my clothes." You nod. "Alrighty then. Tomorrow night we'll go out and get your clothes." He nods. Right. You probably can't go out in the sunlight anymore.
He gets up, going to his dresser and grabbing a shirt and some sweatpants for you. "Here. You can wear these for now." He smiles, handing you the clothes. You get up and take them, smiling your appreciation before going into the bathroom to change. The bathroom is pretty neat, towels neatly folded on a rack, things nicely organized. You slide your dress off, and go to look in the mirror, and realize something strange. Aren't vampires not supposed to see themselves in mirrors? The thought partially leaves you as you see two small, reddish-purpleish dots on your neck. You lean closer, examining the marks carefully. They aren't too noticable, small with only slight bruising. Makeup would be able to cover it right up.
You get dressed and walk back into the room to find Seokjin also dressed in sweatpants, but no shirt, his broad shoulders and toned torso on full display to you. You don't realize you're staring until he walks over to you, smirking and tilting your head to look him in the eyes. "You know, normally it's rude to stare, love." He smirks. "But, you can stare as long as you want." A small gasp leaves your lips, and he chuckles at your reaction. He pulls you close, his body cold to the touch, but you don't mind it. You look at his chest, your small hands running over the skin delicately as his arms wrap around you.
"Y/N..." He trails off, licking his lips. You look up at him, and his face looks soft and tender, but his eyes look darker. "I'm sorry I kinda ruined things earlier. If I didn't, you know, would you have done, things, with me?" He asks. Your eyes widen, surprised that he seems a bit nervous. All you can do is nod, and he raises his eyebrows. "Would you have let me be your first?" You nod again, and he smiles. "Would you still let me do that?" Another nod from you has him as bouncy and giddy as a kid in a candy store.
Did he mean to do this right now? You lick your lips nervously, looking to the side as you wonder if you'd really be okay with doing that now. Seokjin seems to catch on, rubbing your back soothingly. "Hey, we don't have to do it now. Just let me know whenever you're ready. I'll take care of you. Okay?" He speaks softly, and you nod, thankful for his understanding. "Thank you." You whisper. He pulls you closer, slouching to hug you tightly, and you do the same, stretching to wrap your arms around his neck.
You yawn, and he chuckles, looking at the clock on his nightstand. "I guess it is pretty late. Or, early I should say." You pull back to look, and it's seven am. "I think it's bedtime, don't you think, darling?" He asks, and you nod. "Um, if you don't wanna sleep on the bed I have a-" "I wanna sleep in the bed, with you." You interrupt, and he smiles. "Alright then. Which side do you want?" He asks.
You think about your own apartment, the way your bedroom is set up. You don't worry about anyone coming over and spending the night, so your bed is also against the wall. Next to the wall was your favorite way to sleep. "Can I sleep next to the wall?" You ask softly. He nods, placing his hand on your back. You smile, climbing onto the bed and making your way to the other side of the bed. You slide under the covers, and everything is so comfortable, you almost fall asleep immediately. He chuckles, turning off the light and climbing in after you. It's dark, so you can't see anything, but you can feel him next to you.
You face the wall, feeling comforted by how normal feels. He shifts around, his arm slipping under your pillow, but he doesn't move close to you. For some reason, you're thankful for this. You've never cuddled with anyone or anything, so you're thankful he's keeping his distance for now. It might not be so bad to cuddle someone though. What does it feel like, to be so close to someone? In due time, you're sure you'll find out. For now, you drift to sleep, thankful for how kind he is.
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stevenstamkos · 7 years
We need fluff STAT!! Dealer's choice on pairings or lack thereof. Here are some prompts: a pet shelter volunteer notices they've got a repeat visitor - do they need help adopting a new doggie, or are they just there to look 👀? Or how about a ruined first date/somebody in the pairing doesn't even know it's a date. Or? Or. Somebody has a seeeecret admirer and gifts keep showing up in their locker. Said admirer knows *way* too much about them and their peculiar preferences/habits.
You get a THREE IN ONE DEAL bc I LOVE YOU (and Bolts tumblr)
1. Pet shelter volunteer, Brayden/Val
Volunteering at the pet shelter is easy, it’s fun, and it means that Val gets to be surrounded by cute faces all day. Like the Shetland mutt that he’s grooming right now in preparation for her new owners.
“Hey, your repeat’s back.”
Val continues to brush the Shetland’s coat, ignoring Braydon even as something inside him perks up at the news. The dog stands still and patient for him, licking her nose, tail swishing.
Braydon is still hovering in the doorway. “Val, your repeat visitor is back.” He gestures to the Shetland. “I’ll take her, you take him.”
“Fine,” Val says quietly. He hands Braydon the brush and heads to the front of the shelter, toward the guy awkwardly hanging out by the fake hydrangeas.
Brayden - E not O - jumps when Val materializes next to him. His hair is a mess, like he’s been running his fingers through it repeatedly, but the smile he flashes Val is as sweet as it’s been every time he’s come around. “I was starting to think I got my days mixed up and you weren’t volunteering today,” he blurts out and then immediately blushes.
“Wednesday, I’m here.” Not that it wasn’t already obvious, him being here. Val gets a little stupid sometimes around particular shelter visitors, okay. It’s a fault he’s willing to live with.
“Yep. You are.” Brayden’s smile widens, sharp little teeth flashing, because the universe is a fucked up place that exists to torture Val.
“You ready to adopt today or still looking?”
“I’m still looking.”
That’s what Brayden has been saying twice a week since he showed up here a month ago. Val sort of wonders what he does, since he apparently has a ton of spare time to hang out at pet shelters cooing over dogs.
“Right. Follow me.”
Brayden would make a good pet owner, Val thinks, if he ever makes up his mind about adopting. The dogs love him, and his hands are gentle as he plays with them, eyes closed and smile infectious as he lets them lick his face. When he smiles, the corners of his eyes crinkle a little.
(Val is carefully not thinking about how much he might miss seeing Brayden twice a week, hovering over the hydrangeas.)
“The Shetland, did she…?”
“Adopted this morning, yeah.”
He wonders if he is imagining the look of relief on Brayden’s face. Probably too much to hope that this boy cares about the animals as much as Val does.
“That’s good,” Brayden says. “I’m happy.”
“Me too. Her new owners look like they’ll be good to her.”
The spotted dog in Brayden’s lap whines a little and licks his chin, startling a laugh out of him.
Val kneels so he can give his favorite German shepherd mix a good belly rub, watching as Brayden scratches under his spotted puppy’s chin, a thoughtful look on his face. Brayden’s voice is quiet when he speaks. “I just, you know, didn’t feel ready yet. Figured looking wouldn’t hurt though.”
“It doesn’t,” Val says quickly. “No rush, whenever you feel ready.”
“I think I might be now,” Brayden says.
Val stands, brushing off his knees and helping Brayden up. The puppy is still in Brayden’s arms, and he clutches her tightly as she squirms, tail wagging furiously.
“So um, I wasn’t sure if I felt prepared, and I kept coming up with reasons not to just come in here and you know. Cause like, I’m a little new to this, I’m new to Tampa, and I wasn’t sure if I could handle it. And I - I travel a lot. For my job. Sometimes a week or more at a time. So I might not be home a lot. And I thought, maybe it’s a little unfair - ”
Val nods along. “To leave your dog alone.”
“Yeah, exactly, and - Wait.” Brayden pauses. “Wait, not the dog.”
“Not the dog…?”
“I’m doing this all wrong.”
Brayden puts down the spotted dog, who immediately flops onto his feet and begins chewing the bottoms of his jeans. Brayden gently nudges her away. Val waits patiently.
Brayden takes a deep breath, hands disappearing deep into his pockets. He gives Val a nervous smile. “Look, d’you wanna go for coffee for something?”
What? That’s…not really what Val expected him to ask. “What?”
“I just um, I was wondering if you wanted to go out…with me.”
Like, a date? Val blinks a few times. His mouth moves on automatic. “I get off at four.”
“Great!” The look of relief that breaks out over Brayden’s face is very nice, even as a part of Val is still processing what just happened. “It’s 3:30, I can stick around until you get off. There’s a nice coffee shop nearby, we can grab a snack or something.”
Oh god, this is like a date. Val mindlessly bends down and scoops up the nearest dog, mostly so he can hold onto something while his mind tries to put together the fact that Brayden - cute, young, energetic, earnest Brayden - just asked him out. As a prelude to…what? He doesn’t want to hope. “That sounds good.”
They smile at each other stupidly for a while, Val still clutching one of the dogs, until one of the other pups rolls into his ankles and reminds him of where he is.
“Right. Are you actually going to adopt one of our dogs though?”
The blush lingering on Brayden’s face deepens as he scratches the back of his neck awkwardly. “I uh, wasn’t really looking at the dogs when I came in the past couple of weeks. I mean, they’re cute dogs! But um, I was sort of not really paying attention to them. So I might need to come back and look some more.”
Which, you know. Is totally fine by Val.
2. First date, TyJo/Kuch, TyJo/Pally/Kuch
As far as first dates go, Kuch considers this one a probable-success, even though they’ve just sat down. The wine is poured, the waiter is politely attentive - “We’re just waiting for one more.” - and Tyler is looking flushed and interested and very pretty. He is nibbling happily at the chocolates Kuch got him, making pleased little sounds and all sorts of amazing faces. Things are going well, mostly, until Tyler brings up their missing companion.
“Wonder what’s tied Pally up tonight.”
“Prep for tomorrow’s game.” Kuch smiles as he thinks. “I was late for our first time. Guess it’s Pally’s turn to be late first date.”
He doesn’t notice when Tyler stills. “Late first date?”
“Yeah, you know. But he gets better, promise! He will be on time for the second date.”
Tyler’s jaw drops a little. “This is a date?” He looks completely bewildered, his voice shooting up a few decibels. A couple heads turn in their direction.
Kuch feels his smile drop off his face, replaced by the deep frown he gives the beat reporters when they ask him stupid questions after a loss. “You didn’t know?”
“That this is a date? I didn’t think…”
“Дерьмо́ [shit].” He didn’t know. Kuch covers his eyes with his free hand. He can feel the tips of his ears burning, the blood rushing hot to this cheeks. Okay, probable-success was maybe too early, too optimistic.
“Nik, are you okay? I’m confused, I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine,” Kuch says roughly. “This is fine. Um.” He stands up, blindly putting his napkin on the table. “Be right back.”
He walks very quickly to the bathroom, carefully not looking over his shoulder at where Tyler is probably still trying to figure things out. The men’s room is nicely decorated, all polished chrome and marble with elegant touches. It’s exactly suited to Kuch’s tastes, but he barely looks around as he locks himself into a stall to hyperventilate a little.
Tyler didn’t know this is a date. Tyler probably thought - what? That this is just a very nice, black-tie, high-end Triplets dinner? Bring your linemate to dinner night?
He hears the door open, tentative footsteps on the tiled floor. “Kuch? Nik, are you in here?”
For a wild second, Kuch considers hiding out in the stall for the entire night. But he’s not a coward at heart, and that would be stupid anyway. These dinner reservations don’t come easy. He reluctantly unlocks the door and steps out.
Tyler’s face is apologetic when he looks up at him. “Were you freaking out in there? I was afraid you ran out of the restaurant.”
“And left you alone? No.”
“Yeah, I was hoping you didn’t do that. It would’ve been embarrassing, getting dumped at the altar on the first date.”
Kuch isn’t sure what “dumped at the altar” means, but he can guess what Tyler is saying. “Sorry. Need to think.”
“It’s fine. I’m sorry I yelled.” He steps closer, smoothing down Kuch’s tie where it had gotten rumpled in his distress and fixing the lapels of his suit jacket. “I was just surprised about it being a date, that’s all.”
“Pally said ‘Come to dinner at the fancy restaurant with us and then we will go home together.’ What did you think it was?”
“I thought it was like, teammate bonding! Dinner and videogames! You two are dating already, what was I supposed to think?”
“Pally likes you.” Kuch watches as Tyler’s eyes go wide with interest. “I like you,” he adds slowly.
“You are pretty.” He shrugs, trying for nonchalant and probably missing by a kilometer. Thankfully, he has a pretty good poker face, though linemates - you never know, they can probably read him better than the reporters. “Pretty face. Pretty hockey.”
“Oh,” Tyler says, and then he’s dragging Kuch in by his tie and messing up his suit jacket all over again.
When they stumble out of the bathroom back to their table, Pally is sitting there fiddling with his cutlery and looking over the menu. He looks up as they approach, and his eyes light up when he takes in their disheveled appearances.
“Did you get started without me?”
“Little bit,” Kuch mutters. He is fairly certain that he missed a button, and one of his cufflinks is missing. Those were expensive.
Tyler points an accusatory finger at Pally. “You’re trying to date me too!”
“We both are,” Pally tells him patiently.
The wine glass closest to Tyler gets emptied before he takes his seat. When he does though, his face is pink and a little sheepish. He waits for Kuch to settle into his own seat before he speaks. “Again, sorry about freaking out.” His words are directed at Kuch. “I was just surprised.”
“Good surprised or bad surprised?” Pally asks.
Kuch smooths his napkin over his lap and tries not to let his eyes linger on Tyler’s flushed neck. It would probably torture him all night, wondering if the pinkness is from blushing or from beard burn.
“Good surprised. Mostly. Didn’t think I had a shot, since you two are,” Tyler flaps his hands at the two of them, which Kuch thinks is supposed to mean “together” but could really mean anything. “But I mean, I’m interested.” His eyes are bright and excited.
“Good,” Pally says, and then he reaches across the table and finishes buttoning up Kuch’s shirt.
3. Secret admirer, Heddy/Stammer
The first gift is a membership card to an exclusive golf club near Steven’s home, addressed to him: Steven Stamkos. It’s nice, because Steven hasn’t gone golfing in a month, and - well it’s not like he can’t afford to, but this is a nice reminder, and the membership card in general is nice. He wonders who left it in his stall.
It could be a once-off, except two days later after a routine off-day practice, he finds a Lightning-themed pizza cutter still in its box, resting on top of his shinguards.
Steven has a lot of Lightning stuff, accumulated throughout nine years with the team. He doesn’t have a Lightning pizza cutter though, and he takes a moment to marvel at the tiny perfect logo stenciled on the handle. The end of it has a hilarious mold of his face.
“Pizza at my place tonight?” he asks the room at large.
Most of the boys have their own plans, though Victor and Jo are both free for the night. As Steven is confirming the time, Stralsy sends Jo a strange look, and then Jo is suddenly tripping over his words.
“Actually you know what, never mind. I have to Skype Nate tonight.”
“The Avs are playing tonight though,” Steven says, but Jo is beating a hasty retreat, so it ends up being just Steven and Victor. Which is just fine in Steven’s opinion. They eat and chat and play some videogames, and then Victor sleeps over on the couch even though Steven told him that it would throw out his back.
A week later, he gets a Star Trek-themed ornament for his rearview mirror. It’s perfectly lovely, because he secretly loves Star Trek, and he openly loves his car. He hangs it up immediately and Victor makes a nice comment about how well it goes with his car.
Then his favorite cheat food that he doesn’t let himself eat. Mini Donuts from the Mini Donut Factory aren’t part of his diet plan, but he loves them so much.
“I shouldn’t be eating so many,” he tells Victor guiltily between bites as he offers the box to the rest of the boys.
“Cheat food,” Victor says simply and helps himself to one.
So far, all of the gifts have shown up at his stall in Amalie, so Steven figures the gifter must be someone who works in the building. But three days into their West Coast road trip, he walks into the Ducks’ away locker room to find a blue bundle wrapped in plastic underneath the S. Stamkos 91 plaque.
The material is soft against his fingers as he rips open the package. At first he thinks it’s a blanket, but as he unfolds it, he discovers that it is a onesie. A Lightning onesie, with a zip that goes all the way up to the hood and the team logo on the chest.
It fits him perfectly, of course.
“Why are you wearing a onesie?” JT asks when he comes into the room.
Steven spreads his arms. “You like it?”
“Yeah dude, I totally need to get one like that. Looks comfortable.”
Steven spends the rest of the road trip wearing the onesie in his hotel room, claiming jealousy every time one of the boys tries to chirp him about it. And almost all of them do except the Russians, who don’t speak much anyway.
Victor never does either. He looks Steven up and down the first time Steven answers his hotel door in it, but he doesn’t say anything, wordlessly offering a box of takeout with a smile.
“It’s comfortable,” Steven says, which is kind of unnecessary because Victor isn’t judging him.
Victor nods. “You like it.” It’s not a question. This is why Victor is Steven’s favorite.
They watch a few episodes of House Hunters together, and then Steven tells Victor about a wedding he’s been invited to a month from now. “Better dig up one of my nicer suits,” he jokes. He has a lot of nice suits. Steven likes to think he’s a stylish guy.
When they return to Tampa, there is nothing in his stall from his secret admirer for the next two home games. He tries not to feel disappointed about it.
They’re hosting St. Louis for their third home game in a row, a back-to-back, and Steven is a little more tired and a little more sore than usual. He arrives early and dresses blindly for the game, pulling on his shoulder pads and taping his socks. It’s only when he’s reaching for his helmet that his knuckles bump against a small black box.
It looks like a jewelry box, one that would house a ring or something. His heart thumps unsteadily. The mystery gifts are nice, and he’s been poking around trying to find out who they’re from, but he hasn’t figured it out yet. And he doesn’t think he’s ready for that kind of commitment.
Inside the box are a lovely set of cufflinks engraved with his initials. The cufflinks aren’t outrageously expensive, but they are very nice, so they couldn’t have been cheap. Steven stares down at them, mind blank.
“Something wrong?” Victor asks. He finishes taping his stick and picks up his gloves.
“I just…the gifts. You know I’ve been getting gifts over the past weeks, right? The onesie and the mini donuts and the golfing membership. And these.” He shows Victor the cufflinks. “I don’t know who it is, and I don’t know what to do.”
Victor’s eyes are clear and blue when he looks at Steven. “Maybe they’re shy. Let them come to you. Don’t rush it.”
But Steven can’t stop thinking about it. There doesn’t seem to be a pattern to the series of gifts he’s received over the past few weeks. Some are silly and fairly cheap like the pizza cutter, some almost too nice for a mystery gifter. The one common factor is that every one of them is thoughtful and was chosen specifically with his tastes in mind. Whoever is sending them must know him, and well.
He plays like crap that night, but Kuch turns it on like crazy and Vasy is playing his heart out, so they scrape by with a 5-3 win over the Blues.
There’s nothing in his stall for another two weeks, despite Steven camping out in the locker room for hours at a time, trying to do a little bit of spying. He begins to let his guard down, and then he finds the Rays tickets. There are two.
The room is empty, the boys having cleared out quickly after practice for their pre-game naps. Steven carefully picks the tickets up, heart thumping.
“You don’t have to use both, if you don’t want to,” comes a soft voice behind him.
It’s Victor, hovering awkwardly by the door, his Tampa Bay Rays hat pulled over his eyes. Steven swallows.
“That was you. All the gifts.” Victor nods, a slow confirmation, and god, Steven has been so blind this whole time. “Why?”
“Why do you think?” Victor is keeping a healthy distance between them, giving Steven space to bolt. Because that’s classic Victor, thoughtful and patient and understanding, and at the heart of it, Steven’s best friend for years.
He looks at the two tickets in his hands, thinks for a long moment about the parade of gifts that showed up in his stall, each one picked with utmost care for him. It’s obvious what the answer is.
“You’re coming with me, right?” he asks, gesturing with the tickets.
Victor smiles and walks closer, closing all that distance between them until they’re standing chest to chest. “Only if you want me to.”
“Yes,” Steven says, easy as anything. “Of course.”
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