#i feel like i'm finally snapping after about five years of trying my best to minimize how bad my everything is
housepixie · 9 months
moving every single piece of furniture in my apartment around because i am doing great in the head rn
#about to talk about recovering from my ed so please protect your sanity if reading about that would be bad for you#i feel like i'm finally snapping after about five years of trying my best to minimize how bad my everything is#probably because i've managed to eat consistently this month (a big deal bc every other time i've done this i've intended to give up and#i don't have that intention this time which is so frightening. it felt very safe being under the cloying control of disease frankly and i a#also very terrified that my stomach is just going to straight up explode or refeeding syndrome or what if i give up but#i woke up today and my skin was a normal color with no weird undertone of grey and my fingernails were pink and i felt goodweird about it.)#so now my stupid brain works and it turns out it's overwhelmed by having wasted five years of my life on trying to slowly kill myself#and all the other stuff. the reasons or whatever#meanwhile i have SO MUCH TO DO i don't have time to be recovering from anorexia!!! i have errands to run!!!!!!#i need to go to the dry cleaners and pick up my dress for the wedding i'm going to this weekend#which uhhhhh being seen. cool. cool!#i need to go to my friend who's getting married's apartment and retrieve the makeup i accidentally left there#i need to go grocery shopping#i need to go cleaning supplies shopping#i need to clean the bathroom#i have company coming and need to set up their room#all i seem to be capable of doing is moving my own furniture around#if nothing else i'm great at picking up a table and moving it to a part of my room and going 'no this is disgusting' and moving it again
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malum-forev · 2 months
Have Had You and Lost You
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I promise I'm uploading Dr.Bee pt 2 after this one, sorry to everyone who was expecting that one but I CANNOT GET OVER EX HUSBAND BUCKY.
"You'll find the juice boxes on the second shelf," You hurry around your kitchen, heels in one hand and your perfume in the other one. "He likes his juice decanted and he'll probably tell you he likes it room temperature but, Wells thinks room temperature means a little cold so you need to put one ice cube in his sippy cup."
Bucky nods, trying his hardest not to laugh. "Decant, room temperature. When did our five year old become a restaurant critic."
"Sometimes I'm afraid we made a mistake by letting him hang out at the Stark mansion." You laugh. "Every time I pick him up, he's learnt a new word and needs to use it at least three times in every sentence."
"Last time he was at my house he called Bluey exquisite." Bucky throws his head back with laughter. As soon as the sound hits your ears you truly feel, for a second, the world has stopped.
It's that same uninhibited laugh that made you fall in love with him all those years ago. You knew his years of torment had built a tall wall around his heart, and having him share these relaxed moments with you meant the world. That laugh was a special thing only the two of you shared.
But reality settled in once he asked the question you've been avoiding.
"So, who is he?"
Your bottom lip became trapped between your teeth as you thought how to answer his question. His blue eyes shifted all over your face, trying to read any expression you gave him.
Maybe you should have told him the truth but, you had been finally getting along after a long and tiresome divorce. So, you decided on a happy medium, no answer at all.
"Hmm," Bucky scratches the stubble on his chin. "You don't want to tell me his name."
"I never said that." You point out, feeling the vein on your temple throb.
"Your tell is a traitor," Bucky hums, running the back of his finger on your temple. "Maybe you don't want to tell me because I know him."
"He's no one." You turned away from him.
"You were never a good liar," Bucky says with a dry laugh. "So, I do know him."
"It's hard for you to not know someone in town, Buck."
"He's someone from around here, then." Bucky's eyebrows shot up.
He has to give it to the mystery man, never in his life did he think someone would have the balls to ask his ex wife on a date. Especially not someone who works in the compound.
Bucky and you had decided it would be best if you and Wells kept living close to him, so the change wouldn't affect your son too much. You'd decided on the town closest to the compound. A sleepy town, a couple of thousand habitants, mostly ex SHEILD agents and their families.
"You're really not going to tell me anything about the guy?"
You slip your heels on, keeping your lips shut.
"Is he a doctor? A nurse?" You roll your eyes.
He continues. "Is he in tech?"
"Better yet!" Bucky snaps his fingers like he's just had the idea of the century. "He's a trainee and I'm his direct superior. That would be the cherry on top."
"We've been on a couple of dates," You finally say something. "Three to be exact."
Bucky raises his eyebrows. "The coveted fourth date."
"Don't." You roll your eyes. "It's not like that."
"I'm not judging," He raises his arms in defense. "I understand you need to get your fix, we're all human, doll."
You groan.
"What?" Bucky comes closer, a sly smile playing on his lips. "You can talk about your sex life with me, darling. I'm not the jealous type."
"Bucky," You say, your tone warning. "you can't be the jealous type."
"There isn't anything here," You wave your finger between the two of you. "To be jealous of."
As you look back up at him, his smile seems forced. Bucky tries to keep his cool attitude up but, you know him too well to believe it.
"I left some money on the countertop so you can order pizza." You change the subject, feeling the air become tense.
"Don't treat me like I'm the sitter." Bucky scoffs. "Wells is my son too, and I can most certainly pay for a pizza."
"I- I" You stuttered. Trying to rack your brain for an apology, maybe explain that you didn't mean it like that but it was cut short by two honks coming from your driveway.
"He can't even ring the fucking doorbell," He scoffs again. "What a catch."
You turn and leave without speaking another word to your ex husband.
As hard as you tried, you couldn't get Bucky's words out of your head. It wasn't helping that your date was more interested in talking about himself and his recent promotion than even asking how your day went.
When had life become this way?
Once upon a time you were a woman who wouldn't settle for less than perfection and respect when looking for a man. You'd even walked out on a fair share of "New York's Elite", which usually meant men working in the finance district who think their dick is holy.
Which is why, when the ever so charming and chivalrous James Buchanan Barnes came into your life, you swore off stupid and unappreciative men.
Now, you're ordering your third glass of wine just so you can bare listening to the man you've accepted a fourth date from.
The dish you've ordered is now cold, and you're in no mood to listen to another word.
And just like that, your guardian angel answers your prayers.
Your phone lights up with a text from Bucky.
Bucky: Wells is fine, fed and asleep. Answer the call if you need to get out of the date.
Not even a few seconds later, your phone rings.
You barely have any time to decide whether you should do this or not. But your body reacts faster than your brain.
"Hello?" You answer shakily, holding a finger up to your date.
"Is he a field agent or a computers guy." Is the first thing Bucky says.
"Wells has a fever? Is he okay?" You say.
"That bad of a date, huh?" Bucky says through the receiver.
Bad date was an understatement. Your date couldn't care less that your son was feeling under the weather, he was too preoccupied looking over the dessert menu. But not even if hell froze over would you tell Bucky that!
"I think it's best if I come back home." You tell your date, getting up from your chair with your bag and coat in hand.
"Wait! One last guess!" Bucky says on the phone. "He's the guy who's in charge of sharpening my knives."
"I'll be there in fifteen minutes." You mutter, hanging up the phone and leaving your date behind.
By the time you're back home, Bucky's leaning on the door frame holding two glasses of wine, waiting for you.
You shut the taxi's door and walk past your ex husband and into your house.
"Not a single word." You warn as you pass by Bucky, taking both glasses. You down the first one and get started on the second one.
"Should I keep guessing who the mystery man is or..."
"He's part of Banner's research team," You groan throwing your head back. "There, happy?"
"Happy that the mother of my child is dating some loser who can't even come to the door for her?" Bucky raises his eyebrow. "Of course I'm not happy."
"Well not everyone has the 40's mentality Buck." You sigh, looking down at piece of pizza Bucky heated up for you.
"You're worth it." Bucky's eyes look crystal as they look at you. "All the roses and the dates and the opening of car doors, everything I did for you was because you're amazing and you're worth it."
Words escape your mind.
"I was too much of an idiot to let you go." Bucky looks down at the floor. "But please don't let anyone who won't take the time to cherish you, have you."
"Because to have had you, and lost you, is a pain only those who've truly love you have."
Comments, reblogs and likes are greatly appreciated! Would love to hear your feedback. K thankssss BRB writing Dr.Bee pt 2 as we speak.
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konniesreality · 4 months
Hey Konnie, I'm going to share my success story with you.
So, for context, I've known about the void for I think over a year and I've been in the LOA community since I was 8. I've also had the most disgusting life all around especially when it came to my spiritual life but that's not important right now.
I've always been lazy when it came to the void, like on one hand I was like "Finally a method that guarantees success no matter what" but on the other hand I was like "Ugh, this is too much I don't feel like doing this right now" and kept making excuses. Because I knew about waking up in the Void State I'd go to bed and just fall asleep after listening to subliminals and affirming thinking that was going to do anything for ME personally. (P.S. just because it didn't work for me doesn't mean it won't work for you.) I did this for MONTHS and kept wondering why it wasn't working. Like I knew I was lazy but I just really couldn't bother at all...until recently.
I decided that I wanted to change and that I'd go back to the basics of the Void. I switched out the subliminals that I used before and created a fresh playlist. Link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA_GYb1XT6i7XafhzWTNCnerDt1x9HOiz I simply worked on fulfilling myself internally and went within entirely. Then, two weeks ago I randomly decided to just "meditate" into the void. So, I just laid down, stayed still and RELAXED. I didn't even think about the Void, my attention was to simply relax and be. Eventually, I did relax to the point my body went slightly numb so I took it as a sign to start affirming for the Void. The affirmations I used are "I am" and "I am void". I started experiencing soooooooo many symptoms such as the floaty feeling, losing my senses, the darkness behind the eyes getting darker (I wanted my void to be pitch black hence why it got dark) also that really weird eye fluttery thing idk what that is called but yeah I had that too. I was literally spinning and my heart was about to jump out of my chest istg BUT I focused on my breathing and my affirmations.
Then the weirdest thing happened. Now, mind you, I've NEVER gotten this close to entering the Void IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. But I kid you not, I felt myself literally DETACH from my body, well I more felt it in my face/head because I couldn't feel my body but you get the point. Like I felt HOLLOW like WHAT. I was internally screaming and I started to smile because I was like "I'm finally entering the void after how long now." Buttttttt when I was literally five seconds away from entering the Void completely my lovely father came in the room to ask me something so I OBVIOUSLY snapped out. (Still salty btw) But I can tell you that I was 90% in the Void and they weren't lying about feeling pure bliss and happiness and feeling calm as well as being one with yourself because I felt it too. And when I "got out" I felt SO SMUG cause I was like, I finally figured out what method works best for me AND I know when and how to do it.
So, my directions in case you want to try it out.
Go to bed around 30 minutes - 1 hour earlier. Or do it when you're going to take a nap, but it works best for me at night. Also, make sure your eyes are like slightly burning, not ask why just trust me. but not to the point it's watering just enough to make sure you're a little sleepy and will make you relax easier because I find that works best.
2. Then, relax your body and allow all thoughts to float by, don't pay any attention to it. Also, focus on your breathing. (You can do breathing techniques but I just went with a slow but natural pace of breathing, for me of course)
3. ANY SYMPTOMS IGNORE THEM ALL!! It may be hard but honestly, it's kind of like ignoring someone when they talk shit- bad example but you knowww. Just focus on breathing and affirmations here.
4. Make sure to affirm when you are ready, trust me you will know because it'll be like a gut feeling. Or when you feel really relaxed like you're in a tropical paradise or something just start to affirm. Also, I would imagine things that I'd be doing in my hr (home reality) because affirming is kinda boring after a while so I interchanged them.
And that's about it, I think the important thing to take away here is to do what works FOR YOU. If you know that this method doesn't work for you but you saw it works for me, that is not an invitation to change your method. Also, remember always that the void IS YOU, it will not exist without you so don't put it on a pedestal. You got this always and have fun living your dream life. You were born a master of the void so no excuses.
Also that new subliminal that you made is LITERALLY the only sub I use now and it's BOMB. But I obviously linked my playlist bc I used to use it.
OMG IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!! Thank you so much for using my subliminal and most importantly sharing your success! It’s the truth! Find what works for you and R E L A X I know you will get in again!! TSYM for linking the playlist too! 💕💗💗
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literaryavenger · 4 months
Black Panther - Post Credit Scene
Summary: Bucky comes out of the ice.
Pairing: Avengers x F!Reader, Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Warnings: Nothing really for this one, maybe language. Mostly fluff. My poor attempts at being funny.
Word Count: 1.8K
A/N: I want to specify that I used google translator for the Xhosa, so I hope it's at least decent, but I thought it would be cute to put it in there. I've had this ready to go for WEEKS and I'm so glad I finally get to post it! I hope you like the idea of a reunion like this as much as I do! Enjoy!
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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You’ve been on the run for a year now with Steve, Sam and Natasha. A few weeks after you all escaped the Raft, Clint and Scott decided to make a deal with Ross to get house arrest because being on the run and away from their families was too hard for them.
The five of you that remained went from safe house to safe house while doing as many missions as you could, never staying in one place too long and still trying to help people to the best of your capabilities, with Wanda disappearing from time to time to spend time with Vision.
Lately, though, you’ve been noticing Steve’s been a little fidgety, even disappearing here and there for a couple of days at a time.
You want to ask him what’s going on, but you don’t want to be nosy so you wait for if and when he’s ready to talk about it.
And that time comes one random afternoon as you’re all sitting around in the living room of the safe house you’re in, Wanda being off with Vision.
“Hey, can I talk to you?” He sits next to you and you nod, putting down your book to give him your full attention. “I know you’ve all been wondering where I go every now and then, and I’m glad you didn’t push it. But I’m ready for you guys to know now.”
He addresses everybody before turning to you and looking straight in your eyes as he finishes. “Bucky’s awake.”
Your breath hitches in your throat and you can’t seem to find it in you to say anything more than “Oh.”
“Yeah. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner...” He looks actually sorry. “We just thought it would’ve been better to keep it as lowkey as possible.”
You nod and look at the floor, trying not to show your disappointment.
It makes sense. After all Steve is his best friend, his brother, his only family. You’re barely an acquaintance.
“He asked about you.” your eyes snap back to him. “He wanted you to be there, but he understood. He’s glad you’re safe.”
“From the government or from him?” you mumble and Steve gives you an apologetic look, but lets it go.
“The thing is, I kind of need to ask you a favor.” you narrow your eyes at him and he raised his hands in surrender. “It’s nothing bad, I swear!”
“Fine,” you sigh. “What do you want?”
“It’s just, the mission we’ve been planning is important…” he looks at the plans and footprints on the table. “And only three of us are needed for it.”
You think you see where this is going. “You want me to take over your part of the mission?!” you look at him like he grew three heads. How the hell can you take on the role of a supersoldier?
“No, of course not. That’s the thing.” he quickly clarifies. “I can’t be spared for this, and we know the mission is gonna last a while.”
“Where are you going with this, Rogers?” you’re just confused now.
“Could you look after Bucky for me?”
Oh. You try hard not to look too excited about the prospect of seeing Bucky again and spending time with him.
“Are you… sure that’s a good idea?” you ask him as coolly as you can.
“It’s not gonna be hard. You just need to keep an eye on him from a distance.” good thing you managed your expectations. “Shuri’s gonna be working with him and, when he’s ready, she’ll let you talk to him.” Okay, you’re excited again.
“Uhm,” you have to at least pretend to think about it, right? “I guess, if I’m not needed on the mission and you are, I could do you this favor.”
You fight a smile as you make the mistake to look at Sam, that’s grinning, knowing full well how you feel about Bucky. You groan and roll your eyes, but he says nothing, thankfully.
“Thank you.” Steve lays a hand on your arm and smiles at you. “This means a lot to me.”
“I know.” you smile back, then hug him.
“Okay,” he says as you let go “we’re leaving tomorrow morning.”
You nod and get up to finish packing the bag you were getting ready for the mission in a few days.
After you’re done, you go back to the living room to spend one last night with Sam, Steve and Nat as you don’t know how long it’s gonna be before you see them again.
The next morning you wake up thankful you’re not hungover and get your stuff with Steve’s into the jet, Sam and Nat accompanying you out to say the last goodbyes.
“I’ll miss you.” you tell Nat as you hug her “Please don’t cut your hair again while I’m gone.”
“I’ll try not to.” she laughs, hugging you back. “I’ll miss you too, Crazy.”
“Try not to miss me too much.” Sam tells you as he hugs you too, making you roll your eyes with a smile.
“Sure, birdbrain.” He groans at the nickname “Be careful.”
He nods and, after they say goodbye to Steve too, the two of you board the quinjet and make your way to Wakanda.
You are met by Princess Shuri and King T’Challa himself. You hug Steve goodbye as he makes his way to visit Bucky before his mission and to tell him he probably won’t be coming by again for a while. 
Shuri and T’Challa, who insisted you drop their formal titles, give you a tour of the palace and then take you to a guest room that’s basically a suite, and you’re shocked to find out you’ll be living here in the palace for the duration of your stay.
As promised you look after Bucky from a distance.
Every morning you and Shuri get escorted to Bucky’s hut where she works with him on his deprogramming as you and Ayo hang back.
Other than making sure he’s okay, there’s not really much for you to do so you take this time to get to know the people. It astonishes you how easy you get welcomed by the community.
You’re taught their customs by the locals, you pick up some Xhosa, not a lot but enough to have conversations and you’re even taught to fight by the Dora Milaje. Mostly Okoye and even Ayo since the two of you cleared the air after the whole airport fight.
She apologized profusely about the wound she inflicted in your arm, which has been fully healed for months now, and you assured her it was okay. You understood she was simply doing her job and admired her passion and determination to protect her king. 
Also, it turns out you broke a couple of her ribs, which you also apologized for, so you two decided to just call it even.
You got comfortable fast; dressing with their clothes, participating in their festivities and playing around with the children everyday as Shuri does whatever she does with Bucky.
You’re always careful to not get too close to be seen while still being close enough to keep an eye on them.
After their sessions Shuri always brings you up to speed and then you report to Steve to let him know Bucky’s doing good.
You’re making your way to Shuri’s lab where you’ve met her everyday for the couple of months that you’ve been in Wakanda.
“Good morning, Princess.” you tell her, bowing when you stop in front of T’Challa. “My King.”
“Stop that.” he swats at you as both you and Shuri laugh.
“Ready to go?” Ayo asks and you eye her suspiciously as she’s grinning like she does right before she makes a move that instantly knocks you on your ass during training.
“What are you up to?” you ask her but she just keeps on smiling.
“Today is the day, Agent.” Shuri tells you as smirks, knowing how you feel about the nickname.
“I’m not an agent of anything.” you roll your eyes, then register what she just said. “Wait, what do you mean, today’s the day?”
“Sergeant Barnes is ready.” she says and you can’t help the smile that comes to your face, which falls with a groan when you see them all smirking at each other at your reaction.
“Let’s just go.” you say as you turn around and start walking with Shuri and Ayo.
“Have fun!” T’Challa yells after you.
“Your order is my command, Your Highness!” you yell back and you all laugh at the loud groan he lets out.
As always, Shuri gets closer while you and Ayo hang back and she walks to the shore of the lake in front of the hut and then stops there.
You see three kids run out of Bucky’s hut, laughing, and the princess turns around as they run up to her and hug her.
“Are you playing around with that man again?” she asks, laughing. “You’re teasing him again.” she keeps teasing them as they chant ‘no’ between laughter and you can’t help but smile.
Bucky exits the hut and, like every other day, he takes your breath away. His sun-kissed skin, his Wakandan robes, his growing beard and the longer hair. The whole style just suits him.
You see him take a deep breath and then he gets closer to Shuri as the children run towards you giggling about the “Ingcuka Emhlophe”. [White Wolf]
“Uyayithanda Ingcuka Emhlophe?” you ask them. [You like the White Wolf?]
“Yena engaqhelekanga” one of the kids says and you laugh. [He’s strange]
“Kutheni ephulukene nengalo nje?” another one asks you. [Why is he missing an arm?]
You aren’t sure what to say, they are children after all, but you try your best.
“Kuba uyindoda ekhaliphileyo eyathi yenzakala xa inceda abantu.” [Because he is a brave man that was injured while helping people]
They all look at him in awe just as you hear Shuri say, “Sergeant Barnes.”
“Bucky.” he corrects her and you smile.
“How are you feeling today?” she asks him.
“Good. Thank you.” she smiles and motions towards you.
“Come. Much more for you to learn.” she says as she starts walking.
He takes a second to look out at the lake before following Shuri, but as soon as he spots you, he stops.
He stares as you’re giggling with the children that are now circling around you and dancing, and when you look towards Bucky again his eyes are already on you.
You blush a little at his intense gaze but he seems to snap out of it when your eyes meet his and he gets closer until he’s right in front of you.
“Sergeant.” you say, smirking.
“Doll.” he says, smirking back.
You smile at each other until Shuri clears her throat and you turn to look at her just to see both her and Ayo with a smirk of their own. You roll your eyes at them, but your smile stays on.
“Shall we?” Shuri says and starts walking, Ayo right behind her.
Bucky takes your hand and starts walking after Shuri too, pulling you with him, both of you feeling like nothing could wipe the smiles off your faces.
Requested taglist: @sapphirebarnes @aki-ham @mary-jinx @abbyyourlocalmilf @selcouthial @esposadomd @americaarse @multiversefanfics
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mvskedxrtist · 5 months
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I-I'm your Good Demon!
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Wᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: PwP, Mommy Kink, Brat Taming, Humiliation Kink, Praise, Degration, Overstimulation, Thigh Riding
Nᴏᴛᴇ: First post of the year!! We've made it to 2024 and I promise this year will be full of smut and much more fandoms. So I think to celebrate the new year, let's go with a big bang!
AFAB!Reader x Mammon - I-I'm your Good Demon!
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Now, was Mammon regretting his words from earlier? A bit but he couldn't really think much. But what happened for that to be his thought process? Well let's see:
You had been dating Mammon after he helped you get a pact with Leviathan, appreciating all the help and him even stepping in to protect you when his younger brother tried to attack you. And in return of that, you gave him love and attention that he always wanted.
He was always a good boy, while yes being greedy and spending his money, he made time for you and would always try to be the best that he can for your praise. Well most of the time he was like this. In some situations like now, Mammon was an absolute brat. Always acting like he was bigger than you and try to fool people that he's the one in charge in the relationship when the both of you know, it's you.
And that's what he was doing the entire day at RAD. Of course at RAD, Mammon doesn't want those lower demons to be teasing him about how weak he is to be falling for a human an he kept talking on and on about how he's not. "The human is weak, I have no idea what you idiots are talking about. I only stick with her because she begs me to do so." Now, of course at the same time, you we're walking with Beelzebub when you noticed your boyfriend and heard his words. You were pissed, of course you were! What did he mean that you beg him to stick with you.
"Ahem." You fake coughed and glared at the other demons and Mammon. When the Avatar of Greed heard your voice and turned around, he knew he was fucked when they were home.
It was late at night when Mammon had gotten a text from you, telling you to come into your room. He was a bit excited but also confused. Did he get away scot free from his words? He didn't know. You left him by himself once you went back to the House of Lamentation. You were sticking in your room and if you did went out, you didn't speak to him. That entire afternoon, Mammon was getting annoyed from being annoyed and tried to get your attention but nothing. So he left you alone, until now.
The demon had walked towards your room and opened the door when his eyes widened from seeing you naked and laying on your bed waiting for him. "H-human!! What in Diavolo are you doing!? What if it wasn't me who opened the door and saw your body?" He screamed a bit but closed the door and locked it so no one could come in. "Oh I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to be so delicate about being naked in my own room." You told him with a neutral tone and rolled your eyes before pinning him onto the bed, ripping his clothes off him except his boxers and sitting on top of his thigh.
"So, I beg for you to always follow me, huh?" You asked him with a sinister smirk while his purple eyes looked at you in shock and worry. "I-I didn't mean it like that, babe. You know how I am with my reputation." "Yeah I know... That doesn't mean you get away with that~ so right now you're going to stay put and watch. No touching me at all. And if I do feel a touch.. Then it's punishment time~" You gave him a sinister smirk as you slowly started to grind on his thigh, moaning softly while Mammon watched you in all of your glory.
Mammon was excited to see what he might get as a prize since he wouldn't touch you but in his own thoughts, he didn't seem to realize only five minutes after you had told him and started grinding on him did he press his leg against you more. He had snapped out of his thoughts when he felt you kissing his neck. "Finally, baby.." You whispered in his ear and he looked down to see his leg touching you, nervous for his punishment. "S-sorry Mommy.."
You adored what he called you. Mommy. He had done it unintentionally when you lost your first time together and it just stuck in private. "...I don't think you are slut~" You told him and smirked while sliding yourself down on his cock, moans coming from the both of you.
Mammon just watched you ride his cock endlessly, whimpers and whines coming from the Avatar of Greed. You were kissing his neck while riding him, feeling him stretch you out while he already looked like a fucked out slut.
You slapped his chest which made him moan even louder, his dazed eyes focusing on you once again while you bounced up and down his cock, grunts coming from you. "Keep your eyes on me brat~ I'm letting this get off easily for you~" You whispered in his ear while he whimpered and started throbbing inside of you. "I-I'm sorry Mommy! I'll try to be a good boy~" "I know you will baby~" You kept riding his cock harder for the next half hour until Mammon tapped your thigh and started begging.
"M-mommy~ c-can I please cum?~ I promise I'll be a good demon!" "Aww.. You're begging.. Just like you told those demons that I did~ honestly you're such a slut for thinking that you got away from this situation~ you wouldn't want people seeing you like this, now would you?" When you looked down at him and saw him blushing furiously while looking down at his sides, you got your answer right away.
"You fucking would!! You're such a damn brat and a hypocrite! You'd get off on those lower demons watching you get fucked by a human like me huh? Maybe I should just fuck you in front of them next time you say something like that~" You smirked and slapped his chest as he moaned and whimpered. "You want to be a slut so badly for me~ cum." You whispered in his ear and Mammon took it as a go ahead and stopped thrusting to cum inside of you.
"T-thank you Mommy~" He whispered softly and smiled at you while you smiled and started riding him once again. Mammon looked surprised and started moaning louder, covering his face a bit in embarrassment from his own whorish moans. "I-I thought we were done!~" He whined and knew he wasn't allowed to touch you so he just kept watching you ride his cock so easily.
"No we aren't~ why would my good demon be finished so quickly? Unless you aren't my good demon?" "N-no I am! The great Mammon is always your good demon!" "Then take it, baby boy~"
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perpetualexistence · 2 months
Slumbering Pride
Alenoah Week Day 7: Free Day! (Demon AU)
Alejandro is finally, finally close to beating José at something. He's in his junior year, and universities are already scouting him out thanks to his name, his academic prowess, and his athletic prowess.
They did the same for José when he was about to graduate. The difference is he had five schools attempt to recruit him.
Alejandro has six.
José can't let this stand. If Alejandro officially gets six offers, then he'll know José isn't perfect. He'll start trying harder to beat José in things. And worse, he might actually win if he's proven himself capable of it.
José needs to do something about it, so he comes to the most obvious solution.
He summons a demon.
(Rest under read more because it's long)
Demons are an open secret. They were confirmed to be real a while back, though are mostly bound by the deals they must make in order to maintain a foothold on the human realm. An unbound demon is a dangerous thing, and often happens if the person making the deal is tricked into breaking their side of it.
Demons are known to do everything possible to do this, or at least cause havoc in whatever capacity their bounds enable them to. It's forbidden and illegal for anyone to summon one without proper qualifications. (There's still some summonings that do happen after all, demons are quite useful so long as you're careful).
Still, humans are naturally curious creatures, and have found multiple ways of spreading this knowledge as best as they can. Demon summoning is uncommon, but it still happens. So much that children are taught what to do if they believe they're encountering a demon.
Most sane people know better than to risk entering any contract with a demon. But there are always those desperate enough, or stupid enough, to try.
Getting his hands on a book on demon summoning is child's play for someone with José's family connections. He doesn't care what kind of demon he summons, so long as he summons one that will do the job he wants. He can sweet talk them into giving him the best deal possible just as he sweet talks anyone else.
As he finishes the summoning, his limbs grow heavier. It is constant agony to keep himself standing. His thoughts grow fuzzy as he struggles to remember what he was so focused on. He isn't quite sure why he bothers.
It would be much easier to sit down and rest. What was he so worried about, again? It couldn't have been so important if he's forgotten. His eyes droop to a close as he lets out a sigh of relief he had been holding back for so, so long.
"Wow, you're seriously pathetic if you're this affected by my summoning."
José snapped out of his stupor to see a teenager staring back at him. He was a couple of inches shorter than José and could only be described as a breathing fashion disaster.
José could have stopped there, but he couldn't ignore the horns atop the demon's head, the wings pressed against his back, the tail lightly tapping the ground. His arms were folded as he tapped his clawed foot impatiently.
José was expecting something much more imposing than...this. He'd laugh if had less control of himself.
"I would like to make a deal with you-"
"Could have fooled me with your craiglist ad." Noah said, glancing at the circle underneath him. "It's so generic it screams 'I'm not going to put you in a van and drive you to an undisclosed location, I promise.'"
José could feel a headache coming on. "I am going to make a deal with you, demonio." He needed to regain control of this conversation, fast.
"Never said I wouldn't make one. What do you want?"
"I would like for you to stop my brother from getting too far ahead in life. At the very least, I want to make sure that he can never surpass me. In any way. Can you do that?"
"Depends on what I get in return."
The two end up negotiating until they settle on a deal: Noah makes sure that Alejandro can never surpass José, and in return Noah gets to take his ability to dream. José can do without a few dreamless nights.
That's how Alejandro finds himself waking up in the morning with a demon that was only as tall as halfway up his knee staring at him from the foot of his bed.
Alejandro instinctively kicks the smaller boy out of panic, sending a very unhappy demon crashing into a wall. When they've both recovered, Noah explains exactly what's going on.
He's here to pretty much haunt and sabotage Alejandro, José's the one who sent him because he's a dick, and this is just going to be their life now.
After Alejandro processes the fact that his brother truly hates him this much as to risk both of their lives to a demon, he asks why Noah would bother to tell him all of this. He doesn't say it out loud, but he knows that a demon could absolutely make his life a living hell. He's expecting insidious manipulations and life threatening accidents.
And this demon is making any sabotage more difficult by confessing that he's going to sabotage Alejandro? Something isn't adding up.
That's when Noah points out the big flaw in Jose's brilliant plan.
Because he hadn't been concerned about what kind of demon he summoned, he pretty much set up a job posting for a demon from any of the seven sins to snatch. Noah just happened to get there first.
So what does José get for not being specific?
A sloth demon.
Noah plans to do the bare minimum of what's required for his job. He doesn't care to bother with the effort of lying to Alejandro about his purpose here. The only reason he bothered to take this job in the first place is because the human realm has two things that the demon realm doesn't: Decent places to nap, and good books.
The only thing he hadn't counted on is how small he'd end up being once bonded with Alejandro. His size is dependent on the amount of sloth Alejandro has. The teen who gives it his all in every activity he does.
Noah's got his work cut out for him.
Alejandro tries seeing if he can use his own silver tongue to have Noah quit the job before he gets started, but with no luck. Noah doesn't feel like leaving. And he's not about to break the deal on his side because then he be forced back into the demon realm and unable to return unless directly summoned.
Alejandro would very much like to try just trapping the demon somewhere, then go to his brother to confront him about doing this. But he knows better than to act before fully knowing what Noah is capable of. And he wouldn't be surprised if his brother tried to gaslight him into thinking Noah wasn't real. He still doesn't quite believe it himself.
He does start to believe that having Noah around will be a continuous little nightmare. He's constantly offering snide remarks. He keeps trying to convince Alejandro to stop trying so hard and just be lazy.
Alejandro's not as aggravated as the attempt than he is at the fact that there's zero tact to it. Noah isn't even TRYING to be subtle. He could think of a thousand ways to do Noah's job better, except telling him that would then make Alejandro's life worse.
It gets to the point where he's so upset he just throws a pillow at Noah. The demon squawks as he gets hit, and Alejandro gets immense satisfaction from this. Alejandro knows this is a terrible idea, but he's angry at this whole situation and needs to take it out on somebody. Might as well do it on the one successfully set him off.
Alejandro gets his karma for snapping at Noah when he goes to sleep.
His dream starts off as he would expect it to. Until suddenly he finds something knocked against his back. He finds himself pinned to his stomach, and when he struggles to get out from under it, he finds the tip of a very familiar tail at a much larger scale pressing down on him.
"I thought 'Burromuertos conquer whatever they set their minds to'. We're in your mind. So get up."
Alejandro can feel Noah's smirk though he can't see it. He refuses to give Noah the satisfaction of admitting defeat and continues to fight against the tail.
Tears are not pricking his eyes as he's made to feel insignificant in the last safe place that was truly his.
As he can't feel tired in his dream, he continues to struggle. Noah admits that Alejandro's probably the most stubborn human he's ever met.
Alejandro snaps that he's a Burromuerto, and he does not quit. He cannot, and will not quit. Ever. No matter the competition, no matter the cost. Noah's just another obstacle in his way. But he will beat his brother in something for once in his life.
He does his best to hide the desperation in his need to believe that this is true. He's hidden it well in the past, but Noah is a perceptive sort and hears it anyways.
Noah asks what could type of win could possibly be so important that it was worth the risk of his brother summoning a demon on him.
"I'm about to beat him in the amount of colleges offering me admissions by one." Alejandro gloated, pride swelling in his chest.
The tail pressing down on him suddenly reached underneath him, and flipped him over like he was a roach. He looked up to see Noah's face free of apathy for the first time. Instead, it was replaced with one of...pity.
"You can't seriously be proud of that."
Alejandro grit his teeth. "I am."
"You have to know how that sounds, right?"
"Please do enlighten me about what you think that sounds like."
"It sounds pathetic! You're going above and beyond and you're seriously caught up in something as stupid as one-upping your brother?"
"Don't you dare try to act as if you know any better tú hijo de su puta madre," Alejandro snarled, the tears returning to his eyes. "I don't care what you are. You know nothing about me and my family. You can say and do whatever you like but I will not cow to any of your attempts to degrade me." His snarl turned into something of a deranged chuckle. "Do your worst. This is nothing new. I will still come out on top and grind you into dust."
Noah was silent for a long time. As he started to move his mouth to speak, Alejandro found himself snapping awake. He looked around to see Noah still in his room. He's looking at him with incredibly impassive indifference. Alejandro won't see anything else in his gaze. At least the demon was smart enough not to try running his mouth again.
Alejandro stormed off so he could grab a book to study while he ate breakfast.
Noah mostly stays out of Alejandro's way, but Alejandro can feel him watching. He doesn't care where Noah scampers off to during the day. He refuses to acknowledge the little monster.
He throws himself deep into studying. He's spending more time awake so he can study and avoid having to fall asleep. Beauty sleep be damned, he does not want to deal with Noah again.
When he does sleep, he dreams. He can always feel a looming presence behind him, and he says nothing of it.
He does his best to hide his exhaustion from the rest of his family. José notices and pounces on it. Alejandro continues to deny it, because he will not give his brother the satisfaction of having won yet another battle.
All the stress and exhaustion comes to a head after a few nights. Alejandro hopes for a dreamless night, and is instead greeted by a nightmare.
He's attending one of his parent's many galas, and his outfit is atrocious. He's sweating profusely. His hair is plastered to his face. Try as he might, it refuses to go back into place. He's a truly unforgiveable sight. He tries to sneak off so he can find something else to change into. Despite his appearance, no one is paying any attention to him. He finds out why as he goes through a guest.
He's running as fast as he can now. He's going through so many people, everything is blurring together. It all comes to a halt as he crashes into a wall he can't see. As he falls backwards, he sees that he's now in a terrarium.
Outside, his much larger brother and parents are talking to each other. Alejandro can't make out what they're saying, but he can see them laughing. He gets up and bangs on one of the walls. His brother flicks his gaze towards his little brother.
Finally, a break. He know Jose hates him, but he'd never truly hurt Alejandro. Alejandro knows this. He has to believe this. Jose could hurt him physically, mentally, and emotionally, but even he wouldn't leave Alejandro to die.
He'd just deliver a potential vehicle of death to Alejandro's doorstep, is all.
Their parents are gone, and it's just him and Jose now.
"Relájate, hermanito," Jose cooes as if he's talking to an infant, "Nadie espera que seas más de lo que eres. ¡Deberías estar agradecido de haber estado cerca de una fracción de mis logros! Sabes exactamente lo que te mereces por eso, ¿no?"
Jose lifts the lid of the terrarium up. He reaches a massive hand down towards Alejandro. Alejandro wants to climb up and away, but the walls are too smooth. They're closing in. All that there is is the hand, ready to grab him, crush him, throttle him, any variety of things.
He can do nothing to stop it. He was a fool for ever thinking he could. He closes his eyes shut in an instinctive fear he can't hold back anymore. He's hoping he can bring himself to fight. He's silently begging for his brother to be merciful enough to make it quick.
The hand that grabs him is much more gentle than he expects. He struggles to be free, but the grip is tight enough to stop much movement. There is no squeeze. It is weight without malice, and cool to the touch.
He feels something the size of a tree trunk gently brush his hair away from his face. He lets out a gasp of air he had been craving for far too long. He tries to open his eyes. He feels the tears sweat from earlier is sticking his eyelids shut. He shudders. His arms are pinned, so he can't move to fix wipe his eyes.
Suddenly, he's being moved higher and higher. He hears steady flapping from above. The pace is slow enough to where the wind is just a gentle breeze soothing his clammy skin.
He feels his captor descending, and he's unceremoniously dropped to the ground. He wipes his eyes and stands up. He's dressed to the nines. He sees other figures roaming about. He can see how they sneak a glance his way, then happily chitter amongst themselves.
"Mijo, no te quedes ahí parado," his mother says as she suddenly slips through the crowd. This is how he remembers this is a dream. His mother would never refer to him so colloquially, "Entra, tu juramento está por comenzar."
"Un momento, madre. Hay algo que debo hacer primero."
She clucks her tongue, another informal mark of unreality, and leaves him be.
Alejandro turned around, but all he could see were faceless guests.
"You can come out. I know you're here." Alejandro felt the ground behind him quake slightly, and turned to look up at Noah.
"Sure you want to waste your time with me? The dream isn't going to last forever."
"What did you do?"
"Took you out of your own nightmare. Brought you into one of José's dreams. And before you throw a fit, this is one he already let me have. He's nowhere here."
"Alright, that brings me to my next question. Why?"
"Is it really so hard to believe I did something out of the goodness of my miserable excuse of a heart?"
"You're ridiculous," Noah groaned, rolling his eyes. "Fine, I did it because it's easier to get you sleeping if you actually want to sleep. Happy with that answer? Or do you want me to pull out my five step plan for sabotaging you?"
"Well, a little presentation would go a long way~" Alejandro teased. He was finally comfortable enough to find his own voice again.
"And congratulations, you've made me regret doing anything. I'm going back to insulting you the second you wake up."
"You can try, and it still won't work."
"It will. Now go on, you've got the rest of this dream and that's it."
Alejandro left Noah to go explore the rest of the ceremony of achieving the same position of his father as a Spanish ambassador.
He wakes up to find a small Noah clinging onto his chest. The demon had somehow managed to wriggle his way under one of Alejandro's arms and was using it as a blanket. He's still fast asleep. Alejandro tests how asleep by moving his arm slightly. Noah clings tighter to the arm, but otherwise doesn't stir.
Alejandro could just stand up. That would definitely force the smaller boy awake. ...But, as loathe as he is to admit, Noah did help him. So, possibly for the first time in his life, he decides to sleep in rather than wake up for his daily morning routine.
Noah grows a few inches, matching the height of Alejandro's knee, during their nap.
The two are still antagonistic towards each other, but it's nowhere near as bad as when they first met. Alejandro lords over Noah in the waking world, and Noah returns the favor in the dreaming. There is one added wrinkle, though.
Thanks to Alejandro's moment of weakness, Noah has gained the ability force Alejandro into taking a nap. It can only happen when he's already feeling tired, whether physically or mentally thanks to studying, or if he's doing a mindless task.
It's some of the best sleep Alejandro has ever had.
It aggravates him to no end.
When Noah isn't trying to convince Alejandro to give up on his dreams, he's either sleeping, or is reading one of the many books in the Burromuerto library if that's where Alejandro has decided to study.
Alejandro notices Noah struggling when he tries to get books to read due to his size. He offers to grab a book for Noah to bribe him into leaving Alejandro alone for this study session. Noah immediately starts taking advantage of this by questioning Alejandro about what kinds of books he has. Noah might as well get a book based on its contents rather than its weight.
The two start getting into book recommendations. Alejandro sweetens the deal by gifting Noah one of the books he no longer reads to get peace for as long as it takes for Noah to read the book. Noah accepts immediately and will cling to the book with his entire body when Alejandro tries to help him lift the book.
No. This is Noah's book now. No one else is allowed to touch it.
He's so possessive because human things are hard to come by in the demon realm. Only greed demons are able to carry human things back to the demon realm, so they've of course got a monopoly of jacked up prices. The only exception is if a demon properly owns a human thing. Or in this case, is gifted one.
So yeah, Noah will agree to let Alejandro touch it to carry it, but he's watching that thing like a hawk.
A few weeks pass like this. Eventually, José butts his way into Alejandro's life as he usually does. He gloats that their parents are planning to host a party for José to start making connections now as he's properly starting on his journey to becoming an ambassador.
The second he's gone, Noah and Alejandro start bonding by shit talking José.
Alejandro justifies trying so hard so that he can finally one up José. It's why he won't give in to sloth. Nothing good ever comes of doing nothing. Besides, it's one of the weakest of the sins, so it will be easy enough to overcome.
Noah argues that sloth isn't as terrible as Alejandro makes it out to be. It means actually getting rest when everything is overwhelming rather than chugging on through to crash and burn later. Taking a step back and doing nothing can lead to new ideas popping up because there is no longer stress preventing them. Hell, some innovation comes from humans being lazy and wanting a better way to do things.
Like any of the other sins, it's only bad when done in excess. And it can be worse than just being lazy. Having too much sloth means having too much apathy. Horrible people get away with atrocities when enough people are too lazy to do anything about it. It means nothing changes because nobody wants to change.
Noah reveals that underestimating sloth is exactly how José has absolutely screwed himself. José has given up his ability to dream. He thinks the only definition of that are his literal dreams at night, and that's what Noah has been feeding on so far.
They also mean his dreams about being an ambassador. His dreams of more. Dreams are heavily linked with desire and ambition. By the time Noah's done with him, José will be nothing more than a walking husk. He'll do the bare minimum needed to survive, but nothing more. Knowing he should long for something else but being unable to.
The only reason he hasn't done so immediately is if he does take it fully, it means his deal would be over, and no more being in the human realm.
This does remind Alejandro that he is having a casual conversation with a demon. Despite their current pleasantries, it would be a terrible thing to watch Noah get more creative in his interpretations of his deal with José. It's safer to keep him entertained than to let his mind wander.
It doesn't hurt that entertaining Noah has led to riveting conversation.
Still, he comes up with an idea to control Noah, and get himself some much deserved revenge. He asks if he could actually make a deal with Noah to get back at José.
Unfortunately Noah can't. Not because he doesn't want to. He's got no issues with taking José down a peg. He's just unable to make a deal with more than one human at a time. There are conflict of interest rules in place. Even if there weren't, he's still a teenager. He's not powerful enough to make multiple deals at a time yet.
But he knows a demon who'd be willing to help out.
Her name's Eva. She's a wrath demon. She's pretty straightforward. Tell her exactly what you want, and she won't try to screw with you so long as you don't do the same to her.
Alejandro is concerned about what her price would be, but he isn't going to say that directly. Instead, he comes up with a different plan to solve this in a way better than his brother had.
He asks about what kinds of things that Eva likes. Noah did mention that human objects were more difficult to come by in the demon world, yes? Alejandro could give something concrete rather than abstract. Everyone wins.
Noah doesn't say anything, but Alejandro can tell that Noah is impressed that he remembered something Noah had said. He must not have much chance to show off his knowledge in the demon realm.
Noah tells him that she likes music. All she's been able to scavenge is a very old, shitty MP3. Phones are more easy to come by, but with no service they're practically worthless. Besides, Eva's chill when she's not fully committing her job.
His only condition is Alejandro's going to have to agree to forget how to summon Eva after they've done the ritual. Eva doesn't like just anybody summoning her, and Noah respects that enough to not share it with others without her permission.
Alejandro agrees.
When the final word is spoken, he waits. And waits. and waits. It feels like he's been waiting for at least an hour. He's going to tap a hole in the floor with anticipation at this rate.
It can't be taking this long. The longer he waits, the longer José gets to prance around consequence-free. He deserves no peace for what he's put Alejandro through. His lips curl in disgust at the thought of his brother getting rewarded for all of his misdeeds. He wants to call his brother over, right here, right now. Just so he can throttle José himself-
"What do you want?" asked the demon who now stood in front of him. Her arms were crossed, and she looked annoyed to even be looking at him. Alejandro had to shake his head to head to let go of the pent-up rage he had suddenly developed.
"Hey iron woman." Noah commented from his current perch on a nearby bookshelf. Eva turned her attention away from Alejandro to see the smaller demon.
"Noah." Eva commented as she acknowledged him with a nod. Noah's face was still set with apathy, and Eva's with annoyance.
Yet Noah was wrapping his tail around his leg to prevent it from wagging as furiously as Eva's was.
"So, what do you want?" Eva repeated. The edge to her tone was dulled this time.
"I would like to make a deal with you. My brother is going to be at the center of a gala recently. I know he doesn't think as highly of others as he will pretend, so I would just like your help in making him more...honest about his true feelings." Noah sighed at this answer.
"You want a truth spell?" Eva asked. She turned to pay attention to Noah before Alejandro could form a response. "Why would you summon me for this?"
"He wants you to make his brother throw the rage fit to end all rage fits in front of an international audience."
"Then why didn't he just say that?"
"Because he doesn't know how to follow instructions."
"Then why'd you bring me a stupid one?" Eva asked Noah.
Alejandro had to bite his lip to stop himself from interrupting. He was being both ignored and insulted. He couldn't let this be his impression on anybody.
However, Noah knew this demon, while he did not. She clearly valued Noah's opinion over his own, so countering his opinion now would only serve to shut her off further from responding to the Spaniard.
"He has his moments," Noah replied, "Plus, you're going to like what he has to offer."
"Well?" Eva asked, turning her attention back to Alejandro.
"As Noah so tactfully implied, I do plan to offer a fair price," Alejandro said, glad to have control of the conversation again. He pulled out a small device he'd performed quite a bit of research to get his hands on. "I've heard that you are in need of more music. I have managed to find a top of the line mp3 player-"
"How many songs?" Eva interrupted. She was looking directly at Alejandro now.
"If I had to guess? A little over 20,000."
Eva's tail immediately dropped. He could see her mind move from processing that number, to grappling it, to understanding it. Her eyes shone with anticipation that she didn't bother to hide. Her tail was practically causing a minor tornado. Her hands were half clenched and shaking as if she was five seconds away from snatching the prized jewel Alejandro held in his hands.
"Ice Nine Kills."
"Ice Nine Kills. Silver Scream 2: Welcome to Horrorwood. We're moving up from there. Now gimme."
"Well, hold on. We still need to work out some of the finer details-"
"Fine, sure, we have the deal, whatever you want now give it to me."
Alejandro had to hide the smirk that was threatening to form on his face. He had no idea his offer would work this perfectly. All he had to do was seal-
"Eva!" Noah snapped. "You just offered a human 'whatever they want' in a deal."
"...Oh." Eva realized.
"Yeah, 'oh'." Noah glanced at Alejandro. "And don't think I didn't see that look in your eyes. I'm proctoring your deal."
"But-" both Eva and Alejandro tried to argue.
"It's happening."
With that, the two negotiated for a fair deal. Eva could stay in the human realm specifically to download as many songs as she wanted for her mp3 player, and to help Alejandro in his revenge. After that, she'd go back, and the mp3 player would be hers forever.
They both agree to it, and the deal is set. Noah and Eva spend some time catching up while Eva searches for music. Noah insists on catching up in private, which he obliges. After two failed attempts to eavesdrop.
The three of them plan exactly how to best humiliate José. Alejandro hadn't known quite what to expect with Eva, but he was pleasantly surprised. Her ideas were simple, direct, and brutal. They contrasted with Alejandro and Noah's more elaborate plans until they came to a consensus.
The party happens, and everything is set in place. Eva is invisible to everyone else, and is preparing elsewhere. Alejandro just needs to stay away from his brother so he doesn't realize something is amiss with Noah.
Alejandro knows that this is the perfect time to put himself out there. Especially since José's reputation is about to be shattered. He'll be remembered as the good Burromuerto this time around. Talking comes as second nature to him. All he has to do is talk, and just ignore Noah.
Noah, who's not having a good time at this party. Despite being invisible, his eyes are darting around everywhere as if they could see him. Thanks to being invisible, he's constantly having to avoid feet stepping on him. He's sticking as closely as he can to Alejandro, though he's not commenting on it at all.
Alejandro excuses himself to go to a more quiet part of the mansion forbidden to guests. Noah's visibly more relaxed as they get farther away from the crowd. But he does ask what Alejandro's doing.
Alejandro attempts to lie about being the one who needed space, but Noah shuts him down since he could see Alejandro lighting up when he talked to others. Alejandro will confess to noticing Noah and leaving since he knew Noah would follow. Their new partnership won't do well if one of them is in a near state of panic.
...Consider it returning the favor for the nightmare, if that helps.
Noah's quiet as he recognizes that this human is showing the closest thing to compassion that he can muster. He wants to say something, but the time of José's humiliation is nearing, and he wants to be there to see it. Alejandro makes his way back inside. He keeps Noah calm in the crowd by having him perch on his shoulder, and quietly making fun of the guests as they pass.
Eventually, José's breakdown begins. It works gloriously. He's swearing at other ambassadors. He's throwing things. At one point he's about to let loose of of the skeletons in the Burromuerto's family closet, but he's dragged away before he can. Alejandro has to hide his laughter, though Noah has no need to.
Unfortunately, it means that Noah has broken the deal on his end because he's intentionally let Alejandro beat Jose in something: not causing an international scandal. He gets pulled back to the demon realm and as punishment, can't answer any summons for at least a year unless it's for him specifically.
Alejandro's heartbroken to have Noah ripped away from him. He'd grown rather fond of having the demon around. He can't ask Eva for more help because she disappeared once José's scandal ended. He tries to find the book José used to summon Noah, but it was shredded. José was smart enough to guess that a demon had something to do with his irrational behavior.
Alejandro spends the next few weeks obsessing over finding the right summoning circle. His grades are slipping the tiniest amount, and he can't bring himself to care. He forces himself to sleep. He hopes that will somehow increase his chances of finding Noah. They feel empty without Noah to watch. He has no idea how to find one for Noah specifically, though he certainly does try. He settles for the next best thing: trying a generic summoning circle with the first gift Alejandro gave him as a conduit. Maybe he could at least find a demon who'd be willing to make a deal to help him get in touch with Noah.
This is incredibly dangerous and stupid, but the risk is worth it.
His stomach growls as he finishes the circle. He's been so focused on his work. He doesn't remember the last time he's eaten. He could leave to grab a quick bite-
No, no. He knows what this is. These thoughts aren't his. They can't be Noah's either. Noah's never cared much for-
stuffing his face until he can take no more. His body is a temple, and it deserves to be lavished. He's salivating, and must force himself not to run for the kitchen.
He's rewarded for his discipline with a large, blond demon who calls himself Owen.
He explains the situation to Owen, but no sooner does he utter Noah's name that Owen lights up.
"Ooooh, YOU'RE AL!!!"
Owen immediately starts going on about how Noah's his best friend. Which confuses Alejandro. He'd assumed Eva was Noah's best friend. She was stoic, blunt, and had common sense. She made sense.
This oaf with no volume control did not.
Owen keeps going on regardless of Alejandro's thought process. He completely outs Noah as being a mess thinking he'd never see Alejandro again. Noah was sleeping even harder than was normal for him, he was talking about Alejandro a lot you name it!
So of course Owen will be happy to get the two connected again!
Owen does want to give Alejandro Noah's summoning circle/number, but Alejandro did summon him so it does have to be some kind of deal. Uh...What's the nearest snack he's got? Owen'll take that.
He shares the information, then immediately leaves to go tell his little buddy that Alejandro plans to summon him.
Alejandro changes the circle to summon Noah with fervor.
When Alejandro summons Noah he feels as if every worry he's ever had has melted away. He wants to lay his head on Noah's lap and look up at him. He wants to reach up and tease his fingers through Noah's hair. He wants to trick Noah into leaning down so they can share a kiss and shift to nuzzling together. No more fighting to be on top. Just this once.
They're both blushing when Noah does get summoned because uh they both felt THAT. Neither of them meant that to be the way to confess but uh, whoops.
The two make a deal: "I'll help you get revenge on Jose until you're satisfied (knowing that with Alejandro, he never will be), and you'll let me stay in the human realm for as long as I want."
"Change that to for as long as I live."
"Still don't trust me?"
"I have to put some limits on you mi gatito travioso. Besides, now I know you have an investment in keeping me alive."
"You're terrible."
"Says the demon."
There are many ways to seal a deal with a demon.
They seal this one with a kiss.
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── ༊*·˚⋆ 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗲
paring: florence pugh x fem!reader
tag(s): fluff (?), kinda possessive flo (but not really), i love raffie so much
warning(s): mentions of alcohol, kinda possessive behavior, grammatical errors, unedited
word count: 1.9k
request: you can find the request here
note: IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG, nonnie, but it's finally here, also the winner of the poll. I really hope you like it, I had so much fun writing it. I feel like the ending is kinda trash, but oh well whatever. I'm not an english speaker, so please let me know about any sort of mistake. Hope you guys enjoy! <3
requests are open! + check my rules here + masterlist <3
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You were trying to pay attention to what Raffie was saying, you really were, but you couldn't focus on her words with Florence's hot breath on your neck. 
“And then he just ghosted me,” she finished. “Can you believe he did that, Y/n?”
Hearing her calling out your name snapped you out of your thoughts. 
“I cannot believe he did that, Raffie,” you shook your head, trying to convince your best friend that you had been listening to her for the last five minutes. 
“He’s a dick,” Florence said behind you. 
You were sitting on her lap, her hands wrapped tightly around your waist, butterflies in your stomach. If it were up to you, you would be sitting next to her instead of on her, but she had made that call for you. 
In fact, ever since she had found out about your little crush on her, she became more touchy with you. And you had let her, something you shouldn't have done since it was frustrating because she only saw you as her little sister’s best friend. But you couldn’t deny her touch, after all those years of secretly yearning for it. Even though you knew she was just messing with you, you would allow it, you would allow it to mess with you even though it would just tear you apart. 
“Anyways,” Raffie continued, “a friend of his is having a party tonight, and I was wondering if you guys would come with me. As moral support?”
“Moral support? What for? He’s a douchebag, what could you possibly want with him?” you raised your brow at her. 
Raffie wasn’t the one to go after boys, boys usually went after her. So it was a surprise to hear from her that she wanted to look for the guy. 
“I just want to repay the favour,” she had a grin on her face. 
Of course, she would want revenge, that sounded more like her. 
You playfully rolled your eyes at her, “What are you up to, huh?”
“I promise I will tell you later if you come with me.”
“I don’t know, Raff. You know how I feel about parties.”
“Oh, come on,” you heard the blonde say behind you. “I’ll be there, we will have fun, we can get drunk and dance a little bit.”
“Flo, you know that I don’t like—”
“Pretty please, Y/n,” you looked at her over your shoulder, her green eyes locked on yours. “Please,” she whispered once more before leaving a sweet soft kiss on your bare shoulder. 
The simple action set your skin on fire. She knew exactly what she was doing, she knew exactly all the feelings she would burst inside you. Some part of you thought that maybe she was taking advantage of you, but honestly you couldn’t care less as long as you had her attention. 
You gulped before speaking up, “Fine,” you smiled at her. 
She had the biggest grin you had seen on her the entire day. She was going to be the death of you and you would gladly accept that fate as long as she was part of it. 
“Yay!” Raffie cheered, reminding you that she was still in the room. “Y/n, please let me do your makeup,” she said, not waiting for an answer and running up to her room. You rolled your eyes at your best friend even though she was long gone. 
You felt the hands around your torso getting tighter, and once again you remembered exactly where you were, sitting on Florence’s lap, your back against her chest, her breath on your neck. You wanted to tell her to stop, some part of you wanted to move away from her, but you just couldn’t find the strength in you to do something about it. 
“I bet Raffie is also looking for an outfit for you,” she mumbled, she had her head buried in the crook of your neck, her breath sending shivers up your spine. “And I bet you are going to look so hot in it,” your heart skipped a beat and you felt the blood rushing up to your cheeks when she left a small wet kiss on your neck. 
You closed your eyes for a second, trying to form some coherent thoughts, but your brain was too foggy to think properly, getting drunk on her scent and closeness. You hadn’t realised your breath had gotten heavier until Florence had pointed it out. 
“You okay, love?” she whispered in your ear. “Your breathing is uneven and your heart is beating pretty fast.” 
You knew she knew exactly why your body was acting up the way it was, she was just messing with you, as she usually did.  
“I um,” you found her eyes already looking at you, your brain was struggling to find words.
“You…?” she trailed off, singling for you to continue. 
“I was just, I um—”
“Y/n, what do you think about this skirt?” Raffie cut you off walking down the stairs. You let out the breath you were holding, glad that you didn’t have to answer her big sister. “I know what you're going to say: ‘Oh, but Raffie, it’s so short. I could never’,” she said in a high pitch, resembling your voice. 
“I don’t sound like that,” you gave her a death glare. 
“Yeah, you do. But whatever, just go and try this on, okay? You will look sexy,” she winked at you and handed you the clothes. 
“But Raffie the party doesn’t start until late at night,” you whined. 
“Late at night? Y/n, we have only three hours! Just go and get dressed,” she pulled you up and led you to her bedroom upstairs. “I’m going to buy some things for the party, Florence will stay with you, okay? I’ll be right back,” she blew you a kiss goodbye and closed the door behind her. 
While you were undressing yourself to try out the outfit Raffie had put together for you, you heard her saying goodbye to her sister downstairs and telling her to behave. You once again rolled your eyes at your best friend. She knew about your crush on her sister, you told her ever since you had realised that your feelings for the blonde had changed. She also knew how Florence would be around you, always touching you, flirting with you, or just staring at you. Raffie didn’t know if her sister was just playing around or actually meant all of those things, she never talked about you with her. Not that she hadn’t tried, she had, repatelly. But Florence would always shut down and change the subject. So she gave up a while ago. 
You had already put the skirt and the top Raffie had chosen for you, it was way more revealing than what you would normally wear. But you didn’t seem to mind it. You were looking at yourself in the mirror when you heard the door being opened behind you. 
“I knew you would look hot,” she stopped closer to where you were standing. “But then again, you always look hot.”
You watched her through the mirror, she had changed into a tight short black dress with some pink flowers on it. Your eyes trailed down to her legs, and you swallowed hard when you noticed how short the dress was. She noticed you were ogling her. 
“How do I look?” she smiled at you. 
“You look beautiful, Flo. You always do,” you whispered the last part, but Florence had already heard it. 
“If you don’t want to go to the party, we don’t have to, Y/n,” you watched as she got closer to you and placed her hands on your shoulder. 
“It’s okay, I want to,” you flashed her a smile. “I have a good feeling about this one.”
Which was true. You didn’t know what it was, maybe the fact that Florence was going to be there, the fact that Raffie was getting her ‘revenge’, or maybe you just felt comfortable in the clothes Raffie had picked for you, that you didn’t mind going to a stranger’s house and have a little bit of fun. 
“Well, that’s good,” she rested her chin on your shoulder, her arms wrapped around your waist, making your stomach turn. 
You were in the kitchen, trying to pour yourself a glass of water. You felt like you had already had too much alcohol, your head was spinning and the music was getting louder and louder. 
You had been dancing the whole night with Florence, and you had been right, you did have fun. But you were getting overwhelmed by all the people surrounding you.
Once you gulped down the water you felt a little bit better, and shook those feelings away. 
“Hey!”, you heard an unfamiliar voice calling behind you. 
Slowly, you turned around to see a boy standing in front of you. He appeared to be a few years older than you, and by the way he was standing you could tell he had one too many drinks as well.
“Everything’s good, I was just heading out actually,” you tried to walk away from him but he grabbed you from your wrist. 
“Hey, don’t run, we just met. I’m Dick,” he sounded nice, the soft grip on your wrist telling you he meant no harm. 
He noticed you were looking down at his hand, and quickly let go.
“Sorry,” he slurred, “You’re just really pretty,” you watched as his cheeks turned red.
“Sure,” you playfully rolled your eyes. 
“I’m serious,” he chuckled. “I didn’t catch your name, tho.”
“Oh, right, sorry. I’m Y/n.”
“Y/n,” he tried your name on his lips, liking the sound of it. 
Unbeknownst to you, a certain blonde was looking at the two of you chatting. She felt as her skin set on fire the closer he got to you and the more you would laugh at whatever he was saying. 
What could he possibly be saying that you would make you laugh so hard? Was he really that funny? There was no way he was that funny. She needed to do something about it. 
The truth was Florence also had a crush on you, as cliche as it sounded, falling for her little sister’s best friend. But how could she not when it was you who she fell for? You were just too cute, and caring, and compassionate, she felt like she might just explode by just looking at you. And she could not have you talking to some stupid, probably drunk, guy. She quickly made her way towards the two of you, determined to put an end to whatever that was.
“Oh, there you are, baby,” you heard a familiar voice saying and a familiar pair of lips kissing your left cheek. “Who’s this, love?”
“Um, this is Dick. Dick this is Florence…”
“Her girlfriend, and not just her friend who is a girl,” she winked at him. 
“What are you…?” you tried, but Dick’s voice got you off.
“Oh, shoot, I’m sorry. I just thought… I’m just going to leave,” Dick said, clearly embarrassed by the whole situation. 
“What was that about?” you snapped at her. 
“I did you a favour, Y/n. He was no good,” she simply smiled at you. 
“You don’t get to do that, Florence. Not cool.”
“Oh, come on, Y/n.”
“No, I’m serious. Don’t pull that shit on me.”
“Or what?”
“Are you serious right now?”
“Dead serious,” she said, trapping your body against the counter. 
Your heart skipped a beat by the sudden action, she was way too close. You could feel her breath on your lips. 
“Don’t you see it, Y/n?” she whispered, but loud enough for you to hear through the music. “You made me go crazy.”
“You're mine, Y/n. Mine,” and finally her soft warm lips met yours.
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hollandsfavbabe · 6 months
Where Do We Go Now
pairing: peter parker x stark!reader
synopsis: in which the death of y/n's father leaves her determined to bring him back and her boyfriend peter determined to save her
warnings: endgame aftermath, death, parental loss, isolation, suicide attempt (but magical?), it gets better - I promise
word count: 7.1k
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a/n: Hey guys. This is going to be a bit longer than my usual notes, but I feel like I should explain why I've been gone for so long and why this story is a lot sadder than my usual ones. My community has been riddled with tragedy recently as we've lost a lot of people to suicide this past year, some of which have been as young as middle school age. One of my friends died by suicide a couple months ago. I can't express to you guys how hard it's been trying to deal with the pain and the guilt his death has caused me and my loved ones. So many days have passed where I wish I could've been a better friend for him while he was here. It hurts more knowing that other people are hurting too. Writing this was the best way for me to cope for many reasons. I wanted to write about how I'm feeling and honor my friend in some way even if it's through a silly little fanfiction. I know I'm late, but I also wanted to honor one of my favorite characters, Tony Stark as he canonically died this past October. That being said, if you are struggling please, I implore you, talk to someone. There are so many people on this planet who would be so torn without you. My dms are always a safe space if you need anything at all <3
Also I'd like to thank Gracie Abrams for her music that I had on repeat the entire time I was writing this. I hope you like it!
“I am Iron Man.”
The words replayed in your head, over and over like a broken record with no one to turn it to a new tune. That’s exactly how you felt. So alone in your grief that even if miraculously every wish you'd ever made in the whole of your existence had been granted, it still wouldn’t be enough to make you happy again. To make you feel anything besides the constant regret and incessant grief that anchored you down as you wasted away in your bed.
It had been exactly a week since the passing of the great Tony Stark. Everyone else in the compound had mourned their coworker, riddled by a somewhat lesser version of your sadness for only a few days after his death. It’s not as if their grief had been washed away as if it never stained their cheeks with tears or weighed down their hearts with sorrow, but it eased much quicker than yours and before long they could continue their duties. Everything was so much harder for you because Tony hadn’t just been a coworker. He was your father.
You relieved every memory you had of him like bittersweet torture. You remembered when he held you as a little girl, wiping up a bloodied knee. When he discovered you had powers and helped you control them. Later on when he banned you from joining in on the Avenger’s Civil War and afterwards when he thanked you for sneaking in to help anyway. You could almost feel his comforting embrace as if it was only yesterday that he was assuring you before a failed battle against the mad Titan Thanos, the same one that left you dusted and missing your father’s last five years on Earth. And finally, of course, you remember his last moments all too well. It played out before you like the tragic ending of a stage play. 
“Let me do it,” you shouted over the sound of war cries and carnage that surrounded you on the packed battlefield. “I can take it!”
You were almost certain that your power, your immeasurable magic, could handle the debilitating strength of the Infinity Stones making you the most reasonable choice for snapping Thanos and his army out of existence, but your father refused to risk losing his eldest.
“No,” he breathed, the metal plate shielding his chest rising and falling from the heat of the action. There was only one way to succeed, only one way to put a stop to the destruction of the universe. It had to be him. “I won’t risk losing you, not while you’re still so young. You have so much life ahead of you.”
“Not without you!” you cried, a tear streaming from your eye.
There wasn’t much time for your conversation as the world was moments away from being wiped of its human history, but despite the odds your father pulled you into a tight hug, as if he knew it would be the last. You both did.
“You are the strongest person I’ve ever known and I’m so proud of what you’ve become already.” he smiled when you finally pulled apart.
“I need you dad,” you sobbed, still reluctant to let him leave you. With the threat of his death, suddenly Thanos’ defeat didn’t matter anymore. Not nearly as much as having your father by your side. “I’m not ready.”
Your dad looked down on you with the saddest of smiles, but if any part of him was upset about his decision, he made no other hint toward it. He just held you close for as long as possible and comforted you in the way that you could always count on him for. In the way, it hit you, that you could never count on him for again. But yet, in the face of death, he cradled you close and spoke in his signature fatherly tone: assertive yet on the edge of softness.
“No one’s ever ready -,” he answered truthfully. “- but I know you can handle it. You always do.”
You looked up at him as he finally pulled away and headed towards the purple giant, but not before turning to you for one final declaration.
“I love you, junior, to the edge and back again.”
And then he was gone. You never got the chance to say it back.
Yours was the last name he uttered before his heart stopped beating and the light on his suit went out. By then Pepper had already said her goodbyes and you both were huddled close to his body, weeping as the other Avengers knelt around you in honor of your father. Peter was hunched behind you, one hand on your shoulder while the other worked to wipe away his own tears. Oh Peter, you had your father to thank for him.
It was Tony who was credited with setting you up with your long term boyfriend, Peter Parker, even if it was a complete accident. You two had gotten acquainted on a fateful plane ride to Germany and eventually ended up together after many failed attempts at confessing your feelings. There was something about him that had you smitten with him from your first encounter, your liking only strengthened when you learned that your father approved. He’d been with you through thick and thin and even now, Peter was the only person who could even remotely share your pain besides Pepper. Tony was like his father too.
He’d taken care of you ever since the incident. Brought you food and water, helped you dress in your black attire for the funeral, laid with you in your bed each night to calm you whenever you awoke in a nightmarish terror. He showed his love for you prevailing over his grief in the most selfless of ways and yet all you had managed to do since you father’s funeral was stand to use the restroom every once in a while. It piled on more weight that your poor soul could already take. You were nothing, but a miserable burden now.
The door to your room opened with squealing hinges as Peter stepped in, returning from school where he had spent the morning reuniting with your shared friends and finding out when the official return date was. You were supposed to join him, but instead you hadn’t moved an inch since he left. It wasn’t as if you wanted to waste the entire day in your lonely sheets again. You yearned for everything to go back to how it was; when Peter was happy and you could share it with him. When your father used to smile upon the two teens he didn’t mean to bring together. When your father was alive.
“Hey,” he said, softly as if not to startle you from your endless torturous pondering. He set something down on your dresser, a small stack of papers he must have gathered from the school, and removed his fall coat before sauntering over to you. The bed creaked and shifted under his weight as he took a seat next to you. “Good news, we don’t have to go back until the next semester so we get a break until January. Ned was asking about you. He wants to know how you’re doing.”
You turned your head to look at him, your eyes red-rimmed from all of your crying and your lips cracked and dry.
“What did you tell him?” you croaked, your voice hoarse from under use. There was little to talk about and no one else to talk to whenever Peter wasn’t around. Pepper had visited you once, but with Morgan to look after, she couldn’t spare much time for her late husband’s grieving daughter. You’d seen Happy a couple times as well, but he needed his own time to recover and reflect on his past time with his best friend.
Peter was gentle as he tucked some of the hair strands snot cemented to your jaw behind your ear and cupped your cheek in his palm. He was cold from the autumn chill outside, but his hand ignited the same soothing heat that his touch always brought forth.
“I said you were recovering,” he answered truthfully. “And that it’s different for everyone. And no matter how long it takes, I’m here for you every step of the way.”
The ghost of a smile graced your lips and had it not felt like it stopped beating after losing your father, your heart may have fluttered in its cavity in your chest.
“Thanks Peter,” you curled closer to him in the most sincere of ways. “But I’m afraid it’s going to be a while before I can get up to see Ned again. Give him my best.”
“Take your time. I’m sure he understands.” Peter assured before pulling off his flannel and laying down beside you to wrap you in his arms, allowing you to tuck your face in his chest. As unhappy as you were, all the swirling emotions of suffering were always suppressed by the sound of Peter’s heart and the feel of his body around yours. You stayed like that for a while, holding each other before Peter broke the silence as it neared time for your midday meal.
“I think you should come with me today,” Peter suggested, rising to run his daily lunch retrieval before running a loving hand through your hair. You couldn’t understand how he hadn’t gotten sick of you yet. You hadn’t been able to wash in over a week. “It’s not good for you to stay here all day long. You need to start moving.”
His voice was full of worry, though he wasn’t overbearing. He wanted the best for you, it’s all he ever wanted really.
“I don’t know Peter, I don’t think I can.” you sighed as tears started to fill your eyes again. How could anyone stand to be around you when you were being so pathetic. You wished there was a way to erase your pain, anything to bring you to your normal self again.
“It's okay baby,” Peter hugged you into a tight embrace, kissing your tears as they fell in slow salty streams. “I know it hurts, I feel it too. But I read somewhere that the best thing to do is keep a consistent routine. Maybe you should start today. Come get lunch with me.”
You wanted to agree, but there was no part of you that could move from the weight of your grief. It pressed you down, gravity multiplied by the mass of your sadness as it consumed you. It felt as if only a miracle could save you now.
“I’m so sorry.” you stated with remorse, but Peter made no move to share his disappointment if he had any at all. Instead he leaned down from his seated position and placed his lips on your forehead, a gesture as if to say that all was alright.
“Please don’t cry, y/n. It’s okay.” he assured you before standing to leave and get you something that you figured you probably wouldn’t even eat very much of.
“I’ll be right back,” he promised, turning the handle of your door to leave before looking back at you sprawled on your bed. Suddenly, as if he had recalled the cure to the rainiest of days, he expression shifted to one of great excitement as he stopped back into your room.
“I almost forgot,” he began. “Doctor Strange was here earlier. He wanted me to tell you he’s offering some meditation sessions for you if you’re interested. He said they’d be good for your powers and that they might help you feel better if you want to think about it. He’s free at 8 tomorrow.”
You nearly perked up at the sound of the man’s name, picking up your head to cast a last longing glance at Peter as he waited for a parting word.
“Thanks,” you managed. “I’ll let you know.”
And off Peter went to get you both something to eat.
You weren’t sure if he knew how dangerous it was for you to be left with your thoughts, how the mention of the magic doctor sprouted a myriad of mystical ideas all aimed at the same goal that would erase your eternal lonesome aching. How to bring your father back. By the time Peter returned with his hands full of two homemade sandwiches and more sweets than the two of you could ever finish in one sitting, your mind had been made up and you were ready to set the plan in motion.
The following evening was your first time out of the confines of your rooms for days. Peter had helped you greatly with all the tasks you did not have the mental power to do all on your own. He had brushed your hair and made your bed and before you left in one of the less expensive cars held on Avenger’s campus, he sent you off adorned with one of his favorite sweatshirts, a peck on the forehead and enough I love you’s to last more than a lifetime.
You pulled the sleeve of Peter’s sweatshirt over your palm as you drove off, using the cloth to wipe away fresh tears that had fallen after you left your boyfriend’s loving gaze. You’d always been an overthinker, but your bad habits crept up on you worse in your unbreakable stage of sadness. Especially in your father’s favorite car.
You didn’t understand why he hadn’t left you already. Maybe he would. Peter had offered to join you at Strange’s, but after you insisted you had to go alone, he made plans to go help his Aunt May figure out their apartment situation as the pair had been inadvertently kicked out after being gone for so many years. You’d almost forgotten he used to split his nights between the compound and his own bedroom. Recently he’d only stay with you.
He promised to be back before dinner so that the two of you could keep up your progress, but an unsolicited voice within you convinced you that he wouldn’t want to return. You weren’t good enough for him anymore, not like you used to be. Your plan was better for the both of you and as you pulled up to the familiar building on Bleecker Street, all the pieces started to fall into place.
You stepped up to the door, raising your fist to knock only for the door to crack open by itself as if to invite you in. You waited for the familiar sternness of Doctor Strange’s voice to greet you once you were past the stone floored foyer, but only wisps of the autumn breeze caught your ear. 
“Strange?” you called, your voice still not stable enough to be louder than a whispery dialogue. You were met with no response. It was just like you had planned. The wizard wasn’t home.
You felt a strong tug towards the room of your desires, the forbidden library. It was as if fate was leading you or some other force from above, another sign that you were meant to do it.
Your steps were more sure than they had been in days as you made your way to the self, passing any magical fire walls with the sheer unfiltered strength of your powers. Strange once told you that they were guided by your emotion, the quintessential essence of every magic holder even to people like you and Wanda Maximoff who were outside of his world protecting wizard cult. It was easier than it should have been, like slicing paper with a katana, you broke each enchantment until all that was left was the cool leather cover of the book you were looking for. The book with every answer you needed inside its ancient yellowing pages, but you only needed the spell that would revive your father. Locating it near the middle of the book, your tore out the page and turned back to your car, leaving the Sanctum with the same unhurried pace you had entered it with. There was no stopping you now.
Peter was only an half an hour late for your agreed meet up time when he arrived at the campus. He expected you’d be in your room as per usual and as he made his way to your door, the excitement of getting to hold you and talk about your first day out of the campus since the funeral built up in his chest. He wasn’t sure if any accomplishment in the world could make him as proud as he was of you. With two brown paper bags of groceries in his hand, he couldn’t wait to shower you in the affection that you deserved with all of your favorite snacks, enough to share of course.
“Y/n,” he smiled, using his webbing to open your door handle only to find, much to his disappointment, that you were nowhere to be found.
He checked all over campus, leaving the bags by your bed. No one had seen you since you’d left and the spot where the car you’d taken was still empty, the normally pristine concrete covered in fallen crisp maroon leaves. It didn’t make any sense. Where could you possibly have gone?
“Y/n!” he called, circling the perimeter of the campus looking for you. There was still no sign of your reappearance. “Y/n- oh. Hi Ms. Maximoff.” Peter forced a strained smile as he nearly bumped into the woman.
“Peter, we’ve been over this,” Wanda answered, her voice calm. “You can call me Wanda.”
Like you, the witch hadn’t been doing the best in recent days as she had lost something just as valuable as a father: her partner. While she occasionally had days where the ground would’ve been lucky to feel the grace of her step, her superhero duties had kept her from spending each day hidden from society. She had a different way of coping, but like others, she seemed to start getting back into routine again.
“Right, sorry Wanda.” Peter apologized.
“What are you doing out here?” inquired the witch in her native Sokovian accent, always intuitive. “Is something wrong?”
“It’s y/n. I can’t find her anywhere and we agreed to meet back here nearly - an hour ago!” Peter pulled up his coat sleeve to check the time on his watch, the face of which bore a picture of him and your father from only a few months before the snap. It had been a birthday gift, one of his favorites in fact, though it couldn't top what you had given him the same year: a lego set and your first kiss.
“I didn’t know that she got out of bed. That’s a big step!” 
“Yes it is and we were going to celebrate tonight, but she hasn’t come back yet which is really not like her.” worried Peter.
“Where did she go?”
“Strange’s. He was going to give her a meditation lesson for her powers.”
Confused, Wanda's eyebrow furrowed and she crossed her arms over her chest. “Doesn’t she know how to use them already?”
“Yes, but he thought it would help her manage her grief. Working out is a pretty common method, but she hates going to the gym so he figured some meditation would be better for her and -“
“Wait, hold on. Did she go to him this morning?”
“Yes and she was supposed to be back around noon, but it’s nearly six and she’s still gone.” Peter explained.
“Peter!” Wanda chided. She couldn't believe he could make such a grave mistake.
“Strange hasn’t been at the Sanctum all day!”
“What?! Where is he?”
“Do I look like a wizard to you?" the witch gestured to her casual leggings and cardigan pairing that drastically differed from Strange's usual eccentric costumes. "How should I know?”
As if summoned by the topic of conversation, a figure appeared in the distant grass, hovering over the blades until he was close enough to be able to walk. His cape that flowed in the breeze like a blood red stream with a mind of its own was a dead give away. Doctor Strange had indeed arrived in the flesh.
“Parker,” he greeted, though he did not smile. “Is Ms. Stark ready for our lesson?”
Peter’s eyes went wide as he realized his mistake.
“Oh no.” he muttered, shaking his head in defeat. He was met with confusion from the wizard.
“No?” Strange repeated. “We agreed upon 8 didn't we? I know I'm a little early, but I assumed she wouldn't be busy. Didn’t you let her know I was coming?”
“Yes,” Peter confirmed. “I told her to be ready and then I sent her off to your place at 8… am.”
“What?!” Strange exclaimed as he summoned a portal to appear leading directly to his found home on Bleecker Street. He stepped through the fiery ring, a silent invitation for the others to follow as he hurried passed your car, up the steps, and into the door which did not part of him the same way it had earlier. Inside he was met with the most frightful of discovers accompanied by the looming feeling of doom as the situation became clear.
The Sanctum, unguarded with his absence, lay littered with books that had fallen from their homes on his shelf’s yet one stood out from all the others. It laid on the floor open with its pages to the ground while every other book was shut. Levitating it with the simple flick of his wrist, a horrifying sight awaited Strange as he turned it over. One of the pages in the sacred book was missing.
“Do you know how serious this is?!” Strange exclaimed and although Peter at first took it as a barbed criticism aimed directly at him, he was able to distinguish Strange’s tone from when he was reprimanding. This was a separate kind of worry, the sort of tone that he had used heavily on the fated spaceship you three had been stuck in until you landed on Titan, Thanos’ home world, nearly five years ago. Treachery was afoot and if your powers were involved, the whole fabric of your current reality could change.
“Which one did she take?” Wanda pointed to the book, clearly noticing the giant tear in its center.
Strange’s voice answered, heavy with concern. “The revival spell.”
“You don’t think she knows, do you? She can’t possibly know how to conjure it.” asked Wanda, the same concern for their future written all over her face.
“That’s exactly what I think.” Strange confirmed.
“What?” Peter asked. “What are you guys talking about?”
“There are many types of magic, Parker, and the Sanctum, the building where you sent your girlfriend, is full of all of them, good and bad alike. Every spell comes with a price, the bigger the spell, the bigger the price and the spell she took comes with one of the biggest prices there is to pay.”
“Think about it, Peter,” Wanda paled. “What does y/n want most in the world right now?”
It hit Peter harder than fresh fallen hail. You were going to try to bring your father back.
“We have to find her. Now.”
Strange tried to use his sling ring to appear wherever you were, but in your grief, the extent of your powers had grown massively. Intentionally or not, you managed to prevent even the most powerful of wizards from using his Sling Ring to access your location.
“She's blocked me out.” Strange frowned. “We’re going to have to track her on foot.”
“She can’t be far,” Peter agreed. “She always takes the shortest path whenever she wants something.” It was one of the many things he loved about you: your ability to turn any taxing task into something much simpler. You were one of the cleverest people he knew. He just hoped it didn’t work in your favor this time.
It was Wanda who had the idea of tracking your magic. She led them to the nearest withering woodland area, where trees with bare branches and dying leaves sprawled endlessly. It was the perfect place to perform dark magic, away from the unyielding eyes of society. The trio didn’t hesitate to run in.
The further they got, the closer you felt especially to Peter despite the fact that he was the only one without his own source of magic. If he lost you tonight, he feared he’d never feel any sort of magic ever again.
They were only half an acre in when Wanda and Strange called out in anguish, the witch falling to her knees while Strange stayed standing, pounding the air with his fist as his trying to break through an invisible barrier though it was to no avail. Whatever was holding him back, it wasn’t fading anytime soon.
“Keep going, Parker!” he shouted, urging Peter forward. “You’re the only one who can stop her. The spell will only allow that which she loves.”
“How do I do it?” Peter shouted. “How do I stop the spell?”
“The page,” Wanda replied, quicker than Strange could as his reply was easy for her to access. “You have to tear it apart.”
Without wasting a second more, Peter sprung back towards where he could feel you, running without fatigue as his superhuman endurance supplied him with plenty of energy.
It was only a minute later that he caught his first sign of you. There was a break in the tree line out of which a bright amber glow poured like an incandescent warning. It was a dramatic contrast from the normal comforting emerald greens of your magic, but it was you nonetheless and Peter didn’t stop until he was so close he had to shade his eyes from the light.
If it weren’t for the dark nature of what you were doing, Peter would’ve considered it one of the most beautiful events he’d ever seen take place. He wasn’t sure if the circle of trees that surrounded you had been a natural formation or one you made for the sake of the spell, but he was sure the way they seemed to bend to your will, despite the hard wood of their birch trunks, had to be because of your power. In the center of it all was you and the page you had stolen atop a pile of purple and golden leaves. You stood before it, eyes closed as you whispered some sort of incantation. Your powers spread above you in orange flickering flames as you outstretched your arms and summoned what looked like the beginnings of a portal, though it was hard to peer through like a bride covered in a veil of night black.
Peter shouted your name, screaming for you to stop, but you didn’t so much as flinch as the portal grew. You couldn’t hear him over the force of your will. He could start to feel what Wanda and Strange were trapped behind. There was some sort of invisible wall that threatened to push him back from you, but he couldn’t be defeated. He had to stop you. Step by step, he got closer and closer to you, watching in horror as your body was lifted from the ground and floated in midair. A new energy started weeping through the fabric that covered your chest, soft and white like a sheer glittering fabric. It drifted towards the portal and as Peter neared you he could make out the outline of a face forming from it in the black center of it. It started to take shape, growing a neck and a body and becoming more concrete than a fragmented part of your energy. He became more unmistakable as the color grew back into his face. Tony Stark, in the flesh. Peter hurried towards the page.
You opened your eyes to gaze into the face of your father, tears flowing down your face partially from the exhaustion of bringing him back and from being able to see him again.
You tried to say something, tell him how much you had missed him, but you were left rendered without a voice. Your words came out as mouthed nonsense, though it seemed he had regained his voice.
“Y/n,” he uttered, though it seemed more like a warning than a greeting after being torn from you for so long.
You mouthed something you knew he’d understand. I love you too, dad.
Some other force called your name, but you ignored it. You couldn’t focus on anything else, but the father you had lost regaining life right in front of you. With every part that he gained, you felt a part of your fade. It wasn’t painful, more numbing than anything like the final dose to end all your sadness. You couldn’t help but relish in it. You were bringing back one of the greatest men to ever live.
You were so distracted, you missed the web that landed on the page below you and pulled it away.
“Y/n,” your dad said again, nearly having enough of one of his legs to step out of the portal when suddenly, the inky blackness swallowed him whole again and dissolved in the forest light, taking back the only thing you ever wanted.
“NO!” you cried as your voice returned to you and you fell back down to the dry grass and dead leaves, crumpled on the forest floor as all of the magic you had summoned faded away save for the glittering cloud that returned to your chest with such force it made you cough. You had failed.
“Y/n!” someone called and you shuddered away from their hand on your shoulder as loud sobs erupted from you. 
“Leave me!” you begged. “Just leave!” Peter refused to leave your side, tossing behind him the page he had shredded into tiny scraps of paper as he knelt beside you, careful not to touch you again. “Why did you have to do that? Why did you take him from me?”
“You were going to die! I couldn’t let you di-“
Peter froze as you whimpered, the truth spreading above the both of you in the cold air like storm clouds as you cried to him.
“I want him back. Everyone wants him back. No one cares about his depressed daughter and I don’t want to hurt anymore, Peter.” you paused to take a deep breath. “It- it hurts so much.” you could barely get the words out as you were choked by your sobs. “It hurts knowing I could’ve saved him. It hurts knowing it should’ve been me that snapped those stupid stones. And I don’t want to live with that anymore. I had to try to bring him back for the world. It needs him more than it needs me.”
You brought a hand to your face, wiping away some of your tears, though it was no use as more came pouring out.
“I need you.” uttered Peter, looking into your glossy eyes. The sight of your tears and the echo of your screams couldn’t deter him from you. You can’t be repelled from the ones that you love.
“But you miss him, don’t you,” you argued as hot tears coated your face. “You want him back too.”
Peter nodded in agreement.
“I think about him everyday. Our moments together. Like this one time he saved me from drowning in a lake. Or-“ Peter grinned. “- remember when he caught us making out that one time before we told him we were together. He was so mad.” Peter smiled to himself, looking fondly on the memory until he began again.
“I miss him so much and it makes me so sad that I'll never see him again. But I wouldn’t trade you for him. I wouldn't trade you for anyone. You’re worth more to me than anyone else in the universe.”
Your sobs slowed yet the tears did not cease as they still cascaded down your face.
“It hurts me so much.” you restated.
Peter opened his arms. “May I?” he asked. You nodded and before you knew it, you were engulfed by a warmth unlike any other as Peter hugged you tight enough to make sure you wouldn’t try to leave him again.
“I know you do,” he related. "And I wish I could take it away. I wish I could just bag all your pain and throw it all away. But it doesn't work like that. It's going to hurt. It's going to be painful, so much so that you won't move from bed for days and days. You haven't." 
"But I feel like everyone else has already moved on. Why can't I?" you shivered.
"No one else was as close to him as you. Everyone else lost a friend. You lost a father. There's a big difference. You can't expect yourself to move on from it. That's not healthy. It's just like I said, I'm here for you no matter how long it takes. You have to take your time with it, don’t rush the process." Peter pressed the lightest of kisses to one of your dampened cheeks.
"I just don't know what to do."
As silly as it sounded in its simplicity you did as he instructed and inhaled deeply, allowing the air to coat your lungs that hadn’t been exposed to so much fresh air in a week. As you exhaled, you let out another sob in his arms, but somehow it felt better than all the others. You were not rid of your pain by any means and sadness still corroded your core, but for the first time in so long, you didn’t feel so hopeless. Peter placed another gentle kiss on your cheek, encouraging you as you took several more slow breaths and quiet cries until you found the strength to speak again.
“Was it like this for you when your parents died?” you wondered aloud as you pulled away from Peter to look into his chocolate brown eyes that you almost forgot you loved so much, yet not so far that he couldn't keep his arms around your frame that was still bearing his sweatshirt. You hadn’t spoken much about them before and while you weren’t sure where the question had arisen from, it felt like the right thing to ask.
“I was so young when they passed, sometimes I feel like they were never mine to begin with,” he admitted. “I took a couple days off school when it happened, but I don’t remember crying all that much. It’s tragic and sometimes it makes me sad that they’re gone, but I’m glad that it does. It’s a reminder that they were there for me in the first place, that I knew them enough to miss them. The grief is proof that I loved them while they were here.”
You were both silent for a moment as you thought about his words in relation to your situation. All your pain was put into perspective. Everything you had been through since he died, all the days you wasted away in bed, it was all the proof that you had loved him so much when he was alive and that you were still carrying the love you had left for him. You missed your father so much you were willing to die to get him back and for a moment, you almost did.
You parted from Peter’s arms to stand though you still grasped onto his hands as you weren’t strong enough to be upright on your own. You closed your eyes again and listened to the sound of the forest, the swaying of the leaves that still clung to their branches, the faint twittering of birds, and the calm of the sky that was oddly cloudless for autumn. The sound of your name falling from your father’s reformed lips was still faint in the air and for a moment you felt as though you were with him again.
You remembered when he taught you how to ride a bike one evening when you were only four. You remembered the day he pulled you from public school and started teaching you at home. You remembered the look of shock on his face when you showed him your powers for the first time and even more, you remember his pride when you completed your first mission with the Avengers (that he'd approved ahead of time to avoid any more Germany -like surprises). He wasn’t there, but at the same time he was everywhere. And you missed him, but at the same time the absence he left in your life felt less empty.
The tears came out in slow smooth streams, flowing down in slow trickles as you finally sat back down. You didn’t say anything and neither did Peter, but you knew he could feel what you felt. He could feel your father too and minutes slipped by as you sat and cried together.
There was a sudden rustling in the distance and soon enough, Doctor Strange and Wanda had arrived at the scene, no longer held back by invisible barriers. They rushed to you bringing flooding guilt through your system as you began to apologize.
“I’m sorry,” you cried. “I’m so sorry.”
Strange opened his mouth to speak, but he had nothing to say. You could tell by his expression that he was disappointed, but there was more to it. He had empathy.
It was Wanda that leaned down to place a friendly hand on your shoulder.
“Let’s get you home.”
The months following were some of the hardest of your life. Every battle you faced was uphill, but you no longer felt like you were fighting alone. You started going out again, first to visit Pepper and your half sister Morgan who lived in their cabin home. Peter joined you of course, but he played with Morgan for the most part while you and Pepper talked. You cried with her, but you laughed a lot too. She shared with you so many of her own memories, times when your father didn't know what to get you for your birthday, when he had managed to mess up cooking dinner in the strangest of ways, and when he’d accidentally burned your favorite stuffed animal in the drying machine all of which Pepper had to remedy. Though she hadn’t raised you, she was the mother you never had and through her stories you learned that your father had been just as good raising Morgan with her as he had been with you.
You hung out with Ned and MJ again shortly after that. While Peter had suggested a brief check-in at a cafe so you could go home quickly to rest, you surprised him with a much more time consuming idea: laser tag. The four of you had the best time targeting each other, you winning more rounds than any of the others. You ended the day with smoothies, talking as you drank and making plans for the next time you would all see each other. MJ made you promise you would text her if you ever needed anything and Ned gave you a whole plate of his Lola’s ensaymadas, your favorite dish of hers.
Finally, though he was locked up in his house and avoiding humanity, you visited Happy. Peter offered to join you like all the other times, but you assured him it would be best if he stayed home, promising you would return later. Happy was in a similar state of dismay to you when you saw him and while he was able to care for himself and continue with his personal routine, you could tell he was hurting.
You didn't say much when you first entered his apartment, but there was comfort within the silence. You sat with him on his sofa and watched whatever mind numbing program he had turned on to distract his thoughts until you had both worked up an appetite for lunch. It was there, in the middle of a random Burger King in Queens over a plate of cheeseburgers that you both broke down. You told him what you had nearly done, trusting him with the sensitive information as he was almost a second father to you. You took your time telling him the story of how you had nearly died to bring back your father.
Happy cried as you did and when you were finished, he told you how much you meant to him. He traded your story for one from your father after he returned from Afghanistan where he had famously been kidnapped.
"You could tell he was shaken," Happy began. "He told me he wasn't scared to die, but he was scared of losing time with you and leaving you alone. Pepper and I had been so busy trying to get him back, he was worried you had been neglected while he was gone. But when he came home and he saw your room clean, your toys put away, and a fridge full of leftovers from meals you prepared yourself, he was so proud. You inspired him to turn his life around. It was after that he told me that he knew you'd be okay if he was taken from us one day."
You both cried after that.
Long after you had finished your food, Happy drove you to the Parker's new apartment with the promise that he would be okay too, eventually. He also admitted that he was starting to develop quite the liking for your faithful boyfriend after hearing all that he had done for you, though he’d skin you alive if you ever told Peter.
It was that night in Peter's new bedroom that you knew you’d be okay. It still hurt to think of your father and you knew you’d never entirely recover and that the pain would never fully leave you, but there was a certain comfort in it now. You knew Peter felt it too as he snuggled half asleep into your side, his arm slung around your body in a protective manner, but also to keep from falling of the twin bed you shared as he let you sleep on the side with the wall. There were still days when you didn’t want to leave your bed, but there were also days when you felt more elated than ever. You could feel your father in those moments the most, like the shine of his smile took form in the light from the sun. You couldn’t see him nor could you speak with him, but you knew he wasn’t really gone. It was love that kept him around. And it was the love you carried for him that would suspend you for lifetimes, through light and dark until the end of time.
“I hope this grief stays with me because its all the unexpressed love” - Andrew Garfield 💙
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lilac-den · 4 months
I hope you don't mind and if you'd feel like it, you could entertain me a little. ROs scenario ask incoming, for both series. But first, a little explanation where it comes from.
So, ever since last weekend started, I've been dealing with a big headache made by a toothache. and only today I finally have a dentist appointment. I'm tired from five days of barely sleeping, taking a little too much strong painkillers, and overall feeling dizzy and just too much, as well as being nervous as hell, since the last dentist visit I had (a few years ago) left me a little traumatised. I had a wisdom tooth removed waaay sooner than anesthesia kicked in (basically, I started feeling numb only after getting home). it hurt so much I left the dentist crying, with some adults looking at me like I'm crazy and kids looking scared. and I might be lucky the dentist didn't take it against me when I was so close to touch them myself (in attempt to take their hands off of me). so, today I wouldn't mind some little... fluff? comfort? anything, really, as I'm already standing in a store choosing my comfort plushie for today. (I may be 25 this year but I'm also adult enough to admit I need it).
anyway, the scenario? lets say MC is dealing with all that: a cheek so swollen they look like a hamster, toothache so big it leaves them either crying or dozing off in between, dizziness both from pain and as little (or as much) food they were able to get. add to that that little bit of trauma/being scared of dentists. and for whatever reason they need to wait a few days before meeting with a dentist. how would ROs help them, maybe comfort them in meantime? especially if all that could make even the calmest, kindest of MCs snap a little? (and they'd apologize either right after or once the pain is gone, depending on MC character)? 🥺
It's a bit rough for me to write answers for ROs from both series (cuz it's a lot) but I'll try my best XD
Pls try not to send me asks of both series at once though. It's a bit much for me 😢
(But I'm sorry to hear about your dentist visit ;u; if it helps - I never got to visit the dentist till about a year or two ago for the first time and jesus fuck was it a disgusting experience ._. I'm just glad my dentist was patient and informative) [And no judgement here - pretty sure being an adult means you got to have a horde of plushies if anything XD]
Zeus: They'll treat MC like how you would treat a feral pet: Carefully and slowly approach them from the rear. XD But for real, they would start learning a whole new system for this rare event to get the pattern worked out.
Zeus wouldn't feel like MC needed to apologize - in fact, they had fun discovering this new side of MC.
Hermes: As someone who has medical knowledge and experience in the medical practice...Even they agree that dentistry sucks. But Hermes, while they would be pretty peeved about getting snapped at, is pretty up-to-date MC's state and understands the pain MC is in isn't their fault (that, and they know better than anyone that the snappy words MC said were out of the pain from the toothache, not from Hermes themselves). But mark my words, they'll be the ones to record MC being under loopy world from the dentist procedures of putting patients under anaesthesia with their phone and then show it to MC when they apologize to Hermes.
Dionysus: They'll be fretting so much - and also be sensitive with MC's mood, trying their best to not overstep anywhere. They would be the most comforting presence, but they'll also end up walking on eggshells around MC in fear of accidentally pissing them off. ^^"
Moment MC apologizes tho, Dionysus would relax and reassure MC that it's fine.
Ares: They're the most steady presence for MC but they're also not afraid of replying back to MC's snappy tone - just in a more of 'yes, dear, whatever you say' sort of manner (not in a careless one, but more like a spouse that's just so used to chaotic shit that this is their new normal XD) But Ares would go instinctive, protective mode of sorts - MC feels some discomfort? Ares tries to find out what's causing it then adjust it till MC is satisfied. MC's feeling dizzy? Ares ends up picking MC up to either let them rest on the bed or, if MC wants to, let them cuddle against them on Ares's lap.
Dolos: Huh...Kinda hard to picture how Dolos would do. Farthest I get is that they would already have things prepared, like they know MC just before MC asked - at least, stuff that's part of MC's routine/common choice of comfort/relief.
Maverick: Considering his ability to wield ice, he's the endless supply of ice packs for your swollen cheek! He'll personally tend to MC too - at least, until the staff had to convince him of the paperwork and stuff that's been piling up, which Maverick would work on it if it seems like he's suffocating MC a bit too much.
Rydigan: Unlike Maverick, he's gonna end up being attentive and maybe overprotective? I can picture MC being both exasperated but also nostalgic about Rydigan fretting over them.
Ittania: She'll help out if MC asks for it - not because she's uncaring (far from it!) but because she trusts MC to know what they need. Only time she'll put a hand in is if MC tries to do something that they shouldn't do in their condition - basically a limiter for them?
Enid: Hrm...She'll probs be pissed if the doctors try to do the procedure before the anaesthesia even kicked in, an amateur mistake since the House of Scales is known for having the best knowledge of medicines, including how long it takes for the anaesthesia to kick in for both susceptible or resistant to it. You can imagine her picking a fight with the doctors who's dumb enough to remove MC's wisdom tooth without the anaesthesia (even when MC tells her that it's not that bad, given how high MC's pain tolerance is).
Then...I guess she tries her best to care MC? (Tho she's pretty bad at this, so Ittania would take notice and try to help her when she can XD)
Thank you for the ask!
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Congratulations on the 150 🥳 you deserve it! "Bad Habits" lives rent free in my head (Fives 😮‍💨) and I recently reread "In His Sights" (now that I'm back in my Crosshair era) and the feelings are just 🤌.
Can we get either “I will never get enough of you.” for Fives or “You can do better than that.” for Crosshair and afab reader?
Thank you, can't wait to read everything you come up with!!
Hiiii Zwei! Thank you so much for celebrating with me! You're so sweet, I'm so glad my writing resonated with you. That has honestly been the wildest part of being on here - not only are other people reading and enjoying my writing, but so many of you are badass writers like yourself, and I'm just "...you like MY writing?" 🥺
I decided to write the Fives prompt, but TBH, I actually started the Crosshair prompt, too, because I LOVE the line you chose for him. I need more time to sit with that idea, though, and you've already been so patient. So thank you for celebrating with me. Here's a little Fives spiciness, and maybe keep your eye out for Crosshair down the line!
Pairing: Fives x F!Reader
Warnings/Tags: NSFT *Minors DNI*, Established relationship, Teasing, Fingering, Oral (female receiving), Public play, Explicit consent
Word Count: 1.2k
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One of the best things about dating Fives, aside from everything about him, was how you instantly gained a whole gang of brothers who loved you nearly as much as he did when they saw you were good for him and that he was serious about you.
Fives, however, hated it, or so he liked to say. The weighest, most dramatic sighs would leave his lips when you and Kix would tag team to roast him, or when the punchline of yours and Jesse’s elaborate pranks would finally land. Still, he would always hug you a little harder and smile a little wider afterward.
He also never hesitated to give it back to you, like he was right now. As retribution for you and Kix dragging his choice of candles during his last “secret” spa night, he had just revealed to his brothers that your sense of direction was so bad that you had once gotten lost in your own apartment building six years after moving in.
“I’ve had about enough of your nonsense.” You wagged your finger at Fives, in between bouts of bellyaching laughter.
He pretended to snap at it. You jerked your hand back to your core, clutching it to your heart in mock offense. Fives let out a full laugh as his arm snaked around your shoulder, and he pulled you into his chest. You leaned against the broad frame of your handsome boyfriend as you turned back to face his brothers. Jesse, Kix, and Tup watched you both with grins on their faces.
“Now they’re just getting gross.” Jesse shook his head as he elbowed Tup.  
“Jealousy is a bad look, Jesse.” Fives snorted.
“Yeah, yeah,” Jesse waved him off before he stood and stretched. He cast his eyes out over the rest of the club. “Only thing I’m jealous of is that full drink in front of you. Tup, Kix, let’s get another round and try our luck on the dance floor.”
Kix smirked as he rose to his feet. You watched as his eyes sifted through the crowd until they found the cute woman you'd noticed Kix trade glances with all night. She felt his look right away, her eyes lifting from the friend she was talking to and meeting his, bringing a shy smile to her pretty face and a flush to her cheeks. She quickly glanced back down at her drink before tilting her look back up again and watching Kix through hooded eyes. Kix’s cool smile never flickered. He turned back to your table with the same cool, confident smirk.
“Someday, you’ll learn, Jess.” Kix patted his brother on the shoulder. “Luck’s got nothing to do with it.”
Kix began an unhurried walk toward the woman. Jesse frowned as he followed his brother’s look. Then, he cursed under his breath as he moved to trail behind Kix. 
Tup chuckled to himself as he watched them go. 
“You can hang out, Tup.” You smiled at the remaining clone, “Promise we’re not that gross.”
“Someone’s got to keep an eye on Jesse.” He shrugged as he reached up for his hair tie. “Besides, he doesn’t remember, but it’s his turn to be wingman tonight. He owes me one.”
Tup winked at you and Fives as his dark curls fell over his shoulders. Then, with a quiet swagger, he followed his brothers’ path to the bar.
“Go easy on ‘em, you rancor.” Fives called out. Then he turned to you with shining eyes. "Just the two of us now."
He dug his finger into the flesh just above your knee. Slowly and without releasing pressure, he dragged his calloused fingertips up the inside of your leg until he found the most inner crease of your thigh.
“What are you up to?” You flashed a cheeky smile at your boyfriend, despite the stirring feeling that suddenly appeared in the pit of your stomach.
“Oh, you know," Fives' eyes flashed darkly at you. Beneath the table, his touch crept underneath your panties to find your already pooling entrance. "Nonsense."
It wasn't the first time you'd played in public, but this was certainly the most exposed you'd ever been. Your eyes scanned the crowd, but no one was looking into your dark corner booth. Their attention was on their own affairs.
Fives waited until you turned back to him, his eyes locking on yours. You knew what he was waiting for.
“Don't stop." You finally spoke, the words more choked than you'd expected them to be.
Two broad fingers slowly breached you, the slow friction making you dizzy with the sudden pleasure. Your head fell to his neck as he began to thrust, pulling heavy breath from you with every motion. You began to grind into his palm, unconsciously searching for more friction.
Then his hand disappeared from underneath your panties. When you looked back up at him, his fingertips had found their way up his grinning lips. He popped his fingers between them, winking at you as he cleaned them of your juices. He pulled it from his mouth with a pop before he hungrily leaned in to capture you in a furious kiss. You could taste yourself on his tongue, mixed with the headyness of his kiss, and the liquor from your drinks. The slick between your legs grew. 
Finally, he broke the kiss, and as he pulled away, he lifted his arm from your shoulder. With a sideways smile and a surprising amount of stealth for still wearing the lower half of his armor, Fives dropped to the floor and disappeared underneath the tablecloth. You quickly felt his hot breath on your knees.  
“But I thought you’d had enough of my nonsense?” Fives' voice was cheeky and raised just enough so you could hear him above the din. He spread your legs apart, his eagerness clear in his speed and strength.
You started to say something when a finger slid back inside of you, stopping the words on your lips. Instead, you let out a small whine. You quickly scanned the crowd again. Still, no one was paying attention to your dark corner.
Fives pressed a kiss to the inside of your knee and smiled against your skin, bringing your attention back where it belonged. He slowly kissed a soft line up your thigh, tracing the path his fingers had taken earlier. At the same time, he began to drag his finger in and out of you, hooking it as he moved, alternating between spreading you open and reaching your sensitive spongey spot. Then, his teeth nipped your inner thigh as his head reached your center. He pulled your panties to the side with his free hand. You held your breath. The neon lights flashed around you, adding to the intoxicating feeling of the moment. On the dancefloor, the music began to crescendo. A second finger breached you. Then, his broad tongue found your clit. You had to bite your lip to stifle a moan. Your hand fell and found purchase in his hair. The pressure spurred him on as he began to dance over your sensitive nub, sending wave after wave to your core.
“I will never get enough of you.” You let out a breathy sigh as your head fell back into the cushion of the booth. Bliss followed soon after.
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dunnswrld · 2 years
i would like to place this down for when requests are open again, because i might forget. but my bam heart would like some elaboration on thiss
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please and thank you <3
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a/n: Sorry if this is a bad elaboration.. it's almost 5am and I fought to stay awake while writing this but told myself I needed to write at least one thing before bed so here we go!
prompt: See photo sent in request above :)
warnings: Fem!reader, fighting, clubbing, descriptions of blood
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It all had happened so quickly you barley could process what had happened.
You were sitting at the bar in the club you were in, you and the rest of the Jackass guys thought you deserved a break from filming stunts for the second movie and decided the best way to let loose was to go out clubbing of course.
You wore a simple white dress and heels, nothing too special. But to the guy next to you you were basically a super model. He was showering you with compliments and even buying your drinks. You weren't the type to get mad at free drinks so you decided to just entertain the man and if things got out of hand simply just go find one of the guys.
Plus he wasn't that bad looking of a guy.
But what you didn't know was that one of the guys was watching very closely from a booth, that guy being Bam.
Bam and you had been best friends since you moved next door to him when you were only five and he was only six. You were even there when he did his first stunt, jumping off his roof, in fact you jumped off the roof with him right after he had jumped.
But what you didn't know was ever since that day Bam was practically in love with you. He didn't know what clicked in his head that day when you two jumped off his roof or if it was because of how hard he hit his head, but he was head over heels for you and you couldn't even notice after all these years.
Bam also wasn't the type to express his feelings, often hiding them in order to keep up his Jackass persona. Very few people saw his emotional side but even the people that saw it said it only lasted a few minutes before his persona was standing high up once again.
So when people would say you two would be a cute couple Bam was quick to begin to fake gag and say how disgusting that would be. Which did hurt him a lot to say because he wanted more than anything in the world to have you be his girlfriend.
So to sum things up Bam was in love with you, and you didn't even have the idea in your head he thought of you like that in anyway.
Bam watched from across the club like a hawk, watching how the guy spoke to you and slid you more shots. But when the guy gently put his hand on the back of your chair he wanted to burst, did this guy really think you were into him? Were you into him?
You were smiling and laughing, even taking the shots the man would hand you. If anything to Bam it seemed like the guy had you right in the spot he wanted, and that spot was being able to take you home with him.
Bam watched as the guys hand soon moved around your waist. Pulling you closer to him as he looked at you and you looked at him, and that's when the switch in Bam's head finally flicked and he slammed his beer down on the booth table and made his way out of the booth.
Poor Ryan was confused on why his friend left the booth so angrily, was his story about how he got his most recent tattoo really that boring?
Bam marched to the other side of the club to the bar where you and the guy sat. Once he was close enough to you Bam wasted zero time grabbing the guys hand from your waist harshly and ripping it off you.
You quickly turned to see who had just ripped the person buying your drinks hand off you, needless to say you were shocked when you saw Bam standing to your right with a drunk, angry look on his face.
"Bam? What are you doing?" You asked gently, trying to avoid any possible problems. "The hell is your problem man?" The guy- that you still haven't gotten the name off- asked. "What's my problem? You. You are my fucking problem." Bam snapped back quickly.
"I'm your fucking problem? I haven't done shit to you. Hell I don't even fucking know you." "Well I don't want you to know me or her. So stop stop being my problem tonight yeah?" Bam replied in a smart-ass tone only adding fuel to the already burning fire.
"How am I your problem? I'm sitting here trying to have a good time and out of no where you come over here thinking you own the fucking place." The guy spoke, his tone only getting more aggressive by the minute. "You're my problem cause you can't keep your hands to your fucking self!"
"Woah woah alright no need to get aggressive. Here Bam, let's go to the booth ok?" You said jumping off your bar stool next to Bam, really not wanting a fight on your night off. "You're really going to leave cause this asshole wants to control your night?" The guy said. Your body tensing up as you realized that something was defiantly going to happen.
"Are you mad your tiny dick is getting blue balled ass-face?" Bam snapped with a cocky smirk on his face. "You're acting like I can't find some other whore in the same slutty dress to sleep with here." You almost watched as Bam's temper bar finally reached its limit, he looked like he was going to explode, and that's just what he did.
Bam shoved the bar stool you once sat in to the floor and landed a hard punch to the guys face. The guy fell backwards as you quickly tried grabbing Bam's arm to pull him off- but Bam easily shook out of your grip and almost jumped onto the guy as he began to punch him.
But the guy didn't just sit there and take it, he was quick to try and block Bam's hits while trying to hit him as well. But Bam was running off anger, adrenaline, and alcohol so in the moment this guys hits were only soft grazes to Bam's face.
Bam began shouting things at the guy that was going in one of your ears and out the other, you weren't paying attention to what he was saying because all you were trying to do was pull bam off before the bouncers got called and you guys would be in deep shit.
"Bam stop it's fine he didn't mean it alright!" You said trying to pull him off by his arm, but Bam only ripping his arm out of your grip as him and the man kept fighting.
It wasn't until you saw the familiar faces of Ryan and Johnny shoving through the crowd that hurdled around the fight that broke out. Ryan was quick to grab his friend from the back and yank him off the man, Johnny standing between the guy and Bam being held back by Ryan just incase Bam broke out of Ryan's grasp.
"Let me go damn it!" Bam said as he tried to rip off the bear hug like grip Ryan's arms had on him. "Nope not happening. Time to go." Ryan said in a tired like tone. You followed Ryan and he practically carried a very angry Bam out of the club. You turned your head back to see the guy his face almost covered in his own blood as he was arguing with Johnny who looked like he was just trying to calm the guy down to avoid any police related issues.
Ryan used his foot as he kicked open the entrance door to the bar and walked out, you followed behind him closely as profanities seemed to pool out of Bam's mouth. Ryan dropped his friend once they were far enough for comfort from the club entrance.
"Why the fuck did you pull me off Dunn? He totally deserved that ass beating he had!" Bam yelled. "Bam I understand in your eyes he might've but now think logically. If he calls the cops you're going to jail for assault." Bam stayed quiet as his friend scolded him just like how April would.
"Yn take this jackass back to the hotel, I'm going to go back in and try my best to make this guy not press any fucking charges." You nodded at Ryan's words before he turned back to the club and made his way back in.
Bam began walking in the direction the hotel was in once Ryan was inside the club, you quickly followed behind Bam. As you walked behind Bam you kicked off your heels and carried them in your hand, not wanting to get any blisters even though the walk was short.
The walk back to the hotel was silent, nothing being said between you and Bam the whole five minute walk back. Every so often Bam would turn his head back to make sure you were still following behind him and that you were indeed ok.
When you and Bam finally returned back to the hotel and back to the floor you all were staying on you watched as Bam dug in his pockets trying to find his key card that wasn't there. Bam ran his hands through his hair as he let out a large sigh.
He turned to his right where he saw you unlocking your room with your key card.
"Sorry to bother you even more tonight but I'm an idiot and lost my key card. Could I stay in your room till Ryan gets back?" Bam asked in a tired tone.
This was your first time getting a good look at Bam's face since he started the fight. His nose bleed heavily and dripped down to his nose to his mouth and down his chin, his left eye swollen and was obvious that it was soon going to turn purple.
"Yeah of course, I'll clean you up too." You said with a soft smile as you pushed open your hotel door. Bam letting out a gentle sigh of relief when you agreed to letting him in your room even after the scene he had made at the club. You walked into your hotel room and Bam followed behind you. The door shutting softly behind him as he walked in.
You threw your heals into your room and gently grabbed Bam's arm, leading him to the small hotel bathroom. You flicked the light on and pointed to the toilet for Bam to take a seat, which he did exactly.
You opened the cupboards under the sink and grabbed the first aid kit the hotel had provided. You shut the cupboards and placed the first aid kit on the sink counter where you opened it and began to dig out all the things you think you would need.
You grabbed the towel hanging near the sink and turned on the sink and damped the towel with cold water. You took a step in the open space between Bam's legs, and began to gently whip away at the blood that dripped from his nose.
All Bam could do was gently shut his eyes as he gently wrapped his arms around your lower waist, the cold towel wiping away the hot blood from his face felt relieving.
"You didn't need to do that you know?" You said gently. "I couldn't let him call you a whore and a slut." Bam replied in the same gentle tone. You grabbed Bam's hands from your waist and looked at his knuckles that were scratched and bloody, you held his left hand in yours and gently began wiping each knuckle off.
"Words don't hurt me, Bam." "I don't care, he shouldn't talk about you like that." "He wasn't talking to me like that before you ripped his hand off me like that." You said. You gently let go of Bam's left hand and grabbed his right hand and began to wipe away at the bloody scratches.
"He didn't need to touch you like that either." Bam said as he watched you wipe off his knuckles. "Why not?" You asked, you were actually curious on why Bam thought he didn't need to be touching your waist. "Cause it should've been my hand." You froze at his response to your question.
Out of all the things the curly haired boy could've said you weren't expecting him to say that. "Your hand?" You asked as your eyes looked into Bam's crystal blue eyes. "I was jealous. There's no other way to say it other than I was jealous he was touching you like that and I wasn't." You only looked at Bam as you tried to process the fact he was confessing to you as you cleaned up his bloody knuckles.
"I like you. It's apparent now because I just beat some guys ass over him flirting with you." Bam said, letting out a breathless chuckle. "Why'd you never tell me?" You asked, setting the towel on the counter of the sink giving Bam your full attention.
But all Bam did in response to your question was shrug and look down at his shoes. His persona barrier starting to rise up, but before it could you gently grabbed his face and made him look at you.
"Maybe if you told me sooner that could've been your hand, Margera." You smiled gently. Bam let out a soft chuckle as he wrapped his arms around you again and pulled you closer to him, his head resting on your chest as you moved your hands to his hair and gently wrapped them around his curly head of hair.
"I've liked you since that day we jumped off my roof when we were kids." Bam admitted, his cheeks glowing a shade of red as he finally told you. "I started liking you when we were in high school and you filled that guy who used to make fun of me locker with moldy old apples you saved for months just for that." You giggled as you remembered the memory.
"He deserved that." Bam laughed. "He really." You said with a laugh. Bam and you stayed in the hugging position you two were in, Bam feeling at peace in your arms and knowing you in fact had mutual feelings for him.
"Do you want to maybe sleep in my room tonight?" You asked. "Yeah, yeah I would like that." Bam said. All you did was smile softly to yourself as you gently brushed your fingers through Bam's curls. A comfortable silence filled the bathroom as Bam's grip around your hips gently tightened.
"Hey Yn?"
"Yeah Bam?"
"My nose was totally bleeding this whole time and got all over your dress. Sorry."
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talesofourworlds · 2 months
Your Character in Five Quotes
( repost, do not reblog. )
Tell us your favorite quotes from your character. Give us an idea of who they are by five things they’ve said. Then tag your friends.
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"They're going to pay for making my little brother cry! I can't forgive anyone who makes my family cry!
"It's payback time, y'all! Now, where's my horny woman at?!"
"If you ain't got the power to do it alone, we'll be there to back you up!"
"There ain't no past or present with family. New or old, family is family."
"Giet, you always been my family! And you always will be 'til the day I die!"
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"You said that your creed was to never give up on living, no matter what may happen. If you really believe that... would you say that you're living right now? Because to me, you don't look like someone truly living."
"Laphicet, tell this self absorbed idiot what she needs to hear!"
"If it means getting my tunnels, I'll build an island, too."
"Damnation, Magilou! My sister doesn't have any guy clinging onto her! Do you know something I don't? Prove it! Bring him here right now!"
"There's nothing I hate more than someone else trying to control the direction of my life. My wheel is mine to hold. If I'm not the one steering the ship, then I'm not truly alive."
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"What's wrong? You look like you just swallowed a bug. ...Oh, wait, you always look like that."
"I hate teaching. I don't take apprentices. I don't impart knowledge."
"Hah hah. Are you trying to cheer me up? You've somewhat missed the mark... but I appreciate the sentiment."
"I would ask you to die, yes. If I were an emperor with a country to consider. But as your friend... I feel compelled to stop you."
"But no matter how much you change or regret your actions, not all of what you've done will be forgiven. That's why you must come back alive. Or rather... I hope you do."
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"I've traveled back in time from next week. Please stop throwing monsters at us."
"It should be. The crablette is the finest food in the world. In fact, I think they should make National Crablette Day!"
"This time I won't let them get hurt!"
"Hubert was shy... but he tried his best, and always worried about everyone."
"I dreamt I was riding in a huge blossomgale, and we went to a beautiful meadow where I fell asleep."
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"Have you forgotten what you said to King Ingobert about Natalia? Your memories of those seven years together were real. For you and your parents."
"You said you were going to start with what you can do, right? One person can't do much alone. But people can work together. I... we're with you."
"If you tell me you've made your decision, I'll trust that you've thought it through. But that doesn't mean I'll agree with your choice. If you make this choice, and the miasma disappears... I'll hate you. Everyone else may call you a hero, but I'll never forgive you."
"It will. Tomorrow... and the day after... and on and on."
"Hypothesizing about not having been born is meaningless. You're living your own life. Experiences that only you know. Feelings that only you feel. Don't deny them. You're here."
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"Arthur. I finally have an answer to your question. 'Why do you think that birds fly?' Birds fly because they want to fly. They don't need a reason. Even if their wings snap and doom them to die. They don't fly for anyone's benefit. They don't fly because they were ordered to. Birds fly because they want to, and for no other reason!"
"I… I loved them all…! I loved Laphi… and Celica… Arthur… Everyone… To have it all stolen from me… Why them? Why not me? It hurts so much...!"
"A reason? To spare the world of its pain? Don't give me that! Who will spare my brother's pain? Who will soothe my brother's despair? He murdered my little brother Laphi! And you'll stand there and tell me it was for the greater good?!"
"...Coo, coo."
"But that's exactly why I can't forgive them. Not Artorius, not Innominat… I know my heart is ugly, and full of contradictions. But those days we spent together in familial warmth, they're proof that I… that all of us… were truly alive. That's why no matter how hard, no matter how sad it gets, I will take my vengeance to the very end!"
Stolen from: @mcgilou
Tagging: Whoever wants to!
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saibug1022 · 2 years
Word Count: 1332
Castor Athantis (ILW MC) x Abel Flint
A/N: I've had this written for a bit and forgot to actually post it on here. Wanted to hop on the It Lives Within angst train that was the Chapter 16 ending (thanks @itlivesproject). As such MASSIVE spoilers for Chapter 16 under the cut.
Castor had never heard the cabin this silent. In the three weeks they'd been living there, there always seemed to be some sort of noise. Connor out back in the shed, Noah in the kitchen, someone in the living room watching TV or reading, everyone laughing at the table, Val's ghost humming outside, Amalia breathing next to them. 
But now it was like the woods itself was holding its breath. Castor stood at the front of the living room, arms folded around themself and with a bruising grip on their upper arms. Their friends sat and stood throughout the room facing Cas and every single one of them was wearing a blank look of shock. Castor had no idea how any of them were feeling because no one would meet their eyes. 
"How can you be sure?" Connor asked, his voice quiet but in the silence, it cracked like a whip. 
"I just am," Castor muttered. "I doubted it at first too, I mean Fake Annie was the one to confirm it and I don't trust her at all. But after what Val said when he was freaking out I figured it out on my own. And once I did it all just…clicked. I just knew it was right, I could feel it."
"So you're not…" Amalia's voice shook and she cleared her throat but it still broke when she spoke again. "You're not Castor?"
"I am but I'm not," Castor sighed. "I am Castor, I have all their memories, I think like them, I feel like them, I look like them obviously. But in the sense of like, having their soul, no. No, I'm not."
"Oh God," Amalia buried her face in her hands and Castor took half a step toward her to comfort her before thinking better of it. "What happened to them then? Are you possessing them?!"
Cas hesitated. They all had the right to know, Amalia better than anyone. But how could they just admit that they'd unknowingly stolen someone's life after they died, leaving no one to grieve them because no one even knew they were gone? How did they justify that?
"Answer the question," Jocelyn snapped and Castor flinched. They dropped their arms but their hands were clenched into fists so tightly they wouldn't be surprised if their nails managed to break the skin. When they answered, they stared firmly at the floor. 
"Castor Athantis is dead," They finally confessed. "I didn't know until now. But they died with the rest of their family."
Amalia finally let out a sob and Castor squeezed their eyes shut against tears of their own. She probably hated them now. And who could blame her? They were walking around puppeteering her best friend's corpse. They'd stolen the life the real or first Castor should have been living! They stole Castor’s best friend, their future, their potential for love, their hopes, their dreams, their grief, their memories. 
But even if they weren't Cas they were. They stole those things but it wasn't on purpose! They didn't even know! And now their best friend who may not even really be their friend was sobbing and there wasn't a damn thing they could do about it because it was their fault in the fucking first place!
Or was it?
They didn't know! They didn't fucking know who they were anymore! All of this was messy and fucked up and confusing and they just wanted to scream and cry and throw things because none of this was FAIR! They finally start rebuilding a life where they're happy after five years only to learn it was never theirs to rebuild.
They looked up at the sound of footsteps, expecting to see Amalia leaving or approaching or something but instead, the person silently leaving the cabin was…Abel? Castor glanced at Amalia only for her to lean away from them and Castor made a strangled noise from trying to swallow a sob.
"I'm sorry, Amalia," Cas whispered before they turned and left the cabin, with only the hope that they'd be allowed to come back. 
When they got outside they saw Abel standing in the middle of the yard, running his hands through his hair. His shoulders were a tense line, every muscle tight. Castor couldn't see his face but they weren't sure they wanted to. 
Amalia's rejection made it feel like their life was falling apart. Not in an "Oh I might not get into the college I wanted" way, but in the same way they felt, no, the way they remembered the real Castor feeling while their family was being ripped apart. Their entire world shattered around them, leaving only Castor's cyan eye in broken glass. When they had nothing, less than nothing, they still had Amalia. They always had Amalia. And now…they didn't. She was just gone. She'd rejected them.
They couldn't handle Abel rejecting them too. 
"Abel?" Cas prompted quietly and Abel stiffened even further. "Are you okay?"
"I don't know," Abel admitted. "I don't even know if I can tell you."
"Of course, you can," Castor promised and Abel finally turned to look at them. "I'm still your Cas. You've only known me as me. Everything I've ever told you was real. Everything I feel is real. I-I'm still a person. A person created by the Power, but a person."
"But you aren't just some person the Power gave life to or brought back," Abel argued. "You are the Power. You are literally the Power incarnate. How am I supposed to just suddenly accept that? The Power has been destroying my family's lives for generations. It killed my grandmother, my parents, it almost killed me!"
"Abel-" Castor tried but Abel interrupted them.
"How am I supposed to see anything else when I look at you?"
It was like Castor’s heart stopped beating.
"I'd never hurt you," Castor swore. "Th-that wasn't me, Abel, I swear. The Power isn't sentient it didn't want to hurt your family. It isn't malicious. I-I don't know why exactly it did the things it did but it's a neutral force. And even then I'm just a piece of the Power, not the Power itself. I don't want to hurt anybody. I don't want it to hurt anybody. I'd never hurt you, Abel, I swear on the Power itself. You have to believe me, please-"
In some sort of desperation, Castor reached for Abel's hands as they had a million times before. It was a safe thing for both of them, something reassuring and warm and loving. It was something so personal to their relationship that was just instinct for Castor to reach for his hands, both to reassure him and to reassure themself. But Abel's hands moved and he took a step back, stopping Castor in their tracks. No. No, please. 
"Abel?" Castor breathed and Abel didn't meet their eyes.
"I'm sorry, Cas," Abel muttered and Castor felt the tears finally spill over.
"Oh," Castor tried to take a breath as their hands fell, returning to fists at their sides.
"I'm sorry, I just can't right now," Abel apologized again and Castor shook their head.
"I understand," They replied. "I think maybe…maybe I should go." 
After all, they had nowhere to be. They couldn't be at the cabin with Amalia. They couldn't go to Abel's apartment and they doubted they could go to Lincoln or Jocelyn's. They didn't have the money for a motel and Westchester Community College didn't have dorms.
So for now, they turned and just started walking in a random direction, following their instincts until they realized they were heading right for the heart of the woods. But maybe that was where they should be. The source of the Power. They didn't belong here, not really. They never did. So, until they were needed, they'd just…go.
"Where are you going to go?" Abel called to them as they reached the tree line. Castor stopped.
"I have no idea," The Anchor answered.
So, with nothing left to say, they returned to the woods.
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riality-check · 1 year
when you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass it on to at least five other writers. let’s spread the self-love! 💕💕
This is so old, I'm so sorry (and I have another one of these asks that I'm saving for when I get some other things finally drafted) but here we go, in no particular order:
Skylines, Cigarettes, and Second Chances (29k, 4/4 chapters, Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply)
"Immediately after that first, perfect kiss in the hospital, Steve had said, I don’t want anyone to know. That stung a bit, but Eddie gets it. Steve went on to explain that he wasn’t sure how he felt, that he was trying to figure himself out, that all he did know is that he liked Eddie. And Steve really does like him. Eddie can tell. So, he can live with it." OR Steve and Eddie get together after Vecna. It doesn't last. But when Eddie calls for a favor a few years later, they think that maybe, just maybe, they're worth trying for again.
I'm sure absolutely no one is surprised that I included this on the list because I have not been able to shut up about it, but I really like this fic! I'm really proud of it! Go read it if angst with a happy ending is your jam!
like a sack of bricks (18k, 1/1 chapters, Explicit, No Archive Warnings Apply)
"Eddie isn’t lucky. He’s obnoxious and smart and talented and a little too quick to snap back if threatened, but he isn’t lucky. At least, not until last week. Last week, he went with Chrissy to that stupid cowboy bar she loves so much. Last week, he ran into the hottest guy he’s ever seen in his life. Last week, he had the best sex of his life with said hottest guy, and he hasn’t even been ghosted yet." OR Steve and Eddie, continuing from that cowboy bar meet-cute. Featuring second and third dates, a good amount of jokes, some tragic backstory lore, drag queens, sheer ridiculousness, kinkier sex this time around, and Eddie going Through It (TM) before Steve makes it better. Or maybe the charm has everything to do with the bartender. OR The dom drop fic I've had in my head for months.
This is also another fic that deals with heavy topics, and I'm also very proud of it! Go read it for a bunch of jokes, ridiculous shenanigans, what is hopefully (in)decent smut, and emotional hurt/comfort!
Bragging Rights, Fancy Drinks, and the Bartender Conundrum (6860 words, 1/1 chapters, Teen, No Archive Warnings Apply)
"But, for some reason, this place doesn’t feel standard. Maybe it’s the fact that all the pictures on the walls look modern and aren’t filled with old white dudes holding cans of Bud Light. Maybe it’s the fact that the music, thank god, isn’t beer, truck, dog country or rock music that Republicans like. Or maybe the charm has everything to do with the bartender. Good god. Eddie thinks he might die right then and there." OR Eddie and the guys go to a new place in search of a trivia spot safe from frat bros. What Eddie doesn't expect is to become smitten with not one, but two of the bartenders who work there. Or so he thinks.
This is ridiculous, gender shenanigan fluff, and I was absolutely blown away by the response to it! Go read it if you like faceblind bisexual disaster Eddie, Corroded Coffin friendships and interactions, and badass, genderfluid Stev(i)e Harrington!
save a horse, ride an ex-jock (9835 words, 1/1 chapters, Explicit, No Archive Warnings Apply)
"Steve's eyes land on the mechanical bull across the place. It’s a stupid looking thing. There’s no way it’s safe. It’s white with brown spots, and Steve can see the metal frame where the paneling splits. Its dead black eyes are nightmare fuel. Eddie says, 'Bet I could ride it better than you.' 'Bet I could ride you better than you ride it,' Steve says. Filter? Gone. But he doesn’t mind. Because Eddie takes Steve’s hat. 'I’m sure you could, but me first.' Steve might not like this cowboy stuff, but he knows what Eddie taking the hat means." OR A metalhead and an ex-jock walk into a cowboy themed bar to support their favorite lesbians. Featuring mechanical bull riding, the more fun kind of riding, Steve's horndog inner monologue, and way too many jokes for what was supposed to be just smut.
This is also ridiculous, and it started as a complete and utter joke with some light bribery involved to get me to write it. Go read it if you like cowboy jokes, silly sex, Appalachian Eddie Munson, and Steve being a bit of a slut (affectionate).
what's in a name, anyway? (4823 words, 1/1 chapters, Teen, No Archive Warnings Apply)
“On good days, Steve sees his name as a gift from a well meaning but distant relative, like an ugly sweater that doesn’t quite fit. On bad days, he hates it.” OR Five people who call Steve by his full name, and one person who never does.
This is pretty far into headcanon territory, but I really enjoyed writing the POVs of various characters. Read if you want Steve-centric angst, Hopper, Joyce, Nancy, Robin, and Dustin POV, and some Steddie fluff to balance the whole thing out!
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chloeillustrates16 · 2 years
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Summary: Eddie Munson is absolutely head over heels in love with you. The only issue is, he'll never admit it. Stolen glances across the room and a small wave here and there is all that he'll do. You two have been friends for years, but the problem of different social groups and peer pressure you two pulled apart.
Warnings: None
Eddie sat at the usual Hellfire Club table, the rest of the group already sat and talking about the next D&D campaign. Eddie glanced away from the boys in front of him, looking over the cafeteria to meet your (e/c) eyes.
A light blush spread across your face as you quickly turned away from him. Only to look over your shoulder to stare at him. Eddie continued to stare at you until Dustin screamed his name, snapping his head back towards the Freshman. "What, Henderson?"
"We've been trying to talk to you for like five minutes now. You, okay?"
"I'm fine," Dustin looked over to where Eddie was staring at earlier.
"No fucking way, Y/N L/N?" Mike's eyes shot wide as Jeff and Gareth groaned.
"Seriously, still?" Jeff asked.
"What do you mean still?" Dustin turned towards the other Hellfire member.
"Ed, you've been crush on this girl for years. Are you just going to stare at her until she gets creeped out or what?" The two continued to argue before Eddie just stood and stomped out of the room annoyed.
You watched the two argue, Chrissy looking over at you, "You want to go after him?"
"Yeah," you mumble. You cough, "I don't feel all that well, I'm going to step out for a second." Once the bright sunlight hit your face. You pressed your back against the bricks on the school, "Eddie?" you ask, calling out.
"Hey," he mumbled, turning the corner.
"Hey, what's up?"
"Nothing, just annoyed is all."
"I saw, Jeff really got under your skin?"
"Something like that, what about you? What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to talk to you, we have talked in a long time."
"Yeah, sorry about that."
"I should apologize too; I don't mean to avoid you. Just with Jason and the rest of basketball and cheer team, it's hard." You weren't a player or a cheerleader but being best friends with Chrissy Cunningham did have its pros and cons. "I know that probably makes me sound like an asshole, you have every right to think that I just..." you pause not knowing what to say before pulled Eddie to a hug. Eddie's heartbeat pounded against his chest. He sucked in a harsh breath before he wrapped his arms around you.
"I know, they're pricks. I'm sure if you got caught with me, you'd end up being harassed for it."
"Actually, Chrissy knows about us being friends." The word friends hurt him a lot more than it should've, "the rest of them don't know, Chrissy really is something else. She's nothing like the rest of them, she's caring and understanding." You reluctantly pulled away from Eddie, the bell rung loudly in your ears. "I have to get going, do you have campaign tonight?"
"No, why?"
"Good, I'll see you later, Eds." Eddie sighed as she went back into the cafeteria. Later, after school, you headed to the trailer park. You saw Eddie's busted car up in the driveway. You took a deep breath before knocking on the door, you silently tapped your foot against the step before the door opened.
"You were kidding when you said later, huh?"
"Yeah, sorry, is this a bad time?"
"No, no, come in." Eddie moved out of the way to let you inside. "You want anything, water, weed?" you laugh shaking your head.
"I'm good, so, what were you doing before I got here?"
"Just playing, my sweetheart," his sweetheart is his red and black bass guitar. You sat on his bed as he played his guitar, you leaned your side on the wall. "How you've been other than dealing with Jason's and the rest of those bastards?"
"It's been okay, I've got excepted to my dream college."
"Looks like you're getting out of this shit town, congratulations." You shift a bit,
"You finally graduating this year?"
"If I don't fail Ms. Odonald's class, which might I saw I have a D."
"Better then last years, you had an F, right?"
"More like F-, she told me that if I kept it up, I'd never graduate that year. Looks like she was right," he shrugged.
"Are you and your band going to continue to play?"
"Course, hell, we might get a record deal."
"I told you, you'd would."
"It's a maybe, just a could things we have to do beforehand. Then, Sweetheart, we're going on a tour. Imagine us, on stage for thousands." he added, "We actually got a bigger crowd this Saturday."
"That's exciting!" He continued to play,
"You should come." You smile as he continued to play mindlessly. Bitting the inside of your cheek, you shift closer to him.
"Eds," he hums looking up at you. His heartbeat picked up, realizing how close your faces were.
"Yeah?" You fidget a bit before grabbing the collar of his tank-top and pressing your lips against his. Quickly pulling away, you start babbling out apologizes,
"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have done that, I don't even know what I was thinking." Eddie sat there for a second trying to process what the fuck had just happened. Moving his guitar and putting it back on the rack. He turned back towards you, you expected him to tell at you and demand why the hell you did that. You kept your head down in shame, not daring to look at him. Eddie took a step forward before crouching down in front of you, His brown eyes met your own through your hair. Eddie moved it behind your ear with a soft smile.
"I'm glad you didn't think," you stared at him confused for a second before his lips pressed against yours again. Your arms wrapped around his neck, your fingers intertwining in his curly hair. You pulled away for a second,
"Eddie, how long?"
"For a while, sorry I didn't say thing before, I was too much of a coward to."
"I was too, I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have stop hanging out with you."
"This happens, I get it."
"But still, I didn't care about the rep and shit. It's just, Jason and the others make it really hard for you to get alone time." Eddie nodded, now understanding. "Can we continue?"
Sorry, this is a bit cringe, first time writing Eddie.
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inkblot-inc · 2 years
I don't know know if you would consider it an au, but Back in Step is one of my favorite fics. I recently read What We've Lost and I loved how you brought in even more context to the dynamic between Strange and the Reader, the reader and Christine, and even the reader and Wanda.
You made me glad Strange dies btw
I think I figured out something, and I wanna know if it was intentional: when the reader starts staying at Wanda’s cabin with her she never comes in contact with the darkhold, but they start feeling more "malice" toward their memories of Christine and they almost get corrupted the longer the reader is there. Even after reader gets captured that hatred continues to build until we get to Back in Step. I just want to know if that's the dark hold's influence or not?
Sorry this got a bit long
I also love all your other writing 😁
Be still my heart-
First of all: I LOVE long asks bud, never apologize for that ☺️
I consider all of the things I've written so far to be AUs, I dunno about anyone else, but as soon as it diverges from cannon it can be considered as such. Anyway-
I'm glad you loved TBBIS and What We've Lost, it was definitely fun to write and think about!
Having the reader's dynamic with Strange to be this sort of one sided jealousy and even hatred for what the other has (even if it is mainly Strange's jealousy toward Reader) is something I wanted to bring attention to. He literally did take everything from Reader and left them with nothing. Even worse, expected them to just move along now that he "had the upper hand". He knows he was in the wrong, he knows what he did was fucked up, and that's what makes him so hateable in this universe
And his bitchass caused the snap...
The Reader and Christine are complex. And part of me wanted to take the time to write out how they were together in more scenes, but the difference in tonality just wouldn't fit in there in my opinion. I thought it'd be too jarring. But Christine and Reader really did love each other. They'd been together for years before the snap, and had just gotten engaged ,timeline wise, by the end of DS1. Getting over Reader was not an easy thing for Christine to do, having though they died for five years. Stephen just placed himself in a position where Christine would cling to him and in that vulnerability, wiggle his way back into her heart. Christine and Strange were always complicated and things never seemed to workout, but the Reader was a sure thing and she genuinely loved her. Despite the shock amd anguish of Christine moving on, Reader does still love her and more than that, they care for her. The Reader is eventually able to acknowledge the circumstances of things and can't really blame Christine for finding someone else in the event that they "died". Christine being happy with someone else pales in comparison to Christine being happy with Stephen Strange specifically.
Again, his bitchass caused the snap...
On a fundamental level, the Reader and Wanda's friendship started with them finding kindred spirits in one another. As two peope who have quite literally lost everything that mattered to them, I definitely felt the need to show their interactions as emotionally traumatised besties just trying to do their best and find some sort of normalcy in their lives.
And finally, the Darkhold.
I'm so glad you caught this buddy you don't even know! What you've been thinking is spot on. The Reader was being effected by the Darkhold the longer they were in the cabin and they were still corrupted by it leading to TBBIS! Now the thing is, the Reader hasn't been constantly in contact with the Darkhold or even read it like Wanda has, so the malice growing in them could be considered equal parts Darkhold influence and the Reader's own hatred building up and coming to a head. The darkhold changes you forever once your directly exposed to it, but that line may get a little blurry when you're only talking about close proximity...
I'm glad you've enjoyed what I've written, and hopefully you'll like what I put out in the future as well bud 😊!
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