#kirishima tooru/reader
sp00kworm · 2 years
Sensei, Sensei
Pairing: Kirishima Tooru x Female Reader 
Word Count: 3644
Warnings: Sexual Content, Unsafe sex, Closet Sex, Stranger Sex
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The summer air was warm against your skin as you walked along the pathways of the small city festival. This far out of the city, there wasn’t too many people walking around. It was far out, in one of the larger local parks, and you were glad to be away from the hustle and bustle for even just an evening. Thinking of the stress of your teaching job was enough to make your head hurt again. Children were difficult even when they were at their most well behaved. Snack time only did so much to sate twenty little humans, after all. You tried to ignore the idea as you looked over the skewers on a food stall. Most of it was seafood, and at least a quarter of it was seasoned squid, a favourite in the local area. There were far too many choices, and the stall owner sighed through his nose, forcing you to make a decision. One squid skewer in hand, and a few yen lighter, you headed past the rest of the food stalls and on towards the fun fair games, dodging the small children and couples, arm in arm, as you went. The last thing you needed was to knock over someone and have to spend time apologising, or worse, finding some kids parents because they were hurt.
 It was as though the universe was laughing at you it seemed.
 As you rounded the corner you slammed into someone. The little girl went flying, her red hair flopping over her face as she hit the floor with a soft thud. Her hands grazed the pebbles in the dirt, and you rushed to kneel down and get a good look at them. The girl’s large red eyes were watery, and you hushed her softly as you carefully brushed the grit from her grazes.
“I’m so sorry!” You rushed out before you reached for your handkerchief and a bottle of water. You wet the cloth before gently wiping her hands. Turning her palms back and forth, you were sure that she only had minor grazes. You sighed in relief.
“It’s okay, Miss…” The girl looked from her hands to your face, squirming uncomfortably before fresh tears dripped down her face, “A-Actually…I’ve lost Kirishima.”
“Kirishima?” You asked, “Is he your boyfriend?”
Her face went red, almost like a tomato, and the girl flapped for a moment before she shook her head vehemently, ‘no’.
A laugh made her startle, and you patted her head gently, “Sorry but you’re very sweet…ah, what is your name?”
The little girl pouted and sniffled before she wiped her eyes, “Yaeka.” She offered quietly.
“Well, Yaeka, how about I help you find Kirishima?” You offered before you wiped her face with the clean side of the handkerchief.
“You will?” Yaeka seemed to brighten a little as she took your hand and stood up.
 You dusted her knees gently before taking her hand firmly. It wasn’t the safest place for a child to be running around.
“Of course, I will! I can’t leave you here all alone…” You leaned in conspiratorially to whisper into her ear, “I’ve heard the fish monger is a goblin in disguise! You might get on his nerves!”
Yaeka startled, and looked over at the man, “Really?” She whispered.
“Oh yes. He’s even more upset because of the man who ruined the carnival game earlier!” You told her before pointing towards the exit where the seating area was.
“That was Kirishima!” She told you, her eyes bright with glee, “He told the man his game was bad! And he won me a big bunny!”
“Oh, so that was Kirishima? I bet he’s really cool, huh?” You asked with a smile.
Yaeka nodded her head as she followed you towards the benches, “Uhuh. I want to be as nice as Kirishima is one day.” She told you, her face red with embarrassment. You could only chuckle. It seemed as though she liked this man a lot.
 The seating area was relatively full, and you hummed, looking around before you asked Yaeka if she could spot Kirishima anywhere.
“No.” She pouted, upset, “I can’t see him anywhere.”
You thought for a moment before kneeling down, “How about you get on my shoulders, that way you might be able to point him out to me?”
“Maybe…” Yaeka nodded, “He’s very tall so we might be able to spot him.” She told you as she sat on your shoulders, peering around in the gloom.
“Where did you last see him?” You asked as you set off through the tables, “That might help us find him.”
Yaeka hummed, thinking as she glanced around, “I lost him on the hill…” She mumbled.
“Oh? Where the flavoured ices are?” You asked her. Yaeka nodded in response, and you turned to head towards the stalls again.
 “Little Lady!”
 Yaeka’s head whipped in the direction of the call, and you turned slowly, following her gaze along the top of the small grass hill.
“Little Lady! I told you not to run off.” The man called as he trotted down the hill, his blue hair flopping over his glasses. He smirked when he spotted you as well, his eyes giving you a once over, in a way which made you feel small. Within a few seconds, you knew he had a grasp on how much of a threat you were. He was tall, as Yaeka said, and he scooped her off your shoulders quickly before plonking her on the floor by his feet.
“Who is this, Little Lady?”
“Ah, this lady helped me find you, Kirishima!” She told him as he gripped her hand tight.
“Oh, did she?” Kirishima hummed as he offered his hand, lamely, “Then thanks. I was worried sick about her.”
You took a breath before you dared to take his hand, and his grip was strong as he shook your hand with his own. His palms were rough and calloused, and you swallowed at the peak of thick, black tattoos out of the bottom of his shirt.  
 The crisp outfit made you reconsider. The tattoos were the second give away, and you felt ice water run down your back as the pieces connected in your head. Yakuza. Kirishima smirked as your brain clicked into place, and he let your hand go before turning, Yaeka in hand, and waving.
“Thanks for finding her. The boss would have killed me for real this time if something happened to her.” Kirishima yawned as he walked away.
“Boss? You’re not her father?” You asked meekly.
Kirishima turned, his blue eyes flashing behind his glasses. There was a churning delight at the torture behind the glass lenses, though he would deny it if Sugihara asked him.
“No. I’m her babysitter.” Kirishima drawled before he cracked the fingers in his hands, “And if you have a problem with that then…”
“No!” You jumped in before smiling awkwardly, “I just think its…Well at least Yaeka has someone to come to this with, even if her father can’t make the time himself.”
 Kirishima took a moment to look you up and down again before his fanged smile was back, his head churning with possibilities, “Say, Little Lady? How about we invite your new friend over for dinner as a ‘thank you’ gift?”
Yaeka looked up with delight on her face, “Would Papa be okay with it?” She asked.
“Leave your old man to me.” Kirishima chuckled, “But how about we exchange numbers then?”
Your guts churned, telling you it was a bad idea, “Sure.” You replied still, opening your phone to type in Kirishima’s number despite the uneasy feeling he radiated. You let him type his number in and scowled at the silly rose on the end of it before Yaeka interrupted your train of thought.
“Thank you for helping me, miss.” She bowed and smiled.
“You’re most welcome, Yaeka.” Your heart melted a little, but it was quickly put back together as Kirishima laughed and smirked between the two of you.
“How cute, Little Lady, you have a new friend!” He teased her.
Yaeka huffed, pouting before she took his hand and dragged him up the hill, ignoring his jabs at her blush before they were both out of sight and blended back into the crowds of the festival.  
 A message the next day came to you while the children were on lunch. You looked up from your marking to check your phone. The message was from Kirishima.
‘The boss has invited you for dinner.’
Short. It was almost rude in its tone, and you scowled at the screen before it beeped again.
‘Its Kirishima by the way. Dinner is at seven. Looking forwards to seeing you again, teacher lady.”
You couldn’t think of a reply which didn’t sound rude, so instead, you replied with a confirmation and went back to eating, shovelling rice into your mouth around marking the workbooks you had left to get through. Another text message popped through at the end of lunch, but you ignored it as you put away your lunch boxes and headed out into the yard to go and collect your class. The phone, left on silent, continued to buzz, unknowingly, in the bottom of your bag, for the rest of the afternoon as you taught, and eventually finished for the day. You only looked again as you finished, packing your marking to take home over the weekend. Your phone lit up with the notifications. You had twelve messages, all from Kirishima. The man had messaged you at least twice an hour since lunch time, and you blinked at the innate, random messages, and the mess of fanged emojis before replying that you would see him later on.
 ‘Finally, you respond.’
Kirishima snarked a few more messages as you continued to ignore him. With a scoff, you left his messages unread as you debated not showing at all. The family were no doubt dangerous and notorious, but you had to pay your respects to Yaeka’s true father. He had invited you, so it would be rude to ignore his request. You sighed as you got home and laid your marking on your table. Looking over the books, you sighed, knowing you needed to finish it before you went out for dinner. Another job to do. With a large sigh, you went to get a drink, get changed, and get started on the marking before you had to go to dinner. You cracked your arms and threw your blanket over your shoulders as you collected your pens, and got started marking the maths workbooks, dreading the buzzing noise of your phone in your bag.
 Kirishima’s harassment halted in the evening, and you marked your books without any hassle before you rushed to get showered and changed into something more formal. There was only enough time to quickly get ready and you headed out a little late to get to the residence that Kirishima had messaged you. You arrived in the area, looking at the men stood outside, their jackets hiding the leather harnesses strapped to them. Guns and knives were no doubt hidden beneath the fabric, and you had no will to find out. Instead, you avoided looking the men in the eyes as you headed to the gate, raising a fist to knock. One of them lit his cigarette before he stopped your fist with his palm and a sneer.
“What are you doing here?” He asked as he blew smoke out of the side of his mouth.
“Uh…I’m here to see...” You struggled to remember the name of Yaeka’s father, floundering under the man’s intense gaze before he was shoved away from you.
“She’s here to see the boss, Hiruguma, so keep your hands off.” Kirishima snarked as he pushed open the gate for you, dressed in trousers and a shirt, but this time he had a navy tie and a black suit jacket on as well.
 There was a brief moment where you registered just how handsome Kirishima was. His hair was properly styled, his glasses polished and his eyes cold and sharp. He almost seemed like a mobster out of a cheesy romance movie. His blue eyes turned down and you flinched as he smirked and nodded his head for you to enter first.
“After you, teacher.” Kirishima teased, delighted at the scowl he got in return as you stepped through the gate and onto the grounds. The yakuza lacky followed you with a smile, unsettlingly quiet as he directed you through the well-kept gardens towards the large traditional house. It was enormous. The whole complex screamed wealth, and you kept in mind the potential shady business they were involved with as Kirishima opened you the door to the house itself.
“You look lovely tonight.” He told you, out of the blue, as you stooped to take off your shoes in the entranceway.
 A flash of red took over your vision before you turned, clad in the slippers and snarled at him, “Thank you for telling me for the fiftieth time, Mister Kirishima.” You snapped, “Its not like your provocative messages and constant harassment of me in working hours didn’t tell me that much!”
“Oi, oi,” Kirishima frowned, “What’s with the anger? I was just interested in what you do and get up to!” He tutted, “I can’t let just anyone meet with Yaeka and the Boss, you know.”
“What? So, harassing me all day was to make sure I wasn’t going to hurt your precious criminal leader?!” You fumed before you took a step forward and thumped the man in the chest, “Why would I help a little girl find you if I was going to do something to her! Use your damn brain you…” You jumped as Kirishima’s lips cut you off. The man kissed you, his long, strong hands wrapped around the bottom of your back, cupping the arch as you leaned into him and kissed back, taking the opportunity to run your own hands over his shoulders and down his spine.
 Kirishima made a soft noise before he pulled away, fangs poking out of the bottom of his top lip as he licked away your combined spit. He looked at you, admiring the bruised cushion of your bottom lip before he grinned and dragged you by the hand into the side corridor of the house, pulling you along behind him.
“And here I thought you hated me, teacher.” Kirishima teased as he dragged you into a utility room. He shut the door with a slam of one large hand and slid you up against the wall, his jacket already off his shoulders as he teased the band of your bottoms, tugging the fabric gently as he crowded your space and sent your head spinning. He smelt of heavy cologne and the undertone of metal. He was dangerous, and you snapped your palms up in front of you, stopping him from pressing his front to yours as he leaned in for another bruising kiss.
“Ah?” He asked, perplexed, “What’s wrong? Ah, did I misread this whole thing because…”
“Shut up.” You hissed at him before you dragged him down by the tie, kissing him again, “You’re infuriating but…handsome and…”
“Say no more, I get the idea.” Kirishima preened under the praise and compliments before he leaned back in to continue where you both left off.
 A rush of blood to your head led your hands down to the bottom of his shirt. You tugged his shirt out of his bottoms, hiking the cotton up his hard stomach so you could get a feel at his skin. He was hot, almost clammy, but you ignored it as you meandered back down to the button on his trousers, undoing it. Kirishima’s eyes opened before he looked down and smirked, tugging his trousers open for you to have a feel before he had his hands up your skirt and between your legs, feeling the hot skin.
“Gosh, teacher, you’re wet down there.” Kirishima purred as he stroked his fingers over your panties, enjoying the way you gasped before he dipped a finger underneath the elastic and swiped at you, feeling the wetness cling to the tip of his finger. You gasped and moaned softly before Kirishima’s other hand came up to silence you.
“Careful…” He purred, “You don’t want anyone to hear you, do you?” He hummed, “Unless you want them to find us? I never knew a teacher could be such a pervert.”
With a shuddering breath you shoved the man down a little, “Shut it, Kirishima or I swear I’ll…”
 The abusive poison you had lined up left your mind as Kirishima got on his knees, his cock straining at his underwear where his trousers were open, but his eyes focused on you above him. He smiled before he licked his lips and ducked his head under your skirt, dragging your tights and your underwear down far enough so he could fit himself between your thighs. You gasped as his fingers gripped the meat of your thighs, dragging you against the wall before he blew a warm breath over your heated, sensitive skin. You tried not to moan as he rumbled against your thigh, trembling with anticipation before he drew back far enough that he could look you in the eyes.
“Thank you for the meal.” He whispered against your skin before he plunged his face between your legs, his tongue pressing between your folds, dragging upwards to circle your clitoris. With a breathy moan, you grasped Kirishima’s hair, and pressed your hips forwards as he teased your clit and pushed his fingers inside of you, slowly, one a time, stretching you open.
“You’re so tight.” Kirishima hummed as he rolled your skirt and got you to hold it out of the way. You bit your lip as he looked you in the eyes and dragged his tongue over you, the flat of it pressing against as much skin as he could get. He reached your clitoris again and swirled a few times before he drew the flesh into his mouth and sucked, gently at first, then harsh, in a vicious pull of his cheeks.
 “Kirishima…” You moaned as you dragged his blue hair out of place. The man didn’t respond, instead he pushed two fingers inside of you again, pinning you to the wall as his assault made your toes curl. The slippers on your feet fell off as you moaned against your hand, bucking against Kirishima’s face before he grumbled and pulled away. Your orgasm fizzled away, and you moaned, upset as Kirishima stood up, his knees cracking before he had you against the wall again. He pinched your cheeks together before he smiled, his slick chin shining in the dim light of the bare bulb of the utility room. With a purr he kissed you, his tongue stroking your own, allowing you to have a taste of yourself. It was sour against your tongue, but not disgusting, the taste hidden by the taste of cigarette and mint in Kirishima’s mouth.
“Are you gonna…” You started before Kirishima covered your mouth. Footsteps clicked past the door, along with the gruff voices of several other members. Two stood outside the door, having a hushed conversation, and you squirmed in upset. Kirishima smirked before he spread your legs again and sucked a mark on your neck. With a brush of his hand, he had his cock in his hand and slid it inside of you, guiding it before he kissed you again, keeping you silent as his length slid, slowly inside of you, brushing the sensitive spot inside of you that made your head swim.
 Kirishima’s lip went white as he bit it, stifling his own noise as he bottomed out, pressed flushed against your hips, his cock twitching inside of you. The rush from potentially being caught, and the feeling of Kirishima’s hot cock inside of you made your stomach clench and your walls flutter in a rush of a soft orgasm, and you moaned into his mouth as you clenched your thighs and tried to ride his dick. He groaned softly into your hair at the feeling before he grabbed your hips and started a soft rhythm, careful not to make too much noise. It didn’t take the two men outside long to walk away, leaving the hallway beside you quiet.
“You’re a real pervert, aren’t you, teacher?” Kirishima cooed before he started to thrust in earnest, his hips slapping against yours as he chased his own high, desperate for it as you clenched around him again. He watched as you dumbly rubbed between your own legs, swiping at your clitoris fast enough to build another orgasm.
 “Are you going to cum?” Kirishima asked as he squeezed your backside, “Are you going to be quiet?”
You nodded, feeling the fluttering of your walls as Kirishima grinned, thrusting harder as he chased his own high, “Please Kirishima. I wanna cum…” You whispered against his ear as you moaned softly, hushing yourself with your palm again as you pinched your clit and flinched, your orgasm washing over you. Kirishima swore as you clenched tight and rushed to pull out as his cum painted the insides of your thighs, coating your tights and underwear. He panted as he admired the look, watching the pearly rivulets run over your skin and drip onto the floor. You moaned softly as he pulled your underwear back up and scowled as he laughed.
“Think you’re ready for the dinner party, teacher? Or would you like round two?” He teased before you smacked your elbow against his ribs.
“Shut up, Kirishima or so help me I’ll…” You threatened as you straightened your skirt.
“You’ll give me a kiss and promise to call me?” Kirishima batted his eyelashes.
“Something like that…” You muttered as he laughed at you.
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tsuvvy · 11 months
"Hey, Y/n." He says absent-mindedly
"What's up?" You ask and look at him.
He hesitates what he's gonna say and settles for a, "Nothin'"
You take a minute to scan over his face, hoping nothings wrong.
"You sure?" You pry on.
"Ya.." He nods his head, turned away.
"What were you gonna say?" You ask.
"Oh.." He starts, looking at you, for a second before wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer to him, burying his head in the crook of your neck. "You're the best thing that happened to me."
Oikawa Toru, Kirishima Eijiro, Yuta Okkotsu, Gojo Satoru, Shinso Hitsoshi, Chifuyu Matsuno, Usopp, Timothy Drake, Dick Grayson, Raleigh Becket, Jack Mercer, Sebastian Sallow, Leo Valdez, and any of your favorites 🫶
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trueshellz · 2 years
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Marriage Contract
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Summary: You've been forced into a marriage with the Demon of Sakuragi to pay off you father's debt...
Warnings: blasphemy, vaginal penetration, anal fingering, possessive behaviour, abuse (by father), forced marriage, smoking, drinking, spanking, biting, nipple play, female reader.
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Standing in front of all these people, head bowed as you clenched your jaw and ignored what was happening around you feeling completely helpless. Your marriage to ‘The Demon of Sakuragi’ was supposed to be an ‘honour and joy to form an alliance between the families’. When in fact it was a way for your father to pay off his debts to the Sakuragi head, using you as collateral had simply cemented how little he cared for you and after years of abuse and tirade after your mother’s passing you completely understood your position in his life.
A pawn.
A chess piece to be used and bargained for.
A cattle to be sold to the highest bidder.
To your own father, you were nothing.
A sharp pinch in your side as you felt your father’s walking stick pulling you out of your self pity, looking up to see expectant faces waiting for your reply as you held back the cry of pain. He loved seeing the twisted expression on your face as he revisited the same wounds he inflicted on you before, his gaze was sharp as he looked at you. Taking a deep breath and forcing a smile on your face you turned to the minister who was officiating your marriage and nodded.
“Yes, I agree.”
Glancing across at him the first time you took in your new husband, as he spoke to his… friends? White shirt with his sleeves rolled up, his chain tattoo adorning both wrists and through the back of his shirt you could see the dark lines of more ink covering his skin. Sharp eyes watching you as you accepted hugs and words of congratulations, each sentence making the fake smile on your face wane until you were sure you were wearing your emotions on your face completely. You could see him walking to the family head, mouth moving but his gaze was fixated on you completely, moving around the crowd so he could see you clearly when you sat down to eat. You let out a small wince when you sat, the bruises from your father still sore and uncomfortable no matter how much salve you put on them and you were sure the semi-healed cut inside your cheek was going to open soon from all the smiling you were having to do.
The drive home was just as awkward, one of the lieutenants drove you to your new marital home, Kirishima was sat on the other side of the back sea staring out the window just like you were, every so often front the corner of your eye you saw him turn and look you up and down. The only sounds you could pick up were the thump of your heart and the rumble of the car, every so often the two of them would engage in small talk but you were too busy panicking about your first night alone with him to even figure out what they were saying. As the car stopped, you startled a little when he reached over and undoing your belt, you could smell the cigarettes he had been smoking earlier, the alcohol he had consumed at your wedding and an underlying scent you couldn't place. You nodded silently when he ordered you to stay in the car, long strides as he went around the car to open the door for you. His hand was gentle but firm as he helped you out of the car, no words as he guided you into the house and towards what you assumed was your shared bedroom.
“Bathroom’s through there, sleep where you want. I’ll be back later.”
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The next few days were more of the same, you barely saw Kirishima even though you shared a bed. He would wake up before you and prepare his own breakfast, the kitchen would be tidy when you woke up and you would spend the day around the house until Kanami would come to see you and the two of you would go out for lunch with one of the guards. A few times you saw Kirishima as he went around town, he paid you little notice and to be honest, you felt more like a nuisance than his wife. From the little information you picked up from your family, he was known for being ruthless and harsh with everyone, picking fights with other families and, from what your dad had said, he was the one who dealt with your family’s debt.
In the afternoons, you would cook dinner and wait for him to come home, the meal would be silent and he would thank you before placing his hand on your head and leaving again. It was pretty much the only touch and interaction that you got from him, even if it was a bit stiff and stilted you were relieved that he hadn’t hurt you. Well, not yet anyway. There were stories about the way women were treated in this world, you had heard enough stories about mistreatment from fathers and husbands. Kirishima would return late, you would usually be asleep but once or twice he woke up when he climbed into bed. You felt the bed dip, the warmth from his body but he never once touched you. Keeping a good distance between you both in the king size bed, the one time you had turned and seen the dark ink trailing up his back, the designs made him look like an actual demon with the dark wings and scale-like designs covering his skin.
This evening you had just got out of the shower, dressed in a long t-shirt and some cotton shorts, you stood in front of the mirror and began drying your hair. The rumble of the hair dryer covering his footsteps, you hadn’t realised your husband was home until you smelt him again, felt his arms against your hips as he bracketed you against the dresser. Eyes slamming shut as you felt his chest against your back, his warm breath against your neck making you whimper. Then his fingers began trailing up and down your leg, stopping just at the hem of your shorts before repeating on the other side, you could feel calluses on his skin and what felt like plasters around a few fingers. The dichotomy of rough versus smooth made goosebumps rise on your skin, your mouth opening on a small gasp but you made sure you kept your eyes slammed shut.
“So… I was told that I was neglecting my little wife.”
His words ended on a small nip at the side of your neck, your fingers curled into the wood of the dresser. You felt his hand hold your chin, turning your face towards him as he spoke again. His chest was solid against your back, the hand not holding your face was not curled around your hip as he pulled you back against him again. The hard length of his cock was pressed against you, your eyes opened in shock and you saw him smirking at you. The ends of his lips curled up, sharp incisors peeking out as he let out a huff of laughter.
A tsk this time, using his body to push you backwards towards the bed until you landed with a small oomph on your back with him looming over you. His arms caging you in, legs bracketing yours as he held himself over you with a wide smirk. Your own hands had come up to hold him at a distance, placing them against the hard planes of his chest as you tried to push him away, but he simply lowered himself down until your hips were flush against each other. Fingers intertwined with yours as he held your hands above your head, not hard since you could still move around but enough to know that's where he wanted them. You tried to ignore the way your body reacted to him, each time he came around your father’s house you would watch him from the gaps in the stairs. You had seen how he treated your father, took delight in it even, hearing him shouting and beating up the man who was supposed to look after you but instead made your life hell.
“You’re so fuckin’ pretty.”
Tongue coming out to wet your lips, you watched as his eyes tracked the movement and then met yours. His pupils were blown wide, the smirk long gone instead a shocked expression on his face as he watched you readjust your position and then sigh. The way your chest rose, breasts rising and falling made his gaze drop below your chin where the neckline of the t-shirt had dropped a little and the swell of your breasts were visible. His hand in your hair was all the warning you got before his mouth descended on yours, hard and insistent as he growled against your lips. Tongue pushing past them as he angled your head to fit against his perfectly, your fingers had gone from pushing him away to holding him in place and you felt the steady thrum of his heart under your hands. His kiss matched his personality, while the sensation of his lips were soft and plush the way he kissed was rough and you were sure they would be swollen and bruised if he continued.
Pulling away, his thumb rubbing your bottom lip Kirishima removed his glasses and ran his fingers through his hair. The blue locks falling into his eyes again when he leaned down and tilted your head to expose the line of your neck, attaching his lips here as he licked and sucked the sensitive skin there. You opened your mouth to call his name again, but you felt his fingers against the gusset of your underwear and quickly held his wrist in shock. Instead of stopping his ministrations, Kirishima slid his fingers under the fabric while staring at you intently and traced the wetness that was gathered there already releasing a noise of approval when you coated his long digits. Taking your mouth again, his finger slipped inside you slowly, one at first and then two, curling them slowly before pulling them out again.
“Say my name.”
A sharp tap against your clit had you jerking in surprise, a gasp leaving your mouth when he shook his head.
A whine this time when he held the nub of your clit between his finger and thumb, leaning down to bite your bottom lip before kissing you hard again. You frowned in confusion when he kept your clit hostage, the undeterred pressure on the most sensitive part of your body was making your legs shake, breath coming out in short pants as he rolled it side to side.
The grin was back, a low huff as he pushed two fingers inside you again with no preamble, your back arching against the intrusion when he curled them inside you and held them there. His other hand holding your shoulder in place as he took your mouth, the double assault as his tongue licked into your mouth had you gripping his arms and digging your nails in. His own cock was hard against your leg as you started to unbutton his shirt and pushed the fabric over his shoulders, your eyes widening when the room began to fill with the wet sounds of your body opening up to him as he mumbled against your lips.
“Such a good girl… my pretty li’l wife… fuck.”
The last word was low and long as he pulled away, watching the way your wet pussy swallowed his fingers as he thumbed and rubbed your clit before sitting back and shucking shirt off and pushing his fingers back in. You sat up on your elbows, watching the muscles in his arm dance with each thrust inside you, his gaze holding yours as he tugged your t-shirt up to expose your breasts. Nipples stiff with arousal, he pinched and pulled them until you were keening and grabbing his wrist, another chuckle from him as added another finger and moved so his mouth could reach between your legs. His shoulders holding your legs open, lips covering the sensitive nub as he sucked it hard until your back arched again, mouth open on a silent scream as you came.
A rustle of noise made you realise you had closed your eyes, opening then to watch your husband undress in front of you. You could see the ink in full now, watching the dark lines travelling up his arms and his back, his body lean but had muscle definition including the sharp lines leading down to his thick cock. The same hand that had been inside you, still glistening with your arousal and slick from your orgasm, was now stroking his hard length up and down. His body crowded yours as he climbed over you again and settled himself between your legs, your own hands tugging the t-shirt off so you were completely naked in front of him.
“Lookit you, darlin’.”
His eyes travelled up and down your body, hands caressing the newly exposed skin and thumbing your nipples again until he covered them with his mouth and bit them lightly, soothing the hurt with his tongue. Your fingers in his hair, holding him in place as he sucked on them, the sensation leading straight to you clit and even though you had just come you could feel the familiar tug.
“K-... Tooru… God, please.”
“Nothing religious about me, darlin’. It’s not God here, it's me.”
You hissed when the thick head of his dick pushed at your opening, whining low in your throat when he pressed on your lower stomach so you couldn't move. Your body opened up, widening when he passed the ring of muscle there and pressed into you in one thrust. His hips flush against yours, hands holding you in place as he growled low in his throat.
“It’s not God that's inside you right now.” You gasped when he pulled out, slamming back in with such force the air was knocked from your lungs. “It’s me.”
Lips meeting yours, his hand holding your jaw as he stole your breath and kissed you, his hips moving in small circles and grinding against your clit.
“It’s not God that’s going to cum inside you, is it? Hmm? I’m gonna fill up this little pussy with my cum over and over again.”
A loud gasp this time when he pulled out, the wide tip left inside you as he slammed in again, balls slapping against your ass.
“It’s not God who’s going to look after you, protect you and make sure no-one touches you again.”
This time you hissed, his fingers pressing into the fading bruises that were almost healed but the skin was still tender. Eyes widening at the murderous rage in his tone that contrasted the soft way he looked at you.
“It’s me.”
“Tooru, I-”
Holding both your hips this time as he started fucking in in earnest, his fingers digging into your flesh and making you shriek. Each thrust knocked the air from your lungs and had you turning your head to bite the pillow, eyes scrunched shut as he reached up to cup your breasts again and roll your nipples between his fingers. You reached down to rub your clit, easing the way for him to pound you like he seemed to want to do. You couldn’t control the sounds leaving your mouth, jaw dropping open as he turned your head to make you open your eyes and watch him on top of you, hands now braced on each side of your head giving him more leverage to get even deeper inside you.
“There’s my pretty li’l wife… my good girl. So fuckin’ good f’me.”
The last three words were accompanied with harsh thrusts until he suddenly pulled out and flipped you over, pushing a pillow under your hips and taking the flesh of his hands and gripping it before landing a sharp slap, noise echoing in the room. You turned to see him palming your ass again, holding you open as he dribbled spit on your ass and rubbing it into the virgin hole. Shifting so he sat between your legs, pushing his length into you again and bottoming out with a grunt, leaning over to kiss up your spine.
“You ok, darlin’?”
Your nod was all he needed to continue, hands coming onto the bed caging you in as he started slamming himself inside you again and again. The pillow swallowing your cries of pleasure, muting the pretty sounds he was drawing from you until the constant pressure against your g-spot had you coming around his dick. You heard him curse again behind you, another sharp slap on your ass as he sat back and palmed it again, you could feel the heated skin and hissed when he dug his fingers in.
“The only marks you should be wearing are ones you got from pleasure.”
You opened your mouth to question him, but the feeling of his thumb pressed against your puckered entrance had you moving up the bed. His low shush made you pause, you felt more spit being added as he rubbed small circles until he could push the tip in. The feeling hot and taboo all at once, being filled up from both ends made you want to clench up but his thumb made electricity shoot up your spine. Gasping when he started moving again, holding your shoulder so you had no choice but to take everything he was giving you. You heard him getting louder, the occasional grunt now low moans and curses as he rutted into you, then he somehow fucked you even harded and you could feel him get bigger inside you. One particularly hard thrust pushing making you shriek as he held himself inside you, grinding against the heated skin as his hips stuttered and he emptied himself inside you.
Heavy breathing filled the room, you let out a small noise when he pulled out of you and closed your eyes as you willed your heartbeat to return to normal. You hissed when you felt something wet between your legs, turning to see Kirishima wiping at you with a washcloth, reaching for it, you blushed when he simply glared at you. You felt the bed dip as he lay down, this time pulling you close and wrapping an arm around you so your head was on his chest, his heartbeat thrumming against your ears.
“I won’t let your father touch you again, darlin’. I couldn't protect you before, but I’ll be damned if I let anyone hurt you again.”
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thewritetofreespeech · 11 months
Could I request Kirishima (Yakuza's guide to babysitting) introducing his baker girlfriend to Yaeka and everyone being shocked he even has a girlfriend in the first place?
Kirishima Toru + Secret Baker Girlfriend
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It had been a nice day outside, so Kirishima, Yaeka, and Sugihara went to the park. Yaeka’s friends had other plans. So she had to make due with the older men to play with for the afternoon.
“Hey, why don’t we get some bread for home?” Kirishima asked as they were heading back to the estate after they were all worn out from playing. Yaeka nodded maturely, while Sugihara yelped enthusiastically like a child.
They walk into the bakery and were greeted by a soft chime over the door & warm response from a woman behind the counter. “Hello! Welcome in! Oh, Kirishima-kun. I didn’t expect to see you today.”
“Kirishima-kun?” Sugihara asked suspiciously. To which Kirishima glared at him a little.
“You must be Sugihara. It’s nice to finally meet you!”
“How do you know about me?” His suspicions getting higher.
“Oh, I’m Kirishima’s girlfriend.”
“GIRLFRIEND?!” Sugihara exclaimed animatedly. His face completely shocked. “You have a girlfriend Kirishima?! How long have you had a girlfriend?!”
“I don’t know,” he replied with a shrug, “two years?”
“Two years?!”
Sugihara continued in his spiral of shock and questions, while [Y/N] walked around from behind the counter and knelt down in from of Yaeka. “You must be Yaeka. It’s nice to meet you.”
Yaeka took her hand when offered and shook it. “Nice to meet you.”
“Kirishima talks about you all the time when he comes by. He says you’re a very smart, kind, good natured young lady.” Yaeka’s face turned bright red at the compliment. “He also told me you like cats.” She perked up at the mention of cats.
[Y/N] went back around the counter and pulled out a cat shaped black & white cookie and gave it to Yaeka. “Here you go. They’re usually really popular, so I hope you like them. On the house.”
“We have money you know.” Kirishima butt in. Further ignoring Sugihara and his annoying interrogation.
“I never said you didn’t, and I assume you’re going to buy something else.” [Y/N] gave him a light tap in the shoulder; to which Sugihara went completely gobsmacked over. “The usual?”
Kirishima nodded and [Y/N] when about picking out his order. “Kirishima?” He looked down at Yaeka, who looked up at him with questioning eyes. “Why didn’t you ever mention you had a girlfriend?”
“I guess I didn’t think it was anyone’s business.” He said with a shrug.
He loved his yakuza family, but he was also a very private person. It was also hard to bring in outsiders to the family. It worked out for Sakuragi-san and his wife, but those instances were rare. Separate was best for now. Not that he was ashamed of their side of the conversation.
“Here you go! Two loaves of bread, one white and one rye, a dozen assorted muffins, and one brownie.”
“Wait, this is where the Friday muffins come from?” Sugihara asked. Finally calming down and putting the pieces together.
“Yeah. You didn’t think I was making them, did you?” Kirishima asked as he took the bag and handed it to him.
“Well…no….” Sugihara was so confused he didn’t know what to think. “They’re really good by the way.”
“Thanks!” [Y/N] replied with a smile and Sugihara blushed. Up until the point that Kirishima stepped on his foot.
“Tell Sakuragi-san that we’ll mango castella cake back in next week if he’s interested. I can set aside a batch from him if you text me.”
“Papa likes mango cake?” Yaeka asked. Eyes bright with a new realization about her father.
[Y/N] chuckled and told Yaeka, “only mine,” with a wink.
They say goodbye and the trio head back home. “I like your girlfriend Kirishima-san.”
“Yeah. I like her too.”
“I still can’t believe you got a girlfriend before me.” Sugihara muttered, before he howled out loud when Kirishima stepped on his foot again.
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night-fall-moon · 3 months
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Chapter 2: Regent
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The sound of skin to skin contact echoed throughout the meeting room. Pale skin becomes red as blood flows to the surface of it. A mild stinging pain could be felt, the feeling of embarrassment flooded his senses, but he kept a cool front. His poker face never faltered no matter how humiliated he was.
A sense of lingering anger and authority dropped from the hand that slapped the boy. His face filled with worry as his voice spoke out,
"A squad leader can't put his squad members' lives at risk." His voice was serious.
He was dead serious, and it showed not just through his expressions, but through his violent actions. He'd never once laid a hand on them no matter the circumstance, but he felt the need to express it this time to show that he was the one in charge for once and wouldn't be put down.
"It's dangerous to show our back to the enemy. I took the possibility of Orochi pursuing and attacking us from the rear into consideration." He defended himself.
He stared at Haise the whole time and asked him, "does that warrant a slap in the face?"
"You think you're so smart. Why else do you think I called for Haise? You would've died had it not been for me telling him as soon as we left to pursue Torso." Reina yelled at the foolish boy.
His ego got too big that he almost killed himself and the rest of his team all because of his selfish desires. Haise stood still as everything unveiled itself.
"Ghoul investigators must run even if their arms and legs are torn off!!" He raised his voice, veins popped out the side of his neck. His face contorted into one of worry.
"We'll have our chance as long as we're alive. What can we do if we're dead?!"
Sighing, Reina got in between both boys and put a hand on each of their shoulders. She pushed Urie away a bit and turned to face him.
"Urie I'm relieving you from duty as Squad Leader of the Quinx Squad." She stated.
Again Urie started arguing, he made sure his voice was heard when he said, "I find this unacceptable," but both of them didn't budge, instead Haise put his foot down and in an authoritative voice jibed, "it's an order."
Gritting his teeth Urie breathed heavily leaving a heavy suspenseful silence in his wake until he sneered at both of them, "but you're both ghouls..."
His eyes widened meanwhile the rest of the squad squeaked in surprise at his bold claim. How could he disrespect their mentors?! Shirazu wasted no time in beating some sense into the boy.
"You're a piece of shit!!" He yelled as he kicked the purple haired boy.
He continued to lecture the boy about how responsible and considerate their mentors were. How they both risked their lives for theirs. He tussled him around like a rag doll, Urie having no reaction to the treatment he was getting at the moment. Instead he looked behind him where Mutsuki was standing.
There the shy boy stood watching Shirazu manhandle Urie. Noticing that he was looking back he decided to speak up.
"Urie.. I.. I'd like you to apologize to Instructors Sasaki and Nakou."
"Shirazu let him go." Reina raised her hand in a stop motion.
Following her order he did so slowly. Looking back at his mentors he noticed that Haise was about to speak up.
"No matter what he says, my decision is final. Besides, I'm appointing Rank 3: Investigator Shirazu as Squad Leader." He pointed at the blonde.
Shirazu screeched and tried to protest. He had no idea what Sasaki was thinking, but this wasn't right. Him? Squad leader?! Those two things should never be in the same sentence. Haise reassured him that he'd teach him what it means to be a leader.
Turning to face the boy that was walking away he playfully hit him a small smile gracing his lips that didn't quite reach his ears.
"Urie. You keep disobeying me and I'll eat you! I'm a ghoul, remember?" He chuckled softly.
Having nothing else to say, the denoted boy just walked out the room. Noting Haise's weird behavior she walked behind him and patted his shoulder making him look down at her figure. She smiled weakly at him and left to follow after Urie.
She looked around everywhere and found him sitting on the couch by himself in the living room. Deciding to sneak up on him she quietly approached him and hugged him tightly against her chest. Startled at first he tried to pull her arms off of him until he heard the familiar sound of her voice reach his ears.
"Got ya." She tilted his head so he could look up at her.
Huffing he let her have her way with him. She let go and climbed over the couch to sit on the glass coffee table. Her small figure leaning back, strands of lilac hair letting loose from her messy bun.
"I'm going to make it quick since we have to wake up early tomorrow." She put it simply as she crossed her legs.
He looked her dead in the eye and motioned for her to get on with what she initially came here for.
"You need to learn to respect others, you know. If you keep up this rude attitude it won't make others like you. Now since I started living with you I've learned a few things." She started.
"You don't like sweets, so I don't know why you have that with you. Two you don't care for relationships, whether it's romantic or platonic it doesn't matter. You push those who care for you away all because of your personal goals." She sat upright and stood up walking behind the couch.
"Let me tell you from personal experience... you'd rather have friends or people you can call acquaintances than enemies. Why? Because you don't know when the last time you'll need them by your side is. If you have no one to be there for you, you'll feel lost." She leaned over it and whispered in his ear,
"I know you don't care about these mundane matters, but it'll come and bite you back in the ass. Especially if you mess with the wrong people." She breathed out and turned around to leave.
"And who would those people be?" His voice echoed throughout the vacant room.
The girl stood glued in her place.
"Since I started living with you I've learned a few things." He mocked.
She turned around and smirked.
"Yeah? Like what?" She taunted.
"You've been acting up since you moved in. Not a single time have you actually acted yourself. This little vulgar act you're putting up isn't fooling anyone. Who are you? Is the real question, Reina Nakou." His voice dripped of venom.
She smiled at his words and walked up to pat his cheek.
"I hope you know what you’re getting yourself into, darling."
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wc: 1.1k previous chapter  masterlist next chapter
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a/n: short chapter cause of writers block but also because I wanted to stop meshing chapters together for a bit. Next chapter will be a bit longer but shorter than the previous ones.
ps. school is gonna kick me in the ass soon so… spontaneous updates will ensue
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akiogiyuuxo · 2 years
Chapter 1 ' The First meeting '
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a/n: This is a kirishima Toru x reader from 'The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting'
Pairing: Kirishma Toru x Reader (gender natural)
A/n: Some chapter's may include sexual themes, violence, or triggers to some. Please keep in mind I do not write prefect English but I try my best to :D .
The fandom is pretty small and there's not really a lot of fanfic of this anime/character so I decided to make one myself and for some other people. Other than that, please enjoy the story.
genre: fluff, just fluff?
Warnings: cussing? Spoilers? that's all.
Summary: You are an assistant to Yuri Mashiro, one who works for him. One day you're assigned to a mission. A mission you'll soon regret..
Oh how you hated his guts. assigned to be a teacher just to be on the look out for anything that catches his eye.
Seriously, who does he think he is! Making you seem like a puppet or a toy to play with.
But right now, you heard that Kirishima toru has changed and has been looking after some little girl. And that was your task to do. To observer the guy and the little girl.
You snapped out of thoughts when Yuri called out for you. "You heard what I said, right?" You jumped in fear, knowing that you were lost in thought.
" Ah sorry sir. I was zoned out for a bit." you confessed. He smirk and looks out the window.
"I said, You must remember what your mission is. If you ever think of messing up.." he turned his head around and had a face that made you had fear.
"I-I think I understand sir.. I won't disappoint you." You said as you collected yourself. "aha good! Well then here is where you get drop off now." He says as a servant opens the door for you to step out of the car.
"ah yes, I promise to do what is told sir." As you step out of the car, Yuri gently grabs your hand and kisses it.
"That's my doll~" he lets go and the servant closes the door. You stood there flustered.
You shock it off before seeing the car go and disappear out of sight. You sighed knowing this is probably a mistake you did, but too late to turn back.
Truth be told, you hated knowing damn well you didn't like working for him. But it's only a way to survive.
LATER ( During the morning and school time) " Good morning class! Today your teacher would be taking a break over the year. So for today now on Mx.(L/N) will be your teacher. Please say hello to them and make them feel welcome! "
You waved and bowed as you heard children said hello.
"Glad to be your teacher this year. Should we get stared?" You said as children cheered.
Now that you look at her. She does seem to be an adorable girl. 'Yaeka' was her name. Your surprised about hearing her mother being in a coma and yet still survived. It was lunch time decided to go to see why she didn't want to play.
"Hello dear." she seemed to jump when you appeared behind her. "Oh, what are you drawing?" you question as you try to see what she drew but was too late when she covered it.
"Nothing.." She said as she look embarrassed. "I've seen your drawing's before, I must say they look delightful and very amazing." as you said that, she seemed a bit more relax.
"Really?" she asked as she look into your eyes with joy. You smiled " Of course, don't tell anyone but I think yours is one that I loved the most." you winked and she giggled.
"Thank you." she smiled. "ofc, so why don't you let me see what you're drawing?" she seemed to think about it but then moved her hand aside to let the drawing be revealed.
"Oh! Is that your dad?" you asked as you point to a blue haired drawing. "No, that's...my babysitter." she said. "you have a babysitter? how cute!" you looked at it again.
"Your going to give it to him?" you ask as she looked up at you. "Yes! He said he likes my drawings so I was making one for him." you can't believe how cute she can get.
"I'm sure hes going to love it." you smiled while she giggled and talked more about him.
Lunch and break time was over. It was time to go home, as all the students were packing up their stuff.
You go grab something from the drawer and grab some special crayons box. You go over to Yaeka and give it to her. "Here have this, these are some that don't break. And I see that you use Blue a lot. So keep it okay?" you said as she takes it and smiles.
"Thank you!" she says happily. As you walk out the students to the gate and see for them to go home. You kept your eye on Yaeka. That's when a man with blue hair and glassed appeared and yaeka ran up to him, calling he name. You watched as the man lowered down to her height and greet her.
'Kirishima ay, he really did changed.' you thought. Then your name was called by the little girl.
"That's my teacher over there! They were really nice and gave me these crayons to color with!" she said as Toru looked over her to see you.
He came back up and just stared. " Thank you for being kind." He said all of the sudden, "ah it was nothing, just trying to be nice that's all! heh". you laughed as yaeka waved at you "See you tomorrow Mx.(L/N)!" she said.
"(L/N)?" Toru mumbled. "Let's go little lady, kei has made some cookies for you." he said as he gentlny grabs the little girls hand to walk towards to their house.
You would be lying if you said you didn't found him quite cute. But who knows when the two of you will meet again....
Chapter 1 finish, just need to do the other chapter. Just so you guys know, I may update slow but I'll try my best to update faster. Hope you guys liked this one a little bit :D !
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maerinhearts · 2 years
It's your three month anniversary with Kirishima Tooru, the man of your dreams. Nothing beats spending quality time together...
Warnings: fem!bodied reader, mentions of previous bad sexual encounters (it doesn't go into detail), slight choking (like once), creampie, overstimulation
Word Count: 7,800+
Smut is below the cut.
MDNI pleaseeee, for the love of everything good on this earth.
A/N: I'm proud of the plot on this one, not too proud of the smut, so please be nice :')
There might be actual hearts in your eyes as the waitress sets your plate of food down in front of you. As if on cue, your stomach growls. You had been waiting for this meal all week. Not just because of the fancy restaurant you were in and the delicious food you were about to scarf down, but because of the man currently sat across the table from you. You glance up to look at him but find that the waitress is now setting his food down in front of him, leaning over a little too far, low cut shirt doing the bare minimum to hide the swell of her breasts from the entire restaurants gaze.
You feel your eye twitch at that, suddenly feeling possessive. When she asks if you guys need anything else, she directs the question at him, as if you weren’t even there. This happened quite often on dates with him. You found the waitresses would unabashedly flirt with him in front of you, it never bothered you before. You know your boyfriend is hot, but for some reason this waitress was getting under your skin. Perhaps it was because even you could tell she was beautiful, anyone with eyes could see that.
“Sweetheart?” he calls out, covering your hand with his on the table. “Did you need anything else from the waitress?”
Your eyes move from his hand on yours to the waitress who was sneering down at you. You knew this was his way of subtly putting her in her place. After all, he would never purposefully hurt a woman. If you were being honest with yourself, you wished he would go off on her and not hold back.
Pushing the feeling aside, you force the sweetest smile you can muster up for her. “No, thank you. I’m okay for now,” you answer and with a roll of her eyes, she leaves your table.
You let out a small sigh as his hand leaves yours and pick up your utensils to dig into your meal, finally. You grumble to yourself as you stir your food around to pick up your first bite, annoyed at the waitress for hitting on your boyfriend and annoyed at your boyfriend for not telling said waitress off.
“Are you alright?”
You glare at your boyfriend across the table and shove a spoonful of food into your mouth.
“No,” you say around your mouthful of food. You swallow. “Why do you have to be so hot?”
He bursts out laughing at you, covering his mouth with his elbow so he doesn’t disturb the whole restaurant. Your glare deepens as you continue eating and he continues laughing.
“Where did that come from?” he finally asks you, still slightly laughing. His face is dusted with a pretty pink blush, obviously affected by your strange way of complimenting him.
You set your silverware down with a huff. “Every restaurant we go to, the waitresses and hostesses are always throwing themselves at you. It’s annoying.”
He quirks an eyebrow up at this. “Well, I’m only interested in you,” he states matter-of-factly.
You feel your face heat up and you snatch your silverware back off the table. “I know,” you grumble before taking another bite of your food.
The both of you continue eating, conversation flowing between you naturally. You found your cheeks starting to hurt from smiling so much, but you were happy to be here and celebrating your three-month anniversary with him.
“I was thinking we could watch a movie on my couch after dinner?” you suggest as the both of you finish up your meals.
“I can think of doing something better after dinner,” he offers, not looking at you, eyes trained on his meal as he picks up another bite of his food.
You glance up at him, puzzled yet intrigued on what he thinks could be better than cuddling on the couch and spending time together. “What’s that?” you ask, frowning.
“You.” He’s making direct eye contact with you now.
Your eyes widen, surprised, and you avert your gaze, face heating up at his comment. You grumble to yourself as you take another bite of food. When you steal a glance up at him again, he has an eyebrow raised, waiting for an answer.
“I don’t know if I’m ready,” you mumble, mainly to yourself. You wanted to be with him, in every way possible. He was being incredibly patient with you as well. Here you were, at your three-month anniversary dinner. It was the longest any man had stuck around in almost five years. You were thankful for him.
“I’ve got all the time in the world for you,” he replies sincerely, voice soft.
You’re too anxious to look up at him, so you keep your gaze down, butterflies erupting in your abdomen at his admission. “Good,” you say lightheartedly, cutting into your entrée again, “because we might be elderly by the time we do it.”
Tooru chuckles at that, shaking his head before going back to his meal.
When you finish eating, you set your utensils on the empty plate and push it to the center of the table. It’s silent for a second as Tooru finishes up his meal as well.
“You know,” you start as you pull your phone out of your bag to check the time. “No guy has ever made me cum during sex before.”
Across from you, he begins choking on his last bite of food, coughing to try to dislodge whatever got stuck in his throat. The topic was still on intimacy, right? What you said wasn’t too far off what the conversation was about, was it? Also, isn’t it normal for a girl to not cum? To not really enjoy it?
You feel your face heat up in embarrassment as Tooru pounds his chest with his fist before chugging his water. He covers his face with one hand as you pull your phone up to cover your own face, body sliding down in your chair to shield yourself.
He couldn’t stop the smile that was threatening the corners of his mouth. It was like you had dumped gasoline on a small flame within him, the flame that desires only you. He could feel his body heating up. He could feel his competitive nature begin to rise. He was holding back on intimacy for your sake. You had confided in him about some past sexual encounters, so he vowed to take things as slow as you wanted. It killed him. He wanted to touch you so bad. He began leaving lingering touches, lingering kisses. Fingertips pressing into your waist a second longer than usual. Lips hovering over yours after a quick kiss. Hands holding your delicate face long enough to commit every single one of your features to his memory.
And now, after you said such a daring thing in a restaurant full of people, he couldn’t wait to get you underneath him, to make you cum as many times as your body could handle.
He slowly lowers his hand to his lap, fisting the fabric of his slacks in both hands to keep himself from dragging you right out of this restaurant without paying.
You peak around your phone at him to find him staring at you with a heated gaze, eyes alight behind his glasses. You sit up in your seat again, leaning forward to rest your elbows on the table as you quirk an eyebrow at him.
Before you can finish, his hand darts across the table to grab your chin and pull you closer to him. One of your hands wraps around his wrist as the other tries to find purchase on the table. He leans close, lips a breath away from yours.
“I’ll make you cum until you can’t anymore,” he promises, voice soft and husky. You gulp as his words head straight to your core and you clench your thighs together. Never before had he been so bold with you. His touches were always gentle, always fleeting. But this…
His fingers loosen from around your chin and move to caress your cheek before he presses a soft kiss against your mouth. You’re too shocked to react and kiss him back, frozen in your seat wondering why the hell that was so hot.
Like she was put on this Earth to interrupt you, the waitress comes by to ask Tooru how things are going. He sweetly asks for the check and, before you know it, he is pulling you from the booth and holding your coat out for you to put on. You’re like a robot on autopilot as you shove your arms into the coat, and he fixes it on your shoulders.
You don’t remember the last time a man had turned you on that easily, that quickly or that much. If you had to guess, never, probably. You had gotten turned on before while kissing him, body and mind so incredibly touch starved that it just felt good to have his hands on you in any type of way. In fact, the last time the two of you were making out, he had to pull himself away and off of you. You had rolled your hips up against his, eager for more friction, but the way your body trembled beneath him had him on edge. He had parked himself on the edge of your bed facing away from you, shaking hands fisted into the fabric of his pants as he took deep breaths.
You had wrapped your arms around his shoulders from behind him, placing your chin in the crook of his neck. You waited until he explained to you that if you were still shaking that much, it meant you weren’t ready. He couldn’t do that to you even if you had asked and, funny enough, you were about to ask. You remember feeling relieved when he left that night. Relieved that he had pulled himself away because, in reality, you really weren’t ready.
And you had avoided him like the plague after that. Coming up with excuses to not see him because you were so embarrassed. Lucky for him, he caught on to what was going on pretty quickly and, after two weeks of avoiding him, he came by on a day he knew you were off work and knocked on the door. Unannounced. You opened the door without hesitation, expecting your best friend to be on the other side, ready to lecture you for avoiding Tooru… Again.
“For the last time, Yuki,” you began yelling as you turned the doorknob, “Kirishima probably doesn’t want to see me-” Your sentence had come to a full stop at the sight of who was actually on the other side of the door. “Anyway…” you finish, voice soft.
His look of pure annoyance was enough to make anyone run for the hills, and you had tried to make yourself look as small as possible under his gaze. After all, he was the Demon of the Sakuragi Family.
“Don’t put words into my mouth, Y/N,” he said through gritted teeth.
You had averted your gaze as tears welled up in your eyes. And just as you were about to fall to your knees in front of him to beg him not to leave you, he caught your body in his arms and crushed you to his chest. That’s when you knew that he was different.
“And it’s Tooru to you,” he had told you softly before he tightened his arms around you.
The memory of that night fades as you feel warmth on your thigh. You turn your gaze from the passing scenery outside the car window to the hand that was laying palm up on your thigh. You glance up at Tooru whose gaze was still on the road. When you look down, he wiggles his nimble fingers at you wordlessly. Understanding what he wants, you place your hand in his, threading your fingers together with a small smile. He holds you tightly, bringing your hand up to kiss the back.
“Go on in without me,” Tooru says as you get out of the car at your apartment. He pulls his cigarettes from his pocket, taking one and putting the cancer stick between his lips. He goes to light it but stops when he notices you glaring at him. “What?” The cigarette bounces between his lips at the word.
“When are you going to stop smoking?” you ask him, glare deepening. “It’s bad for you, you know.” You cross your arms at him.
He sighs, slipping his lighter back into his pocket and taking the cigarette from his mouth between his index finger and thumb, still unlit. He steps closer to you, and you just tilt your head back to maintain eye contact with him, still glaring. With his free hand, he tilts your chin back more with his index finger, eyes darting all around your face. With his thumb, he traces your bottom lip delicately. You can feel your glare falter as he leans down, warm breath fanning over your face.
“If I got to see your pretty face every day, it would be easy to quit,” he murmurs, voice hanging between the two of you in the cold air. He kisses your forehead. “But I don’t,” he says playfully as he steps back, pulling his lighter back out from his pocket. “So, I smoke because I have to deal with a bunch of meatheads every day.” He lights the cigarette, inhaling the tobacco and blowing it out to his side, away from you. “Not to mention, my partner is a knucklehead.” He taps the butt of the cigarette and ashes fall to the ground.
You glare at him again. “Don’t talk about Sugihara like that, Tooru,” you scold.
“It’s true!” he argues as he blows out another puff of smoke.
“Sugihara is an angel,” you tell him. “He does everything you tell him to without complaining! You don’t even have to do any of the leg work when you guys patrol together!”
He raises an eyebrow at you as he pulls another drag from his cigarette, turning to blow it to his side again. “Oh?” he starts before he takes the last drag of the stick and throws it to the ground, stepping on it to put it out as he steps closer to you again. “If he’s such an angel-” He comes toe to toe with you, hand coming up to squish your cheeks together, lips pushing out. “-why don’t you date him instead, hmm?”
You glare up at him, hand coming up to wrap around his wrist, the other fisting into the front of his exposed shirt. “I didn’t mean it like that, and you know it,” you tell him around your squished face.
He grins wickedly. “Then who do you want to be with, pretty girl?” he murmurs, voice thick. “Go on, tell me who you want.”
Your breath catches in your throat as heat pools in the pit of your stomach again, butterflies racing through your chest. What was with you today? Why did he have this much of an effect on you?
He releases your face, hand skimming along your skin as it finds it’s place on the back of your neck, thumb firmly pressed on the underside of your jaw. You fist both hands into the front of his shirt now, unconsciously pulling him flush against you, lips a heartbeat away from each other. So close that your next words are spoken into his mouth.
“You,” you breathe. “I want you.”
“That’s my girl,” he whispers, lips brushing against yours at the action before he firmly presses his mouth into yours.
You swallow a groan as his free arm finds its way into your open jacket and around your waist, pressing you tighter against him. His tongue glides across your bottom lip, but instead of you opening your mouth to him, you press your lips together and giggle as he pulls back to look at you with an annoyed face.
He lifts his head away from you, falling back to look at the sky before he sighs and presses his lips against your forehead. “Let’s go inside,” he says, grabbing your shoulders and turning you around towards the door. “It’s cold.”
You can’t help the giggle that bubbles up in your chest as he pushes you into your apartment, grumbling to himself as he takes his shoes off by the door before he helps you take your coat off and hangs it in your closet. You pad through your apartment to the kitchen as Tooru hangs his coat up next to yours. It was the weekend, at least, so he planned on staying over at your place tonight. It isn’t the first time he is staying with you, but the electricity in the air as he breezes past you to your bathroom is new.
It sends a chill up your spine and you grip the bottle of wine you pulled from your fridge a little harder, turning to look at the empty space he left when he walked past you. You take a deep breath to ground yourself before reaching for the wine glasses you bought especially for this occasion. You surprise yourself by finding that your hands are steady, and you silently celebrate as you pour the wine, a smile stuck on your face. You had been mentally preparing for this dinner. He had planned the dinner himself for your anniversary, but the week leading up to this, you prepared yourself to finally take the leap. To finally be his in every way possible. To finally let him have you.
His words from before haunted you: “If you’re still shaking this much, you aren’t ready.” It never dawned on you before that your shaking was your anxiety surrounding being intimate. Sure, you were anxious about what might happen tonight, but the excitement you felt outweighed the anxiety. You were ready.
“Hmm? What are you smiling about?”
You nearly jump out of your skin at Tooru’s voice, surprised to find him standing in front of you with an eyebrow raised, glasses gone.
“N-nothing,” you mumble, turning your face away as it heats up and taking a drink of your wine.
“Is this for me?” he asks as he picks up the other glass of wine you prepared.
“Yes,” you reply. “I picked it out especially for tonight.” You turn back to face him, giddy to see what he thought of your favorite wine.
Considering Tooru wasn’t much of a wine drinker (he was more of a liquor guy), you were excited to see his reaction. He swirls the liquid around in the glass, something he had seen people do in movies, before he peers over the top of the glass to look at its crimson contents. He frowns before bringing the glass up and smelling it.
You knit your eyebrows together as you feel your eye twitch. Leave it to Tooru to check out every aspect of the wine before even attempting to touch the glass to his mouth. As if to annoy you even more, he pulls the glass away from his face and grabs up the bottle.
“Let’s see what this flavor is…” he murmurs as he regards the bottle in his hand. “Ah, a sweet red wine?”
You’re glaring at him now in between sips from your own glass. You’re about to kick him in the shins when he finally sets the bottle down and brings the brim to his lips.
You find yourself leaning forward in anticipation. He takes some of the wine into his mouth, swishing its contents around with a thoughtful, but pleased look. Then he swallows. And as the wine makes its way down his esophagus, he grimaces.
“Dry,” he states and sets the glass back onto the counter.
You hang your head in annoyance, not wanting him to see how his reaction affected you. But then your face is being tilted up and his lips are on yours in an instant. You gasp in surprise and his tongue delves into your open mouth. He swipes his tongue across yours quickly before pulling back and licking his lips.
“Tastes sweet on you,” he decides.
You’re too stunned to react as Tooru turns on his heel and flops onto your couch just ten feet away. Butterflies erupt across your chest again as you feel heat pool into your underwear. You quickly turn to face the counter and down the rest of your glass in one drink as your face heats up. Seriously, what is up with these reactions of yours tonight? It can’t be just you that is getting turned on by the dumbest things… right? You look over your shoulder to look at the man that is currently manspreading in your space.
Even that was hot!
You quickly turn back around to take a couple deep breaths.
“What did you want to watch?” he calls out to you.
You turn back around to face him. “Whatever you want,” you reply. “I’m going to go put some pajamas on.”
He watches your every move as you pass him to enter your bedroom. You close the door and lean back against it. You weren’t sure how much longer you could last without pouncing him, but you were determined to get through at least one movie with him before getting him into your bed under the premise that it was bedtime. It was already pretty late after all.
You hold the nightgown you chose specifically for tonight in your hands. It was a low cut, spaghetti strap gown. The hem stopped mid-thigh and it was lace trimmed. The neckline did little to hide your cleavage, especially with no bra. It was pretty much skintight, but the slit that ran up your left leg gave you just enough room to breathe. You look at yourself in the mirror and can’t help the small laugh that escapes your lips as your eyes land on the small bow that was nestled in between your breasts. Almost like it was taunting. You turn yourself slightly in the mirror to get a look at the whole gown.
“Alright,” you say to yourself. “I can do this.” You put your feet back into your slippers and take a deep breath before opening your bedroom door.
You make your way back to your living room with a newfound determination.
“I put on your favorite,” he mentions without looking at you, eyes trained on the TV as the opening to Tarzan plays.
As you walk around the couch to your designated spot beside him, he glances up at you for the first time. His eyes widen as he takes in what you are wearing, caught off guard at the barely there nightgown you had chosen. It wasn’t much different from what you normally wore, he guesses. He tries not to read too much into it as you plop yourself beside him on the couch and press yourself into his side. He’s almost too scared to touch you that he doesn’t move his arm from the back of the couch.
You don’t make a comment about it. Instead, you thank him for putting on your favorite movie and thus begins the one hour and twenty-eight minutes of torture you have to endure to wait for bedtime.
Tooru isn’t fairing much better beside you. His eyes haven’t left the TV since the movie started and his left hand was now gripping the cushion of the back of the couch so tight that his fingers were beginning to hurt. Luckily, he had changed into some baggie sweatpants, and he had used his free hand to cover his half-hard erection with the baggie tee shirt he was wearing as well, so you had no idea the effect your little get up had on him. He wasn’t entirely sure what to think about it all. He couldn’t tell if you had done this on purpose or if your motives were innocent. Either way, he was scared of what he might do once he gets into your bed for the night. He thinks he might not be able to stop himself.
As for you, your heart was beating so loud in your chest that you were glad yours and Tooru’s positions weren’t switched. You were on edge and kind of glad he wasn’t touching you. You feared how you might react if his hands were on you. You could wait. You could definitely wait. You wanted this to be special…
And so when the end credits finally roll, you find yourself jumping off the couch a little too quickly, announcing that you were going to brush your teeth and wait for him in bed. As you skip off, Tooru balances his elbows on his knees and drops his face into his hands. What was he going to do? He knew that if he got into bed with you looking like that, he wouldn’t be able to stop himself. Maybe if he laid facing away from you…
Yes, that’s it. He’ll just lay facing away from you.
When he finishes brushing his teeth, he walks around your place to shut everything off and double check the locks on the door. He closes your blinds and curtains before making his way to your dark bedroom, finding you exactly where you said you would be.
You had been staring up at the ceiling for the last 10 minutes listening to him shuffle about your apartment like he normally did when he stayed over. He always turned everything off for you before getting into bed. A man’s job, he had told you once.
Your room was small, your bed pressed up against two walls in the corner of the room. When Tooru stays over, you sleep closest to the wall so Tooru could sleep closest to the door. Also, a man’s job, he had told you when you asked. You didn’t quite understand it, but you assumed it was the same as him putting you on the inside of the sidewalk when you guys walked together.
When he finally enters your bedroom, you feel your heart skip a beat upon seeing his silhouette in your door frame. Wordlessly, he pulls the covers on your bed back and climbs in beside you. Without so much as glancing your way, he turns to face away from you.
“Good night, darling,” he tells you.
You frown. Then your frown turns into a glare. You turn on your side and prop yourself up on your elbow to look at his back.
“No kiss good night?” you ask, voice laced with annoyance.
He turns over onto his back, eyes closed and puckers his lips out for a kiss. You draw in a deep breath, suddenly very annoyed with whatever game he is playing. So you don’t move. You wait.
After a very long 30 seconds, he opens one eye to look at you, lips still puckered. He finds you staring at him with narrowed eyes.
“What?” he asks innocently. He opens both eyes to fully look at you. And he wishes he wouldn’t have. With the way your body was propped with your elbow, your nightgown was gaping, showing your breasts so deliciously pressed together and threatening to spill out of the fabric. If you moved even slightly in his direction, he would be catching a nip slip. He felt his mouth water. He quickly covers his face with his hands to keep himself from pushing you back against the mattress and having his way with you.
“Why won’t you look at me?” you ask, voice small.
Oh, no, Tooru thinks.
“Y/N,” he starts, face still covered. “If I look at you, I’m going to want to touch you. And if I touch you, I’m not going to want to stop. And if I don’t stop-”
“Look at me, then.”
Tooru freezes, breath caught in his throat as he slowly lowers his hands. His eyes stay trained on the ceiling as he swallows the lump in his throat.
“Tooru,” you murmur, hand reaching out to grab his. You lean closer to him. “Look at me,” you whisper.
The next thing you know, you’re on your back underneath him, eyes wide and lips parted in surprise. He fits his right leg in between yours, pressing his knee right up against you. You snap your mouth shut at the feeling and gulp. Your hands fist into the sheets at your sides as you look at the man above you. His eyes are closed again, head hanging as he takes in labored breaths through his nose to calm himself down.
You reach a hand up to touch his face. “Too-” He catches you off guard by catching your hand just before you can touch him. When he finally opens his eyes, he makes direct eye contact with you as he brings your hand towards his face and kisses the inside of your wrist. You suck in a breath as your body squirms beneath him, accidentally rubbing yourself right against the thigh that was currently pressed against you.
He presses it harder into you in response as he drops your hand and leans down. Both yours and his breathing is the only sound in the room. Your breathing picks up in anticipation as his face gets closer to yours until he is pressing his lips to your cheek and gently nudging your head to the side with his own. He presses his lips to the underside of your jaw, and you close your eyes, small gasp leaving your lips as he continues trailing the softest kisses down your neck.
Every touch of his lips on your skin sends electricity down your spine, arousal settling at the base and only growing stronger as his lips reach your collar bone. Your breathing is labored, chest rising and falling rapidly underneath him. When he pulls back to look at you, he feels his self-control crumble and slip right through his fingers. Your lips are parted, cheekbones dusted a pretty pink, pupils blown wide and eyes heavy lidded.
Without looking away, he pushes your legs apart with his other knee, fitting himself right in between your thighs, hips centimeters away from yours, his own knees spread apart and resting on either side of your hips. His hands are pressed into the pillow beside your head, the only part of your bodies touching is where your thighs are pressed into his hips. He stays like that, for a long moment.
He’s apprehensive about going too fast.
You’re over that. You’re over the anxiety, the nervousness, the anticipation. Without thinking twice, and moving faster than Tooru can register, you tangle your hands into his hair and pull his mouth to yours. He grunts as your lips connect, caught off guard, but the sound is quickly replaced with a low moan as you press your tongue into his mouth.
As he slides his tongue against yours, you let out the softest moan and he finally presses his hips firmly into yours. You gasp as you feel his cock press right up against you, arousal pooling into your panties as he barely rocks his hips into yours.
He pulls back to look at you, to make sure you’re okay after that gasp you let out, eyes panicked as he searches your face. He brings his hand up to caress your face.
“Are you-” You catch his wrist before he can finish his sentence and press his palm right against your breast.
“Touch me,” you breathe out.
If you weren’t so caught up in the moment and dead set on doing this with him, you could laugh at the way Tooru’s jaw goes slack and the far away look in his eyes. He wasn’t expecting this, not tonight. He was willing to wait years for you to be ready, but now that you were he felt unprepared. He finally looks down at your body beneath his. Your nightgown was bunched up at your hips, thighs parted to accommodate him, hair splayed out against the pillow. He could see your nipple that wasn’t covered with his hand through the fabric of the nightgown, erect and pressing into the cotton. And when he looked further down, he could see your underwear barely peeking out from the hem of your nightgown. He could also see the wet spot forming and his heart skips a beat.
He slides his hands to your waist and your eyes follow his movements. His fingertips glide to your hips before he is fitting them underneath the fabric of your nightgown, pressing them directly into the warm skin of your waist, just above the band of your panties. You suck in a breath as you feel his cool hands on your bare skin, trying not to squirm beneath him as he moves those same hands up and up, pushing your nightgown up your body to your waist, revealing your underwear and navel to his gaze.
He caresses your skin so gently, hands moving to smooth against your thighs. Without thinking, he moves his hands to the inside of your thighs, coming to a stop at the edge of your panties before he firmly parts your thighs to get a good look at the underwear you chose to wear tonight.
You’re practically panting underneath him, arousal leaking into your underwear again underneath his gaze. You had chosen a pair of cotton underwear that was lace trimmed, the same color of your nightgown as well. It also had a little bow on the waistband.
Tooru’s mouth waters as he looks down at you, thighs spread for him. He can feel himself come alive above you, finally. Now that you had given him explicit permission to touch you, he wasn’t going to hold himself back anymore.
He hooks his fingers into the waistband of your underwear, eyes moving up to meet yours. “If you don’t tell me now, I’m not going to be able to stop,” he informs you, voice breathy. You gulp, thoughts racing a million miles a minute, but not a single one of them is telling you that you shouldn’t go through with this. Every single thought is begging him to touch you, to kiss you, to lick you, to be inside of you. Have you ever wanted this this badly before?
You swallow thickly. “I don’t want you to stop,” you whisper.
He throws his head back and groans. “I need you to be sure about this,” he says to the ceiling.
You knit your eyebrows together into a frown. “Tooru.” Your voice is even, much to your surprise, and he looks back down at you with wide eyes. You relax your face when you see just how anxious he is. He doesn’t want to hurt you.
“Take them off,” you blurt out.
His hands go slack against you in surprise, confused look plastered on his face before he feels you pushing at his hands, encouraging him to take your underwear off. He pulls them off your hips and you maneuver your body to help him get them off, knees pressed up against your own chest as he pulls them off your ankles and tosses them to the floor. You stay like that until he is grabbing your knees with his hands and pushing your thighs apart to press his hips right back up against you, hands pressing into the pillow next to your head. He meets your gaze as he rolls his hips experimentally into yours, clothed cock somehow rubbing right in between your folds.
You gasp and arch your back, pressing your nightgown clad tits right up into his chest. He smirks as he feels himself come alive with confidence above you. If just that one action gets this sort of reaction, how quickly can he get you to be putty in his hands?
Without thinking, he yanks down the top of your nightgown to expose your breasts to him, right hand cupping the underside of your left breast and squeezing as he brings his mouth down to your now bare nipple. He sucks the bud into his mouth, and you writhe beneath him, breast pressing further into his mouth and hips grinding up against his. He moves to give the same attention to your other breast, and you press your head back into your pillow at the feeling.
As you lift your hips up to grind against him again, he presses your hips down into the mattress. You watch as he moves his body down your own, hands moving to the underside of your thighs and pressing them into your body, exposing you to him. His mouth waters at the sight of your glistening pussy and without wasting any more time, he moves to press his lips right against your clit.
You suck in a breath through your teeth as he opens his mouth and presses his tongue against you, moan bubbling up in your throat as he circles your clit with it. He presses an open mouth kiss against you before diving down to lap up the arousal at your entrance. You moan from beneath him, hand finding its way into his hair and pressing him further into you. He’s slow with his ministrations, tongue drawing lazy figure eights against you before sucking your clit into his mouth and licking up the wetness accumulating on your sex.
You’re a mess beneath him and he’s enjoying it. You’re thrusting your hips up into his face every time his tongue drags across your clit and he’s trying not to smirk against you. Just when you think he is done, he picks up his pace, tongue sloppily flicking repeatedly against your clit. You feel your orgasm building up at a rapid speed, threatening to tumble you straight over the edge until he pulls away, sitting back up on his knees and placing himself between your thighs.
He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, lips pulling up into a smirk as he looks down at you gasping beneath him. “You taste fucking delicious,” he comments, and you feel your face heat up. You clench around nothing at his statement, hips rolling up against his subconsciously. He raises an eyebrow at that.
Wordlessly, he begins taking his clothes off and you watch as he tosses his shirt, sweats and boxers onto the floor beside your bed. You swallow thickly as his unveils his cock, eyes darting up to his face as he fits himself back between your thighs, pressing himself right against your pussy.
You gasp as he covers your body with his own, cock rubbing slightly against you as he shifts above you.
“Baby,” he whispers to you. You make eye contact with him, and he rubs his cock against you, as if he was rewarding you. You moan as he rolls his hips against you again, the head of his cock bumping right against your clit.
“Tooru,” you gasp out. “Stop it.”
He smirks as he buries his face into the crook of your neck, lips pressing sloppy kisses into your skin. “Stop what?” he rolls his hips against you again, breath catching in his own throat at the feeling of your pussy rubbing right against the head of his cock.
You wrap your arms around his shoulders, pressing his body down against your own. “Just fuck me already,” you whisper into his ear.
His brain short circuits at that, body stilling against yours. When he finally comes back to life, he reaches between your body to grasp the base of his cock. It was like you had lit him on fire with just those four words. He wastes no time pressing the head of his cock to your entrance, pussy sucking him right in.
“Fuck,” he breathes out as he presses himself further into you. You whimper beneath him as he stretches you out. He leans back to look at you, brushing your hair out of your face as he bottoms out. Your eyebrows are knit together at the burn of him filling you for the first time. He stills above you, bringing his lips down to press against yours before pulling back to look at you beneath him.
His eyes fall to where the two of you are connected. “Fuck,” he breathes out again. He finds himself pulling his hips back, an inch of his cock pulling out of you before he slowly presses back into you to watch it disappear. You moan at the feeling.
“You feel so fucking good,” he gasps out. You involuntarily clench around him at his words, face heating up as his gaze darts up to meet your own. You turn your face away from him, but his hand finds itself around your neck, slightly squeezing and you turn back to look at him, pussy clenching around him again.
He slowly begins rocking his hips into you, finally.
“So tight,” he grounds out as he picks up his pace, hand leaving your neck to spread your thighs further apart.
You moan unabashedly as he fucks into you, body on fire with pleasure. “Faster,” you breathe.
He obliges, picking up his pace until he is practically slamming into you, the head of his cock kissing your cervix with every thrust. You cry out beneath him, hands fisting into the sheets beneath you.
“Fuck, you take me so well, baby, look at you,” he praises, and it sends you right over the edge without warning, orgasm washing over you heavily, body spasming and shaking beneath him violently. He quickly presses his chest against yours, pressing his lips against your own in a sloppy kiss as he slowly fucks you through your first orgasm of the night. You moan into his mouth as you come down, body finally settling as he pulls back to look at your fucked out face.
“You’re so pretty when you come,” he tells you, voice thick. You feel your face heat up underneath his gaze, closing your eyes to avoid looking at him. “Again.”
Your eyes fly back open. “Again?” you ask, incredulous. “I don’t know-” You’re cut off as he begins thrusting into you again, mouth falling open in a silent scream.
“You can give me another one, baby doll,” he says. “I know you can.”
He shifts, angling his hips to thrust up into you, hitting a spot inside you you’ve never felt before. You’re practically sobbing beneath him now, hands pushing at his abdomen. He just grabs up your wrists and pins them to the mattress.
“That’s it, my pretty baby,” he praises you again. “Come for me again.”
You’re so wet from your previous orgasm that you can hear him enter you over and over, the sound so lewd. You feel your walls clamp down on him as your second orgasm approaches quickly.
“Come on, pretty,” he encourages you.
“Wait,” you gasp out as tears fall from your eyes at the overstimulation. Before you can say another word, the cord in your belly snaps again, orgasm washing over you so violently.
Tooru is a moaning mess above you as your pussy pulses around him, he’s trying so hard to keep his orgasm at bay. He’s determined to make you come one more time before he lets himself go. He caresses your body as you slowly calm back down, body stilling, but breaths still coming out in short gasps.
“One more,” he tells you and you feel your lip quiver.
This time, though, he rolls his hips into you, slowing the pace way down as he presses kisses along the expanse of your chest.
“So fucking good,” he whispers into your skin and your hands find their way into his locks. You moan as his cock hits just the right spot inside you again, stars erupting in your vision as pain blurs into the line of pleasure.
“So fucking pretty.”
You wrap your legs around his hips as he continues rutting into you, your own hips moving to meet every roll of his. He moans out your name against your skin.
“Close,” he breathes as his thrusts become sloppy.
Before you can react, he groans out from above you, spilling his seed into you as you reach your third orgasm. He’s a wreck above you, moaning every time your walls flutter around him.
“F-fuck,” he stutters as he presses himself to the hilt one last time, finally stilling before collapsing on top of you.
You don’t know how long you lay like that together before he leaves the room and comes back to clean you up, warm wash rag collecting the seed spilling out of you. You hiss as he wipes you down, sleepily glaring at him with one eye open. He apologizes profusely with every swipe of the rag against your body.
He leaves the room once more, coming back with a glass of water that he hands to you before he pulls his boxers back on. You sit up and down the glass, gulping the liquid down like you’d never had water before in your life, some of it spilling out of the sides of your mouth and down your chest. You thrust the empty glass back out at Tooru who takes it and sets it on the bedside table.
You flop back against the pillows, closing your eyes with a sigh. The bed dips as Tooru climbs in beside you, suddenly feeling shy. He lays away from you for a solid minute before he lets out a sound that was somewhere between a groan and a growl and turns to pull you right against his chest.
“Are you okay?” he asks softly. “I wasn’t too rough, was I? Did I hurt you?”
You wrap your arms around his bare waist. “I’m okay,” you reassure him. Your face heats up again. “It felt… really good…”
“You’re not just saying that, are you, darling?”
“Tooru,” you laugh.
When you pull back to look at him, you see him pouting.
“You’re the first guy to ever make me come,” you tell him. “And three times, at that…” you mumble the last bit under your breath, but he hears it. He feels his body heating up again, competitive nature threatening to take over once again.
“I can make it four,” he tells you seriously.
“Tooru!” you yell at him.
“I love it when you yell at name like that,” he teases.
“It’s bedtime,” you remind him. You kiss him on the lips. “Good night.”
You close your eyes, ready for sweet sleep to welcome you when you hear him say something under his breath, voice so soft and so airy you almost miss it.
“I love you.”
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houseoftulips · 2 years
Sweet Tooth | E. Kirishima ~ kiri’s little girl gets her first cavity
➤ ft: dad!kirishima x!reader with their daughter Azami
➤ content warning: tooth rotting fluff hehe, kiri trying his best to be the best dad in the world
➤ note: literally just thinking about how much kiri can be wrapped around his daughter’s finger and he wouldn’t even bat an eye about it because he loves her so much. I also see him as being the gentle parenting type
also not proofread completely
reposts are appreciated!!
●∘◦❀◦∘● ●∘◦❀◦∘● ●∘◦❀◦∘● ●∘◦❀◦∘●
Kiri definitely spoils your little six year old daughter rotten. Proven to be his little princess from day one since you found out she was a girl.
This does bring up the known fact that he feels horrible when he has to say ‘no’ to Azami. He hates seeing her pouty face with thick guilty tears watering up in her big doe eyes when he tells her she can’t have another snack or another toy. Poor Kiri has to walk away to a different room when she throws a tantrum all while you’re trying to console your child.
But today you’re daughter wasn’t having a good day. She seemed moody and she didn’t eat much during breakfast. She didn’t even eat her brownie after lunch.
“Sweet pea, what’s got you all quiet?” Kiri asks as the both of you are on the floor with her in the playroom.
“M’mouth hurts,” she mumbled as you brushed her black hair out of the way.
“Your mouth hurts?” you questioned while you cupped her cheek, “Can mama see?”
Azami nodded and opened her mouth with an “ahhh.” And there it was, her first cavity. You bit your bottom lip from showing a face because who knows exactly how she will react. You know that and even Kiri knows that she is the carbon copy of you both physically and in personality. All she has is Kiri's black hair while everything is all you. Everything including being one of the most dramatic princesses he's ever known and loved.
You took a deep breath and looked next to your husband who has the same look as you. Then you looked at Azami and smiled. "Well you have a cavity peanut," you tried sugarcoating it with a happy and cheerful tone but your daughter saw right through you because her bottom lip started quivering with snot already dripping out of her nostrils.
You could practically hear Kiri's sniffles because when Azami carries that's when Kiri cries. "It's okay princess, we just gotta get it fixed, and your all good!" he smiled with a hint of swollen eyes behind his little mask.
"NO!" Azami cried out loud, "Don't wanna!"
"Azami, sweetheart...," Kiri said in a gentle tone, "You gotta get it fixed so you can continue eating your favorite desserts."
And he got her there. Kiri used the sweet's excuse to get your daughter to not do something she's not supposed to do. You don't wear she got the sweet tooth from because you and Kiri weren't as bad as hers. She has to do a bit of something every day or else she loses it. For a while, she was slowly down till the little gremlin used crocodile tears on her father then it started back up again.
But Azami being her dramatic self started crying more and Kiri didn't hesitate to scoop her up in his arms. "Princess, come on. It'll only be for a bit," he comforted her as you both rubbed her back.
"No!" she cried out again but this time she threw her tiny fist in the hair and hit Kiri in the chest.
Both of you were shocked that your daughter had hit Kiri and it was her first time doing that. You didn't want to call her a brat yet for doing that because her Uncle Bakugo already does and she's not one at all that you know of.
Kiri was looking down at his daughter with wide eyes as she kept crying. Obviously, she's too small to hurt her papa but it hurt his feelings that Azami would do such a thing. But being the gentle giant that he is, he smiled softly and put down his crying child with a sigh. You remained standing behind him with a hand on his shoulder.
"Sweet pea, listen to me," he said with no faltering smile, " I understand why you're sad but the longer you keep your cavity on your tooth the longer you can't have sweets. Mama will get the earliest appointment there and we'll both take the day off work to be there for you, okay?"
Azami slowed her crying down listening to her papa's words and you smiled as you crouched down to her level with Kiri. "We also understand that you're frustrated but you can't hit papa like that, my love," you said with a comforting but a hint of stern tone to her.
Azami nodded and wrapped her arms around Kiri's neck. "M'sorry, papa!" she cried to him.
Then finally his tears finally slipped out making you stand there like a robot. You laughed a bit seeing their dramatic selves saying sorry to each other.
"Love you, sweets," Kiri smiled as he kiss Azami's cheek.
"Love you, papa and mama," she sniffled.
"Alright, no more tears. Why don't we eat your leftover brownies!" Kiri cheered.
"Kiri!" you laughed
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https-siren · 1 month
Prompt Suggestions?
I really want to write headcanons/one shots for Haikyuu, Mha, and Naruto boys that have an Indian s/o.
Lmk what other types you want to see
(I'm currently working on a fic with Kirishima that has to do with hair care.)
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animehideout · 6 months
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JJK / Tokyo Revengers / Haikyuu / AOT / MHA, Men Types Of Kisses ( gender neutral reader )
Warning: MDNI 🔞
French kisses : Sukuna Ryomen / Geto Suguru / Draken / Sanzu Haruchio / Oikawa Tooru / Atsumu Miya / Levi Ackerman/ Reiner Braun / Katsuki Bakugo.
They would hold your face with some agression kissing you wildly.
Full of passion, whether it's out of love , desire or both.
Tracing each part of your lips and mouth with their tongue.
Your breaths mixing up, breathing each other in and out.
Hold your waist with their big hands as they pin you against the wall, or as you sit on their lap and your hands would be whether in their hair or around their neck pulling them closer, leaving no space. Unbearably hot.
Would speak between heavy breathing , moans or groans “I can't wait any longer.." .
Would 100% lead to you having sex.
Cheek kisses: Yuji Itadori / Toge Inumaki / Ino Takuma / Sano Manjiro / Chifuyu Matsuno / Sugawara Koushi/ Bokuto Koutarou / Jean Kristein / Porco Galliard / Denki Kaminari.
Those sweet random kisses.
They love your cheeks, would playfully bite them and then kiss them softly.
Would also squeeze your cheeks with their hands, if they're in a playful mood.
If you're sad or anxious they would also tenderly kiss your cheeks for comfort, letting you know that they love you and that they care for you.
Even though cheek kisses seem simple they do carry within them a pure form of love.
They would hold your face and give you a big ass kiss on your cheek, whispering a sweet “I love you”.
Neck kisses: Gojo Satoru / Toji Fushiguro / Mahito / Keisuke Baji / Rindo Haitani / Kuroo Tetsuroo/ Iwaizumi Hajime/ Eren Yeager/ Kirishima Eijiro.
They love teasing you.
Teasing you is basically their part time job.
Nothing is better than seeing you flustered and a blushing mess while they're nibbling, biting and sucking your neck soft spots.
They would start it by giving you a back hug (which is most likely).
Very sensual and intimate. Would also bite your earlobe while whispered teasing and dirty things to you.
Also, they would whisper against your skin, sending shivers down your spine and making you all tingly.
Would leave a hickey, most likely if they're jealous.
Their Hands wrapped around your throat.
They enjoy your moans when their soft lips hit the right spot.
“Oh you have no idea about the things I'm about to do to you”
Forehead kisses: Nanami Kento / Megumi Fushiguro / Choso / Ran Haitani / Mitsuya Takashi / Akaashi Keiji / Kageyama Tobio / Armin Arlert / Todoroki shoto.
They love those protective kisses.
It shows the respect they have for you.
Treating you like a princess/ prince.
Whisper words of affirmation and encouragement.
Would look at you with admiration, caress your cheeks and then press a gentle kiss on your forehead.
Would kiss you like this after an argument, when both of you are ignoring each other, but they approach you turning you by your waist and leaving a soft kiss there.
Also in moment of comfort, distress or when you're dealing with an anxiety or panic attack.
Would also pat your head.
“I'll protect you”
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megukins · 2 years
Naughty Mischief
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𓆩♡𓆪 Katsuki x satan's daughter!reader
𓆩♡𓆪 genre: smut
𓆩♡𓆪 a/n: I wrote this trash a while ago so I'm sorry if it's bad. Also you guys are like 18-19 here and you participate in it too so your bf won't be the only one.
𓆩♡𓆪 synopsis: You tease the fuck out of you boyfriend during NNN to see how long he can last before he cracks.
𓆩♡𓆪 warnings: smut, dubcon, mentions of cum, dry humping, marking, masochism, rough sex, public sex
𓆩♡𓆪 words: 1.9k
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You knew what you were doing was tormenting him. Which is why you got a kick out of it. You told your boyfriend about the challenge No Nut November where you go a whole month without cumming or masturbating.
You knew it was a lunch break right now, so it was your chance to send a bold message. You run to the bathroom, pull your shirt down a little to show some cleavage and stick your fingers in your mouth back and forth, sending a "I wish this was your fat cock instead." 😩 You shake with anticipation to await the hot head's reaction. Five minutes passed and still no response.
"The fuck is he doing, taking a shit?" You mumble.
You tap your foot impatient, finally receiving a response after around 10 minutes, which read "Wtf, you didn't even give a warning! Two can play at that game"
You roll your eyes which was typical of him since he's so competitive.
You've been sending your boyfriend daring messages all of yesterday through today, knowing the impact it had on him. He avoided making eye contact with you as it would only make it worse. His friends were worried about him trying to ask him what's up.
"What's the matter, Bakugo? I've noticed you've been avoiding Y/N. Did you two get into a fight or something?" Kirishima asks, Kaminari standing over his desk too to see what's up.
"It's none of your fucking business!" He scowled.
"Typical reaction from him..." Kaminari mumbles.
Mr. Aizawa walks into the class with his usual expression and monotonous tone.
"All right, everyone settle down. We'll be having a training course today, so get your hero gear on."
Everyone rushes to get changed.
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You take this time to tease him again, which was perfect. Your outfit was quite revealing, almost more revealing than Momo's since your quirk is demonic powers and you're the daughter of satan.
It didn't help the situation at all. All the boys were staring at you, a few either having nose bleeds or blushing red. You always wore a cloak over your hero costume so they had no idea what you truly looked like underneath. The costume accentuates your curves.
"Whoa, I had no idea Y/N was that sexy without her cloak on." Mineta practically drools.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing wearing something revealing like that!?"
He wraps his arms around you to cover your exposed flesh.
"It's part of my hero costume, Katsu. Is that a problem?"
"Hell yeah it's a problem! Take it off!"
"Mm, what happens if I don't?" You place a finger on your chin.
"Then I'll fucking take it off myself!"
"And let everyone see me naked? I thought only you could see me exposed."
"Enough you two." Aizawa speaks up, you two break apart.
He then explains how today would go and what to expect from you all. Everyone had to split up in pairs. It's 5 groups because the number is uneven, Todoroki, and Momo, Deku, Mineta and Uraraka, Kirishima, Sero, and Kaminari, Tokoyami, and Shoji, You and Bakugo, Iida, Tooru, and Ojiro, Tsuyu, Jiro, and Mina, and Sato, Aoyama, and Koda.
You two wander off in the woods somewhere, afraid you're lost.
"Uhh, Katsu? Are we lost? We probably should've stayed close by." You say, receiving no answer.
He shoves you up against a tree, pinning your wrists.
"Now we're alone. Listen here you little shit, I'm tired of your bullshit! It's driving me insane!"
He grips your wrists harder.
"Katsuki stop gripping my wrists so hard! The little messages you gave me made me on edge as well!" You confess, biting your lip hard trying your hardest not to look at his muscular figure.
"Look at me when I'm speaking to ya!" He grabs your chin. "This is all your fucking fault. I've had to endure so many hard ons and couldn't relieve myself because of this damn challenge." He spat.
"You don't have to do it if it's too much for you~" You tease.
You narrow your eyes towards his crotch seeing that he has a boner right now. He cups your left asscheek hard, eliciting a moan from you.
"I should punish you for not covering up, letting them see you like this. That damn nerd got a nosebleed and I saw Icyhot staring too. Shit, even Shitty hair had a nosebleed. I bet you enjoyed the attention being on you." He starts.
His large hand cups your other cheek, activating his quirk. You push your head into his chest to muffle your moans. He lifts your head up, pulling on your tail.
"If I were to just pull on your tail-"
"KATSUUU NOT THE TAIL!" You squeal, beating on his chest.
"So that is one of your weak spots." He gives his signature shit eating grin.
He rubs it up and down slowly.
"S-seriously, stop! What if someone catches us!"
"Then I wouldn't give a fuck. The poor fucker would just have a nice show." He says bluntly.
He continues pulling on it, enjoying the face your making.
"Ka-tsu-ki stoppp..."
"What if I don't want to?"
"Then I'll make you cum right now so you can lose this stupid challenge. Be ashame if that were to happen. I mean, it is only the sixth day." You say hoping it works.
"I'm not losing that fucking fast, if anything you are!" He retorts.
"How so?"
"Your sex drive is higher than mine! Your fucking horny every single time you look at me!"
"That's so not true at all!" You fold your arms.
"Oh yeah? Then look at me right now. Go ahead, prove me wrong which you can't, you never can."
He puts his hands on his hips waiting impatiently.
"Uhh I can't because um-"
"Because you proved my point! Every time I'm near Shitty hair and the others you tug on my arm so we can go into the bathroom to either make out or so I can eat you out!"
"What about when you want me to blow you hm?"
"It occurs every once in a while! With you, you always expect me to eat you out which ends up messy then they wanna know what the fuck I was doing all this time." He finally finishes.
"It's not my fault you're so damn fine."
You don't dare look him in the eyes knowing it would boost his already huge ego even more.
"That so?" He smirks, cupping your chin forcing you to make eye contact with him.
Your eyes shut tight not wanting to succumb to him.
"Fine you win! Asshole." You mumble the last part.
"Of course I did. I always win no matter what." He flaunts.
"Give me your hand right quick."
He raises his brow but doesn't question and complied anyway. You make him grab your breasts, tweaking your nipples and start to grind against his crotch, moaning.
"Fuck!" He nearly chokes, letting go of your nipples.
"What's the matter, my 'big' explosive king?" You say in a tone trying to sound innocent yet seductive.
"If you wanna make me cum, you gotta try harder than that, babygirl~"
He pins you against a tree again. He bites your neck hard to leave noticeable hickeys so they know you belong to him and only him. He discards his costume, yours following soon after.
You look at him with lust in your eyes, licking your lips. He smashes his lips against yours, the kiss starting out passionate but soon getting sloppier and spicer. You ruffle your hands through his spiky locks, your tongues doing the salsa.
"I can't handle this shit anymore."
He bends you over, slamming his cock slowly into your asshole while pulling onto your tail. You hiss at the new feeling but then gets used to it.
"Wait Katsu, w-we're doing this right now?" You bite your lip trying not to moan.
"You need to learn your fucking lesson. The only way I can do that is by fucking you since your so horny all the time." He explains, speeding up his thrusts.
He flips you around to face him, placing his hands on your shoulders and rams his fat balls inside your pussy.
"A-ahhh~ do it harder..." You practically drool as your masochist natures starts to kick in.
"Tch, fucking masochist."
"Well you're fucking this masochist." You say back smoothly.
He ignores you, adding more force into his ramming. He rams into you at a more animalistic way, your ass, thighs, and boobs jiggling uncontrollably. Your eyes start to roll into the back of your head as you felt like you were in heaven.
"Fuckk me faster daddy~" You say desperately, knowing that got him for sure.
"I'm gonna fuck a baby into you if you fucking call me that again."
He rams faster, sweat dripping all down his face and arms. Your tongue hangs out, you end up moaning his name louder and louder for everyone to hear. You felt he was close, as he tries his hardest to hold it in, but ends up failing and pulls out of you quickly, his cum dripping over your tummy. The sight was too much for you to bare, as you cum right after him, both of you all sweaty and panting hard.
"Looks like we both lost." You chuckle.
"I'll win next year for sure!"
"Good luck with that... Let's hurry and put our clothes back on before someone sees us." You rush to put them on, admiring his nude body.
"Take a picture, it lasts longer." He says, eventually putting his clothes back on.
"I could say the same thing to you earlier." You roll your eyes.
"Damn I probably should've nutted on your ass instead." He cups both cheeks again, squeezing them roughly.
"Leave my ass alone!" You squeal while puffing up your cheeks.
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You two were the last ones to return back to the location Aizawa requested.
"What took you guys so long?" He folds his arms, tapping his finger on his arm.
"We got lost and almost got ambushed!" You blurt out.
"Is that why you were screaming earlier?" Bakugo asks, smirking.
"Yes, it was." You glare at him.
"As long as you guys are back then everything is okay." Deku sighs in relief.
"It's not like anything could happen as long as Bakugo is with her." Iida says, relieved nothing happened to you two.
"What exactly were you two doing?" Tsuyu asks, curious.
"N-nothing at all!" You immediately get flustered at the memory.
"Judging by the stuttering I'd say it was something naughty." Mina smirks, nudging your arm.
You walk up to Bakugo whispering something that would get him riled up.
"Next year I'll go above and beyond, this was just childs play." You whisper to him, seeing how it's still November but it's no point since you both lost on the sixth day.
"Then I'll make sure to have you cum the first day!" He says confidently, everyone staring at him weirdly.
You hide your face in your arms from embarrassment.
"I feel like living under a rock for the rest of my life..." You groan trying to erase the embarrassing vibe you're feeling off.
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© 2022 this work belongs to @megukins DO NOT repost OR plagiarize on any other social media
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thewritetofreespeech · 5 months
Could I request Toru Kirishima's s/o seeing his tattoos for the first time and getting inspiration for her art from it?
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“Take your shirt off.”
Toru stopped dead in the middle of what he was doing for a second, then returned to it with a cheeky grin. “[Y/N]-chan, not here in the middle of work…”
“It’s not for that.” They replied with a stern look. Which in turn deflated Toru’s expression because this wasn’t going to be as fun as he wanted. “I want to see your tattoos.”
His expression perked up again, this time in surprise, at their request. No one, or at least no sane person, asked to see a yakuza’s tattoos. “Why do you want to see them?”
“I’m working on a series based on Sakuragi family tattoos. You’re the only one besides Ryota who has a decent one.” They explain as they opened up their sketch pad to get ready.
But Toru felt uncomfortable.
“I don’t think the boss would go for that. He doesn’t like our tattoos on display.” The boss’s rules were simple: you had to get them, and they had to be able to be covered. Toru had already been pushing the line with his arm & wrist tattoos. Discretion was the better part of valor for the boss and he needed soldiers who could blend in when he needed them to.
“I already cleared it with him. He said it was fine.” Shit. “He said as long as I don’t copy the actual tattoos, and use them just for inspiration, and don’t use anyone’s names, I could do it. Now take your shirt off.”
He felt backed into a rock & a hard place, but if the boss said ok Toru didn’t really have a means to refuse them. So he took his shirt off.
Standing there, with his back towards them for a while in silence, Toru finally spoke up, “you’re not doing the whole piece now are you? I’ll have to pick up the little lady from school soon.”
“I’m just working on a rough sketch. And it’s only been 5 minutes.” Toru sighed. “Did they hurt?” They then asked him. Seemingly out of the blue. “When you got them?”
“As much as when my ribs got broken by that baseball bat? No.” He told them. “But…yes, they hurt.”
“Why do it then?”
Toru had to think about it for a minute, over the sound of their pencil scrapping. Sure, the boss and families usually require it when you joined. But it wasn’t just that. “I wanted to belong.”
There were a few more moments of pencil scratching before [Y/N] announced, “I’m done. You can put your shirt back on now.”
“Why do I suddenly feel so dirty?”
[Y/N] chuckled as they came over to him and gave him a peck on the cheek while he buttoned his shirt. “Your support of the arts is appreciated. I’ll see you later.”
“I don’t even get to see it?” He asked incredulously.
“You can see it when it’s done.” They told him. “Just like everyone else.”
“I thought being the boyfriend of the artist got you perks.”
“It does.” They told him. “Your canvas gets to be bigger.” They kissed him again and then were off.
Toru didn’t see them for a while after that, but that was pretty normal. When they were working on their art they would disappear for days on end working on whatever project they had envisioned. Finally, one day, he got a call that the piece were ready and that they were going to do a small show at a local gallery and invited everyone to attend.
Everyone, of course, couldn’t come (that would be a little excessive for the small space) but Toru, Sugihara, and the boss all came to see what [Y/N] had been up to. They were right. His canvas was bigger.
“What do you think?” They asked. Slinking up beside him, like they were any other patron and not the artist.
“I don’t get it.” He answered honestly. “But then again I’m not an art buff.”
[Y/N] snickered at him. “You really don’t have any opinion?”
Toru stared at the painting some more. A large, black dragon. Imposing, intimidating, wailing with its jaws open at the sky in terror perched on a mountain. But then, at its tail, it looked at this it had been ensnared with sakura branches. Delicate, yet strong. The pink flowers a stark contrast to the bleak sky. The parts of its tail it had bound to slowly turning it white. “I like the flowers at the bottom.”
[Y/N] laughed again. “Always the direct one, eh?”
“How much is it?”
“I’m selling it to people who can actually pay me.”
“I can pay you.” Toru snarked back.
“I wouldn’t take your money.”
Toru huffed. “So my skin is good enough for you, but not my money?” Some of the more upper crust patrons gave them funny looks at their conversation.
“Do you really want the painting Toru?”
“Then I’ll give you the original one.” They told him. “This is a duplicate. I always planned on giving the original to you, if you wanted it. I just didn’t think you’d be so up in arms about it.”
“I’m not ‘up in arms’.” He argued. “I just like the painting.”
“Then you should have it.” They agreed. Giving him a smile and squeezing his hand. “I have to go talk to some other people with money now. Don’t run off without saying goodbye.” Toru nodded and went back to staring at art and sipping his drink.
What was that old saying? He may not know art, but he knew what he liked?
“Do you think [Y/N] would be mad if I took this off the wall now?” He asked Sugihara when they were alone. To which Sugihara told him emphatically yes, but he still considered it.
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setsunasbabe · 2 days
the kind of partner who would propose to you during Love Story at a Taylor Swift concert x gender neutral reader
with aot, bnha, jjk, kny, haikyuu, tokyo rev, bleach, bsd, csm, bllk, hxh, op, naruto, ons characters
the kind of partner who would propose to you during Love Story at a Taylor Swift concert. they saw this idea once on tiktok and directly thought of your obsession for the singer. they don't even like her music that much and proposing at a concert wasn't on their bucketlist. however, when they saw the way you reacted to one of these videos. they decide to put their pride aside and make this moment worth it for you. they asked the person behind you to film so they'd have a souvenir (and a proof) of their proposal. as you're singing along to the song you realise you don't see your boyfriend in your peripheral vision. your heart race slowly rises up but drastically accelerates as you see him crouching on the ground with a box in his hand. as he asks you to marry him you say yes (obviously) and rush to hug him as a tear of happiness rolls down on your cheek. indeed it was rare and you were there.
aot: JEAN KIRSTEIN, mikasa ackerman, ymir, armin arlert, reiner braun
bnha: kyouka jirou, katsuki bakugo, SHOTO TODOROKI, himiko toga, eijirou kirishima, SETSUNA TOKAGE
jjk: YUUJI ITADORI, megumi fushiguro, SATORU GOJO, mai zenin, yuuta okkotsu, choso kamo
kny: IGURO OBANAI, mitsuri kanroji, AKAZA, kanao tsuyuri, kyojuro rengoku
hq: tooru oikawa, IWAIZUMI HAJIME (27) ATHLETIC TRAINER, atsumu miya, eita semi, keiji akaashi, morisuke yaku
tokyo rev: takashi mitsuya, SEISHU INUI, rindou haitani, manjiro sano, CHIFUYU MATSUNO
bleach: rukia kuchiki, SHINJI HIRAKO, grimmjow jaegerjaquez, renji abarai, soi fon
bsd: chuuya nakahara, michizo tachihara, tecchou suehiro, LUCY MONTGOMERY, ichiyo higuchi
csm: asa mitaka, denji (he would mess up the lyrics), aki hayakawa, reze, quanxi
bllk: yoichi isagi, meguru bachira, REO MIKAGE, ranze kurona, tabito karasu, rin itoshi
hxh: machi komacine, pakunoda, chrollo lucilfer
op: VINSMOKE SANJI, portgas d. ace, nami, nico robin
naruto: sakura haruno, ROCK LEE, hinata hyuga
ons: mikaela hyakuya, shinya hiragi
and your favs...
-"He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring
And said
'Marry me, Juliet, you'll never have to be alone
I love you, and that's all I really know
I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress
It's a love story, baby, just say yes'"-
- "Love Story (Taylor's Version)", Fearless (Taylor's Version), Taylor Swift
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night-fall-moon · 3 months
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Chapter 1: Remit to see, limit to see—Remind
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previous chapter  masterlist next chapter
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"Mornin boys, I'll be your escort today." Reina saluted them as they walked out the front door.
She wore a white button up blouse, leaving the first few unbuttoned to show off a good chunk of her cleavage. A coffee colored skirt that hugged her thighs, and her signature 3'' heels. She decided to forego the white coat with something more fashionable—a long beige coat that covered most of her from head to toe. Her hair tied up in a high ponytail.
Shirazu greeted her with a big smile and started to chat with her, but Urie on the other hand wasn't amused. In fact he was annoyed, but at least she was better than their other useless mentor—Haise Sasaki.
He rolled his eyes and walked away from both of them.
"Sorry to interrupt, 'razu, but Urie's leaving without us." She motioned with her thumb that he was at least a good foot away from them.
Quickly apologizing, the blonde boy scurried to catch up to the other boy and whined about how heartless he was for leaving without them. The purple haired boy remained quiet and didn't say a word and instead just kept walking.
Walking behind them she admired the scene in front of her, reminding her of the good times she had with her older sister before they started drifting apart. A small smile was etched on her face.
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As they arrived at the warehouse the trio was met with an investigator.
"Aki—I mean Investigator Mado! I came to escort the boys to get their back up quinques." She bowed.
"Investigator Nakou, good to see that you're cleaning up your act. Good to see you too, investigators Urie and Shirazu." She nodded their way.
"Hey, I don't like what you're implying, Mado!" The lilac haired woman argued but sighed in defeat knowing it was true.
During the past few days she's been stepping up and acting more like a mentor than before. But she had yet to drop the facade she'd put up since she entered the CCG as mentioned after Akira spoke to her directly—though she had reason as to why she wanted to sell herself as the dumb-good-for-nothing-bimbo.
"Any progress with the case?" Mado ignored the whining woman and proceeded to converse with the two boys.
Shirazu beamed at the acknowledgement meanwhile Urie just answered her question—annoyed by all the small talk getting in the way of what they were originally came here for.
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"A plain Tsunagi." Akira motioned as they were handed their quinque.
"That's so boring." Reina nagged.
"They're backups, and they're still as good as your own quinque."
"You mean Widow? My baby glides through everything so smoothly, I doubt these can be as good as Widow. Can't wait till you both get your own!" She turned to the boys and patted them on their shoulders.
"You two, don't neglect your quinques just because you can use a kagune. The quinque is an anti-ghoul weapon developed by former general chairman Yoshiu Washu—the father of General Chairman Tsuneyoshi Washu, in partnership with the German Bureau Chief Adam Gehenna." Akira went on,
"The CCG engaged ghouls with firearms back then but were ineffective against a ghouls' kagune. Research into an alternative weapon gave birth to the idea of using their own kagune against them—manufactured weapons based on a kagune. Quinques.”
Reina shifted from side to side seemingly uninterested with the topic at hand. She ended up zoning out in between the woman's history lesson on how they came to be.
"A soldier with a built-in quinque, if you will. That is what you Quinxes are. But, even with that ability—you are not ghouls. There are limits to a Quinx's ability." Akira turned to face them all,
"You've never seen Sasaki fight at his best, have you?" She asked.
Both males shook their heads at the higher up, meanwhile Reina just smirked at her question.
"No. But he uses a quinque very skillfully. There's much I can learn from him." Urie reluctantly complimented his useless mentor.
"Well if you both want to know, he's an interesting fighter. He uses techniques he's learned from the CCG until-"
"I think that's enough of that." Akria gave her a pointed look, meaning she's crossing a line that shouldn't be crossed.
"I didn't say anything." Reina giggled and surrendered.
The boys just looked confused as to what was going on between both their mentors. Urie though understood that Reina held a lot more information than she led on. Just how much did she know about Haise Sasaki?
Turning back to the boys, Akira told them to always use their quinques and bid them goodbye.
"Let's get going. I know you both want to go find Torso—and I know you both have a lead on him." She crossed her arms across her chest.
Her face was uninterested as she told them. Immediately Shirazu tried to deny her claim, but quickly came to find out that he was a horrible liar. She could clearly see through him and it didn't help that Urie's usual poker face was falling apart. Veins littering his forehead indicating he was upset at being caught. How foolish could he be thinking that he could get away with such information.
"So you mind telling me your lead or should I tell Haise about this little scheme you have?"
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"I think you might wanna speed up if we wanna catch up with them!" Reina yelled, gripping on to Urie's waist so as to not fall off Shirazu's motorcycle.
The three of them piled onto the vehicle, while both boys wore protective gear in case of an accident, Reina wore none at all seeing as she was not involved in the original plan to capture and eradicate Torso. Urie inevitably squished between the blonde boy and lilac haired girl.
"Karao Saeki!" Shirazu yelled.
Behind him Urie urged the same message realizing that they had no chance unless they did so. The blonde concerned about breaking the law hesitated to do so until both of them yelled at him to hurry up. The cab in front of them waved side to side in an attempt to avoid oncoming traffic.
Quickly Urie realized they could have an advantage if a certain person had the capability to do so.
"Take out the tires with your kagune!"
"Are you serious?!"
Looking behind him he saw that the purple haired boy was serious about his idea. Groaning at the plan he did so but warned him that if he missed they weren't to blame him
Swiftly pushing on the gas pedal the blonde released his ukaku. It branched out, spikes formed threatening to detach themselves from their place. Attempting his best at aiming at the cab he released three missiles continuously all imploding as they missed the cab.
Groaning at his incompetence, Urie jabbed at his horrible aim, but Shirazu just threatened to knock him off the bike.
"Could you both shut up and concentrate on the task at hand?!" The forgotten girl scolded the arguing duo.
At this point they were noticed by the cops and were told to pull over. Taking this as an opportunity to alert the cops of the upcoming danger Reina looked behind her and motioned her hand in an upward direction. As if getting the memo immediately the cop car sacrificed itself and pulled up by the cab attempting to tell them to pull over .
But in doing so—Torso—ripped their faces off with his kagune and flung them through the window to dispose of them. With no driver to maneuver the vehicle around it slammed into the wall of the tunnel they drove into. Just as Torso thought he had escaped law enforcement officials, the end of the tunnel was blocked off with a few barricades and cop cars surrounding them.
The cab came to a stop and the drivers door opened revealing a thin, half-naked man with his shirt wrapped around his face in an attempt to keep his identity anonymous. Hopping off the bike they all assumed a stance, not even a few seconds later Torso released his kagune and struck at the trio.
Unsurprised they dodged his attack and moved aside letting the expensive bike take the hit. Regaining his composure quickly, Shirazu released his ukaku and launched his projectiles towards the "masked" man. Shocked, the man was glued to the ground which left him to be the perfect target for the Quinxes onslaught.
They made quick work of him until a new obstacle made themself known to the trio. A masked person in a coat walked out of the shadows, their kagune ready to strike at anyone that gets in their way.
"I'm sorry but that scrawny half-naked guy is ours. You guys are Quinxes right? You use a kagune, right? You Doves make me downright sick. You're no different from Aogiri." The clearly distorted voice echoed throughout their ears.
A sense of familiarity struck the girl. That bikaku, that tone of voice—she swore she heard it from somewhere.
"And now that you've made me sick... I wanna have some." He snapped his head up eyes piercing through the mask,
"Nish-" Reina was interrupted with a strike thrown her way. She backed up and instinctively hid behind the abandoned cars.
Decidedly done with her he switched opponents, Torso long gone from the battlefield. Rate: S Orochi was now the main target. He dashed past the girl and swung his leg into Urie's gut—sending him flying into the wall of the ditch. The boy coughed up blood from the sheer force of the kick to his abdomen.
"Sorry, but I don't hold back against Doves. You'll get in my way one of these days. Better to nip you guys in the bud when I can." He sneered as he neared the bloodied up boy. Behind him Shirazu snuck up behind him and released a few missiles his way thinking they'd absolutely obliterate the masked man.
"What was that? A pea-shooter?" He mocked the blonde boy as he simply dodged them.
Both boys quickly got fed up with all his taunting. Wanting to get this over with, they came at him with all they've got. They swung their kagune and attempted to strike him, but all that came was more frustration. They jumped and leapt from place to place destroying more and more of their surroundings.
He kicked Urie down to the ground, his kokaku shattered and destroyed. He sat down on top of the destroyed cars and looked down at the furious boy, mocking him.
"That's it? For a kokaku? All it took was a kick? Guess it's an imitation after all." He chuckled.
The sound of footsteps could be heard growing louder and louder as they neared—Shirazu. He quickly took a stance and swiped at him releasing his missiles a dust cloud quickly forming not allowing them to see the extent of how much damage the blondes kagune actually did to the ghoul.
Once it cleared away he was left unscathed. Realizing they didn't have a chance to exterminate the Rate: S Ghoul Shirazu opted to retreat until backup came, not wanting to risk his life for something he knew they couldn't handle yet. Angry at his words Urie didn't relent, but instead tried to push forward. His method of keeping alive—self cannibalism.
He dug his teeth into the flesh of his forearm, the sound of squelching and the aroma of blood overwhelmed his senses. Reina looked his way, the smell of blood enticing her to take a bite of him. She shook her head and walked towards them.
"Hey four eyes! Seeing as they're useless, how about we have a match of our own?" She yelled out, a smirk creeping up her lips.
The ghoul turned around and looked at her,
"What's a bimbo like you doing in the CCG?"
"Still judging others based on their looks, Nishi? How about I remind you how strong me and my sister were when we kicked your ass."
She released her rinkaku, purple like tentacles reached out in front of her and in the blink of an eye they cleanly cut his hand off. She sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose.
"Shit, I'm getting rusty. I meant to go for your whole arm. Luckily I got the other one though." She mumbled as she waved it around in her hand.
Her squad looked at her in awe and fear, the sheer speed and talent to distract someone was a talent to have at this point. They looked back at his figure and noticed that he was regenerating at a quick pace. His thick bikaku swayed back and forth before it readied to strike her until a quinque split it in half. She dissolved her kagune and watched the back up she called come to their aid.
"Who the hell are you? The king of the imitators?"
"Mutsuki, contact Investigator Mado.”
The man didn't respond to his taunting voice and instead went to attack the ghoul without a second thought. He uttered a word in between every attack and dedicated each attack with his heart—thinking about his squad with each swing of his sword. The Rate S ghoul eventually caught up to his attacks and gave him a taste of what he was like.
The ghoul muscled him in the gut like when he did so with Urie a few moments ago. Haise doubled over and screamed in pain, his quinque out of reach, probably somewhere behind him. He stayed there for a while until he rose to his feet, raising his right hand—he cracked his pointer finger, the same crack released his kagune.
In an instant Haise's demeanor changed. No longer was he the looked down upon investigator, but rather a strong, intimidating man. Just as the ghoul tried to attack Haise, he moved out the way like this wasn't the first time he engaged in a fight with a high rated ghoul. This was the first time the squad saw their mentor use his kagune at all.
He skillfully jumped and leapt away whilst keeping up with his attacks against the masked ghoul. Within a few seconds Haise had shattered the ghoul's kagune, and though it regenerated almost instantly, it was still a major feat for them.
"You're— tough." Haise gritted through his teeth just as Orochi approached him face to face,
"Well, thank you." He kicked Haise in the gut just like before, but this time Haise regained his composure in an instant and his kagune reached out to grab his quinque and it settled in the palm of his hands.
The squad noticed that he was depleting in stamina, his dodging time slowing down to the point where he was dodging the attacks just in the nick of time. When Orochi struck him again he fell to the floor, immediately coming to his aid the squad reached out for him but he put his arm out.
"Stay back-"
"We can still fight!"
"We're not just gonna stand here and watch-" they protested, but all Haise did was look back and grin at them.
"That's an order. Reina, help me would ya?" He motioned.
Grinning from ear to ear she slid her coat off her back and let it fall to the floor. She released her kagune, long, thick, deep purple tentacles following behind her as Haise stretched before going back to attack the Rate S ghoul.
"You definitely intrigue me more than those punks." The masked ghoul hummed.
Haise chuckled, "I'm not sure if I should be honored. But I don't think you want to get to know... me." He cracked his knuckle and attacked him without a warning.
Haise showed no mercy, his actions were a lot more fluid and natural, his instincts told him what was right and what was wrong. When Orochi leapt away from Haise's attack, Reina formed her kagune into thin, razor sharp arms and pinned him into place... like a spider with their prey. They pierced through his skin, his shoulders and hips; the areas bled profusely.
This gave Haise the perfect opportunity to pierce Orochi's abdomen like before. Haise didn't have any reaction, he just looked concentrated as his hand contorted as if it was the one controlling his every move. That was until his second tentacle pierced through another part of his torso. Haise began grinning from ear to ear as he continued his onslaught of torturing the ghoul. Painful groans along with squelching noises could be heard from the pinned body.
"Just returning the favor.." he smiled manically, clearly enjoying this little show of theirs.
Removing his kagune from the ghoul's abdomen Reina shoved and grated the masked ghoul into the wall of the tunnel. When she let go he dropped to the floor like a rag doll incapable of moving himself around.
Pushing themselves off their kagune they reached the now unmasked ghoul. The girl picked up the mask and hid it behind her, meanwhile the boy straddled him and looked like he was going to give him the easy way out.
"'I'm dying I'm dying...' is that how it goes?" He coughed out as he laid on the street
The duo paid no attention to his words.
"Oh buddy, guess you still haven't found salvation, huh... Kaneki." He revealed his face from underneath the hood he had on.
That familiar face... orange hair..
"...nishio..?" Haise slipped out.
Haise lost his mind. Memories distorted, blank faces haunting him, mouths moving but no sound coming from them. The only sound he could hear was his name ringing in his mind... Kaneki.
"Guess playtime's over Nishio, take care." She said as she tossed him his mask.
Walking over to Haise she hugged him, her kagune shattering his. She held him as he thrashed around her hold, her grip never letting loose. His nails dug into her skin drawing blood from the scratches, his screams and wails echoed throughout everyone's ears. The pain he inflicted onto her was nothing compared to his.
Memories of her hugging her restrained sister filled her head. She called out her fathers name, her name, she seeked comfort from those she trusted. Haise in return had no one to tell him to cry it out, to let him feel. No one but himself, and not having anyone to remember them by was a greater pain none of them would ever understand.
She took his hits, his scratches, until they ceased into small cries. The RC bullet put him to rest for a while. They both collapsed onto the floor as he muttered his name, Haise Sasaki, over and over again. Looking down at him, Reina brushed his hair aside in a comforting manner hoping he'd find comfort in it as it was the only thing she could do at the moment with all eyes on them.
Although he still clawed at her, the pain was much more manageable. She ran thimble fingers throughout his full head of hair and nodded at his words. "You're you," she caressed his face with her free hand, wiping his free flowing tears. She noticed her subordinates looking at them... fear... jealousy... and awe was clear on their faces. She felt his hand grasp her wrist, she looked down. He looked into her eyes and was about to speak up—almost expecting his words she reassured him,
"You didn't kill anyone, don't worry. We're all safe. Get some rest now, Haise."
And with those words of reassurance he closed his weary eyes. A deep slumber falling upon him. Sighing in relief Reina picked the man up with ease and carried him into one of the cars their back up came with. Closing the car door she went to pick up her discarded coat on the floor and threw it over herself.
"We're riding elsewhere, I'm driving."
"Will Sasan be okay?" They mumbled out.
"Of course he will. He always bounces back." She smiled back at them before she entered the escorted car.
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a/n: god i hate myself for cross posting this on so many platforms because of formatting. Next chapter will be the last one for the month. March i will post the next three chapters!
ps. i don’t care if you’re a minor or not, I know y’all are still gonna read. I’m not your guardian, that’s up to them. I’m not responsible for anything.
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akiogiyuuxo · 1 year
Chapter 4 ' Visit '
a/n- Read chapter 1 , chapter 2 , and Chapter 3 if you haven't :D
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Pairing: Kirishma Toru x Reader (gender natural)
Anime: The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting
A/n: Some chapter's may include sexual themes, violence, or triggers to some. Please keep in mind I do not write prefect English but I try my best to :D
genre: fluff, romance, spicy
Warnings: Spoilers?
Summary story: You are an assistant to Yuri Mashiro, one who works for him. One day you're assigned to a mission. A mission you'll soon regret..
Summary chapter: After the last encounter you weren't sure how to face it but then Yaeka invites you to have dinner at her house. Will it be a good idea? Or something you will regret more.
“L/n-san, Mashiro-sama would like to have a talk with you.” you quickly snapped out of your thoughts, ‘ were you finally getting fired? What could you possibly have done wrong?’  No. it’s not the time to think right now, you tell yourself. “I’m coming.” 
You walk down the halls of the place and try to stop shaking and think so negatively. But soon you're in front of your superior’s door where your mind goes blank. You take a breath and knock on the door. “Come in.” You open the door to see Yuri sitting down behind his desk with a person on the other side of his desk. Assuming he had a meeting.
“We’ll discuss this another time, I have things to do right now.” Yuri said as the person nodded and left the room. Leaving you alone with your superior. 
“You wanted to see me sir?” you asked. “Yes, the assignment I asked you to do. But failed to do so, since you got distracted by someone, yes?” he asked with an eye closed smirk. Knowing deep down that's a sign he wants you to say the truth. You looked down but nodded at his statement. How can you lie when he can read you like an open book. “ Yes sir, that’s correct..” 
He chuckles and gets up from his seat and goes around his desk to walk up to you. He grabs your chin and makes you look up at him. “ You don’t want a punishment now, do you?” He asked, smiling. You shake your head. “ Use your words, doll..” you gulp but did anyway. “N-no sir.”
He seemed satisfied with your response and let’s go of your chin. “Do the work correctly this time. Remember you’re my favorite assistant who does the work right. Don’t disappoint me.” He opens the door and closes it, leaving you alone with your thoughts. ‘ How are you gonna concentrate when that Tooru guy is always on your mind.’ 
“ Good morning class! Today we’re drawing something we wish for in the future!” you said as students cheered. “Now, don’t waste time and start drawing!” Soon everyone started moving their pencil and planned. You look over to Yaeka and see her full focus on whatever she was drawing. You smiled and started going over to help students.
“ Have a great day everyone!” you waved as you saw children going to their homes. However Yaeka starts walking up to you. “ Oh hello sakuragi-chan, what can I do for you?” you said as you bend down her level. She seemed shy to ask but spoke up.
“Can you come over to have dinner with us? I would like to thank you for helping me feel more comfortable at school.” You looked at her surprised but didn’t want to turn down her offer. “ Is your family okay with it? I don’t want to bother or-”
“My dad said it was fine, as long as they are not a threat to the family.” you weren’t sure if she was supposed to say that but it did freak you out. “W-well if your family says it's fine then I can accept your offer.” you smiled as she looks at you with joy in her eyes. 
‘ It's a good opportunity to learn more about the family and Kirishima.’ you thought. 
“Kirishima!” you look behind you and see him standing over you. Making you jump and laugh awkwardly. “ Sorry didn’t mean to scare you.” He said avoiding eye contact. Yaeka explained to Kirishima what was going on. He wasn’t expecting you to come over but knew if that's what she wants then she can.
“Alright let's go then.” 
You take off your shoes and leave them by the wall as you follow the little miss. She takes your hand and leads you to her room.
“ We can play while we wait for the food.” she said as she grabbed paper and colors. Oh how you wished she was your daughter instead and spoil her. 
Later when you guys drew for a bit, Yaeka seemed to know when the food was ready so she told you to follow her to the kitchen. And there was Kei,and Kanami preparing food. “ oh! Hello, you must be yaeka’s teacher.” Kanami said as she finished up putting food on the plates.
“ I’m guessing she talks about me a lot then.” You laughed softly. “ My name is Kanami Kurosaki, and he is Kei Sugihara.” she said as she pointed to Kei who waves. “ Nice to meet you.” you waved back “Nice to meet you too.” 
“ So what’s your name?” Kei asked as he finished his plate. “Oh! Right, my apologies. I forgot I didn’t introduce myself yet. I’m (F/n) (L/n).” Kanami looked at you for a while before speaking.
“ I don’t mean to be rude but you look young to be a teacher, are you sure you're not a student or?” you laughed, you get that a lot. “I’m aware, my age doesn’t match my looks but I am enough to be one, yes. And I guess I’ll take that as a complaint.“
 She laughs as well and the talk goes on. “Do you guys know where the bathroom is? I need to use it.” you asked as you stood up. “ Yes, just take the right and it should be there.” Kanami said as you bowed and went. 
But you didn’t end up with the right direction. As you open the storage room thinking it was the bathroom, you go in and realize it wasn’t the bathroom. You turn around and bump into a man hitting your face with his chest. You look up and see Kirishima. “Looks like I caught myself a mouse.”
—--( A/N: a bit spicy/ lime underneath.)  
 He said as he made you back up to a wall. He then closes the door behind him and locks it. He pins you between the walls making you flustered.
“What were you trying to do, hm? Breaking in and stealing stuff?” He asked you. “N-no that’s not it! You got it wrong I just-”
He covered your mouth when you heard Kei’s voice talking random crap. As soon as he hears him far away he takes his hand from your mouth. “ I was just looking for the bathroom and I took the wrong turn.” He raised a brow and smirked. “You sure?” he asked as lean down to your face, almost touching lips. “How long are you gonna tease me?” You asked blushing. 
He soon closed the gap between you two. You were shocked but kissed back. After what seemed like a one minute make-out, you pulled away breath-less.
“Kirishima..”  “ Tooru..call me Tooru.” he said as he kissed down your neck. Making you whine.
How are you gonna get out of this mess?
TBH)A/N: Anyways I almost forgot to do this but at the same time afraid of messing up. Tell me what you guys think. Ch. 5 will be coming soon but I wanna know how this one is. And chp.5 may contain $umt so look forward to that. I'm sorry if it seems rushed, I didn't have time to plan it out but will for the next chapter.
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feelingbluewrites · 23 days
About my blog page!
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Hello everyone! Welcome to my new writing page! This post is mostly a rules page, including who I don’t and do write for and what else I write about so people can find what they like on my page! If you have any questions that I forget to include in this post go ahead and send me a message!
About me! (yada yada yada)
My name is Blue! 
I am 19 years young!
I’ve been writing for years just not on tumblr UNTIL NOW
I’ve been into anime for a few years but stopped AND NOW IM INTO IT AGAIN
Also my grammar is not the best so if I seem hard to understand I apologize but I will try my best to make myself as clear as possible!
What anime’s I write for!
- As of right now I will most likely be writing for Haikyuu because that is where I feel most comfortable right now but WHO KNOWS THAT MIGHT CHANGE IN THE FUTURE
My Hero Academia 
-MHA is the only other anime I will write about as of now. 
What characters will I write for!
Tobio Kageyama
Asahi Azumane
Kei Tsukishima
Tetsuro Kuroo
Kenma Kozume
Tooru Oikawa
Kotarou Bokuto (obviously)
Keiji Akaashi
Atsumu Miya
Osamu Miya
MHA Characters!
Shouto Todoroki (husband)
Izuku Midoriya
Katsuki Bakugou
Eijirou Kirishima
Denki Kaminari
Tamaki Amajiki
Takami Keigo (Hawks)
And any other characters you guys wish for!
What characters I will not write for right now! (this is just a for now thing, I will eventually be able to write for everyone in the future)
Shoyo Hinata 
-This is mostly because I don’t feel comfortable writing smut for him BECAUSE HE’S JUST SO PRECIOUS! BUT, I am willing to try and write a fluff or angst fic if you guys are interested. 
Hajime Iwaizumi
-I love Iwa, DON’T GET ME WRONG. I only put him on this list because I haven’t written a character analysis for him yet and I don’t want him to seem out of character at all. So until I can get a good grasp on him HE WILL BE ON THE WRITING LIST!
Wakatoshi Ushijima 
-Same reason as Iwa’s! I will get to yall’s manz soon though don’t worry!
Satori Tendou 
-Same reason!
Kiyoomi Sakusa
-Same thing as well, I also don’t know much about Sakusa BUT if you guys could give me a deep description about him this will change!
What kind of fics I write! (Most of these will be written with a female reader, if it is changed I will write it in the title)
-I have some DIRTY ASS FICS in mind for yall so just wait I promise it won’t disappoint (and if it does then you can hit me over the head with a bat)
-Of course who doesn’t love a sweet toothache with your favorites.
I will also write any drabbles if you end up messaging me in the ask box! I am open to anything and making your dreams come true, so don’t be shy!
Alright! That’s all I could think of to mention as of right now, if I missed anything don’t hesitate to ask!
Have a good day readers and writers! I hope to see you guys in my fics soon! MWAH!
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