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25 JI, AKASAKA DE (2024)
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xo-cod · 8 months
141+könig accidentally hurting you during sex :"(((
aww :(( the babes </33 i did this super rushed so it might be ooc ‼️‼️
price: he's so apologetic, immediately snapping out of his trance and looking to you with pure worry. "you alright sweetness?" his sweet voice filling your ears as his brows furrow with concern, looking you over while he touches you as though you're the most delicate thing on earth. he feels absolutely terrible, already wrapping a blanket around you to keep you warm while he holds you close apologising over and over. it's just in his nature to do that, he cares so deeply for you anytime you're in pain especially on the off chance it's caused by hand, it makes him so sad :( he won't go back to having sex, not at least he knows that you're okay and you're good. definitely kisses away all the pain, holding you gently <3
simon: immediately freezes and pulls away, his eyes wide with concern and slight panic when he realises he's hurt you. and during such an intimate moment :( he's already got you wrapped in his warm arms, double checking everything to make sure you're not overly hurt. he feels horrible and he gives you plenty kisses to make up for it. depending on how bad, he won't go back into having sex and instead holds you close for the rest of the night instead with you snuggled into his chest. will definitely need verbal reassurance that you're fine otherwise he's going to treat you like precious glass in the foreseeable future "m'sorry lovie so sorry" <3
gaz: "baby? you alright?" probably the most rational and quickly stops everything to bundle you up close. he's pressing soft kisses to your temple, whispering apologies and knowing that sometimes he can get very passionate. still his heart breaks when he realises he's caused you pain and his sweet face breaks out in a soft frown while he's comforting you. he's grabbing the water for you, making you eat something while he's at it. tucking your hair away as he looks at you nervously, hoping he didn't do long lasting damage even if he knows its not possible. but once he's stabilised that you're okay, he spends the rest of the night cuddle up close to you while he gently rakes his fingers up and down your skin. for his comfort and for yours <3
soap: "oh my god have i hurt you??" it almost tears his heart when you're wincing and he's caused you pain, sex is never supposed to be about that. he eases off gently, holding your face carefully in his palms as he asks you questions all around so he knows where the hurt is coming and how bad it is. he's silently cursing at himself for making you go through this, wishing he would've been a little easier on you and you have to take him by the hands and tell him that you're okay. he still won't really believe you but it does help to know he hasn't totally broken you. he makes up for it with hugs and kisses, cuddling you close and whispering sweet words into your ears <3
könig: "mein liebling?" he's so confused at first, you went from whimpering to hissing in pain and it takes him a couple seconds before his eyes widen with shock and he immediately backs out. this man is holding you like precious cargo, asking you a 101 questions of where you're hurt and how bad does it hurt. will perform a thorough examination to ensure he didn't hurt you too much. he's literally in your ear whispering at how sorry he is and how beautiful you are, nuzzling you close in his wonderfully built arms. he feels so bad, you'll have to tell him you're really okay but he doesn't believe so. he won't go back to having sex, instead choosing to make you feel better for the rest of the night <3
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Hi! I would love to request some cuddling scenarios with Lucifer, Alastor, and Vox!
It's implied romantic but could be queer platonic or a queer/nontraditional couple.
This man wants snuggles. Any way he can get them any time, he isn't required to not be physically attached to you. He really struggles with derealization/depersonalization. His depression gets bad, he isolates, and time has pretty much lost meaning to him after being around so long, so he just kinda, wastes away into sadness. It's how he and Charlie fell apart the first time, and he really doesn't want it to happen again.
Having you around to just talk to, hold hands with, sit on your lap, or you in his, it helps. It's like a reminder that he's still alive and someone wants to be around him. Someone wants to spend time with him. That you care. It also motivates him to stay in contact with Charlie instead of convincing himself she's better without him.
He still loves Lillith, regrets they aren't together, but he doesn't blame her for leaving. He's more upset with how it affects Charlie. So he makes extra effort to spend time with you, to acknowledge how important you are to him. He's so paranoid about ruining this relationship. This man has centuries of being told everything is his fault, everything wrong with the world, and is forced to face that supposed truth every day he rules Hell.
His favorite thing is just pulling you on top of him like a weighted blanket, wrapping his wings around the both of you, and laying in a dark, warm, cocoon. He'll take deep breaths, pet your hair, and just let himself finally relax. The first few times you'd stayed quiet, assuming that's what he wanted, but it just makes it easier for him to disassociate.
Now you talk to him, softly, about your day, ask about his. You slowly get him to open up about his favorite things, good memories he has of Lillith, baby Charlie, the sins, times before the Fall. It's a long process to get him to talk about it. Please be patient and gentle with him. He likes when you play with his fingers while he talks, just holding his hand and twisting and turning it, moving his rings around, just don't touch his wedding ring please, maybe you even manage to do his nails in this position.
His second favorite is when you help preen his feathers, gently massaging his wing joints, polishing each feather with the oil from his glands, using your thumbs to work out knots in the muscles around the base. It always turns into a full back massage that leaves him purring, making happy sighing sounds and little moans. He usually falls asleep like this. Don't worry though, once he wakes up, he's definitely returning the favor. He does head massages too! He prepares a little personal spa day for you.
He isn't really looking for anything more intimate when he's in one of sadder moods and is cuddling with you to feel better, he wouldn’t turn it down, he's too afraid you'd be upset, but he really just wants to be held or to hold someone. It's the little things that really make you special to him, and he cherishes every second you guys are together.
We all know Alastor isn't a fan of being touched unless he initiates it. There are very few exceptions to this, so you have to be pretty close to him to even get the option to cuddle him.
You'll have to start slow, like holding his hand. A lot of people think he's the type to not want to do too much PDA, but like, look at how he is with Rosie and Mimzy in front of everyone. He doesn't care. Not for small things like hand holding. This eventually leads to him putting his arm around your waist as you're walking together, or around your shoulders if you're sitting next to each other so you can lean on his shoulder.
Now more intimate gestures, like cheek kisses, forehead kisses, petting his ears, those are private. He will resist at first, preferring to lavish you with attention, but be stubborn, match his energy, especially the witty banter, and eventually you'll wear him down.
It's canon that Alastor's hardly ever sleeps, so I imagine if you're a motherly type, (regardless of gender), or someone he genuinely trusts (because its not about if he's safe. He's the Radio Demon, very few sinners are a threat to him, so being a little vulnerable with you is safe no matter the level of trust) he's going to pass out.
You're in his room (or yours, but he prefers his) and he agreed to let you pet his ears. You settle on the bed, his head on your chest or lap, and he closes his eyes, soft jazz music playing from some unseen source, and maybe you're watching something on your phone, (he allows it only if it's something he can enjoy as well, but he usually winds up listening more than watching because screens hurt his eyes after awhile) more likely you're listening to a podcast, Alastor likes listening to true crime with you.
Your fingers gently run through his hair at first. You tease him about the bob sometimes, but understand that he's prone to pulling his hair out otherwise. Eventually you notice the music has stopped and Alastor's fast asleep, the smile on his face is so small it nearly doesn't exist, and his breathing is slow and even. His ears twitch when you stop petting them, and he stirs a bit, so you quickly resume playing with them and he falls back asleep.
(His tail is sensitive too, if you ever wanna fluster him, just run a finger down his spine to that cute little tail and give it a gentle tug.)
Alastor is also prone to play biting, so if you're an excited nibbler who gives noms, expect your cuddles to end up with a few bite marks.
It's really hard for him to sit still long, so if he's working late and you want to spend time with him, just crawl yourself into his lap and get comfy. He'll grumble and complain about the distraction, but it's all for show. He'll put his arm around your waist and trace your hipbones with his thumb, or play with your hair, run his fingers up and down your back, just small fidgety things.
He understands his head is inconvenient for snuggles, and he may not be the most comfortable. (I headcanon his body is built like the Detroit Become Human bots, with like silicone padding to appear/feel like skin, but it's hard plastic and metal and wires underneath with biomechanical parts inside.)
He is warm, though, and has the constant hum of his internal fans and electricity, so he's great for sensory snuggles. He's great for when you're sore or have migraines (surprisingly, but he can turn his brightness down at will). He likes to do more traditional forms of PDA.
He walks with his hand on your lower back. (He and Alastor both absolutely do the subconscious walk with their partners on the inside and them closest to the streets or alleyways. Lucifer would, but he probably isn't even aware it's a thing.)
You're cooking/baking/doing anything with your back to him, he puts his hands on your waist and leans against you. He's 7ft tall so he probably won't lean his entire body on you, but enough to feel close to you.
His favorite snuggles are disgustingly domestic. Like, his all time favorite, is when you're both sitting together on a couch, enjoying a movie or show, or maybe you're reading or on your phone or gaming, and he's working, just anytime you're occupying the couch together and existing, he'll pull your feet into his lap and massage them.
It's not like, a fetish thing, he just thinks it's sweet. A nice gesture to show how much he appreciates what you do, how hard you work. He'll massage your ankles and calfs too. He's also prone to trying to play with your hair and massage your scalp when you're laying on his chest at night, but his claws get tangled easily. Settles for rubbing your shoulders/back.
He likes when you rub his back and neck too. The man spends way too much time hunched over his desk at work. His back aches from doing the gremlin hunch over his desk to standing ramrod straight in front of cameras, sitting properly and confidently, stiff as a fucking board. You once teased him about how he could just use one of his cardboard cutouts as a stand-in, and no one would know.
Other times, he likes to lay on you. The first few times he sprawled across your lap seeking affection and reassurance for his fragile ego, you'd been so nervous to crack his screen. But now you're more used to it and will even playfully try and poke it/tap it. Between you and Valentino, Vox has had to rule out ever getting a touch screen for a head, because neither of you will stop fucking with it. It does make him laugh, though, adorable little giggles he'd rather die than let the general public hear. It usually turns into a playful wrestling match and aggressive cuddles with a side of petty static electricity from Vox.
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wileys-russo · 9 months
small intimate interactions II l.williamson x reader
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this one might just be up there with some of my fave fics i've written so far small intimate interactions II l.williamson x reader
"can i help you with anything cheffy?" you turned to the voice of your best friend, meeting her beaming smile with one of amusement. "i don't know, can you?" you teased the older girl at her lack of culinary skills making her scoff and hold a hand to her chest in offence.
"i come in here offering myself and my services to you and you mock me, you know now i think you can do it all alone!" leah scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest and looking dramatically off into the distance, though she still made no move to leave the kitchen.
"and yet, here you still are." you grinned tossing a tea towel at the blonde which landed on her head. "ow! leah." you squealed as she flicked you with it, sending a sharp crack around the room and a mischievous smile in your direction.
"take the tray of chicken out of the oven please, if you can manage that." you teased her, turning back to what you had going on the stove. "yes chef!" leah saluted with a serious nod, grabbing the oven mits from beside you and doing as you'd asked, careful not to burn herself or drop what you'd spent the last couple of hours preparing.
"need a hand?" steph appeared next closely followed by jen, both girls looking at you with raised eyebrows as you flittered around the kitchen.
"if you could start taking everything out to the table and get the girls to take a seat would be great, thank you!" you smiled appreciatively, starting to dish everything else up and chuckling as you heard a strong scottish accent scream that dinner was ready from the table.
"i could have done that jen!" you laughed as the woman only grinned with a shrug, helping steph to carry everything out. "it all looks delicious, as always you've gone above and beyond. our little hostess with the mostess!" leah kissed at your cheek fondly causing them to heat up as you turned away from her, attempting to hide your blush.
the english skipper been your best friend for a few years now, having gravitated toward you from the very moment you moved from australia and signed with her beloved arsenal.
seeing your obvious nerves at joining the team and the lingering homesickness of moving so far away from everything you'd ever known she'd offered to help you get settled and given you your very first tour of london.
and once you got to know one another properly you followed each other like a shadow, one very rarely ever seen without the other much to the teasings of all of your friends about codependency issues.
the two of you had always had quite an affectionate friendship but it wasn't anything that raised any sort of red flag for you, after all you'd always been a touchy person with your close friends back home.
so you never thought anything of it when leahs hand would intertwine with yours as you'd walk somewhere together, or gently brush your thigh as you sat beside one another in the locker room, or even how closely the two of you would sit pressed together and practically on top of one another on the bus to games, avidly chattering away.
it didn't seem out of sorts when you'd cuddle up together when watching a movie or would have regular sleepovers and share the bed at one anothers homes, or when her long arms would wrap around your waist from behind and she'd cling to you tiredly after a particularly brutal training session.
the two of you would regularly mess around with one another, play fighting and pushing, poking and wrestling like hyperactive school children.
you'd often spend your sleepovers not even sleeping, instead laying down backwards on the bed, legs draped against the headboard and heads hanging off the edge of the mattress as you spoke about anything and everything, suffocated by your laughter at how utterly absurd your topics of conversation would become as time gradually ticked into the early hours of the morning.
it wasn't out of sorts for her warm lips to press fondly against your cheek or forehead, or for her slender fingers to tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear as you rambled on about something. in fact the english girl could read you like a book, always knowing exactly what you needed sometimes before you even knew yourself.
none of that felt weird for you, or at least it didn't until you'd gone out for a nice meal with a small handful of the girls after training one evening, though you were minus leah who was unwell and had headed right home to sleep.
it was then that steph had casually asked when you and the english skipper had started dating, sending you into a flustered spiral. you'd of course denied it right away and asked why the older girl had even thought that, your national teammate rapidly back peddling at her mistake and apologizing profusely at her assumption.
caitlin however had taken a much less apologetic approach, stating that it was obvious to absolutely everyone but you and leah that the two of you were clearly and hopelessly in love with one another.
katie and beth backing her up right away it sent your cheeks bright red and you'd left the restaurant early, needing some fresh air and to go home and sort out the immense wave of emotions which washed over you at the thought of loving your best friend as anything more than just that.
that was around a month ago and you'd tried your very best to push it to the back of your mind and carry on as you always had with the blonde.
though now things that once seemed like a comfortable second nature for you raised alarms that hadn't been there previously, leahs slender fingers tracing shapes on your bare legs as you watched a movie and they sat stretched across her lap. or her arm draped across the back of your shoulders as you curled into her side on the lounge, even just the lingering hugs you two shared at every greeting or goodbye that maybe lasted a minute or two too long to just be friendly.
each and every small intimate interaction left you reeling and your mind a disgustingly complicated mess of overthinking. you had no idea what you were going to do about it, especially given that you couldn't even work out within yourself how you felt about the blonde.
you'd always loved her, but the thought of being in love with her was a foreign and terrifying one, and something you avoided dwelling on at any and all costs.
it seemed easier that way, to just be in sheer denial of anything at all changing or shifting, to just carry on as you always had which was of course an impossible task.
it left you clouded with doubt and plagued with the ever prominent and growing fear that acknowledging any of this could mean losing leah all together, in every capacity.
"oh there's another tray in here, do you want me to take it out?" the taller girl realized as she went to close and turn off the oven. "oh those are yours! i almost forget, yeah if you could please." you nodded, flicking off the stove and quickly running the now empty pots under some cold water, leaving them by the sink to be dealt with later.
with eight hungry footballers in your home that you were about to feed and entertain you were sure you could whip them into an assembly line to help you clean up later.
a lot of you not having had the chance to spend any sort of quality time together since the season had commenced you'd invited a few of the girls around for a dinner party. you'd always adored hosting and cooking for those you treasured, it was one of the main ways you showcased your love, and your team mates were always the most grateful of guests.
after all as they often said the way to someones heart, was through their stomach.
"you made me smileys?" leah grinned in disbelief as she grabbed out the tray and her crystal blue eyes lit up at the sight of the much cultivated childhood food.
"yeah, i know you don't like most of this so i wanted to make sure you'd actually get something to eat." you glanced over your shoulder with a sincere smile, not an ounce of teasing in your tone as leahs cheeks now flushed bright red at the sweet gesture.
"i'd have eaten. i always love your cooking!" she defended, quickly turning around to move them onto a plate to hide her flushed cheeks.
"that's because i only cook things that i know you eat whenever you come over lee, your palette is like my four year old niece. though even she can handle some mayo." you teased, bumping your shoulder into leahs as you appeared beside her, moving the chicken onto a serving platter with some tongs.
"oh i miss her! can we facetime her again soon?" the blonde asked hopefully and you nodded, the young girl just as much a fan of leah as leah was of her, even though she'd only briefly met her when she was in australia for the world cup it seemed to be an instant connection.
"my mum keeps asking when you're going to actually come to australia for a proper visit and not just for something football related." you chuckled with a small shake of your head, the woman forever on your case about not having met half of the people you held dear in your second home, much as you tried to remind most of them had their own lives and families scattered across the world to spend their minimal time off with.
"i'm just waiting on an invitation." the older girl smiled teasingly as you smacked her on the shoulder. "please like you don't know you'd always be welcome, i'd love to show you round properly. sometimes i swear you know me better than i know myself, plus my family already adores you and they've only technically actually met you like twice that wasn't over the phone!" the words slipped casually off your tongue and in the moment you thought nothing of it, but the thought of your family accepting her and you showing her around what she knew was your favorite place in the whole world had sent leah spiraling.
"i do apologise for the lack of ham sandwiches tonight though, tesco was all out." you grinned, nodding for her to join you as you grabbed the last of the food and headed for the table where the rest of the girls were sat and ready, leah shaking it off as she followed you out.
"you guys seriously couldn't wait?" you laughed at how most of them had already dished themselves up a plate, placing down the chicken in the middle of the table as forks clashed to grab at it. "some of us did!" steph rolled her eyes gesturing to herself and viv who indeed had empty plates.
"your loss, it is delicious!" laura grinned among a mouthful of pasta, viv sternly telling her not to talk with food in her mouth before she and steph dished up for themselves and you took your seat in between leah and beth.
"oi why's leah get her own special food!" katie realised the small mountain of smileys on leahs plate in leus of any of the other sides with a scowl.
"cause she doesn't eat most of this." you answered for her with a shrug, smiling gratefully at jen who handed you back your plate piled high with food from the other end of the table. "so she gets special treatment cause she eats like a weeun?" katie rolled her eyes and tried to snatch one, your hand reaching out to swat the irishwoman away on leahs behalf.
"smileys! i've not had those in years." beth gasped as the table errupted over leahs seemingly controversial meal, the blonde covering her food protectively as multiple hands tried to snatch at it.
"did i not cook enough food for the rest of you that you all feel the need to complain about one tiny thing?" you called out loudly over the top of them with a raised eyebrow, the complaining ceasing and immediately replaced with a shower of compliments sent your way.
"much better." you grinned, shoveling a forkful of pasta into your mouth as everyone settled, normal chatter resuming as you all enjoyed one another's company.
"thank you, you're the best." leah murmured quietly, her hand landing on your thigh and squeezing gently, pressing a grateful kiss to your cheek before turning back to her conversation with laura.
the blush coating your cheeks didn't go unnoticed by your australian teammates, both sending you a knowingly smug smile as you glared back at them from across the table, kicking caitlin harshly in the shin as she began to make kissy faces at you.
"ow, fuck you!" the older girl hissed quietly, trying to kick back at you as you tucked your legs under your chair, her feet instead finding poor beths ankle who cursed her out for it.
the rest of dinner passed through rather uneventfully, and sure enough it didn't take much convincing to have them all band together to help you clean up afterwards, the group of you now gathered in your living room piled on top of one another.
"-please don't be in love with someone else! please don't have somebody waiting on you!" you and beth belted out, twirling one another around as you sang the rest of the chorus.
all of you far too wound up after dinner for a movie you'd opted to bust out the karaoke machine some the girls had bought you for your birthday earlier this year instead.
"I was enchanted to meet youu!' you sang loudly, handing the mic to steph and collapsing basically on top of leah as beth finished off the final two lines, the blonde serenading a very rosy and loved up looking viv.
"what a natural, you're really wasting your life away as a footballer my girl." leah teasingly fanned you as you posed, head dropping onto her shoulder. "god its exhausting being hot, funny and talented." you sighed dramatically as steph and katie were next up and started to sing cruel summer.
"at least we can tick humble off the list then." leah grinned down at you as you smacked her chest halfheartedly. "hey can i stay tonight? i don't think i can be bothered driving home and i've hardly seen you this week with my rehab amping up." leah asked quietly and you nodded without a moments hesitation, moving around so your head was in her lap and your legs draped over laura who sat wedged on the other side of you avidly chattering away to jen.
"you missss me!" you sung out with a grin, wiggling happily as the blonde rolled her eyes and forced a sigh. "i mostly miss your king size bed and massive tv, don't flatter yourself." the older girl pinched at your cheeks as you pulled faces up at her.
"you missed me too though, just a little." you held up your thumb and pointer finger leaving a decent gap in between. "more like-" leah pushed them closer together so there was hardly a gap as you gasped and leah tangled a hand in your hair with a soft smile.
"you wound me lee, and after i made you smileys and invited you oh so graciously into my home!" "i have a key so really i'd just let myself in if there was no invitation, plus you always eat all the snacks at my house so consider us even." "i do not! i'd like to contest that accusation." "i, the honourable judge williamson, hear your case and find you....guilty." "wow i don't even get a lawyer?" "you don't even get a phone call kid, lock her up boys!" "i would like to once again point out that i am only exactly eleven months younger than you leah catherine." "the key word here being....younger." "you're truly insufferable sometimes you know that?" "oo that was a big word, where'd we learn that one from?" "your mum actually, when we were speaking about you." "i'd love to argue that but really i'm quite certain she likes you more than me sometimes." leah sighed with a shake of her head, covering your smug looking face with her hand and shaking your head to and fro for a second before you pushed her off with a grin and a teasing wiggle of your eyebrows. "oh speaking of she wants you to come round for dinner soon, something about missing you? i can't relate though, she's not yet been around you enough to know how positively irritating you really are." "fighting words for someone who just asked to sleepover because she missed me." "i don't remember the words 'i miss you' ever actually leaving my mouth?" "crazy, i just heard them?"
"excuse me lovebirds, we're gonna head off!" your cheeky smiles both dropped at beth's words and leah frowned as you picked your head up out of her lap and quickly shuffled away as if burnt by her touch.
most of the girls all agreeing to head off after checking the time you were yanked out of the small bubble you'd previously occupied with leah, standing up and walking most of them out, leah hugging her friends goodbye before sitting back down on the lounge.
"you not leavin?" katie frowned, lingering behind as leah looked up from her phone and shook her head. "nah gonna crash here, i'm tired." the blonde shrugged, eyebrows furrowing at the look on the irishwomans face at her word.
"what? i stay here all the time." "i know...exactly my point." "and what is your point?" leah asked the brunette with a sigh.
"why don't you just tell that poor girl you love her? the two of you do this little dance around your feelings every day and surely thats exhausting?" katie crossed her arms over her chest as leahs face flushed with embrassment.
"i don't feel that way about her. i wish you'd all drop this you're making it weird between us and its not appreciated, she's my best mate!" leah denied with a firm shake of her head, though she knew the words leaving her lips was a filthy lie, and katie did too.
"yeah leah, she's your best mate so just talk to her. whats the harm in that? i see the way you look at one another, i really don't think you'll be left disappointed." the older girl smiled sincerely, squeezing her shoulder supportively and striding out of the room.
which left leah to sink back into the sofa with a deep and troubled sigh, alone with her thoughts as she dragged her hands down her face and tossed her phone beside her, her head swimming.
unbeknownst to the defender you'd been cornered in the kitchen and given a similar talking to by your national team mates, both girls like older sisters they'd known you for years and made an avid point of stating they'd never seen you look at someone the way you looked at leah.
and similar to katie they pushed you to just talk to her about it, affirming they saw the way you both interacted and it was obvious to everyone that neither of you were being honest with one another, and over time things would eventually boil over if that continued to be the case.
though shortly after you'd waved everyone off and shut your front door for the final time, dead bolting it and flicking off the lights one by one as you made your way back to the living room.
not even needing to ask leah was already on her feet and following you to your bedroom as the rest of the house was engulfed into darkness. "oh hello gorgeous." leah breathed out as she belly flopped into your bed, sighing as the memory foam melded perfectly to her body.
rolling your eyes at her you disappeared into your wardrobe, grabbing out some of leahs clothes from your drawers, the two of you having spent so much time at one anothers homes you had clothes and belongings littered everywhere at each place.
"oi!" leah yelled out as the bundle of material hit her in the face where she lay down on your bed, peeling the hoodie off her face and sending you a look of disdain as you only grinned and dipped into the bathroom to change and wash your face, leaving her to do the same.
both of you now changed you settled into your bed where leah had already loaded the wizard of oz on the tv, the movie a favourite of both of yours making you clap happily as leah clicked play.
after around a half hour you found yourselves already tangled with one another, not an uncommon occurrence as you'd grown to be incredibly comfortable around one another over the years.
leahs head resting on your sternum the older girl was entranced by the consistent rising and falling of your chest beneath her, one hand tucked under her head as the other sat dormant on your hip, pointer finger lightly stroking the slit of tanned skin where your shirt had ridden up slightly.
your left arm had slipped up the back of her hoodie, nails scratching gently at the bare skin of her back, your right hand lay tangled in her hair which she'd pulled up into a messy bun, absentmindedly tracing circles on the back of her neck with your thumb.
as much as leah was relaxed and would normally be humming along to each song as she could hear you doing, internally she was a flustered mess, shocking herself with how still she kept her body despite how freaked out she was by her conversation with katie.
it lead her to overthink every little interaction she'd had with you, worrying if she'd ever made you uncomfortable with the small intimacies you shared almost daily.
which then just lead her to stumble blindly down the path of how she felt at all the silent ways you showed one another how much you cared.
like the way you'd lean in and fix her collar when it was crooked on nights out, or how she would always grab your boots for you when you inevitably left them behind after training or games.
how you'd hold your hair up and ask leah to put on your most prized necklace for you after you'd had to take it off for a game, or the way you'd mess about with her fingers and twist her rings sometimes when she knew you were overwhelmed.
or how leah knew you would always underestimate how suddenly british weather could change, never bringing a jacket when you needed to so she made sure to always drape hers over you instead.
or how occasionally you'd demand leah stay still as you ever so gently collected a stray eyelash off her cheek, holding it out on your pinky and ordering her to make a wish before you'd blow it away with a soft smile.
so caught up in her thoughts leah hadn't even realised the movie had finished, only yanked back down into reality as you nudged her and called out her name. "you okay?" you asked her with a concerned frown, noticing she was clearly out of it as leah wordlessly nodded.
pulling her head off your chest you quickly withdrew your hands from her body, shuffling backwards a little as the two of you settled in your new positions, laid on your sides and looking right at one another.
"have i got something on my face?" you teased quietly at her staring, leahs lips curling into a smile. "no its ugly as ever don't worry." the blonde quipped with a smirk, flicking at your ear as you gasped and kicked her.
which suddenly jolted the pair of you from your previously calm and settled state, leahs cold hands tickling at your sides as your laughter echoed around the room making her grin. yanking them away you pinched at her hips, the two of you smacking and slapping one another around giggling manically like naughty kids, hushing one another as if worried you might be caught out and told off at a moments notice.
"no!" you grunted out with a laugh as leah tried to sit on top of you, her slender fingers digging into your ribs mercilessly with an evil smile. wiggling your body furiously beneath her you shoved her off, quickly straddling her hips right as the blondes back hit the mattress.
attempting to pin her hands down was a pointless task as the stronger girl interlinked your fingers and pressed your hands together, trying to throw you off of her as her knee pushed into your side, causing you to collapse back into the bed with a loud pelt of laughter.
both of you now struggling to breathe among your giggles you called a truce, chests heaving and faces flushed bright red from the rumble, leahs head turning to admire your side profile momentarily.
feeling her gaze on your cheek your eyes flickered sideways, meeting her curious look as your laughter slowly ceased and you found yourself lost in one anothers wondering orbs.
for once her mind finally quiet leah ever so slowly began to lean in, her eyes flittering between you and your lips.
your heart hammering in your chest you made no move to stop her as the two of you edged closer and closer into one anothers personal space.
your lips now just milimetres from one another you turned your head ever so slighty, your nose brushing against leahs as the blondes tongue ran across her lips somewhat apprehensively, eyes seeking out any sort of green light from you before she made her next move.
before you could withdraw your mind from its scattered places leahs arms were around you, her hold familiar and comforting. though at the close proximity of your nervous bodies you felt again the rush of helplessness, the sinking yielding, the surging tide of worry that what happened next could make or break the two of you.
"can i kiss you?" "please."
consent gained leah closed the tiny gap between you, rosy pink lips soft and alluring as they pressed against your own. leahs head spun at the dizzying sensation of her mouth molding perfectly with yours, ravishing in the feeling of kissing you.
her hand moved to rest on your cheek, palm rough and callous but her touch tender as you lent into it, tilting your head slightly as leahs breath caught at the new angle.
her tongue traced along your bottom lip, dipping in the small cracks and grooves, your lips slightly chapped but still so plump and inviting as they moved in rhythm against her own.
her insistent mouth was parting your shaking lips, sending wild tremors along the tips of your nerves, evoking from you sensations you had never known to be capable of feeling from the simple action as her tongue swirled around your mouth sending you into a silent frenzy.
you'd kissed people before obviously, but never ever had one plunged you into such a swimming giddiness that spun your head round and round, almost drowned in the overwhelming pleasure of the small but intimate act with someone you trusted so dearly.
then suddenly, lungs screaming and vision foggy you both surfaced for air, lips parting from one another with a slight pop as your chests heaved and your eyes scanned one another features for the first sign of any kind of reaction.
"we should talk about that." you were the first to speak, voice cracking slightly as leahs eyes dropped back down to your lips which seemed to be calling to her like a siren from the very moment they departed her own.
"yeah...we should."
though it seemed that was all that needed to be said as now much more feverishly your lips smashed into one anothers, your hands tangling in leahs hair as hers traced down the curvature of your back, drawing your body closer into her own as your bare legs tangled, kicking down the sheets exposing your bodies more to the chill of the brisk autumn evening.
and it seemed that without really needing to talk about it, the two of you had finally unlocked what would become the much more apparent act of intimacy between the two of you.
that wasn't to say future conversations wouldn't happen, but right now as your bodies began to greet one another in an entirely new fashion you'd both got the confirmation you'd been struggling for oh so desperately that the internal battle wasn't one sided.
and one day you'd lay down together and laugh that all it took was some stupid smiley face potatoes.
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cutecherrygirl · 4 months
Enhypen imagine
First time 🎀
Warnings: smut
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-I imagine first time with Jake being very romantic
- Like he would for sure buy scented candles with your favourite scents and place them around the room.
- he would compliment you the whole time to make you feel comfortable.
-he would caress every part of your body softly and make sure to kiss every inch if your body after taking your clothes off.
-It would feel like you're in heaven and you loved it.
- He would just make you lay one the bed anf he would take control and do everything.
- when he pushes in, he would whisper sweet nothings into your ear to make you relax and with each thrust would give you a small kiss in your neck or face.
- I dont think he would like eat you out on the first time since you have lots of time to do that, he just wanted to take it slow yk
-after you're done, he lays next to you and pulls you close for cuddles. He draws small circles on your back as he kisses your shoulder, neck and jaw while you relax in his arms.
- I usually think its awkward when you talk about wanting to have sex with your partner, cuz I always think it should happen naturally yk but with Heesung, I think he would want consent first and would be nervous.
-he is usually Pretty chill and stuff but this is something he things about all the time and is maybe even a bit insecure if he would do a good job.
- you talked about having sex on many occasions but you just didn't do it yet.
- you both wanted to be ready for this step.
- Heesung thinks that having sex is what can complete your relationship, intimate activities is what lead the couple to be more tied up together. Showing yourself to your partner like that is a really big step that he wants to take.
- this was the night that you will finally do it and he was nervous. Tons of thoughts were running through his mind like "what if im too small?", "What if she doesn't like my body?","Is it too soon?". He waited for you to come to his place for dinner.
- you came and you ate the dinner then sat on his bed to watch Netflix.
- you layed your head on his shoulder as you guys watched The vampire diaries. He would kiss your head occasionally and you would kiss his shoulder too because why not.
-after like an hour, you decided to speak up "baby.." you said softly while playing with the end of his shirt "wanna do it tonight?" You both blushed "sure" he said with a smile before leaning his head down and kissing your lips.
-he got on top of you and the kiss started to get more heated because thats how it usually goes.
-He slowly take off your clothes and his clothes too, You rest the back if your laps on top of his laps while he prepared the condom.
-it was a sweet little moment but weird at the same time. You were a bit nervous too but not as much as Heesung since he wanted it to be perfect.
-when he pushed in, all the nervousness went away and was replaced with pleasure.
-it was very nice and you both enjoyed it alot.
-after you're done, you both went to take a shower together and played with soap
-we all know he is an romantic rat and he would go over the top 🙄
- when you come back home from work, he is in the bathroom preparing you a bath. You thought he was taking a shower so u just went to the kitchen to get a snack lol
-he filled the bathtub with water, put scented oils inside abd rose petals, he dimed the lights down a bit and lit up few candles.
-he then came downstairs and smiled at you "hey Baby" he said and hugged you from behind. You smiled back and kissed his cheek "hey, oh my god im literally so tired" you whined and he laughed then took your hand in his
-"i prepared something for you" he whispered in your ear and slowly led you upstairs and to the bathroom. When you saw what he prepared, you were shocked and suprised in a good way "Sunghoon.." you whisper and he kissed your cheek.
-he would start taking your clothes off slowly and sensualy while looking into your eyes.
-after you were completely naked, he would run his hands up and down your body very slowly. "You are so beautiful" he whispered while his eyes are locked on yours. You blushed and smiled softly, before you could say anything back, he leaned down and pressed his lips against yours into a short but loving kiss 😘
-you lay in the bathtub, your body wasn't visible because Sunghoon put bubbles in the water 😜
- "do you mind if I join?" He asks in deep voice and you smiled "sure" you nodded and sat up to make space for him.
-after he sat in, you both just relaxed together and smiled at each other still a bit shy.
-He then place his hands on your waist and slowly pull you to sit on his lap so you can be closer to him. You didn't mind at all since he is your boyfriend and you love him 😍.
-as you sit on his lap, you both would just giggle together and do silly stuff with bubble foam. But then you decided to kiss and the kiss was heated because the bath water was hot.
-you wrapped your arms around his neck and he wrapped his around your waist as you kiss.
-you felt him getting hard under you which made you moan into the kiss and it turned him on even more
- you started to move your hips against his, and he slide his hands on your hips. You break the kiss to cath your breath and he starts to kiss your neck while you grip his hair gently.
- "can you like...go in?" You whisper "yeah" he whispered back and did what you asked him to.
-after you finish, you both just relaxed in the bath and talked shit about others.
-he doesn't want to admit how long he's been waiting for this to happen because he is embarrassed and shy 🙄
- he had imagined how your body looks like under all the clothes you wear.
-it would be lie if he said he never got turned on by his thoughts of you 🤔
- you both layed on your bed and talked for awhile. Your legs are over his laps and he is massaging your thighs with his hands while you to talk
- "and then she said I was too loud, like excuse me bitch?" You said and Jay laughed which made you laugh too.
- he switched positions so he is now laying on top of you and placing kisses all over your face
-you wrap your legs around his waist just like you do when you cuddle. "Is your mom home?" Jay asked quietly and you think for a second before answering "no, why?" He smiles and pecks your lips "wanna do it?" He asks and you blush but nod.
-you both were super excited to do it, jay got up for a second to lock the door and close the curtains because at this time, neighbours usually hang their clothes out the windows 😬
-then he jumped back on the bed and you started kissing and making out. He took off your shirt and pressed his body against yours. You spread your legs so he can fit between them as you both kiss.
-he first grinded against you a bit Which made you both moan into the kiss and he suddenly got a bit of confidence when he heard you moan and he started grinding more.
-soon, both of your clothes were off. He pushed himself in and you lean your head back in pleasure. He was kissing your neck while thrusting.
-he made sure you had the best time ever
-after you finished, he layed on top of you to calm himself down and you run your fingers through his hair and kiss his head.
- this boy is a rollercoaster, he would be giving you signals that he wants to do it but when you guys are on your way to do it, he would get shy and just not want it anymore.
-you decided to let him be because its a very intimate thing to do and you dont wanna pressure him.
-you would catch him biting his lip while looking at you, and checking you out alot but you didn't think much of it since all boys are the same (they're not)
-one day, you decide to have movie night at his place because why not.
-you dressed up pretty casual but not warm enough since it was pretty cold.
-you sat on his bed shivering a bit from thr coldness, you only had Shirt on and it was with no sleeves "Babe, are you serious? Why didn't you wear something warm?" He aske you worried, you pout and look at him "because i didn't know it would be so cold"
-he git up and toss you one of his hoodies. You wore it and instantly felt warm. You can't help but burry your face in the hoodie to take in Jungwon's scent "i think I might keep this" you whisper and he chuckled "No way."
-something about you wearing his hoodie was extremely hot to him and it turned him on. He couldn't take his eyes off of you and focus on the movie. He even forgot what movie you two were watching 😭
- you caught him looking at you and smiled "why are you looking at me like that?" You asked in soft tone and he blushed "you're just hot" he said and now you were the one blushing.
-you stayed silent for a moment before saying "Jungwon! Oh my god you made me blush again!"you said and he laughed then threw himself on top of you and started hugging you.
-you hug him back and start placing small kisses all over his face "I wanna fuck you in that hoodie right now" he said, but you can tell it just slipped out without thinking. You stop and looked at him "Jungwon..." You started "im sorry...my mind spoke before me" he said embarrassed and continued "Im just so attracted to you..its making me crazy" he whispered and you blushed"then do it..." You said and be looks at you confused.
- "do what?" He asked "do what you said earlier" you bite your lip and he quickly kissed your lips.
-as he kiss you, he would caressing your sides and grip them gently. He would pull down your bottoms leaving you only in your hoodie.
-after you did it. He layed on top of you and burry his face in your neck to cuddle you.
-he came to your place after school and stayed there the whole day
-when the night came you guys were in your bed talking and cuddling.
-it was around 6 p.m. but it was already dark outside so it felt like it was midnight or something.
-you layed your leg over his hips and he had his hand around your shoulders and the other one was resting behind his head.
- you stayed like that for awhile before you got bored and lift yourself up so you are sitting on his hips. You smiled down at him and stretched your arms out.
-he smiled and place his hands on your hips. You slide yourself down so your and his are touching and you pecked his lips. He pecked yours back and gripped your hips a bit and press them more down into him.
-you smiled and kissed his lips, he guided your hips to grind more against him and then slide his hands down to yours ass to squeeze it playfully 😭
-he rolled on the other side of the bed so he is now on top of you and he kept kissing you a bit more hungry now
-you placed your hand on the back of his neck to keep him close while you slide the other one down to unzip his pants.
-you both had nice time and enjoyed every second of it.
-after that you just went back to cuddling and sleeping.
I deleted Ni-ki one cuz people were threatening me 😑
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greynatomy · 5 months
where were you in the morning? - two
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alessia russo x reader
previous - next
When Alessia woke up, she was cuddled into a body causing her to freeze. She remembers the night before very vividly. She loved it, but she’s never done something like it before. She freaks out, needing to get out of there.
Carefully getting out of your grasp, she dresses, making sure she doesn’t leave anything. She stares at your sleeping form for a bit, thinking if what she’s doing is the right choice. Your face looking very peaceful, a small smile can be seen. Biting on her bottom lip, she tiptoes out of the room, not looking back.
Arriving home, Alessia first hops into the shower, cleaning all last night off. She blanked out most of the shower, not really sure how to process what had happened. Alessia wasn’t one to have one night stands. Especially not with strangers, strangers who also happen to be as famous as you are.
A few days later, a couple people from the Arsenal team are gathered at Leah’s house. Everyone was gathered around the living room, a movie being drowned out in the background by all the chatter.
“Hey, what are you watching?” Beth asks, looking over Vic’s shoulder.
“My favorite musician. She posted a teaser for a new song.”
“Let me see.” This got peoples’ attention, wanting to watch too, gathering around Victoria.
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liked by victoriapelova, harrystyles and 2,576,446 others
yourinstagram lil something i wrote
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user the lyrics-
↳ user who hurt her
user i need this released NOW
user 💳 take my money 💳
taylorswift can’t wait to hear this!
↳ yourinstagram i’ll text you!
victoriapelova so good!
Where were you in the morning, baby? You didn't leave your number for me Left me without a warning, baby Where were you in the morning, baby? How do you, how do you just walk away?
“Who hurt her?”
While everyone discussed the song, Alessia sat quietly. Was this about her? No, it couldn’t have been. Right? You were famous, could’ve been another girl in the span of… four days? Yes. No?
She was conflicted. She knew she shouldn’t have left you that morning. It was one of the best she’s ever felt, connecting to someone emotionally - and physically.
“Alessia?” She breaks out of her trance and faces Leah. “You Alright? Been spaced out for a bit.”
“Yeah, yeah. Sorry.”
“Nah, don’t be sorry. What’s on your mind?”
She’s debating whether she should tell them or not. They are her teammates and more importantly, also their friends.
“Okay. This stays here. Okay?” They all nod their heads. “Remember when we went out a few days ago? Well, uh, I met her there.”
“Met who?”
“Y/N Y/LN.”
“What?” “When?” “You’re joking.”
“Okay! Okay! Uh, and I’m pretty sure that song is about me.”
“Wait, wait. Back up for a minute. So, you’re saying you slept with Y/N Y/LN.”
“How was she?”
“Does she know who you are?” Kyra asks, getting everyone back on track.
“She knows my name?”
“That’s all? What else did you talk about?”
Alessia goes into vague detail on what happened, making sure not to share anything very intimate.
“…and we talked about getting breakfast in the morning.”
“And you just left her?”
“I know!” Alessia’s voice raised, then softened. “I know. I regretted leaving the moment the door closed.”
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chiliyue-archived · 1 year
Aftercare !
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Includes; Zhongli, Kaveh, Diluc, Kazuha, Thoma, Itto
Not requested !
Tags; Slight smut/NSFW. Fem!reader. Fluffy and soft, mentions of cockwarming, markings. Many cuddles !
Lots and lots of personal attention to your wellbeing. He acknowledges that he can pretty rough in the moment that you are left unable to walk for a week sore. But no worries, he'll gladly clean you up, bring you a glass of water and tend to you fully
He draws a warm bath for you, having you rest against his chest as his fingers rub fragrant shampoo in your hair. You don't need to even say anything, Zhongli will already be aware of all your sore spots, and his hands are making work to message and rub ointment to those areas with delicate care.
Will gladly carry you if your legs are too wobbly to support you; carrying you bridal style back to the bedroom in which he tucks you in while praising you for how well you made him feel.
Prepares you tea in the following mornings and offers to message any more spots that may be bothering you all the while kissing your cheek lightly
" How do you feel, my dearest? Do you still hurt here? I'm quite sorry, my love, but you performed wonderful last night. Let me know if there's anything I can get you."
So many snuggles <33
He's touch starved and moments after intimacy leave him cuddling with you, tugging your form to his bare chest after as he peppers your face with chaste kisses.
He likes to lay by your side for a couple of minutes before getting up to get you some things. Amongst these moments, he likes to express just how much he loves you while his hand messages your waist. He inquires about trivial little things as you both take the moment to catch your breath; easily mesmerized by the way your chest still heaves even after the deed was done.
And after those initial seconds of cooling down, he gets straight to work to fulfill your needs. Gets you cleaned up and brushes your hair for you, placing it in a nice ponytail, keeping it nice and tidy or just clipping it back with some cute hairclips.
He's very scrupulous in the way he cares for you. He understands that you're sore, and so he is very patient. He makes sure you get a drink of water before you fall asleep, nudging the glass cup towards your lips with "just one sip before you sleep, okay?"
Holds you close to him, his head pressed in the crook of your neck as he whispers endless praises to the shell of your ear until he ultimately passes out.
" You're so pretty, you deserve everything, my love. I love you so much, you're so wonderful to me."
Kinda conflicted
He would love to stay sheath within you. Your mushy walls were so welcoming and warm, and he swore he could be in that spot forever. But he also wants to tend to your needs because he prioritizes you before his own pleasure and care!
He always likes to press a lingering kiss on your shoulder. It's his way of silently saying I love you and thank you when you're both still attempting to catch your breath after a very intimate exchange, his face fuming a baby red.
Offers to message your hips, shoulders, or hands. He feels a tinge of guilt when he notices how you flinch when his finger traces after the marks he left on your chest. But your sweet reassurances release him from the worries as he tidied you up
Falls asleep with you cradled close to his chest, head buried in your shoulder. Intimacy leaves him feeling vulnerable- but with you, it wasn't the worst thing
He finds himself starring at you before he falls and after he awakes in the early hours. He can't bring himself to look away
Takes work off the following day so he can spend the day caring for you and spending the early hours of the day cuddling with his s/o.
" I can't my eyes off you, you look heavenly. You may just make me go out of business- but that's alright, I prefer to be here with you anyway."
The most doting boyfriend in the world 🥺🥺
Once the deed is done before you can even utterly say a single sound, Kazuha is already getting up to fetch you some water and towel to clean you up. He doesn't let you fall asleep until he's 100% sure he's fulfilled all your needs and tended to you properly.
His hands are playing with your hair while you're silently munching on the food he brought you. Or if you prefer, he'll gladly converse whatever is on your mind.
And there's always the alternative option of mumbling poems and haiku dedicated to you in your honor. What a greater time to do so than right after being intimate? And besides, he adores the way your face blushes when he reads off his writings <3
Praises you a lot. Let's you know very well just how good you made him feel and expresses how beautiful and pretty look in the afterglow(even better if you're covered in lovebites)
If you're too sore to walk- no problem! He'll carry you- piggyback or bridal style - your choice- around anywhere you need to go.
" You've brought me so much warmth amongst the cold and the rustling of the leaves. You grant me a home in which I will always be grateful."
Malewife. You will not be lifting a finger. He will take care of everything.
If you're really sleepy, he'll let you rest for a bit, kissing you on the forehead while he gets to work cleaning up.
Brings you a change of clothing and helps you get dressed if your muscles are sore. Very careful and patient
Gets a nice bath going for you if it's what you please. Rinses and cleans your hair with gentle hands that probably lull you to sleep at some point.
Brings a couple of extra pillows and blankets so that the both of you are nice and comfortable for rest of the night.
He pulls you close into his chest, fingers carding through your hair as his lips trail your forehead. He loves having you close to him. You give off so much heat, and he wants to by your side for as long as possible
Will gladly have some pillowtalk if you can't fall asleep right away. If anything, it gives him a good excuse to spoon you and hold you close and for you to maybe play with his loose hair as well.
Makes you breakfast in bed the following morning, his doting and caring nature extending far beyond the night.
" Are you alright, love? Ah- stay in bed, I'll get you some water and a bath, how does that sound? Do you still like lavender bath salts or would you prefer something else?"
He nearly collapses on top of you afterward, his arms going to draw your weak and sleepy form near his.
It's just a whole lot of physical attention and cuddles from there <33
He keeps a conversation going with you, cracking a few light-hearted jokes here and there to keep the atmosphere light. While doing so, he strokes your hair, fingers messaging your head carefully that lulls you to sleep within a matter of minutes
Really, Itto loves to gaze at you. He becomes mesmorized by all the marking he left, and despite all, you continue to beam a smile at him.
He likes to be told how well he made you feel and vice versa. Is filled with pride feeling knowing you enjoyed it as much as he did <33
Wraps you into a blanket burrito, holding you close to him before passing out. His body is like a furnace, keeping you nice and comfortable through the rest of the night.
Unshamlessly carries you around everywhere the following day because your legs are like spaghetti noodles.
" Did you feel good, babe? Wha..?? You're legs hurt, want a piggyback ride? I'll have the gang bring us some noodles. How does that sound?"
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lowkeyremi · 1 year
Haikyuu men as fathers pt 2.
Part 1, Part 3, Part 4
Ft. Kuroo, Tendou, Atsumu, and Tsukki.
Decided instead of babies I wanted to do slightly older kids! :)
CW: Indication of pregnancy, relationships, marriage and some angst for tsukki’s
Enjoy lovelies <33
Kuroo Tetsuro:
“Nap time! If my two munchkins don’t go to take a nap, the nap time monster will come out!” He hears little playful shrieks from his son and daughter.
“But Daddy, I don’t want to!” His daughter whines. A soft smile arose on his face as he bent down to his 6 year old daughter’s level. “Mommy will get mad at me if you little nuggets don’t go lay down.” Kuroo covers his eyes and pretends to cry. His son comes out of nowhere and starts trying to comfort him. “Don’t cry daddy! Umiko and me will go lay down! Come on sissy, we don’t want daddy to cry anymore.” 6 year old Shinji drags his twin sister to their room.
As soon as he’s sure they’ve turned the corner a lopsided grin appears on his face, “works every time.”
He is a dad boss no questions asked
You need a break from the kids? He’ll take them to the park and get all their energy out
For the first couple of months of their lives you would have to drag Kuroo out of their room because his 6’2” ass would get in the crib and sleep with his babies
He DEFINITELY took some time off of work to be there for you and the babies
He always makes corny dad jokes (most likely about science) “Why are chemists excellent for solving problems?” …. “They have all the solutions.”
omg he thinks his jokes are so fucking funny too (his kids learn the hyena laugh 🤦🏽‍♀️)
Whenever you’re away he always sends pictures of what he and the kids are up to.
idgaf abt what you say, that man can COOK
Tendou Satori:
“You can’t tell mom I let you have chocolate before dinner, ‘kay?” He looks into his 9 year old daughter’s eyes waiting for her response.
“It’s our little secret!” She giggles and man is laughing contagious because Tendou starts to laugh too. You were working a little later than usual so Tendou picked up Mayumi even though it wasn’t his day to do so. “What do you want for dinner, May?”
Her eyes widen at the statement. Which tells Tendou a WHOLE lot “Dad’s cooking?!” She asks not because she’s excited but because she’s scared for her life. Tendou may be a chocolatier but this man is not a very good cook unless it’s pasta.
“Nah, we’re gonna stop and get dinner before we go home. Dad’s gotta close shop though, so I thought I’d ask so we can order.”
She hops off the counter and does a cute little dance. I mean.. it’s in her genes. “You’re the best, Dad!”
He shakes his head with a smile, “oh I try!”
The second he finds out someone was messing with his baby, he called the teacher and talked things out with her
He is a sucker for spoiling, you often scold him for it but he still does it anyway
He is the “ouchie” police, his daughter would always giggle but anytime she stubbed her toe on a chair or something he’d start talking to whatever caused his little girl pain and start scolding it (he knows it makes her feel better)
NOT a cook please he will burn the place by accident
Definitely ruined some intimate moments because instead of walking baby girl back to bed he gets dressed and offers to let her cuddle with you guys in the bed (after changing sheets ofc) (he wants his little girl to feel loved)
When she was a baby he’d call you every hour while he was at work to make sure you and the baby are okay
He almost passed out when the school called saying Mayumi broke her leg
He rushed her to the hospital so fast “dw baby, daddy’s here for you.” “I know it hurts princess.”
He went around interrogating the kids in her class thinking one of them pushed her, he was shocked to find out she climbed to the top of the playground and jumped off of it 😭
Definitely got his daughter obsessed with frogs
Miya Atsumu:
“Mama’s gonna kill us! What’s yer last words?” He says in slight shock. His sons start crying thinking that you were actually gonna kill them.
“Not literally boys! Just… this mess- oh jeez.” He looks around bubbles and soap all over the floor.
Atsumu told the twins to ‘be good and color ‘til papa’s done in the shower’ and he came back to this. Dawn dish soap all over the floor and bubbles galore.
The cherry on top had to be that the dog was soaking in mixed berry juice because five year old Kosuke tried to pour himself a cup of juice.
“Alright! C’mon boys, we gotta tidy up before mama gets home!” You would be home in 2 hours…
They cleaned up the bubble mess, after being distracted like 10 times and having a few bubble fights.
Next was giving the twins a bath. Which proved to be harder than it needed to be. Kosuke was mad at Kensuke because he kept showing him his butt. Honestly, Atsumu had to keep himself from laughing.
“That’s enough, Ken. Nobody want to see yer lil butt. Hurry up ‘n wash cuz papa still has to bathe Shoko.” Kensuke’s bad self is splashing water in the tub and it’s getting all over his twin. Kosuke doesn’t like it so he smacks his brother and the latter begins to cry.
“DADDY, K-KO KOSUKE HIT ME, AHHHHHHH.” Atsumu rubs his temple. He all but freezes when he feels a soft hand kneed into his shoulder.
“Seems like you guys had a great time, Shoko’s covered in juice.” He turns his head to look at you.
“it’s not what ya think, hon!” You shake your head at him.
“Ko, don’t hit your brother. When papa is being annoying you don’t see me hitting him, now do you?” He answers honestly, “sometimes you do… you’ll punch papa’s shoulder.”
He got you there lol. “Well that’s more out of love. Apologize to him and you,” you point to your little trouble maker, “don’t provoke your brother, got it?” He nods and goes to rub his eyes. Which is why he started crying for the second time because he got soap in his eyes…
Anyway after their bath and dinner the boys were sent to bed. Shoko was bathed and you and Atsumu were laying in bed.
“I shoulda been watching them..” he admits. You agree. “You live and you learn ‘Tsumu.”
He had no idea what he was doing at first tbh
he can be a bit lazy w the boys sometimes but in the end he pulls it together
The type of dad to make you sit there and say cheese for 500 years while he tries to get the perfect picture
He was mad cuz he thought the twins loved samu more than him
he was sad when they didn’t seem too interested in volleyball “Atsumu, they’re five.” … “Still!”
Impulsively bought a dog cuz his sons wouldn’t stop talking abt having one
In the end he loves his boys very much and would do anything for them
Tsukishima Kei:
“I hate you mom! I really wanted to go!” Your 13 year old daughter slammed her door. She was angry because you didn’t let her go to a dance some kid in her class was hosting. It’s not that she particularly wanted to go, she was just mad that her 17 year old brother got to go out to his friend’s party.
Your husband emerges from his office, he adjusts his glasses and looked at you with curiosity. You sigh hugging him, “Kei.. am I a bad mother?” He squeezes you in the hug, “not in the slightest. We’re doing what’s best for them. What’s got her so upset?”
“She wants to go to this party but I said no because I don’t know any of the parents there. Also, I’m just scared something will happen to her.”
He rubs your back in a comforting way. “I’ll let her go-” you interrupt, “Kei!” He gives you a quick peck to the lips.
“Wasn’t done…” you stayed quiet waiting for him to finish. He clears his throat. “As I was saying… I’ll allow her to go if I chaperone. If she doesn’t like that she won’t go.” He decided and you sigh in relief.
“I’ll go order pizza. Can you talk to her?” He nods, “Supreme.” You roll your eyes at him and smile. “I know what you like dummy.” He playfully flips you off and you laugh in shock at how childish he is even though he’s past his prime years.
He walks over to Hanae’s door and knocks softly. “Go away mom! I don’t like you!” Tsukishima shakes his head. He’s not going to tolerate her disrespecting you, the person who birthed her. He opens the door and she’s on her bed with her headphones on and dried tears on her face.
“Dad…” She already knew what was to come. She knows he doesn’t like when she disrespects you like that. “Don’t say you hate her. She’s your mother, Hanae. It hurts her to hear those words come from your mouth.” She lowers her head and takes her headphones off.
“I didn’t mean it..” her voice is small. Tsukishima handles the situation as he usually would, find the root of the problem (even though he already knew)
“What made you say it?” He sat on her bed and pat a spot next to him basically telling her to come closer. “Um.. I wanted to go to this dance a guy a know is hosting but she said no…” her eyes didn’t meet her father’s.
“Why’d you want to go so bad?” He says bringing her chin up so she looks right into his eyes. He knows she hates it but direct communication is key, even facial expressions can reveal the slightest things.
“W-well. Ugh, why am I crying this is so stupid.” She pauses to wipe her eyes.
“You guys let Akihiko go where ever he wants but I can’t go anywhere! I hate it!” She turns her head away, Tsukki can hear the little sniffles.
“Not true. A lot of stuff that he went to when he was younger, he was chaperoned. We just barely started letting him go out alone so he can get a taste of real life. You can ask him yourself. You’re only thirteen, don’t rush it. Also your mother and I just want to protect you from dangerous situations. Your mom doesn’t know any of the people there which is why she said no.” Tsukki is once again rubbing circles into someone’s back.
“There are so many bad people in the world and we just want to make you a little safer.” She turns back to face him, she scoots closer to her dad so she can hug him.
“I’m sorry.” She says through sniffles. “I’m not the one you need to apologize to.” She nods, “I need a minute.” He strokes her hair as she finishes letting it all out.
“I told your mother you can go if I chaperone you.” He explains after she’s calmed down.
“Dad, you’re gonna embarrass me.” She says with a giggle, tears now drying up.
“Damn right I will. I’ll tell all those hungry little boys that you eat your boogers and you don’t shower for weeks.” He says with a sly grin. She frowns, “dad no!”
He pats her back, “alright kid go apologize if you really mean it.” You and your daughter make up and eat pizza together :3
VERY logical
also super protective
100% the kind of dad who loves his kids but puts his wife first
He’s the bad cop parent while you’re the good cop parent
He loves family cooking night where you guys cook together
he will embarrass both his children in front of their crushes (and thinks it’s the funniest thing ever)
He just seems like the kind of dad to fall asleep and get colored on 😭 they give him a lil mustache and a uni-brow
I feel like he kinda always sides with Hanae for the most part bc he was a little sibling so he knows her pain lmao
he be bragging abt his kids “Akihiko is only six and he’s already reading flawlessly” “Oh, Hanae already did that when she was three”
you wanted to delay the sex talk but like Tsukki was so blunt and just told them 😭
He’s always teasing you “If you don’t be careful Akihiko you might end up with someone as annoying as your mom” you just glare and he snickers
Such a proud dad and has a video of every one of his kids’ firsts
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lacy-oh-lacy · 6 months
Tara Carpenter ・゚: *✧・゚
NSFW Alphabet
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Scream Masterlist | Main Masterlist
CW: Fem!Reader, general smut, semi-public sex, masturbation, praise kink, oral, strap-on, vibrator, sexting, scars
Yes! Tara’s so into aftercare. In general you two are so soft and sweet with each other so of course after sex you just want to cuddle up and make sure the other had a good time.
Body part
On you: Your chest. It’s where your heart and your boobs are, how could she not love it?
On herself: She likes her hands, for someone so petite they’re pretty strong. Plus, the effect they have on you doesn’t hurt.
In theory Tara wouldn’t want to make a mess but when she’s in the moment feeling your cum or seeing her cum on you turns her on so much.
Dirty secret
She likes the idea of getting caught having sex. She doesn’t genuinely want to be, but when she knows there’s a risk of it it’s such a turn on for her. She’s also into the idea of being caught masturbating but only by you, and she has deliberately let that happen before.
She’s only had a few hookups but that’s enough for her to know what she’s doing.
Favorite position 
Cowgirl is her favorite, regardless of who’s on top. She likes getting to take charge when she is and, again, she’s fond of your chest so of course she loves watching you bounce on top of her.
Serious and emotional sex does happen, but in general the mood is pretty lighthearted, lots of giggling and good-natured teasing is the norm.
She proffers just a neat trim.
Your relationship is very sweet and intimate so that shines through in the bedroom, all your actions are filled with so much love and affection.
Jack off
Sometimes. It was more common before you got together. When you start having sex you do it pretty frequently so it’s not often she has to take care of herself.
She’s got a praise kink, enthusiasm in general turns her on so she adores a vocal and active lover. Once again, she’s also into the idea of getting caught. Besides that she does like testing out other kinks but none have really stuck.
Having roommates, you’re not only limited to the bedroom, you’re also limited by timing. Because of that (and her aforementioned kink) you do have a lot of semi-public hookups when you get the chance, like at parties for instance.
Kind of obvious, but flirting is how she usually gets in the mood, seeing your sultry side -whether you’re a natural seductress or a total dork- always gets her going.
She’s not too into sadism, giving or receiving. Pain play and degradation just kind of put her in a dark headspace.
She loves giving and receiving oral, what she proffers may change on the day but if she had to pick one: probably giving.
Kinda medium, maybe a little on the fast end but Tara does like to take her time when she can.
Absolutely. Sometimes you pretty much have to because you’re rushing to finish before your roommates get back.
As long as the stakes aren’t too high Tara is into some risk-taking. She’s not afraid of getting caught or experimenting, she actually likes the thrill of it.
One round is usually satisfactory but she could easily go a couple more if you felt like it. She has that final girl stamina.
A strap-on’s the only thing you guys use regularly. You also own a vibrator but it’s more of a special occasion when that comes out.
Honestly she teases you more in a non-sexual way. The sexual kind does happen but she can’t really bring herself to deny you for long.
She moans, groans and gasps a lot and they’re all pretty loud. It’s always a struggle to keep her quiet when you’re in a riskier location.
Wild card
You two sext a lot, usually initiated by her, often when you least expect it.
She has a lot of scars on her tiny body, and though she isn’t especially insecure about them she does appreciate confirmation that you find her attractive under her clothes, whether that’s through praise or the lustful way you look at her.
Her libido’s a bit on the high side. She doesn’t try to get in your pants every time she sees you or anything, but ideally she’d like to at least a couple times a week.
She loves falling asleep together afterwards, or if not at least cuddling and talking for a while. Either way she doesn’t want to leave the bed too soon.
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ollie-lolly · 1 year
18+ Obey me cast smut headcanons
18+ Don't take my warnings lightly love~
most of Obey me cast x gender neutral reader
Warnings: My opinion, dark kinks, swearing, talking about smut in detail, minors don't interact
Note: Consent is important kids! In all these situations consent is used. Later side characters are not displayed here, since I am not at that part in the story. Reblogs and constructive criticism is always appreciated!
Concept: How I believe sex would be like with the characters! A lot of these are shared opinions by the Obey Me community.
Word count: 858~
-Hard dom for sure
-Will sub for you under certain circumstances
-R.I.P the bed
-Uses you as a stress reliever (with consent)
-Loves tying you up
-Daddy kink
-Brat tamer
-Secretly likes it when you act out
-Is willing to share you with Diavolo
-Switch but with a sub lean
-Loves lap dances
-Wil try to use money during sex
-Strip games, especially poker
-Would love a sugar daddy/mommy lifestyle 
-Would love being the sugar daddy but would also love you playing that role
-Praise kink 100%
-Will want cuddles for a long time afterwards
-You are his human. No one else's, so sharing is off the table
-Just really wants to make you happy
-Loves watching you play with yourself
-Also is a brat in the sheets, if ya catch my drift
-Loves the pain <3
Leviathan (This being very long is my way of saying happy birthday to my baby boy <3)
-I also believe he is a switch with a sub lean
-Tail fucking
-Two cocks
-Underwear thief
-Loves being degraded and praised so…go to town!
-Needs constant reassurance so please give him some.
-A great way of easing him into it, is sexting and phone sex
-All the hentai he has seen definitely fucked his expectations up
-He also got like a couple of dark kinks because of it
-Hentai addiction, but will imagine you as one of the characters
-Is really into cuckolding, but is too shy to say anything about it
-When figuring out a kink you have to help him out since he is too shy to talk about it
-Does not last long in the beginning, but you can help him build it up over time
-There is a good chance that he is a virgin. He does masturbate a lot though
-You have to start intimate moments because of his insecurities
-That being said, when he is jealous that is definitely not the case
-Will want to have sex in the infamous bathtub
-Whether it is actually going to happen is up too you 
-But if you are willing to do it in said bathtub he will put tons of soft blankets and mattresses in there
-Role play
-When he role plays as a character he likes he is way more confident 
-Hard dom just like his daddy
-Uses you as a way to relive his anger and frustration which is often
-Always with consent
-Pet play <3
-Cockwarming while reading -Fucks you while reading
-Reads smut in public places
-Also fucks in public places <3
-The library is a popular pick, so uhh have fun? 
-The definition of a switch
-This man has tried it all
-Certified sex god
-A sex toy collection larger then Diavolo's castle 
-Voyourism and exhibitionist
-Would be the most likely to share you sexually
-Especially with Solomon
-VERY experimental
-Very high sexdrive so goodluck!
-Has his little checklist in his room of where you have and haven't fucked yet
-Moans his own name
-The definition of a service top
-Food play
-Good at head
-He is super sweet and gentle with you 
-Is obviously willing to share you with Belphegor
-2 for 1 deal!
-Will suggest doing it in at the gym or sport locker rooms
-Does not like to do it often, but will do it more if you want to!
-Hard dom and power bottom 
-60% of the time will let you do most of the work
-A wild card you never know what to expect
-Might play with the concept with consent
-Knive play
-What i am trying to say, is that he likes his sex dark if that makes sense
-Has fantasies of kidnapping you with Beel
-Will use his powers to make you dream about sex
-Gets turned on when he sees you sleeping
-Will fuck you when you are asleep if you give him your blessing
-Soft dom
-R.I.P the bed and the floor, and.. you get the jist
-This man fucks and he fucks HARD
-Breeding kink 
-Please read my sugar daddy fics of this man to get a better idea of how he is like
-Also a service dom
-Will stop in the middle of sex if Diavolo or visitors need him
-He is a busy man, so don't expect a lot
-Tail fucking
-This man is a mystery, so he will definitely keep you on your toes
-Switch?? Maybe soft dom
-We don't have enough in game material to make confident statements
-The only way you would get there is by a very very very motivated corruption kink
-Congrats! You made him fall from grace
-Will still keep a lot of his angelic traits when he falls. He will be gentle
-Secretly has a lot of pent up anger so good luck with that
-He is a wild card man (just like Belphegor)
-You can never quite expect what is going to happen next
-Definitely puts his powers to good use
-If you are okay with it, he will invite Asmo to join in
-May or may not be your side hoe when you are in the human realm for a little too long
(Plz i need someone to write about this and tag me)
Started on and finished on: 8th of april 2023
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lovelyiida · 1 year
mha marriage headcanons<3
INCLUDES: bakugo, iida, midoriya, denki, kirishima, sero
WARNINGS: implied fem reader, vulgar language, sexual themes.
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• the both of you always have hectic schedules...being pro heroes and all.
even when you guys are apart, you never shut up about each other. Especially bakugo whether that be interviews, events, etc. he's always about 'my wife my wife my wife.'
when both of you finally have time off, you need to be physically ripped off one another. hip to hip, chest to chest, lips to lips, you name it.
he loves it when he's finally able to relax from his hard days and come home and cuddle with his wife, he's not able to show his timid side all the time, he was so thankful for you.
you were the sun, moon, and stars for him. nothing you could do was bad in his eyes.
that's why if anyone ever talked shit about you, he'd lose his shit.
pull the "do you know who the fuck I am? Do you know who my wife is?"
he's just so happy to have you.
the. perfect. husband.
anything you want, you get.
hair? done. nails? did.
he feels bad that he's never really there due to him being the top pro hero. so he always makes sure you're taken care of.
multiple calls day and night, he loves to hear your voice...or moans.
loves to show you off when he can, usually at special events where he's able to bring a date.
"hey! have you met my wife? she's lovely isn't she?"
"yeah my wife and I have been married for three years now, she's the most perfect wife I could ever have!"
high school sweethearts, proposed at graduation.
had the biggest wedding out of everyone
values both of your privacy very deeply, one day he caught a peeping tom at your vacation villa. finding out that it was the paparazzi, he punched him square in the mouth.
wants kids, very, VERY, badly.
preferably 3 (2 boys and 1 girl).
if you ever were pregnant, he'd spoil you ROTTEN.
not one finger would be lifted.
sadly, Iida is the type to have favorites (he's a girl dad, no questions)
will do anything and everything for you, sometimes he does too much.
"I don't need your help, Iida"
"baby please."
he didn't love you at first...
forced into a quirk marriage, it was cold, quiet, and lonely.
things would be so awkward, laying in a bed with a stranger that you are miraculously married to.
he knew that you didn't want your marriage to turn out like this, not speaking to each other only when necessary, empty conversations, and no signs of love or adoration besides a hand held in public outings.
so he decided to get to know you.
sooner than later, your relationship began to blossom into a beautiful relationship. the both of you felt like teenagers falling in love, the bond you discovered was so deep and intimate, it was love at second sight.
he became absolutely smitten for you, so smitten, he decided he wanted to get re-married. and you gladly complied.
he cried seeing you walk down the aisle, he honestly cried the whole wedding. he was so thankful for a woman like you in his life.
beautiful marriage, a happy home , and way too many kids. six youngsters in total, 4 girls and 2 boys.
no one expected you to have so many kids, he just can't help to be all over your beautiful body.
from the loud tea partys with sharp plastic tiaras and itchy too-toos, to the late video game nights, he loves every moment with his children. and to top it off, he gets to kiss you goodnight.
even though you two have so many children, they have never been seen by the public. only photos of them when they were just born.
if he ever found out that his children were exposed to the media, he will go apeshit.
loves all of his kids, there are no favorites in this household.
but if he did have a favorite, it would be you.
also, high school sweethearts, split up before graduation but got back together two years later.
it took a couple of years before Denki popped the big question, he wanted to be sure about your relationship before he made such a big commitment.
the proposal was intimate and private, just like the wedding. only your and his closest friends and family could attend. he wanted to make sure things were absolutely perfect.
the both of you are the peoples' favorite couple, always seen on variety shows/competitions.
CANNOT keep his hands off of you, no matter where you are.
in private or in public, his hand would be on your lower back when standing, or when you'd be sitting next to him he would rest his head on top of yours whilst his hand caressing your thigh.
from someone who is known to be of higher energy, he loves that he's able to be his calmer self around you.
he just can't get enough of you.
the last to marry
he loves you SO MUCH
he also had a big wedding, but the honeymoon was amazing, so amazing, it became the reason why you had two beautiful children today.
while they may not be angels, they are yours.
sometimes sero and your little devils would play pranks on you, hearing their loud giggles and tiny footstep ran away from you, it was annoying but you loved it.
sometimes you would come home from a patrolling shift and see sero singing the kids to sleep as he softly strings at his guitar.
you think to yourself how you wouldn't have it any other way.
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hello guys!!! glad to be back for a little, I know I've been gone for a long time but I've been in school and it's currently beating my ass. hopefully I'll have more time to write soon.
also, like my new user and theme??
- lovleyiida<3
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tsandoll · 1 month
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| sungho | riwoo | jaehyun | taesan | leehan |
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A - aftercare (what they’re like after sex) 
sungho gets quite giddy after sex, as if he’s being tickled a little. he’ll have a grin on his face for a majority of the time because he’s just so dopey. he’s also a big fan of just talking to you after, like sharing about what you’re gonna do after or even how the sex was, he loves talking to you. other than that though, he’s meticulous and cares quite a bit about your wellbeing, as well as his own. he makes sure to clean you up, get you water, and cuddle you super close after sex. he’ll ask if you’re okay and if you need anything and will make you some food if you need it.
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B - boobs or ass (are they a boob man or an ass man?) 
boobs <3 he loves your tits so much, thinks they’re so pretty. he loves squeezing and tugging at them cuz they’re just so soft and pretty, its something he compliments on you as well, just muttering little praises.
C - cum (anything to do with cum) 
when he cums it doesn’t shoot out much, it more spills down the side of his cock. his cum is slightly on the thicker side as well.
D - dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) 
he's a little bit of a sexual sadist <3 he loves when you cry and beg for him. it turns him on so much to see how ruined you get because of the things he does to you. if he fully did what he wanted he would stimulate every inch of your body and edge you until you couldn’t think clearly. he also kinda loves when u hurt him, when you scratch him or squeeze him super tight. he’d never admit it but just something about how your voice cracks and gets all scratchy because of how vocal you’re being drives him crazy.
E - experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?) 
i don’t think he’s a virgin but he’s also not the most experienced. sungho has probably been with like one person and he’s tried a couple things out but overall he’s figuring things out little by little along with you. sex is intimate and serious for him so he’s not the type to just have sex just for fun which is why i think he’s only been with about one sexual partner.
F - favorite position (what is their favorite sex position?) 
230 / 136
position 136 is for those times when he’s feeling extra lovey dovey, he loves to mark you up and kiss you during sex. he also really loves to be able to see your face twisting in pleasure while he makes you feel good. position 230 is for those less intimate moments, he loves holding your arms behind your back and snapping his hips into you roughly (been thinking abt this since seeing fishy include this in her hcs and i haven’t forgotten it since then).
G - goofy (are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc) 
he could be either or, it really depends on how intense the moment is and what exactly is happening. he’s usually a bit giggly, placing kisses on your body and letting out small giggles against your skin cuz ur just so pretty and he’s so full of love. but other times he’s serious and not very talkative, just zoned in on the feeling of you wrapped around him <3
H - hair (how well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.) 
generally very well groomed, he takes care of himself quite well and makes sure to keep things neat and tidy. he’s the type to do this not only because of his own preferences but also to keep things nice and tidy for you. he’s slightly conscious about how you feel about it as well but of course he does what he likes and he prefers a small amount of hair if any.
I - intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
sungho is very intimate and romantic, like i mentioned before, he takes sex seriously. he finds that he enjoys the moments much more when you’re both desperate and both very into it. the type to hold hands with you and to kiss you passionately while thrusting into you.
J - jack off (masturbation headcanon) 
i feel like he masturbates a bit more than you’d originally think he does. i feel like most of the time he masturbates is late at night, he heads to bed quite early sometimes and its not always because he’s tired but more because he values his intimate time to himself. he takes his time when he masturbates, he loves to touch all over his body and feel what’s most sensitive and what feels the best. 
K - kink (one or more of their kinks) 
strength - he likes when you fight against him a bit. its not something he’s ever directly admit due to the fact that he feels really weird just thinking about it but its something he fantasizes about. he wants to push against you a bit, to kind of physically dominate you and remind you that you’re weaker than him. he thinks its so hot when you sigh out in defeat and when you’re breathing all heavy because of the efforts you put in. he likes to show off how strong he is by holding you down by your arms or hips as well.
exhibitionism - from jerking off in public places to sexting you from across the table, he loves the excitement and thrill of public situations. i always say if he had a porn account it would be of him showing off his pretty body and pretty cock in random places. to elaborate more on the sexting part, he loves to send you risque photos and things like that to you, especially when he can see your reaction to them. he’ll drop the photo to your phone and watch as you open it, hiding your phone when you see what it is. he’d usually keep those to suggestive photos rather than full on pics of his cock. he’d start out with images of his pretty shoulders and back and photos of his abs and he’d gradually move to more and more revealing images.
L - location (favorite places to have sex) 
he mostly loves to have full blown sex at home, he loves risky touching and things like that out in public but he prefers to be at home in order to fuck you in bed. 
M - motivation (what turns them on?) 
okay hear me out,, i feel like he gets the most turned on when you’re doing very domestic things either on your own or with him. when you wake up in the morning and make breakfast for the two of you or when you wake up in his shirt, things like that turn him on so much. he loves when you’re dressed down and cozy, when it’s like 2 pm and you’re still cuddled up with him it makes him hard. you could be doing the simplest thing and he’ll watch you with a smile because he’s admiring you so much and thinking about how much he wants to ruin u <3
N - no (something they wouldn’t do) 
one of his biggest no’s is threesomes, he’s just not into the idea of them. he’s possessive and like i said he’s intimate and he doesn’t want to share you with literally anyone. if its something you really want super bad then he may consider because he just wants to make you happy but its unlikely that he’ll agree. 
O - oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc) 
he loves giving you head, anything that can allow him to make you feel good is something he’s gonna absolutely love. he’s naturally gifted at it and can spend hours down there. he always makes sure to learn what feels good and what doesn’t and he’s super attentive to your needs.
P - pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.) 
he can be either, fast, sharp, and rough or he can take his time and be super sensual, it just depends on how he’s feeling. he’s normally a little rougher just because he likes how you moan when his hips snap into you sharply but he really loves to take it slow and rock his hips into you instead. 
Q - quickie (their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.) 
as much as he loves proper sex i don’t think he’d be opposed to quickies. they usually happen first thing in the morning, before you guys have to get ready for work. he even may get turned on from watching you get ready, watching you get all dolled up, spraying your perfume and things like that, its like he gets this urge to ruin you.
R - risk (are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.) 
he's not the biggest risk taker during sex. it's not that he's afraid or anything like that but he's happy with how his sex life is and doesn't really feel the need to experiment. if you want to try something then he's willing to but if it's anything that could be dangerous then he's very very hesitant just because he doesn't want to harm you or anything like that. 
S - stamina (how many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…) 
he’s usually good with one or two rounds, he doesn’t need to go for that many rounds. with that being said though he lasts quite a bit of time, he’s got great restraint and is able to hold out on his orgasm for quite a bit of time.
T - toy (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?) 
he does own toys but only for you, when he touches himself its only with his own hand. i think for you though he has at least a vibrator that he uses to add extra stimulation, he loves how much more sensitive you are with the added vibrations.
U - unfair (how much they like to tease) 
he's really cheeky honestly so he teases quite a bit. he loves to see how you get a little frustrated at him but that's when he'll give in. he just does it for a bit of fun because he has a very playful nature and he doesn't leave that out even during sex. 
V - volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make) 
it depends on the day and how needy he is, sometimes he's almost silent, sometimes he's more talkative than he moans, and then sometimes he's moaning constantly. i feel like he's always quite breathy though, whether it's letting out a sign of relief and pleasure or breathing heavily bc his orgasm is near. 
W - wild card (get a random headcanon for the character of your choice) 
a random headcanon that i have for him is that he really loves body worship, both giving and receiving. he kisses all over your body and mutters little praises about how pretty you are and he kinda loves that same treatment. when you praise his broad shoulders and toned body it makes him smile sm, he loves knowing that you're looking at his body and thinking about how good he looks. 
X - x-ray (let’s see what’s going on in those pants) 
sungho’s closer to average size, maybe a little bit above it. he’s kinda a good in between because he’s also a little girthier but overall it's pretty balanced.
Y - yearning (yow high is their sex drive?) 
it’s definitely not as high as some of the other boys. he’s not constantly thinking about sex and he’s not very needy which is why he loves taking care of you in other ways. if you happen to be needier than him then he loves to eat u out or finger you, he’s more than happy to take care of you in any way he can. this kind of foreplay usually gets him going though so he likes to make you cum before he fucks you.
Z - zzz (… how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
he doesn’t usually fall asleep after sex unless its already late at night. as i mentioned before, he’s meticulous and very caring so he likes to stay up to make sure you’re okay for like 30 minutes to an hour after sex, just a habit he picked up. he usually likes for you to fall asleep first so he can caress your face and hold you close.
a/n - hope u enjoyed and i hope u agree with what i said,, even if u didn't im always right so 🥰 (this is s joke) anyways request which member u guys want next !!
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jean0farc · 8 months
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𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊: Dark fantasy, yandere, a bit of fluff.
𝖕𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌: Alucard X You (the reader)
𝖘𝖞𝖓𝖔𝖕𝖘𝖎𝖘: Just a little one-shot scenario between you and affectionate, but yandere Alucard snuggled up in bed. The time takes place after sex. After refusing to cuddle with him, he spirals into a feeling of bloodlust as he gets himself ready to mark you as his.
𝖈𝖜: Blood drinking, if that counts. A bit of dubcon even though there isn’t really smut for this fic, and slight degradation (he calls you his pet).
𝕬𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗’𝖘 𝕹𝖔𝖙𝖊: Hello again, readers. So I’m back with a new fic and despite not uploading for a couple of weeks due to mental health reasons and school, I’m going to post this new fic I made which is a part of a series!
YANDERE PROMPT LIST BY: @writeformesinpie
PROMPT: “I can never get enough of you. I’ll drink you down to the last sip.”
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“A-Alucard….Just five more minutes…please….”
It was about nine o’ clock in the morning when all curtains were closed to prevent sunlight from penetrating through the glass windows.
….And there you were in bed, bare naked with the touch-starved vampire himself, your body shivering at the cold touch of your respective “lover.” Alucard was trying to cuddle you, to which you tried avoiding.
“You’ll take whatever’s been given to you, dear. You must lie with the beast before you who has been craving your touch for as long as a thousand years.”
“There you go again with your silly monologues, Alucard. Just let me be as I sleep, alright? I’m tired. You might as well kill some peasants outside or do your necessary duties for the day….just leave me be-”
A loud sound was heard as Alucard flipped you over.
You couldn’t believe your eyes as Alucard landed on top of you, pinning you down to the king-sized bed as his eyes glowed a bright shade of red. The look on his face intimidated you like a hungry wolf cornering its prey, his lips forming a smug smirk. You wanted to….no, you needed to run to a safe place where you could feel a bit of comfort. The look he’s been giving you was unlike his previous deed of cuddling your smaller figure.
Alucard let out a small chuckle.
“Cat got your tongue, darling? Judging by your current state, there won’t be another time where you’ll refuse my orders.”
“But, Alucard, we’re-” you attempted to protest.
“We’re not what?” Alucard asked, tilting his head. “Not together?” He laughed in retaliation to your bewildered facial expression. Leaning closer to your ear, you felt chills run down your spine as he whispered intimately. “Very well, let me clue you in. Your blood is mine, in fact, your entire being is mine by the time I’ll have myself inside you. Sir Integra has chosen you to become my one and only pet whom I shall swear to protect with my very own life. You are far too fragile to let go. Let this moment consume your soul. Give yourself to me, and don’t look back.”
“Alucard…..please…” you whimpered. “I only agreed to sleep with you because….because…..!!!”
“Such a precious, sensitive little thing.”
His mouth opened wide and bit down aggressively on your neck, drawing blood. You moaned loudly in return, trying to push away Alucard’s huge figure off of you. Your efforts to let yourself free were pointless, as he took advantage of your arms by grabbing your wrists and keeping them in place.
Alucard started to suck the blood out of your neck, leaving bruises and hickeys around it. He surely was doing all this for his own pleasure, so as to leave you aching for more. And boy, were you feeling real good.
“A-Alucard!!! I….I thought…you just wanted…a hug…..”
“Hm? I've changed my mind. From now on, what I want from you is something more sinister, something animalistic and disgusting to the untrained eye. I can never get enough of you, I’ll drink you down to the last sip. I have fallen for you, pet. Show a little gratitude for someone as powerful as I have swallowed their pride just to love and protect you dearly with all my strength.”
“I appreciate it, but….”
“Has your pride gotten the best of you, dear? After we got our freak on the previous night? I bet it didn’t. Just admit how you developed feelings for me.”
“Oh, no! That’s not the case! I-” you stammered.
“Ah, so you still refuse to admit your feelings, hm? Very well, I’ll show you how desperate of a mess you’ll be once I bend you over.”
It was too late. You and Alucard were about to spend the whole morning going at it until night, leaving you with no choice but to spend time with the creature who has lusted for you since Integra has chosen you as his pet.
There was no turning back.
It was about to be a long day.
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hongyangi · 10 months
golden summer | ksw.
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warnings: minors dni, soft dom husband sunwoo, pure smut, afab reader, overstimulation (they went x rounds 💀), pool sex (💀), corruption kink, size difference
word count: 7.9k words
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a/n: this is the first time i wrote a smut (and it's this long warahel) so please pardon any weirdly used terms and the likes (i haven't gotten used to it). this is very long and nasty, proofread once (i'm dying). also im so sorry in advance for the typos and repetitive sentences if there are any! i hope reader can enjoy~ <3
tagging: first tag with @deoboyznet
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On a hot summer, your husband, Sunwoo, and you have decided to be out of town to stay at a vacation house. You have been married for a few years, doing this and that together. A simple vacation like this is uncommon, however. So whenever your schedules have been cleared, you go out or travel— even if it was planned on the same day.
This vacation too— only being planned when you talked about summer upon waking up cuddled in bed. On a golden afternoon, Sunwoo prepares the meat on a grill and sets up a romantic table for a cute date as well. When you see the golden hour illuminating the sky and sea, you go to the pool of your luxurious vacation house. The view is like a live painting while swimming in the pool. The sky shines hues of pink, gold, and orange during the sunset and the sea seemed like heaven facing the earth.
While setting the table, Sunwoo looked at you, admiring her favorite time of the day. Your half body dipped in the blue water, back facing him. You’re watching the fascinating view as if in a movie, arms resting on top of each other on the edge of the pool. Sunwoo couldn't help himself but to look at his wife and appreciate all of her features.
Sunwoo decided to get into the pool as well without you noticing, arms suddenly hugging you tightly from behind while watching the sunset. His arms wrapped around your waist.
"The sunset is beautiful, love. I love it." Asked Sunwoo, his breath fanning on your ear as he traces his nose behind your temple.
"As much as me?" You giggled, uplifted that Sunwoo still feels excited by your beauty even for a couple of years. A smile brightly painted your face as you turned around to hug him back. Your dazzling body touched Sunwoo's, whose hands rested on your hips. You have your hands around his neck as you share a kiss. The kiss was so tender and sweet and made him want more.
The water on the pool softly splashed when Sunwoo pressed his body against yours, closing the gap. The warm sunset touched your back, and the orange and pink light illuminated the surroundings, touching your skin in golden light.
The two of you shared an intimate moment, Sunwoo's lips connected to yours as if never letting go. He slowly puts his hand on your back smoothly then pulls you closer.
You giggled in the kiss, feeling butterflies in your stomach with the position you have shifted to. Your face was on his face, and your lips were just still in touch with each other. He didn't know why he could feel like this, so magical with just a kiss.
More water splashes on your bodies when you try to move. You didn't miss looking at Sunwoo with hooded eyes, watching the droplets of water fall on his stunningly tanned skin. The golden sunset made him glisten and he looked ethereal. While your legs wrapped around him, Sunwoo's hands squeezed your bottom and lifted you up. Your bikini almost fell off from Sunwoo's strong grip.
Your body felt so soft and delicate against his, it was like you were made for Sunwoo. Sunwoo thinks you looked cute while your body was dripping wet and hair messy because of the wind. Sunwoo looked at you with a smile, face still so close you could feel his breath.
He is able to see how your bikini is almost falling off your petiteness. However, Sunwoo lets you cling on top of him, with one of his hands holding your leg and one softly tucking your hair behind your ear. Sweeping the hair from your shoulder, he could see the strap of your two-piece. He smirked, watching his finger play on the strap. Sunwoo twirled his finger and snapped it off. The strap falls off your shoulder until one of your bosoms is exposed to the cold pool. Sunwoo's breath hitched. Your skin looked so delicate and heavenly under the golden and pink sunset.
Every touch from Sunwoo felt nice for your liking. When Sunwoo's hand caresses your hair, you could feel emotions soaring, that touch alone could make your heart beat so fast and feel hot. Watching Sunwoo's finger playfully touch the strap could make you full of desire.
"Please... Touch me more..." You whispered seductively, voice so sweet, it made Sunwoo want to give you what you wanted. Sunwoo repeated what he did on the other side of the strap. Your brassiere fell down under your bosoms, displaying your skin and flesh for him beautifully like a perfect sculpture. Pulling the tied ribbon on your back, he threw the tiny cloth on the pool and it floated somewhere away. He bites his lip and looks at his wife with a smug smile. You playfully hit his arm and the two of you tittered.
There was no need to say anything else, Sunwoo's expression was definitely something else. He couldn't resist, he looked at you like a wild beast who found its prey. His lips pressed into a deep kiss and passionately, his hand went down on your thigh and he started to squeeze it.
You could see Sunwoo's expression changing in every second he looked at you, and it made it even more exciting. The sound of water sloshing slowly stopped, and you realized that you are totally exposed to Sunwoo's view now in silence. You smiled enticingly, feeling a sense of confidence as he admired you like that, you felt like you were the only one in Sunwoo's heart.
In no time, Sunwoo's finger worked on your underwear, ghosting his fingers along the waistband under the water. You looked at him as you bit your lips, heart pounding really hard to which you couldn't believe what you were doing right now, exposing yourself to him in the pool. But the excitement and arousal felt too real, you couldn't deny it, you actually felt amazing to have Sunwoo's gaze like that. As seconds passed by, you could feel how much your body was becoming warmer because of excitement.
"Please..." You couldn't contain yourself anymore, your words were so soft and sweet.
"Do you want it?" Sunwoo asks in mischief. His smirk makes you whine and you nod, "Yes... I want it so bad." His smile got bigger after hearing your words. The look on his face and his little mischief were so hard to resist. It was hot because of the summer, also because of the excitement and arousal that’s starting to immerse in you. Sunwoo kissed you again, he was just so desperate to feel everything all at once. He slowly moved down from your lips to your neck. He nibbled and sucked then moved lower and started pecking on your collarbone and shoulder. From his kisses, your body was slowly becoming more sensitive. Shivers run down your senses.
Your arms clasped together to hold tight on him. Sunwoo moved closer to the side of the pool while carrying you. When you're situated, he lets go of your thighs and pulls his white polo shirt above his head, making it float away with his shorts. His hard length makes contact with the water. Your body felt like it was floating on a cloud, with Sunwoo as your angel. You watched him with half-lidded eyes and hands still gripping his body tightly. Nails grazing the skin of his shoulder blades. Eyes met with Sunwoo's for a moment and it made your heart pound like crazy.
Sunwoo was getting frustrated too, it was impossible to control himself whenever you’re in front of him. "Honey..." His voice whimpers as he sucked on your neck again. You nod to urge Sunwoo to do his thing, naked bodies dancing against each other in the pool. He holds onto your waist then grabs one of your thighs and places it over his shoulder. Your other feet help you balance on the pool's floor. The new position sent you whining as your core made contact with the hard and erect Sunwoo under the water. Sunwoo was so aroused by this moment, and he looked into your half-lidded eyes while enjoying the pleasure of your body. Your bodies made a great pair, they fit so well together. He could see how excited you were and how much you enjoyed this. Your soft moan sent him over the edge and moaning as well.
When Sunwoo pushed himself in, the water splashed and you almost fell. But your arms rested on the edge of the pool and it supported your weight. With the new balance you got, Sunwoo easily pounded on you. You were moaning loud. One leg over his shoulder helped your sensitive spot to stretch for Sunwoo's huge member. Still, it felt so tight. With each thrust, water splashed around and your breasts bounced. Sunwoo put one of your nipples in his mouth and sucked it like he’s an infant.
You looked at the blue water that splashed around and it made you feel a bit dizzy and didn't realize how intense this moment was. But at least Sunwoo was in control so you felt safe. Sunwoo's thrust was going deeper and deeper but it still felt good. His touch made everything feel better. You felt great pleasure in your sweet spot, and your whole body seemed to be on fire. You felt it all the way to your toes.
Your petite body feels so small against him and it drives him insane. It feels like you are so delicate but he wanted to do all nasty things on it. He felt like he's gonna wreck you. Sunwoo's balls touched the skin under your buttocks and it reminds you that he is deep inside. You kept moaning until your voice was hoarse. It's becoming more intimate the more your bodies collide.
You felt like Sunwoo's heaven. The sound of Sunwoo's deep moans is harmonizing with your high-pitched whines like a love song. He devours your left breast again, making sure you get more pleasure. So his other hand played on your right breast, kneading on it. Then he moved his mouth to the other breast like he's having a feast. When his mouth is satisfied, Sunwoo grabs both of your thighs, making sure that he holds you correctly then he makes his speed faster. It made you feel more sensitive. Your breasts were already feeling good but it was getting better each time Sunwoo played with them. The sensations burn throughout your wholeness and you could see Sunwoo looking at you the way he always did, so special and wanted. He was so hot and the way he made you feel so good made him even hotter and sexier. Every time you made love, the feeling was always intense and special.
His violent pounding while in the pool made him bite his lower lip until it's swollen. His eyebrows curled and his eyes half-closed, he couldn't miss watching how their bodies collided though. As well as how his manhood penetrated you. He doesn't wanna stop.
Sunwoo's face turned red. He felt so good and he wanted to keep going. He couldn't imagine stopping at that moment just because your body was wet or dirty. He had lost himself in that passionate moment where he couldn't control his manly instinct and the intense pleasure that he felt in his manhood. Soon, his legs shake and his thrusts become more inconsistent, signaling that he's near his climax. He wants to make sure that he will release inside of you. Your body was trembling too and you couldn't move the way it should because of the position. You felt weak, but couldn't hold on much longer. You felt that this time, you were about to reach the highest peak of pleasure and couldn't hold it anymore.
In a few seconds, you came undone, giving a long moan and you thought that Sunwoo had also finished inside of you. However, you gasp and look abruptly at Sunwoo with eyes wide open when he thrusted again. You can't believe he's not stopping. You mewled, "Sunwoo....." Then your hands gripped on his shoulders. But Sunwoo only looked at you with a naughty and dark grin as he continued penetrating you.
Sunwoo's instinct could hardly stop, it felt like he was on fire. He felt every second, it was like he didn't even breathe at that moment. The way you were shaking made him even more eager to push you to the edge, he wanted to show you how much he can go. He slowly put his hand on your waist and pulled you close so he could dive in deeper, his lips crashing on yours as if devouring you once again. Then he thrusts over and over again, it seemed like he wasn't getting tired. He's so fired up and turned on.
Your mind seemed to be empty of any thoughts. As if you forgot where you were and felt the place ascending. The way you didn't move at all while Sunwoo was putting all his energy in every thrust was so crazy, you even looked like a doll. Sunwoo's thrust was fast, deep, strong and passionate. He liked to dominate you like this, to see you like that while you made love was extremely satisfying and arousing.
Sunwoo carried you out of the pool while his hard length was still inside of your core. Legs wrapped around him so he carries you easily. He found a sunbed and laid you down there. There was no stopping him. Once you’re laid down, he continues his movement.
It didn't make any difference for Sunwoo, he loved when he dominated you in many positions. He had been looking for a moment like this. Pushing you down onto the sunbed, he climbed on top of you. He continued to penetrate hard and deep. It felt so good, he felt a sense of power. But you couldn't move and couldn't ask him to stop.
Instead, you gave your all to him. Intimate thoughts like this make you want Sunwoo more. He becomes slower then he leans into you to give you a passionate kiss again while he thrusts up. The overstimulation sends you to cloud nine. This moment could be considered art.
Sunwoo was still in the mood to go further. He held your chin up and kissed you again with all the passion in the air. His thrusts picked up speed again, his member penetrated deeper. When he felt his climax coming, he pushed in deeper making you moan loud and begging. Your body felt so overwhelmed with how his pace became messier and inconsistent. You trembled as you felt another knot in your stomach coming undone. Your wetness dripped from the tightness of your hole that’s holding him inside. Once you’re finished again, he quickly pulls. Pain makes it sting for your sensitive spot. But to your shock, when you look at Sunwoo, he's standing above you. His hands gripped on his length and his pinkish tip was scattering his wetness on top of your stomach.
What a pleasant, surprising gift. When you looked at Sunwoo above you, you couldn't speak because it was so sudden. Words get stuck in your throat but your eyes speak clearly to him. You never saw Sunwoo like this, he looked so hot, strong and virile. You couldn't believe you belonged to this tall, handsome and virile man.
"That was hot." You complimented, voice still hoarse and still sensitive.
Your smile didn't disappear. In your eyes, Sunwoo was the best man you ever met. Sunwoo still felt the rush of the moment. "I couldn't stop myself."
He was still breathless, with a slight tremble in his hands. He was looking at you with a hint of regret, like he had done something dangerous, but at the same time proud. Then he gently fixes your position, “Wait a moment. Stay there.” Sunwoo says and runs towards a rack of towels and robes to get one. He came back with a towel on his half body and another on his hand. “Stay still.” He says calmly, his tone so angelic for your ears. Sunwoo wipes the stickiness from your body and covers you up as he sits down beside you..
You noticed his apologetic eyes and knew he was contemplating if he hurt you. So you cupped his face and giggled after pecking on his lips. "I loved it." You complimented.
He seemed even more surprised by that gesture. Your laugh and your little peck made him feel warm, like a boy spreading his arms freely under the warm sun.
"You liked it? Really?" He asked, he looked like he was shocked at your pleased giggles. But your satisfaction is enough for him.
"Yes... It's so hot..." You smiled and kissed his cheek this time. An idea came into your mind with a hint of mischief. You whispered in his ear, "I can't believe you did that. I feel like going again." Then your laugh followed.
He blushed after hearing those words, it made his heart race and a spring bloomed in his stomach. If you wanted to, he wouldn't hesitate to do it again. He was so excited about your words.
"You enjoyed it that much?” He looked at you with a smug smile, he was glad that it was you who wanted to go again.
You nod with a playful smile, eyes scanning all the features of his face so lovingly. "Unless you're tired?" You suddenly said with a caring tone but still teasing him.
He laughed. His warm voice making your heart flutter. "I'm far from being tired." The way he said that made it sound like he could go a few rounds more. He was staring at you, thinking that he had never seen that much beauty and innocence in one woman before. How could a woman like that belong to him? He felt too lucky to have you by his side. It’s like it was always warm like summer with you around him.
Even as you spoke, he was still caressing your arms and your sides. His hands moving on your waist and pulling you closer. He really wants you… He wants you so badly.
"Glad to know." You respond with a breathy voice and it turns him on. A small hue of pink painted his cheeks. Then you stood up, naked body walked in front of him. He closely watches you until you do your next move. "Lie down, honey." You suggested and he laid down on the sunbed. Positions switched.
His naked body displayed beautifully on your view. It was getting darker and you're still outside eating each other out. His member is slightly softened now. You sit in between his legs on the sunbed and pull your hair back on your shoulders. You lick your lips to wet them and your face sunk down to meet his erectness.
Your innocent smile made Sunwoo's heart race so fast that he felt confused. He didn't expect you to do that. Especially, occasions like this rarely happen where you take control. But he doesn’t complain. He could feel his body turning hot and his mouth was so dry and hungry. He wanted you so much.
He tried to grab your hair, making it loose like that on your bare shoulders. He also wanted to touch it, that hair was like a sweet temptation. Sunwoo felt a bit embarrassed that you could see him like this. He has always been dominant. But now he finds another side of you that he didn’t expect. But when he felt that your mouth was already sliding down his manhood, he completely forgot about him being shy. His hand that grabbed your head rested there, caressing you.
You started working your tongue around his tip while you were touching his balls. Sunwoo's cock slowly hardened again. He felt too good… too lost in the sensation in this moment, like he couldn't think anymore. He only felt pleasure, so pleasing, so warm and so exciting. He wanted this moment to be longer, he wanted to experience and explore more of you.
Sunwoo closed his eyes, thinking only of you. He enjoyed this moment being so elated, as well as surprised to see that the first one who took initiative for a time like this was you. You glide your tongue on his length as if measuring it. Your nose touches it at the same time so he can feel your breath on his sensitive part. It sends shivers on his spine. You caressed his thick thighs that are flexing its muscles with your hands while doing this.
When you feel his grip on your hair becoming rougher, you open her mouth, lips closing on his shaft down his girth. Then you slowly slide your mouth down, gobbling Sunwoo's length up. He slowly grew bigger inside your mouth. At first, your bobs were slow. You move your head up and down at a steady pace. When he grips roughly on your hair, you feel some of Sunwoo's veins on your tongue twitching. So even when his length doesn't fit inside of your mouth in full, you bob your head up and down at an increased speed.
Every movement that came from your lips and tongue in this moment was sending him in paradise. Your mouth felt so wet, warm and exciting, he wanted to see how far you would allow him to go. He couldn't imagine this moment to be like this. He really couldn't believe he was about to have a moment like this with you.
He looked down at you in awe. You’ve always seemed so innocent and pure, yet so lustful and naughty at the same time. Your face, smile, even your expression— it was all so attractive and he couldn't resist you.
He was moaning continuously and it was music in your ears. The warmth of your mouth and the wetness of your tongue sends him on edge. You want to fit him inside so you hollow your cheeks and sink his length deeper until it's in your throat.
Sunwoo hisses at this. His body became more flushed and hotter. The way you swallowed him drove him insane and he couldn't resist any longer. The feeling was incredibly overwhelming, Sunwoo could feel his heart beating so fast. His eyes seemed to be glazed with desire, face all red and flushed. He let out a slight and quick moan that came from the back of his throat. He didn't know what to do anymore.
You seemed so innocent and truth be told, you haven't experienced any intimate moments with anyone else aside from your husband. He was wondering where you learned all of these and how you know how to please him so well. But when he remembered this information, he became more turned on because he realized it was because of him. His corruption to your innocent mind makes him more excited and at the same time, content and delighted.
When you swallowed his length, your lips touched the skin of his testicles and your throat bulged. Sunwoo blushed upon knowing he is completely inside your mouth. When the sound of your lips and saliva became louder, he groaned again. He tugs on your hair more roughly, and you gag on his length and start to drool. Your eyes are sent to the back of your head making you look very erotic in front of Sunwoo.
Sunwoo felt a sense of power, he felt he had taken over your mind. He loved the idea that you have been corrupted by him. With one hand, he kept pulling on your hair, with the other, he caressed your hair on your shoulders as he felt himself twitch. Every move of his made your body shake and he felt like he had succeeded in dominating you.
It was so hot, so thrilling. Sunwoo was feeling like his whole mind and body was under your spell too. He is addicted to the moment he was having with you right now. Sunwoo kept tugging on your hair, making you gag more. He seemed like he wanted to put you in a position where he could see you more… and touch more.
Sunwoo couldn't make words come out of his mouth anymore, he was lost in this moment where both of you were so passionate and eager. It was like he had been hypnotized. He was really lost and felt like he was going to explode with so much love, desire and lust. No longer in his own world, there was nothing else except you and those sweet lips. He was too hungry, too eager, too thirsty, it was like madness.
In a few minutes, when you slowly pulled your head up but still kept Sunwoo's shaft in your mouth, you gulped and sucked on his tip. The sight was so provocative. You kept driving Sunwoo crazy, moaning, and gasping. He swallowed breaths that he couldn't get off of his throat. His legs shook and suddenly, his white liquid came splurging inside your mouth until it spilled.
Sunwoo felt a feeling of satisfaction and excitement. He couldn't hold himself, he was shaking and he couldn't stop his loud and long moans coming out of his mouth this time. He felt like his body had released all of the stress and pressure that had built up inside him for a long time. He looked at you who was sitting in front of him while slowly licking his juices.
He watches with a smile and couldn't help but be so proud. He could see that you felt exactly the same way as him. Sunwoo was beyond pleasure, he was way beyond all this. His mind almost went blank because of the intense sensations. He couldn't find the word to describe how good that felt.
Then you wipe your mouth with the back of your hand and gasp for air. You couldn't believe you just did all that. With chest heaving up and down, you calmed your heavy breathing. When Sunwoo sees this, he sits up and cups your cheeks. "You did so well, love." He compliments, making you smile so proudly. You were still in the atmosphere of that moment. You looked at Sunwoo with eyes full of longing and love. The smile that came after he praised you was like a sweet reward in your heart.
"I'm glad." You felt so full of love for Sunwoo. Too good and full of life. You also felt bliss engulfing you, because you thought you had succeeded in making the man by your side very happy. At this moment, you claimed yourself the best wife in the world.
Sunwoo caresses your back while you catch your breath, smiling so softly. But behind his smile, he still has a plan to reward you for making him feel so good and looking so sexy in front of him. It makes him giggle, which you only understood as a loving gesture instead of the naughty idea.
When your chest relaxes, he compliments you again and pats your back. It was already night time when you finally took consciousness of the surroundings. You both laughed after seeing that the golden and pink sky has turned dark blue decorated with shining pearls called stars.
"Well, we took our time." He giggles with you. Sunwoo was still caressing your back. His other hand was roaming everywhere, he couldn't help himself because his wife was just so beautiful.
Sunwoo then leaned in close to you again, his eyes filled with desire and his mouth so close to your ear. He whispered softly, "I love you so much, my love." His tongue softly licks your ear and he smiles at the reaction it brought.
You giggle and realize his desire hasn't died down yet, "I love you too." You whisper close to him, and add, "What are we gonna do next?"
Sunwoo slowly pulled you to him, his eyes full of desire. He then whispered seductively and so lovingly at the same time, "I want you, baby... right now. And I want to reward you for that."
You laughed, but the feeling was because of being so wanted and loved. "Make me feel good?" You asked in a teasing tone as you looked at him and spied on his lips. Sunwoo couldn't say anything, his lips were already taking on command and closing on your sweet ones, embracing you once again in another delicious kiss. His hands were so eager to touch and caress everything on your body that gave him so much happiness, love and desire.
He caressed your cheeks while you tilted your head. When Sunwoo breaks away from the kiss, he wraps the towel he took earlier around your body. Then he carries you to the dinner table and places you on top of it, where he set up the dinner earlier that was now untouched and forgotten. You laughed when you realized that you hadn't eaten what you prepared earlier. "I could have you as my meal all day." Sunwoo says with a wide grin on his face as he looks down at you.
You laughed so much, so free and excited. You looked overjoyed to be in this moment with your man. His words were so romantic and so naughty at the same time. You couldn't resist being more provocative with Sunwoo. So without hesitation, you lifted your leg and put it on Sunwoo's knee. You looked at Sunwoo with a seductive look in your eyes, it's like you were teasing him again.
"Then you'd better eat me." With this said, it was as if you were seducing your husband right in front of his eyes. He chuckles shortly and leans into you, placing his hand on the small of your back, "Gladly."
Sunwoo didn't waste time to give his lovely wife open-mouthed kisses. It's as if he could swallow you. He removed the towel from your body and dropped it on the grass. The two of you continued making out for a while.
The romantic table was set up with a vase of fragrant flowers, expensive red wine and wine glasses, and fairy lights— you sit on top of the table sprawled out to Sunwoo as if you're the main dish. Sunwoo loves that idea.
He leans into your half body, laying down on the table while your feet rests up on the edge, spreading your legs open. Sunwoo smirked as he saw your cunt glisten with the fairy lights. It's so seductive.... Making him harder.
Sunwoo was too attracted to this position that you offered to him. He was too excited to touch his wife's wetness on the dinner table. He wanted that moment very much, so he couldn't resist his needs and immediately placed his hand on it.
When he touched it with his fingers, he felt a mixture of desire, pleasure, and madness. He couldn't resist and wanted to taste you too. You were, on the other hand, biting so hard on your lower lip until it's swollen. As you wait for his next move, one hand rests on the edge of the table, gripping the white cloth that was covered on it.
Sunwoo rests his palm below your stomach, his wedding ring cold on your skin. His other hand's thumb drawing circles on your folds. He hears your moans signaling him that pleasure is taking over your body. He smiles, pleased with your sounds. It was like music to him that he could play all day long.
His thumb continued making circular motions on your clit. Then he used his other hand to open the folds with his middle and pointer finger. His thoughts are so dirty right now. He was wondering how you're still so tight after penetrating you so many times now. It's a sight to behold.
Sunwoo's thoughts were so dark and so bad, his hands trembled as he caressed his wife's folds and teased your clit with small ministrations. All those fantasies that Sunwoo had in his mind, he was doing right now, on the dinner table. So exciting and so naughty, like his desire for you was overflowing.
Your breathy moans made Sunwoo even more excited, he really couldn't wait to taste you again, to smell you, and make you whimper under his touch. He wants to make all those fantasies into reality and make the love of his life feel good at the same time.
On the other end, you look up at the beautiful sky decorated with the moon and the stars. It feels so unreal and heavenly. Your arms reached out to the stars as if you could hold them. Suddenly, your back arched and your moans came out from the back of your throat. Your arm that was reached up to the sky is now grabbing your hair, and resting on your mouth as you bite that hand out of pleasure.
All your reactions were caused by Sunwoo who dives his nose on your folds to smell you, and gives one long strip of lick on it. He tasted you like you're an ice cream melting in his hands. Sunwoo swallowed your taste and brought two of his fingers inside his mouth to wet them. After wetting his middle and ring finger, he inserts it inside. Your toes curled out of pleasure the same time Sunwoo curled his fingers inside.
Sunwoo really couldn't contain his eagerness. His lips and nose were busy tasting his wife, while his hands were so eager to please, to touch, to caress. It's only a matter of time before he will give you the ultimate satisfaction.
"Your taste is so addictive… Hm… I can never forget this, my love." Sunwoo hums with a proud smile. He licked his fingers clean, there was a little bit of his saliva mixed with the taste of your arousal. That was really the tastiest thing Sunwoo ever had, he couldn't stop thinking of it.
Sunwoo then caressed the lips of your folds and inserted his fingers again to make you moan. He pushes them in and out like how his length works inside of you. You moan out of pleasure... At the same time, his slender fingers are not enough for your throbbing core. It was pleasurable, but you wanted more. However, you couldn't get words out of your mouth, only pretty sounds for Sunwoo.
Your reaction made Sunwoo even more aroused. He started licking and tasting your cunt again and again with his lips and tongue. He sucks and nibbles on it like you're a main dish from a hefty meal, it was like a forbidden fruit that he couldn't afford to miss or refuse.
Sunwoo was so obsessed with you, your taste, as well as your scent. He always thought you were like a delicious fruit, he could never get tired of tasting your nectar all day if he could. He wanted more, and more.
You couldn't contain yourself as well, with a voice stuck in your throat, body twitching so much, and legs trembling uncontrollably. Your voice was in between a moan, and your breathing was also unstable. Sunwoo's hand made you moan out loud, all you could do was surrender to Sunwoo that was too good for your liking. All the senses were already confused in a state called ecstasy, you felt like flying in that moment.
Not long after, when you were tortured and wet enough, he pulled his fingers out and licked them again. He swallowed all the taste, wetness, and scent... like his favorite meal.
Sunwoo wanted to taste more of you so he leaned down to eat you out again one last time, before doing the ultimate. But his peripheral vision caught the bottle of wine that rests on the dinner table. He scoffs shortly and a smirk crossed on his face. Dirty thoughts filled his mind.
"Honey, I want you to have a little drink. I made sure this wine is really good, you'll see." He grabbed the bottle of the top-class wine from the dinner table and poured it on the glass to offer it to you.
Sunwoo saw the look of excitement that he wanted. He was hoping that you would say "yes" to his invitation to try the wine he prepared especially for your supposedly romantic dinner. Then Sunwoo's plan will be complete.
Your eyes fluttered open upon hearing his voice speaking to you. You propped your elbows on the table to lift your torso up and look at him. You saw how Sunwoo was pouring the expensive wine on two of the wine glasses on the table. He's smirking.
"Come on, drink a little. I know you're curious about how this wine tastes." Sunwoo's eyes stared at you as you felt his hand caressing the back of her neck. You blushed a little, face full of sweetness and clearly excited. Without hesitation, you held out your hand and took the wine glass. You sniffed it first, your sense of smell is good.
The smell of the wine is promising. Its bitter smell mixed with the smell of a fruit, and it feels so romantic and luxurious. Sunwoo caressed your cheek with the back of his finger and offered you cheers. The wine glasses made a clang sound against each other then the two of you drank the red wine. At first you both took a small sip, and so many feelings rushed through your bodies. The sweet aftertaste lingered on your buds. This red wine really suits your preference and makes this moment even more romantic. You slowly finish your glass, and it was getting more and more delicious by the second you drank the wine. When you're done, you savor the aftertaste and let the alcohol be absorbed by your body and consciousness. Your eyes looked up at the sky.
Aside from the sensual moments you're having right now, you thought this is really romantic. Being touched by the warm sunset earlier, splashing with water, and now making love under the starry night sky. You suddenly thought if it would rain right now, would it be more romantic and sexy? You chuckled to yourself, getting lost from the thought and drunkenness.
Suddenly, you felt some liquid pouring on your skin. You surprisedly looked at the sight in front of you, Sunwoo was pouring the delicious red wine on your stomach down to your sensitive cunt. He has been watching you get lost in the sensation of alcohol sipping through your body.
You gasp at the sight, moaning out at the provocative gesture from Sunwoo. Your head feels dizzy because of this idea, the imagination of rain pouring down on the two of you, and the alcohol that had been absorbed by your body. Meanwhile, Sunwoo is elated by how you reacted. Satisfied at your reactions and turned on with what he's doing. He places down his wine glass and takes a seat on the chair. It seemed as if he's ready for another meal.
Your breathing became heavier because of the cold wine. Then you felt Sunwoo's thick tongue licking a long stripe on your folds. He closes his lips on your clit and sucks you... Tasting the bitter red wine from your sensitive area mixed with his saliva your salty wetness.
"Mmm, you taste so good..."
Your eyes were closed, too excited again to feel Sunwoo's lips and tongue, that sweet sensation made your moans get louder and higher like an orchestra. You couldn't control the feeling and had to let go, you had to surrender to this moment right now.
He was so turned on, his heartbeat sped up, all he wanted was to make you even more turned on, he didn't care what position he ended up in, even though it probably looked obscene.
Soon, his tongue prodded your entrance, licking your walls. You kept mewling, arm thrown over your eyes. The heavenly feeling controlling all of you. The knot in your stomach came undone, and your orgasm mixed with Sunwoo's saliva and some of the red wine dripped down your body. You heaved breathily.
Then the sound of the chair grazing the ground was heard. Sunwoo stood up, your legs suddenly wrapped around his neck. The position is so obscene that it turns him on and your still sensitive cunt clenched.
His long and hard member entered you painfully slowly, your body writhing with so much pleasure. You even felt it deep in your soul. Those sweet and warm moans made Sunwoo more aroused, even with that position he seemed to enjoy it so much. Then you took a slow and hard movement together, those soft sounds and the scent of your bodies mixed together made you feel so alive.
Your movements became quicker and more intense, moans synchronized like a harmony. The sound of skin making contact with skin rang in your ears while you felt like floating in heaven.
Meanwhile, your eyes became a little teary. You felt dizzy but good. Sunwoo made you see the stars as he pounded into you. Literally though, the stars in the night sky were displayed above you. With half-lidded eyes, you saw the stars in the sky... And as much as Sunwoo pounded your insides, you felt like floating and you could feel the sky getting close to you. You entered subspace. Sunwoo felt like he's in heaven too. His subspace makes him unaware of his pace. His speed voluntarily picks up, making your inner-thighs red and walls clenching tightly around his member. The glasses and vase on the table now rolling somewhere on the green ground.
You were so full of this moment, it was as if your soul had been set free that you couldn't feel anything but pleasure and extreme happiness. You were so overwhelmed and were already dreaming.
A knot in your stomach slowly forms. Sunwoo felt that you were close. He's happy upon knowing it. He continued his speed then he picked up the bottle of red wine again, opened it and leaned down. One of his hands propped on the table while the other poured wine on your breasts.
Your eyes flung open. While your legs are over Sunwoo's shoulders, you drop it down out of exhaustion but Sunwoo caught them on his arms so he's still spreading them out. It made the bottle of wine fall from Sunwoo's hands and the wine spilled on your chest. You wrapped your arms on Sunwoo's neck to give him a passionate kiss. You gave each other open-mouthed kisses as if devouring each other.
While you are feeling the pain and knots in your sweet spot, Sunwoo's kisses send ticklish senses to your body. His mouth went down on her chest, hands squeezing your breasts together to gather the wine that's pouring down your body. His lips closed on the bridge between the two mounds and he sipped the wine from there.
Your moans were getting louder as Sunwoo sucked the wine dry from your breasts. He sips the wine dry until only your skin can be touched by his tongue. He licks the skin and nibbles the flesh. It leaves red marks on your skin. Sure enough, it will turn purple and bruise you up.
With a loud thrust of his length touching your sweetest spot, you gasp for air. The knot slowly untied, your body shook and trembled, and your juices came leaking down. Sunwoo's seed meets yours. You moaned together as if in a musical. The feeling of the sticky liquid being mixed inside of you, and dripping where your bodies are connected felt so ticklish on your skin.
After your release, which you couldn't count anymore, your head nuzzled on the crook of Sunwoo's neck. You bit the skin between his neck and ear, giving a red mark too. You were panting, gasping, catching your breaths.
Sunwoo was in a frenzy, the way he moaned and groaned was not like someone who was in control of himself. His voice got to the point of screaming, his nails were in a rush to find and mark your skin while he pushed his body against you. Sunwoo's breath was so loud and so rapid, he was shaking so much, he couldn't even speak at this moment. The pleasure was just too great for both of you and it could only be explained as madness and euphoria.
As soon as you finished, the satisfaction felt like a relief. You couldn't control your feelings, your voice, even your breath. Your body trembled and your legs couldn't stop shaking. Sunwoo's body was the same, like in a dream, his body trembling, sweating, and panting hard. The two of you were exhausted after that. But satisfied.
You knew it was definitely worth it. Sunwoo remained silent with you for a few minutes. He closed his eyes because he felt dizzy, he couldn't explain what he felt at that moment. The feeling of being covered by his body and being held was very nice for you. You felt his arm gently hugging your upper body that kept unmoving from exhaustion.
You're in a more comfortable position, Sunwoo sitting on the chair in front of the dinner table and you being straddled on Sunwoo's lap. He's hugging your body and touching its curves. Your faces were so sweaty but became slightly relaxed. This moment was indeed very worth it for your body and soul. You were filled with such sweet feelings that made you unable to speak. You couldn't even move. As for Sunwoo, he just kept watching you as if he didn't want to leave this feeling of love, intimacy and ecstasy. Sunwoo smiles as he removes the wet hair from your sweaty forehead to the back of your ear. "You're so beautiful, my love." He suddenly compliments.
It was as if you were falling asleep in the arms of your beloved one because of how sweet and relaxing this moment had become. You could feel Sunwoo's hand gently caressing your back and face, especially on your cheeks, it felt warm.
The scent of wine mixed with the smell of sex is intoxicating. It flooded your senses. You felt as if staring at each other's faces stopped the time. You smiled softly at each other. "I love you." You told each other in sync. It made you burst into sweet laughter. Sunwoo laughed with you, realizing once again how much he adores you.
There was nothing to make the two of you uncomfortable. You were both in bliss, like there's nothing left to do but to enjoy these moments together. Sunwoo hugged you tight, he couldn't get enough of this closeness.
When it comes to Sunwoo, you seem like you lose control of your body. He is dominant and stern. But also very caring, sometimes rough. Whatever he does, you just give up control and offer yourself to him.
Little to your knowledge, Sunwoo is almost the same. The difference is that he wanted to dominate you most of the time. He loses control to be gentle, to keep himself from exploring you. He couldn't resist his wife's whole being.
Even in non-sensual moments like this, Sunwoo can't resist your cuteness. He always wants to take care of you. He always wants to be by your side. And you are overjoyed at the knowledge that your husband is so drawn into you.
"You deserve a good rest." Sunwoo tells you. His smile softens and it's pure. You nod and let him cover you up with the towel that he picked up again. Once he covers his lower body with the towel he got earlier, he carried you like a princess inside your warm and spacious vacation house and he takes care of you until you fall asleep in his embrace.
Oh, you're gonna be so sore in the morning.
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anathemaspeaks · 28 days
omg…😭 i didn’t know which one to choose from your prompt list but after a while of considering i would like to request fluff 22(apparently all our friends have a bet going that we end up together) with shoto todoroki??
check out my prompt list and send in requests!
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you were comfortable laying on shoto's lap in his dorm, lazily scrolling through your phone while he read a book, glasses perched on the bridge of his nose, playing with your hair.
there was something in the air, something so minty - like candy canes, and something so shoto. you nuzzled into his body more, actively seeking the warmth of his body and the affection he showered you with.
he had the honor of calling you his girlfriend for a little over a month now, the both of you choosing to keep it secret because of the amount of gossip that would go around if people found out - and not to mention, his family's reaction.
it wasn't that either of you were scared, no. you both mutually wanted the peace of the honeymoon stage without anyone else interfering (i.e, enji todoroki plus the constant teasing from your friends).
(you didn't know he would always be this way with you - honeymoon stage or not. he was head over heels for you, since the very moment he laid his eyes on you, and that would never change.)
calling you his girl was the only blessing he had in this life, he thought. you cherished him just the same - even though it had been just a month of you dating, you both knew you'd loved each other way before that.
"you know, apparently all our friends have a bet going that we end up together?" he piped up, setting the book aside along with his reading glasses, opting to look at you instead, heterochromatic eyes gauging your reaction.
you put down your phone too, intrigued by the statement, a bright smile on your face.
"all of them? we did take quite some time didn't we" you laughed, remembering the way you both were practically a couple for months before you made it official.
you loved being with him alone, keeping the relationship private made these sweet moments of it just being you and him so much more intimate.
you both fell asleep on the couch, talking about memories from the days before you both were together - how oblivious he was to the fact that you liked him back.
you woke up to a series of notifications from both of your phones, kaminari's name flashing. you picked it up to check what it was, and why the hell he was spamming at 8 am in the morning.
you yawned, only to pause midway, eyes wide and mouth hung open.
"sho, baby? i don't think we're secret anymore" you said nervously, not knowing how he would react to the picture of you and him cuddling on the couch, your face buried in his neck and his arms wrapped around your waist.
only for him to hand you his phone.
you looked at him, puzzled.
"open it, love." he said, a small smile on his face and a look filled with so much adoration it made your heart hurt.
you turned it on, only to find that same picture as his wallpaper.
well, at least you guys didn't have to sneak out to the janitor's closet to meet up anymore.
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sorry if this isn't what you wantedd i wrote whatever came to my mind, i hope you like it <3
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mapiforpresident · 3 months
Could you please do a ‘dating Lucy Bronze would include’ blurb? <3
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Dating Lucy Bronze would include:
Always being goofy together
Playing at Barça together. You were the one that originally got her to move to your club
You are a very independent couple, but at the end of the day Lucy loves nothing more than coming back to your shared home and cuddling with you and Narla
You fell first but Lucy fell harder
Lucy asked you out first since you were shy and didn't think the older woman was interested in you
She loves to spoil you and she is very attentive to things you want and like.
You always tripping over all of her shoes.
The two of you love to tease the fans about your relationship but never fully confirming your relationship for years.
She is always making fun of you for being shorter than her, but you always make fun of her for being older and slower.
You are obsessed with how fit she is and are always staring at her when she is working out
Lucy always assisting your goals and running and celebrating with her first
Going to visit the each others families together and going on vacation just the two of you whenever you get the chance
Spending the very few lazy mornings you have together in bed, tangled up in each other's arms, with Narla snuggled between you.
Having impromptu dance parties in the kitchen while making dinner together.
Constantly stealing each other's clothes and arguing over who wore it better. Fans always have edits of you wearing each others clothes constantly
Competing in challenges because you both are extremely competitive, whether it's who can do the most push-ups or who can eat the spiciest food without flinching.
Taking long walks on the beach, hand in hand, discussing everything from your wildest dreams to the most mundane details of your day.
Sharing a love for adventure, whether it's trying out a new extreme sport or simply exploring a new city together.
Playfully arguing over who is the better cook, with each of you insisting that your signature dish is superior.
Sneaking kisses whenever you think no one is looking, but always getting caught by your teammates who are always telling you to get a room.
Supporting each other through the highs and lows of your careers, knowing that you always have each other's backs no matter what.
Creating silly inside jokes that only the two of you understand, making even the most boring moments feel special and intimate.
Your Camera Roll:
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