#instead of wanting them to grow you are always bashing them and comparing them
bandzboy · 3 months
sick and tired of people thinking that younger idols don’t wanna invest on their skills when it’s probably the kpop companies who are trying to stop them from evolving and then saying “this is not what older idols strived for” like… times are different and shittier atm i don’t think idols that wanted to become idols bc of their seniors would want to just be seen as pretty and nothing else JUST SAYING
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dangerpronebuddie · 2 months
Kiss Me Once Cause You Know I Had A Long Night 29/?
71. Lingering forehead against forehead, consumed by each other to the point of barely having strength enough to breathe
"So what's this revelation you wanted to tell me about?" Eddie tossed his keys on the counter and stood in front of Buck. The setting sun offered just enough light to see the softness in his eyes, and the slight curve of his lips.
(read below!)
Buck took another long pull of his beer. It did nothing for his nerves. He knew he had nothing to worry about, not really.
But telling Eddie would open a door he'd long thought closed. Since the day Shannon came back.
Opening it was dangerous. If, by some tiny chance, Eddie loved him back and it didn't work, he'd be throwing away the best friendship- the best relationship- he'd ever known.
Keys jingling behind the door drew him from his quickly growing spiral. He wiped his surprisingly sweaty palms on his thighs and stood as Eddie came in.
"Sorry I'm late," Eddie said as he entered the loft, "there was construction on Sunset."
"I knew you'd get here eventually," Buck said with a smile. The last time Eddie was late was because of Ana. Now, not even Marisol stopped him (Buck did not do a happy dance when Eddie told him about the breakup yesterday. He did not).
"So what's this revelation you wanted to tell me about?" Eddie tossed his keys on the counter and stood in front of Buck. The setting sun offered just enough light to see the softness in his eyes, and the slight curve of his lips.
"Well, you know the other day when I uh... came out to you and Chris?" Buck asked, wringing his hands.
Eddie nodded.
"I was... I was wondering if m- maybe..."
Why was it so hard? Eddie was his best friend, it should be easy. But... maybe that's why it's not. If they tried it, and it didn't work-
"Buck," Eddie said softly, clapping a reassuring hand on his shoulder, "you know there isn't a thing you can say to me to make me walk away."
Buck ducked his head with a bashful smile, his lower lip between his teeth. Eddie's thumb swept across his pulse point, encouraging him and grounding him at the same time.
He took a deep breath and looked into Eddie's eyes. "Would you like to go out on a date? W- with me?"
Slowly, like the sun rising, a smile appeared on Eddie's face. A smile so bright and beautiful it made his eyes crinkle. God, Buck loved him.
"Yes," Eddie said with a happy giggle. "I'd love to go out with you."
Buck couldn't help the relieved breath he let out. He couldn't believe his ears, his eyes. It wasn't all in his head. Eddie had feelings for him too.
"I have one question though," Eddie asked, the smile transforming into possibly the hottest smirk Buck had ever seen.
"What's that?" Buck asked.
Eddie placed a steady hand on his waist. "Do I have to wait till after our date to kiss you?"
Buck giggled and wrapped his arms around Eddie's waist, drawing him in. "I'm done waiting," Buck whispered before pressing his lips to Eddie's.
He expected stars, or supernovas, or at the very least confetti canons. Instead, all he felt was a sense of home, of rightness. A band in his chest unfurled as the hand on his shoulder slowly came to rest at the nape of his neck.
Eddie pulled away and rested their foreheads together. "Wow," he whispered.
"Yeah," Buck said with a breathless chuckle.
Eddie leaned in again, slotting their lips together. Buck pulled them flush together as Eddie teased the seam of his lips apart. Sparks flew down Buck's spine, lighting every nerve on fire. Lightning couldn't compare.
They kissed until the need for oxygen pulled them apart. Buck rested his forehead against Eddie's, his hands splayed across his back.
"Is it too soon to tell you I love you?" Eddie asked.
"I think we've been saying it for years," Buck said. The door he was so afraid had been closed was always open, just waiting for them to step through. Together.
"I love you," Eddie said, pressing a chaste, already familiar kiss to Buck's lips.
"I love you," Buck grinned against his lips.
They did go on their first date... after a few other firsts.
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chairteeth · 6 months
Touka, Nemu, and self-perception
Yet another TouNemu rant! Self-perception this time! Surely this CANNOT GO WRONG! Spoilers exclusively for TouNemu-related stuff in Arc 2. You will most likely be fine given that the only faction I even mention here is the Union and it’s mostly to bash them over the head with a metal chair for the crime of kicking rescue puppies. Insane ramblings beneath!
This may not seem related, but I want to start by talking about what Touka and Nemu are like as parents and why, because it's very interesting (by parents I mean with Sakurako). Touka learned the dos from her dad, and Nemu learned the don'ts from both of her parents. If you compare the parenting styles of the Satomis vs the Hiiragis, a few patterns emerge. Touka's mom we are disqualifying as per my own made up lore explanation for her absence (heart condition depression guilt spiral), but before I say anything about Nemu's mom, I'm gonna compare the two dads, because when you think about it they're a little similar! 
Nemu's dad is literally a ghost. We have NEVER ONCE seen that man but we have had him mentioned multiple times. Unlike Touka who avoids mentioning her mom ever (other than the one time in her MGS’ Episode 3 and also the time Nayuta mentioned her in her quotes), Nemu does mention her dad a bunch, usually in the same context as her mom, which implies a few things that I may get into later, however the excuse/explanation given is that he's busy with work. Which if we put him next to Touka's dad is an interesting (read: terrible) excuse. Touka's dad is very busy. He's busy with politics stuff apparently, with the multiple businesses he owns (as far as I’m aware), with the hospital he's a director of. Things were probably easier when Touka was still hospitalized, yet in Arc 2 he makes time for his child, even when it's not "necessary". So what's your excuse exactly, Mr. Hiiragi?
That interesting comparison aside, Nemu's mom has entirely shaped her parenting style, perfectly on display with Sakurako. You will notice that Nemu always asks Sakurako questions. About her day, about her emotions, etc. You know. Just like she wished her mom had done for her, which Mrs. Hiiragi of course never did. What with her habit of visiting her hospitalized terminally ill child only to infodump her and leave. Nemu also cooks with Sakurako like her mom cooks with her (on occasion, when she remembers she has a daughter). Essentially, Nemu is acting with Sakurako like she wishes her mom would act with her. I need to stress the psychological impact this tier of emotional neglect has had on Nemu; once again, this is a hospitalized, terminally ill child, who has been isolated and away from home for years (presumably). But the isolation and pain of being an inpatient, likely most often in pain, not knowing if you’ll see the light of morning each time you go to sleep, and complete lack of emotional support from adults was not enough! Of course not. Instead, Nemu was parentified.
Hear me out. You may not have thought about it before, but Nemu, the people pleaser that she is, has been made to cater to and take care of the emotions of fully grown adults (her parents), and like most victims of abuse/neglect, she defends them. The poor girl desperately wants her family to love her. She assume-gaslit herself into thinking her mom handmade the socks she got for Christmas while hospitalized AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT. Nemu, sweetheart, I'm sorry, but literally nothing I've seen from your family tells me that your mother would do that. When a child forcefully matures faster than they should, it very much scars them mentally, like the physical stretch marks some of us get when we’re younger from growing too much too fast. Being forced to take care of oneself, feeling misunderstood, closing off from your peers, being parentified by the adults around you, just generally growing up before you're prepared for it… In an isolated hospital environment, Nemu and to a slightly lesser extent Touka (and to an even lesser extent Ui), had to, in some aspects, mature much faster, but were left with a complete void in terms of experience.
Children learn mainly from the experiences they have, and on that, Touka is right. They were robbed of those experiences. All three of them thus show signs of resentment issues, self-blaming issues, and "I'm a burden" issues (Touka may not have that last one, but she has other issues to make up for it). There's also just the inherently traumatizing experience of waking up in pain. Being helpless. Finding scarce enjoyment in being alive because you're so in pain all the time. The extremely scary idea that you will not know if the pain/discomfort you feel is Just Another Tuesday of living in your body or if you’re in urgent need of medical attention and should perhaps inform the doctors/nurses that something is wrong. Not knowing if something is actually wrong or not, and the habit of keeping it to yourself because you either don’t want to bother others/be a burden or you don’t want to be seen as the Boy Who Cried Wolf of the ER, can lead to absolutely terrifying situations. For example you could have a horrible kidney infection that’s almost septic and not realize it because well, you’re always in pain/uncomfortable around that area. Surely this is nothing. When you’re used to being in pain, you stop noticing it as much. Desensitization. It’s confusing and distressing to live every day in a body that is deeply and terribly sick like that, ESPECIALLY for a child.
Anyway. Back to Nemu specifically. She mentions in her quotes that although people say she doesn’t show her feelings much (or that she “lacks emotion” as NA my beloathed put it), she feels plenty in her heart. Hey… Hey wanna know why that is? Sure it’s part of the way she is by nature, but a big part of why she’s like this is—take a wild guess—her parents! Again! From her perspective as we saw in her MGS, she sees her emotions as a burden on others, particularly her family. The reason she seems emotionally distant is actually one very fun (read: sad) flavor of the people pleaser. Actually, I think I’m going to quote this post:
"Think about it. In real life, the person that's bottling up all their emotions is not the one that's brooding in the corner and snaps at you for trying to befriend them. More often than not, it's that friendly person in your circle who makes easy conversation with you, laughs with you, and listens and gives advice whenever you're upset. But you never see them upset, in fact they seem to have endless patience for you and everything around them—and so you call them their friend, you trust them. And only after months of telling them all your secrets do you realize… they've never actually told you anything about themselves."
Guess who fits the “emotionally repressed character who is mellow” type! That’s right! Our resident sad author! That’s, also why in some of my AUs I give her severe repressed anger issues but that’s beside the point. That whole post is very much just… Nemu. She separates herself so that she won’t be hurt—or at least, not as hurt as she would be if she was feeling everything in full. It's really really sad because she seeks out and buys gifts for her family, specifically learning everything they like down to their tastes (she even mentions her mom's taste in food). Just a quiiick consideration: does it seem to you like they're putting in even an ounce of the effort she's making? Because I have a feeling even Nemu must’ve realized what a lost cause it was, eventually. I can’t stop stressing how badly she wants to fit in and be a part of her family. Not to mention how badly the Arc 1 finale must have crushed her internally. In a family of athletes, with how excited she was during Arc 1 to get to Do Things in a healthy body? To lose one's legs?
Everyone leaves her behind… Well, everyone except Touka. Speaking of Nemu’s relationship with Touka! Back at the very start of things, in the hospital, I assure you that Nemu held Touka in this sort of hateful pedestal that she wanted nothing more than to rip her from, out of envy. Because Touka's dad evidently loves her, spends time with her, pays attention to her, gives her affection and Oh You Know. Everything Nemu has ever wanted. So I believe that if that relationship hadn't improved, Nemu would've grown to hate Touka, viscerally and intensely. Because simply put, she has everything Nemu wants and can never get. And when you're so isolated you have no one to talk to, especially if you're like Nemu or Touka (introverted and doesn't like talking to strangers especially about Emotions and Big Thoughts)… Coping mechanisms like writing will not get you that far if you don't have the support you need. Which leads me to MY NEXT POINT:
“If I can't be useful, I am worthless.”
Ha. Hahaha. So. I've gone on and on about just how bad an inpatient hospital environment is for a child, especially a child genius with little to no emotional support who is also terribly socialized. But I really need to talk more about the prodigy trauma. I am pretty sure more than one person reading this will be familiar with being considered "gifted" either period or only as a kid due to neurodivergence or whatever. Society is NOT nice to gifted children/geniuses. And, adults tend to praise children who show a lot of academic prowess and encourage those interests. The problem is that they often do it so much that it's everything the child ties their identity and self worth to. They also do not praise other things, as in only the highlight is ever praised, which causes even more severe tunnel vision and a more deeply rooted sense of This Is My Special Thing That I Am Good At And I Must Always Excel At It (this often leads into pretty bad perfectionism). For example, Touka's dad tells her on multiple occasions that she has to use her prodigious intellect to help others. He does this with good intentions. HOWEVER let's just say that may not have processed quite like he expected.
Let me try to go layer by layer with this. I'll use Touka because she's the more "traditional" type of genius (the STEM kind). I know that in private circles I have joked about her having a budding praise kink because of how she reacts to being called smart BUT it's actually at least mildly concerning that she completely changes her tune on something when praised, and she's only ever praised on her intelligence. That is what makes her her. It's what makes her special and unique. Touka has a superiority complex and an inferiority complex simultaneously which I will elaborate on at some point, but her dad has also sooort of tried to drill noblesse oblige into her. By the way she speaks (the astronomy class presentation in her MGS Episode 3, her line about Nemu's writing in Nemu's MGS Episode 3, that one damn scene in Arc 2 Chapter 5)… she sees the world entirely in terms of giving and taking and stealing. And that's, not hugely healthy, for starters, but then! Arc 1 happens. And I already talked about what Arc 1 did to both Touka "Maskwearer" Satomi and Nemu "People Pleaser" Hiiragi (their mental health is so good! /s), I have one essay for each of those. But I don't think I've ever discussed what happened in their heads after Arc 1. Because arguably, that was worse. I have another essay about the development of their characters in the works but I’m trying to actually make that one a bit more well-organized so it may take a little longer.
Touka had a job to do. Nemu had a job to do. They had a goal and a purpose, a promise to deliver on. They failed. What then? What do they do after the dust clears? They panic. As soon as they've had some time to actually process the extremely traumatic shit they went through and how badly they have fucked up, they internalize all of their guilt and it destroys them from the inside out. And what can they do? Nothing, really. Everyone hates them. They're failures. They have no purpose. No use. Who are they? They don't know. They're lost. And no one is there to guide them. So they try to do what they think is right: taking themselves out of the equation. They serve no purpose and are of no use anymore. Worthless. All they've done is harm. Mind you, this is never at any point mended. These wounds are left to fester. If you pay attention throughout Arc 2, the Union relies on them for several things, but they're never quite part of the group. They never quite rise above their status that they gained after all that happened in Arc 1. Which is why they kept trying to throw their lives away, among other things. When you’re doing your best and your pretty significant efforts are never acknowledged, it’s extremely discouraging, and for them, works with a fun concept we call confirmation bias. And that leads me to the names I gave the two atonement suberas. Sinner and purpose. The sinner subera is the one where they are self-flagellating harder than worshippers of Loviatar in D&D, and the purpose subera is the one where they finally, finally find themselves a worthy goal to pursue. A challenge, a purpose. Something only they can do, this time with a bit of extra help.
The way they see everything is literally just "everything we do is wrong and hurts people" and "we can never do anything right." Every single time Touka perks up after an adult calls her smart and bends over backwards to prove that the adult is right I want to break something. Dr. Satomi had good intentions but my man has NO IDEA the damage he did with those teachings. Noblesse oblige aside, Touka just ties her identity ENTIRELY to being smart. That's all she is. If you pay attention to the way she speaks, she weaves this into her personality all the time, and the amount of time she explicitly brings up being a genius is both concerning and a badly disguised cry for help under a layer of arrogance that’s easy to peel back if you simply cared enough to look closer. When she's given a role like say, Magius, then she has a job, a responsibility, and *points violently at my Magius Touka essay* A PURPOSE. It’s not particularly good for her, but it’s something. She desperately needed direction, to be taught how to be, well, herself, and nobody gave her that. No one gave her or Nemu what they needed. You know what their elders did? Yell at them.
If you think about it. Do the others ever sit down with TouNemu and talk to them? Do they really? Or do they basically only pay actual attention when TouNemu inevitably make a mistake or do something they don't like, to berate them for it like they're misbehaving dogs? No wonder they isolate themselves and can only open up to/rely on each other. They have no one else. Even Iroha and Ui are comparatively distant now. Not to mention, these two probably believe they're everything from hard to love to incorrigible to perpetually evil, cannot be good or do good, etc. Do the others ever praise them when they do something good? Is there ANY positive reinforcement at all? I have not even touched f4's funny child abuse joke about how Kanagi dishes out corporal punishment to these two. The instance of it in Paradise Shift boils my blood personally because EVEN WHEN THEY DO A GOOD THING THEY GET PUNISHED. And guess what their reaction is? Nothing. Just a complaint on Touka’s part when they’re in private about how it still hurts. That’s literally the reaction of a child who’s been hit by their parents all their life and doesn’t know anything else, or alternatively the reaction of someone whose belief about deserving that punishment is deeply rooted in them and so they have no reaction to it. In my humble opinion, these two are literally saints, I would have snapped a while ago if I were them. Especially because literally no one has noticed or acknowledged their growth at all (other than each other). Ui and Iroha, supposedly the people closest to them other than each other, still thought they would fight until they came to blows as late as Mokyu's MGS.
And that brings me to something that a person I’ve talked to about this has brought up. Touka and Nemu do still occasionally behave in abrasive ways (mainly Touka), look down on others, etc. But I mean, can you blame them? They’re not really getting the right feedback. How are they supposed to know better? If you take a closer look, they are almost disgustingly soft and sweet with each other. And although arguably during Arc 2 they are very cordial towards people (Kagome and Sana come to mind as easy examples, with them even helping Sana publish her picture book online), when they do act in ways that push people away… It’s probably on purpose. Subconsciously or consciously. It proves them right about being unlovable and irredeemable. It’s the confirmation bias all over again.
Christmas String is once again an excellent example of both their bond (although sadly they spend most of the event in Work Mode) and their growth over the years—which they acknowledge themselves in the event, MGS, and quotes. In that event, they were kind to two children they didn't even know and even went out of their way to help them, despite claiming many times that they’re not kind people and “aren’t that type of person” to help others. They specifically cite that as a thing Ui is capable of, something Iroha does, but not them of course. In light of what I just said about their own perception of themselves, however, they would literally never recognize that they are actually kind people. They did so many unnecessary nice things for others even without the diary's influence in that event alone, and if you look at them you could tell they were pleased and happy every time they saw that they'd helped someone. They just genuinely believe that to be kind, you need to be Ui/Iroha. They were most often around people like Ui and Iroha, who basically emanate an aura of light and kindness and empathy, and it seems to come so naturally to them, so surely if it doesn’t come as naturally to Touka and Nemu, it means they’re bad. And they can quite literally never be Iroha/Ui. They say that themselves.
It's also because of introversion vs extroversion. A lot of the time extroverted people give off more… Kind, warm vibes, friendly vibes, even if they’re shy and anxious like Iroha started out as, because they're more open and talkative and they Thrive With People. Introverts like Touka and Nemu however often seem “cold,” “aloof,” “rude,” or “uncaring,” and this is especially the case when the introvert in question doesn’t display enough shyness and anxiety for their attitude to be deemed “valid” or “understandable” when in reality they would still help you just as the extroverts would. Granted, Touka and Nemu very often just, don’t wanna have anything to do with People. Them plain not talking to people or telling anyone that they *could* after Arc 2 until it became necessary is a good example of that. But, that doesn’t necessarily mean they won’t help or that they would turn a blind eye. Unlike Iroha, however, Touka and Nemu generally do the opposite of seeking people out except when the person they seek is the other; I do not think they count each other as “people” in the same sense as everyone else. In many ways. As that same person I talked to put it… “I want to be alone with you by my side.” Because they are each other’s only safe space, where they can be truly 100% themselves without fear of judgment and without expectations to meet. I could start yelling about their bond now but I shall Refrain for the sake of not making this even longer.
All of this to say that The Babies are very sad and very traumatized and they deserve the marriage they got. I will elaborate A LOT on the whole… Uwasa Queens thing, when I get to that part in the development essay. Thanks for reading today’s ramble! Do ask if you have any follow-up questions or want to know my thoughts on something else about them.
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dextixer · 5 months
Pal, i do not care about your or anti-rwde obsession with RWDE. Half of you people constantly make posts like "Hah, RWDE sucks" while having us under a block. Its pathetic. Genuinely, you can all avoid the RWDE tag, instead you block people in that tag, and then reblog their stuff, to what, shittalk that stuff? You have nothing better to do?
Its all projection. And its sad. Genuinely, maybe you are not obsessed with RWBY, but a lot of your anti-RWDE friends are, to the extent that they will, once again, go to RWDE blogs, take stuff from them, and then privately reblog them to gloat or something.
Yet we in the RWDE are always accused of complete and utter nonsense, just because at the end of the day, you dont care about what we actually think or do. All you want is to project your own insecurities and obsessions upon us.
I made a single blogpost comparing LGBT+ representation in a single game, Hades to RWBY. What, is that a problem? Does that make me obsessed? A single post saying that a games narrative did something better?
I have played a lot more games, read a lot more books and done a lot more things than that, and never associated them with RWBY.
Because at the end of the day, all of this, is a hobby.
Something you people should really learn, because half of your anti-rwde buddies cant discern reality from fiction half of the time.
Oh, and can you also tell them that Tumblr is not the only social media website in existance? I use my Tumblr mostly for RWBY. For everything else i have multitudes of discord servers, because, if i may be so crass.
Nobody gives a shit about Tumblr, it sucks for fandom interaction. Reddit and Discord are better, genuinely.
Can i be frank with you? Do you ever tire of doing this? I have not interacted with any of you anti-RWDE people in ages now, besides that troll whos now posting "Oh, im sad for RWDE" blogposts daily as bait.
Genuinely, the RWDE side is mostly happy to leave you alone, we dont really want to care about you. Yet you seem to constantly barge in RWDE spaces, for what? Just to have a fight? Prove you are somehow superior?
Like, genuinely, half of the reason i have not done much on my tumblr these pasts months is because i am genuinely tired of you people. Hell, the only reason i am on this site is because your side, anti-rwde constantly posted my reddit posts here and then sent people after me on Reddit. Just because i dared to have an opinion.
Genuinely, and this comes from the heart. Grow up, because at this point, i have little need or want to interact with you people, you are just tiring.
We dont want to interact with you. You clearly dont want to interact with us. So, why are you constantly coming after us? You can mute the tag, instead you created an anti tag. Why?
Im writing this knowing that you wont give a fuck about any of this, and you will just use this as another "Bash on RWDE" session or some shit. But genuinely, grow up, and go do something else.
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strawhatsoraya · 2 years
Hello! I could request headcanons for Ace, Law and Zoro being full aware for the first time they're are very attractive? Maybe later they try to use it for first time to flirt with their crush. I know it's a weird ask but i always found really funny that three look like ignorance of his own appeal to women (and probably men too ;) )
Hey Anon! I know it's been a hot minute (or several hundred hot minutes) but I got your little headcanons right here. I hope you stuck around long enough to see this. I'm sorry for the delay. I've been very busy this past month which makes my writing even slower than usual. I think these characters would know they're attractive to some degree lol BUT let's say they didn't!! So this is a little "what if..." scenario.
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Portgas D. Ace
He doesn't know when it happened. In fact, he never realized it before—how much his self image had taken a toll.
He heard so many unpleasant comments growing up that left him feeling unwanted, unneeded.
So when he grows up, he doesn't think too much about his looks.
He finds confidence instead in his strength, and in his adventures. Every accomplishment making him feel greater and bigger than before.
His fashion sense leaves a lot to be desired. He wears what is comfortable, or sentimental without further thought into it.
So when a random person at the island they were stopped in complimented his looks Ace was taken aback.
They said he had 'a face you could never forget' and at first he thought it was an insult.
So he challenged them to explain, when they—panicked—insisted it was a compliment, and it meant that he had good looks and charm, Ace was mind-blown.
It took him several minutes to get the cogs back in his brain going but once they did there was a full body blush taking over him. All this time he had no idea and all this time he had been hesitant to approach you.
With his newfound confidence in his appearance and not his physical strength, Ace takes the initiative. It was now or never.
His attempt at flirting is laughable. You do your best not to do it outright however, partially because you don't want to hurt his feelings and partially because you're actually left feeling bashful.
It was a clumsy attempt but seeing the blush on your cheeks was enough to satisfy him. Maybe he wasn't too late after all.
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Trafalgar D. Law
There was never time to think about his appearance, much less compare it to others.
The last time he even worried over such a thing was when he was a child and sick with Amber Lead Syndrome and for very different reasons.
His life had led him down many roads, and he used people as he saw fit; a means to an ends.
In the back of his mind, he was aware of his charisma and maybe—his looks somehow contributed. He was never too sure.
It isn't until you compliment the tattoo on his chest, and place a warm hand against it that he considers, for a very brief moment, that you find him attractive.
You look up at him through your lashes, lips slightly parted—and he uses your moment of distraction to test his theory almost immediately.
He reaches out to place a hand over yours, keeping it against his chest, and swoops in towards your face.
“You like my tattoo,” he asks you as a crooked grin stretches his lips. His breath fanning your cheeks. “Or what's underneath it?”
You flush furiously and he can't help but chuckle. He couldn't believe he hadn't noticed—or rather—forgotten that by many standards he was considered attractive. He made a mental note to take advantage of it in the future, multiple times, especially when it came to you.
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Roronoa Zoro
Zoro lives his life straight like an arrow—shooting forward, and never looking back. He is focused, and determined.
His lifestyle leaves no room to wonder about shallow things such as appearances. He barely pays attention to the appearance of others. It simply just doesn't captivate him.
But something about you does—maybe it's your stubbornness, or the way you're always so loud. How else was he supposed to ignore you?
All he knows is that he heard you compliment the stupid ero-cook on his equally stupid attire. He heard you call him handsome, and stylish.
What exactly was handsome about him? And not Zoro? What exactly made him stylish? The stupid tie? Zoro could wear a tie too if he wanted to.
Except he didn't own any ties, or any shirts that would go with a tie. He barely owned shirts as it was.
He considers asking Nami for a loan, so he can maybe buy a damn tie but she would ask him what the money was for and Zoro simply didn't have enough shamelessness to survive her teasing.
He spends days chewing over this, grinding his teeth at night so hard he would wake up with a sore jaw.
One day Robin inadvertently gives him a glimmer of hope by telling him blue looked good on him, as he wore the one navy blue shirt he owned. It was sleeveless and apparently, per Robin, made his arms look attractive.
She hadn't called him stylish or handsome but he'd take it. Feeling high off the adrenaline, and stupidly bold, he smiles crookedly at you as you join the table. He flexes a bicep before he addresses you next: “What do you think? Attractive or not?”
You laugh, taken aback by the sudden inquiry, but seeing the crestfallen look on his face you quickly amend: “Very attractive, Big Muscle Man. I like your shirt.”
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lgcxmax · 2 years
FUTURE DREAMS S5 • Scenario Solo
Ranking System.
“Where do you see yourself?” 
Max freezes.
He wasn’t sure what to expect when they were called in one by one once more and while he’d somewhat dreaded this moment to come, the mental preparation for it would have never been enough. He exhales a deep sigh, his brows furrowed in self-reflection as his eyes scan across the names of individuals who impressed him, friends he’s trained with for aeons and people he had yet to get to know better to have an actual opinion about them.
He’s not a judgmental nor a competitive person. He’d always believed as long as he was good enough, he didn’t have to think far enough that he was better or worse than someone. Max was fine with being just enough to make the cut, no matter what rank he was on.
Even now- was he on this show to win? Or was he here to go beyond a solo single and actually get into one of the groups whose song he’d been performing for the trainee eval? 
His lips purse before he parts them to reply. “First.” His response is certain, quick and secure but the wobble in his smile as it widens across his lips is present. “Not because I actually think I am but because I want to be. I was average for so long in my life... I finally want to be the best at something,” he admits honestly before lowering his eyes with a bashful smile.
Thinking he had the worst behind him, his heartbeat slows, only to skip when he’s told to pick someone he’d go up against in all three categories. God, how he hated pitching himself against people. Max could make this easily for himself, name Cameron for all three since they’d been pitched up against each other since the trainee eval started and Max had slowly gotten used to the thought it’d be either him or Max.
But that would be untrue. So he decides to be honest, perhaps painfully so.
“For singing I have to name Teddy ( @lgcteddy ). He’s a great vocalist,  his performance had character and soul but I think I can match him in performance. I want to have the same intensity in my performance and I think I could potentially actually keep up with him- even if I’m better at guitar then piano,” he admits with a laugh his hand reaching up to rub nervously at the back of his neck. He could have named Parker ( @lgcparker ). There is no doubt he’s one of the best vocals though and Max is too chicken to name him only to end up losing embarrassingly to his blood’s brother.
“As for rapping... Hyoseop ( @lgchyoseop ) probably? He’s a strong rapper despite being a trainee for such a short time compared to me. I think it’s because I never really focused on a skill but now that I settled for rapping, I want to beat him. I want to learn to be good enough to surpass him.” Somehow it’s easy for him to admit his own short comings and boost those he names instead. Max wonders if it makes him look humble or just like a loser and a fool. 
The last one, he knows for certain, will make him look like an utter fool.
“For dance.... Wookjin ( @lgcwookjin ) . He may have had a blackout but he’s still one of the best dancers I know. We’ve been training together since we got into Legacy, always motivating each other to get better, to work harder, to push further- I wouldn’t be where I am today without him. I’m the better rapper but he’s the better dancer and while I’m not blessed with a beautiful singing voice like his, I have my own vocal tone that I can work with. We compliment each other and can push each other to work on our weaknesses at the same time. He’s one of my best friends and definitely someone I consider a person that helped me grow the most in the company.” His exhale is shaky as he concludes. Too emotional- he’s too emotional again. Max really should learn how to control himself better and not be so unapologetically raw.
He can already tell he’s going to regret it. He just hopes they won’t use his words to patch together some dramatic story line of pitching him against a person he’d love to debut side by side with.
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latida-poofta · 6 months
An Open Letter to Vampire Romance Authors
Dear Vampire Romance Writers,
I have something that I need to get off my chest. I am utterly baffled by the sheer quantity of unrepentant Confederate vampires (specifically unrepentant about the owing human beings as chattel slaves), that are the main love interest. The presence of Confederate vampires does not bother me. It is easy and familiar to set your urban fantasy in the US, and the Civil War is a significant milestone in the history of the US. The US is still grappling with the legacy left by the Civil War. However, do these slave-owning pieces of human garbage NEED to be the love interest? Personally, I find that they would make FAR more interesting villains, especially, if the heroine is a POC. Think of the conflict caused by a villain who doesn't even see the protagonist as a full human. Imagine the terrible things they would do and not feel and ounce of remorse. You could make them an allegory about institutionalized racism in American society. But no, we have to have our Wonder-bread heroine kiss our Confederate vampire, because Jasper from Twilight was hot! I am not just here to bash on you vampire fantasies (not exclusively anyway). I would like to present a handful of alternative scenarios all from the 1800's. (I get it Victorians are sexy, or at least romantic.)
1. If the vampire love interest MUST be carrying a dark past, make him Victorian doctor. Worse (or better, if you like your dark past like you like your coffee (black)) make him doctor who "treats" (*cough* more like maltreats *cough*) the mentally ill. Bonus points if they are a doctor in the modern day. LOTS of angst!
2. Make the vampire love interest a former Union soldier. Was he a willing recruit? Was he conscripted? Did he ever care about the cause? All interesting things to explore with out him outright OWNING PEOPLE. 3. If the vampire love interest MUST be a Confederate garbage person, make him show remorse for his past deeds. Make it one of those secrets that pop up in the second half of the book that threatens to tear the couple apart. Make him actively use the butt-load of money that vampires ALWAYS have to help the people that they used to exploit.
These are just a handful alternatives. There is a more of a general theme that I believe needs to be explored more: shame.
As you lay down to sleep, does EVERY embarrassing thing you ever did as a kid come back to haunt you? Every dumb thing you said, every stupid thing you did to impress someone, haunting you and making wish to die of shame and embarrassment. Now imagine you have lived for a couple hundred years. Imagine all the stupid things people used to believe in then, compared to now.
"Here have some heroine for that nasty toothache!"
"Yep, you definitely have ghosts in your bones."
"That guy in New York DEFINITELY took a picture of a ghost."
Now imagine your doctor vampire love interest going to sleep, thinking to themselves: "I didn't know shit back then. I could have ACTUALLY HELPED PEOPLE. Instead I just got them addicted to heroine or just tortured them. I was just a nicely dress twit carrying a bottle of formaldehyde. Who in their right mind let me anywhere NEAR infirm? Ah, yes. Other nicely dressed twits with formaldehyde."
That is just the one for the doctor, I'll allow you think up other intrusive memories for your vampire love interest. I do apologize if this came off as mean. I say this because I love vampire fiction! I want it to be better than just ripping off Stephanie Myer or the TV version of the Vampire Diaries (THEY WERE ITALIAN!! Yes I WILL die mad about it!). One of my favorite vampires is Louis Point du' Lac, a slave-owner in the 1800's! The difference is that we see Louis grow after becoming a vampire seeing EVERYONE as potential blood sacks (we are still talking about blood-sucking creatures of the night, here), and that his racism was stupid and based on nothing but prejudice.
I hope that some of my suggestions were helpful or at least mildly interesting. Feel free to adapt or use them in your own works.
TL:DR: unrepentant Confederate vampires are lazy and writers need to add bedtime intrusive memories to vampire love interests.
Happy writing!
Someone Who Wrote This Instead of Sleeping.
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yandere-sins · 3 years
Hello! Can i request a yandere bully! Bakugou, locking a darling in the locker? I may leave You there for a while, and comfort you when the reader is begging you to
Continuation of this one here! Thanks for requesting ^-^
»»———————— ♡ ————————««
You couldn’t deny that the feeling wasn’t new.
Being roughly shoved into the barely big enough locker, you both felt scared and, at the same time, knew what to do. Braking your fall with your back, you kept your head forward so you wouldn’t hit it again, the mild concussion you had last time having been learn-experience enough. You had closed your eyes out of instinct when Bakugou gripped your shirt, but they snapped open immediately, trying to help you. However, Bakugou, too, had honed his skills, slamming the door close before you could squeeze your fingers in its way.
You’d rather have a broken finger than suffer this ordeal again if you were honest.
“No!” you screamed at the top of your lungs, knowing it was futile since no one else was around. Still, a part of you hoped that you might be able to intimidate Bakugou to think this over. “Shut. Up,” was his angry reply, his fist hammering into the locker door with every word. You had to fear he might actually break through the door by force, but it would have been in your favor.
It was so damn frustrating. You always thought you had done something to Bakugou, apologized over and over to him, so maybe he’d stop his bullying. But after finally talking to someone about it, you had decided that you wouldn’t engage with him anymore, and well... it just so happened you found comfort in the arms of the new student who finally treated you well as the only person ever since you came to UA. Everyone had always been too scared of Bakugou once he started targeting you. Of course, you couldn’t blame them either...
You and the new student started to hang out at any time, so you could avoid being targeted, and you spent some of the most wonderful hours by his side. The bullying did seem to stop now that a witness was always around, and you were so sure it was finally over, and you could move on. What could have caused Bakugou to explode the way he did? Not only did he punch your new boyfriend - and possibly broke his nose - no, he also carried you off without permission, bringing you to your most hated place on planet earth.
The annex had always been sparsely visited by students and teachers alike. There were just some clubrooms around, but since it was already late in the afternoon and a sunny day, most members were out in the fields or back in the dorms already. But strangely enough, even the weirdo Bakugou had a locker here; one big enough to fit a person in it.
“You can’t-- Ah, damnit, Bakugou! Stop locking me in this damn locker! It’s not funny anymore! What did I ever do to you?!”
Perhaps you were feeling especially feisty that day. You never had screamed at him like this, except if you were pleading for mercy. But ever since your boyfriend convinced you to see the guidance counselor, you had started to come out of your shell. Everything had been so good. Why was it coming back to bite you in the ass now?
Bakugou didn’t respond. No mocking comment, no snide remarks. Not even threats or insults belittling you, even as you started hammering your fists against the door. Out of experience, you knew someone would come. You were sure your boyfriend already contacted the teachers and people were searching for you, and latest when someone passed by, you could reach out and ask for help. But were you really going to fall back into old behavior and just sit it out? Wait for the time to pass and life to go on like before?
“... like you,” you suddenly heard from outside, a tiny voice compared to the usual boom and vibrato that Bakugou had. “What?!” you hissed, annoyed that once ‘his majesty’ decided to talk, he did it so you couldn’t understand. A long groan escaped him, furious and raging. “Just listen, you idiot! I said I like you!”
This time, the ‘What’ echoing in your head was left silent. Your mouth hung open as you stared at the blonde tuft of hair through the slits in the locker, Bakugou standing there with his back turned towards you. “... the fuck...” you finished your thought, accidentally saying it out loud and quickly realizing it, but it was already too late.
“What’s your problem,” Bakugou grumbled, annoyed, and part of you was glad not being able to see his face. You wouldn’t have known how to come to terms with him blushing or nervously fidgeting around like someone who just confessed usually would. “Just tell me what your fucking answer is.”
“No,” you replied instantly, without even a moment of hesitation. Perhaps it would have been a good idea to think it over before blurting it out but never. You could never imagine yourself at the side of your bully, the person who made your life a living hell. Someone who’d lock you in a locker to confess to you. What kind of joke was this?
“No?” he mumbled, suddenly turning around, you two staring eye to eye through the slits. “What do you mean ‘no’?!”
“Is this a joke?!” you barked back. “Tell me it’s a joke, ’cause there’s no way I could be together with you!”
Bakugou opened his mouth to say something, but instead, his eyes only grew redder, expression growing mad and furious, and you heard the unexpected crashing of fists against the metal, making you flinch back. The whole situation seemed so surreal, but it was very, very real. Standing up for yourself made you feel strong, but when uncomfortable silence befell you two, you started to overthink again.
“Bakugou...” you mumbled, placing your hand against the door. You were back to only seeing his hair, but you knew he was leaning forward, probably starring daggers into the ground. Maybe not everything was too late. Perhaps you could fix this, appeal to him one more time. “Just let me out, okay? You and I... that doesn’t work, but we can stop being children and scream at each other and just go our separate ways.”
You couldn’t think of a better way to talk to him. After all, you couldn’t understand what was going on inside of him at all. He had been bullying for god-knows-how-long, yet, he thought he liked you? Couldn’t he see the contradiction in his statement and actions? But this cruelty had to end at some point and now was as good as any. Going different ways would help him too, you were sure.
“Children?” he whispered, finally snapping upwards again to stare at you with a mocking expression. “Do you think my feelings aren’t real?”
Weirded out by his behavior, you only shook your head.
“I don’t think you know your position in this. There is no ‘no’ when I ask you if you like me.”
“It’s that guy, isn’t it? He��s in the way, right? He’s been stealing you from me, taking up all your time that you should spend with me, isn’t he?”
“Bakugou, please, we’re never spending time together--”
“He’s making you say no because you’re guilty, am I right? I can take care of that, you know?”
“Wait!” you interrupted his speech, sudden panic rising inside of you. You were well aware of Bakugou’s strength, but attacking your boyfriend wouldn’t make any of you happy! “If you go, I’ll scream! They’ll find me, and I’ll tell them what you’re doing! That’s criminal! Aren’t you studying to be a hero?!”
Your appeals were met with a cocky grin, his eyes shining as if you just challenged him. “Who says I can’t be a hero and still beat the shit out of that bastard?”
“Everyone! Everyone will know what they did! I will tell them!”
“Try it,” he hissed before pushing away from the locker. You threw yourself against it, but the door must have jammed when he kept bashing into it. Slapping your palm and hammering your fists didn’t help as you had to watch him walk away after looking at you in this typical, belittling way he used, always looking down on you. “You can have some time to think about your answer while I’m taking care of some business. Remember what day it is?” Bakugou yelled back over his shoulder, and you could hear the smug grin on his lips.
“What day...? Friday?” Your eyes widened suddenly as you realized that there were no clubs on the weekend due to the new regulations for safety, and you began to panic and scream Bakugou’s name after him. If you’d just have to spend the night, that would be manageable, but with the strange mood he was in, you couldn’t bring yourself to trust him to come let you out anytime soon. A whole weekend inside the locker would kill you for sure, and tears rolled down your cheeks as his footsteps slowly faded.
What a monster.
How could you ever like him back?
What more would you have to endure because of him?
But truth be told, what else could you do but tell him you liked him? You just wanted to get out of the hell that was this locker. Save yourself from the embarrassment and torture.
"I like you! Bakugou, I like you!" you screamed.
But the footsteps didn't come running back.
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tteokdoroki · 4 years
what he lost | k.bakugou.
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⇝ pairing: katsuki bakugou x fem!reader.
⇝ word count: 5.4K
⇝ rating: for everyone.
⇝ genre: pro hero!au, exes!au, angst.
⇝ summary: back then; he was young, dumb and a little too prideful, taking your love for granted. now, years down the line he wonders if he’ll ever stand a chance in getting you back or the one in which katsuki bakugou grew up a little too late.
⇝ warning(s): please read ! heavy angst, no happy ending, mentions of toxic relationships, emotional distress, mentions of violence ( explosions, fight scenes, knives, blood ) and cursing all around.
⇝ author’s note(s): greetings everyone!! i hope you’re all doing well, today’s one-shot is a request from @killakatsuki​​, i know you wanted a happy ending but i got a little ahead of myself eee !! anyways thank you all for 400+ followers, i love you all :(
⇝ masterlist | requests
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“katsuki bakugou if you leave me right now, please... please don’t come back.”
bakugou had always hated that, he thought, casting his gaze elsewhere in the room. he always hated how you cried when you were angry, red hot tears stinging a pathway down the apples of your usually glowing cheeks.
he couldn’t quite place the reasoning as to why. maybe it was because you rarely ever found yourself angry or perhaps it was how pathetic you looked when your bottom lip wobbled and your harsh words were laced with watery sobs.
or maybe it was because he didn’t want to feel sorry for you, didn’t want to comfort you when he was too prideful to admit that you were right. “whatever, don’t tell me what the fuck to do.” he spits, eyes and voice full of a venom he barely ever uses against you. he watches with a scarlet gaze as you falter, as if a knife has dug deep into your heart and cut you all up but bakugou only scoffs and continues to pack his side kick costume into the duffle bag he’s got on your shared bed.
every fibre of his being is tell him to reach out for you and apologise, he knows that he’s wrong. keeping his late night shifts from you, working extra hours— of course you were going to worry but he needed you to understand that being a hero was his dream above all else. the last thing he needed was a distraction like you.
something in you changed that night, both of you. as the rain hit hard on the roof of your shared apartment, even as you took his things and threw them out into the hall and even as you gave him one last chance on the doorstep. “you can leave now and not comeback or you can stay and we’ll talk this through—“ your eyes spoke to him in a silent plead, asking him if he would really give up the life that you’d built for lies and a better job?
but you knew the answer already.
“like i said,” katsuki rolled his eyes as knowing sobs wracked your body. “i never needed you anyways.”
you slammed the door before he could walk away and forget the tears in your eyes.
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six years later and katsuki is pissed.
he’d been irritable since this morning when his interns fucked up the paperwork at his agency— leaving him to clean it up and then when his assistant brought him the wrong coffee and forgot to notify him of the pro hero meeting he was currently attending right at this very minute.
of course heroes of all different calibers were present; including none other than the number two, shoto todoroki, who was in charge of directing this week’s patrol missions but something about that only grinds the explosive pro’s gears even more. although, he could see himself being even more pissed if the number one; deku had shown his face instead of being away on an overseas mission. the schedule for this week’s patrol sits heavily in bakugou’s hand and he almost wants to burn it to pieces just at the thought of working with his future partner.
‘yn ln.’
the sight of your name printed in block capitals next to his has the ash blonde reeling, glancing up to send a blazing scowl towards shoto. he feels set up, as if the half hot, half cold bastard is dangling you right in front of him— its not like todoroki doesn’t know the history that sits between bakugou and yourself, after all,  he had been the friend you’d ran off to during the fight that ended your five year relationship.
it’s like todoroki had a sixth sense because by the time he’d finish announcing the pair ups, he’d tiredly caught wind of katsuki’s heated stare. “bakugou—“
“i wanna fuckin’ switch, icyhot.”
“you can’t.”
bakugou stands from his seat next to kirishima ( who only looks apologetically at his colleagues ), annoyance rippling through his veins as he approaches the taller male. “why the fuck not?” he growls, small explosions sparking in the palms of his sweaty hands ( he was undeniably nervous because of the impending patrol ) the group of heroes simultaneously sigh— having been used to the explosive pro’s usual outbursts.
todoroki sighs, running his cooler hand over his face. “because the pairs have been matched up by quirk and strength, on top of that they were done in advance so if you really have a problem with it then i suggest you take it up with the number one—“ the dual quirked hero falls silent, a triumphant smirk appearing on his lips as red riot pulls his friend away before it’s too late.
“dude, you can’t just go blowing people up!” the red head scolds beneath bakugou’s sailor mouth, wrestling him over to the couch.
katsuki feels defeated, there’s no way to get out of this situation. he’s done his best these last few years to avoid you like the plague. it was somewhat easy, considering you were lower in the ranks compared to him, so there wasn’t much time to interact anyway. but katsuki hated the fact that he had always thought you would fall below him.
nonetheless; he took to switching event time tables around, rejecting hang outs with his old high school friends... all to avoid you, and now that he had to see you face to face, he wasn’t sure how to react. would you still hate him? how did you feel about working with him?
there’s not much time to dwell on the thought for kirishima is already patting his back and guiding him out of the meeting as it ends, the promise of drinks at an ‘heroes only bar’ hanging in the air.
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“you’re so handsome, ground zero ! thank you for protecting japan !”
bakugou can feel the bile rising in the back of his throat at the words from the sickly sweet fan, so he gives a nonchalant grunt in response as he finishes up his signature on her notebook before continuing his march to your hero agency. it’s been a few days since the meeting between the pro heroes and all the number three wants is to make it to your agency without being fawned over by more obsessive fans.
he gives the fan a casual wave, ignoring the look of disappointment on her face— either she was expecting his number or for him to grow bashful under her flurry of compliments but katsuki was never one for fan service.
he hated fans that expected something from him, ones who wanted more than a casual chat with their favourite pro hero but he wouldn’t let them in. they didn’t want the intimate, vulnerable sides of katsuki bakugou like you had— maybe that made the ash blonde stuck on you.
yn ln was the only girl in his life who had tried to understand the many layers of the hot headed hero, you saw past his aggressive nature and touched the deepest parts of his soul…parts that you longed to love and keep safe.
you’d loved him for who he was below the surface, not for the money and fame he had come to amass as number three in the ranks.
behind scarlet eyes are the best moments of the hero’s life, each shared with you. katsuki had took for granted the seconds you had been with him, even from the very start— he didn’t care for the way that you held him after he’d been kidnapped, clinging onto him like he’d disappear or would never return to your arms, he should have cherished the tears of worry you shed for him too but katsuki was too prideful at the time.
too full of himself even with his raging nightmares that you had managed to soothe.  
you’d comforted him after he’d failed the licensing exams, promised him he’d still get to be the greatest hero of all time and still, bakugou had cared for none of this. now that he’d thought about it, he hadn’t been good to you, he didn’t know how you’d dealt with they way he undermined your quirk and doubted your ability to protect him when he should have been the one to protect you.
your love was wasted on him, and for that bakugou needed to apologise.
hands in his pockets, katsuki’s mind could have been said to be away with the fairies, haunted by the night he came home with a half hearted apology on his lips to an empty apartment and a note from you. something about staying with the icyhot bastard and not to contact you.
that is until he collided with the back of someone in the crowd. “hey!” he’s quick to growl out to the figure, a slight snarl to the words leaving his mouth. “watch where you’re going, shitty extra—“
“ah, katsuki! nice to see you haven’t changed,” your voice sends shivers down the blonde’s spine, bright red eyes focusing on you and only you. your smile is bright, dazzling under the hot japan sun and even if katsuki hadn’t changed, you certainly had— your pretty eyes he used to get lost in, he used to watch glimmer with tears now hold a different kind of light, they greyish hue that dulled you over your time with him had finally cleared.
you looked healthy, happier and bakugou realises how much your relationship must’ve wore you down.
he feels like he doesn’t deserve the grin that you give him; the one you would save just for him in the early mornings you’d spent together back when you were dating. maybe that makes his heart jumps out of his chest.
“y-yn— “
he hadn’t prepared himself for your sweet, airy giggle that fills the space between you. “ground zero getting shy on me now? don’t tell me you forgot about our shift today, did’ya?”
“n-no, ‘course not, dumbass.” fuck, katsuki’s heart thumps against his ribcage so loud that he’s afraid you might hear it with the little distance between you. since when did you make him nervous? despite the pet name, you still give him a laugh as a flicker of fondness twinges in your bright eyes.
it’s quickly replaced when you blink it away, beckoning ground zero into your hero offices. “nice to see that sailor’s mouth hasn’t changed either ,” you mumble more so to yourself than him. bakugou walks a few paces behind you while you explain to him that you have to finish assigning your sidekicks and interns a few low level missions before you can head off for the day.
the group of young heroes are excitable, seemingly loving the opportunity to work with you— their chatter is loud but it gives katsuki time to drink you in.
crimson eyes travel over your form while you talk— your hero costume has changed a lot since your U.A and sidekick days.
you’d interned under the number two at the time, hawks, thus leading you to have become one of his most trusted sidekicks. no doubt; his skill level had not only  improved your abilities, how you controlled your quirk but your costume as well.
your quirk was known as lullaby, if you could sing a tune in the right pitch to certain groups of people, it allowed you control over the abilities and to put them to sleep. this obviously however meant you were poor at short distance attacks— something bakugou always teased you for, so he was excited to see how you’d improved.
your suit had a visor that allowed you to amplify your quirk, while patterns of the night sky dressed your body— paying homage to your hero name ‘nightsky’.
katsuki felt bad to imprinting the image of your skin tight, midnight blue suit into his mind but back when he had known you like you were his, your costume hadn’t been nearly as advanced as this.
snapping fingers pull him from his thoughts before they can get too hazy.
“eyes are up here, explosion boy.”
katsuki’s gaze snaps up to meet yours, an angry red to rival his gemstone eyes spreading like wildfire across his cheeks. “i wasn’t staring.” he tries his best to defend himself, but your knowing look tells him that you’ve caught him red handed.
“of course you weren’t, sidekicks left about ten minutes ago so we can head out  now—unless you want to keep glaring daggers at my boobs, katsu.” you’re teasing him, voice dripping like honey off of a spoon as you waltz back out onto the streets of japan and leave a bewildered ground zero behind you.
you’ve changed so much since your relationship ended with bakugou, you’re stronger, a vixen and more confident in yourself.
and he hates knowing that he’s the one that kept you down all this time.
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patrol remains uneventful even as the afternoon goes on and the stress of japan begin to fill with citizens for the oncoming rush hour.
the lack of action has lead your conversation to die within the wind and leaves katsuki alone with his thoughts for the time being— you only really speak when you catch the blonde staring you down or when he accidentally walks into something ( highly unusual for him ) but he enjoys the seconds where your teasing voice tickles the tips of his ears and you smile so wide his own lips pull into somewhat of a grin.
bakugou doesn’t know why he’s so quiet, not when the storm in his mind brews all the words he should have said to you years ago. the apologies, the grateful thanks that you deserved; none of these could fall from his tongue.
he liked to say he never had the opportunity, which was partly true you were both up and coming herores yes, but you had damn well made sure you’d never have to encounter bakugou unless the situation required it. and it seemed, that years down the line, he was still doing the same.
the thought alone cause nerves to choke him from the inside out, building up in his throat until all he can do is grunt in frustration—  kicking an empty can along the road you’re currently walking down.
“that’s unlike you,” your chuckle cuts through the thick fog of katsuki’s mind, drawing deep red eyes towards your frame. you walk in front of him now, arms folded behind your head while you step backwards— the sight almost comical to anyone passing by. bakugou must look just as shocked because some how he manages to pull the cutest snort from you, even as his face morphs into a snarl and he marches forward to fall into pace with your steps. your eyes dazzle with your next words. “the great katsuki bakugou, quiet? never thought i’d see the day.”
you’ve always been able to read him like an open book, seeing right through the front he puts on. “i haven’t changed.” he grunts through his teeth.
katsuki stops walking when you do, now standing a breaths width away from you. electricity jumps between you both, static forming in the finger tips that just barely brush against bakugou’s arm.
your eyes spell it out for him, clear as day, as you finally reach out to touch him. His own close at the brief gesture, the pain from having lost you blooming across his chest.
“you did.” you breathe out,  the warmth of your soft voice making katsuki’s eyes screw shut.
he could never get a lie past you.
“we both did.”
vermillion eyes open, trying to seek you out in the light of the day as bakugou wills and prays that he can say what he needs to right now, to get you back but he doesn’t have the chance as an explosion cuts through the building on your left.
bakugou manages to wrap his arms around you, shielding you from the blast before you hit the ground. the impulse sends you  both rolling down the street, small grunts escaping you until you roll to a halt and end up on top of katsuki— straddling him.
dust and debris surrounds the pair of you, creating a thick smog in the air as sirens and screams sound off in the distance. the explosive hero groans in pain— no doubt with a litter of bruises forming under his suit but he has no time to register the sting properly before he’s noticing you on top of him, smirk on your face, devilish glint to your eye.
you’ve been waiting for some action all day.
you’re gone in the blink of an eye, so you must have a plan. katsuki remembers from high school that you made up for strategy where you once lacked in strength, so it’s no surprise to him that you’re already on the move. meanwhile; you manage to slide undetected through the smoke, moving fast to take out the low level criminals.
it’s only a robbery, but the explosion could have caused more casualties than you would have liked. you trust that bakugou can take care of the civilians and bring them out of harms way as you do your best o sus out the ringleader.
the grey tinted fog that sweeps over the area allows you both to work quickly; neither of you need to say anything, for one it would give away your position and secondly— there’s an underlying trust in one another that the two of you had built up when you worked together while dating.
bakugou, through his end, tackles down the small group of criminals after clearing the area and making sure no one was hurt. emergency services had been alerted and were already on their way, all there was now, was to predict your next movements and follow your lead. he’d never liked being bossed about, but the look in your eye made him believe you knew what you were doing.
you were right, you’d both changed. you might as well have been a better hero than him.
the ash blonde follows the trail of unconscious wannabe villains to your whereabouts, he only knows that they’re unconscious because of your ability to put people to sleep with your quirk— all you had to do was get close to them, which wouldn’t have been hard as katsuki knew first hand that these guys’ quirks weren’t shit.
“it’s almost funny, how you thought you could pull a stunt like this on a day when all of japan’s biggest heroes are in one place,” bakugou’s ears pick up on you teasing the criminal leader with that smooth chocolate voice and he follows it deeper into the air that’s heavy with debris— glad you were able to find him before the smoke cleared. “even with the number one out of town, tsk, you should have known better…”
the hot headed pro spots you, holding the hooded ringleader in a choke hold with only your thighs as you sit on his shoulders— eyes wide with victory.
he recognises the dip in your voice as you adjust your tone to put the guy to sleep and call it a day. you’re powerful, a great pro and bakugou watches with awe while you get ready to take this guy down once and for all.
“so cocky, nightsky— why do you think we chose attack the street you were on?” the guy spits through clenched teeth, resisting the urge to succumb to your lullaby of a voice.
brows furrowing, you decide not to dwell on the criminal’s words before leaning down to whisper. “sleep...” but katsuki’s body comes alive with fear as the villain wannabe jams a blade into your thigh, causing your grip on him to loosen enough for him to throw you to the floor and put a boot to your throat. “oh miss nightsky, you really rely too much on your quirk and not enough on your senses. hmm, i think it’s time we say goodnight, don’t you?” the guy chuckles while you squirm under his foot— the need for air burning sharply at your lungs.
bakugou, who’s remained hidden this entire time feels himself snap— a heavy explosion loading up behind his gauntlets while he launches himself right into the scene. he won’t let you struggle for your life, not on his watch. “GET YOUR FILTHY FUCKIN’ HANDS OFF OF HER!”
he reaches the criminal just before your eyes roll back into your head, an explosive right hook colliding with their cheek and sending them flying down the street.
the ash blonde reaches down to pull you up into his chest, that very same one heaving with laboured breaths; you’re shaking but it’s nothing you can’t handle even with the red lines at your throat.
“you good?”
“better, thanks to you.”
there’s a look that you wear right now, one that katsuki recognises from years of training and running into fights with you— you want to do the move. he nods at you, vermillion eyes lighting up with a bright fire while you grip onto ground zero’s wrists.
just as the villain stands, you kick your feet off the ground and in the meantime bakugou begins to twirl you in circular motions until you’ve built up enough momentum for him to throw you towards the criminal.
you collide with his back foot first, knocking him to the ground as your eyes glow a bright white. “i said, go the fuck to sleep.”
the criminal drops to sleep and you roll to the ground after taking him out. you smile to yourself at the familiar wail of sirens in the background but don’t bother to make an effort to stand up, letting the exhaustion, pain from the wound in your thigh and bruises at your neck finally flood your body.
sitting beside you, bakugou smirks and holds a fist out to you. “still got it,” he gestures between the pair of you, the same signature move you’ve been doing since high school having worked successfully once again.
“still got it.” you look up to the now clear sky, fist bumping bakugou right back.
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he’s going to do it, he thinks, he’s going to apologise.
after everything you and bakugou had been through, something in his chest was relieved to know that you didn’t hate him, something in him is lead to believe that you’re going to give him another chance.
katsuki watches you now, an attendant from the paramedics that you called working on patching up the gash in your thigh while you rub a salve into your neck.
despite the pain you must be in; you’re still glowing, still smiling even when fans ask you for autographs or tell you how brave you were during the fight. you’re so genuine, such a ray of sunshine in the world and bakugou can feel himself falling for you all over again.
“Is that all mr. ground zero, sir?” an officer asks, taking down notes for the report about the incident. the hero nods, waving the kid off after giving them all of the details from today. they thank him and he finds himself marching over to you almost immediately, now that you’re all bandaged up.
“walking already, ln? are you sure it doesn’t hurt?”
you beam up at the ash blonde, hopping out of the back of the ambulance and rubbing at the tear in your hero costume where the cut is. “it’s good, stings a little but i’ve seen worse on you,” you comment to him, beginning your stride back to your agency.
“and who’s fault is that, dumbass?” a genuine laughter bubbles in bakugou’s throat, albeit raspy, its not a foreign sound to your ears and it makes you laugh along with him.
he knows you’re referencing the many times you’d kicked hiss ass when sparring from high school to your side kick days. back then you‘d have traced every scar that littered his pretty body and told him how much you loved him.
katsuki aids you while you head back to the nightsky agency, you insist that you don’t need help to walk but you’re limping and the explosive pro hero is stubborn as hell— he’s not about to let you get hurt again, even if its physically and not mentally like he had done to you before.
with the lighter mood, memories flitter between you both— you mention how katsuki used to love his food so spicy you would cry and he brings up the time you had given him and kirishima a bout of food poisoning when you’d come up with an alternative to the latter’s cooking. the stories don’t seem to end even as you lean into him more; trusting him again.
“about what i said earlier…” you begin after finally coming to a halt outside your agency building, a scarlet gaze full of fondness lands on you. you turn to face him with the softest of smiles, half chewing on your bottom lip— something he knew you did when you were nervous. “you’re different, to how…how you were back then and it’s good, katsuki you’re so good…”
there’s a breath of silence, only filled by the quiet hum of city traffic where people are travelling to and from home. “i’m glad i had time to become good,” bakugou offers, forgoing the words ‘for you’ and pausing instead. “i regret who i was back then, with you… thought it made you hate me and that you wouldn’t fuckin’ work with me today.”
you shake your head, breaking contact with bakugou to paw at the stupid tears preparing to make their way down your cheeks. “i-i did hate you for a while, after everything…but we were young and dumb and—“ you freeze as the ash blonde wipes a stray tear from your cheek, you not having realised that it’d escaped. “and i’m so thankful to have met you, to have shared a love with you, you taught me so much and that i could never hate you for.”
“yn...i—“ i love you. i’m sorry. i should have loved you better. the words are there, the ones that katsuki always told himself he would say to you if he had the chance but he finds himself frozen and unable to speak. why? why now? when the perfect chance sat right in front of him, the perfect time for him to make it up to you.
to start over.
“yes, katsuki?”
to get you back.
“yn i’m sorry—“
“—guess who?”
a sing song voice full of positivity bursts through the moment while a pair of hands clasp their way over your pretty eyes and hide them away from the world.
bakugou instantly recognises the voice as belonging to none other than his childhood rival and number one pro hero, deku. he seems to have changed— grown taller, green hair shaved at the sides for an undercut.
the ash blonde isn’t very sure what else has changed, but then again they hadn’t seen much of each other as sidekicks, working under different agencies with different missions.
it was only as they started competing for the top ranks that they started to run the same circles— but bakugou had no idea how you would’ve come to know deku since the blonde hated him and you were dating each other for most of that time.
katsuki is just about to tell the green haired idiot to ‘fuck the fuck off’ for ruining his moment when you do the unexpected.
you clasp your hands over midoriya’s, cheeky smile gracing your lips as you attempt to pull them away from your face. “let me think, could it be? izuku midoriya?” relenting to your cheery voice— deku pulls away from you, hands falling to grip your waist sweetly. possesively. horror flashes behind bakugou’s raging red eyes. you turn in his rival’s strong arms, smiling so hard that it delves deep into the apples of your cheeks. “izu ! when did you get back? i thought you wouldn’t make it in time for today…”
“flew in this morning doll, i wanted to surprise you—“ the number one beams down at you and bakugou’s world crumbles when you cut him off while pressing a chaste kiss to deku’s lips right in front of his eyes.
this couldn’t be happening...since when were you and the damn nerd a thing? why didn’t he realise? why didn’t he grow up and try and get you back sooner?
he has no choice but to sit and stare, a dark cloud now sitting over his shattered heart.
all the while, you’re giggling into deku’s lips, fumbling over his hands that pinch at your sides just to get you to gasp enough for him to kiss you more.  the painful ( well, only for the explosive pro ) lip lock ends when you both come up for air and your eyes land on your ex boyfriend.
“ah, katsuki ! you remember deku right? wait that’s a dumb question you were literally childhood friends—“ you start to ramble, mind getting away from you and katsuki barely registers anything that leaves your lips. his crimson eyes lock with the emerald ones that stare right back at him and hurt swells in his chest.
to deku, he must look like a kicked puppy. a weakling. a loser.
all the things he had labelled izuku midoriya when they were kids.
when bakugou tunes back into your excited rambling, his heart cracks even more in his chest. “this green giant flew all the way in from overseas to come home for wedding planning ! can you believe it?”  the answer to your question is an obvious no.
he had no idea that you had been seeing the number one, let alone being engaged to him. the hot headed hero freezes in his spot when you reach down the chest of your hero costume to pull out a silver necklace.
on the end of it, an engagement ring with a tiny emerald in it’s centre.
katsuki bakugou feels sick, bile rising up in his throat. he’d really lost you. really. “...pretty thing that is, congratulations.” he mentions blankly, eyes trained on midoriya once again. you don’t notice, but deku does and bakugou hates the sympathetic, apologetic look that the fucking nerd gives him.
“mhm ! izu put it on a necklace for me because, well you know, i’m clumsy and didn’t want to lose the thing,”
you’re so clueless that it hurts, burning katsuki from the inside out. that should be him. it should be his arms around you, his lips on yours, his engagement ring on that fucking necklace. not deku’s, not anyone’s. the green headed hero beside you seems to notice the distress ebbing away at your ex and tilts your head up to look at him. “doll, why don’t you head inside and change into something more comfy real quick? we’ve got cake tasting in an hour…”
the tail end of deku’s words are drowned out by your happily animated squeal and with a quick nod you press a kiss to his freckled cheek and bounce inside— missing the way bakugou winces at your display of affection.
it’s quiet despite the bustling sounds of the city but neither if them know what to say, even as the minutes pass.
bakugou knows that you’d be better off with deku, he would treat you right and give you the love that you deserved all along. but that didn’t make it any less painful.
“kacchan, look...“ the number one says eventually, green eyes swirling with guilt. “i’m sorry—“
the blonde shakes his head, spitting his words out through gritted teeth. “don’t...just,” fuck, it hurts to breathe. “just…take care of her for me, you got that deku?”
“yeah, of course…”
the pair of childhood rivals don’t have much time to speak after that, for you’re already bounding out of your agency wearing a comfortable mint green summer dress and pair of red sneakers to rival deku’s, despite the thick bandage to your thigh.
“ready to go?” you ask your fiancé, face as warm and as bright as it had once been when you used to look at bakugou. izuku nods, delight dancing in his eyes despite the nervous chew to his bottom lip, before letting you turn to your ex lover. “great ! well, see you around kasuki, don’t be a stranger ! we’ve got to catch up again sometime, alright?”
you link arms with izuku midoriya, your fiancé, after that—walking away and  leaving ground zero in the dust.
he doesn’t know how long he stands there for, heart in his hands even while he comes to the realisation that you hadn’t gone to todoroki that night when you’d left. no, you’d only told him that so it hurt a little less when he found out midoriya had been the one to look after you. you’d lied because you’d loved him.
you lie because you love him.
and it was only now that katsuki bakugou had realised what he’d lost.
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miraculermarinette · 3 years
It is so funny to see ML stans saying that the majority of the ml fandom isn’t sexist and racist and that salters are just overexaggerating things. It becomes even funnier when Adrien stans say that Adrien salters are reverse sexist and reverse racist towards Adrien, acting as if misandry and reverse racism actually exist a lot in society.  All the examples given below can be compared to Marinette’s treatment in the show and fandom.
Do you know why ML and the ml fandom is considered sexist and racist? It’s because-
1. Males are worshipped by people while females are ignored. A male can do a small decent thing and keep getting praised for it while females can do thousands of acts of kindness and still not be appreciated. Isn’t this what’s happening in the ml fandom? People are still boasting about how Adrien picked up Master Fu’s stick while no one is talking about Marinette risking herself in front of a speeding car. Adrien did not sacrifice going to school by picking up Master Fu. Even if he didn’t, Nathalie can still go to the principal and get him out of class. Chat noir contributes the bare minimum in fights while Ladybug does all the work, but I don’t see many people praising LB for it, instead people are going on about and making gif sets of Chat noir doing stunts and fighting. The same applies to Luka and Kagami where Kagami is often bashed on while Luka is loved by more than half the fandom. Hmmm, wonder why the girls of color are underrated while the white boys are appreciated. (this isn’t Luka salt though. I love him)                                                                            
Conclusion: Male worship is very popular in the ml fandom and the girls are often hated by the fans.
2. The redemption arc of Alec/ Chloe and Marinette/Adrien. Chloe, a 14 year old female was not redeemed but Alec, an adult male was redeemed in the show, someone who tried to trash a 14 yr old on live tv and made fun of his dream job. Similarly, both our main leads, Marinette and Adrien have problems. Marinette is very obsessive while Adrien is very pushy. But, Adrien who is a male, got to learn from his mistakes and change his actions while Marinette, a female, is still stuck in obsession since season 1. The development that she had in the beginning of the show was also thrown away to serve the plot and bcoz the writers are not creative enough to think of new ways for akumatizations. On top of it, Marinette salters and ml stans are okay with this discrimination because it gives them a reason to salt on Marinette.       
Conclusion: Boys are allowed to grow and are redeemable but girls cannot change and are irredeemable. People are ok with shows being sexist as long as it gives them a reason to salt on them.
3. Fans not letting people discuss Marinette’s trauma because Adrien has suffered more. One thing I have seen happen everywhere is that Adrien stans always make a post about Marinette’s suffering about Adrien. They are not ok with people discussing anything besides Adrien and this comes off as pretty sexist. They don’t care about Marinette and her life. They just want to earn pity points for their male lead and do not want the female lead to get attention from the fans. 
Conclusion: People don’t care about a girl’s experiences and trauma. Everything has to be about the male and males only.
4. Distribution of mistakes, akumatizations and consequences. A common pattern in the show is that it is always the girls who make the majority of the mistakes, cause the majority of the akumatizations and face consequences for the male leads. Meanwhile, the male leads make minority of the mistakes and their mistakes don’t have any real impact on the story, so they are excused by both the fandom and the narrative without facing consequences. A prime example is Volpina and Copycat, where both Adrien and Marinette made a mistake but Marinette still has to suffer and hated by the fandom while Adrien’s actions weren’t even acknowledged. Marinette has to apologize for things she didn’t even do. She has to make a mistake every episode. Adrien gets everything he wants.
 Conclusion: Male leads are perfect and can’t make mistakes while females are the low life creatures who deserve to be punished. This is how the fandom and the show perceives them.
5. People wanting Marinette to be replaced by Luka and Adrien. Whenever someone brings up this argument, I can’t help but feel that they are incredibly sexist who cannot stand the female getting the spotlight. Adrien doesn’t deserve to be the main lead. He has to stay in his home all day long. What will we even see? Him practicing piano everyday? Marinette at least has a life. Do you really want to see Gabriel ranting to his wife’s corpse everyday and Nathalie simping for him to the point she ruins her health? Adrien doesn’t even contribut to the fights these days.  Now, I hate the idea of Luka replacing Marinette as the guardian. Why is Marinette not worthy of being the guardian? Is it because she is not perfect and a nice guy tm and gary stu like Adrien? Just because girls can be more emotionally vulnerable than boys doesn’t mean they don’t deserve important positions. No one is taking the role of guardian away from her unless she wants that to happen.                                                                                
Conclusion: People don’t want females having an important part in a story and want them replaced by boys specifically. I have not seen one person saying that Kagami should take the LB miraculous. It’s always the boys that deserve superpowers.
6. Females are expected to be the heart of the team. They are expected to bend to other’s wills and sacrifice their interests for others. They are supposed to be the supportive, kind and fragile creatures and should go along with whatever the males want while males can be and do whatever they feel like. They are free and will get no consequences and can never disappoint anyone. Stereotypes aren’t applied on males. They can display masculine as well as feminine qualities but women are not allowed to display masculine qualities like confidence and standing up for oneself. God, I hate this so much. And it’s actually true. Ladybug cannot be confident and independent without the fandom bashing her. Chat noir can be as harsh as he wants and can do anything. I guess in this world, only males have rights while females don’t. Remember when the fandom punished Ladybug for standing up for herself and demanding Chat noir to respect her personal space? 
Conclusion: Females cannot stand up for themselves in this fandom and show without being humilated.
7.  All the females are stereotypes of some kind and their entire character revolves around a male. Their character changes each episode to serve the plot while the boys are allowed to have consistent characters. Marinette’s entire character revolves around Adrien and we never see real friendship between her and her friends because they are always talk about each others’ love problems and love problems only. Kagami and Marinette’s character changes each episode to serve the plot and Adrien and the boys can have consistent characterization. Also, the boys are displayed as amazing, and sympathetically. Their feelings are validated by the narrative and are always the one in the right. The girls are portrayed as violent and embodiments of jealousy. Their feelings don’t matter more than the males. They are the ones in the wrong.
The girls (including two girls of color) are made to fight each other over a white boy and even try to ruin the other’s life. The boys don’t fight over a girl and can still be friends peacefully. 
Conclusion: Girls have to be crazy over a boy and fight each other while boys can focus on other things and aspects of their characters that don’t revolve around their love interests.
And all of this is shown in a girl power show. Wow. Just wow.
These are all the examples I can think of right now. Feel free to add more points.
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malarki · 3 years
Harry Potter FanFiction I greatly enjoy (it’s just tomarry and sevitus)
Fair warning, I’m not good at describing stuff, and most of these are not complete (yet) but if you have similar tastes as I do then you’ll definitely like these stories.
Meddling of a Mischief Maker - by Athy
I enjoy this fic because it shows a more human Voldemort with him still being an asshole as per usual. They do a good job of having Voldemort believably change into a not crazy murderous bastard haha. It also has Sirius interacting with Voldemort and for some reason I find those scenes hilarious in any fic I read.
“Harry's being a horcrux is a bit reworked here in this AU Story set during the summer after 5th year. A Mischief Maker intervenes in the Ministry during Voldemort and Dumbledore's duel, changing the course history. MorallyGrey!Dumbledore, Sirius, Restored Souls, HP/TR”
Draw Me After You (Let Us Run) - by ToAStranger @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger
This story is a delight, it’s tone is very good and they do a great job of writing in the characters ‘voices’ for their pov’s. I especially like the posh way Voldemort talks and acts. This story is also hilarious on top of just being a very good slowburn, AND it has Sirius, which as you might have guessed, I love dearly. They also don’t bash any of the characters, and instead make them well rounded but flawed individuals, which I really appreciate.
“Harry Potter,” comes the soft, sibilant hiss of a voice he has heard in his dreams, in his nightmares, in his waking hours for years.
Slowly, carefully, Harry twists over and pushes up onto his hands and knees. He stays there, short breath fogging in front of his face, and his pursuer lets him. Harry has no doubt of that; he’s being allowed this respite. This small moment to catch his bearings, heart pounding in his ears, blood singing.
“It seems I have finally caught you.”
Consuming Shadows - by Child_OTKW @childotkw
I’ve read two of childOTKW’s fics and both of them are fantastically written and attention grabbing stories. This one was the first one I read, and it has a very interesting take on lily Potter (one which I really enjoy) and the plot can leave you on the edge of your seat at times. The characterization is great, and the process of Harry and Tom getting to know each other is done very well.
“His attention skipped passed the students and moved to the politicians’ pavilion. His gaze locked with crimson, and he nearly faltered under the sheer hunger in those eyes.
It unnerved him how fixated the man was on his dirtied, exhausted figure.
But what troubled him more was the slight smirk he could make out on the man’s lips. It was almost pleased.
On the night of the attack, Lily managed to escape with her infant son, but at the cost of her husband’s life. Distraught and distrusting of her friends, she fled to France with Harry, to raise him away from the corruption in Britain and the rising influence of the Dark Lord. She trains him to the best of her abilities, shaping him into a dangerous, intelligent and powerful wizard.
But when Britain re-establishes the Triwizard Tournament, and Harry is forced to return to his once-home, he finds himself questioning whether he really wants to kill the Dark Lord. Voldemort finds an unexpected challenge in the child, and as his intrigue and amusement grows, so too does the desire to possess the spark in those defiant green eyes.”
A story that is kind of similar but not really: The Train to Nowhere
You Belong To Me (I Belong To You) - by child_OTKW
This is a story inspired by the manwha ‘At The End Of The Road’ by Haribo. A comic I read before reading this, which is very good I recommend it. They do not take the exact plot from the comic though, obviously changing significant details for it to work properly as a Tomarry Fic, but one main thing stays the same, which is that this is a body swap. Honestly I really enjoy childOTKW’s works, and this is no exception. The characterization is wonderful as always, and Harry is Fantastic. Plus I’ve always been a fan of time travel fics. (Fair warning this is another slow burn and Harry centric)
“What I find absolutely fascinating,” Riddle said, stalking closer, “is you.” He marched forward, backing Harry up until he was pinned to the cool wall of the common room. “Do you know why?”
“No. And I’ll be honest here, Riddle, I don’t particularly care.”
The taller boy grinned at him, small yet infinitely pleased. “That. Right there.” One hand rose and brushed some of Harry’s fringe from his face. “Nathan Ciro was a spineless little boy too afraid of his own shadow to dare even glance in my direction. But you…”
He leaned closer, “You look at me like you want to stab me.”
“After an accident, Auror Harry Potter wakes up in the body of fourteen year old Nathan Ciro, a tormented Slytherin who recently tried to end his own life. Seeking answers to his strange predicament, Harry returns to Hogwarts, and causes quite the stir through staff and students - especially when they come to realise he is not the same boy as before.
He tries to avoid suspicion, but as his quest for the truth draws more and more attention to him, Harry begins to think that he might not like what he will discover.”
Some Bonus AU tomarry
A Thousand Paths Among The Stars - by Haplessshippo @haplesshippo
This is a star trek au and it’s honestly my favorite tomarry au fic. Granted, I am a huge sci-fi fan. There’s also a bit of a twist at the end, or at least it surprised me, due to the way we usually expect tomarry plots to go.
“Harry Potter, newly appointed Captain of the Marauder and son of the famous Captain James Potter, was falling apart at the seams. His crew didn’t respect him, he was lost in the empty expanse of space, nightmares plagued his sleep, and his Commander deserved the Captain position more than he did. Good thing multiple attempts on his life and a vicious warlord after his head was all it took to turn it all around.
Alternatively, that space fic in which Harry Potter almost dies too many times, Tom Riddle slowly becomes the most smitten fool on the ship, and the rest of the crew are all just a bunch of assholes with popcorn watching the show. And exploding ships, don't forget the exploding ships.”
The Matchmaker - by TanninTele
I am ALSO a huge true crime fan, and this story has a criminal that kinda reminds me of one that might appear in Hannibal (but with less murder). I enjoy the characterization, though tom is pretty tame in this compared to more cannon fics, considering he’s not the criminal and instead an investigator. Harry is also different from how people usually portray him, but I still like it.
“'The Matchmaker' is a serial abductor whose modus operandi consists of pairing two same-sex individuals together in a coffin, six feet underground - buried alive. He isn't a killer. He's a kidnapper with morals, and Detective Chief Inspector Tom Riddle finds himself obsessed with solving the case.
Unfortunately for Tom, the Matchmaker is just as intent on knowing him.”
And on to the Sevitus Stories
Far Beyond A Promise Kept - by oliversnape
A classic, Harry stays with snape and unintentionally proves all his assumptions wrong and makes snape care about him. Both the stories have this aspect, but this one has snape a bit nicer from the get go. Probably because it takes place during the third book, so they’ve only known each other two years. It’s quite wholesome though, and I rather enjoy the progression of their relationship.
“Snape never wanted anyone to know of his promise to Dumbledore, but has realised that he can protect Potter much better by taking a less passive role in the boy's training. Actually liking Harry Potter has never been part of his plan. mentor/guardian.”
Crime And Punishment - by melolcatsi
Snape and Harry have way more of a rocky start in this one, and Snape having to pick Harry up from the police station Really Doesn’t Help Snape’s opinion of him. This story very realistically shows the progression of their relationship, going from enemies to family, and near the ‘end’ (it’s not finished) it becomes very wholesome with Snape trying to help Harry with his mental and physical health after years of abuse/ neglect.
“Harry is accused of burglary. The Dursleys leave him to rot. Dumbledore sends Snape to remedy the situation. Harry finds himself in the care of an irate Snape. Not slash, gen-fic w/ focus on Sevitus relationship. Angst galore. Warnings: coarse and suggestive language, mentions of abuse/neglect. Un-betaed and un-Britpicked.”
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hypfic · 3 years
Headcanons for ichiro and samatoki seeing their s/o wearing their clothes and taking pics to send it to their friends
🧃 shut up this is literally one of, if not my FAVOURITE, thing to hc with characters!!! Especially Ichiro (personal bias 🥰)
Ichiro [山田一郎]
Ichiro absolutely adores seeing you wear his clothes, especially his jackets
The first time you’d worn one of his, it was due to a sudden rain storm. You weren’t even dating yet, he was just being a gentleman
After that though, he knew that he truly had feelings for you
So, every time Ichiro catches you wearing one of his t-shirts or snuggling yourself into his jacket, he thinks about that rainy day and it makes his heart swell
He’s also the type to get bashful and blush when you wear his clothes. It reminds him of how much smaller you are compared to his tall frame and it makes him giddy
Ichiro is very much a couples picture person, despite your possible objections. You’d think something was wrong if he didn’t ask to take a picture of or with you
His favourite thing to do when you’re wearing his clothes though? Is sneaking pictures when you’re sleeping. He was afraid it’d come off as creepy at first, but after some reassurance a whole photo album grows
He also likes having you spin around and model his clothes, even if it’s just one of his old t-shirts
Wearing Ichiro’s clothes reassures him that you’re his :> he usually captions his photos sent to his friends with “mine ♡”
Samatoki [ 碧棺 左馬刻 ]
Samatoki’s wardrobe is mostly composed of button ups of every length, size and colour. It’s not a difficult task to sneak into his closet and find one to throw on over a tank top in the summer
He finds it really cute when you wear his stuff. He can be a bit of the possessive type and wants to protect you from any wandering eyes; what better way than flaunting his clothes!
You once mentioned how you liked being able to smell his cologne when wearing his shirts, so now he always makes sure to spray them every time they come out of the wash
His favourite time to see you in his shirts is early in the morning when you’re wearing little underneath. Samatoki takes pictures of you like this, but doesn’t send those around
Samatoki didn’t start posting or sending photos of you in his clothes until he saw a rival ichiro do something similar. After that, he made sure to occasionally plan dates and outfits to match
He always warns you when he’s taking a photo, to which you without fail, manage to strike a pose that makes him chuckle
The first time he sent a picture of you in his clothes to a friend was on accident. He’d meant to send a picture of a possible target to Jyuto, but sent a picture of you in nothing but one of his shirts instead… whoops!
Prior to that incident, Samatoki saw it as an opportunity to flaunt you to his teammates, commenting on how cute you looked today, or how the colours of clothing complimented eachother
He’ll never admit it, but Samatoki has a secret album on his phone full of sneaky photos of you in his shirts that he’s sent to friends, often accompanied by flustered paragraphs of adoration and endearment
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byulsgrease · 3 years
now you gotta do a continuation of that wheein smut please, where she returns the favor but does a bit more teasing/torture compared to wheein
I gotta? ok, if you insist :D
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what are you thinking about now?
(wheein x fem reader, ~1.7k words)
cw: smut (minors dni)
a/n: hhhh how did this end up 500 words longer than the first part coughijustwanttocallherbabygirl
"Just another thing to think about when you're on my mind again."
Who said "again" meant 4am? You considered yourself a morning person, but not this early. She apparently had other ideas in mind when she roused you from sleep with her soft whining and incessantly pressing herself up against your side.
"What?" you murmured sleepily, head rolling to the side to face her. She had that pleading look all over her face, eyes wide with a jutting lower lip, a bit like a begging puppy.
"I'm thinking about you again," her eyes avert your gaze, almost embarrassed to admit, "...thinking about you returning the favor."
"At"—your head raises just above the pillow to peer at the alarm clock behind her on the nightstand— "4am? Didn't we just?"
"I thought I could wait it out, but..." she swung a leg over yours and your eyes widened a little more once her panties grazed your bare leg - soaked. She laid a kiss behind your ear with a soft "please", in that begging tone that always made you melt. You figured the few hours of sleep in you was energy enough. But it was her fault that she couldn’t wait for this, so you planned to make her wait a little longer.
“You might regret waking me up,” tone growing serious now that you were more awake. She shook her head, eyes still wide and full of need. “Yeah… we’ll see about that.”
You hoisted her on top of you and put your hand on the curve of her spine, sliding under her shirt to draw tiny circles on her skin with your fingers. She tried to urgently kiss you, but you refused to match her pace. Instead you kissed her ever-so-slowly, teeth barely grazing her lower lip. Her hands tangled into your hair with a complaining tug, face scrunched up just in front of your lips when you came up for air.
“Can’t you just kiss me?” she huffed frustratingly, the heat of her breath blowing into your face. She’s fronting, but you know she’s in your favorite state - wrapped around your finger.
“What were we just doing, then?” you countered with a cocky smirk which prompted a watery-eyed pout on her face. “I’m kidding, c’mere.” You bunch the front of her shirt in your fist and pull her down to kiss her, for real this time. The pace starts off slow, then ramps up quickly - cursory passes of her tongue on yours and eager lip bites have gotten you equally riled up, but she doesn’t need to know that.
Nothing but your t-shirts and underwear separating your bodies, her nipples poking through her shirt brush over your chest, so you moved a hand up to flick your thumb over one. Her body tensed at the contact but you're encouraged by the sound she made through the kiss - a throaty moan cut short, presumably because she didn’t want to let on as to how desperate she was for so much more.
But they started flowing much more freely once both of your hands came to her chest, gently pinching and circling her nipples, still over the shirt. Despite her growing need for skin-on-skin, she relished the extra friction from the fabric, responding with gentle tugs on your hair and her nails grazing the sides of your neck, a continuous nearly-inaudible whine from deep in her throat.
Throughout all this, she kept trying to hump your legs. Despite wanting nothing more than to witness her unravel into an absolute mess for you, you stopped her. After all, she could have taken care of this herself.
“What, am I just a pair of legs to you?” you quietly joked in the face of her desperation.
“Of course not,” she breathily sighed as she tried to drag herself across your thighs again.
She reached behind her to press a finger to your underwear, and without skipping a beat you grasped her slender wrist and darkly warned, “I don’t think so. This is about you, not me. I can take care of myself just fine, thank you,” your last words teasingly confident, despite not being entirely opposed to her touch.
You moved to gently suck at the crook of her neck while slowly sliding the hem of her tshirt up her body to get it off. Barely trailing your nails up her sides while doing so, you felt her shiver at the contact. Soft nips from your teeth produced even softer hums against your mouth as she pushed her long hair out of the way for you. The suggestion of sunrise now peering through the edges of the window made it very clear: she’d need concealer tomorrow— or today, rather.
Your attention returned to her nipples again, except with your mouth this time. Her hands slipped under your shirt and found yours in the meantime, thumbs tracing the tiniest circles that made your stomach tighten. The thought of stopping her flashes through your mind but you let her continue, your own throaty moans vibrating against her chest while your tongue flicked over her hardened peaks.
Not wanting to let yourself get too carried away from her touch, your fingers encircled her wrists to pull them out from under your shirt, whispering a reminder that this was all about her.
Slipping her underwear down her legs, you flung them to the side in a soggy mass, her desperation absolutely apparent in the way her core glistened in front of you. She sighed with relief as you finally moved your head between her legs, thinking she’d finally get some much-needed stimulation. The relief turned into a high pitched whine of disappointment again when you only kissed and nipped at her inner thighs, your mouth so close and yet so far from where she needed it most. A singular finger traced around her outer folds where wetness had long begun to leak out, making her watch said finger enter your mouth, taking your sweet time indirectly tasting her. The pout on her face looked understandably resigned - what else could she do?
"Oh, did you want me to do something?" you sneered. With your head propped up on one hand, you took the other and slid one finger into her with absolutely no resistance. Honestly with how wet she was, there was no way one finger did much of anything. She white-knuckled the sheets and lifted her hips anyway, trying fruitlessly to thrust herself on your finger to feel something, anything.
You slipped your finger out, moving yourself above her to trace it along her jawline, leaving a slick trail down to the bottom of her chin, which you tilted up. “What’s the rush, babygirl? If you didn’t want me to take so much time, why’d you wake me up so early?” Her body sunk into the bed a bit and heat rose in her face in response to the nickname, growing bashful. Not a nickname you used often, but her response spoke for itself.
"Returning the favor!" she complained, voice shrill. A series of pleas rushed out of her, growing impatient with your antics. She was probably regretting waking you up by now, but you could indulge her a little, right?
Moving back down between her legs, your tongue rimmed her outer lips, eliciting a jerk of her hips from at last getting some kind of meaningful contact. You swept your tongue just around her clit, purposefully avoiding coming into full contact with it. Her fingers snaked in your hair with an adamantly rough pull every time you did what she wanted you to, her expression screwed up on a mix of bliss and frustration.
The rising volume of her moans as your litmus test proved that she was close, but there was no way she’d get over the edge without both your tongue and fingers. You abruptly stopped, pulling away as you took the collar of your shirt to scrape at the small mess collecting on your chin.
She’s literally on the verge of screaming at you - her body couldn’t bear to take much more of this. Your name and a flurry of “please”-s rushed out of her while she yanked at your shirt. You’re secretly in awe at the sight of her raw desperation. She’d never really gotten this wound up before, pleading with you so openly like this. And you pitied her, truly.
The pleasure-filled sounds resumed when you took two fingers and dipped them into her, curling them up at a painstakingly slow pace while sliding your tongue between her folds. When you finally made full-on contact with her clit, she all but cried out, sheer euphoria piercing through the dull ache of her delayed gratification.
It only took your tongue a number of gentle passes over it in tandem with the gentle thrust and curl of your fingers to get her over the edge. Not her most intense finish by any means, but with how wound up she was, she couldn't resist giving in at the first sign attention so long denied. The smooth skin of tensed thighs pressed flush against the sides of your head, partially muting the stream of expletives spilling out of her mouth as your free hand splayed over her abs to steady her rocking hips. You couldn't help but crack a smile against her trembling body as she took in several deep breaths, searching for recovery from the ordeal you just put her through.
Slipping up the bed to lay beside her, both your gazes came to rest on the obvious spot staining the sheets. Her lips turned inwards, mouth pressed together in a line out of mild embarrassment. You wordlessly gave her a side-eyed look, then chuckled and pressed a kiss to her cheek as she backed away a bit, heat rising in her face. You'd have to change the sheets in a couple hours when your alarm clock for work went off.
"So, whatcha thinking about now?" you inquired quietly with a cunning smile.
"How I'm never waking you up this early for anything, ever," she deadpanned.
"Good girl."
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rehkkuma · 3 years
she's all yours | okuyasu x reader
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summary: unlike his partner in crime, Okuyasu lacked experience in the dating field. Once he believes that he may have a chance with his crush, his best friend begins to get in the way.
words: 1.8k
disclaimers/tags: fem pronouns, modern AU (basically just phones being involved), tiny bit of angst, fluff, and cursing.
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He was staring again. The poor 16-year-old boy couldn't help but notice every single detail about her: the slight tilt in her walk whenever she went up the stairs, how she would tie her shoes, and the unfortunate glint of light in her eyes whenever she spoke with his best friend.
Y/n L/n was someone extremely special to him (whether she knew it or not). She could read his expressions so clearly, sometimes knowing more about Okuyasu than Okuyasu did himself. The emotions he couldn't quite put his finger on, she always had an answer to. At times, he felt undeserving of the friendship he had with her. After coming to terms with his developing feelings for the girl, of course she began to get closer with his best friend.
He was painfully aware of the difference in treatment he received compared to Josuke. While Josuke could be referenced as Morioh's pretty-boy delinquent, Okuyasu was more like the intimidating ruffian that stood by his side. Obviously, Y/n did not think of Okuyasu in that way, but her perception of him didn't matter if he was considered nothing more than a friend.
"Hey," Josuke called out, concerned for his friend.
"Y-Yeah?" Okuyasu stuttered, trying to regain his thoughts.
"Whatcha lookin' at?"
Okuyasu silently thanked Y/n for standing in a crowd with other students. If she stood any further from the school's front entrance, it would've been easy for Josuke to pinpoint who he was eyeing.
"Nothing, really. Just thought I saw a cute girl."
Josuke shrugged his shoulders, repositioning himself so his back laid more comfortably against the tree. "Well, if you do see one, ask 'em out or somethin'. I wanna see you have your first kiss before we graduate," he chuckled.
"Mhm, yup," Okuyasu responded, eyes now glued to the grass he was sitting on. He was about to spew out a self-deprecating joke but stopped himself once he noticed Y/n approaching the two of them. Immediately, he recognized Josuke's energy shift from disinterest to eagerness.
"Y/n!" Josuke cheerfully said, waving at the girl.
"Hi, you two!" she waved back. Once coming close enough, she sat down along with the boys, her knees lacing together in a criss-cross position. Because of the short distance between her and Okuyasu, the boy could smell the flowery essence emitting off of her body. He wasn't too fond of fragrances, but the one Y/n had was light and sweet-- perfectly suiting her personality.
Before he knew it, Okuyasu was staring again. The only thing that got him to snap back into reality was the cry of laughter Y/n let out after Josuke made a funny remark.
"Did you hear that Okuyasu?" Y/n choked out, leaning back with both hands on her stomach.
"Y-Yeah." Okuyasu fake laughed, really having no clue what the hell was going on.
"God," Y/n sighed as she wiped off the faint tears forming in her eyes. "I wish I could hang out with you guys a bit longer, but I just wanted to drop by and say hi. I gotta help out with some chores tonight."
"It's all good," Josuke smiled. "But only if you promise to call me tonight."
The girl rolled her eyes while getting up from the ground. "We'll have to see about that, Jojo!" She then stuck her tongue out before scurrying off to her house.
Josuke chuckled, slowly placing his chin on the palm of his hand. "She's pretty cute, isn't she?" he said, eyes glued to the girl's figure in the distance.
"Yeah, she sure is."
* * *
Okuyasu could remember the first time he met her as clear as day: his hands were tucked deep into his pockets, feet dragging along the sidewalk while he was on his way to school. Unlike his regular routine, Josuke was unable to walk with him due to an argument breaking out between him and his mother. It seemed like a bummer at the moment, but maybe it was actually a blessing in disguise.
In front of Okuyasu's feet laid a girl. Her uniform was stained with a bright red juice and its can rolled next to her. He didn't recall exactly what happened, but he did feel someone's face hit his chest before hearing a thud.
"I didn't get any on you, did I?" the girl asked with panic.
Okuyasu, hands still in his pockets, shook his head. "Mnn. Don't think you did."
"Okay, thank God. These stains are so hard to get rid of."
That was one of the first things that Okuyasu remembered from Y/n. Her casual way of talking was enough to make any stranger feel like a good friend. Something about this girl piqued his interest.
"Guess it's not your first time, huh?" he hummed.
"You'd think I'd learn my lesson after the third time."
After the small accident, Okuyasu took the girl to the laundromat. Classes would begin in any minute, but neither one of the pair minded skipping it.
"Oi, what're you gonna be wearin' in the meantime? Don'tcha think the teacher's gonna kick your ass for showing up like that?" Okuyasu pointed at the revealing tank top she wore.
"Yeah, definitely. That's why you should totally let me borrow your top," she winked.
"Don't get too ahead of yourself. I don't even have a clue on what your name is."
"L/n." she replied crassly. "It's Y/n L/n."
That was several months ago. Since then, their relationship started to significantly grow. From sending short texts to sharing a few inside jokes, to hanging out every other day after school. In Okuyasu's eyes, it was inevitable for him to fall for a girl like her.
Right before he could spill about his crush to his best friend, Josuke had already introduced himself to her. It crushed Okuyasu to see the girl he loves slowly start to move on from him-- to his own best friend nevertheless.
All of his frustrations were best to be kept to himself. No way could he express his jealousy to Josuke or Y/n. Out of all the girls that fawned over Josuke, why did she have to be one of them?
Okuyasu rolled his body to the other side of his bed. On a nightstand was his phone that rang. The alarm was just loud enough to break through the pessimistic thoughts roaring through his brain.
"Who's this?" he asked, too lazy to check the contact number.
"It's me, Okuyasu! Why, is it that hard to use a second of your time to check the contact name?"
He recognized that voice anywhere. It was her.
"Aw, look. I was in bed, alright?" he smiled, feeling his mood change immediately after speaking with her.
A small giggle echoed from the other end of the phone. "Alright! I wasn't here to nag you all night anyways." The girl then cleared her throat with a cough before soon speaking again. "I was thinking we should hang out tomorrow. For ice cream, maybe. Just us."
Small butterflies began to form in his stomach from hearing the last sentence. "Just us" had never sounded better.
"Sounds good to me."
"Great!" she nearly interrupted. "A-Ah, sorry! I just got excited. It feels like we've been parting ways the past couple of weeks, but I promise tomorrow's gonna make up for it!"
"It's alright," Okuyasu sighed. "See you tomorrow?"
"See you tomorrow!" she repeated.
* * *
Was it just Okuyasu or did she look way cuter today? The makeup she wore differed from the one she usually had on, her accessories managed to compliment her eyes even more, and she even put an effort into customizing her uniform like Josuke and Okuyasu despite expressing her laziness multiple times. She looked like an absolute doll.
"Hmph." She huffed. "You've been doing that a lot lately," she said flatly.
"Doing what?"
"Staring at me like I'm some crazy person."
Okuyasu internally panicked for a few seconds but composed himself. "You just look pretty lately, that's all."
He expected a cheeky comeback in return but was left with a bashful smile from her instead.
"Let's just hurry up and get ice cream..." she said, eyes faced to the ground.
Okuyasu nodded at her suggestion and began to walk, making sure his pace wasn't too fast for Y/n. He'd occasionally give a glance at her direction to know if he was walking at a comfortable speed for her.
Several minutes of walking and a few casual conversations later, the duo made it to the ice cream shop. Y/n ordered a mix of her two favourite flavours while Okuyasu ordered two scoops of mocha almond fudge. Feeling a bit more gentleman-like today, Okuyasu insisted on paying for the both of them.
"Thanks for the ice cream!" the girl said, taking a small lick of the cone. "I feel like the more I hang out with you, the more things I owe you back," she chuckled as the two left the shop.
"Don't sweat it. Hangin' out with you's enough for me." Okuyasu smiled.
"Ah, really?" she blushed. "That's... really sweet of you."
There she did it again. No witty comeback. Just a flustered reply.
"Somethin' up with you? Eat something bad today?" he asked.
"You're just actin' a bit different, that's all. Not sayin' it's bad though. I kinda like it." Okuyasu continued to walk on the sidewalk but stopped once he realized Y/n was frozen still. "Hey, you comin'?"
Y/n began to slowly jog her way to Okuyasu. When she caught up with him, she paused once more, now looking into the young boy's eyes. "I feel like you don't hear yourself talk sometimes," she said. "I can't tell if you're flirting or you're just naturally this oblivious."
He didn't know how to respond. He was starting to get nervous from how close their faces were. If he wanted to, he could practically count each beauty mark on her face.
"Well?" she said.
"Well..." Okuyasu tried to come up with something but found himself paying more attention to the girl's lips. They looked plush and soft with a slight glossy coat from the ice cream.
Eventually, the girl noticed where he was looking at. Slowly, she closed the already small gap between the two.
"Okuyasu," she breathed out with a gentle tone. "I really like you."
"I-" he stuttered. "Not Josuke?"
"Josuke?" She covered her mouth with the back of her hand and chuckled. "I don't know what you think is going on between us, but it's not that. He's not exactly my type either."
Okuyasu couldn't believe what he was hearing. Before he could say anything back, he felt her lips against his right cheek. It was a delicate kiss. Maybe a bit sticky, but it made his heart do several backflips nevertheless.
Once her lips left his skin, she stood awkwardly in front of him. The way she looked up at his eyes with that lovestruck gaze made Okuyasu realize something he didn't before: he wouldn't need to jealous of other guys. It was clear that Y/n L/n was all his.
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Hue and Cry XIX
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape (series), trauma, violence, attempted assault, some elements untagged.
This is dark!medieval!Bucky Barnes x reader and explicit. 18+ only.  Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Synopsis: The reader finds herself at an impasse.
Note: Things are heating up and we're starting to go full force over here <3
Thanks to everyone and thanks in advance for all your feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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Days passed in idle anticipation. You kept Elina locked up with you and she grew more restless by the hour. When Lord Zemo came at night, she was happier but your sense of dread and impatience only grew. When the retinue arrived, you only wanted them to leave, but knowing who was roaming just floors below, you were anxious to strike first.
The baron was ever the voice of sense. Zemo was no beacon of morality, you knew that, but his honesty made him respectable. You considered how blatant he was in his intentions as compared to those other noblemen who painted their bad deeds as gifts. Perhaps he wasn’t entirely trustworthy but he didn’t trying to make you think otherwise.
You did your best to keep your daughter occupied with her many toys and quiet songs hummed out of tune. You bounced her on your hip as best you could with your cane in your other hand and crawled around with her like a dog. She was only calm when she slept as she longed for the sunlight that taunted her through the window.
You began to wonder how long the men would stay; how long you would be expected to stay hidden. Zemo mentioned vengeance and you dreamt of it every night. It was the only thing that kept you from quaking in fear and panic.
Tess brought your dinner and you placed it on the low table and sat on the floor with Elina and ate. You gave her tiny morsels to chew on or toss back at you. She was an energetic kid, stubborn and strong, and seemed to find fun in even the most dull tasks. You hoped she would grow up to be happier than you. Surely, she’d be more bold and more blessed.
As you chewed on some chicken, you heard that familiar knock on the door. Tess always gave a tiny tap and called through the wood but Zemo always gave that rhythmic beating. It was the latter, he was early that day. It made you worry as you left Elina to squeeze a piece of sweet potato and stood with your can dug into the wood.
You crossed to the door and turned the latch slowly. You opened the door and leaned heavily on the wooden stick, “well, you are earl--” your voice hung in the air as you stared at the familiar face, though it wasn’t Zemo.
You pushed the door but the man caught it and kept it two inches from the frame as he came closer. Peter’s hand trembled as he clung to the wood and gaped at you. He shook his head and blinked dumbly. The two years had given his face character and his shoulders a little more width.
“You’re alive?” he breathed.
“You can’t-- you have to go,” you pushed the door with a grunt, “please, go.”
“I thought… I thought you were dead,” he croaked, “I thought I--”
“Go away. Please!” you begged, “I can’t talk to you.”
“Or you won’t talk to me?” he challenged as he shoved his foot between the door and the frame, “how--”
“How did you find me?” you gasped.
He lowered his eyes and guiltily and clamped his lips shut. He sniffed and looked at you again, “I thought Zemo was hiding something from us. I followed him last night and listened… I couldn’t hear anything, I only saw him come here and knock.”
“No one else can know,” you said, “you can’t-- please go and don’t tell anyone.”
“I wouldn’t but-- I want to talk to you,” he insisted.
“You can’t. It’s too dangerous,” you argued, “you must go. If Zemo discovers you--”
“I don’t care if he does. Don’t you understand, I--I-- I thought I killed you.”
You were silent as you stared into his face. You saw the pain in his eyes, the shock laced with relief. But it was all tinted with the guilt he’d carried since that day. The false guilt you’d given him.
“I’m sorry, Peter, it was the only way out--”
“My aunt cried everyday for you and she never let me forget what you said to me. I never could forget,” he hissed.
“I know, but you have to--” Elina made a noise as she came over and clung to your leg, smearing food down your skirt. Peter looked at her and his lips parted in surprise, “no one can know about her.”
He nodded and gulped. He looked up and down the corridor. “I wouldn’t tell but I can’t go until we talk, I…” his voice cracked, “I need to tell you I was wrong. I lied.”
“El,” you bent to wipe her face and lifted her, “please, stay here,” you bid Peter as you turned and hobbled across the room.
You placed her in her cot, thought she only began to fuss, but you shoved a stuffed caribou into her hands and left her to poke its eyes. You went back to the door and found Peter staring at your cane.
“I’m sorry,” he said again, “that’s my fault,” he nodded to the cane, “and that,” he looked to the scar down your face, “I saw it. I tried to follow you that day but I wasn’t fast enough and you were--”
“No, it wasn’t you. I said it was because I could. I couldn’t tell the man who made me do this so I told you instead. That was unfair and unkind,” you blinked away tears, “and I hurt more than just myself.”
He mulled your words and picked at his sleeve. He dressed finer than the last you’d met, “I didn’t mean what I said to Barnes. You were sweet to me and my aunt told me what you were, he told me you were worse, but I didn’t truly care. I only knew he was hurting you and I was making that worse so I thought if I stayed away, he’d stop.”
“No one can stop him. No one. Those men, they cannot be stopped. They are evil in the flesh, they are borne to greed and cruelty. They only see what they can get, not what they can give because they won’t ever be denied--”
You heard a clamor, the pounding of footsteps from the stairway, and the frantic breathing of whoever was approaching. You opened the door further and pulled Peter inside. You shut the door and leaned against it with him as you listened and watched through the crack.
“Away, away,” you heard Melinda’s airy pleas as she swept past your door, “please, sir, away!”
“I just want to play a little game,” the deep voice made your blood curdle then the realisation of what he was doing made it boil even hotter. You gripped your cane as Peter frowned at you, “come here, pet, I don’t bite.”
Melinda squeaked as Lord Rogers’ footsteps slowed and you heard the struggle that followed. The muffled collision of her body against the wall, the small girl’s broken breath as it was knocked from her, and his lewd growl as he pounced.
You pushed Peter away from you and tore open the door. They were closer than you thought. Just against the wall opposite your room. Lord Rogers’ body shielded the girl’s body almost entirely. You raised your cane without a second thought and brought it down on his shoulders.
As he exclaimed and staggered, you hit him again, the time in the back of the head. You swooped your cane down and banged his knees so that he fell onto the stone. You hit him again in the side as he wheezed and you stood over him.
“Bastard! Bastard!” you hit him as the young maid and the other lord watched in shock, “how dare you? You beast!”
Peter grabbed your arm and stopped you as Rogers rolled onto his back and coughed. He groaned as he reached to his head and you were pulled away from him. You struggled with Peter as you wanted badly to hit him again.
“Melinda,” you said as you struggled, “go fetch the baron. Now!”
She skittered off like a mouse, careful to tiptoe around Rogers as he sat up and gripped his right shoulder where you’d hit him. He chuckled as he looked up at you. He grinned beneath the trickle of blood on his lips.
“Oh, well, what a treat this is,” he mocked, “the whore lives.”
“You’re vile,” you snarled, “I should bash you like the snake you are.”
“Parker,” he spoke to the man at your side, “hold her for me.” He grunted as he pushed himself up and stumbled a little on his feet, “let us remind her of who she is… oh, Barnes might come out of his rooms for this.”
He reached to his belt but Peter let you go. You looked over at him and he crossed his arms and shrugged. You gripped your cane tight and swung it again. The strike caught Lord Rogers across his chin and the next in the tender flesh of his side. You jabbed his chest so he was again on his back but he could barely get his arms up to keep away the storm of blows.
When he was limp and prone before you, you slowly lowered the cane. You quivered as you stared down at what you’d done. His breaths came in rattles. You leaned on your right leg as your left shook and you lifted the carefully carved stick.
You pulled the silver topper until it dislodged and revealed the long silver blade. Peter caught your wrist as you raised the dagger.
“Don’t, it’ll change you. It’ll make you as bad as him,” he whispered.
You looked at him and your hand shook. Hot tears streamed down your cheeks and you heard Elina murmuring, louder and louder as she wondered where you were. You sheathed the knife and plunked your cane down on the stone.
Footsteps drew you back to the end of the corridor as Zemo appeared from the stairwell. His face dropped as he saw you standing over Rogers. He took a breath but did not look angry.
“Well, I did hope to delay this a little longer,” he said as he approached, “but that Rogers was ever the petulant pest.”
“I’m sorry, he--”
“Oh, I can guess at it,” he nodded to Melinda as she followed meekly behind him, “I’d have done it myself if I had the displeasure of witnessing his lechery.” He came up to Peter and stopped, “but I will do what I must.”
“He won’t hurt us,” you said, “Peter… isn’t like them.”
“But he is loyal to his kingdom,” he pointed at Peter’s chest harshly.
“I am a viscount. Not a duke or earl even. I serve men like that on the floor because I have to, not because I want to,” Peter countered, “I have no lealty to the men who leave women like this.” He looked at you and bowed his head, “but I will admit I am not innocent of it.”
Zemo looked at you and stilled your hand as it was still shaking. "Do you vouch for him, lady?"
"He is a good man. If anything, I have drawn him unjustly into this mess," you said, "I knew you wanted to wait longer--"
"No use in apologies," Zemo grasped your shoulder and squeezed, "this stalemate would not have lasted forever. I am not entirely unprepared."
Elina began to bawl and Zemo brushed past you. He returned with her in his arms, rocking her until she quieted. He cradled her cheek with a mournful gaze and his lips curved for just a moment.
"Be quick, we must leave before the moon. We will move the lord out of the corridor and be away before they can discover him," he said, "by the morning, the castle should be empty but for our foreign visitors and it will take them some time to return to their home with news of such catastrophe."
"Is he dead?" you asked as you looked at Rogers' boots.
"An ox like him? Not yet, just annoyingly on the precipice," Zemo replied, "if we're fortunate, he'll have some lingering detriment but we cannot kill him. That would be an unforgivable mistake."
You heard a grumble and a croaky chuckle. Zemo turned and you looked down on the dazed duke.
"That is a beautiful girl," Lord Rogers rasped, "looks like her father."
Zemo's pupils turned to pinpoints and he handed you Elina. He bent and knocked Rogers across the cheek so that his head bounced off the stone. The baron shook out his hand as he stood straight and his nostrils flared.
"Lord Parker, was it?" He looked to Peter, "help me move him. We haven't time to spare."
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fangirl--writes · 3 years
Purpose. Pre-Spray Jeremiah Valeska x Reader
ENCHANTED PROMPT: “Plan a private picnic by the fires glow.”
RQ by anon. There was no specification other than Jeremiah Valeska so I chose Pre-Spray Jeremiah Valeska.
This was super fun to write, thank you so much anon! 
Word Count: 1550
Check out this post If you’d like to request one of the other prompts.
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A quick rasp at the door caused you to look up from your book. Wordlessly you sighed dropping your marker on your page.
It was just getting good too….
You gave a longing look back at your book before you adjusted your sweater and headed to the door.
“Yes?” Your tired gaze settled on the stoic form of your boyfriend’s assistant.
Ecco. Her blue eyes were deep as she swept your form with a quick nod.
Your lazy afternoon gone in a matter of seconds.
“Come with me please.”
Your brows arched as you stiffened,“Is Jeremi- “
“Mister Wilde, is fine.” Her voice was firm.” I have been instructed to come collect you at his request.”
A soft whine bubbled from your chest as you grabbed your shoes, slipping them on before reaching for your keys. Ecco’s eyes never leaving you as you locked the door. Her hand fell to your back as she guided you to the car, your mind racing with all matter of worry.
Is he okay?
Did something happen-
Jeremiah always informed you ahead of time if he was sending his proxy
His assistant remained steadfast and silent as she drove you the hidden paths to Jeremiah’s bunker deep in the outskirts of Gotham. Your hands twisted the seat belt in knots as you stared out the tinted window; the city skyline getting smaller and smaller in the rear view.  Time seemed to drag as the car headed into the darkness; the soft glow of the headlights illuminating the rugged path ahead of you.
Please be okay... Please be okay.
Your knuckles were white as the car finally eked to a stop, you had to force yourself to still as the blonde came around to open your door. She led you through the familiar path to the cylinder block square nestled into the ground, with a soft click the door opened. Your chest was tight as the grey walls were bathed in a crisp glowing light. In an instant you threw yourself down the hall, the tense energy that bubbled in your chest burst as you sprinted leaving Ecco behind.
Jeremiah…please answer me.”
Your voice grew more desperate with every scream. There was no sign of your red headed engineer-
Images of him collapsed somewhere down one of the many twisting halls flooded your mind; his body limp, lifeless on the cold concrete. The soles of your sneakers skidded to a stop as a faint crunch caught under your feet.
Your frantic gaze veered down to see a petal crumbled under your rampage… a vibrant crimson rose.
You backtracked catching sight of more petals… your siege paused as you followed the trail down the new corridor. The white lights were dimmed; instead, the hall was illuminated in soft glow of small flickering candles. A warm whiff of your favorite scent guided you down the hall.
Did… Jeremiah do this?
Every so often you’d come home to a beautiful bouquet on your table with a handwritten note of adoration. Small gifts would be delivered to your workplace, but never a gesture like this.
You thumbed the rose petal in your palm as you gawked in awe as you moved along unsure of your destination.
The hall opened up to a room familiar. The den where you and your significant other spent hours, reading, laughing and enjoying the others company.
The worn petal slipped from your hand as you laid sight on a room aglow by a steady crackling flame in a fireplace… a new fireplace. Lanterns filled in the gaps chasing away any inkling of frigid darkness.
Your hands flew to cover your lips as a surprised gasp escaped you. A massive fur rug was spread over the typical cold concrete draped with plush pillows and blankets. The rose petals had blossomed into dozens of stems planted in small metal vases laid meticulously across the space, dancing in the dim glow.
“Do you like it Darling?”
You nearly melted hearing Jeremiah’s breezy voice tickle your ear; your eyes squeezed shut as his arms slipped around you in a warm embrace
He pulled you in close his cologne faint, filled your senses as you held him.
“It’s… amazing…”
You froze in you enrapture; eyes growing wide for a split second as you remembered-
“Don’t Scare Me Like That.” The words flew from your mouth angrily as you wiggled turning to smack your partners chest.
“Do you know how worried I was?
I thought you were dead.
Ecco didn’t say anything and you- “
Jeremiah’s lips cut you off as he cradled your cheek in his hand. His forehead together against yours pulling away to speak in your place.
“Forgive me. I know it’s brash but I wanted to surprise you and didn’t know any other way.”
You grazed the back of his hand falling into the deep green pools of his eyes.  His dark brows knitted in concern at your silence.
After a few moments your bubbling giggle filled the room. “Don’t make it a habit.” You pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose before turning back to the fireplace.
Your partner’s hand entwined into yours with a low breathy chuckle and a shake of his head as he led you to the warmth of the hearth, guiding you to a cushion before slipping off to the side returning quickly with two glasses and a covered dish.
“Thank you.” You grinned as you reached to take one of the glasses filled with your favorite wine.  
He settled beside you before laying the dish to the side before taking a drink of his own.
“I do wish you would have at least given me a clue…” You swirled your glass before taking a sip. “I feel so out of place in all this elegance.”  Even he had dressed impeccably as always in a copper toned sport coat and trousers down to his shoes that shined with care.  
Jeremiah’s hand brushed against your knuckles pulling your attention from the drink; the flame dancing off the lenses of his glasses as he stared into the roaring fire.
“It doesn’t compare.”
The faintest grin crept on his face as he caught a glimpse of your eyes darting away to your glass, your form dipped at his sincerity. He felt a small pride seeing your blush, the bashful grins as you took his compliments was almost mind numbing for him. “All the grandest gestures I could give would never measure to the one you have given me.”
Your head lifted with the faintest tilt as you set your glass aside. “…Sweetheart is was just a watch...”
Your naïve nature was a charm he held so dear to his heart Jeremiah wanted nothing more than to protect you, to guard you from the evils of the outside world that had turned him callous and cold.
He felt his cheeks crack into a chuckling grin that spilled into his speech. “-And it’s a lovely piece, but it wasn’t…quite what I had in mind.”
He cleared his throat as he turned to face you reaching to take both your hands.
You gave him a reason to step away and take part in the small pleasures.
He felt life was worth something again. He was alive when you were with him, the mere thought of you now made Jeremiah…dare he say giddy like school boy with his first love. He now had a purpose beyond the piles of blueprints and sticky notes lining the walls of office.
He had you.
The fear that paralyzed him to hide in the shadows of the underground was cracking, shedding a light on a new life that he could build with his new purpose.
Even now as he looked to you, blinking under the cover of the candle lit room a weak smile slipped across his lips. The words all planned, down to the breathes he’d take all but faded away; Jeremiah didn’t even notice the faint tremor in his hands as he took in a breath in an attempt to seal his nerves.
You made him a mess.
“Y/N, my darling... will you stay here? With me.”
Your eyes glistened, as a soft gasp escaped you breaking into a beaming smile as you nodded eagerly your whole-body following along.
Before you could reply, he pressed a finger to your parted lips. His voice was faint as he dropped an addition.
“The night, and forever.”
You couldn’t hold the elation that was bursting in your chest; suddenly you sprang forward overtaking him in a fit of glee as one word fell feverishly from your lips. Yes. Yes, yes yes.
The two of you went tumbling down to the plush carpet. Jeremiah was on his back in an instant as your lips came crashing down to capture his own in a buzz of excitement.
Unprepared he flinched as the two of you went reeling back; his mind going blank as your lips settled into his. His hands wandered to hold your waist steady, savoring the taste of the drink on your lips before watching you pull away with a breathless huff.
And now, he would never have to think of another day were you wouldn’t be with him.
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