#Challe x reader
a-random-weeb · 7 months
Omg has anyone seen 'Sugar apple fairy tale'
it's not popular at all, and it's the girlest anime you will ever watch in your life BUT ITS SO GOOD MAN
like, Challe is so hot, I just started watching the anime. I don't normally simp for emo anime characters idk why I'm so obsessed with Challe. The art style is SO PRETTY TOO. If you haven't watched it, watch it. I don't even know why I love it so much, j just do, there's something about it that's just- y'know- idk
if you haven't seen it WATCH IT
anyways comment/message me if you you've watched it I'd love to chat with fellow fans (No spoilers though)
also if you see this someone I'm begging you to write a Challe x reader fanfic (and tag me in it) PLEASE
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sorenflyinn · 11 days
So what fandoms are you gonna write for? And what are your boundaries when it comes to requests (stuff you won't write (yandere, smut, ect.))?
Just wanted to know before I go ahead and request something
I meant to post my list of characters yesterday but my wifi was shitty (I forgot to turn off my vpn and my phone didn’t like that) but here’s the list! (characters might be added later on)
Mezo Shoji
Keigo Takami (Hawks)
Tamaki Amajiki
Shoto Todoroki
Levi Ackermann
Kento Nanami
Megumi Fushiguro
Toge Inumaki
Buddy Daddies
Rei Suwa
Sugar Apple Fairy Tale
Challe Fen Challe
Kaguya-sama: Love is war
Yu Ishigami
Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun
Ryūjiro Tsuchigomori
Ouran High School Host Club
Takashi Morinozuka
Sk8 the Infinity
Kaoru Sakurayashiki/Cherry Blossom
Hazbin Hotel
Genshin Impact
I have a pretty specific list when it comes to characters (I’m picky).
I’m ok with writing smut, just inexperienced so it might take me a while to write.
Things I won’t write are:
-underage smut
-minor x adult
-student x teacher (college is fine though)
-yandere themes
-Valentino smut 😟
-piss/shit kink
Anything not on that list is fine (might be edited later if I realize something that needs to be added)
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sparrowrye · 3 months
Demi Demon || Alastor x Reader, part 17
Synopsis: soulmate AU where you have the same mark on your body as your soulmate, and if your soulmate dies, you die too. Alastor needs to make sure that his soulmate is safe so he can continue his reign - whatever that takes. Though it looks like we have a couple secrets of our own.
Previous part
Part 17: meeting the overlords
"I'm sure you can all imagine why I called you here," Lucifer began. "Humans are starting to put together that Full mages are not from their world. As I've stated in previous meetings, we should be revealing ourselves, not waiting to be discovered."
I scanned the face of every Overlord at the table. They were all in their Demon form, some more terrifying than others. There were eighteen Overlords in total but each one had a second hand, putting the overall count at 36 individuals. 37 if you counted the King of Hell.
"A decade ago we had decided to wait some time before revealing ourselves," one of the Overlords said. She had long white horns and huge, white clawed hands. Her eyes were blood shot red. "Why the change of heart?"
My shoulders stiffened when I realized who sat two seats down from her. The man was wearing his pink hat and jacket. It was the owner of the fighting ring who drugged me. I couldn't tell where he was looking with his glasses covering most of his face.
"We were, but then someone went crazy on the surface." The man who spoke wore a navy blue suit and had a flatscreen TV for a face. His voice sounded familiar. "Tricking them with the whole illusion magic doesn't work when you massacre them with the 'illusion'."
"I do believe you were the one who broadcasted the whole thing, old friend," Alastor didn't hesitate. "What was it you said? You're all in for a real treat, tonight?"
"It was your choice to come out the way you did. I was just doing what I do best."
"I fail to see the problem when your broadcast barely had sight of me. We all know how unreliable it can be."
"How about all the people who escaped to tell the--"
"Regardless of how or why it happened, it did," Lucifer interrupted, "and we need to decide what the next steps will be. I'd like to hear from the surface Overlords about announcing ourselves to the surface."
"Now?!" someone yelled from the other end of the table.
"Yes, now," he answered firmly. "Thanks to Alastor's incident--" radio static caught in the Radio Demon's throat "--we'll need to reveal ourselves soon. We need to set our historic record straight and keep it that way."
A moment of silence fell over everyone's head. They looked between each other with various expressions, no one quite sure what to say next. I looked at the Demons standing behind them but most of them had blank stares, revealing nothing about their own thoughts.
"Why do we need to do anything if they're going to figure it out anyways?" someone finally asked.
A woman with large pigtails sitting beside the ring owner laughed. "Do you want to stay an Overlord on the surface? Humans are notorious for killing anything that poses a threat to them."
"We have to show that Demons are more than just humans with more-than-average magic," the TV added. "If we don't, they'll hunt us down for sport. There's more of them than there are of us by a large margin."
"Why are we worrying about being hunted? Humans with Slight magic are no match for Demons." The Overlord was a huge humanoid wolf with neon colors all over.
"Humans together under a common cause are a match for Demons," the woman in white said. "It's important to set a precedent before they realize they can outman us."
"How does thy propose to accomplish such a feat?" This Demon had two sets of bright green eyes and his cloak wrapped tightly around his body.
Demons started looking between Alastor and the TV.
"A television broadcast wouldn't be a bad idea," the TV man smiled.
"Aren't we expecting to reach the entire surface? You barely cover a continent as is," Alastor challenged.
"I advance more with every passing day. It would take less than a month to have a reach all over the surface. Something that can be accomplished if your highness provides proper resources." He nodded his head to Lucifer.
"Yet I've been broadcasting to the entire surface for centuries," Alastor said. "Since the Great Collapse, radio has been the only reliable source of communication."
"Who would believe the word of a Demon who's been tormenting them for hundreds of years?" he snapped back. "People can see a Demon for themselves instead of taking your word."
"Television can be fabricated."
"A radio host can lie."
"They're both important," Lucifer interjected, "and having both can solidify what we're trying to do. Vox, I can provide the resources you need to expand. Alastor, you'll wait for my word before you broadcast." The Radio Demon's eyes narrowed in response.
"What exactly are we broadcasting?" Vox asked, seemingly bored now. He scratched at his bright blue claws. "Humans know Demons as Full mages. Are we merely changing our name?"
"Humans," Lucifer explained, "use the term Full mages to mean anyone who can control more than just the basic elements. But Full mage Humans and Demons are two different species."
"What is the difference?" the neon wolf asked. I was surprised to notice a collection of nods from the rest of the Overlords. How much of their own history did they not know?
"The main difference is that we have control over Existence magic. So dark, chrono, and cosmo magic. Humans have no control over such magic. Demons can control various advance magic, even bending and expanding it, such as technology magic." He gestured to Vox, who casted a smirk in Alastor's direction. "Humans can control very few advance magic. The most I've seen a Human control is four. Demons have access to all, though many of you know it's best to pick a few to master."
"You don't expect to share this information with Humans, do you?" the woman in white questioned. "Giving up such crucial information could lead to our ultimate downfall."
"You're right," Lucifer agreed, "That would give them too much information about us. But we need them to be aware of the difference between Human Full mages and Demons. Aside from appearances of course." He looked down the eighteen frightening faces.
"I say we tell them we can control everything," Pigtails suggested. Well, more like declared. "They'll never know. If we scare them into thinking we can master any and all elements of life, they couldn't imagine fighting against something so powerful. And appearances would just confirm it."
"What happens if they develop the technology to rival our power?" the woman in white asked.
"I don't think you'd be around to see that day," Pigtails shot at her, "And besides, we'll just keep them from getting to that point. They're all about advertising their new inventions. Riding of it and its inventor is easy."
"Thou would be foolish to not prepare for thy future." The man dressed in black with neon eyes spoke before the woman could.
Lucifer nodded. "It's something to be concerned about, but it's something to discuss only after we've revealed ourselves."
"Sooo." Vox ran his long claw across the table so it made a screeching noise. I clenched my jaw and dampened the noise. "We're telling the Humans that we can control any and every element. What happens if they get angry?"
"Surface Overlords have been up there for quite some time." Lucifer crossed his arms. "How would you handle an uprising?"
"Same way as down here," the ring owner beside Vox answered, "Fear, manipulation, and manpower."
"I would advise surface Overlords to maintain and increase this manpower." Lucifer stood from his chair. "I will contact all of you when we are ready to reveal ourselves. As for you two," he looked to Alastor and Vox, "we will speak privately about what exactly you will be broadcasting. This meeting is over."
Everyone filed out of the room within minutes. Rosie casted a smile and a small wave in my direction as she left. As she did, another woman walked in. She wore an all red suite and had long, gorgeous blonde hair. She was followed by a shorter woman who had a lot of silver hair and large red X over her eye.
The pair quickly made their way over to me, the blonde energetically introducing herself as Charlie Morningstar, daughter of Lucifer. I was speaking to Princess of Hell.
"Are you really Alastor's soulmate?" She got really close to my face. Alastor casted a glance over his shoulder at me.
"Uh, yeah."
"I can't believe it! I never thought he would have one."
"Doesn't everyone get a soulmate?"
"Demons never had soulmates until they could go to the surface. Once the portal opened they started to get them, so a lot of the old Overlords don't have one." She spoke so fast it was taking an extra effort to comprehend it all.
"Oh, I didn't know that."
"It's pretty cool if you think about it. But you have to tell me what it's like being his soulmate. Ever since I met him he's always bragged about not being chained down to a soulmate."
"Oh uh..." How do you answer a question like that? I noticed Alastor had cocked his head a little to hear better. How was he paying attention to both his conversation and this one at the same time? "He's uh...how long have you known him?"
"Well I've personally known him for only about a century, now."
"Oh. Uh...and how long have you known of him?"
"He's been a nuisance for everyone for centuries," the other girl mused.
"Interesting." I played off my sudden realization.
"So what's he like?" Charlie pressed. "He's always going on about everything just being entertainment and not getting attached to anyone."
"Oh, well, he hasn't really changed then. I didn't think I had one either, quite honestly."
"Were you really a ring fighter?" the other girl abruptly asked.
"I was," I answered. "Why do you ask?"
"It was just really cool to watch you fight. I saw the whole thing online. You were amazing!"
"Oh." My face grew warm. "Uh, I really didn't do well."
"Sure you did. Were you taught how to fight or did you learn it from the rings?"
"I learnt it."
"How many rings did you take down?" Charlie asked.
"I think seven? But I didn't really take them down. They started back up a week later." I folded my arms together, drawing in on myself.
"Oh, I'm sorry." Charlie put a hand on my shoulder. I looked between it and her, surprised at how friendly she was being toward me. "I know a thing or two about failure."
"It's okay Vaggie."
"What do you mean?" I gently pushed.
"I tried saving my people awhile back and it didn't really work out. I tried to redeem sinners and Demons so they could go to Heaven but...it kinda fell through."
"How come?" I turned to face her completely.
"Well, it was going alright but then the portal to the surface opened. And what was the point of being redeemed when they could relive life on the surface?"
"Oh, that's really bad timing." I was trying to wrap my head around the fact that there was a Heaven and Hell in the first place, and that the Princess of Hell was telling me she was centuries old. She seemed more like my age.
"Yeah. But I figured I would wait and try again in a different way. Reimagine it!" Her eyes widened and she looked like a little kid with a gloriously bad idea.
"I think you totally should," I agreed. "What's the harm in trying again?"
"Exxxactly!" Her smile widened even more. "And you shouldn't give up taking down those fighting rings. Who knows what kind of Demon children are stuck in them? You're the only one giving any of them hope."
My mind started to wander. "Yeah...I guess so."
"We've got to keep in touch." Charlie pulled out her phone.
"Oh, I don't have one," I said nervously.
"Pfft, of course not," Vaggie sent a glare into Alastor's back, "Someone's still in the dark age."
"Yeah, well, Husker is the only one who's got a phone. And it's a pretty old one too."
"We'll connect through him then. I already have his number in my contacts."
"You already know him?"
The two of them laughed. "He and Alastor were a part of my hotel before it went under."
I nodded slowly. Alastor was in a heated discussion with Vox and Lucifer. They were all sending shots back and forth at each other, only Alastor remained in his seat while the other two were on their feet and pointing fingers.
"Maybe give it a break and meet another time?" Charlie quickly walked over. She put a hand on her father's shoulder.
"Charlie is right, per usual." Alastor half bowed his head to her.
"Of course she is," Lucifer crossed his arms. I didn't realize how short he was until Charlie stood next to him. She was my height and yet he was shorter than her shoulders.
"Come dear," Alastor said to me as he stood, "let us go home. This has been quite a productive meeting." It sounded more sarcastic than anything. Vox tried to say something but he was glitching all over. I was shocked I didn't see any smoke coming from his television head.
Charlie and Vaggie both waved as we left. I was close on Alastor's heels until we left the palace. I took the opportunity to look around at Hell. Everything was red but it looked like a normal city. The only give away was its inhuman inhabitants.
Alastor wrapped a hand around my shoulders as we teleported back to the house. I was shocked at the temperature difference. The night had been warm when we left but now the wind was like an icy chill that went right through my bones. Alastor walked ahead but I didn't follow.
"Alastor," I called. He stopped and looked over his shoulder. "I um...I'd like...I'd like you to teach me magic, again."
"Why's that?"
I wasn't expecting him to ask why. He's been pushing my training so much, why wouldn't he want me to accept it? I struggled for a response and he let the air hang silent for several moments.
"Because that's how I want the next hundred years to go," I finally said. It was true, to an extent, but I had other reasons for wanting it. Reasons I didn't want him to know.
His eyes narrowed, as if trying to detect the lie. He smiled wide so his yellow teeth showed. "A wise choice, my dear."
Author's Note:
Lots of dialogue and information but much needed! Looks like things are going to start turning around for us. Feel free to ask questions or leave any comments. I love interacting with you all!
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filmofhybe · 7 months
Hellooo!! Could you do enhypen doing try not to kiss challenge with their s/o? Tyy!! Have a nice day.
no kisses?
pairing : ot7! x afab reader! genre : fluff warning : kissing ? a bit of swearing & begging , 770 words
a/n : requests are now opened again! Feel free to leave any ideas / rant I’ll try my best to answer them all <3
> masterlist to all my other works
© filmofhybe on tumblr — do not copy , translate or share.
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にしむら りき Nishimura Riki + 성훈 Sunghoon + 박종성 Park Jeongseong
the mfs that would give you that “you think you’re funny?” Look. Like why do you want to do the try not to kiss challenge?!? Will start saying stuff like “oh you don’t want my luscious lips now?”. TEASING YOU CUZ YOU WERE TEASING HIM. Just don’t do this challenge with him cuz he won’t kiss you back unless you do. (Actually takes this game seriously lol)
“babe let’s do the try not to kiss challenge!” He flashes you the “you think your funny?” Look.
“what is just for fun! Come on!” You kept begging him. To be honest you don’t even know why you want to do the challenge. You are absolutely addicted to his pink rosy lips. But I guess you were just bored and needed some entertainment.
“Don’t cry to me when you want my kisses. Loser pays for the dinner tonight.” You both made a deal before minding your own business. About 3 hours has gone by, and you desperately need his lips on yours. You know you shouldn’t have done this challenge because he kept teasing you with comments.
“bet you miss my lips right now haha too bad..”
“my lip balm be tasting real nice right now. Wanna guess the flavor?”
“my lips be glossy asf!!”
acting all zesty to get your attention😭
Sad to break it to you, you lost the game because after 5 minutes you dashed your whole body on top of his and kissed him deeply. You can feel him smirk into the kiss like “haha I win!”. Pulling you closer as he wrap his arms around your waist.
“I know you can’t resist me. I don’t even know why you even try..”
“Shut up what do you want for dinner..?”
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심재윤 Sim Jaeyun + 정원 jungwon
the ones that will participate but will give up 5 minutes in. You will try persuading him to continue but they will start pouting cuz they want to kiss you so bad. Like cling onto you for the rest of the night because you will give him kisses on his face. Yeah they are a big baby when it comes to this.
“love let’s do the try not to kiss challenge!” He doesn’t understand why your so excited for this. Isn’t it suppose to be a horrible thing to not receive kisses? Well too him it is.
“uh..why would we be doing this?”
“Because it’s fun! Let’s see how long we can last okay?” 5 minutes later your lovely boyfriend is now pouting, begging you to stop this challenge because he can’t stand your lips not being on his. He’s so addicted to them he can’t even last 5 minutes without it.
“Please baby I need your lips on mines… is been too long…”
“sweetie is only been 5 min-” he pulls you into his lap before you finish speaking. His lips on yours, tasting your sweet cherry lip gloss that got him so tempted to kiss you.
“You need to stop with all these bullshit challenges cuz what are you tryna do to me…?”
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희 승 heeseung + 선우 Sunoo
the ones who just laughs after you suggested it cuz bro ain’t participating in these challenges. HE THINKS IS STUPID. They just ignore you if you keep asking. Will 100% kiss you before you can even start the challenge. They just don’t like doing these type of challenges because he wants your attention 25/8 as well as your kisses so there’s no point.
“Hey love! Wanna do the try not to kiss chall-”
“No. End of discussion.”
“WHAT? I didnt even Finish my sentence.”
“baby you know you will fail so I don’t even know why you wanna try.”
“but-” you got cut off when he smashes his lips against yours. Kissing the corner of your lips before pulling away.
“See you can’t even last 5 minutes if we did the challenge..” now he’s the one laughing because of your shocked expression your face. Totally not expecting him to kiss you out of nowhere.
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taglist : @surefornext @spilled-coffee-cup @skepvids @amymyli @in-somnias-world @okjaeminn @nonotwice1 @thinkmyg @blubbfsh
Reblog , comment or dm to be on my perm taglist !
networks : @k-films @k-neighborhood @/k-labels @kflixnet
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leeofthevoid · 3 months
Cold-blooded Beings - Part 2
Farleigh Start x Reader
a/n: Hello all! Super huge thanks to those who helped me change my perspective and gave good criticisms on the last chapter. I hope you liked this one, took a bit longer to write but a bit more slow. Might re-edit later and think about the kissing scene. Not Beta Read.
Warnings: Mentions of Alcohol, Strong language, Sex, Nudity
Word Count: 1951
|| Part One, Part Three, Part Four
Alcohol and Money
You weren’t a stranger to the Cattons’ wild side. They were known to throw parties, banquets, and get-togethers that could turn very out of hand after a few rounds of their expensive alcohol being passed around to people as young as thirteen. This rave or club was not any crazier; sure, there were a handful of borderline public sex acts going around, and people here were under the age of twenty-five, but it really had nothing against the Cattons.
Felix wasn’t known to be a guy to keep his hands to himself. He took his chance to steal you away from the guy you were making out with to get you dancing, his hand roaming while his other hand held his beer bottle. You didn’t mind; he was always like this, always a tad bit too touchy, just like the rest of them, save for Sir James. He was always childlike and in his own world.
“Why’d you steal me from Mr. Hottie, Fee?” You asked or screamed at him over the music. He chuckled and scrunched his nose. “Can’t have you doing sinful things you might regret.” You laughed as you swayed your hips to the music, dancing with him. “A bit too late for that, Fee. Been doing some very sinful things since I last saw you Love.”
“Color me impressed. You better tell me all about those,” he said with a wink while pulling you closer to him, leading you to the bar where Farleigh was eating some random guy’s face out. It was a little more quiet and a little bit more organized than the dance floor, a good chance to have a breather and enjoy the atmosphere. Felix slid away to order a few drinks for you when Farleigh pushed his little gent away. He looked so disheveled, with swollen lips and lust-filled eyes. My, my. These boys really grew into their family antics. “A little more snogging; I thought you’d be eating him, Farleigh.” He scoffed playfully and pulled you to sit on his lap, wrapping his arms around your waist, and resting his head on the crook of your shoulder. “If you could call it one; he was so bad. Probably better than Oliver, but fuck, it was so bad.” You gave him a few head pats as you teased him about his weird knowledge of Oliver’s kissing techniques when Felix handed you your drink before walking away to probably look for Oliver. Oh god, Oliver… It was crazy how you caught a glimpse of him staring at you while you danced with Felix; he was just gone so fast when you wanted to call him over. Kind of creepy.
“How was your little date with the cockless duo?” Farleigh whispered in your ear, teasing and all. You situated yourself on his lap in a way that you’d be able to see what his face looked like. That mischievous glint and smirk on his stupid face were laughable but also seriously? He just had to remind you? “Got stood up by the Math know-it-all and the lifeless writer.” Bastard.
“Jesus, Farleigh, your mouth needs cleansing.” He found humor in your censorship. Honestly, though, why do you even defend those two? You'll never know. “Oh come on! That other guy looked like he would have fucked his mom if he had the chance.” Your face twisted into a horrified expression, mouth hung ajar from the atrocities he’s telling you. “Farleigh! Is there any way for you to not say such things?” You slapped his chest, grumbling underneath you as he laughed his heart out.
“You know… Not to be one with a savior complex, but I do have an offer that’s a little tempting.” He bit his lower lip, rubbing small circles on your exposed thighs, the feeling making you shiver. You tried to play it cool by drinking some of the mimosa Felix gave you while looking at him, challenging his confidence that barely wavered.
“Do you Cattons have a kink for being handsy with childhood friends?” Farleigh chuckled as his hands traveled further up your dress. “Maybe? Is that bad?” Of course, that didn’t stop his hand from playing with your thighs and squeezing them every once in a while.
“Maybe. So… about this offer to relieve my heartache from being stood up by Oliver and Michael?” You put your drink down to wrap your arms around his neck. His eyes dropped down to your lips, heart beating fast under your hand resting on his chest. “Well, I’m not one to pity people, but you seem to be a lucky one.” He seemed to wait for your first move, but his eyes betrayed him. He looked like he was ready to pounce at any given moment anyway, and you loved the tension. Slowly sliding your hands up and down his exposed chest, you closed the gap as painstakingly slowly as possible. He rolled his eyes and closed the gap himself, earning him a small gasp from you.
His lips were soft and warm. He was delicate yet vicious as he sucked on your lower lip, hands on your back and thigh. He tasted so… different and so good you just had to pull him closer, as close as humanly possible to appease your hunger for him. He tasted like cigarettes with a hint of mint and oranges. What the hell has he been consuming to taste this good? This is probably the alcohol; for sure the alcohol making you insane and loving every second of your kiss. He slowly slipped his tongue into your mouth, swiping down your lips then nibbling with his teeth. You sucked on his lips, earning a faint groan, tightening his hold on you.
You pushed him with a smirk on your face, slightly shaking your head while he tried to pull you back. “Free taste could only give so much.” You whispered in his ear as you stood up from his lap, leaving him confused and empty-handed. You danced more that night, had a few more drinks, and woke up in a stranger’s bed. It was normal. This life was normal for you, but what about the plaything Felix found?
After a few weeks of hanging out with Felix and Farleigh, you were embarrassingly worn out on the tutoring session Mr. Ware told you to facilitate while he was out of town. Oliver seemed a little more confident and laid back now that Felix influenced him so much, but you can’t help but notice the little cracks this shy little man still had. “And life, though always heartbreaking, finds a way to course through the minds and hearts of even the most loveless individuals…” You sent an assignment last week to Oliver and Farleigh, ‘Write about life as tragic as you can.’ Farleigh seemed at least prepared for this session, but he remained quiet, and comfortably sat cross-legged on the other chair parallel to yours as Oliver continued his monotone reading. “Okay, so Oliver you have improved, and I am proud!” You interrupted, “But I still think you fail to capture a little bit more of the emotions we need to fully express to the readers and listeners about what you want them to think about your work.” Oliver pursed his lips, brows furrowing deep in thought, “I just thought maybe I’d let the readers perceive it as they want. Let them have the freedom, unlike the prison life has given to them.” It was smart and very interesting, but the exercise was for them to be able to focus on the subject they wrote about. You heard Farleigh blow raspberries as he settled back in his chair. “You know, Ollie, what she meant to say was that it was boring, again. It lacked life and the lust for things surrounding the tragedy life brings us.” He clicked his tongue and looked at you.
You sighed at his observation and gave a slight wink your way. “She was right in saying you’ve improved, but you lost your objective. You think you’re so smart in deviating from what you’re supposed to do and what you’re supposed to be, that you became too complacent.” Oliver looked at Farleigh, confused and angry, standing up abruptly after a few moments, excusing himself from the room.
“Farleigh!” You looked at him pointedly and watched Oliver disappear into the hallway. “What? Was I wrong? He was still so intolerable you almost fell asleep.”
“It does not give you an excuse to bash him like that.”
“Like what?” He chuckled lowly. “Like he’s one of us? Like he can use you and Felix as safety nets?” You chose to ignore him and stood up to fix the files in Mr. Ware’s office without another word. “I see how you give him money when he hangs out with you. How he looks at you when we go and get drinks, while Felix whispers in your ear about whose turn it was. Y/N, fucking talk to me! What is up with you and that leeching cunt?”
You sharply turned around to find Farleigh behind you, looking down at you as he waited for answers. “He’s already struggling enough, Far. Felix and I just talk sometimes about how he reminds us of the little kids our housekeepers had over when my parents threw charity parties.” He looked at you with disbelief in his eyes, biting his cheek. “You’re such a fucking Martyr. You and Felix both.” He humorlessly laughed as he backed away, throwing the essay he made on the table. “Please excuse me, Saint Therese.” He turned and left the room, giving a slight sarcastic bow in the process. What the fuck is his problem? You were only being kind, just like what Mother and Father taught you. What’s so wrong about it?
That night, you talked to Felix about the whole thing. Farleigh is right and wrong. He was right and you both knew it. While you were talking, you couldn’t help but feel a wave of disinterest from Felix. Like talking about Oliver was making him bored and he would much rather talk about something else. “Hey, what’s wrong?” Felix looked up from his laptop and blew out some smoke. You too had a lit cigarette in between your lips, unable to save yourself from the temptations of its relief. “It’s just… Ollie is…”
“Getting boring?” A silence hung in the air. You were right and Felix just didn’t want to say it. “He just doesn’t feel as excited anymore, you know?” If there’s one thing you knew about Felix, it was that he had always been the type of kid who would love his toys so much at the start but discard them when they got tired of them. Right now, Oliver was the pitiful toy. “Hey, if you’re getting tired of him then it must be the same for me?” You looked at him from the other end of the bed you were lying on as he sat up and held onto your knees in a comforting way. “You? No way! No fucking way am I going to get tired of our lovely Monarch.” You rolled your eyes at the nickname and raised both your eyebrows. “Why are we so different then, hm?” The answer was obvious and it was the bloody truth. Oliver was the scholar kid, smarter than the rest, got into a good school, had enough allowance to buy cafeteria food, and was an outcast. He was not like you. He was not from your world, only dragged because of Felix and your kindness (Pity). Felix kissed your cheek after you got pulled into your thoughts and went back to talking about everything else, lightening up the mood.
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Gliding On Ice
Word Count: 887
Warnings: None
Miles Morales x Fem! Reader ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶
In the bustling heart of Brooklyn, Miles Morales and (Y/N) found themselves in a world of frozen wonder. The local ice-skating rink beckoned them, its shimmering surface a canvas for their shared adventure. Miles, known for his quick wit and boundless determination, was about to experience a whole new realm guided by (Y/N)'s expertise.
(Y/N) had always possessed a natural talent for ice skating. Her graceful movements mirrored the fluidity of water, capturing the attention of those around her. Today, she planned to introduce Miles to this captivating world, her heart brimming with excitement and laughter.
As they laced up their skates, (Y/N) could sense Miles' nerves despite his brave front. She gave him an encouraging smile, her eyes shining with unwavering support. "Don't worry, Miles. I'll be right here with you every step of the way."
Hand in hand, they made their way onto the glistening ice. Miles' first tentative steps were anything but smooth. His legs seemed to have minds of their own, causing him to stumble and flail in a series of adorable missteps. Yet, instead of growing frustrated, (Y/N) found herself captivated by his endearing clumsiness.
She skated circles around him, her movements as effortless as a whisper in the wind. With each stumble, Miles' cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and amusement. But (Y/N) was there, cheering him on and offering words of encouragement that melted away his self-consciousness.
"You're doing great, Miles! Just remember to keep your balance and let the ice guide you," (Y/N) called out, her voice filled with genuine admiration.
Miles smiled at her unwavering support, his determination reignited. He focused on (Y/N)'s technique, trying to mimic her fluid motions. Yet, no matter how hard he tried, his feet seemed to have a mind of their own.
(Y/N) glided beside him, her laughter filling the air. "Don't worry about being perfect, Miles. Ice skating is all about finding your own rhythm and having fun."
And so, they continued their dance on the ice, each step bringing them closer. (Y/N) showed him how to maintain balance, how to glide with grace, and how to fall and rise again with a smile. The rink became their sanctuary, a place where laughter echoed and bonds deepened.
With each passing minute, Miles' confidence grew. His wobbles became less frequent, replaced by moments of stability and even the occasional twirl. But it was (Y/N)'s unwavering belief in him that fueled his determination.
As they took a break at the rink's edge, Miles leaned against the barrier, catching his breath. His face was flushed, and his eyes shone with a mix of exhaustion and triumph. (Y/N) stood beside him, her gaze filled with pride.
"You're doing amazing, Miles. I knew you had it in you," (Y/N) said, her voice overflowing with admiration.
Miles chuckled, wiping beads of sweat from his forehead. "I never thought ice skating could be this challenging. But with you by my side, it's a whole new adventure."
(Y/N) smiled, her fingers gently intertwining with his. "That's what friends are for, Miles. To support each other and enjoy every moment together."
As the two friends prepared to take to the ice once more, a surge of warmth filled Miles' chest. He looked at (Y/N), his eyes filled with unspoken emotions. In that moment, words failed him, but his actions spoke volumes. "You know, (Y/N), I never imagined I'd be this bad at ice skating," Miles confessed, a sheepish grin tugging at his lips. "But I guess it's all part of the learning process, right?"
(Y/N) chuckled, her laughter music to Miles' ears. "Absolutely! Everyone starts somewhere, and you're doing great. Besides, it's all about having fun and enjoying the journey."
Miles nodded, his gaze filled with determination. "I won't give up. I'll keep practicing until I can skate circles around you!"
(Y/N) playfully raised an eyebrow. "Oh, is that a challenge, Morales? Well, don't be surprised when I take you up on it."
They both laughed, their voices merging with the melody of the rink. Miles found himself grateful for (Y/N)'s infectious positivity and unwavering belief in him. It was as if her encouragement transformed the ice beneath his feet into a pathway of endless possibilities.
They continued skating, their conversation flowed effortlessly. They shared stories, dreams, and even silly jokes that made them burst into laughter. The sound of their voices mingled with the crisp winter air, creating an atmosphere of warmth and companionship. And as the sun began to set, casting a soft orange glow over the rink, (Y/N) brought their skating session to a gentle halt. They found themselves at the center of the ice, where their journey had begun.
"I have to admit, (Y/N), this ice skating thing is a lot more enjoyable with you by my side," Miles said, his voice laced with sincerity.
(Y/N) beamed at him, her eyes sparkling. "The feeling is mutual, Miles. You make everything an adventure, even when we're stumbling around on the ice."
Their gazes locked, an unspoken connection weaving between them. In that moment, the rink seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them, bound by laughter and friendship.
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oops-its-a-fanwork · 6 months
Bountyhunter/Thief reader x the Pirates ☆
Based on the pirate au by @mega-punani, check out her stuff if you enjoy this! They are currently not creating content for it but what is there is really lovely :3
Reader is trying to catch the crew for their bounty! Or at the very least, get some of their fabled treasures for themselves. Your specialities are thievery and catching people or crews alive, which usually yields more bounty anyway. Not to mention that if you can get people to talk, they may reveal more valuable information, items or treasures. Your skills are becoming pretty well known around te area, and that reputation will grow even bigger when you finally catch one of the big dogs~
Yeah thats right, the Skull Pirates' ship just docked nearby! A perfect opportunity. You realize it would be easier to pick them off one by one (fighting the entire crew is obviously a Bad Time) but oops the first one you picked is like kinda cute actually?? Wait scratch that you're here for the money! ...even if they have some redeeming qualities that make them not that bad and- hey wait when did you end up on their team?
Sans It takes him such a long time to wake up from the knock-out that you are frustrated before he even starts talking. After that it really doesn't help that he starts talking to you as if you were buddies chatting during break instead of, I don't know, a hostage situation?? You press a knife to his neck to shut him up but he just keeps talking, telling you he thinks you'll like some of the edgier types on his crew and making puns about sharp edges and this not being very knife of you, chill as ever. When a loud bang rings through the air and your hideout shakes, he breaks the news: his team is getting him back right now and he has decided you are joining the crew. He thinks you're cute and you've got skills if you can manage to knock out and kidnap someone like him. You know you don't stand a chance against his entire crew so begrudgingly you join, letting your displeasure be known every single step of the way. Even if they start to grow on you rather quickly. The crew is confused and amused about your arrival but they at least tolerate you due to you being introduced by Sans.
Papyrus You tried to lure him into following you with flattery, talking about his interests and even sharing gossip from the village. Asking him to assist you with something was far too easy and he seemed happy to help, stating that he would let his brother know where he was going just in case! He's been told there's some sketchy folk around ;) Before you can stop him he's marched off. You mentally debate on simply leaving now before deciding against it. When he returns he lets you know that his brother is excited to meet you! You are pretty much carried aboard by the pirate before you can even object, where a few curious crewmembers give you a quick nod before continuing their tasks. Shit, now half of the ship knows your face, your surprise attack is ruined! When Papyrus sees you pout he immediately makes it his mission to cheer you up again: he showers you in compliments, shows you every nook and cranny of the ship since you seem so interested in it and he encourages you to talk about your home some more. In the chaos of Papyrus's boundless energy he manages to introduce you to Sans and ask if you can join the crew ('Wait wha-'). Sans agrees easily ('No seriously wait-'), recognizing you from a wanted poster and knowing that keeping an eye on you is far easier like this. Not to mention that he can clearly see that his brother really likes you and that he is already winning you over bit by bit. Welcome to the crew kiddo.
Blue He's clearly trying to impress you. You can use that. He's another one you tried to lure with talking, but he was too stubborn to lure with flattery alone so you used the next best thing: a bet. Feigning innocence as a random townsperson simply curious about the new faces resembling the famous Skull crew, you challenged his abilities. Surely they can't be all people crack them up to be? If you lost, you would tell them more about that lost treasure your town has rumors about, and you would accept that he is simply amazing. If you won, he would help you carry those heavy groceries of yours to your home to make up for the lost time. You knew he was strong so you expected to lose. You were hoping to be introduced as an innocent citizen so the crew won't be suspicious if you show up again to snoop around. Maybe the cutie fool can even vouch for you! Worst case scenario you can get him alone in your hideout and knock him out, then get the information you need by force. Either way, you were getting a good deal out of this. Aaaah bummer, you lost~ Guess you'll give his crew any intel you have! Feeling accomplished, you let him lead you to the ship... where he promptly introduced you to the others as the famous bounty hunter they had been hearing so much about. He knew all along???
Stretch He woke up to the sound of someone softly playing some notes on his banjo, his hands and feet tied. He was too tired and hazy to think too much, but looking a little to his right, he saw you softly inspecting his beloved instrument: gentle touches over the wood, fingers following the pretty carvings along the handle. Soft notes filled the room when you'd pluck the strings gently, listening to the notes intently as you waited for him to wake up. You could've been a siren with how entranced he was... until you snapped him out of it by looking up to him with a mischievous, self assured smile, putting the banjo aside and moving far too close to him. Oh boy. When he was inevitably rescued by his brother, you escaped quickly through a window with a smile and a wink his way, intensifying his orange blush as he looked away. You still follow them around, looking to get some riches here or there. Whenever you encounter each other he can never look you in the eye, a rush of magic spreading across his face, which only makes the chase more fun for you. Eventually the crew outvotes him on trying to get you on board, and he really doesn't make too much of a fuss about it. At this point everyone just wants to see how this turns out between you two. (including him.)
Red Just because you flirted with him when trying to get him alone, doesn't mean he gets to keep flirting when he wakes up!! Every part of you gets complimented, every conversation topic gets turned into a pickup line, and every time you threaten him he tells you he's into that shit. You didn't even know skeletons had... eyebrows?? brow-bones?? but he keeps waggling them at you every time you try to get to the point. It's absolutely infuriating! Annoying! Revolting even! (so stop blushing!!) You are this close to hitting him in the face but he'll probably make a flirt out of that too. When his brother shows up to rescue collect him, you pretty much just shove Red at him and tell them both to get lost. Now every time you encounter each other he drops everything to flirt with you and to convince you to join them, even mid-fight. The crew knows about the whole thing too so you don't have the element of surprise anymore. God damn it.
Edge BITES YOU BITES YOU BITES YOU BITES YOU BITES YOU- No but seriously he is pissed. You had jumped him from up high before he could set any traps to protect the ship's anchoring point! He would be even more pissed to be rescued by his crewmates, hoping to bust out by himself at least, or preferably even return without anyone knowing what had happened at all. Instead, you riled him up into talking, stole his keys and fled the little hideout to steal some of their treasure. Since most of the crew was looking for him on the shore you actually managed to steal some gems, but you were eventually cornered a few days later. He actually kinda respects your skills, he's just very butthurt to have been your first victim as the crew teases him for it a lot. In an act of reconciliation you prank the others and capture/'torture' them if any of them do something stupid or rude, showing everyone it's your skills that did him in and that he was no fool for falling prey to them. Although he nags about it to both them and you, he very quickly realizes that you are helping him keep the crew in check when they do dumb shit and you both reconnect from there. Now you're a terrifying couple to do stupid things around and you have quite the reputation. You both enjoy that a lot.
Razz You are confusing him with the way you act. You flatter him by calling him the most dangerous one there, saying how much research you had to do due to his reputation, telling him just how difficult it was to get some seastone to keep his powers in check... and you've stolen one of his maps too!! He is livid, seething, but keeps getting caught off guard by the flirtatious ways you address him. By the end of the day he's exhausted by the constant emotional whiplash you've been creating. When the crew comes for him you've already fled, leaving him tied to his chair. (insulting!!!) You sold his map for good money, which is how they tracked you down as he immediately recognises his own detailed work. You besting a guy like him made a good part of the crew curious about you though so now you are cautiously accepted in the group. Razz always brags about the quality of his maps to you and you tease him by telling him you'll steal them and sell them for a lot. Somehow, this has become the way you communicate. The higher a prize you name for a map, the higher its quality (and the more he blushes). When you're mad at him you tell him they won't sell cuz they look shitty. It's raining those days.
Cash He looked so tired and lanky that you hadn't realized he was part of the famed skeleton crew until you almost walked past him. It seems you surprised both yourself and him when you swiftly turned around and knocked him on the head, dragging him to your nearby hideout. Good thing you were always prepared for anything! And that no-one was watching. Now that he's awake, he's... far to meek. Almost a little smug, actually. You are suspicious of him, but he can't really do anything shackled up like this. Cash found himself in a really fun situation upon waking up: a good looking person standing over him, clearly ready to write things down in a little notebook and threatening him with the cutest little pocket knife he has ever seen. You remind him of his brother just a little bit... Welp, that does it. He's going to bully you into joining, this is too funny to pass up! Good thing he had impulsively stolen the keys from you before getting knocked out. Cash took you by surprise and carried you onto the ship, introducing you to everybody. He will never stop being a smug idiot about that story either.
Bear He's just sitting there, red eye on you and face blue. Maybe you shouldn't have come so close to threaten him, because as soon as you entered his personal space he completely spaced out. Fuck, did you get the mute one? How can you get information out of him like this! He's not holding anything of value either... maybe you can hand him in alone? It would ruin your beautiful complete-crew-cleanup-plan though... While you are contemplating just what to do with this guy, Bear is contemplating a few things himself: you're clearly not the most buff person, having relied on a sneak attack and the binds to keep him at bay. You were working on your own, which in a place like this likely meant you didn't have any close friends or family or you would've been in their gang instead. You also clearly didn't give a shit about his size, intimidating looks or injury, and while those thoughts made his face warm, it also meant you clearly had no sense of self preservation. Guess he has to take things into his own hands. He takes you by surprise by breaking the chair he was seated on, thus giving him enough space to remove his binds, and simply picking you up and taking you with him. He and the crew will take care of you from now on.
Cinnamon Ok you feel bad. He pretty much stumbled into your arms, apologizing profusely, called you pretty while looking up at you from within your arms and then apologized for the out of the blue statement in a whirlwind of stutters and sorrys. When after a second you recognised him from the wanted posters you knocked him over the head and he was out. You weren't even really hunting for the crew that day to be honest, just taking a stroll through the town for groceries. Now he's awake and stuttering so much you're not getting anything interesting out of him. You got close to his face to interrogate him properly and he almost passed out again. You end up dumping an awake him unceremoniously into his brother's lap, and now they know about you and are hunting you to be on their team instead. Sigh.
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nightsdreamgates · 3 days
hey I wanted to do a request because I think that your NID au looks intresting and cool!
swap nights (your au) x reader fluff
so how would swap nights react to the reader who just gives them random (things since I feel like in the dream world the visitors can just created what they want in a way) like giving swap nights like rocks, candy and a frog? and Nights is trying to wounder why is the reader doing this? is a way to show affection? are they challing me? why a frog? is this a threat?
Hello Anon! I apologize for me taking a bit longer than usual to respond but thank you for requesting me this! I might write an short one-shot of this scenario because being honest that sounds hilarious! So here's goes your fluff!
Illusio [Pre-Rebellion/Swap NiGHTS] X GN!visitor
■ ‐ You (Visitor)
■ - Illusio (aka NiGHTS)
Adeema ≈ Goodbye! (Nightmaren)
Adeerya ≈ See you later! (Nightmaren)
○•. *
The Gift:
" What is this? " it had been an while since you and Illusio had known to eachother, the first day you both met, Illusio never understood why and how an visitor like you managed to handle him so well. Fearless to talk to him normally and even showing courage to still approach the king; Honestly it made him really annoyed how he cannot take any reaction out of you, but he did found intrigued by your bravery and even thought using this to benefit him into tricking you and steal your Ideyas. But unfortunately, for him, it's a shame to admit but the more he interacted with you, more he seems to fall into your weirdness, which even if he would feel dissapointed of himself, he quite change the path of his plans, quite enjoying this little relationship he has with you, growing attached eachtime you both start to connect. Now there you are, holding a frog and pointing it at Illusio, his eyes furrowing in confusion yet interest of why you're showing him a... Small dart-frog.
" Isn't it cute! I found hopping around the woods and decided to pick it up... The colors kinda reminded me or you! Except for the green eyes of course— " You say, bashfully, as your cheeks turns rosy by embarassment, especially at how Illusio is looking down at you in a firm neutral expression.
" Pfft– An frog that reminds you of me by it's colors...? Why now, are you calling me a frog, visitor? " His stance moves once he crosses his arms while he kept his seriousness in his face, making your eyes wide and you starting to feel nervous by it, even tho in reality, he isn't offended, mostly just finding this hilarious deep down, still containing his chuckles.
" A-Ah noo! Is not what I meant, I just wanted to show to you and see if you like to keep it! " Working hard to not misintepretate as you're mocking him, is not the first time he witnessed you giving him strange objects and tiny animals, he was very confused back then but once he started to realize that they were all gifts... He started to see you in different eyes, finding it amusing and somehow adorable. An visitor? Caring to show him things that amuses them? Now that moves his dark and mischiveous heart.
" Well... Why not! " He smiles, quite widely, it felt dubious once he picks the little frog from his palm, looking at it very close to his face. " Hello there little buddy... You look veery... Delicious " He would open his mouth widely and shove the frog into his mouth, you gasped once seeing the poor froggie being swallowed like a gummy. " NOO! Why you did this?... " Illusio looks at you with wide eyes, raising his hands as he acts out like he's innocent. " Whaat? Wasn't it a snack? "
" No! Besides I just wanted to give it to you if you wanted to keep it... But I wasn't expecting this! " You look down at the ground, shy yet upset seeing him misinterpretate your intentions, he looks at you grunting and rolling his eyes, before sighing and softening his pose towards your figure. " Look is hard for me to read what's your intentions sometimes, I'll admit. But do not be upset, it still makes me happy to at least receive a little snack! " He patted your shoulder, while he leaned playfully chuckling. " Really? Well at least you still accepted... I guess... "
" Yeah, yeah... Besides, the whole walking here was already enough. Y'know visitor, if wasn't for your quirkness, you would also be like that tiny frog... All chomped and chewed up like a gum! NHAC‐NHAC! " Teasing the visitor onto their back, always attempting to make the visitor scared but they always end up being slightly annoyed instead; Although you find his ways to bother you also bit fun yet stupid. " Gah! Stop with that you... Dingus! " You chuckle a little with him, Illusio always found the sound of your laughter tingly to him, way much sweeter than the screams of visitors being sinked into darkness.
" Bwa-hahah! What is this sort of insult? I think you're hanging out way too much with the nightopians! " Once you both started to have an fun moment together, Illusio huffs as his feets out of the ground, floated higher than before. You know what that means, soon enough he'll have to go, somewhere out there; He haven't told you the things he does behind the curtains, who he really is, probably because he has no time for it, or maybe... Is simply hiding, like he always did. Giving an mysterious aura to you, but it's bothering, because everytime you wanted to learn a bit about him, he always skipped it and changed the topic, slowly you're getting used to it, yet drives your curiosity crazy, especially more attracted by this intimidating being.
" Where are you going? " You ask, before he turned away. " Ahh... Out there, to handle my business, besides... You will wake up soon, so I better be out before that clock comes over to annoy. " Your eyes soften by the idea of waking up, the dismay of leaving this dream and having to come back to your reality.
It's always like this, Illusio only manages to sense your fears once you're about to be gone, an insecurity occurs around you, which naturally feeds his nightmaren nature; Taming his own insticts, since the care he had created for you still lives, is stronger than the idea of letting you fall to the list of damned visitors he once brought upon them. He asks about his purpose sometimes, doubting if is even that important like Wizeman says, but he would resist it for now... Yet never letting the idea die. " Will I... See you again? "
He smirks, like usually, before he turned his head to look at you. " Of course! Besides, I always come back! So don't worry, relax a little! I'll only come back once you're here again! " He starts to fly higher. " Ah besides! I might show you an special place once you come back to sleep, so, adeerya!~ "
Once you start to wake up and he fades away, in a distance enough around the void tunnels to come back to the dreamgates, his head starts to twist, along with his abdomen reflexing into an impulsion to let something out of his body. He spits out the frog who's still alive, holding the poor creature who's bathed in dark goo. His face is now serious after leaving the dreamscape, looking at the frog coldly. " .... You're coming with me, feel g r a t e f u l that I decided to accept you as an pet just because of t h e m. " The frog looks scared by him, before Illusio puts it in his pockets from the jacket. Like said before, is not the first time he had gifts from the visitor... He always save their trinkets in a special place of his domain, where nobody knows, neither them.
Thank you for reading this, hope you liked it!
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chansrighttiddie · 7 months
Chapter One
Pairings: Shy!Lee Know x Idol!Reader
Warnings: Mild Language, Explicit Smut (it's going to be a minute), Fluff, Enemies to Lovers type stuff, typical stuff. I'm bad at warnings okay. English is also not my first language, sorry for grammar and spelling errors.
Summary: You are a solo artist meeting SKZ for the first-time during variety show. All the members treat you warmly, but Minho can't stand to be in the room with you. You meet again to collab later on we see where it takes us! This is part of an ongoing story.
Word Count: 1.9k+
You sat in the back of your manager’s car, fighting the urge to drift off and sleep as she drove you to the studio for today’s schedule. A script had been placed on your lap but it was hard to read because you were tired. Who in their right minds schedules recordings so early in the morning? It was expected of this producer, but you only accepted because of the other guests. It was also a great opportunity to promote your new album and make new friends in the industry.
Gyuri is one of the hosts for this week, meaning you would get to work with your mentor and label mate again. The KARA member was the one person you could rely on before your debut in 2017, being from the same company meant you could see her a lot but it wasn’t the same as actually working together.
It felt like every other year you begged your company to let you collaborate with her on something, anything! They always denied it. Didn’t believe in your argument that the two of you were soulmates.
When your manager proposed this project during your comeback activity meeting, you accepted the moment “Park Gyuri” was mentioned. No other hosts or guests mattered to you at that moment. She really was the best thing to happen to you. Anytime you think about the struggles of your debut, tears would reach your eyes. 
You were in a group lineup for your company, DSP Entertainment, but the plans fell through when the other members left the company a month before. With only three members the company decided not to debut a group, this didn’t sit well with your twenty-year-old self. 
All your hard work and efforts would be thrown down the drain, you even had fans! You couldn’t let them down! After fighting with the company for months they decided you could debut, but as a soloist. If the time came around where they would debut another group, you would be considered as a member. You were nervous and heartbroken. 
You wouldn’t make it, couldn’t. That’s when Gyuri had stepped in, she encouraged you. She helped you train, everyday for three months. When you felt like giving up, Gyuri would sit with you in the practice room and just listen. The two of you would cry and hug it out, then get back up and try again. She really is like a soulmate to you.
“Can you please read the script and not sleep, Y/N?” Your manager’s loud voice made you jump in your seat, you didn’t realize you had fallen asleep. “Seriously, how many times have we been over this?”
“Rest when you can.” You said in a sing-song voice, your eyes were still closed. Your manager was only a year older than you, the two of you got along well. Teasing her was your favorite thing to do. “Unni you said that during the last meeting, I’m just following directions.”
You heard your manager cuss under her breath and turn in the driver’s seat. “I meant… Nevermind, we’ll be there in fifteen minutes. At least look at the plan for today’s set. When we get there you have to rush to get your hair and make-up done…” She took a breath of air then continued, “You have to get a soundpack and mic, meet the group promoting their activities as well, practice with them for the chall–”
“Practice for their dance challenge, promote my new album well, and smile the whole time.” You interrupted. “You told me everything over the phone last night, mentioned it when you woke me up, and reminded me when I got in the car.”
You were wide awake now, making eye contact with your manager in the rear-view mirror. She winced at your comment and nodded, “I’m just nervous, this is your first comeback in two years.”
You had taken up acting, two shows. One of them did really well, it even won you the Best New Actress Award, while the other… Well you don't like to talk about that one. 
“I’m nervous too, we can’t show it though. We’re supposed to be cold-hearted.” That’s a lie, being an extrovert didn’t help with your ‘cold-hearted’ appearance. You talked too much, laughed too much, and smiled too much. “Suck it up.”
Your manager snorted, “Yes, we’re cold-hearted and totally a threat to the music world.”
She had a point, you weren’t that big of an artist in the ‘pop’ scene. However, everyone knows you and your sweet personality. After your debut, many programs would prank you to get a reaction but all you could do was smile. Even if they had ruined your favorite skirt with blue ink. 
Although you aren’t the best dancer, or even a good rapper, you could sing! Many younger artists mention your rich and unique vocals when prompted. When it comes to your dancing… You knew all the basics to it, you could memorize the moves but not really execute them the best. Everyone loved you for it, they found it cute. 
Which doesn’t explain why the concept the company chose for this comeback was a little darker and more focused on a goddess that enjoys mischief. 
Your comeback also has choreography, the main title track is more upbeat than any recent songs you’ve released in the past. Your calves ache just thinking about having to dance again today. Usually you’d sing a soft or deep ballad, minimal movements and lots of stage props. This would be new, you hadn’t really trained this hard in a long time. Still, you were excited to show something new.
It was a bit of a surprise to everyone when the concept trailer released, your family members even teased you knowing you didn’t have a mean bone in your body. How could you manage to 
Your manager pulled into the stage parking area and unlocked the gate, a couple of the guards waved enthusiastically towards you. You resisted the urge to roll the window down and greet them. You’re supposed to be cold today, that’s your concept. You sat back in your seat and pursed your lips.
“Son Mi, do you have my cap?” You felt a little uneasy, maybe it was just now hitting that you actually had to be an idol today. Not that being an actress was much easier, it wasn’t.
“You look fine, Y/N. Don’t be nervous.” 
“Oh, I’m okay.” You laughed it off, you actually are really nervous. Hiding under a hat would make you feel a lot better. “I just want to see Gyuri first.”
“Ha.” She put the car into park. “No.”
Your manager opened and slammed the driver door. You sighed and grabbed your bag, exiting the car as well. 
She was by the back unloading the rest of your things, “So if you enter Stage B3, there should be a staff member to show you hair and make up. I’m gonna check in with the director and the producer.”
You leaned down to grab a couple of bags while nodding, “Can you see if there is a cafe nearby? Or if they are providing coffee. I’m still tired.”
Those bags were heavy. “They should have something for you in the dressing room, something for you to snack on too.”
You waddled towards the large metal door with your bags, leaving Son Mi behind. It's a good thing you skipped leg day yesterday or else you would have collapsed before you even made it to the door. You shifted the bags in your arms and reached for the door handle.
You were really surprised when the door opened for you. You couldn’t really see who opened the door but based on the plain black tee they were wearing, you assumed this was the staff member.
“Thank you, do you mind grabbing one of these? Sorry, it’s heavy.” You stood there in the door frame, in silence. The staff member didn’t move and you noticed them shuffle in place. “Oh it’s okay if not, just lead the way.”
Silence again. Were you mistaken? You backed up to look at the big numbers above the door, B3. You moved forward into the door frame again, “Do you mind if I just enter a little more?”
It was pretty cold outside and your thin sweater wasn’t doing much to keep you warm. Your arm started to shake as the weight from your bags started to get heavier and heavier. Dropping the bags on the ground, you followed.
You were now on your knees in the middle of the entrance, bags everywhere, at the feet of a staff member. How embarrassing.
The staff member jumped into action and bent down to help you up, apologizing over and over. You could finally see the staff member and immediately tell he was not a part of the stage crew. 
“I’m so sorry, I couldn’t see very well. I thought you were a member of the crew!” You laughed embarrassed, “Sorry for assuming.” 
He looked a bit younger than you, he seemed a bit intimidating as you looked up from the floor. You dusted your knees off and bowed to apologize. “Gosh, I knew I should’ve waited for Son Mi.” You muttered to yourself. “Are you part of the cast for today’s show?”
He nodded with a bright smile, now reaching down to pick up your bags. You reached down to help as well but the stranger had already hoisted the two large bags on each arm.”I got them, don’t worry.” 
Feeling guilty you reached over and grabbed a bag, “I can carry them, I just lost my grip and dropped everything.” You smiled, in pain. This bag was the heavier of the two. You extended a hand to grab the other bag but the boy turned to walk away.
He gave a small laugh as he walked away, “Follow me.”
You snatched your personal bag from the ground and quickly followed. Managing to walk in step with him. You adjusted the heavy bag with a quiet grunt and gripped your bag, “I’m Y/N, excited to work with you all today.”
“I’m Jeongin.” He stopped abruptly, “This room.” He gently knocked on the door, the little plaque next to it had your name on it. 
He opened the door and set the bag down in the room, turning to you with a bright smile he laughed. “I think the hair stylist will be in soon, your hair is pretty messy.”
You dropped your bags on the floor and self consciously patted your hair down, “Does it look bad?” Jeongin was a little flustered, such a beautiful woman was in front of him asking if she looked bad.
“No!” He blurted, raking through his brain to find the right words. “You look so pretty! I didn’t mean it like that, your hair is cute.”
Feeling surprised by the younger boy’s comment, you started laughing.  He looked mortified, were you laughing at him? Before he could defend himself the stylist walked in and lightly shoved him out of the doorway, “You boys are done in hair and makeup for the day, PD is looking for you.”
Shooting you a soft glare, not that you could tell with all the tears in your eyes, Jeongin quickly retreated to the room. He had to tell his hyungs about this.
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skylarkking · 4 months
"One In The Same"
A TFA Blitzwing x Mech!reader
Word Count: 1.3k
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Chapter 10: Enigma Deactivation
I wouldn't end up finding a location for the Decepticons. Instead, I would end up encountering the last thing anyone would expect.
The Autobot ship, which had been submerged in water for almost an earth year, was free once again. I was suddenly grabbed by a set of metallic claws that jutted out of the top. I didn't fight it, though, because my calculations dictated that there was only a 12.5% chance of escape without injury.
The claws brought me inside the ship where a familiar medic and human were looking at me in shock. I was then restrained in place by more metal claws and cables, the percentage for escape without damage dropping to 0.03%.
I stared blankly at the medic and human. There were no thoughts, no emotions, absolutely nothing behind my optics. I was just a machine.
"Primus..." Ratchet whispered, and he approached me. "What did he do to you?"
"Ratchet, did you find Y/D?" Optimus's voice called over the comlink.
"Yeah... yeah, I did." He said grimly. "I have him restrained at the moment, and we will be closing in on your location in a little while. Just hang tight." Ratchet closed the comlink and stared up at me with an expression that one usually had when they were mourning.
For a brief moment, the crimson left my optics, and a singular tear slid down my cheek, Sari spotting the change just as I returned to my cold and calculating state.
"He's still in there!" Sari said. "Ratchet, Y/D is still in there!" Ratchet looked down at the little girl in surprise and then back at me, his optics fixating on the damp trail left behind by the tear.
That is what they saw, but in my mind, the Y/D they knew was trapped deep inside, surrounded by chains and code, enslaved and broken.
It cried for freedom. It cried for Ratchet. It cried... for Blitzwing.
But no one could hear it.
No one could hear my core consciousness screaming and sobbing. No one could hear the pain and unfiltered agony I wanted to release in hot, heavy sobs. I was alone, with no way out.
I was going to die.
"Duel conscious programming detected." I muttered as my core consciousness and the Enigma Programming battled for control of my frame. By this point, Ratchet had picked up the other Autobots, and they all turned to look at me.
"Did he just say duel conscious programming?" Prowl asked.
"He did." Ratchet said grimly.
"What does that mean?" Sari asked.
"It means that Enigma and Y/D are battling inside his mind." Ratchet said as he became deep in thought. "And I think we can provide reinforcements." He went up to my restrained form and reached for the cables, gently disconnecting them one by one. After the 3rd one was pulled, my frame siezed up, and a scream left me.
As I screamed, the Decepticons opened fire on the ship, the Autobots scattering about to man various battle stations. I struggled and writhed as everything began to go haywire. It was all a blur of confusing and overwhelming colors, scents, sounds, and feelings.
Then it all imploded, my vision going black as I was forced deep inside my own mind.
I was surrounded by a black void where nothing was above, and nothing was below. It was cold, dark, empty, and extremely lonely.
But I knew I wasn't alone.
'Autobot consciousness programming detected.' The voice of the Enigma program echoed. 'Termination protocol activated.'
It felt like I was being torn to shreds, my will breaking as parts of me began to die.
'I refuse to die like this!' I growled. 'ENIGMA! SHOW YOURSELF!'
'Challange... accepted.' Glitching into existence was a near perfect copy of myself. Only this one was purely a grounder. His paint job was far duller and desaturated than mine was, and his face was... oddly sad to me.
'Enigma,' I said. 'You can't destroy me.'
'Protocal dictates I must. It is Megatron's order that all autobot soldiers must die. As he wills it, so it chall be.'
'You don't have to follow Megatron. He doesn't own you!'
'I am Decepticon property, a weapon meant to destroy in the name of Megatron.' He ejected his claws and pointed them at me with an expressionless stare. 'All shall die.'
'Enigma, listen! If you destroy me, you destroy yourself in the process!'
In that moment, Enigma looked at me with his crimson optics with... confusion?
'Clarify.' He demanded.
'YOU BUMBLING IDIOT!' The Wrath state shouted as he appeared next to me. 'IF YOU KILL Y/D YOU END UP KILLING YOURSELF!'
'Ahahaha!' The Mania state cackled as he materialized on the other side of me. 'Suicide is such a crazy concept! Or maybe it's murder? Murder suicide? I don't know! Hehehe!'
'Enigma, please.' I begged. 'I know you're just a program and aren't sentient, but... you have to at least somewhat understand that this will destroy us both. So please, don't do it.'
'Command not recognized.' Enigma said. 'Termination protocol engaged.' The black void began to fill with green sprawling code, and all of us began to break away like pixels on a screen. It was slow, painful, and had to stop. I fought hard against the termination and stepped forward, the other two states pushing me from behind as support.
I then lunged at Enigma, my arms wrapping around him in a sort of hug. That's when all 4 of us were consumed by a bright white, the two states vanishing and leaving Enigma and myself alone in the white.
'What... what are you doing?' Enigma asked as I continued to hug him.
'They say self-love and care are good for the mind.' I said. 'Even if it's just something that can't return it.'
'I... I do not understand.' Enigma said.
'You don't have to.' I said quietly. 'You just accept it as it is.' Enigma hesitated, something he had not done before, and he reached around me and returned the embrace.
'This is... nice.' He said.
'And you can share it with me all the time.' I said. 'Stop the termination.'
The light faded as did the pain, the image of myself and Enigma vanishing into the black.
While this was occurring, my bindings had been broken by Optimus battling Megatron,  my frame falling to the ground with a crash.
"Nnnngh." I groaned as I came to, my helm spinning like mad and mh now blue optics opening to see the chaos. "What the?!"
"Y/D!" Optimus called as he blocked a swing from Megatron. I quickly got up and charged at Megatron, my fist connecting to the warlord's face and sending him to the floor.
"YOU ABSOLUTE SLAG PILE!" I shrieked as an uncontrollable rage built inside me, my optics swapping to violet.
"Enigma!" Megatron barked. "Stand down!"
"I am not Enigma." I snarled as I ejected my claws.
"What is this?!" He exclaimed.
"My name, is Y/D!" I charged the warlord and slashed hard across his chassis, Megatron grunting in pain as he stepped back. He glared at me, and the pair of us entered a brawl that ended up heading out of the crashed ship and onto the shoreline where Bumblebee, Prowl, and Bulkhead were battling Blitzwing and Lugnut.
"YOU TRIED TO TAKE MY FREE WILL!" I shouted angrily as I blocked a swing, the sparks and deafening clang reaching the battling bots.
Megatron snarled at me and shoved me back, his fist colliding with my frame as he beat the slag out of me.
Optimus intervened, and the battle between him and Megatron continued, Blitzwing throwing Bumblebee to the side and rushing to my battered frame. I opened my optics slightly at him and let out a pained whine.
"Shh, don't talk." He said softly.
"Blitzy... i... I'm sorry."
Darkness overtook me, and I remembered nothing more.
A/n I am not sure how much I like this chapter in terms of descriptions and stuff, but I think it's okay? But just okay. The REAL drama is about to begin, though.
Previous Chapter: Click Here
Next Chapter: Click Here
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dustbummy · 2 years
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Modern au
Nerd! Powder x Cheerleader Fem!reader
reader is written to be of any skin color or size.
this is very gay.
Vi is two years older than powder in this one, making her a senior and powder a sophomore. Caitlyn is a senior and reader is a junior.
Reader is down bad.
Small drabble.
(Name) presses her perfectly manicured nails against the stall door and gives it a light push. Opening the door and revealing herself behind it.
The (haircolored) girl walking quickly through the small tagged arch and towards the sink in front of her. Washing her hands and reapplying her bubble gum pink lip gloss. The girls (colored) eyes connecting with soft grayish blue ones through the mirror. A feeling of bashfullness washing over the girl.
Powder Lucas.
(Name) stares into startled glacous blue irises for a few more seconds before flashing her a quick smile.
The girl behind her immediately looking down towards her chipped fingernail polish instead. (Name) hummed softly, wishing the girl behind her would catch her eyes again.
The bluenette wore paint and oil stained black overalls today, her dark navy hair braided into two double dutch braids instead of their usual long fishtail. Mud splattered black sneakers covered her feet, her shoes a little on the larger side. Slightly different from the ones she normally wore.
Not that (name) noticed of course.
The (skincolored) girl dries off her hands softly with a paper towel. Adjusting her skirt in the mirror and walking out the bathroom with another word. Wanting to get out of the situation before powder noticed the soft blush dusting her cheeks.
Alexander slaps the tray from powder's hands, the blue plastic object clattering onto the floor without much of a struggle. The loud noise interrupts most of the chatter in the lunchroom, the students now staring at the interaction. Powder turns bright red at the attention and reaches down to pick up the fallen tray, alex kicks it away from her.
(Name) rolls her eyes and sits up in her seat. Here we go again.
Alexander Travis was a football player of course. Who believed his own bullshit and thought himself and other like him superior because of his clear financial advantage. In other words, he was an asshole.
An asshole who up until recently had a girlfriend that had left him for powder's troublemaker older sister. (Though, name thinks their relationship was fake the entire time, Caitlyn hadn't even pretended to be into him.)
An asshole who also got his teeth kicked in by powder's aforementioned troublemaker older sister who, because of it is now suspended for a month.
And since troublemaker Violet Lucas (who goes by 'Vi' to her very few friends) isn't here to kick his teeth in again, Alexander these past few days has taken to getting even through her much meeker younger sister.
Harassing her in gym, embarrassing her in front of teachers and overall being a huge dick to someone years younger than him.
The teachers look the other way because Alexander's the principals nephew and they don't want to lose their jobs. Students look the other way either because they, like alex, hate Vi and want to take it out on her or their just scared of the repercussions of standing against him.
(Name) tried to get him to stop behind the scenes quite a lot of times. Appealing to their past status as friends and even promising to go on a date with him if he'd just leave the poor girl alone. But he just shook his head and said that that 'poor ass family' had to pay and stopped to conversation at that.
The cheerleader pops the bubblegum loudly in her mouth, making sure it reaches the only two standing up in the middle of the lunchroom. The sound cuts off Alex's stupid ass taunts and makes him then towards the (haircolored) girl who cups one of her hands to her face and leans on the lunch table, obviously bored.
"Got something to say (lastname)?" He raises an eyebrow challengingly, thin lips twitching downwards when (name) says nothing and instead just blows up another pink gum bubble.
The girl pops it again and chews loudly. "Yeah actually, when are you gonna leave that poor girl alone?" She uncrosses her legs and prepares to stand up.
"What?" Alexander let's out a little snicker, surprised that she's so blunt in public. He turns to the cheerleader, forgetting the glaring bluenette behind him.
(Name) stands up, smoothing her skirt out and letting it fall to her knees. "I mean, I get it Vi literally stole your girl and handed your ass to you on a silver platter, but it's done- it's over now, just let it go dude."
Powder behind him stops attempting the impossible task of picking up the sticky mess of cheesy mashed potatoes from the tiled floor and instead stares ahead, her mouth opened slightly showing off her cutely gapped teeth.
Alex scoffs at her words and crosses his arms. "Your really sticking up for this bootlicker and her jailbird of a sister?" He questions, the threat clear in his words.
(Name) shrugged. "Nobody else seems to be." And with that the conversation is over. The (haircolored) girl brushing past him and bending over slightly, offering the girl on the floor a hand that she takes with shaking fingers.
A tingle flows through (name)'s body where their fingers touch and the girl bites back a gasp. Suddenly a lot more self conscious after successfully grabbing the hand of her kinda sorta maybe longtime crush.
Slowly, she pulls the bluenette off the ground until she's standing up right in front of her. The cheerleader awkwardly picking off chunks if mashed potatoes from powder's outfit and clearing her throat. "There. Good as new." (Name) flashes another (hopefully comforting, most likely off putting) smile at powder's bewildered face and picks the lunch tray up. Not even bothering with the food on the ground.
The older girl, in front of everyone, gestures to her own table where there's only her lunch box. "Wanna come sit? I don't think I can fix this." She lifts the tray in question and looks over to the food on the floor. "But I have packed an extra lunch with me."
Powder blinks and stares for a few seconds at the offer and (name) grows even more embarrassed at the amount of eyes still on them. She'd never invited another person back over to her table before. Caitlyn has, most of the other cheerleaders have, but the girl never really felt comfortable talking to somebody else while eating.
"Yes." Powder's voice is soft, a slight rasp curls around her words and a monotonous edge is imbedded in the sound. Her voice brings a small fluttery feeling to her chest and nestles butterflies in her previously settled stomach.
This isn't even close to the first time (name) has ever heard the younger girls voice, not even close. But it's the first time it's actually directed at her and the acknowledgement is what sends her over the moon.
(Name) nods a little too quickly and forces off the smile threatening to pull at her cheeks. "Cool." She hopes powder can't hear the voice crack. The cheerleader bounces on her feet, feeling as if she won a million dollars as she pulls the sophomore over to her vacated table.
Powder stumbles over a little less gracefully and sits down. Bunching away from the older girl almost immediately and drawing in on herself. Barley visible light pink blush dotting her perfect freckled cheeks.
(Name) thinks nothing of it, not offended at the girls blatant closed offness and pulls a nicely wrapped pretty calzone out of her pink bag, chips and a small drink leaving it after and she hands it to her junior.
Powder takes it slowly, as if thinking (name) would snatch it back and laugh in her face if she moves to quickly. (Name) would never.
Eventually she takes it, their fingers brushing against each other and making both girls shiver at the touch. Powder gently unwraps the calzone and takes a small nimble of it, her eyes lighting up when the flavors touches her tongue and she goes back immediately to take a larger one.
(Name) discreetly watches her, not even touching her own messily put together homemade burger, pride filling her while watching powder happily stuff her cheeks.
She stayed up all night perfecting that recipe she pawned off of cait who got it from Vi. That damned thing was a lot harder to make than it seemed and (name) gained even more respect for the pink haired girl who made it perfectly everytime. The cheese grating in and of itself nearly had the (hair color) quitting at multiple points during the night.
The cheerleader fiddles with her multiple hello kitty bandaids while she subtly watches the girl eat. Elated all the hard work paid off and she didn't chicken out yet again on actually giving it to the bluenette.
"T-thank you." The younger girl's voice breaks through her thoughts easily and (name) pretends like she hadn't been staring. A small blush be falling her face at powder's piercing blue eyes. Her cheeks has small smudges of grease on them and her breath smells of pepperoni.
"I- anytime." The cheerleader nods. Happy to have the bluenettes attention for the first time in the six years that she's liked her. Her leg bounces under the table while powder absentmindedly comes slightly closer, their bodies no where near touching but there's a change in the air around them, a strange relaxation flowing through them both. The start of something new.
Yes, older powder is a kind of difficult character for me to write🥲
But it's not really my fault okay-
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hellcatinnc · 3 months
Fluffruary Day 23 - Garden Love
Warning This includes: SFW (Read Tags Before Continuing)
Tags: sfw, fluff, garden, garden love, romantic, naps, cuddling, cold mornings, garden walks, garden metaphors
Word Count: 955
Feature: Challe x Fem! Reader
Theme: Garden
You stand at the window looking out over the morning sky and you already see you beautiful fairy husband walking through the garden. The way the sun catches his hair and leaves his beauty absolutely breath taking. You decide to join him, you walk out to where he is standing, you reach down sliding your fingers between his, and gripping his hand tightly. His long hair flowing behind him as his gorgeous eyes meet your gaze, your left captivated by his beauty. He walks you over to a bench sitting down with you as he pulls you into his arms. He isn't always the best at showing his emotions but the little moments in between when he does he fills you with so much love you can't even imagine how you lived your life before having it.
His long slender fingers ruffling through your hair as you let the morning suns rays warm you the way he warms your heart. "Challe, do you ever think about what would have happened if we hadn't met?" You were always doubting yourself so it wasn't a surprise even to him when those words rolled off your tongue. He looked down at you with love and compassion shining back through those beautiful obsidian eyes, he was slow to answer but you knew he was thinking of the perfect words to let you know you were the only one for him. "Silly scarecrow, there is no reason to think about useless things as of that, we met, we fell in love and here we are." You knew he was right but you still wondered how your life might have been different. With his soft words you put it to the back of your mind again for another days worries.
You snuggle close to him as the cool morning breeze catches you with a soft chill. He wraps his coat around you as he cuddles you closely to warm up. Both of you know you should head back inside to start the day and get out of the chill but its so peaceful and being intimate like this makes it easy the rest of the world doesn't exist. He catches your attention by cupping your face in his gloved hand caressing his finger over your bottom lip before letting his lips engulf yours. Time seemed to stop as it does every time his lips find their way to yours. His soft words that followed after he broke his lips away. "I love you and cherish every moment with you, I never want to think about it never have came to happen. Shhh all those bad thoughts in your head and let me take care of you.."
He scooped his hand under you without one thought he had you up in his arms walking back towards your house. You leaned your head against his chest as he walked you inside. Hearing his heart beat under you was such a soothing sound and feeling. It wasn't hard to want to just close your eyes and go back to sleep. It didn't take long for you to realize you were both thinking the same. He had taken you back to your bedroom laid you down on the bed and tucked you under the blankets. Your eyes were heavy, you were barely holding them open at this point. His soothing presence made it even easier to want to sleep in this morning. After a sweet moment in the garden it was a short path back to sleeping a little longer. As he went to walk out of the room though you reached for his hand and pulled him into you.
He lost his balance and fell on top of you. His weight pressing down against you, the flush to your cheeks gradually heated your face up. You hadn't thought about being so close to him like this in bed. As your faces met each other the sadness in his eyes you used to could see was all but lost now that you have been together he is way happier now. He kissed your lips tenderly while you were lost in thought, but his lips brought you back to the present. In between his kisses you decide to be bold. "Will you stay with me, snuggle, and nap while you hold me?" He softly chuckled as he adjusted himself beside you, pulling the covers around you and closer into his arms. You lay your head down on his chest closing your eyes lost in slumber. His arms helped you make it to dream land however your dreams come only a fraction to how happy your reality is with him.
You wake up a few hours later realizing he wasn't asleep but laying there cradling you, stroking your hair as he watches over you to protect you. You are in such awe, he is a war fairy but his heart is so much softer than that, they way he loves is so pure and without malice. You shoot him a soft smile and he crashes his perfect lips into yours. "Good morning beautiful." His words light you up, knowing his words are perfect because you know its how he feels about you. After a little while wrapped in his arms talking about any and everything you decide to check out the garden again with him this time more alert and awake. The garden love you two share is sweet and not only is it you love nature in itself but the way your love blooms its just as those flowers do, with a right amount of love and affection the feelings grow stronger by day. Just like your feelings for him have bloomed into a lovely garden.
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wonlouvre · 3 years
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momentum x j. ww. part one
pairing: racer!wonwoo x female automotive engineer!reader genre: fluff, mature word count: 2.7k WARNINGS: drinking (only a little bit), a little bit of a slow burn on this part. no smut but there’s still 18+ content! please tell me if i missed anything!
💌: welcome to the first part of momentum! i can’t believe this took almost two months to come out. thank you for showing your excitement! please don’t forget to share your thoughts by reblogging or sending me a message/ask! :’)
The crowd roars as their favorite red Mercedes-Benz speeds through its final lap. The loud excitement vibrates through the race track as the wheels drift against the burning asphalt. Everyone is just alive, completely pumped up. This is what it always feels like to watch a race that has Jeon Wonwoo in it. His signature red car never fails to put every expectator up on their feet, their jaws dropping in awe of his talent. 
Just one more and Wonwoo is the champion. 
One more. 
The deafening cheers against your ears and the booming jumps against your feet indicates that Wonwoo is indeed the champion. You release the breath you’ve been holding and drop the arms that have been locked around your body while you watch with the rest of the team. You try to hide your growing smile as you return to your designated chair, finally resting your legs after staying on your toes for who knows how long. 
“We won!” Soonyoung, Wonwoo’s best friend, screams and waves what seemed like a flag with the printed initials of the man he’s talking about. “Jeon Wonwoo won!”
You chuckle. You turn your attention to your remarkable engineers who did the job in helping your client win. It’s a happy sight to see them hugging over their achievement. You clap your hands and give them thumbs up for a job beyond well done. 
“Y/N!” They also scream and dash towards you to envelope you in a group hug. You let them squeeze your body, making you jump along with them. “We did it!”
The jumping doesn’t end, however, when the sound of the engine revving owned by the winner can be heard. The wheels stop and the man they have been waiting for gets out. There was a tense silence at first but when he finally removed his helmet, everyone went crazy.
You watch his team carry and toss him in the air from a distance. You’d love to join them and congratulate him, but maybe some other time. In the meantime, you’ll take your leave. After all, just like your team, your job here is done.
You will probably never admit it in your lifetime, but Jeon Wonwoo is one of the reasons why you didn’t give up pursuing a mechanical engineering degree and license. It wasn’t necessarily because you had some sort of crush on him. It was more of growing up with him and witnessing yours and his father working together that inspired you to walk the same path. They were the best tandem and you looked up to them like they were the brightest of all the stars in the galaxy. You can say that they were your driving force and Wonwoo is just an added factor because in some way and somehow, you bonded together because he loved his father’s job as much as you did with yours.  
You and Wonwoo aren’t friends though. You were playmates when your parents brought the two of you to work. Maybe nodded at each other during the corporate parties when you were teens. Even went as far as going to the same university with the same program. But the friendship never came to be. 
It’s not that much of a big deal, nonetheless. You weren’t enemies. Acquaintances perhaps, yes. And that’s about it. 
However, in spite of that, life still found a way to connect the two of you to each other. 
Both of your fathers are best friends who established an automotive engineering firm. They thought the best way to earn money is working on what they love the most: vehicles and innovation. It was risky business to venture with the small capital they had earned from working at bigger firms. But, they were able to make it through the challenges and failures, making the firm the most sought at firms in the automotive industry. 
Today, you are the head engineer of the design and innovation division and Jeon Wonwoo is one of your most important clients. 
Unlike you, Wonwoo didn’t follow his father’s footsteps. Instead, he decided to go professional on race car driving. Which was no problem for his father because that’s how supportive he was. The young man decided to establish his own racing team composed of his best friends. His love for the thrill, speed and adrenaline goes beyond all limits so he also took the risk and competed as a newbie at one of the nation’s most distinguished auto racing competitions. He won and that’s the beginning of his fame. 
You don’t notice because you don’t care, but Wonwoo is part of every walking step of your life. If you were playmates and acquaintances once, now you’re both grown adults working together to attain the greatest joy and satisfaction in doing what you both love. 
It’s a Monday morning and a bouquet of flowers on your table greets you. Wonwoo, you thought and rolled your eyes. You never decorate your office with plants or flowers because you don’t know how to keep them alive. Wonwoo noticed the simple and plain interior the first time he visited your office and since then he took it upon himself to decorate it. A bouquet of flowers every single time he wins. You shouldn’t be surprised about it anymore. But the arrangement today seems to be quite grand and bigger than the regular ones. You sigh and shake your head, tiredly plopping on your chair as another week starts. 
Your phone rings and lo and behold, your first call of the day. 
“Mr. Jeon,” you answer as a form of greeting. 
“Did you get the flowers?” Wonwoo asks amidst the sound of engines roaring in the background. 
You sigh. “Yes, I did.” I always do.
“Great,” Wonwoo says. The noise gradually fades away and a click of the door shutting close can be heard. “Some of your engineers are already here. What time are you stopping by?”
The question makes your stomach flutter and it surprises you. It shouldn’t flatter you. You frown and scratch your right eyebrow, contemplating on an answer you’re sure he already knows.
“Your cars don’t need me there,” you reply and swivel your chair around to face the huge windows of your office. “So yeah, I’m not stopping by.”
Wonwoo whistles in disappointment and it annoys you because you know what he’s going to ask next. “What if I’m the one who needs you?”
You roll your eyes and immediately end the call.
It rings again and you answer, again. 
“I’m kidding,” Wonwoo says, chuckling. “Happy birthday, Y/N.”
“It’s no–.” Oh. 
“You forgot, didn’t you?” Wonwoo laughs at the other end of the line. “Come over by six. I will treat everyone to dinner as a gift.”
The line died before you could resist or ask a question.
Wonwoo has antics that always catch you off guard. It’s annoying to the point that you just want to punch his face and drop your projects with him and his team. But at the same time, you always just bite the insides of your cheek and refrain from letting your impatience get the best of you. For one, the race car driver is the only client to have ever struck a deal that’s enough to generate income in the firm for the next ten years. Second, he may be insufferable with his teasing at times, but just like his father, Wonwoo is driven by passion and kindness. He would never hurt a fly or even you. And to be honest, he can be funny sometimes. As long as he doesn’t try too hard.
You just breathe out a calming sigh and gently put your phone back on the table. It’s a Monday and Wonwoo likes to tease you, you remind yourself. Why does his competition always take place on a Sunday anyway? You bemoan before turning your laptop on to finally start working. 
As your softwares loads some new updates, a knock on your door makes your head perk up. 
You immediately stand and smile. “Mr. Jeon.”
The Mr. Jeon this time is no other than Wonwoo’s father and CEO of the firm. 
“Congratulations on another win, Y/N,” Mr. Jeon says, returning your smile with a brighter one. “And happy birthday.”
You sheepishly smile and rub the back of your neck. “Thank you, sir.”
Mr. Jeon doesn't move from where he’s standing and just crosses his arms and leans on the doorframe. “I would have given you flowers, but I guess my champion of a son already beat me to it.”
You give a glance to the flowers he’s talking about and just nod. 
“Anyway, let’s have dinner with everyone by the end of this week,” Mr. Jeon proposes, clasping his hands together. “Happy birthday again, my dear.”
You give him a salute to tell that dinner sounds good. Afterwards, you watch him take his leave.
Maybe preparing for the race made you forget about your birthday. It’s not completely hectic because your team always gear up beforehand, but there must be something about this race that’s got your mind forgetting about other aspects of your life. 
It’s okay though. It’s lovely to celebrate every year, but you can’t deny the fact that you’re getting older. You opt to take it slow this time and just maybe hold a simple dinner with a few sips of wine here and there. But how can you do so when every phone of your friends slash coworkers are either dead or unattended. 
You frown. You’ll have to try calling them again later. In the meantime, you’re just going to send a text message and wait for their reply. 
Your Monday schedule continues on. Wonwoo’s race yesterday was flawless, but you still need to do some reviewing and correcting. Just like what he said earlier, your engineers are already there to examine his car and discuss observations. They usually send you timely reports all throughout the day, but oddly enough, your phone has been quiet except for that one phone call. 
Your guess is that they are having fun. Wonwoo’s garage is a stark difference from the office so they might be soaking in before they finally return. Most of the time, your engineers work at the garage, as the owner likes to call it. He offered the space and materials when the contract was signed and who were you to decline. 
Your firm may be top notch, but Wonwoo’s garage is world-class. 
You visit and work there from time to time, unlike your team who sticks around almost three days a week. Again, just like you said earlier, his cars don’t necessarily need you all the time. You don’t know if Wonwoo’s serious about his needs though. Not like you would care to know. 
When the day ends, you turn your laptop off and stand from your table. You’re a little bit tired but you would have to go on that dinner. It doesn’t sound so terrible anyway. You’re going to be with your team and Wonwoo’s team that you have grown fond of over the course of your partnership. You’re going to just have to fight through because a headache is surely inevitable the next day. 
Wonwoo could have at least checked in with everyone’s schedule. You’re complaining again as you buckle up and turn on the ignition of your car and steer the wheel, driving away to where they’re waiting for you. 
You noticed that something was odd while you were parking your car. You looked around and saw that the lights of the garage were on. But, it was suspiciously quiet. The boys are loud all the time. You can always hear them from a mile away. 
You didn’t notice, however, that Wonwoo was waiting for you outside, his tall and lean body leaning against the door. He offers you a smile and you just blink at him, confused about what is going on. He laughs a little and with no words needed, he opens the door and what greets you mirrors his smile.
“Happy birthday Y/N!”
You put your palm across your face, suddenly warm and shy at the attention they are giving you. You give Wonwoo behind you a look and he just gestures for you to continue walking inside. 
“Happy birthday,” Minghao is the first one to approach you and engulf you with his arms. You returned his embrace and soon after, the rest joined and excitedly jumped while singing the birthday song. 
From a distance, Wonwoo watches with a fond smile. He picks up a can of beer to drink before sitting down on a chair. You convince yourself that it’s not that he knew it was your birthday that he offered to hold the party at his garage. He just figured that celebrating his win together with your birthday would be better. As a form of gratitude, maybe.
Your eyes find him and when he meets your gaze, he cheekily lifts the can up as a gesture of cheers, lips mouthing a sweet “happy birthday”. You shake your head but smile as you look away. 
There’s a shift in everything around you and you can feel it. You just can’t exactly pinpoint whatever it may be. You’re not sure if it’s with the dynamic and energy of the group or if it’s with the way Wonwoo’s eyes seemed to be different when he met you at the front door. You’re also not sure if it’s a good shift or not. Of course, the group’s relationship has been wonderful and there is nothing for you to worry about. 
But with Wonwoo, there’s something that’s making you put your guard both up and down. 
“What’s got you frowning?” Seungkwan asks and pokes your cheek. “Are you not having fun?”
You wake up from your trance and shake your head and smile at him. “I’m having fun.”
Seungkwan purses his lips as he gives you his signature side-eye. “I’ll take your word for that.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You ask and punch his arm, jokingly. 
“Nothing, nothing,” he answers. “But, let me ask you another question if you don’t mind.”
You narrow your eyes but let him continue nonetheless.
“Have you noticed anything different with Wonwoo-hyung lately?”
Seungkwan doesn’t have your attention anymore because your head whips back to the man you were just thinking and talking about. When your eyes finally find him again, laughing and drinking with his best friends in the whole wide world, your heart plummets down to your stomach. 
Then, at this very moment, everything dawned upon you. 
For the past few months, you failed to see and hear everything that Wonwoo has been doing and saying to you. Every act and every word that you blindly believed to be nothing but his way of teasing to fluster you was something else and you’re just realizing now. 
“I think Wonwoo-hyung likes you,” Seungkwan whispers beside your ear. “If not, then maybe more than like.”
You keep staring at Wonwoo, not paying to mind that what Seungkwan said might just be a joke to him because to you, it’s a million things but a joke. 
Wonwoo catches your eyes and stares right back, confident that you are indeed looking at him. His head does its signature tilt, quizzical yet adorable. When you don’t budge, he stands up from his seat and grabs another can to bring along with him. He starts walking to where you’re at and as he slowly nears, you knew you were gone. 
After you left the race track last Sunday, your phone’s ringtone blares through the speakers of your car as you drive back home. “Jeon Wonwoo”, the bright infotainment screen shows. You answer without having any second thoughts, aware of how this conversation will go regardless. 
“Why did you leave so soon?” Wonwoo asks, the tone of his voice a bit sulky. “We’re about to have some drinks at our favorite karaoke bar.”
You sigh and remain focused ahead. “I’m good.”
“You sure?” He doesn’t give up. “I can pick you up, just tell me where you are.”
You scoff but smile, unbeknowingly. “I’m already far off. Just enjoy your victory without me.”
Wonwoo becomes silent for a short second and you almost press the end button on the steering wheel, assuming the conversation is done. But he speaks again so you listen.
“Thank you Y/N,” Wonwoo suddenly says, catching you off guard. “I wanted to tell you something today, but I’ll save it for another time.”
You listened. But, you didn’t listen enough to notice anything different. 
a/n 2: there will be a part 2! in the meantime, here is another (unofficial) teaser for the mingyu fic i’ve been writing as well ;)
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make-me-imagine · 4 years
Main Masterlist
((Last Updated: March 24th, 2024))
(Fandoms List)
Discontinued Fandoms Masterlist *All the links for fandoms I no longer write for (NCIS, Spn, Teen Wolf +More)
- - - - -
Masterlist Order: 
• Separate Masterlist Links for Shows and Movies
• General Masterlist; individual links for movies and shows (That don’t have their own/separate masterlists)
• Holiday/Event Masterlists
• Other (Scenario Games, UQuizzes, Soulmate AU Series, etc)
• Guest Writers (Submitted Works)
- - - - -
**If you notice any missing or incorrect links, please let me know!!
((About Me - Tag with questions, tags, and info about me)
- - - - - - - - - 
- - - - Separate Masterlists - - - -
**Shows ‘#-Z’**   
9-1-1 (Fox)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Magnificent Seven (1998-2000)
The Mandalorian
Merlin (BBC)  
The Originals
Prodigal Son
Sherlock (BBC)
Star Trek *Ent, DS9, & Voy
Star Trek 2 *Strange New Worlds and Discovery
Stargate (SG1 and SGA)
The Vampire Diaries
- - - MCU Masterlists - - -
Main/Original Avengers *Steve, Tony, Clint, Natasha and Bruce
Other Avengers/Marvel Characters *Bucky, Sam, Wanda, Peter Parker, Zemo, +more.
Thor Franchise *Thor, Loki, Heimdall, +more
X-men *Original and Alternate Timeline Characters
Shang-Chi *Shang-Chi & Xialing
Venom and Deadpool
*Other movies might be added later
- - - Other Movies/Franchises - - -
The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings - - - Star Trek (AOS) - - - Star Wars Universe *All Movies + The Mandalorian - - - Top Gun *1986 & 2022 - - - Jane Austen Adaptations *Pride and Prejudice; Emma; Persuasion +more - - -  Kingsman - - - Magnificent Seven (2016) - - - Pirates of the Caribbean - - -  The Outsiders (1983)
- - - - - - - -
General Masterlist: (Individual Links for other shows & movies)
- - - - -
Bloodhounds (KDrama)
Confession + Relationship Headcanons (fluff/cute/romance) Geon-woo x Gn!Reader; Woo-jin x Gn!Reader + Geon-woo x Reader x Woojin
Jealousy Headcanons (cute/jealousy) Geon-Woo x Gn!Reader & Woojin x Gn!Reader
- - - - - 
Elementary (CBS)
Sherlock Holmes x GN!Reader: 
‘The Gift of Feeling’ (Christmas; cute/gen)
‘Feelings to Embrace’ (angst/fluff)
- - 
Enola Holmes (1&2)
Sherlock Holmes x Gn!Reader: 
‘Hold My Hand’; (tension/fluff)
Part One: ‘A Christmas Rose’ (cute/mild Christmas) Part Two: ‘A New Years Kiss’ (romantic/fluff)
‘Cheers To Us’; (fluff/romance/valentines fic)
- - 
Jayne Cobb  Gif Imagine: ‘Being Jaynes sibling and the complete opposite’  Oneshot: “I’m offended you didn’t ask me to be your fake date”
Malcolm Reynolds Gif Imagine: ‘Being Mal’s sister and part of the crew’  Gif Imagine: ‘Saving the crew/Mal asks you to join’ 
- -
The Gentlemen
Raymond Smith: 
‘Bounty’s and First Meetings’; (gen/cute)
‘Exactly My Type’ (fluff/romance/Valentines Day)
Headcanons: Aesthetics (Raymond Smith)
- - 
Lark Rise to Candleford
Fic: Alfie Arless x Reader; ‘Oblivious’; (angst/fluff)
- - 
One Piece (Live Action)
Headcanons: Spending Valentines Day Together (fluff/cute) **Zoro; Sanji; Luffy; Nami; Usopp; Mihawk; Buggy & Shanks x Gn!Reader (all separate) 
Fic: ‘Something Better’; Zoro x Gn!Reader (fluff; slow-burn)
- -
Person of Interest
Fic: John Reese x GN!Reader; ‘Second Chances’; (action/angst/suggested romance ending)
- - -
Shadow and Bone
Ship Drabble: Inej Ghafa x Reader ‘Jealousy’
‘Camera Roll while hiking with Tolya’
Nikolai Lanstov x Reader Soulmate AU Mood Board
- - -
Triple Frontier
Ben Miller; Headcanons + Drabble - Flirting > Falling in Love > Confession + First Kiss (fluff)
- - - - - - - - - - -
**Holiday/Event Masterlists**
2017-2021 Halloween Masterlist
13 Days of Halloween 2022
2017-2022 Winter/Christmas Masterlist Post
Valentines Day:
2018-2023 Valentines Day Masterlist
- - - - - - - - -
Ship Event Drabbles Masterlist (5k followers event) - - Scenario Games Masterlist *Birthday matchup games for various fandoms - -  Soulmate AU Series Masterlist *Multiple fandoms - -  30 Day Writing Challenge Masterlist *Sept 2021 Writing Challenge (30 fics; multiple characters/fandoms) - - MCM & WCW Posts - - My UQuizzes *aesthetic, fandom and misc themes - -  My Gifs - -  My Writing Prompts Masterlist *for requests
- - - - - - - -
Guest Writers Submitted Works:
Guest Writer Jay
Guest Writer @thebookbakery (writing blog @trashywritestrash)
- - - - - - - -
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nyxdelanuit · 4 years
Just a Taste (Asmo x Reader)
NSFW AHEAD LOVELIES XOXOXO thank you to @miiyaatsumu for beta-reading part of this c;
Asmo was fucked the moment Levi scurried out of the room. He hadn't meant to interrupt, not truly, but seeing Levi playing a game with you while laying his head on your lap deserved at least a coo or two. But Levi, the bashful thing, blushed to the high celestial realm and absconded from the room. Asmo chuckled softly, eyeing you now that he was finally alone with you for the first time in the many months. You stood gracefully, and Asmo wondered how a human could carry such grace to rival the angels themselves.
 “Asmodeus.” You laid your hand on his chest, and Asmo all but preened at the connection.
 “Asmo, darling.” He cooed, but you continued on as if you hadn’t heard him.
 "I've seen the looks you've given me." Your voice was so even, Asmo was a bit jealous.
 “I haven’t been trying to be subtle.” Asmo trailed his fingers over your cheek, excited that he may finally talk you into his bed. The fun the two of you could have, if only you let him.
 “Not those ones, darling,” he couldn’t keep the excited trill from his throat when you called him such sweet names, “the looks you give me when I’m close with your brothers. The looks you gave Levi when you thought no one was watching while he laid on my lap. I’ll give you two options. My door will be open tonight, and you can either join me in bed, or you can start spending some time with me and get what your brothers are getting.” You patted his chest once, about to start searching for Levi, but you paused, caressing his face.
 "Jealousy doesn't look good on you, Asmodeus."
How could you, he was the Avatar of Lust! He’d be betraying his very nature if he didn’t crawl into your bed, but he watched as the night stretched on. You had spent your time cuddled between the twins, laid against Beel with your head nestled in his shoulder, your delicate fingers passing through Belphie’s hair like silk. How peaceful Belphie looked curled up against you, his head cradled against your breast like a babe. You had caught his eye then, giving him a somber smile like you already knew what he would pick.
 He left the house in a hurry. He couldn't allow himself to sully this opportunity by spending a night in your bed when there were so many others that would welcome him readily- no strings attached.
 He came strolling in the next morning, unabashed by his disheveled appearance. Why should he hide what a wonderful night he had. You looked to him from your place at the table, a smirk gracing your face.
”Looks like you made a choice.”
 “Whatever did you mean? I already had plans last night.” He winked at you as he passed, but your words gave him pause.
 “Oh, if that’s the case, I’ll extend my deal through the end of the week.” Why did he have to open his mouth, he could have saved himself so much trouble if he just hadn’t said anything. Yet he soldiered on with a hollow laugh. He’s the Avatar of Lust, after all. It’s in his nature.
 Still, his wounded pride could only cover so much, and alone in his room he couldn’t help but pine for your touch, for your innocent love even at the cost of never falling into your bed.
 You were becoming concerned. Maybe you should have taken your words back, told Asmo that it was all a joke. Five days had passed, and each time you had seen Asmo, he looked more wrecked, dark circles plaguing his face. He never would have stood for it if he hadn't been so concerned with running away from your temptations.
 There you sat on your DDD, looking at Asmo's devilgram and the overly-edited pictures, surely covering the dark circles and the exhaustion that was impossible to hide in person. With a sigh, you set the device down, stripping down to a tank and underwear for bed.
 You were reclining on your pillows, scrolling through posts to unwind when you heard your door creak open. There stood Asmo, clothes rumpled, hair greasy, and the wavy locks falling limp. You thought maybe he'd finally given in after he hurridly started shucking his clothes, less graceful than you had ever seen him.
 He crawled into your arms, all whines. Your DDD was quickly abandoned to trail fingers over Asmo’s smooth skin. Your hand wandered in between you, quickly dipping down his abs to match the neediness that shone in Asmo’s eyes. You had almost reached Asmo’s adonis belt before he caught your hand, vulnerability oozing out of his pores.
 “Just… hold me?” It was a whisper, as if the question hurt him.
 "Of course, Asmo." You cooed, enjoying the shiver your words sent down his spine. He curled up to your chest, trying to recreate the position he saw Belphie in, and you welcomed him into your arms. Your hands when to card through his hair, grimacing at the oils coating your fingers. "When's the last time you slept in your own bed, love?" You whispered to him, getting only a weak chuckle in response. You laid a chaste kiss on his forehead, watching how pink tinted his cheeks at the innocent action. "How about we take a bath together, hm?"
 Asmo wasted no time picking you up off of your bed. He wouldn't let you stop touching him for a moment, not even to gather his clothes as he dashed off to his room. You were a flurry of giggles, desperately torn between covering yourself and clinging to Asmo as he smiled gently at you.
 It must have been a perk of being one of the demon lords of the devildom that Asmo’s bath was always filled to the brim with warm, lightly scented water. Asmo only set you down to remove his underwear, keeping his back to you as you did the same. He let you get in first, offering you a hand while keeping his eyes to the ground. It was sweet, if a bit unnecessary, but it did show you just how much Asmo was willing to try. You felt a bit guilty now, it must have tortured him to keep away from you this long.
 Asmo sunk into the water with a sigh, already seeming more like himself. The tub was big enough for you to sit on opposite sides with more than enough space between the two of you, but you motioned him closer as soon as his eyes drifted to yours. He approached slowly, as if you'd get up and leave if he was too eager. As soon as he was in reach, you drug him to sit between your legs. He tensed underneath your touch, but relaxed as your fingers drifted over his back.
 You set to work quickly, rifling through all the products lined on the side of the tub. Finally, finding one with a scent you enjoyed, you quickly wet Asmo's greasy locks. Your fingers worked small circles in his scalp, and Asmo could feel the sting of tears in his eyes. How long had it been that he'd felt touch without the expectation of reciprocation? When had anyone shown him affection without wanting him to prove his prowess? It seemed like all the other brothers were allowed to have other facets; to enjoy life outside of their sins, but Asmo was always expected to be lust incarnate. Yet here you were, washing his hair with a hum on your lips just because he needed his hair washed, and you thought he'd enjoy it.
 You were careful, as if he wasn't a demon, to not pull on the tangles, to make sure the water washed the suds away from his eyes. You didn't even ask him to do it for you, quickly washing and conditioning your hair while the deep conditioner sat in his hair. Your fingers in his hair was the closest taste of heaven Asmo had gotten since the fall, and he couldn't help the tears that fell as your fingers left him. You took your time washing him, rubbing every tense muscle in his body until he was putty under your touch. He had shared many baths with lovers, but nothing had been this intimate. You allowed him to exist as he was, nothing more.
 Asmo almost panicked as you moved to straddle his legs, clean and smelling of his soap. You shushed him with gentle touches, easing his anxious heart. He didn’t want to mess this up, not now, not that he finally knew what your love felt like. Even if the fire was burning in his gut, the urge to take you as his, he would never want to do anything to endanger what he had now.
 “Please don’t tempt me, I can’t stand it.” He whined, tears dripping like jewels into the water. You kissed those that clung to his cheeks, and he sobbed harder as he felt himself grow hard. How he wished more than ever that he had been the avatar of some other sin, something more easily controlled around you. He wished he could be sure he wouldn't ruin everything by being unable to resist taking you.
 “I should have never given you that ultimatum Asmo. I’ve given all your brothers love despite their natures, I should have done the same for you.” You finally placed a sweet kiss on his lips, and he couldn’t resist tangling his hands in your hair and deepening it, his body betraying his mind. You took it seamlessly, no less loving than any other touch you bestowed on him. He shook his head as you parted.
 “It should be different with you.” He cried, clinging to your body, unable to hold back a groan as your body pressed against his length.
 “And it will be.” You promised, angling his face so he looked into your eyes. You needed him to see that you meant it.
 “I love you… as much as someone like me can love someone.” He shuddered as your hand ghosted over his cock.
 "You are just as capable of love as anyone else, Asmo, and I love you too." You finally gripped him, forcing the last of his tears to fall from his lashes. "Now, let me love you. Tell me if you want me to stop." Stop? Like he would ever ask you to stop… but no one had offered him that before.
 The water pulled around you as you shuffled closer, bringing the tip to your waiting warmth. You sunk down slowly, eyes never drifting from Asmo’s as you adjusted. Your pace was slow, tender. More focus was placed on the sweet touches you laid on Asmo’s face, and he wasted no time nuzzling into your hand and placing kisses along your pulse.
 Asmo was sensitive, too sensitive. Unbeknownst to you, he had been unable to fuck any of his dates since you had challenged him. He had tried to picture you in their place, but it only left a sour taste. So he had slept on couches and swore the demons and succubi to silence for the better part of a week. That mixed with your undivided attention brought him too close to his peak, too quickly. His hands fell to your waist, softly urging you to slow the pace even more.
 “It’s okay, darling. Let go.” You whispered in his ear, damp hair falling to his shoulder. He came apart with a sigh, holding you close to his chest. His arm snaked underneath the water, searching for the spot that would help bring you pleasure, but you simply laced your fingers with his.
 “I want to make you feel good too.”
 “You do.”
 “I want to make you cum.”
 “You’ll have time for that later. This was just for you.” You laid a kiss at the corner of his mouth as you stood, stretching out your stiff muscles. Asmo took the time to drink you in, to think of ways he could worship you properly. “Let’s get out of here before our hair dries.” You smiled gently at him, running a hand through his still-damp hair. He couldn’t resist your touch, standing to whisk you out of the tub.
 If Mammon or Belphie looked for you that night, you’d never know. They wouldn’t yet think to look in Asmo’s bed, curled up against his chest. Even in sleep, he wore the most serene smile they would ever see, finally feeling something he had thought would be forever lost to him.
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xuxismoon · 5 years
Killing Moon: 127 | Chapter One
Chapter One: Lights out | Disclaimer: Killing Moon is a reboot of my discontinued collaboration with eyesmilesjeno | Warnings: Slight violence, mentions of sex | Series Masterlist | Word count: 1,880 | Pairing: ??? x human!reader | Previous - Next
Authors Note: Comment if you want to be added to the tag list! FEEDBACK IS APPRECIATED ❤
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Waking up in a strangers bed on a Saturday morning wasn’t out of the ordinary for you, but waking up to meet the eyes of a foreboding man dressed in black robes resembling that of a witch, was not. You blinked several times, wondering if it was all a dream, a type of sleep paralysis even. You ruled out sleep paralysis when you sat up without much resistance from your body, your movements followed by the eyes of the witch man. 
Rubbing your eyes you look back at the man, giving him one last once over before you swung your legs over the side of the bed. You return his quizzical look as you brush your fingers through your hair, suddenly worried about how your appearance looks to him. As your fingers swipe under your eyes to rid your face of last nights makeup you hear a voice behind you. You turn to see the voice in question to find a beautiful man, rubbing his eyes and murmuring something under his breath in a foreign language. Bringing his hands away from his face the man looks around, spotting you and flashing you a tired smile. “Sicheng!” Your head whips back around to find the robe adorned man staring intently at the freshly awoken male beside you. “Yuta.” He responds, his voice dripping in annoyance. They start to bicker with each other as if you weren’t even sitting there between them, the one in robes occasionally glancing or gesturing to you. As their voices got louder, the more prominent your headache seemed to get. Rubbing your temples you attempt to speak, your voice coming out in as a small croak. Clearing your throat you speak again, this time its loud and clear enough to catch the two males attention. “Can you guys quite down? Maybe argue outside? My head is fucking killing me.” At this, the man in-front of you gapes in shock, while the one beside you lets out a low chuckle. Looking back and forth between the two you shake your head, pushing your self off the bed. “Clearly you don’t know how to treat a guest so I’m gonna go grab myself a water.” A loud laugh rings out behind you and you smile to yourself, grabbing and turning the handle to the door. You open the door to find two boys, staring at you with wide eyes. Before you could slip past them they start bombarding you with questions. “Are you Sicheng’s Girlfriend,” “Who are you? What’s your name,” “Are you a succubus too?” Pausing your movements you turn your head to the tallest one of the bunch, “A what?” Before the boy could answer a booming voice ripped though the air, “Chenle! Jisung! Go downstairs this doesn’t involve you.” As the boys walked away you could’ve sworn that you could see straight through them for a second. As you opened your mouth to call our their names, which you assumed were Chenle and Jisung (Although you didn’t know which was which), the man with the booming voice stepped in front of you. You quirked eyebrow at you while looking you over, then sticking his hand out to you. “Im Taeyong, nice to meet you, Miss…” Taking his hand you answer, “Y/n.” As you start to walk around him, he grabs your arm, halting your steps. “Sorry Y/n, I cant let you leave just yet.” You turn around and grab Taeyong’s wrist, twisting it until it releases your upper arm. “Thank you, but ill leave when ever I please.” As you stride across the hallway and down the stairs you hear him yell. “Wait! Y/n, thats not what I meant! Please stay for breakfast!” His voice sounding far away but when you turn around from the bottom of the stairs Taeyong is standing face to face with you. Furrowing your brows you tell yourself after this experience you are never getting that drunk again. “And besides,” Taeyong points to your legs, “I don’t think you can leave without pants on.” A charming smile stretches across his face and he chuckles, his laugh so enlightening that you couldn’t help but smile yourself.  “Please, stay for breakfast.” Sighing you nod your head, “Fine, as long as its good, Taeyong.”
Taeyong then leads you to one fo the largest dining room tables you’ve ever seen. “You have guests often?” You ask turning your head to observe Taeyong’s reaction. “I guess you could say that.” Running his hands through his purple locks, which look surprisingly good on him. As if Taeyong heard your thoughts he smiled at you, giving his hair an extra ruffle with his fingers before you turned to you. “Its actually quite soft even after the bleach and dye.” You look at him in surprise as you nod your head in response. “Oh, um, sorry. I caught you staring at my hair…” Taeyong says, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. Your attention was then caught by another tall handsome man entering the room with a strange black pot that smelled of food. “Hey beautiful, breakfast is ready.” He said winking at you as he set the pot down on the table. “Um, thanks?” You stare at the tall man in confusion, just how many people live here? “Around 10, some come and go, like the little ones.”  You whip around to Taeyong, eyes wide in shock. “Did I just say that out loud?” Taeyong stares back at you in shock, his mouth slightly open. You two stare at each other until the other male cuts in walking to stand next to Taeyong, “Yeah you did, its okay though its an honest question.” Your mouth forms an ‘o’ as you stare between both of the men in-front of you. After a few moments of silence and some awkward eye contact between the three of you, someone clears their throat from behind you. Turning around you are met with the odd man in robes form earlier and the male, you assumed, you slept with. “I don’t think we met properly earlier, Im Yuta.” The man in robes extends his hand towards you and you take it, shaking hands. “And Im Sicheng, just incase you don’t remember.” You nod drinking in both male’s appearances, despite being quite the odd ball, Yuta, seemed nice and was very attractive. While, Sicheng, the more normal of the two seemed to radiate pure sex, even when dressed in plain sweats. As you continue to stare, someone clears their throat behind you. You turn your head to see Taeyong, his face crimson red with blush, “Are you okay?” At this the unnamed male next to him laughs and pats Taeyong’s back, “He’s fine, just not around girls too often, don’t mind him.” At this you quietly giggle, turning back around to find that Yuta and Sicheng have already sat down at the table and started to eat. “Go ahead, eat, my cooking is very… magical.” Said the unnamed male, pulling out a chair for you, gesturing you for you to sit down with a smile. “Oh, and by the way, Im Jaehyun, thought you should know, beautiful.” Jaehyun stated with a smile and the second wink of the day. Plopping down in the chair Jaehyun pulled out next to Sicheng for you. “What did he make?” You question, peering over the edge of the pot to see eggs and bits of bacon mixed together. “He makes the same thing everyday, eggs.” Taeyong states, chuckling at Jaehyun’s playfully offended reaction to his words. You smile at the boys interaction, feeling oddly at peace and you scooped some eggs onto your plate. “Well Jaehyun and I have some business to attend to, eat well Y/n.” Taeyong says while he practically drags Jaehyun out of the dining room. You shrug your shoulders and start shoveling eggs into your mouth, your stomach so empty it hurts. You look up to find Sicheng staring at you, amusement showing in his features. “Hungry, kitten?” You nearly choke on your food at the pet name and look at Sicheng in shock. From across the table you hear Yuta laugh at your expression. “Excuse me?” You say once you swallow your food, “Ahh, what? You seemed fine with that title last night.” You groan in annoyance and place your head in your hands, “Oh my god, I’m never drinking again.” Both males laugh at you statement and Sicheng pats you on the back “Sure, whatever you say kitten.” You glare at the man next to you before you push yourself out of your chair. “I have to pee, wheres the bathroom?” “Upstairs, the fourth door on the left.” Yuta points at the stairs, you nod as a thank you and make your way out of the dining room and up the stairs. You pause when you hear heated voices behind the third door of the hallway. “He let a human in the house! We have to erase her memory, what if she remembers where the house is located?” The voice you identify as Taeyong, “Calm down, with how black out drunk she was last night I doubt she does, she didn’t even remember Sicheng’s name.” Another voice says, Jaehyun, you think. “I can just erase her memory to be safe, I don’t want to risk anything, what if someone gets their hands on her?” At this you suck in a breath, your heart racing, who are these people? You quickly step away from the door when you hear foot steps towards the door. You try to make it into the bathroom before the door opens so you wont get caught eavesdropping. Before you could open the bathroom door, the door next to you swings open to reveal Taeyong, Jaehyun trailing behind him. “You heard what we said, didn’t you?” Taeyong asks, his face serious. “Nope!I have no idea what you guys were saying. I just gotta pee, have a nice day!” You ramble as you finally manage to open the door, trying to slip inside before you get yourself into any more trouble with these people. Before you can shut the door Taeyong catches the door with his foot, prying it open with his hand. “I know your lying, its okay, we wont hurt you.” You have a hard time believing him as he steps closer to you, cornering you in the bathroom. His stature towering over you. “Let me leave or I’ll punch you.” You say, trying to sound as tough as you could, forcing yourself to stand tall, looking up into Taeyong’s eyes as a challenge. At this Taeyong sighs, his eyes turning a deep shade of red. When he inches forward you send your fist flying. Your knuckles meeting with his nose, a sick cracking sound echoing through the bathroom. As Taeyong grips his face in shock you run past him, pushing Jaehyun out of the way when he tries to block your path. When you reach the bottom of the stairs you are met with Taeyong’s fiery eyes. You stumble back, baffled at how he could have intercepted your path. “Lights out sweet heart.” He whispers to you, staring at you intently. You feel sleep overtake you then everything goes black.
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