#and yes sports are an art form
towlerknows · 1 month
I know we all love Ryan and Blake, but I stumbled on this 2017 interview in Variety and now I REALLY get why they're friends and why the Kelce's are all a perfect extended family.
Read the whole thing if you can, but they are all the same kind of people. The ones who take the talents they know they have and work their asses off to just be a part of the conversation and end up being brilliant at that AND so much more without ever losing who they are and their appreciation for what they have in the process.
And they don't lie about working to be broadly appealing and enjoying the trappings of celebrity, while somehow retaining their openness and innate kindness - even as people accuse them of being the opposite.
Hollywood has been nervous about introducing same-sex couplings in superhero movies, out of fear that gargantuan tentpoles could alienate audiences in countries less tolerant of gay rights. “That’s not really a problem for us, because we were banned in China,” Reynolds notes. “We were rated ‘F–k you!’ in China.” But judging by the illegal downloads, “Deadpool” was just as popular there asanywhere else. “We might have been the first billion-dollar R-rated movie,” Reynolds muses.
In that spirit, Reynolds has big plans for Deadpool’s next act, which will shoot in 2017 for a 2018 release. (The first movie’s director, Tim Miller, left the sequel over creative differences and will be replaced by David Leitch.) “The budget is not going to be phenomenally bigger,” Reynolds says, but then takes it back. “Who knows? Maybe the budget will be bigger — anything can happen.”
He’s not worried about being typecast as a comic-book hero. “I would love to play Deadpool for as long as they would let me play Deadpool,” he says. “We have outlines and stories for a number of different films.” He envisions a standalone movie with Deadpool and Wolverine — although that’s news to Jackman.
“I’m hesitating,” says Jackman, who plans on retiring the Wolverine character this year, “because I could totally see how that’s the perfect fit. But the timing may be wrong.”
Reynolds isn’t giving up. “I have no idea if I can change his mind,” he says. “It’s the audience: I would exclusively exploit that relationship to get Hugh back for another one.”
Reynolds doesn’t act like a mega movie star. He arrives early for his photo shoot and shakes hands with members of the crew. He’s not shy about eye contact with strangers. When I start to feel carsick on the ride back to his hotel, he channels a Lamaze coach, saying, “You’re doing great.”
His compassion makes sense: He grew up in Vancouver suffering from anxiety. “I have three older brothers,” he says. “Our father was tough. He wasn’t easy on anyone. And he wasn’t easy on himself. I think the anxiety might have started there, trying to find ways to control others by trying to control myself. At the time, I never recognized that. I was just a twitchy kid.”
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incognitopolls · 3 months
Note: Not counting raffles/sweepstakes/lotteries. If you got top 3 in a competition and personally consider that a form of winning, that counts as winning.
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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“That One Hairstyle? RETIRE IT!” Black Hair is an Art (pt.1)
(This is part one of two lessons, with this one focusing on how our hair itself! The next lesson will encompass how to incorporate its existence into your writing. It'd be a massively long post otherwise.)
So! Black hair. Black hair is a CENTRAL, ESSENTIAL part of our culture and identity. Writing and drawing it means understanding the vulnerability and trust that comes with access to it, and yes, it is racist to suggest that ‘it’s just hair’ when our hair serves such an important role in our history and art. I already wrote a mini-lesson and ask on the topic, but being aware of what our hair looks like, and what means to us, will help you to understand why we care that you put in the effort to get it right.
Hair Textures
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We are not a genetic monolith! However, for the sake of this series, we are focusing on 3C-4C, because 1) it's most likely to be seen in life and 2) least likely to be seen in popular art! When you are creating your characters, consider the style and care for THESE textures. I will get more into this next lesson.
Let's get into SOME of the hairstyles!
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Afros (36 Afro Hairstyles)
“So, what’s the phenomenon behind the Afro? Well, it’s our hair in its most natural form, but that’s only part of the phenomenon. It’s a way to fight the status quo without saying a word.”
-Ebony Magazine, The History of the Afro
When nonBlack society hears ‘afro’, they think completely picked out, Black power imagery, political statement. And it was, and is! But in actuality, afros are just the natural hair growing out of a Black person's head. The same way your hair grows out of your head. Our texture. Even my hair is not allowed to be ‘hair’, it has to ‘assign’ my Blackness; my distance from whiteness. Imagine, the hair growing out of your head being automatically associated with how you should be perceived. Just by existing, it is making a statement in a Eurocentric society.
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Braids (31 Braid Styles)
There are SO MANY TYPES of braids and ways to wear them. If you can imagine a design, I bet there's a Black braider that can do it!
CORNROWS ARE NOT AUTOMATICALLY BRAIDS! Internalize this! They may be used in the same style, but they are NOT INTERCHANGEABLE TERMS!
Braids are considered a protective style; that is, a hairstyle designed to let our hair 'rest' and grow without having to manipulate it. If you have a Black character that's constantly on the go and/or doesn't have time to focus on their hair, and you want an accurate, more true-to-life experience for them, braids can be a crucial part of character design.
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(Yes, while that link has plenty of examples, it was also self-indulgent. Locs are gorgeous, Black men with locs are gorgeous!)
"Locs vs Dreads": As someone in the loc community, there’s been a push to refer to the style as ‘locs’, rather than ‘dreadlocks’. Some people with the style will not care, but others take it very seriously, so it’s something to keep in mind. There’s a societal stigma behind having locs, that they’re ‘dirty’ or ‘unkempt’ or ‘lazy’ and that is NOT true. Locs are beautiful, and they take far more effort than people seem to want to believe lmao.
Locs, though there is currently a positive revival, are still highly discriminated against. Kids have been expelled from school and even have had their hair forcibly cut off to be allowed to participate in sports. Many places won't hire you if they think your hair is 'unprofessional' or 'dirty', especially if you're a Black woman. To consider yet another example of the hair that grows out of my head 'dirty' is extremely racist.
Locs are also a protective style, albeit a much more permanent one, and one that comes with a long history and culture behind it. Many Black people consider the biblical story of Samson to be a man with locs, and that our locs hold power within them. That not just anyone should be allowed to touch your locs. So, if you're interested in mythology and powers, that might be an intriguing way to go, that would be possible if you had a Black character with locs!
In Professional Media
The lack of awareness and concern about our hair isn't just a fan or amateur creator experience. It is ubiquitous in the professional media world. Black actors, actresses, and models have discussed having to do their own hair when working, because no one would properly care for it on set if it wasn't familiarly white. It’s admittedly grown better- however! After decades of not having options other than ‘stereotypical afro’, ‘box cut’, and ‘white people hair’, it is LONG PAST TIME to stop settling for the bare minimum in Black character design. We can tell when "one of us" (with some sense, at least) wasn't in the room to make decisions in popular media.
If you were curious about the lesson title, here's a current example of what I'm talking about in video games. Tell me if you see a pattern:
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This style? The Killmonger? We seent it!!!! It has become the “hairstyle to show I understand the exaggerated swagger of a young Black teen” option, the "I know the Black people!" go-to, and frankly, we are all tired of it. Okay it was cute on Ekko. The Black Delegation DEMANDS the professional video game industry pick something else! We have SO MANY DIFFERENT HAIRSTYLES!
I'll give you an example on the other end (not trying at all; refer to Lesson 1) from one of my favorite games, Hades:
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This is my blorbo. My favoritest guy. I’ll fight for Patroclus being Black til the day I die. While I begrudgingly settled in my excitement, I can tell you no one Black with any voting power was in the room at Supergiant when they approved this design. Why? His texture! Locs were such an easy option if they wanted long hair! Locs existed BEFORE Ancient Greece! The man did not have a flat iron while fighting in a war! A good Black designer would have considered that!
To give him a more accurate design, some artists (myself included) lean into giving him locs (one of my favorites is @karshmallow 's Pat; a phenomenal example in caring about your Black characters). It’s something Black fans find themselves doing- redesigning Black characters. That's not something we should have to do at all, especially in media we pay for!
But if you REALLY want your Black character to have straight hair, that leads into the last style of this lesson:
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Straight Hair
We do have straight hair. But it’s not straight because it grew out that way! It will still look and be thicker! It might be a wig or a sew-in (human or synthetic), it might be flat-ironed (while relaxed? While natural?) It takes effort to get and maintain straight hair.
'I think it looks better good this way!'
If you catch yourself thinking this, this is a racist statement. Whether you’re aware of it our not, there is a bias towards Eurocentric/white features in our society, and that includes in our media. When you think “I only drew [this Eurocentric hair texture and style] because I think it looks good on them!” I want you to PAUSE and think about the WHY. WHY do you think that this Black person’s natural features are unattractive in comparison to the white hair texture you gave them? And how hurt might a Black peer of yours would feel hearing that you find their natural features not worth drawing because they’re “not attractive”. It requires approaching your own internal biases, recognizing them, and then working to unlearn them. And that means practice! Using references to draw our hair and styles, and growing used to using OUR features on US!
Doing it in Art
Me personally, I think if you think drawing thinner hair textures is easy, thicker hair textures should be a BREEZE. I was curious, so I challenged myself and-
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(it took me about thirteen minutes total to do ol boy's hair and it's still not right. I'm sick fr y'all don't even know 🤢)
@ackee has a really good art lesson on the how-tos of drawing Black hairstyles. I highly recommend checking it out, as well as following and supporting a fellow Black artist (who is far better than I!)
Hair Brushes
Finally, an option you can use for painting is downloading Black hair brushes! Vegalia has an amazing array of brushes with different types of curls, locs, and braids at her Etsy store! You can also follow her on social media to see how she applies them, and support yet another amazing Black creative!
I know this was a long one, but you made it! Just keep going. Remember, it's the thought that counts, but the action that delivers!
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star-anise · 25 days
It's been a hot minute since I looked at Canada's National Occupation Classification system. I learned about it when studying career counselling in grad school, and it's pretty useful in terms of job-hunting and getting information on what different types of jobs require and pay.
A friend asked me for advice about becoming a therapist so I went and looked. They redid it since I last visited, and oh man there are some chef's kiss decisions.
There are 9 top-level categories, with 1 being legislative and senior management, 5 being arts, culture, and sport, and 9 being manufacture and utilities. So I was looking for my old job's classification, which used to be 4153 - Family, marriage and other related counsellors. Knowing that made searching the government job bank really easy back in the day, because instead of searching "counsellor" "counselor" "psychotherapist" "mental health therapist" "clinical counsellor" etc etc etc to find them all, I just typed "4153" and hit enter.
Anyway, they redid the system and now that job is parked at 41301 - Therapists in counselling and related specialized therapies. Here's the tree to get there:
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Cool cool cool. It's tidier, even if the occupations are still a bit messy. (When I dropped out of the field, the different counselling subdivisions were tapping their toes impatiently waiting for the provincial government to let them form their own professional regulatory college. Which still has not happened. Last week my shrink said he'd got an email from the College of Psychologists announcing that it would be gathering all the smaller counselling fields into its own downy breast instead. I have no idea what's happening anymore.)
Anyway. I scrolled down to another job I once worked and HAHA WHAT
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Yes. There are only three sub-units of category 44:
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In-home caregivers:
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Combat specialists
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I find this grouping of professions hilarious, appropriate, and deeply validating. No notes. 🧑‍🍳👌💋
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aclowntiny · 5 months
Skz as type of dads? 🥹
CRYING YES QUEEN/KING/MONARCH 👑🥹 kept this open for the kids to be biological or adopted or perhaps some of both for all family types 🥰 plus I’m a huge supporter of adoption personally hehe
Today is US Thanksgiving but fuck that ‘holiday’ here’s a post 🤙🏻
Stray Kids as Dads
Bang Chan
♡ Such a caring and protective dad, like his kids will never get hurt on his watch or his name isn’t Christopher Bang
♡ Being an eldest brother, he’s an absolute champ caring for them, like the moment they’re born he’s rolling up his sleeves and helping out, screw gender norms or the idea of the dad not helping. Being present with his children is a joy and honor.
♡ Would probably like the idea of a mid-sized family, probably a family of three like he had! Still manageable but no one’s lonely or received unfairly high expectations. Especially if they end up being closer in age, that’s ok because they’ll get along better instead of being teens enlisted to care for a baby or something of the like.
♡ Such a multi-talented man is a wonderful mentor to any interests the kids have, easily able to foster and participate in nearly any hobby- sports, singing, dance, acting, playing instruments, you name it!
♡ I can so see him loving to run around with the kids on his shoulders, grinning at the way they laugh and coming up with all sorts of vehicles and steeds to be, whether they want a spaceship ride, a horsie, a plane, or a dragon! Absolutely soft for their pleading to indulge their play.
♡ As a boy dad, Chris views it as super important to model what it truly means to be a man- no toxic masculinity here though! He treats you like royalty so his son(s) know how to treat and provide for their partner someday. He teaches them to fight for what they believe in and be brave. Many of the same things are true for girls, too, but he treats them like absolute princess(ess) too to make sure they don't settle for any less from a man! Indulges dress-up and teaching them martial arts alike because they're his princess(es) but also they must be protected and unafraid to fight back! No one gets the better of his babies!
Lee Know
♡ Acts like he’s got everything under control, but on the inside he’s freaking out a little 🤏🏻
♡ Proud dad OMG. Every milestone and first that gets experienced, he is sharing it and telling everyone even if it’s completely normal. Like crawling for the first time? Amazing. Absolutely stellar. That’s his kid, you know.
♡ Leans more toward a smaller family like he had, maybe one or two children…and the cats, of course! He adores the idea of being able to pour all the love and care into his little family and give extra attention to you and the kid(s).
♡ Loves kitchen time with your kid(s), doing anything remotely dangerous like cutting or frying on his own but otherwise giving them near free reign! It's messy, sure, but it's also a life skill and a way they can provide for others in the future, too. Minho's kid(s) will appreciate the effort and quality that can go into meals for sure.
♡ Can be firm when he needs to be, but it's mainly in situations where they show any form of disrespect or intolerance. Beyond being happy and loved, he wants his kids to be beacons of love to everyone they meet, and that starts with teaching them that being a bully is never ok, even if it's to an annoying sibling or cousin.
♡ Boy or girl, he’s making a dancing machine out of that kid(s)! I mean, he won’t force them or anything but absolutely indulges it and becomes their biggest coach if they have any interest in dance or choreography. With a girl he’d be so soft when he twirls her and lets her stand on his feet to slow dance, a smile across his face the whole time. His son would be busting idol moves at a very young age 😎
♡ His affection toward you increases tenfold if that's even possible once you two are starting a family! And that carries over into the kids for sure.
♡ Honestly the sappiest and goofiest dad, like he won't go a single day without telling his kids he loves them, often in a cutesy voice. Plays with them and gets down to their level so well and gets so invested in any make believe they do.
♡ The idea of having a big family is cute to him, so numbers like four or five don't scare him! But he can be talked down if you like too- Changbin mostly just wants his kid to grow up with at least one sibling like he did.
♡ Playground days are a must for him- heck, he'll be right there going down the slide with little ones in his arms and spinning on the merry-go-round with eager squeals of his own. Becomes their own personal playground, having them hang off of his arms and spin. You have so many silly pictures of them like that.
♡ Plushie theatre! Changbin will act out the most elaborate scenes with teddy bears and stuffed dogs on leashes and anything else provided to him and he will take it as seriously as if he was reciting Shakespeare. May even play music to set the scene. The kiddos laugh so hard and just eat it up every time.
♡ Has the perfect balance to be a boy and girl dad. Lets his daughters put makeup and bows on him with the biggest sappy grin and asks if he looks pretty, then turns around and plays drill sergeant with the boys. Half-jokingly, half-seriously encourages them to mix play with each other and that’s how you find Changbin in camo with blush and the boys smudging lipstick on each other’s faces while the girls try to shoot their action figures away from their dolls.
♡ Really invested and emotional about the whole process, especially in the beginning. His heart just fills and overflows whenever he looks and sees the life you two are raising.
♡ The dad who’s been practicing diaper changes on dolls or others’ kids if allowed so he knows he can do it right the first time for real 🥹
♡ In his mind, a small family sounds nice, maybe spaced apart so you can spend some time with each. But when he holds his little one for the first time suddenly he looks up like ‘I want ten’. Hyperbole, don’t worry. But suddenly bigger numbers like four or five or six don’t sound so terrible if you’re game 👀
♡ Unafraid to get messy with the fam in the name of art! Hyunjin's at the table when you come home, colors splattered all over his hands and the kids' as they finger paint. Don't worry, he's covered it all up with paper and made sure at least one of the paintings is a portrait of you 😉
♡ Dresses up the kids in the most stylish outfits, like you're about to have little models on your hands! Also has a soft spot for coordinating outfits with them, whether it's family photo day or just an afternoon out with the little ones.
♡ He values all his children so much, especially the awareness that they’ll bring different beauty to the world and be perceived differently. Because of this, he encourages fortitude in all the kids, boy or girl, to be themselves and stand firmly in their interests whatever they are.
♡ This man is the sweetest dad for real! Adores his kids and is always happy to show them affection 🥰
♡ Also the type of dad who tries really hard (sometimes a little too hard but that’s why you all love him 🤭) to be hip on the trends and name their generation’s memes.
♡ I can see him once he gets into the swing of things as the type to want a bigger family, maybe even more than he thought! Nothing crazy, but in his head he thought he’d feel complete after one or two, now that he has them though? Three or four doesn’t sound bad, just look at how cute they are with a sibling to play with! Kind of reminds him of the feeling of having so many brothers.
♡ You have to stop him sometimes from buying every cute toy he sees. “Do we need another playset?” “But babe, then he can run his own sushi restaurant 🥺” “Shit, that is cute, ok.”
♡ Cries when his kids cry, laughs whenever they do or at any joke they ever tell him, can hardly bring himself to scold them because he just loves them so much and doesn’t want to break their hearts!
♡ Honestly doesn’t mind if he has boys or girls, like both sound great so you’d never catch this dad sulking at a gender reveal! In the end though I can see him having one of each, and it warms your heart to see how he teaches his son(s) to respect their sister(s), value and cheer them on from a very young age. He is all of their biggest cheerleader, though, handing them mics when he’s recording or playing around in the studio, showing up to every event of theirs he physically can, and just going ‘that’s my son/daughter’ with a huge smile all the time.
♡ The type of father to describe his kids as the twinkles in his eyes! Just constantly looking at them with adoration- they’ll never wonder if they’re loved 🥹
♡ He's always wanted a family, so having little ones of his own is Felix's dream come true for sure. You'll practically have to pry them from his arms, he loves showering them in affection so much!
♡ For some reason, I see him wanting three kids, the classic 'nuclear family' size or in his words the perfect number to fill up his arms! You guys are ever-so-slightly outnumbered, but your life's also full to the brim of cuteness.
♡ A pro at bath time! Felix is the epitome of 'organized chaos' during this time, managing to get all your little ones to love the water and keep it in the tub. He knows all their favorite toys and has a voice for each one.
♡ One Mother’s/Father’s Day you awake slowly, eyes fluttering at a few clattering sounds and shushes. Your eyebrows furrow in concern, but sleep swims too quickly still beneath your eyes to pull you up. Your internal questions are answered in moments as Felix and the kids burst in with a tray of all your favorites for breakfast, all clearly handmade as the notes and drawings scattering it.
♡ Absolutely no difference in his intent with raising boys or girls… but real talk, the sweetest girl dad on the planet OMG. While he is conscious about modeling caring and providing behavior in both, curiosity and discovery regardless… he has at least one girly girl that just steals his heart and has him wrapped around her finger. Will play as whatever princess needed, incredibly active in every single tea party he can make, you name it, he does it.
♡ The do-it-all dad. He learns sooo much about all of their interests when they're older and reads up on everything baby/toddler before then. An absolute champ at juggling care and keeping the house afloat!
♡ All he wants in life is to do right by his family and be a man you can be proud of. No fear with jumping right in to any aspect of raising your family, even if he does crack the occasional joke.
♡ He's a bit open on number, probably leaning between two or three but more wouldn't hurt if you'd like bigger!
♡ Bedtime is one of his favorite times. Just being able to lay down with the kids and read them stories, doing funny voices and raising and lowering for suspense, fills his heart. He'll sing them lullabies until their eyes stay closed and watch for a few moments wondering how he got so lucky to have this with you of all people.
♡ Invents a whole secret language with the kids one day, so you come home and can't understand any of them. Teases the dickens out of you, grinning and bumping your shoulder and egging the kids on to say more until relenting and letting you in on the secret!
♡ He can’t decide if he’s more excited to have a son or a daughter! Practically weeps imagining playing dress up but has also always wanted a mini me??? (See what I did there?) He takes photos of the kids often, which ends up sparking an interest in photography that he’s happy to foster. Heck, maybe through that his daughter will become his mini me and he gets the best of both worlds!
♡ Playful dad! It’s not uncommon to come home and find him rolling around with the kids in a big ball of laughter!
♡ He hadn’t always thought about having a family, but when he met you and you guys began your journey, he wondered how he would have ever considered anything else.
♡ Because of this, he never had some dream number in his head and he’s happy to give you the floor on that question whether you’d like one or three or six!
♡ S-Class (see what I did there) nurse. They'll practically demand that he's the one to care for wounds and put the bandages on because he's so good at distracting from the sting of cleaning it and kissing where it hurts.
♡ They love his trot voice. Thus he hams it up plenty, bringing out his most exaggerated moves and probably bringing props too. Would not at all be adverse to them becoming his backup singers or dancers.
♡ Loves the idea of at least one mini you and one mini him- his words! Y’all definitely get a mini him though, OMG: your son wants to be JUST LIKE his dad, practically following him around all the time. He takes after his dad’s goofy smile and performances so soon you really do have two trot performances to watch! Jeongin is so honored and floored by this that he’s always saying he has to be the best man possible for his son as well as for you 🥹 he always encourages his son to say the sweetest words to you too- but don’t say it was from him, shh!!!
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rinbowaman · 8 months
ok but imagine demon! heeseung and angel! beomgyu, but heeseung is actually very kind (when he's not inside you 😀) and beomgyu is actually far from innocent
mind goes brrr
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Warnings: Demon HS, angel Beomgyu, smut, unprotected smut, oral sex (male receiving), near death experience, Beomgyu is a perv, and HS is both....a softy....and hard dom! total switch.
@0x1dazed - enjoy 😉
"Shoot! I'm going to be late."
Waiting for the signal to change, you await while watching the cluster of vehicles drive pass. The light flashes, signaling that you now have the right of way to walk through the crosswalk. Halfway through, you heard the screams of screeching tires as the smell of burnt rubber suddenly fills the air; your life flashes before your eyes when a red sports car slides in your direction. Having lost control over the vehicle, a female driver with a male passenger by her side, threw their phones up in the air as they tried to react in time to avoid the collision, which would no doubt result in your death. The price to pay for their careless mistake and lack of attention to the road.
Or it would have been, had you been left to brace and take on the impact of the steel frame, the red hood, and the shattered glass. Yet all was well when you found yourself suddenly out of place. Looking around at your surroundings, the area was different. Where were the bustling streets? The neon street signs? The overbearing crowd of people, and the traveling vehicles? Where was the industrial infrastructure? The steel frames of the buildings, and the modern architecture?
Rubbing your temples, your eyes winced shut as you count to ten in your head, only to become reacquainted with the satin grayed room. The silk tapestries reflected a darker mauve hue, while the embroidered thread on the wallpaper was as silver as the metal itself. There were no windows, and no doors that you could see, which compelled you to grow anxious. How are you going to leave? Where do you begin to figure out where exactly you are?
The last image that flashed through your mind was the red coupe flinging its way over to you, with the driver frantically screaming and waving her hands around, looking just as fearful as you. Could it be possible that you......
"You didn't die."
A male voice stuns you out of your thought process and triggers you to turn towards him.
"I-I'm sorry?"
Flashing a dashing smile, he walks over and stands beside you, facing the large oil painting hanging on the wall. "I said, you didn't die." he reiterates softly, glancing a quick side eye before turning back and continues to study the large art piece.
"W....who are you?....Do you know where we are?"
"Yeah, you're in Oecus Altair."
Confused, you shifted your eyes before you stuttered and bid for him to elaborate. "The what?"
"It means The Hall of the Flying Eagle. This is where the old Gods used to collect themselves and hold their councils."
Turning your attention to the painting, you catch yourself following his lead as you take time to admire the fine details of the portrayal of what seemed to be the Gods of Olympus, paying respects to one particular figure that was well known throughout mythology, Zeus.
By the raging strike of lightning balled in his grasp, you figured it had to be the King of Gods himself, raising a fist of glory or victory it seemed like, while his brethren, sisters, and all the demigods encircled his magnificent form and awe towards his awesome power.
"....How did I get here?" You asked the young man, unsure who he was or where he came from, yet you figured he had the answers that could aid your release from this unknown place, and help you return to the city.
"He brought you here....I was told to watch after you until he returns."
"My brother."
Startling you, a deeper voice emerges from afar, chiming in the conversation. "Yes, that is correct. Younger brother, but not by much."
Presenting himself, the slightly taller male stands before you and flashes a deviously handsome smile. He was dressed fashionably Victorian and reminded you of a prince as he donned a coat of beige, embroidered in gold threaded accents, and a pair of black trousers with knee high boots to match. The frills of the satin white shirt under his royal cloth delicately peeks out from his sleeves, and above the top button on his chest. He  issues a bow, excelling in perfect form and poise, before re-engaging eye contact. 
“Oh, here we go….” the other brother huffs out as he rolls his eyes. “Could you stop with that?” 
The brazen elder walks to his younger brother’s side and rests a bent elbow on his shoulder. “I’m Beomgyu, and this is Heeseung. Now that we’ve introduced ourselves, can you take your dress off? I wanna see what it looks like under there….let me find out.” he issues as he bites his lip. 
Reaching up from behind, the younger of the two, Heeseung, smacks his palm atop Beomgyu’s head and peels him back, flinging him behind towards the wall. “Don’t mind him, he’s a bit of a pervert I’m afraid. Good fellow….just too sordid.”
“Like it’s my fault!” Coming back up to his spot, Beomgyu takes his stance next to Heeseung, policing himself up as he straightens his attire from the toss. He was quite the opposite from his sibling, wearing all black with a dark green coat that also resembled a Victorian flare. He was definitely much more outspoken and haughty, yet something about his personality was seemingly adorable. With Heeseung, he was dashing and smooth in the deliverance of chivalry and his vocabulary. Both men were strange and unlike anyone you’ve ever met before. 
“I’m sorry….I don't mean to be rude but…can you both tell me how I may leave? I have to get back.” Nervously chuckling, you crossed your arms and began to shut yourself away as you bid them to honor your request. 
“Well, there are two ways you can leave here…” Heeseung calmly states as he shifts his gaze over to the side. “One way is to just leave through that door right there…” Pointing beyond where you stood, you turned and found a door lodged into the wall. It was peculiar since just a moment ago, the door wasn’t there. Turning back around, you look at Heeseung with a questioning gaze. “Was…..did you put that there?” you softly asked as you delicately pointed to the door behind you. 
“I didn’t.” He smiles softly as he gently shakes his head. “The door just wasn’t visible until now.” 
Shrugging your shoulders, you asked him to elaborate the other option. “What is the other way of getting out of here?” 
“Well….before we get to that, let me explain what happens if you choose to go through the door…” Heeseung calmly spoke out as he took you by the hand. HIs skin was so smooth and he smelled of lavender, guiding you over to a gray loveseat, made of velvet, he sat you beside him as he cups your hand with both of his, warming them. “Cold?” 
You nodded hesitantly, watch as he softly breathes out and warms the back of your palm. It was only one exhale, and targeted directly to your hand, yet the moment it hit your skin, your entire body felt warm and soothing, almost as if you were sitting by a fire. 
“That’s –...how did you do that?” you inquire as you admire your hand and look around you. Smirking, he rests his elbow on his lap and strokes his chin as he takes in your features. “We’ll get to that here in a minute.” he softly speaks, reaching up with his free hand he gently tucks the strands of your hair behind your ear. 
“Going through the door will take you back to the place from where you came, the problem is-”
“The problem IS that you’ll be taken right back to the very spot where we plucked you out of. In your case, you’d go right back in front of that colliding vehicle and probably die.” Beomgyu boldly confirms as he makes his way over to the loveseat, and rests his boot on the arm closest to you. Leaning his forearms on his thigh, he relaxes in a slightly hunched form while staring deeply into the slight bit of cleavage that is exposed from your subtle neckline. 
Rolling his eyes, Heeseung shook his head faintly as he rubbed his temples. “....you idiot…” 
“What? It's the truth!”
“You don’t have to be so…nevermind.” Heeseung gives up and continues to explain the alternative option of gaining back your freedom, one without you dying. “The other way to leave here, is to please the descendants of the Gods.”
Confused, you looked up, shifting your sights between the two men. “Please?....In what manner?” 
“Like, sexual intercourse is a good one.” Ever as unfiltering, Beomgyu scoff’s out his defining example, causing Heeseung to snap his fingers towards him, gesturing for the young man to quiet himself.
“I’m sorry about him…” Heeseung states as he glares over to his elder brother.
"As ill mannered that came out to be, he isn't’ wrong. That is one way. It’s the most assuring way for you to get back safely. ” Heeseung delicately states as he takes your hand once more, rubbing the back of your palm with his thumb. 
“What?! I can’t do that! I don’t…what is this? Who are you? What does this…please tell me this is all a dream.” You rock your head back and forth as you rub your head. 
“But it’s not! Come on girl, it’s not like you’re a virgin, we know everything about you. We get it, you’re not a whore and you consider yourself a “respectable” woman, but give it up if you want to live.” 
“Shut up.” 
Comforting you with his embrace, Heeseung hugs you softly as he narrows his gaze over to his brother. 
Descendants of Gods? What or where exactly are you? How could such a place be real where such a demand exist and becomes a mandatory option for a woman to free herself from this….this….
“Come on! It’s not like you’re in prison. What do you say?” Beomgyu bids, tilting his head and yearning for you to answer. 
“O-okay…..fine. Who..who are the descendents?” 
Both men share a gaze and blink before looking back at you. “Uh….it’s us….” Beomgyu states offensively. “We’re the descendents. The last ones in fact.” 
Wide eyed and shocked, you bury your face into both your palms. “.....This can’t be happening….” you mumbled into both hands. 
“Well sis, it is. So what’s it going to be? The door, or us?” 
You shoot out a faint glare at the young man and express with a slight bit of attitude as you come to a breaking point of the man’s vulgar behavior. “Obviously...I don't have much of a choice…at least you’re not leaving me any. But could you be just a little more compassionate? It’s not like I do this sort of thing on the regular.”  
Pulling you back into his chest, Heeseung swoops his hand over your neck and gently strokes your shoulder as he tenderly caresses you. “Don’t mind him. We know you’re not that type of woman, and we wish there was another way but we don’t make the rules. This is something that was established well before our time.”
Sighing, you grew curious and asked about their lineage. “So….who are you two? Where do you both come from?”
“We’re sons of the Archangel Michael, you heard of him yeah? He was also a descendent of the old Gods, and we both are his only heirs.” Beomgyu explains as he stretches his arms, cracking his neck, a pair of lush, silver and white-feathered wings extend from his back and graciously decorates his frame. 
“...I didn’t know angels were so…petulant.” you spoke in humor as you admired the shine of the transparent features, they were beautiful and magnificent.
“Well we are.” Beomgyu responds back in slight annoyance, placing his hands on his hips as he rolls his eyes faintly. “I’m the angel, whereas Heeseung here is-”
Cutting his older brother off, Heeseung’s wings shoot out from his back, gently draping over his shoulders. They were matte black, nearly dark purple and hued out a velvet texture, reflecting a sinful glow that twinkled with each feathered strand. 
“A-are you…?” Too caught up with the beauty of his Godly appearance, your question remained incomplete. Nodding, he smiles softly as he strokes his chin. “Yes beautiful…I’m the son of the Archangel Michael, and my mother was a demoness. Although, out of the two, her bloodline runs strong…it’s like that with all Hellish creatures, so I take after her quite a bit.” 
“And that’s why he resides in the scorching regions of Hell and rules over it.” Beomgyu teases in a cocky manner. 
This was so strange. The two men appeared to be the exact opposite of one another, not only that, but out of the two, Heeseung seemed far more fitting as an angel, whereas Beomgyu gave off the essence of a perverse demon, yet that wasn’t the case. Looking at them, not all was what it seemed. 
With a deep breath, you closed your eyes and sighed out once more. “Okay…so what do I do? So I can leave here in one piece.” 
“Do you know how to use that pretty mouth of yours?” Beomgyu winks out, clearly excited and eager to get things started. 
“Will you stop?” Heeseung glares once more towards his sibling. 
“Come on Heeseung. It’s not like we’re forcing her. Look, why don’t I go first, and then you can take her after?” 
Heeseung shakes his head out of bitter annoyance, before turning back to you. “Will that work for you?” 
Nodding in the affirmative, you looked over to Beomgyu, who raises his brows in excitement upon making eye contact. “..uh…yeah…i guess.” you answered, not entirely sure how you were going to be able to perform. This entire ordeal was making you more and more uncofmortable. 
“Don’t worry. Despite how he may come off, he really doesn’t know how to handle a woman. You’ll be able to hold the reins with this one.” Heeseung smirks out, teasingly winking. 
“Hey!” Beomgyu shouts out from the side. But leaves the conversation where it stands as Heeseung stands, helping you up and gently hands you off to the elder sibling. 
“Be nice to her, Beomgyu.” 
“Oh how rich! Coming from you.” Beomgyu scuffs out in response. 
Shooting his hand around your waist, Beomgyu immediately kisses you deeply as he holds you by your chin. His movements were sudden and a bit rough, you tried to match his stamina but it had been a while since you had done this. Not to mention, you never once experienced intimacy at random, only sharing it with a man you once loved, but offended by your gift when he abandoned your love for a woman who was far less reserved than you. Breaking your heart into two, you mourned and had ever since, made yourself unavailable to all prospects, solely focusing on your career. 
“Kiss me back.” Breaking the kiss for just a moment, Beomgyu gasps out his words before reconnecting the kiss while his hands swarm over your waist and lower back, pulling you closer. His wings softly flutter and suspend up in the air as he shifts both your bodies to a missionary position, with you on top. Laying his head on both his hands, he relaxes as he admires your suddenly nude body. 
“W-where are my clothes??” you gasped out, quickly covering your breasts as you wrap your arms around your chest, looking around and seeing that you were now in a different room, one surrounded by walls that were shrouded in satin curtains. The bed you both laid on was framed with both, a head and footboard that displayed large brass arches. 
“You’re in MY room.” Flexing his arms as he takes the bend in his elbows to a perfect angle as he readjust his head in his palms, he gently breathes out, enjoying the sensation of the cool air hitting his nudeness, while simultaneously feeling the warmth of your skin. 
Gulping, you felt far too nervous and shy as you realized that he was entirely nude underneath you. Flexing his member, it stiffens and taps against your rear end.
“Come oooooon…..would you live a little?” he teases, grinning wide while eyeing your body. “Come here,” he whispers. Grabbing hold of your arms, he gently brings you to lean forward, and kisses you. 
Feeling his member stiffen, it didn’t feel as obscene as before due to the gentleness of his touch. His arms cradled you and his kiss was passionate and tender. Breaking the kiss, he speaks in a near whispering tone, one that was far different from the usual boldness it carried. 
“So....You never answered my question. Do you know how to use that pretty mouth of yours?” he asks, waving a soft smile. He had become different, still sordid but so much more angelic and tender. 
“I…um….if you’re referring to what I think you are….I’ve never done it before.” 
“I know.” he chuckles. “He never showed you…or rather, he never stuck around long enough to experience it with you.” 
Hearing his words cut you deep. He obviously was referring to your first love, the man whom you would have given up anything and everything, yet stranded you broken hearted for another woman. One with superficial assets and a large dowry. 
Shifting your gaze down, trying to avoid crying in front of him, you gulped and fought back the tears that began to sting your eyes. 
“Hey, it’s okay.” He softly remarks. “The man was undeserving of you, don’t let him be your downfall. Besides…I can show you. I don’t mind being your first.” Flashing a toothy grin, he cradles your head with his hands as he fingers his limbs through your hair. 
Kissing you once more, he slowly drags you lower by the hip, shifting you towards his cock. “Grab it.” he whispers out. 
Taking it in your hand, you merge lower until his impressive length rested against your chest, right in between your breasts. 
“Kiss it.” he gently tells you, still laying his head on his palms. Doing as he bids, you kiss the tip, it seemed appropriate considering it appeared swollen. Once you had pressed your lips against his skin, it felt right…so right. Instinctively, your mind and body knew what to do, and you continued to place your soft kisses, surrounding the head, lowering it down the midriff of his shaft, and finishing off by placing them on the base of his groin. 
“Thaaaaat’s it princess. Now put it in your mouth, start off with the tip of it.” he slightly chokes out, enveloped by the wonderful sensation he was feeling as you swallow the head of his member, and began sucking on it. Your tongue rolling all over its surface and the grooves of its form, you started to fit more of him in.
“Wow…you’re a natural. Don’t need me to tell you what to do now, huh?” 
Subtly shaking your head, you continue without pause. Your body just knew how to take over, and you did. You did exactly what your heart and soul told you to do, and he loved every single moment of it. Stroking in his member repeatedly, you take in saliva that droop out of the crevices of your mouth as you stretch as wide as you could to fit his girth. The scene became messy, though in the most sensual and beautiful way possible. Slurping, you pick up the pace and combine the efforts of your hand as you swirled your palm in half rotation near the base, while your mouth took on the rest. 
“Ah…good….good girl…fuck…just like that.” tilting his head back, his mouth remains wide open as he gasps out his groans. The more evident it became that he was enjoying it, the more it motivated you to continue and do more. Popping out the tip from the corner of your mouth, you lightly tap the tip of his bulge against your tongue, moaning as you stuffed him back inside and twirled your tongue along the grooves of veins and muscle that decorated it. 
“Oh shit…” he gasped out, quickly shifting his hands and establishing a grip on the sides of your head as he pinned you down, forcing you to take all of him in. Your gag reflex becomes triggered, yet you hold yourself well by steadying yourself as you taste the saltiness of his essence coating the muscles of your throat. His cock twitches against your tongue, and slowly, he lifts your face up and away, allowing you to relax your jaw. Fully exiting your mouth, he chuckles out and re-establishes his comfy position. 
“You did well. It’s too bad old boy left when he did, he’s missing out.” 
A small smile forms on your face as you hover over his body and crawl towards his face. Kissing him, you were slowly reaching down for it, preparing to take him in once more, when his hand gently grabbed onto yours.
“As much as I want to…angels are not allowed.” with a disappointing look on his face, he gives off a half smirk as he shifts his gaze onto the ground. “It’s a rule…only archangels, one like my father, have the freedom to do so. It’s a status that I have yet to gain, but will someday.” shifting his gaze back up to meet your eyes, he shoots his hands around your waist. “When I do…might come and find you again.” He states before kissing you once more, when suddenly you felt the room spinning and a moment of pure darkness shrouds you. The instant the air clears, you find yourself in another room, one that was much different from Beomgyu’s personal palace. The walls were draped with black satin, matching the black silk of the bedding, which was all framed by brass ornaments that displayed symbolic Gothic theme’s. 
“Did you have fun with Beomgyu?” his voice shoots from behind as he walks up, admiring your nude body as you attempt to cover yourself with the sheets. 
“Um…yeah…learned a thing or two…” you jest as you look up at him. Shocked, you slightly gasped out as you saw a change in Heeseungs demeanor, his face was much more stern. His eyes were fierce, and darkened with a sense of dominance and lust like you have never seen before. Biting down on his lip, he flares off a look of hunger and desire, it was far too intense. You couldn’t help but think that the white and gold coat of his suddenly looked far too light for his countenance. 
Sitting next to you, he raises a hand and gently tucks your hair behind your ear once more. “Scared?” he asks. 
Trying to steady your breath, your chest heaves deeply as you glance over from the side and look at him. His smirk was devious and rather eerie, but still dashing. Softly chuckling, he leans in and aims for your neck. With long strokes of his tongue, and the latching of his lips, he soothes your neck line with the tenderness of his mouth. Your breathing calms down, until he starts to grab on to your waist, pulling you in against him as he kept on with feasting on your throat. 
“H-Heeseung….” you whimpered out. 
“Shhh…enjoy it.” with one final kiss on your smooth skin, he darkly whispers. “I know I will.” 
Your body is suddenly suspended and laid back on the bedding as his weight lays atop you the missionary position. Just like his elder brother, his clothes vanish in a blink of an eye, and you feel the coolness of his skin as he drapes over your body. His wings remain extended out, and flaps vigorously as he traps you in his arms. He was demanding and strong, yet with the way he slightly dipped his hips low and waved them against your groin, you found yourself to be less scared and more focused on his touch. Whimpering out his name, he hushes you tenderly. 
“Shh…pretty girl…I’ll make you feel like a queen.” Kissing you, he gently bites down on your lip. “We’re going to fuck just like demons do.” With one last kiss, he props himself on his knees, and swings your leg over, forcing you to lay on your side. He grabs onto your rear cheek, and slowly, he inserts himself. “It’s been a while, but I promise you I aint rusty.” he teases, pushing the tip of his throbbing cock in. You quickly deduced that despite being the younger of the two, and a demon, Heeseung’s size was supreme. Beomgyu’s length and girth was absolutely nothing to scoff at, in fact, he was perfect. But with Heeseung, you now know that there was going to be pain with pleasure as you felt the tear of your stretch while enveloping his length. Jutting in, he continues to push through the friction of your entry as he finally mashes the base of his groin and testicles against your folds. 
“Oh wow…you feel really nice.” he gasps out, eyeballing you as he raises his eyebrows in surprise. “All the way in princess…you ready?” he cocks out as he bites down the corner of his lip. You weren’t sure if he was genuinely asking, or if he really did care, nonetheless, you hesitantly nod and felt the shoretend sense of relief as he starts to slide out, only to ram himself back in with a vengeance. 
Thrusting violently, he goes in hard and deep, not at all starting off with a slow or gentle pace. Bucking his hips with high energy, he slaps into your rear cheek as he throbs and twitches his cock inside, making sure you get the full effect. 
“Ah! Please! N-not….not too rough! Ugh! You’re breaking me!” 
“Aww…too much baby?” he teases. Leaning in, burying his member deep inside, he shoots out a ball of spit on your cheek, only to lick it back up before whispering in your ear. “You like it…don’t you?” the tone in his voice was dark…too dark. 
“You miss being fucked…dont you? Come on baby, say it. I know you’re dark and nasty….” 
Feeling how deep his cock was reaching, he rotates his hips as he drills himself deeper. Too deep. 
“How badly do you wanna get fucked baby?”
Gaining enough stamina to issue a voice, you caved in. He was right, just because you weren’t spreading yourself thin among the male populace, it didn’t mean that when alone, and at night, your thoughts grew wild and you yearned for someone like him to plunge into you. He was ruthless, dementing, and brutal with his performance….and it was exactly what you needed. 
“Yes what?” He smirks as he bids you to elaborate.
“Yes….please…please fuck me…oh God….fuck me hard.”
Leaning all of his weight on top, he cradles his arms at the sides of your head and kisses you. The kiss was the only tender nature of his performance, everything else was grim and cruel. “Come here baby, let me give you just what you need.” he whispers out, firmly grabbing hold of your neck and starts back up in thrusting. Each time he thrusted his cock back in, you nearly saw stars. He was going in so hard, so fast, and was animalistic. Digging his fingernails in, he leaves his mark along your neckline while he harshly sucks your breasts. He fucked you, for who knows how long, all you knew and cared about was that he kept going. 
Flipping you over, he raises your hips and smacks your derriere, before placing a dozen kisses on each cheek. “Tell me how badly you want it.” Admitting another slap, he watches your rear end jiggle as your body shakes from the rigorous effects of his harshness. 
“Ugh! I want it…I want it so bad…please…please…do everything to me.” 
Slapping his hand on the back of your neck, he latches a new hold on you as his free hand grips your waist, keeping you still as he slides right back in. Watching your rear end pop against his groin from the hard smacks, he fucks…and fucks….and fucks. He pumps his cock deep, and flexes it while it rests inside. He expands your walls and tears you open more and more, until finally…
“Fuck!!” slapping his hands on your waist, he leans forward and rests his forehead against your back, his mouth gasps open as his lips gently brush against your skin. Pushing out the last drop of his seed, he slowly exits from your cavity, yet remains holding you still to admire the pure white thickness that oozes out of your slit. 
“Beautiful.” he softly remarks. Dropping his weight back down on you, he spoons you from behind and nibbles on your ear. Catching your breath, you commit a half turn to face him. “So….is that it? Will I be able to go home now?”
Keeping his eyes closed, he keeps himself in the state of relaxation as he hugs you. “Mmhmm…soon.” 
Shifting your gaze down, you felt the need to get up and move, yet there was a sliver of your heart that didn’t want this moment to end. Not with Heeseung, or Beomgyu. Resting your head against your elbow, you let out a bittersweet sigh. 
Reaching around, gently tapping the tip of your nose, Heeseung rests the tip of his finger against your lips before mumbling into the smooth silky strands of your hair. 
“If you’re not against the idea…and are over the fool that deserted you….maybe I’ll come visit you….tell you more bedtime stories.” 
You laughed a little, before he continued. “Maybe I’ll show you some magic tricks…and teach you some things that Beomgyu can’t.” 
Sensing the looseness of his demonic presence, you felt that he was coming back to that gentle and kind being that he was when he introduced himself. “We’ll see…maybe…” you softly respond back with, flaring your own teasing sense into your words.
Chuckling, he slowly wraps his arm around your waistline.
“Or maybe…” Licking the helix of your ear, he whispers as he reaffirms his grasp around your neck.
“I just won't let you go home tonight…” 
Enjoyed this piece? Show love and treat your girl to a cup of coffee. ♥️ 
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Being Seijoh’s Manager
Bookworm Manager
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Seijoh x GN! Manager (they/them pronouns)
Warnings: swearing (probably, actually idk)
AN: this is an anon request.
Honestly I think this team is a perfect fit for a manager who loves to read!
They give a certain vibe of class and distinction 😌
And idk if you read romance, action, manga, smut, fantasy, non-fiction, etc
Readers have a certain amount of grace to me
And of course, our precious Yn is the number #1 most graceful 💅
You attend Seijoh and you just happen to be a first year
You never really bothered anyone, never really stood out but you had friends and were a typical student
Perks of being a wallflower 😏
Prepare for book puns and I won’t apologize!
Anyways, you were a typical student who just happened to have class with our favorite aloof wing spiker, Kunimi
Kunimi actually really enjoyed you because you were nice, sweet and pleasant
You never caused drama and while you did have you noise in a book a lot, he’d rather have that than someone gushing over his Senpai 🙄
I totally feel like Kunimi would like reading too so he would probably ask you about your reads, which you happily share
You probably were constantly tired, like him, only you were tired because you stayed up all night reading 😅
During a normal practice, Mattsun and Makki were again teasing Oikawa for being the reason they couldn’t have nice things
Aka a manager
“I can’t help that everyone likes me!” Oikawa whines
“Shut up Shittykawa nobody likes you!” Iwaizumi shouts
Suddenly Kunimi looks over and you appear in the doorway of the gym, eyes locked in a book and holding his math book
He looks at you questionably, which prompts Kindaichi, Yahaba, Watari and Kyotani to do the same thing
He runs past his arguing seniors towards you and greets you kindly
“Hello Yn, did you bring this for me?” He asks as you snap from you book, a wide, adorable smile greeting him
“Yes! I was headed out and I noticed you forgot it so I figured I’d swing by!”
By now, the seniors have noticed you and annoyingkawa is on the move 🙄
“Well hello there and who might you be?” He says but you say nothing
Oikawa clears his throat and tries again, “hello there cutie-chan!”
Again, nothing
Kunimi is holding it together by a thread, Makki and Mattsun are too stunned to speak and Iwaizumi is hella impressed!
“You know it’s rude to ignore you seniors!” Oikawa growled
You snap from your book, eyes locking with his, “oh I’m sorry, this is just a really interesting part, nothing against you personally but it’s kind of important so I’ll be on my way.”
Makki and Mattsun BUST out laughing
Kindaichi, Yahaba, and Watari just stare
Kyotani and Iwa are in awe of your ability to ignore THE Oikawa
“I’ll see you in class tomorrow Akira,” you say, waving at him and walking away
Immediately, Iwa runs up to Kunimi and asks, “does Yn need a club??”
And that, my dear, is how you became the Seijoh’s new manager 🥰
Now at first, you weren’t really super excited about volleyball
I mean, you originally said yes because you needed a club and well, Kunimi was your friend
However you found one perk to the sport
In the form of reading Sports Mangas 😍
Surprisingly it was an excellent way to learn the sport as well as combine it with your love of reading
Even if Manga wasn’t your first choice, you definitely found it easier to learn thought reading gs alternative means
Mainly loserkawa 🙄 who took it upon himself to try and educate you on the sport
It’s literally Lord of the Flies up in here!
“Shittykawa leave Yn alone!!” Iwa shouts as you stand next to Kunimi and Kindaichi
“I’m teaching Yn-Chan the fine art of serving!” Oikawa shouted back
“Umm thanks Oikawa but I think I got it. I read a manga last night and I got the basics down,” you says as Oikawa puts up his hand
“Why read Yn-Chan when you can learn from the greatest?!” He says, tossing up the balls
And slamming it right into the net
You 👉🏻😐
Kunimi and Kindaichi 👉🏻🙄
Makki and Mattsun 👉🏻🤣🤣
Iwaizumi 👉🏻🧑🏻‍🦱🤛🏻
Oikawa 👉🏻 💀
Thankfully your knowledge of volleyball, from reading, you were able to help the boys come up with new skills and tactics to win!
Unfortunately, the skills and tactics didn’t match up against Karasuno, who apparently had developed their own skills
The third years were broken, the second years so upset and the first years disappointed
You couldn’t help but feel awful, like you failed them
On the bus ride home, everyone was quiet as you sat
You wanted to cheer them up but you didn’t know how
Then it came to you, you pulled out your book from your bag
Let’s just say it was one of your new favorites and you began to read out loud to the bus
The boys slowly looked up, listening to your soothing voice as you recited lines perfectly
The entire bus seemed to calm down, the tension disappearing as you continued to read
Once back at school, you stopped reading and prepared to get off the bus
“Wait Yn what happens next?” Kindaichi asks as Kunimi nods
“Come on YN, you can’t really just leave us hanging with that!” Yahaba groaned
“Anyone can see the hero is going to end up victorious as always!” Oikawa chimes in as Iwa smacks him in the back of the head
“Shittykawa shit up!” Iwa said as Mattsun and Makki helped you unload the gear
“You’ll finish reading the story right Yn?” Makki asks as you smile
Of course you will 🥰
735 notes · View notes
"Is the human dancing?"
"Doesn't look like a dance to me. Maybe a ritual?"
"Why don't we just ask"
"And potentially disturbe a ritual? You know wjat happened to Zaati when he decided to not be culturally sensitive"
"Yeah yeah, he got a spear thrown an inch of his face by a very angry Attra matriarch..... and now they are married."
" I'm just saying Dessa, If you wanna talk to him, stay close to cover"
Vakk was an asahole, But Dessa knew he had a point. So she aproached the sparing mat slowly while watching thw human performe his routine.
"Uum, excuse me" They said
" Huh?" The human said with a slightly startled reaction" OH! m i hogging the mat? Sorry. I'll be done in a minute or 2 if that's ok"
"No, that's allright. I just wanted to ask you as to what this ritual is" now relaxed Dessa said.
"Ritu- OH! yes this does look pretty ritualistic I guess. Mind I finish though?
" Oh no, not at all!"
The human just smiled and nodded, proceeding with his ritual. While Dessa kept watching.
And shortly after the human knelt slowly, put his forehead to the mat, slowly rose while obviously avoiding touching the amt with his hands, took a step backwards and boues the final time.
"Wooh!" He said, jumping in place. Conpletely shattering the calm demeenor he exuded not 10 second ago.
"Now, Propper introductions! I'm Teddy, I'm a translator and linguist with UN diplomatic core" the human said stretching his arm. A gesture of good will found in many species
"Dessa, amature xenoculturologist and medical officer on board this station" Dessa replied
"That explains your interest in my, ritul" Teddy added with a smile
"Well, yes. I find different beliefs and rituals other species performe intriguing. If you would be willing to explain I'd be greatfull." Dessa said trxing to be as cordial as her curiosity would allowe
"Please, talk more casually. I hear enough diplomatic talk a work as it is. And I'd be glad to explain." Teddy said
" What you saw was called Nage-no-kata it's a stric performance form made of 15 techniques of Judo. And Judo is a martial art I train"
Dessa looked confused " Military skill? Is my translator malfunctioning?"
"Yeah the translation pack still isn't up to speed with coloquialism and cultural elements. That's another reasons I preffere casual conversations lets me know what I'll need to work on in the future"
"Ok so. What would the proper translation be?"
"Well.." Teddy paused "either fighting sport or self defence skill"
"... so the translator wasn't wrong..."
"Technically not"
"And you humans .... made military grade combat into a sport" Dessa stated withoit a hint of wmotion
"Well no, the sport was develloped before" Teddy retorted
"Well... I don't know if that makes me feel more or less uneasy"
"Look it sounds bad if you phrase it like that but Judo has among the lowest rate of serious injury qmong human sports and among the highest percentage of highly educated people in its ranks"
"That ... sounds like a salesman pitch"
"Did it help calm you down though?"
"I ... guess? I stil don't understand why a linguist would need combat training"
"I actually started practicing as a teenager so I wasn't even a linguist-"
" you teach combat to kids?! And I tought Attra were militaristic" Dessa interrupted
"What I was gon a say is that Judo is ot just fighting it's a philosophy." Teddy retorted, seemingly finding this ordeal amusing
"Another sales pitch?" Dessa asked.
" I stand guard .... that's a coloquialism for I'm listening for my people"
"Noted" Teddy said before co ti uing his explenation
"As I said. JUDO is a philosophy. It's based of using the oponenta strenght against him. If pushed, you pull back, if pulled, you push. But it's also built upon respect. Towards the referees, towards your coach, towards your oponemt and even the mat you stand on during the match"
"That woukd be all thw bowing". Dessa persumed
"Correct!" Teddy said happily " you see, I used to be a troublemaket as a kid and gor cought shoplifting. The judge saw I was just a lost kid so he offered me a deal. I can get a record which would make getting a job much harder, or I can join his friends program that aimed to reform troublemakers" Teddy said with a melancolic look
"Ok so ... you were a criminal?" Desaa asked
"Basically, yeah"
"And what stopped you continuing doing crime is ...combat training"
"I guess."
"Oh we are talking about this more later over drinks!" Dessa said grinning from ear to ear
"Ok, but you're buying" Teddy added
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hhhhleb · 1 month
By the way, I have been looking at the little!Jake AU, and I don’t know if someone asked you already, but is Jake conscious of their mother’s abuse and dead ? Or Is Jake like Steven in the series when Steven doesn’t realize it ? Or just Jake know it and at least accept and acknowledge it ?
(..because I know it’s an AU, but I’m kind of curious about the lore of it.)
Thanks for the question!🤍✨ Actually yes! He knows about it, but he’s not really conscious about it I guess? For him it’s like the tragic backstory of the character he's trying to play. Something that u can read from a script, not something u lived through. Thus, he doesn't acknowledge it as his own memories, but he's aware of these events. Though I think on some level he feels really angry about all that? He knows that what happened to his character was wrong and unfair, so all this violence from him(Jake) might be something like sublimation of these emotions. Like, in my experience, kids can get cruel only if they see this cruelty(abuse, particularly) in their life on daily basis. And they in need to pour it into something, to direction all these feelings and thoughts into smt, in art or sports for example. I think that's "the whole point"(Marc's words, not mine)) of little!Jake as an alter, to reproduce all this abuse in a game, in acting as a form of art I guess.
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mrghostrat · 3 months
almost forgot to fill out this fun ask game, tagged by @chernozemm!
1. Are you named after anyone? if by 'named after' you mean i stole his identity by using his nickname as a teen and now i show up in google searches more than him, sure 🫢 also my mum gave me the middle name she was supposed to have before her dad fucked up the papers and gave her a different one.
2. When was the last time you cried? rewatched the good place a few months ago and fuckin wailed over that finale, again
3. Do you have kids? no ty
4. What sports do you play/ have you played? i am allergic to most forms of movement (but i do love swimming)
5. Do you use sarcasm? only when it's meant to be silly/funny to burn my friends. then yes too often
6. What is the first thing you notice about people? probably how often they talk, if they wait to let other people speak.
7. What's your eye color? blessed with a very pretty brown that goes all soft and light in the sun ✨
8. Scary movies or happy endings? SCARY SCARY SCARY 🔪 i like a satisfying end, even if it doesn't work out "happily"
9. Any talents? i have perfect pitch! altho my singing voice has lost about 80% of its range from HRT
10. Where were you born? a pretty beach town in NSW
11. What are your hobbies? i chronically pick up and immediately drop new hobbies, so i'm in between interests right now (wish i was joking) but i've got gel nail extensions, embroidery, reading, clay sculpture, and working out on the back burner.
12. Do you have any pets? oliver my chihuahua, and bailey my mini lop rabbit :) we also live with @thewolveswolf's cat mikasa. lots of white fur in this household.
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13. How tall are you? 5'5"
14. Favorite subject in school? art 😩🤌 hyper fixation gonna fixate.
15. Dream job? i LOVE my current art work, but i still kind of wish i could experience being a full time author. imagine that, pulling in a living just from writing about my guys all day. i'm so looking forward to teaching as well, i think uni level lecturing would be my dream teaching environ.
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jungkookstatts · 1 year
I love university superstar you are so talented I was picturing a drabble of Jungkook with the yn students maybe teaching them how to play lacrosse would be so cute 🥹
University Superstar Drabble 1
[Summary]: You’ve invited Jungkook to substitute teach for your kindergarteners gym class. Watching your boyfriend teach your students the art of his favorite sport makes you swoon. It also makes you forget that you’re not supposed to let the younger ones know that you two are dating.
[Theme]: Jock!Jk, LacrossePlayer!JK x TeacherIntern!Y/N, Lovers!AU, UniversitySuperstar!AU UniversitySuperstarCouple!AU
[Rating]: fluff
[Word Count]: 1,469
[A/n to Anon]: Omg? This is crazy bc I was literally just about to ask if y'all would like to send University Superstar requests for drabbles?? This confirms my hunch. Anyways, I am so glad you liked University Superstar! I honestly did not expect it to get so popular and I feel so grateful that it's gotten such positive feedback.
Your drabble request has been written, and I have turned to dust at the pure cuteness of this situation.
[Masterlist] [Drabble (2), (3)]
Your students are going absolutely ape shit. They're screaming and jumping and breaking crayons and tripping over their 2-foot high desk chairs. It's absolute chaos.
"Guys!" you yell, trying your best not to laugh at the little humans sprawling around your classroom. "Jungkook isn't going to show up during gym class if you don't behave and form a single-file line," you warn them. It's a total lie, but things like that work all the time with Kindergartners.
Your students look at you as if they just saw a ghost, some of them already running towards the door to form a line.
You press your hand to the back of some of your students, politely motioning them towards the almost formed single-filed line.
"Okay," you clap your hands together, a giant smile forming on your face. "Are you guys ready to learn how to play lacrosse?"
Some of your students nearly fall to the ground in excitement, all of them nodding their heads or verbally telling you that, yes, they are so fucking ready to play lacrosse.
Opening your art-covered door to your kindergarten classroom, you file them out as you guide them toward the gym. There's a pep in your step as you walk over. You can't lie that you're maybe just as excited as your students. Seeing your boyfriend and watching him teach? Please. Talk about a fantasy turning into reality.
The doors to the gym are heavy as you open them, the immediate smell of rubber and floor cleaner hitting your nostrils as you enter the gym.
In the middle stands your god of a boyfriend, Jeon Jungkook. He's wearing his jersey, showing off the famous number "07” he claimed when he made the team. One of his hands twists his lacrosse stick in his palm, the other coming up to run his fingers through his messy locks.
Jungkook flashes you a smile, his chest filling with excitement from seeing you at work. I mean, he's seen you at work, but not in this kind of way. Most of his visits to your workplace consist of him barging into your office and stealing all the candy on your desk.
But this is different. He's seeing you actually deal with the faces of those projects he accidentally destroyed not too long ago. He's seeing you conduct and guide and care for them as if they were your own. It's something he didn't know if he could ever really prepare for. But his heart nearly explodes as the crowd of children you brought behind you runs up to him, arms wide, engulfing him in a million tiny hugs.
"Woah!" Jungkook chuckles as they tackle him. "You guys are pros at defense."
You laugh before clapping your hands three times. Like little minions, they all stop their actions, repeating your three claps.
"Okay, everyone," you smile, coming next to Jungkook. "Criss-cross-apple-sauce against the bleachers, please."
"You're hot when you're working," Jungkook mumbles low to you. You smirk, jabbing at his side in warning to be careful with his mouth.
"I'm sure you all know who this is, yes?" you ask your students as you clap Jungkook's shoulder. They all nod, the verbal energy they had completely gone as they stare up at their idol. It's funny because they're all blushing, their little cheeks all red and eyes wide. It makes you smile knowing that Jungkook's completely won everyone's heart over...as well as your own.
"Okay, Jungkook is going to teach you, but I expect nothing but fair game and practicing safety rules, alright?" you warn them, mainly directing your words toward Jungkook, though. You've never seen him train or teach bodies under 5'11. This is just your little warning to him that if he dares to hurt a single hair on their head, he will burn in the 8th most painful ring of hell for the rest of his life. "I will be on the bleachers if anyone needs me," you smile, leaving Jungkook to the kids.
Jungkook gulps as you leave his side. This is more nerve-wracking than he thought. They're so tiny; their hands the size of his pinky. But they look up at him in complete infatuation as they wait for his instruction.
Jungkook clears his throat. "I'm gonna explain the rules, and whichever team wins gets to wear my jersey."
Your kindergarteners almost piss their pants out of excitement, impatiently waiting to be divided into teams to compete for the amazing prize. You flash a smile at Jungkook as he gives each kid either a number 1 or a number 2 as an assignment to either Team 1 or Team 2. Jungkook blushes as you wave at him from the bleachers.
You can feel the slight nervousness scrolling through his body. You wish you could go up to him and tell him he has nothing to worry about, that he's already won the hearts of your students a long time ago. But you stick with your distanced non-verbal communication until he's ready to teach them the rules of his beloved game.
The rest of the class is spent with a 'competitive' game that was scored at about 0-0 for nearly 45 minutes. Lacrosse is tricky, and Jungkook's explanations also suck. But given that he explains like a kindergartner, they eventually get it and the game ends with Team 2 scoring 2-3.
Your Team 2 students are berzerk, all of them running up to Jungkook like titans, waiting for him to give them the most 'valuable' prize they could ever receive.
Meanwhile, your Team 1 students are sobbing on the floor where they lost. You watch as Jungkook's concern immediately turns to the upset students, feeling bad for their loss. He's about to make his way over toward them, but you're already on your way. You nod at him, telling him that you've got it and that he should focus his attention on the group pulling at his sleeves.
"K-Kookie doesn't li-like me," one of your students, SeoYeon, screams into your chest after kneeling down to console her. You fight the urge to plug your ears as she wails into your embrace. A little something did catch your attention in her midst of a temper tantrum, however. Has your class started calling him Kookie?
Your thoughts are confirmed as DongHyun, another Team 1 contestant, comes to you and tugs at your shirt. His eyes are teary, but you want to squish his cheeks at the fact that he's trying hard not to let any of them fall. However, his nose gives his hurt away, as a big line of snot flows from his nostril to his upper lip.
DongHyung sniffs his obnoxiously long booger back into his nose as he speaks, "Ms. L/n? D-Do you think Kookie will let us wear his jersey? E-Even though we...lost?"
You want to explode at the fact that your students started calling him Kookie. Can this day get any cuter?
"Of course, DongHyun," you smile, wiping a tear from his eye. "Don't be upset. Kookie is a really fair person. He will give you a turn. You just have to be patient, okay?"
DongHyun nods before shaking his head aggressively, shaking away the tears filling his eyes. He then waddles off to comfort his other wailing friends, probably telling them exactly what you told him.
You let go of SeoYeon, telling her to go take a drink of water before making your way over to Jungkook. The man delicately places his jersey over the figures of your student's small bodies, taking a picture of each student as they pose in its oversized glory.
"I thought it would be a good idea to capture it so that they could remember this day in the future," he smiles, crouching down to take another picture of one of your students in his large jersey.
Your heart has done enough exploding today. But this? This made your heart burst into a million pieces out of pure endearment. The goal of the "What I Love About Me" project was for them to capture what they love about themselves as kindergarteners so that they can be reminded of their infatuation in the future. Jungkook creating a moment of the same intention pulls on your heartstrings to such a great extent, you find yourself pressing a small kiss to the crown of his head.
And then you realized you completely indulged. Jungkook's actions made you forget that he's not supposed to be your boyfriend in front of your students. You're stunned, and so is Jungkook.
Suddenly, the room is silent. There's no wailing, there's no cheering, there is nothing. For the next few seconds, all you hear is silence until one of your students points at you and screams,
"Ms. Y/n is dating Kookie!"
[End. Do not copy. Original work of @jungkookstatts , 2023]
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prolix-yuy · 10 months
In honor of your Bangathon, I spun the wheel 🤣
So we have froggy style with *drum roll* none other than our warm, feral racoon man Dieter Bravo. And we just need that sultry foul mouth.
I'm so excited for all the drabble that are going to come of this.
Lovely Britt! It is the penultimate day of the Bangathon and I've thrown all my rules out the window. Dieter double feature, absolutely obliterating my word count, and I'm having way too much fun with it. Let's get froggy with our raccoon boy!
Pairing: Dieter Bravo x F!Reader
Position: Froggy Style
Word Count: 2656 (it's 12:45am, there are no gods, no one can save me)
Warnings: Explicit, 18+ MINORS DNI, fingering (f receiving), PiV sex, exhibitionism, dirty talk, public sex, sex parties, mentions of fetish play.
Notes: This idea came to me in a dream and I had to write it, word count be damned! Technically I'm spoiling the ending with just the pairing, but I'm sure you would have guessed it instantly either way. Let's go!
“This is a little too Eyes Wide Shut for me,” you tell your friend Ana as she urges you through the front door of a Hollywood mansion. Your voice is muffled by the mask you wear, black lace molded to look like a cat. Only your eyes are visible, held on with a thick ribbon tied behind your head. Ana is sporting a rabbit mask, maybe a little on the nose for the occasion but you could appreciate the honesty. 
“Then why did you accept my invitation?” she asks, all smug grace and poise in the skimpy red dress she matched to her disguise. You’re more akin to a kitten, steps uncertain and timid as you take in the room and all its inhabitants. 
It had been too tempting, one of Ana’s fellow actors inviting her out to a “masquerade.” When she saw your eyes widen, heat rising in your cheeks, she made a phone call and extended your own invitation. It would have been rude to deny. But now, co-mingling with people who would never know you in the outside world, it all feels like a bad idea.  
Men and women alike are masked, some more on display than others. One fox woman is in barely-there lingerie, a falcon man in low-slung gray sweatpants and nothing else. Your skin tingles in anticipation, the long black dress hugging your form a comfort against the tickle of eyes. 
“If you get cold feet, just leave before the selection,” Ana says, stepping away from you to grab a couple glasses of champagne. You’re about to question how you’ll drink it when you see golden straws circling the lip.
“They thought of everything,” you murmur, eliciting a chuckle from her. 
“Anything catch your eye?” she says salaciously, and you bat her away before surveying the room. Many wolves and lions, a few birds of prey, some dog masks that look suspiciously close to fetish gear. Bodies of all types, but nothing that stood out enough to make you salivate.
“We’ll see,” you say as a chime sounds and the crowd moves deeper into the house. Ana walks next to you, head turning to take in the potentials. You keep yours tilted up, admiring the fresco on the ceiling and trying to ground yourself.
“It’s a pretty good replica, but the real thing is better,” says a deep male voice next to your shoulder. 
“The blue is really vibrant,” you reply, “Looks like they followed traditional techniques.” 
“Only the best for our esteemed hosts,” he muses, making a smile come to your hidden lips.
“Not a fan?” you tease, an entryway coming into view.
“I would never say an unkind word about those that invite me in their home,” the man says with faux adoration, “but yes, they're extremely tacky and most of their art is fake.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” you laugh, turning to see who’s speaking but no one is directly behind you anymore. He must have melted into the crowd. You’re about to ask Ana if she saw him when you come to a bottleneck, two darkly dressed attendants speaking to each guest.
“Are you open to being chosen tonight?” the bright-eyed woman to your right says, holding out a red string bracelet. You swallow hard.
She affixes the string around your wrist, letting you enter the open courtyard. Silver stars twinkle in the indigo sky, braziers lit around the room offering warmth and golden light. A group of guests, mostly male-presenting, gather in the middle of the courtyard. Around the peripheries, mixed company lounge on crisp white couches in various poses of seduction. You settle on one, letting Ana wander away. 
Once guests stopped filing in, another chime sounds and the group begins thinning out. Some remain, nodding to companions or conversing. The majority wander the perimeter, extending hands or sitting beside their choices. 
Anxiety wells in your throat. What was someone supposed to choose you for? You’re among the Hollywood twelves, smuggled in by your connections. What would they want with your cheap dress and cheaper tastes? What could they judge from a glance?
Suddenly, there’s a hand extended before you. 
“Would you care to be chosen, gatita?”
The voice is familiar, the same man from before. Putting visuals to him is more powerful than you thought. He’s in silk pajamas, white and tan with beautiful renditions of bare-branched trees poking up from red and green brush. You even spy some hunting dogs pointing at invisible prey. Covering his face is a brass-colored raccoon mask, tied with red ribbon. His eyes are dark pools behind it, a halo of wild chocolate curls framing the edges. As much as you want to laugh at the raccoon mask, something about it on this man curls excitement in your stomach. It reminds you less of cute animal videos you send to your friends, more of glittering eyes in the dead of night, and the fear of a vicious bite. 
You extend your hand, and his palm is soft and large under yours. “Can it be…private?” you ask, already glimpsing the bold undressing of some guests, others watching on. 
“As the lady wishes,” he concedes, leading you away from the crowd. As you ascend a set of stairs, you converse again.
“Why do the hosts have so much fake artwork?” 
He snorts, keeping your hand in his.
“Because it’s expected. Big house has to be full of priceless art. But you can’t have priceless art in every house, so you compromise. Say it’s on loan, from a museum, from a friend. A grand lie they all pretend to believe.”
“And what’s in your house?” you ask, reaching the top of the stairs. He pauses, eyes roaming you appreciatively. 
“Knew I picked a clever one,” he says, raising the hairs on the back of your neck. “Only originals. My own.” He leads you around a catwalk and down a hall with several doors.
“So you’re an artist?” you ask, stroking your thumb along his. It makes him squeeze your hand back. 
“Among other things,” he murmurs before stopping in front of a door with a tag hanging off the handle. Pocketing it, he enters the bedroom, locking the door behind you. 
It’s too lavish, an abundance of velvet and ruffles that makes you smirk at the raccoon’s earlier comments. He steps in and stands at the foot of the bed, waiting for you to follow. The bravery you’d mustered earlier evaporates when the door shuts, and now you hover by the edge of the bed.
“Gatita, if this isn’t what you want, I’ll leave. It’s only fun if we’re both having it.” You take in a deep breath and shake your head, stepping closer. His hands come up to smooth over your arms, moving to cup the back of your neck. Tugging you into his broad chest, his fingers find your zip and pull it ever so slightly.
“Would you like to know what I want to do to you?” he breathes in your ear, and you manage a weak yes before he starts unzipping your dress tooth by tooth.
“I’m going to remove this dress, and tease your nipples through your bra before taking it off - one handed, of course. Then I’ll lay you back and pleasure your pretty pussy with my fingers until you’re begging for my cock. Once you’re ready to explode I’ll join you in the bed and put you on all fours so I can hit deep and hard inside you. Make you cum on my dick once, then do it again. Maybe even get you to squirt if you’ve never done that. After all that, if you’re very good for me, I’ll keep making you cum all night. How does that sound?”
Could you actually orgasm from his voice alone? You sincerely worry you will as your dress slips to the floor, leaving you in your prettiest lingerie pressed against his intoxicating silks. 
“What about the masks?” you manage to get out, the stiff covering starting to itch against your overheated face.
“Let’s leave them on for now. The mystery is half the fun,” he says, hands sliding up to cup your breasts and thumb lightly at your peaked nipples. You gasp, letting your head roll back. 
“Oh, gatita, I’ll make you feel so good tonight.”
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True to his word, the raccoon touches and teases you within an inch of your sanity, talented fingers caressing every erogenous zone until you’re aching and shaking with need. You swear if he even circles your clit once you’ll cum so hard you’ll need an ambulance. Want and desire burns hot in your veins, hands searching for his skin and only getting small touches. The caress of your fingers along the open expanse of his chest. Fingers entwining as he presses you down into the mattress. The skin across his lower back. He keeps just far enough away to tease, but always close enough to work you to dizzying heights. 
“Please,” you whimper after the umpteenth time he’s worked you up and stopped before you could crest. Tilting his head, he leaves another featherlight touch over your clit.
“Ask me for it,” he gruffs out, voice even deeper with desire. “Ask me to fuck you. Ask me to be inside you.” 
The words tumble out of your lips. “Please fuck me, please, any way you want. I need to feel you inside me, need to cum around you. You’ll feel so good, I’ll make you feel so good…” You could beg for hours more but he’s turning you over and moving you up the bed, settling on his knees behind you. Tugging your hips, he lifts you to crouch, hands on the bed and feet planted under bent knees. The position is new to you, but the control you feel like this, hearing the condom wrapper rip and the pops of the last few buttons on his shirt, is thick in your veins.
“Tilt your hips,” he orders, and you arch your back to offer your needy cunt to him. He stretched you well on his fingers, but just the snug fit of his head pressing inside you widens your eyes.
“Fuck, you’re big,” you gasp, earning a soothing stroke over your hips.
“Sure know how to make my cock even harder, gatita. Say it again.”
You whine through your teeth as he sinks further in, stroking two fingers over your clit.
‘“Fuck, you’re so big, my pussy’s full of you, I don’t know how it’s gonna fit inside me but fuck, I want it.” The end rushes out as he shallowly fucks into you, letting you adjust to his girth.
“Oh gatita, don’t worry, I’ll make it fit,” he promises, rolling his hips even deeper. Your arms shake with the effort of holding yourself up, mask hot and sticky with sweat as you pant into the fabric. You want nothing more than to rip it off and let him devour you, whoever he may be. 
Finally, he’s fully seated and you’re delirious with how stuffed you are. One slow stroke out makes you grip the sheets, waiting for him to fill you again.
He's not making you wait any longer. The pace is firm, steady to start, working you around his cock and soaking him with your arousal. Your calves begin to burn but you pay no mind, instead using the leverage to push back against him. He groans at this, helping guide your hips with his hot touch.
“Fuck, your pussy is goddamn divine, squeezing me so tight. I’m gonna make you cum around me and then I’ll give you what you deserve.” Your head spins as he speeds up, every thrust angled right into your g-spot with mind-blowing accuracy. Gathering slick from your dripping cunt, he circles your clit steadily as you clamp down on him, the precipice of your orgasm right at your fingertips.
“Oh fuck I’m cumming,” you squeak before your knees give out, arms buckling as you tumble into the pillows with every nerve ending singing his praises. He’s firm behind you, murmuring how good of a girl you are, how good you’re cumming on him, how hard he has to try not to cum yet. The praise melts you down into barely perceiving a world outside the pleasures of your body.
Once the aftershocks subside, your cunt even tighter around his throbbing cock, the man speaks.
“That was so good, gatita. Now hold on.” At that he begins well and truly fucking you, deep and fast with snarls dripped onto your skin. You half expect to feel a bite, but only his fingers dig in to your thighs to keep you pressed tight against him. You let him use your pussy, content just to feel him pulse inside, when his fingers return to your clit.
“Did you think I was done with this?” he pants, teasing the sensitive bud from overstimulation back to drenching pleasure as he coaxes another orgasm to the surface. “Together this time, on five, four, three…”
You can’t believe this man is going to orchestrate your orgasm, but just as he’s nearing one you feel the telltale tingle erupt into molten fire filling your lungs with a wild shout. He’s shouting too, buried in your cunt and shuddering. It takes long minutes for you both to catch your breaths, white spots dancing around the edge of your vision. Finally he eases out, tugging your knees back to lay you down. You welcome the change, body relaxing as you hear him throw out the condom and return with tissues.
“That was the best sex I’ve ever had,” you say, still a little loopy from all the endorphins flooding your brain. The raccoon man chuckles as you turn and sit up, admiring him standing in those designer pajamas, bottoms pulled up but top still open. Your mind wanders to kissing every inch of his chest, sucking a hickey into his collarbone. A small fear in your chest, unknown even to you, falls away.
“I’d like to take the mask off,” you say, looking up at the raccoon man. His hands falter, coming to his waist and tapping nervously. 
“Are you sure?” he asks, trepidation in his voice. You nod.
“It’s okay, I’m a nobody,” you say, hands on the ribbon behind your head.
“I’m not,” he says quietly, stilling your motions. He’s turning away from you, tense and anxious. You know the feeling.
“You don’t have to. I won’t ask you to. But I'm okay with you knowing me.” You tug at the ribbons and let the cat mask fall away. You skin can finally breathe, making you sigh in relief. The raccoon’s eyes snap to you, and all the hard lines of his body soften.
“You’re...more beautiful than I hoped,” he says, awe in his voice. It makes your skin heat up again, a shy smile fighting on your face. It was kind of sweet, the idea that this stranger would know you for only this night, and that it could be your secret. Even your face would be his and his alone. 
Then his hands lift to the back of his head, and the racoon mask comes away in his palms. 
A blink. Then two. Then shock paints your face. 
Did Dieter fucking Bravo just ruin your pussy?
But he’s kneeling on the bed and kissing you breathless, tearing the rest of his clothes off, and you remember the night’s still very young. 
Maybe you could share a few more secrets.
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LJ’s Bangathon 2023
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sweet-honey-tears · 11 months
🧸When They’re Dads🧸
Part two —> part one
Characters: Shoto, Izuku, Dabi x GN!Reader
I’m back! This was kinda requested… idk. I went off the rails a bit with this one. Can you tell I love making Dabi save people who have crappy lives? Cause I do…I fucking love the idea…this darker then my past Dad post. SO IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE TO CERTAIN TOPICS, don’t read Dabis!!! Ideas are always welcomed, I hope you enjoy.!
Warning: Talk/ mention of child abandonment
❄️ Shoto 🔥
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“Hey Hello there Little one.”
“You’re beautiful”
Shoto never really saw himself as someone who would have a family. There was a lot of unaddressed trauma that seemed to make any idea of a family impossible. Yet years later, here he is. Holding his 2nd baby boy, swaddled in a baby blue blanket. And 3 years after, Shotos is holding a baby girl.
Her Small hands grasp mindlessly at long strands of red and white mixed hair.
Funnily enough, all three of your children have different colored hair and refer to your husband in different ways. And it’s honestly adorable.
“Daddy”- youngest who has your hair color and two stripes of a lighter color in the front.
“Dad or Dad-da-da”- middle which has a messy yet beautiful mix of red and white hair.
“Dad” -oldest stark white hair.
Your two boys have found their main priority to be their little sister. After a quirk incident when she was 5- her quirk formed in school- and she started to get bullied. When Shoto was about to step in, his sons did it for him. Quietly and  subtly. Threatening the other children with the fact their father was a hero. And their little sister was just as powerful as him. You both do end up talking to them but still… it was fricken adorable
Shoto smiles the day he sees his two sons holding each of their sister's hands, guiding her through the pickup zone to find him.
Shoto doesn't push his kids into anything- encourage, yes.
Shoto is the kind of dad who doesn’t force his kids into any activities. He will offer the idea of his kids doing something but never force them. He will heavily encourage them when they find their passion. Acting like the proudest dad in the world when his little girl does her first solo in dance or his middle gets into the art show. It’s all a big achievement.
You know that whole middle child disappears minds thing? - yeah not a thing. Each child is even, no one is a favorite and NO ONE IS IGNORED.
You’re children know who Toya is- though they don’t really know who Dabi is. Minus that he and their father have a history. But stuff happened…
It happened slowly, the mention of ‘the man’ a walk with your daughter turned to her her talking about her day happily.
“I talked to a nice man! He has fun piercing and he kinda looked like Daddy”
You tell Shoto. Both extremely fearful.
Your middle child comes home one day with a black ring on his finger, his name- which seems to be carefully burnt into it, is written on the name.
Then your oldest, for his birthday got his ears per coed . And not soon after, a small box was left on your porch. “Sorry, I’m late kid.” A pair of white piercings rested inside.
Time passes, and you both notice how the villain Dabi seems to disappear from the news. And the visited from Touya becomes more stagnant. And a few years later, a polorde of a baby girl finds its way to your house… she wrapped in a dark purple blanket. Small horns poking out from her hair. A happy smile on her face… she’s adorable
There is little to no contact with Shotos farther.
They call Izuku- “Uncle Zoo”
🪴 Izuku 🪴
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“We’re having a baby!” He starts crying- bawling really!
My man doesn’t care about gender or shit- they are getting All Might stuffy, and there are gonna be pro hero p posters in that nursery. The kid will have a room designed for them, and the minute your child says they have a new hobby, Izuku is on it. He’s buying stuff and researching. Watching videos on how to support your little boy in learning this new American sport he found. And later on, he’s sitting down watching hours upon hours of videos on hair for your little girl.
He also keeps his old hero journals, your children love to look through them. Talking as they mostly look at the pictures in the books.
“Un Might!” Your little girl yells
“Uncle All Might!”
Your children referred to All Might as their uncle almost as soon as they were born. Toshi appears at random for parties and school pick-ups whenever he can. And Izuku can’t lie, it’s fucking awesome.
Inko also is always in and out of your house- she lives rather close actually (courtesy of Izuku wanting to make sure his mother is comfortable and never lonely- she’s a god send when you both need a brake!!).
Izuku knows he can’t always be there, especially with being the new 1 one hero- so it’s no surprise for him to video call and talk to you all.
“I miss you all so much.”
“We miss you too Dad.” Oldest
“Miss ew oo!” Your baby girl babbles, her fingers grasping onto the Pro Hero Deku plushies.
Both kids own one. These are special though, there’s a little voice box built with the toys. Every time the kids squeeze the hand a little message comes out.
“I love you”
There’s a small one of him singing. Telling a short story.
Your Lock Screen is of your two kids opening up the present. Your son looks a bit confused holding up the stuffy while your daughter is already squeezing the toy and giggling. Your husband is standing nervously to the side with a hand on his neck. A somewhat worried but hopeful expression on his face. A large but sweet smile there too.
Izuku doesn’t care if his kids have quirks or not, he’ll love them unconditionally. He’s already taught them how they have a place in the world if they do or don’t have a quirk. How they are no different and just as special.
I imagine the two of you fight over your baby’s first words.
“It’s gonna be Mama/Dadda/Preference”
“No, It’s gonna be BaBa or Zoo”
And then you both look over at your baby babbling and go running over and you just hear an “Ight.” Does that count? No- you won’t count it but you look over at Izuku and this man’s eyes are stars.
“Izuku no-“
“First words”
“ZooZoo no.”
“All Might” he whispers out. And you just smile and shake your head. No, it’s not gonna count, but to Izuku it kinda does.
“Uncle Baky!”
“Unky Shoe!”
“Un’ id-E-uh”
“Auntie Ouch!”
Yes, Bakugou is considered their uncle.
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Dabi found your daughter in an abandoned house. Her cries led him to her. She was in the bare minimum for clothes, shivering at the cold air that burst through the broken house. Small arms swung in discomfort at the cold as Dabi approached. Your adopted daughter had small horns at the top of her head. And when her eyes caught Dabi’s, his breath left his chest. Big eyes that were a vibrant blue, almost glowing.
“Holy shit.”
Dabi leaned down and swaddled her in his coat, his quirk activating slightly to try and chase her shivering away. “Shh. Shhh. It’s okay, I got you.” His deep voice rumbled.
He’s the kind of dad that feels like he ain’t really- like it’s supposed to be. He’s like that boyfriend of a single parent- the father figure who’s always there for your kid but isn't the legal father. And when someone brings it up to him, he gets awkward and doesn’t know how to answer. But he’s there at every baseball game and there for the first breakup and graduation.
Dabi doesn’t have much to prepare him for suddenly adopting a child. But he did remember it when the others were little. Watching the adults take care of them all growing up. Watching his mother and sister.
He’s the first to wake up when your daughter starts crying at night. He is already halfway off the bed by the time you open your eyes.
“I got it, Doll.” He rumbles
You sneak into the room, finding him holding your swaddled daughter, her little hands grasping at his sleep shirt. A rumbled voice filled the air.
“The monstersare gone. He’s on the run and your daddy’s here.” His rumbled voice.
Dabi doesn’t say he can sing, he denies he can, but he can. And he only will for your daughter. No. Not even you, just for her. His voice is rough, like really gravely but calming.
He carefully rocks her, the street light illuminating the two of them just perfect to catch both their smiles.
“Beautifull, beautiful, beautiful. Beautiful girl”
He trains his daughter, ensuring she can handle herself in the world. She knows basic ways to defend herself and fight back.
Dabi also take a huge step back from the villain life. The public even takes notices because of the drop.
Dabi doesn’t tell her about her Uncles or Aunts, she finds them one day.
You and your toddler were at the park. You had always had your face covered during attacks. So unlike Dabi, Shig or Toga, you can go into public with no mask or anything. Your sweet daughter was swinging, the evening sky coming to a close. That’s when it happens, you hear someone clear their throat and look up to see Shoto standing there. His eyes are on your daughter.
“Can I help you?” Your tone came off defensive.
“Mama/Pappa/preference, he looks like daddy!” Your toddler happily stated. Oblivious to the tension in the air.
“You must be Da-Toya’s partner.” You pulled your daughter from the swings, pushing behind you, eyes narrowing sharply. “Toya sent a photo a year or two back” Shoto smiles “she’s beautiful” You’re almost confused- you remember when Toya sent the picture, but still. That was years ago. “My youngest made these for you,” he reaches far into one of his pants pockets slowly, and you watch him intensely. Half ready to have your daughter run to the meeting point if this goes south. But Shoto fishes around for a secound more before smiling, apparently finding the object. He pulls out a ziplock bag of string bracelets. They’re slightly knotted together, but otherwise fine. “She made them a few months ago- when Toya dropped off a present for her… I told her I'd pass them to you if I find you.”
And that’s how unofficially-officially play dates between your daughter and Shotos three children started.
And soon, your daughter ‘magically’ met Fuyumi and Natsuo and then Rei. With Toya hidden in the background of course
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romerona · 5 months
Dragon Breath.
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Harry James Potter x OC
𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚘𝚗 𝙷𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚢, 𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚔 𝚝𝚘 𝚑𝚎𝚛!
𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚗?"
Marauders Alive. Wolfstar. LGBTQ content. Year 3 -- After Hogwarts.
On Wattpad as TessaRyoung.
   "How is my second favourite Potter doing?"  Fred Weasley called, sliding next to Harry on the sofa in the Gryffindor common room with a familiar look on his face that told Harry too much and too little.
George took the seat on Harry's other side, sporting the same grin and twinkling eyes as his twin. "Not knocking out anyone today, have you?"
"The day's still young, there's still plenty of time," Fred added to his brother's question.
Harry turns his gaze away from the game of exploding Snap game he was playing with Ron, his emerald eyes softly narrowing with suspicion and hesitant mistrust. He has seen that look enough times to know it's usually followed by trouble.
"Sod off, the both of you," Ron scowls at his brothers who didn't pay him any mind, instead they both were grinning at Harry.
"What do you want?" Harry deadpanned. If his suspicions are right then they were probably after his father's map.
George turns towards his twin, inquiring. "Do we want anything, Fred?"
"Other than give our second favourite Potter a heads up? Nothing George," Fred answered his brother, turning his gaze towards Harry whose frowns deepened.
"What are you on about?" Ron asks, looking between his brothers, mirroring Harry's suspicious frown.
The twins shared yet another waggish look much to Harry's and Ron's concern. 
With a hint of exasperation, Harry looks between the red-headed twins and asks. "What is it?"
"Did you know your lovely lady has a fan club?"  
"And it not just you?"
Harry blinks, confused. "What?"
"Emerson," Fred clarifies as if Harry didn't know already who they were speaking of. "She has suitors lining up to her."
Well, that was to expect, isn't it? Harry thought. Love Emerson is walking art, only to be gazed upon, to be admired and loved.
Before he could say anything, George continued adding to his brother's statement. "And we happen to know she has been asked out to Hogsmeade and she said yes."
Harry blinks again. The information processed through his mind, slowly but surely. 'Someone is taking her on a date to Hogsmeade? And it's not me?' He felt his stomach twisting and turning restlessly. He feels off. His chest is painfully tight. Harry has half the mind to get up and demand Madam Pomfrey figure out what is wrong with him because he feels like he's about to have a right fit. This new bomb of information the twins dropped was settling an awful sickening feeling on his bowls that was transitioning to his chest and then his throat, something was climbing out.
At the tight lip, crimson cheeks, and stoic face of his friend, Ron hesitantly asks. "How do you know this?"
George shrugged, turning to his youngest brother. "We heard Ernie Mcmillan boast about it with his friends earlier today."
"Mcmillan?" Harry scoffs, finding his voice whilst jolting from his seat as if the red soft fabric of the sofa was burning his buttocks. "She's going on a date with sodding Ernie Mcmillan?" 
"Apparently so, we heard him say that she was delighted to accept, that she practically jump at the chance to go on a date with him," Fred told him twisting imaginary long hair with a dreamy look on his face, a bit theatrical in Harry's opinion. Truly, he's just repulsed at the thought of her getting swooned by Mcmillan.
Harry snits, his eyebrows scrunching together vexingly. He doubts that's the case because, for one, he has never seen Love and Mcmillan together or interact in any form, not ever. Second, the idea of Love jumping at the opportunity to date Mcmillan is laughable, Mcmillan, the same Hufflepuff boy who was spreading rumours about Harry last year, boasting as if he was such a catch, please,  Love is way out of the Hufflepuff's league, she was way out of everyone league, even his. The idea of Love ever wanting to go on a date with people such as Ernie Mcmillan was simply rubbish.
"How do we know that's true?" Ron asks, voicing a quarter of Harry's thoughts for his head is somewhere else.
Fred shrugged, relaxing down on the sofa, letting his feet take the place Harry was sitting moments ago, "He sounded too excited for it not to be real, he said he is planning on taking her to Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop."
"A tea shop?" Scoffs Ron as if it was a comical idea to visit a tea shop in Hogsmeade.
"Not just any tea shop, ickle Ronnikins," George sat down next to his twin, he had a small grin. His eyes slither from his younger brother to Harry, "Puddifoot's Tea Shop is a place where couples usually go to where they serve you tea with cute little cakes to share with your partner. Quite a romantic atmosphere for a first day, that is." 
"I need to go," Harry mumbled to Ron after feeling his insides twisting once again. Once there he opened his trunk and pulled out the famous Marauders Map, hardly listening to Seamus and Dean's greetings, the two other boys he share a dormitory with. He grabbed the map and sat on his bed, closing the blinds for privacy.
"I solemnly swear I am up to no good," Harry whispers, tapping his wand on the parchment.
Soon, the blank pages began to reveal themselves as what they really were. Harry swiftly opened it and began his search for the one girl he typically looks for when using the Map,-- not that he did it often, not at all if anything he hardly uses the map that's why he let Fred and George borrow it but... and sure when he does use it he may try to spot her on it but just out of curiosity, this time, however, he needed to find her because he needed to speak to her about Ernie, give his knowingly unasked opinion about him and how she is way too good for the likes of him– it took Harry a few seconds but he found her, she was in her common room, the feet next to hers where Padma Patil and Emmanuel Salazar.
Harry went to move out of his bed but stopped dead in his tracks, reality snapping into place, and all the memories coming back like a slap to the face. How is he supposed to do that? How is he supposed to go to the Ravenclaw tower, call her and say all those things when he hasn't even apologised for knocking her out? What would she think of him if he did? What does she think about him now?
Harry sighed, slumping on back his bed, the feeling in his chest was still very much present. He looks back at the map, watching her feet move from the common room to the dormitories, thinking back to the way she smiled at him moments before the catastrophe... Merlin knew those were about one of the best moments in his young life but regardless of what he felt, of what he knows about Love, he is not entitled to dictate who she can go out with, no matter how much it bothers him not to mention that If he did think to do something like that, his mother, who since little had thought him to respect women, would be beyond disappointed with him, his life is too difficult right now to add maternal disappointment to the list.
Harry placed his arm over his eyes when his mind forced him to relieve that mortifying moment yet again and grumbled to himself in defeat and resignation when suddenly, he heard Dean exclaim in disdain.
"Bloody hell, Seamus, when was the last time you brush your teeth, mate?"
His voice sounded nasal, not his usual tone but rather as if he was plugging his nose.
"Oh, me Mam send me some dragon tartare, her speciality, quite good but leaves you reeking for hours, they do," Seamus told Dean, and after a moment he asked. "Want one?"
"Not particularly feeling like eating one, no," 
"If you change your mind, I'll leave them on my trunk"
"Won't they go bad?"
"Only after two months or so, dragon meat doesn't rot quickly,"
His mother may have thought him not to disrespect women but his father also thought him a few things too one of which was always to speak your mind, perhaps he doesn't need to say anything to Love to get her to understand Ernie Mcmillan isn't right for her in any type of way, he could simply show her...
"Hey, Seamus," Harry opened his curtains making the two boys snap their heads his way, "You reckon I can have one?"
"I still can't believe you chose sodding Mcmillan over us," Emmanuel huffs lowly under his breath, but due to Love's closeness she still heard him clear as a summer day, and even if she hadn't, Love already has an idea what he could have been mumbling about. 
"Well, believe it, she ditches us for a man," Padma made a noise from the back of her throat, making a few fellows Ravenclaws send her a weird look, "A man, of all things,"
Let's just say her friends didn't enjoy her sudden change of plans and they made it known, even now, as they walk to the entrance to meet the rest of the third years to go to Hogsmeade.
Love purses her lips, sending her a pleading look, she didn't enjoy making her friends feel pushed aside like that, "Don't be like that, I promise we can go back to Hogsmeade tomorrow and hang out."
"You see Love, I don't know if I should believe you, because you also promise to go with us today but here we are..." Padma sends her a soft glare, crossing her arms a bit too dramatically.
"Padma–" Love groans but was cut off by Emma.
"Not to mention we had plans, to meet places and shops and sodding hunted shacks but if we go tomorrow it won't be the same," The boy huffs, his eyes refusing on meeting Love's, he kept his glare straight ahead.
"I said it once and I'll say it again. The disrespect is outstanding." Padma pronounces every single syllable of that word.
"I'm sorry, okay," Love huffs exasperatedly, halting on her steps. She looked between Padma and Emma with a frown as they force to stop as well, Emanuel's glare was still not meeting her eyes whilst Padma had a very narrow eye look directed towards her. "I am sorry, it was not on my plans to get asked out but it happened and I– I can't change that now, not when we are literally about to arrive at the entrance,"
She sighs, Love felt guilty, she hated breaking promises like that and letting her friends down but what's done it's done and the guilt mixed with the ever-growing anxiety she was feeling at the moment was making her feel physically sick but, despite it all, despite how she at first dreaded the thought... "This is my first date, and I wish to enjoy it," she looked between them again, "And I also wish my friends felt a little excited for me, even if it is not the most ideal time,"
There was a moment of silence, and people continue to walk around them, some throwing odd looks, others not even glancing at them, Love would have felt a bit embarrassed had she cared for their opinion more than solving her current problem with her friends but she didn't. She waited as the seconds of dire silence draw out until Padma sighed and step towards Love, she sends her a small guilty smile vanishing a bit of the tension that was drowning Love.
"I do feel a little hurt but I was just being a bit dramatic, I'm sorry," 
Love smiled back at her as Padma threw an arm around her shoulders giving her a comforting squeeze and before she could say anything back to her best friend, Emmanuel grabbed her attention.
"You are right," He pursed his lips, and crossed his arms over his chest, looking down at his dirty black Converse. "It is definitely not an ideal time to go on a date."
"Emma," Padma hissed, slapping his arm.
He rolled his eyes and then his brown eyes finally gaze up to meet hers, "But I guess, once your date is over, we can go back tomorrow, after all, it's not the place but the company that makes things better, right?"
Love's smile widen as she jumped forward and enveloped him in a tight hug. "I knew you could forgive me," She smack a kiss on his cheek.
Emmanuel groaned but Love could hear a few low chuckles as he weakly tried to get her off of him. "Barely, so don't let it happen again, now get off me, you sod."
When she finally did, Padma intertwined her arms with Emma and then Love, before continuing their walk to the entrance.
"And I can't wait for the insight after the date, because you have to tell us everything and I mean every single detail, Love," Padma said, squeezing her arm a bit.
Emmanuel made a disgusted face, "I mean you can omit a few details if you know what I mean,"
"Absolutely not, those are the most important ones,"
"No, they are not,"
Padma sighs tiredly, shaking her head. "Emma, just because you have no understanding of romance doesn't mean I ought to be deprived of them,"
"You are not the one going on a date, Padma," Emma's unamused stare turns into faux confusion when he turns to his friend, "You know that right?"
"Even better, mama loves some hot gossip," she wiggles her shoulders.
Love chuckled, she felt a gorilla-like weight being lifted from her shoulders as her friends continue to banter, but no matter how relief she is that everything is back to normal with her friends, a new heavy weight settled in like it was just waiting for the moment to pound on her. The guilt was gone but the anxiety not only took its place, it doubled down. And love could recognise it, it was the anxiety she had been ignoring for the past few days. It came back to be acknowledged and she has no choice but to listen.
Oh, god!! This was her first date. Love feels her stomach twist in itself.
She heard it before she saw it, the entrance hall was erupting with students from every house, most of them being third years, they were chatting among themselves, they were loud and raucous. The excitement of the students could be palpable as she, Emmanuel and Padma walk down the marble stairs, ignoring Filch, the caretaker, who was standing inside the front doors, peered with obnoxious suspicion into their faces before checking off their names against a long list. How did he know who they were was a mystery to her but he did.
Love gulped as she stared at the many faces, she bit her lower lip, unconsciously tightening her hold on Padma's arm.
"Hey, Love,"
She turns to her friend. Padma was grinning down at her, she let go of Emma and turn to face Love fully, she grabbed her shoulders and shook her a little, her bangles clanging, "Shake off that nervousness, you're just wasting mental energy because there's nothing to be nervous about, okay?"
Love lets out a breath, her eyes meeting Padma's calm brown making her relax even just a little but certainly not enough to actually make her chest feel less tight.
"You are freaking Love Aurelia Emerson, get that through your thick skull, there's nothing to worry about,"
"I know..."
"No, you don't,"
"Yes, I do,"
Padma pointed one finger at her head, right in front of her eyes. "You have that look on your face, doesn't she Emma?"
"She does," Emma answered, who had been watching with knowing eyes, before turning to face her, "You do,"
"What look?" Love grabs Padma's finger moving it away as she looks between them.
"That face that you make before starting to catastrophize,"
Love scoffs, forcing a frown on her brows, "I do not catastrophize,"
"You do," Padma and Emmanuel answer in unison.
It seems that the only time they get along is either with Quidditch or when mugging her off. Love shakes her head."Unbelievable,"
"Love," A familiar yet unfamiliar voice called. "There you are,"
All that anxiety she had forgotten when talking to her friends return like a wave to the shore. Love turn from Padma and Emmanuel to face Ernie, he looked nice, his blonde hair combed back, Love thought he was rather cute in his brown trousers and canary yellow vest over his white shirt, he has a nice smile but it was a bit too tense, Love notice, and immediately, she couldn't help but to think back at all her choices before that moment.
"Ernie, hi," Love tried her best for her smile to come out as naturally as possible. "You look very nice,"
Ernie looked down at his clothes. "Ah, thank you, I wasn't sure about the shoes but they are rather comfortable, and I heard we are going to have to do a wee bit of walking,"
"They are nice," Love glances down at the brown shoes. She didn't voice it but his shoes reminded her of the shoes her abuelito wear to church every Sunday.
There was a moment of awkward silence. Love wasn't one of those people to expect compliments from people but she had to say she was very disappointed when instead of nice words about her outfit that she had spent hours working on, cursing Hogwarts for not having phones and keeping her from calling her sister for help, making a mess out of her room, came;
"Ah, and I believe you know Justin Finch-Fletchley," He looked to his side where the other Hufflepuff boy was uncomfortably standing, Love hadn't noticed him until now.
"Not personally but I heard of him," Love smile at the boy who smile back, and he pushed his hand out for her to shake.
Justin nodded in acknowledgement. "As I have heard of you,"
"Good things, I hope." Love chuckles playfully, using that same line she had heard people use in films.
"Well, my father works for your mum's company," Justin told her, making Love look at him in surprise. "He has worked there for years, almost twenty years, I believe,"
"Oh, he must be a great employee if he's been there that long," Love said with a pleasant smile, not knowing what else to say to Justin's sudden information. She glance at Ernie and he had a confused frown on his face, and instead of explaining she turn to her friends who had been watching it all in silence. She caught both of their eyes, there was a look they all shared. 'This is awkward' "And these are my friends,"
"Padma Patil," Padma stick her hand out with a flirty grin. Both boys shook it, Justin turning a bit pink when she winks at him when he let go of her hand before pushing Emma a bit forward, "And this is Emmanuel Salazar,"
Emma gave them a tight smile before returning his face to neutral.
"Salazar you say?" Ernie shared a look with Justin, though, Love couldn't unravel the meaning behind it.
"You couldn't possibly–"
Emmanuel huffs hotly, "No, no relations."
"Right, it's just that–"
"Alright, everyone, be silence," McGonagall's voice echoes through the hall, making everyone cease their chattering. "Now remember, these visits to Hogsmeade village are a privilege, should your behaviour reflects poorly on the school in any way that privilege shall not be extended again."
The old professor glances down at them from the top of the marble stairs, her intense gaze seemed to be scrutinising every single one of them as if to spot the ones who were most definitely going to cause trouble.
"Oh, come on, come on, let's go already," Padma impatiently groaned only for the one near her to listen.
"The carriages will be available all day until five, if you arrive after that you shall get detention. Shall you need any assistance, look for your house prefects or head boy and head girl, they are instructed to assist you with whatever you need throughout the day. Now without further delaying, let us enjoy the day,"
There was a buzz emanating from everyone as the words left McGonagall's mouth and they all made their way to the awaiting carriages, the same old carriages they use when travelling to the station to the school.
"Eager for another running with a dementor, Potter?" Draco's mocking voice made her unwillingly snap her head to the side. There he was, cackling with Crabbe and Goyle as the two massive boys pretended to pass out for Draco's amusement, the only other third-year Slytherin laughing was Pansy Parkinson, the others were more preoccupied with finding a carriage.
Love couldn't help but purse her lips to keep her displeasure for him buried deep in her mind.
The thing about Draco Malfoy was that he's just like a snake, meaning that when feeling threatened he's bound to attack. He attacks and then he thinks of the consequences once the venom has spread upon its victim. Draco has lived a life where most people in it had to agree with him, but also be agreeable to be accepted in his society. To be admired by those around him and never look down upon like those other 'traitors' as he was thought to call them. He was surrounded by people who positively live by that day by day like his father, Lucius, he was the man Draco aspires to be. Why would he possibly be different when people like his father and those he surrounded himself with have all that power and money he was thought to be so important? There was a time he thought most people if given a choice would choose a life like his, however, Draco came to the shock that the life that he lived was not suited for Hogwarts, where he encountered people who think differently than he does, people that look down upon his views and him. When he got to Hogwarts he got a glimpse at a world where money and power could only take him so far and he struggles to understand that.
So, of course, Draco can't seem to comprehend why Love isn't on his side, and while all she did was try to make him see reason, all Draco saw was her pillorying him and that was simply unacceptable to him so he attacked but, regardless of how hurtful he was, here she is, stubbornly waiting for him to come up to her and make up a half-apology because each time something like this happens, which was more often than she would willingly admit, all she sees is a reaction of years of habit and she couldn't blame him for the way he was raised. La cabra siempre tira al monte. Old habits die hard. Draco is her friend, despite it all and she firmly believes he has the capacity for growth so she won't give up on that hope yet, not for a small mistake like this.
"Shall we all take one together?" Asked Justin, as they arrived at the carriages.
Padam chuckles, sending him a look over her shoulder, "Want to spend more time with me, eh?"
Justin's cheeks once again turn crimson, "I- well,- It's - "
"If we are sharing I suggest we take that carriage before anyone else does," Emmanuel said pointing at the last carriage which thankfully and conveniently was near to them.
"Shifted, people," Padma grabbed Love's and Emma's hands and sped walk to the carriage, forcing the two Hufflepuff to scramble after them and into the smelly wagon.
"I'm proper excited to see Hogsmeade, aren't you?" Padma asks, looking between the boys.
"How couldn't we?" Justin responded amicably, his smile widening as the carriage began to move. "We have heard so much about Hogsmeade from older students, I can hardly wait." 
"What are you most excited to visit?" Padma asks.
"Well, I haven't thought about it, I suppose Honeydukes would be a great choice to start with, would it?" 
Ernie had a grin on his face, his gaze slithering to Love, he lean forward and whisper. "I'm the most excited to spend it with you,"
Love can't stop the chuckles that left her, feeling her face heat up. His flattery however was not working on easing up her nerves.
"Oh yes, I have a mental list of what I want to get starting with chocolate frogs, obviously..." Padma's voice trails off as a wave of coldness washes over all of them. Love saw a shadow figure pass right by them through the small window as the carriage cross the gates of the school the closes place to the school where the Dementors were allowed to be.
Love unintentionally shudders at their presence. The dread took hold of her for a short moment before it went away.
"For Helga's grace!! How awful those things are," Ernie breathes out, trying to shake off the aftereffects of the creatures.
"Truly, I still can't believe they let them near Hogwarts." Padma huffs, shaking her head. "Anyways, where was I- uh..."
"Chocolate frogs." Emmanuel mumbles, crossing his arms and looking out the window.
"Right, I want chocolate frogs, nougats, sugar quills...."
The last of the ride went by quickly, Padma doing most of the talking, she was telling them a very detailed list of what she wanted to get from the sweet shop, Emma continue to stare at the window quietly, Love adding to Padma's rant a few times, and the two Hufflepuff boys speaking every once in a while.
When the carriage stops they all but jump out of it. Ernie, like a gentleman, tried to give Love his hand to help her out but before she could, Emmanuel pushed her out mumbling about the carriage odour but Love knew better, he was just really excited to be in Hogsmeade and did not has the patience for Ernie's attempts of wooing and if Love was being honest, she didn't either, at least not at the moment.
"This is so cool," Padma said as she took in the wizarding village like the rest of them and Love couldn't agree more, everywhere she looked from the cottages to the colourful shops to the mass of students walking about excitedly was nothing short but wonderful. This is exactly how she imagine how an all-wizard was supposed to look, straight out of a tale.
But that view was changed when a hand was lifted in front of her, "Shall we?"
Love glanced at the hand and smile up at Ernie, once again being filled with nerves, she place her hand on his, hoping it wasn't clammy and nodded. "We shall," She turns to Emma and Padma both already looking at her, not even being a little discreet. Love sent them a more genuine smile, "I'll see you two later,"
Emma nodded, sending her a small reassuring smile. "Be careful."
"Of course, you go enjoy yourself," Padma chuckles, winking at her before turning to Ernie less friendly, she pointed a finger at him, "You better make sure she has a great day, Ernie, or else I'll hit you with a brick, a heavy one too."
"Right," Ernie chuckles awkwardly, he glances at Justin who nodded as if saying 'see you later,'  he clears his throat before looking down at Love, "Let's go,"
And with that they were off into the village, walking through the cobble busy street, hand in hand.
"So, where do you want to go first?" Love asks, her eyes trailing over the several shops, glazing at the things in the windows for only a brief moment for Ernie kept a steady pace, never stopping. He seemed to be looking for something. "Oh, is that Zonkos? Why don't we–"
"I actually planned for us to do a few things, I hope you don't mind," He told her, glancing at her with a small apologetic smile. 
"Oh, n-no, not at all, it's fine," Love smile back at him. She was rather surprised he had plans for them, she thought they would just hang out and explore, go into a few shops, and perhaps have lunch... she felt just a little disappointed and wished he had talked to her about it first but it's okay, it was a thoughtful action from his part, Ernie took time to plan the date and Love didn't want to ruin it.
Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop was lovely. It was a small yet cosy tea shop, the decoration was rather amusing in Love's opinion, the tinkle of the bell when they walked in, the bows that went from side to side along the shop, the pink colour of the walls... 
"Lovely place, isn't it?" Ernie spoke taking her attention from the china sugar bowls.
"Yeah, kind of cute, the pink certainly sets the mood," Love chuckles, glancing at the kissing couple sitting next to them. It was no secret why Ernie chose Madam Puddifoot's Shop for their first date.
Ernie went pink, he clears his throat, looking down at his lacy napkins. "It is a bit crowdy, thought, but if you like it then I'll endure it,"
Love faked out a chuckle. She felt like Ernie was making it seem like he was here just for her, making her feel a bit guilty but he could have worded it wrong, after all, it was him who planned the date, if he didn't want to be here he wouldn't have come, right?
She clear her throat, deciding to just ignore her thought and indulge in the excitement of the first date. "So, is your owl back yet? Uh- what was her name? I don't think you told me. "
"Her name is Aella, greek for Whirlwind and yes, she's very fast as I've told you, she's one of the best breeds of owls there is," His eyes shinned with pride like they did the last the sake of his owl.
"She seems like a wonderful owl,"
"She is... and what about your– err–."
Love smiles thinking back at her beloved pet, "I have a toad, his name's Hoppy, well, actually is Hopper Hoopalong Lollihops but we all call him Hoppy,"
"Your pet is a toad?" Ernie looked rather surprised.
"Yes. Why?" Love chuckles confused, not understanding why that was so surprising, plenty of students own toads.
"Nothing, it's just that I imagine you with something more..." Ernie waves his hand trying to come up with the word. "Gentler like a cat or perhaps even a rat,"
"Toads can be gentle, Hoppy is ever a gentleman." Love shrugs with a grin.
Ernie scoffs, crossing his arms, "What kind of toad is he?"
"Kind?" Love asks, confused.
"Breed, what is his breed?"
"I... don't know, I just picked the one I liked,"
"Why?" Ernie shook his head, with a frown. "Don't you know when choosing a pet the breed of it it's important?"
Love huffs out a laugh, not taking him seriously. "What?"
"Yes, the breed can tell you a lot about their behaviour and how to take care of them mean, when I chose to get an owl as a pet I would have never chosen one just because they are pretty, I mean yes, I suppose appearance is important but they are not people to care about their beauty and dare I say that—"
Ernie went on a rant about why the breed is important, he wasn't just taking a piss, he went on and on about why choosing the best breed can be beneficial for oneself and what not, if she didn't know better she would have thought Ernie could have been one of those purebloods who glorify their pedigree. The topic of conversation went from owls to the Fwooper, which was okay if he had let her get to give her opinion about the bright magical birds, instead, he went on to explain what they were, probably thinking she didn't know about them. At one point in his rant, Love excuse herself to the toilet. 
The loo was just as she imagine, decorated with bows, two vanity tables with all a girl could need, and pink walls with just two stalls, one of which was occupated. Love didn't need to go to the loo, she just needed a moment to herself. 
The date was going well, Ernie's sweet and sure, maybe it was a little boring but it could be worst. Love looked at herself in the mirror, tilting her head down at her clothes wishing she could have called Kiara, maybe Ernie would have said something about it if she had her sister's help, then her gaze travelled to her hair, did she brush her hair nicely? She did try her best to give it a bit of shape, though with hairpins she somehow manage to style it like those girls from the magazines.
"Shit. Shit. Shit."
Love frowns as she heard the girl from inside the stall, looking at the closed pink wooden door through the mirror.
"Fuck my life."
"Hello?" Love turns to face the door, "Are you all right?"
"Aye, mind your soddin' business, will ya?" The girl curses her off, her tone harsh as they come.
Love backs away from the door, a bit offended. "Right. Sorry, just wanted to help,"
"I ain't ask for it, innit?"
"You're right, my mistake," Love huffs, rolling her eyes, she went back to gaze herself in the mirror. People can be so damn rude for no reason.
Half satisfied with how she looked, Love turn to leave but just as she turned the door opened and the mysterious rude girl came out of it. Her brown eyes were narrow when her eyes settle on Love making her already sour face look grimmer.
"What the fuck are ya looking at?" She all but barked at her.
Love purses her lips, it will probably be unwise to say anything as the girl looked older than she is, maybe a fifth year, her feature are certainly mature, the slope of her nose and high cheekbones... she had a rough edge of her look but she was rather pretty, Love would have complemented her black curly hair as it was put on a nice bum but the girl made it known she didn't appreciate her voice or opinions.
"I was just leaving," Love mumbled, as she finally turn around to leave the girl came out of the stall Love caught the sight of red on the girls white pants making her halt on her steps. It had to be what she thought it was.
"Oh, my days, ya wee shit," The girl turn to set her hard glare on her, and she took a few threatening steps towards her. "If ya continue to look at me, I will hex ya fuckin–"
"You have a stain," Love told the girl, she pointed at her pants.
The girl rolled her eyes so hard Love thought they would get stuck. "I know ya little fuck, now leave me alone, my day is already ruined, I ain't want to get expelled for cursin' a fuckin third year."
Love purses her lips in indignation, and with a huff she turned and left, cursing the girl in her head all she wanted to do was to help her but Love will leave her to do as she wants, she will leave her no matter if she... if she clearly needs her help,  Love only made it two steps out before she stubbornly turn back into the toilets. The girl had a deep frown on her face while she was holding her wand near the red stain looking at it through the mirror and trying to straighten herself when Love barge back in but she caught all of that.
The girl groans loudly, looking at the heavens. "Ya little–"
"Did you try a spell on it?" Love asks, motioning to the stain.
"It's not any of ya fuckin business," The girl snapped, pointing her wand at her.
Love, feeling a little frightened but hiding it well, took off her cardigan and hold it out for the girl to take. "Here. If the spell doesn't work you can use it to cover it."
"I ain't wearin' ya ugly jumper." The girl glare at her and the piece of clothing in her hand, however, there was more than just anger behind that glare, one Love could identify as confusion.
Love sighs, she moves to place the cardigan on top of the vanity table."It's just an option in case your spell isn't working, if you don't want to don't wear it."
"Why do ya care if I leave this bathroom with a stain on my flippin' pants," The girl hadn't dropped her glare but it did soften a tiny bit.
"Because I've been taught to help when needed," Love glanced at her before she once again made her way to the door, "And I am also a girl who looks out for other girls."
With that, she went back to her table, where the tea and food seems to have arrived. Ernie and she ordered something to share, a big plate with small cakes and pastries, she couldn't wait to try them... and it seems Ernie couldn't either for when she sat back down in front of him, he seems to be halfway through the plate.
"What took so long?" Ernie asks, drinking from his teacup after swallowing whatever cake was in his mouth.
Love glanced from the plate to him, the frown easing into a reluctant smile, "Oh, there was a queue for the toilet."
Ernie hums accepting the answer, he motions her cup of tea which she notices was full, "I served your tea, ginger, right?"
"Yes, thank you," Love took a sip of it, relishing how good it tasted, it's been a while since she drank ginger tea. She grabbed a pasty as Ernie went for the meaty small ball, "Are they good?"
Ernie nodded, shoving the small ball in his mouth, "Yes, there was this really good eclair, and the spinach patty, to die for."
"They do sound rather good, I've tried a few eclairs before and I have to say that no matter what they are always good," Love told him, taking a bite out of her cheesy pasty.
Suddenly the boy coughed, he hit his chest before taking a sip of his tea, making Love frown in worry, she leans forward. "Are you all right, Ernie?"
He swallowed the last of his tea and nodded, he smiles as he turns to face her, "I'm all right, Love, but I'm touched by your concern."
When the scent hit her nose, Love recoils to the back of her chair. What was that? Because holy shit.
"What?" Ernie asks, a frown forming on his face as he watches her actions.
Love opened her mouth to answer but words just don't seem to form as another round of stinkiness made its way to her nose. It didn't take a lot to know that it was Ernie's stink. How is she to tell him that his mouth smelled like something died in it and was rotting?
He asks again, leaning forward to whisper. "What is it, Love? Are you okay?"
Oh, God.
"Mhmm, yes all good," Love held her breath, leaning back into her chair as much as she could trying to look as subtle as possible.
"Are you positive?"
Love nodded, taking a large gulp of her tea, before exhaling on the cup and inhaling back again. The air wasn't clean in the cup but at least it didn't smell like... well, like Ernie. How did she not notice he smelled like that before? She had been in close proximity to him, there was no way she wouldn't have noticed it then so what change? When she looked up at Ernie once again, he was happily munchkin on the last of the pasties on the plate. At this point she didn't really care he ate all of them, her appetite was gone anyways.
"So, Justin said his father works for your mum," He swallowed the cake, looking at her he continue, "How's that?"
"Uh... well, my mum, she owns a company back in the muggle world," Love needed to exhale, she was practically choking. She took hold of her almost empty cup, swallowed what was left and exhaled as silently as she could before taking another long inhale.
"She does? Whoa, that's rather impressive, what is it about?"
"Energy," Love was slapped with another whiff of repugnant odour. It seems that even not breathing wasn't enough to escape what death probably smells like. "Jesus Bendito."
"What was that?" Ernie asks, puzzlement written on his face.
"I was just– I want to walk around for a bit, you know, look around the village," Love tells him, hoping that he agrees to leave so she could be in the open air.
Ernie frowns at her before looking around at the couples,  Love did the same however she couldn't really stare too long because most of them were snogging each other off, surprisingly she caught sight of the loo girl, setting in front of a handsome boy and wrapped around her waist was her cardigan and a smile on her face. If someone was going to have a pleasant rest of the day, it clearly wasn't Love. So she's glad she helps someone else to have one.
"Oh, well, if you wish but I thought we...uh could have gotten to know each other a bit better, without distractions and all," Ernie turned pink as he set his gaze on the teacup in his hands, and Love was sure she was matching his colour, maybe she was even sporting a tinge of purple in her cheeks, y'know, for the lack of air.
"Oh, come on Ernie, let's be adventurous," Love tried her best to smile as if she wasn't two seconds away from falling unconscious yet again this year. Now wouldn't that be embarrassing?
Ernie gaze at her for a moment before nodding, and getting up from his chair, "I'll go pay, you can wait outside if you–"
"Yes, I'll wait outside," In all but seconds, Love grabbed her bag and was out the door.
Love wheezes as she exhales, before inhaling again. Deep breaths. Deep breaths. She places her hands on her knees as she continues to take heavy breaths. This is the closes she has come to dying, Jesus knows that not even her brother's farts smell that bad and that is saying a lot.
Straightening up and leaning back into a wall, Love started to think, what happened? It surely had to be something he ate but what? Was it one of the pasties? No, obviously not, if Madam Puddifoot's sell something that made her customers' breath stank of all that's evil on this planet then she would be out of business in a month, hell, Love gives it a week before it shuts down. Because who in their right mind would sell something like that, the only other option was that it had to be a prank, someone was pranking Ernie, the poor boy, but why though? Ernie is well-liked, isn't he? She knows he's a bit popular among his peers, he's never been libellous against those who aren't from his house, at least not that knows of. Ernie's a good student, a good person, so why would anyone do this to him... or maybe it's not Ernie the prank it's directed at, maybe it's at her? Oh, Rowena what if it is her who the culprits wanted to prank? But why? What had she done? No, she hadn't done anything wrong. Maybe it's a prank from Ernie and his friends, like a dare of some sort? They dare him to ask her out and see how much she could handle of this new form of deathly torture. Ernie wouldn't do that, would he? He's nice... but then again what if all she knows about him is a lie. What if it is a dare and as soon as they part ways he'll go straight to his friends and laugh because she literally almost dies to avoid telling him he stinks and then the whole school is going to know and it's gouging to be her. That would be so humiliating. Stinky is going to be her new nickname, everyone will call her that... Love's stomach dropped, Professor Lupin will probably hear about it too, he'll think she stinks. She feels faint. Oh, Love needs to throw up. All those plans she made for becoming Mrs Lupin, all to the garbage, he'll never want to marry someone with the nickname of stinky.She's going to be single for the rest of her life. No one would want her. No one. She's going to be alone for the rest of her life. Not even Padma and Emmanuel. Oh, her best friends, she's going to be dragged down with her. Oh no no no. She couldn't do that to her friends but she knows they'll never leave her alone. She'll have to leave Hogwarts to protect them. They know where she lives so she can't even go to her family because they'll follow her there. She'll get a job somewhere to live away.... But Is she even going to get a job? Love knows how quickly rumours spread in the wizarding world. Who would hire someone whose nickname is Stinky? No one that's who. She'll be poor and with no place to live. She'll end up living in the mountains, alone and— 
Her head snapped to the side where Ernie is looking at her worriedly.
"Are you all right? I called you like five times?"
She felt like she wanted to cry as another death-scented breath of air made its way into her nose. Merlin, she just can't tell him and she can't be the bitch that ends the date right after he paid for tea and cake but she can't spend another minute near him.
Love bottles her small thoughts up and smiles at him, "Yes, I'm good, now let's go,"
"Where do you want to–"
She, grudgingly, grabbed his hand and was practically speed walking, going from one store to another, only staying for a few minutes to see the basics and get the gist of what the store sells before moving to the next. Ernie tried to keep up with her, speaking to her whenever she slowed down, Love gave him a few short answers, always making sure to not sound rude but still being quick with her words before they speed walk to the next store.  
"Why don't we slow down a bit?" Ernie asks as they left Ceridwen's Cauldrons, pulling Love back by her hand forcing him to stop.
Love holds her breath and grins playfully, or at least she hopes that's the vibe she's giving on, "Because, silly Ernie we should walk to... get in shape, y'know, for all those calories from the cakes and pastries we ate."
"Oh, is that a grocery shop for plants? How interesting." She pulled him back into walking, heading to The Magic Neep.
Sooner rather than later, they are done visiting most of the shops in Hogsmeade and inside the carriages. She'll never call them smelly again. Love stares out the window at the village thinking back to the stores she visited, the one they took a bit of time was Honeydukes, where they parted ways for a moment much to Love's relief, to get their sweets, Love bought two chocolate frogs and a single sugar quill, she would have probably gotten more things but Ernie insisted on paying and she didn't felt comfortable spending money that wasn't hers and two she wasn't in the right state of mind at the moment. And they also took time when they visited the post office, where they encountered hundreds of owls Ernie wouldn't stop speaking about Aella, pointing out that the breed of birds they use for the fastest owl which was colour-coded red, was the same breed as her but of course, his was faster. That was the third time in the day were Love was close to passing out. But Merlin did that boy adores his owl.
Thankfully, they had to share the carriage with some older students, two girls, (who didn't care much about them and talked all the way to the castle about one of the girl's boyfriends, he wanted to live with her after graduation but the girl wants to break up with him as soon because she started to fancy his friend who apparently fancies her back but not before her birthday because her boyfriend said he was going to buy her some pearl earrings) Geez, now that is very messed up. The two older girls' chat served as a distraction for both her and Ernie since neither of them talk and only bestow themselves into listening to the gossip. It wasn't until they were at the marble stairs that Love spoke.
"This has been nice," Love send him a smile, one that she wasn't sure was genuine as she knows now is the time she has to once again hold her breath.
Ernie nodded, smiling down at her, "It has, I really enjoy spending Hogsmaedes with you, Love."
"You were pretty great too," Love waves a dismissive hand.
"You really think so?" Ernie took a step closer.
No, please no. Step back.
Love nods, humming with a tight smile on her face. "Mhm, yeah, of course, anyways, Ernie, I really need to go because—"
"What? Now?" Ernie took another step closer and grabbed her hands in his, peering down at her, with big blue eyes. Step back, please. "Why? Let me walk you to your common room."
"Now that wouldn't be wise, would it?" Love took a step back, setting her hands free from the boy's hold. "Why go all the way up to the Ravenclaw tower when your common room is practically just around the corner?"
"Is what a gentleman does,"
"Ah, don't worry Ernie, I don't need a gentleman," Love chuckles, taking another step back, practically halfway into the castle.
"I need to pee, Ernie!" Love almost shouted for the whole students to hear, but she was desperate to get away and in desperate times, desperate measures. "And I really need to go right now,"
Ernie blinks, his face turning red once again, Love doesn't understand why he's the one embarrassed in this situation but alas, it's proving to be successful. "Right, sorry, don't let me keep—"
"Bye, Ernie thanks for the tea and sweets,"
She was gone like the wind, finally free and if hadn't been for the fact that her name was called she would have forgotten about her little freakout.
"Miss Emerson,"
Turning, she came face to face with none other than James Potter, a renowned Auror and quite a  famous man for surviving Voldemort, along with his wife and son, Love was awfully confused about why he, of all people, was calling her name and smiling at her, his smile was so welcoming, Love felt oddly warm about it like his smile was a hug she would have a smile back if it hadn't been for the two-man next to him. One who had dark hair and strikingly grey eyes that shine with nothing but mischievousness, he had this aloofness attached to his persona that practically oozes out of him, he was rather handsome, both he and James were handsome but definitely not as handsome as Professor Remus Lupin, who was smiling warmly at her from next to James Potter... then the thought hit her. He's going to think she stinks if her prank theory proves itself to be correct. Of course, it's going to be correct, what kind of person goes around pranking Ernie of all people? He and his friends are probably pranking her, or maybe Ernie doesn't even know, in that case, they both got pranked but they'll go easy on him because he is their friend and he'll forget about it and forgive them because they are his friends after all, but that treatment would not be extended for her, and they'll make fun of her and she–
"Hey, Love Emerson, right?" James Potter continues to smile at her, his hazel eyes staring down at hers. "How are you doing, darling? All better I hope?"
Love purses her lips and nodded, before giving him a tight smile, she doesn't want to speak with anyone right now "I'm all right, Mr Potter but soon I won't be because I'll be probably living in a cave,"
She walks right past them, not even noticing the baffled look they all give her. She just couldn't face anyone right now. Love made her way to her common room in record time, even with all the students walking about in the hallways and stairs. She was itching to get to her room and sleep all day, all night until the music stops as the phrase says, indulging herself in the last moments of pace in Hogwarts before she becomes a pariah of society.
What is the end of everything?
It seems the eagle has taken notice of her mood and given her an easy riddle. Love didn't even need to think about it for the answer was right in the riddle. Without much waiting the door quickly opened, and Love all but bolted inside.
"Hey Love, how did–"
At Padma's voice, Love stopped and turn to where she was lounging with Emma on the sofas, both with massive bags of products from Zonkos, Honeydukes and who knows what else. She's going to miss them. She's going to miss time like this.
"I'm going to live in the forest, in a cave, and I'm going to miss you all so much,"
With that, she turns back and went straight to her dormitory. Thankfully, there was no one there so Love took her shoes off and just manage to climb into bed before the door was slapped open as Padma came barging in, a hard look on her face.
"All right, tell me what happened on that date that got you catastrophizing?" 
Love sends her a glare before pushing herself under her covers, "I do not catastrophize,"
"Then what do you call this?" Padma places her hands on her hips much like a mother would as she scowls at her kids.
"Being reasonable," Love calls from under the covers. She was being reasonable, right?
Love didn't need to see Padma to know she was rolling her eyes, she could feel it in her bones she was most definitely doing it. "Sure, because thinking you're going to be living in a cave is a reasonable response for any situation."
"Leave me alone, Padma."
"Love, bloody hell, get this through your skull," Padma pulled her covers off of her, leaving her feeling naked. Both girls glare at each other. "You are catastrophizing, my dear friend."
"You are overthinking, you are in panic mode right now, obsessive over something that will never happen," Padma came to sat down next to her, her back leaning on one of the four posts, "You need to relax and tell me, what got are you overthinking?"
Love purses her lips, she knew she was overthinking, she just lost control there for a second or two. She held her hand out, "Give me back my blanked and I'll tell you,"
Without waiting, Padma passes her the covers. Love engulfs herself in them, enjoying the warmth her covers give her, she glances a Padma and holds her arm up, motioning for her to cover herself too and when she does, when both girls were tucked in the safety blanket, Love begins the tale of the boy with dragon breath.
A/N: Hope you enjoyed it.
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teawinx · 2 years
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Ladies and gentlemen: HER.
So I’ve not been posting a lot of art lately, and this isn’t a big “I’m back post regularly” thing. I’ve been detoxing from Miraculous, and I feel great! So now I’m only posting ML art when I really really want to. And that’s the case today! But I’ve officially stopped watching the show. I don’t care to watch something so toxic, so I’m enjoying it in my own controlled way. If that makes any sense, probably not lol.
So, elephant in the room, yes that is Ascended Queen Bee!!! Note that she doesn’t actually get the form in the rewrite, not because she doesn’t earn it but she doesn’t keep her Miraculous. But, hypothetically, if she got it back she would have this form. She earns it and I love her, your honor.
Design wise she hasn’t changed this last time I drew her. I only modified her Queen Bee suit to look more like a leotard and tights, since she’s a sports star. The Ascended form was HEAVILY based on Winx Club’s Enchantix. I can’t help myself. Very Stella, but I love Stella so I’m not complaining.
My art style is going through a renaissance and I’m having so many good brain beans about it
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kirango-rouge · 9 months
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*me two days ago*: oh, i like those five tragic assholes! i wonder if there's a polyship between them! *look at an empty tumblr and ao3 *me*: .... wait! does it mean it'll be up to me to-
Turns out that yes :,)
I am utterly disappointed that there wasn't any poly art with these five! you guys are lucky that my thirst made me move my ass! xD (unless all works were shadowbanned :,c)
anyways, here they are: a poly between all the bishops of the old faith! Look at how happy they are! surely nothing could go wrong <3
the menaces in the bedroom:
Kallamar as the second eldest spent many centuries living alone with Shamura. They know each other like the back of their hands (tentacles? claws?) and have their little routines and rituals, in the form of bdsm-tentacle-play-shibari. As Shamura is a very laid-back partner, Kallamar had all the attention to himself and could decide and lead the sessions most of the time, but when three very rambunctious younger siblings entered the family, he was almost instantly overthrown in the bedroom hierarchy xD As you can see, he is not very happy to be the little spoon-bicycle of the family, but what can he do against a trio of youngsters with more guts than him x)
Heket is the most assertive of the band and loves to take the lead. She loves a strict program and decided roles and is absolute on using a safe word. Orgasm denial is one of her main kinks with food play, but if her partner hesitates in bed or is not explicitly clear about what they wants, it quickly frustrates her as she's not very comfortable at the thought of causing discomfort or a nonconsensual reaction to her loved ones (she shall ask for the safe word quite often on spicy sessions). A quick battle for dominance with Leshy, and out they go~ A good yelling on Kallamar to remind him of his place, and it's good to go~ Shamura either takes the lead with no discussion or lets her do as she pleases. Narinder is the one who gives her the most trouble and you can be sure that their sessions will begin with a LOT of foreplay and rule-setting before they can do anything xD She is very involved into the aftercare and won't rest until she is sure that her mates are fine and comfortable.
Narinder is a cunning and bratty lover in bed x) The others learned very quickly that if they want anything to be done, not letting Narinder speak is the top priority. Narinder likes a good sensory deprivation and knifeplay, and they is the most unpredictable member of the band, capable to reverse the roles in an instant if their mates don't pay enough attention. Narinder made his ultimate goal to have all his siblings helplessly kneeling before them and to surprise Shamura into unwilling submission one day. He is the sibling with the highest stamina with Leshy.
Leshy, as a good youngest brother, is very attentive to his siblings' needs and likes to observe and listen. He's the kind of voyeur that will want to see the action from every angle while still telling his siblings to not pay attention to him. Very awkward at first but the others are used to it now... mostly xD While he is learning, he likes to let his mates take the lead and needs to be reassured he is doing good all the time. Leshy tried to let Kallamar lead at the beginning, but his less assertive temper quickly bored him and pushed him to take the matter into his own hands xD Once he became more settled in the poly, Leshy proved to be an enthusiastic leader-mate and will regularly challenge his siblings for sport.
Shamura is the ultimate service switch. If their siblings want to try or ask anything, they're the mate to go to. They're a very tolerating partner most of the time, but can have their moments when they can display very possessive and dominating behavior, especially on days when their siblings are being little uncooperative shits x) It is no surprise that they have a vast knowledge of the kama-sutra and they knows by heart all the likes and dislikes and weaknesses of their siblings. They can make them submit in mere seconds with their webs, a slight venom injection, or with just their smooth talk. They're basically the alpha of the group and an amazing and reassuring leader-mate, knowing how far they need to push their siblings to their best performance and give them the most satisfying experience. Needless to say that all the bishops know that challenging Shamura in bed is an already lost battle xD except for Narinder who still hopes to taste the alpha role one day x)
thank you for reading my very self-indulgent headcanons~
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