#cause I’d still have similar problems and the pay would still be absolutely shit
erik-christine · 11 months
why can’t I just get the spoilers for my life like I wanna know if a career change will actually be better or will I just be even more stressed 😭
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asmo-baby5 · 3 years
Asking First
MC asks the brother and undateables on a date first before they can.
•is very pissed MC asked first because now he somehow has to relinquish control over the date to them.
•His pride is seriously hurt because how dare a human ask him on a date first?
•he was planning on asking them at the same time, he was just too slow....
•stays cool and composed as he obviously accepts their offer.
•has to play one of his records at full volume in his room later to settle down.
•Despite somehow coming to terms with the fact MC planned everything and wouldn't tell him a single detail, he takes charge of the date.
•he covers all bills and leads the way despite the fact he technically shouldn't know where MC was headed next.
•he's the right hand of Lord Diavolo for a reason, he knows everything.
•"Hey now, Human, the Great Mammon is supposed to ask ya first!"
•outwardly pissy and upset MC asked him first.
•inwardly freaking out because MC ASKED HIM FIRST.
•Unfortunately his bright red blush causes all of his sharp words to become dull.
•MC finds it incredibly endearing he's so upset they asked first.
•they still take complete control and won't tell Mammon a thing about the date until the day of.
•the anticipation drives him crazy and he goes on a spending spree right before to blow off some anxiety.
•gets in trouble with Lucifer and almost has to miss the date, but is granted permission to go because MC stood up for him.
•is still incredibly pissy they won't tell him anything but is incredibly into the secrecy.
•A mess.
•Just a complete stuttering and blushing mess.
•"theres no way youd want to go out with a yucky shut-in Otaku like me."
•will try to shut down the idea entirely because he believes MC is making fun of him.
•immediately changes his mind when MC gets upset he'd even think of them like that.
•has to know every little detail of the date so he can mentally prepare.
•MC is very supportive and gives him every detail he asks for, most times more than one.
•he is on edge in the days leading up to the date and can't sit still the day of.
•can't game cause he can't sit still that long and can't watch anime cause he can't focus on the words.
•Loves the idea.
•The two normally alternate who prepares the date anyway so nothing gets boring or predictable.
•he has absolutely no problem with MC asking first either.
•fully trusts them to prepare an entertaining and productive day for the two of them.
•spends the days leading up to it trying to reason out where MC could be planning on going.
•never ever gets it right because MC knows what he's thinking and if he had managed to get it right they will change it last minute to keep him on his toes.
•he adores them for making sure to keep him engaged yet docile for the entire day.
•He is, of course, used to being asked on dates all the time, but its actually the first time MC has ever asked him first.
•its an understatement to say he's elated.
•offers to help plan the date.
•pouts when MC insists it is a day where they will completely treat him and he is not allowed to treat them.
•spends the days leading up to the date trying to convince MC to let him pamper them too.
•they keep refusing.
•he decides to make the time after the date ends his time to pamper them because then they can't complain or resist.
•if MC ever takes control of their dates again he always make sure to have something prepared for after to thank them for loving him so fully.
•of course!
•could not be more excited!
•does not think much of MC asking first until he realizes that their dates usually consist of major restaurant visits and he is the one to always pay because he asks them out first.
•frets every single day up to the date because he doesn't want MC to spend so much money on him but he also doesn't want to butt into their date plans and make them mad.
•he tries to eat more a few days before so he'll maybe eat less on the day of.
•he even almost enlists Belphie to sneakily check MC's wallet and make sure they have enough grimm to cover the large bills they will inevitably have.
•almost cries from relief when he finds out MC had a major savings account filled with extra grimm from their part time job. It had more than enough to cover his many large meals.
•its not like its the first time, he rarely asks first anyway.
•MC's dates are always the best, even if they are very similar each time.
•they know exactly what he likes and knows that he doesn't tend to like a lot of change so they stick with what works.
•almost always an evening date so he can sleep all day and maybe have some energy for it.
•evening dates also let's them both fall asleep against each other without being scolded for sleeping so early.
•the date is never too far from home so whoever fell asleep first (more often than not that being Belphie) can be carried back without exerting too much energy themself.
•too excited.
•can hardly contain himself and almost kills MC in a bone crushing bear hug from his excitement.
•he finally had a free day and spending that day with his favorite human ever sounded amazing.
•and he didnt need to prepare anything for it at all?
•will be a ball of sunshine for the whole time leading up to it so MC wouldn't change their mind.
•works extra fast and hard so he can get all of his work done in preparation for the date.
•overworks himself and the date ends up being MC taking care of him all day and cuddling with him all night.
•he's upset they couldn't go anywhere, but he got to spend the day with MC regardless so he isn't too upset.
•is unsure at first.
•he is way too busy to allow himself to indulge in a fantasy.
•also feels horrible if someone else is taking care of him instead of the other way around anyway.
•MC insists they will keep it very low-key so he can still do necessary work as it comes up but still spend time with them.
•he reluctantly agrees to this.
•is pleasantly surprised when it turns out MC had spent a month learning from Luke so they could bake him his favorite cake and brew his favorite tea just the way he liked.
•it was just a small tea party in the garden of the Demon Lord's castle, but it felt like a magical excursion because of what MC had pulled off for him.
•sweet baby is so excited!
•ask him out on a date first and he will literally melt because that means MC loves him back.
•like Satan, he will leave everything to MC because he trusts them.
•is pretty calm leading up to the date because he has full confidence in them and has full faith that this date will do nothing but build their relationship.
•he is a perfect gentleman and will open doors and pull out chairs.
•he offers to take a commemorative photo for them but doesn't save it correctly so MC takes an even better candid shot that is sure to make the two of them laugh and reminisce later down the line.
•He refuses to let MC pay for everything but MC refuses to let him pay so they compromise and split all bills on the date.
•"you think I'd go out with you?"
•is a complete little shit about it to hide his embarrassment at MC asking him first.
•freaks out when they take him seriously and start to walk away.
•"wait no, of course I will."
•he's just a bit of a control freak and would hate leaving all preparations to them.
•seriously, MC cannot prepare anything without him being right behind their shoulder and either nodding or correcting the plans.
•the date just cannot remain a surprise when Solomon is literally helping to plan it all.
•MC doesn't really mind though because he looks really cute when he gets all serious about something.
•he gets very serious about almost everything when it comes to them so they get to see his cute face very often.
•they go to the human world to make sure the brothers wouldn't follow them and bother their date.
•stay in the human world for a few days and just find complete peace being in the other's presence.
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So @billy-baby mentioned That 70’s Show and Harringrove, and it reminded me of a *whole ass* set of hc’s about a 70’s/Stranger Things AU that has been sitting in my notes for literal years collecting dust, so here it is:
-Billy & Hyde would be besties, probably neighbours in the same shitty neighbourhood
-They headbang to hard rock and metal, jam to 60’s & 70’s rock while drinking TONS of beer and hotboxing the Camaro and El Camino, respectively
-Bands they’d have in common: AC/DC, Black Sabbath & Ozzy Osbourne, Scorpions, KISS, Judas Priest, Van Halen, and Led Zeppelin just to name a couple
-Hyde always gives Billy shit for like, never wearing a shirt, Billy gives Hyde shit for his ever-present sunglasses & sideburns
-They know each other’s parental problems, and take refuge in the Forman’s basement/the empty Harrington house (yes, we’re talkin’ a Hawkins, Indiana/Point Place, Wisconsin mashup here)
-Billy still has a major crush on Steve (Harrington that is, Steven Hyde will only be referred to as Hyde [and that possible name mix-up could cause some hilarity whenever anyone calls out “Steven”, and some embarrassing rumour drama for Billy, Steve, & Hyde (or omg a block party at the Formans where Kitty calls out “William! Steven! Michael!” And she turns around and has Billy, Will, Hyde, Steve, Mike, and Kelso starting at her expectantly)])
-Billy probably also thinks Eric and Kelso are kinda cute, but total dumbasses, they both definitely annoy him
-Fez would have a totally awkward and hilarious crush on Billy, and you just know Billy would flirt with him on purpose just to make him nervous (this might make Steve a lil jealous and annoy him to no end)
-Jackie would have the BIGGEST crush on Steve, after Kelso, and drag him around to go shopping and shit, he would tolerate it but Billy would absolutely hate her as a “bitchy rich entitled snot-nosed brat” cause she would be vocal about him being poor and he’d have to be calmed down by Hyde and Steve all the time
-Billy would give Hyde an unimaginable amount of shit for going out with Jackie, hooo boy!
-Steve would get a kick outta Kelso, but I think he and Eric would be pretty close friends, with Steve always pushing to hang around at the Forman’s cause Eric’s parents are always present, as opposed to his empty house (he adores Kitty Forman for SURE as the mother he never had)
-But the gang would surely hold parties at the Harrington’s....and only sometimes get away with it (both these groups are known for their KEGS! and the 70’s teens would lose their damn minds over Keg Kings Billy & Steve)
-Billy would put the charm on for Kitty sometimes just to see her blush, and Red would get annoyed and just a little threatening saying something like “Like to see how charming you are with my foot up your ass” and Billy being the abused kid that he is automatically takes it a little too seriously- probably flinches, goes a little pale, stutters out a “Yes sir, sorry sir”
-This would make Kitty and Red a bit concerned, pay a visit to the Hargrove household- I wouldn’t be surprised if they experience Neil putting Billy down or catch a glimpse of a smack or something and they would for sure take action with Red intimidating Neil cause you know he could
-Anyway! Girls. Robin and Donna would be THE BEST FRIENDS EVER, cause Donna had no other cool girl friend to hang out with and you just KNOW Robin might have an “itsy bitsy” (huge) crush on Donna, cause she’s Hot Donna, also they’re both super into female empowerment (and honestly, when Donna/Eric break up I could see her maybe falling for Robin too)
-Donna and Billy would be buds, she might like him for a hot minute but be cool with him being gay (Out of everyone in the 70’s gang, I think he’d most likely share this with her - cause she’d probably figure it out - even if it’s just to gush about their dumb, brave, pretty brunette boys to each other)
-Max would LOVE Donna, not just because of the hair (but also redhead solidarity is important), but because they’re both badasses and would totally vibe together- Max, Billy, and Donna would be an unexpectedly fun trio (and Billy would complain about having to drive the “GingeTwins” around all the time or something to that effect)
-And Jackie having to babysit Erica (because Donna does it sometimes, but she’s out for the night) would be the best thing ever good lord, Erica would put Jackie in her place, but they’d probably make up some schemes together too
-Also Erica would be absolutely appalled at having a similar name to Eric, she’d probably call him something along the lines of “Supreme Nerd” or “King of the Nerds” and have an endless supply of unimpressed looks for him during their debates of whose name is better
-Eric would totally join Mike, Will, Lucas & Dustin in their nerd exploits (STAR WARS!) And he and Dustin would get into loooong nerd debates
-I think Kelso would join Dustin & Lucas (and maybe the other boys too) in doing mischievous experiments including but not limited to: pyrotechnics, wrist rockets, radios and electronics... He’d begrudgingly listen to the scientific explanations of the boys (which would all fly right over his head) and they would have a moderate success rate, but also have to run away from the trouble they’d get in
-Lucas and Hyde would always be cool, but after finding out about Hyde’s biological dad they could become closer (Hyde’s dad and Lucas would have the best banter)
-Will and Eric would geek out over comics, and I think Eric would be super nice/supportive about seeing Will’s drawings
-Jonathan would be pretty quiet at first, but might talk to Fez since they’re both kinda the odd man out in each group (and he’d be genuinely NICE to Fez, *side eyes 70’s teens*)- then he’d be roped into doing random/stupid/mildly illegal stuff with the gang
-And despite Billy & Hyde being besties, I think Jonathan would bond with Hyde over shitty dads (plus I think Hyde would love Joyce, and she’d be another offer of refuge for him & Billy) and WEED WEED WEED
-Actually that might definitely be a sub-trio: Jonathan, Billy, & Hyde- they’d all have each other’s backs when it came to family drama (and later on when Hyde gets his record store, he’d offer them both jobs and Jonathan would be over the fuckin’ moon and work there)
-Billy would for sure work for Red in his muffler shop, and Red would take him under his wing, probably unwittingly become the father figure Billy never had.
-Nancy, hmmm, well she’s on the richer side of town so her and Jackie might be friends? but she’d for sure get annoyed with Jackie’s shallow bullshit
-OH and Robin would also hate Jackie I think, ‘cause of her entitlement and relentless obsession with boys (poor Jackie, I’m not setting her up for anything great here huh)
-So that’d be why Steve is friends with her, if only ‘cause he feels bad when she alienates herself from the rest of the teens, they (and I hate to say this) *could possibly* date for like 5 minutes, it’d be a REALLY hard time for Billy...and Kelso. And those two would probably come up with some hairbrained scheme to break them up (and succeed, but each get ripped a new one because of it)
-But at least the group of teen girls would be bigger if Donna, Robin, Jackie, and Nancy all hung out together sometimes (and if they tried to have a sleepover or something there would be toooo many idiot boys trying to creep on them, I think Billy would be the voice of reason and tell them they’re all being dickheads)
-And he’d give Fez a fuck ton of shit for being such a voyeuristic creep, probably make him stop hiding in people closets (wait what? Fez is like constantly coming out of closets in that show?! hello?? is that a thing??? Oh ho-ho they’d have a whole talk about that)
-Steve would get a kick outta Fez, probably think he was the funniest dude on the planet, as I’d say they’re the goofballs of the group (and yes, I am mostly excluding the King Steve narrative from this and using only cool mom Steve, cool? cool.)
-Steve might also have a lil crush on Donna, (‘cause a strong personality and blue eyes is like his kink, we all know this) but Eric would throw a fit about that and then they’d be all buddy-buddy discussing Donna & Billy (I think Eric being kind of a dumbass about his own gay kiss might put Steve off for a bit [and make Billy super hesitant and real pissed], but I also think Eric would be cool with hearing Steve out about his big bisexuality-discovery-adventure)
-Donna and Eric trying set Steve and Billy up by saying they’re all gonna hang out, and then like locking Billy/Steve in a room together or something and leaving😈
-When Billy/Steve’s relationship comes out, Hyde’s reaction is probably “That’s cool, man” Kelso would make some corny statement about how hot *he* is, Fez would probably fangirl over it with big ole heart eyes, Jackie would be like “weird, whatever”, Kitty would get flustered and then overly excited about it after a while, Red would be uncomfortable but okay with it saying something like “I better not catch you two dumbasses doing anything in my house”
-Ohmygod, Red as a father figure to Billy, Kitty as a mother figure to Steve, and they end up being so supportive of the boys ‘cause they have to put up with so much parental shit (say what you want, but the Formans have compassion) and they convert their house/backyard into a little private prom for the whole gang just so Billy/Steve can dance together and be themselves
-Billy, Steve, and Robin would die laughing every time they saw/talked to Leo. And I feel like Robin would talk her way into a job at the Photo Hut and then just end up being the manager and hires Jonathan herself to do the developments
-And you know how Hyde is always punching Kelso in the arm? Well he’d always get one, and Billy would punch the other arm as he’d classify Kelso a special kind of idiot, they’d always be teasing Kelso together, but Billy (and Steve I’m sure) would have some wicked BURNS that Kelso would love
-Steve and Kelso as friends? Sure, pretty boys gotta stick together~ especially when Steve gets called that by Billy, and then Kelso insists he’s a prettier boy, and Billy either rolls his eyes or flirts aggressively cause Kelso doesn’t understand WHY that’s Steve’s nickname, and it’s a whole can of worms you guys
-(And I didn’t forget about El, I’m just not quite sure where she fits in this AU... she probably doesn’t have powers and is the new kid who moves into town cause of a bad home life, she’d befriend Max in school and then I think Donna would take her under wing, then she’d be a hit with the teen gang cause she’d break her quietness with witty comments/one-liners, and since she’s very intuitive still, she gravitates towards Billy & Hyde and there would be some touching heart-to-hearts about shitty parental situations followed immediately after by inappropriate offers of beer to which she responds with a firm “gross”)
-And finally, *the Circle* would be so much bigger and funnier with the Stranger Teens in it
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thedumpsterqueen · 4 years
Standards of Performance, Chapter 12: What Happens in Alleyways
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From the Beginning,  Previous Chapter
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Sorry it's a lil short, it's more of a transition chapter to actually jumping into this case and Reader's now even more confusing "relationship" with Hotch. Things get kinkier and angrier and more explicit from here, but I'll do my best to tag stuff. Thanks for your patience as always, guys, especially amidst the dumpster fire that is current events right now <3 Your reblogs and tags slay me and I love it.
Summary: You’re the BAU’s newest intern, desperate to prove yourself amongst an established team of much more experienced profilers. Agent Hotchner, the seemingly infallible team leader, sets strict expectations for your performance. He commands your respect without even trying, but is there something more to your relationship than a simple desire to impress your stony-faced boss?
Chapter Summary: Turns out, the world doesn't stop on its axis just because you had sex with your boss. You’re unsure whether or not that’s a good thing.
Words: 1,882
Rating: Explicit, 18+. Violence, dark themes, explicit sexual content. More specific warnings on AO3.
Pairings: Hotch x Reader, Hotch x You
You awoke to the dim light of the dawn, rain gently pattering on the windows, and the blaring sound of Hotch’s ringtone three feet from your face.
“Jesus christ, old man,” you groaned, blinking your eyes open, “turn your hearing aids up.”
Already sitting up in bed, he paused with the phone halfway to his ear.
Shit. You were being too casual - waking up in his bed, joking with him. Acting like you belonged there. You didn’t know how he felt about what happened, for all you knew he regretted every second and-
“You’re paying for that later,” he smiled before answering the call.
The playful threat filled you with relief before it made your stomach flip, and the memories of last night came flooding back. His body, his eyes, his hands all burned inside your eyelids as if you’d been staring directly at the sun. You’d never been in this situation before - waking up next to someone you’d spent the night with and desperately hoping it was the first time rather than the last. But you’d also never felt your body sing with the white-hot pleasure it did when it was touched by the seemingly unattainable man who did so last night, so. There was that.
The low rumble of his voice brought you back to the present, and you looked up at his face to find it was twisted up in concentration, resignation, and something else.
“I’ll be right down,” he said, standing up swiftly and pulling his work clothes on with practiced speed. “Don’t let anyone touch anything.”
He shoved his phone in his suit pocket and looked at you, still tangled up in his sheets.
“Get dressed and meet me downstairs,” he said, terse. “There’s a body in the alley outside the building.”
“Outside this building?”
“Yes,” he responded, “and there’s a note.”
As he swept out the door, leaving you reeling, you realized what the other expression on his face was. Fear.
Hotch had gotten ready and exited the apartment before you had even processed the situation, and your mind was racing a mile a minute as you flung yourself out of bed and scrambled to get dressed. The logical assumption, of course, was that the stalker had left the body. People didn’t just end up dead in alleyways in this part of town, and certainly not in the middle of a rainstorm mere floors from where the BAU Unit Chief slept - not without a reason.
You threw on your coat and boots, forgoing contacts and makeup in favor of your glasses and a hat to cover the tangled mess last night’s tryst had made of your hair. Without even pausing to look in a mirror, you scurried down the stairwell and exited the lobby into the cold October wind.
It was easy to tell which alley the body occupied - there were an excess of thirty people milling in and out of the space to the right of the building. Crime scene investigators, policemen, and other personnel talked in hushed voices. You spotted a clearing in the sea of people and knew that’s where the victim would be, given a wide berth per Hotch’s instruction.
The team hung out at the edge of the circle watching Reid, who was kneeling in front of the body slumped against the side of the apartment building. Moving closer, you could tell he was in the middle of one of his spiels, gesturing wildly while the everyone nodded along. You joined the group that had formed around him and caught the middle of what seemed to be a hypothesis about victimology.
“ -no patterns, obviously, but if we assume similar characteristics would be present in all his victims, it’s hard to discern what statement he could be making. Positing a male in his mid-to-late twenties is statistically most likely, but stalkers of this age group also frequently have some sort of sexual motivation, and if the autopsy is consistent with what we can observe now,” he gestured to the body, “I don’t think that’s the case here.”
Throughout his speech, you’d been scrutinizing the victim - a brunette women who looked to be no older than 20, arranged in a half-sitting position against the wall behind her. There was no blood anywhere you could see, in fact, she barely looked dead at all, likely thanks to the below-freezing temperatures last night that had put a pause on the early stages of decomposition. Pinned to her shirt was a white envelope that bore an ominous message in bold, black ink:
“For my friends at the BAU.”
Not hard to guess who had killed this woman.
“Can you determine cause of death, Spence?” Prentiss asked, her arms folded.
“I’m not sure, but if I had to guess…” he used his pen to push the victim’s hair to the side, exposing a neck mottled with stark blue bruises. 
“Anger, then,” you offered, speaking to the psychological drivers behind strangulation, “but I doubt we’ll find any sign of sexual assault. The unsub made it clear that his disdain is directed towards us; it’s not likely that would extend to his victim.”
The rest of the team nodded in thought, but Hotch looked at you in surprise, as if just noticing your presence. As his eyes glued on yours, his face changed, and he grabbed your arm in an unpleasantly tight grip.
“Open the note. I’ll just be a moment.”
Unaware of his boss’ sudden change in demeanor and the vice on your elbow, Morgan gloved up and reached for the envelope. Hotch, meanwhile, unceremoniously dragged you down the alleyway and around to the deserted back side of the building.
“What the hell?” you hissed, yanking your arm out of his grip.
“Did you fail to look in a mirror before you came down here?” Hotch’s narrowed stare betrayed nothing but contempt, and you scrambled to determine the implication of his question.
“I’m sorry, did you want me to take a shower before looking at the dead body? I did the best I could, it seemed urgent -”
“No,” he snapped, “I’m referring to the fact that your neck looks worse off than our victim’s does.”
You processed his words for a moment before the implication hit you.
“Are you talking about the hickies?! Christ, Hotch, I’ll get a scarf then. Just give me a second!”
“Please do. I’d like my agents to appear professional, not like they’re college kids coming off a one night stand.”
His words halted your stomp back into the building, and you turned back, furious.
“You put them there! How is this my fault?”
“I didn’t think I would have to be this explicit about the fact that I don’t want the fact that we had sex last night broadcast to everyone at the crime scene.”
You gaped at him in disbelief.
“Are you embarrassed or something? I’m sorry if you regret what happened, but you don’t need to lash out at me like this -”
“I’m not lashing out,” he interrupted, “I’m informing you of my expectations for my agents. Is there a problem?”
You wanted to scream at him. You wanted to smack that perfectly raised eyebrow and controlled expression right off his face. But he was boxing you in - speaking to you as your boss and not the man you slept with last night, and as much as you hated him for it, your sense of self-preservation won out.
“There’s no problem,” you mumbled, unable to make eye contact as you slipped past him and around the building.
You made it halfway up the stairwell before the tears started flowing. Had you really thought sleeping with him was going to change something? That he was going to ask you to be his fucking girlfriend, like he wasn’t the chief of your unit and you weren’t a twenty-something intern? For all you knew, he did this all the time. His level of skill in the area certainly made it seem like he did.
That wasn’t true, though, you knew it. He may not reveal much, but you could tell it had been a fraught decision to let your relationship develop the way it had. Perhaps even a decision he regretted now - and it certainly seemed so, given his behavior.
Wiping tears on your sleeve, you fumbled with the spare key he’d given you to his apartment and walked in. You glanced in the mirror by the entrance and your eyes nearly bugged out of your head. Hotch wasn’t exaggerating when he likened the marks to strangulation - indigo smudges, still peppered with the angry red of burst capillaries, circled your throat.
It was a juvenile, possessive, ridiculous display, and Hotch was absolutely right to label it unprofessional. And yet, the thought that you’d walked onto the scene bearing the marks he’d given you filled you with a thrill so intense you had to brace yourself against the entryway table and clamp your legs together.
Breathe. There’s still a fucking murder scene downstairs.
You steadied yourself and headed for your duffel bag, where you’d thankfully packed a scarf in preparation for the cold snap that was predicted to hit the state this week. Midway through unzipping your bag, though, your eyes landed on his dresser and the devil sitting on your shoulder, buzzing with a deadly combination of anger and arousal, whispered a terrible, reckless idea in your ear.
You practically skipped downstairs to rejoin the team, who appeared to be engaged in a lively debate about the contents of the envelope Morgan was holding. After gloving up, you reached out a hand towards him.
“Can I read it?”
He handed it over, distracted by another stream of consciousness from Reid. Hotch took note of your return and glanced in your direction before turning back to the conversation.
You pretended to read the note and waited for him to notice.
You waited all of three seconds.
He whipped his head back so comically fast you struggled to suppress a snort, and you knew exactly what he was looking at. A midnight blue cashmere scarf, nicked from his dresser and wrapped artfully around your neck to cover the bruises, just like he’d asked. The first compliment you’d ever paid him was in regards to this scarf; tentatively whispered when he’d worn it to a chilly 2 am crime scene. He’d accepted the compliment passively, but the optimistic part of you had noted that he seemed to wear it much more frequently after that.
You weren’t entirely sure what statement you were intending to make by wearing it, but his reaction told you you’d certainly succeeded at provoking something.
Morgan reached back out for the note you were still pretending to read and dropped it in an evidence bag. If he noticed Hotch steaming from the ears next to you, he didn’t say so.
“They’re ready to pack everything up and head back to the lab. Let’s meet ‘em there?”
Everyone nodded in the affirmative and headed back to the SUVs.
“You riding with me?” Morgan asked, nudging your ribs with an elbow.
“No,” Hotch answered for you, an unseen hand suddenly gripping the back of your neck. “She’s not.”
Taglist (message me to be added!):  @klinenovakwinchester @stop-drop-and-drumroll @cevanswhre @addie5264 @honeyshores @violentvulgarvolatile @masumiyetimziyanoldu @violetclifford @pipersaccomplice​ @itsmytimetoodream​ @groovygoob​ @captainhyenafan​ @thebadassbitchqueen​ @softboystyles​ @witchcraftandwit​ @call-me-mrsreid​ @ssahoodrathotchner​ @fanficscuziranout​ @rintheemolion​ @scrumptiousroadponymoney​ @iconicc @thelux47 @bellaswanismysoulmate​ @possum-pancakes  @sweatydiplomatshepherdzine @spencers-hoodrat @totalmess191 @sunshine-and-riverwater @sunflowersandotherthings @chelseyjoyce @helloladyvanilla @mac99martin
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Another chapter of Surprisingly Familiar. Time to write for Grifter again!!!
hermit Tommy au is by @petrichormeraki and @helleborusangel gets tagged in my writing because I can.
Grian groaned as he woke up. It sounded like someone was up pretty early, and based on the fact that he seemed to be the only one in bed, he had a guess as to who it was. He was too tired to look at the time, but either way it was supposed to be the weekend and he wasn’t awake enough to be his normal wake up.
“What’re you doing?” Grian asked tiredly, wrapping himself in the covers more. “Come back to bed. ‘M feelin’ cold.”
Grian was glad to hear footsteps, but then realized they didn’t sound right. He turned in bed to face the source before opening his eyes and then finding himself face to face with the minimalist image of a face with a mustache.
Grian tried to jump back, but that was hard due to still being in bed. He still moved back some, and was able to see the image seemed to belong to a screen that was attached to a robot. “Dad! He’s awake now! I think I scawed him a wittwe!”
Grian didn’t pay attention to any answer as he looked around the room. He was in a large fancy king sized bed in a room that matched it. In other words, this was not his normal bedroom. Grian tried to get up out of the bed, but the robot pushed him back down, being much stronger than him despite being smaller.
As the robot’s hand kept him in bed, Grian started struggling, trying to find some way to escape. He wasn’t going to let himself be stuck in a place like this. If he just had something to use against the robot, maybe he could get out, but his punches and kicks did nothing except leave himself in pain.
“Stowp stwuggwing. You’we gonna huwt youwself awnd Dad’s nowt gonna wike thawt at aww.”
That just made Grian struggle harder. “Well I don’t care! I’d rather not be kidnapped and want to go home. If you want I could just scream bloody murder until someone shows up!”
“Thawt pwobabwy won’t work.”
“What, is that normal here?” Grian asked jokingly, but then was disappointed to see the robot nod. “Oh course it is.”
“If uwu don’t twy weaving, I’m gonna get my Dad. Awnd even if uwu twy, Seftew’s pwobabwy going tuwu stowp uwu.”
“Lovely.” Grian deadpanned, and then the robot left. Despite the warning, Grian still tried to leave, but found his escape blocked by another similar robot, though it was different enough that it couldn’t be the first one again. When it saw Grian, it stared him down until he reluctantly went back to the bed and sat there pouting.
He had to wait a bit while sitting there, lying back down at one point, but eventually the door opened again. Instead of the heavy metallic footsteps of the robot, they sounded much more like a human’s. They cleared their throat to get Grian’s attention, but he wasn’t really in a hurry to give them that. “So, mind telling me what you kidnapped me for?”
“You’re the one who was napping.” The person replied, and Grian’s eyes widened before he sat up. Standing there was himself, well, their face was definitely his. They seemed to be a few inches taller, red sweater replaced by a green tunic shirt, and black wings just barely visible folded up behind their back. “I was just trying to help.”
“What- but- why do you look like-” Grian fumbled out, mind trying to wrap around what he was seeing. “Dad?”
There was silence before the person held in some laughter, well, tried and failed. “No. No I’m definitely not dad. Absolutely not. I mean you’re close I guess, but he’s more blond than mousy brown.”
“But you look like him!” Grian argued. “I mean, he wore green a lot, and he’s got black wings. Wait are you related to him?”
“Yeah. Let’s see. I’ve got a dad and mum, one of which is literally death, I’m a triplet with two brothers, and then we’ve got a younger brother who was really little when I went missing from the rest of my family at the age of seven, living at a high school with a pair of friends, if you can call them that, and just trying to survive.”
“But that’s-” Grian started, before getting cut off.
“The same as you, right?” The person asked, sitting down on the bed. “And the answer of why should be obvious.”
“Are you…? Are you me? Like, me but older and from another dimension or something.”
“Or something. It’s a bit complicated with everything that happened.”
“Okay. And you’ve got robots. Why do they have mustaches?”
“To match their dad.” The person replied.
Grian’s eyes widened. “Wait, Taurtis has a mustache?!”
The other person’s eyes widened. “No. It’s not- I’m not with- Taurtis is…”
“What do you mean you’re not with Taurtis?” Grian asked, now very confused. “Did you break up or something? Or I guess did we break up… this is weird.”
“No. I didn’t break up with him. I… I didn’t want to… he was just…” the other person said, face falling. “When he stopped mo-“ and they cut themselves off. “Ignore that.”
“Were you- is… is Taurtis dead?”
“Uh, no. No he’s not dead. Just…”
“Oh my god…” Grian said, slumping down. “Taurtis…. Taurtis is… h-how did he…?” The person didn’t answer. “What happened to your Taurtis?”
“He and… and my Sam. Well we found something we shouldn’t have, and then I was the one to leave.”
Grian didn’t say anything else, just stayed silent. On one hand, this meant Sam was dead too, so he wouldn’t be causing any problems. But Taurtis. Taurtis was gone and he wasn’t coming back. Wouldn’t come back. Why had he even come to a future as horrible as this? But then he had a thought. “What happened to Taurtis?”
The other him was briefly taken aback by the suddenly serious tone. “I said. Essentially we messed with higher beings that shouldn’t be messed with.”
“Then what.”
“Well, they wanted one of us for something, but they didn’t tell us who or for what. Next thing I know, I’ve got blood on my hands and the other two are dead. I didn’t really get to do anything before I was dragged away.”
Grian nodded, completely quiet. The other Grian almost said something, but the look he was given stopped that. “That didn’t happen yet for me. If I get back, I can stop that, right?”
The other Grian blinked. “I mean, I’m not sure if it would work that way. I mean, I don’t remember getting pulled into the future when I was still in high school.”
“So it could work.”
“If we can get you back to that time, yeah, probably. But that’s if it will even work. I mean, since then I’ve learned magic, but I’ve never been able to really go back in time like that.”
“Well, maybe I should stay with you a bit longer, at least so I could have a chance by knowing what’s supposed to happen.” Grian said, trying to cling onto some sort of hope.” And you wouldn’t lie about it to make me feel better, right?”
“Hey, would I lie to me?” The other Grian said, sounding as genuine as he could muster. “Telling you about it is nicer than actually going through it, so of course I’ll tell you.”
“Thanks. So uh, where are we by the way?” Grian asked, looking around the room.
“We’re sort of in my castle.” Grifter replied. “Welcome to the NSMP!”
Tommy was woken up by someone shaking him awake. He groaned a little, wishing he could stay in bed a bit more, but then he recognized the hands. “Grum? What’s up?”
“Dad’s been kidnapped.” Grum responded, panic in his voice. “I-It was Grifter. He was here and we didn’t know, and now he took Dad away. And then everyone started arguing and you weren’t around so I came looking for you.”
Tommy pulled himself out of bed the rest of the way. “Where’s Jrum? Why isn’t he here too?”
“He’s still with Daddy. He went to get Kokatori, which I think is good since I guess he’s warming up to them.” Grum explained, and Tommy nodded, pulling out his comm and looking at the messages in chat.
“Hey, why the fuck is Grian’s old name in there?” Tommy asked, making Grum shrug. “Well that’s not fucking good. Where’s everyone at?”
“Still over where the party was unless they’ve moved since then.” Grum answered.
“Alright, here, hold this.” Tommy said before putting Tubbee in Grum’s arms and then slinging the robot over his shoulder. “Let’s see if people will tell us shit about what’s going on. Can you message them that we’re on our way?”
Grum said yes and a few moments later Tommy felt his comm buzz, followed by Tubbee buzzing in response and Grum giggling at that. Good. With whatever was going on, it was a good idea to keep traumatized kids distracted. Tommy definitely didn’t know that from experience.
A quick trek through the nether got them back to Aque Town, where everyone was in a bit of a crowd. Tommy set Grum down on a bench nearby before pushing his way through the crowd, though most of the Hermits didn’t really need to pushed aside to let him through, doing it willingly. When he finally reached the center, he frowned upon seeing the group in the middle.
Xisuma and Mumbo were there of course since it involved Grian. Phil and Paul were also there, arguing a bit. Then, there was also someone Tommy didn’t recognize at all, who seemed to just be standing there awkwardly. “Hey, you in the bathrobe. What the fuck’s going on around here?”
Xisuma and Phil each tried to give some sort of explanation to Tommy, but he just stopped them. “Hey! I asked shower boy, not you shits. Obviously he’s important if he’s right here, but no one’s really dealing with him, so you go back to yelling while I give him something to do.”
“We weren’t fucking yelling-” Phil started to say, but then Tommy shushed him.
“Alright, what do you think happened?” Tommy asked the guy in the robe.
“Well, I was asked here by King Soares for some task. I met the local hedgewizard and we proceeded to have a magic duel. To make a long story short, I defended against an attack, the hedgewizard tried to stop my attack, and a Watcher intervened which seemed to cause some sort of issue with the Listener and now he’s gone.”
“Wait, you think Grian was a Listener?” Mumbo spoke up, making the robe man nod.
“Of course. The magic was coming from his direction and matched his magical signature well.”
“Alright, so this is all Grifter’s fault.” Tommy spoke up. “Grifter is like… an evil alternate version of Grian. Grian’s a Watcher while Grifter’s a Listener.”
The hooded man’s eyes widened and he nodded in understanding. To the side, Paul pushed away from Phil. “Wait, this whole time Grian was one of the Watchers here?”
Tommy nodded. “Yeah. His kids are too.” And that seemed to shock Paul more as he went to sit on the ground rather than stand, not trusting his legs.
Before anyone else in the group could say anything, Jrum ran in, holding Kokatori above his head. “The chicken doesn’t know anything which I think is weird!”
“Why the fuck would the chicken know anything?” Tommy asked, a bit confused.
“Because it’s not a chicken.” Phil was the one to speak up, Paul nodding to agree. “The question is how it even got here in the first place, because while it might not know what happened with Grian, any information it’s got could help.”
“You’re not seriously suggesting we interrogate a chicken, right?” Tommy asked, but the serious looks that Paul and Phil and even the magic guy’s faces told him otherwise. “How do you even do that?”
Paul stood back up and cracked his neck, which seemed to actually scare Kokatori. “I’ve got a couple options.” The chicken struggled a bit in Jrum’s arms before Paul grabbed its neck and pulled it out of the bot’s arms. “You want to do this the easy way or the hard way?”
The chicken struggled a bit more before hissing and then shooting something out of its beak. That caught a number of people off guard, but not Paul, even though what vaguely resembled a dart had stuck itself into his neck. “This isn’t gonna get any easier for you. It’s almost night and I think training some kids for their interrogation badges could be a good way to pass the time. Torture too if they don’t have them yet.”
“I’m sorry, do you mean badges as in…?” Tommy asked, trailing off.
“He means boy scouts, yeah.” Cleo was the one to answer, which surprised Tommy. “He’s sort of an honorary troop leader for them.”
“Yeah, the kids love me.” Paul chuckled, then looked around. “By the way, does anyone have any milk? I’m losing feeling in my legs.”
Hoodie went to Paul’s side a moment later and cast a spell, making everyone notice that he had gotten a bit pale after the chicken, or whatever it was, attacked him. “So, If I may ask, what exactly is this creature?” Xisuma spoke up, worried about whatever it was being on his server.
“Cockatrice.” Paul replied. “Belongs to someone I know.”
“I’m guessing that they’re not really a friend of yours, huh?” Tommy asked, earning a nod from the man.
“Yeah. Kokatori’s his main ‘chicken’, which makes it more odd that they’re all the way out here and not with him. How long have they been around Grian?”
“Maybe about two weeks.” Mumbo answered. “Everything was a bit of a mess around here recently. Grum and Jrum got stranded in another world and we had a number of issues getting them back. Somewhere near the end of all that, this chicken, or I guess, this cockatrice, showed up.”
“Good to know. Anyone got questions they want answered?”
“Well, I would say ‘where’s Grian’, but if Grifter is involved, he’s likely in Helscraft.” Mumbo responded. “It still would be nice to know why, though.”
Paul nodded and looked back to the mob. “Well, you heard him. What’s the answer?” And he glared at the cockatrice, which gave a feeble chirp of sorts. “Wrong answer, try again.”
“Wait, you understand it?” Tommy asked, making Paul nod. “How?”
“Deal with them as long as I have and you pick up some things. So, what’s the answer?” And again the cockatrice gave a feeble cluck, though this time with a hiss. “Last chance.” Another hiss, and then Paul sighed. “Alright, so somehow it doesn’t know. Koka was just ordered to keep an eye on this place, so they don’t know what’s going on with Grian.”
“What do you know then?” Tommy asked, getting closer to the mob. “Because I bet you’re not completely fucking clueless.”
Paul nodded. “Nice and to the point, I like it.” The cockatrice clucked and hissed a bit. “Alright, it noticed Grifter lurking around a little bit, but didn’t see him actually doing much because it was around, guess he doesn’t like chickens. Anyway, he was trying to get Grian for something, but for what they don’t know, just something.”
“Well, that’s better than nothing I guess.” Tommy said, and then there were more noises from the cockatrice. “What did that bitch say now?”
“Stuff about Punchwood.” Paul said, a dark look on his face.
“Who the fuck is Punchwood?”
Paul looked up. “You’ve been calling them hels versions? Well, I’m pretty sure he’s mine. I’ve known about him for a long time. He likes to send chickens to spy on me and others and I’ve had to make excuses about him showing up more than once. Technically people know me by either Paul Soares or Pablo Punchwood. That’s because he showed up and made a mess of things. Since then I’ve used the name Pablo Punchwood as a sort of alternate name, and so everyone assumes that the first Pablo to show up was me doing an editing gag as a promotional piece.”
“So your hels version is making a mess out of things?” Phil was the one to speak up this time. “Wait, I half met mine not too long ago and he was death instead of Kristen. Does that mean-” Paul nodded. “Well shit.”
“Well, if we end up dealing with him, we’re gonna need to get prepped.” Paul said, finally letting Kokatori go. It didn’t have freedom for too long though, as almost immediately Jrum grabbed it again. “Phil, Doc and Wels can lead a number of teams to get properly prepped. While I’m sure a number of you can prep well on your own, I don’t really trust you with a team.”
“Hey! That’s- You know that’s fair.” Bdubs was the one to speak up.
“Hoodie, while I’m sure your magic would be helpful, I know we’re going to need it to help Grian and it would also be good to keep this place safe. If anything happens, you have a way to contact us of course.”
“Then I will do what I can to assist those staying behind, sir.”
“Why the fuck do we need to prep?” Tommy spoke up, making people turn to him. “He’s in Helscraft. We know enough people there that are on our side, and more that while they’re not on our side, they hate Grifter more, and right now he’s the problem. Let’s just get over there first before we try figuring things out, especially since they could help us get gear.”
“Tommy, it’s not that simple.” Phil was the one to speak up, but was then cut off again.
“Why not? We just showed up there last time and we were fine.”
“Yeah, because we weren’t going in there alone and weren’t dealing with Grian’s Hels version. I think you saw what he did to the SMP.”
Tommy frowned. “Yeah, because we didn’t know he was gonna show up, but now we do. And sure, we still might need to prepare or whatever, but the more time we take to do that, the more time he has to do whatever the fuck he’s up to.”
“Tommy.” Xisuma was the one to speak up this time. “While I know the past few hours, Paul hasn’t seemed the most trustworthy, the other hermits seem to trust him and he does know what’s going on. None of us know exactly what’s going on here, so preparing in advance for anything is going to be our best bet.”
“I don’t want to waste any fucking time preparing for something that might not even happen!”
“Then let’s try and make it quicker.” Paul spoke up, looking up at the sky where the moon was rising. He put two fingers in his mouth and let out a large sharp whistle. At first, nothing happened, but then there was suddenly a crowd of baby zombies coming over to the group of hermits. A number of the hermits pulled out weapons, ready to fight, Phil also getting out a sword of his own, but Paul just stepped closer to the crowd of zombies and knelt down in front of the one at the front of the group. “Hey Bub.”
“Heya Mister!” The zombie spoke, which caught a few of the hermits off guard. “What’s going on?”
“Well first of all, I heard you got a new member related to Cleo here.” Paul said, gesturing to the zombified hermit.
“Oh yes! He’s already doing a lot! We’re even scheduled to go on a week-long trip to a scout camp to earn plenty of badges and he’s signed up for seven badges!”
Paul chuckled. “Good for him. Say, I’m sure plenty of you guys have your badges already, but I’m dealing with Punchwood again and I’ve got some friends that need to properly gear up.” He said, gesturing to the hermits.
The baby zombie nodded. “Say no more Mister Soares sir! As long as you sign our blue cards, we’re happy to help!”
“Alright.” Paul said, standing back up. “Let’s get to work.”
Perfect Sense looked back and forth between Grifter and the shorter, more angry looking copy of him that was standing to the side. “What. The hell. Is this? I though-!”
Before Sense could say more, Grifter started pulling him into another room. “If you want to shout, let’s go to another room before you accidentally scare someone!”
Sense sputtered at the accusation. “Accidentally scare someone? I wouldn’t do that!” He got out before the door shut behind him and viridian magic appeared around it. “It’s always on purpose!”
Grifter grabbed Sense’s tie and pulled him down into a kiss. “Oh I know, but Grian doesn’t know that.”
Sense looked back to the door. “So that was him. Why is he here and not locked up like he was supposed to be, hmm? You’re just letting him stand there, completely conscious, nothing stopping him from using magic.”
Grifter rocked on his feet. “Well, he actually can’t use magic because he doesn’t know he has any.”
Grifter stopped rocking to look Sense in the eye. “Okay, so I know the plan was to kidnap and trap him, and we still might do that. But stuff happened.”
“And by stuff… you mean?”
“Okay so I get there and they’re having a party for their Grifect because it’s his birthday or something. I think it’s perfect to kidnap him from because the chaos will hide his disappearance. And then I run into a chicken.”
Sense facepalmed. “Oh dear lord, tell me you didn’t.”
“I didn’t! I just hid, no screaming. And that definitely wasn’t a normal chicken. Those eyes weren’t right. But anyway, then I moved and then I saw Punch!” Grifter said, shouting a bit. Sense also was surprised, but before he could comment, Grifter continued. “Apparently it was actually his wels counterpart, which is so much better, and then he messed with things so I couldn’t get Grian because then the chicken was watching him. And that thing scaled a fucking building, it’s not a normal chicken. I mean it’s worse than a blucker.”
“A-alright.” Sense said, just a little bit confused, then he looked back at the door. “But what about Grian?”
“Shit, right. Anyway, follow Tommy because he leaves alone. I try to figure out if he knows anything, but doesn’t look like it. I go back, and then there’s another new guy! He’s got magic shit and I’m pretty sure he’s working with not-Punch and then Grian’s nearby. I’m worried he’s going to do something to Grian so I just try a little spell to maaaaybe leave him unconscious for a day or two or something. But then he reacts and attacks back before I can get the spell out, and then their Scar is doing magic, and then Grian interferes and now poof! He’s a kid! So I dragged him here before anyone could notice and he woke up, saw me, and assumed he’s in the future since I’m also here.”
“So, he doesn’t know who you are?” Sense asked with a slight tilt of his head.
“No! So as far as he knows I’m future him and I know what’s going to happen. I just try to remember what’s different between here and wels based on what he says and it works fine. He has no clue he’s still got Watcher magic because that won’t fucking go away, but I can work with that! If he remembers, we shove him in the Anesi box and take it from there. But for now…”
“What do you need?”
“I need to go threaten some people so they don’t ruin some things. I want you to stay with Grian and get his trust. He’s already influenced into thinking he’ll love you since I do, but still play it a little safe. And if necessary, say that I don’t like to talk about my past too much.”
Sense nodded and the magic was lifted from the door. Grifter opened the door again and grabbed the redstoner’s hand to pull him out. “Feeling calmer now?”
“I… yes. I apologize if I scared you at all.” Sense said before getting an elbow in the ribs for him to be less formal.
“It’s okay.” Grian said, though he didn’t look like he was, still glaring a bit. “So, you’re Sense?”
“Perfect Sense, at your service Grian.” And Sense took Grian’s hand and kissed the back of it.
“Seesee, you’re going to make me jealous of myself.” Grifter said with a little giggle. “And don’t make him uncomfortable with that.”
“N-no. It’s fine.” Grian said, taken aback by what just happened. “Um, should I just go by Xelqua so you can tell us apart?”
“Well, Gri had a nickname some people use. A bit of an inside joke. Of course, people still might call him Grian, so you using Xelqua should be fine.”
“What do they use?” Grian asked, worried about what it might be.
“Grifter. And he’s completely fine with it.”
Grian nodded. “Okay. I just thought it might be something else.”
“It’s not.” Grifter said, teeth gritting slightly. “No one’s used that name in years.”
“Gri, are you-” Sense started, but then Grifter was off. “Well, I suppose he does still have things to do. Why don’t I show you around then?”
Grian looked to where Grifter stormed off before back to Sense. “That sounds good. I’m sure he’ll want some time to himself.”
“I suppose you would know that, wouldn’t you?” Sense said with a smile. “Well then, let me show you around the castle. I’m sure you’ll love it here. By the way, Gri didn’t say, how old are you at this point?”
“Eighteen. I’m legally an adult so you don’t need to baby me. I just got pushed back a few years, I’ve still got more high school to deal with, but I’m hoping I can find a way to graduate early.”
Sense nodded, making sure he was behind Grian so he couldn’t see his smile. “Well, I suppose you’re out of there now. Now I can’t remember if we have any guest rooms available, but if not, we can always add a bed in our own room. It’s large enough for that.”
“That sounds good. I was in there earlier and it did look pretty big.” Grian nodded, oblivious to what exactly he was getting into.
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feralrunaway · 4 years
A New Day
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Summary: Captain Syverson finishes his latest tour and returns to his hometown only to find that things have changed since he’s been gone.
Pairing: Captain Syverson x OFC Olivia Harper
Warnings:  Cursing, Slight mentions of alcohol, more mystery shenanigans
Word count: 1,092
Chapters: 1 , 2, 3, 4
**I’m sorry this took me so long to update!  I hope you’re all still enjoying this.   I don’t own anything related to the SandCastle movie or its characters.  However, this is my original writing and I do not give permission for use of the idea or reposting without credit.**
Sy woke up with his body absolutely screaming of thirst.  His throat was dry, his muscles ached, his heart was pounding.  He peeled himself from the bed, went to his bathroom and stuck his head under the faucet and gulped.
Jesus, He thought, wiping his forearm across his dripping beard. He felt like he’d gone on an absolute bender the night before, but he hadn’t had a single drink.  Squeezing his blue eyes shut, he tried to remember the events of the previous evening.  Everything was blurry and fuzzy in his mind.  
He made his way downstairs to the kitchen and downed two more glasses of water before making himself a plate of eggs and toast.  He pulled out his phone, flipping through some social media, but immediately got bored. He very much appreciated in-person interaction.  He liked to be able to see faces, hear voices.  He didn’t want to see pictures on someone’s page about their escapades, rather hear about them over beers and poker.  He sighed, remembering Jim telling him the only bar in town had closed down.  It could be a good day for a road trip to the next town north of here to get some supplies anyway.  He would pick up a couple six packs while he was there. Fleetingly, he wondered if there was something that he was supposed to remember, but it passed.  He shrugged. No matter, it would come to him.  
Feeling much better after some food and water, his previous physical distress forgotten, he went upstairs for a shower.  
“Jonah, my office please.”
“Of course, Sir.”
Blake’s stare bored through Jonah’s own as he sat across from his desk.
“I’m aware your brother has not sought work yet, I was hoping to bring him on board.”
“I believe he is still receiving leave pay from the military, Sir.  It may be a few months yet before he’s looking for anything.”
“I see.  And he’s no longer staying at your house?”
“No, Sir.  He was quick to find a place of his own.”
“This won’t do.  Invite him to dinner at your house.  Make sure he has plenty to drink.  Get him to come with you to church on Sunday.  Ensure he makes it.  We encourage community togetherness here, and surely you would like your brother to be a part of this community, no?”
“Of course, Sir.  I will invite him right away.”
“Good.  Dismissed.”
Blake pushed a button on his phone.  
“Sir,” Michael’s voice came over the speaker.
“Monitor and ensure the levels at the Syverson house are appropriate.  This is our only closed system so far, and I want to make sure it is beneficial for our newcomer.  If this is successful, we will move on to phase 2.”
“Yes, Sir.”
“SYYYYY!” Manuel intoned, holding his arms out wide.  “I can’t believe they let our stupid asses out on leave at the same time!”
“I wonder what the hell they were thinkin’,” Sy grinned at his buddy and clasped his shoulders in a hug.
Halfway through his drive, he’d received a text from his friend, letting him know he’d been placed on a similar leave and had just gotten settled in the last few days. They’d known each other since a tour in Jordan, parting ways only once they had both received a promotion.  Manny was from Dallas, so Sy had ventured the extra hour in his direction for his errands instead.  
“Heard tell Dante was back too.  Between the three of us, they’re gonna be sore for leadership out there, huh?” Manny asked with a laugh.
“Probably be damned pleased they’re rid of us,” Sy grinned, “Got tired of their boys goin’ broke on poker bets.  Musta decided to make us the state of Texas’ problem for a while.”
“Well shit.  Let’s call him up and start doing our new duty, yeah?”
Within a couple hours the three of them ended up around Manny’s kitchen table, already a few bets and a couple beers in.  
Dante folded his cards down with a sigh.  “I keep gettin’ shit hands like this, you boys are gonna take me for all I’m worth before sundown,” he said, standing up and headed to the fridge for another beer. “Yo Sy, you want one?”
Sy shook his head. “Not for me, thanks.  I still gotta drive back.  I stocked up on the good stuff, so I’ll have another once I get back.  Damn church dried out the county so I had to make a trip up y’all’s way to get some.”
“Bet you’re pissed you did now,” grinned Manny, laying down a flush.
Sy laughed, pushing his chips toward his friend.  “Just cause I’ve had to stare at your ugly mug this whole time.”
Dante returned to the table. “So by what you’ve been telling us, you’ve got a shit town, with no beer, no water, and a bunch of zealots that you don’t wanna be around.  Why the hell’d you go back?”
“Fuck if I know man.  Really wasn’t sure where else to go at first. Probably woulda ended up here instead if I’d known you two were comin’ back too.  Now that I’m back though…”
“HA!  There’s a girl isn’t there?! Found you a hometown cutie that missed your fuzzy face, huh?” Dante cawed, mimicking kissy faces at Sy.
Sy laughed with him, but memories of the previous night were starting to become less blurry the more he remembered Liv’s face.  
“Nah, it’s not like that man.  A girl, yeah, an old friend, but she’s in a bad way.”  The memories were still vague, but he started feeling uneasy the more he recalled.  “Somethin’ ain’t right with the whole damn town, man.  Buncha suits running a business no one seems to wanna talk about. Everyone’s too fuckin’ cheery or too quiet, like a town full of little worker bees.  Shit gives me the creeps.”
“Spooky,” Dante said.
“I’m serious man. Somethin’ ain’t right.”
As he spoke, a realization dawned on him.  
“Listen, boys, I gotta go. It was nice catchin’ up with you,” he said as he tossed his cards on the table.
“Don’t be a stranger, Sy. Hit us up again soon.”
“Will do, Manny.”
Sy quickly made his way out of Manny’s apartment, pulling out his phone as he walked.  
He dialed the one person he could think of that could help, glancing at the two unopened bottles of water in his passenger seat as the phone rang.
“General Tilson, ma’am, it’s Captain Syverson.  We need to talk.”
“About damn time, Syverson.”
Tags: @dancingwendigo @pterodactylterrace @indigosaurus @purplelove75 @omgkatinka @sugarpenchant @its--fandom--darling
*I didn’t tag everyone since this story was out before most people requested to be on my tags. If you’re on my general tag list and want to be added just let me know!*
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seoafin · 3 years
tbh,, i havent read the raws of the interview yet, only the translated ver from fan-translator and b4 i start, i think that this will be just me talking in circle and in no particular order AND a real mess (my brain does weird things after exams) but uhh here we go
gojou collects talented people, and by doing so he finds the people he can most probably relate to, except that he can't, not really, because something in the universe shifted when he was born. and it makes me think of how he's always known it, that he is special, and he's proven it, time and time again— he wants to take in talented ppl and he does, but there rly isn't much he can do for them. for they are talented, more talented than the world can understand,,
but they aren't gojou satoru
gojou took in megumi, bc he knew megumi was strong, and would grow up to be someone even stronger, but gojou can't facilitate or encourage his growth, bc for all they're similar, they are so fundamentally different. ALSO,, while geto was in his life, gojou rly judged everything according to his understanding of geto’s moral compass. gojou wears a human suit and geto is how he learnt to wear it well 🏃
the dragonfly analogy regarding to geto’s response to gojo, who was shown wearing a dragonfly patterned yukata in HI arc,, i’m trying to not think abt the fact that dragonfly symbolized victory in jpn....pain. i quoted from a web here for more explanation : In Japan the dragonfly is known as the "victory insect", or kachimushi, because of its hunting prowess and also because it is known to never retreat. Dragonflies are agile and fast fliers and can even hover, but never fly backwards
and bringing this up again, matricide and patricide are 2 of the 5 worst act to commit in buddhism, and it was said that if u commit one of those act u’re going to spend a real long time in the deepest pit of hell before continuing the samsaric cycle (higher chances to be born as an animal after that probs)— this might be geto’s divine retribution. held no power over his own body and could be considered that he’s the same as those “monkeys” 💀
ALSO the fact that sukuna's interest is "eating" rly drives home his hedonistic philosophy of seeking pleasure for himself. and he’s a cannibal...makes me think if he’ll just chomp on ppl with the mouth on his stomach
randomly, to date i think he hasn't really called himself a human, shaman, or a curse, and has held himself apart from all 3, and we've also the intro of the cursed wombs so i wonder if he’s trying to become, or is, a different entity altogether
so onmyoji got mentioned in the interview and what they practice is called onmyodo and abe no seimei and kano no yasunori were the notable practitioners,, and the kamo in jjk is the same as irl who served the imperial court back then
maybe i was right when i said that the relation between the govt. and jujutsu elders are similar to how the shogunate and imperial court work (ie, the former holds the actual power) but... lets see later,,
and i cant believe that i actually nailed it on the analogy of jujutsu practices by religion,,, so mahayana buddhism, shintoism, and taoism is present in jjk along with their respective jujutsu practices...but between the 3, it shld (?) be taoism > shintoism > mahayana buddhism (which could took a path to pure land buddhism)
it’s weird that the number of curses are supposedly higher in jpn comparable to other countries when taoism was brought from china....tengen sus
so the zenin family tree is sth like :
brothers: [toji's dad] ; naobito ; ougi
so toji, naoya, and maki & mai are cousins of the same generation
[toji's dad] → jinichi (probs) ; toji → megumi
naobito → other brothers, naoya
ougi → maki, mai
but yea i’d call anyone who’s within/close or below my age range as cousins and others above 30 as uncles/ aunts LMFAO,, i dont rly memorize my own family tree 😭😭 especially since most call the other by honorifics instead of names : aunt, uncles etc or attaching said honorifics at the end of a name for an older sibling figure/ older cousins [but like ppl in my country also call the other who are older with sibling honorific even if we’re strangers,,, rly similar to korea’s hyung/oppa—eonnie(unnie)/noona but some uses more genderless honorific] (1)
tw // topic of incest, mentions of abuse
if anyone got the wrong idea when reading this : i am not glorifying/ romanticising incest(uous themes),, i’m looking at this with absolutely no lenses of bias even tho im rly against it
初恋 = literally : first love, or puppy love
恋 = romantic love/ deep longing
i literally don't know how else to put this...🧍and with language barrier...using a western interpretation of the eng word "love" to explain a jpnese term is not quite that simple, unfortunately
that thread omg,, i rly do understand how exactly someone could associated kindness with love bc of my upbringing, it was when i was slightly older that i was just...oh so its not like that orz,,, so the most plausible explanation would be that
but the problem is that,, akutami never specify when exactly she had a crush on them,, and when megumi answered todo’s question she had a “♡” reaction 😶,, uhmmm there’s rly no way to look past this if its this way or be in denial
i’ve seen some of "why wouldn't mai react that way after hearing megumi say he'd like someone who's compassionate when she's surrounded by men like naoya",, well I MEAN,,, that, but also mai probs admires that megumi grew up so well out of the clan, regardless of the fact that he had the foundation (10 shadows) to do so. imo she seems happy for him the way she can't be for maki, bc maki ultimately had to leave her behind
hate to say it but yea,, the 3 clans most likely still practice inbreeding in order to preserve their power and presumably their wealth too 😀
i had an idle thought abt it at first but i filed it deep in the back of my mind asap,, bc i ont wanna jump to conclusion abt this out of all things too early. it’s probably not even in jjk, but all those elite clans in other ani/mangas that produce powerful heirs and whatnot also do the same,,, but this way of (my personal) thinking was influenced when i first got into tsukihime (type-moon),,, i read abt the nanaya family background and found out that they practice that in order to keep their bloodline “pure” (to keep it short : they have an optical power),, and i had this kind of assumption ever since so there’s that
i’m,, convinced the zenins' inbreeding made it more difficult for them to get powerful shamans bc they got 2 jujutsu technique-less children with heavenly restrictions in the same generation: toji & maki
even more convinced that maki might be a bit stronger than toji bc toji could see curses without aid while maki can't so the pay-off must be higher,,, SJJASN IDK ,,, plus naoya sort of implies his older brothers are nothing compared to him, and idk if we should take that as his arrogance or that his older brothers rly are weak/powerless. it would make sense as to why naobito had a lot of sons, ig, as head of clan
i feel so bad that if one of the factors that can caused heavenly restriction is inbreeding,, toji and maki and mai had no say in how they wanted to be born but are scorned for it,, typical asian families projecting their traumas and ideals onto their kids but get mad when they realize that those ideals are ugly...😁😁😁
since the zenin are conservative,, i wonder if they still hold onto old jpnese dining traditions. where in ancient jpn, hierarchical relationships were made readily apparent even within families. a dining table where everybody sat down and ate as equals would be unheard of. rather, each individual is given their own table that indicates their status,,, someone who is not considered “strong” according to the zenin’s views most likely have no place at the table, and probs eat when those who are “strong” finished/ serve them when they are eating
if toji was tossed into a swarm of curses,, i dont think abuse during said time is below them,,,
the zenin clan was already great, but they further amassed power and strength by, what i assume to be, marrying and adopting powerful individuals into the clan 🤔 ,,, i imagine they're like the hiiragi but without doing what they did to shinya (ons reference)
BUT after all that, i like to think that since akutami’s a big horror fan, jjk might be an outlet to explore said topics or even darker ones, so i wouldnt be that surpised abt it. given that there’s more than enough “red flags” before this was dropped : a reference to “tale of hikaru genji” when a grown woman asked for gojou’s number in HI arc (out of all things); granny who transformed into the man’s daughter, sat on his lap and man just touched her waist; mei mei and ui ui ; and...this (incestous theme is in the novel btw)
lets not start with whatever the fuck in kubo’s head in the interview otherwise i’m writing paragraphs with every curse words possible,, those big 3 mangakas are so— UGH,, a planet w out (cis) men like him sounds real good rn 😌 if one of yall out there decide to do it,, pls hmu rly cant do this shit anymore
akutami said i like my men pretty and i like women who will step on my neck and spit in my face (I REMEMBERED TATSUKI FUJIMOTO’S INTERVIEW WHEN HE WAS ASKED ABT MAKIMA AND IT WAS SO 😭😭😭😭) but ykw,, love that for both of them <3
when i said 3 : one piece, bleach, naruto. aside from the blatant depiction/ characterize of women in those 3,, idk if some ppl arent aware yet but oda is friends with two (2) convicted pedos,, man...the major disappointment and disgust when i first find out abt it
anyways this is just my 2 cents (which i think rightfully belong to the trash can) so pls just take this w a lil to no grain of salt - 🐱
honestly i wouldn’t be surprised if the three clans practiced inbreeding. but ik people are going to be  😡😡😡😡😡 about it when the queen of fucking england is literally married to her (something) cousin. i’m not justifying it but like....love the double standards, just as always with the west 😍
DON’T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THAT FUCKING PED* LIST THEY SHOULD ALL BE IN JAIL. JAILLLLL. it’s all so gross. that’s why i fucking hate when people look towards manga for positive representation because the chances of that are super slim to zero, especially since the industry is saturated with misogyny and ped******* and a lot of other gross stuff.
i think ppl forget jjk is a horror manga LOL so obviously it’s going to confront darker themes. the question is whether it’s going to be done tastefully or not......
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kindofcashton · 4 years
𝕕𝕚𝕤𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕  •  chapter 15  (Calum Hood AU)
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HANNAH AND I must have toured a dozen apartments the next day.  We started early in the morning and went all the way through lunch, looking at a bunch of cramped and overpriced places in the city.  Even though I wasn’t entirely on board with the idea of moving out, I thought it couldn’t hurt to look.  She’d found a bunch of places online and we started ticking them off our list, noting what we liked and didn’t like about each one.  Hannah was way more into it than I was, carrying around a small notebook that she scribbled little details into to keep track of our findings.
As I walked through the next apartment, taking in the chipped painted brick and scuffed flooring, I felt what little enthusiasm I had waning even more.  While Hannah made a good point that we were both in a place to move out, I still couldn’t pass up the luxury of living back at the house where I didn’t pay rent.  Even with my job I’d only just managed to pay off the pipe damages at my old house, and my bank account was tight.  I could make it work with some budgeting, but I hadn’t planned on doing that until I absolutely had to.
“Isn’t this natural light great?” Hannah commented, motioning to the big windows taking up the majority of one wall.  They provided nice lighting, but I noted the ugly view of a back alley.  Not to mention the city was never asleep, so even at night the room would be lit up from outside activity.
“And this couch is just adorable,” Hannah added, patting the cushion of an odd, modern-looking pea green sofa.  I rolled my eyes.
“The furniture isn’t included here, Han.  Shouldn’t that be written in your little notebook?”  She frowned at my statement, and flipped through the pages of her book before sighing. 
“Look, I know most of these places are kind of shitty, but at least we’d be living together.  Think about it; two best friends living in the city and paving our way through the world.  Things might be sucking right now, but we just gotta make lemonade out of lemons, right?”
I chuckled at her joke, and imagined that life in my head.  Admittedly, it did seem nice.  Living independently, working for a future, maybe even going to school again.  The me from a few months ago would jump at this chance, but I was a different girl now.  Things changed, one of the biggest being Calum.  I didn’t know what our relationship was, but I knew we’d never have a chance to figure it out if I left.  I wasn’t ready to sacrifice him, even if it meant facing some challenges.
When Hannah proposed we move on to the next apartment, I begged her to let us take a break since I was ravenous with hunger and it was well past lunchtime.  She conceded, and we put our mission on hold to grab a bite to eat.  Touring would take up the rest of the day, which was a good thing considering we didn’t want to go home until absolutely necessary.  We never quite knew what we’d be walking into.
As we ate our salads at a little outdoor, I remembered something Hannah had said a few weeks ago.  “Hey Han, remember when you told me all that stuff about soulmates?”
She lowered her fork and scowled.  “Yeah, what a load of crap that turned out to be.”  
I frowned.  “It wasn’t crap.  Didn’t you say that even if you and Ashton weren’t together, you were still meant to be?”
“I don’t know, I know I said that, but...”  Her eyes filled with pain at the mention of her ex.  “Soulmates don’t do this shit to each other, right?”
She had a good point, but I also knew that their problems had arisen from a place of love.  Ashton was just hurt by her lying, which he could only feel if he really loved her.  With the right apologies they could move past it, if what Hannah had said was true.  Soulmates should be able to overcome anything.
“I didn’t really get it before, but now I believe it.  You still should, too.”  Her eyebrows raised at my words, intrigued.
“What, is Nick your soulmate or something?” Hannah joked, causing me to bite my cheek as I forced a smile.  I was actually thinking of Calum, even though I definitely didn’t consider us soulmates.  It just seemed like the universe wanted us together more than we did, and that had to be some sort of sign.
“No, not yet at least,” I bluffed.  “I’ve just been thinking about it lately, what with everything going on.  It’s comforting to have something to believe in when everything else is failing.”
She nodded, biting her thumb as she became lost in thought.  Hannah had her own inner battles to wage, probably similar to the ones I had about Calum.  I knew avoiding them was not the right way to handle our problems, but the thought of walking into yet another storm at home discouraged me.
We finished our tours well into the evening, finding each apartment pretty much identical to the last.  I made an effort to point out the ones I preferred, just so Hannah saw I was trying a little bit.  I made no promises to actually sign any dotted lines, but just saying I would think about it was enough to satisfy her.
We weren’t surprised to see Michael’s car gone when we got home, which meant Luke probably wasn’t here either.  But Calum’s mustang was dutifully parked in the driveway, and I didn’t know if my heart skipped a beat out of excitement or dread.
Since it was so late Hannah said she was gonna go crash in the basement, and I agreed.  I was tired down to my bones, but for so many different reasons.  I was just about to head upstairs when I saw the faint glow of the kitchen light on, and I paused before moving any further.  I knew talking to Calum alone was a dangerous game, and that it could end badly in a lot of ways.  But there was a tugging in my chest that I simply couldn’t resist, and so I dropped my bag by the stairs and walked around to the kitchen.
He was seated at the table, half empty beer bottle in front of him.  His black tee shirt and black jeans made him look like a shadow, barely there and on the verge of disappearing.  He didn’t notice me at first, lost in whatever thought had a frown on his face.  But then he looked over, brown eyes grabbing hold of me like a vice.
My smile was faint as I folded my arms and leaned against the wall, not daring to get any closer.  I had no idea if this stoic expression of his was out of anger, sadness, or just boredom.  
“Hey,” I greeted stiffly, deciding one of us may as well talk first.  “I didn’t hear you come in last night.”  After my talk with Hannah, I’d been worried that Calum was hurt when I didn’t go after him.  I waited up anxiously for about an hour, but he hadn’t returned by the time I fell asleep.
He leaned back in his seat, hands toying with the beer bottle.  “I didn’t hear you leave this morning,” he countered, relieving some of my tension.  He didn’t sound angry, but he still hadn’t hinted at how he felt about yesterday.
“Yeah, Hannah and I left pretty early.  She wanted to look at apartments, and I went with her.”  I shifted from one foot to the other, anticipating his response.  Calum took a swig of beer, still maintaining a steady frown.
“She wanted to look?” he asked, a slight emphasis on she.  
“With everything going on, I guess she just wanted her options open,” I explained, knowing the underlying question he was trying to ask but ignoring it.
But Calum clearly wanted it answered.  “What about your options?”
I chewed the inside of my cheek, at a loss for words.  I couldn’t even figure out myself what I wanted to do, let alone tell someone else.  I fidgeted, trying to buy myself time to think.  “I like living here,” I said after a while, causing him to look over again.  Quickly I added, “because the rent is free, and I don’t have a lot of money yet.”  I wanted to kick myself after saying this; why did I have to be so defensive?  Why couldn’t I have just said I liked living here and left it at that, open-ended for Calum to interpret himself?
He stared down at the table, and I missed his warm brown eyes once he tore them away.  “Right,” he murmured.  “It’s economically convenient.”
I sighed, detecting his frustration.  I hadn’t meant to come off as a cheapskate leaching off of the guys’ kindness, but apparently that’s how he saw it.  “I didn’t mean it like that, I just...I want to pay rent, trust me I feel bad everyday for taking advantage, but…”  The words escaped me, and something told me Calum didn’t really care about my explanation anyway.  In an attempt to salvage this, I stated, “Look, if Hannah finds a place she likes I’ll probably go with her.  That way, I’m out of your hair and actually living somewhere I deserve.”
I thought this would please Calum, but instead it only caused his brows to furrow and his frown to deepen.  “That’s what you think I want?” he questioned, catching me off guard.
“Isn’t it?”  His silent, incredulous stare just made me huff impatiently.  “I can’t read your mind, Calum.  I have no idea what you want, but I thought that was pretty close--”
“If you think I want you gone, then you’re wrong.”
I froze, suddenly feeling the distance between us shrink.  Even though he was across the room, it was like he was right next to me, speaking right into my soul.  Almost a minute passed by with neither of us saying anything, and I was so confused I knew I wouldn’t be the first to break the silence.  Luckily, Calum seemed to know exactly what he wanted to say, because he stood up and walked over to the sink, placing the beer bottle in the sink and gripping the counter with his hands.  He was facing away from me, and all I could see were the tense muscles in his back.
“Don’t go.”
Two words.  Two small, barely distinguishable words I had to strain to hear.  But those two words carried the weight of the world, our world, and it knocked all the breath out of me.
But naturally, my guard went up.  I didn’t trust Calum, and I wouldn’t let his vague request get the better of me.  “What happened to not giving a shit about me?  I thought I was a liar who drives everybody insane.  You said you hated me.”  I knew referencing that particular fight was risky, considering what had transpired after it.  Hatred had fueled our actions then, the passion an angry one that left me confused and guilty in the morning.
Calum turned around at last, and I saw the intensity in his eyes as he sighed.  “You’re right.  You are annoying and stubborn and make me absolutely crazy sometimes.  But then, when I had stormed out yesterday because I was just so damn angry, I stopped myself.  I was just sitting in my car, in some random parking lot, trying to get your stupid voice out of my head.”
My heart thumped so loudly in my chest I was sure it was shaking the whole room.
He shook his head, almost in a daze.  “I knew exactly what you’d say.  I knew you would tell me it would be okay, and that all I had to do was try.  I could picture your face exactly.  I even…”  The way he licked his lips made my knees go weak.  “You might just be the most infuriating person I’ve ever met, but I need you Scarlett.  You make me a better person--you force me to be a better person, even when I don’t want to be.  No one has ever given that much of a shit about me, or put in that much effort.  Most people just...settle with what I’ve got.  But you…”
Almost unconsciously my body brought me closer to him, meeting in the middle as the magnetism between us could no longer be fought.  We were an inch away, and I was barely even breathing.  When Calum lifted a hand to rest on the side of my face, a long-awaited exhale left my lungs.
“I need you, Scarlett,” he whispered.  His admission hung in the air between us, the last barrier we needed to break before we could really come together.  Feeling the touch of his fingers on my skin and the heat of his gaze on my face, I knew what needed to be done.  I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his.
Kissing Calum was a phenomenon I would never get used to.  Each time, it was even deeper, even hotter.  His lips were so familiar and yet so strange, eliciting new feelings inside of me with every movement.  He tasted like beer and smelled like cologne, his scent intoxicating me.  One swipe of his tongue across my bottom lip had me melting, and soon our tongues clashed with a new fervor born from the passion of his confession.
He needs me.  Calum needs me.  I repeated this phrase inside my head as we stumbled through the kitchen, my back hitting the wall and my hands finding his neck for stability.  I could feel his desperation in every hot, rushed action he took, from biting my lip gently to skimming his hands down my sides.  It was like he would die if he couldn’t feel me, touch me, kiss me.  
Fully clothed and fully exposed in the kitchen, I worried for a second that Hannah would walk in on us, but I didn’t want to ruin this moment.  Unfortunately, Calum was the first to pull away from the kiss.  Our breathing was labored but matched, the synchronicity of our pulses electrifying the room.  I scanned his face, frowning in confusion.  “Why’d you stop?”
Smiling at my slight panic, he grabbed the hem of my shirt and pulled it up, revealing a few inches of my abdomen and stopping just below my bra.  “Because there are things I want to do to you that can’t be done in this kitchen,” he murmured into my ear, and I rolled my eyes back as his warm breath tickled my skin.  
We fumbled through the dark house, hands entangled together as he led me up the stairs.  Exhilaration coursed through me like a drug, igniting every nerve ending on my body.  I couldn’t wait to tear off my clothes and expose myself to Calum and his wicked tricks.
As he closed the door to his bedroom behind me, he watched me whip off my shirt and pretended to pout.  “I wanted to do that,” he complained, his large hands grabbing my sides and lighting up the skin that his fingers pressed into.  I smiled, giving him a light kiss before leaning back and quirking an eyebrow up.
“There are plenty of other things you can take off,” I replied in a low voice, making his eyes spark as he reattached our lips.  He used his body to push mine back to the bed until I fell back, his large frame resting on me in a deliciously suffocating way.  I didn’t know why but the weight of him on top of me felt so right, and I pressed my hands into his back to bring him even closer.
Calum felt my hands and ripped his shirt over his head, discarding it beside mine on the floor.  His lips traveled down my jaw to my neck, sloppy and wet and riling me up inside.  One hand supported his weight while the other rested on my hip, thumb moving to undo the front button of my jeans.  In a flash my pants were off, and only my bra and panties covered me.  I arched my back in order to undo my bra clasp, and the action pushed my breasts close to Calum’s face, and he let out a groan as his lips dipped to kiss my chest.
“God, Scarlett,” he growled when I was nearly exposed to him, my torso bare and my panties shortly following as I tossed them to the floor.  The way Calum looked at me, like he was consuming me with his very eyes and touch, made me feel like I was on fire.  His hands drifted over every inch of skin, sliding down my inner thighs and up my waist.  
I wrapped my fingers into his curls just as I felt his hand cover my entrance, causing my hips to buck with pleasure.  One simple stroke of his finger had me moaning, and my folds were slick with excitement.  He worked my clit in circles that had my jaw dropping, and it was all I could do not to scream out his name.  
“Oh my god,” I breathed, one of his fingers dipping into my core.  “Just like that.”  I could tell he was smirking by the way he kissed me, and this amusing arrogance of his only made my stomach tighten further.  I couldn’t believe how much Calum affected me, how one simple touch had me hurtling towards the edge.  I knew as soon as my toes began to curl and my hips lifted off the mattress I was done for, and his fingers pumped one more time before my orgasm rocketed through me.
Stars swam before my vision as I whined with pleasure, legs shaking and chest heaving with effort.  I came down off my high to the feeling of him kissing my jaw, curls tickling my chin.  With clumsy movements, I wrestled with his difficult belt buckle, huffing when it wouldn’t come undone.  Calum chuckled lowly, capturing my pout with his lips.  He kissed me gently as he expertly removed his belt and slid his pants down, boxers going along with them.  When he leaned back to pull them off, I got a perfect view of his body.  Toned muscles shone in the dim moonlight streaking through the window, and I could just make out how hard he was.  His cock looked stiff and I tenderly reached out a hand to caress it, gingerly swiveling up and feeling the hot skin in my palm.
Calum let out a string of curse words at my motions, coming forward again so he was engulfing me with his body.  When I rubbed my thumb at the base of his tip, he hissed and grabbed my wrist.  “If you want this to last, you’re gonna have to stop doing that, babe,” he told me darkly, the word babe making my stomach somersault.  I released his cock and brought my hand to his cheek, kissing him hard and communicating all of my desire in the way my lips connected to his.
The lust in his blown out pupils told me he wanted the exact same thing, and after a minute he reached one arm over to the nightstand.  A familiar foil packet was ripped open, and I watched his deft fingers work the condom on until he was lined up at my entrance.  His tip just dipped into my folds, and the agonizing tease had my breath erratic.
Our noses brushed as we both waited for the inevitable.  My heart pounded in my ears and my senses were overwhelmed by the boy hovering above me, so close to giving me exactly what I wanted.  His full pink lips were parted slightly, and I slid my palm along the line of his jaw.  Calum read my eyes, surely seeing the craving in my expression.  Dropping his forehead to my own, I felt his hips shift as he sank into me.
A cry quickly left my lips after he entered me.  My slick folds encased his throbbing length, and he pressed all the way inside until I felt him reach the deepest part of me.  The stretch was sensational, and he filled me with every inch of him.  I almost didn’t want him to move, in love with the feeling of him fitting so closely.  But then he pulled his hips back, almost all the way out, and reentered with a firm push that had me whining for more.
“Fuck,” he swore breathily, eyes closed as he rocked into me.  “You’re so tight.”  I gripped his bicep, lips lazily dragging across his jaw as his face rested right above mine.  Calum’s breaths were shallow and hitched every time my walls clenched around him.  I tugged at the ends of his air, causing an impassioned moan to escape his mouth.  
This must have snapped something inside of him, because his pace began to increase.  Each thrust went deeper, harder, faster.  He filled me completely only to slide out and slam back into me.  My knees bent and my legs wrapped around his hips, providing a new angle that had his name tumbling out of my lips.
“God, Calum, yes,” I cried, his face burying in my neck.  My hands went from his hair to his back to his arms, desperately trying to hang on as my body lost control.  We were so in sync, and with each push into me I felt myself falling further and further into ecstasy.
His moans had also picked up speed, growing louder when I bucked my hips into his.  “You feel so good, baby,” he rasped, sucking on my neck and massaging my breast with his hand.  He was everywhere, in me and on me and around me, and I wanted nothing more than to be swallowed up by his embrace.  
Calum’s thrusts grew rougher and sloppier, each one coiling up the heat inside me tighter and tighter.  I knew I was close when my legs began to shake, and my eyes couldn’t stay open.  Colors exploded in a rainbow of pleasure as my second orgasm hit, erupting through my nerves like lava.  I was moaning and clawing at his back, and when Calum groaned deeply I knew he was done for as well.  We both rode our orgasms with mingled moans and slow kisses, and when I had recovered I felt the weight of him fully on top of me as he rested inside of me.  I felt complete, entirely connected the one person I’d been yearning for for weeks.  I never wanted him to pull away, to leave me and bring back the empty feeling.
We laid like this for a while, my fingers trailing across his back as he rested his cheek on my chest, breath finally steadying as he exhaled into my skin.  When I unwrapped my legs from around him he finally rolled off of me, sliding out of my folds and quickly throwing out the condom into the bin next to the bed.  I was sore in the best way possible, and my body felt blissfully satisfied.
Calum rolled back to face me, not hesitating before he pulled me into his chest.  I rested against his hot, sweat-glistened skin, savoring the way I could feel his subtle heartbeat under my cheek.  His fingers drifted up and down my arm, soothing the burning skin before pulling the covers over us and providing even more warmth.  I was scorching hot, and closed my eyes as I imagined how nice it would be if we could melt into one another.
I felt Calum press his lips to the top of my head in a surprisingly intimate gesture, and my heart swooned before exhaustion took me out of reality and into a dreamless sleep.
- - - - - 
For once, Calum was awake before me.  I woke up to the feeling of his fingers in my hair, running through the soft strands as he gazed down at me.  I pressed my nose into the skin of his chest, inhaling as much of him as I could.  He smelled warm and sweet and I wondered briefly if I was in a dream.
“You frown in your sleep, you know,” he said softly, causing me to look up at him with a puzzled expression.  His smile was faint but his eyes were kind, and I basked in their brown glow.  “So serious, like you’re deep in thought even when you’re asleep.”
My lips stretched into a smile, and my hand rubbed his chest lazily.  “You’re watching me sleep?”
He shrugged, brushing the hair out of my face and resting his hand on the side of my neck.  “I love looking at you.”  His simple but powerful statement made my smile grow, and if I wasn’t so tired I would’ve jumped for joy.  Drowsily, I leaned up to kiss his lips, barely even touching him but bringing our naked bodies closer once more.  I couldn’t help the gleeful grin on my face, and it only broadened when Calum went in for another kiss.
I was about to say something about the way he slept when a harsh and unwelcome ringing blared from my phone.  Our little bubble abruptly burst as I scrambled to find the phone, not thinking before I hit the end call button.  But I didn’t toss my phone aside before reading the name of the caller, and my blood ran cold.  It was Nick.
Sitting on the side of the bed, half of my body covered by the blankets but the other half exposed, I knitted my brows as Calum’s fingers danced across my skin, unaware of who had just tried to talk to me.  He must have seen the look on my face, because his fingers stalled their movements.
Frustration and panic and even a little bit of guilt started to crowd my thoughts, as I suddenly remembered I was sort of dating someone that wasn’t the naked boy next to me.  I chewed my lip, wondering if it was best to just lie about who had called and not ruin the moment.
No, Scarlett.  You can’t lie.  I sighed, knowing that I had to fess up.  Any more lying would surely destroy Calum and I, and that was the last thing I wanted right now.  I brought my hand to his, twisting my fingers against his own in an attempt to connect us in even a small way.
“Who was it?” he asked, tone dry and apprehensive.  I bit my lip, praying this didn’t make him angry.
“It was Nick, the guy I...am sort of seeing.”  I held my breath as he took this information in.  Already his expression grew distant, and I panicked as he pulled his hand out of mine.
“Sort of seeing?” he repeated.  I looked away, unable to hold his gaze when his eyes were boring so deep inside of me.  The truth was Nick hadn’t even crossed my mind once last night, and I didn’t care.  Calum had consumed me in every way, and I knew Nick would never be able to make me feel half as good.
But telling these things to Calum was risky.  Too much and it might scare him away.  Too little and he might get pissed at me.  It was a fine line that I needed to navigate carefully, since our whole future depended on it.
“Sort of seeing as in...I don’t really want to be seeing him.”  It was a simple clarification, and I just hoped Calum understood what it meant.  Nick means nothing to me, I would give him up in a heartbeat for you.  His calculated stare concerned me, and my mouth dried as I worried he didn’t understand.
He lowered his gaze, unable to meet mine as well.  “So you’re saying, after last night, you don’t want to be with him.”  I clenched my jaw at his infuriatingly vague assertion.  If I said yes, he might think I looked too much into the night and thought we were more serious than we were.  If I said no, he might think I didn’t care.
I couldn’t bear the space between us, and slid my body right next to his so my head rested on his shoulder.  Physical communication seemed a better option than verbal, since I knew I would screw it up.  I sighed and closed my eyes, rubbing my cheek against his arm.  “I don’t know what it means, exactly.  What I do know is...I just want to be here with you.  For as long as we can.”
His silence terrified me, and I was about to give up entirely when he twisted his body to face mine, our chests touching gently.  I watched his brown eyes closely, trying to decipher the thoughts behind them.  Calum paused for a second, and then broke into a crooked smile.
“Well then you better end it with the poor bloke before he gets his hopes up.”
Pure elation washed over me, and my wide grin returned as I launched myself forward to kiss him.  He reacted immediately, arms encircling me in a comforting embrace.  It wasn’t a definite declaration of any sort of relationship, but it was enough.  It was enough to know that Calum wanted to be here with me as much as I did, and the relief I felt was immeasurable.
I didn’t know what would happen after this, but frankly I didn’t care.  I only cared about the taste of Calum’s lips and the touch of his hands, passion igniting between us as I kissed him hard.  Under the warm blankets, with our bodies glued together and our lips connecting us, we were in paradise, at least for a fleeting instant.
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hystericalweenie · 4 years
Just Another Day at the Office Series - The Sexperiment
George MacKay x Reader Series
Part Three: Meeting Andrew
Summary: Y/f/n Y/l/n is doing better than ever; she’s finally in a relationship with the man she’s been constantly thinking about, she has some great friends, and she’s thriving at her dream job. Except, there’s one problem: being in a relationship with one of your coworkers can get really steamy, and can cause a lot of sexual frustration. Her new pitch idea may solve exactly that problem, but will George be okay with it?
a/n: I have absolutely no personal experience in magazine/journalism career, so the information in this fic will be provided with the knowledge I have conducted from research. With that being said, please don’t be mad if this is not accurate!!! **“The Sexperiment” is inspired by an actual Cosmopolitan article (here’s the link!) I also have no personal experience being in a rehabilitation center, so I apologize if the descriptions aren’t accurate. I imagine Andrew as Timothee Chalamet (it won’t let me put the accent over the e on here) but his description could also match Harry Styles, so choose your fighter.... you could also just imagine him however you please, it doesn’t have to be either of them :)
Warnings: This is a slow burn fic, their relationship won’t happen in one night, so if you’re not into that, check out some of the beautifully written imagines that you can most likely find under the george mackayxreader tag. I might eventually write some of my own too :P At least one person’s saying “fuck” and there’s NSFW content..aka smut. You have been warned. TW: mention of rehab and drug use. This part is kinda long :/ Sorry!
I sat in the passenger seat of George’s car, staring out of the window at the highway signs passing by us like a blur. George’s hand rested on my thigh, a foreign feeling but nonetheless amazing, as his fingers drummed against my jeans to the beat of the song playing softly on the radio. Dean insisted that I sit in the passenger seat, which I’d felt guilty about but after reminiscing on the sex George and I had just the day before on the very seat, I didn’t feel as guilty. I turned my head enough to examine George’s focused eyes, his side profile as perfect as one could imagine. The shape of his nose to his furrowed eyebrows, the way his waves were in perfect tact on his head, ruffling only when he moved his head to check his blindspots. 
As we pulled into the parking lot, he turned to me, giving my thigh a gentle squeeze before removing it from my leg and turning the car off, shoving the keys into his pocket. We unbuckled ourselves and made our way into the building, stopping at the entrance. George turned his head to me, as if making sure I was okay to go in. I gave him a nod of confirmation, following the boys inside. 
The first thing that I noticed was that the building was cold. It wasn’t warm and welcoming, and I’d hoped that the patients’ rooms weren’t as cold as the entrance. There was an older woman at a large desk, which the boys led me to. George spoke a few words to her and she gave him a clipboard. I didn’t pay attention to their conversation, instead, my eyes examined the room, noticing a woman as pale as the white walls of the building. Sickly dark circles rested under her eyes and her hair was tangled down her back. Her facial structure looked hollowed, her cheekbones sticking out and her eyes looking sunken in. I watched as she followed a doctor down a hallway, away from the entrance, away from my eyesight. My eyes stilled on the place they’d been standing, hoping that this woman would get the help she looked like she desperately deserved. 
I turned my head, noticing George, Dean, and a man looking similar to the doctor I’d seen stood ahead of me, motioning for me to follow them. I quickly caught up to them, following as they headed down another hallway and turning into an elevator. As the doors closed in front of us and the machine jerked us upward, I felt George grab my hand. I looked down at his large hand engulfing mine, intertwining our fingers. 
“How is he?” Dean asked, crossing his arms.
The doctor shrugged, the shoulders of his white coat wrinkling as he did so.
“Good,” he began. “He didn’t make a single sarcastic remark in therapy today, so that’s progress.”
The boys chuckled beside me.
“That’s him, alright,” Dean confirmed, his laugh fading as the elevator doors opened.
We piled out of the confined space, walking down a hallway with multiples of doors on each side. We turned into one as the doctor opened it slowly, leaving it open for the rest of us.
“You guys can go down to the courtyard, just have him back up here in an hour,” he notified us, sticking a block in the bottom gap of the door, and leaving back down the hallway. 
My heart raced in anticipation as a bed came into view, a man sitting upright with his legs hanging off the side coming into view. I remembered distinctly how he looked in a few of Dean’s Facebook photos, but it was much different seeing him in person. Much like the woman I’d seen before, his appearance was sickly, his skin pale and dark circles settled under his eyes. He had dark brown hair–almost black–with bright green eyes. His freckles were much more apparent than George’s as they settled on his tiny nose. His eyebrows matched the dark locks on his hair, and they were bushy alike Bree’s. 
He wore grey sweatpants and a black sweatshirt with slippers and hospital socks peeking out of them. His face brightened at my appearance and he leaned away from the bed, moving toward me. George watched with a smile on his lips as Andrew held his hand out to me, which I gladly took. 
“I’m Andrew,” he spoke, his voice deep and American, a welcoming difference from Dean and George’s accents. “AKA the drug addict.”
I snorted, giving his hand a firm shake.
“I’m Y/n, AKA George’s whore,” I mimicked him, showing him my own humorous side. 
Dean gasped a laugh and George rolled his eyes, a blush spreading over his cheeks at my bluntness whilst Andrew nodded, turning to look at his friends.
“I like her,” he stated in approval.
“C’mon, let’s get going,” George muttered, still embarrassed, grabbing my hand and leading us out of the doorway. 
We walked through the hallway in silence, heading back into the elevator we were previously in with the doctor. We entered the confined space, Dean pushing the main floor button, before the doors slid closed and we were jerked downward. George reached for my hand again, offering a comfort for the surprise of the janky machine. 
“So,” Andrew began, clicking his tongue a few times and looking around the closed-in metal walls. “What’d you guys do today?”
Dean shrugged, tucking his hands into the pockets of his jeans. 
“Same old, same old,” he replied.
George nodded in agreement.
“This guy, must have been his first day here, whipped his dick out in group therapy; looked as cracked out as I did before I got admitted here,” Andrew explained, earning a chuckle of amusement from Dean and a groan from George.
“Can we please avoid talking about dicks while Y/n is here?” George pleaded in annoyance.
Andrew put his hands up in defense, turning toward me and bowing down to me sarcastically.
“Won’t happen again,” he apologized, making me softly giggle as the elevator doors opened.
We headed down an unfamiliar hallway, coming to a wall of windows in which two security guards were standing in front of. The windows revealed a large courtyard, including multiple benches scattered about. Walking a little further, we reached a door, which allowed us to enter the courtyard. George held the door open for us, joining my side as I slid in lastly.
They chose a bench by a tree, fallen leaves scattering the grass around it. We all seated ourselves, distinct conversations of others across the courtyard filling the air. 
“Being here is causing me to quit smoking, cold turkey,” the green-eyed man revealed, looking down at the grass below us.
“Shit, I forgot about that,” Dean admitted, bringing his bottom lip between his teeth worriedly. “How’s that goin’?”
Andrew shrugged, his slippers gently kicking some leaves aside as he thought to himself before speaking. 
“I suppose it’s a good thing,” he confessed, lifting his head to look at the fellow brunette boy. “It’s hard as fuck, though. I feel fucking awful sometimes, and there’s just nothing I can do about it.”
“You could ask the nurses to bring you straws,” I spoke up. He turned his head toward me in curiosity. “It’ll mimic the feeling and act of smoking; it could help when you crave nicotine.”
He nodded, a small smile taking form on his lips.
“I never thought of that,” he admitted, nudging my shoulder. “Thanks, Y/n.”
I smiled in response, turning my head to George, who was seated at my other side. He smiled down at me in admiration at his friend and I’s interaction, wrapping an arm around my torso and gently squeezing my side. 
“Has George cooked for you yet?” Andrew asked, changing the subject.
I nodded, a blush spreading across my cheeks as I thought about the many times George had cooked me breakfast, lunch, and dinner, the last time being the ratatouille in which I had interrupted with my appearance in lingerie. 
“Yeah, he’s an amazing chef,” I complimented, turning my head to look at George again.
His skin seemed to glow under the setting sun, his hair appearing golden and his eyes bluer than ever. He winked at me, giving my side another gentle squeeze.
“Don’t take it for granted,” my new green-eyed friend warned as I returned my attention back to him. “He used to make us breakfast and dinner everyday and all Dean, here, can do is poach a fuckin’ egg.”
I snorted at this, George joining me in laughter as Dean’s jaw dropped and defensive murmurs left his lips. 
“I can do a lot more than you can, bastard,” Dean defended with a roll of his eyes. “And, by the way, I don’t miss goin’ in the shower after you’ve had a wank.”
Andrew’s eyebrows furrowed at this allegation, George continuing to laugh at their bickering beside me.
“How the hell can you tell when I jerk off?” he interrogated, crossing his arms in his loose hoodie sleeves. 
“Oh, I can tell,” Dean replied with a scoff. 
“Guys, I said no talking about dicks,” George reminded them, still softly laughing. 
The two brunette boys looked at each other with slitted eyes of suspicion, shutting themselves up whilst their expressions continued to argue.
“One time, when all three of us were living together, we had a party,” George began, looking down at me. 
“Oh, I love this story!” Andrew exclaimed beside me, raising a shy fist in victory.
I looked at the two brunettes with curiosity, trying to decipher what George was about to say from their expressions before returning my attention to my lover next to me, looking up at him as he spoke.
“What was supposed to be a small gathering of our closest coworkers turned into a huge party with one invitation on Facebook,” George explained, motioning his head toward Andrew, signifying that he was the one that sent out the Facebook invitation. 
Dean shuffled in his spot on the bench, moving his body to face the green-eyed brunette.
“Yeah, I’ll never fuckin’ forgive you for that, by the way,” Dean groaned. “Someone broke our bloody tile floor! How the fuck do you break a tile floor?!”
“Anyway,” George interrupted, continuing with the story.
He proceeded to tell me about a story of him mistaking a pan of brownies someone had brought for pot brownies, resulting in him getting his first–and quote “most likely his last”–high. He went on to explain how he was convinced the entire flat was physically spinning in circles, causing him to profusely vomit. With cuts in from the two brunettes beside us, I was a giggling mess, imagining my lover as high as a kite. 
Before we knew it, our hour was up, and we returned back to the room in which Andrew was staying in. I stepped away to let the boys speak to him privately for a moment before we bid our goodbyes and exited the building.
After dropping Dean off, I politely asked George if he would stop at my apartment for me to “get a few things”. Without question, probably thinking I needed a tampon, he obliged. I quietly thanked him, hurriedly speed-walking into the building. As I reached the door, I sprinted inside, running to my bedroom to grab my slip, shoving it into my purse. Fixing my appearance quickly, I sprinted out of the complex into a casual speed-walk back to his car. 
As I reached his car, almost entirely out of breath, he started towards his house. With my heart beating in my ears and butterflies taking over my stomach, I awaited the exciting unknown. I watched the way he stared, concentrated on the road in front of us to distract my nerves; watching his jaw clench and unclench at the agonizing traffic. I nearly gasped as he returned his hand onto my thigh, making small, comforting circles with his thumb onto the fabric of my jeans, which I’d been gratefully able to change into before we met with Andrew. 
He turned his head to look at me, his lips turning up into a small smile before returning his eyes to the road. I attempted to bite back the grin that fought to take over my lips, resting my hand over his own on my leg. The back of his hand was smooth and soft, small valleys of his raised veins under my fingertips. My fingers drew shapes at random against his skin, attempting to distract myself from my nerves.  
Finally, we reached the parking lot to his complex. After shutting the car off, he quickly came around to my side, opening the door for me. Blushing, I got out, following him into the building. Going up the stairs, we reached his door, which he fumbled with his keys before finally opening it. Walking inside, I quickly held my purse close to me, remembering what exactly I had up my sleeve.
“Can I use your bathroom?” I asked, trying to sound the least bit suspicious as I could.
He nodded, furrowing his eyebrows.
“Of course, you don’t have to ask.”
I smiled gratefully at him, scurrying to the bathroom by the kitchen. After closing the door behind me, I looked around, noticing the similarities and differences the features of the room had with the upstairs bathroom. This one was much smaller, and had a washer and dryer in place of a shower. Don’t take too long, I reminded myself. Opening my purse and grabbing the bunched ball of satin fabric, I peeled my clothes off, including the mismatched bra and panties; the slip alone would do the job. 
Staring at my reflection in the small mirror above the sink, I admired the way the royal blue of the fabric complimented my skin. I hoped he would think so, as well. Leaving my pool of clothes on the floor, I slowly opened the door, walking out to his sitting figure on the living room sofa, his phone in his hands occupying him. Leaning against the wall, I cleared my throat, making my appearance known. Bringing his eyes up from the screen in confusion, his pupils grew large at the sight in front of him, dropping his phone in the process. Without bothering to pick it up, he stood from the sofa and made his way toward me.
He brought a palm to my cheek in which he slowly dragged down to my breasts, the buds of my nipples hardened through the thin silk. He ran his thumb over a bud once before moving his hand down to my waist, grabbing my thigh and pulling my leg to his side. I moved my hands to his shoulders, resting my weight on him whilst I brought my other leg around him. His eyes examined my face before bringing his nose to gently brush against my own. Our lips ghosted over one another’s, wanting to savor what was to come. 
Pressing his lips to mine, he began his way toward the stairs, lips gently moving against each other’s as carried me up the staircase. Holding my bum and kicking his bedroom door open, he treaded to his bed, tossing me onto it. Breathing heavily from the breath he’d lost while kissing me and the adrenaline rushing through his veins, he panted, eyes scanning my vulnerable state over his comforter, stilling on my parted legs. 
He breathed a laugh.
“No panties, again, love?” he taunted, moving closer until he was hovering over me. 
He moved his hand between us, running a finger with the gentlest touch over my entrance. I could barely feel the pad of his finger against me, and the ghost of his touch made my back arch; I needed him. 
“You’re dripping already, angel,” he whispered, spearmint breath against my face. 
My lips parted at the dirty words escaping his mouth, escaping the kissed-swollen lips of his. He brought his finger to his mouth, sucking on the skin, wet with my own juices. I watched in awe, snaking my hand around the nape of his neck and bringing his lips to mine. We kissed sloppily for a moment, tongues dancing with one another’s without any rhythm, before he pulled away to remove his shirt. I admired his torso as always, the pale, toned skin with moles scattered at random. I sat up, undoing the buckle of his jeans and pulling them down to his calves. 
He kicked the denim off, leaving him in his briefs with an obvious tent at the crotch. He ran his fingers down my sides, slipping the silk over my body with the help of my raised arms, tossing the lingerie to the floor with his own clothing. Moving himself over me and scooting ourselves up toward the top of the bed, our lips met once again. My legs parted for him, allowing him to rest himself between my legs as I tangled my fingers through his dark blond locks. He pressed his clothed bulge against my bare entrance, making me gasp against his lips at the pleasurable relief of built up tension within me. 
Smirking at my noise, he rolled his hips against me, pressing where I needed him once more. Feeling him against me again was like ecstasy, I hadn’t realized how much I needed him again already. I peeled my lips away from his own, unable to conceal my moans any longer as he continued to roll his hips against me. 
“George,” I begged, half-lidded eyes meeting his own. “I need you.”
He smirked, stopping his movements.
“Not just yet, Y/n,” he grinned devilishly. 
I didn’t have time to register what he’d meant. Within seconds, he got to his knees and rolled me over to my stomach. I gasped at the quick movement, turning to look at him in confusion. 
“Get on your hands and knees,” he ordered, yet his tone still soft. 
I smirked, watching his chest heaving up and down, his cheeks blushing, but I obliged. I got on my hands and knees, facing the headboard, my heart racing at the unexpected. I felt his hand gently grasp my ass, rubbing softly; I knew exactly what he was going to do. As soon as his hand left, it joined my ass again. I gasped as I felt him spank me, a slight stinging lingering afterward. I turned my head to look at him, his eyebrows furrowed as he looked at me worriedly. I grinned.
“Do it again,” I egged him on.
A smirk took over his lips once again, grabbing my hair in one hand, forming a makeshift ponytail in his fist and bringing his other hand to spank me once more. I gasped, followed by a moan at the sensation of his hand against my bum.
“Didn’t expect you to be such a dirty girl,” he tormented, leaning his torso against my back as he whispered behind my ear. 
Feeling his hot skin against my own, his clothed cock against my core again, my lips parted in bliss.
“You bring it out of me,” I admitted, my voice barely existent through my words.
He chuckled softly; I could feel his warm breath against the back of my ear, his ghostly presence making me more eager to want him. 
“My dirty girl,” he corrected himself, his voice a mere whisper. 
His torso left my back, his fist letting go of my hair as I felt him shuffle on the bed. As I turned around in confusion before realizing that he’d taken off his briefs and tossed them to the floor, he flipped me onto my back, wrapping his arms around my thighs and dragging my body closer to his. Moving back on top of me, his forehead rested against my own whilst he rubbed his cock against my folds, his tip teasingly collecting my leaking juices before slowly entering into me. 
My legs wrapped around his waist instantly, attempting to push him into me further as I ached for any sort of pleasure I could get. Pressing a sweet kiss against my lips, he looked at me cautiously–as if he were worried he’d hurt me–before slamming his hips into mine. My back arched as my head dropped backwards, my body practically going into shock in pleasure. He moved his hips roughly against my own, his pace moving slowly but deeply. I could feel his length already brushing my most pleasurable spot within me, and I found myself moving my hips against his own in an attempt to feel him deep enough. 
HIs hips began moving faster, growing impatient himself and needing to reach his own orgasm. He moved his hand up to my neck, grasping underneath my jaw as his blue eyes watched my eyes roll back in awe at the feeling of his hand wrapped around me. 
“Faster, George,” I pleaded, my voice cracking as I watched him smirk, grabbing one of my thighs and hiking it up to reach the side of his chest. 
Finally, his length reached the spot within me, hitting it over and over again with every thrust. I squirmed beneath him, staring at his face helplessly, my stomach knotting as I felt myself clench around him. His lips parted, hips thrusting just enough to ride out my high before stilling, feeling him spurt inside of me. He released his hand from my throat, pressing a long, tender kiss against my lips before slowly pulling his length out of me. 
I laid there, chest rising up and down before moving myself to lay against him. I rested my head on his chest, a leg sprawled over him. I moved my hand to his chest as well, watching as my fingers ghosted over the auburn hairs that sprouted between his pecks. I felt his hand go to my head, combing his fingers gently through my hair as our breathing patterns calmed down. 
“Stay the night.” His raspy voice accentuated his accent.
I breathed a laugh.
“I can’t,” I sighed, my tired voice cracking. 
He pressed his lips to the top of my head.
“Why not? We can go to your apartment and get your things for tomorrow. And, we can carpool to work together,” he suggested, his voice almost a whisper. 
I lifted my head up, resting my chin against his chest whilst I gave him a look of confusion.
“Are you sure?” I affirmed. 
“Mhm,” he hummed, wrapping an arm around me and pulling me closer to him.
He began to trail his fingers up my bare back, raking his fingertips gently up and down my spine; my eyes were beginning to close as I rested my cheek back against his chest.
“Do you have the energy to get up right now?” I interrogated, my voice beginning to rasp. “Because, I sure as hell don’t.”
He sighed, rubbing my back with his whole palm, comfortingly. 
“Well, love,” he began, “if it means I get this for the night, then I’ll do whatever I can.”
He spanked my bum, making me gasp, which in return, earned a chuckle from him. I rolled my eyes, removing myself from him as he got up from the bed, stretching, before attempting to find his clothes on his floor. I watched his body contort as he slipped his clothes on, his muscles contracting as he pulled the fabric over his skin. Watching as he reached into his closet, grabbing a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt, tossing them to me onto the bed. 
I didn’t hide the fact that I wanted to smell the clothes, to smell him, this time. I slipped the soft fabrics over my naked body, engulfing me with the sweet scent. 
I, Y/f/n Y/l/n, was about to sleep at my boyfriend–also my coworker–’s house on a work night, risking multiple bad scenarios involving my dream job...but why didn’t I care? 
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awaylaughing · 4 years
Pippa and Hamin for the ship meme!
let’s GOOOOO. Under a read more because I can talk about Ideas For Fucking Ever. The meme in question and if you read this and think “golly gee, I’d love to give you an opprotunity to chat more about othere people” I have a shiny new character page you could reference here.
who’s the werewolf and who’s the hunter
This one I had to think about. Hamin probably makes a better werewolf, but Pippa makes a UNIQUELY terrible hunter so, pivoting ever so slightly maybe she’s more like a behind the scenes information broker type (Pippa, Collector and Keeper of Secrets is incredibly canon after all). She’d obviously have to start off allied with the hunters, to keep the tension with Hamin real and true. Hamin’s pack doesn’t have the WORST reputation possible, but they’re definitely not above suspicion. They retain their passion for ocean voyages, which strikes other people as odd because prejudice.
That said, you know who ALSO makes a great werewolf? Pippa’s mother and “aunt”, Roshan and Jessamine, so Pippa as part of a bamf all lady’s wolf pack who get tangled up with hunter shenanigans is also an excellent plot. Not least because Pippa would be a very pretty wolf, I dare say (maybe they’d actually be were-jackels, a la the Golden Jackel? A Consideration, given where I HC a modern AU Pippa would be from).
In this case I’d say the lady’s pack almost never maul people, except maybe domestic abusers and rapists, but who can blame them? So another pack moves in (it’s prob Jarrude’s lbr) and causes problems and Very Serious Hunter Hamin (ha) has to wade through the complicated world of lycanthrope politics to find The Truth. And of course falls in love with the nicest werewolf this side of whatever major geographical feature of your choice.
who’s the mermaid and who’s the fisherman
Mermaid Pippa and “fisherman” Hamin, natch. Pippa’s not very ruthless canonically, but I can apply liberal use of Alternate Cultural POVs On Ethics and say Pippa only leaves her goaded people on rocks, she never drowns them! That’s very nice of her! And sometimes she pulls an Ariel and helps a bro out, which is probably related to how her and Hamin meet. Some options:
1. Pippa had previously saved Hamin’s life, so in turn, something happens and she gets caught, and he saves her life as repayment. Similar to Bog Standard Plot Below, she’s obviously too injured to return to sea so they’re forced to cohabitate. High jinks and romance ensue.
2. Bog standard mermaid washed ashore plot. Bathtub high jinks ensue. There’s a scene where someone catches Hamin carrying a bucket of raw fish into his house and he has to explain it away. Leala catches on in the first 20 mins. At some point, they’re forced to bring Pippa to dinner with Hamin’s dad and there is much nerves, only for Pippa to reveal she’s stranded many a gentlemen adventurer in her time and she picked up some epic etiquette knowledge along the way.
3. Hamin gets stranded somewhere and Pippa’s the only person around who can come visit. It starts with her bringing him fish. Requisite Second Act Breakup is when Pippa, conscience having formed in the last hour of run time, reveals a way off his small deserted island. Obviously, he sails off in a huff and they meet up again in the next 35 minutes, have the big damn kiss and idk how you turn this one into a true happy ending and not a sort of esoteric one but Hollywood and or an Indie Darling Director will manage.
who’s the witch and who’s the familiar
Witch Pippa, hands down the answer. She gets it from her grandmother (er, step-grandmother?). Does Hamin have an animal form? If so, does it align to Pippa Aesthetic and is he a snakey boi or, does he get to pick? What would Hamin pick? Seagull - the goose of the sea?
Other option is he’s always human and either case I’m betting Hamin’s not a traditional familiar. Rather, he needed to get out Faerie/Familiarland STAT and filched Pippa’s contract off a Traditional And Proper Familiar and got himself a ticket to human land away from whoever he pissed off.
High jinks ensue.
who’s the barista and who’s the coffee addict
I had to think about this one because I mean let’s be very real here - neither Pippa, Quintessential Nice But Still Privileged Rich Girl or Hamin “cause problems for the staff on purpose” are shoe ins for having worked for customer service. That said, Hamin’s more likely to piss off his dad and be forced to get a job and like, have a real person job in general. So, Hamin’s barista job is his in-world Summit equivelent and he planned to quit the moment he paid off whatever damages he’s definitely paying off.
Except, Pippa comes in and orders only moderately complicated coffee orders and this isn’t a place that does the name thing so Hamin knows Nothing except she’s friendly and pretty and omg this one is perfect to throw in the OT3 because clearly the only reason he doesn’t just immediately ask Pippa for her name and number and also the next 20 years of her life pls and thanks is her hot boyfriend.
(But it’s okay, Pippa has two hands and so does Zarad u_u)
Otherwise she’d have to be someone who just comes to drive through bc idk why he’d hold off on asking since this is HAMIN we’re talking about.
who’s the professor and who’s the TA
...either of these two in academia is an interesting prospect. Maybe he’s a kid who got into archeology because of Indiana Jones and, while there’s far fewer chase scenes and death traps, Hamin ended up with a PhD and a job and look, he’s as confused as you are about how this all happened. It’s alright though because the job does come with cute anthropology TAs who work in an allied and often cross referential field. Pippa’s less immediately enamoured with Hamin but warms up because he’s the only person who actually listens to her and doesn’t treat her like she’s a child just because she’s a short woman.
This one could be set in exciting locales for a bit of Indie Flavour but with more consent and less horrifying age gaps, and no breaking of international laws and if anyone gets squished by rocks it’s a horrifying rock slide scenario.
Alternatively, polisci professor Pippa is working alongside the marine biology department to work on smth enviro-politics and ocean protection. TA Hamin is Very Enthusiastic about helping her out. This one features a scene where people naturally assume Hamin’s the professor and he trolls the ever living shit out of them.
This one is set in conferences which is 10000% less sexy but also way more familiar.
Depends on the vibes u want. Either way, Lyon is there somewhere and he and Pippa are unlikely friends purely because 4′10″ Pippa and like, 6′5″ or whatever Lyon being friends is never not hilarious. He definitely disapproves of Hamin just in general but especially in a library setting.
who’s the knight and who’s the prince(ss)
This is legit a Knight’s Tale AU, except instead of Jousting, we’ll say Hamin ends up taking Princess Pippa across the country as a sort of personal security situations and, as usual high jinks ensue. IDK who makes the best Chaucer stand in as a pal to help Hamin in his quest but he definitely needs the help. Pippa catches on like, super fast anyway because her interpersonal insight is boss af but she just goes with it because it’s amusing and he’s doing a fine job.
Another candidate for the OT3 bc Chaucer!Zarad is perfect, but so is the plot being that Hamin and Zarad had a thing aaages ago, now Pippa’s being carted off to marry prince Zarad and oh hey this is also nearly a Sinbad AU but with the proper Poly Ending in place
There is no AU where Pippa’s a the knight to Hamin’s prince, I’m sad to say. Her martial skills are about nil.
who’s the teacher and who’s the single parent
HMMM. I think Early Childhood Specialist Hamin and Parent Pippa shake out best, mostly because at the end of the day I don’t think Pippa like...likes kids that much. She doesn’t dislike them but she’d never want a life devoted to spending all her time with them. Her own kids though, different story.
Evil instinct says dad is Clarmont, because I feel like Clarmont is really easy to kill off in incredibly tragic but heroic circumstances and Modern AU Pippa would totally be down for a Clarmont romance. Anyway, Pippa has an adorable little girl who thinks Mr. Hamin is the BEST teacher, he helped her dig up worms for her show and tell at recess mama!
Pippa and Hamin in this set up don’t actually meet for like, a solid three months so they both form skew-whiff images of the other and so they get a CLASSIC “oh no (s)he’s hot / THIS IS MR. HAMIN / THIS IS MS. X” moment. Adorable Little Girl is captain of this ship despite being like, 4 and Pippa and Hamin are just along for the ride.
High jinks ensue.
(alt bc I’m never not on my bullshit dad is Zarad, and not dead and they just never married bc Family Drama and OT3 babey)
who’s the writer and who’s the editor
Absolutely writer Hamin and editor Pippa. She inherited from someone who quit and she really shakes things up by like, having Expectations and shit and Hamin, who’s been not in a good place following a personal trauma, finds himself annoyed for all of two seconds before she shows up on his doorstep on the day after a due date because if he wants to play Pippa will Play. And oh no, she’s cute. Hamin is enraptured, Pippa just wants him to work at first. Romance blossoms lopsidedly but he charms her after some sort of deal is struck that includes her dragging him out of the house to buy food or just go for a walk or whatever.
Shenanigan ensue.
This one is pure fluff about the power of human connection, there is no second act drama they get to skip ahead AND collect their 20 dollars it’s great.
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physcoticfrog · 4 years
(idk what to call this, pretend it's a good title)
Description: From birth, your quirk had always been different, coming with black bat-like wings, but what happens when they get ripped from you during childhood? (Your quirk is a bat, coming with echolocation, and the whole package. You even have big ol ears).
Pairing: Keigo Takami (Hawks) x reader
Warnings: Mentions of abuse and depression, swearing
"Honey where are your parents?" You heard a sickly sweet but soft voice ask you.
"I don't know". That was your only answer. You knew what was going to happen. You were just scared.
"Honey we should probably go down to the police station, they'll help you." How come people are so ignorant? All you can do is wait now, and not say anything more.
"Hi ma'am, this is my little sister, we'll be on our way now" you heard a man say. You knew this. So why were you so scared?
Moments turned to minutes, minutes turned to hours, to days. You ended up being their puppet. After all, you could do pretty much everything they needed. There was just a small problem. You couldn't leave.
All you could hear were your screams bouncing off of the walls of the room as your wings were ripped from your back. Searing pain seized down your back, causing you to cry out in pain.
Soon enough, it was over. A man wrapped your wings, or what was left of them, in order to not cause infection. You had now come to terms with the fact that you will never out live this. This is your family, this is a part of you. You can never leave.
"Wait what!? Really! Thank you dad!" You hugged him, because he had just told you you could leave if you wanted, and there would be hell to pay if you didn't come back, but you could leave nonetheless.
"Awee I wanna come with too Shig" You heard Toga complain. Toga was younger than you, about the age of a high-schooler. Not that you were much older, just older still.
"Dad please can you let her? We won't be long, I promise" Dad. Shigaraki. The one who raised you, even though he was your age. Some people might say he would be more like a big brother, but he was kind to you. More so than the others. He fed you, let you be a kid sometimes. He was like a father figure of a sorts, so, you've come to respect him.
"No, y/n, you know this. You can't go out there with her, they know who she is. They don't know you. Just don't pull any dumb shit". You could settle for that. That actually sounded really good. You were just really happy to see sunlight for the first time in your life, without having to be in the confines of a fence.
"Alright. Well, I'm gonna find a coffee shop, I wanna know what it tastes like. How about I'll be back by, say, umm, 4:30? Latest 5:00?" You asked. How could he say no to that? It was a win-win, because it's already around 2:45, and you don't know your way around the streets.
"Ok, fine go. Make sure you call me immediately if anything goes wrong. Be home safe, ok?" See? That's full out dad mode right there.
"Yes dad, I know the drill." You were almost bouncing out of the door when you were ready to go.
You were wearing your newest pair of clothes, of course, slightly stained but that's because Dabi, who is more like a brother to you, decided to steal them from a corner store. It was a black crop top, with two little holes cut in the back for the small nubs poking from your back. You had to convince Dabi to cut them for you, since you can't place where that at.
You also wore high-rise black jeans, and a belt that cinched your waist. Dabi knew you all too well, and knew that you've been wanting an outfit like that for a while. No rips in the jeans either, which was a surprise. You of course wore socks, but they had a lot of holes in them. But your shoes covered them perfectly. They were white and the went up past your ankle. You thought you looked perfect, especially for your first day out.
When, you stepped out, you quickly felt a breeze brush past your face, and it felt amazing. It was a true fresh breath of air. You walked around for a bit, and then saw it. There were people going in and out of it, but not as many as you thought.
When you walked in, you smelled something that almost smelled bitter, but sweet. Is it chocolate? Coffee maybe? You couldn't tell, since you never had either. When it was your turn to order, you picked the first thing that caught your eye. A chocolate drizzled frappuchino.
"U-um hi, can I get a chocolate drizzled f-frappuchino?" You said shyly, you're voice coming out more squeeky than you had thought. She was very kind, and said, well you don't really know what she said. It got drowned out by your thoughts.
Something caught your eye, it was a glance of red, almost like blood. Too much, like blood.
"Would you like a small, medium or large?". What? You had to choose? There's a difference? Oh no. Oh no oh nOoO. What do you say?
The lady must've noticed, and immediately said "Would you like a medium, it's perfect for if you want to stay but not for too long". You felt thankful that she said that, and you immediately nodded your head, heading over to the small waiting line.
You catch another glance of red, looking up immediately. You were stunned. He looked so familiar, your pretty sure you've seen him in the pictures from Shigaraki's plans. Then it clicked. All the information he told you about him.
Hero name: Hawks. Actual name : Keigo Takami. Quirk: Fierce wings, he can fly, and telepathically control the feathers that he uses. Number two fucking hero. Great. Now Dad definitely will want you back home. But for now you leave it alone, and don't pay much mind to it. You want to enjoy your first day out.
When a different lady calls your name from the counter, you walk over and take the cup and the straw. There is a fluffy substance on top, along with what you think is chocolate drizzled into the cup. You put the straw in the cup and felt at peace. You then took a sip. It's absolutely divine.
You look away for a second, and then you notice Keigo walking towards you, but you pretend to not see him and make your way towards a table.
"Hi there, you must be new around this place." You freeze. He's talking to you. Right here. Right now.
"Um, yeah I- I don't really come around this city much." You lie. You've been around plenty of times. Just not as many outside as in.
"Oh, well this place has the best coffee, anywhere in Japan, so I think you're in luck. You should come around here more often. By the way, I'm Hawks. But you can call me Takami." He said, a smile on his face. Not smug or anything, just content. Something you're not used to doing.
"U- uh okay. My dad normally doesn't let me out of the house much. I guess you can call me y/l/n." You say, not lying, but not giving the entire truth.
And then you remember it. You're wings. His wings. The way he glanced at your back when you turned away. Shit, why do you let yourself get so carried away.
"O-oh well I should get going then, I have a bad habit of over sharing." You say, that odd feeling of over sharing. But before you can leave he says,
"I'm all ears if you've got time". This time it was a familiar smile. It was a smug one almost cocky. You debated it, hit decided it would be fine, as long as you don't mention the League.
Once you start rambling he is interested, watching intently as you talk. Him asking the occasional question. And then there it was, that question. "Hey, I know it's odd but I noticed your back. It looks like there were wings there, because it looks similar to when I use all my feathers in a fight. If you don't want to explain you don't have to." He said. You started shaking. Do I want to? I'd this ok? You thought.
"Well, it's a really long story. But when I was younger, my uh... Uncles, ripped off my wings. They were afraid I would leave them. I would fly away. I wanted to become a hero, by that was torn away with my wings." You say.
"Oh wow. You know, it's ok, right? That you might now have them. Who knows, they might even grow back!" He said cheerfully.
"actually..." He stopped once you started talking, "the doctor said if they don't grow back in ten years they will never show up again. It's been 15 years. But it's ok. Who knows I may just sprout some wings soon." You say trying to be sarcastic. Because in all reality, you don't know.
"Well, I hope to see you around. Ask your dad if we can meet up again soon." Hold on. How did the number two pro hero just ask you to hangout again?
"Maybe. My- my Dad is actually pretty strict, and he doesn't really like the idea.." You take a deep breath. "..of Heroes." You say, almost quietly. You really wanted to hang out, but just couldn't. Probably. "Wait! Hold up- I could just say I'm going out for coffee instead of meeting up with you!" You decided to say. A little more enthusiastic than you wanted.
"That works!" He said, matching your energy.
You guys continued to talk, about anything and everything. By the time 4:00 rolled around, you had decided on two days from today. At the same time. About 3:15.
When you headed back, it was 4:30 on the spot. The only issue: He was there. Hawks.
"What are you doing here?!" You whispered. This was no place for a hero. Especially Hawks. He couldn't take everyone on without dying.
"Same question to you." He whispered back.
"I'll explain at the café" you told him. What else were you supposed to do? Talk to him freely now?
"Dad, what's he doing here?" You said, talking about Hawks. You could tell that he knew who you were talking about.
"He's just here... For business." You weren't buying it, but what choice did you have?
Two days later
"Hey.." You start. You know he knows. And he knows you know. You were just hoping you two could explain it all today.
"Hi." He said. He had no expression in his face. He normally wore a smile or a light hearted expression. But this was different. There was no smile. It was blank. Unreadable.
"So, I'm going to get straight to the point. I live there. That is my home. I don't have a choice. I didn't get to 'join' them. When I was about 4 or 5 years old, and my parents had died. They died because of a car crash. Apparently, they worked with the villains. A man, who might have been in his thirties took me to the hideout. After about a year, I went out through the door to see what the sun was like. They didn't like that." You continued. "Then they ripped off my wings. I still have all of my abilities, but nothing more. That's why I stay. If I leave, they will hunt me down. I want to leave, but I can't. Shigaraki- he's like my dad. He is only a few months older than me, but he still cared for me when no one else did. He helped me. And I won't judge you for being there either since I don't know your story. I just want to know why you, of all people, the number two fucking hero, was there." That's all you said. You stopped. And waited for him to say something.
Soon enough, his voice came out smooth, and soft. Not judging. But still serious, and him. "I'm working there- shit I'm really not supposed to tell anyone this." He took a deep breath. "I'm a spy. I'm not truly working for them, but I have to make it seem like it. Im only surprised, because I have never seen you there. Not once until yesterday. I truly am dedicated to being a hero, which is why I'm working with the league. I don't truly want to, but it helps the hero cause. Where have you been? How come I haven't ever seen you?" He asked. You answered.
"Dad doesn't like me being around for the meetings. He makes me go upstairs, and I stay there until he tells Toga or Dabi to come get me. I'm not part of the front line team. I'm the brains behind it. I have no choice but to plan it all out. The only reason I continue, is because I don't know how to stop."
That's how your 45 minute "date" went. Back and forth you two had questions and answers. You decided on meeting up every two days. Same time, same place.
Again, here you two are. Talking. And even laughing. Which you hadn't done since you were a teenager. "Yeah, I don't know where he thinks he'll get keeping me in my room, I can still hear everything. Just faintly. Can't make out individual voices."
He looked playfully dramatic shocked. "Now my quirk looks weak compared to yours." What? He really thought that? You felt a blush creep on to your cheeks.
"R- Really?"
"Yeah. I mean, in the best of ways, you literally are a bat. Everything about you. Except for, well, you."
"But how is my quirk better than yours?"
"Sweetheart, I literally can only fly and use my feathers. Even then, the more feathers I use the more difficult it is for me to fly." Really? There was more to it, you were sure. Wait- did he just call you sweetheart? The blush that crept on to your cheeks was a dark shade of pink.
"There's gotta be at least s-some speed boost o-or something, right?" The conversation continued, up until it was time for you to leave.
"Oh, and y/l/n, your wings are growing again." He said with a happy smile.
A/n: this might become a series, so stay tuned I guess. Bye for now 🙃
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climatechangeisreal · 4 years
We are all on a spectrum.
mentally physically emotionally
I don’t proofread so continue at your own risk. 
If you are the #grammarnazi this may incite you to do something you might regret. apologies from now.
this is going to read as a thought, so I’ll try my best to use punctuation to share my inflection.
my name is Tierra. I’m from Toronto and you can contact me at [email protected]
first of, what is spectrum?
spectrum, or Spectrum Community Solutions as formerly known by the CRA, is an initiative my partner and I drummed up. spectrum is a beacon of social reform that welcomes any and all voices that speak toward a more sustainable world. 
is spectrum non-profit?
spectrum is a non-profit organization, however our services cannot be free to the public in the current form of our capitalistic market. As we are proponents of sustainability, we ask that the public understand relying on the generosity of the elite is not a sustainable business model if the goal is longevity. 
what is spectrum’s mission?
Our mission is to encourage the development for the culture of sustainability. To do this we need to justifiably incentivize popular opinion with the rewards of sustainability. 
what are the rewards of sustainability?
we aren't certain of what the absolute value of sustainability is, but I have my version of what it could look like and my partner has her’s. I’ll detail mine and I’m always welcome of a rose, bud and thorn but keep in mind it is just a personally influenced hypothetical of ideals. Similar to when you have an ideal goal and work diligently toward achieving it. No one can tell you that your goal is wrong but we compare and contrast what your goal may look like to determine how we collectivize on a larger, more inclusive picture of our goal to sustainability. 
There are many aspects to this, between how schools would operate, their curriculum, to everyone being able to own 100% electric vehicles, to prison reform and police abolition, to eco villages. This part of my thought will be a little chaotic, so I'll apologize ahead of time. I’ll follow the list I just gave...and go from there.
How would school operate? Regarding the younger kids (infant to 17) it is important to have instructors that care, genuinely. Fuck this tenure shit, if you’re a bad teacher, you shouldn’t be one. It baffles me that this isn’t a common thought. Teaching is hard, I’d like to acknowledge the ones that have simply burned out. I know I wasn’t always an easy kid to deal with and I apologize to any of my teachers that I may have pushed too far. I would like to implore you to remember how many other bad ass little kids your teachers dealt with. I used to be an taekwondo instructor and despite the frequent positive impacts that this sport has on the lives of kids that are troubled, violent, have low confidence, etc there are still a few that slip – usually because they’re parents aren’t patient enough and lose interest. It is really easy to lose interest, even as an instructor, in kids who simply do not care. The thought is, this kid needs more, but giving them more means giving the majority less. Why would I do that? These are usually the kids that end up working in relatively shitty jobs. Keep in mind relativity is specific to the person. In my case, I work retail. Even though I’m management level with a low-median salary for Canada, to me it’s a shitty job. So, back to the kids...hiring staff that care doesn't seem to be a problem; not many people endure the six year educational commitment because they hate kids. It’s easier to be a cop (this will reappear in my police abolition thought). The point is to figure out to keep your staff roster bright eyed and bushy tailed. Why aren’t camera’s in classrooms? Could you imagine the impact of giving the administration and parents access to seeing how their children are taught? When you’re able to ask your kid, how was school? They detail an unfavourable interaction with their teacher and now you have a feed to go back to. It would have been incredibly useful for the time I was wrongly suspended in grade 8. My principle had threatened me to admit it because if I didn’t the police would have to get involved and we all have a sense of how favourable the police are of black females that seem provocative. So I said fine. She didn’t detail this to my mom, whom she simply told I pushed a girl thus citing a concussion. I accused her of stealing something, and confronted her. We were surrounded and amped up by fellow classmates. Most of them wanted to see me knock someone out with taekwondo. The girl I accused tried to back out of it and tripped on the bike rack behind her, hitting her head on a man hole covering. I was blamed for that, circumstantially. If the grounds had cameras, either my principal or I would have had proof. Now, how does this contribute to sustainability, Tierra? People get dull. The 25yo parents of a baby become very different when they turn 60 with grandkids. The value of this concept is very applicable to 25yo teachers, especially when they’re kids that aren’t yours and you interpret the lack of impact as lost cause. Then you have the people where teaching is a shitty job, remember relativity. They may act like they don’t want to be there. The impact my grade 10 chemistry teacher gave me the desire to pursue environmental science at that age. My grade 12 chemistry teacher crushed that. Though my grade 12 biology teacher tried to keep it alive, the impact of chem12 was too great and I dropped both of them. If I was able to go to my principle, and tell her, “go to date, time...go forward–there. She would have heard openly him call out my stupidity to the entire class after asking a valid question because I struggled to understand through his teaching style among peers I struggled to develop relationship with because it was my fifth highschool and 20th school in general. I never learned how to create sustainable relationships and because of that at some point I just stopped trying. Perhaps that part is my fault, because at some point phones did become more popular and I could’ve tried. The value of these impacts is what creates those kids who get varyingly shoved into the cracks. You could be an investment banker making $100k a year and feel that your shit is still just shitty, all because your art teacher didn’t try to develop a relationship by rewarding and encouraging all your efforts. The simple gesture of encouraging our local school board to implement cameras in the classroom leads to sustainable retention of interests in kids using accountability. 
Honestly that was a bit longer than I wanted it to be so, if this a concept you have a rose bud and thorn for, please reach out to connect! As for the others in that quick lists, again! connect to get in touch and collaborate on ideas. 
My partner and I are discussing and trying to get some projects off the ground. I’m add and she’s a bit more grounded than I am, so it’s a nice balance. But because I have other obligations which can be affected by further pursuing these ideas, I have to spend some time learning how to be better at time management and efficiency. The problem I see here is that if we’re not talking about, it stops and stagnates. I’m hoping this will reach some people and encourage them to hit us up so that we can keep the discussion going beyond my partner and I. 
check out my shit site...would really appreciate if someone could help we out with that...I’m broke but I’ll try to pay you😌
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theorangedeath · 5 years
Some webcomic recs
Webcomics are as underrated as they are varied. I mostly read printed comics now, but there’s no way I’d have gotten there had I not found webcomics before - believe me, I tried, but this damn hobby is super inaccessible to a beginner, not to mention expensive. Webcomics are like fanfics in that regard - hell, some of them are fan comics - in that there’s something for everyone, all within your reach, but in order to find something you like you have to either 1. Get very, VERY lucky, 2. Be prepared to read a lot of bad stuff in order to get to the good stuff, or 3. Hear about them from people you trust. 
I was a 2 - i would read anything, back in the day - and while i’m not as unconditionally enthusiastic as i was, there are still some gems I wish got the same appreciation as some talents in the industry. I’ll spare you the rest of the article (dm me for comic rants though), let’s get to it! 
note: all the comics are numbered as “1″ because tumblr messed up the google docs formatting 
Comics i still follow as they update because either tumblr starts posting about them right away or they’re on tapas
Check Please! 
I’m probably not the one introducing you to Check Please, as it’s one of the most popular webcomics out there, thank god. The parts of the fandom i’m familiar with are cool and wholesome, just like the work itself. It’s about a southern gay kid, Eric Bittle, who joins the hockey team in his college. It’s impossible not to love every single character there, the sports drama elements are great, and the format is like solidarity put into panels. The Samwell Men’s Hockey team’s motto is “we’ve got each other’s backs”, and there isn’t a single part of the comic that doesn’t 100% incorporate that. 
The 2000s so far have been a rough contest for the title of “sweetest ya romance” but guys, we found it, we can stop now. Nick and Charlie are in highschool, Charlie is gay and out (not by will), Nick plays rugby because apparently that’s what british jocks do. Can i make it any more obvious? It took me a while to fall in love with the artstyle but when i did i fell HARD - the creator is re-drawing some of the older chapters, though, so your experience might be different. The story’s captivating right away, and you want everyone there to be happy from pretty much page 1. The creator also writes ya prose, and some of her books are about other characters from the same school. I love all of them, but Radio Silence is my personal favorite. She also has two novellas about Nick and Charlie themselves, available as e-books. 
Charity Case 
I rarely start new webcomics anymore, but boy, this one got me FAST. and that was even before I realized it’s a polyam love story, which i love but is surprisingly rare in webcomics - at least the ones i know. Julien, an irresponsible young musician, resorts to sharing an apartment with two roomates who are a couple. I fell for the unique, gorgeous artstyle first, and by the time i realized i’m also super invested in the story and characters, it’s already become one of my favorites. Plus, Julien’s hair looks so soft! 
The Property of Hate 
THIS is what comics should be. There’s so much passion here, not just for the story but for the storytelling as well - and the two aren’t as separated as you might think. A young girl is recruited by a TV man to be a hero. The world they enter seems nonsensical and arbitrary at first, but as they travel she discovers its logic, stories and secrets. She will also, as her title suggests, need to save it. There’s so much i love about this comic that i don’t know where to start, so i’ll just say this: it’s absolutely inspiring, in every sense of the word. Also, read the creator’s duck comics, they’ll make you feel things. 
Webcomics i occasionally remember to catch up on, get blown away all over again by how good they are, vow to check them regularly for updates then forget. And repeat 
Wilde Life
I think this is the first ever webcomic i read that had a plot? I got on the wagon at around chapter 1 or 2 and it’s hard to believe it but it only gets better with time, even though it already starts at 100%. Oscar moves to a new town and immediately makes friends with a ghost and a grumpy teen werewolf. It has both monster-of-the-week type problems and overarching plots, and reading it feels nostalgic and brand new at the same time. The fantasy world has this special feel to it, that makes me miss growing up in the american wilderness even though i, well, didn’t. Plus, the creator is cool as hell. I knit her a hat in high school in exchange for a commission. 
Sfeer Theory
This comic got me through a hard time and i’ll forever be grateful for that. Also, it’s really, really good. This is another case of a comic where you fall in love with the art right away and before long you find yourself caring very much about the characters and the story. You might also find yourself growing out your hair to style it like Luca’s. If you’re me it’ll be a lost cause, so, uh, keep that in mind. Luca works as a technician at the prestigious Uitspan university. A mysterious, powerful man is looking to change that. While the comic’s biggest strength is probably the gorgeous, fascinating worldbuilding - and Luca’s hair - the characters are also ridiculously easy to relate to, even if we don’t know anything about them. Even the most meaningless extras are somehow compelling thanks to the dynamic, rich art style. And did i mention the hair? If you like it, you won’t be disappointed by everything else Little Foolery makes. 
How To Be a Werewolf
I almost didn’t read this one! My brain has decided i don’t like werewolves and i don’t know how to reverse that. But then i saw Elias’ body language and it was extremely fun and friendly, and so was the rest of the comic, and the rest is history. Malaya knows she’s a werewolf, but seeing as she doesn’t know any other werewolves, dealing with that is hard. That is until Elias discovers her and decides to help, along with the rest of his pack. It’s filled with family and solidarity feelings, some dark mysteries and themes, and the art is beautiful and expressive. 
Another case of read-everything-this-creator-makes-it’s-all-amazing! Wallace, a social worker, moves - or rather, is moved - to District C, which is mostly populated by monsters. His heart’s in the right place, and apparently so is his apartment, because his neighbors are cool as heck and agree, some of them reluctantly, to help him get his bearings. There’s a mystery to uncover, some monsters to help and a dashing tea octopus to woo - for Kip to woo, anyway - and it’s all a delight to read. Every single character brings their own lovable-ness to the table, and even with the darker parts, reading this comic kinda feels like being hugged. 
Comics that no longer update
The Less Than Epic Adventures of TJ and Amal - finished 
Guys. guys! I’m pretty sure this is my all time favorite comic, web OR printed. I have the printed version, i still read it online occasionally, a lot of the songs mentioned in it are now saved on my spotify, i had it as my phone background for a good couple of years, the whole package. Amal comes out to his family and it ends with him having to drive to his sister’s graduation in Providence. There’s a guy in his kitchen who just so happens to need a lift there, and he’s willing to pay, and Amal’s too hungover to argue. What follows is the best roadtrip story ever. I’m seriously considering getting my license just to recreate that route. I just really love this story, okay? Oh, and if that wasn’t enough, the creator’s music taste is GOOD. 
Prague Race - to be continued in text 
The fantasy aesthetic to end all fantasy aesthetics. And the characters are good and interesting. And the world is well built and leaves you wanting more. AND there’s a cat. And it looks so good! Leona is irresponsible and spontaneous and gets her friends in some weird shit that leaves them trapped in a strange world, dealing with several curses, trying to survive and make sense of it all. I could spend a lifetime looking at the art and die happy. 
Shoot around - finished 
A girl’s basketball team and its coach, Jeff, deal with a zombie apocalypse. They make the most of the post apocalyptic world. There’s drama, friendship, found family, love and hope - it’s basically everything a zombie apocalypse narrative should be. And i love how the creator plays with the colors from chapter to chapter! 
Rock and Riot - finished 
It’s cute! It’s fun! It’s a 1950’s queer ensamble cast high school drama! It’s what Grease would’ve been like in a better timeline, except we still got it in this timeline. The artstyle fits perfectly with the story and characters, but if you want to see what’s the creator capable of now, read their newest comic, Project Nought. It’s a cool sci fi story and just like in Rock and Riot, it’s super easy to connect to every character there. 
Alright there’s a lot more but i somehow wrote 4 google docs pages of webcomic recs in one sitting (this is what i’m able to focus on? Really, brain?) and i think that’s enough for now. Like i said, please dm me if you want to talk about anything here, rec some of your own, listen to my rants or tell me i’m a nerd. Or all of the above. I might make a similar post with print comic, but right now i have some dogs to pet. Keep being cool! 
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moved-to-anthotnio · 5 years
enamorado de ti
Commission for @yesmooshoe | Pepper/Tony | 2.4k words | fluff, romance, falling in love, love confessions, hurt/comfort, pepper needs a hug, tony is a very soft man, latine tony
They're in the workshop when it happens the first time. It's been a fairly long day, with Pepper helping him figure everything out now that the weapons division in Stark Industries has been declared closed by Tony's word on live television only a couple days before. The SI Board isn't happy at all, to say the least, so Tony has to go through a lot of paperwork to ease their minds for a bit as he tries to clear his head enough to determine how to proceed with his decision.
And Pepper, God bless her soul, is still here with him. Even after all this years as his personal assistant, even after deciding to become Iron Man, after literally putting her hand inside his chest and sending him into cardiac arrest for like five seconds, she's still here. Sitting in front of him with her brows furrowed, one hand on her chin as she reads the papers in front of her, her red rimmed eyes more focused than ever even though they've been here for almost two days surrounded by empty coffee mugs piled one on top of the other and different stacks of paper that Tony wants to set on fire - because, oh my God, why couldn't they send this through e-mail or something similar? This is literal torture. Oh. Well. That explains it. -, and the sun rising just behind her back.
So really, no one can blame him. He literally can’t help it, he just can't. It hits him like a ton of bricks, the epiphany making the world shift around him with a new, wonderful perspective. And just that realization has eased all his worries, because suddenly nothing but Pepper’s existence matters. So he really, can't help it, it just slips past his lips and there's no way to stop the words.
“Estoy enamorado de ti.”
I'm in love with you. And he is. He is utterly and irrevocably in love with Virginia Potts.
She looks at him, confusion showing on her face, her beautiful blue eyes set on him with a warm exasperated affection that only she can convey, and says, “You know I can't understand Spanish, right?”
Tony grins, “Well, yeah, that’s kind of the point.”
She smiles and it’s a precious little thing that makes warmth blossom in Tony’s chest. She stands up, almost throwing the papers in her hands, and and flexes her arms over her head, stretching the cramps she must be having away. She sighs deeply before asking, “Want some café? I feel like hell and I need some right now or I’ll just drop dead right here.”
“God you sound like me,” Tony replies, nodding eagerly. Coffee sounds great about now. He definitely needs more, nevermind the mugs laying empty around them. God, what would he do without this woman in his life? “Wait, didn’t we run out of coffee beans this morning?”
“Yeah we did. But I have an idea.”
“Great. You always have the best ideas, Pep.”
She just rolls her eyes and goes over to the coffeemaker, taking a couple of mugs from the pile and rinsing them out before pouring cold coffee in them and putting them in the microwave because that’ll have to do for now.
Then Tony catches up and smirks, “Finally learning some Spanish are we?”
She comes back with the mugs and hands him his with a mischievous smile playing at her lips, “Well, Mr. Stark, having to listen to your nonsense after all these years in English and Spanish has to pay off for something, doesn’t it?”
“But Miss Potts, I thought my money and charming personality were enough,” he replies, looking at her with feigned offence with one hand splayed over his chest, as her laughter fills the air.
“Nice try Tony, now let’s get back to work.”
Yeah, he’s absolutely in love with her.
The second time it happens, they’re snuggled together on the living room couch. Pepper is sick, the exhaustion after working so hard for the past few weeks finally catching up to her. Getting sick due to exhaustion happens often enough to both of them after particularly long work binges that they already have a schedule figured out: sleep, have breakfast, take meds, snuggle through a movie, eat lunch, take meds, and so on. Might seem a bit boring and monotonous, but it works wonders for them. Plus, they get their much needed rest, and are there for each other through it.
So yeah. Pepper is sick and currently lying on the couch with her head on Tony’s lap, as he passes his fingers through her long strawberry blonde hair. Her forehead is hot, and Tony wonders if maybe she should take a lukewarm shower to lower her temperature, but her eyes are focused on the movie and she seems really into it.
By the time the movie is ending, the sun is setting behind New York City’s skyline. The dying rays lighting up the living room with warm, soft yellow light. Tony asks JARVIS to turn the TV off as soon as the credits starts rolling, and pats Pepper softly on the head to wake her up. She turns around with a soft, tired smile on her lips and takes his hand, placing a small kiss on his knuckles.
“Come on honey, let's give you a bath,” he says softly. “Your temperature is too high. We need to lower it a bit.”
She frowns at him, and rolls back again, pressing her head into Tony's thigh, “‘m not hot, just need to sleep.”
“Miss Potts,” comes JARVIS’ voice softly, “I never thought I'd ever say this, but Mr. Stark is right.”
“Hey!” Tony exclaims with indignation.
Pepper laughs softly, the sound muffled by Tony's thigh where she presses her head into his thigh as a makeshift pillow. And even though she's giggling at his expense thanks to JARVIS - damn traitor -, the sound is like music to Tony's ears.
“The bath is ready, Sir.”
“Thanks, J,” he says, and then turns to Pepper.
“Come with me darling,” he murmurs, pulling her up from the couch as she wraps and arm around his neck. “The bath will do you good.”
Pepper just hums as Tony takes her to their bathroom, one hand on one for her hips and the other holding her hand, after she refused to be carried. She's so sleepy she looks like she might just stumble and fall, but Tony is determined to not let that happen, so he hovers close to her. He lowers her to perch on the lip of the tub and helps her strip off her sweaty clothes. She carefully pulls off her shirt off while Tony tugs off her pants and socks. She stands to lift her feet, and Tony slides the rest of them off, along with her underwear.
After they finish, she turns to the foggy mirror, standing there fully naked. She scans her body up and down with her eyes and grimaces at her reflection, “God I look like shit.”
Tony rolls his eyes, and places a light kiss on her freckled shoulder, placing his hands on her hips, still holding her up gently. “Impossible,” he whispers softly against her ear. “You ever looking like shit is unrealistic. You're always gorgeous.”
She raises her eyebrows at him through the mirror, “Oh really? Way to sugarcoat that I do look like shit while sick.”
“No sugarcoating,” he promises, turning her around so they're face to face. “You're beautiful in every way, mi amor. You're sick, and do kinda look like a mess, so what? That doesn't strip you of your beauty, which goes further than your physical appearance. You are beautiful, mi corazón.”
Pepper blushes, the redness of her cheeks coming from Tony's statement hiding among the redness caused by the fever she's suffering, but Tony doesn't miss it, and kisses her cheeks softly.
Once inside the bathtub, she relaxes, her whole body going limp in the water, the accumulated tension leaving her body slowly. She's nodding off as Tony takes it upon himself to clean her body and wash her hair, but Tony makes sure that her head stays above the water.
Later, after she puts on a clean set of pajamas, and they both curl up together in the large bed. Tony says it again, softly, as she falls asleep between his arms.
“Estoy enamorado de ti.”
He hopes that one day he can actually tell her.
The third time it happens, they're on a vacation in México for their six-month anniversary of dating. Tony wanted to show her one of the places he used to visit a lot during his childhood, especially this one, since it's one of the only places in México he ever got to see with his mamá.
The beach is deserted when they arrive. Miles and miles of golden sand stretching along the bay, and nothing but the sound of the seagulls flying above them, and the soft, soothing lap of the waves rolling onto the shore, the warm water licking his feet and ankles. The sun hasn't risen yet, hidden behind the horizon, but the first rays of sunshine are showing already, lighting up the scenery in a mix of orange and pink light.
Pepper sits on the sand, so close to the shore that the waves reach her legs. The hem of her summer dress gets wet when one particular wave rolls higher than the others, sand staying on her skin after the water retreats. She looks beautiful, and her quiet presence makes the scene look as if it were out of a wonderful dream.
Tony sits beside her and hands her her mug of coffee, as they quietly watch the sun begin to rise above the skyline, “Here’s your coffee, honey.”
“Gracias, Tony.” She takes a sip from the mug, and hums with delight. “Hmm, oh my god what did you put in this?”
“A little bit of leche condensada,” He says smiling. “I couldn’t find any milk, so I used a little of the condensed milk we bought to make my mamá’s mango ice cream.”
“This is good, thank you darling.”
“No problem, querida.” Tony takes a big sip from his mug, and stares at the water swaying in front of them.
He tells her stories of his childhood, spending the summer here with his mamá, chasing the water and picking up seashells along with his mamá. Here he learned to make homemade ice cream, learned how to swim, and how to appreciate the little moments with his mamá. Now, as he recalls all the stories he has to tell, everything feels like a lifetime ago.
An idea pops in his mind, and he turns to Pepper, barely hiding his grin. “Hey, are you ready to try again?”
Pepper looks at him, a little confused. But then what he’s asking seems to click in her brain, and he can see the excitement already shining brightly in her eyes, “When am I not ready?”
Tony laughs, and puts his mug of coffee down beside him before taking her hands between his, “Okay, so. Let’s see if you remember the words I taught you on the way here. First, arena?”
“Sand,” Pepper says with confidence, and he knows the game is on.
“Hmm, sea.”
He eyes her with suspicion, “You're sure?”
“I'm… sure.” Pepper raises her eyebrows at him, amusement clear on her face, making her cheeks shine a soft red color, her freckles standing out. “You’re tricking me aren’t you? Asking me just to confuse me.”
“Got me there,” Tony smirks. “But hey, three out of three, you did alright.”
She nods, grinning at him. He leans in and presses his lips to her in a chaste kiss. He can still feel her grin through the kiss, the soft touch of her lips intoxicating as she whispers against his mouth, “Teach me a little more…”
“God, you’re insatiable.”
She shrugs, all smug, “What can I say? I’m a fast learner.”
Tony rolls his eyes, and thinks of the words he’s gonna say next. “Calor?”
“Last night.”
“Ámame?” Tony asks, with a little more feeling that he intended.
Peppers face softens, her lips curving in a beautiful smile that lights up her face, “Love me.”
Tony smiles back, the pressure in his chest growing, the words screaming to get out. “Perhaps I do.”
Her expression shifts, surprise and amusement shining on her face. She smirks, “Well then, how do you say kiss me?”
And she does just that. She leans in, her lips on Tony's as she climbs onto his lap. Her hands find their way around his neck, her fingers tangled in the soft curls at the nape of Tony's neck. She breaks the kiss, and leaves butterfly kisses along his jaw and neck, smiling softly against his sun kissed skin. “How do you say hold me?”
Tony pulls her close to him, his arms around her waist. “Abrázame.”
She leans close to his ear, and her voice is barely a whisper. He's not even sure if he was meant to hear the words or not, but he answers anyway.
How do you say I'm in love with you?
“Estoy enamorado de ti.”
She leans back so fast that she almost falls backwards, and Tony watches her face shift with the realization. Tony knows Pepper has heard this words before, has memorized them and has asked him about them several times. Yet she never built up the courage to look them up on her own, or ask anyone else, because she knew they were special and for her ears only. 
And now she knows, and her eyes are shining brightly. She leans back in and kisses him with a feeling that words can't convey. But he understands, he knows what she means, just like she knows what he means, and it feels like the world shifts and rights itself again, all the pieces finally falling back into place, just like when Tony realized he was in love with her.
Tony knows now, his world is moved by Pepper Potts. And now? Now she knows too.
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justkeeptrekkin · 6 years
Writing prompt! Present Mic gets hit by some kind of quirk that makes him all quiet and subdued. He's physically fine but seeing him so reserved is really really bothering Eraserhead and he's not sure why. Wink wink.
The Yuuei staffroom is quiet at this time of morning. Shouta arrives an hour before the first class of the day and before anyone else, finishing off his marking in his sleeping bag before taking a nap at his desk. Kan comes in a little later and, out of habit, has become the designated coffee maker; he wakes up Shouta by placing a cup on his desk. Shortly afterwards, Nemuri makes her appearance and initiates conversation with Kan, forcing Shouta to wake up fully listen to their nonsense banter. Yagi, despite being the type one would imagine to be earnestly on time for everything, consistently turns up late and consistently appears flustered about it. The other teachers dribble in here and there, depending on what classes they have that day.
On Wednesday mornings, Hizashi comes in last. He does patrol on Tuesday nights; Shouta rarely hears him come home, as comatosed as he usually is at that time of night. It’s therefore often the case- unless Hizashi comes home hurt and in need of help- that Shouta will go to work without exchanging any kind of conversation before he heads off, since Hizashi is barely even awake. On mornings like this, Hizashi bursts chaotically into the staffroom, disrupting the normal 8am conversation and raising the volume considerably with his stories of last nights patrol. Sometimes, he’ll appear halfway through the weekly staff meeting, throwing the door open theatrically before realising his mistake and tiptoeing to his desk. He might even miss the staff meeting altogether, scalding his mouth by pouring a cup of coffee quickly down his gullet and piling his English textbooks in his arms, remarking that he’s ‘late as fuck, yo’.
This is the morning routine of the Yuuei staff. However, on this particular Wednesday morning, Hizashi does not make his presence so loudly known. Today, the door opens and Hizashi sobrely wanders over to his desk.
He seems no different; the Present Mic look is perfectly arranged, as usual. Those sunglasses effectively hide any look in his eyes that Shouta could interpret. Despite this, he doesn’t appear upset, or angry- if he were, everyone within a five mile radius would know. And that is precisely what concerns Shouta as he watches his best friend take his usual seat beside him. He says absolutely nothing- not even a good morning, or Mic’s alternative, yo wassup sleepy people!
Shouta peers at him from the head-hole of his sleeping bag, not quite prepared to leave its warmth yet. Hizashi notices him staring, looks over to him, then returns his attention to logging into his computer.
“Hey, Shou.”
Shouta looks at him blankly. There is something very wrong.
Nemuri stands up and pokes her nose over the partition between their desks. “Mic! I didn’t even hear you come in, how is that possible?”
Shouta watches Hizashi carefully, waiting for some kind of response. Remarkably, incredibly, Hizashi shrugs. And it’s not the exaggerated gesture that he usually makes, rather it’s far close to Shouta’s example of a shrug. Nemuri shares a look with Shouta.
There is something very, very wrong.
“Mic, you’re very quiet today,” Yagi comments lightly with a strained smile, the concern in his voice obvious. He slides a mug of coffee over to him, and that eventually distracts Hizashi from his computer.
Hizashi takes the mug, and leans back in his chair. “It’s OK guys, I’m fine, I promise. I’m just tired, I guess. Last night’s patrol was… weird.”
This is the first that Shouta has heard of it. They both have an understanding that if they need to talk to someone after patrol, they’ll wake the other up. If there’s something wrong and Hizashi didn’t want to tell him about it, then that presents other problems.
Shouta removes himself from the sleeping bag. “Mic.”
Hizashi turns to him. It’s strange- he isn’t giving off the impression that there is anything wrong. His face is relaxed. It’s similar to the expression he has when he’s engrossed in his book, sitting in bed beside Shouta and silently turning the pages with the lamp on, late at night. Now, the moment his gaze meets Shouta’s, a smile reaches his eyes and something in Shouta’s chest relaxes.
“It’s alright, Shou. Eraser,” he corrects himself.
“Do you want talk about it?” Thirteen offers, leaning over the partition beside Nemuri.
Hizashi pouts thoughtfully, shakes his head. “Nope. Really guys, it wasn’t bad, just…” He trails off as if he’s being pulled away, as if there’s some distance growing between them. It unsettles Shouta more than he can understand. “There was this bank robber with a really weird quirk. I’ve never really seen anything like it before.”
“Emotion manipulation.”
Nezu enters the staffroom. The teachers wait for him to expand as he climbs onto the table in the middle of the room, surveying them with that ubiquitous smile. “I found out this morning about your bank robber, Present Mic. It appears the police have been looking for her for a while- she’s caused quite a bit more trouble than the odd theft here and there.”
Kan grunts. “Good thing you got her before she could do anything worse, Mic.”
He nods soberly in agreement. And the whole staffroom appears to be transfixed by the action, fascinated by the subdued nature of their resident loudspeaker.
“Mic-” Nemuri starts.
But Hizashi waves both his hands in refusal. “No, no, really, I’m fine. Let’s do this staff meeting thing.”
And so they do. Nezu appears suitably happy with Hizashi’s health not to argue or send him home, and Shouta reckons he should trust his judgement- even if he finds Hizashi’s stillness throughout the meeting unnerving. No fidgeting, no bouncing knee, just the sight of his fingers steepled in front of his face as he listens.
The meeting goes slowly, and Shouta doesn’t pay attention. The moment it ends, the teachers each return to their respective desks to collect their notes, Hizashi standing up slowly and gathering his textbooks. Shouta watches from his seat, chewing the inside of his cheek.
“Yamada-kun.” Nezu calls over to him before he leaves. “I feel I should let you know that we do not have any information on this quirk- the results haven’t come back yet on how long-lasting its effects are.”
Hizashi gives a wordless thumbs up. Nezu meets Shouta’s eyes for a moment, before leaving the staffroom with a cheery hum. The only staff left are Shouta and Hizashi. The school bell rings.
Hizashi lets out a long breath, gathers the rest of his notes and pauses to check that he has everything- usually this is accompanied by terrible singing, or an unnecessary narration of his actions. Now, Hizashi makes his way to the exit without a word.
Shouta removes himself from his chair, takes Hizashi’s hand before he reaches the door.
He turns around and tilts his head with a quiet smile. “I promise I’m fine, Shou. You know I’d say.”
He doesn’t respond immediately, because he knows he’s right. If Hizashi hasn’t mentioned anything about feeling upset, he can assume that he’s alright. But that doesn’t make him any less concerned.
“Just keep an eye on it.”
Hizashi steps closer, lays a hand on Shouta’s chest. And Shouta is momentarily alarmed by the action- because no one here knows that they’re dating. In fact, no one knows they’re dating full-stop. And this is becoming quite a lot more affectionate than they allow in the workplace.
“I will. Please don’t worry.”
“What if it doesn’t wear off.”
“It will wear off, Shouta. It was just some shitty, small-time villain.”
Shouta frowns, unsatisfied with this answer. Hizashi laughs quietly to himself- very much not a sound he’s used to hearing.
“Hey,” Hizashi says, lightly prodding Shouta in the chest.
“I love you.”
Shouta sighs. Those words seem to wring out the nervousness in his chest. Hizashi peers up at him over the frames of his glasses, and Shouta takes either side of his face, bringing him into a kiss.
He feels like the same old Hizashi. Tastes like the same old Hizashi.
Hizashi pulls away, eyes widening and a ridiculous grin forming on his lips. “Yo, holy shit!”
Sounds like the same old Hizashi.
He grabs Shouta by the biceps and and shakes him enthusiastically. “Holy shit!” He laughs. “True love’s kiss!”
Shouta blinks, hands still caressing his face.
“True! Love’s! Kiss!”
He pauses. Then, evenly: “What?”
“You broke the spell, babe! I mean, you neutralised the quirk’s effects!”
“By kissing you.”
“Uh-huh! I feel back to normal now! Like someone’s turned up the volume!” He demonstrates by twisting a hypothetical knob in the air.
Shouta pulls him closer, one hand moving to Hizashi’s back. “We should tell someone.”
Hizashi’s grin grows impossibly wider. “Or we could continue our research.”
He allows himself to be drawn into a kiss, a little more lingering this time. And it’s such a relief to have him back, even those few minutes of worry were enough for Shouta-
The sound of the staffroom door abruptly opening fills his ears, and Hizashi pulls away with a jerk. Shouta, however, still has his arm around Hizashi’s waist and a hand on his cheek.
“Aizawa sensei, Sero’s taped Mineta to the ceiling again- uh-”
Kaminari Denki stands deadly still in the doorway, eyes slowly widening.
Shouta takes a deep breath, hands still over his fellow teacher- who begins to shake with uncontrollable laughter.
“You can’t burst into the staffroom without knocking, Kaminari.”
He nods briskly, lips wobbling to contain a laugh. “Yes, sensei-“
“I’ll be there in a minute.”
The student’s eyes rest on the scene for a moment too long.
“You can leave now.”
“Yep!” The boy squeaks, and disappears from the doorway in a flash, the sound of his receding footsteps pounding against the corridor floor as he runs.
The two teachers stand in silence, then turn to look at each other.
Shouta has to use his quirk to cancel out Hizashi’s 400 decibel laugh.
Kaminari bursts into class 1A, catching his breath in the doorway.
“Guys! Holy fuck, guys, you’ll never guess what happened! I think- I think Aizawa-sensei and Present Mic are banging each other!”
The class goes very quiet. Bakugo breaks the brief moment of silence.
“Obviously, you fucking moron.”
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heartofsnark · 5 years
What's Tsuneko's Fatal Flaw? (and the Bidders, at least in your fanfic or your headcanons for them)
I debated a lot on how to best answer this and how to not just ramble about their mental health problems, like how to best define fatal flaws for them. Because if we just are discussing all of their mental health problems, what fucks them up generally, I’d be here forever. They’re are all extremely dysfunctional human beings with so many issues. So, I’m going into this like, fatal flaw isn’t just what their damage or fears are, but what I feel they do that fucks up their life the most. What do they do, that makes them their own worst enemy. Cause I don’t want it to be a 100 page epic about how fucked up they all are.  Also not including Shuichi, Hikaru, and Luke because they haven’t appeared in the fic yet. Emphasis on yet. 
A lot of Tsuneko’s issues boil down to her feeling like she has no inherent worth, the only value she has is either her successes or what she can do for people. Love is not unconditional, she doesn’t even really believe in love. She genuinely believes that the second she fails or can’t provide some worth, people will be done with her. This leads to what I would consider her fatal flaws, what  fucks her over the most, is Tsuneko’s pride and ambition. She’s spent the vast majority of her life desperately trying to be successful, to prove she matters, to make sure no one would want to leave her and hurt her. And prior to the start of the fic, her ambition lead to her failure and her pride has taken a huge hit. Even now, you see on her day off, she can’t relax. Because, while being a maid isn’t the most prideful work, it’s something. Anything worth doing is worth doing right, she needs to do something, so she’s not completely worthless. Her pride won’t let her slack, won’t let her relax, won’t let her accept help, won’t let her open up, won’t let her trust people, won’t let her be weak, it feeds into her anxiety and her anxiety feeds into her pride. She can’t fail, not again, she’s so sick of being a failure, being worthless, being weak, being pathetic, that’s why no one wants her. She just knows it, she’s convinced everyone sees through her and knows how worthless she is, so she has to fight harder to give them a reason to care. 
Remember, how me and my friend have joked lately on here about how similar Tsuneko and Eisuke are. There’s a reason. I swear to fuck it wasn’t intentional. Surprise, Eisuke is a prideful motherfucker, too! Much like Tsuneko, to my utter dismay, Eisuke fully believes his worth is transactional. He believes he has to prove himself through his successes and what he can provide, in order to mean anything and in order to pay back the insurmountable debt he owes Akira. He has to strive to be and constantly act like he’s the best, because otherwise he is nothing. This fear of being worthless and this need to be successful fuels the other behaviors that turn him into his own worst enemy, much like with Tsuneko to my absolute dismay. Can’t let people in, can’t let them hurt him, he won’t be made a fool of, he won’t have his capabilities called into question, because without his pride or success he is nothing. It also fuels him being a shit communicator which okay, Tsuneko is not a great communicator, she’s still better than Eisuke in that area. He forces this false sense of confidence, that he can just do things alone and he doesn’t need to waste his time explaining himself, because he can just do it alone. 
I do legitimately feel like, if Tsuneko had become a lawyer and was successful, she’d act a lot more like Eisuke. Less fearful on the surface, more stable, but colder and more fake. And I think, if Eisuke had failed in taking over the company, Eisuke would act more like Tsuneko does. More evident fear, more frenetic anxiety over his own worth, but also more human. 
Okay, enough about the prideful disaster children. Soryu, mobster boy. I’m so soft for him lately, he deserves better than anyone has given him. Anyway, Soryu also has some issues with his self worth and seeing himself as a danger, but the thing I think that fucks him over the most and leads to him doing things that hurt him, is Soryu’s undying loyalty.  He does not get close to people easily, not at all, but once you’re close to him, he’d die for you and kill for you within the same day. He wanted to be a detective, wanted away from the Ice Dragons, but he had to ask his grandfather first. He couldn’t just go do it, that’s not fair, he wouldn’t betray his grandfather like that. The second he sees his grandfather’s legacy and idea for the dragons being perverted, he’s abandoned what he wanted and is back in the Ice Dragons to fix it. Because loyalty to his grandfather comes before what he wants. He’s loyal and dedicated to the Ice Dragons as well, they’re family and he will protect them. (I have a headcanon that shows this to the extreme, but I’m saving that for stuff and things) Why is he so aggressive towards Tsuneko (Or MC) at the beginning of things, she’s a threat to Eisuke, not happening. He has and will kill for Eisuke, because while getting either of them to admit it is like pulling teeth, they’re basically family and mean a lot to each other. 
Sweet baby Baba, I’m also very soft for him, he deserves a lot of love. I think Baba’s biggest flaw that messes him up is that he minimizes his own problems and hides behind humor. Look at Baba he’s so funny and goofy, no one has to worry about Baba. Psych, he’s depressed and hates himself. Baba doesn’t like making himself a burden or causing other people trouble, so he buries all of his problems and makes jokes. This of course fucks him over because, surprisingly when you don’t let people know you have problems, they can’t help you or even comfort you. He buries every problem, so nothing is ever fixed. He puts up these walls of joking and being perverted, so no one gets close enough to help him. Every time anyone gets even a little close to poking at that trauma and those hidden depths, he’s brushing them off, making jokes or flirting. This is especially a double edged sword for Baba because so much of his damage comes from feeling isolated and alone, like no one cares. So, he feels alone and isolated and reacts by using humor to keep people at arms length, whice makes him feel detached,  alone and isolated because he won’t let himself build deep connections.  It’s this destructive cycle that just keeps feeding into itself. 
Ota, sweet furry gremlin, who hurt you? Oh, yeah the entire art community. I think what fucks Ota over the most is his duplicitous nature. Ota is two faced, that’s a huge part of his character, he has the real gremlin side and the fake angelic side. This fucks him over in terms of his own happiness, he hates faking the angelic person, he hates having to smile and act nice for cameras. He hates that to keep his career and to keep doing what he loves, he can’t be himself. He’s learned after the initial incident with Doi and Ota being discredited, that he can’t afford another slip up in this industry. No one in the art world gives a damn about if he’s happy, if he feels like he’s being himself. They just want him to play along, give that smile, make the art, and give the press a nice little story. He’s not at a place yet where he can afford not to give them what they want, if he slips up his entire career will be ripped out from under him all over again, and what if next time he can’t rebuild it? Living like this, not only makes him frustrated with himself, it impacts how he interacts with others. He’s not stupid, he knows anyone he meets is either wanting that sickly sweet persona or they’re waiting for a chance to take advantage of him, to undo all this work he’s put into the angelic artist bit.  So, he can’t fully let anyone in, the most they can be is a pet or acquaintance. 
Mamoru has a reputation for being a slothful lazy man and for good reason, he tends to be pretty passive, nap a lot etc. He lets a lot of shit go, especially as a cop given how much criminal activity he sees/is involved with due to the bidders. This nature fucks him over, because he doesn’t want to be like that. Mamoru’s morals as an officer are more important to him than anyone gives him credit before, he was a dedicated and talented cop at one point. Protecting people means so much to him, it’s all he’s ever wanted to do. So, why is he so passive and letting so much slip by when it’s crushing him to be a dirty cop. Well, he started doing it to avenge Minami and well, the whole thing has sent Mamoru into a deep depression. We’ve seen this behavior in Mamoru before, when he was in high school, following his kendo injury. When Mamoru can’t do the things he cares about, he detaches. He can’t bother to see the point in doing anything, he’s already a dirty cop, why bother doing anything else? He’s a failure no matter what. And like a lot of these traits, it becomes a cycle. Mamoru loses Minami, this sends him into depression over how he couldn’t protect someone who meant so much to him, so he can only feel redeemed by avenging Minami in death, which means forsaking the morals he’s now built his life on, which makes him more depressed because he can’t be the clean good cop he wanted to be, his depression makes him withdraw and struggle with doing even basic tasks of cop work (or even life sometimes), which makes him feel even worse about how pathetic he is, which deepens his depression even more. 
Rhion, sweet babby, is a big fan of the coping mechanism of escapism.  So, how does this fuck him up. Well, you see Rhion has spent the majority of his life feeling completely isolated and separate from people. He was put down and mistreated for being weird, being strange. So, like a lot of people he retreated into fantasy. He retreated into fictional worlds where no one could hurt him, eventually taking it to the extreme of creating his own Wonderland, being the Hatter. But doing this, retreating into this own world just isolates him further. He sticks himself in this constant state of wanting friendship, wanting people to come in his life and stay there, but hiding away in fear because he’s terrified of being hurt. 
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