#there are clearly details that people have interesting takes on and I need the Words
molagboop · 2 years
i love ashkar's clearly artificial metal beak. old fuck's got dentures
BIRD dentures ajgkfjkdjfd... I love it.
ok but this is the second time I've heard someone posit that Raven Beak's beak looks like an augmentation, the first happening literally yesterday. show of hands how many people are in the "i assumed it was real" camp and how many were under the impression that it's a prosthetic.
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ambrosiagoldfish · 4 months
Lucifer, Charlie, and alastor with a Kitsune reader ? :0
Hazbin Hotel x Kitsune! Reader
(Lucifer, Charlie, and Alastor)
Safe for all Audiences!
Warnings: None! Gn! Reader! Reader being a mischievous Little Kitsune, chaos ensues.
Request Box: Open
Word count: 1101
A/n: Hi! thank you for the request! This isn’t terribly long so I hopes that’s ok!
Now, I wasn’t entirely sure if you want this to be Romantic or Platonic so I kept it pretty vague so it could be interpreted as either! I hope that’s ok, if not just send another request and I’ll fix it!!
But either way I hope you enjoy it because i enjoyed writing it!! <3
Proofread once soooo… if there are any errors please ignore them/inform me 😭
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When you first arrived in hell, he wasnt the most impressed by you. Not in a mean way or anything, just that he’s lived for a long time and has met a plethora of different types of beings so he’s pretty used to meeting interesting looking people.
But even he has to admit that he was intrigued with you. Your 9 well-groomed and lush tails that quietly followed you with every step and the fur of your fox ears looked soft to the touch. The thing that he seemed to notice most though was the whole eloquent aura you had with every movement you did. Smooth, almost tranquil.
You being a Kitsune did cause you to stir up a bit of… let's say trouble. Your fox nature of course caused you to have a personality that leaned a bit mischievously. You weren’t malicious by any means, you judt had a very… unique taste in humor and how you wish to spend your time. Pranks, stealing random objects that interest you, and going places that you probably should be. This gets you in trouble with many a folk but it’s really not something you can’t handle.
On one of these occasions. you took interest in his custom made duckys. First off, it was something new to you, 2nd, you had never seen someone be this interested in ducks as him, so when you randomly stumbled into the big man of hell’s workspace that’s filled to the brim of them, each with unique features and colorful designs, needless to say you were quite interested.
He was a bit embarrassed at first when you found it but seeing that you genuinely were into them he literally couldnt stop showing them off. Going into almost ecrusiating detail of each one's design choices. (This man is so autistic-coded. I love him so much)
He even made a custom one for you which he gave you when both met again. It was a basic duck design, except it had 9 tail feathers and wore fox ears that clearly mimicked your own, including your fur pattern. He then spent an hour going through each of its features with you. To say you were grateful would be an understatement.
“And if you pull this feather back… Bubbles! Oh-ho, and that's not all! If you take this and-”
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Definitely more impressed than her father would be. Of course she has been in hell literally all her life and has seen some weird, wacky, hot and cool people but it still doesnt not surprise her when she finds interesting people. When you first met her she was really interested in you, asking a bunch of questions and It was almost scary how enthusuatsic about it she got.
She then started talking about her brand new “Hazbin Hotel.” It was something to reform sinners so that they had a chance at redemption. Charlie seemed so excited to tell you about it that you honestly did have the heart to tell her that you didn’t exactly believe a soul could be redeemed.
Now depending on if you’re hellborn or a sinner, things can go a bit differently. If youre hellborn she’ll offer you a job at the hotel, well to say a job would be a lie, you didn’t really have 1 given task to do, you just helped out when needed. if you’re a sinner, you of course get to stay in a room at the hotel. Whether you actually go along and try to get better is up to you. It was a free place to sleep, so hey? Might as well. Either way though, Charlie always sees the good in people, hellborn or not. So she would obviously want to help you grow as a person even if you are hellborn.
The michevues aspects of your personality tends to cause some problems for the hotel at times. Fights happen, lessons have ended prematurely, and you may have accidentally caused a bar fight between Angel and Sir Pentious. It really was an accident, how was you supposed to know “borrowing” one of Pentious’ shiny tools would cause such a ruckus?
Charlie lectored you about taking others' stuff and made you apologize.
As much as Charlie doesn’t want to admit it (at least before episode 5) she’s a lot like her dad. That also expands to their likeness for your fur. She really can’t take her eyes away from it, it just looks so soft and neat… and soft… eventually you catch her staring at your tails and you just laugh and ask her if she wants to touch them.
“What!? Pfft, noooo, no no no. hehe…he…unless you’re offering…”
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Considering Alastor died in the 20’s I don’t think he knows what a Kitsune is exactly. Which is probably why he’s the most interesting in you at first glance (you could have also met when he first manifested in hell, which would only further his intrigue)
Either way, your personalities seemed to mesh well for the most part. You both stir up trouble wherever you go (Alastor a bit more… maliciously than you but still)
Whether you’re hellborn or a sinner is irrelevant to how he treats you, though he has tried making a deal with you every once and a while. You always decline but he thinks it’s always worth a shot to ask.
Alastor is aware of your devious behavior and knows the best way to handle it if it ever happens to come his way. He knows that you’re harmless and not a threat which is exactly why he has taken a liking to you. You’re someone who can only really help his cause and nothing bad can really come out of you being around.
Pranks though, are the one thing that Alastor can’t seem to sway you out of doing. He can’t even begin to count the amount of times he’s been at the front end of them. Of course he always sees through them and they’ve never once worked, but boy are you sure determined to one day get him.
This was one such case where you attempted to steal and hide his radio cane while he was asleep, only for him to sneak up shadow form and scare you half to double death
“You’re going to have to try harder than that to pull one past me, my, oh-so dear, exquisitely fluffy friend”
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cursedcola · 1 year
Prompt: "Will You Marry Me?" - Proposal Headcannons Characters: Everyone :) Part(s): Heartslabyul, Savanaclaw(Here!), Octavinelle, Scarabia, Pomefiore, Ignihyde, Diasomnia(Pt.1)(Pt.2) Fandom: Twisted Wonderland Warning(s): None. I mean, unless you don't want to marry any of them. Just don't read if that's the case. Note: These are all if he is the one proposing btw. I've been thinking about maybe programming a small fan-made mini-otome using these ideas. Just for some practice for school while also being self indulgent hehe
Leona Kingscholar
Let’s just rip the bandaid off. Leona dates to marry. He’s not someone to invest his time in something troublesome, and frankly? Not many people catch his interest. Sure. He might think someone is physically attractive, but there’s a difference. He doesn’t follow the traditional path either. The ‘dating’ stage doesn’t last long because he’s already made up his mind prior to it.
Dating is pretty much just formality. The moment you agree to it, you’re essentially agreeing to marry him. He’s not going to put in effort for just anyone. Bonus points if he’s the one to confess his feelings first. That is basically concrete confirmation that he intends to marry you.
Leona proposing is inevitable. Only two things stand in his way: time and pride. Time, because he is no idiot. Your ways are unlike his people, and unlike him. He’s patient. He knows how to play the game. He can wait, but not forever. He’ll observe you over time and slip in questions here and there about your goals in life. Then he’ll find a good time frame. Please remember that Leona is not just an ambitious hot-head. He’s a smart one.
Then there is his pride. He will not put himself in a position that has a chance to fail. No. He will play dirty, and wait until you are tinkering with the idea of marriage. He’ll steer conversations towards talks of the future, and make it so you’re the one who starts them. All to get you warmed up to the idea of spending your life with him, and to a stage where he can clearly tell where you lie emotionally. He might appear neutral on the outside; however, it’s all according to plan. While you are just beginning to imagine your lives together, Leona’s already had the thought process long prior. You don’t need to know that though.
The icing on the cake is when you visit his home. Checka is Leona’s secret wingman. Your soft spot for the boy is something he takes advantage of, and lets Checka consume your attention during a tour of the palace. You meet his elder brother, who irritatingly pries for details about your relationship. Leona lets it go. Just this once, because he knows you feeling at home is more important in the long run. You share a room with him during your stay, and he made arrangements for small changes according to your tastes. You’re also gifted with a new wardrobe of traditional clothes for your stay, and given free reign of the area. Naturally you are guarded in secret, as per the King’s orders. His brother knows as well as Leona does that it is imperative that your stay goes well.
You will be touring landmarks and tourist spots within the continent as well. While Leona would much rather laze his free time away in his room (away from his family), he goes. Word spread that he was bringing home his partner. Thank the gossiping maids for that. Walking with you makes the rumors official, and is safer than having you walk alone with Checka and some royal guards. That would have arisen suspicion, and been troublesome. More troublesome than walking around and confirming to the public that you are not to be touched.
Ignoring the many remarks about how Leona is unusually active during his visit (thanks to you), his pride is high. You’ve thoroughly been slotted into his life, and are accepted. Any apprehensions about you denying him were snuffed out. The way you took to living with him so easily proves it. If you weren’t welcomed by his family? Well, it wouldn’t change anything. This scenario just makes what he’s about to do easier.
The first night you arrived, Farlan presented Leona with a Kingscholar family heirloom. A ring that has been in their family for generations. Not meant to be worn permanently, and only for proposals. Farlan used it to propose to his wife, and at the ceremony presented her with the ring he picked out. Now Leona will use it to propose to you.
One look at it and Leona declined. He’s spent his whole life chasing things that he couldn’t have because of his birth status. He would not yield this moment to tradition. Farlan was shocked, but rescinded the offer with a supportive smile. His brother had found himself, and the King was proud.
On the evening of your final night at the palace - Leona finds you alone on the balcony of your shared room. If he was going to do anything, it would be now. Initially he was 100% confident in getting your acceptance, but the longer he watches the less sure he becomes. Deep down there is rooted fear that he will once again become second choice, and that you’ll choose to return to your world over him. His hands are in his pockets, and one of them fists around the ring he prepared long ago.
Right when he moved to back out, you turned to come back inside. Your serene stature brightened at the sight of him, and he gained back some confidence. If you could only look at him that way forever…well, here goes nothing.
What are you doing out there without a coat? It gets extremely cold in the Savannah during the night. Do you want to get sick? I won’t be the one taking care of you….,” he sighs, pushing the door open, “Stubborn mule. Make some room, I’m coming out there….I’m near-certain that you figured it out, but this isn’t just a normal vacation. I brought you here to ask for your hand. What?? Stop playing dumb. Not your ‘hand’ hand - oh, for crying out- marriage! I am asking you to marry me!….I am taking the laughter as a yes, now give me your finger”
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{ 'Everything the light touches...is our kingdom' - A golden sunrise. Befitting. He used to hate them. Hate that phrase too. Yet you are the sun that Leona has been searching for. He continues to fight against fate in hopes that his efforts will bare fruit, and you are living proof that there is a chance. Maybe not easily. His life might not be what he originally dreamed. He may not get to sit on a throne of light . Yet there is a light in his life, and he likes to think that fate did not bring it to him. No, he found you all on his own.}
Ruggie Bucchi
'I don't see why you haven't proposed to that young darling yet. Keep waiting and you'll miss your chance, boy'
Well, of all the things Ruggie expected to hear during his visit home, that wasn't one. Normally he'd be nagged over being away too long, or not writing home enough. This? It caught him off guard. Grandma was always sticking her nose where it didn't belong...but, maybe she had a point this time.
Your relationship. It's not something Ruggie has given much thought. It's uncharacteristic of him to get comfortable enough not to look a few steps ahead, but he's gone soft. A fact that he begrudgingly accepts with a grain of salt.
Naturally, he doesn't admit this out loud and instead changes the topic. On the outside, he acts normal and helps out around the house. However, internally he is thinking over his grandmother's prying.
Marriage. It's not necessarily 'beneficial,' to say the least. With only a few months left until graduation, he'll finally be entering the rat-race to secure himself a comfortable position for life. He's worked hard and developed connections to make it happen. The finish line is right there.
Where does that leave you? He can't necessarily be as flexible if he has a partner to worry about. It's a weak link, and might cause problems in his plans. The smart thing to do would be to break things off. After all, how many school romances get a happy ending? It's so unrealistic. He'll be busy with work, you'll have your own responsibilities, and eventually it will be like you are strangers with a title tying both of you together.
This reasoning alone is enough to settle the problem. It's just - he doesn't like it. It's the most realistic path and he hates it. If it was about finding a companion, then he could do it later in life.
But when he tries to picture that lifestyle with anyone other than you, it doesn't sit right. It's physically upsetting, and makes him nauseated.
Sleep evades him that night. Ruggie finds himself sitting in the kitchen doing homework, burning the midnight oil until he can think with a clear head. Naturally, his all-knowing grandmother finds him there and makes him spill his thoughts.
She's direct with her advice. It's rare for Ruggie to be stumped considering his quick-wit, and understanding emotions is a wisdom you gain with experience.
For someone like Ruggie, who's always maximized every outcome and thought ahead - you're a weakness. Something that he can't control, and yet exactly what he needs in life. We don't get to choose who we love in life. Love is unpredictable, and Ruggie's found it at a young age. Career opportunities come and go, but he will never get back the time spent at your side...so why not maximize that instead? Hm?
He leaves for NRC the following day. For the last time, considering it is his final year. On the way he stops at multiple markets and dips into his savings. With nothing but a ring and an idea, he ditches his stuff in his dorm and heads to Ramshackle.
He's not nervous. That left his system the night prior. His grandmother's tough advice hardened that up quick.
He knocks on the door, half expecting one of the resident ghosts to answer. Instead it's you, and he's down on one knee before you can speak. With one hand, he holds out the ring. The other itches his nose in attempt to hide his wobbly grin.
"Shishishishi~ I don't have to explain what's going on, right? I'm sure you can put two-and-two together quickly. Are you really so surprised that you have nothing to say? Hmm, I guess that I can take the lead. Pretty soon I'll be leaving. You still have another year here, and I can't promise that I will be around much. Until now, I had no plan for us. Likely because being with you is the most natural thing I have experienced. I've always aimed for a life of comfort, but now I want you in that picture too, y'know? So...when you graduate next year, will you marry me? I'll be patiently waiting, shishi~”
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{Rose Quartz. The symbol of unconditional love and family. Something Ruggie hasn't experienced much in his life, and is grateful for. Ruggie did not want to choose a generic gem. Not for this. He may be known for cutting corners, but this is too important. He has done his fair share of trading, and knows exactly what to look for when shopping. No salesperson alive could convince him otherwise. You may not understand the meaning behind the gem, but that's alright. He doesn't mind, because this is the ring he'll see on your finger until you're both old and grey}
Jack Howl
Jack takes the longest out of all in his dorm. In result, his proposal is the most natural. Not to say that he does not put thought into it! Oh no, this poor lad hella overthinks the event. It's just getting him to the proposing stage is - well, anticlimactic?
All Jack requires is time. Once you've both settled in to your lives on an individual standpoint, with time comes thoughts of taking your relationship to the next level. As adults who have been together for years, it's only natural? At least for Jack. He has never been for or against getting married. So, there really is no internal battle for him to fight. He just? Lets himself be happy with the idea? I know, I know. It sounds too easy - but think about it. Jack is responsible, kind, and a bit like a golden retriever (or should I just say wolf?). He doesn't ignore his feelings. So if he feels that he want's to marry you, then why not? The worst that can happen is you say no.
There was no epiphany. No spark or overwhelming feeling of affection that made him want to marry you. No impending doom, nervousness, or special moment that he can pinpoint as 'the moment'. Nothing. You weren't even around.
He was merely finishing up morning jog and heading home. The thought casually entered his head, and he let it stay. Over time it reappeared over and over, until he felt that he'd heard it enough to act on it.
Jack is high-key observant and knows your likes and dislikes by heart. He feels that such an important moment is something he needs to think through deeply, and on his own. Many have been at the receiving end of his determination, and that doesn't exclude you. Once he's set his mind to something, there is no holding back. Over the course of weeks he proceeds to undergo self-reflection, and craft a proposal that he feels is perfect.
One question he spends time thinking about is 'where,' because Jack would prefer to do an intimate act like proposing somewhere private. The last thing he wants you to feel is pressure to accept, so he chooses to propose on a late night walk. This might arise suspicion since he isn't in workout gear, which is rare. Yet it's a price Jack is willing to pay. He's never been great with surprises anyways.
He tries to uphold some element of mystery though. Do not laugh, but he put the in a plastic bag and hid it inside the container for his protein powder. When times get tough, you have to get a little creative.
Right before your evening stroll, he says that he wants to make a shake (under the pretense that afterwards he'll work-out). In actuality, he takes an empty bottle and slips the ring inside.
While you're both walking, he shakes it around and 'complains' that nothing is coming out. With you completely unknowing, he opens the cap and feigns surprise. It makes you curious, and he hands over the bottle a bit too eagerly
It's light, you note instantly. A glance inside reveals the ring, and when you pull it out Jack stops walking. His face sets with determination despite the red hue overtaking his neck and ears.
Will you marry me?? -- oh wait, that was too blunt, wasn't it? Hang on!, " he takes a breath, and coughs into his fist, "So. I've been doing some thinking. We've been together for years now, and to me you've become irreplaceable. I don't know how else to describe how I feel, other than to say that you are the person I want to spend my life with. I can only hope that you feel this way too,"
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{He isn't a man of the arts. Jack has no eye for fancy jewels, or what's an appropriate design. He originally thought to have the shop keeper help him decide. Yet, that felt impersonal. So he perused many stores, and did his best to imagine your reaction to seeing each ring. Nothing caught his eye until this peridot. A simple cut with an eye-catching color. Sure, it's not what others would recommend but he liked it. Who would Jack be to deny his gut instinct?}
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probably-writing-x · 1 year
Eyes On You
Summary: You were practically the princess of Outer Banks, everyone knew it. So, when you started dating Rafe Cameron, to say people had something to say about it would be an understatement. And there was only so much of it that the two of you could take.
Warnings: Some sexual references, cursing, Rafe being a protective bf
Author’s Note: Saw a tiktok about male book characters leaning against doorways and it inspired this entire story :) Enjoy and send in any requests you may have
Not my gif
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“Babe can you help me?” Rafe calls out to you from the bedroom, where you’re fixing up the last of your makeup, there’s a stress to his voice.
“What have you done?” You laugh, setting down your mascara and walking across to the bedroom.
He was stood in front of the mirror with his bowtie dangling around his neck, clearly having given up on the fight against it.
“I hate these things,” He grumbles, dragging a hand over his hair.
“Leave your hair alone,” You hit his hand away, “Come here.”
You fold the silky material pieces over themselves until it resembles the bow shape and fixing it in the centre of the top of his shirt.
Rafe lifts his hands up over yours and pulls both of them to his lips to kiss you, “What would I do without you?”
You hum with his contact as he laces his fingers with yours and squeezes your hands three times. The two of you hadn’t managed to get out of going to one of your family’s events - full of people that thought the world of themselves, and had enough money in the bank to act like they could prove it. Rafe, of course, would be by your side, as much as he hated these things too. It was all shaking hands and comments on how you were ‘too good for him’ - though your parents and their friends thought of you as too good for everyone. You’d picked out a pale blue suit for Rafe, one that brought out a brightness to his face, and you were wearing a navy dress that matched the dark blue of his bowtie.
“You look beautiful,” He comments, leaning down slowly to press a kiss to your lips, delicate as if he’s worried he’ll damage the art in front of him.
“Thanks babe,” You smile, fixing the messier strands of his hair, “Are you ready to go?”
“Am I ever?”
Inevitably, the two of you were late by the time you both walked in. There were people spilling all over the ballroom venue, faces you recognised from growing up amongst faces around others that your parents were likely trying to impress. Everyone that saw you greeted you warmly, telling you that you had grown up too fast. With each person that you had to force pleasantries with, Rafe could see you getting more and more tense. He was sure this kind of night was your idea of hell.
“I’ll go and get us some drinks, darling,” He mentions, placing a hand on your back, “What do you fancy?”
“Anything, I don’t mind,” You smile at him and he squeezes your hand before disappearing through the crowd.
You were in conversation with your old neighbours, who were telling you about a new holiday home they’d just bought, and you’d completely lost interest.
“So, you and Rafe are still together?” The woman asks, raising her brows just momentarily.
“Yeah, over a year now,” You smile, even the mention of his name making your stomach flip like it did when you’d first got together.
“Are you sure, honey?”
The question makes your heart sink, and you lose your words.
“I’m just not sure if he is the one for you,” She sighs, as if her words are said with good sentiment.
“I’m sorry?”
“We just want what is best for you,” She squeezes your arm and you pull away from her touch quickly.
“I’m sorry, I need to go,” You manage to force out, your eyes flicking across the room. You don’t find Rafe amongst the faces but you know you need to get away.
So often people tried to tell you that Rafe wasn’t enough for you, as if he were a boy damaged beyond repair and he would never be the boyfriend they expected you to have. They didn’t see the way he remembered all of the little details you told him, how he bought you flowers whenever he felt like it, how he made sure you knew he loved you every day. He was everything, even if they couldn’t see it.
Rafe was caught in conversation with two of the boys you’d gone to school with. They reminded him of himself from a few years ago, before he’d met you and before he’d changed. They spoke of nothing if they weren’t bragging, finding a way to mention their wealth or their status or their girls at every chance. The latter was their current topic.
“Listen, she was fit, but like nothing more than that,” One of them shakes his head, taking a long sip of his beer.
Rafe was hovering awkwardly between them, your champagne glass in his hand still waiting to be able to get it to you. He had to make a good impression at these things, he knew what they all thought of him otherwise.
“I mean, come on,” The boy scoffs, “I’m not tying myself down unless shes at least an eleven out of ten.”
Rafe is holding back a wince when the attention turns to him.
“Cameron, you still with (Y/N)?”
He pinches at the lobe of his ear, avoiding the anger that would normally course through him, “Yeah, yeah, still together,” He nods.
“Fuck, man, I don’t know how you do that shit,” One of the boys laughs, “One woman?”
“Oh, come on, this is Rafe Cameron, there’s no way he’s only fucking her.”
Rafe can’t do it for much longer, his grip tightens around the glass of champagne as if it was grounding him to you.
“Yeah, (Y/N)’s fit as fuck but she was always uptight in school, she’d never let anyone fuck her.”
Rafe sets the champagne glass down on the table, “Alright, fuck you,” He swings back his arm and launches a fist towards the jaw of the boy talking before anyone has a chance to stop him, before he can find any justification to not do it.
He pulls his hand away and the other boys scramble to their friend like a litter of lost puppies, pulling him up to stop him from stumbling over. Rafe shakes off his hand and picks up the champagne once again, directing himself towards the door before any of them can get a hand to him.
He pushes his way through a few more people until he gets to a clearing nearer the back of the room, where you were leaning against a doorframe, your back to him. Rafe comes up behind you, a hand over his head to grip the top of the doorframe as he towers over you from behind. You turn over your shoulder and instantly brighten at the sight of him.
“There you are!” You beam, a smile creasing the sides of your eyes.
“Here you go, m’lady,” He swings his arm around to bring the drink to you and you instantly notice the blotchy redness on his hand, the kind that is quickly turning into a bruise.
“Rafe, what happened?” You grip his hand gently before he can pull it away from you.
He sniffs and clears his throat, “Those assholes from your school.”
He’s surprised at first, no anger in you for him getting into fights, no worry about the people he’s hit, no ‘please don’t do that again’.
You hum and lean back a little into his chest, lifting the flute to your lips and finishing the glass.
“Alright who are you and what have you done with (Y/N)?” He quips, bringing a hand up to massage into your shoulder.
“I hate it here,” You sigh, setting the glass down and leaning even further into him.
He rubs at your skin more, leaning down to press a kiss in the spot, his lips lingering before he perches his chin on top of your shoulder, “Do you want to get out of here?”
You nod, turning your head to kiss his temple, the sort of contact that makes him smile like a boy with his first crush.
“Let’s go home,” He drops his hand to lace his fingers with yours, the other hand falling to the bottom of your spine to guide you through the crowd.
“Wait a second,” You mention quickly, ducking out of his grip when you spot a waiter carrying a fresh bottle of champagne across the room of people.
You swipe it from him, spilling some of the golden liquid over your hand, hurrying back over to Rafe.
“What the-“ He laughs, looking at you with an admiration in his eyes that he never lost.
You grab his hand tightly in yours and pull him through the crowd, both of you pushing past bodies like they weren’t even there. You know they’re all looking at you, like you were the King and Queen’s princess, looking at Rafe as if he were the boy that corrupted you. But you don’t care. His hand is in yours and there’s enough adrenaline pacing through your veins for you to just keep running with him.
When the two of you break through to the outside, Rafe spins you into his arms, wrapping his grip around your waist and pulling you into him. You’re both breathless, a wildness to your eyes as if you were two escaped convicts. He brings a hand up and cups your cheek, kissing you with pressure like he’s forcing you to remember that he loves you. That, in that moment, he doesn’t think he’s ever loved you more.
And as much as all of those guests’ eyes had seemed to be burning into you all night, there was nothing else that mattered when Rafe’s eyes were on you, telling you everything that his words never could.
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gukkie01 · 1 year
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Pair: Racer! Jungkook x Police officer! Fem reader
Rating/Genre: 18+, smut (little to no plot), humour (I tried but failed again 😐)
Words count: 5 649
Warning: explicit content, oral sex (F receiving), semi-public sex (I guess??), penetrative sex, vaginal sex, jungkook is a very very hot racer, fingering, car sex, sassy Y/n, dirty talking, unprotected sex (pls don’t be dumb like them)
Summary: Y/n was starting to get bored of being a police officer. She needed the thrill. Thank god, Jeon Jungkook was there to help her.
Note: very much liked writing this one. It was inspired by a book I read on wattpad (that I forgot the name of :/) but I switched the roles and decided Y/n was going to be the police officer 👍. Hope you guys enjoy this one! Sorry for any typos :(
💞 quick little reminder that comments and likes are appreciated 🥹. Enjoy! 💞
Can’t Catch Me
Being a police officer was not your dream anymore. For the solemn reasons that it was boring as hell. Nothing like in the movies. There weren’t any arresting criminals and interfering in mafia cartels and saving the day.
No. It was sorting documents and sometimes, if you were lucky enough, arresting cars. But where was the thrill in that? The excitement?
Sitting down behind a desk clearly wasn’t saving anyone or helping in that case. It was just making phone calls, watching some people here and then to make sure they didn’t leave. You never had to interrogate anyone. You didn’t even have your opportunity at playing the mean cop!
Because there was no doubt that you would’ve been the mean cop. You let no one step over you or cross any boundaries.
So yeah, being a cop or police officer if you would, was not thrilling at all. It was a shitty job that paid just enough so you could survive the month. Just enough. In the end, you always had to ask yourself if it was even worth it. And most of the time, your answer ended up being no, not at all.
Your superior was not even—
Speaking of, you suddenly received a phone call from him. Picking up, you cleared your throat, trying to sound as professional and calm and cool as possible. “Y/n,” he said and shifted a little. “I need you in my office. Now.” He ended the call, not giving the slightest bit of details.
But you were used to that. Didn’t make it less annoying though.
With an exasperated sigh that earned a few amused glares from your coworkers, you got up and made your way to your boss’s office down a little hall. Three knocks and a barely audible ‘come in’ later, you were sitting down in front of him, Mr. Kang or Monkey Face as you liked to call him.
“Yes sir?” You asked, quirking an eyebrow and shifting to the edge of your chair. Were you in trouble? You couldn’t see how that was possible. How could sitting all day bring you in trouble?
Monkey Face, without once letting his eyes divert from his laptop, clicked his tongue. “I’m assigning you to a new route,” was all he said, typing away on his laptop and munching on his gum a little too loudly for your taste.
“What? Where?” The idea of finally leaving this hell of a place brought interest into your features as you wiggled more on the edge of your chair. It was embarrassing really. It wasn’t like you were arresting criminals but at least, you were going to be outside, arresting cars.
Give or take. And you decided to take.
“Route 30. You can go now.”
So, apparently, route 30 ended up being more of a stretch of highway rather than an actual route. By the time the moon set, you saw two cars, and they were exasperatedly slow. But there was no one else behind so you let it pass.
You were sitting inside your car, radio playing but you paid it no mind. It was just nice having some background noises that stopped you from falling asleep although let’s just say it wasn’t doing its job right.
When you glanced outside, the sky was pitch black; no stars, no moon. It was like someone purposely painted it black. It made the outside much darker and duller.
You sighed and decided to exit your car. Take some fresh air. You stood outside, kicking rocks with your boots and after some time, you even started playing soccer against yourself.
But you quickly got bored once again.
It turned out that being assigned to patrol a road was worse than you thought. Sitting in your car, switching the radio multiple times until you’d get so frustrated you would just shut it.
At one point, you got so bored you were on the verge of tears. Which was pathetic but true.
You started singing off-tune to a song that you vaguely remembered, singing as loud as you could before that too would become boring.
And that was when the universe heard your wishes.
Your ears perked up at the ramble of an engine, far in the distance but no doubt getting nearer pretty fast. Too fast. With your heart thumping almost loudly, you buckled your seatbelt and waited until the roaring got closer and closer and you finally saw it.
It flew past you so quickly it was like it was never there in the first place. You flicked on your lights as well as your sirens and started the car, following as closely as you could.
It was hard. Whatever car it was surely surpassed your own speed. And if it didn’t slow down any time soon, you’d lose sight of them eventually.
They made a turn to the left so quickly that you almost couldn’t follow. Your car had been on the verge of driving off the road. You weren’t really on the highway anymore but more on a small route hidden by immense trees.
You were breathless and nervous but driving that fast was the biggest thrill of your entire life and it was so liberating.
Finally, the car decelerated soon after, swerving into the side and parking swiftly. With how fast it had initially been going, you were impressed with how smooth it parked. Whoever it was behind the steering wheel, they were clearly experienced.
Slowly, all the while trying not to make a fool of yourself, you pulled up behind the bright neon blue car. You stepped out and approached the vehicul, taking in deep breaths. Be cool, be cool.
You knocked on the window three times before it slid down and goddamn it—
Your heart literally stopped beating for a fraction of a second when your gaze met a pair of doe eyes. Your own trailed lower until it stopped at a particular shiny object on the driver’s face. A lip piercing.
For a moment, you completely forgot what you were here for, too dazed by the same piercing being bitten and played with. You shook your head, regaining your composure. Or more like tried to.
Question number one.
“Do you know how fast you were driving?” You asked, trying to muster the scariest voice you could. His pierced eyebrow raised up and he smiled innocently. He had this little bunny smile that made you giddy despite trying to calm yourself down.
“I’m sorry officer, I wasn’t paying attention.” He was amused. It was clear in the way his eyes twinkled and the mocking tone of his so fucking deep voice. You gulped a lump in your throat, trying with all your might not to look at any of his piercings and maintain your professionalism.
Question number two.
“License and registration?” You managed to ask without stuttering and the driver reached into the glove box compartment and handed you his papers.
You glanced down at them, letting your eyes trail along the information.
Jeon Jungkook. Born September 1st, 1997. He was a year older than you. His hair in the picture of his license was shorter and lighter. More like a soft brown whereas now, it was almost black. You didn’t know why you were even paying attention to that. You didn’t deign a look at his registration papers and gave them back to him.
He arched an eyebrow, clearly finding the whole situation amusing and to his advantage. He must have known just how much he had an effect on you right now.
Your inner thoughts consisted of:
I’m gonna get fired
But he’s so hot, I don’t care
I wish he could take me right here, right now
I am so getting fired.
Jungkook’s smooth husky voice quickly pulled you out of your thoughts. It was kind of funny how your heart dropped at how deep and soft his voice sounded. There was this little witty and sarcastic tone behind it.
“Aren’t you supposed to use these?” He asked, wiggling his license and registration in his hands. It was then that your eyes caught the tattoos hiding every inch of his skin. It was covering a big part of his hands and went up under his sleeve and you found yourself wanting to see more. You needed to see his entire full sleeve tattoo.
You cleared your throat, the air around you thickening by the seconds. You wondered if you were the only one feeling it. The tension. The want. The desire. Maybe it was only your brain playing tricks on you. Telling you that Jungkook’s eyes definitely trailed down your body, mentally undressing you.
Yeah, your mind was clearly playing tricks. Maybe it was his little grin tugging at the corner of his lips or his sweet cologne that made your brain alter like that. Surely, he had done something to you.
After a couple of seconds, you realized you still hadn’t answered him. You straightened up, flattening your hand on the top of his car, glancing down at him with what you hoped was your most serious glare. “I’ll let you off with a warning, Jungkook.” It was a little strange saying his name out loud, but you quickly found out that you liked it. A lot.
“But I better not see you here again or it’s a ticket,” you continued and saw his smile widening.
“Yes, ma’am.”
Ok, your mind was definitely going a little crazy. You had just seen Jungkook sending a little wink your way. You probably imagined it. Yeah, it was all your brain.
He gave a little nod and started his engine once again. It roared loud and hoarsely and you had to admit that it was nice to the ears. You took a step back and watched as Jungkook drove away, ignoring your words from mere moments ago and going fast.
You clicked your tongue against the roof of your mouth.
You had told Jungkook to never come back here but deep inside, you wished to see him again.
A week later, the job didn’t get better. If possible, it probably got worse. You hadn’t arrested one single car yet and all you did was sleep in your car. You knew that if your boss found out, he’d surely fire you and it would be over. He was paying you to work, not sleep. That would be his words.
You sighed for the millionth time this afternoon, whistling along the song playing on the radio. The sun wasn’t bright today. Your mood was down.
The radio was on as per usual and you could hear some of your coworkers communicating with each other, wishing you could do the same. You had nothing to say, nothing to warn. Today was pretty boring.
But then again, someone seemed to have heard you and a loud roar could be heard at the far end of the highway. Your heart thumped loudly and you felt your chest vibrate. Finally. You felt a smile curve up your lips as you turned your car on just as a vehicle flashed before your eyes.
You quickly drove away from behind the small bushes you were once parked at and started your pursuit. But it was quickly over. The car parked on the side road after a short while and you did the same a couple of meters behind. You stood outside your car, looking around quickly before jogging and knocking against the tinted window.
“Do you know how— Jesus! You?”
Fucking hell. Of course it was him. Jeon Jungkook. You should have known by the unique rambling of his motor and at the speed he went earlier. You should have known since the start. This job was seriously making you lose some brain cells.
Jungkook grinned. It was a little devilish and teasing and smug. He leaned on the inside of his door, looking up at you. Fuck. He had dimples.
“Hi to you too, officer…” his eyes trailed down to your badge, “Y/n.” The way your name rolled off his tongue so well made you shiver. His voice had gone an octave lower. It had that little rasp to it that almost made you drool. You secretly wished you could hear it right to your ears.
Just the thought of it gave you goosebumps.
“Jungkook, it’s the second time I catch you exceeding the speed limit. I have no other choice but to give you a ticket this time.”
You didn’t really want to. If you could, you’d let him off with another warning that would actually never get anywhere. He was too pretty to have a ticket. Too fucking perfect.
Jungkook’s wicked grin didn’t falter once even after your words. If it made sense, it seemed to only get wider. Was he finding this entire situation funny? It made your blood slightly boil. You felt like you were getting laughed at. Humiliated maybe. But there was also this little feeling, this tightness at the pit of your stomach when Jungkook got closer.
His cologne hit your strong and gosh, you wanted to breathe it forever. Bath in it. It smelled so good on him.
“Is there a way I could pay? I don’t have money right now.” His tone was suggestive and it took you a while before you got the proper meaning behind his words. And to say that you were shook was an understatement. You choked on nothing, face flushed and so warm, it was embarrassing.
Jungkook didn’t miss the way you suddenly avoided even looking at him, focusing on his steering wheel instead. You heard a low chuckle that shouldn’t have sounded this good. It shouldn’t have made your knees slightly fold.
Jungkook was an attractive man. You couldn’t deny it and it was pretty hard to miss. It was also hard not to stare at his piercings, at his pink lips that looked so soft or at the tattoos that were much more visible than last time. They peeked from his white top and reached the middle of his neck. They were simply magnificent. You wanted to let your fingers run along each of his tattoos.
But even with his fucking god-like appearance, you had to stop yourself from even thinking of further things about him. It was not professional to let your brain wander at these places.
So, in other words, you were a little too close to taking his offer.
“Don’t worry, you’ll have a week to pay, so if you don’t have the money on you right now, it’s no worries.” You replied, mentally high-fiving yourself for keeping your cool.
Jungkook shifted closer, and the tip of his index grazed your arm. It was covered with your uniform but it still sent a wave of fire through your entire body. “But I would really like to pay now. I have something better than money.”
No, no no.
He shouldn’t have said that. You were on the verge of saying ‘yes’. On the verge of letting him take you right here, in the middle of the highway. His words were very powerful and from the way his eyebrow arched, he knew it.
“Do you know what you’re implying right now, Jeon?”
Something in his eyes twinkled when you said his last name. He smirked. Literally smirked. “I know that very well, officer. So, what do you say?”
Oh my god.
You couldn’t say yes, even with how much your heart—or more like your cunt— begged for you to accept his offer. But that would only bring you trouble. You didn’t need that.
“I say we’re going straight to the station, Jungkook. Come out.” His smug expression dropped for a moment, and you saw how disappointed he was. Maybe he thought that his sexiness and his pretty voice and pretty tattoos and piercings would have saved him, and it almost did. But you had to remember that you were the mean cop.
He sighed and opened his door, standing up in front of you.
You breath hitched when you realized how easily he was towering over you. He looked so intimidating from this angle, you almost dropped to your knees. It was then that you realized he was wearing a white top that was so tight you saw the entire shape of his pecs. He had a racer vest on top—blue with black lines and his name written on the back.
He looked at you for a second, toying with his lip piercing before eventually turning around and putting his hands behind his back.
“You know officer, it seemed like you were ready to take my offer. What made you change your mind?” So cocky. His ego was so big and normally it would piss you off, but with Jungkook, it was almost like a part of his charm.
“Stop talking,” you ordered in your most stern voice although it only made him chuckle. You unclipped the handcuffs from your uniform, ready to wrap them around his wrists.
“So bossy. I like it.” You swallowed on nothing over and over again, losing focus. The more he talked, the more you were overthinking. You wanted to push him in his car and let him fuck you.
“Jungkook, I said stop talking.”
“You like having control, hm? I bet you’d love to control me, even for just a few minutes…” And then, well, you kind of snapped.
You handcuffed his wrists together harshly, your fast movements making him take a sharp breath. You turned him around, slightly pinning him to his car door. “I told you to stop talking. You’re only bringing yourself further into trouble,” your voice was simply a mere whisper directed to his face. Jungkook bit his lips, bowing his upper body to reach your level.
“One thing you should know: I love trouble,” he said and his voice was suave and smooth and warm on the side of your face. His knee touched your crotch and he pushed it between your legs. You sucked in a long breath and let out a muffled moan.
Well shit. You were doomed. Because now, you couldn’t stop thinking about how his knee felt so good pressed against your pussy and how much his cock would be even better.
“Seems like you’re enjoying yourself,” he commented, looking down at your lower half grinding on his knees. He pushed it up more and added some pressure to your core. You were wet. Wetter than you’d been in a while and all because of a little asshole named Jungkook. He had his proud face on, enjoying the way your face darkened in a deep shade of pink and the way you obviously shook. He knew you wanted to go further.
“Remove those handcuffs, sweetie.” He said suddenly and his face was dark, serious and so dominant. You really couldn’t say no to that face.
So you nodded, taking out a key from your front pocket, fumbling with it clumsily until the handcuffs were off and Jungkook’s hands found their way on your waist.
He didn’t wrap his arms around you. He simply let you feel his hands for a while, getting used to the burning feeling they left even on top of your entire uniform. It tickled as if he touched you straight through your clothes, right on your skin. Thinking about it, you were dying for some skin to skin contact. To touch his tattoos while he was pleasing you.
Jungkook’s eyes were staring straight into yours. You knew right then that he had been thinking about that moment for a while now and to say that it turned you on was an understatement.
You cleared your throat, trying to keep eye contact without failing but it was hard. His stare was deep and intense and the way he continually licked his lips made it difficult to keep your eyes up there. They looked so soft.
You briefly wondered how they tasted before Jungkook’s voice interrupted your train of thoughts.
“Are you gonna stare at them longer before you finally kiss me?” You hated how his voice made your inside wiggle and giddy and your heartbeat accelerate.
You hesitated, on the tip of your toes. You were so nervous. And Jungkook seemed to catch in, as with a wide grin, he plunged down, lips crashing against your, and teeth colliding. His cold lip piercing touched the corner of your lips and made you gasp.
He snorted into the kiss, this time, wrapping his arms entirely around your waist and exchanging your positions. You were the one pinned on his car. And quite honestly, you liked this position way more.
“I’ve been waiting to do that since the moment you knocked on my window.” His sudden confession stole the air out of you. Just like you, he had been waiting to touch you and feel you up.
Fucking butterflies. You hated how they swam in your stomach and made it difficult to keep up with the kissing without feeling like you would pass out. Jungkook was a good kisser. Scratch that, he was fucking amazing. He moved his lips with expertise against yours.
You guys weren’t really taking your time but you still enjoyed it very much. They way it was heated and impatient and filled with want made it all the more exciting.
You wanted him so bad.
“Let’s take this further in the car, hm?” He mumbled against your lips, struggling to open the car in the position you were both in, but after a while, you were swiftly thrown in the back seat.
Jungkook hovered over you like a scary predator ready to attack and eat its prey. And you were very glad to be his prey.
His right hand lifted up and stopped at your cheek, letting his thumb rub over the softness of your skin. He was in literal awe as he let his eyes trail around every feature of your face. “You’re so fucking beautiful. Can’t wait to ruin you.”
If it wasn’t hot enough, it became too much. You were sweating, desperate to get out of your clothes and let the AC of the car wrap around you. And even more desperate to get Jungkook to fuck you.
Jungkook’s rough hands explored every inch of your upper body until he got tired of your clothes. He sat you up and as fast as he could, succeeded in removing the top of your uniform. His eyes twinkled as if he was a kid that just received his favorite toy for his birthday.
You let him touch you everywhere, he squeezed and massaged your breast until you were whimpering. He pinched your nipples, earning multiple cries from you. He seemed to love every second of it, considering the smile—worth probably a million of dollars—plastered on his face.
He didn’t linger on your breasts too much, though. You could see in the way his fingers always found themselves at the waistband of your pants, that he was more excited about what was down there.
He looked up at you, stopping his hands that were ready to slip off the last item of clothing (except your panties) covering your body.
“Can I remove them?” He asked and it warmed your heart that he remembered to ask you before going any further. You gave him a shy nod and kept in your breath when the cold air hit your lower body, more specifically, your inner thighs.
Jungkook’s hands covered your skin almost immediately. His nails slightly scratched your skin as he ran his fingers up and down your entire legs. But his eyes were stuck on the wet patch on your panties.
“Aren’t you a little excited, huh? Soaked even when I barely even started.”
You moaned. It was a small moan that was more due to your embarrassment and your need for him to touch you, combined together.
It was music to Jungkook’s ears.
He let his finger push on your clothed core, breathing in loudly when he felt the dampness. And then he slipped his fingers in your panties without any second thoughts or any warning.
He settled on rubbing his middle finger on your clit, looking up every now and then at the way your face contorted in pleasure. You were moaning continuously, asking him for more but he wouldn’t give it.
Jungkook loved teasing you and even though you barely knew him at all, that information was pretty obvious from the way he enjoyed slipping in snarky little remarks from the first moment you saw him. He loved how your face became red instantly, how you avoided his eyes. He felt so confident around you.
You liked the tease. You liked feeling on edge every time his fingers almost entered your pussy but then he’d move them away.
“Be patient, babe. You’ll get what you want soon enough.”
Babe. You wanted to hear him say that again on repeat.
“Jungkook,” you mumbled with closed eyes, internally screaming when he avoided your hole again, “I need more. Please.”
He chuckled, stopping the motion of his fingers. “Look at you begging for me. I should have known you’d be an impatient little slut.”
You whined at his choice of words. Dirty talking never failed in turning you on, although it was clear that it depended from who.
And it seemed to fit Jungkook very well.
“Please,” you asked again, not even caring how pathetic you sounded.
“Aw, you’re asking so nicely.” He slipped one finger in and you involuntarily arched your back. “So good for me, so tight too.” Another finger. “Are you gonna come from just my fingers?” A third digit, this time, curling inside.
The stretch hurted a bit. But it was good. It felt so amazing. It only added onto the pleasure and after a while, it wasn’t even uncomfortable anymore.
Jungkook’s eyes were plastered on your pussy and the way you swallowed his fingers so well. You were so wet, it dripped down your inner thighs. He kept biting and licking his lips, moving his head down by the seconds.
And then you understood what he wanted to do so bad. He wanted to eat you out.
“Do it,” you told him, wiggling and pushing yourself closer to him, his fingers hitting a particular spot that had a little yelp come out of you.
“What?” He furrowed his eyebrows, slowing down his fingers. You straightened up a little bit and took his wrist, pulling his three digits out of you. “I know what you wanna do. Eat me out. Please.”
He swallowed and nodded, pushing you further in the back seat and against the door. He properly positioned himself between your legs, tapping on your right thigh. “Open up,” he signaled, pulling them even more apart until you were wide open in front of him.
He licked his lips and plunged his head right in your crotch. Locks of his hair fell on your thighs, tickling you and making shivers run up your entire body. And then his tongue touched you. So warm. So soft. So pleasurable.
He licked the lips at first before slipping his tongue inside, grunting. He had mumbled something but with his face between your legs, the words came out muffled and unclear.
“Fuck, it’s so fucking good. Please don’t stop.” He dug his fingers in your thighs to keep them apart. He thrusted his tongue in and out of your cunt, sometimes, keeping it in deep, filling up all the right places, grazing all the right spots until you were wiggling, and legs wrapping around his face, bucking your head up.
He let you do it. Let you suffocate his face until your juice rolled down his mouth and he pulled himself away. White liquid covered his lips and something in your belly tightened at the sight.
It was so obscene but so hot. You pulled him by his vest to smash your lips on his and taste yourself. He slipped off his vest in the process, tearing down his top and struggling out of his black baggy pants, his boots already off.
He was left in those Calvin Klein sinful briefs that allowed you to see is bulge and fuck, he was big. Perfect length and thickness and that had you drooling literally. You wanted to touch every inch of his body. He was perfectly sculpted.
“I’m gonna fill you up so good, babe. Can’t wait to fuck you into oblivion.” He whispered in your ear and let you remove his boxers until his cock sprung free and stood proudly.
You were astonished and couldn’t tear your eyes away. You were never one to find dicks beautiful, but with Jungkook, you could stare at it and a suck it all day.
But not right now. There were more important matters. Like your desperation to have his cock fuck you.
“Jungkook, I need it inside. Please.”
Jungkook couldn’t get enough of your begging. He wanted to go as far as recording it and jerking himself off at night.
He aligned himself right in front of your entrance and looked up at you. “Are you okay? I really want to fuck the shit out of you but if you changed your mind—“
You cut him off with your finger, grinning at him. “I’ve never wanted something more in my entire life. So please, do it already.” Jungkook’s face brightened up at your response. He liked how you had shut him up and ordered him.
You pushed yourself against his cock just as he began slipping it in slowly, groaning and snuggling his face in the crook of your neck, biting right under your jaw.
“Oh my fucking god, I won’t last long,” he mumbled, sucking in multiple sharp breaths. One of his hands was holding himself beside your head and the other was wrapped around you, securing you in his grasp.
When Jungkook was fully in, he stayed still for a couple of seconds, enjoying the way your walls were so warm and perfectly wrapped around his cock. But then, he slowly slipped out until the head of his dick was at your rim and slammed back in. “Oh fuck—”. You bucked your hips up, meeting his thrust and letting out a scraped moan along with Jungkook’s groan.
“If I knew it was this good,” you started but cut yourself off when he picked up his pace, squeezing your flesh, “I would’ve accepted your offer from the beginning.”
He chuckled, looking down attentively as his cock disappeared in and out of your pussy, being soaked with your slick. It was warm and it drove Jungkook crazy. He wanted to stay inside forever.
“Well, I wanted to fuck you the moment I laid my eyes on you,” he admitted and slowed down his thrusts.
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion until Jungkook flipped you over and you were straddling him. From this position, everything felt so different. He felt so much deeper, as if you could feel him with your hands if you touched your belly.
He gripped your hips tightly to the point when it almost hurted and glanced up at you. “Ride me like the naughty little slut you are, hm?” His voice was so hoarse compared to earlier, and so much more seductive and his sinful words rolled off his tongue in a way you found so satisfying.
You nodded and wrapped your hands around his neck. As you bounced up and down, your breasts followed the rhythm and they were practically jumping in Jungkook’s face, basically calling out to him to suck on them.
Which he ended up doing, letting go of your hips and licking, biting and squeezing the sensitive skin of your chest. He marked your entire cleavage until he was happy at how dark and red it looked.
Your pussy clenched around his cock, earning a strangle moan out of you two and then a moan from Jungkook when you clenched again.
“Is my little slut already so close?”
“Y-yes. It’s so good, I can’t hold it in much longer.” His hands grasped your waist and slid you down his cock until it was buried so deep, you couldn’t find the voice in you to make a sound. He was fucking you so well.
“You’re taking my cock like a good girl. I think you deserve to come.” He mumbled, moving his head closer to yours and nibbling on your bottom lip.
“Please, Jungkook. I want to come so bad. Please please.”
“Fuck, begging like that, I don’t think I can last longer too.”
His words made you keep going, bouncing on his length over and over again to the point where you reached some overstimulation, shaking violently in his arms.
Your voice was loud and the only word that was heard was Jungkook Jungkook Jungkook.
Your cum ran down his length, to his thighs and made his skin glisten in white. Your head was dizzy and your eyes hazed as you glanced down at Jungkook. Your stomach kept tightening every time he moved his hips upward.
He came no longer after, slamming you down his cock and keeping you there for a long moment, moaning how good you were and how hot you looked.
You leaned on his chest after a moment, catching your breath although it proved to be a difficult task. Your lungs felt empty, devoid of any air. But it was fine because you had just been fucked by Jeon Jungkook. And it was the best sex of your life.
After Jungkook regained his composure, he wrapped his arms around you and looked up. One of your hands was running along his tattoos and the other was busy, combed in his sticky hair. Jungkook was a fucking piece of art.
“So,” he started, pushing a few locks of hair away from your face, “Do I still need to pay for that ticket?”
“Heck yeah.”
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angels-fantasy · 1 month
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Top Secret Fiction Ch. 4
Farmers Market
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Description: After meeting the one and only pro hero Dynamight on a dating app, you two begin to see each other. Because of the dangers that come with his hero work, you both promise to be completely honest with each other from the beginning; though you can't help but keep one big secret from him.
You write fan fiction, mostly about him.
Chapter Details: nothing crazy. another date, katsuki being sweet, reader uses their quirk
Word Count: 1.4k
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It's been about two weeks since you went on your date with Bakugou and you haven't seen him since, unfortunately. But it was for good reason - his hero work.
Going into this, you knew he'd be extremely busy, but you didn't think he'd be this busy. But you could understand it. Though something you did appreciate was the fact that he did make time to talk to you on the phone and would let you know when he'd have to go hours without talking.
In these past two weeks you also thought about his serious talk with you, about honesty.
Guilt ate away at you every time you started writing or even thought about it, which made it harder to stay active on your writing account.
Your secret really wasn't that big of a deal, but it was still a secret. Fan fiction was also something that had a bad reputation among people who didn't read it, so who knows how Bakugou felt about it.
Your phone ringing broke you out of your thoughts.
Looking at the caller ID, you saw that it was Bakugou. Smiling, you answered it and said "Hi Bakugou!"
"Hey, you busy right now?" He asked.
You looked around your room, as if that'd give you an answer. "Uh no, why?"
"Good. Can you be ready in like - thirty minutes? I'm free for the rest of the day and I wanna hangout now that I actually have time."
How sweet.
"Yeah I'll be ready by then. Are we meeting somewhere?"
"No, I'm picking you up."
"'Kay, see you then. Bye!"
Hanging up, you squealed into your pillow and then looked at the time. It was only 3:00 pm, so you'd have to be ready by 3:30.
As you rushed to get ready you wondered where Bakugou was taking you. He didn't say you had to dress a certain way, so you went for a casual and comfortable outfit.
He didn't seem like the type to take you somewhere extravagant randomly, so you were sure it'd be somewhere that was pretty relaxed.
After getting ready you noticed you had a few minutes left to spare so you decided to go check on the plants you had around your home.
You had about three plants in your home, all of them ranging from different sizes and types. You didn't have many plants in your home because you already had many at your work place.
You attended to each of your plants needs after they had told you what it is they wanted. One wanted more sunlight, the other was thirsty, and one was just fine.
You looked at your phone to check if Bakugou had texted you, and luckily he did. He had sent a text saying he was outside waiting for you.
You smiled and slipped your shoes on, saying bye to Cheerios and your plants like you always did.
Sliding into the passenger seat you said, "Hey stranger. How've you been?"
He smiled lightly, "Sorry I haven't been able to see you. Work keeps me busy but I'm good, you?"
"I get it. I've been good too though. Has anything interesting happened at work?"
Bakugou brought a hand up to his jaw and stroked it while he thought. "Eh, nothing major. I did stop a bank robbery with Red Riot a few days ago though."
You gasped and turned to him, "A whole bank robbery? I feel like that's such a stereotypical situation... you know? Like, you just see it in movies all the time."
"I know, which is why people usually don't attempt to rob a whole bank" He laughed, "But clearly these guys were idiots."
You laughed at that. "I can't even imagine trying to rob a bank. I mean - where would you even start?
The two of you continued to talk on the way to your destination, which he actually told you about this time. He said that there was a farmers market happening nearby and he actually went there pretty often, so he thought he should invite you along with him which you thought was sweet.
When you arrived it was just as you expected and it seemed to be quite busy.
"Wow I can't believe I've never been here before! The decorations are so cute." You said in awe, once you both started walking around.
"You wanna go get food? There's this old dude that sells the best takoyaki at his stand." Bakugou said as you two walked through the crowd.
You nodded, "Yeah I'm down. Takoyaki sounds really good right now - oh and after can we stop at that stand?" You asked, pointing to a stand that was selling crocheted stuffed animals.
He nodded and then held out a hand, "So you don't get lost in the crowd."
Yeah right.
You smiled and grabbed his hand, letting him lead the way to the takoyaki stand. Once you got there you met the old man he mentioned and talked to him for a bit. You found out that he made the takoyaki himself and he'd been doing it for over thirty years!
When it came to paying, Bakugou kept insisting that he would pay for your food but you stood your ground and told him you were just fine paying for your own.
He grumbled about it for a while after but eventually got over it. You two then went over to the stand you mentioned earlier, and looked at the stuffed animals for sale.
"They're so cute! I think I'm gonna buy one." You said to Bakugou.
He hummed, "You should get that one." and pointed to a white jumbo bunny wearing pink overalls.
"You're so right." You said and placed your food down so you could grab the bunny and check for a price tag.
Your eyes widened at the price.
"This thing is sixty bucks!" You whispered to him.
"What? Lemme see." He said and grabbed the bunny from you to look at the tag. His eyebrows raised a bit at the price. "Tsk, I can make this shit myself."
"You crochet?" You asked.
"Sometimes..." He said and looked away.
You laughed and then grabbed the bunny back from him. "Well, I guess it's goodbye bunny. You're just too expensive." You said and sadly put the bunny back where it once was, making sure to grab your takoyaki.
"Wanna go sit under that tree?" You asked and pointed to a large tree with a bench underneath it.
Bakugou nodded and you began making your way over to the bench.
Once you got there you both continued to eat your food in a comfortable silence. Looking up at the tree, you used your quirk and listened.
"This tree has seen a lot of things." You smiled.
"Whaddya mean?" He asked around his food.
"My quirk. I just used it and listened to the tree. She said she's seen a lot of interesting things in this spot, good and bad." You said and listened some more, "Proposals are the most common."
Bakugou smiled, "The tree really said all that?"
"Yeah! Trees have such interesting stories because they've been around so long." You said excitedly.
He looked up at the tree, "I guess I never thought about it like that."
After some more talking and eating, Bakugou offered to throw away your trash for you, which you accepted. He told you to wait at the bench for him, so you did.
It was taking him a bit longer than you thought it would so you began to worry a bit. As you were biting your lip in thought, a touch on your shoulder made you jump.
"Didn't mean to scare ya."
You placed a hand on your chest, "Jeez! You walk so quietly I didn't hear anything."
Bakugou smirked, "Here, I got you something."
He handed you a large, brown paper bag and watched as you looked inside.
"The bunny!" You gasped and pulled it out of the bag. "But it was so expensive, why did you buy this?!"
He shrugged, "You wanted it, and I guess it's okay to look at."
You looked at the bunny intensely and rubbed its head.
"It's so cute... Thank you so much." You said.
"It's not problem, just make sure to name it after me." He joked.
You clicked your tongue and smacked him with the bunny.
You guys had ended up spending the rest of the day together, finally leaving the farmers market around 8:30 pm.
When Bakugou pulled up to your house, you hesitated before getting out.
"You good?" He asked.
"Yeah, um. Do you wanna come inside?" You asked quietly.
He smiled the widest you've ever seen him smile and said, "Yeah. Will your plants be okay with it?"
"Har har." You said while rolling your eyes and got out the car, leading him into your house.
next chapter
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authors note
sorry for the little cliff hanger :3
also, here's the bunny katsuki bought reader
taglist: @doumadono @54fangirl @andysdrafts @dagger-dragger @lovra974 @l4rsun1vrrse @emmab3mma @littlkittenfan @tatiquichi @cloudxluv @seonne @shonen-brainrot @the2ndl @gold24fish @cxp1d @rv19 @gina329
(those in pink couldn't be tagged)
158 notes · View notes
dilf-lover99 · 1 year
Playing Pretend | J.P.
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Pairing: James Potter x Female Gryffindor!Reader
Summary: When Reader's best friend James requests her assistance capturing the attention of Lily Evans, the two decide to make some changes to their relationship. Sort of.
Warnings: fluff, best friends to lovers / fake dating (two superior tropes), not much of a slow burn (sorry guys), a healthy amount of pining, maybe a teeny bit of angst if you squint, a kiss, i think that's it this is like the softest thing i've ever written
Word Count: 5.1k
a/n: i'm sorryyyyyy !!! i'm sorry i ghosted you, i promise it was an accident ! i've been working a TON lately, but i finally found a bit of time to write and i missed it so much. i hope this was worth the wait ! let me know what you think. p.s. love u lots<3
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There were three things in life of which you were certain.
The first is that, no matter how skeptical one may be, the sorting hat irrefutably knows best. Being sorted into Gryffindor on your first day at Hogwarts was the greatest thing that ever happened to you, it introduced you to the friends who became your family.
The second is that you will never, swear on Merlin’s beard, read a book you’ve borrowed from Remus in the bath; Some lessons are best learned after making mistakes.
The third, and most important, is as follows : James Fleamont Potter is, and always will be, your very best friend.
You’re confident that there’s nearly nothing in the world the two of you wouldn’t do for each other if asked.
James has always been there for you in times of need, with a comforting embrace or a ludicrously ill-advised joke. He always talks out your problems with you, agreeing with your side of the situation even when you think you’re in the wrong.
There’s not a single problem the two of you haven’t been able to overcome together.
You’ve also spent countless waking hours of your life pretending to hold a flicker of interest in the precise mixture of colours in Lily Evans’ eyes, the scent of her hair, or wether or not she laughed at James’ joke that day.
The price of friendship, you suppose.
“This is the year, (y/n), I can feel it!” Your bespectacled best friend announces from his position sprawled across your bed on his stomach.
You withhold the good-natured urge to roll your eyes, exhaling an small breath through your nose with a smile, “You say that every year, James.” Ceasing the previous circles you were spinning in your desk chair, you make eye contact with James and continue, “Though I admire your persistence, perhaps it’s time to give it a rest? Maybe take up another hobby? Clearly quidditch isn’t keeping you busy enough to leave Evans be.”
“Ha Ha.” James grumbles sarcastically. The two of you have conversations like this regularly, though your attempts to divert his interests have consistently proven futile. “It’s different this year. I’m different this year. I’m trying something new,” He slowly pulls himself up from his relaxed position, now sitting at the edge of the bed to face you directly, “If you agree to my plan, that is.”
“Well, that depends,” You hesitate, eyeing your best friend suspiciously. Over the course of your friendship you’ve always had a difficult time saying no to James, which has gotten you into more than your fair share of trouble.
“Is there any part of this plan that could result in our expulsion? Or worse- Will my hands be stained again? It took me weeks to get the dye off my fingers after your last so called plan.” 
Without recounting each and every detail, James’ last plan involved the two of you, a pint of florescent pink hair dye, and the head of an unsuspecting Severus Snape, and resulted in semi-permanent dye-stained hands and a rather stern talking-to from Dumbledore.
James laughs mirthfully at the memory, “Come on, people loved that! We loved that!”
“Yes, we did.” You agree with a grin despite yourself.
James throws a wink your way, shaking his head amusedly before speaking again, “No, this’ll be nothing like that. Entirely free of repercussions, I swear it.” His tone resembles that of when he’s asking you for a favour, and judging by the way he’s dancing around the words, you have a feeling you’re not going to welcome his idea with open arms.
“Alright, Potter. Out with it, will you?” You voice lightly, “It can’t be worse than any other plan you’ve had.”
“I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend.” He rushes out, the shadow of a blush forming evenly across his pale cheeks at his own words.
“O-kay,” You draw out, eyes wide, “Perhaps I was wrong.”
“I know it sounds mad, but hear me out.” He starts quickly, “I was talking to Pads about it and he was all ‘Maybe if you weren’t so available all the time, she’d actually want you around’” He lowers his voice an octave, a dramatized attempt at impersonating your shared friend, “And I know what you’re going to say, ‘Why would you take relationship advice from Sirius of all people’” His voice raises higher now as he butchers an impression of your own, “But he had a point! And I thought, well, I wouldn’t be available if I had a girlfriend, would I?” 
You’re unsure if you should interrupt him or not, equal parts amusement and disapproval swirl around in your brain as he speaks.
“But I couldn’t do that to a real girl, y’know?” If he notices the icy glare you shoot his way at this, he does a bang-up job pretending he doesn’t, “Just string her about whilst I’m in love with Evans- But I could pretend! And who better to pretend with than my own best girl?” He finishes with a smile so sweet you almost forget the preposterous nonsense he’s just spouted.
“There are about ten things wrong with what you’ve just said- Eleven if you count that horrible impression of me! Merlin, James, do I really sound like that to you?” James chuckles at you, running his lithe fingers through the charming mess of his curls.
“Don’t answer that.” You speak before he has a chance to reply, abandoning your chair in favour of standing in front of him.
“You really have gone mad, haven’t you? What exactly do you think is going to happen? She’ll see us together and be overcome with jealousy? Leaving her no choice but to confess her undying love for you?” You highlight the absurdity of his proposition, poking fun with dramatic sighs and emphatic hand gestures.
“Well it sounds a bit nutty when you say it that way, with your sarcasm and the like, but yes. That’s what I’d like to happen.”
“It’s not going to happen, James.” You deadpan.
“Why not?”
“Because that’s not how it works!” You state, humour and disbelief mingling together, “If she doesn’t want you now, why’d she want you after you get a girlfriend? And if she did, would that really be the type of girl you’d fancy anyhow? A boyfriend-wanter?” 
James chuckles amusedly, completely missing the nuance of your words, “Boyfriend-wanter?” He echoes teasingly.
You sigh emphatically, taking a seat on the bed beside your best friend, “You’ve lost the plot, mate.”
James’ previous contentment is no longer at the forefront of his emotions, instead there’s a vulnerable sincerity that tugs at your heart strings with all its might. “Look, I know it’s a long shot, but if there’s even a chance of it working, I just- I have to try, (y/n),” His warm hazel eyes are boring directly into your own with a distinct sense of desperation as he mutters a final, “Please?”
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“I can’t believe I let you talk me into this, James.” Your voice wavers with nerves at the thought of walking hand-in-hand with James into the Great Hall where all your friends sit, blissfully unaware of the delusional plan James has concocted to win the affections of Lily Evans.
“Come on, (y/n), it won’t be so bad. You used to love holding my hand.” James jests with an irritatingly loveable grin, not-so-subtly referencing the ancient crush you harboured toward him in the beginning of your first year.
“Yes, very well, James. I had a crush on you when I was eleven. I also slept with a Beatles nightlight and cut the crusts off my toasts.” You’re starting to wonder how on earth you could’ve agreed to this when James grabs your hand, intertwining his slender fingers with your own and giving a gentle, reaffirming squeeze.
“Thank you for doing this. I know it’s barmy, truly, but it means everything that you’re willing to try.” His voice is softer than you’ve heard in a long time, and in the back of your mind you can’t help but think this is the boy you’d fancied all those years ago.
You squeeze his hand back assuringly, “I’d try anything for you.” You smile sincerely.
“Oh really? Should you have happened to change your mind about a certain prank involving-”
“Almost anything.” You interrupt with an amused roll of your eyes.
The two of you share another smile before turning toward the looming entryway to the Great Hall.
“Shall we, darling?” James emphasizes the final word teasingly.
“We’d best, before I change my mind, love.” You retort.
You’re familiar with the expression ‘so silent, you could hear a pin drop’ but you’ve never experienced anything of the sort. Until now, that is.
The moment you and James walk through the doors, all eyes are on the two of you. More specifically, all eyes are continuously moving from you, to James, to your intertwined hands, then back again.
In the two days since you agreed to James’ scheme, you’ve remained confident that it wouldn’t work, surely nobody would believe you went from best friends to being in a relationship overnight.
Your confidence was misplaced.
As the two of you walk closer to your usual spot at the Gryffindor table, your hand squeezes James’ tighter than you’d like to admit, painstakingly aware of just how many eyes are on you. You can hear the poorly concealed whisperings of each gossiping classmate you pass by, “Finally!” “See, I told you they were shagging.” “What does he see in her?” The latter may have stung just a bit.
“Alright?” James whispers close to your ear, fuelling another buzz of observations from your peers.
You nod your head perceptibly, a tad caught off guard from all the attention you’re receiving, “Yes, swell. You?”
“To be determined.” James tugs your hand gently, signalling you to stop walking as you’ve reached your destination at the Gryffindor table.
“Good morning.” You greet your friends with a smile in an effort to maintain normalcy. Taking your usual seat, Sirius is on your left and James sits to your right beside Remus. You promised James to keep the plan a secret from everyone, including your shared best friends, but with the way they’re looking at you now, you’re ready to spill your guts.
“Good morning? S’that it then?” Sirius starts incredulously, “The two of you leg it in here holding hands and we’re supposed to go about our day as normal?” 
“I think what he means to say,” Remus interjects, his tone soft, a welcome juxtaposition from Sirius’ brash one, “Is that this-” he gestures between you and James with a mild wave of his hand, “Is new. We hadn’t realized the two of you were… Romantically involved.” His statement ends as more of a question, a gentle probe to explain what’s going on.
You look to James, raising your brows questioningly as if to say you've created this plan, now you have to do the ground work.
He gets the message.
“It is a bit out of nowhere, isn’t it?” James smiles, not so subtly making eye contact with Lily, who’s sitting directly across the table, “We spent all these years as friends and never thought twice about it, um- But then…” He trails off, realizing he’s not half as good a liar as he’d hoped he was.
You close your eyes with a deep sigh, knowing it’s now your responsibility to make this believable.
James Potter and his bloody plans.
“It’s alright, James, love,” You speak up after he’s gone silent, “We can tell them.” He’s going to owe you for this, and you intend to cash in the favour for once, “I’ve fancied you as long as I’ve known you.”
Your friends are paying more attention to you now than they have to anything, ever, clinging onto your every word, “Bit embarrassing if I’m honest, cos’ you never really saw me that way.” 
You remember hearing once that the most believable lies stem from the truth, and though it was back in year one, and hardly went as deep as you’re leading on, this is a version of how you’d felt about James at one point in time.
You work hard to fight back a chuckle at the look of pity on Dorcas’s face as she takes in your words, “But, I guess after I finally stopped trying to get you to see me that way, that’s when you actually started to.” Now you’re just discussing the plan in plain sight, though your friends are drinking it up quicker than their pumpkin juice.
James squeezes your hand with a firm grip, as if to warn you not to say anything more and spoil his plan right in front of Lily.
But he’s also looking at you with a discernible note of gratitude in his eyes, never quite tiring of your knack for rescuing him in these situations.
“Yes, quite right, love, I’ve seen the light. Thank you all for tuning in, this concludes the interview portion of our breakfast. Now, over to Padfoot for the weather!” James voices deftly, eyes scanning Lily for any semblance of a negative reaction, and failing to hide his displeasure when all she offers in return is a bright smile and a soft “Congratulations, you two!”
That could’ve gone better.
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“Figures the first time I’ve a date to one of these things, he’s only going for another girl.” You voice to James in the other room as you struggle to reach the zip on the back of your dress. 
You’re joking, though it’s not lost on you that this is the only time someone’s asked you to be their date to a dance. But you aren’t inclined to waste the opportunity. You’ve picked out a lovely dress and your hair is behaving particularly graciously tonight.
“Come on, love, I’m sure you’ll get plenty of offers once our plan takes off. And tonight’s the night! I’ve a good feeling about it.” Ever the optimist, your best friend.
“Oh, bugger off!” You shout frustratedly after multiple unsuccessful attempts at zipping up.
“I wasn’t trying to upset you! I only meant-” James’ panicked tone brings an instant smile to your face, all previous traces of dissatisfaction long gone.
“Not you, James, my dress. I can’t get the bloody zip to go up!”
“Oh,” He chuckles minutely, “Well c’mere then, let me help.” 
It’s a proper cliche, you think to yourself. Like something you’d see in a cheesy romance film, when the girl walks down the staircase in a fancy dress, everything’s suddenly in slow motion, and the lad’s just standing there thinking how am I just now realizing how beautiful she is?
It’s a proper bloody cliche, yet it’s exactly how you feel as you walk into the room and see James standing there in his dance attire.
His crisp white dress shirt is clinging faultlessly to his chest and arms, the muscles he’s defined playing quidditch showcasing themselves quite proudly, the black fabric of his dress pants pulled taught against his thighs. His mop of dark curls sits charmingly atop his head, a perpetual vision of captivating chaos. His rounded glasses are resting perfectly on the bridge of his nose, shimmering hazel eyes blinking delicately from behind them.
How are you just now realizing how beautiful he is?
“(y/n)?” James’ voice pulls you out of your reverie, and you’re thankful beyond words that he can’t hear your thoughts.
“Yes?” You clear your throat, simultaneously attempting to clear your mind.
“Turn around, love, I’ll fix your zip.”
His nimble fingers make quick work, sliding the zip from the small of your back to the top of the dress, a subtle trail of gooseflesh makes itself at home along the skin that’s been gently grazed by his own.
“There we are. Go on then, give us a twirl.” James’ playful voice sounds, you oblige good-naturedly and give a quick spin.
“That’s a lovely dress. Is it new?” His eyes scan your frame appreciatively, not quite as lengthy as the tour your own eyes had taken upon him moments ago, but you feel your chest grow tighter at the thought that, just maybe, he could be having one of those cliche moments too.
“As a matter of fact it is,” Your smile grows as you think back to the day before, when Dorcas dragged you and a reluctant Marlene to Diagon Alley to buy your outfits for the dance, “It’s her first dance with a date! Not just a date, a boyfriend. We have to pick the perfect dress.” She was far more excited than you were, especially considering it isn’t a real date, but her enthusiasm had made it a day to remember. “If Dorcas were here, you’d have just made her entire week.”
“Do you know what Lily’s wearing?” 
Not an unexpected question in the slightest.
What is unexpected, however, is the pang in your chest at it.
That’s new.
“No, I don’t. Sorry. ” You say, not particularly sorry at all.
“Are you alright?” James’ voice is laced with confusion at your sudden shift in mood.
Curse your best friend for knowing you so well.
“Mhm. Shall we go?” You place a smile back on your lips, taking care not to let it fall this time.
“After you, your majesty.” James answers in his most posh voice, gesturing toward the door and lowering his head in a mock bow.
It’s not real.
When you first agreed to James’ plan, this thought brought you comfort, peace, even. It’s not real, thank heavens, and it will be over before you know it.
Why does the thought feel so violent now?
Why is it tearing at the seams of your mind with each of his gentle touches and crooked smiles?
Why are you so reluctant to let go of James’ arm when you arrive at the dance?
And why have you spent the last twenty minutes sitting here, watching James watch Lily, as an unwelcome sense of envy blooms in your chest?
Because you wish it was real.
“Oh, come on! That was proper funny!” Sirius’s voice sounds from beside you, pulling you away from your internal revelations.
When did he get here?
“Was it?” You question. Your words come across sarcastic, but that’s a farce, you’ve no idea what he said.
“Yes, it was actually. You were just too busy making eyes at Prongs to notice.” 
And when did he get so observant?
“I was not.” You lie.
“Right,” Sirius starts, not believing you for a moment, “This is my life now, is it? My best mates’ll be too busy snogging to laugh at my jokes? What a cruel fate. Worse than death, really. Just put me out of my misery now.” He throws himself back into his chair melodramatically, posture now resembling a sickly figure in an old victorian painting.
What a drama queen.
Still, you feel the need to reassure him. Cutting off his theatrics, you place your hand on his bicep, giving a tender squeeze of affirmation, “Leave it out! I could never be too busy for you,” He straightens at that, lips lifting into a grin as you continue, “You just have to tell funnier jokes.” His grin disappears faster than it formed.
You continue bantering back and forth, resulting in a fit of laughter that finally breaks James’ gaze from Lily. 
He focuses his attention on the two of you, unwilling to acknowledge the feeling blossoming in his chest when he sees your hand on Sirius, a brilliant smile having overtaken your face.
“Care to dance, love?” James questions, faster than you have time to process.
You remove your hand from Sirius’ arm, sparing a glance toward Lily. He’s trying to make her jealous, that’s why you’re here after all. But she’s not looking at you and James. In fact, she’s looking in another direction entirely.
“I’m alright mate, thanks. Take (y/n), though.” Sirius quips, ushering you onto your feet.
James guides you to the dance floor with a gentle hand on the small of your back, spinning you in a half circle to hold you properly once you’ve reached your destination.
Your heart is beating at an accelerated pace but you’re doing your damndest to hide it. “Is she looking?” You question softly, hiding any dejection from your voice.
“What’s that?” James asks.
You wonder how he didn’t hear you, his eyes having been glued to you since you started dancing. You were beginning to wonder if you had something on your face.
“Lily,” You start again, “Is she watching us?” You don’t know why you ask again, you’re not sure you want to know the answer.
“Oh. Yes-” James clears his throat, “Yeah, she’s looking.” 
His eyes never actually waver from your own. He doesn’t do much to pretend that he’s spotted her in the crowd or discerned wether she was looking or not. To be honest, he’d forgotten about the plan for a moment.
The song ends but before you can move from James’ hold he pulls you closer, “We should keep dancing.” He mumbles, then continues, almost as an afterthought, “Y’know, make it look more realistic.” 
But he couldn’t care less about that right now, he’s simply not ready for you to leave his arms.
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It’s been six weeks since the plan started, an entire month and a half of pretending.
And you don’t think you can pretend any more.
Pretending to be James’ girlfriend isn’t the hard part. In fact, it’s the best part. Countless days of holding his hand in the Great Hall and resting your head upon his shoulder in the Gryffindor common room. Those moments are purely blissful.
Pretending that your feelings for James aren’t real? That’s the hard part.
In the beginning, James had started calling you love or darling for show, a way for you to appear more like a real couple. He must have grown accustomed to it, because they’re all he seems to use anymore, even when nobody else is around.
And your heart still skips a beat each and every time you hear it.
Somehow, it’s become routine for you to do your homework while watching his quidditch practices, despite the fact that Lily has only ever seen you there once. You tried explaining this but all James had said was “That’s alright, having you here helps me play better.”
Now you attend every practice.
You don’t know how to respond when your friends tell you how happy they are that you and James have gotten together, that they can tell how deeply you care for him. They’re right, partially anyway, you do care for James deeply.
But you’re not together. Not for real, anyway.
And it’s driving you mad.
Which is why you’ve decided that it has to end.
You’ve been thinking about this for weeks, ever since the night of the dance, when you realized you wanted more. But you weren’t sure what to tell James.
If you tell him the truth, that you’ve fallen for him, it could end your friendship, which is a chance you’re not willing to take. But you’ve also never been good at lying to him, he knows you far too well.
You’ve finally decided on a good old-fashioned half-truth.
You’re going to tell him that the plan hasn’t been working, that if he wants to get Lily’s attention he’ll have to go about it another way. Spending another year watching him pine over Lily won’t be easy, but it can’t be any harder than this; Seeing what a wonderful boyfriend James would be, being so close to the boy you want but never truly being able to have him.
The soft click of your door notifies you of James’ arrival. Taking a final deep breath, you find your eyes meeting his own, willing yourself not to get lost in them and lose your resolve.
“Hello, love. How was your day?” James questions earnestly, taking a seat in your desk chair, his eyes hold an undetectable glimmer of adoration as they take in your figure.
“I think we should break up!” You rush out at once, afraid if you wait another second you’ll chicken out again.
James’ eyebrows pull together in a wistful display of despondence, “What? Why?” His voice is rather melancholy and if you didn’t know any better, you’d think he was being broken up with for real. 
You sigh dispiritedly, taking a seat at the edge of your bed as you face James.
“Think about it. The plan isn’t exactly working, is it? I mean, when was the last time you even talked to Lily?” 
James is quick to defend, “We’ve just spoken yesterday! In the common room, remember? When you and Moony were talking about that smarty-pants book, she was all ‘your girlfriend’s too good for you, potter’, and I told her she was right. Surely you remember that?”
You fight back a smile at the memory, of course you remember that, you think of his words about as often as you breathe.
“James that was last week.”
He stops for a moment, counting the days on his fingers before deciding you're correct, “Okay… Alright, well, that doesn’t mean we should break up! We’ll just- We just have to try harder.”
You shake your head in opposition, but he speaks again before you have the chance.
“We can make it work, I know it.” James’ voice holds a perceptible air of desperation.
He knows you’re not really dating, right?
“Come on, James, it’s for the best. Surely you’re tired of me by now.” You joke, trying to appear unaffected by the nuance of your words.
“No.” James voices immediately, sounding as though he’s offended at the very idea of it, “I’m not tired of you. I could never be tired of you.”
“Have you any idea how much harder you’re making this?” You mumble under your breath, though it wasn’t quiet enough to go unheard by James.
He’s looking at you softly, almost tenderly and he lowers his voice a bit, no longer on edge, “What does that mean?”
“Try again.” James tilts his head, pushing his glasses up when they attempt to slide from the bridge of his nose.
“I just don’t think we should do it anymore, that’s all.”
“That’s all?” He knows very well that’s not all. He can tell by the way you’re avoiding eye contact that there’s more to it.
“Yep! So what do you say, friends?” You finally chance eye contact, holding your hand out to shake his own in an effort to regain control of the situation.
His hand grabs your own and holds it delicately.
“What aren’t you saying?”
“Nothing! I’m saying plenty of things. Loads of things. Things, things, things!”
“(y/n).” He states plainly, though he’s unable to hide the glimmer of amusement in his eyes, “If there’s something going on, you can tell me. We can tell each other anything.” He’s pleading with you now.
And you aren’t sure if it’s his words, or the way he speaks them, or the fact that his hand is still grasping your own, but you’re unable to keep the words from tumbling out of your mouth.
“I can’t keep pretending, alright? You’re driving me mad.” Both of your eyes widen at your confession, and James takes his hand back smoothly.
“Oh,” He clears his throat, a teasing undertone returning to his voice, though you can discern a hint of sadness in his eyes, “It’s you who’s tired of me then, innit?”
“What? No! That’s not-” You sigh frustratedly, standing from the bed and beginning to pace a small path back and forth on the floor, “James, if it were possible for me to be tired of you, it would’ve happened a long time ago.”
He breathes out a chuckle at this, visibly relaxing once he realizes he must’ve misunderstood.
You stop pacing, looking at James as he stands up in front of you.
“Can we start this whole thing over? It’s gotten a bit confusing if I’m honest.” You question.
“No, it’s okay. You were right, it’s best we call it off now.” James starts, adding quietly, “Before anyone gets hurt.”
Your gaze snaps up to his own, confusion etched upon your features, “Why- Why would anyone get hurt?” You swallow thickly, ignoring the sudden uptick of your pulse.
James sighs, bringing a hand up and running it through his curls, “Because it’s true. What you said before, about the plan not working. It’s not. And If I’m being honest, I couldn’t care less. I haven’t given a thought to the plan, or Lily, in weeks.” 
You know he can’t mean it the way it sounds, he can’t mean it the way you want him to mean it. But your heartbeat is racing rampant at the possibility that he does.
“And it’s why I don’t want to end things,” He continues, “Because, the way I see it, if something makes you sad when it’s ending, it must’ve been pretty wonderful while it was happening.” He’s rambling, but the contents of his words, and the fact that they’re directed at you, makes you want him to go on forever.
“You’re my best friend, and you always will be, I swear it! But, I just… I can’t help but want more.”
You’ve heard enough.
Well actually, you could never hear enough, but you’ve heard enough to propel yourself forward, urgently pressing your lips to James’ own.
He wasn’t expecting it, but he doesn’t waste a moment once he realizes what’s happening. 
James places his calloused hands on either of your cheeks, gently pulling you closer to himself. He smiles slightly into the kiss when you bring one of your own hands up to the nape of his neck and run your fingers softy through the curls there.
The kiss feels as though it’s lasted forever, and yet you never want it to end. But your lips part a fair distance as you rest your foreheads together in contentment, taking a moment to catch your breath.
“So that’s what you meant when you said I was driving you mad.” James teases, donning a grin so beautiful your heart could burst just from looking at it.
“Yes, I suppose it is.” You try to sound annoyed but you’re sure you’re missing the mark, wearing a blinding smile of your own.
“Well that settles it then,” James loops his arms around your waist and pulls you closer to his body, “No more pretending.” His delicate lips meet your own once more in another intoxicating embrace.
Note to self : James Fleamont Potter’s plans don’t always end in disaster.
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galactic-magick · 1 year
But Then I Saw You: Adam Warlock x Reader
Summary: Adam can’t take his eyes off you and he doesn’t understand why.
Words: 0.7k+
Warnings: SPOILERS!!
Adam was slowly but surely learning to navigate his new life—a far different one than he ever thought he’d be living.
Between missions with the other Guardians, his new home is Knowhere. He has his own small apartment with an overlook of the city, and he’s been trying to inegrate himself into the community. It’s difficult, considering he violently destroyed the place less than a year ago, yet he’s made a decent amount of friends.
There’s one person he still hasn’t figured out how to talk to, though, and that’s you.
Adam sees you around town nearly everyday, and the sight of you always makes him feel something different. He doesn’t understand why he can’t just talk to you like he does everyone else, the nervousness always stopping him. He’s been made well aware that he left his cocoon too early, and therefore isn’t fully developed, but this feeling isn’t something he ever heard mentioned by his mother or his people.
“Ya know, it’s a good thing you don’t have laser eyes or something, because they’d be dead from all your staring,” Rocket jokes, catching Adam looking at you again.
“I don’t know why I can’t stop looking at them,” Adam says.
“Sounds like you got a crush, golden boy,”
“I am Groot,” Groot agrees.
“What’s a crush?” Adam asks, intrigued.
“Oh, geez, do I have to be the one to explain it to him?”
Groot steps up, wrapping a vine around Adam’s shoulders, “I am Groot. I am Groot, I am Groot. I am Groot! I am Groot?”
“Yeah, that makes sense. I guess we just don’t usually have those romantic type feelings in my species. We reproduce through genetic engineering and birthing pods, so we don’t have the need to be attracted to each other like that,”
“Okay, so what’s wrong with you then?” Rocket laughs.
“I don’t know,” Adam catches another glance at you. “But maybe it’s not a bad thing,”
“I am Groot?”
Rocket cackles again, “No way am I giving him dating advice, Groot. Go ask Drax or something, he’s the one who’s been married before,”
Adam doesn’t waste much time, so later that day he asks Drax how he should talk to you. Of course Draw tells him about how he met his wife, talking about his attraction to her in graphic detail. Adam hangs onto every word, taking everything in as if he’d be quizzed on it. He asks lots of questions, trying to figure out how best to express his interest in you. Eventually he thinks he has it down, so next time he sees you, he’s determined to make his move.
Fortunately, that time comes pretty fast, and he sees you sitting in the main square on his way home. He sits beside you, attempting to be somewhat covert and casual.
“Hi,” he says.
“Hi,” you reply with a smile. “You’re Adam, right?”
“You know who I am?”
“Well, yeah, everyone here knows who you are,” you shrug. “Plus I see you staring at me a lot so I’ve asked some people what your deal is,”
Adam loses his entire train of thought, quickly realizing his plan had already failed. He clearly already weirded you out by his behavior, and he didn’t want to further discomfort you.
“I’m sorry,” are the only words he finds to say.
“Why?” you laugh. “I’m not mad, I’ve just been waiting for you to actually talk to me,”
“Yeah, I’ve been wanting to know what’s so interesting about me. Do I look like someone you knew or something?”
He’s relieved to know you’re not upset with his terrible social skills, but he still doesn’t know quite how to respond. How is he to explain how seeing you makes him feel?
“The truth is,” he starts, “I thought my people were supposed to be the most beautiful and perfect species in the universe...but then I saw you,”
Now it’s your turn to lose all words and thoughts from your mind. Is the Adam Warlock into you?
“I never meant to scare you, and I understand if you don’t feel similar feelings towards me,” he stand up, “I hope you have a lovely evening,”
“Wait, hang on Adam,” you stop him from leaving. “Why didn’t you just ask me out?”
“Out where?”
You laugh, his confusion endearing, “Anywhere, goldie. I need to get to know you better before I decide if I like you too, don’t I?”
“Ah, yes! Great idea,” he nods. “I will ask you out tomorrow, then,”
“Not now?”
“I need to go home now to feed my pet,”
“Of course,” you smile. “Tomorrow, then,”
He flies up into the air, leaving you to look forward to whatever he comes up with.
Read this to make a Guardians request!
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catalina-infanta · 2 months
The Question of the Collar & the Dark Rise Trilogy
I am pro collar. And Ill tell you why.
I have been seeing a couple posts on this topic and people go back and forth, but none have fully encapsulated what I see as being one of the biggest reasons I believe the collar is consensual and probably a kink. I also think there is a possibility it also allows free will, but today I shall argue for why I believe it’s consensual on James’s part, because that is where the doubt lies within the fandom it seems. It is very clear to me that Will is erotically enticed by the collar also, but who really needs convincing of that?
So, firstly, there are so many instances where we see that James is visibly turned on by the collar. See how Will acknowledges James in the quote below as looking already surrendered, and going “pliant as if the same hot gold ran like sweet need through his veins” :
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James is clearly very turned on by the collar, it’s in the text in many instances. The words used here are evocative: need, pliant, sweet, and hot.  Where do you see that kind of language other than in the erotica and romance genres? It then goes on to talk about how his shirt is open, how his eyes are glazed, and how he is “yielding”. Basically, this is a sex scene without the sex. The collar is an object of lust for the duo, and this is being communicated to the audience. Authors, when writing, do not use evocative language by accident. No. They paint a picture with words to influence their readers emotionally in the direction they want our minds to go. Every detail is planted on purpose when you are a good author. And Pacat is a good author!
But there is so much more. Here, in the next scene, James is seen wetting his lips:
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Wetting one’s lips is a sign of attraction. If you don’t believe me, just Google it! We also have another scene where James’s pupils are blown wide when watching the collar in the throne room scene; yet another physical sign of attraction in a human being and something we see in novels all the time.
But Pacat goes further than just showing the physical signs of being turned on. If Anharion consented to a collar that controls him (to what extent it controls him, we are still unsure) we should see the signs that this is something he is possibly interested in emotionally. Or at least, something Anharion was interested in and James responds to at least on some level. And there are so, so many signs. This is shown through what he likes, shown through what he does, says, and what others say about him (not just Will, but Sinclair as well as others). Why is Pacat seeding all these comments about James’s need to serve, to please, other than to put in our minds that there is an aspect of James/Anharion's character that this is something he likes, and that it is a possibility that the collar might have been his choice in the past? It’s a kink for sure, and something James may determine he is not interested in in the next book, but for the sake of argument, look at the screencaps below:
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Will is picking up on something about James’s personality, and James is relieved and perhaps surprised that he has been so transparent. It is clear to Will that James likes to take orders. After all, before he was Sinclair’s (the Dark Lord’s) man, he was the exemplary novitiate, wasn’t he?
In an even better example of this below, we see him kind of asking Will that Will's request for James to come to him after opening the gate become an order. But, why ask this? What purpose does it serve James to make Will give him an order? Why does James want it to be an order?
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Will catches on and gets it, equally turned on. His lips curl (in a smile) and lowering your lashes is a sign of submission in human interaction; James is lowering his lashes showing submission to Will. James is aroused here too, because in the next moment he asks Will to kiss him.
We have it from others perspectives too, here below, we have Sinclair telling James he likes to serve, he is a born submissive and to “belong” to someone, echoing what James himself has said to Will countless times:
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And just to top this with a cherry, Sinclair’s scene with James he tells us James, upon a successful mission, liked being praised and “sitting at his feet”. This calls to mind the imagery of the chain at the bottom of the throne.  
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In terms of similar character types in Pacat's work, Erasmus from Captive Prince comes to mind. He was a collared slave and we get some glorious descriptions with him being quite the submissive with the “lowered lashes” (ring any bells?) :
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May I just interject to reiterate that the language around the collar is really so sexual, I don’t think I need to post more about this, because some of the screencaps above illustrate this, but I am sure you can all imagine and remember how you felt reading those scenes; they were enticing. I just cant imagine Pacat would use such romantic, erotic, and lush imagery if this collar were the instrument of coercion, compulsion, and humiliation, and even possible r*pe, that we are supposed to think because this is YA fantasy genre and not horror. Someone might argue that they weren’t sleeping together when Anharion was wearing the collar, but I would counter-argue that of course they were! Everyone who knew about the Dark King and his Betrayer knew they were in a romantic relationship, from James’s father, to Gauthier, to Kettering. And we are only supposed to think the collar is all these bad things based off the second hand knowledge passed down by characters like Gauthier, or the vague and evasive language used in the last chapter by both James and the narration (but this is not really shown by James's feelings when he has it put on him). But when James first puts it on, he is described as “hating how good it felt” as well as having some rather erotic flashbacks to Anharion and Sarcean (and that didn’t sound coerced to me, it sounded romantic and swoon-worthy, it sounded like he was being "filled up" which is a way my old therapist friend used to describe being emotionally fulfilled by one's partner). So, why would the principle couple be one that started in coercion and assault? Maybe this is something else being said by Pacat about purity culture, and how there is nothing morally wrong with kink as long as the two are consenting, loving adults who trust each other? James CLEARLY trusts Will to "hold the key" so to speak as he asks him to in the throne room. Just because some of us dont explore our sexuality in this way doesn't make it wrong and I think Pacat is challenging the readers (as Will is being challenged) to reconsider their biases about what is "wrong" not through the lens of what other people think but through what two people feel is right in the loving and trusting relationship that they have together through Total Power Exchange. This is not a story about abuse. Who would want to read that?
No, this is something else in my opinion. I think the collar is completely in line with the desires of Sarcean and Anharion, and their reincarnations are now echoing those desires thousands of years later and they will see whether it is ultimately something that they want to explore together in the next book. The collar was consensual: it is not in line with the YA romance fantasy genre to have a couple start out so grossly abusive towards each other, especially when the language is evocative of romance, and the personalities are showing desire. I think we are meant to challenge our assumptions here about people and what is considered “normal” instead of just thinking if a couple doesn’t fit our idea of a perfect mold that there must be something wrong with them. Also, please remember that Pacat is twisting our heads in one direction with the characters own misconceptions and half truths, when I believe he is planting enough evidence to surprise us (and Will) in the last novel with the revelation that has been hidden in plain sight all along: that Sarcean wasn't hurting Anharion. On the contrary. He was freeing him.
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camatchoum · 5 months
Not so dramatic, after all
Willy Wonka x reader
Request : Hi I have a request for a wonkaxreader!! Could the reader really be into theatre like all they ever want to do is perform but once they get an audition and it goes horrible and they are crushed?? @macmonster09
Summary : You have your biggest audition today for a play that you love, but you are incredibly nervous. A certain chocolatier tries to help you with that, but it's doesn't really go well.
Words : 4.0k
Warnings: angst, fluff.
My masterlist
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Today is the day. Today, you have THE big audition. The one that is going to change your life forever.
Since you are a little kid, you want to work in theatres. Your grandpa took you to see Romeo and Juliet when you were only five, and from that moment, you knew you wanted this to be your life. He always used to say that he knew Shakespeare. He was one of his best friends. When you were little, you believed him, but as you got older, you knew he was kidding, but you always laughed. You loved your grandpa so much, and you thank him every day for giving you the love of the theatre. You hope that one day he will watch you perform on the biggest stage of the world. You know he is not there anymore, not on earth anyway, but you always thought that he was watching you from the stars.
Today, you have an audition for the new play of your town's theatre : Romeo and Juliet. You were always too afraid to actually go to an audition. Well, you always walk to the theatre but then get back home at the last minute. But when you saw the title, you knew it was a sign from your grandpa. You had to pass the audition this time.
You are on your way to the audition. You are incredibly nervous. You have a strong grip on your bag as you are running. It is snowing outside, so normally you would have walked to be careful. But you were so overwhelmed with stress that you got out of your house late. So now you have to run.
You run inside the Galaries Gourmet, the theatre being on the other side. You curse when you see all the people in the way, and they don't seem to be moving. You try to slip through the crowd, repeating sorry's without caring if the person you push actually heard you. You need to go on the other side. You are moving forward with your goal, the only thing going on in your mind.
It was really the only thing you could think of because you didn't see a cane going right into your chest, causing you to fall with a scream. The man with the cane immediately stops what he is saying with a gasp and goes at your rescue.
"Oh no, I'm so sorry. Miss, are you okay?" The man asks you as you try to stand up again, but you slip and end into his arms. When you look up, you see that this man is probably your age, with curly brown hair beneath is high hat. He also wears a big purple coat. That is an interesting choice of colour. You blink when you see the man's lips move.
"I-I'm sorry what?" You stutter, and you can feel your cheeks burning. You are clearly embarrassed, and on top of that, this man is really good-looking. You are afraid you were passing for a dumb girl, but he only chuckles.
"I asked you if you were okay? I'm sorry I didn't see that you were in the way. I should be more careful with the cane." He says sweetly before he looks at you, and his eyes widen. He immediately let you go, and you can see his cheeks turn a little bit red. "I-I-I'm sorry it was just a re-reflex." He stutters too, thinking he was in the wrong here.
"No, don't worry about it. If you didn't catch me, I would have probably fallen again, so I'm actually glad you did it." You day, causing him to smile. "Thank you..."
"OH, I'm Willy Wonka, chocolatier. Would you like to try some..."
"I'm Y/n. I would love to but I don't have this kind of money." You say sadly.
"Nonsense miss Y/n. This one is free." He hands you a chocolate. You are about to take it when you remember a tiny detail. Your eyes widen.
"Oh my god, I need to go." You take your bag that was still on the floor before you start to run.
"Wait! You forgot to taste my chocolate!" You hear Willy Wonka scream before you see him running right next to you.
"I'm sorry, I really need to go." You don't stop running, Willy, neither.
"Where are you going?"
"I have an important audition today at the theatre, and I'm already late. I'm so nervous I could puke right now."
"I have the best thing to give you for that." Willy says with his eyes full of joy.
"What is it?"
"Can we stop running first. I'm not exactly an athletic guy."
You decide to stop. You aren't an athlete anyway, so that is actually better. You both catch your breath before looking at each other. You are both taking big breaths. This made you both chuckle.
"Ok, so what is it? An advice?" You ask.
"I have much better." He says so excited. He takes his suitcase and opens it. You see a lot of colourful vials that seem to have something special inside each of them. You watch as he starts to mix the content of a few vials before he pushes on a few buttons. His suitcase starts to make a lot of weird noises. You are wondering if this is a good idea. What if he is trying to poison you? Maybe you should escape while he wasn't looking. You still have to go after all, and you don't want to die.
But before you could think about getting away anymore, Willy stands up with a big smile. You think it can reach the stars.
"I present to you the Never Sad Chocolate. I'll find a better name later. A chocolate with a drop of a double rainbow, a point of glitter because glitters make you happy. And just a heart full of Belgian milk chocolate because chocolate alone makes you happy." He says with such excitement while putting the famous chocolate in your hand. "I promise you that you'll couldn't even think of being sad after eating this."
You eye him suspiciously, but his eyes are so full of light that you decide to eat it. You pop the chocolate in your mouth, and it is ultra delicious. You can feel happiness flow inside your veins and full filling your heart. And before you know it, the corners of your lips start to go up. You are smiling so much that it hurts. It's like all your stress washed away.
"Oh my god, that's so good. I feel so good." You say with excitement too. "Thank you so much, Mr Wonka."
"Please, call me Willy. And it was nothing, really. I'm happy you appreciate it."
"Well, I still have to hurry, so I should go now. But thank you so much, I feel so happy!!!!" You beam causing Willy to chuckle. You start to walk in the direction of the theatre.
"Come tell me how it happened!" Willy calls to you.
"Promise!" You scream back.
With your new confidence, you walk with determination to your audition. You are going to break it. When you arrive, you tell your name to the woman at the front desk and then wait for your turn. You aren't feeling anywhere near nervous at the moment. You are just patiently waiting, rehearsing in your head how you are going to act and all.
"Y/n Y/l/n" a woman calls out your name. You stand up and walk to the centre of the stage before looking at the three judges before you. "We are ready to see what you have to show us." The woman says. "Good luck."
You thank her before going to your position. You start to act one of the happy scenes in Romeo and Juliet. You are doing really well. The judges are impressed with the way you act and the way you adapted the role to suit yourself. They think that you are a one of kind artist who could mesmerised the audience. They are all falling for your charms. When you finish the scene, you are proud of yourself. Proud for doing it. You hope your grandpa would be proud of you. You turn to hear what the judges have to say.
"That was the best audition I ever saw in my entire life, Miss Y/l/n. Your smile is so contagious that we couldn't stop smiling." A judge says. You are so happy right now.
"Thank you so much." You answer.
"We would like to see you act a sad scene because this role doesn't only represent the happy side of the story. Whichever you would like. We really want to see the tears and the desperation on your face. Got it?" Another judge says.
"Okay no problem."
You go back in position. You started to think about sad things. Normally, it helps a lot when you want to make tears, but right now, it's like you can't even think of one bad thing in your life. You push this aside. It's okay, you tell yourself. You start to act, trying to put as much sadness in your voice. You try to transfer your desperation to the judges, but all that is escaping your mouth is a joyful voice. The lines are sad, but the way you act, it's like you couldn't even care. You try again and again, and again, before taking your hands, putting them on your cheeks to try to stop smiling. You can't. You just can't. Every time you push your cheeks down, they go up immediately. You can't stop smiling.
The judges are starting to eye you like you are a weirdo. One of them starts to cough a little to stop the awkwardness of the situation.
"I think we are going to stop here, miss Y/l/n." One of the judges says. "I'm sorry, but if you are not capable of acting on a sad scene, then we can not give you the role."
"I agree with him. Your happiness was really beautiful to watch, but this one scene. That was a disaster." The second one says.
"Yeah, try to work on this part, but right now, we can't accept this." The third one finishes.
You are still smiling. Of course you are. You say a small thank you before you grab your bag and run out. As you are walking to the Gallerie Gourmet, you feel your cheeks going down. The tears finally start to fall. Why now?! You don't know what happened. You know how to act sadness, you've done it a lot of times in your room. What you don't know is why you just couldn't stop smiling. Of course, they wouldn't give you the part with the way you acted like you were living in the ocean with a beautiful mermaid tail. It was like you were having a glittery rainbow spilling out of you.
A rainbow... with glitters... a felling of cosiness only brought by chocolate...
I promise you that you can't even think of being sad after eating this.
Willy the freaking chocolatier Wonka.
When the realisation hit you, you arrive inside the Galeries Gourmet. You can see a crowd from where you are and you know exactly who is at the centre of it. You walk angrily to the curly boy before you tap on his shoulder, causing him to turn around.
"Y/n!!! How did it go?" Willy asks with excitement. He knows it was something important to you. But his smile drops when he looks into your eyes. Don't get him wrong, when he met you earlier, he was mesmerised by the beauty of them. But right now, when he looks into these two perfect diamonds, all he can see are puffy red eyes full of tears.
"Not so well if you want to know." You answer him angrily.
"Oh. Why is that? My chocolate didn't work?" He stretches his neck. He is a little uncomfortable with the way you are talking to him. It is like it is his fault that something went wrong.
"This. Is. Your. Fault!" You stab him in his chest with your finger.
"What?! How?!" He exclaims. He doesn't want to be the reason for your pretty face to be angry. Wait, what?
"This is all because of your stupid chocolate! I couldn't even act like I was sad!"
"Oh, so it did work. I was afraid for a moment that I had to review the recipe of this one. So that's great, actually? I told you you couldn't be sad because of it." He says with a smile. You calm down immediately. He is so innocent you don't even know why you are trying to yell at him.
"Yeah, well, think for a moment. If I can't act sadness, how can I get a role where you have to be sad from time to time?" You take your bag before leaving in the direction of your house.
When he sees you leave, that's when it hits him. Willy didn't understand at first how the fact that his chocolate worked was the problem. But now he does. He feels so bad for ruining your audition. It must have been something really important to you from the way you are crying. When people begin to ask him for help to buy his chocolates, he is brought back but not really either. He is not this joyful man anymore. He is just a ghost. He can't stop thinking about you. Not that it changes really because when you left for your audition, you were all his mind could think of. He couldn't even think of chocolate, and THAT is new. He doesn't know how he is feeling with you, but he does know that he wants to see a smile on your face. He wants to be the one to put a smile on your face, not be the reason why you are so sad.
He decides from that moment that he is going to be the one who fixes everything. He first goes to the theater, then he goes in the direction he sees you leave. Yes, he left his travel shop like that, but not before he heard Noodle yelling at him to come back so she must know that he left and that she has to take care of it. He wants to run so that he has a better chance to catch you, but he stops at the fountain when he sees a curdle up figure. It is you. You are probably crying. He approaches quietly before sitting down next to you.
"What do you want?" You sob, breaking his heart.
"I want to say how sorry I am. I understand now how it is my fault that your audition didn't go well." You don't look up at him. "What's in your hand?" He asks when he sees you fidgeting with something.
"It's.. it's something from my grandpa." You hand it to him. He takes it.
"A ticket?"
"Yeah. Romeo and Juliet. It's the first play I ever saw. My grandpa took me with him, and I instantly fell in love with the theatre world. I passed the audition today for the same play to make my grandpa proud." You sob again. You take the ticket back from his hands. "I guess he will not be proud of me after what happened."
"That's nonsense. I'm sure he will be proud of you at the end of the day."
"He will not. Don't you understand? This audition was my chance to do what I love for a living. It was my only opportunity to show people the beauty of theatre while doing the thing I love the most. It was my dream. My whole life is over now."
"My mom used to say that a dream is the start of great ideas. You can achieve anything if it starts with a dream." He says sweetly, a tiny smile on his face. He missed her so much.
"That's beautiful. She is very wise."
"Yeah, she was."
"I'm sorry. My grandpa used to say that he would watch me from the start when I broke the dramatic world." You chuckles sadly. This brought Willy back from the nostalgic place in his head. He smiles and stands up abruptly. You look up at him curiously.
"And you are going to break it today." He gives you his hand. "Come with me, I have a surprise for you."
"What do you mean?"
"Just trust me, please." You give him a look. "I know, the last time you trusted me, I ruined everything. But this time I promise you are going to love it." You ponder for a moment before you take his hand.
You both start to walk in the opposite way from your house, returning back to the Galeries Gourmet and the theatre. You feel your cheeks burning when you remember that his hand is still in yours. But you don't say anything in fear that he will take it back. Not so long after you arrive at the theatre and before going inside, Willy moves so that he is in front of you. From that moment, you can observe his green eyes. They are really pretty.
"What are we doing here?" You ask.
"I may or may not have convinced the judges to give you another chance." He answers with a giddy smile.
"You are kidding, right?" You begin to smile too. "They let you do that?"
"No. At first, no." He zones out a little. Like he was thinking how he was crushed when they said no to his request. "They didn't believe me. But, I gave them each the same chocolate that I gave you, and when they saw the effects from it, they decided that you deserved another chance."
"Oh my god. Thank you, thank you, thank you." You say with excitement and hug him. You can't stop smiling, and you are glad it's not from his chocolate this time.
"As much as I like this, we really need to go inside. I told them we would be back in five, and it's already been like twenty minutes." He really doesn't want to let you go. Having you in his arms brings him a new feeling that he already felt like it is intoxicating. But if he doesn't let you go right now, you will still be sad. He doesn't want that.
"Oh my god! Why didn't you tell me earlier?!" You scream with joy before you take his hand and go inside.
When you are inside, you fast walk until you are in front of the judges again. You both excuse yourselves for the wait. You give your bag to Willy before going on the stage while he goes sit on a red velvet seat behind the judges.
"So miss Y/l/n, here we go again." One of the judges starts to say with a smile. "We were all really impressed with your acting earlier. The happiness part, obviously."
"What he means is that we are very eager to watch you again." A second judge says. "Since Mr Wonka explained to us what happened, we want to see more of you."
"Thank you for this new chance. I appreciate it greatly." You say before you go into your world.
You prepare yourself, but the stress starts to eat you again. You open your eyes to see Willy giving you thumbs-up. You smile be he can see that you ate still nervous so he points to the ceiling. You are confused, but look anyway. What you see is a fake sky full of starts. The stars. Your grandpa. You look back at Willy with tears in your eyes. You aren't filling sadness but with happiness. Your grandpa is with you right now, taking all your stress with him.
And so you start to act the sad scene. You are fully crying but not to the point where nobody can hear what you are saying. To Willy's eyes, you are perfect. He is so enhanced with the way you move, the way you act, the way your lips move. If someone were to punch him in the face right now, he wouldn't even do something about it. He wouldn't move his eyes from your figure. He doesn't even know when it stops until he hears the judges applause. He immediately stands up and claps hard his hands, too. It's so hard that one of the judges coughs a little to make him stop. He excuses himself in embarrassment, but when he sees you chuckle, his smile doesn't go down. But right now he wants to hear the resulst. He feels like he can't contain his nervousness. He really wants you to get the part.
"I can say Miss Y/l/n that this is one of the best acting I ever saw. We really could feel the desperation and all the emotions."
"I think we can all agree that you are very talented and we can't pass that. We can't take the risk of having such talent getting away from the scenes."
"Miss Y/l/n, we have the pleasure to tell you that you got the part."
You are exploiting with joy. You start to cry happy tears again. You try to thank the judges, but nobody can understand what you are saying. And clearly, nobody cares. They all have an idea of how you must feel right now. You freaking got the main part in a Romeo and Juliet play!
You get off the stage to shake hands with the judges, thanking them again before you go to Willy. You both walk to the door, and right when you are outside, Willy takes you in his arms, spinning you around.
He can't contain his happiness and you neither. He finally puts you down but doesn't let you go out of his arms.
"I'm so proud of you! You were so perfect. You are so talented." He says with a big smile.
"Thank you. I couldn't have done it without you."
"You do know I'm the one that ruined it, right?" He says, and you both chuckles.
"Maybe at first. But you got out of your way to give me another chance. Nobody would have done that for me." You say, and he blushes slightly.
"When you'll become famous, I hope you'll remember me."
"I don't think I'll ever forget you." His heart stops for a moment.
"You'll come perform at my shop?" He looks into your sparkly eyes.
"Of course, it will be my favourite stage to perform on with the best public."
"I don't think I want to let you go."
"Then don't."
You take him back into your arms, not wanting to let go of him either. You want him to be in your life forever.
And that's when Willy knows that you are not getting away anytime soon. And he can't wait to pass all this time with you. He couldn't be happier. He wants you to be in his life forever.
And that's it guys. Hope you enjoyed. I love the movie so much it is now one of my happy place I think.
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cpericardium · 1 month
So! I've gotten a host of messages and asks regarding recent disk horse and I wanted to address them as a collective. I know I have anon asks off, I won't share your URLs, but I do want to thank you for asking and clarifying some of the frankly vile things people have been saying about me, my girlfriend, and friends. I value those of you who offered your words of support, and didn't jump to believe screenshots taken out of context and lies written with the utmost confidence and none of the facts. I am a little tired of having my morals questioned and my views conflated with every single person I associate with, but there it goes.
Some questions and answers under the cut. Feel free to continue asking and I'll do my best to answer.
tumblr user cpericardium suspiciously silent on the subject of Gaza: does this mean you support ethnic cleansing???
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My reticence when it comes to posting about topics like I/P is because:
-This is a fandom blog intended for lighter topics, except maybe the occasional vent about life stuff, which I usually hide under a cut. I don't have sideblogs. They seem tough to maintain and I don't post nearly enough to justify it. If I were to make one it would be for another fandom or maybe just the freakier bugs. I simply prefer my social media experience to be stress-free.
-Anti-slacktivism. It's a documented thing: posting about an issue makes you feel like you're doing something, you get that little shot of dopamine, so you don't actually go out and do something that effects meaningful change. I'm trying to do less of that. I'm good with the friends and people I follow who choose to post about it and this is a strictly personal belief, but when I engage in activism, it is offline or it is a donation. You're not going to hear about it.
But don't you reblog lgbt and women's rights posts?
Yeah, and that's usually when I want to save a post for one reason or another (e.g. to talk about with someone on discord later). The bottom line is that the main purpose of my blog is not to post political takes or to spread awareness of anything. It is just a collection of my interests (fan stuff, bugs) and hopefully a way to share those interests with like-minded people.
I will state my views clearly for the record: I support Palestine. The ongoing genocide is heartbreaking and so is the violence against protestors. Additionally, I am against antisemitism and the harassment of Jewish people in the name of supporting Palestine. This shouldn't even need to be said.
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Is your girlfriend a Zionist?
Does she support Zionists?
Wasn't she in the military?
Yes, years ago.
But the military is evil?
It is. She's extremely hardcore anti-war, does not believe the US should even have an army, and actively PMs strangers on reddit to try to convince them to not make the same mistake. If they're dead set anyway, she gives them detailed advice on how to survive. Because she actually cares about the human cost of war, not the social clout gained from shunning or sneering at people who make wrongheaded choices. I have seen her doing this, seen her seeking to understand their reasons for joining so she can systematically explain—from personal experience!—why they're not going to get any of that out of the army. It is a hell of a lot more effective than bitching them out or writing callout posts or starting whisper campaigns about them. She cannot delete those years of her life no matter how much she regrets them. There is only forward. I think we can all agree on that.
But what about all those things she said. "I regret nothing, I have no qualms, VA nipple money etc."
Well you have to understand that while of generally upright character, she is a bit of a scamp. She believes she fundamentally should not have to explain herself to randos who do not know her, who have never, not once, interacted with her, who are clearly digging for dirt and will twist anything she says no matter how banal. People see what they want to see and they look for evidence to reinforce their preconceptions; they'll go so far as to make alts to join servers, cherry-pick screencaps, crop them, and conveniently fill in the rest of the narrative for curious onlookers. So she decided to exaggerate and amplify and twirl her mustache like a supervillain. Give them a show, as it were.
To be clear, I'm not sold on this strat because it makes her look cartoonishly evil to people who can't understand sarcasm and hyperbole. But her friends and I are aware of her actual beliefs and also that she did not in fact do those things people imagine she did. And isn't that what matters? Real-life harm? Do you even care?
Re: screenshots/so-called proof from shakertwelve & lakesbian's "callouts"
Girlfriend addresses them here.
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sugar-grigri · 1 year
Chainsaw Man only exists through you
The principle is simple with Chainsaw Man: there are no revelations. The keys to understanding are to be found in the previous chapters. That's why, to get the most out of your reading experience, you need to keep rereading this work. 
This chapter is just a condensed answer to the question that Part 2 sets out to answer:
Who is Chainsaw Man ? 
Let's take this chapter apart, because nothing is left to chance. 
First of all, Fujimoto reminds us that Denji is a spectator of his own reputation, that he doesn't use or instrumentalize it, unlike Fake!CSM, which relies on it.
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Since the beginning of the manga, Chainsaw Man has been a controversial figure, but this point is shown more clearly in part 2, notably through the adoration young people have for him, making him a hero, and the fact that he is a dangerous demon for older people. In just two pages, this framework is recalled. 
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He's not only a scapegoat (he's blamed for actions for which he's not responsible = the buildings are the result of the falling demon, and the disappearance of the aquarium is Asa's doing). 
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But young people also trust him blindly. The two high-school girls don't take Nostradamus's prophecy seriously, to the point of mistaking the man of the cloth for a demon, as if they'd been passively listening to the news, not taking the threat seriously. 
This shows that Chainsaw Man is a figure, a reference point for society, on which it holds its balance. An image that fuels debate while channeling concern. 
Moving on... The next pages are just as interesting for their staging. Because TV is never shown. Denji focuses solely on the Nayuta he looks after, as if convinced that she is his sole objective. 
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Nor is it insignificant that Nayuta, Makima's reincarnation, is the one who challenges this dream of normalcy.
For symbolically, her former self was the one who exploited this dream to manipulate for Denji. For me, the closer focus on Nayuta, who repeats her question, serves to emphasize that her very existence is the answer. Not only did Makima dream of normalcy too, but it was Denji's realization that he could afford to raise her standards that enabled him to fight her while saving her.
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Let's go forward two more pages. Once again, not a single detail is insignificant. Meowy and the toilet make sense because they refer to a specific scene.
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Power had promised Denji to touch her breasts if he saved her cat, the fulfillment of a venal dream that Denji had defended to the bat demon as a valid dream. However, it was at this point that Denji experienced his first existential crisis.
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A dream is a way of projecting oneself. The more little things you dream, the quicker they come true, and the more aimless you become. This is what follows Denji throughout Part 1, the absence of meaning. What he finds in the love of his peers. 
Denji also confirms his dream in the way he zaps TV shows. Banalities bore him, and magnetically, he can't help but follow the shows that are about him. Once again, Chainsaw Man is on the other side of the TV, a spectator. 
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But the page I find ABSSOLUTELY brilliant is here, the clearest answer to who Chainsaw Man is, or rather how he came to be, is here. 
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These are the people who created Chainsaw Man. When Denji fights, he simply follows his instincts, not pursuing great causes. It's the people who decided to make him a scapegoat for everything that's wrong with him, the people who decided to make him a hero.
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Chainsaw Man is just a machine that constantly dies and suffers, scaring away demons and bringing humans closer together. He's a figure who can't make up his mind by choice, because he's diffuse. These are the people who made Denji Chainsaw Man. In other words, the choice is not his to make.
That's why fake!CSM is profoundly an imposter.
Becoming an actor with his face uncovered, instrumentalizing the attention of humanity, speaking to it orally as such, is not Chainsaw Man.
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Declaring one's goals and demands is not Chainsaw Man, since it's the public that finds them (which is also what I literally do). Involving the demon of justice when Yuko is the first to understand that having nice ideals isn't enough to become like Chainsaw Man is dishonest. Fake!CSM is Yuko's assassin, the first to understand CSM is ironic. 
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Fake!CSM is there to sweep away the essence of Chainsaw Man, who is not an embodied being. Chainsaw Man is a feeling, whether of anger or admiration. He's something more diffuse and immaterial than he appears, transcending Denji himself.
Chainsaw Man is at once this television, this audience, these arguments, these demonstrations, this gossip in the corridors.
So Denji is more Chainsaw Man than impostor.
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saturnbellfromhell · 1 year
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We have dived deep into our two youthful planets Venus and Mars. These two are the daughter and son of our masculine Sun and feminine Moon. But what about Mercury? Where does Mercury belong and to whom does Mercury belong? For some reason I see Mercury as being the same matter which are Venus and Mars made of, but with an interesting twist.
▫️Firstly Mercury is a neutral planet, being neither masculine nor feminine. Secondly Mercury is the only planet in SECT which is neither a benefic nor malefic, so it does not bring good or evil into one's chart. Mercury just exists and by doing so stands out from the other planets that are in close range to the Sun.
In my perspective I imagine this invisible veil between the juvenile and elder planets. The juvenile planets include: Mercury, Venus, Mars and the Moon. These planets are the Sun's family and in this family of 5 we can clearly see how different, but also familiar they all are. All of their energies blend so effortlessly together, learning from one another and becoming great. Together with the ascendant they make up the so called "Big Six" in astrology. Meaning these placements are more personal than the others mentioned.
▫️Mercury is the first planet in our solar system, the burning planet which represents our communication style. Meaning it shows in which ways we get our words across and how we write them out. It is the planet always in search of new possibilities and opinions. A highly intellectual planet helping us reach our potentional to think quickly and rationalize. Mercurial energy can be divided into two signs: one being mutable air- Gemini, and the other being mutable earth-Virgo. These signs are both the homeowners of Mercury. Mercury has chosen them as residents because of their hunger for  new skills and their adaptability to unfamiliar situations and people. They are the listens, talkers, explorers of new information and one's who rely more on their head, than their heart. So both can seem cold or aloof to emotions. I think of these two sister signs as the scientists of the zodiac, always absorbing new information, reading about it, trying their hardest to solve it and enjoying the process. Mutable signs signify the end to an old season, Gemini ends spring and Virgo ends summer. Both of them hold energy of change, with change folllows flexibility. They are the signs which we can say "perfect" everything the cardinals and fixed signs have already done. By doing so they need patience for brainstorming, productivity and finding solutions. But not everything is perfect for these sisters, they can take on too many projects and become overwhelmed very soon with their decisions. But nevertheless, Gemini and Virgo are very detail oriented and restless individuals. But what are the differences between these signs?
▫️Gemini is the first sign of the air signs, which automatically means they are the child of the air bunch. They are indeed witty and open, charismatic and friendly, playful and chatty. They really inbody Mercury at it's finest. They love meeting new people and being in the center of the crowd chatting away their passions and interests. They adore making others laugh as well, they are known to be the class clown or the popular kid. Everybody loves a true Gemini, they constantly bring this wave of freshness to the table. Not very shy by nature and a master at blending in with the crowd. Gemini's flaws are one's related to not having enough patience to finish things. They get carried away with going out, searching new things, shopping, listening to music, reading books, meeting new people and a thousand other hobbies and practices. Because of this they can be a little bit unreliable and impulsive. On the other hand, I've never met a true Gemini (meaning not a lot of earth/water) who is secretive, sorry Gemini but I wouldn't want to disclose a lot of personal things with you being a secretive Capricorn myself! They don't do it out of spite, to be fair. They kind of just forget that information is very important and keep talking away. They can be a little naive and clueless in their forming years with what to say and what not to say! They are an amazing teammate or class partner to have around as well, showing new strategies of both ends. Gemini's are also excellent writers and journalists, with their sharp thoughts and unconeventable style they know how to get an audience hooked on their work. In love they are up for new adventures and crave constatnt intellectual dialogs, without them Gemini's are prone to get bored quickly and find a better and more intersteing mate! So if you can't keep a Gemini, you need somebody more mellow and down to earth...maybe a Virgo?
▫️Virgos in my experience get a bad reputation most of the time. Yes, they like things to be their way, but that's just an earth sign thing. Yes they are very organized and dislike people in their private space and yes they are perfectionists because of this they can become very self conscious of their own work. But not all is bad for this earthly Mercurial goddess. Being an earth sign always means more caution with socializing. Virogo's are much more reserved than their sister Gemini, I mean at the end of the day they are the older sister and with age comes wisdom. They are very pracital and bland, but not bland in a bad way just casual with their demenoir. They seek peace within themselves and a lot of space to create what they adore. If you ever need a power point presentation, essay, schedule befriend a Virgo. If you're prone to messiness and rearranging things, than don't even try befriending a Virgo they will curse the hell out of you. I think the thing I love about Virgo's the most is their loyalty and honesty, it can come across bitchy to some sensitive individuals, but I'm all about being upfront. They are also known to not really commit in a traditional sense, they kinda just move in, put their nicest cup in your cupboard and clean your house and than poof all of a sudden they are living with you. They aren't very vocal in their love language, more of an acts of service type of sign. They adore stability and routine in the relationship, soft chatty nights with a glass of vine and working together to make everything fall in it's place.
◻So the main differences are clearly in the socializing and optimism department. Think of Gemini as golden retriever energy and Virgo as black cat energy. They are opposite in a sense, but at the end of the day are amazing communicators, ambitious hobbyists and intellectual beings.
▫️Gemini is the owner of the 3rd house, also known as the house house of the mind. It encompasses anything that has to do with writing, speaking, communicating, editing, speaking, reading, researching and learning. It also represents our siblings and close neighbour's. So if you by any chance have a planet in the 3rd house it can indicate how you interact with one's close to you. For example if you have the Moon on this house, it means you come off as very emotional to your siblings, relatives or neighbour's. But it also depends in which sign, so if you're Caprricorn Moon is in the 3rd house, you are very distant to those around you, you keep to yourself and like to be the leader of the pack. Very polite in most accasions, straight forward, not very emotional to strangers but very protective over your siblings and relatives. The 3rd house can also show us our dreams, so if you have Neptune in this house it amplifies it! This house is also about development in our childhood, as known you learn from your family, siblings an/or relatives. Sometimes from neighbour's too. They fill our days and make structure in our life. School is also a crucial part of growing up, seeking more knowledge and getting to know oneself around a bunch of kids around us.
▫️ On the other hand, big sister Virgo has the keys to the 6th house. It is firstly the house of health and wellness, exercise and dieting. With this house we can pin point how individuals like to work out, this can mean yoga, pilates, the gym, sports, cardio etc. It also can indicate problems with our health, where it can decline, the more sensitive parts of our body's. For example if chiron is in this house it can mean a lot of health issues with the natives, by doing so this person will fill their life with a lot a information about taking care of their body and by doing so exchange this information with others to help them get/feel better. Other than your health, this house is also the house of daily routines. When and how you organize your day, is sticking to a routine easy or hard for you? Your day-to day job, duties, how we better ourselves and be of service to others. It is also the last personal house, so here we purge our self centered attitude before stepping in the house of partnership (7th house). After the 6th house our lives turn over to others, comprise, transitions, transformation...etc This is also where you find the answers to healing oneself, bettering your life and getting a deeper understanding of your surroundings. If you have planets in the 6th house you better find a way to work with them or you'll be prone to shitty days often.
Let's get into some of mine obersvations with mercurial energy shall we?
▫️Virgo Sun women are so so in love with their partner, but show it in such a cute manner. Not a lot of pda (only if you have prominent fire placements or a fiery Venus). They show their affection in tiny touches on their partner of spouse. They also love to make the bed, put on the show, bring the snacks and make a perfect evening. Their favorite type of unwinding is for sure a book, ambient light and some sweet tea. They also love to discuss what they have been reading lately or the show they've dug into.
▫️Virgo Moons can be very complicated (I see this with all the earth moons, even though Taurus Moon in my perspective is the easiest to have). They have a hard time finding the words how to explain their feelings, which they are not keen to talk about in the first place. But when they do, they can explain their pattern of behavior, but not really emotionally deep. They crave a modest, realistic and honest person by their side. They can also have a bit of ocd. I've met a few Virgo Moons who's mom/dad always forced things to be perfect at home. They can be prone to overanylizing their emotions and coming off distant most of the time.
▫️Mercury in the 6th house can be very nervous and on edge a lot of the time. Even though this is the house whereMercury is at home, these people don't let anything slip threw the cracks. They are amazing in theoretical writing and finding everything they need to write about in a matter of minutes. Amazing with describing things to others. Can be outstanding teachers.
▫️Gemini moons have a humorous take when explaing their emotions. They're the one's to say something sad and than turn it into a joke. They are also prone to becoming chaotic by not understanding how/when to react. They are great sharers of emotions and events, but not the best listeners. Communication, being via phone call or text is their love language, so reply to a Gemini Moon fast.
▫️Mercury in the 3rd house is the "it" placement for a writer, but I think I don't even have to say that...they already know this!
▫️Mercury in the 7th house is an amazing planet to govern this house. It keeps the partnership fresh, simple, full of optimism, great conversation and is never dull. It also helps in work partnerships, since things will be easier to plan together threw good communication.
▫️Mercury in the 9th house can mean you have a talent for learning/speaking other languages!
▫️Gemini Sun's have a good taste in music and they know all about the band/artist, of course. They have to know all about it! I've also met a got of Gemini's who listen to metal, being heavy, death or trash metal. I have no idea if this is a coincidence or not.
▫️I love how cool Gemini risings look like. They always have some fun accessory to show off!
▫️A Virgo stellium can mean you are very prone to isolate until you get your shit together. Their house also looks and feels expensive and sterile. They are the one's to go jogging in 5am, have their smoothies by 6 and than work, have an amazing self care routine and fall asleep on their silk pillows.
▫️Gemini Venuses are very experimental in the bedroom, they do love their partners to be a little bit older and enjoy playing with toys! Also they are very vocal in the bedroom.
▫️Virgo Venuses on the other hand can have a hard time. Since Venus is in detriment/fall in this sign it can be tricky. Virgo Venus individuals need someone steady and secure, someone that will really love them for who they are and make them feel safe. Virgo can be very sensitive so go hug and kiss your Virgo Venus babes, they need it. Don't expect a I love you back from them though, but they will show a lot of love threw their actions rather than words. They do like some ambient light and smooth music to get in the mood.
▫️Gemini Mercury's are really good at dirty talk, go try it out!
▫️Mercury in Sagittarius can be tricky when younger. Every archer is bad in the beginning so they need a lot of practice, in this cause it's with words. Sag Mercuries can have an outburst of words when annoyed, they can say things they don't want to say and not think things threw. They can come off very sarcastic aswell, but they are extremely witty and funny I have to say that.
Xoxo Numa
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aha-chuu · 1 year
Alhaitham and Kaveh's dynamic is interesting, because I've seen a lot of people say either "oh my god Kaveh is so mean" or "oh my god Alhaitham treats Kaveh terribly". But, quite importantly imo, in this quest Paimon remarks that she "doesn't know which one of them is more problematic".
I think when considering their relationship you need to look at intention. Do Hoyo want to villainise one of their popular husnandoes as a toxic asshole? No. Even the "villain" playable characters like Childe and Wanderer are nice/funny on occasion. Kaveh and Alhaitham's interactions are intended to be humorous, to make you gasp and say "oh wow I can't believe he just said that!".
Like, during the most recent story quest, for example. Kaveh accusing Alhaitham of having no empathy when he's clearly pretty emotionally stunted and decently moral is mean. But saying "At least I'd be a fungus with empathy!" Undercuts that - it's clear neither Alhaitham nor the player are suppose to take those words seriously.
Alhaitham dismissing Kaveh's field of work with "you work yourself to death just for a smile" is so belittling, but it's a retort to Kaveh saying his scribe job is at "rock bottom" in the Akademiya. Alhaitham isn't lashing out or trying to demean Kaveh in front of others (this interaction happens after the player has "left"); he's just continuing their verbal sparring match. I think people take this jab so seriously because it can be seen as a jab at a lot of people working out of passion, but in the context of the dialogue we're not supposed to regard it so deeply.
It's also fairly clear that nobody in game takes them seriously either. Tighnari says Kaveh is "as pent up as an anemo slime" in his Alhaitham voiceline - another funny quip - and Collei details how hard it was to suppress her laughter when Kaveh was talking about Alhaitham. Nobody thinks they're genuinely bad for one another, or that getting them separated is all that crucial.
Even the interactions in this story quest are just so silly and domestic: Kaveh can't get the painting straight, Alhaitham buys ugly furniture, they're arguing about rent and drink tabs, Kaveh is doing an unfair amount of housework and Alhaitham fucks off without entertaining his own guests. it's funny, or at least it is clearly intended to be.
I've heard that in the other dubs the VAs tones are different and it makes the lightheartedness clearer. Personally I've thought since their first interaction in the AQ that Alhaitham is having fun during their quarrels, and Kaveh is just melodramatic enough to act traumatised even if he isn't truly offended.
Then when it comes to whether their dynamic is supposed to be read platonically or romantically... Well Hoyo won't do anything canon, but it's hard to argue that there is no intentionality in how their relationship is portrayed. What other character(s) has an idle animation directly referencing their relationship with another character? How many other voicelines explicitly reference two characters as a pair? Nahida's Kaveh voiceline, Collei's, Tighnari's - I'm sure there are more. "Roommates" "senior & junior" "academic rivals" -> certainly there's a case to be made that they're just very close, but Kaveh and Alhaitham getting fifteen minutes of epilogue interaction in two different quests (where none of the content is related to either quest) says something. Fanservice, quite possibly.
Also Kaveh's line "We used to be friends, but not anymore"; I've seen plenty of people interpret this as "oh we're not friends, we're dating*". I think this is fun in fanon, but on a canon level it's basically a promise by Hoyo to fix (or explain) their current dynamic. Hoyo, for all their many faults, are detail orientated enough to follow up on such a line. Perhaps it will just be in Kaveh's voicelines/character stories, but I anticipate a future event or Kaveh hangout in relation to their bond. Nothing explicit, but more exploration. It's fairly clear Alhaitham and Kaveh are popular enough characters to warrant it.
All this to say: I have lots of thoughts. I have seen people call them toxic and (while idm the drama of that in fanon shipping) that isn't really the intended case in canon. Or, at the very least, the intention is not to to take their squabbling so seriously.
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nyxcharliechaos · 4 months
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so me and @lemonking00 decided to make a tier list...but it's what neurodivergency/mental illness the cast of Hazbin/Helluva have
Explanations/are they medicated?/extra details or thoughts below because this will be a long post if I don't
ADHD- Millie: unmedicated, she just doesn't like it
Vox: medicated but OH BOY DOES HE FORGET, man will go 3 days without it before remembering then he's medicated for 4 days and they he's out of his ADHD medication! and it's ALWAYS when the pharmacy runs out and won't have it in for a few days
Bee: unmedicated she doesn't care she's just having fun
Clara: she's just here because LK said Odette was autistic and we wanted an ADHD/Autism sibling dynamic, I was going to skip them because we don't know much about either, she's properly medicated, Carmilla makes sure she takes her medication
Autism- Vaggie: we're all in agreement on this right?
Alastor: I know he's a sociopath but we've been joking he's autistic for a bit lol
Lucifer: his special interest is clearly ducks, yes he's canonically depressed but the autism is winnning
Sir Pentious: ok so everyone I know agrees with his so, mans got that autistic rizz
Vortex: ...ngl we just wanted him to be the ASD to Bee's ADHD being the ADHD/autism couple dynamic
Millie's dad: as stated by LK "he just seems autistic" and then explained farmers give off autistic energy, LK's the autistic redneck friend so I'll trust him on that
Lute: ...I have no explanation she just seems autistic, and like a homophobic homosexual
Zestial: so initially we put him in the group therapist tier but the autism won so we moved him
Odette: explanation for why she's here above
AuDHD (written as AUDI relating to a series of inside jokes but long story short half our friend group is AuDHD and one of said friends used to have an AUDI)- -Blitz special interest in horses, bad at emotions, he's not medicated, he should be on several medications, he's not on any of them
Charlie: ok hear me out, we all agree on the ADHD yes, but her dads got that tism ok, she would to. she is medicated, and Vaggie reminds her, but it's a gamble whether or not she'll take her medication even with a reminder
Cherri Bomb: ...bombs and just look at here that's my explanation for why she's here, no she's not medicated, there's other drugs, no it's not the same thing she doesn't care
Velvette: she's better about taking her medication than Vox is but she still forgets, always seems to run out around the same time as Vox...when they don't have the medication...being Valentino during that is great/j the two will lock the doors and make him deal with their unmedicated asses till the pharmacy has the medication again
Fizz: I don't think I need to explain why he's here, he's not medicated, he doesn't like the feeling and he likes himself better unmedicated, and Ozzie loves him either way so fuck getting his ADHD medication
Adam: simple explanation, ADHD and Autism is hereditary, so it had to come from somewhere and in the words of LK "it wasn't Eve, idk how but she's neurotypical", Adam doesn't believe people when they tell him he's AuDHD, so no he's not medicated
Emily: I'm not explaining myself, she is medicated and does take her ADHD medication on the daily, Sera will remind her and if she forgets after that Sera will just give her the medication
Depression- (depresso expresso because funny) Stolas: literally cannon, and while also Autistic unlike Lucifer the Autism is not winning
Octavia: I would be too if my family was that much of a mess
Barbie Wire: just fucking, look, no I'm not explaining this
Sera: (just makes gesture like, look at this bitch)
Twamatised- (referencing a joke in Gravity Falls) neither of these need explanations fucking look at the two that are here!
OCD- Moxxie: we actually added this catagory for him, he's just got those vibes
Niffty: I swear I remeber reading something on an old ZP era sketch dump saying she had slight OCD, I might be misremembering, probably, but got those vibes
Group Therapist- (fun fact this was initially a Husk only category but a lot more characters belonged in it then we thought) Husk: (points to episode 4) and yes depresso expresso as well but, I made this category for him so
Razzle & Dazzle, Fat Nuggets, Keekee, and the Egg Bois: all are here for similar reasons they're (basically) pets that bring joy and improve peoples mental states
Ozzie: I don't think I need to explain this one, since it's basically cannon
Rosie: ok so all the overlord are autistic (minus Vox), but they go to the category that takes priority and she's seen being a person you go to for advice so, this is just cannon
Carmilla: quote from LK "mom", that's why she's here, again all overlords are autistic (except Vox)
NDP- (narcissistic personality disorder) Verosika: we actually added this category for her so
Striker: ok this one's debatable but he definitely has a personality disorder of some sort
Valentino (KYS) was added just for Val to tell him to die
BITCH was added for reasons obvious if you look at the characters, no headcannons here we just wanted to call out these characters for being bitches
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angel4astraea · 11 months
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alhaitham as a partner might be the most confusing thing ever. .
♡ meeting the scholar and scribe of the akademiya wound be purely be for business at first. he's not the type to linger at cafes alone or for leisure often, same with any public place; he'd rather be working, at home where he can read or doing gods know what.
♡ alhaitham isn't known for his affection or anything remotely vulnerable, that's more kaveh's thing. for him, it was his wits and stone faced expression he wears everyday without a moment to breathe. most people i assume wouldn't try to flirt or touch up on him because he'd brush it off or tell the person off.
♡ however, after meeting quite a few times, i believe he'd be open to discussing things in the evenings at a cafe he's specifically used to. anything unknown will feel unsteady and cause him to have cold feet and tight lips. drinking is off the table alongside that, he'd rather keep his brain intact when speaking to a colleague or potential business partner.
♡ i believe that if you're more of an outgoing person like kaveh, he's only going to keep you at an arm's length away. he can't handle overbearing emotions, from what i believe. however if you're like him: composed, logical and possibly having ambitions that are reachable, he's more inclined to allow you into his mind when thinking.
♡ if you do manage to get on his good graces, aka having a good level of trust and reliance for when he needs intel, physical support or general knowledge on topics he hasn't quite covered, that's the beginning of his curiosity about you. he'll observe your actions, sayings and common habits. another thing is that he'll subtly note things he's learnt about you from others mentally. had a rough time with soandso? count yourself lucky because that person will scramble off when they get a whiff of you. somehow, alhaitham knows things better than you . . still.
♡ once he starts watching, he doesn't stop. he keeps a sharp eye on you like an eagle. even if you can protect yourself efficiently, he still feels the need to be on standby. it's almost like he's a shadow himself, lingering here and there where he predicts you'll be. alhaitham does dryly admit to this after a serious occurance happens (which includes eremites and the outskirts of sumeru city). though you might find it unsettling or nerve wracking, he finds his deeds endearing. he wants to make sure you're secure, protected and under his broad wing.
♡ though, if you get past that, he acknowledges that his feelings towards your are actually more than business partners or even friends. he isn't sheepish or anything alike, he states his mind clearly like usual with that monotonous voice. he'll sit you down and state the facts, the possible emotions he had pinpointed in his chest. following that, he'd ask you questions. was this okay? were you interested in this pathway? were you scared?
♡ he leaves the decision up to you, giving you enough space to comprehend what just happened. yeah, you could go off to kaveh and ask if he was genuine but of course, alhaitham would be in the house probably. so, you invite the blond to the usual cafe to get some more details. it's almost like an interrogation of the sort; asking kaveh about how alhaitham works, the deeper meanings between his words and so forth. to which, the blond reveals so much more about the attractive man.
♡ depending on how long you take, he'll keep the meetings relatively normal. alhaitham isn't one to be affectionate, as mentioned above so, doing it with someone he just dropped a huge bomb on? hell no. he might keep some distance though just in case of rejection. he's never had a partner, let alone someone he let in so easily in his eyes. it's an unknown territory he can't go in alone. . especially without you.
♡ if you do start dating the scribe, he'll take you out on formal dates at first. his income leaves him a comfortable amount of room to give you luxury. he's tense about it though, he doesn't know what to do and definitely doesn't want to be caught asking someone about how to love someone. he's figuring it out, be patient.
♡ he keeps this under wraps until you're both comfortable telling others. that could be a couple months up to a year at best. alhaitham isn't one for gossip flying around him about his own life. if he wants to keep it out of sight, he implies demands it to others who suspect something is happening.
♡ when you two come out to your friends, i 100% bet kaveh will be ecstatic, tighnari, collei & nahida will be so proud of him, and cyno will def make puns related to this occasion. but overall, everyone is content with the good match.
♡ after a while, he relaxes with the 'proper' dates and does more casual things. he feel comfortable enough going on walks with you, having nice meals outside, visiting all around sumeru and generally doing more lighthearted activities. one thing i believe he'd love to do is read you his books, petting your hair. it's unusual for others to comprehend what he's saying, especially since it's an advanced literature. but when he hears your soft breathing after falling asleep, i think he'd be the most content.
♡ he wouldn't think of starting a family with you until after the two year point. since it's his first relationship, he probably wouldn't want to rush anything. however, he knows he can support you and whatever children you two have/adopt financially. emotionally however, he might need more time to learn how to give affection to a person so small and without the years of being alive to grasp a basic idea of emotions.
♡ though, he wouldn't mind having a child or two. having too many scares him tbh. he doubts his own skills when it comes to human connection. but if you were to guide him gently and with practice, he'd become accustomed to it. . behind doors of course. he wouldn't bring up the topic itself until you two are past the two year point and are engaged.
♡ when it comes to being engaged, he'd ask after two years and give some thought into it. even though he isn't the sappiest person alive (like kaveh), he'd try his best to make it a night to remember. he'd plan everything and dedicate it to you. depending on which nation you're from originally, he'd add in some cultural things from your family.
♡ engagement would last a year-ish to two. he likes to make sure that this is the person he's binded to forever. when he figures it out, he makes sure the wedding has both cultures involved--which of course makes it lavish.
♡ when y'all are comfortable after the wedding, he'd be open to children. if you can't have children for whatever reason, alhaitham would bring up the topic of adoption. there are definitely orphans that need homes and it would pay off to see you smile, in his opinion.
♡ moving onto the bedroom topic. .
♡ i don't think he's a beast, he's more likely to be closed off to the idea of physical intimacy until he has faith that it's a safe space. yeah he can be cocky if he catches you taking in an eye full but that's about it until his first time.
♡ prob not all that kinky tbh. he might be a top and/or a power bottom. he's okay with you taking the reins when he's tired but that's rare.
♡ office sex. yea. especially when he's acting grand sage. dude is probably so stressed that he can't come home at a normal time to see you.
♡ speaking of, you two might've been caught a few times in office while going at it. some people are scared to enter or go near his office because it. most know to at least knock twice and call out his name to see if it's fine to come in but some don't.
♡ in conclusion, confusing man but good morals!
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