ruth-t · 15 hours
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“Are you proud of me?”
“How could I be proud of you when I know you’re hurting?”
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ruth-t · 2 days
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No soy religiosa, la única religión que tengo eres tú.
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ruth-t · 3 days
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Even though it’s slow results, you’re still going to get there and make it. Don’t give up just because you don’t see a city, you first need to build the roads.
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ruth-t · 4 days
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¿Qué cantas?
Canto mi alma.
¿Y qué quieres?
Quiero tener el mundo en mi palma.
¿Pero qué amas?
Amo a quien me ama.
¿Y qué necesitas?
Necesito todo y nada.
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ruth-t · 5 days
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Embracing one’s own soul marks the dawn of an eternal affair, where the heart finds its most faithful lover in the mirror of the self.
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ruth-t · 6 days
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El futuro no es para verlos nosotros, si no para que lo experimentemos.
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ruth-t · 6 days
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She is deserving of the finest — of gentlest mornings and wildest dreams. Yet, within the caverns of my heart, the mere notion of her entwined in another's destiny ignites a desperate flame. So I embarked upon a relentless quest; delving into the depths of the man I once was, to forge anew. There, amidst the sweat of transformation and the ash of past follies, I arose — a phoenix pledged to transcendence — for in becoming a paragon worthy of her, she need not look elsewhere for better.
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ruth-t · 7 days
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No te preocupes,
todavía te pienso.
Tengo siete idiomas ansiosos de saltar de mis labios para decirte, “te amo,”
y no importa en cuál idioma yo escriba,
eres la tinta que se derrama sobre mi pupitre,
la razón por cada palabra en el papel y los movimientos dinámicos de mi mano mientras interpretan baladas sobre el.
Ademas, nunca confíes en nada de lo que escribo a menos que te diga el significado o que es para ti,
podría escribir sobre mujeres cuando en realidad se trata de un hombre.
Pudiera escribir sobre flores, animales, árboles o bosques
y quizás parte sea metáfora de cómo yo me siento sobre ti,
algo inspirado por alguna forma de cómo yo te vi.
Aunque las palabras se pierdan en el viento,
en mi corazón guardo el firme intento
de no soltar tu recuerdo,
ni por un momento, a pesar del caer de los pétalos.
Aunque los días pasen sin tu voz,
tu sonrisas y nuestras miradas se crucen menos que antes,
En cada suspiro se esconde mi promesa,
de estar contigo,
aunque estemos distantes.
No abandonaré el catamarán donde remamos,
aunque el mar de la vida a veces nos separe,
porque sé que el amor que nos juramos
es el faro que en la oscuridad nos ampara.
Es cierto que el tiempo es un ladrón astuto,
pero no puede llevarse lo absoluto ni lo cual que yo confío cada nanosegundo.
Aunque no siempre hablamos ni nos vemos,
le escribo mensajes a las estrellas,
para que te los entreguen mientras duermas,
y cuando los leas,
espero que sepas que quieren decir:
“te quiero.”
Porque el amor verdadero no entiende
de ausencias ni de silencios prolongados,
es un fuego que eternamente enciende
y nos mantiene,
a pesar de los años,
siempre conectados.
No te abandonaré,
mi querido amor, 
aunque el mundo intente alejarnos,
porque lo nuestro trasciende más allá que el ámbito físico,
en el ámbito espiritual,
estaré contigo.
En el silencio,
nuestros corazones hablan,
no tienes que decir nada.
Hay más que suficiente amor dentro de mi para llenar el silencio entre nosotros,
un amor tan vasto que podría inundar los silencios que se ciernen entre nosotros, rompiendo las barreras del vacío con la fuerza de un millar de mareas.
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ruth-t · 8 days
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It’s fading, it fades,
Like the ink on my skin,
How so delicately I had written your name.
In my emptiness I wipe your tears each day,
It’s not like I have any say.
The pain, the pain,
I wash it away with the rain,
You wanted to be water,
So I poured you down the drain.
The calls, you called?
11 notifications, yet didn’t you notice?
Torrential downpour warning signs,
Yet you chose to venture the path.
I hate this.
The memories, now maladies,
I try to lock them in a vault,
But your fluidity, it seeps through the cracks,
Your absence, a relentless assault.
I despise you, it’s all your fault.
You pushed and you pulled at every turn,
I told you not to, but you went past the point of no return.
Why, why, why?
Why do I still cry?
Why do I still like you?
Why do I still want you,
Even when you wave a red flag?
My friends think I’m pathetic.
I’ve begun to become athletic running the tracks on a marathon just so that I can ameliorate your poisoned heart.
Lamps in the night lit with toxic gas to light the way.
What can I say?
I never left the 18th century.
Romanticism is draining me,
The past is comfort,
Being manipulated has been my normal.
Your insecurities, they’re so informal, yet welcomed because home is a fear dominated castle, and its owner just waltzed into it.
Welcome back, baby, let the right one in.
You soul sucker, blue behind your dead eyes,
I’m already dead, there’s nothing else to take, but come inside anyway,
I’ll haunt you for eternity just like you wanted, boo.
I’ll dig a grave for you right next to mine,
Come on and be my dirty little secret.
It’s cozy in here and there’s bloody wine.
I’ll keep you safe where the vines grow, sweet pea, forever mine.
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ruth-t · 9 days
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Duele cuando la persona que más amas aparece más abajo todos los días en tu lista de mensajes.
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ruth-t · 10 days
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We should be able to normalize that men can have feelings and can cry. It's essential that we embrace the truth that emotions know no gender. So whenever it’s too much for you to bear… Talk to me, cry with me, feel with me, and ask questions — it’s okay. Men, like any of us, are graced with the capacity for profound feeling. Expression, not repression. For too long, society has drawn a veil of stoicism across the face of masculinity, commanding a quiet strength that too often silences the heart's voice. It is a disservice to us all to persist in this antiquated notion that to express emotion is to reveal frailty. It’s time to dismantle barriers that have, unfairly, weighed heavily on the shoulders of so many. For in allowing the tears to fall, we do not court weakness, but we birth a new strength.
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ruth-t · 11 days
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En el escritorio de mis sueños, redacté mil cartas de amor nunca enviadas — cada una, un mensaje en botella a la deriva en el mar, donde las aguas del sueño y la vigilia se encuentran.
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ruth-t · 12 days
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It’s not that you took my breath away, it’s that you taught me how to breathe.
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ruth-t · 12 days
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El cambio es el único visitante que nunca necesita invitación. Llega, desordena todo y luego se va como si nada.
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ruth-t · 13 days
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I dream of you, my thoughts constantly orbit around you, and my pen spills ink in your honor, weaving words in a futile attempt to bridge the gap between us. And yet, despite this ceaseless effort, it still isn’t enough to alter the trajectory of our paths — paths that, it seems, are destined to diverge, no matter how much I wish it were otherwise.
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ruth-t · 13 days
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Me preguntan qué es una bendición y miro hacia arriba y la señalo a ella.
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ruth-t · 14 days
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Some people are bullets, and others are the bang.
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