#and if his cat doesn't like u? sorry. it's over
idolpyre · 1 year
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⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀minjun's best friend and the true leader of the no spin boys, this feline is truly at her happiest when she's curled up in minjun's lap at his desk. she's the highlight of any VLIVE that takes place in the dorms, stealing the hearts of INSPO from all over the globe. while she certainly looks grumpy, jinji is incredibly easy going and tolerant of just about all of the chaos that takes place at home. you can pick her up and throw her around, she doesn't mind, as long as you give her some chin scritches and a treat. ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀upon minjun's death, rumors have it that hak jiwoon took the feline in as his own, while other's say that lee yunjin was the one who fostered the cat. either way, it is safe to say that her M1 family is taking care of her upon her father's death.
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asmosmainhoe · 6 months
MC draws the brothers
im kinda shy to ask this but, can u make artist!mc drawing brothers and others and them reacting to it?(*´-`)
- @maiitski
Note: This was incredibly fun to write! I also only did the brothers, because I don't write for more than 7 characters in one post
Gender: neutral
Warnings: heavy language
You often draw him when he's working, because then he's absolutely still for hours
At first he doesn't exactly know what you're doing over there with your notebook. The first guess is some kind of study and you're simply looking for some peace and quiet to focus
Once he's done with the mountain of paperwork he walks over to you and glances over your shoulder
Oh wow. The portrait you drew of him looks fantastic and he nods proudly until he notices some special details
"Why are the spots under my eyes so dark?"
"Well, you've been working for hours now."
"I see..my hair looks so disheveled as well."
"You just really need some rest."
A portrait falls out of your notebook when you leave the room and he quickly hides it in one of his drawers. There is no way he won't treasure your hard work
To say that it's difficult to draw a picture of the greedy demon is a complete understatement since he's in constant movements
The only time you catch him truly sitting still is when he's counting money after a long day of casino activities
"Look at what I won, MC! Hey, you're not even listenin'!"
"Sorry, Mammon. I didn't notice that you talked to me."
"What are ya doin' anyways, huh?"
His voice gets caught in his throat and he starts coughing violently. Partly to hide his embarrassment
"It l-looks pretty cool."
"I can get rid of it if you want me to."
"Are ya mad?! You can't just destroy a picture of the great Mammon! Give that to me."
By now it's routine for you to chill in his room to watch him play in the evening, but sometimes it does get a bit boring. Especially when he's playing a game that isn't your cup of tea
So you take out your notebook and start drawing whatever comes to your mind. This time it happens to be the envious third born
But you can't satisfy yourself with a normal portrait, no. You decide to draw him as if he's a character from the game he's currently obsessing over and proudly show him your work once you're done
You can watch Levi's soul leave his body in real time once he realizes that out of all the cool things in his room you drew him
"I-I can't believe you drew me! Me! It looks so good too! MC, I've got to have this! Please!"
I can see him roll around the room crying and screaming if you refuse to hand over the drawing
Once he loses himself in a book he turns into a freaking statue
Of course he has seen your drawings before and he absolutely adores them. There are several cat pictures from you hanging on his walls
But seeing you put his own features onto paper is a whole other thing
You manage to make him blush a little and chuckle in embarrassment as he inspects your work
"You're extremely talented. It almost looks real."
As Satan inspects your portrait an idea comes to his mind and a mischievous grin forms on his lips
"Do you perhaps take requests? I'd love for you to draw me tower over Lucifer. Preferably him cowering on the ground while I step on him."
"You know exactly that he will kill me if I do that."
"Oh, well. It was worth a shot."
Please, the moment he notices that you're drawing him he's going to strike poses left and right
"Let me fix the light real quick! Oh, I how do I look? Is my hair sitting correctly? Oh, why am I even asking? Of course it does!"
It's not the first time that someone either draws him or takes a picture of him, but with you it's special
Now you have to show him your entire notebook! He has to know if there are more portraits of him!
And there are. Most of them are him in an absolutely relaxed position and often times when he's not dolled up at all
"Why didn't you tell me? I would have gotten ready!"
"You looked the most beautiful in these moments. I didn't wanna disturb them- are you crying?"
Please, to him you're the most talented artist he has ever seen! And he doesn't hold back with that thought!
One time you drew food just for fun and he ate the entire paper, because it looked way too good. You have to admit that that's quite the high compliment
And Beel has such beautiful and drawable features so how couldn't you put that on a piece of paper?
"Can I see what you're doing?"
The hungry demon gets to lost in it that he's just silent for a very long time. It gets to a point where you worried that he might not like it
"I can throw it away if you want to."
"No, why? I love it."
He never really realized how good he looks until now
"Can I keep it?"
Our sleeping beauty over here is perfect to draw considering he sleeps so still that one might think he actually died
One time you don't even notice that he woke up from his nap and is wondering what you're so focused on
It's only when he leans over to get a peak inside your notebook. You quickly hide the drawings of him, but it's too late for that now. The damage is done and you brace yourself for his teasing
"Wow, you must really like me."
"Shut up."
"This is some Levi-level simping."
You guys wrestle over the notebook for a little while until he grows tired of it and lays down again with a yawn
"Fine. Keep your secrets. Your notebook is probably full with my face anyways."
"Next thing I will find out is that you have a shrine dedicated to me."
"You're such an ass."
"But a pretty one."
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celestialprincesse · 3 months
here’s another fluff ask 🫣🤭 i’m a sucker for fluff. anyway, older bf! price (20s reader and 30s price) where it’s late at night and he rolls over and reader is still on their phone and they just snatch it saying it’s “bedtime”. tbh that’s the only way that’ll get me to go to sleep
Katz?!!?!?!?!? I'd very politely like to eat your brain please and thanks💕
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The bright screen of your phone somehow manages to illuminate the whole of you and John's shared space as you absently scroll through another video. John, on the other hand, has you settled against his side, one hand combing through your hair whilst the other hold up his latest read. The duality isn't lost on you, nor him.
"What's got you giggling, hm?" He croons, his gravelly, tired voice making you blush, even after having dated for coming up two years. "Cat." You rumble back absently, turning the screen of your phone his way to show John the video you'd been so entertained by - literally just a cat eating a treat. John nods slowly, trying not to visibly wince at the bright light assaulting his eyes. He's seen explosions with less lumens. "Mm. Very cute." It's impossible for him not to notice the way your eyes droop, occasionally closing for a few seconds before you seem to snap yourself awake again. "I think it's time we get some sleep, hm?" And with a tactical move John's come to use many times - shifting his position to drop a kiss to your forehead, whilst simultaneously grabbing your phone - the screen has gone dark and you're suddenly reminded of how tired you are.
The minute your head hits the pillow, you're a goner. "Better?" John murmurs, scooping you up to rest your head on his chest so that his other arm can wrap protectively around your back. There's some instincts he just can't kick, and there's some that he doesn't want to - namely protecting you, even in the safety of your own home. You give a hum of confirmation as you snuggle up against the soft muscle of his chest, breathing in the scent of musky cologne and washing powder. It's always comical how quickly you manage to drop off the minute he takes your phone away, your breathing growing slow and heavy as your eyes fall closed. As always - not that you need to know - the minute he's sure you're asleep, he's grabbing his book back up from the nightstand and delving back in from where he left off.
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I 💕 u Katz my lovely - sorry I didn't get round to this sooner! 💖
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luveline · 5 months
Hi love, i would love to see more of spencer x stripper!reader. Hope u are doing good <3
hi thank u, u too! ♡ fem
You press the heel of your palm to the shower tiles, head hanging and hair soaked to the scalp. Rivulets of hot water and soap suds slick their way down your front. 
“You okay?” 
Spencer's voice through the door, a better warmth than any luxurious shower. “Sorry, I'm getting out!” 
“No! No, stay in there if you want, I'm just wondering.” 
You force yourself out of the shower and into a towel. “I'm getting out.” 
“I have some clothes for you,” he says, “I can leave them by the door.” 
You wrap the towel tightly around your chest and step to the door. Spencer's startled face is on the other side, smiling nervously, a bundle of clothes held to his chest. 
“They're my friends. My coworker. Penelope? I asked her first and she said she doesn't mind at all. They might not fit, but…” 
“Thank you. You and Penelope.” You hold out one hand. Spencer passes you the clothes through the cracks of the door and you shut it, maybe unnecessarily. 
Spencer's seen you in various states of undress, but it isn't privacy that's worrying you tonight. You can't help looking over your shoulder, wondering if someone's watching you for a split second of madness. 
You pull on your borrowed pyjamas. A little Japanese cat winks up at you from the pants, the shirt a baseball tee with pink sleeves and a white body. Cute, you think. Penelope must be fun. 
Spencer's in the kitchen making two mugs of tea when you emerge. It's the herbal flavour you favour, steam billowing from the rims like clouds in the cold air. Your long walk in the rain is nearly forgotten by your skin if not your pittering pulse. 
“You okay?” 
“I'm fine.” 
“You sure?” He doesn't give you time to answer, carefully placing the two mugs on the coffee table, before tapping a gentle hand to your shoulder. “You wanna sit down?” 
“I'm really fine, handsome, it's … it's not the first time someone's followed me home.” You smile falsely. 
“That's not okay.” 
“I know.” You point at your cup of tea. “Can I?” 
“Of course you can,” he says, sitting beside you on the couch, leaving a more than chivalrous gap between you.
It's not a gap you want nor need, and after a few sips you've warmed enough to sidle closer to him, in touching distance, and then touching. Thigh to thigh, you watch the tops of his cheeks turn a pretty, blurry pink. “I was scared,” —your knuckles touch briefly to his knee— “but nothing happened. So don't worry about me, Dr. Reid, please.” You layer your voice with a sweetness that comes with seduction, a playfulness to mete his sudden regression into timidity. 
“I worry about you all the time.” He smiles, at least, so it isn't a burden. 
“I worry about you, too.” 
“I know you can take care of yourself, I just can't help thinking about the statistics. I know exactly how likely it is that something bad could happen to you, and it's not that you should worry, I don't want you to be scared, but– it's like, it plays on repeat in my head. It's– I'm not trying to–” 
“Hey, handsome,” you murmur, giving his leg a shy squeeze. “I know. It's dangerous and it's unlikely at the same time. And it feels silly talking about it.” 
“But silly not to,” he adds. 
“Yeah. I know, Spencer, I swear.” 
“I know you know,” he murmurs through a smile. 
“I know you know I know,” you joke back, smiling back sunnily. It doesn't take much of him to cheer you up. Ever since the day you met, he's been like a balm for your rampant aching, a brown-eyed, pretty-handed sweetheart. Whether it's sharing a seat on the train, or meeting up for dinner at the Indian restaurant behind his apartment, or just calling each other on the phone, he knows what to say to fix things. You forget your life, and you get to be with him instead. 
Spencer puts his mug of tea down to hug you. You'd known he was going to. It always happens like this, the two of you together, drinking tea and showing each other just the smallest fraction of each other's hearts. He presses his nose to your cheek as his hands run down the length of your back, and all you can think about is how he knows nearly everything about you and he holds you voluntarily.  
“Love you, Spence,” you mumble into his shoulder. 
“I love you too. I'm here for you, okay? I don't care how scared I am, I love being your friend.” 
You try not to sigh. Friend isn't necessarily what you want to be, but he'd let you in when you buzzed without asking why you were dropping by, and he'd held your gaze as you explained the man who'd been following you, your dead phone, your superglued shoes fallen apart in the typhoon. Spencer's everything a person could ever need. Dependable, vulnerable, sweet, kind, patient. He's pretty in every facet of the word. 
“Is it really that scary?” 
“Thinking about guys following you home?” he asks, rubbing your back gently. “It's terrifying. Weren't you terrified?” 
You blink back the sudden heat of emotion behind your eyes. “Um,” you say, higher than you mean, “uh, it wasn't–” You shrug, but your hands feel shaky and strange. 
Spencer's voice softens, “Hey, it's okay. I'm sorry.” 
You try not to think about what might've happened. When you realised there was someone following you, you didn't think, oh, he'll hurt me, you thought, I need to be faster. I need to get somewhere they can't. 
You needed safety and Spencer was the first, safest place. 
“I'm sorry for coming here.” 
Spencer pushed you away from him without malice, his hands on your arms. Alarm rings his eyes, eyebrows rising, “What? Why would you say that?” 
Because you didn't sign up for this. Because I'm me, and you're you, and you didn't have a choice, you were too good to let me be without you. 
Because, if you think about it, Spencer is more than safety to you. 
He doesn't baulk at your silence. “Hey,” he murmurs, thumb rubbing into the soft skin inside your elbow sweetly, “you like it here, don't you?” You nod. “Then– then who cares why you're here?” 
Spencer pulls you into his arms again. “You'll feel better in the morning… I'm gonna get you a new phone.” 
“What? Why?” 
“Cos that one's always dead. You need to be able to call me when you need me.” 
You smile into his shoulder. “You're not buying me a phone.” 
“Watch me.” 
You don't cry in his arms, but it's a weirdly close call. 
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sanguineterrain · 9 months
Feel like I’m so basic but Jason Todd with a crush and him having zero social skills and just being super clumsy despite being highly competent when he’s in the field. Crush is like real sweet and kind maybe a service worker ✨
anon u are so true and real for this bc jason is definitely an unsocialized cat when he has a crush 💓
jason todd x gn!reader. shyish/anxious jason with a big fat crush. baker reader. annoying customer. the duality of jason todd. 1.6k words.
also i fully believe that silently leaving huge tips as a way to flirt is like. a wayne trait. 100% that family does that bc of bruce.
prompt lists are here! i reblog all fics to @sanguinelibrary
Business has been slow.
It's not like you expect your cafe to be packed to the rafters all day long, but you've had a grand total of four customers today. One of them only came in to ask where Starbucks was.
Frankly, you're not sure the cafe can afford to stay afloat for much longer. Gotham isn't known to preserve small businesses, and the conglomerates (cough, Wayne Enterprises) are taking over the world anyway.
So today is a reading day. You might even close early.
You're at a table in the back, so absorbed in Poirot's sleuthing that you don't hear the door open. It isn't until you turn the page and look up that you see your resident lurker waiting quietly at the display case. You flinch so hard that you spill iced tea on your jeans.
"Shit," you murmur, grabbing a wad of napkins and patting yourself dry.
Jason (as is written on his coffee cup) looks up from the pastries, teal eyes wide. You smile briefly at him. For such a big guy, his footsteps are astonishingly soft.
"Is everything okay?" he asks, voice rough like he doesn't speak much.
"Yeah, fine. You just startled me—I didn't hear you come in. Were you waiting long? Sorry about that."
"Oh. No, I wasn't. Sorry." He shifts weight between his feet. "You seemed pretty engrossed in your book. I didn't, uh, want to disturb you."
"Oh, hey, don't worry about that! It's literally my job to be here," you say, though you can't help but melt over how freaking sweet that is.
Jason visits you a minimum of twice a week. He's been coming for a couple of weeks. You know a whole three things about him: he's a university student, he pretty much only dresses in red or black, and he's unfairly cute.
At first, you were reasonably wary of him because it's Gotham, and he's so damn quiet. It's a little scary. You thought maybe he was an undercover spy casing the joint. Now you know he's just awkward.
"Slow day?" he asks.
"Slow year, more like. How are you? How was your exam?"
He blinks. "Exam?"
"Didn't you have an American lit exam last week?"
"Oh. Uh, yeah. Wow. Yes, I did. It was okay. Got an A."
"That's great! I knew you'd ace it."
His cheeks turn pink. Okay, you actually know four things about him: he blushes a lot.
You go to start the coffee machine. "Do you think you'll—"
"I-I have to go."
You watch, stunned, as he hurries out the door. That's when you notice the fifty dollar bill in your tip jar.
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You don't know if you should bring up yesterday. Jason's back; that probably means everything's fine, right? You're not sure if you said something wrong, though. You've gone over the interaction a hundred times since and you can't figure out why he's so skittish around you.
"Hi. Hibiscus tea, please," he says, stoic as always.
You prepare his order, yesterday's interaction still fresh in your head. You should say something, shouldn't you? Or...
"Sorry about yesterday," Jason blurts, so fast you almost miss it. "Running out, I mean. I was, uh—I forgot something."
Well. Looks like he's going to bring it up for you.
"Oh, you don't have to apologize! If I said something wrong..."
Jason shakes his head fervently. "No, God no. You're perfect."
Your eyebrows shoot up. He turns red this time.
"I mean—not perf—well, you're amazing, don't get me wrong! Except, like, what is perfect, y'know? My brother has gotten into the habit of calling everything perfection like some kind of sitcom character. Alfred will make pie, and Dick'll go, "Alfie, that was perfection." And I feel like it's such an exaggeration—"
Jason's mouth snaps closed. He rubs his forehead.
"Um, I actually have chronic foot-in-mouth disease. It gets really, stupidly bad. Sorry."
You're trying hard not to giggle. You want to smother him in frosting and take a bite.
"You're really sweet, you know that?" you say.
"I'm really not," he says with a sigh.
"Not true. Can you do me a favor?"
You go into the kitchen and return with your latest experiment: matcha cream puffs.
"Do you mind trying these for me? You're not allergic to anything, are you?"
Jason's shoulders hunch. "Are you sure you want my opinion?"
"Of course I'm sure," you say happily. "I trust you."
"You trust me," he repeats quietly.
Jason takes a puff and bites. He starts to nod.
"It's really good. You're really—all your creations are—yeah. It's good."
You squint. "No notes? Really?"
"They're perfection, as my brother would say."
Fuck, you like him so much.
"Have another one," you say, pushing the tray towards him.
"I shouldn't—"
"Wait! I'll pack you some!" you interrupt, flitting back to the kitchen to get a Tupperware.
Jason helplessly accepts the container of puffs you shove into his hands.
"Let me pay-" he tries to say, but you shake your head.
"Nope! I won't accept payment for these. Not from my favorite customer."
"Your favorite?"
"My favorite," you confirm, grinning.
"Oh." His ears turn pink as he walks to the door, cream puffs in hand. "Uh, right. Thanks. See you tomorrow."
"Jason? Don't you want your tea?"
"Shit. Yeah." He returns to the counter and takes his drink. This he insists on paying for, so you let him, because you do have rent to pay, after all.
"So nice to see you!" you add, because the stiffness in his gait is kind of throwing you off.
He just nods, slipping out the door as quietly as he came.
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Today, Jason's in a red workout tank. You have to make the conscious effort to not ogle his arms.
"Hey, Jason!" you say cheerily.
"Hi," he says softly.
"The usual?" you ask, and he looks up in surprise.
"You know my order?"
You gently roll your eyes. "Of course I know your order, silly. Favorite customer, remember?"
"Oh." He looks away, brow furrowed. Then he turns to you and his expression smooths over. "Yes, please. Thanks."
"Sure. Give me one second? I just have to finish decorating some sugar cookies."
"Take your time," Jason says, then goes to skulk by the window.
The door is suddenly swung harder than necessary, thumping the glass.
You look up from the cookies. A man in a suit is waving his phone impatiently.
"I ordered a dozen muffins. Where are they, huh?" he demands.
"Oh, right! Well, you called ten minutes ago, so they won't be ready till six, sir. Can I get you something while you wait?"
He scoffs and stomps to the counter. You almost back down, but you don't; that's exactly what these bullies want.
"This is exactly why no one eats at dinky cafes like yours. You can't even do this!" he fumes, shoving a finger in your face.
"Sir, like I said, the muffins are baking..."
"I know the city's health inspector personally," the man spits viciously. "One call, and I can—"
"Say one more word."
You blink as Jason is suddenly between you and the customer, stood at his full height. He's all muscle and broad shoulders, looming over the guy. You peek around him.
"What the fuck, man?" the angry customer squawks. "Move!"
"No, you move," Jason says, tone lethal. "Sit quietly at a table and wait for your muffins to bake. Then you can thank the nice baker for waiting on your sorry ass and you're not gonna come back. They have far more patience for entitled fucks than I do."
"Fuck you," the man spits.
Jason calmly closes the distance between them and whispers in his ear, hand like a vice around the jerk's shoulder. You watch as he turns pale, eyes growing wider.
"Sound good?" Jason asks pleasantly, all teeth. The man gapes at him.
Wow. Yeah. This is really doing something for you.
The oven dings. You go to retrieve the muffins, packing them as quickly as possible. You give him the box and the man nods.
"Thanks," he mumbles, then scurries out of the store.
Jason turns to you, and it's like looking at a completely different person.
"You okay?" he asks, posture stiff like he's still prepared for a fight.
You nod, a little dazed.
"Yeah. Wow. Jason, I... you didn't have to do that. I mean, thank you for doing it, but..."
"Hey, that guy was a jackass. And if you have trouble with him or anyone else, call me, okay?"
This side of him stuns you. If you didn't know better, you'd think he had this exchange regularly.
"Call you?" you ask, smiling. "How will I call you if I don't have your number?"
He freezes, eyes wide. "Oh. Uh. Um..."
You lean over, elbows on your counter. He watches you. You cup your hand around your mouth, pretending to divulge a secret.
"This is where you, the cute guy who frequents my struggling cafe, gives me your number."
"You think I'm cute?" he asks.
"Devastatingly so," you say, grinning.
He's quiet for a long moment. Your smile starts to dim.
"Did I read this wrong?" you ask. "If I came off too strong..."
"No!" he says a little too loud. Jason winces. "Sorry. No. I... you're... fuck, I'm not good at this. I don't even really drink tea or coffee, to be honest. I just come in to see you."
"You do?"
Jason sighs. "Yeah. Shit. That's creepy, isn't it?"
You laugh and he visibly softens.
"No, Jason," you say warmly. "It's sweet."
"So can I still ask you on a proper date? Not coffee."
You grin. "That would be perfection."
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astaroth1357 · 3 months
Sick Days:
*MC is in the Croytus Hall kitchen, trying their damnedest to keep from coughing their lungs out while carefully monitoring a pot of simmering soup. They hear the footfalls of their housemate, Solomon, as he comes up behind them*
Solomon: Oh MC~! I have everything ready. Thankfully, the Devildom still has TV these days, even if the shows are out of d-... da-....
*a hankerchief flies out of his pocket and quickly covers his nose*
Solomon: ACHOO!!
*the hankerchief does its thing before flying off behind him to go put itself in the laundry, swapping places with a fresh one that finds its way back to his pocket once again*
MC: *keeps their back to him* Bless you.
*Solomon comes up and slings his arms over their shoulders, leaning against them like he's a sagging backpack. His head rests alongside theirs*
Solomon: Is it still cooking?
*he reaches out to lift the lid on the pot but MC, already knowing better, swiftly smacks his mit back down*
MC: Don't touch.
Solomon: Oh! Right, I'm sorry. Forgot the rules for a second. I'm sure it smells good... not that either of us would know.
*he contently sways their bodies from side-to-side while MC clears their throat, grumbling dryily*
MC: Y-ou know, you could cure us at any time, right...?
Solomon: So could you, yet here we are! You're just playing hookie from the brothers right now, aren't you?
*the MC tries to groan, but ends up regretting it as it stresses their already aching throat. They cover their mouth with their elbow to catch their raspy coughs before responding*
MC: U-ugh! Okay, fine... You're right. How about you stop breaking my balls and pick what we're watching...?
Solomon: I already have. Beel told me about this wonderful cooking show the other day! I think we can start with that, then maybe move onto a few movies Leviathan recommended...
Solomon: I have the TV set and heated blankets on the couch. Plenty of water, a few boxes of tissues (mostly for me), your favorite sweater, a plush Asmo bought me-
MC: ...
Solomon: -and anything else we need, I'll have my wand in reach! I figured for dinner, we can order out. It's lovely that you're making us soup, but let's not push-
MC: Sol?
Solomon: -Hm?
*MC wiggles him back until they can turn themselves around and wrap their arms around his chest. They rest their head up against the soft fabric of one of his old sleep shirts snugly*
MC: .... Thank you.
*Solomon looks taken aback by their sudden tenderness, but doesn't hesitate to wrap his arms around them further and lightly cage them to his chest*
Solomon: Of course, MC... You take care of so many people. You deserve a break.
*a comfortable silence spreads between them for a minute or so, before MC starts to feel Solomon's cheek rubbing against the top of their head like a smothering cat*
Solomon: Oh, my adorable apprentice, you're just so cute when you're sick~
MC: *snaps their eyes back open and glares at his words, but doesn't let go yet*
MC: Sooool....
Solomon: If I didn't know better, I would almost want to keep you like this...
MC: *snorts* Good luck. The brothers would kill you for it. *they drop their arms from his chest, but he doesn't let go*
MC: Sol?
Solomon: I'm sure they would try, but you wouldn't let something bad happen to your beloved teacher, would you MC?
MC: *rolls their eyes* You wouldn't need my help, anyway. Let go.
Solomon: *squeezes a little tighter* Uh-uh! That wasn't my question.
MC: Sol, I need to stir the soup.
Solomon: And I need to hear an answer.
MC: Solomon, I'm serious.
Solomon: Oh? What's this? I think I'm gonna... ahh...!
MC: Wait, what are you-?
Solomon: Ahhh...!
MC: Solomon, let go!
Solomon: AHHHH....!!
MC: OKAY OKAY, I WOULDN'T LET THEM HURT YOU! Don't you DARE sneeze in my hair!!
Solomon: AHHHH- Just kidding~
*he finally lets them go and they lightly slap his shoulder before turning back around in a huff*
MC: Get out of my kitchen!
Solomon: Then I'll meet you on the couch again?
MC: Only after the soup is done.
Solomon: Then we can cuddle?
MC: Not if you misbehave!
Solomon: What if I steal the blankets~?
MC: *rubs their pounding temples at their teacher's childish antics*
MC: Solomon, I'm serious. Get. Out.
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toruro · 7 months
i just think….toxic ex bf!dino who starts hoeing out to make you jealous.. he fucks any random girl at any random party but only thinks of you, making sure his hickeys are visible enough for you to see them, posting pics with randoms on his socials 💭
nectar of the gods
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tags: smut (18+), angst, toxic chan (duhh), pet names (baby), creampie
w/c: 1.4k
a/n: this concept is insanity actually anon i am in love with u (WINK WONK WINK WONK WINK WONK) ..,,, pls visit my inbox more often :3
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thinking about your toxic ex chan.
it's funny when you say that, because he was the one who said he wanted to end things on good terms; told you he wanted "none of that drama ... none of that petty shit." chan had said it so casually that you're now having a hard time trying to figure out if you're going crazy.
crazy, because just three nights after you two ended things, he was posting on his finsta (which, by the way, he demanded you stay on for the sake of keeping peace and not cutting ties) at some party you weren't invited to with some girl you didn't know dancing—no, grinding—on the same man whose lap you were bouncing on just a week earlier.
crazy, because two days later you go to hang out with your group of friends and of course chan is there (because when isn't chan there?), and you swear you haven't seen him wear a shirt with a collar that low in ages and ... is that a hickey? you might go crazy.
crazy, because you aren't sure if he expects you to stare ..,, crazy, because you swear you see his lips curve upwards into a smug smirk when you turn your eyes away, bashfully heating up in the cheeks. "you good?" he asks casually, when you choke over your water a little when you decide to glance back at him and catch second and third splotchy, bruising mark under his collarbone.
crazy, because you aren't sure why your stomach bubbles up with some nasty feeling of ... anger? uncertainty? jealousy?
crazy, because how could you be jealous? you broke up with him—told him you've got too much going on in your life, and while chan was great and all, you don't really have the time for a boyfriend right now. so really, you have no right to be jealous, isn't that correct?
fuck, you've gone crazy.
it doesn't help that you try to avoid him. the next week, you don't sit next to him in the lecture you have together, and you don't think chan'll make a fuss about it. after all, it seems like he's moving on just fine, so you hardly consider the fact that he might be just a bit bothered by the fact that you choose to sit next to seungcheol instead.
you don't expect him to walk up to you afterwards with a frown etched deep into his lips as he scoffs, "already throwing yourself on my friends?" to which you'd like to respond with: "aren't you doing just the same?" ... 'cept you don't say that, because that would mean you're jealous, right? and you're not jealous ... no way!
so you just shake your head softly and say that you're sorry for causing a fuss. that you'll sit with him next time. that you'll start talking to seungcheol less. chan grins at you and nods his head, and as he turns away to head to his car, you catch the fading mark on his neck from a few nights before, and wonder if you should say something.
you don't, of course.
that night you go home, and you're scrolling on your insta and then there's that bright ring around the chan's finsta and so curiosity undoubtedly kills the cat. maybe you tear up a little at the sight of a an obviously faded chan who's got his cheek pressed up against another girl's, both of them grinning as people party in the background.
and so you call him, and he's sweet at first. asks you, "hey what's up ... hey are you crying?" to which you respond with more sniffles. and you wanna hang up, you wanna hang up so bad, but then you think that if you cut the call he's just gonna go off and talk to that girl—or worse, he'll fuck her—and you're totally not jealous but you also totally can't let that happen.
and so you cry a bit harder—you replay the image of those stupid, big fat hickeys on his neck—and you let your tummy churn while you wallow in your own self pity.
"what's wrong baby?" chan asks you from the other side, and in the background you faintly hear the blaring techno and you briefly consider telling him you miss him, which is odd because you don't miss him ... do you? you just don't want him to go off with what's-her-face ... right?
and so you're silent, tryin' to figure out what you should say but then you hear this voice and it's too high pitched, too bubbly, too girly to be chan's, and suddenly your heart sinks right down to your stomach.
"channie, c'mon! let's have some fun?" the voice of a girl calls in the background, and you're just about to open your mouth and say something when chan beats you to it.
"i gotta go," he tells you in a rush and oh the sound of the line being cut will be you're undoing, because now the image of chan fucking this random ass girl burns into your skull and for some reason, you can't seem to shave it down.
and so you drown yourself in your tears, pressing yourself into the cushions of your couch and your sobs rack through your empty living room while chan is probably in some strangers room fucking the living daylights out of a cunt that isn't yours.
you think you might just fall asleep like this—alone in this dimly lit room with nothing but your tears dropping onto your lap; and so when you hear chan's voice you think this might be a dream, but then you look up and suddenly you see him.
he stands in front of you in all his glory, face flushed and faux blonde hair brushes just over his eyes as he walks closer to where you sit on your couch. chan shushes you when you ask him why he's still got your keys—tells you that isn't important right now—and he cups your cheeks and wipes your tears, asks you why you're crying, why there are tears in your eyes when "channie's right here ... channie's not gonna leave you ..."
and then he's kneeling in front of you, askin' you again why you're crying and so you cry even harder ... his hands are all over you, stroking your cheeks and then rubbing your shoulders, then one hand's on your hip and kneading the soft flesh and you think he's just trying to comfort you and so you cry even harder because you wonder whether he had his hands on that girl just moments earlier.
but then he's whispering in your ear, tellin' you he's gonna "make you feel better ..." but only if you'll let him.
his hands feel so nice all over you, rubbing up and down your thighs and—fuck, when did he slip his fingers between your legs? not that you care anyways, because even with your mind deluded with tears, you find the want to slowly hump your hips into his touch until he's slipping his hand down your pant, asking you if this is you letting him "make you feel good."
of course, you whine through your tears, nodding dumbly when he slips his rough fingers into your soaked cunt, murmuring into your neck 'bout how "channie's always gonna be here to make you feel better ... channie's never gonna leave ..."
he fingers you for a bit, and then he fucks you into the couch. it's hot and sloppy and heavy and messy, and it has you crying and panting—hands all over each other because you can't get enough of him.
your lips run all over his neck, his chest, collarbone—all of it, because you are in no way jealous, you just enjoy marking your territory. and chan fucks you so deep, groaning, "this pussy's made for me—just for me, you hear me?" and you are not a jealous person but you grin to yourself in this fucked out haze because chan is right.
you wrap your arms around his neck as he fucks you missionary, raking your nails into his back, tugging at the roots of his hair—doin' everything you fucking can to show chan that he might not be yours but he is yours, and you are his.
the thought that this might come and bite you in the ass crosses your mind briefly, but chan is quick to fuck your worries away, tellin' you "no one's gonna fuck you like this ..." and so you moan, and chan takes that as an agreement, so he fucks you harder until you're choking over your own sobs of pleasure.
"this pussy's mine, you got that baby?"
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facefullofsadness · 4 months
Can I request sub!Sakura x soft!dom!reader? Basically fluff smut (-_-")
sakura unnie being just the submissive bby girl she truly is 🥰
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content - loser gamer!sakura (bc she literally is just a loser who happens to be an idol u can't change my mind), smut (cunnilingus, corruption kink kinda but not really inflicted, reader is a lil intoxicated), fluff (I guess? like kinda?)
wc - 2148 (might've gotten carried away...)
sakura is a sensitive girlie.
and this doesn't just apply to in bed but in real life too. when you first met her, she was so shy and jumpy. seeing her at a pc café with the cat ear headphones she brought from home, wearing glasses, gray sweatpants, and a graphic tee way too oversized for her small body.
going up to her because u recognized her from your biochem class, asking if she did the homework yet.
"oh uh, hi, you know my name? uhm, sorry I'm a mess. wait a second, sorry," kura would stumble over her words, balancing her focus between the pretty girl talking to her and the intense league match she had going on.
sigh, how fucking adorable.
the way you grazed her shoulder with the tips of your fingers as you *intently* watched as she tried not to feed the enemy team (failing by the way). your focus was more on the way sakura's body tensed at the gentle contact.
it flicked a switch in your brain watching her bite down hard on her lip, trying so hard not to break in front of you. this only whirred you on, needing to see her desperate. and so you made it your goal to make this girl yours, in every way.
wooing her (easily bc pretty girl) into becoming your girlfriend, making her feel so loved and special, making her feel like you were the only person in the world for her. yes of course you loved her truly, but the switch that was on in your head always shone a light so bright that reminded you of how obsessed you were with the submissive aspects of this girl.
starting tame in your relationship, holding hands, cupping her cheeks and rubbing your thumbs against them, planting soft and gentle kisses on her, giving her sweet cuddles. it would eventually progress into brushing fingers against her sensitive waist, hearing as kura would release shaky breaths at the contact, deep and passionate makeout sessions where she would be breathless and sweaty under you, kissing and leaving dark marks on her neck and across her chest which would have her whining, trying to push you away because god how embarrassing it felt to be so small against you.
seeing her face so flushed pink and eyes dazed after an intimate moment drove you insane. you absolutely just needed to see more. and so when the first time you guys had sex, you had to remind yourself not to take it too far. after all, she's still your lovely sweet loser girlfriend who wouldn't hurt a fly (mostly because she's probably too scared of it).
and by sex, I mean eating out your precious girlfriend while she was gaming. you had gotten a little tipsy that night, drinking by yourself in the living room, dragging your body into kura's bedroom where she was focused in on a match of overwatch. too buzzed to act interested in her game, you pull yourself onto her lap and nestled your face into her neck.
you smiled against her skin as you felt the girl's breath hitch at the sudden gesture, your hot breath hitting her sensitive spot.
"y/n baby, I'm k-kinda busy right n-now..." she'd stutter, losing focus.
you shush her, planting wet kisses against her jaw and neck, "keep playing kura, don't worry about me. just focus."
the cogs in your brain speed and your heartbeat races with the corruptive thoughts running through your head. you feel yourself heat up at the need to feel her fall apart against you, shaking in your hold. hearing her shaky voice make callouts to her teammates over comms, your greedy hands brushing her sides and trailing her abdomen, mouth leaving wet spots across her exposed collarbone.
you moan against her skin, her body so tense when you touch her, exciting you more than you think is possible. though you wanted to be patient and gentle with her when it comes to intimate moments like this, in your drunken state, it was hard to think straight. and so it slips your mind when your hands trail up to cusp her tits, thumbs rubbing her hard nipples in circles.
your brain short circuits when you hear her whimper right against your ear, kissing her on the cheek and grinding down against her core. you push one of the headphone muffs back, whispering in her ear.
"do you like that baby, like when I touch your naughty little body like this? like when I grind against your aching pussy like that?" you rasp breathily, biting the lobe of her ear and chuckling lowly.
one of her hands fly off of the keyboard and quickly mute her mic, bringing her hand to tangle her fingers with your hair.
"ahhh fuck, y/n-ie, I'm.. that feels so.. ahh," sakura can't contain the moans slipping out of her mouth easily as your grinding continues and your fingers pinch at her hardened buds.
you pull your face away from her heaving chest and bring your lips to grace her own lips, "baby, why'd you stop playing? be a good girl and win for me."
how evil, sakura must be thinking in that little head of hers, clouded with lust.
she whines needily against your lips and you kiss her sweetly in response, "c'mon baby, I'll reward you if you listen to me."
and so she gulps and nods, leaning forward against you before unmuting and returning back to the game. hm, how easy it is to control you my love, you think sinisterly.
pulling ur hands away and getting off of her, looking up at her darting eyes, full of nervousness and excitement, you smirk at the sight. you bring your hands up to the waistband of her sweats, untying the knot and slowly pulling them down.
your eyebrows raise when you see how dark her panties have gotten, wet and practically soaked with arousal.
"you DO like this baby, don't you? looks like a little too much, what do you think?" you bite your lip as you drag a single finger across the whole length of her slit, feeling how damp her underwear truly is.
she whimpers uncontrollably above you, clamping her eyes shut and throwing her head back against the headrest, trying so hard to hold back. you just know her hands are gripped tightly into fists as you press your thumb firmly against her clit through the cloth.
"guys please, we're so close," sakura begs her teammates to wrap up the game, almost a double entendre to your ears.
you look up at her sweetly and innocently, "or take your time my love, I can wait."
she peers down to look at you and frowns, eyes welling up and face scrunched with pleasure. aww, my poor baby, she wants you to stop teasing so bad and just let her fucking cum.
you hook your fingers around her panties and pull them down to pool at her ankles with her sweatpants. you pull her to the edge of her gamer chair by her thighs, your strong grip pushing apart her legs.
"you'll get what you need so bad when you win," god you're so mean :(((
she's aching so bad, the way you can physically see her hole clench around nothing, just by your words and the sheer amount of arousal that courses through her. you can't just let her go untouched, so when you throw her panties and sweats off of her ankles and to the side, lifting her legs to rest on top of your shoulders, hearing her squeal at the movement, and hotly breathe out onto her core, you go dizzy. you swear you're probably much more fucking soaked in your underwear than she is by how turned on you were by the effects you had on her.
none of that mattered right now though, all that did matter and the only thing you focused on was sakura. your precious sakura and her leaking hole. you couldn't resist anymore, diving in and sucking her entrance directly, using your tongue to lap at all the juices that she produced messily all over her pussy.
"fuck y/n!" she moaned, not caring about the game and throwing an arm over her face, hiding behind it.
"shhh, play," you'd mumble against her, flicking your wet muscle on her bundle of nerves.
"I-I can't baby..." kura whined, hearing her start to sob.
no no, couldn't have your baby suffer now could you?
"you can do it, go kura, make me proud," you'd caress her legs sweetly, moving away from her center and kissing her trembling thighs.
"we.. I'm almost, d-done," she shakily said.
at that moment, you heard cheering explode from her headphones, sakura throwing them off and muting her mic.
her hands would fly to gripping one of your hands around her thighs and your hair, "y/n, please please please, god please it hurts so bad."
looking up at her pained and desperate expression, you smiled again, "don't worry, I'll give you your reward my good girl."
diving in greedily finally, thrusting your tongue into her hole, making the most graphic wet noises from your needy mouth and her leaking pussy. the girl above you uncontrollably moaning out your name, gripping your hand and hair tightly, it hurt.
it didn't matter to you as the juice on your tongue was so delicious, the whines filling your ears sounded like music, and the body you held was trembling with pleasure. you closed your eyes as you dug your wet muscle into her and brushed your nose against her clit.
"baby ahh! fuck fuck fuck, yes yes, please don't stop, please god, it feels sosososo good y/n, I beg you, your mouth is insane," sakura would ramble mindlessly.
you listened, being crazily pussy drunk, not being able to breathe but not caring, borderline deep throating her pussy with how deep you dug your face into her. being so horny yourself, grinding against the air and panting into her. your fingers gripped painfully against her thighs, forgetting your entire plan to treat her caringly.
not that sakura seemed to mind, her head was thrown back and mouth hung wide open, eyes rolled back and screaming out profanities with your name. her hand in your hair pushed you deeper into her, grinding her hips desperately against you.
you loosened your grip slightly to let her fuck your face. you wanted to see her lose control because of you badly, so you opened your eyes to look up at her, and you swear you could cum on the spot just by how sinful the sight was. you moaned deeply into her pussy, the vibrations making sakura go insane, her body started to thrash and jolt, humping your face even more.
you slurped hungrily at her, losing any thoughts of technique and simply eating her out how you needed to. after all, kura doesn't care and grinds against your face rabidly, everything feels too fucking good to think.
"CUMMING, CUMMING!" she'd scream out, grip on you tightening even more.
"cum for me," you try mumbling as much as you could, airways practically blocked with her pussy.
sakura's body convulses, shaking with a screaming orgasm, juices squirting from her and drenching your face, chest, and clothes. you almost drown at the contact, but drink all the arousal that escapes.
her body stops violently jolting, only jerking every now and then from the aftershocks of the mindblowing climax she just came from. you release your tight grip as she does also, caressing her thighs softly, and kissing all over her sensitive core and legs. poor baby is completely gone, dazed and exhausted. you pull away from her pussy but make your way up to her face, never fully ripping away from her.
cupping her face and looking at her spent figure. chest raising and falling, mouth open, drool leaking out, cheeks stained with tears, body limp, thighs marked red, neck littered with hickies, her eyes half-lidded, and mumbling.
"y/n-ie, I'm can't," you giggle at how fucked out she is.
the throbbing at your core hurts honestly, but you ignore it, carrying your baby girl off of the chair and onto her bed. your clothes were soaked with her juices, looking back at her desk and seeing remnants of it there too. you'd clean it later, what matters is taking care of your girlfriend now.
"you did so well baby, you can rest," you'd whisper comfortingly in her ear, kissing her lips softly.
"do you want me to get you water? I can run the bath for you?" you offer, rubbing your hands sweetly over her red thighs.
"no, need you here," she'd say, pulling you into a cuddle, passing out on the spot.
you smile and place a peck on sakura's forehead, "okay."
need her so bad...
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iheart-alastor · 2 months
Alastor x Reader x Lucifer head cannons
What if Alastor and Lucifer both liked the same Person?
Warning: cat alastor involved 😝
No pronouns used
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When these motherfuckers find out they both like u it's a quiet rivalry
They act like kids just for your attention
Lucifer would probably say "alastor hit me" then go crying to you
if alastor makes up an alibi Luci watches as you go over to Alastor and say sorry for thinking he did that as alastor smirks at Lucifer teasingly actually making him mad before he storms off
They're both buying u gifts constant and taking you places like your schedule is booked because your hanging out with either one of them
Alastor would tease Lucifer around you calling him small and if he got a laugh out of you Lucifer would be bawling his eyes out to Charlie In a secluded area unless you find out and instantly comfort him
This man buys u duck pajamas so you can both fall asleep together matching 😝
Yk those socks what hold hands? You both have a pair but duck version
Alastor is probably going to be taking you to Rosie's Emporium and buyin you gifts (talks about you to Rosie)
They both love seeing you happy sometimes they like it when you cry because they both race to see who can comfort you first
Lucifer would ask you to cuddle on the couch in the lobby so alastor could see and that mf gets JEALOUS
Angel dust would probably tease you about pulling the king off hell and a freaky overlord
Charlie on the other hand is so happy seeing alastor fall in love and happy that Lucifer moved on from Lilith
Alastor probably leaves "love bites" on your shoulder he doesn't call them love bites though he says it's marking his territory
Make the 3 of you matching bracelets begs they'd be so happy (but probably try to hide each other's bracelet so they make you think they lost it)
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(𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫😝)
Alastor gets you a cat of himself so you always be thinking of him
And this cat follows you everywhere no joke
It hates Lucifer just like al but difference is it starts growling and shaking when lucis next to you
Lucifer makes you a duck keychain to put on your stuff by it had a cute little hat what looks like his on it😫
Start hiding stuff Lucifer gets you because cat alastor would destroy it
Both alastor and the cat also fight over you
The cat loves when you mess with its ears (same with alastor but he'd never tell you that)
Lucifer snuggles into you when your having sleepovers unless you let the cat in his room it's sitting between you both glaring at you while playing radio static to sound like it's purring
The cat steals one of your tops and kneads it
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yuquinzel · 1 year
[ 8:37 pm ] — miya atsumu.
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the clock reads 8:37 pm, exactly 14 seconds to 38 and atsumu is painfully aware of each long, dragging and excruciatingly endless second because it's been exactly 4 hours, 19 minutes and 12 seconds since you left on him read.
he's currently laid on his bed, in his dimly lit room where the only source of illumination is the faint fluorescent glow of his mobile screen.
he's frowning, brows furrowed at the dull ‘seen 4hrs ago’ in anticipation because at any second now he'll see the ‘typing...’ indication and he doesn't wanna be late to reply.
atsumu is a fast and an energetic texter. he sends you at least 14 cat videos with the “ur the third one” message immediately after each. or he sends you those ‘ask your friend which hour of the day you are’ followed by a “you. blue hour” hopefully awaiting your reply because he needs to know if you think he's the golden hour or not.
y/n 🛐: you're definitely the golden hour then lol
the better twin: damn. didn't expect that.
he actually did. hoped for it in fact. he thinks about it for the next week.
you're not the type to leave people on seen for more than 5 minutes. at least not him. you reply as quick as you can with the same energy as him and have a habit of liking his rather funny texts from time to time.
so he's more confused than upset right now, thinking of all possible reasons you could've read his messages but were unable to reply. he hasn't seen you since last friday when you told him about a week long road trip with your family. his frown only deepens when the clock hits 8:40 and there's no sign of a reply from you.
he's beginning to type a quick “are u good?” when his screen flashes with a call. your contact name. the phone rings in atsumu's hand but his fingers are frozen.
you're calling him.
you don't like phone calls.
atsumu clears his throat because he doesn't want you to hear him squeal with excitement, but he's giggling and kicking his feet, running a hand over his heart and rubbing his eyes to make sure it really is you. he lets the phone ring for a mere seconds before picking it up, “oh hey” he hopes it's as casual as he thinks.
the moment he hears you speak from the other side, atsumu knows he has lost, “ATSUMU! I'm so sorry for leaving you on read. i was in the car and battery fucking died before i could reply and i lost my charger!” you're chasing after your own words, each cut by the next one.
“oh, nah that's fine. so ya found yer charger?” he groans internally at his words, but truthfully he doesn't know what to say.
of course you didn't willingly leave him on read. of course you're calling him now because you don't want him to think otherwise. of course your words are rushed, you've always been that way.
“oh, right yeah. i got home and charged it as soon as I could” you laugh with a newfound sense of relief.
atsumu blinks, “yer home already? weren'tcha coming this sunday??” he asks.
“ohh, no, we decided to come back earlier”
and the voice call ends, leaving you confused.
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it's 9:29 pm and there's a knocking at your door, hastened and impatient, the way you know someone always knocks.
“’tsumu? wait, why are you here at this hour?” you ask, wide eyes set on the setter in front of you panting like he ran a marathon.
“ya said you were back and ya must be tired so i gotcha ice cream—” he breathes out, gesturing to the bag in his hand, “—gee, coulda told me you were comin’ back today, when'd ya get here anyway? how was the trip? did ya take pictures?—”
“atsumu” you say softly, and he pauses, “breathe ”
atsumu lives about 45 minutes away, 15 if he takes the car but as he's panting right now, you know he's ran all the way here. and if he stopped by the convenience store down the street and still get here in time, you're sure he needs at least a minute to breathe.
he smiles one of his boyish, princely smiles, “also got that movie ya wanted ta watch”
“i thought you'd have watched it already?”
“wanted ta watch it with you” he's giggling with excitement you know he's trying to hide.
“okay” you laugh, grabbing his hand to pull him inside.
“okay” he repeats.
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© yuquinzel2023 [ plagiarism is a violation of moral rights ! ]
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sweetheartmotives · 10 months
`; 三 Clumsy Yandere;`三
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Desc and possible Tw: Yandere themes, sexual themes, kidnapping, crying (from clumsy yan), begging (from clumsy yan), clumsiness/falling, angst. BIG angst!
Let me know if I missed any!
The weather was warm and the time was 2pm. You were out with some friends/family at a pizza shop and a family member/friend decided that you should come! You were on your way back to your and your family/friends' private room, until you saw someone fall, and to make it worse, they had a drink and it spilled everywhere. You decided to help them out! You walked over and he was already scrambling to grab some napkins and clean it up, you came over and helped him. He cried and thanked you. After that day, you earned yourself a stalker.
•• Clumsy Yandere who… you met in a very pathetic way. Soda all over the floor and you both on your hands and knees cleaning it up.
•• Clumsy Yandere who… is actually a loser. He doesn't go out unless he's forced to. This was one of his many embarrassing moments. But unlike the others, this one had a good outcome!
•• Clumsy Yandere who… waited for you to leave. It was dark outside, so following you wasn't gonna be hard.
•• Clumsy Yandere who… was horribly nervous when he followed you. If you turned around, he'd probably cry!
•• Clumsy Yandere who… follows you home and gets your address. Then he runs away..?
•• Clumsy Yandere who… gets your number, socials, etc. He spends the whole night searching for you on the Internet.
He got ur number thru ur address.. don't ask how
•• Clumsy Yandere who… jerked it to your pics. If you don't have any on social media, he probably took one 78 while stalking you.
Onto the genre stuff! :]
•• Clumsy Yandere who… drools over you. He can't get enough of you, so don't mind the drool dripping down his chin!
Casually drooling over you
•• Clumsy Yandere who… cries when you are loud. When they first took you down to their basement, you cried/yelled. They began to panic and cry.
•• Clumsy Yandere who… is hopeless. They cry and beg for your forgiveness.. What can you ask? Anything!
M'sorry! I'm so sorry! Please forgive meeeee!! He whined and cried.
•• Clumsy Yandere who… created a playlist for you. They like romantic gestures! (◍•ᴗ•◍)♡
•• Clumsy Yandere who… does whatever you like. Wanna crochet or play video games? They're down!
Oh? Uh.. yea we can!
•• Clumsy Yandere who… was shy about sex at first.. but then humped your leg and cried about how much they loved you.
Mmm..~ ahhh~ I love you.. love u so much..
•• Clumsy Yandere who… likes to paint! They've painted portraits of you and gifted them to you.
Ah.. my love.. look what I made for you..! He hands a nude painting of you to you.
•• Clumsy Yandere who… does whatever you want. And he doesn't whine or cry! Pretty great, right?? :3
Of course my love..
•• Clumsy Yandere who… is a crybaby. He's also a really nervous/anxious person!
•• Clumsy Yandere who… has a resting sad face and always looks like he's gonna start crying :(
•• Clumsy Yandere who… owns 3 cats! Tax Fraud, eepy, and coco ♡
•• Clumsy Yandere who… is a loser. A very pathetic loser. No further explanation.
•• Clumsy Yandere who… always trips over his own feet. At any time in the day, he trips. Does he cry every time? Nope, but he's always close to tears and he'll be horribly embarrassed.
•• Clumsy Yandere who… gives kisses anytime of the day. Sure he's super shy, but that doesn't stop him from giving kisses! :)
Mwah mwah mwah (〃ω〃)
•• Clumsy Yandere who… lets Stockholm syndrome do its thing. Until then, he'll shower you with praise and love!
•• Clumsy Yandere who… knew it was wrong to kidnap you, but.. is it bad to be a little selfish?..
I'm sorry my love.. I just really wanted to be with you..!
•• Clumsy Yandere who… if you're really suffering while being with him and Stockholm syndrome doesn't work.. he'll let you go. He can't stand seeing you upset.
Goodbye.. my love.
•• Clumsy Yandere who… in the end, will always love you, even if you leave him.
My love.. I'll love you no matter what.. even if you hate me. My love will never stop..
This is a bit of a long wait! But I hope you enjoyed it as I enjoyed writing it! (◍•ᴗ•◍)♡
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ilylovelyz · 10 months
I want to know your SFW and NSFW headcanons for Sakusa<33
sakusa sfw & nsfw headcannons - i made a slowburn fic about him that very much explains what i think sakusa is like before and during the first weeks of a relationship!! i recommend reading it just for more insight <3
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keep it a buck you 100% have to ask him out first
if you dont then it'll never happen bc hes a scaredy cat
i think that sakusa would date someone who is the opposite of him
yk outgoing and leading
i feel like a way his s/o would interest him is obviously if they are clean and good with hygiene too, just like how sakusa took an interest with ushijima
but his s/o, who is like a ball of sunshine like hinata, will first annoy him
he'll be like "shut up" or just like just despise ur presence because ur just a total opposite
but then he'll see ur cleaning skills or do something that has him giving you his total respect
at first he's like very standoffish towards you, only really responding to you with short answers
he's almost curious in the way you are so insistent, your hardworking attitude has him always on his feet
it takes a long while, but he'll eventually come to accept you as a "friend"
he almost admires the way you are so persistent and always positive, so will eventually long for you at his side to lead him
youll obvi have to ask him out first, seeing as he wasnt getting the hint with your light flirting and teasing
he'll definitely surprised, and definitely asks you to give him time and think about it
after like a week of "thinking," he'll accept, a light blush across his cheeks as he mutters out a shy "yes."
hes not much for dates, but he'll take you out because he's a gentleman and knows that dates are necessary for a thriving relationship
he doesn't take you to the mall or whatever, i see him actually preferring quiet activities such as picnics or painting
not much of a romantic, but he'll like to intertwine pinkies 😊😊
erm if its a full train ride then you'll be the one shielding him from the other passengers sorry 😪
i see him liking it when the two of you just hang out at each other's homes, i feel like for some reason he'd help you clean ur room??
if he sees something that reminds you of him he'll actually buy it and "nonchalantly" give it to you as a gift <3
as your relationship grows over time, i see him becoming more protective and clingy to you
the first couple of months he was still somewhat closed off to you
but after the 5th month mark, his affection and adoration towards you is all but unknown
sometimes he'll kiss you in public, a soft kiss, one thats a little long but a little short that has you wanting more
no more pinky intertwining, it was exchanged for full hand holding 😜
type of "private but not secret" relationship
he'll pull you aside before his games or class and wrap his arms around your waist and lean his head into your shoulder just for a moment of silence and rest
and before he will leave he'll plant a soft kiss onto your forehead cuz hes a sicko like that 😒😒😒😒😮‍💨💔
sometimes he'll look in your direction before spiking as to see if you're watching before he destroys the other team, otherwise he's completely focused on his game because volleyball is still his priority unfortunately
i dont really see him dropping things for his s/o, but will rather make plans with you very ahead of time so that way he can have plans with you regardless of his schedule
for what it's worth, i see him kinda liking it when you match with him
i see him just going alone with your flow because you seem to know what you're doing in the relationship, and it works out nicely anyways
theres not many arguments or disagreements about anything cuz u pretty much have the same interests and views as him
little shopping dates, cart full with aesthetic cleaning supplies and snacks <3
yk i kinda see him being jealous easily but at the same time i dont
he's more jealous about people being more open and having the ability to make you laugh
but you seem dumbfounded at his worries, because he makes you laugh all the time!!!
doesnt worry about you cheating at all cuz he thinks worrying about that stuff is useless and stupid because theres no reason to doubt you
he's more worried if you're going to leave him tho, but he really only thinks that late at night when he's in his feels :(
but his negative thoughts are quickly disappearing when its like 3am and ur responding to his "are u awake" messages in less than a millisecond with a "yeah, wanna call? i miss you </3"
aw i see him lending you his volleyball jersey/jacket while he plays he actually thinks its cute
maybe he's always stressed because he's sexually frustrated? 🤔
he hates masturbating, just because he doesn't like how dirty it feels
before you, he rarely did
he still didnt at the beginning of the relationship
but after the first kiss, he felt the strange familiar tingle in his core
yeah bro is so touch starved he got horny just with a kiss 😭
later that night of the first kiss, he was aggressively tugging at his cock, biting his lip till it bled cuz you just made him so horny :/
kissing is always a sweet thing for sakusa, because he likes the tenderness and the nice warm feeling it gives him
which is why he usually only kisses you when it's just the two of you because its when he's completely soft and himself
at first, he's really nervous and stiff while kissing you, and trembling?
but omg this guy learns really fast
because when his hands are wrapped tightly around your waist, his lips moving so deliciously against yours, it can only make you think "oh wow"
ah his kisses are so nice thats all i can say
after the 6th month mark, he'll eagerly and almost unknowingly turn what was a sweet peck on the lips into a full blown makeout session
its almost pleasurable, the way he applies the right amount of pressure while holding you in his arms, his kisses have you out of breath and you almost cant keep up with him anymore
the first time you had sex with him, he was so nervous
the virgin in him felt like a little boy all over again, awestruck at the discovery of a female's bare body
he was so infatuated with your body, worshiping it and touching you as if you were fine china
you felt so amazing, your lips so soft around his cock, he swears jacking off ≠ you
he felt so embarrassed with the way he came so quickly when you gave him a blowjob
he also didn't really know it, but according to you, he had a big dick
he was a little flabbergasted when you told him that 😭 maybe a little mortified too
oh god the moment he felt ur pussy walls around him it was over
he couldnt even keep himself up, eyes clamped shut at the vice grip your tight cunt had on him
you just felt so good around him
after the first time, he'll quickly want another second
though it took awhile, but he eventually mustered up the courage to politely ask you to have sex with him again 😭
although he didnt say it out right, the way he was stiff on his knees, lips in a visible pout and cheeks having a twinge of red it was obvious what he wanted
the first few times he had sex with you, he would focus on your pleasure rather than his, because the perfectionist within him had him wanting to know all of your weaknesses and soft spots
and learn quickly he did, almost becoming your own personal sex god after a few times of doing it with him
yk i see him being into naughty things 😏
i think the "normal" guy within him would have you pulled aside somewhere public, fingers pumping inside your cunt, his free hand underneath your shirt, fondling your breasts
to top it all of, he'll lean down to nibble on your earlobe, mumbling a teasing "you have to be quiet, you don't want them catching us do you..?"
he doesn't like quickes because he thinks they are unromantic, but occasionally he'll fuck you dumb in a bathroom stall if it calls for it
please if you wear nothing but his shirt he'll very much devour you
he's fucked you multiple times with you wearing only his shirt
the way his shirt just drowns your much smaller frame has him going crazy on you
he doesn't know what it is, but it's very much of a turn on for him
he's into anal 🌚
it wasnt something you discovered until almost two years into your relationship
he thinks its so erotic and dirty it never fails to make him blush hard
he has a smart mouth during sex 😒
"look at how wet you are, it's all over the sheets, you like it this much?" he'll say with a feigned annoyed expression, but the way his cock twitches at the way you practically drool all over him shows it all
he loves it when you sit in his lap, your back against his chest while he lifts you up and down his cock
since your pleasure is his, he'll go down on you as much as you want him to
sometimes the two of you will be just making out and his hand will sneak down underneath your panties and fuck you on his fingers for hours <3
hes so this video ☺️
okay, he's very much careful with sex
he always has a condom in his wallet, he'll always wear a condom, hes careful
he couldnt help the way he came so hard when you two first did it raw :(
he practically humped himself like a bunny against you, so pussydrunk on you 💔
he couldnt help it 😣 u just feel so good around him afterall
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stevie-petey · 4 months
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episode four: will the wise
“What do you want, Hargrove?” Steve asks, situating himself so that more of his body is in between you and Billy.  He sucks his teeth and then lets out a cold chuckle. “Nothin’, just didn’t know that this little sweetheart had it in her.” “Don’t call her that–” “I mean, her boyfriend runs off with your girlfriend?” Billy chuckles again. “I’m surprised Y/N Henderson ran into your arms, Harrington.”
summary: jonathan is gone for one day and suddenly all hell breaks loose, your hesitant friendship with steve is already rocky (thanks billy) but steve is hot when he's angry tbh, you become a couple's counselor to lucas and max (sorry dustin), and you're now officially the world's worst cat owner ever. and babysitter. but what else is new ?
Rating: general, swearing
Warnings: use of y/n, fem!reader, mentions of blood and scars and knives
Words: 5.7k
Before you swing in: hello ! happy friday, heres chapter 4 :) before i say more, i wanted to inform yall that i started doing blurbs for come home if youre interested in seeing more lil scenes between everyone. they can be found here x. anyways, i absolutely cannot believe we're already halfway through the season (im skipping episode seven obviously, since its just an entire el ep). this chapter we see a liiiil more of readers dynamics with the kids, so im super happy about that. next chapter we finally get steve, dustin, and reader so !!! hella excited about that. for now, pls enjoy &lt;3
Mike and Lucas split up and go outside while you, Dustin, and Max start running through the halls, shouting Will’s name. 
“Will!” You’re more pleading rather than shouting. It’s happening again. It’s fucking happening again. Your mind is running a million miles a second, you feel the cold hand of fear twist around your throat. The last time you felt fear like this was when you showed up at Jonathan’s house and collapsed in his arms right after finding out Will had gone missing. 
And now he’s gone again, but Jonathan isn’t here this time to keep you steady. 
Dustin cups both hands over his mouth. “Will!”
You all turn a corner but Will isn’t there. Nothing. 
“Dustin!” Joyce rounds the corner, alarmed. “What’s going on? Where’s Will?”
The woman is moreso asking you than the kids, but you can only shake your head at her helplessly. “I don’t know, Mrs. Byers.”
Joyce holds your gaze and you feel so ashamed of yourself. You’ve let her down again. She’s always been so trusting of you with her children, and here you are, once again a fucking wreck trying to find the son you’ve lost. 
Down the hall, a door flings open. “The field!”
The four of you turn and find Lucas standing there, panting and out of breath. He motions for you all to follow and in a heartbeat you begin to run outside after him. 
There, you find Mike in the field with Will standing next to him, and for a second you feel relief wash over you. He’s okay, he’s safe and isn’t in another dimension. But as you get closer, you notice the stiffness in Will and the way Mike is shaking his shoulder. 
Something isn’t right. 
“I just found him like this!” Mike is shouting. “I think he’s having another episode!”
This would make two in two days. 
When you reach Will, you finally grasp how dire the situation is. He looks horrible, his eyes have rolled into the back of his head and are spasming. His body shakes, his fingers twitch by his side and the veins in his neck strain. 
Joyce quickly grabs him and starts shaking his shoulders, pleading with him. “Will, sweetie, wake up! It’s mom!”
You cover a hand over your mouth as you watch, horrified. Dustin and Lucas stand next to you, each clutching your shirt in fear. Their fear grounds you, making you focus back on them and pull them closer to you. You try to give them as much reassurance as you possibly can, but you know it’s useless. All you guys can do is wait for the episode to end. 
Max stands across from you, watching the situation unfold with her own uncertainty. She doesn't understand what any of this means. Why this is happening to Will, and why you’re close to tears as Joyce pleads with her son to come back to her. 
The fear on her face is why you agree to Mike to not let Max into the party. They’re all so fucking young. Too young for any of this. 
“Will, can you hear me?” Joyce pats Will’s face and you pull the boys even closer to you. Mike refuses to leave Will’s side. 
“He’ll be okay,” you whisper to the kids, but you’re selfishly trying to comfort yourself. 
Tears form in Mike’s eyes and you just want it all to stop. Will isn’t waking up and Dustin is shaking against you and Joyce’s pleas have become more like begs and it’s all too much. 
Then, Will’s eyes snap open and he takes a sharp breath that hurts your own chest to hear. 
You release the breath you’d been holding. The worst of it is over.
Will looks around shyly, as if he already knows it’s happened again. Joyce exhales and kisses his cheek and wraps him in her arms. Mike and the others look around, uncertain but relieved, while Max stands off to the side. 
You wish you could explain it all to her, but it wouldn’t be right.
Slowly, once Will has recovered, you and the kids walk with Joyce back to their car. Dustin’s hand hasn’t left yours and you secretly wouldn’t let him go anyways if he tried. 
“Have the episodes always been like this?” You ask your brother, now remembering that he had to witness that alone on Halloween night. 
“Yeah,” Dustin responds, his voice small. 
You squeeze his hand and follow after Joyce. In your head, you’re creating a list of all the baked goods you can make with the ingredients you know you have in your kitchen. They all deserve some oatmeal raisin cookies after this.
When you get to the car, you break away from the kids and step in front of Will. He’s pale, paler than he’s been in a while, and it’s only now that you see the bags underneath his eyes. He’s gotten worse, how could you have missed that?
You should’ve seen the signs sooner. 
“Did I scare you?” Will asks, and you immediately grab his hand. 
“No, never. You just… gave me a reminder that I love you. Go get some rest, little bee.” You kiss his cheek goodbye and he quietly gets in the car. 
Joyce is behind you, and once Will is safely in the car you turn to face the woman. “Call me if anything else happens, please?”
She nods at you, already understanding why you need the reassurance. There’s a warmth in her eyes, even if every other part of her seems exhausted. “I will.”
“I know I’m not a scientist, or–or a licensed therapist but I just–”
“Sweetie, I understand. Apart from Hopper, you’ve done more research and reading than anyone else. If Will gets worse, I’ll call.”
You smile at the woman appreciatively. “Thank you.”
She squeezes your shoulders and then gets in the car, driving off. You stand there for a moment, needing a second to compose yourself, before turning around to join the kids standing on the school’s steps. 
They seem to have all forgotten about Dart, but you sure as hell haven’t. Dustin fiddles with his walkie and won’t meet your eye, which only reminds you of how weird he had been acting in the bathroom earlier when he conveniently couldn't find Dart.
The two of you are definitely having a code blue tonight. 
“Dustin, you’re my ride to work.”
“Jonathan can’t take me, so I have to ride on your pegs.”
“Who’s Jonathan?” Max asks. 
You give the girl a thumbs up. “Love the enthusiasm to understand everything, unfortunately I need to get to work and lecture my little brother.” 
“Good luck, Dustin.” Mike snickers. 
Your brother waves him off. “Yeah, yeah.”
You say goodbye to the kids, giving a stern warning that if they find any signs of Dart to tell you immediately. “I’m looking at you, Wheeler.”
Mike groans and you leave him to wallow as you hop on Dustin’s bike pegs 
“She always this bossy?” Max mumbles to Lucas.
He shrugs. “Yeah, but she’s also always right, so.”
You blow a kiss towards the boy, and he blushes. Once Dustin is ready, the two of you head towards town. 
The bike ride is quick, one of the small perks of living in a small town. The entire ride, you and Dustin are quiet. You both know that you have many choice words to say, but Dustin still looks shaken up from Will’s episode and you’re not doing too well, either. 
When Bookstrordinary’s sign greets you, you tap Dustin’s shoulder to alert him to stop. You can walk the rest of the way, you don’t want him out too late in the dark. 
“You’re lucky I can’t call off tonight, otherwise I’d kill you right now.”
“You’re such a great big sister, Y/N.”
“Thanks, I try.”
You hop off the bike and sigh. “When I get home tonight, you and I are talking.”
Dustin looks down, but takes a deep breath and salutes you halfheartedly. You laugh a bit, salute back, and then tell him to bike home safely. 
After a very long and anxious shift, you ask your coworker for a ride home.
Alex almost drops his keys and looks around, as if you could be talking to anyone else in the empty store. “M–me?” 
“Yes, Alex. I need a ride home.”
“Where’s Jonathan? I won’t like, die if I drive you, right?”
You roll your eyes. “No, he’d only kill you if you didn’t drive me home since it’s late.”
Alex exhales, relieved. “Okay, yeah. I can take you home, then.”
By the time you get home, it’s later than you anticipated. Alex was kind enough to drive you, but had you known he was a new driver who went ten below the speed limit, you would’ve just walked. 
You walk inside and all the lights are off. Your mom is on the couch with Mews, softly snoring while some program plays on the TV. She tends to do that now, fall asleep on the couch rather than her bed. Too many memories, she explained once to you. 
Quietly you take your shoes off and grab some leftovers in the fridge. Dustin’s door is closed and his own light is off, which you sigh at. 
He could be tricking you into thinking he’s asleep, but you could just be overthinking it. Dustin has been having more nightmares recently, you’d feel horrible if you knocked on his door and woke him up from his much needed sleep. He’s been through enough today. 
You eat your dinner, alone at the table, and you wonder how exactly you’ve wound up here again. Monster on the loose, Will in danger, Jonathan off with Nancy. 
Seems like you can never have a normal November ever again. 
After you’re done eating, you tiredly head to your room and collapse on your bed. Except, instead of landing on your soft pillows, you land on a hard body instead.
“Oomph–” A voice groans underneath you. 
You fling yourself off, finding Jonathan laying there. “Jonathan Byers, what the fuck are you doing in my bed?”
He rubs his eyes. “Said we’d call tonight.”
You stare at him. “That doesn’t at all answer my question.”
“We said we’d call tonight, but then Nancy and I realized our calls could be traced here, too. To your house, but I promised to keep you updated, so… Here I am.”
“And napping in my bed was just something you had to do?”
Jonathan yawns. “Yup.”
You flick his forehead. “Scoot over.” 
He makes room for you on the bed so that you lay side by side. Technically he’s not supposed to sleep in your bed, but your mom never said anything about naps or cuddling. You nuzzle against Jonathan’s chest, allowing the fear and anger from today leak out of your bones as you rest them. He’s always had that effect on you.
Here, in Jonathan’s arms, you feel the safest.
“What did I miss today?” You ask once you’re settled in. 
Jonathan thinks for a moment. “Well, Nance and I got the tape recorder and then drove to her house. She called Barb’s parents, told them she had to confess something about Barb and to meet her tomorrow at Forrest Hills Park in the morning.”
“She’s a genius.”
“She is,” Jonathan lazily responds. He’s drawing small circles against your hand, which is splayed against his chest. His sweater, one you bought him for his birthday, is soft against you. Jonathan seems happy right now, or at least content, and you almost don’t want to ruin the moment. 
It’s so rare to have him like this these days. The old Jonathan, shy and quiet and bashful. 
But he has to know about Will and Dart. It’s only right that he knows. 
“Something happened today, at the middle school.”
There must be something in your voice, because the second the words leave your mouth, Jonathan sits up to look at you. “What happened?”
“My brother found a baby monster from the Upside Down, named him Dart, hid it from me, and now he’s lost.” Jonathan stares at you and you can only sigh. “Will also had another episode. His second one in two days.”
“Yeah. Got to the middle school and suddenly I was chasing around some lizard looking thing from the Upside Down. Pretty typical day, honestly.”
“I wish I could’ve been there, I’m sorry. I can help you look for Dart tomorrow–”
“It’s okay,” you reassure Jonathan. “If anything, this all just proves that you and Nancy are onto something. I mean, it’s been a year and we’re still dealing with so many fucking problems due to their carelessness. How the fuck does a creature from the Upside Down just happen to survive and find its way to my brother? I mean, what if someone else had found it?”
You shake your head. “Something’s going on. You and Nancy need to keep going. Expose those evil fuckers.”
Jonathan frowns. “But what about you? What if the baby monster has a bigger, angrier mom and you get hurt?”
You hadn’t thought about that, honestly. “Huh, that’s a great question.”
“I’ll be fine, bee. Those assholes at Hawkin’s Lab need to pay.”
Jonathan throws his head back, closes his eyes, and sighs. He knows he can’t argue with you about this, you already willingly took over the role of babysitter, but he still doesn’t like it. Sometimes your selflessness makes him want to scream.
“I hate that you’re always right.”
“I personally love it.” You respond, and Jonathan laughs. He uses his whole chest, it’s breathy and deep and full of warmth, and you smile and kiss his cheek as he laughs. 
No other conversation follows, you and Jonathan are content with just laying there in silence. It’s been a while since you guys were this close. Limbs tangled with limbs, the warmth from the body heat almost too much to stand, yet just enough to love. 
He stays for a while, but eventually he kisses your forehead and tells you he has to go. “Early morning, but I promise I’ll be back the next day.”
“I’m holding you to that.”
Jonathan laughs again and untangles himself from you. He presses another kiss to your forehead, playfully tucks your blanket underneath your chin like a child, and then wishes you a goodnight as he leaves through your window.
For some goddamn reason, you miss your four fucking alarms this morning and oversleep. By almost an entire hour. You’ve never, ever slept through your alarms this horribly before, and you’re blaming the Hawkin’s Lab people for it. 
Now, you know the real reason is because you’ve spent every night for the last three weeks obsessively researching post-traumatic stress disorder, but blaming Hawkin’s Lab makes you feel better. 
You get ready as fast as you can, and of course this happens the one morning Jonathan can’t drive you to school and you have to bike. Your mom and Dustin have already left, which. Fuck. You still have to talk to Dustin about Dart. 
Not off to a great start this morning. 
It takes a burnt piece of toast for breakfast, cramped calves, and a lot of prayers, but you manage to make it to school only minutes before the first bell rings. When you arrive, you have just enough time to notice that both Steve’s car and Bllly’s car are parked in the lot. 
Great. You have to deal with them both alone today. 
As you’re walking inside, you hear a few people whispering about Jonathan and Nancy. Seems like word has spread that they skipped fourth period together yesterday and still haven’t returned yet.
Awesome. Steve will definitely be in a great mood today once he hears about that.
He can’t seem to catch a damn break. 
And neither can you, because you quickly realize how weird it is being at school without Jonathan and Nancy. It’s lonely, and Steve still seems to be hiding from you. 
No, not hiding, you remind yourself. He’s still hurt, he asked for space and the least you can do is give it to him. You told him where to find you.
And find you Steve does. 
You’re in the lunchroom, staring sadly at your pathetic lunch consisting of a handful of granola bars, resolving yourself to a lonely lunch without your friends, when Steve’s body slides into the seat next to you. You look up, surprised, and he raises his eyebrows at you. 
“We need to talk.”
“Okay… About what? I forgot what topic we’re on. Are we still on the whole friends conversation?”
Steve isn’t in the mood for this. “Where did Jonathan and Nancy go?”
You look around the lunchroom, scared that the wrong people could be listening in. “I… Okay, I know we just had a whole conversation about being honest and I begged to be your friend again but… I can’t tell you.”
Steve takes several seconds to respond. You know he’s doing everything he can to not completely snap at you. “You… can’t tell me where my girlfriend ran off to?”
“You recognize how fucking stupid that sounds, right?”
You swallow. “I do.”
Steve pinches the bridge of his nose. He’s so beyond pissed off right now. Yesterday you were in his car, reassuring him that he’s a good guy and charming and pretending to be his friend again. Now, you won’t tell him where the fuck his girlfriend has gone. 
Steve isn’t an idiot. He knows there’s more to why you ditched him this summer, something you refuse to tell him, and he respected that. He did. He hadn’t wanted to push you too far, but it’s pretty damn ironic that you’re trying to get back into his life while still fucking lying to him. 
You see the obvious frustration on Steve’s face, and you wince. You take another look around, deciding to risk it. This isn’t fair to him, he deserves to know because from an outside perspective, you’d also be incredibly pissed off if your girlfriend just up and left with the guy she has weird feelings for. 
“Listen,” you lean in close, whispering, “Jonathan and Nancy went off to get evidence about who really killed Barb.”
Steve whips his head back. “What–”
“Shh!” You reach behind his head and shove him back down so that you can whisper again. “That’s all I can tell you. There’s… There’s people who could be listening, bad people who could hurt us and–”
“Well, what do we have here?” A voice interrupts.
The hair on the back of your neck stands up. 
It’s Billy.
You and Steve break apart, but he places a hand on the back of your seat in a protective manner. You lean in closer to him, trying to make yourself smaller as if Billy doesn’t already have his eyes on you anyways. 
“What do you want, Hargrove?” Steve asks, situating himself so that more of his body is in between you and Billy. 
He sucks his teeth and then lets out a cold chuckle. “Nothin’, just didn’t know that this little sweetheart had it in her.”
“Don’t call her that–”
“I mean, her boyfriend runs off with your girlfriend?” Billy chuckles again. “I’m surprised Y/N Henderson ran into your arms, Harrington.”
Billy learned your name. 
You don’t want to know how. 
“I mean,” Billy shrugs. “It’s a genius plan. Scorned lovers pissing off their exes. But from what I’ve heard, the school’s sweetheart wouldn’t even hurt a fly.”
“Jonathan and I aren’t together.” You finally find your voice. 
This only seems to entice Billy. He takes a step forward and leans against your table. “So, you’re single then?” 
Steve’s hand tightens around your seat and you feel his body tense. Billy seems to notice this, too, and shakes his head. 
“I know I promised I’d leave you some, Harrington. But this one?” He leans in closer to you, his breath minty and cold as it ghosts against your face. “She’s cute. I think I’ll keep this one.”
A chair goes flying across the room as Steve stands up. He has his fist raised and you’ve never seen his eyes so cold before. He hates what Billy is implying about you, as if he has some claim over you, as if you aren’t a human fucking being. 
You’re so much more than that.
“Don’t talk about her that way.” Steve growls out, his face inches away from Billy’s.
Billy seems to come to life, having finally cracked Steve Harrington, and within a second he has his own fists raised. You’re aware of everyone’s eyes on you in the lunchroom and vaguely you remember Steve confessing to you how much of a hardass his father is on him about school. He can’t get into any more trouble, especially not because of you. 
You shove yourself between Steve and Billy, despite how much your body screams at you to run away for being so close to the other boy. You ignore him, and force Steve to look at you. “Not here. Please.”
Steve looks between you and Billy, sees the pleading in your eyes. He sighs and reluctantly backs down. 
“Seems like the sweetheart has you whipped, Harrington.” Billy remarks, a pleased smile on his face. “Makes me want her even more–Shit!”
Milk drips down Billy’s entire shirt. 
“Oops,” you say, without any ounce of sincerity. You set the empty carton down and give the boy a aren’t I such a clutz? look. “God, silly me! I can’t hurt a fly, but it seems I also can’t hold a milk carton properly.”
Steve stifles a laugh next to you, and around the room a few others are brave enough to laugh as well. You smile innocently at Billy, who looks five seconds away from flipping the table. “Sorry about that.”
Billy, knowing he’s being watched, forces a smile himself. “You’ll pay for that.”
“Oh, I’m sure the shirt was only worth $5 anyways.”
This time Steve lets his laughs out and it calms you, steadies the shakiness you feel as you stand off against Billy. You hope you’re hiding how fucking terrified you are right now. 
You wait for a response, but Billy only storms out of the lunchroom. It’s quiet for a few moments, but slowly the usual buzz in the room returns and everyone goes back to their conversations. You stand there, your heart still in your throat, and Steve’s hand brings you back. 
“Hey, sit.” He tugs you back down and you’re too numb to fight back. “That was awesome, but are you okay?”
“Honestly? No.” 
He thinks for a moment. “Alright, well. I’m still mad at you, so… Would it be shitty if I left?”
Despite everything, you find yourself laughing. “No, Steve. I understand.”
He lingers. “Are you sure? I mean, I can stay…”
“No,” you squeeze his hand. “We can talk more about this later. Alone, without possible psychotic spies around. Go.”
Steve bites his lip, but he’s still angry at you and he has so many things he wants to ask but you’re pale and still shaking from Billy. If he demands more from you, Steve knows it wouldn’t end well for either of you. You both need your space right now, that’s one thing he’s come to learn about you and relate to himself. 
Sighing, he stands up and, to try and make up for being the asshole who leaves a vulnerable girl alone, Steve ruffles your hair. “Stay out of trouble, will ya?”
“No promises.” You smile up at him, though you know it looks as tired as it feels.
He hesitates again, pauses for a few seconds, but eventually he leaves. And then you’re left alone again. 
As soon as school lets out, you march straight over to the middle school, knowing the kids are bound to be there. Dustin, specifically. He’s managed to slip through your fingers three times now. 
Holy shit, you’re really losing your touch.
The second you find the little asshole you’re going to demand a code blue, doesn’t matter where you’ll be, and then interrogate him about Dart and figure out whatever the hell else he’s hiding from you. Then, you’ll make him clean Mews’ litter box for a whole month. 
You’re so lost in your revenge planning thoughts, you almost walk right past Lucas and Max arguing in the parking lot. 
“What is wrong with me? What’s wrong with you?” Max flies past you, her shoulder knocking against yours. You steady her and notice she’s talking to a very nervous looking Lucas. 
Oh dear. 
“I don’t understand!” He calls after her.
“Hey, what’s going on?” You try to intervene, but Max rips herself out of your grasp and gets in Lucas’ face. 
“No!” She’s shouting now. “I don’t understand! You guys act like you want me to be your friend but–but then you treat me like garbage?”
Huh. She’d get along great with you and Steve. 
Lucas looks over at you, helpless. “That’s not true!”
“Don’t look at me, buddy.” You tell him. 
“Yes, it is! You go and hide in the AV Club, keeping secrets like we’re in second grade or something…” Max’s words catch in her throat, giving you a glimpse of the hurt girl underneath her indifferent exterior. “You know, I thought you guys wanted me in your party.”
You step close to her. “Max, I know it might not make any sense but–”
“Don’t tell me you’re in the party but I’m not.”
Now it’s your turn to look towards Lucas for help. 
He sighs. “Look, we want you in our party, but it’s…”
“But what?” Max looks between you and Lucas, obviously becoming more and more hurt the longer this conversation goes on. 
“There… there are just things.”
“Things, yeah.” You unhelpfully echo, but Lucas glares at you. “Sorry.”
He tries again. “There are things we can’t tell you, alright? For your own safety.”
“Lucas,” you warn, scared he’ll say too much, but Max just gets angrier. 
“My own safety?”
“Because I’m a girl?”
Well, that’s certainly one way to look at it.
Lucas scoffs. “What? No!”
You step in between the kids. “Alright, no. That’s not it at all and this conversation will just keep going in circles.”
Max ignores you. “Did you keep secrets from El?”
You and Lucas share a look, and then, at the same time, ask, “How do you know about El?”
“Did you?” She presses, but she’s looking more at you now than Lucas. She’s expecting you to take her side, to tell the boys to be nice to her and let her into the party, but the scar on your upper arm burns and your ankle faintly throbs. Those wounds will never fully go away; you’ll carry them with you your entire life.
You know how shitty it feels to be left out, but you also know how shitty the nightmares are as well. Max can never be brought into the Upside Down. Not when she has the chance to live a happy and normal life, free from any danger and turmoil. 
“That was different,” you tell Max, trying to be as gentle as possible. “I really, really wish I could explain, but I can’t. It’s for your own good. If I could’ve prevented the party from going through what they have, I would’ve. But I couldn’t, and it haunts me every day.”
Max stares at you, and you admire how much spunk she has in her. You can see her thinking about what you’ve said, analyzing your words for any lies or deception, and you know she’s spent years doing this on her own. Your heart breaks for her.
Billy’s anger flashes in your mind. Max is an intelligent girl, but you know he’s the reason why.
When she can’t find any lies in your words, she just sighs and shakes her head. “You know what? Forget it. Okay? I don’t want to be in your stupid party anyway. I’m out. Have a nice life.”
Lucas stands there for a moment, processing what’s just happened. “Max!”
“You still stink, by the way.” She calls back, and you step back a bit from Lucas. 
“Not to make this worse, but she’s right.”
Lucas glares at you but then sniffs his jacket, cringing with repulsion. “Oh, shit!” 
He throws his hands up in the air and starts walking back towards the school. You don’t follow for a second, instead you watch as Max skates down towards the parking lot, where Billy is waiting. He has his arms spread against his car, and he seems to have noticed you long before you noticed him. 
Billy’s eyes pierce yours and you shudder. There’s a hatred in his eyes that you’ve never seen before, unlike anything else. Again, your heart breaks for Max. You can’t imagine having an older brother like him.
You force yourself to turn around and join Lucas up ahead. Gross, sleazy men are the least of your concerns right now. 
But then Lucas turns and makes eye contact with Billy before you can warn him not to. “Why is that guy glaring at us?”
You shove Lucas to keep walking. You don’t at all like the disdain in Billy’s eyes. “I poured milk all over his shirt today. Keep moving.”
The boy trips over a rock. “You what?”
“Long story, can we please just go inside and find Dustin? I need to talk to him.”
Lucas sighs, knowing that what he’s about to say will only anger you more. “I can’t find Dustin either. We were supposed to meet by our lockers after school to keep looking for Dart.”
You stop walking. “And he didn’t show?”
“I’m going to kill him.” You know exactly where your brother is: at home hiding Dart and trying to figure out what to do with him. 
Lucas senses you know something. “Y/N, what did he do?”
“Nothing!” You cover for Dustin quickly, because he’s your idiotic brother whose problems are also somehow yours. You’ll always have his back, but you also hate lying to Lucas. “He just probably had to head home immediately. Our mom has guests over.”
“Yeah! Totally unexpected, I know, but you know how our mom is.” You start speed walking towards the bike rack. You need to head home. Now. 
Lucas doesn’t believe you. “Y/N–” 
“I’m sorry about Max, by the way!” You call as you run towards your bike. “Talk to her! Obviously don’t mention the… Stuff, but just know if it doesn’t work then it’s for the best! We have to keep her safe!” You’re rambling as you unlock your bike and hop on. 
Lucas is not far behind you. “Are you seriously giving me girl advice as you’re running away from me to go cover for Dustin?”
“Yes. Bye, Lucas!” 
He lets out a frustrated groan and calls after you, but you kick up your kickstand and immediately pedal away, leaving him in the dust. You feel bad, you do. Lucas is one of your favorites to interact with, he’s always been the most rational, but right now you have to go make sure your brother doesn’t burn down this entire town.
You’ll bake Lucas brownies later. 
“Dustin Henderson, you’re so dead!” You slam the front door, sweaty and out of breath from your frantic bike ride.
“Y/N! What’s going on?” Your mother clutches her chest, obviously frightened by your sudden entrance. 
You quickly walk towards Dustin’s closed door. “Everything’s fine, just sibling stuff.”
“Oh, well have you seen Mews?”
The door is locked. Of course the fucker locked the door. You start pounding on it. “Dustin, let me in before I radio all your friends.” Then, you call to your mother in the living room. “And no, I haven’t seen Mews, mom.”
You hear her sigh and mutter to herself where Mews could be, and you figure you’ll help her look after your idiot of a brother lets you into the room. 
Again you pound against the door. “Dustin, I swear to god–”
The door swings open and a hand grabs your shirt and flings you inside, before promptly slamming the door behind you. Once you’re inside, Dustin turns to you, worried. “We have a problem.”
“Damn right we have a problem, where the hell have you been–” There, behind Dustin, is his turtle’s tank, completely shattered. Bile rises to your throat. “Please tell me Yurtle suddenly got super strong.”
Dustin walks over to the tank and holds up what looks like slimy plastic. “So, I kept Dart.”
“And he grew. A lot. This is his old skin.” He throws it back down. Then, backing away from you a bit, he admits, “I also can’t find him.”
It takes everything within you not to strangle the kid right then and there. You start pacing the room, mumbling to yourself, “I’m a good sister, I’m a good sister, I’m a good sister.”
“Y/N, I’m sorry, alright? I just, I got excited and Dart likes me and–”
A loud growl cuts your brother off. In a heartbeat, he’s back by your side, clutching your shirt in fear. Instinctively, you pull him behind you and reach for your switchblade that you always keep in your pocket now. After everything that’s happened, you find comfort in having the weapon always close to you. 
Slowly, you and Dustin start walking towards where the growl came from. Your hand never leaves his back, ready to push him out the door in case anything happens. There’s horrible grunting noises coming from the corner of his room. As you walk closer, you see a trail of dark red scattered across the carpet and his chair.
It’s blood. 
The realization makes your breath hitch. 
The grunting gets louder as you approach the chair, and then, slowly, you peek behind it. There, you’re met with a gruesome sight.
Dart is eating Mews.
He's bigger than he was yesterday. Way bigger. Dangerously bigger.
You scream, unable to help it, and Dustin quickly covers your mouth so that you don’t alert your mother. The sound seems to alert Dart, however, and he raises his head from Mews’ stomach, covered in blood, and lets out a horrific screech. 
Its mouth opens the same way the monster’s did at Jonathan’s last year, the same monster that had almost killed you and your friends. The sight paralyzes you in fear as the memories come crashing back from that night. The scar on your arm burns again. Your ankle twings in pain, and you feel sick. 
Your cat is dead. 
And Dustin has been hiding a fucking baby demogorgon in your home. 
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sturnsbaby · 6 months
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Based off the song 'Candy' by Doja Cat
IN WHICH chris and a toxic girl are daiting, but he later realizes that your way better.
tw: cussing, angst, fluff, suggestive, chris being stupid
You always knew that Chris and Allie weren't a good couple. She continuously cheated on him but every time you or anyone else tried to tell him, he would always come up with a fake excuse.
But you also knew that you had feelings for chris. They way he looks at you when your talking, how he is gentle with you, basically everything about him you loved.
Allie was nothing anybody would appreciate. She was rude, disrespectful, and a cheater.m, but she would always try and cover it up with the fake smile she gives people, and the fake positive attitude she gives Chris' brothers.
And it pissed you off. You noticed all the times she gave you a dirty look when you were talking, you noticed how she rolled her eyes when chris was talking to you.
"She's just like candy, she's so sweet, but know that it ain't real."
But you noticed in the past week that the couple has been more distance, chris would avoid sitting next to her, and talking to her, and she seemed upset to.
So you now were going up into chris' room to see whats up with the two of them.
"chris?" you ask softly, knocking on the door whike you wait for a response.
"yeah? come in." he says, his voice sounding lower the usual.
"are you and Allie okay? The two of you have been... Acting strage." you ask, and you notice chris' eyes slightly widen as you ask him that.
"we're fine. Why do you care so much? Don't you hate her?" he quickly defends.
"chris what? Im simply just worried for you two and you give me a attitude? What part do you not understand about 'she's not a good girlfriend'?" you snap back, letting out a scoff.
"your such a fucking liar! She's a good girlfriend. Who cares if she cheated on me? She didn't mean to!" he argues, his voice also getting louder.
"You sound so stupid right now. She cheated on you multiple times! She's obviously doing it on purpose." you roll your eyes at him as you leave his room, not giving him any time to respond.
Not only were you mad, you were sad. You never expected to get yelled at by your best friend like that, and it hurts knowing that he isn't even listening to anything your saying.
"Baby i got everything and so much more then she's got."
You quickly grab your car keys and run outside into your car and sit there for a moment, thinking about what you said to him and what he said to you, genuinely you felt slightly bad but he wasn't gonna listen anyways.
chris: hey, can u come back over? Your right about her.
you: i know im right. And no, im not coming over.
chris: your better then her.
you: im omw .
chris: okay ma.
"So.. you finally realized?" you ask him, walking into his room.
"ive been realized, but yesterday, you just made me gain way more feelings for you then i already had." he replies and grabs your hands and you sit on the bed next to him.
"you owe me an apology, chris." you say, looking him in his eyes.
"right, i know. Im sorry for everything i said yesturday, i didnt mean any of it." he says, the words he said and how he said them sounded genuine.
"it's okay." you reply.
the two of you are left in a couple moments of silence before chris pulls you closer to him.
"is it bad i really want to kiss you?" he asks.
"is it bad i also want to kiss you?" you ask him.
He doesn't respond to you, he just places his lips on yours and puts his hands on your waist and the kiss continues.
"your so perfect, mama." he says when the kiss stops.
I kinda hate this! But its okay
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jazzyblusnowflake · 4 months
do u have any headcanons for Nuzi? sorry if you've already written about this before and I just didn't see it-
Oh boi anyone here into silly headcanons? XD ill put them under the cut just in case cuz i write a loooooooooooot lol
i usually just make headcanons as i go with my fics, its hard to think about for them specifically but here i go trying, hope you enjoy uwu
Some Nuzi Headcanons i got ùwú:
[for the drone universe ofc, some of my human HCs don't work in the drone universe sadly lmao]
considering this is at a time where they would become official or heck maybe the tragedy ends and they are happy together or something:
Uzi loves calling N "Puppy", sometimes she would also call him "Sunshine" or "Angel" but her & Ns fav would be "Puppy". however N usually doesn't call Uzi many nicknames other than "Zi" rarely- and maybe occasionally "Birdie" when they are more lovey dovey- he's more into pet names like "honey - darling - sweetheart - etc" and not much of a tease... although at times when they get a bit more spicy and he DOES want to tease- he could go towards names like "lil biscuit", "baby bat", "my lady" and etc but again, very rarely 6v6;;;;
they both had to download helpful content on how to flirt 🙄 although they caught on pretty quick lol.
N is subconsciously protective of Uzi, often curling his tail around her without realizing it, or stepping in front of her; but Uzi is consciously protective of N- especially when he's being bullied or degraded- she would cut off anyone's conversation if they were talking about N badly with something like "oh stick a fork in it J-" before changing the subject-
Uzi is actively a smartass sass mouth- she just never really had the confidence for standing up for herself- but with N she's grown to be a bit more confident in herself- and yet N has never seen her be aggressive to HIM lmao- and then when he sees how sometimes she absolutely drags some other drones he has to literally pick Uzi up from the scruff of her coat and tell her to please be nice XD
Uzi and N are absolutely, hopelessly touch and affection starved- this makes them get really cuddly as a way to recharge themselves emotionally. occasionally they just sit next to eachother without words and rub their heads against eachother like cats and sometimes Uzi just sits on his lap and randomly starts prepping his whole face with tini kisses- as if to say mine mine mine- and N is... well just sitting there wagging his tail like an excited puppy :D no words needed between them, just healthy and wholesome touching, cuddling and affection from eachother-...... i mean it could get spicy too- lmao 👀 cuz Uzi really loves taking off Ns hat for more comfort and just threading her hands in his hair- sometimes tugging gently to tilt his head for a more firm and heartfelt kissing and makeout sesh- they rarely get that needy but N happily reciprocates and his grip on Uzi's body/hips tightens pulling her flush against himself more-
at the beginning they are both a flustered mess doing or saying anything romantic but then Uzi started liking teasing and flustering N at any chance she could take. N is just too easy and too smitten for her.
N also occasionally gets the confidence and mood to be more forward and assertive and teasing Uzi over things he knows she's into and Uzi is absolutely into that shit- she's sat 😤
they do share oil sometimes through bites or kisses- but usually that's only when they feel extra frisky lmao-
Uzi gets easily embarrassed during intimate moments and since contact and touching easily discharges their power as sparks, Uzi often uh.... ends up with multiple soft-reboots or powering on and off which kinda overheats her body and CPU alot lmao-
they like drawing and listening to music together- Uzi actually likes watching N draw even if they look amateur and childish- she finds them extremely cute and hangs them up in her room when he draws for her <3
they did NOT start out sleeping next to eachother well. Uzi has nightmares a lot, and even without them she still moves around frantically and is just never in the same position when she wakes up, meanwhile N sleeps like a dead person, he hardly moves and he got used to the pose of crossing his arms on his chest so yeah... dead pose lmao. this made him get kicked alot or shoved in the slot between the bed and wall often- [if he didn't sleep on the other side and just straight up get kicked off the bed anyway]😭. even at times when he decided they could sleep hanging from their tails Uzi often still found herself in the middle of the night hanging haphazardly, limbs and wings in every direction and clothes riding down which made N almost start laughing when he woke up seeing her like this 😭😭😭. in the end one of the ways they ended up making Uzi sleep alot better was cuddling. N would just hold Uzi close, if hanging he would put his wings around them. Uzi would resist and push against him alot at first but slowly after time her nightmares subdued and she felt calmer sleeping at night.... also they put a cork or something on Ns tail when they sleep lol-
All drones, disassembly or worker, can make their cores whirr in a purring noise, its just that its louder for disassemblers, the noise of Ns core helps Uzi relax <3
Uzi can lift N very easily, straight up on her shoulder even.... and somehow N is very turned on by this as she could easily carry him around bridal style if need be- esp if she gets jealous of N interacting with others and just throws him over her shoulder and leaves- or uh.... yknow, if Ns hurt or something, yep 6x6;;;
Uzi is also turned on by the fact that N is so much bigger than her. they be casually sitting and inspecting eachothers hands and Uzi's is smaller and she just blushes fervently imagining all the things she wants his hands and claws to do to her.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND thats about all i can think of atm without spoiling much of my own future ideas lol, hope it wasn't too annoying, but i really enjoyed writing this uwu<3
hope yall enjoyed it too if you made it til here :p
i diiiiid wanna include some nsfw hcs too but im gonna keep this ask as sfw as possible for now. 😇 those would be nsfw specific hcs anyway lmao
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two-white-butterflies · 11 months
do i wanna know? | m33
Description: Max Verstappen begins dating Tony Stark's daughter.
Pairing: max verstappen/nepo-baby!reader
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y/n_stark: happy father's day, so much to be thankful for ✨ tagged: tony
192 comments 182,390 likes
tonystarkisasigma: #1 alpha male
maxverstappen1: Happy Father's Day - f1forzaferrari: ariana what r u doing here 💀
schecoperez: ¡Feliz Día del Padre! - ilikesmootheis19: BYEE WHAT ARE THEY DOING HERE
danielricciardo: pls tell ur dad to give me a seat 😇 - y/n_stark: will do!
yukitsunoda0511: happy birthday
alonsohamiltonworld: friendly reminder that tony stark owns redbull and alpha tauri, that's why the drivers are kissing his @ss
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Deuxmoi: So allegedly a famous billionaire superhero nepo-baby is dating an F1 racer. My bets are on Y/N Stark, because her dad is the only superhero with kids. As for the F1 racer, we're not sure - some people in my dms say that it's Daniel Ricciardo, Charles Leclerc or Max Verstappen.
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y/n_stark: first time in the redbull garage, totally in awe ✨
928 comments 128,349 likes
maxverstappen1: 💙🧡 #OrangeArmy
landonorris: aww missing you here - ynfans: YA'LL BE SAYING IT'S CHARLES, DANIEL AND MAX BUT IT'S OBVIOUSLY LANDO BYEE
tony: ❤️🔥
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ynfans: a thread on how y/n stark is dating lando norris
Y/N was in England the same time Lando was in England. (picture proof: she's the one who took the photo)
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2. Lando commented "aww missing you here" to her post 3. They would make a cute couple. I rest my case.
9 comments 100 likes
carlandoisbae: bitch bffr
grimes49r: "(shes the one who took the photo)" girl just kys 😭 they're obviously not dating
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y/nfans: ok, if she's not dating lando then she's dating charles ya'll stfu because idgaf
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avengersassembleconspirancy: I'm praying for the driver that manages to date iron-man's daughter.
10 comments 1,293 likes 12 retweets
peterparker1001: praying for max verstappen 😁 - ynismymommy: I CHECKED HIS PROFILE? HE INTERNS FOR TONY STARK, AND THEY'RE LIKE CLOSE CLOSE 😭 - ilovecaptainamerica: someone is getting fired 💀🤣
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y/n_stark: since the cat is out of the basket 🤷🏻‍♀️💕 tagged: maxverstappen1
2911 comments 292,201 likes
maxverstappen1: 🧡💙
peterparker1001: really sorry mr verstappen 😕
starkfashion: how did ur dad react? - y/n_stark: we'll know in a few minutes 💗💕
tony: I feel sorry, - peonysandsuid: me too, she deserves better -- tony: for Max
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maxverstappen1: Cheers to more laughter ✨ my lucky charm ❤️ tagged: y/n_stark, tony, redbullracing
819 comments 912,384 likes
carlandolover: bro tagged his entire family 🥶
verstappenleclercbonus: bro isn't scared of tony stark 🥶
y/n_stark: handsome and spectacular 💕
danielricciardo: aww cheers mate 🥂
lokiandthorareinnocent: bro said, i'm the boss now 🥶
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I, student, M have a friend - 23, F, and she's been in a relationship with a very famous guy for over a year now. She's very private and lowkey with all the things that she does. Now, instead of using my alternate account in commenting something - I used my real account and their relationship got exposed. She tells me that it's perfectly fine and that she doesn't blame me but I feel really bad. AITA?
aragornofmirkwood: nta divorce the alternate account
benelopecruz: if she says that she doesn't blaim you, nta
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maxverstappenisnomber1 max verstappen after pulling tony stark's daughter
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starkfamily99 tony stark after a broke man *worth $60 million* dates his daughter
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starkfamilyisworld how i imagine tony talking to max: "100 Million, stay away from my daughter"
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193 comments 293,129 likes
y.nbutterflyworld: this is how i know tony stark is a good dad 😭 his daughter's type is SO far away from what he looks like. Sis has no daddy issues fr 😭
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next part
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