#like if you're not stalking them or their family members
cactuslester · 15 days
“Don’t you get tired of over qualifying your words for random people on the internet” YES GOD SAY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you anon! like i really feel this so hard because like i know we often can't help caring what other people think and can't help feeling like we need to overexplain ourselves for a myriad of reasons, some of them being that social media culture has bred such an environment of like constantly performing and being scrutinized and scrutinizing others to see who is saying exactly the right thing in exactly the right way, and it's like, of course it's always important to be aware and thoughtful about what we say and how we conduct ourselves, but really sometime the black and white mentality goes too far, and learning how to distance yourself and care less about what others think is honestly so vital to enjoying your internet experience and feeling free
and when it comes to the phandom and talking about dnp's relationship specifically, i think a lot of people (mostly outside of tumblr, i feel like most of us here Get It) are still stuck deep in that ~2012-2016 mindset. and like i get that era did a number on a lot of us, but dnp themselves have moved on, and we're allowed to move on too. like so many people on here have already said, it's perfectly natural to think dnp are in a relationship because, lbrh, they've made it pretty much as clear as they can make it without outright saying it. dnp are very aware of how we as a fandom operate and think and know that right now, they're existing in a space where they can be just short of being explicit about their relationship, such that those who actively keep up with their content Know What's Up, but it's not enough for any tabloid site to pick up and run an article on and get the public spotlight trained on them again. given that, i think it's fair for us to pick up what they put down, and anyone in the year 2024 jumping down people's throats for saying they're together just looks silly, and it's time that everyone who still cares about what those people say to just stop caring
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xxlovelynovaxx · 10 months
Thinking more about the rude anons lately and just... what kind of person do you have to be to go to a random stranger's inbox, assume you know enough about them to tell them they're crazy, or that they need therapy because you disagree with them saying "actually, you should listen to marginalized people about their own oppression and experiences", or that they're a pick-me for using microlabels well-accepted and defended by the community they belong to, or...?
What kind of convoluted reasoning do you have to have, what kind of self-awareness do you have to lack, to think you're somehow doing justice by saying that psych should be used as a tool by majority society to force conformity on anyone who harmlessly annoys you or makes you uncomfortable, and yet not see that historically that's how it's been and continues to be used (in ways that likely actively harm them too)?
How little do you know about psychiatry to not understand that very little of it actually overlaps with neurology, both being infant sciences, and that psychiatry as its intended separate from ableism and capitalism is simply the science of listening to people's internal thoughts and emotions and recording commonalities?
Or to not understand that since its conception, psychiatry has had a proud and storied tradition of able-minded and able-bodied neurotypicals patronizing and infantilizing us and encoding their biases on our perspectives into diagnostic manuals that they then used to imprison, torture, and kill us and other marginalized people? And then to not recognize that doing so as a neurodivergent disabled person only aids and upholds that institution?
On the other hand, what kind of justifications does one have to make to themself to say "actually, this other part of this marginalized community is the only authority on this because they are the only ones really oppressed. It's definitely not circular logic to say that all of your claims of oppression are wrong because you're not oppressed and people who are not oppressed can't claim they're oppressed"?
Plenty of these anons have been so vague I don't even know what they're annoyed about. I know the aphobic one was about a microlabel (and a fairly well known one at that, so probably your average mogai-hater guy) but the others?
"Get help" so you endorse coercive enforcement of a consensus standard of normalcy even when the deviancy you so violently despise, in your own words, is merely annoying?
"I'm just concerned, you're out of touch with reality, spend less time online", somehow you managed to hit ableism, sanism, and some pretty wild assumptions about who I am as a person when you yourself admit you came from a random reblog of mine, all at once! Like truly, what gives you the gall to presume you know anything about my life?
I'd even be willing to extend good faith and say it's reasonable to assume honesty of everyone you meet on the internet. Even with that...
Do I buy my food at a farmer's market or a local employee owned chain grocery store or a supercorp and would that last option be out of ignorance, apathy, or living in a food desert? How often do I go to the local library, what do I do there, and do I get there by bus, uber, a friend driving me, or walking/biking?
What organizations do I volunteer with, and in what capacity/doing what tasks? If I tell you that I volunteer primarily in an online capacity, is it because I'm immunocompromised and no one masks at the physical locations anymore, because my doctor is refusing to provide a mobility aid that I desperately need, because public transport is sensory and chronic pain hell, because public transport here requires a four hour round trip just to get to the Walmart seven miles away, because the primary international org I support doesn't have US locations, because we're in a heat wave that is exponentially deadly to me due to my disabilities, or because I'm simply too sick to leave the house at all most days?
Who are my friends and family? When and where and how do I love them? How much time have I spent helping my incredible partner do the hard, hard work of learning to love herself and to heal, and how many infinities more would I pour into it? How often do I play fortnite with our best friend even though I DESPISE fortnite, just because I love him so much? How many times do I use most or all of my spoons for the day fighting executive dysfunction so I can read another of my best friend's amazing fics, sometimes for fandoms I'm not even in, just to leave comments to build them up?
(Is our landlord fucking us over because we're poor, trans, or disabled? Seriously, I'd like to know, because if it's either of the second, we could sue for damages and get the fuck outta here.)
I mean, that's just it. You don't know me, and I don't know how you can convince yourselves that you do enough to waste both our time being - well, an annoyance! Like, this is not a vent post, I've made those already, I just truly don't get it.
I mean, do you get some trivial satisfaction of feeling like you've done your social justice for the day by telling some random stranger that they're "insane"?
Does it make you feel superior to tell said stranger that they think non-aspec queers are "whores" for having sex, ignoring their near-CONSTANT aggressive posting about the importance of sex positivity and the harm of whorephobia, puritanism, culturally christian ideals of sex as "sinful", and how this impacts ace people, aro people, genderqueer people, and people of queer sexualities?
(Seriously, how do you act like you know me when ignoring my entire blog? Are you lost?)
Does it make you feel like a good little activist to tell disabled people to touch grass, and ignore every disabled person saying "uh, hey, you should consider the ableist intent behind that statement, or at the very least the ableist impact it has"?
Are you coming from a place of privilege or hurt? Or a mix of both? Are you someone who is not marginalized who is still dealing with genuine problems that aren't being listened to and addressed by the people in your life? Are you a marginalized person who is caught up in the conflation of privilege and oppression and evil, so you're too afraid to recognize your own privilege because that wouldn't be a morally neutral fact but evidence that you're an irredeemably bad person?
Are you a person with a mix of marginalized and nonmarginalized identities (white and trans, goy and plural, perisex and queer) who isn't able to get enough help with the harm you do face and is worried that you'll receive less help within your community if you're seen as an evil oppressor, not recognizing that there are people already receiving even less help and more hurt in your community due to the opposite?
People can say "it's not that complicated", but the truth is, people don't do things for no reason. They may not be self-aware enough to identify it, the people around them rarely have enough context to guess at it, but it's there.
It could be petty; they don't like us and want to make it our problem out of spite. "You wasted our time and made us moderately annoyed so we wanna do the same to you."
It could be out of some twisted sense of justice. Maybe they truly believe they're doing good. A lot of people do. Hell, I believe plenty of r//adfems actually believe they're fighting for women, and very few actually recognize the fascism in their own arguments, in the ones they ally with, or anything. It's a much more extreme example than some rando on tumblr, but the same could apply at a much smaller scale.
But is there some other motivation I'm missing?
I just - I've sent anons and non-anomymous asks when I didn't understand an argument being made for something. If I disagree with someone on something unimportant, I'll either leave it, reblog a joke about it, or block them if I find them annoying enough. If it's something important that they're approaching in good faith, which I assume to the extent of my ability to do so, I'll try to engage without being an asshole.
If it's important and they're engaging in bad faith, I may either reblog a rebuttal or make my own post, but I'll certainly block them - because what's the point in continuing to argue with someone whose goal is to undermine someone's personhood (or the fee things of similar weight) by any means necessary?
I just truly don't understand. Anyone's welcome to contribute to this, btw.
As an afterthought, this anon hate is bigoted, so I don't want to trivialize it. Ableism, sanism, and aphobia are still a big deal even when they are online microaggressions, not just because they cause harm but because these people exist offline and have a material effect on the physical (and medical/legal/social) world. Even the immediate harm is bad, though!
That being said, I want to recognize that I feel lucky (knock on wood) to not have gotten any of the really nasty shit again yet. I haven't seen any suicide baiting or "Keep Yourself Safe"s. I haven't been sent gore or death or rape threats or fantasies. I haven't had anyone tell me that I deserved the horrible traumas that I've been very open about, that I'm lying about being a survivor of things that are literally against T/OS to mention on here, or that they hoped my disabilities were terminal again.
It's uh, obviously coming from a place of trauma to have that as my baseline of "really bad". It's why I respond to anon asks to vent (via screenshotting), why I so vehemently defend the boundaries I set by blocking - not just that I have a right to, but am justified in doing so - why, when I get a fee asks like this in quick succession, and one mentions a reblog, my first thought is "how much worse is this gonna get?"
I know I'm making myself vulnerable by even talking about this. I guess I just hope if this doesn't get through to them, anyone who genuinely thinks this has even a lottery's chance of changing a random stranger's mind about anything will get over that. It's not "there's a tiny, one in a trillion chance". It's not even zero. By doing this, you are actively entrenching anyone, of any belief, further against yours. You are working counter to your own goals.
Hell, it's part of why I'm so block happy. I'm not trying to change the minds of the people I refute. I'm just trying to counter their misinformation, logical fallacies, and emotional manipulation to anyone else who may see the posts.
But also... consider maybe just... not. Sending rude anonymous asks to someone already so sensitized by horrific harassment campaigns that at best they'll block and vent about you and move on and at worst you'll trigger them. I mean, maybe that's the goal of some of you? But if so, why not come in guns blazing with the suibaiting? Why even pretend to be a good person to yourself?
I don't get it.
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thelibrarian1895 · 4 days
If your sibling is a rogue then make the best of it
I would like to think that Jason is very Hondo Onakha about kidnapping, very dramatic, fairly polite/chill to the one he kidnapped, minimal trauma, very professional overall but also very theatrical. Out of anyone in Gotham to have as your kidnapper, Jason aka the Red Hood is by far the very best person.
ALL of Jason's family whether they be legal, biological, emotional, or honorary, will absolutely try to convince Jason to kidnap them to get them out of some stupid civilian event. Whether or not Jason will go along with it will depend on several factors such as:
Does this benefit Bruce and get him out of a boring civilian event too? Then so sorry, you're just going to have to suffer!
How busy is Jason at the moment? Because being a drug lord and vigilante is actually pretty time consuming and kidnapping can be a lot of work for potentially very little gain.
What does Jason get out of it? Yes money is all well and good but Jason is rich by his own merits and can just steal from Bruce whenever, there's got to be more to it!
When is the last time Jason has kidnapped this sibling? He can't do it too often or it gets less effective. He has a reputation to maintain after all!
It may also depend on which sib is asking and what they need to be "saved" from.
Dick asks to be kidnapped from a bachelor auction charity? Ha! No chance, sorry Dickie! He will be there though and take pictures and laugh. (And also join all the other siblings who are stalking Dick and the winner of the auction in the event the winner wasn't one of the Bats or an invited member of the JL or Titans using Bruce's money) Dick asking to be kidnapped from a gala or some opening night of trendy place he's at to maintain civilian status? Maybe but the bribe has to be considerable. And it cannot benefit Bruce. Dick's normal bribes consist of taking some tedious part of an investigation over for Jason or getting intel from JL databases for Jason and the Outlaws.
Cass? Anytime and always, favorite sister who can beat him up has special kidnapping privileges, though they did stop for a very long time when some weirdos put out the theory that the Red Hood was in love with Gotham's Princess. (idk if Cass is considered Gotham's Princess in any version of canon but she is to me) Cass does still repay Jason in the form of Black Bat keeping an eye on Jason's territory when he's out of Gotham for any significant length of time.
Tim? He does owe the kid for several incidents and Tim normally doesn't abusive the privilege so he'd probably do it but there does have to be some sort of bribe for appearances sake. Tim usually gets Jason to agree in exchange for pictures of Batman tripping over his cape or in some other ridiculous position. Bonus in Jason's mind if Tim requests a kidnapping when Bruce is off world or otherwise occupied, therefore giving Brucie Wayne's reputation a hit. However if Tim wants to be kidnapped from something where Bruce is also suffering as Brucie, Tim is SOL (Tim might get revenge by getting Kon to wear Red Hood gear and "kidnap" Tim from the event if Jason refused. Kon will do it because Tim asked and also I would like to think that Kon isn't too fond of the guy who beat his best friend/boyfriend nearly to death and will mess with him if given the chance) Since kidnapping normally interferes with things that Tim wants to do however, he may instead bribe Jason to not kidnap a sibling that has asked to be kidnapped. Jason usually obliges this no kidnapping request.
Barbara? Sorry, no, he doesn't want to stress the Commissioner like that. He will, however, kidnap other people for her if she asks.
Stephanie? No Stephanie, he doesn't care what you offer, he's not kidnapping you so you can avoid your finals! Stephanie has, however, worn various wigs and been various hostages who died at the hands of the Hood in order to maintain his reputation. She gets paid in baked goods for her service.
Damian? Damian considered the idea ridiculous and proclaimed he'd never stoop so low and he would carry out his duties no matter how onerous! Damian then had to go to a Gotham gala. Damian is trying very hard to figure out a suitable bribe to get the Red Hood to kidnap him often enough that Bruce will be forced to keep Damian away from galas because of the ongoing security threat. So far it hasn't worked because Damian is very bad at bribing Jason, Jason thinks Damian forced to interact with normal people is funny, and Tim is successfully bribing Jason to ignore Damian's bribery attempts. The Red Hood has "kidnapped" Damian once, as a treat, when he thought the kid was looking particularly down about something.
Duke? Duke has yet to be made to attend any society gatherings as the solo Wayne (normally that falls to Bruce, Dick, or Tim) and can usually be spotted hanging out with Cass by the snack table at any gala or trendy event. He's not at Cass's level of reading body language but he's pretty darn good and he and Cass have reached a new level of being able to avoid annoying rich people while at parties. Duke is Cass's favorite gala buddy. Duke hasn't felt the need to ask Jason to kidnap him yet but Jason will allow the first one to be free of charge, no questions asked. After that Duke hasn't figured out suitable bribes for Jason but has realized that all of his siblings are hyper competitive and that Jason would absolutely wager a kidnapping in a competition or for a bet.
Alfred? If Alfred asked then Jason would without any caveat. Alfred will not ask however but might ask on behalf of someone else and Jason will comply.
Bruce? Jason just laughs. And if someone else is planning on kidnapping Brucie Wayne from a particularly boring business meeting or gala? Jason will actively thwart the kidnapping to force Bruce to continue to deal with social activity.
Jason usually splits a portion of the ransom money into bonuses for his goons since their original job outline is drug dealer/enforcer/mobster and not kidnapper. If they're going to get major felonies on their records, better make it financially worth it. All of Jason's goons are masked during any kidnapping event. The rest of the ransom money goes towards a charity of Jason's choosing.
Jason has also kidnapped people who are not his family or family adjacent. Barbara thought her dad could use a vacation at one point but he didn't have the PTO for it so Barbara had the Red Hood kidnap him. James Gordon experienced the weirdest kidnapping of his life that included some of the best food he'd ever eaten, an extremely soft bed, his pile of books that were on his reading list, and access to the sports games he'd meant to watch. The ransom was successfully paid after he had a week to relax. Gordon was then, as per protocol, allowed time to relax after his "harrowing" event. Barbara forced him to take the time. Strangely enough, some politicians who had been giving the Commissioner a hard time were suddenly very quiet when James Gordon came back, well rested, well fed, and ready to get back to the grind. It, of course, had nothing to do with the very polite emails with pictures attached that they all received while the Commissioner was very publicly out of the way.
Oliver Queen, when he was visiting Gotham, was kidnapped by the Red Hood. He was released after the ransom was paid and specifically he was released back in Star City. Mr. Queen was unavailable for comment after the incident but some sources say that he was cursing bats for some reason.
Lois Lane found herself kidnapped by Red Hood and ransomed by the Daily Planet while Superman was off world. Lois Lane returned safely to Metropolis and published a shocking expose on Luthor's latest scheme. Her sources for the article remain a secret.
Bruce is very grumpy about the whole thing, not just because Jason won't help his poor father get out of the stupid social event, but also because Jason being technically a rogue like this makes it very hard for him to successfully argue that Jason should let himself regain legal living status.
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onyourowndaisymae · 9 months
don't mind me... just thinking about the demon brothers slowly dropping the rest of their roster for you as they fall head over heels...
lucifer (you are here) // mammon // levi // satan // asmo // beel // belphie -- NSFW warning below, gn!reader
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lucifer, who would never say no to lord diavolo. he wasn't exactly fond of the whole "exchange program" idea, knowing the power imbalance between the three realms, but lord diavolo had his heart set on bringing humans and angels into the devildom. lucifer could only do his best to make sure things would go smoothly. the weakest member-- some human devoid of magical skills or means to defend themselves, unlike the other applicants-- would be living in the house of lamentation, where him and his brothers could make sure you at least survived the whole program. he's not exactly pleased by the whole thing (and hiding belphegor away for the whole year will certainly be taxing, both mentally and emotionally) but, whatever the prince wants...
lucifer, who doesn't trust you as far as he can throw you. he doesn't like how you're cozying up to his brothers, wrapping them around your fingers with pacts, avoiding his eyes as he watches your interactions. make no mistake. you're here on the whims of lord diavolo, but that doesn't mean he has to be nice to you. just keep your head down and you'll survive. oh-- and don't make meddling in his family's affairs a habit. he will not hesitate even a moment to get rid of you if he perceives you as a threat.
lucifer, who is quite popular. even though he makes only a minimal effort to socialize with others (he's far too busy with student council work to cultivate a large group of friends), nobles and common folk alike flock to him. this, in turn, brings forward a lot of romantic attention. it's not uncommon for at least one demon a week to confess their undying love to him-- something he politely yet firmly declines. but it's foolish to assume that a man such as him doesn't have needs or desires. lucifer oozes sex appeal with just a heated glance, and most of the time he doesn't even need to speak before the demon in his sights is crossing the room at lord diavolo's party to meet with him. he politely excuses himself from the prince's side to escort the lucky demon somewhere private. there's no romance in his touches, but there is passion, all lust and want, as he uses his teeth to yank his glove off and roughly caresses the demon's quivering sex. he's not above using spit as lubrication, it falling from his lips with husky taunts as he lines himself up with their hole, now thoroughly slick with with their juices and his saliva, pushing in carefully as to not cause any pain. his gloved hand clamps over their mouth while the exposed one reaches forward to toy with their sex. he groans when they clench around him, then buries his face in their neck as he begins to fuck them from behind into a wall, or bookshelf, or whatever's closest. he murmurs filth in their ear as he fucks them ruthlessly, their muffled cries of pleasure meeting and dying against his palm. they continue until he's satisfied, until cum dribbles out of their tight hole and forms creamy rings around the base of his cock. he pulls their underwear up with a swat against their ass and tells them not to make a mess that barbatos will have to clean later. he stalks off to find a bathroom to freshen up in-- if they're lucky, they'll hear from him again in the future.
lucifer, who can set his pride aside for you. you've wormed your way into his heart, somehow, charming him during the exchange program with a combination of persistence and genuine care. he won't admit he's smitten, for he is far too proud to bicker with his brothers for your attention. you'll have to see it yourself. notice the way he looks at you from across the room and acknowledges you with a nod, or the brush of his hand against your arm as he passes you in the hallway, or the way he'll decline a call just to hear you speak a little longer. his ballroom rendezvous cease almost instantaneously, without his notice-- the demons may try to catch his eye again, but his ruby gaze never strays from you, from watching you sway in his arms on the dancefloor. he's head over heels. fuck, he's so in love with you it hurts. nights like these peel back the layers of the avatar of pride and let the rest of the world get a glimpse at the sides of him reserved just for you. all for you.
lucifer, who loves nights like these. the two of you are intertwined in his office, you sat on his lap as he sips lazily at a mixture of demonus and gold hellfire newt syrup. his blood pumps loudly in his ears but all he can see is you. you don't give him a command to cancel the syrup's effects, but he doesn't mind-- you command him with your hands, with your eyes as you run your fingers along his body. his crawl up your side before cradling the back of your head, pulling you into a heated kiss. your body melts into his like wax under a flame, conforming to the curves and planes of his body like they were made for you, fuck, Father must have made him for you. why else would you feel so perfect in his arms? why else would he have been damned, fallen from the celestial realm for defending love between human and a supernatural being, fated to experience it himself? there's an invisible string tying the two of you together. he wears it like a badge of honor. he'd let you tie him up with it if you kept grinding your hips against his like that, tongue lapping at the skin of his throat as you mark him. he can't bring himself to care about the taunts he'll endure tomorrow. lord diavolo's curious looks and pointed questions mean nothing when he has you on top of him. he's drunk on your love, surely, demonus and syrup blended in his veins paling in comparison to the love he has for you. he'd do it all again, fall to hell, lose his life if it meant you'd moan like that as he scissors his fingers in your hole, wet with your intertwined saliva, his precum, and your slick, the juices glinting in the firelight as he pushes them in and out of you. he won't stop until you're cumming around his fingers. he'd normally toy with you longer, but he's honestly so overwhelmed by the heat of your love that he feels he might fully go insane if he's not inside you within the next minute. you align yourself over his weeping cock and ease yourself down. he moans, loudly, enough for someone nearby to hear. lucifer doesn't give a shit. your hands find his and your fingers intertwine, stabilizing you enough to begin lovingly, carefully bouncing yourself on his cock. he's been thoroughly damned, that he's sure of, but this is truly the closest thing to heaven he'll ever see again-- your love is worth a thousand angels, a million glimpses into the celestial realm. and it's all his, just as he's all yours.
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taglist for this series: @the-demonus-aunt // @scienceisfornerds // @hostilemakeover // @snow-fall1 // @kachan890 // @rphantom1 // @respitable
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 8 months
Smile❤️ (Yandere X Loser!Reader)
Micky thought that he couldn't feel love.
Ever since he could remember, Micky couldn't connect with anyone on an emotional level. Even his own family members were like aliens to him, creatures that stretched their lips into strange contortions, ETs that became unreasonable when he wouldn't do the same. As a teenager many girls flirted with him in school, hell, a few guys did as well, but none of their confessions ever stirred any emotion from him, even at the height of his puberty. The smiles of the people around him never felt warm or welcoming. Just, tight. Cheeks pulled back, revealing teeth, expecting him to mirror their action, and Micky couldn't understand why.
Nothing made him smile.
College was further isolating. Group projects seemed to no longer be a thing, (at least in the classes he took) so his interactions with humans slowly became less frequent, making his classmates look more inhuman and monstrous.
Until someone in his college was doxxed for being a creep. It was interesting, watching how quickly people turned on their friend, forcing him into an outcast because someone online revealed his private post history.
An annoying young woman in his language arts class gathered people around Micky's seat to talk about what had happened. Micky wouldn't have searched up the drama on his own time, but he didn't see the point in pushing everyone away.
"This user on Xforums, anonymousXnightmare is the one who doxxed Nathan."
AnonymousXnightmare? How fucking lame.
"That's a lame username..."
"Maybe it's a kid..?"
Micky did his best to ignore them, but the username kept popping up in conversation throughout campus. It was getting a little annoying. Some people were mocking the name, while others were praising the "internet hero". It started interfering with his ability to focus in his classes.
But the gossip cooled down after a week, and life began to run as normal, until another student had their life ruined. A football player, they didn't post anything incriminating or disturbing. It was anonymousXnightmare who posted their own collected evidence. Pictures taken from afar of the player with his highschool sweetheart, as in sweetheart who was still in highschool. Recordings of the two of them. Months of stalking all compiled by the stranger.
Again, Micky was bombarded by chatter, excitable young adults losing their minds over the situation. It was... irritating.
Back in his dorm room, Micky was scrolling through Xforums, the most popular forum used by students in his university, made by students for students, searching for the loser with the lame username. Scrolling past the photos he had heard about, he found a post stating
"Dear Allen Brackens, if you cannot stop blasting your shitty music in the halls on your shitty speakers, I WILL ruin your life!"
and Micky had to lean back, to just take in what he had read. That must have been the name of the football player. What he was doing was genuinely gross, and should have been exposed by someone. But did this poster really stalk them for what looked like months just because he listened to music they didn't like?
It was so dumb.
He scrolled down farther into the mystery poster's history, to the first man they doxxed.
"Dear Nathan McAllister, we all know you're a two faced little bitch. Either stop littering the campus with your Jesus pamphlets, or else..."
Micky, for the first time in his life, was amused. The whole situation was so stupid. They really ruined their fellow students lives, just because they annoyed them?
He made an account just to follow his mystery poster, not sure yet why he was interested to see what they would post next.
Less than two days later, and Micky's phone notified him of another post.
"Dear Samantha Rudbeckia, your obnoxious laughter is driving me insane. Can't you see how annoying you are? Knock it off."
That was it?! That was enough to set you off? Laughter? Micky paused mid step, still staring down at his phone. Something felt off about his face. It hurt.
It was pretty easy to find anonymousXnightmare in his school. Micky picked up a map of the university, and mapped out the paths of the three people targeted. They ran into a lot of different students throughout their day. But they only ran into a couple of people who openly seemed to hate them, and only one of those people was a student named (Reader). (Reader), who constantly appeared as though they would collapse at any moment, the hollows under their eyes so dark they looked sickly. (Reader), who despite being borderline anemic, was very sneaky, and very good and being unnoticeable despite their extreme appearance. Unfortunately for them, they had someone watching them as closely as they watched their victims bullies. Micky watched as they stealthily snapped photos of students from around corners, how they seemed to blend into the background and nobody noticed them hiding in waiting.
Micky felt ashamed for ever thinking you were lame. You were.. cute.
The way you crouched like a bug, hunched over like a roly poly scared of being picked up. The way you bit your dry lips in anger to the point they bled.
Micky's face hurt more and more. Every time he saw (Reader) a pain he had never felt before would strain at his cheeks, and his face would feel hot all over. It wasn't until he caught a glimpse of himself in his reflection in a window that Micky realized he was smiling. He never knew that smiling hurt. But he couldn't stop it.
Pictures and videos of Samantha and her married professor were posted online, and Micky was excited to know what (Reader's) face would look like when they reaped the fruits of their labor. But when he snuck into their classroom, zooming in on their exhausted face with his phone's camera, he felt a new emotion seeing that (Reader) was just as annoyed as they always were. A hard pit fell from his ribs into his lower stomach. He was disappointed.
Why aren't you happy? You won. You should be rejoicing right now.
He felt conflicted and confused. Like an octopus was throwing a tantrum in his abdomen, squirming uncomfortably. And it ruined his day. Micky couldn't focus on any of his classes, and the rest of his day was like a foggy dream. What was it about (Reader) that attracted him to them so much?
A cute young woman with smooth black hair approached Micky, a dark blush complimenting her picture perfect face.
"Um, excuse me? Excuse me? Excuse me?"
Micky snapped out of his thoughts, turning his gaze down towards the beautiful person. Her rosey lips were slightly upturned in a posed way.
She's smiling.
Micky internally verbalized it. The same way he did whenever he saw anyone smiling. It never looked good. Smiling was so awkward, and strange. People loved seeing others smiling, and smiled when they were happy, but it always reminded Micky of how not one of them he was.
"Hi! My name is Maggie."
I don't care.
"We have econ together?"
Why was seeing her smile make her look fake, inhuman, alien? Just like everyone else. Then why was Micky so let down seeing (Reader's) lukewarm reaction to their victory?
"I was wondering, I mean, (laughs), a group of us are going out for drinks later, and we, I was wondering if you wanted to come with us.."
She giggled nervously, fiddling her fingers and biting her lip. The image of (Reader) practically eating their lower lip was triggered like a trap. This woman, whose name wasn't worth remembering, made Micky feel nothing. The uncanny feeling of speaking with a living mannequin or an advanced AI. Her movements weren't natural, her smile was just a contraction of muscles. Then, like an epiphany, Micky realized all at once what made (Reader) so special.
Maybe, it wasn't that everyone else was alien, but Micky. Micky was the only one who never fit in. The only one who didn't feel emotions or connect with others like everyone else could. And there was a bug walking around in human clothes, barely staying awake in class and casually ruining peoples' lives simply because they annoyed them. (Reader) wasn't a human either, just like Micky. That's why they didn't seem happy with their victory. Why would a human bring them joy?
Micky's lips pulled tight, smiling brightly at the young woman before walking away without saying a word.
You're the first person to make me feel, because you're just like me. Right, (Reader)? If no one but you can make me feel, then no one but me should be able to make you smile!
(Reader) slouched over their laptop, their messy hair pulled back in a top bun just to keep their untrimmed bangs out of their eyes in the privacy of their dorm, eating another cup of noodle while reading all of their "fan mail". Samantha wasn't getting kicked out like they had hoped, but Professor what's-his-nuts did get canned, so hopefully when Samantha comes back to class she'll be too busy sobbing "woe is me" to find anything funny.
A private message popped up from an account with an automated username.
(Reader) snorted so hard a noodle went up into their sinuses.
user01793664544001: I know who you are <3
"Ah-ow! God damn!"
anonymousXnightmare: Who the fuck is this?
user01793664544001: ur prince charming <3
anonymousXnightmare: Don't fuck with me
user01793664544001: come find me
"Watch me, bitch."
Looking up IP addresses is a lot easier than people make it seem. It doesn't take a genius hacker to doxx someone. Of course, (Reader) goes above and beyond, often following assholes for months to collect evidence of their douche baggery. (Reader) got an address in less time than it took to finish their noodles, and took down their hair, quickly setting out to start getting information on their newest "bully".
The address took them to another dorm across campus. How dumb are they? (Reader) faux chuckled, feeling superior to this newest dick. No one was quite as smart as them.
As they crept through the building, no one payed them any attention as they began taking notes on the residents. It had to be one of these losers.
They didn't have a chance to fight back, as they passed one of the rooms the door opened and pulled them inside faster than they had a chance to scream. The man who abducted (Reader) wrestled them to the floor, panting heavily.
(Reader) glared up at the handsome stranger, smiling down at them in a creepy way, his cheeks twitching like he had never smiled before, like his face hurt from the small action. His face was pink and he was sweating, panting with a feverish moisture glazing his eyes.
"Aren't you happy? You found me~"
"G-Get off of me, you pervert!" (Reader) attempted to kick the kidnapper off of them.
This wasn't the answer he was looking for. His smile fell briefly before bouncing back.
"You're just upset because you don't know me yet. Don't worry, it took me a while to realize you and I were the same species as well, so don't worry. I'll wait, I'll wait for you to realize you love me too..."
He rambled quickly, pressing harder against (Reader's) body. A strange noise squeaked out of his throat as he seemed startled, (Reader) feeling a bulge form against their upper thigh.
"Ah, I'll wait.. I'll wait for you to love me too.. but I need you to do something for me while I wait.."
Micky stuck his fingers in (Reader's) mouth, pulling their dry lips out till they bled across his skin.
"Smile for me..."
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Some CoD Hybrid Reader Drabbles
Hybrid reader stuff, if it's not your taste I recommend clicking off and finding something better to read (*cough cough* Temporary Relocation *cough cough*)
TW: Descriptions of violence and gore
Other than that mostly just fluff
I've gone down a rabbit hole (two kinds) and I can't help but think about some concepts I want to see interacting with this trope like...
If reader was a bunny hybrid, separated from their fluffle so just aimlessly wandering around. Used to having other bunny hybrids around to help with grooming/cleaning so you don't entirely know how to do that, either, at least not effectively. I imagine you wouldn't be found by the 141 while they're on duty, but rather one of them (or their family members) would find you while on leave. They'd take you in and take care of you, and start noticing just how good of a fight or flight system you have. Maybe with some good training, you'd make a good soldier...
If reader was a dog/wolf hybrid, kidnapped owned by some of the not necessarily best people in the world since only being a pup. In fact, these people end up being wrapped up in activities that the 141 ends up sticking their noses- and barrels- into. As they're stalking around the building where you're kept, making sure all of the targets are taken care of, they train their guns on you for a moment. It's when you back up quietly, whimpering with a raw and dehydrated throat, that they realize you aren't a threat. They unlock your prison kennel and tell you to move it before you're definitely a liability (whoever dictates this choice gets mega whooping from their higher-ups later). When they run into you again on the way out, finishing ripping out the esophagus of another target who would've otherwise interfered with exfil, that you're offered a position as a soldier. And you accept.
If reader was a cat hybrid who spent their time wandering streets, taking bites of abandoned food and finishing drinks long forgotten in order to survive, only for that very town to be the one Ghost and Soap arrive in while fleeing from Graves. You're crouched behind a dumpster when Graves is rounding up the cops, and even though you're bringing claws to a gunfight you can't stand to see him acting as judge, jury, and executioner. You find a Shadow nearby, not expecting anyone in their previous path to still be alive, and silently get their weapons off of them. You wait for your moment, using your intricate knowledge of the alleyways and buildings and rooftops to stay undetected, taking out the Shadows around Graves. You take an angle at Graves himself, jumping from a rooftop and landing on his shoulders, pulling his hair until he's stumbling backwards and you both fall into the fountain. You grab a beer bottle off of it and bash it directly over his head, making sure it shatters and knocks him unconscious. You scurry off, disappearing into the night before Soap has a chance to get down and speak to you, or even process what he just watched.
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daylite-writes · 8 months
Traitor readers always hit different! How about traitor reader with all of the harbingers (but I got a special bias for Pierro) 😫. Like betraying one is bad enough betraying and hurting all? Oh boy
Oooh I like this! I am gonna split it up into separate little instances of what I think they’d be like though for my sanity. I may expand to a few other full traitor fics (esp the Pierro one I really popped off on that damn) later on if I get ideas!
Certain characters take it MUCH better than others, varying from a scale of “Oh that’s Lowkey Hot” to “DIE”.
cw: yandere (?) behaviors, murder, manipulation, imprisonment, forced marriage, forced experimentation
~~~ Harbingers reacts to Traitor!Reader (ordered best to worst ~~~
Childe definitely takes it the best. In fact, this is honestly preferable for him. He’ll let you escape back to your leaders after you find out, giving you a head start before chasing you across Teyvat. The adrenaline is the hot part. He can’t get enough. He’s so easily bored. Come on baby, run a little faster. Make it fun. And after he follows you to your master’s base of operations, he’ll slaughter them and offer you an official place within the fatui’s ranks. Under him, of course! He won, after all, and the winner takes all.
Pantalone doesn’t see this as the worst thing. He’s very familiar with traitors, spies, and secrets. Though how you got around him for so long is a mystery. Once he finds out he’ll just be so sweet. Come on, treasure, just tell him everything and he’ll protect you. No? Oh well. A pretty enough price—or a favor from his more violently inclined coworkers—will have them abandoning you forcefully or not. Then he can scoop you up and… convince you to come home with him. It’s just more leverage to have over you, and it’s perfect for a man with control issues.
Pulcinella just… drops you. He has a nation to run, and his proximity to important information is too valuable. Unlike many of his colleagues he is not willing to bend the rules for feelings. He’s old, and he knows whatever feelings he feels towards you (platonic, romantic, familial, whatever) will pass with time. He reports this information to the proper place, and trusts the people he commands to take care of you properly. It hurts, but most things do at first.
Signora really thought you loved her. She hasn’t felt passion in centuries, and now as soon as her frozen heart thaws it’s revealed you're a traitor? Her heart can hardly take it. It hurts so much. Leave. Go now before she changes her mind and kills you. She cannot bear to have another lover dead in her arms. So take this chance and go, if you don’t, ice will encase her heart and she will slaughter you.
Columbina goes the kidnapping route essentially immediately. You can’t be a spy if you can’t report back to your masters! She’s very gentle though, running her fingers through your hair, humming happily, showering you with beautiful outfits and clothes. Even if you’re paralyzed from her haunting melodies, and feathers and eyes unfurl from the corners of your vision. Like a bird in a cage. It’s really your fault for catching the attention of someone so insane and powerful.
Arlecchino reacts similarly to Capitano, she is very proficient at breaking people down, ruining them, and turning them into what she thinks you ought to be. How dare you? This is a betrayal she will have to remedy. Loyalty is necessary. She’s crueler than him about it. Less patient. You will not be coming out of this unscarred. It’s better to just give in quickly, convincing her you learned your lesson, that you’d never betray her again. Reguardless of what you do though, several house of hearth members will be stalking you whenever you’re away from her, so don’t even bother trying to get back to your masters. It will not end well.
Pierro. Oh Pierro. You’ve never seen the man so sad. For a second, he looks almost pathetic. That is, before he motions for his men to drag you down to whatever dungeons are within the palace. He doesn’t visit you for weeks, but as soon as you start to think he’s never going to look at you again, he’s there, outside your freezing cell. The sadness so heavy in this man is wiped away by fury. He, personally, drags you from your cell. You can’t even walk as he pulls you along, stumbling every time you try to get your footing. He drags you for what seems like forever, ignoring you. Eventually, you’re in the Tsaritsa’s cathedral, with the ice goddess herself standing where the priest was. She smiled at you, and fear floods your body as he forces you down the aisle. He mutters something about how lucky you are. How many strings he had to pull with his god to allow this. You’re married there, ice freezing your ankles as you stand where a bride would, heart heavy in your throat. You know then that the only option is to say “I do”.
Scaramouche does not and will never take this well. Another betrayal? Typical of humans. He will go into a rage when he faces you, and chances of you escaping that rage in one piece is slim to nothing. If you don’t, ice floods his veins as he curls around your body, just asking why why why. If you do, he’ll drag you to the infirmary, force some poor healer to fix you, and then toss you in the dungeon similar to Pierro. He won’t visit you, thinking that this is a proper punishment. You abandon him? He’ll abandon you. He’ll come around sometimes though to yell at you or sob on your lap. Other than that, expect a life of imprisonment with mild favoritism and some physical scars.
Sandrone doesn’t take it well at first. When faced with your crimes, she immediately lashes out, destroying several of her newest machines and scarring you physically. After she calms down, though, she’ll calmly figure out everything that you leaked, who you leaked it to, and begin to work while you stay in a cell in her lab. She comes back to you a few days later, in which you’ve been completely abandoned, with some sort of mechanical collar and a tracking chip. Oh calm down, she’ll say as she rolls her eyes. The surgery is quick, but done without any anesthesia. The collar records everything and will shock and paralyze you upon exiting her laboratory. The chip is for tracking, but it can also release poison into your bloodstream. There! She was being so nice, not turning you into a machine. Say thank you, it might make her more likely to feed you.
Dottore has a breakdown almost immediately upon hearing this. He’d cackle, pacing in front of you, rambling on about how bold you were to try this shit with the cruelest of the Harbingers. Really? Playing with his heart is probably the worst mistake a person could ever make. He’s never been too enamored with human bodies, but monsters? Abyssal creatures? He finds them so beautiful, and he’s been needing a new subject. Don’t worry, it won’t hurt! Just be quiet and let him make you into the ideal version of yourself. He’d never dare do this to you if you weren’t a traitor, he loved you, but all bets are off as soon as you sabotaged his work and smuggled information. And the worst part? You’d still be his lover. Forever bound. Just more monstrous than before.
Lowkey I can’t believe I wrote for all of them. I didn’t think I do them all but then I had IDEAS. Which is somewhat uncommon for me. Everyone clap!
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danieldrivesfast · 1 month
After some absolute bullshit I've seen in the last 12 hours in Formula 1 circles, I need to let the intrusive thoughts out.
These are GROWN MEN participating in a multi-billion-dollar global sport. Stop projecting your feelings and experiences onto them. The infantilization of these men is absolutely ridiculous. The behavior of so many fans is out of control. It's exhausting to have to constantly navigate around this stuff and block a dozen people a day for the crap I see.
Nobody is saying you can't have fun in fandom, make jokes, write your fanfic, make your edits, etc. I'm on Tumblr. Obviously I appreciate that stuff.
But when you're wishing horrible things on Alex Albon/Williams because poor widdle Logie Bear isn't going to race because tHaT's NoT fAiR, it just shows you have no concept of reality when it comes to the business of the sport or Logan and Alex's objective worth to it. You can feel bad for Logan as a person while acknowledging reality and not making threats.
When you're slandering Daniel Ricciardo as a selfish prick/bad friend/disgusting person for not going to Scotty James' snowboarding competitions because you don't understand how adult friendships, travel logistics, professional schedules, and equitable relationships work, you're just showing your immaturity.
When you think it's okay to scream in people's faces, throw things at people, grab/touch people without their consent and if you don't act that way you're not a real fan or "real one," it shows you have no respect.
When you think talking hate, spamming comments, sending nasty DMs, looking up medical/family information, basically stalking women who are associated with the drivers is fine (because you think you have a chance with them), you're a creep and have zero boundaries.
When you position yourself as an authority on F1 but care more about posting on social media for a reaction/likes/comments than actually sharing things that are true, you are a problem and an embarrassment to content creators/members of the media who are doing actual work. That's not directed at honest mistakes, that is to the people who are wilfully ignorant and/or feed misinformation/sensationalism because it makes them popular.
NONE of that energy is needed in F1, or any fandom. It's absolutely gross and just as nasty as the men who act like know-it-alls and treat people like crap, just from the other end of the bell curve.
Do better.
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sweetheartmotives · 8 months
`; 三 Clumsy Yandere;`三
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Desc and possible Tw: Yandere themes, sexual themes, kidnapping, crying (from clumsy yan), begging (from clumsy yan), clumsiness/falling, angst. BIG angst!
Let me know if I missed any!
The weather was warm and the time was 2pm. You were out with some friends/family at a pizza shop and a family member/friend decided that you should come! You were on your way back to your and your family/friends' private room, until you saw someone fall, and to make it worse, they had a drink and it spilled everywhere. You decided to help them out! You walked over and he was already scrambling to grab some napkins and clean it up, you came over and helped him. He cried and thanked you. After that day, you earned yourself a stalker.
•• Clumsy Yandere who… you met in a very pathetic way. Soda all over the floor and you both on your hands and knees cleaning it up.
•• Clumsy Yandere who… is actually a loser. He doesn't go out unless he's forced to. This was one of his many embarrassing moments. But unlike the others, this one had a good outcome!
•• Clumsy Yandere who… waited for you to leave. It was dark outside, so following you wasn't gonna be hard.
•• Clumsy Yandere who… was horribly nervous when he followed you. If you turned around, he'd probably cry!
•• Clumsy Yandere who… follows you home and gets your address. Then he runs away..?
•• Clumsy Yandere who… gets your number, socials, etc. He spends the whole night searching for you on the Internet.
He got ur number thru ur address.. don't ask how
•• Clumsy Yandere who… jerked it to your pics. If you don't have any on social media, he probably took one 78 while stalking you.
Onto the genre stuff! :]
•• Clumsy Yandere who… drools over you. He can't get enough of you, so don't mind the drool dripping down his chin!
Casually drooling over you
•• Clumsy Yandere who… cries when you are loud. When they first took you down to their basement, you cried/yelled. They began to panic and cry.
•• Clumsy Yandere who… is hopeless. They cry and beg for your forgiveness.. What can you ask? Anything!
M'sorry! I'm so sorry! Please forgive meeeee!! He whined and cried.
•• Clumsy Yandere who… created a playlist for you. They like romantic gestures! (◍•ᴗ•◍)♡
•• Clumsy Yandere who… does whatever you like. Wanna crochet or play video games? They're down!
Oh? Uh.. yea we can!
•• Clumsy Yandere who… was shy about sex at first.. but then humped your leg and cried about how much they loved you.
Mmm..~ ahhh~ I love you.. love u so much..
•• Clumsy Yandere who… likes to paint! They've painted portraits of you and gifted them to you.
Ah.. my love.. look what I made for you..! He hands a nude painting of you to you.
•• Clumsy Yandere who… does whatever you want. And he doesn't whine or cry! Pretty great, right?? :3
Of course my love..
•• Clumsy Yandere who… is a crybaby. He's also a really nervous/anxious person!
•• Clumsy Yandere who… has a resting sad face and always looks like he's gonna start crying :(
•• Clumsy Yandere who… owns 3 cats! Tax Fraud, eepy, and coco ♡
•• Clumsy Yandere who… is a loser. A very pathetic loser. No further explanation.
•• Clumsy Yandere who… always trips over his own feet. At any time in the day, he trips. Does he cry every time? Nope, but he's always close to tears and he'll be horribly embarrassed.
•• Clumsy Yandere who… gives kisses anytime of the day. Sure he's super shy, but that doesn't stop him from giving kisses! :)
Mwah mwah mwah (〃ω〃)
•• Clumsy Yandere who… lets Stockholm syndrome do its thing. Until then, he'll shower you with praise and love!
•• Clumsy Yandere who… knew it was wrong to kidnap you, but.. is it bad to be a little selfish?..
I'm sorry my love.. I just really wanted to be with you..!
•• Clumsy Yandere who… if you're really suffering while being with him and Stockholm syndrome doesn't work.. he'll let you go. He can't stand seeing you upset.
Goodbye.. my love.
•• Clumsy Yandere who… in the end, will always love you, even if you leave him.
My love.. I'll love you no matter what.. even if you hate me. My love will never stop..
This is a bit of a long wait! But I hope you enjoyed it as I enjoyed writing it! (◍•ᴗ•◍)♡
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multifixwritings · 1 month
Some Things Are Meant to Be
Fandom: Twilight Pairing: Jasper Hale x GN!Reader x Alice Cullen Summary: It was the way Alice and Jasper found eternal happiness, against the odds, in a way no one expected. Words: 1515 (oneshot) Note: Oh, to be in a relationship with these two! You didn't specify, and I am such a sucker for the human x vampire pairing, so that's what I went with here. I hope I did okay and you're not too disappointed!
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Vampiric culture differed in many ways from those of humans. Transitioning from mortal to immortal meant changing your entire way of life—nothing would be the same. Diet, socialization, and routines all shifted to accommodate the transformation. Some settled well into the new arrangement while others found it more difficult even with time to adjust.
How relationships developed and worked was something most didn’t think about until it hit them. Vampires could “date around” like any human, but no romantic relationship could compare to finding your singer or mate. The chemistry bound you deeper than any soulmate humans claimed to have found.
What most didn’t realize was there could be more than one.
The rustic smell of fresh blood pumping through the elk had venom filling their mouths. It would never compare to the agonizing burn inspired by humans, but it would be more than enough to satisfy the ache. Alice and Jasper stalked through the trees with the grace of a lion hiding in the tall grass. The game of predator and prey never failed in nature.
Oh, to be the once helpless prey turned into the ruthless predator.
The couple waited for the right moment before pouncing. Sharp enamel ripped into soft flesh, rich blood sliding down their throats to ease the ever-present pang of thirst. Alice allowed herself a shred of vulnerability and closed her eyes to savor her meal—only for them to snap back open.
Jasper noted his mate's shift in emotion and was at her side in an instant, leaving his elk half-drained but mercifully unaware of its quick death. "Alice? What do you see?"
Her petite hands dropped the animal to the forest floor as her eyes stared ahead blankly. She vaguely recognized Jasper's hands grasping her arms, felt his body close to hers as he waited for her to share. His worry faded into mere curiosity as he registered her emotional state—confusion to surprise to happiness.
"It's..." Alice grinned. "They're beautiful."
You turned, your eyes falling on the couple a few feet behind you. Your brow furrowed slightly before a small smile graced them. You lifted your hand in a gentle wave before turning back around to face the front.
Jasper frowned. "Who?"
The way your laugh crinkled your eyes nearly made her inert heart start beating once more—like when she first saw Jasper in her mind's eye. You shook your head before bending down to pick up the fallen paper from the floor.
"I am so sorry! I swear, I'd lose my head if it weren't attached to my body." You stood back up and stuck out your hand. "I'm (Y/N). I just moved here."
Alice repeated your name softly as she blinked away the vision. She liked the way it sounded on her tongue. The pixie-like vampire squealed and turned to Jasper.
"Jazz! They're coming!"
Her excitement infected him. Jasper chuckled and cradled her face in his hands to ground her. "Who's coming, darling?"
"Our mate! Oh!" She threw her arms around his waist. "Oh, they're perfect, Jazz!"
Neither vampire had heard of multiple mates before. Carlisle shared his experience in witnessing such a phenomenon when the confused yet anxious couple brought the vision to him. He had only seen it a couple of times in his immortal years.
Alice shared a glance with Jasper before revealing their new mate was human—and a whole new bout of anxiety swept throughout the Olympic Coven. They had nearly lost their entire family because their brother had fallen in love with a human. Bella was a treasured member of their coven—none of them would trade her or their beloved Renesmee for anything—but her presence in their lives had caused more trouble than any of them had predicted.
Jasper, Rosalie, and Edward had more reservations than the others. While Jasper had come miles in controlling his thirst, he remembered how difficult it had been for Edward to control his thirst around Bella and was terrified it might be the same. Rosalie and Edward were concerned about the possibility of the Volturi getting involved if yet another human discovered their secret. They would not be as forgiving as they had been with Bella after all the confrontations.
Your arrival had the coven on edge. They prepared themselves for whatever would happen but hoped for the best possible outcome.
Alice grabbed Jasper's hand. "There's (Y/N)."
Time stopped when you walked into the lecture. The couple sucked in a breath they both knew they didn't need. They watched in varying emotions—Alice vibrated with energy and Jasper swallowed warily—as the professor greeted you. You took the empty seat a couple rows in front of them.
Transferring to another university was not easy for you, but you were determined to make the best of it. It would only take another couple of credits for you to get your degree. You were just thankful it wasn't like high school where the teachers treated a new student as some sort of event and made you introduce yourself to the class.
Your pencil bounced in your hand. Jasper noted your anxiety and focused on sending a wave of calm to settle over you. The effect was instantaneous as you inhaled deeply and relaxed in your seat. You glanced around to see the lecture hall seemed scarce—less people meant less opportunity for embarrassment.
"How are you feeling?" Alice's words were silent to any nearby human ears.
Jasper shifted—a habit long since instilled in him to appear normal. "All right," he muttered. "It's... They don't affect me. Not... like that."
Your hand paused its notations on your paper. You turned around slightly after a moment before your gaze fell upon the couple. It had been their eyes you'd felt on the back of your head. Your forehead crinkled faintly.
Alice grinned at you. Jasper acknowledged you with a friendly nod of his head. Your frown lifted into a small smile but the confusion had written itself over your face. You slowly waved your fingers before shifting back to the front.
The couple remained on your mind the rest of the lecture. They seemed nice enough, but you couldn't shake the way your chest fluttered when they'd smiled at you. It was a strange tightening—not entirely unpleasant but definitely uncommon.
You gathered your belongings at the end of the lecture and stretched once you stood. Your muscles had trouble sitting still for so long.
"I don't think we've met."
"Oh!" You brought a hand to your chest, the paper fluttering to the ground at your feet.
Jasper muttered Alice's name fondly as her sudden voice startled you. He couldn't help the small smirk gracing his lips at the sharp increase of your heartbeat. Your wide eyes landed on the couple who seemed to appear beside you.
A sigh escaped you before you laughed quietly, shaking your head at your own reaction. You bent down to pick up the paper before it could get crumpled.
"I am so sorry! I swear, I'd lose my head if it weren't attached to my body." You didn't exactly know why you apologized, but you felt it was the right thing to do once a swift calmness wiped out any embarrassment. "I'm (Y/N). I just moved here."
Your grin seemed to light up your face as you held your hand out to your fellow students. Alice eagerly placed her hand in yours—her skin felt like ice.
"I'm Alice and this is Jasper! I just know we're going to be the best of friends."
If only you had known how misdirected those words were when she'd said them. Alice and Jasper did become your best friends, but the connection was so much more intimate than that. They became your greatest inspiration to finish school, your biggest motivation for chasing your dreams, and your first chance at genuine love.
It was the way they spent hours with you, how they listened to you rant and rave, how they comforted you when you were down, the way they somehow always knew exactly what you needed to go about your day. It was the small tokens of affection, the coffee they would bring you in the mornings, the small touches here and there, the terms of endearment.
It was the way they planned nights with you, the stay-in movie dates, the meals you would cook together despite them never eating, the tender kisses and gentle caresses. It was how they sat you down and let you in on their biggest secret, how they trusted you not to tell anyone, how they went against everything they had learned to let you into their life because they loved you that much.
It was the way they discussed the future with you, how they let you know it was your choice, how they only wanted the best for you. It was how they held you as fire spread throughout your entire body, how they took turns staying with you until the transition was complete, how they embraced you in your rebirth, how they happily introduced you officially into your new family.
It was the way they completed you.
It was the way you were meant to be.
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z0-ne · 8 months
How would the Zoldyck family feel about seeing Future Killua, y'know future Killua is all powerful and all but they also see with KIDS and his wife, but his wife is powerful like POWERFUL POWERFUL, and so are his kids but Killua and his wife don't agree on the kids being assassin's. And the kids don't want to be either. But despite all that, they're like a powerful family that can't be touched. How would the zoldycks react to this? Like headcanons of each Zoldycks reaction😳
YES A HUNTER X HUNTER REQUEST <3 I've been wanting one of these for so long <33
This is actually a really good question, I can't imagine any of them having a positive reaction to their most promising family member basically ending the family "tradition" it'd be a big loss and they won't be happy, accept alluka of.
WHAT IF: What if the Zoldycks had their most promising member go against their traditions with their own children?
● To say he was disappointed would be a huge understatement.
● Killua has seen his father upset before but to visibly see it on his face? It was scary, but he had you by his side to make it easier staying stern with his decision.
● He was very quiet, and it was somehow worse than him yelling. Just quietly staring you two down with his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes filled with a chilling rage. The room felt colder and you felt the fear of an upcoming fight just building, not to mention Killua tensing his muscles in preparation didn't help.
●Then his expression softened and he closed his eyes and sighed.
●"Fine, that's your decision but I can't say I'm not disappointed that you're willing to waste such potential."
● You were both relieved to not have to destroy your home and possibly loose limbs just for the sake of not putting your children through some trauma.
● He leaves without issues shockingly. He doesn't even ask to see the children again, if they approach he'll speak and tell them goodbye but he makes no issues.
● In the back of his head however he's thinking that assassin is just in their blood and eventually he'll get his way and those children will give into their urges.
● It will happen. One way or another, he'll make sure of it
● To be fair, Killua didn't even want her to know you were pregnant or gave birth, she only found out because she forced illumi to tell her once he came back from Stalking you two.
● Since she knew it was hardly anything stopping her from visiting, and with you trying to keep the peace for the sake of the children Killua really couldn't just kill her at the front door.
● She dotted over her grandchildren and kept talking so fondly of how amazing they'd be as assasins how they'd be merciless and talented.
"They won't be assasins." You quickly spoke as you had a butler take the children into another room, Killua and you standing beside eachother and looking at her as her face went to shock.
●She was very verbal with her disappointment and anger.
● You simply watched her, a bit amused at her tantrum and Killua was less than pleased to hear her loud banshee like screaming again.
● It's hard stopping him really, especially with someone he resents as much as his mother with no fear of a fight.
"These are our children to do as we please until they get older and say otherwise and our decision is final no matter what you, or anyone else says." Killua makes it very clear with his stern tone and cold eyes as he forces his mother to stop her tantrum.
● Unfortunately her silence doesn't last long and she goes on a long loud rant about how he is betraying the family and being a disappointment.
● So to prevent Killua from lashing out you have security drag her out kicking and screaming. Literally.
● Killua didn't even want him within one hundred feet of his children so this conversation was had far from your home.
● "You are wasting potential." He says in that blank tone, his large fish eyes staring into your soul as he shifts his gaze to you, making you uncomfortable enough to cringe. "Is it because of the woman? I'd assume such a distraction would effect you, had I known it'd be to such a severity I would have handled it long ago."
● His original plan was to use his pin on you, to shift your mentality to his liking so you'd convince Killua otherwise, and you didn't see it coming considering you hardly interacted with illumi since you and Killua were children.
● Killua however, having grown up with him saw it from a mile away and stood infront of you, immediately making his hostility known, not even hiding his bloodlust as he stares his older brother down.
●Disappointed with the obstacle Illumi sighs and puts the pin away, he's no idiot, a fight with Killua now that he's fully grown and unlocked his potential to its full is a death sentence waiting to happen, and now that you'll be made aware of what he was gonna do he won't risk fighting you either.
● "Fine, I won't. However I hope you know this is a foolish decision. Those children will be assasins, it's in their blood as much as it is in yours."
"Not if we have anything to say about it."
● Illumi stares at the two of you for an unnatural amount of time, it gets uncomfortable but then his gaze shifts to your home in the far distance.
● "Don't even think about it. You are to stay far away from my family, especially my children."
● Illumi looks back at Killua and then at you. "They are lovely assasins."
● Then he turns to leave.
● Out of everyone, Illumi is the worst member of the family to ever find out you two had children.
● Because he'll make sure they become assasins.
● One way or another.
(My love ♡♡)
● To be fair he doesn't care.
● When the news was spread that you guys had kids he just shrugged it off and kept either gaming or building bombs, whatever he does.
● Killua left the family quite a while ago and the animosity that was once held for him shifted into a lack of care for many of the things he did.
● However he did call him wondering what their mother was screeching about.
"Why is mother screeching about failure?"
"We won't let the children be forced to be assasins."
"Oh, whatever." He then hangs up.
● He's not going to waste his time convincing his competition over the years to make more competition with his kids. He's too old for that at this point.
● It doesn't benefit him or complicate things too much. If mother yells to loud he'll slap on headphones and let that be the end of it.
●Visiting? What for? So he can get banned like his mother did? No. He'll send a drone to see if anything changes with the children or if they inherited skills of any sort but that's rare.
● One time one of the children noticed and you watched from afar as they held a conversation with him for about fifteen seconds before the drone left.
● But really he doesn't care too much if at all.
● As one of the only siblings that directly Apologized and made an effort to rebuild a strained relationship with Killua Kalluto is the only assasin who was willingly told of your pregnancy and the birth of the children.
● They are happy for you both for having the children albeit confused about the fact that they won't be assasins.
● They question it at first but when Killua stays firm and explains it's too much for them they back down and respect his and your decision.
● They weren't exactly surprised considering Killua hated being an assasin and your background on being used because of your family. It's not surprising assasin business isn't something you'd want your children apart of.
● They don't want children so they don't understand your love for them, but they are respectful and leave it at you both not wanting it.
● Oh she was ecstatic when they were born. She lives with the two of you so of course she was first to know!
● She doesn't mind that they won't be assasins so when she finds now she shrugs it off. She'll love her nieces and nephews regardless.
● Her experience with assasins obviously isn't that great so she could be a bit relieved because they wouldn't be following that.
● So she's happy.
● He likely passed away around this time so he's rolling in his grave.
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itonashi · 1 year
I am ME.
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SUMMARY : Known around the world — a genius scientist named [Name][Last Name]. Everyone sought to be her as she was deemed perfect. A young prodigy that managed to climb up the ranks alongside her friends. She met her demise at the age of 35. It shook the world. Tears fall because of her. Will there be another her?
PAIRING : aquamarine hoshino x fem!reader
WARNINGS : implied deaths, stalking, drugs, slow burn romance, murder, more will be added.
A/N : 2k words. goddamn.. hehe enjoy and pls remember im not an expert still in the adults world neither i am that smart LOL.
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4 years later...
You're 6 years old right now. Well, physically. You do not have the patience to restrain myself from not talking all the time. Your babysitter is sleeping. You're infront of a tv. Remote beside you. Maybe, you should change it to a music show?
You're bored after all. No freedom so what else can you do? You change the channel to a music show. After you change it, The MC was announcing the winner for the music show.
"Let's congratulate, B-Komachi!" The MC exclaimed and the audiences roared at the mention of B-Komachi. The members went up the stage, taking the award.
"That girl... looks familiar." You muttered under your breath. A beautiful girl with a blue purplish hair color took the mic and start her speech while giving a heart gesture.
That's the girl you met before. She was interesting to say the least. Even from a first glance, you knew that she hailed from an abusive and solemn past. She was expressionless, she talked to you without any interest in the world and show the real her. To see her become an idol.. does that means she's lying to herself right now.
What drove her to be an idol? You met her only once and yet you feel like, she would be important later on. How captivating, you hope the future is kind to her.
"And that's all from me! Ai!" She waved and giving the mic to another member.
Idol. A career that isn't appreciate enough. Some people on the world looked down upon this career. Just singing and dancing, they said. It's more than that.
Idol need to have a perfect image. One wrong step, then scandal will come for them. Especially if you're a famous group. They have to lie. They have to please their fans. One mistake and it will be talk about for years even after disbanding. The entertainment industry is dangerous. Strict to the point they could take your life.
Idol is also human. They're not robot. They also have feelings. Idols are admirable, they need to have a strong mental to handle the hate. The world is unfair to them. There's so many cases on what happened to idols for the past years and some of it is cruel.
Every career have it's upside and downside. There's no need to compare.
You broke out of your thoughts when the front door opening. You didn't even realize your babysitter already went home. "[Name]." Your father called out to you. You stand up and walk towards him with a tiny smile on your face. Your father wasn't that bad now that you have observed him for 3 years.
He looks like he love your mother dearly. Before going to work, he would always give a kiss to the cheek on your mother. Your mother would blush a little. He carry you to his arm and bring you to his lap.
"I need you to make a decision, [Name]." He said with a stern tone. You tilt your head and nod. "Do you want the easy life or the hard life?" He added, starting into your eyes with a little smile.
You widen your eyes a little "I choose the hard life!" You give an eye closed smile to your father. You felt like being silly while saying that. You expect that if you choose the hard life, he would put you into the entertainment industry. This is the time for you to reveal how smart you are to your family. You aim to be the youngest people to be scouted into the world organization you were previously in. It is possible, in that organization there's no rules for age. You learn that when a child was born in that organization from a couple.
How's that child you see as a little sister figure doing? You hope she still love drawing and painting. Your plan starts now.
Your father sae the expression on your face and laugh "That's good, [Name]. In this world, there's no one living the easy life. Next week, you will follow me visit some director." Your father said with excitement. This is probably the second time you see him that excited — the first one being the time when you talk for 'first time'
He pat you on the head and left you alone on the couch. 'Did he do that just to left me on the couch?' You deadpan at your father but shrug it off. You lay on the couch and close your eyes, gathering the information you gotten for the 4 years you have been living in this new body.
One thing for sure, one of your friends had a baby at the same year you were born. You pray for the chances to meet the child. This time, there's no mistake. You want more connections than before.
"[Name], are you excited to see a child acting on the site?" Your father is driving the car to a filming site. He said the director is someone named Taishi Gotanda. You don't really remember the great things that Taishi guy have did since you weren't that keen on keeping up with the media world.
"Yeah! I'm excited! They're the same age as me, right?" You exclaimed. "No, you're the older one there." He said. Great, being the eldest means babysitting. Well, not if the children is discipline properly.
You arrive at the site and you scan around the site for a potential connection to be made with. Your father tap your back and you follow him behind his back. "Oh, Yoshino-san. Great to have you here." The Taishi guy shake your father's hand and he noticed you behind your father. You notice his eyes and smile while waving to him. 
'This is boring.' You thought while walking a little bit away from your father. "Yoshino-chan, please follow me." A staff called out to you. You faced them and nod. "Your father said that you would only see how the process goes. You don't need to do any acting." The staff stated while leading you to a waiting room. You only hum at her to show that you're still listening to her.
'What a quiet kid...' The staff thought. The staff left you as soon as you arrive at the waiting room. You saw three kids and overhear their conversation. "Bet her acting was so bad they had to cut it all out! She seems to be good at buttering people up, though!" The child with red hair uttered.
The red hair proceed to be kinda rude in your opinion to other people. She left not before noticing you though. She look at you up and down and left. 'Is this how kids are?' You sweat at the child behavior. You look inside the room and saw two kids who you assume is twin because of the similarities. The annoyed expression on their face is visible, probably because of that girl? She's Arima Kana , if you remember correctly.
The girl who can flick a crying switch. Well, whatever. You bow at the twin and introduce yourself. They notice you and bow as well. "Oh, I'm Hoshino Ruby! And he's my brother. Hoshino Aquamarine but call him Aqua." The girl claim. What a weird name for japanese people.. The first thing you noticed about the pair is their eyes. It was captivating enough to lure you in. I'm sure they would become a big part of the entertainment industry. A powerful duo, they would say.
"Nice to meet you.." Aqua greet you with a neutral face. An opposite personality of his sister. A smile crawled up your face. "Soo.. why are you guys here?" You questions their presence at the filming site. "I will be acting while my sister here well.. she's just here, I guess." The boy deadpan. "How rude!" Ruby exclaimed.
You nod and cross your arm "It seems like Ruby is the same as me. I will only be watching." You hope that a friendship will bloom between you guys.
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Amazing. You lightly smirk at the acting Aqua did. He only act like himself but he was incredibly creepy with it as that was what's the director aiming for. Maybe, the main part of it was because he seems mature for his age and his eyes. You just can't seem to let go of the beauty. "How did you think about it, [Name]?" Your father ask you with interest towards the young boy. "It's amazing, father. Can I start acting too?" You replied while staring at Arima Kana who was crying.
"It's never to late for you to be like your mother." Your father stated while lightly smiling at you "I can get you a role. Make sure to past my expectations." He added. Looks like the expectations for results is starting.
After that, your father have been keeping contacts with the twin since he have taken an interest on the young boy. You occasionally met the twin and learn more about them one by one. Sadly, your father couldn't keep hold of the them — Director Taishi Gotanda did.
You appear on multiple drama show as a child actor and made a name for yourself. There have been talks that you would conquer Arima Kana the child actor prodigy. You don't intend to do that but if that's what happen, it will happen. But they have to stop the  comparison because every person have their own flaws.
You even got to do some photoshoot for a child's brand. Well, this will be memories in a few years. Atleast, you get to feel being a child again. A carefree child. Because of all the acting, you had to learn new skills everytime even things that you didn't learn in your past life. Naturally, you're good at it.
I guess you would still be a genius this time too.
When the death of Ai Hoshino happened, you attend the funeral with your parent. The people grieving over Ai's death make you recall the time your parent got into a bad accident and passed away because of that. You didn't cry because you had no connection to her but it still hurts to know that the stranger you have met before when they're a teenager to died when they almost turn into a full fledged adult.
You hope the people from Strawberry Production is taking their time to heal from the loss of a staff. You can only give prayers to them.
Later on, the death of Ai was just like a wind breeze that pass every day. No one talk about it after a week. Some may move on and some didn't. Ai Hoshino may you rest in peace.
A year of being in the entertainment industry — thanks to your father. You don't care if they call you a nepo baby. You're talented, that's all that matter. You were invited to a variety show and you were excited since you can freely show your talents there. No on can say a thing about it. No one will question it.
You met the cast and greet them. It was going well until they start talking about your acting career. "Yoshino-san, you really resemble your mother and your acting skill is incredible. Mind to share a tip?" The MC compliment your acting. "I can't because I am ME. I don't think much on what to do and just go with the flow." You said with a neutral tone. One thing about the entertainment industry, they won't question what the kids say since their still not mature for their age and just let out what's on their mind. Even if you have a sharp tongue, the people will love it. They don't mind it when a kid do it. At the very least, you have to have a character that will make people love you.
That would make people remember you for a long time.
"Yoshino-san, your father said before in an interview that you are a genius. Top at everything, is that true?" One of the cast commented. You smirk "Why don't you give me a question and let me answer it? I would prefer if it's a math question, though." With this, you will make moments for yourself. The cast laugh at your confidence and gave you a whiteboard. You will be competing with the 'smartest' cast, they said.
"69 x 4."
A ring was made by you. The questions was too easy. As former scientist, you had to count percentage so this is a piece of cake for you. The cast beside you look at you bewildered. "276." You confidently said. "Correct!" The MC exclaimed. You know that they're looking down on you. You ought to prove them wrong.
After a series of questions, the people were speechless upon your smartness. The adults didn't expect this. Your mother look at you behind the swarm of staff and smile widely. You notice it and wave a little.
Soon, the filming ended. You were tired and hold out your arms to your mother. Your mom chuckle s and carry you up to her arms and kiss you on the cheeks. "You did good, my little angel." Your mother praises you. You snuggle up to her. Even though, you are an adult mentally but you want to indulge in this child body of your of receiving parent's love.
Even an adult wants to heal their inner child.
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TAGLIST : @glitch-karma @kult-o @miyakoa @pandaswitch @serbian-x @nambii @bajifairyy @lumiriai
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itonashi © // don't plagiarize, copy or edit my works.
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simplydnp · 15 days
hey there!
I kind of consider you the resident dnp expert (at least in dnp culture) so I wanted your opinion on a question that's been building for a while now.
What are the boundaries for dnp now?
There are so many things that I feel have changed even in the last four years: writing smutty rpf was Gross and Weird, along with art along that line, speculating about their relationship was ABSOLUTELY a no-go, all things that I see happening on Tumblr now. And I'm not saying that's a bad thing!! I'm just acknowledging things have changed over time. They're different people now and so are we, and the "we know you know" era is lots of fun.
I was browsing reddit today (bad idea, do not recommend) and came across a post from a new Phannie asking if DnP were in a relationship. And while I agree that we cannot say for absolute certain that they are, the responses had a VERY different vibe than on here, emphasizing how bad the speculation was (true) and essentially saying "don't even think about that, just enjoy their content." (or something to that extent.)
Which... is very different from this here website in which we joke about them being horney for each other constantly lmao.
Being a very rules-driven person, I like expectations to be made abundantly clear for pretty much everything. So that's why I want to ask: Is there a line here? Are we crossing that line? How defined is that line? (All of this, of course, I recognize is your opinion and yours alone, and if this is posted I encourage anyone else to share their two-cents in a respectful way.)
Obviously, trying to find out where they live/things like that is very clearly crossing a boundary. But is there some sort of limit or boundary I (and tbh the rest of the phandom), in your opinion, should be keeping in mind?
thanks xx
'resident expert' is a hefty title, i'm just here trying my best!
'what are the boundaries for dnp now?' is really a great question. cause the thing is, we used to know. there used to be a fairly well-defined and mostly agreed upon line, and ever since the dapg revival in particular, the line keeps moving.
i'll be honest, i never really saw phanfic as rpf, even though it is. my stance on phanfic is the same as dnps: it's a beautiful expression of art and creativity and is so, so important. they've always been pro-fic (even though we subjected them to some absolutely horrific crack fics), so i don't think 'smutty' fic has ever been gross or too far. they've given their blessing, and, as the conversation has been in fandom communities the last few years, rpf isn't 'for' the people in them, it's for the fans. so i digress.
art is much the same way. they love art! they even included art of them kissing in a tumblr tag video back in the day, so to say that's not allowed especially after they're out is kind of crazy to me.
i think the line with stuff like that was showing it directly to dnp--tagging them in explicit stuff, that kind of thing. but creating it? go for it! it's always been a green light. (i think fans have previously overpoliced this and we lost a lot of great fic, art, and community members over it)
browsing reddit is always a Choice. i've never participated on dnp reddit before but i am aware that it is an entirely different space than here. something that's important, i think (and i think you think this too as you're asking about them), is to respect the fandom rules of the place you partcipate in. tumblr is generally one of the most phan-positive places on the internet, especially publicly facing. we make a lot of relationship jokes, particularly because we run on the assumption it's already true, based on what they've both said publicly (mostly dan).
i won't comment on reddit specifically just because i'm not a part of the community there, but the speculation about dnp online was a Lot for a long time. but the worst part of it was the stalking, the digging into personal lives, the contacting family members--that is what was bad. dnp have always had a connection--and, honestly, they kind of love flexing it and kind of always have. they absolutely play into things now, but they certainly did even way before coming out too. i think a certain level of speculation was to be expected, especially in that era of online fandom. but it wasn't just the 'teenage girls' who cared, the media did too, and so did many others.
i think one of the biggest differences now is 1 the awareness of 'our' past and trying to make up for it, and 2 the broader societal conversations about parasocial relationships.
you see this reflected on the snippets ive seen from dnp reddit and dnp twitter. they tend to be Very 'cautious' about the words they say, often undercutting perfectly reasonable statements with 'but whatever their relationship is'. on one hand, they don't want to cross a line, and i can respect that. on the other hand... it's 2024 babes. they just put out merch of them holding hands. dan's directly, intentionally, and explicitly called phil a bottom on dapg. they reacted to all of the pinofs, made jokes about 'theyre touching', and even joked about the tackle being 'wrestling 👀'. dan posted half-naked catboy pics and showed us phil was taking them. the 'watch your step babygirl' tweet & their reactions to it. phil is credited in WAD. they're making threesome jokes about themselves as a unit. i could go on and on.
to me, there's a few things that have 'moved the line' for us, so to speak.
1 - DAPG returning. for the last few years they specifically were not a duo (for projects) anymore. (and no, not because they hated each other). they just weren't. they wanted to focus on their goals and projects. they didn't have to resurrect dapg, but they chose to. marketing and money aside, they knew that if this went over well, it would well and truly revive the 'dan and phil' brand again. it would be specifically returning to being a duo in the public eye. (however they've also fully embraced this in all aspects, including merch, videos, and general attitude)
2 - pinof reacts. even though they'd been out since 2019, we hadn't had regular joint content from them since before that, therefore, while they had become more comfortable with themselves and their 'outness', we hadn't (in terms of them making explicit gay jokes together). so i really think dnp had to de-fang a lot of the 'theyre touching' of it all, because we didn't really know where we stood on it anymore. i think they succeeded, too. we couldn't be here, with the content of the last 3 months, without them tackling it head on (well, as head on as they're want to do).
3 - dapc. genuinely another big shift. they did this for the real fans. purely a passion project, and a specific choice in doing the handhold. they know what we're like. and this wasn't a brief, unplanned, unscripted moment. it's a specifically blocked out scene. they know it's opening a door, and they chose to. this is doubled by the fucking iconic merch selling, and furthered by phil's twitter likes of arguably romantic phanart, and then dan's full straddle like.
even throughout the current 6 months of revival, the line has moved. i don't know where it will settle. dnp keep moving it, in my opinion, and, genuinely, i don't think it's going to leave much to the imagination. as you say, obviously not the stalking or the contacting, but beyond that? especially here on tumblr? i wouldn't get too worried. obviously people will have their opinions, but as long as you're generally respectful and recognize that humans will see your posts and humans interact with them, i think you're good.
my rule of thumb is anything they intentionally put on the table, we can joke about or at the same level. but in terms of art/fic? go off, live your dreams. dan and phil would want you to.
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asimpforyagami · 2 months
light yagami as a yandere (headcanons)
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↷ A/N ─ my first time writing headcanons! i might write a story based on this because yandere light is so daddy ugh like he defines yandere
★ COUNT ─ 1k words, 50+ hcs
!! TAGS ─ gn!reader, yandere!light, stalking, manipulation (it's light so of course that's there), blackmail, death threats
★ TOPIC ─ light yagami as your yandere senior at to-oh university
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✩ ok so light yagami is literally the worst character you could have as a yandere
✩ omg so i 100% can imagine light getting interested in a junior in his uni
✩ at first, he just doesn't care about you because he mostly keeps his feelings to himself
✩ but slowly he either felt threatened by your intelligence or felt that you were "too pure" for the cruel world
✩ he's stalked you around a few times, sure, following you to events, parties or get-togethers you may be at
✩ he keeps a safe distance at all times in case you become suspicious of him popping up everywhere you're at
✩ he gets your friends to talk to him about you
✩ but he first makes sure they won't rat him out to you
✩ he slowly gathers info about you, from your daily routine to your favourite chocolate - he has to know it all
✩ he strategically places himself in clubs and events you're a part of, inserting himself into your world without you knowing
✩ he even starts sending anonymous letters and gifts
✩ but of course, this is light we're talking about, so there's no way he's stopping at that
✩ he eventually talks to you and befriends you
✩ he tries to get your thoughts about kira too in your convos
✩ he keeps an eye on you both when you're in and out of the uni, constantly trying to find ways to talk to you in the form of study dates or something else where the two of you are alone
✩ he tries to find a secret about you, something he can use to blackmail you into staying with him without giving away his identity
✩ if he finds something like that, something you don't wanna reveal to others, he'll blackmail you with that in those anonymous letters, alright
✩ but if he doesn't, he'll reveal to you in those letters that he's kira and force you to stay with him so he doesn't write you and/or your family's name(s) down
✩ when he sees you so worried about something, he'll approach you asking what's wrong, acting like he's not the one writing the letters because the bastard's such a big fat liar
✩ you eventually tell him that yea there's this dude who's obsessed with me, expecting him to help you
✩ but he's just gonna play his concerned friend role really well, being all like "oh yea? i'm so sorry about that"
✩ while internally overjoyed at the fact that he has so much power over you
✩ he comforts you whenever you're upset, manipulating you into thinking he's trustworthy
✩ light will constantly put you in situations where you'll be alone both physically and emotionally, and he'll be your knight in shining armour, and help and comfort you
✩ he even pretends to look for the anonymous letter sender who claims to be kira with light being a part of the task force and all
✩ speaking of which he will absolutely flaunt his status in the task force - not as a suspect of course lmao
✩ probably trying to get you into thinking he's oh-so-trustworthy
when in reality literally everyone in the task force is suspicious of him at one point or another
✩ talking to him is like talking to tom riddle's diary from harry potter - the more you reveal your secrets, the worse the manipulation is gonna become
✩ so now there are two light yagamis in your world - one, the caring sweet friend, and two, the unknown sender of the ominous letters you're receiving
✩ but when you tell him you're gonna inform the police about this anonymous guy, he reveals to you that he's kira and continues the blackmail
✩ any attempt at retaliation and one of your family members dies, of course
✩ in the rare case that you hate your family (relatable) he's gonna find someone you care about and kill them off instead. and believe me, he's light yagami - he will find someone
✩ he won't hesitate to kill off any other guy who even dares to look at you. he wants no competition
✩ even though he's not insecure, he feels satisfied at the way you don't have anyone in your life except for him. it feeds his ego
✩ and he won't stop until he's the only one you're depending on.
✩ he won't kidnap you - he's way too good for that
✩ no, he'll lock you out emotionally
✩ he'll make sure you have to beg him before even talking to someone who's not him
✩ he'll torture you every single day. he'll make every single minute of your life a living hell
✩ but he won't harm a hair on your head
✩ his threats are never physical
✩ unless you count the death threat from the death note
✩ he will berate you if anyone notices the changes in your behaviour, forcing you to act normal as if nothing's happening
✩ when in reality you're trying not to fall apart every time he takes you out on another "date"
✩ that is, if you dislike him.
✩ needless to say you're gonna have to get used to his presence either way because he's gonna be around a lot
✩ and if he can't keep a watch on you himself he'll send ryuk
✩ and obviously, it's light yagami, so he already has pre-installed cameras everywhere around you - your bedroom, your bathroom, heck even some of your clothes
✩ expect to be either shown off like a trophy or hidden away - there is no in-between.
✩ shown off because he's proud he's gotten his hands on you.
✩ hidden away in case someone kidnaps you to threaten him, in which case he's gonna have to kill you, sorry not sorry
✩ but who knows? if you like him it's a blessing, isn't it? a win-win situation for both of you.
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© asimpforyagami, 2024 - do not copy, plagiarize or repost my works on any platforms. do not translate.
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sagaduwyrm · 2 years
Yo, I wrote something.
It Matters to Have this Ghost Clan Near (This Family I Never Knew)
Held prisoner by an alien god-monarch, the only way the Justice League is getting out of here is by proving they have family waiting for them. This is easy enough for Clark and Bruce, but of Diana's family her mother isn't exactly easy to contact, and her relationship with the rest of her family is... complicated.
Luckily, just because he's dead, doesn't mean Kronos doesn't still care about his granddaughter.
"Clark. Bruce. Leave me here." Wonder Woman snarled the words as fierce as her heritage had taught her, and it only made Bruce more furious about the entire situation.
"Well? Have you made a decision yet? We won't wait forever." The alien monarch lounged on their throne, an ugly, amused glint in their eyes. It made Bruce want to break something, but the trio were outnumbered and far from home, and they were only getting out of here at all by the grace of the monarch's will.
He hated foreign gods. The ones on earth were tolerable, some, like Diana, he even liked, but gods from other worlds didn't push his buttons so much as they stomped on them with soccer cleats.
Wonder Woman was becoming visibly panicked. "Friends. Shield-brothers. Leave."
Bruce ignored her and tried to think of a way past this. The mrydonians and their god-monarch were fond of keeping people they found interesting. Anyone with any kind of power who stumbled into their lonely corner of the universe tended to find themselves stuck. They had even managed to trap gods before; the god-monarch reigned over the very concept of mrydonian space, and it allowed them to win out over gods of lesser or more distant domains. Diana, as the goddess of heroes, was below such a powerful genius locus, and the sun wasn't the kind that could fully power Clark up, preventing them from fighting their way out.
Thankfully, there was one loophole. The mrydonians held family sacred, even above their only god, and if they could prove they had family waiting for them they would be let go.
A quick call back home had settled the matter for him and Clark. His kids had answered the phone immediately, as had the Kents. Unfortunately, what little of Diana's relatives she considered true family were out of contact. They just needed one person who could claim her and mean it, but although she was close with a number of people, including his family, they had always labeled it as a friendship. He was kicking himself for that now, but how was he supposed to know—
"You can not find family for her then?" The alien's smarmy voice interrupted his thoughts as the being's smile widened. "She will just have to stay here then. We are so glad to host her—"
The doors, enormous and more literal incarnations of the god's power than physical objects, slammed open with a bang that echoed through the room. The god's head jerked around and they began standing up. One of the priests screamed, "Who dares intrude upon this sacred space?"
Between the open doors stood a boy. A teenager really, with floating white hair and inhuman green eyes, wearing a black and white suit. He waved. "Hey. I'm Danny." His bright smile was incongruous with the tense atmosphere, and every fiber of Bruce's being screamed with wariness. "That's my cousin over there. You know, the one you're planning on keeping prisoner."
"What. Diana—"
Clark was turning to her as Diana kept her eyes on the new threat, and she hissed back. "I don't know Clark. You've met all of my family. I don't know this boy."
The teenager in question stalked forward down the court, stopping between the god and the three justice league members. He moved oddly, too flexible and not as affected by gravity as he should be, and Bruce carefully took notice of what he saw. Oftentimes, when a being was non-human, the weak spots Batman depended on in a fight were in different places, so close observation was necessary if things dissolved into a battle.
The monarch's next words were an affronted rumble that did not lower Bruce's worries about a fight. "She does not know you, boy."
"No," Danny agreed. "We haven't met. Old family disagreements, you know the drill. Grandfather didn't want to impose, and I followed his lead." He tilted his head like a cat. "Doesn't mean I can't claim her, though."
"Grandfather?" Diana muttered next to Bruce in confusion.
The boy turned to her. "Mmhmm. He would have come himself, but by the time he saw what was going on, he was in the middle of something that would be dangerous to put down. He couldn't get a hold of your father, so he sent me instead." His face morphed into something bashful for a moment. "Sorry, I'm so late."
"It does not matter that you are late," the alien monarch snarled. They were fully standing up now, holding a dangerous-looking spear in their hands. It didn't look like the rest of the mrydonian weaponry Bruce had seen. He wondered if it was stolen just like they stole people. The god continued, "She does not recognize you as family, it is not mutual, it does not matter."
"See, that's where you're wrong," Danny exclaimed cheerfully. "By your own words, you 'respect other cultural understandings of family than your own.' Well," the boy bared his teeth in a grin. He had far too many of them, and they were far too sharp to fit in the reality Bruce knew, making him wonder which branch of Diana's family tended towards the Eldritch. As the boy spoke, the words began to gain a hint of static. "In the culture of my people, one can claim another as family without it being mutual and it still holds up in a court of law as long as the other does not outright refute the relationship." He swiveled towards Diana. "I assume you're not?"
She shook her head even as her eyes remained hawk-fierce on him.
"So, I may not be her cousin, but she is mine, and since that would be accepted in my culture, you have to let her go, by your own rules."
"Do not patronize me in my own domain, boy." The ground shuddered with the god's words.
The teenager snarled right back, a deep rattling thing that reminded Bruce of an avalanche, and he lifted off the ground. He had a cloak that looked like someone had woven the night sky into armored cloth and a sword of black ice on his hip. Neither were there a couple of seconds ago, yet they felt like they'd been there the whole time. "Try me," Danny snarled. "My own domain isn't as far as you think."
The air grew tenser and tenser before it finally snapped. "Fine! She is your family. You may take her. Leave now or my generosity may not hold." The alien god stormed out with their head held high, but there was a definite sense of loss in the way they retreated.
Danny turned back to them. He landed on the ground in front of Diana, missing his war regalia again.
"Sorry that took so long! He was surprisingly stubborn."
"It's fine," Diana said warily. "Thank you… cousin."
The boy's eyes widened before he started to beam.
Diana continued. "Can I ask who is the grandfather we're related to?"
"You know him as Kronos."
All three of the Justice Leaguers froze. Diana's mouth gaped open and closed like a fish, but Clark at least managed to keep his wits about him. "Kronos is dead."
Danny turned to him curiously. "So?"
"So he's not alive," Clark stressed. "He couldn't have sent you."
Danny looked at him for a moment and burst out laughing. When his laughter calmed he said, "A god is still a god when they are dead, and the soul of a god is not nearly so easy to destroy as the body. Who do you think has been repairing the time stream after all the time travel you heroes do?" he asked wryly.
"If Kronos was still existent," Diana said firmly, "we'd know. He'd have already tried to take the cosmic throne again."
The teenage… being's gaze was inscrutable. "Would he? Really? Where are you getting that information?"
Diana sputtered. "It's common knowledge!"
Danny said dryly, "So you don't even have a first-hand account?"
"Well I certainly haven't seen any evidence to the contrary," she snapped back.
Danny was suddenly the most serious Bruce had seen him since he entered the palace. "He likes baking. He makes amazing persimmon cookies, and he's been trying to figure out a cinnamon roll recipe he likes. One time when I was upset he tricked the Observants into dying their capes rainbow. None of them ever figured out it was him, but he still brings me back to that moment when I need cheering up." The boy's expression softened as he looked at the woman who he had claimed as a cousin of his own accord. "When he realized he wouldn't be able to come himself to help you, he was furious. He had to use a lot of power to get me here on time, but he would have thrown away twice as much if it was for family."
Diana's face was working its way through a series of emotions, and Danny seemed to grow embarrassed by everything he'd said. "I should go so you can get home. I hang around in Illinois if you ever want to find me." He lifted off the ground, reaching out to tear some kind of portal open in the air. He turned back for a moment before he left. "Grandfather goes by Clockwork, nowadays. He'll answer to that if you ever need him." Then the boy was gone.
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windrsr · 1 year
Samuel (Male Yandere OC x Gender Neutral Reader)
Fatherly Yandere
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•A sweet but intimidating yandere. You know that he can be very sweet and loving, but you can't help but feel like there's something...off about him. You just can't put your finger on it, though...
•He can be sweet to a point where he'll make sure you only focus on him. If you have parents or other family members treating you poorly, he'll make sure you'll forget about them soon.
•He sees you as adorable, but in a more helpless time of way; when you're all helpless, he knows he can take care of you and nurture you, and also because you're weak when in this state. Even when you're upset, he feels like he's being useful as he pats your back, telling you everything is going to be okay.
•Makes food for you and makes sure all your things are organized. He'll even become your support as well. Having a bad day? He'll invite you over on his lap while you tell him your thoughts. Too stressed to do anything when you get home? He give you a massage and do your work for you.
•Bullies or anyone treating you unfairly? You'll never hear from them again.
•You're allowed to have friends come over if you're living together, but even your friends feel so uneasy around him for some reason, espeically since he told them not to wander around in the house too much
•Always worried about you and stalks you to make sure you're safe if you're not living with him. But once you're in his house, he's not going to make it easy for you if you want to leave.
•He'll take care of you and do everything for you. You don't have to do or worry about anything. He also keeps you inside, and tries to make excuses for you to stay inside when you try to go out.
•When you would yell at him to tell you to let you go, he would become stern, telling you how ungrateful you are for acting like this, and how all of his hard work has been wasted because of you. When you would feel bad for what you did, he hugs you and tells he forgives you, and that he always will.
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