#slytherin yoongi
mercuriness · 7 months
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slytherin yoongi 🐍💚 (updated)
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lilprincegoo · 1 year
Official Courtship Rituals for the Pureblood Wizard by cblaire
Alternate Universe - Hogwarts, Misunderstandings, Miscommunication, Humor, Fluff, Light Angst, Idiots in Love, idiots to lovers
25.8k words
rating: T
The Hogwarts AU where Taehyung’s a pureblooded Slytherin who falls for Jungkook, a muggleborn Gryffindor. When Taehyung gifts him a dark artifact as part of pureblood courting rituals, Jungkook, who knows nothing of pureblood culture, thinks Taehyung is out to curse him. Needless to say, he's terrified. Oops.
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dancingskys · 9 months
Switching Wands [Year 6]
Pairing: YoonJin
Tags: Hogwarts AU, soft Yoongi, soft Seokjin, them being boyfriends
Summary: Yoongi is engrossed into his book, Seokjin tries to get his attention, there is some interesting talk about cleavage and Seokjin lights up everyone's life.
Status: complete [Part 9 of Hogwarts AU]
Word count: 2,681
AO3 Link
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psycho-slytherin · 2 months
The Syndicate
Jungkook doesn't understand why you've chosen to train him as a rogue. He's never been a good liar. Now, as your second-in-command at Bangtan Thieves' Syndicate, he's worried about you... with good reason.
Pairing: Rogue!Jungkook x Rogue!Reader
WC: 3.8k
A/N: That's right, folks, we're coming back with a BTS D&D AU! Enjoy~
“Um… Seokjin?”
The druid turned away from what looked like a bowl of chopped mango. Juice dripped from his chin, his fingers, and somehow down the wall. “Oh, Jungkook. What’s up?”
Jungkook fidgeted with the sleeve of his new blue cloak. You had asked him to wear Bangtan Thieves’ Syndicate colors to increase the fledgling guild’s notoriety, but he didn’t understand how he could increase the notoriety of anything. “I was wondering, can you please go ask Y/n to get some sleep? I haven’t seen her Trance in…” Jungkook began counting on his fingers, but promptly gave up. “A while now. Elves still need to rest, Seokjin! And after what happened to Yoongi, I think she’s kind of, maybe, avoiding everyone? But she’d probably see you.”
Seokjin raised a curious brow. “Clearly, she’d see you too. Why don’t you tell her yourself?”
“Oh, well, I mean, it’s Y/n,” Jungkook chuckled nervously. You’re more stubborn than a mule on the best of days, and it was not the best of days. “I don’t think she’ll listen to me.”
Seokjin raised a brow. His current male form gave him a full head of height over the young elf, who swallowed nervously. “Jungkook, have you actually tried?”
Jungkook looked down at his feet. He’s never been the confrontational type, and even at seventy-five, he was young for an elf. You, twenty years his senior, tended not to take him seriously. “Er…Kind of? I’ve sighed in exasperation at her.”
“Okay, look. Go talk to her, see if she’ll take a break. If that doesn’t work, come get me. If that doesn’t work, well, she’s a big girl, Jungkook. She can take care of-” Seokjin paused. “She can make her own choices.” With that, Seokjin turned back to his mango. The changeling rarely took on a human form; Jungkook guessed the mess of fruit juice on Seokjin’s face was a result of eating with unpracticed lips and omnivorous teeth.
“Um, yeah, okay!”Jungkook retreated past the gates of the party’s current home, a mansion that had once belonged to Seokjin’s father, and began the long walk back to the seedier side of town. He hadn’t walked all this way just for the request, of course; You had sent him to scout out new safehouses which the Bangtan Thieves’ Syndicate could acquire in case something went wrong uptown –– for example, if anyone became suspicious that the wealthy Lord Kim was nowhere to be found and came knocking. Jungkook wasn’t exactly sure what to look for in a safehouse, and when he’d asked you, you’d waved your hand and blearily mumbled a “You’ll know.” 
Well, Jungkook didn’t know. He was barely a rogue to begin with. You’ve grown up in this life, from the little he’d managed to glean of your childhood. Jungkook was nothing more than a village ranger before the party scooped him up. 
As he walked, Jungkook’s thoughts turned to the first time he’d met you. You had terrified him at first, dressed as you were in all black and so heavily armed that you could have twisted chain mail out of your daggers. All that, and you’d still managed to sneak up on him while Jungkook was out tracking down a goblin hideout. 
He crept through the woods, navigating with landmarks invisible but to expert eyes. A tree knot here, a beehive there, and the smell in the air… he was closing in. His footsteps felt lighter than feathers on the mossy forest floor. 
Then something… happened. A brush of wind in the wrong direction, the sharp scent of metal where there’d been none. He spun to find himself face-to-face with the point of a rapier borne by a hooded figure. Jungkook froze; was he going to die? He had nothing on him to entice a mugger. There had been a spate of thefts in the past weeks –– it was why he was tracking the goblin hoard. 
“Where’s the entrance to the dungeon?” The figure barked, a shining green eye all he could see of your face. Jungkook was quaking in his boots when three men approached. 
“Y/n, we talked about this,” a broad-shouldered man said, hand on the hilt of his greatsword. 
“I told you to stop giving my name out to strangers, Taehyung,” the figure hissed. 
The tallest of the group, a spellcaster of some kind, waved down your weapon as he stared closely at Jungkook, who gulped. “Why would he know anything? He’s a kid. Honestly, Y/n, he near about pissed himself. He’s not getting close to the Souls’ Map Dungeon.”
“H-Hey!” Jungkook squeaked, finally finding his voice. He was not about to piss himself. “I’m not a kid. You’re the ones that can’t find a silly dungeon, and now with all that noise you’ve let the whole forest know you’re here.” 
“He’s right,” the firbolg druid in the back chirped. “I can sense evil. Maybe we should-” 
Branches exploded above Jungkook’s head as the giant spiders dropped.
The elf shuddered at the memory. Six months ago, he never could have imagined he’d belong to an adventuring party like the ones of legend, the kind he’d only read about. And when he’d met you and learned of the horrors you’d endured… he could hardly imagine he’d find himself in the very city from which you’d fled.
He soon returned to the new headquarters of Bangtan Thieves’ Syndicate. The rest of the party tolerated your legally questionable profession and helped out where it benefited them, but they also kept their distance. Meanwhile, either you’d taken a liking to Jungkook or considered him especially disposable –– Jungkook had yet to learn which –– and you preferred to keep him around. 
Jungkook found you exactly where he had left you that morning, glued to your desk and scribbling wildly, your quill rapidly shifting between sheets of code and blueprints, letters and lists. 
“Y/n, I-”
“Next time, be quieter coming up the stairs,” the rogue replied without looking up. “The fourth step is loose, you should know that by now.”
Jungkook shrunk into the corner, pressing his lips together. “Sorry.”
“S’fine. You’re getting better. What did you need?” 
“Well, I was thinking-”
“Oh, could you send this with one of our runners?” You interrupted, throwing what looked like a rock at Jungkook’s head. He yelped in surprise, and then felt even more surprised when he actually caught the thing. It was lighter than it looked. “It’s hollow,” you continued without drawing breath, almost slurring your words together, and Jungkook couldn’t help but notice how pale you looked. “A message for the leader of Kreta’s Port. And-” 
“Y/n, slow down.”
“Let me finish. Those newcomers need training before they can start pickpocketing or we’ll lose them before we’ve finished recruiting. Right, and I need to run an errand, want to come?” “Yes- I mean, wait- I mean, Y/n!” The name came out much louder than intended, and Jungkook could feel his cheeks flush as you finally lowered the quill and looked up at him. Your green eyes never faltered in intensity, and Jungkook swallowed. “Y-You’ve been working nonstop. You need to rest. Just for a short while. I’m really worried about you.”
“Worried about me?” You stood from your desk and Jungkook’s sharp ears picked out the sound of your sore joints popping. He took a step back as your tone shifted to exasperation. “By the Nine Hells, Jungkook, the last thing I need is someone else worrying about me.”
At this, Jungkook grit his teeth, his nerve returning to him. “That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.”
Your eyes flashed dangerously. For just a moment, the shadows at your feet seemed to darken. “What?” 
Oh, he was gonna die, wasn’t he? But Jungkook could hardly back down now –– he needed you to understand. “You haven’t slept,” he continued, working to keep the squeak out of his tone. “I’ve barely seen you eat. You’re the one who told me that a tired rogue is a dead rogue, and if that’s true, you’re only alive in spite of yourself. Maybe if you t-took better care of yourself, we wouldn’t have to worry about you! Maybe if you had actually slept this week, you would have had better control! Maybe you wouldn’t have-'' No. Jungkook cut himself off, blinking hard. He wouldn’t go there. Yoongi had recovered.
Unfortunately, it seemed it was too late. You were quiet, far too quiet as you crossed the room and walked right up to him. For a brief moment, Jungkook thought you might attack him. When you at last raised your hand, he flinched, only to see that you weren’t holding a knife. You were… pointing.
At the door.
“Get out,” You said quietly. 
Jungkook’s heart dropped. “Y/n, I’m sor-”
“Didn’t you hear me, Jeong?” your voice was louder now, unwavering. “I think I told you to leave.”
The pause which followed felt more like a dare. Would he stay? Would you let him?
Clenching his fist, Jungkook finally broke from your gaze to see your knees trembling slightly. Exhaustion? Anger? He could never tell with you. 
“...Fine. I’ll go.” He waited for a beat, hoping you’d call him back, but instead you simply stood there. The silence was eerie, and your expression… Jungkook shivered as he left the room, closing the heavy door behind him. What could he do for you? How could he make you see that you’d fall apart at that rate? Why didn’t-
Thump. It was a muffled sound, barely audible even to Jungkook’s keen senses. It sounded far too much like a type of thump he was quite familiar with –– that of a body hitting the floor –– and it was coming from the room he’d just left.
“Y/n?” He called out before slapping his hand over his mouth –– idiot, you were going by an alias here. You were the sister of the most thief king in the city, Jung Hoseok, and you refused to associate your guild with his. Here, you weren’t Y/n L/n. You were Ava Echosong, queen of Bangtan Thieves’ Syndicate. “I mean- are you alright?”
Silence. You could be ignoring him, or… A pit began to form in Jungkook’s stomach. Surely, you wouldn’t be so malicious as to trick him. You’d understand the severity of that thump. Jungkook approached the door, knocking lightly. “Just say something, okay? I’ll-” he swallowed. “I’ll leave you alone, but tell me you’re alright.”
The following silence was the same as it had been, but to Jungkook’s rising anxiety it seemed much more nefarious now. He tested the handle –– you had yet to lock the door.
“I’m… I’m coming in,” Jungkook announced with a touch of desperation in his tone. You couldn’t fault him, right? Any decent rogue would check on their thief king. 
Actually, you’d probably say something like the best rogues kill their kings. But he was far from a good rogue.
Except when he pushed on the door, it didn’t move. What? The door wasn’t locked, that was for certain, yet… he pushed harder, this time feeling it shift, and he was able to peek through the new gap in the doorway. His field of vision was limited, but all he needed to see was right before his eyes: Your hand, resting limply on the floor.
Jungkook’s heart dropped. “Oh, gods…”
He angled his shoulder against the door and shoved. Luckily, your lithe frame wasn’t too heavy or muscular, and he was able to push the door open without much resistance from your body. As soon as he wriggled through the gap in the door, Jungkook fell to his knees in front of the older rogue.
Your normally warm olive skin tone had been drained of blood. Your jaw, usually tightly clenched, hung slightly slack, and your shadow seemed to be leaking a particularly nefarious darkness. 
“Gods… okay. Okay, okay.” With one hand, Jungkook swung the heavy door shut again. It would do you no good for any of your new recruits to see you in a weakened state. The other hand was feeling for your carotid, searching for a pulse. Your skin was hot to the touch, and yet dry. Your pulse was faint, but Jungkook didn’t care, because at least it was there. At least it was something.
Still, you were much too warm. Jungkook hesitated for a second before unclasping the raven-feather cloak clipped around your neck, and pulling the cowl off your head. As the cloak fell away, You were left in your usual black shirt and pants. Your jet-black hair had grown down to your ears and was streaked with blood and soot. When had you last washed it? In spending half his time in a mansion in the Kim Mansion and the other half with you in the slums, Jungkook realized as he reached into his bag for a waterskin, he was in the unique position to note that both manners of living were intolerable. 
Careful to support your neck, Jungkook held your head up as he placed the waterskin to your barely open lips. He cursed on seeing the water he tipped out dribble down your chin, with hardly any entering your mouth. He didn’t want you to choke, but you needed hydration. With a firm hand pulling down on your mandible, Jungkook opened your mouth, poured in some water, and massaged your throat to help you swallow. To Jungkook’s building dread, while you did swallow down the water, you didn’t awaken. He laid your head down on his lap to keep it elevated before burying his face in his hands, heart racing. What else could he do? A healing potion? He had one left. But it wasn’t like you were injured, and if she had collapsed from fatigue, as Jungkook suspected and feared, he wasn’t certain the potion could do anything to help. It might even hinder your recovery to be forced awake. What if, though, you were ill? Then you’d need a healer, or magic, some sort of purging spell. Jungkook had nothing on hand, not even a sending stone to send for Seokjin, or Taehyung’s strength, Namjoon’s smarts –– Jungkook couldn’t do anything right, not even walk quietly, useless, useless ––
You’re spiraling again, your voice echoed in his head, so suddenly his eyes flitted to your face on the assumption you’d woken up. But no, you stayed limp on his lap, so still Jungkook could scarcely sense your heartbeat. Deep breath. What’s the first step?
The young elf swallowed. He had checked that your heart was beating, and confirmed you were still breathing. First step done.
You were clearly dehydrated. You’d gotten some water, so that was the second step. But you needed more. And a cold compress to combat that fever. Step three. 
“Y/n,” Jungkook murmured, carefully lifting the rogue’s head off his legs. “I need you to stay here- not that you can go anywhere, that is, I just meant- I’ll be right back, okay?” Jungkook was on the verge of standing when he heard a voice that made him jump.
“Need something?”
“Gah!” Jungkook whipped around, instinctively reaching for his sword. For the first time, he saw a man standing in the corner of your office. Jungkook was sure he’d never seen the human before, but at the same time he looked vaguely familiar, his features too generic to place. “Who are you?” Jungkook asked, shifting into a protective stance before your body. “How did you get in?”
“Don. Donathan?” The man shrugged. “I’ve been here the whole time.”
The whole- so when you fell unconscious, this stranger was in the room with her? What had he done?
Jungkook was nervous. But you were laying at his feet, which didn’t make him less nervous, as much as it did raise the stakes tremendously. You already know how. You’ve done it before. Jungkook worked to mold his features, let his face relax into the cold stare he often saw on your face and those of the killers you’d confronted, and with his thumb flicked his rapier barely loose of its sheath. “It’d be in your best interests to explain what exactly you’re doing here.”
The man, Donathan, didn’t move or change his neutral expression. “I was delivering a message to Echosong. Or… Y/n, I guess? Wait, Y/n, like the kid sister Jung Hoseok? She’s back?”
“Who sent you? Another guild?”
Donathan released a long-suffering sigh. “Echosong did. Jungkook, we’ve met. I’m in Bangtan.”
Jungkook’s brow’s furrowed. “I’d have remembered you. I was part of the recruitment team.”
The human then nodded at the desk, and Jungkook followed the movement. On your desk was a full roster of new BTS members and approved messengers. Fourth on the list of recruits, written in the Thieves’ Cant you’ve only just taught Jungkook to read –– Donathan Joe. Brown hair and eyes, tan skin. Nondescript. Start him as messenger - potential as spy. 
The description fit the man to a tee. “I - fine. Okay. Don’t tell anyone what’s happened here, alright?” Jungkook said tightly. Your reputation was on the line.
Donathan shrugged. “Aight. Want more water for Echosong? So you don’t have to leave?”
Jungkook paused. You had clearly thought you could at least somewhat trust the man. “Fine.” 
As Donathan left, Jungkook slid back down to the floor to sit beside you. Your cheeks were still hot to the touch, though cooler than before. And you were no closer to waking. If this wasn’t Donathan’s nefarious doing, then you must’ve collapsed from exhaustion.
“Gods and devils, Y/n,” Jungkook muttered at the elder rogue. “What are we going to do with you, hm? The one time since I’ve met you that we can relax, ‘cause for once no one’s trying to kill us, and you’re working harder than ever? You don’t have to push yourself like this, you know. Don’t you know we’re all-” he paused. “Some of us are worried about you?” He was talking quickly now, staring at his hands, his high elf ancestry making his skin far paler than your wood elf tone. “If you’re worried about spending your Trance with a bunch of thieves, I’m here. I can keep watch over you, if you’d trust me. Which… I dunno. Maybe you don’t. But your work, it’s not that much if we split it up. You’ve built this guild for a reason, right, Y/n? To be together, to have a group, to be stronger. Part of something. We can help, if you ask us. I wish you’d ask us. I’d help you. I know, I’m a mess at all the paperwork, and-” Here, Jungkook broke off and chuckled- “I really don’t understand the important facets of syndicate safe houses, but I can learn. You’re a good teacher, if a scary one. Really scary, sometimes. Anyways. Y/n, you know you’re not alone, right? I get it if, after everything, you might feel that way. But we don’t. And we need you. So, uh, wake up, okay? If you’re going to pass out, beds are way more comfortable.” With a tentative hand, Jungkook reached out and shook your shoulder gently. “C’mon, wake up.”
Nothing. It had been about ten minutes since you had lost consciousness now, and that was a dangerously long time for Jungkook’s comfort. You were still breathing, but for how much longer? He shook a bit harder, his tone lapsing into its old nervous squeak as his anxiety heightened and desperation rose in kind. Elves didn’t pass out like you had unless something was wrong - an injury, fatigue, or poison of some kind. Jungkook raised his voice. 
“Y/n, please wake up, I still have to beat you in a duel. I’ll even aim like you taught me. Seriously, please…”
And then came a voice, as raspy as he’d ever heard it, and yet it was music to his pointed ears.
“Won’ help.” 
“Y- oh, Y/n!” Jungkook almost swept the wood elf up into a hug before stopping himself. “You’re okay!” 
You blinked, your eyes not quite focused. Though you were awake, your head didn’t move from the floor. More worryingly for Jungkook, your pupils were dilated unevenly. “Mmno. Ev’rthin’s wiggly. And you look like Jungkook.”
“I am Jungkook.”
“Oh. hi.”
“Hi.” Try as he might, Jungkook couldn’t contain his un-roguelike grin. “I was really worried about you.”
“M’sorry.” You blinked hard to clear your eyes or mind, but Jungkook could see you were still having trouble. “Didn’t mean t’worry you.’
“Please, don’t apologize.” Jungkook could feel his humor returning as his lungs inflated with relief. “Apologize for working yourself half into the grave, if anything.”
“That doesn’t count as a sorry.”
“Yes, Y/n?”
“I think I could use a nap.”
Oh, thank the gods. “You have a cot in here, right?”
“S’folded by my desk. Never use it.”
Jungkook rose, located the cot, and quickly unfolded it, patting out the pillow for you. “Can you walk?”
He could see your muscles strain for a moment, almost feel you try to rise out of sheer willpower, before you collapsed back onto the old oak planks. “No. M’sorry. S’real dumb.”
“Hey, don’t-don’t worry about it.” Jungkook stooped and with one arm under your legs and the other supporting your neck, carried you ten feet to the thin cot. He could see your eyes start to flutter closed the minute your body touched the scratchy wool cover. Still, he could tell you were fighting to stay conscious. “Y/n.”
“You’ve earned your rest. I’ll keep watch. I promise.”
There was a long pause, so long he thought you’d lost consciousness again, before he barely heard your quiet voice. “Okay.”
Within minutes, the room was silent save for the breathing of two elves. Jungkook’s own vague meditation as he watched you fall into a Trance was broken by a knock at the door. When he swung it open, there stood Donathan. It took a conscious effort on Jungkook’s part to remember why he was there and who the man was. Everything about this human was terrifyingly neutral. Donathan wordlessly passed an icy compress and fresh waterskin to Jungkook before nodding a goodbye. It was as if the moment he faded from view, he turned fuzzy in Jungkook’s memories. Strange man.
Back at your side, Jungkook gently wiped your face with the icy cloth. As he leaned over to daub water on your burning cheeks, he heard a whisper that made his own face flush, so faint he might well have imagined it.
“Thank you, Jungkook.”
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catmingi · 8 months
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cantaestopbeingsocute · 8 months
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Yoongi - Slytherin
ambition, determination, cleverness
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sugarlywhispers · 2 years
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Summary: The war had ended, but no one was expecting what just happened. Voldemort won. It was the beginning of hell for those who stood against him. You preferred to have died than to suffer as much as you were at the moment; yet the only one with the power to give you a little bit of peace in this Hell was him, former Death Eater, Min Yoongi, who had tried to kill you on more than one occasion. Could you trust him? Was he really who he showed to be?
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader (Fem); Jung Hoseok x Reader.
Genre: DARK FIC; Harry Potter AU; Death Eater x Muggleborn; Stockholm Syndrome AU; Yandere-ish AU; Angst.
WARNINGS: DARK THEMES, adult content, swearing, explicit situations, smut (in future chapters), descriptions of blood, tortures and traumatic situations.
A/N: Well, hello there again. The annoying bitch, a.k.a. ME, who can't stay away from fanfiction came back.🙃 First of, let me scream how much I love my baby @sincerelylexx for the amazing banner she made for this fic and for always reading and encouraging me to keep doing this🥺🤍 I love you forever!💕
Alright, now let's be real and clear here, friends. This is a dark story, there won't be fluff, well maybe sometimes and thru the end, but still... Let's position ourselves in the time my story is gonna refer to. It's the second wizarding war, Harry Potter against Lord Voldemort. And for this story, Harry loses, which means Voldemort wins, which also means nothing nice can come from that. Reader fought for the Light, while Min Yoongi fought for Voldemort's side. No, I won't say more about that (😉). BUT, what I want y'all to realize is that IS A WAR. Nothing pretty nor good comes from them. So, I'm sorry, don't expect flowers, unicorns and rainbows, THIS SHIT'S GONNA BE DARK.
Also, yes. I have joined the redeemed Death Eater x saving the Muggleborn witch in HP fanfics. But here, I'm combining two of my most favourite things in the whole wide world, Harry Potter fandom and BTS.😍💖
Having said that, those who still want to stay and read, enjoy💖
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CHAPTER ONE: "Hell on Earth".
The pain was excruciating. It was pain like no other; your whole body shook and trembled on the dirty floor and all you could think, feel or want was to be dead.
You really wished you were, that way you wouldn't be suffering this way. That way you would be free.
It all had happened too fast for everyone's exhausted bodies and minds to realize it during the battle; so when they turned around and saw Harry's dead body limp, moveless, lifeless on the floor, a whole silence reigned around.
Nobody moved nor dared to make a sound for minutes.
Minutes in which your mind was processing what just happened, what it meant.
Harry Potter was dead.
Harry Potter lost.
Lord Voldemort won.
Laughs, screams and cries were heard all around the castle, or what was left of it. Chaos began again; some people regained their duels, others started to run away while battle broke loose again.
You still couldn't believe it. No. This couldn't happen. This couldn't end this way; it wasn't supposed to end like this, damn it!
Had everything you did, everything the Golden Trio did, been completely in vain? Was history really written like this, with this end? What happened with all those stories in which the Light, the good, the superheroes won? Were all just that, mere stories? Were all a lie?
Yes. A big fucking lie… 
Hope did not exist.
"Y/N, RUN!" Someone yelled at you, but it was heard in the distance.
You were really tired… Your whole body ached in a way that was indescriptible. What was the point? Why keep running? They won. What else could you or anyone else do? Harry was the chosen one, not Hermione, not Ron, and definitely not you. Why keep fighting?
But for some reason, your body did not realize you had already given up and your legs were running towards the big doors of the castle. Then, you remembered why it was worth it to keep fighting; you remembered him. You dodged down at every curse that got in your way and sent back curses to every Death Eater you could catch.
You could see the morning sunlight brightening the outside, the sun waking up the earth for a new day right through the horizon. As you got closer to the entrance, you felt the light breeze of freedom.
Freedom. That sounded fantastic. It sounded like the best thing that could happen after all this hell.
Yet, in your running, you never saw that big, wall-like Death Eater following your track from the side like a hawk getting closer and closer to attack. Your mind was so focused and thriving for that freedom that you never expected him to win in speed and stand in front of you right at the doors of Hogwarts castle.
You groaned gasping for air, eyes opening wide as your body collided with his. He had caught you. You had been so close...
"Got ya', mudblood," he laughed, picking you up on his shoulder as if you weighed nothing.
You fought; arms and legs jerking and kicking as hard as you could against him. You were not going down without a fight.
This was not supposed to end like this…
In your fight, you looked one last time at the horizon getting far away from your reach as the Death Eater walked deeper inside the castle again. 
Then, everything went black.
Little did you know, that was going to be the last time you ever saw the outside, the beautiful sun in daylights, for a long time.
How many days had passed since that tragic day? Had it been days, weeks, months? Maybe years? You really didn't know; you lost count after the second session of rounds filled by the Cruciatus Curse that kept going for endless hours until you finally passed out again. 
After each session, when you woke up, your body spamming uncontrollably on the dirty ground of that cell that became your new "home", you were back in the darkness of the dungeons on the farthest and deepest floor down the castle. Sometimes, you could see through a little window the silhouette of the giant squid swimming in the lake. You named it Willy, though you didn't really know if it was male or female.
Nothing had really changed for the beast; it just kept swimming in its environment like nothing had happened, as if everything was as normal as it had always been. 
However, it couldn't be said the same for you. Everything has changed for you.
You remembered feeling a small spang of jealousy for the animal. You wished you could be as free as Willy was.
But now, you were a prisoner, a toy Death Eaters liked to play with. You were scum to them; a mudblood, which meant, nothing. You were simply nothing.
One last painful cry was torn from your raspy throat before the curse was lifted. Your body kept jerking in pain, every limp in your body trembled. Pain was everything your mind could focus on; but somehow, when you opened your eyes for a millisecond, you noticed you were in the Great Hall at Hogwarts. Of course you were still at Hogwarts; you never left this place since war started.
Pain clouded your mind again, remembering how much all of this felt like hell in those mere seconds you could breathe.
However, mercy wasn't something Death Eaters were known for, so it didn't take them long before another round of torturing began.
A shrieking, full of evilness and madness laughter that belonged to a woman sounded above all the other laughs, even above your own screams of pain.
You were at the point in which you were now comparing pains, trying to decipher who each pain was related to, under whose wand.
The Crucio under Bellatrix's wand hurt. Like thousand needles constantly pinching your entire body; like the most painful electric shock traveling the insides of your whole body, burning everything on its path. Indeed, her crucio felt like the worst nightmare ever.
But nothing would ever compare to the Crucio curse under Voldemort himself. It was pain like no other. It was a pain that you were unable and incapable to explain how it felt, but one thing was for sure: it was a pain that only made you wish you were dead.
Why? Why had everything had to end like this? What sin could you have done in this life to deserve this pain? At this point, nothing made sense. Was it day or night? Was the morning shiny or cloudy? Was it Spring or Fall already?
All you knew was that you knew nothing.
But you definitely weren't expecting what was going to happen at that moment.
"My most loyal followers and friends," started the evil snake, gathering the attention of his laughing Death Eaters, which were very entertained by watching one of them raping a girl on one side of the hall.
You have learnt that it was better to close your eyes and try not to pay too much attention to what was happening around you. One, because it was painful to even think. A handful of rounds of the Cruciatus Curse would make anyone go nuts. How or why were you still a little bit conscious yet, no one knew. It was a game for them, who gets to finally break the little Gryffindor princess; the winner gets to rape her. And two, because simply there was nothing, absolutely nothing you could do for them. And that was the most horrifying thing you have ever experienced.
Not being able to do anything for your friends, for people you have known for years, for the kids that still were trapped in this hell, it was killing you alive. Every. single. day.
"Today, we celebrate our first anniversary of finally ending our most hated enemy," your eyes opened instantly.
A year... Just one fucking year had passed; it felt like a fucking eternity.
You looked at the ceiling, no sky this time giving you the welcome to Hogwarts. It was the plain image of an old ceiling. There was no magic– correction, no good magic surrounding these walls that once made you feel safe and at home.
It's been one year…
Tears started to blind your sight, all the sadness and pain, all the frustrating helplessness twirling so fast inside you, you were unable to control it.
"As a celebration and reminder of how much I do appreciate all my dear followers, I'll be granting one wish to each one of you," Voldemort said, and everyone felt the sickening feeling that something hid behind his faked nice words.
Nobody spoke but the silence that surrounded everyone in the Great Hall of Hogwarts which screamed 'dangerous'.
Least was to say that everyone was surprised when one of his closest followers, former Death Eater Min Yoongi, took a few steps closer to his master where he was seated in the place which once had been Headmaster Dumbledore's seat. He bowed to Voldemort, practically kneeling on one leg and resting his forearm on his bent knee in front of him as a sign of respect and loyalty.
"My Lord, I've been nothing but loyal to you and the cause," Yoongi started, but Voldemort interrupted him.
"You dare tell me what I already know, Yoongi?" If anyone had paid precise attention to him, they would have noticed how he gulped nervously.
Still, Yoongi continued, "I have a wish."
"Oh, and what is this wish you have for me to fulfill for you, my dear Yoongi?" Everyone could feel the amusement in their master's voice. He was the one having fun with all of this, he was playing with all of them. And it was scary.
"I want… I want the Gryffindor mudblood."
Gasps and whispers surrounded the ambience, some were surprised, others were angry.
"You'll have to be more specific, my friend, we play with a lot of mudblood toys in here," Voldemort mocked.
Yoongi never looked up at his master as he said, "Y/L/N Y/N."
You could not believe your ears. Your eyes, filled with tears, averted from the ceiling to him.
You remembered him. He was in the same year and class as you had been; he even was friends with Draco Malfoy, but he wasn’t such a prick like the blond. You remembered Yoongi being more quiet, more kept to himself and his stuff. But you did remember once colliding with him on a hallway in your run to class and him spitting that horrible word at you… Mudblood. He was the same prejudiced asshole as everyone else was in Slytherin.
You also remembered him cursing one of your friends from the back during the last battle. What a fucking coward, you thought.
So the question was, why? Why did he want you? Was this some kind of sick thing he was into? Did he just want you as a consolation prize for all the shit he did? Was he going to parade you like his trophy? Was this a stroke to his ego?
Simply, why? Why you?
Voldemort pretended that he was thinking about it for a moment, and then he looked at you, laying almost helplessly on the floor, pretty hurt and still spamming with the after effects of the Cruciatus Curse. He smiled, wide and devilish.
"I know what you're capable of, Yoongi," snakeface praised, still smiling and looking back at said man. "But sadly, this means you'll take one of the most fun toys we have, especially for our Bella," everyone, including her, laughed out loud in a mocking way, until Voldemort raised his hand to make them shut up. "However, you have proven yourself to be one of my most impressively loyal followers, and I'll grant your wish. You can have the mudblood."
More whispers, you could feel their eyes on you. But you traveled your gaze at Min Yoongi, who bowed his head one more time in his master's direction and thanked him, then stood up and walked towards you, eyes still not finding yours.
One of the reasons they considered you "a fun toy" was because you still had it in you to fight them, to still put some resistance not only in your mind, but also in your body. You fought nails and punches against everyone, and Min Yoongi would not be an exception.
When he was right next to you, he bent over to grab your arms to make you stand up, and that was when the fight began. They had called and compared you on more than one occasion with a wild animal, and maybe you did look and acted like one now, but you didn't care. You were not going to give in easily, to any of them.
Yoongi tried to dodge and hold you with his strength so your punches wouldn't hurt him, but one particular kick on the stomach made everyone that were paying attention to the scene laugh amusingly at his grunt, but it made him angry.
When he finally made you stand up, he forcefully grabbed the back of your head by your hair and pulled you closer to him, his other arm holding your entire body against his chest. You had to admit, you were surprised for a second there. When did that thin, languid boy become this buffy, slim man with enough strength to restrain you?
You were still struggling in his arms, when he whispered in a hiss right at your ear, "Quit fighting, damn it! I'm trying to help."
You froze. What?! What the hell was he playing at?
“Already having trouble controlling your new pet, Yoongi? You know I could always assist you, even show a few new tricks, mmh?” One Death Eater that you couldn’t recognize at the moment joked from behind Yoongi, making the man in front of you tense. You didn’t know who the man that spoke was, but if he made Yoongi react that way, it only meant he was dangerous.
You were about to start struggling again when you felt invisible ropes hold your arms behind your back, and the anger returned to your whole being. Fucking bastard! He tricked you! Your eyes threw daggers at the asshole in front of you while Min Yoongi stood tall and proud that he finally got you to cooperate. You hated him so much already.
“Thank you, Corbyn, but I have my own fun tricks,” Yoongi said, his tone sounding mocking and full of himself, making several people laugh maliciously at what lay ahead of you as his possession. You were so ready to spit at him, but his eyes made you freeze again.
While his words had been harsh and full of evil intent, his eyes that only you could see were full of begging for you to cooperate; it was like they were screaming at you, ‘Please, please do as I say’. For some reason, he was terrified. Of what?, you didn’t know.
You wanted to scream back at him to go fuck himself, that you didn’t need him nor his help, that he was and evil prick like the rest of them, a murderer, a Death Eather scum! You hated him like the rest of them for all the hell they brought to yours and everyone else’s lives.
However, his almond shaped black eyes full of fear made you hold back and stay put.
For now.
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asadfangirlbitxh · 2 years
My bias line - aka Yoonmintae aka Vmingi aka Taegimin
1) Mr Min Yoongi
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2) Kim Taehyung
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3) Park Jimin
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Their friendships
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romancefranaticstay · 21 days
┕━━☽【𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚌𝚑】☾━━┙
Category: fluff, smut, harry potter AU
Gryffindor!Bangchan x Slytheric!Fem!Reader
Part 2 ---> here
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As a Slytherin you mostly distant yourself from other kinds of students. You could say you were the female Slytherin. Wise, fast, competitive, full of passion, and maybe a tiny bit cruelity...
Just got to make sure, you keep your social status up.
It was another day. Another day to show your talents. Another day to look down to other and not feeling any guilt by their sad looks, pathetic.
Everyone knew you at the school, thats because you were a tiny bit of a mischief, but during the lecture's you behaved very well.
You also had like three close friends. Their name's were Lee Know, Haerin and Yoongi. How you three met? It is a very simpel story...
You met Yoongi first. When the hat said you were a Slytherin, you were welcomed with big cheers at your table. Immediatly you found a seat next to Yoongi. You two shared the same interests, the same mind you could say. He was your very first friend.
Haerin always seems very sweet but she was just like you, also a mischief. How you two met? Well, the rules are very simple, you cannot walk around when its time to sleep. There is a certain hour were the students put the lights off. One time she wanted to explore the building, we were all freshmans one's and you know how curious we were.
You also had the same idea to wander around. You two crossed eachothers path and became close in a short time. Even tho you almost got caught, but because the school is so big, there was just no way that they could find two little mischiefs on time.
Lee Know was last. How come you two met? You could say your personality is just like that from a cat, but you were a clever cat. Also, maybe you didn't know yet, but you could change your form into a cat, i have the feeling this says enough. Lee Know is a big lover for cats. One time you were just laying in the grass, rolling around. Suddenly you felt a pair of hands petting you.
You walked a bit further and changed back into your normal form. He was to stunned to speak, but also a little bit embarassed. You didn't mind the petting. You two got into a talk and he was asking how he could turn into a cat, ofcourse that is not possible for him. He was sad when he heard it could be only achieved by genetics, but you promised you were his personal cat. Thats how your friendship started.
And now, three years later, you three are still the closest friendgroup. All of you never talked towards others, just because it did not feel right. Also nobody really had a chance to talk to you all, because you mostly ignored them. It was also known your hate for Griffindors. So, they all stayed away, very handy to be honest.
'What is today's lecture?' you asked Haerin.
'Excellent, i want to learn some new technique's.'
'For your mischief-behavior?'
'That is right. By the way..' you whispered 'are we going to wander again in the hallways?'
'Ofcourse, its our tradition.'
'We never got caught, not even once. How good are we?'
'Actually you are right. We are just to good.'
'Yes we are.'
You two were gossiping a bit. Talking about all the dorms. Also new paths you could take to explore the school. The stairs were difficult to climb because you had to carry your books with you. Today you would learn some new techniques, hoping that it would finally be something interesting. You arrived at your classroom. There were already some students present. The two of you always sat next to each other so you could always chat.
The classroom was filled with students, you hated that. Especially if some teachers preferred certain students. But what you hated most was that there was one person in your class who disrupted everything. Okay, he just disrupted it for you. Bangchan, one of the best and sweetest boy. Of course he was a Gryffondor, there was no other way. You already knew who he was hanging out with. Honestly, he hung out with everyone, but he also had a group of friends. Lee Felix, he was Hufflepuff, that wasn't a surprise. He was a real sunshine. Danielle was also a hufflepuff and also Felix's girlfriend. You were surprised that he was also friends with Hyunjin, a Ravenclaw. He also tried to start a friendship with you, but of course that didn't work.
Why did he want to be friends with you? That was of course very simple. He was friends with everyone, literally everyone, even Slytherins to your surprise. But he just wasn't friends with your group of friends. Lee Know, Haeren, Yoongi and you also ignored your own students. So it was impossible for him. But what you also didn't know at all was that he had loved you since freshman year. Strange isn't it?
You two were the exact opposite. But sometimes that fits. You could tell that Bangchan was in love with you. You never noticed that because you weren't concerned with such things. Even in class, he would stare at you, always trying to be inconspicuous, but everyone noticed. He was also quite popular with the girls. That is of course not strange, he is very handsome and his smile was the most beautiful treasure.
He tried to chat with you for 3 years. He tried to approach you, but he was too scared. If he saw you with your group of friends, he would leave as quickly as possible. Lee Know and Yoongi never looked friendly, they gave others dirty looks. So Bangchan tried to find a moment when you were alone, but you always had someone with you.
'We're leaving, so you know the rules. Don't touch our things.' Haerin said to Lee Know and Yoongi.
'If we find out that something has been moved, we will come and get you personally.' you said.
“So cute, threatening us like that. Don't create too many problems.' Yoongi mocked you.
"We're going to do that anyway, but okay, at least you tried to convince us."
You looked from left to right, just to make sure no one happened to be there.
"Okay, let's go."
You and Haerin sneaked through the hallways. You chatted quietly with each other. There was no one there, not even a teacher in sight, which was strange. The two of you found a room you had never noticed before. There were all kinds of spell books there. Lots of interesting books, to be honest. You took a lot of them, usually the ones you could do the most naughty with.
'We're back, and guess what we've brought with us!'
The boys both jumped straight from their beds and came to you.
"Wow, where did you guys get this?"
'Just taken from a room. We didn't even know it existed.'
'They look very old to me. But wow, powerful spells, perfect.”
"We have 8 more, so two books each, okay?"
You divided the books among yourself. This was a big win for you. Perfect, because you don't learn anything fun in class anyway.
"You guys really need to get back there."
'Okay, leave the difficult matters to us, we happen to be professionals.'
"Alright professionals, go to your rooms."
'Yes, actually, it's already 1am.' "Let's get going."
You dropped Haerin off at her room, unfortunately you two aren't roommates. The distance between your room and hers was quite large. How so? Because this year there were a lot of Ravenclaws, so they occupied a lot of the Slytherins' rooms. So unfortunately you have to go past the Gryffindors' rooms to get to your room.
You were walking quietly to your room. Of course you took some detours, just for fun. You actually wanted to go back to that room, with all those different books. Would you do it? Of course you do it. You turned into another hallway. You hopped around for a while until you saw the door of that mysterious room again. You quietly opened the room door and closed it behind you.
You looked at the different books and slid through the many bookcases. It was a spell paradise. Suddenly you heard the door creak. You saw someone sneak in. It looked like a good Gryffindor had a naughty side after all. You trailed behind the boy and tapped his shoulder.
'Hi there.'
He started and turned around. It was Bangchan.
'What do we have here? A Gryffindor. I never thought a Gryffindor would break the rules. Bangchan isn't it?'
He nodded, he had some books in his arms.
'What books do you have there? Can I see them?'
You picked up a book and started reading it. The spells in it were pretty boring, just spells to make plants grow faster.
"Not that interesting."
"Why are you here anyway, Princess Slytherin?"
'Discovered this room about an hour ago perhaps? A very interesting room.'
"Very private, don't you think?"
'Yes, that's possible. Do you come here often?'
"Yes, every night, I sneak around here."
"That's weird, we would have run into you anyway."
'What do you mean?'
"I always sneak around here with a friend."
'Really and truly? Maybe we take other paths?'
'That is possible.'
The two of you started talking a bit. He was actually very interesting. The conversations could last forever. But unfortunately you had to go to your own room when the clock struck two. You guys started meeting in that room every night. You tested spells, you talked about other secret rooms. You started growing closer and closer, but you didn't talk to each other during the day. It would be too suspicious.
The two of you walked together one night. Just having conversations, when you suddenly heard footsteps. At the end of the hallway was Snape. He didn't see you yet because he just turned around. Bangchan grabbed your hand and started dragging you. You heard the teacher shout something. The two of you ran to the dorms. Your room was way too far, so he brought you into his room. He closed the door softly. The room was very dark. The two of you heard footsteps. Bangchan dragged you into his bed. Luckily his blankets were very thick. You hid yourself under his covers, holding him tight. You heard doors opening. Suddenly, the door of Bangchan's room opened softly. You held onto his body even tighter.
The door closed again after a while. No one would suspect Bangchan of anything. But suddenly it dawned on you, Snap was checking all the rooms, so he would check yours too. You felt Bangchan's arm around your hip, you wanted to stay here forever, but you had to take action quickly. You jumped out of his bed and went to the window.
“What are you doing Y/N?”
You turned yourself into a cat. You slipped out the window and looked from left to right. You saw the window of your room from far away. You started running quickly on the roof. You saw your window and gently pushed it. Luckily you never closed your window. Bangchan watched you push your window.
You quickly changed shape, and started walking quickly but quietly to your bed. You crawled under your covers just in time. Your door opened softly, you felt Snape's eyes on you. He moved closer to your bed and looked thoroughly at your face, just to make sure you were asleep. Luckily you were good at acting, otherwise you would have been caught. He closed the door softly again and you opened your eyes again. That was close.
The next day you were about to start eating dinner, when suddenly Snape spoke up.
'Last night, I saw two students wandering the halls. So we will take strict measures. The corridors will be checked several times, as will the rooms.'
Lee Know and Yoongi immediately looked at you and Haerin, but Haerin looked at them confused.
"I was in my room last night." she whispered.
Suddenly they both looked at you. You didn't notice. Bangchan was turned over and you both looked at each other with worried faces. Lee Know looked from you to Bangchan and then back from Bangchan to you. All three started to grin at each other. You looked ahead again. You saw your friends eyes looking at you. You also saw Snape looking at you, he found you very suspicious.
Supper started and it started to get loud again. Everyone talked to each other.
"Do you have something to tell us?" Yoongi asked.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
'Are you sure?' Lee Know asked.
'Yes, I am very, very sure. Just focus on the food.'
"As long as you focus on the food too, then Bangchan."
You became silent and turned to your friends.
"Can you shut up for once." you whispered.
'There was nothing, was there? I just said Bangchan.”
They all smirked. You kicked the leg from Lee Know.
'Oww! What are you kicking me for?'
You gave him a dirty look.
"Bangchan." Haerin coughed.
You looked up at the ceiling as your friends made fun of you again. "Bangchan."
"Bangchan." they coughed.
Bangchan heard his name all the time, so he looked your way. He saw you staring at the ceiling. Your friends were bullying you. He grins. After dinner your friends were still orbiting you.
"Bangchan." they all coughed.
'Are you perhaps ill? Because you guys cough all the time. Let me help.'
You hit Lee Know's back.
"Are you feeling any better?" you grinned.
'Ha-ha-ha-ha, so funny, so funny. Does BANGCHAN have the same sense of humor?'
'Shut up.'
'Are you shy now? Is it because I shout BANGCHAN all the time?'
You grabbed Lee Know's earlobe.
'Oww, oww, I'll stop. Let go off mine ear.'
'Will you stop?'
'I promise, I promise.'
'Good boy.' you smirked.
"Your friends like to pick on you, don't they?"
'Yes, it is very annoying, but yes. What can I do about it. They clearly weren't raised as well as I was.'
"We can't stay here so long this time."
'Yes, certainly not after today, that speech still gives me the creeps. Snape doesn't trust me, I get that.'
"I trust you."
"Yes, but you are you."
"You're you too, and it's definitely a compliment."
Your cheeks turned a little red, but you immediately cooled it down. After a while of talking and investigating, you left again. You guided Bangchan to his room.
'Sleep well.'
'Goodnight, princess.'
Before you left, you gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. You didn't give him time to react as you sped away. You finally arrived at your room at 1am. You sat under the covers with your eyes closed. You waited for someone to check your room. Your door creaked a little, you knew someone was checking your room again. You waited until that person was gone. When your door closed again, you stood back up. You wanted to go back to Bangchan. You just wanted to be with him.
You opened your window, you turned yourself back into a cat because it was easier. You carefully stepped onto the roof and looked through every window. Just to see which one was Bangchan's. Finally you found his window. You tapped his window with your paw, no answer. You looked closer through his window, but he wasn't there. He was nowhere to be seen. You were a bit disappointed, but you went back to your room.
You crawled through your window. Suddenly you saw him standing in your room, Bangchan. You looked at him in surprise. He didn't see you, because you can turn into a black cat, and it was dark, so that was pretty normal. You walked over to him and changed back to your normal form. You tapped his shoulder again.
'Hi there.'
He turned around with a smile.
"Hello there, princess."
"What are you doing in my room?"
"Just visiting you."
'Just visit? Are you sure about that?'
'No...' He smiled at you with his beautiful dimples.
You put your pinky in one of his dimples.
His cheeks turned red from this interaction. He placed his hands on your hips.
His face came closer to yours.
His eyes shone with the reflection of the moon. Your eyes wandered on his face. His face came closer to yours every second until your lips touched. The kiss was soft and tender. He turned you over so he could push you onto your bed.
His hands wandering on your body. Your lips reconnecting again.
"We have to be quiet, honey."
"We'll be quiet."
You started undressing each other until you were both naked. You looked at each other from head to toe. It didn't feel weird being naked around him. He gently laid you down on your own bed. His arms were muscular, his body was actually muscular. One of your hands squeezed his bicep. You both started giggling quietly. He gave you a quick kiss before positioning himself at your entrance. He first felt if you were wet enough. (Of course you were.) He slowly started pushing himself into you. It took some adjusting at first, but it didn't take long to get used to it. He grabbed one of your hands and pinned them against the mattress.
He pumped into you slowly. You tried not to moan. His hands felt soft. It was such a romantic interaction. Your hands went into his hair and you started to stroke it. His curls sometimes fell in front of his eyes, so you pulled it back. He started sucking on your neck, you had to bite your lips to keep from moaning. He adjusted his position at a moment and he found your sensitive place. He started hitting that spot.
Your legs were shaking at one point. You surrounded his hip with your legs. So you could push him closer to you. His kiss made you a little dizzy with pleasure. He started to be a little faster. You moved from back to front because of this event. At some point you felt your orgasm coming. You tried to say something, but the words wouldn't come out. You couldn't do anything. Bangchan of course saw that you were very close. He caressed your cheeks and whispered sweet words in your ears. He started biting your earlobe playfully.
'Cum for me, little princess.'
You dropped yourself onto the bed in pleasure. He kept pushing himself into you until he came with a groan. You both layed next to each other on your bed. You had never done this before. Yes, you were still a virgin, but that's normal at Hogwarts. When did you have time to make love, when the teachers were constantly watching the students.
"Never done this before." you said suddenly, breaking the silence.
"You did?"
"Mean I had practiced."
"You mean with someone there?"
'No... just... with myself...'
'You shouldn't be ashamed of that. Everyone does that at some point.'
'You too?'
"Maybe did it once."
"What were you thinking while you... did that?"
'Just someone.'
"Who was that person?"
"You still don't know?'
You turned over so you were on your side. You looked directly into his eyes.
Your cheeks turned red and you looked away from him.
'Hey, you shouldn't be ashamed of that. In fact, I'm glad you thought about me.'
'Do you?'
He moved closer to you, his arms embracing you. You felt his warmth. His body was sweaty. You grabbed your blanket and covered him and yourself with it. You nuzzled yourself into his neck. Your arms hung from his.
The sun shone through your window. You looked around and saw Bangchan still sleeping. You thought it was all just a dream.
'Wake up.' you whispered in his ear.
He looked around the room for a moment. His hair was all messed up. You kissed him on the cheek.
You walked around the school with Haerin. Gossiping about anything and everything.
"I heard Bangchan has a girlfriend."
You started to stutter a little.
'How so?'
“I heard he's sneaking around with her, a Slytherin. Do you know more about that?'
You cleared your throat.
She grinned at you.
"Hmm, sure." she said under her breath.
Lee Know and Yoongi came towards you. Their faces said it all.
“Hi, Y/N. Slept well... last night.'
"Yes, probably."
'Slept well, didn't you?'
"Why are you all so weird."
"We're not weird at all, if anyone here is weird, it's you."
'Nice for you.'
"Let's change the subject, you know, I really like someone."
"A raven claw."
“Hwang Hyunjin.”
'That dramatic case?'
"Have you tried talking to him yet?" Because staring at him from far away isn't really going to help.'
'I do not dare...'
'Just let me do it.'
Haerin tried to stop you but it was too late. You saw Hyunjin standing with Bangchan. You came towards him, Bangchan smiled at you.
“Hi, Hyunjin is it?”
'My friend there.' you pointed at Haerin who completely panicked.
'she wants to get to know you better.'
'She wants to get to know me better?'
'Yes. So yes or no, because you wouldn't keep a lady waiting, would you?'
'Is she free between 3pm and 4pm?'
"Then send her to me." '
Thank you for your time.' you winked at Bangchan, who melted away.
'You are welcome, he wants to see you between 3 pm and 4 pm.'
Hyunjin waved at Haerin from a distance. She almost fainted.
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joysjoy · 2 years
there’s this one yoonkook fic that i loved sm, it was maybe the second or third bts fic i ever read, but i can never reread it because it messed me up so badly i was screaming at my ao3 tab
0 notes
bangtanfanfiction · 7 months
cold → myg (M)
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Not proof read. 
♢ Pairing: Yoongi x Female!Reader → Hogwarts AU
♢ Word count: 16.6k (Idk how this happened okay)
♢ Genre: Angst, fluff, strangers to lovers, arranged marriage, slight slowburn, smut 
⌲ Description: Min Yoongi - The 7th year Slytherin student notorious for his cold and indifferent personality, and not to mention his anti-social tendencies. What was it about him that made you so curious?  - Warnings: swearing, some finger action
Hogwarts au masterlist
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AN: Whenever I write Hogwarts AU’s I like to include characters that already exist in that world instead of coming up with a lot of OC’s. So you’ll be meeting with a few familiar faces ;)
‘Y/N’ in my story is more of her own character rather than an insert - I’ve tried to keep detailed description down to a minimum, but in some cases it was unavoidable. So sorry for those who find that annoying.
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“Miss Y/N...”
“Miss Y/N.”
“Miss Y/N!”
Your eyes flew open at the raised voice next to your ear, heart thumping for some unknown reason as the familiar sight of the dark ceiling came back into focus. Sighing, you relaxed back into your mattress before lazily addressing the voice.
“What is it, Tudey?” You muttered tiredly while the small house elf beside your bed played with her hands nervously.
“Mistress told Tudey to wake Miss up. The Hogwarts train leaves in two hours and Miss cannot afford to be late,” Her squeaky, uncertain voice relayed the message urgently, ears twitching nervously at the sight of irritation on your features. 
Although feeling slightly bad for scaring Tudey for just doing her job, it wasn't enough for you to bother clearing away your irritation. The house elf had known you since birth, and being a naturally nervous creature there wasn’t much you could do.
Resisting another sigh, you just nodded, waving her off as the sound of a loud crack was heard before silence took over again.
You remained in your position for a few moments in your overly large bed, eyes closed and craving more sleep, a black and burgundy comforter tightly wrapped around your body. 
The bedroom was cold, as always. The kind of cold that wasn’t exactly terrible, but enough to make you somehow uncomfortable at certain moments - such as waking up in the middle of the night. The air never failed to draw goosebumps on your skin whenever you woke. 
But you had gotten so used to the feeling that it barely bothered you anymore.
Stretching one last time, you got out of bed and went towards your wardrobe placed in the corner of the room. You didn’t waste a lot of time finding clothes and simply chose the first outfit that you managed to put together, consisting of a black long-sleeved turtleneck with a tight button skirt. You finished the look with some laced-up boots and a classy white blazer to make it a bit more sophisticated. 
Sitting down in front of your vanity table you saw your still half asleep face looking back at you. With a shudder, you grabbed your wand and gave it a wave - the glamor spell doing a quick change to meet the day.
Downstairs, the sound of pots clanging echoed from the large kitchen as you passed it along with the forms of several house elves walking around getting food ready for your family.
Inside the spacious dining room, your parents were already sitting on each end of the table. Both nursing their own cups of tea while reading the Daily Prophet. 
The same thick, tense silence for no reason greeted you.
Your younger brother, who was starting his first year, sat on the left of your mother and your older sister by two years on the right. Choosing the chair to your father’s left, you sat down silently before acknowledging them.
“Morning mother, father,” You nodded at each of them and felt your mother’s scrutinizing look directed at you - which you tried to ignore. It had become a habit at this point. 
“Seeing how you decided to arrive late today, I expect you are ready to pass Hogwarts this year with only the highest marks,” your father’s voice spoke up next to you as you sent him a thin-lipped smile.
“Of course, father.”
He looked at you for a few more seconds before moving on to address your older sister next to you, silently eating her breakfast with her back ram straight. The only one in the room who wasn’t hesitant about openly showing their emotions was your brother. And not even your uptight, pureblood parents could blame him for it. It was his first year at Hogwarts after all, any eleven-year-olds would have been excited at the thought.
Inwardly sighing, you couldn’t help but think how you weren’t lucky enough to be born into a normal, magical family - not even as a muggleborn at that. 
Your luck was as rotten as the trails of crimes belonging to the majority of the sacred Twenty-Eight families still existing to this day. 
Your mother was sitting silently in her seat, too occupied with the news to ask you any questions. Daphne Greengrass had aged well ever since her Hogwarts days, aging slowly and elegantly, not that different compared to your aunt Astoria. They had the same head of dark brown hair and eyes, traits that you had inherited. But unlike her paleness, yours was much more tan, a clear mix of both your parents.
Your father, Blaise Zabini, was an infamous name for all the wizards and witches who lived during the Second Wizarding War, although he had done his best to remain under the radar since then. 
 His affiliation with the Malfoys and several rumors about having been a past death eater were still whispered in the streets whenever any of you walked past. You never had the courage to ask either him or your mother about that. They were dark times, and you were only lucky to be born when the Dark Lord wasn’t trying to take over the world. 
When both of your parents had first married, it wasn’t because of love. More like convenience. It was no well-kept secret that your grandmother from your father’s side was a wealthy woman with her past six deceased husbands. The Greengrass family was one of the prestigious pureblood families still living - so it just made sense to unite the two bloodlines. But your surname would still remain as Greengrass with the influence behind the name soaring above your father’s. 
Even as the years passed, your parents were both adamant about not changing their views when it came to blood status. Their pride and arrogance worth more than anything. Which caused you and your two siblings to be raised in a traditional pureblood Slytherin household. 
Draco Malfoy himself had even changed for the better after his house arrest for being involved with the Dark Lord.
However, the only one who actually agreed with their views was your older sister. She lived to please them. Their praises make her feel better about her achievements.
Blood status didn’t matter to you. Why would you care if they were muggleborn or pure? You’d rather rely on your judgment of character to do the work. You had little patience for cowards. Neither were you the biggest admirer of the timid and silent, nor the rowdy and arrogant. 
Some would say you weren’t the most liked pupil around Hogwarts. Both you and your sister had been sorted into Slytherin on the first day, making nearly everyone, except for your brother, a snake.
After you had finished eating enough breakfast to call yourself full, your father stood up from his seat while looking at his wristwatch.
“Time to go or else you’ll miss the train.”
Everyone stood nearly as one and made their way towards the large double front doors in dark mahogany. Your parents both put on their luxurious robes when your father waved his wand and muttered a spell as two trunks came floating down the stairs. He shrunk them and put them in his pocket before opening the door for everyone to step out of besides your sister. 
She had an early shift at the ministry for her work and wasn't able to come. Not that it bothered you. You never had a good relationship with each other and she proved that by sneering at you, her judgemental eyes raking down your ‘muggle’ looking clothes.
“Try not to disgrace our family name this year, Y/N,” she said as if trying to embarrass you in front of your parents. 
You weren’t the one who had been caught snogging in a broom cupboard during your last year. 
You simply rolled your eyes at her. “I’d say the same thing to you.”
Your father offered you his arm, which you accepted while your mother held tightly to your brother’s hand. Taking a deep breath, you felt the familiar nauseous feeling of being squeezed through a tiny tube when your feet landed back on solid ground. To your annoyance, you stumbled, but your father held tightly to your arm to hinder you from falling completely to the ground. 
It was actions like these that made you feel confused towards the man who was your dad. He played the part well in front of others, taking you and your siblings to the trains each year as well as picking you up during the holidays. Yet his words and expressions were always laced with the monotone coldness you had grown up with. 
Straightening your clothes, you resisted the sad sigh before turning to the familiar, heartwarming sight before you. 
The red magnificent train sent a feeling of safety through you as allowed a small smile. This would be your last year taking it. Your father had already taken out the trunks and turned them back to their original size before turning to you.
“Remember what I told you. We expect nothing less than Outstanding on all your subjects this year,” he reminded sternly as if it was the only thing he could discuss when talking to you. 
Never your wellbeing - just your grades and performance in class.
With that, all the feelings of confusion evaporated quickly from your mind. 
“Yes father, I remember,” you forced yourself to hold the smile at him. “Wouldn’t want to disappoint you.” 
His eyes narrowed at your last sentence but remained silent for your family’s sake. Blaise Zabini was never one for public displays, affection or otherwise. 
“And dress more appropriately next time, Y/N,” Your mother huffed as she glared at where your legs were showing. You wisely chose to hold your tongue at that, knowing nothing good would come out of you smart-mouthing your own mother as well. 
Thankfully it was at that moment the Malfoy family decided to make an appearance, led by Draco himself. He greeted both of your parents and ruffled your little brother’s hair while giving your shoulder a gentle pat. You smiled back at him and his wife, Astoria, giving both of them hugs before discreetly moving toward where their son was standing. 
Scorpius was the same age as you, also starting his seventh year. Not to mention the fact that you were cousins. As you got closer, the gleaming sign of prefect in his hand caught your attention.
“Is that a Prefect sign, Malfoy?” You couldn’t help but ask in amusement as you stood next to him, elbow nudging his. 
His head snapped to the side at your voice, having obviously been lost in thought and giving you an annoyed look. “Jealous, Greengrass?”
“Hah!” You chuckled. “As if. I’d rather not run around the halls after foolish first years.”
“Your brother is a first-year,” Scorpius pointed out.
“Exactly,” You smirked in reply as he shook his head. “Why do you have that anyway?”
“The previous Prefect bailed out apparently, so they needed a new one,” Shrugging, you noticed his eyes glancing around discreetly again. 
“Is that even possible?” 
“Don’t ask me, at least I am one,” Scorpius leered in jest as you scoffed, retaliating smoothly.
“How’s your little girlfriend?”
His silver-blue eyes widened as he slapped a hand over your mouth quickly and you winced at the sudden force. He looked at both of your parents who were far too busy talking about other things.
“Not so loud!” He hissed, bending down to glare.
You pried his hand off you in irritation, before raising your eyebrows at him. “They don’t know?”
“I haven’t told them yet,” Scorpius muttered.
“How can you not tell them you’re dating a Potter?” you asked in disbelief but made sure to keep your voice down. “The whole bloody school knows.”
He gave you a look. “My father would disown me.” How daft of him to even think that, you wanted to cackle. Draco Malfoy disowning his only child? As fucking if. 
“You actually think that?”
“Wouldn’t yours?”
“Well of course he would. He’s my father. But uncle Draco is different, you know that. And your mum just happens to be the nicer sister out of our mothers.”
Scorpius gnawed at his lower lip, guilt obvious at your words. He was well aware of your relationship with his aunt and uncle, and no part of him had planned to make it sound like he wasn't aware of it.
“I’ll tell them. At Christmas.”
Your nose twitched at his cowardice but didn’t bother trying to persuade him anymore. It was his business, after all, cousins or not. You weren’t a meddler. 
“Alright you three, it’s about time for you to get on the train,” Draco then spoke up with a soft tug of his lips as he turned to face your little group - your little brother having been silent and only gawking at the train throughout all the exchanged conversations.
“Yep, see you later Dad, Mum,” Scorpius was quick to place a kiss on Astoria’s cheek and give his father a one-armed hug before vanishing through the crowd and towards the train, trunk in hand.
You could only gape at how quickly he had left you alone at the mercy of your whole family.
Not that Draco and Astoria were the problem. You loved them honestly. But it was a different story when it came to interacting with them in public besides your own parents and what was appropriate in their opinion.
You were never allowed to show a big variety of emotions growing up. Always having to stand tall and unbothered, not let anyone see your weaknesses.
“Are you ready for your last year, sweetheart?” Astoria walked up to you, dainty hands cupping the sides of your face and looking you over with sparkling, nearly black eyes that showed none of the same dead, emptiness her sister did.
And you felt a pinch of sadness inside of you never having been called that from your own mum.
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” You managed to breathe out, a hint of genuine nerves shining through your hard facade. 
Your aunt and uncle were one of the few you allowed yourself to relax around. And they knew it as well.
“I’m sure you’ll do great,” Draco assured you gently before turning back to face your father, voice hardening only the slightest, almost in warning. Not that it helped. “Won’t she?”
In contrast to the Malfoys' bright voices, your father's was low and indifferent. “Yes, of course. We expect only the best.”
“Oh come on Blaise,” Draco clapped the back of his best friend, features losing the good-natured look and replaced with a slightly tense smile. “Hogwarts isn’t all about studying.”
If you could, you would have hugged the life out of your uncle for trying his best to make this moment into something more comforting for you. As futile as it was.
“Well you better go Y/N, or else you’ll miss the train,” your mother then spoke up, nothing near the loving tone your aunt had used. "Make sure your brother finds his way around."
“I’ll take my leave then.” Taking a hold of your brother’s smaller hand you lead him towards the train, trunks in hand. Him waving at your family as you got on and the door closed behind you.
You turned around to peer down at him expectantly. “You’ll find your way around right?”
“Yes,” he huffed at you. “I’m not a kid.”
Your lips tugged up, but you kept them at bay. “Of course you’re not.” You ruffled his hair before making your way down the tight crowded hallways of the train.
It seemed like most compartments had already been filled with people, and you tsked in annoyance. Nearing the end of the train one compartment caught your attention with only a single person in it. You couldn’t see who it was, but for now, you could care less. 
Sliding open the door, you leaned against it.
“Do you mind?”
The boy had a head of black hair and looked up as you quickly recognized him.
“Not at all,” Yoongi replied, before turning back to the notebook in his hands.
Not offering any words, you only shook your head in bemusement at his usual behavior.
After making sure your trunk was safely placed above your seat, you sat down closest to the window which also happened to be across from Yoongi. You didn’t bother to say anything to acknowledge him as you crossed your legs and looked out at the scenery passing by.
The only sound in the compartment besides you two breathing was the sound of his pen scribbling on the notebook on his lap in concentration. You couldn’t help but glance over in curiosity a few times - not that you managed to see what he was writing from your seat. What you didn’t understand was why he wasn’t seated with his usual group of friends around school. They were quite well known around Hogwarts for their apparently attractive looks and powerful family backgrounds.
The perfect young bachelors.
You weren’t the only one coming from a prestigious Slytherin family after all. 
From what you had heard, Yoongi’s family were all pureblood as well, all having gone to Slytherin as he did now. They were one of the most influential Wizarding families in East Asia, being related to the Parks - who were on top of the chain. His parents hadn’t necessarily been death eaters, but it was quite clear which side they stood on during both of the wars yet still managed to leave unscathed. They had moved from Britain and back to South Korea after the fall of Voldemort but then returned when Yoongi had been born. 
Or so you had heard from the sources of gossip. 
Despite being in the same house, you had barely interacted with the guy. It was quickly known during your first year that he was quite the loner. Refusing to open up and befriend anyone except for that close group of his. The only one you knew personally from them was Jimin Park - his cousin. Another Slytherin in the year below you, his personality being strangely kind and sweet for a snake that you could never wrap your head around.
Not to say you were a social butterfly. 
People stayed away from Yoongi because they knew he wasn’t interested. They stayed away from you because they were afraid. 
Some would think that smiling was an unfamiliar concept to you. It was always blank, or when it wasn’t, it was a glare of judgment. The only ones exempted from it were Scorpius or your other friend, Albus Potter. The two boys having been attached by the hip since first year, before adopting a pity looking eleven-year-old you into their circle. 
You’d say your bark was often worse than your bite unless people really gave you a reason to have a taste. 
You wouldn’t want to disappoint them after all. 
Taking another good look at the boy - or man -  sitting across from you. You noted that he had impressively changed quite a bit over the summer. 
He was no longer as thin and lanky as before. His face seemed to have sculpted a bit more, making it look more defined. His hair which was shockingly white-blonde before was back to black and covered his forehead in a deliberate looking mess. Wearing what looked like slacks and a dress shirt, the first three buttons unbuttoned, showcasing the pale skin underneath. The sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. The glint of metal told about the belt he wore around his hips. He wore a pair of luxurious leather dress shoes, not a single scrape on them, and shining to perfection. 
Not that you even expected something remotely cheaper looking from a pureblood.
“If all you’re going to do is stare you might as well talk,” His surprisingly deep voice, contrary to his slighter figure suddenly spoke, raising his head to lift a brow at you.
You simply smirked, not the slightest bothered at being caught. “I didn’t take you for someone to talk.”
“I’m not,” he agreed. “But I usually don’t share compartments either.”
“What happened to your friends?” You questioned, leaning back against the cushioned bench. “Trouble in paradise?”
You saw his lips tug up at your jest before smoothing out again. “More like too much paradise. Everyone needs privacy once in a while.”
You acknowledged his answer with a nod and turned to look back out the window.
“Where’s Malfoy? Expected to see him attached on your hip.”
“Probably busy snogging his girlfriend,” You replied casually.
“Ah,” Yoongi realized. “The Potter girl, isn't it? Or was it Weasley? I always mix up that family.”
“Potter,” You confirmed in amusement. “The youngest if I’m not wrong - sweet Hufflepuff girl, but quite the firecracker.”
“Who would have known; A Potter and Malfoy ending up together,” a snigger was on his lips as he spoke the words.
You returned it. “A snake and a badger. Let’s hope it’ll last.” 
“Badgers are the ones known to consume snakes, you know. Perhaps Malfoy is the one who should watch his back.”
Thinking back on the first meeting between you and the youngest Potter girl, you couldn’t help but find his analogy ironically fitting. A firecracker might even be too gentle of a description when it came to the redhead, but you could see yourself getting along with her in the time to come.
“Perhaps you’re right.”
“Hm,” He simply hummed in reply before his eyes flickered back to the notebook on his lap, your eyes following him the entire time. You should be ashamed for staring as you did, honestly. He scribbled something down before speaking up again.
“Something on your mind, Greengrass?”
“Just intrigued.”
Yoongi arched his brow in a silent question.
“For being labeled as the loner you are, you’re awfully talkative.”
“Just because I prefer my own company doesn’t mean that I’m anti-social,” He countered calmly.
You couldn’t help but agree with his answer. “Touché.”
You settled back into your seat and leaned your head back with a small inaudible sigh. You never were a fan of the long trip it took to get to Hogwarts. Your body despised being stuck in one place for too long. It always got too uncomfortable and sleep wasn’t even something you considered. 
There was a slight chill in the compartments that brushed against your exposed legs as you unconsciously tried to tighten the blazer around you to keep the goosebumps at bay. Maybe it wasn’t that clever to wear a skirt on the long ride back to school. 
The feeling of some heavy fabric being suddenly placed over your lap made your eyes snap open in surprise. Yoongi was sitting back in his seat and you looked down to see a black leather jacket covering your previously cold legs.
You opened your mouth to say something, but seeing the way he didn’t even spare you a glance and returned to writing in his book, you decided to remain silent. Adjusting the jacket a bit, you closed your eyes again. 
But what you didn’t notice in your relaxed state was the way Yoongi would glance up at you from time to time. 
It was nearly completely dark outside the next time you opened your eyes. The compartment was empty beside yourself when the door slid open and you met the familiar green eyes of your best friend.
“I’ve been looking for you,” Albus Potter stated as he leaned against the doorway with crossed arms. His black hair was disheveled on top of his head as always. This time you allowed yourself to smile genuinely with no fear of judgment.
“Sorry,” You muttered and shook your head. “I lost track of time.”
He took another glance at you before questioning. “Did you sleep?”
“I guess so,” You shrugged in reply, though you were put off at the revelation. You had simply closed your eyes to rest them like always but managed to lull yourself to sleep. 
“Well, you better get changed,” Albus clicked his tongue and glanced down at the golden watch on his wrist that he received for his 17th birthday just a month previously. “We’re nearly there and you’re probably the last one still lounging around.”
“Alright, alright,” You waved him off sounding annoyed, but a part of you had missed his punctual nagging and welcomed the familiarity of it.
Albus stepped inside the compartment as you stood up, just to wrap an arm around your waist and pull you into a hug, that you wholeheartedly accepted. A near sigh of relief coming from you.
You had missed the comfort of your best friend being stuck inside the cold manor of your family for half of the summer. 
“I missed you,” Albus must have known how bad you’ve had it, or Scorpius had filled him in, that nosy fool. 
“I missed you too.”
With a peck against your cheek, he stepped back outside and shut the door with the blinds falling down to conceal you from prying eyes. 
That was when you noticed the jacket laying by your feet. Picking it up you simply stared at it for a few seconds before shaking your head.
You managed to change quickly by summoning your uniform and replacing them in the trunk. Straightening out the plain gray skirt and tucking your white blouse in the waistband. Finishing with the stockings and putting on your shoes, you felt the train lurching to a stop and saw the station outside the windows. 
Tucking your wand in your pocket and draping the leather jacket over your shoulders, you stepped outside the compartment to see Scorpius had joined Albus in waiting for you.
“So sleeping beauty has finally joined us,” Your cousin smirked at you.
“Oh shut up, I wasn’t the one running off to snog my girlfriend and leaving my cousin for the sharks,” Was your retort, seeing the faint blush creeping up his cheeks.
“Shut it both of you,” Albus groaned. “That’s my sister you’re talking about.”
With a girlish giggle, you only let yourself make around your closest friends, you looped your arms through both of theirs before starting to pull them towards the exit. The three of you managed to push through the excited first years and towards the carriages.
The younger students automatically moved out of the way seeing three upper years waltzing up. You had seen a glimpse of your younger brother, but he quickly vanished within the crowd after being led towards the boats.
When the carriages finally came to a stop, Albus helped you step down before making your way inside the familiar stone structure.
A visible smile of comfort was drawn on all three as you looked around the castle.
“Can’t believe it’s our last year,” Scorpius spoke on the way toward the Great Hall.
“It’s surreal,” Albus agreed. “I’m gonna miss Hogwarts.”
Me too, you couldn’t help but think back but decided to keep your thoughts to yourself. 
The only positive thing about leaving the magical school was the fact that you could finally move out for yourself. There was no need to live in the suffocating manor of your parents anymore now that you were seventeen and nearly graduated.
The Great Hall was in an excited buzz for the start of the term. People from all houses were racing across the room to greet friends after the long break. The three of you made your way over to the table covered in mostly green and silver before sitting down at the complete end, closest to the doors. It was where the graduating students usually sat, with the first years closest to the front. 
You couldn’t help but try to look around in curiosity in search of one certain snake in your year, but it was hard to find someone in the masses of the crowd with such a neutral hair color like black.
“Is that a new jacket?” Albus questioned you as he noticed the leather draped over your shoulder.
“Uh no, borrowed it from a...friend,” you hesitated at the words and he noticed it quickly.
“No, not really.” 
“Who gave it to you?” He continued to probe.
“You know Yoongii?” You turned your head to look at him seated beside you.
“It’s his jacket?”
“Yeah,” you confirmed. “I was cold and he leant it to me.”
“I never took him for someone who cared,” Scorpius added in the conversation. He sat on the other side of the table, facing the two of you. 
“Neither did I, but I was apparently wrong.”
“Wonder why he gave up the Prefect position,” Albus mused as you frowned. 
“Wait - he was the previous Prefect?” You asked in surprise. “Since when?”
Both of your best friends gave you exaggerated looks. 
“What do you mean since when, since he was chosen in fifth year, what else,” your cousin snorted. 
Out of nowhere, a pair of hands clamped down on your shoulder so suddenly that you couldn’t help but jump and let out a curse, knocking your knee against the underside of the table - your heart racing frantically inside your chest.
Laughter broke out from your friends as you whipped around to glare at the culprit that scared you. 
“Bloody hell Parkinson, get a life will you!” You snapped, fond irritation coating your words at the guy guffawing behind you.
Liam Parkinson, the only son of the newly divorced Pansy Parkinson, was laughing. He had the same light brown hair as his mother with her dark eyes. With about a head taller than yourself, the guy waltzed around Hogwarts boasting his lean and muscular build that came from being a beater towards any girls who would fall for his tricks. 
“Come on now, love. No need to be so uptight,” With a smirk, he slid into the bench next to you.
“How was summer, mate?” Scorpius asked him through his own snickering, propping an elbow up on the table, chin against his hand lazily. 
“Dreadful,” Liam replied with an exaggerated roll of his eyes. “Mum’s been moping every single day. Don’t even know why. It’s not like my father was dad of the year either.”
“Sorry to hear,” Albus grimaced at those words, having grown well-known of the drama that apparently followed pureblood Slytherins everywhere they went. 
“Yeah, I wish my parents would get a divorce,” Your blunt words were no surprise for anyone. “Can’t handle having the two of them in the same room.”
“She mostly spent summer with us anyways,” Your cousin added.
“Thank Merlin for the Malfoys.”
Before they could continue, the grand doors to the Great Hall opened up, hushing all conversations in the room. A long line of first years started to stumble inside, looking around in amazement. You caught your brother’s eye as you sent him a quick wink in encouragement.
But after seven years of the same thing, the sorting went by dreadfully slow for your taste as you tried to hide your chuckles from the foolish things your friends were whispering about. When you heard your brother’s name being called, you perked up to see him nervously step up to the stool before the hat was placed on his head. There was only a 10-second wait when his house was called out.
You didn’t hold back your applause as you cheered for him like the table clad in blue and bronze.
“Hey, who would have thought? First Greengrass not be sorted into Slytherin,” Liam commented as he threw an arm casually around your shoulder.
“He’s not the first one,” You rolled your eyes with a smile. “Just the only one currently alive.”
“You think your parents will be okay with it?” Albus asked you.
You nodded. “It’s better than Gryffindor or Hufflepuff. I think they expected it.”
The sorting flew by after that along with the speech of Headmistress McGonagall who wished everyone back to Hogwarts to do their best, along with addressing the new Head boy and Girl. Who happened to be Albus and a girl from Hufflepuff you had never heard of before. 
It was when dinner began that people rose up from their assigned house tables and sat with their friends instead. It was such a usual occurrence now that no one even reacted. The Great Hall went from going color-coordinated to a sea of green, blue, red, and yellow all mixed together. 
You were just glancing over your shoulder when you caught the familiar face of Yoongi sitting at the end of the Ravenclaw table with his usual group. That reminded you of the leather jacket now draped across your lap. 
“I’ll be right back,” you told your friends, standing up and making your way over.
The seven boys weren’t one of the silent groups, that was for sure. And you noticed how they seemed to differ in years as well, not only houses. But they quickly saw you coming in their direction as they looked on in curiosity.
You ignored all of them as you took hold of the jacket and addressed the owner. “You forgot this.”
Yoongi simply stared up at you for a second before accepting the clothing you held out. “It seemed like you needed it more than me.”
“What a gentleman." You allowed yourself the smallest hint of a half smirk. “But you might not be so lucky to have it returned next time.”
Yoongi raised an eyebrow at you. “Next time?”
“Don’t be a stranger, Min,” was all you said before turning around and sitting back down with your friends, who all looked at you strangely.
They had never seen you go out of your way to get to know someone. Even if that someone was in the same year and house. 
“What was that all about?” Liam questioned you.
You took a sip of your pumpkin juice. “I think I just made a new friend.”
The semester was kicking your arse only two months in. Flooding you with homework and preparations for the upcoming N.E.W.T.s, your professors turned merciless to make sure everyone was prepared. 
With prideful parents like yours, they only expected the best. You had two acceptable choices in their book. It was either becoming a Ministry official or the Department of Mysteries. 
You never were fond of the second choice, and the thought of becoming an Unspeakable didn’t sit well with you. Not after everything you had read about what happened there during the war. Becoming a ministry official seemed the logical choice, your attention being on the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, where Harry Potter himself was the head and had changed tremendously in the years since his appointment, having become one of the most praised departments in the British Magical community. 
However, with Hermione Granger as the current Minister of Magic, there wasn’t much of the Ministry to be talked badly about with how much effort the past war heroes have done to make sure everything was going in a positive direction. 
Too bad they couldn’t change your family too.
Putting down the quill in your hand, you glared at the stack of books by your side and several pieces of parchments being filled to the brim. Your body ached from sitting for too long, and the air in the library was starting to feel suffocating to you.
“That doesn’t look pleasant,” a voice suddenly commented at the sight of the table you sat on.
You weren’t even surprised anymore to hear that voice near you.
Yoongi and you had developed a strange sort of friendship ever since the compartments.
It wasn’t one where the two of you spent time together to hang out. But rather silent companionship, where words were spoken freely without fear of insults or hurt feelings. You were both too damn stubborn for that. 
You never sought out for each other’s company. Simply conversing whenever you cross paths. And it happened more often than you would have imagined.
“Never said it was,” You mumbled without turning around and stretching your stiff fingers.
“How long have you been sitting here?” Yoongi asked over your shoulder.
You could sense the way he was scanning your writing and what you were working on.
Taking a look at the watch on your wrist you shrugged. “Since 12.”
“On a Sunday of all things?” there was amusement with a hint of disbelief in his voice.
Glancing up at him you arched an eyebrow. “So Mr. Antisocial has never studied on a Sunday before?”
“Believe it or not, I do have a life you know,” Was his reply while walking around the table and taking a seat on the chair opposite of you.
“I find that hard to believe,” you leaned forward with a leer as he narrowed his eyes at you good-naturedly.
“How unfortunate for me,” he drawled.
You snorted unattractively, before leaning back in your chair with a stretch of your arms. “What brings you to the library on a weekend then?”
“I’m bored,” Yoongi replied. “And Namjoon was getting too intellectual for my taste.”
“Namjoon?” You pondered over the name. “The Ravenclaw prefect in our year?”
“The very same.”
“Well if I don’t remember wrong, he is one of the top three students.”
“Doesn’t change the fact that his rants are annoying. Jeongguk isn’t like that,” he pointed out.
“Ah yes, I remember him,” You chuckled. “Cute kid. Though he ran off when he bumped into me once.”
“Must have been your charming smile,” Yoongi taunted with a sarcastic smirk as you sneered at him in irritation. “Perhaps stop glaring at everyone you see?”
“I did not glare at him, thank you very much,” You sniffed in a dismissive manner. “I hardly did anything before he squeaked out an apology and ran as if a Hungarian Horntail was after him.”
“And there you have Jeongguk for you,” he smiled in amusement at the picture of the fifth-year Ravenclaw running off at the sight of you. “Maybe you should stop being so intimidating.”
You stared blankly at him. “Says you.”
“I’m pretty certain people don’t run away from me in fear.”
“Fear makes people respect you,” You replied as you gathered all your parchments in a neat pile to take back with you to the common room.
“I’m sure that’s what Voldemort thought as well,” he mused.
“Whatever,” Scoffing, you stood up with an almost sassy quality to the way you propped your hips out to the side staring down at him. “You don’t see me planning to take over the Wizarding World now, do you? Too much of a hazard.”
Yoongi raised his eyebrows, half smirk on his lips. “How would I know? You could be conspiring up a plan as we speak.”
“Funny,” A blank statement coming from you. “Well you’re starting to annoy me, so I’m leaving.”
With those words, you turned around with your things and walked away. 
“You’re welcome!” he called after you. 
Walking out of the library you headed towards the dungeons People from other houses might find the lower levels of the castle uncomfortable and a hint creepy. But you found comfort in the dim lights and darkened hallways. After going through them every day for the past seven years, you do get used to it. 
But the cool air reminded you too much of your home with your parents which sent unwanted shivers across your skin. 
With a mutter of the password in front of the entrance, it swung open allowing you inside. It was mostly empty, seeing how it was Sunday after all. And most people were probably still hanging around at Hogsmeade before classes started again in the morning. 
But a particular figure lounging on the black leather couch in front of the fire caught your attention. You walked over and plopped down on the couch beside him as you put your things on the table in front of you. He didn’t even acknowledge your existence as you looked at him. 
“What’s with the face?” You asked. 
Liam Parkinson let out a dramatic sigh as he leaned further back on the couch, looking positively devastated.
Or at least he tried to. You knew the guy far too well to know when he was playing it up. 
“I’m being dumped by my two best friends...” he muttered miserably. 
“What did they do?” You questioned while your lips twitched. 
“Hanging out with their girlfriends is what.” He was actually sulking, dear Merlin. “Leaving me all alone.”
“Wait, I thought Albus and that Jordan girl broke up before summer?” You said confused. 
“They did,” Liam agreed. “But apparently they contacted each other again during the break and are trying to ‘figure things out’.” He said in question marks. “Whatever that bloody means.”
You noticed how bitter those words sounded as you suppressed a laugh.  
“Awe, come on now Parkinson,” you cooed teasingly and threw an arm around his shoulders. “I’ll tell Albus of your heartbreak.”
He glared. “You’re a cunt, you know that?”
“I’ve heard worse,” You shrugged nonchalantly. 
“You know, I haven’t snogged anyone in over six months,” Liam told you like it was the most scandalous event to exist. 
“I’m sorry to hear that?”
“Yeah, so am I!” he nodded his head vigorously. 
“What, no French girls that caught your attention?” Referring to his trip to France with his family during the summer break.
“None...” he grumbled, before suddenly perking up again. Suddenly his face was uncomfortably close to yours as you stared at him weirdly. 
“Snog me, Y/N.”
You simply scoffed as you put a finger on his forehead and pushed him away. 
“I’m not gonna snog you, Parkinson.” 
“Why not?” Liam whined out. 
“I don’t go around kissing friends.”
“Isn’t that what friends are for?” He pointed out as you arched an eyebrow. 
“Not when it comes to your intimate needs.”
“Is this because of Min?” 
You paused for a moment. “What about him?”
“I mean you have been spending awfully a lot of time with him,” Liam pointed out. 
“It’s not like I seek him out.” It wasn’t your fault the castle was awfully small these days. “We just happen to cross paths a lot. We’re in the same house and year.”
“Still,” Your friend shrugged. “Why now? You’ve had six years to talk to him.”
You only shook your head in a dismissive way and didn’t bother to reply. 
The truth was that you didn’t have an answer for him. 
You wondered yourself; Why now?
The Great Hall was pretty vacant on a Wednesday afternoon. Many still in their last class for the day, while others were lucky enough to have a free period before dinner and chose to spend the time outside before winter drew closer. 
Yoongi was counted as one of the lucky ones as he sat by the long table, his friends of the same age sitting on either side of him.
Namjoon was busy scribbling down notes from a Transfiguration book, his black-rimmed glasses pushed to the bridge of his nose, while Hoseok was staring out into space, absently making a napkin float in the air with his wand. They only missed Seokjin from the same year who was a Gryffindor, but he was too busy with Quidditch practice to be with them.
The boys had three other friends in their close-knit group. But they were younger than them, so classes were scheduled differently.
Yoongi himself wasn’t doing much as he sat there silently reading a book he didn’t even remember the plot of. He must have spaced off some time ago as he read the same sentence over and over again.
A screech pulled him out of his daydreaming, and he looked up to see a familiar black owl swooping towards him. The bird elegantly settled itself on the table in front of him with a letter in its beak.
Taking it, Yoongi gave an affectionate scratch on top of his head. “Thanks, Hades.”
With another sharp squeak, the owl opened its wings and flew back out.
Yoongi looked down at the envelope and let out a sigh as he recognized the rich and thick parchment.
“Another one?” Hoseok’s voice asked him sympathetically.
“Yeah,” the Slytherin only said while he ripped open the dark purple wax seal.
Your father and I trust that your studies are going well. Keep a reminder that this is your last chance for the highest grades if you have ever cared about your future. We will be visiting your cousin for Christmas - she is getting married to a very high standing officer within the Ministry of East Asia. You should learn something from her. 
Nevertheless, you’ll have to remain at Hogwarts this year. And do not think I have forgotten about your childish decision to drop the Prefect position without consulting us. You will go through with this marriage, which will only benefit our family. So stop being selfish and think of our family for once. 
Do try to keep your distance from those of lesser positions, my dear. We wouldn’t want to taint this arrangement anymore than necessary.
His eyes scanned over the elegant writing of his mother, for each sentence his jaw tightened in annoyance and frustration. The letter was finished with the familiar seal of his family. As if it was some kind of formal greeting instead of just a message to her son.
After finishing it, he threw it on the table as Hoseok reached out for the parchment to see for himself. 
“Is she still going on about that engagement?” Namjoon then spoke up, attention never pulled away from his scribbling. 
“Seems like I have no choice anymore,” Yoongi grumbled out his reply with dark eyes. 
He heard a scoff to his side and glanced over at his Hufflepuff friend. “And she never forgets to remind you to keep away from mudbloods and blood traitors, I see,” he did air quotations as he said the terms, not even the slightest bothered even if he knew a part of it was directed to him. 
“You know my mother’s obsession with blood purity,” Yoongi could only shake his head in shame at that. 
“Do you know who the family is?” Namjoon cut in, changing the subject. 
“Of the bride? No idea. They haven’t even told me who they’re considering. Knowing them it’s probably some pureblood snob from a powerful family.”
“They can’t actually force you, can they?” Hoseok asked in disbelief. “I mean it’s your life!”
“If only it was that easy, mate,” He sighed, now suddenly feeling the weight of the whole situation resting on his shoulders. 
“Why, you’re already seventeen. There’s nothing they can do,” the Hufflepuff countered fiercely.
“Technically they can’t,” Namjoon said, closing his book gently, back straightening, and both knew he was about to come with another intellectual fact of his. “But you also have to remember that without contact with his family, Yoongi wouldn’t have anything to live on. His Gringotts account is connected to his family name. So if he were to just drop it all and run away, it would be futile.”
“He has us!” Hoseok argued. “It’s not like we would let our friend roam around without money.”
“I wouldn’t let you,” Yoongi then snapped, before taking a deep breath. “As much as I despise my blood, I’m not going to spit on my pride and borrow money from any of you.”
“Then what are you going to do?” His friend asked with a look. “You’re not just going to let them ship you off to some unknown girl?”
“I’m pretty sure it’s the girl that’s coming to him. If we account for the misogynistic traits of pureblood families.” Namjoon decided to correct, as both of the men present rolled their eyes. 
“I don’t know,” Yoongi admitted. “But if there’s one thing I’m sure of, it's that I’m not getting married anytime soon.”
“Is that why you dropped out of the prefect position?” Hoseok asked, finally bringing up the subject their whole group had been curious about ever since the term started. “Because of the arrangement?”
“Just a last attempt at trying to persuade my mother. Didn’t exactly work,” Yoongi scoffed, remembering back to his last desperate attempt to try and change his parent's mind. 
When he had first gotten Prefect in his fifth year, Yoongi could admit that he had been quite proud. He was raised to become a great leader and at that time was still under the influence of his parents' larger-than-life ambitions for him. Luckily it wasn’t like that anymore and he was his own person now. Though a person is still chained to his family name. 
“Since when did you and Greengrass get close?” Namjoon suddenly asked. “My girl says she’s quite scary.”
“Your girl?” Hoseok repeated amused, leaning forward in interest. “You mean the girl you met in the library? I thought that was just a one-time thing. How does she even know Greengrass?”
The Ravenclaw shrugged, though there was a visible blush slowly spreading on his cheeks. “We just started to hang out and things changed. Besides, she's a Slytherin as well.”
“The girl who dyed my hair pink?” Yoongi deadpanned as both of his friends snorted at the reminder. 
“I thought you quite liked the look,” Hoseok smirked mischievously. 
“I was just too lazy to change it.'' The older male defended himself, even though he had spent the rest of the semester wearing the shocking color. “And we’re just talking, it’s not that big of a deal.”
Hoseok and Namjoon exchanged glances without the knowledge of their other friend. 
“What if she’s the one you’re arranged to marry?” Namjoon joked. 
“Hah! That would be something,” Hoseok laughed before high-fiving him. 
Yoongi rolled his eyes at the antics of friends. “You’re both insane.”
Yet a part of him whispered almost tauntingly, but what if?
He brushed it away quickly. 
Staring up at the black iron gates that separated you from your house caused you to heave out a tired sigh. The feeling of the impending doom somehow wouldn’t go away. 
You had been called up to the headmistress’ office on a whim while you were on your way to the Great Hall for some dinner. Apparently, there had been an urgent message coming from your mother demanding your presence back at the manor for the evening. 
Knowing your mother, you knew she was probably just being overdramatic about something that didn’t have to do with you but still wanted to have you there for just one reason; they were having guests over and wanted to give the overall false image of a happy and complete family. 
The entire idea of having to play pretend with your parents and obnoxious sister made you want to spend the night in Azkaban instead because your youngest brother had not been called him. 
Taking out your wand, you waved it in front of you as the protective shield identified you as one of the residents before flickering away for a moment to allow you access. The metal gates ground open as you made your way down the path to your house.
After stepping inside and closing the door behind you, you remained silent for a couple of seconds, trying to detect the sounds of chattering coming from the dining room - but there were none. 
Sighing again, you realized you had unfortunately managed to arrive before the guests had. 
“Y/N is that you?”
Before you had the chance to even think about escaping, your mother suddenly came from the direction of the library as she spotted you.
“Merlin, how slow can you be with a portkey at your disposal?” She shook her head before grabbing your shoulders and pushing you into the direction of the living room, her nails digging uncomfortably into your skin. 
“No one told me anything,” You defended yourself before shaking off her hold and walking the rest of the distance yourself. 
“That doesn’t matter now. You’re late and have no time to change and make yourself presentable,” she scowled in reply.
The only people in the living room were your father and sister, both looking presentable and clean - like a pureblood family should look. You stood out from your family’s pristine and overpriced robes being dressed in your Hogwarts uniform. 
You felt your father scan you from head to toe with his chilling and disapproving gaze as you avoided looking at him. You also noticed how your sister just wasn’t looking presentable. She had dressed up more than usual, adorning a velvet emerald green dress that flared out from her waist and to her knees, the sleeves stopping at her elbows with a sweetheart neckline. 
Something was definitely going on. 
“Who are we waiting for?” You dared to question your family in the room. 
Your mother rolled her eyes as if expecting you to know the answer already and guilt-tripping you for not being more involved in family affairs. 
“Your sister’s fiance and his family are coming for a visit, how could you forget?” She tsked. 
Ah, the so-called arranged marriage that you had heard about for the past couple of months. You didn’t know about the family or the guy, but they were obviously wealthy enough for your parents to look their best. 
And how were you supposed to know that it was today?
“Then why am I here? I’m not the one getting married,” You responded slightly annoyed. 
“Y/N, stop being rude and behave yourself!” Your father snapped in reply as you flinched back. “I expect you to be on your best behavior tonight. No foolish remarks, understood?”
With a clench of your fists, you nodded mutely, not offering any words in fear of your anger showing and making him even more pissy. Your sister simply scoffed before smoothing her hands down the fabric of her dress with an excited glint in her eyes. 
“Mother, do you think he’ll like me?” She asked with the voice of an innocent girl as you resisted the urge to show your irritation. 
“Of course he will, darling!” Your mother cooed, patting down her hair gently. “Any man would be a fool not to like you.”
“We’ll see about that,” You muttered to yourself as your sibling heard and sent you a fleeting glare while you smirked in reply. 
It was at that moment that the flames of your fireplace rose up high and turned green as your family all waited for the guests. The first one to step out was a man. He was smaller than your father in his height and had a bit of a belly prodding out. His hair was black and slicked back and his looks were East Asian. Korean at the looks of things. 
A woman came out next. Small and petite, but with a stern gaze that calculated if you were worthy to be in her presence or not. They were both dressed in expensive clothes, with sparkling pearls adorning the neck of the woman, and a golden watch on the wrist of the man. 
“Dong Wook, Yoon Hee! So good to see you two again!” Your mother went forward to greet both of them enthusiastically, your father following her lead, though a lot more subdued and only offering polite handshakes. You were pretty certain your mother had butchered their names though, holding back a snort. 
“Ah yes, it has been quite a while,” the woman, Yoon Hee, replied calmly with a stiff smile. She reminded you of a statue.
“We are looking forward to this union as much as you are,” The man spoke up, a slight accent in his voice. 
“Of course - where is your son?” Blaise Zabini asked the other couple. 
As you waited uninterested for the supposed husband to arrive, you didn’t offer to introduce yourself and instead kept silent in the background. 
“He was just behind u - oh here he comes.”
Simply being curious by nature, you came a bit closer to the huddling group to get a good look at the guy your sister was to marry. 
It wasn’t someone you expected to see. 
He was frozen. 
Not only that, but he was completely speechless as well. 
Min Yoongi was frozen and speechless. And it wasn’t often that someone managed to render him to that state.
He didn’t know what he was expecting when he stepped out of the flames. 
A posh-looking family dressed in their finest robes ready to impress his family? That’s exactly what he got. But the addition of you standing next to them in your Hogwarts uniform definitely caught him off guard for a moment.
But it was just that. A single moment.
He couldn’t let his parents see his slip-up.
But he wanted to laugh. Not only laugh but actually cackle at the fucking irony after his conversation with his friends in the Great Hall. A small bloody world, indeed. 
And by the look of things, it wasn’t you who was assigned as his bride-to-be. Rather your sister, who looked far too excited for his taste.
Yoongi remained silent as he stayed behind his parents, still easily seen because of his superior height in comparison to them. He simply offered a polite nod and tense smile to the three Greengrass family members, who seemed determined to keep the pleasant conversation flowing between them and his parents. 
But he couldn’t help his gaze from straying to where you stood. Several times actually.
It was obvious you were the odd one out. Not just because of your clothing. The distance you kept was fairly obvious, and your facial expressions told him that you’d rather be anywhere else right now. 
The next time he glanced at you again, he was fairly embarrassed to see you already looking at him.
You were arching your eyebrow up in an expression that obviously asked: “Thought I didn’t notice?”
“Yoongi, why don’t you let your fiancé give you a tour of the house and get to know each other?” His mother suggested, sounding pleasantly polite, but her eyes that stared at him told him he had no other choice. 
“Of course, you two go on then,” Mrs. Greengrass agreed and ushered her eldest daughter to his side. 
Just as he was about to follow her out of the room, he heard your voice speak up in the most polite tone he had ever experienced from you. 
“Then you wouldn’t mind if I took my leave then, mother?”
Yoongi only managed to catch a glimpse of the expression on your parent's faces, but it wasn't good. 
“Why don’t you join them?” His father suddenly spoke up. “Y/N was it?”
You nodded. “Yes sir.”
“Manners,” he nodded approvingly. “We’re to be family, after all, you should join them.”
Your eyes flickered to where he stood and the clear reluctance in them made him have to smother his chuckle into a small cough. 
“But they’re to be married, shouldn’t the two of them spend the time together?” Your mother argued back, voice strained and trying to remain courteous. 
Yoongi’s mother shrugged. “Like my husband said, we are to be family after all. And they’ll have more than enough time to get to know each other during their marriage.” The finality in her words was obvious as Mrs. Greengrass simply nodded. 
He saw you nodding at his parents with a strained smile before making your way over to where he stood with your sister, her hands already holding onto his arm impatiently. 
When the three of you got out of the dining hall and out of hearing range of the adults, his fiancé - which he still didn’t know the name of - was quick to speak up. 
“Couldn’t you just have remained silent, Y/N?” She spoke to you in annoyance as you sent her a sarcastic smile. 
“I couldn’t exactly say no either, Isla ” you retorted from the other side of him. 
Ah, so that was her name. 
“You did that on purpose didn’t you?” Isla, now glared. 
You never let lost the, frankly, malicious expression. “Oh yes, because third wheeling on you and your fiancé’s awkward first meeting was my ultimate goal.”
“That’s a bit offensive, how would you know if I’m awkward” Yoongi finally spoke up after arriving, sniggering like a five-year-old at the look you sent him. 
“It’s not offensive if it’s true,” You replied with a careless shrug. “And I do know you. You might think you’re a smooth talker, but this screams awkwardness.”
“Aren’t you being a bit too cocky right now?” He arched an eyebrow. “We are to be family, after all, sister.”
Your face scrunched up at the word as you punched him in the arm. “That’s disgusting, don’t call me that.”
Yoongi had stumbled slightly to the side, letting out a short laugh at your expression. 
“What the bloody hell is going on?”
Both of you stopped and turned to look at Isla, who was looking somewhat confused and angry at the same time. 
“What?” You asked her. 
“You two know each other?”
“Isn’t that quite obvious?” Yoongi drawled in reply, looking at her blankly.
“We’re in the same house and year, how do you expect us not to know each other?” You felt the need to clarify for your sister. 
“Why do you always have to ruin things for me, Y/N?” Isla sneered. 
“News flash, darling,” You returned it. “The world doesn’t revolve around you.” 
Rather than replying, Isla simply huffed, grabbing his arm again and pulling him along rather forcefully as Yoongi simply let her. Not a single part of him had been interested or engaged in today’s meeting. But with your presence at his back, following them leisurely, he couldn’t help but be slightly more present with how things would turn out. 
Yoongi hardly paid attention every time Isla spoke and pointed out something of the Greengrass Manor as they walked through the dark, cold halls. He hummed here and there to keep up the pretense of giving a shit, and he knew you knew it as well with your scoffs and snorts now and then as your sister thought she was saying something interesting. They must have walked through a part where your bedroom was located, because he noticed your presence behind him suddenly ducking into a door to Isla’s ignorance, and he took his chance.
“Do you mind pointing me towards the bathroom?” Yoongi kept his voice neutral, and she was more than happy to. “I’ll meet you downstairs with the others, this might take a while.” This time he sugarcoated a bit of a charming smile to convince her to leave, and it worked. 
He waited a few seconds before coming back out and saw the hall empty, making his way towards the door you had slipped into, noticing how it was a smidge open. With a simple push of his hand, it opened with a quiet creak and he took in the spacious space curiously. Decorated after your taste in shades of dark burgundy and browns, a contrast to the rest of the house. But the chilly air remained. 
“Find anything you like?” 
His eyes snapped to your form lounging on a reading nook right by the large windows seeing out into the vast estate gardens, it being pitch black outside. You were leaning against a heap of pillows, a blanket loosely pulled over your bare legs in the uniform. 
“You snuck away, so I was worried.”
“Worried, or curious?” 
Yoongi offered a half-hearted tug of his lips. “Does it matter?”
“I guess not.” You glanced at him again, taking in his form leaning against the doorway casually. “You can come in, you know.”
“Didn’t want to risk getting hexed, is all.”
“If I wanted to hex you, I would have done it in the compartment.”
“Fair enough.”
Walking inside the room leisurely, he couldn’t help but feel like you were offering him a glimpse of your true self. It was decorated in a way to try and chase away the coldness of the house and your family itself, with colours that reminded him of Gryffindors rather than that of a snake in the dungeons. 
You shifted slightly, and he took the silent invitation to sit down beside you on the wide, pillowed window seat, a few inches of space between you. 
“So? Marriage, huh.”
“Still in talks,” Yoongi mused mysteriously. 
“You obviously don’t want to.”
“Hm, was it my expression that gave it away?” You rolled your eyes at his sarcastic remark, kicking a foot against his thigh. He simply chuckled. 
“Were you even aware?”
“Sure, been for a while. But I never knew who.”
“What’s your verdict?”
His brown eyes met yours, almost with a sparkle in the dim lighting of your room. “That I’m not the only one with family issues.”
You both shared a laugh at the truth of that. 
“That’s to put it lightly.”
“How about you? No prospects set up in your future?”
“Merlin, no.” You scoffed, an almost ironic chuckle following. “My parents would never offer me up to anyone. I’m too…risky. Stubborn and prideful too. They’ve given up on my romantic life and only care about the career aspect of it.”
“I wish that was me.” Yoongi shifted closer, his thigh touching your stocking-covered feet, shoes already on the hardwood floor. 
As if testing the waters of your strange friendship with him, you stretched your legs lightly only to rest them across his lap, and he turned an amused gaze towards you at the action but didn’t push them off. 
“You don’t mind, do you?” Your voice was teasing as he shook his head. 
“You want a foot massage at that too, Greengrass?”
“If you’re offering-” Your words cut off in a slight squeal as his fingers tickled the underside of it. “Stop it!”
Luckily he did, but not before grinning mischievously, instead resting his hands on your calves surprisingly relaxed. This was the closest the two of you had ever been in the last two months since the train, a strange yet not-so-abnormal development. 
“We should probably get back down before they start looking.”
Yoongi hummed, agreeing to your statement. “We should.” Yet he didn’t bother moving.
Looking up from your lap you were surprised to him already staring at you. Or observing might be the better word, because there was no hiding the curiosity shining in those, frankly, hypnotizing brown eyes. 
Licking your dry lips, his eyes flickered down to the motion as you clicked your tongue almost smugly. “Anything interesting to see?”
Your body stiffened unexpectedly at the warmth of his surprisingly large hands curling around your calves, his lean body leaning forward with a small, suspicious smile. “If I didn’t know any better, I would think you were trying to seduce me, Greengrass.”
Flicking up a brow, you kept your nonchalant attitude. “And if I was?”
“That would be quite the scandal, wouldn’t it?” He kept his voice low, lower than his natural voice which was already deep enough to sometimes grate against your skin. “I’m to be your future brother-in-law after all.”
“Thought you weren’t interested in marriage?” You couldn’t help but goat him further, straightening in your lounged position against the pillows that drifted you further towards him. 
“Would still cause a scandal.”
“I don’t peg you for someone who gives a shit,” Your blunt words were rewarded with a huff of his low laugh as you swallowed. Were you nervous? 
“Well, now you’re just tempting me,” Yoongi’s dark eyes were dangerously intense, looking you over as if you wore something much more interesting than the rumpled Hogwarts uniform. 
“Tempting you?” You repeated, not managing to keep your laughter at bay, lips slightly pulling back and revealing your teeth in a small grin. “Didn’t know I was someone able to tempt you.”
His surprise this time seemed to be genuine. “Are you serious?”
Your arms crossed almost defensively. “What?”
“You don’t think guys are interested in you?”
“I didn’t say that,” You replied calmly. “Even so, they hardly make the effort to let me know they’re interested.”
“I told you, it’s the evil smirk and glare you always waltz around with.”
You kicked his leg again in retaliation, as Yoongi laughed, managing to grab a hold of it and tug you forward surprisingly quickly for his lazy demeanor, your thighs now resting sideways on his lap. 
“You are a menace,” You muttered, no real ire in the words, gaze flickering back up to his. 
He was thinking about something, or considering it. That much was obvious to your keen eyes, but you weren’t sure of the specifics. “What is it?”
“What do you mean?” He sounded a bit too relaxed, however. 
“You’re thinking awfully hard about something,” You pointed out almost a little bit too obnoxiously. It didn’t seem to bother him. 
His tongue dragged along the inside of his lower lip as he gave himself just a couple seconds to debate saying what immediately came to mind. 
“I’m thinking of kissing you.” 
Your breath caught, throat seemingly drying up at the bold admission. Your widened eyes taking him in and expecting a joke to follow the words. But he remained scarily serious, lips never twitching up into a smile, only taking in your reaction carefully.
Bloody hell, he was being serious.
As if opening some secret door in your mind, your eyes really took him in this time around. Starting from his immaculate black clothes to his hands and ending at his face, his surprisingly soft-looking lips capturing your attention. 
“That’s…certainly interesting,” You croaked, not managing anything else.
Those mesmerizing pink lips pulled up into the hint of a smirk, feeling much closer than before. “Is it?”
“Scandalous, actually,” You whispered nearly dazed, before managing to look into his eyes again. 
Shit, he was close. Suddenly comprehending the warmth of his hands placed on your thighs above your skirt, the blanket having somehow slipped to the floor and his face only inches away from your own. 
“Very scandalous,” Yoongi hummed, a low sound that you enjoyed more than you cared to admit. “But tempting, no?”
He was getting closer, only a whisper of a breath away from yourself. His breath was fresh, probably having brushed his teeth before arriving with the smell of his spicy, yet tantalizing cologne tickling your nose. 
“They could kill us for this.” There was no secret who they were, with both of your families still waiting downstairs, oblivious to the thoughts both of you were having in the privacy of your room.
"Your best friend is Albus Potter. I'm sure he can convince his father to spare us from the wrath of our uptight parents."
His joke hardly helped.
Your attention was suddenly reminded of the still open door, but before you could say anything it gently flicked shut with a wave of Yoongi’s wand and a murmur of a spell, which you recognized as a silencing spell as well as a detection one just in case.
“Are you afraid?” His whisper ghosted over your skin, the familiar hint of your defiance returning to his satisfaction, scoffing and giving a look of ‘Really?’
He continued, aware of his selfish desires as his goading continued, but not caring enough about the consequences to stop. “What’s stopping you then?”
You took a deep breath as if trying to calm yourself. But the moment you opened your eyes again, Yoongi knew you had decided as a brow flicked up in expectation. 
“Is it ladies first in this situation then?”
With a grin he hardly noticed on himself, Yoongi surged forward with a hand cupping your cheek as he pulled your lips against his firmly, a breath whooshing out of your nose at the action. There was no hesitation on his part as he pulled one of your legs over his hips and switching your positions so you straddled him. 
Your hands traveled up his nape and curled into the strands of his hair as your mouth opened to return the intense kiss. His tongue licked into your own, as he let out a sigh of relief almost, your heart thundering inside your ribcage, wanting to be closer to him, as you did just that. 
Bodies flush against each other you returned his kiss enthusiastically. Feeling his hands slipping underneath the untucked shirt, your breath hitched. 
Yoongi couldn’t help but wonder what other sounds he could get you make. Your fingers combed their way into the back of his hair, carding through the soft strands of it as he gripped at your hips. One hand dragged heavily up your spine, guiding you to arch further forward and against him.
A protest lay ready on your lips as you felt him pull back, only to turn into a soft moan as his lips traveled down your jaw and the sensitive skin of your neck, head tilting to the side to give him more access. 
Actually, you wanted him to continue his kisses exactly there, finger tightened and trying to hold him there in light demand, as Yoongi chuckled against you, teeth nipping gently in response. 
His mouth returned to yours, intense kisses turning slightly more desperate for you as you shifted, hips rising and aligned with his own before grinding down to chase after the heat that had taken over your body, one place specifically flaring for attention. 
He groaned lightly, body leaning back to give you more access this time around, and you continued the slow roll of your hips, skirt bunching around your waist as his hands left your hips and trailed down the sides of your thighs, the stinging cold of his silver ring following that you hadn’t noticed. 
You felt him hardening quickly beneath your ministrations. But it was affecting you more than him, with only the barrier of your knickers separating your throbbing clit compared to the material of his slacks as well as underwear. 
“Fuck, you’re driving me crazy.” Yoongi murmured softly, finally finding the strength to pull back from your tempting lips. 
“Don’t you dare stop, Min Yoongi,” You breathed out harshly. 
“Oh yeah? Is that a demand, love?” He had the fucking audacity to smile at you, innocently at that, as if he didn’t know what you were going through, his hands cupping the cheeks of your arse and holding you tightly against him.  
With another pointed grind of your hips, you watched in satisfaction as his eyes nearly rolled back in his head with a grunt before fluttering back open, but only making the want in you even needier, your desperate want for him flaring even more. 
With an almost vicious tug of your fingers in his hair to tilt his head back, he hissed at the pinches of pain as you leaned forward to murmur against his ear. “If you do not make me come before leaving this room, I will hex you into oblivion.”
With a hoarse laugh coming from the back of his throat, Yoongi returned to pressing wet kisses against the side of your neck. “You could have just asked, Greengrass.”
He didn’t give you a warning until you felt one of his hands sneakily slip to the front and pull your knickers to the side as his thumb found your swollen clit embarrassingly quickly. Your breath hitched due to your sensitivity before easing out into a moan as he started circling the nub, your hips twitching and rolling slowly as if following the motion.
“So responsive,” Yoongi hummed in satisfaction, gaze locked onto your expression to watch your response to every move of his fingers. 
You felt him slide them between your cunt, finding your wet entrance as he slowly pushed a single, long finger inside, never stopping his torturous, slow circling. Your hands found the nape of his neck, gripping almost too tight. 
“Fuck, stop teasing me,” You begged, practically draped over his body, sweat coating your skin underneath the white blouse. “Please.”
Grappling around to find his face, you pressed your lips desperately against his, trading slow open-mouthed kisses as he continued his dance against your clit while pushing a second finger inside your squelching cunt. 
Your moans started breaking up, hips quickening and trying to chase that building feeling of completion, but his other hand which gripped your hip tightened, pulling you to a stop. 
“If I had known how wet you get for me I would have fucked you sooner,” It was Yoongi’s turn to exhale harshly, your pleasure seemingly affecting himself as his fingers sped up, pulling a long whine from you as your blunt nails dug into his skin. 
Yoongi didn’t seem to mind. 
He felt it coming, the way your whole body was starting to tense up, your continued whisper begging him not to stop, your thighs nearly caging him in as he listened gladly, face tugging into the crook of your neck as his own arousal was throbbing beneath his clothes. 
The moment his thumb pressed down against your swollen nub, you came with a shuddering moan, your walls clamping down on his fingers and pulsing as your thighs shook. His circling slowed down, helping you through your high until you stilled above him, breathing harshly and wiggling to make him stop. 
Listening to the silent demand, he made sure you were watching him as he pulled his fingers out and lifted them to his mouth, sucking your essence off as your half-hooded gaze followed the movement. 
“Delectable,” Yoongi grinned, watching the addicting way you ducked your head in embarrassment, a new emotion coming from you. 
As if realizing what had just occurred, you nearly jumped off him, but stumbled to the side from being seated so long, his clean hand coming up to balance you as your skirt fell back down to cover you. 
Glancing in the mirror, you were shocked at how thoroughly fucked you look. Hair slightly frizzled, clothes askew, and your skin flushed down to your neck. Yoongi couldn’t look more satisfied, leaning back on his hands and taking in your appearance with a quick scourgify charm and cleaning you both up. 
“Stop looking so…smug!” You couldn’t help but huff. 
“Can’t help it,” He grinned again, an expression he offered you much more freely now. “I asked for a kiss but you gave me something much more, love.”
“You started it.” Was your mature reply. 
“And I don’t regret it.”
“Bloody hell!” You cursed, suddenly reminded where the two of you were, and spun around to look at the clock. Fifteen minutes. 
“We need to go.”
For once he nodded in agreement. “You go first. Find some excuse that I’m in the library or something and I’ll be there soon enough.”
Your eyes narrowed. “Excuse me? Why are you not coming?”
As if talking to a child, you followed his pointed gaze towards his lap at the bulging evidence as your mouth parted in realization, a cough scratching against your throat. 
“Right, that’s…my fault. But you are not jacking off in my room!”
Yoongi simply laughed. “I’m not gonna jack off, Greengrass. I only need a few minutes to calm down. Go ahead, alright.”
With another suspicious glance, you relented. 
Walking briskly out of your bedroom after making sure everything looked alright, a part of didn’t deny the urge to run away from the bizarre situation that just happened between you two. 
So much that you nearly begged your parents to let you go back to Hogwarts for the evening, in the middle of their tea time before dinner. They let you, luckily. And with a tense goodbye to the Min’s, you rushed out of the dark manor as if fire was licking at your heels, vanishing with the portkey outside the iron gates.
Min Yoongi was avoiding you. 
An irritating discovery that made the anger in you boil over. 
A strange moment occurred in the common room one night as you stepped inside between Scorpius and Albus to see the man sitting in the leather armchair by the fireplace, only to stand up and leave the moment he caught your eye with a flat expression. 
Obviously, you had expected him to seek you out after your quick retreat from the manor, but that was simply due to the fact you didn’t feel like being in a room of your family after having been finger fucked to oblivion by the one person they wanted as a son-in-law for your sister. 
So you had waited, tensely at that, for days for him to find you. Days went by until you managed to see the first sight of in in the Great Hall with his usual friends. But he had ignored you, or simply not paid attention. 
The second time had been in the halls of your classes, with him coming from the opposite way. But he had been engrossed in a conversation with his Gryffindor friend to the point you were unsure if he had even noticed you. 
It wasn’t until the third time in the common room that you knew for sure the bastard was avoiding you. And you had no bloody clue why, because you weren’t the one to initiate the kiss and cross the line the two of you had drawn. 
It was him. So his mess to clear up, and not yours. 
By the second week of no communication besides exchanged glares from your part, and empty looks from him, you’ve had enough. 
You had a free period - lo and behold, so did he. He was sitting in the Great Hall, surrounded by all of his friends, listening silently as they spoke animately around him. 
Everything silenced, however, the moment you stopped behind him, hands on your hips as you stared daggers into him. Yoongi had the nerve to not turn around and face you, despite being aware of you there. 
“Can I help you, Greengrass?” He simply drawled uninterested, igniting the cribbling irritation you were already feeling. 
“We need to talk,” You grinded out, ignoring the obvious looks his friends were exchanging between themselves. 
“About what?”
“You know what!” Was your snap. Ready with another pissed-off retort, he finally heaved heavily before standing up and stepping over the bench. His slightly superior height over yourself added to your anger, as he tilted head in expectation. 
“After you.”
With a glare you lead the way out of the Hall, going until the end of the long hallway and underneath a hidden alcove many didn’t pay attention to. Turning around with arms crossed over your chest, Yoongi leaned back against the stone walls with a bored expression. 
“What the fuck is your problem?”
He didn’t react, only offering you a glance of attention. “Don’t tell me you expected anything?”
“It was a bit of fun, Greengrass. Hardly need for a deep conversation after.”
The bloody nerve of him. 
“How dare you!” You spit out, the harshness of those words actually catching his attention. “How fucking dare you. Tricking me, using me for my body and only to avoid me after?”
Guilt flashed in his eyes, of how this situation felt for you as a woman. But it disappeared quickly after, as he steeled himself yet again, features falling flat. “I’m sorry that you feel that way, but that isn’t why I’m avoiding you.”
“Then why?”
“I’m your sister’s fianceé, remember,” He delivered coldly. “If the family knows what we did it will ruin both of our reputations.”
“You know I don’t give a fuck of my reputation!” You shook your head in near dizziness, gesturing between you almost wildly. “I’m trying to fix this friendship.”
“It was a bad idea to begin with. We’re to be family after all. Can’t have us fucking secretly in broom cupboards now, do we?” His crass words somehow managed to make you flinch, the prospective shame of being viewed as the secret sidepiece to your sister’s husband. 
This whiplash of a change in his behavior was slowly drawing your energy. Two weeks ago he had told you there was no marriage if he could stop it, and now he had seemingly already settled into the future role of a pureblood husband. 
Despite only having known each other for nearly three months, you had figured him out fairly quick. He was cold in his interactions with others, and borderline bored. But you had seen him with his friends.
And you.
That gentle smile, teasing quick of his smirk or rare bright grin whenever he truly let himself go without fear of being judged. 
He was a man who cared deeply but hid it beneath an exterior of aloofness and severity due to the demands of his family and expectations of the world. Something the two of you shared, and been able to understand from each other. 
Yoongi was someone who had become dear to you in a short amount of time, even to the surprise of your own friends - who had watched the development in fascination. 
You thought he at least had the decency to feel the same about you. If not a potential lover, then at least a respected friend. 
Brushing his slightly parted black hair back with a hand, he rove another expected gaze over you with a sigh. “If we’re done here-”
“Why do you keep shutting me out?” You spat out in anger, stopping him in his tracks to turn around and walk away. 
His back was tense underneath the black school robe. From your view, you saw how he clenched his teeth to refrain from saying something he would regret. Not that he hadn’t already. Only lucky that you could take a biter fiercer than anyone else. But you didn’t care about filter at the moment. You would be damned if you let him walk away from you without a clear explanation of his change of personality. 
“I said it’s none of your business!” he snapped in return, the first time to raise his voice at you. 
You didn’t bother to hide the scoff coming out of you. “Well, you made it my bloody business the moment you spoke to me!”
Yoongi still didn’t bother to turn around and face you, so you could only see his side profile. Your eyes trailed down to his hands that were tightened into fists by his side. Nails digging into his skin creating marks. His black hair was messier than usual like he’d run his fingers through it too many times during the last hour. 
“Bloody hell, Y/N, just leave me alone,” he whipped around to glare at you coldly, mouth pulled up in a sneer. An expression you had seen many times, but jokingly. Never had it been pointed at you, and you nearly flinched at the viciousness of it. 
You resisted the urge to whip out your wand and curse him into oblivion. With a determined mind, you walked up to him and grabbed his wrist tightly. 
As if trying to squeeze some sense back into him. 
He was void of any emotions. Telling you nothing of what he was feeling, his walls up higher than you had ever seen, reminding you of a fortress to never be shaken. 
“You need to stop pushing me away,” You told him in a hard voice. “Not everyone is out to betray or control you. Fuck, I care about you, okay!”
His eyes flickered down to meet your own, but they still remained blank, making the pit in your stomach grow. 
Yoongi pulled his wrist away from your hold. “Stop caring.”
And then he walked away, leaving you standing alone in the hallways of the castle.
Christmas came and went.
Your holidays having been spent completely at the Malfoy Manor to your parent’s chagrin.
But you had remained firm in your choice after hearing the Min’s were coming over again with their son to spend more time together for your sister’s benefit. So you had made sure to stay the bloody hell away. 
Min Yoongi had kept to his words since that faithful argument in the hallways, completely ignoring you and acting like you never talked to each other before. Just like it had been the six first years. 
It annoyed you how much you still thought about that heartless bastard. You had done swimmingly well so far until that stupid day on the train. Six years without a single word towards him, yet he had managed to flip your world upside down as if he had been the missing piece in it all along. 
Scorpius had noticed it. Albus had noticed it. For fuck’s sake, even Liam Parkinson who could be as daft as a troll sometimes, noticed it after the argument. 
“So his excuse was that you couldn’t be friends because he’s engaged to your harpy of a sister?” Albus brought it up again one morning during breakfast, the first week back to Hogwarts after the holidays. 
“Yes.” You sighed wearily, at this point having no energy to care anymore. Even though you knew otherwise. 
“Even after he finger fucked you?” Liam deadpanned beside you, as a unanimous groan went through the rest of your friends. 
“That’s disgusting. I don’t need to hear that about my cousin,” Scorpius grimaced, pushing away his nearly demolished plate of scrambled eggs and hashbrowns. 
“You think I have a magical vagina or something, Parkinson?” You flicked up a brow, but Liam being Liam only leaned in with a saucy wink. 
“I could believe it.”
“Merlin, stop it, please.” Albus looked seemingly green from his seat. “You’re basically my sister, so please stop talking.”
“A sister that you made out with last year,” Scorpius muttered loud enough for the group to hear as Albus blushed red to the tip of his ears.
“W-we were drunk!” He argued with a small glare. “I thought we already agreed to let it go.”
“Don’t worry, Al.” With an innocent batter of your eyes, you joined in on the heckling. “You can admit I was a damn good kisser.”
“Shut up.” Throwing a grape in your direction, you simply caught it with a hand before popping it into your mouth with a teasing grin. 
Slinging an arm over your shoulders, Liam sighed almost sadly. “Why does Al get to kiss you, but I don’t?”
Leaning back on a hand, you stared. “You want to kiss right now?” 
He didn’t expect the reply, startling with slightly wide eyes before they narrowed again, detecting the tug of your lips with a waggling finger. 
“You are one sneaky witch.”
“I know,” Sharing a chuckle, all four of you finished breakfast before heading out for a walk in the cold, but sparkling snow-covered grounds warmly wrapped in your scarves and mittens. 
It was a Sunday; everyone was seemingly dead tired after the first week of classes and sleeping beside your group. It was the last year for everyone, so you blamed it on wanting to spend as much time as possible before leaving the castle that had been your home for the last seven years. 
Just as you were about to wrap your green and silver scarf tightly around your neck as the main doors to the grounds came into view, Liam suddenly stood in your path with a suspicious grin. 
“What?” You eyed him slowly.
“From a scale of 1 to 10, how much would you describe your vindictive vendetta against Min? 
Looking to the side to catch the eyes of both Scorpius and Albus, who were obviously biting back smiles themselves, you frowned. 
“What are you babbling on about?”
“Just answer please.”
“I don’t know, 8.5?” The number came to you randomly but seemed realistic enough to describe your feelings.
Liam nodded seriously as if this was some serious discussion. “8.5, certainly very high. High enough for a drastic plan.”
You were confused. Utterly baffled about what he was talking about, simply staring without words to say. 
Then he smirked, but not the kind that you were used to. The one he used to jokingly flirt and try to drag you into stupid situations. This was the smirk you had seen him use against witches enough of times to see them melting at his feet.
However, your wariness only rose. 
“Just don’t hex me, alright?”
“What are you-”
Before you knew it, he grabbed both ends of your scarf and tugged you against him, lips pressing against yours as your eyes widened in shock. 
He leaned back just enough to mutter cheekily. “Just play along.”
Resisting a roll of your eyes, you listened. Letting them flutter shut as his mitten-covered hands came up to cup your cheeks and draw you into the kiss even further. He never used his tongue, only moving his lips against yours which you returned, hands loosely holding onto his waist until he pulled back.
“Hm,” Liam pursed his lips thoughtfully with a nod. “No lie there. Damn good kisser.”
Despite the bizarreness of it, you laughed. 
“That was ridiculous,” Scorpius shook his head, but there was an amused smile playing at his lips. 
“Explain,” You finally demanded. 
It was Albus who came over, grabbing your chin and turning your gaze in the direction of the doors just in time to see the familiar form of Yoongi disappearing from your views. 
Your mouth parted in realization at what Liam had tried to do. 
“You scheming pieces of shit.” Your voice was proud, however, and the boys knew it as they high-fived before pulling you towards the grounds, all of you cackling like idiots.
“Let’s hope things only go up from here, huh,” Liam pulled you into his side while walking, and with a grin you stayed there the entire trip down to Hogsmeade. 
You ran into each other not even three days later.
Literally nearly crashing coming from different directions before rounding a corner and you jumped back at the last second. Yoongi had halted as well, startled eyes cooling down swiftly and taking you in before moving to brush past you. 
“How was Christmas?” 
He paused, to your relief. And even replied. “As usual. Nothing interesting despite the dinner.”
“Did your parents leave for Korea?” You remembered him mentioning it in brief passing and how he was supposed to stay at Hogwarts before shit went down at the manor. 
“They did,” A tense nod. “Right after and I returned to school.”
“Ah, right.” Fuck, this was awkward. And ridiculously tense. “I’ll just-”
“And you?”
You were shocked he even bothered to ask. “Good. It’s always a nice time at the Malfoy’s. My aunt Astoria loves Christmas and makes a big deal out of it.”
“The Malfoys, huh.” Yoongi looked like he had eaten something horrid. “I assume Parkinson was there as well?”
Liam? You frowned in confusion, why would he suddenly mention him? “Yeah, he came over for a bit.”
“I see.”
He was acting odd. More than usual. 
Then it went up to you. The kiss from two days ago, that Yoongi had obviously witnessed in his passing and you didn’t even realize. 
You couldn’t stop the chuckle as his brown eyes zeroed in on the sound with narrowed eyes. “What?”
“Nothing,” You shook your head, but your laugh kept spilling out. 
“You obviously find something amusing, Greengrass.”
“You’re the ones who’s amusing.” For the first time in a while, you smiled at him, only briefly, but enough to loosen the tense expression on him. 
“You’re not making sense.”
“Jealousy doesn’t suit you, Min Yoongi.”
He scoffed, cheeks slightly rosy from the winter cold in the halls and skin looking even paler than usual with the white backdrop from outside the large windows. His hair was still black, no new colour this time around, slightly longer in the nape of his neck but not much changed.
“What makes you think I’m jealous?”
“This right now.” You replied simply but decided not to goad him any further. “I guess the engagement is a go?
Yoongi was considering lying, you could see it. The way he didn’t reply right away was enough of a sign. “My parents…haven’t decided if your sister is a good match for me yet.” He admitted slowly. “Due to the dinner during Christmas.”
“Shocking.” You were anything but. 
Your sister might bear the Greengrass and Zabini names, as well as an acceptable desk job at the Ministry, however, she was shallow and childish. Always craving the best, and wanting to appear the best. Traits that people easily looked through within the first few minutes of meeting her, and you doubted the keen eyes of Yoongi’s mother hadn’t seen the same. 
There were negatives to being a pureblood in the presence of other purebloods. It was a competition of judgment and pride. There was never more than trying to see through carefully built walls, being the first one to win. 
And your family, or sister in this matter had clearly lost with impressing the imposing Min family. 
Yoongi was saying they were considering it. But you both knew that was just a polite way of saying they had already decided that Isla Zabini Greengrass was not worth of their name. 
This was also why you assumed he actually gave you time of the day again. There was no impending marriage to your family pinning him down. No way for him to use the excuses he had made to ignore you the past month and a half. 
“You must be happy.”
“It is a relief.” Honesty, wow. Yoongi must really feel bad.
He was tense, ridiculously so, and you almost wanted to torture him a little more. But maybe not today.
“Are you done having your head up your ass now?”
With that single sentence, his shoulders eased. Face falling into a grim line as his head dropped, guilt coating his whole shape and form. 
“I’m sorry.”
“I know.”
“I’m really sorry, Y/N.”
Your lips twitched, repeating. “I know.”
Yoongi finally looked at you, his eyes were so obviously sad it was almost funny. “You don’t know. I was an asshole to you, just because I was afraid.”
“Out of all people in this castle, I’m the one who might just understand your situation the most.”
This time it was his turn to smile, although ruefully. “I know. I was stupid not to see it.”
“What now then?”
You laughed, loud and clear, the voice ringing out in the empty corridor leading to the Slytherin common room. It took you a few minutes to calm down enough to not burst into new spurts of laughter. 
Yoongi remained silent through it all, wincing as your eyes met his with aq raise of your brows, seeing through his bullshit as easy as walking through a ghost. 
“Cut your bollocks and tell me the truth.”
He swallowed. 
Yoongi obviously didn’t want to be friends. Who the fuck stays friends after kissing as they had. After where his hands had touched your body. Seen a side of you no one else had. Fuck no, not a single part of him wanted to remain as just friends. 
He wanted you, quite frankly. Craved you at this point. 
But not just your body. 
He wanted everything that you could offer him. Your very soul if you were willing. He was ready to accept it all. 
But he couldn’t voice it out loud, fearing what he had done was enough to damage to the little bond that managed to sprout between you. 
“You need to say it,” You coaxed him firmly. “Or else I’ll walk away.”
Fuck, it was now or never. 
“Can you give me another chance?” Yoongi searched your expression carefully, but you were tricky witch even to him. 
“As friends?” You repeated slowly. 
“No, I don’t want your friendship,” He managed to sound more firm this time around, seeing the way your eyes widened only the tiniest bit. “I want you, Y/N. Just you. No strange friendship tip-toeing around each other. I want you with me.” Yoongi paused almost nervously, before adding in a low voice. “If you’ll have me.”
You bit back the grin wanting to spread across your face, skin flushing with the words he offered you so sincerely you almost teared up.
“What about your marriage?”
He waltzed up to you, inches apart as you stumbled back in surprise, the stone wall luckily meeting you for support. His large hands cupped your cheeks lovingly, eyes crinkling up in the corners as he smiled without abandon, sending your heart thumping happily. 
“My parents wanted a Greengrass as a wife.” His thumb brushed over your lower lip as your lips parted, his smile turning into a scheming smirk, muttering against your lips. “Who said they won’t get one?”
You snorted, letting down your guard, hand trailing up his chest and shoulders before wrapping around his neck. “You are one hell of a Slytherin, Min Yoongi.”
And then you kissed him. 
The world and its problems could wait. 
For now, all you wanted was to remain in the arms of the stubborn, prideful man in front of you, kiss him until you both ran out of breath. 
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So this has been in the drafts since 2018. Heh. 
399 notes · View notes
lilprincegoo · 1 year
with you, i'm okay by bcrlin
Alternate Universe - Hogwarts, Fluff and Angst, Animagus Min Yoongi | Suga, Hurt/Comfort, Enemies to Lovers, Falling In Love, Boggarts (Harry Potter)
19.2k words
rating: T
in which an incident caused jeongguk to avoid yoongi, completely unaware that the black cat that keeps him company while he studies, is that very same slytherin
4 notes · View notes
lilacmingi · 7 months
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☆ Hongjoong
The Goat | Hongjoong x fem reader, Mingi x fem reader Outlaw AU
Secret Santa | Fashion designer!Hongjoong x fashion designer!fem reader
Runaway | Pirate!Hongjoong x pirate!fem reader
Polyjuice Potion | Ravenclaw!Hongjoong x Ravenclaw!fem reader Hogwarts AU
☆ Seonghwa
Scrooge | Grumpy Seonghwa x Christmas enthusiast fem reader
Nights Like These | Seonghwa x fem reader drabble
Streets of Night City | Seonghwa x fem reader, Yeosang x fem reader Outlaw AU
Captive | Pirate!Seonghwa x fem reader
Stargazing | Hufflepuff!Seonghwa x Gryffindor!fem reader Hogwarts AU
☆ Yunho
Snowman | Snowman!Yunho x fem reader
Pillaged | Pirate!Yunho x barkeep!fem reader
Outlaw Customs | Yunho x fem reader, Jongho x fem reader Outlaw AU
Home for the Holidays | Hufflepuff!Yunho x Hufflepuff!fem reader Hogwarts AU
☆ Yeosang
A Christmas Wish | Cheer elf!Yeosang x fem reader
Streets of Night City | Seonghwa x fem reader, Yeosang x fem reader Outlaw AU
My Treasure | Pirate!Yeosang x Princess!fem reader
Trading Cards & Chocolate Frogs | Ravenclaw!Yeosang x Ravenclaw!fem reader Hogwarts AU
☆ San
Playtime | Moondrop!San & Sundrop!Wooyoung x fem reader FNAF AU
Mall Elf | Mall employee!San x mall elf!fem reader
My Gem | Pirate!San x pirate!fem reader
The Boxing Ring | San x fem reader, Wooyoung x fem reader Outlaw AU
Quidditch Championship | Slytherin!San x Slytherin!fem reader Hogwarts AU
☆ Mingi
The Goat | Hongjoong x fem reader, Mingi x fem reader Outlaw AU
Elf in Training | Elf!Mingi x elf!fem reader
Beached | Pirate!Mingi x Siren!fem reader
Niffler Nabbing | Slytherin!Mingi x Hufflepuff!fem reader Hogwarts AU
☆ Wooyoung
Playtime | Moondrop!San & Sundrop!Wooyoung x fem reader FNAF AU
The Boxing Ring | San x fem reader, Wooyoung x fem reader Outlaw AU
Rosy | Elf!Wooyoung x Elf!fem reader
The Hourglass | Pirate!Guerilla!Wooyoung x fem reader
Forbidden Forest | Slytherin!Wooyoung x Gryffindor!fem reader Hogwarts AU
☆ Jongho
Grinch AU | Grinch!Jongho x Martha May Whovier!fem reader
Outlaw Customs | Yunho x fem reader, Jongho x fem reader Outlaw AU
Stowaway | Pirate!Jongho x stowaway!fem reader
Opposites Attract | Gryffindor!Jongho x Slytherin!fem reader Hogwarts AU
☆ OT8
Living with 8 Vampires | Vampire!ATEEZ x fem reader
⤷ Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 [this series is my baby and I want it to be perfect so I take my time writing each part. Part 2 literally took me over a year to finish and post oof. Hopefully the next parts don’t take that long but regardless, pls be patient with me]
When You’re On Your Period | ATEEZ x fem reader
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☆ Jungkook
Through Thick and Thin | Vampire!Jungkook x human!fem reader [NEW]
☆ Yoongi
Flowers In Your Hair | Yoongi x fem reader drabble
☆ OT7
Alice in Wonderland AU | BTS x fem reader
⤷ Intro | Part 1: Jungkook | Part 2: Jimin | Part 3: Yoongi | Part 4: Taehyung | Part 5: Namjoon | Park 6: Hoseok | Part 7: Jin | Finale separate endings linked in the finale
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☆ Chan
Houseguest | Vampire!Chan & Vampire!Hyunjin x fem reader
Cherry Chapstick | Chan x fem reader drabble
☆ Changbin
Pool Hall | Changbin x fem reader
Irresistible | Changbin x fem reader drabble
Fuzzy Socks | Changbin x fem reader drabble
☆ Hyunjin
Houseguest | Vampire!Chan & Vampire!Hyunjin x fem reader
My Muse | Hyunjin x fem reader drabble
☆ Jisung
Stupid Cupid | Cupid!Jisung x fem reader
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☆ Gunil
Drum Lessons | Gunil x fem reader
☆ Jooyeon
Practice Room Kisses | Jooyeon x fem reader drabble
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Updated: 4/24/2024 [NEW: Jungkook: Through Thick and Thin]
Updated 4/17: Jongho: Opposites Attract (Hogwarts AU)
These works are my own ideas. DO NOT steal, copy, repost, alter, or translate my works in any way! All forms of plagiarism are PROHIBITED and will not be tolerated
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UPDATE: 16.01.2024
NOTE: You can find other masterlists in  my mother masterlist
I have updated the following masterlists:
Criminal Minds Masterlist - One Shots/Drabbles
Bucky Barnes Masterlist
Golden Trio Era - Slytherin
BTS Poly Masterlist
Park Jimin Masterlist
Genshin Impact Masterlist
Kim Taehyung Masterlist
Min Yoongi Masterlist
Jung Hoseok Masterlist
Twilight Masterlist
Volturi Masterlist
Black Butler Masterlist
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marknee · 1 year
bts fanfics i think shakespeare and queen elizabeth i would’ve gossiped about.
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chapter ii. ✷ chapter iv.
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( ✮ ) — you can’t lie, shakespeare’s got a mouth on him.
( ♬ ) — they’ve ordered everyone out the room. peering through the window as we speak.
( ✎ ) — someone tell him to put that poor teacup down.
( ♛ ) — her majesty royally gasped. she’s clutching her pearls, bless her.
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WARNING: keep in mind, some of these authors are very strict on the rule that no minors should read their work if they’re underage, and i will honour that. but, at the end of the day, i am not your parent. so, there’s that. but heed my warning wisely. any smut or 18+ content is highlighted in bold.
NOTE: we’re on part three already? damn, times flies. if you’re new here, welcome to the shakespeare series where i write essays about fics that would absolutely annihilate shakespeare — hence the name. if you haven’t read the past two chapters, you can access them in the masterlist above! let’s get into it.
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( ♛ ) MATILDA — by @babystrcandy
!! yoongi x reader | 141.8k !!
brothers best friend au, angst, fluff, eventual smut.
my therapist would absolutely adore this fanfic. maybe i should recommend it to her. or just send her the link. she’d be thrilled.
this series is dedicated to anyone who felt like the second choice, the one always forgotten about, the so-called disappointment, the people pleaser, the perfectionist, the one whose family has let them down over and over again.
reading this, alike reading anything else, transports you to another world. however, the difference between this one and all others, is this makes you feel safe. secure. a safe place. a sanctuary you never realised even existed, where you feel accepted and loved. it takes the idea of home and really drills it in.
if you find yourself relating to this story, like i did, i want to you to know i see you and i truly hope one day you find everything you were deprived of growing up. you deserve peace. you deserve love.
while you’re at it, go give this author some love for seeing us, listening to us, and validating our experiences. and for writing such a beautiful story.
( ♬ ) DILF JK — by @venusiangguk
!! jungkook x reader | 85.5k !!
strangers to lovers, dad!jk, friends with benefits, smut (18+), fluff.
if some army’s weren’t such delulu’s and so consumed by the imaginary idea that they’ll one day marry a bts member and live happily ever after, this is the type of shit we’d actually get. but no, we’re forever plagued by fiction because of a few overly obsessed wankers.
rant aside, dilf!jk is a concept. one that needs to be studied and researched for my own personal needs. because i thought dilf!namjoon was dangerous (and he most certainly is), but dilf!jk is a whole other… thing? being? story? i’ll leave that to the researchers.
personally, i love when authors mould fiction and reality into one body. they blend the two concepts together to create something beautiful, and this was duly noted within the topic of the age gap. deciding on something real for the benefit of both parties in a fictional story is so fucking applaudable. or perhaps i’m just an angsty fucker, sorry.
most definitely worth all the tissues and all the cheek aching. talking from experience.
i mean, it’s got ‘dilf’ in the title, is that not enough? it’s what made me click, anyways. i’m a dilf lover through and through.
( ♬ ) A SERPENT’S FLOWER — by @jimlingss & @dovechim
!! jimin x reader | 34.2k !!
fluff, smut (18+), lil angst, hogwarts!au.
realistically, you knew at some point in this series there would be a harry potter!au thrown in somewhere, didn’t you? i mean, come on now. and i’m so happy this is the first one.
this two-parter and it’s sequel both are both due the respect they deserve. the perfect opposites attract trope? enemies to lovers? with a quick-witted slytherin reader and an even wittier hufflepuff park jimin? fuck me, don’t mind if i do.
i never say a fanfic has everything. but this fanfic has everything. character, romance, humour, angst, wit, the list goes on. it’s a fanfic buffet: it’s got it all, and you just help yourself.
and i realise some people don’t read the sequels to fanfics (i know), but i beg of you. read the sequel too. if anything, i think the sequel was my favourite bit. and i know some people don’t like the pregnancy trope, but i’m telling you there definitely is a time and place for it. and this is the time! and the place! trust me.
did i cry at the end of this fic? i can’t remember. but the probability is higher than i’d like it to be.
( ✮ ) ZERO GRAVITY — by @luxekook
!! namjoon x hoseok x reader | 11k !!
space!au, poly!au, angst, smut (18+), crack, fluff.
if someone doesn’t drop me on a spaceship with two of the hottest men on the planet in the next fortnight, i’m suing. don’t know who that’ll be yet, but some poor sod will have his hands full, that’s for certain.
i love space!au fics with my whole heart and ass. honestly, every time one comes up on my page, i have to save it. it’s a reflex at this point, they’re just too good. you know what is also too good? the built up tension within this fic. jaw-dropping.
i’m not giving out any spoilers, but the author really said, bonk— here is the nastiest smut you’ve ever read in your life. take it, or get fucked. and of course, i took it. but nothing really prepares you for that atmosphere change. not even the sex club was remotely ready. and it’s a sex club.
not going to lie, before writing this essay, i actually went back and read it again, just to make sure i was in the right mind the first time i read it. and yep, sure was. it’s just shocking how insane this fic is.
btw, anyone fancy a visit to throbbing disco sticks? i need a word with the person who came up with the name. and perhaps a kiss too.
( ✎ ) NO CHOICE (NEXT TO YOU) — by @gukyi
!! yoongi x reader | 13k !!
college!au, frat boy!au, neighbour!au, enemies to lovers.
miscommunication. my lover in fanfics, my worst enemy in real life. hence why i love this fic so much. because it’s not real life. (unfortunately).
we’ve all done that thing where we’ve accidentally eavesdropped onto something we shouldn’t of and one thing leads to another and boom, you find yourself misreading the whole situation. and you’re lying if you say you haven’t.
well, that’s this fic for you. times a thousand. honestly, enemies to lovers fics never do me wrong. they’re always a joy to read — the thrill and the very, very prominent sexual tension keeps you excited, waiting on the edge of your seat to see how everything plans out.
my point? this fic never bores you out. read it a thousand times and it still feels like the first. and not a lot of fanfics have that power, i’ll tell you that. a few, yes. but not a lot.
don’t take reading this for the first time for granted. wish i had that privilege. jealous.
!! jimin x reader | 39.4k !!
cursed!jimin, supernatural!au, strangers to lovers!au angst, smut, fluff.
this fic altered my brain chemistry permanently. there’s no going back. i’m officially ruined, you guys. i don’t even know who i was before i read this. it was just- bang, clean slate.
to begin with, i thought ‘this bitch saw him twice and her knees buckled. what the fuck.’ but then i realised that bitch is me, and the so-called him is referring to thee park jimin, so really. i got it. who wouldn’t absolutely power move it after seeing such a sight? i might just jog a little. sprint on a good day.
i would happily write a five thousand word essay for you on how fucking good this plot slash idea was, and an additional ten thousand on how sad, but i don’t think my fingers— nor my mental state would be able to go through that. not again. please.
but as i mentioned in the last fic above, do not take reading this for the first time for granted. however, only because you will lose all rationality.
shakespeare most definitely plagiarised this fic. he wrote it down and her majesty knows. that’s why he looked so proud of himself at tea. the sneaky fucker. just he wait until i tell @jimilter.
sobbing. again. or is this the fourth time?
( ✎ ) ALWAYS IN MY DREAMS — by @kookskingdom
!! namjoon x reader | 15.4k !!
soulmates!au, fluff, angst, minor character death.
i mean, i already sleep too fucking much. only being able to meet my soulmate through my dreams would just make me comatose. you’d never hear from me. ever.
and yes, you saw the tag. it’s another soulmate!au because everyone knows how much nini loves her hopeless romance. but! who doesn’t. they’re too good to scroll past. so when i finally read this, i knew it was going in the series.
the unknown certainty between the pair of when their next encounter would be with each other, causing them to cherish every single second, that. that’s what i want please. someone who drinks up my existence knowing we will soon part from each other. i cannot.
i love, love, love the concept of soulmates, fate, destiny, whatever. the whole shabang. i bathe in it. so, of course, this fic was a big hit with me. and if that too is your thing, and you love the idea of two souls being intwined inside and out, this is your golden ticket.
@kookskingdom is mentioned in this chapter twice. but can you blame me? you find a ticket to the chocolate factory, of course you’re going to hold onto it as tightly as possible.
( ✮ ) VOICEMAIL — by @joonary
!! seokjin x reader | 7k !!
fluff, humour, friends to lovers, college podcast!au.
you know those dramas where both the two main characters are so completely smitten with each other to the point you’re practically screaming at your screen for them to “just kiss already!” but won’t because they’re hopelessly oblivious, even though everyone is telling them how in love they both are? yeah, that’s this fic. in a nutshell.
though in their defence, i feel i would definitely do the same. but still, does it stop me from getting frustrated with them? no. i was absolutely raging.
this cute story was so, so sweet i was practically clutching the phone for an emergency appointment to the dentist. my teeth were rotting with all the added sugar, like hello? my teeth? but just like chocolate is, it’s addicting. and you can’t stop yourself.
perhaps i’m just a sucker for friends to lovers fics, but this one particularly caught my attention. it’s 5k of pure infuriation, and 2k of fluff.
but so worth the impatience.
( ♬ ) FALL IN HATRED — by @jimlingss
!! seokjin x reader | 20k !!
divorce!au, angst, fluff, smut (18+), marriage!au.
first bullet point is just the thought of fuck me, ‘cause where do i start with this?
separation — in some ways — is the easy way out. you just get up and leave. walk out, whatever. boom, just like that. but the emotional repercussions are what make it so distressing. making that daunting decision to leave something— someone in our past, may be one of the hardest things we humans ever have to do.
this fic goes through the rough battle of what it means to be committed to a person. the battles of finally giving up on someone you once thought the world of. and honestly? that may be my worst fear. for someone to love me so deeply, and then lose that over time to see me as nothing more than an inconvenience of their past.
never been through divorce. hopefully you, nor i, will ever have to. but after reading this, i don’t think we have to experience it.
this amazing, yet painfully angsty fic does it for us. and a fucking incredible ending.
( ♛ ) THE ROAD TO RADIANT — by @kookskingdom
!! jungkook x reader | 25.9k !!
gamer!au, streamer!au, fluff, angst, smut, rivals to friends to lovers!au.
this got a crown on the shakespeare state chart purely for the fact i have never played valorant in my life, and single-handedly managed to impress my friends — who are obsessed with said game — about my newfound knowledge of gaming, purely from this fic alone. felt like a fucking genius.
i was going to add this to part four, but i genuinely had to swap some fics around to put this baby in. i found space for her, so she’s here. and deservedly so. why wait?
this fic does a very good job of highlighting the deep misogyny and sexism that runs within the gaming community towards women. like, can women not be good at gaming too? do people really believe gaming is purely a man thing? is this really the society we live in? yikes.
and if you do happen to read this fic and reach that argument scene with jungkook, please let me know. i want you to know i, too, was absolutely fuming. phones were thrown. naughty words were said. angry voice messages to said best friend were recorded.
final special mention for the smut scene. had me sweating like a sinner in church. lord have mercy.
( ♬ ) BRASS AND STRINGS — by @jimlingss
!! namjoon x reader | 113.7k !!
slice of life!au, fluff, slow burn, college!au, music!au.
take a shot every time this author is mentioned within this series. you’ll end up blackout pissed. it’s a shame they left this platform, but i hope they’re doing well. their fics have really left an impact on me. and i’ll forever be grateful.
ah, yes. the cheesy clichéd trope of the mean girl and the nerd. a mix of two completely different personalities and flavours that supposedly fit together like two broken pieces of a puzzle. the very foundation of a 2000’s romcom. an iconic pairing that has been hammered into us by the media since day one.
it’s the opposites attract that lured me in initially, but it’s the character development throughout the story that nestled itself into my heart, and got me to stay. this fic holds dear to me still.
i have gatekept this fic long enough, and i am trusting you to bear it with love and extreme care. like you’re holding a small, fragile baby in your arms. do not let me down. please.
one more thing, don’t share this with shakespeare. every time he’s brought it up, i’ve told him it was a really weird dream and he’s only just started to believe me. yes, i feel shit about it, but it has to be done. the man’s a menace.
( ✮ ) TANGLED WEBS — by @ughseoks
!! jungkook x reader | 14.1k !!
spiderman!au, soulmate!au (yup), angst, fluff.
if any of you say a word about the second tag, i will fight. i will never stop recommending them. me and the soulmates!au are soulmates. irony at its finest.
i genuinely wish spidey!jk was a real adaptation. because even though andrew is my favourite spiderman, i fear there is a large difference between the pair that separates them. andrew can play peter parker. jungkook can (re: could) play peter parker. but could andrew play jungkook? no.
in this fic, the whole characterisation of both jungkook as spiderman and the soulmate!reader is so well written. you can perfectly picture jungkook being that awkward high school boy by day, and secret superhero vigilante by night. i mean, fuck me. how is he not knackered all the time?
mixing in that final zest of soulmates!au everyone (re: me) loves, you’ve got yourself a hell of a plot line.
romeo and juliet were not soulmates, shakespeare. they were children. why aren’t you taking notes? stop talking to the queen. she’s tired of all your bullshit. and so are we.
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© marknee, 2023. all rights reserved.
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sugarlywhispers · 2 years
Hi! I love your new story ELIGERE ME and was wondering if I could be added to the tag list please? 💜💜💜💜
Hi there, love! Of course! Thank you so much for reading🤍🤍🤍🤍
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