#sorry for putting this here but someone sent an ask and i wasnt sure how to reply since it was anon
jubiilee13 · 7 months
JOSH HUTCHERSON. I do badly wanna make a request for Josh from the forger but I must show restraint
Anyways Mike asking you to officially be his gf?
my husband
anyways here u go pooksters
warnings: female pronouns, fluff, reader has a nightmare, smooching just a lil
I didn’t check spelling on this so if it’s horrible I’m so sorry 😭
mikes job was not an easy one.
neither was managing a younger sister.
but thats where you came in.
you and mike had known one another since high school, though you two hadn’t been the closest pair at the time. gentle smiles in the halls and small hellos were about all that went on in your mind.
but not for sweet old mike.
he adored you, every second he got to be in your presence was like heaven.
looking back on it he wasn't sure how you hadn't noticed his longing stares, the blush coating his cheeks, the way he fumbled over his words.
he was in love with you, that was clear to everyone but you.
so when the end of high school rolled around, the two of you fell out of touch.
he was sad, yes, but he had abby to worry about, and some cute girl couldn't get in his way.
so for the next few years nothing happened between the two of you, and he just assumed you had moved away to some far away place. eventually the amount thoughts of you in his mind began to dwindle down, until you only crossed his mind at most 2 times a year.
that was until a few months ago that is...
long story short mike had posted a few flyers about needing a baby sitter for abby, and low and behold someone sent him a message and sweetly said they'd love to meet up with him over coffee to discuss more details.
so thats exactly what happened, mike put on his most formal clothes (which wasnt really much) and began his journey to the coffee shop. He anxiously wiped his sweaty palms on his pants, silently cursing himself for his nervous habits. before he knew it the coffee shop was just ahead, and as he stepped inside it was like his heart stopped beating.
it was you.
He tried to hide his smile but you could read that man like an open book.
The two of you talked for several hours, about the job, about life, about everything.
you could've kept going even, if it werent for mike having to pick up abby from school.
so you bid your farewells and mike informed you that you could start watching abby the following day.
as mike worked each night, you stayed with abby, doing everything with her, and she loved it.
every day she would gush to mike about you, talking about the adventures and fun times the two of you had shared.
mike listened every time as well, and every time he did so he couldnt help but note how his feelings for you began to return.
after all, you were so sweet, so gentle, so... loving.
how could he help it?
every morning after his shift he would come home to find leftovers on the counter, alongside a small handwritten note from you, each time saying something ever so sweet.
on top of that he would also find you dozing on the couch, and every time he saw you sleeping so peacefully he would just admire you for a few moments, always opting to cover you with his jacket or a blanket before he sent himself off to bed as well.
so that brings us to tonight.
mike walks through the door with a yawn, rubbing his eyes sleepily as he places his vest on the coat rack, dragging himself into the kitchen as he picks up your sweet note.
"abby insisted on pizza and spaghetti tonight so take your pick sugar, i hope work was well, i hope you dont mind but i forgot a change of clothes tonight and abby grabbed a pair of your boxers and an old sweatshirt of yours, i just threw it on for tonight, i promise ill get it back to you clean asap! lots of love, - y/n" the note read.
mike cant help but chuckle at your rambling, and he picks up the plate full of pizza and he reaches out to open the microwave but stops in his tracks when he hears something.
something so faint he wasnt even sure he had really heard it.
then it happened again, louder now and mikes blood ran cold.
it was you, your cries.
mike rushes into the living room, and his body visibly relaxes when he finds you still deep in slumber on the couch.
a small frown falls on his face when he notices you squirming, a distressed look across your sleeping features as a few frantic words escape your mouth in slumber.
"no! mike- mike please- dont- i need you mike please" you murmured, so softly that mike was sure he was hallucinating.
still he approached your sleeping figure, his rough hands gently making their way to your shoulders.
“hey hey hey” he whispered as he gently shook you, concern in his eyes.
yet you didn’t budge, body trembling beneath him as small whines escape you, even some small tears slipping past your closed eyes.
he shook you harder now, and he lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding when you shoot upright, but his relief quickly fades as a quiet sob escapes your lips.
your teary e/c eyes scan over him, almost checking to see if it’s really him.
once your brain finally decides to accept the fact that he’s really in front of you, you fling yourself towards him, more sobs escaping your lips “oh mikey” you cry out.
mike immediately wraps his arms around your torso, one hand moving up to comb through your hair.
“woah woah woah I’m right here pretty girl, I’m here, I’m here” he coos into your ear, holding your trembling frame.
the two of you stayed like that until your sobs turned into small sniffles, your head resting on his shoulder as you took in his scent.
“m’sorry…” you mumble into the crook of his neck
“it’s ok don’t apologise silly, do you wanna talk about it?” he quietly asks you, and you nod.
“I- you died mikey… in my dream… you- you were gone! I- I was so scared… I can’t lose you” you say between hiccups, and he hopes you can’t tell how your words make his heart race.
“im not leaving anytime soon pretty girl, can i tell you a secret y/n?” he asks as he brushes a hair behind your ear.
he chuckles when you nod and cuddle further into him, his face flushing ever so slightly, not that you could notice in the dim light of the room anyways.
“ive been in love with you since freshman year” he murmurs, and with those words your body grows stiff and you sight upright.
“y-you have?” your shaky voice asks
he nods, his orbs locking onto your own, and he goes to speak, his nerves getting the best of him, but before he can you cut him off.
with a kiss.
you had kissed mike.
mike just kissed the love of his life.
the kiss was sweet, gentle, and it seemingly lasted forever.
the two of you eventually pulled away for air, chests heaving as you both gasp gently for air.
you both go to speak at the same time
“I love you so much-“
“I’m so in love with you”
you both gasp at the others words, and you can’t help but giggle.
“so does this mean..?” you question, as you absentmindedly cuddle closer into him
“mean what? that you’re my girlfriend?” he asks gently
“if you want me to be” you say with a smile, awaiting his next words
“well how can I say no to a smile like that?”
this is prob really bad I haven’t written in forever but I’m lowkey kinda proud of it for rn, I hope you enjoy!
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prosciuttoon · 1 month
Anyway, Shuro isn't the only character with problems, he isn't even the only Japanese/ Eastern Archipelago character, so not the only one with that specific background. And yet, he sure is the only one who acted out the way he did.
If you like him for .. whatever reason (narcissism? Based on your posts, I guess), that's fine, but like. There's extremely valid reasons for not liking him that aren't just "ur racist" or "you just don't understand!!!!"
hes the only one that acted out bc he was the only one that laios was interacting with that was the reason they fought?? laios wasnt talking to hien or benchidori or maizuru like that he didnt even meet them until he reunited w shuro in the dungeon
and when did i ever say “you’re racist if you hate him” all i did was talk abt the cultural context of his upbringing that would make him a terrible communicator. also, narcissism is such a weird word for liking a character a lot? and its not like im making him look innocent and flawless bc im literally explaining his flaws and where they come from. if someone doesnt like him bc he reminds them of someone that hurt them im not gonna try to change their mind, wouldnt hurt to know Why he acts like that but if theyre informed and still dont like him thats perfectly fine!!!
since i think u sent 2 asks ill just put the first one here and answer it too:
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in the post abt him leaving izutsumi in the dungeon to come back “if she wants to” the “nuance” i was talking abt was the fact that he said “if she wants to” i.e giving her a choice to return (which she didnt do because she hated that place obv). also sorry hes not powerful enough to abolish slavery in his country, hes not even the heir to the family. dont think the eastern archipelago is strictly based on a specific time or reality in japan, probably just inspired by reality but not based on it, so shuros family is likely one of many families serving their “feudal lord” who rules a province of the country. in history, feudal lords were also under shogun and the emperor, but neither are mentioned in the manga iirc so i will guess that wasnt the case.
my aim w my posts isnt to force ppl to change their minds on whether or not they like a fictional character. im just giving an extra perspective w stuff from extra content plus my own experience (i.e being asian too) that some people may not know about. what they do w the info is up to them im not trying to tell people how to think. if they learn smth that changes their opinion fine if they dont also fine its not that serious. im just talking about my interpretations of the character.
if i see a critique i may think “wait but do they know about [insert notable info]”. if they dont know, would maybe be good to know bc its important to the character, if they do know and thats the conclusion they came to, thats it! i dont do any more than that n ur acting like im forcing everyone to like him.
tldr; just cuz i am explaining the root of his flaws doesnt mean im ignoring them. i still call him what he is! a loner who cant set boundaries and it only makes problems for himself and people around him, but i also happen to be interested in Where the behaviour comes from! (which happens to be heavily due to culture). doesnt mean im calling u racist if u dont like him wut
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koipalm · 6 months
For sy attendant au - what are SQQ attitude and feelings towards SY, if you don't mind me asking?
Because what I read so far hadn't painted him in good light. Like sure - he wants to survive and SY is an key asset in that, but the way he goes around it is... questionable.
so i answered this ask about it but i just realized that i dont think i tagged it with anything so. MY BAD thats my bad
the long and short of it is that sqq is definitely not a good person in this au lol. granted theres less of the overt child abuse because sy is able to stop some of that but sy still is very much a servant to him. one of the better things about this au is that sqq really just sees sy as a means to an end.. there is some attachment to him but sqq really does not really see sy as someone with his own agenda outside of like. living comfortably. its kind of good in a way that like sqq will grant sy a general amount of mobility around the sect because of sy's vague position and he doesnt reeaally care what shen yuan is doing if its not actively doing work for the peak or sqq.
sqq really sees sy as more of like. a political pawn? in a way. like he keeps sy close for appearances around the sect and he does in some way feel like hes doing charity work because by extension of working for him sy is granted a fair amount of power and status. but he doesnt care what shen yuan does in his free time or for fun. sqq is not the worst person of all in this au but he is definitely someone who isnt afraid of using others to help himself. that and like. its definitely a pat on the back for him of being able to say "well you were sent here to take my place and instead of killing you as was my right i HELPED you and i even gave you your own place on this peak and look at you now. youre mingling with some of the best and the brightest that the cultivation world has to offer" like nevermind that he isnt interested in helping sy with his own cultivation lawl
ok that wasnt short at all sorry but sqq is using sy but he also feels like hes helping him a bit. its a pretty unequal give and take so they definitely have an unhealthy relationship. that being said i think sy goes out of his way to misunderstand sqq a lot because he allows his hate of sqq to shape how he sees his actions.. so he doesnt put a lot of effort into actually examining how sqq differs from the book. also now that ive had a lot of time to think on this au i dont really think that sy's end goal in all of this would be to LEAVE as much as it would be he would want an actual firm position and leverage over sqq so he didnt feel so unstable. that and he does feel indebted to sqq. he could probably handle being around the guy if sqq didnt have so much say over his life
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kookblurx · 9 months
1920 - jjk [ chpt 3. ]
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→ SUMMARY: a photo of a beautiful smiling boy; an old tree in your grandparents garden ... and a feeling of sadness. all those things are connected to each other ...
→ GENRE: time travel au; changing fate au; rencarnation au; university au; death; sickness; historical setting; trigger topics; smut; dirty talk; switching between present and the past.
→ chapter 2 / chapt. 4
→ RATING: 18+
→ NOTE: thank you for blowing up the first chapter with so many reblogs and welcome to all new followers. also if there are any creative people among us, feel free to design a header for this story. i will try to include every pic in the next chapters + linking your account. ( no must! ). Also please enjoy the second chapter <3 DISCLAIMER; this is a piece of art, not many events will be historically correctly.
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The Present:
as you ran back into the mansion you neary stumbled over one of the cats who frequently visit this place.
"sorry little one" you spitted out breathless before you climbed up the stairs.
you needed to get to your laptop before your grandparents noticed that you are back inside again. this might be your vacation but your grandma loved to give you tasks whenever she saw you around. inside your room you immediately locked the door behind you; something which was unacceptable in this house but now you didnt cared. with shaking hands you started the black notebook on your bed. it wasnt the newest one but it was doing its job during university. to your displeasure it took ages for it to boot up, at least you had some time to change into a set of clean clothes. as you got back to the laptop it was finally up and ready to go. the first thing you googled was " the berserker" plus the year he lived in. of course there were a few matches to the search but none of it was a reliable source. the most things which came up were forums where people shared the rumours and myths from back then. here and there jungkook's name popped up, followed by people asking who he was. one of those bloggers seemed kinda hurt about the lack of knowledge those people had. maybe he was the key to this mystery. you clicked on his username, determined to sent this "chimchim" person an email. your email was short, its content were a simple sentence:
"i know who jungkook was. could you please answer me some questions?"
while you waited for an answer you got back to google. there you putted jungkook's full name in and voila, a lot of sources popped up. even history blogs same as newsletters wrote about him. none of them metioned that he was a war hero. something was off for sure. none of those articles mentioned what had happened to him, only that he "allegedly died in 1920. not how or why he died on that specific spot. at the same time someone added you in the chatrooms which were open on your laptop. taking a quick glance presented you the username "chimchim" on the screen. hesitant if you should answer him right away you clicked on the log in button.
chimchim:hey, just saw your email. what do you wanna know? blueberry: this mind sound weird. but i found this pic in my grandparents mansion [ inserts the pic ]. i found out its about a .. jungkook guy. chimchim: holy crap. do you realize how much this pic is worth it?! blueberry: i dont care. you seem to know a lot about him so .. can you answer me so questions? chimchim: fine, what do you wanna know? blueberry: why does none of the newssites ever mention that he was a war hero? chimchim: shit, you know about that? i only heard some rumours. probably has something to do with his family. they took it down that they had a famous ancestor. blueberry: but why? chimchim: i dont know. im sure they are hiding something. blueberry: hiding something? why would someone want to hide such a accomplishement? chimchim: exactly. blueberry: you .. dont happen to know how he died or what happened to him? chimchim: there are rumours but no one is certain about that. blueberry: what are those rumours? chimchim: the one that keeps popping up is that he got betrayed by his own people. no one knows if it was his lover, best friend or his own parents. but he didnt died because of a war. blueberry: betrayed you say ... chimchim: hey, if your grandparents had this pic, they surely have more infos in their house. i need to go. i will try to dig up some more. bye!
with those words chimchim logged off. maybe he was right, there must be something in your grandparents library .. but before you went there again you got back to google. chimchim mentioned a lover, there must be something about her on the internet. after 10 minuted you finally found another blog full of history nerds who talked about her.
"lets see ..."
you clicked on the "more" button on one of the blog entries. apperently the berserk was in love with a commoner, a normal girl from another village. but as everything else in his life, this was just another rumour. no one exactly knew who she was or where she came from. the only certain thing everyone knew that she popped up out of nowhere. weird, how can someone appear out of nowhere? as you read more of the blog the whole situation became weirder and weirder. the girl seemed to dissapear here and there and didnt came back for days. as you wanted to give up, a comment catched your attention. someone wrote about her name, her alleged name. you read through the whole comment but as soon as you reached the part with her name, your vision became blurry. frantically you rubbed your eyes with both hands but it didnt helped. suddenly the screen turned brighter, so bright that it hurted your eyes. you closed your eyes shut, hoping it would stop. thats something your laptop never did before; as you reached out your hand to press the buttons, your fingertips touched the soft fabric of the bedsheets. were you going insane? your laptop was right there.
slowly you opened your eyes, first you didnt noticed any major chances but then ... as soon as your eyes fully adjusted to the change of light, you nearly fell down from the bed. this wasnt your bedroom.
The Past:
"not again ..."
thanks to the furniture it didnt took you long to realize where you were right now. somehow you travelled back in time, again. suddenly you remebered the words of the fairy about trigger points and places. a sigh escaped your mouth, so you really managed to trigger another puzzle piece of the past. something which includes the name of the mysterious lady in jungkook's life. leaning back on your hands, the fingertips of your left hands bumped into something. your whole body froze. this cant be right? slowly you turned your head to the side. underneath the red fabric of the blanket .. there was someone, breathing. peacfully asleep as it seemed. from here you couldnt see who it was and you didnt cared first. slowly you scooted away from the warm body as slowly as you could. at the same time your right hand slipped, sending you flying onto the ground.
your ellbow hit the hard wodden floor, making you whine in pain. were floors always this hard in the past? you bit down on your bottom lip while holding your ellbow, making sure to not make another sound. the person underneath the blanket started to shift more as a grunt was heard. you were so busy tending to your hurting ellbow that you didnt noticed how the person sat up on the bed. it really hurted like hell as you prayed that you didnt broke it.
"... oh -... oh my god are you okay?!"
with a painful expression you finally looked up to the bed. there he was, shirtless. jeon jungkook. instead of getting mad and screaming at you, he threw the blanket away. as he did that before getting down from the bed, your face turned into a tomato. he wasnt only shirtless, he was completely naked.
"w-wait! stop!" with your other hand you started to cover your face. "but .. you hurted yourself! let me see your ellbow" jungkook on the other hand seemed totally unfazed by the fact that he was naked.
out of nowhere your heart started to race as you still covered your eyes. this was too embarrassing. you knew how a naked men looked like, of course you do. you are not a child anymore but this man was a total stranger. someone you only saw once. on top of that, realistically speaking, he was already dead in your timeline. shutting your eyes close, you reached out with your hand. pressing against his chest to keep him away from you.
"dont be like that! let me see if its broken!" jungkook complained while trying to press forward. "c-can you please, for god's sake, wear some clothes!"
jungkook stopped in his movements as he finally saw how red your face was. a sigh escaped his lips, the next thing you heard were his footsteps. another noise you couldnt assign to an item inside the room. then again, he was right in front of you, this time you opened your eyes slowly, only to be met with his bare chest. at least he was wearing some pants now.
"can i see it now?" his voice grew more impatient, so you just nodded holding your ellbow into his direction.
jungkooks fingertips were soft on your skin as he looked at your ellbow. by now it had turned slightly red but the pain was still prominent. this changed as you finally looked into jungkook's face. the last time you got here you werent able to see it so close in front of you. he might be a war hero but his facial expressions were kinda soft; an indication that he didnt got corrupted by all the wars he went to. on his cheek was a scar, kinda deep somehow it suited him. his dark lock fell into his face, framing it oh so gently. the first urge which befell you was to touch it. to run your fingers through it while he tended to your ellbow. your eyes travalled further down to his chest. it was defined but not too muscular, further down you could see a hint of a sixpack. at the same time you really hoped he didnt heard your loud gulp as you saw how his biceps kept flexing while examining ellbow.
"seems fine to me ... maybe we should bring you over to one of the doctors just to be - ..." jungkook lifted his head were he noticed how close you two were to each other.
you kept looking into his eyes and suddenly your heart nearly jumped out of your chest. bubbles of happieness rised up inside of your stomach as at the same time your hands became sweaty. what was this feeling? even jungkook seemed to be distracted by something as he kept staring at you. the grip on your ellbow grew more tightly, normally it would hurt but you didnt felt it. you only felt his soft fingertips on your hot skin. time suddenly stopped existing around the two of you as jungkook leaned in more closely. for the first time you noticed his scent. he smelled like soap, like the woods after a rain fall and like lavender in the morning.
"i ... thank you, really" your mouth felt dry as you finally spoke up. jungkook on the other hand didnt spoke a word, he only nodded in response. "you can ... let go if me now" at the same time your heart told you that he shouldnt.
to your suprise he actually did let go, stood up and turned his back towards you. god, even his back was muscular with his broad shoulders. why does such guys doesnt exist in your timeline? your legs were a bit shaky as you stood up, watching him as he putted on a white shirt from the closet. it fitted him perfectly and flattered his muscles in every way. jungkook's waist was so small and thin, it would be so easy to wrap your arms around it. the moment you took a step forward the door sprung open. a breathless jimin was seen
"jungkook, its serious. we need your help!"
jimin completely ignored your presence as jungkook walked past you "what is it" "t-the ironbloods, they are attacking the village again!" "... alright, go and grab my sword. we will set out immediately" for a short second jungkook looked over his shoulder into your direction.
this wasnt good. maybe he was killed there? you needed to stop him. immediately you strechted out your hand, stumbling forward.
"wait! y-you cant-!"
the door closed and at the same time your hand went right through it. your whole body straight went through the door before crashing onto your bedroom floor. the pain in your head was unbearable as you tried to sit up. both of your hands formed into fists.
"why now?! how can i save him like this?! why did you brought me back now!" you screamed into your empty room, hoping your fairy would answer you. there was nothing, nothing but silence.
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@junecat18 @hellbornsworld
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forjongseong · 1 year
Jay mopping the floor, using the mop handle like a microphone stand.
we already KNOW thats him irl dhsjakdhajk
“Let me love you,” he sang, dipping you and kissing your collarbones. “Good morning, my queen.”
me giggling all ugly and shit MORNING JAY
He’s really a malewife at this point, you thought.
MALEWIFE DHSJAKDHAJK teach me how to make mine one too
“I checked last night and I think you’re running out of pads, but I forgot which one you use,” Jay explained, stepping closer to the shelf of pads. “Is it this one?” He asked, pointing to a pink packaging.
“Because being a woman is fucking expensive, love,” you chuckled as you replied to him.
DUDE this is so true. pads are fucking expensive. i said the exact thing to my man too when we had to run to the store to buy me some dhajskdhjakdhak he was so shocked at the price ):
You laughed at his reaction and gave him a pat on his shoulder. “You’re a good man, Hwi. If you’re dating someone, let me know. I need to make sure she’s not taking advantage of my assistant.”
“Jay,” you whispered, “I don’t think I have the energy to do anything.”
“You mean like… somnophilia?” Jay asked.
Jay closed his eyes and bit his lips, almost as if he was imagining it happening. “Please don’t judge me, but that actually sounds hot.”
“Because you should give people the stuff that you like,” you answered, remembering that it was a lesson your parents taught you when you were young. “I’ll finish the gingerbread latte.”
“It’s okay, baby, I’ll drink that one.”
THE WAY WE TALKED ABOUT THIS SCENE WHEN U WENT AND GRABBED BOTH DRINKS TOO omfg nana now seeing jay in display im crying bye
“Oh, it feels nice to be called appa by a daughter,” he said, placing a hand over his chest sentimentally. Jay rolled his eyes and just dragged his father to the front door.
“Sweetheart.” Jay’s mother turned to face you, wiping her hands on her apron before she put her hand under your chin to tilt your face up. “You’re not letting anybody down as long as you love him. And believe me, he adores you.”
from experience, FELT. you never wanna disappoint anyone and try so hard to learn to do something for the one you love. and sometimes, you feel like you have no one to turn to or tell to even though you should be able to tell that certain someone. fhjaskdhjak sorry for blabbering T_T like myself for example, i was really afraid to be a part of my bf's family when he proposed. i was scared that i wasnt going to live up to anyone's expectations. but his mother really helped me because i didnt have my mom to teach me while growing up and i didnt know how to do anything. so im very thankful for all of this hdjaskdhjak OKAY ENOUGH ABOUT ME
“I’ve noticed that you’ve been slapping my ass quite often,” you commented, taking a cotton pad and drenching it with micellar water. “Do you like it that much?”
“Can’t really blame me. You’ve got a cute ass,” Jay shrugged, reaching for the remote.
At the same time, Jay spotted you from a distance, and he sent you another text as he smiled, keeping his eyes on you.
“Guys,” she said, flipping her hair back to look at the rest of the group. “Jay’s auntie is here to pick him up.”
Jay moved to shield you from their stares and gave you a warm smile. “I’ve talked with them enough. I’d rather keep you company now. Two minutes, okay? Don’t go anywhere.”
“Baby?” Jay sat up, watching as you made your way to the kitchen.
BABY T_T im sitting back down
He moved closer to you and took your hand, bringing it up to his lips for him to kiss.
“For the first part, you can say my parents raised me well,” Jay explained. He put his finger under your chin and tilted your head up. “And for the second part, I just watched a lot of porn and romance movies, to be honest.”
“I read a lot of smut,” you said, matter-of-factly.
“I’m gonna go shower, and if you’re still working by the time I’m done, I’m gonna get mad,” Jay said. He leaned in to kiss the top of your head before disappearing. You just smiled and continued to work.
ouuuuu so scary~
“Your hands can continue to be occupied,” Jay said, his hot breath tickling your thighs. “Please stroke my hair.”
BRUHHHHHHH omfg ofc jay anything for you!
“That’s sexy,” Jay commented. You just raised your eyebrows and nodded. “You’re sexy.”
“But wear the kimono again,” he requested. “It’s a great color on you.”
“You made me wait for sex for two days?!” Jay spat.
The actual late-night snack can wait.
glad some parts are relatable! sometimes when I write I worry if the scene is too perfect or too good to be true but then comments like yours remind me that LIFE IS LIKE THAT sometimes
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adpiratecore · 2 years
Got sent a ton of numbers from the ask game post by the ever lovely @rovah17 via pm!
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So here we go!
4. What are you looking forward to?
My camping trip! My birthday is next week, so me and the Boys are driving all the way to Utah (22 hrs) to camp and hopefully dig for crystals!
5. Is there anyone that can always make you smile?
My lovely fiance and partner :)
6. Is it hard for you to get over someone?
Absolutely. Still not over the girl i dated freshman year of highschool, genuinely thought she was an ethereal being and had full plans to marry her.
10. Are you good at hiding your feelings?
Sure! If you dont know me. Once uget to know me my shit is obvious lol
11. Are you listening to music rn?
Nah im listening to asmr lol
12. What is something you want right now?
I want a giant minecraft creeper plush. Like. Body pillow size. (Oh my god what if there was one of those overly sexual body pillow covers but with a creeper--- i would buy that ngl. As long as it wasnt super sexual lol)
13. How do you feel right now?
Honestly? Kinda depressed. Ive been in a weird funkrecently.
15. Personality description
I dont ever post about it, but I've actually got DID (dissociative identity disorder) so that one's hard to pinpoint? But i guess the "singletsona" or the mask we put on for basically everyone we're not close with is "chaotic nerdy punk"
16. Have you ever wanted to tell someone but you didnt?
Well, my partner (as mentioned above) is a fairly new relationship. Not even a month yet new. And we went to this convention together! Anime midwest! And we were sitting out by the fountain in the area where cars pull in for drop offs and deliveries. And all i could think about was "this would be a perfect area for a first kiss" but i chickened out and thoughtit was too soon and what if they get weirded out and--- they still dont know.
17. Opinion on insecurities.
So honestly? I think its good to have some insecurities. Like i think if everyone walked around thinking they were perfect all the time, there would be no growth as human beings, emotionally i mean. I have plenty of insecurities myself, BUT this reminds me of how many people ask me for fashion advice! I dress very alternatively and really adore my fashion style and ive yet to get a negative reaction from someone. Besides the point though, i once answered that question with "Wear what makes you want. If it makes you happy it looks good, and if someone's staring it means your hot." That just kinda randomly spewed out of my mouth and the person was like "wow thats kind of inspiring"
20. What is your favorite song at the moment?
Oh gosh good question!! Kind of depends on the vibe really, but the one i get most excited for and always sing along to is Flight Of The Crows by Jhariah
21. Age and birthday?
21!! 22 on july 26th :D
23. Fear(s)
That everyone secretly hates/dislikes me and is only keeping up relationships bc they want something out of me :)
25. Role model
Honestly i dont think i have a role model atm! I try not to compare myself with people, so my brain has turned that into dont try to be like anyone. If i reeeeeally had to choose though, my elementary school (?) Art teacher. He not only helped me with the first art project i was ever proud of, he also would be playing guitar as we walked into class and when he stopped and we thought he was done and started clapping, hed start playing again. He even played behind his head if i recall correctly!
27. Things i hate
I hate cringe culture. I also hate fast fashion. I also hate anything that makes fun of children for their interests.
28. I'll love you if...
My love language is touch, and i have chronic pain, THEREFORE, if you give me a massage im legally required to marry you. Before we started dating, i was making waffles for my partner and complained about my shoulders. They randomly came up and gave me a massage! They're stuck with me forever now (sorry babe i dont make the rules)
31. 3 random facts
AAAA I TELL THIS ONE TO EVERYONE! Any bees you see outside the hive (aka worker bees) are female! All the males are drones and only serve as reproduction matter. Had a (female) boss tell me "thats not true, they're called "worker" bees" n i looked at her, at her job, and was like "what are you doing right now"
Link, from legend of zelda, is canonically androgynous! He was designed to be able to connect with on a personal level, and therefore whatever gender the player wanted him to be
My initials are MEM and i have a friend who wanted me to marry someone whos last name started with E so we could hyphenate the last names and make my initials MEME
32. Are your friends mainly girls or guys?
Mainly girls and nonbinary folk!
33. Something you want to learn
34. Most embarrassing moment
Idk if this is the MOST embarrassing bc memory bad but i was on my first date with my last ex, we were bowling and it was a double date with two of their friends. They get up to bowl and as theyre trying to head to the ball dispenser, i move to touch their butt as a joke (they didnt mind we were both v touchy) and they moved away right as i did so i missed and fell off the bench. They didnt even notice lol!
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?
I want a farm. Not any sort of big thing, just enough acres for a few animals, a nice garden, and some bees. And maybe a blacksmith workshop.
On that farm, i want a divination shop! Just a little building with a front room for supplies and such, but the main attraction are the two back rooms. Decked out with tapestries and blankets and pretty fabric decorating the walls and ceilings, super comy couches or chairs around a beautiful table where we host readings of all sorts. Tarot, rune, bone throws, ect.
As soon as the farm starts up this one will likely be done, but to fill the time between now and then (bc farm is end goal) id love to be a theatre costume designer! Head honcho would be best, but honestly I'll take any position sewing :)
40. Favorite memory
Again, memory bad, but a good one is taking pictures of the highschool ex i thought i was gonna marry. I was in a photography class, and at the time planned on being a photographer professionally, so we ran around her neighborhood (she lived in a really nice area) and took pictures! Theres one of here where the sun speckles in and makes a bunch of "orbs" and it looks like shes surrounded by faeries.
51. Starsign
Leo sun, gemini moon, libra rising
52. Something you're talented at
I dont really think im talented at anything, but if i didnt say singing i think my friends would have me on a stake lol
53. 5 things that make me happy
Bees, stuffed animals, finishing costumes, my partners, and puppets!
55. Tumblr friends
Honestly i rlly dont have people i talk to consistently here, but id definitely say @rovah17 is one of em!! Thanks for being sweet bro :)
59. Why i joined tumblr
I was 14 and my friend i roleplayed with every single day told me i had to check this site out. Idr her reasoning, probably smth about fandoms, but ive been stuck ever since. I wish i could remember my first url lol!
That was long and i talked far too much but that was really fun to write!!!
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chasehermes · 4 years
i saw your previous posts about HP, and i think even if you're a fan, you seem pretty open-minded about it. all my friends adore it, and i think i just need to let off some steam. you can ignore this if you want but i think i just need to rant. i love that drama, i really do. it's so well-written, but i'm just annoyed that it was peppered with love lines. my favorite episodes were the first five--when it was free of all the ships and we can freely enjoy the story, their friendship, --
continuation: --and the characters, without the drama of the romance. i would have preferred that song-hwa and ik-jun didn't have the whole iksong love line because it would have been a nice break from all the director's previous works (PP is the main exemption though). and at the same time, the fans (esp in twitter) scare me. they stalk the characters irl and ship them irl, connecting their IG posts together :((( i just dont think about it at all, so i can love the drama but it sucks because for me, it felt like the second half of the season focused more on the chemistry and the romance, rather than the touching stories that they showed in the first six episodes. anyway i am sorry for ranting. i hope you're well. i love that drama to bits and it's a masterpiece, but i think it could have benefited if it established itself as something that didn't pay much details/attention to lovelines. and with all the things they are releasing, i get the feeling that they’re milking the franchise :(( i’m just sad because i also bought khino kit and the vibes aren’t the same anymore. you don’t have to reply to me :(( i'm just sad
Thank you for sending the message. I am honored that you think you can rant to me. I thought about how to deal with this because you left a message as an anon. I was against posting this with the hospital playlist tag because it might draw some flak, especially from the fans, but after some time, I decided to tag it here, just in case you can’t check my actual blog or it gets buried by my reblogs.
Just like you, I love Hospital Playlist. The humor was fun and the characters are lovable. But I have to agree with you when you mentioned that it banked on romance. We might be part of the minority though because there are definitely fans who tuned in to find out which lovelines will actually 'sail’. To relieve myself  of the stress, I just thought o fit this way: HP is a slice-of life, so it is a realistic portrayal. And we have to accept that romance is a part of that life they are trying to portray. Some lovelines did not really sit that well with me. For example, IkSong. The two characters are adorable. Initially, I wanted IkSong to push through so it can portray a healthy relationship between a stepmother and a child. But after much thinking, I ended up wishing that  the writer kept Ik-jun as a cool single dad and Song-hwa as a woman in her 40s who can find new love or not end up with anyone at all. 
Why? Because single dads exist, and we rarely get a portrayal of a single father who is also a doctor. Because it would be a nice to message to the viewers if Song-hwa can meet someone new and outside of her circle of friends. Or because there are single women (and men) who actually enjoy being single. Because it would be nice to see a woman help her bestfriend (who is a man) raise his kid without either of them developing feelings for each other. 
The only loveline that I genuinely enjoyed was Bidulgi :) GomGom was cute. But I looked forward more to Min-ha’s growing respect for Seok-hyeong as a professor and Seok-hyeong’s journey to heal his own trauma. Like you, I wished it ocused more on doctors, nurses, and other members of th medical community interacted (including the physical and occupational therapists, pscyhiatrists, med techs, etc.), but without the romance to draw the viewers in, I don’t know if the drama will receive that much of love. 
Anyway, about the fans on twitter. It really does happen. It’s not just on HP. But yeah, I have a friend who also ranted to me about this once--the whole WinterGarden shipping extending to YYS and SHB in real life. Sadly, we can’t really do anything about it. If it makes you uncomfortable, maybe you can just refrain from checking the hashtags? Or you can unfollow people who are posting about them? Unfortunately, celebrities don’t get the privacy some of us can have.
It’s nice that it has a season 2 (and 3), but I guess South Korea will be seeing the downside of having a show that also shows the romance between characters. Actually, of having a slice of life drama that is multi-seasonal. It’s easier for Kingdom and Stranger because the focus is mosly on the plot. But for HP cast, it might be more difficult for them to get out of the mold or the character that they are portraying in the drama -- at least in the eyes of the viewers. And of course, they have to be careful about the details of their personal lives.  I don’t think any of the cast members will be announcing anything about their dating life until the whole show is over because it might ruin the on-screen chemistry for some viewers. 
You can call it milking the franchise, others might go for promoting. We really can’t do anything about that, so maybe it’s best if you mute it from your search engine or something to that effect? I know some people who preferred to have the drama set at 20 episodes rather than the whole season 1 and 2 format because they don’t really like how some fans gush about every single announcement/detail or do the other Twitter games that the fandom has. I guess it’s just a matter of preference :)
Anyway, I hope you feel better because you got to talk about it. Don’t worry you’re not alone in your sentiments. I have friends who feel the same way. Just drop by my ask (preferrably, not anon so we can have a nice private chat instead?). Just remember the phrase To Each His Own. Just watch the show and patiently wait for HP season 2. If it helps, I guess you can also stay away from social media.  There are lots of good dramas that you can tune into. Right now, I’m watching It’s Okay To Not Be Okay, and the pacing and aesthetics are satisfying, and I am getting some healing and cathartic moments from it. It deals with mental health so proceed with caution, especially if it is a topic that you find especially sensitive. 
Take care. :) 
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i-cant-sing · 3 years
Yandere Rei hurting reader Pt 3
I couldn't write anything for Valentines, but I hope you like this. Enjoy!
Pt 1 here.
Pt 2 here.
Check out my MASTERLIST for more!
Enji wasn’t surprised at your funeral.
He wasn't surprised when Rei had begged him to have you frozen, keep your body encased in a glass box at home.
He wasn't surprised when the kids held her, letting him make proper funeral arrangements.
He wasn't surprised when Rei had a breakdown, punching his chest and thrashing around in Shotou's and Dabi's arms.
Enji wasnt surprised when the divorce papers came. He knew the kids were making her do this, but he didn't care. He signed them without hesitation.
He wasn't surprised when he heard the kids had sent Rei to an asylum. She kept escaping the house to run to the graveyard; she wanted to dig your body up. He understood why the kids sent her back.
He wasn't surprised when he heard Rei had killed herself in that place, 6 months after you had died.
He wasn't surprised when his kids didn't inform him of her death or funeral. If he was being honest, he wasn't even sure if he would've gone to pay his respects.
Enji poured himself another glass of vodka, taking the bottle with him as he sat on his recliner, almost tripping on a few empty bottles.
He wasn't an alcoholic, he was just trying to numb his pain. Its the only thing that helps him fall asleep.
Enji pulled out a cigarette and pushed it between his lips. He snapped his fingers to light it, closing his eyes as he inhaled the carcinogen.
"Again, dad?"
Enji didn't have to open his eyes to know its you.
"You know these things are not good for you."
Enji smiled. You were always so caring.
"Ah, so you do smile? I didn't think you were capable of doing that."
Enji opened his eyes. You were standing in front of him, a grin on your face.
"I smiled a lot more when you were around." Enji said.
You chuckled. "Me too." You sat next to him, before putting your head in his lap. "But you weren't around often."
Enji felt tears prick his eyes. "I'm sorry."
"I know."
Enji woke up the next morning with a massive headache. He went to his kitchen to get himself some coffee. He checked the calendar as he sipped the hot drink.
He finished his coffee quickly, before wearing a large coat. He grabbed his car keys and drove away from his house.
When he reached the graveyard, he made sure to wear his sunglasses and a baseball cap, before grabbing the bouquet of white lillies.
Your grave was a little away from the rest, he wanted you to have space, and his family to have privacy when they visited.
He stood in front of your grave. It was clean and the bed of grass of fresh as ever. He had paid the caretaker good money to regularly clean up your resting place.
Enji stared at your tombstone for some time.
Y/n Todoroki.
Heaven's brightest angel
A loving daughter
Now resting safe and at peace
Tears fell free from Enji's eyes at that. "Safe and at peace". Safe and at peace. Two things he failed to give you.
The image of your bloody face flashed in his mind for a moment. Blood coated your teeth and mouth, your gut was also bleeding heavily. Your face was contorted in pain, confusion and betra-
Enji needs to stop thinking.
He sat down beside your grave and pulled out the flask from his coat pocket. He knows he has to drive back. He knows he shouldn't drink, not in front of you at least, but he can't help it. "I'm sorry." Enji whispers before he started drinking. It didn't take long for him to finish the entire flask. It was getting dark and he knew he had to leave before the caretaker came.
Enji pressed a kiss to your tombstone before he turned on his heel to leave.
Enji was stunned to hear his hero name; nobody had called him that in a long time. God, he wished it wasn't the paparazzi. They had no respect for anyone, not even for the grieving or the dead.
But he looked up to see an old face.
Hawks smiled. "How are you?"
"Fine. What are you doing here?"
He scratched the back of his head nervously. "I've been meaning to talk to you." Hawks sighed. "I tried contacting you several times but you're impossible to track."
Enji knew that. He disappeared from the public eye after your death. He left his agency to Hawks, and got himself a home hidden in the woods. People assumed that he was just distraught over his wife's death or something. They didn't know about you. Nobody did. He paid off the hospital staff to keep their mouth shut because he didn't want his kids to suffer anymore because of his mistakes.
"What do you want?" Enji asked, gruffly.
"I just wanted to talk to you. Check up on you, y'know?"
"I'm doing great." Enji replied, stepping around him, about to walk away, but Hawks put a hand on his shoulder.
"Enji, its not your fault-"
"Shut up." Enji walked past him and made his way towards his car.
"Enji, listen to me-"
"I said. Shut. Up." He growled out. He didn't need anyone's pity. He reached his car with Hawks running up to him.
Enji tried to open his door but he suddenly felt lightheaded as he fell down.
"Enji! Are you okay?" Hawks kneeled beside him.
"I'm f-fine. Leave me alone." Enji was slurring.
Hawks grimaced when he smelled his breath. "God, you reek of alcohol. You weren't planning on driving in this state?"
Enji pushed him away. "I said I'm fine." Enji stood up before stumbling towards his car again, fumbling with the keys, his vision blurring the more he strained himself.
"Let me take you home, Enji." Enji felt his hands on his shoulder, but just as he tried to tell Hawks to fuck off, his vision faded to black.
Enji opens his eyes and finds himself in his house again. His old house. He's laying in bed when he hears laughter from outside. He gets out of bed and walks towards the source.
The kitchen.
He walks in and sees his family, the sun rays flooding the room, and the golden orange hues illuminating their faces. Rei is mixing something in a large bowl, Fuyumi is greasing up some pans. Natsuo and Touya are eating the chocolate chips from the bag, and Shotou is telling them to save some for the cake. And you. You're there too. Sitting beside Shotou, laughing as Touya sneakily gives you some chocolate chips too. Suddenly, they all turn towards him. Rei motions for him to come in. "Enji! Come in. We're making a cake!" Enji walks towards her, wrapping his arms around her. Rei kisses him, making his kids cringe and tell them to stop. They all laugh. Rei pours the batter into the pans, before raising the spoon. "Okay, who wants to lick the spoon?" And suddenly Touya, Natsuo and you yell "me!" before trying to reach for the spoon. Shotou freezes Natsuo's foot to the floor, while Enji pulls Touya back. Fuyumi grabs the spoon from her mom, and gives it to you, making you smile as you eagerly lick the spatula clean, while Touya and Natsuo whine how its not fair. Everyone laughs as Rei cleans up the batter smeared on your nose with a tissue. Its a heart warming scene. Its all he ever wanted.
But its not the reality he was given now, was it?
As Enji closes his eyes, basking in the warmth of his family, he suddenly hears someone crying. He snaps his eyes open, but the kitchen is empty and dark. He hears the crying again. He gets out of the kitchen quickly, trying to find the source. Its coming from Fuyumi's room. He bursts through the door, looking for Fuyumi, but finds you there instead. You're on the floor whimpering as you're trying to rub your arm with a towel. He kneels next to you. "What's wrong?" You cry when you remove the towel to reveal the huge ice burn on your arm. There were ice crystals littering all over the skin. Enji begins to heat up his palms as he melts the ice downs, slowly allowing the sensation in your arm to return. "What happened?" You sniffled. "F-fuyumi came to my room and said that she wants to go shopping with me, I told her I had to study for my test." You hiccuped. "She didn't like that, she- she said I'm ignoring her, blowing her off- I'm not!" You cried. Enji focused on your arm, heating it up slowly. "I know, you didn't do it on purpose. But maybe you could take some time off school? Think of it as a little break. You could spend more time with Fuyumi, with us." You looked at him in confusion. "B-but she hurt me-" "no, she was just a bit frustrated. You know she didn't mean it, right? She's your big sister, she loves you." You hesitantly nodded. "If you say so..." Enji smiled. "See, its all better now. Let me heat up the towel and wrap it around your arm." He turned to get the towel, but when he turned back, the room was empty.
He heard quiet sobs coming from your room. He made his way to your room and opened door and found you lying on the bed. "What happened?" He asked, taking a seat on your bed. "I saw him, I saw Natsuo put crushed pills- sleeping pills in my food! That's why I've been feeling so sleepy lately. When I confronted him, he told me its for my own good. B-but I know its because he doesn't want me to go out with my friends! He forcefully fed me the food, and then he took my phone away too! He said its because its not good to sleep with your phone but I know he took it because he wants to go through my stuff!" Enji hushed you. "Can you talk to him? Tell him to stop or something." Enji raised an eyebrow. "Natsuo is your big brother. He's just looking out for you. And he's not wrong about going through your phone either. Do you have something to hide?" You shook your head no. "But-!" "Natsuo wouldn't do anything to cause you pain, okay?" You closed your eyes. "Okay." You whispered. Enji closed the door as he left your room. But as soon as he did, he heard banging coming from the basement. He rushed down the stairs and found the door locked. Bursting through the door, he was suddenly engulfed by a small body. It was you again. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please, help me!" Enji pulled you away from him. "Hey, shh. Its okay. I'm here. What happened?" You sobbed into his chest. "I just went to the grocery store- just for 20 minutes!" Enji already knew what went wrong. "You didn't go with Shotou, did you? You didn't even inform him, right?" You shook your head no. "It slipped my mind. I promise I wasn't running away!" Enji sighed, petting your hair. "How long have you been down here?" You sniffled. "I dont know. It was Wednesday when Shotou pushed me in here." Three days. "Its okay. You've learnt your lesson, right?" You nodded. "Please, I don't want to be down here anymore." Enji led you out of the basement. "Just don't forget to tell Shotou next time, or tell us what you need. We'll bring whatever you want." Enji closed the basement door, but suddenly someone whimpered from inside. He opened the door again, but he found himself in the main bathroom. You were standing in front of the sink, putting some ointment on your shoulder. Enji looked closer and found burn marks on your skin. "Did Touya-" You turned around towards him. "Yes." Enji couldn't take his eyes off the red, burnt skin. "Why?" You shrugged your shoulders. "Does it matter?" You slammed the door shut in his face.
Enji didn't even realise he had begun walking away from the door and towards another one. He instinctively opened the door and found Rei and you. Rei had her arms raised, a sharp knife in her hand. "Rei- what are you doing? Put the knife down!" Suddenly, the rest of his kids appeared in the room. They stood between Rei and him, like a barrier. "Honey, its okay! We know whats best for her!" Rei spoke. Shotou nodded. "Yes. You said so yourself." Fuyumi spoke this time. "We're her family! We wouldn't hurt her!" Touya walked towards Enji. "Besides, if something happens, you promised you would save her, won't you?" Enji nodded. "Of course." "Then trust us. Like you always have." Natsuo said. Enji's eyes moved towards you. You opened your mouth to say something but all of a sudden, Enji was pushed out of the room and the door slammed closed. Enji jumped to the door when he heard your painful, gut wrenching screams. "DAD! STOP THEM! HELP ME! DAD!" Enji kept on banging his fists on the door but the door wouldn't budge.
Then it was silent. All too quiet. The door creaked open a bit. Enji didn't know if he wanted to see whats behind there anymore, but he still pushed the door open. How he wish he hadn't.
Lying on the floor, blood spilled from your mouth and your gut. Your body bore burns and scorch marks, the smell of burnt flesh wafting through the air. Enji fell to his knees. Its too late. "D-daddy? It- hurts."your voice was so quiet, so soft, he almost didn't hear you. "Save me?"you coughed out more blood, with each word. Enji started crying. "I-I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I-I can't." Your eyes dimmed when he said that, your chest finally stopped moving.
Enji finally woke up from his recurrent nightmare. He had been haunted by them ever since your death. Sad thing is, they didn't stray that far from reality. You had come to him many times, begging for help, but he turned you away, assuring you that they're just messing around, that it was an accident, or it was just a one time thing.
It wasn't.
Enji couldn't count how many times you had told him how his family had been hurting you, before you stopped asking all together when you realised he would always take their side.
It took a few minutes for Enji to register that he wasn't lying in his bed, or was in his home for that matter.
Enji groans as he sits up, rubbing his head. He remembers he was at the graveyard and then Hawks was there too. Hawks must've brought him to his home.
Stupid bird. He should just mind his own business.
Enji got up and left the room, leaning against the wall for support as he made his way around the house. Where was Keigo anyways?
He was passing by a garden when he saw someone move there. Enji focused his eyes and saw...you. He sighed. Enji sat down on the porch that opened into the garden. He realised he must've had drank a lot yesterday. Clearly, the effects of intoxication were still there.
You were sitting next to some bushes, trimming up their rough edges, your face turned away from him. You were humming to yourself as you worked.
You always did like plants, flowers especially. That's why he made sure you were buried where there was enough space for some flowers and grass to grow.
"I see you've found her." Hawks handed Enji a cup of coffee. He didn't even realise when he had walked-
"You can see her?" Enji asked. Was he still dreaming?
Hawks chuckled. "Of course. She's right there- Enji, did you drink again?"
Enji looked at you, then at Hawks, then back to you. "What?" There's no way. There's no way. Hawks looked at Enji weirdly before he called for you.
"Y/n! Sweetie, come here!" You whipped your head around at Hawks voice.
And Enji sees you.
He wasn't hallucinating. You're real.
You skipped towards them, smiling. And Enji didn't even realise it until you were right in front of them. You had eyes. They were different than your real ones. These new ones, they were the same colour as his. Sharp, turquoise blue.
Were you a doppelganger? Is this some kind of sick joke? He couldn't help but wonder, but some part of him knew that wasn't the case.
Enji stood up when you reached them, the cup falling from his hand.
"Hey, dad."
In a second, Enji had his arms wrapped around you. You're really there. You weren't dead. You're still alive. "Y/n? Is it really you?" Enji asked, tears falling from his eyes as he held you tighter, still in disbelief.
You hugged him back. "Yes. Who else would it be?" You chuckled.
He pulled you away from him, his eyes scanned your face. There was still some charring and faded scars around your eyes, but they were mostly healed. It really is you.
"B-but how?"
You smiled. "Hawks-"
It was like something snapped in him at the hero's name.
Enji suddenly pushed you behind him, taking a protective stance. "What the fuck did you do?!" He growled at Keigo.
Hawks held his arms up in surrender, trying to pacify the man in front of him. "Nothing. I just helped her." Enji pounced at Hawks, pushing him to the ground. He was going to murder Hawks if he even looked at you the wrong way. "Oh yeah? And what the fuck did you want in return, you sick bastard?!" Enji raised his hand to punch him, but he stopped when he felt your tiny hands pull on his arm. "Dad! Please, stop! He saved me! Please!" He could hear the fear in your voice. He got off Hawks and yanked you back to him. "Tell me. Did he threaten you? Harm you? Touch you?" Although Enji's eyes held concern for you, he was scaring you with his grip on your wrist turning painfully tight. "No! Please, stop." You replied, struggling as you tried to free your wrist.
"Enji, calm the fuck down! You're hurting her!" Hawks finally managed to pull his hand off of your wrist. As soon as he did, Enji saw his handprint around your wrist.
You moved behind Hawks, peeking at Enji from between his wings, your eyes pooling with unshed tears. Enji's heart sank.
Looking at your scared form, Enji couldn't help but recall how different it used to be before. How you used to run to him for help, seek his protection.
And now, you need to be saved from him.
"I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Y/n. I didn't mean to." He reached his hand out for yours. When you moved further behind Hawks, his heart broke. You were scared of him. Your eyes holding the same fear as they once held for the rest of his family.
"Y/n, darling, why don't you go tend to the bushes. I need to talk to your father." You scurried away as soon as Hawks said that.
"She's scared of me." Enji's voice held guilt.
Hawks patted his back. "Don't worry. She'll come around soon."
Hawks sat on the porch step, motioning Enji to sit beside him as well. He sat but kept his eyes towards your form. "What happened, Keigo?"
"Well, when you had called me, informing me how Rei had stabbed Y/n, I came as quickly as possible. I remember you were holding Rei back, stopping her from entering the hospital room. Once your kids had arrived and taken their mother away, you told me to keep guard while you sorted out some hospital forms." Hawks took a sip of his coffee before continuing. "Y/n had woken up a few minutes after you had left. And she started crying as soon as she was conscious. I tried calming her down, but she was- hysterical. She kept on saying how they were going to torture her again. I told her that Enji would make sure they wouldn't. She kept on insisting that you were going to take Rei's side." Hawks looked at Enji. "And you and I both know know, you would've." Enji held his head shamefully, because he was right. He would've taken his family's side yet again.
"She asked me to kill her, Enji."
Enji's eyes widened at that, turning his head to Hawks. "What?" Hawks nodded, his eyes stone cold. "She said she'd rather be dead than return to your house." Enji felt like someone had drove a spear through his chest. Oh god, how long had you been feeling like that? "Thats when I decided to take her."
"But how? We buried her." Hawks rolled his eyes.
"It isn't hard to find a body. You know that."
Enji nodded. Right. "And her eyes?"
"Got a quirk doctor to replace them."
Enji's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "But Natsuo said that they were irreplaceable-"
"Natsuo lied, Enji. All of your kids did. They were going to side with their mother, no matter what. And Rei wanted her to remain blind, so everyone made sure she did." He took another sip of his coffee. "You have a fucked up family."
Enji clenched his jaw at that, but it was the truth. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
Hawks raised his eyebrows in disbelief. "You're hard to track. You went into hiding and I had to run your agency, clean up your mess so that the public doesn't find out and I had a daughter at home to look after too. I guess you could say, I was a bit occupied."
"Oh. I'm sorry." Enji looked towards where you were, happily tending to your garden, completely oblivious to your surroundings. You looked so lively, so content. "Is...is she happy?" Hawks smiled at that. He still adores you. "Yes. She stays at home mostly, tending to the garden, but she occasionally goes out as well."
Enji looked at Hawks. "Alone? What if she runs away? What if something happens to her?"
Hawks shook his head. "She won't. Where's she going to go? She knows that your kids are still out there, and if they ever saw her, God knows what they'll do to her." Hawks crossed his arms against his chest. "Besides, I gave her a special bracelet. It has a tracking device in it and if she ever runs into trouble, all she needs to do is tap it and I'll be there!"
Hawks really had it all figured it out. Everything was under control, so why was he there? "Why did you bring me?"
"To save you." Enji stared at him in confusion. "You can't live without her, Enji. The past few months are evidence that you can't. You almost drank yourself to death." Hawks ran a hand through his hair, frustrated. "Look at yourself. Your eyes are bloodshot, you drink, you smoke, you're depressed as fuck. Is this the kind of hero you imagined yourself becoming? Is this the kind of father you want to be?"
"Keigo I-"
"You know, she never spoke ill of you once. Never. If anything, she told me that her good memories with your family, were mostly with you. Almost like she misses you."
"What do you want me to do, Keigo?" He asked helplessly, because Enji truly didn't know.
"I want you to stay here." He began. "Be the hero she needs; the father she needs."
"Keep your promise to her." Hawks eyes were full with fierce emotion as he reminded Enji of his promise.
I'll keep you safe. I promise.
Those word had been echoing in his mind forever, always accompanied by gore filled images of you.
"Raise the family you always dreamt of."
As if something had finally clicked, Enji nodded before he slowly made his way towards you. Hawks watched as Enji sat down beside you and talked to you. You smiled slowly before handing him a pair of gardening gloves as you taught him how to plant some flowers.
It was a good thing that Hawks cared about both of you deeply.
He was happy he was going to save his hero, Endeavour.
He was happy that he was going to start anew with you guys.
He was happy as he saw the love of his life and his goddaughter, now daughter, playing in the mud.
He was beyond ecstatic when he had slit Rei's throat in the asylum.
"What?" Hawks asks you, the person reading this story. He leans towards you, face mere inches away from yours, and smirks.
"That bitch had it coming."
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How was it?
Oh and yes, I will be taking asks for this (and answering some previous ones as well)
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kaz11283 · 3 years
ok ok idk if ur still taking request but can i have a drabble or a one shot or anything of loki dealing with/ taking care/ drinking with drunk y/n??? i’m drunk rn and that’s allll i need in life
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The party at Starks compound was going off without a hitch, celebrating the man himselfs birthday. The music was to loud, lights flickering everywhere, and laughter bouncing off the walls.
"Come drink with us y/n!" Thor bellowed to you across the bar montioning you to follow him to the group that was sitting around one of the back tables. You flopped down next to Loki and let out a sigh.
"How are you this evening y/n?" He asked moving his leg over slightly so that he wouldnt have to touch you. That was your power, being able to read people minds with a simple touch, nights like tonight all ways set you on edge with to many people bumping, shoving, touching. The whole atmosphere drove you mad most of the time.
"Handling it." You forced a smile looking over at him. "Alcohol helps repress it." You said picking up your drink and giving a silent cheers to the handsome man that had decided to dress in a black dress shirt and dark colored jeans. You threw your head back and took the shot.
"Starting the party stong this evening y/n?" Tony asked raising his eyebrow at you.
"Putting everyone elses thoughts on the back burner for tonight Tony." You said smiling sweetly at him before taking another shot.
"So whos on babysitting duty tonight then?" Bucky laughed looking around the table.
"I'm not that bad-"
"Thor had to pull you off the bar last time before you started stripping." Your face turned bright red as you glanced over to Thor whos face was the same color mounthing out sorry.
"Dont worry I've got her this time." Loki laughted taking a sip of his wine.
"Babysitter." You rolled your eyes again taking a sip of the mixed drink that Nat had put in front of you making sure her hand grazed your.
Loki seems quite excited to be on babysotting duty tonight, you might be in for another private stripping session tonight.
You shot her a look that sent her into a fit of laughs.
"Another round then!" Thor yelled at the bar tender. "We are celebrating the Man of Iron tonight." You sighed slouching back in your chair.
"Relax, darling, I've got you tonight." Loki whispered leaning over to you. "I won't let you make a complete fool of your self."
As the night grew so did your buzz, your cheeks were getting warmer, and the dress you had on now started feeling constricting. You started pulling at the bottom and then neck.
"Your fidgeting darling." Loki said placing his hand on your leg causing you to jump.
"My dress is to tight. I just need to get up for a second." You said standing to walk over to the bar.
"Dress to tight?" Steve asked looking over at Loki.
"She had to get up for a moment." At that moment there was whistling coming from the dance floor.
"Umm, babysitter." Tony said pointing behind Loki. As he turned around he noticed that you had already started to pull the dress up more than you should have. Loki jumped up running toward you.
"Y/n, what are you doing?" He said grabbing your hands causing your dress to fall back down.
"Lok, I'm hot. So freaking hot. This dress, its to tight. I need it off." You said trying to shake him off.
"Come on then, lets get you out of here." He said pulling you out the door. You bumped into a man standing near the door.
Wish she would have finished. He doesnt deserve to be able to see all that undressed.
You stopped suddenly looking at the man before raring back and punching him in the face. "I dont think its any of your concern who sees me like that." Loki stopped and stared at you before escourting you out of the crowed room.
"Asshole." You huffed behind him. He was able to lead you to the floor where his room was. "You could have just taken me back to my room so that you could go back." You sighed flopping down on his bed. The buzz had slowly started wearing off but the room was still spinning.
"Its ok y/n. Besides if I'm taking care of you then I cant go back to that overrated party then can I?" He laughed sitting next to you.
"I get so tired of being able to hear what people are thinking. It is literally exhausting. Trying to find somewhere to sit thats not to close to someone. Especially one of the guys, all of yall are perverts. Course the girls are just as bad most of the time." You put your head in your hands tearing up. Nope, the drunk still wasnt over.
"The power that you have makes you you y/n. If you didnt have that power you wouldnt be here with your friends."
"Yeah friends that I can hug because im afraid that I might hear something that I shouldn't. I made that mistake once. I hugged Steve not even thinking and he was thinking about Nat. Like thinking about something that no one but those two should know about. After that I just stopped touching everyone. Do you know how bad that sucks?"
"Ah, touch starved." He said laughing. "May I try something?"
"Its no use, everyone tells me they can shut it all off but theres always something on their minds." You shrug.
"Give me your hand." He saod placing his hand out palm up. You begrudgingly put your hand in his causing him to smile. "Well?"
"I think im about to be sick." You said jumping up and running to his bathroom silently thanking Tony for sticking with one layout for every room.
"Oh dear." Loki said following you in there and grabbing ahold of your hair that had fallen. "I think you will live." He helped you sit on the side of the bathtub as he got a clean rag for you to whip your face.
"I'm sorry you got stuck with me tonight." You whispered closing your eyes.
"Stop that nonsense. I volunteered for it. I knew what was coming." He laughed as he walked out to his room to get you a clean shirt. "Now tell me. Did you hear anything when I touched you?"
"Actually no, I didnt even realize it when you was pulling me from the party." You said putting the shirt next to you. "How?"
"I can 'turn it off' if that makes any sense. Telepathic people drive me insane. Always trying to figure out what your thinking. I learned at a young age how to block stuff like that out. Wanda tends to be the worlds worst."
"Its nice. The quiet. I havent had that, ever." You leand your head aginst the cool wall closing your eyes.
"Hey, no no no. Lets get you changed and laid down in bed before you pass out." He pulled you to your feet and looked at you. "Do you need assistance?"
You laughted as him. "No. Its fine ive got this." You pulled your dress off and pulled his on before walking out and flopping down on his bed.
"Do you mind holding my hand? Its nice not having to worry about what i might hear." Loki laid down beside you and placed his hand in yours.
"If you ever need some quiet time you are more than welcome to come find me." He sais placing a kiss to your temple before you fell asleep.
Thank you so MUCH for the request! I hope you like it. I had one, erased it and restarted so thats what took took me so long to write this one. If you have any more please feel free to send them in!
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literaila · 3 years
tricks and tips.
loki x gn!reader. title says it all. be warned. 
the first time you met loki,
he was sitting in a cage. it was cold where they were keeping him, somewhere far too excluded from everything else, someplace that you barely recognized yourself. it was cold, and it was dark everywhere except the glass composure he was trapped in.
this wasn’t really a prison, you knew. it couldn’t have been a prison for him when he was just sitting there, watching you, no movement, no sound.
but still, something about the cage made you want to crawl out of your skin.
or maybe it was him.
maybe it was his eyes, the cruel words he had spoken to everyone else. he wasn’t just a man, he would remind you, he was something other.
you’d first been called in to interrogate him (having a doctorate in psychology was very useful apparently) and try to determine what his next move was. 
though within five seconds of entering the room, you wondered why anyone would think there was any move he could make in the first place. he was completely enclosed, trapped in something that looked like it could hold even the scariest of monsters. 
and well, you werent quite sure if that was him. 
though, you couldnt deny the chill that ran down your spine as his eyes watched you as you walked closer and closer, not letting any fear you might have deter you from the job you were supposed to be doing. figure out what his next move was. simple. 
“hello,” you started, a professional smile on your face. you could’ve sworn he’d flinched. “i’m y/n.” 
the only thing you got in return was a roll of his eyes, clearly fed up with you, probably with the cage, and definitely with the wall he was leaning against. 
your neck ached in sympathy. 
“you must be loki, yes?” trying again, you drew a chair that was sitting next to the cage, probably leftover from the last person that had tried to talk to him, and leaned back, waiting for whatever answer he would give. 
turns out, that didnt take long. 
“prince” he, not quite hissed but announced. his face was not any more pleasant, and it was clear he wasnt joking. 
even still, you had to put in some effort not to giggle. it wasnt as if you’d ever gotten corrected by a ‘prince’ before. or that you’d even been in the vicinity of one. 
allowing only a small twitch at the corner of your lips, you nodded seriously, opening the notebook you’d been holding. “ah yes, prince loki. i’m sorry” 
“why are you here?” he asked, leaning his head against the wall again, and closing his eyes. “another person sent to discover all my secrets? figure out what to do with someone like me?” 
it was silent for a moment, the two of you were completely alone. it was still cold, it was still dark, but this close to the prince, you could observe the slow movements he was making. you could see his face clearly, the dread unhidden from his features. 
you supposed it must be draining, to have people asking you the same things, hoping to find out something new. 
you wonder how long he’d been left alone since he’d arrived in the small prison. how long he’d been watched. 
someone more cheerful, less conceded, might be a relief. 
“well yes, i guess so.” there was no point in lying, especially considering it didnt seem like he was going to cooperate anyway. “but i’m willing to bet that it wouldnt matter even if i tried,” 
he opened his eyes at that, something new on his face. something other than the distaste he already had for you. 
“its usually not safe to make bets with me, as i’m sure my brother already told you.” he spit out the word brother. it didnt surprise you, but you still scribbled something down in the notebook you were holding. you didnt fail to notice the change in topic. 
“i actually havent spoken to him yet, just the agent who called me in. i cant seem to remember their name...” 
loki stood up then, walking around the cage, stretching out. he looked different now, less angry, maybe a bit more tired than when you’d walked in. there was nothing else in the cage. no water, no food, no bed. it would be a struggle to stay sitting for long. 
“you dont work for shield?” the prince asked, now standing in front of you. 
“god, no.” you giggled at the thought, imaging yourself in the all-black uniforms you’d seen on almost every person that had welcomed you in. “i’m just here to... interrogate you.” you made an effort to keep the cheer in your voice, not wanting him to return to the other side of the cage and ignore you for the rest of the time you were locked in here with him. 
it wouldnt make for a very good report. 
“no i suppose not...” he drawled, smirking at you with crueler eyes than before. you recognized the insult but paid no mind to it. he was locked in a glass cage, multiple levels below the ground. he had a right to be a little bitter. “now about that bet,” 
huh. maybe a game would work then. you were almost sure that he’d been purposefully trying to move past that. 
“i think, knowing that you are the god of mischief, that even if i asked questions-- and you answered --that it wouldnt be too far-fetched to say that it would be all lies.” you watched his face change, the tiny twitch of his lips. “a safe bet, i’m assuming.” 
loki sat back down, this time in the middle of the floor with his long legs crossed over each other. he was looking at you completely now, blank face. it wasnt as scary now, and you werent sure if this was the right prison for someone as calm as he seemed. 
“i’ve been told its not good to assume,” he replied, looking down to his lap. 
you nodded along, silent then. 
it was another minute after, both of you thinking completely different things, before anyone spoke. you, of course, were trying to figure out your best course of action. what you could ask to get him to say something that you could report back to the people waiting for you, what he would need to hear to actually reveal something that wasnt already known. 
it was only when you looked up and saw loki scowling once again that you decided it was best to just keep the conversation going. 
“how long have you been here, then?” 
“here, physically? only around a day or two. i cant tell what time it is.” he looked around, nodding to the black walls, the light that was only coming from the floor beneath him. “on earth? ...well, far longer than i intended to be.”
loki raised a brow. “hmm?” 
you looked down at your lap, undeterred by the demand in his voice. he didnt like to not know. 
“Its just that,” you looked back up at him, offering a smile and using your hands to gesture in the air. “based on what i’ve heard of you... on the news, it seems more like you came to ‘annihilate’ us all. and, well i just figured that would take a bit longer than a couple of days?” 
you kept eye-contact with him. he was far less intimidating when he was sitting like a child. far less intimidating when his eyes werent full of murder. 
he nodded, leaning his chin on his hand, staring. “that sounds like a question.” he muttered, uninterested. he looked a bit bored, mostly tired, but still. 
“oh right,” you leaned back, distancing yourself from him and returning your eyes to the notebook. “sorry”  
loki sighed, kept silent for a moment before he saw that you werent going to say anything else. he had to know. 
“if i tell you something, will you tell me what you’re writing in that thing?” 
your eyes perked up. that was a good offer. 
“i thought it wasnt smart to make deals with the ‘god of mischief’?” you emphasised the title with a wave of your hands, hoping to get him to smile. 
just something to report, you reminded yourself. just stay long enough to get him comfortable. 
“its not,” he smirked, watching you decide. this suddenly felt a bit too much like a dare. 
and, well, you werent something who backed away from a dare. 
“okay, deal.” 
loki didnt reply, only waved a hand as if to say get on with it before yawning. he was definitely paying attention, but his show of boredom was greatly appreciated even still. 
you werent used to being told what to do with gestures, but it was clear that loki was very used to telling other people what to do with just a gesture. it was the prince in him, you supposed. didnt mean you were going to listen. 
“why am i going first?” you asked, arms crossed in front of you now. 
loki laughed, full out. he gestured around him with wide eyes, energy sudenly coming back to him. he looked much more like a prince now, than he did before. “it would seem that i’m at a bit of a disadvantage.” 
you glared at him, unmoving. “how do i know you’ll tell me anything real?” 
lies, you thought. you were very familiar with them, familiar to listening to them and familiar to dealing with them. 
“you have my word,” he promised, sincerely with a hand over his heart. 
it was definitely too much. but still, you grabbed the notebook and flipped it around so that he could see. the look on his face might’ve been just enough to make this entire day worth it. 
it was just scribbles, after all. little doodles to help keep you focused. 
but of course, the god of mischief, prince of asgard, didnt know that. 
he only stared at you, an astounding look in his eyes. and you, only smirked. copying his gesture from earlier. 
get on with it. 
“fine,” he quipped. crossing his arms over his chest. copying you now. it only made you smile wider. “i wasnt born on asgard. i also murdered my biological father.” no remorse on his face with those words, just another yawn. 
well. that wasnt expected. 
“that wasnt the deal,” you said, instead of offering any sympathy you might have. pity you knew he wouldnt want. any disgust that came with the words. he didnt want emotions, and you still needed something to report. 
you suddenly felt angry with him, and you couldnt tell why. 
“darling, i said i would tell you something. not that i would tell you anything useful.” he laid down then, right in the middle of the floor. it was ridiculous. but then you could see him closing his eyes, putting his hand over his face to block out the light. “its not like you gave me anything useful either.” he teased the words out, yawning again. 
maybe you’d misread his mischief, his distaste. 
“when was the last time you got any sleep?” you asked, instead of acknowledging anything he said. 
his face snapped up at that, the pressure in the room rising to the highest level. it seemed that you’d struck a nerve. he had been there far too long. 
“another question,” he hissed, distaste back plain and clear in his eyes, tinting his mouth. he was mad now, angry. it probably wasnt at you, you thought. it was probably at the situation, at his brother, at himself. 
you might’ve known a bit more than you’d led on. 
“when i was a kid,” you started, pleasant smile back on your face. you were in the company of a prince after all. “my mom used to tell me to think ‘happy thoughts’ to fall asleep.” you saw him wince slightly, but you werent finished. “it helped lure me to sleep, and also keep away nightmares.” 
“why are you telling me this?” he demanded, quietly. whatever he didnt like about what you were saying, it was too late to take back. 
“just in case you needed some help. or a reminder to take a nap.” 
and then someone was calling your name, leading you out of the dark room. you looked back at loki once more, another smile. 
you were sure you’d be back soon. 
and loki, well he was watching you walk away. listening to the silence you’d left behind. 
compared to any other person that had attempted to talk to him, to get something out of him. you were the most entertaining. and also slightly annoying. 
but still, he couldnt get those words out of his head. and he couldnt get the weight off his eyes. 
five minutes later, your voice in his ear, he was sound asleep against the glass wall. 
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glassartpeasants · 4 years
The Forest
Monster!Overhaul x F!Reader
Warnings: Monster fucking, biting, Monster AU?, rough sex, gore, blood, belly bulge, non-con, breeding, eggs
A/N: I’m sorry if the beginning is short i just really wanted to get into thy monster fucking, just sorry if its short in general, i have more monster fucking characters to write for lol
@zuffer-weird-girl @hello-lucky-luka
“Fuck fuck fuck FUCK!” You say to yourself as you try to run as fast as you can through the forest. Your feet hitting the ground making leaves and twigs snap under you. Your eyes scattering across the dark forest trying to find help and trying to see if the beast was following you. 
Your lungs where burning with the need for air as your legs were throbbing in pain from running so fast and so far away. Your clothes were ripped from the tree branches snagging onto them and the beast who tried to eat you. 
Its all that newbies fault! They left his cage up and now everyone is dead, your friends, bosses, and co-workers were all ripped to shreds from that beast. You can still remember there agonizing screams and hearing their flesh getting ripped apart. The crunching of their bones as the beast snapped down his jaws. 
Your whole body was covered in splatters of blood. Tears forming in your eyes as the reminder that tonight could be your last night alive. You were so focused on looking around you that you didn’t notice the above ground root that caught your foot making you land on the forest floor. Your cheek getting scratch on a low hanging tree branch on the way down.
You gasp as you try to get up but can’t. You’ve used up all your adrenaline and now all you can do is just shake on the forest floor while trying to use your arms to crawl away since your feet couldn’t carry you anymore. 
You stop in your tracks when you hear a faint growling coming from the darkness. You whip your head back and forth trying to pinpoint the source. You feel chills shiver down your spine as you try to crawl away quietly. You try to hold the sobs in your throat as you get closer and closer to an never ending cycle of fear.
Just as you were about to hide in a shrub a drop of water fell by your head. It wasn’t raining so your mind immediately went into hyper-drive. Don’t look behind you. Don’t look behind you-
“AHH!” You let out a scream of fear as you were dragged near some unknown figure. You knew what it was right away from the shire strength of it. Monsterhaul. He was in a facility in the woods with 3 other monsters you were studying. You think they must have broken out too since that place was a wreck when you ran away from it.
You where shaking as you felt two big hands wrap around your body, tears were flowing down your face as you could feel its breath blowing in your face. Its smelled of Iron which you could only assume from blood. 
You flicker open one eye and saw him looking directly at you. Both of your eyes open as you try to close your eyes but you can’t in fear that if you do he’ll kill you. 
He leans his face closer to yours and you swore you saw your life flash before your eyes. Before you could do anything the monster opened his mouth and his slimy tongue went to your cheek and licked up the blood off you cheek. You flinched hard enough that you bite your tongue, drawing a bit of blood. 
A little groan came from the beast before he stopped licking your cheek. Your mouth was slightly open from trying to get a deep breath and from little whimpers to come out. The monster moved his tongue away from your cheek before shoving it down your throat. 
You gagged around the slimy muscle as it wormed around your throat. Its tongue hitting the back of your throat cutting off air supply as your mouth was full of the taste of iron from your tongue. It was disgusting. You wanted to vomit. 
Dark spots were invading your vision as you try and hold on to consciousness. Luckily the monster took his tongue out from your throat making you cough and gasp for air. You panted as tears rolled down your face, flushed from the lack of air. Before you could truly breath properly again a mumbled word from the monster mad your blood freeze.
“Breed...” His other two hands grab articles of your clothing before ripping it off entirely. The sound of the rips gave you a horrifying realization. You were going to be used as an incubator for this monstrosity. You let out a squeak when your bra and panties were ripped off as well. 
“Stop! Leave me alone!” You screech at the beast before he lifted you up until you were near his beak. It looked leathery and with some hints of metal. Its jagged jaws opening up  so its tongue was poking out to like its lips. You shut your legs quickly making one last feeble attempt at escaping.
He uses his fingers to push open your legs. The feeling of his skin was a weird feeling to say. But it wasnt as weird as the feeling of his long slimy tongue that went up your thigh.
You let out a yelp in surprise as you looked down at the creature, disgust filled your entire being as you saw him move his tongue closer towards your cunt. You felt bile rise in your throat at the sight of him dragging his tongue near your slit. Your body felt hot in embarrassment when you heard the monster chuckle.
“Don’t laugh at me you jerk!” You tried kicking your feet at him only to stop when you felt his tongue licking you clit. You let out a whimper when you felt his tongue move back and forth on the bundle of nerves. It was horrific seeing this disgusting thing move across your body and violating it. His tongue moved up and down your slit before prodding at your entrance. You freeze up when you the monster slowly pushing its tongue inside your cunt. The hand that wasn’t holding your body slowly started rubbing your clit as you were getting eaten out. 
You bit your lip trying to hold back that unwanted moan that threatened to escape your lips. You whimpered instead. You could feel the monsters slimy tongue starting to pick up speed as it pushed its self in and out of you at record place making you bit your lip even harder and your toes curled. The monster noticed and started rubbing your clit faster while his tongue wormed around inside your cunt. Leaving no place untouched the monster let out a loud groan watching as you struggled to keep your composure, but you couldn’t hide that your body was simply loving it. 
“Ahhh...” You accidentally let a moan slip through your lips as you lost your train of thought. Your eyes go wide when his tongue brushed past a certain spot. The monster looked at with as if it were taunting you. The monster begin to ravage that certain spot with his tongue which left you moaning out. The feeling of his tongue brushing against the spot sent ecstasy cursing through your body. You could feel the line in your belly slowing becoming undone. 
The hands that were holding your body rearranged themselves so that they could pinch and pull at your nipples. You couldn’t stop yourself from moaning out no matter how hard you tried. The monster laughed as he saw you slowly coming undone. As if he knew that a few more thrusts would have you doubling over and cumming all over his tongue. You let out a scream as the line in your belly snapped. You hung your head lowly, panting and whimpering as the hands didn’t stop pinching and rubbing your nipples.
His tongue moved towards his mouth as he tasted your essence, letting out a growl as he did so. You look up at him when you heard a zipper getting pulled down. You eyes blow wide when you look down as saw that he pulled his cock out from his ripped pants. It was huge! How in the fuck did he think it was going to fit?! 
He brought you closer to his cock so that his cock head prodded at your entrance. You stared in horror as you desperately try and close your legs even though they were being held open. The monster put you on the shaft of his cock and begin to rub you against it. The pressure of his hard cock sent chills to your entire body as it gave your clit the friction that your body desired. 
Whimpers left your mouth as you try to ignore the pleasure that was building up again in your stomach. You shivered as you looked up at him. His beak was open just a bit and you could hear him panting and letting out grunts here and there. You felt his precum smear all over your ass cheeks and a part of your back. It felt gross but amazing at the same time. You try to readjust your self only to hear the monster let out a groan.
Before you could think the monster rubbed you against his shaft way faster then he started. You couldn’t hold your moans any longer as they were pouring out of you as your clit was getting so much amazing friction. You couldn’t help the moans that were pouring out of your mouth. You bit your lip before you felt the line in your belly snap causing you let out a loud moan. 
You shook as you head hung back, the monster letting out a noise of its own. It sounded like he was trying to communicate with someone? Or something?
Before you got to even potentially ask what he was doing, the monster moved you up a bit before sheathing his entire length inside you. You let out a scream of pain as you weren’t even stretch out enough yet. Tears formed in your eyes as you looked down and saw that his cock was so big that it gave you a belly bulge. You saw it move every time the monster thrusted into you.
The monster wasn’t going slow oh no, it was going way to fast for your liking. You cry out in pain and a sick sense of pleasure when you felt his tongue worm its way down your throat once more. You gargle around it as you try to focus on breathing and the cock thats pounding inside of you. 
You swore you could have felt his cock inside your chest. Your pliable body was nothing but a human incubator for him to breed with. But your tight cunt felt so good around his cock. It felt like you were squeezing everything out of him. Soon enough you would take his eggs and become his mate that he would surely keep breeding until the day you die.
You could feel your cunt clench around him before you let out a scream as you came all over his cock. The pleasure was to intense as your eyes were streaming with tears and drool escaping your mouth. But the monster wasn’t done yet. He still pounded into your abused cunt like his life depended on it. You could feel every ridge of his cock...
and every ridge of the eggs that were traveling up it. 
But no matter how much you didn’t want this creatures babies what was there you could do? You were stripped of all your energy so all you could do was watch and feel his eggs travel up his cock and into your cunt. He thrusted once and you felt the first egg go into your womb, pushing past your cervix. The thrusted again and you felt another egg enter your fertile womb. He continued to thrust and push his eggs into your womb before you felt his cock head push past your cervix making you cry out in pain even more.
He sprayed his seed into your womb, fertilizing his eggs that he pushed into you. You took a breath of relief once you felt his tongue leave your throat ad his cock leave your cunt. He then dropped you on the dirty forest ground while you laid there panting. You opened your eyes slowly and saw that the eggs left little bumps in your stomach. Your legs twitch when you feel the monsters hand rub against your bumpy belly. He seemed to let out a sigh of contentment and licked all over your body, what for you had no clue.
You were about to pass out from the rough treatment when you heard a breaking of branches heading your way.  You look towards that area and your blood ran cold when you saw the other 3 monsters coming your way with an mischievous look on there faces. You shake in fear when you realized that he had called for the rest of the monsters to have there fair share of you. A fair share of their human incubator. 
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marvel-m-lee · 3 years
Could I request a BuckyXreader fic? Any scenario. Idm. Just though, since you’re in the mood to write, I’d suggest something💕💕💕
Thank you bestie 🥺🥰 I've written this and itz not my best- no where near, but I hope you enjoy it.
Couch tickles- Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Tickle fic lol
Words: 1313
Summary: You, Sam and Bucky came back from a mission and you had the balls to tickle the super solider while he rested his eyes ;)
It was a hard day, You, Sam and Bucky had all been sent out on a mission, saving people wasn't easy work. And as a teenager, almost adult, your powers and training hadn't come to their full advantage yet.
Bucky and Sam both seemed happy though, no wonder. They made you do most of the heavy work seeing as you had telekinesis and a few more powers to do with the Elements. So whilst holding things, vines- small ones but still- would help trip the baddies over and tangle them up in vines.
You were all now entering the compound, you had a sullen face whilst the other two men were joking around.
"What's up doll?" Bucky asked, he stood next to you while Sam stood next to him. He chuckled and patted your shoulder.
"I am so never going on missions with you two again" you rolled your eyes when the two laughed at your grump.
"Oh you love us really" Sam teased.
"Oh I definitely do not" you teased back as they pretended to take offense.
You had all entered the main living room and kitchen area. Seems like the rest of the Avengers were doing their own things.
Sam walked over to the kitchen side and put on the coffee machine, offering Bucky a coffee even though he'd never drink it because it never really worked on him. You stared at Sam as he tried to hide his smirk.
"You not offering me anything then?"
"Oh sorry y/n, I forgot you were here!" Sam exclaimed.
You rolled your eyes as you watched him pour out two coffees and hand you one. Buck had already found his way onto the centre of the couch, flopped out with his arms over the back of the couch, leaving perfect access to his underarms as he wasnt looking.
Sam walked over, and just as he did you fluttered your finger tips into the super soldiers armpits as he clamped down looking around at which one of you had done that.
Sam raised his hands in defence, but as the brilliant actor you were, you told him to stop lying and why he had  done that even though Bucky had had such a tough day.
"I did not do that! I dont mess with the super soldiers when theyre playful" Sam chuckled, slightly nervous even though he had done nothing.
"Own up now or else"
"Or else what old man?" You asked sitting on a separate couch sipping your coffee. Bucky watched you as a smirk slid it's way onto his face.
You placed your coffee on the coffee table then sat in some strange position where your head was leaning over one armchair and your legs dangled off the other, you whined for someone to pass you the remote, oblivious to the super soilder plotting his revenge.
Bucky threw over the remote and you put on some random show, watching it upside down.
Bucky motioned for Sam to go over to your legs, Bucky then stood up and brought your attention to him as he stood tall above you, coughing to get your attention.
"So you didn't tickle me?" His smirk hidden away now as he questioned you.
"Mm-mm" you shook your head, trying to concentrate on the tv.
"You're a terrible liar y/n, you're worse than Steve when we were your age" In an instant arms wrapped around your legs and Bucky had jumped around your torso, you were pinned to the chair in your awkward position, trying to wiggle free.
"UGH! YOU'RE SO HEAVY!" Was the automatic response, in which you wished never had left your mouth.
"Wow, okay doll now you're gonna regret it" Bucky placed his hands on your sides, the coldness and sudden touch made your body tense up as you glared into his eyes.
"Wait- wait dont-" you nervously begged, your words mumbling over each other.
Bucky's hands started to mould at your sides, making you push at his arms and back your head into the couch trying to hide your giggles as they build up into your throat. Your throat humming so that it wouldn't escape.
"What's wrong y/n? I'm just trying to mould you. A naughty kid should do as they're told!" He taunted as his moulding hands made their way up onto your bottom ribs. You squeezed your eyes closed and shook your head, trying to stop your laughter from escaping. Sam had long let go of your legs now and was standing back recording this embarrassing moment on redwing.
Bucky used his thumb and index fingers to twirl around your bottom ribs for a moment before sighing. The tickling had stopped for a few seconds so you looked up at him.
"I guess this just isnt working. Maybe this?" He then motioned sam over to hold up your arms making you squeal and beg.
"No- no sam! Sam dont you dare! SAM!"
Bucky then placed his hands at the top of your ribs and gently dragged his hands down your ribcage, wiggling his fingers lightly causing giggles to escape your mouth.
When it came to tickling with Bucky, the last thing he would do was lightly tease you. And usually when he was playful he'd have you around first. not only was it torturous, but EXTREMELY embarrassing even though ever avenger had seem you in this or much worse state.
"Buhuhuckyyyyyhehe! Nohoho!" You begged, trying to hide your blushing face in your arms.
Then bucky changed his tactic and started to scribble in your armpits while you werent looking, you squealed and began kicking wildly at him.
"BUCKKKK!!!" Your laughter became louder as the giggles tried transforming into laughter. You squealed and kicked, trying to hid your head in your arms but failing miserably.
"Yes y/n? What?" He continued to scribble in your under arms while looking at you questionably as though nothing was happening.
"NAHA PLEEEEASEEEHE" You began giggling like a psychopath, trying to wiggle out of someones grip. Bucky then in a split second moved his hands to your sides and tasered them, his fingers vibrates into your sides right below your ribs and you squealed/screamed in ticklish agony.
"NAHAHA NOOOHOHO BUCKYYYY!!!!!" You wacked your head back and forth and Bucky slowed down his tickles moving to your ribs, he brought his head to yours and whispered taunting things in your ear.
"Aw, does that tickle? Are they tickwish? Tiny Tickwish Tomato aren't you?" Taking the mick out of your now bright red face. He blew around your ear and neck to make you want to scrunch down to stop it but couldn't thanks to his head being there.
Bucky was now lightly tickling your sides and belly, very gently caressing your clothes causing a thousand unstoppable giggles to pour out of your body, you weren't sure how much more you could take. Your face was already bright red and you were already embarrassed enough.
"I think we've got to do one last thing before we let you go" Bucky taunted as now a single finger had started outlining your belly button, causing more giggle mixed laughter to follow the room. You hadn't realised what he was talking about before you felt him lifting up your shirt. You screamed and squealed, wiggling and bouncing. Anything g to stop the oncoming torture.
"As you wish"
You squealed as his lips made contact with your belly button, he blew a large raspberry making your entire body convolce.
"AHGGG IM GOHAHAHANNA KILL YOUHOHOHO-" Your laughter went silent after he had blown a secret second raspberry to shut you up.
The only thing he hadn't realised was your powers knew when you needed help- sometimes anyway.
And having the power of the elements, well let's say vines are very useful.
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A True Love
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Gif credit @angelreyesgirl.
Requested by @writerwithasoul. Hope you like it. Thanks for the request. ❤
Taglist @nocturnalherb16 @jesseswartzwelder. @leaalfred. @tranqs-main-mami. @mayans-mc. @baylishh. @writerwithasoul. @twistnet. @ilovetaquitosmmmm.
"Sweetie, I'm heading out with the girls. I'll see you tonight". You called out, fixing your necklace and grabbing your purse by the door.
"Wait wait wait. Let me get a look at you". Miguel purred as he got closer. You blushed as you twirled around.
"Looking sexy as always. A little to sexy. Where are you going with the girls"? He asked rubbing his thumb over your hand as he held it.
"Shopping and maybe to lunch. There's this new restaurant that opened down the hill and we all have been wanting to try it". You gushed.
"Alright. You be safe out there. Call if you need anything". Miguel kissed your cheek and you went on your way.
"Follow her". Miguel turned his head and motioned to one of his security guards.
"Yes, sir". The guard slipped out the back and went to his car. He let your driver and you get ahead of him so you wouldnt spot him following you.
You met up with your girlfriends and headed into the first store. It wasn't much your taste but they did have cute lingerie that you couldn't resist. So you grabbed a cute red matching set and a black and lace matching set. Heading into the dressing room.
Quickly slipping off your shirt and unfastened your bra the curtain swept open and in popped a man with a kutte on.
"What the fuck are you doing in here? You pervert". You slapped his chest and he laughed. Then quieted down when he saw your breasts were hanging out.
Covering yourself, you let out a giggle. "Angel, you can't be here. You know Miguel has someone following me. I think he's become suspicious. I'm hanging out with the girls to much. And I dont even like them. They're to rich for my blood. A thousand dollars for lingerie. That's expensive". 
"But it looks so good on you". Angel softly growled, his arms wrapped around your waist. Your hands went to his groin. Massaging his cock through his jeans.
"Buy it. Wear it tonight". Angel nipped at your earlobe.
"I cant tonight. Miguel has a party that he wants me to go to". You moaned when Angel moved down to your neck, sucking on your collarbone. He turned you around his hot breath on your neck.
"Blow it off. Say your sick or something". Angel kissed down your chest. Stopping at one of your hard nipples. Taking it in his mouth and sucking on it. Your head fell back and your hands went to his hair. His tongue circled your nipple, taking it between his teeth. You gasped out as he pinched the other with his fingers. Pulling at it.
"Fuuuuck". You pulled on Angel's hair.
"I can't. I'm sorry. I want to be with you but I can't". You whined when Angel released your nipple from his mouth and his fingers weren't touching you anymore.
"So this is why your buying lingerie? For him"?
"No. We havent had sex in four months. You're the only one I want. I crave you every second of the day. My mind it always on you. Not him. I dont even let him kiss me on the lips any more". You sadly said, putting your clothes back on.
"Then why dont you leave him? Come live with me. I want you". Angel ran his hands up your arms, giving you goosebumps.
"I cant.  You know that. My family".
"Okay. But what if I can make sure that your family is safe"?
"I would thank you in the best way I can and I would never leave you". You smirked as you hugged Angel.
"Alright. Go to your party and text when you can". Angel kissed your lips with passion and then hurried out of the dressing room without be caught.
You breathed in and out. You wanted to go with Angel so bad but there was a little voice in the back of your brain telling you no. Itll be deadly for some. See your marriage with Miguel wasnt a ordinary marriage. It was planned without your permission. You had no choice in the matter. Miguel is a rich powerful man and what he wants he gets. He wanted you and he got you. There was no running or turning away. You had too or your family wouldn't make it. Your father basically made a deal with the devil. No, Miguel isn't that bad. He's sweet and charming. But he's also overwhelming and over protective. It took him a year for you to be able to go out shopping with friends.
He was controlling and secretive. The sex was okay. Nothing like with Angel. Angel gave you mind blowing orgasms. Miguel gave you a mind blowing migraine. They were totally opposites. Angel was freedom. Miguel was shackles. But you had to pretend to be happy.
Then you met Angel and he made you truly happy. Then Miguel started to suspect something was going on with you and a man. He wanted to fire or kill every man that worked for him.  He was jealous but you made sure that he didnt catch Angel.
After buying the black and lace set you headed to lunch. The girls chatted and galked about the cute busboy and how they wanted to take him for a spin. But all you could think about was Angel. And why Nestor was sitting there watching you with his binoculars.
Rolling your eyes, you knew it was time to go home. You said bye to the girls and went to Nestor.
"So you're taking me home"? You asked getting into the SUV.
"Yeah, Miguel wants you ready for tonight".
Huffing as you sat back in your seat. You drove down the road and saw a couple of bikes on the side. Your heart raced, hoping to see Angel.  There he was sitting on his bike, smoking a cigarette and smiling. Your heart did flips. He was so beautiful.
"Dirty filthy scum". Nestor spat.
You ignored him as you watched out the window. Angel sent you a wink. You melted into a puddle in the seat.
Pulling up to house you got out and headed inside.  Straight to your room, hiding the lingerie from Miguel. As you finished up he came into the room surprising you.
"You scared me". You let out a breathy laugh.
"Sorry. Did you have a good time"? He asked coming and sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Yeah, Karen talked about the busboy and all the things she wanted to do to him but I think it was just her hot flashes talking". You slightly giggled.
"So you were talking to boys"?
"No. We had a waitress and a hostess. All women".
"Then why is the only thing I'm hearing is about a busboy"?
"Just forget I said anything. What should I wear tonight"? You gulped down your fear and headed into your closet.
Miguel rubbed his temple. "There's a dress in there for you to wear".
Finding the dress it was beautiful. "This is lovely. I cant possibly wear this. It might get ruin".
"You'll wear it. Itll look great". Miguel kissed your head. "Oh, and I wished you had gotten the red set. You know how black looks on you". Miguel smiled and left the room. Your heart dropped. He knows what set you bought. Does he know about Angel?
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elliesbaby · 3 years
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two gays one bed 😏😏😏
this was a request but i lost the user who requested it! i don’t really know if i portrayed this correctly but i tried my best.
Ellie Williams x F!Reader
Warnings: Semi smut, Choking, Swearing.
It was going to be a two day trip. You and Ellie were sent out on a patrol. We were low on medical supplies in Jackson. We had to venture far out to be able to find everything we need because all the places near us have been wiped clean.
It was the first day and unfortunately there wasnt much luck. You had found some gauze and alcohol but that was about it. The whole day has had weird tension.
You and Ellie agreed to do this a couple weeks ago. For some backstory, a couple weeks ago you and Ellie shared a kiss. A kiss built with tension from the years of crushing you both felt. Seems perfect right? You kissed the girl youve liked for years. So why was there weird tension now?
Shortly after that kiss you were at the usual Saturday dance in jackson. You were with Ellie, Dina and Jesse. You all got pretty drunk. Dina being the most intoxicated. Jessie was sitting next to you at the bar, you both watched Dina grab Ellies hand to dance together. Not thinking too deeply into it, you just watched. Until you saw Dina lean in to kiss Ellie. Your heart sunk and instantly you got up and left. The day after Ellie had tried to come over to talk but you never gave her the chance. She had tried so many times to talk to you. You were too heartbroken to listen, always walking away before she could get a word out.
Unfortunately for you, you had forgotten about agreeing to this trip. So now you two are stuck together.
You both were rummaging through an old building.
“(y/n) please listen to me. Im so-“ The auburn haired girl began to say
You interrupt saying “Ellie listen, i get it. The kiss meant nothing. I should have known you would have picked Dina. Shes beautiful how could you not.”
“No i-“ Ellie began to say
Before she could finish you had stepped out of the shop onto the street. Ellie follows behind you but stays quiet. You can tell she isn’t very happy and seems to be getting impatient with your pettiness. You didn’t feel like you were being petty. The girl you loved moved on to someone better. It felt like you were mourning something that never existed.
You two had been walking for at least 5 miles occasionally stopping to check the buildings you had passed.
“We need to set up camp for the night its getting dark” (Y/N) says.
Just as Ellie opens her mouth to reply her body gets flung to the floor. A clicker was now on top of her and she was trying hard to keep it from biting her. You grab your knife and run as fast as you can. You dig your nails into its skull as you grab its head and push your knife in and out of its skull. You push the body off of her, grabbing her hand to help her up.
Before you get the chance to help her up a clicker begins to attack you from behind and you get pushed on top of the girl, unable to kill the clicker attempting to attack you. You feel the body on your back go limp. Ellie was able to kill him and save you. You weren’t sure if you had been bit at this point but didn’t want to say anything just yet. There was no time.
You both get up and start looking around. There was a giant hoard about a mile away coming towards you. A grip at your hand pulls you back to reality. Ellie was pulling you away. You both start running and try to find a nearby building. Finally you both find a shed that looked like someones old hiding place.
Knowing that the hoard couldn’t be that far away you both run inside and start barricading the door. You use whatever you can find to make sure its as sturdy as possible.
“Well i guess we will set up camp here, it wont be safe to leave anytime soon and it’s already late” Ellie says
You nod your head looking around. The shed wasn’t that big at all. It had a full size bed and very little space on the floor. It had a big shelf that held some food cans and arrows.
You sit down and sigh “Ellie that clicker attacked me and i don’t know if i got bit, i’m sorry but can you check?”
Ellie looked at you with a smile and rushed over. She looked so happy that you were asking for help. You knew you were in deep shit when your stomach started to flutter at her smile. You didn’t hate Ellie at all. You loved her.
You take your shirt off throwing it on the bed and you turn around and take your bra off too. You felt eyes burning through you. You were waiting for Ellie to check your back for a bite but the room was quiet.
“Oh shit sorry” The auburn haired girl says as she walks over to you. She checks your back and says “You’re clear.” You feel a cold hand lightly touch your warm back. It sent goosebumps down your body and your face turned red quickly. You grab your shirt and throw it back on.
“So i can sleep on the floor” You say.
“No theres no room and its cement. You have bad bruising on your back, sleep on the bed ill keep my distance” She says. Reluctantly you agree.
You both lay down. You turn your back towards her and she does the same. Neither of you knew what to say. You both layed there for some time before you noticed somehow you guys were now touching back to back. Her body was so cold and you could feel her shivering.
Ellie let out a gasp as she felt your arms wrap around her body. Your warm breath was against her neck. After a couple of minutes of silence you go to put your hand to her face to warm it and you feel tears. You move her face towards you and see her crying.
“Ellie whats wrong?” You say concerned.
“(y/n) i’m so sorry, i never meant to hurt you. She kissed me and i felt so guilty. What you said earlier about choosing her, i never chose her. In a heartbeat i would chose you. I love you. I always have.” Ellies voice crackled as she pushed out those last words.
You look at her and start to cry. She grabs your face and pushes it against hers. You kiss for what feels like hours but was only minutes. Taking in every second of her sudden warmth. You cried harder. You pull away only to say “I love you too El” Only to kiss her again right after your words leave your mouth.
Ellies hand moves from your face to your hips. She was pulling you against her leg. You let out a quiet moan and instantly felt a smile coming from Ellie against your lips. She then gets on top of you and starts kissing down your neck. She takes note of the soft moans you let out when she hits your sweet spots, sucking and biting leaving marks that you know everyone else will see. Ellie didn’t care. She wanted everyone to know who you belonged to. She pulls away and smiles at you.
“Stop being a tease” You say pouting.
You feel her long fingers wrap around your throat and squeeze. Your eyes get wide as you look up at her.
“Don’t tell me what to do” She says frowning, staring deeply into your eyes. She looked genuinely mad but you knew she wasn’t. That didn’t stop you from getting extremely turned on. You lunged your body against hers and started kissing her harder than before.
Who knew being stuck in a bed with someone you thought you hated would end so good.
Note: HA teased y’all. Let me know if you want a part two picking up where it left off ;)
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heyitsyn · 4 years
,,,,OK Kurat
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a/n: when bokuto refuses to fix his roots and let the gray dye grow out and it slightly irritates you
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colorblind soulmate where you lose your colors and only gain them back when your other half starts to have feelings for you
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requests are open!!
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so, leggo?
ever since you turned 16, you’ve literally gone colorblind
like you were perfectly happy seeing the colors of the world
from daichi’s red sweater
to hinata’s orange hair
you were ROBBED of the colors of the world
when you woke up that morning, you knew you would get your soulmate sign soon and you were sure it would happen while you were in class as it would start the exact time you were born 16 years ago
so there you were, happily eating with nishi and tanaka at the roof
‘hey, y/n-chan, look at this manga i found!’
you look up at noya and you almost choked on your rice ball when you couldn’t see his blonde streak anymore
it was like the moment you blinked, it was gone
he must’ve noticed your surprised look because noya touched the front floof since you were staring right at it
tanaka had his mouth opened and patted your back when you coughed
‘ah, it happened now?’
then you just start bawling
‘i cANt sEE yOuR hAiR anYmoRE!! aNd hiNATa’s hAiR! aND tHE oRANgE uniFOrMS!’
they understand it was a touchy subject for you since you were expecting something cute like noya’s thought sharing sign or tanaka’s taste sharing sign
but NO!!!
‘it’s okay y/n-chan. you’ll meet them soon and you’ll get your colors back’
from then on, all you’ve done is research all you can about soulmate signs and how they worked
yours happens to be a rarer one and you groaned bc of course it would happen to YOU
it states that usually, the moment you lock eyes with your soulmate, you’d get your lost sense back
but you wouldnt know when it would exactly happen and be like your uncle who is nearly 40 and still cant smell anything
whats worse, there were even cases where you wouldnt get them back in one sight but gain them when they start to have romantic feelings for you
you really do hope you’d get the easier 
being a part-time manager, you often helped the vbc if you were free from your other clubs so you sometimes help kiyoko with the kids
entering the gym, you frowned when you saw hinata and the gray tone of his hair
everything was gray but colors that are light like yellow or bright orange, were lighter gray while darker ones were dark gray or black
seems like tanaka and noya told the team what happened because daichi went up to you and ruffled your hair before saying it’ll be okay
‘give it time! you will find them!’
yacchi, a manager-in-training, enthusiastically told you about her ideas for the poster and gave you her rough draft, explaining the little details
but you were out of it as you just roamed your eyes over the gray-colored paper
thus causing her to freak out
(yacchi is just a little precious bun, please protec her :’))
but you ruffled her hair and put on a smile
‘don’t sweat it, yacchi’
after that whole thing about announcement of the tokyo training camp and the hinata/kageyama idiot squad
you guys were in the bus, getting ready for Tokyo
it’s also been weeks since you lost it so you were still new but you were starting to get used to it
ofc you still had mistakes like their different colored practice jerseys and who was in what team or wearing different colored socks
but you were slowly adapting
it was a few hours of a drive so everyone was static to get out of the cramp bus and use the bathroom and stretch their legs
you took your time and put the others trash into a plastic bag bc youre just a great manager like that
getting out of the bus, you heard a horrendous and terrifying laugh and saw the nekoma captain hunching over in laughter
‘my god. at least his face makes up for it’
you got a text from hinata and kageyama saying that they were going to take their exams now and you sent them a little encouraging blurb
the guy from nekoma with the mohawk gawked at the 3 managers and you remembered him having that blonde hair dye
when you and the rest entered their gym, all you saw were balls flying everywhere and lots of people
your eyes scanned for at least someone to make eye contact with you because this gym has a lot of people in it and there could be a possibility they were in here
like 0.000003% probably but still a chance
from the managers to the players, not one reactivated the colors
‘hm,,, i think my soulmate is in here’
noya’s little comment made you glare at him in envy and he grinned with a peace sign
you noticed that boy kenma with his haircut and there was someone sitting near him that made you turn to the others
‘okay, either i just have terrible memory but is that a new guy?’
suga wondered the same thing and you flinched at the kid’s harsh stare at you all
there was a light gray tone to his hair and eyes so you were curious what color they were
‘his legs look a little long. i think he’s taller than most of these guys’
asahi said which made you give him a look
‘listen, as long as we got tsukki-kun, we’re okay’
the first match was against some powerhouse called fukurodani and they had a few interesting players
by interesting, you meant looks wise
that one guy looked freaking pretty with his sharp eyes while the other guy, who you assumed to be the captain, had round eyes and spiked hair
you were pretty sure that he had different colored hair due to the mix of black and light tones
its like he got electrocuted and his hair just stayed the same
you were too busy looking at the 2 teams that you completely missed karasuno’s defeat and just saw them doing flying receives
the others gathered to the side and the next game was against fukurodani and nekoma
from hearing the names being said, that pretty guy was akashi or aggghasshi and the owl looking dude was bokuto-san or bokutosang or something bokuto bc youre not exactly sure
and then he be flying
‘he REALLY flying!’ 
you exclaim and tbh what can you expect from being one of the top 5 aces in the country
then the ball straight flew towards your own player and you and yamagucci screamed for his name
everyone flinched when the ball hit his hand and you ran over to check
you hear that loud voice of his on top of kei’s hiss and you growled
he didnt even apologize and if it wasnt for tanaka and daichi holding you back, you were about to scream into the guys ear for damaging your player’s hand since he needed it to block properly
suga smiled and raised a hand apologetically your shouts caught the attention of others
the more games karasuno played, the more they lost
you went to fill up their water bottles and was mumbling to yourself, blaming that freak haired guy for tsukki’s pained blocks
‘didnt even apologize. how dare he hurt my boy’
bokuto was going for a drink when he heard your mumbles by the water fountain
he noticed you as the karasuno manager and poked you in the shoulder
‘ah! youre the manager!’
cue you looking to glare at him since you could recognize that voice anywhere
‘and you are?’
taken aback with your tone, he grinned
‘bokuto. bokuto koutarou’
then you went back to filling up the bottles
he fiddled with his towel before poking you again
‘um,,, i want to apologize for earlier. sorry about that spike’
you stopped and you nodded
‘i appreciate the apology, bokuto-san. but you should say it to him’
bo guessed that you were kinda their mother hen and you looked after the players of your team
‘are you,,, a third year?’
closing the lid of the last bottle, you placed it on the basket
his eyes widened before shouting
‘im your senpai!’
you jumped at the sudden volume of his voice and awkwardly smiled
‘ah. okay, bokuto-san’
his eyes widened before patting your shoulder gently
‘drop the -san! i prefer being called senpai!’
does this guy have a senpai kink or something
but there was probably nothing wrong with calling him senpai right?
‘okay, bokuto-senpai’
you were lowkey kinda iffy since you dont really call anyone senpai, everyone was -san to you
bo laughed loudly and ruffled your hair
your head looked up and you saw the pretty guy walking towards you
he bowed in front of you in both greeting and apology
‘sorry about him. he gets a little excited sometimes. im akaashi keiji by the way’
you waved it off and smiled gently
‘nice to meet you, akaashi-san. and dont worry, i have two people like him in my team’
hinata and noya
‘come on. the next game is about to start’
he tugged bokuto’s arm and bo waved at you before walking away
‘see ya!’
but stopped
‘ah! i didnt get your name!’
‘y/n. l/n y/n’
‘see ya later y/n!’
when you came back, the boys were still doing flying and you glanced at your watch, knowing that your boys should be coming soon
you and yacchi were visibly listening to the other players talking about your team and kiyoko gave you both a look to settle down
‘hold it in, girls’
the sea of different tones of gray were currently making you dizzy with so many things happening at ones and you completely missed the door opening, revealing tanaka’s sister
noya’s excited shout made you turn and you waved excitedly
you’ve met her once when you went over to help tutor her poor brother and noya who practically lives at their house
everyone stopped what they were doing and saw the two boys huffing by the door
you heard kuroo’s comment but you were too excited to see them come back in one piece
‘ah, so those are the legendary first years’
hm, if only you knew why they were late
bo saw you with wide eyes and excitedly bouncing at the sidelines as karasuno started to play
‘what are you looking at bokuto-san?’
akaashi asked
bo thought you were interesting the moment he heard you angrily mumble about him and he thought your pouting face was cute
‘i wonder what her soulmate mark is’
akaashi knew about his soulmate sign since he received a very frantic phone call that sunday afternoon of bokuto not being able to see the color of his apple anymore
‘she probably doesnt have it yet’
akaashi’s answer made his brows furrow
‘she’s a second year so shes probably 16 already’
‘why would it matter to you anyways?’
yea, why did it matter?
‘just general curiosity. shes quite fiesty. i like her. i want to be friends’
akaashi sighs and pats his back
‘i support you, bokuto-san’
shoot this might as well be a bokuaka
he saw you run to the two first years and took their bags for them, ruffling their hair each
even though you’re only like a some months older than hinata, you still treat him like a babie
‘coach left some buns from earlier so you can eat that before you play. oh! i also got you your milk, kags!’
bo literally could feel your happiness radiating and he saw your eyes
too bad he couldn’t see the color of them
although the boys team was finally complete, they still lost quite a lot of sets
and they were trying so hard and you were just cheering on the sidelines w yacchi and kiyoko
you kept running back and forth from the drinking fountain since the boys kept drinking so much water
and bo just finds you there again
for the second time today
‘oh? back again, y/n-chan?’
you could recognized that gruffy voice anywhere
you turned and gave him a tight smile
‘ah. hello bokuto-san’
he pouted and nudged you with a finger to your shoulder
‘senpai! call me senpai!’
you were pretty sure he was 18 yet he still threw a tantrum
what kinda-
‘okay okay. sorry, bokuto-senpai’
then like a switch his pouts became grins and you got dizzy with the sudden mood switch
‘youre such a diligent manager, y/n-chan. you should transfer to our school and be one of ours instead!’
then you remember meeting the 2 managers they had
‘ah, you already have 2 so i think you’re covered’
bo whined at that
‘but karasuno also has 2 without you!’
tbh you shouldve been uncomfortable in this situation bc here you have a grown man whining
but you found his pout endearing and his eyes were loony-looking
‘not to hurt your feelings, bokuto-senpai, but we just met and i don’t know you all that well’
‘then you know the solution to that, don’t you?’
you just stared at him
‘lets get to know each other! lets be friends! lets be close!’
you couldnt say anything else since you were kinda in a pickle here so you just nodded
‘um, okay’
that voice made you perk up and you raised a hand
bo saw your smile and he pouted, jealous that you didnt give that smile when you saw him
‘ah, l/n-san.’
you looked at bo and his eyes grew even bigger and you resisted the urge to pinch his cheeks with how they puffed out with his pout
woah wait huh
why did you just think of that
akaashi had to bring back bo to the gym for their match but bo refused to walk
‘no! not until y/n-chan wants to be my friend!’
what are you
but you nodded, placing a hand around his bicep
you froze, trying to contain the shock of how S T R O N G they felt
‘l-lets get to know each other later, bokuto-sa-senpai’
you hurriedly corrected yourself and breathed a sigh of relief when he didnt notice
a big smile got to his face and he pointed at you
‘ill win this for you y/n-chan!’
you sweatdropped bc wow this manz is winning a game for you
no-for your friendship
he excitedly ran back down the hallway and disappeared with a faint ‘hey hey hey!’
you and akaashi shared a look and he apologized
‘im sorry if he made you uncomfortable’
‘nah nah, its okay’
‘and thanks for uplifting him. he was in a mood when he left bc we lost a set but now he’s energized thanks to you’
a,,, mood?
‘is he,,, i dont know,,,, bipolar?’
akaashi stood for a second before shrugging
‘i guess you could say that. the team tries to uplift him bc if hes in a mood he messes up’
a sound of recognition left your lips before you nodded
‘ah okay’
‘well, i guess im seeing you later then, l/n-san?’
‘oh, please. call me y/n. we’re the same age!’
but he gave you a mysterious smile
‘i dont think bokuto-san would like that’
so the remaining of the time there, bo was practically stuck to you as he followed you everywhere
babie calls it ‘friendship bonding’
when yall were leaving, he was pouting so hard and you gave in to your urges
you pinched his cheeks
‘until next time, bo-senpai’
blew a fuse right then and there
yall remained in contact and you even went up to visit him and just hang out
you were lowkey catching feelings
like when he sent you that mirror picture of him and kuroo being sassy in a department store and your heart started beating really really fast
then your palms started sweating as you remembered the feeling of his warm hands on yours when he led you through the busy sidewalk of tokyo
‘siri, am i having a stroke?’
but you were like ‘nuh-uh, must remain pure for my soulmate’
if you have those feelings already and it’s towards your soulmate, that gave bo his sight of colors
just sitting there w his team eating yakisoba bun then he looked at akaashi and saw his friend’s blue eyes again
can you tell im a bokuaka simp
in another life flashbacks
n e ways
he was so happy and ecstatic and was about to call you but akaashi was like, ‘wait, i think she might be your soulmate’
the entire team was just like, ‘what’
and bo just sitting there, ‘omg what if’
grandmaster plan creator
tells bokuto to hold off from telling you until the next time yall see each other which is in the training camp
for story’s sake, training camp finally rolls around
you cannot stop squirming in your seat bc ya finally get to see bo again after so long
kuroo greets yall at the front and hes familiar w you since you hung out w the tokyo squad
‘you have a surprise little chibi’
you were just like, ‘,,,,ok kurat’
bo was so antsy and he was just like, ‘yey! i get to see her again!’
ngl, bo thought you were really pretty and cute and he thinks he has a crush on you but not like head-over-heels like you were
literally cannot stand still and the team was tired of having to keep him from running so akaashi just let him go
‘but dont run her over, bokuto-san’
he sonic bolts over
he finally sees that tangerine hinata and was searching for your hair color and when he sees you laughing at kuroo’s face, his eyes widened
his heart beat started beating really really fast and everything in his brain and all the words he wanted to say died down
he never really saw your face with colors but he just stares in awe at your beautiful skin color, breathtaking eyes, silky hair, and those plump lips
sweat started to gather at his palms and his feet started moving on its own until he just scoops you in his arms, lifting you off the ground in the process
w you, there was a silence
‘your eyes,,,,, theyre beautiful’
bo just grins at the crack of your voice and tears just wells up in your eyes w a smile
you shouted and you wrapped your legs around his waist while he burrows his head in your neck
‘you’re so beautiful. oh my god, you’re so beautiful’
omg what i would do for bo to say that to me
obvs, the others knew what was happening
dai and suga were already planning on the talk
kuroo just recording the whole thing
‘im falling in love with you. i want to fall in love with you over and over again until i die. i want to feel like this forever. can i?’
just forgets about everyone and being in your own bubble and your own world as bokuto just professes his love for you
‘stupid question, koutaro!’
you giggled and he finally allowed you to stand on your own two feet
‘let me love you for eternity’
cue waterworks from noya and tanaka and konoha
‘but baby, we need to touch up your roots, though.’
‘we got forever, soulmate’
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sorry if this was trash
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keiruvieg · 3 years
 Take me home where i belong
Suguru x Reader
a/n: man i just wanna write Suguru right now. im working on another one similar to this!! 
warnings: angst and idk. Grammatical errors
word count: 1697
Summary: after what happened to Suguru Geto, what is it that you truly desire?
A soft voice- a voice that calls you out.
"I'll be waiting for you,until then please be safe"
Those were the last words he said. The last words that made your resolve crumble, that every minute of the day breaks you. He's not here anymore. The first guy that calls you out, the first guy that was so sweet you feel like it's illegal to be close to him,the first guy that'll take you out to random places after every mission, the first guy to ever look out for you. The first guy that you longed for- you yearned everything about him-his touch,his humor,his smarty-pants attitude,his voice that makes you know that you're alright once you're talking to him, his terrible but at the same time makes you feel like the world is just about the two of you attitude. You miss him but
Suguru is already gone.
He left you. He left you with a broken resolve. A broken heart. And a confusing words-yet he said delicately. How did it end up like this? He left the world he was born to be in. He became the person that he said is not necessary for a jujutsu sorcerer. Suguru ate all his words.
A mission.
A mission was sent to you again. How many missions was it again ever since he left? It suddenly got out of your mind anymore. Was it not that important? Was he even important? Moreover... Were you even important to him?
A crowded place with a grade 1 curse spirit. It should be fine. You're a grade 1 too so it should be fine. But why did they even put you with this many people? Are you gonna...protect them?
"Shit,fuck" was all you grunted after receiving a number of attacks. Why did you even prioritize others? Fuck, all you did was protect those non powered people and this is all you got. A number of bruises and wounds. Did it hit any vital parts in you?
" I should probably go to shoko right now before anything happens" was all you thought after losing your consciousness.
"I'll create a world full of jujutsu sorcerers" your heart is running meters now because of how fast it beats. "What are you..talking about?" Was all the words that came out of your mouth. He looks down- Suguru might've lost his energy
"Are you gonna laugh at it?" He leaned in the nearest wall the both of you were in. He was waiting patiently for your answer. But all you did was look down. The urge to shout and question him was inside of you and yet it didn't come out.
You just met him after a mission you thought the you can make him come back. How delusional of you, you can't even speak up to him. You can't even speak up to the guy that made your world brighter. You can't even speak up to the guy who left you behind. What is he even talking about? What is he planning? What is he thinking? What got into him? You wanted to question him all of that and yet- only one question come out- "what are you talking about?" The 2nd time- yeah it was already the second time you asked him that. It was already the 2nd time and yet you feel like he'll just answer the same answer- the answer you don't want to hear from him-"i'll create a world without a non-jujutsu sorcerer". Why? Why do you wanna create that? Aren't you satisfied enough with the life you had? Who pushed that idea into you? Why did it cross your mind? Can i even..do something about it? No. Not even Satoru can do anything. Both of you and Satoru didn't have enough courage. "Hey.." there it is again. The voice that calls you out, the voice that made you question everything about you. A weight was pressed in your right shoulder-his hand,his rough yet gentle hands that reach out to you. You looked up at him. And all he did was put his other hand in your left cheek and pressed your foreheads together. "I'll be waiting for you,until then please be safe" then he left. Again. He left you hanging. He left you again with a lot of questions. He left you questioning yourself. You didn't even feel that you were losing your strength in your knees. You were already on the floor. With tears that you shed for the one and only Suguru Geto.
A light.
After all those days. Why does your dream need to remind you of him? You take a look at your surroundings. A bed. A nightstand. A familiar room. Yeah it was your room. Someone must've put you there when you got to Shoko. Your head aches,no it wasn't your head only. It feels like everything in you was being torn to pieces
"If the time comes would you run away with me?"
Another headache. Suguru Geto filled the depths in your soul. You remembered the time he asked that. It confused you at some point. But you said yes-you said yes to running away with him-because you thought his witty attitude is finally hitting him again. But now, it feels like- he really did wanna runaway- with you.
Yeah. Maybe. Running away was the best choice.
But something was holding you back. What was it? What was it that kept you from running away? What was it-what's the reason for it.
"Protecting the weak must come first, that's why i'll protect you first"
That's right. The old Suguru Geto was holding you back. The Suguru Geto that made sure to look out to those who are weak. The Suguru Geto that was so considerate to everyone. The Suguru Geto that believes that protecting the weak comes first.
But how about the Suguru Geto that's waiting for you. He must be lonely. He needs you. His words scream something so deep that it's hard to dig it. The voice of someone that yearned for another.
Suguru Geto is waiting for you.
You took the courage to stand up even though your body felt weak. There was still some aching in your body probably from moving around too much but yet you still stood up. You made sure to rethink everything. What was the right thing to do? Will helping take out curses be able to help you? Or will you just run away from everything and go back to someone so dear to you? You think about it again and again.
“Let’s go home?”
Another headache,another memory of him, this time he was smiling. That smile that made you fall deeper than somewhere on earth. That crashed something beneath your soul. 
Suguru Geto really was so dear to you
You took everything out, you didn't even bother when something fell as long as it can have you take something, your clothes, your personal belongings everything, and it hits you, where are you gonna find him? You don’t even have leads of him and yet you still thought of running away. How are you gonna come to him
The village
The village where he massacred even his own parents there must be something there. There must be some leads of where he is. Contacting him is impossible right now. All you can do right now is rush to that village and find some leads of where he is.
4 days- 4 days and still no Suguru. The village was no help either. It was deserted at some point. Where are you gonna find him now. Your stomach is now wishing for food, the food runs out on your 3rd and a half day. Your stomach could bare right? It doesn't matter right now right? You haven't even got to sleep yet and are still finding Suguru. The odds of finding him is very slim right now.
8 days- your money really wasnt enough huh, now you can’t even afford transportation. Pathetic. You really would risk everything huh. 
Suguru Geto where the fuck are you?
The 11th day was the worst. At least on the 9th day you still got some food and now you only have water with you and you feel like passing out already. Was running away really the best choice? Now you’re finding reasons about running away. You’re finally overthinking your decisions, it’s already the 11th day and still no leads of him. Your feet just kept walking and walking taking you everywhere. Your knees felt particularly weak right now. You dont even know if you can travel all around Japan like this and yet you still keep going. 
You wanna come home. To him
“Mimiko that’s dangerous,please watch out”
Your world shaken. After almost 12 days, Suguru Geto finally showed up. You looked up at him, he had his back turning at you. It looks like he’s watching out for those two girls
But that doesnt matter
You wanted to run at him and punch him and yell at him. You wanted him to know that you almost went homeless because of him. But you didn't have the energy to do that. All you did was walk up to him until you felt close enough to tug his white long sleeves that he was wearing. Not feeling your knees anymore, you suddenly fell down. Tears swelling up in your eyes
I found you 
“(Y/N)?” looking up to him, tears now falling down from your eyes, you smiled. “Take me home?” was all that came out of you. Suguru just kneeled down at you, foreheads pressed together. “Sorry, did I put a burden on you?” he muttered with such a low voice that only you can hear. You finally had the courage to hit the guy but all he did was chuckle at you
“Sorry to make you wait, let’s get you home?”
He made sure he guided you afterwards, the two girls assisting you also. He took you somewhere unfamiliar and yet you didn't complain.
Suguru Geto was finally with you
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