marvel-ouss · 1 year
The Way I loved You
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Charles Leclerc x Reader, Arthur Leclerc x Reader
Warnings: italics are flashbacks, the timeline is unreliable (Charlotte and Charles are dating and Zak is still McLaren's team principal), mentions of cheating, nicknames in French and Italian, "y/n/n" means "your nickname", screaming, fighting, English is not my first language
Type: fluff and a bit of angst Inspo:
Reader pov
Time goes by and you can’t even feel it. If a year ago you had told me I would be dating Arthur Leclerc I would literally laugh in your face.
I would never imagine dating my ex’s brother, never in a million years. But it end up happening.
I dated Charles for three years, all our friends and family thought we were getting married some day without them knowing, those were the best years of my life, of course it all went south on the end of the third year.
Lewis organized a drivers dinner or something like that and Charles as a f1 drivers was expected to be there. He told me the latest he’d arrive was 11pm so he didn’t keep me here alone for too long since Arthur was out with some friends as well.
It’s 3am Arthur arrived one hour ago and not a single glimpse of Cha, he didn’t answer the phone or replied my texts so I was getting worried. I got up from my bed and headed towards Arthur’s bedroom and knocked on his door “Thuthur?”
“Get in y/n/n” he said just loud enough for me to hear on the other side of the door.
I got in and sat on the end of his bed, I could tell I woke him up “Do you have any news on your brother?” He checked his phone “No, he hasn’t answered my texts yet.”
“Alright, thanks Thuthur I’m sorry for waking you up, sleep well” I kiss his cheek and leave the room. As I get to the living room I sit on the couch and open Twitter to see if there were any updates. After a while of swiping trough the timeline I see a video of my boyfriend with a girl I could recognise, Charlotte the first girl I met and could call my friend when I moved to Monaco.
I was left speechless. I could not believe my eyes while the video of my friend and boyfriend kissing played on replay. I could feel the tears starting to fall down my face.
I felt betrayed. I didn't even notice the time passing.
I wake up from my trance when I hear the door unlock. There he was, the man I swore to be my night in a shining armor. The man I loved the most.
“Hi bab-“ “Get out Charles, I don’t want to see you” I don’t even want to listen to his voice, because I know I will forgive him in a blink of an eye. We’ve been here before he fight all the time, for stupid things but this, now this was serious. This was the first time he cheated, and only to make everything better, with my friend.
“What’s wrong babe?” his calmness usually soothes me. Unfortunately all his calmness right now was making me furious.
“Don’t call me babe, not after tonight!”
“Babe I can explain” he widened his eyes and approached me.
“GET THE FUCK WAY FROM ME” I got up from the couch and headed to the kitchen to get a glass of water to calm down.
“Y/n, listen to me!” He says going after me.
“I don’t want to listen, Charles! You went out, you didn’t say a word and I was left worried the entire night!” I kept screaming, I was so angry I started tearing up “I understand you want to go out with your friends, enjoy you're youth and have fun but the least you can do is send me or Arthur a message!” I checked the time on the kitchen’s clock and continued “It’s 5am and I haven’t slept because I was worried! I thought something might have happened to you! Just for me to go on the internet and see you with another woman!”
“Babe, I can expla-“ I take a glass out of the cabinet and fill it with water and say: “No you can’t!”
“Please listen to me!” “I won’t, tell Charlotte I said hi, now leave” he has a shocked look on his face which means I was right, the girl in the video I saw earlier was indeed my old friend.
“The silence says it all. I’ll sleep on the couch tonight, when I wake up I’ll make my bags and leave” I say sipping in my cup of water.
“Are you crazy? You are not going anywhere! Not before we talk!” I could tell he was getting desperate. This was all his fault in the first place.
"Now I'm the crazy one?" I turn my back I head to our bedroom so I could get a pillow and a blanket.
Charles enters the room after me and closes the door.
“Please Y/n, let’s talk, I need to explain everything to you, it was a dumb mistake, I shouldn’t have done it. I started drinking and I felt needy but you weren’t there! When I looked at her all a could see was yo-“ “Please Charles, shut up” “-u and I just wanted to kiss you and hug you, but you weren’t ther-“ “SHUT THE FUCK UP! I can’t listen to you anymore! I’m done with your excuses! At the end of the day I’ll be the one to blame because I wasn’t there, and the jokes on me.” I make my way to the bedroom door and open it.
Arthur’s door is open and he is resting his side on the doorframe. “You good?” He asked in a cautious tone.
“Sorry for waking you up but your brother’s a dick!” I make my way down stairs. I could hear Arthur talking to Charles in French but I just went to the couch, laid down and eventually fell asleep.
The next morning I packed my things and left, I stayed at Lando’s house for a while until I had the money to buy my own house. I had some money in my savings for as emergency and this was the perfect moment to put it to use. I met Lando a long time ago, when I first came to Monaco, four years ago, it was with the intuition of becoming a f1 photographer, and that ended up becoming true, I was a photographer for McLaren during one year. Zak had a lot to say about Daniel Ricciardo so I couldn’t keep my mouth shut.
Danny has a heart of gold and he didn’t deserve half of what he went through on his last year at McLaren.
After leaving McLaren I did some jobs here and there but settled as a Quadrant photo editor and a APM Monaco main photographer. Even with two jobs I still have time for myself, when they need me they give me a call and I go as fast as I can.
It was easy making the money I was missing to buy a house and not even 3 months later I was all settled in my new apartment.
Lando puts the last box we brought down from his apartment on the table. I bought a two bedroom apartment in the same building as Lando.
“How could you do this to me? You can't leave meee” Lando said with a fake crying voice.
I burst out laughing “Landoo, stop with the drama, we’ve talked about this. You have my phone number and I’m just two floors down!”
“Oh right I forgot about that part! Seems like I’m not getting rid of you that easily.”
“Lan, I think it’s more the other way around.” We stay silent and the next second both our laughs fill the apartment.
"Sorry to ruin the mood, how are you feeling with all this situation?"
"Honestly I don't know. It feels weird. this is the first year in almost four years that I won't be constantly at the paddock. I'm gonna miss the races and specially the people." I was starting to get nostalgic, thinking of all the moments I spent at the paddock, the people I met and all.
"You can always come by, you're welcome to come with me!"
"Yah, obviously!" I say in a sarcastic tone "The last thing I want to do is fight with Zak again, and I doubt I'll be welcome at the McLaren hospitality"
"Y/n you know a bunch of people, you'd be welcome in all the hospitalities! We'll really miss you around." He says hugging me.
"I'll miss y'all as well" I start crying with my face buried in his neck
"Y/n/n, please stop crying or we'll make a pool in the middle of your living room"
"Sorry" I say stepping away and wiping my tears away. "I'm gonna take a bath and settle in, talk to you later?"
"If you want me to go just say it!" he says stepping out the door "See you tomorrow miss" he kisses my cheek and leaves.
I remember being there, in the middle of my apartment, crying my eyes out because of some boy that decided to play with my feelings. Later that night Arthur called to check on me, after all we were pretty close. He came over that night and I got to say everything I was keeping inside of me.
Thur coming over started being something usual so we just got closer and closer.
“Mon ange, do you have any ice cream?” I hear Arthur ask from the living room.
“I only have vanilla ice cream, mio caro” I say from the kitchen door.
“You’re basic, as anyone ever told you that?” He says in a playful tone getting closer, holding my waist and hiding his face in my neck.
“Yes, you have, plenty of times!” I laugh.
“Forget the ice cream, let’s watch a movie and cuddle!” He picks me up and makes his way to the couch. “What do you wanna watch?” He asks putting my feet back on the ground.
I make my best puppy eyes. “No, Y/n, no, please not ‘What’s your number’ again” he says in an annoyed tone. We’ve watched that movies at least 20 times in the last few weeks. “Please, please, please, please, plea-” I keep the puppy eyes to try to convince him. “Okay, you won, but I choose what we’re getting for dinner!” “Deal” I say with a big smile on my face.
The movie ended and Arthur was about to order the food when he got a phone call from his personal trainer so he goes to the other room to answer.
“All good?” I ask when he comes back.
“Yeah, the f2 season starts in three weeks so I need to get in shape before the season start” we keep talking about the f2 season and how excited he is to start racing again. “You should come with me to the races, if your job let’s you of course” he says exited but insecure at the same time.
“I’m not sure, mio caro. Especially with your brother there. I don’t want to make things awkward” I say with a sad tone.
“You still don’t know, do you?” He looks really confused.
“Know what?” I furrow my brows.
“Charles is taking Charlotte to most of the races” and that’s it, replaced like a snap of a finger.
I got lost in my thoughts. Didn't realize I was crying until I feel Arthur hugging me. That was when everything fell down, every tear I held during 6 months, every feeling, all the thoughts, all the love I still felt for Charles. Everything.
"Mon cœur, you don't need to cry anymore, everything will be alright."
I lift my head from his chest "Arthur I'm not sure if I'll ever get over him, he was my first love, he's the person I spent three years of my life with" I sobbed "You don't understand what I'm going through, I loved him more than anything just to be replaced by one of my closest friends, I trusted them. I feel betrayed by the both of them. I don't know if I'm ready to see them together! Thuthur, what do I do?"
"Mon ange, trust me when I tell you that he loved you, he's also hurt by the break up and this was his way to cope, just know that it was real while it lasted."
"If he was hurt he would have tried again, he didn't even call!" I argued
"Of course he didn't. I told him not to." he said really calm
"Why would you do that?" I was so confused, I've been complaining that Charles never tried again but the cause of it has been invited to MY house by ME countless times.
"Would you forgive him? Wait, better question. Would you forget what he did? Or every time you were with him you'd get flashbacks of the video? Don't try blaming it on me because I know that that's what you're doing!" I didn't answer, I just started blankly at the rug on my living room floor. After a while Arthur stood up "I'm sorry but I'm leaving." he made his way to the front door and left. I knew I had fucked up.
That night I went to Lando's house to get his opinion on the situation. Lan always has the best advices! He told me that Arthur might care for me a little bit too much and told me that I needed to replace Charles to help with the pain. I still remember his words to this day "When your puppy dies you need to replace him to help you cope with the pain, it doesn't mean you'll stop loving him, he'll always have a special place in your heart but you need to allow another puppy some love as well" yes he compered my situation with puppies! What's in that's kids head, be forreal.
Me and Arthur didn't speak for three weeks, a sent him hundreds of texts but he didn't answer any. So I did what anyone would do: I went to Bahrain with Lando to talk to him.
"ARTHUR LECLERC GET BACK HERE!" everybody started looking at me and Arthur. He turns around and when I reach him I wrap my arms around his torso and bury my face in the crook of his neck to feel the smell of his perfume that I loved so much. "I'm so so sorry for not saying a thing that night, I was just left speechless. Everything you said was true I just didn't want to accept it. Then you left and it was already too late. I'm really sorry mio caro"
He hugged me back and lifted me so I could wrap my legs around his waist and hold onto his shoulders. Now we were face to face. "I forgive you mon cœur, I also apologize for ignoring all your attempts to talk to me, I'm sorry cherie"
I just couldn't resist him. After what Lando said and all this time away from Arthur, I knew I needed him in my life. It was not a want, it was a need. So I kissed him. I didn't care about the cameras or about the people around us. It was just me and him in that moment.
I separated my mouth from his to catch my breath and he followed to kiss me again. "Thur, can you put me on the floor please?" I whispered. "Only if you don't run away." he laughs before putting me on the floor. "Grazie mio caro" I smiled at him.
I looked at his beautiful eyes before getting on my tiptoes and kiss him again.
I went with him for most of the races, the time we spent in Monaco was enough to make the APM photoshoots and all the Quadrant editing could be done while I was away in other countries.
I avoided both Charles and Charlotte. I couldn't deal with any of them. I didn't want to ruin my happiness.
Right now I've been dating with Arthur for seven months and his f2 championship is going great. I still run from my problems instead of solving them.
Today is race day so there's drives, wags, cameras and teams everywhere. Me and Arthur were walking to the Dams motorhome so he could check the strategy before the race. "Y/n?" I didn't answer. I've been ignoring Arthur for the past 30 minutes cause since early this morning he decided that he wanted to challenge my patience. He only called me by my name (which never happens), closed every door in my face and disagreed with everything I said even if I was right! The man's insane! So I decided not to talk to him. we where passing the interview zone when he held my waist so I looked at him "Baby, Mon ange, mon cœur, cherie,-" he said burying his face in the crook of my neck "That's enough Arthur" I started laughing and he started tickling me. "Stoopppp, Thur. Please stop" I can't stop laughing. "Apologize for not speaking to me."
"Thur, stop please, I apologize" a say pushing is hands away from my waist.
"Come here" before I could even think he had already thrown me over his shoulder like a potato bag. "Thur put me down!" I couldn't breath from laughing so much. "Nope, I'm gonna carry you to the hospitality"
All the laughing and talking got interrupted "Arthur? Y/n?"
Charles pov
“The car seem-“ I stopped hearing the interviewer when I heard her laugh, the laugh I didn’t hear for so long, I always loved her laugh. I loved her smile, her eyes, her hair, well I loved her. I love.
I don’t remember much after I left the club on that night but I know we had a fight. What I did was wrong. More than wrong. I don’t know what got into my head! I love her. Even after all this time I still love her. Charlotte means nothing compared to her.
I wanted to go after her but Arthur told me do drop it, everything he says was right but I didn’t want to listen. Then I realised that it might be for the best. That’s why I went back to Charlotte so I could try to get over her.
But I need to respect her happiness. She’s with Arthur and I know he's good for her.
“Charles, are you with us?” I hear the interviewer
“Sorry, can you excuse me?” I turn towards what I believe was the dams hospitality “Arthur? Y/N?”
Hi everyone, this is my first time writing something a publishing it. So please be nice :)
Let me know if I got something wrong and let me know your opinions.
Should I do a part two?
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bi-pisces07 · 2 years
@ninja-knox-ur-sox-off I have no idea how I did this but enjoy~
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✨Dramatically holds an burnt marshmallow ✨
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jaysbestie · 3 years
hello! may i get a friends to lovers! Imagine with jay please and thank you 🥺💗
Songwriting & Ice Cream
pairing ; friends to lovers! band member!jay x reader
genre ; fluff
warnings ; food
summary ; your best friend is in a band and always calls you when he's stuck on writing songs
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a/n : hi I'm rlly excited about this as it's my first request and I'm sorry it took so long, also sorry the pics don't rlly match!!
It was 3 am. Fricking 3 AM. And your phone was obnoxiously ringing as there was an incoming call. You checked the time and immediately realized who was calling at this ungodly hour.
"Are you stuck again?" you inquired, with a husky voice from waking up.
"WHERE YOU ASLEEP?" jay literally scrEAMED at your ear
"Why did you scream though? Is being peaceful that difficult for you?" you heard him chuckle through the phone.
"Bro, homie, dude, I'm in a band, of course it's hard for me to be peaceful" he said with a sassy voice, trying to imitate yours. " But um yeah, I'm stuck again and we have a show this Friday night"
"JAY FRIDAY IS TOMORROW" you were shocked to say the least, jay was usually the person that was very organized and always had back up lyrics for new songs.
You see, you knew jay like the back of your hand and you're pretty sure he knows the same about you too. However it was 10 months ago that you realized you liked jay as something more than friends. You thought that everyone new since his bandmates have seen the way you looked at him on stage. The stage, his almost natural habitat. The place where he shined and was having a genuinely great time. It wasn't only love you felt for him, it was admiration too. You knew you liked him and thought you showed it through your actions, getting him gifts and praising him after performances, picking up the phone at 3AM. Maybe he was super oblivious or incredibly dumb.
"Y/N ARE YOU THERE?!" you heard him scream through the device and you woke from your trance and put phone away from your ear.
"Yeah luv, I'm here" you said while you put your phone closer to your face.
"Thank God, I thought I lost you there hun but can you, like, come over?"
"Jay I'd love to but it's 3AM and if I sneak out I'll get myself in trouble"
"Oh well, will you come to my practice tomorrow evening?"
"Sure, just send me exact time and place and I'll be there"
And after that, you exchanged good nights' and you went to sleep thinking of jay and his band's practice.
The next morning you woke up late. You suddenly remembered that it was Friday and jay's festival was tonight. You thought of his practice before the show and smiled to yourself. There was no point in eating breakfast so you just went ahead and made yourself a tasty cup of instant ramen. A famous person once said, Ramen Never Disappoints. While scrolling through social media you came across an ad about the festival and your eyes fell on jay's band name.
You decided you'd watch two episodes of your favorite tv show and then go get ready for jay's practice and the festival.
Time went by quickly and you realized it was about time you started getting ready. You picked out what you'd wear and opted to go with a simple makeup look. You had just put your right shoe on when you heard a car honk from your window.
Opening your window and looking down you saw a black jeep and hay standing beside it.
"Weren't you supposed to be practicing with the band?" you asked, surprised.
He looked up at you like he had just noticed you were there and instantly smiled. His smile made his face glow and then you took notice of his outfit, it didn't seem like an outfit for practicing but he answered your question.
"Heesung canceled it, said we are perfect so don't need to practice and be anxious" he simply said.
The look he had on was different from other days. His eyes were glowing and he looked happier that usual but also a bit?? nervous??
"Wait I'm coming!!" and with that you closed the window, put on your left shoe and headed to the door to leave. As soon as you looked the door you went to jay and he extended his arms out to go for a hug which you accepted and then returned.
You opened the car's door and sat at the passenger's seat while jay did the same but on the driver's seat. You turned your head to the side and caught jay smiling while looking at you and there it was again, that look from before. You stared for a good minute and then jay started the car.
"Should we go to the festival now or a bit later?" you asked, actually confused with the fest's program.
"Would you allow me to take you out for ice cream first?"
YOU FROZE like literally, you thought that wOW the balls this man has.
"Is thE park jongseong asking me on a date?"
"Yes actually", he started while driving to your favorite ice cream shop, "I've liked you for the last 10 months, didn't say it for the 'famous reason' , I thought you'd reject me and I would ruin our friendship."
"Why would you think I'd reject you though? Are you that oblivious?" you sighed playfully and continued, "I've liked you for the past 10 months too and honestly I thought you knew since I made it kinda obvious?" you finished
"I mean, you were the only one to praise me after every performance and honestly, you were there every night to help me with my lyrics even if sometimes, I had finished writing" he admitted
"So is that a 'yes y/n, I'll be your boyfriend and take you to an ice cream date'?" tou asked while laughing softly, honestly loving the atmosphere that had been created in that very car.
"Well, yes y/n I'm officially asking you to become my girlfriend and let me take you on an ice cream date" he said while laughing and trying to look at you from the side of his eye.
"Well, jay, I officially accept you as my boyfriend and I'll let you take me on a date" you said trying not to laugh.
"You literally have no idea how happy I am right now, LIKE LITERALLY, I could fly if you asked me to" he said while he put a big smile on his face. It was a smile of pure happiness, he looked genuinely happy and enthusiastic, excited even. You were honestly fascinated by the look on his face right now so you opened your phone's camera and quickly took a photo of him.
"Oh believe me, I can imagine how happy you are" you were feeling ecstatic like you could snap your fingers and make a rainbow
"Tell me you didn't just take a photo of me" he said sarcastically and you responded, "This is our first memory as a couple jay!!"
After that, a thought popped in your brain.
"Did heesung really cancel practice or did you make him cancel to ask me out?" you asked but he didn't answer, instead he muttered a
"You're too cute for this world, oh god" and pulled over next to the ice cream shop, ready to share some pistachio flavored ice cream with one of his favorite people on this world, you.
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jinxfirebolt18902 · 3 years
What are we, then? - JJ Imagine
A/N: I fell hard into a new obsession: JJ Maybanks yes it is. So, I badly wanted to write something but had literally no ideas so I took this prompt list and made a friend choose 2 random numbers. They picked: 9. “we’re not just friends and you know it”
27. “what do you mean maybe? that was a yes or no question”
So yeah. Enjoy some angst.
Words: 2.249
Pairing: JJ x female!reader
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—Don’t you fucking dare walk away from me! —JJ shouted after her.
—Watch me, asshole. —she stopped her steps and half turned her body just to give him the middle finger. Her facial expression showed the rage she felt.
Angry outbursts were pretty common between them. They’d known each other since kindergarten, a couple of years before John B came to the picture. So, their relationship was stronger, deeper. They knew each other to the bones. The gang was used to their loud yet harmless fights. JJ was short-tempered, and so was she. At the end, the fact that they shouted their opinions at each other at the moment they felt it was healthier considering they always reconciled half an hour later. 
But this time something was different. An event that had happened between them a few days earlier had changed it everything, and nothing would ever be the same. Such event was unknown by the others, and maybe that’s why they were all so confused.
The thing is, for the first time, neither of them were spitting their feelings out. And oh boy it did cause a lot of misunderstandings.
She and JJ decided to shelter from Agatha at John B’s place. It was no news JJ tried to avoid his house as much as possible. She always convinced her parents of letting her go with them as JJ was considered another son and spent a lot of time at hers, and they also wanted their daughter to be a good friend to John B after his dad went missing. Once her throat burned due to her shouting at John B to get his ass out of the ocean in the middle of a hurricane she gave up and waited for them to come back. Luckily JJ found a little sense within his logic and convinced John B of getting out of the water as the storm was way too heavy.
At the Chateau, they cooked some noodles and ate between anecdotes and candles due to the lack of power. Around 3 in the morning Agatha was still blowing, a few cans of beer empty were around the coffee table, she and JJ were sprawled on the sofa bed and John B asleep in his bedroom. The pair was listening to I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing from her phone as they heard the wind and thunder outside. They’d smoked a blunt and were then absorbed in the flame of the candle in front of them.
Her pupils were dilated and she couldn’t feel his eyes on her. Or at least that’s what he thought.
—Staring is rude dude… —She voiced out loud, but softly, in a sleepy state.
He let out a short laugh and then directed his sight to the candle. —You’re so mean to me.
Now it was her turn to laugh. —Yeah, so?
He gently pushed her arm and then let his head fall on her shoulder, his blonde locks tickling her skin. She rested her head on his and closed her eyes but a moment later he looked up and set his eyes on her face, more serious this time. Her eyes locked with his.
—What? —she said in a whisper.
But he was at a loss of words, which didn’t happen often. They just got in a trance where a lot of emotions were in each pair of eyes with a classic love song in the back. At a certain moment his gaze moved down to her lips and his breath stuck in his throat. JJ was never a shy one when it came to girls. His ego, not confidence, always led situations smoothly. But for the first time in his life, he had no clue what he was doing. It’s not like they hadn’t shared alone moments like this before, they always had. The amount of trust between them had no comparison. They were totally sincere with each other, since they’d met there was not a thing they didn’t know about each other. 
JJ leaned in and stopped closing the distance just when there were 2 millimeters left to create contact. His blue orbits checked for permission with hers first. She didn’t move at all. He took that as a green light and collided his mouth with hers.
The kiss was soft, and meaningful. Yes, they had a couple of beers running through their veins, and yes also a little of weed into their systems yet they felt like time stopped. It was like the Universe was created for this and only this moment. They felt everything around them vanished. It felt right, just like when you fit the last piece of the puzzle.
The sound of a lightning striking near their location pulled them apart. They shared one more look though this one was loaded with a bit of embarrassment. The moment got kinda awkward and they dealt with it by pretending what happened did not actually happen. She turned around and he cuddled her like they always did.
The next morning John B woke up first, walking from his bedroom to the porch, catching the pair of friends peacefully sleeping in each other’s arms. He ruffled JJ’s hair asking him if he’d been outside yet only earning a groan as a response. Hours later she woke up and went home without talking to her best friend about the intimate moment they’d shared. 
A few days later they threw the kegger, there happened strike one. JJ eventually disappeared with a smokin’ hot tourist, which did not go unnoticed by her. She’d seen JJ go from a clumsy kiddo to the sex symbol boy, she’d been there through the beginning to the end of his puberty, she knew better than even bother by his multiple random hookups. Still, after the intense look he had given her before kissing her had left her somewhat overwhelmed. And the fact that they had shared such a passionate moment together days ago made her actually uncomfortable at witnessing JJ get it with some other girl. This was brand new for her, literally she had never been jealous of the blonde. Oh and, one more time, feelings were bottled up.
Strike two took place at The Wreck when the group was in for a fast food meal. They’d gone inside towards their usual table while Kie went to the kitchen. The boys were just sitting when she was approached by Tom, a pogue, with a “Hey, how have you been?” to which she replied with a genuine smile. The boy had had a crush on her since middle school. He was kinda cute, light brown hair, green eyes, a couple of freckles under his eyes and on his nose. And he was nice, a good guy really. Her mom always wanted them to date but she didn’t find the chemistry reciprocated. And JJ had secretly been relieved by that. Not because he wanted her romantically or anything like that but because he dreaded the time she’d got a boyfriend and stopped hanging out with him. Tom asked her to go surfing with him the next day and she agreed, partly because she hadn’t surfed in weeks, and partly because she had bottled her jealousy at the kegger and kind of wanted to hit it back to JJ, as she was completely aware of how JJ felt towards Tom. Through the corner of her eye she caught JJ’s irritable gesture when she accepted the invitation.
A week after the secret kiss, the gang was at John B’s hanging out. By now, the tension between the two was clear to everyone, and their friends knew an explosion was coming soon. They weren’t teasing the hell out of each other as they usually did. They weren’t sitting next to each other in the boat as they usually did. And they also were hitting each other every chance they got, like when she had smacked his head from behind in the afternoon that same day when they were at the beach and the blonde was flirting with a girl, ruining their moment. Or when she was going to the fridge to seek for a beer can and he was coming out of it and shove his elbow into her arm, earning a gasp and a scowl.
—Yo! What is your problem dude? —her voice denoted she was at the edge which only pleased the blonde even more making him smile.
Kie and John B shared a look as Pope sighed resignedly foreseeing what was coming.
—Maybe the fact that you ruined my moment today.
She scoffed and walked past him rolling her eyes. —Yeah, sure. Cause you have so much trouble slutting around with everything that walks.
—Uhhh, excuse me. Do you have a problem with it? 
Their friends sighed and walked out to the porch in order to give them space and to be honest, they were not in the mood to witness another of their fights so they rather stargaze outside while the two sorted it out.
—Oh no, be my guest bro. I’m just sayin’ why do you call me out on “ruining your moment” when you can have “your moments” whenever you want.
He smiled sarcastically and looked down at the floor before lifting up his gaze to her. —You’ve been a pain in the ass the whole week, you are the one with a problem obviously.
—I am not. I’ve been the pain in the ass? Are you sure? Cause someone else comes to my mind. —she rolled her eyes and exhaled loudly as she let herself fall on the couch and took a sip of her drink.
—You’re unbelievable.—Did you mean it?
He looked at her in confusion. —What?
—You know what. Did you mean it?
He shrugged his shoulders and looked down to hide the light blush of his cheeks. —Maybe.
Strike three, you’re out.
—Maybe? What do you mean maybe? That was a yes or no question.
—I-I don’t know —his hand went to grab his hair. —Maybe.
—Forget it. —she stood up and he freaked out.
—What? Are you in your period or something?
That’s when she stormed off the Chateau fuming.
The sound of the slammed door got the other three’s attention, turning their heads to look at the person walking away.
—Don’t you fucking dare walk away from me! —JJ shouted after her.
—Watch me, asshole. —she stopped her steps and half turned her body just to give him the middle finger. Her facial expression showed the rage she felt.
After a few minutes John B, Pope and Kiara all got up and went inside to find JJ standing in the middle of the room with a hand grabbing his hair and with the other holding a beer, looking down at an invisible point on the floor.
—What did you do? —Kie asked him with furrowed eyebrows.
JJ grimaced and sighed. —I might have said the period line… —Kie let her head fall backwards and took a deep breath. —Of course you did…
—That’s just a dick move. Anyway, what is going on between you two? You’ve been annoying all week. —John B voiced.
But he only closed his eyes and breathed out heavily.
Hours later the surfer skated all the way to her house. He threw some rocks at her window to wake her but after a few minutes nothing happened, then he noticed a shadow on the roof, next to one of the windows of the big house. He climbed up and jumped from the tree to the roof, a few feet away from her. She was hugging her knees and staring right ahead with her chin resting on her arms. There were no signs of remaining anger, just plain tiredness, and a touch of sadness. He caught that in her eyes, he knew her so well, and it made his heart sunk to know he had caused it. He cleared his throat and dried his palms on his shorts. He felt nervous and it caused his hands to sweat.
—I’m sorry.
She blinked slowly but kept her gaze set ahead. He felt ashamed by his behaviour.
—We’re not just friends and you know it. —now he did get her attention.
She just smiled and rolled her eyes changing her pose, resting her palms on the roof and leaning her core weight on them.
—What are we exactly, then..? —she was teasing him and he smiled sweetly. He nudged her and they both laughed. A second later he looked down and bit his lip deep in thought. She turned her head to look at him.
—You’re everything to me. —he said quietly, still not daring to lift his sight. —I never want to lose you. —he said with an expression of pain on his beautiful face. She furrowed her brows and hugged him. —You never will, idiot. Have I ever given up on you? —she whispered near his cheek due to the hug. His eyes filled with forbidden tears. He nodded no with his head as he didn't trust his voice. Her smile grew wider and she kissed his cheek softly. —See? I’m always there with you. Every day, every week, every year. You’re not getting rid of me that easily. —he half laughed half sobbed and immediately cleaned the tears forcefully with the back of his hand. She held him tighter and he put his head on her.
—So, I guess the answer is yes, I meant it. 
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popi-the-fatui · 3 years
The Night Demon
Akutagawa (BSD) x GN! Reader
Warnings: past injuries, blood, a wee bit of angst. No beta we die like Oda. Akutagawa supremacy you all.
Authors Note: This is the first time I write for a show, and also the first time since highschool that I write something of this length in english (yes, it’s not my first language and it shows). Anyways, of course my first one-shot would be for the angry anemic gremlin as I love him very very much. Also, @theodora3022 you fuel my Akutagawa obssession so if this sucks I’m blaming you (jk... unless?)
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The path of your recovery had not been an easy one, to no one’s surprise: taking a sucker-punch (worth the considerable sum of 1 million yen) to the head from an extravagant multi-millionaire really can take a toll on the body. Not that Akutagawa didn’t know that, given the fact that he also had faced the wrath of the Guild’s leader, but still he couldn’t help the one-hour-long reprimand he gave you once you finally woke up in a Port Mafia’s hospital bed after being out for almost a month.
Was his ​concerned angry scolding helping with your throbbing headache (that, by the way, was getting worse with every word he said)? Nope.
Would you jump in front of your boyfriend to block a glowing fist using your face just to see the adorable angry pout he made after finishing his speech all over again? Most definitely.
Now, it’s been two months since you left the hospital, and though half of your face is still purple and touch sensitive, you're in way better shape than before (not that you know how you looked like, but the face Akun made when you asked if he had any photos of your face while you were unconscious gave you the hint that it wasn’t a pretty picture and that you probably shouldn’t touch that topic again. There goes your morbid curiosity).
Of course, your boyfriend has been attached to the hip with you all through your recovery, partly because he is afraid that you’ll pull out some borderline suicidal thing like that again (Dazai-san would be proud, though), and partly because THE one time he left you alone to go on a mission he came back to your body collapsed on the floor. Apparently bending down to pick the remote is considered “sudden movement” when you have been punched in the face.
But you’re not complaining: Akun’s company is always quality company, and though he has a ​bizarre unique way of showing how much he cares and longs for you (Exhibit A: all of the pictures he has of you in his phone are actually group pictures he has cropped out so they only have you in them (except for that one picture you have with Dazai, but we don’t talk about that)), you know that this man ADORES you and would go to the ends of earth for you, even if that means sacrificing that magnificent and sublime time of the day when he gets to dote on you after dealing with whatever task the Port Mafia asked him to do, a.k.a. bedtime. Why? Because with you sleeping face up and passed out in painkillers, cuddles and pillow talk are the equivalent of hugging a dead amoeba, and though Ryunosuke Akutagawa is awkward, he is not THAT awkward.
But that night you hadn’t taken your painkillers, given the fact that you’d had a doctor’s check-up earlier that day, and you have been cleared from the meds to see how well you were doing without those happy little pills. And though the pain was tolerable, it was still there, so you went to sleep earlier than your usual hour (also, Akun was on a mission and the remote had fallen to the floor and you really didn’t want to scare him again but there was also a limit to how many murder documentaries you could watch without having the power to change the channel).
You woke up later in the early hours of the night to the feeling of pure dread that you have when you know someone is watching you.
Of course, you didn’t open your eyes: you didn’t want to face whatever entity you know was looming over your supposedly sleeping body. Or at least you tried not to open them until you felt a long, cold finger reaching the underside of your... nose?
You slowly opened your eyes, afraid that if you made any sudden movements you would disturb the eerie calm that surrounded the mannerisms of the creature (?), and once your pupils finally got used to the gloom of the room, you had to suppress your laugh, because right above you, supported by Rashoumon and holding a finger under your nose, was none other than your boyfriend.
“Akun?” you whispered.
“Yes, dove?” he said back just as low, still not breaking his composure.
“What, and I cannot stretch this enough, in the everloving hell are you doing?”
“I’m checking your vitals”
“Oh, cool. Wait, what?” you asked dumbfounded, finally breaking whatever trance you both were in.
“I was making sure you were still breathing, dove” Akun said as it was the most obvious thing in the world to check if your significant other was not dead in their sleep. And they say romance is dead.
“Yes, dove?”
“Why were you making sure I was still breathing?”
He didn’t give you an answer. Instead, you could see his face darken (thank you, moonlight) while he turned his face to the side with a pout.
“Akun, look at me, please”
With a sigh, he turned his face to you, and the worry in his eyes broke your heart a little. “Does this have anything to do with my accident?” you asked him, voice laced with a sweetness fueled by his concern, because even though he will never say it outloud, you knew that not that deep inside he blamed himself for what had happened to you. “Love, you know that what happened was 100% my decision, right? And I would do it again and again and again if it means you leave the fight safe and sound”.
“But I can take it! I’ve had way worse! And I know that you’re not weak, please don’t take me wrong, but I know pain, I’ve been through that before! For God’s sake, my job is literally being the Port Mafia’s dog!” Akutagawa was getting agitated by the minute. “And I was the one who had to see and HEAR your face break. I was the one who had to carry your limp body out of the fight. I was the one who had to see your face covered in your own blood. I was the one who had to hear the doctors talk about how you were unresponsive to their tests” Akutagawa was not holding back now, and you were able to see the track his tears were leaving in his pale cheeks. “And I was the one who had to see your face so beaten up that, even though the doctors had already finished their jobs, it was unrecognizable” he ended with a choked sob and that’s when it hit you: why he wouldn’t show you any pictures of the time you were in the hospital, or why he had accidentally unleashed Rashoumon when he found you passed out in the floor, or why he had taken only a few missions ever since you left the hospital.
You were his favourite person, he had almost lost you and what’s even worse, he had to watch.
“Akun, I’m sorry. I’m so very sorry” you managed to choke out through your sobs, tears of your own falling through your face. But he knew what you meant:
Sorry for worrying you like that. Sorry for scaring you. Sorry for almost leaving you alone.
“Promise me you’ll never pull something like that again. I can’t afford to lose you, dove. You don’t get to make me fall in love with you and then disappearing from my life just like that”
And if those words didn’t get to you, then his eyes sure did: even through the tears, you could see the desperation and fear in them that would get loose if something bad should happen to you, the person he loves the most. Your heart broke a little bit more.
“I promise” you could see how Akutagawa’s body relaxed at your statement. “But if there’s no stopping you from taking the blows for me, then you at least have to let me take care of you, and you also need to start taking better care of yourself, Akun. Don’t you think you have suffered enough, my love?” You added tenderly, using both hands to wipe out the remnants of his tears carefully.
“You know I can’t promise you that, and I can take it. I can be strong for both of us”
“Then at least try, for me. And are you calling me weak?” you teased, as the mood was much lighter than before after your promise.
“No, and I’ll think about it” You had to give it to the guy: he must really love you if he was willing to compromise with you over this.
“Why is it that I have to promise you something but you have to think about it?”
“I’m your superior”
“Are we not going to address the fact that you still have your finger in my nose even though the way I’m arguing with you right now should be enough proof that not only I’m breathing but alive?”
“Ok, I’ll try”
“Yes, dove?”
“Why check up on me now? The accident was 3 months ago... Did something happen that made you worry?”
“This isn’t the first time you check on me while I’m sleeping”
“This isn’t the first time I check on you while you’re sleeping”
“You really need to work on your love language, my dear”
“Yes, dove?”
“Did you know that at first I thought you were my sleep paralysis demon?”
“Shut up and go to sleep” he scolded you, hugging your arm so he would not accidentally hurt your face. Not the best cuddle replacement but at least it didn’t feel like a dead amoeba anymore.
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miyalove · 4 years
mornings | bokuto koutarou
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—pairing: bokuto x gn!reader
—warnings: manga spoilers, swearing, fluffy fluff (literally that’s it), unedited*
—synopsis: 1.9k | waking up at 5 am is not humanly moral in your book, but maybe you can make an exception for when your boyfriend texts in need of some help
—dedication: @kei-kui​, & @tobiosmilktea​ thank you for helping me figure out what bokuto/gym 3 would smell like! you’re answers were heavily appreciated! 🤧✨ 
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[5:01 AM] Hey hey you busy right now? 🤔🤠
[5:01 AM] (Y/n)!! Wake uuuup 😡
[5:01 AM] It pains me to say this but i need your help! It’s important!!!!
[5:02 AM] HELLO? ☹️ Come to my dorm asap!! pretty please 🥺
waking up at 5 am is never an ideal concept. never in your life would you have thought that waking up at the ass crack of dawn was a good idea. whether it be for you, your family, or even your sweet boyfriend…
it just isn’t worth it!
at least that’s what your thinking when you sit up, blinking at the unseen messages on your bright— bright phone screen. you’re grumbling for a while, a whole five minutes to be exact. pouting and muttering curses at your bimbo boyfriend that you love so much because how dare he deprive you of something as sacred as sleep!
he’s so lucky you live less than 10 minutes away from the black jackal dorms because if that wasn’t the case, you would have turned down his request instantly. getting out of your car, you enter the building wanting to get out of the chilly morning air as quick as humanly possible. 
you’re wandering the halls in a big sweater (which, more than likely, is bokuto’s) glaring at the carpeted floors as they get lost under your slippers. you’re not dressed in anything special. there’s no fancy underwear, neatly combed hair, or even an ounce of makeup on your face— nope.
if your boyfriend wanted to rip away at your sleep than he must handle you at your most natural state. it’s a punishment, you say to yourself but he’s bokuto, you remind. he’ll probably love you even more…
you roll your eyes at the wholesome thought.
finally, you’ve arrived at your destination. the ugly creme colored door stares back at you almost challengingly, mockingly.
on the other side of this stupid door is your even stupider boyfriend. seriously, i have time to turn back, you think, i could say “oh sorry i was asleep— like every normal human at the time— so i couldn’t come to your room, kou.”
your glaring intensifies at the thought of bailing.
i’m already here… fuck it, i guess.
with a sigh of defeat, you knock on the door once, twice, three times before you’re greeted with the familiar face of your lovely boyfriend.
he’s smiling down at you, pearly whites on full display and his enchanting eyes smile at you too. his mop of hair isn’t slicked up like usual. you can’t but smile at how good the man before you looks with his long hair covering his forehead. it’s a rare sight, when his hair is down, so you take every chance you get to reveal in the moment whenever he’s like this.
but you can’t stray away from your thoughts, just yet.  don’t get it twisted, you’re still angry at him, but god, does he look good. his cheeks are flushed a rosy pink and his tan skin glistens with a sheer layer of what you think is sweat.
“i knew you’d make it,” he loudly greets, pumping his chest out in confidence like an owl successfully hunting it’s prey. you can hear the excitement in his tone and it makes you curious as to what is so truly important that he woke you up at this hour.
if only your curiosity beat out your grumpiness, “ugh!” you groan.
“why am i here and what exactly is so important, kou?” you push past him, making a turn straight for his bed. plopping down face first into his thick, comfy sheets.
the scent reminds you of him— musky, smelling of an adventure deep in a mossy forest and the faint scent of air salonpas (essential oils, white flowers, and vapor rub). so many contrasting scents but as cliche as it sounds; it’s comforting. a spicy, woody scent that can only be described as; bokuto koutarou.
with blankets, pillows, sheets and a whole comforter wrapped around you it feels like you’re enveloped in his arms, pressed against his chest. a small smile tugs at your lips, eyes fluttering shut ready to welcome slumber.
you’re so close to sleep.
so close to slipping back into the dark euphoria…
“(y/n)? no! get up! i didn’t call you here to sleep, silly!” you vaguely hear him whine. and your heart skips a little, imagining his pout.
but you were so close!
you sigh a mixture of sleepy disappointment and crabbiness but that doesn’t stop you from sitting up, rubbing your eyes, and turning your attention back to your stupidly adorable lover.
you’re in the middle of a yawn when you grumble out a response, “then why am i here?”
rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, there’s no response. maybe he went to the bathroom? you shift on the bed, fluttering your eyes back open only to be met with two piercing golden eyes meeting your gaze. your heart sputters in your chest.
there’s a soft smile on his face. his eyes blink with an unclear emotion as they stare. if only you could read his mind then you’d have your answers.
bokuto doesn’t move, you’re so adorable! and sometimes he genuinely thinks you think the opposite. how? that’s beyond him.
he can’t help but stare. he’s so stupidly in love with you that you could tell him to jump out of his dorm window right now and he’d do it without hesitation, probably even do a backflip too because anything to impress you, right? so blindly whipped and he doesn’t know if that’s a good thing or not… either way, he’d rather not find out.
snapping out of his trance, his expression changes instantly, “you’re doing this on purpose!” he points an accusing finger in your direction. his eyes are narrowed, brows furrowed, lips tucked into a pout.
 you remain in his bed, head tilted to the side clearly confused.
“doing... what on purpose?”
he snaps his head away from you, “you’re just so cute, how can i not get distracted, silly.” he’s talking in pout at this point, words getting mumbled aloud. you can’t see if he’s blushing or not, but knowing him, that’s probably why he turned away from you in the first place.
there’s a silence, now. he can’t help but think he said or did something wrong. panic slowly settles in his chest, weighing him down but then you speak, “koutarou, i love you. i really do, but if you don’t tell me why the hell i came here at 5 am then i’m going to—”
“exercise!” and suddenly, your boyfriend is high in the air, arms out stretched in a cheer. you freeze, visibly stiffening and he just knows that he’s fucked up somehow. you aren’t saying anything. the two of you are just making awkward eye contact, bokuto debates on explaining his thoughts... 
you can see the gears turning in his head, mentally you chuckle at your boyfriend’s thinking face. his brows are scrunched and lips are pursed. if this was a children’s cartoon, smoke would probably be coming out of his ears at how hard he’s working his brain. 
you decide to give him a break, “exercise for what? like jogging?”
he sighs and across the room you see the tension leave his shoulders.
“no! i’ve forgotten how to jog anyways so that’s out of the picture,” you cant help but giggle because that was a habit he developed in high school. “forgetting” how to do basic things. it’s nice to know that somethings remain the same despite years passing by. he waves off your giggle though and instantly looks over to gage your reaction. seeing your expression the same as before: confused and tired, he continues, “i just needed motivation to do some dorm exercises!”
golden eyes once again meet yours. his million watt smile rivals the bright aura hinata radiates. you love seeing him so happy, but that doesn’t stop you from probing more, “motivation like how?”
a beat of silence, he walks to the side of his bed standing across from you. his large hand reaches out towards you and he nods reassuringly at your figure. it’s times like these when you silently thank any god that’s out there because this beautiful, beautiful man is yours.
grabbing at his callous hands, he guides you to the floor gently laying you down. your gazes connect for a split second and his eyes glow with admiration, there isn’t a foggy veil that indicates a double meaning with his actions so with that you lie down comfortably still.
you trust him.
but sometimes trust can only go so far without explanation.
it’s when he situates himself on top of you, his hands are on both sides of your head and he hovers a top of your figure for a few seconds. your eyes widen, a pink blush creeping up on your cheeks. your hands swiftly fly up to cover them from embarrassment.
“kou? what— what are you doing?” but the words die on your tongue as quickly as he bends down to come face-to-face with you. his lips merely a few inches away from yours.
“that’s one…” his voice is velvet against your skin, pleasant and soft. he’s so close to you. if he drops down any lower, you’re sure he could hear the rapid beating within your chest.
he doesn’t move for a while, holding his stance quite literally hovering right above your figure. his intense stare doesn’t leave yours and you wish you could hold it but with such a handsome boy staring at you like that it’s kind of really difficult.
you let out a shaky breath, “what are you doing?”
“that’s one, (y/n),” he’s speaking slowly, “that means… one kiss!”
did you just hear that correctly!? your face felt like it was on fire. a blush spreading to your ears that could make a certain middle blocker’s hair jealous. god, did he really just say that? and so confidently too? who was this man? you want to say something but the words choke at your throat, and you’re gapping like a clueless fish.
noticing your shock, bokuto’s fast to speak up. with on brow raised, he’s smirking down at you, “huh? you’re acting like we’ve never kissed before!”
he does have a point. why all of a sudden you’re so flustered about this is beyond you. you’ve both been in a happy relationship for the past nine months and to get flustered over merely kissing was sort of ridiculous on your end. 
but you can’t help it, bokuto koutarou is by far the most handsome, genuine, and absolutely adorable man all wrapped up into one big, beefy package. how can you not get flustered whenever this man ask for a kiss? 
sighing aloud, you finally get those fleeting thoughts past you. bokuto’s figure is still hovering over you, his arms shake a bit at the plank position he’s stuck in but his smile doesn’t fade. you lean close placing a fleeting kiss on his lips.
giggles are exchanged (but bokuto’s “giggles” usually end up shaking up the whole room. he has a very large flare for the dramatics), small brief glances, and smiles. you’re both having a good time. helping your boyfriend with something as simple as working out never felt so great.
it is at the 78th push-up, at the 78th kiss that you realize… maybe early mornings aren’t all that bad after all.
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sandwichrin · 3 years
A Little into You (Junkyu x Reader) (Ch. 7)
Chapter 7 - Meeting “the Gang”
Word count: 5.6k words
Genre: Fanfiction, PG13, Comedy, Romance.
A/N: Hello everyone! Here you go, Chapter 7! ^^ I felt bad for making you all wait so I wrote this chapter extra long :3 (this was worth 14 pages on my word doc hhddhd) And yes! Y/n finally had her first offical encounter with Junkyu here! 🥰 Enjoy! 🧡
You woke up from your slumber, feeling your phone vibrating beside you on the sofa. You got up and grabbed the phone, pressing on the answer icon on the phone screen.
No response.
“Hello??” You asked again.
Still no response.
Squinting your eyes as you stared at the bright phone screen in your hand, you checked for the notifications.
5 missed calls from Hyunsuk TRSR.
You immediately stood up. You rubbed your eyes, trying to get rid of the drowsiness you still felt from the sleep you had after getting back from the convenience store in the afternoon.
Your fingers scrolled through the notification centre in your phone again, this time seeing an unread message from Hyunsuk.
 From: Hyunsuk TRSR
Hey. They found out 😓 I guess there’s no point in hiding the milks anymore… Send me your address! I’ll come and pick it up from you after I’m done with practice.
 You checked the time the message was sent. Gasp! He sent the text literally 4 hours ago!
You lightly slapped your own cheek. Why did you even take such a long nap?? You hurriedly tried to type a response to Hyunsuk when suddenly you stopped.
Wait. He tried calling me, didn’t he? So…technically, I could just call him back…right?
You sat back down on the sofa behind you. Maybe…maybe you should just call him up?
You took a deep breath and pressed the dial number button on Hyunsuk’s contact in your phone.
Beep…beep… you could hear your heart beating just waiting for him to pick up your call.
 Phonecall Conversation:
Hyunsuk: Hello? Y/n!
You: Whoa chill Hyunsuk. You’re pretty chirpy at a time like this.
Hyunsuk: What? It’s only past 8pm. You sound groggy.
You: Really? Omg I’ve been asleep for so long I can’t even tell what time it is anymore ugh!
Hyunsuk: You slept through the afternoon? (laughs) That’s something.
You: Erm, whose fault was it that I had to carry home tons of banana milk huh?
Hyunsuk: Alright, fair enough. Oh right! Text me your address! We’ll come pick it up on our way home later on. Practice is over but I think we’re gonna stop by for some dinner first.
You: Hold on—We?? No way, you’re not bringing your whole crew here.
Hyunsuk: Wha-? Why nottttt?
You: My place is… (looks around) kinda small…I mean, it’s cramped enough of an apartment and like, if you bring along all 20 of you, I’m pretty sure the floor is going to fall off.
Hyunsuk: (laughs) Stop exaggerating y/n! There’s only 12 of us okay?
You: I know thatttt. Still! No. Okay?
Hyunsuk: (sighs) Fine. Just text me your address, a.s.a.p okay?
You: Aight. Bye. (hangs up)
Hyunsuk: Hello? Wow she really just hung up like that huh?
 -end of phonecall-
 You sighed to yourself and hurriedly text Hyunsuk your apartment address. You head towards your room to charge your phone and proceeded to go shower up whilst waiting for him to come over.
 You got out of your shower and dried yourself up, putting on your clean dark blue pyjamas. You walked over to your phone that was charging on your dresser and when you were convinced that there weren’t any texts or calls, you went out towards the living room to go dry your hair with the hairdryer you kept there.
10 minutes into drying your hair, you heard the doorbell rang. “Just a minute!” you yelled at the door as you put down the hairdryer, not forgetting to switch off the plug.
You checked your reflection in the mirror nearby the entrance patio, noting that your hair was dried thoroughly and your face all pale from being bare after the shower you had.
Your hand reached the doorknob and the moment you opened it; you were surprised to see an unfamiliar tall figure in front of the door.
“I? Erm, you’re not…?”
Junghwan, who was busy staring at his phone, looked up from it to see you staring at him with a confused look on your face. “Oh! I’m so sorry!” he backed away from you quickly, almost as if he was afraid of you. He turned to Asahi beside him, “Hyung! Why didn’t you tell me she was at the door already??”
Asahi shrugs at the maknae, not saying anything in return.
“Erm…why…. wait, where’s Hyunsuk?” you asked, still confused as to why these two are here and not Hyunsuk. Especially since you’re sure they’ve never met you before.
“Y/N!” Jaehyuk’s voice rang in your ears as he jumped out from the wall he’s been hiding behind while waiting for you just now.
Your hand reached your chest, lightly patting it. “Oh my god Jaehyuk! I could’ve had a heart attack!”
“Oh, alright then. I guess I won’t be jump-scaring you then,” Yedam showed up as well from Jaehyuk’s hiding spot. His smile beaming as he approached all of you.
Unknowingly a smile crept on your face seeing the familiar faces that you’ve met before this. You let out a chuckle, “Nice try, Yedam. Come on in y’all.” You moved to the side of your doorframe to let them all enter through your front door.
Jaehyuk and Yedam entered your doorframe, confidently passing by you whereas for the other two, they avoided looking at you, entering with their head staring at your floor. As soon as all four of them have entered, you closed the door behind them and fold your arms against your chest.
“Okay but real question—where’s Hyunsuk? I thought he was supposed to come over?” you asked.
The four of them turned around to look at you at the same time. You almost jumped from your spot since seeing four attractive men looking at you all at the same time wasn’t something you were ever used to.
Yedam smiled answering your question, “Aw come on y/n. You’re not happy we’re here? Did you only want to meet Hyunsuk-hyung?”
Jaehyuk pouts at you upon hearing what Yedam said.
“Oh gosh noooo. I was just…confused. I mean, he did say he wanted to come over, no? That was all, really.”
Jaehyuk’s pout turned into a smile, “It’s my banana milk so it only makes sense that I came to get it, right?”
You nodded at him, agreeing with what he said. That surely made more sense.
You gestured towards the two-seater sofa in the middle of the living room at them and said, “You guys can take a seat first. I’ll grab the milks and put it into a paper bag for you guys.”
Asahi and Junghwan, both still being quiet and looking like they were awkward with you, proceeded to just sit down on the sofa.
You left them and headed towards the kitchen that was only a few feet away from the living room (small apartment struggle hhdhss). In the kitchen, you went towards the drawer near the kitchen sink to pick on a suitable paper bag that would fit all the bottles. You had always been somewhat of a hoarder so you had plenty of folded paper bags kept in the drawer.
You were pulling out one specific paper bag that you thought would perfectly fit all the banana uyus when a voice spoke up, making you accidentally dropping the paper bag that was in your hands.
“Y/n? Omg are you okay?” Yedam said as he rushed towards you and helped you pick the paper bag up.
“Oh no, I was just surprised. I wasn’t expecting anyone else to come here,” you said sounding flustered.
“Oh, no wonder you’re all jumpy,” Yedam grinned.
You smirked at him, “Yeah sure. Did you say something just now?”
“Oh no, I was just wondering if you need help with anything?”
“Nah, it’s fine. I got it all under control,” you chuckled at the handsome man beside you.
Yedam handed you the paper bag and you walked over towards your fridge, with him trailing behind you.
Opening the door of the fridge, you started arranging the banana milk into the paper bags. Yedam stood there just watching you arranging the bottles into the bag properly, making sure it was neatly arranged.
Yedam noticed you looked kind of different now that he’s seen you up close. Maybe it was because you weren’t wearing makeup? Your hair wasn’t as tidy as when he first met you, and your skin looked a little pale compared to last time. He also noticed that certain parts of your skin were blemished and he thought that you looked pretty with the slight redness on your cheeks especially.
“Aight! Done!” You exclaimed as you shut the door of the fridge. Your voice snapped Yedam from his trance.
You turned to Yedam with the paper bag in your hands, and you gestured him to take if from you. “Here, you can give this to Jaehyuk for me,” you smiled.
Yedam smiled back at you and nodded. Taking the paper bag from your cold fingers, he carried it along with him and headed towards the living room.
You on the other hand headed towards the kitchen sink and washed your hands before wiping it dry with a kitchen cloth. You head towards the living room to check on the boys that were waiting for you.
“You guys…not leaving yet?” you asked, noticing that they were all looking relaxed sitting on the sofa in your living room.
Jaehyuk placed a hand on his chest as he said, “Ouch y/n. You really want to get rid of us that fast, huh?”
“What? No, no! I mean, I thought…I thought you guys only wanted to take the milks,”
Asahi, who had been quiet the whole time, stood up slowly. He turned to you and bowed slightly at you, his eyes still not looking at you though.
“Hyung, where are you going?” Junghwan asked.
“Come on, let’s leave. Our business here is done anyways,” Asahi said in a soft tone, barely audible for you to hear.
Yedam and Jaehyuk’s face fell, looking like they were sad that they really had to leave when they’ve only arrived there not too long ago.
You, noticing the glum tone in their voices, decided to say something, “I- wait. I wasn’t asking for you all to leave, you know. I was just…Oh, wait! Jaehyuk!”
Jaehyuk looked up at you, wondering why you called out his name, “Yeah?”
“Are all the milks enough in the bag? Did you check?”
“Yeah, there are 9 here. Oh, wait!” He took out one of the bottles and walked over to you, handing the milk over to you.
You looked at him questioningly.
“This is yours, remember? Jeongwoo gave it to you earlier today. I think it’s to make up for the one you gave me last time,”
“O-oh. Sure. Thanks,” you said as you received the bottle from Jaehyuk’s hand.
Yedam lets out a sigh not far from you and Jaehyuk. “Well, I guess we all should be going now. We’d hate to bother you at a time like this,” he said apologetically.
Jaehyuk pouted slightly but he nodded as well at what Yedam said. He grabbed the paper bag you gave earlier and motioned his dongsaengs to walk with him towards the front door of your apartment.
One by one, Junghwan, Asahi, Yedam and Jaehyuk bowed at you, thanking you for letting them swing by.
You watched as the boys were putting on their shoes at the front entrance of your apartment. You felt bad watching them leave just like that. Why? You weren’t sure either. Maybe you felt like you weren’t exactly treating your guests right? Maybe you felt bad that these people (well, some) seemed to be excited in meeting you but you didn’t even try to spend time with them. And yet, you’ve always wanted to have friends who were in your age range. They’re here now. What’s stopping you from treating your new friends the right way?
“Hey,” you called out softly to the boys who were already getting ready to leave.
Yedam turned around, hearing your voice.
“Do…you guys…wanna hang for a bit? I was gonna order some takeout so…”
“Yes!” Jaehyuk said happily, his face beaming at you. This made you smile as well.
You looked at the rest, wanting to be sure that they didn’t feel like they were forced to stay, but to your surprise, all the other 3 of the boys gave you their assuring smiles as well.
You felt relieved.
“Alrighty then. Come on, let’s go see what they have in the menu!” you said happily.
 If it weren’t for your courage in asking Jaehyuk and his dormmates to stay and hang with you the other night, you wouldn’t have been able to gain new friends to be honest. At this point, you were happy, having new friends to hang with and talk to occasionally.
Ever since that day, your phone would receive texts from them, talking to you about their routine and asking about your day as well. Is this how it feels like to have brothers?
And knowing not to make it awkward by texting you personally, Junghwan made a group chat for all 5 of you to catch up with each other—which is also the only chat you were ever actively replying in.
It was a Tuesday and you were still in your office at the time, working on your powerpoint slides to be handed in to your supervisor that very night itself, when you received a text from Hyunsuk.
You stared at your phone confusingly, seeing the name that pops on the screen. This is weird. Ever since the night Yedam and his dormmates came over to get the banana milk from you, Hyunsuk had never texted you any further so you wondered if he had assumed his business with you was done for good.
Biting your lower lip, your finger slowly tapped on the unread text in your phone.
 From: Hyunsuk TRSR
Hey! How are you doing y/n? It’s been a while hasn’t it? 😊
 You stared at the text for a while. Should you reply? What should you say? Why is he texting you now? Does he need any more help from you?
You groaned to yourself, wondering if Jaehyuk had a banana milk incident again. What if Jaehyuk overbought his milks again and he was too scared to text you himself so he asked Hyunsuk to contact you instead?
A soft sigh escaped your lips. You began typing your reply to his text;
 To: Hyunsuk TRSR
Oh hey. I’ve been well. What about you? Everything all good over there?
 You placed your phone down on your desk after sending your reply, wanting to resume your work.
Beep. Your phone buzzed, signalling that a text was received.
You took your phone in your hand and opened the text.
 From: Hyunsuk TRSR
Yeah, all’s good here. Hey, listen. Wanna go grab some lunch together? We can bring the gang along. We’re all free this afternoon 😀
 To: Hyunsuk TRSR
You have a free schedule this afternoon? That’s great! I don’t think I’ll be taking up that offer for lunch though, I rarely leave the office during lunchtime. I usually just eat what I packed lol. Sorry 😥 but have fun having lunch with the rest! 😀
 Hyunsuk read the reply you sent him and a frown formed on his lips. He lets out a soft sigh. Why is it so hard to meet you? He had wanted to thank you for helping Jaehyuk out by treating you to a meal but it seems like that would be difficult to achieve for now.
Slowly lowering himself to sit on the floor of the practice room, Hyunsuk began thinking about his first encounter with you. He wondered if it was pure coincidence for you to cross paths with him at the time. Or maybe…he was just someone you’d cross path to meet someone else. What if the coincidences you both had with each other was meant for you to end up meeting one of his other group members?
Just as he was about to overthink, a figure sat beside him and rested one of their hands on his shoulder. This made Hyunsuk’s head turn to look at the person sitting beside him.
“Doing some deep thinking hyung?” Jihoon said, his hand still on his hyung’s shoulder. His face was lined a small tint of worry, since he entered the room to see his hyung sitting on the floor, looking like he was feeling down.
Hyunsuk smiled timidly at his friend and shook his head, “Nah, I was just kinda bummed that’s all. Y/n turned down my offer for lunch today,”
“Oh? That girl who you kept bumping into?”
“Yeah…I don’t know. I mean, I feel indebted to her and yet I feel like it’s so hard to meet her. Like, I’m the idol here and yet she’s the one that’s busier than I am!”
Jihoon snickered seeing his hyung getting all worked up over a girl.
Hyunsuk groaned upon seeing Jihoon’s smile. “Oh come on! It’s not like you’ve never felt this way before,”
Jihoon shook his head at him, “No, I really don’t. If I ever get worked up over a friend, it wouldn’t be to the point that I’d get all frustrated from not meeting them,”
Hyunsuk kept quiet.
“Could it be hyung…that you like this girl?”
“What?” Hyunsuk lets out a loud laugh. “What?? What made you think of that?” he said in between his laughs.
Jihoon rolled his eyes at his hyung who was laughing and looking at him like he’s crazy. “Hey, I’m just assuming, okay? You were so worked up over her I could only assume you like her,”
Hyunsuk stopped laughing. “You know how emotionally attached I get around people right?” he gave his friend a cheeky smile. “But really, in all seriousness, I just want you all to meet her. She’d be a wonderful friend. I can feel it,”
Jihoon smiled. “Sure, hyung. Sure.”
 “What??” You asked your colleague who was sitting beside you.
“I said- --------”
Your face scrunched in confusion. It was so loud in your office that you couldn’t even hear what your colleague was trying to say to you the whole time.
Your colleague sensed that you weren’t able to hear her so she raised a finger up to your eye-level and mouthed “Wait a second. They’ll announce it later.”
“Announce?” you asked her back.
She nodded back at you and pointed you to look at the main door of your department’s floor. Just as your eyes looked at it, surely enough, the Vice President of the company was already at the door.
“Hello everyone!” he called out loud, making all the commotion that had been going on since just now quiet down.
Finally. If the office got any louder you could’ve gone deaf for real; you thought to yourself.
Mr. Seo, the Vice President of the company flashed his shiny smile at everyone as he said happily, “I am sure you all have heard of the good news today!”
Everyone in the room cheered loudly. Again, you were lost. Did you miss out on any news in the department’s group chat??
You sneakily took a peek at your phone, wanting to check your messages again, just in case.
“Yes! Our company has finally merged with Karako W’s Communication and now they will be fully internalising our company’s staff with theirs! Our family has a bigger family now!”
“YAYYYYYYYY” you heard the whole room cheer madly. You blinked your eyes a couple times. Karako W? Isn’t that one of the big communication groups that often work with entertainment industries here? Whoa. No wonder everyone was so happy. This is big.
A smiled formed on your lips and you joined the cheerings made by the rest of your colleagues. You understood now why everyone was so happy. Bigger merges, bigger family. Bigger family, bigger pay. So everyone has a high chance of getting a raise!
The Vice President raised his hand, signalling everyone to quiet down.
Once the room was quiet again, he started to speak again, “Now, to celebrate this joyous day for our company, I’ll be giving you all the afternoon off!”
This earned more cheers in the room. At this point you gave up hoping for peace and quiet from everyone.
“I’ll see you all tomorrow! Tomorrow we all start afresh as a brand new family!” He added, making the whole room go wild.
You discreetly covered your ears in hopes that your eardrums were safe.
The Vice President then started laughing happily (you weren’t sure why, but he’s probably just super happy right now so yeah, let’s just go with it yeah?) and he shuffles out of the room along with some of your department workers still cheering him on.
Your office was less noisy now, finally.
You sat in your chair, staring at the post-its taped to your desktop monitor. You thought to yourself about the journey you had to be here. Where you are right now. You finished high school and was immediately offered to work in the city by your favourite teacher, the one person who had always believed in you, your abilities and skills.
“You have what it takes to be a star, y/n. I can see it. I feel it too. You’re very smart. Your future that’s waiting for you, it’s so bright,” was what she said to you back then.
She had high hopes for you.
Which was also why it made sense how disappointed she was in you when she found about you skipping your college entrance exam.
But kindly enough of her, despite her disappointment in you, she made arrangements for you to work at her son’s small, but surely growing company, a company that provides professional English language seminars for offices in the city.
Your teacher was upset, but she helped you nevertheless.
But you clearly had no choice back then.
You had to skip the college entrance exam because you chose to be with your elder sister at the time.
Your grip on your pen tightened. It had only been a year ago since she left you, but it still hurts like it happened yesterday.
You were getting ready to go to school, your uniform all crisply ironed and your hair neatly braided, whilst leaving little baby hairs hang loosely beside your ears. You were applying your lipbalm when you heard your phone rang.
You ran over to your dresser, where you left it to charge whilst you were getting ready but when you answered it, there was no one on the other line.
You stared at your phone screen. It was your sister.
But she left for work earlier didn’t she?
“Maybe she forgot something,” you said to yourself.
You dialed her number and again, this time no one answered.
You felt uneasy. You tried to shrug off the negative feeling you’re having and just focus on getting to school on time.
Today’s the day! You were prepped for this, you’ve been studying very hard for this and this time, you knew, it would all be worth it!
 You were on your way to school, casually walking and planning out your life plan after completing the college entry exam today.
….You wanted to enter a good college, get a part time job for the meantime too, and then you plan to go for a trip with your sister on your semester break.
Smiling to yourself, you didn’t realise that you’ve already reached your school’s main gate.
Your heart was racing.
This was it.
The final step. The final step before you embark on your adulthood.
You entered your school’s gate.
Bzzz! Bzzz!
“Oh?” You said as you took your vibrating phone out of your bag. “Silly me, I should keep this off until the exam is over,”
You stopped when you saw the name on the phone screen. (Sister’s name) eonnie.
You smiled to yourself. “Eyy, eonnie must have wanted to wish me luck for the exam,”
You clicked on the answer icon on your phone.
“Eonnie! Just in time! I was about to switch off my—”
“Y/n? Is this Miss y/n?”
“Uhh, yeah…erm, who is this?” You asked the person on the other end, realising that it wasn’t your sister.
“Could you please head over to the hospital? Miss s/n has been brought to the emergency ward.”
Suddenly you felt cold all over. What happened?
Your throat felt dry.
“Miss? Are you there?” the voice in the phone spoke.
“Y-yeah! Yeah, I’m on my way.” You told the person before hanging up.
You ran towards the main gate again.
This time, you stopped again there. You turned around and looked at your surroundings. The school, the students…your college entrance exam…
You could feel your heart beating fast. Your hands were shaking. Is this…how it’s supposed to be?
Unconsciously, a tear fell down your cheek. You shook your head to yourself and immediately ran off.
You need to get to the hospital fast. Your sister needs you, and you want to be there for her.
 End of flashback.
 A droplet of water fell on your thigh, leaving a small dark patch on your dark brown office skirt.
You sat up straight in your seat. You didn’t realise you had been reminiscing for quite some time. You looked around to see the office being almost empty.
Huh. So the VP really gave us half the day off, huh?
You shrugged to yourself.
Wiping your tear-stained cheek with the back of your hand, you decided to pack up and leave the office as well.
 Hyunsuk walked out the front entrance of the building, stretching his arms, trying to let his body loose from all the sitting down he did during his song-writing session earlier.
The sun was shining warmly today and Hyunsuk loved the feeling of the sun’s warmth soaking through his skin.
He checked the time on his watch.
The rest should be here any moment now. They have all promised to gather up and have a big group lunch since their afternoon schedule is free for the day.
Suddenly, as he was standing by the entrance of the building, he saw a familiar figure walking pass by the building.
Without thinking long, Hyunsuk’s feet immediately ran towards the figure and grabbed them by the arm.
The figure, taken aback by what he did, immediately reflexed by hitting him with her bag.
“Ouch!” Hyunsuk said, as he lets go of your arm.
“Hyunsuk??” You huffed, trying to peek at his face that was being covered by his hands. He was rubbing one side of his head, obviously surprised with the attack he received from you.
Hyunsuk pulled down the black face mask he was wearing, revealing a grin.
“Oh my god! Don’t ever do that again! I might end up really hurting you!” You said, your voice rising a pitch. You were obviously worried—worried that you might get sued for hurting an idol.
Hyunsuk laughed at your statement. “Yeah, sure sure. Don’t worry, I’m fine. Wipe that worry off your face, y/n,”
You rolled your eyes at him. “I wasn’t worried,”
“Really now? You know, if I got hurt, I might have to file a law—”
His words stopped when he saw your eyes widening and showing fear.
This made him laugh even harder. He enjoyed making fun of you, surely.
“That’s not funny, Hyunsuk! I can’t afford to fight against a lawsuit,” you said, slightly in a bitter tone.
Hyunsuk smiled at you. “Sorry,” he said.
You looked at him and sighed. “I’m not mad at you, just so you know. I’m just…naturally a bitter and awkward person,”
“Sure, y/n,” he nodded, his smile still visible on his lips.
“Wait, what are you doing here? I thought you’re supposed to be at the office?” he asked when he realised that you were out when your working hours weren’t over yet.
“Oh, that. Yeah, our company had a big merge so our VP gave us half the day off,” you answered him.
Hyunsuk’s smile widened.
You saw his face literally lighting up from what you said, and you immediately opened your mouth to speak, “No Hyunsuk. Don’t give me that look,”
He moved closer to you. “What look?”
“I know that look Hyunsuk. I may not know you well but I know what that look means,”
Hyunsuk stomped his feet lightly, in which you find ultimately cute. He grinned when he said the words you dreaded to hear.
“Join us for lunch, y/n,” he said with his eye-smile showing now.
You took a deep breath. Resist. You have to resist this, y/n. He’s acting darn cute but you know by far that you won’t have your ground shaken by this.
“Aw come on, y/n! You’re free for the afternoon! Come join us!” he pleads.
You shot him a skeptical look.
He started nudging you with his elbow.
You fold your arms against your chest and shook your head. But this time, a smile was forming on your lips.
“Come on y/n. I mean, if you’re with us, at least I know I wont blabber our secret to the others,”
This jolted you back to focus.
“No way, Hyunsuk. You wouldn’t,”
Hyunsuk smirked at this. He knew he got you this time. “I mean…I could…just talk about us…to my friends…”
“No. No no no Hyunsuk. You are not doing this to me. I barely know you, and here you are threatening to expose one of my humiliating moments!”, you chimed at him, feeling slightly annoyed at the same time.
“Come on y/n. Just join us for lunch. I promise it would only be for a short time.”
“No! I told you that I have a lunch date with someone else.” You said, making up a lie.
“Yeah, you didn’t tell me that earlier. Who’s it with? Your imaginary friend?”
You let out a loud gasp. “How dare you call my friend imaginary! He’s real I tell you!”
“Oh yeah? What’s his name?” Hyunsuk smirked at you, as if knowing you were bluffing at him.
You blinked a couple of times. Shit. Now, why didn’t I think of a name beforehand??
Hyunsuk’s smirk grew when he saw you speechless. Yet, he still waited for an answer from you.
“W-well. His name is Kim Satori. Yeah! Kim Satori.” You huffed.
“Okay. I believe you, even though I find it fairly coincidental that we’re standing opposite a convenience store.”
You frowned. He couldn’t have guessed it…could he?
“…almost like how Kim Satori sounds like the convenience store owned by Owner Kim- the store right in front of us now.”
Damn it. He caught you lying- again. “Alright fine! You caught me. I was…lying.”
“What’s so bad about having lunch with us y/n? It’s only for an hour, an hour and a half tops.”
“Look, I…I’m just…embarrassed okay? I’ve never eaten with a group of 20 guys before,” you exaggerated. “Besides, what’s your deal with me having to eat with you all the time??”
Hyunsuk smiled his cute smile. Maybe he could push you just a little bit more. He moved closer and put an arm around your shoulder. “I mean, I could choose not to have lunch with you. And then maybe let them know that I met you by saving you from getting p-“
“Okay! I get it!”, you interrupted, not letting him finish his sentence. You glanced around just in case anyone was around. Close call. Phew. Nobody’s around.
You rolled your eyes at him when he started laughing at your reaction to him almost spitting out the embarrassing incident that happened weeks ago—which lead to you meeting him.
“Well, well, what do we have here?”, a voice appeared behind the both of you.
Both you and Hyunsuk turned around to see Jihoon, looking tired. Probably tired of today’s practice; you thought.
“Jihoon! Look, y/n here wanted to join us for lunch!” Hyunsuk announced cheerfully at his taller friend. His arm was still around you.
“Oh?” Jihoon’s eyes slightly widened. “That sounds nice! Hyunsuk-ah, maybe you can introduce her to the rest who haven’t met her!”
“I…uh…” you opened your mouth to speak. “Wait, you know me?” You asked feeling confused.
You’ve only officially met Hyunsuk a few times so there was no way Jihoon knew who you were.
You whipped your head to look at Hyunsuk. “Oh my god! You told him?!”
Hyunsuk moved further from you, raising his hands in defense. “Hey look, Jihoon and I barely keep stuff from each other.”
“Yeah, but you told him about it? That was P and C Hyunsuk!”
Jihoon grabbed a hold of your shoulders and tried to calm you down before you end up really attacking Hyunsuk. “Now, now, y/n. Wait, it’s y/n right? Ah, right. It’s okay, this secret stays between us okay?”
“Ugh fine.” You wriggled out of his hold. “Since you clearly exposed me already, I don’t think I need to have lunch with you guys then.”
“Oh come on y/n,” Hyunsuk whined.
You shook your head, clearly stating that you didn’t want to, and quickly turned your heel to walk away, when suddenly you bumped into something hard. “Ow!” You placed your hand on your face to see if it’s still intact.
“Ah, I- I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to—” the tall man stuttered.
You lift your head up to see who it was you had bumped into and suddenly you felt your breath hitched at your throat. It seemed that you had bumped your head against Junkyu’s chest when you were in a rush to leave the place.
 To be continued…
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oureuphoria · 4 years
Worst of You - JJK 01
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You meet him under horrible circumstances but that doesn’t stop you from developing a very abnormal and completely unsolicited crush on your local hot police officer™. Too bad you have a bitch of a best friend, anxiety and an inability to learn from your mistakes which cripples your chances to be with the man of your literal dreams. Oh, and he has a lifetime’s worth of baggage at 23.  Or “I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s wrong.” “Cool, I’ll let everyone know that you’re moving in then.”
Genre: fluff, angst, comedy 
Pairing: officer!jungkook X collegestudent!reader
Word count: 2.2k
Warnings: Mentions of violence (stab wound), mentions of anxiety, swearing
Note: I was watching B99 and I was like ‘Woah, Jungkook would be a hot cop,’ and now we’re here. 
| 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 |
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If someone had asked you to write a novel about the adventures of your life, it would be extremely thin. Not from your lack of experiences (although it is a pressing factor) but more so from your inability to think about yourself for longer than 3 minutes without feeling sick. You were not a particularly hateful person, especially not towards yourself, but you were an active and anxious thinker and your mind was often boggled with thoughts about what you could’ve or have done wrong and it was exasperating.
For example, occasionally, your professors would allow students to spectate professional research experiments and that month, you were selected (out of pity because Alex was selected and the Professor knew she was your only friend). You knew this was supposed to be an “interesting learning experience” but it was a complete and utter bore. At first you’d convinced yourself it was only boring because you were hungry, then you began to realise it was boring because your singular braincell could not comprehend such complex material on an empty stomach.
So, you left the room to go to McDonald’s, for educational purposes of course. That was where you went wrong because instead of peacefully enjoying your McChicken you were dealing with your phone which was blowing up with messages from Alex about how you were missing ever so much from the research lab. However, it seemed to you that perfectly cut fries were more interesting than watching microscopic cells bounce around in a microscope for an hour.
It turned out that watching microscopic cells bounce around in a microscope for an hour was worth a lot of credits and you wallowed in self-pity for the mere 24-hours that followed that realisation.
You had fucked up once again, only three days after witnessing all 3 minutes of the splendid research experiment. It was a Saturday and you were standing outside your dorm building watching a student yell at a stray cat. It was around 2 in the morning and you were sneaking back from your late shift at the convenience store. Usually, you would have been terrified and confused but you were so tired that you violently pinched your arm and blinked rapidly, hoping it was just an illusion. When the peculiar scene didn’t disappear, you realised this was real but it was too late since the man was now sprinting after you across your quiet and empty campus.
Four years ago, if someone had told your 16-year-old self to participate in your P.E classes because you would later be chased by a crazy man at 2am then you surely would’ve listened. But unfortunately, no one had done such a thing and you were beginning to realise just how regrettable that was. Your running performance was mediocre at best, definitely not fast enough to out run this man across an extremely large campus and you were beginning to lose your breath.
Your only option was to quit while you were ahead and either find somewhere to hide or use your very non-existent combat skills to karate kick the man into the other dimension. Naturally, you hid behind the giant administrator building. As you were finally behind the safe confines of the old brick wall you moved to reach for your phone when you heard an alarming scream. As much as your brain wanted to relish in the relief that the scream wasn’t coming from you, you couldn’t shake the instant guilt. You called the police and tried to sound as reliable as possible but your voice was dripping with fear and you stuttered over your words like a toddler.
Once you were able to clearly see the student, lying on the lawn in pain with what appeared to be a stab wound the guilt completely consumed you but part of you couldn’t even believe this was real. Students woke up from the deafening sounds of sirens and it wasn’t long before this would become a commotion so the officers made quick work of the scene, the ambulance moving him to their van and the police officers continuing their reports. You were asked to go to the station where you would be further questioned by another officer and you didn’t quite understand the need for that escalation but you compiled nonetheless. You didn’t need the police and your conscience to think you were guilty.
You were seated in the backseat of a police car, behind two male officers. Their conversation fell numbly to your ears, your mind already submerged deeply in thought. You didn’t snap out of your trance until the officers repeatedly called for you. “Did you know the boy? The one who was, uh, attacked?” The officer was trying to find the right terms and you commend him for that much, but the last part felt more like an unsure question than a statement and that didn’t sit well with you. “No.” Your answer deadpanned the chance of a conversation, the silence after being the proof. The drive continued for about 3 minutes before you stood at the information desk where you were asked to join the secretary on a walk to the interrogation room. “The officer will be with you shortly. Would you like anything to drink?” She spoke curtly, the annoyed look on her face told you she’d already done this too many times. “No thanks, I’m fine.”
You were confused and guilty and scared. None of this made any sense, you - who never, ever, experienced anything outside your boring routine - was now being questioned for an attack? You were convinced you were borderline insane and that this was just a horrible dream. But, with every tic of the annoying clock on the plain wall behind you, you grew less convinced that this was anything but reality.
“Hello.” The officer walked in, and suddenly you felt like you were in some sick, twisted rom-com because that man might have been the most beautiful man you’d ever seen. You didn’t mean to become distracted but he looked like he’d just walked out of a magic mike production and you were frankly astonished because this had to be a dream. His eyes were dark but they shined in the light beautifully, however the furrow in his eyebrows scared you enough to stop staring at his eyes. His build was clearly very developed, he looked like you could bench press you 40 times over and not even break a sweat. Or maybe he was just really fucking hot.
“My name is Officer Jeon and I’m here to ask you a couple of questions, I don’t want you to feel afraid or pressured, just answer me honestly and you’ll be fine.” Although he’d meant to sound soft and reassuring his words sounded more like an indirect threat. A threat that you heard loud and clear. You gulped quietly, the dryness in your throat mocking you as you recalled rejected the offer for a drink. You nodded when you realised he was expecting an answer but it clearly wasn’t enough. “I need you to use your voice at all times in here, this could be used in court and we need you to be very clear so nothing is misinterpreted. Do you understand?” You wanted to cry. All you’d had in plan for the night was to get to your dorm, eat some 99 cent ramen and go to sleep yet here you were at 3 in the morning in an interrogation room for an attack you weren’t even sure you ‘witnessed’. “Yup.”
“Great, then let’s begin. Can you start by stating your name and age?” “Y/N, L/N. 20.” You nearly stuttered which would have been beyond embarrassing. You seriously couldn’t even manage your own name? “Alright, Miss L/N. Why were you out so late?” You paused for a moment to rehearse your answer but you couldn’t quite get it all out. “I work at a convenience store.” You gestured to your name tag for effect and he nodded, writing something down in his notepad.
“How often do you work there?” The question was irrelevant, unrelated and the first tell-tale sign that you were not a witness; you were a suspect. However, you were too tired to notice. “Twice a week. 4pm-2am.” “You live in the dormitories, correct?” You nodded but he gave you a pointed look that reminded you to use words. “Yes.” “2 shifts a week can’t possibly sustain you. How do you pay your dorm fees?” This was when your tired brain began picking up on the fact that you weren’t just a witness. “I tutor high school kids. It pays enough.” He didn’t reply, just wrote something down in his notepad again - an action which was beginning to make you anxious.
“When you were interrogated by the field officer you told him that you were hiding behind the administration building when you’d heard the victim scream, why were you hiding there?” “I was hiding from the uh, a-attacker.” “How did you encounter him before that?” “I already answered this…” You were visibly nervous which couldn’t have looked very promising. “Then you won’t mind answering again.” His tone was menacing and if you weren’t already very intimidated by his role and demeanour then his strikingly good looks would have done the job. You’ve always been very intimidated by attractive people which proved to an insane burden.
“I was returning to my dorm block when I saw him yelling at a cat, he saw me and began to lunge my way so I started to run but I’m not very good at running so I hid behind the building instead. I was in the process of calling the police when I heard the scream and I didn’t move until the police came.” He seemed unsatisfied with your answer but that was understandable. Your monologue wasn’t confidentially given, you stuttered and stumbled over your words consistently out of anxiety, but he didn’t know that and probably thought you were the very thing you had been running from.
“How did you know that the man chasing you was a student? You said he was in the initial questioning.” “I wasn’t sure. It was 2am and he was standing on a student campus, outside a student dormitory. So, I assumed he was a student.” Your tone was a little vindictive, possibly from the frustration of being labeled as a suspect for a crime you were positive you didn’t commit. “Did you know the student who was attacked?” “No. When can I leave?” The question came out rushed and on impulse but you didn’t care. You were far too tired to. “When I ask all my questions.” You nodded absentmindedly, focusing on the plain table instead.
“You think I did it, don’t you?” Tears were welling up in your eyes but you were too dehydrated to cry.  “Right now you’re only a minor suspect, these are routine questions we have to ask and I really don’t see the issue with them if you’re truly innocent.” That surely shut you up, and made you feel a little stupid. Normally a question like that would never come from you but your exhaustion was taking a toll on your patience, and it was a heavy toll at that. “I’m sorry.” His angry features softened at your shaky voice. “How about we continue this tomorrow. Is 2pm okay for you?” You spaced out again, which was probably why he wanted to continue the interrogation the next day. “Is that okay?” He repeated, this time more pressing, you nodded but were quick to once again correct yourself and mutter a quick “yes” before you grabbed your backpack and suppressed the urge to Naruto run out of the room.
You walked out of the double doors only to be met with the dark night sky and a creeping fear that there was someone following you. You walked home from your shift every Friday and Saturday night and until that day nothing extremely bad had happened. Yet here you were cowardly glancing over your shoulder with every chance you got. You hated walking at night because your paranoia constantly slowed you down and what should’ve been a 10- minute walk turned into a 23-minute walk. It didn’t help that your recent encounter kept replaying in your head, the image of the poor victim on the floor vividly appearing every time you blinked.
As you rolled yourself up in a blanket burrito to escape the dark amiss of the night (more or less your own thoughts), you began to lull yourself into a soft sleep before your roommate, Alex, rudely barged into your room with little concern for your sleep.. “What happened? Why did you leave with the officers? Everyone’s talking about it you know, you’re on everyone’s snapchat story and your clothes really aren’t that flattering.” “A student got attacked and I was the only kind-of witness. The officers wanted to do some further questioning and how many times must I tell you its the uniform.” She sighed in relief before crushing you with a hug. “I’m glad you’re okay.” You suffocated under her grasp but you knew better than to try to fight Alex. She left the room to allow you to sleep but not before rambling about how she assumed you had turned into a rogue murderer.
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smol-and-grumpy · 4 years
EUPHORIA - Chapter 6
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: He’s Dean Winchester, owner of a shady night club. She’s a journalist who has been asked to write an article to expose the indecency and debauchery that’s going on behind closed doors. But he’s also Dean Winchester, the boy who sat next to her in class. The boy who was too cocky for his own good.
Chapter Warning: Fluff, only a tad of angst if you squint
WC: 2500
A/N: Please share your thoughts with me, I’d love to hear your feedback.
Beta’d by @deanwanddamons​ <3
This series is two weeks ahead on Patreon.
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Dean tried to sleep on the couch but it wasn’t as comfortable as the bed, that much was given. It’s just that he doesn’t want to overstep boundaries. And he most probably would do if he slipped in next to her, so he’d rather not.
He gets woken up by her whining though. She probably has fever dreams. He stays rigid, listens to her, kind of hoping that it’d go away but the whining only picks up, so he gets up and walks over, sits himself on the bed next to her and strokes at her head. She’s still so unbearably hot. 
Pouring water into the glass that he placed next to her bed, he wakes her up to drink from it.
She looks at him, her eyes see her surroundings but she doesn’t really register, “‘ve to pee,” She mumbles, “Can you help me up?”
Dean frowns a little. So she does know where she is, clearly sees that someone takes care of her, and she’s okay with it. It baffles him a little, but he’s glad that she let him. Let him take care of her without asking any further questions.
“Sure,” He says and helps her up.
It took them an awfully long time until she was standing, “Should I carry you?”
“I can walk,” 
“Okay,” He knows that she probably can’t make the long way to the bathroom, but he’s not going to be a wise-ass about it. However, he steadies her and helps her take one step after another. 
After the fourth step, she turns to him with pouting lips, “Can you carry me?”
He lets out a soft chuckle, “Yeah,” 
Picking her up, he carries her to the bathroom and lets her down right in front of the toilet, “Do you need me t—”
“Okay, I’ll be right outside,”
She takes her time and Dean’s sweating because he already paints the most absurd scenarios in his head. What if she falls asleep on the toilet and leans too close to the sink? He abandons the thoughts, because there were just too many ways on how she could hurt herself in there.
He breathes again when he hears the flush of the toilet and when he hears her washing her hands, he opens up the door again. 
She turns around, her eyes are still foggy, “I don’t wear panties.”
“Yeah,” Dean huffs out a breath, “They, uh, I bathed you, I have new ones if you want to wear them.”
“Nuh-uh.” She shakes her head.
Dean grins, “Nuh-uh?”
“Too much work.”
Well, yeah, that’s fair. It would be too much work for him either to get them on her. He’s trying to be good and she should not test his patience. 
She reaches her arms up, touches his neck. It’s cold from the water and Dean senses that she’s trying to tell him something but he’s distracted by her cuteness, until he realizes that she probably wants him to help her back to bed. 
“You want me to carry you back to bed, Y/N?”
Her face rubs against his chest and he can’t see but he guesses that she's back in her trance because she didn’t give him an answer. He picks her up, and carries her to the bed, and he’s right, she already has her eyes closed. 
Dean covers her with the sheet and pushes himself off the bed when she taps him on his thigh, “Stay?”
“Yeah,” He smiles, “Of course.” He walks around and gets in and again, she curls up next to him.
For the next twenty-four hours, she was mostly in and out of consciousness. Dean occasionally woke her up to get soup and water into her. He carried her to the bathroom when she had to pee and he drew her another bath when he felt like she’s hot again. 
He had to leave her for an hour to go down and brief his employees. If they noticed how he was dressed (in his sweats and a simple shirt), they knew not to say a word. He returned to his loft after telling them that he’s here but he’s not really here. None of them asked any questions and he knows that the club is in good hands with Cas taking care of it. He somehow also sees it as an opportunity for Cas to prove himself. Maybe he’ll take more days off, test Cas to see if he would be a good fit when Dean would open up another club, and let Cas manage there. Who knows. 
It’s almost 5am when she wakes up again and she turns around to see him sitting in bed with his back against the headboard. He was going through the emails of his private investigators for people who signed up for the waiting list when he heard her speak.
He looks over to her, sees her blinking before she sits up. He tries not to laugh, because her hair’s all messy, like really messy, and greasy from all the sweating that she’s done. 
“Yeah?” He grins simply.
“Why am I here?”
Well, Dean can’t lie. It hurts a little that she doesn’t remember their interaction. He closes the laptop, sets it aside, “You wanna hear the short version or the long version?”
Y/N rubs at her eyes and yawns, “Something in between?”
Dean raises an eyebrow before he chuckles, “Well, we were supposed to meet, you still remember that?”
He thinks it’s cute how he can literally see the penny drop. 
“Oh, shit!”
“Yeah,” He huffs out a breath, “I didn’t know what happened and I brushed it off as you maybe having changed your mind, but then your boss called—”
“—Rufus? Oh, no!”
“The very one. Just, how many bosses do you have?” He pulls his eyebrows up his forehead. She doesn’t answer so he takes it that he can go on, “Mr. Turner said that he tried to reach you and even sent someone over to check but you didn’t answer the door. “
Her gaze is trained on her lap, and she tries to tuck strands of greasy hair behind her ear. She’s really so cute it almost hurts for him to watch her.
“I remember feeling hot and then I thought if I went to bed I’d feel better by the morning,” She mumbles and he has the feeling that she’s trying to explain, which she really didn’t have to. She stares at her hand for way too long before she speaks again, “How did you find me?”
Dean shrugs with an easy grin on his face, “I climbed the fire escape.”
“You didn’t,”
“I sure did,” He laughs and she has to smile at that. 
He’s glad to see her smile. She has to do way more of that. 
“What time is it?” She asks with her next breath.
“Almost 5am.”
She frowns at him, “Why are you up?”
“You trashed around in your sleep and I had to come and hold you, so that you didn’t hurt yourself.” He says, which is true. She whined and grunted and he was seriously afraid that she’ll fall out of bed.
Y/N lifts up the blanket to get up and Dean almost can’t get out of bed fast enough to help her. 
She looks at him standing next to her before she looks down at herself, her hands rubbing at her ass, probably noticing again that she’s not wearing any panties, “We didn’t, did we?”
“What? You were barely conscious. I would never,” 
Her face is unfazed as she looks up at him, her eyebrows rising, as if she urges him to tell her the truth, as if she doesn’t really believe him. That kind of hurt. 
Dean sighs and rolls his eyes, “Fine. I did put you in a bath to get your temperature down and then I put another shirt on you because your clothes were full of sweat. Wait,” He walks over to his couch and she sits back on the bed, waits for him to return with the big bags of clothes. She’s sitting down again, probably still too weak to stand for a longer period of time, “Claire went out and bought you stuff. I hope it’s not all crop tops and mini skirts. I didn’t check, so I wouldn’t know.”
“Can I take a shower? I feel filthy.” She asks him and they are sitting so close, her naked thighs touch his sweats. 
“Of course,” He says, smirks and adds, “Let me check your temperature first.” Dean reaches his hand up to place his palm on her forehead, then he switches to the back of his hand. After that, he cradles her face in between his hands, and she frowns when she watches him place a kiss on her forehead. He lingers there longer than necessary. 
She has to chuckle, “What are you doing?”
“I’m checking your temperature.” He whispers against her skin. 
“That’s not how you do it, Dean!” She’s laughing and he thinks it sounds great. He would love to hear it more often.
He presses his lips into a thin line but he can’t hide the smirk, “Are you saying that every time I checked Sammy’s temperature, I did it all wrong?” 
She’s full on laughing when he fake gasps and Dean can’t help but thinks that it’s easy with her. She gets his humor. If he knew that back then, he wouldn’t have wanted to wait so long to meet her again. 
Dean showed her the way to the bathroom, carrying the bags with him so she can get dressed afterwards. 
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  She made a brave face in front of him but she was screaming on the inside. 
Like, seriously?
Oh my god.
He found her and he took her home to take care of her. 
Who knew that Dean Winchester would do that? Well, she knew that he took great care of Sammy. It’s always Sammy did this , Sammy did that , when he sat next to her in class. She could feel that Sammy was — or still is — very important to him. She just never thought that he would care for her when she was sick with a stupid bug. 
She peels herself from Dean’s shirt and steps into the shower. He had shown her how it works because it’s way too fancy for her liking. He also gave her a fresh towel and showed her which one of the toothbrushes was hers. It’s weird staring at the brushes in their holder. Weird to share a holder with anyone, that wasn’t her roommate or family member, no? She’s probably overthinking things.
The shower is really great. It’s big and it has the right water pressure. She doesn’t know why, but her mind goes straight to the gutter when she thinks of things one could do in this shower. She shakes the thought out of her head and continues to soap herself up, continues to wash the grease from her hair and somehow, she wishes that she had a razor with her because the hairs are starting to grow back in all the places where they are not welcome.
After the shower, she gets dressed and almost screams out of frustration at the clothes Claire apparently bought for her. She wonders if it’s a stupid joke but she has no other option, so she walks out of the shower with a towel still wrapped around her wet hair. 
Dean’s changing his bedding, when he notices her and turns around to face her but immediately, he throws his whole body back, his mouth open wide in a big hearty laugh. 
“Fries Before Guys?” Dean says when he finally composes himself. 
“Hey, that’s the best shirt, alright? Or at least it probably was a shirt until they cut off the lower half. The others have sayings like ‘Yes, Daddy?’ , ‘No pants are the best pants’ and many more. I won’t name them all. At least the jeans fit.” 
They really fit. Just, a little less holes would have maybe been better. Her whole legs had holes in them.
Dean’s still chuckling, “Nah, fries before guys. I like that. Do you prefer fries before guys?” He looks at her with a playful smile and one raised eyebrow.
“I would never,” She says and walks up to him with a grin on her face. Dean watches her. His smile disappears. She places one hand on his shoulder and stands on her tiptoes, places a kiss on his cheek and grins when she parts, “Share my fries.” 
He clears his throat before he speaks, and she can see the blush in his cheeks, “Here’s your phone,” He hands it to her, “Mr. Turner would like you to call him when you’re feeling better again.”
“Thanks,” She says and Dean’s already shaking his head, mouth opening probably to tell her that she shouldn’t worry about it. But she does, alright? It doesn’t happen everyday that an old classmate takes care of her when she’s sick. She cuts him off, “No, seriously, Dean. Thank you. You didn’t have to, but you did.”
Dean nods, “It’s really no big deal. I like being around you,”
It’s her turn to blush. 
He makes her breakfast and watches her eat while he smiles like an idiot.
“What?” She asks him with one brow raised.
“Nothing,” He shakes his head, and takes a bite himself, “It’s just… it’s good to see you’re eating again.”
She tugs at her shirt while eating. She’s not made for crop tops, doesn’t really feel confident enough and Dean must have noticed because he starts to chuckle, “Do you want one of my shirts?”
“Yes, please,” She groans out and Dean abandons his food to go get her a shirt. 
Later he drives her home, although she thinks that he might have wanted her to stay longer but she really feels like she should go back, and rest, now that she’s walking and talking coherently again. 
However, Dean stops at a store and they go in to buy foodstuff for her fridge. She cringes that he has looked in there, because last she checked it was empty. 
He helps her carry it up to her apartment but turns around to leave right after. 
“Dean?” She says before he disappears out the door.
She walks towards him, leans herself against the door frame, “Can you show me more when I’m feeling better?”
The frown on his face makes way for a smile, and it grows wide and bright. The crinkles carved deep on the side of his eyes, “Yeah, I’d love to.” Dean leans down, kisses her cheek, “But you get better first, alright?”
“I will.”
He leaves another kiss on her forehead and shrugs when he parts, “Just checking the temperature.” 
She laughs. Dean has already made his way down. He waves at her one last time before he rounds the corner of the stairwell.
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Chapter 7
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
Love you writing and your sooo pretty like holly crap (god really do be picking favorites) ANYWAYS. Can you do a request with a reader that is super grumpy and clingy in the mornings please. Do it with what ever character you want I dont have a preference. Love you bby😘😘
Nishinoya Yuu x Needy & Grumpy S/O In The Morning 🤣
(slight NSFW)
A/N: Awwwwww merci cherie, je taime aussi 💛 Whichever characters I want ahhh okieeee I did Noya here and I’ll probably do a part two with Toshi and a fluffy one with Hinata after I finish my reqs! Lmk if you’re feeling it!
At 8am, your bf woke up to a call from his best friend yelling at him to get his ass up
Noya told him to fuck off because his alarm was going to wake him up anyway, and Tanaka said ‘good’ and hung up
begrudgingly, Noya got up in your apartment while you were still asleep and dragged his feet into the attached bathroom to your bedroom to get ready and shower
Once his brain caught up with his actions he raced out of the bathroom to return to the bed just to kiss your sleeping figure on the cheek and lift the covers up a bit like he always does🥺
He took an extra second to stare at your beautiful sleeping face and he just did the sign of the cross and pointed to God because it is only by his grace that you shared a bed with him last night
Nishi turned on the shower in your en suite, leaving the door open because you said you love the way his body wash smells
A few minutes later, you woke up to the scent you love. You didn’t know why, but you were feeling upset and very needy (in more ways than one) this morning for absolutely no reason
All you knew was that you wanted your new bf of 2 weeks to make you feel better like he always does.
Not understanding why he’s up so early when he literally never wakes up before 1, you check your phone to check the date.
No! You smacked your bed sheets in dramatic anguish. Today is the day Nishi promised to meet Tanaka and Ennoshita all day to plan Hisashi’s big surprise birthday party. They were travelling to some beach house 2 hours away to see how it looks. Great.
Good for those man-children, you thought
They can all bite me tbh, you thought
So Ennoshita and Tanaka really think that they can just take your man away from you when you woke up moody for no reason all so they can get him to help them do something that’s completely fair? HOW DARE THEY!
They better think again!!!
Because you needed your man today, period
Noya was your boyfriend and you could swear Tanaka thought he was his sometimes
Well not really but that’s what the grumpy side of your mind told you this morning
You hear the pipe turn off and you hear your boyfriend get out of the shower and move around, doing God knows what in there but whatever it is he’s taking too long 😠
Sitting up on your butt in the darkness you looked around the dark room and then crossed your arms like a baby.
You yelled your boyfriends name.
Noya stumbled out the open bathroom door with his toothbrush and foam still in his mouth and his hair down.
“Ya, babe?”
He only had a towel wrapped around his wet torso and you liked it.
you glared at him for no reason.
“I don’t want you to go anywhere today.” You sneered.
He smirked because you looked so freaking cute. “Love, I told you already that I promised the guys that I would—“
“Let’s have sex instead, Noya. All day.” You stated: matter of fact.
Your boyfriend’s eyebrows raised so high they disappeared under his bangs. You’d only made love a handful of times and every time he wanted to go again you were dead asleep then one of you had to go, so hearing you say this was a lot for him to handle where ‘holding himself back’ was concerned.
Noya went back inside the bathroom and quickly finished brushing his teeth so you couldn’t see him from where you sat on the bed. In between spit and rinse he called out to you, “Don’t do this to me, Y/N. You’re not being fair saying something like that since you know the guys will kill me.”
Noya had already mentally fought down his morning wood today and the idea of having sex with you all day instead of being with his friends was like, all he ever wanted to do forever. Not that he didn’t love his friends—actually, he adored them and frankly spoiled them with his attention.... but the feeling of being inside your tight, wet, gripping walls????? There was no debate about it: it was the best feeling in the world.
Just then and as if he had implanted a microchip in his brain, Noya’s phone lit up with a second FaceTime call from his best friend Ryu. Noya dried his hand and swiped left to answer.
He immediately put his index finger to his lips as to say ‘be quiet’ because you were outside this bathroom.
Noya turned down the volume to a level only he could hear anyway, knowing how loud his friend was.
On the screen was Ryu and Ennoshita in the apartment the 3 boys shared. Ryu obviously propped the phone up on the wall so that Noya could see the two boys also brushing their teeth in their his & his bathroom.
Ennoshita was calm as usual, standing beside Tanaka. He asked him to rinse before he got toothpaste everywhere. “YN is pretty important too, Tanaka. That’s Noya’s new and first girlfriend, remember?” Ennoshita rolled his eyes as Tanaka spun in the air in exasperation.
“ENNOSHITA WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU ON DUUUDE ?!” Tanaka looked back at the camera. “Tell him, Noya. Tell him cause he wasn’t there. He didn’t see that night when Y/N walked in the bar and had all the guys buying her drinks. She just asked Noya once if he knew where the bathroom was and 💥 BAM. Noya was following her around like a sick puppy.”
Noya deadpanned. “That’s not true—“
it was totally true
Ennoshita looked at him like wtf.... “Simulationalously?” Chikara rolled his eyes again. “You mean simultaneously.”
Noya opened his mouth to finally say something, but before he could he heard you call him from the bed.
“Oh Noyaaaa.....?”
Nishinoya heard your lovely voice coo him sexily, knowing he would clue in on your sexual innuendo.
“Noyaaaaa baby?”
You cooed again, this time more playfully seductive.
Noya followed the sweet sound of your voice like he was in a trance, going to the edge of the door only as a precaution so that he could hear you better but not see you.
“Y-yes babe?” He asked shakily.
“I need your help with something baby....mmmm.” 🥺
With his phone still in his hand, Noya shut his eyes. His chest moved up and down noticeably as his breathing increased.
“Well damn.” Ennoshita finally looked at the camera now with wide eyes. “Is that Y/N? She even sounds hot.”
Noya opened one eye and nodded at his father-like friend.
Tanaka whined, “She’s hot as fuck, to be honest. Which is why she’s so powerful. Hey, give me your phone I’ll show you her Instagram.” Explained Tanaka. Ennoshita did and Tanaka pulled it up in a second, handing the phone back to his roommate.
After a second of scrolling Noya heard an, “Oh my God...” as Chikara ran a hand through his hair.
Tanaka nodded. “Yep! And that is exactly why we need to get our boy out of there safely before she engulfs him and turns him into her own personal robot! Before she realizes that she has him wrapped around her pretty little finger!” Tanaka pointed to Noya through the camera. “We have a party to plan, NOYA! I made an appointment with the venue and everything!”
Noya straightened his shoulders, agreeing completely with what his best friend was warning him of. “Right.” He finally whispered, determined now. “I double pinky swore that I’d be there.” Nishi nodded.
“Right! Exactly! That’s my Noya, my best buddy!”
“Noyaaaa.....I really need your help....”
Your slight moan that followed your call made Noya bite the knuckle of his index finger immediately to keep himself from running over to you because of how alluring your voice was.
On the phone, Tanaka spoke up: “Don’t go out there, man......”
Noya thought of something scary. “But Tanaka, my clothes are out there!”
Tanaka shook his head. “Who cares??! I’ll buy you new clothes. Just go downstairs and we will pick you up. Don’t look back just run. Just run—“
The three boys were silenced when they heard a loud moan coming from the bed. It was your moan that you raised your voice for, in hopes of that reaction precisely.
Noya couldn’t help himself anymore, he slowly peaked out from behind the bathroom door to see what you were doing.
And what you were doing should be downright illegal, as far as Noya or Tanaka were concerned.
What Noya saw was you laying on your bed, the sheets only up to your hip bones. You were only wearing a purple bra that had the straps falling off your gorgeous shoulders. Your eyes were closed as you were biting your lower lip. As much as Noya wanted to keep staring at your to-die-for rack and beautiful face, Noya’s eyes were glued to a movement however, which was you moving your hand in a steady rhythm under the sheets. Your hand was between your legs of course and you had a look of ecstasy on your face. Even though your lower half was completely covered by the sheets, it didn’t take a genius to know what you were doing.
The now-older second years on FaceTime couldn’t see anything from where Nishi held his phone but they sure could guess what was happening in that room from the look on Noya’s face!
After a minute of peeping, when Noya looked back at his phone screen all he could see was a closeup of Tanaka and Ennoshita’s ears because they clearly were desperate to hear more of his girlfriend’s antics. Your bf turned back to look at you when your voice mounted again.
“Oh Noya, I want it harder, baby, harder...”
Noya couldn’t feel his limbs. You made him so horny he was numb.
“This feels almost as good as the real thing, baby, but it’s not nearly enough......”
Noya screamed internally, feeling like he was at a crossroads. A crossroad where one side’s sign said ‘FRIENDS’ and the other sign said ‘REALLY? WE’RE PRETENDING YOU AINT COMIN’ THIS WAY? 😑’
As Noya stood at the metaphorical crossroads, you kept it up.
“Yes, Noya, I want the real thing.... I want it over and over again today.....As long as it’s the real—“
You broke your speech to moan.
“—As long as it’s the real thing, Noya. I want the real thing..... Mmmmmm Senpai—“
“Fuck!” Shouted Tanaka on Facetime as he slammed his fist on the counter in anger. “She fucking got him!”
Noya looked down at his phone and he could see his best friend cradling his head in his hands in defeat. Tanaka looked at Noya once and he knew it was game over. Ryu shook his head. “Just go, Noya. The hot chicks of the world win again for today. I’ll uh....I can reschedule our venue appointment.”
Noya started involuntarily bouncing as he looked at his friend from inside the bathroom. “A-are you guys s-su-sure bec-because I-I think I can st-still run out and—“
Getting irritated, you shouted at your boyfriend. Not knowing that your mad voice was a turn on for him too.
“Noya-senpai, If you come now I’ll do that thing you like with my tong—“
“COMINGG!!!!” Noya yelled as he tossed his towel and phone to the opposite end of the bathroom in a hurry. Take a guess where he went.
With the towel now over their vision, Tanaka and Ennoshita looked to and from eachother in awe.
“Soooooo.....does Y/N have any friends that look like her or..?”
Tanaka flicked his roommate on the head. “Shut up. Come on, you’re buying me breakfast.”
Ennoshita grimaced. “Why me?!”
“Because I’m really upset, Chikara. Duh! And you’re practically mine and Noya’s father!”
Ennoshita rolled his eyes for what felt like the 20th time that morning. “Alright.” He sighed, before hanging up the FaceTime call.
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sophfic27 · 4 years
Questions (Have You Ever Wanted to be a Fly on the Wall?)
Summary: By now, you probably know the drill (his name is Bill), on their tenth birthday, the first words a person’s soulmate will say to them appears somewhere on their body. The word "hello" is one of the most common phrases in the world, so when Roman ends up with it on his wrist he decides to get creative. Everyone he meets who greets him with a "hello" he asks them a question. And he'll keep doing this until it's on someone's arm. This is literally my first ever fanfiction that I've finished and posted, so here's hoping you like it.
Pairings: Prinxiety, Logicality (background-ish), Dukeceit (background)
Word Count: 2870
Warnings: One instance of an F bomb, I think that’s it, let me know if it’s not
Notes:  I got the idea to write this after scrolling through soulmate POVs on TikTok with my sister for fun. We discussed how one could solve the problem of having a really common phrase, and she said "I'd just ask weird questions, because I'm really good at that." So I decided to write this. Most of the questions Roman asks in this I stole from my sister, because, yes, she really does randomly ask these wackadoo questions unprompted. She's great. Enjoy.
Read on AO3
If anyone was going to describe Roman as anything, it was fanciful. Of course most kids were excited by the prospect of getting their soulmark and meeting their soulmate, but Roman had very big plans for how he was going to meet his soulmate. He grew up with Disney movies telling stories of soulmates and star-crossed lovers and found himself mesmerized by the power of soulmates. The lovely tale of the Little Mermaid, and Ariel trying to somehow convey to the prince that he was her soulmate when she had no voice. The story of Aladdin doing all he could to survive and be worthy of his princess soulmate. When he was eight, he saw Anastasia, a story of soulmates who met before their words appeared. When she lost her memory, she couldn’t have known the boy who saved her was her soulmate, and he knew but thought that she must have died until fate brought them together again. Roman was amazed. With only two years until his words appeared, he fantasized about all the ways he would meet and woo his soulmate, what unique phrase would change his life forever. Maybe he already knew his soulmate and just didn’t know it was them! Roman counted the days until he got his words with impatient anticipation.
Roman was younger than his twin, Remus by seventeen minutes exactly. So there they were, huddling on the bottom bunk with flashlights at 3:11 am only two minutes left until Remus is exactly 10 years old and he receives his soulmark. “It’s going to be something really lame, like ‘you’re annoying’ or something,” Roman insisted. Having grown up with Remus, he found it hard to think he could even have a soulmate, but they both knew he was just giving him a hard time. “Nuh-uh,” Remus squawked in a mocking tone. “Yuh-huh,” came Roman’s equally childish reply. “NUH-UH!” “Shut up, or Mom and Dad will yell at us again!” Roman socked his twin with a pillow. He tapped the screen of the tablet they had snuck into their room from the living room. 3:12:31. They’d been checking the time obsessively, but now there was only half a minute left. They exchanged a sort of giddy look as the clock ticked closer and closer. “10, 9, 8” Remus started to count as the time came upon them. Roman joined quickly, “7, 6, 5, 4.” “3.” “2.” “1.”
They watched as two words drew themselves onto Remus’s wrist: “Um, wow.” The twins blinked at the words for a minute, until Roman broke the silence, “nice going, doofus, you’re going to weird out your soulmate immediately.” “You don’t know that! Maybe it's a good ‘um, wow,’” Remus protested. “How would that be good? ‘Um, wow, you’re so handsome, ooooh,’” Roman made a mocking kissy-face and was promptly knocked over by another projectile pillow. He laughed, “face it, you’re a weirdo, ‘um, wow’ is not a good thing.” The door swung open with a whoosh and their mother stood there, staring at them. Roman covered the tablet with a pillow to hide the stolen device, and Remus scrambled off of the bunk. “I told you boys NOT to stay up like this,” Carla snapped. Her hair was up in curlers and she had hastily pulled a bathrobe over her pajamas. “But, Mama, our soulmates!” Roman whined. “Yeah, I got my words,” Remus waved his arm around even though the light was too dim for their mother to read the words and she was too tired to humor them. “That’s nice, Remus, but I told you, Papa and I have to work tomorrow, you can’t be keeping us up like this, I told you we’d look at your words in the morning,” she rubbed her eyes, still bleary from the sleep she wanted desperately to return to. “But it is morning!” Roman cried indignantly. Carla fixed her son with a pointed glare and he looked down and climbed under his sheets. Carla sighed, “thank you. Now, you can tell me what your words are in the morning when Papa is awake, but right now I need you, boys, to go to sleep, okay?” “Okay, Mama,” the twins replied in unison. Remus climbed back up to his bunk and got under his covers. Carla nodded and departed the room for her own, her slippers making light scuff sounds down the hall. As soon as the door clicked closed at the end of the hall, Remus poked his head over the edge of his bunk and looked down at his twin, “how much time is left?” he whispered. Roman uncovered the tablet and woke the screen, “ten minutes,” he whispered back. The next ten minutes crawled by painfully slow. Roman lost track of whatever his brother was saying as his thoughts turned to what his words would be. He was pulled out of his trance when Remus broke his silence to ask “how long?” again. This time, when Roman woke the tablet, he saw that it was 3:29:22, and he became overwhelmed by the fact that there was less than a minute left. He reported to his twin and went back to staring intently at the digital clock. Each second felt like an eternity, but they dragged him eagerly forward until- The grandfather clock down the hall chimed the half-hour, and Roman tugged his pajama sleeve down excitedly and turned the flashlight onto his wrist. There a beat of silence until, “so? What does it say?” Remus asked eagerly. Roman sighed, “it says ‘hello.’” Remus stayed quiet for a second, “that’s going to be hard to find,” he offered. Roman collapsed back into his pillow. “Well, I’m going to sleep. Night, bro,” Remus mumbled from above. “Night,” Roman murmured. He looked at the singular word again and switched off the flashlight. “Hello” was one of, if not the most common soulmark in the world, because it was the most common greeting, regardless of language. At least there was that, Roman considered, his soulmate probably spoke English. But that wasn’t helpful. Remus was right, it was going to be hard to find his soulmate. Roman sighed and turned over onto his side. Okay, thought Roman, then I’ll just have to get creative.
It was common practice to try to use unique and specific greetings when meeting someone for the first time to cheat destiny and ensure an easier time finding their soulmate, but with as common a phrase as “hello”, Roman had to scrap all of his fantasies of grand romantic gestures and fairy tale meetings in favor of a way to guarantee his soulmate would recognize him. The plan was simple, if he was talking first to someone new, he stated his name first and foremost. Anyone he approached first, he greeted with “my name is Roman, nice to meet you.” The part where he got creative was with anyone who approached him first by saying “hello.” “Hello!” chirped his friendly new classmate in sixth grade. “If you were an insect, how long would it take you to die?” Roman asked immediately. The girl stared at him before replying shyly, “I don’t… know?” “Darn.” He always made sure to explain his tactic after using it to avoid further alienating new acquaintances. And thus he continued this way with every new person he met, always with a new and random question.
“Hello.” “If you could time travel, who would you meet?” “…Abraham Lincoln.” “Okay.”
“Hello.” “If you could make a new type of snowman that wasn’t made of snow, what would it be made of?” “Uh. Oranges?” “Cool.”
“Hello.” “If a bat flew into your house speaking with the voice of a cartoon, but claiming to be your best friend, what would you do?” “…What?”
Sophomore year, Roman and Remus were fifteen years old. Remus had already met his soulmate, Janus, and naturally, “um, wow” had been a response to Remus weirding him out, in addition to the realization that Remus was his soulmate. Roman, on the other hand was still trying to find his soulmate with random questions, but to no avail. The second semester had begun and Roman’s physics class was changing seats. Roman collapsed into his new spot next to a boy he knew to be Patton, but with whom he had not actually talked yet. Patton was wearing a blue t-shirt with a repeating cat pattern across it. His honey-brown hair was lightly curled, and a pair of round glasses were balanced on his freckle-covered nose. He smiled warmly at Roman. The teacher finished giving his instructions and let the class go to meet their new partners and get to work on their assignments. And thus the cycle began anew. Patton turned to Roman with a grin, “hello!” Roman huffed slightly as he quickly summoned a new question, “what’s your favorite musical?” he asked in lieu of a real greeting. Patton stared at Roman for a beat before raising a hand to his chin thoughtfully, and Roman knew that the boy probably didn’t have his question on his wrist. “Mamma Mia,” he answered finally. “ABBA. Good choice,” Roman chuckled. Patton giggled back, “Why do you ask anyway?” Roman showed Patton his wrist, and he nodded wonderingly, “I get it, you’re trying to have a unique greeting, because yours is so common.” “Bingo,” Roman said, slightly relieved that he didn’t have to explain it all again. “I’m guessing you don’t have my phrase, right?” Patton’s hair bounced as he shook his head. He presented his own wrist, marked with the word “Salutations” in unusually crisp font. “Ooh, you have a fancy soulmate,” Roman said, “that, or they’re a nerd. I’ve never seen such a professional-looking font.” “Me neither,” Patton giggled again. “At least ‘salutations’ isn’t a very frequently used greeting.” Roman nodded, “yes, a nerd like that will be easy to spot,” Roman joked. “I’m Roman by the way,” he said, suddenly unsure if Patton knew who he was or not. “Patton!” he replied with a quirk of his head and a broad smile. “Nice to meet you,” he was aware of the teacher surveying the class to see who was working and quickly added, “maybe we should get started.” Patton nodded and they set to work reading instructions and becoming friends.
Half-way through the first semester of senior year, Patton introduced Roman to his recently discovered soulmate, Logan. Upon meeting him, Roman remarked that he was exactly the kind of nerd he had expected when he had seen Patton’s “salutations” soulmark. He then lamented that he was once again left surrounded with people who had soulmates when he didn’t, at which point Logan informed his that “statistically speaking, most people meet their soulmates in their twenties or thirties.” “Thanks, pocket-protector, but that’s barely comforting. I have the most common phrase in the English language,” Roman complained. “Actually, according to most studies performed in the last 20 years, the most common phrase currently is ‘hi,’” Logan corrected him with a push of his glasses. Roman stared at him in disbelief and Patton giggled at his side.
“I’m telling you Roman, he’s actually really nice,” Patton assured him as they walked down the path towards Roman’s house. Both boys were bundled up in coats, their hands stuffed firmly in pockets to protect against the biting winter wind. Roman had a Christmas party coming up in a few days, and Patton was trying to convince him to invite the fairly anti-social kid who never got of his emo phase, Virgil. In all honesty, Roman didn’t care if Virgil came or not, plenty of Remus’s friends, who he didn’t know, were going, but Patton was determined to make Roman and Virgil friends, and as it was, Roman didn’t think he had anything in common with the emo. “I’m sure he is, Pat, but…” he hesitated, searching for some way to appease his friend without giving in. “But what?” Patton pressed, meanwhile physically pressing against his shoulder. “But you get along with everyone, and everyone loves you. You can find something in common with anyone no matter what,” Roman stalled. Patton’s eyes bore into him. “I on the other hand, don’t think I have anything in common with Virgil. I mean, he’s all surly and dark, and I’m a theater kid straight out of High School Musical,” he gestured grandly before his hand quickly retreated to the warmth of his pocket again. “Have you ever even talked to the guy?” “Well, no, but-” “Then how do you know you have nothing in common?” Patton’s voice lilted. He always gave off the vibe of a dad trying to get his child to try a new food or something. Roman shot him a side-eyed look, and Patton continued, “you like Disney, right? Well, it just so happens Virgil is into Disney, too! See? There is something you have in common?” “Yeah, sure, but… I mean, who doesn’t like Disney?” Patton just shrugged. Roman was being stubborn, but Patton knew he’d practically won. “All I ask is you let me introduce you to him at the party, okay? Just let him say hello. You can even ask him one of your weird questions.” Patton waved a gloved hand vaguely. Roman was suddenly aware that he seemed to know something Roman didn’t, but he ignored the feeling in favor of a childish groan. “Fine, you can bring him to party and introduce him to me,” defeat dripped from his voice, and Patton clapped in delight and cheered as they arrived on the doorstep of the house.
Some pop rendition of Jingle Bells played through the house as Roman made his way to the snack table. The table was draped with a festive table cloth covered in reindeer and sleighs, and it featured an impressive array of cookies and cupcakes and other holiday-themed treats. Most claimed that Roman and Remus overdid the party thing, but in truth it was mostly Roman. Classmates and friends milled around dancing, eating, and chatting happily. Roman picked out a tree-shaped cookie that he had made and started to make his way into the living room when he heard someone call his name. Roman turned to see Patton dragging a boy toward him, a broad grin decorated his face and, as usual, outshone the blinking Christmas light necklace he was wearing. They met just to the side of the entryway into the living room. “I know you said you hadn’t met yet, so Roman, this is Virgil,” he gestured to the boy standing next to him. His dyed purple bangs draped just down to his eyes, and he was wearing a dark purple sweater in place of his usual patchwork hoodie. Virgil watched Patton carefully, only looking at Roman when introduced by name. Virgil gave a wave so slight, Roman would have missed it if it was any smaller. His low voice was soft, and yet carried easily over the din of the party, “hello.” “Have you ever wanted to be a fly on the wall?” Roman said. His response was automatic. Replying to “hello” with a question had become an unconscious habit after doing it for so many years. Virgil stared. That was a standard reaction to Roman, he had hardly registered the question that had come out of his mouth. Patton’s further widening smile, however, was not a standard reaction. Roman then realized that Virgil’s stare was different from others as well. His gray eyes shone with shock instead of the confusion Roman was accustomed to. Suddenly becoming uncomfortable with the silence, he said “… What?” “… I’ve always wanted to ask, and I mean this sincerely, what the fuck kind of greeting is that” Virgil said finally as he started to tug down his sleeve, revealing the words on his wrist. Roman’s face lit up with astonishment and excitement. “No, I’ve never wanted to be a fly on the wall, but thanks to you, I’ve thought about it bordering on obsessively for almost eight years.” Roman finally broke out of his trance. “Oh my god, I can’t believe it worked,” he exclaimed as Virgil stared quizzically at him. Roman showed him his own wrist and explained the logic behind his seemingly random question. Suddenly a thought occurred to him, and he whirled on Patton. “You knew about this, didn’t you?” He shrugged innocently. “I knew that Virgil had a weird question on his wrist and that you have a tendency to ask such questions,” He grinned slyly, “I couldn’t be certain, but it was a pretty fair bet.” “You’re a mad genius,” Virgil cocked his head at Patton. Patton smiled brightly again, “I don’t know what you mean, kiddo, I’m just helping out where I can.” Roman shook his head and laughed, “alright, Pat, I’m sorry I ever doubted you.” “That’s fine, Roman,” Patton clapped him on the shoulder, “I’ve got to go find Logan, so you guys get to know each other,” Patton waved as he stepped away. Roman and Virgil turned to face one another and stared at each other in silence for a few moments. Roman wracked his brain for what to do next, and all he could come up with was, “So… Disney?”
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happytsukki · 4 years
common sense
k. tsukishima
you were a fool. but only for tsukishima. (f! reader)
a/n: ive been reading the manga and chapters 370+ literally have me bawling, im so emotionally attached. also fun fact you cant get your drivers license in japan till you graduate high school,,big rip for (y/n) and her food.
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someone with common sense would’ve ran home to avoid the predicted forecast. they would’ve enjoyed safely arriving home without getting a single drop of rain on their uniform. but you lacked common sense.
the steady beat of raindrops hitting the ground accompanied by a strong gust of wind greeted you as you exited the school. you stood waiting, a bright green umbrella painted with purple triceratops in one hand while you rocked back and forth on your heels.
“what are you still doing here?” a voice suddenly asked, snapping you out of your trance. looking up you locked eyes with tsukishima causing a champagne pink hue to creep onto your cheeks.
“oh, i-uh, knew you didn’t have an umbrella, so i figured i would wait for you and we could walk together,” you beamed. tsukishima rolled his eyes and adjusted his glasses, but you swore you could see the corners of his lips curl up.
you knew tsukishima. you knew he hated the rain and deep down, he appreciated your kind gesture even if he didn’t say it.
he grabbed the umbrella in your hand and opened it outside the safety of the building. he took two steps into the rain before turning around to realize you were still frozen on the steps of karasuno high. there you were, an idiot shivering from head to toe in the cold weather, yet you still had a smile painted across your face.
“are you gonna just stand there or are you actually coming?” he muttered, his eyebrows furrowing in slight confusion.
“coming!!” you cooed before running down the steps and practicing colliding with him as you pressed closer to him under the tiny umbrella. maybe you should’ve packed a bigger umbrella, but you definitely weren’t complaining.
you walked in unison, small drops falling onto your sweater as you could barely fit under the umbrella with the beanpole. you took notice of one hand tucked away in the warmth of his jacket and the other clutching the umbrella for the two of you. and with your warm gloves, you placed a hand over his.
“sorry, your hand seemed a little cold” you blurted out, slightly afraid he would take his hand away in disgust. but he didn’t, he let you hold his hand. you could finally release the breath you were holding and smiled. rainy days never felt good. the sky may have been dark and gloomy, but being with him felt as if it was another spring day, the sun beaming brightly and the birds chirping.
your walk consisted of asking tsukishima about his volleyball club season and him asking about your classes. you wanted to amuse him, to hear his laugh just once, so you told him the story of how you went to school thinking you math test only to find it was actually an english test, receiving a grade no higher than your age.
and miraculously, he laughed. it was subtle and quiet, but it took away your breath and made your heart race.
tsukishima halted, finally arriving at his home. he glanced up at the sky before catching it slowly transform from a color to a baby blue.
“it stopped raining—“ you cut him off midsentence, grabbing the sides of his face and pulling him closer before you placed a quick peck on his lips.
“bye!” you shouted as you ran away. leaving poor tsukishima standing there, dumbfounded as to why his heart was beating so fast and why his knees turned into complete jelly.
you liked tsukishima. and luckily, he liked you too.
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someone with common sense would’ve finished their homework and took advantage of a night free of worry. they would’ve enjoyed a full eight hours of sleep while dreams danced through their mind. but you lacked common sense.
the kitchen clock read 2:18, you were growing impatient waiting for cookies in the oven. before your crazy attempt to make lunches and treats for the entire karasuno team, you studied for your history test and finished a 10-page essay due the next day.
with your apron stained with all sorts of condiments and food, you glanced at the pile of bento boxes placed on your dining table. each decorated with a name of every player on karasuno’s mens volleyball club, of course including the cutest managers and best coaches.
the lunch box on top, reading my tsukki, my moon made with extra love and care for you boyfriend.
tomorrow was the miyagi prefectural qualifiers and as much as you wanted to be there, you had school. you longed to be in the crowds, screaming for tsukki and karasuno at the top of your lungs. so of course, you felt guilty for not being able to give your support. an alternative? food.
beep beep. the timer of the oven finally went off and you breathed a sigh of relief. you weren’t sure how long you could keep your eyelids open. your tiredness must’ve gotten to your head because without a second thought you opened the oven and reached for the scorching pan.
you spewed a variety of curses quietly in an attempt to not wake your parents, but the pain was intolerable. after taking the cookies out with the opposite hand, throwing them in a container and trying to type out ‘how to deal with burns’ with your pinky while one hand held ice (not a good idea) to the burn— you fell asleep on the couch.
not even 3 hours later, you woke up. oh the things i do for this boy. you shook your head, a smile creeping onto your face just thinking about him. you quickly throw on a hoodie and carefully place the food into a basket attached to your bike.
the sun had barely come up, just peeking from the horizon. it was way too early. riding your bike to karasuno while you rubbed your eyes constantly and yawned nonstop was a challenge. you almost tipped over several times. but once you arrived you were greeted by a horde of “hey it’s y/n!!” but the only thing you could really hear was “y/n what are you doing here?”
“well, good morning to you too, tsukki,” you chirped, taking the food out of your basket and carefully distributing it to everyone.
“wow y/n, you really didn’t have to do this.” daichi said. “but this does look amazing.” sugawara butt in, admiring the cute design. “y/n you’re the best, seriously!!” praised hinata, already shoving a small bite into his mouth for a quick ‘taste.’
when you handed tsukki his, confusion and worry came across his face. “but— look at you y/n. you look terrible.” he spat, reaching over to inspect your face. he titled your chin up and pulled your eyes wide.
“is that what you tell your girlfriend after she spent all night to make you lunch?” you pouted, slightly hurt from how he reacted.
“i think y/n looks pretty, like always.” yamaguchi gushed from afar.
“shut up yamaguchi.” “sorry tsukki!!”
“but you know thats not what i meant. i’m just worried about, you look like you haven’t sleep at all.” he shook his head.
“hey! technically i slept for 3 hours.” you argued, earning a signature tsukishima eye roll from the man himself.
“you’re an idiot, y/n. but thank you.” he muttered and placed a kiss on your forehead. suddenly, coach ukai cut in and yelled for everyone to get in the van. groaning, tsukki squeezed you into a hug.
“sorry i can’t be there, but win for me and i’ll be there next match. i promise” you pouted, adding an extra boost of encouragement for tsukishima. these days, you’d noticed how passionate he’d become about the sport and no words could describe your happiness over this.
after waving bye to the team and wishing them the best of luck, you stood alone in the parking lot. happy and excited for what was to come for the karasuno boys volleyball club. but stupid for thinking you could make it through the rest of your day on the mere 3 hours of sleep.
you were an idiot— a fool, perhaps.
someone might as well hand you a jester hat and shoes, bells included, of course. because you were a fool, for tsukishima kei only.
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someone with common sense would’ve followed the sign saying “only players allowed on court.” they would’ve yelled praises of encouragement from the stands and just sent a text. but you lacked common sense.
as soon as you saw red liquid ooze from tsukishima’s hand, you hoped out of your seat and grabbed your belongings without hesitation. oh no. your heart sunk and before yachi could even try to calm you down you were already running.
past the crowds and down the stairs leading to the court. you sprinted towards the karasuno team, completely ignoring the officials yelling at you.
you gently pushed through tsukishima’s teammates and an angry expression reached your face once you met eyes with the boy.
“tsukishima kei, are you stupid?” you cursued at him. his face turns a slight pink as his teammates snicker at your typical girlfriend antics. meanwhile, several tournament officials walked over to check on tsukishima’s condition and kick you off the court since you weren’t a player. but you didn’t care. you took his hurt hand into yours, putting your face closer to examine the extent of his injury.
he winced in pain causing your anger to melt away. “you almost gave me a heart attack, you have no idea how worried i was up th-“ you blab on before tsukishima reassures you.
“y/n i’m still breathing, right? you care about me that much huh?” tsukishima smirked as he tried to hide the pain he felt in his right hand.
“okay lovebirds, why don’t you go to the medical office together and get it checked out? we’re going to need you back on the court, tsukishima.” coach ukai quickly sends the two of you away in hopes of him returning by the fifth set.
akiteru and yachi anxiously follow as you and tsukishima rush to the medical office. they wait outside and the doctor tells you two that only his pinky is discolated and the rest of his fingers are fine, so he can still return but he has to wait for the bleeding to stop. the doctor excuses himself to get more bandages, leaving the two of you alone.
you stand up from your seat to stand in front of tsukishima. his face is serious, clearly still fixated on the game still going on at the moment. you wanted to give him peace but you couldn’t hold in how proud you were.
you go on to explain how amazed you were. “and when you jumped up to block, i knew ushijima had no chance— then BOOM! his spike goes straight down into the floor. i think i broke yachi’s eardums with my screaming. not to mention how hot you looked out there like what the hell??” you gushed, making tsukishima smile amidst his pain.
he pulled you in closer and wrapped his long arms around your torso, tucking his face into the comfort of your neck. like muscle memory, your hand finds its way to his back and began to rub circles.
“you’re really sweaty, tsukki. its kinda gross.” you whisper into his hear making him click his tongue in response. but despite the perspiration dripping down his back, you honestly didn’t mind.
tsukishima pulls away, his eyes wander around your face. his breath hitching at your every feature, especially at how your eyes possessed a unique twinkle that didn’t just resemble stars but the entire galaxy. then he remembers the day he fell in love with you, that day you walked home together in the rain.
“god y/n, you’re crazy you know that, right? but i love you.” he chuckles. “i know.” you proudly state while you try to hide the fact that your heart was physically hurting from how fast it was beating. “and i-“ you sprinkle a dozen kisses all over tsukishima’s face. one for eveything you loved about him.” love you too, kei” you say before pressing your swollen lips against his.
“now go out there and beat shiratorizawa’s ass!”
and that’s exactly what he does.
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crackedoutgiraffe · 4 years
To The Moon and Back
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A/N: This is from a work I have on AO3, this is chapter 3 from Spencer’s POV. My username is giraffecrack. GIF by @cassidyandtuliplove​
Word Count: 1,775
Warnings: Fluff
SPENCER’S POV (italics represent Spencer’s thoughts)
That morning was like any other morning. I woke up at 7 am, put on my regular sweater vest and tie. I fixed my scruffy hair and brewed my first cup of coffee. We had gotten back from a case a few days before so it was a given that I needed to bring my go-bag, pre-packed with plenty of ties and sweater vests. As I sat down at my table, I pick up the book I was reading last night. I didn’t get a chance to finish it yet. Just then the clock struck 7:30, I grabbed both my briefcase and duffle bag and headed to the train station. I never liked driving. There was too much risk involved and I never had the chance to learn when I was 16. With my mom in her own world and me away at MIT, it was just easier to take the metro. 
My walk to Union Station was the same as it always was. Boring. I found a way to make it fun though. Counting the number of people with black hair one day, brown the next, and blonde the day after. The ride to Quantico always gave me extra time in the morning to relax. I would just sit on the seat closest to the door with my bags on my lap and a book in hand. When I finally got to Quantico, it felt different. There was something new, but I couldn’t tell you what it was. I got into the elevator and noticed what was different, there was someone new. She had y/h/c hair and carried her self very confidently, but I had never seen her before. Just as the doors closed she started to walk toward the elevator. I could feel her happiness radiating through the entire building, she had a smile that made you feel like everything was going to be alright. She also had the most beautiful y/e/c eyes. The doors closed, cutting me off from a literal ray of sunshine. 
The entire elevator ride she occupied my mind. Her smile, her hair, her eyes. The elevator doors opened and I went right to my cubicle. I set my stuff down and went to grab a cup of coffee then headed back to my desk. Morgan, Prentiss, and JJ were congregating not too far from my desk. After organizing a few papers, I went to join them. Just then, JJ pointed out someone new walking in, we were used to having new people coming and going from the office, but this was a welcome surprise. It was her. The mystery goddess from the lobby. She started walking toward us but made a detour for the stairs and entered into Hotch’s office.
“I wonder what that is about,” JJ asked.
“I don’t know,” Morgan said. “I do remember Hotch saying something about interviews for a new member of the team, but I thought he said he wasn’t going to go through with it.”
Dear God, please let her be a new member of the team. We all sat in anticipation, waiting for Hotch to come and say something to us. We saw them get up and head for the door. My heart was racing. Can you please shut up. Hotch and the new girl walked down the hallway to Rossi’s office. I couldn’t help but stare, and she stared back. 
As the minutes passed by we were all still waiting for Hotch to come back and tell us what she was doing here. Finally, she and Hotch left Rossi’s office, she had the biggest smile on her face that showed her perfect teeth. They started to walk down the stairs and head toward the four of us, so we all scrambled to seem busy as to not face the wrath of Hotch.
“Glad to see you guys are working,” Hotch quipped. “I’d like to introduce you to the newest member of the BAU team, Dr. Y/N Y/L/N.” 
Bless the Lord. JJ was the first person to go and greet her. 
“Jennifer Jareau, but everyone calls me JJ,” JJ said with a kind smile. 
Then Prentiss went up, “Emily Prentiss, but everyone calls me… well, Prentiss,” Y/N seemed surprised at something.
“It’s lovely to meet you both” she replied shaking both their hands. 
The next to greet her was Morgan, “I’m Derek Morgan.” She seemed to be flustered by Morgan’s presence. Of course, she would be attracted to Morgan. 
“Do you prefer Derek, or do you have a nickname too?” she quipped. They all laughed at her surprisingly funny joke. 
“Just Derek is fine. Do you have a nickname, or would you prefer me to give you one?”
“Surprise me.”
I was next. Don’t fuck this up. “Hi, I'm Dr. Spencer Reid,” I said, extending one arm for a handshake. She looked at me weird. What was she looking for?
“Dr.?” you said with a smirk, reciprocating his handshake that went on a bit too long. 
“Dr.” I replied still not letting go of the handshake. 
 Hold on, what was that? Reid stop staring you look weird. I couldn’t stop staring. Now that we were closer, I could get a good look at her eyes. They were y/e/c with little flecks of green toward the middle. She smelled fantastic, like roses and lavender. Everything about her was perfect. Her face, her body, and from these first few seconds I’ve known her, her personality. 
“But we just call him pretty boy,” Derek said, hitting me on the back, releasing us both from our trance. 
“Ok, pretty boy,” she replied, looking him up and down while messing with her hair.
“Round table meeting in 5,” Hotch announced right on queue. JJ and Prentiss started to approach her and lead her away and out of the bullpen. She was perfect. The way her hips moved when she walked. The way she smiled seemed to make all the problems in the world go away. The way her hair bounced and flowed on her shoulders. And to think she couldn’t be any better, she was a Dr. Finally someone on the team who could match his intelligence.
“Oh, it looks lit pretty boy has a crush,” Morgan announced.
I turned around in shock, “I do not.”
“Then what’s with the staring,” he whispered. Was it that noticeable? 
Finally, it was time for the roundtable meeting, “Alright let’s get started,” Hotch said, walking in and sitting down. “Garcia.”
“Does anyone remember this picture,” Garcia started.
“Hotch and I were there,” Rossi answered Garcia’s peculiar question. “That’s principal Doug Givens, we had to drag him to safety.”
“High school bombing in Boise, right?” she added. The way her lips moved with every beautiful word she spoke, she was a goddess. incarnate
“School shooter and school bomber,” JJ continued. “A kid named Randy Slade shot 3 students and then set off an I.E.D. in the school cafeteria via cell phone, killing himself and 13 kids total, but not before posting all of his plans online. It was one of those ‘where were you events’. My whole campus was glued to the TV”
Garcia nodded looking at her tablet, “Last night principal Givens was killed by a bomb modeled exactly like the old one.”
“It feels like the unsub wants to attack the man who kept the whole school together after the bombing,” Morgan added. “It’s a pretty symbolic target.”
“And this week is the tenth anniversary of the massacre,” she added
“And today is the first day of a 4-day event to commemorate the bombing at the school,” Garcia continued.
“Except commemorating it isn’t enough for this unsub,” she said.
“No, he wants to relive it,” Hotch said. “Alright wheels up in 30.” As we all left the room she was called to stay back, but a few moments later she left. She left the BAU, where was she going? Did she get fired already? No, that couldn’t be the case
I walked back to the room to find Hotch, “Where is Y/N going?” 
“She’s going home to pack, shell meet us at the airfield.” And with that, all your worries went away. She wasn’t leaving, she was just packing. 
The rest of the morning went like normal. I had my third cup of coffee, grabbed my bags, and headed for the airfield. I arrived a few minutes early so I could get a good seat on the plane. I ended up sitting at the table for four with the window seat. As I got settled, I noticed she and JJ walking toward the plane at the same time. They were almost indistinguishable. Prentiss came and sat next to me, and to my surprise, Y/N sat across from me with JJ right next to her. We sat on the plane for half an hour before starting to talk about the case. I was able to read about 1200 pages in that time. 
“Perpetrators of school violence are often sophisticated with their weapons. Randy Slade carried his bomb in his backpack. This guy hid his in Givens' clock radio,” I noted. 
“Yeah, and progressive,” Prentiss added. “Each one tries to top the body
count of the one previous.”
“And they're loners by default, not by choice,” she said. “They try to join various social
groups, but they get shut out.”
“Randy Slade wasn't a loner at all,” Hotch said.
“The family cooperated fully with us,” Rossi noted. “He was a high-functioning psychopath, straight-A student, varsity wrestler, lots of girlfriends.”
“With an above-average intelligence that made him incredibly resourceful,” I added. “His explosive of choice was Semtex. It's found at demolition sites, but it's held under lock and key.”
“Which made us consider the possibility of a partner,” Rossi continued. “Never found one.”
“Slade was too much of a narcissist to share credit,” Hotch said. “But he was also an impulsive teen, which is what bothers me about this unsub.”
“His sense of control?” she asked.
“And the end game that he's working toward. Slade's pathology revolved around the big kill,” Hotch noted.  “This unsub could have done the same if he'd waited for the candlelight vigil.”
“Which means there's no blaze of glory fantasy here,” Rossi added. “This unsub has
more bombs made, and he's savoring the anticipation of his next attack.”
“You and Reid can go to the medical examiner when we land to examine the bodies. Morgan, Prentiss and I will set up at the police station. JJ and Rossi, you two will visit the crime scene.” Hotch commanded. Once he finished, everyone returned to what they were doing.
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hey, i saw you write for tdp, could i request a soren x reader imagine where reader is a half-elf or something like that? please make reader gender neutral if you can
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Omg, my first request! I love this idea, there are not enough Soren imagines, and of course I'll make it gender neutral! I hope you like it! It's a bit long because I had to put some context in it, much love <3
Uncovered Secrets (Soren x Reader)
Warnings: Mentions of death
Genre: Angst, a lil bit of fluff.
Fandom: The Dragon Prince
Summary: See request
Word Count: 1978
part 2
I've always had to hide myself from everyone. I had to learn from a young age how to do it. I've always been told how, when I was a baby, I was found at the border and given to my father after saying he would take care of me, and he has ever since. I'm a hybrid, half Moonshadow Elf and half human, so I had to learn as soon as possible how to do magic in order to create illusions to hide my appearance. I remember when I first did it at the age of ten, I was so happy, all those years of covering my head and half of my face were over, I didn't even have to paint my eyebrows anymore; I could finally be normal and treated like any other human in Katolis.
Life from that moment really changed for me. My father was a respected general so I'd always lived in the castle, but I started hanging out with the other kids, Prince Callum and Lord Viren's children. We quickly became inseparable and did pretty much everything together. I think it's safe to say that everyone knew about my special friendship with Soren. I don't know why, but we just understood each other even from a young age, and it only got stronger as the years passed. He was always there for me as I was there for him, he'd helped me a lot when my father passed away and I trusted him with my life, we knew everything about each other... except for what I really was. I thought about telling him a couple times but I knew it was wrong, and I knew how much humans hated elves, even Soren. But this was the life I had, I was destined to hide from the people I cared about the most. Or at least, that was until Rayla appeared in our lives.
The two Princes, Rayla and I discovered that the egg of the dragon prince hadn't been destroyed, and we were going to take it home to its mother. During our trip, I decided to tell them the truth, if Rayla had been accepted as our friend then there was no reason to fear anymore. Thankfully, I was right, nothing changed between us and I even stopped using magic to hide my true appearance. It was weird but at the same time it felt right, it was freeing.
We've been staying with Lujanne for a few days now, enjoying the little dragon's company and giving ourselves a little break. Rayla and I knew we had to go, though, but the Princes weren't very interested on leaving yet, so we agreed to stay one more day. Everything seemed fine but the elven girl and I felt a bit unsafe, so we decided to take turns and keep guard in case something or someone decided to appear.
It was my turn to keep guard so I was looking for Rayla to replace her but when I found her she was lying on the ground, surrounded by two people. I prepared myself to attack, thanking my father for all those sword and combat lessons he'd make me take, I wouldn't let them hurt her.
"Get away from her!" I yelled as I approached them, but I stopped when I realized who they were. Soren and Claudia were standing a few feet away from me and it felt like I hadn't seen them in a lifetime.
"Oh, great, another elf?" Soren said. "So what, there's like a whole other group of you?" I could sense the hatred and disgust in his voice. He didn't recognize me, neither of them did. Before I could say or do something, Rayla woke up and took them by surprise.
She started fighting with Soren and I got out of my trance only when Callum showed up, trying to calm everyone down. He was happy to see them and I would've been too, but I just couldn't believe what had happened.
"She kidnapped you and Prince Ezran, how can she be good?" asked Claudia about Rayla. "And it seems like she didn't act alone because there's another one of them too!".
"No, wait! There was no kidnapping, Claudia. We went with her by choice" explained the older Prince. "And what do you mean by 'another one of them'?"
"Well, what does that mean then?" said Soren, pointing at me. Hearing him speak about me like that was the worst thing I could've ever imagined.
"That is (Y/N)" answered Rayla, clearly annoyed at the blonde boy.
"What do you mean? (Y/N)'s hair is not white and they don't have horns, or pointy ears, or those weird things under their eyes! Stop lying!"
"Soren, she's right. It's me" as soon as I said that I used my magic to change how I looked, going back to how they knew me. "I'm a hybrid, I've been using magic ever since I was ten to blend in".
I could tell he was shocked and he opened his mouth to say something but the words never came out.
"Listen, guys, it's late. Let's just get some rest and cool off, okay?" We all agreed to Callum's words and went back with the others but I could tell there was a thick tension in the air. And that tension stayed there until we all went to bed.
When we woke up, we had breakfast together and I started using my magic again, at least when Claudia and Soren were around, I already knew what they thought of me and I didn't want to put up with their looks too. I spent all day learning some magic with Lujanne, it was nice to learn from an actual mage and it didn't hurt to get my mind off some things for a while.
When I was done for the day and ready to go to bed, I heard someone knocking the door.
"Come in" I said loudly.
"You'll never guess what happened today, (Y/N)" said Rayla as she entered the room, we had become good friends in the last couple days and it felt nice to have someone kind of like me around. She told me about what Soren had done earlier that day, and about how she tried to talk to Callum but he didn't pay any attention to her. "And I just talked to Lujanne because maybe she would help me and I realized that the only way for them to completely trust me is by telling them the truth, even if it hurts them".
"The truth? What do you mean, Rayla?"
"This is not easy to say but... Their father is dead and I've been wanting to tell Callum but I just don't know how to and I-"
"Hey, Rayla. It's okay, you're just trying to protect them, I'm sure they will understand. We're friends, remember?" I interrupted her, trying to clam her down. She let out a deep breath and nodded with her head. "Can I tell you something?"
"Of course, (Y/N). We're friends, remember?" she said, repeating my words. I smiled weakly before continuing.
"I'm not totally surprised about what you said about Soren, not after how he reacted with me at least. And you know what's the worst part? I'm sure that his father is behind what happened earlier today. I know him but he just needs Viren's approval, you know? And it hurts, a lot actually. I just hope he realizes there are people who truly care about him before it's too late".
"You like him, don't you?" I opened my eyes at her words, trying to deny it but all she did was smile. "You're not very good at hiding it, (Y/N)".
"I guess I'm not. I just hope that deep down you are wrong and that they both realize that what they're trying to do is wrong".
"I hope so, too" she hugged me tight, wrapping her arms around my neck. "It's late, I think I'm gonna go to bed" she said as she started heading towards the door to go to her room.
"Go, I'll stay up a bit longer".
And suddenly that 'bit longer' turned into at least two hours. I couldn't sleep, I just kept thinking about Soren and his attitude. I decided to get out of my room and go to the Moon Nexus, if I was going to stay awake thinking about things at least I would have a nice view while doing it.
I was standing against the edge when I heard someone coming. I started hiding my true appearance out of instinct but was interrupted in the middle of the act.
"You don't have to do that". Soren's voice sounded loud in contrast to the silence of the night. I stopped using my magic and he came to my side. "Can't sleep?"
"Yeah... What made you change your mind?" He stood there looking confused, not understanding what I was talking about. "Yesterday you didn't even recognize me without the illusion and even looked disgusted at the sight of me. What's changed?"
"I noticed you hide your elf-like features when I'm around, but I've never seen you being more you than when you stop hiding" I looked at him confused, I thought I'd made sure to use my magic whenever he was around. I could tell he saw how disconcerted I was. "I saw you practicing your magic earlier today and then playing with the kids. I've never seen you so... Happy and free".
There was a brief silence between us until I broke it.
"That's because I've never truly felt like that, until I stopped hiding".
"I'm sorry for acting like that yesterday, I was a fool. And I think you look really cute like this".
"So you don't hate me?"
"How could I ever hate you? You're the most important thing in my life, (Y/N)".
I smiled at his words and turned my gaze to the water underneath us. I looked into his eyes again and we started getting closer and closer, but just when our lips where about to touch, I backed off.
"I'm sorry but I really need to ask you something. Why did you lie to the boys earlier, saying that King Harrow missed them?" he looked confused and a little bit scared.
"W-What to you mean?"
"There's no way you hadn't known that he was dead, you literally are a Crown Guard, Soren. So just tell me why you did it, please".
Again, there was silence, but this time it was tense and extremely awkward.
"I-I'm sorry but-"
"But what? You can't tell me? Why? Because it would ruin whatever plan your father has regarding the Princes?" I stopped to look at him but he was avoiding my eyes. "Because you don't want to admit that it was a strategy to be able to kill the boys a lot easier by making them trust you?" I said, remembering what Rayla had told me before about the zip line.
He just stood there, now a few feet apart from me and I could se how surprised he was, but I also could see something else, that I was right about my assumptions.
"You don't understand, (Y/N), I-"
"Oh, no, Soren. I think I understand really well".
As soon as I said that I left, going back to my room with tears running down my face, and ignoring Soren's voice calling for me. How could he even think about doing that? How would I tell the Princes? Would I even tell them at all or would I just try to keep them safe without destroying the image they had about his so-called friend? I had so many questions and not even one answer. I only knew that Rayla wasn't wrong at all.
Oh, boy, this took a long time to write. I was thinking about doing a part 2 but I'm not sure about it.
-Mica :)
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countessofravenclaw · 3 years
Only just a Dream
"I don't know when I will return, and we will both suffer. "
These words hit Nina hard. He couldn't be saying what she was thought he was saying.
"What are you trying to tell with that?"
"Maybe it would be better if we separated."
With those words, her world fell down. She tried to hold herself together in front of him, but how could she lose him? How could she survive without him? She had tried to do that last year during those three weeks they had been apart, but even that was too much, but forever... with that she watched him walk away... from Buenos Aires, Roller and... Her...
Nina woke up and for a moment she didn't remember where she was. There were tears in her eyes and she was shaking. He was gone, she had lost him forever.
But then she felt his arms around her and everything came back, it had only been a dream.
She looked at him sleeping next to her... like they had done for the past few months since they had moved out of the school dorms and gotten a place together close to the Oxford University.
She would be finishing high school in just a few months and she had very much enjoyed doing the exchange to England. She and Gaston had already made plans for returning visit to Buenos Aires so they could be there in person for Luna's birthday, then she would be starting university at Oxford.
Three years ago she would have never thought she would be here like this: living in England and with him...
She had met Gaston Perida 6 years ago. On her first day of seventh grade, she had ran into him and dropped her books. From that day forward she had been hopelessly in love with him, always secretly watching him when he skated, in the Blake Library, when he was with Matteo, always watching him and knowing it could never be possible until...
After he had finally kissed her she thought she must have been dreaming but she wasn't... it had really happened. He loved her. She would be lying if she said that she didn't wake up a couple times fearing that it had all been just a dream during the leading summer, but then she would notice a voice mail that he would send her every morning. When they were both traveling during the vacation they spend most of the nights talking to each other for hours on the phone. She had framed that photo she had taken of him in the photography workshop on her bedside table and later she learned that he had done the same.
She would have never thought that she would have that kind of luck. He made her better, with him she didn't fear anything anymore. He made her take risks to reach for her dreams.
Without him, she would have never had the courage to do what she had always wanted to do: study abroad. She had always imagined how it would be like living on her own, meet new international people, and learn new languages, all without her overprotective mother hovering over her or her parents putting her in the middle of their arguments. Not that she didn't love her parents, but the distance had made her feel much freer. It really felt like she could finally breathe.
And she almost didn't do it. The choice had been hard, but she knew that she had made the right choice. In the end, it had been quite obvious. Writing opportunities would come and go, this was her future: Oxford and being with Gaston...
The dream she had flashed in front of her eyes. In it she had not gone with him, she had stayed in Buenos Aires... and... they had broken up... because of it. Just a thought made her shiver. Thoughts started to swirl in her head. That would have never happened, close or far, they would always be together. They had literally fallen in love through a computer screen. It was destiny that had brought them together. Thye could have never separated whatever they would have done.
She couldn't get that image of him walking away out of her head. It had just been a Dream!
"Hey, what is wrong?" Gaston's voice snapped her out of her trance.
She knew that she couldn't fool him.
"You never wake up in the middle of the night. Tell me, what is wrong?"
He must have noticed that she was shaking because he wrapped his arms tightly around her.
"I had a dream... in it... you left me because I didn't come with you."
Tears started to fall to her cheeks but he brushed them away.
"I was just a dream. I'm here, always will be. "
"But... what if that would have happened?"
"It doesn't do you any good to dwell on what-ifs. That never happened and never would have. I could never leave you. You know that I'm incapable of living without you. Where ever we are, I will always love you."
Even in the dark, she could see his eyes that were looking at her intensively. She couldn't help but smile.
"Sometimes I still can't believe that I'm hearing you say those words."
"How many years did you have a crush on me again before you stood me up on that date?"
"Three to four. You know that I will regret that for the rest for my life"
"I would have loved you as much then as I do now."
"I know"
He kissed her forehead and then she finally fell back to sleep in his arms. And that dream never returned, it almost was like it never even happened, like it of course never did.
So... can we just all agree that the breakup in S3 was just a dream. Season 3 didn't actually happen, Eric doesn't exist and Nina went to Oxford with Gaston at the end of S2. Yes, I also threw some shade towards the breakup... BECAUSE IT DID NOT MAKE ANY SENSE!
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blkmxrvel · 5 years
Hotel Mishaps
Pairing: brie larson x fem!reader
Words: 3k [ 3,014 ]
Request:  There’s only one bed! Ft Brie Larson and a Press Tour!
Summary: press tour has got you losing your mind, patience and self control. you blame your best friend, brie, for it all. 
Warnings: sexual themes! gets hot and steamy but no full fledged smut.
A/N: i tried my best, i really did. i hope you guys like it!! i needed something to get me back into the grove and take a hit at my requests so, here we go! look how fucking beautiful she is literally the love of my damn life. 
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You sighed as you fell back onto the hotel bed, your body relaxing as you hit the soft mattress. You closed your eyes for a moment, allowing yourself to de-stress a little bit. And by deep stress, I clearly mean nap. You threw your forearm over your head to block out the sun, and slightly turned so that you were laying on your side. You continued to let your breathing slow, and your muscles relax. You were so close to sleeping when your best friend came barging into the room. 
“Oh, my God!” Brie groaned as she trudged through the hotel room, immediately flinging her jacket on a nearby chair. “Today was absolutely impossible! I’m just so glad that it’s over,”
You let out a sigh, knowing that you weren’t going to get any sleep anytime soon. Sitting up with your eyes still closed, you rolled your shoulders back, hopefully alleviating some of the tension building in them. 
“Yeah, then we gotta do it all over again tomorrow, and then the days after that for the next 3 months.” You rubbed your hands over your facing, holding them there as you willed yourself to try and not fall asleep. 
You and Brie were best friends, as well as co-stars on this huge blockbuster movie. Of course, with every high anticipated movie, comes week after week of grueling press tours trying to promote it. 
Answering the same exact questions everyday, and having to have the same fake smile  plastered on your face was getting old really quickly. You weren’t really sure why you had to do the Press anyways. It wasn’t like the movie was struggling to pick up interest, and a large crowd wasn’t promising. It was quite the opposite actually. From the day the movie was announced there has been nonstop talk; it was almost positive that each box office would be bustling on premiere night, press tour or not. 
Either way, it’s not like you have much choice in the matter. A contract is a contract. And it wasn’t that you weren’t stoked. You were having an absolute blast traveling the world and getting to brag about your work, with your best friend at that. It was more so of how taxing it was, physically, mentally, and sexually. 
But things had to get done the way they have to get done. 
Opening your eyes, your jaw nearly fell to the floor. Brie was standing in front of you, back towards you. And that’s all it was. She was completely naked as she was trying to find her pajamas. 
“Can you pass me my towel? It should be on the bed.” You snapped out of your trance, muttering a ‘yeah sure’ and tossing the towel at your best friend. You tried your hardest not to steal another glance at your naked best friend. For some reason that you didn’t dare try to understand, Brie has just been making your body ignite in just the smallest of ways. Whether it was her hand on your waist when you were hugging, the way her jaw clenched when an interviewer asked her a particularly dumb question, or the way her voice rasped when she told you to go fuck yourself when you wake her up. 
Either way, for the past week, there has been a  dam growing at your core waiting to blow. You had blamed it on the Press Tour, saying that stress filled work hours as well as being with someone your comfortable with literally all day everyday was the reason for your constant arousal. But even after the 3 day break you had, the next time you saw Brie, clad her in muscle tank and sweatpants, you were ready to risk it all for the simple feeling of her lips on your neck. It had to stop, you knew it did. You have 3 more weeks of Press, and  you couldn’t spend them thirsting over your best friend.
You prayed to whatever, whoever out there that you would be able to make it through these next few weeks cool, calm and composed. 
It looks like you didn’t pray hard enough, because when you and Brie arrived at your next hotel, you were in for a loop. For some reason, there weren’t separate rooms booked for you and Brie, meaning that you needed to share one for the next few days. 
There wasn’t anything too bad about that. You and Brie do live together back in Los Angeles. So you knew how to get through your night in the same room. You also knew how to release the building pressure inside of you with anyone noticing, so you weren’t worrying about that either. 
That day though, Brie had just been turning you on to no end. She didn’t know it of course, but the way she smiled at you and the way her dress hugged her body in all the right places had you screaming for mercy. Internally of course. But that was all minor stuff, you could handle those turn ons. 
What you couldn’t handle however was the way veins popped out of Brie’s neck when some random idiot tried to grab your ass. The way her eyebrows rose and the vice grip she had on the man’s hand.
Can she put a baby in me?
How her jawline became more defined than it already is, and the way her eyes instantly darkened. You….You couldn’t handle that. 
Yes, Brie. Let everyone know that only you are able to smack my ass. Let everyone know that actually. Please and thank you. 
Okay, maybe your hormones were getting the best of you. But it did kinda suck that you had to platonically share a room with Brie when all you wanted to do was sleep with Brie ...if you know what I mean. 
But that’s okay, space was good. You needed as much space as possible to keep your arousal at bay, and make it through these next few days. Space was going to be a life saver. 
Until…..there wasn’t any more space. 
“So….” Brie uttered when she met you at the elevator. “It seems like the hotel messed up again, because there’s only one bed. So we’re going to have to share one.” What?
On the outside, you kept your cool, calm and relaxed composure, telling Brie that it was no big deal. You two had shared plenty of beds when  you were younger, and sometimes had to, like now. But back then, you weren’t itching to climb Brie like a tree. 
On the inside, you were a wreck, because how the fuck were you going to make it through your horny nights with Brie right next to you? What were  you supposed to do? You couldn’t silently rub one out with your best friend in the same bed as you, whether she’s the cause or not. And you couldn’t tell Brie how you were feeling, that would make things too weird. You definitely did not want to spend another night tense and orgasmless, but it looks like you were going to have to. 
You couldn’t wait for this Press Tour to be over. 
You thought that maybe after a few hours, your feelings would subside and you would be able to function like a normal human being. But you were wrong. Laying in the bed in the pitch black room, Brie right next to you with her heavy breaths hitting your ear, you were more on edge than before. 
Her warm body was only inches from yours in the king size bed. You could feel the warmth radiating from her body, going straight down and warming your core even more. You were aware of every single, grumbled, whine, and shift she made. It was driving you crazy.
You were shifting every five minutes, 10 at most, clenching your legs together in hopes that the rampant throbbing in your clit would just stop. But to no avail. You shifted one last time, letting out a frustrated groan, heart stopping when you heard moving from beside you. 
“Y/N/N? You alright?” 
Fuck. All you heard was rasp in Brie’s unused voice, and all you felt was a pool of wetness brewing in between your thighs. 
You inhaled a deep, shaky breath, willing yourself to sound normal. “Yeah, I’m fine.” Thank God you were facing away from her, bo way were you going to let her see your face. No way could you handle seeing her face without thinking about how much you wanted to ride it. 
“You sure?” You felt her place her hand on your hip. Her cold (yet oddly warm) hand on your bare, exposed hip. You couldn’t help but let out a moan at that. You tensed up and moved as far away from Brie as possible without falling off the bed. We needed as little embarrassment in one night as possible. 
Brie sat up over you and leaned on her hand, staring down at you curiously. 
“Did you…..” She hesitated. “Y/N did you have a wet dream?” Of course Brie would ask a question like that, she was your best friend. It wasn’t an uncommon occurrence for you two to share stories of your erotic dreams. Best friend do that kind of stuff, that’s why she asked, It wasn’t because Brie secretly hope that dream wet was about her. Most definitely wasn’t because she had wet dreams about you, often.
You decided to ride this one out, Brie had given you a good way out and like hell  you weren’t going to take it and run with it.
“Mhm.” You cleared your voice a bit as it went too high pitched, and Brie just looked at you. 
Something wasn’t right. Brie squinted her eyes. She knew your well enough to know that your voice gets high pitched when you were lying. She just couldn’t believe that you, of all people would hide something from her. But she wasn’t about to let it go either. 
Brie gripped your hips and flipped you on you back, the spontaneity taking you by surprise. The sheer force and speed of your best friends actions caused you to moan, albeit softly. 
“That’s a lie.” Brie sat up fully now, her eyes examining youts. “You don’t look like you just woke up, you like wide awake actually. And alert.” She observed you, your mind going blank and the way her eyes raked down your body. 
“And your chest is moving fast. Your hands are clammy and your forehead is sweating. Did you just masturbate?” Brie’s stomach flipped and a jolt went to her core at the thought. 
Your eyes went wide as you covered your face and let out a giggle. “Of course I didn’t masturbate, especially not with you in the same bed.” Brie let out a breath. Whether that was a breath of relief or disappointment, she wasn’t sure. 
“Then what’s wrong?” She moved to straddle your hips, something she always did when she was figuring you out. Best friend style...maybe. 
But with her over top of you, warm center placed directly on your stomach, you tensed. “There was a stutter in Brie’s movements; and if you weren’t mistaken you felt her hips move the slightest, right before she let out in suspicious, absolutely fake cough.
Did she ...? Does she…..?
“Because you literally moaned twice when all I did was do what I always do. What’s up?” She whined. “We’re supposed to tell each other everything.”
��It’s nothing, Brie. Just let’s go back to sleep.”  You tried to slow your breathing with your hands covering your face, waiting for Brie to get off of you.
Brie just stayed where she was, staring at you and analyzing this past week’s events. Your actions throughout the entire tour. You were jumpy around her, stuttering and flustered way more than usual. You didn’t cuddle her or hug her like you usually did.  You barely looked her in the eye, and when you did your eyes would widen and you’d duck away. 
Brie figured that this Press tour was just getting to you. That since it was your first for a really big movie, you were just slowly succumbing to all the pressure. But maybe...maybe she was wrong. 
“Y/N.” Brie’s voice made your body tense up and you hated how Brie probably felt it. Your cover was up, you were sure of it. 
“... Y/N …” She sighed more softly when you didn’t answer. She pried your hands from your face, pinning them next to your head. Her face was inches from yours. Your eyes gazed into Brie’s, moving frantically around them. 
“Brie? What are you doing?” 
“Can I kiss you?” Her eyebrow raised up, and as you looked into her eyes you saw a flash of regret and guilt in them. What was she doing? What was happening. And this was not a joke, you knew that. Brie’s eyes kept flickering from yours to your lips, and she bit her lips as she did so. She was serious. This was not a joke and you were losing your mind. 
“You want to kiss me?” 
Brie chuckled, her smiling eyes grinning at yours. “Of course, I do. Can I?” You searched Brie’s entire face for anything that would indicate this is a joke, that she was going to regret this in the morning. When you saw nothing of the sort, only your hopeful best friend biting her lip nervously, you nodded your head. 
You had countless visions about what it would be like if you ever got the chance to kiss Brie. You had dreams, both day and night about how her lips would feel against yours, how the breath expelled from your nose would hit your cheek just right. You figured you had prepared yourself for all of that, but clearly you didn’t prepare yourself for the moaned that slipped out of her throat when she finally kissed you. 
Your eyes fluttered shut and you let out a sigh, Brie’s moans going right to your core. She let your hands go, instead placing her own on your sides, gripping lightly as she swiped her tongue over your lip. Of course you opened your mouth. 
You didn’t mean for the moan to slip when her tongue swirled over yours. And you most definitely didn’t mean for it to be that loud. Brie broke apart from you, panting heavy with glistening lips. You thought that was it, that your lack of control of your hormones had ruined it all. 
Brie’s breath was shaky as she stared down at you.  She didn’t say anything, do anything, just stared at you with an indecipherable look on her face. 
She still didn’t say anything. She do something this time though, smashing her lips back on yours in a kiss that was sure to bruise. Her hands slipped under the loose fabric of your shirt, running up along your sides and across your stomach. You let out another moan at the feeling of her calloused hands on your soft skin. You let out another when you felt Brie grind her pussy just right on the lower half of your stomach, just inches away from where you wanted her most. 
“What has been bothering you all week, Y/N?” She disconnected your lips again to trail sloppy, wet kisses down your face and to your neck, where her lips made themselves home, sucking and biting bruises. 
“Don’t act like you don’t know, Brie.” You sighed out as her teeth clamped down particularly harsh on your pulse point. Your hips jolted up,some of the pressure relieving against Brie, but it wasn’t enough. 
“And what if I don’t?” You could feel her smile against your chest, the cool air abusing the bruises on your chest making you shiver. 
“Then I guess you just won’t ever know.” She chuckled, tugging on your shirt and looking up at you, asking for permission. You nodded as fast as you could, arching your body so she could take it off. 
Once she did, she got back to work again, her hands gripping over your breast and she placed delicate kisses along your chest. Her hands occupied themselves well, massaging and gripping them before her fingers decided you twist and pull your nipples. 
Burst after burst of energy was being sent straight to your core, the wetness in between your legs extremely uncomfortable. Your clit throbbed with no restraint as Brie took of those nipples into her mouth, her fingernails scratching over the other. 
“God.” You threw your head back and tangled your own fingers in Brie’s hair. “That feels good.” 
“Mhm?” Brie hummed, her mouth now around your other nipple. “How good?” She let it go with a pop, kissing her way back up to your lips. 
“Super good.” You moaned again when she pressed her lips against yours. You gripped her sides this time, pulling her impossibly closer to you, your lips moving with hers. 
“Do you want me to fuck you?” Brie mumbled against your lips, hands still playing with your breasts. “Is that what’s been bothering you all this time?” 
You nodded, helplessly. You pushed up against her, not wanting to speak with words, only with your body. You wanted her to fuck you, and you wanted her to do it now. 
Thankfully, Brie got the message. Because she broke away from your lips again, kissing right down your body. She didn’t failed to leave a trail of bruises that would take a little bit of time covering up. 
She tugged down your shorts and panties in one fell swoop, kissing along your inner sides, and blowing cool air on your pussy when she reached the top. You threw your head back again, moaning in relief as your felt her lips wrap around your clit. You threaded your fingers in her hair as she licked stripes through your folds. And you tugged her hair when you felt her tongue swirl over your clit before sucking again. 
You were thankful for press tours, and even more thankful for hotel mishaps.
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