#also i do think tony watching people and analyzing them would count to someone else as a strange habit lmao
puhpandas · 5 months
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beckory comic based off of this line from GGY. i hope you get what im trying to say lol. i was kinda going for tony and gregory trying to NOT be popular for obvious reasons. just like a new way of seeing the line from the book even though this is not what the book meant.
(book snippet under cut)
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ohmystars-marvel · 3 years
So...you’re mine, huh? pt. 2
Pairing: Tony Stark x daughter!reader; Peter Parker x reader (eventually)
Word count: 1,798
Summary: When your mother passes, she wrote in her will if she passed when you were still a minor, guardianship would get passed to Tony Stark. You have no idea what their relationship was, despite both of them living their lives in the spotlight. However, for someone who lived in the spotlight, your mother held plenty of secrets.
A/N: So um.....surprise!!! It’s finally here!!!!! I’m sososoSO sorry ;_; life’s been kind of rough and since I’ve been in uni it’s been hard to actually get time for myself, but I’ve finally actually gotten the time to sit down and write it out. I’m sorry it’s not that long, but I promise I won’t ghost like that again, but without further ado, here’s chapter 2!
(Also credits to owner of gif)
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The funeral felt like everything was moving in slow motion. A couple of people came up to talk about (Y/M/N), and Tony noticed how whenever the people at the podium would give you a pitying glance in between their eulogies. The older man that was seating with you earlier isn’t sitting up front with you. He sits in a row behind you, leaving you all by yourself in the front. Tony also noticed how stoic you appeared to look. You sat with your head tall, your hair styled out of your face, tightly and professionally, evenly squared shoulders; the perfect sitting posture. 
A couple of people near him whispered about you. Some admired how composed you looked, just like your mother. Some whispered that you looked like you didn’t care that your mother passed, you just cared for the money that you were inheriting. Selfish brat someone whispered around Tony. 
She inherits all that her mother worked for without having to put any work ethic in
She isn’t going up to talk at her mother’s funeral? 
She does take after her mother after all..couldn’t give a care less that her parents died, why wouldn’t her daughter act the same way now? 
In Tony’s opinion, you didn’t look composed and neither looked like you didn’t care. You looked like a kid who was trying to hold it together in a room full of adults in order to be perceived as an adult. A child trying to act far more mature than their actual age.
When the funeral was over, people started getting up to either talk to you, or to talk to others around them. Disgusted with how people talked about you while a funeral was taking place, Tony walked over to talk to you instead. Besides, he felt that he needed to get to the bottom of how the hell (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N) had a kid he knew nothing about. He also wanted to figure out whose kid you were. No kid should have to get through their only parent’s funeral alone.
When Tony walked over, you were finishing a conversation with one of the guests. Tony stuck his hand, reaching for a handshake. You accepted his handshake, and surprised him when it was a solid, firm one. Guess (Y/M/N) did teach you well.
“Ms. (Y/L/N). We haven’t had the chance to meet, and I wish it was under better circumstances. I’ve known your mother since we were children, and I know what a devastating loss it is now that she’s gone. I know you’re hearing this phrase more often than you’d like to right now, but please know when I say that if you ever need help, please do come to me. Stark Tower or Avengers Headquarters, you'll be accepted anywhere there.”
“Thank you, Mr. Stark. That’s very kind of you. I as well wish that we could’ve met under better circumstances. You’re kind of my hero, honestly. The advancements you’ve made with arc reactor technology is amazing.” (Y/N) admitted shyly, while sporting a small smile.
Tony analyzed your face. Jesus, it was like Tony was thrown back in time. I looked so much like your mother when she was much younger. That’s where the similarities stopped though. Your shy demeanor and politeness were honest reactions, no acting involved. Your eyes were also different from (Y/M/N)’s. (Y/M/N) looked at everyone like a certain degree of coldness, keeping people at a distance. Yours were gentle, inviting. There’s no way this kid can be hers. She’s nothing like her. 
“Mr. Stark,” you interrupted his thoughts, “I’m only telling a select group of people who actually knew my mother well. We told the public the coroners haven’t signed off yet. That, however, isn’t true, and we'll be doing a more private service. I want to give enough time for the press to leave, and for people who my mother claimed that ‘actually cared for her money, not her well-being to leave’. I’d like it if you were to join us.”
“Please, call me Tony. I’ll be there, Ms. (Y/L/N), don’t worry. Gives us all the chance to actually give your mother the goodbye that she deserves, don’t you think?”
You blinked at him, an expression of shock that briefly broke your composure. “Of course, Mr-” she caught herself when Tony smirked at her, and she smiled sheepishly. “sorry. Tony. It’s going to take me awhile. There’ll be an announcement that’ll be given for the burial service so please, stick around and chat. Please excuse me, I’ve got to greet the others who came as well. It was a real pleasure to meet you, Tony.” She bid him a small smile and left him standing by himself. 
When you left him, Tony went to grab himself a cup of water. While sipping on his water, the older man that sat next to you before the funeral approached Tony. 
“Mr. Stark, it’s a great pleasure to meet you. Though, I wish I would be meeting you right now at something like the Stark Expo.” 
Tony didn’t respond, but took another sip to avoid the small talk that the man was trying to achieve. The man cleared his throat. 
“Right then. Mr. Stark, I’m Philip Ashcraft, (Y/M/N)’s lawyer. Could we step out in the hallway and talk? (Y/M/N) left something important to you, and the both of us would very much rather have this conversation where someone can’t overhear.”
“You find a hallway during a private funeral? Let me guess, you wanna suggest the coat closet next? I mean I guess we can meet in there, but you have to promise no playing seven minutes of heaven-”
“Mr. Stark, please. It’s of the utmost importance.”
“Why don’t you take this up with my secretary, Mr. Ashcraft? They can schedule a meeting with you within this next week. After all, I am not in the mood to discuss business right now, considering that we’re currently at a funeral.” Tony took a sip of his water, raising an eyebrow at the lawyer.
“This isn’t something that can be pushed away! Mr. Stark, this is in regards to what (Y/M/N) has left for you, and her will states for you to receive her last wishes as soon as the funeral’s over.”
Tony sighed. “In case you haven’t noticed, (Y/M/N)’s funeral is not over. If whatever (Y/M/N) left for me is that important, then you can wait until after the burial service is over. That’s when the funeral is over and that’s when you will have my attention. Until then, kindly fuck off.”
The lawyer swallowed, clearly trying to keep his temper, and walked away, begrudgingly. Victorious, Tony walked away from the water pitcher and found himself an empty corner that no one else would bother him. Besides, he had some homework to start before (Y/M/N)’s burial service started. If he didn’t know anything about (Y/N) (Y/L/N)’s existence, then how much did the rest of the world know about you?
Tony pulled his phone out of pocket, and pulled it close to his face, pretending like he was taking a phone call. “F.R.I.D.A.Y. I need you to do something for me really quick.” 
“What do you need, boss?”
“Look for anything in regards to (Y/N) (Y/L/N). I don’t care if it’s newspaper clippings, science fair photos, or even a mugshot. Anything that just proves her existence.”
“Looking online now. I’ll check back in with you when my analysis online is complete.”
“Thanks, F.R.I.D.A.Y.” Tony mumbled to himself. He put his phone back in his pocket and decided to wait out the thirty minutes by himself.
Tony watched as time passed and those that were clearly not invited or were exhausted from trying to butt into (Y/N)’s business left the room. Tony saw that besides himself, you, that asswipe of a lawyer, and approximately two other people were invited to the service. He noticed that the one who told him who you were wasn’t included in the group. For some reason, that didn’t sit well with him.
The burial service went by just as smoothly as the service given inside. Tony noticed that when you placed flowers on the headstone, your eyes were glassy. So this was the group you allowed yourself to be vulnerable with, not terribly vulnerable, but enough to know that this clearly affected you. When the service finished, the two others were conversing with you, one holding one of your hands as you wiped your eyes delicately, clearly still trying not to cry. That’s the time that the lawyer decided to act. He put a hand on your shoulder, and whispered something in your ear. You nodded and went back to listening. The lawyer made his way to Tony, and opened his mouth to speak, but Tony beat him to the punch.
“Alright, bug-a-boo, now we can talk.” 
“Do you mind if we talk inside, Mr. Stark? I am required to have your signature.”
Tony sighed and made an after you gesture with his hand. “Christ, what is it that (Y/M/N) left behind that is so goddamn important that you have to dump on me at a funeral and require me to sign?” 
Ashcraft clenched his jaw, and opened the door to the funeral home and stalked into the room where the public service was held, Tony close behind. Ashcraft unlocked his briefcase, which held an envelope that was thick with papers. He pushed it into Tony’s hand with plenty of force.
“The thing that (Y/M/N) is ‘dumping’ on you is her child. She left guardianship claims on (Y/N) to you, Mr. Stark” Ashcraft said bitterly.
Tony hurried to open the envelope. There’s no way. There’s no fucking way you actually left your kid to him. It’s gotta be some kind of a joke. At least, that was what Tony tried to convince himself before he found a handwritten will that was in your handwriting. The last sentence is what made his heart drop in his chest.
In the case of my passing before (Y/N) can legally care for herself, I leave guardianship rights to Anthony Edward Stark.
Tony’s phone buzzed in his pocket. F.R.I.D.A.Y.’s search had been completed, and only included one document. Tapping on the document, it opened into a scan of your birth certificate. What drew Tony’s attention was the name that was entered for the father’s name. Tony softly scoffed to himself.
“So...you’re mine huh?”
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cblgblog · 3 years
Sorry I’m advance but one of my other favorite accounts just reblogged a Tony scene and people are talking about Civil War and how it made them Stan Tony, and how when they watch that movie they hate team cap👀 Then someone was all about how he was sleep deprived and how much pressure he was under and couldn’t understand how people didn’t like Tony because. Someone literally said that when someone says they don’t like Tony in Civil War they say “did you watch the same movie as me.” I’m baffled. Oddly enough someone else said, “he just wants to help everyone.” Sorry for the rant but I think people forget about what the accords are and what it would mean for people. Side note, I hope you’re having a great day/night 😀
No sorry needed!
I feel you man, I do. Honestly, I’ve unfollowed people based on similar posts when I was in especially Done moods, so.
Look on the one hand, the movie would’ve been a narrative failure if everyone was in favor of one side or the other, right? The whole point of the damn thing—besides giving the Mouse overlords more money—was to spark discussion, debate. Which, yeah, we’ll call that the tame description for what actually happened. But just, the thing was meant to split the fanbase so in that regard…winning? Thanks, I guess?
Film is also very obviously subjective, different strokes for different folks, so yeah, ten people can watch a movie and none of them are gonna see the exact same film. Let’s try to remember that this is, in theory anyway, a good thing. I just read a professional film review yesterday where I had the same reaction. What film were you watching, dude? Incidentally his reviewing partner said the same thing.
So honestly, no, they weren’t watching the same film as you or I or anyone else, because everyone brings their own biases and experiences and knowledge and interests into a thing, and that’s always going to flavor how it’s viewed. Again, let’s try to remember that this is good. In theory. Heavy on the theory.
That out of the way? Let’s get into Tony specifically so his uber stans can find this and scream at me on anon as though I just shot RDJ with a nuke.
Oh yeah, he was stressed. Oh, he was sleep deprived. Yeah, I’ve heard that. And that it’s Pepper’s fault, if she hadn’t left the poor baby, if she was there to rein him in, he’d be fine dammit, leave the baby alone!
Here’s the thing. You know who gets a pass on their shit behavior when they’re upset or tired? Actual babies. Actual babies and toddlers, and children, up to a point. Because they actually cannot always help themselves. Their bodies and brains are different, they have not learned better.
When you’re a 50-year-old man who’s supposedly the world’s bestest superhero, who wants, wants to be in charge of protecting the whole world? You need a little more self-control than that. The sleep deprived excuse works if you snap at someone before you’ve had your coffee, not for this. Roseanne Barr didn’t get to blame Ambien for her racism, Tony doesn’t get to handwave CW away because oops, I was tired.
Really? You’re a superhero, dude. Most of your teammates are tired too, that’s part of the gig. If you crash and burn this badly without your afternoon nap, fucking hang up the armor and go back to your billionaire playboy lifestyle.
Speaking of that, sure, right. It’s Pepper’s fault because she left him. Put aside the argument on whether that was justified or not (cough, it was and she should’ve stayed away even though they are adorable together). It’s not Pepper’s job to keep Tony sane. It’s not any partner’s job to do that for anyone. If she wants out, she has a right to that, without Tony going off the rails and blaming it on her. Seriously, he says part of the reason he backed the Accords was to “split the difference” with Pepper.
Dude. You were an asshole and you lost your girl. You destroyed all your suits, turned an emotional and mental corner in IM 3…and then relapsed 4 minutes later I guess because Whedon. Either way, Tony admits himself that he does not want to stop. So instead of doing that, or finding another partner who can accept that, you back an unjust international law that pits you against your team, your supposed friends? Go to therapy, have a pint of ice cream, cry into your pillow, send her more of those strawberries you sent her in IM 2 that she’s allergic to. You don’t go trying to change international law in ways that could ultimately affect millions of people because your girl left you.
Honestly—and thank God they didn’t do this but—the only way the Pepper excuse works in excusing his behavior in any way is if she’d died. Or been severely injured like Happy in IM 3. Still wouldn’t be okay, but, like Quill messing up their chance to stop Thanos because Gamora died, it would’ve been more understandable. Understandable, not excusable, and the way the MCU treats their women as manpain fodder, we’re probably legit lucky we didn’t get this.
As for him wanting to help everyone. He does in fact want that, I think. The problem is that his need to feel like he’s doing that is stronger than his rational mind, or his want to actually help in a constructive way.
Tony is too smart. He’s dumb as hell in many instances, mostly involving people and relationships, but he’s also too smart, and he’s been told for too long that he’s smart, and he’s bought into it. Ultron. Suit of armor around the world, protects the world, no more alien threats. It’s a simple concept on paper that fails in execution. So there are people with dangerous powers. Okay, we’ll make a set of laws to keep them from being dangerous, problem solved. But again, it isn’t.
Tony is not used to problems he cannot solve. He’s a genius, right? He can fix anything. He should be able to fix anything. That’s how he feels. But not everything is zeros and ones and circuits, things that can be fixed mechanically like his armors can. The people he wants to protect are not built that way. But he needs to feel like he’s doing something, because he’s terrified of what happens to the world if he doesn’t. So he creates these simple solutions to complex problems. The suit of armor, the Accords. They sound good in theory, but the problems they’re trying to solve are bigger than they are. And Tony, way back in IM 1, he sat back for years, clueless that his weapons were being used for bad things. He says it to Cap in CW. When he found out what his weapons were being used for, he went in and stopped it. Whether or not he should’ve known that already is a separate issue here. The point here is that when he found out, too late or not, he went in and did something about it.
Tony needs to do something about it. Again, go back to Cap in AoU, Tony’s nightmare sequence. Steve asks Tony why he didn’t save them. Tony’s ultimate nightmare is that he sits back and does nothing, and his inaction causes everyone to die. Which is where you get Ultron. Something he came up with because of what he saw in space in Avengers 1, then doubled down on in AoU. It’s where you get the Accords. Oops, he caused someone to die, he killed Charles Spencer. Must do something about that right now so it doesn’t happen again, and he won’t have to feel this guilt. He should be collaborating with others to come up with solutions (no Bruce in AoU doesn’t count because Bruce was dumb there), or at the very least, taking more time to think through the repercussions of the things he puts out there. But he doesn’t, because he’s got his savior complex that tells him that he alone can and must fix this, and because he’s too dumb to realize how not-smart he is in certain areas.
“We need to be put in check. Whatever form that takes, I’m game.”
Isn’t that what he says in CW, or something very close to it? Whatever form that takes. That’s the issue, right there, whatever form that takes. Realistically, yes, there should be laws regarding people with powers, the same way there are special laws pertaining to people who carry guns, or people who are licensed to fly planes. You have a thing/can do a thing that not everyone else does, so there are regulations pertaining to that thing. Laws change with the times, they always have. Some new technology comes up, eventually there will be laws that regulate it. As there should be, honestly. The issue with the Accords, Steve’s issue with the Accords, was not the basic idea. He says as much. He says that it could work, but there would have to be safeguards. Safeguards that are not in the Accords that Tony wants him to sign.
It's not a matter of oh, fuck the law, there should be no law governing these people, they’re above it. The problem is that the law as it’s presented here is unjust. There’s what, a month between Lagos and Ross coming by to tell them about the Accords? A month is not enough time to properly analyze such a big issue, Especially when you’re reacting out of fear, which is what happened with Lagos. People died because of an Enhanced person, an Avenger, in this case. Lawmakers don’t want that to happen again, they especially don’t want the political shit storm that comes with it. Damn, we look like we were asleep at the switch here, not having anything to throw at this problem earlier. Quick, let’s throw together this thing so no one can say we’re not addressing the problem.
Patriot Act of 2001, anyone? 9/11 happened, the public were rightfully terrified, the US said oh man, these are unprecedented circumstances, we’ve never had this before. Don’t worry though, we’re on this, we’re protecting you. The reality being that that bill simply gave the government too much power, most of it being used against people who were not actually threats, and it’s debatable, to say the very least, whether or not that law helped more than it hurt.
No law is perfect. No law ever will be. It’s not possible. We still have to strive for perfection though, have to aim there so that the laws we get are as close to fair as possible. Tony’s a big deal. If not for his “whatever form that takes” attitude, he might’ve been able to use his influence to pressure lawmakers into coming up with a fairer bill. Hey, I’m me, the public loves me, I will endorse this bill publicly and work on getting the rest of the team to sign, but you need to change this and this and this first, or no deal. Instead, he took the easy way out, the quickest, easiest way for him to feel like he’s atoned for his sins without actually doing anything. Whatever form that takes.
Tony’s not wrong because he backs the creation of a law that addresses these things. He’s wrong because he says himself that he does not care what that law does, specifically, so long as it exists. He’s wrong because he violates said law upteen times during the movie, while preaching to team Cap about what assholes they are for not backing it. He’s wrong because he cares more about feeling as though he’s tackled a problem than he does about taking the time to make sure that the thing he’s proposing is actually a good idea. He’s wrong because of what he does with Bucky, though that’s honestly a separate issue, for the purposes of this discussion.
Anyway, that was longer than I ever wanted it to be. Damn. Next time you see a comment about CW being the reason people stan Tony, just remember there are other people out there who stopped stanning Tony because of that movie. Everyone’s entitled to see a piece of media however they see it, and although the Tony stans are often the loudest, there are plenty of like-minded people out there who share your take on events. Block who you need to, unfollow who you need to, blacklist what you need to, and don’t let them get you down.
Hang in there, and have an awesome day :)
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Out Of Time ~ 106
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 3,350ish
Summary: Y/N gets a call. (Yep, that’s it.)
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Summer came and went. Tony and Y/N spent every second that they could together. And when they weren’t together it was because Pepper had forced Tony into meetings and Y/N was at the new facility training.
Talks of having children never came up again, but that’s also because Y/N was doing everything in her power to avoid it.
Before they knew it, it was October. Y/N and Tony were currently laying in bed after another round of sex. They were both shocked when FRIDAY interrupted their peace with an announcement.
“Excuse me, Boss,” the AI started, “but someone’s trying to reach you using the private line.”
“The private line?” Tony repeated.
“Only one person uses the private line,” Y/N stated. “After six months, now is when he decides to call? Not impressed.”
“Ignore it, FRIDAY.”
“I have tried,” FRIDAY said. “But it had been ringing off the hook for the past hour.” 
Y/N groaned, burying her face into Tony’s neck. “Just answer it,” she said quietly.
“Y/N? You there?” Coulson’s voice filled the room.
“She’s here,” Tony replied. “Have you decided to finally call and apologize?”
“I have bigger issues right now.”
“Really, Phil?” Y/N questioned. “Like what?”
“Simmons is missing.”
Coulson went on to explain that Simmons disappeared about 6 months ago, after looking into the rock, the monolith, that was on Gonzalez’ ship. Fitz had been trying his best to find a way to reach her, but nothing. Coulson decided that he needed Y/N’s help on this one, to at least bring Fitz back to reality. That Simmons may never be coming back.
Y/N and Tony quickly dressed. Tony ordered for all the information to be sent to him so that he could also work on it. He gave her a kiss goodbye before she went through a portal to Coulson’s office in the base. 
There Phil also explained what had and was happening the Inhumans. Jiaying had killed Gonzalez, trying to start a war. Cal was forced to kill Jiaying in front of Skye, who was now going by Daisy. The crystals had fallen into the ocean and were absorbed by the fish. Causing people to start unlocking there Inhuman DNA without the risk of others dying.
“I do want to apologize,” Coulson finished off his briefing. “You didn’t deserve any of how you were treated. I’m so sorry.”
“Where is everyone?” Y/N asked.
“Skye—Daisy,  I mean, Mack, and Hunter are on an extraction mission right now. An Inhuman after terrigensis.”
“Do they know you’re bringing me in?”
“Not yet. Thought it might be a welcome surprise for them.” Coulson checked his watch. “I’m actually running late to meet them. You wanna come with me or stay here?” Coulson began leaving his office.
“You said you were just bringing me in to help Fitz.”
“Yeah, well, I have a new plane. You wanna see it?”
Y/N was in awe off the new plane, Zephyr One. It was definitely more suited to the team’s needs than the Bus was. Coulson told Y/N to stay hidden while he went to talk to Daisy. She couldn’t help but follow them.
“How’s he doing?” Coulson asked, speaking of the man in the containment module.
“Okay,” Daisy answered. “For now.” 
“Third incident already this month, but at least we were able to get our hands on this one.”
“The rate of new cases is increasing.”
“We knew it would after the initial reports.”
“A new inhuman could emerge anywhere, without having any idea what’s happened.”
“Only in the continental US so far. Plus, this new aircraft can stay in the air much longer than the old plane. Days, really, so rapid response anywhere is—“
“You love your new toy, don’t you?”
“I ver much love my new toy. But even with the mind-boggling range of this puppy—“
“Inhumans are still disappearing.”
“This is the first one in a while we’ve been able to secure.”
“Well, it’s no mystery who’s taking them. That black-ops group was there before us.”
“I know.”
“Again. Whoever they are. How many do you think they’ve taken?”
“We know of at least five sightings. Five individuals who vanished before we could get to them. But the real mystery is, who’s running that group?” Coulson and Daisy walked over to the monitors.
“Not if you did your part. How did it feel to join the paparazzi, Phil?”
“I think I might have missed my calling. I have every body, every piece of software, tasked with identifying that woman.” He pointed to the woman on the monitor. “So we can figure out where she’s taking inhuman and what exactly she plans to do with them.”
“Sounds like you need me for more than just hutting down Simmons and calming Fitz then,” Y/N stated as she walked up behind them.
“Y/N?” Daisy gasped with surprise. “How— why—“ She ran up to hug her. “I’ve missed you.”
Y/N welcomed the hug. “I’ve missed you, too.” She pulled back to get a look at her friend. “Well you sure have changed. Chopped your hair off and are going by a different name? Sure sounds like I missed a lot.”
“What are you doing here?”
“I called her in,” Coulson responded. “To help Fitz.”
“Anyone else know you’re here yet?”
“No,” Y/N replied. “Not yet anyway.”
Everyone was surprised to see Y/N back. But no one risked questioning it, not wanting to get on her or Coulson’s bad sides. She followed Hunter and Coulson to his office, waiting for instructions.
“They’re not HYDRA,” Hunter stated. “You know, I’ve been digging, and my street sources tell me HYDRA’s gone silent. Eerily silent.”
“Really?’ Y/N questioned.
“Yes, but—“
“Yeah, the HYDRA finances we track are static,” Coulson interrupted. “No money’s changing hands.” 
They entered his office, where Mack was waiting for them with pictures of the woman they were tracking up on the monitor.
“And by the looks of the hardware these gung-ho nutters are using,” Hunter added, “they’re well-funded.”
“So if this woman’s not HYDRA, what is she?” Coulson asked.
“Everything else,” Mack answered. “I mean, look at this.” He motioned to the monitor. “Two years CIA.”
“Is that MI6?” Hunter wondered.
“She really gets around,” Y/N muttered, reading off the monitor as well.
“Yeah,” Mack continued, “under which time, she was consulting with the CDC, apparently.”
“All under different aliases,” Coulson stated.
“Oh, I like her,” Hunter commented.
“Me too,” Y/N added with a smirk.
“Yeah, but how are you supposed to track down someone like this?” Mack asked. “We can’t look everywhere.”
“If we can trace that hardware,” Coulson said, pointing to the gun Hunter had brought in, “that could give us a place to start. Take that down to Bobbi in the lab.” Coulson moved over to an open briefcase underneath a red axe. “Have the team analyze it.”
“Oh, no, no, no, no, no,” Hunter quickly refused. “No, no, I’m— I’m…. Not going anywhere near Bobbi.”
“Really?” Y/N questioned. “Again?”
“Fine,” Coulson conceded. “Y/N and I will take it to her. Wouldn’t want you to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable.” Suddenly, Coulson twisted off his left hand.
“Hold up! What is that? And when did it happen?” Y/N pointed at Coulson’s fake hand. “You lost your hand?!”
“Did I forget to mention that?”
“Uh, yeah.” 
“I know that’s sarcasm,” Hunter continued with his rambling. “And I’m choosing to accept your thoughtfulness at face value.”
“Mack, you should head downstairs,” Coulson ordered. “Assist Skye with intake.”
“Daisy,” the other three corrected.
“Daisy. Damn it. Hard for us to get used to, huh?”
“Mm… no.” / “No, just you.” / “I just found out and I seem to be doing okay.”
“Okay. So, what do we know about this Jose Gutierrez?”
“He goes by Joey,” Mack answered. “Construction foreman, motorcycle enthusiast.”
“Appears to be able to liquefy certain metals spontaneously at a distance of up to 3 meters.”
“Good thing I kept Tony home then,” Y/N commented.
“Yeah,” Mack agreed. “And understandably, that development has scared the living crap out of him.”
Mack headed down to help Skye while Y/N and Coulson made their way to the lab. As they entered, the base shook.
“New readings on the monolith?” Coulson asked Bobbi.
“Nope,” she responded. “That was Daisy firing a warning shot.” She turned to see Y/N standing next to Coulson. “Good to have you back, Y/N.”
“I’m not back,” Y/N responded. “Just visiting.”
“Anyway, there’s been no new readings, no new anything on the monolith in months. Fitz even stopped sending automated probes into that room. No one’s stepped foot in there since… Simmons was swallowed up by it.” 
Coulson was staring at the monitor, showing the fed of Daisy and Mack with Joey. “This was fish oil again?” He asked.
“What can I say? We pulled the product off shelves, but we can’t track down every bottle sold. The good news, if you want to call it that, is the deadly metallic elements sank to the bottom.” Bobbi led them to another part of the lab. “So the chemical contaminating the sea life isn’t deadly to humans just game-changing for inhumans. The bad news—“
“It’s not just in the fish oil. Where else could it have spread?”
“Other sea life. With ocean currents, it’s dispersed into the ecosystem.”
“I need to know how wide a range we’re talking.”
“Fitz and I have the team working on a computer simulation.”
“That biology degree’s finally coming in handy, huh?”
“Leaving me stuck staring at screens in here for all eternity.”
“I get it. Rehab’s a bitch. At least you’re not hoping your knee will grow back.”
They had stopped in front of a few scientists working and a glass box with a hand clutching a crystal in it.
“Is that—“ Y/N started. “Is that your hand?”
“Yep,” Coulson answered.
“Sorry,” Bobbi said. “I’m just frustrated. The simulation’s taking a while.”
“Have Fitz look into this, too.” Coulson handed her the gun from earlier. “If we can figure out where it came from—“
“We could narrow the search on the mystery girl.”
“I’m sure she’d prefer mystery woman. Oh, and by the way, where is he? Y/N’s been brought in to help him.”
“He requested yesterday to do some research at SHIELD archives, but I haven’t seen him all day.”
“All call him in. He’s chasing down on last lead on the monolith.”
“I’m guessing he’s had a lot of last leads,” Y/N said.
“Call him in. Tell him I’m here. If you need to, put me on the phone.”
Daisy, Coulson, Mack, and Y/N were all in the common area, watching their new inhuman, Joey, on the monitor.
“He’s going nuts,” Daisy said. “Joey’s have a tough time. The change is hard enough physically. But emotionally, it’s a whole other thing. I tried talking him down, but I blew it in here. And Mack is not exactly coming off as a teddy bear.”
“You just told the guy I’m a teddy bear,” Mack defended.
“And then you told him the best case scenario was his head blown off.”
“I need help, and there’s one person who’s better at that than anyone.”
“Lincoln?” Coulson guessed. “You really want to go there again?” Coulson headed out of the room, the others following.
“He could help with intake. Plus, he understands the physical change. He’s a doctor, whereas we don’t even know what medical treatments to give.”
“Daisy’s got a point,” Y/N agreed.
“Last time you tried to sell him on it, he wasn’t exactly buying,” Coulson said.
“I’d like to try again,” Daisy said.
“Mack, what’s your take?” The paused in the middle of the hallway.
“I voiced my feelings about letting Lincoln roam free,” Mack responded. “I’d gladly drag him in here where he can’t hurt anyone. But if Daisy can talk him in… he might actually do some good.”
“Both of you go. Requisition a flight team and a quinjet.”
“You wanna come?” Daisy asked Y/N.
“I’ll pass on this one since I’m technically here for something else,” Y/N answered, throwing a glare Coulson’s way. “But that plan doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. Now I’m wondering if this was all a ploy to get me back on the team.”
“Hey, Coulson,” Bobbi called from the lab. “Got her.” Y/N and Coulson followed Bobbi into the lab. They stopped in front of a screen with the woman pictured on it. “Weapon is a DARPA prototype. We tapped surveillance at multiple DARPA facilities, got a hit. The DC branch office. She visits every few days.” 
“A routine,” Coulson said. “Tell me there’s a window where we can get to her.”
“It’s a small one. Every night she visits, she leaves at approximately 9:00 pm, with a small security detail. They’re all three dropped at the metro station on 12th. Half an hour later, her escorts buy her a coffee on the walk to the platform. But she boards the 9:35 train alone. Sits in the middle, drinks her coffee, and answers e-mails. It’s the only time she’s alone all day.”
“You’re going in to talk to her aren’t you?” Y/N questioned. “Phil, where the hell is Fitz? And why the hell am I here?” 
“To help Fitz,” Coulson answered.
“Yeah, then where is he?” Suddenly, Y/N could feel Bobbi’s mind.
“Shit,” Bobbi thought, “Fitz is causing some real trouble. If only he would have stayed back like I told him to.”
“I don’t know where he is,” Coulson replied. “If I did, then you’d be helping him.”
“I’m sorry, sir,” Y/N said. “It appears that I’m a little tired. While you are off meeting the woman, I think I’ll stay behind, rest and search for Fitz.”
Coulson was put off by the quick change in Y/N. “Okay… you do that. Let me know how it goes.” Coulson walked way and Y/N spun around to face Bobbi.
“Where is he?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Bobbi responded.
“Cut the crap, Bobbi. Have you forgotten that I can read minds? Where is Fitz?”
“He found a lead in Morocco,” she whispered. “I’ve been covering for him.”
“Is he safe?”
“Lost contact a few hours ago.” 
“Damn it, Fitz. Give me his number. I’m tracking him down.”
“Y/N, I think that—“
“I was literally pulled out of my bed to come here. And I was really enjoying retirement. So, you either willingly give me his number or I force it from you.”
Unfortunately, for Y/N, she had never been to Morocco. So she wasn’t able to create a teleport to get to Fitz. She was working on a tablet in the common area, when the team turned on the tv. President Mathew Ellis was on it, doing a press conference from the White House.
“Good evening,” Ellis greeted. “I’m here tonight to address growing concerns among out citizens of the threats we face that are not of this world. I don’t need to remind people of the catastrophes in New York, London, and, most recently, Sokovia. Tragedies that seem to be growing in number and scale. And the organization we had in place to protect us, SHIELD, brought airships raining down in our nation’s capital.”
“Every day, new dangers present themselves,” Ellis continued, “filling our peaceful streets with chaos. By executive order, I have created a special task force to neutralize these alien threats on our soil. The Advanced Threat Containment Unit, or ATCU, will be given full license to act with whatever authority is necessary. The laws of nature have changed. And until the laws of man change to reflect that, we must do what we feel is right.”
“I’ve never liked Ellis,” Y/N muttered. 
Her tablet finally showed Fitz’ flight. He was coming back. And so she’d wait. Coulson found her that night, waiting alone in the lab and joined her. Neither of them said anything. Suddenly, Fitz came through the doors, tearing off his suit coat as he worked on the small object in his hands. Rolling up his sleeves, Fitz turned and noticed the other two. They slowly come closer to Fitz.
“We’ve been waiting for a while,” Coulson said.
“Had to be done,” Fitz responded. “It’s my last shot.”
“What’s supposed to be in there?” Y/N asked, looking at the object on his desk.
“The answer.”
“You’ve thought you’ve had the answers before,” Coulson said. “I think you’ve considered every possible answer… except the obvious one.”
“That’s why you brought Y/N here, isn’t it?” Fitz continued to work as he questioned them. “To change my mind?”
“I’m only here to help,” Y/N stated.
“You thought Simmons was trapped inside the monolith, but every instrument scan showed the stone was solid all the way through,” Coulson explained. “After hearing about the Pym Technologies disaster, you even thought she’d been reduced to a microscopic level. But no evidence supported that. And now… 
“And now I think—I know—it’s a black hole,” Fitz said, frustrated. “It’s dark matter made solid. It can warp space-time. It— look, regardless— okay?” He picked up the object he’d been working on. “This is gonna tell us exactly what that monolith is. So…” 
Fitz slammed it down on the desk, breaking it open. Coulson and Y/N shared a worried look. Fitz took out an old, rolled up piece of paper.
“Should we scan it?” Coulson suggested. “See if the computer can decipher what the—“
“It’s Hebrew,” Fitz answered, not looking up from the paper. “It’s just one word.”
“What does it mean?” Y/N asked, stepping closer to look at it.
“Fitz,” Coulson carefully called, “I’m gonna make the trip to Sheffield. Jemma’s family to deserves to know that she’s MIA.”
“Ohh,” Fitz scoffed, getting emotional.
“They need to be able to move on. And so do we. You have shown so much heart, never giving up on Simmons, and I will always, always respect you for it. But look around. We need you. We need that big brain of yours and that heart here. Okay? I miss her, too. I’m having a hard time accepting it. All of it. I-I’m on my third hand. But nothing feels normal because nothing will feel normal. Y/N went into retirement, and I know she’s mad I brought her back. May took off on vacation and never came back. So I lost my right hands, too. We have got to accept it, to say goodbye. We need to say goodbye.”
“Jemma would want us to do that, Fitz,” Y/N quietly added, her voice filled with emotion. “Okay?”
Coulson walked away but Y/N stayed back to watch Fitz. He was clearly struggling with this. He paused at the door on his way out of the lab before quickly going in the direction of where the monolith was being stored. Y/N rushed to follow him.
“Fitz!” She called. “What are you doing?”
He grabbed a gun off the wall and marched towards the room. Fitz tore the caution tape away and broke into the room.
“Fitz! Stop!”
Fitz shot at the container, successfully breaking through the lock and straps.
“Fitz!” Y/N rushed up to him, standing in front of him. “I don’t know what you think you’re doing. But it’s not smart. Just think about it for a second!”
Fitz shoved her aside, causing her to fall to the ground, and quickly opened the door to the monolith. He stepped inside it.
“Do something,” he ordered the rock.
Y/N couldn’t do anything but watch. She knew and completely understood how bad he was hurting. It was the same when Bucky fell.
“Do something!” He shouted, breathing heavily. “Do something!” He screamed. “Do something!”
next chapter >
For those who didn’t know, on the series masterlist there is a section that contains the one shots and answered asks for the series. One shot requests and questions are always welcome for this series.
NOTES: from now on the taglist when be added by a reblog. I will reblog it using my second account, @just-dreaming-marvel-2​. Just so that my main page doesn’t get too cluttered.
If you want to be added to the tag list, please dm me or send in an ask.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 3 years
Scintila (Peter Parker x Fem! Reader)
A/N: I loooove this!
Request by Anon:  Hello! Happy 400!! Idk if you guys still write for marvel but can I request "scintila (n); a tiny, brilliant flash; a small thing; a barely visible trait" with Peter Parker if you're still doing those?
Words: 2, 315
Add yourself to the taglist!
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Harley Keener, since meeting the great Tony Stark, has become one more member of the family. And although he’s not the biological son of the businessman, everyone treats him as such.
Pepper, Morgan and Y/N Stark welcomed him with open arms when he needed help and Harley has always been grateful. So much is the connection that he even treats Tony's daughters like his sisters. With Morgan it was easier because she was so young. With Y/N it was a bit strange being the same age, but they managed to be friends and Harley would do anything for them.
He even promised Tony that he would take care of any boy who wants to hurt them. Somewhat exaggerated, but Tony appreciates it, he doesn’t want to intrude much in the life of his teenage daughter.
Another person who has also become a great friend of the family is Peter Parker. Tony adores the boy and admires everything he has done at such a young age, in addition to understanding the role of being a superhero, he also sees him as a teenager that had to mature at a young age.
Harley and Peter study at the same high school, so they became great friends with many things in common. Soon they had a group with MJ, Ned and Betty, who already knew about Peter's identity and Tony's influence.
While celebrating the victory against Thanos, Tony Stark did not hesitate to invite as many superheroes and helpers as he could, including the group of friends.
Harley is having his best life, then he sees his friend Peter rush out onto the small balcony. He doesn’t hesitate to follow him to find out what was happening.
He jumps a bit, but his shoulders fall as he recognizes Harley.
"Hey, man, what's up?” He answers nervous.
"You're good?”
“Great, yeah. Great party, Mr. Stark always gives good parties.”
“Just say it, Parker.”
"Say what?”
"I know you. I haven't seen you so nervous since you met Tony.”
"Me? Nervous? I don't know what you're talking about, I'm having a blast!”
"Why did you go out? Less than five minutes ago I saw you laughing with Ned!” says Harley leaning against the balcony railing.
"I just needed air.”
Harley rolls his eyes.
“You'd feel better if you tell me.”
Peter frowns.
"Are you saying it because you really want to help or do you just want to know the gossip?”
Harley cocks his head.
"A little of both. Okay, more of the latter, but come on, buddy. What’s got you so upset?" He says pretending not to know why. He had his suspicions.
Peter sighs and imitates his friend's position.
"It's not a what, exactly,” His cheeks flush. "There's a girl who-“
“Oh, yeah. Now it all makes sense,” says Harley. He laughs. "It's just that?”
"What? You knew it?" He asks nervously.
"You're not very discreet, Peter," He scoffs. "Actually, I don't know why it took you so long.”
The truth is that Harley saw the exact moment when Peter's panic started and it has to do with the moment MJ arrived at the party just five minutes ago.
Peter groans in frustration.
“Ned has also told me that, but I didn’t believe him. Dammit.”
“Hey, calm down, it's not that bad. There’s nothing wrong with you liking a girl.”
"It's not that I see it as a bad thing, it's just that…” He sighs. "Whenever I’m around her, I don't know, I turn into this stupid machine that can barely say a word. She makes me nervous.”
Harley smiles.
"I understand," He pats his back.
“Yeah, it's the bad thing about being a brainiac. We don't always have the girl, though I'm still hopeful. Just look at Tony.”
“Okay, First thing, are you talking about a specific girl? And Second; Mr. Stark does not count, he is a millionaire.”
“Right," He grins. “A girl I share biology with, but that's not important, Parker. You’re the main guy now,” He points out.
"I don't know what to do, Harley.”
"How much do you like the girl?”
“A lot, she doesn't have an idea. Shit, just look at me now, she barely got here and I couldn't help but run away! And-“ He smiles like a fool, “she looks beautiful, Harley. She always is, but today–”
"Stop before you start drooling,” Harley takes him by the shoulders. "I know what you need, Parker.”
"Confidence, that's what you need. I will help you get enough to encourage you to kiss that girl.”
"What? Kiss her? No Harley, it's not a good idea and less around her– her–“
"This is the right time! Nobody will make fun of you if something goes wrong.”
"That doesn’t help me. Also,” He makes a face. “Suppose I kiss her, what if she rejects me or something? As far as I know, she doesn't feel the same way about me.”
Harley can't resist the defeated look from his friend. Peter’s always there for him when he needs him most and has helped him many times, it is his duty to return the favor.
"Listen to me, Parker,” He shakes him. “Today is the perfect night for you to finally admit your love for the girl you want. Stop overthinking it. Do not think. Just go to her and kiss her, only then you’ll get an answer.”
"I can't just do that, I don't want to make her uncomfortable!” Harley lets go of him and purses his lips.
“Okay, you're right about that. But just a little kiss from her and see her reaction?”
“This plan has many flaws.”
“Peter, at this rate, you’ll never be able to say the simple words 'I like you'. And you, better than anyone, know that time is money. What if the next day she’s gone? I don't want you to regret something you never did.”
Parker analyzes the words of his friend and sighs. "Just one kiss?”
Harley smiles.
"If she asks for more, then go ahead,” Peter rolls his eyes, but he smiles. "Come on Parker. It's your moment, don't think about it anymore!” He goes to the sliding door and opens it. "Kiss her!”
“Alright!” He answers without moving.
“Oh, yeah…” He shakes his head and walks into the house.
Obeying Harley's advice, Peter doesn't make eye contact with anyone else. His gaze is fixed on the target. Harley looks at him proudly from the open door. He watches him get closer to where MJ is laughing with the others, he even notices that Y/N has also arrived. Everything changes when Harley sees Peter approaching her.
“Oh, crap.”
Peter touches the girl's shoulder. She turns smiling when she recognizes the boy, but she does not have the opportunity to say something since Parker's lips collide with hers.
"Holy, shit!” says Harley.
Ned, Betty and MJ look surprised, but the three also share a mischievous grin. The kiss lasts only a few seconds. Peter waits for the girl's reaction.
The palpitations of his heart increase in anticipation. Only until he sees a small smile from Y/N does he feel like his chest is about to explode, but he can't enjoy the moment because someone takes him by the collar of his shirt and pulls him across the place.
"Harley?" the girl asks when she sees her friend's reaction, but it's too late for him to hear her. She returns with his friends. "What has happened?”
Ned shrugs.
"Oh, I know," Betty says with a big smile. "Parker finally dared to kiss you.”
"About time," adds MJ, nodding.
Y/N smiles feeling her face burn.
"You better find out what's going on.”
"And then you tell us," Ned points out.
She follows the path the boys took. She hears her voices and stops before reaching the television room.
"What were you thinking, Parker?”
Peter looks at him confused as he fixes his shirt.
"What? I was doing exactly what you told me!” He says flustered.
“But why did you kiss Y/N!?”
“That was your advice, idiot!”
"That is not true!”
"Stop yelling at me!”
They both growl in frustration. Harley tries to calm his breathing. He walks from one side to the other.
“I don't know if your brain failed and maybe you didn't realize it, but buddy, you got the wrong girl!”
"What? Of course not. Why do you think that?”
"The girl you were talking about is MJ!”
"No," Peter shakes his head. "Of course not. MJ’s my friend!”
"B-but, you–” Harley points at him with his shaking hand. "You panicked when she arrived!”
Peter sighs. "And didn't you notice who she arrived with?”
It looks like Harley's eyes are about to pop out of his face.
"Shit, no,” He pulls his hair. "No, you can't like Y/N.”
"So all that motivational talk was because you thought the girl I liked was MJ?”
"Obviously! Shit, everything was simple. I thought you liked her, Parker, but now…” Harley couldn't feel dumber. He now realizes that Peter tried to warn him. Now it makes sense why he was so nervous.
Peter frowns. 
"If I had told you from the beginning who she was, wouldn't you have helped me?”
Harley sighs heavily.
“Peter, I promised Mr. Stark that I would not allow any boy to break Y/N's heart.”
"And you think I want that?" He says annoyed.
"It's nothing personal,” he tries to get closer, but Peter backs away.
"Of course not," He says sarcastically. “Do you think I want to hurt her? Me?”
"No. I can't believe my friend thinks that of me. You don’t-" He growls. “You don't understand, you don't know how I feel about her, Harley.”
"Peter, I'm just trying to keep my promise.”
“And you didn't even bother to consider or think that I, above all people, am the one who wants to harm her the least? Shit, even I would beat myself up if I do that! Harley, you don't have an idea of everything I would do for her. What I would give to see that smile all the time, her eyes every time she gets emotional…” His voice cracks. "To hear her laugh, hug her when she's sad, take care of her… I would do whatever to see her wrinkle her nose, raise her voice and pace around as if she wanted to dig a hole in the floor and then make up with her favorite ice cream, chips, chocolates and watch her favorite movie…” He sighs. "But you could never know that.”
Harley looks at him in surprise. He had never seen Peter like that. Guilt eats away at him from within.
"Peter, I'm sorry. You… you're right, I didn't give you a chance. I'm very sorry, it's just that– I felt scared. I promised Tony that I would take care of her and even if I hadn't, she is like my sister. I don't want her to get hurt…”
"And everyone says I'm melodramatic!” Both boys look towards the entrance of the room.
"Mr. Stark–”
"How long have you been listening?" Harley asks.
“Enough, kid,” He raises an eyebrow. "As much as I love teenage drama, it caught my attention that this time the protagonist of this drama is my daughter,” He looks directly at Peter. The boy seems embarrassed. "I was shocked to my core.”
"Did-did you see it?" Peter asks.
Tony rolls his eyes. “You are in my party, at my house. I obviously saw it. This happens to me for inviting so many teenagers…”
“Are you upset?”
"No, kid, breathe. I only came because I saw Harley nearly choke you. I don't want blood in my new house. But no, I'm not upset you kissed my daughter, Parker. Actually, it was about time,” He smiles amused. "Thanks to you, I won a bet.”
"Did you bet for them to be together?”
“We all did. MJ and I made good money,” The three are silent for a few seconds. "Well, seeing that you did not kill each other, it’d be better if I returned to the party,” He walks away, but before leaving, he turns to see them. "I appreciate that need to take care of Y/N, but the both of you made a serious mistake.”
“Which one?" They say at the same time.
“You didn’t take my daughter's opinion into account and believe me, that will cost you. I learned it the hard way.”
"I don't think she’d be so upset just by one kiss," says Harley.
"No, not for the kiss. But for everything you just shouted.”
The two boys tense up.
"Did she hear us?”
“Loud and clear,” says Y/N, leaning against the door frame.
"Good luck!” says Tony leaving.
The girl walks into the room and crosses her arms.
"I can explain it–”
“It's not what it seems–”
She raises a hand.
“My dad’s right. You did something bad, but not so serious,” She approaches Harley and kisses his cheek. "Thank you for being a good brother,” she smiles at him, then punches his arm hardly. “That's so you stop making stupid promises. I can take care of myself. You’ll help me only when I ask, not before.”
"Got it,” Harley grunts.
She turns to Peter, who grimaces expecting the blow, but it never comes.
"Harley, this is the time for you to leave us alone.”
“Fine, but don’t do bad things. Tony will know if you do,” He complains as he leaves the place.
"Aren't you going to hit me?”
"I should," She raises an eyebrow. "But, I prefer to kiss you.”
This time the is slow and sweet. He puts his hands around her waist and she plays with Peter's brown curls.
"Everything you said to Harley, was it true?" She asks.
"Every word," Peter whispers against her lips.
Marvel Taglist:
If your username is crossed out it's because Tumblr didn't let me tag you, sorry. If you want to be removed from the taglist, you can tell us, we also make mistakes, lol
@silenthappyplace​ @yourbonesareinmybody​ @tyb1​ @hufflepuffzutara​ @poetryislife0715 
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annebl4cksworld · 3 years
Cold Blood pt.3
WARNINGS: None really, I don’t even think there’s swearing ^^”
NOTE: I do not own any rights to Marvel or The Originals, I have taken content directly from the shows in order to give you a better image of what’s happening! 
A/N: Sorry i haven’t posted in a while, I’ve been going through a lot lately and haven’t had the chance to sit down and keep going.... also I haven’t figured out how to link my chapters yet so I’m sorry for new ppl
Word count: 1,500 (smaller than normal but the next part will be longer so it will make up for it) 
Weak from the hours of spells and torture Rebekah stumbled trying to get away from Klaus, running through doors, falling against walls and eventually ending up in the basement where she met a dead end
“Tired of running?” he called behind her
“I know how much you love the chase and I’d like to deprive you of it” huffing against a wall, watching him round the corner. Klaus was suddenly on his knees and tossing someone away from him, it was Marcel 
“Ah! The lovers reunited, this is actually perfect, I can deal with you both at the same time” pulling the dagger from his belt he waved it in the air. 
“Klaus, it was my idea to call Mikael, he had nothing to do with it” she wheezed moving to stand in front of Marcel, unconscious on the floor.
Before anything else, the blade in Klaus’ hand was driven into his chest. Outside Briar gasped in pain, everything halted to a stop and she fell towards the ground; as the energy field dropped Steve ran for her, grabbing on at the last minute before hitting the ground himself. Briar groaned turning in the arms of the super soldier, she placed her hands on his chest and pushed herself up “Nice save capsicle” 
He turned and sat up after her “don’t call me that” 
“Somethings wrong” Briar brushed his comment off looking over at the sanatorium, she stood and watched as her aunt and Marcel sped out of the door and off into the night. “Oh no” she breathed turning back to see Elijah carrying Klaus with Tony and Natasha right behind them,
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“He did it to himself Briar, I’m taking him back to the compound” Elijah interrupted as he walked past, he placed Klaus in the car and turned back to his niece “What about aunt Rebekah?”
“In hiding; a necessary sacrifice. Go Briar, you don’t need to be here for what comes next, you did your job beautifully. This is between siblings” Elijah placed a kiss on her forehead before getting into the car and driving off.
Briar turned to face the avengers “Ok, when do we leave?” Tony then turning to face Steve “You gonna fight me on this?” Cap clenched his jaw and looked away 
“Seems you’ve already made up your mind” Steve turned to Natasha, “and I for one would like to get out of this city before any other vampires come sniffing around” the redhead flipped her hair and grinned at Briar. 
Once on the quinjet Briar leaning against the wall next to Tony who was flying, she watched steve and he adjusted his uniform, 
“He doesn’t like me” she whispered, Tony shook his head 
“His loss then” winking at Briar she rolled her eyes, “He’s not so great, there’s times where I want to punch him in his perfect teeth” 
“Down boy” Briar glanced Tony's way “what’s got your panties in a twist about him?”
“Grew up listening to how my dad ‘knew captain America’ as if it was some great feat, as if that made him some superior being. What I hate most of all is how freaking polite he is”
“Polite?” Briar scoffed I must have missed that 
“Guy dies and wakes up 70 years later, finds out there’s aliens, androids, wizards and now vampires, witches and werewolves. Let alone someone who is all three; he’s bound to be suspicious. Stand off-ish, hell, maybe even a bit of an ass” 
“Are you defending him? The guy you just said you want to punch in the teeth? I mean he’s got a hell of an ass but-”
“How close are we?” Steve asked cutting Briar off coming to stand behind Tony’s chair 
Nearly 20 minutes out, sir 
Steve nodded and walked away eyeing Briar as he went, she winked, giving a devilish smirk. 
“You were saying?” Tony asked, turning as Steve left. Briar shot him a ‘nevermind’ look shaking her head, she looked out the window as they flew closer to the compound.
Once on the landing strip, the back opened and everyone gathered their belongings. 
“Labs all set up boss” a demanding voice called from outside the ship,
“Oh, no. He’s the boss” Tony turned to face the brunette, who was now on the ship, pointing to Steve who turned his head not making eye contact with anyone,
“I just pay for everything, design everything, make everyone look cooler” 
Briar shrugged and turned to face the brunette, “what’s a girl gotta do to get a drink around here” 
“Hill, status report” Steve called coming to stand in front of them “Sir-“ before she could continue; Steve pulled her from the ship and spoke in hushed tones. Briar huffed, feeling an arm snake through hers, “c’mere darling, I got you” Tony whispered in her ear pulling her off the ship.
Steve watched as they walked by, “I have everything you could dream of and if I don’t I’ll have it flown in, promise.” Tony announced loudly for everyone around to hear, Nat watched Steve watching you, “She doesn’t seem so bad” 
“What’s her deal?” Hill asked 
“Nothing, she’s not a part of the team” Steve stated grabbing the tablet from Hill’s hands to sift through the photos. 
“Top shelf for little old me? Tony you spoil me” Briar winked taking the drink he handed her,
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“You’re going to be meeting the rest of the team soon, a god, an Android, a witch, a rage monster, you know a little of this a little of that. Try to be nice, some of them have-“
“Anger issues?” Briar twisted the glass in her hands “They sound fun, who’s first?” 
“Tony…” a timid man called from the doorway, 
“Banner, - Tony smiled at Briar - Banner is first, what’s the word?” 
“Uh- I need you -um in the lab” without making too much eye contact he walks off 
“He gets nervous around beautiful women, it’s no big” Tony waved his hand dismissively and followed Banner, Briar close behind. 
“The scepter, we were wondering how Strucker was getting so inventive, so I’ve been analyzing the cube and take a look at this.” Banner brought up a holographic image of the cube onto the floor.
“It’s beautiful” Briar commented leaning against the doorway 
“It is; it’s like it’s thinking- i mean this could be- it’s - it’s not a human mind, i mean look at this. They’re like neurons firing.” he paced around the image
“Down in Strucker’s lab I saw some pretty advanced robotics, they deep six the data but… I gotta guess he was knocking on a very particular door.” shrugging Tony watched Banner come to a halt.
“Artificial intelligence.”
“This could be it, Bruce. This could be the key to creating Ultron.” 
“Ultron?” Briar asked sipping her drink,
“Peace in our time Briar. Imagine that?” Tony beamed 
“That’s a mad sized ‘if’ Tony” Bruce rubbed his neck 
“Our job is if what if you were sipping margaritas on a sun dried beach turning brown instead of green? Not looking over your shoulder for veronica” 
“Don’t hate I helped design veronica” Bruce started pacing again
“As a worst case measure right? What about best case? What if the world was safe? what if next time the aliens roll up to the club they can’t get through the bouncer” 
“The only ones threatening the world would be people” Briar stated leaving the doorway to stand beside Tony, offering her drink.
“I wanna apply this to the ultron program but friday can’t download a data schematic this dense, we can only do it while we have the scepter here that’s three days, give me three days” he took a sip of the drink
“So you’re going for artificial intelligence and you don’t wanna tell the team?” staring at Tony nervously,
“Right and you know why because we don’t have time for a city hall debate. I don't wanna hear: the man was not meant to meddle, medley. I see a suit of armor around the world” 
“Sounds like a cold world Tony” Bruce looked back at the image in front of him.
“I’ve seen colder” Briar locked eyes with Bruce 
“this one, this very vulnerable blue one, needs ultron. Peace in our time Banner, that’s all I’m saying” placing a hand on the small of Briars back he led her out of the lab and into the hall.
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sxveme-2 · 3 years
blueberry pancakes // bucky barnes
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Description: A single mother. Juggling being a mom, a full time pediatrician, and a difficult ex who believed now would be the best time to finally be a father. A soldier ripped out of time. Ex-assassin turned superhero. Learning how to balance a new domestic life with handling demons of his past, while facing the trials of the future. a love story began over something as simple as chocolate chip pancakes with hidden blueberries.
Disclaimer: I do not own any original Marvel characters! All canon plots and canon characters belong to Marvel Comics and Marvel Studios. This is an original work. You may not publish it anywhere else
Status: Unedited
Note: Takes place after endgame. I have elected to ignore Tony's death and Steve's leaving. Did not happen. Quick Reminder! My works are only published here, AO3 and on Wattpad, thank you.
Chapter Twenty Eight: The One When He Comes Home
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 2338
   Lily and Cedar sat in the lab for a few moments after she posed her question, eyes locked on one another, trying to figure out what the other was thinking. The two were seemingly two birds of a feather when they were younger, but as age and the years weathered them both, they split into two. Neither truly understanding what was going on in the other's head. Lily used to be able to figure out Cedar in a matter of seconds, but now...he was just a shell of the brother she adored. He wasn't who he used to be. It broke Lily to see him like this, but she wondered if it may be a charade. If his entire presence was a trick done by her parents to get their hands on what they truly wanted out of all of this.
"So are we just going to sit here and stare at each other?" Cedar quipped, shifting in his seat, "Learn that from the assassin you let sleep in the same house as my nephew?"
Lily lowered her eyes at his words, a rage boiling deep inside of her, "What happened to the calm and relaxed demeanour from yesterday?" she questioned, crossing her legs, "And don't speak about James like that. You don't know him."
"What? Not Bucky anymore?"
"Not to you, he isn't."
Both resumed the same tense silence as earlier, though this time, Lily's back stood a bit straighter. Her eyes lowered and focused solely on the expressionless face of Cedar. He was hiding something behind that facade of being too weak, but that may simply be the cynic inside of Lily. Perhaps he was telling the truth. Perhaps her parents used him against his own will. But if she knew Cedar, he didn't do it willingly.
"What do you want, Cedar?" Lily questioned, leaning back in her seat as Natasha walked in with pancakes.
"To help," he stated cooly, eyes glancing to the agent that dropped the two plates in front of Lily and him, "To help you, and the others."
Lily stayed silent as she waited for Natasha to leave the room. When she did, the blonde leaned forward and took a bite of the pancakes. Not as good as hers, but not bad. She watched Cedar carefully, monitoring every flick of his eyes and twitch of his hands. The way his breath increased whenever he heard voices travelling from upstairs. He was anxious, Lily figured that out pretty quickly, but also scared. Of what? She wasn't sure.
"I need the truth, Cedar." Lily stated simply, placing down her fork.
He hesitated, mouth pursing before he took a bite of his own pancakes, wiping his mouth before speaking, "They want something they can't have, Lily," he said in a hushed tone, "something I know you'd be damned before ever giving up."
"What is it?" She questioned, shrugging her shoulders, "Hunter? Because I'll take them on myself before any of you lay a hand on him."
"Any of us? You think so low of me, Lil?"
"I do," she stated harshly, voice shaking, "I do Cedar. Rose does too. So does Hunter. So does James."
"So your boyfriend's opinion on me means more than everything we've been through?" He scoffed, pushing his plate away.
Lily watched intently. Everything was going as Bucky had instructed her. He wanted her to rile him up, get his emotions going to reveal something they didn't know before. It hurt her, it destroyed her, but she knew he was right. She knew that the man before her was not her brother, but someone else wearing his skin. Maybe had his heart, but not his soul. This was someone who had been corrupted into something far more extreme than he realized. His actions put so many people in danger, and in harm's way, including Lily, and her son.
"What we've been through?" Lily chucked, shaking her head, "No. No Cedar this isn't about what we've been through. This is about what you aren't realizing. I hold James' opinion higher because he was there to put things into perspective for me when you, mom, and dad, were off doing your little experiments."
"This has nothing to do with him." Cedar stated simply, shrugging his shoulders in a menacing mockery of Lily.
"This has everything to do with him. He is my family now Cedar," Lily sneered, "And you have decided to mess with my family. You stopped being family when you tried to hurt my son."
"Oh my god, this has nothing to do with Scott's either!" Cedar exclaimed, standing to his feet and pushing the chair away.
"Why were you there, Cedar?" Lily asked, her voice as calm as a river after a storm.
"Can we not do this-"
"Why were you there?"
"You can't be serious right now, Lily!"
"Answer me!"
"TO GET HUNTER!" Cedar exploded, flipping the plate off the table, causing Lily to jump away out of instinct, "AND TO GET YOU! TO BRING YOU HOME! SO YOU COULD BE LIKE US!"
Lily stared at the man, analyzing the words of his confession. Her heart raced and chest was rising and falling at a rate that showed she was close to tears. Her lips quivered and eyes were wide. She knew he didn't mean their actual home. She didn't know where he meant. But it wasn't the calm, two story, eco friendly home in Long Island. It was where this new Cedar had been made. Because her parents were going to start with their own family. Make them new, and make them into the icons that the world "needed".
"Well that was quite the show." Tony's voice echoed as he stepped into the lab, "Glad to know Cyborg doesn't just have old gears in his head." The man quipped, turning his attention to Cedar, "C'mon. Don't make this arrest harder than it already will be."
Cedar's eyes dropped down to Lily, who was shaking slightly in her seat. Her own eyes dropped down to the broken plate on the floor, her mind racing as memories resurfaced. The feeling of betrayal sat heavy in her stomach, and she knew that it was her own doing. She should have fought harder for him. Made him confess that he was being manipulated or controlled. Anything to prove that what Cedar was doing was not his true intent, not his true wishes. But she knew that it was, all from the heavy breathing escaping from his mouth as he sneered down at his sister. The way he looked at her, that of disgust and hurt. She could only imagine what her own looked like.
"You've become a coward, Lily." He spat, before turning towards Tony.
Two hours later, Lily sat in her bed with the blankets pulled tightly up to her chin. Tears ceased to fall from her cheeks, seemingly having run out. Her body shook as the dry heaving took over her quiet sobs. No one dared ask to talk, not even Rose. Steve tried at first, and earned a pillow being thrown at him by the broken woman. Her hands were numb and aching from the grip she held on the blankets, trying to hide away from the world. She hated herself for what she did, despite it being the right thing.
The sound of a helicopter or plane above the compound set Lily's heart off into a frenzy. Either someone was visiting, or Bucky was coming home. With Cedar's confession and evidence of DNA altering from Tony and Bruce's tests, she could only assume that they had enough to convict her parents of whatever. But she didn't move from her spot. She couldn't. She didn't want to see him. She didn't want to face the truth of what happened. What she did. She betrayed her own family. But most of all, she failed.
She raised Cedar. She cooked for him, bathed him, did everything for him. She swore to protect him at all costs. Keep him safe from all the dangers of the world, just as she had sworn to Hunter. Instead, she let him fall into the hands of her parents. Those same parents she came to realize were the farthest thing from that. They provided food, and a shelter, sure, but they weren't parents. They never cared for Lily, they never cared for Rose, and all they ever did to Cedar was us him. Convince him of things she knew for a fact weren't true. Maybe that's why he went to them. Trying to fill that hole of not having them as a child.
He was her brother. And she said he wasn't even family anymore.
Her eyes lifted as her bedroom door opened, the face of her son popping around with sad eyes. Lily immediately released the blankets and wiped her eyes, opening her arms to Hunter as he walked forward. When he climbed onto the bed, Lily gave a weak and clearly forced smile. She knew he could see through it, but she figured any sense of comfort that he could get, would help in the times he was experiencing. Hunter sat across from her with his legs crossed, mirroring her own position.
"Uncle Cedar is getting arrested," he whispered, voice barely louder than the wind.
"I know," Lily whispered, nodding slowly as she pursed her lips, "They won't try to hurt us anymore. Ever. I promise."
Hunter wiped his eyes as he crawled into his mom's arms, curling into her shoulder as his warm tears dropped onto her collarbone. The world fell away as she listened to his heavy breathing. Her fingers ran soothing circles down his back, her own pain putting itself on the backburner. Hunter was her main priority right now. It didn't matter what she said, what she did, as long as Hunter was in her arms. He was safe, healthy, and with her. No one out there trying to hurt him or get to him anymore. Because she sacrificed what she needed to.
Maybe more than she intended to.
"Can't you give them a bit?" a hushed voice echoed from outside of her room, "She's been crying for two hours." Steve continued, his voice growing closer as boots tapped on the ground.
"Steve, that is the woman he loves in there," Sam retorted back, "I need to tell her. We also need to talk about her parents' arrest."
"She just helped have her parents and brother arrested, don't you think she deserves a few minutes alone with her son?"
Silence fell. No one breathed, no one spoke. The only noise was the soft cries from the boy Lily held in her arms. Her own heart seemed to cease from beating as the familiar voice of Sam replayed through her head. Something happened. Something terrible happened. Lily didn't want to hear it. She didn't want to know. Whatever Bucky did, she knew it wasn't good. Whether it was sacrificing himself, or forcing Sam to leave. But she figured out pretty quickly he didn't arrive home with Sam. Which only scared her more.
The creak of the door handle set Lily's heart in motion once more. Sam's face poked around, a large bruise on his eye and gash across his cheek.
"Where is he?" She croaked.
Arrested. Her parents were arrested. And she was at her wits end. She couldn't do it. So when Sam told her he didn't know where he was, Lily snapped. She packed everything, put Hunter, Rose, and Joey in the car and was gone. No one tried to stop her. No one tried to get her to stay. They knew there was nothing they could have said. Lily Osborne was sick and tired of being caught up in the Avengers.
She couldn't do it.
No one spoke. Not a word was exchanged as Lily drove back down to the small home she missed. It was enough. But when she turned the corner, a car stuck out to her. One in her driveway she never saw really. She'd seen it, but she and him never used it. They used her car primarily. But her blood boiled as she pulled in and stormed into the house.
There he was, bruised and battered, sitting on her couch.
"Rose," Lily called back, "Take Hunter to Gen's."
Bucky's face fell as he listened to her words. Dread took over his face and Lily slammed the door, her face hard and aggressive. The anger she always hid away fought its way to the surface as he stayed sitting. Neither spoke, neither breathed. The only noise was the air conditioner that warmed the house around them.
"Hi Doll."
"Do not call me that," Lily exclaimed, slamming her keys down and walking across to the living room, "You do not speak right now. You sit, and listen. Because I have had enough, James."
And he did as told. He readjusted in his seat and waited for the hell that Lily was about to unleash.
"You have roped my family into something," she snapped, "I'm tired. I'm so tired. I am so tired Bucky."
"I kno-"
"No! No Bucky you don't know!" She exclaimed, tugging at her hair, "You made a promise to me. You promised me you would keep us out of danger. And here we are, after two weeks of sitting in an Avengers Compound because we were in danger."
"Lily please-"
"No I'm not done talking," she retorted, eyes bearing down into him, "I felt so sick these past weeks. Not knowing where you are, what you're doing. If you're alive! I sat in my bed like the dotting wife who was waiting for you. But for the love of GOD Bucky I can't keep doing that!"
"Lily I'm retiring."
"No don't do that," Lily whispered, tears rolling down her face, "Because you know that's not true. You will say you're done and they will rope you right back in."
"Lily- "
"Get out. Get out Bucky. I'm tired. I'm done."
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Somebody Sweet to Talk To ❁︎ 𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄
Pairing: Harry Osborn x Plus Size Reader
Word Count: 6k
Gif credit: @mayahawkes
Summary & Warnings || Series Masterlist
Extra warning for this chapter: reader shows some signs of anxiety/mood changes.
𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤 𝐭𝐨
𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤 𝐭𝐨
❁︎ ・・・・・❁︎ ・・・・・ ❁︎ ・・・・・❁︎
Monday arrived too soon, and you dreaded it more than any other week from the school year. Entering the library, you had walked directly toward your usual table and took your laptop and headphones out in order to do homework but everyone around you was staring, almost impatiently, and it was extremely distracting.
It didn’t matter if you finished early or not, Tony had given you the entire week free and changed your working schedule to only Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday unless there was too much to do or emergencies. Seeing as it was better than not having a job at all, you didn’t dare fight him when you knew he was trying to favor you.
The therapy thing... that was different. Maybe you had taken advantage of the fact that Tony and Bucky were mentally ill too by reminding them how cruel medical professionals tended to be toward their patients and even more so when the patient was a fat woman, and maybe you could’ve approached the topic in a more neutral way to not make them feel so damn guilty; yet you didn’t think about it at that moment, too scared of going back to hear that you would never get better, or that you were a problematic person, or therapists simply denying you treatment until you lost weight.
A hand encapsulating yours took you out of your self-absorptive episode. You didn’t need to look to know it was Harry, the slight warmth from his palm that was so different from any hand you had felt on you was becoming familiar.
That was a problem. You spent the entire Sunday going through it and pondering on telling him it would be better to knock it off. You still decided you could tame your newfound feelings and keep faking being in a relationship with him in exchange for friendship.
Snatching your headphones off, you did turn to look at him. He was seemingly analyzing you, “are you okay?” his question was made in a whisper.
“Yeah, I’m just... struggling to focus.” You nodded upward at the now black screen from your computer. You had definitely lost more time than you thought.
“I know, I finished my homework already.”
Looking down at your wristwatch, you realized Harry had gotten there an hour ago. “Sorry, I—“
“It’s okay,” he interrupted, giving your hand a squeeze before moving to store his supplies. “Pete told me you had a tough weekend.”
Humming, you stored your supplies too just to entertain yourself. You hated when people talked about your health without your consent, it was extremely intrusive and made you feel vulnerably uncomfortable. Had Peter told Gwen too?
The answer didn’t take long to come. Fingers intertwined with Harry’s, you left the library to where Peter and Gwen must’ve been waiting for the two of you. The blonde looked at you with empathy, almost pity, and flashed one of those smiles that unknowingly made you feel worse.
Your fake boyfriend must’ve processed it the same way or felt you tense because he ran his thumb over the back of your hand soothingly. He then breathed a smile, making you turn to inquire what was going on. He nodded upward to gesture at the front crystal doors and it was like you could breathe properly again — it was raining.
The smell enhanced your senses as the four of you abandoned the building, Harry’s steps slowed down in contrast to Peter’s hurried ones. You could have cried as consistently as the sky was doing, Harry was being thoughtful and extremely kind to you by allowing you a relaxing moment and you hadn’t even asked for it.
He threw his keys at Gwen, telling her to not wait for you because you would walk to The Compound. It was a bad idea, walking under the rain when the season was about to change, yet you didn’t dare say no — you couldn’t when as much as you knew the water falling onto you was cold, you felt warm inside.
There was no need for Harry and you to still hold hands, or to stroll so closely to each other — both of you knew, both ignored it. Having a friend was nice, someone to go to the movies with, talk about everything and nothing, bake together, walk down the rain in silence with slow strides to relish into the aliveness only nature could grant.
Walking slowly didn’t bother him this time, getting soaked didn’t either. He had never seen the face of a person look younger so quickly, he had never even paid attention to those things before and now wondered why when it was so satisfying to watch. In that case, the satisfaction could’ve come from the fact that he was part of it, not an important one in his mind but it was something. You were starting to relax beside him, the frown you had been carrying since he got to the library long gone as your upper body slumped a little. He had helped achieve that, and for a split minute, nothing else mattered until he thought what would his father say if he knew Harry’s biggest accomplishment up to that day had been relaxing his —fake— girlfriend.
“We don’t have to get in if you don’t want to,” he whispered, almost hopeful so he could be in you relaxed and consequentially soothing presence for a little longer.
“I don’t want you to get sick,” you said, softness oozing from your tone in an attempt to show him you were more than grateful.
Either of you wasn’t wet enough to be soaked, both made the observation in distinct ways. His hoodie, in fact, was wet, just like his hair, but his jeans looked almost dry — your hair looked different due to the water, your jacket seemed darker, and there was a waterdrop on top of your right eyelash that he couldn’t keep himself from wiping.
Dropping your backpack onto one of the sofas, you peeled your jacket off. Harry did the same with his book bag and took his hoodie off. Before he could drop it, you took it from his hand.
He tilted his head. You chuckled, “I’ll put it in the dryer so it doesn’t get ruined.” He blinked rapidly, a nod being the only answer he could give.
He watched you walk away, heart dropping as you disappeared further into the hallway and made a turn. God, what was happening to him? He missed the warmth from your palm already, irradiating into his even though yours was smaller, and filling his entire system with a feeling he had never experienced; a week had taken him to become needy for your touch, that attention you gave so selflessly when he spoke, your wise and poignant comments that you always seemed to finish with an interested question of his opinion, your soft lips that made everything around him fade away.
“Here,” you whispered, almost bashfully. He focused his eyes on you again, realizing he had been staring at nothingness. A piece of clothing was being offered by your right hand as with the left one you made signs at someone behind him. “It’ll fit you loosely because it’s mine, but you’ll be warm.”
Fuck. Harry had never met a kinder person than you. He couldn’t believe Peter and Ned had said you were everything but, it was impossible for them to be talking about the same woman. He took the soft fabric in his grasp, sliding it down his head before slipping his arms in — it fitted him better than both of you had considered.
Peter was horrified to see his male best friend in a familiar blue sweatshirt, eyes wide as he and Gwen went back to the living room after spending time alone in his bedroom. His two best friends were sat almost flushed against the other, you type in your laptop as Harry slanted his head to read whatever you were redacting.
Gwen was worried, she thought Harry would keep his distance after the conversation they had. But now, watching him give you all his attention and hearing him ask about your homework like it was the most interesting topic someone could talk about, she realized there was no point in tearing you apart. Her boyfriend thought otherwise, and it worried her too — Peter, being Peter, was getting obsessive.
When you were done, you uploaded the essay to the school’s interface and closed the laptop. Standing up, you arranged your backpack in the way you liked and then did the same with the laptop case.
“Does any of you want something from the kitchen?” you asked, surprising them.
Gwen nodded, bashfully. “Camomile tea, if you can.”
“Of course,” you nodded too.
Harry followed you toward the kitchen, not wanting to be under Peter’s annoyed gaze that he honestly didn’t understand anymore. Snorting when you started peeling the gigantic orange he bought for you once the kettle was on the burner, he sat on a stool.
You offered him some fruit, the ghost of a smile appearing on your face when he took half of the orange. It was surprisingly tasty, you hadn’t expected that from its size.
Endearingly vexing was a good way of describing oranges, he had to agree. Harry avoided them most of the time because of how changing their flavor was, but now he was starting to think they weren’t that bad — they would never beat apples, though.
Tony poured himself some coffee, watching you comfortably eat fruit. He also saw Harry’s sweatshirt and couldn’t hide the teasing smirk from plastering on his face when you turned to gaze at him. He was happy you hadn’t ended things with Harry, no matter what Tony thought of Norman he knew the kid wasn’t at fault — he also suspected Harry was mistreated by his dad and couldn’t help but be biased.
“Does Gwen like sugar in her tea?” You wondered out loud.
Harry shrugged. He didn’t know a lot about Gwen even though she was his best friend, the blonde didn’t make him part of everything. You ignored him and carried the teacup in a hand and the sugar bowl in another, making him once again inwardly question why everyone thought of you as a heartless person.
And because you weren’t what people said you were, he grew more nervous about introducing you to his father. Norman tended to treat people who weren’t Harry with respect and even empathy, but what if he didn’t like you? What if he found you to be dumb for supposedly dating his son? Harry didn’t want to put you through one of his dad’s weird episodes, but he didn’t want his dad to laugh at him if he said you had an emergency to take care of either.
He saw you try to smile warmly at Gwen when handing her the cup and decided it would be better to warn you the next day when the mood wouldn’t be soured.
“We’re watching Footloose when Pete finishes his homework, do you two want to join us?”
“Sure,” both shrugged and said at the same time. Sharing a look, something that in the week you had been close had become second nature, you saw each other’s brows twitch in curiousness.
Too focused on the movie to pay attention to whatever couple-y thing Peter and Gwen were doing, you sat with your shoulders brushing. Harry shifted to rest his head on the arm of the couch, his hand brushing yours so you’d get the hint. Your head dropped onto his arm as you shuffled to make sure you would squash him, none of your eyes leaving the screen.
Tuesday brought mountains of homework and a scorching sunny afternoon. Wednesday was the opposite, that morning Harry found himself staring at the blue sweatshirt laying on his desk chair to decide if it would be a good idea to wear it again. The fabric still smelled of the softener you used, a custom one Stark bought for you every few weeks — there was a slight sweetness under the freshness of the scent and he marveled at how suiting it was.
Caving in, he snatched the sweatshirt and hoped Peter wouldn’t react like the other time. His best friend was getting distant, he got annoyed easily too — Harry thought him to be jealous, confirming his theory of Peter having feelings for you; Harry also thought himself to be envious of the finding.
Peter always got what Harry wanted, but this was different. This time he had put himself in that situation, almost begging to be thrown to the side when he wasn’t useful anymore. The day was approaching if the pattern wasn’t broken, and it didn’t hurt him because his dad would laugh or because he would probably still see you every day, it hurt him because he had never felt so safe in someone else’s presence.
He took a whiff of the sweatshirt as he slid it on, the memory of the first time he got to smell the scent coming to his mind.
It had been a while since he put a foot in the university. Harry had hit rock bottom, an overdose almost took his life and the worst part of it was how badly he wished it had. Out of spite, because he didn’t think he should let his father win every single battle, he decided to get help. Rehabilitation centers weren’t pretty, nor comfortable, and their usefulness could be up for debate; but Harry learned many things about himself there: his needs and dreams, his potential that he didn’t believe in most of the days, the fact that if he tried and wanted hard enough he could be a good person and a successful professional.
Peter was with Ned outside of the building when he arrived, waiting for someone that wasn’t him. Their greetings were effusive, brotherly, he felt good in their arms when he allowed them to hug him. But the feeling was nothing compared to the somersaults his stomach made when something he could only describe as hot cocoa on a winter day filled his nostrils.
You were dressed in casual clothes, he remembered them perfectly as he swung his backpack over his shoulder. Dark jeans, skater vans, a yellow sweatshirt that made you look radiant even though your eyes were sad. You greeted them three politely and Peter introduced you briefly, after that you made your way through the door and into the crowd — Harry couldn’t stop staring at the spot you had disappeared from, and Ned caught it so he said, ”been there, not even got to try and do that.”
Warnings came. Your reclusiveness, the way you closed off when a loved one did something that mildly upset you and how easily you got upset. Peter said you were like a sister to him, that not even he could get your shell to crack. ”She’s shyer than me, and I’m not even sure if she likes people,” Peter had sighed sadly.
Your career paths didn’t have anything to do with the other, not a single class was shared. Free hours you did share, but Harry followed his friends’ advice because it was simple curiosity and he needed different things, he didn’t need to fix people because he couldn’t.
But now, now he wished he had tried like Ned didn’t. He didn’t understand why he was feeling like that so soon, and he didn’t want to understand — it would be useless. Maybe all this time he had harbored a crush, or maybe it was the particular enticement that only the forbidden could provide, or maybe —just maybe and that was all— he was falling easily for the first person to be unapologetically themselves around him.
Harry knew that Peter held off, Ned always followed what Pete and Betty did, and Gwen was scared of him because of his past. If you explicitly knew about it and had lied when he asked, you were a master at masking it, and if you didn’t know about it he was sure you wouldn’t react badly to the news.
You would probably praise him again for learning to not lash out at people, he could picture your neutral semblance upon hearing all about it as he entered the classroom to take his first lecture of the day and a sigh slid past his lips.
Bouncing your leg, you slid the collar of your hoodie up to the bridge of your nose in exasperation. Harry’s cologne made you sigh heavily against the soft fabric, a part of you regretted having put it on while the other marveled at how the smell had clung to the fabric just by being against his arm. The grey material was comforting enough, but his smell was the real treat and you hated to know it, you hated not being able to help it.
Thoughts of Peter still swarmed around your mind, you still felt pangs on your chest when Gwen sat on his lap or when they kissed in front of you. But they weren’t constant anymore, you were too busy between getting your master’s degree, your wavering mental health, and Harry’s deep voice. At that, you would have to add your job next week, but you’d manage. You were almost as good as Tony at multitasking, writing nomenclatures down while craving your fake boyfriend’s presence would be aced — you even were sure you could get a doctorate on it and the thought chilled you to the bone.
You assumed you were thinking like a teenager — you hadn’t even thought like that when you were a teenager! You had been too lost into your self-hate and problems at home to have the time to behave like a teenager or to want to be one... Not wanting to think about it anymore, you focused on your homework for the day.
A shadow was cast on your notebook, prompting you to look upward. The sight of Harry in your sweatshirt made your heart skip a beat. “Peter left early,” he whispered to not be kicked out of the library, cellphone in hand. “He took my car.”
You nodded, aware of his eyes being on you. “I’m almost done.”
“Want me to ask for an Uber?”
“I can walk,” you assured him, scribbling down the answer you were halfway through. Gloomy days had never bothered you, they were common for you.
You waved at Ned goodbye as you walked across the hallway, the shorter man lifted an eyebrow upon realizing Harry and you were truly holding hands. You had to keep the act up, of course, people would talk about a supposed break up otherwise. You cursed, making Harry worriedly gaze at you.
“You’ll have to carry my cellphone this time around,” you explained. “These pants don’t have pockets and it can crack in my backpack.”
He extended his free palm for you to place the device on it. Sliding it into his pocket carefully, he continued walking.
The first two minutes of walk toward the compound were silent until he took his AirPods out. “Wanna listen to some music?”
“Sure.” You stopped so he could choose a playlist in his phone as you slipped the AirPod he had offered in your ear.
His musical taste was as pleasant as his company, as mixed as his conversation. It made you wonder why Peter and Gwen didn’t spend more time with him. He wasn’t like everyone said at all, it was true he was distant most of the time and even more when he didn’t know people but you found that natural, he had many qualities and peculiarities that made him so unique... you had met many people in your life, you were good at reading them all and you got bored easily of them because of that. Harry wasn’t easy to read, and knowing him meant getting more interested in his intellect and how different it was from the people around you. He wasn’t dumb, and although a genius either, but he was knowledgeable enough in many topics, he had a way with words when he got comfortable and his opinions were quite radical for conventional expectations, he was sensitive and patient, — you utterly adored that about him, much to your dismay.
Humming to the songs both knew, you swung your clasped hands a little bit. Upon approaching the compound your steps slowed down to finish the current song, something that had happened so often throughout the walk that his car was already parked outside.
“You came here on foot in this weather?” A familiar voice screeched as you closed the door.
You stopped abruptly at that. Fuck, fuck, fuck, this was worse than liking Harry. “Dad,” you greeted through a small smile, letting your fake boyfriend’s hand go. “I didn’t know you were coming.”
“I texted you an hour ago.” Your dad’s eyes were on you, brows lifted in expectancy of an explanation.
Harry handed you your cellphone so you could check. Pressing the button to look down at the screen you found a photo of your own self as a lock screen. It had been taken earlier, and you had to admit he was right when he said he was good at taking photos, the lighting in the school’s library wasn’t ideal and still, the angle was so good you didn’t look as bad as you often did and the way you were looking up —surely at him— made your eyes shine.
“Sorry,” Harry apologized behind you, “I gave you mine.”
You turned around to face him, “didn’t we talk about... that?”
He nodded, taking his cellphone from your hand and placing yours instead. “We said I wouldn’t put (Your Favorite Artist) in a plaid shirt as a lock screen.”
“We said you wouldn’t put me.”
“We said you wouldn’t send me a photo of yours to put, never that I couldn’t take it and put it.”
Inhaling and exhaling deeply, you nodded. He was right, you should have been more specific. The short conversation wasn’t helping your case, now your dad knew something was going on between you two and you didn’t want him to; it was fake, and you didn’t want to introduce your dad to a fake boyfriend when the relationship wouldn’t last more than a few weeks more because of its nature. To be fair, it would last only a few weeks even if it was real but the point stood, strongly.
You felt so small you could’ve scurried off and in your mind, no one would even realize. Both men stared at each other with curiosity, your dad was trying to intimidate Harry and it would have worked if he hadn’t been Norman Osborn’s son.
Gwen, God bless her, cut through the slight tension. “Your dad was telling us you liked to play doctor as a ki—“ the blonde’s eyes widened as she stood in front of you when your dad moved out of the way to look at her as she spoke, the sight of Harry’s attire wasn’t one she had expected. “Did you wear... your girlfriend’s clothes to school?”
Harry cleared his throat, “out of coincidence.” He nodded to make emphasis, avoiding looking at anyone in particular.
Peter called for Harry. “Can I talk to you in private, Har?”
The tallest young man nodded, casting you a sideways glance. You blinked rapidly, too nervous suddenly. There was nothing wrong with sharing clothes, and Peter knew the reason why you had lent Harry a sweatshirt in the first place — why did you feel like you’d get an anxiety attack at any moment?
Peter leaned against the closed door, crossing his arms against his chest — he knew Harry wouldn’t be intimidated, but he had to get the point across of how serious the topic would be. Harry lifted his eyebrows, signaling for Pete to start talking.
“What are you doing, Harry?” Harry just stared at his best friend. Peter set his jaw. “I told you to stay away from her, and now you’re wearing her clothes to school!”
“She’s my girlfriend,” Harry defended his actions. “You share clothes with Gwen, why can’t I share clothes with (Y/N)?”
“That’s not the point! The point is you shouldn’t be dating her.”
’Here we go again’ Harry thought. Peter had annoyed him with that every time he stared at you, even when he didn’t do it on purpose. “Why, Peter? I’m not forcing her!”
“Because it’s weird! You’re like my brother and she’s like my sister, I know the two of you very well and I know you’re not right for each other.”
Harry huffed, pinching his nose to keep himself from rolling his eyes. “You and Gwen keep saying that but you never say why!” He exploded. “Peter, I adore you, man, but only (Y/N) and I know how our relationship is like.”
“I’m worried,” Peter hurried to explain. It was clear he didn’t mean to offend Harry. “Maybe at least take it slower? She needs a lot of patience, more than we can give her.”
Harry didn’t really get why Peter was telling him the same Gwen did days ago, but he nodded in understanding. His best friend pushed himself off the door and opened it, letting him out of the room first.
The living room was dead silent. Harry observed you weren’t there, but your belongings were. Gwen nodded upward, toward the hallway you had guided him through after your first ‘date’. Seeing him tilt his head, she withdrew her cellphone. His own device buzzed in his jean pocket.
He found you with your back against the wall, cornered near the outdoor table. As he got closer , he saw the slight shake of your upper body. Harry silently sat beside you, trying not to stare too much so you wouldn’t feel uncomfortable. From the corner of his eye, he caught the tremble of your lip and how you bit down into it — he hated that you were trying not to cry in front of him.
You were angry. Gwen had tried to apologize for her impressed state but it was of no use, your dad asked why didn’t he know about your boyfriend which angered you, he hadn’t called in a month — how could you say anything if he didn’t contact you? Your cold answer had been that the relationship was very new, but instead of moving on your dad had to make a comment about how it seemed like it had been longer.
It was like everyone was trying to decide how you should live your life or how you should develop your relationships. You understood that it looked like Harry and you were moving fast, but it wasn’t real — it wasn’t real and it bothered you which made it more fucked up.
The cataclysm was the inquiry that came before that. Your dad had asked if you were happy, prompting Gwen and Tony to perk up to stare at you. All that focus on you had made you nervous, so you explained you were comfortable. It hadn’t been enough for your dad who insisted on speaking about your happiness.
You hadn’t expected him to push it, and you didn’t know where the question had come from when he implied the relationship was too volatile due to its newness. His severe look as he reminded you how fast you were moving had been too shocking, and so you exploded, done with the stupid conversation already, saying you didn’t know if you had ever been happy.
Your own comment had dawned on you like an ice-cold water bucket poured harshly onto the head. It had soaked you in sudden anguish, adding itself to the list of things that chilled you to the bone although this one felt deeper, it seeped into every fiber of your being and still had enough composition to leak in the form of tears.
Harry got closer to you, wrapping an arm around you to pull you even closer. “It’s okay,” Harry murmured. His free hand slid up to trail up and down your back.
You shook your head, it was everything but okay. You didn’t dare to tell him and prayed for the first time in years that no one in the living room had.
The memory of the last time you prayed only worsened your state. You did the only thing that came to your mind and threw your arms around his shoulders, with your face hidden in the crook of his neck as you continued crying.
He massaged the nape of your neck softly with the hand that had been on your upper back. Harry wasn’t very good at consoling people, he was only doing what he would’ve liked someone to do with him. Feeling you sob, he tightened the arm around you to muffle your cries.
“Harry, let me calm her down,” Bucky, whom Harry hadn’t heard come outside, muttered, “she can get angry and it’s not—“ he interrupted himself when the young man shook his head.
Your hands started shaking at Bucky’s words and Harry didn’t think to let you go would help. He realized that when Gwen told him you had deep issues she had meant anger issues or something of sorts by the way Bucky was staring at your back as if you would explode at any second.
Slowly shifting to a kneeling position on the concrete, he flushed your body to his, your face fell onto his shoulder and slid to his chest. He rocked you lightly, only enough for the movement to be processed by your brain without startling you. He knew it would work, he had seen you rock yourself sideways a few times.
As your sobs simmered down, the shake of your hands did too and you placed them firmly on his shoulders. Parting from him to sniff comfortably, you avoided his eyes.
He kissed your forehead, shushing you from apologizing. He would’ve done that at least, and the thought of you doing it almost broke him there. He withdrew an arm off you, tightening the other one so you wouldn’t move. Taking his cellphone out, he texted Gwen again so his friend would bring him his backpack.
Gwen hurried to do it, holding it for him to open it.
“There are Kleenex in the front pocket, give me a few?”
The blonde worked quickly, withdrawing the pocket-sized pack of Kleenex and retrieving a couple from it. Harry took them with his free hand, wiping your tears slowly to not hurt your skin. You giggled nervously when he tried cleaning your nose, snatching the Kleenex from his hand to do it yourself.
You mumbled that you needed to wash your face, prompting him to nod as he moved his arm away from your body. Harry followed you inside, telling you he would be back in a few minutes as you made your way toward the elevator to get to your room.
Washing your face wouldn’t be enough. You needed a hot shower and a Xanax. For the second one, you would have to eat something first but that could be fixed later. The hoodie you took off carefully, laying it softly on the bed. Kicking your sneakers off, you peeled yourself off the remaining clothes quickly, desperate to feel clean again.
The sense of dirtiness didn’t have to do with Harry, or with anyone downstairs. The realization that you had never experienced happiness, that realistically your chances of ever doing it were pretty low... it was too much. It made you feel less than nothing— dirty for once thinking you could be normal, have normal relationships like everyone else did.
One thing, out of the multiple ones, you had always enjoyed of taking showers was its sound and how it could be confused with rain if you closed your eyes tightly enough. Opening the shower, you got in immediately and allowed yourself to breathe slowly.
You were getting dressed when someone knocked on your door, presumably to check on you. Hurrying to get into a pair of shoes, you left the walk-in closet, crossed the bedroom, and swung the door open.
“Hi, so...” Harry scratched the back of his head, worriedly examining your face. “I don’t know which soup is your favorite and I can’t make your favorite soup if I don’t know which is it, can I?”
You stuttered, confused by the fact that he wanted to cook for you. “Uh— you don’t have to.”
“I want to, tell me.”
Sighing heavily, you lifted a hand only to slap it down against your thigh and simply told him what to add and how.
“Got it!” He assured, turning on his heel to go back downstairs.
Harry trotted down the stairs quickly, skipping a few steps. He could feel Peter and Gwen staring at him, sat around the dining table to have a better view. It should’ve made him feel nervous but he felt confident he would do it fine, the instructions were clear and he wasn’t stupid.
What compelled him to make soup for his fake girlfriend who had cried her soul out while clinging to him earlier was a mystery. A mystery as scary as welcomed. He was starting to enjoy showing more of himself to you and in consequence to the people involved in your daily lives — a sharp contrast to what he felt on Saturday. Aware of that, he wondered if he should say something about it.
In three days you would be sat in front of his dad. In three days you would be scared off. In three days he would be back to feel alone. He would lose the warmth and scent he liked so much, the complicit looks, the music recommendations, the intellectual stimulation, the hope for everything to be okay one day.
He wished there was a way to keep it from happening, but the odds were against him. His only chance was that you’d be willing to keep faking it, and how fine he was with just that startled him.
You hesitated going downstairs when you were summoned but ultimately decided to do it so Harry wouldn’t feel bad. Gwen lightly patted your thigh as you sat down in a kind gesture that you realized meant she was glad you were feeling better. She didn’t tell you anything directly, but she very nicely started speaking to everyone around the table so they wouldn’t bother you while you ate.
Harry sat to your other side, participating in the conversation and sporadically giving you his attention to making sure you were okay.
“I think your soup is better than mine,” you communicated to him when you walked him out.
He breathed a laugh, looking down so the blue-ish light wouldn’t highlight his blush. “I’m glad you liked it.”
You nodded, “thank you for going through all that trouble. You didn’t have to.”
He lifted his gaze, leaning more comfortably on the hood of his car. “It wasn't troubling at all.” Harry then added, not able to help it, “are you feeling better?”
No, you weren’t. There were so many things wrong, you would have to face your dad as soon as Harry was on his way home, an explanation as to what was going on with you would ruin everything you had built in the past months, and then... then there was something you could’ve avoided — you were sure you had a crush on your fake boyfriend, also sure he didn’t have a crush on you; you were certain he was into Gwen and had the suspicion the fake dating thing was his attempt of making the blonde jealous. You didn’t blame him, even you thought Gwen was perfect.
“Yeah,” you faked a tight smile. “Nothing a good cry can’t fix.”
He nodded, slowly moving his head. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” Harry cursed himself for sounding as unsure as hopeful.
“Have a good night,” you wished him, turning on your heel to get back into hell on earth.
That was an exaggeration, yet you didn’t care because it would feel just like it. But your reality hadn’t changed, you still didn’t know if you had ever felt happiness, you still felt like something was wrong with you, and you still felt there was a piece missing in your life — you had lost so much already that you couldn’t put your finger on what said piece could be nor where could it fit. You just knew you wished it wouldn’t matter.
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nekoannie-chan · 4 years
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Pairing: Steve Rogers X Female Reader
Word count: 1212 words.
Summary: Steve is in love with a girl, and he’s super nervous but he’s trying not to show how nervous he is so he acts overly confident and just repeatedly makes a fool of himself.
Warnings: None.
A/N: The magazine I referred really existed, was very popular when I was a teenager.
This is a request by @what-just-happened-bro​, in this ask. Sorry for taking me so long, I hope you like it.
My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistake please let me know and I will correct it.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics be posted in other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don’t steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other’s people. The only exception is the ones I gifted ‘cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and is not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own Marvel’s characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
My other media where I publish: Wattpad, Ao3, ffnet.
If you like it please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog. 
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Steve got up from the bench, didn't understand anything, he'd been in the park for a while watching the couples, everything was very different from his time, he didn't know what to do.  
He liked you, he'd met you when Fury introduced him to the STRIKE team, immediately you caught his attention, you seemed beautiful.  
He had a hard time accepting his feelings when she woke up at this time he didn't think she might like someone different from Peggy until he met you.  
For him everything was very confusing, how were women courted now?  
He had analyzed Tony's behavior of women, but he didn't think it was very appropriate, he didn't even think he was capable of doing something like that.  
The advice Natasha had given his was too bold. It just looked like no one could help him.  
He also didn't feel like it was a good idea to just come in and say: ‘I'm Captain America, do you want to have a date with me?’
Along the way, he went through a newsstand, he stops when a cover of one of the teen magazines caught his eye.  
 "CONQUER THE GIRL OF YOUR DREAMS", that said one of the headlines on the cover, he has no hesitated in buying it.  
 He started reading the article, he could do what was indicated there, he had already decided, would start the next day, although he could not even sleep on his nerves.  
 That meant he shouldn't be nervous in front of you, he had to act very safely and pretend he wasn't dying of nerves.
That day the training was on the outside, a slightly wooded area near the Triskelion.  
You and Natasha were warming up together, Steve thought it was a good time to put the plan in place.  
He started exaggeratedly doing the exercises in front of you.  
"What is he supposed to do?” You asked Natasha in a murmur.  
“He looks very confident, but ...”
“Maybe he wants to get our attention? Natasha remarked.  
"Well... he looks... ridiculous...”
“What the hell are you doing, Rogers?” Brock asked.  
Steve was more concerned with trying to impress you then paying attention to training, you were supposed to be teaching the recruits hand-to-hand combat, Brock launched an attack, which of course Steve didn't realize and ended up falling sharply into the mud as a result of the blow.  
You put your hand on your mouth to try not to laugh. You and Natasha took a look at each other.  
Unfortunately, the training ended in a fight between Steve and Brock. Although Steve thought the first step had been successful.
 Steve was trying to remember if at some point you had commented on what your favorite food was, but you didn't make it, maybe you had never done it, he was walking down the aisles looking for you, it would be best to ask you while making your muscles noticeable again, he was convinced that would work.
Suddenly he heard your voice and Natasha's, he hid to hear you, although it was a little difficult to understand what you were saying.  
"I don't know if it's a good idea, it's that tomorrow," Natasha said.
“... Birthday...”
Steve opened his eyes, deduced that the next day it would be your birthday, he immediately went back to his office and started looking for recipes, coming out bought everything he needed, decided it would be strawberry because the woman in the video tutorial had said that strawberries liked girls.  
Never before in his life, Steve had cooked, the bread of the cake burned, but he thought it was ok, and the decoration seemed worse than if it had been made by a five-year-old, had he even tried to draw a unicorn with whipped cream even though he looked more like a run-down dog.  
The next day he convinced that his cake would enchant you even though he was nervous about the taste, he waited for you to stop by his office, as soon as he saw you, and he called you.  
“Happy birthday do... Y/N!” He congratulated you on coming in.
"Thank you? But Steve... today is not my birthday," you replied mistaking by mentally asking you where he had come up with that idea.  
"No? Isn’t it?”  
"No, it's Clint's, Natasha, and I, we are planning a party for him... “
“Are you and Clint something?” He interrupted you.  
"Friends, though I can't say the same about him and Natasha.”  
You knew about Clint's family, but you and Natasha loved to feed that rumor.
"Oh... Well, I did this for you," he said a little disappointed.
Steve cut a slice and gave it to you on the plate.
"Thank you, let’s gonna eat it... “
You zoomed in on the plate to see it better... the cake was burned and had something else.  
"What is this Steve?” You questioned pointing out what appeared to be a burnt fruit.  
"Strawberries, the woman in the video says girls like them... “
"Oh... Steve...”
“Is there a problem?”  
"I'm allergic to strawberries... “
Steve opened his eyes big and was stunned.  
"I-I'm sorry... I didn't know...”
At Clint's party, Steve couldn't help but feel bad about the cake, he even left early.  
He took the magazine, didn't understand why things didn't go well, decided to jump the third to the ninth council, and read the last one.  
 That was going to take him a few days, he started looking on the internet and found many examples, in many sticky notes he wrote everything down, the day he had everything ready, he arrived early and started to hit them in what he believed was your office, once he finished, he saw the time on the clock, just in time, in less than fifteen minutes would come, he went to the parking lot to wait for you, breathed deeply several times so that his nerves would not be evident.
"Good morning, Steve,” you greeted him.
"Hello," he reciprocated with a smile.  
"Is something wrong?” You asked when you saw that he was still on your side.
"Go to your office," he asked.  
You walked to where he told you, he was next to you, and you stopped four doors before the office Steve had decorated and opened it, when you walked in, it was just like you left it the day before.  
“Steve... there's nothing here.”  
"Is this your office?” Steve asked dumbfounded.
So who belonged to the office where you put the notes?  
"Yes, why?”  
"I thought...”
“CLINT BARTON!” Natasha shouted as she opened her office and saw all the notes.
"Oh no...”
"Whatever you wanted to do, I think you were wrong," you said.  
Steve looked sorry, he didn't know what to do.
"Steve, have all the weird things you've done in the last few weeks been for me?” You questioned.  
"Yes, it's just that...”
"I like you too, you just had to come and tell me," you confessed.
"I... everything in this time is confusing...”
“Do you want to go to the movies on Saturday?”  
"I'd love to," Steve agreed.
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jewels2876 · 5 years
It’s Complicated
A/N: Part 6 of Love on Lockdown - also filling squares Stalker for @star-spangled-bingo and Fake Dating for @marvelfluffbingo
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 1574 (whoa!)
Warnings: swearing
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Tony stood at the head of the table, arms crossed over his chest. “Any questions?” Everyone had an opinion and started voicing them immediately. The din rose as everyone talked over each other. “Gang… QUIET!” Tony gave each person a pointed glare. “There really isn’t a choice in this particular matter. You two,” pointing at you and Bucky, “are going undercover in Paris. It’s the city of love, ACT like it.”
“As for the rest of you. Nat and Sam, I need you to keep an eye on the lovebirds in case there’s any trouble. Steve, Clint, you two will be expected in DC in two days to brief Secretary Ross on this newest ‘threat.’ And by threat I mean a stalker that y/n picked up at some point. Did you tease the wrong person trying to get under Barnes’ skin?  And oh, by the way, can someone remind me why we can’t seem to take care of Rumlow these days? Anyway class dismissed!” Tony shook his head and exited the conference room, followed by Steve and Clint. You hung back, still glued to your seat, wondering how Tony decided to pair you with the one person you had half a mind to pummel into oblivion.
“Y/n, you awake over there?” Nat frowned as she gave you a once-over.
You blinked a couple of times before you glanced up at Nat. “I’m awake, just… stunned.”
Bucky rolled his eyes at your choice of words. “I’m guessing Tony has his reasons. It’s not like we can’t be professional, right?” His pointed look at you made you narrow your eyes and snear.
“SURE, professional. Like we have been this whole time so far?”
Two Weeks Ago
“Where’s my…?” Bucky scoured the shower but still couldn’t find his favorite shampoo. He sighed and knocked on the door leading from the shared bathroom to your room. “Y/n have you seen…” Sam was sitting on your bed, head thrown back in laughter at something you said. Your hand was resting on Sam’s thigh. Red colored his vision and Bucky turned back into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.
“It’s in the trash!” you called after him, not hiding the grin on your face. “You used it all the last time remember?” You turned to Sam. “He’s getting forgetful in his old age ya know.”
One Week Ago
You were starving; the whole day had been meeting after meeting for some Paris recon mission. No one knew what the plan was yet, or who the target was, or what the threat was, hence meeting after meeting. Your stomach protested loudly and you reached into the cupboard for your favorite Pop-Tarts. You frowned and felt around for the box; nothing. Exasperated you pulled out the nearby step-ladder and climbed the two steps to take a closer look. The cupboard was empty. Your stomach growled again; you climbed down, put the stool away and grabbed the last banana in the bowl. You made a face as you bit in; it was too ripe for your liking. A sudden whiff of chocolate tickled your nose and you whipped around. Bucky was lounging against the doorframe, Pop Tart in his left hand and a smirk on his face.
Three Days Ago
The team was divided. Nat waved the wad of $20 bills in her hand, fanning herself. Steve stood in a far corner shaking his head as the words bounced off the walls.
“Pompous jerk!” You paused then took a quick jab, connecting with his chin.
He rubbed at his chin with a smirk before trying to sweep your left leg. “Prissy little bitch!” You jumped to avoid his leg but missed his metal hand grabbing you around the neck. You groaned and tossed him over you as he unsuccessfully tried to put you in a chokehold.
“Fucking ass! You forget who taught me to fight!” Nat nodded once as you climbed the ropes. You jumped quickly and wrapped your legs around Bucky’s neck and swung around, keeping both his arms immobile, pinned to the mats. A bell rung and Nat merely grinned as she pocketed the money. Bucky scrambled up, fists drawn. “I demand a rematch!”
You slid off the ring, flipping him both middle fingers and putting an extra swing in your hips as you sauntered out.
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You sulked in your seat as the plane descended. Tony was briefing all four of you one last time. “Let’s just get this guy and get home, okay?”
You huffed one last time before nodding curtly. Lately the only color you saw was grey; clearly, this thing with Bucky was getting the better of you. You knew you had to get past it if you were going to figure out who this stalker was. Bucky’s blue-grey eyes watched you closely. “Sure Tony,” he answered. You looked over the generic letters that had been sent to the Avengers facility for the millionth time; they didn’t give off any kind of vibes or colors which was unusual. Tony had pushed your powers to the limits, both in the lab with Bruce and on the plane, making you touch and analyze anything everything he put in your hands. You had drawn the line when Tony had suggested you sit in the cockpit and let the pilot sit on your lap. For that crass suggestion, you had given Tony the finger and a crack of a smile from Bucky.
The plane landed smoothly and you gathered your duffel bag from beneath your seat. Bucky approached you and took your bag from your shoulder. You glared up at him. “Look, if we have to play lovebirds, I’m gonna do things like this. Can we call a truce please?”
You sighed and let your shoulders relax. “Truce.” Then you paused. “Thank you.” Bucky let you get off the plane first, followed by Nat and Sam. You and Bucky took the car sitting on the tarmac while Nat and Sam talked strategies. You gave them a wave as the car pulled away.
Bucky kept his distance from you in the car, the bags piled between you as a barrier. “Are you sure you can do this y/n? We can ask Tony to bring in someone else,” he said.
You let yourself smile at the idea. “Tony would have both of our heads, at least mine. I can do this.” You forced yourself to relax some more while watching the French scenery fly by. The car ride was blessedly short, as it pulled up in front of the hotel. You both climbed out and stretched. Bucky grabbed both of your bags and grabbed the door, ushering you into the lobby. The check-in Tony set up was under a “Bonnie James & Clyde Buchanan;” you both had to chuckle at Tony’s continued lack of subtlety. You took the room key and you both rode the elevator to the top floor. Bucky dropped the bags in the foyer as you whistled. “I never get used to this shit,” you looked around in awe. The room shimmered in gold; you cheered to yourself that your power was starting to come around. You turned your attention to Bucky; his color was off, a muddled brown instead of the warm glow you normally saw. A knock on the door sounded; you peered in the peephole before opening it. “Sam, what are you doing here?”
Sam waltzed in, unaffected by the grandeur of the room. “Scanning for bugs, not seeing anything. So far so good. You guys have your comms ready?”
Bucky shook his head. “We literally just got here. Can we have a minute?”
He paused before going on. “We’re still going to the Tower right?”
“Yep, we’re ready when you guys are. But no dawdling and no… funny business,” Sam teased and waggled his eyebrows.
You smacked Sam as you ushered him out. “As if!” You could hear Sam laughing as the door shut. “Do I have time for a shower?”
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Bucky’s hand was warm in yours; you tried not to think about the ‘what could be’s’ as you strolled around the Eiffel Tower. In keeping up the fake dating ruse, Bucky leaned over and brushed his soft lips against your cheek. A blush crept along your neck, as you turned away from him. You noticed a few people colored in yellows, greens, and an occasional pink, but no one that stood out or seemed threatening. You turned back to Bucky and gave him a kiss on the cheek as well. “I don’t see anyone,” you whispered.
Bucky’s heart stuttered at the feeling of your breath on his face. He steeled himself to calm down as he kissed the top of your head. “Nat, Sam, ya got anything on your end?”
Nat’s voice sounded in your ears. “Nope, do we call it a day?”
You had been walking around for three hours; despite the shower, you were tired from the trip. “My feet are barking. I say we call it for now. We can come back tomorrow.”
Sam barked and chuckled. “Okay, see y’all tomorrow.”
You and Bucky slowly walked back to the hotel; neither one of you dropped the other’s hand. Even though you were still heartbroken, you managed a small smile at Bucky. “Room service tonight? On Tony?”
His smile back at you was blinding and that glow around him seemed to be coming back. “Sounds like a plan, doll.”
Tag list:   @courtmr @majicbamana @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety @fenthyr @lokiandbuckyaremine @caramell0w@thenormreedus @ticklikeabomb @xxloki81xx @woodworthti666  @greenarrowhead @lovely-dreamer19 @moonbeambucky @yafriendlyfangirl @after-avenging-hours @white-chocolate-mocha-fan @marvelc00kie35  @thejemersoninferno @bitsandbobsandstuff @lokilvrr @lostinthoughtsandfeelings-blog @theimpossibleg1rl @princess-evans-addict @stuckyfox @loricameback @moondancewrites @halcyonrogers @writing-for-a-chance @ruckystarnes @angryschnauzerwrites @221bshrlocked @suz-123 @senoritastucky @devilbat @jpat82  @spookyscaryskeletonsus @theoneanna @inlovewith3 @mrs-captain-evans @crazybutconfidentaf @nerdy-bookworm-1998 @sillyboyscomicsareforgirls @shield-agent78 @mackevanstanfan80 @the-wayward-robot @renanyx @notyourtypicalrose @boldlybeardedgiver  @time-travel-bouqet @jilldsumner @breezy1415 @stuckybarton @just-the-hiddles @writer-at-heart96 @deathofmissjackson @lacontroller1991 
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Tortured Souls. (6)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader.
Summary: Y/N Stark is being chased and accused of a crime she didn’t commit, what happens when the person behind all of this possesses her very own face.
(Gifs go to their rightful owners.)
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 5,400
Steve was in the main living room with Sam watching the game when it went to the commercial and a Break News red sign appeared.
The reporter started to talk about the game so Sam stood up and walked to the kitchen to grab more beer in the fridged. “The SHIELD building in Washington has been invaded a few days ago, our reporter Samantha is in the local and will tell us what happened.” Sam stopped his tracks and walked back to watch the television.
The reporter was in front of SHIELD's building in Washington D.C, the lady told about how a dozen workers died in an invasion that occurred in an attempt to free a prisoner.
A picture of Artem appeared on the screen. “The prisoner is called Artem Melnikov, he is a Ukrainian that the Avengers and Shield’s agents got in an old HYDRA’s base in the middle of Russia. As you may know, Hydra is a militaristic and science division of the Nazi and was created by the German Baron Wolfgang von Strucker. Strucker isn't alive anymore and SHIELD told the world that neither Hydra was, but the event in years prior showed how a few important people of SHIELD were related to HYDRA organization. 
The last information the world received was of James Buchanan Barnes, the Winter Soldier.” Steve crossed his arms. “Barnes was accused to kill the king of Wakanda T'Chaka and a lot of other victims over the years. The man was the very own friend of Steve Rogers, Captain America himself. Our sources don’t know where Barnes is right now but the last time he was in the public eyes was in a court where the judge declared him innocent. Could it be possible to Barnes be behind all of this?” Sam shook his head, people didn’t know shit about Bucky and yet everyone loved to call him the bad guy. 
“Our sources managed to grab a few footages of the night of invasion here on SHIELD, the young woman clearly is Y/N Stark, daughter of the billionaire Tony Stark also known as the Iron Man. Apparently it doesn’t matter how much money do you have, children will always try to take their parents' attention, right? Back to you Trevor.” She said and Steve wanted to punch the TV.
Sam put the TV in mute and scratched his scalp, “Godamn it, now her face is plastered around the country.”
Steve nodded and took a deep breath. “We knew it was going to happen, how Fury let that leak?” He asked pissed.
Sam shrugged and looked at the TV that showed the victim's pictures and their relatives crying at the funeral. “Maybe he didn’t, you know has other people inside there that are important, and I don’t know… Maybe it was one of the victims’ relatives that wanted revenge and then,” He pointed to the TV. “That happened. Do you know where Stark is?”
Clicking his fingernails against his knees Steve darted his eyes to Sam. “He said something as grabbing some evidence in Turkey, I don’t know what.” He looked at the television again and an old lady was crying and yelling asking for justice.
Sam felt bad about the scene and knew Steve was feeling the same. They were Avengers and their work was to bring justice and hope. “We better call him.”
The game got back but neither of them had the head to watch it. “He probably knows by now.”
Tony was flying through Turkey and went to meet one man he had hired to find some old documents.
He met the man in a cafe, he was in a hurry so he spoke with the man and grabbed all the information when his phone vibrated.
It was your name and a set of small alive videos of random News Programs talking about you. He sucked his breath and cursed Fury for letting these pieces of information leak that way. Tony touched the device and told the men his job was done and the money was on his account.
He got back at the hotel he was staying and opened his suitcase at the floor stepping on it making the Iron Man armor mold perfectly on his body.
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He flew through the windows heading back to the States specifically to Washington searching Fury. ‘Nick Fury is calling sir.’ FRIDAY announced. 
Tony answered and before Fury could answer Tony was yelling at him. 
“Calm down! I didn’t give them her information, neither Everett.”
“Well someone clearly did, so what you don’t know about your people whereabouts or sources?”
“I’m sorry but whose daughter is being hunted?” Tony rolled his eyes. “Where are you?”
“Flying to Washington, I need to talk with you personally.”
“I’m not there, are you on a jet or in your armor?”
“What difference that makes,” Tony asked annoyed.
“Can you stop playing and tell me, if you are in your armor come to Logan in Utah, surely your armor will find the coordinates, you can also track this call if it makes it any easier.”
Tony argued a bit more but ended agreeing to his request and flew through Logan-Utah, he saw Fury there and landed outside a cafe that seemed empty, Fury probably sent everyone away saying he would have some government confidential meeting.
Tony kept using the armor but without the face part. “This brings me memories.” Fury scoffed and entered the place, Tony following behind.
Fury sat in the secluded booth and Tony sat in front of him, it had pancakes and coffee above the table. “This is how I’ll die? You’ll poison me? Or is just some sort of truth elixir that will make me tell you my deepest and weirds secrets, do you want to know how was the night I lost my virginity? Urgh, it was gross, do you know that-” Fury’s face was serious and clearly annoyed by Tony’s words. “Maybe you don’t.”
Fury sweetened his coffee and started to drink and Tony did the same. “I called you to say that I wasn’t the person that leaked Y/N’s information. Not anyone I know either, I said she would be in home confinement and I wouldn’t sell private information to the media. You know I keep my promises!”
Tony drank his coffee and stared at Fury’s wondering.
“All of them?”
He sighed. “Tell me one goddamn time I had lied to you or broke a promise.”
Tony rolled his eyes. “Listen I’m trying to save Y/N okay? How come you can’t believe she is innocent on this?”
Fury rubbed his face. “Stark, you haven't been around in that world much okay?! The majority of your life you’d spent in parties and ignoring everything important surrounding you. And as you may remember we get betrayed in that world, a lot. I’m sorry she is your daughter. You know I consider her as a friend too.” He said.
“Let’s be honest, do you think she would do that with us? You know her since she was 13 years old for God’s sakes, actually was that sneak eye of yours that made her start in that crazy world, if you hadn’t praised her skills, and she stood at home or safe and sound avoiding this life she probably wouldn’t have to go all kamikaze in Russia.” He said clearly pissed you had chose that life.
Fury rubbed the brow as if to ward off a headache. “Oh come on, when I first saw her she was beating your ex-bodyguard ass in a boxing ring in the middle of the living room.” He pointed. “I wasn’t the one that inserted her into that life, we both recognize she would go after them with or without the knowledge I helped her build. She is a great agent, one of the best actually. But just because we all care about her it doesn’t mean that she feels the same.“
Tony ate a few bites of his pancakes and was tapping a foot under the table, very annoyed about the topic. “Then what? Are you saying she is guilty and is trying to screw our lives by selling Hydra our information?” His lower lip quivered. “Not my Y/N. I’m sorry you had a lot of disappointments in your life, I did too, but I’m sure she isn’t guilty. And you should too.” Fury nodded, he knew Tony would say it.
Fury took a sip of his coffee and shared a silence questioning his next words, he didn’t know if he should say it and help you even somehow indirectly. “I found something, on the footage on the night of the invasion in D.C I used a mixture of two programs and,” He grabbed a small blue device out of his big coat and opened the video, Tony scoffed and opened his mouth ready to say he had seen the videos hundreds of times but Fury cut his words. “Shut up and watch it,” He played the video and then Fury clicked in a few words on the side of the screen, then the video froze and when Fury zoomed it the left side of ‘your’ face was sort of blurry, it wasn’t the cameras since Shield use A1 technology, it was something out of it. “I analyzed other random people with the same illumination and hour on the cameras but none had that weird effect on their faces.”
Tony took a deep breath and smiled. “Great now you are on our side, took you long enough.” He let a relaxed puff of air and enjoyed his pancakes, it wasn’t easy to use the fork with the ‘iron hand’ so he took it off.
“I still don’t trust her.” Fury said.
Tony placed the fork on the plate and swallowed the bits that were in his mouth. “Really? You just said it wasn’t her, what other reasons do you want?”
“She is smart and makes the best tactics, she might have contracted someone just to put us exactly where we are.”
Tony rolled his eyes. “You know what, you think you are so intelligent and forward of everyone else's but you are just crazy. This isn’t a movie Fury, what can’t you just believe her?”
Pinching his nose Fury tried to find a good reason to make Tony open his eyes. “Because people aren’t victim’s Stark, people are psychotic and you know her parents had a record of drug use, maybe her mother had used and it had hit her brain inside the womb and with that transforms her in a sociopath or psychopath. You know this happens.” Tony's brow furrowed completely mad at his words.
Tony gnashed his teeth in the mention of something so insulting. “You are an idiot for saying those things, you like to believe you have control of everything while she is just a young girl being incriminated by something she did not commit!” Tony's voice was raising in each word. His hands trembling.
“You are right, I didn’t mean in that way.”
“Send me that version of the video, it will help me with the judge and with the whole court process.”
Nodding, but with a tightness to it, like he was holding back from saying something else. “Speaking about it she won’t be able to stay at home confinement much longer, I will go to the Compound later to talk with her.” Fury said and finished his coffee, Tony kept quiet eating his food which made Fury sense something was wrong. “She is there right?” He asked.
“Y/N? I don’t know we are not really intimate right now,” He answered quickly and chewed the last of the pancakes pushing the plate further in the table, Fury shook his head knowing Tony was hiding something. “What?” He tried to play coy.
“She isn’t." Fury shook his head. “I do all in my power to help you two and this is what I receive?” He spoke throwing his hands up.
Tilting his head to the ceiling and letting out a heavy sigh Tony stuttered before finding the right words. “I’m serious I don’t know if she is in the Compound, we fought because of her stupid decision and I’m not really staying at home or going in the Compound,” He moved his hands to his armor.
Fury studied his face. “You know I can read all your facial signs right? Where is she?”
Tony shook his head and looked at Fury’s ‘device’ above the table. “Isn’t you that have her anklet coordinates?”
Fury rolled his eyes. “Stark, Y/N is a criminal and I’m putting my head in the middle of the crossfire to help even though I don’t believe her innocence in all of this.”
Tony rolled his eyes and propped his left arm on the table propping his head on his hand.
Fury saw his annoyed face and felt angry about how Tony always get annoyed when he didn’t get what he wants like a spoiled infant.
“Contrary to your belief, you are not the center of my universe! So if you truly consider I’ll lose my job and my whole career to make you happy you’re really really wrong.”
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“Fury, all I ask is for you to hear her out, okay, please! She is the girl that saved your ass in that mission you went with. She is the girl that helped Nat when she started having anxiety. She is the girl that spent six whole days in the hospital when Sam got into a coma. Do you think she will be the one that will sell information to HYDRA? And besides that, she really cares about Steve and… and the other guy, which both had suffered by HYDRA. Do you truly believe she is guilty? Search the truth in your heart.”
Fury squeezed his eyes. “‘The truth in your heart’? Why the hell you said that? Is a t-shirt or something?” Tony gave him the look of ‘come on’. “I want to believe in her, Tony. But what if she is guilty and in the end, she will go away with them and leave us behind? I can’t risk my career out of a friendship.”
“What is more important reputation and people who care about you?”
Fury scoffed. “Are you reading those help-books she bought for you?” Tony laughed, Fury did too. “I’ll talk with her, let’s see if she can convince me.”
You had set all your clothes and a few research items in the room, you looked around the place and did almost every possible thing.
It was dark outside and Bucky hasn't got back yet. You started to create scenarios in your head where he regrets the almost kiss and are running away scared that you’ll confront him about it.
Jordan was with Barsi and you had made sure that the place would be a safe place for animals, you surely could use some love now so you placed a pair of boots on your feet and walked out the place searching the separated spot where the dogs and other animals should be.
Five minutes more into the woods you found what you were looking for.
It has big shelters one for each type of animal, normally the cats found a way out and the sneaky creatures entered in the dog’s one but it was cool since they got well with each other.
The dogs were really calm, normally when someone got closer they would make a huge mash of sounds. You opened the outhouse and found what you weren’t looking for.
Bucky was sat on the floor with two dogs laid close to him with their heads in his lap, the others were quiet sleeping and looked really comfortable having him around.
One dog barked when saw you making all of the others too, Bucky got up in seconds like you were some sort of threat. The babies came running and you pet every one you could reach, Bucky placed his hands in the pockets of his pants and cleared his throat. “I fell asleep.”
“I noticed,” You laughed, “It’s late already, I wanted to see them again and since I found you, do you wanna eat something? I mean you had been out around... five hours, at least.”
“I lost count of time. It’s pretty awesome what you did here.” He referred to the animals.
You looked around seeing the big place had space for each one of them. “Yeah, I mean is sad the fact that I have to do so, but I adore seeing the pure joy on them.” He made a confused look. “I mean the fact that someone has to save them from bad people, stupid people who hate them.”
He nodded. “People are stupid.”
Jordan appeared in the outhouse holding a big dog food bag. “Oh hey.” He said, you thought you heard Bucky scoffing but it was probably something else. “Is time for their dinner.”
You looked at the big barrel where food has always been inside. “I thought their food stood here.”
“It does but I just got back from town with a few new bags, the old ones were almost empty.” He placed it in the floor and walked out of the place, he looked behind and saw you stopped there looking at the dogs that were more than happy to see Jordan. “Uau, I didn’t know the famous life made you lazy, help me get the rest princess.” Jordan joked and you rolled your eyes laughing.
You walked out and found the pickup truck. You got one bag and walked inside, Bucky got the food separating it in the plates helping in the process. “The cats have eaten already?”
Jordan separated the food with a perfect portion for each type of dog and nodded at Buck's work. “No, neither the horses. You can go there, but be careful with the yellow one, she just got back from surgery.” You nodded and walked out of the place, you shook your head to Bucky which he understood the meaning since he followed you.
You opened the place and saw the cats running around playing with their toys when you grabbed their food they started to meow all together making a huge mess. “Surgery?” Bucky asked trying to not trip on them.
“Maybe is castration, or something else…”
“Yep, I make sure all of them get castrated. I hate the number of abandonment it has already so we don’t need to make it bigger. My point is if everyone castrated their cats and dogs, it wouldn’t have so many lost babies out there. I mean I know I help them here and in every state money can allow me, but it isn’t the same thing for them. They are supposed to be the 'man's best friend’ so having just one owner isn’t the same.” A one-legged kitty was amazed by Bucky’s pants.
He laughed and grabbed the poor things in his hand. “I agree.”
You scratched the kitty's chin and took her out of Bucky's chest placing the food pot in front of her face. “Good.”
Bucky was amazed at the animals there, he surely knew about the shelter you had in NYC. “How did you asked Tony to do those things? With the animals I mean.”
“Well, since being a Stark I’m what people can say 'filthy rich’ so rather than spending my money in plastic surgery or fancy clothes and a possible contract with famous people to get me 'Hollywood famous’ too,” You laughed at the ridiculously. “I rather spend with what truly matters. Animals, kids, countries where hunger and thirst is a strong characteristic… I just try to use the pros and power of money on things that truly matter.” Bucky swore his heart was beating even faster.
When all was done, you and Bucky got back to the dog's place.
The two of you helped with anything that Jordan needed an extra hand with.
And when it finished Bucky excused and got back to the house.
You kept brushing the horses with Jordan, who had a grin splattered on his face. “What?”
He shrugged “Nothing.” He replied with a smirk.
“Come on.” You tried.
He looked out the barn looking at the patch that leads to the house.
“He is jealous, of me and you.”
You shook your head and kept paying attention to your current task. “He is not.”
“Come on. He had been staring at me the whole time like I was about to pick a gun and shoot you two.”
You laughed and shrugged. “He is just being cautious… he, he is of the world that me and Tony live in.”
“He is the Winter Soldier. Of course, he is of that world of yours and Mr.Stark.” You widened your eyes, you didn’t suspect him to recognize Bucky. “Don’t worry, I know he was a victim of all the torture he had been through. And you know me, I won’t call the cops or anything.”
You calmed down. “I think it would be no use. He was declared innocent by the judge and he is a free man.” You finished brushing the third horse and changed their water.
Jordan finished grooming the last horse and walked away to wash the brush and his hands. “So nothing to worry about then.” You caressed the horse for the last time and walked to wash your hands too. “But I’m serious the way he looks at you and the threatening way he looks at me says something. What? You two had dated and it didn’t work?”
“Not quite. We are good friends and… and I don’t know I got injured on a mission and he sort of blocked me out of his life.”
“Hmmm, I assume the injury it was bad.”
“Someone shot me.” He widened his eyes, he knew how to use a gun but yet it was sort of unknown to him. “But I’m here aren’t I?”
“So what, you two will keep liking each other and will be silent about it.”
“What? Wait what do you think I like him?” You played innocent.
“Well, first of all, I don’t believe my friend would ever come back here with some guy that seems really nice and just be friend with him, and also the fact that you are talking about him with that sparkle in your eyes.” He pointed at you.
“Jordan we are in the middle of the night in a barn, the “sparkle” can be the lamp above our heads.” You pointed your fingers at the five bigs lamps it has there.
“Nah, I know that spark. It just appears when you truly care about someone.”
“What are you? A novel writer?” He laughed.
“All I’m saying is that even spending years away from me I know you too damn well to be able to recognize when you’re liking or loving someone.”
“Okay love is really a strong word.” You put emphasis on the really part.
“You don’t love him?” He asked teasingly.
“Of course, he is my friend.” He gave you the look. “Come on I have a lot of guy friends. Actually, the majority of them are men.”
Jordan walked closer to your reach and dried his hands on a cloth and handed it to you. “Okay, so you look at all of the majority of friends the way you look at him?”
You let a sigh, he wouldn’t let the subject go away. “Not all of them.”
He nodded. “And that is why you’re blushing and avoiding to go back there?”
He was right, yet the last time you had seen him was years ago. “Excuse me, I spent five years away from your life. Is that inconvenient for me wanting to know more about you?”
He laughed. “Either way the way he looks at you it definitely says something,” You two walked out of the place and closed the door. Your emotions were screaming. “How do you know that?”
He looked at you and spent a few seconds trying to find the best words. “Because he looks at the same way I used to.”
You blushed, you had felt a small crush on him, but it was when you were just a mere kid and the idea alone of being close someone emotionally gave you bad memories about Raza. “Oh come on,” You bumped his shoulder with yours.
He laughed and nodded but spent some seconds looking at you, like he was reading every trace in your face. “Whatever you say but the way he looks at you it clearly states something. And I don’t have any idea what happens in that SuperHero universe you live in, but he would be good to you. I mean he is here right? And the way he looked at me when I entered the house it gave me chills. The guy had literally a gun aimed at me.”
“You were with a shotgun yourself. And besides nothing could give you chills Jordan.”
“Oh, one thing does scare me.” You kept quiet and wondered what he meant. “A angry Y/N.”
You laughed and remembered the number of times you two had fought when you were younger. “Surely!”
“Okay. So go back there to your 'only friend’ guy and… I don’t know, find something to talk about.”
“He surely will ignore me,”
“Make him pay attention then.” He said and kissed your head and hugged you. “Good night, troublemaker.”
“Good night, firefighter.” 
Both titles were nicknames you two received, you because you would enter anyone house if you thought an animal was hurt, and Jordan because once he literally ran into a house on fire to save an old lady, which made Happy really mad about his job as your bodyguard.
And as a joke, Tony placed him to watch out for Peter.
Steve had called Bucky ten minutes ago to put him inside what was happening in the real world. 
Steve told about your information that leaked and he asked if Bucky had grown the guts to talk with you. He answered yes and told him about Jordan.
“Who is Jordan?”
“Apparently an old friend, they are taking care of the animals now. I think he likes her.” The talk went on until you entered the house, you saw Bucky was on the phone and it surely was someone you knew.
But you let it be and walked around going to grab some water. Bucky gave you the phone and you saw Steve’s name on it.
Steve explained that the information had leaked but Fury assured he wasn’t the responsible for it.
He also explained that Clint and Tony were going after some evidence to help in the process, you asked about Natasha and Vision. He told he hadn’t seen Natasha in a week and Vision was okay as always, he didn’t tell anyone about your whereabouts.
Bucky started to make a dinner since he likes to cook you wouldn’t interfere with it, actually it brought good memories when he cooked and you two spent the time talking.
He was just placing the past inside the boiling water. “So what had you done in the months where we weren’t close?” You asked.
“I got a few missions, it was okay.“ He answered, you gave him a beer, even knowing he wouldn’t get drunk but at least would make the ‘talk‘ more equal. “You?“
“Well, everything became a terrible soap opera, then I moved out of the Compound, I don’t know if you’d noticed.“ He lowered his head, of course, he did, suddenly he came back from a mission in Siberia and you weren’t there anymore. “Then one day Fury appeared in the door of my apartment saying I was being arrested for leaking private information… and well here we are.“
“Do you have any idea who can be behind all of that?“
You shook your head in a silent ‘no’. “I’m glad the majority of my friends believe me, thank you for believing in me, Buck.” You reached his flesh hand squeezing for a few seconds.
He smiled making the corners of his eyes crinkle. “Sure, you’re my friend and I know you wouldn’t do this type of thing.”
You smiled completely delighted that he gave you his breathtaking smile after so long, but the subject was something that was stealing your rest. “Steve almost believed them, you saw how he was when he watched the footages.”
His forehead furrowed. “You know that punk, but the important thing is that he raised his hand.”
You let a heavy sign and took a couple of sips. “I know it’s stupid and I had a huge luck having so many on my side, and Sam apologized and everything but… I still feel like you guys don’t believe me. Tony, I get it, he is the father figure and wants the best for me, but what if he is doing that just to protect the idea of me?”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m his best friend, daughter for all effects, but, what if he is just trying to prove to himself that I won’t be a failure in his life?”
Bucky felt in the same way with Steve. “Tony really loves you, you’re the only family he has.” He said and felt a punch in his throat. Only family because I killed the rest of it. He thought.
The following hours you two settled in a comfortable conversation like all the rest didn’t matter. He talked about the new things he remembered and even brought the little notebook he used to note the things his mind got back.
You smiled and felt happy having your friend there again.
You two cleaned the mess in the kitchen and got ready for bed.
When you finished your shower Bucky got his and you sat on your bed reading his note-book, with his permission of course.
You worshipped reading his memories, loved his messy handwritten and adored how he placed a few pictures here and there to make it more sense in his mind.
He walked out of the shower and gave you a goodnight smile. “Bucky. You don’t have to sleep at the end of the hall.” His faces blushed, he didn’t expect you to realize he was trying to create a barrier between the two of you. “You can sleep in the others, or here if you want too.”
Bucky had nights and nights filled with nightmares, and it wasn’t awkward for you two sleep in the same bed, it had occurred thousands of times over the years. Didn’t matter if it was his nightmares or yours, didn’t matter if it was in a small hidden place in dangerous missions nor if you two passed out after watching something on your laptop.
It was normal for him, he even believed the soft mattress wasn’t too soft with you in there. But then you two had been self-conscious with each other in the last weeks. Would it erase all the years of building trust you have accomplished with him?
“Okay, I will just make sure everything is locked.” He answered after questioning himself and walked downstairs.
It has happened before. And the mattress was huge and he probably would face the other side of it.
Bucky was pacing downstairs he saw if everything was okay dozen of times, and walked back to your room. He knew he loved to feel you beside him when he wakes up sweating his fear out. He likes to see your peaceful face and hear your heartbeat beating in a certain rhythm. He took a deep breath and walked back to the room.
There you were laid already but the notebook was still in your hands, Bucky thought it was adorable, you probably knew all the letters there by heart. He laid on the other side and darted his eyes everywhere in the room.
You closed the book and placed it on the nightstand after a few minutes. You turned the lamp and moved your body so you were facing him. “Good night, Bucky.” He looked at you and answered softly.
"Good night, Y/N."
After a few turns around he eventually got asleep until he felt something somewhat heavy on his metal arm. It was you supporting your head on his shoulder and your arm was over his torso.
You always liked the cold feeling of metal against your body, the contrast it made on Bucky’s warmth. He looked at the scene and smirked, your mouth was slightly agape so he knew you wouldn’t wake up easily, he moved his flesh arm and grabbed your hip calmly pulling your body above his.
You moved sleepily adjusting your body above the new heat, for Buck’s sake you were really tired so the new position didn’t alert you.
Bucky caressed your hair and fell asleep rapidly feeling somehow protected with you above his chest.
Before his slumber could take him fully, he whispered a soft. “I love you, doll.”
I’m sorry if the mention of animals shelters it’s very personal, BUT I love animals and if you don’t, what is wrong with you? (If I was Tony’s friend/daughter I surely would make hundreds of shelters.)
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bravadoseries · 4 years
tell us about your braudrey wasteland baby analysis
this ended up being long and angsty i am sorry . if u want i can analyze songs from his other album in a happier way to even it out lol
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“when i first saw you / the end was soon” - audrey and bruce met on the helicarrier and i think when they fought in new york they both knew they might not come out of it.  audrey was inexperienced and way out of her depth, bruce was really against turning back into the hulk again.  
“Give your heart and soul to charity / ‘Cause the rest of you, the best of you / Honey, belongs to me” - they both give parts of themselves away for the greater good and feel most human with each other
“Nothing fucks with my baby / Nothing can get a look in on my baby / Nothing fucks with my baby / Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing” - when hozier wrote this song everyone thought it was about how nothing fucks with his baby because he protects her but he said actually nobody fucks with her because she’s extraordinarily powerful and scary.  i think both of these apply to braudrey—nobody fucks with bruce because audrey protects him, and nobody fucks with the hulk because he’s giant and terrifying 
“moment’s silence (common tongue)” 
“When stunted hand earns place with man by mere monstrosity / Alarms are struck and shore is shook by sheer atrocity / A cure I know that soothes the soul, does so impossibly” - this is related to an upcoming ~chapter~ lol but basically audrey and bruce go on a retreat upstate that’s supposed to give him the opportunity to hulk out and like scare some squirrels in the woods but while they’re there, audrey and the hulk become good friends ? and so that’s why she’s able to reason with bruce when he turns
“almost (sweet music)” 
i would place this one as post aou when audrey thinks bruce is dead.  
“i’m almost me again, she’s almost you” - after a bit, she starts dating again but she’s still very much grieving and hung up on him 
“i wouldn’t know where to start / sweet music playin’ in the dark / be still my foolish heart / don’t ruin this on me” - audrey becomes good friends with wanda and pietro after age of ultron and they haven’t been around long but they ask her to talk about it because she sits in her room playing the same song every day and crying and they’re like … ?
“I got some colour back, she thinks so, too / I laugh like me again, she laughs like you” - i think this is just audrey letting herself be close to people again. it’s not the same but it’s not so lonely
“I still watch you when you're groovin’” so this song i think is about like someone dancing and being really seductive and sexy but this reminds me of bruce watching audrey dancing really terribly w tony at every avengers function.  audrey literally cannot dance for shit and it’s endearing to bruce 
“When you move / I can recall somethin' that's gone from me / When you move / Honey, I'm put in awe of somethin' so flawed and free” - i think bruce gets kind of fixated on watching audrey spar and fight; like partially because it’s hot but also because he sees her as very powerful and finds it magnetizing 
“no plan” 
i’m gonna go ahead and place this as ragnarok/infinity war 
“for starts / what a waste to say the heart could feel apart / or feel complete, baby” - audrey and bruce reunite on sakaar and it’s a very emotional scene; it’s a waste to say the heart could feel apart because she knows she’s not less without him but there’s this understanding, this thing that’s been off that’s finally righted when they’re back together
“My heart is thrilled by the still of your hand / That's how I know now that you understand” - this applies to a very specific moment in ragnarok before they go to fight hela where audrey puts her hand over bruce’s and he looks at her and she’s unable to tell him that if they die right now she loves him but he knows anyway
“There's no plan / There's no race to be run / The harder the rain, honey, the sweeter the sun / There's no plan / There's no kingdom to come / I’ll be your man if you got love to get done / Sit in and watch the sunlight fade / Honey, enjoy, it's gettin' late / There's no plan / There's no hand on the rein / As Mack explained, there will be darkness again” - so this is all very apocalyptic and not to flex but i was at a concert and hozier talked about this line and how the whole song was written about the doomsday clock and a time when it was closer to zero than ever; it’s a song about throwing caution into the wind at the end of the world and i think that’s fitting.  there’s a period where audrey realizes that they’re not gonna beat thanos, and that the snap is gonna happen, and she takes a breath and notices everything around her and just thinks about how she’s lucky to have had it at all.  
“You know when it's twelve o'clock in Soho, baby / It's gin o'clock where I'll wake up, I don't know / And I think about you though everywhere I go / And I've done everything and I've been everywhere, you know” - this just reminds me of when audrey is away on missions and bruce is still at the base; she’s been everywhere in the world because she’s been alive for so long and she’s been around for a lot; the one thing she’s most grateful for her lifetime to have coincided with though is bruce 
 “i’ve had no love like your love / from nobody” - this is just them lol they understand each other on another level
“I'd be appalled if I saw you ever try to be a saint / I wouldn't fall for someone I thought couldn't misbehave” - this is audrey 2 bruce … she would be appalled if he ever tried to get rid of the hulk for good; i think that it’s such a significant part of how they see and understand each other 
“If I had the choice between hearing either noise: The excitement of a thousand or the soothing of your voice / At first chance, I'd take the bed warmed by the body” - they just choose each other.  they choose to be with each other.  this reminds me of the “give your heart and soul to charity” line in nfwmb because it’s like if they had to be heroes without each other they wouldn’t be happy 
“as it was” 
there’s a conversation bruce and audrey have at the safehouse in age of ultron where bruce is saying he doesn’t feel the same since wanda fucked with his head bc of the vision he had, and he’s worried abt whether or not audrey can continue to care for him when the chaos the hulk created wasn’t for any good or if she’s changed her mind and she has to assure him that she hasn’t; there are a lot of lines from this song that remind me of that
-“whatever’s here that’s left of me / is yours just as it was”
-“Just as it was, baby / Before the otherness came / And I knew its name / The drug, the dark, / The light, the flame” 
-“its holds had the fight of my baby / and the lights were s bright as my baby / but your love was unmoved”
-“the sights were as stark as my baby / and the cold cut as sharp as my baby / and the nights were as dark as my baby / half as beautiful, too” (unrelated sidenote but this line gives me chills always)
then the second verse of this reminds me of audrey and bruce in ragnarok: 
“Tell me if somehow Some of it remains How long you would wait for me How long I've been away The shape that I'm in now Your shape in the doorway Make your good love known to me Or just tell me about your day”
so audrey has a really really hard time saying i love you after bruce leaves at the end of aou, to anyone—she says it to steve maybe once, but she can’t say it besides that one time, and it’s part of why she’s so torn up about peggy dying because she didn’t tell her she loved her enough in the months leading up to her death.  
but also, when bruce comes back, audrey still can’t muster up the ability to say them out loud, and so at the end of infinity war, she’s left without telling any of the people she loves that she loves them.  when she comes back in endgame, she’s able to overcome that to tell them.  this song reminds me of that 
“I couldn't utter my love when it counted / Ah, but I'm singing like a bird 'bout it now” - this is when she comes back
“The words hung above / But never would form / Like a cry at the final breath that is drawn / Remember me love when I'm reborn / As the shrike to your sharp / And glorious thorn” - this is both; she couldn’t say it, but she’s “reborn” during endgame and she realizes that the worst has already happened countless times; there’s nothing else to be afraid of that she hasn’t survived
“Then when I met you, my virtues uncounted / All of my goodness is going with you now” - this is just audrey when bruce leaves
ok this entire song is just both audrey and bruce when they like each other but don’t wanna say anything about it.  
I'd be the voice that urged Orpheus When her body was found Hey yeah I'd be the choiceless hope in grief That drove him underground Hey yeah I'd be the dreadful need in the devotee That made him turn around Hey yeah And I'd be the immediate forgiveness In Eurydice Imagine being loved by me
I won't deny I've got in my mind now (Hey, yeah) All the things I would do So I try to talk refined For fear that you find out (Hey, yeah) How I'm imagining you
I'd be the last shred of truth In the lost myth of true love Hey yeah I'd be the sweet feeling of release Mankind now dreams of Hey yeah That's found in the last witness before the wave hits Marvelling at God Hey yeah Before he feels alone one final time And marries the sea Imagine being loved by me
“dinner & diatribes” 
i think…..this doesn’t match up exactly but the new year’s eve chapter…..Yeah
“Let there be damage ensued and tabloid news / And that kind of love / That's the kinda love / I’ve been dreaming of”
“would that i” 
okay buckle up this one is a lot
“True that love in withdrawal was the weeping of me / That the sound of the saw must be known by the tree / Must be felled for to fight the cold / I fretted fire but that was long ago” ok this i think is bruce’s perspective; love in withdrawal was the weeping of me = the isolation he put himself in following becoming the hulk was a very bad spot for him even though it was safest.  the sound of the saw must be known by the tree = gotta risk it for the biscuit! must be felled for to fight the cold / i fretted fire but that was long ago = i used to be afraid but now i’m not; it’s worth the risk 
“Oh, but you're good to me / Oh, you're good to me / Oh, but you're good to me, baby” bruce is just continually confused and surprised by the fact that audrey isn’t scared of him 
“With each love I cut loose I was never the same / Watching still living roots be consumed by the flame / I was fixed on your hand of gold / Laying waste to my loving long ago” 
-with each love i cut loose i was never the same = bruce has cut off everyone he’s been close to since the hulk happened and he’s not the same when he’s alone; he thinks he can make it by himself and he probably can but he doesn’t have to
-i was fixed on your hand of gold / laying waste to my loving long ago = this is actually nice bc the gold imagery specifically matches up with what audrey’s powers are, and so there’s that connection to be made 
“And it's not tonight / Where I'm set alight / And I blink in sight / Your blinding light” this also just matches up really nicely w audrey’s powers lol
“I had been lost to you, sunlight / And flew like a moth to you, sunlight / Oh your love is sunlight” i think this would be bruce after age of ultron ? he’s been lost to audrey, but when he sees her he gravitates back toward her immediately; he sees her love as sunlight
“the tale is the same / told before and told again /  soul that's born in cold and rain / knows sunlight, sunlight, sunlight” - bruce is the soul that’s born in cold and rain and audrey is sunlight
“Each day you rise with me / Know that I would gladly be / The Icarus to your certainty” - i think he’s just devoted to her 
“wasteland, baby” 
okay going line by line for this one lol buckle up!
“All the fear and fire of the end of the world / Happens each time a boy falls in love with a girl” - when they’re fighting thanos audrey is actually reminded of bruce; how losing him felt like the world ending, now it’s for real
“Happens great, happens sweet / Happily, I'm unfazed here, too” - when audrey goes at the end of infinity war, she goes smiling 
“Wasteland, baby / I’m in love, I'm in love with you” - they just love each other
“All the things yet to come are the things that have passed / Like the holding of hands, like the breaking of glass / Like the bonfire that burns / That all words in the fight fell to” - everything that has happened has led them to this moment; loki, ultron, hydra, etc. without that they wouldn’t have each other, but they also probably wouldn’t be dealing with this mess.  it’s not good or bad, it’s just the way things went.  
“Wasteland, baby / I’m in love, I'm in love with you”
“And I love too, that love soon might end / Be known in its aching / Shown in the shaking / Lately of my wasteland, baby” - they know it’s over before it’s over; they can tell what’s going to happen before it happens, and they’re just paralyzed in that moment 
“Be still, my indelible friend, you are unbreaking / Though quaking, though crazy / That's just wasteland, baby” - when audrey goes bruce pleads with her to stay
“And that day that we'll watch the death of the sun / To the cloud and the cold and those jeans you have on / And you'll gaze unafraid as they sob from the city roofs” - in the years after the snap, bruce has the most vivid dream almost every night where audrey’s . like . ghost comes to him and takes him to the top of a hill and they watch the world end around them.  it’s terrible and every time he wakes up he misses it.  
“When the stench of the sea and the absence of green” - ok lol this just reminds me of how the hulk wouldn’t come fight at the end of infinity war 
“Are the death of all things that are seen and unseen / Are an end but the start of all things that are left to do” - the world ends; half of everything is dead; but they’re still left.  bruce and steve and everyone have to go on living still.  
“Wasteland, baby / I'm in love, I'm in love with you / (That's it)” - this abruptness just reminds me a lot of the snap; that’s it.  there’s no going back.  
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lauxxury · 5 years
Lucky You - Bucky x Reader
Prompt: “We do things a little differently in the 21st century”.
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: bomb manipulation and i think that’s it.
Word Count: 1212
A/N: this is my entry for the lovely @delicatelyherdreams 1K writing challenge which i entered a little late but i have to say I’m please with what came out of the oven. I hope you like it too!
You can find other writings on my Masterlist on my bia and, as always, feedback is super apreciated.
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The briefing room you were in was one of the biggest you’d been on. It wasn’t the big glass windows from where you could see Manhattan and even Brooklyn. And it also wasn’t the big holographic screen that was at the end of the room. No. It was the table, as stupid as it could sound.
It was white, that clean color you almost every time associated with hospitals. And it wasn’t just big, it had that kind of appeal, that thing that told you big decisions were made there, on that table, on those chairs. It felt as if you were on the Oval Office.
The door of the room opened, and you turned around to see who it was. You were waiting for someone there, that’s what they told you to do when they left you in the room, wait for someone, but you were sure they weren’t going to sent him to get you.
“Come with me, I’ll introduce you to the team” he said as if he was waiting for you to show up. Was he? Did he know that much about you? “They won’t bite you” he said, a little smile on his lips. You had never seen him smile, not on pictures nor on videos except maybe one or two from the 40’s. They sure were simpler times for him.
“Ay ay, Captain” you said with a smile on your lips as his grew bigger at your joke. He had a sense of humor. Great.
The walk to the common area, as you later will learn it was called, was shorter than you thought it will be, you guessed the famous Avengers were all about business.
You’d worked for big security companies before, even some government departments of security, but of course this was going to be something else. Like the job of your dreams. And the nightmare of your parents, if they were alive. You were sure they would have never approved of what you’ve become. They also weren’t there to judge you.
The common area was as crowded as you thought the briefing room was going to be, they seemed to like more unformal spaces for this kind of reunions, or introductions, or whatever this was. Maybe a job interview?
“Guys,” Steve Rogers said and surprisingly the whole room just got quiet in a second. That was the kind of leadership that Captain America had, that way of standing and talking that, not only inspired trust, but that made you not want to step over the line and get him angry. No one would dare to make Steve Rogers angry. “This is the new recruit I was talking you about, the one that will join us on the Alaska mission tomorrow.” He turned to you as he made an invitation gesture to the rest of the team. “This is the team, as I’m sure you’re familiar with” he nodded at them a method of introduction, you guessed. “We leave tomorrow at 7am sharp, Agent Romanoff will show you your room”.
He turned around and left the room as if he was on a rush. Was he? You were sure he had a lot of things to worry about, he was Captain America after all. Work must be pilling on his desk.
Natasha Romanoff got close to you and offered her hand for you to shake, and so you did, not breaking eye contact with her. You were trying to look as if she didn’t intimidate you at all, but she did. She was the Black Widow, her reputation preceded her. Who wouldn’t be at least a little overwhelmed?
“Follow me”
It wasn’t going to be an easy mission, if it were, they wouldn’t have called you. You got lucky and the place didn’t have a lot of security, but you knew the whole team was counting on that. The hard part was the other kind of defense mechanisms that you knew there were going to use against you.
Like the bomb that was right in front of you.
The timer marked 5 minutes until explosion which meant you had to be both cautious and fast. Really fast to get out alive.
“You guys should leave this place” you said on the coms to the team.
“On it” you heard Tony answer.
“What you’re gonna do with that?” Bucky’s voice sounded a little far from your position, but by his words you knew he understood there was a bomb in the room. “You need a knife?”
You fell to knees and got your gloves off. You tapped twice on the screen of your watch and a hologram popped out. You scanned the bomb with it and the hologram transformed to a 3D map of the bomb and all its components and circuits.
“We do things a little differently in the 21st century” you said with a smirk, even though he couldn’t see it.
“How can you be funny in this situation? Ain’t you afraid?" Bucky said as he approached the bomb an you, his brows furrowing. It wasn’t like he had known you for a long time, but you were sure you could see he was scared, not just for himself and the team, but also for you.
"Courage is not the absence of fear. It is acting in spite of it" you said turning your attention to the bomb again and watching the hologram on your wrist with expert eyes. The countdown was on 2:35, you needed to hurry, or the explosion was going to tear the building apart and you and Bucky Barnes with it.
“What? " you heard Bucky said confusingly.
"Mark Twain" you said naming the author of the quote you knew he was asking about. "You should leave now, Sergeant Barnes. It’s not safe in here".
“I'm not leaving you here, you could die if that thing goes off" he said pointing to the bomb and focusing on the way your hands were picking some wires and analyzing them with the computer/watch on your wrist. "I'll help you".
“Bucky" you said as calmed as you could in that situation. Your eyes raised to his and you picked one of the knifes that was strapped to his tactic suit.
You showed it to him, as if trying to make a point and he looked at you and raised a brow confusion filling his features. And then you stabbed yourself on the leg. You heard him gasp at your action and his features turned into amusement when he saw that the blade had done nothing to your leg and the blade was now curved.
You let out a shaky laugh, picked one of the wires and, holding your breath, you cut it.
The timer stopped at 1:21, then the screen turned green, made a few beeping sounds and you let out the air you were holding. The bomb was deactivated.
“You weren’t sure that was going to work” Bucky affirmed with a tone of disbelief on his voice. Well, at least he was good at reading people.
“No” you answered him, a smile on your lips when you saw how a smirk was forming on his. At least he wasn’t angry at the fact you could have killed him. “Lucky you”.
Tagglist: @hoodgirl163 
Tagging some other people, if you want me to not tag yu agian please message me about it. @bucky-smiles @aunty-peggy @imagineandimagine @oh-snap-bucky @bi-bi-readytocry @allithewriter @thunderous-flower @uwubuckyy @bucky-ish @hufflebucky
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inkbyajm · 5 years
Basket of Affection
Pairing: Loki x reader
Summary: Reader is friendly with everyone in the Tower, showing lots of affection. Loki, however, was too timid and stubborn to talk to her, trying very hard to ignore the fact that he may like her. Yet, the sight of her loving nature irritated him. Will he end up finding himself in conversation with her, or will he have to sit and watch her slip away?
Word count: 2368 words
Warnings: none
Another day at the tower, another day to not save the town from some imminent threat. It kind of felt like a frat house, but instead of a bunch of drunk and adrenaline based, horny boys, there were a bunch of superpower-possessing, traumatized adults.
A couple of months ago, they introduced a new resident to the base, and to your surprise, it was none other than the Asgardian prince, Loki. According to Thor, in the human system, he was at the age of transitioning into adulthood, which lead to you assuming he was around 18-19. It felt nice to have someone closer to your age, just as a mental thing. You truly loved and cared for everyone in that building, you appreciated their hard labour and efforts, looked up to them even. Kindness and affection was in your nature anyway, but you showed it to people whom you really knew. How wonderful would it be to be able to have conversations with a God with anger issues? You had many questions in your curious mind, some of them more important than others, and you were rather looking forward to having them answered. That is, until you understood that they may never come.
On one particular autumn morning, you had woken up in a good mood. Feelings of giddiness and agitation rushed through your body like a source of energy.
After washing up, you left your room to make yourself breakfast in the kitchen that was also part of the very large living room, or what Tony liked to call it, the Anti-Superhero Area, a room where you are not allowed to be your alter-ego. He stated he wanted a place where you can pass time in tranquility without worrying of fatal danger every 0.2 seconds (the outfits would only jinx it).
Upon your arrival, you noticed two other presences, one sitting on an armchair, hiding behind a green book, the other at the kitchen counter, facing his back to you. You kept walking towards the fridge to fetch the ingredients.
"'Morning, captain!" you greeted him in a chirpy tone.
"Good morning, what got you in a nice mood?" he chuckled with a slight hint of curiosity.
"No clue, I woke up and voilà" you responded, gesturing towards yourself as if to show him the result of a successful experience.
"Well, nonetheless, I'm glad you are. And hopefully," he stopped to step away from the counter to reveal your favourite breakfast carefully served on a tray "this boosts your mood even higher."
Meanwhile, Loki, immersed in a very interesting book, a sentence of which he was rereading for the 15th time for the past 3 minutes now, was quietly contemplating to approach you in a friendly manner for the first time in the history of Man. He was always intrigued by a human's dual nature and you were the perfect example of it. The way you were this quiet and timid girl who wouldn't even dare speak up and give an idea for a simple group meal, yet how, at times, you could jump around and sing along to your favourite songs, embarassing yourself to the fullest no matter who was around.
So, he had finally caught you at what seemed like the peak of your happy state, and decided to use this opportunity and converse with you. A small smile had crept up to his face as he stood up from his seat, when a hearty laugh stopped him from any further action.
"Oh, Steve, what did I do to deserve you." you said contently "It’s my favourite too!". You then jumped slightly to engulf the tall beefy man in a warm hug.
"I may not be the best cook, but I was told I'm a very good listener." Steve said matter-of-factly "I wanted to repay you for last week's treat, it's nothing much."
Loki, however, couldn't bare the sight. It made him feel things, emotions, perhaps, that were completely unknown and stranger to him. It wasn't the first time, this would occur after every situation similar to this one. He was angry, jealous, and maybe even a bit desperate for things he never thought he would need or willingly desire. The gentle care, the unconditional love, the heartwarming affection, these things he so badly craved for throughout his entire miserable existence. And here when he thought he had finally found that one person who could provide his entitled self with all of these pitiful things he wanted. What a fool. He doesn't deserve decent treatment, let alone from you. She loved these superhero buffoons, and that was exactly what differed him from them. With these thoughts in mind, the man then quickly left, the want to disappear from the face of Earth growing as seconds passed by.
"Thank you, Rogers. I really do appreciate your work and effort." you stated, placing a peck on his cheek, making the Captain America blush.
You then spun around to eat at the kitchen island when you realized that you two were the only people around. You could've sworn someone else was here a couple of minutes ago. Leisurely, you walked up to the now empty armchair to check the abandoned book. Weird.
A few weeks went on and you had noticed that the same thing would happen quite frequently. At first, you hadn't given much attention to it, it was probably just a coincidence, you thought. Though, the more it happened, the more it left you feeling perplexed. Was he running away from you? Because he was perfectly fine, minding his own business in a room full of Avengers, that is, until you came in. It usually took only a couple of minutes for him to leave. How were you supposed to get to know him if he never spared you a mere second? But again, everyone has their own thoughts, their own problems, their own discomforts. You too felt uneasy around certain people, maybe he felt the same with you.
It was a cold evening, only slightly past 7pm, and the New York sky was already dark outside, but the city was still as bright as ever. You had been reading and analyzing the Poetic Eddas for the past 7 hours, and at this point, your brain was turning into mush. It was time to take a break.
You exited your nook, dressed in a long navy blue cardigan, a loose t-shirt and leggings, to get a glass of water. As you stepped into the living room, you noticed some of the Avengers scattered around, occupying themselves with pointless conversations, mobile video gaming, and simple resting.
"Good evening, everyone.” you spoke in a sweet yet tired tone, making your way towards the sink. Everyone greeted you in return. There was, however, one individual who would never say anything, and still stuck to his policy. When you were done filling up your glass, you drank it in one go and caught Bucky sitting at the end of the C shaped couch.
"Hey, how's your arm doing?" you asked approaching him, catching the soldier's attention.
"Hey, uh, it's doing alright, I think?" he replied, moving the cybernetic limb around "I haven't had any more problems with it, thanks to your smart brain."
"You should be more careful, it's a pretty complexe piece of technology, you know." you giggled in return. You hesitantly took it in your own hands to observe it closer.
"It's metal, you know. I can't actually feel anything so you can go ahead and do whatever." Barnes chuckled lightly in response to your uncertainty.
You looked up to him and accidentally made eye contact, then proceeded to put your arms around him in a hugging manner. Took him by surprise, but he returned the gesture rather in confusion.
"You may look okay now, and I thank God for it every day, but I wanted to say that I'm proud of you. Proud of you for pulling through all of it, proud of you for giving in, and proud of you for sitting here today." you whispered for only him to hear. James was flustered by your sudden comment and remained silent for he didn't know what to say. He was grateful.
Upon turning back around to check up on everyone else, you watched as Loki, for no particular reason, scurried back to the rooms, this time, taking his book with him. Your heart clenched at the thought of him hating you somehow. What could've caused the silent treatment? You made sure to greet anyone you knew, you would even smile at him most of the time. He, however, always remained silent, never speaking a single word, sometimes you felt lucky having as little as glances thrown at you. With a sigh, you gave up questioning it any further, and turned to engage in other conversations.
"You're not sleeping?" Natasha questioned you as you sat on the couch, a half empty mug of tea in your hands.
"I'll finish my tea then go, promise."
"Alright, 'night (Y/N)." she spoke hoarsely. You simply waved her off.
You sat a couple of more minutes in silence, sipping on the remaining content of your mug, feeling warm. Not the best idea to fall asleep on a couch in a tower full of childish adults, God forbid your peaceful state ever falls into their malicious hands.
After rinsing the mug, you groggily walked back to your room, ready to crash for the next 72 hours. You walked the dark hallways, not even caring to turn the lights on, sticking close to the wall. Passing by one of the doors, you heard a faint shuffling, one that didn't seem the normal kind. Brows furrowed, you leaned into the door to listen in. The shuffling continued and only grew more agitated.
You discreetly opened the door, careful to not bother whoever was behind it, just to appease your curious and slightly worried mind. The figure lying in bed was unrecognizable in the pitch black room, no matter how hard you squinted.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y.," you whispered to the system "could you turn on the light up to 15%?"
In an instant, the room became dimly lit, enough for you to depict your surroundings. There lay the prince, the blanket bunched up and messy, his hair deshiveled and sweat showing on his forehead. He kept twitching and turning, rather a concerning sight before you. You deducted that he was having a nightmare, and a quite powerful one. You were close to leaving him be, your earlier thoughts coming back to mind. However, you also felt guilty being a witness to his own mental torture and not doing anything about it. With a sigh, you reached his restless self, his heavy breathing getting louder the closer you got.
“Loki.” you murmured, shaking him by his shoulder “Loki, wake up.”
It didn’t affect him the slightest, in fact his breathing only got worse.
“It’s only a nightmare, you’re fine.”
His eyes opened slowly and gradually became ruby red. The man then snapped his head to look at you, now turning completely blue. It startled you enough for you to move back but the eye contact remained. Both of you kept staring at one another, hoping for something to happen. Anything.
The jotun lay there, in all his vulnaribility and ugliness, silently, though obviously, threatening you to go away. You weren’t moving. Why weren’t you moving? You’d have to run away any second now, he intended on staying in his form until you did so. The room was becoming colder and colder. He didn’t even have time to process as, out of nowhere, you gently put your arms around his cold frame and stay there. It felt…warm. He was taken aback. He hasn’t been embraced for what seemed like centuries. Should he push you away? Freeze you, perhaps? He wanted to escape this situation, yet, at the same time, he wanted for it to last forever. The prince felt strange inside, it was an undescribable sentiment that he didn’t know he craved. All of these feelings made his heart pound faster and faster, ‘till he felt like it was going to burst, made him want to rip it out of his chest.
You noticed from the corner of your eye the way the skin on his neck steadily turned back to its porcelain colour, then, as you pulled away ever so slightly, his eyes were already looking straight into yours, and they had returned to the emerald green colour you loved so very much. Loki seemed to have calmed down.
“I wouldn’t want to bother you but,” you muttered “if you want, I can keep you company.”
He stayed silent. He averted his gaze from you for a few seconds, considering your very tempting offer. Just as you were about to give up, you heard a soft mumble.
“I would like that.” he spoke.
A sense of relief washed over you. It made you smile to know that he didn’t despise you as you previously had thought. Moving away from the edge of the bed, you climbed back up to take up the empty place beside him. As if it were on cue, the lights went down and the room was dark again. You were quite hesitant with your next decision. Slowly snaking your arm around his shoulders, you tried to pull him in and were very astounded when he let you, easily giving into your hold. In hopes to comfort him, you gently ran your fingers through his raven hair and stroked his upper back in soothing motions.
"Do you really care?" he spoke softly. It was a random question that came out of nowhere, but you understood the meaning nonetheless.
"I do." you replied "I'll do my best to show it."
Maybe you were hallucinating, maybe it was the effect of exhaustion, but you felt his arms tighten around your waist ever so slightly. You didn't expect for your first interaction to turn out this way, but you weren't complaining. At last, the Prince of Lies was opening up to you. You both lay there, in each other's comfort, until sleep took over your bodies.
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tommyquackson · 5 years
The Plant That Grew From The Root of All Evil |P. Parker| Part 1
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summary: You’re no good girl, no you’re quite the opposite, chaos itself even, yet somehow, he still affects you || in which a villan and a superhero cross paths
warnings: murder, violence, hinting at childhood abuse, bad fathers, and cussing of course (in the next parts theres gonna be some crazier stuff)
pairing: peter parker x villan!reader
authors note: yall im so excited for this fic and I hope yall love it as much I do!!!
Queens, New York. You hated it but couldn’t seem to leave. Everything you’d built for yourself was here, all the memories you’ve had since you were a young child. Of course, most of the memories were much to graphic and horrid to ever want to remember but still, home is home.
As you walk through the city, you get closer to your little apartment. You’d live there since you’d dropped out of high school and began working to get away from your hell hole of a house. You pass the small grocery store where most people got their news for the day. On the front page you see something that slows your quick strides down.
On the front page of a local newspaper, Queens very own, Hell’s Angel; most tabloids just called her Angel. Queens newest villain. She planned solo heists and sometimes murdered people. No one is sure where she came from or what her main goal is but no one can seem to catch her.
The thought alone made you smile, no one could catch you. The lower tier avengers had tried and all failed, that idiot spider-man was the most relentless. Everyday he swung in to try and stop you plans and take you in, and everyday he failed.
You winked at yourself in the light reflection in the window and continued on your walk back home. You climbed up the steps and unlocked your door. You look down and immediately scoop up your cat Shovel.
You walk back to your bedroom and take a look around, trying to see if there was anything out of place. Not that you had a lot of personal things to be moved in the first place. You relaxed on the bed when you realized everything was fine. You looked at the stack of mail next to your bed, you couldn’t keep ignoring the bills there, something had to be done. But you just didn’t have the money at the moment. Your car had broken down the other day and the tow truck and repair was enough to set you back for the rent and utilities. You began reading through all the notices of urgency and threats to cut off power, water and heat of you don’t cough up a few hundred dollars.
How had it gotten like this, how’d you let yourself get behind on bills. Stupid, he told you this would happen, that you wouldn’t ever make it, life would be nothing but a struggle and fight for the right just to have a home to stay at night. He did tell you not to leave...
No. You had to, you left and you’re better off without him, if he couldn’t bother to be a good father, you weren’t gonna bother to listen to him. It doesn’t matter, even if you’re a little late on bills you’re still doing better than he ever could.
You needed money, and a stress relief. You pulled the case from under your dresser and set it on your bed. You changed into your red outfit and strapped on your utility belt. You looked at the stark white and gold gun you’d stolen from a pawn shop a few years ago. You slowly kissed it and stuck it on your waist, your knives going on your hips and back.
You throw on the long black cloak type thing you wore to cover your bright outfit. You headed out your window, kissing Shovel on his forehead and jumping down the fire escape.
You knew you shouldn’t be here, you didn’t plan this at all, going out on a whim was such a rush though. You slipped into a mechanic garage, that belonged to a local gang, careful to stay silent, if anyone of these men caught you before you were ready for them to, it wouldn’t be a fun night.
You sat waiting in a corner, analyzing each person that was in the room and that also came in and out. You quickly did the math in your head and realized you’d have 34 seconds before the leader would show up. You silently gave your self a pep talk, took of your cloak and went for it.
It took you 12 second to take out the men working on the bikes, an extra 8 because one man had a gun you didn’t even see before. 14 seconds left, you grabbed the bags of money the men on the right side of the room were counting and slid it over to the window you were planning on escaping from. 10 seconds left you shot down 3 men coming down the stairs. 5 seconds. You scooped up the bag and your cloak and jumped out the window. Heading down hidden backstreets. Before heading to a storage locker in someone else’s name, just incase anyone followed you.
When you were certain your were in the clear you began the walk home. Just before you reached your block you realized someone had been following you for two blocks, you kept your mannerisms the same and turned the opposite way from your apartment. You slowed your walk just a bit and let them get closer.
“You know spider-man, stalking girls makes you a predator.” You say quickly spinnin to the right and seeing the small hero.
“Just trying to keep city safe from evil like you” He says and every time he speaks your amazed at how young his voice sounds. He had to be around the same age as you, there’s no way he’s older than 19.
“So instead of catching the bad guys who robbed the atms a few blocks from here, you’re following me.”
“Wait, what? When did-“
“Don’t worry spider boy, I already handled it, cleaned up the scraps, you say grinning. It’s not like he can even see your face behind your mask.
“So your like a vigilante?”
“If i was a vigilante, I wouldn’t have murdered them for fun. I suggest you mind your own business web boy. Now get home before you get seriously hurt.” You say pulling out your gun. He shoots his web down at you but you block it and shoot at him. This goes on for a bit before you realize your out of ammo. You quickly look at the small building hes on before coming up with a route to the top. You climb up faster than he can think about and take out your larger knife.
You both fight, doing whatever possible damage you can manage, while also receiving damage as well. You manage to knock him far enough away from you to grab your bag and escape into the night, making it back to your apartment. You count the money and realize you can pay off your bills and car repairs with a little extra to do some grocery shopping. You hid the money and began getting ready for bed.
You lay there thinking about everything. The bright lights of the city a little more dim in this section of the neighborhood. You could hear people, a few taxis and stray cats in the alleys. The darkness in your room seem to almost form in the corner of the room. It was so dark, even Shovel was looking over there.
You hear shuffling and see your neighbor walking down the fire escape, passing your window. Yea, Eddie was a weird one. He spent a lot of time either stuck in his place or on the roof, but he was super nice. A bit awkward and he seemed to always be talking to himself, but he’s been nothing but a considerate neighbor since he moved in from San Francisco. He always checked on you and made sure you were okay.
As the night goes on, you can’t help but think about a better life. You didn’t wanna be a millionaire, no that was unnecessary, you just wanted to be comfortable. You wanted to be able to not worry about whether or not you would eat dinner that night. You didn’t want a family, for several reasons. You would be perfectly happy if it was just you for the rest of your life. And Shovel of course.
You fall asleep to the dream of you finding a lovely little condo in the better part of queens and living your best life with you cat.
“She’s got powers Tony! I don’t even think she knows that she does!” Peter Parker says leaving a frantic voicemail on his dads mentors phone once again. “Just-i don’t know, you should’ve seen the way she moved, it was like watching Mr Barnes fight, or-or like when Mr Loki does is magic stuff. It was insane, Tony. Well, that’s all i’ve got for tonight. See ya soon.”
Once he hung up the phone the young man couldn’t help but revel in what had just happened. Hells Angel was something, he’s not quite sure what yet, but it’s got to be something. She didn’t even realize her eyes glowing with power. Peter has fought many villains with powers but none like this. She was dangerous, she just didn’t know how dangerous she truly was.
You woke up the same way you always do, Shovel screaming and begging to be fed, even though you knew he’d broken into his cat treats. You groan and peek an eye looking at the cat.
“You know it’s not polite to yell at people while their sleeping?” You croak, your voice still heavy with sleep. You roll out of bed and trudge to the small kitchen, filling the cat bowl with food.
You make yourself bitter coffee and go sit in your living room to watch some TV. After a while, you phone got a buzz.
goodmorning beauty, you down to grab coffee? ;)
You roll your eyes at the annoying text. You’d met chandler at some store a few weeks ago. You slept with him once, figuring he’d understand a one time thing. He didn’t. He’d been trying to get you to go out with him forever. You decided to go ahead and rip the bandaid off, you’ll meet him for coffee, rip his little heart out and move on.
sure. i’ve been meaning to talk to you...20 mins at cabin fever?
You began getting ready once he texted back. You put a comfortable outfit and your vans and walk out the front door, heading towards the cafe.
“There she is! Hey princess, how ya been?” You hear Chandlers voice before you see him. You look at him in disgust. He looks like he walked out of the “i’m cool, please give me attention and make everything about me” catalog.
“Chandler, sit” You say smiling.
“So what’s up pumpkin?” He says with a smirk on his face.
“Y/n. My names y/n and I suggest you use it before your tongue gets hacked off” You speak.
“Wow there y/n, what’s your issue? You on your period or something?”
His comment only infuriated you more. What kind of lowlife sexist asshole.
“Chandler, can we go for a walk, it’s hot in here.” You whine taking off your light weight jacket.
“Sure thang” He smiles, grabbing your hand and leading you to the street. “So what’d you wanna y’all about?” He asks once you’re walking down a fairly empty block.
“Oh yea. Leave me alone, I get we had sex, but come on man, you gotta get over it. I can’t be in a committed anything at the moment. I’ve got a lot goin on” You say looking him directly in his eyes.
“Don’t be so harsh kitten” He spits his voice becoming darker. He lightly grabs your arm to pull you closer. He didn’t not wanna play this game.
“get your hand off of me before you see what harsh is” You snarl at him.
“I don’t know who you think you’re talking to, but it sure as hell aint me baby cakes.” He pushes you into an alley and against a wall.
“You have till I get to 3, are we clear?”
“What’re you my mother?” He laughs in your face. Your eyes squint and you feel a surge go through you, the same feeling as when you’re Hells Angel.
“Three” You spit through your teeth, your free hand grabs his arm and twists it around, wrapping it around his neck.
“It would be such a shame” You tighten the grip as you speak “If I just snapped your neck, leaving you dead in the little alley” He tenses up and begins begging you, using any pet name he can think of. You let go, but quickly kick him in his back, causing him to stumble forward, you quickly draw the hidden knife from your hiding spot on your waist, and point it at the base of his neck. You push it in, hearing a quick yell and then gurgling and then silence. You let his body fall to the ground, lifeless.
“Sorry bout that, baby cakes” You spit before wiping the knife on his shirt and waking away. 
The power coursing through your veins was unspeakable and unstoppable, mixing dangerously with hidden anger and resentment you’ve kept deep down. Hell’s Angel was beginning to overtake you, and the scariest part, you welcomed it.
taglist: @detroitconnorfangirl @unicorn-sparkles123
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lakinda5654 · 5 years
~~~~A Girl and A God~~~~ Chapter 8- Questions and Answers
A Girl and A God is a RATED M Loki Fanfic with an original character, Alexa, who is taken in by Tony Stark after the revelation of abilities of her own. There’s sex, romance, heartbreak, action, fluff, angst, all that good stuff. Full description in blog, and a jump-to-chapter list if you just want the smut or the cuteness bits. Enjoy <3
Chapter Summary: A week goes by, and after watching from a distance Alexa gathers the courage to get closer to Loki...
Contains: mostly plot development/ character growth, sparks of romance starting up
Word Count: 1,512
~Previous Chapter~~Next Chapter~
~~Beginning of Story~~
A week passed. Alexa had continued to heat up Loki’s food after every meal she could, not by going to his cell but by catching when someone from the kitchen staff would be leaving with his plate. Once though it appeared that she accidentally heated the plate too much, causing the server to drop it. She tried to be extra careful after that. But her power only lasted so long, and soon she couldn’t heat the plate no matter how hard she tried. She had entered a new power phase- shapeshifting.
Alexa had been working with Tony in his lab, showing her powers every day, and how strong each one was until it faded away. He was diligent and every morning from breakfasts end to dinner she would be in his lab. 
She still thought of Loki each day. From asking some questions, she came to understand that he was only let out of his cell if his powers were needed and that he had been locked away like this for 4 months.
4 months. Alexa couldn’t bear the thought. Three days had driven her suicidal. She had to get to him. Something wasn’t right. A soul that beautiful and complex should never be kept in a cell.
That night, she snuck down to the cells. Loki was there, stirring uncomfortably on his tiny mattress. She couldn’t take it anymore.
As soon as she started pressing the keypad, his head shot up. It was not normal for him to have anyone come in this late for any reason.
Before he could ask who was there, she slipped into the room and popped her shoe off, using it to hold the door, and sat. He looked at her, surprised.
This time he was not as calloused. He was half asleep. “What are you doing here?” His voice was deep and gravely.
“I want an answer,” she said. She sounded more confident than she ever had before speaking with him. “Why did you do it? Was it really just greed?”
“You’re referring to New York?”
Alexa nodded.
“Why do you care why I did it? Why at this bloody hour are you-”
“Because when I had soul sight I saw you. And you wouldn’t do that unless you had to.”
He fell silent for a moment, regaining more of his cold and uncaring attitude as he became more awake. “I was tortured and blackmailed into it by a creature from a different planet.” He looked at her waiting for a response.
She stared at him for a moment, a bit stunned. “You- you were tortured? Someone forced you to?”
“Yes. His name is Thanos. He has some end of ages philosophical reason to kill half of all existing life.”
She looked shocked. “Then why are you here!?” She was yelling. “Why are you being held here? It is the one who forced you who is guilty not yourself!”
Loki was stunned that this small mortal girl was so enraged by an outcome that did not affect her in the slightest. He looked at her with wide but analyzing eyes. After a moment of silence, his eyes softened, and he quietly replied, “try telling my brother that then”
Alexa grabbed at her head, pulling at her hair in frustration. “Come on,” she said, standing and opening the door. “You’ll sleep in my bed. I have 2 more days of moon-charge, so I don’t need it anyways. You don’t deserve to be cramped in here like that.”
Loki hesitated. This girl seemed full of surprises, and surely he would be in immense trouble if he was caught. But he had a feeling this was going to be interesting. Beyond that, he hadn’t gotten good sleep in months, so he took the mortal girl’s offer. He rose to his feet and followed her to her room without a word.
He wasn’t at all surprised by the luxury, but he sure had missed it. The bed was made and ready for him. He looked back at Alexa, who for a moment didn’t seem to know what to do with herself. “I’m going to use the bathroom and then I’ll go so you can sleep.” Loki didn't make a sound and she entered the bathroom and shut the door. He was alone in her room. The room of this curious, strange girl. He was too exhausted to be as excited as he normally would be, wanting to set up pranks or simple oddities just to see how she’d react. Wanting to explore her belongings, wanting to understand this creature. But he couldn’t stop his body from falling into the sheets. He pulled the blankets over himself, quickly realizing it was far too hot when he was wearing his full suit. With a flick of his wrist, he was in more comfortable sleepwear, a pair of loose black cotton shorts.
He lied his head back on the pillow that held him like it was a cloud, and he looked up at the ceiling. He couldn’t stop the question nagging at his brain. What did she see? It was infuriating. Figuring out things like this were always a breeze for him. People were puzzles and he could solve them in less than a second. But what did this girl see in him? And more importantly, why did she care? There had to be a selfish intent behind gaining his favor…
When Alexa left the bathroom she was wearing a tank top and a pair of sweatpants. She was walking to the door to leave when Loki’s deep smooth voice halted her steps.
“What did you see?” He couldn’t hold back the question any longer. “What did you see when you could see through people. What made you think I’m innocent? I’m not you know. And you’re foolish to think so.” His tone only grew tenser as he went on “I’m the god of mischief. I’ve spent my entire life causing pain and turmoil. I am in no need of your help or pity!” He spat the words at her as if they were venom. He sat up and felt his anger suddenly turn to fire. “You are a mortal girl that had the misfortune of ending up here with me. Be afraid and shy away like everyone else does. You’d be smarter to. You’ll do it eventually anyway!”
Loki was fuming. He had started to feel something and he refused to let himself ever again. She’s teasing me. Teasing me with the idea that someone could ever want to be close to me.
Alexa watched him in shock from the sudden outburst. She had tears in her eyes and the sight of them immediately caused Loki to soften a bit, then realize he had and immediately pushed the feelings down.
She took a deep breath, then steadily spoke.“I saw the most beautiful and complex soul I’ve ever seen- in you. You have been unloved and tossed aside and disregarded. You’ve grown stronger to protect yourself and you’re smarter and more cunning than anyone in your entire family tree going back centuries. You took what the world threw at you and used it only to make you stronger. And you did it entirely alone. Without help.” Alexa’s eyes never left his.
“Sure you’ve stumbled along the way and some stumbles might be worst than the average. But you’re a god, so of course they were. I don’t care what everyone tells me to think.”
In an instant, Loki went from sitting in the bed across the room to standing in front of her. Alexa jumped back in surprise. He was looking at her in a way that showed so many different emotions that she thought she couldn’t count them if she tried.
“I’m sorry…” his smooth voice was so quiet it was barely audible. “You’re expressing these things and it scares me. I don’t know…how to handle it. I’ve never been fully understood, and my power truly lies in being a mystery to everyone who surrounds me” He eyes stared at the floor, but hers were locked on him.
He’s so beautiful. His body left her speechless and his words… he was warming up. He was hurt and afraid too, but he was trying. She wanted to shower him in all of the admiration, love, and acceptance he deserved. But she knew she’d overwhelm him. She also felt that she didn’t deserve him. She had feelings for him. That was true, and she wanted him to feel her love without giving her anything in return.
All she could utter is a quiet “ok”
After a moment, she said, “I’ll come to you in the morning to return you to the cell so that no one gets in trouble.” She said.
He looked like he wanted to say something else, but Loki just gave a small nod.
Alexa left the room and headed for the helicopter pad. She spent the night thinking, playing solitaire on her phone and gazing out over the city with her feet swaying over the edge of the tower.
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