#i’ve been listening to the same 6 songs for days because they won’t show me anything else
inplateaus · 1 year
spotify shuffle the worst thing ever created
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natlacentral · 3 months
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Dallas Liu may be playing the Zuko in Netflix’s live-action adaptation of Avatar: The Last Airbender, but you won’t catch him with the Fire Nation prince’s restrictive, gravity-defying ponytail in real life. 
“I would never, ever out of my own personal choice rock the ponytail. It’s a haircut that not even cosplayers are willing to take on,” he tells NYLON. “I can gladly say that I would not recommend it to anyone.” But the 22-year-old actor does admit to what fans of the original animated series have known since the show debuted back in 2015: “The ponytail does look super badass on screen.”
Liu says he knew the challenge of bringing such a beloved character to life, but not only did he grow up watching the animated series and loving the Fire Nation prince for his fierce loyalty, but the show inspired him to start practicing martial arts. Ahead, Liu takes on the NYLON 19, revealing his thoughts on ghosts (or “spirits,” as he prefers to call them), TikTok thirst-trap edits of himself, and more.
I am a Leo! Unfortunately, I don’t believe in it because of my experience meeting people with the same birthday, but us being different personality-wise.
Yes, most definitely. Although I think the word “spirits” would be a better way to define it. I’ve never seen one — thank God — but I have felt uneasy in very old hotels or rooms that have a very long history.
Dominic Fike, Beach House, and Sade.
Honestly, I’m so bad at parking my car. Not that I’m bad at driving, but when it comes to parallel parking or even in a parking lot, I don’t put much thought into it.
I spend too many nights doom-scrolling on Instagram or TikTok, but it was probably a compilation of Avatar: The Last Airbender lore.
Short, McDonald’s, Black Ice Car Freshener
My friend sent me a TikTok thirst-trap edit of myself this morning which was interesting.
I would have to say either the music video for Bow Wow’s “Let Me Hold You” or Chris Brown’s “Yo (Excuse Me Miss)” just because the music videos in the ‘00s were just built differently.
Daniel Caesar performing in LA for his Case Study 01: Tour. It was my first one, so I remember everything about it. At the time, he was taking the music industry by storm and I was a major fan, so that concert was everything to me. I also was introduced to how much of a different experience listening to live music is.
The Polar Express.
The personality that comes with wearing a fedora. It’s always funny to me and forever will be. Maybe one day I’d get to play a character that wears a fedora. Maybe Zuko.
“I Gotta Find Peace of Mind” by Lauryn Hill.
A sweet latte with oat milk from Blue Bottle. A must. Just try it. It’s so good. I could live off of it.
My vintage Green Day shirt. It had the perfect shade of a faded black and the fit of it was immaculate.
Military boots because they look the coolest.
Anything by Elliott Smith or Duster.
Love Island UK.
Korean skincare products.
Wingstop: four lemon pepper classic and four original hot classic, all flats. Lemon pepper seasoned fries cooked well done. A side of ranch and bleu cheese. Root beer.
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ifhymona · 4 months
٭* Not Too Late *٭
Chapter 6 | chino moreno x reader
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chapter 5 ~ chapter 7 | AO3
1.2k words
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life has been super busy lately. the band is working on their sophomore album. they wanted to tease the album by playing a few songs at the gig coming up. i’m not sure on what name they’ve decided on but so far, i just know it’s gonna be a hit!
i wish i could listen to them practice but i’ve been working on making sure we have enough cds and vinyls to sell, making eps to tease some of their new album and making t-shirts. i didn’t mind the work load though. it was better than being in my room all day.
stephen ended up getting a cold, of course when we have a busy schedule. so chino just told everybody to practice on their own to try and perfect their sound isolated.
i kept on with my very busy day though. i did drop off stephen some soup, just to check in on how he was doing. i didn’t have to but stephen’s my friend and i like doing nice things for people.
after i dropped off his soup, abe paged me.
‘call me.’ i wonder what this is about. i walked to my nearest pay phone just two blocks away and dialed abe’s number.
he picked up. “y/n! what are you doing today?”
“oh just busy with making merchandise for the show. why what’s up?”
“well since you’re busy, i was thinking maybe you’d want some help?”
“i mean are you sure? you don’t have to.”
“i’m sure. plus how am i gonna be in the band and not see all the behind the scenes.” he laughed.
“well meet me at this place” i give him the address.
“i’ll see you there.” he smiled.
“so what are we going to do today?” the room we were in was fairly small but luckily it was just me and abe. there were four screen printing machines and a table off to the side with a few chairs. there was also a fridge and a microwave on a light stand. the fluorescent lights really brought this room all together.
“well we’re going to use these screen printers to make the t-shirts. i have to make a few calls with the record label about buying cds and stuff in bulk to sell.”
“how much are you trying to buy?” i bring out a box of medium white t-shirts onto the table.
“well i hoping for around 250 cds 250 records and 250 cassettes.”
“and how much will that cost?” he gulped.
i chuckled. “you don’t need to know.”
i think he was processing how much money that would cost us. “well, chop chop. we got a lot of t-shirts to make.” i clapped my hands together and got started with work.
after a few calls discussing money with the the record label, i was able to start helping abe with some t-shirts.
“so, how long have you and chino known each other?” abe asked.
“chino and my brother were friends in middle school. they were a year ahead of me but i still hung around them whenever chino would come over. in high school me and chino started hanging out together without my brother and we had some good times. then we just fell out my sophomore year.” i sighed.
“yeah i remember when that happened. chino would talk about you all the time!” he rolled his eyes. “oh, y/n never called! how could she? why won’t she just talk to me?” he mocked chino pouting his face.
i laughed. did chino really talk about me? it was hard for me to believe abe. i can’t imagine myself as a conversation topic. let alone someone chino would bring up often.
“chino would talk about you from time to time but he never introduced us to you. we’d see you around at school because we’d catch chino looking at you.” he laughed out loud. “i didn’t realize you were the same girl when you came in to be interviewed.”
“yeah and i didn’t realize chino was gonna be my co-worker for a job i applied for.” i sighed. “i’m sure he moved on after a few months.”
abe scoffed. “yeah right! anytime we’d kickback and smoke and drink together, somehow at the end of the night, your name was always brought up. even after graduation, he talked about you every so often. sometimes during practice, his voice even suffered. we would have to end days short so he could clear his thoughts and get back on track. even now he talks about things you two did before you stopped talking.”
“no way. you don’t have to lie to me.” i looked away. why would he talk about me? he had no reason to.
“i’m being serious! he has like a secret obsession with you or something.” he smirked. i blushed thinking about chino. what is going on with me always thinking about chino?
“anyways i’m glad you two made up. chino’s always sounded really good but i think since you’ve been around he’s been really pushing to be perfect.”
“if that is the case, i’m glad he is. you guys are honestly my favorite band at the moment.” i said, putting my hand over my heart.
“thanks y/n. i really appreciate that.” he smiled.
“enough about me. what’s it like being the coolest drummer ever?” i smirked.
“i love it! i never thought i would be a drummer for a popular band. it’s so riveting to be up on stage playing the drums. seeing all the fans show up to see us is what gets me pumped!” he shook his fist.
“i bet! i’m excited to see you guys play live!” i enthused.
he let out an audible gasp. “i totally forgot you haven’t seen us play live! you’re gonna love it.” he looked around, despite it being just us. he covered his mouth like he was telling a secret. “don’t say anything but we just decided on a name for the album. we’re naming it around the fur!” he grinned.
“around the fur.” i repeated then smiled. “i love it! it has a nice ring to it.”
“i know right! we’re even going to go on tour after the release of our album.”
“shut up! that’s so cool! it’s gonna be so much fun abe!” i started thinking about going on tour with them. how much fun it would be to go on a tour bus all across the country. meeting all their fans and seeing them perform countless times. i’d get to create memories with them that i’d never forget.
we continued to enthuse about the tour and the album while making t-shirts.
we spent five and a half hours making loads of t-shirts and talking the whole time. i’m really glad i got to spend this time with abe. he told me stories from his childhood and the early days of the band. i told him more about me and my past. we both enthused about topics we were both interested in like music and clothing brands and magazines. he even told me what it was like going on tour with other artists like korn and ozzy osbourne.
“thanks for helping me today abe. next time you want to help, let me know! i can always use it.” i smiled.
“no problem y/n! it was cool hanging out with you. it’s refreshing to hang out with someone new.” he smiled.
a/n: i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter ! i just wanna clarify, in case anyone is confused, abe and y/n are purely platonic. so don’t go thinking a love triangle is forming bc there’s not. they’re just gonna be an iconic duo 😘 anyways new chapter will be up next week ! lots of love <3
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arcadejohn127-9 · 3 years
Hii 👋 😁 okay so I'd like to request a valentines date with the brothers and newdatebales but while they are on the date MCs ex who is a complete jerk interrupts their nice time and MCs date makes the ex pay for being so rude. Happy Valentines Day! 💝
Happy valentine's! Ugh exes really can be a pain! I'd fist fight my ex for a stick of gum, no hesitation
Sorry this took so long, I've been asleep for most of the day
Pt.2 = undateables (minus Luke)
Context: you decided to go to the human world for your date
Restaurant! Always - it's a classic
It was fairly lavish, Everyone was in suits or dresses, the place seemed to glitter from how polished it all was
A small classical band in the back
"I'm having a lovely time, I hope it's all to your liking."
"definitely is, though if you were the one playing the piano I'd make it even better."
"I'll keep that in mind for later."
He smirked, taking a sip of his wine whilst you just beamed
You two have been waiting month's for this renovation and you glad you were able to get it in on Valentines
"Oh! (Y/N) been ages- didn't expect you to be here, who's your friend?"
Your stomach dropped
Your ex just smiled at you two, leaning on your seat
"no! No way! You're dating?! I heard you were so broken after our breakup, so glad you were finally able to move on, must of been hard."
"Will you leave? I'm trying to enjoy myself-"
Lucifer glared at them, shifting in his seat incase he had to settle this - he had faith in your strength but knew he wouldn't stay silent for long
"Why so hostile?! I haven't done anything wrong it's not like I've gone and told him how clingy you were or the fact you just LOVED arguing."
"fuck off will you?! I wasn't clingy, you were just distant and barely treated me like a partner and we got into arguements because YOU kept going behind my back."
He finally stepped in, noticing you were getting EXTREMELY worked up and had tears lining your eyes
He pulled your ex around, gripping their face and flashed them his true forms face
They screamed as they shoved themselves away from him, darting away to their table
This made everyone look at them, Lucifer fixing his hair and wiped his gloves with a scented wipe
"how unpleasant, Let's get the check, we can finish this back at the house."
He called over a waiter, quickly paying and collecting the now packaged food
"Just tap me and I'll step in sooner, I know you can handle yourself but I didn't want to give them the satisfaction of seeing you cry."
A drive in movie - wants to show off his hot wheels and attractive partner~
He was pulled all sorts of cheesy moves, the yawn and stretch is one but many
He smiled having you leaned against him with his arm around your shoulder
You told him you were going to get more snacks and he tried to follow you but you said it'll be alright
Though when you came back you saw your ex leaning on mammons car, flirting with him
"Babe! I told them to back off but they kept pushing-"
"I didn't expect to see you here, are you with him?"
"I'm very much with him, he's taken."
You roughly handed mammon the snacks
He knew to keep his mouth shut, that look on your face wasn't something to mess with
"what a shame, I'm glad you finally got over me though, I heard from your friends you disappeared for 6 months."
"yeah, I was busy with living my life not crying over you."
Your exes mouth twitched whilst you just jumped back into your side of the car
"Right, right - so are you two serious or just a fling? I know it's difficult for you to keep a partner - why not keep me company? You're too handsome to be with them, don't you think? There's no way you actually like them-"
They trailed a hand up mammons arm, sending him a wink
He smacked their hand away from him, growing tired of their behaviour
"you listen here I'm in love with them more than your tiny little human brain will ever understand, back away from my car or watch us go on with our date."
When your ex didn't move he grabbed your shirt, pulling you in into a heated kiss
Whilst you two made out your cradled his head, flipping off your ex, mammon didn't have to even look to know what you were doing
He joined in on flipping them off, you both stayed like that until you heard them scoff and leave
"just say the word and I'll do whatever you ask, I won't let them get away with talking to you like that."
When the movie was done you spotted your exes car with the window down, mammon happily through your Popcorn into their window
But it wasn't over, when his car got close enough he took a pocket knife, slashing their car and immediately drove off at high speed
Arcade; was there really anything else?
He was determined to get you all the arcade prizes, using all his skills to make the machine do as he wished
Has used his tail to grab a prize from a rigged claw machine
"what else should we do? I saw a two player shooter finally open up."
"maybe dance dance Revolution? It'll be fun~"
He groaned, not wanting to do physical exercise but smiled when you weren't looking
He knew every dance song and pattern! He was going to impress you so much!
Of course there was a line, two kids hogging it and people recording them
Though things took a turn when your ex showed their face
"i should of known you'd come here, can't seem to stop visiting our old dating spots, huh?"
You rolled your eyes, clutching levithan's hand
If you were going to be honest, you completely forgot this was one of your old date places
You just remembered it was close by and you've been there when you were younger
"get over yourself, I'm on a date with my boyfriend."
"him? Really? I knew I hurt you but I didn't expect you to downgrade this much."
Levi looked down ashamed, anger boiling inside of him at how they spoke to you
He suddenly moved Infront of you, gripping your exes shirt as he pinned them to the photo-booth
"I don't care what you say to me but I know that you're just a cheating liar who gets off making others feel shitty, stay away from us or I will rip you to shreds limb by limb!"
He didn't even know his voice raised, punching the booth beside their head
Your normally timid boyfriend only got like this when you tried to be a better TSL fan than him or he lose his patience with mammon
Your ex cowered under his gaze, darting off as soon as they could
"i- I hope I didn't speak over you! I know you could of easily dealt with them but I just couldn't stand it!"
Meausum, very interesting with different moments in history and discoveries all for the public to see - a date for nerds
Good thing you're both nerds (tbh I'd love a date like this)
"I was actually alive when this happened, It was pretty remarkable."
Oh yeah, expect him to be giving you all the classified details of moments in history
You just wished you had him whilst you were doing your history exams, you could of gotten so much extra credit!
"were you ever in any pictures? It would be pretty fun if we spotted you in the back of one of these."
He just laughed, grinning as you slowly began to realize that was an actual possibility
But before you could press on your mouth flew shut
Your ex was here
You elected to ignore them but they didn't have the same idea for you
"I never expected to see you around again, I thought you disappeared completely when no one heard from you in months."
"now that you're talking to me I wish I had, is there a reason you're interrupting my date?"
"your date? Is this him? I didn't think you'd move on so quickly~ shows what value you have on relationships."
Satan was pleased; he's heard all about your ex and was mad they were even breathing the same air as you
You were more annoying than any of his brother's and he hasn't even said anything to them yet
"I got over you quickly which might I add 10 months isn't a short time span - because you mean nothing me, you're a bitch."
"Back off or you'll end up with a bloody nose."
"gonna hit? Some man you are! Quick to violence-"
He grabbed their head, quickly jerking their head as if he was going to smash it into the display
His fingers dug into their scalp and tugged at their hair
"You have 5 seconds, I'm feeling nice today because it's valentine's - run now or I will put a dent in your skull."
He let go and he began to count, your ex looked at you both with fear before running
Just grazing the 5 second limit
"what was we discussing? Ah yes, I'll point out where I am, I think the picture is just up ahead."
Bath store date!!!
If it's with asmo - anything can be exciting
Even if it is you two walking around snorting bath bombs and poking the bath jello
Asmo handed you a bar
"smell it~ it's got herbs and flowers in it, doesn't the smell remind you of the kitchen back home?"
You gave it a small sniff but almost got abit of herb stuck in your nose when you saw your ex looking straight at you
He caught onto your surprise, slightly turning to see someone approach you two
"Careful there, don't want it to get stuck up your nose."
Your ex laughed, you just frowned
The demon looking between you, noticing how unhappy you were
"Do you want something? We're busy."
"I spotted you and thought to see hi! It's been so long since we've talked! Are you feeling abit better now after your break? I know the breakup was hard."
They gave you a pity filled look, patting your shoulder
"No, the breakup was easy to get through but why does it matter to you? We're not friends and you dumped me and that was that."
"come on it couldn't be just that, don't be shy Infront of- who are you exactly?"
Asmo quickly wrapped an arm around you, hugging you close as he gave your ex a tight smile
"Their boyfriend~! And I'm not happy about you talking to my sweetheart, leave."
"boyfriend? You look like that and you wanna try to be tough, you're as scary as a cloud- this is what you moved on with? I should of expected it."
"cute, look me in the eyes whilst you say that, won't you?"
Your ex foolishly did, Getting ready to insult but felt themself be fully charmed
"Won't you be a dear and spin around for me? Perhaps start clucking like a chicken, I think there's some feed over there." He cooed.
You bursted out laughing watching your ex do exactly as they were asked
Your boyfriend just smiled, picking up another soap and sniffing it before handing it to you
"ooo it's really fragrance, let's get this one."
You ignored your charmed ex, leaving the store with your stuff, hearing them yell out in humiliation as soon as you stepped out the store
Picnic, Should of been expected
You watched him do his stretches; you knew he had to keep himself occupied with draining tasks to keep better control over his constant hunger
He already scarfed down most of what was in basket before his fitness watch went off
You just sat back and observed
"I know this isn't romantic but once I'm tired we can continue, I'm sorry."
"Beel, I'd rather watch you flex your muscles than feel starved."
"I'll do my best."
He leaned down and you met him half way, Sharing a quick kiss before he went jogging
Everytime he passed your spot you gave him a cheer
But what you didn't expect was your ex to whistle, watching Beel with you
"do you mind? That's my boyfriend."
"I can see, how'd you get a guy like him? He's shredded, I didn't think big guys were your type."
"It's none of your business what my type is, our relationship is over and I told you I never wanted to see you again."
Your ex scoffed, glaring down at you
"is that why you disappeared for months? You really think I'd be desperate enough to message you again?"
"is it it of your system yet? Can you leave?"
"What's the issue..? You don't look pleased."
He was looking directly at you, concern on his face
You sighed In annoyance
"oh~ and he has a nice voice aswell, aren't you a package, wanna go somewhere more private?"
It was your turn to scoff, beel frowned at your ex
He knew how unpleasant your ex was and immediately stepped towards them
He grabbed their head and easily lifted them off the ground and put them to his eye level
"Apologize and Leave."
Your ex whimpered, wincing in pain, beel moved them like a ragdoll and made them face you
They were let go and scampered off
You turned to beel, cupping his face, his mood immediately improving
"you did amazing, baby, are you tired or do you need to keep exercising?"
"I think I'll be able to be fine now, I'm glad they left so quickly, I was going to eat them."
He wanted sky diving but you decided to go to the mattress store
Odd date choice but it made perfect sense to your boyfriend, they were having double bed special offers
He sunk into the mattress, sighing feeling how soft and bouncy it was
"We Should get this one."
"you said that with the last mattress, I'm sure you could find one hard as a rock and still want it."
"the top of the sofa is a comfy spot but I like my mattresses soft."
You just hummed, looking at the prices
"Tore up the old one with one of your tantrums? What a shame."
"excuse me??! I had a death In my family and that was an accident-! Why are you even here?!"
You can't believe it! Your ex had to be here of all places!
"I did want to say hi but now you're just getting all worked up over abit of teasing, you're still so sensative."
"Wow, forever the gaslighting cunt, I'm really not surprised you haven't changed but you got real balls to be so public about how much of a shitty person you are."
Beel was propped up on the mattress, happily watching you verbally destroy your ex
"you're just a bitch as always-"
"hold on, I'm just teasing - no need to get all angry about it."
He snickered whilst you smirked, coping the same tone your ex used
"Ah~ I know you, they told me about you, you're the ex that slipped and fell into the pool full of sick, I've been laughing about that for months."
"you-! I can't believe you'd talk about me so much, have you really moved on?"
"they told him one story, calm down, is this what you do now that you're single? terrorise couples in mattress store?"
They tried to bark back but he cut them off
"You know...I know plenty of ways to suffocate a human and I wouldn't even have to put a single finger on you, unless you want to see what I can do to your mind, I'd turn around and bother someone else."
They stared at him in horror, seeing you both just look down at them, enjoying their struggle for words
"you're both little shits, I hope you're miserable."
"and I hope you get the hell out of my face before I decide to stop being nice."
His eyes glowed as mist formed at his fingers, unnoticeable to anyone else around you
Your ex winced, a choked noise escaping them
They surprised you by being smart for once, turning around and storming away
"Are you miserable, belphie?"
"only when you're not around."
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dorotharry · 3 years
tiny dancer ; prologue
Pairing: 40s!bucky barnes x fem!reader
Next Chapter
Word count: 2.3k
Warnings: kinda long for a prologue, fluff, not really much but please let me know if anything in this upsets you. 
Summary: After being drafted for the war in 1942, Bucky goes to the ballet a week before having to leave with his best friend Steve. There he becomes infatuated you with the prima ballerina of the show, and he just has to meet you before his last week in Brooklyn is up. He hopes one day you would meet again; little does it know it will be 72 years later.
A/N: This is my first Bucky fic, I thought of it last night and I was kind of excited to write it. Sorry if any of the information is wrong as well my knowledge of Ballet and Brooklyn/NY are limited. I’m not sure if there are any similar story types but feel is so please let me know and I’ll tag them for people to read in the next chapter. I hope you enjoy :) Feel free to let me know if you want to be tagged in the next chapter. 
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Before everything - 1942
“Oh, come on Steve, come to the Ballet with me!” Bucky spoke enthusiastically, his arms pressed again the frame of Steve’s front door. “It’s my last week before I go.”
“And you couldn’t have just chose to go to a bar like any other normal man would a week before going to the war?” Steve responded looking sceptically at his best friend. Someone who he had never known to be interested in ballet.
“Because going to a bar filled with soldiers would be a bright choice for you,” sighed Bucky, “I’d rather not have to get into another fight…” Steve rolled his eyes and pursed his lips waiting for Bucky to continue. “Everyone in New York is talking about the Ballet! Don’t you want to feel cultured?” Bucky exclaimed moving away from the door frame. “Plus!, I got us pretty good seats if I do say so myself, what row was it again…?” He trailed off looking smugly at Steve. “…Oh, that’s right! Row three.”
“Too bad you couldn’t score front row,” responded Steve mimicking Bucky’s cocky attitude. Bucky huffed at his friend’s response. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding,” laughed Steve, “Fine if the ballet is where you want to go a week before you go, then the ballet is where we’re going, I guess.”
Bucky’s eyes lit up at his friends’ words. “Yes! This is going to be great, a night on the town, just two gentlemen going to see the ballet.” He grinned, Steve noting how happy he seemed to be going to the ballet; he wasn’t sure why. “I’ll pick you up tomorrow at 6pm”, Bucky spoke turning away from his still sceptical best friend.
“Okay then,” responded Steve watching him walk off.
Just as he’d said, Bucky had picked Steve up the next day, driving them to the theatre and making it there for 6:30. They wandered the foyer looking at all of the people dressed up to watch the performance like them. Many had already been a few times and were raving about what they were most excited for again. For Bucky and Steve though, this is new territory. Both of them glad though that they were doing something new. They made their way into the theatre finding their seats, as everyone began to pile in, ready for the show.
“I’ve heard that the lead female ballet dancer is meant to be very good”, whispered Bucky to Steve as the lights began to dim.
“You mean the Prima Ballerina?” Whispered back Steve correcting him.
Bucky looked at Steve with an amused look. “For someone who didn’t want to come you sure know a lot about ballet”, chuckled Bucky placing his focus back towards the stage.
Steve sighed and looked back at him, “I don’t know a lot of ballet, that’s just common knowled—” He was shushed by Bucky as he tapped him on the shoulder multiple times in order to tell him to be quiet. Steve looked towards the stage again as the orchestra began playing.
Bucky watched as the curtains opened, the stage filled with ballet dancers.
Not long into the performance you would enter, nervous side stage as your friends reminded you of how brilliant you would be. This wasn’t your first time performing but every time was just as nerve-wracking as the last. This was your passion of course, and you wanted nothing more than to be perfect.  You looked down at your tutu, a bright red tutu, a colour that stood out amongst the rest of the cast who were dressed in whites and greens. Even the male lead was only dressed in white. You particularly like your pointe shoes the best; they were a stunning bright red to match the rest of your costume.
Shaken from your thoughts you heard the beginning of your entrance within the music, jumping up and down briefly before getting into position to enter. Then you did, getting into character instantly.
Bucky gasped as his eyes followed you as you entered the stage so gracefully. He had heard you were a magnificent dancer, but he didn’t know you were so beautiful. Composing himself in his seat he watched as you were so engrossed in the music and the dance. It was obvious you loved what you did.
As the ballet continued his eyes never lost focus from you. He even thought there was one time when you had looked at him in the audience, but he knew that couldn’t be true, someone so perfect would never draw their focus from their work to look at him.
Even during the interval Bucky was in his own world as he thought about how captivating you had been. Barely listening but nodding as Steve spoke to him about his thoughts of the show.
When the show finally ended the crowd stood up applauding the performance. Eagerly so did Bucky, Steve following. As you bowed many people threw roses and he mentally cursed himself for not bringing any himself. The curtains closed and the theatre lights slowly came back on.
“Well I must say I did enjoy that,” spoke Steve as they exited the theatre, breaking the silence and pulling Bucky from his thoughts, he stopped walked and looked at Steve.
“Steve, call me crazy but I have to meet her, I have to know her name.”
Steve looked at Bucky and sighed knowing he wasn’t going to take no for an answer. “Alright pal, why don’t we wait near the door the cast exit from?”
Bucky practically jumped up and down as he followed his friend, who somehow knew where the cast door was, although it wasn’t a hard guess. Just down the alleyway next to the theatre.
After the performance, adrenaline was running through you like crazy. You loved this feeling. Tonight’s audience was marvellous, and they held nothing back when applauding you all for your performance.
When you performed you couldn’t see much of the audience due to the stage lights, but you could see up to around the 4th row. While you had stopped at the end one of your solos in the first act your eyes had briefly stumbled upon a very handsome man with brunette hair. But you didn’t get a great look because as soon as one song ended the next one started.
You had removed your costume and let your hair out of its bun brushing it out and attempting to make it look as presentable as you could. You got into a nice dress which you had arrived in, keeping your makeup on along with your bright red lipstick. Grabbing your bag, you said goodbye to your fellow colleagues as you exited the backstage area and entered the alleyway.
As you got to where the alleyway ended, and the city sidewalk started you were met with the same brunette you had noticed during the show. “Miss, I’m terribly sorry to bother you after your show but I just had to introduce myself to such a beautiful and talented woman.” Rambled Bucky.
You blushed and looked down as your dress, “Why thank you…” you trailed off waiting for the handsome stranger to tell you, his name. He seemed a bit distractedd looking at your eyes that he didn’t catch on though, causing his smaller blonde friend next to him to nudge him.
“Oh, sorry my names Bucky,” he replied letting out a nervous chuckle, “and this is Steve,” gesturing to his best friend.
Steve raised his arm to shake your hand, “Sorry miss but what was your name again? Bucky here forgot to tell me.”
You raised your arm and shook his hand, letting out a giggle over the two men in front of you, “My names y/n”.
You looked back over at Bucky who seemed to be going over something in his brain. “I wanted to know if you wanted to get a drink or some food or something with me?” What Bucky thought would be a confident question turned more into a rambling mess. Gosh he thought you were pretty.
You blushed, “How am I to know you’re not a murderer?” Raising an eyebrow at the nervous man in front of you.
Steve interjected this time, “I can confirm y/n, he’s not a murderer. Honestly, he’s usually a lot better at flirting than this, I’ve never seen him look so nervous.”
Bucky sent a death glare at Steve before looking back at you. You laughed again, grinning ear to ear, “Well I am pretty hungry, so I won’t say no, especially when a ladies’ man is so nervous to talk to me.” You smirked.
Now it was Bucky’s turn to grin, “great!” He responded. “I just have to drop Steve home and then we’re all set… Did you have a car?” He asked.
“Nope,” you spoke back, “so… do you think you’d be able to drop me home afterwards?” you asked, “You know considering I’m being so nice to a stranger.”
“I was going to offer anyway,” he replied signalling you to follow. You chatted with the two men as you walked to the car, when you got there, you insisted Steve sit in the front considering he was being dropped home. Then once you arrived at his, you both said your goodbyes to Steve. “I hope to see you again soon,” you yelled from the car as you sat in the front waving.
Steve waved back, as Bucky drove off to one of his favourite bars/restaurants beeping his horn at Steve as he left.
The rest of the night went smoothly, you both ate and chatted for hours, feeling like time barely existed with one another. It may sound cheesy but both of you felt like you were meant to meet one another. The only downside was that Bucky had told you he would be leaving for the war at the end of week, so you both knew it could never be anything more until at least the war ended.
It wasn’t until you realised the time that you knew you needed to get home, being Prima Ballerina wasn’t an easy job and it required getting at least some sleep. Bucky understood and drove you home continuing to talk about everything together. He even confessed he wished he had of gotten you some roses, to which you responded that how would he have known to do that. Of course, Bucky being a gentleman he still was disappointed he didn’t, even if you didn’t mind.
When you got home you thanked him for the wonderful night. “I’m going to see you again before I go,” he said from in the car, as you stood by the passenger window.
“I hoped you’d say that” you replied, “Good night Bucky,” you blew him a kiss, and his cheeks turned a bright pink.
“Goodnight y/n” he replied, grinning like a fool. He watched you walk into your apartment to make sure you got in safe before driving off. Gosh you were perfect.
It was finally the day he left.
Just like he promised you did see him again. After each show through the week, he would bring you a rose. Each time making you blush.
Most days he just drove you home and you chatted in the car, but a couple of times you got dinner again and made the most of the time you had with your new friend. You wished he didn’t have to go; you wished every time you saw him you could kiss him. But that felt like it would complicate things, you hadn’t known him long enough to put yourself through that kind of heart ache.
You and Steve were at the train station saying goodbye to Bucky. It was hard for Steve, he wanted nothing more than to go with his best friend and fight for his country, but he couldn’t. They didn’t want him.
For you though, you had only known Bucky a week, you had grown so comfortable with him, so it was hard seeing him leave, not knowing if he’d come back. He knew more about you than some of your closest friends that you had known for years, he was just that kind of guy, someone you could trust.
Bucky wanted nothing more than to just grab you and kiss you, but he didn’t know if that’s what you wanted. Steve had told him the day before to just go for it, but he was unsure. He didn’t want to put you through the heart ache. As he picked up his bags, Steve gave him a giant hug, you stepped forward and did the same hoping you wouldn’t have to let him go.
Releasing each other from your embrace, you both looked into each other’s eyes. Your eyes filled with water, and you could tell Bucky was holding back tears.
“Goodbye Steve, goodbye y/n” he spoke sadly as he began to walk towards the train.
Steve looked at you as if to say, ‘are you sure you don’t want to just go for it?’ and you sighed. He was right, what was there to lose? Bugger this you thought, “Bucky!” you yelled running towards him, “You forgot something!” He turned around confused only to be greeted by you grabbing his face and softly yet hungrily pressing your lips to his. He sighed into the kiss dropping his bags, he didn’t push you away instead he grabbed your waist and pulled you closer. 
This kiss was nothing like any of the kisses you had experienced before, if fact it made you feel the same way ballet did. It was the same for Bucky, none of the kisses he had ever shared with anyone felt like this.
You finally stopped and parted, resting your foreheads on one another’s.  
“Don’t worry doll, I’ll see you again.” He spoke softly to you.
You stepped back as a few tears fell down your face, nodding. He gave you a charming Bucky smile before picking his bags back up and turning away. You walked back to Steve giving him a hug, as he watched his best friend leave him for the first time in his life.
You wanted nothing more than to believe that you would see each other again.
Little did you know you would, only 72 years later.
Chapter One (next chapter)
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kyotakumrau · 3 years
GIGS No519 Interview 京 [Voice]
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GIGS 2021 JUN released on April 27th (interview itself was done on April 6th)
The last solo interview is with Kyo. In the previous interviews, all band members from the music instrument squad all mentioned ‘simple’ in reference to Oboro. Yet how did he perceive the song and what feelings were put into the lyrics? Let’s discuss it thoroughly.
The most important thing is that I want to be able to let out honestly what I want express, what I see, what I felt or thought that one moment.
text: Yukinobu Hasegawa photos: Reishi Eguma translation: kyotaku (pls let me know if you see any mistakes!)
You can get GIGS 6月号 on Amazon Japan or HMV or CDJapan or TOWER RECORDS or other shops!
――It shows in the footage enclosed in the deluxe and first press editions of ‘Oboro’ that the songwriting for the new album started quite some time ago.
京   I was probably working on various things without thinking about a single, so I don’t really remember when was it. I’m working on songs aaaaaaaall the time (laughing). I don’t really grasp when each song was done or which one will become a single, so honestly speaking I don’t really know.
――You’re also doing sukekiyo. I have many chances to speak with sukekiyo members and they were surprised that ‘Kyo will be sending new songs ideas or melody anytime’ (laughing). Is your pace of coming up with ideas as high with DIR EN GREY?
京   On the contrary, I’m not saying much in case of DIR EN GREY. Just about ‘I’m looking forward to it’. I’m not writing songs, so upon listening to the demo of the song sent by other members I just give them my opinion like ‘how about we change it a bit like this?’ or ‘this way is good’.
――At the time you started writing songs did you already have an idea what you wanted for the next album?
京   I didn’t. Not at all, I felt I could read this and that about the album from the direction we were going from the atmosphere of the songs the members brought in earlier. In our case we often don’t have talks like ‘let’s make an album like this’. So, on the contrary I usually don’t say much about things like album image, I think we can make more irregular thing if I keep a flat position.
――So even you are looking forward to what kind of response you will have when listening to the song’s demo?
京   I am.
――Because of the spread of COVID-19 it’s hard to move around now, so how do you get input for the music, art and so on?
京   Nah, I don’t really do anything. If you ask about input... the most I do is watching various news.
――Do you feel that the things happening around you and around the world are something that drive you when you’re expressing yourself?
京   I’m sure they do. What I think when I see and feel various things, how I communicate that, it’s about that.
――The single ‘Ochita koto no aru sora’ you released last year had a digital release only thus there were no lyrics included, but fans listened to the song many times to try to understand the lyrics. As a result, I think they realized that it’s a song with a dreadful/intense message. Because lyrics include a such date as ‘㋇㏥・August the 6th’ among other things, there was a reaction also from fans around the world.
京   Frankly, I don’t check fans reactions. I don’t know what people will think after listening, but I don’t want to talk about the atomic bomb. In the end, the fighting continues, the same things keep happening again and again...like that. I think there are many issues, but there’s no right answer to them, it’s all just collisions of what we ourselves think is right and just. That’s why you can’t say that something is bad as a rule. It’s just one way of thinking, there are many ways we can look at things. For example, currently during the pandemic holding a concert is the right thing to do or not, won’t the answer and the way of thinking be different for every person? Now more than ever we got a situation when it’s very difficult to say ‘this is the way’. It’s the way I feel now seeing various things.
――Because of COVID-19 there’s a lot of hate crime against Asians in the US. It’s a crime, but the people who commit it may see it as an act of justice.
京   That’s true. There are also many other issues like the gender discrimination, in all of them Japan is seen as lagging behind. It can’t be simply denied because the situation now and in the past is different, depending on the country or culture the way people feel or think is also different. It’s a difficult issue, isn’t it?
――I think you write many lyrics that make us think about that. There’s not only grieving in ‘Ochita koto no aru sora’, there’s a positive message at the end. That really resonated with me. Do you feel like the way you express and communicate things has changed?
京   No, I don’t think anything changed.
――I’d like to talk about ‘Oboro’ now, it seems like it was a pick out of few songs. What was your impression when you listened to the original song?
京   It was like all demos felt more like the album songs than a single. It’s normal as we originally didn’t start working on them thinking about creating a single, most of the songs were intended for the album and we decided to finish one as a single. Recently we had many up-tempo singles, so I thought it would be a good idea to release a ballad, not as epic as previous ones, but a ballad that could be included on the album.
――What kind of response did you have when you listened to the original song for the first time? Talking about the lyrics, I thought that because of the pandemic it became difficult to move around, and the thoughts have turned inwards. You told me [at t an interview] some years ago that you had some traumatic events, I thought [lyrics] relate to them.
京   In terms of the worldwiev and lyrics, recently there were no lyrics directed at one person, a lot of them had a message from a very broad perspective, that’s why first thing I wanted to do was to have a narrower worldview. So when I listened to the original song and the scene emerged [in my mind], the past songs videos are very broad. This isn’t a continuation but it was a start for me to want to put something like that together. It’s not about my own trauma, it’s a narrow worldview inside a big worldview. And without using grotesque expressions, I wanted to depict various feelings like love or hatred, and wrote lyrics with that in mind.
――The past songs you mentioned were also songs that had music videos made for them at the time. I was actually watching the video and having a flashback. The pain and agony of a woman, and I dare say her feelings about her aborted baby. That’s what gives a shape [to the new song]. At the moment is your expression or the direction of what you want to bring up in your lyrics changing?
京   I don’t mean it like we all should try being positive (thinking about the future) together, but as one should think about various things, I always want to write about what we think is the right path or what is just. But as I said before, what is right varies per person. It’s something I want to write about on the next album in the future.
――In other words, like stabbing/piercing each person’s feelings?
京   Well, yes. I think I’ve been thinking like that since the last album The Insulated World, but this time I’d like to go further into that direction... I mean it’s not like I have something precise I want to convey or I want to bring up this and that. The most important thing is that I want to be able to let out honestly what I want express, what I see, what I feel or think that very moment.
――As your age and work experience accumulate, I think people’s ideas and thinking will also change. What can you think of [that has changed] in the last few years?
京   Nothing (laughing). It’s not something you know about yourself. On the contrary I want to stay without changing. To change because the world is becoming a certain way is really not like me, I was always my own type of person, so I want to continue as I am. This is something I’m saying all the time, but I hate fixed ideas, I want to be always free to express myself. But there’s not much freedom in the world nowadays. Besides the problem with COVID-19, many countries have civil wars. That’s where we learn the importance of freedom again, and I also wondered if having a lot of freedom is not justice. When you start thinking like that it messes with your head, but I want to be free just in the world of expression. I feel like this is a one right no one can take away from me.
I think the most negative thing, for fans, for the band and for me, is not being able to show our real selves at the concerts.
――Are you taking that stance now as well when you’re writing for an album?
京   Nah, I haven’t written anything yet. We’re in the early stage of pre-production, so it’s not the point where I write lyrics yet. The songs are still in the middle of being changed, so it’s like I want to see more of them. Also, most songs don’t have a melody decided for them. And what I feel and think, what I want to express, things inside of me are changing every day. I want to be able to pack as current me as possible into [the lyrics], and to put into lyrics as recent images from the songs as possible, so I haven’t decided on them yet.
――Did you write the lyrics for ‘Oboro’ just before song-writing time as well?
京   Yeah. After the length/scale of the song is mostly decided in pre-production next is a step when I’m inserting temporary lyrics and then start recording.
――You have a [recording] vocal booth at home, so did you record ‘Oboro’ deciding the vocal direction by yourself?
京   If it was different, I probably wouldn’t be singing. I don’t want to go to a studio outside (laughing).
――Do you sing creating an environment for the song’s world like getting your room all dark when recording?
京   Nah, I’m a person who doesn’t do things like that, I can do it anywhere as long as I have a vocal booth. Just, I sing when I want to sing. When using a studio from what time and until what time is decided, engineers have their schedules, so even if I’m not happy with something and want to rerecord it, it takes time to get ‘let’s listen to it’ or ‘I’m gonna organize data’. And sometimes that timing doesn’t match my own rhythm. And, there are times when I want to sing soon after waking up or want to sing when I’m anguished not being able to sleep. I value this kind of speed so I can’t record outside my house anymore.
――In ‘Oboro’, even the trembling of your throat when your voice comes out got recorded, which helps the listener to get into the song even more. What were you looking for in terms of singing?
京   It’s a bit old-fashioned, isn’t it? In the past I was singing with my emotions so my mannerism/habits would really come out hard. After that I tried to get rid of them as much as possible, and as much as possible tried singing putting emphasis on the pitch and timing. For example, when the timing of each sound in first A melody and second A melody didn’t match perfectly, I would be unhappy, but now I just sing naturally so the timing can be a bit off. I deliberately sing with the feelings that were matching the flow of the song, so I don’t record with the intention of singing perfectly.
――You absolutely prioritise the emotions?
京   That’s right. But in case of ‘Oboro’, the lyrics don’t have a worldview where the emotions get stirred up to just burst out. They are hidden inside, I thought it would be interesting to sing in a restrained way without exploding. With that point, I recorded the song with the emphasis on the flow of the song. And I think I will keep that point the same when recording the album.
――There was a time when you were thinking like drawing a blueprint with many different voice tones and the arrangement of the choruses, it was interesting for you to play tricks with them, right?
京   There was a time when I pulled that out as a part of me, but now I want to pull other parts out. Increasing the things I can pull out, if I think the approach you just described is good, I just have to drag it all out. When I listen to the album as a whole, if I think there’s not enough appeal, I’d try a more gimmicky approach. In the end I won’t be satisfied with myself. I want to keep searching for more and more new ways, not only sing the way I’ve sung before.
――You had this kind of attitude from the start. As a coupling song for the single you have a customary self-remake song. This time it’s ‘TDFF’, to listen to the original song from the past again... ah, you don’t do it. I’m shaking my head for jumping into your answer (laughing).
京   I just briefly look at the old lyrics and decide I want to keep this part, I don’t need this part and so on. To some extend in myself I’ll just extract some part and from there extend the image and add things to it.
――Is it like breathing new life into a song?
京   Nah, it’s just the 2021 version. If we redid it now it’d look like this. We wanted to keep as many good parts as possible, but there were also parts where we felt ‘here it’d have been better to go with this’, so they got changed in the current version.
――By changing the song to a newest version can you see your attitude towards the singing or your thoughts?
京   I’m always putting in the things I’m feeling at that time, so I think to an extend I can see it. But it was originally a simple song, so it was easy.  
――It was also recorded in your vocal booth at your home, right? I think I’d actually like to have a peek at you singing to see what’s it like (laughing).
京   Ah, it’s a really simple booth about the size of the phone booth. There’s a small thing working as a desk and I put my computer there, singing while sitting down and using a hand-held mic. I don’t want to use a recording standard stand mic. I want to sing as much as possible the same way I sing at concerts. But there’s no space for me to stand up so I sing sitting down (laughing). But in my case, it doesn’t matter if I’m singing standing or sitting down or sleeping (laughing).
――It doesn’t really affect your concentration.
京   I usually can finish recording one song in less than 2 hours, so I think anyone can concentrate for about 2 hours (laughing).
――The 3rd song on the single is a live track. How do you feel about performing without the audience?
京   Honestly speaking the songs that require a response [from the fans] were a bit tiring, but there was no change with the songs focusing on the worldview or the songs that just explode. Doing it naturally is about doing it naturally. I haven’t listened to that live track yet, but yeah.
――But yeah (laughing). Did you choose the song that got the most votes?
京   Nah, I’m okay with any live track. Like ‘please choose whichever you want’, I leave it to the other members or the people in the company. Concert is a raw thing (=unedited, live), I had many live tracks in the past where my voice was all messed up or where I was singing cleanly. That’s why now I don’t have anything that would make me go ‘wait, this is a bit...’. I think the me from that time is packed there so anything is fine.
――You’re soon going to have a first in a while concert with the audience on May the 6th. I think you might answer ‘not at all’, but how are you approaching it?
京   Today I was at the concert film screening event in Osaka, and we talked there about the concert. And I said there that because it’s still a month away I don’t think about it (laughing). Listen, if you were told you will be having this and that for dinner in a month, you would listen with only half an ear being ‘yeah got it’ (=you’d forget it next moment) (laughing). I start thinking about it about a week before the concert. I’m not the type of person to go ‘I’ll do my best!’, I’ll just let out my honest feelings at the time.
――During the time when you didn’t have the type of space or time that is a performance with the audience, were there any moments when you started wondering ‘what are concerts?’ and so on?
京   No, there weren’t. There were moments when I felt like I’d like to do a show, but I didn’t really think about things like ‘why are we doing concerts?’ or ‘what are concerts for me?’. It’s not like all my music activities stopped, so I didn’t have a moment to think that deeply about it. If anything, rather than us I think it’s the fans who were thinking about it.
――Because for many people concerts are something they live for. Kyo, you’re looking healthy.
京   There were times when it was very hard for me mentally, I don’t know what was the reason. Now... I’m trying not to think too much about unnecessary things. I’m trying to only think about what’s in front of me or about things I’m able to do now, I’m trying not to push myself too much. I’m trying to accept myself as I naturally am. But even then, there are still things that keep piling up, making me worry endlessly. I wish I would be able to let them erupt at concerts. I think the most negative thing, for fans, for the band and for me, is not being able to show our real selves at the concerts.
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nothinghcppens · 3 years
small talk- pietro maximoff
part 2
part 1 here
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pair: pietro maximoff x female!reader
summary: after being apart of the team of super soldiers that hydra experimented on, y/n was one of the successful experiments and had been released to the world. the winter soldier and the siren had become the most prolific assassin duo in the world. but what happens when they get taken in by the avengers? what happens when she meets a particularly fast superhero with an attitude?
warnings: swearing, mentions of trauma, alcohol, kissing but like only that, minor sexual jokes
a/n: hi !! i just wanted to say thank you so much for all the love and support of part 1 of small talk and bad liar omg <3 i also wanted to add a taglist to future fics so let me know if you want added it! make sure to specify if you want to be added to the marvel or the harry potter one bc i have a harry potter fic in the works rn! also i’m gonna write a part three that’s just cute bc i want to keep writing this character heheh
“wake up!” splash.
the feeling of cold water hitting your face shocked you awake and you sat up with a gasp. trails of blue flashed from beside your bed and out the door, the clang of a bucket hitting the floor. “pietro maximoff. i am going to kill your speedy ass!” you shouted, jumping out of bed. not even caring that you were only in a t-shirt and shorts, you chased after him, following the blue light.
the trails stopped eventually, and so did you. you glanced around, listening for any sign of him. you crept over to one of the couches and grabbed a pillow as a weapon. “where are you?” you called, i’m a sing-song voice.
you walked around the room, “come on, don’t hide from me now.” the faint sound of his breathing was heard along with the dripping water from your hair and t-shirt. you followed the sound of his shallow breaths to the island in the kitchen. you dropped the pillow, climbed up on the island and crawled across it before swung your head over the edge, in front of his. “hey there.
he gasped, “shit.” you flipped your hair back up and sat back on your knees. pietro stood up and turned to face you before bursting into fits of laughter.
“i don’t know what’s funny.” you mumbled, glaring up at him.
“yes you do, you look ridiculous.” he huffed between laughs.
“i won’t look ridiculous when i’m putting a bullet through your head.” you spat.
“calm down, love. it’s only a bit of fun.” he said.
“i was sleeping piet!” you protested. you moved your legs so that they were dangling off the edge.
“okay, i’m sorry. i’m sorry!”
“you better be. i’ll get you back though.”
he stepped forward and leaned his hands on the island, on either side of you. “will you, yeah?”
his head was an inch away from yours, you could feel his breath against your face. you saw his eyes drift from your eyes to your lips and back up again. he leaned in slightly and your breathing quickened. “what’re you doing?” you whispered.
“what do you think i’m doing?” he replied in the same hushed tone.
“something you should’ve done a long time ago.” you leaned in towards him, lips almost touching.
“good morning!” cap announced, walking into the kitchen, looking at his phone. you two broke apart quickly, pietro speeding and grabbing you a glass of orange juice and ten occupying himself by looking at something in the cupboard.
“hey cap.” you croaked, voice uneasy from the nerves coursing through your body. “morning steve.” pietro greeted, closing the cupboard and standing next to you on the counter. steve didn’t look up from his phone and didn’t notice your wet hair and clothes
“how’s our newest recruit?” he asked as he grabbed a mug from one of the shelves.
“steve, i’ve been here for like 6 months!” you complained.
he put the mug in the coffee machine and pressed a few buttons, “and? you’re still the newest.”
“might be the newest but i could still take you down old man.”
“don’t get too cocky kid, i think pietro’s rubbing off on you.”
“ew i’d rather go back to being tortured than be like him.” you joked.
“how dare you! you know you love being around me.”
you made fake gagging noise and steve let out a laugh. he finally turned around and looked at you two for the first time this morning.
“oh- uh y/n? what happened, why are you soaked?” he asked, averting his eyes from you. your eyes widened in realisation that you were wearing little-to-nothing in front of your captain and your t-shirt was clinging to your body.
“pietro is a dick is what happened.” you said, pushing yourself off the table. “if you’ll excuse me, i’ll go make myself decent.”
“you look decent all the time, love!” pietro called after you as you began to leave the kitchen. you swivelled round and flipped him off with both hands before leaving the room.
“do you remember when-“ you let out a giggle and pointed at bucky, “when we had to kill those french agents and you-“ another laugh, “you fell over a wall! god i mean because my brain was mush i couldn’t laugh but looking back on it that shit was hilarious!”
you and the team were recalling old missions gone wrong, with the assistance of alcohol obviously, and you were telling a story about you and bucky- much to his dismay.
“i didn’t fall.” he protested, taking a swig from the bottom of beer in his hand.
“so what happened then? did the sidewalk just crumble?” you questioned, laughing loudly. the rest of the team sat observing the interaction, large smiles across all their face. pietro sat to your left with his arm around your shoulder, a drink in his other hand.
“okay. maybe i did fall.” bucky mumbled causing a roar of laughter from everyone. “but, remember how we were running through a forest in, where was it again?-“
“bulgaria.” you said, already knowing where this was going.
“bulgaria! yes. and it was raining so it was super muddy and you got suck in the mud!” he laughed.
“you left me there! i had to drag myself out.” you complained.
“well we had a mission to complete! you would’ve done the same.”
you rolled your eyes, “you’re right. i would have.” you felt pietro laugh from beside you and you smiled at him. “time for a refill.” you announced, pushing yourself up off the sofa. you wandered to the kitchen and took the bottle of wine on the table and poured some into your glass. due to the alcohol already in your system you spilled a little on the counter, “shit.” you muttered.
“need some help there?” pietro asked.
“i can pour wine myself thank you very much.” you retorted.
“i think the table disagrees.” he chuckled.
“shut up.” you groaned. pietro sped from the door to grab a towel and stopped behind you. he reached over your shoulder and wiped the spilled wine up. his breath was hot against your neck. you turned around, wine glass in hand, and looked up into his eyes. his hands remained on either side of you.
“this is the second time we’ve ended up here.” he mumbled.
“good observation, captain obvious.” you teased. pietro rolled his eyes and huffed out a laugh.
pietro took his right hand and tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear, staring into your eyes. he kept his hand on the side of your head and leant in slightly for the second time in the past week. your breathing deepened and your heart was thumping against your chest. you tilted your head up towards his head and your lips were almost touching, just as they were a few days ago
“y/n! can you get me a whiskey before you come back?!” tony called from the other room.
pietro groaned in frustration and pulled away from you, tilting his head up. “i’m going to kill those avengers.”
“good luck with that speedy.” you said, tapping his chest lightly.
he stepped away from you, letting you leave his embrace to get tony a drink. after pouring him a glass of whiskey and grabbing your glass of wine, you and pietro entered the room filled with your team. his hand was placed in the small of your back, guiding you back to the sofa.
you handed tony his drink and he smiled at you, “thanks kid.”
pietro sat on the couch and you flopped down beside him, his arm resuming its place of around your shoulder. you swung your legs up and across pietro’s legs, earning a few looks from nat and clint. they looked at each other and raised their eyebrows with a smirk.
steve and bucky were telling a story of a party they went to in the 40s and how bucky had to drag him to dance with these girls they met. you took a sip of your drink and noticed pietro’s eyes glancing at your lips, “want a sip?” you asked, smirking because you knew that’s not what he was looking at.
he pushed his tongue against the inside of his cheek and sighed, “watch it, y/l/n.”
“oooooooh we’re on last name terms now?” you teased, smiling.
“yeah if you keep pissing me off we will be.”
“don’t be so easy to piss off.” you replied.
he leaned over and whispered in your ear, “cant help it. i’m frustrated.”
you pushed out your bottom lip in an overdramatic pout, “boohoo.”
tony then shot forward in his seat and clapped his hands together, “tomorrow you two,” he said, pointing at you and bucky, “are gonna have a little fashion show, i’ve been working on some suits for you guys and i need your input.”
“wait really?” you asked.
“yup. i’m not having you two going on missions in your hydra gear.” he explained.
“shit, thanks tony.” bucky replied.
“where’s my suit?” pietro questioned.
“you’ll get on eventually. your girlfriend is just a little more improtant.”
“i was here first.” he protested.
“girlfriend?” you asked at the same time.
“wait your turn, turbo.” tony said.
pietro scoffed and everyone laughed at the interaction.
nat stretched her arms behind her head and yawned, “alright losers, i’m going to bed.”
“yeah, me too.” clint added.
eventually everyone had made their way upstairs and all that was left was you, tony and pietro.
“okay. what’s going on here?” tony asked, wagging his finger between you guys. pietro’s hand was now resting on your leg which was still across his.
“nothing.” you said.
“uh huh? yeah that bullshit doesn’t work on me kiddo.”
“piet, sure nothing has happened.” you glanced at him and a look of annoyance crossed his face.
“yeah stark. nothings happened.” he replied through gritted teeth.
“well if anything does happen, stay safe.” he winked at you two, “and if you hurt her, speedy, she’ll probably hurt you back worse.”
you laughed, “hell yeah i will.”
“oh i know you will.”
“goodnight .” tony said as he stood up from his chair and left the room.
you swung your legs off pietro and stood up, “well goodnight piet.” a smirk grew across your face as you began to walk away.
“nope.” he stated, grabbing your wrist and turning you back around. he pulled you onto his lap so you were straddling him, legs on either side of him. he placed his hand on the back of your neck and pulled your head towards his before crashing your lips onto his.
the kiss was heated, after being denied it twice before. your hands moved from his shoulders to the back of his neck and his moved to your waist. his fingers dug into your hips causing you to moan slightly, he took this opportunity to intertwine his tongue with yours.
eventually you broke apart, both gasping for air. you placed your forehead against his and closed your eyes.
“you don’t understand how long i’ve wanted to do that.” he muttered.
“worth it?” you asked, teasing him.
“nope.” he joked.
you leaned back and glared at him, “you bitch.” you leaned in and kissed him again, running your fingers through his hair and pulling it slightly. he groaned against your lips and you smiled through the kiss, enjoying the effect you had on him.
pulling away for the second time, you both had content smiles on your faces. you leaned your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes, “you’re comfortable.”
he let out a hearty laugh, “thank you?”
“it’s a compliment, i could sit here forever.”
suddenly you were no long sitting on top of him, you were being picked up and whisked through the building. your hair blew around until you stopped and were in your room. “what just happened?”
“i’m tired and the couch didn’t seem good to sleep on.” he explained.
“woah, woah, woah. who said you’re sleeping in my room?”
“i did.” he stated. using his powers he stripped himself down to his underwear and jumped on your bed, under the covers.
“i regret kissing you. you’re a pain in the ass.” you complained.
“and you called me a bitch?!” he exclaimed.
you rolled your eyes and grabbed your pyjamas that were at the foot of your bed and walked to your bathroom.
“where are you going?” he asked.
“getting changed, i don’t want you watching.”
you closed the door to block out his protests and quickly got ready for bed.
“hurry up.” pietro called.
“stop complaining or i’m going to sleep on the couch.” you replied, opening the door and leaning against the doorframe. pietro was sat with his arms crossed over his chest, his eyes raked over your body and a small smirk grew on his face. “eyes up here pretty boy.”
he laughed and pulled back the cover before patting the spot next to him, signalling for you to join him. you shuffled over and slid into the bed. pietro wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close.
“so much for the whole tough super soldier act, you’re a softie at heart, aren’t you love?” he muttered in your ear.
“anymore of that and i’ll suffocate you in your sleep with this pillow.” you replied, closing your eyes and relaxed into his embrace.
“no you won’t. you’re too soft.” he teased.
“pietro. i’m warning you.” you yawned, “i don’t care how good looking you are i will kill you.”
“good looking huh?”
“fuck off and go to sleep.” you spat.
“sweet dreams, y/n.” he said with a small laugh.
“yep they won’t be about you.” you murmured, before dozing off to sleep.
“i knew it!” nat squealed. you squeezed your eyes close and then opened them, blinking rapidly. pietro lay behind you with his arm draped over your waist. he groaned against your neck and looked over his shoulder at the team standing at the door.
“piet what’s going on?” you grumbled, too tired to sit up and look for yourself.
“so when did this happen?” cap asked.
you finally turned over and sat up, seeing everyone stood in your room. “what the fuck? get out my room you creeps!” you shouted, grabbing the pillow behind your head and throwing it towards them.
“oh come on kid, when did it happen?” he repeated.
“none of your business steve.”
“we’re not leaving until we find out.” clint added.
“you’re awfully quiet little brother, nothing to add?” wanda said.
“i cant believe this.” you muttered, lying back down.
“last night, happy? but all we did was kiss okay, nothing else.” you explained.
“yet.” pietro stated. you elbowed him in the stomach and he winced at the impact.
“so are you two together now?” nat asked.
“well we haven’t had the chance to speak about it because you guys ruined our morning!” you exclaimed.
“what’s going on?” bucky asked, rubbing his eyes. he peered in over everyone and laughed, “nevermind.”
it seemed that pietro had had enough too so he sped out of bed and pushed everyone outside the room, closed the door and locked it. “much better.” he said.
you heard the murmurs of everyone outside, “use a condom!” clint shouted. footsteps retreated from your door as everyone left to go about their day.
“i’m moving out i can’t live here anymore.” you groaned.
“it’s not that bad, you’ve got me.” he said, crawling back onto the bed and lying on top of you. you wrapped your arms around his head and played with his hair.
“so are we like together now?” you asked, mocking natasha’s previously asked question.
“would you like that?” he asked.
“god no.” you joked, “obviously dumbass.”
he lifted his head up and leaned in to kiss you.
“nope. you’ve not brushed your teeth.”
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helnjk · 3 years
All I’ve Ever Known - G.W.
George Weasley x fem!reader
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last of my oneshots for my showtunes fic list, based on the song All I’ve Ever Known from the musical Hadestown! i’ve had so much fun with this series of fics, i hope you guys have enjoyed reading them xx 
Word Count: 2.8k 
Summary: george finds her extremely intriguing, the way she spends her days drawing and creating art. maybe one day he’ll pluck up the courage to talk to her. 
Warnings: mentions of food, mentions of bullying/exclusivity, stereotypical slytherin biases
lyrics are bold and italicized 
I was alone so long 
I didn’t even know that I was lonely
Y/N sat by herself at the end of the Slytherin table, pushing what was left of her meal around her plate. She could hear the different conversations flowing around her, the ones including her fellow housemates moreso, but as usual she wasn’t involved in any of them.
She could hear Malfoy sneering to his little crew about something or other that Potter did to irritate him that day. She could hear Adrian Pucey discussing the latest Quidditch plays they had used at training that day. She could hear a couple of first years anxiously discussing the topic of their exams the next day. 
All around her were signs of companionship and community, yet she was left utterly alone. She wasn’t stupid. She knew why she had been outcasted from her house the moment she got sorted. 
“Isn’t she muggleborn?” 
“What a disgrace to Slytherin.”
“The Sorting Hat’s made a mistake with that one.” 
Over the years, she had gotten used to how those in her house treated her–holding her at arm’s length. She had spent many nights in her first year crying herself to sleep because of how all-consuming the loneliness had been, but now at her seventh year, she was numb to it all. 
She knew who she was: A talented muggleborn witch and a proud Slytherin. She didn’t need validation from anyone else. And anyways, most of her time was spent out on the grounds with her sketchpad or in the Room of Requirement painting. 
Loud laughs from the Gryffindor table spurred her out of her thoughts. The Weasley twins had pranked their younger brother, and it seemed like their younger sister was an accomplice to the crime as well. The rest of the red and gold house was watching on amusedly, no doubt accustomed to similar situations. 
The Weasleys were a well known family at Hogwarts. How could they not be? With their fiery red hair and their big personalities, it was a given that they caught the attention of almost every student. 
Y/N admired how they just fit right in with their house, their second family. Of course, a lot of it had to do with the fact that they were so comfortable with the Hat’s placement. Their whole family was sorted into Gryffindor, she could remember, albeit slightly foggily, the older Weasley siblings in leadership roles when she was younger. 
Her eyes lingered on George’s laughing figure for a second longer than the rest of them. She was always intrigued by the younger twin. They seldom had classes together, but from what she could gather, he was just as observant and perceptive as he was mischievous and quick witted.  
As bodies began to take their leave from the Great Hall, a rough shove to the shoulder nearly made Y/N fall onto the floor. Her eyes snapped up to the offender and she saw the unbecoming sneer of Malfoy. Crabbe and Goyle were snickering not so quietly behind him as he stared down at her. 
“Whoops,” he jeered, “Sorry to disrupt your staring at the blood traitors and gryffindorks. Maybe you’d be better off with the lot of them.” 
With a huff, Y/N gathered her things and strode out of the hall without so much as a second look behind her.  
It's like I’d known you all along
I knew you before we met
And I don’t even know you yet
All I know is you're someone I have always known
She was drawing again, George noted.
It always baffled him how she was always alone. Usually students at Hogwarts drifted about their days in groups or pairs; it was rare to see someone spend most of their time by themselves. Growing up with 6 siblings, and having a twin, George was so used to the chaos and noise that came with it that he couldn’t picture what it was like to go about your day solo.  
His eyes drifted towards her figure sitting on a blanket out in the grounds. She was blissfully unaware of her surroundings, or more to the point, the person staring at her like a bloody idiot. The weather was slowly transitioning from autumn into winter, and he could tell that she was trying to milk the last few warm days. 
It was no secret to him that she preferred to sketch out in the sunny grounds, but Hogwarts being situated in the Scottish countryside made it so that her window of opportunity to do so was limited.
He was so focused on how her brows furrowed in concentration and how her lips pursed ever so slightly when she made a mistake, that he didn’t notice Fred’s many deep sighs. This caused his twin to take one final deep breath and exhale as loudly as possible. 
“What’s got your wand in a knot then?” George asked, taking his eyes off of Y/N and turning to face his brother. 
“Finally noticed that I exist, have you?” teased Fred. 
“Oi, just get on with whatever you want to say!” 
He merely laughed, “If you want to talk to the snake, just do it!” 
George had the audacity to act as if he didn’t know what Fred meant, “What in Merlin’s name are you on about?” 
“Don’t be daft,” Fred smacked him lightly on the back of the head, “You’ve been pining after that Slytherin bird for months, just go and talk to her already!”
“Was I that obvious?” 
With a frustrated groan, Fred shoved his twin in the direction of the girl. George stumbled for a second and checked to see if she had seen, she hadn’t. He sent a glare at the redhead over his shoulder, before dusting off his trousers and donning a confident facade. 
As he strode across the courtyard, his hands grew increasingly clammy and his heart began to beat erratically in his chest. There was no turning back now, though, as he approached the girl. 
His shadow blocked the sun from Y/N’s notebook and she looked up, not expecting anyone to get so close to her. 
“Erm, hello,” George waved awkwardly as he towered over her figure.
She blinked a few times before replying, “Hello. Can I help you with something?” 
“Mind if I join you?” 
George’s question rang through the still air for a moment as Y/N processed what he had just asked. No one had ever wanted to keep her company as she drew before, she wasn’t quite sure how to react. Just before the moment turned even more awkward than it already was, she gave him a swift nod. 
The tall, lanky redhead folded his legs beneath him as he made himself comfortable on the path of grass next to her. He had to stop himself from grinning too wide, “I’ve seen you around, you know.” 
She merely raised a confused eyebrow in his direction. 
“Not-not like I’ve been stalking you!” he stammered, rubbing the back of his neck and feeling his ears turn hot, “I’ve just noticed you like to draw out here, especially when the weather’s warm.” 
“Oh,” she mumbled, brushing her hair behind her ear. 
“I’m sorry, did I make you uncomfortable?” 
George’s gaze on hers was so sincere, she kicked herself internally for not saying the right thing to him, “No you’re not! Don’t worry. I’m just not used to people paying much attention to what I do. I mean, I’m not that interesting.” 
She felt small under his analytic gaze, but something in her kept her from looking away. 
“Well I think you’re plenty interesting from what I’ve seen,” He shrugged nonchalantly, “Tell me about your drawings!” 
He had said the magic words and the pair of them dove into a conversation. Y/N couldn’t contain her excitement, as she rarely had the opportunity to speak about something she was so passionate about. 
“These look bloody brilliant,” George murmured in awe as he flipped through the pages of her notebook.  
Y/N’s face warmed at the compliment, “Thanks.” 
All I’ve ever known is how to hold my own 
But now I wanna hold you too
For nearly every day after their first encounter, George made it a point to talk to Y/N. Whether it be along the hallways on the way to class, during meals (he would take her hand and drag her to the Gryffindor tables, much to her bemusement), or out on the grounds while she drew. 
Most of the time, he would talk and talk and talk as she listened quietly. A soft smile would always grace her lips as she observed him and how he spoke so highly of his family and how he was so excited for the shop he would be opening with his brother. The tone of his voice and his large grins always made her feel included in whatever it was that he talked about.
“Hello love,” George smiled down at her before plopping down on the soft grass to her right, “Reckon we’re on the last few days of good weather.”
His eyes raised skywards as the overcast clouds floated above them, hers did the same. 
“It’s alright,” she shrugged, sending him a small smile, “We’ve made the most of it, I think.”  
The pair sat in relative silence, as silent as it could be with one of the Weasley twins, as Y/N built up the courage to show George what she had made for him. With a deep breath, she plucked something from her school bag that lay strewn across the grass and held the parchment to her chest.
“Yeah, Y/N?” his eyes trained on her nervous figure and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “Everything alright?” 
She nodded her head swiftly, “Yeah everything’s perfect! I just wanted to show you something that I made.” 
Slowly, she smoothed out the parchment in front of them. She observed George quietly as he took in the sketch she had made. His eyes scanned it over once, twice, three times before they met hers again. 
“Is this…” He mumbled, taking the sketch into his hands to look closer.
“You’ve just been so excited about your joke shop that I–I made a logo for you guys,” she smiled sheepishly, “It’s pretty bare bones, but I wanted you to see it. I won’t take offence if you don’t like it!” 
George stared at her, mouth slightly agape. This was one of the sweetest things anyone had ever done for him, and she did it out of the kindness of her heart. Without a second thought, he threw his arms around her and quickly pulled her to his chest. Y/N let out a little ‘oof’ as she collided with him, heat spreading throughout her body. She was thankful that she was basically smushed on his chest, at least then he couldn’t tell how flustered she got at his display of affection. 
“So d’you like it?” she asked shyly, looking up at him. 
“I bloody love it!” 
Y/N let out a breath that she didn’t know she was holding, the pair of them grinning at each other. 
Later in the day, George all but dragged Y/N into the Gryffindor common room in search of Fred. His brother was sat on one of the couches by the fireplace, chatting idly with Lee. The sound of parchment hitting him square in the chest rang through the relatively empty room. 
Fred’s hands immediately held onto whatever George had placed on him, and his eyes lit with joy as he realized what he was looking at. 
“Bloody hell!” he exclaimed, “Is this what I think it is?” 
George took a seat next to his brother, his hand tugging Y/N along to take the seat beside him, “Yep. Our Y/N here has made us a logo for Wheezes.” 
“This is brilliant, Y/N! Thank you!” 
For the second time that day, she found herself wrapped up in the arms of a Weasley twin. Slightly used to it, she just laughed the show of affection off and patted Fred slightly on the back. 
“Happy to help,” she smiled. 
As the seasons turned from autumn to winter, Y/N found herself spending more and more time with the red headed twins. She found their enthusiasm for their joke shop infectious, always chipping in with ideas of her own for products, or sketching up prototypes for them to look at. 
Slowly, her days were filled with laughter and warmth. 
It was a little jarring at first, spending so much time with people who actually cared about her, people who wanted to hear what she said and see what she created. It surprised her, really, how quickly she had become accustomed to being around them. 
After a while, though, she found herself wanting to spend as much time as possible with George. She lived for the routine that they had formed, spending most of their breaks and meals together. 
It struck her on a seemingly ordinary day, the realization that she was falling for him. 
Y/N and George were at a far corner in the library, discussing how the product designs she made could be tweaked a little. He was hunched over the parchment, tracing his fingers over the soft lines of charcoal on the parchment, smudging it just a tad bit and getting some of the pigment on him.
“I love the way you drew…” 
George had said something or other about the design, but Y/N couldn’t focus on anything except the way his arm flexed as he spoke. From the corner of her eye, she kept glancing at him, noticing how the glow of candlelight cast soft shadows on his face. The freckles on his cheeks seemed to dance in the flickering light, and looking at the constellations on his face made her breath hitch in her throat. 
She couldn’t quite place why her heart was raging in her chest, as if she hadn’t spent most of her days with the red headed boy anyway. 
And then it hit her. 
Her eyebrows shot up at the sudden awareness of her feelings for George. Oh sweet Merlin and Morgana, she thought. 
You take me in your arms
And suddenly there’s sunlight all around me
Y/N’s voice rang through the relatively empty hallway as she raced to meet her friend. The friend that she might have been in love with. The friend that she spent hours and hours of her day with, trying to ignore the bubble of feelings that wanted so badly to burst in her chest. 
The redhead who was on his way back up to his common room paused mid-step as he heard her voice. He spun on his heel, turning just in time for him to see her barreling towards him, waving a piece of parchment above her head. 
When she nearly collided head on with him, he instinctively wrapped his arms around her waist and steadied her, “Woah there, Y/N. There’s no need to try and kill me.”
She huffed, catching her breath slightly, “Sorry, I’m just so excited!” 
“Are you going to tell me what you’re excited about, or?” he teased, cocking his head to the side. 
With a grin on her face, she shoved the piece of parchment she was holding into George’s hands, “I just figured out how the general design of the Wonder Witch products should look like! See here there’s a–”
“Godric I love you.”
Both bodies froze at the statement. George immediately felt his whole body get hot, no doubt tinging his cheeks and the tips of his ears red. Y/N’s mouth was slightly agape, her mind whirring with all kinds of thoughts as she tried to comprehend what had just come out of George’s mouth. 
“What?” she asked, unable to form a proper sentence. 
George took a deep breath, there was no going back now, “Erm, yeah. I fancy the hell out of you, Y/N. That wasn’t the way I would’ve preferred to tell you but, I do–I do love you, yeah.” 
“Oh, Georgie,” Y/N whispered. 
Taking her answer as a rejection, he nervously rubbed the back of his neck, “It’s alright that you don’t feel the same way, I don’t want this to ruin–”
Instead of replying, she threw her arms around his neck and pulled him in a hug, “I love you too, you silly boy.” 
The nerves got the better of her, and her words were slightly muffled as she whispered them into his chest. 
“Come again?” 
“I love you too, George!” 
A wide grin spread across his face as he looked at the girl in his arms. He felt like he could fly with how happy he was. Everything he needed was right in front of him, and he would hold her close for as long as he could. 
General taglist: @expectoevans​ @george-fabian-weasley​ @gxthsanrio​ @slytherinscribbles​ @harpyloon​ @nuttytani​ @mesmerisedangel​ @amourtentiaa​ @hufflepuff5972
Weasley twins taglist: @whizboingies​ @pineapplesandpinas​ @papapapadumb​ @mrs-g-weasley​ @a-castle-of--glass​ @hey-there-angels​
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streetlight11 · 3 years
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Summary: He sends his daughter to a daycare centre during the day when he's busy working. He loves his daughter so much but is unable to give her full attention. However, the little girl understands. Just so happens, the little girl has grown really fond of one of her daycare teachers and she loves to tell her father about her. What happens when he meets his daughter's daycare teacher one day out of pure curiosity only to fall for her later?
Theme: Family, stranger(?) to lovers
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: IdolParent!Taehyung x DaycareTeacher!Reader
Word count: 4.4k
A/n: Hi, hello. I just get so soft when I see my favourite kpop boys interact with kids and I know Taehyung loves kids so I thought of writing this. Let me know if there’s any mistakes! Other than that, enjoy reading! :)
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“Okay guys, you can take a break. We’ll resume in 15 minutes.” Their choreographer said as the 7 boys let out tired groans and sighs before collapsing to the ground. Taehyung took a few heavy breaths before making his way to the bags where he took his phone out to make a video call. 
A few seconds later, a familiar high pitched voice ringed through his phone speaker as the little girl stepped in front of the front camera where her grandma was holding up the phone.
“Hi my flower! How are you? Have you eaten?”
“Yes dada! Grandma made chicken soup today!” Just then, the rest of the boys came rushing to Taehyung’s side as they were all taking turns to say hello to the little girl.
“Ahh! Lily ahhh! Hello!” The boys said while the little girl giggled excitedly before waving to the camera.
“Omg so cute.” Namjoon commented, only for him and Hoseok to wriggle at how cute Lily was being.
Lily was Taehyung’s daughter. Yes, he and his ex-girlfriend was still young at the time when she accidentally conceived the little girl. However, Taehyung’s ex left the baby for Taehyung’s care, completely abandoning them. Taehyung of course didn’t have the heart to throw the baby away so he ended up taking care of her.
He got the help of his family to look after the kid while he was preparing to debut. At the time, nobody knew about this except for his family. It was after he debuted that his members and his CEO and soon after, the company staff members along with his manager found out about the child.
However, Taehyung wasn’t kicked out from the team. In fact, he was given the chance to continue his career but that would mean less time to spend with his daughter. Taehyung wanted to work hard and be successful in the future for himself and his family, that includes his daughter.
Hence, the reason why he stayed with the team.
It has been 9 years since her birth and now that Bangtan was doing quite well, Taehyung was able to support his family and his daughter.
“Dada! Dada!” She called, making the boys squeal at her cuteness.
“Yes my flower?”
“I’m going back to school tomorrow! I can’t wait to meet Miss Pretty!”
“Do you really call her that?”
“And she’s fine with it?”
“Miss Pretty is very nice! She’s not like the other teachers.” Taehyung laughed, staring at his daughter with such loving eyes. But soon, his happy little time had to come to an end since practice was about to resume.
“Sweetheart, Dada has to go now okay? Say bye to your uncles.”
“Bye bye uncles! Bye bye Dada!”
“Bye Lily!” The boys said in unison before Taehyung blew her a kiss and she did the same. After he hung up the call, Yoongi spoke up.
“Who’s Miss Pretty?”
Taehyung just shrugged his shoulders indicating he doesn’t know.
“I only know she’s one of the daycare centre teachers where I send Lily to everyday but I’ve never met her before.”
“Lily seemed to really like this ‘Miss Pretty’ a lot.” Namjoon commented.
“She likes everyone.” Taehyung said before going back to the middle of the room.
“No she doesn’t. She told you she doesn’t like some of our female staff members, remember?” Namjoon said, causing the rest of them to laugh.
“Maybe because they didn’t really know how to handle her.”
“Hyung, she told me Shiyeon and Jaemi noona scared her.” Jungkook said, causing Taehyung to sigh.
“I guess it doesn’t matter.” Taehyung confessed.
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A few days passed by, as usual, Taehyung couldn’t pick Lily up from school due to his late working hours so his manager went to pick her up at 630 in the evening. It was 10 minutes past 6 and some of the kids had gone home with their parents.
Lily was just sitting in one of the small tables, playing with a board game alone when (Y/N), one of the daycare centre teachers, who was also ‘Miss Pretty’ as what Lily likes to call her, came up to the little girl only to join her at her seat.
“Hi Lily.” (Y/N) said with a soft smile on her face.
“Hello Miss Pretty!” Lily said as she got out of her seat and went to wrap her arms around (Y/N)’s hips. (Y/N) giggled. Hugging the little girl back before they went to take a seat. They chatted for the next few minutes while they waited for her guardian to arrive.
“Lily, can I ask you something?”
“The man who picks you up everyday, is that your uncle?”
“Nope! He’s my Dada’s manager. Dada is a singer!”
“Oh? Really? Who is he?”
“He is in a group!”
(Y/N) stared at the little girl in awe as the girl began to hum to a song that she recognized. She knew it all too well. It was Run.
“You mean, Bangtan?”
“Yes! Hehe. Do you know my uncles and Dada?”
(Y/N) didn’t want the girl to be afraid or feel like she was going to expose her to the fans that she was a child to one of the members so she shook her head. Just then, the little girl told her to turn on a song by BTS on youtube because she wanted to show (Y/N) who her dad was. (Y/N) did just that, only to click on the most recent comeback they had a few months back with the song title ‘Black Swan’.
The video played but Lily never stopped it, just enjoying the music together with (Y/N) but then she suddenly clicked pause when one of the members got a close up shot and she immediately smiled while eagerly pointing to the screen.
“Dada! That’s him!”
With that, (Y/N) took a good look, only to realize that it was Taehyung. Who happens to also be her favourite member. (Y/N) wasn’t disappointed that he has a child. Instead, she was happy that he never gave up and continued to persevere for his daughter.
“This is your dad?”
“Yeap! He is awesome isn’t he?” The little girl giggled.
“Yeah. He is.” (Y/N) replied with a smile when a familiar voice calls out to Lily from the class door.
“Uncle Sejinie!” Lily said as the man smiled to both (Y/N) and Lily.
(Y/N) returned the gesture, walking Lily to him. Once they were at the door, Lily went ahead to put on her shoe when the man said to the little girl.
“Lily ah, your father wants me to bring you to the company building. He wants to see you.” With that, she began to jump up and down excitedly while holding onto (Y/N)’s hands. The man glanced at their locked hands and frowned.
“But your teacher won’t be coming with us.”
Lily pouted sadly only to ask why, her voice laced with sadness. (Y/N) looked at the man and he was visibly feeling bad but she completely understood why.
“Lily, sweetheart, listen to me okay? I have no special connections with your dad so I can’t go in there. But you’ll still see me here everyday? Right?” (Y/N) tried to talk some sense into the little girl as Lily began to tear.
“B-But, I want you to meet Dada…”
“Next time okay sweetie?” (Y/N) said, only for Lily to nod. She gave (Y/N) a warm hug before waving goodbye to her.
The two of them soon left the centre while (Y/N) quickly packed her things and went to tidy the class a little before heading home. After she locked the centre, she slowly walked towards her car. She got in and soon drove off. But her mind drifted back to earlier.
“Is Taehyung a single dad then? Where is Lily’s mother? I feel so bad that she grew up without a mother figure…” These questions floated in her head as she drove back to her apartment.
But this didn’t make her look down on him. He was still human and humans make mistakes. No doubt, even though she found him to be the most charming and cutest member of Bangtan, she just couldn’t help but wonder just how adorable he would be with his daughter. She would probably melt if she saw how he is with Lily. 
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That same evening, Taehyung’s manager and Lily soon arrived at the Bighit building as his manager led her up to the 9th floor of the building.
He showed her which room they were in, only for her to run while the man held her bag for her. Lily reached for the door handle with a little jump. She pulled the door handle down and soon pushed the door open. The guys were just scattered around the room, practicing for the upcoming comeback in a few months.
“Dada!” Lily’s voice echoed in the room. She ran to Taehyung in a heartbeat. His face immediately lit up upon seeing his daughter, easily scooping her off the ground.
“My flower! Omg you’re here!” Taehyung said as he kissed her on her soft cheeks and also on her tiny lips, making the girl giggle.
The rest of them began to huddle around the parent and child as they took turns to greet the little girl. They ended up being distracted by her for a while but she listened to her father when he told her to wait quietly at the couch until he ended practice and she did exactly that.
She even fell asleep with Taehyung’s phone in her small hands while waiting for him. Taehyung took her to his dorm as she slept over there for the night since it was a weekend the next day and the guys were having two days off.
During the weekend, Lily couldn’t stop talking about (Y/N) even though she still calls her ‘Miss Pretty’ when talking to her dad about her.
Taehyung has been hearing all these nice stories of this teacher of Lily so he figured, maybe it was time to meet the person who has been taking very good care of his daughter when he’s busy working everyday and night. It was a Wednesday evening and Lily was just talking to (Y/N) at one of the tables as usual while waiting for her guardian to pick her up.
Just when she was about to tickle Lily for stealing her markers, a deep raspy voice spoke up from the entrance. A sense of familiarity to the voice lingers in her ear for a little too long.
(Y/N) glanced over to the door, only to see a young man standing there with a white mask over his nose and mouth but his eyes were too familiar for her not to recognize.
“Lily ah, Dada’s here.”
That’s when Taehyung finally locks eyes with (Y/N), only then he realizes how true his daughter described her to be. She was a lot cuter than he imagined with the genuine smile on her face as she joked around with his daughter.
With that being said, Lily gasped, running straight to Taehyung. (Y/N) watched as he scooped the little girl up swiftly, nuzzling his face in her small neck. (Y/N) giggled softly at the cute interaction between a father and a daughter. Once she was standing in front of the idol, she suddenly felt nervous and shy, in which he seemed to notice.
“Hi, you must be Lily’s dad. You can call me (Y/N), I’m Lily’s class teacher.” (Y/N) said, holding her hand out. Only for him to smile behind the mask. Taehyung took her hand in his and shook it gently before he introduced himself.
“Hi (Y/N), I’m Taehyung. Thanks for taking such good care of my little flower.” He said, only for him to feel a slight electric shock when their skins made contact for a little too long. They both pulled away sharply but then apologized. Just then, Lily spoke up.
“Yay! Does that mean Miss Pretty can see Dada more now?”
With that, (Y/N) choked on her own saliva while Taehyung’s eyes grew wide in shock.
“Oh Dada, come on! I like Miss Pretty. Don’t you?” Her question came to them by surprise when he locked eyes with (Y/N) for a while but then a small smile appeared on his lips.
“I do, baby. Now enough of chatting. Let’s go. We wouldn’t want to hold Miss Pretty back from her rest now do we?” Taehyung said while Lily shook her head. However, (Y/N) was flustered when he used the nickname Lily gave her instead of her name. Taehyung flashed her a shy smile as he soon asked if she had a ride home. When she told him she drove there, he nodded.
“Alright then. Drive safely. Thank you again for everything you’ve done for Lily.”
“It’s my pleasure, Taehyung. Goodnight, and I’ll see you tomorrow pretty flower.” (Y/N) said. Tapping Lily’s nose, making the girl giggle. Only for the little girl to bury her face in Taehyung’s neck.
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The next day, (Y/N) didn’t expect to see Taehyung again in the evening as he took his time to fetch Lily from the daycare centre although he was in the middle of practice. Slowly, this became a routine for him to come pick Lily up from school. At first his member’s were confused as to why he was suddenly eager to fetch his daughter almost everyday. But after a while, they knew exactly why. 
Taehyung wanted to see (Y/N).
This went on for a few weeks with the both of them already exchanged numbers and he would sometimes video call her during lunch just so he could talk to Lily, and maybe (Y/N) too. The members have spoken to (Y/N) a few times before and some of them have even met her in person. All of them seemed to like her as a person.
However, it was Taehyung’s birthday today and the boys had to work. Taehyung apologized to (Y/N) through text saying that he probably couldn’t come and fetch Lily due to his busy schedule but she told him it was fine.
Little did he know, the boys had planned something to surprise the single father.
(Y/N) and Lily went to go get a small cake for Taehyung before heading to the company building. Once they managed to get in with the help of their manager, he brought them to the level where they were at.
(Y/N) prepared the cake and candles as she hid outside the practice room door while Lily hid on the opposite side of (Y/N). She texted Yoongi to get Taehyung out of the room and soon, when the door opened with a clueless Taehyung stepping out to leave, Lily and (Y/N) came out front to surprise him. The poor male jumped back in shock as he clutched to his chest.
Everyone began to sing for him the happy birthday song as they gathered around the door. A smile crept onto his face but he was still confused to see them there.
“Happy Birthday Dada!” Lily said after they finished singing for him while Taehyung glanced back and forth between the adult and the kid.
“Happy Birthday Taehyung.” (Y/N) wished as she held the cake in front of him.
“Make a wish.” She said, only for Taehyung to listen.
He closed his eyes and soon made a wish in his head before blowing the candles out. Everyone cheered before re-entering the room to celebrate briefly. They were all having bite after bite of the cake, only for Jungkook to whisper to Hoseok quietly while (Y/N) was talking to Seokjin and Yoongi.
“Wah hyung, she’s really pretty. She’d make such a cute couple with V hyung.”
“I agree. Plus, she’s already won Lily’s heart. It makes her one step closer to being Lily’s mother figure.” Hoseok said, seeing her giggle at Seokjin’s comment about her having to be stuck with Taehyung of all people. Their break time was about to end when (Y/N) spoke up, catching the attention of everyone else.
“I’m really thankful I got to be here and celebrate your birthday. Who would’ve thought I would be sitting here with a famous artist group huh?” They laughed at her words, telling her that they were happy she could feel even the slightest bit comfortable being with them as a normal person and not as an idol with a fan.
Just then, she took this chance to continue.
“Even so, I shouldn’t be here for too long. I don’t want people to get the wrong information.” This caused the boys to look at her in shock while some frowned.
“What do you mean? You’re leaving already?” Taehyung asks suddenly from beside her as she locks eyes with him. She found it hard to answer him so he continued.
“Stay… please.” His words were soft and almost as if he meant every bit of it without any hesitance in it.
“I know you’re worried about our fans and the media, but I promise you’ll be safe.” His words brought so much comfort to her but for some reason, she was still afraid. So for the first time, Taehyung reached down to place a hand on top of her own that was resting in her lap while he gently caressed it with his thumb.
“Please stay (Y/N).” The room fell silent, the boys glancing back and forth between the two expectantly.
She didn’t feel right to reject him with how gentle he was being so she decided to give in.
With that being said, the members smiled in victory as they soon cleaned up the place before going back to practice. As promised, (Y/N) stayed longer while the boys practiced their upcoming song. (Y/N) was just sitting with Lily at the couch, entertaining the little girl by watching a cartoon with her. Halfway through the cartoon, Lily began to yawn as (Y/N) turned to her in concern.
“Are you sleepy?” She asked, her voice slightly louder so she could hear past the music playing in the room.
Lily nodded as she turned to (Y/N) with her arms out. It was out instinct that (Y/N) immediately got up and rested her hands on Lily’s underarms before lifting her up. She puts Lily on her waist as the little girl wraps her arms around (Y/N)’s shoulders. Lily pressed her cheek on top of (Y/N)’s shoulder with (Y/N) supporting the girl by resting her arms under the girl’s thighs.
The boys were still focused on dancing when Taehyung noticed (Y/N) carrying Lily through the reflection.
She was swaying from side to side, gently patting Lily’s back to lull her to sleep. Since it was pretty noisy in the room, (Y/N) decided to bring Lily outside so that the little girl could sleep in peace. All the while, Taehyung watched as (Y/N) carried Lily out of the room quietly without interrupting the boys.
A few of the members noticed this too but they weren’t as focused as Taehyung. Almost an hour later, they decided to call it a day as they began to take a short rest while packing their stuff.
“They’re not back yet?” Taehyung asked when he realized (Y/N) and Lily weren’t in the room. The boys shook their heads, only for Taehyung to leave the practice room in search of his two precious gems. Only to find (Y/N) standing at the very end of the hallway, softly humming to a song.
Taehyung lightly jogged towards her as she turned around upon hearing his footsteps.
“We’re done with practice. Did you drive here?” He asked.
“Mhm.” The room fell silent for a bit before he spoke up.
“I really mean what I said earlier.” She looked at him in slight confusion before he explained himself.
“You don’t have to worry about anyone. I promise you’ll be safe. I’ll keep you safe.”
With that, she smiled as she reached up to cup his face, making him lean into her touch. 
Both of them have yet to confess their honest feelings for each other but it was pretty obvious that they liked each other. However, because of his profession, it would be slightly hard for him to actually be open about being in a relationship with someone even though he wants to be in one with her.
But that didn’t stop them from being honest and true to one another while nobody else was looking. With that, Taehyung gently wraps his fingers around her wrist as he caresses her hand softly before he speaks up.
“I know this is a little much to ask, but is it okay if you let Lily stay at your place tonight, I have a busy schedule all day tomorrow and I can't put her at the daycare since it’s a weekend. My parents are out of town at the moment too.”
“Yeah sure. No problem Taehyung.” She said with a genuine smile.
“Thank you so much (Y/N). I’ll come pick her up after my schedule is over.”
“No worries Taehyung. Just give me a call before you come okay?”
“Okay.” With that, the 9 of them soon left the building as she took Lily with her. 
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A few weeks passed and both (Y/N) and Taehyung have been showing more and more intimacy but without any PDA. Whenever the boys were at their dorm, they would often ask when Taehyung would ask her out or make it official but it seems like he has too many things on his mind. But they didn’t rush him into things so that was good. Today however, was a little different.
(Y/N) got a text from Hoseok asking her to come to the company building saying that Taehyung injured himself during the practice and nobody was around to take care of Lily. With that being said, she quickly rushed over to the company. Once she arrived, she went to find the room. 
The minute she pushed the door open, she was met with a very cute setting where there was a foldable table with a laptop, a picnic basket on top of the pretty blanket covers. She got confused as she stared at it for a second, only for someone to cover her eyes from behind. She gasped as she jumped back, crashing into a firm chest.
“What are yo-”
“Shh, it’s just me.” Taehyung’s voice resonated in her ear as she couldn’t help but giggle.
He guided her inside not before closing the door and lock it. After they were inside, she turned to him and faked a hurt expression.
“Hoseok told me you got injured. Why would you guys lie about that? I was so worried for you!” She said as he chuckled, finding her super adorable. Taehyung took her hand and led her to the layout where the picnic blanket was laid. They soon took a seat before he then spoke up.
“I know this isn’t a perfect first date, but I knew you’d feel uncomfortable if we were out in public because you know, with all the public eye and media…” With that, she looked at him. A tint of pink crept onto her cheeks.
“A d-date?”
“Oh, yeah, forgot to properly ask you out. Unless you don’t want this to be a date, I’m totally fine with it! You don’t have to-”
“It’s okay… I- I want this to be a date.” She confessed, making him smile as they soon continued with their indoor picnic date. Where they watched a movie in the dark while they cuddled on the blanket. Halfway through, she was feeling slightly cold since she only wore a crop top and jeans. Taehyung gave her his jacket but she was still cold so he offered to keep her warm.
She got flustered at first but then she decided to just go with it due to coldness.
Hence the reason why she was now snuggled in between his legs, her back resting against his chest while he had his arms around her body.
She slowly got distracted by him drawing lazy patterns onto her waist. Her head was just below his chin so if she tilted her head up to look at him, their faces wouldn’t be too far from each other. Just then, she gently rests her cold hands on top of his forearms, making him look down. That’s when she decided to be brave and look up.
Taehyung stared at her with a gentle smile on his face, glancing down to his lips. Her heart was beating so fast against her chest, she could almost feel as though he could hear it. Taehyung slowly leaned down, testing the waters to see if she would pull away.
When she didn’t move, that’s when he finally pressed his soft lips on hers. She closed her eyes in bliss as she reached up to cup his face. Taehyung pulled away with a soft sound before kissing her again. He was getting drunk in her lips when she turned her body slightly so that she wasn’t lying in an awkward position. Taehyung kissed her passionately before pulling away for the second time.
They left their faces so close to each other to let their lips graze against one another.
“I wouldn’t want anyone else to be the mother figure of my daughter.” Taehyung whispered as he locked eyes with her again. She smiled as she sneaked a kiss before she spoke up.
“I love that girl with all my heart, and you too.” Taehyung chuckled shyly as he kissed her again, the movie long forgotten by now.
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romeo must die
this one-shot is based on the song Romeo Must Die by Gabrielle Aplin, I highly recommend listening to it! shout out to @eugeniaslongsword for introducing me to it :) i even borrowed some lyrics from it haha. it is also inspired by the entire playlist I made, "being treated badly by someone doesn't make you love them more"
content warnings: past toxic/unhealthy relationship, the uncomfy 6-year age gap between Alastair and Charles
Masterlist | Read on AO3
"Alastair, may I speak to you privately for a moment?"
Alastair looked up from what he was working on. He was in the library of the Institute, along with Cordelia, Thomas, James, Matthew, and Christopher. They were searching for any clue as to how Lucie had done what she’d done or what Tatiana and Belial were planning. Alastair wasn't entirely sure how he got roped into the ordeal, but it seemed as though Thomas suggested him as an extra set of eyes, and Cordelia latched onto the idea.
"No," he said curtly, returning to his reading.
"Excuse me?"
"I said no. I'm quite busy at the moment." Alastair spoke under his breath, not wanting to draw the others' attention. How many times had Charles barked the same words at him, swatting him away, hacking away at paperwork or planning his next step in his career? The words sat bittersweet in his chest.
"Surely you could spare a few moments."
"I certainly could. But I do not wish to." Charles had a way of getting into his head and twisting his words and his feelings. It was not an experience he wished to revisit. It was better here, with an audience. It had also been easier in the infirmary, knowing that he held all of the power. His father had made him feel the same way, he thought bitterly. He understood now that what he'd done at school was not only to protect himself from the bullies. He wanted to reclaim the power stolen from him by his father; he wanted for once in his life to hold power himself. He hadn't yet come to the realization that holding that kind of power did nothing but harm. It was of no use, anyways, because it didn't matter how much he perfected his tongue and his wit on the other students at the Academy, he was never able to use it when it counted. Not with Elias, and not with Charles.
"It's fine if you need to take a few minutes, Alastair,” Cordelia said gently. All of the eyes in the room had come to rest on the two of them. Now he wished he’d spoken louder.
“It’s alright, Charles was just leaving.”
He had hoped that Charles would give up and leave knowing that everyone was watching him, but he was determined. He grabbed Alastair’s arm. “It’ll just be-”
Alastair stood, but pulled his arm away. “Don’t touch me.”
In a flicker, Alastair saw it: the anxiety began to set in. Charles began to realize that he would not be able to play his usual tricks. “Why are you acting like this?”
“I believe I was quite clear when I told you I don’t wish to speak with you. You’re the one who can’t let this go.”
“Must you act so childish?”
He rolled his eyes. “Must you always call me childish for thinking for myself instead of catering to your every whim?”
“I don’t understand. You said we were fine.”
Alastair sighed. Perhaps for a moment, he thought that was true. For just a second, he thought there was a world where he and Charles could be friends. But Alastair had decided that he would no longer call people who hurt him his friends. “Yes, well, I lied. I wanted to let you down gently, but it’s clear to me now that it must be spelled out for you. How shall I put this? You and I are past our dancing days, Charles.”
“But-” He stammered, searching for words. “What happened with Grace Blackthorn wasn’t my fault.”
“Maybe not. But what of Miss Bridgestock? Am I to pretend that what happened with Miss Blackthorn was not the same as what happened two years earlier?”
“You told me many times that you took no issue with that, that you understood.”
“I understood what you told me, which we both know was never the full truth. I was a sixteen year old desperate for your affections, and the fact that you truly believe I never had any issue with your arrangement is proof that you never genuinely cared about me or listened to my thoughts. I told you in the infirmary that this wasn’t your fault because I thought it’d ease the pain, but I lied. And I don’t have time to sit here and watch you cry over it.”
Alastair wished that watching Charles become flustered would have been more enjoyable. Instead, all he wanted was for this to end. “You- you’re different than when we met. You’ve changed. You’re cruel and callous, I don’t understand how I could not see how heartless you were until now. You are everything that everyone claims you to be. How am I to even know what the truth is when it comes from your lips?”
There was a time when those words would have cut deeply into him, eating at his every insecurity, but Charles mistakenly assumed that Alastair was the same person he was last July, with the same insecurities. “When we met, I was fourteen years old. I’ve grown up, and it is time for you to do the same. It’s been six months, Charles. You need to stop writing me. If that makes me heartless, I don’t care. And if you wish to know the truth, the truth is that the moment you leave here, if I never see your face again, it still will not be long enough.”
Charles stared at him for a long while, unable to find a proper retort. In the end, it was Matthew who stepped in. “Charles, I believe it’s time for you to go.”
He obliged, finally turning to leave the library. As he began to walk away, however, Alastair knew that he was not finished. His heart beat a little bit faster at the thought of such a confession, and faster again when he realized who would hear it, but there was no piece of parting with Charles that he wished to regret.
“Wait,” he said. Charles froze and turned to look at him. “I know it’s unlikely that you have it in the cold depths of your soul to care, but let the record show that I would have given you everything. I would have given you my life, all of the love and trust that I had to give, and then I would have given more. And you gave me nothing. So the next time you’re pondering my heartlessness, you ought to wonder what that means for you.”
Finally satisfied, Alastair did not wait for Charles to turn and leave again to return to his seat and pick his reading back up. He waited for a moment, but he couldn’t shake the feeling of everyone’s eyes on him. He stood once more, opening his mouth to speak, but the words were caught in his throat. Instead, he walked out of the library in silence.
Finding the nearest balcony, he attempted to steady his breath.
“Are you alright?” He heard from behind him. Thomas. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.”
He shook his head. “I just needed some air.”
“That doesn’t answer my question.”
Alastair sighed. He backed up against the window and slid down to the floor of the balcony. “I know- I know that everyone sort of knew already, but… by the Angel, I feel so pathetic.”
“You’re not pathetic,” Thomas told him, sitting down beside him.
“You were right, of course you were. I was so… taken with him, back in Paris. I couldn’t see him for what he was. I was so naive, so foolish. I just- After everything I’ve seen, everything I’ve been through, how did I not realize-”
Thomas put his hand on Alastair’s knee. “You wanted to see the best in him. After everything you’d seen and been through, you wanted to believe that there were still good and honest people in the world. And there are. I’m sorry that he was not one of them, but that does not make you foolish or pathetic. It makes you… kind.”
“I bet you’d never imagined describing me as such before.”
“It seems you’re full of surprises,” Thomas teased. “But that’s not true. I always saw the kindness in you, even back at school, when you did everything to keep it hidden.”
“As you can see, my ‘kindness’ has never gotten me very far.”
“You were out of practice. Following me on my reckless nighttime patrols, that was kind. More than kind. I don’t think I ever thanked you for that, for risking your life to protect mine.”
“I didn’t do it for gratitude.”
“And yet I owe you mine nonetheless.”
“I can’t go back in there, you know.”
“What do you mean?”
“I can tolerate you and your friends hating me just fine. But if any of your friends give me even an ounce of pity- well, we’ll see just where the limits of my kindness lie, won’t we?”
Thomas stood up, offering Alastair his hand. “Pity comes from those who cannot even begin to understand what you’ve experienced. For what it’s worth, I don’t think my friends will pity you. But if they do, you can ignore them. For Lucie.”
Alastair sighed and allowed Thomas to pull him to his feet. “Fine. Let’s get back to reading.”
“Speaking of reading, do you have the entirety of Shakespeare’s canon memorized, or only the lines you believe may pop up in conversation?”
“Excuse me?”
“‘For you and I are past our dancing days,’ it’s Romeo and Juliet, isn’t it? It’s the only one of his works that I got through.”
Alastair froze. “You haven’t read Hamlet?”
“I tried.”
“Othello? King Lear? Macbeth? Midsummer Night’s Dream?”
He shook his head.
“That’s impossible. And James is friends with you?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Wait until my sister finds out you haven’t read Hamlet,” he warned, starting towards the library with urgency in his step.
“Wait, don’t- I just don’t like Shakespeare! What’s so wrong with that?” Thomas’ attempts at reasoning were futile, however, a welcome distraction from all of their recent sorrows finally taking hold.
Thanks for reading!! This was self indulgent af lol. I'm not to sure whether some people only wanted to be tagged in my social media AU, so if that's the case I'm sorry & please tell me!: @stxr-thxif @chaos-and-starlight @lifewouldbebetteronmars @littlx-songbxrd @dianasarrow @eugeniaslongsword @bookswitchcraftandcats @jamesherondaleofficial @thomas-gaypanic-lightwood @livingformyself @anarmorofwords @foxglove-airmid @writeforjordelia @sapphic-in @thecodexsays @fortheloveofthecarstairs @alastair-esfandiyar-carstairs1 @shadowrunner2000 @thewarthatsavedmylife @fair-childd @icouldnotask @shadowhunting-hooligans @melanielocke @clarys-heosphoros @kiwichaeng @lightwoodsimp @thecrimsonsorceresss @theenchanteddreamer @adams-left-hand @yozinha-z @ipromiseiwillwrite @skirtsandsweaters @goodoldfashionednerd
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Serenade (Daniela Dimitrescu/Reader) Pt. 11
Fandom: Resident Evil: Village Rating: T for language Warnings: Nope! Notes: Here we are, a breath away from the end. This features not one, but FOUR songs written by myself. If you only choose to listen to one of them, listen to the final one (Cradle of Heaven), as it is a duet I wrote specifically for this fanfiction, as something that the reader wrote to play together with Daniela. The links to these songs will be within the fanfiction itself, at relevant times. Past Chapters: Pt. 1: Nocturne, Pt. 2: Overture, Pt. 3: Accelerando, Pt. 4: Toccata, Pt. 5: Poco a Poco, Pt. 6: Elegy, Pt. 7: Harmony, Pt. 8: Obbligato, Pt. 9: Berceuse, Pt. 10b: Hymn AMAB
Chapter 11: Cadence
(Cadence: Two chords that mark the end of a song)
The stage is set, the lights are dimmed, your heart pounds within your chest, and the world is yours. Soon, it will be Daniela’s. She is right by your side, as ever, hand gently taking hold of your own. There’s a silent reassurance in her grip, a reminder that the two of you have overcome a plethora of challenges. A promise that this will be no different. Both of you take a deep breath, in sync, before exchanging a quick kiss. All of your hard work has been leading up to the coming moments. Although you are beyond confident in your lover’s abilities, there is a shadow of doubt in the back of your mind. Not for her sake, but surrounding the expectations held by her mother, the standard against which you would be measured.
“Come hell or high water, Songbird, I won’t let anything happen to you. I promise,” Daniela whispers, squeezing your hand again, eyes unblinking as they stare into yours. “You’ve made every right choice, worked harder than anyone I know, and there is nothing more I can ask of you… except another kiss to celebrate afterwards, that is.” Giggling in response gives you the moment you need to relax, nerves fading into the background of your mind. “Now let’s put on a show the likes of which my mother has never seen, mhmm?”
“Here, you can borrow my brooch. It’s been in the family for generations, since before we even came to the village, passed down starting with an ancestor who crafted it himself, from materials he scavenged while fleeing his home country,” Daphne rambles, helping you attach the jewelry to your shirt. Thankfully, her hands do not tremble nearly as much as yours have been for the past hour. “I’m more than sure that Lady Daniela will tell you this much, but I feel the need to repeat just how good you look right now. I don’t know where the hell they’ve been hiding this version of our uniform, but damn do I wish I could get one for my next date with Ygritte. Seriously, if you can get one in my size, please do me that favor.”
“Anything for my best friend. Especially after all the times you’ve saved my ass these past few months,” you reply, pausing to give her shoulder an affectionate pat. If not for her constant interference running, someone would have certainly found out about your relationship with Daniela. “Speaking of that… of my life being on the line, I mean… no matter what happens today, no matter what Lady Dimitrescu decides, take care of yourself. You’ve gambled with your own blood to keep me safe, but what I’ve done, what I’ve risked, those were my choices. My consequences. The last thing I’d ever want is for you to pay for them, somehow.”
Rolling her eyes, Daphne gives you a playful shove to the chest, before smoothing out the fabric of your dress uniform. Now she refuses to meet your gaze, a familiar mistiness taking over her brown eyes.
“Nobody around here is stupid enough to think you’ll die today. You managed to get Lady Daniela, of all people, to stay focused long enough to learn some absolutely beautiful pieces of music. You have proved, time and time again, that you are a talented musician, teacher, and ‘servant’. So get out there and kick some metaphorical ass, my friend, because you are ready,” she finally says, offering you what seems to be a handshake. But as soon as your hand meets hers, she’s pulling you in for a hug, holding you tight for a solid minute. When at last you part, you give her what may very well be the last smile she’d ever see gracing your lips.
A hand’s edge against xer forehead, parallel to the ground, kept perfectly flat. From anyone else, it would be mockery. From xer? Honest salute, solidarity in a traditional form, accompanied by a sharp-toothed grin. Mimicking the expression, you wave at Ava, glad to see that xe would be awake for your concert. After your first night with your girlfriend, Daphne had helped arrange for someone to be your “cover story” for sleeping outside of your usual quarters. With Daniela’s input (and jealousy), only one candidate had revealed themselves, in the form of a (conveniently) mute butler with an inconsistent schedule, love of mischief, and somehow the respect of the Dimitrescu family. Now, xe appeared ready to escort you to the location of your trial by fire.
“Are you sure our mutual friend won’t be upset to see the two of us together?” You teased, knowing full well that Ava was one of the only people that Daniela trusted 100% around you. In response, xe gives an exaggerated shrug, then quickly links xer arm with your own. Together you march onwards to your destiny, amused by the way xe practically skipped down the hallway. Maybe there was a certain wisdom to xer shenanigans, a carefree philosophy that encouraged laughter in the face of death, and you embraced the thought with a smile.
Before long, however, the two of you encounter another unlikely pair headed towards the same destination: Lady Cassandra, looking somewhat embarrassed, with an unfamiliar maiden at her side. Their hands are clutching each other desperately, although neither of them dares to look at the other. Instead they both watch you closely from where they’ve paused in the corridor. Oddly unfazed, Ava gives them a short bow of acknowledgement, earning xer a brief nod from Cassandra. Seeming eager to move on, she addresses you quickly before gesturing for you to keep walking.
“Good luck. Don’t fuck this up for Daniela, or I’ll never hear the end of it,” she growls, doing her best to downplay her obvious concern. Wanting to let her keep up with her facade, you merely give a nod as you resume walking towards the concert stage. Soft footsteps behind you let you know that the strange pair are accompanying you. Still walking alongside you, Ava repeatedly glances behind you, putting out xer hands in the shape of a heart, giggling all the while. If you didn’t know any better, you would almost assume that xe wanted to get hit by Cassandra.
“Ava, please calm down. If you’re not careful, she’ll throw something at you. If she does that, you’ll probably dodge, and then I’ll probably end up getting hit, and then I’ll miss the concert, Lady Dimitrescu will kill me as punishment, Daniela will be sad and whiny about it, and none of you will have any peace for, like, a month. Three weeks, bare mims,” you tease, nudging xer in the ribs. Emphasizing a pout, xe sends one last look at Cassandra and her ‘friend’ (whose hand she was still holding onto like a lifeline), mouthing words you couldn’t parse. Based on the way Cassandra groans, it was something ridiculously cheesy. Regardless, xe behaves the rest of the way there…
“I love you, Firefly, and I know that you’re going to do absolutely amazing out there. I’m so proud of you,” you murmur, pressing a feather-light kiss to Daniela’s cheek. As dearly as you wish to stay behind the curtain, in her arms, you know that the show was inevitable. With one last nod to your beloved, you part the fabric shielding you, stepping into the spotlight. Imaginary crowds grow hushed at your appearance, a sea of faces greeting you warmly. In truth, there are but five members in this audience, each gazing upon you with veiled interest. Donning you best presentation persona, you set this final act in motion. “Lady Dimitrescu, Lady Cassandra, Lady Bela, and Mx. Caldwell, it brings me great pleasure to present to you, on this day, a concert performed by your own Lady Daniela. For three months now I have acted as her instructor, and these three months have been, perhaps, the most rewarding of my entire life. I could not possibly be any more proud of her than I already am. Now, without further ado… let us begin!”
Stepping to the side, a tug of a rope has the curtains parting entirely, revealing your beloved, waiting ready at the piano. All at once your audience (including Cassandra’s partner, acting as a mere servant in the background) sits up with wide smiles. They look Daniela over, taking in the sight of her fanciest dress, and the way her eyes light up with joy. By the time her fingers begin dancing away at the keys, there is not a single ounce of anxiety in your entire soul. This first song is a relic from your past, a representation of an abandoned idea, yet she plays it like a celebration. It’s fast, hits hard, a bold take right out of the gate. Admittedly, it is also somewhat short. Nonetheless, it serves its purpose, igniting a spark of excitement in those present. Once the song ends, Daniela is surprised by the intensity of her family’s applause. In the back of her mind, she trembles with excitement, knowing that the best was yet to come.
Riding this wave of pride, she immediately settles into the next song, something slower but far grander. Affection thrums inside your chest as you watch your pupil perfectly execute another piece. You can only imagine what her mother must be feeling, to see just how far her daughter has come in such a short amount of time. A quick glance in Alcina’s direction reveals the barest hints towards her being impressed. For now that was enough to satisfy you. Soon enough her face would twist in surprise, as the second song ended, and a new face steps up onto the stage: Lady Bela. Wordlessly she retrieves her violin from the back of the stage, then turns to the front with a mischievous smile.
“Now, a duet! Presenting the ever-talented Lady Bela, to join Lady Daniela for a rendition of an original song, dubbed ‘Northern Lights’. Enjoy!” You call out, before once more taking your place at the side. While Daniela did not need you to count her in for her solo performances, this feels ever so slightly more important, and as such you do your best to conduct for the duration of the song. If either of the performers need it, they hide it well. Honestly, you weren’t sure if your girlfriend had looked your way even a single time so far. ‘Twas incredible to witness her. Akin to a siren, near glowing, taking to the stage as if born to grace its center. Even with Bela working her own magic, Daniela is ever the star. Together they weave a lovely song, notes rising high into the air, swirling around an enchanted audience.
When it ends, both performers give a bow, as if the entire affair had come to a close. Without hinting at what was to come, you switch places with the eldest Dimitrescu daughter. A deep breath rattles your ribcage as you find your center, reaching out to take Daniela’s hand, the two of you raising your arms upward in a display of union. For the first time this evening, Lady Alcina narrows her eyes in what feels like disapproval. But you pay her no mind. Instead you sit alongside your beloved, quietly settling into your practiced position.
There is no introduction for this song. No announcement, no showmanship, nor even a countdown into the symphony. Simply, like exhaling a breath, the two of you start to play. Your phrases echo hers, and vice versa, calling and answering, accompanying all the while, natural as anything holy in the wild. ‘Tis the second shortest song of the night, only long enough to showcase the degree of your partnership with Daniela. As the song crescendos into an ending, you manage to meet the gaze of your employer. Perhaps it is merely an illusion of hope, or a reflection of lights above, but you swear you see tears in her eyes.
“Outstanding, incredible,” she praises, rising to her feet alongside her other daughters, clapping all the while. Once again you rise to your feet, hand clasped with Daniela’s, bowing as deeply as you can manage. Before you can even process what’s happening, your girlfriend is being pulled away from you, swept up into the arms of her mother. Desperation digs like a knife into your heart, as you ache to celebrate with her, but you remain ever in the guise of a professional. “You did amazing, my dear. I cannot begin to describe how proud I am.” The family gathers around each other, buzzing with affection fit to make the hardest of hearts melt. You are left on the outside, awkwardly waiting, without a hint of acknowledgment.
Even if this concert was a measure of your skill as a teacher, Lady Dimitrescu had never bothered to consider you more than another servant. This night was about Daniela. About your secret girlfriend, the brightest star in all the skies. That is not something that bothers you, nor does it surprise you. All that makes you wish to weep is the desire to kiss her. To sweep her into your arms, with celebratory kisses, singing her name as a praise to higher powers. In the end, it takes several minutes for Daniela to pull away enough to move back to you, and even then she cannot give you the reaction she yearns for.
“I’ll come by to talk to you tonight, I promise,” she whispers, as she gives you the weakest hug you have ever felt. Then she is returning to her family, clinging to her mother with a massive grin. Soon enough you are left alone on stage, quiet surrounding you, mixed feelings gnawing at the pit of your stomach. Something feels… wrong. You cannot put a name to it. No one has hinted to you what your beloved has planned, for none but her even have a clue. As soon as she is alone with her mother, as soon as she has the smallest sliver of an opportunity, she knows what she must do. “Mother… we need to talk. I... I have a confession to make.”
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mostlymovieswithmax · 3 years
Movies I watched in July
Once again I’m doing my monthly round-up of movies I’ve watched. This was a good month for the cinema getting back on track and seeing new releases including the new M. Night movie, Old and James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad. Pretty sure Marvel put out a new movie also. I’m hoping that this list can help in guiding a decision about what to watch (or what to avoid) and introduce people to movies they may otherwise not have heard of or bothered to see. These short reviews are my own subjective opinions on each individual movie and maybe a more informal approach to movie criticism can help include others who are just passing through. Here is every film I watched from the 1st to the 31st of July.
Bridesmaids (2011) - 4/10
Off to a good start. I won’t say Bridesmaids is a terrible movie but I don’t think I’m exactly the target audience. As far as I know, this is a beloved comedy but I just can’t get on board with all the boring, juvenile humour; with Maya Rudolph shitting in the street, with Rose Byrne and Kristen Wiig trying to one-up each other at a toast that went on forever, with Melissa McCarthy shitting in a sink… the conflict is so done to death and makes the movie feel unspecial. I do understand the appeal of the film, especially for women in that before this movie the likelihood of seeing something like this, where women play up the more crass and gross side of comedy, was probably few and far between. But the story is very tired and while I did appreciate some moments, namely a couple of decent jokes and some of the more intimate scenes, for the most part it felt like they wanted to corner a more quiet type of line delivery in a way that was supposed to be understated but very funny so as to not rely on over the top body language or musical cues, and it ended up being super dull.
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Spectre (2015) - 7/10
As far as I can tell, a lot of people don’t like this instalment of the James Bond franchise… but I really enjoyed it! I’ve really taken a shine to these Daniel Craig-era Bond movies and while I can’t say any of them are the most amazing thing, I have a lot of fun with them. The biggest problem I have with Spectre is the villain being utterly pointless and uninteresting in basically every way. The idea of every villain Bond has fought before being tied to this one organisation controlled by this one guy is ridiculous, and what makes it worse is that the villain is barely in it! There’s so much that doesn’t come together in this but as it goes, I still had a really good time. Daniel Craig holds the whole thing together; he is excellent as 007 and the main reason I’m up for each of these movies is because of him. Sam Mendes directs again after the previous instalment and for what it’s worth I do think he does a good job with some of the action set pieces and the locations. I’m so ready for No Time To Die.
Shazam (2019) - 7/10
Shazam is a genuinely fun superhero movie that doesn’t take itself seriously at all. I was having a great time throughout and while it could conform to some of the same tropes we’re used to with these kinds of movies, it still remained playful and used the character of Shazam to his fullest potential in a way that showed an understanding of just how silly the idea of a kid who can turn into an adult and shoot lightning out of his hands is.
High School Musical (2006) - 6/10
So as you may or may not know, I co-host a podcast: The Sunday Movie Marathon. It’s a film podcast and every week I get together with my other co-hosts and watch movies. For episode 38, we watched the High School Musical trilogy. This first movie blew me away. I was really surprised with just how much fun I had, and if you want to hear more of my thoughts on the film, please listen to episode 38 of the podcast.
High School Musical 2 (2007) - 4/10
We then jumped into the second and while it’s certainly not as good as its predecessor, there are still some brilliant songs that manage to top the last movie. Again, more of what I have to say can be heard on episode 38 of the podcast.
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High School Musical 3: Senior Year (2008) - 3/10
Senior Year was pretty hard to get through. I don’t remember it being as bad as it was, but then I didn’t really remember it anyway. It did however have one redeeming quality, which you can discover on episode 38 of the podcast.
The Piano Teacher (2001) - 9/10
What the fuuuckkkk. The Piano Teacher is horrendously affecting and I was so upset when it ended, maybe not because it’s not what I wanted but because it’s just so fucking dour and unrelenting. This is the second Haneke movie I’ve seen (after the original Funny Games) and I’m so impressed with how well executed it is. Following a woman who teaches piano, we get a glimpse into the life she lives, how sheltered she is from living with her mother at an age where you’d reasonably expect a person to be living alone or with a partner or friends (even going so far as to be sleeping in the same bed as her), and how repressed she is sexually. It’s clear she’s never experienced any kind of sexual interaction or romantic love with another person, so she goes out of her way to take control and make that happen. The upsetting nature of it comes from just what she does in pursuit of it or as a result of her repression, and what is done to her. It is by no means a movie to recommend to your parents but The Piano Teacher offers so much in terms of the ideas it presents (and I’ll admit there seems to be a lot more going on than I think I picked up on a first go round) about women in modern society, and about the portrayal of sex and expectations of people when it comes to how that is represented in a person’s character depending on their gender. I really enjoyed this movie but it is not for the faint of heart.
Sharpay’s Fabulous Adventure (2011) - 1/10
My podcast co-hosts decided it’d be a right laugh to add Sharpay’s Fabulous Adventure to this episode and that might have been a fun idea for them because they got to watch it together, but I was just watching it alone. Just a 24-year-old man watching Sharpay’s Fabulous Adventure alone and having a miserable time, I might add. But for a short and sweet ramble on what we all thought, please listen to episode 38 of The Sunday Movie Marathon podcast.
Dr. No (1962) - 6/10
A lot of very iffy parts of this movie. A lot of discomfort arising from how black people are portrayed that really didn’t sit right with me. As far as a Bond movie goes, this first instalment in the series is one I’ve seen before and it’s not wholly engaging but it plants the seeds for the rest, with Sean Connery breathing life into the role and making an otherwise lacklustre plot bearable.
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Black Widow (2021) - 6/10
I think probably the best part about Black Widow is the experience I had while watching it. It was great being back in the cinema with a couple of friends in a packed theatre. The energy was high and I’m sure for a lot of people, this is the first time they’d been to the cinema since Endgame. For what it’s worth, I did have a lot of fun with Black Widow and I’ve explained more of what I thought about the movie in episode 39 of the podcast.
The Climb (2020) - 10/10
The Climb was added to Now TV recently and I already knew I loved it, having seen it in an empty cinema theatre last year, which I had an absolute blast with. The Climb details the years of a rocky friendship told over scenes filmed as one-shots. Not only is the presentation something to gawk at, but the performances by the two leads playing these friends with a terrifically dysfunctional dynamic is truly captivating. They’re both trying to figure out their own lives and where one can come across as being rather selfish, the opposite is true in his counterpart, whom everyone loves. This is a truly funny and heartwarming movie with a lot to say about how we choose to live our lives and who we choose to be with. It’s a shame the distributors of The Climb didn’t do a very good job because if not for it being available on Now TV, it would be near impossible to watch without forking out more money than is necessary to purchase a film.
From Russia With Love (1963) - 5/10
The second Bond movie. I thought perhaps I’d change my mind on it with another watch, having seen it for the first time maybe a year ago. But no, it’s still largely boring and it treats women like absolute garbage. From Russia With Love is one of those movies I forget as I watch it, and I was trying very hard (in the middle of the day!) not to fall asleep.
The Good, The Bart, and The Loki (2021) - 1/10
I don't usually talk about the short films I watch but for this I'll make an exception. As we all should know, Disney owns The Simpsons now, through their acquisition of Fox, so, coupled with another of their properties, that being Marvel, they decided to make a six-minute animated film wherein Marvel’s Loki is stranded in Springfield. This felt as though it was a minute long due to the horrendously jarring pacing; it is a movie that feels adamant that it needs to exist, while trying as hard as it can to be over as soon as possible. It serves only to stare the audience directly in the face and say “look, characters from The Simpsons are dressed as Avengers”, shit out three credit scenes, then end before you’ve even processed the atrocity you just bore witness to.
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Russian Ark (2002) - 8/10
For this next episode of the podcast, we watched a few Russian movies, starting with Russian Ark, a film shot completely in one take as the camera moves about a luxurious museum in a first-person perspective as this main character watches what is happening around him, seeing people moving about the place but unable to interact with them, guided only by another man who seems to be just slightly out of his own perception of reality. This is a tremendous feat in filmmaking and more can be heard about what I have to say in episode 39 of The Sunday Movie Marathon podcast.
Ivan’s Childhood (1962) - 7/10
For my own pick of Russian movies to discuss on the podcast, I chose the debut feature from one of my favourite directors, Andrei Tarkovsky. It’s amazing that while this is not his best film by far, Ivan’s Childhood is still such a stellar debut, jumping around in its timeline as it details a child’s experience in the second world war. Again, I do go into more depth in episode 39 of the podcast, so be sure to check that out.
Outlaw (2019) - 1/10
The third movie chosen for this marathon is apparently the fourth Russian LGBTQ+ movie ever made. I’m unsure of the ultimate goal of this movie but what seems to be clear is that it hates the LGBTQ+ community. This is perhaps the worst film we’ve discussed on the podcast to date, so listen to episode 39 to understand exactly why it’s such trash.
Almost Famous (2000) - 7/10
I too love heavy music and also studied journalism so it stands to reason that a movie about a teenager who makes his way onto a band tour, following them through America and interviewing them as they hang out and play shows is going to be a premise that resonates with me. This certainly did. I enjoyed Almost Famous a lot; this kid is living the dream and I was so along for the ride, seeing a lot of myself in what was being portrayed. That said, the story itself is at times a bit by the numbers and I really would’ve been more on board if the visual component was more interesting. For what it is, technically it’s fine enough but nothing in that department ever jumped out at me.
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Minari (2021) - 8/10
It’s crazy that this didn’t get a theatrical run where I live in the UK. It feels as though I complain about film distribution all the time but I really don’t understand the process by which a movie gets no cinematic release and yet, months later will pop up on the front shelf of hmv, taking pride of place. But of course I got the blu-ray straight away. Minari has a lot to say about the immigrant experience, specifically in America as a family comes over from Korea and tries to start a business and make something of themselves. You get to see a lot of what you might not think twice about when you think about immigration: the hardship of coming from a place where you know everyone to somewhere rural and sparsely populated, having to make friends with locals and integrate within the community; the strain it can put on a family and on a marriage where this idea is presented about the importance of making it on your own in order to live and not just survive, while also taking into account why you’re doing it in the first place and the value you place on being part of a family that you decided to make because that was more important than money, than economy, than proving you were good enough to make it in a place that gave you very little advantage from the offset. This concept of the promised land, of the American dream is a construct. There are times when it’s not pretty, when you have no running water, or you’re in debt, or a family member is dying and it just feels like you’ve been dealt as bad a hand as you can get. But it is better to know you’re not facing all that alone.
Roma (2018) - 10/10
This was my recommendation for the podcast episode on Alfonso Cuarón movies. Roma is as beautiful as it is heart-wrenching and I would recommend listening to episode 40 of the podcast to find out more about my thoughts.
An American Werewolf In London (1981) - 8/10
In all fairness, London is enough to make anyone a little crazy at the best of times. An American Werewolf in London showcases some fantastically grotesque effects, akin to something like Carpenter’s The Thing, in showing the dead brought back to life and a horrifically gory transformation scene. Although the film is from the perspective of an American protagonist, directed also by an American, the depiction of British culture and climate is something I’ve not seen many films pull off quite so well, and I was pleasantly surprised at the more comedic tone the film has overall, which is something that works more in its favour than straight horror would.
The Party’s Just Beginning (2018) - 6/10
Karen Gillan’s directorial debut is… pretty good! There are a lot of ideas I like in this movie: a woman living life and through convenient circumstances, is confronted with death in many ways. Gillan obviously knows her homeland as well as she can, imbuing the whole thing with an intensely Scottish vibe (though maybe not in the same vein as something like Trainspotting) that makes it a bit more unique than a more run of the mill movie of this ilk, backed up in no small part by her own main performance. The plot itself is no great diversion from the kind of story I’m used to with these smaller movies and for something that’s trying to include messaging about transgender issues and suicide, it probably could have been handled better or done in a different way.
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Solaris (1972) - 9/10
Another Tarkovsky joint, one I thought I’d revisit to see if there was indeed more to get out of it a second time. Well, it’s no surprise that yes, there was certainly more to get out of it. Solaris is a crazy trip of a movie and I would liken it to Kubrick’s 2001 in terms of how grand the scale of it feels. Yet this is a film that comes across as deeply personal, choosing to focus on a specific character as he goes to a space station to help those on board who are experiencing some kind of emotional crises, only to feel the effects of the planet, Solaris invading his own mind as it has the crew. To many, I can see this lengthy Russian sci-fi being a tad slow but my personal experience is one of deep engagement. Solaris pulls its viewer in a lot of different directions and it is always doing something unexpected in terms of where its narrative goes. There’s a lot to think about with the movie and thankfully it’s no chore to watch again.
Y Tu Mamá También (2001) - 9/10
Another recommendation for the podcast episode on Alfonso Cuarón movies. This is a very relaxed experience, following three young people as they go on a road trip, visit different places and have sex. Listen to episode 40 of The Sunday Movie Marathon podcast for more of my thoughts.
Children of Men (2006) - 10/10
My favourite Cuarón movie, one that never stops being tense as its characters are constantly moving towards the end goal. Set in a future where humans are infertile, the oldest living person is 18, and London is the last city in the world that’s still keeping it together, somewhat. This is masterclass filmmaking. Listen to episode 40 of the podcast for more insights.
Minority Report (2002) - 5/10
I’m really not the biggest fan of Spielberg… Minority Report is an interesting movie in terms of its concept of stopping crimes before they happen by way of prediction, but I just didn’t connect with the heart of it. The colouring is way too overexposed in a way that’s supposed to be eliciting a futuristic vibe but instead feels so early-2000’s in the worst way. My biggest problem with Minority Report is just how long it is, clocking in at two hours and twenty-five minutes which allows for a lot of meandering, all while never quite developing characters enough for you to care about.
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Caché (2005) - 9/10
Oh god! Another Michael Haneke movie! Here we see a couple periodically sent video tapes featuring hours of footage of the outside of their house. The anxiety ratchets up and the mystery gets deeper with every minute. There’s always at least one moment in any of his films that have so far made me realise just how out of my depth I am. Caché is no exception, and I won’t spoil anything here because I think it’s better just to watch the movie and see for yourself. He is a director that wants the audience to know something and that something is never what is explicitly shown at face value; it is pressed into the fabric of the film - plainly evident, yet hidden. Caché is so stupidly clever in displaying its themes and messaging - making reference to the Siene Massacre of 1961 as well as a deeper study of colonialism - and there’s no way to change a single detail of it without risking the Jenga tower crumbling to the ground. It all works in tandem. It is passion and fury and haunting.
Coco (2017) - 7/10
Pixar had a string of around seven forgettable movies before this point so thankfully Coco emerged to show the company still had something good in them. Coco deals a lot with themes of death and legacy, remembering those who are gone in order to preserve them and while its plotting is quite basic and there are certainly moments that either drag or cannot escape the same Pixar formula, most of what the movie has to offer is a lot of fun, with creative, colourful animation and emotional beats that resonate the way they’re supposed to.
Incredibles 2 (2018) - 5/10
Oh, they almost had it! There's a lot here that could have been explored in far more interesting ways. Setting Incredibles 2 directly after the events of the first movie was not a good idea. If it had taken place five or ten years after, the characters could have been in different places in life and it would feel as though they'd actually changed and developed. But instead of trying to be a film that actually cares about its characters and the journeys they go on, a lot of the film is wrestling with the idea that Bob isn't supportive of his wife and Jack-Jack has to fight a raccoon… They have to shoehorn in a villain that in no way compares to the genius of the original. The ending of the original introduces another antagonist that gets wrapped up within this film's first ten minutes, except they don't catch him and he's never mentioned again. It's a real shame because the animation is fantastic and the acting is superb and there are great ideas sprinkled throughout. It just doesn't come together.
Toy Story 4 (2019) - 6/10
I was rather reluctant to watch Toy Story 4 because from the get-go I’m not really here for sequels being made just for the sake of it. Everyone loves Toy Story and making another one is a sure fire way to make money. This is the first time I’ve seen Toy Story 4 and for what it’s worth, I did enjoy it. The animation is immaculate and that alone feels like a huge flex from Pixar who tend to step up the game when it comes to animation in film, despite not having the best track record for films generally at this point. While it was nice to see these characters again, I found a lot of them to be side-lined (namely Buzz) in favour of a story that focuses mainly or entirely on Woody, who I just don’t like as much as in the previous movies. Generally the movie is good and decent enough but there’s no real antagonist and the plot is quite loose… it doesn’t feel as though it needed to be made from a story point of view.
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Onward (2020) - 6/10
And with that I have seen every Pixar movie. And Onward is a fine one to go out on. While I don’t think it compares to the likes of earlier Pixar it’s still pretty fun. Or maybe I’m just a sucker for a medieval setting filled with bright colours and magic! Speaking of which, the animation was super and the medieval quest element is something that hooked me with the film. Again, plot-wise it does feel very familiar and I don’t know, maybe I’m past the point now of expecting Pixar to mix it up where their formula for story-telling is concerned but the movie is quite predictable. Nonetheless, while I’m not rushing back to see Onward I would hardly turn it off or refuse if someone wanted to watch it.
Old (2021) - 3/10
Oh boy! New M. Night movie dropped and my word, was it fun! For more of my thoughts on this… masterpiece (?) of a movie, please direct your attention to episode 41 of The Sunday Movie Marathon podcast.
T2 Trainspotting (2017) - 5/10
Trainspotting is perhaps one of my favourite movies and I had never bothered with the sequel, 20 years on, because the ending of that first movie is so conclusive. T2 felt more an excuse for these guys to get together again and in that, I probably would have preferred a couple of pictures on Twitter of the main cast and director, Danny Boyle having dinner or something. This is a fine movie - very arty in its presentation but meandering and dull in its story that doesn’t offer much in the way of proof that it had to exist.
Taste of Cherry (1997) - 9/10
What makes life worth living? This is a central question and theme of Taste of Cherry, and one that leaves such interpretation not only up to its central character but to the viewer as well. This film got me thinking about times in my life when I truly have had no answer to hard questions. Because it’s hard to convince people of things they are so adamantly against and harder still to rationalise what you believe if you’re not even entirely sure why you believe it in the first place. We are all of us alive and in recognising that, does that make it precious? And if indeed living is not a happy thing, why then should we fight so hard to preserve it? I felt upset as I watched this movie because I’ve been asked these kinds of questions before and it makes me feel stupid when I’m unable to answer. But the only real answer I can give is, everything. And if you can’t see the point then you’re not looking hard enough. Taste of Cherry is beautiful in its exploration of these topics and in its overall presentation, offering some of the best visuals in any movie I’ve seen - fitting for a feature with so much to say about the beauty of life - and an ending that as much pulls the rug out from under you as it does pull you out of the dark and make you realise just how lonely you’ve felt.
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Bones (2001) - 2/10
Snoop Dogg is Jimmy Bones! This film is super funny but I’m not sure it’s trying to be and I really didn’t love it overall. But I do talk more in depth about it in episode 41 of the podcast.
The Duchess (2008) - 5/10
Another recommendation for the podcast. The Duchess was pretty much exactly what I thought it was going to be and there’s a lot to like about it but generally it’s a bit sparse. For more chat on the movie, listen to episode 41 of the podcast.
The Man With One Red Shoe (1985) - 1/10
This was another one for the podcast and man, was it awful. We had to watch it at 1.5x speed towards the end because it just wasn’t getting finished otherwise. To find out more, make sure to listen to episode 41 of the podcast.
The Emperor’s New Groove (2000) - 7/10
Pull the lever, Kronk! Haha! Slays me. I do quite miss this era of Disney, where the animation was hand-drawn and the stories were actually compelling and funny. The Emperor’s New Groove is vibrant, it’s got great characters and memorable moments that will forever be ingrained in the memory of culture. All in all, it’s just a solid flick that doesn’t waste time, developing the standard fall from glory type of arc but smoothly and in an entertaining way.
The Suicide Squad (2021) - 8/10
Oh, bloody hell! They actually made a good one! The Suicide Squad is not only better than the ‘Suicide Squad’ of 2016 in every way, it’s a genuinely great film! This time, James Gunn (director of Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy movies) is at the helm and it seems clear that Warner Bros. basically let him do what he wanted with the movie, as it doesn’t seem to bog itself down with the restrictions of a more family-friendly rating. The result of this is a far cleaner, colourful film with a clearer vision that takes from early Vietnam movies and uses that style to craft a superhero/villain movie that differentiates itself among the copious amount of existing films of the genre.      The Suicide Squad wastes very little time, introducing fun, crazy characters we’ve not seen on the big screen before and isn’t worried about killing a whole bunch of them, with standouts being Elba’s Bloodsport, Melchior’s Ratcatcher 2, Stallone’s King Shark (expertly rendered with fantastic visual effects), and Robbie’s returning interpretation of Harley Quinn.      A lot of Gunn’s trademark sense of humour is laced throughout and more often than not, it hits. The audience at the cinema were truly loving this movie and I’ll admit, I was right there with them. This mix of the gritty, gory and absurd is not something that should work as well as it does but the basic premise of the film is already so silly (and boy, do they know it) that it just works! Certainly one of the best DC movies since The Dark Knight and one I’d be more than happy to watch again. This is what the modern comic book movie should be: just balls to the wall fun!
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THE SLEEPOVER FIC | Part 1 The Meeting
Notes: James Acaster, Ed Gamble (Platonic), and other characters to be added.
Pairing: James Acaster x Reader 
Genre: Fluff with eventual smut, Slow Burn fic
Words: 1,951
Summary: You and James have put yourselves into trouble, but you think maybe it’s hotter that way. 
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9
It was a boring, cottage cheese Wednesday if anyone had bothered to ask you. The sky held a greyish tinge and the London air tasted like exhaust fumes as you made your way back home from the studio. It was 5:50 and you were more than ready to curl into bed, put on a podcast, and stare at your ceiling until you slept.
You’d been tied up in a project lately that stripped every brain cell out of you whenever you tried to think about it. 
This wasn’t because you didn’t like it! Don’t get me wrong, you adored the concept you were trying to convey through your piece. It was just missing something. Hence, Wednesdays the past month had started to feel a little groundhog esque. You knew the fog would part soon. 
Pulling your clattering keys from inside your coat pocket you unlocked the door to your flat. Upon entering you noted the new letters. A missed parcel, various pizza menus and an enclosed envelope from Ticketmaster. Grinning, you opened it up. 
Ed Gamble, McDonalds Apple Pie, November 15th 2021. Sounded delicious, you pulled out your phone, texting Ed. 
Hey! Just got your tickets through. Where are you rehearsing? Let me know when it starts and we can plan something :) 
It had been a while since you and Ed had hung out. You lived on opposite ends of the city and for the most part you were usually busy when he was free ,or vise versa. That the trouble of being friends with theatre people, no matter how hard you try, the schedules don’t gel. However, Ed usually rehearsed his shows in the venue below your flat, luckily this time was no exception.
I start Friday, usual place. We can go for drinks after I finish at 7 if you like?
Yes :))))) would love that!! Can we say 7:15 though as I’ll have to get back from the studio and change 
Yeah that’s fine, I’ll invite some people if that’s okay. We can meet you at the pub first? 
Sounds perfect, see you then. Send Claire love! 
Will do :) 
You put the kettle on and made yourself a pot noodle. Getting ready to sleep before another day of making. Excited at least, with the knowledge that on Friday night, you were getting shitfaced with your mates. 
And so Friday arrived. You started the day off right with a banana and a coffee to go on your way down to the youth centre. Fridays and Tuesdays were your favourite days of the week currently. On these days you worked with other women exploring the ideas of femininity within society. For many years it had been a passion project of yours, creating dialogues with women who’d gone through difficult times in their lives to convey their struggles through art. 
Today you were hosting a dance workshop with a group you had been working with for a while. They had all been making tremendous progress over the past few months you wanted to hold a class in celebration.
“Good morning Y/N” a familiar face beamed from across the hallway. 
“Good morning Olive!” Olivia was a petite lady, somewhere close to her mid forties. She had dyed fire colour hair that she always wore up in a headscarf. She was dance ready, wearing an outrageous and gaudy pair of printed leggings. 
Olive had grown so much as a woman since the first time you had met her, in one of your first ever workshops. The two of you had become thick as honey ever since. She even occasionally helped you plan and run some workshops out of studio now. It gave you joy to know you helped her grow into her full potential in one way or another. 
“How have you been?” 
“Oh same old. Trying not to lose myself in projects. How about you?” 
“Brilliant! Officially divorced on Monday. Sorry I couldn’t make it on Tuesday I was feeling the effect after a few too many champagnes” she laughed, her smile was contagious. Olive had been going through a complicated divorce for a good few years now, some of the reasons she started the project stemmed from such a relationship.
She was such a resilient woman, managing to smile through whatever life had put her through. You loved her distinct lack of care for what people thought of her being a single woman in her forties. 
It made you really put your life into perspective when you had met her. Even encouraging you to drop ties with your ex partner four years ago, who simply, didn’t care for you as a person but rather as an stability object. You hadn’t been in anything serious since. Not that you didn’t want it, being single had it’s perks too. You simply hadn’t been searching. A “bold move” in your late 20’s.
“Congratulations, I’m so happy for you! I’ll have a few for you tonight darling”
“Out on the town are you?”
“Yeah I’m meeting an old friend and hopefully some new people too”
“Well don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” she said with a wink. 
“I’ll try my best” 
It was 7:05 and you were definitely going to be late. You’d just set off from the studio, pushing your way through the crowds on the busy streets near your flat. It had been an intense day in the end, most of you and your class had gotten carried away with your choreography. Immersed in the music and memory you wanted to portray. In the end you had all learnt one another’s routines and combined them all to a jazz beat. 
You were still in your sports bra, leggings and oversized shirt with the duffel bag over your shoulder when you reached the outside door to your apartment complex. You heard a voice boom at you from behind. 
“Y/Nickname” you turned around, instantly knowing who it was by the stupid name. 
He was coming up from the basement venue staircase, there was another man loitering casually behind him. In an instant you recognised him from the telly. It was the one and only James Acaster, dressed in a deep green suit, white shirt and purple Oxfords. He had a peppering of stubble across his face that you hadn’t seen him sport on tv before. You noted it looked good on him. You made your way over to your friend and embraced him into the first hug you’d had in a long time. 
“Sorry I just got back, I might be a little late. I need to have a shower. Very sweaty” 
“Yes. Thanks for the hug” he said, making you chuckle. “We can wait around for you if you like. No one else is coming until later anyways. Oh! This is James by the way” James have a polite wave of a hello and smile at you then.
You didn’t quite know the etiquette of meeting people you’d seen on Dave for years. A simple, “Hi I’m Y/N” you decided was the most normal option. “You can come up if you like. I won’t be too long” 
And so the trio of you braced the stairs and made it into your apartment. You moved rubbish around as you all entered. Slightly ashamed of how messy it was, moving open books into one corner of the living room to make space on the coffee table for some drinks. If they were waiting for you you’d at least fix them a little something as a thank you. 
“What would you like? I’ve got vodka, gin or tequila. Lemonade orange juice and pineapple juice for mixer” 
“Ooh vodka and pineapple sounds delicious Y/N” Ed said with some excitement, taking a comfortable seat on the sofa. James hung nervously by the door, as though he wasn’t sure of the etiquette this time. 
“Same here” he agreed
“Please have a seat, make yourself at home.” You said with a smile, watching as he looked around the room. You became slightly anxious that his glaze was clouded with judgement until he spoke as he went to take a seat next to Ed. 
“Nice place, where’d you get the paintings?” He asked genuinely as you began pouring three glasses of juice. 
“I made them myself” 
“Oh you’re an artist?” 
“Sort of, I work in lots of art forms, mostly theatre and community projects. Not painting though, it’s just hobby and plus, home décor is expensive”
He chuckled a little at that as you brought the two of them their drinks over. “I’ll put some music on while you shower is that okay?” Ed said, taking his phone out after taking a swig of his drink. “That’s strong” 
“Sorry might have given you mine” you said jokingly “let me disconnect my Bluetooth then” you said getting out your own and switching to Spotify. You played the music for a second or two just until you had it disconnected. It was the song you’d been working with all day at the studio with the jazz beat and hypnotic drumming.
“Is that Jon Bap?”
“Yeah, I was using it today at work” His eyes gleamed, visibly excited by the idea of it. 
“I love ‘What Now’,” he took a drink and shaking his head to himself “Such good drums on that album” 
“Yeah, you like the drums?”
“Was a drummer for years in my 20’s” 
You were slightly shocked by his comment on his age, always assuming he was younger than 30. Although it made sense for him and Ed to be in the same age bracket.
“Hey, that's cool, I never made it further than level two recorder. Guess I just don't have musical genes, anyways I’ll hop in the shower. Won’t be long” 
You made your way to the bathroom. Listening as the two men struck up a conversation. Giddy from the knowledge of their being pleasant conversation and good company tonight. You’d always admired James, never really considering the fact you may possibly meet him. You hoped that wouldn't mess up the possibility of a future friendship, by making a reference to something that he’d said on the telly before. Shaking the idea you stripped off, turning on the faucet and climbing inside. 
After you’d felt refreshed you did a little, awkward,  jig to your bedroom in your towel. You hadn’t considered the fact that from where James sat on the couch you could see all the way down the corridor. Your bathroom being on the right, and your room right on the very end. Embarrassment aside you dried off your hair and did your makeup quickly yet efficiently. Slowing down only to put on a red lip with care. You then got dressed. Choosing to opt for something a little fancy tonight as the other two had clearly made an effort. Even if you did end up somewhere at 4am, it still felt good to dress up for the walk of ‘platonic’ shame. 
You chose a silky skirt with a slip down the leg in a champagne iridescent colour. Paired with a tight long sleeved polo in white. You slipped on a pair of socks with ruffles over the top of your rhinestone tights. You emerged from your room feeling a little more confident and ready for a boogie. 
James smiled brightly at you when he noticed you’d come out. Something else was flashing across his face that you couldn’t quite pinpoint however. You brushed it off, blaming the triple vodka pineapple you’d been sipping through your ready-ing routine. 
“7:28, not bad” Ed said looking at his watch when you fully entered your living room. Pulling on your white leather converse. You told him to shut up in response and book an Uber.
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babayagakeanu · 3 years
How Will I Know? -part two
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Pairing: Jethro Gibbs/reader
Summary: In which the reader finds out that Gibbs is in fact, in love with her too
Warnings: smut, NSFW 18+, oral receiving(female)
It’s been three weeks since your discussion with Gibbs, and he’s been giving you the silent treatment all those 21 days. It was agony, and you felt so small whenever you were near him. His hard gaze towards you made you overthink and regret ever opening up to him like that, and it made it even harder to do your job with Abby. Forensics was hard enough, Gibbs made it even harder when he kept entering the office every hour. 
“Abs! What do ya got?” He says, entering your shared office in a swift motion. You watch the two as they interact, Abby sharing the details of the prints you two had found on the Vic’s jacket. 
“Great job, Abs. Y/n, I expect you to do the same.” Your blood boils at Gibbs’ remark, but you swallow your pride and continue to work on finding DNA matches. Abby looks over to you and grimaces. “He didn’t take it well, did he?” He didn’t at all, you think, acted like a big baby about it. 
You sigh, looking down at your sample and face her. “No he didn’t. He’s been giving me harder tasks and giving me the silent treatment for almost a month.” You swivel in your chair before getting up to continue your rant. “Abby, I thought  Gibbs and I were close. He opened up to me about more than he’s ever opened up to any of you guys, no offense.” 
“None taken!” She responds. “Maybe he’s processing it, giving it some time to swish around in his little noggin. If it gets to a point where you can’t take it anymore, talk to him, y/n. You deserve closure, at the least.” She hugs you, patting you on the crown of your head before getting back to work. The work day proceeds the same, catching the suspect before the two day period runs out. 
It was midnight when you guys had finished, and you and Gibbs were the only ones left at your desks. It’s been hell working in silence; usually you two would find something to talk about, maybe you would ask him about his boat or he would ask you about your latest puzzle. Either way, it was awkward and uncomfortable. 
“Gibbs?” You ask, the waver in your voice instantly detectable. 
He doesn’t look up from his paperwork. “Yes, y/L/n?” He hasn’t said called you by your last name since you were a probie, and that was the last straw.
You shift in your seat, “I think it’s about high time you give me an explanation!” His head snaps up, a glare already storming in his steely blue eyes. “I’ve been honest with you on how I felt about you. Was it the perfect time and place? No. But I don’t regret it. The only thing that I regret about this is letting you leave without telling me the truth.” He’s silent for a moment, trying to call your bluff; only to be found with tears in your eyes and the devastation wreaking havoc on the color of them.
It’s not long until he gets up, reaching to your desk in a few long strides. You can feel your heart hammering in you chest, and the nervousness ate at the pit of your stomach.
“Jethro, are you-?” He yanks you up with one hand, not too rough, but enough to pull you flat to his chest , the warmth of his body seeping into your skin. You smell him; sawdust and bourbon. Smoky with just a hint of manliness.
“I have tried incredibly hard to keep my distance from you because all I want to do is kiss you.” You knew Gibbs wasn’t one for words but even the simplest of sentences behold the deepest meanings. You looked into his eyes, memorizing the image of yourself reflecting back at you, hoping that you will be for his eyes only now on.
“Then kiss me,” you say, craning your neck for him as he dips into your mouth, growling at the taste of your lips against his. His hands travel further, cupping both of your ass cheeks and pressing you into him. You gasp into his mouth, scratching at the base of Jethro’s neck.
“Jethro, please I-“ You whine, backing up into your computer desk, careful of knocking down the computer. “What do you need, babygirl?” You could feel the corner of something digging into your back but you didn’t care. 
“I want you. All of you.” You say, against his lips that were still currently attacking yours.Your hands found their way under his shirt, feeling the warmth and rigidness of his muscled back. His lips leaves yours, dragging a whine out of you from the loss of contact. 
“Meet me at my place, tomorrow evening. Dinner’s on me, you bring the bourbon.” He leaves you a sweet kiss, another following on the corner of your mouth. You pack up and are about to leave when he stops you. “By the way, you were never just a friend to me.”
You sigh, grinning up at him. “You sure you don’t want to come to my place? I can think of a few ways to prove myself to you. Well, more or less, show you.” He smirks, chuckling before playing with the strap of your bra, peeking out from underneath your short sleeve top. 
“Well, as much as I believe you can show me, I also believe in the art of suspense and surprise. So, tomorrow at eight.” 
The time to go over Gibbs’ place tonight was almost upon you, the hour hand reaching 6:30. You were in the shower, currently listening to every power-up song there was, and scrubbing your skin until it was red. Once you knew that you’ve been in the shower for way too long, you stepped out, wrapping a fluffy towel around you and hurried to your bedroom to pick out your outfit. You didn’t want to dress up to much, knowing that Jethro would most likely be wearing a button up t-shirt and jeans. You settled on a tight black shirt, paired with simple blue jeans. You had opted to curl your hair, letting it fall into loose waves and for your makeup, simple but with a bold red lip. It was 7:30 by the time you were done getting ready, so you packed up the bottle of wine and headed to his his house.
The phone rang a few times before he picked up. “Yeah, Gibbs.” 
“You still answer your phone like that with your significant others?” You say, smiling as you turn down his street. 
“Who said you were my girlfriend?” He asks, the joking evident in the way he chuckles at the end. 
“Well, what I’m wearing under my clothes and the way you kissed me last night said otherwise.” You park your car in his driveway. “Now open up Marine or I’m leavin’.” The phone call ends and the door opens, revealing Jethro, who actually looked like sex on legs. He donned a jean button up, and cargo pants. 
“Wow.” Is all he says, watching as your chest gleamed under the light of his kitchen. “Wow, yourself.” You respond, leaning in to kiss his jaw. “You looking like that makes me wanna skip dinner and get to the fun stuff.” He smiles, looking down at your smirking face. “Well, if you keep talkin’ like that, I might end up being hungry for somethin’ else.” He leads you to the kitchen were he made an excellent dinner of steak, potatoes, and some veggies. 
“Why did I known you were a meat and potatoes kind of guy?” You quip, watching as he smirks at you before cutting into his steak. 
“I’m a simple man, y/n. I know what I like.” You knew that his last sentence has a double entendres, and it makes the corners of your mouth quirk up a bit. 
“I don’t doubt that you do.” You say, and the two of you eat your dinner in a comfortable manner, it felt natural, like you knew that fate had brought you together, but you wouldn’t tell him that, not yet. You still had the fear of losing him, of him pushing you away like he did with his ex-wives, and you didn’t want to ever be referred to as Jethro’s ex-wife. 
“Something on your mind?” He asks, cutting through the silence and shaking you out of your head. 
“Oh, it’s nothing. Just thinking.” You shrug, forking more veggies into your mouth. 
“Nothing is always something. What are you thinking about?” he puts his fork down and rest his elbows on the table, folding his hands. You sigh, putting your fork down.
“It’s gonna sound embarrassing if I tell you.” 
“No, it won’t.”
“Well,” you begin, the fear in your throat rising. “You know how I feel about you, and I’m just thinking about why I took this job in the first place. I love forensics and working with Abs is just one of the many perks of the job.”
He laughs, “ She is a character.” 
“But, I think the biggest perk there was, is you.” You look up at him, and find him walking up to your chair, and lifting you up from it. “Yeah, I think I’d agree too.” His hands ghost up your arms, leaving goosebumps in their wake. His lips find your neck, leaving wet, hot kisses causing you to moan softly and grab his biceps in an attempt to stable yourself. 
“Jethro...” you mumble, watching as he stares down at you with his steely blue eyes, looking at how the icy blue ring deepens with lust. His lips are on yours in a flash, and something tells you he couldn’t handle not kissing you for long. You match his pace, a kiss full of gnashing teeth and hot breath. Your hands reach up to wrap around his neck. “God, you taste so good, J.” You feel his shit-eating grin on your lips before you pull away.
You grab the bottle of wine and two glasses. “Meet me upstairs in ten minutes.” You wink at him before walking off upstairs, not without adding an extra sway to your hips. 
The Marine had finished cleaning up dinner in record time, and you had finished putting lotion all over your body, brushing your teeth, and positioned yourself in just your panties on his bed; they were lace, of course. It was when you heard Jethro coming up the stairs that the excitement starts eating at the pit of your stomach. You’re sipping on your third glass of wine when he opens the door and stops in his tracks when he sees you.
“Well, I’ll be damned.” He states, his eyebrows raised with a smirk. “you’re looking real pretty right about now.” He can tell your nipples are perked, and are in desperate need of attention. “Well, don’t just stand there with your mouth open, come put it to good use, mister.” He smirks, his hands in his pockets as the tightness in his pants grew, he felt it as he was walking towards you. Shoving his socks and shoes off, he climbs on the bed, taking your wine glass and sipping it with once again, a smirk. Setting your wine glass on the bedside table, he envelops your lips in a fiery kiss, licking into your mouth and tasting the Cabernet on your tongue. His hands find your hips, squeezing as he breaks contact with your lips. He sits up as you climb into his lap, your arms ghosting over his broad shoulders meanwhile grinding into his bulge. 
“I love you,” you remind him, watching as his lips turn into this wide smile, as if the heavens opened up to him, and that would be alright because he could die a happy man right about now. 
“I love you, too.” He kisses you, and maybe you were just in a daze but you felt every emotion in his kiss. As if he was telling you something without actually telling you. His lips trail further down your collarbone, sending chills through your spine and when he reaches your taut nipples, it causes you to let out a high-pitched gasp. His tongue swirls around your teased bud, nipping it a little.
“For years, I’ve dreamt of knowing what was under these clothes of yours, and you know what? My imagination is nowhere close to the real thing.” He lays you down, watching as your hair cascades against his pillow. “I’m gonna show you what it’s like to be with a man, sweetheart.” You giggle at him, but it’s suppressed once he dives into your pussy. Licking and sucking at the small bundle of nerves you know most men can’t find. 
“Oh, Jethro!” You gasp, hands tangling themselves into his short silver locks. “Just like that... just like that” you mumble, his fingers working your tight hole, hot, wet, and tight. You were nearing your release when he releases his fingers and mouth, coming back up to kiss you before shedding off the rest of his clothes. “Wha-” he smirks down at you, before tugging at his cock, entering you  in a swift motion. Your gasp was swallowed by another kiss, but he didn’t move, allowing you to adjust to his larger size. Once you tap his shoulder, he moves, slowly but gradually picking up pace once he hears your tiny whimpers and mewls.
“So fucking tight,” he adds, his sharp and heavy thrusts causing your breasts to bounce, and his large hand moved from the pillow by your head to capture your breast. You left out a high-pitched moan as his thrust sends you into overdrive, nails scraping at his shoulders while you moan out his name like a mantra.
“Good girl,” he moans, getting close to his end as well. His thrusts start to sloppy and with a guttural groan, he comes, spilling his hot seed inside you.
Your fingers were trailing his face, committing his looks to memory, as if one day you’d wake up and he wouldn’t be there. You’re figuring he’s doing the same since he’s looking at you like you’re the only one in the world who’s made him feel so strongly about someone. There were no need for words, because everything has already been said.
Taglist: @minninugget @bandgeek88
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Promise (M.YG)
Warnings : talks of pregnancy, talks of miscarriage, swearing, talks of cheating, talks of sex
Synopsis : she disappeared after a promise of forever. after 2 years, she returns to her best friend and unknowingly to the man she left behind. will he forgive her when she tells him the secrets she’s kept from him?
Word Count : 4581
         “You don’t have to leave.” My best friend, ex best friend, told me as I angrily packed all my things into my suitcases. “Y/N let’s talk about this, please. You ran away for a reason. Stay, we can work it out, we always do.” I zipped up my final suitcase and turned to face her.
           “I forgave you the first time you did this, but you can’t keep apologizing for something you’re not going to stop.”
           “Babe, come on, don’t be like this.” My now ex boyfriend whined from the doorway. “I love you, please stay.” I looked between the two of them, wondering how long they’ve been together behind my back, and walked away. I had nothing more to say, and nothing more I wanted to hear.
           I piled my luggage into the cab and put my headphones in for the ride to the airport. It was time to go home.
           When I landed, I hovered over the call button of the one person I needed to see. A part of me wondered if he missed me while I was gone. I wondered if he would be pissed and not pick up. Before I could second guess myself, someone bumped into me, causing my thumb to click call. “Y/N?” He answered almost immediately.
           “Jin.” I choked out, trying not to cry. “I need you.”
           “Where are you right now?” I could hear shuffling and worried voices in the background.
           “If you’re busy it’s okay.” I sniffled, the tears falling despite how hard I tried to hold them in. Everything that happened the last couple days finally caught up to me and I couldn’t hold it in anymore.
           “You know I’m never too busy for you. Now tell me where you are, I’m coming to get you.”
           “I’m at the airport.” He hung up after that and I rolled my luggage outside the main doors to wait. It took him no less than 20 minutes to pull up. Before I could even stand, he was in front of me, pulling me into his arms. “I’m so sorry.” I cried into his chest, my hands grabbing his shirt and balling up as he rubbed my back.
           “It’s okay, angel.” He said softly. After a couple minutes, we pulled back from the hug and helped pile my luggage into his car. “You’re going to stay with me and the boys until you and I can find a new place, okay?”
           “You don’t have to move in with me, Jin.” I chuckled. He reached over and took my hand in his, lacing our fingers together.
           “We both know you don’t like living alone. Besides, once you meet the boys, you’ll understand why I don’t mind leaving.” He chuckled before pressing a kiss to my hand.
           I don’t know what I would have done had it not been for Jin. I’ve known him since diaper days. We were basically joined at the hip growing up. He’s always been my other half, and I’m so grateful he hasn’t bombarded me with questions regarding my disappearance. I’m not sure how he’d take the answer.
           “Boys, you better be decent, we have a guest!” Jin announced as he carried in my luggage. I followed him into the decently sized house. He moved to the side and draped his arm across my shoulders as he introduced me to the 6 boys gathered in the living room. But then my eyes met his, the man I left behind, and my throat went dry. “This is my other half, Y/N. Y/N, these are the boys, Kim Namjoon, Park Jimin, Jeon Jungkook, Jung Hoseok, Kim Taehyung and Min Yoongi.” I smiled best I could before turning to Jin to ask where I’d be sleeping. I followed him upstairs into his room.
           “I think I’m going to go to bed. I’ve had a tough couple of days, I’m exhausted.” He nodded in understanding.
           “I’ll come give you cuddles later. When you’re ready, please tell me what happened. I missed you.” I promised him I’d tell him everything when I was ready. He pressed a kiss to my forehead and went back downstairs. I changed into pajamas and crawled into Jin’s bed and just thought about how much things have changed.
           “Surprise!” He uncovered my eyes and in front of me was a table set for two with candles and flower petals and everything I could have ever dreamed. I quickly turned and basically jumped into his arms, nuzzling my head into the crook of his neck. He chuckled to himself but held me tighter as if he never wanted to let go.
           “Why did you do all this?” I finally asked, my arms still wrapped around his neck, his wrapped around my waist.
           “Because it’s your birthday and I wanted to show you how much I love you.” I pressed a kiss to his lips before telling him I loved him too. We sat across from each other at the table he set and enjoyed the food he cooked. I’ve never felt more loved in my life. During dessert, he slid a velvet box across the table with a smile. I looked down at it them back up at him. “Just open it.” I did as told, and inside sat two rings, one for him and one for me. “Promise me forever?” He asked with hope in his eyes.
           “I promise.” He took my ring out of the box and slid it on my finger and I did the same with his.
           I fiddled with that very ring that now sat around a chain around my neck. Why did Jin have to live with the one guy I was dying to see but couldn’t?
  Yoongi’s Point of View
         It seemed like a dream at first. Jin had left an hour ago after receiving a phone call. No one was really paying attention, thinking it was one of the girls he was flirting with. Until he stood up, panic written all over his features and grabbing his keys before running out the door.
           “Must be serious.” Hoseok spoke up. We all sat around, wondering what happened to make Jin look like that. When he barged back in, speaking of a guest, I wasn’t expecting to see her. She looked so distraught, so broken. Her hair was pulled up into a messy bun, and I could see remnants of tears on her cheeks. It took everything in me not to say her name, to pretend I don’t know who she is.
           I fiddled with the ring that was still around my finger. The ring she put on my finger when we promised forever. Two weeks before she disappeared without a goodbye. How did I not know we had a mutual friend this entire time?
           “Dude, you good?” Jimin asked, nudging me with his shoulder.
           “I’m fine. And don’t call me dude ever again. I’m going to bed.” I got up from the couch and headed upstairs. She walked out of Jin’s room in that moment, almost bumping into me.
           “Sorry.” She squeaked. I could tell she was crying again and all I wanted to do was hug her and take away her pain. “Where’s the bathroom?” I pointed to the bathroom and she thanked me before heading into the bathroom. I watched as she took small steps and quietly shut the door behind her, something she does when she’s in a low point.
           “That’s her, isn’t it?” Namjoon startled me. He leaned against the wall at the top of the stairs with a knowing look on his face. “Does Jin know?” I shook my head, not bothering to hide something he already knows.
           “Oh sorry, was I taking too long?” Y/N asked with a shy smile on her face. Namjoon shook his head, saying everything was just fine. “I promise I won’t invade your place for long.”
           “Stay as long as you need.” Namjoon quickly countered, being the same caring and loving guy he always is. She thanked us, or him, before quickly ducking back into Jin’s room.
           “I’m going to bed.” I turned away from Namjoon and made my way to my room, but he followed me.
           “So she’s the girl who disappeared?” He asked as he shut the door behind him. I rolled my eyes as I collapsed on my bed.
           “Yes Joon, she’s my first love. She’s the girl all my songs are about. She’s the one that broke my heart. And I’m not ready for her to be in my life again.” I admitted.
           “Do you know why she left?” I shook my head. “Maybe talk to her, get the closure you should have gotten 2 years ago. Then maybe you can move on.” I laughed at the very thought of moving on. She’s always been my one. She’s the only one I can see myself with.
 Your Point of View
         I thought I had moved on. I thought I was completely over Min Yoongi. I thought Jay had taken his place in my heart but seeing him again made me realize it was all temporary. Min Yoongi has always been my forever.
           “Hey babe. The restaurant was dead, so they sent me home early.” I called into the house I shared with my boyfriend of a year and a half. I slid on my house slippers, curious as to why he didn’t say anything. I could have sworn I saw his car out front. But I suppose one of his friends could have picked him up. I didn’t think much of it as I opened the door to our shared room, ready to get out of my uniform, when I saw the reason he wasn’t answering me. “I-“ The words got caught in my throat as I tried not to cry.
           “Y/N!” He called, quickly jumping off the naked girl and looked for his boxers. My heart broke further when I saw it was my best friend laying there, covering herself with the blanket I bought for the bed I paid for to share with my lover. She really had taken everything from me. “Listen baby, let’s talk about this.” I turned to leave the house, needing to gather my thoughts, but Jay grabbed my wrist, stopping me.
           “Don’t touch me.” He dropped my wrist. “You want to talk that bad? Fine let’s talk. I’m not going to accept an apology. I’m not going to accept any bullshit excuse. I forgave the two of you the first time because we weren’t actually dating at the time, but for fucks sake Jay, we’ve been dating for over a year now! How long?” He didn’t say anything. “Fuck both of you.”
           “Baby please!”
           “Save it.”
           “Come on! You can’t act like I’m the only one in the wrong. You always wished I was Yoongi. I’ve accepted that, so let’s just talk this out and go back to being in love.” I scoffed at his words.
           “I have never once wished you were Yoongi. But it looks like you wished I was Nari.” He called after me again, but I didn’t stop this time and left for the night. I returned the next day to pack my things and move back home.
           Maybe Jay was right. Maybe a part of me wished he was Yoongi. Maybe I never actually loved Jay. “You awake?” Jin whispered as he slowly cracked the door open.
           “Come cuddle.” I whined. Jin wasted no time in changing into his pajamas and jumping into the bed with me.
           “Should we go to our café tomorrow? Catch up?” I nodded before moving closer to him and placing my head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and placed a kiss to the top of my head. I quickly fell asleep to the calming sound of his familiar heartbeat.
           “You have a boyfriend, and you haven’t told me?!” Jin exclaimed, throwing his arms in the air just like the drama queen he is. I rolled my eyes at the theatrics.
           “I just wanted it to be serious for both of us before jinxing it. But he wants to meet you.”
           “How do you know he’s serious?” I slid my hand across the table, showing off the ring Yoongi had gifted to me for my birthday last night. His jaw dropped and looked between me and the ring.
           “We promised forever.” I added with a small smile on my face. I told him the whole story of how it happened, and he sat across from me, his chin resting in his hands and his elbows resting on the table, and just looked at me with excitement in his eyes.
           “So he’s romantic!” He clapped his hands together. I just nodded.
           “He’s always been romantic. He remembers all the little things. You should have seen what he did for our 100th day. I could have died.” We spent the rest of the day talking about my relationship that I had kept hidden.
           Jin had been so excited to meet my boyfriend, but the day never came. I found something out, and my dad sent me away before I could even say goodbye.
           “Wakey wakey! I made breakfast.” Jin said softly, pulling me out of my slumber.
           “I haven’t had Jin’s homemade food in so long!” I exclaimed, jumping up from the bed while Jin just laughed at me. The two of us made our way downstairs where the others were gathered at the table.
           “And I thought Yoongi could sleep forever.” Hoseok joked. I smiled at the thought that he really hadn’t changed. Some things really do stay the same, even if everything else changes.
           “Sorry, the last few days have been rough.” I apologized, taking the empty seat beside Jin, and looked down at the full plate of food. Everyone went back to their conversations while I just quietly ate my food, barely paying attention to the conversations happening around me.
           “Have you told your dad you’re back?” Jin asked, catching the attention of the others.
           “Him and I aren’t talking anymore. He kind of disowned me before I left.” I admitted before taking a sip of the coffee Jin made for me, just the way I like it. “But it’s fine. He’s kind of a shit person.” I shrugged it off when I saw the look of pity in everyone’s eyes. “What time did you want to go to our café?” I asked, trying my best to change the subject.
           “We can go after breakfast.” I nodded and excused myself from the table to shower and get ready. I scrolled through the messages my dad had sent me before I left. I could practically hear the anger in his voice with the words he said. I don’t need a slut as a daughter. You are to leave tonight. I will be removing you from the family for good. I threw my phone on Jin’s bed before collapsing to the floor and sobbing.
           “Hey, it’s okay. I’m here.” Jin whispered as he pulled me into his arms.
           We left soon after my outburst. I could tell Jin had a million questions running through his mind, and I hated keeping things from him. He slid my coffee order across the table to me and I smiled. “Ask me anything. I’m ready to talk.”
           “Who was your mystery boyfriend? I never got to find out.” He chuckled, obviously wanting to lighten the mood before we dove into the deeper questions.
           “Min Yoongi.” I answered honestly before taking a sip of my coffee.
           “Like the Min Yoongi I’m living with?” I nodded. “That super romantic, adorable sounding, absolutely perfect boyfriend was the grumpy Yoongi?” I giggled.
           “He was never grumpy with me. He’s actually such a soft boy.”
           “Oh I cannot wait to expose him!” I shook my head, hoping Yoongi wouldn’t hate me even more for giving that information away to someone like Jin. “Why did you leave?”
           “My dad made me. If it was up to me, I wouldn’t have left. I never wanted to leave you or Yoongi.”
           “Why did he make you leave?”
           “I was pregnant. You know how serious my dad is about keeping up appearances. He said he couldn’t have a slut as a daughter and told me to leave so he could remove me from the family and come up with a reason as to why I was no longer around.” Jin’s face fell as the words tumbled from my lips.
           “Did Yoongi know?”
           “My dad sent me away before I could tell him.” Jin reached across the table and took my hand in his. He ran his thumb over my knuckles as a way to soothe me.
           “Where’s the baby now?”
           “I had a miscarriage during the first trimester.” He squeezed my hand as a tear fell from my eye. “Probably for the best.” I smiled. “I wouldn’t have wanted to raise a baby without Yoongi.”
           “So why return now?”
           “Soon after my miscarriage, I met a girl. Lee Nari. We became fast friends. I ended up meeting a guy too. Park Jae-Beom, but he goes by Jay Park. We started talking and it seemed like it was leading into a relationship. But I had caught him and Nari sleeping together. I lived with Nari at the time, and quickly forgave the two of them. Jay and I weren’t really together, so I had no reason to be angry. We ended up getting together, though. A year into our relationship, I moved out of Nari’s apartment and into Jay’s house. 6 months later, I came home early from work and caught the two of them sleeping together again. I took that as my sign to leave.” Surprisingly, I told the entire story without crying. My heart still felt broken, but a part of me always knew that it wouldn’t work out with Jay. He’s not Yoongi.
           “That son of a- I will kill him if I ever see him.” I chuckled.
           “Honestly, Jin, I’m already over it. I don’t think I ever loved him.”
           “Because you still love Yoongi.” I opened my mouth to say something, but Jin spoke again before I could. “Don’t try to lie to me. I see that ring on your necklace. It’s the same one he gave you two years ago.”
           The two of us caught up on other things that happened while we were apart. After a few hours, we decided to head back to the house. I felt so much lighter after getting everything off my chest. It’s like the weight was lifted and I could finally breathe again after suffocating by myself for 2 years.
           “Min Fucking Yoongi!” Jin called as soon as we got into the house.
           “Jin no. What are you doing?” But he didn’t listen as Yoongi hesitated coming down the stairs. He met my eyes and slowly walked down the stairs, probably sensing what this was about. “Jin seriously, please don’t.”
           “What did I do?” Yoongi asked, crossing his arms across his chest, keeping up with his tough boy persona, but I knew him. I knew he was a softy at heart. He would give his life for those he loved. He would do absolutely anything he could to keep those close to him happy. He loved with all of his heart, and that’s why I fell in love with him.
           “Oh your tough boy act don’t fool me. Not anymore. You’re the kind of guy to set up a romantic dinner for two, with flower petals and candles, for your significant other’s birthday.” Yoongi looked to me when Jin said that, but I refused to meet his eyes.
           “Hey, Jin, I think I left something at the café. Let’s go back and get it, please.” I begged, hoping to get out of this situation.
      ��    “No you didn’t. You’re the most responsible person I know. Besides, it’s not like the boys knowing you and Yoongi dated is that big a deal.” As soon as Jin dropped that bomb, the others just exchanged looks with each other in complete shock. All except for Namjoon who just shook his head. So Yoongi does talk about me.
           “And what about it?” Yoongi asked with a straight face. “I don’t see how you can go back to being her best friend when you were abandoned too.” I finally met his eyes and saw the pain he was hiding.
           “Because I know she wanted to stay.” Yoongi scoffed, dropping his arms to his sides.
           “Then she should have stayed.” He looked right at me when he said it and then ran back upstairs. Everyone was silently exchanging looks with each other.
           “I should leave.” I whispered to Jin. He wrapped his hand around my wrist.
           “No. I just got you back. If you just explained what you told me to him, I’m sure he’d understand.”
           “Are you kidding me? It was hard enough telling you! I can’t just tell him my dad sent me away because I was pregnant.” The words fell from my mouth before I could stop them. I glanced over to everyone’s faces before running upstairs to Jin’s room and slamming the door behind me. I packed the minimal things I had unpacked before sitting on the bed, scrolling through my phone, trying to find a place I could go. I ignored the knocking at the door, not really wanting to talk to Jin. “Go away.” I said when the door cracked open.
           “Jin said I should talk to you.” My phone fell from my hands when I heard his voice. “He said he’s not letting either of us leave this room until you tell me what you told him.” I fell back on the bed, tears welling up in my eyes.
           “He always has to meddle. This is why I didn’t tell him about you in the first place.” I whispered, mostly to myself, but by his chuckle, I knew Yoongi heard me. “Well sit down I guess. It’s a doozy.” I sat up as Yoongi took a seat next to me. “Where should I start?”
            “Why did you leave?” Unlike Jin, Yoongi jumped right in. I knew it had been killing him all this time. Why I left so soon after promising him forever.
           “Do you remember my birthday?” He nodded. “We promised forever and then had sex.” He nodded again. “2 weeks later, I found out I was pregnant. I was feeling like shit, so as any concerned mother would, my mom rushed me to the hospital. Obviously, she told my dad, and he got pissed. I still have the messages. He’s huge on keeping up appearances, so he sent me away. He forced me to leave that night and disowned me.”
           “Why didn’t you tell me?” I could see the tears in his eyes that he was obviously willing not to fall. He didn’t want me to know a part of him still loves me.
           “I didn’t want my dad to do something to you. I didn’t even say goodbye to Jin, and he’s been my best friend since diapers. So I left quietly, just as he wanted.” I could tell Yoongi didn’t quite understand, but he accepted my answer.
           “So, we have a baby?” I shook my head, and the tears began to fall. Just like the Yoongi I remember, he placed his hands on my face, and wiped my tears away with his thumbs. I looked up into his eyes, seeing tears starting to fall down his cheeks as well. I reached up to wipe his away as I told him about my miscarriage. “Why didn’t you come back earlier?”
           “I thought I found love out there.” I admitted, watching as he tried not to let me see how upset that made him. “He was sleeping with my best friend. But, looking back I realized I never loved him anyway. Because he wasn’t you.”
           “Fucking hell, you can’t just say that.” Yoongi stood up from the bed, and that’s when I noticed the ring on his finger. “You can’t just come back and expect me to fall back at your feet. Just because the reason you left was because you were forced, doesn’t change the fact that you left.”
           “I didn’t come back to win you back, Yoongi. I came back because I caught the only 2 people I knew in America sleeping together, and one of them was my boyfriend. I didn’t know you knew Jin. I didn’t know you two lived together. I honestly wasn’t expecting to see you again.” He turned to face me again.
           “So you wanted to disappear from me forever?” I stood from the bed and met him eye to eye.
           “I didn’t want to leave in the first place, but I had no choice. And I knew that meant letting you go for good. I never expected to see you or explain anything to you. And I don’t expect you to forgive me or want me back in your life. I don’t even expect you to love me anymore.” I reached for his hand, the one with the ring, and I ran my thumb across the shiny metal. “I definitely didn’t expect you to also still wear the ring.”
           “Also? You’re not wearing the ring. Trust me, I looked.” I let go of his hand and pulled the ring from under my shirt where I always hid it and showed it to him.
           “It didn’t seem fair to Jay to wear a ring from an ex, so I put it on a necklace instead.” He stared at the ring sitting on the necklace that was around my neck. “There, everything is out. I’ll be out of here as soon as I can, so you don’t have to see me again.” That seemed to pull him out of his trance.
           “What if I want to see you?” He asked, finally taking his eyes off the ring, and looking into mine. “What if I want to forgive you? What if I want you in my life again? What if I never stopped loving you?” I searched his face for a hint on whether or not this was a joke.
           “You’re giving me mixed signals here, Yoongi.” I chuckled. “Just a minute ago you were ready to walk out that door and not forgive me. What changed your mind so quickly?”
           “This did.” He said as he took the ring in his fingers before dropping it again. “That promise we made 2 years ago meant something to you.”
           “Of course it did. I meant it, Yoongi.”
           “I did too. I’ve been a wreck for 2 years. As much as I wanted to hate you for leaving, I couldn’t. All I could think about was you. If you were okay. If you had eaten. I never expected to see you again, but damn I wished I would. Now here you are, telling me you didn’t want to go, that you still love me. And I want to push you away, tell myself I got the closure I needed to move on. But seeing that ring made me remember how good we were. And I’m willing to move forward.”
           “What are you saying?” He took my hands in his and pulled me closer to him.
           “I promised you forever, and I want to fulfill that promise.”
           “You’re going to forgive me?” He nodded.
           “Just promise you won’t leave again.”
           “I promise I’ll stay by your side, forever.”
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PJO/HOO - You meet for the second time
Request form and prompt list
(F/S) means Favourite sport
Will -
You were sitting at home, your (non-godly parent) had gone out somewhere, so you were alone. You were on the couch, scrolling through your phone, with your favorite blanket and with music blaring through your speakers.
Suddenly instead of playing the next song, your ringtone started playing through the speakers. You checked who it was and it was a random number, but you picked it up. “Hello?” you asked. “Hello? Is this (Y/N)?” they asked. “Who’s asking?” you asked back. “It’s Will,” he replied. “Oh, from the mall?” “Yeah...” “So, are you back in town again?” you asked hopefully.
“Um, yeah, I was hoping you could show me around,” he said nervously. You met up in a park near the house and you showed him around and just talked. Soon, you realize that your (non-godly parent) is going to come home.
You bid Will goodbye and ran back home to set up the place before your (non-godly parent) came home.
Nico -
You were getting scolded by your (non-godly parent) for throwing a sleepover without letting them know when you heard a knocking on your window. You looked outside to see the boy from that night. He was waving his hand frantically telling you to come out, but you ignored him and continued to listen to your (non-godly parent).
Later that night, when you had gotten ready for bed, you thought you heard a noise in your room, but when you looked, there was nothing, so you just ignored it. Just when you got into bed, a hand clamped over your mouth. You tried to scream, but the face of the boy from earlier came into view.
You tried to thrash, but he was too strong. Suddenly you felt this weird sensation in your stomach and when you opened your eyes, you were in a different room. As soon as the hand let go of your mouth, you screamed really loud.
You looked around the room and saw an old dude in a wheelchair. He winced at your loudness. “Nico, how many times should I tell you that when you bring the demi-gods, don’t scare the life out of them!” the old man said. He then turned to you and said “Hello, my dear, I’m Chiron,”
Percy -
You went to the beach again, the next week hoping to meet Percy again. You went on the same day at the same time, but he wasn’t there, so you just decided to enjoy your evening. You walked along the water for a while, before changing into your swimsuit and jumping into the ocean.
After a while you decided it was time to go home, so you wrapped the towel around yourself as you made your way to the washroom to change. After you got back into normal clothes, you started to walk back home. About halfway there, you felt someone tap your shoulder and you suddenly got into a defensive position in case someone was attacking you.
That ‘someone’ held up his hands and laughed. “Hey, it’s just me,” You looked carefully and saw that it was Percy. “Oh, sorry, you just scared me,” you tell him. You talked while he walked you back home. You exchanged phone numbers so you could talk later on as well and then he had to go.
Frank -
After that day, you couldn’t stop thinking about Frank. But you forced your mind off him, to focus on your studies. You are in the 10th grade and you are studying for your end-of-term exams.
(Your non-godly parent) has stopped all your social media accounts for the time being, including quotev (A/N: just had to add it 😜), youtube, and many others.
One day after school, (F/S) practice and all your after school clubs, you are walking home when you think you see someone following you. You take the route towards the park, trying to formulate a plan of what to do. That’s when you realize that the park is closed and it is one of the most unsafe places in your neighborhood.
Without stopping, you open your bag and take out your steel water bottle in case you need to protect yourself. You feel the person getting closer to you, so you turn around, swinging your bottle at the person's head.
You hear a loud ‘DINGGG’ as the bottle comes in contact with their head. They double over, and before you take off, you recognize that mop of black hair. It takes you a second to realize that this was Frank.
“What the hell!?” You shout at him. “You scared me half to death!” Then you remember what you did. “Oh no, are you okay!?” you ask as you approach him slowly. He holds up a hand. When he looks up at you, you see a huge gash on his forehead. You gasp, surprised.
“My house is nearby, we can take a look at that cut there,” You say as you grab his hand and guide him to your house. You opened the little zip of your bag, taking out your house key and throwing open the door.
You drop your bag near the door with a ‘thud’ and drag Frank into the living room. You sit him down on the couch and shush him when he opens his mouth to say something. You grab the first-aid kit from the cupboard.
As you apply the antiseptic to the wound, you apologize to him. “I am so sorry! I didn’t know it was you! Then again, why were you following me in the first place?!” You continue to ramble as you paste a bandage on it. Once you are done, you look down into his brown eyes.
“Can I speak now?” He asks, amused. You glare at him before nodding and tearing your eyes away from his, focusing on cleaning the mess of bandages on the floor.
As you put the unutilized plasters and cotton back in the box, you try not to look up at Frank as you know, if you look in his eyes, you will never be able to look away again, and that would be embarrassing.
“Well, I saw you walking on the road, so I decided to give you a little scare,” he explains.
“Yeah, you should never do that,” You tell him. “Seems I learned that the hard way,”
You both sit there and talk until it hits you that you have a history test tomorrow. It was going to be on Greek and Roman mythology (A/N:*gasp!* What a coincidence!). When you tell Frank this, he announces that he is an expert in Greek and Roman mythology.
Your (non-godly parent) is out of town for a few days so he stays over and helps you study, though it isn’t easy concentrating on your textbook with Frank staring at you the whole time.
Let’s say, you ace the test!
Jason -
You are now boarded on the plane and despite the excitement, fall asleep, fulfilling the hours you missed the previous night.
When you stir awake, you see your (non-godly parent) is still asleep, so you turn to the other side to see Jason from earlier. “Oh, hi!” you say. “Hi, again,” he replies.
“Guess I’m headed to Manhattan too,” you say as you reach down to your bag and take out a water bottle. “Yeah,” he says. Well, this is getting awkward, you think.
Taking a sip from your bottle, you look up at him again. “So...wanna play something?” You ask him, your childish side taking over. “Sure, what though?” “Um...maybe a game where we ask each other questions? Get to know each other better?” “Um, okay...”
-Time skip-
“Please fasten your seatbelts, the plane will be landing in 15 minutes,” the speaker announced. You and Jason had been talking the entire time, about the most random things like music, T.V. shows, movies, books, people, life, and everything possible.
You wanted to ask him for his number, but it would be a bit awkward. Like are you just supposed to walk up to him and say ‘hey can I have your number?’ wait. That isn’t so bad…
“Jason, can I have your number? Just to talk once in a while, it was fun...” you say as you wait for the crowd in the plane to clear as everyone gets off. “I would give you my number, but I don’t have a phone..” he tells you. “Oh, well, here’s my number, call whenever you can!” You say taking out a pen and asking him if you could write it on his hand.
Leo -
Rrring! Rrring! You hear from your bag. Your eyes widen as you know it’s your phone. “(L/N)!” your teacher calls you out. “Phone!” she holds out her hand as you hand her your phone. “Detention after school today!”
“But ma’am! I have (F/S) practice today after school!” You complain. “Well, you’ll just have to skip it for today,” Well shit. Your coach was going to kill you, especially with a match coming up on the weekend!
You were going to kill whoever called you.
-Time skip-
After school, detention, and shouting from your coach, you were headed to get your phone back from the principal's office. You knock on the door. “Come in!” A voice calls. “Ma’am, I’ve come to collect my phone,” “Here you are, but you should know, you have to keep your phone on silent during the classes,” “Yes ma’am, sorry, it won’t happen again,”
Sighing, you switch on your phone as you head to the exit of the school building. You checked your notifications to see you had like 6 missed calls from an unknown number.
Your phone starts ringing again, suddenly, surprising you. You gripped it tightly before it slipped out of your hands. It was an unknown number, a different one this time. This is getting creepy, but you pick up the call and place the phone on your ear.
“H-hello?” You stutter into the phone. “Hello? Is this (Y/N)?” the other voice asks. “Who is this?” you ask. “Leo. The one who fixed your cycle?” he says. “Leo? You know, when I told you to call, I didn’t mean in the middle of the day! I was in class when my phone rang! I got detention and had to skip my practice! Do you know how mad my coach was-!” you were cut off by Leo. “Hey! Hey! I’m sorry for getting you in trouble, but I desperately need your help!”
“Why should I help you?” “Because you owe me one?” “Yeah, but you got me in trouble!” “Please (Y/N!)! I really need your help!” Leo says. For the first time, you notice how desperate he sounds.
“Okay. What do you need?” You ask him. “I and my friends need someplace to crash just for a few hours,” “Wait, are you and your ‘friends’ drunk?!” you almost shriek, scaring the guard who is standing at the entrance gate.
“No! I can’t- just, can I tell you after?” you take a deep breath before looking around and saying “Okay, my (non-godly parent) is out of town, so you can stay at my house for the night, I live at _____.”
“Thank you!” He cuts the call. You stare at the phone, shocked at what you just did.
When you reach home, Leo and his friends are not there yet, so you go in and start cleaning up the space a little. Picking up clothes, making the living room presentable. Your (non-godly parent) hasn’t been home for a few days, so you didn’t care what you did to the house.
Ding dong! You head to the door and take a deep breath before opening the door to reveal Leo, a girl and a boy both, your age. “Come in,” you say timidly.
Once they are on the couch, you turn to Leo, put your hands on your hips, and ask “Care to explain?” with raised eyebrows.
Travis -
You are stressed out. The list of things that you have to complete is only getting longer. All your responsibilities weigh you down. You need a break, just to get some fresh air.
You decide to take a walk to clear your head. Your legs lead you to the park. You sit down on the same bench as you observe the kids play, so carefree, burdenless, no responsibilities. Oh, how you wish you were like them.
This brought tears to your eyes. You just want a break, just one day, just forget about all that work, waiting back at home. You have to complete everything on time, submit all the work, no time for doing what you want.
You hug yourself and move your hands up and down, comforting yourself.
“Hey, you okay?” you hear a voice ask. You sit up quickly and wipe your tears. “Yeah, yeah I’m fine,” you say. You look up to see it’s Travis. “Oh, hi, Travis, right?” You confirm, knowing fully well that it could be his brother. “Yup, not Connor,” You send him a little smile.
“Running from him again?” you ask, teasingly. “Haha,” he replies smiling. “Can I sit there?” he asks pointing to the empty space on the bench next to you. You nod, letting him know it’s fine. He takes his seat.
“So, what’s all the crying about?” he asks. “Nothing,” “Oh come on! You don’t cry just for nothing!” “Some people do. When they can’t take the stress anymore about everything in life and they just break down but don’t have a reason to explain it,” “So, life’s stressing you out?” he asks. “That’s not what I said!” “Yeah, you did!” “Did not!” “Did too!” “Nope, did not,” “Okay, whatever! You still need cheering up! Come!” he says as he grabs your hand and drags you from the park.
“Where are you taking me?” you ask him. “I’m not telling you!” “You know how creepy that sounds to me right? You could be kidnapping me for all I know! I mean, I could use a little enjoyment in my life, but I don’t mean this!” while you were busy rambling, Travis had dragged you to a dark alley.
“Travis...where are we?” you ask, starting to get scared. “Watch this,” he says as he walks to the far end of the wall, and presses one brick, which causes a door to open in the wall.
You are closer to the entrance and you can see on the other side it’s an open field. Mesmerized, you walk over, through the door. You feel a tap on your shoulder, followed by a “You’re it!” and Travis running away from you.
You smile and take off after him. After a while of you both running back and forth, you lie down in the grass, Travis next to you. You relax for a while before you realize the time and jump up.
“I have to go!” you say as you run back out the door.
Connor -
You are bored. All of your friends are doing...stuff, and you are sitting here doing nothing. It is your day off from work. You decide to clean your room.
You pick up the pile of clothes in the corner and head down to the laundry room. Before you dump the laundry in the washing machine you go through all the pockets as you usually forget things in them.
All in all, you found your earphones which you’d been looking for since almost a week now (A/N: I actually wouldn’t survive that long without my earphones!), a folded piece of paper, your rubber band, a pencil (don’t ask), and a paperclip.
You put all the objects in your pocket of the jacket you’re wearing, thinking you’ll take it out later before you unfold the piece of paper to see if it’s something important.
It was the note the guy left, Connor.
You are free, have nothing to do. How bad could this guy be?
You pick up your phone and dial the number, and it rings a few times before a girl picks up, “Hello?” she sounds perplexed. “Um...hi, Connor told me to call this number....” “Connor! Oh, I’m gonna kill him!”
On the other end of the line, you heard an “Oooh! Is it for me?” followed by an ‘umph!’ and a “Catch me if you can!”
You are too confused about what was happening, and are about to put the phone down when someone says “Hello? Who is this?”
“Hi, is this Connor?” “Yeah, who is this?” “This is (Y/N), the girl from the ice cream shop,” “Oh yeah! I actually didn’t expect you to call!” “Yeah, well, I’m bored and I have nothing to do, so if you’re free, wanna hang?” “Sure…? Where do you want to meet up?” “Outside the Ice cream shop?” “Sure, I’ll see you there,”
-Time skip-
You are waiting outside the ice cream shop for Connor. A few minutes later, you see a hooded figure walking towards you. You turn away and start walking away when you hear “(Y/N)!?” You turn around and see it’s Connor.
“Oh, hi! You scared me,” you tell him. “Yeah, sorry. So, what do you want to do?” “Hang out?” “Ok….no. How about we prank people on the beach?” “Ok, but what prank?” “Replacing their sunscreens with mustard?” “Let’s go buy some mustard then!”
You guys spent all evening replacing people’s things, and getting caught by the cops, and escaping. Calling Connor, was the best decision you have ever made.
A/N: Hey guys!! The next part is out!! I'll link the first part below. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!
-TheBlueBookworm is out~~!!!
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