#kirishima x bakugou x uraraka
misssmina · 2 months
Y’all don’t make use of subtle/weird traits in fics enough.
Bakugou literally has hyperhidrosis. Make him switch shirts constantly, or constantly wiping his hands, or outright refusing to touch things because nitroglycerin is a volatile substance.
Midoriya is constantly chewing on his lips or thumb while in thought. Either his lips are SO chapped or he’s a skin picker and the skin around his finger tips are super rough.
Uraraka is a poor kid. She would absolutely have some kind of financial anxiety. Make her be extremely frugal OOOORRR BETTER YET make her absolutely awful with money.
Aizawa is a hypersomniac. Give the man a nightmare disorder or something. We can be more imaginative than just always kinda tired.
Kirishima has/had really bad quirk envy. Please I need to see this addressed more. Even at the best hero school, in the top class, he talks down on his quirk.
Todoroki really doesn’t think very much. He acts quickly but very thoughtlessly. Coming to incorrect conclusions and moving too fast without knowing what to do next.
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olldolldraws · 8 months
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Idk if we’re still doing Spiderverse AUs but here’s mine
I wanted to do character sheets for this art I did back in the beginning of 2022:
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puppyaulait · 6 months
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lady-ashfade · 1 month
All Is Far In Love And Farming
Chapter 1: Getting Started
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´*: ・゚⋆˒ Yandere!Mha!Hybrids × Farmer! Fem!Reader. Chapter 1.
╰・゚✧☽ storyline: The calling of being a professional farmer had been your dream since you were young. Growing up on your granddad’s farm was the best thing, many years later you happen to be back. And the property is now yours to restore. With some hard work, you want to restore hybrid caretaking back to what it once was.
╰・゚✧☽ Chapters: Previous // Next
╰・゚✧☽ words: 2.5k
╰・゚✧☽ warnings: short chapters, stardew valley au, yandere behaviors, obsession, stalking, hybrid abuse, slightly sick love, possessive, manipulative, gaslighting. platonic yandere, hybrid and human relationships, and future warnings when more chapters come out, spelling mistakes and grammar who?
╰・゚✧☽ characters for now: Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugou, Mina Ashido, Ochako Uraraka, Tenya lida, Denki Kaminari, Kyoka Jiro, Tsuyu Asui, Shoto Todoroki, Eijiro Kirishima, Hanta Sero, Mashirao Ojiro, Koji Koda, Momo Yaoyorozu
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-`。゚˘: ゚⋆ ––✷☽ ᱬ ☽✷––⋆ ゚: ˘ ゚。.`-
Everything you once saw, the brightest of grass and the crops ripe and perfect, and the animals in the barns chirping of happiness— it was all gone. once a happy place you roamed in the summer as a kid was now a abandoned filthy place, old bards with holes and damaged walls. Nothing was what it used to be, the grass was as tall as small trees and it was going to take a lot of lovin.
But if your granddad taught you one thing is that; working for a better future would make everything you did it worth it.
And that’s exactly why you are here, to make your future. Everything in your life was about becoming a farmer, like your grandfather. and like him, you believed hybrids deserved to be in a safe and open land to roam, not such in some metal factory and enclosed to live their life.
“Come join the number one hybrid farm in Japan, The League.” the tv rung in your ears back at the college room, the place had been taking over everything and running all the local and good places out. at one point the only place you probably could work at was The League, since they seemed to be everywhere. “New locations, New Areas, And New Pay. Call the number on your screen for more information.” you had heard the commercial so many times you rolled your eyes everytime.
Never did you believe they would come out here, and be the competition. 
Honestly, the first day your body was drained easily from all the work. The labor wasn’t exactly what you were expecting to start off with, moving the rooks and weeding. But you had supplies to start off with thankfully, the money he left you was so much, and ready for a new purpose. But the only thing that was helping you in all of this, your holy grail was a local store owner. Arthur, who happened to be your grandfathers best friend.
slapping the metal truck with the gloved hand, the old man smiled and stepped down from the back of the moving truck. you whipped off the sweat from your skin and catch your breath as the unpacked heavy boxes placed besides you and man.
“The old man used to buy twice as much as this and unload it all him, then complain when his back hurt afterwards. Lucky, he had me to talk some since into him.” the white haired man spoke breathlessly. you didn’t want him to have to help, seeing his age but he was in better shape then you by the looks of things. “Old bat was stubborn, you got that in you kid?”
taking a deep breath you arose from the bend down position you were in and look at the man, smiling a bit you commented back. “Used to give granddad a run for his money, I think I have it in me.” you were earned with a deep chuckle and a small one from yourself. starting back up again you closed the doors and gave the man who drove the truck the okay and he drove away.
the next day was worse then the first, your body was sore and tired, you wore sunscreen all over your body to protect you from the heat damage and the illnesses you could catch. unpacking all the equipment, getting them put together, and make sure the starter crops are taken care of. you took many breaks. and Arthur was the greatest help you could ask for.
you heard the story of how he met your granddad many times before, but you didn’t mind hearing it from his side. Arthur had moved from the United States to start his business with his family, and your grandfather was just started out in town. they were younger and bonded right away, and there for marriages, children and grandchildren. knowing he wasn’t as alone when you left was comforting in a away but you knew the full story. just before your tenth birthday you were moved away from the small town with your parents and left the farm behind.
“He talked about you every day.” The words perked up your ears. You looked at Arthur as he continued to work on a huge fan.
“Everything that happened in your life, he would tell me. What happened at middle school sport events, to dances and even show pictures of the dresses you wore. And man, when you went to college for Hybrid Education he was bursting with energy again.” It’s been a long time since he was able to leave the cabin. You knew that, but knowing still punched you in the guts.
“Was he proud?” asking was a waste of time.
“Proud as hell, there should be no doubt about it. His pride and joy was you, more then anything he did here, and now you have a legacy to continue.” smiling you continue to work to hold yourself from the weight building up in your chest. you missed him so much.
Each day there was something new to fix and call in, you knew granddad was rich from the bank account he left you. but boy, it sure was a lot of money. and now, you finally had a starting point. you had scheduled a barn repair on the electrical and building. the crops were set up along with the sprinklers and scare crows, even cleaned out the well…but not without getting algae all over you.
Smalltowns in the country side where the best, everyone in the community was helpful towards one other. And since The League had a location down the road, the people really came together. Businesses were losing in hybrid projects and animals, but the crops were the same. But this met more hybrids lost there homes, and had to be relocated elsewhere else or to The League…You hated it.
A big wooden sign at one of the joint shop centers made you smile and turn into the lot. today was the weekly event, selling of many things of local produces. you remember coming here as a kid and always getting blueberry jam from the market lady. and just like then, it was crowded. and with a lot of stalls and moving trucks. Arthur had told you they still had them and that you should check it out. of course you wouldn’t miss this for anything.
you shut the truck door and fixed your clothes before started the walk around. everyone was selling amazing things at their booths. the first table you saw was one cover in homemade soap bars and honey products. a sweet older couple ran that shop. some stalls were for hybrids for sale but you didn’t have room for them, at least until the barns are rebuilt. but milk, crops and seeds where your thing anyway to look at.
“how much for this?” the only person behind the table was a young girl who looked angry and ready to chew off your head, it was laughable. she was going to be hard to haggle, but a amazing work ethic. “I don’t know you, so twenty bucks.” your eyes widen and look down at the honey in your hand. it was a very small jar…and not worth it, I mean for the bigger bottles sure.
“Hmm, how about ten?” the small girl glared at your words and huffed. she shook her head in annoyance and pointed to the tag, “you trying to get out of paying hard working people lady? This is the best honey you’ll find in the whole country! Haggling is only for people I know,” her finger pointed at you and you back up a little at her shouting voice. “And you ain’t it!”
signing you pull out a twenty and handed it to her, she smiles so kindly you forget about the anger she had. placing it in your cloth bag you continue walking down the path, smiling and looking around. not much you could buy yet, though you did buy from groceries and loaded the up in the bed of the truck.
“well if it ain’t the talk of the town,” a sweet woman’s voice called out loudly. you turn your gaze and see a almost forgotten face, but one that filled you with joy and nostalgia. “Aunty Hoshiko.” You scream and rush over, the older woman comes out form her booth and takes you into her arms. only now did you realize the sweet small of jam and the jar’s decorated like they used to be, but this area was bigger and a extra tent was behind it.
“I couldn’t believe you moved back here after moving to the city, heard you got into a good college.” She smiled from cheek to cheek while pulling away. “Why come back here?” it was flattering how much she thought of you, but you couldn’t have stayed away from this place for much longer.
“Well, grandpa left me the farm and I needed to start my new life. Can’t get much better then a already laid for land, and with great soil.” she hummed but her eyes dropped a little and her smile became different. “I’m so sorry, he was a good man. you tell me if you need any help okay? Your granddad helped us a lot, so many people in town will be willing to do help too.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” you smile and take a peek at the table, “mind if I look?” she is excited to show you all the new flavors and jars she has, letting you smell each one. she even offers you a discount for family.
you had a few jams picked out but you keep looking at everything, knowing you’ll come home with more. then there was a sign and paperwork around on a tables end.“Hybrid Rescues” is what you read and your hands reached for it immediately. seeing your interested, Hoshiko started to talk.
“The League has been running out businesses, hybrids are either purchased or…end up alone and abandoned. My friend runs a rescue company, we help her out here trying to give some of them a home.” you clinch the paper in your hand and want both more then to go punch the owners of the company. No hybrid deserves to be left alone.
“I usually have a few here with me, but today only one is for sale. He’s very special. And a house animal, or helper if you will since I know you don’t have much room for more yet.” the next step was to always get hybrids, but you weren’t sure if today was the best idea today…
“Oh!” that wasn’t your choice since she pulled your arm and lend you into the tent where only one hybrids sat. you struggled to look away from the hybrid laying in the floor.
He was huge. he looked peaceful tho, curled up on a bed and resting peacefully. he had long and pointed ears, a middle tail that curled. “he’s a special breed, no idea why they didn’t keep him since he must have cost a fortune.” there was a small scar on his arm and you hated to see, it looked like cattle whip strokes.
“tenya,” she called out quietly to wake the dog. you really didn’t know if you should get a hybrid, but seeing him already you knew you couldn’t say no. his furry ears twitched and his body rolled over ready to see what was happening. he was fast, and he was built. a pure breed for herding and hard labor. “I have someone here who needs a dog to help around the farm.” she patted you on the back and you got shy for some reason.
His tail was sticking up, his eyes glancing over and panicked. he was on high alert. “Hey buddy, my names y/n.” You smile softly. You don’t want to move until he gives you a sign. his nose sniffs into the air for a moment and his body freezes, you both stop for a minute too.
until the thumping of his tail was heard and he jumped up to greet you properly. you are taken aback and he gets excited and starts to shout, you can’t help but to smile. “My names Tenya, I am apart of the Iida breed. I have experience in herding, working and defending territory. I have many skills,” his hands reaches for hers and stuffs it into his nose to get a proper smell.
“Hello to you too,” you giggle. having some help now would be good, and a herding dog would the best thing.
“Tell me iida, are you okay with maybe coming home with me?” if it was only a dog he would for sure be jumping on you from how happy he seems to be.
Iida didn’t want you to leave to get things needed, saying it was his job to be with you now but you need to find food and things before leaving. he whined forever until he saw you again.
you came back to get him…like you said you would. he loved you, loved you so much. the kindest human he’s met.
Riding back to the farm was a journey. he was talking every second about all the things he could do, from each animal, hybrid or not. boy, was so happy to be by your side. and he was asking about you too. why you picked him? what you wanted him to do.
your heart broke once you got back to the cabin.
you held the door open and called for him to come in, but he just stood on the porch looking at you almost guilty. “Hybrids aren’t aloud inside, I must protect you from out here.” he was already looking for a place to set up for the night. it was a miracle you didn’t start crying again.
“Well, whoever told you that was a idiot. Many dog hybrids are aloud inside, and it’s my house so my roles go.” you tap the door again. he was hesitant, and it took about ten minutes to get him inside. and you told him to stay put while you get the things from the car…then told him it was a order to get him to stay.
you placed the things on the floor and smiled, proud of yourself. “Okay, so I got a large mattress for you. We can place it anywhere you want, also got you special food, hybrids approved.” he looked at the mattress for a long minute. Iida couldn’t believe it was his, he hadn’t slept on one of them since he was little, and then at the market earlier. And this one was his, made for his height and weight for him to sleep…inside.
“Your bought this for me?” He asked while poking at the bed, it’s softness amazed him. once he accepted his reality his tail starts to swing like crazy and crawled over to you, and hugged you lovingly.
“I’ll be the best boy I promise. anything you need I will do, anything.” his grip tightened around your waist and pushed his head into your plush stomach. you patted his head and thanked him, and told him he deserved to be loved and cared for.
That night, he placed his bed in front of your bedroom door and stood watch in his bed. to protect you, his master…his.
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next chapter.
series master list.
Taglist: @serxinns @queenpiranhadon @hah-simp-acc-2 @imlonelyty @yourmommasworld @moonlight-dreamer04 @cherrysxuya @melody-deathnote @ladybug2235 @odevote118 @hrezx @androgynouszombiegentlemen @letmelickureyeballs @lovelystarstruckvoid @simpingmasterpiece
@ please don’t repost my stuff to any other platform. This is my writing so don’t claim it as your own.
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slayfics · 10 months
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You get caught trying to sneak into Katsuki’s room.
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Chapter One
You took a deep breath and re-read Katsuki’s text to give you courage as you stepped into the elevator. The message read:
Everyone is asleep now. Come up.
You pressed the button to get up to the 4th floor of the boy's side of the dorms. Even though his message indicated everyone was asleep, your heart beat erratically at the thought of being caught.
It wasn’t the first time you had snuck into his room in the dead of night, but it never got any easier. Your nerves were always on end until you made it safely without being spotted.
As the elevator approached the second floor it slowed and dinged.
Shit- someone on the second floor was getting into the elevator.
Your heart sank as you frantically scanned your brain to remember what boys were on the second floor. The doors finally opened and revealed Ochaco.
You both stared at each other for a moment shocked by the sight of seeing each other on the boy's side of the dorms so late.
“What- what are you doing here?” She asked innocently.
“I could ask you the same thing!” You answered back, and pulled her into the elevator before anyone noticed the both of you.
Once inside Ochaco looked at the elevator buttons, and noticed the fourth floor was selected.
“Oh- you’re going to the fourth floor?” She mused.
“What! No, no I’m not!” You denied.
“Yeah you are, I can see the fourth-floor button is selected!” She pointed out.
You crossed your arms and left out a puff of air, “We’ll what were you doing on the second floor?!” You asked.
“What are you doing going to the fourth floor!?” She retorted back, face hot red from a blush.
Just as you were about to answer the doors opened to the fourth floor.
Stunned your mouth and Ochaco’s mouth hung open. Waiting for the elevator on the fourth was Mina.
“What are you two doing here??” Mina asked, equally stunned.
“We could ask you the same thing!” You and Ochaco both yelled in unison.
Mina stepped into the elevator blushing along with Ochaco.
The three of you were silent for a moment processing what just happened. You felt annoyance build up inside you at not being able to get out on the fourth floor and make it to Katsuki’s room now that the other two girls were here.
“Well, are either of you going to get out on the fourth floor?” Mina asked. laughing at the situation.
“… this wasn’t my stop,” Ochaco said, laughing and side-eyeing you.
“Shut up!” You yelled and pressed the first floor not daring to step out of the elevator and reveal to the other two girls your truthful destination.
The elevator started its slow descent back down to the first floor. You felt yourself steaming. Should you try again in a few moments after they went to bed?
“Ok, spill! Where were you two going?” Mina pressed
“Where were you coming from??” You and Ochaco said in unison.
“No fair! I asked first!” Mina protested
“We’ll I’m not telling!” You yelled.
“There’s no way I’m going to be the first one to say!” Ochaco yelled.
The three of you continued to bicker until the elevator opened to the first floor revealing Momo waiting for the boy’s elevator as well.
“WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!” The three of you yelled from inside the elevator.
Momo took a step back, astonished by the sight of the three of you leaving the boy's dorms.
“Where are all you three coming from??” Momo asked, stunned.
“We were all going somewhere different-“ Mina said then cut off. “Wait- we were all going to a different boy right?!”
The four of you exchanged frantic eye contact.
“We’ll I’m not saying!” You said arms crossed.
“I mean- we probably should verify that though right?” Momo said, looking between everyone with uncertainty on her face.
“I can’t say!” Ochaco yelled face even redder than before.
Mina laughed, “You don’t have to Uraraka. I’m sure we all already know you were with Midoriya.”
“She did come from the second floor where his room is,” You confirmed.
“What! How dare you! We’ll you were going to the fourth floor, same as Mina!” Ochaco divulged.
Momo seemed to relax at this information.
“Oh yeah… come to think of it… you were coming to the fourth floor as I was leaving.” Mina said pensively.
“Oh come on there is no way Katuski would tell me to come up as you were leaving. That’s just stupid.” You spoke without thinking.
“Did- did you say Katuski? You were going to Bakugo’s room!??” Momo asked, shocked.
“Ooooooo” Ochaco and Mina teased in unison.
“Oh crap-," you exclaimed covering your mouth. “We’ll it’s obvious you were probably on your way to Todoroki! Could you be any more of a simp!” You yelled at Momo.
Mina and Ochaco exchanged glances.
“I uh-," Momo stuttered, not knowing what to say at being caught.
“Alright Mina your turn,” Ochaco said, breaking the awkwardness.
“Fine fine- it’s only fair I suppose. Plus we’re promising to keep this between us right?” She asked.
The three of you nodded in agreement.
“I was coming from Kirishima’s room.” She said, a blush dusting her cheeks.
“Oooooooo” the three of you teased in unison.
The elevator dinged again causing you all to jump. It opened and revealed Lida.
“What are you four doing here?? I couldn’t sleep with this commotion. As your class rep, I demand you go back to your designated rooms!” He yelled.
You all looked at each other and began to stammer out nonsense excuses.
“Just go to bed!” He yelled.
You all four began to make your way to your rooms hoping he would never bring this up to your other classmates.
“He’s just mad no one was sneaking up to his room,” Mina teased, eliciting a laugh from you and the other girls.
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ms-fade · 10 months
College!Class-1a! X Fem!Reader 18+Drabble
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This is really starting out as imagination for being shared by the characters, then I thought of this. So in this the class has eyes on you and can’t help it but always wanted you. Then one day your professor takes it a step further. This is yanderish.
Class 1A: Izuku midoriya, Shoto Todoroki, Ejiro Kirishima, Katsuki Bakugou, Ochaco Uraraka, Mina Ashido, Shōta Aizawa, Hanta Sero, Denki Kaminari, Tenya Iida, Fumikage Tokoyami, Momo Yaoyorozu, Kyouka Jirou
Warning: Sex watching, teasing, degrading, yandere content, masterbating, touching oneself to someone else, slight circle jerk?, professor x student, being used, authority play, hair pulling.
This is content that isn’t light of heart, filthy shit. So, dead dove do not eat. All characters are of age and consenting.
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It was just another day in class, your classmates would drift their eyes to you occasionally to stare lovingly then turn away. You looked so cute today, like you did everyday, they always appreciated how beautiful you looked for them. Each time you’d look down or wrote in your notebook, Aizawa was staring at you. His eyes however didn’t look at your face but below the open deck to between your legs. That showed your pretty pussy all to him.
He could barely focus on his lesson with the picture of you in his mind, so he’d trip in his words and forget about what he was saying. This was new for him because he was always calm and steady, bored even. So the whole class took noticed his actions.
It wasn’t until he stopped fully while looking at you and the whole class followed his gaze in confusion. You didn’t even notice because you were taking notes and blocked him out until you got passed a point. “Y/n.” He sounded annoyed. Looking up to meet his glaring gaze you stare wide eyed at being in trouble.
“Yes sir.” He leaned on his desk and pointed in front where you would stand in front of the whole class. You gulped, “Stand up and go to the front of the class.” You flushed embarrassment at all the attention but followed his instructions to not get in anymore trouble. They all kept their eyes on your shy figure standing before them all in your school uniform. Aizawa made his way around and stood by you while putting a hand on his chin, inspecting you.
Turning his attention to the class, “Can anyone tell me what’s wrong with Miss L/n’s outfit?” You stared panic. All eyes looked at you from head to toe at the same outfit you wear every day, and they noticed everything you did. So the class stayed silent. Aizawa sighed and clicked his tongue.
“Surprising, you guys watched her like little bitches in heat.” He said amused with a eye roll, his demeanor changing quickly. The group looked at each other taken aback. Oh, you remembered clearly what you had done today. “I’m sorry-” his hand covered your mouth quickly and pushes you against the desk, the others getting defensive.
“Clearly your peer forgot the dress code,” you squealed when his other hand tugged at your skirt and lifted it. You struggled against him and tightened your legs together with tears picking up in your eyes. It was embarrassing…But also gave you a thrill.
“No panties under her skirt, she didn’t even close her legs.” You huffed as they all looked down at your cunt. Each of them turned red and moaned at the sight, the girls getting wet and the boys pants getting tight. “Shy? Awe, that’s pathetic.” He pushed you back and you were forced to take a seat in his desk.
“Show them, you know you want to be a good little slut.” You looked up at him with puppy eyes while he just smirked devilishly. But the problem to fighting back was simple. You didn’t want to. You spent nights imagining being fucked by your dorm mates, all of them you thought about along with your professor. So you nodded and slowly opened your legs for them to see each detail, your holes and clit. 
Now your eyes cried while your sweet moans poured out, the wet sounds of your pussy while his fingers thrust into you. Hands gripping the desk for support at how good the pleasure felt, your stomach twisting and turning. You couldn’t focused on your classmates to long while they all touched them to you.
The girls parted their legs while rubbing their clits and you could hear them too. Ochako and Mina fingered themself to match what you felt so they could feel one with you. The boys were surprisingly louder then the girl while stroking their cocks. Bakugo was more growling while fucking his hand as fast as he could go, Kirishima was soft and slow along with sero. Deku and denki were the loudest in the room, who got yelled at because they couldn’t hear you. But the other boys and girls kept quiet while touching themselves, afraid to make a sound.
Aizawa was painfully hard and made you rub him threw his pants for some relief, but he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. The way you cried, moaned just by him fingering you. It was intoxicating. “Cum- Oh fuck, going to cum.” You announced with your eyes rolling back.
“Dumb girl, think that’s what you get?” You cried out when he pulled out of you quick and left you empty. “All of you stop or I’ll fail you.” They all stopped and panted, caught in a haze of the high. “At least you all listen to me now, now pull up your pants and shit.” Groaning they all listened, the reality sinking in on them. You wiggled to get off the desk but he stopped you.
“Shoto, Ochako are the only ones who get to finish.” The two looked up and the rest looked at them. “Y/n here will finish you off,” your hair was gripped and pulled you off the desk. He forced you down onto your knees, “Well?” The two thought for a second but stood up to walk over to you, standing above you.
“All of you get to watch, be thankful.” He left you and walked to his chair and leaned back. So, you licked her pussy and gave him a hand job until they both came. Todoroki’s cum splatter on your face as you cleaned her pussy up, you got breathless fast. The end of class was awkward and silent, no one knew what to do or say. So you all just left.
But it was only a matter of time before you got home and the class was waiting for you to get their turn. Willing to do anything to get you.
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skiiyoomin · 20 days
ONGSHHSS FIRST OF ALL I LOVE YOUR SMAUS SMMMM… AND NOW I HAVE A REQUEST FOR YOUUUU🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂 sooooo… the reader accidentally sends the messages to the boys but meant to sends them to one of the girls? the messages are about them thinking that the boys don’t like the reader(i thought maybe the reader saw them with like another girl or something and now thinks they like that girl)
ANDDDDD if you want to… do you mind including uraraka?😔 i love that girl sm omfg☹️☹️ BUT OFC ITS OKAY IF YOU CANT!!
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Content: swearing, gn! reader
characters included: deku, bakugou, shoto, kirishima, denki, tokoyami, uraraka
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ღAccidental confessions
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animestsstuff2 · 24 days
Bakugou has a major crush on you headcanons!
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Bakugou having a crush was unknown to him. He chalked his angsty feelings and countless thoughts about you down to the fact you were just so fucking annoying, like that damn nerd.
Bakugou, who found himself answering more in the classes you were in, going the extra mile in training when he noticed you watching. He purposely ensured to pull his shirt off just before the changing room doors in hopes you’d notice
Bakugou, who picked on you more than the other extra. he didn’t know how else to speak to you and the only way he did was to tease you on your shortcomings, enjoying the way your feisty personality countered his.
Bakugou, who made sure all the other boys stayed away from you. Mineta talking about you in a perverse way? He made sure to blast him extra hard in training. Kaminari staring at you too long? He made sure that sucker fried himself everytime he was near you. Dunce face never having the chance to impress you.
Bakugou, who you noticed staring at you during the first week of U.A. Bakugou, who you noticed always took the seat beside you at lunch and arguing with Mina whenever she got there first
Bakugou, who found out your favourite food and brought it in for his lunch one day, letting you try it, not to be nice but to show how good his cooking was duh! Bakugou who enjoyed your attention as you complimented and begged he make you some.
Bakugou, who on valentines got up extra early in the dorms having secretly bought you a gift and made you your favourite dessert. Bakugou, who crept round and left it at your door a small note attached.
Bakugou, who stayed close to you that day wanting to hear if you liked the gift from your ‘secret admirer’ and he did, except his cheeks flushed when you told Mina and Uraraka you knew it was from him.
Bakugou, who began getting teased instead once word got out about his gift. His brows narrowed at his group, especially Dunce face and Sero who couldn’t stop laughing at the idea of Bakugou being soft.
Bakugou, who was surprised when you cornered him after school the very same day, shoving a card and a box of chocolates into his palm and shouting at him “you dick! Why’d you have to go all out, makin’ me look bad”
Bakugou, who rarely let you hold his hand. He didn’t want to gross you out with his overly sweaty palms. Bakugou, who let you hold pinkies. You enjoyed the small contact. He couldn’t be seen in public showing anymore, he’d never hear the end of it.
Bakugou, in private though couldn’t touch you enough, whether it was a hand on your thigh, arm around your waist or just sitting extra close. He liked the physical touch and so did you. His overly warm body comforting you.
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mha-quotes-and-such · 4 months
Uraraka: Its pretty cold out Tsuyu, wrapping her jacket around Uraraka: Here! I dont want you to be cold Kirishima, looking at Bakugou: Yeah it is pretty cold Bakugou: *takes off his jacket and waits a minute* Bakugou, putting his jacket back on: Its not that cold. You'll survive
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ptq3000 · 11 months
top or bottom??
nsfw!! minors, do not interact.
> bakugo is a top unless you had enough and try to top him. he finds it so attractive when you top him, so please do. definitely leaves bruises and hickeys on you in the most obvious places
> kirishima is a switch, a soft top or bottom. he's only super dominant if it's jealousy sex. or unless you ask..AND OMG. kirishima's aftercare is just. the. best. soft kisses, him apologizing for being rough on you, and cuddling right after.
> denki says he's a top, but everyone knows that's bullshit. he's such a bottom. he's literally so clingy and he's jello the second you give him affection. but the second he's jealous or you want to explore, the sex is very rough. bruises, edging, and zaps from his quirk all night long.
> sero is a switch, through and through. he mainly tops you, but once in a while, he's bottom. he thinks it's cute when you try to top him, but unless he lets you, you're still the bottom for the night. definitely uses his tape to tie you up which is how he found out that he's got a bondage kinkk
> mina is a top. no doubt. we love her, we stan her, but she's such a brat in bed. edging you, quick kisses that leave you wanting more, teasing your *cough* uh yea *cough* with her tongue. she has you whining for more and eyes glazed over with lust. she'll make you feel good, but she's gotta mess with you first. bc like.. where's the fun if she doesn't?
> jirou, baby, she's a bottom. she may look mean and stuff, but no. she's super soft and sweet in bed. the tough exterior fades behind closed doors. she loves your chest, always wanting to mark it. do let her, it'll make her fuzzy inside.
> izuku is a bottom. he's just way too shy to be a top. but that's ok bc you still love him. he's a little inexperienced, so you gotta show him how to please you. don't worry though, he's a fast learner
> shoto is a switch? i don't really know. i feel like it would depend on how you start it bc baby..shoto has no fucking clue what he's doing. he's very inexperienced, so you gotta guide him. but it's ok, it's ok, shoto will please you once he gets the hang of it.
> uraraka is a bottom, but she definitely knows how to do everything. she says she doesn't watch any porn or anything, she just hears things. but like..baby, im pretty sure she does watch porn to learn how to please you first. i mean, in bed, it definitely works,..
> tsuyu is a bottom. she has a little knowledge on how to please you, but you gotta slowly teach her. she's a little clueless..but don't worry! she quickly gets it and it feels euphoric.
> iida is a switch. soft dom and bottom, just like kirishima. he's always focused on making you finish first. he's a little stiff in bed,, so when you take over for him, he's cumming so quickly. he admires you and he absolutely loves you, so even if he says he'll be fine without you pleasuring him, you gotta return the favor :((
> yaoyarozu is a BOTTOM. ik some people think she's a top and i can see it, but NO. she's a bottom. she is putty in your hands after the first kiss. she's a little tease, but she doesn't really realize that she's doing it, which just makes the situation a little bit better
> shinsou is a top, always working to make you feel good in bed bc he's scared you'll leave him. no matter how many times you assure him that you won't, he still got doubts. vanilla sex all the way, it's usually never rough. sex is like a comfort for the both of you, limbs tangled and skin close as you both love through the night.
> monoma is a bratty bottom. he won't make it easy for you and sometimes to make things even more difficult for you, he tops you. please control this man's mouth, omg.. he's so noisy in bed. grunting, moaning, whining. you have to gag it with a cloth and tie his hands above his head so he stops taking it off...great, now he's got a bondage kink
> shindo is a top. through and through baby. he's definitely used his quirk on you in bed before, which caused you to let out a really loud moan. he teased you for it later, don't worry. omg, and this man is constantly leaving you with marks all over, whether it's from spanking you or just being so rough it caused bruises.
> tamaki...my baby..bottom. he's a bottom. obviously. he's so shy abt your first time doing it together, and he's so careful. he doesn't want to hurt you too much, so you take the lead. and once he's comfortable, he's moaning into your ears so loud. you have to kiss him to reassure him that he's doing perfectly. honestly, it's a very wholesome experience considering it's sex :(((
a/n: AHHH OMGGG. im super nervous abt posting this, but it's okk.. it's ok. i do hope you enjoy this one though <33
edit #1 - i totally forgot abt my baby tamaki, so fixed that for you babes
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w0rmm1lk · 5 months
Reader: not mentioned.
characters: all characters i write for (besides kota and eri)
type: can be read as both platonic and romantic
sumarry: how i think the mha characters would text.
warnings: possible swearing, denki being denki.
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👾Mina Ashido👾
she abuses her emoji privledges. like nobody will ever receive a message from her that doesn't have an emoji. lots of all caps.
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👓Tenya Iida👓
oh you were texting him? bitch writes as if he's writing a formal email. your ass is lucky that he doesn't start that shit off with "I hope this message finds you well.". not even kidding will proof read every message he sends at least twice.
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♾️Ochaco Uraraka♾️
will end every message that isnt on a serious topic with :D. its so sweet tbh.
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⚡Denki Kaminari⚡
this man uses so many abbreviations that even if you think you use a lot just know you're learning a new one everyday. not even kidding makes up his own shit. once sent mina "lmkiydthesicci" and nobody could figure out wtf he meant. lowkey flirting with every mssg he sends. every single person in the class, girl or not has received a message from him that just says "hey bbg ;)". he received a very long lecture from iida and a very confused reply from todoroki. todoroki didn't actually know wtf bbg meant. thought he misspelled bbq at first.
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unironically sends messages that just say "rawr". uses the :} face a lot bc he thinks it looks like his unbreakable.
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🐙Mezou Shoji🐙
i feel like he has such a low screentime that if anyone needs to text him he's only available for like an hour a day. accidentally leaves ppl on read. messages seem very bland usually.
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❄️Shoto Todoroki🔥
another bland person but tbh hes the worst out of them all. like he can look at a whole paragraph asking him if he wants to go to the movies with the rest of the class and all he will reply with is just "ok." uses periods at the end of every message but I swear he's not mad.
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💥 Bakugo💥
if he receives any messages past 8pm the "reply" will be you getting left on delivered even if he's still up, or a message just saying "shut the fuck up and go to bed.". also bland but he's more of a "k" bland rather than a "ok." bland.
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🥦Izuku Midoryia🥦
he will not even kidding receive a message that just says "hi" and will send a whole paragraph that is basically just a lengthened "hi! how are you?". uses the smiley emoji a lot.
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💫Momo Yaoyorozu💫
lots of ! at the end of messages, you can feel the happiness through your phone screen. uses heart emojis at the end of messages and memorizes the meaning of each color so she can use them accordingly.
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🖤Shihai Kuroiro🖤
another :} user, sometimes uses :] but mainly :}. only ever texts ppl at hours like 2-4 am. you cant convince me he gets enough sleep.
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👔Neito Monoma👔
you think hed text you?/j kinda just an average texter, any message about class 1a will be in all caps.
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oh look. another bland ass texter, at least he takes the time to actually type out "okay," only sends emojis if he's talking about how weird the emoji looks.
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🔪Himiko Toga🔪
uses :] all the time. not :}, or :). just :]. if anyone texts her, even if its just a simple "hi." and she isn't busy, congrats you've agreed to a 3 hour face time call.
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✋Tomura Shigaraki✋
he leaves everyone on read. if you question why he left you on read all you're getting is an "if its so important then talk to me face to face."
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🃏Mr. Compress🃏
so you know how earlier i said you were lucky Iida didnt start with "I hope this message finds you well,"? your luck ran out. he writes it like you're a long distant friend who he is sending some fancy ass shit letter to. not even kidding ends each message with "--Compress."
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types so fast his phone doesnt even register his hands. half his messages be looking like "se tht ouds ood". he doesn't even bother to edit it or correct himself.
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he texts like a dad. texting this mf be like:
"*photo of a weird boat*"
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miss girl uses so many ;) that its hard to tell if shes suggesting something weird or not. ended every greetings message with that one kissy emoji.
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🙂Mirio Togata🙂
uses the 🙂 all the time because he thinks it looks like him. it does.
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🌀Nejire Hado🌀
lots of !!! and :D, also uses the :> a lot lol. lots of blue heart emojis aswell.
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🦋Tamaki Amajiki🦋
sends articles about different butterflies he likes or thinks the person he sends it to would like along with a message along the lines of "I think this fits you :]". rarely texts first but when he does he clicks send and sitts on the other side of the bed as his phone while staring at it intensely, just waiting for the reply notif. wont actually read the reply for a good minute.
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🐈‍⬛Hitoshi Shinsou🐈‍⬛
sends photos of random animals he sees while out and about. usually just cats. (no way this man doesn't feed the strays around ua) another person that only texts at night time.
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🛠️Mei Hastume🛠️
uses >:D a lot, shows blueprints of her new babies all the time, ngl they are usually rlly messy. texts are just :
"* incomprehensible image of a blueprint *"
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⭐Yo Shindo⭐
uses the thumbs up way to much but like in the passive aggresive way yk? but also if you send him a photo of something ur proud of he will reply with a simple "oh that's cool!" but there's so much fucking emotion behind it ur just kinda like ???
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🛡Melissa Shield🛡
her messages are so sweet. sunset pictures of the ocean every other day. lots of :).
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wrote this is one go and now my hands hate me. i think this was at least 20 characters-? idk I'm struggling to count.
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misssmina · 2 months
Y’all don’t make use of funny character traits enough.
Bakugou is the nosiest kid I have ever seen. Put it in your fics. Make use of him constantly coming to incorrect conclusions.
Midoriya is actually a really violent kid, he just has the patience of a patron saint. The entire world is lucky he’s too sweet to act on his anger. (Go look in his notebook)
Iida is so shady. “One is my friend and the other one is Bakugou.” COME ONNNNN
Kaminari is such a girly pop y’all. Y’all don’t give him enough silly gen z slang. Please go listen to how he speaks in dub. Sounds like he has 6 sisters.
Uraraka is so unreasonably chill. Almost nothing bothers that girl. Please make her more vulnerable to things because she just can’t be assed to care.
Kirishima is a shit talker, and regularly puts people in their place. Y’all keep writing like him like he’s some little puppy. This man is a Doberman.
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cletoons · 5 months
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Part 2/4 [mha x pokemon festival] 🎆🍡
[Commissions open]
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puppyaulait · 1 year
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Beach episode sir’ Horikoshi I’m begging you
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lady-ashfade · 3 months
All Is Far In Love And Farming Masterlist
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Yandere!Mha!Hybrids x Farmer!Fem!Reader
Characters for now: Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugou, Mina Ashido, Ochako Uraraka, Tenya Iida, Denki Kaminari, Kyoka Jiro, Tsuyu Asui, Shoto Todoroki, Eijiro Kirishima, Hanta Sero, Mashirao Ojiro, Koji Koda, Momo Yaoyorozu
Please note that all characters are aged appropriately, so all characters are older versions of themselves!! Adult age of hybrids, reader is early 20s.
warnings: short chapters, stardew valley au, yandere behaviors, obsession, stalking, slightly sick love, possessive, manipulative, gaslighting. platonic yandere, hybrid and human relationships, and future warnings when more chapters come out.
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Chapter One: “Getting Started” — Found here.
Chapter Two: “???” — coming���.
Chapter Three: “???” — coming….
Chapter Four: “???” — coming….
Chapter Five: “???” — coming….
taglist: comment if you want to be tagged ♡
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kitsunefire7 · 5 months
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Kacchako X highlander: dancing
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