#I saw it and it caught me so off guard I started wheeze laughing
wonijinjin · 4 months
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author’s note: the first work of the series! i am all for strangers to more tropes so i hope you guys will have fun reading it! take care<3
synopsis: will shared fate with a stranger turn into something more, something you had never expected?
word count: 0.6k | genre: fluff, hurt/comfort, dark themes (apocalypse) | pairing: cheol x gn! reader | warnings: mentions of injury, doctors, apocalypse, death
the masterpost to this series can be found here.
the wind was blowing coldly as you reached the deserted capital, body tired from dragging it all day, not finding anyone near who could help you out. in the distance you could spot a silhouette, a human’s to be exact. “wait!” you shouted from the top of your lungs, taking all of your energy and putting it into a final call before you saw the figure turning around, running in your direction. the pain in your injured leg became unbearable and forced your knees to buckle; luckily the stranger who had arrived by your side just at that moment had caught you, laying you down on the muddy ground. “hi.” you smiled at him while his eyes widened in surprise seeing another human alive. there were not many people who survived the earthquakes or the tsunamis after the collision of the meteor. “nice to meet you.” he smiled back at you, inspecting the wound on your foot. “i guess you got this while trying to escape from the storm.” you wheezed. “good guess, sherlock.” his movements halted and he got a roll of surgical tape and bandaids out from his pocket. “so, do you want me to fix you up? you are not doing so well as i can see.” you nodded immediately, thanking him several times. “i have been searching for signs of life for days, but have seen noone so far.” he shook his head in agreement. “because there is almost no human here as of today. i’m surprised to see you here, never thought i would cross paths with someone here. everyone i know is at the same place, the mall. they gathered there, but they are starting to go crazy so i left.” he explained what he knew about the situation happening. your lack of response and the way you stared into nothing alarmed him and he pulled your body towards his so he could see your eyes. “you with me?” he swung his hand in front of your face. you nodded slowly to ensure that you heard and understood him. “good.” he thought for a moment. “must be shock which got you so quiet all of a sudden.” he finished wrapping up your leg, patting it for good measure. “can you stand?” he questioned with a warm look, one which you missed so much, after so long of not being in contact with others. “hello? i asked if you can stand up and walk.” he was crouching next to you, grabbing your chin to check your eyes again. you assumed that he must’ve been a doctor since he was looking for signs of head injury for sure, you knew this much of first aid. you leaned in without thinking, kissing him quickly. this caught him off guard, but it was so quick and sudden that it was over before he could register what was happening. “sorry, i just needed to check if you were real. i’ve been alone for a while, i wasn’t sure if it was just in my head or not.” he had a weird expression but only for a moment, then caught your wrist and lifted your finger to his face, poking it. “you could’ve just done this, you know.” he laughed sweetly, another thing you had been missing from your life. “you are right…” you whispered shyly, a bit embarrassed. “anyways, i see that you are quite lonely. you can accompany me for the time being if you want to. at least i can make sure your leg actually gets better.” you grinned tiredly. “if i’m gonna be your companion i gotta know your name at least though.” he extended his arm towards you. “just call me seungcheol.”
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dontyoufeelitangel · 2 months
The Stand
What happens when you happen to be in the same club as the first man Adam?
He’ll question you till the end of time, or at least that’s what it feels like.
You don’t mind people talking to you or asking questions, honestly you’re all up to get to know other people.
But Adam liked to fuck around,
He’d ask weird unrelated questions, to throw people off guard or just ultimately tease them.
You’ve met Adam before, he was very popular in heaven for being the first man but also for a band that he was in.
You’ve seen him around heaven, seen him at concerts and even talked to him a couple times.
So when he throws these weird ass questions at you, you’re totally confused but soon catch on to his antics.
Two can play that game, if he wants to ask weird questions, he can get weird answers.
It started off simple.
“As the first man Adam, do you have any weaknesses?” You tilted your head towards him smiling.
“What babe? Tryin’ to use this against me?” He grinned taking a sip of whatever drink he had,
You giggled “no of course not! Just curious is all” you raised your hands in the air to attempt to prove your innocence.
It was true though, you didn’t expect a legitimate answer from Adam so you had no intentions of using his answers against him.
“Welllll… I like vodka on ice” he spoke and raised his glass.
That’s what he must’ve been drinking, you thought to yourself.
You gave a small smile and took a breath in to say something but then you were cut off,
“But then there’s women on bikes! They look great! Oh! Oh! Or just the women who straddle!” A shit eating grin on his face as he answered, he was trying to throw you off course with his answers.
As tipsy as you were you let out a laugh,
“Oh god you are a handful..” you wheezed, clutching your stomach. Who thought the first man would be so enthusiastic about girls on bikes?
He seemed to like your laugh because his smile never left his face and his eyes never left yours,
He wanted to keep going, he’d wanted to hear you laugh again,
“Hmm I forgot about handfuls…” he muttered, pretending to think to himself.
You let out another laugh so raw and real that you had to turn your back to Adam just so he wouldn’t see you.
The alcohol must’ve hit your blood stream because Adam’s jokes were actually funny,
If you can even call them jokes.
Nothing about anything he had said was funny, the fact he was pretending to give genuine answers is what was so appealing and hilarious to you.
Of course the first man Adam likes handfuls, handfuls of what? Who knows, he just likes handfuls.
You laughter only encouraged him. It was a shame you were turned around of you would’ve saw how happy he was to hear the little giggles that escaped you.
You caught you breath and turned around, taking a sip of your drink and facing Adam again.
“Good answers huh?” He took a sip of his vodka on ice. Still his eyes were on you, eagerly awaiting an answer,
“Great answers” you agreed.
“Well it’s my turn now tits, I want to know your fears” he set his drink down, full attention on you.
You smiled,
“Okay first man,” you leaned in towards him,
“It’s everyone here” you whispered close to his ear. His smell of cigarettes and carmel filled your senses.
You leaned back into your chair, waiting for a reaction.
Your answer was obviously pulled out of your ass, it was a fake answer, of course you weren’t scared of anyone in the room. If that was the case you certainly wouldn’t be talking to Adam.
But Adam seemed to believe you.
“Well shit, you mean just all the people?” His face dropped. He must’ve been drunk because he sat there expecting more from you.
You almost couldn’t hold in your laughter, you didn’t know why Adam was so invested in your one answer.
“Yeah… and all of their peers, and all of their pets, and the chandeliers!!” You said, speaking so fast your words seemed to be sewn together. For that last part you waved your arms towards the ceiling.
Now that, was a fake answer,
You had no fear of animals or fancy light fixtures,
But since Adam bullshitted his way through his answers you would to.
And the funniest part is that Adam almost believed you, only until you brought up chandeliers did he realize you were fucking with him.
Now realizing the joke, he leaned back and crossed his arms, a smile appearing on his face,
He found it equally as hilarious that you to were fucking with him.
Once you realized that he realized, you let out another laugh
This time you didn’t turn away from him, you just laughed straight in his face.
He didn’t seem to mind though,
Your laugh was beautiful, and seeing you enjoy yourself around him was equally as stunning.
Your laughter quieted, you smiled and decided to give a real answer.
“I don’t like cigarettes though, I haven’t smoked since I was alive, so I guess you could say it’s one of my many fears.” You gave a genuine answer and smiled looking Adam in the eyes.
He grinned along with you,
“Fuu.. ….uuuck! You might not like me then, I practically shit cigarettes!” He howled, setting his drink down.
Wow, he thought he was soooo funny.
You smiled and looked down as he was laughing at himself.
It’s true though, he smokes a lot. He doesn’t have a reason not to, there’s nothing bad that can come from smoking in heaven.
Somehow the conversation between you two wrap up.
You and Adam know each other, but he’s never talked to you this long about so much stuff before, normally he just says hi.
You were starting to think Adam was a massive asshole based on how others talk about him, but now that you got to see him for what he truly is, you have to admit, he’s pretty chill.
The night was coming to an end, the club was closing. After finishing both of your drinks Adam offered to walk fly you home.
You accepted, only out of fear that you were too drunk to find your way home by yourself.
You both managed to wobbly fly to your apartment.
Your apartment was on the top floor of your complex. You had a patio/ landing pad that led into your house.
Being in heaven there was no fear or reason anyone would break into anyone’s house, so everyone casually left their apartment and houses wide open. This was easier especially considering how much distance it takes to stop and take off when flying.
You stumbled onto your patio as Adam crashed face first.
You screamed out in laughter,
Adam smiled at your laughter and flapped his wings a few times to get on his feet.
“Wow, ya got a pretty nice place here babe” he put his hands on his hips as he glared into your house from the patio/ landing pad.
He didn’t make an effort to go into your house despite it being wide open to him, it’s kinda like an unspoken rule in heaven.
“Pfff, no way! This is like, the low of lows here. I bet you got a fancy mansion of something.” You nudge his shoulder. Your lips curled into a soft smile.
With your hand on his shoulder you notice his wings, something you never seemed noticed before.
“Your wings are beautiful.” You blurted out not thinking. You were embarrassed, drunk and quite frankly, losing it.
Adam noticed your anxiousness and Adam spread his wings out for you, allowing you to touch them.
You ran your fingers over the primary feathers, then over his baby feathers then back to the top of his wings.
His wings were noticeably bigger than yours, it adds up though because he was bigger than you.
Adam’s wings were also gold.
Winners didn’t typically have colored wings unless they dyed them.
But Adam’s wings were gold, bright gold and reflective.
“I have a human soul but because of my status on earth my wings are gold, pretty sick huh?” He said as if he read your mind.
Still mesmerized by his wings you restated his previous remark,
“Yeah, pretty sick” you whispered.
The sun had set and it was getting darker in heaven, stars and moons became visible.
You sat in a comfortable silence as you toyed with his wings. You didn’t mind the silence, you thought it was nice actually.
Adam seemed to be freaking out though, perhaps he didn’t like the silence, maybe he thought it was awkward.
Adam let out a question, something to bring your voice and laughter back into his ears.
“Talk about space,” he said pointing towards the stars in the sky,
You smiled sleepily,
“Well,, it’s a beautiful place” you turned to look at the stars
“But it’s so damn cold” Adam huffed in a playful manner. His wings flapping quickly to show faux anger. On earth humans have documented that space is cold, to cold for humans. But when your an angel and its life eternal, temperatures are Insignificant.
“Sure for the human race” you shrugged,
“But for the planets and stars,,, and everything else,,, and Mars” you mumbled, your eyes. Glued to the night sky.
Adam just watched you as you blabbered on about space, he enjoyed your presence.
He’d decided he’d talk to you more often, every chance he could get.
As he was lost it thought you finished your previous statement making him snap back from his thoughts.
“It’s like paradise.” You turned your head to look at him.
The both of you smiled, looking at eachother.
You quickly looked and the stars, then the ground, then again at Adam.
“Why don’t you come inside?” You smiled. It was a question but the two of you knew he wouldn’t decline.
Note: if you don’t listen to mother mother then this fic is gonna sound absolutely wild. Based off the song: The Stand. The two main singers go back and forth about random as questions so I thought, why not Adam and reader?
I wrote this drunk and prolly high idk so sorrry for spelling errors.
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mouschiwrites · 4 months
hear me out 🗣️ 8 and 20 from the prompt list but with lloyd ‼️
You got it, my friend! Hope this turned out okay ^^”
Word count: 1.2k
Ninjago - 8. “Come here. Let me hold you.” and 20. “Your hands are warm.” (Lloyd) (300 follower event)
The floor was cold and hard, cobblestone scraping your palms as you were carelessly tossed into the cell.
You let out an enraged roar, stumbling to your feet and lunging for the door, but you weren’t quite able to balance yourself, so you toppled onto your stomach. Your fingers stretched to the door, but you had to jerk them back when the heavy iron door almost crushed them.
You cursed loudly, hissing at the new pains in your body. “As if they didn’t already beat me up enough.”
You sat up, flinching at the motion even though you were going slow. You looked yourself over, gently touching the blood that seeped from a couple especially bad injuries with your fingertips. But the worst pains were coming from your ankle, which wasn’t bleeding but was starting to swell frightfully. You figured it was probably broken.
Tears welled in your eyes, as much from pain as from frustration. “This wasn’t supposed to happen,” you huffed, wiping at your eyes with your sleeve.
“No,” a morose voice came from the darkness. “It wasn’t.”
Perhaps the worst part of this whole situation was that he was caught, too; thrown into this very dungeon a mere few moments before you.
“I’m so sorry, Lloyd.”
“What are you sorry for?”
You stared blankly at the ground. “For getting us into this mess.”
“Wasn’t your fault,” Lloyd said calmly. You glanced over to him, surprised to see how cozy he looked in the corner of the cold cell. He had his hands folded in his lap, and he was looking at you as if this was all the most normal thing in the world.
But when he saw your tears glistening in the torchlight, his face twisted into a frown.
“You don’t blame yourself for this, do you?”
You looked away, the abrupt motion jarring a tear straight down your face and off your jawline.
“Oh, Y/n…”
“I’m sorry,” you rasped.
“Come here. Let me hold you.”
You couldn’t bring yourself to meet his gaze, but you still shuffled miserably over to him, ignoring the numerous painful points on your body. They were nothing compared to the vortex of guilt you were feeling inside.
You rested your back against him, letting him wrap his arms around you. “You can’t blame yourself for this, Y/n.”
“It’s all my fault,” you spat bitterly.
“It’s no more your fault than mine. We did everything right; we were quiet, we stayed out of sight, we were following the plan—”
“Then how did we end up here?”
“I was staring at the guards,” you cut in, ignoring him. “I thought to myself, don’t you dare so much as blink, Y/n. And then I blinked. And then the guard looked right at us!”
Lloyd was quiet for a second. “Hold on,” he said, his tone suddenly losing its gentleness, “you think that we got caught because you blinked?”
You huffed in response.
Laughter filled the cell. “You think—you think he could hear you blink?”
“How else would he have known we were there?”
“First Spinjitsu Master,” he wheezed, “that’s hilarious!”
You snapped your head to look over your shoulder at him. “Are you laughing at me?”
“I’m sorry,” he managed between giggles, “but that is rich, Y/n.”
“You sound like you don’t believe me.”
He shook his head, finally regaining his composure. An amused grin lingered on his lips while he spoke: “There is no way that guard heard you blink. It was pure misfortune that got us here. Nothing more, nothing less.”
You just turned away, hoping to avoid further scrutiny. But your silence spoke louder than words.
“Y/n, you have to believe me,” Lloyd tightened his arms around your waist, bringing you close enough for him to kiss your shoulder. “It was not your fault.”
“Then whose was it?”
Lloyd thought for a minute. “Well, it was obviously that guard’s fault.”
You looked over your shoulder at him. one eyebrow raised inquisitively.
“He was probably bored, and decided to glance around for something interesting to look at. Very irresponsible of him, looking for distractions like that while on the job.”
You couldn’t help a little smile, which didn’t go unnoticed by Lloyd before you turned back around.
“As a matter of fact, I think he was in such a hurry to get us in here because his boss called him into his office.”
“To fire him?” You suggested, your smile only growing.
“Oh, definitely. I’d say he was a repeat offender on the getting-distracted offense. You could just tell by looking into those eyes. Those big, beautiful—I mean delicious—I mean—”
“Lloyd!” You could hold back your laughter no longer. You clapped one hand over your mouth and gripped your stomach with the other, snorting as you tried to cease your giggles.
The noise set Lloyd off, too, and soon you were both in a pile on the floor, literally rolling with laughter.
You came to a stop side by side, facing each other with softening smiles. Lloyd’s eyes were twinkling with the joy and hope that you always looked to when you needed motivation to keep going, and you were sure yours were shining with admiration.
Lloyd reached out and grabbed your hand, entwining his fingers with yours.
“Your hands are warm,” you sighed, bringing your other hand to enclose his. He put his other hand on top of it in turn, letting you absorb the warmth.
You stayed like that for a while, staring into each other’s love-stricken faces, your hands clasped between you. Your chests slowed in their rising and falling as you regained your breath from your giggle fit, and soon you were breathing deep in perfect synchronization.
Lloyd’s eyes suddenly flicked up and behind you. You didn’t need to turn around to know that he was looking at that heavy iron door.
“Okay,” he resolved, suddenly heaving himself to a sitting position and dragging you along. “Time to bust out of here.”
He tried pulling you to your feet, but you shook your head frantically and gestured to your grapefruit-sized ankle.
He inhaled sharply through his teeth as if he could feel the pain himself. Then, glancing between you and the door, he shrugged with a smile that you wanted to believe wasn’t mischievous.
“Guess I’ll have to carry you.”
In one fluid swoop, he threw you over his shoulders and charged at the door. You saw a bright flash and in a second the heavy iron door was crumpled on the ground.
He shifted you to a bridal-style carry as he hurried down the hall. “Okay, we probably have five minutes until they come for us. We’ll have to be sneaky, or that time will be much shorter.”
You nodded, trying to will the blush out of your cheeks. For such a lean guy, Lloyd was remarkably strong; something you always somehow forgot, resulting in you blushing like a school-kid every time he showed off like this.
Much to your dismay, caught your darkening face, and a smug grin came to his lips.
“Don’t blink. I wouldn’t want them to hear us.”
“Shut up,” you snorted, covering your face with your hands.
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Thank you for taking part in our 300 follower event!! :D and thanks for reading, take care lovelies <33
(divider by saradika)
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solartape · 2 years
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"[Name] I have a favor to ask. If you do not mind could you check up on the Balladeer at Mawtiyima Forest?" Nahida intrusted you with this task for she knows how you feel about him and what he feels about you.
You had arrived at the forest thinking maybe you should just hide and quickly report to Nahida knowing very well he probably still holds a huge grudge on you.
The huge glowing mushrooms were perfect for hiding but your feet had minds of their own, attempting to hide away from Scara wasn't really easy when he knows you well enough to remember your patterns. He sat down and decides to drag you out of your hiding. "I know you've been following me, as much as I love when people see me worthy to stalk I would rather not be stalked by you, [Name]" You felt both anger and defeat and come out of one of the huge mushrooms to reveal yourself to Scara, he had a smirk on his face plastered across his face, it made you even more angry "I've barely even said anything and you look like you already want me dead" You heavily sigh and just took a deep breath not letting him get under your skin again, he laughed "So are you here to finish me off?" You felt your heart ache a bit "No." He gave you a confused look "One of your greatest enemy is in front of you both vulnerable and out in the open, how stupid can you get?" You slowly approach him raising your arms up to show him you are unarmed "How ridiculous" He scoffs "Why are you here then?" You stop to sit down beside him even if he moved away from you "I just wanted to help you" He gave you another confused look "Help me? Are you seriously trying to help me?" He turns to look at you, he sees that you were serious and laughs "You've already defeated me with Buer why still try to help me?" You slowly lay your hand on top of his, he pulls his hand away from you "I...I just feel like I owe you something" He response coldly "You. The person that has taken away all my power feel like you need to own up to your actions. Stop pitying me, I don't need it neither do I want it" You felt your heart ache again, you saw his memories and heard from Nahida about his nightmares, you just felt as if you specifically needed to comfort him. "I'm not pitying you Scaramouche, I just feel like you need a new start" "A blank slate? Please that isn't gonna happen, you're a fool for thinking I'm letting you help me [Name]" He was about to get up but you pull him back down "Please Scaramouche let me help you" He knew you were this stubborn and he already knows Nahida had probably sent you so he sighs in defeat and hears you out "I know that I was the one that took everything from you and I truly wish to help you become happy again, you have lost everything, I've seen your past" He felt weak in the moment and he hated it with his entire heart "That's enough [Name] I don't want your help nor your sympathy" He got up again but quicker this time but you grabbed his hand again "Wait. Before you leave let me be selfish this once" He was confused but then he felt you hold his hand and you pull him closer to you, he was caught completely off guard "H-hey! You are not worthy to lay a finger on me!" You lean closer to his face but stop so close to his face, you internally wheezed seeing his face already red and hearing him gulp, before you could lean any further you softly whisper "I'll show you how serious I am about helping you" You lean forward and connect your lips to his, his eyes widen but for some reason he couldn't push you nor pull away from you, he slowly but surely melted into your touch. The glowing mushrooms perfectly illuminated both your figures, you both ironically formed a heart shadow. From afar Nahida giggles seeing both of you, she was happy to see that her little plan worked in the end.
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well after headache naps really get my creative brain going. give me chibi scara on 3.3 livestream please im gonna burst into a million pieces.
Art creds: yionyi23 twt
( ~ Masterlist ~ )
( ~ taglist ~ @minyoungieee @artemfication @mayasshitposts @melodiesoffadedroses @racoonlvr )
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sibillascribbles08 · 1 year
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... Okay ! @bones-sprouts
Follow up to this
“Alright, let me try to summarize this to see if I’ve got it.” Mr. Song ran his finger around the rim of his glass of gin. It was his second one, and while Jason could tell his father was certainly buzzed, he was at least on the good side of sober.
For now. 
“You and your brothers all got mutated by a yokai scientist.” His father pointed at Donnie who sat right next to Jason at the kitchen table.
Donnie nodded. “Correct.” 
“He wanted to make you all warriors, using Lou Jitsu’s DNA. Big fan of him, by the way. But then Lou snatched you out of the lab, raised you in the sewer, and for the past few years you and your siblings have been keeping mutants from running amok, stopped an evil suit of armor, and stopped that insane alien invasion.”
“We did do that.” 
“So basically, not only are you a superhero.” Mr. Song pointed again before taking a sip of gin. “You’re also a business owner of a tech company, an inventor, and some kind of super genius.”
Donnie got that smug look on his face. “Well, you’re welcome to continue with the flattery.”
Jason rolled his eyes. 
“Wow, Jase, you knocked it out of the park with this one.” His father smiled and took another sip. 
Jason just stayed curled up in his chair. “So… you’re not mad? And not freaking out?”
“The alcohol is helping with the latter, but no, I’m not mad.” He swirled the drink around. “Though you know I have my concerns about committed relationships.”
Jason groaned. “Dad.”
“Sorry, what?” Donatello asked. 
“Well, I’m sure you heard about my divorce.” Mr. Song gestured to the ceiling.
Jason internally begged for his dad not to do this in front of his boyfriend. “Dad.” 
“Caught her cheating on me. Filed for divorce. And as soon as that went through I’ve been jumping through open relationships since and I’ve never felt better.” 
“Not everyone is like you dad.” Jason mumbled and rested his cheek on his hand.
Donnie just snorted. “Apologies, but it took me this long to get my first boyfriend. I’d be pressed for luck to get another.”
Mr. Song burst out laughing. “Oh, he’s funny too. You really did get lucky, Jase.”
Donnie nudged Jason with his elbow. “Told you I’m funny.” 
“Yes, yes, you’re hilarious.” Jason shoved his boyfriend’s chair away with his foot. 
“Oh, let’s get back on track.” His father finished off the second glass and thankfully didn’t go to get another. “How did you two even meet?”
Jason immediately cringed, remembering that not-so-faithful day back in high school. “How we met or how we started dating?”
“How you met.”
He kept cringing and glanced at Donnie who made the exact same expression. 
His father snorted. “Not a meet cute then, I take it?”
“No.” Jason sighed.
“Absolutely not.” Donnie added. “I went to April’s high school to help her with a computer class project only to find out about the tech club he was in back then.”
Jason saw his father’s expression get dark, but thankfully it didn’t last. “Oh?” 
“You should have seen him.” Jason interrupted, finally sitting up. “He comes waltzing up to the three of us, introducing himself with a fake name and gloating about how ‘superior’ his tech was.”
“It was superior.”
“Uh huh, sure.”
Donnie pointed at him. “If it wasn’t superior then how come you and the others decided to steal it from me.”
Jason leaned toward him. “An easy win since you were being such a sucker for a jacket.”
“And now who has a much fancier one?” Donnie popped his collar. 
“Let your guard down long enough and I’ll take it as karma.”
“Once a thief, always a thief.”
“Oh like you don’t steal—” Jason paused when he heard his dad laughing so hard it made him wheeze.
The man leaned back in his chair, wiping his eyes a few times. “Hold on, back up. So you stole a bunch of Donnie’s tech?”
Jason sighed. “Yes.”
“And sent a giant robot after my brothers.” Donnie added. “And manipulated my intelligent drone into participating in a dangerous race.” 
Jason glared at him. “Okay, and who ransacked our hideout and broke most of our stuff just to steal some EMPs and a virus program?”
“I was desperate, okay?” 
“Boys, boys,” Mr. Song interrupted again. “Now I’m just curious how all of that resulted in this.” He pointed between the two of them. 
Jason stared at the table, trying to think.
How had all of this happened? 
Just because Donnie happened to break into his work place? And Jason followed him around without a fight breaking out? And Donnie offered to chat with him over pizza sometime? And Jason accepted it because, hell, talking that night had been fun. And he was tired. And while he’d never admit it, he was pretty lonely too. 
Donnie seemed to be having a very similar dilemma, and finally just shrugged. “It’s hard for me to place an exact event. We simply decided to quit fighting and tried being friends instead. It just worked out from there.” 
Mr. Song hummed as he nodded. “Well, that is often how it goes, isn’t it? Okay, okay, I need the details because Jase never gave them to me. Who asked who out?”
Jason opened his mouth, but Donnie spoke first, puffing out his chest as he did. “Oh, that was me. I asked him to be my business partner and my partner partner in the same day.” 
“Is that so?” His father smirked at him. “More than one reason you came home that day absolutely over the moon, huh?”
Donnie raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
Jason spoke through his teeth. “Dad.”
Nope, too late, his father had that mischievous look on his face. “Jase came home that day happier than I’d seen in a long time. Trying to hide his face he was smiling so much, ears red. I knew something was up right away.”
“Had to pry it out of him, but he told me. Well, only that he had a boyfriend. Didn’t want to mention that you were a turtle yet for understandable reasons.”
“Dad!” Jason snapped and hid his face all over again. 
He could feel Donnie leaning toward him. “That excited about dating me, huh?”
“Don’t give me that.” Jason snapped one of his hands out to lightly smack Donnie on the nose. “Mikey told me how over the moon you were that day too. Apparently you came back to the lair singing.” 
“What—well—” Donnie pulled his collar up to hide his cheeks. 
“You two are adorable.” His father sighed and stared at the bottom of his empty glass. “But, I don’t want to overwhelm you too much. And I’m sure you can understand that I’m pretty overwhelmed myself.” He let out a short laugh before he stood and walked over to the sink. “Stay as long as you like. But I’m going to retire to my room for a bit.” He headed out of the kitchen and into the foyer. “Nice to meet you, Donatello.”
“Oh.” Donnie straightened up. “Nice to meet you to, Mr. Song.” 
It was silent for a moment. Jason stared at the doorway, glad that conversation went better than he expected it to. His dad was pretty easy going, but grappling with the fact your song was dating a rough equivalent to the swamp thing couldn’t be easy.
Suddenly his father poked his head back into the room. “Also the walls here aren’t the thickest so if you two get up to anything frisky—”
“Dad!” Jason practically screamed. 
He vanished just as swiftly as he appeared. “Just saying!” 
“Oh my god.” Jason hid his face all over again. His ears felt like they were on fire. 
“So…” Donnie spoke up. “Want to hang out at the lair for the rest of the night?”
Jason stood in half a second. “Yes please.”
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dwaeki · 3 years
txt reaction to you confessing !
pairing: all members x gn!reader
warnings: none other than maybe some slip ups, english isnt my first language!!
genre: fluff, comedy.
a/n: yeonjun as your boyfriend will be posted shortly!!! before i finish up, have this from my drafts :)
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yeonjun (연준)
when he saw you approaching him with your head facing the ground, not even daring to make eye contact with him, anxiously playing with your fingers,
not going to lie, he was a bit scared.
but the second those three words had left your mouth, his worried expression was soon gone, now a cocky smirk playing on his lips.
you were just standing there awkwardly, waiting for him to say something,
AND FINALLY, after what felt like hours, he decided to answer you
dramatically drags out every syllable just to keep you on the edge,
"wellllll.... the feeliinnnggssss... aree..... MUTUAL !!!"
please slap him for me, he deserves it.
soobin (수빈)
you were a bit nervous at first, but since you're confessing to an absolute sweetheart,
he obviously noticed your strange behavior and reassured you that you could trust him with anything!!
after you've finally mustered up some courage, thanks to all the coaxing from soobin's part, you decided to just go for it,
"soobin, i like you."
breaks into a smile, his dimples appearing on either side of his cheeks,
scratches the nape of his neck, you got him so flustered :(
he got so so shy!!!
"i like you too, y/n"
embraces you in a hug, not only because he's happy, but also because he's blushing like crazy and doesn't want you to notice.
but i'm pretty sure you do notice the rapid beating of his heart <3
beomgyu (범규)
you were okay at first, but after finally approaching him, all of the confidence left your body.
he noticed you shifting your weight from one foot to another, playing with the hem of your shirt, obviously anxious,
so you know what he did?? he raised his eyebrow at you.
which didn't help at all!! because you thought you were annoying him </3
"i kinda uhhh have feelings for you"
"was that it?? i already knew that, dummy!"
starts laughing, and you just stand there, staring at him in awe.
doesn't even reply, just ruffles your hair and leaves to join his friends!?!?!?!
you overhear them asking what was up, he just said
"nothing, my lover just confessed their feelings to me :D"
the next day he texts you that he's picking you up in an hour to take you out on a date.
taehyun (태현)
the second you said you liked him, he honestly thought you meant platonically.
"i like you too, y/n! you're a great friend :)"
and you're just like.... friend??
heart? shattered.
once he sees your weak smile accompanied with a glimpse of disappointment in your eyes, he realizes that something is off,
"oh... so you don't like me more than that??"
finally realizes that you literally confessed your feelings to him, and he was dense asf-
physically facepalms himself, apologizing profusely for being an idiot
and you're just standing there like "???? wasn't i straightforward enough???"
"oh my god i'm so stupid, of course i like you too, y/n!!!"
huening kai (휴닝카이)
is ready to run off and get as far away from you as possible,
it's not that he doesn't like you back, obviously,
it's just that he can't fully process the fact that his long-time crush just told him they liked him more than just a friend.
caught off guard
laughs nervously, because he honestly has no idea how to respond,
you just watch him wheeze, confused, because what's so funny???
once he finally calms down, he responds, still a bit flustered from your sudden confession,
stutters a lot!!
"i uhh yeah um i like you too, y/n :D"
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justfangirlthingies · 3 years
Morning Chase (Sunday Mornings) (Dad! Draco Malfoy)
Word count: 1477 words
This is just pure fluff!
Enjoy family time at Malfoy manor!
Here's part 2
Weekends at the Malfoy's were reserved solely for family. Especially the Sundays.
On Sundays there was no work, though the young parents wouldn't even have to go to work at all with the Malfoy and (L/n) fortunes combined. No special plans or duties. Just family. Maybe his parents, your parents or your siblings (if you don't have siblings just ignore the sibling part) would pay you a visit, but that didn't happen too often. Family visits were more of a Saturday afternoon thing after all.
Typically, it was quiet inside the manor when the sun rose and the first rays of light shone through the curtains in the master bedroom on a Sunday morning. At this time of day, Draco and (Y/n) Malfoy were usually still asleep. Her form nuzzled into his chest, their legs entangled. From time to time, their son would sleep in their bed as well, cuddled up in between the couple, basking in the warmth and comfort they provided. However, most nights from Saturday to Sunday the boy would sleep in his own room.
When the sunlight would finally find its way through a slit in the heavy curtains, it would oh so often gently dance across Draco's nose and the rest of his face. This would cause him to pull you closer and hide his face in your hair or his pillow in order to escape the light, which was sure to blind him slightly if he dared to open his eyes. Eventually, the stirring and shuffling of your husband would wake you. On days like these you would pull each other closer, still half asleep when you'd hear the sound of a door opening and closing down the hall, followed by the pitter patter of small feet and thereafter, the noise of the wooden bedroom door squeaking as it was opened, the small footsteps resuming.
Seeing as your face was practically buried in Draco's chest, you were certain he felt the smile that made its way onto your face when you felt the mattress dip slightly, due to the little boy who was climbing onto the bed. Soon there was a lot of shuffling surrounding you and you could feel the light weight of your darling son shift around on top of you as he climbed over you as carefully as he could manage. Once he had succeeded in stepping over you, he'd try to squeeze his small form between the two of you. A quiet chuckle resonated from where your head was placed and you finally opened one of your eyes. Your (e/c) eye meeting a pair of silver irises. Those he had inherited from his father, no doubt, just like the hair and nose. "Good morning sweetheart, did you sleep well?" you smiled at him as you opened your other eye as well, caressing the soft skin of his cheek with one hand as you untangled yourself from your husband, to make some space for the boy. "Good mornin mummy! I slept well!" He returned your greeting gleefully and engulfed you in a hug, which you returned immediately. Fingers gently running through his soft platinum hair. Draco admired the two of you, adoration filled his gaze as he watched you engage with each other, sometimes he was still baffled how he had made it this far. It happened often that he questioned himself about how he possibly deserved you and why you had decided to give him a chance back then. Why you had chosen to stay with him of all people, a bully and former death eater. He couldn't help but wonder how he deserved such a perfect, loving little family. But it didn't matter how and why, all that really mattered was that he had the two of you and that he'd give everything in his power to keep you safe and happy- His thoughts were cut off when he was pulled back to reality by his son "Daddy!" the smaller looking version of Draco must've just noticed that his other parent was awake as well, so he left your embrace to jump into his father's arms. "Scorpius!" Your husband exclaimed, he sat up rather quickly, just in time to catch the child in his arms. A loud, rather overdramatic "OOF!" fell from the blonde's lips as he let himself fall backwards into the bed again, but not before emitting another over exaggerated groan. The young Malfoy held onto his father as he squealed in delight. You yourself couldn't help but giggle at the scene before you. You were absolutely bedazzled with the way your two boys interacted. You watched as a sly smirk crossed Draco's features, he whispered something to Scorpius, all the while keeping his steely gaze directed at you. The way your son's lips curled up into a huge grin as he took in whatever it was that your husband instructed could only mean mischief. You decided to play along, after all Sundays were for family. So you got up cautiously, two pairs of eyes trained on your every move as you sprinted out of the room and through the house. Your son's laughter could be heard somewhere not so far behind you. You were quick to hide in the playroom, a place where you knew they'd surely find you. It was a game after all and not one you intended to win. You were right because after a few minutes the door to the playroom opened and you came face to face with Scorpius. Just as he was about to call for his dad you pressed a gentle finger to his lips " Hey buddy, how about we do whatever you and daddy have planned for me, to daddy?" He seemed to ponder for a moment before a grin appeared on his lips and he nodded "DADDY! I FOUND MOMMY IN THE PLAYROOM!" Not even 10 seconds later the love of your life stood in the door frame, a mysterious glimmer in his eyes as he approached you. Then from one moment to the next you were scooped up bridal style in the man's arms "We've got you now!" a cocky smirk was plastered on his face, yet his eyes were full of affection. Grey eyes you could always get lost in. He raised an eyebrow in amusement, that act effectively ripped you from your trance and was also your clue to start acting distressed. So you did.
"No! Please let me go!" you laughed, thrashing around in his arms, but Draco didn't budge, he just held onto you tighter, by doing so he restrained you from your little play fight and just carried you back to the bedroom where he threw you onto the king-sized bed. "Never!" he played along and trapped you under his body. Scorpius let out a joyful laugh and when he saw you wiggle your eyebrows at him and then shift your gaze to his father, he took the hint and tackled Draco with all his might. Having caught the man off guard he actually lost balance and rolled off you, the groan leaving his throat this time was an authentic one "Scorpius, you can't just betray me like that!" The adult whined. Needless to say, you hadn't expected your son to do that either, he was always such a gentle soul, which is why you were taken by surprise for a moment. The realization that the tackle attack actually happened and your husband's reaction to it caused you to wheeze and roll around the bed because you had found it so funny. "Oh, so you think this is funny, do you?" Draco frowned. "Yes" you took a deep breath before your laughing continued, tears forming in the corner of your eyes from the fun you were having "Yes I think this is hilarious" A smaller hand pulled on your fingers to get you to stop laughing, a bright, flashing smile belonged to the owner of the small hand "Come on mommy, help" You tried to compose yourself as you watched the four-year-old climb onto your husband's chest and start tickling him. As soon as you managed to calm down and gained control over your breathing back, you joined in and helped with tickling Draco, who laughed and wiggled around to escape, until he declared surrender "I give up! Please stop, I yield! I yield!" ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ Sunday mornings were quality time spent together. Sunday mornings meant relieving the house elves of their duty to prepare breakfast and to try yourself instead. Those days stood for a mess in the kitchen and big smiles on everyone's faces. Sunday mornings were reserved for family breakfast and tabletop games. For story time and cuddles on the large living room couch. Sunday mornings were followed by family lunch and Sunday afternoons. ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
Now, what happened on Sunday afternoons?
Taglist: @ateez-star
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Emergency Contact
Summary: When Spencer ends up in the hospital again, his emergency contact — who happens to be his boyfriend, Luke Alvez — is called. Too bad he hasn't told the team about him yet...
Tags: whump, h/c, hurt spencer, broken ribs, coming out, relationship reveal, protective derek, team as family, fluff, au: different first meeting
Pairing: Luke Alvez x Spencer Reid // (heavy on the Derek & Spencer friendship, too)
Word Count: 2.6k
Masterlist // Read on AO3 // Bad Things Happen Bingo
Okay, so Emily was not in S11, but for this fic she is, because I wanted supportive Penemily and that's what I gave myself. Other than that, this fills the square "broken ribs" for my Bad Things Happen bingo card. Enjoy the whump mixed with fluff!
Spencer doesn’t mean to get hurt again, but he also isn’t exactly surprised when it happens. If anything, Hotch really needs to stop sending him out to scope places and suspects out by himself. Surely Tobias Hankel proved he’s a trouble magnet in that regard years ago.
The summerhouse the suspect rents is a nice enough place to lay incapacitated while he waits for back-up, he supposes, but he’s not exactly able to lie and enjoy the sunshine when his ribs have been smashed in with a metal baseball bat and he knows the suspect is currently hightailing it down the beach. Not to mention the fact that it’s worryingly difficult to breathe.
Still, it’s better than a dilapidated cabin in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere Georgia, pumped full of heroin while his feet are whipped. Small mercies.
“Goddamnit, Spencer, again?” Derek asks amusedly when he finally arrives and crouches down by his side, but the undercurrent of worry in his voice doesn’t elude him.
“Sorry,” he wheezes, still winded and in immense pain from the ambush. “I didn’t see him coming.”
Derek raises a brow, chuckling slightly. “Yeah, pretty boy, I figured that.” His hand goes to Spencer’s hair as his expression furrows in concern again. “Did you see where he went? I’ll send the others after him while I go with you to the hospital.”
Spencer smiles a little, relieved that he won’t be alone. It’s become a strange sort of tradition to sit in one another’s hospital rooms after the job kicks their ass, and he’s glad Derek isn’t about to break it now.
“I saw him turn right out of the backdoor, but that’s all,” he says breathlessly, before cringing at the effort and folding in on himself even more.
“Okay, Spencer,” Derek says soothingly. “Just relax. The ambulance will be here any second.”
He obeys and closes his eyes as he listens to Derek call Hotch on the radio and send the team in the right direction before coming back to sit next to him on the floor.
“This might be one of the nicer places one of our unsubs has owned, huh?”
Spencer nods, mirroring Derek’s morbid amusement. “Crime pays better than investigating it,” he manages, smiling up at his friend.
He snorts. “You can say that again. With the way the market’s turned in the last couple years it’s more like this is my hobby and my properties are my day job, rather than the other way round.”
Spencer tries to reply, but he moves involuntarily in amusement, and a fresh wave of pain has him wincing again, trying to will the tears away.
“You’re alright, Spence,” Derek says gently, his hand returning to his hair. “Help will be here soon, okay?”
Thankfully, the medics do show up in a semi-timely fashion, and both of them are loaded into the back of the ambulance as the EMTs check him over, Derek’s hand not leaving his person unless it absolutely has to.
“How many times were you hit, Dr Reid?”
He cringes. “Four.” It’s almost embarrassing that the unsub got four hits in, and the only reason there weren’t more is because he was fleeing the scene, not because Spencer was able to fight back. He tries to remind himself that there isn’t much you can do when caught-off guard by a furious arsonist armed with a steel baseball bat, but his ego is still bruised. Albeit not as badly as his poor ribs.
“I’m gonna fucking kill him,” Derek mutters under his breath, his grip tightening on Spencer’s shoulder minutely enough for him to know he isn’t doing it consciously.
Spencer smiles appreciatively, closing his eyes against the pain. The non-narcotic painkillers they’re feeding him through the IV really aren’t doing anything.
“I think you’ve managed to avoid internal bleeding,” the EMT says, all though he tacks on a pointed, “just. But I’m concerned about the possibility of a punctured lung. There’s a chance your trouble breathing is solely pain-induced, but I don’t like the way your chest sounds. The doctors will check everything out when we get to the hospital, and get you all patched up.”
“Hold in there,” Derek says urgently. “I really can’t have you dying on me, pretty boy.”
Spencer smiles as comfortingly as he can through the immense pain in his chest and his mangled breathing. “Trust me, I don’t intend on it.”
The x-ray reveals two broken ribs and confirms the paramedic’s suspicions of a punctured lung, although thankfully, minor enough to not require surgery. He’s set up with oxygen and regular nurse check-ups in a quiet room after the doctor is able to remove the excess air in his chest cavity.
“How are you doing, Spence?” Derek asks worriedly as he pulls up a chair next to Spencer’s bed as soon as he’s allowed to see him.
He pulls away his oxygen facemask to answer. “A bit better,” he says, but his voice is dry and raspy from the oxygen so he certainly doesn’t sound it. “The pain meds are actually working now.”
Derek’s tight, anxious expression relaxes slightly. “That’s at least something.”
Spencer nods tiredly, but before he can respond, a nurse is popping her head round the door. “Dr. Reid,” she says genially, “sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to let you know that we’ve managed to get a hold of your emergency contact, and they’re on their way.”
Spencer’s eyes widen. How could he have forgotten? Granted, he was a little preoccupied with the whole punctured lung, broken ribs thing, but how could he have let it slip his mind that this little accident would lead to the secret he’s been keeping under wraps getting out?
When he’d first met Luke at an FBI gala last year, he never could have foreseen the most intimate and special relationship of his life coming to fruition, but it had. They’d connected on so many different levels, and the chemistry between them felt like something out of one of the fantastical romance novels Penelope reads, and when he’d asked if it was okay for Spencer to put Luke down as his updated emergency contact, he’d been rewarded with a wide, beautiful grin and a firm, heartfelt kiss.
It was serious enough, sure, and they were coming up on having been together for a year, but besides Emily and Penelope — who’d met Luke and developed an amusing, playful rivalry with him — he hadn’t introduced him to anyone on the team.
“On their way?” Derek asks, raising an eyebrow in mild confusion. “Isn’t your contact Hotch? He already knows you’re in the hospital.”
Spencer just stares at him like a rabbit caught in the headlights, completely blanking on something to say. They’re working a local case, so it won’t be long before Luke is bursting into his hospital room armed with cuddles and comfort, and as much as he craves that, he’s too busy panicking about his team finding out to really look forward to it.
Eventually, after watching Derek’s face morph into even stronger, more suspicious confusion, he gives up. They’re going to find out anyway. “I’m dating someone.”
Derek’s face lights up. “Pretty boy!” he exclaims happily, playfully pushing his shoulder as gently as he can. “That’s amazing! Why didn’t you say something? What’s her name?”
Ah. That’s the primary reason he hadn’t told his team about Luke. He’s nowhere close to being ashamed about his sexuality, he accepted himself decades ago, but he’s still not worked up the courage to share that part of himself with his team. Excluding Penelope and Emily who have been together for years (he’s still baffled as to how the others haven’t caught on yet), everyone’s in the dark.
It had started as a basic survival tactic. He’d joined the FBI two years younger than the standard entry age in the early 2000s, and he was far too concerned with just getting by than living outwardly as a gay man. And then, as time went by and he knew his team was accepting and welcoming, he found it too awkward to try and correct people when they assumed he was straight. There just wasn’t ever the right time.
“I’m gay.”
Derek’s happy expression falls and for a split second, Spencer feels a flash of panic. Maybe Derek’s okay with gay people as long as they’re not his immediate friends, as long as he doesn’t playfully call them ‘pretty boy’ and play with their hair when they’re injured, maybe—
“Well, what’s his name, then?”
Spencer looks up from his panic, seeing Derek smiling again, eyes maybe even brighter than they were just seconds ago.
“Spencer, if you think I’m gonna care that you’re gay — if you think any of us will care that you’re gay, then you have another thing coming,” Derek reassures him. “Wait, that isn’t why you didn’t tell us right?”
He suddenly looks distraught at the idea that Spencer might not have felt comfortable coming out to him, and Spencer rushes to correct him. “No! No, I know everyone would be fine with it, I just didn’t really know how to say it. Penelope and Emily know, but only by accident.”
Derek relaxes, chuckling a little. “I’m sure there’s quite a story there.”
Spencer blushes. “Maybe.”
“I’ll find out later,” he says confidently, winking at him, and something in Spencer loosens at the fact that Derek hasn’t changed his behaviour at all. “But I’m more interested in Mr. Sexy Emergency Contact Mystery Boyfriend Man right now.”
Spencer outright laughs at that, before wincing painfully as his ribs twinge, and he has to fit the oxygen mask around his face again and breathe deeply for a couple of breaths before the nasal cannula can suffice again.
“I met him around this time last year at an FBI gala actually,” Spencer manages. “Everyone on our team bailed except Penelope, Emily, and me. He’s called Luke and he works in the Fugitive Task Force. We just clicked as soon as we met, you know? We have this chemistry that I’ve never felt with anyone before, and we started dating pretty quickly. We actually moved in together last month when his lease was up, but we’re thinking of moving to a bigger, nicer place in Mount Pleasant. Luke’s actually had his eye on this one house that went up…”
He trails off when he notices Derek looking at him strangely, suddenly feeling self-conscious. “What?”
“Nothing,” Derek says gently. “You just look happy, pretty boy. When you started talking about Luke you got this happy, dopey smile on your face, and I’ve just never seen you like that. It’s nice.”
“Oh.” He blushes fiercely at the acknowledgement of just how soft he is for his boyfriend, but it’s not embarrassing, he’s just ridiculously happy and head over heels in love.
Still, feeling a little awkward at the attention, he raises the oxygen mask to his face just for something to do.
“Does he treat you well?” Derek asks seriously, suddenly looking like the FBI tough guy he really is.
Spencer grins and nods, pulling the mask away again. “So good. He’s one of those people that looks out for everyone before himself, you know? He listens to my rambles and tangents like he actually knows and cares about what I’m saying, and he insists on making me every meal we’re both home for. Every day off, he brings me breakfast in bed, and he’ll even suffer through my documentaries even though his favourite thing to watch is action movies. He’s the best boyfriend I could hope for.”
“Good,” Derek says fiercely, even though he’s smiling just a little at the thought of Spencer being taken care of. “But if anything ever changes, I won’t hesitate to—”
“Spencer?” Derek’s interrupted by the door flying over, and a very harried looking Luke Alvez rushing towards the bed, seemingly not noticing the man literally threatening his death right next to him. “Oh my God, Spencer, I was so worried, I thought—”
“Hey, it’s okay,” Spencer says, voice still a little weak. Can’t he at least sound convincing when he’s trying to tell these people that he’s fine? “I’m okay, I’ll be out of here before you know it.”
“Are you sure, baby? Do I need to get the doctor? Have they been looking after you, because I swear—”
“Luke,” he laughs, interrupting his worried tangent. “I’m fine, I promise.”
He watches amusedly as Luke sags with relief. “Oh thank God,” he breathes, and it’s then that he appears to notice Derek. “Oh, shit.”
He looks to Spencer with an alarmed look in his eyes, knowing full well that he isn’t out to his team yet, but before apologies can start dripping off his lips, he rushes to fill him in.
“It’s okay. I told him.”
Luke’s face brightens in an illuminating smile, his eyes wide and happy. “You did? I’m so proud of you, cariño.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” Derek says, rising from his chair to shake Luke’s hand. “I’ve heard a lot about you in the last ten minutes.”
Luke grins. “All good things, I hope.”
Derek winks teasingly at Spencer. “Oh, better than good. Spencer here seems quite gone for you.”
He blushes again, but Luke just sits on the edge of his hospital bed and takes his face in his hand. “Well, I’m just as gone for him as he is for me. Probably even more so.”
“No way,” Spencer protests as vehemently as he can with an oxygen mask glued to his face again. “I definitely love you more.”
His words are half swallowed by the mask, and half muffled by the gaggle of FBI agents pouring into his room, all talking over one another loudly.
Luke jumps off the bed and stands to attention as they all quieten down, three of them in complete shock, one of them — Emily, recognising Luke — in anticipation of what’s about to happen.
“Uh,” Spencer starts unsurely, eyes flicking between his boyfriend and his team. “Meet my boyfriend?”
There’s a brief pause before everyone jumps into action again: Emily greeting him warmly, JJ introducing herself, and Hotch and Rossi giving him firm, threatening handshakes as a warning that no harm is to come to their pseudo-son.
Spencer knows they don’t have to worry about that, though, not with Luke, and they’re quickly shown that when he takes his rightful place sat on the edge of his hospital bed again, hands smoothing his hair gently.
“Thank you,” he says to Derek, voice soft and sincere as everyone’s sat leisurely around the room, doing their own thing now they’re calmed down after the initial meet and greet, “for taking care of him. I worry about him, you know, and it’s good to see that he has so many good people looking after him.”
“We all do,” Derek replies, looking over at Spencer fondly. “We’re all incredibly overprotective. Residual effects from him joining the team so young, probably.”
“I can see that,” Luke smiles, looking over at Hotch and Rossi, who still have their eyes trained on him, despite having warmed up to him quickly.
“Well between us all,” Emily interjects diplomatically, “I think we have Spencer covered. He has a lot of good people looking out for him.”
Spencer knows they all think he’s asleep, but he can’t help but say something. “I definitely do,” he slurs tiredly, causing Luke to quickly turn his attention to him, pressing a tender kiss to his forehead as he runs his fingers through his hair with the hand not intertwined with Spencer’s. “Love you.”
“I love you too, baby,” Luke murmurs. “And so does everybody in this room.”
Smiling softly and feeling safe as anything, Spencer finally gives into the heavy pull of tiredness, and lets himself drift off to sleep.
I'm such a sucker for coming out fics omg, I hope you didn't mind that element! But God, I've missed writing Ralvez fics. If anyone has any Ralvez prompts then please send them my way because I want to write them so badly but I really find it hard to find plot for them! <3
taglist: @criminalmindsvibez @suburban--gothic @strippersenseii @takeyourleap-of-faith @makaylajadewrites @iamrenstark @hotchseyebrows @reidology @spencerspecifics @tobias-hankel @goobzoop @marsjareau @garcias-bitch @oliverbrnch @im-autistic @anxious-enby @kuolonsyoja @ropoto
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lostinthewiind · 3 years
I don’t know if you write for them as well, but could I request a poly fic for Reki, Langa and the reader and maybe them explaining them explaining their relationship to Langas and/or Rekis mom after being caught cuddling together? Thank you in advance and sorry, if you don’t write for them.
Polyamorous Relationship w/ Reki & Langa: Three's a Crowd
A/N: my first request for Reki and Langa! I'm so excited because I love those boys with my whole heart; they deserve the world! So excited to write this!
Rating: PG13
Warnings: use of the term "slut", complex teenage relationships/sexuality discussed
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Flopping over onto your back on the bed, you stretched your arms and legs out and let out a loud yawn. You, Reki, and Langa had been working on homework ever since the three of you had arrived at Langa's house after school and you were starting to get mentally exhausted. 
"I'm done!" you exclaimed, shutting your eyes and exhaling.
Peeking at you from where he was lying on the floor, Reki cocked a brow at you. "You finished all of it?"
"No." You shook your head. "I'm just done. My brain hurts. If I do any more I think I might die."
"Good enough for me!" Reki closed his textbook as well and stopped doing his homework too.
Sighing from his spot at his desk, Langa turned in his desk chair to face the two of you. "We have to have this done for tomorrow. You do know that, right?"
"Yes, obviously." You rolled your eyes. "I'm going to do the rest later. I just need a break."
"Exactly. Break time!" Reki stood up from the floor and promptly fell down on top of you on Langa's bed, crushing you and pushing the air out of your lungs in the process. "I'll finish later too."
Langa scoffed. "Y/N I believe . . . but Reki, we all know you'll forget about it tonight and end up scrambling to finish as the teacher goes around collecting it tomorrow morning."
"He does have a point," you wheezed out, trying your hardest to push Reki off of your stomach.
Reki frowned and stuck his bottom lip out dramatically. "You guys are so mean to me." He adjusted himself on top of you so his face was hovering right above yours. "I expected this from Langa, but you, Y/N? I thought you loved me."
You forced out a laugh as you cupped his face with your hands. "I do love you, but that doesn't mean you don't have faults, Reki. I love you despite your faults, and one of your faults is procrastination."
He furrowed his brows, his face scrunching up in thought. "I can't tell if that was a compliment or not."
"The gist was that you're loved," Langa muttered as he continued working away at the homework one question at a time, trying his best to ignore the two of you.
Reki's eyes lit up at that. "Well, good!" He smiled as he cupped your face with his hands in return and pressed a soft kiss to your lips.
Immediately, your cheeks turned red and you averted his gaze. Things between the three of you were still relatively new and you were still working out how a relationship with three people worked, exactly. The fact that neither one of you had ever really had a serious relationship before only made things more complicated.
Noticing your reaction, Reki brushed the pads of his thumbs over your cheeks. "Sorry," he apologized. "I should have asked before I kissed you."
"No, it's okay," you assured him, a soft smile on your face as you did so. "I'm just not used to it yet, especially since our relationship isn't exactly . . . normal."
"I know." Reki hugged you tight and buried his face in your neck, pressing a soft kiss to the skin there. "Did you tell your parents yet?"
You shook your head as your heart began to pound nervously. "No. Did you?"
"Not yet," he mumbled into your neck. "Every time I try to, one of my siblings is around and I abort mission."
Craning your neck, you looked over at Langa. "Did you tell your mom yet, Langa?"
Only half-listening to the conversation, Langa perked at his name but tilted his head quizzically at the inquiry. "Did I tell my mom what?"
"About us," Reki clarified. "The three of us being together."
"Oh." He seemed to grow nervous about the topic as well. "Not yet. Soon."
Finally rolling off of you, Reki laid on his back and pulled you into his side, his arm wrapped around you and your head resting on his chest. "If only we were adults and didn't have to worry about the approval of our parents."
"Yeah," Langa agreed, thoroughly distracted from his homework now, his mind running a mile a minute while he thought about the current predicament. The three of you had to be careful when you went over to each others' houses, trying your best to convince everyone that you were just close friends and nothing more.
Cuddling and kissing were usually reserved for late nights when the sun went down, the lights were turned off, and the three of you hid behind the excuse of watching a movie together. Funnily enough, watching a movie together and cuddling had been how the three of you had discovered your feelings for one another.
"Speaking of that, you two should be careful." Langa gestured to the way you and Reki were holding each other on his bed. "What if my mom walks in?"
"Yeah, you're right," Reki sighed. "I just feel like we never get to be together how we want . . . we're worried about what our parents will think at home and worried about what everyone else will think at school. Nevermind the fact that Langa and I are gay, or, bisexual I guess . . . but polyamory? We'd never hear the end of it."
You exhaled slowly, cuddling closer to Reki. "They'd probably call me a slut for having two boyfriends."
Standing from his chair, Langa walked over to the bed and laid down with you and Reki, forgetting about all of his usual paranoid worries for the time being. "You're not a slut," he told you, wrapping his arms around you as well. "And who cares what anyone else thinks anyway, right? As long as we're happy and we're not hurting anyone else, that's all that matters."
Relishing in the feeling of having your two favourite people on either side of you, you started feeling the stress fade away and your body relax from its usual tense state. "I wish we could stay like this forever."
Before either Reki or Langa had the chance to respond, the bedroom door suddenly swung open and Langa's mom poked her head into the room. "Langa, are you friends staying for dinner or-" She stopped talking as soon as she saw the three of you tangled up in one another on the bed.
Immediately, the three of you jumped away from each other, the stress that had just left filling your body once more. Completely caught off guard since Langa's mom usually knocked first before opening the door, neither one of you knew how to explain away what she had just seen.
"M-mom!" Langa was standing on the opposite side of the room now while you and Reki stood on either side of the bed. "Why didn't you knock?"
Langa's mom eyed the three of you, quickly noticing the flushed faces and obvious nerves radiating off of you. Even if she hadn't thought anything of what she had seen at first, she definitely suspected something now with how the three of you were acting.
"I apologize," she said, pushing the door open all the way and standing in the doorway. "Langa, dear, do you have something you want to tell me?"
Fiddling nervously with his fingers, Langa turned to look at you and Reki, trying to gauge your reactions and decide whether he should tell the truth or try to pull off some sort of lie; but both you and Reki were completely useless as you stared down at the floor and shifted anxiously.
"Langa?" His mom prompted once more.
Finally meeting his mother's gaze, Langa drew in a deep breath. "Can you promise not to be mad?"
Langa's mother quirked a brow quizzically. "You're starting to worry me, honey. Just tell me what's got you so flustered."
"Well . . . u-um," Langa stumbled over his words, completely unsure how he was supposed to just come out and say it. "Well, Mom . . . Reki, Y/N, and I aren't . . . aren't just friends."
Langa's mother folded her arms over her chest and took a minute to process what she had just heard. "I'm sorry, I don't think I understand what you're trying to tell me."
Deciding to rescue Langa from having to ride solo on this, you stepped over to him and took his hand in yours. "Mrs. Hasegawa, Langa and I are dating," you told her.
"Oh, I see." Langa's mom's face flashed with understanding, but then she looked over at Reki, no doubt wondering how he fit into all of this.
"And I'm dating Y/N." Reki stood on the other side of you.
Langa nodded. "And I'm also dating Reki."
The understanding that had once been visible on Langa's mom's face had completely vanished after the three of you had elaborated. "S-so . . ." She paused as she tried to fit all the pieces together in her head. "So the three of you are all dating each other? Is that right?"
"Y-yes," Langa confirmed. "We know people will think it's weird but it's just what makes us happy and I just . . . just please don't be mad."
"Mad?" Langa's mother seemed offended at the insinuation that she could ever be mad at her son for, for lack of a better term, coming out to her more or less. "Oh, dear, I could never be mad at you for who you love."
Before either of you had the chance to process how well that conversation had just gone, Langa's mother was striding over to the three of you and pulling you all into a hug. "All that matters is that you're happy and healthy," she told Langa before looking to you and Reki. "And the same goes for the two of you. I don't know what your parents have said about this, but just remember that being happy and healthy is all that matters."
"Y-you're really okay with this?" Happy tears began to well in Langa's eyes. It was clear that he was overjoyed and shocked that his mother had been so accepting so easily.
Placing her hands on her son's face, Langa's mother smiled at him. "Of course, I am. Is it a little confusing for me? Sure. Do I know much about being in a polyamorous relationship? No. But if the three of you have discovered that this is what makes you happy, as I'm sure you have since you're all old enough to make your own decisions and know what's best for you, then I'm happy as well."
"Thank you!" Langa hugged his mom tightly, silent sobs escaping him as all the worry he had been carrying around for weeks dissipated and he was flooded with relief.
"I'll always love you, no matter what," Langa's mom told him as she glanced at you and Reki, who were starting to tear up as well. "Do your parents know as well?"
You and Reki shook your heads. "No, not yet," you said in unison.
"Well, I hope they are understanding," she told you. "And just know that the three of you are always welcome here."
"Thank you, Mrs. Hasegawa." Reki wrapped his arms around you and held you tight as you cried as well. "Really, thank you so much. We were all scared that everyone would think we were weird or gross."
"People are often scared of things that they think are different," Langa's mom explained to the three of you. "But that doesn't mean there is anything wrong with being different. I won't lie and say that everyone will be understanding, but the world is changing . . . don't assume the worst from people just yet; they might surprise you."
With that, Langa let go of his mother and engulfed you and Reki in a hug. Finally, the three of you had safe space where you could be together and not worry about judgmental people looking in on your relationship. 
Overjoyed and unable to control his excitement, Reki planted kisses on both you and Langa—marking the first time either of you had dared show affection in front of someone outside of the relationship.
Hopefully, the first of many. 
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arcadejohn127-9 · 3 years
:O your requests are open! :D i really like your writing, and I'd like to request the brothers(+undateables if your okay with that) with an MC who really hates apples, and the brothers handed them an apple and they threw it at the brother purely on instinct? I have a weird hatred for apples, and I git handed an apple and yeeted it at the person, completely on reflex/instinc, I felt pretty bad but they were laughing, so something like that? Though if you don't want to do it, then that's totally okay! Don't overwork yourself :) stay safe, have a nice day!
Interesting! This is definitely comedic and something I can do! I'm so happy you enjoy my writing! Stay safe yourself and have a nice day!
You were focusing on your phone; scrolling through devilgram as you lazily lounged on your sofa but you saw apples pop up on your feed. A new Apple based recipe coming up on some of the feed blogs you've followed.
You weren't really sure how to bring up your DISDAIN for apples. Your absolute HATRED for them. Was it the texture? The taste? Who knows- you didn't! You just couldn't stand them.
You knew it was silly so you never brought it up. The poison apples in the Devildom only made your hate even more prominent.
You were so caught up on your thoughts so you didn't expect someone to give you one, telling you to eat. Out of pure instinct you just chucked it to the closest person in the room.
Didn't expect you to throw it at him
Hit him right in the shoulder
He saw you lounging on the sofa and noticed you haven't ate yet
He stared at his shoulder, wincing as he rubbed it
You let out a scared apology
Dreading his reaction but he caught you off guard
He bursted out laughing, his brow raised as he just stared at you chuckling
"Was you really that startled? I didn't think an apple would scare you that much."
"i- I guess so...is your shoulder okay?"
He nodded, the pain already subsiding
"I'll be sure to keep your Apple instincts in mind next time."
He screamed in fright
Screamed more when it hit him right in the nose
You immediately shot up and rushed over to his side
"Mammon-! I'm so sorry-"
He immediately started bursting into laughter, stopping to sneeze but it never happened
You couldn't help but giggle at his struggles between uncontrollable laughter and stopping as if he was about to sneeze
"You HAD to aim for the nose! You damn rascal!"
He tried to smack you but got caught off guard feeling his sneeze actually arrive
"I'm sorry! But why are you sneezing?!"
"I sneeze when i hurt my nose."
You laughed even harder as he sniffled
"Did you seriously feel that threatened by a little apple ya had to throw it me?!"
This became an inside joke for you two quickly after
You smacked his nose and watched him struggle to sneeze and he'd give you apples to throw at people
It hit him right in the dickins
How it got that low was a shock to both of you
You tried not to laugh as he clutched his crotch, whimpering and slowly sinking the floor
"Levi, I'm so sorry, hopefully it didn't absolutely destory it."
You both just stared at each other before the both of you bursted out laughing
"I'm never doing that again- you could of shot it off with that throw!"
He winced, adjusting to sitting up as the pain subsided
"Are you okay though? It looked like it hurt."
"I'm fine, are you going to do that if I give you more fruit? I don't blame for not liking it."
"no, just apples - promise."
"you're a weird human but could we test how your throw again some time? I might need your help."
It hit him in the side of the face
You felt your heart drop straight to the floor
It wasn't too long ago Satan was chewing out levi
Internally this was Satan:
"you ******* I will ************ rip your **** right out of your ******* spine and pull it through your nose ***** ***** ******************************************************* that hurt!"
Meanwhile the outside of him was just rubbing his cheek/ear
You screamed out an apology, fearing this was your last day
But he just chuckled, waving his hand
"it was an accident, let it be a reminder I don't surprise you like that."
You still frowned
"I'm still really sorry....does it hurt alot? I can get you some ice-"
"No need, it'll be fine, no more apples for you though."
"I have no issue with that, I hate apples."
You both laughed, but you stared at him, completely serious
"I'm not kidding, I literally despise them and will keep throwing them out of instinct."
It felt good to finally let that out
But Satan just bursted out laughing
A high pitched wheeze leaving him
Just caught it in time except in his scramble to catch it he got scared by your sudden throw
He football kicked the apple by accident and it went flying through the window
"Let's not tell anyone, I'd rather not have Lucifer on me for breaking something."
"my lips are sealed - trust me."
He wiped his hands, pouting
"I try to give you something nice and you just throw it at me! What's that all about?!"
You cringed, guilty about your reaction
But you couldn't help it!
It was something you couldn't control!
"Sorry, I just do that...with apples."
He let out a sudden snort/scoff
Raising his brow at you
"I'm never giving you one again but~ if I were to get you to throw them at people, you wouldn't mind, would you?"
You shook your head, laughing at his eagerness to cause issues
He couldn't help but laugh himself
"I'll do it if you give me something in return, okay?"
He happily agreed, nodding and throwing his arms around you
Though the moment ended when you both heard Lucifer outside
He found the Apple.....oh no
Man built like a brick wall
He couldn't catch it and it hit him right in the chest
The apple got DENTED
You couldn't even think about apologizing as you couldn't stop your fit of laughter
The dented apple just rolled to your feet
"you didn't want an apple?"
You shook your head furiously
"no- sorry, did that hurt? It dented-"
"I didn't feel a thing, do you want a different snack?"
You nodded
He soon came back with food for himself and another healthy snack, offering you a sip of his smoothie
He sat with you, eating his food pile
"I hate apples....it's best no one gives me one."
"You had an impressive throw, I think you'd well in the R.A.D athlete team."
"wait- really?! Thank you!"
He agreed, humming as he ate
It was safe to say he got you an apple to show your throwing skills without thinking about your throw
It got you a good score and even got praised for your instinct
The apple bonked him in the head
His forhead getting suddenly attacked
You rushed to his side, moving his fringe
"are you okay?! It's not bruising is it?! I'm so sorry!"
But he just started laughing
"I didn't expect that! You gonna do that everytime Someone surprises you?"
"no just apples - stop laughing! It isn't - It's not funny-!"
But you started to laugh too
"I'm not hurt, don't worry."
He huffed as he moved his fringe back over his eye again
You really weren't sure why he insisted on his emo hairstyle but it was best not to question it
"Shame you aren't, I could of kissed it better."
Without missing a single beat
He suddenly clutched his head, howling in agony
"THE PAIN!!! ah!!! The pain-! You must kiss it better or else I will die."
You rolled your eyes
Moving his fringe once again and gave his forhead a quick kiss
He suddenly hugged you but it wasn't long before he fell asleep
You landed on the floor
Letting out a pained 'oof' as you tried to shove him off you
But he refused to budge
Muttering a sleepy 'revenge'
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notchesandbullets · 3 years
Tangy Starfruit and White Sea Foam (Tiger!Todoroki x Reader)
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Warnings: none, unless you count ridiculous amounts of fluff and shenanigans (oh and cursing). hints of BKDK and Kami x Jirou, pro-hero AU, aged-up!AU, Todoroki’s a tiger as a result of a quirk accident that happened on the job. Todoroki and reader are in a established relationship. Bakugou gets tied to a tree, Shinsou and Tsuyu are good friends, you and Todoroki may have a mishap on your hands in the near future. Featuring the rest of class A + Shinsou.
A/N: third and final piece for @ultimate-astridwriting​ ‘s hybrid collab!! i had an entirely different thing written out for tiger todoroki, it was 2.5k words full of angst bc real life is shitty atm but then bam, i got an idea while eating dinner and now here we are xD. get ready for sun and sand at the beach with a graduated class A!!
Words: 7k
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Golden sun raised high in the sky scorched the earth below, turning the pristine white sand into scalding hot lava. But that didn’t hold back the group of 22 from surging forth.
Happy squeals that tumbled from the girls as they caught sight of the sparkling blue waves dancing on the horizon turned into wheezing laughs and yelps as the sand burned their bare feet.
Jirou whooped, a wide smile stretched across her face as she grabbed Yaoyorozu’s hand. “Last one in is a rotten egg!!”
“No fair, Kyoka-chan!!” Uraraka huffed as she pumped her short legs to go faster and catch up. 
Kaminari hollered obnoxiously, screaming all the way into the ocean as he tore right past you. 
“Do not run!!!!” Iida yelled, trying to make himself be heard above the clamor but to no avail.
You smiled at him sympathetically but he merely shook his head and followed after them to make sure none of his former classmates hurt themselves. 
They’re lucky to have you… You thought to yourself, clapping a hand over your mouth when the sound of him scolding Mina and Sero reached your ears from all the way across the deserted beach. 
You had found this isolated spot a long time ago, back when you lived on your own and had yet the privilege of calling anyone family. This was a place of comfort for you, a gem hidden away from the greedy eyes of the world looking to corrupt anything and everything that was pure. 
Here, you found solace. You found peace.
After you graduated from UA and everyone was giving each other teary goodbye hugs in the common floor filled with all the boxes of things they all had to move into moving trucks, you offered up one day. One day, if everyone wanted to come, you would show them a place very special to you.
The girls had a vague idea of where you guys were going based on the swimsuit dress code. In all honesty, maybe you should’ve made it a little harder for them, but they were your friends. And you were too excited. 
Here, on this beach hidden by dense foliage and sheer cliffs, your little piece of paradise remained a secret. Until now.
“Y/N, come on!!!” Hagakure shouted, waving excitedly for you to join them.
“In a minute!!” You yelled back, looking back to see if your boyfriend was following. “Shouto?”
You spun around in a full circle when you couldn’t find him, a frown twisting your features until Shoji came up behind you and tapped you on the shoulder.
“He’s coming.” He told you, jerking his chin back a few paces the way you guys came to signal where he last saw him.
You shot him a look of relief for his well-timed reassurance. “Thanks.”
Shoji dipped his head, hoisting the basket slung over his shoulder higher as he motioned for Tokoyami to pass you. “No problem.” 
A skeptical Tokoyami followed the gentle giant, muttering under his breath why the use of quirks had to be banned for today. Koda waved to you shyly and you smiled.
Iida had made it a rule for the day that no quirks were allowed to be used unless in case of an emergency. This was to do damage control and hopefully prevent a fight between Bakugou and literally anyone else. 
No one had any arguments. They were all here to relax, not think about their work life. All villains and life outside of this paradise was put on hold until tomorrow came.
You decided to wait until Todoroki caught up with you, and since everyone had raced on ahead, eager to soak up as much sun as they could on the one off day they were all able to get off together, you leaned back against the rough rock and tilted your head up to the sky.
Sighing wistfully, your eyes fluttered shut as the sun’s blazing afternoon rays warmed your body.
You knew what showing them this place meant, and you knew that your friends were fully aware of it. It had been something so special to you for so long that you sharing it with them meant that you trusted them a great deal. 
They were honored.
As rising pro-heroes in the world, they were constantly swamped with malicious villains, endless paperwork, press conferences and training the next generation. There was no time for rest.
But your former classmates were insistent that time be taken out for that purpose amidst all the craziness, especially Bakugou. 
Down time was important. It was necessary. Or else you all would burnout and then none of you would be any good to save anybody. 
This is why you chose this place. 
It was secluded enough where there was no paparazzi, no cameras, no exposure and no one was the wiser. Here, you guys could be as loud and as free as you wanted because there was no one around to threaten that fragile bubble of happiness. 
Heaving the bulging bag full of food and other amenities that you had swiped from Yaoyorozu as soon as you guys arrived higher on your shoulder, you wiped the bead of sweat from your forehead as it started to drip down your face.
“Shouto, c’mon!!” You encouraged aimlessly, since you didn’t know where he was. “Don’t you want to join the others?”
A faint rustle came from the bush a yard away from you and then it stilled. “No.”
You fought back a smile at the curt reply. You could almost envision that pout on his lips. Cheeky boy.
“Shouto~” You sang, fishing out a piece of his favorite food and waving it in the air, knowing that he could smell it. “I have a present for you…”
A beat of silence passed, and then two fluffy ears, one white and one red, poked out from the brush.
You suppressed a smile, knowing that would only make him leave in a huff and then his stubbornness wouldn’t let him come out and joy you for another hour. You couldn’t do that, he would miss all the fun!!
Waving it a bit more so that the enticing scent of the delectable food encouraged him out of his hiding place, you opted to hold your ground. “C’mon, Shouto. I promise, no tricks.”
His facial expression didn’t change but his ears perked up a bit and you couldn’t help the small giggle that escaped you. He was adorable.
Todoroki’s face fell the second he heard you laugh. “You’re laughing at me.”
You stopped immediately and straightened up, shaking your head. “I’m not.”
“Yes, you are.” He pushed back, crossing his arms over his chest as he stepped out of the bush with stray leaves clinging to his fur and branches sticking out of his head. Plopping down on the dirt, he puffed out his cheeks.
Your eyes softened and you set down the heavy bag, keeping your form relaxed as you tuned out the splashing and shrieks of laughter coming from the ocean.
“I’m sorry I laughed.” You apologized sincerely, never once breaking eye contact with your boyfriend. “I just thought you were very cute.”
Todoroki snorted, a sound so unlike his normally stoic and guarded demeanor, burrowing his face into his arms resting atop of the knees tucked into his chest. “That’s not funny…”
Your smile saddened a fraction as a memory washed over you as though it just happened yesterday. 
Trouble had a habit of finding your beloved boyfriend and last week was no different. 
The villain he was fighting against had a particularly interesting quirk, since he could manifest certain traits of people into their animal counterpart based solely on their personalities. 
Todoroki wasn’t put off until someone pointed out that he must have rage like a tiger, making him internalize everything and now a good seven days later, he still had yet to come to terms with his appearance and strange habits involving a diet of primarily meat. 
Fuyumi had sobbed how grateful she was that you were willing to take care of her brother in your apartment until the effects of the quirk dissipated. He was arguing with his father a lot more than usual and the tension in the Todoroki home had skyrocketed.
You brushed it off, merely telling her it was the least that you could do. 
Your boyfriend had a tough time adjusting to his new normal. Things were hard for him to grab and he couldn’t cuddle you like he was used to. He liked walking on all fours since he found he could go a lot faster when he used all his appendages instead of only half. 
His quirk, however, had been giving him a particularly rough time and the finesse he had honed of over the years disappeared overnight.
To say that Todoroki was upset about it was an understatement. 
He would do nothing else but sit in his room for days when you brought him home with you, refusing to let you in unless you came with a peace offering. 
That always smoothed things enough for you to talk to him and you were hoping it wouldn’t fail you now.
Todoroki eyed the fish skeptically, tilting his head curiously when you offered it up to him once more. With the pace of a snail, he uncurled from his protective ball and padded forward slowly, raising his nose in the air to sniff.
“Hungry?” You asked sympathetically. 
Todoroki hesitated a second before nodding slowly. 
Your shoulders dropped and you knelt down, holding it out to him. “Here.”
His eyes lit up and his tail flicked back and forth, gaze darting to you instinctively as though to ask if it really was okay.
You bit back a smile but the corners of your eyes still crinkled and you inclined your head to give him the go ahead.
Before you could blink, the fish was swiped from your hand and as soon as your eyes focused, you burst out laughing.
There, Todoroki crouched on the ground, chomping on the tasty treat.
Wiping off the palm of your hands on your hiking shorts, you beamed down at him, offering out your hand for him to take. “Feel better now?”
“Maybe…” He mumbled quietly as he polished it off before reluctantly accepting the invitation.
It wasn’t that he didn’t love you or love to shower you with affection, it was just that he was used to doing all of that when he was fully a human, not a hybrid. 
It was weird.
He found himself clinging desperately to your old t-shirts when you left the home to go on patrol, waiting around for you to come back. He heard when your heartbeat would speed up whenever he was around and how your breath hitched when he leaned in to kiss you goodnight.
Ever since the start of your relationship, he had been the one to take care of you. And he liked it that way.
This dynamic was foreign to him. And he wasn’t sure if it was because he truly disliked you taking care of him, or if it was because of something else. 
Todoroki was broken out of his deep thoughts the instant you came to stand right next to Iida. 
Before he knew what he was doing, the edges of his mouth pulled back in a menacing snarl and he pounced.
The unsuspecting Iida landed hard on the white sands with an ‘oomph’.
“Todoroki-kun!! Please control yourself!!” Iida shouted, doing his best not to hurt him as the tiger hybrid clawed at him.
You gasped. “Shouto!! Oh my gosh, Iida, I’m so sorry!!”
Pulling him off of the other, you went rigid as your boyfriend whined in your ear. The sound was too low for anyone else to pick up on, but you heard it. 
“What’s wrong?” You whispered as Iida brushed off his swim shorts, thrusting his hand straight up into the air to stop Kaminari from drowning himself in an attempt to prove to Sero and Mina that he could hold his breath longer than they could.
Todoroki wrapped his arms around your waist, mouth pressed in a thin line as he buried his face into the crook of your neck. 
You allowed yourself to relax against him as he pawed feebly at your sides, getting as close to him as possible. 
With the increase in physical contact, the tension melted away from Todoroki’s broad form and you heaved a sigh of relief. 
“Awwwww~” You cooed teasingly, reaching behind you to pinch his cheek gently and tugging until his smile morphed into a scowl. “Who’s the big scary tiger?”
Todoroki swatted you away, scrambling back until he was free from your affectionate hold on him. It wasn’t his fault he couldn’t control his protective instincts and it certainly wasn’t his fault for reacting the way that he did when he smelled Iida’s scent all over you. You were his.
Of course he was going to protect you.
Baring his teeth at the tease, he hissed, tiny fangs on display. 
You shouldn’t have found that as cute as you did.
Two more bodies shouldered their way past you and you grinned. 
“Took you two long enough.” You smirked, wrangling your boyfriend back when he struggled in the firm grip you had around his arms to prevent him from knocking another person over.
The power couple had a habit of falling behind their ranks while getting lost in their own world. It was disgustingly cute.
Bakugou rolled his eyes angrily and gnashed his teeth. “Now you’re counting, dumbass? You’re worse than the shitty nerd.”
Midoriya ignored that comment as he sidled past you warily, forest green eyes sympathetic once they fell on your significant other. “Todoroki-kun still hasn’t changed back yet?”
He had seen the news coverage on it when the incident happened. Luckily, he wasn’t physically harmed, just physically altered, but it didn’t look like it was going away anytime soon.
Planting your hands on your hips, you yelped as Todoroki ripped himself from your grasp to tear off after Shinsou and tackled him next when he got too close to you. “No, not yet.”
Spraying white sand everywhere with his hind legs, it was almost endearing how his head raised and heterochromic eyes blinked back at you as soon as your voice sounded, silently begging for permission. 
You followed his gaze to the ocean spray behind you and shook your head fondly, suppressing a smile as you jerked your head in Yaoyorozu’s direction. She would watch over him and make sure none of the other boys bullied him.
“Go on.” You encouraged softly, and that was all he needed.
While Bakugou set up the tent for him and his boyfriend so that Midoriya wouldn't get sunburnt, not that he would ever admit to doing it for that reason, your best friend eagerly asked for updates on all the latest changes.
Whipping out his hero notebook, his eyes shone with enthusiasm. “What has he been eating?! Does he prefer tuna or white cod? Oh, oh, oh, is there a difference in his quirk?! How does it impact his—” 
Midoriya’s endless and excited rambling was cut off by his fuming boyfriend as he smacked him over the head and he cried out in pain, clutching his head. “Wahhhhh, Kacchan!!!”
“Shut the hell up, Deku.” Bakugou snarled, stomping past him to throw a bottle of sunscreen at you. “Put this on, shitty woman.”
You grinned, already squeezing the tube to squirt some onto your hand and slathered it on your arms. “Aw, you do care.”
“Go die.” He hissed, turning on his heel so abruptly that he almost slipped.
You refrained from giggling as he furiously, yet meticulously, took out various food items from the picnic basket that he had brought with. No matter how much he claimed he didn’t care about any of you, actions sure spoke louder than words. 
Class A had graduated from UA all together and each and every one of you had secured a spot as a sidekick for many top pro-heroes all around the country. Before a year had even passed, all 22 of you had made a name for yourself, so much so that you were all almost as famous as the pros.
Midoriya was the first one to start his own agency, no surprise there. But what was a surprise was Bakugou following right after to build one right next to his.
The general public suspected it was because that area where their agencies were was riddled with violent crime, but you knew better. You all did, really.
How could anyone miss the lingering gazes filled with adoration and passion?
“Y/N, come on!!” Shinsou hollered, ducking under Shoji’s arm to sprint back towards you. “You’re missing all the fun!!”
“Be right there!!” You shouted back, rearranging the tablecloth on the ground so that it would lay flat.
You still needed to grab the bag you left at the foot of the cliffs because it was getting too heavy for you to carry. But you chanced a glance up and the glimpse of your friends had a wide smile breaking out on your face. 
Todoroki was splashing in the shallows, completely soaking his fur. Jirou and Hagakure shrieked as Mina chased the two of them around, sparking an impromptu game of tag. Koda was in the middle of showing Tokoyami his seagull friend when Uraraka bumped into him. 
Tsuyu and Kirishima were beachcombing for shells a little bit away when Kaminari skidded to a halt in front of them with Yaoyorozu in tow.
Aoyama, Ojiro, Sato, Iida and Mineta were playing beach volleyball with the inflatable ball that the former class president had brought along with them. 
Dragging the beach bag behind you over to your spot that you set up far away from the shore so that when the tide came in, it wouldn’t wash everything away, you took out an array of towels, more sunblock, floaties, snacks, water bottles, coverups and a pair of sunglasses for Aoyama in case he forgot his again.
Standing up tall, you cupped your hands over your mouth and yelled, “Lunchtime!!!”
Several whoops and hollers pierced the salty air and you snorted when Midoriya almost tripped over his boyfriend’s outstretched feet in his haste to get there first. 
Amidst the clamor and friends swarming around you, you twisted around, looking for your tiger hybrid boyfriend. “Shouto—”
“I’m here.” 
You jumped as the low rumble sounded right by your ear, shivering unconsciously as his warm chest pressed up against your back. 
“Hey…” You murmured as he mashed the top of his head in between your shoulder blades before planting a soft kiss there. “Did you have fun?”
He nodded, resting his chin on your shoulder to look over it as everyone rearranged themselves in a large circle. 
You and Bakugou took care of the food prep while all your friends engorged themselves on the pre-made sandwiches and finger food.
“Oi, half-n-half bastard.” Bakugou growled, breaking the bubble of peace you two had with his temper that came out the longer your hands stayed motionless. “Stop bothering her, she’s not doing shit.”
Normally Bakugou’s crude language didn’t bother or upset Todoroki in any way, so you were shocked with a snarl echoed, washing over the group and effectively silencing them.
You squeaked as his arms tightened around you almost protectively and landed with an ‘oof’ as he pulled you to the ground.
“Shouto?!” You cried out incredulously as he unabashedly nuzzled his face into the hollow of your throat, setting his thick thighs on either side of you.
You rolled your eyes when Bakugou went rigid with anger. You could feel the heat emitting from your beloved’s glare as he locked stares with the pomeranian who was furious that the dumb extra thought he was flirting with you.
“That’s enough.” You scolded, though it was unclear who you were really talking to. 
Neither wavered.
“Icyhot, you dumb fuck.” Bakugou spat, never once breaking eye contact, even as the chatter picked up again. 
Todoroki snarled but the expression of rage contorted into meek sheepishness as you ran your fingers lightly through his hair, being mindful of his ears. 
Humming softly, you coaxed him back down to earth long enough for common sense to return to him. 
Todoroki bundled you up in his arms, tail swishing back and forth lazily as he held you. “Sorry.”
You shook your head at his apology, knowing he couldn’t fully control his impulses sometimes. “Not your fault.”
Bakugou snorted, smacking Kirishima in the face with a fish fillet when he asked to see what he was cooking. “Yes it fucking is.”
He just barely managed to dodge the shoe you launched at his head, straightening up with an enraged scowl etched on his features.
You giggled, wiggling back to get comfortable against Todoroki’s chest. “You deserved it.”
“TAKE THAT SHIT BACK!!!!!” He thundered, smoke coming out of his ears.
“Kacchan!!” Midoriya cried out, wrestling back his boyfriend before his temper tantrum could reach the two of you. 
He begged Jirou or Kaminari to help him but the two of them simply flipped the bird to Bakugou, and he exploded. 
What happened next was a flurry of the class rep containing the situation and a spark of green lightning before it was over as quickly as it started. 
“I’m going to fucking kill all of you.” Bakugou seethed angrily, eye twitching from where his loving boyfriend had used One for All to pin him to the ground, tying him to the trunk of a nearby coconut tree until he calmed down.
“Ah…” Midoriya winced sheepishly as his glare turned on him. “K-Kacchan—”
Jirou’s loud slurping of the smoothie that Sato just made interrupted him and she regarded the fuming grown man disinterestedly. “Who’s up for a game?”
“Oh, oh, oh, meeeee!!!” Hagakure shouted, raising her hand high in the air alongside Uraraka and an intrigued Tsuyu. 
“MEEEEEE!!!!” Mina screamed, nearly blowing out Kaminari’s eardrums as he collapsed on top of his girlfriend.
Jirou pushed him off without hesitation, fighting back a smirk when he let out an overexaggerated whimper of pain, knowing full well that he wasn’t actually hurt.
Shoji stopped what he was doing to pay attention and even the usually shy Koda looked interested in her proposal on how to deal with the tied up pomeranian thrashing in place. 
Jirou raised an eyebrow slyly and everybody held their breath in anticipation.
“PIN THE TAIL ON THE BAKUGOU!!!!!” Jirou screamed, holding up a sticky dart that they all regularly used for training.
How she managed to sneak equipment out of the agency she worked at was beyond you.
Jirou whooped, scrambling forward and held it up high. “I’m going first!!”
“Me next, Kyoka-chan!!!” Uraraka pleaded.
“Class A, this is highly inappropriate!!!!” Iida shouted, trying to curb the situation before it got out of hand.
Too late.
As the girls, save for Yaoyorozu, clustered gathered around a livid Bakugou, Tokoyami uncrossed his arms and pushed off of his post from where he had been keeping watch over the perimeter of the beach.
“I will join.”
You and Todoroki were both surprised, not expecting the normally reclusive individual to join in on the shenanigans. 
Your dropped jaw caught Tokoyami’s attention and the corner of his mouth twitched in amusement. 
“I find great satisfaction in tormenting the souls of the wicked.” He declared impassively and a light bulb went off in your head. 
“Ahhhhh,” You drew out with a grimace. “I get it.”
Back when you guys had lived in the dorms, Bakugou had made the fatal mistake of scaring Tokoyami during Halloween, making the latter let out an inhuman scream that traveled all the way across campus. Even though he had sworn to the moon and back that it was accidental, that there was no way he was actively participating in the game that Raccoon-Eyes and Flat Face had going on, Tokoyami never forgot it.
And now it was time for his revenge. 
Tokoyami caught the tomato that Sero threw his way and tossed it up in the air with the most menacing glare on his face as everyone advanced to the struggling pro-hero.
“Bakugou, you ready?!” Kirishima shouted excitedly, removing the gag from his best friend’s mouth.
“PISS OFF, SHITTY HAIR!!!!” Bakugou exploded once he was free, yanking at his restraints even though he had no chance of getting out of them. 
His boyfriend tied them.
Hagakure tapped Jirou’s shoulder warily. “You think we should’ve left it on?”
The other girl shrugged nonchalantly, unbothered by the rage rolling off of him in waves. “Eh, he would’ve found a way out of it eventually.”
Shinsou twirled a piece of Tsuyu’s hair that he was braiding, boredly looking on at all the chaos as they all pushed and pulled each other. He had asked Aizawa to teach him how back when he lived in the dormitory so that he could do it for Eri whenever she came over to visit. 
“Shinsou-chan, are you going to take a turn?” She asked curiously, staying still so that he could braid her long hair properly.
He shrugged even though she couldn’t see him. “I don’t really see the point in it.”
“Kero,” She ribbeted thoughtfully. They were the only two not contributing to the shouting other than you and Todoroki. “I see.”
“Ehhhh?!?!” Kaminari exclaimed, losing his footing as he accidentally tripped over Kirishima’s foot and crashed into Shinsou.
Shooting him a sharp glare as all his hard work undid itself, Shinsou pushed himself off the ground, not sparing him a glance as he marched back over to the frog girl to fix it.
You giggled to yourself at Kaminari’s expression of mock hurt but pursued your lips quickly when his head snapped towards the sound. Pure smile dripping with innocence, your shoulders shook with laughter when he turned all the way around suspiciously, piercing gaze landing on his girlfriend as she doubled over with laughter at something Yaoyorozu said.
Bakugou thrashed helplessly against the coconut tree. “I’M GONNA FUCKIN’ KILL YOU, EARPHONES!!!!!”
But Jirou’s boisterous chortling was all that answered his threat.
You sank back against Todoroki, sighing blissfully despite the war raging on as they started the game, Bakugou protesting violently all the way. 
Angling your head up, your eyes squinted against the sun but you still smiled as soft fur brushed your cheek.
“Are you happy, Shouto?” You asked softly, quiet enough to not catch the attention of the others as they yelled for Midoriya to keep his boyfriend still.
He paused, choosing to play with the fringe of your shirt instead of responding right away. “Right now?”
Your smile dimmed a fraction, not expecting that answer. “... I suppose I meant just in general, but you could answer with whatever comes to mind…”
You trailed off, leaving the question itself open ended so that he could opt not to answer it if he didn’t feel comfortable.
Todoroki hesitated. “Where… Where is this coming from?”
Outright frowning now, you pushed off his knee so that you could sit across from him to see him better. 
“I was just wondering...” You said slowly, trying to keep the defensiveness out of your voice. 
Was he not happy? Why did he hesitate? Would he be happier with someone else? Did he not want to be with you anymore?
You shook your head at the insecure thoughts invading your head. That wasn’t right. He would’ve told you if he didn’t want to put work into this relationship anymore. You two had made that pact when you started dating, to break it off if one person no longer wanted it instead of stringing the other along and ended up hurting you both in the long run.
Taking a deep breath to calm yourself down from spiraling too far, you steadied your heart before opening your mouth again.
“I asked because I wanted to know.” You told him honestly, speaking from the heart. “Your happiness matters a lot to me, I always want you to be happy. That’s why I wanted to ask.”
Placing a hand on his knee, you smiled apologetically at him and the shenanigans from your friends faded into white noise as you tuned out everything else besides him. 
Your Shouto. The person you loved the most in this entire world. The one who had been with you through thick and thin and the one who swore he would never abandon you. 
He knew what those words meant to you. He had your heart.
And you had his. 
Todoroki’s heterochromic eyes softened a fraction and his ears and tail drooped as he realized that he had acted so defensively out of reflex.
“You don’t have to apologize.” You reassured him swiftly, clearly. You knew what he was going to say. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”
Todoroki’s rapid heartbeat steadied at the loving conviction in your voice and a breath he didn’t know he had been holding in whooshed out of his lungs.
Reaching out, he laced his slim fingers with yours and tugged you closer to rest his forehead against yours. 
He closed his eyes and sighed. 
“I am happy.” He murmured quietly so that only you could hear him, emphasizing the soft declaration with a gentle squeeze of your hand. “I feel… the most when I am with you.”
Despite his words growing softer and softer, you still heard them and your heart leaped in your throat.
Swallowing thickly, you gave him a wobbly smile at his admission and fought to keep the tears at bay as you leaned in to press a quick kiss to his lips, commending him for his bravery and vulnerability when it came to expressing his innermost thoughts. You knew it wasn’t easy for him to do.
“I’m glad.” You sighed, trying not to get too caught up in the moment so that your emotions didn’t run away from you. “And I’m honored you feel that way around me. I will continue to do my best to make you happy.”
This time, Todoroki was the one to frown, his nose twitching in displeasure. 
“You do not need to do anything.” He stated matter-of-factly, tilting his head in confusion. “It is your company, I believe, that makes me feel this way.”
That was an understatement. You elevated his heart and spirit in all the best possible ways. With your encouragement and kind nature, he felt like he had the strength to do anything. Including tough out this quirk incident that was causing a huge inconvenience in everybody’s lives.
Todoroki ducked his head and hid a smile, recalling to mind the time you blurted out in passionate fervor that it was not an inconvenience to anyone, let alone you, when he confessed thinking such to you. 
You really were too kind to him. He was going to make sure you were protected forever and always. 
Nudging your temple softly with his nose, Todoroki purred contentedly as your sweet scent washed over him like the summer breeze. 
“Starfruit and coconut?” He questioned curiously. 
Ever since his temporary transformation, he had been picking up more and more of what you smelled like, and he loved it. But this certain combination was brand new to him.
The tips of your ears burned red and you gnawed on your bottom lip shyly. “Y-Yeah… it’s a new lotion. I liked the scent.”
Todoroki hummed thoughtfully, another throaty purr emitting from his chest as waves lazily crashed upon the shore. His arms tightened around you in silent request and his ears perked up as you repositioned yourself so that your back was flush against his bare chest.
“It smells good.” He finally admitted, glancing down at you.
You shifted in his hold, stretching out your legs and crossing your ankles. “Yeah?”
Todoroki buried his nose into your soft hair and inhaled deeply, eyes fluttering shut as he thought about how lucky he was to have someone like you in his life. How much tragedy and hurt he had to go through, what he had to sacrifice almost to the point of giving up, when he met you.
You were his light, his partner, his everything.
Vibrant turquoise and cloudy grey hues softened imperceptibly as they gazed down at you, his tail coming around to wind around your thigh, clutching it almost possessively. 
“Yeah…” He whispered, allowing his eyes to finally slip shut as the sun got to him, exhaustion washing over him like a tidal wave. 
And you, you sat there in his embrace, ready for whatever this life threw at you next. Because in spite of the hardships, you knew that you could face it together. 
Playing with his fingers, you relaxed against him and wriggled more comfortably into his side. 
“Hey, Shouto,” You murmured under your breath, fully aware that he couldn’t hear you based on the even rise and fall of his chest. “When we get home…”
Hooded eyes darted to the bag you brought with you, honing in on the small cube outline bulging from the pouch on the side. The size of a ring box.
“I have something to ask you.”
Everyone had worn themselves out. Night had fallen, the ambiance only broken by the occasional remark of the ocean spray as they made themselves known. 
Stars twinkled high in the sky and the group of 22 felt the most at ease that they had been since they assumed positions in society as top pro-heroes. 
Well, all except one.
Bakugou glowered at his boyfriend sitting a couple paces away from him. “Deku, I swear to fucking—”
“Kacchan, shh!!! I’ll never get this opportunity again!!!” Midoriya whisper-shouted at him, furiously scribbling in his hero notebook. 
He glanced up once in a while at your sleeping form draped against Todoroki’s white and red fur. 
He had turned into an actual tiger halfway through the night when everyone else had fallen asleep and Midoriya had no idea if it was because he felt at ease enough that he let go, or if this was another step in the quirk manifesting itself. Either way, it was incredibly interesting and he was jotting down everything he noticed.
Rolling his eyes when his fanboy of a boyfriend didn’t put down his pen, Bakugou tapped his foot impatiently. “Of course the fucking Number One Hero still is hung up over these shitty extras.”
Midoriya squealed excitedly despite the other’s discontented grumbling, clutching his notebook close to his heart. “Kacchan, it’s so cool though!!!”
Bakugou huffed, turning away but that was so he couldn’t see the pinking of his cheeks.
Alright, look, it wasn’t his damn fault the shitty nerd was so fucking cute when he got like this!!
Tugging at his restraints purposefully, Bakugou burned a hole in the back of Midoriya’s head when he refused to look his way.
“Oi, let me out of this shit.” He demanded hotly, trying to blast his way through, only to find out that the ropes were made of some kind of quirk-cancelling material.
“In a minute.” Midoriya babbled, waving him off as he scrambled closer to his slumbering friend to get a better look. “Todoroki-kun is so cool!!”
Bakugou’s eyebrows scrunched together at that and he frowned. “What the fuck, you shitty nerd?!”
Midoriya yelped as a red aura emitted from him. “Eep!!! K-Kacchan?!?!”
“N-No, of course it’s not!!!” Midoriya replied desperately, waving his hands to ward him off and hopefully stop him from waking everybody else up.
That hope was diminished as quickly as it came as Bakugou roared. “WAKE THE FUCK UP, ICYHOT!!!!!” 
“I really rather not.” Came the dry reply, catching the both of them off guard.
Bakugou recovered quickly and his expression contorted into fury. “WHAT THE FUCK?!?!”
Midoriya approached him cautiously, hoping to placate him. “K-Kacchan, maybe we should—”
“HAH?!?!” His head whipped around towards him, wrists already chafed from how hard he was yanking against it. “YOU STILL THINK FUCKIN’ HALF-N-HALF IS BETTER THAN ME?!?!”
“I didn’t say that!!!” Midoriya cried out.
Bakugou leaned back against the trunk, vermilion eyes glinting dangerously. Every muscle in his body was coiled and ready to strike. “Get the fuck over here, damn nerd.”
Midoriya’s feet moved before he knew what he was doing until he came to a standstill directly in front of his boyfriend looking at him with an entirely different expression on his face. 
One of mild interest and pure determination.
Bakugou smirked. “I’m gonna make you eat your damn words, Deku.”
His eyes lit up at the implication and he ground his fist into the palm of his hand before untying the bonds. 
“Bring it on, Kacchan.”
“WHAT THE HELL DID YOU TWO DO?!?!” You shrieked, horrified at the sight that greeted you in the morning. 
The two of them were covered head to toe in bruises and scrapes, and absolutely soaked. 
Iida was the most upset. “NO QUIRKS WERE ALLOWED ON THIS VACATION!!!!”
Bakugou stuffed his hands in his pockets and scoffed. “Vacation’s over, Emergency Exit.”
“THAT IS NO LONGER AN APPROPRIATE NICKNAME!!!!” Iida corrected and you pinched the bridge of your nose.
“I can’t believe this.” You mumbled to yourself exasperatedly. “You guys actually sparred all night?!?!”
“L/N-san, it was awesome!!!” Midoriya rambled enthusiastically, the glow in his eyes never faltering even as Iida continued to chew out a bored Bakugou. “Kacchan was so cool!!!”
You sputtered. “This was supposed to be a vacation!!!”
“It was!!” Midoriya insisted with a determined pout and you shook your head.
“You don’t understand the concept of a vacation, hospital boy.”
Tokoyami nodded, satisfied as Iida punished Bakugou with a week’s worth of chores despite the fact that none of them lived together anymore. “Vengeance is served.” 
“Anyone got any food?” Hagakure chirped while Mina whined in the corner about how hungry she was.
Kaminari was already rifling through the beach bag you brought with you, fishing out every single piece of food you had left. 
You looked on fondly at them as they handled the food emergency themselves. You were lucky to have friends like these. Ones that could goof off whenever and be as silly as you were, as well as be there when it counted. 
Todoroki tapped you on the shoulder with the tip of his tail, offering up a bagel he had managed to snag before everyone else emptied out the reserves. “Hungry?”
You shot him a thankful look, breaking it in half to share with him before munching on your piece happily. “Very.”
The two of you basked in the momentary peace the sunrise brought as Bakugou argued against Iida that he wasn’t even the one to start the brawl, even though it fell on deaf ears.
You bit back a smile as Todoroki’s tail looped around your waist, pulling you into his side and you laughed lightly. “Is this your way of telling me you want to cuddle some more before we have to go back?”
“Maybe.” He mused, gaze filled with adoration and humor as he fixated his eyes on you.
Todoroki blinked slowly, dipping his head down to draw your head close to his. “Y/N?”
You tilted your face up at his inquiry. “Yes?”
The depth of love in your eyes was reflected in his heart.
“Later today, if you get a chance, stop by my agency.” He requested somewhat timidly and you raised an eyebrow in surprise at the odd desire.
“Yeah… okay, sure.” You affirmed with what you hoped to be a reassuring smile to put him at ease, even though you had no idea what this was all about.
Todoroki chuckled softly at your lost expression. You looked cute when you were trying to figure out what he was thinking. No chance though, you could think about this one all you wanted, you were never going to figure out where he was going with this. 
“There is something I would like to ask you.” He hinted with a mysterious smile, unlocking his grip around your waist to stroll over to Koda and help him pack up the picnic basket.
It took a second for you to process. And then another passed before you realized what he meant.
“W-Wait a minute— Shouto!!!!”
Ringing laughter was all that accompanied your cries and torrent of questions as you asked over and over again if he was insinuating what you thought he was.
In a moment of bravery, he threw you a wink. “You have to wait to find out, Y/N.”
“No fair!!!”
“I don’t see how it’s any different than what you pulled last night.”
“... I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Todoroki shrugged nonchalantly, aiding Iida and Yaoyorozu in packing up the rest of the supplies. “Okay.”
“Wait six hours, Y/N.”
“SIX HOURS?!?!?!”
Your wailing only made that grin on his face grow. “I could double it.”
You shut your mouth at that ominous threat. Like hell he was going to do that to you. 
Todoroki smiled triumphantly but it only lasted for a second when you glared at him.
“You’re a cruel, cruel man, Todoroki.” You proclaimed dramatically, stumbling back when Kaminari took that opportunity to plop a heavy basket in your arms to make you carry it.
Todoroki’s shoulders shook with laughter at your attempt to catch yourself. You were as clumsy as a newborn deer. “I learn from the best.”
Your eyes glittered with mischief and throwing down the basket, you sprinted over to somewhere behind the rocks, disappearing from sight.
But your voice still carried.
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dweetwise · 3 years
just some self-indulgent riconti with a side of secretly insecure ace. as a treat.
ship(s): ace x felix + background adam x kate warnings: none word count: 3370
Confidence is silent
Ace sat by the campfire and pretended to be busy shuffling a deck of cards. In reality, he may or may not have been watching Kate and Adam across the survivor campsite, the dark lenses of his sunglasses concealing the action.
His two friends were only talking, but Ace could see the subtle ways their mannerisms had changed over the last few weeks. Kate’s voice had a playful edge to it and she was constantly twirling her hair, whereas Adam was even smiling regularly for the first time.
Ace watched as, at Kate's request, Adam handed the woman one of the charms hanging from his belt. Their hands brushed against each other and Adam recoiled away like burned, stuttering on his sentence while Kate’s ears flushed red and she giggled.
Ace looked back down at his cards to hide a smirk. Ah, young love.
"Ugh, that's so gross," Nea huffed, plopping herself down on the ground next to Ace's log. "Just hurry up and confess your undying love to each other already."
"I don't know, I'm enjoying watching them—," Ace started.
"I bet you are, you perv," Nea snorted.
"—trip over each other like two lovesick idiots," Ace finished, not paying the girl's comment any mind.
"I can't believe they actually like each other," Nea said. "What does she see in him, anyway?"
"Is someone jealous?" Ace teased, nudging the girl’s shoulder with his knee.
"I'm not jealous, fuck off!" Nea protested, elbowing his leg in retaliation. "He's just so… boring."
"Hey, give my lad Adam some credit," David said, butting into the conversation. Apparently their gossip was loud enough to be overheard. "He's obviously smitten and tryin' his best!"
With David’s booming voice now joining the conversation, Ace glanced at Kate and Adam in alarm — certain that they had heard themselves being talked about in the relative quiet of the campfire. However, his worries turned out to be unnecessary. The duo didn’t seem to be paying any attention to their surroundings, too lost in their own world while they talked and laughed together.
"I think they're cute," Jane commented. She was stocking a med-kit nearby and had clearly also been listening in. "And they're not the most unlikely couple I've seen by a long shot."
"Oh?" Ace asked, eager for more gossip.
"She's talking about you and Felix, dumbass," Nea said.
The sunglasses did a good job of masking Ace’s eyes widening in surprise. Even though he was aware that he and the handsome architect made quite the odd couple, they had been together for nearly a year at this point. He had no idea people were still thinking — and clearly also talking — about them.
"She’s right,” Jane agreed. “I usually have a good intuition about these things, but you two caught me completely off guard when you shared the news with us."
“Hey, at least yer shitty pick-up lines worked on someone,” David grinned. 
The Englishman gave Ace's shoulder a smack that was no doubt supposed to be friendly, but which made the gambler wheeze out an "Oof!" and nearly tumble to the ground from the force of it.
"I still have no idea what Felix is doing with Ace," Nea continued, watching Ace's sorry attempt to right himself. "I mean, it's pretty obvious why Ace is so eager to be with him."
"Really now?" Ace asked, quirking an amused eyebrow. "And what would that be, pray tell?"
"Cha-ching!" Nea said.
"Oh come on," Ace scoffed. "That is not true."
"C'mon mate, we know you," David laughed. "Nice arse, loaded wallet? Tickin' all yer boxes."
"You lot are awful," Ace chuckled, shaking his head.
"So those weren’t dollar signs I saw in your eyes when Felix first introduced himself?" Jane asked, doing her best to hide a knowing smile.
"I think you're confusing them for heart eyes," Ace harrumphed. "Don't tell me none of you fell for his awkward charm!"
“Yer the only one who thinks it’s ‘charming’,” David said.
"I don’t believe for a second you like him for his knowledge of houses," Nea said. "Or a sense of humor."
"I'll have you know Felix is hilarious when he wants to be," Ace protested.
"That another joke?” David snorted.
"Yeah, I don't think I've even seen Felix smile," Nea said.
"Okay, that's not fair—" Ace started.
"I think Felix has a great sense of humor," Jane interrupted.
"Thank you!" Ace exclaimed.
"He doesn't laugh at your jokes, which means he has actual comedic standards," Jane finished with a smirk.
David barked out a laugh while Ace suppressed the urge to sigh.
"Alright, are we done joking about Felix's terrible taste in men yet?" Ace asked.
"For now, maybe," Nea grinned. "Oh, did you guys hear about how the cowboy's gone senile and sucks at aiming now?"
The conversation shifted to other pieces of gossip Ace's companions had gotten wind of as of late. Ace listened to Nea and David trash some of the killers for a while, only half-heartedly participating in the discussion. Eventually, he excused himself from the group under the guise of forgetting to grab an offering for his next trial.
He simply didn't feel like talking anymore.
Ace left the campfire and walked into the woods, back to his and Felix's shared space away from everybody else. The entire encounter with his friends had left him feeling uneasy. Even though Ace knew they probably didn't mean anything by it — just some harmless banter at his expense — some of their comments had hit alarmingly close to home.
Ace wanted to believe that these years spent in the Entity’s realm had changed him for the better. In a world where material possessions meant nothing, he’d been forced to re-evaluate his priorities and for the first time in decades, he was looking out for people other than himself. Ace tried his best to keep everyone’s spirits high at the campfire and had given his life for Nea, David and Jane alike on multiple occasions; yet even after all these years, his friends still saw him as a money-hungry crook. It stung, having his entire relationship with Felix being viewed as nothing more than a ticket to an easy retirement plan.
Ace’s eyes wandered across the place that was the closest thing he had to a home in this realm, a spot in the forest partly obscured by the rock formation and shrubbery surrounding it. A scavenged mattress laid on one side of the bare forest floor and a perpetually burning barrel was placed on the opposite, illuminating the space.
Felix's clothes were neatly folded on top of the rock as always, while Ace's were in a haphazardous pile next to them. One of Felix's jackets hung from a branch overhead; misplaced by Ace who had borrowed it a few trials prior.
Ace grabbed the jacket and folded it the best he could, placing it with the rest of Felix’s clothes. He nearly tripped on a toolbox forgotten on the ground, stumbling over the item before regaining his balance. Ace looked at the culprit: a trunk overflowing with items that he had accumulated over the years from countless trials spent looting. Recently, Felix had started adding his own items to the trunk, claiming he saw no point in keeping them for himself when he could share them with Ace.
Ace hadn’t organized the stash since god-knows-when and now it was not only an eyesore, but also proving to be a hazard in their shared living space. Determined to fix the issue and take his mind off of the still lingering doubt, Ace kneeled next to the chest to tackle the mess inside of it.
He’d only painstakingly managed to empty the trunk and somewhat organize the various items and add-ons inside of it on the ground in piles when a voice interrupted him.
“What are you doing?” Felix asked.
Ace startled and nearly dropped a pile of bandages as he turned to look at Felix. He was very aware of how he must have looked at that moment, hunched over among the stockpile of junk like some sort of trash goblin. Of course, the German had to choose this exact moment to return from his trial.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Ace replied with fake cheer, shooting a hopefully reassuring smile Felix’s way. “I’m just doing some spring cleaning. How was your trial?”
“It was fine,” Felix said. He went to move closer to Ace, only to realize there was nowhere for him to step. “Ehm, do you need help?”
“Nah, I’ve got it,” Ace said, quickly shoving a heap of flashlight batteries to the side to make room for Felix. “Sorry about the mess.”
“It’s okay,” Felix said.
Ace watched the German carefully maneuvering through the mess to sit on the mattress. Now feeling more than a little self-conscious of his terrible organizational skills, Ace quickly returned to his task of sorting the items while Felix merely watched him.
”Did something happen?” Felix asked after a beat of silence.
“No,” Ace lied. “Why? Did you hear something?”
“You only clean when you’re stressed,” Felix said.
“I’m stressed about how much junk we have,” Ace deflected. Looking around for a distraction, his eyes eventually landed on a stack of rolled-up maps. “Here, you should take these!” Ace said, nudging the pile closer to Felix.
“Ähm…” Felix falterted, clearly taken aback. “Why?”
“We should start using up the items,” Ace insisted. “You can sketch some of your houses on these! I know you’re great at that.”
“No, that’s alright,” Felix said. “I’ll take some if I need them. Thank you for the offer.”
Ace chewed on the inside of his cheek in annoyance; of course his stupidly modest boyfriend was too polite to accept even the simplest of gifts. After everything Felix had done for him, Ace wasn’t even able to give him a few sheets of dirt-stained parchment.
“Well… what about a key?” Ace said, turning to grab a handful of skeleton keys somewhat maniacally. “You should take a key for your next trial!”
“Thank you, but I’m fine,” Felix said, still so infuriatingly polite. “You know I prefer to do generators and get everyone out.”
“Take one just in case!” Ace insisted. He grabbed Felix’s hand, feebly trying to transfer the items onto it. “If things turn south, you have a backup—”
“Ace,” Felix interrupted, his hands gripping Ace’s. “Tell me what’s wrong.”
Felix’s voice was firm but the underlying worry was clear in it. Finally relenting, Ace took a long, shaky breath and felt the keys clatter to the ground as his tight grip around them loosened.
“Yeah,” Ace agreed. “Alright.”
Felix’s posture relaxed and he offered a grateful smile that melted the last of Ace’s hesitation.
What he shared with Felix was tangible proof that Ace had changed. Because even if it had taken them some time to get here — two practiced liars slowly learning to trust each other — opening his heart to Felix had been one of the best decisions of Ace’s life.
Sometimes, he just needed a little push.
“I was talking with some of the others earlier,” Ace started.
Felix made a small “hmm” in encouragement. His hands were still holding Ace’s and his thumb rubbed small circles over Ace’s knuckles.
“We were discussing something else and then the conversation shifted to you and me,” Ace said. "And, well, the others were saying how our relationship isn't really…" Ace trailed off.
He looked up to meet Felix’s eyes, only to find him patiently watching Ace and waiting for him to continue.
"...Equal," Ace finished.
Instantly, Felix’s smile faltered and his hands stopped caressing Ace’s.
"I see," Felix said, stiffly moving his hands to his sides.
His voice was just as neutral as his face; his play-act, Ace recognized.
"Talk to me, babe," Ace encouraged.
He tried to quell the rising panic in his chest, but when Felix merely sighed in disappointment, Ace was already bracing himself for the worst.
"I know how our relationship must appear," Felix said. "I've been meaning to bring it up with you, but there wasn't a good opportunity."
The dread pooled heavy in Ace’s stomach and he merely swallowed before nodding.
"I—yeah," he said. "I should have probably said something sooner."
"No, that's alright," Felix said. "To be frank, I've been consciously avoiding this conversation."
"Oh," Ace said. "I guess I never realized it was such a big deal."
"I know you didn't," Felix said, looking at him with a smile.
Ace should probably feel offended by the patronizing comment, but somehow, it didn't seem malicious at all. He decided to chalk it up to one of Felix’s social quirks and give him the benefit of the doubt.
"So what's on your mind?" Ace asked. He swallowed the pet name he was about to add, not sure if the endearment was welcome anymore.
“Recently, I’ve been thinking back to my first months here,” Felix started. “How you always welcomed me with a smile and made an effort to connect with me, even during the times I was too overwhelmed to even keep up with conversation.”
“Of course,” Ace said. “Why wouldn’t I?”
“It just… stuck with me. I remember how you were always giving me your items after trials, because I had been sacrificed and didn’t get to keep mine,” Felix added with a smile.
“It was just a few dusty med-kits and a couple toolboxes here and there,” Ace pointed out.
Sure, he might have handed out a few items to give the new guy a better chance in trials, but that wasn’t nearly as heroic as Felix made it out to be.
“It wasn’t just the items,” Felix said. “You’ve always been looking out for me; don’t think I didn’t know you were getting caught on purpose so I could get the hatch. It’s like you gave a a piece of yourself even though you knew I wouldn’t be able to return the gesture.”
Ace’s heart swelled from affection but he tried to keep his feelings in check, steeling himself for the inevitable “but.” He knew from past experience that there was always a “but” when it came to conversations about Ace’s short list of virtues.
“Of course, once we got into a relationship you were determined to give even more,” Felix continued. “This space, your items, the bloodpoints, protecting me in trials… you shared everything with me without question. Some days, I can’t help but think that I don’t deserve it.”
"Woah—wait, what?" Ace asked.
This sure as hell didn’t sound like Felix was blaming Ace for his shortcomings. On the contrary, he seemed beyond grateful for all the little things Ace had done without even thinking.
“I know I will never be able to repay you for everything that you have done for me,” Felix said, looking straight into Ace’s soul with those big, sad puppy eyes. “I don’t blame the others for thinking I’ve been taking advantage of your kindness.”
Ace’s mind was reeling from the whiplash of Felix’s confession. For some unfathomable reason, the kindest and most generous person Ace had ever met seemed to think he was the selfish one in their relationship.
"Oh, babe, no,” Ace hurried to clarify. “You couldn’t be more wrong. In fact, what the others were saying was actually the complete opposite.”
"Ehm—how?" Felix asked, seeming genuinely confused.
Ace sighed and took a seat next to Felix on the mattress.
“If anything, I’m the one that’s been taking advantage of your kindness,” Ace said. “Always borrowing your clothes and being an absolute slob while you try to keep things neat around here.”
He gestured not-so-vaguely to the current chaos surrounding them, Felix’s gaze following the movement.
“And it was probably in poor taste for me to approach you in the first place,” Ace continued. It stung, but it had to be said. “A broke guy known to be terrible with money flirting with the taken and obviously well-off architect? I know how that must look.”
Felix didn’t seem to know, based on the utter confusion still on his face.
"What?" Felix asked.
"You know. You're young, rich and famous and I'm… not," Ace clarified. "The others were saying that you're way out of my league."
Felix was silent for a while as the words sank in. Since he wasn’t yet angry at Ace or calling him a gold digger, Ace chalked it up as a small victory.
"Then they're even more stupid than I thought," Felix suddenly blurted out.
Ace almost choked on his spit, snorting out a surprised laugh at Felix's bluntness.
"Yeah?" Ace asked, a smile tugging on his lips.
"You would think a place like this would make people realize how little empty status means," Felix said.
“Maybe they need to be farmed without borrowed time a few more times,” Ace said.
At Ace’s mischievous grin, Felix huffed a laugh and gave him an exasperated look as to say “Really?”
“Wait, so…” Ace realized. “Just to be clear, you’re not mad at me?”
“No, I thought you were upset with me,” Felix said.
Ace chuckled and ran a hand down his face.
“Holy shit, we’re stupid,” Ace grinned.
“Next time, please just say what you mean,” Felix agreed with a smile. “You nearly gave me a heart attack.”
“Okay, I’ll start now: I really wanna kiss you,” Ace leered.
A surprised chuckle escaped Felix’s lips, before he murmured something that sounded like “idiot” and leaned in for a kiss.
The last of Ace’s worries were silenced by feeling Felix’s lips against his own. Felix’s movements were deliberate and slow, and Ace’s heart fluttered happily from the emotion behind his lover’s actions. The gentle press of lips, the familiar hand that clasped his own, and the content sigh as Felix relaxed against him reassured Ace more than words ever could.
Their relationship was as unexpected as it was unconventional, two lost souls finding their way to each other in between the cruelties of the trials. Ace knew that his old self wouldn’t have been capable of loving Felix this way; he would have done exactly what his friends accused him of and ran away before the consequences caught up to him.
But he wasn’t that man anymore. Even when he was afraid to take the leap and open his heart, he would do it anyway. And Felix would be there to catch him every time.
"God, I love you," Ace said when they pulled apart.
"I love you too," Felix said, squeezing his hand. "I never imagined you would be the one to overthink these things."
"I have my moments," Ace grinned. "Thanks for listening to me freak out over nothing."
"When have I ever not listened to you?" Felix asked with a small smirk, making Ace chuckle.
"I also apologize for the hours of shitty jokes you've had to endure," Ace said.
“It’s a fair trade for listening to me monologue about architecture,” Felix said.
“But you’re adorable when you geek out about houses,” Ace grinned.
“I beg to differ,” Felix murmured bashfully. “In any case, will you let me help you with the items now?”
“I mean… if you want to, sure,” Ace said.
“Good, because when I came over I saw you put socket swivels into a sabotaging toolbox and it’s been bothering me ever since,” Felix said, immediately reaching for the toolbox in question.
Ace laughed and scooted over to make room for Felix among their spread belongings, watching as his ever-perfectionist lover eagerly tackled the chaos in front of him.
They spent hours rearranging the items back into the trunk, talking and laughing well into the neverending night. Ace found himself stealing a few kisses and lingering touches and Felix smiled more than he ever did with anyone else, and Ace suddenly realized that they weren’t that different from Adam and Kate after all.
The others could talk all they wanted. No amount of gossip would change the fact that Felix not only saw something in Ace that others didn’t, but had also fallen for him just as hard as Ace had for Felix.
And as far as Ace was concerned, that was all that mattered.
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scoobit · 3 years
I'm Thinking
This is a sfw platonic tickle fic with Dream and Sapnap
IRL fic
Switch Dream and Switch Sapnap
Tw! The word blood, blood is rushing to his head, no one is hurt. Slight rough tickles
I hate myself, I'm sorry this took forever, and I feel like shit but enjoy!
After living with Dream for 8 months, Sapnap was used to some of the strange habits he had. So he wasn't surprised when he walked into the blonde's room, to see him dangling halfway off his bed upside down. He was just confused as to why he was in that weird position.
Dream noticed Sapnap and gave him a quick smile before staring at the wall again, face dropping back to a neutral expression.
Sapnap raised an eyebrow and then made his way over to the bed where he got into the same position his friend was in. He sat there for only a moment trying to figure out why Dream seemed to enjoy the uncomfortable situation before turning to him.
"Why are we hanging halfway off your bed?" He asked as Dream turned his head to look at the brunette. "Helps me think."
"Why do you need to think?" Sapnap questioned. "Video ideas besides manhunts." His answers were vague as he was only half paying attention.
"Ah, I see." Sapnap still looked slightly confused. "Your weird."
"I'm weird? You're the one trying to teach patches tricks, you talk to her like she's a human!" Dreams full attention was finally on Sapnap. "I promise she WILL learn to roll over on command." Sapnap retaliated.
He sat up since blood was rushing to his head and he was slightly lightheaded. Dream was just laughing, small wheezes prominent in his laughter.
Sapnap started giggling and before they knew it they were both sprawled out over the bed laughing their asses off.
Eventually, though, they calmed down and Sapnap sat up once again, fixing his hair. "You're still weird though." A smirk was on his face as he looked at Dream who was craning his neck to look at Sapnap.
"Shut up," Dream scoffed and leaned back down, his hands dropping down to hang beside his head.
After a few seconds of sitting in silence, Sapnap decided he was bored and that his entertainment was right in front of him. He reached his hand out slowly so Dream wouldn't see, and poked his belly knowing he would get a reaction.
And he was correct.
Dream squeaked and his arms flew up to protect his torso. He curled into a ball and he would have rolled off the bed if it weren't for Sapnap who grabbed his arms before he could fall.
The blonde looked at him with slight fear, but also playfulness. As if he were challenging Sapnap.
The latter took the challenge and grabbed Dreams wrists, sat on his hips, and pinned his arms against his sides with his knees. Dream was thrashing around the whole time.
Once Sapnap got comfortable he brought his hands down to Dreams belly and squeezed and poked around the skin under his belly button. A steady stream of giggles poured out of his mouth as Sapnap continued.
"Aww Dream, I forgot how cute your laugh is! We should do this more often." Sapnap cooed. "Shuhuhut UHuhuhup!" Dream was being broken to pieces at just the simple action.
Sapnap sped up his fingers and started scribbling them around his belly button and up to his lower ribs. Dreams giggles got slightly squeakier and high-pitched as his ler switched between spots.
"SaHAHapNaHAhahAP NoHOhooo!" Dream struggled to talk through his laughter. He was slowly growing weaker but was able to yank his hands out from their trap.
Sapnap was caught so off guard by Dreams sudden movement that he wasn't able to react when he grabbed him and flipped him around so he was leaning against Dreams chest.
Sapnap looked at Dream the best he could with wide eyes as the taller whispered in his ear. "Looks like you're trapped."
Dream was quick to start his attack; he began lightly squeezing and scratching at his ribs and every few seconds would give his hips a squeeze causing him to squeak every time.
Sapnap's laughter was loud as his worst spots were being attacked at the same time, and he was growing tired quickly. "DREEHEHEAHAM NAHAHAA DOHOHAHAHA!" His sentences weren't coherent and he was trying to distract himself from the torturous feeling.
He was kicking his legs, clenching his fists, shaking his head, but nothing was working. The only thing he could do was sit there and take it.
Dream giggled and rested his head on Sapnap's shoulder. He slowed his hands slightly and spoke. "You're right, we should do this more often!" A smirk was plastered on his face.
"NoHOhOHooO MoHOHOReheEhEH!" Sapnap forced out. Dream saw he was close to his limit so he fluttered his fingers up to his neck. A blush grew on the brunette's face and he let out little titters and squeaks, the light touch was almost unbearable.
But Dream did stop and Sapnap could catch his breath as he went limp in the former's arms. Dream raked a hand through his hair and pulled them both to lay down on the bed.
Sapnap was the first to fall asleep and Dream was too comfortable to move so he just held the younger in his arms as he too fell asleep.
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shyficwriter · 3 years
Temporary Home: Chapter 5
Guardians of the Galaxy fanfic | Reader x Guardians (With Yondu and Kraglin!)
Summary: Looks like things might be starting to get better between Reader and the rest of the team. However, Rocket can't bring himself to like you just yet, he's not the most trusting.
Previous Chapter here | Next Chapter Here Or click here to: Start From Beginning
Author’s Note: Thank you to @colormeyondublue, @theambracer88, and @condy-wants-a-cookie for participating in Fic Improv suggestions!
Word Count: 4,695
You didn't return for several hours, long enough for it to start to get dark out and for the others to start to wonder if you'd come back at all.
Gamora was about to suggest she and Peter go looking for you when you came in the back door. The blood from your face was now gone, but remanent drops still stained the front of your shirt.
You were surprised to find everyone in the kitchen as if they had been waiting up for you.
"Where have you been?" asked Gamora. Her voice didn't sound accusatory, despite her hands on her hips. She sounded oddly worried.
"Taking a walk?" you say with a raised eyebrow. You hadn't honestly expected anyone to be worried with your absence. After all, you bit their friend.
"You were gone for six hours!" Kraglin said incredulously. "Who takes a walk for six hours?"
You shrugged. "Took a nap, too. Why are you all looking at me like that?"
Most of them were looking at you like worried parents, except for Yondu who was leaning against the counter looking at his nails disinterested, Drax who looked mildly disapproving, and Rocket who wasn't even facing you, looking like he didn't give one solitary shit if you came back or not.
"Because you were gone for six hours." Drax repeated. "We thought you died."
"You thought I- No. Look, I just went for a walk- like you 'suggested'-" you looked pointedly at Drax and made air quotes around the word 'suggested,' (your gesture only seemed to confuse him), "took a nap, slept the whiskey off, got cleaned up in the river... Why are you even worr- Oh. Right." You roll your eyes. "Fury would have figured something out if I didn't come back, don't you worry," you say bitterly.
Peter grimaced and stood. "No, that's not- Alright. We got off on a bad foot here. We-" He looked at Rocket to try and include in the contrition, "-feel bad about how things have gone, and we just want to talk."
You look at them a moment, considering. "Okay."
"Okay." Peter looked relieved. "First off, we're sorry that we haven't made the best housemates. We're a dysfunctional bunch of dicks, we get it."
"Some of you more than others." you say, looking at Rocket.
"Yes," Peter agreed, also looking at Rocket. "and we're sorry. We've been in your personal space, and it's obviously been tough for you and we haven't helped that and we understand if you want us to leave. We're sure NOVA will understand."
You stare off into a blank space of wall for awhile. "No," you eventually say with a sigh. "You don't have to leave. It's not entirely your fault things have been tense. I can admit I've been a little... less than welcoming." Your eyes drift to the ceiling and you cross your arms. "I shouldn't be taking my frustration with what Fury did out on you." You finally look at Peter. "And I'm sorry I bit you," you say shyly, feeling your cheeks grow warm.
"It's ok. I've had worse. You didn't even break the skin." Peter said, before wincing, "I'm sorry I broke your nose."
"I don't think it's broken, actually. Hurt like a bitch, but somehow not broken."
Peter looked relieved. "That's good- That's it's not broken, I mean."
"I'm sorry I made you leave your house." Drax spoke up. "Gamora told me that wasn't a good thing to do."
"It's fine." You shrug. "I mean, don't make a habit of it... but no hard feelings." Honestly you knew you needed that walk, both to sort you out, and to try and sober up. Again, you bit a guy. Know who does that? Crazy drunk people. You were lucky one of his friends didn't clock you for it.
Drax beamed and approached you, "Great! Then we are friends!" Your eyes widen as he reaches out and pulls you into a bear hug and actually lifts you off the ground. You let out a wheeze as he squeezed the air from your lungs and you thought you felt a couple vertebra in your spine crack.
When he sets you back down you stumble back a bit, caught off guard. "Sure," you say breathlessly, almost laughing as you regained your bearings. 'Well, at least this one doesn't seem to hold grudges,' you assume.
You were wrong, but of course you didn't actually know Drax that well to know that if you had actually hurt someone he cared about, that he would have chased you across the galaxy to have his revenge. Good thing you hadn't had to figure that out.
"So you're not mad at us?" Mantis said hopefully. She was hugging the bear you gave her, little Groot perched on her shoulder, and your face softened. Her expression was just so... hopeful? Like she really needed to hear that you weren't mad and that she hadn't lost a friend. Innocent. That's the word you were looking for. She just looked too damn innocent, and it melted your heart against your consent.
"No s-" you caught yourself before you could call her 'sweetie.' "No, I'm not mad at you." You mentally whipped yourself. What the fuck? What did you think you were doing almost calling her 'sweetie'? Getting attached or some shit? Some of that whiskey must still be in your system.
She claps her hands excitedly, somehow not dropping the bear in the process, and you can just tell she's going to hug you too. Your eyes flick to Peter in a silent cry for help as she bolts up from her chair, and he just gives you a knowing look and a chuckle as if to say, "You should have guessed that would happen," right before Mantis's body crashes into yours.
You stumble back but don't fall, and awkwardly pat her on the back and letting out half a laugh as Groot crawled on top of your head. "Alright, ok. Settle down now," you say, pulling him from your hair and gently handing him back to Mantis.
Yondu watched in amusement. He was sure he heard you almost call her 'sweetie,' and combined with what he had seen how you treated them so far, and having also been told by Mantis about the bear (because she told everyone) and he saw Groot playing with the toy car that could have only came from you, it only confirmed to him that you seemed to have a soft spot for her and the twig.
"Well if everyone's apologizing, where's mine?" Rocket asked, standing defiantly on the table with his arms crossed.
Kraglin looked at him incredulously. "For what?"
"She tossed me out the door like a rag doll yesterday!" Rocket threw his hands in the air, as if Kraglin was missing something very obvious.
You huffed a laugh out your nose. "No. Absolutely not. For one, I'm not sorry, and secondly, did you really think I'd forget that you tried to poison me earlier today?"
Rocket got several looks for that, ranging from surprise to disapproval. Even Yondu raised an eyebrow.
"Rocket!" Gamora and Drax said in unison.
Rocket put his hands on his hips and rolled his eyes. "I wasn't actually trying to poison you! You wouldn't have died or nuttin!"
Peter then explained the situation from earlier that day with the xanti-berries to the others and how Rocket had tried to convince you to eat them, which earned more disapproving looks directed towards Rocket. It was well known among most of them what they did to the Terran digestion. Yondu and Kraglin made that unfortunate discovery early on when they fed them to Peter as a boy, a mistake you don't exactly make twice and a memory Kraglin wished he could have scrubbed from his mind with the same solvents he had been tasked with cleaning Yondu's M-ship bathroom with after said mistake. The rest of the team found out in a much, much cleaner way, having simply been told by Peter when offered some that Terrans couldn't eat them.
Yondu finally spoke up. "If anyone here actually needs to apologize I think it's Rocket."
Rocket looked at him in betrayal, his expression saying, 'Man, I thought we were cool!?' His tail twitched in annoyance. Yondu was supposed to be on his side, not yours,
"Don't give me that look," Yondu said. "Ya know ya've spent nearly all yer time here being a dick, not to mention its yer fault we're here in the first place."
Rocket rolled his eyes and hopped off the table with a, "Whatever losers." and walked out of the room, flipping the bird as he went.
"Rocket!" Gamora called out angrily, but Peter put a hand on her shoulder and said, "Let him go."
After a beat you begin awkwardly edging yourself out of the room as well, saying, "Well, this was awkward. Glad we made up. I'm gonna go wash up for bed. Bye."
They didn't stop you. You had reached an understanding, that would have to do for now. Peter and Gamora knew you all wouldn't just become best friends after one heart-to-heart. At the moment reaching the knowledge of 'Your host doesn't actually wish to burn you all alive' would have to do.
You honestly expected the next day to be just as tense, but you were pleasantly surprised. You actually managed to strike up a decent, albeit short, conversation with Peter and Gamora at breakfast.
When you finished you excused yourself to go tend to the garden, but nothing could have prepared you for what you found outside.
You exited the back door, and just before you could put in your earbuds you heard the sounds of bickering. Confused and mildly irritated at the thought of needing to break up yet another fight, you turn your head to the left, where the noise was coming from.
You cocked your head, eyebrow raised. You rubbed your eyes just to make sure you weren't seeing things.
Different emotions overtook you. Confusion. Shock. Disbelief. Then, finally, humor.
Your mouth twitched upwards of its own volition, and your stomach muscles twitched as a huff air forced its way through your nose.
Were you honestly seeing... what you thought you were seeing?
A few meters ahead of you laid Kraglin and Rocket, struggling against what appeared to be your garden hose. What was threatening to pull laughter from your belly, however, was the position they had somehow managed to get themselves into.
You'll never know how they did it, but one of Kraglin's legs was stuck in a sitting position, held in place by the hose wrapped around his thigh. He had one arm pinned behind his back, and another tied to his head with said hose.
That might have done it by itself, but that wasn't all. Rocket was tangled as well, but it was where he was tangled that made you lose your composure.
Rocket's limbs also pinned in crazy directions, but he wasn't tangled separately from Kraglin, no. Rocket was more or less strapped to Kraglin's back, but in a way that his head had nowhere to go but... well... Kraglin's butt.
You attempted to walk towards them, knowing you should probably help them, but once you opened your mouth about halfway there you knew there was no way to hold back your laughter, though you did try.
"What- Ha-How-" You pause briefly to attempt to hold in your giggles before trying again. "How did you-?" More giggling. "How did you-" Even more giggles, "manage that?" You covered your mouth, unable to stop the torrent of giggles that only got worse once they turned their heads in shock and embarrassment to face you. "You- You? What?" You could barely string words together now.
"Oh come now! It's not funny!" Kraglin pouted. Rocket just growled in annoyance.
"I-I'm sorry!" you say, not looking very sorry at all with the way mirthful tears wet your waterline and how you held your stomach from laughing so hard.
Then Rocket threatened to bite Kraglin's ass if he didn't figure out a way to untangle them, and Kraglin threatened to fart on him if he so much as thought of biting him.
That made you completely lose it. You dropped to your knees and laughed harder than you had in a very long time, unable to string anything longer than a mirthful "I'm sorry!" together to save your own life, let alone help untangle them.
Peter and Gamora heard your loud laughter from inside the kitchen, and having not heard anything more than a sarcastic half-laugh from you the entire time they'd been here, wanted to see what had been able to make you lose it like that.
They came outside to see you on your knees in the throws of a laughing fit almost a couple meters from where Kraglin and Rocket lay tangled together.
The scene made them laugh as well. Well, Peter laughed. Gamora was able to keep it to a wide grin and a couple escaped giggles as she mercifully walked over to help untie the pair, with Peter's giggly attempts to help as well, that were actually more of a hinderance than helpful.
At one point you thought you had gotten it together enough to try and help them, but you didn't make it all the way before your laughing fit had you doubled over again. You losing it again only made Peter laugh harder, and Gamora only grinned and shook her head as she worked at trying to free Kraglin's arm from his head, having already managed to free his leg from its garden-hose-y prison.
"Ow! Ow! Fuck!" You exclaim, still laughing. "I think I pulled something!"
Peter looked at you then turned to Kraglin & Rocket and laughed more, pointing, "You made her laugh so hard she pulled a muscle! AHAHA!"
By this point Gamora had (more or less single-handedly) managed to free Rocket from Kraglin and Kraglin was free enough to untangle himself the rest of the way.
Rocket glared at you angrily, "I'll teach you to laugh at me!" He looked like he was about to lunge at you when Gamora scolded out a warning, "Rocket." and he then just muttered angrily and made his way back inside the house.
You had gotten your laughter in to more manageable giggles, until you looked up to see Kraglin had just finished untangling himself and was walking your way before your burst into laughter again. "AHA-Ow! Ow! Haha! I'm sorry- Haha-ow! I'm sorry!" you manage to say as Kraglin pouted and continued on towards the door, his pride a bit bruised. You thought you had pulled something in your ribs, and it made laughing too hard a little sore, but you honestly couldn't help it.
You worked on catching your breath and Peter asked, giggling, "How did they even do that?"
You took deep breaths and answered, "I have no idea." You turned your head towards Kraglin walking away and started laughing again, needing to turn away because it hurt to laugh. Peter and Gamora shook their heads, grinning.
This was definitely better than you being cranky and avoiding them all the time, now if only it would last.
You stated you needed to tend the garden and they took the hint to leave you so you could gather yourself.
Peter couldn't help but think that if you pulled a muscle from laughing, it must mean you didn't do it nearly enough, and he made a mental note to try and fix that while they were there.
You headed to the work shed after tending your garden, intent to unclamp and sand down the pieces of the bed you were making for Rocket.
You had almost considered scrapping the project after the whole "attempted poison" incident, but you were in a good mood, and still thought it might quell his whining, so you decided you might as well finish it.
Once everything was sanded to a nice finish you decided you might as well stain it too, and add a coat of varnish. Might as well do a complete job while you were at it.
Or maybe you were stalling.
Either way, you decided you needed to make a run into town. It had been awhile since you checked the mail anyhow.
You locked the shed back up and went inside to get ready to leave.
Before you were about to go, you caught Peter in the hall and told him you were leaving, and as a courtesy asked him if he knew if there might be anything anyone might need from town.
He thought for a bit, not really able to think of anything, one reason being that he didn't know what Terran shops carried anymore that his friends would recognize, let alone need, but then an idea struck. "Hey, do they still make Oreos? If you don't mind- I always kinda wanted to show the others what they were like. They were one of my favorites as a kid."
You smile. Of all the things he could have asked for, and this grown man wanted oreos to share with his friends. It was sweet. "I'll see what I can do," you say, still smiling as you made your way out the door.
For the life of him, Rocket couldn't understand why Groot seemed to like it here.
It was boring. Despite all this space, he couldn't blow up anything, and he had been forbidden by the others to try. Something about Terran shit being "extra flammable" or something. Not like he had anything that could make a decent boom if he tried, it had all been confiscated by SHIELD, the bastards. They'd even searched his "back pocket."
To be fair, his reputation had preceded him and they did find some small blast charges and a detonator...
Normally he'd use his resources, pull from the environment around him, but you only had primitive Terran shit that wasn't good for anything fun.
It was like he was being punished, stuck on this Terran prison. Normally he'd just escape a prison, like he had the last 23 he had been in, but this time apparently it was 'safer' to stay in the prison than to leave. As if he even could leave without a ship...
What had he done to deserve this punishment?
Sure, maybe he had insulted their last client... and maybe he had stolen their shit... but they deserved it for being so damn uptight and upitty. Everyone else was thinking it, he was just the only one brave enough to put them in their place!
And look where it got him. Stuck here. In the middle of nowhere, on a primitive hunk of rock floating in the middle of nowhere, with nothing fun to do or see, forced to sleep in a damn crib like an infant. He almost wished Peter hadn't told him what it was that first night. He originally just thought it was a weird fancy little bed, until Peter peeked in and quietly chuckled a comment about, "Aww! Cute! You get to sleep in a crib like a little baby!" Which then prompted him to complain to the SHIELD woman about the sleeping arrangement, but he only got a shrug from her in response as she said stuff about being "crunched for time" and it was "the perfect size" while his friends laughed at him.
And then there was you. As far as he was concerned you were just as bad as their last client. Stick up your ass, skulking around and tossing him out for fighting like you owned the place...
Well, he supposed you did own the place... bit still! Who did you think you were?
Anyone dumber might answer, 'the person who was nice enough to take in eight strangers to keep them safe,' but he knew better. No one was that good. You were either getting paid a shit-tonne to do this, or you had sinister intentions, and any trace of caring was just an act. Maybe both, who was he to say?
"I am Groot?"
Rocket was shaken from his thoughts by Groot's question.
"What?" asked Rocket.
"I am Groot?" he asked again.
"Wha- No. There's no monsters in the attic- who told you that? We would have heard them!" he then quickly added, "Monsters don't exist anyway!"
"I am Groot."
Rocket rolled his eyes. "Ohhh- Of course she would." He could feel his irritation rising. Who the fuck did you think you were, scaring the little guy like that? He looked at Groot and told him you were just being a dick, and he was going to show Groot himself that you were a liar.
"I am Groot!"
Rocket rolled eyes again. "So what if it's locked? I've got my-" He then remembered that his lock-picking set had also been confiscated. Dammit! "I bet there's a key somewhere!"
"I am Groot!"
"We won't get in trouble if you keep quiet about it!" Rocket said irritably. Groot simply crossed his arms in response, a displeased expression on his face.
He placed Groot on his shoulder, and they made their way silently from their room, around the landing, and peered down the stairs before making their way over to open your door. He knew the others wouldn't approve of what he was doing, and he was grateful that he and Groot seemed to be the only ones upstairs at the moment. Well, that was assuming that no one was behind the closed doors of the other two rooms and they wouldn't find Mantis sitting in the room you shared with her.
The room was empty. Good. He wouldn't have to hear anyone complain about what he was doing, although he was certain if Mantis had been in there he could have played it off as Groot wanting to play more hide-n-seek.
Rocket knew you had left the house, otherwise he might not be attempting to do what he was, not looking forward to you possibly tossing him back outside for another 'walk,' or more or less a glorified time out like he was a child. Bad enough he had to sleep in the crib...
However, he knew he should probably be quick about it. You had already been gone nearly a couple hours, and while he didn't know how far away the place you were going was, he knew he should just assume you'd be back any minute.
He paused to listen, he had good enough hearing that he could hear just about any regular movement in the house if he was listening for it. After not hearing anything that sounded like someone getting ready to come up the stairs he got to work.
As quietly and as quickly as he could, he made his way around the room. He had a decent idea of which bed belonged to Mantis and so he didn't bother looking over there.
He checked in your nightstand drawers. Nothing. Just a journal he considered taking a peek at, but decided against it due to being crunched for time.
He checked though your dresser drawers, and aside from one large garment that appeared like a comfy jumpsuit but looked like someone skinned some weird black and white spotted mammal, found nothing but your clothes and under-things.
He finally got around to checking the desk. There was nothing on top save for some pens, a notepad, and what Terrans excused for a computer- a 'lap top' or whatever they called it. He pulled out the bottom drawer from the set of three on the right side, but it was only a bunch of file folders, again, none of which he could be bothered to fully read, only gathering cursory glances of boring titles with stuff like "Insurance," "Deed," and "Obituary," whatever that was.
He quickly abandoned that drawer and moved to the next one up. Still nothing. Just pencils and a book of drawings he quickly flipped through before placing back in the drawer, unwilling to give you even the imaginary satisfaction of even mentally saying they weren't half bad. He gave Groot an unimpressed look when he expressed interest in the pictures.
He reached the top drawer and almost wrote it off as a loss of pens, paperclips, sticky notes and other junk, until he just noticed a glint of metal from under one of the yellow pads of paper.
He grabbed the key and grinned at Groot before turning towards the attic door.
But then he heard it. The front door opened.
Maybe someone's just going outside? Maybe he still had time?
Nope, the footsteps were coming in, not leaving.
Crap. You were home.
He knew it would only be bad news if he got caught, so he quickly placed the key back in the drawer, saying, "Another time, buddy," to Groot and made his way to peek out the door and make sure he wouldn't be seen exiting your room.
He could just see down the stairs that you were standing in the hall holding a paper bag, and you waved for someone's attention in the sitting room. Peter came and he followed you into the kitchen.
This was his chance, he quickly exited your room, quietly closed the door behind him, and bolted as quietly as possible toward the room he shared with Groot and Drax. It was times like these he was more than glad to be one of the smallest and lightest of the bunch.
You arrived home and brought Peter into the kitchen to show that you had indeed found him some Oreos, and a twin sleeve at that!
His eyes lit up when you removed them from the bag. "You got them!" he exclaimed as he accepted the package from you.
You lightly chuckled as he called for his friends to join him in the kitchen.
Feeling it would be awkward for you if he decided to excitedly declare that you bought them biscuits, you excused yourself before the others could arrive, saying that you had some other things to put away in your car and you'd be back when he seemed almost disappointed that you were running away from being social again.
You passed by Kraglin and Yondu on your way back towards the front door, and you were unable to stop yourself from giggling as you laid eyes on Kraglin. You covered your mouth, but of course they noticed.
"What was that about?" Yondu asked Kraglin in confusion, looking back at you as you exited the front door.
Kraglin only pouted and said, "Please don't ask, sir."
Rocket answered Peter's call along with everyone else, and was a little surprised to hear that you had picked up some Terran cookies at Peter's request. He ate some, because hey- free food, but he wasn't going to fall for your sugary bribery, which he was sure this was. He certainly doubted you did it to be nice. Hell, if you were nice you would have helped him and Kraglin with getting untangled instead of laughing so hard you couldn't stand up.
Something caught his eye out the window from where he sat on the counter, and he directed his attention to what he realized was you, walking toward that shed he kept hearing loud noses from but couldn't get into because you kept it locked. The windows didn't open either, he tried, nor could he make anything out when he tried to look through them due to the dark interior.
But there was one thing he could see clearly now as you made your way to the shed.
You were carrying chains.
His eyes narrowed as he nibbled on his treat. He knew there was something off about you. What were you doing in that shed? Were those chains meant for him and his friends? To chain up the next person who pissed you off?
He knew the others wouldn't believe him. Until he could prove it to the others that you were bad news, he decided to keep his mouth shut for now.
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monstersandmaw · 4 years
Male drider x reader - Part Four (nsfw)
Edit which I’m including in all my works after plagiarism and theft has taken place: I do not give my consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted anywhere. They are copyrighted and belong to me.
I think the previous parts have had a female reader, but I left it ambiguous/gender neutral in this one, even in the nsfw bits, mostly out of habit.
It's 8000 words, with a bit of angst, a good dose of fluff, some recognition of unhealthy attitudes, and a slightly messy nsfw scene at the end...
Hope you enjoy!
Part One, Part Two, Part Three
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Gilvas waited until you’d closed the matching panel at the other end of the secret passage, and then turned away.
While you worked on the catalogue, you couldn’t shake the vulnerable look on his face as he’d told you about his late wife and as you’d stared at her vivacious features in the portrait. In the nine years since her death, he’d become a shadow, haunting this creepy old mansion and drifting from one day to the next, and it broke your heart. Gilvas was clearly a gentle soul, though his fuse was short at times, but you had begun to suspect that it was more of a defence mechanism than a character trait.
As evening billowed around the stone walls of the enormous house at the end of the day, with an awful lot still swirling around your mind, you nearly walked straight into Naril who was loading his last pile of autumn leaves into a wheelbarrow by the back door. He called your name just in time and you sidestepped with a bashful grin.
“So is it true?” he asked almost immediately.
“Is what true?”
His ears waggled and he laughed as he dumped the leaves into the barrow with a little flourish. “You and the master…?”
“Me and the master what?” you snorted, crossing your arms. “You make it sound like we’re school kids caught snogging behind the bike sheds! He showed me the portrait of his wife and told me a bit about her, that’s all.”
Naril shook his head expressively. “We’ve had people here on the estate before, you know? None of them ended up strolling the corridors with him.”
“How’d you know about it anyway?” you asked instead, resisting the urge to flick him in fond reprimand on his large ear.
“Chiara came in and started talking to my dad about it. I couldn’t believe it, and neither could they. The master doesn’t ‘chat’ with anyone…”
You shrugged. “Well, if he’s happy talking to me, I’m happy enough to listen. He seems nice, once you get past the way he likes to bark at you.”
Two days later, while you were stooped over the working version of the catalogue, scribbling something down in the margins of your cataloguing notes, the shadows moved in the recesses of the library, and Gilvas emerged. You looked up and smiled. “Hi,” you offered.
He nodded curtly at you and began to pace.
Setting your pencil down a minute or two later, you asked, “Everything… alright?”
Gilvas turned, apparently on the point of snapping something acerbic and defensive at you, but he caught himself in time and paused, throat working. The dark red birthmark on his neck moved and shifted like ink in water. If asked, you’d have said he was nervous. “I… I was wondering if you would take tea with me on the terrace today.”
You froze. Of all the things you’d been expecting from him, that had not been it. “Uh…” you began artlessly.
“Or not. You don’t have to,” he blurted, turning away. “Stupid idea anyway.”
“Wait,” you laughed, relief washing through you. “Wait. I’d love to. I was just surprised, that’s all.”
If you’d been surprised, it was nothing to the expression on Chiara’s face when he summoned her to the library with a little bell pull that you’d not spotted before.
“You… You want to take tea… You want to take tea outside…?” the harpy repeated, looking unsteady on her clawed feet.
As if he’d just realised how unusual it was, his expression went blank, his four ruby eyes going dull, and he seemed to deflate. Gone was the intimidating, sharp-edged lord of the manor, and in his place you saw a vulnerable, shattered widower, with no one to talk to and rusty social skills.
Reading her master well enough, Chiara schooled her features into something resembling their usual sternness, and she nodded. “Of course. I will have it set up for you and…” she looked at you with her golden eyes and you tried not to shrink away. “For the both of you.”
“Thank you,” you said, and she nodded, departing.
“I think I gave her quite the shock,” he muttered, half smirking.
With a snort, you said, “We’re just going to have to find more ways to surprise them.”
“Your staff,” you said. “It’s clear that they all respect you, and they enjoy working here - well, obviously I can’t speak for all of them, but I have supper with Mr. Ambleside and his son almost every night. I don’t get the impression that they’d object to seeing a bit more of their mysterious master from time to time.”
“It’s been so long,” he croaked. “I… I’ve hidden myself away up here. I… I don’t remember — I mean…” he broke off and you noticed how glassy his eyes were.
Cautiously, you approached him and laid your hand on his foremost right leg. It was smooth like glass, and cold. It felt extremely brittle, though you knew the chitin was pretty tough. Your eyes nearly drifted to the empty stump on his right side though, and you suppressed a shiver. It wasn’t that tough. He shuddered and you nearly retracted your touch. “Sounds like you could use a friend to take tea with every now and again…” you said gently.
“I’d like that,” he said. “If… If you could bear it.”
“Bear it?” you repeated. “Please. I wouldn’t have accepted if it wasn’t something I didn’t already want to do.”
Gilvas fixed you with a piercing red gaze, making the blood-dark streak of his hair and the swirling birthmark stand out in vivid detail. “No,” he mused slowly, his legs and spider body relaxing a little into your touch like a great machine coming to rest. “I don’t suppose you would.”
Tea on the terrace became a daily fixture, weather permitting, and on the first day it was rained off, he asked you into a small drawing room on the ground floor that you’d never been in before.
Four and a half months into your stay, he leaned over the table and poured you another cup with shaking hands. He always shook, you realised, though the tremors worsened when he grew agitated or emotional. If Naril was right, he was about ten years older than you, and while at times he seemed youthful and almost playful when you got him talking about one of his interests - mathematics was a particular favourite of his - there were times when he seemed stiff and tired, and much, much older than you; and older than he truly was. He carried the weight of his grief around with him everywhere, dragging at him like chains, rattling in the quiet corridors of his mind and reminding him of his heartache. He never went too long with a smile on his face, the expression often shattering or sliding off his face to leave a brittle mask behind.
“Gilvas?” you asked as he set the teapot down on the tray with a rattle. “Everything alright?”
“You’re too perceptive by half,” he grumbled. “I wanted to ask you to dine with me tonight.”
“Oh,” you breathed, taken off-guard.
“You sound disappointed,” he said a slight huff to his tone.
Conflicted, you said, “It’s Naril’s birthday. He’s celebrating with the rest of the staff and some of his friends tonight, and he asked me to join him…”
“Then you must go, obviously,” he said. After a pause he added, “Naril is the one who tends to the gardens, is he not?”
“Mmm. He’s a firbolg.”
“My father always hired firbolgs for their way with nature. I’d forgotten that Ambleside has a child. How old is he?”
“About my age, I suppose?”
Whether or not he was aware of it, Gilvas’ face shuttered at that. With a sigh, he shifted his already vague gaze to the huge patio windows beside you and stared out at the gardens beyond. It had been raining earlier, but it had cleared up now to leave broad puddles flashing in the sunlight on the terrace. “I think I will go for a walk through the gardens this evening before sunset…”
“You want some company?” you asked, but he shook his head.
“No. Thank you.”
Naril’s party was just rowdy enough to be fun without straying too far into unruliness, and you stayed up late in the kitchens, laughing and joking with him and his father, who, it turned out, had quite the sense of humour with a few glasses of wine in him. Eloise, the maid, also joined you, and a few friends of Naril’s who lived in Starfall Springs. The laughter continued long into the night, until his friends from town announced that it was time to head back just shy of one in the morning.
Waving them off at the end of the night, still buzzing with the unusually vibrant evening, you and Naril turned from the upper gates and walked back to the house. In the dark, the firbolg could see much better than you, so he let you loop your arm amicably through his to stop yourself stumbling on the uneven driveway.
Just as you stepped back into the kitchen, he cracked a good-natured joke at your expense, recalling a moment from earlier in the evening, and you nearly fell about laughing. “Oh my gods,” you wheezed as you clung to his arm to stop yourself tripping up the step. “You’re never going to let that go, are you?”
“Nope,” he said, popping the plosive consonant with a chuckle. “You’re far too easy to tease. I —” he cut off suddenly, expression falling. His eyes were wide and he was staring at a point on the far side of the kitchen.
You looked up and found the hulking shape of a drider standing silhouetted in the dark doorway. “Forgive me,” Gilvas said stiffly, jaw working. “I came for a brandy. I thought you’d all turned in for the night.”
You blurted, “Gilvas?” at the same time as Naril whispered, “My lord?”
“Forget it,” he said, turning abruptly in the wide doorway. “I hope you enjoyed your evening together.”
Even after the door slammed behind him - the gesture leaving a sour taste in your mouth - neither you nor Naril spoke.
Finally it was Naril who broke the silence. “I’ve never seen him before…” he murmured, awestruck at the encounter. “He looks dreadful. Perhaps he is sick after all?”
“He doesn’t look as dreadful as he looked three months ago,” Chiara’s unexpected voice said tartly from the pantry to your left where she’d apparently been occupied, stowing away the remnants of the uneaten food.
You swallowed. “Well… I… uh… I guess I’d better head back. Thanks for tonight,” you said, hugging Naril briefly. “Happy birthday. I’m sorry I didn’t have anything to give you… It’s not as if I can go into town or anything from here…”
“Couldn’t you ask your friend to pick you up,” he said. “You know, the one you phone every Friday?”
Despite having phoned Damien every week since arriving, you’d never even thought of asking him to drive all the way out here and pick you up for the weekend. He’d probably do it though if you asked. “I guess I could…”
The idea took root in your mind, and as you took your break the next day, you used the house’s landline to call Damien’s shop since he’d be at work too.
“Hey!” he chuckled. “You don’t normally phone today. How’s things at the Spookville Court?”
“Don't call it that,” you scoffed. “It’s fine. Listen, I haven’t got long, but I was wondering if maybe you’d be free this weekend…? I know it’s not exactly a short drive, but I’d kind of like to get out of here for the weekend…”
There was a pause while he checked his calendar. “Sure,” he said. “I can pick you up on Friday night if you like?”
“You don't have plans?”
“I was gonna grab a beer with Sarrigan since he’s in town,” he admitted, “But maybe if you can get away early, we could go together?”
“I don’t see why I couldn’t…” you said. No one was monitoring your hours after all, and it wasn’t as if you hadn’t made huge inroads into the project already.
You grinned and practically flung yourself at him when Damien’s truck drew up outside your cottage on the far side of the courtyard. The wide expanse of gravel sat on the side of the house with the servants’ entrance, and was overlooked by the back of the mansion.
“I missed you!” you laughed, letting the colossal orc spin you easily in a circle. “You still smell like chocolate,” you said as his immensely long, black plait caught you in the face.
“Just proves I’m sweet,” he joked, and you groaned, smacking him in the chest with the back of your hand as he set you down.
“That was a bad pun, even for you.”
“You ready?” he asked.
“You don’t want to stretch your legs first? You’ve literally just got here.” He shook his head, but did nip inside your apartment for a drink of water and a bathroom break. While he was gone, you leaned against his truck and looked up at the trees above you. The height of summer was fading to the bronze of autumn now, and a few coppery leaves rained down around you like confetti, spiralling through the air that promised a change of season soon.
“Ready?” he asked, swinging your overnight bag easily into the truck and helping you up the enormous step into the cab.
As you drove away, you glanced up at the house and caught the glint of sun on a window as it closed on one of the upper storeys, but you soon forgot about the house as Damien began to regale you with stories of your friends’ antics.
With Widowsweb Court in the rear view mirror, you sighed and settled into the comfy seat, letting Damien talk as the house dwindled to nothing behind you. It felt good to be away from the limited confines of the estate, but as you looked forward to a weekend in Starfall Springs with your friends, something nagged at the back of your mind, like a caught thread pulling in the sleeve of a favourite sweater…
Your whole weekend in Starfall Springs was like the first breath of fresh garden air after a day spent in the dusty library of Widowsweb Court.
Damien had taken you to the Inglenook Inn that first night, where he, Sarrigan, their respective partners, plus a mothman named Merritt whom you’d met a few times before, and a couple of your other friends were gathered, and the lot of you talked late into the night. There were a lot of questions about Widowsweb Court, but you mostly focused on the work and describing the house and gardens to them. Somehow it felt disrespectful - an invasion of his privacy - to talk about Gilvas much.
As you left the pub to walk back to your modest apartment at the north end of the town, Sarrigan caught up with you. As he scuttled up to you, you were struck suddenly by the difference between him and Gilvas. Sarrigan Silkfoot’s silver-banded fur rippled in the moonlight, ruffled by the night breezes, where Gilvas’ spider body was black, hard, and shiny as black lacquer, and where Gilvas’ legs moved like articulated, curved daggers, Sarrigan’s were chunky and muscular and unbelievably fuzzy, ending in a little hooked and almost dainty talon. Gilvas’ legs ended in wicked points, sharp and slender as paring knives, and his fangs probably carried a deadly venom, where Sarrigan’s smile held only jollity. Gilvas also had no mandibles, where Sarrigan’s hardware clicked and chittered with his emotions.
“Listen,” he said as he fell into a near-silent step beside you. “I know you’ve not got any reception up there at Widowsweb, so I haven’t been able to get in touch by text or whatever, but I just wanted to ask you - away from the others - how it’s going. With my family’s history with theirs, I did some digging into the Widowsweb estate and the family…”
“You did?” You weren’t sure whether to be offended or curious, but in the end, the latter won out. “What did you find?”
“Just tragedy. Lately anyway. Earlier generations seem to have done ok, but… you should look him up.”
“Who, Gilvas?”
He nodded.
“You mean the fire?”
Again, he nodded, shuffling nervously. “The police think he started it, but they could never prove it.”
You scowled, horrified and hurt. “Sarrigan, I’ve met him. He doesn't seem like the type to murder his family - and his unhatched children too?” You shook your head, appalled, stomach roiling. “He’s devastated… rarely talks about them, and when he does… he’s close to tears. I think he lost a leg in the fire too.”
Sarrigan’s handsome face remained harsh and he clicked his mandibles pensively. Finally, he sighed. “Just… be careful, ok? The articles I found all said he had a nasty temper, and that since his wife’s death, he fired all the staff and turned into some kind of recluse…”
“They’ve got the last bit right,” you said, “But not the first.” He did have a short fuse though. “Thanks for looking out for me, Sarrigan, but I’m not worried.”
He nodded once. “I’m sorry if I overstepped.”
You shook your head and parted from him with a warm hug. “I appreciate it, but trust me… Gilvas isn’t some cruel, violent lunatic. He’s an isolated widower who’s never learned how to move past his grief.”
To your relief, Sarrigan seemed to take you at your word, and left you at your door looking happier for having aired his anxieties, and in turn having had them laid to rest.
The remainder of your weekend passed without incident, but you couldn’t get Sarrigan’s words out of your head. If he’d been painted by the press at the time as some kind of violent monster, it was no wonder that Gilvas had hidden himself away on his estate and never spoke to anyone.
On the Sunday of your weekend away, you met up with a few friends at Damien’s cafe for breakfast, and spent the better part of the day while the sun was out browsing the marketplace. As you passed a carpenter’s stall, your eye was drawn by a number of carved, wooden puzzle boxes. The satyr who had made them was demonstrating how one of them worked to a small crowed of fascinated onlookers, and when he finished, finally sliding the last section of wood free, the lid sprang open to reveal the empty chamber inside, and everyone applauded.
Fascinated, you realised what a tactile thing the boxes were, and suddenly thought of Gilvas. With his reduced sight, he relied a lot on his sense of touch. On a whim, you bought one and had it wrapped neatly in brown paper by the satyr. Thanking him, you headed home and packed up, bringing with you a few new clothes and a few more things to occupy your evenings.
Bouncing back up the driveway in Damien’s truck that evening, you couldn’t miss the looks the orc tossed you sidelong, and as you drew to a halt in the courtyard again, he stayed put in his seat and asked, “Are you really alright here? It’s so remote…”
“It’s fine,” you said. “I love the work, and the people are kind. I promise I’ll ring you the moment I’m unhappy, but for now, I’m honestly loving it. I’ve never had a better or more fulfilling job, Damien. I can’t believe I’ve got so little time left really…” You paused and sighed. “I almost don’t want to leave.”
He bowed his head and backed off, though not without pulling you half into his lap for a bone-crushing hug first. “Take care, OK?” he grunted before releasing you.
“You sure you won’t stay for some supper?” you asked as you slithered out of your side of the cab and landed on the gravel. “I bet you’d love Naril.”
“I can’t,” he said with a regretful grimace. “I need to get back to prep the shop for next week. Another time?”
You nodded. “Drive safely.”
For the entire week following your return to Widowsweb Court, you didn’t see even the slightest glimpse of Gilvas.
There was no trace of his having been in the library at all, and the secret panel at the rear of the room stayed firmly shut. You didn’t think it was your place to go wandering the corridors again, and although you continued to take a mug of tea out onto the terrace every afternoon, it was hardly the spread of High Tea that you had shared with him every day for months. The whole place seemed empty without his presence now, reminding you of your very first week there, when every shadow and doorway had loomed ominously large before you.
Finally, at the end of the week, you ran in to Chiara on your way back down and you paused to let her past with an armful of linen. “Chiara, is… is Gilvas around? Is he alright?”
She narrowed her eyes and tutted softly at you. “None of your concern,” she snipped at you before bustling off.
You stood there, mute and surprised.
It definitely didn’t sound like he was alright, but what were you to him, really? You thought of the box stowed away in your room, waiting for the right time to be brought out and given to him, and suddenly felt foolish. You’d known him for a matter of months. He was a lord, with land and a title; he had a whole household full of things already, and you were just there to reorganise his library. He’d probably already forgotten about you.
You worked solidly through the morning again the next day, but didn’t feel hungry enough to go down to lunch. You continued on through the day, pausing only to sip from your water bottle before heading back up the ladders time and time again with armfuls of books. It was exhausting. There was no trace of the webbing he’d used to catch you, and since there was also no sign of him, you made sure to take extra care going up and down.
With a sigh you finally set down the last of the hagiographies at eight o’clock that night, and put your hands to the small of your back, grunting. Dusty, tired, stiff, and still oddly demoralised, you thought you heard the creak of a door from the back of the library, but you’d barely dared to hope before the main doors opened and Naril stumped in, looking terribly out of place and awkward in his gardening overalls. He had mud on his trousers, but his boots had been scraped clean.
He sighed your name in obvious relief when he spotted you. “You ok?” he asked.
“Fine, why?” you frowned as you turned to face him, still with your palms pressed to the small of your back.
“You didn’t come to lunch, and you missed supper as well. I was worried about you.”
You smiled and dropped your hands to your sides. “I’m fine. I just… haven’t felt like myself lately. Thank you though.”
An awkward silence hung between you, and he scratched the back of his head. “Right. Well, there’s… uh… stuff in the larder and fridge if… if you get hungry. I just wanted to make sure you hadn’t been crushed by a ton of books or something.”
With a chuckle, you said, “This isn’t The Mummy you know? People do actually secure their bookshelves…”
He laughed briefly and headed for the doors again. “Seriously though… Are you sure you’re ok?” he asked, ears waggling.
“I’ve… I’ve got a lot on my mind, that’s all.”
“Ok,” he said, green eyes wide and glassy. “Well, you can always talk to me. What are friends for, right?”
“Right. Thank you, Naril.”
He nodded, and left.
In the silent stillness of the library, you sank with a heavy sigh into one of the nearby chairs and let your palm cradle your chin, with your elbow planted on the wood of the table. When had this place started to feel so sad again? It was as if the gloom was seeping back into the fabric of the place like a sponge soaking up ink.  
About a minute later, a familiar movement caught your attention and you looked up to find Gilvas standing beside a bookshelf. He was tilting his head in that way that meant he couldn’t see you in the dim light, but he knew you were still there.
“I’m here,” you said quietly, hardly daring to move in case he scuttled away.
Locking onto your voice, he moved with expert familiarity round the library and came to a halt near your table. The only light now came from a lamp one shelf over. “I… I overheard…” he began stiffly. His red gaze sailed right over your head, so it was clear that he couldn’t see you, even this close up. “Is… I mean… Are you alright?”
“Could ask the same of you,” you said wryly, eyeing the dark shadows under his eyes and the tightness around his mouth. “I haven’t seen you in ages.” He looked dreadful again, as if he’d hardly eaten anything in the interim.
“Been better, I suppose,” he said. “The firbolg said you haven’t eaten today… is that right?”
“Should we raid the kitchen together?”
You smiled. “You haven’t eaten either I take it…”
He shook his head.
Standing, you swayed as a head rush washed over you and you let out a tiny grunt of surprise, grabbing the back of the chair.
With a scowl, he stepped closer. “Alright?” He steadied you, his hand finding your waist and lingering there.
“I missed you,” you breathed unthinkingly as you stared up at him.
Gilvas froze and then let out a rough exhale, withdrawing a few paces. “You did?”
“Mmm. I have something for you too, from Starfall, but it’s back in my room. I… I’d started to think I wasn’t going to see you again…”
“I’m sorry,” he said, his fingers curling briefly into fists at his side. “I… I rather let the melancholy take over again.”
“Why?” you asked, stepping closer to him. His ear followed you and he narrowed his eyes. You got the impression that you’d just stepped into his limited field of vision and he could now make out your silhouette in the shadowy library.
The lord of Widowsweb Court gave a bitter, brittle laugh and turned away, legs moving in sequence like a windup toy. “I think I misled myself,” he said eventually.
Your brows knitted and you closed the distance between you, laying your hand boldly on his cool, obsidian foreleg again. As before, he shivered, but he didn't pull away. “What do you mean?”
“I suppose I got carried away - this past month in particular,” he said in his rough baritone.
“I don’t understand.”
“Of course you don’t,” he said, that cut-glass edge returning to his voice. “You don’t know what it was like before you came here; before you —” he stopped himself but then took a breath and continued in barely a whisper, the consonants softly articulated. You had to lean in closer to hear him. “Before you brought the light back to this place.” His voice cracked as he added, “And you took it with you.”
“Gilvas…” you gasped, shocked by his tone.
“I know,” he growled. “It’s inappropriate of me, and melodramatic. You were only gone for two days. But it’s the truth. I got so swept up in spending time with someone again — in… in enjoying myself — that I somehow forgot that you have a whole life outside of our brief interactions here, beyond these walls…”
“Naril's birthday…” you breathed and he nodded. He’d stumbled upon you and Naril sharing a laugh and a close touch at his birthday and had assumed from the physical closeness that there was something more than friendship between you. That had been the last time you’d seen him.
Then he shook his head in disgust and sneered self-deprecatingly, “It’s as though I became a teenager again - spoilt and sour and… everything I loathe about myself.”
He backed away out of your grip until his huge carapace nudged against the shelf behind him and he went still again. Trapped between you and the books, he breathed heavily for a moment through his aquiline nose. Your heart was beating in your throat but you kept quiet.
“I have a nasty, possessive side,” he said, scowling. “I’d almost forgotten about it, but as — I hesitate to call it a friendship… I’m not sure what we had between us — but whatever it was grew, I came to think of you as… mine. And then I saw you laughing with him and… I remembered that you’re not mine at all. I have no right to make those kinds of disgusting demands or claims. You’re not mine — you’re not anyone’s but your own person. I forgot myself, and I hated myself for it.”
He was jealous.
Gilvas was jealous that you’d been laughing with Naril that night. Despite the anguish on his face, you had to smile. When he heard you chuckle softly, he growled at you again, deep and rich and animalistic. Defensive. That was all it was; defensive bluster.
“It’s true that Naril has come to be my friend here,” you said, moving carefully closer to him now that he couldn’t back away any more. “But I thought about you all weekend while I was away. I couldn’t get you out of my head. When my friend Sarrigan —”
“— Silkfoot?” he interrupted with a sneer. “‘Sarrigan’ is an old Silkfoot name…”
“Yes. Sarrigan Silkfoot is a friend of mine,” you said carefully, noting the lingering displeasure in his features. “He’s currently dating a human, and my best friend, Damien, is also very much in love with a human. If you’re worried about what previous generations of Silkfoots thought about relationships between species, you needn’t worry. The current heir to the family - Sarrigan’s older brother - has even recently married a human. Things have moved on since the founding of Widowsweb…”
His chest heaved and he sank lower so that his pendulous spider’s body was only a few inches above the ground, and his torso and head were almost on a level with yours. “I’ve hidden myself away too long,” he whispered, more to himself than to you.
Taking a final step over to him, you stood in the space between his deadly front legs. It felt suddenly intimate in the extreme, and you reached your palm out and laid it on his chest. He flinched, but let you talk.
“Sarrigan told me a bit more about the papers said… about the circumstances of the fire… about what people believed at the time…” you said carefully, and Gilvas’ face darkened dangerously. “But I got to know you before I’d heard that, and I can’t believe you would have started it. I can’t believe anyone thought that of you.” You placed your left palm to mirror your right and felt the way his chest heaved with emotion as he listened. “You’re a good person, Gilvas. I told my friends that, and they believed me. And I think you’ve suffered alone for long enough.”
Gilvas’ expression shattered and he leaned forwards and drew you into his arms. “I don't want you to leave…” he whispered into your hair as he held you close. He smelled like books and sandalwood, warm and comforting, and you let your arms snake around his waist.
“I don't have anything else lined up for after I finish here,” you said without letting go. He was gently inhaling the scent of you, you realised, and you let him hold you, drawing comfort from the warmth of your body. “And I told you there’s a lifetime’s worth of work to do on this library…”
“I could renew your contract,” he said. “Or… Or you could… No. I don't want you to feel… obliged…” he said, swallowing thickly and drawing sharply back from your embrace as if you’d burned him. “If I’m paying you —” his face buckled into a sour grimace and he lurched slightly further away from you. “I don’t want to pay you to stay here…” he spat as if the idea thoroughly disgusted him.
You laughed. “I own my apartment in Starfall. I could rent it out for some income, and come and live here with you. That way… there’s no imbalance…”
“Yes,” he nodded breathlessly, hardly daring to believe what he was hearing. “Yes, that’s… that’s good. And if you still have your apartment, you can… I mean… there will be somewhere for you… if… if you decide…”
“Stop,” you said. “Don’t push me away again.”
The drider took a huge inhale and nodded. Then he licked his lips nervously and said, “You know, we were going to raid the kitchen before we went down this path. You shouldn’t make any rash decisions on an empty stomach.”
“An excellent point,” you said with mock seriousness. “Let’s go.”
Over a rather strange and cobbled-together supper of leftovers scrounged from the pantry, eaten at the scrubbed wooden table in the kitchen, Gilvas stayed almost completely silent. At first, you thought he was just concentrating on eating, being particularly careful about his movements since he didn’t see as clearly as you did, but after a while, you discovered the crinkle in his brow and noticed the tremor in his fingers again.
“Wait here,” you said, pushing back from the table and touching the back of his hand briefly. He was always so cold.
“Where are you going?” he barked, tense.
With a giggle, you said, “Trust me. I’ll be right back.”
And with that, you vanished out of the back door and scuttled over the gravel to the little apartment above the old stable block where you’d been staying for the past few months. Minutes later, you returned to find him exactly where you’d left him, scowling at his food.
He looked up sharply as you reentered, and you watched his shoulders drop with relief a split second later when he figured out that it was you.
“Here,” you said, holding out the brown paper parcel to him, touching it to the back of his fingers in case he couldn’t see it.
In moments, it was obvious to you that he couldn’t, because his fingertips trailed along the edges, looking for a way into the parcel. “What is it?” he asked warily, shifting his head from side to side.
“You’ll find out. I saw them being made in the marketplace, and I think with your sense of touch you’ll probably have an advantage over someone with sharper vision…”
At that, his frown deepened, though not from discomfort. He was openly curious now, and he got to work on the wrappings, abandoning them to one side. “A box?” he murmured when he’d run his fingers all the way around it. Watching him, you suddenly felt a thrum of desire go right through you. You wanted him to do that to your body, to explore you by touch, and you barely bit back a moan as the force of it swept through you.
He paused and turned his face towards you expectantly.
“Yeah,” you croaked. “It’s a puzzle box. It’s all inlaid with different types of wood, and there are a few panels and sections that you have to slide in the right order to open it.”
At that, his face cracked into a gorgeous, open, delighted grin and your heart slipped sideways in your chest at the youthfulness it lent to his features. “I used to love these as a child,” he said. “Thank you.”
He moved then, obviously not having been sitting on a chair like you, and found his way faultlessly around the kitchen to where you were seated opposite him. The little inlaid box lay to one side on the table while he took your hands in his and squeezed your knuckles fondly, earnestly.
“Thank you,” he rasped again.
You raised your chin and he let go of you with his right hand and brought it up to cup your left cheek in his cool palm. His thumb traced an arc across your skin and you shivered, exhaling and breathing hard. “Gilvas…” you whispered, want burning inside you inside you like a flare. You didn’t want to push him or rush him, but if he didn’t kiss you in the next three seconds, you thought you might just wither up and die on the spot.
Mercifully, he leaned down, tilting your chin upwards to meet his lips. His kiss was soft, his lips cool and hesitant, but the moment you let a little moan of pleasure escape you, he deepened the kiss. His long fingers scrunched in your hair and he closed his red eyes with a flutter of long lashes. His two forelegs rose up slightly for balance as his body rocked downwards and he pulled back with a gasp, chest heaving again. “I want you,” he whispered hoarsely, looking suddenly shy.
You grinned and stood. “I want you too…”
Gilvas led you through the house, pausing with endearing frequency to kiss you breathless against almost every spare surface that wasn’t covered by paintings or suits of armour or priceless vases on precarious pedestals, and finally he backed you up against the double doors to a bedroom on the fourth floor, and picked you up so that you had to latch your legs around his waist at the point where his humanoid torso met his spider’s body. You ground yourself against him as he kissed you over and over, his long hair falling around your face in a black and red curtain.
With one foreleg, he delicately pushed the handle down and nudged the doors open. Still holding you, he drew your top off over your head, discarding it to one side as he carried you across the room and deposited you onto a massive bed. It bounced and flexed beneath you, and as you looked around you discovered that it was not a bed, but a thick and intricately woven web slung between the two perpendicular walls of the far corner of the room. You leaned back into it, feeling the soft silken strands flex slightly beneath you, and looked up to see Gilvas’ silhouette in the darkness of the room.
The moon shone through an open window to your right, painting fine silver highlights to the gleaming lacquer of his carapace and needle-like legs, and in the moonlight, you saw that he was dripping webbing onto the floor from the gland at the tip of his spider’s abdomen. You knew enough about driders to know that when they got really aroused, they often leaked webbing like this. Male driders did not mate the way many other beings did, but that didn't put you off. You wanted him - his pleasure, his ecstasy, his noises, his joy…
It did make him suddenly nervous though, as if he’d only just realised that you might be expecting him to penetrate you, and with his anatomy, he couldn’t.
“Gilvas?” you asked, reaching up for him where he still loomed hesitantly above you. “Come here… let me take care of you…”
“I…” he began, but he let you draw him down onto the soft, smooth webbing. His legs ended in those dazzlingly sharp points, and he seemed to dance across the webs like a circus performer on a high wire. He lowered himself down atop you and you kissed him again. His hands skated over your hips and he drew the rest of your clothes off to abandon them beside his bed.
Seeking friction, he carefully slid his slick abdomen against your legs and shivered, moaning. “You’re so warm,” he whispered, head bowing forwards as he rested on his elbows, one on either side of your body. “I can’t believe how warm you are… it’s… it…”
“Does it feel good?” you asked, raking your fingers through his long hair and he nodded wordlessly. “Can you roll over?” you asked.
“Oh gods,” he gasped, clearly aroused by the idea, and nodded.
It wasn’t the most elegant manoeuvres, but once he was on his back with his legs curled upwards like a black, clawed hand, you sat in the gap where his one missing leg should have been, and ran your hand over the smoothness of his underbelly. In no time you discovered the slit in his lower body that was leaking slick, pearlescent fluid all over himself.
“Oh!” he yelled, spine curling and legs twitching as you traced your fingertips around the softer inner walls of the slit. Where the rest of his body was cool and hard, there he was almost searingly hot, the inner walls silky and slick. “Oh gods, oh gods… oh gods…” he chanted in time with your motions, his whole body twitching and making the webbing rock beneath him.
The tendons of his neck stood out in glorious contrast beneath the watercolour birthmark as he clenched his jaw and rammed his eyes shut, lost in the sensations. His fingers scrabbled at the web of his bed and he rocked and shivered and arched into your touch as you worked him closer and closer. You knew he was going to make a mess when he came, and you felt your whole body flush hot at the thought of finally getting him to let go of all his tight control and insecurities, to give himself over to the simple, honest pleasure you were offering to give him.
The thought of that was almost enough to make you come yourself, but you focused on him until he growled softly.
“I want…” he began but cut off as you grazed a spot inside him unexpectedly with a fingertip that made him bellow wordlessly. “Fuck…” he hissed when he’d recovered, head lolling back again, and you grinned at the curse on his aristocratic tongue. “Wait…” he panted. “I want… I want to touch you… before I… before you make me…” he growled again in frustration. “I’ll only be able to… to… come once… please… let me…” Hearing him lose control of his words like that in the face of his arousal only made it all the more endearing.
“You can touch me,” you said coyly without changing anything, but when he genuinely snarled, sounding more like a werewolf than a drider, you laughed and leaned closer to him.
His cool fingers dug into your arms as he tugged you tight against his body, pulling you down to lie atop him along the length of his belly and humanoid stomach, and you ground yourself against him for a little relief. His hand slid down your body, down your side, and before you could think, he was pleasuring you. “Let me,” he hissed when you tensed a little, revealing his venomous fangs as a flash of white in the dimness when you tried to pull back to finish him.
“But I wanted to make you come,” you pouted, and he actually laughed at that, four red eyes closing and crinkling softly in the corners with genuine amusement at your disgruntlement.
“Too bad,” he groused. “I want to watch you first.”
“Fair enough,” you grunted as he caught you just so and you rocked against him. “I’m so close…” and you really were. His touch was relentless, demanding your pleasure in return for the sensations you’d just given him.
“I know,” he snarled right in your ear, teeth - the non-venomous ones you hoped - just grazing the shell of your ear. “I can smell it on you.”
And with that, you came unexpectedly hard, crashing into your release and clinging to him. He eased you through it and when you lay panting and spent on his chest, he moved his hand to his mouth and cleaned himself luxuriantly, obviously enjoying the taste of you on his skin.
After that, he seemed softer and more relaxed, and when you’d recovered enough to get your legs back under you and return your attentions to his body, he finally seemed to have allowed himself this connection to another person. His body heaved and rocked rhythmically, his legs knocking nonchalantly against each other as he spasmed and moaned, and as he grew wetter and slicker around your hand, and his inner walls began to clench and shiver in a distinct cadence, you knew he was getting close. He was also giving you the most delicious sounds; gasping and cursing, grunting and even wailing softly at times when you slowed your touches to a barely-there whisper against him.
Eventually though, he began to rock against you in earnest, and you felt his release coming as a rapidly-building wave, gathering momentum until it finally ripped through him like a wildfire. White release gushed from his entrance and covered your hand, rolling down the sleek, shiny carapace to soak into the webbing while his body heaved and convulsed with pleasure. He made no sound, his face contorted in a rictus of pleasure as he gave everything he had to you, his hands gripping the webbing as he released in messy waves all over himself and you.
Finally as the pleasure faded to something gentler and less intense, he lay back, motionless on his bed, muscles completely slack, face soft, breathing quiet.
“Mmm?” he hummed without moving.
“You alright?”
Weak and completely spent, he lay there unmoving for a long time while you gently trailed your fingers around his still clenching slit as aftershocks of pleasure rippled through him. Eventually, you wiped your hand clean on the webs beside him and shuffled up to lie beside him. He still looked absolutely exhausted and drained, and you sat there a long time just watching him.
After a very long time, he mustered the energy to open one arm to you and you nuzzled in against his bare shoulder. His breath hissed softly through his slack jaw and he pressed a shy kiss to the top of your head. “See why I wanted… to make you… to make you come first?” he whispered, words heavily slurred and indistinct.
You nodded and shifted to drape your arm across his chest and draw idle patterns over the bare skin of his white torso.
His skin was starkly pale in the moonlight, and as you stared at him, you realised he’d probably relied solely on touch for the whole time you’d been in the room. You smiled and pressed a kiss to his jutting collarbone, making him inhale sharply.
He was still too thin, still obviously not taking care of himself properly, but, you thought, if he’d trusted you and let you in to this extent, perhaps you could both take care of each other now.
“Penny for your thoughts?” he whispered after another long while of silence and closeness in the dark.
“Just thinking how good this feels,” you said honestly. “And how I could lie like this forever… Or at least… until you’re ready to go again.”
He snorted, taken off-guard. “Won’t be for a very long while,” he said bashfully. “Driders don’t recover quickly. Not the male ones, anyway.”
“I’m in no rush,” you said, laying your cheek back down on his cool skin and shivering as goosebumps rippled up your body.
He fumbled around on his other side and drew a large blanket up and over his body, careful to avoid the mess on his carapace, and let you snuggle up beneath it.
You’d have to wait for the dawn to go again though, because you were asleep in his arms in minutes.
Maybe we'll get to see more of them in the future, but for now, this four-part story is over. Thanks for your comments and enthusiasm for the cranky spooder boy!
I really hope you folks enjoyed this one! Don’t forget to let me know if you did enjoy it by leaving a like and/or reblogging it!
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Osamu, Sugawara and Kuroo w/ multiple babies
Request: HI YOU WRITE HAIKYUU NOW OMG! Chose whichever Hiakyuu boi you want honey i just want some more-than-one baby action. The reader is pregnant and they find out that they are having more than one baby. KOOMBAYAA. - anonymous
I LIKE YOUR ENERGY ANON. I already know who I’m going to write for and oh this is way too cute. I love twins. I wanna have twins. I wanted to be a twin but oh well. Love yaa. 💖💖💖
warnings: fluff, pregnancy
Miya Osamu
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-You two ran the shop as a happy married couple for the past couple of years now. 
-You stopped helping when the smell of the onigiri made you sick.
-Osamu believed that it was his fault, maybe his cooking was deteriorating. 
-But when he bought your favorite snack and you threw up, he knew that something was wrong. 
-Going to the doctor was the first course of action and boy were you shocked when you were given the news. 
- “It seems that you’re three weeks pregnant. That would explain the vomiting and your sensitivity to smell. Congratulations.”
-Osamu was so happy he even called his brother despite knowing that he would be at practice. 
-He’s so careful with you from that point on. 
-He cooks everything himself and tries new things trying to find what doesn’t trigger your vomiting. 
-Loves to feel the baby when you two are cuddling. 
-As much as he doesn’t want to bring it up he believes that you eat a lot. 
-Like a lot a lot. 
-He doesn’t want to tell you because your mood swings are starting to get worse and he hates seeing you cry. 
-So he tries being more sly and he arranges a doctor’s appointment. 
-His plan was to ask the doctor when you were out of earshot. 
-He didn’t get his chance immediately so he decided to ask after the sonogram. 
-Everything was fine until the doctor furrowed his brows and squinted at the screen. 
-You knew something must be wrong and you were starting to panic.
-Is the baby alright? 
-Is there a problem?
-You squeezed his hand and he reciprocated the action. 
-His own thoughts were running wild but he had to stay calm and collected.
-For both of you. 
- “Seems like....you’re going to have twins.” 
-You both let go of the breath you were holding and were about to celebrate when....
- “Actually no... triplets!! You’re having triplets.”
-The room was silent for a few moments. 
-Then the doctor points out each baby individually and congratulates you again. 
- “You’re in for a tough ride Mrs. Miya.”
-Osamu called Atsumu again in a state of shock. 
-It was like he was living in a haze and he can’t quite snap out of it. 
-His fingers were laced with yours as your other hand was rubbing your stomach, your mind going wild with the revelation. 
- “What do you want Samu you know-”
- “Triplets.”
- “What?”
- “We’re having triplets.”
- “WHAT?”
-The rest of the months were hectic. 
-The nursery had to be changed to fit three babies and you had to buy triple the supplies. 
-Your stomach was ready to explode by the ninth month and you were begging Osamu to do something to end this misery. 
-Then your babies were born and yall.....I’m wheezing. 
-Identical triplets???
-What are the odds????
-And they are all girls?????
-Excuse me are you playing a prank on their poor father?????
-He already was stressing over the fact that he might have a daughter and he would have to chase the boys away. 
-But now it was times three???????
-He is really happy though. 
-Atsumu buys them matching onesies.
-Power ranger onesies, Powerpuff girls onesies, Sailor moon onesies. 
-Anything that had a powerful trio really. 
-You did confuse them at times. 
-And when I say at times I mean all the time. 
-I see Osamu calling them food names.
-Like its Soba, Tofu and Onigiri. 
-When they get older and can help at the shop they become the mascots. 
-One is on the cashier, the other is taking orders and the last one is giving out the packages. 
-Plus everyone knows the Miyas from the infamous multiplying girl joke a critic made. 
-He gave his order to one Miya girl and then another one emerged from behind the counter and as he turned around he was met with another one bring supplies into the shop. 
-The man almost had a stroke. 
-They are angels though and are an immense help.
-They love their dad to death. 
-Good luck though trying to separate them when they start fighting. 
Sugawara Koushi
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-This sweetheart of a man.
-I love him so much.
-And so do you. 
-You have been trying for a baby for the past three months. 
-One morning you wake up and rush to the bathroom, throwing up. 
-You both knew what was going on but before you got too excited Koushi went to get a pregnancy test just to make sure. 
-When it came out positive you went out to celebrate with your friends from high school. 
-They were all so happy for you.
-Daichi and Asahi both promised to be the best uncles this baby will ever have while Kiyoko started planning baby shopping. 
-Everything was perfect, your morning sickness had died down as the months passed and your doctor assured you that everything was well. 
-During one of your appointments, Suga couldn’t make it being held back at the school because of a parent-teacher meet up, so you had gone on your own. 
-You were fine with it reassuring him that it was fine and you would update him when you were done. 
-So when the doctor said you were expecting twins everything started to turn.
-You didn’t know which one was the cause of this dizziness.
-The happy news or the shock from the news.
-You called Daichi to come pick you up because you didn’t want to bother Suga.
-Which was a stupid move since he would move a freaking mountain for you. 
-Suga called you later and asked you how it went. 
-He was met by just a plain ‘come home please.’
-He was panicking. 
-He was almost sure that something happened and you lost the baby. 
-But when he was met with all of his friends at home smiling with happy tears in their eyes, he knew that he should be expecting good news. 
-You skipped to him and kissed his lips, a large grin on your face. 
- “Do you remember how we said that we shouldn’t buy any baby clothes since we don’t know the gender yet?”
-He nodded at your words, waiting for you to tell him if he was going to be holding a little boy or a little girl in a few months. 
- “Well the wait was unnecessary, we’ll be needing both anyways.”
-It took him a few moments before the realization hit him. 
- “Twins.....We are having twins....Oh my god I love you so much.” 
-He picked you up and span you around once before carefully putting you down, tears cascading down his cheeks. 
-When the babies are born he is so damn happy. 
-The type of teacher who constantly shows photos of his kids.
-Since they are different genders you both get satisfied with having a child favoring you. 
-You have a daddy’s girl and a mamma’s boy. 
-They both love you equally in reality they just know who to ask when they want something. 
-Suga adores them. 
-And they adore him. 
-You have come home one too many times finding the three of them sleeping on the couch, the twins on his chest curled up into one another while their father’s arms circle them. 
-Adorable all three of them. 
Kuroo Tetsuro
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-You two already have one daughter.
-You have been together since the first year of university and your daughter was born while you two were 27.
-She wasn’t expected. 
-Kuroo wanted to marry you first and he was planning on doing so before you announced your pregnancy. 
-It caught him so off guard poor baby had to do a double take. 
-But he couldn’t be more glad for his babygirl. 
-He loved her so much.
-So much that he hated watching her grow up and soon leave his embrace. 
-That’s why you were now throwing up in your bathroom, a pregnancy test laying on the counter the two lines facing the ceiling. 
-Kuroo and your daughter were so excited. 
-Your daughter had no idea what was going on but her dad’s laugh and large smile was enough for her to start giggling and clapping. 
-Kuroo became extra careful with you, looking after your daughter and taking care of her more than you. 
- “You shouldn’t lift heavy things or bend down much.”
- “You mean she’s heavy?”
- “No no I didn’t-”
-Cue the waterworks.
-Your mood swings were bad during your first pregnancy and he wanted to forget those times. 
-His brain legit blocked  out those memories after your daughter was born. 
-So having those bad times in mind he tends to not provoke or piss you off. 
-All three of you went to your appointment, wanting your one year and a half year old to see her sibling. 
-Now since you already had an experience with sonograms you were looking for the small lump. 
-The thing is that you saw two small shadows .
-You were confused but just scratched it up to you not being able to clearly see your baby. 
- “It looks like you are carrying two babies Mrs. Kuroo.” 
-This man was both terrified and super excited. 
-Terrified because how would he deal with two rascals at once? 
-I mean your first daughter was already kind of a handful. 
-And excited because he was going to be blessed by two angels. 
-He immediately calls Kenma and Bokuto to share the news.
-They both drop by your house to give you their congratulations although Kenma’s did sound more like condolences. 
-Bokuto is over the moon because yay he was going to be an uncle again!!!
-Then they are born and everyone has a heart attack. 
-Identical girls. 
-He was leaving in a house with four women now. 
-Four women. 
-He is the type of dad to get them onesies with a 1 and a 2 on the back so he can tell them apart. 
-Suggests to give them different haircuts when their hair grows so they can actually tell them apart with some ease. 
-You see another problem you are facing are the similarities between those two and their older sister. 
-They are a year apart and while they are toddlers your first daughter is bigger than them. 
-But once they hit the ages 7,8,9 you have really try and tell all three of them apart. 
-They get confused for each other at school all the time. 
-By teachers  too. 
-Somehow they became friends with the Miya triplets and you should see them playing at the park. 
-It’s the most hilarious thing seeing the other parents trying to understand how many of them there truly are. 
-They see one Miya triplet accompanied by the Kuroo twins and then after like five minutes the see one Kuroo girl with two Miyas. 
-It’s confusion x6. 
-And if someone else has twins too???
-And they are spotted by the same face squad???
-You can add another set of identical faces in the mix. 
-The twins always buy the same clothes and have the same haircut so they can mess with everyone. 
-They always prank their uncle Bokuto with switching their clothes and pretending to be the other. 
-They force their sister into it too and now you are trying to understand which ones are the twins and which one is the eldest sister. 
-When you find out you’re pregnant again, Kuroo is begging for the baby to be different this time.
- “Please have a different face.”
-Little did he know......
-Poor guy. 
-When the girls go to the hospital while you have appointments they totally mess with yalls colleagues psychology. 
- “No i’m (first D/N)!!” says the youngest of the bunch. 
-A moving circus that’s what yall are. 
@brattyquirks​ @the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @reinyrei​
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