#anymore. or is it. i mean for god’s sake i can run three times a week but i don’t trust myself to be able to stand for hours
fingertipsmp3 · 2 months
Also I can’t figure out if my life genuinely does suck or I’m just having an existential crisis because my period starts in approximately 48 hours
#it does make me worse ngl. i wish i could just yeet my uterus#i was just starting to think about how all my days are the same and it’s boring and i’m boring#and i never see anybody or meet new people or make new friends#working from home is all well and good until it makes you want to [redacted]#and you all can say ‘just leave your house!’ as much as you want but living in a small town and having no car is not really conducive#to getting myself out there#i mean my town literally has about a dozen businesses and half of them are sad pubs. the others are like hair salon; co-op; church; butcher#2 takeaways. and yeah there’s parks but all of them are kind of dire#maybe i could start getting the bus places. going somewhere else. idk#i have been thinking about taking a trip but wherever i go i still take myself and it’s like i’m in this state of permanent malaise#too nervous to talk to anyone and too impatient to linger anywhere or enjoy anything#everything i do i rush through so i can do something else#and i think amongst it all i’m just reckoning with the fact that i’m never going to be remarkable. i mean neither is anyone else really#but i always thought i’d write a novel or become a college professor or something but i’m not smart enough and i don’t have enough words#or ideas in me. not really. i’m not a creative i’m just an imitator. always have been#and i could live with being unremarkable because we all are in the cosmic universe but i still don’t think i can live with rotting#in my hometown. but then it’s like how do i get out?#i signed up for an online course just to vary things a bit. just to get some enrichment in my enclosure#it’s this slow realisation that i thought i Wanted to work at home. i thought i liked the peace of it. just me and the computer screen#but no i like to work outside and then come back to my home as my sanctuary. i have to leave it sometimes to really appreciate it#but no one wants to hire me for an intellectual job because i’m not actually that smart. and my body is too broken to work in hospitality#anymore. or is it. i mean for god’s sake i can run three times a week but i don’t trust myself to be able to stand for hours#i’m thinking about throwing myself on the mercy of my old boss like hey. i fucked up. do you have any shifts for me? i’ll do weekends#i just don’t want to lose my fucking mind#maybe i’ll text her tomorrow. the worst thing she can say is no#personal
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imtryingbuck · 8 months
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~ gif not mine credit to owner ~
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Summary: Bucky overhears his girlfriend calling him clingy
Word count: 1243
Warnings: sad Bucky and swearing
A/N: whilst editing this I realised that Alpines a girl but just for the sake of this story we’re going to pretend she’s a boy🙃
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Bucky had a massive smile planted on his face as he left the bedroom he shares with his girlfriend and cat; he was so proud of himself for finally mastering online shopping - he just ordered a huge cat tree for Alpine. To others it wouldn’t have been important but for him it was an accomplishment he was excited to share with his girl.
With a little bounce in his step, he was about to turn the corner to where the common room was when he comes to a stop.
“-I’m telling you Nat it’s annoying” he smiles at the voice that has soothed him to sleep more times than one “he’s so clingy, always wanting to lay on me, always following me around, trying to kiss me whilst I’m eating! It’s like he always needs to be touching me at every given moment, God he’s so needy” his heart breaks not only at the words but at how frustrated she sounds. He really didn’t mean to be clingy and needy, there was no doubt in his or anyone’s minds that he was in love with her, everyone always mocked about how he was her shadow, but he didn’t care. Being her shadow was his way of showing her that he loves her and that he was always going to be there, that no one was ever going to hurt her. 
Not having the heart to hear the rest he turns around and walk back to their shared room, determination running through his veins he was going to change. He didn’t want to lose her. The last thing he hears is Natasha laughing.
“Y/N he’s a cat! He loves you” Natasha chuckles.
“Yeah but still… it’s annoying. Because the worst part is that he only does it when Bucky isn’t there” Nat tries really hard not to laugh at the pout on the other woman’s face. It doesn’t take long for both burst out laughing.
Throughout the week Y/n notices something wrong with Bucky, it wasn’t normal for him to be out of bed before her - not anymore at least - he didn’t want to cuddle up with her anymore, the kisses were quick. It was hurting her; she was missing him even though he was close by. It wasn’t just her that noticed Bucky’s strange behaviour.
“What’s going on with you and Mr grumpy pants?” Sam asks as he hands her a fresh cup of tea.
“I don’t know Sammy, he’s been distant this past week and I don’t know what I’ve done”
“Have you guys argued?”
“No” taking careful sips of the hot beverage “the last time we argued was when I took that bullet for him and that was like what three months ago? We only argued for about an hour before we made up.”
“Wait… seriously that was the last time you argued?”
“Yep, we don’t argue about anything. Yes, we have disagreements about everything and anything, but it never leads to us fighting. But we also come to a mutual agreement on whatever we’re disagreeing with.”
“Okay okay” he puts on his concentration face on as she always puts it “have you took any bullets for him recently?” chuckling when he receives a deadpan look.
“No Sam I haven’t taken any bullets for him recently” rolling her eyes as she sets the now empty cup down “I honestly don’t know what I’ve done, I miss him.”
Standing up and placing a kiss to her temple “Go and talk to him, it’s breaking my heart seeing you both sad and mopey.”
“I will, thanks Falc”
Instead of going to find Bucky she grabbed her coat and bag and headed down to the garage, once she was inside her car she drove to the store.
The bed was covered in all different kind of snacks and drinks, her plan was to sit him down and talk then they’ll spend the rest of the night in bed watching movies and filling their faces. Making her way out of the room she went to track down her boyfriend - finding him in the gym.
“Hi bubba, can you finish up here and come with me” instantly not liking how her voice sounds.
“Um okay just give me a minute.”
“Of course.”
“Im done, where we going.?” Bucky’s right hand twitches to reach out to hold hers but all he does is shoves it in his pocket.
“Back to our room. We need to talk Buck”
He was prepared to drop to his knees and beg for her not to break up with him, promises on the tip of his tongue that he’d change and be better. Before he could utter a word, they had arrived at their room. The door was closed softly behind them whilst his head was bowed downwards finding his shoes more interesting. 
“Buck I don’t know what I’ve done wrong but I’m sorry I don-“
“I heard you”
“I heard you talking to Nat about me being clingy and needy and annoying and I’m trying baby really I am. I gave you space, Im keeping distant because I love you and I don’t want you to break up with me an-“ 
“Bucky breath! Here sit down, focus on your breathing bubba” Moving him to sit on the sofa that was in their room, she knelt down in front of him going through his breathing exercises.
It took nearly 10 minutes for him to get his breathing under control, leaving him feeling more ashamed as always after he had a panic attack “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry” he manages to rasp out.
“I’ll tell you what I always tell you when you have panic attacks - don’t apologise. It’s okay bubba I promise, I’ve got you” taking his hands into hers so rubs her thumbs over his flesh and metal knuckles “I wasn’t talking about you that day Buck, I was talking about Alpine. He followed me and Nat into the common room and Nat made a comment, I was talking about how he only wants me when you’re not around. Oh bubba you actually thought I was talking about you?” Taking one of her hands from his she wipes the stray tear that rolls down his cheek as he nods “Bucky I love it when you’re all over me, I love knowing that I’m never alone because your always there. I have never once thought you was clingy not once! I love you Buck and I love the attention you give me and affection you show me. Please bubba understand that”
“I love you too” bringing up her hand in his metal one “I’m sorry for overreacting baby I should of spoken to you”
“Give me a kiss and all is forgiven” she grins cheekily.
He pulls her on to his lap and kisses her, both sighs contentedly as they share their first kiss in a week little pants of air leaves their lips once they detach from one another.
“I brought snacks and drinks so how about me and you get into bed watch movies, eat, cuddle and maybe some other activities?” She says with a suggestive tone with one eyebrow raised.
Bucky chuckles when a squeal interrupts him standing up.
The third film has finished, not like they were watching - to busy doing other activities - they lay tangled with one another. 
“I brought Alpine a new cat tree off the Amazon.”
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~ banners credit goes to @sweetpeapod ~
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salsakiyoomi · 11 months
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“so this is it? you’re just going to leave?” 
suna’s voice slightly breaks as he asks that question, he doesn’t know where he went wrong — when he went wrong for you to suddenly break up with him, like, for god’s sake, you've been dating for three years, what happened?
it hurts when you don’t answer, it hurts even more that you won’t meet his gaze with your face turned away from him, “come on, y/n, look at me.” he says pleadingly.
you don’t look at him, you’re not sure if it’s because you don’t want to see the desperate look in his eyes, or if it’s to hide the tears in your own, “i’m sorry, rin.” you say quietly, “this is just — it’s not working out, okay?”
“not working out?” he repeats back, his voice breaks again, “what do you mean? we’ve - we’ve been together for three years, we were happy, you were happy. what changed?”
the chilly december breeze blows against the two of you — you hug yourself as if seeking warmth, it was cold atop the rooftop of suna’s penthouse and you were starting to doubt if it was even a good idea to bring him up here for this.
you inhale in a shaky breath, “look, i just think we need a break, okay?” you don’t tell him it’s because you think he’s spending too much time at practice, or that it’s because he’s not giving you the attention you need, no more clinging to you on friday nights watching horror movies or that it’s because of the one too many nights out drinking with his friends and coming home with the overwhelming scent of a woman’s perfume completely engulfing him — you know suna would never cheat on you but the implication that he might’ve in the haze of the alcohol and the zero recollection in his hangover the next day leaves you doubting.
“a break? and then what? we’re just gonna get back together after you’re done cooling off?” the last part comes out a little harsher than he meant — he’s hurt, he doesn’t get it, you’re just going to leave with no reason whatsoever. 
he sighs, running a hand through his hair, “sorry, i…didn’t mean it like that.”
you still won’t look at him, and it hurts more than he would admit, “i just, i don’t get it.” he mumbles, almost like he’s talking to himself, “at least tell me why you’re leaving.” it comes out in a whisper, he doesn’t want to believe this is actually happening.
“i told you, rin, this just isn’t working out.” you say quietly, looking down on the city lights below, hugging your jacket — his jacket closer to yourself to keep your body warm as another harsh gust of wind blows.
he groans, “this isn’t a reason — come on, baby, we’re happy — ” he says but you cut him off “we were happy, rin. but this,” you finally turn around to look at him and gesture with your hand between the two of you — and suna doesn’t miss the tears brimming the corners of your eyes, “whatever this is now between us, this isn’t how we used to be — i just, i can’t do it anymore.” you say, your voice finally breaks, your cold resolve shattering.
“why?” he asks quietly, attempting to hold your gaze but you turn away from him, “i think you know why.” you murmur.
he doesn’t, he really doesn’t but he doesn’t think that there is a way to get you to back down from this anymore.
silence falls around the two of you like a heavy blanket that only makes the december night colder — he lets out a huff of air, turning around to look at the roof — the couch by the pool that the two of you used to sit by all the time, soft lips pressed against each other and sweet nothings whispered to one another, talking about a future the two of you would share as you got drunk on each other’s love.
he doesn’t think he can come back up here without thinking of you again.
“fine.” he finally says, breaking the silence, “if this is what you want then fine.”
he doesn’t mean that, he doesn’t want that — he wants to hold you in his arms and kiss you and tell you that he can fix this and that everything will be okay, he doesn’t want to let you go but he knows that he has to.
you nod your head, and you turn around to face him and he wonders if you’re hurt about this the same way he is.
“this is yours,” you mumble quietly as you begin to take off your jacket and he raises a hand to stop you, “keep it.” he says, “i don’t want it.” it’ll only remind him of you, as if everything else wouldn’t.
now it’s his turn to look away from you, he can’t bear it, the sight of you, your face or your hair or the blush that taints your cheeks from the cold or how pretty your lips look, knowing damn well that he won’t see you again.
you gulp and nod, “i’m sorry, suna.” he tries to ignore how much his heart aches when you use his last name, tries to ignore how his chest tightens when you actually walk past him and he catches a whiff of your perfume — the one you love so much, the one he loves so much.
the december cold is chilling when another gust of wind blows and you’re gone with his jacket and suna is left with an empty feeling in his chest.
he’s never getting the jacket back, or you for that matter.
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a/n : can be read as the prequel to this and is inspired by this drabble by @augustinewrites
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povlnfour · 7 months
series masterlist | previous part | next part
lando norris x fem!horse rider!reader
(content warning: this chapter inc. rumours of cheating. nothing is happening, no characters in my stories will EVER cheat, but for the sake of plot the rumours circulate)
yourusername just posted a photo ੈ✩‧₊˚
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liked by landonorris, lilymhe and 195,601 others
yourusername when bean met snowball
👤 tagged flo_norris_showjumping
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user3 OH THEY’RE FAMILY NOW *screams*
flo_norris_showjumping so happy to see you!!! nice to not have our third wheel😉
landonorris disrespecting ur olders
flo_norris_showjumping @/landonorris it’s elders, you idiot
user6 the fact that she’s friends with his sister🥹🥹
user8 bestie the cat meme?😭
yourusername lando keeps sending me cat memes and saying ‘you’ so i’m making the most of them
landonorris the second you leave me you run to my sister????? i see how it is
yourusername ‘sorry babe i can’t call i’m with carlos’ for three nights running you have no ground to talk
texts with lando ੈ✩‧₊˚
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yourusername just posted stories ੈ✩‧₊˚
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(loose translation: happy birthday my friend. may this new year bring you lots of happiness)
twitter reacts ੈ✩‧₊˚
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ln4updates just posted a photo ੈ✩‧₊˚
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liked by 30,576 people
ln4updates lando with his family in england🧡
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user9 lando taking care of Her horse whilst she’s off with one of his friends🙄
user7 when will you stfu
user1 i hope he’s having the best time and not reading everything on the internet :(
user11 flo literally looking after her horse rn and THIS is how y/n repays her
f1wags just posted a photo ੈ✩‧₊˚
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liked by 67,008 people
f1wags charles via alex albon’s instagram story👀 the girl pictured is presumably lando norris’ new girlfriend y/n y/l/n
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user9 knew she was shady🤭
user11 TOLD YALL. she can’t be trusted
user3 can everyone STFU. alex posted it on his story so y/n is OBVIOUSLY just hanging with friends??? she’s allowed to have those?
user4 literally!!! she posted about being reunited with alex and lily on charles’ bday so it was obviously just a group hangout. do people really think alex and lily would be fine w her cheating?
user1 im just confused i don’t remember her being close with charles
user4 @/user1 they met at the same golf game she met lando at!! im assuming they’ve become friends as he was one of the first drivers she met
texts with lando, texts with lily ੈ✩‧₊˚
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f1wags just posted a status ੈ✩‧₊˚
f1wags confirmation from a source close to her that y/n y/l/n will NOT fly out to austin to support boyfriend lando norris. this comes after rumours that the showjumper is getting close to charles leclerc👀
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user9 can she be anymore disgusting 🤢
user11 SNAKE
user3 we literally do not know ANYTHING can people shut up
user7 the second a young woman has a male friend you accuse her of cheating… it’s giving misogyny
user2 THANK YOU! the drivers can hang out with as many people as they want but the moment y/n hangs out with ONE OF LANDOS FRIENDS(!) she’s a cheat
charles_leclerc just posted a photo ੈ✩‧₊˚
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liked by yourusername, alex_albon and 261,708 others
charles_leclerc thank you all for the birthday wishes! had a wonderful week with friends and good food❤️ now onto race weekend!
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user1 is that… y/n
user4 happy late birthday charles🥹
user7 oh god he posted her on the insta
user8 again though she’s next to lily,,, nothings going on people are just dramatic
user9 knew ittt🤭
user has been limited from commenting on this post
comments have been limited
texts with lando ੈ✩‧₊˚
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FIRST OFF. thank you so much for 100 followers🥹🥹🥹i can’t believe it after not even being on the app for 2 weeks. this means the world <3
soooo little bit of angsty-ish one??? not super but mainly because people on the internet suck. but as i said, absolutely nothing is happening i just needed some drama so. i heavily dislike cheating so can promise no characters in my stories will ever do that <3
if you haven’t figured it out, charles is helping y/n plan a surprise for lando🧡
in other comments, please feel free to comment/reblog/message any thoughts!! i love hearing what people have to say🥹
love, giselle xx
taglist (found here): @idkiwantchocolatee @vellicora @alessioayla @bborra @crimeshowjunkie @minkyungseokie @paolexsstuff @celestialpato @champagnelovers101 @loxbbg @hobiismyhopeu @tsukishitm-a @moonypixel @champagneproblems17 @ironmaiden1313
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marksmelodies · 9 months
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stuck like glue
“tangled in love stuck by you from the glue”- glue song by beabadoobee
paring: chenle x fem! reader
genre: smut,fluff
warnings: mention of sex, oral (f), unprotected sex, cussing, kissing
note: i know chenle lives on his own but for the sake of this story pls pretend that he lives in the dreamies dorms lol
no proof read
minors dni
———————————————————————————————Chenle has been away on tour for a little over a month. Tomorrow him and the dreamies will arrive back to korea, you’ve never been more excited to finally see your boyfriend again,You already took off a few days of work and told your professors that you won’t be in class for a few days.Of course Chenle didn’t seem supper happy about you calling off of work and missing school just to see him But deep down he was excited to finally get some alone time with you
“I cant wait to see you lele, Daegal and i miss you so much” you say to your boyfriend over facetime
“ I miss my girls too, thanks again for taking care of her while i was away” Chenle says
“ It’s not a problem babe i mean i’m basically her mom am i not??” you ask
“ What?? no Daegal has no mom only a dad” he says
“ Oh right Chenle that’s why she wines and claws at the door when i leave the dorms”
“ You’re such smart ass Y/n”
“I really do miss you though babe,ask Jisung I talked his ear off every night about you, actually don’t ask jisung or any of the members anything.. forget what i said” He starts rambling and you notice that his ears are turning bright red
“And why’s that lele?” you ask with a smirk on your face
“ Uhh i may or may not have drank a bit to much one night after our show and accidentally spilled to jisung, mark and renjun about how good you are in bed” he says extremely embarrassed
Your eyes go wide as you audibly gasp
“ You did not” you say rather loudly
“ I’m sorry babe i was drunk i doubt they even remember it, i only remember so much i don’t know what else i said” he tries to defend himself, You start laughing uncontrollably
“ That’s actually hilarious, i never see you that drunk” you say making fun of him “You’re such a brat” he laughs
Once your FaceTime call ends with Chenle you tidy up your apartment that you both agreed he would stay at for a few days once he gets home from tour. You get ready to head to bed and say goodnight to daegal
“ Your daddy is gonna be here tomorrow!!” you say in a high pitched voice causing Daegals head to slightly turn, ears to purk up and tail to wag “ I know i’m excited too” you say as you pet her head and turn off the light ,It feels like hours have passed since you closed your eyes, it’s hard to sleep because of the excitement running through your veins,Finally you feel yourself drifting off to sleep
You shoot up and look at the clock that reads 2:45 am you woke to up the feeling of sweat dripping down your face, you realize that your whole body is drenched in sweat “ What the hell” you say in utter confusion as you get up to check the thermostat “ Why isn’t my air conditioner working” you say pressing buttons on the screen
You walk out into the hallway to check if air is flowing through the hall,Sure enough the hallway is cold yet your apartment is sweltering hot “ You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me” you say as you walk back into your place
Turning on every fan you can find and placing them towards you and Daegal it finally felt a little bit better but not nearly enough to spend anymore time other than tonight in your apartment , Once the morning came you called the tenant about the air conditioner “ What three to five days just to get someone to check it out?” you say baffled
“ Sorry ma’am our technicians are booked out for a while” the man says on the other side of the phone
“ Alright well thanks anyways” you say as you hang up “god this is not how i wanted my week to start” You called your boyfriend to tell him about the air, Chenle talked to the members and they all agreed that you could spend a few days at the dorm until your air conditioning gets up and running. you’ve spent the night a few times at the dorm but never more than just one night at a time, you felt bad intruding on the other boys place but living without air conditioning during the hottest season in korea was a big no for you
Once you got the text that Chenle has landed and is on his way to the dorms you begin to make your way there as well. Standing at the entrance a wave of nervousness comes over you as you knock on the door “ Y/n come in” Jeno says while giving you a big smile “ Hi Jeno it’s good to see you” you say
“ It’s good to see you too, Chenle is in his room” he says You thank him and head towards your boyfriends room knocking on Chenles door before opening it. Daegal jumps out of your arms running to her dad “ Daegal my sweet girl i’ve missed you” he says bending down to pet her “Uhmm” you clear your throat standing at the doorway as Daegal runs out of the room to see the other members
“ I told you she loves me more” chenle says laughing
“ Really lele i haven’t seen you in over a month and this is how you greet me” you scoff in annoyance
“ Babe i’m kidding come here” he says as he walks towards you engulfing you into a big hug
“ I missed my baby girl” he says to you while kissing the top of your head.You lay on his bed and let him get settled and unpacked before demanding his undivided attention,You lay on Chenle chest while you both talk for what seems like hours about his tour,He tells you everything from start to finish, and you excitedly listen to him.When you both are done talking he decides you two should go out and hang with the rest of the guys
Chenle walks to the door about to leave the room when he realizes that you aren’t behind him “ Come on babe let’s go” he says waving you over to walk towards the door
You don’t say anything
Chenle walks back over to you and you throw your arms up in the air.Chenle makes a confused face.He knows that what you want is to be held; He also knows that you absolutely hate pda and would rather die than to show affection in front of the other boys so why would you want him to carry you out there?
Chenle shoves his confusion into the back of his mind and picks you up ,He wasn’t expecting you to want to be carried but what shocked him the most is that you clinged onto him like a koala, he took both arms off of you to open the door and you’d stayed clinging to him with your arms and legs wrapped tightly around your boyfriend ,You laid your head on his shoulder as he walked to the living room where the rest of the dreamies were hanging out
The boys all look at Chenle as he walks into the room, never in the three years you and Chenle have been together have they seen any type of affection being given between you two,There’s been times where haechan jokingly asked if you and Chenle were really dating because of the lack of a skinship “ you guys don’t even hug around us, that’s suspicious is it not”
The guys say a lot with there faces but no one voices anything out loud, Chenle shot a “i don’t know what’s going on” look at them and sat down on the couch with you still wrapped around him.The dreamies decide to play video games and of course Chenle was down to beat them all, through the entire gaming session you stayed wrapped around him not saying a word. Although Chenle didn’t seem like it he was honestly pretty worried about you, you never act like this in front of people
Of course behind closed doors you were affectionate towards him, but even then you were never this clingy
“ Babe i want to get something to drink” he whispered into your ear,No response came from you, you just looked at him and put you head back onto his shoulder.He got up and walked to the kitchen with you wrapped around him, opening the cabinets and the fridge he poured himself a cup of water, while you stayed clung to him completely unbothered. He goes back to gaming with the boys taking his mind off worrying about you
Later in the evening Jaemin starts making dinner, usually chenle and Jaemin cook dinner for everyone,Chenle looks over at Jaemin who’s in the kitchen and gives him a “ i’m sorry bro” kinda look followed by Chenle looking down at you and then back to Jaemin,Jaemin didn’t mind though he grabbed Jeno to help him make dinner
“ Hey babe you wanna let go for a second so i can use bathroom ” he asks, you just shake your head no, with that chenle sighs and takes you with him,He puts you on the bathroom counter and you finally unlatch from him “ everything okay baby?”You say nothing, just give him a quick nod as he comes back over to the sink to wash his hands and you latch right back onto him.Chenle really thought he finally got you off of him, he just looked at you confused again and kissed your forehead while walking back to the living room
He ate dinner with you wrapped around him, he asked if you were hungry, you shook your head no,At this point chenle gave up just letting it happen, everyones so confused by what’s going on, especially since you hadn’t said a word since you came out of Chenles room hours ago
After dinner Chenle did the dishes with you wrapped about him, he fed Daegal with you wrapped around (him which was pretty challenging he’ll admit) he played more games with you clung to his body. The guys suggested watching a movie and started scrolling through netflix debating on which one to choose
“ You wanna watch the movie with them or go back into my room” Chenle asks hoping for an answer.You just shrug your shoulders while your head is buried into the crook of his neck.Chenle has honestly had enough, he doesn’t know what’s going on, are you just tired? are you mad at him? are you upset? you were perfectly fine hours ago what happened??He gets up off the couch and brings you into his room sitting on the bed
“ Baby look at me” he says in a serious tone,You lift you head up off of his shoulders and look up at him
“ What’s wrong sweetheart” he asks
“ Nothing” you say shortly.Chenle is visibly getting annoyed by your short answers you’ve been giving him for hours
“ Y/n you’re pissing me off i don’t want to yell okay” he says “ what is wrong my love, saying “nothing” isn’t going to cut it”
“ I just missed you lele” you said
“ Are you sure that’s all baby”
You nod “ yes i promise i just want to be close to you” Chenle looks at you and smirks
“ I can think of a few ways we can get a lot closer than you just clinging to me” he says smirking.You laugh and push him away, he pulls you back and smashes his lips onto yours,Tongues battling for dominance you quickly lose,he flips you around so that he’s now towering over you
“ You’re so pretty lele”
“ Says you angel, god i missed everything about you” Chenle whispers in your ear,lips attached his hands roam your body unbuttoning your shirt and taking off your shorts, laying there in nothing but your undergarments Chenle pulls away from your lips to look at you “ god you’re so beautiful” he says taking off your bra chenle kisses down you body leaving a trail of marks.He gets to your heat and looks to you for approval, you nod your head yes and he begins to take off your panties, spreading your legs apart and leaves kisses on your heat before kitty licking your pussy,you instantly throw you head back into the pillow and grab Chenles hair while arching your back Chenle takes that as a sign to go farther and fully dive into your cunt, trying your best to hold in your moans knowing that right outside the door were the other members
“Fuck Chenle that feels so good” you moan softly as you tug on his hair a little harder his eyes look up to yours giving you an eye smile while hes still working to get to you finish while licking stripes up and down your pussy Chenle pushes a finger into your hole roughly going in and out
Feeling a tingly rush throughout your entire body you knew you were about to finish
“ Babe i’m about to cum” Chenle removes his finger and licks up and down your clit causing you to release,Chenle keeps one hand rubbing circles on your clit while the other hand covers your mouth, you let out a loud moan covered by chenles hand, he knew better than to leave you completely ungaged, he knows you’re a loud moaner, he could tell it was taking everything in you not to let out the normal pornagraphic moans that you usually do. After he lets go of your mouth he goes back into your pussy to ride out the rest of your high leaving both of you panting, Chenle pulls you into a kiss having you taste yourself
“Chenle please fuck me” you beg
“ Babe the guys are right outside”
“ I’ll behave i promise”
Chenle looks at you suspicious not sure whether believe you or not, you begin stroking his hard member through his grey shorts, Chenle let’s out a grunt and pins your arms beside your head
“ Don’t be greedy ” he warns while pulling his pants off and throwing them across the room with his shirt that was already long gone, he pulls down his boxers revealing his hard length, you basically drool over his dick which causes Chenle to chuckle,He pulls your hips closer as you wrap your legs around his torso, he slowly pushes in, Chenle lets out a grunt as his dick slides into the tight walls of your pussy
“ Fuck y/n you’re so tight” he says while progressively moving in and out faster “god you’re so wet too” he says right before pounding back into you
He has one hand on your waist and other covering your mouth like before,You shut your eyes feeling your body going into a different dimension
“ look at me, I wanna see my pretty girl” you look at him and make eye contact while he’s fucking you so good,you can tell he’s about to nut by the way his thrusts become sloppy and he moves faster and faster while soft moans and grunts fill the room hoping the members can’t hear what you two are doing
“ Fuck baby i’m coming” he says as he slows down his pace, you feel hot liquid shoot into your core as he fills you
He lays down on top of you but doesn’t pull out yet
“ That was amazing Chenle”
“ You felt so good my love, you did so well for me” he said as he kissed your lips and pulled out of you,you both lay there for a little bit just soaking in the presents of eachother before he gets up and puts his clothes back on heading to the bathroom, he comes back with a warm towel cleaning you up and making sure you’re okay.After not having sex for a while you were pretty sore but it was nothing major and you didn’t want to make chenle feel bad so you just smile and thank him for cleaning you up .Once you both freshen up you go join the boys in the other room to finish the ending of the movie that neither of you were there for
As he was watching the screen you were watching him, admiring how beautiful he is and how lucky you are to be with such a good guy, you thought about how many girls would kill to be in your position and a sense of pride washed over you, you were proud to be his girl.
“ Y/N is everything okay” renjun asking about earlier,all the boys look at you and Chenle
“ Yeah i’m fine thanks” you reply smiling
“ She just wanted dick” Chenle blurts out
“ What the fuck lele” your face begins to heat up as you shove Chenle
“ Yeah we have ears ” Haechan smirks at you both
“ I don’t know what your talking about” you defend yourself
“ Right because the headboard slamming into the wall which happened to the this wall” pointing at the one in front of them with the tv on it “ was from you both jumping on the bed” Haechan says sarcastically,You burry your head from embarrassment into Chenles shoulder while the boys are laughing
“ I mean you guys did make the tv shake” Mark chimes in
“Shut up your all just jealous you don’t get any” Chenle states
“ At least we know they’re a real couple, i was starting to think it was fake” Haechan laughs
my first fic! i hope you enjoyed!! my requests are open for all of nct!!
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riniworld · 5 months
YANDERE!mafia x VICTIM! f!reader
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warnings//alot of skipping time,Violent(mafia duh),kidnapping,spelling mistakes??
reference: you,little girl,ma'am,she/her,darling(?)
a/n: I didnt really like it but i wanted to end the introduction for my OCs quickly:')
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crack crack
you entered an old house,It was half destroyed and unlivable.
you covred your nose because of the smell of the dead animals.
what got you in this situation again?
A few days ago
you don't feel your back anymore because of the cold wall behind you
you've been like that for almost half an hour now, all tied up, sitting on a dirty ground.
there's men dressed in black all over the room and one of them is in front of you.
He took his cigarette out of his mouth and he extinguished it with his foot.
"you don't seem afraid,young girl"
you kept glaring at him without flinching.
he pull your hair and kneeled to your level
"do you know what happen to who look at me like that?..I remove their eyes from their place"
he pushed your head against the wall and stand up
"but you'll be useless if i killed you now"
"what do you want from me?" you said with a firm tone
"very bold i like it" the man start walking around the room as he talk "One of your relatives..who was it again? anyway they own me something but they didn't return it untill now"
"and what do i have to do with this?"
"oh darling you are everything in this. you see i very kindly told them if they do not pay the debt in time,I'll make them,and unfortunately they didn't listen in a good way so that's what lead us to now...you'll stay here as an obedient little girl untill your relative pay us back"
"what the hell?? i don't have anything to do with all this nonsense! you'll let me go if you want it or not!"
"watch your mouth when you talk to me,insect"
you froze,The bullet didn't hit you, but it was very close to your head
and with that he walked out the room and left two men with you.
present/10 A.M.
you don't even know how you managed to escape but at least you are save for now
you sat down so tired from all the run..that crazy man still looking for you
for god sake why wouldn't he just give up?!
your stomach growl,you haven't eaten for days now.
with Orson
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DIDN'T FIND HER?!? how does a fragile girl escape you?!"
"we-we have searched around the city,there's nothing,master" one of the men talks in a shaky voice
"master,it's just a dept we can take another person" another one said
"you stupid folks! she got out of here so she has known where our base is! if just that shame of a man didn't bring her here"
he looked at a dead body lying on the ground "get him out of my sight"
and with that all the men get out
orson sighed and sat down "who thought a mere girl would have the fate of the gang"
it's been a week now,you've been from place to place.
you almost got caught three times-and why the police is envloved too?!
great now you can't even ask for help
you slide into a bar to rest a little then continue running away
as you sat down a waiter has come to you
"do you need anything ma'am?"
"ah" you scratched your neck in embarrassment "nnnoo...? thank you I'm here to rest actually"
"sorry ma'am but you can't sit here without ordering something"
"oh come on just five minute and I'll go"
"no I'm so sorr-"
"what happening here?" someone came and interrupted the waiter
"oh sir, this customer want to rest here but she doesn't ordering anything i was just telling her that that's not acceptable here"
".....well i don't see a problem if she sits here for a while"
"really?!" you said in surprise
the man just nod with a smile and went away with the waiter
"well thats suspicion but nah free place" you thought
as you were enjoying your time,finally in a place a human can live in...suddenly
"don't make me search that long again,darling" someone whispered in your ear
you stand up in horror orson chuckled as he saw your expression
"why,darling did i scared you? my bad"
"how did you-"
before you complete the sentence arsom pointed to the bar owner (the person who said you could stay here)
"this place is under my rule and you...fell into my trap"
you grab anything near you to defend yourself "i warn you"
"whah whah so scary" he said mocking "now now let's not waste blood here you either come with me in silence or....come with me in force"
you stood still in your place with a serious look
"you know..i like brave ones but their problem is they're just wasting my time in vain"
when he said that he give a sign to his men you couldn't react when someone hit you on your head making you faint(or pass out dunno)
you woke up with a killing pain in your head.
when you came to your sense you found yourself tied up again but instead of a creepy room you were in a normal room this time
there was a man guarding the door.
when he saw you waking up he called someone.
you were focused on your pain to hear who he called for.
as you heard footsteps coming you sit up straight to see who's coming
and to not your surprise he was orson.
"you woke up earlier than i thought,still impress me."
"no reply? very well. I'm sure you have alot of questions in your little head right?"
"i have nothing to do with the depts"
"ah no forget about this..i have a more useful intention now"
"and that's is?"
orson let out a small chuckle "i always love your bravery,little girl......let's get serious now. you managed to escape me for week now that's impressive and to not be shaking under me is more, so i set my mind. why don't you join me?"
"yes,join me with some training you'll be a use for me"
".....how will that benefit me?"
"of course i won't get in something won't benefit me in anything"
"well,What are your requests?"
"...You will forgive whoever from my relatives who's owen you money, and I'll be your right hand person"
He raised his eyebrows in surprise "that's a big requests"
"I should guarantee my life"
"if you success in your training and you reached my expectation then I will implement this"
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that's a part 1 i guess
have a good night/day
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lailawinchesterr · 28 days
jared’s help / jensen ackles
series masterlist | main masterlist
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"You need to stop this. It's stupid." That but was obvious. I know it’s stupid, but so what? I can do whatever i wanted, it’s my life. "No, don't even think about it, Laila. This isn't a 'i can do whatever i want' situation. You're  really hurting Jensen, and he's my best friend." Now that hit.
"I didn't mean to." I mumble lowly, giving him my back as i pour both cokes into ice filled glasses, then blending some pomegranate syrup into it. He sighs, placing a hand on my shoulder.
"I know, but you need to do better. You can't keep running away like this, it's been twelve months. At least talk to him. Be in a room with him without looking like you saw a ghost." I nod once but it doesn't seem to register what he's asking because he clears his throat and tries again, "Laila, i'm setting you both up to hangout tomorrow." 
My eyes widen as i stop pouring the drinks and turn to look at him. "What the fuck did you do?"
"I just told him that you guys would hang out tomorrow at the diner next to your apartment. you should've seen how his eyes lit up, Lils, come one, you need do this." My stomach twists and turns at both the news and Jensen’s reaction. I know I’m bad, but not that much, right? God, maybe I had been rude this past year especially with him and Danneel’s divorce. I don’t even see him anymore.
"Okay..." I hesitate and Jared gives me a worried glance. "But can we just drop it after this? We don't talk about it again and i'll stop coming to set if it upsets him."
"That's not what upsets him and you know it, you're always welcome on set we love having you there." I glare at him to shut up and he does, taking the small win. 
We make dinner until Gen comes back from the store and then all sit to eat. i’ll never get tired of this, my little family. I know how hard it was for Jared to accept that he actually has Gen in his life so he used to have me ground him, come on some of their dates to make sure he wasn't being played. It annoyed Gen at first, but now that she's gotten to understand Jared, she knows how much our friendships means to both of us so she came up with the idea of having 'family' dinners every Sunday, just the three of us. 
"You did what?" Mad was an understatement. Jensen had told his best friend his feelings towards the Laila situation in confidence not so he can run off and tell her the first chance he gets. Jensen wanted to at least appear to have some dignity in front of her, she used to be Danneel's best friend for God's sake.
"I just told her that you guys need to talk more, told her you'd love to go out with her and she agreed."
"Right, but i think you forgot to do something, Jared, really minor," he says, voice laced with sarcasm, "asking me whether or not i actually would love to go out with her."
"You wouldn't?" that's not the point, not the one Jensen was making anyways. What he meant was that... damn you, Jared. that's what he meant.
"You can curse me out all you want but i did you a solid. You guys needed to go out at least once in your life. I'll give you her number and the address of the place. You two firgure out a time, i'm not doing all the work." 
"All the work? Who asked you to do anything at all?" Jared rolls his eyes but snatches his friends phone to add Laila's number in anyways. Jared knows Jensen's just letting his frustration out, he doesn't actually care, in fact, if he didn't know any better he'd say he's excited. 
"Text her tonight cause i told her you're going out tomorrow. Don't make me look bad."
"It isn't a date."
"Yeah? Might as well be with how you two are acting." Jared rolls his eyes and walks onto set where he's called.
"Whatever." He mumbles like a child, checking the phone number under the contact 'Laila Rhodes SPN SET' as if he needed a reminder of where he knows her from. Jensen, though he'd never admit it, is actually excited and very pleased with his friend for setting this up, he wants to talk to laila more than anything seeing as he's spoken to her as much as he's spoken to the crafts team, probably a little less even if she used to come over.
When she'd be at their house, Danneel would more often than not shoo jensen away to go make coffee for them or hang out with the kids, or any other stupid excuse. At first, he thought it was because she didn't want them to meet but she later told him that Laila's very shy around new people and she didn't want her to leave. Jensen understood so he bit his tongue, but now, he's known her for 5 years, shy or not, they'd have to talk eventually. He'd make sure of it.
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aprocessionofthoughts · 7 months
Ignore the Doubt
whumptober2023 day 25- storm fandom- batman TW- none summary- Tim and Dick arrive in the cave to find a possibly unconscious Jason Todd.
ao3 whumptober23 masterlist part 4 of WDKY
WIth a roar, Tim’s motorcycle pulled into the cave. He hopped off and headed towards the batcomputer. “Where’s Hood?”
“In the medbay.” Bruce answered not looking away from the computer.
“Why isn’t he in one of the cells?”
Tim sighed and marched over to the medbay. He froze in the doorway, looking at the unconscious figure that had been shackled to the cot. He looked so familiar. But it couldn’t be. But why else would Bruce have brought him to the  medbay instead of dropped him off for the police?
“Bruce, that looks like…”
“I know.”
“Have you checked?”
“And?” Tim said getting frustrated with the one word answers even though he knew they wer common from Bruce. He still couldn’t tear his eyes away from the young man on the medical cot.
“The DNA matches Jason Todd.”
Tim inhaled sharply. If this really was Jason, what had happened to him? How was he back? And why…why hadn’t he gone home?
“What are we going to do? Even if he’s… He’s still a crime lord.”
“I’m running the tests again.” Bruce said, and of course he was. He’d probably run them more than ten times before he was even remotely satisfied.
“Do we know how he…”
“There were trace amounts of Lazerus water in his blood.”
“Talia.” Tim whispered. Of course it was her. She just couldn’t keep her nose out of Gotham.
Tim went over and sat in a chair by Hood. They had him connected to an IV, and when Tim checked he saw it contained a light sedative. That was probably for the best. At least until they could run a few more tests.
A while later, Dick pulled in. He was soaked.
“I hope this is important. It started storming when I was halfway here and I’m soaked and freezing.” Dick set his helmet on his bike. “Where’s Hood?”
“In here.” Tim called. “And before you ask why he’s not in a cell, you need to take a look at this.” 
Dick complied and walked over. He froze in the doorway and Tim saw his expression shift from surprise to confusion to grief to a spark of anger and finally settle into neutrality.
“What is this?”
“His DNA matches Jason’s”
“We think Talia may be involved.” Tim interrupted. “There were trace amounts of Lazarus water.”
Dick’s expression changed to grief for a brief moment before he stepped forward. Tim saw him taking in Hood’s injuries. His fingers twitched, before he reached out and took one of Hood’s hands in his. “Do you thinks its– do you think it’s really him?”
“Bruce has run the DNA three times, all of which have been a match. Of course we probably can’t confirm until he wakes up, but… But all evidence points to it being Jason.”
Dick’s other hand reached up and he ran his fingers through Jason’s hair. “My little wing.” he whispered and Tim turned away.
He hoped this was Jason, for Bruce and Dick’s sake. But a selfish part of him wanted it to be a lie. He didn’t want to be alone again. He liked hanging out with Bruce and Dick and Alfred. But if this was Jason, that would mean he was no longer necessary. His mind went to an empty house and microwavable meals, an endless cycle of boredom. If this was Jason they wouldn’t need him anymore.
But Tim knew better than to be selfish. Jason had a lot more people that cared about him. It would be incredible if he could come back. The second Robin!
Tim hoped it was Jason and squashed the childish voice inside him that yearned for the Waynes to be his real family. He knew his place.
“Someone needs to check his grave.” Dick said, not looking away from Jason.
Bruce didn’t answer.
“We can do it after he wakes up.” Tim said. “I’m sure we all want answers, and it will be better to ask him directly.”
Dick nodded.
“God, I hope it’s him. If this is a trick…” Dick trailed off.
Dick sighed. “We also need to call Talia.” Dick looked over at Bruce. He hadn’t turned away from the Batcomputer.
“Let’s wait till after he wakes up.” Tim said. They wouldn't be able to get Bruce away from the computer for a long time.
Tim spotted Alfred coming towards them carrying a tray with tea.
“Good evening, Master Dick.”
“Hey, Alfred.” Dick said giing the older man a small smile.
“I must insist you take a warm shower and change into some dry clothes. It will do no one any good if you catch a cold.”
“But–” Dick said looking back at Jason.
“Go on, my boy. I’ll be here to watch over him.”
Dick slumped. “Alright, Alfred.” Dick glanced back one more time before heading for the showers.
“And, Master Bruce. I believe you have looked at those results enough.”
“There could still be a chance that–”
“You can investigate more after– after the grave has been checked.” Alfred said setting the tray by Tim. His hands were trembling slightly.
“Then I’ll contact Tallia.” Tim said. He should leave the family to reunite with Jason in peace. He wouldn't be here much longer, after all.
“That can wait for tomorrow, Master Tim. We all know she is not easy to work with.” Alfred said in a tone of voice that allowed no contradiction. 
Tim sat back down.  
“Now then. Master Bruce, Master Tim, please drink some tea while I disconnect the sedatives from the young sir. But I forbid you from questioning him as soon as he wakes up. He will need time to adjust. Am I understood?” Alfred raised an eyebrow at Bruce.
“Fine.”Alfred walked over to the young man who looked so much like Jason. It was him, Alfred knew his boy. He’d recognize him anywhere, even now two years after he was supposed to be dead. He’d just have to wait for the rest of the family to get over their paranoia.
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lumiereswig · 7 months
Next movie recommendation: "The Wizard of Oz."
The castle is dead and dark in the middle of the night, even Lumiere and Plumette long gone to bed, but Cogsworth cannot sleep.
He patters downstairs, his brown slippers dragging down low at the heel, the dark windows staring at him as he slips from hall to hall to hall. Each long mirror feels like an eye: he seems himself resting in the center, a small and moving pupil, walking into the gaze and out of it. His brown robe is knotted tight around him. He descends into the palace, each step darker than the last, losing the moon as he goes deeper inside.
The fight with Lumiere is still plaguing on his mind. He hasn’t felt right, since the curse. He still feels himself ticking away, and he’s infuriated by the idea that now that everything is normal again, he should just let time move on, not say, wait, hold on, there were ten years of grief and sadness there. Lumiere is dancing and laughing and it drives him mad, to see him human again, to remember all those years waiting stuck in metal and brass, to think that all the color has come rushing back when he just feels old, and old, and old. This palace doesn’t belong to him anymore. Lumiere doesn’t belong to him anymore. The curse is broken, and everything is new—too new for an old man, who always wanted everything to stay the same; who always wanted to keep to a certain beat, never too strange, never too colorful.
There is a small den, in the lower South wing, that no one really frequents much, beyond Lumiere in one of his recumbent moods. (Wild man, maniac, too colorful to be endured, thinks Cogsworth, soaked in the dark of the palace.) There’s a small white screen of canvas, here, and an odd contraption Lumiere calls a cinématographe. There’s a stack of old tapes, little ratty boxes, stacked high next to the machine. Cogsworth’s eyes take in titles: Rebecca, The Lady Vanishes, The 39 Steps.
He isn’t ready for those kind of movies tonight. He picks up an old favorite, The Wizard of Oz, and puts it in.
Nobody knows he watches this.
But he knows every beat, every refrain. Watching Dorothy run down the road, brown and grey and windblown, he thinks I know that feeling. That feeling of having to run away and toward every single problem that comes his way. You try to escape and you run into your problems anew, just in different forms: a witch is a witch, a fool a fool. The three farmhands go tumbling and Cogsworth shakes his head.
It isn’t fair an old dusty movie, brown and grey for its first ten minutes, should have so much meaning in it. For god’s sake, he thinks, as Dorothy touches down in Wonderland and has Munchkins coming out of every corner, you can practically see the glitter being dusted down on those children before they’re shoved out in front of camera. It’s all just Hollywood glitz and glitter. A little vaudeville shenanigans and some aging jokesters; this thing is a relic.
Cogsworth, tucked tight in his brown bathrobe, holding the popcorn he heated up in the dusty brown corner microwave, feels a bit like a relic.
But to laugh at how old the movie is to forget how enchanting Oz remains, despite of it all—no, because of it all. It is a joy to watch the Scarecrow’s dancing, old-school soft-shoe nonsense, and the gags that wore out before Lincoln was born, and to melt before Dorothy as she trembles and stumbles and remains oh, so brave—well, to laugh at the old would be to laugh at the joy, and Cogsworth will not have that. He will not give up on something he loves.
So he eats his popcorn, and mumbles along with the songs (“…if I only had a heart…”), and tells himself he isn’t tearing up when Dorothy breaks down, I’m frightened, Auntie Em, I’m frightened, and Auntie Em doesn’t hear her through the glass. An old man has no right to still feel so childish, so sad, so frightened. An old movie sits with him, in the dark, and glows ruby red and cornfield yellow and a green more green than emeralds.  
I want to go home.
This is a movie all about home, though we spend precious little time in the version Dorothy speaks of. She speaks of it, often, and her voice is never far from the cry I want to go back home—but vivid under that sincere wish to run back to dust, and brown, and the old broken things that were loved so much, is a clear and obvious counterpoint: Dorothy is already home. She’s home the second she finds her friends again, never mind their enchanted forms, never mind they don’t look quite the same or remember her exactly. Dorothy makes a home in Oz without even realizing it, because home doesn’t have a shred to do with the old brown chicken coop or the broken iron bed—the home she wants to go back to, the home she already has, is the one she made with her friends, those weird and wild characters, who love her as she is, whether in dusty brown or glorious Technicolor. Home was waiting for her all along, and though Glinda thinks it’s the shoes that take her there, he can’t help feeling it’s her feet—her feet that carry her out of one home into another, into one bright and honest and oh, I think I’ll miss you most of all.  
“I missed you most of all,” says Lumiere, over his shoulder, and Cogsworth would be furious if he wasn’t reaching up to hold his hand.
"You know I missed you most of all," says Lumiere, sliding over the couch and into his lap, "you know that didn't change when we were back to our old selves, didn't you?"
"I thought..." I don't know what I thought, thinks Cogsworth. "I thought maybe the ten years didn't matter. All the things we...we thought in those ten years. That maybe...maybe now that we're human again, we can't..can't feel the things we...."
"You are an old fool," says Lumiere, kissing him softly on the head.
"I guess some things never change," Cogsworth chuckles, and Dorothy is home again, home again free.
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steveisagay · 1 year
How to fix the damage
Disabled Munver
Warnings: Ableist language, written at 1 am
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 6.5 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
Today was a shit day for everyone. Eddie lost his temper at the kids, yelling through the halls that he didn't need to be observed like some animal everyday. Jason also lost his shit, but in a different way. He got pissed at the whole idea of physical therapy and ended up falling badly. He claimed that if the doctors thought that physical therapy would've helped that he could walk. So his physical therapist, not wanting to start a fight, let him try to walk with one of the rails. He clutched it and got about three steps, but then he fell. Jason had always been stubborn, so then he dragged himself along the floor until he was almost to the elevator.
When Eddie finally got back from his run to the vending machine to clear his thoughts he walked in on Jason trying to lay on his side and sobbing loudly.
"Hey dude... You doing okay?" Eddie cautiously asked, knowing how he could fly off the handle at times.
"Do I look like I'm fucking okay?" His voice started to break as he turned his head towards the metalhead. He looked pathetic, but Eddie would never admit that. Carver had gone through hell, he got ripped in half for God's sake. He couldn't help but pity him, but the last thing Jason Carver wanted was anymore pity. It was like seeing a soaked puppy on the street, Eddie couldn't pull over to pick up the soaked puppy cause it'd just run away.
Eddie made his way over to his shitty hospital bed, sitting on the side so he could talk to Carver. "Listen, you seem like you're having a completely terrible day," He talked with his hands in a more enthusiastic manner in an attempt to cheer the blonde up, "I can give you my blankets, pillows, or even better I can try to help you on your side or something like that."
"No- Nononono, I don't need any of your help, or pity or any of that! I'm already a cripple I don't need to be treated like one!" Jason exploded at Eddie. Everything was just too much today, Eddie's kids brats were running and screaming all day and then his physical therapist couldn't see the fact that he was broken beyond repair. "I'm a fucking cripple so now my life is down the drain, I can't even piss by myself cause the bathroom door is too small for my chair!" Hot tears ran down Jason's cheeks and Eddie couldn't just sit across from him anymore.
He got up to sit by Jason Carver making sure to grab his two limp pillows. "Jason, just because you were through a horrific event doesn't mean you're useless, you shouldn't talk to yourself like that-"
"I can't fucking walk Munson, a year ago I was preparing for basketball games and now I'm a fucking vegetable!"
Eddie felt himself move without thinking and grabbed onto the collar of Jason's sweater. "Shut the fuck up, just shut the fuck up for one second! You aren't a fucking vegetable, if you were a vegetable you wouldn't be able to feel this much about this! Now let me help you get comfortable so you're not stuck on you're back like some sort of turtle,"
He took his time to move his pillows under Carver and propping him up so he was sitting more. When he got done moving the other like some sort of rag doll Jason had calmed down and was clinging onto him like a little kid. "Is there anything else you wanna add?" Eddie looked down at him. Jason shook his head in his shoulder.
10-20 minutes later Jason finally spoke up, "Munson?" Really what he wanted to ask was why was he still here? Why'd he care so much? But maybe this was one of those times where it was best to hold his tongue. "If I wasn't just some cripple... Then..?" His voice started to wobble some more. "Then why'd my parents go back to their life after they figured I'd be okay?"
"You're strong Carver, plus if they're shitty enough to leave their son in need then they can go fuck themselves," He looked down at him, then quickly changed the topic, "You wanna try to fit you're nap in?"
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jinjuomo · 10 months
Okay okay this is hopefully gonna be the last time I get annoying about the performance trio, but I offer you my hcs of the trio as highschoolers (long post ahead!)
- Sophomore
- Oldest out of the trio but oh god, he’s such a fucking shortie 💔
- Harrison’s growth spurt kinda slowed down as soon as he got into highschool , so he gets teased by his friends for it (they do it lovingly)
- Ends up getting braces and Nerris makes fun of him for it since they don’t have to wear them anymore 😭
- He does grow into his looks though!! He just doesn’t have any game
- Joins the drama club along with Preston and Nerris since it was one of the few electives that actually interested him. He mostly helps with setting up props and helps work the lighting
- Has a thing for Nerris and Preston but he’s fighting the bisexuality demon 😭😭
- Still is in contact with Quartermaster. Harrison still finds him.. odd, but he talks to him from time to time. They’re kind of besties.
- Harrison likes to take pictures of his friends for memory sake — he even has an album filled with pictures of them.
- He’s.. not really into magic as much as he was before since he has other things to worry about (and definitely not because his relationship with his parents is in turmoil!!)
- Is very attached to Nerris and Preston. They actually mean so much to him since they’re one of the few people that actually care about him, but he doesn’t know how to express it well 🙁
- I imagine he probably would gain a good amount of weight after attending Camp Campbell, so he’s not built like a stick anymore (and probably works out a lil’)
- Actually knows how to cook!! He doesn’t like the cafeteria food (who doesn’t?) at all, so he makes his own meals whenever he can
- He verbally stims whenever he’s walking home and he sees a random cat on the street, often saying ‘meow meow’
- Has a resting bitch face, but he’s actually a sweetheart 😭 he just doesn’t know how to express himself in general
- Sometimes crashes at Nerris’s place since his home life in general is emotionally exhausting to the point where he runs away from home 🙁 Harrison feels guilty about it, but Nerris always reassured him it’s not his fault
- Freshman
- No but seriously, he’s pretty fucking tall even though he’s like.. the youngest of the the three LOL
- Has a pretty high metabolism so she can eat a lot and still stay skinny
- Since he’s taking drama, he often likes to be casted as the protagonist of whatever play the club decides to perform. He’s also hella bossy and will get on your ass if you’re slacking
- Takes the most ugly ass photos of Harrison whenever she takes pictures of him and will slap his wrist away if he even bothers trying to delete it 😭😭
- Runs an account on InstaGram where people can send in submissions through Google Forms and talk shit about each other. It usually gets taken down, but he always makes backup accounts
- Proudly wears pansexual pride pins on his bag (also has a he/any pronouns pin). He dgaf if you find it obnoxious or not 🫶
- Always gets into online arguments on Twitter and has to make alt accounts since his ass always gets suspended 💀
- Annoys Nerris a lot whenever they see a fine ass woman or man on their TikTok fyp 😭😭 his taste is TERRIBLE and Nerris bullies him for it
- Uses so many emojis and italicizes his texts a lot when he chats with people online like this✨✨
- Actively writes fanfiction on ao3 😭
- Also a freshman
- Also pretty tall, but not as tall as Preston. But still taller than Harrison.
- Nerris isn’t really interested in drama (she just chose it as an elective to hang out with friends), but does enjoy acting as one of the characters whenever they do rehearsals.
- Wears converses and NOTHING ELSE 😭
- Loves talking shit about people with Preston A LOT 😭😭 they both have so much beef with people..
- Uses she/they/elf pronouns
- Gets along with Harrison way better compared to when they were campers. Elf likes to tease Harrison from time to time, but elf knows to not go too far
- Nerris is that one person on discord to send in something so out of pocket and automatically delete it afterwards 😭😭 Preston always takes screenshots and everyone goes wild
- Likes to use emoticons, especially these (*^_^*), ٩( ᐛ )و, (^ ^)
- Even though they have other interests, they still like to host DND sessions!! They usually like to invite Nikki, Neil and Harrison over to their house to play!
- She likes to collect dolls and figures as a hobby! She even has a little ‘shrine’ for them
- Owns a blog on tumblr where elf info dumps about elf interests and does write fanfic from time to time on it!
- Sometimes likes to mess and play around with Harrison’s hair, it’s just therapeutic for her
- Borrows their dad’s clothes a lot and wears it to school.. they’re just so comfy
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winderlylandchime · 7 months
2/2 ‘they actually did a football game? Please tell me they didn’t film an actual game cause their budget was bad and instead its a green screen and like three people running around pretending to play it. That would be hilaruous. Look at Debbie finding a way back to carl! Emmett caring about sports is weird. Ted YOU KNOW RIGHT? Come on, youre smart! (Drews fiancée walks in) oh no, i forgot that Em is the other woman, oh god Emy, you need to stop this’ Hunter told Mikey/Ben that he has a girlfriend ‘Are they saying Hunter is straight? But HE WANTED TO FUCK BRIAN. HE WANTED TO PAY BRIAN TO FUCK HIM. MULTIPLE TIMES! I was basically competing for Brian against Hunter! He was ready to fight Blondie for him’ ‘Champagne makes Bri puke? Thats cute. He looks hot. This is gonna sound weird because i know he has cancer and is getting radiation but how is he even hotter than he was? Brian is for sure judging and hating this dude. *pauses tv* okay so, let’s get this straight *looks at Brian* sorry bri bri for using a slur anyway, last season Brian would for sure try to get close to this guy and work with him and get money and power BUT NOW? He is judging the fuck out of him for using people for money and he is annoyed at the sight of the guy. You know what that is called? MY BABY BRI BRI IS GROWING UP! By the way, why didnt they just ask Brian to raise money? I mean he did it for the center?’ ‘Oh HE DID RESEARCH AND HE IS ANNOYED AND ANGRY AT THIS GUY. I fuck with this Brian! Brian last season wouldn’t give a fuck about what this guy does. And here he is! YOU GO BRI BRI! Rip him apart!’ Sam just came over to Mel and Linds and my brother immediately paused the tv and got up and left to go outside for a smoke. ‘Okay, i am back and i am more relaxed *sees Sam* fuck this guy.’ ‘Can Carl and Debbie stop calling each other friends. We all know this is more than that! FUCK YEAH CARL! KISS HER AGAIN AND STOP BEING AN IDIOT’ ‘HE LEFT EMMETT WAITING?! Fuck that guy. Emmett for fucks sake you deserve better, this is.. as my boy Bri Bri would say it, pathetic.’ He is now laughing at Michael having a crisis over Hunter being straight ‘okay his mother did fuck him up but that doesn’t explain BRIAN! HE WANTED TO FUCK BRIAN MORE THAN ME *goes quiet and looks at me* don’t even think about telling mom what i just said’ ‘EMMETT IS TELLING TED?! FINALLY! Took him long enough. I’m surprised he didn’t tell him sooner. Now Ted, tell him he deserves better because this shit was fucked up, how dare they hurt my baby boy Em’ WE ARE AT THE BRITIN HOSPICE SCENE!!! ‘What is going on? BRIAN IS GIVING AWAY HIS FURNITURE? Blondie has many ways to get Brian to do stuff but tell me, WHY WAS I ROBBED OF SEEING JUSTIN CONVINCING BRIAN TO DONATE HIS FURNITURE? Rude. I know that moment would be cute and funny. THAT FUCKER LEFT WITH THE MONEY?! Brian knew this would happen. Fuck that guy. Okay but for real, Brian is completely different since last season. I mean come on him going to a hospice? Him caring about some random dude taking money? Him donating furniture even if Blondie forced him.. MY BABY IS GROWING UP! And he is so totally gonna tell Blondie he loves him for the ending of the season!’ And Melanie confronted Linds ‘MEL KNOWS FOR SURE. SHE KNOWS. SHE WATCHED FROM THE WINDOW… *he is nervously watching the scene on the edge of the couch* they’ve been here before but it was the other way around, how boring. *his jaw almost dropped as mel says shes not sure if she chooses linds anymore* OH SHIT. This mightve been the first time where i actually am on Mels side. That was a fucking line. Damn girl! But also i told you guys like two seasons ago that you suck as a couple but did you listen to me? No. And now here we are with a baby on the way and bisexuality on the horizon and none of us are happy.’ I wish i was joking when I say that he immediately went back to watch the fucking pilot and the prom eps AGAIN. When i came back to the living room I found the prom episode paused on Brian and him sleeping with Brian the cat. Can you tell he’s had a few rough days?
Em being the other woman does not suite him, for sure. He deserves to be the center of someone’s world. Emmett not having a satisfying ending hurts me.
Champagne making Brian puke is 100% something the show got right with consistency - Brian tells Telson in s1 that champagne gives him a headache. So he’s consistent in turning down champagne (of course he does drink it at the Kinnetik launch but my headcanon is that he only drinks the very expensive stuff).
His crisis about Hunter being straight “he wanted to fuck Brian more than me” I AM DYING. Is your brother having a sexual awakening?
I adore adore adore his observing Brian’s growth and how he wouldn’t have cared as much about the Liberty Ride and everyone being taken advantage of in S3. And yes we were robbed of the scene where Justin withholds sex and gets Brian to donate his Barcelona chair. I’m going to point out that Brian and Justin trick. Brian could have had plenty of sex, but NO it’s sex with Justin he cares about.
And yeah, the awful dynamics of Lindsay and Melanie have come home to roost. AND there’s another baby involved.
He rewatched the Pilot and Prom? This man is me, tbh. Right down to the falling asleep with a cat.
I hope he’s feeling better!
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Chapter 1: Home Lost
January 9th, 2028
The desert is the only home that I’ve ever known, along this majestic canyon, in our simple Navajo home.  It shames me to know that we will have to leave it soon.  It’s not our fault we are the way we are, not our fault that fate chose us to have these abilities.  I just mourn for my home.
Mom does, as well.  She has been sitting outside for the last three hours, sitting before a small fire, motionless.  She’s had her back to the house, and is just letting the smoke drift across the canyon.  It’s sad to think that we won’t be allowed to glide through the canyon anymore.
After another hour, when the fire burns out, she comes back in the house.  The dust coats her nearly head-to-toe, light brown sand contrasting to the dark green skin I’ve known her to have all my life.  She has an expression on her face that screams her sadness.  I pour her a glass of water as she sits down at our dining room table.
“Does it help?  Burning an offering, does it help you?”
She looks up at me absently when I ask my question.  The red eye that isn’t hidden by her hair shimmers with tears that desperately want to fall but are afraid to.  “A little bit.  It’s more of a farewell, to all of our friends and family here.  It brings me closure.”
I sip my water quietly after this.  She gets a very sad smile on her face and musses my hair a little bit.  “Did I ever tell you about your grandmother, and Aunt Irene?  They were the only family I had, until your grandfather and father came along, before Uncle Cyrus and Aunt Kitty.  When Aunt Irene passed away, it was truly rough on me, losing the first person I ever laid eyes on in this world.”
She rests her chin in her hand.  “Your grandmother would hate me for this.  This is our home, I should be fighting for it ...”
I put a hand on her arm, kind of gently, trying to reassure her.  “There’s nothing you could have done, mom.  It just happened, it hit us by surprise and blindsided us.”
She puts a hand on mine.  I notice her fingers, claw-like and numbering only four, clutching to my fleshy, five-fingered hand; I have never thought this to be unusual, it’s all I’ve ever known of my mom.  The tears finally find their escape, running down her cheek.
“If only your father were here …”
I feel my own tears starting to fall.  Just then, there’s a gentle knock on the door.  I squeeze mom’s arm one more time before getting up to answer it.  When the door swings open, there is a white-haired man in head-to-toe black standing there, his tie blowing behind him, sunglasses planted on his face.  He looks sad despite this imposing appearance.
“Alanna, good, you guys are still here.”
I smile because I recognize this man.  “Hi Gabe.  Mom’s in the other room.  She’s in a mood again.”
He sighs and nods at me.  “I can understand that, believe me.  I have a message for the two of you.”
I lead him inside the house, but I can’t close the door.  Before I can, there’s a gunshot.  I duck behind the door and peer around it, and I see them, thirty blue-shirted jerks storming toward the house.
I slam the door and hit all seven locks.  “Mom, we’ve got company!”  My wings are unfurling already.
She hears the panic in my voice and knows immediately I don’t mean Gabe.  She storms out the back door, and her transformation is already beginning.  Her clothes are shredding as she lets the dragon out.  I hear the gunfire, but I’m confident she’ll get away.
I know she’ll get away.  She’s my mom.  My parents have been in tighter fixes than this.  For God’s sake, fifteen years ago they stopped the world from ending!
Gabe grabs my arm and holds me back, forcing me to watch as mom is overtaken by twenty blue-shirts.  She puts up a good fight, trying to throw as many off of her as she can, dropping some down into the canyon, barrel-rolling to get them off.
Then I hear an electric spark.  She screams and drops, collapsing in the backyard.  One of the blueshirts had a taser or something, and was able to disable mom. 
How could they do that to her?
I open my mouth to roar, and Gabe immediately clamps it shut.  He wraps me up in his overcoat, struggling and fighting, while he pulls something out of his pocket, something that sounds like a click-pen.  He clicks it once.
The sounds around us disappear, replaced by the sounds of nothing.  I struggle for a little bit longer, until I realize that we’re no longer in my house. 
“If you promise to be good, you can come out, Alanna.”
Gabe’s voice, despite the condescending words, is reassuring.  Mine has turned into a weak whimper.  “I promise.”
He unwraps his coat from around me.  Cautiously, I turn around to discover where we are.  The shrill, cold wind immediately tells me, we’re at the Ranch.  I look around and see desolate land, punctuated by tall grass, all of it wind-whipped.
“What happened, Gabe?  Why are we here?  Where’s mom?”
He sighs.  “I’m sorry, Alanna, we couldn’t save her.  I was supposed to bring you both here, I was supposed to get you out before they came, but I wasn’t far enough ahead of them.”
My mind races.  The slight disorientation I have from my trip to the Ranch clears quickly.  I grab Gabe’s shirt.  “What do they want with mom?  Where were they taking her?!”
“I don’t know.”
I pound my fists into his chest.  “How could you not stop them?  How could you let them take her?”
I realize I’m screaming, but I don’t care right now.  My words become incomprehensible.  The mood is unmistakable, though, it’s angry, it’s sad, it’s betrayed.  My world has been utterly destroyed.
My home is gone.  All of my home.
My tears steam against the chill of the evening.  I crumple to Gabe’s feet, wailing into his pant legs.  Eventually I cry myself into unconsciousness.
January 10th
The Hidden-In-Plain-Sight Ranch has been a home away from home for me and my family for as long as I can remember.  It’s run by Uncle Cyrus and Aunt Kitty.  They’re not blood relatives, but they treat me like they are.  Years ago, they were in the service with my parents, fighting alongside them with the supernatural powers they possess.
I should say that Uncle Cyrus still has his powers.  Aunt Kitty is just a normal human being, albeit one of my favorite people in the world.  It’s Aunt Kitty who awakens me as the first rays of sunlight are piercing the darkness.
“Come on, kiddo, there’s breakfast on the table.”  She nudges my leg, trying to rouse me.  I weakly open my eyes. 
They won’t focus for me this morning.  I think I cried too much last night.
Once I rub them, they finally wake up fully, and I can see where I am.  It’s one of the Ranch guest rooms.  There’s animal trophies all over the place … Aunt Kitty always brags about her trophies, but Uncle Cyrus told me once they all came with the house when they bought the Ranch.  A particular one, a mountain lion, roars silently right in my face as I sit up in the bed I’ve been loaned.
“Aunt Kitty?”
“That’s my name, don’t overuse it or I’ll have to kick yer ass.”  She winks at me.  I have never understood her sense of humor.  It’s primarily comprised of threats of physical harm delivered in a cutesy sing-song voice.  Most of the time, I just sigh and realize that this is the crazy friend my parents have. 
This time, though, she doesn’t let it go after the threat.  “Gabe brought you here late last night.  You were already asleep in his arms, so he left you in my gentle graces.”
I shake my head gently, to clear the cobwebs.  “How late last night?”
“Oh, I’d say about 2-ish or so.”
“Is Gabe still here?”
Aunt Kitty sighs.  “Unfortunately, no.  He got called back to Washington, something about a Senate hearing.  Not that it matters, the Senate’s just going to try their best to crucify him.”  She looks over at me.  “You young’uns don’t need to know about this stuff.”
Unfortunately for Aunt Kitty, this young’un knows exactly what’s going on.  It’s the Party.  The New Empire Party, the guys who pretty much run everything now, and that includes the Senate.  They’ve been trying to eliminate Gabe as a threat for years.  I’ve been keeping up with it in secret: my parents have been trying to shelter me from this reality, but they weren’t too good, or too careful, about it.
“Are you coming to breakfast or what?  Your buffalo chops aren’t getting any warmer while you sit there in bed.”  Aunt Kitty grins again.  Doubtless, I’m going to have to listen to her tell the story of how she butchered a bison just for this occasion.  While I could tolerate her stories, sometimes Aunt Kitty got a little gross.
A familiar voice chimes up outside the door.  “Is she awake yet?!”  It’s loud, shrill, and recognizable anywhere.
“Yeah, but don’t stay too long, I’m trying to feed her.”
A small shadow zooms across the door’s light.  Then I’m tackled.  Laughter erupts from the shape as she rough-houses with me.  “Alanna!  You made it!”
I laugh and hug my best friend, Michika Salem.  I’m happy to see another familiar face that I’m close to.  “Michi, what’s happening?”
Michi just keeps hugging me.  Is she crying?  “I was so worried, Alanna.  Worried about you, and your mom …” When she looks up and releases me, I can see the tear streaks running down her face.  The short-cropped black hair that frames her head is tousled by her tackle.
“I can understand that.  I’m fine, Michi.  I’m here, looks like for the time being I’m staying here.”  I gently squeeze Michi’s shoulder.  “Your mom’s right, though, I’m really hungry.  Have you eaten yet?”
Michi grins.  “Hell no I haven’t eaten.  I was waiting for you to wake up, so I could have brekky with my BFF!”  She virtually drags me by my wrists out of the bed and keeps me in tow all the way down the hall.
Breakfast is a subdued affair, relatively speaking.  Nobody wants to talk about the dragon in the room, but at the same time we can’t avoid it.  Aunt Kitty slaps a chicken-fried bison steak on my plate, along with a couple of eggs and two slices of toast, which I carry back to the table and start eating ravenously; I haven’t eaten since before Mom was taken.
Michi, between bites, finally asks me.  “What happened?”
I sigh.  Aunt Kitty puts a hand on my shoulder.  “Michi, you might not want to ask right now, she’s …”
“It’s okay.  Mom got taken, that’s what happened.  A bunch of blueshirts came and took her, and only me and Gabe were able to get away.”
Now it’s Michi’s turn to put a hand on my shoulder.  “Oh Alanna, I’m so sorry …”
“It’s all right.  It happens.”
Both women have weird expressions on her faces.  “Your mother getting kidnapped doesn’t ‘happen,’ not unless you live in the shitty country we live in,” Aunt Kitty finally says.
“But that’s the point,” I retort.  “It happens to supernaturals, all of us, whether we’ve actually done something or not.  It happens to all of us unless we’re able to get out of country.”
A deep voice clears its throat.  We all turn around and see Uncle Cyrus standing there, covered in sawdust, a smile on his face.  The short, wrinkly man was always one of my favorites of my parents’ friends, mainly because as a child I could see eye-to-eye with him.
“Or if they’re lucky enough to get here.  And we’re going to make sure more of them are able to get here.”  He looks up at Aunt Kitty.  “It’s ready.”
“Finally!  What took so long?”
Uncle Cyrus chuckles and brushes off his clothes.  “Dammit, Kitty, I’m a sorcerer, not a carpenter.  I needed to build the portal from scratch with mortal methods, you know.”
“What moron made that rule?”
Uncle Cyrus shakes his head.  “Whatever.  The point is it’s done.  It’s built, and it’s working.”
Both Michi and I turn around.  “What’s working?” we ask in unison.  He smiles enigmatically and motions for us to follow him.
When we arrive in the garage of the Salems’ ranch house, we discover a doorway built in the middle of the floor, seemingly going nowhere.  It’s basically a doorjamb constructed on a base, with a large wooden door hung from small brass hinges.  Uncle Cyrus makes his way over to the door and places his hand on the knob.
“My friends, let me present to you our supernatural escape hatch.  This way we can ensure that not only will our supernatural friends be safely away from the blueshirts, but if the New Empire extends its reach we will be able to ferry them away from harm.  Observe.”
I notice that now his hand is glowing.  When he turns the knob and opens the door, what appears on the other side is a mythic paradise, a beautiful, tree-lined realm with a large stream running through it.  Vines hang from the massive willows that line the short of the small creek, and the ground is coated with lush, green grass and vibrant flowers.  I’m very tempted to walk through the doorway and lose myself there.
“Ladies, let me present Avalon.”
I raise my eyebrows.  “Seriously?  Avalon, as in final resting place of King Arthur Avalon?”
“The same.  Or as I call it, home.  Avalon is a purely magic realm, which until this point was only accessible via bodies of water and large amounts of Avalonian magic.  Today I finished up this portal as a means for getting supernaturals to a place that is New Empire-free.  Avalon shares no borders with the mortal world, and time passes slower there so when they choose to leave hopefully the supernaturals will come back to a world without oppression.”
This makes instant sense to me.
“Brilliant work, Cyrus,” a voice chimes in from behind us.  We all turn around and see Gabe standing there, nursing one of his ever-present cups of coffee.  He’s carrying Dad’s Sword in his free hand.
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lailawinchesterr · 16 days
danneel’s house / jensen ackles
series masterlist | main masterlist
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My weekend could be spent studying for finals, or relaxing on the set of one of cw's longest, most successful, shows. Or in a cafe, grabbing a freshly glazed donut that i could’ve been craving, but it’s not. I am, in fact, not doing any of that, because my 'friends' (and i say this with all the love in my heart) are complete assholes who are driving me to Danneel's house.
I love that woman more than ever thought was possible, but it will never make up for what she did. Leaving me stranded, no calls or texts. Didn’t even check up on me, for God's sake. So no, i don't want to see her (at least not be the one to knock on her door) but apparently the girls found out where she lives from Jensen and we're all taking an adorable little road trip down to frickin' Lebanon. Now, I don't know what in the supernatural is going on, but i do not randomly drive from California to Lebanon, a three hour drive, on a random Friday just because i want to see an old friend who doesn't even consider me a friend anymore.
"Laila, you'll get wrinkles with all the frowning." Gen says sarcastically, looking over at me for a second from behind the wheel. For once in our lives, we don't have Jared with us, though he did say he might come pick us up with Bert, their driver. We won't let him though, this girls trips thing is fun, even if it is in favor to a girl I'm not in the mood to talk to.
"Shut up." I mumble and lean further into my chair, sighing. "Sometimes i love you but sometimes, you really suck, Gen."
"Hey, fucking— fuck!" She screams at a guy who stopped suddenly, pressing the horns for a couple of seconds before we steer away from him. "Sorry, what were you saying?" I'm about to answer when she cuts me off, "Right, you hate me. Well, you miss Danneel more than you hate me, so it evens out." 
"It doesn't. I don't want to see her."
"You don’t want to see her or you don’t want to see Jensen?"
"What?" I almost scream at her, my eyes widening while i grip her shoulder, squeezing just enough for it to pinch. It’s how my mother used to communicate her anger while I drove back in my hometown, a habit I’ve picked up as to not distract the driver but still convey your frustration— the way my mother so eloquently put it.
"Oh, we forgot to mention Jens is staying at her place for a few days with the kids, we figured we could maybe even push them together a little, you know? Jensen looks like he misses her too and i haven't seen Danneel but she didn't hide away from all of us if she's fine, you know." I do know. i know very well. That doesn’t mean i want to see her and Jensen. 
Why has my life come to this? Where's Jared when you need him? "Hey!" Gen says sternly, "No thinking of my boyfriend while i give you a hard time, i get jealous easily." 
A wide smile marks my features at how well she knows me, and I tease back: "Over him?"
"Over you." We laugh slightly, loosening up. It's fine, i've got my girls, what's the worst that can happen?
"Alona, calm me down." I panic while i balance one of the cakes we got in my hand. I got this. I can do this.
"You are an amazing person, and you have nothing to worry about, calm down, baby." I smile at her and nod. She kisses my cheek and leans into me so practically all her weight is on my shoulders, it helps distract me a little. Especially when i notice a half naked Zepp opening the door for us, screaming for 'mommy'.
"Laila!" He runs over to me and my short blooming laughter echoed throughout the small group, watching as he embraces my legs so i bend down to hug him back. And then, just as he's about to let go, Arrow does the same, throwing her toy car onto the floor. Her cute 'Leela' makes me smile even wider and i kind of forget about everyone else for a second, because God if i don't love these kids like my own. For all the weird and crappy with their parents, i've never loved a couple of children the way i do the ackles'.
"Alright you little monsters, give aunt Gen some love." And they don't waste a second to do so, screaming while she gives the cake in her hand to Alona so we can carry them into the house. 
We weren't exactly welcomed in, per se, but right as we shut the door behind us Jensen comes down, sweatpants and a black shirt on, hair still wet from what i assume was a shower, and greets all of us. 
From what's i've seen, and i've seen my fair share, Jensen is one of the most polite humans i've ever met. I've hardly seen him hug women he doesn't know, a habit i've noticed men take lightly. I hate it. I don't like being in such close proximity of someone i'm not comfortable with, so even though we've all known this man for half a decade, all he does is shake our hands, kiss our cheeks, and smile that charming smile of his, in respect to both all their husbands, i'm guessing, and our personal space.
"Hey, Laila, how've you been, darlin'?" He greets softly like he did everyone else, though they're giving us their backs now. He shakes my hand, pulling me in to kiss both my cheeks and invite me in further (not like we needed help in that department, we let ourselves in).
"I'm good, you?"
"Happy you're all here. Jare told me Gen might come but he didn't mention she'd bring everyone else with her, i'm sure Danneel will be glad." I scoff lightly but immediately regret it. I don't want him to think i'm mad at Danneel, even if i am, it isn't something i want to talk with him about. I'm sure i'd tell him just about anything if he asks though. "Hey, hey," he says to catch my attention, walking a little closer to me now, "she is, she will be, it's been a long time since she left California, she's much better now."
"But hasn't had time for a call." I roll my eyes and almost walk away from him before he grips my arm, still gentle but a little demanding.
"Please, be gentle with Dan, she's still going through... other stuff. I’m sure she'll tell you when she's ready but she needs her friends here." He pauses, then, "I'm happy you came." The 'you' no longer referred to all of us at the end of that sentence and it leaves me wondering for a second before Alona snatches my wrist, pulling me next to her as Jensen announces he'll take the cakes to the fridge.
"What was that?" She hisses, making me shrug. We all walk to the living room and just when she looks like she's about to press the matter, Icarus runs over to all of us, barking.
Have i mentioned how deathly afraid of dogs Rachel is? oh damn it. 
"Rachel!" Gen cries, moving our friend away from the half-spaniel, half-poodle breed that's barking up and down, he'd probably have done much worse if Gen wasn't standing in his way. Rachel winces as Gen touches her bad shoulder, still obviously sore from the accident.
"Hey, hey!" I hear her voice. I hear my best friends voice. The voice i've been longing to hear for a whole year; the one she’s been ignoring us for. It makes me spin so fast i thought i'd get wiplash. "Icarus! Down!" He obeys slowly, baeking softly so Danneel pets him, telling him to go somewhere, which he listens to and Rachel looks like she's this close to fainting so her and Alona go to the bathroom to freshen up.
That leaves me, my ex best friend, her ex husband, and Genevieve Cortese in the room. That doesn't last long because Jensen excuses himself to take a call so now it's us three. "Hey guys." Danneel's voice is weak and low and it makes me question whether what Jensen was saying is actually true or not. She’s never sounded like this.
That's the moment i decided to let it all go. If she was here, hurting, how am i ever going to forgive myself for giving her more shit? 
"Hey, baby." I soothe, placing my hand on top of hers, "How have you been? We've been worried sick about you, you haven't called in too long."
"Yeah, i have." She lets out a choked cough, "i'm sorry, i have something to tell you but... God, i just don't—"
"Dee!" Gen interrupts her rambling, "We're here, talk to us."
"I was pregnant." What in the ever loving fuck?
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I know what you’re thinking but I swear next chapter we get to see Laila and jensen actually doing something. Just need to give you guys the slow burn and drama first— mostly drama.
taglist: @kr804573
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1tad0ri · 3 years
hiii. can i request a rough nsfw with sukuna where he's so frustrated with jujutsu sorcerers that he decided to unleash those said frustrations on the reader? like he just won't stop until he release all the stress inside him— kshjsch i feel like sukuna would do that 😳 he'll be rough all night long
warning: degradation, choking, breath play, very mild pain kink, hate fucking
ryoumen sukuna x fem!reader
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i feel the same way so thank you, i’m going to be thinking about this for a long time
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“you know, i really thought you’d put up more of a fight.”
the grip he had on your neck was bruising, but certainly a lot looser than you thought the king of curses would be. your hands clawed at him nonetheless, although the whole current concept of being shoved against the wall of your bedroom wasn’t exactly something you were complaining about.
the three impatient raps at your door earlier had you rolling out of bed, wanting to sleep after your latest mission. you’d thought it was yuuji, hungry for your warmth, but when you unlocked the door, rubbing your eyes and stifling a yawn, you’d been unceremoniously shoved backwards, the wind knocked out of you when your back met the wall. the glint of tattoos on a familiar face in the moonlight coming from your window told you all you needed to know.
sukuna watched you curiously and then his sickening grin was back, fingers squeezing a little harder. you gasped, stretching your neck away. “what? not going to answer?” he sneered, “maybe you all really are the same. scared little fucking sorcerers.” he leaned closer, breath fanning across your face. “isn’t that fucking stupid? you’re all a bunch of scaredy cats, aren’t you?” he pouted mockingly when he spat out the name. his lips were so close, if you just tilted forward—
no. whatever morbid fascination you harbored towards him didn’t change the fact he was... well... him. you stood your ground, leaning forward to bump your nose against his, your own scowl evident. “you can’t do anything, sukuna. once we find all the—”
“all my fingers you mean? the ones you can’t destroy on your own so you have to come up with some little plan to get rid of me?” he laughed bitterly in your face and you bit your lip, trying to calm your fury before you did something you’d regret. “it’s all the same. you’re scared of me. you don’t have the upperhand. never will,” he whispered at the end.
“i’m not scared of you.” your thoughts tumbled out of your mouth plainly without a second of hesitation, but the tilt of his head in question, his forehead brushing against yours, made you think that perhaps telling the truth around him was a very bad idea.
it was dark, hard to see his face, but god he was so close. “yeah? what are you then?”
good question. wait, no, bad question. bad, very bad, because you already knew the answer to it. or... did you? vocal chords at a stand still, there was no way to verbalize what you felt.
“hurry up, brat.” sukuna tightened his grip on your neck before loosening it just the smallest bit so you could speak. “i don’t have all day. how do you feel then? you with your little human emotions.”
words... what are the words. it turns out staring down a literal demon king in the eyes wasn’t the optimal place to think. “i... i don’t know.” your voice was small, unsure, lying.
the staring contest, backed by deafening silence, continued for a mere beat longer as you regarded each other with quiet contemplation. you could just barely make out his eyes and the curve of his lips, parted slightly. his breath was warm.
you couldn’t take it anymore and it seemed like he couldn’t either—you both automatically tilted your heads, lips pressing against each other easily, eyes falling shut. mouths sliding against the other, he gently pushed your head back to hit the wall, tongues running over one another. it was slow, hot, and you decided you should probably thank yuuji for keeping his lips so soft.
sukuna sucked your bottom lip between his own and your hands fell away from his grip on your neck to pull him closer by the front of his shirt (he hadn’t ripped it apart yet, an impressive feat). his leg slipped between your own, and you pushed down on it with your hips, the friction making you open your mouth further to him, something enticing about the fact he was a very good kisser.
but then it was like a switch flipped and his hold on your neck tightened once again. “what... what am i doing,” you thought he mumbled, voice hoarse (then again, your brain wasn’t exactly listening when you were busy making out with someone like him), kiss faltering for a brief moment. his lips curled into a frown, disdainful.
shoving you further into the wall as he pushed against you with his mouth, sukuna was all sharp teeth and rough lips now, swallowing up your whimpers, nothing soothing about it like his previous actions.
“i fucking hate you,” he spat, his hand abandoned your neck and moved up to squish your cheeks together, finding satisfaction in the way your lips puckering out, barely able to move. “do you hear me? i hate all of you.”
“the feeling’s mutual,” you mumbled around his grip, hazy from the kiss but knowing what you stood for, fury evident in your eyes and furrowed brows. he was the enemy. and you were... you. and... and...
you were met with a bitter laugh, your stomach curling into knots at the sound. you hadn’t noticed his free hand tugging at your waistband until it was too late, his hand slipping in and wasting no time running two fingers harshly against your soaking folds. “why are you dripping wet then? a slut and a liar?”
“fuck off,” you mumbled again, a lot quieter this time, face burning hot from embarrassment.
“i’ll fuck off when you stop acting like you want to fuck me.”
his words made you straightened up. “i- i’m not—”
“you’re not acting? mmm,” sukuna let go of your cheeks just enough that he could properly kiss you, tongue forcing it’s way past your lips, “of course you’re not. of course.” he was mocking you and you couldn’t say anything.
a finger pushed into your heat and you bit down on his lip in surprise, although the pain only seemed to spur him on further, a second finger easily shoving its way in next to the first. curling, pushing, rubbing against that sensitive, spongy spot inside of you, sukuna’s fingers had your legs shaking, the knee he still had pressed between them the only thing keeping you up at this rate. the grip on your face as he hummed against your mouth prevented you from avoiding eye contact with him, lips wet as he disregarded any type of mess he was making.
he was everywhere at once and you felt trapped. hot—it was too hot, your body was burning.
“su- ku... n... a,” his name came out garbled between the onslaught of your face being squished together and the sloppy kisses he pressed into you at irregular intervals. when his thumb rubbed against your clit as the two fingers continued to pump in and out, you gripped his shirt so hard you were sure you would rip it this time. “too... mmm,” a kiss that was more tongue than lip cut you off and you weren’t even sure if he heard you as you choked out the next words, “mmm, hah— much, suku—”
at once he released you, almost letting you drop to the floor, but you were able to just barely steady yourself against the wall in time. sukuna stepped back and away from your shaking form. you were gasping, lungs burning.
“w...why did you—”
“i can listen you know.” you could practically feel his eye roll from his dripping tone, even if you weren’t looking at him. “‘too much.’” he laughed as he mocked you. “more like you’re too weak.”
you were thankful he actually seemed to have a brain, but still— “you’re an idiot.” fuck, your lungs hurt, the retort scraping against the walls of them. he was good. it had been a while since anyone had left your head spinning like that.
sukuna flicked a hand dismissively. “‘an idiot’ who’s giving you a chance to breathe, you brat.” he decided to ignore the name for now, thankfully for you (although you didn’t exactly see it that way).
you couldn’t choke out another snarky response and simply focused on clearing your head. he gave you a chance to think and once you seemed clear-minded, he wasted no further time.
you blinked, eyes bleary, peering up at him from where you bent over, trying to catch your breath. “w...what?”
“on the bed. now.” he shoved his hands into his pockets, watching you blankly as you regained your senses. “unless you want me to fuck you on the floor?”
“no...” god, what was with you? or rather... what was with him? the ache in your core answered your question, your cunt feeling so empty now—he hadn’t even bothered to let you cum and you already wanted his fingers stuffed back into you. he was irresistible—you felt stupid even having the thought.
sukuna’s eyes narrowed, close to shoving you to the ground to finish what he started but exercising restraint for your sake. you’d need it. “i’m being nice and giving you a chance to get comfortable on your stupid bed, you idiot. go. now.” he was getting tired of repeating himself.
the last few snarky words and your own desire for him actually had you moving this time, climbing up onto the bed a few steps away and settling uncertainly onto the covers. you went to look up for further instructions but he was already on you, both of you tumbling back onto the mattress as he practically shoved his tongue down your throat, hands pushing up and under your shirt to squeeze your tits.
“take this off.”
you automatically pulled at the hem of the flimsy t-shirt at his command, sukuna giving you just enough room to get it over your head, and then his teeth were on your exposed breasts, marking them up. your fingers threaded through his hair, his head moving under your touch as you watched his mouth work with half-lidded eyes.
you didn’t think you’d be able to change in front of anyone any time soon, already knowing the blossoming colors of bruises would be apparent the next morning. reminder to self: cancel your upcoming shopping trip with nobara; the dressing rooms with her would surely be a disaster if he kept this up.
“who’s are these?” his grip was rough when he cupped your breasts, squeezing.
you immediately knew the answer he was looking for, all too eager to hand it over. “yours. fuck, they’re all yours.” your hands ran through his hair, urging him to continue his onslaught on the previously unmarked skin.
sukuna laughed, thumbing your nipples, giving one of them a light lick that made you squirm. “you’re more obedient than i thought you’d be.” he pinched the buds, rolling them between his fingers as you squeezed your eyes closed, gasping at the pain. “but that’s enough of that.” your eyes snapped open, about to ask him what the fuck he meant by that, but he was already setting to work.
his fingers hooked around your sleeping bottoms and pulled them down with your underwear, the night air cold against your damp lips. you rubbed your thighs together but his hands on your knees forced them apart as he peered down at you. you felt so exposed under his hungry gaze, entirely bare for him to see while he was still dressed. unfair.
“wanna see. don’t close them,” was his short, clipped explanation as he kept your legs spread. one hand on your knee, sukuna brought the fingers of his other to run along your folds again just as he had done before, except this time he could actaully see how you quivered under him, cunt glistening and dripping. he slipped two fingers to run between the folds and then popped them in his mouth, sucking the slick from his fingers and maintaining eye contact with you the entire time. you couldn’t look away.
he hummed, content as he licked the last bit off of the tips. “you don’t taste bad for a slut.”
all the focus was on you, him criticizing everything little thing you did, and you were a mess because of it. not even a chance to run your hands over his chest? unacceptable. you pointedly ignored his comment, pining after some form of a reward instead. “at least take your shirt off. thought you hated those things.” the clothing ratio here was starting to grate on your nerves.
sukuna rolled his eyes but crossed his arms over his chest to grab ahold of the sides of his fitted t-shirt and tug it over his head. you watched, mouth watering at the sight—the moon provided excellent illumination for the scene, his body revealed inch by painstaking inch as he disposed of the fabric. god, he was so hot. you hated it.
muscles on display, sukuna raised an eyebrow at you as though he were asking, happy now? your silent reply came when you reached up to run your hands over the dips of his abs, his chest solid and tattoos curling over the surface.
“that’s better.” you made a show of your gaze tracing over the surface before looking up at him, smiling to yourself. “surprised you didn’t just rip it off.”
sukuna simply scoffed and swatted your hand away, moving from between your legs so he could work off his pants and kick them off to the side.
“knew you’d like to see me take it off properly,” he answered at last, back to you as he wiggled out of his boxers finally and chucked them off the foot of the bed. you didn’t get much time to admire his flexing back muscles before he was on you again, settling between your legs like he knew he belonged there (you weren’t sure you could argue with that point).
he pumped his cock, grabbing one of your legs and pushing it back. precum leaked from his tip, length already fully hard, and sukuna was enjoying your gaze on him maybe a little too much. leg shoved back and in the air, you whimpered when he rubbed the head along you. you didn’t need prep after being fucked by his fingers earlier you supposed and you weren’t sure you’d even be patient enough to sit through him stretching you out any further with anything but his dick.
you wanted to feel it yourself and so you reached a hand out to wrap around the base, captivated by how he watched you as you thumbed the slit, breathing heavy but not saying anything, letting you do what you wanted.
you wanted it in you so badly.
when he opened his mouth in question, eyes flitting up to yours, you were quick to cut him off, already knowing what he was going to ask. “yes, i’m sure.” you didn’t know curses could actually be compassionate, and it was cute when his jaw locked hard at your confirmation and he nodded, shifting his gaze back to your hand.
you released his cock and sukuna set back to lining it up with you, grip on your leg locking the limb in place. you shivered under his hold and he grunted when the head nudged your entrance, slowly pushing in.
“fuck. take it. take it all in. fucking slut.” he sunk fully in in one motion, the pace enough not to have you screaming out at the stretch but making your breath catch in your throat all the same. “yes, just like that. a good bitch, that’s what you are, aren’t you? look at you.”
you didn’t even know what to think at this point, a shaky resemblance to his name tumbling from you, more so a moan than actual talking. you could feel him everywhere—so full, so overwhelmingly full.
shoving your leg back further until it was almost painful, cock bottomed out in you, sukuna snapped his fingers in front of your face. “i asked you a question, brat. or are you already too fucked out of your mind to answer?”
you couldn’t breathe, head heavy, and tried to nod in confirmation as you struggled to puzzle through his words, but then you shook your head to answer no—god, you were confused. what was the right answer? what was happening?
maybe you really were already too fucked out of your mind. you vaguely recalled his words from earlier and were able to form a somewhat coherent response. “a good bitch... yes, i a- wait.” what were you saying? first you let him fuck you and now you’re openly submitting to him? the curse that had nearly cost you and your friends your lives countless times?
pride wouldn’t let you go along with his little game even as your dripping pussy told a different story. “i’m not anything to you.”
sukuna scoffed, hips grinding into you as he leaned over you, hooking both of your legs over his shoulders and pressing them back, close to your head. “and here i thought we were actually starting to get along.” a mirthless laugh left him, both of you eye-to-eye now where you lay.
fire burning in your eyes, you were very much reminded why you hated him so much. a self-obsessed asshole was what he was. “i’m not exactly looking to be friends with the king of curses, you idiot.”
“but look at you now. you wanted this.” he licked a stripe up the side of your neck, pausing at the base of your jaw to grin and press a sweet kiss to the area. you shivered and your hands found his shoulders to grip onto. he wasn’t wrong about the wanting it part—the amount of times you’d fantasized about exactly this was concerning. “i wonder what would happen if your little friends knew about how you really felt. what’s that term you like to use? ‘fraternizing with the enemy?’”
sukuna laughed again when your expression fell, face hot at the reminder of the others. “i suppose this is considered a bit more than mere fraternizing though, hm?” he continued, smiling and kissing your cheek.
whatever. no one would find out anyway. expect... expect maybe... yuuji—what had happened to him anyway for this to happen? knowing him, he’d probably been too tired after the last mission and sukuna had easily switched in—the same mission that seemed to have set sukuna even further along in his fury against jujutsu sorcerers this night.
you weren’t dating yuuji per say (it was... complicated), so your qualms when it came to fucking the curse possessing him were... minimal to say the least. you wouldn’t have done it if you were already taken, couldn’t have done that to yuuji, sweet as he was. but even in spite of all that, sukuna was right... this whole thing was so... no, don’t think about it.
you didn’t care either way (...maybe)—you couldn’t let his words get to you.
“just move already.”
you heard him grumble, annoyed, and he propped himself up to hover above your face. “i was giving you time to adjust. you’re so ungrateful.”
and with that, sukuna snapped his hips into yours without another moment of hesitation and you dug your nails into his back, mouth open in a silent scream because fuck.
“ungrateful fucking brat.”
“more,” your voice was hoarse, focus narrowing in only on the way he was fucking you.
you weren’t sure if it was your words or his own desire that spurred him on, but he set a bruising pace from the start, the places where your hips met hurting every time he rammed back into you. he was marking up your neck, the area already feeling sensitive and oh-so overabused, yet you not wanting to tell him to stop.
sukuna’s hand wrapped around your neck again, the feeling familiar now and you clenched around him at the sensation, him growling when you did so. the slight squeeze of his fingers had you seeing stars, the light-headed feeling going straight to your building arousal.
just like before, his hand traveled up to squeeze your cheeks and he was hovering over your mouth again, lips brushing against your own from the momentum of his thrusts. “let me kiss you again.” sukuna’s eyes were dark, unreadable.
you were quick to act at that, not letting him lean down, but rather craning your neck up to latch onto him, moaning as your mouth fell open for him to push his tongue in. his hand released your face to travel down to tweak at your nipples and grip your breasts again, other hand holding your leg steady against him. “filthy fucking slut.” he forced the words into your mouth, speaking around your lips that kept chasing after him. “fuck, you’re so fucking tight.”
sukuna’s attention returned to your neck, leaving you to gasp into the air and missing his warmth against your face. when his thumb found your clit, your breath hitched and you knew you so close to coming undone. the rubbing of his cock against just the right spots inside of you, filling you so wholly was not helping.
“su...kuna, please, i’m gonna—” you were babbling, chest heavy when his teeth sank into your shoulder, stinging. his wet kiss on the area was cooling, the contrast making your head tilt further back, wanting to give him easy access to whatever he wanted.
“i’ve got you.” he was whispering against the wet skin, voice low with his pants, and you shivered, digging your nails into his back even more. “come on, brat, you want to cum for me, don’t you?” yes, you did. the stretch, his hands everywhere at once, his scraping lips—yes, you wanted to let everything go.
“fuck, fuck, fuck.” you let yourself come undone, heat filling your chest. everything was him—that’s all you knew in this state.
“look at you, creaming all over my cock. god, you’re so pretty. pretty little slut.” the words just kept flowing as he fucked you through your orgasm, chasing his own release.
when he finally came, your hole was aching, abused, the sound of skin against skin the only thing you could focus on, mind cloudy. his cum was hot and filling when it spilled into you, your stomach doing summersualts at the feeling. his pace gradually began to slow, the sopping sound of him fucking his cum into you as he rode out his own high the only sound besides your ragged breaths. when he eventually stopped, he was leaning over you, sweaty foreheads pressed together, and he pushed one final bruising kiss to your lips that you gladly returned.
you were panting, chest rising and falling unevenly. “fuck, oh my god.” you reached up pull him back into another kiss, needing something to hold onto. it was an easy kiss, no thought going into its form, just knowing that lips were meant to be on each other and slotted together. his lips were so soft, and his fingers along your side were so soft, and his chest against yours was so soft and you were absolutely lost to everything.
sukuna finally pulled back to let you breath, knowing you were probably stupid enough to just keep pulling him in more and more and ignoring your lung capacity until the very last second unless he stopped you.
chests heaving, you stared at each other and he brought a thumb up to rub at your swollen lips. you flicked your tongue out to lick at the digit playfully and smiled. a laugh bubbled out of you and he returned the grin, his own deep chuckle vibrating through you where you were still pressed against each other.
it was laughing that you moved to push him to roll off of you. “oh my god, i can’t believe we just-” the hand that gripped your wrist, your own hands still planted on his chest, stopped you immediately. his smile had morphed back into one that was anything but sweet.
you were suddenly aware of the ache in your legs where they were still pressed over his shoulders and the dull throbbing of your pussy as it begged for a break, him still not having pulled out—the look on his face told you that you wouldn’t be getting a break from those sensations any time soon.
“who said we’re done?” his teeth glinted in the moonlight and god the line was so cliche and he must’ve known you’d hate it so much. what you hated even more was the throb in your core at his words despite all that. “wanted to cum in you at least once, but your tits-” he paused to squeeze one of them for emphasis, “are looking a little too clean.” body covered in sweat and marks all over your chest from his handiwork made you think clean wasn’t exactly the correct description, although you understood his sentiment.
surprise ridden expression falling away, you rose to meet his challenge, your own grin reflecting back. how would it feel when he came on your stomach, on your face, on your ass—anywhere and everywhere? would it be the same feeling as before when he’d spilled inside of you? (would you get to taste it?)
the thought was horrible, you knew, but the trickle of white out of your hole around his cock and dripping onto the sheets made you think maybe it was okay to be horrible for once.
“do your worst, king.”
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cjsinkythoughts · 3 years
In Need of a Breath
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Reader
Word Count: 4007
Warnings: !FATWS SPOILERS!, Cursing, Zemo, Feelings, Another PTSD Flashback
A/N: So…Part 4 is going to have a couple parts to it. Maybe even three. I didn’t even make it half way through the episode on this one, mainly because I really wanted to fit in the Reader’s backstory and I wanted her and Sam to have a heart-to-heart again. I’m suuuuper tired, so I probably won’t be posting the next part for another few hours (it’s 5 am right now and I haven’t slept), BUT it’s my day off work and I won’t be doing anything I planned because my grandmother had a stroke a couple days ago so plans have changed and I’m staying in to help her, meaning I’ll mostly be writing all day. 
This Part is kind of a mix between off-screen and shot-by-shots, but it’s mostly off screen/what’s going on inside Reader’s head.
I’m really excited about future parts and the characters that are being introduced! I will say that after these parts, I will be doing one shots of previous MCU movies with the Reader, due to the information that is being given about the Reader now. You kind of see more of how she was affected/how she affected the previous MCU movies and what she was doing during that time.
Like always, this hasn’t been beta’d, again it’s SUPER early in the morning, and I’m really tired, so please excuse any mistakes! I hope you guys enjoy this part! Stay tuned for more to come later today!
cjsinkythoughts MASTERLIST
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“You know…I’m really starting to regret saying yes to this.” You huffed out, craning your neck and squinting your eyes against the sun as you stare at the facility in front of you, hating the skin-crawling feeling of being back.
“Would you relax? Whenever you’re nervous, I get nervous, and I don’t wanna be nervous about this.” Sam shifted his weight from one foot to the other.
“Do either of you have a better plan?” Bucky grumbled, crossing his arms.
Gnawing on your lips, you finally take the lead and breathe out, “alright. Let’s go then.” You could feel the hesitance from your - what were they? Partners? Coworkers? Teammates? - the fellas before they started after you.
There was a sick twist in your gut as you entered the building, going through the lobby and security.
You had been there.
You had been there when Zemo impersonated Bucky. You had been there when Zemo unleashed the Winter Soldier at the Joint Counter Terrorist Centre Building in Berlin. You had been there during the battle at the airport. You had been there when Zemo turned Tony and Steve against each other in Siberia. You had been there when Zemo tore the Avengers from the inside out. Your family. The only family you’d ever known.
But you’d always been good about pushing your personal feelings aside for the sake of the mission. It’s what you’d been born to do. All you ever knew.
“Hey. Doll. You hear me?”
“Hmm. What?” You looked up from the ground to look into those enchanting blue oceans Bucky had for eyes, staring worriedly down at you, eyebrows pinched and forehead creased.
“I’m going in alone.” You frowned, opening your mouth to argue, but he shook his head. “Sam already agreed-”
“I didn’t necessarily agree-”
“You’re an Avenger, sweetheart.” Bucky tilted his head, speaking softly, those eyes of his worried. Worried for you. It made your stomach flip. “And you were there in Siberia, and that almost makes it worse. Especially considering you went after him. Just…just let me do this, okay?”
You cracked your knuckles nervously as you thought. It was a terrible idea. But it was an idea. And it was all they had. “Okay.” You finally relented, shrugging as your hands hit your thighs and slid up to your hips. “But don’t do anything stupid.”
“Steve took all that with him.”
Knowing about their little inside joke, you scoffed. “Sure he did. Go before I change my mind.”
You watched him walk down the hallway, hands fidgeting with excess nerves. “I think you’re the only one he actually seeks approval from.”
“Good thing I’m so lenient then, huh?” You joked, turning to Sam with a strained smile. Your smile slipped at the curious expression on Sam’s face, his eyes darting to each of your features. “What?”
“Are you doing okay?”
You groaned, throwing your head back. You thought you got out of talking about your feelings back in Baltimore. “Oh my God, Sam-”
“I’m serious. You…you just don’t seem like yourself.”
You shook your head, looking down the hall to where Bucky disappeared before turning back to him. It was weird to have a self that people recognized. Your whole life you’d been searching for it and when you finally found it…everything went to shit. “Honestly, Sammy, the only time I’ve ever felt like myself was with the team. Zemo took that away from me and now we’re here, practically begging him for help.”
Sam hummed, leaning against the wall. “Have you thought of taking a break?”
“A break.” At your bewildered look, he rolled his eyes. “Cher, this time last year most of us were dead. This time a few months ago you found out about Wanda. This time last week you were out looking for her. Maybe you should just stop and take a breather.”
Shoving your hands in your pocket and looking at the floor, you couldn’t help but snort at his advice. “I haven’t taken a breather since I was eighteen.”
He clicked his tongue. “That’s my point. FBI academy as soon as you graduated. SHIELD recruit by 21, undercover operations leader by 24? Slow down. You’re in your thirties. Next thing you know, you’re gonna be ninety something, lying on your deathbed, wishing you had stopped to smell the roses.”
“If I live to be ninety, shoot me.” He chuckled in amusement. “I’m so fucking serious, Sam. I will not be put in an old folks home to play Bingo and be pushed around in a wheelchair. It ain’t happening.”
“I’ll see what I can do.” There was that infectious smile, which you unconsciously grinned back at. “Y/N…I’m serious. You’ve been in and out of missions since you were a teenager. What’s the shortest undercover operation you’ve done?”
“I dunno.”
He gave you an unimpressed look. “Yeah you do.”
Licking your lips, you turned away and shrugged. “A couple months. Seven weeks and three days, to be precise. September to October in 2012.”
“And the longest?”
“August 2007 to May 2009. Twenty one months.” 
Letting out a puff of air through his nose, Sam pushed himself off the wall and caught your chin between his fingers to make you look at him. “That’s nearly two years under cover. And I’m sure you went right back under after-”
“I was sitting at a desk for four months doing paperwork on it.” You defended yourself.
He shook his head, brows knitting together, lips drawn down. “You say that as if four months is enough time.”
“It doesn’t matter anymore, Sammy. I’m out. I’ve been out since Ultron and Sokovia. I haven’t been under in almost a decade-”
“A decade half the world was dead for half of-”
“I wasn’t!”
“I never said you were.” Sam sighed, closing his eyes for a moment. You were always amazed at his ability to keep his emotions in check. To stay cool under pressure. Sometimes you forgot how experienced he was with dealing with other people’s trauma. It was no wonder why Steve thought he’d be good for Bucky. “Listen. All I’m saying is once this is done…don’t go diving back into searching for Wanda. Don’t go running to the kid every time he calls - and I know you’ve been doing that-”
“It’s just been homework and stuff-”
“Y/N.” You stopped, biting your lip at the stern look he gave you. “Go home. Order take out. Binge watch TV. Go for a jog through the park. Actually meet your neighbors. Go grocery shopping. Just…live. If only for a couple weeks. Don’t worry about anyone else. Don’t pick up the phone, don’t drop everything because someone needs you. You need you.”
“I-I…” You shook your head, looking at him, sincerely apologetic. “I can’t. I wish I could. But I can’t. I’ve never had one normal day in my life. I’ve never had someone to care for, never had someone to care for me. I can’t let people I’ve come to…I can’t let them think I don’t care. I don’t even know where I’d go.”
“Whaddya mean?”
You winced, not thrilled for his reaction to your next statement. “I, uh, I sold my apartment in D.C.”
He gaped at you in complete disbelief. “You got it in December!”
“I know, I know. I liked it. I really did, but…I dunno. Nomadic life has always suited me better. It’s what I grew up with.”
He took a breath, making you cringe again. You don’t think you’ve ever legitimately gotten on his nerves like this before. “Have you ever thought that, instead of going with the flow and jumping place to place, putting down roots might actually help?” He cut you off before you could say anything, holding up a finger to stop you from talking. “I can’t imagine going from foster home to foster home like you did. I can’t imagine not having a home for as long as you can remember. Louisiana’s my home. Always has, always will be. But I understand your life has been anything but stable. And maybe, just maybe, that’s why you need some stability.”
You clenched your jaw, crossing your arms. “The Avengers were my stability. Steve was my stability.”
“Because you loved him.”
“I’m not doing this with you again.” You turned to walk down to the lobby to wait for Bucky there, but Sam caught your arm.
“You were in love with him! It’s okay! You two were super close! No one would blame you! Why won’t you just admit it? I’m trying to understand! Why won’t you-”
You tugged your arm away, finally snapping at him. “Because he could never be mine, Wilson! Is that what you wanna hear?!” Sam took a step back at your exclamation. You closed your eyes, swallowing the lump in your throat and pushing down the tears. “He could preach all he wanted about moving forwards, Sammy, but we all knew he was stuck in the past. He visited the museum every Thursday because her interview showed in his exhibit on Thursdays. He carried around that broken compass because her picture was in it.” You looked back up at him sadly, shrugging. “And I get it; it’s hard to move past your first love. I get it because…that’s what he was to me.”
There was a silence that blanketed the hallway, before he spoke up hesitantly. “What about Bucky?”
“I thought - I thought I was projecting my feelings for Steve onto him because I knew Steve couldn’t ever…”
Sam raised an eyebrow. “You thought? What do you think now?”
You cleared your throat. “I’m still figuring that one out.”
“If you ever need to talk, I’ll be here.”
You chuckled, nodding slightly towards him. “Back atcha. Don’t think I haven’t noticed you not being yourself lately, either.”
“It’s…a tough topic.”
You nodded in understanding. “Just know that I’ll support every decision you make as long as you think it’s the right one. Because I trust you. Steve trusted you. It’s all we can do to try to do what’s right. That’s what makes you a good man, Sammy. He gave you that shield for a reason, and if you think what you did was right…I’ll stand by it.”
The two of you stared at each other for a moment, calming down in each other’s presences and taking comfort knowing you’d be there for each other through thick and thin. “Thank you, cher.”
“Of course, Sammy. Now let’s go see what’s taking the old grump so long.”
He laughed at that, nodding in agreement, taking your offered hand and squeezing it as you made your way down the hall.
Bucky eyed you as you spluttered, coughing on the water you were drinking. “Please don’t choke, doll.”
“Break him out of jail?!” You repeated his words and blinked at him, absolutely baffled by his plan. “Oh my God.” You groaned as Bucky and Sam started arguing, moving your flashlight around the room. “Where the hell are we?” There was no response as they kept going back and forth.
“Zemo’s gonna mess with our minds! Especially yours! No offense.”
“Heelllloooo!” You tried again. “Where the hell are we?!”
Bucky turned on the lights, giving Sam a look. “Offense.” Glancing at you he quirked an eyebrow. “Stop worrying your pretty lil’ head, sweetheart. You trust me, dontcha?” Your breath hitched at his words. You quickly recovered, huffing and pouting - although you’d deny ever pouting - and crossing your arms. You stood between the guys like that, eyes darting to whoever was speaking, waiting for them to stop so you could actually think.
“Look. Let me just walk you through a hypothetical. Can I walk you through a hypothetical?”
You and Sam exchanged glances. “What did you do?”
“I…didn’t do…anything.” Bucky shrugged.
“How is it that you, one of the most deadliest assassins basically ever, are one of the worst liars I know.” You tilted your head at him, an eyebrow quirking up in confusion.
“Shush it you. Just, okay. The weakest point in any system isn’t the software, the hardware, it’s the meatware. The human element.”
The more you listened to Bucky’s “hypothetical”, the stronger the gut feeling telling you this was a terrible terrible idea got. You brought your hands up to your head, eyes wide as he spoke.
“I don’t like how casual you’re bein’ about this. This is unnatural.”
You couldn’t help but agree with Sam’s words, your head falling back and your eyes closing. “Sweet Jesus. Listen, God, I know we don’t talk much these days, but please, please don’t let this not be a hypothetical. I’m fucking begging you.”
A noise to your right made your head snap over. “Oh hell to the fucking no!” You shook your head as Zemo himself walked in, wearing a prison guards uniform. “Uh-uh! No way! Bucky, this was not part of the plan!”
“What did you do?!”
“We need him!”
“You’re going back to prison.”
“If I may-”
All three of you faced him, simultaneously shouting, “no!”
You held your face in your hands as your head dropped, shaking back and forth, your eyes squeezing shut, tuning them out for just a minute to think. Bucky had a point. The enemy of my enemy is my friend and all that, and the Avengers were technically disbanded, which was Zemo’s whole objective in the first place, but…God. You were good at compartmentalizing, but not that much. You were willing to put your feelings aside for the mission so Bucky could talk to him. Not for you to work with him. But he had connections, you knew he did, and he had information…
“Doll?” You looked up, Bucky anxiously licking his lips as he met your gaze. “I need you to say something.”
You looked to Sam, who shrugged, gesturing to Zemo. “What do you think?”
What did you think? What did you think?! You thought that it was the worst idea in the history of ideas and you should turn back and find another way! But…you knew this was the fastest, probably most reliable way to get information that you needed.
Dammit, since when were you the deciding factor?
You sucked in a breath, looking over Sam’s shoulder at Zemo, who lifted his hand in greeting. You raised your eyes to the ceiling, pointing your finger accusingly. “This is why we stopped talking.” Gaze dropping to the still waiting fellas, you gnawed on your lip, before hissing out, “ffffine…” Running a hand through your hair, you threw your hands up as you shrugged. “Fine. Okay. Fine.”
“Okay.” Sam nodded, taking charge again.
You couldn’t believe this was happening. Except, that was a lie. You could. You’d seen weirder. You’d experienced the impossible. Lived through the unbelievable. This…this was completely imaginable.
Which is why, with a lot of hesitation and very little confidence in this plan, you followed Zemo through the auto shop you were in until you reached a large room with a ton of different old cars.
Bucky’s hand found yours as Zemo explained what the plan was, rather vaguely, in your opinion, but at least he was explaining. Point for him. Not that it would make up for the level of distrust you held for him, but it was something.
You looked up at him, giving him a puzzling frown. He usually only grabbed your hand in front of other people when he was feeling anxious. Which, yeah, he had a right to be anxious right now, but it wasn’t the right kind. The type of anxiety caused by large crowds and loud noises, ones that startled him and threw him into a defensive mode.
But the look on his face made you squeeze his hand in reassurance. He was pouting, staring at you although he did something wrong - a puppy that tore up a pillow - and all you wanted to do was give him a hug.
“You’re mad at me.” He mumbled as the four of you headed out with Zemo in the lead.
“No I’m not.”
“Yeah you are. 
“Bucky, I’m not mad.”
“Listen, if I had a better idea I wouldn’t-”
You brought your linked hands up to your lips, pressing a gentle kiss to his gloved knuckles. “I’m not mad.” You repeated more firmly. “It’s just…a lot for me, right now.”
“Why? What’s going on?”
“Nothing’s going on, Buck, I-I just…” You thought about your and Sam’s earlier conversation and suddenly understood what he meant. “I need to breathe for a second.”
His features twisted into ones of uncertainty, eyes squinting as you stepped outside. “Do you…do you wanna leave?”
You shook your head, tugging his arm to stop him and grabbing the sunglasses on his collar, slipping them over his eyes. “No. I just need some time to think. Hopefully the plane ride to wherever the hell we’re going will give me that.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, James. I’m sure.”
He lowered the glasses on his nose to scan you over the frames, before nodding and sliding them back up. “Okay. You ready for this, then?”
“No.” You breathed, turning back to where Zemo and Sam were still walking. “Let’s do this.”
Climbing onto the private jet, you raised an eyebrow at Sam, who shrugged, giving you a bemused expression. A Baron…huh…who knew? You feel like you should’ve, yet there you were.
You sat besides Bucky, across from Zemo, crossing your legs and leaning back while staring at him through narrowed eyes.
His butler seemed nice, which made you even more suspicious. You obviously didn’t know as much about Zemo as you wanted to. It was a habit you picked up after years of undercover work; once the mission was complete, that was that. There was no looking back on it. No sitting on it. It was over and you moved onto the next one. It was a bad habit in cases like this.
The moment you spotted the notebook over Zemo’s book you knew something was going to happen, yet you still flinched when Bucky lunged at him, grabbing his throat. You leaned back in your seat again, steadying your now racing heartbeat. You decided you were too tense, trying to relax your muscles as Bucky sat back down in his seat.
“I’ve seen that book. It was Steve’s when he came out of the ice. I told him about Trouble Man. He wrote it in that book.” Sam seemed so proud of himself that something he recommended was written in Steve’s little book and it made you smile.
You remembered that; Steve and you were supposed to meet up for coffee after his run, but Fury called him in so you rescheduled it for when he got back. He asked you about Marvin Gaye. For your opinion. You told him to check it out and make his own.
You remembered asking him about that little notebook of his, and he just shrugged you off telling you about his list. He would read items off to you, but he never let you read the book yourself. You never found out why, and you supposed you never would now. The thought made an ache behind your ribs that you’d come to familiarize yourself with appear.
You smiled a little more as Zemo and Sam told Bucky how awesome Marvin Gaye was. “C’mon, baby. Back me up.”
Chuckling, you looked at Bucky. “They’re not wrong. But,” you quickly added before Bucky could whine at you, facing Sam again. “Neither is Buck. I mean, c’mon. You can’t find music like the 40’s anymore. Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong, Benny Goodman, Fred Astaire. Ol’ Blue Eyes himself.”
“Thank you.” Bucky grinned at Sam, who rolled his eyes.
“Okay, okay. But, I mean, c’mon! Everybody loves Marvin Gaye.”
“I like Marvin Gaye.”
“Steve adored Marvin Gaye.”
Your face fell as Zemo started talking about Steve and icons and Red Skull, your mind once again slipping away from reality.
“Kids love you.” You giggled as you finally made it out of his exhibit. You’d wanted to show it to him since he moved to D.C., and you’d finally got an opportunity after coming back from being undercover for ten weeks. “You’re their hero, you know.”
“Yeah, well, I’m just trying to do what’s right.”
You nudged him, scoffing at his answer. “You’re too humble. You’re a national icon, you know.”
Steve shrugged, looking around the museum at the planes surrounding them. “I never wanted to be.”
“Why not? Everyone loves you.”
“I’m sure not everyone loves me.” He rolled his eyes. “And…I just wanted to help. To fight. Protect my country and the people I cared about. I-I didn’t ask for…all that.” He waved behind his shoulder where his exhibit was getting smaller with each step they took away. “People were dying. Bullies were winning.”
You shook your head, spinning and walking backwards besides him to face him. “Sure, but you did that. And you became someone people could look up to in the process.”
He narrowed his eyes at you before asking, “why do you do what you do?”
“...because I’m good at it?”
“Honey.” He gave you a look. “Answer the question.”
You hummed in thought. “Because I couldn’t stand by, knowing there would be orphaned kids if I didn’t help any way I could.”
“Alright. Why do you do it in the dark?”
“Whaddya mean?”
He shrugged. “Why don’t you come out and take credit for all the lives you’ve saved?”
“Because that’s not why I do it. I don’t want that attention. I just want to know I’ve helped people. I’ve kept them safe.”
He gave you a soft smile. “I just wanted to beat the bully. I never wanted to be a dancing monkey, too.” You looked at him in a new light then, understanding where he was coming from. “Watch out, honey!” He grabbed you and pulled you aside before you could crash into a wall, arms wrapped firmly around your waist. He gave you that charming smile of his. “Wouldn’t want you hurting that pretty lil’ head of yours, now would we?”
You snapped back into the conversation, moving your eyes from the window to Bucky, who tilted his head, eyebrows pinched and eyes narrowed. “Sorry. So, Madripoor. That’s a fun place.”
You ignored the side eyed glances Bucky and Sam exchanged, Sam turning to you curiously. “You’ve been?”
“Once. Back in 2010 for a few months”
Zemo raised his eyebrows. “You’re lucky to have gotten out.”
You shrugged nonchalantly. “Lucky, maybe. Skills were a part of it, too, though.”
“Good.” Zemo nodded. “Because we’re going undercover…and if we blow it. We’re dead.”
You breathed out, shaking your memory away and getting your head back into the game. Because like the man you were severely wary of in front of you said, if you blew this, you were dead. And, sure, you didn’t want to live until ninety, but you weren’t even half way there yet. So dammit if you were going to die soon.
“Hey.” You looked over at Bucky’s murmur, his head tilting as he grabbed your hand and pulled you from your seat closer to him. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah. I’m fine. Are you okay? You know you’re going to have to be-”
“I know.” He nodded. You watched his Adam’s Apple bob as he swallowed thickly. “I’ll be fine. Just…tell me right now if you need to step out for this one.”
You gave him a smile that you knew he didn’t buy, just by the slight narrowing of his eye, his lips pressing together. “No. No, I’m good for this. If you think I’m gonna let you two idiots go into Madripoor with him - alone - oil that cyborg brain of yours, because there’s no way.”
He squeezed your hand, eyes still filled with uncertainty. “Are you sure?”
“If there’s even a slight possibility that I can protect you, then yeah. I’m sure, Buckaroo.”
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