#izuku fanfiction
shiggybrainr0t · 10 months
suggestive, mdni
thinking about big, buff izuku <3 sure he was short when he first started ua but once third year came around he hit his growth spurt hard. and now that he’s the no.1 hero? he’s huge. his hand, rough with calluses, fingertips almost touching when he wraps it around your neck. biceps bulging when he lifts you against the wall. fingers gripping the fleshy part of your hip, your thigh, leaving bruises. but he’s so soft with you. the next morning, before he leaves he sees the bruises he left illuminated by the soft sunlight breaking through the curtains you guys picked out together and his brow furrows. he tugs your leg straight, glancing up when you snuffle in your sleep from the movement, and then slightly presses his fingertips into the marks he left. when you shuffle again, harder this time, he presses a soft kiss to each bruise, five in total, rounded, a perfect purple painting of his fingertips.
“m sorry baby”
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dorian-winter · 1 month
I never posted this moodboard for the fanfic.
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This is kind of Izuku's vibe. (Love him to death).
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its-f4nf4n-again · 1 year
Chasing Sunrise
Getting old is supposed to be a privilege, so why does this feel more like a curse?
AO3 Link Here Word Count:  2326 Rated T for grief/mourning, dementia, hurt no comfort
No one in the Pro Hero community talks about getting old.  Maybe it's because most Pros don't really consider aging a viable career option.  When you find yourself often quite literally in the line of fire, when a primary requirement of your job is to place yourself between civilians and calamity every day, it probably feels like you are destined to die young.
Old Pros are a rarity.  An exception.
And to hear any octogenarian who was once a Pro tell it, the toll growing old takes on your knees and your back is hardly worth the extra time.  Many believe to die valiantly defending a city from a rampaging villain is a far better end than shuffling around their living room (or worse, being pushed through it in a wheelchair).
Izuku Midoriya is not sure he agrees, but then he's seen more than his fair share of death already.  And he's lucky that his mother has remained relatively fit in her old age, still active and living on her own despite his attempts to get her to move in with him.
"Oh, I'm fine.  Stop fussing," she says when he mentions the new, ultra-comfortable bed he and Ochaco have put into the guest room reserved for her when she visits, a subtle reminder that she is welcome to stay forever if she wants to.  "I like it here."
Here, of course, is the same apartment she's had for nearly three decades, the one where Izuku first indulged his love of Pro Heroes and where she sewed him an All Might costume that put every store-bought one his classmates ever wore to shame.
"If you're sure," he says, "But the offer stands."
The fact that Inko pats him reassuringly on the shoulder as she gets up to make tea only makes him feel increasingly inadequate.  No matter how fervently he offers to help, she will not be swayed.
"I'm fine, Izuku.  I promise.  You're a guest.  Sit down.
And maybe she is fine.  He certainly is, he supposes, technically, a guest.  But if he were a better son, wouldn't she let him help?  Wouldn’t she want to come live with him?  Isn't that what children are supposed to do for their parents, take care of them as they get older?
The answer doesn't matter.  Not really.  Because the fact is Inko Midoriya seems perfectly content to remain at home by herself and there's nothing her son can do to change her mind (short, perhaps, of announcing she's about to become a grandmother, a thought which makes Izuku's throat run very suddenly dry as his ears turn bright pink).
When Izuku voices his frustration to his partner that evening, Ochaco reaches across the dinner table to clasp his twisted, arthritic fingers with her own.  He can feel himself lift gently out of his seat at her touch, the tops of his thighs bumping against the lip of the table, which anchors him in place while she only smiles.  "If she's happy where she is, then there's no reason to keep asking.  She knows she's welcome here whenever she's ready."
Ochaco has had similar conversations with her own parents, Izuku knows, and the two very headstrong Urarakas insist they wish to remain in Mie.  Still, Ochaco has a special savings account designated specifically for them, to provide housing and care in Mie or relocate them to Shizuoka if necessary.
"Besides," she says as she releases her Quirk and Izuku's backside lands back on the cushion, "I don't think this is really about your mom, is it?"
He supposes not—at least, not entirely—though he is loathe to admit what's really bothering him so much.  Even as he pulls his jacket on after dinner and Ochaco gives him a goodbye kiss, promising to leave the hallway light on him for when he returns because she'll be out on patrol, Izuku pushes the thought as far to the back of his mind as he can.
The walk is brief, a mercy in the chilly winter evening.  But sometimes Izuku wishes it were longer; that he might have more time to prepare himself for what awaits him.
Golden Heart Home is an unassuming four-story building nestled in a residential section of Musutafu.  Izuku has to provide his identification and answer a health questionnaire each time he visits.  Even though he asserts he has not experienced any symptoms of illness in the preceding fourteen days, one of the nurses take his temperature using their Quirk, anyway, just to be sure.  The bright blue badge on his chest that declares him a VISITOR also says when he is no longer welcome inside—the pass only provides two hours on premises, which is never nearly enough.
(And, if Izuku is honest, sometimes he stays longer anyway, knowing there are no other visitors waiting for their turn; knowing full well the staff will only chide him half-heartedly as they escort him out and remind him gently of the rules.)
They used to escort him to the correct room, number 315, but now they just wave him up the stairs or onto the elevator, depending on how many shifts he's taken recently and whether his prematurely arthritic knees can withstand the climb.  Tonight, Izuku chooses the stairs, and he takes them two at a time as fast as he can with his hands shoved deep into the pockets of his jacket.  By the time he makes it to the right room, his temples are dotted with sweat and he's breathing just a little heavier.
Regardless of whether he takes the stairs or the elevator, Izuku always pauses before he opens the door to take a deep breath.  Much like when he responds to a call while on patrol, he never really knows what to expect, and so it's best to be prepared for anything.
Tonight, the room is quiet when he slips inside, the Hero News Network's nightly report droning softly from the television, barely intelligible over the muffled sounds of the elder home’s other residents.  In front of it, the man Izuku has come to visit dozes, stringy blonde hair pulled away from his face with a white headband that matches the slippers he's wearing.
Most people have forgotten about Toshinori Yagi.  Not All Might, of course; no one could ever forget him.  But the shriveled, gaunt man behind the mythic Hero has mostly faded from public memory.  Last year, he was erroneously reported as having died before Izuku went on record stating that was not the case.  When pressed for details, however, he kept his lips tightly sealed.  "All Might has asked for privacy in his retirement, and I'd appreciate if we could all respect that," was all he said.
The truth is if people saw All Might as he is now, if they saw Toshinori Yagi, they wouldn't recognize him anyway. Even the scrawny man Izuku first met on a rooftop coughing blood onto his too-large shirt looked hardy and robust comparatively.  It is a sight Izuku still isn't used to, despite his many visits.  The once bright eyes fogged with equal parts age and confusion, the clavicle and cheekbones as sharp as any knife.
It is not All Might sitting in the chair before the television, but a fragile old man in need of a visitor.
"Hello, All Might."
Izuku keeps his voice soft in case this is a night that requires it.  Sometimes when he visits, Toshinori sleeps in his chair or his bed and Izuku just sits with him.  Occasionally, he will reach out and hold one of All Might’s skeletal hands.
It took a while for him to be able to do that.  When he first started coming here, Izuku was too afraid to touch Toshinori—afraid that even the slightest contact would break him; that his rice paper skin would split open at the gentlest caress.
He got over that, though, eventually.  And now Izuku will often hold Toshinori’s hand while they sit together, or pat the back of it reassuringly when he is confused.  His skin is always too cold, often clammy.
It doesn’t feel at all like All Might’s hand anymore.
“Midoriya, my boy!  I’m so glad you’re here!”
The relief in Izuku’s chest bursts like a balloon and rushes through him.  It’s a good night.  For now, at least.
It’s always nice when All Might recognizes him, even if it’s only for a little while.
“It’s good to see you,” Izuku says as he shucks his coat and takes a seat next to Toshinori.  It’s always too warm in room 315 (and probably the rest of the facility, but Izuku can’t attest to that from personal experience), but tonight he’s content to enjoy the overworked heater in lieu of the chilly weather outside.
“How are your studies coming along?”
No matter how many times it happens, it still takes a moment to adjust when it does.  He knows he should be grateful Toshinori is somewhere Izuku recognizes and can participate in.  More often these days, he is somewhere else entirely—Izuku is just another strange face in a sea of strangers, with no way to anchor the man he loves so much to reality in any meaningful way.
“Classes have been good,” Izuku says, a nostalgic smile tugging at his mouth despite himself.  His years at U.A., no matter how loaded or fraught because of everything else that happened during his time as a student, is still a bright memory.
Toshinori nods sagely, as if this makes perfect sense; as if it is the expected answer.
“Good, good,” he says.  “I’m so proud of you, my boy.”
Izuku’s smile broadens.
“I just wish they would tell me why they’re keeping me here.”
Izuku tries to hold his smile in place, but it falters a little, despite his best efforts.  He takes a slow breath, reorients himself before he answers.  “Where are they keeping you?”
Toshinori frowns and his grip tightens on the arms of his chair.  Izuku can sense his frustration acutely, see it in the way his eyes lose focus, like he’s peering into a fogged mirror, trying to see beyond the haze.
“I don’t know.  But I wish I could go home.”
Izuku visited Toshinori’s apartment only once after he moved out of the staff accommodations at U.A.  It was modest, considering All Might’s accrued wealth and social standing, but it seemed to suit Toshinori just fine.  Izuku wonders, sometimes, if it would have been better to let him remain there until he died.
But people with a greater understanding of the situation than he has decided this was the best place for All Might to be, and Izuku has to trust that everyone involved has his mentor’s best interests in mind and at heart.
“I know it’s hard,” Izuku says, “but I’m sure you’ll be able to go home soon.”
He hates lying, but the nurses and doctors tell him it’s best to keep Toshinori calm, and doing that occasionally means stretching the truth a little.  It’s hard, though, because Izuku knows Toshinori will never go home.
Just as he will never be All Might again.
Sometimes the former Pro still tries to transform and Izuku remembers how Ochaco had to hold him as he sobbed after watching the nurses sedate Toshinori so he would calm down and stop injuring himself.  The crazed, terrified look in Toshinori’s eyes is not something Izuku thinks he will ever forget, even if he somehow manages to live forever.
“Maybe you’re right.  They’ll realize I don’t know anything soon, and maybe then I can go home.”
Izuku offers a reassuring smile and reaches out to touch Toshinori’s too-cold hand.  He pats it reassuringly and Toshinori turns to him with a faraway look in his eyes.
It is then Izuku realizes he has lost the thread.  Toshinori is looking at him, but there is no longer any recognition in his gaze.  It’s stunning how quickly it happens, sometimes, and it never gets easier.
“Thank you for your help,” Toshinori says, patting Izuku’s hand in return.
The lack of my boy stings more than it ought to.
“Anything for you, All Might.  I’m a big fan.”
That makes Toshinori smile as he settles back in his chair and uses the remote to turn the volume up on the television.
Izuku knows he will sit with Toshinori until long after his two hours have expired. It’s nights like this the other man needs companionship most.  Even if he looks at Izuku and does not recognize him, there is something calming about his presence—the nurses have noticed and said as much.
All Might may not remember him right now, but he might again soon.  And even if he doesn’t, some part of him locked away still looks at Izuku and recognizes a friend.  Maybe he even senses there is love there between them.
If all he can do tonight is sit beside Toshinori and watch the news, Izuku thinks it is time very well-spent.  Especially as that time draws ever shorter.
One day, probably soon, Izuku will no longer need to put a coat on after dinner and walk to Golden Heart Home.  Maybe that night Ochaco will take time off work and they will curl up together to watch a movie—the newest (and best) All Might documentary, if he’s honest.
He knows she will support him as he grieves because she’s already started.  It makes him even more grateful for her, a thing he never thought possible.
Izuku wipes at his eyes, glad that Toshinori is too focused on the television to see the few tears that escaped before he noticed.  Now is not the time for crying; now, Izuku knows, is time to savor what he can.
He settles back in his chair and reaches out to clasp Toshinori’s hand gently.  All Might squeezes back.
“Midoriya, my boy.  I’m so glad you’re here.”
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hanahaki270 · 1 month
♡ Sharing a Dorm ♡
Synopsis ┊Your dorm is going under renovation and you need to find a place to crash in for a while. Luckily a certain someone offers you to stay in theirs for the time being.
Characters ┊Katsuki Bakugou, Shoto Todoroki, Izuku Midoriya.
A/N ┊beginner Writer here, these were harder to think of than I thought ngl. If you have any requests please send them to me, I'm open to do different characters and also different anime's!
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Katsuki Bakugou
❥ By no means whatsoever does he offer his dorm out of the kindness of his heart. He just got pissed off of seeing you sleeping on the couch in the commons area every morning, and accidentally stepping on your blanket or pillows. After stepping on your blanket once more he grabs your shit and puts it in his dorm and acts like he's bothered by this but really he doesn't mind at all.
❥ Makes you sleep on the floor for the first two nights until you convince him to share the bed. He's reluctant at first but then allows it as long as you stay on your side of the bed. Do you really though?
❥ Expect to sleep earlier and get your sleep schedule in check because his dorm, his rules, lights are off at ten pm sharp with no exceptions.
❥ Also expect your grades to go up. While he's your roommate he's going to make you don't slack off on your studies.
❥ When he wakes up in the morning and notices your head resting on his chest he gets somewhat annoyed but secretly likes it. he's willing to get behind on his strict schedule and let you rest on him a little longer. but just a little.
❥ Demands you now be his training partner but is careful to not get carried away. You're strong, but he still doesn't want to run the risk of hurting you. therefore, he always keeps Aid kits in the bathroom just in case you do get any scratches, even if they're minor.
❥ Constantly threatening to kick you out over every little thing but actually has no intention of doing so. He won't admit it but he enjoys your company. "I swear if I see one more sock lying around I'm grabbing your shit and throwing it out."
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Shoto Todoroki
❥ "Why don't you sleep with me." he said boldly unaware of how his sentence had more than one connotation to it. I mean you need help and as your friend he's more than willing to help you out. plus he has the biggest dorm compared to everyone else, if anything he's the most suitable to offer his help he thought.
❥ Asks you what temperature you prefer to sleep in so he can use his quirk to either make the room colder or warmer depending on your preference. and ALWAYS makes sure to make both sides of your pillows cold.
❥ When he's out visiting his mother you make sure the place is clean (though it usually is since he tends to be on the neater side) and prepare some soba for him as a token of your appreciation. After a couple of times he starts to look forward for it and got saddened the one day you forgot.
❥ In return he made sure not turn on the lights when getting ready in the morning as to not wake you up. Part of it was for a selfish reason though, he thought it was cute how you slept soundly on his bed.
❥ Speaking about sleep; During the night he would find himself cozying up next to you, not on purpose though. He just felt comfort in your presence and he realized you felt the same way when you also moved closer to him during the night.
❥ Leaves out coffee for you in the mornings since you tend to stay up late on nights and wake up always running late to your classes.
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Izuku Midoriya
❥ Overheard you talking to Tsuyu and Uraraka about how you need a place to sleep in and walked over to offer his help without a second thought. You already spend most of your time in his dorm room during the day to share notes anyways. The only difference would just be you spending the night.
❥ Offers for you to sleep in his bed while he sleeps on the floor. After you refuse to let him sleep on the floor he shyly agrees to share the bed with you constantly asking you if you're okay with it.
❥ Midoriya stays up late at night writing in his notebook and murmuring thoughts to himself. You persuade him to go to bed and leave his worries for the following day. he deeply apologizes for the burden kind of embarrassed. "I-I'm sorry! was I keeping you up? I'll go to bed in a few minutes don't worry."
❥ Always invites you to go out with him whenever he leaves the dorm, even if it's something as simple as going to the gas station to get some snacks.
❥ he loves to talk your ear off geeking out about the knowledge he knows about the top heroes and their quirks. When he notices he got carried away he gets all types of flustered but even then he doesn't get the sense of being judged.
❥ Since he's constantly getting injured and going to see Recovery girl he always comes back exhausted. regardless, his stubborn ass still tries to go out on missions and push himself to the limits. he get's frustrated when you don't let him do so and force him to rest and leave his chores to you. But he loves you for it.
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alottieluv · 1 year
mdni. not explicit nsfw but implications.
izuku who gets flustered when you walk in on him taking a piss in the bathroom, despite you having seen his dick countless times.
he’ll be mid-piss, his hero suit loose on his figure without being fully zipped and his freckled shoulders jumping when the door bursts open by you who walks in oh, so casually to finish your morning routine. he almost barked out a laugh when you had the audacity to ask, “honey, why’d you close the door?”
slowly turning away from the mirror over the sink, you look at him with a hint of a smirk in the small smile you give him. “you know there’s nothing neither of us haven’t seen.” you leave him in the bathroom, not even bothering to close the door as you move onto the next part of your routine.
if he wasn’t blushing before, the redness in his cheeks that reach up to the tip of his ears now leave no room for doubt. oh, the things you do to him.
and now he’s hard.
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mysicklove · 1 year
i can imagine izuku still being a virgin and getting so pussydrunk because it's his first time
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Pairings: Virgin! Sub! Top! Pro-Hero! Izuku x Experienced! Dom! Bottom! AFAB! Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: Alcohol use, heavy overstimulation, vaginal penetration, biting, hickeys, creampie, crying, begging, nicknames,, multiple rounds
A/N: Guys Im going to be honest. This is lowkey mostly plot heavy and not too much smut. Im sorry anon I should have made it short and smutty, but I just had this idea and one thing lead to another... I will make short smut stuff!!!!!
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Izuku was desperate to have sex. He may be doing fantastic career-wise, but his life in the sheets was dry. So unbelievably dry. He was so pent up, so frustrated, he needed it so badly. Every night he has to get himself off, and by god, he wanted more.
He met you a couple of weeks ago, and you have clouded his mind ever since. He doesn't even know your name. All he knows is you were wearing a red dress, and you kissed him so hard he couldn't breathe. Pressed your knee on his clothed cock, and just like nothing happened, disappeared.
He was drunk. The both of you were. He remembers the smell of alcohol on your breath, how flushed you look. He was probably no better, the fact that this happened at all means he had to be wasted. He barely has the confidence to talk to girls.
It happened at some sort of party that only celebrities or the rich attend, but with all the Google searches in the world, he couldn't find you. His search history was embarrassing.
But even so, he fantasized about you. The purr of your voice, the soft hands that ran over his muscular body, the way you said, “Such a pretty boy in front of me, you must have all the ladies in the palm of your hand, hmm?” while pressing your lips, coating with red lipstick, onto his neck.
He couldn't get you out of his head. He attended every single party, but alas he could never find you. He would end up at home, alone, touching himself.
Until he found you again, two months later. At another party.
He spills the champagne in his hands, when he sees you, eyes wide, before stumbling up and over to you. You are at a table by yourself, sipping on some sort of cocktail. You were in a dark blue tight dress today, and instead of that red lipstick that stained his neck, you were wearing clear lip gloss.
He awkwardly, and hesitantly taps your shoulder, and flushes when you turn around. The thoughts of that night come flooding back to him, and he has to look away so he doesn't get a hard-on.
“Oh! Deku, I didn't know you were here.” You say with a bright smile and he blinks at you. He just cannot stop thinking about the fact that this is the face he gets off to daily. The way you look now is so different than last time. You look so innocent, grinning so widely, it's nothing like the flushed, domineering persona you had that night.
Either way, it's still you and he gulps. “Hey! Yeah…I was invited.”
You smile into your glass cup. “I would hope so.”
He blushes. Such a stupid thing to say. Of course, he was invited and you were too, what was he even talking about? “So..What's your name?”
You hold out a hand and grin. “Y/N.”
He takes it and gently shakes it, trying to hold back his nervous shaking. “It's nice to me you, Im–”
“Deku?” You prompt with a tilt of your head.
He falters, “Uh yeah! But I was going to say, Izuku” He trails off and you laugh.
“Sorry. Got ahead of myself! It's nice to meet you Izuku.” And suddenly your facial features flip. That smirk is back. He loves it. “Your tie is all messed up, mind if I fix it?” He blushes but nods. You grin and grab onto the green tie, and he goes needle straight. “Yknow. You look awfully familiar, Izuku.” You say in a lone tone, that makes the blood flow straight to his cock.
He splutters, “You, you think so?” You drop the tie and hum. Your mouth opens, beginning another probably teasing remark when a call of your name cuts you off. A female voice, he takes specific note of.
You turn to him and smile. “Well, that's my cue. I'll see you around, pretty boy.”
He stands there staring at the space you just preoccupied with a blank face. And then it hits him. Pretty boy. That’s what you called him that night. You remember. You had to. He turns around quickly and says, “Wait!” but you are already gone. Hidden by the crowd of dancing and drinking rich idiots.
He eyes the cocktail you left, sighs, and finishes it off. He has gotta get some liquid courage in him if he wanted to be bold enough to deal with you.
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He searched the party all night, but alas he couldn't find you. He almost began to give up hope, when suddenly he saw you. Alone, once again, and on the balcony. He sets his drink down and uses the silver reflection of his plate as a mirror to quickly brush through his hair. He sighs and then as calmly as he could so nobody would say anything, walks to the balcony.
When you hear the footsteps, you turn around, and when you see who exactly it is, you grin. He laughs nervously. “Woah, funny seeing you here, Y/N.”
You raise your eyebrow and turn to lean your back on the balcony ledge. “Oh don't give me that, I saw you looking for me all night like a lost puppy.” You throw your head back in a laugh and his ever-returning blush is back.
“Y-You knew? But, why didn't you…” He trails off when you step closer to him. Now you were less than a foot away, grinning up at him, he could almost feel your breasts press against him. He gulps and looks away, hoping to fight his arousal. He could smell the traces of alcohol.
You grab his face to make him look at you, and you lean forward like you are going to kiss him, and then pause, centimeters away. “Izuku, what do you want from me?”
“Everything.” He whispers eyes half-lidded as he stares at your lips.
You smile. “Good answer.” And then press his lips to his. He groans, low and softly, but leans into the kiss. He grabs your waist and presses you against him, and you pull away when you feel his hard cock. “Where should we go?” You prompt, basically inviting him to ask you to his place.
But, much to your dismay, he doesn't get it. “Bathroom,” He says, thinking back to that one night, and then leans forward for another kiss.
You pull away, eyebrows furrowed in disgust. His eyes widen when he feels your warmth disappear. “Bathroom, really? You–You are just like all the others. I thought after the whole romantic balcony scene you would at least have the decency to ask me to your place.” You turn around to head back inside.
He stumbles forward, and grabs your wrist, eyes pleading. “Wait! I'm sorry! I'm nervous, please come over! I've never done this before, I promise I'm not like the others,” He basically begs and this time your eyes widen.
“Oh my. Don't tell me, the number one pro hero, is a virgin?” He looks away and goes silent. You throw your head back in laugh at the confirmation, and he pouts. Then, you grab onto the green tie and pull him forward, he stumbles in front of you, the blush returning. “I'm going to have so much fun with you, pretty boy.”
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Tonight was the best night ever, Izuku decides when his head is thrown back, mouth open, as you sink onto his cock. How could he be missing this all of his years? It was so much better than the fantasy. So much better.
“Oh god,” He groans, hands coming to your hips instinctually. You begin to steady your movements, sitting on your knees in his lap.
“How does it feel? After all this time, you finally lost your virginity,” You say with a grin, hand running down to trace his chest. He nods, a drunken smile pulling at his face.
He gazes down at your sexes and moans. “Feels good. Warm, mhmm so warm.” His voice cracks, “and tight. So much b-better than my hand.”
You laugh, but it comes out in broken pants, so you lean forward to kiss him. He pulls away quickly, eyes wide and panicked. “Oh fuck. Oh fuck. I'm going to cum. No, no, it's too earlier. I can't” He shakes his head and clutches at the sheets beneath him, trying desperately to hold it back, as you continue to ride him.
You shake your head with an adoring gaze. “’s alright. We will just have to go again. And again and again, until you are all fucked out, hmm?”
He stares at you with hearts in his eyes, nodding rapidly. “Yes. Yes, please, please. Fuck. Cumming. I’m cuming!” And just like he said, he released his load in you and rolls his eyes back. Small gasps and a silent moan tumble down from his lips, and his hand shakes as he grips onto your hips.
You coax him through it with a smile, running your fingers through his unruly hair. When he comes down from his high he stares at you with a lazy grin, and the next thing you know you are being flipped over.
Your eyes widen as you feel Izuku start to move in and out again. It was surprising, he had just come down from his orgasm. Wasn't he being overstimulated? His pathetic whine answered your question. “Iz-Izuku, do you want to take a break?” You sigh when he begins to pick up the ruthless pace again.
He leans his head into your neck and shakes his head rapidly. His voice comes out in a pitchy whine, “But you said!” He grips the pillow next to your head and whimpers into your neck, feeling the pain of his spent cock being overworked.
“We can go again after you recover.” You gasp and clutch onto his back, sending nail marks down it. He groans. “So it won't hurt you.”
He shakes his head again and you can feel the drip of the tears falling onto your neck. He was trembling. “No. Please don't make me stop. ‘m good. So good. Feels so so good.”
You grin, maybe a little sadistically as you watch him begin to crumble. You wrap your legs around his waist and pull him closer. He moans, high pitched, and loud. He presses his lips to your neck, sucking and marking any area he can lay his mouth on. You crane your neck to allow his urges. “I love it. I love it.” He half murmurs half whines in between kisses.
“Hmm?” You respond, not trusting yourself to speak while he begins to pick up the pace. One hand grips onto his hair and the other continues to scratch his back.
“Your pussy. S-So warm and tight. ’s like it was made for me.” He gasps and you laugh, to the best of your ability.
You pull him back by the mop on his head and he whines, eyes shut, as his head tilts backward. “What happened to my bashful virgin? You're so lewd now.” His hips pick up the pace.
He tries to the best of his ability to shake his head but ultimately fails under your grip. “But I love it! I do!” You laugh at the ridiculous response and let go of his hair. He collapses back and immediately buries his face into your neck again. “Im going to cum again. Can I cum? Please, please.”
“So quick. Still have a virgin body. Alright. For me, yeah?”
He nods a little embarrassed, and he feels his muscles begin to contract. He bites down on your shoulder and you hiss, but he ignores it, riding his second orgasm through. It's stronger and harder than the first and he screams into your skin, tears falling copiously down his round, flushed cheeks.
He peers down and widens his eyes when he sees his cum begin to leak out of your pussy. He gulps, feeling himself get hard once again, and flips you over immediately. “More. More. Please, just one more. One more time.” He lays completely on top of you and interjoins his fingers with yours.
He uses his arm to lift your hips up so that it was easier to fuck. It makes you raise your eyebrows. He must have watched a lot of porn to know that trick.
“What if I say no?” You tease and he releases an unsteady whine. His eyes are blurry from the tears.
“Please don't say no. Please, I love it. I love it so much. Please, Y/N!” He begs, dropping his head on the pillow next to your face.
“So needy.”
“P-Please.” He whimpers, in a voice so low you could barely hear and you grin.
“Alright. Go ahead.” You could barely finish your statement when all of a sudden he is pounding into you again, mumbling stuff like “Thank you. Thank you.” and “Good. So good.”
You know it hurts him. It has too, overstimulation is no joke. But the way he continues, eyes watery and hips frantic shows just how desperate he is. How obsessed he is with it. The pain didn't even matter to him, the thought of driving his cock into you spurred him on.
He wanted more. You opened his eyes, and once uncovering the truth, he could never get enough of it.
Fucking Izuku may not have been a good idea. In an instant, you turned this poor, cute virgin, into a pussy-starved man. But alas, he seems to only seek it from one particular person, so it may not be all that bad.
He came five times that night and you twice. He asked to go again, but you had to stop him when you took a peak at his fuming red cock, tear-stained cheeks, and trembling body. He doesn't seem to know when to stop.
You left early that morning, legs wobbly and body completely spent. He slept in, his body seeming to be more exhausted than yours.
When he woke up, his body sticky from sweat, his hair messy and body was sore, the first thing he took notice was the sticky note stuck onto his forehead.
Messy, cursive handwriting spelled out, I’ll be waiting for my lost puppy to come crawling back to me again. Xoxo, Y/N
He fell back onto the pillow with a groan. Not even a phone number. You were so cruel.
So, he does what any good puppy does. He attends every party for the next three weeks until he finds you again.
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iiraven · 6 months
When Izuku lines his cock with your dripping cunt, he pauses. 
The two of you have spend over an hour with foreplay alone; him going down on you and then fucking you with his fingers before plunging his tongue back inside of your pussy again and again and again. You’ve lost count of how many times he’s made you cum, and your entire body feels almost numb safe for your aching cunt, left waiting for his thick cock. 
He watches as you clench around nothing, hips still stuttering and Izuku is not sure if that’s from your previous orgasm or if it’s an unconscious desire to have him inside of him. Regardless, he’s so mesmerised by you, your body, your wet cunt, your swollen clit that he doesn’t even notice the way he gently strokes your thighs as he stares.
“Izuku?” you look up at his face, his cheeks flushed and mouth slightly agape as if he’s never seen your naked before. 
But Izuku doesn’t look up at your face when he gently mumbles “’m sorry” before suddenly lifting your hips of the bed and putting his face back between your thighs.
You gasp at the sudden feeling “Izuku!” but can’t say anything more as he eats you out like a starved man, licking and sucking, letting the mess of your fluids drip down his chin. 
He only pulls back slightly to plunge two digits inside of you, curing them slightly as he’s done so many times before. You shake beneath him, eyes watering “I c-can’t, ‘s too much, I can’t cum again!” 
But your boyfriend leans back and kisses your thigh “yes you can, pretty girl. Look how well your pussy is taking my fingers” he speeds up his pace, the sounds of your juices just as obscene as the sight before him. “You wanna be my good girl don’t you? Cum all over my fingers? I just want to watch your pussy cum for me, you can do that, can’t you? You can do that for me?”
And of course you can, you can never say no to Izuku. 
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tootiecakes234 · 3 months
MHA guys reacting to hearing you be mean to yourself:
Izuku: man pauses and just stares at you. After he gets over the initial shock that the love of his life is criticizing his favorite person he sits you down, pulls out his handy dandy notebook and lists off the reasons he has written down that he absolutely adores about you.
Katsuki: takes those as fighting words. Puts you in a headlock until you list 5 things you like about yourself. Warns you not to do that shit again or he will seriously kick you ass the next time.
Eijirou: pulls you into his arms/lap and asks you why you’re feeling that way. Gives you words of reassurance and is very physically comforting. Asks that next time you’re feeling that way you come straight to him.
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cryptids-and-muses · 6 months
A hilarious au idea involving Sir Nighteye
In this au, all might having a sidekick was never public knowledge, this was to maintain his image as the sole pillar of peace, and because nighteye works best in the shadows anyway.
Jump cut to 12 year old izuku meeting nighteye because reasons, I’m thinking nighteye saves him from a villain, and of course izuku BEGS him to sign his hero notebook. Here’s a hero he doesn’t recognize!! It’s so exciting!! Nighteye, upon seeing this journal, recognizes not only this kid’s talent but also how much in depth and possibly sensitive info he knows, and is like “….maybe we should keep an eye on him.”
After a bit of scoping him out, and a LOT of discussion with inko, nighteye essentially offers izuku a work study position as an analyst. The kid shows a lot of promise in that field, even if he seems dead set on being a field hero. And because nighteye’s operation is top secret, no one but izuku and inko know his after school job is at a hero agency.
Here’s where the fun starts.
Because this would not change how things play out with all might at all, he’s still offered one for all.
Izuku asks who knows about the quirk and yagi, who isn’t on speaking terms with his former sidekick who the public don’t even know he had, does not tell izuku nighteye knows about the quirk. Or even that he used to work with nighteye. Why would he? So izuku keeps this secret from nighteye and asks for reduced hours at work so he can train for UA, leaving out who he’s training with.
Meanwhile, izuku of course wants to tell all might he works with another hero, nighteye’s operation is Top Fucking Secret and izuku promised to maintain that. So at most All Might knows izuku part times at an underground hero agency, but izuku won’t tell him which one. All might finds this more amusing then anything else and respects his student’s privacy.
Nighteye still wants Mirio to be all might’s sucessor and is ENRAGED to find out he gave it to some random child he hadn’t even known a day. Refusing to listen any more.
So neither of these two idiots realize they’re mentoring the same kid.
Cue the entrance exam and izuku having to explain to nighteye that he “suddenly” manifested his quirk and nighteye is like “…..wait a minute”
I’m calling this au My Hero Custody Battle
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chaepink · 7 months
midoriya gets his blood sucked by you, a vampire, and maybe enjoys it a little too much
⋆ ࣪. ❤︎ PAIRING ⸻ izuku midoriya x vampire!reader
⋆ ࣪. ❤︎ WARNINGS ⸻ dom!reader, begging, blood kink, biting, dry humping, slight choking kink, finger sucking
⋆ ࣪. ❤︎ WORDS ⸻ 1.3k words
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"Come on~ just a little taste, please?" You grin, flashing your sharp canine teeth at the shaking boy in front of you. Fear flashes in his eyes when he looks at your teeth, his eyes widening. He decides to quickly lower his head instead, avoiding eye contact and remaining unresponsive.
He wishes he hadn't wandered by himself into a seemingly unoccupied building in the middle of the woods at night just for a dare. If he didn't he wouldn't have been caught by you and pinned before he could do anything.
When he tried to escape by removing his hands from your grip and kicking you, he found out that you're much stronger than he was, having not even budged even when he used his quirk. The hand on his waist was seemingly innocent but now he know it was to keep him pinned against the wall.
You frown at his silence. This was turning out to be harder and taking longer than you thought. After ages of not being able to get any human blood, you're rather hungry and you're not sure how much longer you can last without any.
You lean forward slightly, your mouth near his ear as you whisper into it.
"Please? It probably won't even hurt." Well, you're not sure about that. "Plus-" you start, eyeing his pale neck that's right under, licking your lips. "Maybe it'll even feel pleasurable."
Midoriya shivers at the close proximity, squeezing his eyes shut. You can't see the look on his face but you can feel the heat starting to radiate off his face, making you grin. You can't help but give the top of his ear a small teasing bite, making his breath hitch, before leaning back to observe his face.
He's still looking at his feet and you give a small sigh, beginning to feel slightly bad for him.
"It probably won't even take that long-"
You pause, having not heard what he quietly mumbled. You raise an eyebrow at him even though he's not even facing you "Hm? Say that again for me."
"i s-said okay, j-just..." Midoriya slowly looks up at you, a hint of fear still in his eyes. "Make it quick please...?"
You widen your eyes before laughing a little. "The sounded more like a question than a request. What convinced you, huh? The pleasurable part?" Midoriya blushes even more, shaking his head, trying to convince you otherwise.
You're about to tease him but you notice him gulp, averting your attention back to his neck. Midoriya feels his heart beat faster at the way you're staring at his neck so intensely.
The hand that was pinning his hands goes trails down to his neck, wrapping around the back of it before giving the sides a small squeeze. You trust him to not run off and even if he did, you would be able to catch him pretty quickly.
"You have such a pretty neck, you know?" Midoriya tries to stutter out a response but the way one second you're still staring at his neck and the next second your teeth are hovering over his neck knocks the breath out of his lungs.
"Relax, it'll hurt more if you're tense." Midoriya unintentionally tenses even more at your words as a response so the hand on his side goes to squeeze his waist, signaling him to calm down.
"Besides, you won't turn into a vampire like I am. Well, only if you want me to turn you into one, of course," you joke. And before Midoriya can ask you what you mean by that, you sink your teeth into his soft flesh.
Midoriya lets out a gasp but it quickly turns into a small whine as he feels a sharp pain in his neck where you bite him. His hands quickly latch onto your shoulders for support, squeezing them tightly.
He feels his neck tingle, both from your bite and from the way one of your hands is gently squeezing his neck from time to time.
Ironically, he feels blood rush down to his lower parts as his breath turns ragged. It doesn't hurt a lot, it just feels… unusual. He won't admit it but it feels rather pleasurable in a way. Midoriya has to bite his lip to silence his noises.
It would be embarrassing if you found out that he got hard from you, a vampire, sucking his blood.
He feels your thigh against his tent but with his back flat against a wall already, he has to pray that you just don't feel or notice it anytime soon.
While sucking his neck, you feel something against your thigh and with interest, you decide to slightly push against it to find out what it is.
"ah ah s-stop"
You pause and decide to take your teeth out of his neck for a moment, quickly looking at the tent in his pants. You grin as you begin licking at the red bite mark, soothing it.
"My my my, it seems like someone got hard from a vampire biting their neck~"
Midoriya squeezes his eyes shut as he shakes his head but his flushed face gives it away.
"I'm not I-I swear it's just- ah!"
You push your thigh against his bulge again, laughing when Izuku lets out another noise.
"ah, but you are. What else would be this tent in your pants?" You press harder as Izuku continues to let out a whimper.
"I'm not done with you yet so go on and hump my thigh if you want. Don't think about silencing those cute noises you're letting out though, i quite like them."
You bite into Midoriya's neck again as he lets out a mewl. You feel him hesitantly grind on your thigh as you nibble on his neck. Though the slow grinds turn into hurried ones as he chases his orgasm.
It isn't long before he babbles out pleas and begs for you to let him cum. With your teeth still in his neck, you instead help him hump your thigh, quickening the pace.
Less than a minute later he's throwing his head back, a moan leaving his mouth as you squeeze his neck. You feel your thigh where he humped on slightly damp. Seconds later you release your fangs from his neck. Whilst looking at him, you teasingly lick your teeth, savoring the taste of his blood on them.
"Sweet." Midoriya blushes at your teasing and looks away from you.
"A-Are you done?" He looks at your with slightly hooded eyes and ragged breath. Instead of answering him, you notice a bead of blood on the second bite mark and scoop it up on your thumb.
"Look at me." Like an obedient puppy, he does what you told him to and looks at you, widening his eyes when you grab his chin and place your thumb on his bottom lip, pulling on it slightly.
Without needing further instructions, he slowly opens his mouth wide enough for you to slide your thumb inside. Hesitantly, he begins sucking on it, letting out a whimper when the metallic taste of blood hits his taste buds.
You watch in awe as your thumb gets coated in his saliva, feeling his tongue touching it. You pull it out and Midoriya can't help but whine at the loss of contact.
You back away slightly to give him space and grin at him, once again flashing your fangs but this time Midoriya doesn't flinch. Instead, he feels himself get embarrassingly hard again, a weird fluttering feeling appearing in his stomach alongside it.
"What's your name, anyway?"
Your grin becomes wider. "Well, then Midoriya. I hope we meet again soon and I wouldn't mind if today's experience repeats itself."
And before he could ask for your name, you're out the window and when he runs to it to see where you've gone, he doesn't see you anywhere.
So with a tent in his pants and two suspicious fang marks on his neck, all he can he is walk back to his friends as he prays he can somehow meet you again.
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🏷️ : @vealize21 @fabitheraven @sourissue @jksstuffposts @gallantys @tired-of-life-86 @ineedsleeporilldie @aphoneixnamed-angel @flawlessvictorymentality @wowonamo @laraleafs @vampcubus @22rhianna2006 @cl-0-vr @katebaku7710 @yenakwyl @euphiroo @saintravey @tomiokx
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shiggybrainr0t · 6 months
the symbol of peace just saw my panties?!
warnings: one creep, reader wears panties but is otherwise gn, not really edited very well probably
you’re standing in your underwear and a big T-shirt outside you’re apartment building in the middle of December with every single other person that lives in the building.
you were rudely awakened by the fire alarm going off in the building loudly, and after jumping five feet in the air and realizing that no, you didn’t dream it, you jump up to start pulling on pants. soon after however, you heard the night clerk pounding on doors telling everyone to evacuate quickly because there was a fire on the fifth floor. you got tangled in the left leg, and were hopping around before the clerk got to your door. his urgency spurred you on out the door, barely having the mind to put your slippers on as you fled. so here you are, pantless, shifting from leg to leg in what you used to deem your pajamas.
your arms are crossed tightly across your chest, trying to keep what little modesty you had left. it seems you weren’t doing that great of a job as the creepy guy from 4B was leering at you openly.
you were just about to yell at him-what were you going to say? probably a slur of curse words and how you could kick his ass even in your panties- when a thick blanket was suddenly draped around you and large, scarred hands where on your shoulders.
turning around quickly, you were shocked to see the symbol of peace smiling down at you gently. deku was clad in his hero suit, and was big. like, really big. you had only ever seen him on tv, so you never realized just how big he actually was. you don’t know how the boy you watched on television during his first sports festival became this hunk of a man. he also smelled really good. kind of woodsy, and all cozy home baked cookies in a cute tin.
as you were gawking at him, mouth hanging open a little, deku shifted a little to block you from the 4B creep’s line of sight. he pulled the blanket tighter around your shoulders, and gave you another smile as he patted your shoulders gently.
“are you alright?”
his voice was smooth, and soft. not too deep but not high pitched either. you think to yourself that anyone would be calmed whenever he was talking to them. you always had thought he had a nice voice whenever you heard him in the television, but in person it was even smoother and softer. blinking out of your stupor, you nod quickly, before gasping in horror. the rising hero deku, who on the fast track at becoming number one, has seen you in your panties.
deku smiles at you again (that famous blinding smile that before tonight you had never seen in person) before stating “don’t be embarrassed! this isn’t the first time I’ve seen someone in their underwear.”
you can only blink at him in surprise, and it dawns on him what his statement implies as he looks at your expression.
“no- wait not like that, well I mean-“
he stops his stumbling whenever you have to muffle your laughter. his grin turns shy, and he brings a hand up to rub the back of his neck.
“um, anyway. the fire was just a toaster, everything is fine. you should be able to go back inside soon.”
your relief is palpable, and deku gives you one last grin before waving at you and walking away. you watch as he approaches 4B creep, the guy’s eyes widening drastically at whatever look deku gives him, and swings his arm around 4B’s shoulders and starts waking towards the edge of the crowd. deku turns to look at you one last time over his shoulder, giving you a wink.
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jello-chennie · 7 months
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relationship hcs!
✧ pairing izuku, katsuki, eijirou, shouto w/ fem!reader
✧ genre/tw fluff ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
✧ a/n check out my masterlist!
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˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗ izuku ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
isn't at all sure about how he pulled you
but he did and he isnt complaining
would absolutely love a kind soul in his partner
he swoons anytime you do little things to take care of him like if you know he has a pretty busy day, even if you're busy too, you go out of your way to make him a cup of coffee or tea and you always seem to get it just right
or whenever he's super focused on something the past few days and starts getting a little scatter brained, he'll forget to eat
if you're in ua, you'll share your lunch with him (which he will deny at first, but when you start pouting at him, he cant say no)
if he's a pro-hero and working, you take him out to lunch on his break
doesn't matter how far into your relationship you two are, he's always getting flustered by you
despite that, he's always trying to make you laugh (even if it means dying inside from embarrassment)
izuku cannot formally confirm or deny whether or not he may or may not be intentionally getting a few extra bumps and scrapes just so you can take the time to gently and lovingly bandage his wounds
loves it when you cut his hair for him!
even when you mess up (his chest will hurt a little with embarrassment whenever he's out in public, but only a little bc you did something for him, and he loves that more than anything else)
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˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗ katsuki ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
totally would end up in a relationship in which you are his polar opposite
everyone is confused
but it totally works!
you're super shy and sweet, and hes audacious and a little abrasive
he pulls you out of your shell and makes you become less of a doormat, you reign him in a bit and round out his sharper edges
when he takes you to meet his parents, it doesn't fly past him that the two of you have a dynamic that reminds him of his parents
which pisses him off to no end bc that means he truly is his mother's son
he's become his mother
bakugou doesn't form close relationships easily, and is definitely an all or nothing kind of guy
once you're in, you're locked in
it doesn't take him very long to start fantasizing about marriage and kids once you officially become a couple
he is you're personal chef
and once you both enter the workforce, he takes extreme pride in making your lunch for you
can and will enter a silent competition with the significant other's of your coworkers for who can make the best bento
probably makes a social media page dedicated to making cooking videos in which he posts aesthetic af videos of him making meals for you
"pro-hero dynamite is famous on the internet for also being a gourmet chef!"
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˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗ eijirou ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
kirishima would definitely fall for someone super fem presenting
he works out all the time and has all these muscles solely for the purpose of carrying things for you
and carrying you
afterall, that's what a real man does
will stop and buy all the pretty things he sees in store that remind him of you
likes it when you stick some of your cute stickers you make him take you to the mall to go buy onto his gear
is tickled pink by headlines that show up the next day like "red riot big sanrio fan?"
has matching sanrio keychains on his phone case with you
loves to sit and watch you do your makeup
will sit next to you and ask you to explain it to him
kiri will never say no when you ask to put it on him
after all, what kind of man would have his masculinity threatened by a little makeup?
besides, it's not like he can say no when you look up at him with those big, pretty eyes, and the cute, hopeful, little grin on your face
that would be just wrong
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˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗ shouto ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
one of the types of people i see shouto falling for is someone who is a bit of a spitfire
someone who is caring, compassionate, and understanding
someone with endless amounts of kindness in their heart, and a little wise, but relentlessly brazen
he both loves and admires them, and falls for their personality
i see shouto taking little bits and pieces of his partner's personality, and they are ultimately responsible for shouto becoming a little more outspoken
shouto is someone who would become a teeny bit obsessed with his partner
you officially have a shadow once you get together bc he will have no problem following you everywhere, and wanting to hangout with you all the time
isn't at all nervous about having you meet his dad, bc shouto knows that if endeavor starts pissing you off, you'll find a way to respectfully tell him to fuck off without missing a beat
you're also super smart and emotionally intelligent, so when his family life starts to become particularly messy at the moment, you're right by his side helping him navigate
shouto loves you for being his lover and his confidant, constantly there for him with open arms and advice that's strangely wiser beyond your years
once shouto's dad stops being crummy, endeavor actually comes to respect you
shouto's mom and sister love you, and the three of you gossip like school girls
which makes shouto a little jealous when he feels left out
shouto's the kind of bf to get jealous of the cat that he wanted but ended up liking you more
won't say anything, and will spend all day pouting in a corner some where
you have to give him ton of affection to make it up to him
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sinfulpanda16 · 4 months
MHA Boys Reactions to You Being Their Secret Santa
Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugou, Shoto Todoroki, Eijiro Kirishima, Denki Kaminari x reader
Class 1-A decided to do a Secret Santa. How would the boys react when they find out their crush is their secret Santa? What did you get them??
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Izuku Midoriya
Deku hands his gift to Kacchan.
"Give it stupid nerd" he snapped causing Midoriya to laugh awkwardly while rubbing the back of his neck. After opening the gift Midoriya goes back to sit on the couch.
"Alright now its Midoriya's turn!" Mina blurts out excitedly. Deku smiled excited to see who his secret Santa was. This whole time he thought Uraraka was his secret Santa but then you stand up and head towards him causing his cheeks to heat up. Oh shit you're getting closer! ////
You're standing right in front of him with a big Christmas bag, "Here you go Midoriya" you say smiling at him. Deku doesn't budge he's shocked till speechless, which makes the class giggle a bit. "Midoriya?" you call for him a bit worried and Deku comes back to reality. "Oh! Right I'm sorry!" he takes the gift from you.
After calming down a bit he begins to pull out the first thing which was a freaking bag of broccoli. The class laughs and you begin to explain yourself "You remind me of broccoli and every time I see you, I remember to eat my veggies" you giggle. Kaminari chimes in "Yeah same! He reminds to eat my greens lol". Midoriya gives a cute smile and begins to show the class the rest of his presents. You got him a new All Might Poster, new grip strengtheners, an All Might Notepad, some candy and some All Might socks lol.
Midoriya loved it all, he thanks you with a blushy face and can't wait to use all the presents his crush got him.
Katsuki Bakugou
He doesn't know how the hell yall convinced him to join in this stupid game. (He joined because you joined) Anyways there he was leaning against the wall. Kirishima just finished his haul of Christmas gifts Bakugou has given him so now it was time for his secret Santa to reveal himself.
'Please let it be Y/N or so help me-' his thought gets interrupted when you start walking towards him. Yes! When he saw that he didn't fish out your name during the raffle he was hoping that you would at least be his secret Santa. He was seriously about to hate being a part of this if you weren't his secret Santa.
You go up to him and he's looking into your eyes. You hand him his gift "Here Bakugou, this is for you" you say a bit quietly. He keeps staring into your eyes a small blush starting to form on his face. "Tch thanks" he says turning away from you.
"Ooh what did Y/N get Bakugou?!" Mina asks excitedly.
Denki smiles "Yeah I want to know! I wouldn't know what to get Kacchan."
"I would know" Todoroki says blankly causing Bakugou to yell out "SHUT UP HALF AND HALF! NO YOU WOULDN'T! "
You were still standing next to Bakugou, so you jumped a bit at his loud yell which caused Bakugou to sigh and calm himself down. He began showing everyone what you got him. "A new black tank top, sweatpants, a bunch of hot noodles, spicy candy and- THE HELL IS THIS?!" he pulls out a stuffed Pomeranian dog.
The class bursts out laughing "Haha Bakugo that looks like you!" Kirishima laughs. Bakugou turns to you giving you a 'WTF' look. "It's a Pomeranian puppy. I saw it and...it reminded me of you." you shyly explain. Had this been anybody else he would've exploded the damn thing, but he didn't, because it was you. He rolls his eyes "Thanks or whatever." You smile at him and head back to his seat. Bakugou was glad he was part of this stupid Secret Santa exchange.
Shoto Todoroki
He was sitting on the ground in his cute Santa Claus outfit next to you. It was time for his secret Santa to give him his gift. Everyone was actually curious about who could've gotten Todoroki. "Oh that's me. Here you go Todoroki." You smile at him handing him his present.
"Oh." he blushes a bit. "Thank you, Y/N." he says, taking the present.
Everyone watches excitedly as he unties the ribbon on the box and takes off the lid. Todoroki smiles softly "It's a chopstick bowl set along with a packet of soba" he says showing everyone.
"Aww that's really cute" Uraraka gushes along with the other girls.
Midoriya giggles "Yeah. Y/N did a good job with Todoroki's present" he states making everyone agree with him.
You blush at their words and Todoroki blushes at the fact that you actually know him pretty well. He didn't think you'd actually pay attention to him. Everyone goes back to focusing on the secret Santa. He turns to look at you "Thank you again Y/N. I really appreciate it" he tells you smiling softly.
You look back into his eyes "Of course. Merry Christmas Todoroki."
He goes to hug you and you hug him back "Merry Christmas Y/N"
Eijiro Kirishima
This was a blast he's been enjoying watching his friends give their presents, get their presents, laugh (he's been enjoying watching you have fun) but alas it was finally his turn. "Alright now its time for Kirishimas secrets Santa." Kaminari announces. Kirishima was so excited "Yeah! Lets see who my secret Santa is!" he says extatically.
You stand up and start heading towards Kirishima holding a bright red present bag for him, and why did the whole class start aweing? Kirishima's face was becoming bright red like his present. Truth is Kirishima has been very vocal to his friends about having a crush on you. It started with telling Bakugou, but he didn't give good advice on love, so he told the rest of his friends. You were kept in the dark though cuz you were confused as hell lol.
You sit next to him and hand him his gift. He takes the gift "Thank you" he says, and you return him a warm smile. How much cuter can you get he asks himself.
He opens the bag "Oh Wow! It's a red hoodie!" he says with joy.
"There's more" you say excitedly.
Kirishima start looking for more. "Oh, this is a Crimson Riot poster! And... wait is this the hair dye I use?" he asks in shock.
You laugh "Yeah. I would see this packaging in the trash."
Kirishima turns to look at you "Y/N this is awesome I love it. Thank you!" and you smile at him. "Aww your welcome. Merry Christmas" you say going in for a hug to which he happily returns. "Merry Christmas" he says back.
Little did yall know the whole class was watching you guys all like "Yes! My ship is sailing 🥰"
Denki Kaminari
Kaminari says in a cocky tone "Alright it's my turn. Where my gift?"
Jirou in an annoyed tone asks, "Who even got this fool?" to which you reply "I did" laughing.
Kaminari gets excited "Yes! Thank you I got a pretty secret Santa!". You roll your eyes playfully and go to give him his gift. "Here this is for you." Kaminari smiles widely "I'm special today!" and begins to open his gift.
Honestly the whole class was shocked. They didn't expect anyone to give him such nice things. A cologne, a chain, a ring, a nice shirt, and a jacket. Sero asks "Y/N is there a reason you bought him all this fancy stuff?" which is the same question the rest of the class had in mind.
"It's because Y/N respects me that's why." he says feeling proud. You shake your head "No, it's so you can actually get girls" you say making the class laugh.
Mina shakes her head "OMG Y/N you're such a good friend." she teases.
While the class laughs Kaminari turns to you and acts hurt "Ouch Y/N. You wound me." and you just give him a smile. "I was just kidding. I just wanted to gift you something nice cuz you've earned it." you say making him blush. For a moment he genuinely thought his crush thought so low of him, but he's glad to hear that's not true.
You two wish each other Merry Christmas and Kaminari's feelings for sure have definitely grown stronger for you.
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mirkoluvs · 10 months
character(s): midoriya, bakugo, todoroki, kirishima, denki
genre(s): fluff, crack, slight comfort
notes: it’s been a hot minute… but it’s finally summer WOOO !! another note is that my inbox is open so please request things !!
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© mirkoluvs. please do not copy, modify, or repost on other platforms. thank you !!
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maiyami · 2 months
𝑷𝒆𝒂𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒔 & 𝑪𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎
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𝙋𝙧𝙤-𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙤 𝙆𝙖𝙩𝙨𝙪𝙠𝙞 𝘽𝙖𝙠𝙪𝙜𝙤𝙪 𝙭 𝙋𝙧𝙤-𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙤 𝙁𝙚𝙢𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
Minors Do Not Interact
All characters aged up, 21+.
One Shot
Warnings: Smut, fluff, pinning (Bakugou), mentions of fighting, mentions of blood, pheromones, breeding kink, lewd, mutual feelings, friends to lovers, mentions of Deku having a crush on you, jealousy, and more. (If I missed anything, my bad I did this half asleep.)
About: Number two hero Katsuki Bakugou just can’t seem to get you off his mind. Harboring a secret crush on you since your days at UA. But when you finally come back from a mission that took you overseas, he can’t help but want to keep next to you at all times.
It felt like forever since you step foot back in Japan, the United States needed the aid of some of Japans finest heroes on a year long mission. You had kept in contact with all of your friends during your time there, just making sure everything was going smoothly back home. You especially kept in touch with Japans number two hero, Bakugou Katsuki.
It wasn’t uncommon to have a conversation a day with the explosion hero before departing for your mission. You ended up becoming closer to him than ever before when everyone graduated UA. However, your conversations became longer once you left for the states.
It started off as little conversations about your mission, asking how long you’d be gone. How many heroes were taken for the mission. Which part of the states you’d be in. The main topic being about the mission, but somewhere along the way it morphed into something more. More of how has your day been? Did you rest enough? What did you have for dinner? Have you gone out at all since being in the states? You should have seen what happened to me today! I have to go to this stupid hero gala, pray I don’t blow anyone up! Just a subtle yet progressive movement of your friendship with the blonde. You didn’t mind it a bit, over the years you secretly looked forward to having these kind of meaningful and meaningless conversations with him.
He had been messaging, calling, and even FaceTiming with you all the way up to your return home. A chuckle coming to your lips as to saw his name flash on your phone screen the moment your plane landed in Japan.
Blasty (5:30am): “You better be fucking ready for everyone to flood you with welcome home messages. But I had to be the first to beat all those extras.”
You (5:34am): “Always aiming to be number one, huh Katsu?”
Blasty (5:35am): “Damn right! Welcome home, y/n.”
You (5:43am): “Thank you! My agency is throwing a massive ball for the return of all of us! You better be there.”
Blasty (5:44am): “Wouldn’t miss it for the world, Princess. Who ya take me for? Kaminari?”
You (5:59am): “LOL. Never. I can’t wait to see you!”
You pocketed your phone away after you saw the gif he send a second later, a guy giving a thumbs up with a deadpanning face. If anyone else looked at the messages between the pair of you? It would look like a couple just having a cheeky conversation. You sometimes wished it was that way. But you had long given up the idea of Bakugou looking at you in that type of light. Content of having him become your best friend. However, on the other side of the phone? Bakugou Katsuki couldn’t wait to see your beautiful face.
“What’s got you smiling at your phone so early in the morning, Bakubro?” Kirishima's voice sounded out behind the fiery blonde. Bakugou quickly pocketed his phone away to give a glare at his best friend and roommate.
“Mind your business, shitty hair! I wasn’t smilin’…” Bakugou huffed, his nostrils flaring as his friend could only laugh at him. Making the blonde return more rage at his red haired companion. “What you laughin’ at shit for brains?! You got a death wish?”
Kirishima clutched his sides, pretending to wipe away a tear from his lash line. After he was done with his little laughing fit, he looked at his best friend with joy and happiness in his eyes. “She’s finally back home, huh?” He couldn't help the shit-eating grin that spread across his face. While his hot-headed best friend looked as if he stole the last cookie from the cookie jar.
Bakugou nodded back at Kirishima, shoving his phone back into his pocket before huffing out. "I wanted to be the first one to welcome her back..." He felt his cheek become hot, he knew that it was stupid to harbor this crush still. He could just be honest with how he felt. Somewhere deep down inside, he felt like you wouldn't accept him back. He couldn't bare the thought of losing you if that was the case. He was content to just be on the sidelines for you, something he would never do for anyone else in his life.
Kirishima didn't understand why his best friend would get so embarrassed by something like this. It wasn't like you hadn't seen every side of Katsuki before. You stuck around him through the good, the bad, the ugly, and the beautiful. Just like he did. If anyone was perfect enough, or meant to be with Katsuki? It was you.
"Should just tell her, man. You look like a little puppy whenever you speak with her. It's cute." Kirishima laughed as he started to run off, hearing a pillow smack into the wall he rounded while Bakugou screamed curses at him.
It wasn't even two days later when your hero agency threw this massive party to welcome back home all of the heroes that went overseas. Everyone who was anyone was attending, which meant all of your pro-hero friends were coming to see you. Sure, you were excited to see them all. Catch up face to face, but you were most excited to see Bakugou.
The stylest that was given to you, dressed you to the nines. Your sequence crimson dress was snug to your frame, hanging low at your back. A pair of black heels to match along with your black clutch, honestly you were a sight to behold. Anyone's imagination could run wild seeing you in this dress. It just made everything fit in the right place. Light make-up, nothing too distracting from your choice in formal wear. However, tonight you decided not to hide the scar that ran along the left side of your face. Right over your eye, it slit your eyebrow a little. You were tired of trying to hide it at this point, you weren't ashamed of it. Just a battle scar you picked up in the States.
You wouldn't say you were nervous, there was however a little hum that stayed in the back of your mind. Was this going to be overwhelming? Was it going to be too much for just coming back home? What if people didn't remember you? These thoughts flooded your mind the whole car ride to your agency. Only for them to be stopped as you saw the flashes of the shutterbugs waiting at the entrance to get pictures of the arriving heroes. Shouting question after question as you exited the car, giving them your best-practiced smile as you made your way inside.
Your agency didn't cut costs for how well they did the place up, it honestly didn't even look like an agency anymore. They turned a brick office building, into a stunning ball-like palace. With food that almost looked too good to eat, and music that made the place feel light and airy. It was refreshing, to say the least, it made your heart warm. It also caused your quirk to emanate off you slightly, the scent of peaches wafting into the air as you moved through a sea of people. Finally spotting a face that you had come to be very friendly with over the past year away. Rushing to get to their side and feel a bit of comfort.
Bakugou Katsuki was never late for anything, but tonight was different. Since Kirishima promised that they would give Kaminari a ride, they were going to be late. Much later than Bakugou could tolerate at this point. He was antsy, shaking his leg in the backseat as they finally made their way to the agency. Thirty fucking minutes later than they should have been if only that damned Kaminari was ready on time...Bakugou would have already seen your pretty face. Hear your breath-taking laugh, and held you close to him. It was all that was keeping him sane for the car ride, that he will be able to do that soon.
Decked out in a tux, with a crimson red tie to match his eyes he finally arrived at your agency. Glaring and hissing at the shutterbugs as he pushed his way into the building. He had a set goal, finding you. Hastily pushing through the crowd, but what really caught his attention to find you was the smell of peaches in the air. That syrupy smell made his mouth water and filled his senses with nothing but you. If he was honest with himself, he used to hate it. It was so distracting, it would make his mind mush. Make his teeth ache with the smell alone while making his pants tighter around his crotch. After years of knowing you, letting that scent take over his mind again and again? He welcome it, he craved it in his daily life. Even went as far as buying peach rings or peach-flavored yogurt just so it would be like you were always with him. He loved the scent, following the trail that lead to you.
That's when he saw you standing at the bar, looking as beautiful as the day he first met you. He took you in for a moment, relishing in the way your nose scrunched up as you laughed. How you would tip your head back a little to stop that laughter, and how your cheeks were dusted pink from the drinks you already had in your system. You were a vision in his eyes, the most gorgeous thing he ever got the pleasure of being around. But that all faded for a second as he noticed who you were with.
Even though Bakugou had made his peace with Izuku, he couldn't help that little green monster of jealousy rear its ugly head within him. Watching you shower Izuku in your warmth and joy, sucked it right out of Bakugou himself. That was supposed to be him making you laugh, making you touch his arm for support. Not Deku. Anyone but Deku. He almost walked away, he almost went in a different direction. Not wanting to say the wrong thing as he watched his long-time friend flirt with the girl of his dreams. However, you had caught his eye. Excusing yourself from Izuku to practically run up to Bakugou.
"Katsuki! You came!" You yelled over the other people speaking and the music. Pulling the blonde into a tight embrace. Bakugou felt his whole body stiffen for a moment, his brain stalling. Before correcting himself, wrapping his arms around you. Taking a deep breath, he inhaled that sickly sweet scent that he loved. Basking in your presence a little longer than what typical friends would do. Before unraveling himself from your body.
"Course I did, Princess. Wouldn't miss it for the world." He rasped low, Keeping a hand on your waist as you beamed up at him. This is what he has been waiting for, for a year now. To just be around you, be close to you. Once he finally took all of you in, his brows furrowed a bit. Bringing a thumb up to rub at the tail end of your scar that hit your cheekbone. "When did ya get this?"
You paused for a moment, taking a deep breath before speaking back at him. "Maybe about a month or so into the mission." You brought your own hand up and over Bakugou's, rubbing the top of his hand for a moment before continuing. "I had to keep up with appearances over there, so my PR team made me cover it up all the time. I just...didn't feel like hiding it anymore."
"Why didn't you mention it to me? How ya get it?" He rasped again, a little bite to his question. Almost as if he was hurt that you didn't tell him.
"It was always covered with make-up, I didn't see the point of speaking about it when at some point I knew you'd see it." You bit back a little, not enjoying his tone. "A fight broke out within the mafia I had to be a spy in. A guy pulled a knife and I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Luckily I didn't lose my eyesight, Izuku was actually the one that got the guy away with the knife. So, honestly, I owe him a huge thanks."
Now that stung a little bit for Bakugou, not being the one to come to your aid. Not being the one to be on the mission with you. For you to owe a debt to Deku of all people. It made his jaw clench, and his free hand ball up into a fist. The light scent of caramel wafting into the air as Bakugou’s quirk was acting up. Most people wouldn’t really care that they could smell it but you knew what was happening.
“Katsuki…what’s going on?” You questioned as the scent of his quirk came to your nose. Causing you to hold onto his arm, trying to bring him back down to earth. Making him look at you for a moment. “What’s got you so upset?”
Katsuki took a deep breath, his crimson eyes finally leveling with yours before he grabbed onto your hand. Making sure his palms weren’t too hot to touch you. He led you out to the balcony, away from everyone else. At the bar, a certain green haired man was watching. A displeased look on his face before he chuckled to himself.
“Izuku, what’s gotten into you today? You haven’t taken your eyes off her.” Shinso finally asked his friend, watching him look like a wounded dog. His own purple eyes looking over to see Bakugou leading you elsewhere.
“I-…I got really close to y/n. On the mission that is. But I always knew I was coming in second. She’d speak to him daily…I saw it in the way her eyes would light up when his name came across her screen. I guess I can’t be number one in everything.”
Out on the balcony, Katsuki moved you both towards the small seating area at the far end of the balcony. But neither of you sat, Katsuki just leaned against the railing. His palms rubbing over his face once he let go of you. “What is going on.” You finally asked, holding onto your own arms.
He was silent for a long moment, his hands gripping the railing tight before finally sighing. His eyes never left yours, like he was staring into your soul. “I just…fuck. I don’t know how to say it, princess. Not without it fucking everything up.”
“What are you going to fuck up?” You would question while moving up to him. To grabbed his cheeks, making him keep his attention on your eyes before rubbing them softly. “Please, Katsuki…honey. I don’t know what’s going on.”
At the pet name you had given him so long ago, it felt like all his worries disappeared in a moment. Moving to rest his hands on your hips, letting his fingers dig there for a moment. “I-…I’m- shit! This is so hard…I’m so embarrassed. Goddamnit I’m in love with you, ok!” He finally huffed it out, making his eyes look down once more so he didn’t see the reaction on your face. “But that damn Dek- Izuku might have a place in your heart and I don’t know how to handle that.”
You gave his cheeks a little shake, making his eyes meet yours again. All yours showed was kindness and love, with the small smile on your lips. “Honey…Izuku doesn’t have a place in my heart. Maybe as a great friend but nothing more.” You said while stroking the sides of his cheeks, moving in a little closer. “Who have I been speaking to everyday even before I left? Who has seen every little ugly side to me? Who have I told everything to?” You asked, noticing the way Katsuki shrugged his shoulders. You chuckled a little. “You, dumbass. It’s all been you. I’m in love with you too.” You smiled at him brightly.
He couldn’t believe what he heard initially, his mind moving a mile a minute. He moved his hands quickly to your face, his thumb brushing at the tail end of your scar once more. “You do? You…love me? Princess, don’t bullshit me.” As you shook your head yes, Katsuki had the biggest smile that had ever crossed his face. He leaned down, pressing his lips to yours. The kiss was raw, passionate, and full of undying love. The way your lips moved together was like two people coming together to be one finally. It was breathless, it was sweet, and it was something you both had been missing for a long time now.
"Let's leave." Katsuki finally spoke after breaking the kiss, still holding onto you tightly. He wanted to take you away, he wanted to just have you to himself. Finally, he waited long enough and so had you. "Can we leave?" He pressed again as he pulled you into a tight embrace. "I just want you to myself right now, fuck everyone else."
You nodded your head softly, looking up into his crimson eyes. A smile was etched into your lips as you started to pull him towards the front of the agency. "Yeah, let's go. I have waited long enough to have you to myself."
The wait wasn't long to get a cab to pick you up, it was the wait for the drive home that was killing you both. Soft touches against legs, brushes of hands against hands, and let's not forget the smooth whispers coming from Katsuki that the cab driver needed to 'hurry the fuck up already.' It was actually really amusing to you, because what you didn't expect when you rolled up to the front of Katsuki's apartment building? Was him to basically throw money at the driver's face, and carry you all the way up to his home.
"Katsuki! You can put me down now!" You were laugh-yelling at him as he kicked in his door. Not caring that it was almost 1am in the morning and the door handle denting the drywall.
"No time..." He said softly against your neck, leaving a trail of open mouth kisses against your skin as he navigated through his apartment into his bedroom. Once he pressed you into those black silk sheets, everything hit you at once. Looking up at him over you, the desire and love in his eyes, you were finally going to be with someone you truly loved in this world.
The small little sigh you let slip past your lips as he nibbled on one particularly sensitive spot on your neck made him realize it too. Years and years of loving you in secret could finally come out in the open. He can finally express the way he feels about you, without even having to say anything. He just looked down at you, your hair all sprawled out in different directions, lipstick a little smeared, and the look of love in your eyes? You looked like a goddess to him.
"You're beautiful..." He said softly before moving back to kiss you again. This time it was more rushed, like he was hungry. He was hungry for you, slipping the straps of your dress down your shoulders. As your breasts finally became unclothed, Katsuki sucked in a breath. Your pretty perky nipples already standing at attention for him, causing him to lean down to blow cool air over one while he twisted the other with his fingers. It caused your back to arch into his touch, pushing a leg between his thighs as the top of your knee brushed against his already hard crotch.
He hissed a bit from the touch, having him wrap his lips around your nipple to give it a playful little suck. What piqued his interest the most was the way you reacted to his teasing. A high-pitched moan came from your throat before you slapped your palm over your lips. Your body was so sensitive, so ready for him. He moved his hands lower, bringing your dress along with him before getting rid of the offending object. Leaving you bare under him.
"No panties...fuck Princess...you'll be the death of me." He growled, something deep in his chest as he moved back. Stripping himself of his own clothing before moving back ontop of you. His hand slipped between your bodies so he could run a finger up your already moist slit. Katsuki's eyes nearly rolled to the back of his head when he felt your slick against his fingers, before slowly pushing two of them inside your sopping cunt. "Gotta prep you..."
You already felt full from just how thick his fingers were, working in and out of you at a slow pace. However, your eyes didn't leave his cock. It was so thick, and long as well. Veins in all the right places while his head was just a pretty shade of pink, dripping precum already. You didn't care about being prepped at the moment, all you wanted was to feel him deep inside you. You moved your hand to take ahold of his shaft, stroking it softly before bringing your palm up to his tip. But he quickly grabbed your hand and pinned it next to you.
"Don't...baby. I am barely keeping it together. If you touch me like that? I'll fold. Be a good girl for me, Princess." He said in such a husky voice it made you squirm under him. That granted you his smirk, all teeth. He was pleased with himself, seeing that you were so good at listening to him. So willing for him, such a perfect girl. You were so ready for him, but he wanted more. He wanted to taste you, to feel you quiver on his tongue. To see you lose your mind to the pleasure. But as he went to move towards your cunt, this time you stopped him.
"Please...I can't wait anymore. I want you inside me Katsuki...please? Can you please just make love to me already? I want you...I need you...Daddy...please." Well you didn't expect that to come out of your mouth, but you were so hazed over in pleasure and need that you didn't care. The name however made Katuski raise his eyebrows in shock. It made you close your mouth, eyes adverting his gaze now.
Katsuki felt his mind stop, felt it completely skip a beat at the sound of your voice calling him daddy. It unlocked something in his brain, it made him feral for you. His desire for you now went through the roof. Boy, were you in for it now.
"Daddy? Oh...baby girl...you've done it now..." He smirked at you, moving his head back from between your thighs. Leaving a trail of open-mouth kisses against your torso, up your chest, and now to your neck. Literally you with every little mark he could leave on your body, claiming you as his. His tongue trailed against the shell of your ear before he whispered something lewd against it. "You want Daddy to put his fat cock inside you? I'd be you'd look so sexy with it bugling out of your stomach...hm?" He sucked on your earlobe a little before continuing. "Want Daddy to stuff you full of his hot cum...make you his?"
Your mind was running a mile a minute, it was so good, so much. As you felt his tip start to press against your slick entrance. "Please..." You moaned out almost breathless. "Please...fill me with your cum...Daddy." You begged him, while bringing your left leg over his lower back, trying to pull him into you more. "Will you fill me up?" You asked in such a sweet voice that it made Katsuki's whole body shudder a bit.
"Fuck, I'll do anything for you if you talk to me like that..." He said now somewhat out of breath. Moving his hand to take ahold of his shaft, to part your lips. The feeling of your slick already coating his head, made him see stars for a moment until he pulled himself together again. "Alright, I'm going to put it in Princess." He said under his breath as he slowly pushed his head past the first tight ring of muscle. He felt your walls making room for him, fitting the shape of him, as he slowly bottomed out inside of you. The pure sound of pain, mixed with a little bit of pleasure made his eyes roll to the back of his head. He fought with everything in his power to keep his eyes on your face, not wanting to miss a second of your expressions.
You were a vision under him, goosebumps littering your whole body. A slight arch in your back, the way your chest was raising and falling with a small pant in your breath. Your eyes screwed tight in pleasure, while your mouth hung open just slightly. You were beautiful to him. You always were, but in this moment you were ethereal.
As you felt him hit against your cervix, your legs wrapped instantly around his lower back. Keeping him tight against you while you caught your breath for a second. Your eyes opened slowly, marveling at the view you were getting. Katsuki's eyebrows pinched a little, lower lip snug between his teeth. A small bit of sweat on the side of his forehead, while his eyes looked at you with nothing but love.
Each drag of his cock within your tightened walls was like seeing the night sky lit up with stars. The feeling of him slowly thrusting himself in and out of you, so painfully slow had your eyes almost crossed. You were soaked, so much so that there was a lewd squelch every time Katsuki pulled out of you. The sound of skin hitting against skin was echoing through the room as Katsuki poured every ounce of how much he loved you, into your body.
As you felt your body coming to your climax, you accidentally set off your quirk. The scent of peaches and cream seeped into the air, almost like a thick cloud of desire and lust. You felt Katsuki shiver above you, hand gripping the sheets next to your head with such a tight grip. It made him pick his pace up, thrusting into at a back-breaking pace.
"Fuck- Princess...goddamn you smell so fucking sweet...so fucking good. Ahh, fuck!" He was losing himself above you, his face so screwed up in pleasure that it made you tighten around him suddenly. "Don't- shit! Don't do that Princess...I'll cum inside you..."
"Do it...cum inside me...please pleasee Daddy, cum for me?" You begged just as sweet as your scent. Batting your eyelashes up at him, holding him in closer as your tasty moans hit his ears like the best music he ever heard. Plus the way your cunt was clenching around him, sucking him in? Made Katsuki lose his mind.
"Ya? You want me to cum inside you? Want me to breed this tight little pussy? Yah...yeah you fucking do. Fuck ya, baby. Take it all, take it fucking all." He said while thrusting as deep as he could inside of you, holding himself there as he painted your walls a pretty white.
As you both came down from your highs, Katsuki slipped out of you slowly. Taking a moment to watch how his cum was leaking out of you. It made his cock twitch for a moment before he let his fingers trail in the mixed liquids before pushing some of it back into you. At the way you squirmed in overstimulation, he chuckled. Moved to lay beside you, bringing your back into his chest. He was leaving soft open-mouth kisses on the back of your neck. Just enjoying how you hummed in satisfaction.
"I can't believe I finally got you..." He said in a groggy voice, the low grave in it making you shutter a little against him. That earned you a playful nip to the back of your ear. "Relax, woman. If you keep at it? We are going to go all night."
"Who says I wouldn't want that?" You playfully teased back, rolling slightly so you could face him. Your own shit-eating grin plastered on your face. You leaned forward to kiss him deep, letting the moment sink in before you were rolled onto your back once again.
"That a challenge? Oh...Princess...you have no idea what you have gotten yourself into now."
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tunafishprincess · 4 months
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All for you by @ginkotracks
Thank you Ginko for commissioning me! I loved being able to make this fanfic cover for you! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ y’all, if you haven’t check out this fic! It made my cold fishy heart melt 😭❤️
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