#recovery travel
nexttravelstream · 2 years
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sock-tin · 11 months
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OK SO context i have a hc that when shadow knights turn into their true form their hair also gets dramatically longer (i also like to think they look physically more monstrous BUT THATS FOR LATER CONTENT) so when laurance comes back from the nether his hair is super long and gets cadenza to trim it instead of cutting it super short and dyeing it :> so HERES MY GUY TRYING DIFF HAIRSTYLES WHILE RECOVERING!!!
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hoaxghost · 7 months
How resistent are your angels?
Could a human gun hurt them
Or only magic stuff?
Anything can be used to hurt them as long as they are on the same plane of existence but I should probably elaborate on that- to preface this is a big major element of my world building I've had since for a decade now so buckle up.
In my story, there are several 'planes of existence' that make up a universe. Earth, and well everything we are physically aware of and can touch/see is the Physical Realm (P.R), aka the tangible zone where spiritual,dream, liminal influence is minimal.
The opposite of the P.R is the Plane of Pure-Existence where everything that cannot exist within the physical resides. It's where angels, demons, souls, ghosts, deities, entities, Heaven+Hell is and has several 'levels' of separation from the P.R.
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The closer a layer is to the P.R, the more effect the souls (angels, demons, etc) inhabiting that layer can have on it. For example:
Layer one: A soul can possess a tangible body, move some physical igniting flammable material, conjure tangible elemental threats, communicate with tangible beings. (Think poltergeists)
Layer five: A soul can only communicate with faint elemental influences like a timely breeze.
Movement between the layers is very possible yet the more powerful/large an entity is, the more difficulty it has getting closer to the P.R. This is why guardian angels look the way they do so they are able to be close to humans with relative ease. It's also why The Admin isn't making frequent appearances to humans.
So I guess to answer your question: A human gun cannot harm an angel cause angels typically exist on an entirely different plane. But if they were in the P.R then yes a gun could be used against them. Though that then would beg the question if it would 'hurt' em or well...even inconvenience them
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aptericia · 19 days
can i request warrior castti? :D
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Every time I draw Warrior Castti I draw her outfit slightly differently
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savagechickens · 4 months
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And more travel.
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borderlinebelle · 29 days
I had actively participated in every moment of the creation of this life… so why didn’t I see myself in any of it?
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sgippy · 6 months
to me, the decision to not include a straight-up love “confession” felt more impactful, it made sense. it didn’t have to be verbalized because in the end you understand that, in their own ways, the lives they both lived were a testament to that love.
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Ready to go
Traveling with your pet makes a different vibe. Anyone travelled with your pet this way ?
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alexandraswords · 1 month
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Phot dump from the past month or so 🐙
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fuckthisshitimin · 6 months
I love that if you want to experience Moby Dick in real story time you can take two years reading it steadily, and if you want to experience One Piece in real story time you gotta watch it on three screens at once at 1.5 speed then sit inside your grief for two years and then go back to the rhythm.
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kessielrg · 5 months
resisting.... urge... to add OC... to... someone else's AU
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siriusfan13 · 9 months
Just plugging my time travel fic if anyone is interested. It will eventually contain some DadMight.
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libraryofbaxobab · 2 months
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April 13, 2024:
Based on how much I loved her other book, Dead Silence, my expectations were too high. I spent the first half of this book concerned that this was wayyy too similar to We Have Always Been Here by Lena Nguyen but by the time the good stuff (i.e., the horrors) started happening I finally perked up.
I just love when a character is losing their mind, tries to speak, and then hears what they *actually* said. It must be so hard to write that in a way that scans, but it also wouldn't work in any other format. That scene was fantastic.
However, in general, the characterization "ineffectual psychologist who is more damaged and neurotic than literally everyone else" does not speak to me. Somehow they're always overly concerned with subtle power dynamics & what every little utterance or facial expression could mean, while also simultaneously acting clueless, overreacting, & speaking like they've never studied psychology. They're more like paranoid sociologists but it's harder to shoehorn in a sociologist into an interplanetary mission (hello, Invisible Things by Mat Johnson, I see you). People who watch Dr. Grande's YouTube channel have more clinical knowledge. To be fair, this particular Unwelcome Sci-Fi Psychologist is the best one I've come across, but I still just generally don't like it. Personally.
I was also waiting for a big twist and there wasn't one. I also didn't like how happy the ending was. For what was going on and the impossible position the characters were in, that pulled punch was way, way too soft. Not that everything has to be grimdark edgy shit, but this ending was all just a little too convenient.
6.5/10 #WhatsKenyaReading
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borderlinebelle · 1 year
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Made it to Texas 🤭♥️
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bonniebellexox · 3 days
Time Together by BonnibelleXoX
After washing up on shore, Ruby and Jaune only find each other in the Everafter, both torn apart by grief. But when they accidentally pick a cursed fruit that throws them back in time, there’s nothing left to do but build a new life together and try to heal.
(The amount of death threats I get for this story is insane, so proceed with caution. If there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s making people cry. ;P)
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