#Thor's and Loki's complicated relationship
trustrage · 3 months
me @ mcu: you could've done so much with lo/ki, you could've properly addressed his issues, you could have expanded on his dynamics not just with his family but also avengers and creating new ones. you could have done SO MUCH AND YET---
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childrenofthesun77 · 2 months
Okay, this is like a continuation of two of my theories and I'm wondering if I'm onto something.
So I wondered if the count could have originally been a werewolf based on the fact that he seems to have always been immortal, gear saying that his kind has a technique to seperate a part of their spirit from them while pointing at his earing, that earing looking pretty similar to the pendants the count had on his necklace that seemed to contain the demons (probably sins he seperated from himself) and werewolves apparently being able to create descendants by sharing their life force with humans which apparently gives them and their human descendants special powers, just like the count letting humans drink his blood turned them into mages.
Now the only werewolf we've met so far is (neu)gear hatiwelt, a reference to the wolf hati in norse mythology who swallows the moon during ragnarok (doom of the gods). We even see gear use a technique that allowed him to temporarily swallow the red moon the antagonist have created to aid in the ritual:
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In norse mythology hati also has a twin brother though, skalli, who swallows the sun during ragnarok. Could the count play the role of skalli? The preparations for the ritual to bring back the count did kind of block out the sun in tokyo, causing temperatures to drop and snow to fall in summer. Ragnarok too is preceded by a cruel winter:
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The C3 tokyo branch uses characters from norse mythology for codenames, which makes it interesting to speculate if some characters in servamp will have a similar fate to their counterparts in ragnarok.
Ragnarok starts with the death of balder, a son of odin, caused by the deception of loki, the trickster.
Shuhei is called loki as a nickname by izuna, but shuhei is more like heimdall, the god of foreknowledge who has excellent eyes. Shuhei's ability to prepare for even unlikely situations is a recurring joke and his hawkeye ability allows him to see far and even through walls.
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I think we can all agree that in reality the role of loki the trickster falls on mikuni. He lies, he cheats and tricks to get what he wants, he's charismatic and clever. Before he starts the ritual/ragnarok he kills tsurugi/balder:
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This has already happened so the question is if the other characters will suffer a similar fate to their norse counterparts as well.
In ragnarok loki and heimdall end up killing each other, but while shuhei's and mikuni's relationship is complicated and at times antagonistic I don't really see them killing each other, but maybe shuhei will fight a mikuni clone and kill him and be injured by him.
Other important figures in ragnarok are odin and his son thor. We have no official character with the codename odin, but I think odin and touma might be linked.
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Touma is currently wearing an eyepatch, meaning he's one-eyed like the wise allfather odin, who sacrificed one of his eyes for knowledge. Say what you want about touma, but he is smart and came close to figuring out how the ritual to create a servamp worked. Balder is odin's son and while they refer to each other as brothers touma and tsurugi's dynamic is somewhere between being father and son and brothers. Odin is also the father of thor and with both jun and tooru too injured to fight and mjölnir now in mahiru's hands I think mahiru can be counted as the new thor and unlike jun or tooru he is touma's/odin's son.
Odin and thor both die during ragnarok. Odin is swallowed by fenrir (a giant wolf and son of loki) while thor battles with jormungandre, a giant serpent, slaying the snake, but dying from the snake's poison only a few moments later.
So we don't know who fenrir could be. If he's not skalli maybe the count is fenrir? In some versions it's fenrir who swallows the sun, so I guess he could simply be both.
But maybe whatever I assume mikuni wants to do with tsurugi's corpse will turn him into fenrir? He did seem to want the corpse to be left as intact as possible:
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and the corpse was gone when mikado woke up again, leaving only the blood behind. Tsurugi's character is also strongly linked to wolves, so turning him into fenris and having him fight/kill odin/touma would make narrative sense.
Mahiru on the other hand might end up fighting jeje/mikuni. Jeje is currently captured and mikuni was literally called a snake by higan in the most recent chapter so I guess mikuni counts as a snake alone too, but of course mikuni could go and free jeje and fight together with him against mahiru.
Mahiru is against killing, so I doubt he would slay mikuni on purpose, but there are also a bunch of mikuni clones running around right now that NEED to be killed so he could end up using lethal methods on the real mikuni by mistake I guess. Or he simply defeats him and/or jeje through other means. What I'm more worried about is that despite his victory thor dies from the snake's poison only a few moments later.
Thor is also not the only character mahiru has been linked to that dies at the end of the story from the poison of a snake. It's subtle, but both when mahiru was in kuro's mind the first time and later when mahiru and tsurugi's spirits talked with each after touma had shot mahiru he spent some time in a desert with a crashed airplane:
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Which is a reference to "the little prince" by antoine de saint-exupéry, a novella that ends with the little prince getting bitten by a snake after the snake promised him it would bring him back to his home planet.
So...will mahiru win the fight, but still die? Hopefully he can be saved from that fate.
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lokitvsource · 2 years
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Loki's Absence In Thor: Love and Thunder Hurts The Movie
The Thor universe doesn't feel the same without the staple brotherly relationship storyline it's always been built on.
The newest entry in the Thor franchise has recently been released, and it's a hot topic of discussion for Marvel fans. Thor: Love and Thunder continues the story of the god of thunder as he goes on new adventures and rekindles old loves. Love and Thunder acts as a sort of follow-up to Thor: Ragnarok, as both are directed by Taika Waititi and have similar tones and styles, though the events of Love and Thunder really follow the events of Avengers: Endgame and where Thor's story was left after that film.
Love and Thunder continues Thor's story and sees the return of many of the characters that have become staples in his tale. However, there is one character whose absence is glaringly obvious. Loki has been one of the central players in Thor's story since the beginning, and most of the Thor movies center on their relationship and how they slowly rebuild it throughout each entry. However, Loki's death in the main timeline in Avengers: Infinity War complicated this dynamic. Though the character still exists in a way as a variant (with his own show), he's no longer a part of the main MCU story, at least not yet. It would have been difficult logistically to include Loki in Love and Thunder, but the movie feels lacking for not including him in any way.
Loki is a main character in the Thor series, in the same way that Bucky is central to the Captain America movies and Rhodey is a necessary part of the Iron Man stories. These MCU movies typically have a central cast of characters that differs for each hero, and the tone and general feeling of the movies can change depending on who the characters are. For example, an MCU Spider-Man movie without Ned and MJ simply wouldn't feel like an MCU Spider-Man movie. Likewise, a Thor movie without Loki really doesn't feel like the Thor movies that audiences have come to know and love.
The brotherly dynamic between Thor and Loki is the standout of the first two movies, both of which are seen as kind of underwhelming in their own ways. Their conflict is central to both of those stories and is most interesting dynamic in the movies, especially in contrast to Thor and Jane, which is a relationship that never quite works. Even in Love and Thunder, which manages to improve their chemistry a little bit, their love story still feels rushed and not completely genuine. The absence of Thor having any other meaningful relationships to deal with in the story becomes much more obvious because of this.
Loki is a fan-favorite MCU character, and for a good reason. He always steals the scene and manages to make whatever he’s in more interesting. It would have been nice to somehow have him back in Love and Thunder, and not just for fan-service reasons. The movie’s story could have only been improved if he had been around. Unfortunately, logistically it wouldn’t work with where the MCU is right now story-wise. The only way to do so would be to bring the main character variant Loki from the TV show over into the main timeline, but him having to explain his journey to the audience and to Thor would take up too much time.
This all isn’t to find some way that he could be slotted back in; rather, it’s to point out that the Thor franchise works best when it’s about family. Though Love and Thunder also touches on those themes, it’s missing the family dynamic that has always worked the best in these films.
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The Thor Franchise Cannot Survive Without Loki (& Love and Thunder Proved It)
Thor: Love and Thunder is the hero's first solo outing not to feature the God of Mischief. And Loki is sorely missed from the franchise.
Thor: Love and Thunder is unique among the Thor films because it is the only one not to feature the God of Mischief in any capacity. Loki, played by Tom Hiddleston, has been a staple of these films since the beginning. However, since the original version of the character died in Avengers: Infinity War, and an alternate version wanders the multiverse in Loki, it’s understandable that the character doesn’t return for the franchise’s fourth installment.
But one can’t help but feel something is missing without Thor and Loki’s brotherly dynamic. The evolution of their relationship is one of the strongest story threads throughout the first three Phases of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In fact, without it, Love and Thunder feels a bit empty.
The backbone of the first Thor was built on Thor and Loki. Their relationship formed from the 1000+ years they have spent growing up together. But the revelation that Loki is a frost giant breaks the God of Mischief, as he thinks he could never live up to Odin’s “real” son, Thor. And that sets Loki on a dark path, ostracizing him from his brother and the rest of his family.
However, Thor never gives up on him. Sure, the pair have frequently fought in the MCU, but even after Loki begins his conquest of Earth in The Avengers, Thor’s first action is to implore him to return home as his brother. Even in Thor: The Dark World, the brothers' complicated relationship is a dramatic driving force throughout that film.
But the moment their relationship crescendos is in Thor: Ragnarok. Loki is no longer obsessed with a desire to rule -- he got that wish pretending to be Odin on the throne of Asgard. Instead, he is simply trying to survive. However, the most interesting part of Ragnarok is that after centuries of fighting, Thor and Loki finally start to understand each other.
And just when they finally reach this point, Thanos’ ship attacks, and the Mad Titan kills Loki. It’s a wonderfully tragic end to their relationship. But that’s the problem -- the rest of the story keeps going. Thor could have used his brother's help to fight Gorr or even as a shoulder to cry on about his issues with Jane. Instead, the God of Thunder is without his best friend, and his movie suffers because of it.
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jasminewalkerauthor · 4 months
Deep dives into folklore: Norse mythology
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Norse mythology is a rich and complex tapestry of tales, gods, and creatures that originated from the pre-Christian belief systems of the Norse people, who lived in what is now Scandinavia. These myths have been preserved primarily in two major sources: the Prose Edda, written by Snorri Sturluson in the 13th century, and the Poetic Edda, a collection of anonymous poems from earlier centuries. Together, they provide a fascinating glimpse into the worldview, cosmology, and cultural values of the ancient Norse people.
Cosmology: The Nine Worlds
Norse mythology describes a cosmology that is divided into nine interconnected worlds, held together by the World Tree, Yggdrasil. These worlds are:
Asgard: The realm of the Aesir gods, including Odin, Thor, and Frigg. Asgard is often associated with the sky and serves as the dwelling place of the divine.
Midgard: The realm of humans, representing the Earth. Midgard is connected to Asgard by the Bifrost, a rainbow bridge.
Vanaheim: Home to the Vanir gods, a group of deities associated with fertility, prosperity, and nature. The Aesir and Vanir fought a war in the past but eventually established a truce.
Jotunheim: Inhabited by the Jotnar, or giants, who are often portrayed as antagonists to the Aesir. Not all giants are malevolent, and some even form alliances with the gods.
Alfheim: The realm of the Light Elves, benevolent and ethereal beings associated with light and beauty.
Svartalfheim: Home to the Dwarves, skilled craftsmen and blacksmiths who create powerful artifacts for the gods.
Nidavellir: Another realm associated with Dwarves, specifically known for its connection to the creation of the legendary hammer Mjolnir, wielded by Thor.
Helheim: The realm of the dead, ruled by the goddess Hel. It is a realm for those who did not die in battle and is often described as a cold and dreary place.
Muspelheim: A realm of fire and heat, inhabited by fire giants and ruled by the fire giant Surtr. Muspelheim is associated with chaos and destruction.
The Pantheon of Gods
The Norse pantheon is composed of a diverse array of deities, each with distinct personalities, domains, and roles. Some of the key gods include:
Odin: The Allfather and chief of the Aesir. Odin is associated with wisdom, war, poetry, and magic. He sacrificed an eye at Mímir's well to gain knowledge.
Thor: The thunder god, known for his incredible strength and his powerful hammer, Mjolnir. Thor is a defender of Asgard and Midgard.
Frigg: Odin's wife and queen of the Aesir. She is associated with fertility, motherhood, and wisdom.
Loki: A trickster god and shape-shifter, often causing mischief among the gods. Despite being a Jotunn, he forms complicated alliances with the Aesir.
Balder: The god of beauty, light, and joy. Balder's death becomes a significant event in Norse mythology, leading to Ragnarok.
Freya: A goddess associated with love, beauty, and fertility. She is also skilled in magic and has a connection to the Valkyries.
Ragnarok: The End of the World
Norse mythology predicts a cataclysmic event known as Ragnarok, signaling the end of the world and the rebirth of a new cycle. During Ragnarok, a series of events unfold, leading to the downfall of many gods, the destruction of Yggdrasil, and the submersion of the world in water. The surviving gods and two human survivors will then emerge to repopulate the world and begin a new era.
Norse mythology provides a rich and multifaceted view of the world, blending elements of creation, destruction, fate, and free will. The stories and characters within this mythology continue to captivate readers and have left a lasting impact on popular culture, influencing literature, art, and entertainment for centuries. The intricate web of relationships among gods, giants, elves, and humans creates a narrative tapestry that reflects the complexities of the human experience and the forces that shape the world.
Taglist (reply/reblog to be added): @axl-ul @crow-flower @thoughts-fromthevoid @alderwoodbooks @harleyacoincidence @tuberosumtater @sonic-spade @theonlygardenia @holymzogynybatman @nulliel-tres @w0rkah0licz @sylvanthorn @tigertaurus22 @profiterole-reads @mathias-musings
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lokisbiiiitch1993 · 6 months
Hey, it's me again who asked about Jotun loki, I know this question is not about Loki x SO so I hope you will answer.So my question is.How Loki and Thor reacted to Norse mythology for the first time. Which myths are true and which are not.Ps. You are the best and my favorite writers on tumblr and have a nice day/night.
Hey ..thank you soo much ❤️ have a nice Day too
I just got the idea and had to write it down
I know I changed it up a bit but I still hope you like it ❤️
Imagine MCU Loki and Thor reacting to Norse Mythology - about them
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At first you wanted to spend time with your Best Friend Jane - you missed her
She is with Thor all the time and you got recently together with Loki
Maybe it wasn't a good Idea after everything that happend but you still wanted Jane to know that Loki changed - you suggested a Double Date - like a Movie Night at home
Jane and Thor discussed it for a while but then agreed to it
You really hoped this will work out so you could catch up with Jane and you really wish the Brothers get along without fighting
The day finally came - you cooked for Dinner , Jane brought Wine - after eating and drinking together - everyone sat down on the Couch, Jane and you are sitting in the middle
" What are we watching? " Jane asked "well ..I thought ,we could watch a movie about Norse Mythology..it might be interesting" you answered "yes good idea let's see how our Boyfriends react to their Counterparts" you replied
At the beginning of the Movie they showed Thor with long red Hair , a matching Beard and bushy Eyebrows "Whaaat ,that should be me ? " Thor complained
"This Loki was such an Asshole for cutting Sif's Hair" you ranted "Well..my Love that really happened " Loki confessed
" At least in the Movie Thor got Mjolnir out of it and Sif new Hair " you stated " Well ..and the Dwarves stitched this Loki's Mouth shut" he complained now ,seeing later scars around the Norse Loki's lips you felt bad for this very mean trickster
In the Norse Mythology Loki and Thor aren't Brothers but their relationship is also very complicated - Thor keeps him out of trouble most of the time
"Your children are terrifying" Thor teased "Yeah, especially the eight legged Horse Loki birthed " you added .... "I think we saw enough " - Loki turned off the TV embarrassed
" well ...it was an interesting watch some things were true ,most don't" you smiled taking Loki's Hand
After saying Goodbye to Jane and Thor , you hugged Loki and kissed his Cheek
My Masterlist
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darklinaforever · 11 months
OK. I need to talk about it (particularly because I rewatched the entire series yesterday) ! Like many, I'm shipping Sylvie & Loki, otherwise known as Sylki, from the Loki series from Disney +.
However, I always manage to come across anti bullshit, each time I go to the tag dedicated to this couple. And it's unbearable. Especially with the bullshit being said there.
So already, people basically don't like Sylki and Sylvie, because Sylvie would treat Loki "horribly" and "use him"…
So… It's forgotten that Loki was probably planning to kill her at the start of Episode 3, but didn't because she was the only one who knew how to recharge the Time Pad. So technically, the two contemplated killing each other, and served each other up in episode 3.
Also, by the end of episode 2 and the beginning of episode 3, Sylvie is completely normal with Loki the rest of the time, and even cares about him. The two actually end up forming a willing partnership. Sylvie even wanted to face Alioth on her own, and for Loki to return to TVA. When he said that if she goes, he goes too, she made it clear that his plan might not work out, so she cares about his life and she always proposes that he go. with Mobvious. Hello for "treat him horribly / only use him".
Then clear me of doubt…
But isn't Sylvie a Loki variant ? So she looks like him in that fact, right ? Doesn't she go through almost the same arc, or rather similar (it's much more correct) to the one that Loki had in the films ? I'm guessing with that logistics, you mustn't like Thor and Loki's brotherly relationship either ? And that it's especially Loki that you should hate in this relationship, considering how he treated Thor at one point (even if Thor is not without fault in this whole complicated family affair) and even tried to kill him in the first movie ? Along the same lines, I guess you don't like the Frigga and Loki relationship, and therefore specifically Loki, since he emotionally hurt his mother in the second film and unwittingly caused her death afterwards…
Seems like these are two very popular relationships within the fandom, and Loki has never been hated for the slips he made in those relationships, not to mention the other bad things he did on the side . There are even a lot of people who ship Thor and Loki together ! So… If you hate Sylvie because she "wasn't nice" to Loki… Why don't you hate Loki himself for a lot of things that happened before the show ?! Because, technically, there is no difference ! And Sylvie did not watch Loki, only what he himself did to his relatives ! He says it himself : He betrayed all the characters he loved and who loved him ! That Sylvie "betrayed" Loki at the end of the series therefore had a certain obviousness, even if compared to what some say, it is not so much a question of betrayal as of being blinded by the need for revenge.
So why is Sylvie getting so much hate for not being "nice / loyal to Loki unfailingly" to Loki ? The only real difference technically is that she's a woman, and… Oh. That's the difference. Obviously !
Then, some hate this relationship for the "incest" aspect…
Sylvie and Loki are not brother and sister. They have nothing to do with family.
Yes, they're technically "the same person", according to the show, but it's a lot more complicated than that actually, and I imagine the rest of the show will expand on that aspect. A variant is not exactly the same person. It's more or less a mutation I think. And if I say no bullshit, even on the DNA level it is different. And Sylvie refuses to truly define herself as a Loki, and rightly so. They are different people, who have had their own lives and experiences on their own. They are not the same, but similar. Two different things.
Then there are other people who don't like it for the "narcissistic aspect", and I refer you for that to this article by the director of Loki which explains what "self-love" really means. through the sylki relationship in the series. Which ultimately has nothing to do with narcissism, you can imagine. There is also talk about the incest aspect that he refutes just as much !
Also, again, there are people who ship Thor and Loki. And they are brother. Yes, not biologically, but for the rest ? They are brothers in every way that matters. However, it doesn't bother anyone to ship them, and I've never seen anyone be scandalized by it like with Sylki, who once again has nothing to do with incest in the end...
And even if it was ! I want to tell you… who cares ? Yes, because, little detail that a lot of people seem to forget… It's gods, isn't it ? Isn't incest common among the gods ? Yes, I know, among the Nordic gods it was not very well seen, unlike among the Greek gods, or we don't care ! But ! However, if you look closely, even if the Nordic gods were not in favor of incest, at least for the Aesir, well it still happened, especially among the Vanir, who were totally in favor of it ! And that I know, like the Greek gods, it had no genetic repercussions ! Because… Well they are gods, again ! And the conventions of mortals and their constraints, who cares for the gods !?
So your moralizing discourse, you can keep it to yourself.
And then… The most pathetic aspect of the returning reviews is about the kiss, which apparently "doesn't make them romantically canon." So, despite the fact that the romance is very assumed throughout the series, it is not canon, and the only thing that could make it seem romantic would be the kiss, but which in fact is nothing romantic ! So it's not canon ! Compiled once again that by the way Sylvie has only used Loki throughout this story…
So, I've already refuted the "Sylvie having used Loki" aspect, so I'm not going to come back to it… But ! I won't refute that Sylvie used the kiss a bit to distract Loki and then send him somewhere else. Except… Well she didn't have to kiss him specifically for that. She could have chosen another method, which implies that she wanted kiss him somewhere. The director also explains that Sylvie actually kissed Loki to say goodbye ! Especially since it's not as if the series had already shown before that Sylvie had feelings for Loki ! People forgot the fucking Nexus in the beginning of episode 4 ?! Because, yes, I remind you that we are not talking about one-sided love in this mess ! It is always insunated that it is reciprocal ! They are referred to as a couple of Loki in the series ! Miss minute offers them a universe where they could be together ! If only the "shared blanket / tablecloth" scene damn it ! Oh yes ! It sure looks like one-sided love... ! Yes, because for some people ; Sylvie is not in love with Loki and has only used her personal feelings to distract him in this moment…
Are you being stupid or blind on purpose ?
Seriously, I keep seeing jerks say "What are Sylki fans celebrating in that kiss! It's not romantic canonization! She's just manipulating it! There's never nothing romantic between them in the whole series!"
It's on the same level as everyone who said Reylo was nothing romantic and the kiss finally shared at the end of all their romantic tension over 3 movies was nothing romantic and was just an impulse to thank him, or even worse a "brotherly kiss" !
The comparison is all the more relevant as some say that "Yes, Sylvie loves Loki, but like a brother ! Or, I prefer that she loves him like a brother!" !
It is pathetic.
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vilyanenyavilya · 2 months
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Take Me In And Let’s Make Mischief
Relationship: Loki/Tony Stark. Rating: M. Word count: 18,700
No Archive Warnings Apply. Tags: Getting Together, First Kiss, Love Confessions, JARVIS is the best wingman, secret lair as in a cabin in Norway, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Hurt Tony Stark, Tony knows what he wants and is going for it, Good Loki (Marvel), POV Loki (Marvel), Loki has a heart, Implied Sexual Content, Canon Divergence - Post-Thor (2011), Canon Divergence - Avengers (2012) ,Light Angst, Happy Ending
Summary: When Tony Stark crashes on his land in a remote area injured and bleeding, Loki decides to indulge himself and let him stay. But feelings are feelings and complicate everything.
Loki approached the Avenger encased in metal who, with the armor, made a rather impressive hole in the dirt. He looked at the scene and drank his tea. What to do about it was the question.
Stark pulled the face plate off, looked up, and around at the area. “Oh, hi Reindeer Games. Where am I?”
“You came here Stark.” The mortal looked surprised at seeing him. That was interesting.
“It’s Tony. Uh JARVIS? Why’d you take me to Lokes’ Secret Lair?”
For @frostironflashbingo bingo card one, squares 2,3,5
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missacidburn928 · 3 days
Did ENDGAME come out in theatres 5 years ago today? YES
Am I still mad at Steve for leaving Bucky behind for fucking Peggy? FUCK YES
Am I currently working on a story where my POC reader is a Goddess in a complicated on/off relationship with America's Ass, so she chooses to make him suffer with the help of her Demi-god exes?
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Eff Being Friends
Steve x POC!Goddess!Avenger!Reader “Ci” ? x POC!Goddess!Avenger!Reader “Ci” Ex!Thor x POC!Goddess!Avenger!Reader "Ci” Ex!Loki x POC!Goddess!Avenger!Reader "Ci”
To say the relationship between Steve and I was complicated would be an understatement. But I’m not the one to blame. That honor goes to Captain Indecision, himself. So why would he ever think I would make things easy for him?
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buckys-metal-arm · 27 days
What do you think Bucky's pronouns are? What about Natasha's and Steve's? Anyone else? I sometimes think Natasha would use they/she and Bucky might be hesitant to use any other than he/him because he's never thought about it before, but I also think he'd be affirmed by a they.
I'll be honest, I didn't think I had super strong opinions on this but then I started writing this out lmao
So my quick disclaimer here is whenever I write Bucky I write him as a Cis Bisexual man. I've never thought much about his gender identity honestly, but I choose to think that he was into girls but also had feelings for Steve and that takes more importance to me personally (the self indulgent self-insert OC I paired him with is Nonbinary though ((and I'm NB myself)) so it's not like he doesn't know anything about it, just his Bisexuality is what's come up so far in what I've written) but tbh if someone referred to him as "they" I don't think he would correct them. I've also seen a lot of fics where when Bucky is in Winter Soldier mode he thinks of himself as "it", which I do think is really interesting but not something he actively chose. That's not to say it/It's pronouns aren't valid, they ABSOLUTELY are, but in this case I think it would stem more from HYDRA beating into him that he's an object or a machine and not a person rather than any preference on Bucky's part. I do think there's an argument to be made though for Bucky actively choosing to refer to himself using he/it or even he/it/they in his head for those 2 years before CW where he's on the run since he's not really the Winter Soldier and not really Bucky but a super secret third thing that's in between the two.
And some quick drive by ones:
Most of the rest of the Avengers I could see being he/theys and she/theys respectively, or just not caring about pronouns
Steve is the Token Cis Avenger™️ in my mind I can't explain it but he just gives off that vibe imo. He's not het though.
like tbh I don't think Thor cares what pronouns you use for him (1500 years is way too long to be cis). I think Valkyrie is in a similar camp, but prefers She/They.
Yelena strikes me as someone who would be cool with She/They, same with most of the women on the Thunderbolts lineup tbh
I feel like Kate would be She/Her, but if someone used "they" for her she wouldn't stop them y'know?
I don't have many thoughts on the Eternals in general, but Sprite is a She/They nonbinary I will not take criticism on this subject. Tbh I think most of them are He and She/Theys for the same reasoning as Thor, but I think some of them are like what I said for Bucky where like they won't correct you if you use 'they'. Ikaris is their Token CisHet™️
I love the headcanon that Holland!Peter is a transman, and I could see him and MJ being He/They She/They solidarity
The entire lineup of X-Men '97 is made up of He/Theys and She/Theys except for Morph who is canonically(!!) They/them. Jean Grey and Scott are their Token CisHets™️ and are good sports about it. You cannot look at Rogue, Gambit, Jubilee, and Storm's designs specifically and tell me they're cis. Not possible.
Shuri gives She/They energy imo
Carol is a She/They lesbian, is dating Valkyrie, and her marriage to the prince on Aladna is a Lavender Marriage. Fight me.
Stephen is the Token CisHet Avenger™️
Loki and Sylvie both use all pronouns, but prefer he/they/xe and she/xe respectively
The Alien superheroes like Nebula, Gamora, Groot, etc. I feel probably have like semi-complicated relationship with human gender so I feel like they probably don't put to much thought into pronouns
These are my sort of knee jerk reaction responses!
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martianbugsbunny · 6 months
Personally i doubt thor knows loki loves him
U know what I'm gonna take the challenge on this one. Now, this post will only discuss their relationship in the movies before Ragnarok, because I don't really like that movie and I think it did a great disservice to both the characters and their relationship; the brightest and best of them comes from Thor, Avengers, and Dark World in my opinion, so I will be talking about what I love rather than what I have at best apathy for. Sticking it under the cut (it got looooong because I love to think about their dynamic), so if you want my opinion, read on, and if you've seen enough opinions for a lifetime and don't want any more, scrumble away and have a lovely day
Okay so let's start with Thor. In the beginning of that movie, there is absolutely no doubt in Thor's heart that Loki loves him, and here's why: Thor is an arrogant man who is largely blind to the things he doesn't agree with or understand. He has this mentality of other people just being made to love and adore him, because he's the future warrior king of Asgard, he's the golden boy, and because Asgard's people really do love and adore him, so his arrogance is only being confirmed by other people's actions. And of course, there's nobody who should love and adore Thor more than his brother, right?
Now, here's where I want to digress for a minute to talk about how incredibly unhealthy their relationship is. Thor kind of has the same outlook that Loki expresses in Avengers, that people are beneath him, and that's why they should all be looking up to him with awe and praise, and that extends even to his own brother. He tells Loki to mind his place and kind of brushes off his advice, because even though they're brothers and that's the closest anyone could get to being his equal, it's still not enough. Thor views Loki as another person who is beneath him, but who ultimately can't do anything but look up to him and love him.
This is an illusion.
Loki does love Thor. Their relationship, with how complicated and messy it is, only works if they truly love each other, and they do. But it's not the blind, adulating love that Thor expects. It's a jealous, aching love. Loki craves being equal to Thor, a problem that's only exacerbated by the way Thor denies him that position. He craves to be loved as he's assumed to love. And the problem with a love like that is how quickly it can turn. If Thor won't give Loki the affection he needs, then Loki isn't going to show Thor affection the way Thor wants him to, either.
That first movie is in multiple ways a brutal awakening for Thor. He's not the man his father wants him to be. His entire life he's been training to be king and then that future seems like it's been ripped away from him. He has his power and then it's all gone. And his brother, this person around whom he's constructed a narrative of almost reverent adoration, suddenly turns against him, tries to keep him in exile and then to kill him, tries to take the life that was promised to Thor. That looks absolutely nothing like the love Thor has believed Loki feels for him.
I would feel some doubt at that point. I think anyone would. My sibling tried to kill me. Does he still love me? Did he ever love me?
And to add to that natural doubt, Thor doesn't understand Loki. He never really has. He doesn't know what it's like to be, as Loki says later, living in the shade of someone else's greatness, the trickster brother who's never really trusted, let alone lauded. And correct me if I'm wrong, but even by the end of Thor, he doesn't know what really tipped Loki off the deep end. He doesn't know that Loki's just found out he's a Jotun in a land of Asgardians, that he's the very thing he's been brought up to hate and fear, so Thor doesn't understand why Loki is acting so erratically, which must compound the doubt for him. From his point of view it's like a light switch flicked and now Loki's trying to kill him, which increases the did he ever? question. Was it always a facade? And I don't think Thor ever quite realizes the illusion he built around Loki, the difference between his expectations and reality to begin with, so he also wouldn't be seeing that it's not quite instantaneous, that there were years of building resentment and longing that contributed to the tipping point of Loki's changed behavior.
So by the end of Thor, yes, he's got to be wondering if Loki loved him.
But when Thor appears in Avengers, do you remember what plea he makes? He says I grieved for you, I want you to come home. That's not the kind of thing you say to someone you think doesn't care about you. That's a plea to the heart. That's Thor trying to get to the love he knows is in there somewhere, behind everything else that's built up around Loki's heart; that's Thor saying I know you still love me, I don't know what changed, but please let our bond be enough to fix it. Whatever he's been thinking about between the events of those two movies, he's moved past that doubt enough to think maybe Loki's love for him will be enough to bring him home, even if some part of him expects Loki to say no anyway. We know that in the interim he learned of Loki's status as a Jotun, so maybe Thor's even begun to try to understand. Maybe he's been thinking about the fact that life got very hard and very confusing for Loki very suddenly, and he wonders if now that some time has passed, there's a chance Loki wants to come back and work through it with him and their parents. When he says "we were raised together, we played together, we fought together," he's not just trying to convince Loki that he's loved, he's trying to remind Loki of his own love.
Again, during the Battle of New York itself, Thor makes a similar plea. He offers that he and Loki stop the fight together, and his eyes are so incredibly soft when he says it, you know he believes it can still work. That belief comes from knowing there's something in Loki that wants to say yes, something that loves Thor enough to give up his dream of kingdom and stop the invasion. His use of together is interesting not just because he's offering Loki a way out, putting it on the table that Loki can exercise his heart and choose a better path, but also because he's finally putting Loki on the same level he is. We can do this, we can return home, you just have to find some part of you that loves me enough to choose equality with me in this fight over equality with me in having thrones. He also holds back when he's dueling Loki, which is a horrible idea if you actually believe a person has the capacity to kill you, but if you don't believe that, it's an ultimate show of trust. Thor kind of puts his life in Loki's hands by not using his full strength, and only after Loki rejects his offer and stabs him does he finally use more brute force, although it's still not enough to kill Loki or even knock him out. Thor really believes, not just wants to believe, that Loki will not kill him given the chance, that there is something in him that wants to go home, and it's all because Thor, after all his shattered illusions, still believes there is love for him in Loki's heart, even if it has been touched and twisted by anger and pain.
In Dark World, Thor is much more pessimistic when he breaks Loki out of jail. He basically says that his brother is no longer in there, that he won't hesitate to kill Loki if he steps out of line. I think this is important to note because Thor isn't saying I don't believe you love me anymore, he's saying the person who loved me is dead and this shell is all that remains. Thor says he no longer has hope, but he's still clinging to that belief that Loki did love him, in his own way, and he would rather view Loki as dead than let go of it.
But beyond that, there's the fact that he not only lets Loki out of the handcuffs, he gives Loki a knife. Once again, you don't give a weapon to someone you wouldn't trust not to kill you, and you don't trust someone you've had so much tension with not to kill you unless you believe they love you. Loki says "trust my rage" re: Frigga being killed, but I would argue that actually wouldn't go in his favor. Thor has seen what Loki resorts to when he's not processing his emotions in any way other than rage: he attacks Thor, he falls into perfidy, he just lashes out at the closest target. And even despite that, despite having fought Loki in Thor and in Avengers, having witnessed firsthand what destruction Loki was willing to either cause or help facilitate, Thor still gives him a weapon and trusts that Loki isn't going to kill him. There is clearly still a part of Thor that is saying he loves me, he's not going to kill me.
Of course, by the end of that movie, Thor is rewarded in his faith. Loki stabs Kurse to save Thor, and it appears to cost him his life, and as he's dying, what does Thor say? Stay with me. In essence, loving me so much you'll die for me isn't enough, love me so much you'll stay alive for me. It's not a rational thing to say to someone who appears to be bleeding out; a person can't generally stave off death on willpower alone when they've been stabbed in the gut. Thor always ends up speaking to Loki's heart, because he knows that heart is bitter and full of rage and grief but also love, even though Loki is absolutely horrible at expressing it most of the time. I want to talk about why Loki might've faked his death and taken Odin's place at the end of that movie in another post, but part of me really thinks he chose that specific way to fake his death because he wanted Thor to see that Loki did love him, and that was the only way he could think of to reach out without actually having to confront his own pain and the enormity of the breach between them. Now, the "I didn't do it for him" could be taken one of two ways: it was actually for Frigga, or it was actually for Thor. I'm very much inclined to believe the latter, as Thor is the one present in the scene. Also, the expression on Thor's face when Loki says that is so frozen, like yes, I wanted more than anything to be told that you still care, but not like this. And it feels like Loki is doing his best to communicate that he does love Thor, but his communication skills, especially with Thor, are severely distorted, partially by that unhealthy relationship they had early on where he most likely never felt entirely welcome to speak his true feelings, and partially by the chasm that opened between them when Loki went into his downward spiral of destruction, both of himself and of others. I genuinely think Loki doesn't know how to just say it. To quote myself from an earlier post I made about Loki, he feels like "there’s no way he can possibly repair the relationships he’s broken," so he doesn't try to apologize and make up for it. Like someone else (I forget who) has already said, sacrifice is the way Loki makes up for things. So he gives Thor this image of a sacrifice, the ultimate expression of love and devotion, because he doesn't know how else to say it.
What's the point of all this? Thor knew Loki loved him. That's the whole point of their story. Their love for each other is the cornerstone on which that immense cosmic narrative is built. Even with doubt, anger, bitterness, frustration, grief, pain all complicating their relationship and getting in the way of actually expressing love to each other, the fundamental truth of Thor and Loki is love. Is faith. Is hope. Is saying maybe you don't know how to say it, maybe you're trying to shut it down, but I know there is something in you that loves me and that's the part I choose to believe in.
Thor knew Loki loved him.
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therese-lokidottir · 8 months
Okey it's pretty much sound like thor bashing but did thor ever really apologize to loki at all like 'I am sorry for leaving you', and no in thor 1 ,thor did not apologize for hins mistake, because next sentences after said 'i am sorry brother for whatever I did to you', that definitely sounds like he thinks he have no mistake to loki at all.
And for next film he not even trying understand what is wrong with loki, he just assume loki gone mad because he was jealous and delusional thinking his family didn't love him.
He only came to loki when he need him after that he just throwing him away. In dark world pretty much proof it by leaving his corpse on dying land.
Thor keep saying loki is betrayal him but he didn't realise thor already betraying him long before thor 1. Thor betrayed loki as brother.
Why I said that? Simple, as older brother he should the one protect him younger brother but as we can see loki is the one take care thor reckless behavior
2. Thor with foolish make fun of loki and let his friends to disrespect lokiand lead loki self esteem be low
3. As Prince and brother thor never protect loki physically or mentally, as prince he to open about hism family problem to his friends.
Thor maybe good warrior ot hero but he is not good person. Yes, he have flaws but in my opinion if he can't be kind and protect someone that really close to him in this chase is loki than thor is not worthy of being a brother.
You can say loki is not good brother but thor not good either, he have no right to demand loki to be good brother while himself no want be good brother either
Thor is incredibly guilty of not only not getting it but also never really even attempting to get.
Like, that apology in 2011 is at most a start. It is Thor recognizing that he caused harm but that is not the end of it. There needs to be way more than a singular apology. Now the time needs to be taken to understand what he did wrong and now change so he no longer does harm.
I don't consider TDW Loki betraying Thor, because Loki did fully hold up his end of the bargain and never tried to harm Thor or Jane, but I can accept the characters viewing as a betrayal.
But that's only two times Loki "betrayed" Thor And both times there are involved complicated reasons Loki did what he did. I hate how in TR Thor claims that Loki always betrays him. It's not only a over simplification it's just not true.
Thor can be very kind and can be a good person. But his relationship with Loki is very toxic because he has a need to put himself in the role of being the good one so he never sees his on flaws and mistakes. So the relationship between the brothers can never truly heal.
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demon----dean · 7 months
what would you say are the biggest fandoms you've been in besides star wars?
Let's see -- I think I can count Tolkien as fandom, but it was before a lot of internet spaces became what they are, or I had such abundant online access, so I was a member of our local Tolkien club. For it, we had our own online forum and events. (Gasp, actually meeting other nerds in real life!) I went to my first larp through them, participated in seminars (I still have the notes to the one about the history of the Middle-Earth) and wrote my end of high school research paper about The vision of death and afterlife for Elves and Men in Middle-Earth at the third age.
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Then I was going through a really shit time in life and stumbled upon Supernatural and I hyperfixated hard. :D I still stand by the fact that the first three seasons are amazing. It had all I could want -- complicated relationships, pretty damaged boys, urban legends with a twist, a car to drool over and an exceptional soundtrack of classic rock. I also started writing fanfiction, and we had a really great community on livejournal for a while. (It was super painful when the later seasons dropped the ball and eventually plain out sucked. 😥)
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Then the MCU became a thing and hello, Tony Stark in that cave scene is just 👀👀👀
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My first bigger ship in MCU was Stucky (Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes) and I loved all the angst and whump, delicious, I say. Eventually Thor came around and when I saw those pseudo brothers with a fucked up relationship and hurting each other, while loving each other so, I just had to have them as my blorbos. (Do you see a theme here? :D) So Thorki (Thor/Loki) became my main pairing for a good chunk of time.
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Then I had some smaller fandoms and was too busy with real life until I rewatched Star Wars prequels and was like -- First of all: Surely Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan fucked at some point? Second of all: Has nobody else noticed this insane sexual tension and romance between Anakin and Obi-Wan??!! And to answer my questions I opened the internet and found out that there was indeed an entire Obikin fandom, and I've been here ever since.
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Thank you for the ask! 🖤
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simping-for-marvel · 1 year
The Taste of your Lips...
Type: Oneshot
Loki x female reader
Plotting: In Asgard
Summary: Love confessions can be complicated and risky. Will this one be easy or heartbreaking?
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Y/n's POV-
It was around midnight when I woke up. Me and my family had come to Asgard to stay for a few days as the King and the Queen have a really good relation with my parents and the often invite us over. I am pacing towards the grand kitchen because I am hungry. Very hungry.I just hope that no guard catches me walking around the palace in my nightgown and a robe. For some reason it is prohibited for the queens, princesses and the maidens to walk around the palace without a proper dress. It is considered inappropriate and low. But, it was midnight and barely anyone might be awake so I just came out as it is. I enter in the dining and then in the grand kitchen. It is really dark but there are very few candles lit that help me at least not to fall. I start looking for fruits or basically anything that can fill my empty stomach for now but out of no where I bump into a tall figure. In a matter of second the person turns me around an pins me to the wall. i can feel their breath on my cheek.
"Who are you?" I recognize the voice. Prince Loki.
"Prince Loki... I-I'm Y/n." He realizes and loosens his grip on me.
"Princesses Y/n. I am so sorry. D-Did I hurt you?"
"No, I am fine and please call me Y/n we are alone so there is no need for the formalities," I say
"Same goes for you, dear Y/n... 1 second." He lits up a globe of fire by which I can see his face clearly.
"Why were you here?"
"I was... very hungry." He takes my hand and leads me to the dining. We sit next to each other.
"What do you want to have?" He asks
"Nothing particular."
"Would you like to have some... cookies maybe?" He suggests
"Yeah, that would be great!"
"Be right back." He says and goes back inside. A few minutes later he comes back with a huge bowl full of cookies of different flavors.
"Thank you so much!" I exclaim.
"Not a problem at all." He says handing me the bowl and taking a seat beside me. I take a bite and the cookie instantly melts in my mouth. I and Loki are very good friends since we were children. Even Thor is a good friend but no one else understands me like Loki. Every time I visit Asgard the thing that I am most excited about is meeting him. Whenever we come together we pull pranks on Thor and the guards too...... and somewhere in between, I fell in love with him. Everything about him just gives me joy and makes me happy which I can't express in words. We sit there having the delicious cookies and I think this is the perfect time to reveal it. To reveal what his presence does to me and to confess my feelings for him. I don't care what his feelings may be or what will happen to the relationship between his parents and mine later on. All I care about is now and I am confident about my feelings.
"Loki?" I take his attention.
"Yes, dear Y/n?"
"Can I tell you something?" I say looking into his beautiful green eyes.
"Anything." He replies
"I- um... I actually have feelings for you Loki a-and I am hopelessly in love with you and everything you do. I-I just wanted to let you know and its okay if you don't feel the same. I thought it was a good time to let you know and-" I stop realizing that I was blabbering and suddenly all the lights go off. I feel Loki hold my hand. I can't see him at all. The globe of light he had also vanished and unexpectedly I felt his lips on mine. Just touching and then we move our lips in a rhythm. Just like how 2 puzzle pieces fit together perfectly. We stay like that for a few seconds which seemed like more than an hour. When the lights flicker back on we pull away. He is holding my face in his palms and my hands are on his neck.
"Y/n I have always loved you and I always will. I was just too scared to admit it to you. I really love you Y/n." He admits
"I love you more Loki and I will always be by your side," I reply back with a smile on my face. We seal it all together with a sweet kiss.
This would be the best moment of my life.
Hope you liked it! (Sorry for any typos.)
Tags: @holdmytesseract @michelleleewise @lokisgoodgirl @ozymdias @mygfloki @huntress-artemiss @mochie85 @fictive-sl0th @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @muddyorbsblr @holymultiplefandomsbatman @mjsthrillernp @mukagentropy
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criminalmutantsins · 5 months
Sylki Rewrite
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(Note: Although I don’t like Sylki, I don’t have a problem with anyone who ships them.) Warning: Internalized Homophobia Mention
Two weeks ago, I binged the Loki series. To put it shortly, I loved it! Loki has one of the best character development I’ve ever seen. He moved past his insecurities and realized what he truly wanted- to be loved and seen. The time aspect was easy to digest and didn’t complicate or overinflate the concept too much. I loved the new characters, especially Mobius and O.B. Mobius and Loki’s chemistry was amazing and so natural, which makes sense since Mobius was his first friend. O.B. was lovable and so nerdy. I hope they both return to future projects. Though I didn’t connect with her as much, B-15 was a good addition, and would be happy to see her return. When it comes to Sylvie, I'm mixed with her. She’s well-written for the most part, but I didn’t like the Sylki romance in S1, and her attitude got irritating in S2 (I'll most likely write a separate post on it). Alongside thinking Loki being attracted to a version of himself is weird, their romance felt rushed and unnatural. I couldn’t really see Loki being attracted to/like/in love with someone that quickly and Sylvie looked like she barely tolerated him, even in the second season. Honestly, I think this romance was pushed by Disney instead of the writers, mainly because there was a moment in Episode 4 where Mobius rants about how strange the attraction was. I’d like to think that was the writers calling out Disney for how weird this idea was. I would’ve liked it more if Loki and Sylvie had a sibling-like relationship. I would’ve written it where Loki feels protective of Sylvie because he sees a bit of himself in her such as his anger, loneliness, and wish to belong somewhere. But, he also respects her because she lived alone and in survival mode, teaching herself how to use magic and escape death. In turn, Sylvie sort of resents Loki, especially when he mentions his relationship with Frigga, since he lived in Asgard and had a family while she lived alone and in fear. I would have a scene where Sylvie lashes out at him (maybe when he accidentally breaks the Tempad), calling him a fool for taking his family’s love for granted. On the other hand, Loki snapped and said how she had the chance to be her true self while Loki lived under Thor’s shadow and Asgard’s expectations. Maybe go as far as to mention how he felt he had to hide his bisexuality and genderfluidity out of fear of not being accepted. By the end of the argument, both realize how their pain does not absolve others and that there is good and bad in their lives. Other than the kiss scene, the scene with Loki trying to stop Sylvie from killing He Who Remains was great. 
I was so glad S2 left the ship behind. It was one of the reasons why I think S2 is a big improvement. I can’t really describe their relationship since there are moments when they get along but there are others when Sylvie is really standoffish and doesn't seem to like Loki. Maybe the closest description would be bickering siblings, which is close to what I wanted.
Did anyone else get nervous that there would be a Sylki kiss in the S2 finale? I was, especially when he was trying to stop her from killing HWR again. If they did, it would've messed with my enjoyment since there was no indication in previous episodes that they were continuing the romance. Thankfully, they didn't and the finale was perfect, even if it broke my heart that Loki will live alone for as long as he's alive. I wanted him to be happy with everyone.
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darklinaforever · 5 months
In fact, the only things that Sylvie and Loki really share, in terms of variations of each other, are the title of divinity of mischief and their powers.
Even though they don't practice exactly the same types of tricks, despite having the same power base and both being capable of the same things. For example, Loki didn't practice enchantment, yet his powers clearly allowed him to do so and it was Sylvie who taught him.
Beyond that, they do not share the same blood / DNA. They didn't grow up together either. Then in terms of their own individual, as I already said, they are different. They do not have the same personality, due to having lived quite opposite lives. Even in terms of Loki's identity, it diverges, in view of the name Sylvie bears, specifically to dissociate herself, and to make it clear that she is not Loki. She's not him. So incest or autocest is non-existent there.
All this to say that once again, the only thing they share as a variant is the title of deity of mischief and their powers.
The rest of their resemblance is simply attributed to most romantic couples wanting to be coded as soul mates and / or essentially a complementary relationship.
To have a concrete example and be more clear, Sylki is as similar as Reylo : - Different, but complicated pasts which return them to their feeling of loneliness. - Their problem of opening up to the world. - The feeling that no one else really understands them. - Similarity in combat techniques and synchronization of movements at various times, etc.
But precisely... if in terms of variation the only thing that Sylki really shares is the fact of being the divinity of mischief and their powers... doesn't that remind you of something ? Like... same divine tutelage and powers ? In the MCU universe ? Like... really not ?
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And don't let anyone tell me that it doesn't count, since in the end Jane literally ends up dying as a warrior goddess and goes to Valhalla...
Thor is the god of thunder and Jane literally became the goddess of thunder by recovering her hammer, therefore recovering the same powers. She literally became Mighty Thor / Lady Thor...
So once again, two individuals (Thor & Jane) with the same title and the same powers...
Like Sylvie and Loki (Sylki) but without all this variant stuff ! (And like I said, the rest of their resemblance comes purely from the classic romantic coding involving complementarity / soul mate aspect) However, I haven't seen anyone have a problem with Thor and Jane, two individuals sharing the same divine title and powers, being in love...
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lady-of-the-spirit · 11 months
OC Masterlist
Mostly made to be helpful for those taking part in the OC Creator Bingo 2023 event, but if you’re one of my followers I hope you like this little guide to my OCs! These aren’t all of them, but these are the ones I talk about the most, and some I don’t talk about but would like to.
General OCs tag: my OCs
Creations and writing tags: I'm making stuff, I'm writing stuff
Cut off is here because this is a long post and nobody wants to scroll past it.
Full name: Ioana, goes by Joan (no surname)
Fandom: The Old Guard (2020)
Faceclaim: None yet, if you have any suggestions let me know!
Their main tags: Joan, Joan vibes
Fics/blurbs available: the Joan ‘verse (AO3), her post of origin, Nile dreams of her, home after a bad day, her relationship with the rest of the guard, Joan learns she’s immortal
Character bio/premise: Joan (then Ioana) died in an earthquake in the 1400s, in what would one day be Romania, and somehow did not stay dead. The Old Guard (then made up of Andy, Joe, Nicky and Quynh) were there in the aftermath, trying to help, and because Joan met them before they could dream of each other, she doesn’t know they’re immortal like her, and they don’t know she’s a new immortal. Some 400 years later, Joan stumbles upon a newly immortal Booker and despite befriending each other for a brief time, once again they part ways without realizing what the other is. 
After roughly 600 years of immortality, Joan is living a comfortable but lonely life, still unaware there are others like her. At least, until she dreams about Nile getting slashed through the throat. The dreams refuse to go away, and Joan manages to track down the young woman - and in the process, finds out not only is there another immortal like her, there’s a whole group of them, and all of them know each other. In an AU where Booker didn’t betray the team, most of her story is just her and the guard getting to know each other, trying to figure out how to make this new dynamic work, and Joan finding a place after centuries of not having anyone. Joan is aroace.
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Full name: Hestia
Fandom: Thor movies, MCU
Faceclaim: Freida Pinto
Their tags: Hestia, Hestia and Thor (for shipping purposes)
Fics/blurbs available: first post explaining her concept, Light, however sorry they are (AO3), I thought you were mine, Hestia and her relationship with the Odinson boys, “what if” episode au, Loki series meets What If AU Hestia, what Hestia thinks of the avengers, Hestia is kidnapped
Character bio/premise: Based on the goddess from Greek mythology, Hestia is the eldest daughter and princess of Olympus, another alien civilization like Asgard. The eldest daughter, but not the ruler, Hestia has taken care of the kingdom in her own way - tending to the fires and protecting the home and family - ever since they overthrew their tyrannical and abusive father centuries ago and created a kingdom of peace and prosperity - with the exception of their rivalry with Asgard. In an attempt to avoid war between their kingdoms, Odin and Zeus arrange a marriage between Thor and Hestia. While both of them range from reluctant but willing to outright reluctant, they are married and Hestia comes to live on Asgard. She is quiet and some would say "meek" or "weak", and no one expects her to get along with the brash and bold Prince Thor. Surprisingly, her calm demeanor and hidden strength makes it easy to form a friendship with him.
While dealing with culture clashes and coming to understand her new home and her new family, Hestia and Thor become friends, and then (slowly for Hestia, very quickly for Thor) fall in love. They remain happily married for centuries - up until the events of Thor 1 take place, followed by the rest of the MCU, making their lives a whole lot more complicated. Hestia is asexual biromantic.
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Full name: Marianne Ouellet (maiden name/preferred name), Marianne Schulman (legal name)
Fandom: X-Men prequels (First Class, Days of Future Past, Apocalypse) (Dark Phoenix does not exist on this blog)
Faceclaim: Clemence Poesy
Their tags: Marianne, Marianne Ouellet
Fics/blurbs available: Ethereal (AO3), a little fic about her and her husband, full character profile, text post edits, a little ‘cover’ I made for the fic
Character bio/premise: Born in 1931 in Montreal, moving to the States when she was 19, a single mother to a happy 12-year-old, widow of five years, and owner of a local used bookstore for 12 years, Marianne lives a hectic but normal life. She keeps her store running, her son safe and happy, and is happy to "mom friend" the kids around the neighbourhood. It's a normal existence - up until Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr basically break into her store, tell her they know she has telekinesis, and ask her to save the world with them and other mutants like her.
While she initially refuses their offer, she later changes her mind, needing to keep her son safe. When she joins the other mutants, she finds herself joining a community she didn't know she needed, becoming the unofficial Team Mom of the group, and facing emotional issues she had pushed down for years. Marianne is bisexual.
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Full name: Kristina Maria Stark
Fandom: Iron Man movies, MCU (canon divergent after Avengers)
Faceclaim: Olivia Cooke (young Olivia Cooke - I've had her so long, I've seen her faceclaim age with her)
Their tags: Kris, Kris Stark, scarlet girlfriends (for shipping purposes)
Fics/blurbs available: an ask explaining her character, “You saved my life” wandaxkris fic, short krisxwanda fic, “what if” episode au, what Kris thinks of the avengers, Kris vs Alicent Hightower venn diagram
Character bio/premise: As the beloved daughter of Tony Stark and heiress to Stark Industries, Kris basically has everything she could ever want, and she loves it. Until she and her dad get kidnapped by terrorists and are trapped in a cave for three months. After returning home, forever changed by the experience, her dad wants to go out and make sure Stark Industry weapons are wiped from the planet, while Kris just wants to forget it ever happened and return to her normal life. It takes being terrorized by her honourary grandfather and her father creating a supersuit and becoming a public superhero to realize that their lives are never getting back to normal. It takes her father nearly dying less than a year later for Kris to take up the mantle as another superhero, pushing her life as far from normal as it gets. Kris is a lesbian.
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Full name: Rose, codename Venom
Fandom: Power Rangers: Jungle Fury
Faceclaim: Brittany O’Grady
Their tags: Rose
Fics/blurbs available: a whole post I made about her premise, her choice of animal, her having a breakdown, what happens in Ghost of a Chance (AO3)
Character bio/premise: 10,000 years ago, Rose - abandoned as a child, then abused and tormented by her Pai Zhuq master - chooses to join the evil Dai Shi, wanting revenge on humanity for the pain she’s suffered. She’s made into a double agent, spying on the humans for Dai Shi. It goes well, until the war is won by the Pai Zhuq and Dai Shi is sealed away. To keep her safe, Dai Shi turns Rose to stone, and she waits for 10,000 years before he returns and tasks her with being a double agent once more, this time spying on the power rangers who threaten his attempts to take over the world.
It’s supposed to be an easy mission. She sews discord in the group, avoids getting too close, and reports back to her Lord with information to destroy the rangers. But slowly, the safety and kindness of her fake life starts to feel more welcoming than the cruelty she had accepted before, and Rose suddenly finds herself at a crossroads - to choose revenge and a life she’s been told is the only one she deserves, or her new friends and a life she thinks she actually deserves.
Full name: Ryoko
Fandom: Original content
Faceclaim: no official one yet, but either Li Bingbing or Fan Bingbing would be good, as both have roles with white hair (The Forbidden Kingdom and The White Haired Witch of Lunar Kingdom respectively)
Their tags: Ryoko, Ryoko and Ten, Ten and Ryoko (relationship tags)
Fics/blurbs available: human vs god appearance, commissioned art!, Forgotten, Never Stopped,  All Trussed Up, Traveling Companion, Ryoko and Ten being silly, Ryoko’s healing abilities, Ryoko’s immortality, kidnapped (humor), NFWMB, Ryoko needs to sleep, Ten is insecure and Ryoko’s a good friend
Character bio/premise: Ryoko was a human woman once - about 10,000 years ago. When she discovered how to achieve immortality, though, she chased after it and became the first god in her world - the god of war, fire, death and the sun. Many others followed in her footsteps, and for thousands of years, they all ruled the world as a pantheon, with her as their ruler, the Queen of the Heavens. Flashfoward to present day, millennia later, and she’s the only god left in the world after she killed the rest of them. She wanders the world, alone as she has been for centuries now. At least, until she meets Ten, who wants to be a god and knows she’s the only one who can help him achieve his goal. Although she knows it didn’t end well last time, she finally agrees to help Ten, thinking that by helping them, she’ll be able to find a way to end her own immortality. The two of them set out on an adventure and despite her best efforts, she becomes too close to Ten, despite knowing she’s using them for her own selfish purpose.
Full name: Ten (no last name as of yet)
Fandom: Original content
Faceclaim: None yet, if you have any suggestions let me know!
Their tags: Ten, Ryoko and Ten,Ten and Ryoko (relationship tags)
Fics/blurbs available: Traveling companion, premise, goals and some background of their world, Never Stopped,  All Trussed Up, grudges, piccrew appearance, Ten is a history nerd and Ryoko is unhelpful, Ryoko and Ten being silly, Ten is insecure and Ryoko’s a good friend
Character bio/premise: Uses he/they pronouns. Raised in a small farming town, and the eldest living child of five, Ten was always told by his parents - and everyone else outside of his siblings - he would never amount to anything, that he was a waste of space. Desperate to prove everyone wrong, they moved to the city to find work and support their family while also trying to find ways to achieve more, to learn and study their passion - history and legends of the world - and become more than what they are. Eventually, he crosses paths with The legendary icon of their world, the only living god - Ryoko, queen of the heavens. Knowing this is the only way they can prove everyone wrong, they convince her to show them how to achieve godhood, and to their surprise, she agrees. They set out on a grand journey together, and despite all the terrifying legends of her and her own personality, Ten finds himself growing closer to the woman, unaware of the secrets she’s hiding from him. Ten uses he/they pronouns.
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Full name: Cara Anderson (chosen name), Carina Alvarez (legal name)
Fandom: MCU (canon divergent after Avengers)
Faceclaim: Odette Annable
Their tags: Cara, Cara Anderson, my sister’s ocs
Fics/blurbs available: None
Character bio/premise: Raised by HYDRA to be an assassin, Cara never knew anything but abuse and cruelty, except for the love of her twin, Quinn. That all ended when she realized just how fucked up HYDRA was and made plans to run away with Quinn. Those plans came to an end when SHIELD attacked their HYDRA facilities and Quinn died in the attack. Grieving, but ready to leave HYDRA behind, Cara agrees to join SHIELD (not knowing HYDRA and SHIELD are one and the same) and become an agent for them after being given a second chance by Clint Barton, as well as Natasha Romanoff, Nick Fury, and Maria Ross (who would eventually become her best friend). Years go by and she’s definitely one of their best agents, although she still has a lot of unprocessed trauma and anger. Things get a little better when she finds a family with the Avengers. Things get a lot better when she meets Sam Wilson, whose good heart and entire character is a bright spot in her stormy life. Cara is bisexual.
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Full name: Valerie Jenkins
Fandom: MCU (canon divergent after Avengers)
Faceclaim: Amanda Seyfried
Their tags: Valerie, my sister’s ocs
Fics/blurbs available: None
Character bio/premise: Valerie is just a kid when her parents die and she’s sent to live with her aunt. She’s still just a kid when her aunt is in a car accident and ends up in a coma and Valerie is sent to live in foster care, before running away and living on the streets. She’s still just a kid when she discovers she’s a mutant with the ability to control metal. For years she lives as a drifter, but eventually she’s able to get off the streets and make ends meet as a waitress in NYC - up until aliens attack. Using her powers to fight, she’s discovered by the Avengers and SHIELD and recruited, and ends up living in the Avengers tower with the rest of them. After years of not having anyone, she’s finally found herself a space space and a family - a family that gets even bigger when the Maximoff twins show up and she finds herself growing closer to Pietro.
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