#i tried So Hard to find a picture of her with the sword but couldn't find one :(
mayvora · 1 month
Part one!! Character List!!
Comin' back with the part two of my gigantic story. Today we meet a new character! (who I'm obsessed with) (but I'm also obsessed with every other character in the story) (lol)
Fun thing in my notes everything related to the rec2 is labeled with purple color and is under the "hurts me deeply" tag. cause it hurts me. deeply.
LETS START SHALL WE. i just need to remember what I wrote last
(also guys do you wanna be tagged in every new part or smthing like that,,, just askyyn)
Their quite simple and silly talk (Joel tries to flirt with Lizzie, Jimmy bullies the hell out of him, Xelqua laughs uncontrollably, Lizzie looks like she is a tired mother who carries her 3 stupid children around everywhere and Scar is having so much fun) was interrupted by a very... not stable guard. very drunk. good job Scar. buut that kinda wasn't enough to keep him sleeping for a long time. sadly.
And the absolute first think Scars brain screams at him to do is to protect Lizzie. He jumps in front of her (not knowing yet that she is way more powerful than him), hoping that he will be enough to protect her... but that's not really needed.
Because guard almost immediately falls on the floor, revealing a person standing behind him with a sword in his hand. He looks at the guard... at his sword... then he sees the looks on everyone's faces...
"That was not me!" - he laughs nerviosly, but his eyes are calm. Like if he knew that no one actually cares and just played for drama.
Well, that is definitely something Martyn Littlewood would do.
Scars eyes immediately focused on him, noticing every little detail. Weirdly bright yellow color of his messy hair, his green and black armor and red flag with white claws on the bottom... his eyes. that was looking at him actually. his eyes, bright blue and... very painful to look at for some reason, so Scar stopped looking at them, instead admiring his silly hairstyle.
Martyn didn't stop looking at him. He looked surprised, but not really upset - and he had a fun curious spark in those weird blue eyes of his. Something Scar couldn't see, but everyone else could.
"So... Are we adopting this one? What is he exactly? Looks very silly standing there between Lizzie and me. Do you know that she can make a salad out of you, buddy? "
Scar giggles and shakes his head. But when he tried to talk, Lizzie stepped in, explaining the story of their meeting to everyone. After that... It seemed like Martyn and Joel were trying to hold their laughter, but Xelqua and Jimmy actually were not going to join them - Xeu was concerned and Jimmy looked very happy and even smiled at Scar.
With almost everyone accepting him... well, something like that at least... Scar was quite sure he could at least try asking if they can take him into their... whathever their group was! Scar was okay with everything. He's a hard worker, he can keep up.
But before he could ask his question... well, yes, he got interrupted again. This time by Xelqua, who very reasonably said that they really shouldn't be here for long and if someone finds them they would have to fight in a tiny space. And protecting Jimmy (who spent weeks in prison!) would be a nightmare job if Joel and Xel didn't have the space to fight with their massive weapons.
They had a plan ready, but it needed a correction since Scar came into picture and needed a place in this plan. Martyn (who was in charge of distraction) took him, promising a big BOOM that would take all the attention away from their "take Jimmy away from the city" group.
Scar, surely, was insanely happy that he got to be a part of the plan and that he could do something useful for the team. Like, they were so cool! And were doing a good thing - saving their friend! And Xelqua even softly smiled to him before leaving and looked at him with his gorgeous void-like eyes! Not hiding them behind small head wings like he did before!
Full of his soft happiness, Scar would never think anything bad about his companion, not even guessing that Martyn did not trust him at all. Oh, Martyn knew that everyone else fell for that trap! He saw Lizzie's soft and proud eyes, he saw Joel exitement about having a human with them! He saw Jimmy's trust and Xelqua's kindness... but he was absolutely sure that this human did not deserve any of it. He knew the truth! Human will betray them before they all could even blink - and Martyn will not let that happen. He will strike first and protect his family from this danger.
Definitely not having second thoughts every time human looks at him with those loving eyes and smiles like he is everything.
Definitely not worrying that he is mistaken when human carefully fixes his messy hair and uses little green peace of cloth he had in his pocket as a headband to keep the hair away from the eyes.
Definitely not feeling like a villain when human naively asks him what he is and excitedly stares at the little glowing stars that appear on Martyns skin on command.
Not... Thinking... He is not mistaken... Or is he?
"Am I really wrong about him?" - Martyn asks himself when human helps him out with blowing up some gunpower from the inquisitions vaults.
"Is he actually a friend?" - Martyn asks himself when human pushes him away from the attack that Martyn himself didn't notice cause he was too busy admiring the fire that they created together.
"Maybe Lizzie is right and it is indeed Fate. " - decides Martyn when human- no, when Scar takes a hit for him, allowing Martyn to finish the battle by attacking the enemy who was not expecting their quick change.
"Maybe I should listen to the Fate too. " - Martyn whispers, and Scar looks at him with curious green eyes. No questions asked - he just smiles and followes him, and it would be so easy for Martyn to lead him into a trap right now.
But he doesn't do that - instead he leads him to their camp, stands between him and Ren and says confidently:
"That one's a keeper. But he really needs some training, so... "
...so that's what Martyn does.
He becomes Scar's mentor.
And the first ever person to tell him that he trusts him right into his sweet loving face; the first ever, but not the last.
Cause the story is just starting, and I have way too much things to share... this is like a very big first chapter... And I already spent too much time on it.
Lol. At least y'all getting some content. I'm gonna do backstories next hehehe. Excited :3
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Balloon Art Day 3
Day 1 - Day 2
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15. Giraffe - Unnamed
Before I got out of bed today, I whipped out a quick giraffe for a warm up. This giraffe is just a dog with different proportions, but I wanted to make a giraffe for a friend's kid. I didn't prepare at all beforehand, but from a purely balloon twisting perspective, I'm really happy with it. One small detail that doesn't show up super well in this picture is that I made the front legs longer than the back. Giraffes' legs are pretty even, but you can clearly see a downward slope in their backs that can be approximated in balloon form by introducing a length difference. This one stopped living up to my expectations once I tried drawing the spots on. Sharpie works wonders on these balloons, but I didn't have a brown sharpie on hand in my bedroom. I used a crayola marker instead, which you can see didn't really stick at all. Ended up being a bit of a mess!
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17, 18, 19. Heart, bow, flower - Mother's Day Ensemble
This heart here is my second attempt. It takes some effort to get a balloon to hold an angle like the one in a heart! Even more effort to do it without any swelling in the joint. You can see that the heart here is slightly inflamed, but compared to the one before it, it looks extremely healthy. Aside from that, the bow here is a little uneven, and the flower was intended to have six petals instead of five (one of them being a tad short), but after struggling a while with how I wanted the heart to look, I decided that today was going to be a "finish it even if it's not perfect" kind of day.
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20. Sword
I consider this an important skill in the children's birthday party side of balloon art, and for the sake of possibly making a little bit of money at some point (it's so hard to do things on a just-for-fun basis nowadays), I've resolved to eventually perfect the blade. The challenge of the sword is inflating the balloon just enough that you can still make the few required twists while resulting in a round, inflated tip. Now, the bubble at the front of this one is a bit long, and that's not the challenging part, but I got a little turned around at the start of this one. The tip top is slightly under-inflated. Only slightly, though, so I'm satisfied with this as a first try.
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21. Mushroom
This one was also a little sloppy, but it's such a cute little thing that I was really happy to finish it regardless. A developing theme is that I will make bubbles bigger than a tutorial calls for and run out of balloon faster than intended when I iterate the process. This mushroom has a slightly less robust cap than specified in the tutorial I followed, but once again, it doesn't matter too much. I find that it's pretty fun to not measure anything and just work it out on my own when something goes wrong.
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22. Corn (failure)
This one involves weaving six balloons at once into basically a tall basket. I couldn't handle that many balloons at once! No biggie though, this was a big step up from what I've done up to this point. The mode of failure was a pinch twist, which is consistently a technique that I'm a little nervous about due to a fear of popping. This time, it was in between a lot of other bubbles and I must have pulled a bit too hard, because the balloon I was twisting did indeed pop. I feel comfortable saying I bit off more than I could chew here, but I'm exercising my jaw every day, so I'll come back around for this one another time!
23. Sword (not pictured)
This one was both to see if I could do it better this time, and because I just wanted to play around. I didn't do it any better this time though. I don't want to sit down for a day of nothing but swords until I get the inflation level to be perfect, but I think that might be the best way to learn. I'll keep working hard, whatever that looks like!
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24. Camel - Wendy
Yup, that's right, she's meant to be a camel. I didn't get as much height as I'd have liked out of her hump because the bubbles that make up her torso are slightly different lengths. I was also cutting my balloon length pretty close at the end, because this is one of the rare designs that leaves the very end of the balloon inflated. Her front legs are also longer than her back legs, and not on purpose this time! I don't mind for now though. Hard to feel frustrated when I'm holding a cute little animal that I made!
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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jemandtherobots · 6 years
supernovacoffee replied to your post: today was like. the fourth time i’ve walked into...
Whoa you can’t just mention a lady with a sword without telling us what show this is? As a gay, I will not stand for this! Give me the sword lady!
fjdskfjs gay mood
anyway it’s a show called der alte and there’s a character called annabell lorenz (played by stephanie stumph) who got to have a sword in what i think was her very first ep? and unfortunately, afaik, she has not had a sword since which i believe is blatant homophobia tbqh
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swordofpevensie · 3 years
We Will See (Prince Caspian x You Fic.)
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requested: by @lovecatystuff​ Hi! Could you write something with Caspian and arranged marriage, when both of them didn't want it at the beginning but later he see how caring and lovely she is, please? Thank you in advance! 💜💜💜
warnings: angst, arranged marriage, the reader (you) has a terrible father, mentions of violence, implying of rape, almost violence, we defeat sexist idiots here, miraz is a jerk, slowburn. 
word count: 5005
a/n: i sincelery hope you like it caty because you are so cute and deserve to be happy. i’m so excited to share it with you! (。♡‿♡。)
my masterlist is not here because you know, i broke it. 
                                                      .*・。゚ ༘✧
The first time you saw Caspian, you were sure that you hated him. First of all, he was so spoiled, because he was the prince of a strong empire. He was also conceited. He didn't even greet you. And you could tell he was doing his best not to look at you.
While your father and Miraz were discussing how this marriage would be and its benefits, you and Caspian just sit there. No one asked you what you thought, if you wanted to get married, if you liked each other. You felt like a worthless and pathetic animal waiting to be sold to its new owner. You wanted to cry and escape from that room, that castle and get lost. You wanted to be alone for the rest of your life because you were sick of your greedy father and sacrificing yourself for his benefits.
“My Lord,” You heard your father speaking. “I'm sure this marriage will make both of us stronger than we already are.”
Miraz nodded; there was an evil smile on his face.
“You know she will stay here,” He spoke. “Is she good and obedient? I don't want a bride who is a rebel in my castle.”
Your father had a little flashback about you. You fighting with a sword, showing up in the castle covered in mud, the time you bit a man's hand because he was trying to stop you from fighting, you yelling at your father because he didn't allow you to go outside, the time you fell into a hole with your horse while you were training.
“She is absolutely obedient, my Lord.” Your father said. You tried so hard not to smile. “She will not cause you any problems.”
Miraz looked at you; there was something in his eyes that made you so uncomfortable. But you didn't look away, answered his eyes and stared at him until he felt annoyed and turned his head.
“Then, let the preparations begin!” Miraz shouted.
Your father signified you to come with his hand. When you stood up to go, Caspian did the same.
“May I talk with you before you leave, Princess Y/N?”
You didn't ask your father for permission on purpose. He beat you and forced to you to get married no matter how hard you tried to fight back and stop him. Now, you were determined to turn his life into a ceaseless torture.
“Yes, of course.” You replied him. Honestly, you were surprised that he condescended to talk to you.
“I think it will be better if we can talk alone. Would it be okay for you to go out?”
“I'd like to go outside.”
Your father grunted angrily and intended to stop you but Miraz stopped him.
“We should let young lovers talk.”
When you were finally outside, Caspian stopped in the middle of the garden.
“Thank you for accepting my offer, Princess Y/N.” Caspian started to speak. “I know you do not want to get married with me. I totally understand that, we've just met and maybe you have someone else in your heart, or maybe you just do not like marriage.” He cleared his throat. “What I'm saying is although we both do not want this marriage; I think we should try to enjoy it. I do not expect you to love me and I can't love you suddenly but if we try to be friends, things may be easier and bearable. What do you think?”
You didn't like him, that was a fact, but his words offended you somehow. Especially when he said bearable, you felt very offended. Were you ugly or not enough for him? Were you a person who was annoying and unbearable? You didn't do anything wrong in the short time he saw you. Why did he use such words then?
“Yes, Prince Caspian, I do not want to get married to someone like you and I will do whatever it takes to stop this marriage.”
He seemed angry. “You cannot stop it now. They've already decided. We are getting married, no matter we like it or not.”
“I can stop it!” You raised your voice. “And I will!”
He rolled his eyes. “Could you stop your father when he first informed you about the marriage?”
Your answer was silence.
“That's what I thought.” He took a short breath. “I know you are angry and sad. I feel the same things. You are not the only one who is forced to marry. If we can respect each other and become friends, we can at least have a good time despite their evil intentions.”
“No,” Your voice shook. “I will stop my father. I will try harder.” When you felt your tears coming, you turned around and left Caspian there.
Caspian was sure that he hated you. Although it was the first time he saw you, he thought you were unbearable and about to turn his life into a nightmare.
                                                  .*・。゚ ༘✧
 It had been a month since you and your father left Miraz's castle. During this time, you kept fighting with your father and objecting this marriage but he was determined and strong.
He punished you, made you stay in the dungeons for a week, locked you in your room and let you out only when tailors came to prepare your wedding dress.
You felt nothing but unhappiness. Sometimes you weren't even there, people talked to you but you didn't hear. You were unhappy, sad and broken because you felt like nothing, no one. You opinions weren't important, your voice wasn't heard. You didn't want this marriage because your mother and father's marriage was also arranged and your mother suffered because of your father for her whole life. You were scared to have the same fate.
However, no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't stop your father and your wedding day came. You, your father and the maids travelled to Miraz's castle the night before the wedding.
The maids helped you get dressed, they did your hair, put some scent on your body, and you were ready to go.
Your father was with you during the ceremony. He escorted you until you arrived to the dais and Caspian held your hand.
Your dress was dark red; you noticed Caspian's cape was the same colour. He wore black trousers and boots, his shirt was also black.
You made your marriage vows but both of you kept it short and simple.
Caspian had managed to convince his uncle not to have a ball after the wedding. Miraz accepted because he didn't care about your wedding at all and he didn't want to deal with people.
When you were informed that there wouldn't be a ball last night, you were glad. You didn't want to want to dance with him and pretend to like him.
Therefore, after ceremony ended, Caspian and you went to your room. The place you would stay for the rest of your life. You hated every step you took and every single minute you walked. Caspian was holding your hand until you arrived to the room. It was a matter of form.
He opened the door and waited for you to go inside.
You were scared. What if he wanted to make... It? Would he hurt you if you said no? You had no weapon with you because your father made sure you didn't take any. You could fight with him with bare hands but what if he had a weapon? Your heart was beating so fast and your legs felt numb. You entered the room and just stood. You didn't know what to do.
But when you turned and looked at him as he closed the door, you realized he seemed nervous.
“So...” He said in a low voice. “We have to be here tonight, to make others believe in our marriage. Will you just sit and pout or would you like to talk with me? My books are there,” He pointed the right side of the room with his finger. “I mean if you like reading history.”
He was not going to hurt you. You took a short breath in relief. You felt all your muscles relaxing and that numb feeling leaving your body.
“I love history.” You replied him. You tried to sound friendly. He was right, you had to stay in the room until morning and maybe spending time with him wouldn't be so bad?
He took a step towards you, meanwhile you stepped back reflexively. He frowned.
“I know we do not know each other yet. The first thing I need you to know about me is I will never hurt you. I am not a violent person; you don't need to fear me.”
You just nodded.
“Is there anything you need me to know?”
“You should fear me.” You said and he laughed.
“I am an excellent fighter.” You were really proud of yourself. “There is no man I can't beat in a sword fight.”
“Oh, okay, Princess Y/N is fierce.” He had a smile on his face which made him look very friendly and warm. “Would you like to fight with me at dawn?”
“Of course.”
He extended his hand. You took and shook it. You looked at each other for a few minutes, without breaking the handshake.
“History,” You said when you realized you'd been holding his hand. “Books. Could you please show me your books?”
“Please,” He pulled the chair behind the desk for you. “Be my guest, Princess Y/N.”
You smiled as you sit.
“What do you like to read?”
“I read anything I find.” You replied. “But my favorite subjest is Narnia tales.”
He seemed suprised. “Do you know about them?”
“Of course I do. My mother used to tell me their stories. Kings and Queens of old, I am very fond of them.”
“Talking about Narnia is forbidden here.” Caspian said. “My uncle doesn't like Narnians.”
“So how do you know?”
“I have a professor. He teaches me. Wait a second.”
He turned his back to you and started to search something in his bookshelves. One wall of the room was used as a bookcase. He took a book from the back of the shelf. He brought the book and put it to the desk.
“May I sit?”
“Yes, yes please.” You moved a little when he sat to the chair next to yours.
He opened a page. “Here is one of their pictures.” He explained. His voice was confident and excited. You could tell how interested he was in Narnia. “This is High King Peter, this is King Edmund, this is Queen Susan and this is Queen Lucy.”
You nodded as you looked at the picture. “It is very beautiful.” You'd never seen their pictures before. “Do you know Mr. Tumnus?”
“No, I have never heard this name before.”
“Oh, he was an satyr and Queen Lucy's friend. They say when she first came to Narnia, Mr. Tumnus saw her and welcomed her in.”
“Who else do you know?”
And you talked about Narnia, Kings and Queens, fairytales, your favorite stories and heroes, what might have happened to Narnians. You chatted about yourselves too. Your childhood, your training stories, what you liked to do, what your favourite food was.
He wasn’t that bad, actually, he wasn’t bad at all. Communicating with him was easy, he was friendly and talkative. He smiled frequently and was always careful, never got closer to you before asking.
You thought maybe he was right after all. You were married now and neither he nor you could rise against your father or Miraz. Maybe things would be better if you started trying to be friends with him.
That's why you were nice to him whole night. You let him see the true you, the funny, nice, kind and lively you. And he liked that side of you. He hoped you'd never stop being like that because he hated to see you upset and broken. The day when you talked in the garden was a nightmare for him. You seemed so unhappy, so tired and upset and he felt the same things. The look inside your eyes broke his heart, which was already damaged.
Because when his uncle told him he'd get married, Caspian was so scared. He was too young to be married. He had dreams, wishes, and plans in his head. He was going to be a seafarer and search for Narnians. But this marriage would mean to stay inside of the kingdom and with his future wife. He hated that thought. However he still hoped his chosen wife would be someone easygoing so that even though he wouldn't love her, he could still have good time with her and try to make her happy.
That hope was destroyed by you when he tried to talk with you. He was disappointed and sure that his life would be a disaster from now on. He thought you'd make his life a torture for him.
Spending time with you, however, changed his thoughts. He realized you were nice and easygoing when you wanted to be. You were funny and very wise. Every story you told him and each new information you gave him about Narnians amazed him and he felt so glad that you knew and liked Narnia. He loved the way you told stories, with a big excitement and admiration, because he felt the same things when he talked about Narnian stories. Sharing his feelings with you made him feel so good.
You fell asleep after a while. The whole day was overwhelming and you were really tired, therefore you couldn't stop yourself.
Meanwhile Caspian was trying to find a book about astrology. When he finally found the book, he turned his face to the desk and saw you sleeping. Your arms were on the desk and you put your head on your arms. He couldn't help but smile. But then he realized he couldn't let you sleep on the desk. He put the book randomly to a shelf and approached to you silently.
“Y/N,” He told your name in a calm voice. “Princess Y/N, you should wake up.”
He tried to wake you up a few more times but you were in a deep sleep.
“Okay.” He muttered and sat next to you.
He couldn't sleep though. He sat there with you until you woke up at dawn. He read some books, thought about his day, and sometimes watched you.
He honestly felt happy because you two managed to be friends.
                                                .*・。゚ ༘✧
 After three weeks had passed since the day you and Caspian got married, your public duties started. The first one was to visit the market place and observe the economic situation of the people and listen to their problems. You were really excited because you liked to talk with people and also you wanted to feel useful. Sitting inside the castle all day and spending most of your time with Caspian were getting boring.
Honestly, spending time with him was actually good. Waking up at dawn and fighting until you both were tired became your tradition. Caspian taught you how to use arrow and bow; in return, you taught him how to fight with a dagger. After fighting, you came to your room and took bath respectively. If there was any meeting, you and he participated together because Miraz demanded you to make this marriage seem believable, therefore outside of your room, you were always together. You had to hold hands sometimes but besides that, it was alright. When you spent time together in your room, you read, studied with Proffesor, just chatted together; you drew and he watched you, you watched him as he played the piano. At night, you slept in the same bed but you kept the distance.
However, all of those activities made you feel selfish because you were now the princess of Telmarines and your duty was to serve them and meet their needs.
When you finally arrived to the marketplace, you walked arm in arm. He was very thoughtful; he helped you with your dress, pulling it gently so that you didn’t step on it. He held your hand while you were getting out of your carriage.
You couldn’t tell if he was excited or not until he started talking with people. You saw that people loved him and he was very fond of them. He knew their names and he was so kind. He was very good at talking with children and he was so soft and cute with babies. He introduced you as his wife many times, which made you feel weird but somehow good.
He watched you as you talked with people. He was surprised because you were very nice to everyone. You were polite and your manners clearly showed that you cared about all of the people. Several women gave you flowers or something they cooked or baked. His eyes were on you as you ate food you were given and thanked and praised each woman. He’d seen princesses who didn’t even accept food from people. A boy wanted to give you a flower crown and you crouched down for him to put the crown on your head. Caspian found himself smiling while watching you. He realized you weren’t a person like he’d assumed. He let his prejudice form an opinion about you, which was something he shouldn’t have done. He judged you with your one and only mistake and realizing that made him feel very angry at himself.
He took a deep breath to get rid of his thoughts. He firstly needed to do his duty. Later, he could apologize to you.
You spent almost four hours in the market place, however neither of you realized how much time had passed when your driver and one of your guards (you insisted that you didn’t want them but you couldn’t stop Miraz) informed you about the time and told you it was time to leave.
Caspian and you discussed everything people told you, their problems, how to solve them, how to help people. The problem was actually very clear: They were sick of paying taxes as they knew their money was only spent for the armies of the lords who did nothing to help them.
As soon as you arrived to the castle, you went to Miraz’s room to discuss it with him. He was a strong lord and if you could get his support, others would probably listen to you.
Caspian was with you when you entered the room. He was right behind you but he was silent. He wanted you to be the one to solve this problem and win the hearts and minds of people.
However when you explain the situation to Miraz, he said ‘’No.’’ without hesitation. You were shocked because you really thought he would want to help you.
You frowned. ‘’How can you say no? They are our people, we must help them.’’
‘’Their taxes protect them.’’ Miraz looked very determined.
‘’There is no war at this moment. I think we can abate the taxes.’’
‘’Princess,’’ Miraz said in a insulting manner. ‘’You shouldn’t puzzle your brains with such problems. Go and do ordinary princess things. Comb your hair, sing, kiss your husband or whatever. This is not your business.’’
He made you angry, more than you can describe in words. You wished you could punch him but you managed to be calm somehow.
‘’My ordinary princess things are my actual responsibilities towards our people. And it is not your decision to make. It concerns all of the lords, therefore we will take it to the council.’’
‘’You will not.’’
You looked at his angry eyes with determination and stubbornness. ‘’You cannot patronize me. I have every right to discuss it with the council. Who do you think you are? The king?’’
He raised his hand against you however Caspian captured it before you or Miraz could do anything.
‘’Don’t even think about it, uncle.’’ He said in a low voice, gritting his teeth.
It was the first time you saw him angry and you could honestly say that he looked dangerous.
‘’She is right.’’ Caspian continued. ‘’We will take this to the council and you are not the king, you cannot stop me or her. The council will decide what to do.’’
He let go of Miraz’s hand but his face didn’t change.  ‘’You wanted to bring her to this castle and make her our princess. You have to respect everything she says and does because like it or not, she is our princess and I think what she is doing is amazing and very right.’’  
After hearing Caspian’s talking in that tone and manner, you understood why he was a prince and the next king. At that moment, he was not just a young and inexperienced prince, he was a strong king and he knew how to rule a kingdom, in that case, people. He was made to be king and realizing this made you feel proud of him. You also appreciated him and how he stood up for you.
‘’Come.’’ He said to you and together, you left the room. Caspian directly went to the council room and demanded a meeting.  
You explained the situation and needs of the people. Caspian supported you and made sure that everyone knew that you weren’t alone. Some of the lords didn’t want to abate the taxes while some of them supported you.
It was debated in the council for two days, you and Caspian never gave up the cause. At the end of the second day, lords announced that they agreed to abate the taxes and spend their economic sources to help and support the people. General Glozelle supported you extremely. You thought he supported you just to annoy Miraz but you were still thankful.
You and he were in your room after everything was over. You felt really tired after talking, discussing and arguing for two days but the satisfaction of beating Miraz was worth it.
‘’Princess Y/N,’’ Caspian said. ‘’I really appreciate what you achieved. My uncle doesn’t even let his wife to be a council member but you defeated him very elegantly and successfully.’’
You smiled at his compliments. ‘’Thank you,’’ You said. ‘’But I think I would lose without your help. Thank you for standing up for me and your support.’’
‘’With such a determination like yours, I think you would beat my uncle and council without me.’’
You smiled proudly. ‘’Thanks. My father says I got it from my mother.’’
‘’May I?’’ He asked as he stood up close to the bed.
‘’Yes, please.’’ You made room for him. ‘’And you don’t have ask every time. Also you can call me just Y/N. You don’t need to add princess.’’
‘’Oh, so, are you starting to like me, Y/N?’’ He asked jokingly.
‘’I thought we became friends.’’ You looked at him. ‘’Didn’t we?’’
‘’Yes, yes we did. We are friends.’’ His voice was low and he wasn’t looking at you.
‘’Is there any problem?’’ You felt worried. Had you done something wrong?
‘’No, just...’’ He breathed out as he rubbed his nasal bridge. ‘’Yes, there is a problem and you’ll hate me when I tell you.’’
‘’I won’t hate you.’’ You got closer to him. ‘’I know I was really rude to you at first but believe me, it changed. Please tell me. I’m sure we can solve the problem together.’’
‘’I tried really hard not to do this but I couldn’t stop myself. How could I? You know about Narnians, you love history as much as I do, you are an amazing fighter, you are brilliant, lovely, caring and very stubborn.’’
You were confused. Yes, you were flattered but what did his words mean?
‘’I like you. Not as a friend. As a... When I introduce you as my wife to people, I feel good.’’
You couldn’t say anything. The only thing you did was to give a short and shaky breath. You were totally shocked because you never thought he’d like you. You had been mean to him and you were distant. Honestly, you thought he hated you or didn’t like you. You assumed he was just trying to be nice and was putting up with you. But his words vanished all of your prejudices because he sounded very sincere and serious. The way he complemented you and the last thing he said... You felt good, that was for sure, but you didn’t know how you felt about him. Did you like him? You’d never considered this, maybe because you were determined not to like him or maybe because you were sure he wouldn’t like you.
‘’Caspian, I really don’t know what to say. But I don’t hate you, I never did and I never will. You’ve been so good to me, more than I deserve. You are so nice, kind, thoughtful and caring. I am really thankful to you. However I am not sure about my feelings. I never thought we would like each other.’’
He nodded silently. ‘’It’s alright.’’ He said. ‘’I don’t and can’t expect you to like me suddenly.’’
‘’It’s not because you are an unlikable person.’’ He looked at you as you continued. ‘’It’s because I was sure that you would never like me.’’
‘’So... What will happen now?’’
You smiled at him. It was a warm and sincere smile. ‘’We will see.’’
                                                    .*・。゚ ༘✧
‘’I’m beginning to think you are doing magic.’’ Caspian said while he was looking at the second arrow you shot which pierced the little red circle on the target board.
You laughed. ‘’I wish I could but, no, it is the result of practicing too much.’’
He took the arrows from the board and brought them to you.
‘’You’ve improved so much. I feel very unneeded while I’m standing here.’’
‘’I think you should be proud. You are my teacher after all.’’
‘’You are a brilliant student.’’ He said, smiling. ‘’However, I think if put your leg like this,’’ He put his right leg a bit further than where yours were. ‘’It will be better.’’
You did as he told. ‘’Is it okay?’’
‘’Yes, and you should raise your arm higher.’’
You did that too.
‘’Just a little- Can I show you?’’
‘’Yes of course.’’
‘’Okay, now,’’ He took a step towards your back. ‘’Your elbow should be like this,’’ He spoke while he put his hand to your elbow and pushed it up softly. ‘’And it would be better if your arm,’’ His hand were on your arm now, his touch was so gentle. You felt that his fingertips were burning part of your skin which wasn’t covered with arm-guard.
You tried to ignore his touch and focus on what he was telling but you failed. You felt like a candle slowly melting because of the fire. You woke up to the fact that you wanted to melt. For him.
‘’Y/N,’’ You finally heard his voice. ‘’Are you alright?’’
‘’Yes, I am.’’ You took a short breath and lowered your hands and bow. ‘’I’m sorry, I just...’’ You turned your head back and looked at his face. ‘’Can I ask you something?’’
‘’You can.’’
He looked very worried and you loved it. He was very caring during all this time you spent together. He was also so thoughtful. Whenever you frowned a little, he immediately asked if you were okay. He always made sure that there was water on your night table. He always helped you when your dress caused you problems.
‘’Do you still like me, Caspian?’’ You asked very nervously.
He licked his lips before talking. ‘’Yes, I do. More and more day by day, actually.’’
You smiled when you heard his answer. ‘’Then, I have some news for you.’’
He raised his eyebrows, there was a little smile on his face. ‘’I am listening very carefully.’’
‘’Prince Caspian,’’ You said and took a deep breath. ‘’I think I like you.’’
His smile got bigger and bigger and you heard him laughing. ‘’Really?’’
You nodded. You were smiling too. Saying your feelings out and loud made you feel very relaxed, as if a heavy burden was taken off your chest.
‘’How?’’ He asked.
‘’Am I supposed to give you an alphabetic list?’’ You shrugged your shoulders. ‘’It just happened but I think it was inevitable.’’
His dark brown eyes were shining. ‘’It feels like I am in a dream.’’
‘’Does it mean you dream about me?’’ You asked jokingly.
You realized he was taking you into your arms. You let him because you needed to be in his arms, feel his touch and body heat.
‘’Sometimes.’’ He said. ‘’Don’t you?’’
‘’Sometimes.’’ You copied him. It made him laugh.
‘’Can I kiss you right now, Princess Y/N?’’
‘’Yes, yes you can, Prince Caspian.’’
You dropped the bow when his lips touched yours. All of your muscles relaxed, you felt like you would fall to the ground but thankfully his hands were on your waist, holding you tight.
His lips were soft, his kiss was passionate. You could almost taste his desire and you absolutely loved it. Being loved and wanted by him felt like you were over the moon.
He was the one to break the kiss and look at your face very carefully. He liked it when he saw your red lips.
He was looking at you carefully, as if he was trying to understand whether you were real or not. You noticed that he really couldn’t believe you liked him.
‘’I like you.’’ You needed to say it again so that he could believe.
He took your hands into his and brought them closer to his lips, then kissed your hands. You bit your lower lip, it was your soft spot.
‘’I like you too, so much.’’ He managed to say before you grabbed his face and kissed him.
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elliehase-blog · 3 years
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It’s typical for me to set up a story or drabbles around my drawings, but I’m not always confident enough to share them with you due to my lack of knowledge in the English grammar.  This is a foreign language for me, therefore I still make a lot of mistakes and not noticing them.
For this redrawing of Crawly I wrote a little prelude for my story “Don’t Stop Me Now” on AO3. I have finished two new chapters already, but unfortunately my friend (who has corrected my stories in the past) is too busy with her work. If there’s anyone out there, who enjoys to proofread stories, please contact me! 
It was lo-... something at first sight.
The angel of the Eastern Gate stood atop Eden’s outer wall, facing the deserted land with a concerned glance. His wavy fair hair reflected the setting sun, some soft rays gently embraced his contours. Gray clouds were piling over the garden. With his white robe and the dark atmosphere forming around him, he looked bright and shining like a star in the night sky.
He was the most fascinating thing Crawly had ever seen.
And Crawly had seen a lot of things in his immortal existence. In the old days he had been an angel himself, a builder of blazing stars and astonishing constellations. But none of his creations ever radiated in such a wonderful warm glow, giving him satisfaction and ease at once. There was something magical about the other man, which is why Crawly couldn't avert his gaze.
Strictly speaking, Crawly didn’t cross a line here. He wasn’t in close contact with the angel, staying at the apple tree most of the time, fulfilling his demonic duty. No one ever said he couldn’t sneak away occasionally and admire his new encounter from afar, though. Nothing wrong in it. At least until it became his favourite occupation of the day.
So the serpent observed the beautiful chubby angel quite a while. From a safe distance, of course. As a demon he had straight orders from Hell to cast some trouble in the Garden of Eden. It was highly inappropriate to reach out to the opposition by whatever means, he guessed, or even conveying interest in an angel in the first place. Probably it was forbidden as well. Something demons ought not to do.
He did anyway.
 Crawly watched the serene beauty and listened carefully to every word that emerged these rosy lips, straining to find out more about the angelic guard, trying to get the whole picture. Every piece of the puzzle dragged him closer each day. He liked the way the blond angel yielded his flaming sword when he was practicing some quite impressive combat moves. He liked the way how politely the other man was talking to God’s newest creations (especially the animals), just like he really cared. And he absolutely adored the way the angel’s name rolled off his tongue. Aziraphale... The demon whispered it a couple of times just to listen to the melodic sound.
After seven days Crawly came to the conclusion, that the angel of the Eastern Gate wasn't a threat or dangerous at all, only confirming his initial impression. In fact, there was something tragically lonesome about him. It was almost like looking into a mirror, finding someone as isolated as yourself. No other angel came to talk to him, even God never answered his prayers. That situation felt strangely familiar. Crawly wanted to get closer to the other man straightway, literally craved for a conversation with every fibre of his body. If there was the slightest chance, that the blond angel could truly understand how he feels, that they both are broken in some way, maybe they could feel wholesome again by being together.
They barely knew each other, but as they started talking, it felt like they had known each other for far longer than just a minute. Aziraphale treated him as equal, even though Crawly had revealed his black wings, openly showing his demonic nature. There was no loathing, no rolling eyes, no distrust in the angel’s voice. It was ... odd. Something, Crawly had never experienced before.
So Crawly had stood frozen in indecision for what seemed like forever, thinking of the right way to approach, the right words to say. A feeling of nervousness overwhelmed him. The first impression counted, after all.
And the foremost thing that popped into his mind was, “That one went down like a lead balloon.”
Well. Could have been worse, right?
From up close he could study the other man’s face even better. His far too cute button nose and his ridiculously bright blue eyes, just to name but a few. It completely captured the demon. The way Aziraphale smiled, chuckled in a warm tone as Crawly mentioned their possible misstep, finally tipped him over the edge. It seized his chest with something deeper than admiration.
When raindrops started to pour at the very first time on earth, the demon gazed insultingly upon the sky. It felt cold and wet and absolutely annoying on his skin. The snake-like part inside of him immediately wanted to curl away and hide somewhere safe and warm. The other part clearly wanted to stay right next to Aziraphale, cautiously coming closer. Without a second thought or expecting any kind of counter-performance, the blond man stretched his impressive white wing to shield Crawly.
And that was when the demon had fallen for the angel completely.
Crawly knew on the spur of the moment that he had met the kindest person in his godforsaken life. Cheesy but true. He remembered clearly what Heaven was like. Not as nice as everyone thought it would be, though. On the one hand, he was bored stiff all the time. No temptations or decent drinks, for instance. But worst of all were the conceited archangels and their stupid duties and expectations they placed on every low-ranking angel.
Curiosity and self-determination were two words that simply didn’t appear in Heaven’s vocabulary. As well as ‘Thank you for your hard work’ or ‘We really appreciated that you’ve done this whole crap without questioning it in the first place’ or just a simple ‘Your last nebula was mind-blowing, you incredibly talented angel’.
It’s not that Crawly was demanding or so. Really! But for some kind words you’d wait in vain.
To be fair and square, in Hell they won’t offer you cookies either (Crawly really tried to convince his fellow demons to put more effort into the right acquisition, but incomprehensibly it never fell on understanding ears). Demons don’t trust each other, they don’t even have a single feeling for one another except suspicion. You certainly don’t make friends in Hell. It is a place full of loneliness.
Aziraphale was the first person who ever cared about Crawly at all, noticing things no one noticed, really looking at him and not at the demonic shell. A pure angel as people believe angels should be, with kind and untainted affection. And that was truly something remarkable, because after six thousand years with a troublemaker like him, a demon, his hereditary enemy, Aziraphale never stopped caring.
Read the rest of the chapter here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29945739
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babylooneytoonz · 3 years
Geralt of Rivia x fem!reader
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Summary: Set in episode three of the Witcher where Geralt goes to Temeria to take down the striga, and reader is his companion, and his friend, although Geralt never admits it. Requested by @dashingcavill [ hope you like it, my love.🤍]
When Geralt and the reader are each other's silent protectors, what else do they need? Although they don't admit having each other is the best thing that has happened to them.
warnings: Geralt is a soft, big bear with a heart that is full of love, only he doesn't like admitting it. **I tried to add fluff, I really did. • [My Masterlist]
*Please reblog if you like it, do not repost, copy or claim my work as yours.
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"No? You do realize I'm still going to follow you, right?" You blinked, running a hand through your messy hair, only to let your fingers get entangled into them, making you groan silently. As if the broody Witcher wasn't enough for you to be able to handle, add the rustling winds into the picture and your hair were already resembling a hen's nest.
"I can handle it," Geralt grumbled under his breath, his baritone deep and low.
You shook your head, more at the obvious stubbornness of the white haired man next to you, making you pause for a moment. It was only when you looked up, you realized that Geralt had kept walking, and was now, almost ten steps ahead of you. You muttered a resolute curse under your breath, as you picked up pace and darted after your companion of fifty two days, to be exact.
"You're thankless, Witcher. I saved your ass a dozen times too," you huffed, finally catching up to him, as you grabbed the edge of his armour to try and slow him down but he didn't, "What makes you think you can take that thing down alone?"
Geralt craned his neck slightly to give you a look but he did not utter a word. Instead, you were greeted by his monotonous grunt and you gave him a coy smile,"I know what you're thinking, Witcher. Can I say it?"
He raised an eyebrow, almost and regarded you for a second through his golden orbs before he turned his face back towards the direction he was walking towards, muttering under his breath, "Will you not say it if I say no?"
You shook your head, almost like a twelve year old trapped in a body of a twenty five year old, "Not really. Now can I say it?"
Geralt groaned in fake annoyance, kicking a pebble that he spotted on the ground, a hint of a smirk breaking out against his lips, that he knew you couldn't see as you weren't really paying attention.
"Well you must be thinking," you suddenly changed your voice into a lower note, almost making yourself a fake Geralt baritone, "I should have let her be eaten by the wyvern. Why the hell did I save her life? Now she is stuck to me like gum."
Geralt's lips twitched, and he couldn't help but look down and shake his head, "Hm."
"You weren't."
"Do you ever stop talking?"
You did that thing with your lips, pushing your upper lip upwards in retaliation to his words, and Geralt just took a deep breath and he turned away from you, a faint smile still draped over his lips, the smile only dropping when the castle was finally in sight.
"Stay out here."
"But I told you—"
Geralt raised his palm in the air, in front of you before you could fight him on this. He had already made up his mind, he wasn't going to put you at risk. He knew you were skilled, and he knew your father had always wanted a son, a son who could fight a battle, yield a sword, and spill blood. But he had instead gotten you. He taught you all those things though, skilling you in his to hold a sword, and just how to use a sword to silence the enemy, and you were pretty good at it.
However whatever it was, lurking inside the castle was something Geralt never wanted you to face. Maybe it was fear, a fear of losing you to whatever the hell it was, and an ounce of doubt on himself, the what ifs, what if he couldn't keep you from harm's way and what if something happened to you.
"I'm coming with you," you announced, only to receive an animalistic growl from the Witcher. "It's daylight, and that thing doesn't usually attack during the day. I should be safe. Besides, you need my help, because although you do excel in bodily strength, you're in an obvious lack of brains."
"I should have left you with that wyvern," Geralt spat, a hint of an amusement calling out of his tone as he began walking into the castle and you followed.
The structure was exactly like you had expected it to be, dirty and dinghy, cobwebs dangling everywhere, and it was difficult to breath, but you didn't complain as you followed the Witcher around, from one room to another, investigating. The hallways were dark, dinghy and you could smell the death, even without the Witcher's sense of hearing, making you wonder for a split second, what Geralt was actually feeling. He was walking next to you, his eyes fixed on the surroundings while you were looking at the dried blood trails that decorated the floor of the hallway. In one corner, you spotted a decaying head of a human being, and something churned inside your gut, forcing you to look away.
"You can still leave," his loud voice ensnared towards you, and you involuntarily grabbed the fabric of your sleeves, curling them into your fingers, shaking your head.
"This really doesn't scare me, Wolf. It will take a lot more than that to actually scare me," you lied through your lips. Who were you kidding, he could feel the racing of your heart, and the signs that you were actually afraid, of the unknown, unlike him but he also knew that you were the most stubborn woman he had come across, and although he never admitted; this was one of the things he had grown to like about you, that, and the fact that your mouth was the exact opposite of his, something that never stopped moving. Your talkativeness was refreshing to him, and he could keep listening to your useless banter for hours and not get bored with it. Not that he would ever openly admit that to you.
You looked at the massive portrait that hung from the wall, of Adda and Foltest, when they were children and you couldn't help but let thousands of thoughts fly through your mind. A lot didn't make sense at the back of your mind, but everything to you pointed towards Foltest being the father of the striga, a concern that you had already vouched to Geralt, and he did seem to agree.
The sound of Geralt kicking open a door pulled you out of your trance and you quickly entered Adda's bedroom after him, eyeing the state of unrest the room was in. The chandelier lay fallen on the floor, shards of glass broken and decorating the floor. The bed was unkempt, the sheets slept in, and musty.
You noticed Geralt stiffen when he saw the bed. You bit your lip, moving to the cabinet, running your hand along the dust coated surface of it when Geralt took a deep breath, and you understood what he was doing. You immediately turned, taking long steps towards him and you grabbed the leather of his sleeve, pulling him to turn towards you, your eyes searching for answers in his face, "You found out. You smelled it. What did you find?"
Geralt pursed his lips together, as he looked down at you, "Ostrit. I smell him in the sheets." You were startled by the revelation, your eyes almost popping out as you looked at the bed and blinked, the bits and pieces coming together in your mind. Of course.
You turned towards Geralt, your lips tugging upwards, "Not a pretty picture in your mind I suppose?"
"I never thought I'd ever have to picture his ass in the back of my mind," he looked at you, his voice gravelly, his baritone thick but you could sense the jest in his voice.
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Anxiety was not a pretty picture, especially not when you couldn't keep your mind off Geralt. He had forcibly left you at the tavern, and although you had a massive pitcher of ale to drown in, you couldn't stop worrying about the big man, your palm laying flat against the table, your fingers tapping against the wood in nervousness and anxiousness.
Geralt's warning words still rang through your mind when he had asked you to stay here, and not step out of the tavern until he came back. In fact, what had made you angry at him as he left, you fuming from the inside that he had actually had the audacity to slip in some coins to the owner of the tavern, just to have eyes on you, so you didn't sneak out.
What you hadn't told the Witcher and neither did you plan on telling him was the fact that you had watched him die in your nightmare, just a few night back, and it was still haunting you, deep inside, no matter how hard you tried to shove the thoughts away from your brain, drowning yourself in ale. A lingering question was eating you up, what if your nightmare was actually a premonition? What if this was destiny's way of telling you something? What if something was going to happen to the White Wolf tonight? The striga, after all, did kill the other Witcher. How were you so sure she wouldn't overpower Geralt?
That's it, you slammed your palm against the table, almost knocking off the half empty pitcher. You grabbed it, and brought it up to your lips, chugging the contents of it all, like a man, until you slammed it back against the table. You stood up, pinching your nose as you confidently walked up to the owner of the tavern.
"How much coin did the Witcher pay you for keeping me trapped in here? What if I pay you double?"
The bald headed man looked at you, his gaze flicking to the pouch of your coins as you tossed it up and down in the air, the rattle of the coins echoing through his ears, making him lick his lips.
"Give me a ten, and run out of the back, not the front," he hissed, in a low voice.
"Good man," you smiled, as you loosened the noose of the pouch, pulling out a fistful of coins, that were in fact, more than ten, but you still laid them down on the counter, and the man hungrily placed both his hands on it, dragging them away from you. You winked at him, running a hand through your hair, as you turned around and started running towards the back, thinking how jealousy could be your downfall. A fist on the jaw from the Witcher, and all that coin would be used for fixing up his damn face.
A trail of blood leaked down his temple, the back of his head lay against the flooring as the striga climbed on top of him, her hollow, toothy mouth flared open as bits of drool fell on his face. The cursed being let out a shrill screech, her clawed hands grabbing the Witcher's armour as she lifted him up and slammed him hard against the floor again, and Geralt's sword fell from his hand, sliding inches away.
"I swear if you die on me, Witcher, I will never forgive you," you cursed under your breath, your sleeved palm wiping the base of your neck as sweat dripped down your chin, drop by drop. You were panting, gasping from air, your legs almost beginning to give away but you dared not stop, until you finally reached the castle. You began running up the front, when a loud, eerie screech resonated from somewhere inside and you were forced to draw out your sword.
"I swear I will never get bored of saving your ass, Geralt of Rivia," you spat as you ran inside, jumping over a half eaten arm of an unlucky man right at the entrance.
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Geralt's eyes locked on yours, and he gave you a look that warned you of anything but happiness. He pursed his lips, his fists clenching as he began taking a step towards you. That's when you saw the thing, it was dangling from the wall, just above him.
"Geralt, look behind you!" You screamed loudly, throwing out your pointy finger towards the air but before he could, the striga pounced on him, making him land on the floor, on top of you, his face pressed between the valley of your breasts. If you weren't going to get killed, any time sooner, Geralt would have appreciated the dark humour that escaped your lips, the striga looking right into your eyes.
"What better way to die than a man's face pressed to my breasts— Aaaahhhh fuck.."
The striga's knee pressed down hard against your shoulder and you swore you felt a crack of a bone or two as her monstrous hands came to rest on your throat. Her fingers slowly began squeezing the life out of you, your eyeballs almost bobbing out as you coughed, trying to gasp for air. Geralt tries to push himself as much as he could, his arm outstretched so he could grab your sword. "G-Geralt.. Ger.." Your vision was turning black, your mind already swimming in pain and confusion, owing to the pain in your shoulder, and the cut off of oxygen supply from your body.
His fingers finally reached the hilt of your sword, clasping against it. Fixing himself up on one of his elbows, as much as the creature on top of him allowed him to move, he struck the side of the striga's face with the hilt, the force being enough to knock her off for a bit disorienting her.
Geralt jumped up to his feet as he bent and slid his arms underneath your thigh, lifting you up into his arms as he charged towards the stone coffin like structure that lay in the center of the hall. Upon reaching it, he threw you inside like a sack of grain, without showing a tiny ounce of compassion or gentleness. You couldn't blame him though as the Striga was already charging in your direction now having recovered from Geralt's blow.
Geralt jumped into the structure just after you, and before the striga could get to the two of you, Geralt had managed to successfully move the slab over the top, covering the two of you up. He also secured it using a sign he made, an added protection so the Striga couldn't try and open it, even though she wanted to do it.
A breath escaped your lips. You could hear the cursed being screeching outside, as she tried to claw through the stone slab, trying to get it to open, but it didn't work. The pain in your shoulder was unbearable and the inside of the structure was cramped, and with the Witcher's heavy, bulky frame on top of you, it was hard to breathe. Yet, you were content.
Geralt didn't say anything for a few seconds, but his forehead rested against your other shoulder. You could feel the rise and the fall of his chest, and you could sense that his elbow was resting next to your head, as he struggled to keep the weight of his body as light as though afraid to crush you. You noted this soft gesture and you wanted to smile, but you couldn't, not when the throbbing of your shoulder was making tears prick into your eyes.
A few seconds turned to minutes, and Geralt's frown widened as he noticed how silent you were. You silence now being deafening to him as the screech now died down, making him assume that the Striga had given up on trying to pry open the structure and was now waiting for them to open up. Finally, the adrenaline turned into anger and Geralt's nostrils flared. He slammed his fisted palm into the stone next to your head but you didn't even wince,"Now you decide to stay quiet. I told you not to come."
You let out a warm gush of air from your lips, hitting Geralt right against his neck. He sighed, fluttering his lashes a little. He knew there was no point in arguing with you for you were a stubborn one.
"Funny, I lost the coin," he added, in a dry tone, trying his level best to lighten up. If the two of you were to stay stuck inside for a few more hours now then why not make a use of it? Although Geralt had never thought he would see a day when he would be the one trying to coax words out of your lips.
His frown widened and he sniffed lightly, and the more he concentrated, it didn't take him long to realize the metallic copper smell, that was almost too strong for his liking— the smell of blood. He tried to move adjust himself better so he could look down at you, and as he inclined himself, more towards your left shoulder, the smell worsened.
"Fuck, [Y/N]?" His otherwise low pitched, serious voice suddenly clouded with a sliver of worry, his hand came to rest against your forehead as two fingers swiped over your sweat drenched face. His fingers slid down to the side of your neck, and he felt your pulse and a sudden alarm fled him up. You had a pulse, but he could barely feel it, and the sound of your heartbeat was much lower than usual."Fuck, fuck, fucking — where did she get you?"
"I'm... Fine .." You tried, but the sound of your teeth now chattering was an enough signal for him to know you were blatantly lying to him. Gently, he placed his palm over your injured shoulder only to jerk his hand back as you let out a scream of agony. Now he could smell and feel the wetness on his hand where he had touched you. That's when he realized that the impact of the striga's knee had dislodged your bone, that had pierced through your skin as was now protruding, and you seemed to have soaked through your leather shirt.
He growled, and placed his hands on the slab above you, and slowly began moving it. You reached out, placing your hand on his wrist.
"D-don't, Geralt, w-what are you doing?" You whispered.
"Killing that thing and getting you out of here."
"No, close that damn," you coughed, "slab, Geralt. All these efforts.. to.. to lift that fucking curse.. and you're.. you're going to kill her .. for what?"
Although he pulled it shut again, his frown was deep and lasting.
"I'm not going to let you die, even though you are stupid enough to walk yourself into a death trap."
You laughed, coughing and wincing at the same time as the movement caused the pain to flare again, making you still once more, "You're daft for a Witcher. I'm not.. dying. I'm conserving my energy.. a broken shoulder doesn't kill people."
His eyebrows almost flew upwards. You amazed him at times. Out of all the times you had been sassy with him, this was probably going to be the most memorable one for him.
When he didn't reply, you slowly let your uninjured hand travel through the cramped space up to his face, and you placed your fingers lightly against his jaw, tracing the outline of it. He blinking, glancing down at your fingers for a bit before looking back at you. His own fingers slowly, reluctantly traveled to the side of your face, as he began cupping your jaw, "Geralt, I'm not dying so soon. You think.. you're gonna get rid of me.. you're wrong."
He released a sound straight from his lungs; something between a growl and a snort, perhaps a mix of both as he let his head rest against you. The two of you stayed like that for a few seconds, and you were about to flutter your heavy eyelids shut when you heard his low voice, "Don't you fucking die on me."
"I'm cold, Geralt.." you whispered suddenly, and he propped himself up again on his elbow, "but you.. you're so warm. Like the sun."
He smiled, sadly, his thumb toying with the side of your cheek.
Geralt knew it wouldn't be long now before the rooster crowed three times and the sun would rise up, and the curse would be broken. He only begged, to anything or anyone that was listening to him, to give you the strength to hold on for a little longer. It was then he realized that you had dozed off.
You woke up with a shudder, and your body still hurt, even with every breath you took. The sun was now shining over your face and you realized that the slab above you was open, and Geralt wasn't anywhere beside you.
Slowly, you wiggled yourself slightly, but the pain in your shoulder made you bite down on your lip. You shook your head, and looked around, and your eyes fell on the bloody shirt fabric that was hanging loosely from your shoulder where your bone had ripped you. You pried the fabric off and fisted it into a ball stuffing it into your mouth so you didn't scream. You sat up, tears streaming down your eyes as you screamed into the cloth.
Geralt heard your screaming. He was kneeling down by the girl, now the curse having been lifted as he studied her face but at the sound of your scream, he jumped up to his legs and ran towards the structure, finding you seated, your shoulder red like cherry and a bone visibly popped out.
"Come on," he commanded, but he didn't let you stand up. Instead, he dived his beefy arm underneath your thigh and lifted you up effortlessly as he carried you out of the castle.
"What about her, Geralt?" You whispered.
"She is fine, someone will come for her."
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You woke up in a castle, but this one was much different from the other one. Your eyes fell on your shoulder, and you realized that your shoulder had been dressed, the bone probably pushed back into its original place. Slowly, you craned your neck to see an older woman, definitely a healer for you could see all sorts of herbs stacked on the walls in jars.
When you asked her about what had happened, she told you how Geralt of Rivia had brought you to her. She told you how you had been in and out of a drugged sleep for almost four days now.
When you asked him where he was, she informed you that he was at the tavern, and you were free to leave although she did recommend you taking it easy and not embarking on tiresome journeys as your wound was still raw, and healing.
Pulling a shawl made of raw wool tighter around your shoulder, to keep it and yourself warm, you reached the tavern, immediately spotting the tall man from the back of his long white hair. He had his palm drawn towards the tavern owner who was trembling and placing coins one by one back into his palm.
"What's going on here?"
You gave him a lopsided grin, as he turned at the sound of your voice, and his lips twitched slightly. He eyed you carefully, his eyes lingering on your wounded shoulder for longer before he turned away his attention back on the owner, "Just getting what is mine."
"Can we leave this wretched place? We have had too much of a drama, and I really need to forget. Besides, the healer gave me a clear pass to travel, before you ask."
He smiled, bringing the pitcher of ale that he was drinking, up to his lips, and you saw his Adams apple move as he swallowed a mouthful. You groaned, grabbing the pitcher from his hand, and prying it away, throwing it up to your lips and chugging it all down, not leaving a single drop of ale for him.
"You witch, I should have never taken your cursed coin." The owner suddenly began, his beefy finger pointing to you.
You were met with a cracking noise and you couldn't help but give a smile of content when you saw Geralt's fist collide with the owner's jaw, making him topple backwards. "Want your coin?" Geralt asked you, his eyebrow raised in amusement and you smirked, shaking your head, "Nah, let it be. He will need all the coin to get that jaw treated. Though, I expected a better punch from you."
Though Geralt's lips were pressed in a firm line, the edges of it were drawn upwards as the two of you stepped out of the tavern. His heart sighed with relief and it was refreshing fir him to hear your voice again. He didn't want you to stop speaking, although he didn't say it out loud.
After a few minutes of a slow walk, you reached the stables and Geralt brought Roach out.
"Geralt? Will you let me ride her?"
He always said no. If there was anything Geralt didn't let you do, it was riding Roach. And so far, you were okay with it.
"Come here." He suddenly said, tapping on the mare's side, and your jaw dropped.
"Come before I change my mind."
If you could have run towards him, you would have. If he could have lifted you up in his arms, he would have. All these would haves, but those really didn't really happen. What actually happened when you reached Roach's side, ready to lift yourself up on her, Geralt suddenly turned you towards him, and pressed you against the mare's side, his lips pressed to yours.
The kiss lasted only ten seconds, but you found yourself licking your lips when he broke it, tasting Geralt on you. He was smirking as he didn't say a word.
"What was that for?" You asked, licking your lips.
"For trying to get killed," he grumbled under his breath.
"You could have said, for trying to save my life. You're welcome, Witcher."
He only gave you an amused smirk, helping you get on the mare and took its reins as he started walking with it. You looked down at him, and blinked, giving him a smile and he raised his brow, his own lips turned upwards, "What?"
"Will you let me sleep in your tent now?" You bit your lip.
"Hm, only if you promise not to snore."
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Henry Cavill All Characters Taglist:
@bitchynicole @libbymouse @petitefirecracker10 @naughty-koala07 @maan24 @pterodactylterrace
Want to be added to my Henry Cavill All Characters Masterlist? Please let me know via my ask box, DM or a comment. ✨
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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lovee-infected · 4 years
♦ Anon asked ~ Okay how would guys and their darling react to being slapped by Eliza? Feel free to write for any of those who got slapped ^^ Gender is neutral
Aaa this one was really sweet so I did it for all guys (who got slapped-)
I reached my 10 pic limit and had to sacrifice twins ixkskxksos
[note : re-posted his because my tags weren't working]
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Poor boy remained silent for a few minutes after that mess with ghost princess , still unable to talk
His cheeks are flushed that proved him being embarrassed , making him look greatly...cute
Just as much as you loved seeing softer sides of him you can't see him this sad , so now it is your responsibility to lift him up
He is upset with both failing to help and being an idiot in front of Eliza
The whole thing proved how soft he can actually be , which fascinated you . You hadn't ever thought of him being like this ; shy and... helplessly childish with girls
Deuce is a bit worried with the way you see him now , he doesn't want his picture ruined . But as a matter of fact you like him even more now , he could be serious and strict at times but still , he's a soft boy inside
You ask if he feels any shy around you and it makes him turn his head away to add a nervous : " M...me? Absolutely not- why would I .??"
You now know that he actually does but it isn't something he needs to hide , that actually makes him look awfully cute
He still seems sad though so you give him a small kiss on forehead , making him blush even harder
Well even if he's shy with you you aren't ; after all he is your boy
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Trey himself couldn't help laughing at what had happened. He tried his best to be a gentleman , and he really was . But seems like Eliza had more different standards than he was expecting
Trey's mind just wasn't ready to go from his normal self to a high-level prince , but he doesn't find singing a part of a prince's duties either
"My my , it really messed up," he says as he joins you and the others in the losers' bench
You knew that the proposal was all fake , but Trey just wasn't one who could act it all ; he didn't have Vil's pure talent of an actor or Leona's charm of a prince , yet he did his very best
You tell that you really liked the way he presented himself , pretty much of a mature young man he really is and he gets blessed . He isn't much of a romantic guy and he appreciates that you like him as he is
You give him a "Ghost bride surely lost a great option , " to lift him up and it did , making him wink adding : " Well, perhaps she knew that I have a better one myself ,"
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Finally after posting 34 pics of his slapped face along with other supplies such as his fake tears , dead flowers and some broken-hearted captions with tons of #Ghostbride #Puishmentoflove #illfate #brokenheart and and and you managed to have him looking off his phone for a second
You tell how he's making an issue out of nothing but he'll just laugh : " Who cares that it's all fake ? Teens are gonna love it ! ,"
He must be thankful that Eliza didn't see this part pf him or he should've spammed pics of his broken legs and hands instead
He takes the best advantage of being slapped and you wonder how he's just being all excited about it , what if the same thing happens while he's seriously proposing to someone ?
You ask if it bothers him , the feeling of being rejected and he goes silent for a moment not looking at his phone but the ground now , perhaps thinking of an logical answer
You drop your head regretting what you asked and then , he cuts you off with a small kiss on your cheek : " That's simple , my dear (y/n). Not a single soul likes being rejected no matter what the reason is , so that's why I always make sure that I won't get rejected before asking ; today was just an exception ,"
You get a bit confused at the answer , wanting him to give you an example
He slightly smirks before adding :" Well , ‌you didn't reject me , did you ?"
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For the heaven's sake ; you couldn't be any more thankful that he got rejected . From the very moment they announced that princess was looking for a prince you feared of her picking Leona , a real prince
Leona is already prince charming of his home town ; Not a single soul could say no to him
The second he got slapped , his eyes - You were trying to feel sorry about it but the way he glared at Eliza as if he was a chubby cat pushed into water ; it was beyond hilarious
Leona has his own ways when it comes to attracting ladies , making him almost irresistible to many including you , but not the ghost bride
He seems really pissed off at the whole thing ; not that he liked the ghost bride that much , he just hates being rejected
With him being a growling cat for the rest of day , you decide to spoil him a little ; letting him take naps on your lap and rubbing back of his ears make him a whole lot better , but he won't say a word of satisfaction
You are used to his cringy behaviors and can't help loving them , you are really thankful that your cat would still be all yours - even if it was supposed to be a fake marriage
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He just - Froze
Sword skills ? Were they a thing he lacked ? Was it just one of those royal fancy rules or could it be a serious problem ? He now was concerned
You found him getting slapped pretty unfair since not many these days are familiar with sword skills ; but there were no argues on that point since Eliza once lived as a girl from more than 500 years ago , so she surely ends up having more complicated standards comparing to you
You tell Jack about it and that it's fine , but he refuses to believe
He had heard of Sebek together with Silver being well-trained sword men which meant that this tradition still remained necessary , so he now is seriously thinking about picking it up
You couldn't blame him though , once he feels like he needs to be stronger that's it ; but you don't want him overwork himself
You insist that sword skills are pretty silly to him while he's got his powerful fists and the secret unleash the beast , but he still seems to have a doubt about it
Since he looks pretty certain with his choice , you don't try to stop him but you make promise that he wouldn't overwork himself , which he does
He intends to get stronger to protect his beloved ones , including you so there was nothing that could hold him back if it was because of you
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♦♥♠♣ Jade Leech
Jade still doesn't get why Eliza didn't like the flowers , yes he didn't like them either but aren't flowers ladies' most appreciated gift ? How confusing , he thought
You slap the ice-pack against his face , just who on earth would give away unwanted flowers from his terrarium as a bouquet ?
Jade doesn't get why he shouldn't have , he was benefitting both himself and Eliza , right ? Or could that be that surface girls followed different romance traditions from underwater ? He needed more information then
He asks for ways to make a girl fall in love , which made you laugh , you told that if he's going to retry the thing with Eliza , he would end up needing way more than one ice-pack
He agrees with you on that point , so he wonders if he can practice tactics with you since you are a pretty gentle and calm partner , and it makes you blush
You tell him to focus on not being slapped again as long as this ghost marriage lasts and in return , you then can teach him some tricks with ladies
♦♥♠♣ Floyd Leech
He didn't really like Eliza from the very beginning so there was no way the two of them would end up together even if he wasn't slapped
Floyd isn't into this type of girls which are too strict and loud ; he prefers softer and cuter types , something he can dominant
You expect him to get moody and pissed off , but he just doesn't seem to care
thanks to him Jade as well got slapped -very hard- and that successfully lifted his mood up
You ask him if he wants to take a walk and he agrees in deal of you paying for his candy , and you gladly agree
The two of you have candies together and make fun of others getting slapped back there
Both of you agree on Jade's expression being way more hilarious than Azul's
When you finally get back to others trying to find a way , he whispers into your ears : " If I ever were to propose to someone , I'd prefer it to be to someone like you"~
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Man , he's really pissed off. Talking too much will usually be beneficial while dealing on a contract , mostly because of the way it confuses dealers and gives them an unconscious vibe causing them to believe you ; strange yet helpful
Azul hadn't thought of proposing being this different from making contracts , and it was odd to him
He now is supposed to be looking for a way to save his boardgames club friend , but another thought keeps haunting him :
What are the correct ways of... making someone fall for you ? To attract a lady ? Isn't having a good face and using sweet words like enough ? He needed more lessons if he wanted to be an ideal dealer
You sigh as his serious replies , disappointed to see how he really had no idea about emotional terms
You tell him how life isn't always about business and benefitting , but sometimes about feelings and well , loving
He mumbles saying how useless emotions are , a waste of time and brain cells to him
You suggest teaching him more about emotional situations which may be helpful , and charming to others , which sounds like a great deal to him , but he doesn't accept you giving it to him for free, saying that you as well must set a price
You aren't really sure what to ask , so you just want him to invite you to a fancy dinner after having this case with the ghost bride solved
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Just as you hear the sound of him getting slapped , you know that it was bad news
Vil is trying his best to be calm but...it doesn't really seem to be working . His fist's shaking in anger as if he's gonna slam it against the wall or maybe someone . He got rejected and he couldn't take it ; he
wasn't one to accept such a thing
Although he isn't a real prince , he had anything needed to be a real one : Elegance , Charm , Nobility and maturity ; he was perfect
He is really furious now , specially thinking at how Lilia intended to avoid Malleus from showing up in fear of his high chance of being accepted . He wasn't one to say that he would surpass Malleus , but he wasn't any lower than him either: if a dog was the only reason he got rejected then Malleus as well would've been...but wait- doesn't it mean that Idia too shouldn't have been chosen since he loves cats ?
In that case..it must've had another reason : He wasn't good enough
You knew that Vil would never be satisfied no matter how many times you told him that he was already gorgeous , he wanted to be better
It was useless trying to take his mind away from being rejected through the same ways so you had to sacrifice yourself :
You go to Vil asking is he can join you for a second -until others get slapped try to propose because you are having some... beauty issues
You try to get him talking to you as much as possible ,from importance of having an organized sleep schedule to forbidding laughing too much since it will bring you wrinkles
You know that if there's one thing that Vil would always be proud of , that would be speaking of his high-key beauty skills which he couldn't ever get enough of
He could go on all day if Leona didn't cut him off : " Oi , aren't the two of you done yet ?"
Even with Leona pissing him off , he now seems to be a lot better and that was a success for you . Even if he doesn't notice how you were trying to secretly lift his mood up
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Lilia is...crying ?
Your heart melts at the sight of his soft tears falling down his pale face , making you as well cry
You don't know why you are being overly emotional but who on earth would slap others because just because of being too cute ?!
You can't help but to be mad at Eliza , wanting to punch her in the face just as she did to Lilia , but Lilia stops you , wondering why you might want to do such a thing
You angrily express how unfair you think what she did was , telling that she shouldn't be treaten las if she has the right to do whatever she'd like
"Just HOW is cuteness considered to be a bad thing ?!" you argue , loud enough to gain attention to yourself . Lilia takes you out before Eliza could've heard
He then sits beside you , trying to see what could've been wrong with you ; were you sick or just in a bad mood maybe ? He couldn't tell
" I'm sorry I just , got really mad with what she did and after you cried..." you mumble slowly , making Lilia giggle
" My my darling , I wasn't the only one who got slapped and also , I just cried at how my whole presentation keeps getting ruined by my... appreance . You know , it's a bit frustrating to be called cute after living hundreds of years as a terrifying dark fae ," he says , shaking his head in a playful manner
You are relieved knowing that he wasn't crying of pain or being heartbroken , and now he as well seems to be better
He asks of you're ready to return inside and you quickly agree , admitting that you might have been a bit too emotional
Just before you two get to others , he brings himself closer to ask you something : " You as well agree that I'm cute , don't you ?"
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"How dare she- I see now why master Lilia didn't let master Draconia approach - this disgraceful spirits don't deserve having the slightest sight of him..."and and and were the words you keeped up with untill you grew tired which was 20 minutes later . You really wish him to have a turn off button sometimes
Sebek feels really offended specially because he was just about to get to the best part of his speech about Malleus but got slapped in face
The sight of his mouth getting shut as Eliza slapped him was priceless , perhaps she and Malleus were the only ones who had ever got to shut his mouth
When he finally cools down , his puppy side is brought up : " (y/n) , maybe I didn't present myself good enough in front of her and caused her to take young master lightly . Is it my fault ? "
You keep telling him that Eliza just didn't like how he brought Malleus out of nowhere and started to ramble nonsense about him when he was supposed to be proposing
Sebek doesn't take your comment as a polite one at first , bit he had to agree , maybe it would have worked out for her if this ghost knew who the great Malleus Draconia is and that was why it all went wrong
You sigh at how he doesn't get your point at all but you don't say a word , he deeply appreciated Malleus after all ; Thought Malleus had to be removed surgically from him
Since he doesn't seem to be giving up , you say that you'd really like to hear that best part about Malleus , making him flatter and start talking like a parrot again
You don't really care what he says or how great Malleus can actually be , but if that's what makes him happy you are fine with it
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All You Had To Do Was Stay
Loki x Reader
1989, chapter 5
"They paid the price"
Summary: It's hard to find the one, but even if you do find him it's always going to be a daily struggle to make it work. Can you even make it work after he broke your heart? The answer to that is complicated, but it all started when you found each other again in the Stark tower- and that's where our story begins.
Word count: 4,539
Warnings: angst, Hydra, some blood, Loki being an asshole
A/N: what can you expect from track 5 other than angst?
A/N: a big thank you to @chrissquares for the amazing dividers! and @nacho-bucky for beta reading and putting up with me!
No one is allowed to repost my writing or steal or copy my work! Reblog on tumblr is fine.
Series masterlist
song on Spotify and YouTube
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"Soon we'll be landing in another Hydra base." Steve gathered everyone then.
"Okay, Thor you will go with Natasha; Clint you're with Loki; Bucky you will be with Y/N." he hasn't talked to you since that midnight talk. You couldn't blame him, not completely.
The team separated inside the base, eyes searching for the unusual weapons. Lately the activities of Hydra have risen more and more. Their kills were certainly not of normal weapons, the wounds weren't all fatal but the innocents were killed nonetheless.
"We're on the east wing, Steve. According to the tech Bruce gave us, there's some activity where we are heading."
You and Bucky kept your guns up and at three you burst into the room. But it was empty to your surprise. Cautiously, you stepped inside and examined what you saw in there. Grenades and various arsenals were placed inside boxes, and some were outside on tables taken apart with tools besides them.
"Don't touch them, last time I did it exploded in my face."
"I'm not as stupid as you are, Y/N." maybe you could shoot him just to annoy him, you thought.
"Ah, so you found some of our weapons," the voice startled you. "Nice to see you again, Soldat."
Turning around with your weapons, you attempted to shoot the guys that walked in. The scientist in the middle was unarmed, or so you thought. The agents spread out, and at some point they overpowered you because the next thing you knew, your gun was nowhere to be seen, and your arms were pinned behind your back as the guy in front of you got closer.
You couldn't let him do that, now could you? You locked eyes with him until he got hazy and fell to the ground shaking. Knocking your head against the guy that was holding you back, giving you just enough view of him to send him off to the darkest place in his head, all the while you didn't notice the scientist watching you. When he fell to the floor, the scientist sent all the other guys over from Bucky to you, caging you in, you felt yourself being dragged out of the room, yelling for Bucky who was there with only a few agents and the scientists.
Bucky hurried for you but now he could see the strange weapon in the scientist's hand. It looked like a sword, with a gem at the bottom. He fought the scientist and anyone around him but then he felt a cutting wound where the blade pierced through his stomach.
"Sorry this had to end this way, Soldat." The scientist laughed and Bucky fell to the floor with a shriek.
You finally managed to break free from the guys holding you down. Fighting them off one by one, until you managed to get them all to fall down in pain, then you went on to Bucky.
You saw him on the ground bleeding, not even caring about the guys in the room as you fell next to him.
"We need backup, Bucky is down!" you yelled to the comms. You tried to stop the bleeding- it was faster than it should be for a supersoldier.
"This doesn't feel right Y/N, run."
"No." A guy went for you, and you noticed he was averting his gaze from you, but you didn't let it affect you, you surged forward from Bucky and tackled him down and sent him to sleep.
Then you went for the scientist which still held the weapon, now closed back in its place, as he looked at you amused.
"What did you do to him?" you yelled more than asked. Soon enough you heard footsteps and to your relief Bucky was now with Thor and Steve.
Loki looked at the soldier on the ground and then at the weapon he recognized. Worried, he yelled at you.
"Y/N stay in this room, do not leave!" he went forward with his daggers, cut through the agents until he got to the doctor who was trying to run. Catching him and knocking him out, he took away the old weapon. Then he left him there, not caring about him anymore.
Holding the delicate weapon, he went back to the fallen soldier who was still bleeding out.
The god crouched down next to him and a worried Steve and he pulled out the gem at the hilt of the sword, putting it over Bucky's wound. The soldier sighed in relief at the contact, and Loki muttered a quick incantation which helped the soldier heal.
The blonde looked frightened at his friend, who only nodded to Loki in thanks.
The scientist was long gone.
He started noticing the subtle change at lunch that day.
Thor had dragged him back to eat with all the others when he insisted on going back to his books. The others weren't as bothered with him today when he sat next to you, each minding their own business. Occasional loud conversations started which he stayed out of until he caught onto one conversation.
"I remember the first time I held a bow and arrow." Clint said before being shot off.
"Nah not interesting Katniss, I think my origin story is way better, I was in a cave!"
The table caught onto the conversation and the roars began.
"I got bitten by a spider!" Peter looked over at Tony. "That's pretty cool, right Mr. Stark?"
"Yeah kid, that is badass." Tony ruffled the kid's head.
"I'm a Russian spy, that's more badass!" Natasha quipped.
"The kid can lift an elephant and stop a vibranium arm!" Bucky chuckled.
"I was holding back, I wasn't going to punch a kid!"
"Sure you were." Peter blushed under the Sergeant's look. Tony just brought him in a side hug.
"Does a sad unwilling origin story count?" Bruce asked, cleaning his glasses.
"Do you really want to start this, Doc? I was drafted." Bucky snickered.
"In that area, Y/N has a good shot actually." You huffed at that.
"Understatement, I don't even know where these powers came from. My origin story is the only one that can make it to Buzzfeed Unsolved!"
"Add to that what happened at the start- now that was brutal."
You took a sip out of your glass and clanked it with Bucky and Bruce.
"Y/N, what are they talking about?" Loki leaned to whisper to you.
"Oh nothing, don't worry about it." She shrugged him off
"What about my brother? Why don't you join the conversation-" Thor put a hand on the younger brother's shoulder. The brother only scowled.
"Oh please, being a prince with magic, then wanting to take over New York and failing? I'd hardly call it a good competition to what we have here." You snorted. Silence spread over the room, you put your drink down and looked around confused. Some were looking at you, Natasha bit down on her tongue, the others were looking down uncomfortably. Wanda spoke up before you could question your team.
"Hey, mine is out of spite!" Wanda chimed in, her perky voice released the tension in the room. "I obviously win."
Loki remembered those days when he stayed even in the mornings and you would come back from work and tell him all about your day. You'd lay there on your couch or on a stool in the kitchen and you'll tell him all about your day until he eventually felt comfortable telling you all about his, letting you into his life.
Loki walked out of the elevator to your floor, annoyed that he couldn't just teleport himself to the door of your apartment.
He heard your voice telling him to come in after he knocked, turning the knob of the door, he walked in and saw you organizing the living room table with plates and drinks.
"What do we have here?" he nodded to the boxes lying on the bigger table. You chuckled as he closed the door and locked it.
"Well hello to you too, Loki." You looked around, biting your lip. "What do you mean?"
"Those boxes, what did you do?" he eyes them suspiciously as he sat down on the sofa.
"I got us Pizza?"
"A what?" he looked at you like a confused puppy and you hated how adorable he looked.
"You're joking, right?" you put one box on the table. "I know you're British or whatever, but are you seriously telling me that where you are from- they don't have Pizza? What kind of uncultured place do you come from?"
"Maybe I'll tell you another time." He grinned lowly, if only you knew.
He perked up as you opened the box and a welcoming smell filled the air.
"Loki, meet Pizza." You grinned at him and expectedly brought him one on a plate. "Come on, you're going to love it."
He certainly loved meeting you more and more, ever since you met he made sure to keep in touch- he even bought one of those cell phones. He didn't know what it was about you.
He learned that you always tell him the truth, and you certainly did with this food as well when he took a bite. It was different than anything he knew back from Asgard. Good type of different, if he was honest with himself then so were you.
He smiled at the proud grin you held for him when he voiced his approval.
You started to tell him about your day after that.
"Oh, also I just saw a picture of a baby bat, it was so cute." You shook your head fondly.
"I'm sorry, please continue what you were saying." He said after the silence that took over the room.
"Oh no, that was it." You laughed nervously at him, looking down at your drink.
"Why did you tell me that then?"
"Just because? Sometimes you can just talk about nothing at all with someone if you enjoy talking to them."
"So," he put a hand on the back of the sofa right next to you, turning his gaze onto you. "You're just talking to me, and telling me stuff with no meaning behind it?"
"Yeah, is that bad?" you couldn't look at him and he just looked at the floor in thought. Humans were certainly peculiar.
"No, it is not bad." You didn't question hid odd questions, but took comfort in his answer. The conversation returned to normal, and with time you started seeing him try to do the same. It was cute.
"We have enough power now, Sir. But we can get more." The head scientist and the other agents had escaped from the base with most of the important weapons.
"What are you suggesting?" the man sat on a chair, a delicate long staff rested on a pedestal in front of him.
"We can keep the asset to ourselves." The man on the chair raised an eyebrow at him. "Commander Iago please, let me explain!"
"Doctor Zazu, we cannot betray the one who provided us with such powerful weapons! We will be doomed."
"I saw the Soldat today. I remember working on him when I first joined here. He was marvelous, so obedient," the doctor drifted off for a bit. "But now, we can get a new Soldat, we can keep the asset for ourselves and make an ever better Soldat!"
"But what will we do with our provider? It will be breaking our agreement." Commander Iago raked his hand through his red hair.
"All these weapons are stolen! If we have the asset- we will be unstoppable!"
The commander thought about the prospect of having another winter soldier.
"Gwen," he called to a girl who quickly walked into the room, rushing. "Wake up the sleeper agent."
You curled the white sheets tighter around you when Loki got out of the bed. Prompting up on your elbow, you asked him
"Do you have to go? We can just sleep in for a few hours, or maybe like half the day?" you trying to tame your messy hair a bit.
"The sword must be put back in its place. I will be back shortly."
"Okay, if you say so." You put your head back on the pillow and Loki gently kissed your forehead, earning a content hum from you, and left the room.
He reentered your room that night, not surprised to find you asleep but rather glad, it gave him time. His mind travelled to earlier in the day, and his first day here.
You did tell him about your powers, after he experienced it first-hand. But it didn't make sense to him, he felt the power oozing from you yet none seem to have figured out the source he even doubted they could sense the power in you. He certainly would've glossed over it if he hadn't still remembered past you.
You laid there sleeping in peace when his mind was racing, and he couldn't hold himself back. He reached out for your powers, hoping that they will separate from you and not wake you up. Leaning back on the wall, he closed his eyes and sent himself into your head, connecting to your powers.
It was familiar, he sensed it overwhelming him the longer he tried to dive in. just when he thought he had it, just when the familiarity grew and he knew he was close to the very core of this power inside of you- it was as if he hit a blockade and was pushed out by an aggressive force. The next second you woke up with a gasp, your blurry vision faded out when you came back to reality and noticed Loki.
"Loki?" your heavy breaths filled the room until he answered.
"I'm here, are you okay?" he went towards the bed.
"Yes, just had a nightmare." You shook your head at the memories of the dark place.
"Why don't you go back to sleep, I'll join you in a bit." You were out soon enough, tiredness taking over you.
He hesitantly walked over to you, hand raised to rest on your forehead, but he pulled back with a hiss when he was being held back from touching you.
Reluctantly he walked over the other side of the bed, laying there on his back and staying away from you. Before he could fall asleep, you pulled him to you, wrapping your arms around him you laid your head on his chest.
"Hey, little guy." Sam snickered beside you. You hardly saw Steve these days, but you knew Sam just came back from an early run with him.
"I'm older than you!" Scott grunted when you found him in the kitchen.
"She called you tiny, tic-tac, not young."
"As far as I remember, my little ass beat your ass when we met." Your shocked look made Sam grumble and Scott laugh.
"You never told me that! Oh Scott tell me everything!" sitting next to him, he began to tell you the story.
"So, I have manners so I introduced myself obviously-" you nodded along.
"Okay, listen- you can tell her but no telling Cap, I'll never hear the end of it." Sam pointed a spoon at the man who only shrugged and threw you a side smile.
"So, I haven't seen you in a while. How is Cassie doing?"
"She is great, won at a spelling bee! She was so happy." His smile was contagious, whenever he talked about his daughter he wouldn't stop gushing, which was adorable. "Have you ever thought about it?"
"About what?"
"Settling down, having some normal between this hero stuff." He leaned on one hand, and you faltered a bit.
"No, I don't think that's my thing." Sam sat with his coffee in front of you.
The next minute Loki came into the kitchen too. You didn't have to look behind you, gauging by Scott's reaction the Asgardian god stood there in the kitchen.
He didn't bother making conversation with the mortal but rather taking a sit next to you, and kissing your temple. You averted your eyes from Scott who looked over at Sam now. Sam shook his head.
Clearing your throat, you tried to break the silence.
"Scott, did you meet Loki?" you didn't wait for an answer. "Thor and he are here helping us with Hydra."
"No, I can't say that I did."
"Where were you this morning? You never wake up that early." Loki snaked a hand around you. You knew he did it because of Scott and you were a little uneasy about it.
"Oh I just needed to run over some stuff with Mike." You shrugged.
"Who is this Mike?" you didn't like the tone in his voice.
"Just a guy from S.H.I.E.L.D. so calm it."
You tried to focus your conversation on Scott again, ignoring the jealous god sitting beside you.
After your passionate sleepless nights, in the next few days Loki saw you more and more getting up early for work. He almost asked you to stay one time, when you uncurled from his awoken form.
"What if I came with you?"
"You'll spook him up and he won't be able to work properly." You leaned over him and gave him a slight peck. "Besides, you're going to Asgard with Thor later today, right?"
"Yeah, I'll be gone for a couple of days." He was getting up when you sat on his lap.
"I'll miss you."
"I'll miss you too."
Sleepless, Steve groaned and grabbed his jacket and went up to the roof of the tower. He had barely slept between his fight with you and watching his best friend almost get killed by an alien weapon which then was held and brought back by none other than Loki.
Getting up, he looked around at the city when he went to his usual sitting space. This night it wasn't empty, he was surprised to see you sitting there, in his sweatshirt.
He went and sat down next to you. It was quiet for a while.
"Can't sleep?"
You shook your head in response.
"I'm sorry, Steve." You turned your head to look at him, your cheeks flushed from the cold. "What I said was way out of place and I just couldn't think clearly through all of my fury." You could feel your eyes beginning to sting. You couldn't fight with Steve.
"It's okay, I shouldn't have screamed at you. I can't fully blame you I am just-" he took your cold hands in his. "I feel protective over you, you're family to me and you know that."
"Loki was my family for a long time too, once." You muttered to him.
"Are you sure he won't hurt you? Can you really just trust him like that?" he asked and you sighed, not seeing the point in avoiding it.
"No." with another breath you managed to tell him more. "Plus it's just for now, we agreed on it."
Steve stayed silent, but you could feel him studying you.
"But Y/N is that what you actually want?"
The question had you holding your breath, catching you off guard. It was an odd question to ask but if you were letting yourself see the truth- you know the answer.
You stayed quiet and stayed with Steve there until you fell asleep on his shoulder.
The golden cages of the palace gates opened up to him, the palace workers carefully bowed to him as he hastily passed by them. The sooner he could this over it, the sooner he could go back to you. Hopefully you won't be taken away from him again when he is back.
Entering the throne room, he saw his father on the grand sit and Thor leaned in on a pillar.
"Ah, my son, you finally came." He walked towards his brother and stood in front of Odin.
"What is this meeting about?"
"Loki-" Thor began before his father halted him.
"I heard you rejected the advances of lady Iyllir, why would you do that?"
"Well, father-"
"Our relationship with her family is important. We need to clean up the messy reputation you gave yourself, giving you a fitting wife will help immensely. Loki, for once in your life do the right thing and obey!"
"Loki has-"
"No Thor, don't make excuses for him. The lady was brought here for you, to have a wedding. My child, don't be foolish. She is a lovely girl, everybody will be happy when the wedding will occur! She even agreed to be your wife despite everything!" the Allfather chuckled but Loki knew better than that.
"Shouldn't we be talking about the problem with Hydra? We did manage to get some weapons but some are still missing." Thor cleared his throat and glanced at Loki, who stayed quiet.
"Very well my child, what do you suggest we do?"
"My friends are doing a great job at attacking Hydra, maybe we could send an Asgardian scientist to help them." Thor glanced at Loki for help, he just nodded at him.
"I want you boys home soon. I want to know how these midgardians got their hands on our weapons, you should not take this lightly, and tell these friends of yours not to as well."
"Of course, father. So in two days time we will go back to Midgard and resume our help there."
"No, Thor you will go but Loki shall stay here." Odin dismissed the older brother.
"Father, they need me there, my wand is still missing there!" Loki argued back.
"They don't need you anymore; you've helped them with explaining the weapons. Now you can stay home and we can talk about the wedding. What is the problem? That was the plan all along."
The problem was that Loki knew that, and it was true. He couldn't argue against it.
The bed was cold now, the last couple of days took away the place Loki held in your bed and replaced it with coldness. You missed him already.
The sun was setting, painting the skies of your window with beautiful pastel colours.
"Come in!" you yelled to the person at the door. You smiled when you saw Loki walking into your room. "Loki!"
Rushing to him, you wrapped him in a hug, which he was reclined to return. You pulled back from him.
"Loki?" his face held no expressions, and it sent you back.
"So, you're not going to say anything?" sobbing, you had to sit on the couch. Why was he still here? This is what you get for falling for a trickster; he must have lied to you a million little times. "Did this mean nothing to you? Did I mean nothing to you?"
Accusing him, your blurry eyes returned to his solid face that held no emotion- just indifference.
"What did you expect falling for an immortal monster?" he growled back, mocking you now. The tears kept pouring as he stood there staring.
"I came here to help with the weapons which were stolen, my help isn't really needed here anymore so I am going back to Asgard."
Oh. You took a couple of steps back.
"What did you expect falling for the god of lies? Did you really think I would stay for you? I won't be coming back to midgard anymore." You barely saw him now but you heard the door shut behind him, and he just left you there with your heart shattered like glass on the floor.
"Loki, are you not going to stay until we found the weapons at least?" you let out a nervous laugh, trying to keep looking at him, which proved to be a difficult task when you knew that he knew exactly what you felt.
"No, Thor can take it away from now on. I do have to go back for my duties as a prince, and for a lady after all." You scoffed.
"You can't be upset with me. This was what you wanted. We agreed on this from the start, just a temporary thing, right?" he mocked you now.
"Well what if I wanted more! You were all I wanted!" you yelled at him now, finally releasing all the unsaid things. "Does that make you happy? Hearing me say that, hearing me beg?"
"No it doesn't." he groaned at you.
"You are doing the same thing you did all those years ago." The tears welled up in your eyes. "You know, you never did tell me why, you just left with no explanation."
"What do you want me to say, baby?" it slipped but he couldn't control it, he had to control himself first.
"Don't call me baby! Look at this mess that you're creating of me, do you remember what happened back then? How I cried and you were just there watching! You just watched me suffer." The tears let themselves flow without your permission. "Tell me why!"
"You don't know anything, why would you make such a fuss over nothing?" he hissed at you, moving around the room you almost felt like his prey. You probably were.
"Because I love you! I always have so even if you don't just let me have this closure, tell me why you left me so suddenly?" You hated the crack in your voice, closing your eyes for a moment you pinched your nose. "Tell me!"
"This is why!" his yell scared you, opening your eyes you were shocked at what you saw. In front of you stood a creature with blue skin, markings and red eyes- and that was Loki. You stood there staring at him with tears glistening on your cheeks.
"What- what's this?" you felt shivers down your spine, the temperature in the room was much colder now. He gave you a scary smile.
"I'm a frost giant, in Asgard you know the parents tell their kids about monsters like me at night." Those eyes were menacing as he walked over to you. You took steps back but he didn't stop.
"Loki, stop." You put a hand forward.
"Is this not what you wanted?"
"Not like this." You shook your head, trying to get rid of the part of your brain that insists that he is scary. "Whatever you are, whatever happened to you- none of that is enough excuse for what you did to me."
"You mortals always confuse excuse with explanation."
"Yeah right because I'm just a dumb human, I apologize, my prince." In a blink of an eye he turned back to how you knew him. Your mind hasn't processed what happened yet, your heart was already taking over you at that point.
"You asked me why, I gave you a reason." And you wanted to ask more, you wanted to understand this. You wanted him to-
"Stay." You whispered, tired at this point.
"I'm going back to my home at Asgard." He turned back and was walking towards the door.
"If you walk out that door, don't bother coming back."
The door slammed shut and all over again you broke down, with your heart shattering on the floor. That's the price you pay for trying to have back something that you never had in the first place. Nothing has changed.
Tags: @ayybtch @buckys-other-punk @chaoticpete @madcrazy50 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @the-departed-potato @rogerrhqpsody @onceupona-happilyeverafter-love @percabethismyotp14
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kuronanox · 3 years
Every moment with you-Ukitake Jushiro
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"If I had to be reborn every lifetime it would always be you."
(Your Name) sighs while sitting on the floor packing all her belongings and putting them in boxes to move out the barracks. This was the hardest thing to do, everything they shared and everything Ukitake had were being placed else where. It didn't feel right to her but and she just lost her husband and home.
She felt lifeless as Kyoraku sat across from her and frowned. Of course he was still heart broken by his best friend, his brother death. They were inseparable.
"(Your Name) I know it's hard but I promise you things will get better."
"Better said than done." She answers back but doesn't look him in the eye and folds his captains cloth placing it in a nice decorative box where she put all his special belongings.
"You will be okay out there?" He asks worriedly as she nods her head in response and rubs her red eyes from all the crying.
"I'll check up on you every often." Kyoraku sits himself up and takes one last look of Ukitake and (Your Name) house before looking down and bidding a farewell.
"(Your Name) come here." Ukitake kindly smiles at his wife as she set the hot tea down. Walking towards him he held a brush as she sat in front of him and hummed in delight.
"You know my favorite part of the day is at night and we get to spend quality time together." He says as she hums in response.
"My favorite part is waking up to you." She answers back as he chuckles and ties her hair back in a low bun as she turns towards him.
"I guess your answer is better than mine." He slightly pouts and takes a sip of the tea that was prepared.
(Your Name) curled in bed alone as she cried again they spend hundreds and years together as friends and the love of each other life's. So she asked herself how do you fully heal if you've spend most your life depending on each other.
Ukitake was no longer here, who could she depend on that was like him? His soothing voice and calming nature made her feel secure.
Looking out the window it was a starry night as she moved out to the country side to heal more. Setting up his shrine and everything else it was weird. Never had she been alone like this.
(Your Name) wondered was his soul reborn yet? Was he in Rukongai or the Human World? Either way it would be impossible to find him. There's was millions of soul getting reborn everyday.
"You're sick! I'm not letting you leave this room." (Your Name) yells at Ukitake as he coughs and holds onto his desk for support as she ran to his side and held him up.
"Yes but work comes first." He says softly and sits back down to do unfinished business.
"Honey. You've down enough, maybe it's time you retired? It's only a matter of time and you are only getting older!" She exclaims as he chuckles and swats her away kindly.
"I still look young though."
She rolled her eyes and pouted, Ukitake health was slowly getting worse but it never stopped him from working hard and supporting his squad.
There were times she worried he didn't have long to live because of how severely sick he would get at times but those thoughts she bore were heavy on her heart.
"I'm just scared...what if something bad happens to you?"
Ukitake looks up to her and grabs her hand gently with his and kisses it.
"I'm here right now that's all that matters."
"But what if there comes a time you aren't no more?" She questions as he knits his brows to find words to say.
Ukitake didn't know what to say because he also knew.
"You know I'll always have you and I'll be somewhere better." Although those weren't the words he wanted to say the truth had to be told as she looks down and nods.
"I love you." She whispers and he smiles.
"I love you too."
Waking up the sun peaked up as she groaned and looked towards her side.
"I guess its still a habit. I can imagine you here but you aren't here."
Getting ready for the day she had a unexpected visitor. Well it was expected but he didn't tell her.
"Good morning!" Kyoraku happily says walking into her new place as she smiles back and lets him in.
They both said their prayers to the shine before setting up the table to eat breakfast.
"How are you holding up?"
She wanted to lie but didn't know how to.
"It's okay, I can't say I haven't stop crying and doing old habits but I think being out here is better and getting the fresh air feels nice."
The older man hums in response and stares out to look at the flowers scattered everywhere. "He would have loved it out here."
"I know... that's why I decided to come out here. It's more like 'you've worked hard let's go rest somewhere peaceful now' I know it's time for me to rest also."
Kyoraku smiles and then looks at Ukitake picture.
"He's smiling down at us (Your Name) theres no need to torture yourself no more."
She rolls her eyes playfully and looks at the picture too before grinning. "I know but it's hard."
"I'm not leaving him!" (Your Name) screamed at Kyoraku as Ukitake prayed to Mimihagi as to becoming the right hand of the soul king.
"I promised him you would not die in this war!"
(Your Name) cried as she watched Ukitake sacrifice himself and suffer in pain.
"You knew and didn't tell me, you guys both knew! How could you let me leave him like this." As she cried and  fell on the floor.
Kyoraku grabbed her forcefully as she struggled to get loose and she screamed in pain.
"I'm not letting him leave by himself."
"Don't be selfish (Your Name) you aren't thinking! He's doing this for the sake of Seireitei! He's doing this for everyone! For you!" Kyoraku yells at her as she looks away and cries into his chest.
Glancing back at Ukitake she wasn't sure if he was still physically here.
Wiping her tears she cooled her head and nodded.
Kyoraku left as she signed and laid in bed. She would go back to work when she was fully healed but as of right now she didn't wanna do anything.
Life at this point had no meaning to her if he was gone.
"I promise you I'll get better."
50 years later
It took her a few years after Ukitake death to piece herself back together, during the time she went back to being a shinigami and full filling her duties to protect souls and those she loved.
There had been a disturbance in the world of living so her and few lieutenants were sent down to the world of living to check it out.
"I feel a high reitsu coming from the west." Hisagi says as him and Kira went to check it out.
"I'll check east and Renji will go south." Rangiku tells (Your Name) as she nods and follows north.
It had been many years since she was last down here. It had been during Aizen's battle.
"The human world has changed quite a bit."
After reporting a few suspicious incident to Kyoraku she watched the sunset alone waiting for the others.
A man in his 30s walked by her reading a book, he was smiling peacefully with his hair tied in a low pony and a nice button up.
The white hair tamed.
She gasped slightly as he looked up to her and his eyes widen a bit.
"You can see me?" She asks questioning him.
"I can see you, Ive seen many things since I was a child." Ukitake laughs not fazed a bit from her outfit and sword.
She felt happy tears fall from her eyes as he jumped a bit afraid he had hurt her feelings because she was dead and he wasn't.
"I'm sorry, I'm just so happy. You're alive."
He tilts his head in confusion as she wipes them away.
"My name is (Your Name)." She introduced herself as he kindly bowed
Although she wanted to bring him back he had a different life here and showing them together would only confuse him.
"Your name sounds familiar to me." Ukitake says as she sadly smiled and lied to him. "Maybe it's common around here?"
"No it's pretty unique. I've heard it somewhere." He says but can't seem to connect the clues.
Oh how was the world was cruel to them both at this moment. She would have to remember all the memories of them as his was mixed with confusion and facts.
"Do you believe in rebirth?" She then asks him as he nods his head. She took a deep breath and said the following words Ukitake told her before his death and sacrifice.
"If I had to be reborn every lifetime it would always be you."
Ukitake touches his head as it started to feel a bit dizzy and she held him and he gasps. He knew for sure something about her was familiar but he was getting frustrated not being able to figure it out.
Tears fell from her face as Ukitake eyes were watering. "Why am I crying? My body is doing it on its own."
Ukitake was beyond confused but she wouldn't let him suffer no longer. She knew he was safe and happily healthy living down here and that's all she needed to know.
"I'll wait a few more years for you and then we'll meet up there."
Ukitake looks at her and reached his hand out. He didn't want her to leave this comforting feeling and Ukitake knew he knew her somehow but he can't remember.
Kissing his forehead she took one last glance and disappeared.
"I'll see you then my love. I'll watch over you till it's your time and then we can finally be together again."
Ukitake looks up to the sky as the uncontrollable tears fell from his face and he tried his best to compose himself. He just couldn't as he cried, he felt something from her and he would have to wait.
As much as he wanted the pain to leave, his own heart neglected his mind.
"I'll see you again (Your Name)."
(Authors note: Oo so sad, Ukitake is literally so precious, he didn't deserve death.)
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Touching | 8. shielding the other one with their body, Dick & Rachel - for @wonderbatwayne
Fandom: DC Titans
Title: Safe Haven
Series: Physical Affection - Tumblr Prompts
Pairings/Relationships: Dick Grayson & Rachel Roth
Summary: "The answer is simple, Grayson. Five years ago in this very place you took what's mine away from me. Now I'm taking what's yours."
2x07 AU
Check out the prompt list | REQUESTS OPEN
Safe Haven
You really wanna be back here?
Dick tried to ignore his father's voice as he marched between the rows of wooden benches.
"Where is he?"
Deathstoke led him to this church - to the place where everything went down five years ago. But now it was empty.
Bruce showed up in front of him, blocking his way.
He's feeding on your guilt. Like a spider. He's lured you away from where you need to be… who you need to protect.
"He killed my friend," Dick argued.  "Nearly killed Jason. He has to be stopped."
Very heroic of you. Except… you don't give a shit.
He scoffed, shaking his head. "You don't know."
But I do, Bruce said as he walked up to him. I know everything. That's why you brought me. Just like I know why you keep sneaking off on these solo runs, just like you did five years ago. You have blood on your hands. 
"Not just me."
But you have more, son. Blood only you and Slade know about. You're afraid of the dark. Always have been. Even as a little boy. The great chasm of silence. The coldness of isolation. You're afraid if the others know your secret they'll leave you and you'll be alone, again. And they may. 
His heart sped up in his chest, his mind forgot how to breathe for a monent.
"They don't need to know," he said finally. "What difference does it make? It's done, it's in the past. It's behind me."
But it's not. It's got to come out.
"God damn it!" he shouted, feeling his nerves snapping. He was really getting tired of all this bullshit. "Can you leave me alone?"
You know how to get rid of me. You've known the whole time.
Tears started burning behind his eyes.
"I don't know what the fuck you're talking about."
Of course you do, son. You always have. You just have to tell the truth.
But he couldn't. It was too much. It would destroy him, destroy everything he had with his team.
"It's too hard." he whispered, dropping his head in shame. It was getting harder to keep tears at bay.
His father reached out and gently brushed his fingers down Dick's cheek. Even if he was only a prodcut of Dick's own fucked up mind the touch felt very real and it brought some sort of comfort to him. 
His gaze then fell on the altar and he froze, noticing something he hadn't before. Bruce stepped out of his way when he moved and walked up the stairs to a heavy wooden table. Upon one look at the display it showed his blood ran cold.
At least a dozen pictures were scattered among lit candles and each one of them showed Rachel. Sitting on a couch with Gar, both laughing. Talking with Kory. Eating breakfast in the kitchen with Hank, Dawn and Donna around. He saw himself in those photos too - training with her in one, walking with her on the street in the other, with coffee cups in their hands and his arm wrapped around her shoulders. But in most of these pictures she was alone, usually somewhere around the Tower, in her bedroom or the kitchen and it was clear all the shots were taken without her or any of them knowing. 
At the very centre of the table was a small black box. 
With a shaking hand and a heart hammering in his chest Dick reached for it and slowly lifted the lid. On a white satin pillow meant to hold some kind of jewelry lay a lock of dark blue hair, coated in crimson blood.
Dick's knees almost gave out under him, sending him on the floor.
He left those for you, Bruce said behind him. He turned to his father for a moment, his face twisting in shock and confusion, but quickly came back to the display, hoping it disappeared when he wasn't looking. Because it couldn't be real, just like this Bruce wasn't real. It couldn't be happening. But the pictures were still there, as well as the box and the candle flames were still burning. 
Go home, Dick, his father's voice rang in his ears. It seems like one way or another, the monster's been in the Tower all along. 
He couldn't take it anymore. The mix of fear, fury, worry, confusion and dozens of other conflicted emotions he couldn't name was about to explode, ripping him apart from within. He smashed his hand on the table sending all the pictures and candles flying, tossed it all on the floor in blinding rage and whipped around, ready to run out of the church. He needed to get back to the Tower, to find Rachel. Maybe this was all some kind of a sick joke, maybe Slade is bluffing, playing mind games on him to keep him on edge. Maybe it's all one big-
"Well, look who finally made it."
Dick stopped to a halt, his breath hitching in his throat. The front door to the church was open, revealing no other than Deathstroke standing in the door frame with his blade pressed to Rachel's neck. She was almost limp in his hold, barely awake but conscious enough to be standing on her feet. Her head was swaying dangerously like she's in a haze, the side of her face covered in blood oozing from a split on her temple. 
"Dick…" she muttered, her voice weak and faint as a whisper in the wind carried out in the acoustics of the place and his heart jumped to his throat. He instinctively moved, wanting to rush to her but Slade stopped him, tightening his grip on her and pressing the blade harder to her skin. A drop of blood trickled down the shiny steel and Rachel instantly stilled.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you." the masked man said slowly, a clear warning in his deep voice.
Dick sucked in a sharp breath, his nostrils flaring. "What did you do to her?"
"Not much. Yet." he slowly tilted his head to the side. "I just gave her something to neutralize her powers. A small gift from this little group that eloquently calls themselves… The Organization?"
Dick felt his fists clenching so tight his knuckles must have turned white. He was trembling but unable to move. His eyes were locked on Rachel's pale face as she struggled to keep her eyes open. Questions were piling up under his skull, starting with how did this happen but there was no time for getting answers, first and foremost he needed to protect Rachel.
"I hope you enjoyed our little game." Slade continued, pushing Rachel onward so he could walk deeper into the church. She staggered on wobbly feet but he didn't let her fall. He wasn't gentle in holding her up either and hearing her grunt made Dick grit his teeth. "You must have had a nice ride around the city, following false leads and fake clues. Gave me enough time to get to this one while the others were busy jumping to each other's throats."
He risked one step forward, glaring at the face hidden behind the mask.
"What do you want from her?" he asked instead of giving Slade satisfaction by reacting to his words. "It's me you're after and I'm here. So let her go and let's get this over with. Rachel has nothing to do with this."
Slade let out a gurgling laugh and shook his head which only infuriated Dick more. His blade twitched in his hand and Rachel flinched, her face twisted in pain.
"Oh don't you see? She has everything to do with this." His masked face got uncomfortably close to Rachel's face and she turned her head away, cringing in fear and whimpering. Dick barely could hold himself back from lunging at Slade. "Poor kid. Snatched from the street, taken under the caring but broken wings of The Fallen Grayson just to be let down and end up dead. Funny how history loves to repeat itself but twists the ending at the last moment."
His arm gripped her tighter and Rachel's body tensed like a string that's about to snap. Her breath quickened and pupils widened up in terror. Their eyes met for the first time and Dick's heart broke seeing how scared she was, how she was silently begging him to save her.
"The answer is simple, Grayson." Slade hissed, fixing his grip on his sword and shifting the blade so the cold steel was now touching Rachel's cheek. "Five years ago in this very place you took what's mine away from me." He moved the blade slowly, making a shallow cut on her face and Rachel whimpered in pain. "Now I'm taking what's yours."
And he pulled the sword down.
Slade stopped with the sword pressed to her carotid artery and looked at Dick who was aiming at him with the gun he was holding in his hand this whole time. His finger stilled on the trigger, grip so tight his knuckles bleached but his arm - no, his entire body - was shaking. His breath became shallow and rapid, heart trying desperately to break out of its cage.
"DON'T HURT HER!" he shouted and risked taking a few steps closer. He must have looked like a madman and he wouldn't be one bit surprised because that's exactly what he felt right now - madness. "Don't you fucking touch her or I SWEAR TO GOD-"
Deathstroke scoffed.
"We both know you're not gonna shoot." he said in a tone so light like they were discussing weather or something equally trivial. 
Dick brought his other hand up to steady his grip on the weapon but in his current state it did him no good.
"Watch me."
"Are you willing to risk your precious little girl's life, like you did with Jericho? Or have you learned from your mistakes by now?"
"Don't listen to him, Dick!" Rachel suddenly spoke. Her voice was strong and she was staring at him with terrified but focused eyes. Dick let himself quietly sigh in relief. Whatever drug Slade had given her must be wearing off.
"Shut up." the assassin growled in her face, threatening her with his weapon again. She eyed the sword and gulped down hard but remained silent.
Dick took another step closer.
"Rach, look at me." he asked gently, for a moment not caring about how Slade might react. Risky move but he needed to talk to her. She did as he told her and their eyes met. "Listen, you're gonna be okay. I promise."
"Oh, isn't it adorable." Slade scoffed again, shaking his head. Dick was almost sure the man was rolling his eyes under that hideous mask. "I see you've learned nothing. Even after all this time you lie in their faces that they're gonna be safe with you. It's pathetic."
Neither of them were listening to his little tirade. While Slade was talking they were having their own silent conversation. Rachel held Dick's gaze to make sure she had his attention, then pointed her eyes at the elbow of the arm Slade was holding her with. Then her eyes went back to Dick and she mouthed one short word.
He shook his head, feeling a bile of fear forming in his throat. It was a huge risk. An inch to his right and the bullet could pierce Rachel's chest. All it takes is for Slade to move or Dick's arm to tremble. He couldn't do it. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if the bullet went the wrong way.
But her eyes were full of faith and confidence when she was looking at him. A small smile appeared on her lips. She knew he was hesitating because of her and tried to encourage him as well as she could without Slade noticing. He could read what she was trying to tell him in her face.
I know you won't hurt me.
He would never. He'd rather die the most painful death than be the reason a single hair falls off her head.
He pulled the trigger.
Deathstroke's armor clinked when the bullet made contact with his elbow. It didn't do any damage, but that wasn't the point. Slade cried out, more surprised than hurt because he didn't think Dick would actually fire that gun, but the impact made him release Rachel from his hold. She was still swaying on unsteady feet but she instantly lunged herself to the side, hiding between the rows of benches and getting out of the way.
Good girl.
In the meantime a fight broke out between two men. Dick charged at Slade, fueled by hot rage burning inside of him. He didn't have his Robin suit anymore or any of his gadgets but his body was a weapon in itself due to years of training and experience. He was throwing kicks and punches, dodging and turning and moving. Slade threw away his sword and sent him falling on his back with one strong kick to his chest, but despite the hit pushing all air out his lungs Dick managed to quickly jump back to his feet. They danced around each other like it's a choreography learned a long time ago and the moves are now coming back to them with clarity after years of not using them. Every move of the assassin was full of precision and technicality, cold, strong and perfectly aimed while Dick filled his every action with images of those he was fighting for. He thought of Garth falling to the ground with bullet in his chest while connecting his foot with Slade's jaw, sending his head to the side. He thought of Jason hanging on one hand from one of the tallest buildings in the city with terror in his wide eyes as he punched Slade in the diaphragm so hard the skin on his knuckles split and started bleeding. He thought of Jericho bleeding out on the floor of this church when he jumped on the benches and swiftly moved to find himself behind Slade's back. And he thought of Rachel, pale as ghost and terrified, with blood trickling down her face when he round kicked Slade in the back, sending him to his knees.
"So emotional." the man grunted and straightened up. He reached for his baton and with one push of a button turned it into a spear. "So… attached."
Dick roared like an angry lion and attacked again.
This time Deathstroke got the upper hand, pushing Dick back towards the altar. Blocking the spear wasn't easy without any weapon in his hand and soon he was covered with smaller and bigger cuts. He fell on his back at the stairs, hitting the back of his head so hard his sight became foggy but he still managed to use his legs to cut Slade from his feet. However, the man didn't lose his balance, only jumped out of the way and pushed his heavy boot to Dick's chest, then pressed the blunt end of the spear to his Adam's apple.
"You were right," Deathstroke breathed out, turning the spear around. Dick heard his voice as if coming from underwater. His mask was a blur of color. "Let's get this over with." Then he raised his arm and stabbed.
But the blade never made it to Dick's chest.
First he saw a shadow looming over him and when his sight cleared he recognized the head of blue curly hair. He lifted himself on his elbows watching in horror while his heart screamed in agony.
No. Not again.
Please, not again.
Rachel pushed herself between him and Slade and shielded him with her own body, just like Jericho did five years ago.
She slowly looked down at the blade sticking out from her chest before Deathstroke harshly pulled it out. Her hands covered the wound, her fingers instantly turning red and then she swayed, about to fall down.
"Rachel, no!" Dick cried out and caught her, laying her down on his chest. A sob wrecked his body when he saw the waterfall of blood coating the front of her black sweater, making the warm wool stick to her body. He pressed his hand to the wound, trying to stop the bleeding while she looked up at him with those big blue eyes and he felt tears falling down his cheeks. "Oh God, Rachel. What did you do?"
"I had to- s-save you-" she choked out, a drop of blood trickling down from the corner of her mouth. She covered his hand with her own and squeezed it tight. "I cou-couldn't let you- d-die."
In the meantime Slade stepped back and hid his weapon. He was watching the scene in front of him unfold, still as a statue.
"Now you know how it feels," he said, aiming his words at Dick, who lifted his tear-stained face to glare at the man, "to have your own child bleeding out in your arms. Death would've been a mercy for you, Grayson. This… this is a lesson you will never forget."
"I will fucking kill you." Dick snarled at him, gritting his teeth. "I'm gonna hunt you down, you hear me?!"
Deathstoke chuckled and turned his back to him.
"Good luck with that." he threw over his shoulder then headed out of the church, leaving the other two alone.
Dick made some sort of a sound. A noise that he himself couldn't even describe. It sounded as if something had brutally ripped his chest open and tore out of it. He roared like an animal, venting his despair and anger.
"Dick..." a soft whisper pierced through to his consciousness, drawing his attention. "It's okay."
Another sob shook his body.
"Rachel… Rachel, my Rachel." he whispered, hugging her and frantically brushing the hair wet with blood and sweat away from her pale face.
So much blood. He was completely covered in it now, it soaked through his clothes and bit into his skin.
"It's not okay." he shook his head. "I'm supposed to be protecting you, not the other way around."
She managed to smile at him.
"We're supposed to… save each other… remember?"
"Not like this." he said, his voice breaking. "Never like this."
She squeezed his hand again. Their fingers, slick from her blood, entwined together tightly.
"You were my… save haven."
He froze, his heart hammering in his chest. Then the meaning behind her words hit him like a speeding train and he held her tighter.
"No. Don't say that." he ordered desperately. "This is not a goodbye, you hear me? You're not going anywhere."
"No! Help me." he croaked, pressing their clasped hands against her bleeding heart. "Use your powers. Take my energy, absorb it."
She coughed, spitting blood. They were running out of time.
"I can't- h-heal myself."
"Yes, you can. You have to."
But she didn't seem to hear him. Her eyelids closed slowly and her head fell on his arm.
"Rachel?" Dick's voice grew louder, breaking and rising like waves away at sea. "Rachel, my baby, please, honey, open your eyes, it's me, Dick, I'm here with you, I'll always be here, please, please…"
He leaned down and pressed their foreheads together, letting out a painful cry. He howled like a wolf, his shoulders trembling, heavy tears splashing on her round cheeks. It was his fault. All of it was his fault. A part if him knew it would end like this the monent he met her. But his love was too strong and he ignored the warning. Now she was paying the price. 
"Don't go, Rach." he begged, his voice shattered. "Don't leave me alone in a world without you in it."
He closed his eyes and squeezed her hand with such force that he felt her knuckles grinding in his grip.
Rachel, please come back. We can do this. You saved my life in more ways than you can imagine. Nothing is impossible for us. I love you, okay? I love you and please come back to me.
He reached deep into his memories. Rachel at the police station in Detroit looks up and stares at him as if she saw a ghost; Rachel, curled up in the bathtub of that crappy motel, surrounded by scraps of paper with crosses drawn on it, throws herself into his arms crying; Rachel leans over him in the asylum and reminds him of his promise to never to leave her; Rachel comes out of the fog with her head held high proudly after defeating Trigon; her smile and eyes wide open when she saw the inside of the Tower for the first time. And many, many other memories he will cherish for the rest of his life.
Heal, he begged because there was nothing else left to do. Take my life, take it all. Heal.
Something changed. Rachel's hand in his hold started getting warmer. He lifted his head slightly, blinking away tears and gasped at the sight of a bright purple glow seeping through his fingers. He watched in complete awe as the wound on her chest slowly started closing until there was nothing left beside a thin pink line that was already fading as well. The color came back to her face and she took a gulp of air, almost choking on it. Then she sat up, her eyes opened wide and she pressed her hands to her chest but to no use because there was nothing there, only drying blood on her clothes. She looked down at herself then back at him.
He smiled at her and scooted closer. 
"I told you you can heal yourself."
Her brows furrowed in confusion but then understanding flooded her face and she smiled back.
"It wasn't just me… it was you, Dick. You willed me back to life and… and my powers listened." she grabbed his hands in hers. "I didn't heal myself, you healed me."
Still holding her other hand he reached out to cup her face. She leaned into his touch and closed her eyes.
"All I knew was that I couldn't lose my safe haven." he whispered softly and that's all it took for her to fall into his arms.
She clung to his shirt, buried her face in the curve of his neck and started sobbing. He tightened his arms around her, pulling her on his lap and started rocking her gently. He loved how warm and familiar she felt in his hold, how solid and safe she was. He pressed a loving, desperate kiss on the crown of her head, inhaling the scent of her hair.
"I love you so much." he mumbled into her skin. Rachel shivered and hugged him tighter.
"I love you, too."
Dick leaned away and took her face in his hands, tucking her hair behind her ears.
"Let's get outta here, huh? We need to get you cleaned up."
She glanced at the blood on her clothes, then moved her gaze to his own bloody shirt and jacket.
"You don't look exactly better, you know?"
He chuckled and kissed her forehead, thanking God she was still here.
"Yeah, it was my favorite jacket. Now I have to burn it." they both laughed, happy to relax and lighten up, but looking at her face made him worried again. "You sure you're okay?"
Instead of answering Rachel stood up on her own and reached a hand out to him.
He took it gratefully and got up to his feet, then immediately pulled her closer, crushing her to him.
"I am never letting you go again." he said, his voice hoarse and heavy from emotion. 
Rachel melted into him and took a deep breath.
"Please, don't."
Over her head he noticed Bruce standing by the church's door. His father smiled proudly at him and nodded, then slowly turned around and walked out, disappearing in the light of day.
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pinnochiro · 3 years
pinn reviews - final fantasy xv
a long ramble about final fantasy fifteen that sort of looks like a review, as written by someone who finished the game fifteen minutes ago and needs to get these words out of his head. spoilers inbound.
i'm a pretty big fan of video games. i don't know what my first was, but it was probably either banjo and kazooie or mario kart 64, at my cousin's house when i was very small. i think that video games as a medium are so interesting, since the fact that video games are inherently interactive changes the way that they tell any story. it's a shame that despite loving video games so much, i'm absolutely terrible at them.
i'm absolute dogshit at video games. whenever i boot up something new, i always play on easy mode because. i'm that bad. unfortunately, this means that a lot of video games are simply. impossible for me to beat. that's fine, as at the moment i live with my good friend lizz, who is certifiably Good at Video Games, and so we've been playing video games together for a little bit now. typically this means that she will actually play the majority of the game while i sit with her and watch, but occasionally i'll have a go, but she'll end up with the controller as soon as a boss fight or puzzle or a mechanic i just can't seem to grasp shows up. we recently played through the entirety of the kingdom hearts series together, and this was an absolute blast of a time. i'm glad to say that i adore kingdom hearts now, and it's become one of my hyperfixations, which you might be able to tell from my icon. but we'd finished the kingdom hearts series, and we were left to move onto something else. we'd also played final fantasy 7 remake, so in my wisdom, i suggested that we play another final fantasy game.
we looked through the ff games that were already purchased on our consoles thanks to lizz's uncle, and eventually, we decided that we should play. all of them. however to start, we were going to play final fantasy xv, 15, and work our way backwards through the mainline, single-player games.
i'd heard that xv wasn't very good, but honestly, i was still quite curious. one person who i'd been following on twitter for years was pretty obsessed with the main party members, to the point where i knew their names and what-not even though i didn't have much of an idea what the game itself was about. i remember watching a video by supereyepatchwolf a few years ago about how the game sucked, but i couldn't remember much of the details, and i knew, based on my obsession with kingdom hearts, that xv had started as a different game called final fantasy versus xiiv. i don't know all the details about versus thirteen, but i do know that it was originally helmed by the creator of my beloved kingdom hearts, mr tetsuya nomura, and that after many years, the vast majority of the game was thrown out, nomura wasn't in charge any more, and the whole thing was rewritten and reworked, which sounds like a fairly rough development cycle. but so what, i don't care about gameplay. i want to play the video game with those cute guys that i see fanart of on twitter, and lizz seemed happy enough to play through it with me.
and so we started final fantasy xv. i've been told that since the game was practically dead on arrival, they threw in a bunch of new content and reworked a lot of the early game before i got my hands on it. so my gameplay started with a scene of the four guys fighting some demon dude on fire and they're all old and grotty. whatever, that cutscene ends and we're put into a combat tutorial. that's over and we're on the road in what looks to be central america, pushing a car.
our four leading lads are noctis, the prince of the lucis empire, his best friend prompto, his bodyguard, gladio, and his chef and other things, ignis. i do quite like the main four members of the party in xv. prompto is quite easily my favourite, voiced by robbie daymond of goro akechi fame and with a bunch of fun little animations and quips that make him very likeable. he gets extremely excited at the idea of riding chocobos and has what i considered the best scene of the game, where he and noctis meet on a motel rooftop and discuss prompto's imposter syndrome, since he's only part of noctis' official retinue as his best friend. noctis is a fairly typical main protagonist, he's in love with a woman he hasn't seen in eight years and needs to go marry her or something, i don't care. gladio is a tough macho man with a mullet who wears leather jackets and wields a greatsword, and is apparently only 22, which is at least 10 years younger than i assumed. ignis is a strategist and chef, who takes on the most authoritative role and constantly tells noctis to not drive his car at night. i was not a fan of ignis at the start, but he grew on me, especially with how hard the game hit me with his personal arc. the four boys are off, driving to noctis' wedding in a different country across the desert when their car breaks down. we then run into the first issue of the game.
cindy is a mechanic. she also has her ass and tits out constantly, like your sleazy uncle's shirt with a naked woman was instead semi-alive as a video game person. she fixes your car and acts fairly sexual and it's just like. why do we have to do this. aren't we over overtly sexualised women in video games who have no reason for the way they dress other than the character designer was horny? whatever, i like women as much as the next guy, but cindy's design just. makes me feel so uncomfortable.
anyways you get to do a little driving around with the boys, until you stay the night before catching the boat to your fiance. overnight, you find out that noctis' kingdom has been basically destroyed by an invading empire called niflheim, and practically everyone noctis knows, including his father, are dead. you learn that noctis and his bride to be are also assumed dead, with noctis hearing his own death announcement on the radio. the game has a bunch of added cutscenes that are actually footage from the three-hour-long prequel movie that came out after the game, are extremely hard to follow and honestly i had no idea what i was looking at. anyways, noctis' family is dead, so it's time to do some hunting sidequests.
that brings us to the combat, i suppose. rather than the turn-based or even active turn-based combat that the series is known for, xv opts for more modern action rpg-styled combat. i was, naturally, terrible at this, but i managed to get around it with the fact that. it is almost impossible to die in this video game, provided you have enough items. the game allows you so much time to heal yourself that there's practically no way to have your entire party wipe unless you're doing absolutely terrible, and even then, your party members will probably try and heal you themselves before that happens. lizz tells me that the combat is boring, you just push the same button over and over and then you win. i do appreciate that, for someone like me who is terrible at reading enemy movements, there is a giant button that pops up on screen that tells you when to push the block button, but even then i was prone to fucking it up. whether that's the bad game design or my terrible gaming abilities is up to you to decide. anyways, the game is fairly easy but has annoying combat, your teammates limit breaks will only land about 50% of the time (or never, if you are gladio) and i was still bad at it, so i didn't have all that much fun.
instead of an active levelling system, the game will only tally your character's level ups when you either make camp or visit a hotel. camping is, in my opinion, the only saving grace of this game. each time you make camp, you get to see the characters doing fun little camping activities together and just hanging out, ignis will cook up a new meal in a dramatic fashion and everyone will compliment him and eat it off their coleman's branded plates, it's just very fun. you also get to see what pictures prompto has taken, which is one of my favourite gameplay features. prompto's passion is photography, and while i support him in this wholeheartedly, his picture taking skills are, quite frankly, awful. the game will randomly take shots while you're on the move, which leaves you with a delightful selection of awkward poses, characters hidden behind bushes, pictures taken while someone is half-dead in combat, and snaps where the natural lighting absolutely makes it impossible to tell what's going on. it's hilarious and going through prompto's collection of photos each night is honestly the best part of the game. we managed to wind up with a few shots that, even despite being scripted events, turned out absolutely terrible, and i will cherish those forever.
anyways, since noctis' father and fiance are dead, that leaves him the king of lucis. the only important person to make it out of the capital alive tells you to drive to the middle of nowhere, where he randomly springs on you. hey. go into a bunch of these dungeons and absorb a bunch of swords, this is your destiny as king and how you will defeat the empire. noctis goes, uh, alright i guess, and you're set loose again to wander around for a bit collecting the 'royal arms'. this plot point wasn't explained well but hey, whatever, we're collecting the glowy swords and that's fine.
you're introduced at some point to ardyn, the main antagonist. he's old, kind of groady and wears a fedora. he's a dick to you and talks about his automobeeel. apparently my friend miri thinks he's hot, she is wrong.
i can't remember what happens specifically but you're told that your fiance is still alive and in fantasy venice, and she's talking to the gods on your behalf to borrow their powers. there's a mission where you follow some purple trees that are electric, and you do that i guess. i enjoyed riding the chocobos around, but couldn't care much for the plot at this point. ardyn leads you to a volcano, where you fight a giant lava god. he tries to step on you and i, a denizen of the internet and with an active fear of foot fetishists, was extremely uncomfortable. noctis becomes friends with foot man and a lightning god who lived in those trees, and ardyn steals your car.
very upset by this, noctis and his gang risk everything to sneak into a military base and steal it back. because this is a video game, this works out fine.
there's a little mining city which is all about Girl Power, because all the Women run the Mining Industry like Girl Bosses, and you hang around there for a bit. because all the women are so Empowered, they wear bikinis all the time with overalls over the top. gladio decides he needs to fuck off for a bit, i have no idea what he does since i haven't played the dlc, and then he comes back with another scar. you hang out with his sixteen year old sister, who has a crush on the engaged and 20-year old noctis, and then you drive her to a lighthouse. when she's in your party, she can't really fight, but she gets a pink chocobo and i thought that was very cute. we turned out own chocobo white and lizz named him 'jones' after a mount she has in ffxiv.
eventually, you have a long boat ride over to fantasy venice. this is the part where the game stops being 'fun with a few issues in combat and a rushed and poorly told story.' the open world, which was a main feature with a bunch of little areas to find where noctis can fish, little hunting sidequests and random photo spots where prompto takes touristy photos, is now gone, and it will not return for the entire rest of the game. you can 'go back in time', but the open world was the most enjoyable part of the game, and it kind of really sucks that the main story doesn't let you have any more freedom like that.
after arriving in fantasy venice, you have a talk with fantasy hillary clinton and beg her to let your girlfriend summon a god into the middle of her city. hillary agrees, and you don't get to meet up with your fiance, because even if the game is constantly telling you how much noctis loves her, there is. barely any interactions between the two in the entire game. from what i can tell, they met when noctis was a child and they haven't seen each other in ten years but are still fantasy dog pen-pals. noctis marrying her was supposed to make an alliance or something like that, but her brother has betrayed her to the army. noctis' girlfriend is also an oracle, which means she can heal people, i guess? everyone talks about how important she is and she's constantly telling people that she needs to use her powers to help noctis but she's practically a non-entity.
as can be expected of most female love interests in a game primarily focused on men, noctis' fiance is killed while summoning a god for noctis to befriend. noct gets very mad about this, and turns super saiyan and kills the god back, but his girlfriend is dead and that's super sad you guys. there's a beautiful prerendered cutscene where she says goodbye to noctis but since we barely know her, and we've only been told over and over that they're in love without anything to actually well, show this, it didn't have much of an impact. fantasy venice is destroyed, and ignis is blinded while trying to help calm the giant raging god.
iggy's blindness and how the game makes you account for this and grow to care for him was one of the highlights, in my opinion, as well as crushingly depressing. while i'm not disabled and have no right to say if this was 'good disabled representation' or anything like that, i believe that the game handles it decently enough. the group falls apart as noctis is upset about his girlfriend, gladio is extremely mad that noctis won't care for ignis, and prompto just wants everyone to get along. there's a mission where gladio constantly yells at you passive aggressive things to noctis about how he's a cunt for running, which is obnoxious, but the character arc itself is fairly strong. when you make camp, ignis can't cook anymore, so everyone eats cup noodles in a depressing ass cutscene. ignis remains in your party for the rest of the game despite his disability, and he doesn't magically regain his sight like other fantasy media would do, which at the very least i think is good. i'm not sure what the opinion of actual disabled people is of the character, considering how often disabled characters are either turned into misery porn to make the abled audience be glad that isn't them and if ignis' arc falls into this trap, but i hope that it wasn't handled too poorly, as that would just be another terrible mark in this game's list of bad moves.
the characters eventually make it to the evil empire's capital, which is abandoned and filled with daemons. the characters learn that ardyn is super evil and taught the king of the empire how to turn humans into daemons, which has now happened to the entire city. the 'magitek suits', presumed to be enchanted armour that fights as the empire's infantry, actually house the souls of the human-turned daemons. honestly i like this as a plot point but the game handles it pretty terribly. there could have been more lead up to this, the explanation is pretty lacking, and prompto's Big Plot Twist is. terribly handled. turns out that prompto was born in the empire and was going to be one of those empty soldier daemons, but he was rescued by people belonging to noctis' empire. not that the game tells you that. instead, prompto goes 'turns out i'm one of ... them' and Does Not Elaborate. The game doesn't tell you shit, not about prompto's past, not about how he feels about this, not about how anyone else feels about this either because the other party members just go 'oh that sucks, good thing you're not evil' and the scene ends. robbie daymond tries so hard to sell these terrible, terrible lines, and it almost entirely fails, i'm so sorry prompto. fortunately because i'm a nosy ass, i read prompto's wikia page and knew the plot twist ahead of time, because i don't think i would have even registered it if i didn't.
anyways everyone in the evil empire is dead and ardyn starts talking about how he's immortal and an ancient king of noctis' country but the gods thought he sucked because he's too evil. i missed most of this because the cats got the zoomies and were dashing across the couch right in the middle of his speech so i can't tell you anything else. noctis tries to get a big magic crystal to fight him and instead. gets schlorped inside.
yes then ten years actually pass while noctis is asleep. the game shows this by switching the head on noctis' character model to have a beard, but that's it, no changes in animations or whatever. the sky is permanently night and only one human civilisation remains, the rest destroyed by daemons. as a plot point, this ends up feeling. extremely worthless. why was noctis asleep for ten whole goddamn years? so we can wake up and go 'damn it sucks out here'. but it's barely even a like, incentive to fix everything, because you have a long talk with a former child you were friends with where he talks about how humanity is still going fine and everyone's okay and the world has moved on without you. it feels. pointless. when you meet up with your party members, they are exactly as you left them, only with slightly different character models. there is no change in the voice performance, the character's movements or how they talk to show that they've been without you for ten years. they barely mention it. i'm just. so confused as to why they decided that a ten year timeskip was the way to go? since nothing really changes, couldn't you have made it like, two years? one year? six months?? have the characters react a little more? something??? at least if it was only a year or so i wouldn't have to deal with the fact that noctis looks like norman reedus with his shitty facial hair now.
anyways after that there's a bunch of long and boring boss fights. you fight some dead kings for some reason, your party members get a little bit to talk about how cool they are and how much they love noctis, and then you meet up with ardyn. there's another boring boss fight and god this was only a few hours ago but it's already gone from my head. you summon the gods and the old kings to beat the shit out of him after you both go super saiyan again? there's incredible music but it feels barely earned and just kind of eh. anyways, noctis dies, which was the price of using the crystal of light or whatever the fuck. his ghost marries his fiance's ghost finally, and they smile as they look at one of prompto's pictures. you can pick any picture you want to go here, and then the credits roll, showing all of the pictures you saved of prompto's shots. showing me all the pictures at the end is honestly lovely, but it really only served to remind me of how much more fun the game was in the first half. and that's the end, of final fantasy xv.
so what did i think of the story? it's terribly cobbled together and struggles to get you to feel anything and play out all the plot beats. you feel awful for the countless employees who spent years working on the beautiful cutscenes only to have them be in this game, which sucks and the story barely gets through. there were parts that i enjoyed, mostly the thing about the daemons being people, but honestly the rest of it is a mess. it's hard to follow at the best of times and just awkward and terribly written at the worst. the ending is cheap, and it doesn't feel like you've actually accomplished anything. i left that game feeling numb and empty, sad that i'd wasted so much time to end up with such a colossal failure of a conclusion.
i had fun with the game when it was my four little guys running around doing sidequests and camping together. after the midway point of the game, there's none of that, and you're bogged down into a plot that just pushes you from point a to point b and boring overlong bossfight to boring overlong bossfight. the character moments between your party are a lot of fun, but the second you hit fantasy venice, everything is pretty much on rails and you can't do anything except what the game tells you explicitly to do.
should you play this game? no lol. if anything i've mentioned about the story interests you, you'll be better off watching a lore video or reading the wiki. if you do want to play it after all that, just don't proceed after the myrthril refining quest, it's pretty much all downhill from there. will i play the dlc? unlikely, i think lizz and i will just watch a cutscene movie of those.
this game left me feeling empty and numb and not in a fun way. i wanted, so, so hard to like this game, and it all crashed around me in a beautifully overproduced and confusingly written cascade. i love you prompto, but even your cute little freckly face and terrible photography can't save this trainwreck of a game.
tl;dr - final fantasy xv sucks. i hope that 13, our next ff game, will be better.
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chlodani · 4 years
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This is my new smau. It's a Sokka x F!Reader pairing smau. Title: More Than A Roommate
Trigger warning: Mature! Slight swear warning! If your sensitive to mature language and swearing, I've warned you ahead of time. Mentions of sex!
Y/n's new roommate seems intensely interested in her life and wants to know everything about her. She's flattered and a little freaked out, but it’s nice to have someone to talk to. Though she thinks it's a problem that he's so handsome and their living together. But what will he do when he finds out Y/n's a Firebender? Will he accept her for who she is or will he shut her out because of his bad past with the Fire Nation?
Special Edition Part 19 Continued. . .
Y/n's P.O.V.
I quickly gathered what I needed. It wasn't much, but I did grab my sword. I never know when I'll need that. Even though I'm a Firebender that can bend red flame and red lightning, I'm still badass with a sword. Though I can't take all the credit, Sokka helped me with part of that. He's helped me to practice and he's taught me what he knows. A tear slipped from my eye as I stood in Sokka's room for a moment, staring at his boomerang on the wall. As I turned my head, I looked at the picture he had of us on his nightstand. I picked it up, looking at it, as a couple more tears fell. I cleared my throat, closing my eyes forcing the rest of my tears away. Wiping away the tears that remained, I opened my eyes setting the picture down. I looked directly at Sokka in the picture.
"Dont worry Sokka, I'm coming for you,"
With that said, I walked out of the room, heading out of the apartment.
. . .
Adelina's P.O.V.
I paced back and forth in my sister's apartment waiting for my friends to arrive. They were taking forever. I just wanted to leave on my own and go find my sister. She could be in serious danger right now. As Toph said I can believe that she went off alone, but I'm just so angry with her. If something happens to her, I would never forgive myself. She's my everything. She's my Boo. I need her. And whether she admits it or not she needs me to. And this is one of the times she needs me. Ughhh! I wanna kick her ass so bad. Though I guess I cant blame her. I am as much in love with Zuko as she is with Sokka. If Azula was doing this to Zuko, I'd wanna do more than just kick her ass. I jumped as the door opened. Pretty much all my friends walked in at the same time. And Iroh was behind Zuko. I face palmed myself. I looked directly as Zuko.
"Zuko, what is Iroh doing here?" I asked him trying not to show him how angry I was for my missing sister and future brother-in-law.
"We're not the only ones who are Y/n's family Adelina. Iroh is to. Uncle's known you guys since you were kids, he wants to help. He cares for her too," Zuko explained to me.
"And you forget Lina, that my nickname used to be, Dragon of the West - I am still a Firebender and I want to make sure nothing happens to the people I love," Iroh explained to me calmly.
I sighed as I looked at him. I didn't have time to debate.
"Fine, - But we have to go, - Right now - We're already running out of time," I told them in a hurried panic as I headed to the door.
Nothing will stop me from protecting Y/n and Sokka.
. . .
Y/n's P.O.V.
I headed to the Earth King's old quarters. I figured if Azula is going to be hiding out anywhere in Ba Sing Se, with that sicko of a dick waffle Jet and the Dia Lee agents, its gonna be there. And I wasn't playing around. As soon as I got to the door, I blasted two of the Dia Lee out of the way. I want my Sokka back and nothing will keep me from him. I walked throughout the halls and the main throne room but I didn't see Azula. I knew they both were hiding here somewhere. As I walked throughout the throne room, I felt a familiar presence. I stood firm not wanting to turn around. He quickly grabbed my wrists as he stood behind me, standing as close to me as he could. He made me drop my sword. I closed my eyes as the sound of the sword hitting the floor hit my ears. Jet held my wrists tightly, as he pressed himself against me.
"Its nice to see you again Y/n, -"
I could feel shivers running through my entire body. And they weren't the good kind.
"Jet? -"
"We haven't seen each other in awhile Y/n. I've tried texting you but you didnt answer -"
He was getting closer to my neck. I had my eyes closed, because I didnt want to admit this was happening.
"When texting didnt work I tried calling but you still didnt answer -"
Jet moved his lips along my neck so softly, it drove me insane. My breath hitched as he pressed himself against me.
"Though, I can look past you ignoring me for weeks, if you - give me the chance I deserve, -"
"You know you don't deserve it," I told him.
"Really? -"
Jet quickly turned me around, pressing me to the wall behind us, pushing himself against me. He had my wrists held down, so I couldn't fight back. He still moved his lips along my neck. He knew just how to do it, in ways that would drive me crazy. I tried to move, but Jet had me held down.
"You lied to me Jet," I said to him.
I tried to show him I was angry, but he was hitting the sweetest spot on my neck. The spot he knew was my favorite before when we were together years ago. I honestly hate him right now.
"I lied to you only because I love you - I needed you back. I cant live without you. - "
He gently pressed his lips harder. I wanted to cry, but I forced myself not to. I still forced my eyes to stay closed.
"I need you in my life - I dont want to be forced to live without you - "
"Then you shouldn't have lied to me and joined Azula,"
He moved his lips down farther.
"You don't understand - I needed you - I still need -"
He brought his knee up between my legs, creating friction. A slight whine left me.
"Where's Sokka?"
I tried to speak sternly, but with what he was doing, it was really difficult to keep my composure.
"Look Y/n, I know you still love me, - You cant deny it,"
"Yes, I can - You're nothing that Sokka is - You never have been and you never will be,
! - He's better than you in every way!"
Jet said nothing for a moment as he looked at me.
"How can I prove to you that I still love you?"
I stared directly into his eyes, with the straightest face I could possibly have.
"You can't,"
I could see the anger hidden behind his eyes. In an instant he pressed his lips onto mine with force. He pressed himself against me as hard as he could. I honestly didnt know what to do. A part of me still did love him. Those feelings dont just go away. Jet still had me held down, but he kissed me like he used to when we were together before. Before I even know what I was doing I kissed him back only slightly. I honestly wish he'd never come back. I wouldn't have to deal with any of this. Just as I felt him moving his hands down to my thighs, he was ripped off of me and thrown to the ground. I looked over to see Mai.
"Thank you Mai," I said to her in a soft tone.
"Damn Y/n, if you were over Sokka that quickly, you could've just dumped him," Mai said to me.
I shook my head.
"No, I'm not -"
I was just staring at Jet. Mai had her foot on him, holding him down.
"What happened with me and Jet is a long story, but the only person I care about right now is Sokka. I need to find him. As far as Jet is concerned, he can go to hell," I told Mai.
She knew I was upset with Jet by the tone of my voice.
"Well, I may need your Firebending as an assistant while I tie him to this post," Mai said to me forcing Jet to his feet.
I stared directly into Jet's eyes as Mai held him. Jet knew I was angry.
"I'd be my pleasure," I spoke in a calm voice.
"Y/n, don't do this! - You know that we're meant to be together," Jet protested as Mai dragged him over to the post.
"We were once - But life goes on Jet - Not everything has to stay the same. I moved on from you. You should do the same -"
"I can't," Jet spoke as Mai finished off the knot.
I squatted down in front of him.
"You can,"
Jet almost had tears in his eyes as he looked at me.
"I love you,"
"Then let me go, - There is someone out there for you Jet, but it's not me. - Maybe it was once, but we've grown apart. And deep down you know that. - When you kiss me you try to hard to make the feelings real, when you know they're not -"
"I love you Y/n, I always will,"
I gently took hold of Jet's hand.
"Of course you will, - You'll always love me - I was your first love, and you were mine we will always love each other, but that doesn't mean we should get back together just because we feel our old feelings and we think they're the feelings of now. - I fell in love with Sokka - Deeper than I ever did with you - And that's okay, because that means I can move on, and you need to move on too, -"
"I dont think I could ever let another girl kiss me,"
I exchanged glances with Mai. She gave me a knowing smile. She knelt down beside me, quickly grabbing his face, attaching their lips, kissing him with a passion. I could tell he was surprised, by the look on his face. He didnt even know what to do. Mai and I both stood up at the same time.
"Where's Sokka?" I asked her.
"He's just down that hall, in the third room on your right, - I'll stay here with Jet so he doesnt try anything too crazy. Just be careful of Azula, she could be lurking," Mai warned me.
I nodded to her. Without another word I left them alone, to find Sokka. Azula is going to pay, for even thinking about hurting my man. I headed down the hall, to the room Mai told me of. Sure enough when I entered, there was Sokka sitting against a bed on the floor, tied to the frame. He had his head down looking at the floor. I cautiously entered the room.
"Sokka, -"
He perked his head up, when he heard my voice.
"Y/n! Oh thank God you're here!" Sokka exclaimed as I rushed over to him.
I smiled as I looked into his face. I couldn't stop myself as I touched his face softly.
"Yeah, - I had to come," I told him softly.
I started to untie him.
"I knew you would, love - Jet and Azula are insane. Once I get outta here I'm gonna give them both a piece of my mind,"
"Don't worry baby, Mai is taking care of Jet and I'd suggest leaving Azula to me,"
I helped Sokka stand to his feet.
"What you think I cant handle it?"
I put my hand on his arm.
"No, sweetie that's not it. It's just I dont want you to be in the crossfire of one of Azula's lightning blasts,"
"Fair enough,"
I gave him my sword as a defense mechanism. Just as we started to walk out of the room, I heard footsteps down the hall coming this way. I put my hand on Sokka's chest, stopping him. I waited and listened. Just as they were right outside the door, I blasted them with fire, knocking them back a few feet. Sokka and I rushed out the door. It wasn't Azula like I had thought. It was one of the Dia Lee. I took Sokka's hand and we rushed off together to find her. Once we were outside in the courtyard, we stood there and waited. I could feel the presence of someone around. I listened and waited and made sure of my surroundings carefully. Just as I felt her a few feet behind us, and I knew she was going after Sokka, I stepped in front of him, putting a huge firewall in front of us, to protect him.
"So, I see you've defeated my Dia Lee and my secret weapon," Azula said to me in a challenging tone.
"It wasn't much of a secret weapon, - I mean come on using my ex-boyfriend, you really think I couldn't defeat him?"
"I just thought he was more angry than he actually was - Pathetic really, -"
"Well, now you have no beef with us, so you can let us go willingly," Sokka said to her.
"That's where you're wrong, - You see Jet mentioned something to me about helping me get revenge on Zuko and his friends for betraying me and lucky for me Y/n happens to be one of his best friends since we were kids. Today is just my day," Azula explained to Sokka.
A challenging look crossed my eye.
"Bring it on," I challeneged.
A devious smile passed her as she just stared at me. Just as she shot a huge flame of blue at me, I fired back at the same time with a huge flame of red. Our flames collided making an even larger flame of red and blue in the middle. I wont let Azula win. I'm stronger than she is. And she knows it. That's why she's trying so hard. Azula was trying to fire back stronger, but I was better. I went even larger with my flame, causing hers to dissipate, knocking her to the ground. Anger crossed her face as she looked at me. I stood before her with a determined look to my face.
"You've always been jealous of me Azula. - I can fight better than you - I never focused on my anger as a fuel for my fire. Your Uncle didnt just teach Zuko, he taught me and my sister too. We followed by everything he taught us. And we've stuck to it everyday of our lives since, -"
In her anger Azula got herself up and shot a fire kick at me. I quickly blocked it.
"You should've listened to your Uncle," I told her intimidatingly.
"Oh, I've learned a few things from my Uncle," Azula said to me through her anger.
I watched as Azula got into her familiar stance. I knew exactly what she was doing. I readied myself. Iroh told me I might need to use this to defend myself someday. Azula shot a bolt of lightning my way. It pushed me back as I caught it. I almost couldn't breathe or hold onto it. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the terrified look in Sokka's face. I let that fuel me. In just a few seconds I was the one controlling the lightning. I felt the energy and it was exhilarating, but it was also terrifying. Just as Zuko had stated once before. I redirected the lightning to shoot just past her head, singeing her hair. She was beyond angry as she looked at me.
"I've learned a few things from your Uncle too," I told her now even more intimated.
Sokka stood by me proud as he put his arm around me. I looked over just as our group of friends came running in. And Iroh was there to. Adelina ran over to me trapping me in her arms tightly. Zuko had hold of Azula.
"I am so glad you're safe," Adelina said to me in a slight panic.
"Yes, Lina, I'm fine," I told her.
She leaned away from me.
"It was so awesome! Azula shot lightning at her and she just stood there in firm ground and redirected the lightning at her! She was so cool!" Sokka exclaimed.
I chuckled at Sokka's reaction. I love him so much. It's hard for me not to love him.
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ton-e · 4 years
Helheim is a land of peace.
The layers of agonized wails and woeful imploring she prepared her ears for was lost in the breeze of the melancholic melody of nature. Naked humming voices flowed serenely amidst the gradient of indigo blue leaves, dry and wrinkly, singing the ballads of lost souls attached to skinny tree branches, rinsed of color at the roots, blending smoothly with the pale greenery surrounding the wide meadow that grew to be her most favored solace.
Flowers, prey to decaying, small in stature but mighty in resistance, veiled the piece of soil that parted the center of the dark Kingdom in two, catching vines in the heart core of the spot her beloved boy once clawed his way to freedom, from a grave that came too early for a boy too gentle, too youthful, too much of a man before his time.
Her ghost Prince, her youngest; Stolen and crowned the King of Death, with a rain of tears on his cheeks and a cloak of swords in his back.
'Crowned, ' she spits, imagining it rippling through the dead earth and fell right onto Borr's bald head. Time failed to sweeten her bitterness as she thought, yes, this is how their history beautified the terrible incident. Time didn't heal her pain, neither did it gentled the sharpness of her teeth.
They had deceived him, betrayed him, punished him, stole his life away, and called it a reward.
After that dreadful day, She spent more nights weeping to slumber, eyes buried in the cushions of Hel's frigid chambers, burning brighter, hotter, than the hard oak feeding red-orange flames in the fireplace of her bedroom.
The phantom ice caressing the silver of her skin was more comfort than suffering, painless mercy she sunk into little by little every day until the light of day became unfamiliar. The cold here shares that quality, she ponders, a soft touch of unburnt ice to keep you from perishing.
Its a lot like her son, she thinks.
Yet, Bestla doesn't feel its presence permanently. A long, stone shaded cloak fell upon her shoulders, showering her back in a misty warmth provided by the thick velvet of the garment. Her eyes observe a silhouette shadowing the pale sun, the single leak of blight light hanging above the smoke sky.
"I was hoping to find you here, " Estrid wears a smile radiant enough to pale all gold in the 9 realms. "Peaceful up here, is it not? Hel liked hiding here, as a boy. Said the breeze was nice."
Bestla, for a moment, allows her eye to inspect the other woman for the first time. Her shoulders are round and solid, strong as a soldier, complemented by the stunning danger of a shieldmaiden. Bestla tracks night-dark locks brushing over creamy skin, long and curly. She's as much warrior as she is woman, it's as if she only now observes.
Her arms are an impressive addition, boxy as much as lean, holding closely on her shield and sword. A sword that, doubtlessly, claimed a long string of lives. She's not as fearful as it would be wiser to be. Estrid has been nothing but pleasant, as much as one could be when encountering their circumstance, her presence never frightening her as much as it saddened her.
"For someone carrying such heavy armor, you move with great stealth, Lady Sigurdsson, " If the other woman peaked at the too feather-soft timber of her voice, she had enough cheek to act differently. " I suppose you'd want an explanation as to why I'm avoiding my son?"
" Forgive me, your Grace, but Lord Hellison was never included in the conversation, " Bestla thought she spotted a bloom of red dusting her cheeks as she grinned gently, taking a spot none to tight to the former Queen, but close enough to leave some space had the smaller woman want to fill it. "I thought you would, after..."
"...It's unwise to polish hard truths. They cut harder that way, " The Queen's words were dressed in both honesty and advice, chapters of her life unfolding beneath her eyes as if to pledge truth to the statement. Estrid studied each word with expert attention.
Bestla raises, arms guarding her middle, eyes cast over the sea of flowers beneath her shoes.
"I'm grateful, for the kindness you showed him. I remain in your debt, in fact, though it escapes me how I can repay you here. "
"We don't believe in paying kindness, in the North. Goodness isn't traded in gold, " a quiet chuckle is swept by the breeze slashing through the grand mountains. Estrid inhales deeply and opens her arms when she lets her body fall upon the grass. "If it was, don't you think more people would practice it?"
The southerner's lips lift in a one-sided smile of her own, private and discreet. Debtless favors certainly sounded sweet to the ear.
" Aesir aren't precisely renewed for our gentle hearts, so I suppose not. I still mourn the stress you must have endured, however. Children are far from being a jolly affair. And the tales we hear as children don't exactly portray Titans as loving parents."
A stratum of blank seriousness shaped Estrid's features, graveness resting heavily on sharp boned cheeks and warm brown eyes. " I fell in love a day after meeting him, " Bestla swallowed hard at the admission. " I knew him for less than a sundown, but I knew he was mine. I was dead, alone and helpless and afraid, and he was too much like me to be a fateless coincidence. Words aren't enough to express it. He was just...Meant to fall, and I to catch him. "
The leafs sang to fill the edged hush musking around them. Estrid pimped the other's empty breathing as anger, for she heaved a sigh long enough to match the twin lack of words on both their parts, and excused her nerve. " Apologies. I don't dare name myself a mother, nor do I starve for anyone's approval, least of all yours. I only wished to say you raised a good son. A son lucky to have a mother like you, for as long as he did."
"...You helped him," Bestla started, chest light and comfortable, not cutting blades piercing her skin as she expected. "Kept food in his mouth, put clothes on his back. You loved him truthfully and protected him fiercely. You're not any less his mother than I."
"...It must be a sour thin all the same, for someone so beloved to greet you as a stranger. For that, I can't help but feel sorry still."
" That's a sentiment we can share. He... Hel, my child, my youngest son. Born at the edge of two worlds that never loved him. They aren't my own, not my blood, not him neither Odin, my kind hearted prince, my little lion boy. And yet, I was not their mother for the simple reason they didnt come from me. Everyone told me so.
They weren't my own, yet I held them at my chest, kissed their skinned knees and elbows, wiped their tears, and chased sickness with handpicked herbs and wet rags because I trusted nobody to do so. No language is enough to describe the love a mother has for their children.
No tongue is enough to put my love in words."
"...Even for Balder?"
Bestla laughs, an odde of heartache and sorrow. " Even him. Love gives no choices, last of all to parents. I still remember the day of his birth. A terrible storm broke the skies that evening, set fire to five houses, left a month's worth of reparations behind. He struggled, I've been told. He kicked and wailed and fought all the way.
I haven't had the chance to even hold him in my arms and he was so eager to run from me. My eyes never saw something more perfect than his tiny ears, his adorable little hands, and feet, his honey hair. He looked so much like me I hardly believed it.
But I felt no different with his brothers. There was a sickness in my mouth, when they were babes and I was forced to be departed from them. I couldn't bear to see them in another's arms, a wet nurse, or a squire, when asked to trust anyone else with them, I was faithless.
When Hel was born, he couldn't be convinced to let me go. He was so quiet, I thought perhaps this world claimed him already. His mother drew her last breath on that bed and I was the one he clung to, the one he hooked his fingers into. One of the King's guards present, he tried to prey him away, do you want to know what I did? I unsheathed a dagger from my thigh, slashed his throat, and watched him die." The confession was a river she scalded into freely.
"Would I insult your intelligence by asking if you're familiar with Sandr?" Bestla asked once Estrid wordlessly raised on her feet. She felt enough security to push her body forward. " Titans held mighty battles there."
A smirk pinched the taller woman's lips. " We were rowdy children, I'll confess. But yes, I know the location. You rebuild beautifully, " dark eyes shaped the bronze scorpio pendant suspended in the middle of Bestla's long neck. " Your family picked a Scorpio as their sigil. They made a fine legacy."
" Oh, it was. The finest. Beautiful, skillful, and yet, terribly lonely. I had 10 siblings. 5 brothers and sisters, however, I confess I felt more like an accessory than a member of a clan. We were strangers to each other. Foreigners with the same name, with our only common factor being our house.
Our country was gorgeous but very poor, you see. We trusted nobody, and in return, our distrust was repaid with hostility. Eventually, when our skin touched bone and we ran out of livestock, we opened the gates to trade. Naturally, we were invaded, our lands stolen, our necks had shackles only we could see.
And I held the key for everyone.
I want you to picture the most powerful man in the world, asking me to marry him," a bitter laughs cracks in her throat, and the wind whips away the water from her eyes. " He had a crown on his head and 50 thousand banner men behind him, with more gold than he could ever need or deserve and 100,000 spikes for our heads alone. What else could I have said?"
Her legs shift, stepping closer to Estrid, eyes as flat as her tone. " What I did, I did because I had to. To defend my people. To defend my family. To defend my blood. Every sacrifice, every drop of blood I've spilled, I did it so the people I love could live the peace I never did."
She advances, every step that's forward to her is one back for Estrid, eyes concentrated intensely on one another with enough fire to make Fire Giants sweat.
"All the sins that I have done. Or had done at my orders? The truths my children don't know, the truths a narrow number of people lived to keep the secret. The kind vicious enough to make fine warriors as yourself lose sleep, if they came to know them.
Perhaps this is my justice. A punishment for survival in a world where living is no bed of roses. But I won't stop helping my children, heart beating or otherwise.
There's a storm coming, My Lady. And I have every intention of ensuring everyone walks dry."
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thegingertrekkie · 5 years
Lost in a Dream World
Part 4: The Prince
"(Y/n)! (Y/n)!!!"
You groaned, a sharp pain shooting through your skull. Your whole body was sore and there was a copper taste in your mouth. It was hard to open your eyes, one of them was swollen shut. Man, you were really beat up. The blurry outline of Iida loomed over you, he look worried.
"(Y/n)! Wake up! Please!" He was yelling about an inch from your face, warm spit flying out of his mouth and landing on your cheek.
"Ii...da..." You groan, trying to reach toward him only to find your arms were still tried behind your back. "Why am I still tied up? Didn't you rescue me?"
Iida breathe a sigh of relief and sat next to you. You noticed that his arms were also restrained. "Unfortunately I could not take them all down" he said calmly "but with both of our strength I'm sure we can escape!"
You struggled into a sitting position and assessed the situation as best you could. You were in a cave, both you and Iida were restrained, and his armor and weapons were gone. You probably had a concussuon. "Midoriya and Uraraka?" You asked flatly
"I assumed they made it to safety, they stopped chasing us once they got you." Iida replied, standing up and looking around, trying to make a plan.
You pulled your bloody knees up to your chest and rested you chin on them, wincing. You felt so useless here, it was your fault Iida got caught. "I'm sorry" you mumbled.
There was a loud commotion outside the cave. The goblins were shouting in a language you didn't understand. You got to your feet and Iida put himself in front of you proactively. He looked ready to fight his way out. You were tense and off balance, you couldn't see out of your left eye and it was throwing off your depth perception. You could hear the sound of metal on metal, the whiney of a horse. Then there was a human sized figure at the cave entrance. Even though it was hard to see you could recognize his white and red hair anywhere. "Todoroki!" You exclaimed.
Temporarily forgetting he wasn't your Todoroki, you couldn't hide the excitement in your voice. Iida was frozen so you ran around the knight and straight up to your saviour. There were tears at the corners of your eyes. "I'm so glad you're here!"
Todoroki flinched, but kept a cool expression. He eyed you up and down, taking a mental note of your injuries before grabbing your arm and spinning you around so he could cut your restraints. "It's bold of you to refer to me so casually" Todoroki's breath was hot against your ear "have we met before?"
He let go of your arm and you stumbled forwards. You noticed Iida was bowing as low as he could. "Prince Shoto! Thank you so much for rescuing us!"
'Prince Shoto?' It was really hard not to laugh at that, but when you looked back Todoroki wasn't smiling. He waved dismissively at Iida and the knight stood stiff at attention. "It was no problem. I was leading the charge against these goblins before I knew they had you captive. What are you doing on the far side of the kingdom?"
Todoroki walked past you to help untie Iida as Iida explained your situation. You tried to comment but the Prince only acknowledged you again when he asked to see the "pocket sized magic mirror"
"It's called a phone" you huffed, reaching into your pocket. But there was nothing there. "Noooo..."
You ran out of the cave and found your bag in a pile with Iida's armor. Much to your relief you found your phone inside, but there was a crack across the screen.You groaned and turned it on, pulling up a seflie you took with Todoroki. Prince Shoto looked at the phone, but seemed unfazed. Iida showed him how to scroll through the pictures before they stopped on one that made Iida yelp and Todoroki scowl. "Why do you have a picture of this... Brute?"
The prince's voice was suddenly like venom and you felt a lump in your throat. You grabbed the phone and looked down at a picture of Bakugou you had taken when he had fallen asleep after training. "Bakugou?" You frowned and looked at Todoroki, who now had his sword drawn "whoa! Easy, easy! This isn't your world's Bakugou!"
"His crimes transcend worlds" Todoroki growled "What is your relationship with him?"
"he's in my class! We go to school together!" You raised your hands defensively and took a step back "he's training to be a hero! He's not like your Bakugou!"
"Tch" Todoroki sheathed his sword and walked towards his white horse. "I don't trust you, I want you out of my kingdon. I'll prove you with gold and rations so you don't have stop on your travels. Follow me."
You relaxed and looked at Iida who was glaring at you. He quickly put his armor on and started following the Prince. Iida didn't look at you, and you felt small. 'Stupid Bakugou' you thought, cursing him over and over in your head 'even in other universes you're a pain in the ass.'
The three of you walked until the sun started to set and you felt like you were going to pass out from exhaustion. You made it to a little clearing where a small camp was set up. A fire was already burning and a big metal pot was hanging above it. Your stomach growled.
You pulled your gaze away from the stew just before Uraraka pulled you into a bear hug. You felt hot tears on your shoulder. "We were so worried about you and Iida! I thought you died! I'm so sorry we left you! Let me heal you!"
You brain barely processed what Uraraka had said, and she already had her staff pressed against you. Suddenly your whole body felt warm, like you had sunk into a hot spring. Your left eye opened back up, and the throbbing in your head subsided. You sighed and resisted the urge to sink to the ground, your legs felt like jello but in a good way. "Thanks Uraraka" she beamed.
Todoroki dismounted his horse and Uraraka bowed to him. Midoriya appeared with rabbits in hand and yelped loudly before bowing when he saw the Prince. Todoroki dismissed them and they rose back up. "We take this..." He scrunched up his nose like he smelled something bad and gestured towards you "person... To the edge of the kingdom tomorrow. They are not welcome here." Midoriya and Uraraka's looked stunned but didn't question him.
Iida pushed past you purposely bumping shoulders with you and Uraraka jumped up to heal him. You scowled and sat near the fire. Noting that so far most of your versions of people were better than these versions. Their reaction towards Bakugou worried you. Hopefully you didn't run into him. You all ate in silence until the Prince retired to his tent. You let out a loud groan.
"Ok... What did Bakugou do?"
Midoriya whole body when stiff and he dropped his bowl of stew. Uraraka squeaked and put a hand over mouth. Iida clenched his jaw tightly. No one answered you. No one looked at you. You glared down into your bowl of stew, your mind racing. Clearly it was something horrible, but you couldn't picture Bakugou doing something that bad. Iida stood up abruptly and roughly grabbed your arm. You protested as he pulled you into the woods, but he had a vice like grip on your arm. "That hurts! Iida... Let go!"
You tried to pull his fingers off but it was no use. You could see the bruises forming under his grip. His eyes were full of anger and hatred. The look was so intense that you whimpered. Iida stopped and threw you into the ground in front of him. The ground changed abruptly from lush grass to burn rock. There was only burnt land in front of you, it must of stretched on for miles. You were at a loss for words. Something sharp was stabbing into your hand, you lifted it up and shrieked. It was part of a jaw bone, and it looked human.
"This is what he did" Iida hissed gesturing to the burnt hellscape in front of you "this used to be a huge city. Our kingdom's main city. My home."
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goddamnchou · 6 years
Hey! I couldn't find the au you were talking abt(prince!levi n king!erwin) could you please give me the name if you still remember it?
omg sorry anon i wasn’t talking about anything that exists (yet), although i’d be surprised if there wasnt something similar out there that i don’t know about. it was just an au that i elaborated on in like, may of 2016 according to gdocs (jesusfuckingchrist) and i think some art did get drawn of levi but my memory is failing me, so i can only offer you a summary and a snippet of the wip that i found >: 
basically erwin’s dad was king and he got assassinated by rod reiss in a coup and he took over and became a tyrant and kidwin escaped cus the few left in his father’s army helped him and he grew up with them plotting to take the throne back and he eventually did and killed rod but lost his arm doing so. and then after that he started renegotiating alliances and stuff with other countries and one of them is ruled by QUEEN KUCHEL who brings her son levi with her (their country basically got shit on by rod and there was a famine there b/c of him and blah blah etc but erwin wants to make up for all of that b/c he thinks theyd been a good ally to have) to erwin’s place to talk about shit and right away erwin is like wow prince levi is sexy but levi’s attitude is basically erwin is another asshole tyrant until proven otherwise which means he’s probably going to try to charm/fuck kuchel to get what he wants and is so convinced of this that when erwin tries to flirt with him by talking about ~a betrothal~ levi thinks he means kuchel and gets pissed:
“Yes.” Erwin said, smiling slightly. “If the alliance goes through. If it does, perhaps we can celebrate with a betrothal.”
It was meant to be a joke. A teasing word with romantic undertones, because Erwin felt encouraged by the small agreement they’d just reached. He also felt his heart flutter when Levi looked in his direction with a less than hostile expression and softened eyes, and...well, he was only trying to flirt with him. He wasn’t foolish enough to think that there was a chance Levi wouldn’t get offended, but he didn’t expect him to immediately tense up, either, his face twisting into something between anger and disgust as he cursed, stood up quickly enough to cause his chair to scrape across the ground, and clenched his fists at his sides so tightly that Erwin thought for half a moment he might lash out at him.
“And here I thought maybe you weren’t as much of a piece of shit bastard as you seemed.” He all but snarled.
Then, he twisted on his booted heel, turned to stride out of the room in a muted fury, and left Erwin sitting in his chair, thinking that since Levi seemed to find the thought of marrying him that offensive, he must truly, actually be as much of a ‘piece of shit bastard’ as Levi seemed to think.
The next morning, Levi wasn't any less hostile. In fact, he seemed more so than he had been before, before Erwin had managed to butter him up a bit after days of harsh glares and clipped speech, pleasing him enough so that he'd let his guard down for a moment until Erwin had managed to ruin it in an instant with one poorly executed, ill-timed word. It had been magnificent, really, how much he'd offended Levi with just a single flirtatious joke, but he'd been foolish. Just because Levi had, for a moment, appeared to not want to run him through with a sword didn't mean that he would be receptive to Erwin saying things like that, and he didn't blame him for getting angry. 
It had been inappropriate, and although a part of Erwin might have mourned the fact that he'd failed to charm the prickly prince, his true worry was that it had done something to ruin what progress he'd made in brokering the alliance. Thankfully, Levi's hatred had not seemed to transfer to his mother. She still wasn't completely trustful of him, of course - he could still see it in her eyes - but Queen Kuchel was all smiles when she arrived at breakfast that morning, dressed in her usually finery with her scowling son at her side. He was escorting her as was appropriate and wearing a short, waist length cape that matched her gown, the perfect picture of a well-dressed, dutiful prince while he led her into the room. 
It was only after Erwin glimpsed his face did the illusion crack, because his expression when he looked at Erwin was filled with so much disdain that it seemed to be palpable, wafting off of him and causing Erwin to feel a fresh wave of guilt for offending him so greatly. His fist was clenched at his side, too, as he and Kuchel approached and Erwin stood up, forced to take the last few steps to greet them because Levi had stopped short. That he didn't think much of, because he was too busy fending off the glare Levi was giving him while he politely took Kuchel’s hand and kissed it, so heated that Erwin didn't doubt it could almost melt iron. 
Clearly, he was still fuming, and the thought was what prompted Erwin to then turn to him after he'd let Kuchel go, bowing low before him and even tipping his head so far down that he had to hold his crown lest it topple onto the floor. It was meant to be an apology, a silent gesture of respect and acquiescence and an acknowledgment that he'd done wrong. He didn't much care for all the strict social rules and double meanings behind everything that came with being royalty, but he was a king, and surely him bowing to Levi, a prince, was meaningful enough so that it would be recognized and Levi would understand. 
If Erwin had been hoping for an acknowledgment, though, he wouldn't get one, as when he stood up back up Levi was still scowling. In fact, it almost seemed deeper now, and the only real difference in his demeanor was the fact that his face was now bright red. Kuchel, on the other hand, was smiling widely, looking more pleased at Erwin's display than she had anything else all week. Before Erwin could ponder that particular development, however, Levi was scoffing under his breath and leading his mother off in a hurry, helping her into her seat so that he could sit down hard in his own chair, crossing his arms and legs and turning his head in the opposite direction to glare at the wall.” 
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alka-di-kijarr · 3 years
Hunters Journey - 013
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Disclaimer. The following part of the hunters journey was connected to my #CallOfThePharah on deviantArt in april2020. English is still not my native language, but I wish you a lot of fun reading the next adventure of Nero, Vaas and all the other hunters.
Flowki species is a closed species. If you want to get your own, please contact me.
The winner of this design - and so the new owner is - Katja060902
Hunters Journey - 013
[...] It had been months since the attack of the black creatures and the chaos they brought into the headquarters of the BlackBestia-Hunting Guild, yet Nero still hadn't found back to his calm and relaxed mind. He had been searching for all kinds of information that could maybe, just maybe, give him an idea of what these creatures were made of, or where they came from.
He took a deep breath, leaning back in the chair of the library, that he was nearly inhabiting more than his own room. His wounds and scars still put him in front of challenges every day, but it became better with every week. And with each session Nero had taken at the hospital corridor, together with doctor Uruben. The doc was another souvenir that came together with Tahorn and the other knights of the guilds crown.
Seth had ordered assistance, but ever since they arrived, the entire HQ had fallen into a really grumpy mood. Everyone was on the edge, especially the higher ranked people. The closer you would come to Seth, leader of the BBHQ, the worse it got. Nero was neither old enough, nor long enough part of the guild, as that he would understand the chemistry between Seth and Tahorn. But whenever he tried to get into the office of Seth and Tahorn was already there, his assistance lady shoo'ed him away quickly. More of a worried look on her face than anything else.
The young man had accepted his fate and started to dig deeper into all kinds of books and talked to all kinds of people, trying to collect useable information. Nearly laying in the chair, rather than sitting, his view was fixated on the glassy roof of the library. The stars and the two moons shared a place on the gigantic dark tent, watching down on him. If they could, would they laugh at him? About his attempts to help out in his own way? He was not as experienced as the others and his wounds and scars made a lot of problems during the training times.
Vaas, who came back from the last hunt at the night of the invasion, was already back in shape and seemed even more amused about the current events than before. Amusement and sarcastic comments were a facade Nero knew all too well. It was his way to compensate the stress and somehow deal with the feelings inside him. But Nero was a different type of person. The only thing that could ease the tension in his mind and lift his heart, was pure and logical progress. He needed results.
Grumbling, Nero nearly jumped of the chair, took his notebook and stomped in the direction of the gardens. He needed to speak to Seth, right now. There was no option like 'hiding everything from everyone' and 'playing save for no matter of cost'. So many of his friends were scared, traumatized, most of the day anxious. It could not continue like this. Anger arose in his chest and Nero felt the spiking pain in his forehead. A well-known pain, since the day of the invasion. He couldn't tell if he had been hit too hard on the head, or what might be the true reason behind the needles that tortured him, but whenever he faced the accumulated anger and frustration in his mind, the pain followed swiftly.
Nero opened the glass door and took the path between a field of blooming flowers, heading into the direction of Seths building. The night was cold, but no wind was singing and no animal made a noise. The young men looked around, his gaze finding the habitat of Gemini. The poor hydra. Poor and brave hydra. Would Lauriel be there? Should he go and pay her a visit before he would stomp in Seths door, probably kicking it out of its angles, according to the feeling in his chest? He sighed. Probably he should do so.
Slowly changing his direction, Nero followed a path between white, yellow and purple flowers and blooming shrubs. The air was filled with their scent and somehow Nero felt an ease, while walking between them, making sure to not step onto those, which grew up on the stone plates. He reached the fence of Geminis Habitat and looked around.
A door swung open and a woman with blonde hair, tied to a wonderful herringbone-braid, stepped outside. She saw Nero, waved into his direction and said something like 'give me a minute'. As Nero could see, she pushed a wheelbarrow across the area. Probably the late-night dinner for Gemini. Nero remembered that she had said something about Hydras preferring to eat in the night, when everything was calm and less distracting. He just could try to imagine what sleeping schedule Lauriel would have now. But he wasn't any better, he had to admit. And so he waited patiently, until the Hydra was munching with relish, and the young woman walked over to his place.
"You can come in, you know that, right?" Despite the late hour Lauriel seemed awake and happy. The contrary picture of himself.
"Yes, yes, I know. I was on the way to Seth. Just wanted to come over and say hello before." The young lady leaned her head to the side, a knowing and teasing smile on her lips.
"You seem incredibly angry, Mister I-am-always-relaxed." Nero rose his eyebrows, the hands holding on the poles of the fences, his face leaned against them.
"Is it that obvious?" Lauriel snorted and laughed, while Nero couldn't hide his frustration about him being an open book to her.
"I would say, you are neither alone with your feelings, nor is it the case that I wouldn't understand you. Anything you found that might be useful?"
Now it was his time to snort and sigh.
"Nothing after all. No matter where I search or who I a-" Nero turned around, being convinced that something had touched his back, but when his view scanned the surrounding area, there was nothing.
"Everything alright?"
"Y-yes, I guess so."
The young huntress stepped aside and tried to see for herself what had caused his abrupt reaction, but the only thing she could see, was the field of flowers, trees, stone ways, the fountain and far behind the other buildings of the HQ.
"What did you want to say, Nero?" she asked, her view not letting go of the area behind him.
Nero opened the mouth to talk, but a piercing feeling stroke into his back, forcing him to turn around faster and with pulled sword.
"What the hell..." Nero could hear how Lauriel picked up something behind him, pressing her body against the fence.
"I assume you are not seeing anything, do you?"
"Nothing, no." He felt how her hand stroke his back, searching for something that might cause the sudden touch and pain.
"Look at us. We are so much on the edge, that we assume something might be here, and arm up, before we even check if it could be something in my jacket." He laughed, a bit too nervous. Nero could feel the vibration, as something from behind was coming closer.
Gemini, without a sound, stood up and approached the scenery. Lauriel greeted him silently, but the fact that Gemini came to see for himself what happened, was sign enough for Nero, that he was not turning insane - and there truly was something behind him!
Now that the giant hydra was close to them, Nero could feel the massive, powerful aura this majestic creature was surrounded by. It felt as if it was so dense, that it pushed away everything that couldn't stand him. Smaller animals always made space when Gemini walked around, and now he could feel why.
"What do you think, what shall we do? Shall we call out an emergenc-" Lauriels eyes were wide open when she placed her hand on his mouth, staring into the darkness, which was only enlightened by flame bowls and torches in the garden.
"By the gods..."Nero freed his face from her hand and watched to the point she was staring at. Gemini behind him growled deeply and threatening.
A creature, half the body made out of mass, half the body vanishing in darkness, stood as close as ten meters. It had a horn, glowing in a reddish-purple and its body was covered in flowers, white and shining like the moon. But the most intimidating thing was its skeleton, which they could see shimmering under its skin.
It tilted its fox-like face and Nero was not sure which emotion he should see or sense, coming from the creature. It came closer, but Gemini was waiting, positioning his body shortly behind Lauriel, while she took the chance to calm the smallest of the heads, which was still growing back. The small head was the result of the invasion-fight and ever since Lauriel had grieved over the loss of Ertije - the small pea, and cared even more for the new head arising on his place.
Gemini bends his heads over the fence, sniffing the air, while the unknown creature stepped closer. It seemed curious. His body was now fully visible, revealing a bunch of flower petals, forming something similar to a kitsune tail Nero knew from books. The two creatures investigated each other, without touching, but the closer the fox-thing came, the dizzier Nero felt. His heart started to jump irregular and he felt, as if his mind got wrapped in clouds.
"Nero?" He felt her hand touching his shoulder, but her voice seemed too far away. More than just the poles of the fence was dividing them now.
"NERO!" He heard her call, but his body didn't react. Everything was in slow motion, while the two golden eyes of the creature in front of him, stared right into his own.
Geminis main head started to growl louder and deeper, before the other heads joined in. Their roar arose and the flower-creature broke its gaze on Nero, relieving him from its chains. Nero gasped for air, the moment a door got kicked open and Vaas stormed into the garden.
"By the gods, what's happening here? What is-?!" His view found the intruder and another few men reached the place. Gemini released a mighty roar, nearly sounding like a "GO!" and the flower-thingy turned for good, vanishing completely in the midst of nothing.
What got left behind, was a young huntress, with a racing heart, a young hunter still gasping for air, while holding his chest in confusion and several other hunters - in their pyjamas, armed up with weapons and fighting boots.
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