#mistery aesthetic
somos-deseos · 9 months
#Naturaleza relajante.
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harmoonix · 9 months
♕ Mysterious Placements in your birth chart ♕
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Oh, who is she?
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➻ Sun/Moon in the 8th house/Moon in Scorpio or Moon/Sun at Scorpio Degrees (8°, 20°) are born with this mistery aura in them, they are secretive and savage in the same time
➻ Venus/Pluto/Mars in the 8th house or Scorpio, they are having this "Who are they" aura in them, everytime they make contact with someone, it will always bring their attention
➻ Venus conjunct/sextile/trine - Pluto = Not only misterious but tend to radiate some sexual and intimidating energy aswell. Very powerful placements when it comes to transformations
➻ Mercury conjunct/opposition/square Pluto, they are so intelligent and they can have this type of "dark mind" ans "dark thoughts", their voice aswell might be very attractive/sensual
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➻ Jupiter conjunct/sextile/trine Moon - This might be an very underatted placement when it comes to being misterious but the truth is they can be very misterious when they make contact with people and when they met someone new, that person is always gonna have that impression of "I wanna know more about them"
➻ Lilith conjunct/square/opposition the ascendant can have this mistery aura inside them aswell, giving this "Shadows embrace" kind of mood
➻ Lilith conjunct/square/opposition Sun makes the native rebellious and secretive aswell as making them this "misunderstood" feeling and even judged sometimes. They have pretty misterious eyes
➻ Sun in Capricorn/Sun at Capricorn Degrees (10°,22°), Capricorns were always giving this vibe of "darkness and boldness" they are represented by the Ying element which is darkness and it makes sense so much. Capricorns are witchy aesthetic
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➻ Moon in the 9th house is another indicator for underatted mysterious placements, they repsent the ancient/magic/past/history so many things that imply being seen as someone with a very mysterious flair
➻ Uranus or Neptune in the 12th house => Pretty mysterious when it comes to making a first impression, they can be connected spiritually and having this empath energy around them
➻ Mars in Sagittarius are very rebel and having this "rebellious" nature makes them to be seen as a mystery, they are having such a good personality
➻ Pluto in Sagittarius Generation [ 1996 - 2009 ] they change the worlds perspective, giving freedom to people and making them to be more spiritual than before, gives them really flair of mystery, when they want to change something they will do that. This generation is spiritual awaken
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➻ Lilith in the 1st house can embody Lilith's traits pretty much and be seen as a mystery to people especially to men (no matter the gender), they can also be seen as someone very different
➻ Lilith in the 6th house is a very intense house to have Lilith in, because Lilith the dark divine meets with Virgo which is light divine, and they both create an mix of darkness and light
➻ Lilith in the 8th house can act pretty mysterious as they enter in a room everyone's eyes can switch on them
➻ Lilith in the 12th house is another underatted placement when it comes to mystery, they are having a very different vibe when they are near you and makes you wonder "What's with them"?
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➻ Asteroid Hekate [100] in the 1st house/aspecting the ascendant, well this is Indeed the mystery itself, you are seen as a mystery and someone who can be a threat for some people
➻ Asteroid Hekate [100] in the 8th house are very intuitive when it comes to secrets and truth's they will always come to light, no one can lie to them
➻ Asteroid Hekate [100] in the 9th/12th houses are spiritual gifts, they can know so many things and been seen as someone very wise since a young age, a mystery surrounding
➻ Asteroid Hekate [100] conjunct/trine/sextile Moon=> very intuitive and in touch with everything that is around them is like they have the 3rd eye 👁️ open
➻ Asteroid Hekate [100] aspecting the North Node, embrace your own shadows and learn to stand for your power because this indeed is a very powerful placement, you are intuitive and creative use this tools in your life to feel better
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➻ Moon conjunct/sextile/trine Pluto - gives the native this flawless energy of mystery. They are good at keeping others people secrets and can have a very dark humour
➻ Moon square/opposition/ Pluto is almost the same as the aspect above just more intense creating an sense of insecurities including jealousy and envy from other people. Dealing with people who have problems with you
➻ Neptune conjunct/sextile/trine Moon - Well this aspect is kind of mysterious as a siren song, they have a certain side of them who secretly wants to keep in the shadows and away from people
➻ Sun in the 12th house/Sun in Pisces - This placement is well known for being mysterious as being the "child of the universe", they carry with them this energy and got attention without them knowing why, is also an very empath placement
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➻ Placements List of placements who are well known being seen as mysterious (already)
Scorpio Rising/Rising at 8°, 20° degrees
Aquarius Rising/Rising at 11°, 23° degrees
Capricorn Rising/Rising at 10°, 22° degrees
Pisces Rising/Rising at 12°, 24° degrees
Lilith aspecting the MC (Midhaven)
Lilith aspecting Neptune
Virgo Degrees on your planets (6°, 18°)
Jupiter in Leo
Jupiter in Scorpio
Jupiter in Libra
Jupiter in Virgo
Uranus in the 1st/2nd houses/7th houses
Pluto in the 10th/11th houses
➻ Having Pluto prominent in your chart gives you this baddie vibes, badass and mysterious someone with a very dark humour
➻ Having Moon prominent in your chart gives this "Moon child" appearance, someone with extremely beautiful eyes and you know how they say "Eyes never lie" 👀
➻ Having Saturn prominent in your chart gives "Boss is here" vibes, someone very admirable and respectable by the people
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💋 The vibe is this post gives is so 🌃 Coquette and elegant 🌃 I love it honestly is such an mood
💋 May everyone who reads my notes have a good day with a good energy and good mood, and never forget to love yourself the most 💋
💋 H a r m o o n i x 💋
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lywog · 8 months
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madeleineengland · 1 year
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“At times I believe the dead haunt us because we love them too little. We forget them, you see. We don’t mean to, but we do. I believe they feel most cruelly deserted and so they clamor for us.”
- The Pale Blue Eye (2022)
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ctyfstars · 7 months
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📸: Pinterest
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forever-yours-things · 8 months
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dir. David Fincher (1995)
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lanadelreyandghostfan · 6 months
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yourlocalnymph · 1 year
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Goth Mermaid cosplay pics
found on Pinterest
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filevenation · 2 years
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Official posters of 'Enola Holmes 2' !
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th3decadentclam · 1 year
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bunnystele · 10 days
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A Casa das Almas Perdidas
“Após mudar-se para uma antiga casa repleta de mistérios, Olga se vê enredada em uma teia sobrenatural. Noites inquietas e visões perturbadoras são apenas o começo de sua jornada. Quando seu amigo Marcos chega para ajudar, eles descobrem que a casa tem planos próprios para Olga. Entre crises alérgicas e sussurros de um passado trágico, ela deve enfrentar as almas que clamam por libertação. Mas será que Olga conseguirá se salvar ou se tornará mais uma voz perdida nos corredores sombrios daquela morada amaldiçoada?”
Os olhos profundos de Olga, encarava a vasta escuridão do corredor de sua nova casa, suas mãos trêmulas faziam com que a água no copo que ela carregava, se espalhasse pelo piso amadeirado. Uma mão cobriu seus olhos, tirando-a um grito amedrontador, que a fez largar o objeto que continha, quebrando em pedaços. Quando Olga se encorajou a virar, nada se encontrou, o copo estava intacto e cheio em suas mãos, nada do que houve era real.
Seu caminho seguiu até o quarto gélido, deixando o copo no criado-mudo, antes de assentar-se no colchão empoeirado, que lhe causou uma intensa crise alérgica, espirros de arder não só o nariz, mas toda a cabeça, tosse que destroçava sua garganta e uma coceira descomunal em seus olhos, trazendo um desespero descomum a nível de quase coçar seus olhos com a ponta de suas unhas grandes. Estava tão vulnerável e era visivelmente exposto, tão decepcionante e doloroso a visão de qualquer que presenciasse. Ouviu batidas na porta, a garota saiu se batendo nos móveis, até chegar a porta, era seu amigo, Marcos, mas, com toda aquela bagunça, Olga não sabia se era ele mesmo, seus olhos pingavam de tanta coceira que estava, apesar das tremedeiras e dificuldades, abriu a porta, e a luminosidade do sol, piorou a dor que sentia, fazendo a mesma cair no chão. Marcos em desespero, largou as caixas com produtos de limpeza e correu até a mulher, indo a ajudar, medicando-a e a acalmando, deitando ela no sofá, indo limpar todo o local para evitar que esse acontecimento se repetisse. Ele trouxe coisas o suficiente para Olga passar alguns meses sem precisar usar de seu pouco dinheiro, objetos de limpeza, comida boa e medicamentos.
Após acordar, Olga sorriu ao ver a casa limpa e organizada, rindo por conta de Marcos deitado no chão, completamente suado, era uma paz incomum, que foi quebrada pelo tal corredor, um horror era instalado ao passar por ali, toda vez que estava ali, se sentia em outra dimensão, e a única luz dali eram velas cobertas por uma cúpula de vidro. Foi olhar novamente para Marcos encostada a uma mesinha do tal local escuro, o rosto do seu amigo parecia estar distorcido, mas ao se aproximar do homem, estava ainda com seu rosto sereno, a mulher deduziu que era apenas o cansaço e se dirigiu para o quarto novamente, agora indo dormir com mais calma.
Os dias passaram, e os pequenos surtos de Olga se tornaram mais frequentes. Ela começava a falar em idiomas que nunca aprendera, e seus olhos às vezes brilhavam com uma luz que não era dela. Marcos, cada vez mais preocupado, não sabia como ajudar. Ele tentava conversar com Olga sobre isso, mas ela apenas debochava, dizendo que ele estava vendo coisas onde não havia nada.
“Você está assistindo filmes de terror demais, Marcos. Isso é só cansaço,” ela dizia, afastando suas preocupações com uma gargalhada. Mas no fundo, Marcos sentia que algo estava terrivelmente errado. Ele só não imaginava que esses eram os primeiros sinais de que Olga estava sendo possuída pelas almas daquela casa.
Marcos observava, impotente, enquanto a transformação de Olga se desenrolava diante de seus olhos. A casa, que por gerações foi palco de incontáveis tragédias, agora parecia reivindicar Olga como sua mais nova prisioneira. As almas que lá pereceram, cada uma com sua história de dor e desespero, convergiam para Olga, entrelaçando-se ao seu ser.
Ela começou a falar em vozes que não eram suas, cada uma clamando por atenção, por justiça, por descanso. Olga já não era mais apenas Olga; ela era um coro de vozes do passado, cada uma lutando para ser ouvida. Marcos tentou alcançá-la, mas uma força invisível o repelia, como se a própria casa o mantivesse à distância.
Com o coração partido, ele percebeu que a amiga que conhecia estava se perdendo, tornando-se apenas mais uma entre as muitas almas errantes daquela casa maldita. Lágrimas escorriam pelo rosto de Marcos enquanto ele se perguntava se haveria alguma maneira de salvar Olga, ou se ela estaria destinada a vagar eternamente pelos corredores sombrios, presa em um limbo entre a vida e a morte.
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somos-deseos · 10 months
#Naturaleza relajante
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redstrawberryyblog · 2 years
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lywog · 8 months
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6 6 6 ♱
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yesluuh · 1 year
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Penny Haywood Aesthetic Moodboard
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apatiax · 9 months
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- Tim Burton -
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