#thor being oblivious
worstloki · 1 year
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prize for least genre aware protagonist 👑
#no because Thor trusted Loki so much and was oblivious and that's what made the whole thing a tragedy#but Thor was really out there like 'what do you MEAN Loki lied to me about Father's death and my banishment... let me try appealing to him'#except Thor's version of appeal is like a really really bad apology where the person doesn't want to admit they did anything#and also isn't convinced you're hurt#and Thor's SO SURE this plan will work because he knows his brother right#he knows Loki#and his plan which in accordance to him would have worked was to appeal to Loki's good side/the truth of who would be hurt#his plan was to do away with Loki's assumed anger by being like ''noooo don't do this here hit me instead <3''#and he thought Loki wouldn't do it.#which means that before the whole plot shenanigans that would have worked and Loki also wouldn't have hit Thor#Loki watching Thor try to manipulate him by acting like his feelings are invalid the same way Frigga and Odin tried: nice try. thot. *wack*#so anyway Thor got hit and I think that's what u get for being soooooo sure that your little brother who u take for granted won't get hurt#by anything discouraging said or done or implied or being used by u for about him <3#anyway the fact that Thor was SO sure that Loki was reacting badly and would calm down and be normal again is so sad actually#because it means Thor had the experience to know that's how it should have gone#which means when that's not what happened Thor also gets to be the one who has to work through processing that Loki's changed#and I don't think he DID that in the year where Loki was gone#he just neglected thinking about it until Loki was back and suddenly he couldn't pretend his brother had been the same (good) one at death#sad ironic something something character foils too late tragedy#Thor really went out there like i got this and got <beep>slapped fr fr#and then it happened again when he showed up for the Bifrost fight#Thor: i just have to wait it out. we all get angry. he'll get better#Loki: [screaming crying raging shrieking trying to kill him]#Thor: HE'LL GET BETTER#the fact that Thor doesn't expect the lies or the hitting or the unreasonable attitude even when Loki is VERY angry.......... ;-;#Thor watched his brother deteriorate in real time
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ireallydontcare5 · 2 years
As an Mcu fan myself, it's fair to say sometimes Mcu fans are their own worst enemies.
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bones4thecats · 7 months
Which ror characters do you think would have this dynamic:
*reader being drunk as hell* *character trying to get her up to help her make it to bed* reader:"get the hell away from me i have a partner."
Character:...i AM your partner
Reader,smiling dumbly: "hi luv"
(if it's too bothersome feel free to skip)
A/N: OMG, this was so much fun to write for!! I love this dynamic in couples, my friend actually has this dynamic and I tease her for it all the time! This is the Gods edition, I’ll make a Humans one later. Anyways, enjoy~~
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💀 He may seem like he wants a regal and mature S/O, but let's be honest, he needs a chaotic one to balance him out
💀 So when you got drunk, holy hell, it was funnier than shit
💀 Hades came home and walked through the bedroom doors and saw as you laid on your back, allowing your top half to dangle off the edge and your bottom to hang on the bed top
💀 He chuckled and asked what you were doing in which you replied with;
“ Layin’ down. “
💀 You were slurring as you spoke, and with that, your body language, and the empty wine bottle that laid on the bedside table top led him to realize, you were drunk
💀 He bent his knees and began to lift you up before coaxing you into bed, and when he was about to lay beside you, you pushed him back up, and said;
“ Get the Helheim away from me, I have a husband. “
💀 Hades started to cry from holding back his laughter, answering with;
“ My Queen, I am your husband. “ “ Hi love. “
💀 He was not letting you gain access to his wine anytime soon
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💪 Like Hades, he seems like he wants a fairly mature S/O, but he does enjoy the amounts of randomness and seeming chaos you bring everywhere you turn
💪 He had been training with Ares’ army, since the God was busy with other work, and all he wanted was to lay down and take a well-deserved sleep with you by his side
💪 Heracles expected you to be sitting on the couch waiting for him, but seeing you sprawled out, snoring with an empty beer bottle on the ground, he chuckled, picked you up and laid you on the bed while he took a quick shower
💪 He knew you hated him laying in bed all sweaty and sticky
💪 When he finished his shower and got ready to lay down with you, you laid a hand on his chest while gently, yet firmly, pushing him away
“ Don’t come near me, I have a husband, and he would kick your butt for touching me. “
💪 He wanted to laugh so badly, and unlike Hades, he did, though he kept it at a low volume
“ Sweetheart, I am your husband. “ “ Hi love. “
💪 Seeing you smile made him chuckle, and lay down next to you as you relaxed
💪 He’s have to tell the others not to give you any alcohol anytime soon
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🌩️ He adores the chaos you bring around most of the time, but he doesn’t like it if it gets to be super extreme, so if Loki is involved, nope
🌩️ Thor and you seem to balance each other out well, he’s calm and quiet while you’re loud and oblivious
🌩️ He has seen your drunk before, but that time you just passed out after hugging him and making him carry you home from the meeting
🌩️ But he had never seen you this drunk
🌩️ Thor came home from his training and noticed a broken bottle on the ground with slight blood, and it made him ready himself, preparing to see something horrid
🌩️ He strode deeper inside your living room and saw you laying on the ground with a blanket lazily draped over your midsection, halfway off and halfway on
🌩️ Slight blood was dripping onto the ground and blanket from your hand, you must have dropped the bottle and tried cleaning it up
🌩️ Thor picked you up and laid you on the bed and motioned for the maids to clean the mess up while he took you to bed
🌩 Once he laid you down and tried to clean up your hard injury, you woke up and pushed him away from you with a pout
“ Get away from me… I have a husband, thank you. “ “ My bolt, I am your husband… ” “ Hi love… ”
🌩️ Sigh, this is why he doesn’t let Loki and you hang out
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📨 He didn’t keep that much alcohol inside the house, knowing you’d do something stupid with it
📨 The only stuff he kept was things like wines given to him on his birthdays and whatnot, but he made sure to keep it hidden very well from you
📨 When Hermes came home early that day, he had decided to break open a bottle of red wine with you, but when he went to go grab some, it was gone, and he froze
📨 Hearing stumbling come through the house made him grab a pair of scissors just in case and walk towards it, carefully not making much noise
📨 Hermes looked inside your room and saw you with a bottle in your hands, it was nearly fully empty, and by the way three more rested besides you, you were drunk off your ass
📨 He just chuckled at both your actions and his own
“ My dear, are you alright? “
📨 He grabbed the bottle and kneeled down to kiss your forehead before you stood up and caused him to headbutt you on accident, thankfully, you didn’t seem to feel it
“ I have a husband, and he can run circles around you, now, leave! “ “ Dear, I am your husband, but I thank you for the compliment. “ “ Hi love. “
📨 It took a while, but when he finally got you to sleep it was fun, especially when you woke up and remembered what you did, he was gonna use that against you for a while
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wintersoldiersoul · 8 months
Hold Me
TW: Depression, weight loss, mention of suicidal thoughts
You heard the chatter from the living room when you stepped off the elevator at the tower. A chorus of laughter could be heard, laughter that typically you’d be itching to join in with. But recently, you couldn’t. You just needed to go to your room and curl up in bed. 
The depression hit you out of nowhere. One bad day turned into two which turned into weeks where you couldn’t stop your thoughts from spiraling to dark places. Places that terrified you. It was hard being an Avenger and a college student and battling depression definitely didn’t make it any easier. You didn’t wanna do anything. You didn’t wanna exist anymore. 
You passed by Thor, Steve, Tony, and Bucky all seated with beers in hand. “Hey, baby,” Bucky greeted you cheerfully. “Come join us!”
You gave them all a small smile. “I’m pretty tired,” you answered. “I think I’m gonna go lie down for a bit.” You didn’t want anyone, especially Bucky, to know how dark it was in your head. You were always the “nice” one. The “helpful” one. But it was so exhausting especially when every day you were battling the heaviness inside of your chest. You never got to snap. You always had to just be nice.
“Alright, sweetheart,” your boyfriend said with a smile. 
No, you thought. Come with me. Come hold me. It was like you had two different people in your brain. One terrified of Bucky finding out how miserable you were and one wanting to spill it all to him. For him to hold you and make the pain go away. But somehow that first voice always ended up being a little stronger.
You trudged to the oasis of your bedroom, quickly throwing off the clothes you had on in favor of pajamas. As far as you were concerned, you weren’t getting out of bed for the rest of the day. You never really felt hungry anymore, so you didn’t worry about skipping dinner.
You thought Bucky didn’t notice. You thought he was oblivious to the way your smile never reached your eyes anymore, or the weight you had lost. You thought he didn’t hear when you cried softly at night. But he did. He noticed it all.
“I’m worried about her,” he sighed out in the living room. “Something’s wrong.”
“What do you mean?” Steve asked. “She seems fine to me. You heard her, she’s just tired.” 
Bucky shook his head and took a sip of his beer. “It’s more than that. She-she doesn’t smile anymore. Not real smiles. She’s losing weight and she hardly eats anything. I’ve been waiting for her to come to me, I mean I never wanna push her but I don’t know how much longer I can just ignore it.”
“You should talk to her about it. Maybe you’re just overthinking and nothing’s wrong,” Tony suggested.
“No,” Bucky rubbed his face. “I know my girl. This isn’t her.”
Back in the bedroom, silent tears fell from your eyes. You didn’t even know what you were crying about. It was just a part of your daily routine at this point. You cried because you were frustrated that you felt this way. Because you just wanted it to stop.
The door creaked open, shining a streak of light into the dark room. You quickly turned your head and pretended to be asleep, hoping that Bucky wouldn’t catch on. But you were too late to hide it from your boyfriend and his supersoldier senses.
He sat down on the bed next to you and began to rub your back. “Y/N,” he whispered calmly. Seeing you cry broke his heart in pieces. He couldn’t just stand back anymore and watch you in so much pain. “Baby, you gotta talk to me. What’s going on with you, love?”
You didn’t speak at first. You just began to cry harder into the pillow at his words. The way he touched you like you were so fragile, the gentle tone of his voice, it was all too much. You didn’t deserve his sympathy.
“Oh angel…” he whispered, hearing your cries get more intense. “Let it out. It’s okay.” He continued rubbing your back as you cried for a little longer. “Can you sit up for me?” He asked, once you had calmed down. You did as he asked, positioning yourself upright and looking at him. Your eyes were red and puffy and the sight of you broke Bucky’s heart. “What’s going on, honey?” 
“I…” you tried to tell him, but you couldn’t find the words. You didn’t even have a reason to be depressed. Nothing happened that had triggered it. Who were you to complain when Bucky had been through so much? “I’m okay. Just a long day. I’m really tired.”
“Don’t lie to me,” he said, taking your hand. “You think I haven’t noticed you’ve been off? Baby, all you do whenever you get home from class is lie in bed. You don’t care about grades like you used to. You don’t eat anything and you’ve lost so much weight. I’m really scared.” His eyes held the kind of sincerity you could only imagine. No one had ever looked at you with so much love and care. 
“I can’t explain it,” you whispered so quietly that it was barely audible.
“Can’t explain what?” “I don’t know why I feel this way,” you continued, a few more tears spilling out. “I just feel like everything is hopeless. It’s like I have a bag of rocks sitting on my chest all the time and it hurts so much. And I don’t know why! Nothing changed. Nothing happened. One day it just came and it never left.”
Bucky inched a little closer to you. “Are you feeling depressed, honey?”
You looked down at your hands and nodded slowly. “Yeah,” you breathed. “I think I’m really depressed, Buck. And I feel so stupid because I don’t know why! I’m supposed to be the happy one who’s there for everyone. I wanna be there for you! You have actual shit that you’ve been through. What’s my excuse?”
He pulled you tightly into a hug. He had suspected that you were battling depression but hearing you say it outloud terrified him. “Oh baby…” he whispered, stroking your hair. “You know depression doesn’t always have a reason. You don’t have to experience something big or traumatic to feel depressed. Sometimes it just happens. It’s just the chemicals in your brain. And that doesn’t make your experience any less valid or important. The fact that I’ve been through something doesn’t mean that you have to be my glue. It doesn't mean that you can’t fall apart too.” 
His words made you begin sobbing again. How was it possible that he still wanted you when he knew the truth now? He was seeing how much of a mess you were yet he was still here comforting you. “I feel like everything is so out of control,” you cried. “I wanna do my homework but I just can’t find the energy to get out of bed. I don’t have the energy to even care anymore. I just want it all to be over.” Your last sentence made Bucky’s veins go ice cold. “Y/N, I need you to tell me the truth right now, okay? A-are you thinking about hurting yourself? Do you wanna die?” He spoke, voice shaking.
“I don’t know,” you said quietly, avoiding his gaze. “I don’t really think I wanna die but… I just don’t really wanna live. I know that makes no sense.”
“I understand. It’s like you’re not thinking about killing yourself but right now it’s hard to be alive and fight. Is that why you just come home and sleep all day?”
You nodded. “Yeah. It’s easier to just sleep the pain away. Being conscious in my head has been really tiring. And I’m afraid that if this continues that I might want to hurt myself. I don’t right now but what if it gets to that point?” You looked up at him with big eyes.
Bucky squeezed you tighter like he was terrified you would disappear from his arms. “I’m not gonna let you get there. Never, okay? You’re gonna get help. And you’re gonna feel so much better. Baby you have so much life left to live and enjoy. You and me, we have a whole life together to live. So you can’t let yourself fall into this hole, okay? It’s gonna be hard but I’m gonna help you through it.”
“Y-yeah. Okay,” You sniffled. “You can go back out with the guys. I didn’t mean to ruin your time.”
He kissed the top of your head. “Oh shh. You know I was only with them to distract myself from missing you til you got here,” he laughed. “You’re my favorite person on the entire planet, baby. And I’m really happy you opened up to me because I’ve been worried sick these past few weeks. It’s like I’ve been watching you turn into a ghost of yourself.”
“I-I’m sorry,” you whispered. “I thought you didn’t notice. I thought I was hiding it well.”
He looked into your eyes and touched your cheek. “I notice every single thing about you. I know when your smiles are real or fake, okay? I know when you don’t actually eat anything and you just shove food around your plate to make it look like you are.” he paused. “Speaking of, I’m really worried about that, too. Is that part of the depression?” 
You nodded. “I just never really feel hungry anymore.”
“We’re gonna work on that too. Okay honey girl?”
“Good. Now can I make you something small to eat, just to start? I’m so scared for you, baby.” His eyes were full of genuine fear at the size you were.
“Something small and simple, okay? I-I’ll try to eat it.” 
“That’s my girl.” Bucky left the room, returning a few minutes later with a bowl of fruit in his hand. “Here, just try to eat even a little bit, okay? Then I tell you what. I’m gonna run you a nice bath and light your favorite candles. Then we can spend the rest of the night cuddled up together watching a movie. Tomorrow we’ll start to put in the hard work but for tonight just let me comfort my girl.”
You couldn’t help but smile at his words. “That sounds perfect.” 
So that’s what you did. He ran a bath and lit cinnamon scented candles and you both sat in there for a while enjoying the relaxation of each other’s presence. You spent the rest of the night marathoning halloween movies before falling asleep in his arms. The hard work was about to begin. It was gonna suck, you knew that. But maybe there really was a light to look forward to.
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lokisgoodgirl · 10 months
Mischievous Creatures [Brodinsons]
Part of the Brother Collection A link to my regular Masterlist is HERE Summary: A grumpy Loki is forced to pet-sit by Thor, and an unexpected friendship blossoms. (w/c 1.8k) Warnings: Fluffy bro-stuff. Generic dog description, runs on the small side. Mild peril.
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Loki grimaced, gritting his teeth. His eyes squeezed shut while a hand flew up against the assault of intrusive sunlight. “Brother,” he hissed, groaning against the pillow. “Must you continually be such a harbinger of accursed agitation upon my-”
Thor released an infuriatingly cheerful sigh. His arms were spread, holding the curtains wide. “Tis’ a joyus day in this realm, brother. Can you smell it?”
Loki frowned, squinting towards the silhouette. “The window is closed, you cretin.”
Thor chuckled. “One does not require an open window to smell joy, brother. Indeed, it is all around.” He turned, the aura of confidence in that garish smile making Loki’s blood run cold. “Some may say...in this very apartment.”
Loki’s frown deepened. It was always concerning when his brother attempted to be coy. “What?!” he barked, suddenly aware of how dry his throat was. Truly, had the monstrosity of muscle woken him before nine? “We have a guest,” Thor cheered, “and I require my brother’s aid.” He paced several strides to the bed, swinging crotch coming alarmingly close to Loki’s face. Two meaty hands rested on his hips, fingers drumming lightly against thick sweats. He swayed back and forth expectantly. This was not a sight Loki wished to see before breakfast.
He pulled the duvet over his head, muttering curses before the sheet was ripped from his grasp. He stiffened, an unexpected chill making his body clench while his brother’s laugh ripped through the air. “Come, they’re waiting,” was all he managed to say, before there was a loud yelp from the living room.
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“So this is a dog?”
Loki observed the creature with suspicion as it snuffled against the hardwood floor.
It had been going about its business for around twenty seconds now, paying no reverence or respect to the legendary beings in its presence. Loki’s scepticism grew. He was suddenly glad he’d worn his leathers. “Yes! And I broke up some biscuits your lady gave me on the floor for it to seek while I roused you. Charming, isn’t it?” Thor spoke quickly, and with an undeniable awe. The dog looked up expectantly, tail quivering. “I have no lady,” Loki griped, casting his gaze around the living room. A cushion from the immaculately arranged sofa had been rudely upended to the floor. Loki's eyes narrowed as Thor made his way obliviously to the breakfast bar. “Be that as it may,” the blonde said brightly, “this is the companion she speaks so often of.” Loki watched as the small creature trotted to Thor’s feet, looking up at him. Its tail was doing that thing again. “This is the rival for my affections which takes up so much of her time? I’m insulted,” he muttered. The dog’s paws tippy-tapped from side to side, impatient for whatever was in the bag Thor had begun rustling. Against his better judgement, Loki felt the side of his mouth twitch. He cleared his throat. “So. Why is it here, and what are we supposed to do with it?”
Thor scoffed, shaking his head with a smile.
Loki didn’t like this. He didn’t like this at all.
“Your lady- apologies, not your lady; has been called on an unexpected mission, shouldn’t take long – usual sort of thing." Thor glanced to his brother, glee in his eyes before bending forward with his hands on his knees. "I volunteered to ensure the safety of this treasure of the realm in her absence. Yes I did! Didn’t I?! Yes I did!” The pitch of Thor’s voice traced higher with every syllable. Loki was horrified. It descended into mumbling saccharine inanities at the excitable being shuffling below him, which let out a small a-woo. “‘Treasure of the realm’, please...” Loki scathed as he sidled over to the sofa. He had been sure to give the unfamiliar being a wide berth. Who knew what it’s intentions were. It was, after all, a stranger.
His breath hitched as it suddenly looked in his direction, the flash of a tiny pink tongue taking him by surprise.
He had the sudden urge to call to it, to feel the rest of it’s delicate triangular face in his hands. Perhaps, even, to stroke it. He thought it might feel soothing.
With unnecessary gravitas, Thor produced a beleaguered looking plush animal from a small bag resting on the counter. It was pink and mint and blue; splotches dotted on a crusted physique. Loki thought it had seen a few battles of its own.
“Oh for heavens sake, what is that?” he groused as Thor began to shake it aimlessly in the air. The dog leapt up on it’s back legs, dancing excitedly. “Tis a llama, brother,” Thor chided with authority, “obviously.” “A llama?” Loki frowned. Thor shrugged. “I know not. But that is how your lady referred to it. The little thing is rather attached to it, apparently. I thought it best not to question further.”
Both brothers nodded in silent understanding while the creature began to chirp, bouncing in comical circles. Its front paws waved in the air, the soft underbelly looking undeniably tender and scritchable. “Well... throw it then,” Loki huffed with feigned impatience. He rested his chin on his palm. He would admit, reluctantly, that he was beginning to mildly enjoy this. In a ridiculous sort of way. Thor’s eyebrows rose. “Excellent idea, brother” he said, before lobbing the llama forth at full force across the room. Loki’s eyes widened. “Brother, no-” The dog followed its lightening fast arc, legs sliding out behind it on the floor in haste. Loki braced against the arm of the sofa as the plasterboard-covered wall exploded with an almighty crack. The stuffed toy may as well have been a cannonball. A huge mist of dust immediately flooded the living room, chunks falling from the wall.
“Protect the small thing,” Thor bellowed.
Without hesitation, Loki sprung from the sofa, caging the little dog in mid-pursuit beneath his torso. Debris hit him like a wave, white mass covering dark curls falling around his face. There was a frightened whimper beneath him, something solid smacking against his thighs with a heavy thump. His heart was thundering as the carnage settled. She will never forgive me, Loki thought with horror. He peered between his forearms to the dark cave his body had created.
There was silence.
“Does it live, brother?” Thor rasped, his choking voice panicked. Loki registered pacing footsteps hovering around him in a cloud of dust, regretful muttering and coughing peppering the air. His stomach dropped.
He could barely bring himself to look. So fragile, these mortals. Their familiars even more so, surely. Suddenly, something moist and round surfaced from the darkness and poked him straight in the eye.
“Gargh!” Loki spluttered, before the breath was stolen from him. He fell forward, forehead hitting the floor while an agile tongue delved deep into one exposed nostril. An assassin, after all. Loki rolled to the side, freeing the wild creature. “It lives!” Thor whooped ecstatically. But the moment was lost on Loki.
The ball of fur and limbs and squiggling was upon him, crawling like a demon of Muspelheim across his person. The thing was liquid. It placed its front legs on his chest, perfecting a position of strength while a deceptively long tongue continued the assault of his face. “Desist!” he spluttered, searching for purchase on its lithe, fluff-laden frame. And yet, the incorrigible creature could not be swayed.
The softness of the bacon-like protrusion tickled violently, but somehow...Loki found himself unable to catch his breath from the laughter shaking his chest. It ravaged his cheeks, his mouth, his nostrils - all in whirling succession with no obvious tactical rhythm. “Brother, make it stop-” Loki gasped unconvincingly, hooking his thumbs beneath the dog’s little underarms. His laughter, Loki surmised, acted only to encourage the creature. And yet, he could not collect himself. “Alas, brother I must attempt to retrieve the valiant llama from the rubble,” Thor chuckled, biting his lip at his sibling strewn across the floor. With a resolute grunt, Loki hoisted the creature in the air above him. It squirmed, wriggling all four legs erratically. Its rotund bottom was positively vibrating with excitement. “Look, brother...it flies,” Loki grinned. The dog’s mouth was open in a smile, aimless tongue licking the air. Still in search of his skin no doubt. The god sat up, drawing the squiggling bundle to his chest. It settled, the cup of his hand under its rear and the other snug to its barrelled chest seeming to calm it. Loki smoothed its whiskers, brushing a crumb of plasterboard from the tufts of its snout. He searched its eyes, deep brown pools bubbling and sparkling with life. And with mischief, he thought. Loki smiled. Without knowing why, he placed a tentative kiss on its upturned nose. It was fresh, and cool. The richest black. And somehow, Loki knew those were good things.
The dog’s tongue flicked out once more; a soft, solitary lick to the tip of his own nose reciprocating the sentiment. He felt unfamiliar warmth blossom in his belly, drawing the precious bundle closer to his chest. “I am glad you are well, friend” he murmured. “I can only apologise for my oaf of a-” “-brother! Success!” Thor cheered, holding the resurrected llama aloft like a battle trophy. If it looked beleaguered before, now it was tragic. The plushie was completely white, stuffing protruding from its head like a fatal war wound. He paced victoriously across the floor, holding it out to the dog nestled in his brother’s arms. Loki could swear the creature rolled its eyes.
“Do not presume to return its prize possession in such a vile state, brother,” Loki hissed. He dropped his gaze to the bright eyes gazing lovingly into his own. “Never fear small thing, Uncle Loki shall amend this abomination.” he cooed. Circling a finger, Loki enjoyed the perk of the dog's ears as the llama glowed green. In moments, its garish pastel glory was restored. “The crusted biological coating is gone too, brother…” Thor mumbled sceptically, inspecting it. “Was that important?” Loki jiggled the squishy package in his arms. Its front paws bounced. “Methinks that was enthusiasm from historical play; perhaps we should begin to restore it,” he chuckled, as the dog began to squirm with excitement once again. Loki tickled its belly. Thor frowned. “Do not get too attached, brother” he warned, “remember that this one is claimed. And by whom.” Loki rolled his eyes. “I am aware of that, brother” he snarked, before bending to carefully lower all four paws to the ground. He straightened. “But clearly the creature and I have an affinity. It cannot be denied.” Thor folded his arms, and Loki did the same. They watched in silence as the fluffy tornado fell upon the llama, beginning to prance in a parading circle around them. It dotted easily between the chunks of plasterboard, the plushie snug within tiny jaws.
Thor cleared his throat. “It is my belief” he began knowledgeably, “that the creatures have developed ways to trick mortals in favouring them. They are provided shelter, comfort, snacks and the like in return for being…” he gestured open handed to the floor, “thus.” Two sets of eyes assessed the inexplicable sight before them, rolling on its back with four wriggling paws flapping at strange angles. “Is that so…” Loki mused, smile widening as he lowered to his haunches. The dog flipped to stand, nails scratching against the floor in a race to meet him. That little bottom shifted side to side, overcome with indescribable joy at their friend’s return to the lower level. The llama bonked against Loki's knee, a helicopter-esque tail making his heart soar.
He gripped the llama’s sides, tugging gently before pulling it flush against his chest. The cheeky growl in the dog’s throat made him chuckle as he pressed a soft kiss to its forehead. “How mischievous,” he whispered, smiling conspiratorially against the tousled fur.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 3 months
RoR x Replacement Fighter Part 3
Everyone was getting ready, picking their outfits as they had a pretty big event to go to (You can decide what it is.) And the reader finished getting ready pretty early
Reader's outfit :
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So some of the gods/humans asked for the reader's help to pick & match their outfits.
Once they got to the big event, some people wanted to take pictures & videos to post online, to which the reader gladly helped out with. However somebody just had to trip on their own outfit while posing on the stairs.
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Gods: Odin, Thor, Anubis, Loki, Hades, Beel, Buddha, Poseidon, Susanoo & Apollo
Humans: Sasaki, Lubu, Tesla & Jataka
-Many in Valhalla were calling for a party, a ball, to celebrate the unity of gods and humans as Ragnarok had ended and relations were improving as everyone was working hard to make things better for all.
-So, to make everyone happy, a massive ball was announced, with the fighters of both sides, including the Valkyries, would be the guests of honor, celebrating them all as they were the ones who caused this positive shift in their relationships.
-When you arrived, heads turned and eyes bulged, seeing how good you looked in your tailored suit, everything black, even your undershirt, except for the silver chains around your neck and the earrings and rings adoring your features.
-You looked AMAZING!! Men and women alike were gawking at you, something you didn’t realize, something (Love) could only face-palm over, seeing how oblivious to how HOT you looked!!
-(Love) approached you, wearing his own uniquely tailored outfit, showing off his chest a bit (I love the black outfit for them!!), greeting you warmly and you turned, hearing him before you looked down at his open outfit, “Aren’t you cold?”
-Nearby, Brunnhilde face-palmed, as (Love) had specifically wore that outfit to impress you, how was it that you were such a powerful and exquisite warrior, but you were so socially dense at the same time?!
-Others wanted to take photographs of everyone at the party, on the grand staircase leading into the party, and you decided to humor them, just standing there, but others were eating it up, asking you to look at them.
-(Love) decided to get in on this and posed with you, which made the fans even more excited. After about fifty more photos, (Love) turned to you, asking if you wanted to head inside, and you agreed and turned to head up the stairs.
-It was honestly breathtaking how quickly you turned, when (Love) tripped, his pants being just a bit too long for him and he was going to fall back, had you not turned and grabbed him, holding him in a dip, keeping him from hurting himself.
-The fans below were so loud, squealing while taking so many photos, seeing the, in their eyes, romantic situation as you pulled (Love) back up.
-You surprised him by giving him a rare smile, that almost looked like a smirk, but it wasn’t a smirk, “I’m glad I was here to catch you falling for me.”
-His mouth fell open, hearing your flirt as you had turned, your hands going into your pockets as he was stunned, not believing that you had just so smoothly flirted with him after catching him!! He felt like he couldn’t move until Brunnhilde gave him a gentle shove, to get him moving and he quickly ran up the stairs and into the party, looking for you, an almost feral look in his eyes. There were sides to you that you hadn’t shown to him or anyone else before, and he was determined to see them all!!
            -Loki, Anubis, Buddha, Apollo, and Kintoki
-His brain had completely short circuited, there were lights on but nobody was home as he was stunned, unable to process that you had done that, from catching him to smiling to flirting, before walking off like nothing had happened!! Brunnhilde threw him over her shoulder, carrying him inside to set him on a chair, getting him water to shock him back away. She couldn’t help but smile, seeing that you were full of surprises.
            -Kojiro, Nikola, and Susano-o
-Had been thoroughly impressed with your reaction time, as he hadn’t completely processed what had happened until you had him in your arms. If he was embarrassed he didn’t show it as he stared after you, after you flirted with him with no hesitation and with a straight face!! It seems like there was more to you than meets the eye, as he caught up with you, inquiring about your reaction speed, trying to gauge you, wanting to see more of your hidden sides.
-Lu Bu, Odin, Thor, Hades, Beelzebub, Poseidon
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nincompoopydoo · 4 months
Hey love! How are you? Happy valentine's day!! Can I please send in a request for your valentine's celebration? Can it be with loki laufeyson and the prompt "only the deepest love will persuade me into matrimony"
Thank you so much!❤️
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PAIRING: Loki Laufeyson x Reader WORD COUNT: 1.5k [again! I got carried away!] SUMMARY: During the celebration of Frigga as the Queen of Asgard, Loki finds himself slipping away from the events to the palace courtyard. To where you unfortunately found yourself stumbling towards an escape from your parents. A/N: i’m sorry i took so long with this one! Things came up and had to delay things a little but here we are with a regency-esque fic. It’s a little cringe to be frank but gentle!princeloki makes me want to eat my heart out [in a good way]. thanks for the request and more to come! WARNINGS: tooth-rotting fluff. reader is being forced to find suitors, much to her dismay. PROMPT:  "Only the deepest love will persuade me into matrimony" [from this prompt list] MASTERLIST
A cavernous, opulent hall, the Royal Palace of Valaskjalf’s interior gleams golden under ornate chandeliers set ablaze, and intricate gilded carvings adorn the structure of the extensive hall. The marble floors glisten under the sparkle of Frigga’s aureate train – it sweeps behind an intricately embellished gown. The goddess of marriage stands bejewelled beside Odin, clad in armour, delicate hands in his own, and the crowd swirls around her elegance in awe.
Today marks a celebration of Frigga as Queen of Asgard, bringing the nation to the palace grounds. 
In all gilded elegance and dazzling opulence, pleasantries through the evening were beginning to conjure up a sense of restlessness, constantly trailing behind his mother, Odin, and Thor as the royal family presented themselves to the crowd.
Every passing minute makes his jaw tick, and when the crowd disperses into dancing in full swing, he takes the opportunity to slip away, in need of some air.
Outside the hall extends a courtyard flanked by Corinthian mahogany columns stretching across a mosaic pathway. In between, hedges grow at extensive heights to reflect the majestic nature of the palace. The path leads to a fountain, a golden statue at its centre that shines in all its regal glory.
Loki ambles along the path with the intent to seek some silence by the benches, a place he often sought throughout his childhood. The streaming gentle waters calm the nerves – a place for contemplation. 
He sits there in his quietness as the stillness of the night revolves around him, though the sounds of distant music carry through the area. Here, he is reprieved from the many eyes that follow him throughout the night. Here, he is himself, alone in his thoughts.
That is until he hears footsteps approaching.
Loki whirls around to see the appearance of a stranger – you, up until now, oblivious to his presence. You abruptly halt in your step, eyes now wide.
“Prince Loki!” your voice bursts out in a panicked tone, dropping into a hurried curtsy.
Loki frowns. “What are you doing here?”
His words carry a tone of irritation, evident in his expression, and he immediately regrets it the moment it leaves his lips. He doesn’t mean to, and you appear to be on the verge of tears.
Forgive me. I did not mean to be here. I was merely seeking a place away from the hall. I…I’ll leave right away –”
You’re already whirling around, desperate to go, when he hears himself say, ‘Wait!“
You stutter in your step, turning to him once more.
A swallow constricts his throat. “It’s…alright. Please, join me.”
In truth, he doesn’t want to be alone. He just doesn’t want to be around under his family’s watchful eyes.
He sees the uncertainty in your expression and how your fingers writhe with your own, a motion to your subtle and controlled restlessness and anxiety about the situation. Unsure as to why there’s a tug in his heart at the sight of your reaction, his expression softens as he vaguely gestures towards the space beside him on the bench.
Well, this is a first.
You stand there for a moment, eyeing him. You’re trying to get a read on him, unsure why a prince of Asgard just casually invited you to sit by him. Yet, you glance back to the hall, the crowd manoeuvres in an elegant twirly of dancing and drinking, and you feel your heart sink at the thought of returning under your parents’ watchful eye.
So, you take a step and shyly sit next to him, hands clasped on your lap.
A guarded silence settles between you, and Loki decides his curiosity will get the better of him.
“Have you come here to contemplate as well?” he asks, eyes shifting to you. Your eyes immediately fly to him, seemingly surprised by his question.
“More to avoid… certain people.”
“My parents, to be specific.”
Loki hums and nods, amused.
A beat. Loki carries on. “And why is that?”
He knows he’s prying – he doesn’t mean to. Although he hates to admit it at this very moment, he’s finding any way for you to stay a little longer, to prolong your presence beside him.
Your lips part to form a response, but you pause, eyes flicking away from him, fingertips thrumming on your lap as you bow your head bashfully. Almost as if you had to remind yourself who you were speaking to.
“Well, I must admit I do not enjoy occasions like these, but my parents insisted I attend. And the first hour had been filled with introductions to… suitors.”
Your voice is quiet as you articulate each word carefully. He watches you press your lips together, and there’s a twist in your expression. It shows in the slight downturn of your mouth, and your brows furrow.
Your eyes cautiously flick to him, gauging any reaction. Whether your words mean anything to him. Whether there’s any ounce of aggravation on his face.
But he watches you patiently, with an unwavering gaze. It sends an anxious thud of your heart.
“There is an expectation that I would catch someone’s eye tonight in hopes of matrimony within a year.”
“A year?”
“That is the deadline.”
A deadline until marriage. A deadline to your freedom.
Before he can stop himself, the words slip from his lips, laden with a curiosity he hadn't anticipated.
“And have you caught…someone’s eye?”
Though you already seem a little upset, his words stir a profound sense of conflict in you. He sees it in how you hunch a little more and your eyes seemingly caught in a distance. A world elsewhere from here.
Though, you don’t catch the true intentions behind his words.
He clings to every word.
“None, thus far, though I confess I do not wish to fulfil my parents' wishes for a marriage of convenience.”
A beat. A small smile graces your lips like a thought has just struck you. It lifts your posture, and you finally turn to him. 
“I am determined that only the deepest love will persuade into matrimony, which is why I will end up an old maid.”
He cannot help but feel the corners of his lips twitch at your words. It’s the sincerity of your voice that reflects his surprise at your casual vulnerability as to how you have sworn to be the very defiance of your parents and society’s expectations. 
It’s how you trust to show the authenticity of your sentiment in his presence that alights a warmth in his chest.
“I must say, as wise as you are, you underestimate your beauty and intelligence. Surely, someone must have taken an interest in you.”
Little did you know…
It almost makes you laugh loudly, but you settle for a snort in derision. It’s unflaterring, especially in the presence of a prince. It reminds me of where you are and how you had never seen him up close. His blue eyes and the creases it leaves with his charming grin. 
“You are too kind, but I believe my mother says that my intelligence contributes to my brashness.”
You laugh again, but it isn’t the same, hinting at a wryness. Loki catches it.
Then, the air shifts. Silence settles again. But then, you speak.
“What about you?”
He’s met with your gaze again and feels himself turn unnaturally nervous.
“Me?” he stutters out.
“Why have you come here to contemplate?”
It’s his turn to offer a wry laugh. You catch it as well.
You hum, and the conversation ends. You don’t pry anymore as you return to face the cascading waters of the fountain. Its gentle flow hums against the distant music from the hall, gleaming under the soft moonlight.
Then, he hears the music transform to a familiar tune, and it’s traditional – a ballad, slow and inherently romantic. One where everybody knows the steps.
It’s not entirely clear what’s come over him tonight when, without any apparent cue, he rises from the bench. His gaze locks onto you as he extends his hand to you.
“Dance with me?”
Loki doesn’t say anything. You know he means it.
You hesitate but take his hand, your fingertips in his delicate touch as you’re pulled to your feet.
You feel yourself begin to move with each careful step, eyes trained solely on his. Fingertips brushing, hands clasped on your own, gentle twirls around the expanse of the courtyard. Your feet aren’t trained for dancing, and it carry you with an occasional stumble. But Loki doesn’t scowl like the other men; instead, he smiles – it’s genuine. 
Now, a hand on your waist. His touch burns and the dance draws you close to him to when you can make out the green flecks in his eyes. You see how his gaze drops to your lips with a flicker that you almost don’t see.
He wants to kiss you.
But the music comes to an end, and as the final notes linger, your steps come to a halt, though Loki’s touch is still heavy on the curve of your waist.
Then, laughter, in a distance. People are nearing. Your reality awakens, and you move away from his hold. The air shifts, the moment forever sealed and lost to you as the two of you just… stand there.
Regardless, you bring your lips to a smile. It’s timid. He cannot help but mirror it.
Perhaps you might have caught someone’s eye tonight.
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imyourbratzdoll · 1 year
Natasha Romanoff x Bimbo!Reader
You’re a pretty assistant working at the Avengers’ compound. Your job is simple and easy cause, really, it’s the most you can handle. She gets frustrated at how you keep flaunting your assets at the men, especially other Avengers, Steve and Thor’s eyes practically popping out of their sockets as you bend over the table at a meeting and your cleavage shows. She decides to corner you in a room and teach you a lesson on what being an airheaded little tease gets you.
my first natasha fic! I'm so happy, I hope you like it!
summary - natasha is fed up with you flaunting everything to the other avengers.
warning - smut, female on female, fingering, swearing, slut, bimbo.
18+ only please, the gif I use isn't mine, divider by @newlips
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How could you be so oblivious? Did you not know that you were showing everything off to everyone? You always come to work in tiny skirts and revealing tops. Natasha scowled in the corner of the room as she watched you bend over the table, gathering some of the spilled papers. Oblivious to Steve’s and Thor’s eyes practically popping out of their heads as they land on your cleavage. Her jaw clenches as you giggle, standing straight and letting out a small oops. You spin around, giving her a soft smile, her eyes stuck to your glossy lips. She desperately wanted to bend you over that table and punish you for being an oblivious slut. 
The whole meeting, Natasha watched you, thinking of ways to teach you a lesson. When the meeting finished, you left the room, clueless to the many eyes watching your hips sway. She decided to follow and smiled when you walked into an empty room. Natasha locked the door behind her, stalking closer to you. She grips your hips and spins you around, a squeak falling from your lips as you stare at her wide-eyed. “You shouldn’t be such an airheaded little tease.” Her hand approaches your face, and her thumb rests on your bottom lip as she pushes it gently, staring into your eyes. “You might give someone the wrong idea, or maybe that’s what you want, huh? You want someone to fuck the bimbo out of you.” 
You whimper, your lips wrap around her thumb, and you begin to suck automatically. You barely notice Natasha spreading your legs, her other hand sliding between them, and you moan when her fingers start to play with your puffy clit. “I–I…” 
“No knickers?” She growls, glaring down at you as her fingers slide deep into your tight little hole. “You fucking slut, you were just asking for this.” She watches you whimper and squirm, still sucking her thumb as your eyes roll into the back of your head. “Always teasing me with your tiny skirts and tight shirts. Do you know hard it is to stay calm and not ruin you in front of everyone else?” She whispers. Her sultry voice causes your walls to clamp down on her fingers, whining as she curls them into your sweet spot. Her thumb rolled around your puffy clit, making you see stars. 
Your lips pout when Natasha pulls her thumb from your mouth, only to moan as she places her lips against yours, moving them slowly as you lean into her. Her fingers curl, and her pace picks up. Your cunt pulses, and your back arches. You whine as your juices flow out, covering her, and she smirks, pulling them out and sticking them in her mouth. “Mm, you taste so good, baby.” The fingers in her mouth move to yours, and you moan around them as you suck your juices off. “You’re mine now. I’m the only one that gets to taste you, understand?” You nod, continuing to suck.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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mrs-illyrian-baby · 6 months
The Old Gods and The New - Chapter 11
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Ambrosia | Loki x Reader
You and Loki take time to reconnect after your kidnapping, and Loki is sure to show you that there is no version of himself that doesn't care for you.
Warnings: 18+ language & sexual content. Oral (f receiving), public(ish) sex, Loki duplicates!
Divider by @firefly-graphics
Series Masterlist | Loki Masterlist | Masterlist
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The jet was eerily quiet, even when the sound of the sea had faded into nothing. As soon as you’d emerged from the castle, Thor had wrapped both arms around you and squeezed until Loki had called him a brute and pushed him away so that he could hold you himself. Despite the insult, Thor continued to grin, placing a large hand on top of your head and rubbing it. 
“I can see you will keep my brother on his toes, what trouble you are!” But his words held no malice and he carried on smiling as Loki led you back into the waiting jet. 
Tony, though,  had merely nodded at you, stepping out of his suit and straight into the cockpit, a shout of, “you’d better be able to keep them in line,” aimed at Thor and then you were heading back to the compound, the sky a blur outside of the small windows and your prison merely a spec below. 
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Now you were curled over a small table, the tactical plans of Tønsberg  pushed aside while you slept and Loki watched on, wary, one hand on the small of your back and the other curled around the hilt of his dagger, ready to defend you at a moment’s notice. 
Thor seemed oblivious to Loki’s worries, focussed instead on his excitement that Loki would finally be joining him as an Avenger, “and with the Lady too, Loki we shall have an excellent time, just as we did when we were boys.” His hand clapped Loki on the shoulder, despite Loki’s best efforts to shrug him off. 
“Stark has quite the array of weapons and armour, you would enjoy looking through it, I’m sure and -”
Loki took Thor’s paw between his long fingers and moved it away, “it is for a single of your missions only, then my Ásynja and I will be leaving.” 
“The Lady may enjoy being a mighty hero yet, she is surely trouble enough for you, humm?” Thor teased and Loki’s heart sank. It had become a clear and vivid image in his mind, ever since you were taken, that you would no longer trust him and would instead differ your attention back to the Avengers. He could see you now, one of Stark’s ridiculously over engineered outfits slick to your beautiful body, a choice selection of gadgets and unnecessary technology bandaged around your wrists. He couldn’t stand even the thought of it, you were a powerful goddess and he’d never allow you to be disrespected as by these Midgardians. 
“My darling, is a Goddess, far superior to the boorish and ridiculous concerns of Midgard.” Loki indulged himself, he moved his hand in a comforting circle on your back while you mumbled in your sleep, turning your body towards his with a soft smile. His worries eased, even at rest you turned to him, as he looked for you. 
“If you believe so brother, well, then it must be true.” Thor grinned, “I shall help Stark while you stand guard for your Ásynja”
Loki, for once, bit his tongue, his only concern was your safety and comfort, and now that you were alone he could allow his shields to drop, his battle armour to fade into black, though he kept his daggers close about his person. 
“Loki?” You whispered, lifting yourself enough to really look at him. He looked as tired as you felt, a swipe of purple below his blue green eyes. Concern faded into affection and his arms opened, inviting you fully into his welcoming embrace. 
“Yes, my darling?” Loki smoothed a hand down your cheek, cradling you gently and turning your gaze to meet his. 
“I’m glad you’re here, that we’re here together.” You whispered, nuzzling into him and inhaling the deep scent of amber and spice, sweet and deep and mysterious. Loki’s heart swelled, the worry that had been growing like a fire was banked for now, but still simmering in his thoughts. For now, he could enjoy your trust and he would deal with his promise to Stark later. 
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You missed Tønsberg, despite only spending a short time in the fishing village it had already gained a place in your heart, intrinsically entangled with your feelings for Loki, stronger now that you had been apart and seen the extent of his promise to you. He would keep you safe, and you believed him, the memory of his eyes, wild with fury as he killed your guard, the blood spilling across the floor, the metallic scent of it stinging your senses. Every time your traitorous heart doubted him you took yourself back to that moment, whenever your nightmares rattled you, you thought of his strong hands, clutching you so desperately. 
The bedroom assigned to you in the compound was more luxurious and comfortable than it had been before, but it was thankfully still near enough to Loki’s room that you could easily see him whenever you wanted.
Despite your best attempts at making do, it wasn’t the same as your fantasies of a home in Tønsberg.  Loki enjoyed fine things but, regardless of the images you’d seen on the television and the way the Avengers discussed him, he was not greedy. You had seen his home from across the bay, a modest stone built house that you hoped one day you would be able to explore. Not the glass and metal office block that the Avengers called home. 
As you lay back on your bed, your belly full for the first time in weeks, your body clean and warm from your bath, wrapped in a soft cotton dressing gown, you were at least thankful for these small mercies . But you still didn’t feel comfortable. 
Your mind called to him, uncontrollable and urgent, a request, a prayer and then, as if he had truly heard you, a knock on your door. 
Scrambling to your feet you pulled your robe tighter around yourself and cracked open the door. 
“Good evening,” Loki stood a step back from the door, hands held politely behind his back in a way that accentuated his broad shoulders, the lean muscles that crossed his chest pulled his t-shirt tight, showing off the extent of his godly strength, contained so casual beneath what you were sure was soft cotton. 
“Hi, Loki,” you stepped back, allowing him to follow you into his room, though he waited near the door. Since your return, an awkward pall had fallen over you both, confusing the state of your relationship despite the way he’d kissed you during your rescue. 
Loki, feeling guilty and culpable for your capture, had stayed mostly away, though he shot the most pining of looks in your direction whenever you were around. And you had inexpertly dodged any conversation that sought to solidify or label the way that you behaved around each other. There had been no official conversation and, to your own knowledge, you were either betrothed to or, worse, already married to a Lord of Vannaheim. 
“I was passing by and wondered if you’d accompany me to dinner tonight?” Loki asked, formally, his face schooled to hide his worry. 
You looked down at yourself, you’d been reluctant to get dressed properly since you returned. Even clothes feeling like a restriction, but you did want to go with Loki, you yearned to spend time in his presence again just to stop that roiling feeling that had been building inside of you. 
“I’ve not got anything to wear,” you knew the excuse was lame and you cringed as you said it, but you wanted to see what he’d say, what he’d do, if this was how you had to be for a while. 
“That’s no real concern, you and I can both create whichever luxury your heart desires.” Loki’s smile was indulgent, hiding his thoughts about all of the beautiful, alluring outfits he had planned when you came to him again, because he knew you would, even if he had to tease you back out of your shell. 
“I know I should be able to but-” you sighed, sitting down on the edge of your bed. “I’m having trouble with it again. I know I should just be able to remember, but it’s hard and, well, I was dressed up like a doll when I was locked up. I don’t want to be a doll.” 
Loki crossed the room in long strides and then lowered himself to one knee before you. The ever confident God took your hands and held them close, tipping your chin up again. “You are not a doll. You are a Goddess, Ásynja, a Goddess and you will be and wear and look like whatever you choose. If you wish to accompany me to dinner in your robe, then so be it.” 
Loki’s hand fluttered, revealing his own robe, although the green silk was very different to the pink terry cloth that you favoured. Unbidden your eyes drifted down the revealed v at his chest, and the long lines of his bare legs. 
“I want to come with you, I just don’t feel like a Goddess.” You admitted, eyes fixed to his bare calves to hide your face from him. 
“What would make you feel like a Goddess?” 
“I like your cape, your cloak? It looks so regal, and I’ve been doing some reading about my mother, Brigid.” Tears welled in your eyes, when Brunnhilde had shown you your childhood on Asgard and you’d been drawn to the vision of your mother, but you hadn’t remembered her, not really. It had been such a long time since you’d seen her, and whatever spell they had cast or potion you’d been taking to suppress your memories had pushed her deep into the recesses of your mind. But she had worn a cape of green and blue, like rich sage and the rolling winter sea, and you wanted one too. 
“If my Ásynja desires a cape, then a cape you shall have.” 
Unlike the rune magic of your prison, Loki’s magic felt warm when it poured over you, as if you were submerging yourself in a warm bath of his attentions. Your robe was replaced with a thick velvet cape of deepest forest green velvet. 
As it settled around you, Loki’s magic caressing you through every fibre, your own magic sang back. Quiet and shy, but determined, and you allowed it to swell over you body encasing you in a matching, silk, wrap dress, your magic flickered silver, tying a bow at your hip with a flourish. 
Loki beamed at you, pride and pleasure at one in his handsome features. “Now you simply have to accompany me to dinner, a lady so beautiful shouldn’t have to be alone.” He held his arm out and you tucked your hand into his elbow, allowing him to lead you from the room. 
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Even if your fellow compound residents had wanted to comment on your dress, or on you leaving your room for the first time all week, one look from Loki would have silenced them as you walked through the common room. He commanded the space as if he ruled it and in an effort to keep pace with his long strides you could feel your posture lengthening, your shoulders back and head held him. 
Walking through the bare, cold, halls of the compound normally felt so empty and uncanny, but wrapped in Loki’s colours you felt not just warm, but cared for. Protected. Loki himself had foregone his usual green and gold for the evening, choosing instead a sapphire blue suit. 
Beside him you truly felt like you could be the Goddess he believed you were. 
It seemed he was determined to treat you like a Goddess as well. 
Where you had expected an Avengers town car, Loki had led you to his own Jaguar, so dark green it was almost black and with leather seats stitched with his insignia. 
When you had anticipated a meal in the common room, Loki had booked a private room at an exclusive restaurant, it’s dining room dark and moody with only the flicker of candle light to illuminate the other diners. 
And if you thought you were getting anything but the best, you were mistaken. Loki was the perfect gentleman, pulling out your chair and ensuring your glass was never empty. Before you could even worry about your past ordeal or what would come next, Loki was stroking your hand and kissing your palm. 
“This is all, it’s a lot, Loki. It’s very nice, but I've never been somewhere like this before.” You whispered, worried about drawing the attention of the waitress hovering by the curtained doorway.
“I can assure you, my darling, you have lived a life of greater luxury than this.” 
“I thought you couldn’t remember me either?” 
“Our noble King deigned to share the memory of your afternoon together after you went missing and it sparked many memories for myself, and for Thor. I am quite sure you spent many years in the epitome of luxury, this is merely a detour on your way back to your throne.” He kissed the back of your hand again before sipping slowly on the rich red wine he’d ordered for you both. 
“Don’t mention thrones for goodness sake, I wasn’t happy about it back then and I’m not entirely sure I want it now.” You scoffed. 
Loki looked back at his menu nonchalantly, “and would you wish to stay with the Avengers instead?” He asked. He had yet to mention the deal he’d made when he secured their support in your rescue and, while he didn’t want to ruin your evening together, the truth would come out sooner or later. 
“God no,” you scoffed and Loki watched as you chewed your thumb, scanning over the menu items and humming as you thought. 
The heavy feeling that had been constricting his chest lightened, you’d been happy to see him, yes. But he’d felt hollow at the thought of you staying with the Avengers instead.
“So what do you want to do then?” 
You shrugged, unsure, “gosh, Loki, who knows.” 
“Did you like Tønsberg  ?” 
“How would you like to stay with me then?” He smiled, extending his hand and his heart, waiting for you to say no and make the killing strike. 
But no such blow arrived. 
“I’d love that,” your smile was broad but soft, lighting your eyes, “let’s toast to it.” You held your glass out and rang it against Loki’s, falling into his stormy gaze, “when can we go?” 
During your captivity you’d spent hours lying in bed dreaming of Tønsberg, of Loki and the life that you could have together and now it was really coming true. 
“Well,” Loki pulled his glass back, setting it carefully to one side and folding his long fingers together. “There’s something I need to talk to you about.” 
“Yes?” The way you looked at him made his chest tighten again, the excitement and trust in your eyes was unbearable. 
“I required a certain amount of…support, when I came to find you.” He started and you continued to smile gently, cupping your chin in your palm, he watched your eyelashes brush against your cheek and wished he could kiss you there instead. “And the Avengers gave their support -  however,” he kept talking, cutting you off so he could keep his momentum now that he was finally going to admit the truth, “however, I did have to make certain bargains with Stark that include…working for them, both of us working for them.” 
“Working for them?” You sat back in your chair, the candle light picking out the creases in your frown. “I hadn’t made any decision about that really - not until you asked me just now. Why even mention it if I don’t have a choice?” 
Norns, he was losing you, you were angry and rightly so, the thought of working with those self righteous show oafs was awful 
“I wanted you to know that you have other options, there’s no call for you to rely on them if you have other plans or ambitions. There will always be a place for you in Tønsberg   - there will always be a place for you with me.” He ended, eyes pleading for you to understand. 
“Then I suppose I’d better honour whatever deal you made with Stark and - and I think you will have to honour your deal with me, because I want to go with you when this is all over, I don’t trust them anymore.” 
You took his hand, squeezing it hard enough that his ring dug into his finger, a reminder of your devotion and his stupidity for ever doubting you. Despite oceans of time, the width of the galaxy and the work of his father you were still together, and still strong. 
“I’m glad you came to my room tonight.” You whispered, leaning closer over the small table to press a kiss to his cheek, the smell of your perfume filling his senses. Beneath your lips, Loki’s skin was soft and warm, your nose brushing against his sharp cheekbone before pulling back to press your lips against his ear. “I can’t wait for you to take me back there.” 
“I see you’re feeling bold tonight, Ásynja.” He growled back, his hand behind your head when you tried to pull back, instead he cupped your cheeks and kissed you, his lips slotting against your own as if you were always meant to fit together.
“Why wait?” 
Before you could think, familiar hands tugged you back, gliding down your shoulders to your arms and keeping you pinned in your chair. 
“Be good for us, my darling.” Loki purred, picking up his glass again and swirling the wine around inside, idly watching it dribble back into the glass while your heart hammered in your chest. 
You had known, instinctively, but turning your head to see the vision of another Loki still made you start. The last time such a vision had appeared to you they had been cruel and something deep inside twisted with fear. The vision loosened their grip in response, trailing their fingers up and down the delicate skin on the inside of your wrist until they felt your heartbeat slow again. 
“I know what they did to you in that tower, I know the sorts of powers and tortures men like that find amusing.” There was a furious edge to Loki’s voice that you’d heard many times, usually aimed at your fellow housemates. “I know what they did and I want to show you that I am always yours, my darling, my Ásynja, and that any image of me belongs to you wholly.” 
The vision began placing the softest of kisses up the column of your neck. Mere brushes of their lips that tingled with magic. 
“I belong to you, and I will do everything in my power to ensure that every facet of me brings only pleasure and never pain.” The vision kissed you again, teeth gently nipping your pulse point, “well, only pleasurable pain.” He winked. 
“Oh - OH - I believe you.”
Heat was pooling between your legs, liquid and languid, it flowed through your veins to the ethereal Loki that was teasing you so thoroughly, barely touching you but lighting sparks of electricity that flowed through your veins. 
Before you the tablecloth rustled and your chair moved, squeaking on the parquet floor, until your legs were hidden under the neatly pressed fabric. “Loki - oh my - fuck!” 
Across the table, Loki smirked, below it, his duplicate had parted your legs and pushed his face between your thighs. Where the first was delicate and teasing, the second was rough and needy, lapping stripes along the already damp gusset of your panties before holding them aside with one long finger and burying his tongue inside of you. 
“Fuck? Yes, that is the general idea, my darling.” He relaxed back into his chair, enjoying the view of your writhing body, his own hands itching to touch you. Through his illusions he could feel the trembling of your legs, the heat of your skin and the delicious ambrosia hidden between your thighs. But it was merely a hint, a scent, rather than the taste and he wished to feel his sense with you. 
With a wave of his hands the sensations vanished and your eyes shot open to see him before you, a God, resplendent in his tight Asgardian leather, the shine of rich forest green seemed endless in the candlelight, as if you could fall into him and be lost forever. 
“I must have you again, Ásynja, my darling, my Estrid, my goddess.” He held his right hand out, the left tucked formally behind his back. 
“You have all of me too, Loki, my Prince, my God.” You placed your hand in his and in a flash you were in his arms, his hands splayed across your back holding you close and you allowed your hands to slide up his firm biceps to his shoulders. “Take me home so we can worship each other.” 
<<Chapter 10
Chapter 12 >>
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siennafrxst · 3 months
🔭 ₊ ⊹ ~֒ forgive
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pairing: loki laufeyson x female reader
universe: mcu (marvel cinematic universe)
timeline: during thor ragnarok
word count: 0.7k words
cw: hurt/comfort
click here to visit my fanfic masterlist.
You continue to stand observing the stars from afar, glimmering luminously before your eyes. Asgard has just been destroyed due to the events of Ragnarok and the people have lost their home — for now. They were currently heading towards Midgard via a spaceship to take refuge there. Midgardians were one of the lesser intelligent species across the nine realms, but they could be very welcoming at times. Maybe they could build a new life over there…
Footsteps begin to advance towards you from behind, causing you to snap out of your thoughts and turn toward the disruption, only to spot the God of Mishcief approaching you.
A surprised yet secretly pleased expression forms on your face at the sight of Loki. You hadn’t had a proper conversation with him ever since your… fight. About him faking his death twice and impersonating Odin for years and posing to be king and betraying all of Asgard and especially you.
Yeah. A fight was one way to put it.
“Loki,” you breathe softly.
Loki connects his emerald eyes with yours, seeming to be holding something back. He was never one to hesitate, you knew that. He was always so outspoken — you’ve never seen him so rattled like this.
“I… I’m sorry, and I love you,” he mumbles in a soft tone, breaking the eye contact.
Your eyes quickly shoot up towards his, surprised with his sudden burst of affection. Before you could even gather up the words to speak up, he interupts you.
“You don’t have to say anything or even forgive me, but… I realize that I haven't been the best partner to you, and for that I am.. sorry. You have only ever been good to me, and," he stops himself to gently grab your hands and pull you closer. "You deserve so much more. I promise to you that I will do better. If you will let me.”
He sighs deeply, finally maintaining the eye contact and taking a step towards you.
“I’ve missed you since the moment you walked away from me, and I deeply regret letting you go so easily. That will never happen again — I promise.”
After all these years, you are finally hearing the words you’ve been longing to hear from Loki — and then some. You always thought it was a farfetched fantasy, but for once, it actually feels as though he was willing to change. That this time might be different.
You’ve already made the same mistake — twice — forgiving him then only for him to repeat the same mistake and somehow make it worse than how it was before. But, that’s the thing. Even after all his lies, all the betrayals you have endured because of him…
You never once regretted forgiving him.
“The Loki Odinson, God of Mischief, owning up to his past? My, where have I been this whole time?”
Loki playfully rolls his eyes. “Don’t flatter yourself, darling.”
A soft yet meaningful smile curves on your lips as you take a moment to process the last word that he said.
“You haven’t called me that since our fight.”
“And you haven’t looked at me with those eyes ever since I faked my death.”
“With what eyes?” You raise an oblivious eyebrow, fully knowing what he was talking about.
Loki softly shakes his head at your teasing before you let out a light chuckle once more. You gaze upon the long-haired frost giant, biting your inner cheek as you watch Loki being vulnerable to you for the first time.
"Loki," you call out in a soft tone, one gentle hand snaking up to his shoulder. "I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have let go of you so easily either. You were right — I was too quick to give up on us. But, never again. This time, we’ll try even harder to make things truly work. Agreed?”
A soft smile forms on his face — one that was sincere in a way that he never usually shows.
Before you could even react one more second, Loki cuts you off with an action that he only does once every blue moon. An action that neither of you can even recall when he last did it.
You feel gentle arms wrap you in a warm embrace. Being in his mere presence made you feel safe and at home — in a way that not even your physical home has ever made you feel. But being with him — reuniting with Loki once more — you knew, with the utmost confidence, that he was your true home. And there was no place you would rather be.
likes and reblogs are vv appreciated.
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worstloki · 2 years
Come on guys. When ur parents tell u to help ppl who get picked on. Ur siblings are not typically the first person u guess. Does everyone have some idealized version of how older siblings should act or something?
do u have some kind of disparaging image of older siblings or something? did people in your life not stand up for you?
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mostlymarvelsstuff · 1 year
Requested by: @romanoffsbish #6 “Are you really so oblivious?” ; WandaNat•Tony says it to R who’s currently “googly” eyeing the couple from across the room with a sad smile, and Tony’s had enough of the dancing around each other nonsense. 
Authors note: requests are still closed. I’m trying to clear my inbox before opening them again. Thank you for your patience 💖
Word count: 2898   WandaNat Masterlist   Marvel Masterlist
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   Wanda giggles as Natasha playfully spins her around the kitchen, the ingredients for their pancakes quickly forgotten as the spy initiates an impromptu dance session to the music that plays from the Sokovians phone. 
   They don’t even notice the attention paid to them by the few of their teammates over at the table. Sam smiles at the scene before returning to his oatmeal and Tony pretends to gag at the display of affection before he sits down with his omelet. 
   “Let them be Stark” Thor chastises with a mouth full of poptart,  “Love is special, and it deserves to be celebrated”
  “I know that goldilocks” he retorts with an eyeroll, “Besides, I doubt they even heard my teasing."
   Clints brow quirks as he drops his banana peel on the table and his eyes meet yours as you glance up from your plate. You both share a knowing look before smirks spread on both your faces.
  “Oh yeah” the archer agrees, “No way the super spy with super senses heard you. Ridiculous notion”
   You chuckle at the nervous expression that crosses the billionaires face only to earn a glare from him in turn, “At least I let my feelings be known”
   Mistaking his jab at your not so hidden feelings for more teasing you simply toll your eyes and grumble, “Whatever Tony”
   “Is he bothering you malysh(baby)?” Wanda voice suddenly rings out through the dining room and Sam has to suppress his laughter at the way Tony's complexion pales slightly 
   “Oh. Uh, no. No, he's just being his normal, annoying self” you tell her, smiling over where she stands with her girlfriend at the kitchen island.
   “Good” Natasha says, her tone sending a chill through both you and Tony but for different reasons, “Otherwise I’d have to punch him”
   “I’m right here you know” the man says, waving his fork in the air
   “Oh I know. I just don’t care.” she replies, sending a wink your way 
   You try your best to ignore the warmth that spreads across your cheeks at the action, instead focusing back on the man next to you again. He purses his lips, letting out a small huff in annoyance and you laugh at the Russians ability to get under his skin so easily. You completely miss the way Natasha beams at Wanda for being able to make you produce the sound they both adore so much.
   You turn to look at the brunette again, “Yeah Wans?”
   “Tasha and I were going to go into the city today. Do some shopping, go to lunch, sit in the park for a little bit and maybe get some ice cream. Then we were gonna watch a movie when we got home. Would you like to join us?”
   “I’m sorry guys, I have a briefing to attend in like half an hour. I think I’m being sent on an impromptu mission.”  you tell them as you stand and walk back to the kitchen with your dirty plate to clean, “I hope the two of you guys have fun though”
   “Oh, ok” the witch responds, her shoulders deflating at both the missed opportunity and the distance you’ve created. Truthfully both she and Nat have noticed you being a bit more distant with them lately and it was worrying them, "Maybe next time then"
   Though you feel nervous about spending that much alone time with the women you nod, "Yeah next free day I have we can definitely do something" 
   Natasha doesn't like the knot of discomfort she feels in her gut. She doesn't know what other team members are going with you on this sudden mission but she desperately wishes that she or Wanda was on the chosen team. She feels better when one of them is there to watch over you. What if something happens to you today?
     The look her girlfriend gives her indicates she feels the same way about this situation and Nat wishes there was something she could do to change things, but there isn’t. So she settles for doing something that both shows she cares and helps slightly settle her nerves.
   “Just be careful out there, ok kotenok(kitten)?”
   You smile at her, “Always Nat. I’ll see you guys later.”
   The two continue to stand there a few minutes after you leave. The worry for your fate on this mission and the disappointment for your lack of presence in their lives of late might as well shine over their heads like neon signs in Vegas. So Tony decides to do his best to reassure them.
   “Try not to worry too much” he says, placing a hand on each woman's shoulder, “T’Challa and I are going with her. Hill will be there too so she's in good hands. I can’t promise no harm will come to her because you know how hectic these things can get, but I can promise that I’ll bring her back in one piece.”
   “Thanks Tony. I just wish we could go with her.” Wanda tells him, a sad smile on her face, “We like being able to see that she's safe”
  “I know. Which is why I will do my best to stick to her like glue, and have her home in time for your movie”
   Nat turns to him with a smirk, “You know, don’t you?”
   He chuckles, “You may be a spy, Romanoff but there's no hiding that look. Plus witchy here doesn’t know what it means to have a poker face”
   “Hey! I can keep a straight face” she huffs, crossing her arms. 
   Natasha quirks a brow at her girlfriend, earning a glare that makes her chuckle, “I didn’t even say anything”
   “You didn't have to, I heard your thoughts” she replies, making the redhead smirk
   “Good luck Romanoff” Tony cuts in, “I’m off to the briefing”
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   Several hours later the quinjet lands back down at the compound and you and your team tiredly shuffle around, gathering your things as you prepare to disembark and head inside. 
   “It’s been a long day. Head inside and get some rest everyone. Turn your paperwork into me tomorrow morning and I’ll get it to Fury” Hill states before heading off
   T’Challa is the next to move, he has a jet to Wakanda to catch tomorrow afternoon and needs extra rest to get that paperwork done beforehand, “Goodnight Tony, Y/n. Good work today, and if I don’t see you before my flight, it was good to see you”  
   “Goodnight” you and Tony say in unison before heading inside yourselves.
   As the two of you walk through the hall you're stuck by the fact that the tv and light are still on in the living room, something which is unusual for this time of night. You both wordlessly decide to take a peek at what's going on and stop in the doorway.
    Over on the sofa, curled up with each other under a blanket sit Natasha and Wanda. A Bond movie plays on the tv and even at your distance you can tell by the way the Russians lips move that she's softly quoting every line. Wanda looks up at her with a fondness before linking one of her hands with Nats and her attention returns to the screen. You smile at their cute interaction, but it doesn’t quite reach your eyes.
   A deep ache fills your chest as you watch them, and you sigh. You’d give anything to be able to join them, but you can’t. Not in the way you want to at least. And you’re tired of pretending that you don’t want more with them. You've had to withdraw because only being their friend while they held your heart, it hurt. You know it's nothing personal, nor is it their fault, but you couldn’t continue to do that to yourself. You hope one day, when your heart has righted itself, that they’ll understand. But until then, solitude is best.
   “Well” you whisper, “Glad to see Nat still likes Bond. Goodnight Tony”
   You go to turn away but his firm hand stops you, “Are you really so oblivious?”
   Your brows furrow, “What are you talking about?”
   “Kid, it's past midnight and they're in the living room. They have a tv in their room, and you and I both know that's where they always watch their movies.”
   You shrug, “Maybe they just wanted a change of scenery”
   He exasperatedly runs a hand through his hair, “Christ sake kid, they waited there for you.”
   “Huh? Why would they do that?”
   He sighs, “Because they miss you, and they didn’t get to spend the day with you, so they at least wanted to be here to greet you once you got home. They wanted to make sure you weren’t hurt.”
   “Oh.” you pause, feeling guilty for hurting them with your absence while also feeling grateful for their care, “I better not keep them waiting then. Goodnight Tony”
   “Night Y/n” he says, with the hope that finally everyone's confessions would come to light tonight
   You slowly approach the couple, feeling guilty you were about to disrupt their movie despite knowing they waited up for you. In the end you don’t need to interrupt them as your movements end up catching the Sokovians attention and her eyes light up.
   “Malysh(baby), you're back!” 
   Nats head quickly turns in your direction, but her smile fades slightly as she notices the dirt and small scrapes that adorn your forearms and face, “Are you hurt?”
   You shake your head, “No. Just some normal bumps and bruises is all.”
   They both frown at your statement and Wanda quickly untangles herself from her girlfriend in order to approach you. Her hand gently trails across a bruise on your cheek before grabbing onto your hand and she looks back to Nat to receive a nod.
   “Let's get you cleaned up, ok?” You're too tired to say no so you dumbly nod and follow her to the couples bedroom, with Natasha right behind you.
   “Sit down kotenok(kitten)” she instructs, her tone softer than what you're used to
   You do as you're told, relaxing into the small sofa in their room as Wanda heads into the bathroom and Natasha rifles through their closet. You unintentionally doze off as you wait and the two women briefly contemplate allowing you a small nap before they decide that you’d be better off and more comfortable once cleaned up and out of your uniform.
  “Y/n…Wake up sweet girl” Wanda coos, as she gently shakes you
   Your eyes strain to open, “Sorry guys”
   “It’s alright. You've had a long day.” Wanda says, sitting down beside you, “Let's get you clean.”
   She brings the washcloth up to your face first and Nat smiles as she watches you practically melt at the feeling. The brunette softly scrubs your face, careful to not agitate any of the small scrapes as she rubs the sweat and dirt from your face. 
   “There we go. I knew your beautiful face was under all that grime” 
   You blush slightly, and you know with as close as both women are that they've seen it, yet neither tease you for it, “Thanks Wans”
   She smiles and nods, “Give me your arm”
   You do so, watching with sleepy eyes as she cleans your left forearm before moving onto your right one. Youd been so focused on her movements that you hadn’t realized Nat had momentarily left in order to prepare the bed for them.
   “She all clean, detka(baby)?”
   Wanda nods, “Yup. Clean and ready for bed.”
   You assume that's your queue to leave and shuffle as you prepare to stand but the redhead is quick to stop you, “Woah, easy there. We haven't gotten our Y/n time for what feels like ages, so we’re claiming now while you're too tired to protest. Here, go change”
   You look down to see that she's handing you an extra pair of her pajamas and your stomach erupts with butterflies, “Thanks Nat.”
   The two share a smile as you head off to their bathroom to change and Nat helps the younger girl off the sofa, “Go ahead and get into bed detka(baby)”
   When you emerge from the bathroom you find Wanda suggled into her side of the bed while Nat sits on the edge of her side. The Russian can’t help the smile that spreads across her face, seeing you in her clothes has her heart speeding up in her chest. 
  “Well, goodnight guys” you tell them, taking a step forward only to be stopped by Nats hands grabbing yours
   “Where do you think you're going, pretty girl?”
   “I-  I uh, the couch?” you stutter out, mentally slapping yourself for becoming so flustered by her words
  Wandda frowns as she sits up, you never used to mind sleeping in their bed with them on movie nights, when had that changed? Why are you so distant now?
   “Y/n?” she hesitates, “Have Tasha and I upset you?”
   “What? No. No, of course not. Everything is fine” you stress, but Nat defeatedly drops your hands as her expression turns sad
   “Everythings not fine, Y/n. This is the first time we’ve been able to spend any time alone with you in nearly a month. You've been avoiding us, and it hurts”
   “Just please tell us what we did so we can fix it.” Wanda practically begs, “We miss having you around. We miss you.”
   “You guys haven’t done anything. I promise.”
   “It doesn’t feel that way” the Russian mumbles, and your guilt returns ten fold
   “Ok. I probably should have said something sooner, but i didn't know how” you sigh, “I still don’t, but you guys don’t deserve to be left wondering”
   You stand there for a moment, nervously picking at your fingers as you try to figure out what words are best to use to explain everything. But your anxiety is getting the better of you, and you can’t blame it. I mean how are you supposed to tell your two best friends, who are a couple, that you love them.
   Wandas eyes widened as unbeknownst to you, your thoughts had become incredibly loud. But she doesn’t want you to panic, and your anxiety is already quite high, so she decides to not let it be known that she’d heard you. Instead she gets out of bed and slowly approaches you, grasping your hands with hers once she's close enough.
   “Whatever it is Y/n, you can tell us. I promise it’ll be ok” she assures, squeezing your hands for added emphasis.
      Heat rushes to your cheeks as you think about the prospect of saying the words out loud, but the way Wanda reassures you gives you some courage, “I um, I-  I love you both. In a more than friends kind of way.”
   “Oh kotenok(kitten)” Natasha coos as you glue your eyes to the floor, and she quickly gets to her feet to join the two of you. She grabs your chin and tilts it up so you're looking at her, “That's something you never had to hide from us. Because we feel the same, don’t we detka(baby)?”
   Your eyes widen in disbelief and you look to the other woman for confirmation, “You guys love me?”
   “We do, we love you Y/n” Wanda admits, smiling wide
   “So very much” Natasha adds, wearing a matching smile of her own and she can wait no longer, “Can we kiss you?”
    You eagerly nod and she brings her lips to yours. It's everything you thought it would be, fierce and full of passion and it quickly takes your breath away. As soon as she pulls away from you Wanda replaces her on your lips. Her kiss too is just as you expected, tender and full of love. Once it ends the brunette pulls you into a hug, which Nat joins.
   You let out a happy relieved laugh as their arms wrap around your body and you easily sink into them. They can feel just how exhausted you are, so despite the wonderful discovery the three of you have made, they know that their first priority is letting you get your needed rest.
   “Come on malysh(baby)” Wanda says, breaking up the group hug, “It’s very late and you need sleep”
  “She's right. We can talk more about this tomorrow” Nat adds, ushering you over to the bed
  This time you don’t argue, you climb right in and get settled in your spot in the middle of the bed so you can be between the two of them. Wanda happily joins you, snuggling closely as she pulls you against her. Nat smiles as she joins you but instead of snuggling close she leans on her elbow, her other hand cupping your face.
   She gives you another kiss, “Love you”
   “Love you too Natty” you sleepily mumble, making her heart swell. You then turn to Wanda to let her have a kiss, “Love you Wans”
   “Love you too, sweetheart” she whispers, brushing a hand through your hair, “Sleep well”
   You end up falling asleep before they even finish pulling the covers up over you. They both scoot closer, each wrapping an arm across your midsection to ensure you remain close.
   “Our pretty girl” Nat mumbles as she nuzzles her face against your neck
   Wanda does the same on your other side, “All ours”
Taglist: @wandaromamoff69 @when-wolves-howl @danveration @sheneonromanoff @sayah13 @likefirenrain @nighttime-dreaming @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece @chaoticevilbakugo @crystalstark02 @wackymcstupid @lovelyy-moonlight @blackwidow-3 @mistressofinsomnia @that-one-gay-mosquito @yomamagf @yourfavdummy @justarandomreaderxoxo @scoutlp23-blog @whoischanelle15 @lissaaaa145 @eline03 @wizardofstories@imthenatynat @marvelonmymind @fluffyblanketgecko @bitch-616 @dakotastormm @zoomdeathknight
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writeshite · 2 years
Day one of asking for billy hargrove x himbo reader (smut and fluff)
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Billy doesn't exactly have the greatest repertoire to refer back to on these new emotions, what with his mom being six feet underground and all; he’s certainly not going to his dad about this, either. So he chooses to suffer in ignorant bliss and silence. Which is hard to do when you’re there. Barely five feet apart. Chin on his shoulder as you look over his notes for the stupid chemistry group project.
Billy Hargrove x Male!Reader
Himbo Reader | Headcanons | Fluff
Words: 595
Author's Note:
I have a confession, I don't write fully himbo characters as often as I should, even with Thor, I do wash down the himboness so...not sure how good this is 😅 I couldn't think of anything for the smut part, apologies for that.
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Billy’s been in Hawkins, Indiana, long enough to know he fucking hates it here; he was happy and fine in California. He liked the sun, the beaches, the people, not questioning his sexuality at three in the morning because you picked him up like he weighed nothing after he squared up to you. 
You didn’t even do anything but set him aside because you were late for practice, and never before has he been glad to be in an empty hallway. If that didn’t do it, then witnessing the absolute dumb fuckery that permeated your mind was enough to make Billy realize he may, in fact, have a thing for guys.
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“But I’m not….am I?” Billy’s been staring at the hood of his car; his reflected image stared back at him, confused as he tried to work through his current turmoil. It was early Saturday morning, and he’d decided not to stay in the house any longer than he had to.
“Hey, Billy.”
He spins around to see you jog up to him - and he is very much appreciating the running clothes right now; he tries to reign back his ogling; thankfully, you don’t notice it.
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Billy doesn't exactly have the greatest repertoire to refer back to on these new emotions, what with his mom being six feet underground and all; he’s certainly not going to his dad about this, either. So he chooses to suffer in ignorant bliss and silence.
Which is hard to do when you’re there. Barely five feet apart. Chin on his shoulder as you look over his notes for the stupid chemistry group project. “Do you mind?” he asks, lacing as much venom as he can.
“Oh, sorry,” he feels relieved you might move back, but you don’t. Instead, you plaster yourself to his back, arms holding your own notes - which he can see even better now, so thank you for that - and with both books side by side, you return to reading, muttering to yourself all the while, Billy feels seconds away from melting into the floor.
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“I can’t believe I have to fuck him.”
“You do not have to fuck him, Billy; I am begging you —”
“I gotta fuck him,” Billy reiterated, ignoring whoever it was he’d been speaking to and all but running towards you. When you notice his approach, you wave him over, the hose in your hand dropping, as Billy tries very hard not to pay attention to how close your shirt is sticking to your skin.
“Why are you wet?” He knows why you’re wet; he watched you try and fill the bucket for the school fundraiser, stare down at it, and then get doused in water. You, of course, explain what happened, and he, of course, calls you a moron.
“Well, not all of us are pretty geniuses, Billy,” you retort, turning away to shrug off your shirt, utterly oblivious to how wide his eyes go. “You alright?” You ask him when you turn back, placing the back of your hand on his forehead, “Your face is all red; oh, god, you’re really warm. Should I get the nurse?”
“No —no, I’m fine.”
“You sure? You look like you might faint,” you worry, “I can carry you there if —”
Billy should get a medal for the amount of speed he puts into his getaway run. He’s out of sight long before you can respond, jumping into his car and driving off to anywhere else; he stops somewhere - feet swinging a little, then screaming into his hand, then back to a blushing mess.
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End Note:
Hope that was alright. Stay Hydrated.
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thewritetofreespeech · 10 months
OOOOOHH! I got it! Thor, Hermes, Nikola, and Hades with a super busty s/o who has no idea somebody is, or at least trying to, flirting with or leering at her.
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Personally, he likes her large chest, as he his a breast man. He does realize the issues with it, however.
He doesn’t like to cause a seen, but he doesn’t like it when other people stare at his s/o.
Usually, his hulking presence is enough to deter them when he’s by their side. But he knows he can’t be with them all the time.
Has some concerns about their friendly attitude leading men on and causing problems, but also has enough faith in them to defend themselves.
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Appears calm but is furious inside.
Of course he knows that his s/o is gorgeous, and he finds it cute that they have no idea of their visual value. Everyone else is not so dumb.
Acting as a steward of the Gods, Hermes notice everything. Including the looks his s/o gets when she is just being herself and existing in physical splendor.
Makes a point to calmly and cooly come up to the perpetrators, and whisper in their ear the horrible, painful, soul crushing things that will happen to them if they keep staring at his angel.
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As oblivious as she is.
His s/o’s physical attributes are the furthest thing from his opinion of attractiveness. The mind! Their mind is what sets his passion to fire.
He does, however, appreciate her symmetry. And will usually compliment that when someone tells him that his s/o is hot. With no guile on thinking that they might have ungentlemanly thoughts about them.
Has some physics questions on how they stay upright and has done some structural mathematics in his free time to figure it out.
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Bold of them to stare so openly at an Elder Gods woman. Hades has to commend their bravery (or stupidity).
He’s not a fool. He knows that people like to look at beautiful things. Hence why museums are so popular.
After a while though, he can’t stand it. Like little pins on the back of his neck, and he can’t get mad at s/o if they are too sweet & innocent to notice.
Has killed a man over it before, but the worst perpetrator is his little brother. He’s had to have a talk with Zeus, that lech, on more than one occasion that put their sibling bond in jeopardy.
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whyareyouhere66 · 9 months
Omg cool I have an angsty request 😈(if you’re comfortable writing it<3)
Kind of Tom!Peter Parker x Male!Stark!reader x Tony Stark(platonic obviously) ??
Reader has a rocky relationship with his dad Tony, just wants his attention, to be seen by Tony etc. but once Peter joins and takes Tonys full attention reader just automatically hates him for ‘stealing his dad from him’. As time goes on reader just gets more hateful and jealous of Peter, maybe getting into fights with Peter on purpose. Suddenly there’s a new villain/anti-hero (??) that’s been interfering with there plans or just wrecking havoc to go after Peter. Plot twist when they finally catch them/they’re too hurt to keep fighting, it’s revealed as reader. You can make it as angsty as u want!
(A.K.A. Reader is Loki, Peter is Thor and Tony is Odin lol)
I love this trope-
So glad you requested this, (and thank you for checking stuff first) and enjoy
Also note that I’m not too fresh on the marvel timeline, if you notice anything that doesn’t exactly align with the movie than I’m sorry just brush past it- this also might be the longest fic I’ve ever written so 
Implied to be set around the start of Peter’s Spider-Man stuff. 
Look What You Made Me Do
Male Stark Reader x Avengers
“If I loved you, was a promise….
Would you break it, if you’re honest?” 
[idontwannabeyouanymore, Billie Eillish, 2017]
Cw: violence/fighting, Tony being a bad dad, slightest mentions of drinking, angst Kind of jumping straight into it too- 
I’ll fix a few things later I’m tired I want this one to be out and about
Named after a Taylor song, starting with a Billie lyric 💪💪 
If you were to ask anyone about the wealthiest men in modern day New York, it’s inevitable for Tony Stark to appear somewhere on that list.
He’s rich, handsome, a superhero. New  York’s knight in shining armor. 
Most believe his life is a dream, somehow oblivious to the fact that maybe a superhero doesn’t live life in the dream house. But when he’s made his brand through money, fancy houses, big parties, and shiny military weapons it’s easy for people to see no further than surface level.
That isn’t the case for his son, though. 
From a wealth aspect of it- the young Stark knows how grateful he is, how grateful he should be, for his father.
If it wasn’t for him, he wouldn’t be currently sitting in this large bedroom, with a view most would pay a couple grand for, wouldn’t be surrounded by the various expensive objects linked to his little interests. It doesn’t even matter how much Y/n would insist on paying- he never seems to think much of it. Maybe it’s his way of showing affection.
That’s what Y/n hopes, at least. 
Because if not- there’s not much there. Tony Stark has never been much of an affectionate person, some may blame it on his own father. Others would blame it on the business- no time for distractions on a long days work.
But neither of those reasons matter- for all his son ever wanted is for Tony to love him the way he wants him to.
Static crackles through Y/n’s small speaker, and quickly the boy perks up. A short glance  over and he finds the old Queen record spinning aimlessly, with the tone arm at the end of its songs.
Pushing himself off the bed, he walks over to the stand where Tony’s old record player sits. Taking the arm off- he flips the record over to side b, before returning it to its place. 
The intro of Queen’s “Hammer to Fall” begins ringing from the speaker, and a small, satisfied smile grows on Y/n’s face.
He hums the beat, nodding his head with it while turning back to his bed- but something catches his eye.
Outside, there’s two figures standing out front. One eyebrow raises, Y/n slowly steps closer to the window. 
Recognizing his dad, dressed in his best suit, Y/n leans closer. The other figure isn’t quite as tall as Tony, and looks quite obviously nervous. 
Y/n furrows his eyebrows. 
….That’s Peter Parker.
What the hell is he doing at Stark’s house?
The sound of a backpack falling to the ground echoes through the foyer- and immediately it’s a sigh of relief. The sweet, sweet air conditioning here is heavenly in contrast to the one at school.
Y/n faintly feels a vibration in his pocket- grabbing it only to see multiple notifications coming from a group chat. 
‘What are they on…’ he wonders, scrolling through countless messages worth of nonsense. He goes to reply, when-
His head snaps up at the voice, echoing out from the couch.
‘didn’t realize he was home…’ he looks back at the window, finding his father’s car parked in the driveway. 
Deciding the group chat can wait, the teen wanders to where his father sits. 
“What’s up?” Immediately Y/n sees the  scattered papers piling on top of one another on the coffee table, the short crystal glass filled halfway with rum. You’d think he’d wait until at least five, but that’s not the Stark way.
“I found a uh, form on the coffee table,” his voice sounds bored, tired, “something about textbooks for school?”
Y/n notices the forms sitting at the edge farthest from Tony, as if they’d been pushed away as far as they could go. 
“Oh, uh, yeah.” He says awkwardly, looking at the dirty laces of his shoes, “it’s fine, I got it.” 
“Well I can pay for them, if that’s what you’d like.” The eldest Stark shrugs, finally looking at his son from over the rim of his glasses.
Y/n almost feels embarrassed- when had he asked for that? He shakes his head, though it doesn’t hide the surprised look on his face.
“No, no you don’t have to-“
“Oh please, I got it, education is our future or something, right?” Tony shrugs, taking off his glasses and beginning to stand up from his chair, headed for the black leather wallet he’d left on the dining table. 
Y/n isn’t quite sure why he’s now rushing to step in front of his dad- there isn’t much harm in the gesture after all. Maybe he just doesn’t want the weight of depending on his father for everything to lay on his shoulders. Either way, excuses are already falling from his mouth.
“You really don’t have to, dad-“
“You’re acting like I’m handing you the presidents treasury,” Tony deadpans, “besides, you don’t have a job.”
Y/n pauses. 
“Wha- yes, I do-“ does his dad really not know about his job?
“Look, it doesn’t matter, I can get them used anyways-“
Before he can take one step closer, a nervous voice quips up from the doorway and ends the race for the wallet.
“Um, Mr. Stark?”
Curiously, Y/n and his dad snap their heads to see who has just joined them.
Peter Parker stands in the large door way, curled into himself with his backpack strap folded between his fist. His eyes are wide and questioning, looking between his classmate and his idol as if he had walked into the wrong room. 
Suddenly, Tony’s shoulders drop- and he’s no longer interested in any textbook or wallet. 
“Ah, Parker, didn’t think you’d make it.” He says bluntly, strutting away from his son and towards the obviously nervous boy. 
“Here, sit down kid.”
With the man’s hand pressed into his shoulder blade, Peter has no choice but to follow him towards the various seats lining the dining table. And from the side- Y/n watches, absolutely lost.
After he had seen his father and Peter talking, he kept it to himself. Knowing the boy, he had simply assumed Peter was asking for an autograph or a picture, just like half of the city. 
But now, he is in his house. At his table. 
What the hell is this?
“Um,” Y/n’s voice sounds blunt, almost too similar to his father- who’s already sitting down across from Peter with his arms crossed and his eyebrows raised, as if this was a press conference. 
Peter looks at him first, while his father throws a glance over his shoulder. 
“What’s this?” Y/n asks, pointing to the strange teenage boy sitting down in his seat. Tony tiredly leans back in the chair, twisting to the side just slightly so he could look at Y/n head on. 
“Y/n, this is Peter, Peter, this is Y/n.” 
“Uh, yeah, we know each other.” Peter pipes up, giving Y/n the shortest, most awkward smile it seems he could muster. Y/n’s face stays blank.
“Yeah, I meant what is he doing here?”
Tony doesn’t seem at all phased by the rude undertones of Y/n’s question.
“Peter is gonna work as my intern for a little while, I’m training him.”
Y/n’s eyebrows furrow. 
“For what-“
“Hey, quit interrupting, will you?” Tony dismisses him with the wave of his hand, turning around so he’s fully facing Peter. And Y/n lingers there, processing. He doesn’t like feeling like a shadow, not in his own home especially, but that’s the feeling that begins to overtake him.
He tries understanding what that means- there’s many possibilities. Assistant, maybe. But when he looks between his dad and his classmate one last time, seeing that he’s been nearly forgotten in the room (aside from the short glances from Peter’s end) he turns around to retreat, fists clenched. 
His dad has had interns before, Peter likely won’t be much different. Possibly.
It’s been 5 weeks.
And multiple times, for each of those weeks, Peter has been somewhere mixed into the tangle of Tony Stark’s extensive schedule, far more entangled than Y/n has been for the past few years.
He shows up to dinner, trains at the Avenger’s tower. He comes knocking on the door randomly asking for life advice, or something- he’s everywhere.
It wasn’t even until week 4 that Y/n discovered the truth behind his sudden presence, when he saw the suit for the first time.
He has his own suit, god can you believe it?
Y/n watches on as Tony seems to easily bring Peter under his wing- hating how he has to avoid the burning green envy that burns his ears. How has Tony managed to take on the father figure role to Peter, when he barely manages that role with his own son?
‘It shouldn’t hurt this bad,’ y/n will think to himself, ‘you’re independent, relying on him will only make it harder in the long run.’
But he couldn’t help the hardened glare that arose every time he saw his dad, his own dad, bonding with someone else the way he had been wanting for what- 16 years?
Even now, sitting at the table, while the teen stares into the bowl of cereal in front of him, it’s just so irking to think about. 
His spoon scrapes the edges of the bowl, gathering the now soggy cheerios into a cluster in its silver dip. Then, they get lost in his mouth. Rinse and repeat- he does it over and over while staring a blazing hole into the wall. 
What is Peter doing that he can’t?
“Mr. Stark-“ 
Speak of the devil. 
Y/n’s grip on the spoon tightens.
Peter comes stumbling into the room, out of breathe as if he sprinted all the way here. He doesn’t even knock anymore, Y/n thinks, he’s made himself at home.
“Kid? What’re you doing here?” 
The nickname sends a shivering twitch through Y/n’s already sore muscles, tugging his face so he can’t control the annoyed look that comes through. 
They’re talking to each other now, Peter trying to tell a story far too quickly for either of them to follow. Y/n blocks their voices out.
His chair scrapes against the floor, and he grabs his bag to leave. 
“I’m going to school.” He says loudly, cutting off their conversation. 
“Oh, I guess I gotta go too-“ 
“No,” Peter freezes, looking at Y/n curiously, “no, no stay here longer why don’t you? Practically your house.” Venom leaks from his words, the sarcasm so loud it makes Peter flinch. 
“Y/n,” Tony groans, rubbing the bridge of his nose tiredly. Y/n’s stare only hardens.
“What?” He snaps, now looking at his father. 
“Really?” Is all that Tony manages, before Y/n is rolling his eyes and spinning on his heel.
“(F/n) is waiting for me.” He grumbles, snatching his phone and stomping out of the room. 
How does his dad not get it? Is he so blind he can’t even see his own blatant favoritism? 
The look of exhaustion displayed on his face would make you think hes working day and night having to put up with Y/n’s attitude- yet he’s unaware he’s exactly what’s causing it. 
Y/n doesn’t want to blame Peter, in the back of his mind he knows that it’s his dad’s fault. But it feels like his father is being stolen.
But can it really be theft if there wasn’t much of him in the first place?
Y/n knows that he’s picking all the fights, starting all the arguments just so that twisted part of his head gets some satisfaction. 
It shouldn’t be working so well.
The young Stark doesn’t return home until it’s just about dark outside, his backpack hanging loosely off his shoulders. 
He walks the long halls of his home, past the doors that could either be a guest bathroom or a weapon closet. Even if there’s more entryways than doors, his father opting for large empty frames, he walks the length of it with no specific destination in mind. 
He isn’t too sure where he’s headed anyways, considering he’s passed the way to his bedroom already.
Through half lidded eyes he guides himself through this maze of a house, bitter jealousy bubbling in his lungs. It’s such a haunting thought, a looming presence, and he wishes he could push it down the drain but it seems that he can’t. 
“Stupid, stupid Peter…” he mumbles, hand grazing the wall beside him. 
Ned’s voice still rings in his ears, breathy from how he had been exercising for most of the class.
“You don’t know what he looks like- what if he’s like seriously burnt?”
“I wouldn’t care, I would still love him for the person he is on the inside.”
Of course it caught their attention- Peter’s little crush on Liz wasn’t hard for most to notice. 
“Peter knows Spider-Man!”
How horrible. 
Across the room, Y/n’s head snapped to where the pair was on the gym floor- Peter’s jaw slacked. It didn’t matter how much he tried to quickly say otherwise- Flash already had slid down the climbing rope with another remark slick on the edge of his tongue.
And Y/n watched on, eye twitching, feeling how his  friends slapped his arm in amusement. 
“I can’t tell if he’s for real or not-“ F/n mumbled from next to him. Y/n’s eyes never tore away from the scene playing out ahead, tongue poking the inside of his cheek.
“Yeah,” and his eyes squeezed shut, “me neither.”
Y/n’s fists curl together, knuckles scraping the wall for a moment before he’s pulling away.
It’s so frustrating. 
He’s walking further down the corridor, eyes sliding open just in time to catch a door left slightly ajar- and he pauses.
He’s passed the door many times, no doubt, but this time it’s different. There’s something pulling him inside, an unknown source that’s too intriguing to walk past.
Slowly, he pushes open the door. And there it is.
Old bins and cabinets with junk gadgets shoved inside- worn blueprints from his fathers old work. One eyebrow raises, cogs turning and grinding in his head.
There’s some things still in tact, some that have been broken apart and scattered about. Y/n kneels down to observe closer. 
He feels the smooth surface of a metal clasp against his fingertips, grazing the jumbled objects. 
This is his answer.
The backpack slides off his shoulders, thumping on the ground beside him. This room is one that his father doesn’t visit much anymore, now much more caught up in other things such as the Avengers, Peter, the scattered piles of paperwork that seem to constantly consume him.
And in the corner, there’s a bend in the wall partially hidden by a cabinet- if you were to tuck something inside, no one could see from the door frame.
Y/n already feels his mind blooming with ideas as he skims over the various parts and pieces in front of him.
If he can’t live up to his fathers standards, his fathers name, 
then he’ll make his own.
Multiple nights pass, weeks go by and Y/n finds himself spending the time after dinner until midnight cooped up in Tony’s old gear room. 
He likes to think it’s a family trait, something tying him to the Stark name, also known as his skill for parts. He can take a few glances at both his own notes as well as the old blueprints and suddenly have the necessary concept for a retractable weapon, built to strike out of an arm piece. And when he’s done, he simply drags it all into his tucked in corner- hidden until night falls again the next day. 
Time not spent at school, occasionally in his room, or in his new lab- is now spent taking full advantage of the gym on the higher floors. 
The Avengers don’t question it, barely even using it at the same time as him anyways. He’s planned it so no one is around to see the training he does, the work put in to not only muscle- but also skill.
He doesn’t have a vigilante name just yet- but perhaps that’s the fun in it. He’s totally anonymous.
And as the firm punching bag jerks beneath his incoming fist, he feels the creeping joy of power.
Y/n puts lots of thought into the first strike against the city- building an elaborate yet somewhat reckless attack plan, a formula. 
No citizen will get hurt- it’s only the churning, growing need for revenge he wants so badly to be satisfied. Among the jumbled emotions, and new discoveries, he knows what he wants, and he knows just who he wants to be.
Y/n Stark may never be the millionaire superhero his father is- but he will be something. Something that no one will ever expect.
“A new vigilante seems to be on the loose, unidentified. They’ve struck many times already, but police have noticed that, interestingly enough, among the pattern of crime scenes none of the main public areas or citizens have been hit. Could this be the work of an Anti-hero, perhaps? Down at the Avengers Tow-“ 
The anchorman’s voice is cut off, mid sentence, and Tony holds the remote firmly. 
Around him, on the expensive couches sit the Avengers themselves, but their faces are dulled by distress, their knuckles tense from a firm grip. 
“We gotta find this guy,” Bruce sighs, taking off his glasses and pinching the bridge of his nose tightly. Beside him, Natasha agrees.
“If we don’t catch them soon, people will start doubting us.” She says it like it’s so simple, lips pressed into a thin line. Steve groans.
“They aren’t gonna start doubting us-“ he tries, but no one seems to believe him. 
“Oh really? Sounds like you’ve got some superstar solution then, huh?” Tony, always packed full of sarcasm, looks absolutely exasperated. He’s been looking tirelessly for this new ‘vigilante’ of the sorts - they don’t even seem to have a name. They work quickly and precisely, yet go at it with a powerful vengeance. Their skill- it’s almost something he wants to respect. 
The group begins to speak again, switching between civil turn taking and overlapping words. They don’t even notice the figure standing by the door. 
Y/n peaks his head around the door frame, watching these strong, powerful superheroes stressing over him. Oh, they just have no clue.
As they’re still talking, planning unknowingly within earshot of their own enemy- Y/n takes his notes. He listens, until finally he slips past the door and walks quietly down the hall as the sick, strong feeling of triumph sinks into his stomach. 
He’s got them.
The rumbling fill of chaos echoes from all around- machines jittering, codes breaking, and a light flickers down the hall.
Y/n stands at the center of the room, looking around at one of his father’s many warehouses from all around- this one being stationed north of his own home state- Maine, USA.
His dad brought him here only a few times as a kid, once or twice perhaps. He always hated it- still does, actually, hence the small bombs scattered across the place. 
It would be funny, to think that not even the Avengers have caught on to his pattern- but that may be jinxing it. Plus, he knows the common traits of each area he’s hit so far, the places holding the unjust power. This stop, though, he’s been waiting to finally hit.
“Stark Enterprises” - a sign once strung together in big letters, now laying at Y/n’s feet broken into pieces. The boy crouches down, picking up a chunk from the “E” and crushes it in his hands. 
Under his mask, he grins. 
His suit, not quite as advanced as those made by his father, fits him well. The sleeves are tighter, snugly wrapped around his biceps with streaks of purple running through the black material. Padding, like thin layers of armor, protect his torso and the pants are the most loose- cargo, with big pockets.
A mask is what pulls the whole thing together, though, concealing the entirety of his head underneath its black and purple coloring. 
Littering his hands, and even weaved into the material all across, are the gadgets he’s spent so many hours on. Rings sealed into the gloves have enough sharp metal twisted together inside that when activated, spread into blades. In the pocket around his waist band- is a button, the button, that with one push turns this warehouse into a cloud of orange and yellow. 
Y/n is still watching the crumbling sign fall from his palm, like grains of sand, when the door caves in behind him. 
“Put your hands up, tough guy, we caught you.”
Captain America, confident as ever, bursts in at the front of the group with his shield held high. Behind him, Tony, Peter, Natasha and even Bruce waltz right in after him. For a second- a glimmer of pride washes through Y/n’s body, they brought 5 to a fight against 1- he must be special.
“Yeah, times up buddy.”
Seeing his father, dressed in the famous Ironman suit, reminds Y/n of the whole reason this started- and another twisted feeling knots itself in his stomach.
The moment he’s been waiting for.
They can’t see him as he smirks underneath the mask, deciding to toy with them just a bit. He doesn’t speak- no one’s heard his voice when spoken through the filtered material yet. It seems they’ll be the first.
Y/n’s head cocks to the side, and raises an eyebrow- something the Avengers can see through the imprint of his mask. A challenge. 
Bruce’s battle cry cuts through the air- and suddenly the Hulk is charging. It startles Y/n for a moment, but quickly he steps to the side and lets the green giant crush the ground beside him. As Hulk gets back up, snarling and growling, Y/n is already grabbing a long beam, bent from where it fell with the rest of the Stark Enterprise’s sign, and strikes Hulk right in the gut.
The giant man stumbles slightly, yet still stomps forward. But Y/n isn’t in front of him.
“Hulk!” Natasha yells out, watching from across the room as Y/n comes from behind, mid air, wielding the same beam from before. Hulk is barely able to tilt his head an inch before the metal is crashing down into the area just below his head, and bruising his neck. 
He’s out within a few seconds, stumbling around clumsily while black dots tease his vision. Then, he falls to the floor.
“Well shit.” Steve mutters, bending his knees like a bull preparing to charge. He should’ve known sending in Hulk with no preparations would be a bad an idea.
“Sending the big one in first, huh?” Y/n looks at them cockily, “do you see me as a threat, Ironman?”
Tony raises an eyebrow, “oh look at that, he can talk.”  He doesn’t even skip a beat as his suit begins to whir, the arm unfolding so a mini blaster pokes out from the forearm. 
The vigilante barely has time to react as strings of energy are thrown his way, jumping and dodging each of them narrowly. Tony doesn’t wait for him to regain his footing though, flying straight towards his figure.
Steve eyes Natasha, gesturing for her to move. The woman obliges, creeping around the fight so Y/n’s back is in front of her. 
Ironman grabs Y/n by the shoulders, pushing down with such strong force that the latter is forced back a few steps. He holds the metal sleeves with a firm grip, and at first Tony doesn’t notice as the boy’s rings begin to scrape against the surface. Sparks fly like the touch of a welding torch, grazing the edges of Tony’s mask just in time for him to realize mini blades are beginning to prod at his suit. Y/n doesn’t hesitate to take the opportunity and shove the man away from him. 
Natasha watches closely, seeing how Y/n stumbles from the impact. She jumps at him.
Y/n extends his arm in her direction, not even turning all the way around, and his rings grow from small blades to a sharp spiral of metal pointing right at Black Widow’s chest.
She freezes, he smirks.
Of course, it’s not his intention for someone to die. That’s not what he does. This, well, is simply defense.
“How about we get right to the point.” He says, slipping his free hand into one of the pouches around his waist band. Out with it comes a cylinder- black and sleek with some sort of dial built in, a bright red button on top. 
Steve feels his stomach drop. 
“Pick a number.”
Tony, seemingly unaware of the detonator to have just been introduced, rolls his eyes, he’s growing impatient. 
“Alright, fine, 5- you wanna quit it with the games now?”
Big mistake.
Without skipping a step, Y/n is scrolling through digits on the small screen built into the detonator. It’s almost too quick for any of the Avengers to realize what he’s doing- and it’s far too late by the time they do. 
“Alright, then.” Y/n presses the button.
Steve goes to lunge forward, tries to make a grab for the device, but he waited too long. The whole room rattles, and the section just to the left of them suddenly bursts. Bombs. 
Y/n watches with a special glint in his covered eyes as everyone stumbles, yet his feet stay firmly planted in the ground. They’re startled, bits of the wall flying around and clattering against the floor. Peter snaps his head towards Y/n in shock.
“Who’s next?”
“Oh my god.” Peter mumbles, wide eyed. It’s the sound of his voice, his first time saying a word, that catches Y/n’s attention right away.
His teeth grind together, thumb smoothing over the button’s smooth surface. His mind mumbles, Do it again.
Staring into the large white panels of Peter’s mask, his guard is left fallen for just a moment too long. Tony sends one more blast his way. 
A jolt of pain seers through Y/n’s thigh. The energy was strong enough to surpass the material of his pants, leaving a heavy ache in the area. Y/n glares.
“You asshole,” he grunts, spinning the dial with his thumb before slamming down the button.
Above them, part of the ceiling crumbles.
Bits of concrete come tumbling down, Peter and Natasha diving for cover. But Y/n is no where near finished.
“How many bombs are there-“ Peter asks to no one in particular. His question is soon to be answered.
“Let’s not wait to find out,” Steve grunts, sprinting to where his opponent stands at the opposite side of the room. Y/n feels the previous feeling of confidence, the smooth and cocky facade, slipping away. He wants to win.
Each of Captain America’s hits clang against metal couplets clasped to Y/n’s wrist- chaos ensues around them. Tony firing shots, Peter surrounding the fight, Natasha running for a hit at close combat- and hulk just starting to stir from his little nap. 
But Y/n doesn’t let up- not until it’s too late.
A fiery blaze heads straight for him, straight for his face. It’s beginning to sizzle against his ears, he can feel it coming. But he doesn’t react in time, trying to defend himself from too many things at once. 
The blast, coming from his own father’s hand, hits him.
His mask begins to spark, edges curling into themselves as slowly, Y/n feels the right side of his face being revealed. 
His hand meets the wall, holding him up as he recovers from the impact. They haven’t seen him yet. 
He hears Steve’s heavy breathing from behind him, something so familiar it almost tricks his mind. Then, Tony’s voice.
“It only takes a few hits, huh? If I knew that’s all it took I wouldn’t have wasted so much time.”
More sarcasm, Y/n almost laughs.
“Who are you.” Natasha doesn’t even make it sound like a question, her voice strong and firm. 
Silence ensues, just for a moment, Y/n’s head is swimming. 
Yet, over all the thoughts and noise, one thing screams loudest over the rest. 
“Do. It.”
“Don’t you recognize me?” Y/n’s voice, no longer protected by a filter, is raspy and hoarse. He slowly turns around, head peaking out of the shadows.
“You know me already…”
Holy shit.
A loud clang echoes through the now dead silent room, the red white and silver shield rolling across the floor. 
Tony’s helmet folds into itself, revealing a sweaty face with wide eyes and a slack jaw. 
A bitter smile is what he receives.
Tony looks around, dumbfounded. 
“I-“ he stutters, nearly speechless, “what- what the hell are you doing?”
“What does it look like?” Y/n steps forward, voice dry yet dripping with venom. 
Tony chokes, “being an absolute moron, that’s what-“
Y/n barks out a rough, quick laugh. “Ooh, rough.” He rasps. Steve steps forward, putting a hand onto Tony’s shoulder and pulling him back. It’s like a warning, silent communication because next, he’s the one to step forward.
“Y/n…” the words die on the tip of his tongue, throat running dry, but he still tries, “what- I mean, why?”
Y/n has begun to pace slightly, taking slow steps around the shocked group. He peels the mask away from his face.
“Yknow, most people tend to turn to the worst of their options when in a dark time,” he says smoothly, feeling each and every set of eyes watching while he walks. Hulk watches through blurred vision, completely disoriented. 
“I mean, hate to give you the classic origin story and everything, but…” 
“Hold on,” the thoughts are almost visible, loud and heavy in Tony’s head, “is this about something I did?”
So he’s finally getting it.
“What could Tony have possibly done?” Asks Natasha, and Y/n looks at his father directly.
“You don’t care, ok, that’s what-“ his voice is breathy, and he scowls, “You can’t even talk to your own kid, Stark. It’s like you don’t realize what I am, to you- what you are to me!” Anger rises with each word that shoots like poison from Y/n’s mouth. 
Tony gets defensive, shaking his head and squeezing his eyes shut. “That’s not true, I know damn well you’re my kid-“
“Oh really? Cause you seem to have it a bit mixed up.” Y/n’s eyes flicker to Peter’s frame, and everyone tenses.
“Is…is this about Peter?”
At the mention of his name, Peter tears off his mask, a concerned, heavy look on his face. 
“I, Y/n it’s not like that-“ he tries, only to be interrupted.
“Yknow,” Y/n’s voice sounds so pained, “I always thought maybe you aren’t too upfront with your affection. For years, ok, I would wake up, go to school, come back, and go to bed all without saying more than a few words to you. Years, dad.” A lump is forming in his throat, but it’s too late to turn back now. “But then, out of nowhere, someone else comes into the picture and suddenly you’re taking him to lunch, you’re picking him up from school, basically spending way more time with him, than with me.”
Bold, bitter, and wavering- Y/n doesn’t stop. Even as his father, his classmate, the people he’d grown up with thinking were like family, just watch with feeling burning in their eyes. 
“You made it look so easy with him.”
“Hey, kid, c’mon-“
“Are you serious?!” Y/n yells in disbelief. “Are you gonna tell me I’m wrong? Is that it? I’m just exaggerating, or what-“
Tony straightens his posture, swallowing hard. 
Y/n’s face almost crumbles from the way his fathers face wavers. But he just doesn’t stop. 
“You can be the greatest hero in the world,” Y/n breathes, sweat sparkling around the frame of his face, “you can put on a face for the interviews, and train Peter to perfection,” a step closer, “but don’t forget that I’ve always been here too.” 
Y/n’s voice sounds so dark, unfamiliar and breaking, it’s gone raspy from the pounding drum of his heart beat. 
Ringing silence once more. 6 melting souls standing in the waste of their own troubles. 
Y/n feels budding tears threatening to spill.
“And now look what we’ve done.” 
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 9 months
Ancient queen of the forgotten seem cool, but what if she is a MILF?
Like she not interested in any relationship and just wanted to be with her baby boy but she accidentally attracted some other human fighters due to not also being attray, but she is quite intelligent and a strong warrior and leader
Like Tesla, Lu Bu, and Jack is hear eyes with the queen who seem to be oblivious of their advancement
-Ever since you won your fight you have been receiving more visitors than normal in your little corner of Valhalla.
-Your son Zerofuku liked the guests, treating them all as friends, and they were all respectful, mainly because you strung a man up after he told your son to get lost so he would speak with you.
-Zerofuku was the light of your life, and he adored you to pieces, constantly hugging you or holding your hand, and was surprisingly protective of you.
-If he heard anyone talking badly about you, he had no issues reverting to his envious form to shout and chase them off.
-However, they weren’t talking bad about you, in fact they were praising you as well as the things they would like to do to you.
-You were rather oblivious to your new admirers, being revered now as the Queen of the MILFs, not just the Queen of the Forgotten. You were confused, never hearing of that term before.
-Buddha, a good friend who found it funny that you were rather oblivious, had no issues knocking some heads around after you asked him what a MILF was. That was not a conversation he was ready to have, not just with you but with anyone!
-A few of the human fighters had been quite persistent with their visits, but they were polite, not upsetting you in the slightest.
-Lu Bu: He wanted to fight you, wanting to test your strength against his own, and while not as physically strong, your skills made up for it and you quickly proved you were not to be underestimated. He came around like clockwork, wanting to spar with you, as besides you, Thor, and a small handful of other people, mainly the other human fighters, not many could match him in a fight. It was your strength and skills that drew him in first, followed by your caring and gentle nature to children and Zerofuku, showing him that you were just as soft as you were a warrior. Lu Bu experienced very little softness in his life, most of it after his death and most of that was with you, when you would patch his wounds up, either from your own fights or his fights from others, gently scolding him for being reckless. He wanted to be even more reckless, especially if he was going to be able to sit so close to you and bask in your soft affections.
-Nikola: He was…enthusiastic, wanting to know all about your empire, as he had done his research and there were tools that you used first that in recorded history weren’t used until much later and he wanted to know how you or whoever in your time period, came up with them. You found Nikola charming, and he was a little dense himself, not realizing how close he had been getting to you until he looked away from his book he was looking over with you to praise you and got an eyeful as he looked down. Nikola surprised you with a bouquet of roses the next day, not able to look directly at you, which was rather confusing. When you brushed his hair out of his face, asking if he was alright, he ran away, blushing bright red.
-Jack: Jack was intrigued with you, you were a warrior but also soft and gentle, the perfect blend of hard and soft, and your inner colors reflected that as well, swirling almost perfectly in balance. Jack had never met someone like you before, but then again, he never met a long-forgotten warrior queen before who adopted not only Zerofuku, but other children, gods and humans, taking them under your wings and caring so softly for them. Jack longed for that himself, to be treated like that by someone who loved him like that, but he would never say anything like that to you- he was a gentleman after all. However, you and Zerofuku enjoyed his visits and Jack would always bring tea and treats and tell you both stories, from Shakespeare and from his own past. Jack loved the attention, you and Zerofuku on either side of him, it felt like family to him. Jack just wished you wore more modest clothing, as he felt like he was ogling you, but you came from not only a different time but a different part of the world. Still, he didn’t mind getting peeks from time to time, but he would never tell you that.
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