honeylikewords · 1 year
penumbra. (jack russell)
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jack and his wife are separated during the full moon. (set in the events of the pregnancy arc!)
(warnings: descriptions of food and eating, non-descript vomiting, scenes of fear and anxiety; first ever attempt at writing slightly angsty, potentially hurt/comfort fic(?), everything works out so don’t worry! word count: 6k.)
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“Beaver moon,” Jack says, hands in his pockets. He’s staring at a patch of clouds that are skating rapidly across the icy blue sky, nose high in the air. Smelling the wind for what’s to come.
His eyes flick to the side to catch a glimpse of her as she comes to stand next to him, arms crossed over her waist to brace against the chill, and he extends a hand to invite her to stand closer. She does, and she is instantly met with the radiating warmth of Jack’s feverish body temperature as he pulls her into his side; he rubs a hand along her upper arm in soothing arcs, and the heat of his touch comforts her.
“Beaver moon?”
When he’s distant, lost to her, she’s found that pressing him with innocuous questions can help draw him out. An easy opportunity to explain something can warm him back up to talking, and one hapless conversation may branch into a more expository one, and she hopes that getting him to talk about this will help him talk about that. It’s on the horizon, and, presumably, the driving force behind his shift in mood.
“Yeah,” he breathes. “November’s moon. That’s what they called it in, eh, the Farmer’s Almanac.”
He chuckles a little and shakes his head, gaze returning to the skies, and she watches his face as his eyes wander farther and farther away. His thumb creates slow circles on her elbow as he holds her close, and when he does speak again, he mumbles.
“They re-named all the moons of the year. Borrowed--” --he says the word with some sourness-- “--From the people already here. Made up new names for old things. I remember when they started. But there are names, real ones, that people do use.”
Jack turns to look back at her, and she can see something dark hiding in his bright eyes. She knows the expression that has come to linger all too well, from the severity of the lines between his eyebrows to the way he pulls his lips taut, chewing the inside of his cheek. The crease over the bridge of his nose gets more pronounced, and the darkness under his eyes brings a haggard weight to his gaze. A hardness of muscle, a thinness of blood, a lack of color. He’s afraid of something. She feels the knot of fear growing in her belly, too.
She should be used to it, by now. Sometimes, she feels like she is. But every month, like clockwork, when the atmosphere will become tense, Jack’s anxieties become her own, no matter how much she tries to assuage them.
“This month’s a total lunar eclipse,” he adds.
“A blood moon.”
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Jack never tells her exactly where it is he goes, and he insists that she doesn’t tell him where she’s planning to go, either.
“Just make it deep into the city,” he reminds her. “The deeper you go, the harder it will be for me to get there.”
“Jack, you wouldn’t--”
He puts a hand up, firmly halting the conversation, and finishes putting the last of his clothes in the duffel bag. As he zips it up, he glances at her and sees the hurt in her face, a downcast expression coming over his own. They’ve had this conversation before, but repetition it doesn’t make it any easier.
“I’m sorry, bebé. I know. But… we can’t risk it.”
Jack rounds the edge of the bed to come to her side, cupping her face in his hands. Regret and longing shadow him as he pets her cheeks, and she doesn’t like the way he’s studying her face; she’s afraid he’s looking at her for what he believes to be the last time. They’ve done this before, dozens of times, so why does this one feel so different? Shaking off the thoughts, she steels herself and holds his hand to her face, meeting his eyes.
“We have our systems,” she reminds him. “You’ll be alright. You’ll come back, all in one big, hairy piece.”
He wrinkles his nose at that. She can’t tell if he’s trying not to laugh or if he’s just uncomfortable, but whatever the reality, it doesn’t seem that her attempt at a joke broke much of the tension in him at all. Damn.
Instead of replying, Jack pauses, then bends forward and kisses her on the crest of her hairline. As his lips warm her, he draws in a deep breath through his nose, his eyes faltering shut as he takes in her scent. He inhales so deeply that she feels a few of her hairs lift off her head; it tickles, and she can’t help the small bubble of noise that escapes her. After a long moment of him standing completely still, nose pressed to her scalp, she feels Jack shift, turning to rapidly kiss every inch of her face.
“I,” he mumbles, kissing her temple, “love,” a kiss to her nose, “you,” a kiss to her cupid’s bow, “so,” now one on the corner of her jaw, “much.”
He plants another dozen across her cheeks and chin and ears and hair, until she’s certain he’s gotten each individual centimeter of surface area her face has, and then pulls back, hands remaining cupped around her face and keeping her in his view as long as possible.
“I will come back to you.” His voice is low, tired. But the promise is powerful. “And we will be alright.”
“I know,” she replies. “I’m going to miss you.”
“It’s only one night,” shrugs Jack, trying to seem blasé. “You might like the break from me. Get a little ‘you’ time in. Watch something you know I’d hate. Eat something with mushrooms.”
“Sounds fun.” It comes out more mournful than she meant for it to.
Out in the yard, branches snap: the cue. Jack frowns, the lines of his face deeper than ever and she thinks, in that moment, that all the hundreds of years have abruptly caught up to him. Wordless, he sighs, presses his nose to her cheek, and gives her one last, long kiss, savoring the plushness of her lips and the scent of her skin, before pulling away.
He grabs his bag off the bed and then takes her hand, the two of them walking in tandem through the house until they reach the back door, where Jack opens it and sees Ted squatting in the bushes. The massive creature waves sweetly at the two of them, and she waves back.
“Take care of my husband,” she smiles. Ted nods his tentacled head.
Jack hesitates in the doorway. The hand that grasps hers guides their encircled fingers to her belly, and he lets go of her with a trail of his fingers across it. His eyes hold there before he scratches at one ear, surprisingly aggressive, and breaks himself from his reverie.
“I end up having to take care of him, you know,” grumbles Jack, a hint of a smile pulling at his lips.
Ted makes an elephantine grunt and Jack rolls his eyes.
“Ay, I’m coming, man.”
Finally, Jack takes the step to go. He walks across the yard, towards the treeline that leads into the forest, where Ted holds open a gap in the bushes. As he crosses the barrier into the woods, Jack looks back at his wife, and the two of them do their best to be the one to look away first.
It’s only one night.
She breaks first, wiping her eyes on the back of her hand, and when she manages to clear her throat and look back up, both men are long gone.
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Paying in cash at the hotel is always extremely embarrassing.
Jack insists, every month, that cards can’t be used-- “They leave a paper trail, querida,” he admonishes-- so he gives her a massive pile of bills to use at her discretion for the night. It always garners looks.
The concierge had raised both eyebrows and quirked his lips to the side before remembering his job and her presence, penitently smiling at her as he counted out the hundreds for the room, and she’d stood at the counter in a haze of discomfort while he made the key card.
She wonders idly if this one would spread rumors of a “lady of the night” or a “woman on the run” in the break room to his coworkers, then continues unpacking her toiletries on the bathroom counter, dismissive. It doesn’t really matter what he says so long as he and all the other people in this city make enough noise and light and stench to keep the wolf at bay.
That was the hope Jack had each month, sending her into the city: the hope that the chaos of human civilization would scare the wolf away from wherever she might be. That their secrecy would keep any memories, even subconscious, out of the wolf’s mind. That he wouldn’t know where to find her, even if he did hunt for her. That was the system.
So far, it has worked.
She does her best to whittle down the hours as sunset begins. Television, phone scrolling, reading, folding and unfolding her clothes for the night and following morning. None of it sufficiently puts to rest the images in her mind; Jack, locked in a cage somewhere, waiting for the agony to begin. Jack, alone. Jack, transformed.
Getting up from the edge of the bed, she moves to sit in the stiff, polyester-upholstered armchair by the window and stares out at the skyline. The city seems to be burning to the ground as the sun sinks between the skyscrapers and streets, dipping lower and lower into the horizon, before being extinguished as moonrise begins. Blue-black night stretches over the land, and thousands of streetlights and windows and signs flare to life, filling the darkness, pushing it back.
The room is too quiet, even with the television running for background noise. She fidgets with a loose thread on the arm of the chair as her stomach churns. She can’t stop thinking about Jack, and how his attitude had been so foreign; he was always withdrawn and anxious before the full moon, but he’d seemed more frightened than usual this time. Her gut contorts when she thinks to herself that he may have been giving her a goodbye, somehow, as if this was the end of something, and all of a sudden--
She bolts up from the chair so violently it rocks over, and rushes to the bathroom, collapsing on her knees in front of the toilet.
“For the love of God,” she moans, voice echoing in the now-full bowl. “Really?”
Nobody answers, but she stands on shaking legs and wipes her mouth with a tissue, flushing the whole affair down the toilet as she brushes her teeth and tongue forcefully. When she’s done, she kicks at the wastebasket in the bathroom and glares at her stomach as it makes a loud, wet growl.
“Seriously? Now you’re hungry?”
The sudden pang, both of pain and hunger, shoots through her and she narrows her eyes further, sighing in frustration and moving to get her coat.
Jack normally instructs her that once the moon is up, she cannot leave wherever it is that she’s hiding. Staying behind doors and walls and out of the open air creates interference, he says, and that interference is key to keeping the beast confused. “If he can’t smell you, he can’t find you.”
Well, wherever he is, she reasons to herself, he’s not going to smell her deep in the heart of the city, much less in the few minutes it will take her to get from her room to the nearby pizza place. The jacket is shrugged on and she opens the suite door, a cold thrill running through her as she breaks one of the rules of the full moon. So much for the system.
She breaks it further still as she leaves the hotel lobby and ambles into the restaurant a block westward, gazing at the menu blearily before ordering two slices: one of her standard order, the second a surprising combination of mushrooms, peppers and pineapple that makes the man behind the counter scoff as he jots it down on the pad. Another fistful of loose bills is tendered, this time to no surprise.
She takes a bite her familiar pizza, first, sitting at a sticky plastic table in the far corner of the restaurant, closer to where the cooking is happening. She figures that if she’s going to break the rules, she might as well balance it out by doing them safely by masking herself in the hot, smelly din of the kitchen. The pizza is a warm meal on an empty stomach, so it tastes better than usual, and she scarfs the first piece down quickly before turning her attention to this new order.
The mushrooms had originally been a little joke-- as one of Jack’s least favorite foods, they seldom turned up in any meals they shared, so she would order them when he was away-- but the other toppings had been ordered on impulse, all of them individually hungered for. Pineapple for its tart sweetness, peppers for their verdant crunch, mushrooms for their earthy meatiness; she piles a massive amount of the tinned parmesan cheese atop her slice and dives in ravenously.
It is a little strange at first, she admits, but scratches an itch she doesn’t quite understand, and she soon finds herself chewing through the crust, the piece decimated and digested. She marvels at herself for housing it that fast and wonders if she might have forgotten to eat earlier today, lost in all the stress of Jack’s departure. Not quite satiated by both pieces, she returns to the counter, orders another slice of the mixed-topping pizza, and takes it to go.
She walks out the front door with the piece in hand, clutched in a slightly oily napkin, and begins to walk through the cold streets of the city, watching through windows as businesses shutter for the night and families turn out the lights in bedrooms and dens. The world is getting ready to sleep, and she feels restless.
Midway across the street that would take her onto the block her hotel sits on, she decides that she can’t go back to the room right now. The stillness is too intimidating, too constricting. She knows that if she locks herself in that suite, she’ll sit, motionless, on the edge of the bed, cycling through the same thoughts that had led her here, making herself sicker and sicker. The mere idea of being in that sterile, dimly home-like room sends a clench through her abdomen, so she chooses to keep breaking the rules.
She takes a left and crosses another street, meandering into the city park that spans multiple blocks. She’d seen it coming in towards the hotel, and knows where the hotel sits in position to it, so she won’t get lost, she figures, passing through the low gates of the park and following the paved paths past a bed of trees and unpetaled rose bushes.
The grass underfoot crunches dryly, almost entirely dead, as she works on her piece of pizza and wanders aimlessly through the park. Now that she’s had about two and a third of these large slices, she’s beginning to feel full, and the remaining two-thirds slice in her hand is becoming less and less appetizing as it gets colder and she thinks more on her worries. She doesn’t want to vomit again, so she decides to give herself a break from it and moves to sit on an empty bench overlooking a glass-smooth pond.
It’s a calming sight: the park is entirely empty, the water features all turned off, and all that she can hear is the wind through the trees and the distant sound of traffic, muffled by the foliage. The night sky is dim, starless thanks to the city’s light pollution, but the moon, enormous and luminous, cuts through the darkness, viciously bright. It glows orange-red, the penumbra of the earth edging in; the blood moon.
She thinks of him as she stares at the moon, mindlessly picking at the food in her hands. The wind gusts a cluster of leaves down from the tree tops and they rain down onto the surface of the pond, sending ripples flowing across the water, reflecting red moonlight in arcs and waves. Somewhere, a dead limb cracks off a tree and falls to the earth with a heavy thud, and she jumps a little, nails digging into the mushroom she’d peeled off the pizza and was ripping apart on the napkin.
It occurs to her, now, that she is a woman alone in a major city, in a park, at night. She checks her surroundings carefully, noting no sign of other people, and tries to remember which way the hotel is; after a moment’s consideration, she decides that it’s to her right and that she’ll follow the path out to the nearest street, which she should be able to cross and get back to the hotel via.
As she begins to stand, another crack issues through the silence of the park, this one less heavy but nearer than the first. It sounded more like something crunching through shrubbery, something with enough mass to disturb leaves and snap branches. Human? Animal? She isn’t sure; do coyotes come this far into the city? She’d heard that they sometimes wandered the suburbs, attacking dogs; now isn’t the time to remember things about coyotes, she thinks. Now is the time to move. Her heart is pounding, dread setting in around her, and she moves as quietly as she can towards the path that leads right, staring at the space she thinks the sound came from. Unfortunately, it works: she sees what she’s looking for.
In the light of the red moon, she sees it.
Something massive, much bigger than any coyote could ever hope to be, rises from a span of bushes a few yards away from the bench, hunkered low but coming up taller and taller and taller. Every inch it rises is another dagger in her heart, her ears slamming with the sound of her blood, and if she had half a wit left in her, she’d scream: scream until whatever it was went deaf, scream until all the city knew where she was, scream until her throat bled. But all she can do is stumble backward, unable to take her eyes off the indistinct thing in the darkness, her body begging her to move back, into the light, into the safety of numbers, into anywhere but here, as everything else shuts down.
She keeps taking rapid, wobbling steps back, faster and faster, eyes transfixed, as the shape pushes out from the bushes and begins moving across the grass, shadowed and faster than anything she’s ever seen before. It races at her as she tries to turn around and run, and she begins scrambling up the path when whatever it is lets out an inhuman screech that crescendoes into an unearthly howl, so loud it rings her ears and makes her start dry-sobbing, trying, still, to run.
Before she can get anywhere close to the edge of the path, the creature is behind her, arms around her chest, yanking her backward into the night, and she finally manages to let out a belting scream before--
She is laying on her back, in the grass, at the side of the pond, and the thing is over her, staring down. Her body is pinned under the creature, with its knees on either side of her abdomen, one of its hands under the backside of her head and the other supporting the small of her back. The arms holding her still must be enormously strong, as she feels that her weight is not resting against the earth, but rather solely in the grasp of the beast.
It tilts its head from side to side as it inspects her closely, and she takes advantage of the moment to do the same. In the full, bright light of the moon, it’s much easier to see what exactly this thing is; it’s certainly humanoid, to be sure. Wide shoulders covered in a dense pelt of fur block out the sky behind it, and its bare chest is similarly hairy, tapering into a manlike waist. It’s all bare, actually, excepting a shredded pair of sweatpants that fit tightly against the creature’s lean legs and that are torn below the knee, making room for its massive calves. The hair seems to be densest around the thing’s face and neck, where it splays out in a dark mane, backlit by the moon to create a halo of red-brown tendrils that shift with every breeze. Its nose is long, flared into a wide, brown snout that clefts into two distinct curves of cartilage; every breath drawn through it rankles its top lip, curling it into a snarl. Twin sets of razor-sharp incisors glint wetly in the light, framed by lips that hang open as it breathes, hard, through its mouth.
Most noticeable, however, are its eyes.
They glow from underneath massive eyebrows, peering at her through the darkness, twin sparks of the aurora borealis. Green. They’re green.
Her own eyes swim with tears and her throat closes up, unable to make any sound but little sore gulps, and the creature bends down to rub its canine nose against her jaw, whimpering in the back of its throat sympathetically.
No, she corrects, not its: his. She would know him anywhere.
Jack pushes his face along the underside of her chin, whining into her neck, and uses the hand cradling her head to push her into the crook of his, rubbing her in. At first, the action confuses her, and she rankles her nose at the strong scent of his sweat against his damp, musky fur, but it dawns on her that the smell is, in fact, the purpose of the gesture: he needs her to smell him as he is smelling her. The wolf wants her to know that she is with her mate, and believes the scent is key to convincing her. She settles for winding her fingers into the matted span hair that covers his back and shoulders and crying, equal parts relieved and frightened, into his pelt.
She shakes and sobs as the wolf presses her to his chest, and Jack lets out pained, short barks, baying and howling pityingly. He pushes her as close to his skin as he can get her, and his skin is so hot it burns her cheeks, already sore from crying; if she didn’t know better, she’d think he was on death’s door with a fatal fever. As her breathing starts to lull and the sobs mellow into hiccups, Jack shifts her weight closer to him, rising to his feet with her in his arms.
The shock sends her scrambling in his hold, gripping onto his shoulders and yelping in fright. Jack lets out a huff and bumps his nose against her temple, a silent attempt to calm her, and he begins moving back towards the trees, seeming intent on going deeper into the park. Tentatively, she puts a hand on his chest and pushes, and he stops, head jerking back in confusion. She watches his huge eyebrows knit together and he bares his teeth; it’s not a threat, but a question, his familiar eyes searching her face for an explanation.
“Jack, we have to get you out of here,” she rasps. “You’re not safe in the city.”
If he understands, he doesn’t show it; Jack decides to keep walking toward the trees, and she has to push again to get him to stop. This time, he lets out a growl, his hold on her tightening, but he does relent and holds still, waiting in the shadow of a tree.
“Where’s Ted? Why aren’t you in your…”
Her voice trails off as she realizes she doesn’t know what to ask, and that even if she did, Jack probably isn’t capable of responding. He cocks his head at her and frowns, again pushing his nose into the side of her face and nuzzling against her skin, and she melts under his touch. For as long as she’s known him, Jack has been firm with her that this part of himself is too hideous, too deadly for her to see, but, now, all she can see is her husband, vulnerable despite the power of his transformation.
She takes a moment to do some mental math, weighing her options. She can’t let Jack out of her sight for the rest of the night, that much she knows, but how she’ll get him to safety is the truly unknown element. Getting back to their house wouldn’t be entirely feasible, as she’d taken a taxi to get here, and getting him back to wherever he chose to hide during his transformations was out, since she both did not know where it was and knew that wherever it was, it was not in any condition to hold him: he’d gotten out, after all.
That left two options: try to sneak Jack out through the city on foot, or…
“Jack? Baby?”
His ears perk and he pulls his face out of her neck, head cocked like a dog listening for instructions. Jack’s pink tongue slips out and wets his lips and teeth and he flashes her something that she tries to interpret as a smile, but that reads more closely to a grimace. It endears her all the same.
“You need to come with me, okay?”
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Jack stirs with a groan, his eyes blurry and unfocused. Everything is scaldingly bright, burning his retinas, and he covers his face with a large hand, rubbing at his sore lids and wiping away the crust of a heavy, pained sleep.
“Morning, Puppy,” he hears.
Oh, still dreaming. That’s frustrating. Jack hates it when he dreams that she’s near, only to wake up alone. It’s like barreling headlong into a glass door. He rolls over on his side and throws an arm over his head, snarling through his teeth at the world.
Of course he’d have a dream like this after a night like that. Dream that she’s rubbing his back, dream that she’s pressing her lips to his hands, dream that her scent is wrapped all around him, filling the room.
He tries to burrow his face into the pillow and block out the light, only to find that his pillow is hot. Solid. Not at all fabric, but certainly plush. He growls in frustration, wondering if he fell asleep on top of a deer carcass again: that'd be hell to wash out of his hair. But the pillow smells like her… painfully so. He pushes his face in deep and moans in misery.
"Are you still hurting?"
"Yes," he says, voice rough and cracking. "Everything hurts. Miss you."
"...You miss me?"
Jack opens one eye and stares up at the fuzzy, dark shape hovering at the periphery of his vision. From a certain angle, and with just the right amount of blinked clarity, it does sort of look like her. He figures getting it all out of his system in a dream is as good an option as any, and he rubs his rough-stubbled cheek into his warm, rising and falling pillow, sighing.
"I hate being away from you, amorcita," he rumbles. "Makes me feel like complete shit. I already feel like shit, then I come out of it, and you're not there, and I become, uh, doubleshit."
"You're not doubleshit," she purrs. A hand strokes the exposed curve of his face and he tilts his chin to meet it; this is certainly one of his more indulgent dreams. Lusciously detailed. It'll be hell to wake up from. "You're alright, now."
Jack wrinkles his brow and scrunches both eyes tightly before reopening them, rolling on his pillow to face upward. His gaze clears and focuses: her face is now visible, looking down on him from above. He squints at her.
“...What are you doing?”
At his question she knits her brow and smiles, shaking her head in amused confusion.
She looks so beautiful that it takes Jack out of his mind and into a purely animal place: all he wants to do is stare at her, at the angles of her face, the slope of her nose, the curvature of her lips. He wants to ingrain this thought in the forefront of his mind and forget everything else; the pain in his body, the ravages of the night before, the wild haze of unclear memories. All that matters is this.
One of her delicate hands reaches down and scritches at his chin, right in his favorite spot, the one that always sends his leg twitching, and he’s too worn to hold back the relieved moan that issues out of him, his whole body oozing into languid comfort. His eyes flutter shut, and he revels in the sensation of her. Oh, she really knows how to get him.
When her nails catch on a rough patch of stubble that tugs a little, it occurs to Jack that he is not, in fact, dreaming. That accidental scrape of nails feels too organic to have been generated by his fuzzy mind; his eyes flash open, staring up at her.
She pulls back briefly, and Jack leans up, cocking his head. This is not a dream. She is there, sitting above him. His mind goes blank.
Jack pushes himself onto his elbows and looks around at his surroundings, bewildered, heart racing. This is not his safe room. These are not concrete walls. They’re wallpapered, with tacky, directionless paintings glued on. He’s laying on a completely destroyed mattress, body between her legs, instead of on the cold floor of his cell. He’d gotten out, somehow, and--
“Jack, baby, it’s okay,” she says, reaching around to wrap her arms about his chest and tug his back flush to her body. He trembles a little in her grasp, feeling her pressing reassuring kisses all along his face and shoulders, but the sound of her voice and the touch of her hands brings him back down to earth, bit by bit. “It’s just me. You’re alright. We made it through the night.”
“You… found me, remember?”
A low series of curses in a mixture of languages seep from his lips as he turns on the bed, taking her face in his hands. He paws at her, tugging clothes aside and pushing her limbs this way and that as he anxiously studies every inch of her, checking her face and body for wounds, bandages, scars: any sign that the wolf had harmed her. He’d gotten loose? And, worse yet, he’d managed to get to wherever she was?
“Did I--”
“You didn’t hurt me, Jack,” she reprimands. His eyes rise up to hers; her gaze is firm, unyielding in its promise. “You were looking for me.”
“I… I don’t know how I got out,” he admits, stroking one of her cheeks. “I’ve never done that, before.”
“Well, it’s certainly a first, but… as far as I can tell, all you did was come to find me. I think you wanted to take me home, actually.”
He looks at the room. This is definitely not home.
“But I, uh, didn’t let that happen.”
Jack frowns. This just keeps getting more and more mystifying.
“You fought the wolf?,” he asks. When she rolls her eyes and shakes her head, he frowns even more deeply and presses further. “Then… what?”
“I just… asked you to follow me. I took you back to the hotel.”
“We’re at a hotel?!”
Reeling, Jack holds onto her shoulder for support and stares out at the room. Of course. Her hotel room. He recognizes all the telltale signs-- the chipped wooden furniture, the clunky black plastic amenities, the pale orange lighting-- but sees all of it in disarray. Claw marks line the overturned armchair by the window. Stuffing leaks out of the loveseat. All the sheets are shredded, the mattress beneath them carved with long, hard gouges. He thinks he sees bite marks on the legs of the writing desk.
The idea that the wolf was in a hotel room at all flummoxes Jack; that he could pass dozens, maybe even hundreds of opportunities to hunt, all sitting quietly in their little, individually-wrapped rooms seems impossible. Surely, he must have left a wake of destruction behind himself... right?
Jack peers down the entryway and notes that the front door of the suite is shut, with the desk chair shoved under the handle at such an angle that the door is, essentially, barricaded. He wonders if she put that there to keep others out, or to keep him in; either way, it seems to have worked. He can’t smell blood, nor decay, though there’s a minor tinge of stomach acid. She must have gotten sick rather recently, at least within the last hour, and Jack lets out a frustrated whimper at the idea of her being ill and his being unable to help her.
He collapses into her, pulling them both down onto the mattress, and exhaustedly moves his head to lay on her body. He isn’t even particularly conscious of his movements, just letting his instincts take over and guide him, and he ends up curled around her, his head firmly pressed into her belly, hands gripping her sides as she pets his hair to comfort him. Everything washes over him in a depleting wave, and he surrenders to her wholly, burrowing his face into her and kissing mindlessly into her tummy.
“This is actually how you slept for most of the night,” she remarks, playing with the patch of hair over his right ear. “Just like this.”
Her belly must have been the pillow he mistook for a deer carcass. If he wasn’t so drained, he might have been a little embarrassed by the error. It doesn’t matter, now. All that matters is getting her home, safe and sound, and making sure that none of this follows them back. Pay all this off. Get out without being seen. Find Ted. Repair and re-structure the safe room. The list keeps growing.
But he’ll straighten all of that out later. In the moment, Jack just wants to lay still and revel in her: it’s the first time he’s woken up from a transformation with her right there, by his side, and it fulfills some emptiness he had only dreamed of easing. She’s here. She’s holding him. He’s safe in her arms. What more could a man ask for?
His hand straggles up and he lays it next to his face on her tummy, tracing intricate patterns into the skin under her shirt. The texture of her skin is so familiar and grounding that he nearly is lulled back to sleep, his eyes drifting shut, palm splayed across her belly, but he manages to fight through and stir himself awake, blinking heavily up at her.
“You’re incredible,” he manages. “I don’t know how you do it, but you’re, you know, just… I love you.”
He’s not quite aware of his words, more cognizant of the feelings behind them than of their actual structure, and relents: maybe he can’t express himself like that right now. Still too frazzled. Instead, he settles for leaning in, and presses a kiss deep and hard into the softness of her belly. She pets the hair at the nape of his neck, mumbling her response distantly.
“I didn’t really do much of anything, I don’t think,” she says. “I just asked. You listened.”
The idea of the wolf listening to anyone should surprise Jack. But instead, he blinks, pensive, and nods into her stomach; if ever there was a voice that could compel him, both halves, wholly and completely, it would be hers.
“And I love you, too. All of you, by the way.”
“I tore apart a mattress,” Jack moans. “You sure you love that part?”
She laughs, the sound softening every line in Jack’s face as he relaxes into her, and she rubs his shoulders with a doting firmness that makes his heart sing.
“I do, actually; it was kind of cute. I think you were just trying to make a bed pile for us.”
“Leave it to you to,” he mumbles, trailing off, “to find something cute in a werewolf.”
“‘S not my fault. You’re the one who’s a cute werewolf. I’m just an impartial observer, making a statement of fact.”
Jack doesn’t have nearly enough energy to play-argue with her, but he has enough that he manages to open his eyes and stare up at her. Something looks different about her, now: a glow to her features, not quite new, but more pronounced. He wonders if she’s just his guardian angel, come to care for him, and that what he’s seeing is her halo; that must be it. Her halo.
Her light outshines the moon; the wolf bays for her, now.
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links to previous fics in this series:
thank you for reading! comments and replies are always appreciated, and give me immense motivation to continue these stories! feel free to let me know what you thought and what you’d like to see next!
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meowcatsposts · 1 year
Better [Werewolf bf]
╰► warning: mentions of stalking and kidnapping
You get kidnapped by a werewolf, basically
(But don't worry, he has your best interests at heart)
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“You deserve better,” he murmured, rough voice raspy from the lack of use. His copper eyes bore into yours, so icily striking yet fiery warm. “You really do.”
Argos was his name, you learned–the hound-human who captured you. He had an unruly and dark but smooth mane for hair, and his complexion was rather pale, like white lilies under waning moonlight. Ropes of lean muscle undulated beneath his milky skin as he scrounged for something in a heap of bones. He kept his “treasures” hidden there.
From the ghoulish pile he produced yet another skull–a dog skull. Hollowed dead eyes stared back at you as he put the piece of bone in front of your eyes, and you suppressed a small scream. Were you going to end up like this?
“You’re scared,” Argos said, dark eyebrows drawing together. “I didn’t mean to do that…” 
He paused to look you in the eyes once more, as if checking a wounded bird. Then he continued–after encapsulating your hand in his larger, rougher one. They were warm, like a hot cup of tea.
“This could have been me, a long time ago,” Argos trailed, rotating the dog skull and tilting his head to see its void eyes, too. “Neglected, starved, dead…” He set the skull down with a soft clunk. “I’ve watched you, and I see it in you, too. The people around you don’t see your worth, do they? They treat you like vermin, from what I see–something to never befriend, something to never worship.” Suddenly his eyes burned dark, a moon in a solar eclipse. A guttural growl escaped his parted lips. “And I’ve seen you cry by yourself…with no one to cry on…”
Then, gazing into your eyes like a pet who lovingly sidles up to its owner, he asked, “Was it lonely?”
You hadn’t noticed the hot tears searing your eyelids nor the blurred Argos in front of you, who held both of your hands in both of his. It was so unnerving and creepy and freaky that a hound-human like him stalked you, but at the same time it was so fuzzy and gentle and warm that it made your heart clench. Oh, how you wished for a genuine connection–a connection of trust and love and nothing else. But alas, thick ropes of human connections strangle you, leaving you breathless and choking, raw and bruised. 
Did Argos understand? Perhaps he did, because with a small smile he wiped your tears away with his thumb, murmuring soft ‘it’s ok’ s, or ‘I’ll be with you now’ s. 
“Yeah…it was lonely,” you croaked. “How do you know?”
Argos said nothing, just held you close. 
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You had just returned from a hangout, rather large, consisting of several friends. A part of you was happy you went, but another whole was glad to be far, far away from that suffocating setting. Sure, everyone was cordial and bubbly and kind, but they knew each other more than you did. So you were left to drift by yourself most of the time, left to gaze upon tightly-knit trios and duos who were talking and smiling. One, as a joke, called you something foul–but apologized later on for potentially hurting your feelings. 
Minutes dragged into hours, and you soon grew exhausted by the continuous chatter that you couldn’t keep up with–or really be a part of. It was an odd number of people anyway, you told yourself. It’d be natural for someone like yourself to be floating. So you excused yourself, before you grew too sick. (Not like the others really cared, right, though they waved and said cheery ‘bye!’ s to you.)
Currently in the shower, fresh tears streamed down your wet cheeks. Why were you crying, again? Was it relief? Was it hurt? What was it, anyway?
All you knew, though, was that it felt good to cry.
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Argos heard your soft sobs and whimpers bounce off the ambient shower walls. 
Heck, he even heard you blow your nose every so often, probably because you were crying so much. His sharp ears flattened on his head and he prowled around in endless circles, large paws making no sound on the prickly grass. His tail dangled limply and his thick fur bristled against the chilly fall breeze. 
Why did your outing have to turn so bitter? he wondered. Why did you always have to end up like this?
Argos saw how bright your hopeful eyes looked, only for it to drain drain drain away until your once beautiful eyes turned nearly dull. It reminded him of when he was infested by maggots–lying limply on cold stone, life slowly draining from his eyes. It took all of his resolve not to whisk you right away, into his humble little shack. At least he could provide you with warmth there. He would protect you–love you–unlike those unappreciative posers. There were too many of that kind, he thought bitterly.
Argos gazed blankly at the dimly lit road. It was good that it was dark; he melted into the shadows. No one to see him. No one to hear him.
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“Argos, do you think I’m selfish?” you asked the now-hound male, whose large head was on your lap. Argos rumbled his throat as if to say, ‘No, you are not.’
Your fingers glided through his dense, black fur. It had been quite a while now, since he claimed you as his. Perhaps it’d been a few months now, maybe more. And your former home? Argos told you not to worry about it–apparently it’d been taken care of. How, though, you didn’t know. 
Argos treated you quite well; you were his royalty, after all. He fed you your favorite meals and snacks, gave you space (to some extent–you couldn’t leave the premises), and drowned you in his affections. When he was a wolf he licked and nipped gently at your skin, and provided you with his fur to play with. When he was human he embraced you and napped with you, and loved to kiss you–sometimes on the forehead, sometimes on the lips, but mostly on the neck, right where your heartbeat was. His kisses were usually light and sweet, a stark contrast to his brooding eyes and glacial complexion.
“Mmh, Argos,” you mumbled, resting your hands on his lean pale arms. 
Argos, on the other hand, was resting his hands on your hips, caging you between his body and a wall. His lips trailed up and down your neck, peppering it with sweet kisses. His copper eyes smoldered with heat, and his body was no different; you thought you would burn under his touch. You knew you couldn’t escape, either, since he was so big; he made you feel so small, somehow, like prey caught by a predator.
“You’re not telling me to stop, are you?” Argos stated; the way his voice lowered by octaves, clearly, it wasn’t a question.
As your breath hitched in your throat, he chuckled, eyes fluttering up to meet yours. They really looked like melted copper now, dissolved by his primal instincts–to press you into the wall…pin your wrists above your head…ravage you until dawn. But somehow, he managed to push them back to the depths of his hungry core, sticking to pressing soft kisses all over your exposed skin.
Feeling a little awkward just standing there, you slipped your fingers through his dark hair and played with the thick strands and massaged his scalp. Argos groaned faintly, just under his breath; you felt it on your skin–hot and needy. 
Getting a surge of confidence you murmured in his ear, “Do you like it?”
Argos just pressed you harder against the hard wooden walls, eliciting a cute squeak from you. (He made sure not to hurt you, though, because he knew just how easily you’d break.) It wasn’t the first time he tossed you around like a ragdoll. He loved how your eyes widened with fear, how your lips parted, how your breath became ragged and uneven; it made his blood burn with adrenaline. 
“I do,” Argos replied gruffly, “but let’s not forget about who’s pinned against the wall, now…”
Sometimes, you hated the man for his cockiness; it dripped off of him like a pungent perfume. 
But he was all you could ever ask for…
So why not stay with him?
yellow dividers from: firefly-graphics
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Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God)
Chapter Three
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Warning: one trippy moment for reader, anxiety talk
Chapter Two | Chapter Four
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Steven Grant is a pretty cool guy! He seems meek, shy, a bit anxious too; yet, this man can be brutal in his quips! Twice he caught you off guard when another employee tried to basically jerk him around. His old job's director used to do that along with never calling him by his name.
A condescending bitch is what he wouldn't say but you said it for him.
Steven also lives in the same apartment complex as your father! Top floor attic style, from what he has told you. Fancy in your mind, he says it's okay. Steven is self taught in almost everything when it comes to history and French. He likes burritos and his friend is a guy who pretends to be a statue.
Overall a guy you have no problem having a minor crush on.
In Steven's point of you: you have a lot of energy! Steven is trapped in the maelstrom called you each afternoon on a Wednesday, you said Wednesdays is your day off. He would be at lunch eating and you slide next to explaining how you are going to fist fight your art history professor. Or, showing him the sketches you got done while on the bus here. You are harmless and he found himself enjoying the company.
It took some getting used to someone talking to him back.
To have a friend who responds back with eagerness and ready to talk about any subject, he isn't used to that.
"Aw, you still have it!" Today he is walking you to a vegan cafe he enjoys from time to time.
"It's a lovely sketch. Are you studying art here?"
"Pft, no, for that I would be in South Korea."
"South Korea?"
"Animation and stuff." Shrugging, "I'm studying history and figured why not try out the international problem plus see my old man." Hands moving as you talk, "You never seen him before?"
"Never met most of the residents. We tend to keep to ourselves." The alternative text was that at the time he was afraid of everyone and scared an old lady when Khonshu was walking towards him through a dark hallway. Steven thought he was crazy, completely batshit nuts.
You nod then glance at your phone checking the time, "Saturday you wanna see an art gallery? A classmate invited me to come see their show." Then you nudge him with your shoulder as he orders some food, "Unless that guy at the cafe finally asked you out, ay ay?"
Steven gets flustered easily, "N-no, anyway he tends to flirt with everyone."
Lunch with Steven is always educational, he tells you something new or helps you find a better way to remember key dates for a test (it's a pain in the ass). You in turn let him vent, you love when he vents about work!
"Ya'know," Sitting down enjoying the scenery of the cafe and cute Steven. "It's good to know even at thirty years old life is still confusing as fuck."
"You make me sound old, (Name)."
"Older than me! You're at the age my dad helped make me."
He groans, putting his face in his hands while you laugh.
Forum update.
New theory support but a new picture! Which said picture looks almost unbelievable. The costume is completely different from the other two though it fits the moon theme.
CapPuertoRico4Prez says: Could be a fake
IntoSpideysHeart says: Idk man it looks real af
Thunderclapping says: Could there be more than one? So far all of them look completely different from each other. Maybe there's more than one??? Like tht one issue of The Bat and Robins where there were more than 1 lady bat.
The forum blew up from there going over and re-analyzing reports and pictures. You just liked seeing the posts. 
Saturday could not come fast enough and your dad of course had to embarrass you. Dressing nice means you like him (true but just cause he is cute!) and since he is a boy (your dad though learned to apply that to anyone now) and is meaning you at your door.
Conclusion: scare the man!
You begged him not to be weird when Steven came down to the apartment to pick you up. Your father had to go do the dad-cop move! 
"Thanks, bye dad see you later!" Grabbing Steven out of the kitchen and out the door.
Neither of you spoke until you both were outside waiting for the ride you booked to show up.
"Nice man."
You groaned as Steven broke the silence as you walked. "Listen, I'm sorry about interrogation—"
"(Name), it's alrigh'. I can say now I was interrogated by a bobby."
"American one. Retired veteran and officer." You sigh, "Dads… So extra."
Steven wouldn't know but he nods. He envies you from what you told him about your family. Close with you mother, kinda close with your dad; overall connected to your parents.
"Thanks for being cool about it, Steven."
The gallery your classmate rented out is in Soho which is far from your place, and there are a few spots around to eat and window shop around.
Ideal date vibes. Downside, uber fare prices.
"Are you sure you don't want to take a bus?" Asking as you showed on your phone map the places they should go to after the gallery's presentation.
"Bruh, I one time walked all of Manhattan because Spiderman was seen swinging around."
"... Seriously? You never heard of the Amazing Spiderman!?" Steven can't help admiring how easily excited you get and energy you have, the saying 'kid at heart' really suits you. "Okay, uh guess makes sense given.. Seriously, you never heard of him?"
"Busy adulting." Sharky, "Finding a job, shopping, basic functions for being alive. The economy." 
You snicker at how he copied your complaints from before though you were more dramatic, "Okay, valid."
The conversation goes off and on, comfortable silence then you pointing out things like a tourist.
You stole glances at him during the car ride.
"When you said gallery," Getting out of the car then assisting you out. "I thought it was going to be small with pictures on the wall." You shrug after giving thanks to the driver and closing the door.
"They're loaded." Most of your classmates are of the privileged percentage. "They're one of nice ones and they offer me some good critiques. They worked really hard for this." Taking his hand tugging him along.
You aren't labeling this a date.
Marc is telling Steven this has all the signs of a date.
The gallery is full of paintings, sculptures, and video presentations of music. Your classmate is a modern day Renaissance person!
Steven is distracted by your hold on his arm, firm and secure, as you show him the different paintings or sculptures you witnessed while in the art workshop.
"They love space." He finds himself enjoying this almost as if you infectiously passed on your excitable nature to him. To say he is enjoying himself is putting it mildly with you by his side.
Then Steven suddenly wasn't by your side as a crowd rolled in.
It happens! One moment you are with someone the next they are missing. The crowd going around checking out every inch of the place, you figure to stay where you are. You stood there standing in front of still life painting, your eye taking in the details and brushstrokes seen in the light. You hope they make it out there in whatever field their art is going to take them.
You turn around figuring to do a lookover the crowd to see if Steven is wandering around, then you freeze up. 
A large creature with a body made of what seems like stars and nebulae, a human-like face, and a scepter.
You rub your eyes, blink twice, and pinch yourself.
Holy shit. Not again.
You don't know who or what you are seeing standing next to a man who is talking to your classmate. All you know it looked at you and you turned around pretending to be reading the gallery brochure. Silently praying it didn't see you, praying you maybe are just tripping out.
What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck!?
"Hello," The man's voice right behind you. His accent is not British.
Don't freak out, just breathe, "Oh, hello!" Awkwardly turning fearful to see the– Nothing is there. You are so confused right now. "Uh, hi." Maybe it's the paint, yeah totally the paint fumes.
The man holds out his hand, "Thank you for coming, this means a lot to them."
"Oh, it was nothing! I mean this isn't nothing, no problem getting here." You gather your thoughts, "Who are you?"
"A family friend. I have been helping them achieve their goal to break into the art world." So pleasant with a firm business grip, "They told me you are also an artist."
Just when you are about to relax… The creature is back right behind him looking down at you.
Shake your head very quickly and take your hand away, "N-no, just a hobby. Would be in South Korea for animation if I did! Haha." You want to bolt so bad but you know you would look crazy. You feel crazy! "Sorry, um I gotta go to the powder room." Smiling nervously as waved goodbye then speed walking away.
The bathroom is empty and you lean forward against the long sink counter, closing your eyes and counting from ten backwards. Maybe your anxiety triggered you seeing whatever that, God, you wished mom let you figure out why you sometimes see strange things! Google can only do so much! You groan as you reopen your eyes taking a slow breath in then out. At least it was a jackal this time.
When you leave the bathroom, you hear voices coming from the hall just beside where you are.
You stay hidden as you grow curious about the conversation.
"The Gods must be desperate for more avatars. You never cared to just observe humans."
"And you must be desperate to have an avatar. Lots of talk about how broken his mind is. That's pretty low but no surprise coming from you."
You blink a few times, very confused by the way these people are talking. So you take out your phone putting it in camera mode on the selfie view. Peeking it a bit out, you cover your mouth when you see something freaky as all hell.
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creatorbiaze · 2 months
Short Story Mini-series; Keiluvi
1 2 3 4
Amaranth scrolled through her list of installed games, scanning for something that'd interest her, though she knew none of them would. After a few minutes and multiple scans, she sighs, turning off her computer and leaning back in her chair, feet on her desk. She picks up her phone, opening one of the group chats she's in. The other beings in the M.M were normally good entertainment.
Amaranth ​​​​​​
yo guysss
I'm so boredddd
damn Dominus wants me dead rn
Keiluvi ​​​​​​
L to both of you 
Amaranth ​​​​​​
L to you too, anonymous secret being >:[
Venenum ​​​​​​
Was I summoned?
no, you're not as secrety as Keiluvi
Velkure ​​​​​​
Am I secret E?
Amaranth ​​​​​​
I mean..
you're a Historian 
so yeah
Keiluvi ​​​​​​
no one even knows what I am 〜⁠(⁠꒪⁠꒳⁠꒪⁠)⁠〜〜⁠(⁠꒪⁠꒳⁠꒪⁠)⁠〜
Snow Sky ​​​​​​
so uh
completely random question
how do you get whipped marshmallows off of the ceiling of a quartz palace
Keiluvi ​​​​​​
better question
how do you get whipped marshmallows ONTO the ceiling of a quartz palace???
Snow Sky ​​​​​​
chaos and anarchy
Keiluvi ​​​​​​
crow of judgment
Snow Sky ​​​​​​
wha?? 😰
Keiluvi ​​​​​​
crow. of. gidhmwnt.
r u ok
I'm fineeeeee
Snow Sky ​​​​​​
do you not like chaos and anarchy 😟
Keiluvi ​​​​​​
no I don't
Snow Sky
Keiluvi ​​​​​​
let the monarchy remain
Blood Moon
​​​​​​order and justice for all
Amaranth ​​​​​​
how dare you be normal /j
Keiluvi ​​​​​​
Snow Sky
who even are you 😥😥😥
your worst nightmare :)
Snow Sky
Amaranth ​​​​​​
Keiluvi ​​​​​​
anyway adios, contrary to popular belief I have a life
cyall later 👋
Amaranth ​​​​​​
yeah Ima log off too, my boredom has been cured
bye weird anonymous being in every group chat everrrrr
Keiluvi ​​​​​​
bye human that lives at the spawn point of Other-Realmmmm
Amaranth snickers as she switches her computer back on to go back to her list of owned games, sighing quietly. Keiluvi was an odd being, but fun to talk to.
Keiluvi chuckles while getting their shoes on and leaving the simplistic house they live in, walking on the sidewalk by the road out of the neighborhood. The groupchats of the Mystic Megaverse were quite fun, yes, but they did need actual interaction sometimes.
Sidera's here, they mentally note, stepping out of the way as a tree swallow Avian with shiny dark blue hair and wings runs past.
"Hi Peppermint!" the Avain waves, "bye Peppermint!"
Keiluvi waves silently, Hello and goodbye Sidera. You are suprisingly identifiable in every form. Keiluvi chuckles at this, continuing to walk, enjoying the cool, autumn weather.
It's only a few minute walk before Keiluvi reaches their destination; a nice, small cafe that Keiluvi tends to visit every week.
"Hi again Autumn!" one of the two waiters, a Draconic-human hybrid with black hair tied back in a ponytail, dark purple eyes, slightly pointed ears, and shimmery black-and-purple bat-like wings. Keiluvi's always found it interesting how his wing color seemed to change just from the light hitting differently.
"Hello, Felix," Keiluvi smiles at him, sitting at a table near the window.
"Same order as usual, I'm guessing?" Felix smiles, revealing his small fangs.
Keiluvi chuckles, "am I that predictable? But yes, thank you."
Felix nods, and walks away.
While waiting, Keiluvi decided to check the 'The Humans' group chat- the chat between Amaranth, Ebony, Magnus, Tempest, and of course, Keiluvi, because why would there be any chat where they weren't?
hello my fellow humans
Ebony ​​​​​​
Hi Keiluvi-
though, are you even human?
Keiluvi ​​​​​​
I mean why else would I be in this chat ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
hmm 👁️👁️
Ebony ​​​​​​
you're also in the Celestial Pantheon group chat tho-
and the Fallen ^^
Magnus ​​​​​​
anyway how's everyone doing?
I'm doing alright
Tempest ​​​​​​
I'm doing well
ayyyyy Weather Boi :D
Amaranth ​​​​​​
says "that secret"
Keiluvi ​​​​​​
says the plant
Amaranth ​​​​​​
...good point 
hey Keiluvi- I was wondering- what do you look like, anyway, and what do you do for a living?
Keiluvi ​​​​​​
oh would you look at that, my food's here, gtg
Keiluvi sighs as they put their phone back into their pocket, knowing full well it'll be another few minutes before Felix brings their food out. They also know Magnus will be at the cafe soon, but luckily he's never thought Keiluvi was, well, Keiluvi, and wouldn't for quite a while. At least by then, Keiluvi would have switched Realms again.
Keiluvi spends the next few minutes bored, resting their head on their hand, silently counting down how long until their food is at their table and how long until Magnus will be at the cafe.
Five... four...
Felix comes out of the kitchen with Keiluvi's normal order- a chocolate crepe with caramel- and Keiluvi can faintly hear footsteps coming to the Cafe.
Three... two...
Felix walks quickly to Keiluvi's table, and the footsteps get closer.
One... zero. perfect prediction, like always.
Felix puts the plate infront of Keiluvi at the same time Magnus walks in, not even noticing Keiluvi.
"enjoy your meal," Felix smiles.
"thank you, I will," Keiluvi smiles back, chuckling silently. Everything was always so predictable, just as they liked it.
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seven-thewanderer · 1 year
Okay I cannot sleep, and I need to do something, so here’s the lore of Sundrop & Moondrop that I promised to give before I left last time, that I failed to give:
Okay so Sundrop & Moondrop, not the Sun & Moon we all know and love, but baby versions of them, were prototypes for Sun & Moon. They were the final prototypes before making the actual Sun & Moon (which they were probably more prototypes to try & figure out how to make their tall bodies), but they were the final ones to test out what they would do, and to plan them out. They had stomach hatches to store things like bandaids, candies, crayons, and more, and they had little scanners on their chest*, so that if one had gotten important information about a kid, like their allergies & other stuff, they would transfer it through the sensors, by hugging for example. Though these characters were prototypes for Sun & Moon, this was before they started working with bigger models to test them out, because they had a limited amount of endoskeletons to use, so they used some extra tiny ones that were originally for the wind-up music men. Sundrop & Moondrop also had no voices, because they didn’t want to permanently give their voice boxes, as they were limited on those as well. Sundrop & Moondrop were around for a while, so that they could test out certain things, like the stomach hatches, their tails (which were later scrapped, but weren’t removed from their blueprints, so Sun & Moon ended up getting tails anyways, but they weren’t supposed to), and their back loops. However, once they had gotten the idea for everything they needed, they decided to decommission the 2. But, to be nice, they decided they’d let the 2 say goodbye to the other animatronics beforehand.
But, here’s the thing:
they never got to say goodbye to anyone.
As they were wandering, they found Vanny. They were confused, thinking she was a new animatronic, so they were going to say bye to them as well, but she picked them up, and snuck into the Pizzaplex’s basement with them. There, Peepaw William/Glitchtrap decided to test out his virus on them, and it had worked. Glitchtrap was going to then try & get every animatronic infected with this virus, but he had to do it one by one. So, he decided to go for Foxy next, because he thought that Foxy should be easy to get. As he successfully got Foxy under his virus control, he noticed that he had strange control over Bonnie to.
*Now, remember when I stated that the 2 little ones had a scanner on their chests that could transfer information? It transfers the coding from one bot to another! But it doesn’t require 2 sensors to touch to share the information, just 1 sensor needs to touch something that can accept the coding. So something that could accept the coding could be the other animatronics, and another coding that they could share could be William’s virus. All they had to do was touch their chest up to another bot, and transfer the virus, and what easier way than to pull them into a little hug? As Glitchtrap was getting Foxy under their control, Sundrop & Moondrop had found Bonnie, and Sundrop hugged his legs. This transferred the virus to him, and basically led to the great brawl of Bonnie & Monty. Once Glitchtrap noticed the ability of the 2 Drops, he used it to his advantage. However, he didn’t know that there were 2 witnesses to these infections: an orange Wind-Up DJ Music Man, who was talking to Foxy beforehand, and Moon, who was doing his nightly security check. The Music Man didn’t know what had happened, because Foxy randomly tried to attack him, and he couldn’t explain why, but Moon, when he saw what had happened to Bonnie, slowly pieced things together.
As the Drops went back to Glitchy’s lair (aka the basement), Moon followed along, to try & get what was happening. Once he heard about the virus, he panicked, and decided that he needed to tell Sun, and as he went to go sneak away, he accidentally stepped on something: and old scrapped concept of a Sundrop Squeaker Toy. Moon had to then run from the basement to the daycare, with a rabbit & 2 babies chasing after him. Somehow he managed to get caught by a baby, because Sun didn’t hear him banging on the daycare doors to be let in, so Moondrop hugged his leg, but not long enough to give him a full-on virus, but long enough to give him half a virus, a personality-like virus: Snow Moon.
Now I think that’s basically enough, since that shows that the Drops are technically evil (sorry to anyone that saw & wanted to take care of the beans, yeah they’re evil), here’s some information about them separately!
Sundrop was very energetic, just like Sun, and loves to get attention. He wasn’t that much of a perfectionist, but he did like to keep things in order. Sundrop also had an extreme sweet tooth, and loved eating as much candy as possible. Sundrop cared a lot for Moondrop, and would’ve done anything to protect him. Sundrop also loved hanging out with the other animatronics, and having fun with them, like riding in race cars with Roxy (he’s too smol to drive his own), trying to bowl with Bonnie, and going on “adventures” with Foxy. Sundrop loved hanging out with those he cared about, and it was his favorite thing to do.
Moondrop was shy, just like Moon, but also loved to get attention. Moondrop had a fear of heights, because of when they were testing out the back loops, and the wire was too strong & launched him into the air. He was traumatized ever since. Moondrop loved to do anything, but only if his brother was involved too. Moondrop always stayed alongside Sundrop, and Sundrop had no problem with that.
Though they didn’t speak & they didn’t have nicknames for each other, Solar did have nicknames for them, since he was made before them:
Solar’s nicknames for Sundrop:
Solar’s nicknames for Moondrop:
Solar’s nicknames for them both:
Celestial Drops
Star Drops
anyways, that’s it for Sundrop & Moondrop, the 2 evil corrupted babies
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1nsanelust · 7 months
Hey, the last time (first time) i wrote here was back in june. A lot has happened (not really). School has been a bitch.
The end of June my dog got sick but he pulled through in July, thank god because I don't know what i would've done without him. August was just a bit overwhelming because of that and school didn't help with that feeling. September was quite hectic, the first two weeks were rough just because I was way over my head and they started assigning so much shit. And the fact that i dont have wifi doesn't help. Because how am I supposed to do my work if i dont have wifi? Also I've been missing a lot of school. Anxiety kicks my ass every year. I feel like sometimes I'm just dramatic about stuff because my parents are always saying I am so then I just feel like shit about it and end up crying later on. But i wish people were just mindful about shit like damn keep your opinions to yourself if they're not gonna be helpful. Anyways, I saw Bruno Major since he went on tour this year. If you don't know who I'm talking about. He's a singer, quite talented in my opinion. Genres are r&b and soul. If you like that then you should check him out. His concert was quite fun and I enjoyed my time but the crowd was kinda lame. A week or two later I went and saw arctic monkeys. I was over the fucking moon. They've been my favorite band since the 7th grade. The first song I acknowledged was ‘no buses’ if i remember correctly and jesus christ i've been hooked on ever since. I was like a little kid all over again. Like I had no worries in the world and I was smiling with my teeth as if I'd forgotten what insecurities were. I was so joyful. To this day I still can't believe I saw them.
Now it's october. Still on cloud nine from that day. But the only difference is that im filled with anxiety, stressed as hell over the fact that i have an essay due, two pieces of class work due, a packet to finish for tuesday, a stupid mock trial to read, plus i have to move all my shit out of my current room because my sister is moving back in, AND i have to get a gift for my dad, it's his birthday soon. And my parents wonder why I'm stressed. ‘You don't work, what the hell are you stressed about’ (they didn't say that, they don't speak english but they said something similar, just not in english of course).
But yeah, if you read this then that's cool, long as hell but thanks.
Until later, bye lovelies, take care.
(if you're wondering how i managed
to upload this, i go to coffee shops a lot.)
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pairings: mirio togata, tenya iida, katsuki bakugo, aizawa shota, tomura shigaraki, dabi, hawks, mashirao ojiro, tamaki amajiki
warnings: hinting anxiety/anxiety attacks, reverse comfort, also tamaki’s made me cry so have fun lmao 
part one with mezo shoji, tokoyami fumikage, hanta sero, izuku midoriya, shoto todoroki, eijiro kirishima, denki kaminari, hitoshi shinsou here!
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there was no way that mirio was completely fine after everything that had happened to him
he had lost his quirk, experienced a battle that could result in permanent trauma, and he lost nighteye-- the leader and hero that he had looked up to for so long
but when you told him that it was okay to be strong all the time, mirio had broken
he broke for the first time in what felt like years
“don’t worry a-ahbout me!” 
the saddest part about it?
he was smiling through his tears not even a few moments after his grin broke
his lips were trembling, his eyes were red and his entire body was shaking with suppressed sobs, but he had an unwavering smile.
and that... that was heartwrenching to look at.
his smile fell, his body trembled and he let out a strangled sobbut for some reason, this-- none of it had shown a single trace of weakness. it was a way of him to express very human emotions and reactions as everyone else could.
he wasn’t disappointing nighteye in anyway-- more of showing respect by letting it all out to be able to show genuine smiles in public
how come such human emotions were labeled as good or bad?
“i let him down,” mirio gasped, “i let him down, i hurt him, i could have saved him, and-”
“hey, it’s okay, you’re going to be okay. it’s just me baby, it’s just me,” you cooed as you wrapped your arms around him. “shhh, it’s just me. you’re okay.”
mirio’s hands trembled as he gripped tight onto you
his chest was getting tighter as he burst into struggled breaths. he was just so... tired.
a million thoughts zipped through his head at once, but he just had to calm the storm for a while in your arms
it was right after the accident in hosu city, and everything, everything had gone wrong
even though he didn’t show it at first, he felt used as an advertisement for hatsume, and then losing in a battle with todoroki and felt like he was thriving on dumb luck
he just wanted to make his brother proud, that was-
-if he could, anymore. 
he felt so weak for letting himself feel this way, his head racing and chest heaving as he struggled to breathe
letting your guard down will just make things worse. tensei wouldn’t want this.
tenya’s body visibly trembled as he let out a shaky breath in his dorm room, thinking everything over in the darkness
“iida?” you asked, knocking on the door.
immediately, his demeanor changed as he shifted over to a braver face. 
“hello, y/n!”
just breathe. they’ll be gone sooner or later. breathe.
“why are you up this late at night?” he asked.
“i was just checking in on you, but i should be asking you the same question, sonic boy,” you grinned, until you noticed his hands trembling.
and for some reason, that hurt you. his face was.. so put together with a brave smile, confident eyes, and his head held up high and posture straight and firm
but when you saw his hands trembling and an odd shifting in his chest, you knew something was up
“are you okay?” you tested the words. 
tenya tried. he tried so, so hard to smile and affirm with a confident, “yes!”
but he couldn’t.
“i-i’m not- i’m not sure-,” his voice broke into a whisper. 
“i don’t know.”
you melted into a hug next to him as you took a seat. “hey, you can tell me anything, okay? it’s okay not to have your guard up all the time, it’s not weak to show emotion. just- if you want, can you tell me what’s been going on?”
tenya took a shaky breath and pushed up his glasses. “of course, thank you for asking, i will.”
after his fight with deku, all of the willpower left in him to hold himself together disappeared 
katsuki had been exhausted after a long day of fighting, not just physically, but emotionally
he had tried to keep his head high for as long as he could, but the moment he went to his dorm room, he just... broke.
angry tears released and he choked out heavy, strangled sobs as he pounded his fist to the ground in frustration
katsuki cursed towards whoever was there, until he found you standing behind him
he was too tired to argue.
“the fuck are you doing here,” he grumbled.
“is something wrong, 'suki?” you whispered. “i was just coming by to drop off your water bottle, you left it during hero training,” you examined his face. “are you- are you okay?”
he loved you, he really did-- but today just wasn’t a good day. “mn-no,” he managed to say.
his chest was heaving and his eyes seemed to be searching the room, as if looking for an exit.
you noticed the dark circles around his eyes and the way his lips trembled. had he been crying?
you slowly cupped his face in your hands, noses touching as you two shared breaths, inhaling and exhaling together
katsuki was too tired to pull away. 
he felt so weak.
you could hear katsuki’s breath shaking but slowly dying in volume as he held him tighter
“hey,” you said softly, brushing your thumb across his cheek. “you’re gonna be okay ‘suki. you’re gonna be okay.”
they’re pitying me.
“this?” you said, holding his bruised hand up and motioning towards his trembling figure. “this isn’t weak.” you said, as if reading his mind. “this is strong. this is brave. being emotionally vulnerable is one of the most courageous things anyone can ever do, and you are so much more than that, m’kay?”
he nodded in response. even though he didn’t express it that well, he thought of it 
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everyone shut up i love him
all that he’s ever wanted and asked for in life was for someone to notice him for who he genuinely was, to be free to do whatever he pleased
it was late at night and you two were outside, the moon illuminating in the darkness as you slid against the wall of the city in the back of the building
“anything interesting happen?” you asked, staring up into the moon
the night was young and it had been a rough, terrible day at work for both of you, even though you had separate jobs and shfits-- the only thing that pushed you forward everyday was being able to meet with dabi right after, at exatly 11pm. 
sure, you did it every day, and it shouldn’t have been that impactful-- but for some reason, somehow, everything about talking to him was so... exhilerating. 
he didn’t reply.
“uhhm,” you shuffled nervously toward him. “dabi, you good?”
he let out a shaky exhale, which was odd.
hold the phone.
no, really, someone hold the phone because it was ringing
“oh, sorry, one sec,” you rushed, hurrying to answer. it was one of your co-workers. “hello!”
“uhuh. yeah. oh, cool... got it, mhm, be right ther-”
you noticed how dabi’s body language immediately changed as he turned around and crossed his arms gently over his chest and stared into the sky.
this really, really wasn’t like him. 
something had to be wrong.
“uhm, on second thought,” you said. “does tomorrow at... noon work for you? i have plans. yeah. mhm, sorry not tonight. yep, bye!”
dabi’s eyebrows furrowed, but he didn’t look at you. “who was that?”
“one of my coworker buddies or whatever. they wanted to have a drink with me, but i said no.”
“why’d you say no?” he deadpanned.
“uhhhm, well, you certainly don’t seem very... how should i say this, at your fullest?”
“but why?” dabi said. “you meet with me every day, and going with your friends is probably a lot easier than this. what’s so different about it..?”
you thought carefully as you shrugged casually, gently leaning your head against his shoulder. “if one of my closest pals were down, i couldn’t just... leave them like that. and even though i know you won’t tell me what’s wrong, i just.. i just don’t want you to feel alone, you know? like everyone in your life has left? and i- i don’t want to do that to you.”
even though dabi stayed relatively quiet for the rest of the night, 
just know that was the day he fell in love with you.
nightmares were the worst. 
for the record, he didn’t get them often, but when he did, and actually reacted to it... they ended up terrible
he gasped, grasping at the air for his mother’s embrace only to be met with nothingness
he clawed at his skin as his breath hitched, trying to control himself
“tomura?” you asked. “...are- are you okay?”
“get away from me,” he trembled. “i’m a... i’m a monster.”
you furrowed your eyebrows in concern. “hey, hey, c’mon. what’s going on-”
“leave me alone.”
his sudden change in tone made you jump as you stepped back and you watched his figure tremble. 
“if something’s wrong, don’t sugarcoat it. if something’s wrong, please, for the love of the world, tell me, okay? i just- i just want to see you... maybe..”
“what?” shigaraki deadpanned. “happy? satisfied? content? joyful? you people all want the same thing.”
shigaraki looked up. 
“i want to see you hopeful, m’kay? so just... please. you don’t need to tell me word-for-word, but-- if you need something, i’m here.”
he was not going to cry. nuhuh. no way. no way was he going to start crying. 
you wrapped your arms around him before he cautiously hugged back, letting himself slowly melt into your embrace, his satin gloves against your clothes
“hey. i promise you, i’m never going to be leaving. no matter how much you mess up, no matter how terrible you may feel-- you mean the world to me. please hold on just a little longer.”
it wasn’t supposed to happen until later, when he was actually able to get home and prepare himself for anxious feeling in his stomach to finally settle
but noooo, his mental state really just said yolo
so here he was, reliving his entire childhood with memories that he’d pushed down for so long, about to snap in a matter of seconds
your familiar voice rang through his head. 
he just wanted to be held by you.
the most beautiful part about being with hawks his that he genuinely didn’t care about his pride around you. he wasn’t insecure of what you thought of him. he didn’t freak out or try to act like he was fine when you were with him, because... why would he need to? 
so instead of putting on a brave face and getting scared of your voice as if being anxious was a crime, he melted into it.
“hey angel, i got you some food at the-”
“y/...y/n,” his breath hitched. your voice, that you often said you were insecure about-- was his safe haven. he felt safe when he heard your voice and let himself crumple. he didn’t have to worry about putting his walls up, because it was just you.
beautiful, loving, kind you. 
his love was something special that he gave to no one else.
even though you were far from him, your bags in hand and everything, you immediately dropped them and ran to your boyfriend
“hey, hey, baby, what’s going on?” 
he stood directly in front of you, his head down and not saying a word.
you let your breathing sync with his as you reached out to hold his hand, when he threw his arms around you before his trembling body was held in your embrace
“-hey,” you said, shocked by the sudden embrace, before you hugged back, slowly, rocking him back and forth. “you’re going to be okay.”
“you don’t have to tell me anything, just-- focus on me,”
“i’m never leaving you, okay? no matter what you do, you’re still going to be my hero.”
and hawks decided on that day that out of anything else in the world, you meant the most to him. 
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useless. useless. useless.
why wouldn’t his stupid quirk activate before? why couldn’t he be more optimistic? why was he always thinking about something else? why couldn’t he ever stay positive and cheery like everyone else?
how was everyone else so strong?
but laying in a hospital bed, in complete silence and vulnerability...
that scared him.
tamaki blinked back the sudden tears that prickled against his eyes-- nuhuh, no way was he about to cry when so many other people had it worse, no way he was going to break down when nighteye was dead, he was not about to cry if mirio could be strong and so many other people had it worse, and-
“tamaki, snap out if it!”
your cold hands cupped his face, as you stared him directly in the eyes. “what are you doing?”
tamaki jumped back at your sudden question. but for some reason, the way you said it wasn’t angrily, more like... a statement? a question? as if you were asking are you okay?
tamaki shook his head. “i don’t... i don’t kn-know..”
get away, get away, get away.
your hands brushed back a hair from his face as you crouched down in front of him, your hands still helping him cool down. they rested gently on his scalp and along his face as you felt his breathing grow uneasy.
“listen,” you began slowly. “i’m not saying you need to tell me what’s going on, but... i just- i have a feeling that you’re not doing okay. and i know that because no one was ever really there for me back then, so if you want to say anything--”
“--i’m here for you.”
tamaki crumpled then as he let the tears fall.
his entire mask shattered as his breath hitched, trying to hold back the sobs but only came out as strangled breaths. 
“hey, hey, hey, you’re okay, you’re okay.” 
you held up his chin and rocked him back and forth, slowly. “just because other people seem to be going through bigger things doesn’t mean that you should invalidate your problems. if something’s hurting you, that’s enough of a problem to take care of it.”
tamaki began to shake as he suddenly clutched onto you, his body trembling as he nodded. 
what would mirio, nejire, nighteye, fatgum-- what would they think of him now?
“whatever is going around in your head right now will all quiet soon, i promise you, ‘mkay?”
“it’s okay. it’s okay. you’re okay.” 
“you didn’t eat,” you said, staring at the takeout that was left in its packaging. 
you heard shota mumble under his sleeping bag. “i’ll eat after.”
“after what?” you said back from the kitchen. 
you weren’t exactly mad at him, you could say-- it was more of disappointment, maybe? concern? he had always been so concerned about his students that he forgot to take care of himself-- no wonder why he was so angry lately. 
(and no, it wasn’t his resting face, he was genuinely burnt-out the last couple of days and it wasn’t getting better.)
“shota, come on,” you said softly. “or else i’m taking your sleeping bag away from you.”
aizawa’s head emerged from the bag, the light from the laptop giving a lovely display of his eyebags. “oh?”
he smirked, even though he seemed so drained.
“yes,” you said, pointing your nose up in the air and crossing your arms. “and you better go eat before i take it away.”
aizawa raised an eyebrow, but obliged.
you watched him eat, but he kept his laptop on the table the whole time.
he was looking through the profiles of all his students, and that was-- insane
despite how much had happened to him, he always thought of someone else first, putting everyone else above him.
“you’re going to overwork yourself,” you finally said. 
“amazing,” aizawa sighed back. “had no clue.”
“oh, c’mon,” you egged. “you matter too, ya know.”
you noticed how tense his shoulders were, how his gaze was fixated to the screen and the way his veins were protruding from lack of sleep, and how red his eyes were.
sure, most of the time, this was normal-- but you just had this gut feeling that something was wrong.
“i suppose you’re not wrong,” aizawa ventured. “but sometimes, you realize that students make up most of the world. i want them to grow..”
his gaze on the screen broke.
“and for them to know a world of love and kindess, not-- whatever this is.”
you looked at him before wrapping your arms around him and kissing his forehead. “but they have a teacher who works so hard already, and you-- you deserve a break. you’re always working so hard, and you have to remember that you matter, too, okay?”
you smiled sadly. “i need to go to work, but please finish the takeout for me, hmm?”
he never told you this, of course-- but yeah, he thought of your voice every time he wanted to take a break. he never forgot the words you said. 
being forgotten was something that came way too easily for him.
everyone in class 1a was so good at everything-- they all either had good looks, a nice voice, talents, a cool quirk, technique, charisma, and he?
ojiro felt like he didn’t have anything.
but what did it matter, right? being the forgotten one was fine to him, at least. he was able to take time for himself. 
...kind of.
he was heading back from ua into the dorms, walking alone when he realized it started to rain.
picking up his bags, he ran, putting them under his shoulders so that they didn’t get wet-- it wasn’t a long walk, but it was a lot to have to run back and make sure everything stayed dry
ojiro turned around to find you, carrying your backpack in the air and waving your arms. “slow-” you panted, “down! god, where’d all the rain come from??”
he chuckled slightly, until he noticed your bag getting soaked, and before he knew it, ojiro called you over and said he could carry your bag
“are you sure?” you asked, in-between breaths. “i doubt you can carry both-”
ojiro laughed and waved his tail like a hand. “i can carry it.”
your face lit up. “thanks! okay, now let’s run back, c’mon.”
you two ran as fast as you could, trying not to slip as the rain began to pour even harder against your backs. 
but when you opened the doors to the dorms and your bag was completely dry, ojiro smiled.
(also y’all he’s an underrated king DO Y’ALL KNOW HOW PRECIOUS HIS SMILE IS?? PLS-)
“thanks,” you grinned. “your quirk is actually really cool. not just for keeping stuff dry, but uh, thanks. i appreciate it.”
something inside of him made his heart swell. 
“really?” ojiro asked. “do you really- is that true?”
he didn’t want to get his hopes up too quickly, but the way you nodded proudly and affirmed it was something he could never forget.
“yeah!” you said. “just because you’re not flashy as other people doesn’t mean that you’re a plain, boring person, you know that? you’re actually really cool!”
“huh. thanks,” he noted-- and don’t worry, he walked back into his dorm room with a grin on his face the whole time.
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hey bbys! reminder to go take a break and drink some water if you’re reading this! y’all are so amazing and beautiful, and please remember that you’re valid as well. what you did today was more than enough, please remember that!! i’m very proud of you for getting through today. ily <3
qotd, what song reminds you of a fictional character 👀
join my family! 
list of family members: @kirishimuhhhhh​, @xuxisushi-1​, @kirishima-my-beloved​, @msminsuga​, @farfetchedparanoia​, @satis-mangata​, @moonhere​, @renegadedeca​, @viridevi​​, @cherriiirose​​ <3
☂ requests are open for mha + hq!! ☂
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yaomomvs · 3 years
inarizaki x f!manager
this is part of a hcs series, let me now what team you want next <3
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okay so actually you ended being the manager because the girls volleyball team had already closed the application time
so you you were really looking forward to it and omg you were so sad about it
after being rejected, you were just peacefully going through the gym and you heard laughter from a bunch of guys
you recognized kosaku since he was in your class and waved at him.
and so, they were talking about getting a manager since this team is pretty much a lot to handle
and so since kosaku knew you were hard working and that the first idea that popped out oh his head was that if you wanted to try out.
kita respectfully introduced himself and asked if you were willingly try out 🥺🥺🥺 like what a man 🥺🥺
and mostly because the twins having fangirls always made this process kind of difficult, so instead kita and aran wanted to make sure it was someone who at least was trusted by one of them
and not to brag but bestie you are gorgeous
so it was a win win
atsumu refused to this because as the jerk he usually is, he said that he didn’t need any help
that son of a bitch
he was being soooo petty mainly after you said “oh don’t worry kita, idiots are not my type”
osamu fell in love with you ❗️
and aran
and suna
and well the team.
and so, looking at the other court where the girl vbc was training you said that it was something.
every! single! practice! is! chaotic!
but somehow you managed them so well
atsumu is still trying to prove that he doesn’t but oh boy he is the first one to requiere your help
you better believe this guys are your simps and are constantly competing over someone who a year ago could never imagine they had
your attention? the best way to prove each other they were superior
in away games, god bless the idiot that wants to even dares to try to do a move on you
they are lowkey intimidating
not but seriously
specially and surprisingly kita and aran
son como esos niños mamones fresas que de cierto modo les tienes miedo
this team? over the moon for you
and tbh, they were so grateful for you, you did a lot for them that they started to feel some kind of embarrassing how before they wouldn’t know how to do basic stuff like cooking for camps, labeling they jerseys correctly, searching for new equipment like they love you
anyways that however was kinda sus to them
it all started when somehow you learned so quickly, and the technical stuff was not hard to understand as to others
surprisingly the first one to notice was suna
you could have said something but tbh
you still look forward to play volleyball like more seriously even as a hobby
you’d rather be dead than telling your team that’s what you wanted because
a) they could think you only joined to learn volleyball and not help them
b) you had your pride, you want to be recognized by your own merits rather than “of course, they are inarizaki’s manager if they weren’t they could have never been this good”
so you still played volleyball but hid from them
there was a gym nearby where constant tournaments were held
you were a ghost because knowing damn well your boys could go there at any moment you decided to take some precautions
like nickname and position was everything they knew about you
your teammates loved you, so they respected your private life, and it was kind of cool
but what you were not expecting is that for some reason, omimi had followed you one day bc you forgot something after practice.
being a friday it meant for some weird reason you always rushed out
“sus” suna says everytime
so he catches you going out to the gym and maybe, he thought, you were just going to workout or see someone
bye you broke him
and so he tries to process it normally
key word: tries
and here we are him being interrogated by the team incredulous to his words.
ay first they interrogated him being overprotective by the fact that he was spending more time with you but when he tells them what he saw god dammit
they loose it when they find out.
and so, tsumu says something that everyone agrees with him for the first time
“let’s go and spy”
“i swear to god if y/n finds out...”
“shut up aran, unless you want to make it obvious and reveal our identity dumbass!”
“tsumu, the disguises are awful”
“come on kita not you too!”
“what if”
“akagi shut up all of you agreed with the idea”
“osamu you suck”
and so there they go. trying to find you in the sea of people at the entrance, not having a clear view yet, they only search for the navy blue and white uniform that omimi described to them when he saw you.
and then almost as if it was the gods plan, they started hearing whispers of people around mentioning the arrival of one of the most popular teams out there.
“come on what the big deal-” suna started saying, however your figure appeared and he instantly turned into a babbling mess.
as well as the rest of inarizaki vbc.
osamu had to double check to assure himself that it indeed was you, beautiful as ever, walking alongside your hot and apparently talented team.
minutes later, they were standing in the bleachers as quiet as they could. they spotted you.
“A SETTER” atsumu jumped of his seat and had to be scolded by aran who was also surprised by the position you were going to be playing.
“wasn’t expecting that” ginjima talks saying what everyone was currently thinking.
behind them was a couple of guys, who apparently did not know how lower their comments.
“the setter is kinda cute” “wow look at that” oml please even aran who was the voice of reason had the urge to punch them in the face.
still they decided to just focus on your game who has now been started. and even tho they wanted to not do it, they couldn’t help analyzing you and your moves in the court. it was natural, well because they were players and very good ones it’s inevitable for them to compare and to study the way you played more than anything.
they were not expecting you to be this good. almost everything in your technique was polished, your tema work was remarkable and god bless your ability to read the blockers.
but there was a moment when they just saw the panoramic view of your skills. atsumu could see your tired expression, the sweat on your body, he just knew you were feeling now the adrenaline of the last moments of the set.
still you yelled a “we will take it” and then, with the others team hope hanging on a thread, the ball came to your libero, which perfectly passed the ball to you.
there was greed in your eyes, so scary that kita for a moment feared for the other team.
and it was when you did the setter dump that your whole team stood up in pure shock.
who were you and why were you hiding?
sadly the boys screamed way too loud which lead to you, after you made the last point and give the history to your tema, lifted up your gaze and saw a bunch of idiots wearing hats and everything in between.
suna and tsumu ran the fastest in the team directly to the gate, and the with a bunch of losers behind them,
because after everything you were there arms crossed and a murderous look in your eyes.
“IM TOO YOUNG TO DIE Y/N” “osamu shut up!”
they, once you made sure to pinch each and everyone’s ears, starred bombarding questions on how did you managed to learned that and why you did ikr tell them
“come on guys, in school i’m already looked down at just because it’s you! so could you imagine me being a inarizaki student trying to move without your name?”
kita forced them to shut up and aran felt a a kind of guilt
as week as everyone else
“don’t worry y/n, we know now what it’s like to not being your own author.”
and so, they just told you how proud they were.
“maybe we are jerks but y/n we are your jerks, and over there or respect to you has just grown up”
suna the says “you’ve been there all of the time for a while now, i guess it out time to return the favor”
and so ever since then they alwaaaaays try to be at your games
like pls once the referee said one of your serves was out and from the bleachers he screaaaaaaamed, he claims that it was definitely in
kita always gives you some food after a game or practice
talking about practice
even if you are there for being a manager they always try to, at least half an hour before ending practice, they have a quick game with you playing alongside them or just including you in their repeats etc
and goooood bless once again anyone who tried to look down at you.
because after being constantly on you games ofc people started recognizing them as the inarizaki power house
if they heard someone relying your talent on them pls make sure they five them the coldest look ever
like ‘nah bro i dare you to say that one more time’
*knive eyes*
even some girls attend your games trying to flirt with them
you know what they do?
they brush them off and say “sorry, my type is y/n” suna says and the are 😳
pretty much everyone does this
come on even aran
inarizaki best boys 🥺🥺🥺
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haetzro · 3 years
.moonlit pussy
genre: smut
word count: 1.6k
warnings: smut, edging, unprotected sex (always wear protection!!!), explicit.
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you knew what you were getting yourself into. renjun rarely got mad, always keeping his aggression at bay, not wanting to do anything brash, so you knew what you were getting into.
yeah maybe it’s a bit petty to make renjun jealous cause he was paying less attention to you, but desperate times cause for desperate measures, no?
you had spent the day with renjun and his friends and let's just say he wasn’t happy. With you being overly sweet to jeno and cooing at jaemin second to start was a bit of an irritance, but renjun wouldn't be angry at that. you knew he wouldn’t. so that’s why you and chenle were flirting with each other, your best friend catching on quickly to your goal and immediately helping you, a smile quirking onto your face when you caught renjun sucking in a breath or poking his tongue on his cheek. he was sure to catch onto your goal, and you both knew the outcome of this.
he finally reached his limit when you sat on chenle’s lap for the movie, not taking his eyes off you for five minutes.
“yeah, i think it’s time for me and y/n go. it’s getting late, and we have classes tomorrow. right babe?”
you send renjun a small smile, biting your tongue from screaming out a loud yes. “yeah, just gimmie a second i forgot my coat in the kitchen.” renjun’s smile is stiff as you and him say bye to the guys, chenle sending you a large grin which you reciprocated behind renjun’s back.
as you were walking into the kitchen, you feel renjun’s intense gaze on your back, making you smile in anticipation.
“uh, hold on i can’t find my—”
you look back at your boyfriend, who is holding up your fur coat in between his two fingers.
“babe, if you had it the whole time why wouldn’t you just give it to me.”
you cross your arms as renjun walks towards you, feigning annoyance. your boyfriend gives you a small smile, handing you your jacket, while leaning into you.
“you may think i’m stupid my love, but i’m far from that. when we get home, i pray you realize we’re doing anything but sleeping, for tonight i’m putting a whore like you in your fucking place.” you squirm as you feel renjun’s hot breath on your ear, looking back at him as you bite your bottom lip, a gentle smile on his face yet his eyes way darker thank you remember last.
“now, let’s go home.”
you cry for what feels like the hundredth time that night, your cunt pulsing harshly as your boyfriend rips yet another orgasm from you.
his eyes are heavy with darkness as he watches you sob and whine, feeling heavily pleased with your current situation. “what’s the matter, my love? what’s with the aggression?” you whimper pathetically, body shivering from renjun’s fingers stroking your stomach and thighs, obviously ignoring the burning heat between your legs.
renjun quirks an eyebrow at your pleas, hair falling in front of his moonlit face, most certainly amused at you.
“what’s with the sudden change of attitude, bub? from what i remember you were being a pathetic slut whoring around with all my friends.” he chuckles in between, before shoving his three fingers into your soaking cunt, earning a loud squeal from you “see i knew you were a cock loving whore, but wow, that was quite a lot. i’m sure you must be satisfied by now. i mean, you got what you wanted, am i wrong?”
a sob rips from your throat, as you feel your orgasm building up harshly.
“no, no! please, only want your cock. just wanted attention! please don’t—” you wail as you feel renjun pull his fingers out of cunt once more, making you thrash around while you sob.
“you don’t fucking tell me what i can or can’t do to you, am i clear?” you could only cry more, feeling at loss with your building orgasm, breath ragged making you feel out of loop.
renjun only watched silently, before getting off the bed to look for something. he brings back his belt, while looking at your tear ridden face. “hands up, don’t try any funny business.” you weakly bring your hands up above your head, letting out small sniffles.
renjun wraps his belt around your wrists harshly, checking to see any uncomfort in your face.
“remember your safe word?” you nod meekly, staring up at your the man above you.
renjun scowls slightly, before asking with more force, pulling at the belt.
“do you remember or not?”
“yes sir.”
“good. spread your legs.”
you spread your legs, slightly wincing as you take in the sticky slick between your legs. you don’t have enough time to think about the mess between your legs, before you catch renjun putting your vibrator between your legs. your eyes widen before looking up at your boyfriend before you, who only gives you a small smirk.
“any complaints, baby, and you won’t be cumming at all”
before you can even process his words, renjun presses the vibrators remote, obviously putting it on the third highest.
“oh fuck.”
the lower half of your body trembles, and you can feel the tears in your eyes build up once more. you bite your lip, trying to process the overwhelming amount of pleasure.
renjun, who was watching from across the bed, notices. he scoffs before turning up the vibrator once more, smirking as he hears the high squeal you let out, even more pleased at your trembling legs.
“renjun please, please!”
he doesn’t move from his space for a few moments, taking in your sobs and gasps, before getting up from his space and moving in between your thighs, watching as you were practically gushing from your heat.
“look at how wet you are baby. it’s so pretty.”
it was pretty. with the moon being the only light source in you and renjun’s room, it made your pussy look sparkly.
you could only whine, as you were a blubbering mess over the fascinated man. your breath is stuck in your throat as you feel renjun move the vibrator up and down your folds, occasionally pressing against your clit.
the burn in your stomach was becoming to much to bear, and you didn’t think you could go through another ripped off orgasm.
“renjun! i can’t, please, i need to— oh!”
renjun still keeps moving the vibrator for the next two seconds, before he removes it once more.
you tremble violently, while you let out a cry.
renjun turns off the vibrator, while you sob underneath him, before holding his dick at your entrance. he rubs your folds with his dick teasingly, earning some mewls from you. you look back up at him with your teary eyes, and see your boyfriends eyes darken more than they did last.
he smiles at you sinisterly, almost as though he’s mocking you.
“you’re so fucking pathetic. you put an act up because, what, you couldn’t handle having the attention you get? you’re such a fucking slut. can’t go on without getting cock, can she?” you shake your head with the little strength you had “only wan’ your cock.”
he cocks an eyebrow up, an amused glint in his eyes.
“my cock, huh. do you even fucking deserve it, kitten?”
you mewl at the pet name, before nodding your head enthusiastically, the leftover tears in your falling down your cheeks.
“please. promise i’ll be a good girl.”
renjun smiles at you, before easing into you gently, causing you to gasp. fuck he could’ve given you a warning. you both groan as renjun bottoms out, taking time to adjust to one another.
“you ok?” you nod at him, moaning lightly as you feel him twitch in you.
renjun moves back, the tip of his dick being the only thing inside you, before he rams back into you roughly, removing any air you had left in you.
you squeal and sob, letting out little yelps here and there, renjun cursing from above you, obviously just as affected as you were, your walls pulsing repeatedly on his cock, not relenting at all.
“can any of the boys fuck you this good, huh? can they make you feel as good as i fucking do?”
you could barely answer, loud cries escaping your throat as renjun fucks you with absolute vigor, hitting every type of spot in you. he was so deep, you were sure you could feel his dick in your stomach if you were coherent enough to look down and not just think about his cock and his name only.
you could feel the same burn building inside you, except it was different and more urgent.
“oh fuck fuck fuck.”
you let out, squeezing harshly on your boyfriends cock, who only groans loudly above you.
you wail, squeezing your hands into fists as you feel yourself teetering over an edge.
“renjun, i— fuck.”
“wanna cum baby? go on.”
you scream as you let go on renjun’s command, and squirt uncontrollably over his cock, back arching off the bed.
“fuck.” you squeeze on renjun’s dick so hard, causing him to cum right after you, painting your walls with his semen, making you let out a broken cry, squirting a bit more at the feeling of renjun’s warm cum.
you both pause for a few moments, renjun squeezing your waist occasionally, trying to calm down your trembling figure.
he drops to the side of you, careful to not remove his dick from your heat.
“you ok baby?” you nod at him tiredly, melting into the feeling of his hands in your hair.
“let’s sleep yeah? we both won’t have classes until later in the day bub. i’ll clean you up before i wake up, hm?” you smile at him, feeling warm from your boyfriends overwhelming affection.
“love you.”
“love you more, baby.”
you both cuddle against each other, before drifting into an empty sleep.
.note: i hope y’all liked it. i’m actually scared that y’all won’t, lol. anyways. goodnight, it’s like 1:04 in the uk so, bye my loves.
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1plus1kiyoomi · 4 years
Chapter 20: This Time I’ll Stay
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[masterlist] [kia’s slambook]
You hold the white item in your hand, staring at the two red straight lines on the small screen-like box. Tears run down your cheeks, a wide small on your face. All types of emotions washing over you like a big tide. Your trembling hands take your phone off the marble, calling the first people who you want to share it with.
“(Y/N)? What’s wrong?” Akaashi asks you worriedly, hearing your sobs over the phone. Kenma joins the call, shocked to hear your short breaths.
“Why are you crying?” You hear Kenma shuffling on his bed. “Do you want me to go to you?”
“Keiji... Kenma...” You call them, crying even harder, the happiness in your heart overflowing. “I’m fine, I’m fine. I’m jus-”
“You’re what? You’re worrying me so much right now.” Keiji sounds like he’s mad so you stop yourself from wailing to be able to talk.
“I’m crying,” you say, not able to form sentences properly.
“Yes, you are. Why?” You feel Kenma roll his eyes even if you don’t see him.
“I’m pregnant.”
There is silence for a while until you hear Kenma’s chuckle. Keiji then follows. Your cries are tampered with laughter even though nothing is funny.
“Congratulations. I didn’t expect another child from you this early,” Keiji tells you, Kenma humming in agreement.
“Me, too. I can’t believe I’m pregnant again.” You hear a small gasp from the side, making your head whip to that direction. You see Kia standing at the doorway of the bathroom door. She’s staring at you with her mouth gaped and eyes widened.
“Mama’s pregnant...” She mutters, taking slow steps back. She runs out of the room and you quickly follow her, knowing what she’s going to do. She goes to the living room and opens the drawer where Kiyoomi keeps her phone that she uses for emergency calls.
Speaking of Kiyoomi, your fiancé, is in another city in the country for game. He’s supposed to go home the day after tomorrow. You plan to tell him that day, in person.
“Kia, put your phone down. Now.”
“No. I have to tell papa.”
“Kia, no.”
“Kia, yes.”
“It’s a surprise for your papa. We’ll tell him together.”
“No surprises.” Kia shakes her head, pressing the number 2 button in the dial pad for a long time. You hear the ringtone from a far so you quickly grab it from her hands.
“Kia?” You hear Kiyoomi speak from the other line, you push Kia’s face away with your empty hand, the other bringing the phone to your ear.
“Omi,” you speak awkwardly.
“Why are you calling me using Kia’s phone?” He asks in suspicion.
“My phone died and I had an urgent question, but it’s okay now,” you reason. “Good bye, baby.”
“(Y/N) wa-” You end the call. You look at Kia and she is glaring at you.
“Papa has to know!” She whines, folding her together and pressing them on her chest.
“He will, when he comes back home.”
2 days pass by fast, especially if you have to constantly stop Kia from spilling the beans to her father who calls at least 5 times a day. Kia waits for Kiyoomi to arrive, standing by the front door. You also stand behind her, securing that she won’t say anything. The door finally opens, KIyoomi getting surprised to see the two of you standing like dogs waiting for their owner to come home.
Kiyoomi lifts Kia first, then gives you a kiss. “Why are the two of you so tensed?” He asks you as the three of you go to the living room. You watch Kia, giving her ‘don’t-you-dare’ look.
“I’ll make dinner. Go take a bath,” you tell him, ignoring his question. You kiss his cheek, taking Kia away from his arms. He raises an eyebrow at you, but goes to the bathroom anyways. You sigh in relief when he’s not in sight, thinking that you are able to keep the surprise from him.
But Kiyoomi knows, because of Akaashi.
Sakusa was on a break, sitting on bench. His phone rang, so he checked who was calling. ‘Akaashi?’
“Hello, Sakusa-san,” the former setter greeted. Before Sakusa could even say anything back, Akaashi continued, “Congratulations on baby number 2.”
“What?” Sakusa cleared his throat, his mind going blank. Did he hear him right? He said baby number 2. He was sure he said that.
“I don’t think (Y/N) has told you yet,” Akaashi laughed awkwardly. “Can you pretend that you don’t know until she tells you? She’ll kill me if she finds out I told you before she did.”
“Okay,” Sakusa let out, still in shock. The call ended, but his phone was still on his ear, his body not able to move.
“Hey, it’s time to go back to pratice,” Atsumu called him, but he didn’t answer. The blonde setter goes to him, waving a hand in front of Sakusa’s face. “Are you dead?” Suddenly, the dark haired spiker pulled him into a hug. “What the fuck? Did you reprogram or something?!”
“Thank you for being a good setter to the team,” he told Atsumu, patting his back. “Do you want to eat out dinner later? Just to relax before our game tomorrow.”
“Is the world ending?!” Atsumu gasped dramatically.
“No, not at all. I think the world is doing great to be honest,” Sakusa responded, showing off a smile. Atsumu froze on his spot while the other man went back to the court.
The practice started once again, Kiyoomi playing better than ever. He was smiling the whole time, his teammates were creeped out. “Why is Omi smiling like that?” Bokuto whispered to Atsumu. Hinata leaned in also, wanting to join their conversation.
“He even hugged me a while ago,” Atsumu murmured back, side eyeing Sakusa.
“I’ll ask for a hug, too,” Bokuto claimed. He walked close to Sakusa, then poked his shoulder. “Can you give me a hug?”
“Sure,” Sakusa responded with no hesitance, taking Bokuto in for a hug. The grey haired man was astonished. After that, Bokuto went back to the other two, still stunned.
“Is Omi dying? Why is he so nice? Are his days getting counted,” Bokuto blurted, dazed.
“Maybe he’s repenting for all his sins, so he can go to heaven,” Hinata added, agreeing with Bokuto’s theory.
Sakusa heard all of their words, but all he could feel is happiness. He couldn’t explain what he emotions he were experiencing. All he could of at that moment was the growing child inside your stomach, your child.
Sakusa finally comes out of his shower, acting like usual but inside he is screaming. He already wants to tell you about the names he has come up with. He is so excited to shove it to his teammates that he’s having another child that will no longer consider them as boyfriends.
“Omi, you’re spacing out,” you point and he shakes his thoughts out of his head.
“Ah, sorry,” he says then continues to eat. You notice his little mannerisms: constant tapping of fingers on the surface, bouncing legs, hair running through hair. All of that means that he wants to say something. ‘Does he know?’
After dinner, he puts Kia to bed, you watching closely. He looks so smiley and excited. You lie down beside him, and he looks like he’s going to burst. Now you’re sure he knows. “You know, don’t you?”
“The what baby?” He asks innocently, suppressing a smile. You pout and he starts laughing. “I can’t do this anymore!” He comes to you, protectively wrapping his arms around you.
“How did you know?” You ask him, burying your face on his armpit. He smells good so you sniff even closer. ‘It’s kicking in. The weird pregnant things.’
“That’s a secret,” he chuckles. He pulls away from you and you whine, your nose wanting to smell him. “Don’t you want a kiss?” You kiss him then stick your nose back to his armpit. “This is already weird and it’s just the start!”
“Shut up. I was supposed to surprise you.” Your voice is muffled but he hears you clearly. His hand rubs circles on your lower stomach, his lips planting a soft kiss on your forehead.
“Can we name him Kin?” he blurted out so you snicker at how excited he is. “What? Don’t you think it’s a cute name?”
“We’re not even sure if it’s a boy. Why are you so excited?” You push your upper body up, so you’re looking down on him. A pout forms on his lips, squinting his eyes at you.
“Are you not excited?” He pulls you back down. Your face is pressed on his chest, his hand returning on circling your stomach.
“Of course I am!” You reply to him, hugging him tightly.
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1st Trimester
“Are you done yet?” Sakusa yawns, holding your hair for you while you vomit on the toilet. The moon’s still shining yet you’re already in the bathroom throwing up. “Why do they call it morning sickness when you throw up any time of the day?”
“If you’re gonna complain you should not have asked for another child!” You growl at him. He sighs, not wanting to argue. He knows that when he says anything in disagreement, you’ll start crying. Your hormones are playing with not only you, but also him.
You feel less nauseous so you stand straight, panting. He gently pulls your hand, leading you to the sink. He takes your toothbrush and starts brushing your tooth for you. He insists on doing that ever since the first time you experienced morning sickness with him around. He thinks it’s disgusting but it’s the least he can do for you.
“You want to eat something?” He asks as you spit the foam out of your mouth. He wets his hand and wipes the foam on that got stuck on your chin.
“Are you really asking me that after brushing my teeth?” You complain as he wipes your mouth with a dry towel.
“I don’t want you to go to bed with an empty stomach,” he reasons, fixing your hair. You hum, thinking about his question. So far, you have not been having weird cravings yet, which Sakusa thanks for because he won’t feed you disgusting combos of food.
“Just ice cream,” you finally answer, and he nods. The two of you go to the kitchen quietly, not wanting to wake Kia up. You take a seat at the dining table while Sakusa scoops an ice cream for you. As he hands it to you, the soy sauce bottle catches your eye. Something inside you tells you that you want it, so you point at it, but he doesn’t get it. “Soy sauce.”
“No,” he tells you in disgust. You feel yourself tearing up and Sakusa immediately grabs the bottle and hands it to you. You clap in excitement, pouring a good amount of soy sauce on your ice cream. Looking at you makes him want to vomit but at the same time the smile on your face warms his heart. ‘7 more months.’
2nd Trimester
You and Kia wait for Sakusa outside the gym. You are scheduled for your 18th week ultrasound today, and Sakusa insisted on going with you. You’re finally gonna find out about your child’s gender and he doesn’t want to miss any ultrasounds. He wants to make sure you and your child is healthy and in great shape.
“Are you excited to spend some time with Mu-chan?” You ask Kia and she excitedly squeals. Kiyoomi decided not to bring Kia at the appointment with you so you can surprise her at her birthday which is in a week.
You see his teammates come out, and Kia greets them one by one. Sakusa and Atsumu finally arrive, so you and Sakusa head out, parting ways with Kia. Before you leave Kia, Sakusa threatened Atsumu that if something happened to his daughter, he’ll drag his body around the court during practice.
“What do you our baby will be?” Sakusa asks you, intertwining his fingers with yours. He plants a kiss on the back of your hand, his eyes on the road.
“To be honest, I feel like it’s a girl,” you answer.
“You know what that means,” he teases and you let go of his hand. “What? You said we’ll not stop trying for a son.”
You stay silent, the smile on his face halting your anger. You can tell he’s excited and it’s hyping you up, too. It feels like you’re through your first pregnancy again. You arrive at the hospital and you walk to the clinic hand in hand.
A nurse greets you and heads you inside the clinic where the OB is waiting for you. She gives you a hospital dress and you change into it. You lie down the reclining chair. The doctors splatters gel over your lower abdomen, the coldness of the fluid making you giggle. Sakusa is standing beside the chair, his fingers playing with your scalp.
“Oh... you see that? Your baby is a...”
“Happy birthday, Kia!” Everyone cheers after singing for her. Kiyoomi lifts her, then blows the candles of the cake with her. It’s her first birthday with her father.
“Before we start eating, we want to tell Kia what her sibling’s gender is,” Kiyoomi announces. He takes a box where either a girl’s clothes or boy’s is in. Kia excitedly rips the box open, gasping at the item inside the box. She lifts the dress up, showing it to everyone.
“A baby sister!”
Third trimester
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“Kiyoomi!” You scream, your voice echoing through the whole house. He rushes to you and sees the liquid dripping down your legs.
“Shit! Shit! The baby is coming! The baby is coming!” He panics. He calls your midwife, notifying her about your condition. He runs out of your shared room and heads to Kia who is scribbling in the living room. “Kia, your sister is coming. You know what to do.”
Kia immediately takes her phone out of the drawer, prepared on what to do. She and Kiyoomi has been practicing for weeks for your birth. They panicking but prepared. Kia calls her grandparents first, telling them you’re finally giving birth. Next, she calls Akaashi and Kenma. Then, she goes to you, helping you calm down by holding your hand. She’s telling you bedtime stories and rubbing circles on your stomach from time to time.
While Kia is comforting you in your room, Kiyoomi’s in his bathroom, running a bath for you. You have opted for water birth at your home, which Kiyoomi had convinced you to do since it was said to be less painful than normal birth.
Your pregnancy have been nothing but smooth thanks to Kiyoomi. He never complained about your mood swings or 3AM cravings. He went to every appointment with you despite his busy schedule as a pro-athlete. He and Kia were there all through-out and you couldn’t be more thankful.
Minutes later, your midwife arrives, helping Sakusa transfer you to the tub. You take your dress and panty off, then wear a comfortable sports bra. They guide you into the tub, making sure you don’t slip and fall.
Kia waits on the bed, just like how she was trained to. She wants to go to you and hold you because she know you’re in pain, but she’s afraid that she’s going to be a nuisance to your delivery.
“Omi, can Kia go in the room?” You request in between pants, the contractions getting even stronger. He nods and calls her in. She slowly goes to you, sad that you are crying because of hurt. She caresses your sweaty forehead, then plants a kiss on it.
“You can do it, mama,” she cheers you up, grinning at you. She’s trying her best to calm you down and it magically lessens the pain. You hold onto her tiny hand, Kiyoomi standing by your side the whole time.
3 hours later, you hear voices from outside of the bathroom. You take a glance at the doorway and see your best friends waving at you. You manage to let out a smile, your weak hands waving at them. The Sakusas have also arrived, not wanting to miss the opportunity to see the new family member. You hear Akaashi’s parents voice, and it soothe you.
“Do you want me to join you in the water?” Kiyoomi asks, brushing your hair off your forehead, his other hand has been holding you for hours now. You nod eagerly, letting go his hand. He takes his shirt off and gets in the tub with you. He positions himself behind you, his legs on your sides. You lean your back on his chest, your skin contacting with him. He intertwines your hands again, placing it over your bulging stomach.
Kia enters the room with Akaashi and Kenma, a drink in her hand. She holds it out you with both of her hands. “It’s your favorite juice mama. Drink.” You take a sip from the straw, the drink hydrating you. Then she holds it out too, Kiyoomi. “You too, papa. You’re working hard, too.”
“You’re working the hardest, Kia,” Kiyoomi tells her, patting her head. You can’t speak now, but you definitely agree. Kia is just a child, but she’s trying her best to understand what’s going on. She’s comforting you as she knows you’re in pain. She’s helping Kiyoomi in handling the matters just like how she promised him. She’s working so hard for you, Kiyoomi, and her soon to be born little sister and it’s all paying off.
After a few more hours, you see your baby’s head. Your midwife tells you push, so you do. But it’s painful, it hurts so much. You stop pushing, crying hard due to too much pain.
“Baby, you can do it,” Kiyoomi whispers into your ear, holding your hand tightly. He kisses the top of your head, wanting to take the pain you’re feeling. If he could, he would definitely transfer the pain you’re feeling to himself. But he can’t so he’ll try his best to soothe you. “Look. Our baby’s almost out. Don’t stop pushing...” You gain motivation from his words and with one last push, your baby girl’s finally out.
The midwife catches your child quickly, then brings it on your chest. Kiyoomi’s arms wraps around your stomach, looking down at your child that is on top of you. The midwife gives him a pair of umbilical scissors. He gets to cut the umbilical cord for the first time ever. It’s something has been looking forward to. He tears up as his cuts the cord.
“Omi... she’s finally here,” you cry, hugging your newborn.
“Yes, she is. And it’s all because you did a great job.” He kisses the top of your head again, his hand softly landing on the back of your child. His hand is wider than her back it’s scaring him that she’ll hurt him.
“What are you going to name her?” The midwife asks the two of you. You stare at your child, waiting for Kiyoomi to answer.
“Mina. Sakusa Mina.”
Kia finally wakes up from her nap, missing the rest of delivery. She quickly gets up, her blankie still in her hand. “Is my sister here?” She asks Kenma and Keiji who are in the living room. They nod at her with a smile.
They lead her to Kiyoomi’s bedroom where you are sleeping in. Mina is on the crib beside your bed, also sleeping. Kiyoomi sees Kia enter so he gently wakes you up. You had told him that you didn’t want to miss Kia and Mina’s first meeting. “Kia’s here.”
“Kia, come here,” you pat on the space beside you. She slowly climbs up the bed, not wanting to hurt you.
“Where’s the baby?” She asks you softly. You look at Kiyoomi and signal him to take Mina out of the crib. You put a support pillow on Kia’s lap, your daughter nervous and excited to meet her new sibling.
“Mina... your big sister is here,” Kiyoomi coos at the newborn as he lifts her out of the crib. Mina squirms, waking up. He puts her down on the support in Kia’s lap.
“Kia, it’s your little sister. Mina,” you tell Kia, softly petting the side of her head. Kia stares at the baby on her lap. The first thing she does surprises you and Kiyoomi. She places her blanket over her little sister, then softly cups Mina’s small cheeks. Kia places a gentle but tender kiss on her forehead. She starts crying, and so do you and Kiyoomi.
“Hi, Mina. I’m your Kia-neechan.”
Newborns has been hearing sounds since way back in the womb. Mother's heartbeat, the gurgles of her digestive system, and even the sounds of her voice and the voices of other family members are part of a baby's world before birth
Water birth might help you relax and help you feel more in control. Floating in water helps you move around more easily than in bed, too. Some science suggests that the water may lower chances of severe vaginal tearing.
Only 5% of babies are born on their due date. 50% are born within a week of the due date. 90% are born within 2 weeks of the due date.
The most popular day for babies to be born is Tuesday, followed closely by Monday
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coepiteamare · 3 years
you have (1) new voicemail
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pairing: jimin x reader (though what their relationship is is unclear) genre: mystery, angst (? as always), fluff (like a wee bit), epistolary fic! warning: mentions of a ballet accident (nothing detailed, just that something happened), jimin is missing, implied!depression beta reader: hana! @cutechim​ this story would not have happened without you and i absolutely adore you. also thank you to noor @papillonsgf​ because you were the first person i talked to about this story and uhhhhh well let’s just say this story may be different than what you were expecting word count: 4.9k (this used to be drabble series lmao)
things you said series: things you said through the phone summary: “Hi, Jimin. It’s me.” (alt. you leave voicemails for jimin when taehyung asks you if you’ve heard from him recently.)
A/N: this is all dialogue, which is ironic—to say the least—because i find dialogue painfully difficult to write (it doesn’t come naturally to me, it conflicts with my writing style, and it’s just difficult to write it in a way that feels real.) nonetheless, i hope it comes across the way i wanted it to, and i hope it makes you feel something. 
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December 5th at 14:30
Hi, Jimin. It’s me. 
I know we haven’t talked in a while, but-uhm-I saw Taehyung a couple days ago? I happened to be near where that cafe is—what’s it called—Moodspresso! Do you remember it? We wanted to go when it was new, back when you were taking that coffee-making class with Yoongi. You were such a dork: you wanted to go all around the city to judge cafes by their espressos, even though you weren’t a fan of the bitterness.  
We never did get around to trying it together: I think we tried to make plans, but it was out of the way of where we were, and then life happened, and then, well...it happened. 
When I saw it, it felt strange, as if a fragment of my past found its way into my present? It was kind of funny how I went in there thinking about you, only to see Taehyung. Weirdly fitting, considering how the two of you were always together, joined at the hip in college.
Anyway, he asked me if I had heard from you recently? Told me you haven’t texted him in a while, that you weren’t answering your phone, so I just wanted to check in! You know, say hi! I—uhm—tried to text you, but it wouldn’t deliver, so I figured I would just leave a voice message. I hope that’s okay. I hope you’re doing okay. If you hear this, you should probably text Taehyung; it seems like he’s worried. Said you usually respond within the day, but you haven’t been lately.
I-uhm-hope you’re doing okay. Text me back and let me know? 
Bye, Jimin.
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December 12th at 15:21
Uh, hey Jimin. I didn’t hear from you, so I thought I would check back in.
I saw on facebook that Jeongguk’s dating. Isn’t that strange? I mean, it’s not strange that he’s dating; it’s just strange that it’s Jeongguk who’s dating. You know, our Jeonggukkie, the one who could barely talk to his crushes without getting tongue tied. 
It seems like not too long ago he was the scrawny high schooler stressing about college applications, but he’s dating now. We used to help him with his personal statements and here he is. Dating. That’s just—wow. Time flies, I guess. 
I don’t know if you’ve kept in touch with him lately, so i just wanted to let you know. You know, in case you didn’t see it. 
This is so stupid; I’m so sorry. 
Uhm, let me know if you get this?
Bye, Jimin.
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December 14th at 19:42
I went to the bookstore today and I saw that your favourite manga released its final volume. That’s so...wild. 
I remember you were reading it when I first met you in high school and to think that it’s over? That’s like Supernatural coming to an end, you know? Something that has gone on for so long that it feels weird that it’s ending. That it’s no longer a part of our lives that grows with us. It’s something that has an ending. 
Speaking of endings, I don’t know if you’ve seen the ending of Supernatural, but don’t do it. It just-wow. 
Anyways, I haven’t kept up with the manga, but when I saw that they released the final volume, I felt the need to buy it? I went in to buy something else and came out with all of the volumes that I hadn’t read. 
I could have just read them online, I know, but I figured, if I see you again, I'd give you the final volume? Unless you already have it. Then I’d just keep it, but...you know. I just-
It made me think of you. How you transferred in late in the school year with crutches, and even though you were new, you weren’t paying attention in math class. I remember my first impression of you being “he must not care about school.” I think I later learned you had just started reading the manga a couple days ago and wanted to catch up because you couldn’t think about anything else.  
It didn’t even matter that you didn’t pay attention that week or that you came in mid-school semester because you aced every class. I thought it was because you were smart without trying, which irked me because I always felt like I was trying and not accomplishing—though I suppose that still applies now—but I later learned how much effort you put in. You always tried so hard that you made things seem easy. School work. Your happiness. Your feelings to a certain extent. 
I just-
I wish-
I hope you’re doing okay.
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December 17th at 13:21.
Hey, Jimin.
I tried to make pasta today, and I don’t know how, but I managed to get the sauce everywhere. Everywhere but in the pan. So now, my kitchen looks like a bloody crime scene with red everywhere. I don’t even know how I’m going to clean all of this up, but I should do it before it dries, right?
  I should, but I’ve just been sitting on the floor looking at it for the past few minutes.
  Do you remember when we made pasta for our fakesgiving potluck at your place, and I got sauce all over your shirt?
 I was wearing your white shirt—why I thought wearing a white shirt while making red sauce was a good idea, I don’t know—and I was trying to get the jar to open, but it wouldn’t work. I don’t think i’ve ever told you about this, but I remember that day was particularly awful for me. Just one unlucky event after another—I don’t quite remember what exactly they were, just that they were enough to make me feel like I wasn’t enough—and even though I was so excited for the fakesgiving potluck the night prior, even though I loved our friends, I just wanted to be alone. To not do anything and settle under the covers. Pretend everything could be forgotten if I just went to sleep.
But I saw you, and you were so excited. I didn’t have the heart to tell you I didn't want to go, so I sucked it up and helped you prep. I tried to pretend that everything was okay, but when that stupid jar wouldn’t open, I took my frustration out on it. You tried to take it from me, but I pushed you away, told you I could do it. 
And I did, only I also managed to spill the jar on your white shirt as I watched the jar fall to the ground and shatter. That spill was the tipping point, not because I spilled the only jar of tomato sauce in your apartment, but because I spilled it all over your new, brand name, white shirt.
I remember berating you for spending so much money on a shirt when you bought it—for fuck’s sake, it was a plain white shirt—but I know how much you adored it. I didn’t need to look at your face to know that I had fucked up, that I should have just let you open the jar instead of being stubborn. I started to cry, in anticipation of your anger, but you just held me instead, got pasta sauce on your shirt too as you let me cry on your shoulder, whispering “There, there. It’s okay. We can just make something else!”
You never even mentioned the white shirt, told me not to worry about it when I apologised, that it was the least of your concerns. That you could get another shirt.
Looking at my kitchen reminded me of that. So, I figured I’d give you another call, but it went straight to voicemail again.
I hope you’re doing okay.
I don’t know if you want to talk to me, but I’m just worried.
Call me if you get this? 
Or just send me a text.
Bye, Jimin.
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December 19th at 21:45.
Hey. There’s a full moon today. And I thought about you. 
I—uhm—think about you from time to time when the moon is bright. I don’t know why—it probably sounds stupid—but I have a lot of memories of you and the moon? Like that time we went to visit Jeongguk by the sea during winter break because all of us didn’t want to go home but didn’t want to be alone. So we made a road trip of it—well, it was kind of a road trip—and drove to San Diego to see him.
When we got to the sea, it was dark and so cold out, and the wind was fucking freezing, but we rolled up our pants and started walking along the shore, dipping our toes in the water and screaming about the temperature. Our teeth were chattering and the water was so so cold, but we did it anyways. 
It was a nice beach, from what I remember. One of the nicest I’ve ever seen. 
I stuck my hand into your jacket pocket and told you my hand warmer was dying, but to be honest, I just wanted to hold your hand. I think you knew, or maybe we had known each other for so long that you knew what I needed without having to express it in words, so you took my hand and held it tight. And even though the water was freezing and the wind was cold, in that moment, I felt so warm. 
I think you and I have always communicated well, like how I saw the way your eyes glinted in the moonlight and, somehow, knew what you wanted to do. Sneaked up behind him and pushed Jeongguk into the ocean together and laughed as he shrieked. 
It was fun, that day. I-
I miss those days sometimes. The earlier days. When there was less to worry about. 
When you were happier. 
Anyway, the moon is really bright today. The radio called it a supermoon, or something like that. I took a picture and tried to send it to you, but your phone still won’t let me send you messages. So if you hear this, just, go outside and take a look at the night sky. 
Call me back? Or send me a text. 
I just want to know you’re okay. 
Bye Jimin.
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December 21st at 16:28
I went to see The Nutcracker today. It felt like I haven’t seen a ballet in forever. It’s been—what—one year since I saw one? Which, I guess, in the grand scheme of things hasn’t been that long. But you were the one who would take me and I haven’t seen one since...yeah. I know it’s your favourite ballet. Or was. I’m not sure if it’s changed, haha.  
The American Ballet Theatre was putting on a performance, and there were still nosebleed seats available, so I bought one. It kind of felt like fate, like it was a sign that I was meant to be there, because I remember we used to get our tickets months in advance. 
I remembered some of the terms? I recognised the pa-pas de deux—god, my high school french is so fucking rusty—between the Sugar Plum Fairy and the Prince. I know that part is your favourite, but I still think “Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy” is mine. All those turns? I don’t remember the technicalities, but I know it requires a lot of skill to pull off while looking graceful. I still find it strange that the Sugar Plum Fairy is the prima ballerina though, considering she barely appears. 
I-uhm-kind of was hoping to see you. 
I know you don’t dance anymore, but—maybe it was just my stupid desire but—I was hoping that you would be dancing with the company. That perhaps you were dancing again and that was why you weren’t answering any of the calls. I kept looking at everyone, trying to see if it was you. I even paid extra attention to the curtain call and looked at every single person, kept trying to find your physique in the line. But you weren’t there.
You weren’t in the audience either. I stayed in my seat until the very end, until after the end, and scanned the crowd for anyone who was lingering and soaking in the energy, like you would do every time we went to see a ballet together. But there wasn’t. It was just me. 
I stayed in my seat anyways, until the ushers told me I had to leave. Because that’s what you would have done. 
I guess I was hoping you would show up. That trying to do what you would do would somehow unlock your presence. Or give me some kind of clue.
But it didn’t. 
Where are you?
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December 23rd at 17:19.
I saw Taehyung again today. 
He wanted to know if I'd heard from you. I don’t know why he thought you would contact me. I mean, I know I call you and leave you these messages, but you know. I haven’t talked to you since...since, yeah. 
He looked awful, like he’s running himself thin. I don’t know if he’s been sleeping well, Jimin. The two of you have been friends forever, and I don't know if you’d recognise him. He seems so tired, and his smile doesn’t reach his eyes. 
He thought it was going to be like last time. That you would show up soon. But you haven’t yet, and it’s been so long, Jimin. 
He called the hospital and they told him you quit a few weeks back, which I don’t understand. I thought you needed residency to get your physiotherapy license. Tae doesn’t get it either. 
He’s been going to your apartment, trying to see if anyone is in there. But there hasn’t been. He’s contacted your apartment manager several times, telling them he’s worried about you, but they won’t let him have the keys. Safety reasons. It’s understandable and frustrating all at once because he—we just want to make sure you’re okay. 
He said he used to have a key to your apartment. Said you gave him your spare, but you took it back? Something about you needing your spare because you locked yourself out. He said that was the last time he saw you.  
I’m not trying to jump to conclusions, but you’re okay right? I know this time of year is when—uhm, the accident happened and you-uh-left the Royal Ballet School. I know this isn’t your favourite time of year, but if you need to talk, I’m here. 
He’s worried, Jimin. We all are. 
Call me back? Or call Tae? We’re just worried and Tae wants to file for a missing person’s report. So just, let us know you’re okay. 
Call me soon, yeah?
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December 27th at 22:48.
I saw Yoongi today. 
I don’t think he likes me very much, but then again, I wouldn’t like my cousin’s ex either, so I can’t really blame him. He was still as civil as ever. Very polite. He and Seokjin are still dating, but I’m sure you knew that.
Tae had contacted Yoongi a couple days ago? Asking about you. So we all met up in person today. 
I forgot how much food Seokjin makes when he’s stressed. Do you remember when he was waiting to hear back from his job, and Yoongi invited us over for dinner? We were excited because we were college students and living off of the shitty cafeteria food and, also, because it was Seokjin’s food. You thought it was because they wanted to feed us—Seokjin always wanted to feed you—but when we went over, it was obvious they just needed help getting rid of the food. There was so much food. To this day, I don’t think I've ever seen so much food in one place, even during our potlucks, and Seokjin always brought a lot of food to our potlucks. 
I remember stepping in to their apartment, and the heat radiating from the kitchen was too much to bear. The walls were sweating because he had been cooking for seven hours, trying to displace his anxiety into food. We came back to the dorms with tupperwares full of food. I didn’t have to visit the cafeteria for a week. 
God, I’ll never forget the first time we met Seokjin, and he made us fried rice: you couldn’t stuff your face fast enough and choked because it went down the wrong pipe, coughed out fried rice all over their brand new dining table and all over Yoongi. Seokjin and I laughed so hard. I was trying to be polite, kept looking at Yoongi's face and tried to swallow my giggles, but Seokjin's laughter was so boisterous and lively that I couldn't not laugh. 
You laughed too, kept choking on your laughter in between your apologies, and Yoongi just kept glowering at you. But it was full of affection. He didn’t say anything. Just looked at you and back at the table and huffed, but it would have been obvious to anyone that he wasn’t really annoyed with you. 
He went back to our hometown a couple days ago, tried to see if you were there. But you weren’t. 
He went to see your parents, but they still think you’re living here too. Yoongi said he went to all the places you used to go to, like your old ballet school and that comic book store you used to go to after school. I even asked him to visit the arcade. You know, where we first met outside of school? Where we would hang out after school with Jeongguk and spend too much money on House of the Dead. Where we had our first date. 
But nothing. 
There are traces of you everywhere, but you? You’re not anywhere. 
Where’d you go, Jimin?
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December 28th at 2:19
Fuck you.
You don’t get to do this to me. I spent so long trying to forget and trying to move on and you come back in, except—do you know what the most fucked up part of this is? It’s that you’re not even here. You’re not here, and somehow you’re everywhere. No matter what I do, all I can do is think about you because no one knows where you are. Everyone is worried because you’re missing and I-I don’t know what to do. 
I thought this was over a year ago.
So why, why are you back in my life? Why are you reawakening the things I've tried so hard to bury?
Fuck you.
December 28th at 2:23
Hey Jimin. Just ignore that previous voicemail. I’m just--I’m just frustrated. Worried. Everyone is. 
Just call me back if you get this? 
December 28th at 2:25
You don’t even need to call. Just give me a sign? Let me know you’re okay. Please.
I just want to know you’re safe. 
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December 30th at 1:13
Jeongguk flew in from New York today. Tae called him yesterday, and he took the first flight here. 
I realised I’ve never seen Jeongguk mad. 
I guess I’ve kind of seen him grow up, but I’ve never seen Jeongguk angry until today. I mean, I've seen him upset and angry, but I’ve never seen him mad. Like mad mad.  I’ve never been on the receiving end of it because he’s always had his emotions in check when it comes to the negative ones. We’ve seen him sad, but you know how he is. He seems like he doesn’t care, but he cares so much when it comes to the people he loves. He’s always trying to only share the good things because he doesn’t want to bring everyone down. And even when he’s upset with us, he tries to communicate. He’s always been emotionally mature in that sense. 
A lot like you. I think he gets that from you. You are his brother after all. 
But when we told him none of us had heard from you? That you were missing?
I realised we’ve ever really seen Jeongguk angry. 
I’ve never seen Tae look so despondent or Yoongi so guilty than when we saw Jeongguk at the airport. They didn’t want to worry him because he had just moved for his new job—I’m sure you know about that—and he’s been so stressed out that they didn’t want to add more on to his plate. 
They thought you would show up by now, that you would come back. Because you always do. Or did. You used to.
 I remember the first time you disappeared. It was a year after you came back, the anniversary of the...the accident. You were a little distant a couple days prior, but still you. Still vibrant and happy and beau-I mean, bright. And then on the day of, you were just gone. Didn’t show up to school. Weren’t at the arcade. Weren’t at your apartment. Just gone. Vanished into thin air. 
I remember asking Jeongguk if you were sick, but he had no idea what I was talking about, and when we couldn’t get a hold of you, he burst into tears. I held him as he told me about your fight last night, how you got your xbox taken away because the two of you didn’t know how to share. He thought you had left because you didn’t love him, because he was your step brother and not your real brother. 
And as we were panicking about what to do, if we should tell your parents when they came back from work, you stepped through the front door with sand in your hair and your backpack over your shoulder, smiling as if you hadn’t been missing for half the day. As if your phone wasn’t turned off all day. 
I remember feeling relieved and exhausted all at once, as if someone had drained all the worry and energy out of me. I remember Jeongguk crying as he ran to hug you. I remember you crying and promising not to go anywhere without telling him again.
And you didn’t. Sometimes you would disappear when something hit too close or when you felt like everything was too much, but we could always turn to Jeongguk for a breadcrumb, for the small hint that you were okay. 
But you didn’t leave him a hint this time. When we called him, let him know you were missing, asked him if he knew anything about your whereabouts, he didn’t say anything. He went so quiet, we thought the line went dead, until he actually did hang up. He sent us a text message a few minutes later, letting us know he’ll be arriving on the next flight there.  
Jeongguk-he’s so cold when he’s angry. He’s so quiet. But that quiet is so loud. It speaks volumes. 
I’ve seen Jeongguk loud with laughter and quiet in contemplation. But this? This was something different. 
I guess the two of you are alike in that sense too. Both of your silences are never just quiet. 
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December 30th at 15:37
So we-uhm-broke into your apartment. 
Or well, Jeongguk did. But I guess all of us are accomplices because we kind of-well, we stood there as he did it. I don’t know why Jeongguk even knows how to pick locks, but I didn’t really have the chance to ask. 
Your apartment looks normal. Still spotless. It looks like you. Like how it used to. Or how it used to before we lived together, at least. 
I’m not going to lie, I-I’m a little surprised you didn’t move out. I couldn’t even go to the places we used to go to after you told me you wanted to break up. 
I guess it didn’t bother you as much. 
We scoured your apartment for clues as to where you could have gone, which may sound very Paper Towns of us, but—I don’t know—we were just looking for any sign as to where you might be. If you were okay. There weren’t any notes or anything that could give us a hint though, and Tae said it doesn’t look any different than when he last visited. 
Jeongguk also called your credit card company to see what your last purchases were. To see if it would give us any clues. But you haven’t used it since you left. Everything is just blank. 
Blank. Like you don’t want to be found. 
Jeongguk is still upset that none of us told him—I can’t blame him for that—but I think he’s mostly upset at himself that he didn’t know. That you two stopped talking for a bit, and he didn’t notice anything was wrong. 
I think he feels like he’s been drifting away from you too, ever since his job got busy and he moved for work. Or maybe it’s before that. I think he’s always felt like you don’t tell him everything, even though he pours everything out to you, looks up to you. I know you’d give him the world, Jimin, but Jeongguk would give up everything for you if you ask. 
But you don’t ask. You never do. You don’t let people in when you’re hurting. Maybe it’s the ballet training instilled in you to smile through the pain. Cover up the flaws. Put on a performance all the time. You pretend it doesn’t exist and push people out.  
No, you just disappear instead. 
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December 30th at 21:02
Tae and I are staying over at your apartment. I hope you don’t mind. We just decided we would rather not risk having anyone in your apartment see us try and break down your door and call the police on us, haha. It makes it easier if we’re in your apartment so we can open the door in case we need anything. Or find something that we missed.  
It’s-uhm. It’s weird being here. Feels like I've been displaced from the present and back into the past, only you’re not here. 
I noticed you took down all the photos of London.You used to have that big photograph wall next to your bed, filled with pictures from when you lived there, from when you used to dance. But all your ballet photos are gone too. Tae told me you took them down a while ago, a little after the break up. Said you stopped dancing for fun too, after a while. 
I just-
I hope-
Ah, fuck it. Nevermind. 
It’s so weird to be back here. 
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December 30th at 22:14
I found my sweater under your pillow. The white one with the moon on it?
I thought I had lost it after we broke up. I wanted to ask you if you had it, if i forgot to take it with me when I moved out, but by then we had already been one month in and- 
And it hurt. To think about you. Even though that was all I was doing. 
It kind of felt like it does right now. How you permeate my every thought and every moment, even though you weren’t there. The quiet was-is-so loud with your absence. 
It smells like you. The sweater. 
I just-
I don’t know what that means.
I don’t know what any of this means. 
I just don’t understand why my sweater would be under your pillow because it was you. You’re the one who told me you wanted to break up. 
You told me you didn’t want to do this anymore, didn’t have the energy to try. You were so sad, and I wanted to argue, wanted to beg you to let me stay until you were better, but you were so sad. So sad and exhausted and defeated and certain in your decision that I knew there was no use fighting it. 
How could I hold on to someone who’s not there anymore, right?
I’ve been telling myself that we can’t understand break ups or feelings. There’s no understanding them. We feel what we feel and sometimes there are no explanations for it. So I knew. I got it. I understood there was no point in asking to stay, but I regretted not asking you for a reason. 
I still do. 
I didn’t have the chance to ask you why because I was too busy staggering from the weight of I don't love you anymore.  Too busy struggling to piece together what those words mean. 
Love is a two way street; it goes both ways. But you made the decision, and all of a sudden, that two way street morphed into a dead end, and I had no choice but to walk away from it, back out the way I came from. 
I wish I could say that I didn’t see it coming. That it came out of left field, out of the blue. But I can’t because I had been bracing myself for the impact for weeks. For months. 
Would it have changed things if I hadn’t known? Would it have hurt less? 
I don’t know. 
I don’t know. But I wish I did.
I wish I knew, Jimin.
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Message deleted. You have no new voicemails. Main menu.
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A/N: come talk to me! let me know your thoughts! once again, thank you to hana and noor. this story wouldn’t exist without the two of you. 
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sunflowersand-bees · 3 years
AN: Thought I'd take a shot at Lumity. I'm posting this in honor of my 2 months clean anniversary which was on the 20th. This is the first fic I’ve posted on Tumblr.
Amity grumbled to herself. This could be classified as torture.
"Stop fussing," Luz commanded her girlfriend. "I'm braiding your hair. Your makeover is almost done."
"But I don't want a makeover," Amity complained. "I think I look just fine the way I am."
"Of course you do!" Luz cried, startled. "I just want to see how it looks with a braid though..." Luz pouted.
Amity sighed. She never could resist Luz's puppy dog eyes. "Fine, I'll stop complaining."
Luz brightened immediately. Luz had already used her pout on Amity multiple times that evening.
Amity was sure Luz didn't know what she was doing. I mean, she couldn't be making Amity melt on purpose, right? No, Luz wasn't deep enough for that.
Unbeknownst to Amity, Luz was fully aware of her actions. I mean, Luz wasn't quite so oblivious that she missed Amity's reaction to Luz's pleading. Her puppy dog eyes were a powerful tool, and she utilized them in the only proper way. To get whatever she wanted from her girlfriend.
Luz continued to braid, humming to herself. Amity harmonized quietly. It was a popular song they both liked, Heather by Conan Gray.
"Done!" Luz announced. Amity grabbed a mirror and examined herself. It... wasn't bad. In fact, it looked pretty good. Her purple hair in a braid.
"Now for the outfit!" Luz grabbed Amity's arm and marched towards the closet.
"Wait, no! My outfit is fine!" Amity struggled to escape, but she failed.
Fifteen minutes later, Amity emerged from the closet. Luz was sitting on the floor, waiting for her partner to emerge.
"H-How do I look?" She asked Luz, shyly blushing. She was wearing a simply cut dark blue dress.
Luz's face flooded with color. "You look amazing," She replied, trying - fruitlessly - to cover her face.
"Are..." Amity began suspiciously. "Are you blushing?" She sounded delighted.
"No," Luz's reply was muffled by her hands.
"Really?" Amity said, smirking. She knelt down before Luz. She took Luz's hands gently and pulled them down. Luz looked down, seeming slightly guilty.
"It, uh, it was a mistake to do a makeover," Luz tried to avoid Amity's eyes.
"Why?" Amity asked, lifting Luz's chin so she met her eyes.
"I'm way too gay for this," Luz mumbled quietly.
Amity's blush grew, if that was possible. "I think I am too." She whispered. The girls' noses touched. Luz's breath was hot on her face.
Slowly, Amity leaned in, pressing a soft, chaste kiss to Luz's lips. Luz was stunned for a moment, then she quickly pecked her girlfriend.
Amity stopped, blinking. Both of the girls' faces were akin to a tomato or cherry.
"I think I just short-circuited," Amity said, leaning against Luz.
"Me too," Luz replied. The two laughed.
"Te amo, Amity," Luz smiled down at Amity.
"I love you too, Luz," Amity murmured.
"HOOT HOOT!" Hooty cried, interrupting their special moment. He shoved his head through the door. "Luz, it's time for your-" The rest of Hooty's statement was cut off. Luz had gone and covered Hooty's beak with her hands, preventing him from continuing.
"Yes, Hooty, I know, go away now!" She yelled at him.
"Okay, sheesh, hoot hoot," He grumbled, going back to the front door.
Luz examined the sizable hole in her bedroom door. "Ugh, I told him a million times to knock. It's such a hassle to have to repair all the doors."
"Oh, I can get that for you!" Amity hurried to Luz. She drew a circle in the air. The door repaired itself.
"Gracias, mi amor. Now, a beautiful outfit like that mustn't be wasted! Let's go out!" Luz declared.
Amity was flustered. "Wha- out? I can't go out like this!"
"Why not?" Luz questioned.
"Well, people will see me!"
"Yes, that is usually what happens when people go to town."
Amity glared at Luz. She was being a smart alec.
"Fine, we don't have to go to town, but I wanna go out." Luz pleaded.
Amity groaned. "Luz, I can't today. I have to finish my homework. My mom will ground me if I don't. Sorry." Her voice was filled with genuine sorrow. "It was hard to convince her to let me go for a few hours. I have to go home at 10."
Luz checked the clock. It was 9:36. Definitely not enough time to go on a date. But it was enough time to play a game of Hexas hold 'em.
"Well..." Luz began slowly. "Do you want to play a game before you have to go? We can go on a date next time."
"Thank you," Amity told Luz. "I would love to play a game."
30 minutes, 2 wins, and 5 Luz pouts later, it was time for Amity, the Hexas Hold 'em champion, to leave.
"Bye, Luz," Amity said, her voice full of regret.
"See you later, amor," Luz replied. No, promised. It was a promise. Amity wasn't sure why Luz was promising her, of course they would see each other later, they went to the same school, but she felt touched anyway.
The two embraced and Amity kissed Luz on the cheek, causing both girls to flush.
Luz watched out the front door as Amity walked away. She wasn't sure why, but this goodbye felt final. Well, scratch that. Luz did know why it felt so final. Tomorrow was the day. They were going to try the portal.
Amity turned back to face the owl house and waved. Luz waved back. Amity continued on her way. She resisted the urge to run back to Luz, to hold her tight and never let go.
Both girls felt a sense of longing, and that night, they stared out the window, watching the same moon, wondering if the other was thinking of them.
AN: There it is. This takes place in between Eclipse Lake and Yesterday's Lie. My little gay babies. Hooray, I finished it! I wrote it in one day lmao.
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dr-addieramsey · 3 years
Movie Night
Book : Open Heart - Post book 3 (A few weeks after they said their ' I love you's ')
Pairing : Ethan Ramsey X F!MC(Adelaide Nicholson)
Category : Fluff
Rating : Teen+
Summary : It' s just a simple movie night with zero plot....
A/N : This is my first fic so I'm sorry if it turns out to be trashy. English is not my first language so I'm sorry for any mistakes........
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It was Friday night and Ethan was sitting in his living room, a medical journal in his one hand and a glass of scotch in another. His apartment was quiet and he was really grateful for the silence. It had been a hectic week. Being the Chief of Medicine was not an easy job and all he really wanted to do was enjoy his night and the next day off. Jenner was sitting by his feet.
Although he was really enjoying the silence a part of him wished that his girlfriend was there with him. Girlfriend. Although the term seemed juvenile he still couldn't believe he got to call her his. The beautiful Head of Diagnostics always soothed his mind and felt like home. He had no idea how she did that but he was grateful that he had her in his life. Ever since he had told her a few weeks back that he loved her and she - to his relief - had said those words back they both were over-the-moon happy.
This week although she had been really busy. The Diagnostics team had a really tough case assigned to them two days back and being the head of the team she had the responsibility to solve it as soon as possible before the patient got worse. On top of that she also had to review resumes and select a new member for the team. After Ethan left the team there was one spot on the team which needed to be filled. This meant extra work for her. Ethan had offered to help her with the interviews but everyone she just said "You already have so much on your plate being the chief of medicine and anyways it's the part of the job so I have to do it. Right?" He was proud of her as her mentor and boyfriend.
But tonight he just wished she could be with him. Although he had seen her in the evening before leaving the hospital he really missed her. His train of thought was interrupted by his phone that started buzzing. He looked at the caller ID and saw Tobias' name. He was in no mood to pickup the call yet he hit the 'accept call' option.
"Hey Ethan! We just diagnosed the case we got two days back and we were about to go for some drinks to Donahue's. You wanna come?"
"Is Addie with you?" If she was with them and going for drinks, Ethan would go there no matter how strongly he wanted to avoid drunk interns and idiots who wanted to talk to him.
"No. We asked her to come with us but she said she had paperwork to complete. Last I saw her she was in the office. Now, answer my question. You're coming or not?"
"Thanks for asking but I'd rather sit at home and enjoy the peace of my apartment. You enjoy. Congratulations on the solve. Bye." Ethan immediately end the call before Tobias could say another word. He placed his phone on the table and picked up his journal. His phone started buzzing again. This time he picked it up without checking who it was expecting it to be Tobias again.
"Tobias I told you I don't want to go!"
"You should really stop treating him like that babe." Addie said in her melodious voice. A smile tugged at the corners of his lips when he heard her voice at the other side of the line.
"Addie! Sorry I thought it was Tobias again. So, are you still at the hospital?"
"Nope! I just left. I was really missing you. What are you doing?"
"Reading a medical journal, drinking scotch and missing you."
"Yeah? You're missing me?"
"Ofcourse..." Before Ethan could finish his sentence he was interrupted by the doorbell.
"Just a second, love. There is someone at the door." He started moving towards the door."Who could be there so late?" he muttered to himself. As soon as he opened the door he was delighted to see who was at the door. Adelaide stood at the door. She looked exhausted yet beautiful. A smile made its way on her face when she saw him.
"Hello, baby!" He immediately pulled her in for a kiss. Both of them let a contended sigh when the broke the kiss. Jenner came to the door wiggling his tail. She scratched him behind his ear a few times. She took of her shoes and and coat. He immediately guided her in the living room towards the couch.
"You want something to eat or drink?"
"Yes please! Can you order some pizza or maybe make some popcorn? I would like to watch a movie with you after I take a shower, only if you want to ofcourse."
"Okay, I'll make popcorn and order pizza. You go take a shower."
She made her way to the bedroom and Ethan headed to the kitchen to make popcorn
~15 minutes later ~
Ethan was on the couch ready with blankets and popcorn. Pizza had arrived a few minutes back. Everything was set up.
Adelaide walked out of the bedroom. She was wearing his black hoodie and she had her blonde hair braided. How does she manage to look beautiful in everything, he thought to himself. She smelled lilies and vanilla because of her body wash. He loved spending his nights with her in his arms.
She snuggled next to him on the couch, her head on his chest. His arm immediately went around her shoulders as if it was second nature. Everything felt right.
"So rom-com or horror?" she asked him
"What the hell is rom-com Rookie?"
"Oh my god, Ethan you are ancient. Rom-com means romantic comedy!" She started laughing and he swore it was one of his favourite sounds.
"You're not subjecting me to that kind of stuff. Let's watch horror."
"Okay! But fair warning, I scream a lot. Your ears may start to bleed. Also save me if in have a heart attack."
"Nothing will happen to you. I'll protect you." he said laughing.
"Okay Mr. Knight in shining Armor. I'm starting the movie now."
~Half-way into the movie~
Addie was practically sitting in Ethan's lap by now. Everytime she suspected a horror scene coming up she closed her eyes and buried her head in his shoulder. She was screaming at the actors to not go in that direction or to ignore the sounds and Ethan couldn't control his laughter. As much as he would've enjoyed to just sit in silence and cuddle he couldn't say he wasn't enjoying this.
"Scream a little louder and maybe he'll listen to you Rookie. Don't worry as I said I'll protect you." Ethan said laughing loudly this time. The next thing that Ethan's mind registered was a bunch of popcorn hitting his face.
"First you protect yourself!" He was not the type of person to start food fights while watching movies, but she brought out a side of him that he didn't know he had. He also picked a few popcorn and threw them at her. She filled her hands with popcorn and got up from the couch. Ethan aslo took the bowl.
"You sir, have started a fight." She threw more popcorn at him. He reacted immediately throwing popcorn at her.
"Ethan stop! It'll get stuck in my hair!"
"You're the one who started it Rookie." He got up and wrapped his arms around her. They both were looking in each other's eyes. Blue and green met and both were filled with adoration.
"I love you, Addie"
"I love you too, Ethan"
Their lips met in a kiss. It was soft and gentle at first and then it grew passionate. Their mouths danced together. She put her hands on his chest and he put his and on the small of his back. They broke the kiss and looked into each other's eyes filled with desire.
"I think we have had enough of the movie. I have better ideas."
"Well I never say no to 'better ideas.' "
He lifted her and she started giggling. He carried her to the bedroom and shut the door.
~The next morning~
Ethan woke up when the sunshine entered the room. He moved his hand to the other side of the bed and it was cold. He groaned and got up. He started looking for Addie around the apartment.
When Ethan entered the kitchen he saw some pancakes and a cup of coffee on the table. It looked like it was freshly made. He smiled when he saw the sight. He moved towards the table he saw a note beside the plate. He picked it up and started reading.
Good morning,
I had to leave early for my shift. I made you breakfast. I'll come back in the evening. I'll have my break 10 a.m. Call me if you're free. Enjoy your day off. I'll miss you all day long. Love you.
P.S. : I gave Jenner his food
Ethan was filled with love for this woman. He considered himself the luckiest man in the universe and promised to never let her go.
I know it was wierd 😂. Again I'm sorry for any mistakes.......
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korijime · 3 years
— apaixonar
(verb.) to fall in love with someone or something, the act of falling in love
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shigaraki tomura, boku no hero academia
fluff, modern!college!au, social anxiety, slightly sexual jokes, swearing
wc ; one thousand six hundred and fifty nine words
dt ; @t-amajiki
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riyuu says ; ahh, i don’t know what to say here. i started this last night, but i got the idea a really long time ago in one of our conversations. i was really scared about getting his character right and i hope i did it some justice. big thank you to @tokyoghoose for proof-reading!! i’d have cried if the mistakes you pointed out weren’t fixed sbdubdidjd
this is kinda a part of a series..i guess? there’s two more fics coming, so i guess it’s 1/3 of the fics i wrote for gere and 1/6 of all the gifts i made for them in total.
so yes, happy birthday, gere. i love you to the moon and back and i’d do damn near anything for you. i hope you like your gifts. ♡
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“oi, crusty, look over there.”
the ‘crusty’ in question, a pale-faced young man, cast an annoyed glance in the direction of his partner’s finger. he never once listened to what dabi had to say, yet he knew from the tone in his voice that it would be something that had to do with you. and so he looked, and he didn’t regret listening.
he looked past the window of the chemistry lab, past the other annoyances, and towards you, sitting in the grass with your green-haired friend. he looked at you, sitting in the grass with the late morning sunlight engulfing most of your form, casting a makeshift halo over your head. a well-deserved one, at that. subconsciously resting his face onto his gloved hand, he turned completely towards the window, towards you, his experiment long forgotten.
“okay, jesus christ, stop it. you look like a creep.”
and there goes the moment.
his once ‘softened’ eyes and good mood vanished as soon as dabi spoke up again, his form hunching and his face contorting into annoyance once again.
“no, i don’t. you’re the creep.”
“sure, i was the one who sighed when they smiled for the camera, right?”
“shut up. you’re the creep, i’m right.”
of course that bastard was looking at him while he, in dabi’s words, ‘fawned’ over you.
he didn’t. he just knew how to appreciate good things. it didn’t really matter whether or not his cheeks and ears became heaters whenever you’d look at him, it happens to everyone.
“not right. factually incorrect. you’re a dumbass, go ask them out.”
“i’m the dumbass when you’re the one who blew up our project not even two minutes ago? i’m not a mirror, you easy-bake oven.”
and so on and so forth, until the bell finally rang to signal the end of their day.
tomura shigaraki, never one to listen to anything his ‘best friend’ says, never one to hang around anyone except dabi and a few others, was seen moving methodically and quite swiftly through the halls of u.a academy, heading straight towards the small group of third-years standing at the far end of the corridor.
they’d known him for three years, they knew his mannerisms and the way his mind worked. it was only natural that both toga and twice had to fish out five dollars each to hand to a very smug-looking dabi, who only watched with a shit-eating grin as tomura went up to you.
he could feel his friends’ eyes on his back, but it didn’t register in his mind which was currently screaming at him to get the hell out of this situation what were you thinking because now not only you and your friends but a couple of other students and even teachers in the corridor were gawking at the infamous anti-social boy who was looking at his shoes like they were the love of his life and not you.
his stomach twisted and churned painfully, the nausea he felt was nothing compared to the embarrassment and humiliation he felt, the same embarrassment which was painted bright on his face.
maybe he could just pretend he wanted your notes and call it a day and go home and cry—
“aye, you crusty fuck! don’t chicken out now or you’re doing my homework for the next week!”
fuck that fucking blue haired porcupine ass smug-looking son of a bit-
“ne, shigaraki-kun, did you need something?”
he sent his prayers to whatever god was above for sending an actual angel to be standing in front of him and pull him out of his formerly very quickly approaching spiral.
“are you..areyoufreeafterclasses?”
you furrowed your brows and stepped closer to him, ignoring the way tsuyu tried to pull you back. tomura was your friend, or at the very least, your acquaintance, she had no reason to be so wary.
“what was that? i didn’t catch that.”
the construction of the academy and the location of the institute was quite unfortunate, it would have been better suited in one of the islands near florida so that the bermuda triangle could’ve just swallowed it up so he wouldn’t have to be in this situation where he wanted nothing more than to evaporate into fucking water vapour why are you looking at him like THAT-
“are..you free after classes? i need your help with something.”
“oh! yeah, sure! what do you need help with?”
and apparently that was the director’s cue for everyone to go back to minding their own business. the students’ chatters started up again and the ones that had stopped to watch realised they had better things to do than gawk at the college loner asking the pretty one for help. even your friend group stepped back to let the two of you have some semblance of privacy, and tomura had never felt more relieved.
“you’re, uh, in fine arts, right? i have a project on that and i need to know more about it.”
he made the effort to finally look up and he was glad he did. like really, really glad. because the way you were looking at him with the same smile you’d given the camera, your hands clasped together as you leaned towards him, really just made all the embarrassment and humiliation worth it.
“sure! just let me say bye to my friends and we can get going, i know a good cafe near the campus.”
he only nodded and turned at the same time you did, heading towards the shitheads while you headed for your friends.
“would you look at that, crusty-no-balls finally grew some.”
“nice one, tomura! make sure to get their number!”
“toga-chan, they will be studying together, i doubt they’ll have time for that.”
and the rest was tuned out as he leaned on his locker, looking out towards the gates and back at you. he really did that, didn’t he? worked up the guts to ask you out, even if it was under the guise of a study session. which wasn’t a complete lie, what the hell did ‘fine arts’ mean, anyway?
“visual arts! stuff like painting and architecture and theatre, alongside others. i’m pretty sure poetry and prose are on there too.”
“wait, so you’re taking all of that? how.”
it was late afternoon now, around three or four when he had last checked. time wasn’t really important right now, not when he managed to kill two birds with one stone.
he was getting to spend time with you and do his project, added with you talking about your passions as a bonus.
he stopped typing and reached for his drink, which he did not choose because you told him to, thank you very much and fuck off, dabi.
looking back towards the screen, he realised he was almost done with his project, which was a surprise as he was sure he was paying zero attention to the project itself and hundred percent attention to you instead.
could anyone blame him? no.
no, they couldn’t.
they couldn’t blame him for having his attention on you when you went into the fine details of prose and theatre, using hand gestures to try and get across the point which you couldn’t do so with words. apparently you thought he knew sign language. which he did. it was an option, seemed interesting, nothing more nothing less.
is what he told dabi when he asked. but no, the real reason was the one you knew, which was the fact that the shelter he volunteers at has some people who prefer to use sign language, whatever the reason may be. he knew how it felt to be forced into doing something even though you’re comfortable with something else, but you can’t do that something else because it’s not convenient for others.
so yeah, sign language.
he was pretty sure it earned him some brownie points with you, for which he wasn’t complaining.
what he was complaining about, though, was the fact that you thought it’d be a good idea to steal a bite of his pastry while he was lost in thought.
“hey! thief. stop that.”
“no, it looked tasty.”
“okay, and so do you. you don’t see me biting you.”
..the fuck?
what the FUCK did he just-
take your laptop, and your phone, and your bag, and get the hell out.
his mind kept chanting that over and over, and he was listening to it, his clammy hands reaching to close his laptop as he got up but then. stopped.
you were laughing. at him. you were laughing at his major fuck-up.
“ne, ne, tomura-kun. i had no idea you were into that.”
yes, yes, he knows. he knows it’s weird and that it’s a weird thing to say to someone who he has a crush on and-
“honestly, the last time i made a joke like that, deku combusted and iida looked constipated.”
“wh-what was the joke?”
“i’ll show you later!”
he choked.
“show me!?”
“you sure sound excited, tomura-kun.”
the grin on your face did nothing to calm the hundred-mile marathon that both his heart and mind had been running ever since he said that.
what was even happening anymore.
that was the question which kept running through his mind even as he walked you home, thanking you for your help.
“no worries! i’d love to spend more time with you.”
what was happening.
“oh and, i also have an assignment due, do you think you could help me with it?”
“yeah, sure. same cafe?”
“sounds good! i’ll see you friday, then!”
what the fuck was happening.
he’d like to say he didn’t care nor did he think about it, but the way you hugged him goodbye with a promise to see him again left the smallest of smiles on his face which didn’t go away for a while.
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tagged ; @t-amajiki @tokyoghoose @kei7ime @inarizsunarin @tsukkiboii @spicyfoodboi @kakiwrites @lcaita @lnarizakis @kuro0luvr @himichii
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smortbokuto · 3 years
Paper love.
warnings: utter and absolute tooth rotting fluff crack.
pairings: Bokuto x Akaashi.
a/n: here to bless you with soft bokuaka <3 AKAASHI HAD HIS HANDS ON HIS THIGHS JSOIWDEDW BYE
summary: if asked "how did you both meet?" it was simple for them to smile and say "i left my notes in a library and he left a note for me." that's all.
word count: 3.3k
Late afternoon of autumn season. a weather just as the liking of the ravenette who shuffled through the busy streets of the Tokyo with a fixed motto to reach the city library before the dusk paints the already orange yellow tinted sky. his gunmetal eyes landing on every moving figure, every breathing soul, every sign board all through the way till they bored holes into the brown, heavy gates of the library.
a breathy sigh left escaped past his lips at the contact with the antique handles stuck on the wooden doors as he pushed open the doors. thick cool gust of heavy temperature air conditioner fell over his, leaving his tousled hair to fall over his winter evening eyes.
pushing his hair back, slender, calloused fingers carding through the hair as he squinted taking a while to adjust to the dimness of the library which he was not acquainted with after being under the blood- orange sun.
two receptionist sat there behind a huge table, a glass wall over the table that reached the ceiling. to the opposite was huge tables, all dark brown with lit candles and lanterns in the middle of them, were standing on all fours side to side with equal distance. the shelves behind the tables. books and books, sea of books were stacked in a proper order. step stools randomly near every shelves. people balancing themselves on those stools to reach the destined choice of books. level two of the library was just the same, a curvy staircase going from either side of the receptionist table.
the blue and ocher yellow tinted windows all over the huge huge walls allowed the drowning sunlight let into the dim place. walls, painted in a pleasing aesthetic colors, paintings of ancient wars and other artefacts from different places hanging around them with their circa and details.
a perfect place for his anthropology studies.
walking towards the reception table he took the pen that rested between the crease of the entry book which already had listed numerous numbers of visitors.
'#762 Akaashi Keiji.'
padding his way towards a table of his liking, a table just beside the window with tinted shades on the upper level of the library. sitting down he allowed all his required material to spill out from his bag on the table. his journal, pointers already jotted down before hand, different loose sheets from his classes stacked under the journal, written in his pristine sharp writing. books open in front of him allowing him to soak in all the words of knowledge while he took notes and pointers in a fresh page. writing staying constant and neat even with the speed of writing them down.
slowly the minutes slipped into hours and he didn't realize when the already drowning sun had been reigned over by the full moon and stars hanging all around it.
sighing he looked at the analog watch wrapped around his lean wrist.
08:47 pm
picking up all his material he bolted out from the library, not before bowing slightly in front of the already leaving receptionist who returned his gratitude with a humble smile.
walk to the college next day was as monotonous as ever. reaching the class felt like slow drags of tired legs but alas, it all about the attendance. a must. ought to be done.
god, he hates it. but it can't be helped.
settling in his seat on the front row of the class he sipped on his warm coffee. the warmth seeping down his throat and heat blooming into the pits of stomach. a tired sigh left his throat.
all the chatters from the students nearby him felt distant as he closed his eyes to take in the reality and prepare mentally for all the upcoming long and slow classes.
"hey, Akaashi." a low voice, a little hesitant, came up from behind him making him open his eyes to turn around and face the owner of the voice. a blond, lean man stood in front of me.
'god, his eye bags can hold water without a miss...'
the male looked in distress.
"what is it?" the ravenette cringed internally at how deep his voice came out and how much sleep was still mixed with it.
"do you, perhaps, have the sub- headings for Human Evolution? i can't really figure them out.." his words turned into a whisper to himself by the end of the sentence. his hands scratching nape in anxiety and his eyes boring holes into everything and everyone but akaashi.
after a silence of fraction of seconds akaashi nodded reaching out to his bag as he felt the gloomy aura tune into a flowery pink aura of gratitude for the helping male.
a life saver, indeed.
for a second, Akaashi thought he had his life in control, his homework and notes on him but to his dismay it wasn't.
what a fucking joke.
disappointed with the lemons life kept giving him he retracted back his hands and rested it on his thighs as he turned back to face the confused male.
"uhh Akinori- san? looks like i have left it in the library i visited yesterday." he apologized telling the blond that he would click the picture of the lone sheet and send it to the male.
the whole day continued in a constant restlessness. he left an important somewhere in a public place. questions flooded his brain to the brim and no one could answer them but him.
no way in the living hell he is ready to make those sub- headings again. he felt like he would loose his last straw of humanity and sanity if he didn't find the page.
cursing internally he ran like a mad dog was let loose after him, ready to pounce and tear him apart. skidding slightly he stopped at the library entry. a chill went down his spine as he opened the door, dread settling in the pits of his stomach at the thought of him loosing the sheet.
oh, he really didn't want that.
writing his name on the entry book hastily he ran upstairs, skipping 3 steps at a time in a thought to reach fast. his lungs and calves burned to give them a rest from all the running without to which he ignored, too determined to find the sheet.
reaching the seat he had been siting yesterday he felt his heart pang within the captive of his ribs.
the sheet was still there. safe and sound.
his eyes squinted at the small sticky note sticking on the sheet that's dear to his life. walking towards the page he collected it into his hands. reading the note a smile creeped up on his lips.
//hey! your name is really pretty. i found this sheet today and i kinda took notes from it. thanks for it!!//
thanking the person for the nth time he took out a sticky note from his bag and wrote a small thanks.
//hello, thanks for leaving the note. this sheet is important to me. and it's fine if you took notes, haha. what's your name?//
if he was honesty, he was not expecting any reply from the said person who had left the note.
but when the next day he came with Akinori to issue some books for the upcoming projects.
//oh!! my bad, sorry i thought i really did mention my name in the end. it's Bokuto Koutarou!! 22, going professional in volleyball and i have to study history as a side subject...
oh!! you seem nice. here: #xxxx xxx xxx. you can text me if you feel comfortable!!//
carefully folding the piece of yellow sticky note he kept it in his jean pocket.
later that day he sat there on his comforters of his bed, conflicted between texting the number or not.
what if it's a sick prank? someone else's number? perhaps a random number?? should he even take the risk?? scam??
ignoring all the thoughts he decided to take the risk. something about the name and the way the chits were written made this said man 'Bokuto Koutarou' very magnetic in nature.
texting a simple 'hello' and his name he threw his phone on the other end of the bed, groaning. he seemed desperate about this.
but he can't help! this guy Bokuto seemed really nice and he could be more, he guessed????
after what felt like godly slow centuries he felt his phone buzz, muffled by the covers around it. reaching the phone he checked the time, eyes widening.
03:05 am
he saw the text from a contact name from 'Bokuto?'. wasting not a single minute he saw the reply as smile tugging over his soft pink lips.
[oh! hey hey hey!!]
[i didn't expect you to reply.]
why was he even awake? well he was being a hypocrite to think like that when he was wide awake too knowing he has to reach college for classes. he was sure he would look dead.
but anyways he didn't mind the time and texted back the number. texts going back and forth. getting to know each other. it was basically Bokuto telling jokes, bitching about his teachers and everything he had experienced till now while Akaashi went along with the conversation, laughing at his antics and his bubbly nature.
ah, it felt nice. refreshing. even though he barely had slept in days.
god knows when the foggy night dipped low for the new autumn morning. the sunrays bleeding into his room from the partially open blinds, falling onto his study table. the clock reflecting the light onto the wall that fell on its cover glass.
he was still wide awake. fingers still typing continuously the keys of the keyboard of his phone. smiling every now and then at the replies he got from the other male.
fun indeed.
weeks passed with the continuous talking and sharing everyday stuff with each other and soon the autumn took its exit letting winters slide in for next few months.
chits were occasionally exchanged. the secluded corner of the second level of the chit exchange without showing themselves to each other became a habit they adjusted it into their busy schedule.
//ooo i came here today and i thought of leaving a chit for you to read. we should meet someday!!!!//
few days.
//we should, indeed. lets find a right time to meet.//
it was so comfortable.
Akaashi would be lying if he said he haven't sneaked to Bokuto's game.
oh god, it was a mess.
not only this man is fun to talk to and so polite and all but how can he be this good looking?!
"what the actual fuck." akaashi had muttered under his breath as he saw bokuto walk into the arena, chest puffing with pride. the ravenette felt his cheeks burn with a red tint paint purely over his cheekbones.
he could only think of one thing as he watched the pepper salt haired man play the whole match and win it.
'am i gay??????' god it sounded so scandalous.
but looking at him play. his muscles ripple with each moment he took. the way he ruffled his hair to wipe out the sweat, hair messy. the way his jersey rode up as he went in for a powerful spike. everything.
'god, i am so gay. what the fuck.'
akaashi decided he would never tell this to the other male. about him going to his matches only to fall more and more for him with every passing moment. the conversation, the antics, the looks, the nature. everything.
he won't admit that he practically got hard as the first thing in the morning when Bokuto had sent him a voice message of him saying a simple 'good morning'. the problem was not the good morning message but his fucking deep, heavy sleep laced voice.
god, he was down bad for the man.
the early winters slowly turned into mid winters with the call of snow. November slowly turned December and new year approached. a day where they both decided to meet. well for akaashi, he would see him for the nth time now. for bokuto.... first time.
akaashi decided to not tell this to bokuto. jesus, he felt like a damn stalker.
tapping on the shoulder of the man with pepper salt hair, who had his god sculptured back faced to the ravenette.
'i don't mind watching his back for the rest of my lif- jesus christ, shut the fuck up please. don't mess this up.' he mentally cursed as he saw the said man turn to face his gunmetal eyes. his grey eyebrows cocking up in a questioning look.
"how can i help you?"
"i am akaashi keiji..." he mumbled. lips parting slightly as he saw the other man grin ear to ear at the slip of the name.
the night went smoothly. they indulged in all the games that were available in the fair. ate every possible dish not having mercy on their hurting pockets.
ending the night at the river bank side, sitting comfortably on the mats that were set up for the viewers to witness the fireworks for the arrival of the new year.
but something for bokuto made it hard to look at the sky. he couldn't help but watch the man beside him from the corner of his eyes. he just looked so ethereal. skin so clear and pristine, basically reflecting all the colors painting the sky by the crackers. his eyes, blue, but shining so bright even under the dark sky.
he made sure to ask Akaashi for a pic together before he dropped him off. setting it as his lockscreen and homescreen.
'god have mercy, i am so gay.' he screamed in his head. mind not moving on from the burned image he he had drawn in his head of Akaashi. how can someone be this beautiful??
he has to keep it low- key. but, can he?
after the new year meet up. they met frequently. akaashi watching his matches while bokuto used to study, more like complain, with him at the library.
they were down bad for each other. but won't speak about it. just because.
time passes quick. seasons changes. winters came to an end. all the dried up trees showing a sign of life again. pink petals decorating every second tree so beautifully. the snow had melted away from the pleasant warmth of spring painting the whole land in fresh green and spots of pink from all the blossom leaves leaving the home of the trees.
feelings that were supposed to stay small and bottled up, filled up to the brim. it wasn't just a crush anymore. the seasons had changed but feelings remained the same within themselves for each other. and it kept building up till it was over flowing.
each glance, each action, each word and each conversation made them fall deeper into the suffocating feeling of love.
the thing is, akaashi is patient and he knows how to showcase his emotions. he knows what to show and what to not. but bokuto? oh honey no. he doesn't think twice before doing or saying something. he is... impatient.
an impatient person in love? disastrous.
he didn't think twice as he wrote a letter on a pale page. a letter on how much beautiful he finds Akaashi. he didn't think twice as he made his way to the library. he didn't think twice as he kept the letter there on their secluded seat of conversation.
he didn't think about the rejection that could come.
he just wished for the best. like he always does.
he waits. patiently, for once.
but again, for how long?
three days had passed but it seemed like akaashi hadn't even visited the awaited library. he had told bokuto about his upcoming project for the end of the semester. he had already issued books for the project a day before bokuto had kept the letter.
so close.
he decided: he can't wait anymore. he jolt up from his bed, hair hanging low over his forehead. he picked his phone typing away to the person he is so desperate for.
[hey!! can we meet at the library real quick?? its urgent.]
he wrote as he threw on a sweatshirt over his shirtless body. reaching the porch of his house his phone buzzed.
[its pretty late rn??? but sure.]
god, at last. but then the dread he had been ignoring settled in. what if he rejects? what if i ruin what we have? no no, he doesn't want this.
panicking he put on his shoes, sprinting out from his apartment. not wanting to wait for the elevator he took the stairs. 12 floors down from stairs... he ran, not giving his lungs the needed break from one block to another. the roads empty with only few passer by walking back home maybe and the light lamps only illuminating the empty sidewalk and roads.
he just wished for akaashi to not have reached before him as he stood on front of the library doors. he pushed them open taking a deep breath as he padded slowly up the stairs.
taking a turn to the place he had to reach his eyes widened at the figure he wanted to see after he reached but no. he was tad bit late.
akaashi stood there, teal sweatshirt hanging over his lean figure. letter, open and probably read by now, between his slender fingers. his head whipped up to see bokuto, mouth gapped, wanting to say something but nothing came out.
"i- i can explain." bokuto never thought his voice could come out so small. "its okay if you will reject me. i mean it will hurt like a bitch but its fair... you have your own choices and i was selfish to write it i guess... i don't wanna ruin what we both have!! i cherish it a lot."
he was rambling at this point trying his best to explain his emotions that where all over the place. he was so messed with his words he didn't hear the multiple times akaashi had uttered his name. it was until akaashi had to practically yelp out his name in a dead silent library.
"Bokuto!! what the hell??"
"wha- what?" oh god, he sounds so upset...
"can you let me speak now? there is nothing for you to explain. the letter did its job already." the shorter man commented.
there was a heavy silence between them as akaashi busied himself in folding the letter back and putting it in the envelop. bokuto couldn't hear the paper rustling as it was being folded but his heart shattering at the due rejection.
the taller man didn't look up from the ground. he didn't have the balls to look into those gunmetal eyes. he figured it would be filled with anger and hatred.
he was so ready to hear the rejection now.
but nothing came.
slowly he lifted his head, taking the risk to look at the man in front of him. he took a step back when he saw akaashi smiling, face flushed in shades of pink and red under the light of lanterns that were lit all around the library for the starry night.
"won't you speak anything now?" he whispered. "aren't you going to reject me?"
"no? why would i?" akaashi answered with a question. smile never faltering.
"wait- you like me??" his words came out chocked at the realization. maybe it was mutual. maybe it wasn't as scandalous as it looked like. i was a new bloom of love.
"no, i like you too." he drawled out walking towards Bokuto. "like a lot. pretty desperate you can say. i just thought that it would never be mutual so i kept it in."
to say that bokuto was happy was an understatement. all these months together with him as friends was all something he always had wished but now? lovers? yes. how can he ask for anything more than this?
his hands reached out to the male walking towards him, pulling him into a hug he craved to give him so desperately.
"i love you so much."
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marsmoonqueen · 4 years
Lipstick Stain
Sherlock Holmes x Reader
Warning: Nothing I can think about.
Prompt / Summary: Sherlock´s favorite color on his flatmate
Note: Noup.
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(y/n) went downstairs with premeditated steps, watching her skirt and heels, being extra careful not to fall or step over it. Finally, she arrived to the ‘living room’ of the apartment she shared with the great detective Sherlock Holmes. Or well… consulting detective.
         Talking about him, well… he had felt her enter the room, and with a quick and discreet gaze admired her. Lately he had been… feeling for her. Just that. Feeling. Anyway, this ‘discreet gaze’ was indeed discreet for John, who failed to notice a change in Sherlock’s behavior or posture. But Mary… Mary, in the other hand saw him.
         She saw how his eyes lingered over her figure more than a few seconds, and how a smile wanted to be painted in his features, but he contained it.
         “So, John, Mary how do I look?” The girl in question asked, opening her arms in an invitation to be criticized.
         “Lovely” was their mutual response.
         “Yeah, that won’t do” She stated walking to John’s sofa, where Mary was seated in the armrest, and leaving her purse and coat in there. In one soft movement she turned to the young detective and got closer. “Okay Sherlock, just for this time, and for this time only… you have my consent to analyze and ‘describe’ me, well not me, my outfit”
         Needless to say, that her request took him by surprise. “What?” His eyes left the microscope in front of him and settled on her.
         “I said that I want you to take a look at me, at my outfit and tell me what you think about it” The young woman repeated, then took a big breath while closing her eyes. “I promise I won’t get mad at you when something offensive comes out of your mouth”
         “Very well…” Sherlock started. Deep inside he was glad he had a reason to take a better look at her. Today she looked especially breathtaking, he thought, with that white button up shirt for which he had complimented her once, and that yellow skirt, her hair was flawless and her make-up was really on point today… there really wasn’t something to dislike.  “I think you look exceptionally… fine” he connected their eyes “but I feel there is something missing”
         “It’s the lipstick, right?” the girl stopped paying attention to his wandering eyes and turned to a full-length mirror she had placed next to one of the windows. “I just don’t know which color would complete the look, so I decided to not wear one”
         “A clear mistake” Sherlock teared, with much difficulty, his eyes from her figure and turned to his experiments.
         “You are right, completely…” He smiled; she didn’t notice but, Mary on the other hand... “Sherlock, do me a favor and please hand me my pink lipstick, the one I left on the table” He rolled his eyes.
         There was a forever fight between the two flatmates, (y/n) always left her things laying around Sherlock stuff and he always moved them, making her blush with anger when she couldn’t find them.  This time she had left two different lipsticks and a hand mirror on top of his notes, he left the mirror in the table, but took both lipsticks and saved them in one of his pockets, so (y/n) would lose her mind looking for them later on. They were both the same size and package, but different colors, and he decided to use this to his favor.
         With a fast look to where his hand was going, he took out of his pocket a blood-like-red lipstick, his personal favorite on her, and without sparing her a glaze he offered the product. She took it without making sure it was the right one.
         “Thank you, Sherlock I-” She interrupted herself when she saw the color that was about to touch her lips. “Sherlock, my dear this is not the one, please pass me the pink one” She extended her hand to him, offering the red one and turning back to the mirror; Sherlock took advantage of her inattention and pretending that he changed the lipsticks, pressed the same one to her hand. “Very well, now- Agh, Sherlock, I believe that this is still not the one” She said turning to him.
         At this point the married couple had gone to the kitchen to make her two friends feel a little sense of privacy, but were spying on them anyway.
          “I truly do believe that this is the one” Sherlock got up from his seat, and walked to her, covering her hand with his and taking away the bar form her. “I believe this one, in particular, compliments your eyes and skin tone… it makes you look like you are glowing” Their foreheads were about to touch, she could feel his curls on her skin but moved away from him shaking her head no.
          “Well, I have always believed that red compliments everyone” (y/n) took the product from his hand and turned around, once again, to look herself at the mirror, but her eyes settled upon him and his hands that traveled to her shoulders. “But I’m sure that you are doing this to despair me”
          He laughed a little. It was true. “How could I?” He answered.
          (y/n) moved to the other side of the table, where her hand mirror was, in front of Sherlock’s seat and not without giving him a glare, she started to paint her lips crimson red. It was truly Sherlock’s favorite color on her, not only because of how it looked, but because of the amount of work she putted in the application. Smiling at her, he seated where he was moments before but instead of coming back to his work, his eyes settled on her.
          She was really careful with that color in special, she knew a few tricks to make her lips ‘change of shape’ depending of her mood for the day. Thinner when she wanted, fuller on special occasions. But it didn’t matter the trick she wanted for the day it always took some time to work out that specific shade of red. Sherlock had seen her doing this a lot of times, and she was sure her struggle with the color was the reason behind his likeness of it.
          After no more than two minutes, of Sherlock watching her every move, (y/n) covered her lipstick and again went to do a last check in the mirror, then faced the detective.
          “Ravishing” Came out of his lips without his permission. (y/n) smiled.
          “Thank you very much” she walked to where her purse and coat were, and Sherlock accompanied her to the door, with Mary and John sticking their heads out from the kitchen to have a better look. (y/n) was about to go down the stairs when she stopped and faced Sherlock again.
          “What? Did you forget-” but before he could finish, (y/n) took his jaw between her hands and kissed loudly his cheek.
          “Yes, I was forgetting that” She laughed as the detective made a disgusted face, but did not try to erase her lipstick stain from his face. “Anyway, see you at night, Sherlock. Bye John, bye Mary” she yelled as she went down the stairs.
          Seconds later the street’s door closed and Mary and John saw a smile the size of the moon get painted over Sherlock’s features as he went back to work.
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