#anyway the point for anyone who's confused is what people find cute is subjective. you don't have to like every animal ever
autistickaitovocaloid · 10 months
Person who comments "kill it with fire!!!" on people's posts of them with their pet bugs/snakes when they meet a person who has a phobia of dogs
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lemonandlime22 · 2 years
Hello! Could I request Ace, Jack, deuce, and sebek with scrawny bitey child please?
Ace, Jack, Deuce, and Sebek with a scrawny and bitey Child!Yuu
Warning(s): cussing, long cause ✨backstory✨, not edited because I'm tired
A/N: lmao I was just in the middle of writing something with ace and deuce's reactions in them, but imma just do this and cut their reactions from the other thing lol.
[Bitey child!Yuu Masterlist]
Two words;
chew toy
that is what he is now.
When he first meet you, you and Grim were looking at the statues
but what's different this time around is that you bite him before he could say a damn word
Grim laughed so hard he spit fire at Ace by accident.
So you get no explanation on the great 7, but hey! you gained a chew toy
but that's not until a lil later.
Ace hated you at first
he thought you were annoying and hella weird
that was unit he saw you bite some random student like just over a day after meeting you
then he thinks you are hilarious.
For some reason tho, you would stop-
anytime he would rest his arms at his sides you start biting his hand
at first it rly fuckin hurt, cause you were actually biting him
ya know how cats will bit your arm and cling onto in then starting kicking your arm?
that's basically what you do to Ace.
But as time went on it started going from full on biting him to just nibbling on his hand
ill explain why you do this and why he allows it in the thing I'm working on.
Also, he is a lil worried as to why the headmaster isn't in a little more of a hurry to get this kid home, I mean your parents are prob worried sick about you,
Overall, you are basically free entertainment for him, sometimes when he's bored he points out some random person to you and tries to get you to bite them, sometimes you do sometimes you don't.
He is a bit curious as to why you do this but unlimitedly lost interest in the subject and decided it was none of his business and that he doesn't care.
yalls relationship is rly fuckin cute!
let me explain,
you first met him in a similar way you did in canon
you had decided to go on the investigation thing that Grim was assigned to do like half way through
(like right after the encounter with the tweels, i think I don't rly remember how it went lol)
for 2 reasons,
1, you were bored
and 2, you wanted to hang out with your mama Riddle.
You got there when jack was just about to leave
and as soon as you saw him
you ran and attached yourself to his leg
not with your teeth tho-
with your arms and legs <3
Jack was so confused as to why this random ass child was hugging his leg
it took nearly all of them to pry you off his leg cause they thought you had bitten him
and he took that chance to leave, but as soon as you realized he was gone you started tearing up.
Ya see, when you were on the streets, there were a lot of stray dogs/puppies and they were all starved but most were nice
and you liked to share what little food you had with them, and sometimes the ones you've fed multiple times, would bring you some food too
so ofc you've grown fawned dogs and with Jack have the ears and tail that was all you needed.
he didn't find out about your biting habit until a while later when he saw you bite Floyd's arm
was surprised when Floyd started to laugh and went to bite your arm too
but he panicked and just ripped you off Floyd, and booked it down the hall.
He usually wouldn't be surprised by a child that bites people but, like I said in the tweels hcs, only best men children, and mer children did it, not human children
he wondered who in the great 7 would teach a little kid to bite people at random
he also wondered why you were in NRC and not with your family
Ace and Deuce end up explaining it to him and he was like,
(⚆_⚆) wtf....
is genuinely confused as to why you do this.
He takes it upon himself to make sure you don't bite anyone while he is with you
he's got good reflexes so anytime you lung at someone he's able to grab you mid air and carry you away before you can even react.
Overall, new big brother another one that misses his little siblings and you make him a lil homesick but he also gets hit with nostalgia when he sees you chewing on Ace's hand cause it reminds him of when his little siblings were small.
btw he will also try to teach you to brake your habit with Riddle.
You have never and will never bite this boy.
when you first met him he dropped a goddamn caldron on Ace
and that was the first act of magic you really paid attention to
you didn't rly care much about all the fire stuff Grim did or the spells that were cast at orientation
but seeing someone make a fucking caldron appear out of thin air and drop it on someone
and that was probably the most amazing thing you've ever seen in your life
from then on you'd almost always watch him intently to learn how to do something like that
your thought proses was,
" ....wow... h-he must be the strongest! I have to know how to do that!"
From his pov you were a small child that came out of nowhere and won't stop staring at him
at first he was sad because he thought you were intimidated by him and were staring so you could keep an eye on him
but later on, when he summed another caldron, you came up to him, tugged at his sleeve and said,
"teach me."
while pointing at the caldron
and let me tell you-
this boy was so HAPPY!
from then on he was even more determined to be an honors student
he wants to set a good example to someone who looks up to him.
He first sees you bite someone when you started biting Ace again
at first he thought Ace did something to you, but after both Ace and Grim explained what happened he calmed down but was confused
but he still didn't think much of it at first cause toddlers bite people all the time and maybe you looked big for your age?
it wasn't unit he saw you bite a bunch of random people on different occasions did he connect the dots
well... he kind of did..
he thought you were just like him or like he was
he thinks your biting people out of rebellion or anger.
From that point on he was with Riddle trying to teach you not to bite people!
Overall, please I beg of you don't bite people in front of him he will be so sad and disappointed in himself!! He just wants the best for you and that is not to be like he was (his words).
He thinks he knows why you do this so he doesn't wonder why, but when he does find out, his opinion might change but I'll talk about that a lil later.
who you end up learning the death roll from
Enemies to extreme enemies to frenemies
that's basically the progression of your relationship.
Now I don't know/remember when we meet him in canon so imma make smthn up lol
He kinda heard of you but not rly
he saw the bite mark on Malleus you left on his arm when you first met
and he has despised every fiber of your being ever since
the only reason he hasn't gone to go end you yet is because Malleus overheard him when he was talking to himself about debreathing you and didn't take to kindly to someone wanting to end his new friend.
He doesn't officially meet you until you and the rest of the first years were making a bunch of noise in the middle of the courtyard
and he, being the good lil hall monitor he is, went to tell you to stfu.
it wasn't until he saw the rest of the first years trying to pull you off some poor student
I'm using "trying" very loosely, Deuce was trying while Epel, Grim, and Ace were hyperventilating on the ground from laughing and Jack was sighing and shaking his head disappointedly and waiting till things got serious to step in.
He scoffed and took your body from Deuce's hands and yanked you back in one fell swoop
and while everyone was in shock except for that poor student, he quickly left to get checked for rabies Sebek quickly connected the dots
there's only one human that both bites and has such a small mouth
and that's you.
Oh! btw, yes he has heard rumors of you.
He almost instantly starts yelling at you
and I mean what he considers to be yelling
so you basically almost go def
rip your little eardrums.
The rest of the first try their best to a least get him to put you down
His yelling reminded you of those old grumpy store owners that would scream at you for eating out of their dumpsters
you never liked them and you don't like this green one either but you couldn't get closer to him or get out of his hands to bite him
his hands were under your armpits so you couldn't get to his hands either
so you just started squirming around and when that didn't work
you cried.
He quickly dropped you and started trying to get you so stop
to which you grabbed his hand and started biting.
He eventually stops extra despising you and then just regular despises you, then eventually tolerates your existence.
Overall, like I said, Enemies to extreme enemies to frenemies.
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nightgoodomens · 3 months
Asks under the cut (p3)
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I feel like Michael has been showing how done with it he is since he started making a point to look as miserable as possible with her and to make it more blatant, how glowing he looked with DT instead. I also feel like that photoshoot was meant to be the beginning of finding her a career so they can end her bearding one. So she has some career so she isn’t dependant on him anymore. But that didn’t work out so she started clinging to him again. It’s a sad situation for everyone. I’d never want to have anyone this dependent on me so I can’t get rid of them, and I’d never want to be a woman this dependant on a man.
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That thread is disgusting. Not only half of them have zero idea wtf they’re talking about, like usual on Twitter, but the absolute disgust leaking from it is pure homophobia. The same people feel like they can squeak over everything the ladies do, and can ask about those relationships, but anything about the men deserves disgust and how embarrassing it is. It’s fucked up. I am against asking questions like this but it wasn’t THAT bad, and I hardly blame the person who asked considering they asked AL who will respond with crap like “oh my loud parrot was a preparation for dating MS” yeah you know what, ask her whatever you want. She’s embarrassing. Besides 1. She didn’t need to answer. 2. That wasn’t a back off face, they’re just projecting their feelings yet again. It was a confused/thinking about it and then “hm” as she looked away. Like her reaction was actually quite funny because it looked like a “oh fuck he does” realisation. No need to project all feelings of hatred on it.
They literally told everyone they’re one big family and DT and MS are partners/boyfriends/husbands - if people think it’s disgusting then that’s something they have to deal with. I don’t think any of these people have the mental capacity to consider poly or anything but most typical relationships out there. Which is so ironic because this is supposed to be super open minded fandom… yet they freak the second someone says so I think two men might love each other. Please.
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I always felt a little “huh” about that moment because of how serious he is during that. Not the usual joke way you would expect but a borderline statement. There’s so many moments during those years where you expect them to take the piss out of each other but they’re really serious about what they say.
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I think it’s kind of looking up to her because GT does it at least a little better than her. GT does a lot of questionable things to me but majority of people just see the perfect image she created on the surface. She worked very hard for people to forget how fucked up the beginnings of this relationship were and now feels confident enough to call her kids drunk accidents and get away with it. But that is the fandom’s fault who sucks up everything she says and won’t dare to criticise. And she knows that. Well until she finally touched a subject that struck the nerve but while some chased her off, others were screaming queen you can do no wrong - see this is why they think they can do bare minimum and people will suck it up anyway.
But you’re right, generally her arrangement with DT works better (mostly, because she posted a video where he was complaining too, or pics where he’s done with everything, or her weird selfies where she looks into camera and he’s suppose to be cuddling to her which always gives me the cringe, or the “mine” even though the night was about him) and she’s better at support when she feels like it hence probably why people have more warmth for her. Majority of people just want DT content and they don’t care how or what it is.
But generally people who see through bullshit point out both GTs and ALs missteps. And MS and DT when they do some dumb shit. It’s the best fans who won’t dare to criticise anything.
To me it looks like MS is harder work because he’s done with shit so he won’t be pulling cute selfies etc to help the bullshit. But DT is easier to make feel guilty (omg I want to be my wife for a day to see how she deals with me… bruh you ok?) so he will do a stupid Morrisons video, take selfies and cling to her like he’s less than her on HIS big days. And constantly work his ass off to finally have her accomplish something instead of finally giving up. It’s weird and sad to me. And explains why he shines so much with MS who actually lets him be who he is and compliments him and loves him openly instead of trying to make him feel less.
Oh yeah season three will be a nepo show, big time!
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jeanbie · 13 days
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SLYTHERIN! ZEKE ★ masterlist.
part of the "hogwarts" series  ੈ♡‧₊˚ starting with the older characters first and going down the list <33
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when zeke got his Hogwarts letter, he was confused
confused because he had no idea he was even a wizard
the very last thing he expected to find out on his 11th birthday was that his dad was a wizard, and, oh yeah, before his mom died, she was a witch, too
so he's very cautious and doubtful about going to a magical boarding school, no matter how prestigious his dad keeps saying it is
who names their school Hogwarts anyway?
i don't even think zeke is 100% aware of the house prejudices until he gets sorted into Slytherin and realises the cute girl he met on the train no longer wants to go near him
but eventually as the years progress, zeke becomes less bothered by the people who actually care about what robes you wear and house you represent
and very quickly, everybody around him seems to follow suit
for zeke gains his own reputation very fast — and not for any of the reasons anyone expected
zeke is a little bit rude and sarcastic, which reminds whoever needs reminding of his house and how he ended up being sorted in Slytherin, but he's also very adaptable and enjoyable to be around, which is probably how everybody knows him, if not by face then almost certainly by name
he's theeee Hogwarts gossip; he knows everything about everyone and knows how to connect you to the people you need
want some magic mushrooms from Hufflepuff but got no friends in that house? dw, zeke knows a guy, and all you gotta do in return is tell zeke if that rumour is true or not 👀
definitely that Slytherin who younger students want to turn to for help or support
zeke has lost count how many times he's been forcibly dragged into petty arguments by the younger kids (although he loves the drama)
he's also that student who looks sooo much older than everybody else, which kind of automatically makes him an eccentric big brother figure to so many Slytherins
zeke doesn't give a single flying fuck about quidditch or other sports at Hogwarts, but you can guarantee he'll be up for a mean game of wizards chess against any student who dares ask
he's not even good at chess either — he always loses, especially against some of the major competitors in his year at Hogwarts like erwin or yelena
i don't believe he had a pet going to Hogwarts because his dad was like "i dont trust you" but later on when his lil brother gets a pet for his first year (not fair btw) zeke gets theeeee ugliest fattest toad possible just to spite everyone
but his frog kind of hates being essentially imprisoned in the Slytherin dungeons and so zeke ends up losing him somewhere
(one day he swims past the stained glass windows with the merpeople and zeke's just like…ok good for u)
his best class is actually ancient runes, though he's pretty good at muggle studies since his stepmom is a muggle and he was pretty much raised by her after his mama died and grisha got with carla a few yrs later
his patronus is a manx cat, though he kind of wanted a monkey since they're his favourite animals
when someone in Gryffindor puts up posters for a debate club, zeke is the first one there, stirring up drama and giving his thoughts
despite having his own very deep rooted opinions, zeke prefers to start an argument and let everybody else fight it 
he never wears his robes correctly and is always being told off for having his shirt untucked or collar undone
and even though he cares very little for quidditch, you can guarantee that zeke has somehow acquired a quidditch jumper just because they look good
is the number 1 umbridge irritator — if the weasley twins aren't giving her more grey hairs, then zeke is
he is a yapper and cannot shut up or back down from an argument, even if he doesn't even believe in the point he's arguing for
his least favourite subject is charms, but simply because it's boring and always drags on before the end of their classes for the day
he must ALWAYS read the daily prophet whilst having breakfast
once both he and eren received a joint howler once that zeke deliberately didn't open for weeks and weeks until he forgot about it and it opened itself in the middle of the night
he's probably that student who calls the professors by their first names and despite getting endless detentions, he just doesn't stop
contrary to popular belief, zeke loves the library at Hogwarts but why tf is it so dark? he's forever falling asleep in there and has to be woken up by the librarian or one of the many ghosts
has no idea what he wants to do once Hogwarts is over — he feels like there's three jobs for wizards and none of them appeal to him, but he's got a while to figure it out yet, bless him
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platonickit · 7 months
The Stuff of Nightmares
Apparently, that's me (5' 2", pouts when people talk about killing ladybugs and rats, gets physically sick when too much bad shit is happening around them)
To set the scene: The university I'm studying at is, due to the subject nature of all the courses, pretty male-heavy. This to explain that, when out with friends, it's not a rarity for me to be the only or one of very few women in the group. It's also led to me making more male friends at uni than female ones, which in turn leads to me hanging out more with men than women (when out with friends).
There was a boardgame night event set up by one of my best friends (A) yesterday, in a community setting where anyone could join, and I had promised to come because we hadn't seen each other in a while.
The boardgame part was fine, we played a round of Cards Against Humanity, which I always forget I don't find as funny as a lot of other people, and two rounds of UNO before most of the people wanted to go home. We ended the boardgames with a round of Catan which went...annoyingly, before the last two people said their goodbyes.
A and I are in the middle of watching A Series of Unfortunate Events on Netflix and, since it was barely 11pm, we thought we could perhaps finish the second season. We got like two minutes into it before a mutual friend G and another person J (who I didn't know, but the other two did) came to the place (as mentioned, this is a community space for students).
We got to talking, G left for some other friend's place, J was pretty cool, it was interesting.
Anyway, at one point he tells me "Oh you don't seem like someone who has nightmares, but who appears in people's nightmares."
I was, perhaps rightfully so, a little taken aback - like I said, I'm 5' 2" and have been crying at people being told they're not good enough for the past two weeks, and I truthfully don't like people talking about killing things (not even in-game, which the ladybug thing came from) - I didn't know where he had gotten the impression, but he added onto it and told me I could take that like I wanted. I liked him, so I didn't really think about it more.
G later came back and J left, but I was reminded of his statement when G said something similar, which took me out of the conversation so much that I asked A and G what the hell their impression of me was to which they both just said stuff along the lines of "Oh, yeah, no, you're cute/sweet/sth like that" which - I don't know.
I was pretty confused by it until this morning, especially since this hasn't been the first time someone has told me something like that - back in January 2022, I got a message by someone I kind of knew after I had gone off on a mutual friend in a big group chat (nobody else had said anything before that but everyone was annoyed) telling me "I don't know you, but I'm kind of scared of you."
Anyway, the reason I was only confused until this morning was that I told Nasjaki about it and he just, kind of nonchalantly, said: "Oh, yeah, men like that can't take strong women" which made awfully much sense.
TL;DR: I'm the stuff of (certain mens') nightmares, and I think I'll wear that as a badge of honour.
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mc-lukanette · 3 years
Now that Wishmaker is out, how would you rewrite that chaos? The Lukanette need is strong.
"Did anyone else see me?" Marinette asked, her hands shaking as she put on the mask she'd made with her newly-given knitting powers. They were sitting down in a shadowed alley, free from anyone's curious eyes.
"No," Viperion replied, his voice breathless from the revelations he was having rather than the fly to their hiding spot. "Just...just me." He glanced down at his wrist, noting the unticked snake bangle. "...I'm sorry."
"Huh?" Marinette's gaze darted over to him, then to his miraculous. A flicker of understanding passed over her expression as she whispered a small, "Oh."
Guilt tore up his stomach, even knowing deep down that it wasn't his fault - the akuma had surprised them, giving no time for him to use his power - but he'd been brought in to use Second Chance in the first place, and yet...
Marinette's hand fell upon his wrist, making him look up. She smiled at him, her eyes reassuring.
"It's okay," she said, though her voice wavered. "It was only you who saw my face, and even if you'd used Second Chance, you'd still know anyway."
He could tell that she was still processing, but let the subject go for now and smiled back. There were more important matters to attend to.
They must've been on the same wavelength too, as Marinette pulled away and sighed, thinking aloud, "I have to figure a way to be Ladybug again. The akuma could just be destroyed, but I need Miraculous Ladybug to turn everyone back to normal."
Viperion nodded, briefly giving her a once-over. Her power and wings were useful, but unfortunately didn't help them with the current situation.
It was also distractingly cute, and he couldn't fight that way.
"Wishmaker said that he wanted people to live out their childhood dream," he murmured in thought.
Marinette brought a hand to her face, pinching her cheek in contemplation. "Maybe...maybe if I live it out then, I'll change back?" She considered it a moment longer, then groaned and stood up, starting to pace around the small area they were in. "But we don't have that kind of time! Yeah, my earrings aren't here so Shadow Moth can't make a wish, and I could definitely make enough of a living with my new knitting powers, but that would take years, and—"
Suddenly, she stopped and looked over at him, catching Viperion briefly off-guard since he hadn't said anything. Her eyes scanned him up and down, mental gears turning in her head even if he couldn't tell what she was thinking.
"...That's it!" she gasped, hurrying over to him. She knelt down, clasping his hand in both of hers as she rambled, "Maybe I just need to live out my dream to the fullest!"
He blinked in confusion, unsure of where she was going with this.
"Part of my dream was to eventually make a wedding dress and tuxedo for me and my future husband!" she exclaimed. "If I do that, I might turn back into Ladybug!"
"Ah—" He shut his mouth before anything else could come out. He couldn't deny that it was a solid plan, but he wanted to tread carefully given his feelings, not wanting to make her feel awkward. "That's a great idea." He tried to grin reassuringly, though it came off a little crooked. "Should I go find Adrien?"
"What?" She shook her head. "No, it has to be you!"
He gaped, his heart doing confused flips in his chest. "Why?"
"The guy I always dreamed of marrying when I was little," she began, eyes practically sparkling, "he was exactly like you!"
— — — — —
Marinette hadn't exactly caught onto what she'd said until it already left her mouth, but the way Viperion's face turned red had definitely given it away. Things had gone quiet after the fact, with him sitting a couple meters away while she knitted away at the tuxedo; the tuxedo for him.
She found herself blushing faintly at the thought and immediately forced it down, reminding herself that she didn't love Luka, but Adrien. They were made for each other, like everyone said, and she—
She closed her eyes and took in a steady breath, knowing that she was getting off track. Things were complicated enough with all her thoughts and fears about the future, especially now that Viperion knew her identity.
Though, strangely enough, she didn't feel as nervous about it as she thought she would've.
Her gaze darted over to Viperion, who was keeping lookout and patiently waiting for her to finish with her knitting. He thankfully didn't seem closed off from her at all, and it just served as a reminder as to how mature he was.
Without thinking, she found herself speaking up. "M...my parents..."
He looked over at her, his senses still apparently tuned for her despite his keeping watch. She averted her gaze to the knitting needles working their literal magic into the tuxedo.
"We saw a lot of movies where the girl gets the prince in the end, so they made sure to teach me that love wasn't about money or power or fame or anything like that." She bit her bottom lip, Adrien briefly flashing to mind. "So, I imagined me as the knitting fairy, and I'd make clothes for the whole world until I found him." She peeked up at him. "Someone who wouldn't laugh when I fell on my face. Someone who'd be there for me and think of me first. Someone who wouldn't scold me for everything I did or make me feel bad for it. Someone who'd see more than just clumsy, nervous Marinette."
As much as it hurt to admit, the description didn't fit Adrien. Unless they found each other by coincidence - something that actually happened today, oddly enough - he didn't go out of his way to spend time with her; it was her putting in the effort.
"And..." She trailed off momentarily, lost in her thoughts. "after we fell in love, I'd give up my powers and live happily ever after with him, because we didn't need powers to be happy and it wasn't my powers he fell in love with in the first place."
She'd finished the tuxedo at that point, courtesy of her knitting powers, but her hands dropped to her lap afterward, not making any further movements as her thoughts took over.
Out of the corner of her vision, she saw Viperion take a quick look outside the alley, then get up to move over to her. He sat next to her, picking up one of her hands and letting it rest in his palm.
"I think your dream is really beautiful," he told her gently.
She scoffed, blushing in embarrassment at what must've been fake praise. "Chat made fun of me wanting to be the knitting fairy."
"He was wrong," he retorted immediately. "Your dream might not be realistic, but that doesn't make it any less nice, and there's nothing wrong with dreaming of the perfect guy."
She met his gaze, the softness in them having not lessened even since their break-up, and found the strength to start working on the dress. Being with Luka - dating or otherwise - had always been so easy, excluding all the factors outside of just them being them. She could vaguely imagine her younger self clinging to Luka, claiming him as hers and insisting that he marry her when they grew up.
But things weren't that easy. Nothing was. Marinette had spent her whole life fighting for what she wanted, needing to prove herself to people in order to be accepted.
Fighting for years to smile against Chloe's bullying, because no one would do anything about it. Fighting to be acknowledged by her parents as someone who could do things and didn't need their protection. Fighting against herself to be the one who didn't make all the mistakes or have to be the one to apologize in the end.
After becoming Ladybug, her future became even cloudier and the fighting continued. Waking up in the morning was even harder thanks to late-night patrols, getting through tests seemed impossible due to having less time for studying, and even maintaining a romantic relationship carried the struggle of not being able to tell them her identity.
Marinette stared at the shimmering pink and white fabric beneath her fingertips, it shaping and forming to her will. The occasional sparkle or flash from a beam of sunlight that happened to shine through reminded her of the day at the TV station, where Luka had confessed and she could see only him for just a moment.
"I'm sorry."
Viperion hummed in confusion, raising a brow at her.
"I made everything complicated for you—us," she explained. "All the time, ever since we met. I even got you akumatized, twice."
"Twi—" He blinked rapidly, then leaned closer. His hand came in contact with her cheek as he directed her gaze back to him. "You mean Silencer? How was that your fault?"
"I challenged Bob Roth, and when he grabbed me, you got upset. It pushed you over to the edge."
"You were defending me and my music," he argued, a sternness in his tone that wasn't there before as he put his hand to his chest, "and my emotions are my own. I'm the one who gave into Hawk Moth, not you."
"But..." She sighed, conflicted. "Even later, I kept my identity from you when we were dating. I made us both miserable because of it. I was so upset that I ended up yelling at my friends and they all got akumatized, and then I went and gave my identity to Alya anyway."
His eyes widened for a fraction of a second, though he quickly schooled his expression for reasons she didn't know. His gaze strayed momentarily before he looked back at her, asking, "Would you be upset at me for feeling happy for a moment, knowing that you were just as miserable as I was?"
"W-what?" She shook her head; if anything, knowing that he'd also been miserable made her happy as well, probably in the same way as it was for him. It meant that they both cared about it. "No! Not at all!"
"Then I don't blame you for your emotions either."
She pouted at him, but he merely smiled in response. She knew this wasn't a matter he was going to budge on, but it was difficult for her to understand when she was so commonly blamed for things. That was Luka though, she supposed, always forgiving and able to see through her faults.
She remembered her dream husband again and tried to act like her full focus was on the dress so as to not give her thoughts away. She'd only drawn the unnamed man once or twice, and it was just occurring to her that he had black hair and blue eyes as well. Having not understood the concept of kids looking like their parents in their own way at the time, the child version of her had thought it'd be "fair," because then their children would look like both of them no matter what. It was strange, just how much the "simple" version of her love ideals lined up with the boy sitting in front of her now, even with his temporarily green eyes.
Friendship had become something very precious to her ever since the day she'd gotten her miraculous, maybe even more than love itself. Despite the complications and their brief time dating, she was friends with Luka above all else. No matter what happened in regards to the romantic aspects of their relationship, their friendship remained unchanged, like they really would be friends even if they had the worst break-up in the history of Paris. It was comfortable, to the point where she felt embarrassed for ever avoiding him in the first place.
She was reminded yet again of another stark contrast with Adrien. She hadn't been scared of starting anything with Luka, yet Adrien was a constant cloud of dread above her head, the fear of being rejected or being made fun of holding her back from doing what she wanted.
If her child self could see her now, she'd be confused. Marinette could hear her now, asking why her love - or at least, what she believed to be love - caused her so much stress. That was never what she'd wanted; in fact, it had been the exact opposite. Crushing on Adrien had done nothing but humiliate her, the little girl inside her covering her eyes from the sight. Her time with Luka, on the other hand...
"It looks beautiful."
Marinette jerked her head up to see Viperion's approving gaze, then looked down to the wedding dress in her lap. It was finished, pink with flashes of white and blacks; exactly the kind of dress she would've wanted when she was younger, though obviously with an older touch.
"Thank you," she hurried to say when she realized that she hadn't responded to him. He chuckled in reply, though it was good-natured.
He reached for the tuxedo she'd set aside, but stopped halfway as if realizing something. He looked to her, then the dress, then back to her, asking carefully, "Do you want me to keep watch while we put these on?"
It took her a moment to realize what he meant; that he - wearing a bodysuit - could easily slip on the clothes over it, but she didn't have that sort of luxury due to her dress. She managed to summon enough of her inner Ladybug to focus on the importance of the task over the potential embarrassment, giving him an appreciative nod.
She trusted him not to look.
As she went to the darkest parts of the alley to change, Viperion heading in the opposite direction, her mind drifted back to the past again. The little journey there, even if it'd been unwilling on her part courtesy of the akuma, had been a nice change from constantly worrying over her future. As important as it was to focus on what she wanted to do and plan accordingly, the past was equally as important. It shaped her into who she was now and offered insight on herself that she couldn't have gotten otherwise.
"...Lu—I mean, Viperion?" she called just as she finished putting on the wedding dress.
She turned to face him, then giggled when noticing that he still had his back turned to her. "You can look now."
He hesitated, then slowly shifted to face her. He was mostly dressed, but was in the process of buttoning up the tuxedo, his hands fumbling with one of the buttons as he took her in.
She approached, gently brushing his hands aside as she started taking care of the few remaining buttons. Not wanting to delay talking to him like before, she figured now was the best time as any to say what was on her mind.
"I still don't know what I want for my future. I feel like a lot of doors are opening and closing every day, and whenever I want to try one, there just ends up being more doors, or it's already closed when I get there. There are too many possibilities and I keep being afraid that I'll trip on the one I really want to go to." Her gaze left the button she was holding so she could meet his eyes. "I just know that I really want you to be there for all of it... i-if that's what you want." Wanting to make sure instead of presuming like she tended to do, she asked cautiously, "Do you?"
His face didn't show a visible reaction, but she heard the slight sound of him swallowing, synced up with a single blink. Afterward, he absolutely beamed at her, the smile more blinding than the light being cast against his back.
"I do," he replied,
In time with his words, the final button was slipped into place. Marinette felt a warm sensation run through her body, starting from her feet and then making her shudder as it moved its way up to her head. Her body was turning white, just as before when Wishmaker first shot her, though Viperion's tuxedo had joined as well.
There was a flash between them, and she found herself back as normal, wingless Marinette when it faded.
Viperion, now lacking what she'd made for him, still looked just as happy to see her.
"I-I did it!" she gasped, genuinely surprised that it worked. "We did it!"
She threw her hands up in the air in celebration, but snapped back to reality as she remembered that she still needed to turn back into Ladybug and take care of Wishmaker. She opened her purse, easing as she saw Tikki already munching away on a macaron.
She looked back up at Viperion, noticing that he still had something to say. "Yes?"
"I might not be able to make enough sense of your inner music to tell you what you'll want, but I don't think you have anything to worry about. I know that whatever you decide to do is going to be as extraordinary as you are."
She stifled a squeak, blushing at the sudden compliment and thankful that Tikki was still chewing the last bits of the macaron. "A-ah, thank you. You too—with the extraordinary thing, not your inner music, because I can't hear that even though I'm sure it's really amazing!"
Had it been anyone else, she might've prayed for a hole to swallow her, but it was impossible to feel weird when he smiled at her the way he did.
Once Tikki had gotten her fill, Marinette transformed and they began to leave the alley together, though Ladybug stopped partway as she remembered something; something she'd done many times before and felt it time to get back to doing.
Viperion raised a brow at her sudden stopping, then stiffened when she leaned towards him and kissed his cheek. She flashed him a smile, noting silently that she missed these little exchanges between them, then leaped away to head back to where Wishmaker was likely to be. Viperion followed suit, but a split second behind his usual speed.
She was sure he'd be smiling back if she looked, but she didn't have to; they were connected, maybe not by some sort of magic thread or cosmic force, but by them and the relationship she hoped that they would continue to build in the future.
And whenever they got back to the fight, just in time to see Chat Noir allow himself to be hit by Wishmaker's attack, a few more doors would close and her future would start to look a little different than what she'd considered that morning.
Not necessarily in a bad way either.
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helloalycia · 3 years
The Wrong Lifetime – Seven // Wanda Maximoff
chapter six | story masterlist | main masterlist | wattpad | chapter eight
author’s note: hope y’all like this one 👀
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The Maximoffs were just as a good at throwing a party as my own parents were.
Celebrating a new book that was published at Pietro's business, they threw a party in their back garden big enough to host half the town if they wanted to. Actually, now that I thought about, half the town was probably there.
We were invited to celebrate along with them because we were 'family' now, as Oleg and Iryna pointed out, so I found myself standing in their garden getting a drink under the night sky and trying to blend in with the snacks table so I wouldn't have to mingle. Parties still weren't my thing, clearly.
People-watching was more my forte. It was amazing the things people did when they thought nobody was looking. One guy coughed into his hand and wiped it on his pants – I reminded myself not to shake his hand – whilst some woman checked if her teeth were clean on the back of a serving tray.
My gaze raked the garden, indifferent to the men who attempted to get women's attention with a boyish grin and terrible pick-up lines, or the women who lifted their dresses a little higher than necessary to steal a man's attention. I spotted my parents talking to some guests whom I'd never see before, then there was Wanda's parents laughing alongside Pietro as he told a joke to some important looking people.
Eventually, my eyes fell to the remaining Maximoff, who was looking especially beautiful tonight. A deep lilac gown adorned her figure and she wore it like it was uniquely made just for her. She probably didn't even realise, but all eyes were definitely on her; a simple stride around the garden had people turning heads to see who the lilac beauty was. Y/B/N was the most envied man of the evening, with every guy here wishing they could have Wanda on their arm.
I'd wanted to tell her just how truly stunning she looked tonight, but I hadn't been able to pull her away from my brother's side for even a second. Everywhere he went, she went, too. I'd caught her eyes maybe three times tonight since she was so involved with whatever she spoke about with the people who worked for Pietro. I didn't take it personally of course, but it didn't make me feel any better.
Y/B/N had his hands all over her, probably suspecting just how many people were checking her out tonight, and I hated the way it made me feel. Envy and jealousy came over me and it wasn't pleasant. His hand was permanently fixed on her waist, at times moving suspiciously lower and making me roll my eyes. Occasionally, he'd lean over and whisper something in her ear making her flush – involuntarily or not, I didn't know. Wanda was a good actress, appearing as the perfect fiancé to him and couple to everybody else. Or, at least, I hoped it was acting.
"Pretty ladies shouldn't be standing by their lonesome," said someone with a Sokovian accent, but sadly not the one I wanted to hear.
"Pietro," I said with an amused smile, turning to face the man of the evening. "Congratulations on the new published book!"
He smiled appreciatively. "Thank you, Y/N. How are you finding the party?"
I glanced around, disguising my discomfort with a nod. "It's great."
He chuckled, as if suspecting that was a lie, before changing the subject. "So, the book. Have you read it?"
Glad that this was something I could actually talk about, my shoulders relaxed and I nodded. "Yes! I bought it yesterday as soon as it was published. I've only read the first six chapters, but what I've read is beautifully written."
Pietro snickered, raising his brows. "Only? That's further than anyone here has read."
I smiled bashfully, eyes veering elsewhere with embarrassment. "I guess I just have a lot of free time."
He hummed with amusement. "And you must really like reading... Wanda mentioned you write, too. It's nice to know it runs in the family."
Certain my cheeks were flushed, I nodded. "Yeah, our dad, he taught Y/B/N and I how to write when we were kids. That's where my love of literature began."
"And what do you like to write?" he asked, intrigued.
I shrugged, the grip on my glass of champagne loosening as I grew comfortable. "I don't know... short stories, drabbles, novels. I mainly deal with themes of love and romanticism. We're so intent on leading our lives with what other people want that we rarely take time to think about we want... I write about that."
Swallowing, I looked to Pietro, hoping I wasn't boring him. He was a publisher after all, besides my soon-to-be brother-in-law. His opinion was important to me.
"I must admit, Y/N, my interest is piqued," he admitted, watching me with an inquisitive gaze. "Do you have anything I could read?"
"It's probably better than it sounds," I said dismissively, knowing this was just small talk.
He chuckled, shaking his head. "I doubt that. You shouldn't say such things. You never know, you could be my next signed author."
I tried not to laugh. "Nice try, Pietro."
He smiled widely. "What? I'm serious!"
Tilting my head towards him knowingly, I sighed. "We both know that can't happen."
He was grinning now, clearly entertained by my unamused expression. "Says who?"
I motioned around us with my drink. "Says everyone? The world we live in?"
He began to list authors on his fingers as he said, "Jane Austen. Emily Bronte. Mary Shelley. Louisa May Alcott. Dare I name more?"
"Okay, okay, I get it," I said, pushing his hand down and rolling my eyes at his smug expression. "But I can promise you that all of those women fought tooth and nail to get published. Their families probably weren't as accepting as they wanted them to be. There's still people now who talk about how unprofessional and lacklustre their works are. They didn't have it easy. Still don't. And don't even get me started on the reputation side of things for you... d'you know how much backlash you'd get for signing a woman?"
Pietro shrugged, sipping his drink, before saying casually, "I only care about talent, Y/N. And if you have even a quarter of the talent your brother does, then I'm happy to go from there."
I quirked a brow, trying to gauge if he was pulling my leg or not. But the kind eyes looking back at me suggested he may not have been. Either way, the idea of actually being published – something I'd been dreaming of since I was a kid – was enough to raise my suspicions and make me shake my head.
"Thanks for listening, Pietro," I said conclusively, hoping he got the hint.
He nodded, accepting my word, thankfully. "Anytime. Hopefully this isn't the end of this conversation, though."
I cracked a smile, knowing it was but giving him the benefit of the doubt. He pursed his lips, glancing around briefly before attempting to hide an amused smile.
"What are you smiling at?" I teased, nudging him in the arm slightly.
His eyes met mine, sparkling with mischief. "You've probably not noticed, but as we've been speaking, almost everyone in this garden has looked our way."
I cocked my head with confusion, smile still present. He nodded subtly, eyes flickering to the right, so I followed his gaze and inconspicuously looked around. He was right, as murmurs of gossip escaped people's lips, their eyes trying to get a good look at the two of us. Even our parents were looking our way, no doubt discussing our future wedding affair.
"Wow," I breathed out, trying not to laugh as I looked back to him. "You'd think they'd have something better to do."
He leaned in, muttering, "Wanna give them a show?"
My eyes flickered between his, seeing that roguish charm of his come to life. I couldn't resist his mischievous attempt to piss off our parents, so of course I nodded with a stifled laugh.
"Care to dance, Miss Y/L/N?" he asked, a little louder than he needed to, attracting more attention.
I grinned, grateful for the idiot that was Pietro. He was already making my evening ten times better than it was.
Resting my hand in his outstretched one, I nodded. "Thank you, Mr Maximoff."
I barely had chance to put my glass down before he led me to the area before the live band that was strumming a lovely upbeat ballad. We joined the other couples that were also having a dance, unbothered by their nosey stares.
Bowing dramatically, he smiled and I curtsied before resting a hand on his shoulder and the other in his. He rested a hand on my waist respectfully before a grin spread across his lips and he began to dance me around everybody else, way too fast for me to keep up.
"Pietro!" I exclaimed between fits of laughter, trying not to trip over my feet or his.
"You said we could dance," he answered simply, before spinning me around.
My eyes went dizzy as he dipped me, making me laugh joyfully. For the first time all night, I was having fun. When he pulled me up, his eyes motioned to the left of us.
"D'you think our parents have already picked the wedding venue?" he teased.
"Definitely," I said with a nod, before shoving him back slightly. "But you, mister, need to slow down. You're like a speedster with the dancing. We should call you Quicksilver."
He laughed, continued to dance me around but much more slower this time. "I like that. You're clever. I can see why Wanda has taken a liking to you."
I knew he didn't mean it like that, but my heart dropped to my stomach anyway. A hearty chuckle escaped his lips as he noticed my expression. Thankfully, he didn't question it and we continued to make a fool of ourselves for a few more songs before taking a break by the snacks table.
"You're an idiot," I told Pietro as we caught our breath, but a delighted smile was on my lips. "You know you've probably convinced our parents that we're a couple now, right?"
"Hey, you're the one who started to fluff my hair like you loved me!" he retorted with humoured eyes.
"Because you're just so darn cute!" I mocked him, before moving forward and going in to fluff his hair yet again.
He attempted to smack my hand away as he said, "Hands off the hair, Y/L/N! I styled it perfectly!"
Grabbing my wrists, he held me back and I tried not to cry with laughter at the expression on his face.
"Such a child," I decided, pulling my hands away. "Whatever happens from here on out is definitely your fault."
He scoffed, as if ready to refute that fact, but before he could say anything, my brother's voice was heard.
"It's nice to see you actually conversing with people for a change, but maybe not my publisher."
Pietro and I turned and saw Y/B/N and Wanda approaching us. My brother seemed entertained by Pietro and I, looking between us with pre-conceived ideas that we may have already fancied each other, just like everyone else had tonight. Wanda, meanwhile, was watching me with a smile that didn't reach her eyes.
"He's good company, what can I say?" I joked, returning my brother's smile.
"Oh?" He raised a brow, knowing look in his eyes.
I rolled my own, trying not to laugh at his insinuation. There was no point trying to convince him otherwise.
"I was just giving Y/N here the best evening ever since she was moping around in the corner," Pietro explained nonchalantly, making me smack his arm.
"I was not moping!" I defended myself.
He shrugged, ghost of a smile on his lips. "Whatever you say."
I gave him a playful glare before focusing my attention to the couple before us.
"As lovely as it is to see whatever this is," my brother continued to make things awkward as he motioned between us, "I came to get Pietro. Someone from the press is here and has questions about the book."
At the mention of this, Pietro straightened up and neatened his bow tie, flashing my brother his most confident smile. "Lead the way, Y/B/N."
After assuring Wanda he'd be back in a second, Y/B/N let go of her waist and guided Pietro to the members of the press. Glad that he'd finally left her side, I looked to Wanda with a soft smile.
"Hey," I said quietly, glancing around before saying what I'd wanted to say all night. "You look radiant tonight, Wanda." 
Unexpectedly, she crossed her arms and pressed her lips together firmly. "How was your dance with Pietro?"
Her green eyes, literally green with envy, watched me with distaste. It didn't take long for me to recognise that familiar jealousy entwined in her expression because it was probably the same way I looked when she was with my brother. For some reason, this made me smile with amusement.
"He's a very good dancer," I said, half truthful and half trying to poke fun.
She wasn't amused. "Yeah, everybody saw. You've been all over him."
I covered my mouth, trying very hard not to laugh. "I mean, he's pretty funny to be around. I can totally see why everybody wants us to get married."
Her jaw clenched as she narrowed her eyes at me.
"C'mon, it's a joke," I said lightheartedly, nudging her in the arm. "You know that."
After internally debating whether or not to believe me, she relaxed her shoulders and unclenched her jaw. "I know."
"So, what's the problem?" I asked, raising a brow and smiling playfully.
She rolled her eyes. "Nothing."
My smile faded as I searched her eyes. "C'mon. What is it? You know you can tell me."
"Forget it, Y/N," she muttered, avoiding my eyes.
Realising she was still clearly bothered, I sighed dramatically, hoping to lighten the mood. Making sure my voice was low enough for only her to hear, I said, "I only danced with him to annoy our parents. Same with him. He's clearly not interested in me and neither I with him. That's why we get along so well." Teasing her once more, I added, "If circumstances were different, I'd like to think we'd be good friends. He's quite handsome, though I think the good looks are a Maximoff twin thing. Maybe if–"
"I'm in love with you!"
I paused, blinking, unsure if I'd heard correctly. Her cheeks were flushed as she looked to me with exasperation.
Glancing around to make sure nobody was attracted by her outburst, I swallowed hard. My heart was pounding in my ears as she said what I'd been struggling to accept for the past two months.
"What?" I breathed out, raising my brows with surprise.
She licked her lips, realisation replacing her look of admission. Opening her mouth to say something, she stepped forward, but my brother returned with an oblivious smile on his face and interrupted the moment.
"Wanda, the journalists want a picture of us for their article," he said enthusiastically, returning his arm around her waist and tugging her close, making my skin crawl.
Her gaze lingered on me for as long as she could before looking up to my brother with a halfhearted smile.
"Sure," she agreed reluctantly.
My brother nodded at me before leading Wanda away. She gave me one last look, her eyes trapped with unsaid words, before leaving with him. My mouth went dry as Wanda's words echoed in my mind. She was in love with me. And I knew I was in love with her, too. I had been for a while.
But wouldn't admitting that make this whole thing a lot more complicated?
"Will you stop shaking your hand? It's very distracting."
I stopped shaking my hand and gave my mum an apologetic glance before facing the door again. I was extremely eager and nervous to see Wanda again, as I hadn't been able to see her for the rest of the party last night.
Her words were permanently resounding in my mind all night, making it difficult to fall asleep. The reality of our situation had dawned on me and I knew that even though everything would become more difficult between us, I had to tell her that I felt the same way. The last thing I wanted was her panicking that I didn't. Because these last two months loving her in secret were better than anything I'd experienced in my life.
Iryna and my mum had made plans to hang out today, including Wanda and I in the plans without actually telling me until this morning. I didn't mind though as I was hoping it could be an opportunity for us both to finally speak.
The front door opened to reveal Iryna with a bright, inviting smile. She exchanged greetings with us both and ushered us inside instantly. There, waiting, was Wanda, looking as gorgeous as ever. A calm suddenly enveloped me as I looked to her, my heart fluttering in my chest more so than usual. She loved me and that thought alone made me feel giddy inside.
"You must come upstairs to the closet with me," Iryna insisted before I could utter a word to the brunette. "I've been very silly and impulse-ordered a bunch of new dresses. Of course, the only way to fix that is to try them on."
My mother laughed alongside her and the two of them looked to Wanda and I questioningly. I smiled their way, glancing at Wanda, before following them upstairs. Maybe later.
I spent the next hour trying on clothes against my own will, modelling them for Wanda and our mothers awkwardly. Ecstatic, our mothers threw their opinions out at me, but I was barely listening because all I could seem to focus on was a quiet Wanda. I couldn't read her mind for the life of me – she was getting better at hiding how she truly felt.
Wanda also tried some dresses on, still not as enthused as she usually was, but neither of our mothers seemed to take notice. I sat on the lounge sofa alongside them, eyes unable to look away from Wanda as she modelled the dresses. I had no words, my mind hazy and tongue tied as she stole my breath away for the millionth time. She was ethereal.
"...what do you think, Y/N?" Iryna asked, forcing me to look away from Wanda and to her. "She should keep this one, shouldn't she?"
I hummed in agreement, looking back to Wanda, who was avoiding my eyes. "She should. I don't think I've ever seen a dress so perfect for someone before."
Our mothers didn't seem to think much of my comment, but Wanda finally looked up, not ignoring me for the first time since I got here. I offered her a small smile, hoping she could see what I'd been wanting to say to her since last night. But she looked away, chewing on her lip and looking down.
"I'm gonna change," she mumbled, before turning to go back behind the curtain.
A sigh escaped my lips as I leaned back against the seat. I'd just have to find a spare moment.
Iryna and my mum proceeded to try on a bunch of dresses before we called it a day and were ready to eat lunch.
"I want you to have these, Y/N," Iryna told me as we all stood up, motioning to the pile of dresses on the arm of the sofa. "It's my gift to you."
I raised my eyebrows. "Oh, Iryna, you don't need to give–"
"Don't be ridiculous," she cut me off with a wave of her hand. "You're family now. Anything for my daughter-in-law."
I smiled awkwardly, not missing the eye roll from Wanda, before nodding. "Thanks..."
She looked to her daughter. "Wanda, medovyy (honey), can you help her pack them away and meet Y/M/N and I outside on the patio for some lunch?"
Wanda, having no other choice but to say yes, nodded and forced a smile in her mum's direction. "Sure, mum."
Our mothers fell into conversation as they left the room, finally leaving Wanda and I alone. I released a breath, grateful for the privacy, and looked to the Sokovian in question.
"You okay?" I asked slowly, wanting to find a start before erupting straight into my feelings.
She nodded, nibbling on her lip. She looked like she wanted to say something more, so I watched her patiently.
After a pause, when I thought she may just stay quiet forever, she spoke. "If what I said last night was out of line, I'm sorry."
I shook my head, a smile curling on my lips. "It wasn't. I'm in love with you, too."
Surprised, she finally met my gaze, eyes swirling with confusion. "You are?"
"Of course I am," I said quietly, stepping forward and taking her hands in mine. "I didn't mean to make you jealous last night. Pietro and I were genuinely just hanging out as friends."
She shook her head, eyes flickering between mine. "It doesn't matter about that. Forget it."
I still felt guilty, adding, "I know, but it does matter. I don't want to–"
She pressed her lips to mine quickly, cutting me off. Her fingers tangled in my hair as she tugged me closer with her other hand, making me gasp when my body touched hers. I kissed back, closing my eyes and moving my lips against hers in perfect sync.
I probably could have kissed her all afternoon, but the sound of the door opening made us both jump apart, startled. It was just a servant who was coming in to clean up the room. When she saw us, she gave us a small smile before moving around the room carefully. My eyes fell to Wanda's excited ones, and I smiled at her before nodding to the dresses.
"We should sort this out before they wonder what's taking so long," I told her, moving to pack them.
She nodded, grabbing my hand and squeezing it gently before helping me. We packed the dresses in no time before joining our mums out on the patio where they were sat with our lunch. I tried to keep my eyes off Wanda as our mothers spoke to us about God knew what, but it was hard when all I wanted to do was kiss her over and over, telling her just how much I loved her.
"...nice to see you both getting along lately," Iryna was talking, and I only zoned back in when I realised she was looking at me.
I blinked. "I'm sorry, what was that?"
Wanda stifled a smile as my mum gave me a disapproving look from across the table.
Iryna didn't seem to mind as she chuckled. "You and Pietro," she continued. "You both seemed very comfortable at the party last night."
I settled on a polite smile. "He's a gentleman. Very nice to be around, I guess."
Iryna smiled knowingly, exchanging glances with my mum before patting Wanda on the forearm, getting her attention. "How does that sound, dear? Your brother and Y/N together?"
I shook my head instantly, realising how she'd taken my words. "That's not what I meant."
Humming in response, Iryna continued to look to her daughter. "You may have to start sharing your new best friend with Pietro."
Remembering Wanda's jealousy last night, I spared her a glance of concern, hoping she wouldn't let this get to her. She was smiling, but her eyes were dimmed with dismay.
"Uh-huh," she played along with her mother's words, before using her fork to pick at her food.
As our mums began to talk about it, I found Wanda's hand under the table and laced my fingers in hers, hoping she'd know I only cared about one person and it was her. Though she didn't look up, her hand tightened around mine and she didn't let go.
The rest of the lunch went by as expected, though the more Iryna and my mother mentioned the wedding, the more Wanda and I grew uncomfortable. It was so much harder to hear about it when I knew my feelings were growing stronger for the brunette every day. By the end of the meal, my mother was happy to go back home and said I could stay to hang out with Wanda, which of course I did.
After bidding her a goodbye, I let Wanda drag me upstairs and to her bedroom, though the door closed when she spun around and pushed me against it, immediately kissing me. Before I could even question what was happening, she pulled away and looked at me through a half-lidded gaze.
"I don't want to share you with my brother, ever," she rasped out lowly, before licking her lips. "I don't want to share you with anyone."
She breathed out, her breath mingling with mine. Her hands rested on my waist before she reattached our lips, moving hers slower and more thoughtfully against mine.
I closed my eyes, grabbing her face and holding her gently, letting her slip her tongue between my lips and play with mine. Then she sucked on my lower lip, teeth nibbling gently at the sensitive skin, and made my insides go warm and fuzzy.
When she let go, she trailed kisses down my jaw and to my neck, having me at her mercy.
"Wanda," I moaned, hand moving to the back of her neck as I tried to regain some control of the situation, but the longer she sucked at the exposed skin, the more my knees wanted to buckle.
Already lowering my dress to my shoulders, her hand untied the back of it and I flushed at the contact of her fingers against me, not used to the feeling but also not opposed.
"Wanda, are you sure?" I asked between bated breaths, attempting to get her attention by tugging at her dress.
She pulled back, hand rising to my jaw and caressing it with her thumb as she looked between my eyes. Hers were dark, clouded with an arousal I hadn't seen before.
"I am," she said with certainty, before asking, "Are you?"
I swallowed hard, the warmth in my core growing hotter as she stared at me with lustful eyes and swollen lips. "Yes."
She gave me a slight smile before pressing her lips to mine again, allowing me to wrap my arms around her neck. I heard her lock the door behind me as I undid the top of her dress, struggling to do so without breaking contact from her. We moved to the bed clumsily, trying not to stumble over our discarded dresses, before I laid her down and straddled her.
Leaving a trail of open-mouthed kisses down her neck, I felt her fingers grip my waist, keeping ahold of my body on hers. I shivered as her nails scratched gently against the skin and grew warm when she lifted herself up gently to get more comfortable, her clothed centre rubbing against mine.
Taking a breath, I pulled away and hovered over her, revelling in the beauty that was Wanda Maximoff. Her cheeks were dusted pink as she opened her eyes, green eyes sparkling desperately as they flickered between mine.
"I love you," I told her softly, leaning on my elbow and caressing her forehead.
She smiled, nails trailing up my back and sending shivers down my spine. "Ya tozhe tebya lyublyu."
I tried not to laugh as I tilted my head with confusion. She smiled a little wider, hand reaching for the back of my bra.
"I love you, too," she translated in English, hint of amusement in her eyes, before she managed to undo the bra strap.
I rolled my eyes at her attempt of mockery before chasing down her lips once more. Everything about the woman before me was absolute perfection and I was glad I could finally share how I felt about her without having to hide it anymore.
The potential consequences of our actions was not my concern right now... all I cared about was treating her with the respect and care she deserved.
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soggyjulpod · 3 years
— cargo pants
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summary: misinterpretion featuring a line from the wilds, “i’m not a lesbian, sorry to disappoint. i just like storage.”
warning: lil bit of angst but there's fluff, kissing, confident!reader (whoop!), also bi reader for this plot to work out, so sorry if ur purely homo
word count: 1.7k
on a tuesday night you found yourself sitting in a circle playing a game of truth or dare which was suggested by jackson’s very own dysfunctional couple, jesse and dina.
the chatter and laughter of the game continued around you but you were only focused on the redhead who sat across from you in the circle. though the redhead didn’t seem to notice the set of eyes on her as she was in deep thought.
ellie finally looked up when dina called on her to pick truth or dare. she noticed your eyes on her and her cheeks blush pink and sends you an awkward smile.
“uh dare i guess.” ellie says. there was a mischievous glint in dina’s eyes, “i dare you to kiss [y/n].”
the color from ellie’s face drained, instant panic set in. “what? dina, no.” ellie protests, “don’t make it weird.”
before dina could respond to ellie’s protests, you spoke up, “it’s ok i don’t mind.” you say scooting across the circle, sitting right in front of ellie. you felt your insides bubble in excitement but outwardly you appeared aloof, not wanting anyone to see a crack in your confidence.
“you know we don’t have to, if you don’t want to.” the redhead whispers quietly for only you to hear. 
you lean closer to ellie, your lips just a hair away from her ear. this action causes a light blush to creep up on her freckled face. 
“we got this, don’t want them to think we pussy out of things, right?” you say and move away with a grin on your face. 
ellie gives you a shaky smile, trying to calm herself down at how close her crush was to her. you looked at each other, it felt like everything around you two had vanished and it was just the two of them.
your trance was broken by jesse who yelled at you two to “kiss already! we don’t have all damn night!”
you whipped her head around and flipped him off before quickly turning back around and taking ellie's face in your hands and connecting your lips.
the redhead was caught off guard for a split second but then kissed back, melting into it. the kiss was soft, it was just like what ellie had imagined kissing a pretty girl like you. it felt like they were in a trance again, like a veil closing around them giving them all the time in the world to feel each other.
they pulled away as the hoots and hollers of the teens around them grew obnoxiously. ellie’s cheeks grew embarrassingly red at the attention that was put on her.
ellie tuned out the game as it continued on, she was too in her own head thinking about how she just shared a very hot kiss with the girl she’s been crushing on for over two year.
the redhead only perked back up when she heard your name be called out for a turn.
“truth.” you choose. “soooo [y/n]...” dina trails off cheekily.
“yes, dina?” you challenge with a smirk and takes a sip of the terrible beer in your cup. 
“how many girls have you kissed?” the dark haired girl asks.
“seriously?!” dina exclaims in disbelief, her eyebrows then furrowed in thought, “does that mean ellie was..?”
“yep, first and only girl i’ve kissed.” you explain, you notice the surprised looks that start to appear on the faces of your peers, “what?” you ask, confused about the change in behavior.
“um, i think we all thought you were gay,” dina says awkwardly.
the dark haired girl then points to your pants, “you wear cargo pants a lot.” she states. you bursts out laughing at the archaic stereotype, “i’m not a lesbian, sorry to disappoint. i just like storage.” 
laughter erupts from the room except from one person, ellie. you notice a frown appear on her face. you made brief eye contact with her in which the ginger gave you a curt smile, of course you could tell it was fake, that there was some pain behind those green eyes. but from what, you weren't sure.
to ellie that kiss felt so real, she thought there was genuine passion behind it. she had thought with that kiss and how flirting you’ve always been with her in the past that you would have reciprocated her feelings. but her heart broke has her reassurance was crumbled by a simple phrase, ‘i’m not a lesbian’
feeling overwhelmed with her emotions and not wanting to bring her bad vibe to the rest of the group, ellie felt it best to leave. she quickly said her goodbyes without sparing a glance at you, using the excuse of having patrol in the morning to leave early.
it immediately dawned on you that maybe ellie had misinterpreted what you had said, maybe the redhead got upset because she thought you didn’t like her back or had a chance with her at all. 
you quickly got up leaving the group without bothering to respond to the people calling out for you, your only priority was to fix this misunderstanding as fast as possible.
“ellie! wait up!” you called out to the redhead a few yards away from you. ellie whipped her head around, a surprised look on her face. 
even with being only slightly illuminated by the moon, you could see the redness and puffiness of ellie’s eyes, the green of them popping out and making it more obvious. your heart immediately sunk at the sight.
“hey are you ok?” you ask softly, your hand reaching up toward her face in concern but ellie moved her head away.
“yeah i’m good. what’s up?” she quickly responded, trying to change the subject. “can i crash at your place tonight? i don’t feel like walking across town this late and this drunk.”
“yeah sure.” ellie says, “how much of that beer did you have anyways?”
“too much, i swear i’m not a lightweight but honest to god i have no idea what seth puts in that beer.” you grin.
a smile cracks on ellie’s face, “no wonder it tasted so awful, it's because seth made it.” she jokes.
“he has his own little asshole recipe.” you joke back, making ellie tilt her head back in laughter. you smile at the fact that you were able to lift the bad spirit from your friend.
you continued to chat and talk shit as you two walked to ellie’s shed. the redhead was glad that even though she’ll never have you as her girlfriend, she could always have you as a best friend.
when you entered the shed you both immediately started getting ready for bed, the long night with your friends had tired you both out immensely. ellie handed you a pair of sweatpants to change into which you did, right in front of her.
ellie remembers the first time you two had a sleepover over two years ago, the redhead got taken by surprise when her crush started stripping in front of her to get in her pajamas with no regard that she was still in the room. she was flustered at seeing the bare skin of the girl she was crushing on.
“what? it's not a big deal, we’re both girls and it's just skin, no need to get weird el.” she remembers you saying to her. eventually ellie just got used to it, taking it as a sign of trust that you would be that vulnerable around her.
ellie changed into her night clothes as well, she watched as you take your bra off without removing your shirt, “you gotta teach me how to do that one day.” the redhead says, it was something you'd always done that had intrigued ellie.
“what, take off my bra?” you tease. ellie’s cheeks blush realizing how her words sounded. “no, i mean like i’ve wanted to know how to do it so i can do it to myself, not you.” she rambles trying to explain herself.
you start to giggle at her response, “what?” ellie says, pouting.
“it's just that you're cute.” ellie feels her heart skip.
you lay down, snuggling into the bed and pat the space next to you, beckoning her over. she lays next to you on her side. neither of you say anything as you stare at each other.
“you want to tell me why you were crying earlier.” you ask, ellie rolls her eyes and shift onto her back, refusing to make eye contact.
“it was nothing.” the redhead mumbles. “ellie i know you, that wasn't nothing, talk to me please.” you plead. ellie chews on her lip nervously, trying to decide whether or not she should confess to you.
“i, uh, shit i don't know how to say this” she starts, turning over to her side to face you, “but i really really like you [y/n], and i have for the past two years and its being eating me up from the inside to see you with other people and not be able to tell you. and i know you just want to be friends because you said that-”
you cut her off by placing your lips on hers. the redhead soon eagerly kissed back, her hands finding their way on your head and your hands to her shoulders. as the kiss progress you both got more desperate to be close, rolling over so that ellie was flat on the bed and you were straddling her waist. ellie’s hands moved to your hips and yours to the sides of her head.
the redhead pulled away from the kiss. “i thought you said you weren’t a lesbian,” she whispers.
“oh” ellie says as her eyebrows furrowed in annoyance and confusion, “then why’d you kiss me?” she questions, a bit pissed off that her friend was leading her on.
“just because i don’t like girls exclusively doesn’t mean i don’t like them at all.” you grin and lean down, giving ellie a peck on the lips. ellie smiles, realizing that she finally had her chance.
“what does that make us then?” she asks shyly. you smile down at her, “girlfriends, only if you want to.”
“are you kidding? that’s the only thing i’ve wanted for years.” she exclaims and sits up, placing you on her lap and kissing you again.
she pulls away slightly, “i could get used to this.”
“me too.” you whisper and pull her into another kiss.
the scene from the wilds:
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likesrandomstuff · 3 years
Avalance Fic Recommendations Part 1
After answering @puppetavasharpe's callout last week, here, about Avalance fic recommendations, I realised that I hadn’t seen a master list in quite a while (please let me know if there is another one around). With encouragement from @heywhereisperry, I decided to compile one myself. I took a deep dive through my 107 pages of relevant AO3 history, to get this list together.
This is Part 1 of 4
Each part has ten stories and are sorted by size. This post has what I’m calling the Bite Sized Fics, which are under 5,000 words. I’ll be posting each list over the course of the next week. For each story I’ve tried to write a summary of what to expect from that fic, as the descriptions on AO3 may mask the true gem that is inside. I did stick to completed works, with exceptions as mentioned.
I’d love for these posts to become a resource for the whole fandom, and obviously this is not every good fic out there, so please reblog and add anything you thinks deserves a shout out. I can only read English, so if there are any fics in other languages, that would be cool to find out about. My one request is that you wait for the appropriate post to add to. You can just list the name if you’d like.
If anyone would like more details on any stories, or specific recommendations such as top Soulmates AU/ Canon fics / College AU, feel free to send me a message. Without further ado
Bite sized (Under 5,000 words)
When you’re looking for something short and sweet
The Bet by fvandomtrvsh
My tags: it’s a competition of who can get the number of the cute girl at the coffee shop, Sara has a head start the boys don’t know about, Ava is not amused
It’s stupid, but so fun. Nate has a crush on someone he runs into each morning and reckons he can ger her number. Constantine and Jax think they’ll have more luck. Sara is tired of their antics. Ava is questioning what she did to deserve this.
Paper Hearts by KatrinaKenyon
My tags: High school AU, Sara has a crush on Ava, tries to be anonymous but fails
An author who has written so many great Avalance fics, and I almost forgot to include on here. This is super cute. Sara tries to be Ava’s secret admirer, but Ava’s too smart for that. It works out in the end after some embarrassment.
painted me golden by lucylikestowrite
My tags: Avalance meet at Ava’s sister’s wedding, basically everything you need
Lucy’s stuff is great, I think she’ll be getting a shout out in each section. I can just see this fic so clearly in my head. Sara’s there when Ava would rather be anywhere else. The characterisations are just, so great.
those unexpected worries come at inconvenient times by Notabeautifullittlefool
My tags: Avalance bedroom fluff, they’re getting ready for bed and talk, would guess Season 5 in the timeline
They are just so soft. Sara has thoughts about them moving in together, Ava has a concern that no one else would ever have. Like putting on a cosy jumper. The whole fic takes place in their bedroom, and mostly in bed itself.
make me forget that I'm not ready for love by pirateygoodness
My tags: Set between season 3 and 4, their second first date, aka the plans Sara mentioned in Aruba.
Author is a titian of the fandom. This is very soft. I remember when the Season 4 trailer dropped, and the surprise to see Avalance in bed together. And everyone expecting them to have a slow build-up back together, then first episode Ava’s asking Sara to move in. This fic fills in the gap between seasons, and how they got from sort-of back together to being partially kept.
forever with your hands in my pockets by plinys
My tags: Sara’s goal to avoid studying actually makes her study, College AU where Ava is the TA, Sara's a dance major
College AU where Sara chose a hard subject because the class times were good and decides that she’ll sleep with Ava instead of studying; that doesn’t go to plan. As someone who was required to attend lecturer contact hours after failing my capstone maths subject twice, know that very few people do go to those sessions.
she loves me, she hates me, she's my kind of crazy by SJAandDWfan
My tags: Sara is getting a bit obsessed with Ava, the Legends are confused to why, we know why
I would just like to take a moment to appreciate this October 2017 fic that gets their dynamic so on point. Canon light. Sara is keeping track of how many times she saves Ava, and Ava saves her, and trying desperately to have a higher score. The train together, which we needed to see in canon 4 years ago.
a ring (to remember you by) by softiesharpie
My tags: Ava starts stealing Sara’s rings, canon verse, set before or in Season 4
I might be the only one to notice, but Sara always wore a bunch of rings up to her kidnapping, but since she’s been back it’s just been the one thick one. Ava, on the other hand, normally has a bunch on now. Anyway, Ava starts wearing Sara’s rings. It’s cute.
Make the Yuletide Gay by swanqueenismagic
My tags: Doctor Sara, Christmas fic, the hospital is a great place to meet someone Ava
Nothing like seeing a title and being like “oh, I remember that”, and the AO3 stats saying you read it once in 2018. Make that twice now. Ava’s twin is having her baby, Sara delivers it, it’s cute, there’s cookies involved.
Sleeveless by the_nvisiblegirl
My tags: Arms, Ava loves Sara’s arms, we all love Sara’s arms
Set in season 5 when Sara is blind. Ava starts picking out her outfits. They all have something in common. No sleeves. Again, arms.
Click here to see all the parts
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amidstsaltandsmoke · 3 years
Hey! How about 113&90 or 133&68? Of course you can pick one or all or none, lol! I hope you're doing great!! 🤗🤗
Hiii!!! Thank you so much for sending these!! I've gone ahead with 113 ("I prefer blondes") & 90 ("Trust me") and I have zero idea where this idea came from, but some of it made me laugh, so I hope you enjoy my attempt at humor!! 🤣 I had to make a special moodboard for this one, too. I hope you're doing well!!! 💛
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It was an ordinary day at the shop. Another day of people reminding her that she was stupidly alone and would probably never be the customer coming in to choose a nice, sexy piece for her (non-existent) partner or the girlfriend on the receiving end.
At least she had her work friends to complain to, although half of them were off the market, too. Dany never could figure out what it was about her that seemed to deflect men rather than attract them to her. Doreah had promised that, objectively speaking, Dany didn’t suffer from resting bitch face. Missandei proclaimed that she was just so beautiful, it was intimidating. Val added onto that, saying that most probably assumed she was already spoken for.
She was in the back room double checking inventory when Doreah all but broke the swinging door down, hissing her name. “Dany! He’s back!”
“Who?” Frowning, it took Dany a second to understand who she meant. Then, she rolled her eyes. “Oh. It doesn’t matter, Doreah, he very clearly had a girlfriend the last couple of times he was in.”
The least she could do was not drool atop their merchandise over a man who was probably trying to help his girlfriend spice things up in the bedroom. While it was a little unusual that there had been so frequent of visits within a short span of time - four times in two weeks, not that she was paying that close attention - there was no point in making it extra awkward for everyone.
He was extremely pleasing to look at, and yes, behind the scenes she had suggested to the girls some explicit things she might like to do with him if ever she had the chance, but a fifth return said something was either working or very much...not. The last thing she wanted to do was verbalize one of those thoughts she may or may not had fantasized about once or twice or...more. She would fire herself on the spot.
“In the last three years in this hell, how many times have you seen the girlfriend hang around outside of the store while her boyfriend does all the perusing?”
Dany shrugged, checking off a few boxes on her clipboard while she hooked several pairs of silky lace panties through her arm to help her keep count. “I don’t know, maybe that’s their thing? Maybe he surprises her and they have perfect, steamy sex.”
The first time he came in, the brunette woman joined him. He looked completely lost and overwhelmed by it all, and on at least two occasions he had locked eyes with Dany when she was trying to discreetly check him out. Mortified at how red his face had turned, she had busied herself rearranging their fragrances that hadn’t needed arranging. There had been some giggling and the woman had squeezed his arm, and Dany tried to avoid having to help them as much as possible, and that included each subsequent appearance after that, even when the brunette kept to herself outside the store. To the point where Dany put Val on the floor so that she could sit back and just ogle him guiltlessly.
Dany saw the way his girlfriend peeked in, beaming at him, probably trying to get a feel for what he would bring home that evening.
“Right, well plot twist: he has asked for you,” Doreah jabbed her finger into Dany’s back.
Spinning around on her heel, her braid whipping around her shoulders, Dany fumbled over her words. “No-no he did not! He doesn’t even know my name.”
“Obviously not!” Doreah chortled, then took hold of Dany’s shoulder with a shake. “He asked for a blonde, and when I pointed to Val, he said - and I quote - ‘the one with the blue eyes’.”
Dany blinked, her inhale suddenly hostage in her chest, shaking her head vehemently. “No, he’s definitely confused - it can’t be the same guy-”
“Get your cute little arse out there and find out for yourself, then!”
Just as pugnacious as she was when she came in to deliver the news, Doreah spun Dany around and forced her back into the main floor. She yiped and instantly wished a sink hole would appear under her feet and take her under, what with the obnoxious entrance she’d just made, the door smacking against the wall and every set of eyes boring into her.
Including his.
Doreah would not live to see another day after today.
Quietly, she cleared her throat, while everyone else went back to their browsing, but for the man who was the subject of her favorite dreams as of late. He turned to face her fully, still at the other end of the store across from her, and he fit his hands into his overly-tight jean pockets. A smile spread across his face, and stupidly, she looked over her shoulder, just to confirm that Doreah hadn’t been behind her. And finally, the cherry on top of the cake was when his eyes then drifted down to her arm, where she still had a whole armful of panties still attached.
Bleeding hells!
Hastily she yanked the door open behind her, Doreah right there and proud of herself, Dany stuffed her clipboard and the pile of undergarments into the woman’s arms. “I hope you enjoy your last few hours alive!” Dany whispered harshly, but that only made her friend splutter with joy.
Going back out, she squared her shoulders and folded her hands in front of her before approaching the obscenely attractive man. She couldn’t help but quickly sweep the area with her eyes just to be sure he wasn’t in other company. There didn’t appear to be anyone outside the open doors, either.
She stopped in front of him, and was horrified to discover, at the most inconvenient moment, that she didn’t know what words were. Her private dreams and distant stalking did not do him justice.
“Hello,” he supplied first.
For a beat, her mouth hung open without a sound until she finally managed, “Hi.”
“I heard-”
She grit her teeth together and her cheeks lit on fire, the pair of them laughing awkwardly and immediately averting their eyes to anything but each other.
At the very least, it broke some of the tension. Dany gestured with her hand at the wall behind him, where various colorful, matching sets of lingerie were displayed. “Did you need help finding something?”
“Ah,” he sucked in a breath, briefly following the motion to see what she was referring to, but quickly looked back at her, hand scratching his head, “well, yeah, sort of...I, uh,” he cleared his throat gently. She was glad to know she wasn’t the only one who was nervous, but it was making her anxious, so she took matters into her own hands.
“Might I suggest the purple?” She crossed the floor to one of their mannequins donning one of their more flimsy pieces, silky and shiny bra and the thong to match. With one hand palm up, she tried to gauge his reaction as she pointed it out to him. “It compliments brown hair and fair skin quite nicely.”
His dark brow wrinkled a little, but he followed her, stopping a few feet away and not paying the fiberglass model any mind. Maybe they were fighting...so she had a better idea.
She thrust her finger up in the air to stop him from needing to explain any further, beckoning for him to follow her. They stopped, now, at something a bit more complicated, a red number where the lace bra barely covered the breasts and had a strap that wound around the neck and connected to the middle between the breasts. The panties were attached to a garter and stockings.
This time around, he flushed adorably, and she stored that away in her mind for later. If there was to be any joy found in this encounter, it might be so that she could torture his bashfulness.
“Actually...I’m...not here to shop for anyone else,” he explained, and slowly, she understood, nodding slowly, her mouth forming an ‘o’. Their bed play included some form of role reversal. She wasn’t here to judge anyone’s kinks, or preferences, not especially working for a lingerie shop. And, if it turned out that she was wrong, and perhaps he wasn’t into the ladies at all, at least she knew she never had a chance to begin with.
“Ooh, I see. Well, unfortunately we don’t have anything marketed towards men’s fashions right at this time-” an idea she needed to propose to their marketing and product team, “-but I’m sure we could find something that fits your fancy?”
Dany freely let herself measure him by way of a quick observation - he wore a fitted black tee, so it wasn’t difficult to see that he kept in great shape. Broad, muscled shoulders, biceps fighting to stay within the confines of the short sleeves, lean compact perfection. His thighs? Thick. Great for getting ones’ head trapped between. Uncaring as to what was left of her professional decency, she grabbed his arm to keep him still and rounded him, almost forgetting herself too much and just barely biting her tongue to not whistle. His ass? Perseus could never.
Just as she was moving to guide him toward another area with slightly larger sizes that could accompany his physique, a hand gently caught her wrist, and it was gone in the next breath, but she stopped, facing him once more. He’d stepped in closer, almost invading her space. “No, it’s not any of that,” he chuckled lightly. Then he word vomited, and she didn’t think he could possibly get any more chart-breaking attractive, but she was certain her eyes had shaped themselves into hearts. “Ah, fuck. I’m just gonna say it. I saw you in here a few weeks ago when I was here - I never come to the mall by the way, just...anyway, no offense. I stopped and I was with my sister-in-law and she told me I should try to chat you up...but I thought, who in their right bloody mind casually drops into a sexy lingerie store to hit on someone?”
He huffed dubiously, but she was half in love with him already.
“So, I bowed out like a coward, but obviously I kept coming back, and Margaery - that’s my sister-in-law, the brunette - tagged along for moral support, while I was pretending to be interested in…,” he looked about them by way of explaining, “I mean, not that I’m not - in fact, I am-”
Her toothy grin was so large by now that it actually hurt. Charmingly he rumpled up his face and scratched the back of his neck, then brought both of his hands in front of him and accentuated the space there as he made a go of it again. “What I’m desperately trying to say, and failing at, is...would it be super weird to ask you out? It’s so shallow, I know, and completely not like me; you’re just so beautiful and I know nothing about you-”
Dany couldn’t take it anymore. She kissed him, and he gasped through his nose, frozen in place for a beat until he finally relaxed and put a careful hand on her hip, leaning closer to her. She broke away, the taste of cinnamon lingering on her tongue, either from a mint or gum he must have just had. Peering up at him from beneath her eyelashes, she just needed to be sure…
“You’re sure that wasn’t your girlfriend with you?”
His head nodded once to punctuate his reply. “Positive. She’s my brother’s wife. And...I much prefer blondes, anyway. Trust me.”
“Okay,” she muttered, putting a little space between them, and going warm all over when she remembered where they were, and how about the entire store was putting their heads together and giggling and staring. “I have…,” she glimpsed at her watch, her heart sinking, “...three hours left.”
“I can wait,” he said, and when she was beginning to think he meant he would have the audacity to wait in here and distract her, he clarified, “I mean, I have some errands I can run, and then…?”
“I don’t even know your name,” she blurted with realization.
“Oh, right,” he chuckled, “it’s Jon.”
“Dany,” she returned, holding out her hand. He shook it with a gentle squeeze. After they took their hands back, she made sure nobody was within earshot when she closed in on him again. “Then it’s a date. Under one condition…”
His clear grey eyes narrowed down at her.
“Which one?” Her dark brows jumped and she clandestinely used her eyes to motion to the items on display.
“What? Wait…,” his voice lowered to a rumble, lips barely moving, “seriously?”
Gods, if he only knew the images that she had conjured up in her mind pre-meeting…
“Mhm,” she hummed.
“Uh…,” he was good, very good, as he pretended that he was carrying on a conversation with her while his hand scratched his bearded face, trying to make a hurried decision. She saw the glint in his eye when he had decided, never taking her attention off of him. His gaze dropped down to her lips before drifting back to her eyes. “Third rack by the front…,” she gave a secretive, sidelong look in that direction, “the fourth row down in the second column. Yellow.”
Her eyes widened a hair. “Oh,” she breathed, her chest going tight. It was one of those numbers that, when not on a hanger or mannequin, was difficult to figure out how to get on, but it was a good thing this was her expertise. She swallowed thickly. “May I ask...why yellow?”
Jon reddened exquisitely. “Well... the last time I was here, one of your colleagues was heavily suggesting the best colors that complimented blue eyes, so…,” to her surprise, he skimmed her thumb over the apple of her cheek, just under her blue eyes.
Doreah. That sneaky little shit. It was a script they sometimes followed when a guest first came in, a starting point to help guide them in the right direction and ease nerves, but this was deliberate.
Dany owed Doreah an extra life, now.
“Alright,” she conceded, beaming. “See you at five?”
Jon smirked. “See you at five.”
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h2bakugou · 4 years
Hello dear friend~~May I ask what would be main 3+denki reaction to having a crush on a girl who never studies, and always does her homework in the morning before the class, and then when the results of their exams come out she's in the top5 and they just dont understand how she can have such good grades with how little she studies because she doesnt show that shes actually really smart? ☺️ (happened to me, everyone is shooketh when they found out my grades bc I have a rebel spirit about study?)
a/n: hi hun!! of course! i felt this, i never really studied unless i needed to, or i really didn’t understand something and i think i did pretty okay. but now i’m a drop out so- kjfhdjg i’m going to be doing online school soon though because i’d like to get my high school diploma.
headcanon: them with a crush on someone who never studies but excels in class
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: fluff, swearing
»»————- ★ ————-««
katsuki bakugou
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Bakugou doesn’t expect you to do very well. It’s the honest truth. 
He’s watched you every morning, scramble to finish your homework, and somehow manage to write legible answers with how fast your hand moves.
And before every test, he doesn’t see you study at all. It’s like you barely even keep notes.
In fact, he’s almost certain you don’t even keep notes at all. He was willing to bet that the notebook that rested on your desk during note time was promptly filled with doodles and random drawings, maybe even a to-do list or something.
But, all that aside, Bakugou has the fattest crush on you. This man is fucking smitten till the day he dies.
Everything about you astounds him, he’s never seen anyone like you.
And it goes to say that when you come out second in class, under him, he’s fucking confused and amazed at the same time.
He wants to ask you a million questions on how you did, ask if you cheated off of him somehow but he knows that’s not even remotely true.
His idea of trying to ask you out is getting you to study with him.
“Oi.” Bakugou approaches you after class, walking back toward your dorm.
“Oh, hey Bakugou.” You smile at him. You had a crush on him too, but neither side knew the other’s feelings.
“We’re studying together tomorrow. Meet me in the library and don’t be late.” Bakugou storms off, totally chad-like he’s thinking he’s just scored you and everything.
y/n.exe has stopped working.
You know he knows you don’t study.
You show up anyway and you can’t help but laugh because it’s certainly not studying that you two are doing in the library.
Somehow he’s managed to lead you to the library just to take you out on a date somewhere because there’s no book bag in sight, not even a book moved from the shelf.
“Alright let’s go.” Bakugou smirks.
“You could’ve just asked me out on a date in the first place.” You tease him.
“Shut up.” He huffs, smiling.
It’s a really good date.
»»————- ★ ————-««
izuku midoriya
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Midoriya has probably asked you to help him study once or twice. He knows you’re up pretty high in class, you have great grades, but he’;s confused as fuck when you turn him down.
“What?” He blinks at you, confused.
“It’s not that I don’t want to! I’d love to but I uh don’t really study.” You mumble, avoiding his gaze.
“But you have amazing grades-”
“And I finish all my worksheets right before class starts, it’s just how I do things.” You look back up at him and smile.
“I can try my hardest to help, but studying isn’t really my strong suit, I think I get lower grades when I study.”
from that point on, I think Midoriya probably finds you that much more fascinating.
He loves to learn more about you, and knowing that you can finish a big project the morning it’s due and make a top grade, he’s blown away.
He starts to realize he likes you when you start hanging around him more.
You help him as best you can when he comes to you for answers, you’re very smart, you just have a very different way of doing your work from him.
When he finally decides to make the move, he’s shitting bricks. He’s nervous, and totally freaking out because he doesn’t even know if you like him.
“Uh hey, (Y/n)?” Midoriya pulls you aside after class, stopping you before you leave the classroom.
“What is it Izu?” You ask, having given him the cute nickname after being on a first name basis with him.
“I was wondering, well if you’d like to go on a date with me.” Midoriya gained some confidence after the sentence came out, looking at you with determination and affection.
“Sure, when and where?” You smiled, feeling your face begin to heat up.
“Wherever you want, there’s a really nice restaurant that opened up nearby-”
“Sounds like fun.” You glance away and smile. You had butterflies in your stomach.
“Are you nervous?” Midoriya asked, watching as you seemed to be a little anxious yourself.
“A little. My crush just asked me out so...” You giggle.
“You’re nervous about me asking you out but not finishing a project the day it’s due?!”
“Those are two totally different things!”
»»————- ★ ————-««
shoto todoroki
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»»————- ★ ————-««
I feel like Todoroki knows from the get go that you don’t study. He never sees you in the study groups, or in the library. He always sees you doing some sort of paperwork in the morning, and he catches on rather quickly that it’s last night’s homework, or an assignment from earlier on in the week.
Still, he can’t jump to conclusions just yet.
He overhears Kirishima talking to Kaminari about you. He’s not trying to eavesdrop on their conversation but he’s curious nonetheless.
“Yeah, I don’t think they study at all.” Kirishima tells Kaminari.
Todoroki is pretty intrigued now.
Starts investigating to see if you actually study or not. And when he doesn’t find anything to say that you do, he just waits for the exam results to come back.
He knows you didn’t study, no one accounted for you at any study groups, and Sero even said you’d gone to bed after training that afternoon.
When the results come back, Todoroki is dumbfounded.
You did better than him. You landed a whole three spots above him. 
Todoroki makes it his goal to talk to you now. And you two become really good friends, and Todoroki develops this crush on you.
He’s not sure how it even happened, all he knows is he likes you and everything about you intrigues him.
So when you’re hanging out in his dorm room, just talking and chilling out, he asks if you want to study for the next quiz coming up.
“Oh I don’t actually study.” You giggle, looking at the half-and-half boy you had a crush on.
“You don’t?” Todoroki restates, finally confirming all his suspicions.
“Nope. It doesn’t really do much for me, I’ve never really studied.” 
From then on out, Todoroki enjoys when you accompany him while he studies. He studies alone just to be able to spend time with you.
Especially when he asks you out.
“(Y/n)?” Todoroki glances up from his work sheet and you look up from the book he’d lent you to read while he worked on his assignments.
“Yeah Sho?” You smile at him, closing the book, holding your spot with your thumb.
“Would you like to go on a date after school soon?” He asks, getting the question he’d been wanting to ask off his chest finally.
“Yes.” Your eyes lit up at his question and you could feel your face getting hotter by the second.
“You look hot.” Todoroki comments on your flustered face which only deepens at his comment.
“I didn’t mean- I mean you are very beautiful but your face looked hot as in temperature.” Todoroki’s own face begins to flush at his fumbled words as you begin to smile and laugh.
“You’re too cute.” You grin at him. He smiles back and returns to his work, ready to take you on that date.
»»————- ★ ————-««
denki kaminari
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Kaminari has no clue. He’s oblivious. I don’t think he’s as stupid as people make him seem but he certainly doesn’t catch on right away, it takes a bit of time.
And one loud mouthed explosive blonde haired friend of his to point it out.
“I was gonna ask them to study with us after class.” Kaminari states, telling the group about his first move to try and ask you out. He’s had a crush on you since he laid eyes on you, and he’s shooting his shot.
“You dumbass. They don’t study.” Bakugou groans, looking over at you, scrambling to finish your homework.
“That’s the homework from last night.” Bakugou points out to Kaminari and his eyes go wide.
“There’s no way they’re going to pass!” Kaminari exclaims.
“We have to go help them!” Kaminari is about to go rush over to you but Kirishima stops him and laughs.
“Just wait, you’ll see.” Kirishima reassures Kaminari.
And sure enough, when the homework gets returned, Kaminari watches as your paper returns with the highest marking. You passed. With a perfect score.
This doesn’t stop Kaminari from shooting said shot though. He’s trying even harder. He’s determined.
"So there’s that big test coming up.” Kaminari began talking to you about three weeks ago, you’ve become friends, and you both have mutual feelings for one another that the other doesn’t know about, but it’s pretty obvious to the surrounding friends in the Bakusquad.
He’s talking to you about the test coming up with all of the subjects you’ve covered so far, a bit of a mid-term if you will.
“I’m a little nervous about it if I’m being honest.” You admit, taking a bite of your lunch.
“Do you wanna study with us later tonight?” Kaminari asks, feeling volts coarse through his veins as he awaits your answer.
“Studying isn’t really my thing. It’s not that I don’t want too! Please don’t think I’m trying to avoid you guys.” You bite your lip and look away trying to come up with the right words to say.
“Studying crams my brain and I don’t really think fluidly when the test comes, I get worse grades when I study then when I don’t.”
“I’ll stop by after with snacks and drinks so you don’t feel left out then.” Kaminari grins, his amber eyes full of excitement.
And sure enough, he stops by, a few slices of pizza and some soda in hand.
“So I was thinking, me and you.” Kaminari starts. You’re playing some video games before lights out.
“Me and you?” You question, currently beating Kaminari in Mario Kart.
“Yeah like, would you wanna go out sometime?” He asks, smiling.
“Sure, that could be a lot of fun.” Your face begins to heat up, and you lose your spot to Kaminari as your mind begins to scream with excitement. You feel your heart beating faster.
“Wait really?” Kaminari turns to look at you pausing the game.
“Yes. I like you, and I want to go on ad ate with you.” You smile, setting the controller down.
“Oh this is awesome!” Kaminari hugs you.
The next day when the test is over, the Bakusquad stands dumbfounded as you pass the test with the highest score, even beating Bakugou.
Kaminari is proud.
»»————- ★ ————-««
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indulge-that-sin · 3 years
A Social Experience
Characters: GN!MC, Leviathan, Asmodeus, Mammon
Wordcount: 1700
Tags: Fluff, Domestic, Bonding Activities, Humor
(No spoilers for latter lessons, but takes place fairly late in the game.)
"--a gross, shut-in otaku like me!" Levi finished, on the all too familiar note.
Usually by this point you would already be launching into reassurances that he certainly wasn't gross, and shouldn't talk about himself like that, but this time there was nothing but a silence that bounced off the walls, damning and louder than any words.
You reached into your bag of chips, removed a single potato chip, and ate it as you tilted your head in thought. Levi took your silence like a slap in the face, and recoiled, his face already wavering. The sound of your chewing was distressingly loud in contrast.
You finished chewing and swallowed. "I mean, is that even true anymore?" you asked after a nerve-wracking length of time.
Levi's expression twisted more into confusion than hurt. "Huh?!" 
"Don't you kind of lose your hikikomori credentials if you become popular and people start coming to spend time with you all the time?"
"That's not-- I'm not-- You don't count!" Levi sputtered.
"Oh, I don't count, huh," you repeated, putting a hand to your chest and dramatically feigning heartbreak.
Levi looked abashed now. "Th-that's not what I meant," he rushed to add.
"I know what you meant," you said. "Give it an hour."
Now Levi tilted fully into confusion.
"Give what an hour?"
"My point to be made," you said, and placed your D.D.D. onto the lip of the bathtub, out of your own reach. It was also clearly visible to Levi as you both sat on beanbags in front of his TV, next to the bath tub. "An hour," you repeated in a portentous video game narrator voice.
Levi scowled and picked up his controller again, turning back to his game. But his reactions were off, now. His character moved jerkily around the screen, doubling back and taking wrong turns on the 8-bit map as Levi's mood roiled with the strangeness of the conversation.
You continued eating your chips slowly, savoring the taste of the limited edition novelty flavor that Levi had generously acquired for you. He'd tried to pass it as a coincidence, but he didn't really know anyone else who unironically enjoyed the taste of cream and devilradish chips.
Not even half an hour passed before there was a knock on the door. Levi asked for the password on reflex. Surprisingly, from the other side of the door came a sigh, and then Asmo's melodious voice reciting the string of nerd trivia that Levi had set as a password for him ever since they became unlikely allies for the Bloody Moon competition.
"Come in, I guess," Levi replied, giving you a long look. Your D.D.D. was still on the edge of the bathtub, untouched as you sat there elbow-deep in greasy chips. You couldn't have called anyone over. And yet, was this what you expected to happen?
"Give it forty more minutes now," you said low.
Asmo fluttered into the room, like a passing breeze bringing in the smell of perfume. 
"Oh, there you are, darling, I was wondering where you were," he said, face lit up as he saw you.
He sat uninvited next to you in the beanbag, and you scooted over to make space for him. Levi would have complained, except moving to make room for Asmo meant you shuffled closer to Levi instead, so he ended up biting his tongue.
"What do you want?" Levi grit out.
"Must I want something?" Asmo asked, "Is it not enough that I give my adorable brother the opportunity to entertain me?"
"He's bored," you translated.
"I'm soooo bored," Asmo whined, his shoulders rolling in a full-body sigh. But he perked up as he leaned forward to look at both you and Levi. "But what about all this? Mind if I join the fun~?"
"Let's find a game Asmo can play," you suggested. 
"If you'd like," Asmo acquiesced with a shrug, indicating he'd had some other kind of fun in mind.
Levi gave you another sidelong glance, full of suspicion, but his head was out of the game he was playing anyway, so he exited and pulled up his game library instead. Deciding which game to choose was the trickier part, because Asmo had terrible reflexes, and an attention span worse than Mammon's when it came to playing anything. This ruled out anything requiring twitch reflexes or understanding complicated rules. 
Asmo, meanwhile, scrunched his nose at your chips.
"All that grease and salt is going to be awful for your complexion, darling," he said, clearly disapproving.
"I'm not rubbing it on my face," you said, and defiantly sucked crumbs off your thumb. Levi nearly choked at the sound, which was borderline obscene. The little sound Asmo made in response did nothing to contradict this impression. Levi managed to swallow back the wave of envy before it came undammed by concentrating on the list of games on the screen. He still had to make a selection.
A farming sim seemed like a safe enough choice; something bright and frivolous. Just like Asmo.
Levi passed the controller as the title screen came up, and Asmo, to his credit, managed to choose the 'New Game' option without messing anything up. Yet. When the screen went dark as the game loaded, Asmo couldn't resist looking at his reflection and primping his hair a bit. Levi did resist snorting and rolling his eyes, but it was a close thing.
The character creation screen popped up with its myriad of options, and Asmo gasped in delight.
"Oh! This is a good start! Much better than getting shoved into some ugly gray metal suit at the beginning," Asmo remarked cheerfully. He cycled through the hair and clothing options with the speed and deftness of a veteran player. 
"Hey, beginner armor in RPGs can be colorful too," Levi protested.
"But not fashionable, apparently," Asmo sniffed.
Asmo had only just barely settled on a hairstyle and color combination he thought was adequately cute, and was scrunching his nose at the shirt options, when another knock came at the door.
"Come in," you called out, before Levi could demand a password.
Mammon's head popped through the door, and he pulled a face when he saw you there, just like he always did when you were in somebody else's company and not his.
"Eh? What're you doing here?" Mammon asked, closing the door behind him and sidling up to the three of you. 
He craned his neck and squinted at the screen, like he was verifying that whatever you were doing, it passed his requirements for propriety. Between knowing the kinds of games Levi had in his collection, and seeing Asmo there, maybe he was not completely unjustified in some suspicion, but it still made you want to roll your eyes.
"We're watching Asmo create his character," you explained.
Mammon guffawed. "Betcha been watching him do that for a while!"
"Fifteen minutes, more or less," you said. "But to be fair, Levi takes way longer to create characters."
"It's an important step!" Levi sputtered.
"Especially with the quality of the options," Asmo added. "Look at this. A purple T-shirt with a pink butt on it?"
"That's a peach!" Levi protested, his face turning red.
"I know what a butt looks like, Levi," Asmo replied tartly.
"Wait, wait, Asmo, that black one with the gold design ain't half bad! Go back an' pick that one." 
"That gaudy thing! Absolutely not!"
"Mammon, why are you even here?" Levi asked, now completely exasperated with his brothers.
"I was just seein' if we were still on for Devil Kart against those Purgatory Hall guys. We need ta win back our honor, ya know."
"Do we?" Levi asked suspiciously, "or are you running a betting pool again?"
Mammon made a good show of appearing indignant at the very suggestion, but he'd hit you up earlier today about whether you'd be willing to take a dive in the second half of Candy Mountain in exchange for a lump grimm sum, so you knew too much about the subject to defend Mammon without exposing him.
"Can't I be showin' an interest without ya gettin' all suspicious a' me? What makes me so weird, huh? Asmo here doesn't even play games, and I don't see ya hasslin' him!"
"I do too play games," Asmo protested.
"Really? 'Cause only thing I ever saw you play was that stupid matching thing with the gems, and I ain't seen much of even that lately."
You knew which game Mammon meant, because it was the only game app you'd ever seen on Asmo's phone. You'd watch him play in moments of boredom, swiping his screen with a completely blank look of concentration as he matched the colors of the gems in rows and columns, and they burst into sparkles. 
"Ugh, of course you haven't seen me play, I finished it. I have to wait until they add new levels."
"Didn't that game have like ten thousand levels already?" you asked. "You mean you passed all of them?"
"Eleven thousand and sixty five," Asmo corrected primly. "And yes, I did them all. I have to wait until they add more now. I asked."
The room fell into shocked silence at this. Even Levi looked mildly dyspeptic at the thought of completing eleven thousand levels of a match-3 game. You'd played it yourself for a while, and past the two hundredth level, the number of complicated mechanics the game introduced had completely broken you.
"Anyway," Mammon said after a few more beats of silence. He gestured to the screen, where Asmo was flicking between two shirt options. "This thing got co-op or somethin'?"
You finished your chips, and folded away the empty bag. When you picked up your D.D.D., fifty five minutes had passed.
"Still five minutes left," you muttered to Levi while Asmo and Mammon bickered over the choice of pants. "Wanna play the long odds and see if the twins show up too?"
"Okay, okay, you've made your point," Levi grumbled. "I let way too many people waltz in here. I'll have to tighten security."
But Levi's heart wasn't really in it, and when he turned to watch Mammon try to swipe Asmo's controller while the latter loudly protested, there was almost a smile threatening to spread over Levi's face.
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wreckofawriter · 3 years
pairing: remus lupin x reader
word count: 3k
warnings: language, none fluffy
summary: you know you annoy remus but that doesn't stop you from trying to get close to him
a/n: i actually like this fic more than I thought I would... anyway I'm actually motivated again so posts should be more frequent. I plan on writing the next part for pulled apart next
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    Remus has always been very good at ignoring distractions. Considering who his best friends were that was really no surprise to anyone around him. He had ignored parties and screams and fights and pretty much everything else you can imagine. He could probably read through a tornado if one happened to strike the castle. But we all have that one thing. 
    The classroom was quiet. The scratch of quills on parchment and the occasional shuffle of feet filling Remus’s ears as he did everything in his power to focus on the test in front of him. Potions was a subject he excelled in, yet he had barely finished the first three questions and now sat practically fuming in his chair, his mind clouded with irritation. 
    A pop once again resonated through the room and no one else blinked, the quills continued their march. Remus gripped his own feather so tight he thought it might break in two. A few moments later  the sound greeted his ears again and he whipped around. His eyes fell on you, your hair bouncing lightly as you tapped your foot to some inaudible rhythm. Soft pink bubble gum lined your lips, the corpse of a bubble being tugged back into your mouth for rebirth. 
    “Would you cut it out?” Remus hissed drawing more than one pair of eyes. 
    You tilted your head in confusion, reminding the boy slightly of a puppy. You glanced behind yourself quickly and then pointed a finger at yourself in a silent question. 
    “Yes you.” Remus scorned, “Stop popping your bloody gum.” 
    Maybe it was because of how rude he had been or maybe it was the cute red tinge of anger on his cheeks, either effect led you to the same action. You gathered the treat in your mouth inflating one of the bigger bubbles you had made that day, popping it between your teeth.  The noise was loud like the snap of a whip. You smiled softly at the boy's stiff reaction, “No.” You hummed turning back to your work. 
    Remus was pretty sure you had verbally slapped him across the face. 
    The library was crowded with people, almost every chair was taken, faces shoved into books and fingers stained with ink.
The quiet atmosphere was broken by James’s loud groan, “Godric, that test Slughorn gave us was dreadful.” he complained, his head hitting the table in front of him. A chorus of hushing which he paid no mind to followed. 
“Tell me about it.” Remus mumbled his mood still sour from the period before. 
Sirius snapped to attention, “Since when do you have trouble in potions?” 
Remus sighed, rolling his eyes at his friend's amusement, “It wasn’t the test you idiot.” 
James turned his head, his cheek now squished against the wooden surface, eyebrows scrunched.
“There was this girl.” 
“A girl!?” Both boys shouted in unison, James’s head popping up from the table. They both were shushed aggressively. 
Remus scoffed, “Not like that-”
“Was she just so hot you couldn’t focus?” Sirius mused, the smirk on his lips mildly irritating.
“Did she have the top few buttons of her blouse undone? I damn near fainted last time Lily did that.” James chimed in.
Remus felt his cheeks go hot, “What? No-”
“So who's the lucky lady Moony?” 
“Yeah I can’t believe you didn't tell us.” James pouted. 
    “I don’t fancy her, you idiots!” Remus snapped, earning multiple glares.
    James and Sirius’s smiles dropped, disappointment finding their faces as all the excitement they had just been tempted with washed away.
    “I knew it was too good to be true.” Sirius mumbled halfeartly. 
    “So what was it then?” James asked, “If you don’t fancy this girl what’s the issue?”
    Remus huffed, “She was being bloody annoying that's the issue. She wouldn’t stop popping her gum, it is one of the most infuriating things I've ever experienced.”
    Sirius quirked a brow, “That's it?”
    “James was there.” Remus continued, “He gets it, it was absolutely dreadful.”
    James shrugged, “I don’t remember hearing any popping.” 
    Remus gauffed, “Seriously? It was so loud.” 
    “I probably just tuned it out,” He hummed, “Why didn't you just ask her to stop?”
    “That's the problem.” Remus groaned, “I did and she was totally rude and popped it right in my face.” 
    “Sounds kinda bitchy.” Sirius mumbled, “Any chance you know who she is?” 
    Remus racked his brain, “I think her name is y/l/n something, I'm not sure.”
    Sirius paused, “Y/n y/l/n?”
    “That sounds right.” 
    Sirius whistled, “She is wicked hot.”
    Remus scrunched his face in mild disgust, “Is that all you have to say on the matter?” 
    Sirius nodded returning to Transfiguration book,
    Remus sighed, “You guys are no help at all.”
If you had heard the conversation that had just taken place you would have been sorely disappointed. In fact you probably would have stormed up to your dorm and pouted fiercely. 
Remus Lupin was someone you knew well. Probably too well considering he had never even looked your way until the period before. It's not like you were a stalker or anything, he was just… really cute.
He had caught your attention in 4th year and never seemed to let go as he slowly reeled you in with hazel eyes and soft smiles. 
You would count his freckles in charms and imagine running your hands through his hair in potions, he never seemed to notice the pair of eyes boring into his curls. You were pretty positive that your crush was hopeless. I mean this was Remus Lupin you were talking about, sure he wasn’t as sought after as Black but he definitely had his fair share of admirers.
Your friends, the few you trusted with important information that is, were always pushing you to take some sort of action on your crush. You ignored them for the most part claiming it was useless and he would probably end up with someone else anyway. Yet year after year he was still single. It was a bit shocking in fact. Almost as shocking as the words you had spoken to him earlier that day.
You buried your head in your hands for the third time that minute, embarrassment and regret were eating you alive. What the hell is wrong with me? You thought. 
Adrianna, who was one of your closest friends and the one seated next to you for the horrific event was snickering behind her hand attempting to turn it into a cough as you glared at her. 
“I mean at least you talked to him.” She chidded and you threw your book at her. It was her turn to pout.
You groaned, your head hitting the table infront of you, “I’m a fucking idiot.” 
Adrianna shrugged, “Well yes.” 
“Why did I say no? Why couldn’t I just say yes and apologize like a normal person?” You complained.
She shrugged again, “Maybe it’s just in your blood to be a dick?” This time she caught a quill on her forehead. “Sorry, sorry,” a pause, “You know you could use this to your advantage,”
You raised an eyebrow, “How the hell would I manage that?”
“You could apologize, you know like a normal person.” she giggled.
You cringed at the thought, “Why would I do that?” 
Adrianna rolled her eyes, “Because you were an asshole. And most people apologize after being an asshole.”
You scrunched your nose, “Do you have any idea how awkward that would be?” 
“You’re helpless.” She mumbled returning to her work. 
You pouted, “Well you're not very helpful.” your mind began to turn as she continued her essay, one you had already finished the night before. Then suddenly an idea struck. 
You marched up to Remus with confidence you didn’t actually have. Your anxieties buried beneath a blanket of boldness. Your hands shook, stuffed deep in your pockets. 
“Yes?” He repeated reminding you that you had indeed called his name. 
You glanced around at his friends, their eyes locked on you with amused smiles. You put on an uncaring mask and rolled your eyes at Potter whose smile only grew, “Could we talk away from your goons?”
Remus grinned a bit as Sirius gave an over-exaggerated gasp, “Yeah sure.” 
You nodded quickly turning and starting towards the staircase. You didn’t catch Remus raising his eyebrows back at his friends and he didn’t see you release a shaky breath.  
Once you both stood in the narrow staircase leading to the deviations room you turned back to Remus who stood two stairs below you, the height advantage made you feel powerful. 
He didn’t seem particularly bothered by it, “You here to apologize?”
Your eyes widened, he seemed snarkier than he had been in potions, almost like he was challenging you, “I was, but now I don’t believe I will.” you clipped back.
Remus rolled his eyes, “Can I leave then?” 
Panic struck you, this was not going well, “Actually I need a favor.” 
Remus was surprised, that was definitely not what he had expected.
You huffed, praying to whatever god was up there that this would work. “Can you tutor me in potions? I’m actually not all that good at it and I know for a fact you are.” One of those statements was a blatant lie. Potions had been one of your better grades for a while now but he didn’t need to know that. 
“Why should I help you?” Remus asked, taking a step towards you, the height advantage lessening. 
You weren’t really sure how to answer that, “I suppose you shouldn’t.” You sighed and Remus smirked, “But you will.”
He raised his brows, “And why's that?”
You popped your gum enjoying his flinch, “Because you are just so sweet.” you said it with a slight coo like you were talking to a young child.
Remus didn’t respond as you brushed past him.
“Meet me at the library tomorrow after lunch and don’t be late.” You called over your shoulder.
Remus stood in the stairwell staring where you had just stood. He let out a heavy sigh , his heart beating louder than it should have been. 
Part of you thought he wouldn’t even show and that instead you would sit in the library like a fool as Remus laughed about you with his friends. So when you entered the library and found the boy already seated at a table, textbooks and notes placed neatly around him you were surprised. You fought a wide smile skipping beside him and reaching for the book in his hands. Before you could snatch it away Remus snapped it shut and moved it aside. 
“Take a seat y/n”  He spoke, smirking at you, clearly happy about his quick reflexes. 
You rolled your eyes sitting beside him and glancing at the papers in front of you. They were notes, neatly taken, no doodles in the margins. 
Remus leaned over your shoulder, “I think we should start with the basics and see how much you already know.”
It was only then that you realised you were going to have to pretend to be terrible at potions. You swallowed thickly, “Sounds good.”
You surprised yourself with how easily you lied. You slipped up only twice, brushing both off as lucky guesses and contuinuting with your stupid little curade. 
Remus ate it up, showing you simple questions and walking you through them as one did a child. It would have bothered you if he wasn’t leaning over your shoulder with his breath soft on your neck. He smelt like chocolate and fresh parchment, his curly hair so close you could reach out and run your fingers through it if you wanted to. 
You walked back to your common room in a slight haze, your stomach full of wings.
Remus peered after you curiously. Your actions confused him, he could’ve sworn you had already known the practice problems he gave you. Yet you had struggled, almost comically. He supposed you were just really good at pretending to be smart. 
“Do you have any idea how hard it is to pretend to be stupid?” You groaned.
Adrianna shook her head too focused on the note sheet in front of her to really care about what you were saying. 
Your rambles continued regardless, “Do you think I’m going to have to fail my next test so I can keep Remus as a tutor?”
She sighed fed up as she tried to study over your speaking, “You know you could just ask him out like if you weren’t such a pussy.” 
You glared at her lacking real malice, “I’m not a pussy, I’m just creative.”
“Pussy.” Adrianna coughed quietly and you rolled your eyes, she was only a little bit right. 
As your study sessions continued Remus found himself growing strangely fond of you. The banter you offered was entertaining, despite the fact you took every chance to annoy him. Your sarcastic comments made his lips twitch into a grin. Your response to his own remarks; a scrunch of your nose, making him chuckle. You still seemed a bit off and for the first week, Remus wasn’t sure what it was. It was clear that you were hiding something, faking something but he just couldn't place it. 
A pattern began to settle in front of him quickly. Your slip ups became a bit repetitive. And by slip ups he really meant your success. You were good at potions. In fact probably better than he was. Remus wasn’t sure why you were pretending to be terrible at a class you clearly were doing well in, but he was even more confused on why he didn’t call you out on it. 
For some reason he was dead set on keeping you at those study sessions. In fact he used a nearing test as an excuse to meet you daily. He debated his actions in his own mind most nights, why did he keep wasting his time to teach you things you already knew he wondered. He always came up empty, even more lost than he had been before. 
You had thought Remus to be smarter than he was. The fact that he hadn't picked up on your seemingly obvious act was astounding. You supposed it only helped you if he fell for it hook line and sinker, right? You started meeting him everyday in the library, he was very adamant about you passing the upcoming test and you weren’t going to complain, it gave you more time to count the freckles that dusted his nose anyway.  
You hummed quietly to yourself, fiddling with your quill. It was the night before the test and Remus had been insistent on you studying late into the night. So now you sat in the Gryffindor common room under the hazy light of candles with notes you had memorized ages ago. 
The crack of the fire was a pleasant background noise to your tune as your eyes locked onto Remus whose hair had fallen in front of his eyes yet again. You smiled softly watching him scribble final notes onto his Transfiguration assignment. Your gum was slowly losing its flavor on your tongue. 
Feeling your gaze he looked up, “You want me to quiz you on them?” He asked, gesturing to the notes under your arm. 
“Sure.” You reposed picking up the paper and passing it off to him. 
Remus watched you carefully, answers came easily most of the time but every once and  while you would struggle, himming and hawing as you pretended you didn’t know how to respond. He played along until you finished the note sheet.
You were confused when he put it down, “Aren't we going to go over the ones I got wrong?” 
Remus sighed, “Why would I do that when you already know them?”
You furrowed your brow, “I got them wrong.”
“You know them though don’t you?” He smirked, “You know all the stuff that I’ve been teaching you.”
You laughed but there was no humor to it, “I don’t know what you mean.”
He only smiled more, “Yes you do.” 
You just sat there, your mind was spinning, you hadn’t really planned for the end of it all. You had no clue how you were going to explain this. 
“I’m curious.” Remus said, “Why go through all this trouble?” 
You just started at him opening your mouth to answer only to close it again. 
“Come on y/n don’t leave me hanging.” He grinned and you felt like you were going to throw up. 
“How long have you known?” You asked quietly.
Remus shrugged, “About a week.” 
You hesitated, “Wait, why didn't you say anything sooner?”
He shrugged again, “No reason.” 
It was your turn to smile “No really Remus, why waste your time with me?” You questioned. 
He sighed, “It wasn’t really a waste of time.”
“It wasn’t?” 
Remus felt weirdly trapped, “You still haven't answered my question.” 
“Fine you really want to know?” You said chewing your gum anxiously. 
He nodded.
“I wanted to hang out with you, and I wasn't really sure how to ask.” You huffed picking at your nails. 
There was a beat of quiet, the fire popped behind you.
“Now you tell me why you didn’t say anything earlier.” You said trying to divert from your embarrassing confession. 
Remus pondered his answer for a moment, “Because I like you.” 
Your eyes widened, “I thought you found me annoying.” you laughed lightly.
“Oh no I do.” He grinned leaning closer to you as you scrunched your nose in annoyment. “You know you could have just asked me out instead of pretending not to know anything about potions.”
You ignored the heat in your cheeks as Remus leaned just inches from you, “Where’s the fun in that?”
He chuckled, “I supposed there isn't any.” his breath was warm on your skin and your eyes slipped shut as he closed the distance between you. 
Remus’s lips were smooth and soft against your own, his hand cupping your cheek lightly. You ran your fingers through his hair as he tilted your chin back, deepening the kiss. 
He hummed lightly, you tasted like bubblegum.
@evyiione @accio-rogers @roslea @k3nz-doodl3 @theseuscmander @sleepingalaska @chloe-geoghegan1 @obsessedwithrandomthings @coldlilheart @suseptiable-but-siriusexual @inglorious-imagines @the-natureofme @trickylittlewitch @layaa-layaaa
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spinster-sisters · 3 years
Asshole. CS
TW: Dom! san, Sub! reader, Pillow humping, stepping, generally very derogatory and lowkey rude, possessiveness. Im gonna put this here cuz i dont know where else to but this is not an example of a healthy relationship, no it is toxic or abusive, it is implied that they are just two very different people who shouldnt be together.
Your relationship with San wasn't a good one. From the moment you two got together you have been arguing about every little thing, and while the good moments were absolutely perfect the bad was far worse. Many of your friends were surprised you were still together. But despite all the fighting and miscommunications, San was still the only man you could look at, and that was infuriating.
Honestly, the two of you had tried to break up multiple times, but each period wouldn't last more than a week, because nobody else knew you like the other. So inevitably you would find your way back to each other.
Tonight was one of the bad nights. Your mutual friend Yunho was throwing a huge party at his apartment. The trouble had started before you even arrived. The plan was to get ready at San's place at ride over together, but at the last moment, you had decided to get ready at your own home, simply because San always rushed you. You figured that this way he could leave whenever he was ready and so could you. However, San did not see it that way.
You had just stood up from your vanity, having just finished applying your makeup, but a text alert brought you back down to sit.
"Your impossible" was all it said. This made you scoff. It was from your boyfriend. San had always told you that you were too indecisive and flaky, that he never knew what you wanted and it made it impossible to please you. It was probably true, but he was not without faults himself so you still found it annoying.
You chose to leave him on read before making your way over to the party. You were still simmering with annoyance over his attitude while you drove. Eventually, you landed at Yunho's building. You don't know exactly how your friend was able to afford the place as it was pretty big for only him and his roommate, but it certainly allowed for fun gatherings.
You were buzzed up and not too long after you were at Yuhno's door. Only seconds after knocking, you could hear the music and talk from outside, the door swung open to reveal the tall man.
"Hey!" Yunho cried, pulling you in by your arm. Yunho rarely drank more than one or two beers at his party so he could keep everyone in line, so it wasn't a surprise when you found him still completely sober.
"I almost thought you weren't going to make it!" The tall man spoke swinging and arm over your shoulder for a side hug. You smiled into it.
"Yeah sorry, I was running a bit behind," was all you said.
"When San showed up without you I thought you had canceled," your friend spoke while pulling away from the hug.
"Yeah, well plans change" you replied. You had thought you hid the contempt well enough but Yunho knew you too well. He gave you a questioning look but you changed the subject.
"Where is he anyway? You asked. Yunho only pointed into the living room. Your mood only darkened. There were tons of people but you could still see your boyfriend clear as day sitting on the couch with at least three girls hanging off of him. This was one of your problems with San. No, he had never cheated on you, if they tried to kiss him he would push them away, if they made a suggestive comment he would brush them off, but of they flirted with him? He ate that shit up. He said that it shouldn't matter because at the end of the day your the one who gets to fuck him, but the fact he would just sit there and let them feed his ego was pissy as all hell.
You frowned deeply, not even trying to hide this one, and turned the opposite direction into the kitchen for a drink. You could feel the judgment coming of Yunho in waves, but he said nothing. When you reached the kitchen you found the first bottle of whatever and poured yourself a tall glass of whatever. You weren't about to let your boyfriend ruin your night, even after he ruined your mood. So you opted to ignore him all night.
It had been a while. After you finished your drink and allowed it to take effect you moved back into the pandemonium that was the living room. Here was the source of the music and the majority of the talking. You danced lazily to the music, not paying any attention to anyone just allowing yourself to unwind. The pounding base felt nice in your head and along with the buzz of the alcohol you were more than content.
Soon an arm slipped around your shoulders again. This time it was Mingi. Yunho's roommate. You weren't as close to him as Yunho but you could easily call him a friend.
"What's up?" You called over the music, stepping out of the dancing bodies to talk.
"Just coming to say hi, where's san?" He asked taking a little look around.
"Don't know don't care" you replied leaning against the wall. Mingi laughed a little.
"You two at it again?" He questioned with a quirk of the brow. You returned the laugh.
"Call it whatever you want, I don't want to talk to him tonight," Mingi sighed with a smile.
"You two are impossible," Mingi walked away after finishing his comment but his choice of words soured your mood again. You dared to look around for San. Once you found him it made it worse.
It seems like two of the girls had lost hope because the last one remaining was laying it on thick. She was sitting so close their legs were pressed together and her hand was dragging up and down his arm.
You scoffed and turned away before a thought hit you. If he was able to entertain other people then why can't you? With that idea in mind, you set out to find a cute boy to mess with.
It wasn't hard, within minutes of putting yourself out there a guy who clearly wasn't close enough with anyone here to know your situation had approached you in the hallway on your way to fill up your drink.
You both stood in the hallway against the wall for a bit, he was hopelessly eager so flirting with him was a breeze. Slowly you made your way into the living room once again and made yourself comfy with the new boy. No, you weren't as obvious as the girl hanging off your boyfriend, you were too good for that, but it was clearly enough to have him hanging on your every word. At some point, you glanced up and made eye contact with Yunho who only threw you a curious look but you only winked at went back to your nameless boy.
You spoke for a bit longer, playing into him as much as possible as he showered you with compliments. You were happily basking in the praise when a sudden presence made itself know in front of you. You turned, and low and behold, it was San.
His perfect features were screwed into a glare fixated on both you and the boy. You almost let your giggle show when you look behind his perfectly shaped body to see the girl he had been entertaining looking lost and confused exactly where he left her on the couch.
Your satisfied smirk must have shown on your face however because soon your boyfriend's cold fingers wrapped around your chin hold your chin up to face him. He crouched down so you two were eye level.
"You think this is funny?" He asked in a dangerous tone. He only used this voice when he meant business but tonight you were standing your ground.
"Very funny," you replied, managing to hold your smirk even with his hand clamped on your cheeks.
"What the fuck man? Let her go," the boy finial voiced only after recovering from the shock of the scene before him. He reached out to pull Sans hand away before you stopped him.
"You can leave now," you said, not looking away from San. (not like you could) but still very clearly talking to the boy. You could hear the confusion in the silence. Before he spoke again.
"Wait what?" He asked stupidly.
"You can go, I'm done with you for now," you spoke.
"Wait this is crazy what are you-"
This time San in all his severe and intimidating glory turned to the boy and cut him off.
"Hey dick head, I think my girlfriend told you to leave us alone." He spoke with an edge. Having finally got the message the boy got up and left. And San's piercing gaze returned to you again, his hand finally dropping to let his forearm resting on his knee.
"So I'm your girlfriend now?" You asked with contempt. Crossing your arms, and swinging one leg over the other.
"Oh shut up" San replied scoffing.
"I'm just wondering if you told those girls that, that you have a girlfriend. Or maybe it's that you did but they just didn't care because clearly, you enjoyed all the attention they were giving you" the words rattled out of you in quick succession.
"Clearly you're broken up about it. Throwing yourself at any guy who will give you the time of day," he spits back, "if I remember correctly you were the one who didn't want to come together as a couple," he reminded in a scathing tone.
"Only because you are a controlling asshole," you spat back equally as resentful.
"And you're a paranoid drama queen I guess we all have our problems." He shot back. Eyes narrowing even more.
"Well maybe if you have such a problem with it I should go find that guy and fuck him. If I am so annoying then how about I go be someone else's problem!" you almost screamed at him beath heaving slightly when you finished. San stared at you unreadable for a moment.
He stood abruptly, taking you roughly by the arm and pulling you to your feet. He wordlessly dragged you through the crowd.
"San what the fuck let go!" You tried to pull free but failed. Moments later san had dragged you into Yunho's room and slammed it shut before locking it. Your boyfriend turned to you with eyes darker than you had ever seen.
"Never fucking say that again." He spoke dangerously calm. He took two quick steps twords you before slamming his lips onto yours. You reacted quickly, returning the kiss with as much anger as you could. Yeah, you wanted him to fuck you, but you weren't about to let him forget how pissed off you were.
In moments your dress had been pulled over your head and you were pushed onto the bed and Sans body trapped you there. He reconnected your lips. Your kiss was anything but sweet, your teeth were clacking and your lips were swollen. San pulled back once or twice to bite at your bottom lip and pull before it snapped back into place. His hand wound its way into the roots of your hair and yanked.
With your head now pulled away and a dull ache radiated out from your head you groaned and rolled your hips into his feeling him harden through your underwear.
"Your such a needy slut." he spoke with venom while nipping and sucking at your neck, determined to leave as many visible marks as possible.
"Like you aren't?" You scoffed running your nails down his forearms, leaving your own mark on him.
"Shut the fuck up. Do I need to remind you whos in charge here?" He punctuated this with a particularly hard bite on your shoulder. You winced.
"No, I can tell there's no need. I just need to remind you whos slut you are don't I?" He asked in a patronizing tone. "Because your all mine baby, and I am not going to let you forget it."
In a moment he flipped your bodies over and pushed you off him to stand on your own feet in front of where he sat on the bed. You stumbled a little in the process and had to brace yourself on his shoulders. He looked at you unimpressed.
Your arms crossed and your brow furrowed.
"Strip" he commanded easily. You were only in your bra and panties but clearly this was too much for his fully clothed self. You glared.
"You first," you said indignantly. After a beat and a long stare San's hand shot out and clenched your ass hard. You couldn't help the yelp that escaped you.
"Unless you want me to spank you so hard your ass turns purple you should start undressing." He let go of you.
You knew he would keep to that promise so you slowly began to unhook your bra.
"Don't keep me waiting" he spoke in a warning.
You pulled the garment off your shoulders and slid your panties down.
"Finally you learned how to behave" he spoke with indignation. You humpfted unhappily.
"Does my slut, want me to touch her?"
"I think that much is clear," you mumbled.
"Speak up," he demanded.
"Yes!" You groaned. He glared at you for a moment.
"I don't think you deserve it," he replied. Instead, he reached behind himself and grabbed one of Yunho's pillows, and tossed it at your feet.
"You want to get off? Use that." Your stomach filled with dread.
"There is no way I'm doing that," you said, trying to convince yourself as much as him.
"Then I guess your not cumming tonight" he spoke flatly, staring you down. You stared at him in disbelief.
"Go on," he insisted. You felt your resolve slip as the ache in your core grew. Slowly but surely you knelt down and straddled the pillow. In the moments you sat down you were already dreading this. It was far too soft and smooth to gain any kind of fiction without some serious work. You already felt humiliated without having done anything yet.
"Look at me," San directed from the bed. Your pink face turned to look at him. He looked damn good as always, practically glowing in the bedroom haze. You couldn't help but clench the plush between your thighs. One more expectant look from San made you move.
After the first drag of your pussy against the pillow you almost cried at the lack of sensation. It was unfair how little feeling you got from it. But in San's eyes, you could see that that was exactly what he was looking for, the desperation.
You began moving your hips again. You were rutting your pussy against the pillow as fast as you could chasing the tiny bit of relief that came each time. You were already panting from all the work, grunting each time your clit dragged against the too soft fabric.
Slowly the pleasure was starting to build and you could feel the wetness pouring out of you dampening the cushion bellow you. Now that it was wet the material was a bit rougher so you got a little more of the friction you desired. Your eyes meet your boyfriend's dark gaze.
"Not so big now are you? Humping a pillow just because I told you to. Acting like my good little slut. Whose slut are you?" The filth spewed out of Sans mouth leaving you breathless, you were hesitant to admit defeat so you stayed silent. After a beat, Sans boot lifted from where it was planted on the carpet and dug into your thigh dangerously close to your sopping pussy. You whined as he stilled your movements. He pushed you down by your thigh keeping you immobilized on the pillow.
"I said, who's slut are you?" He asked in the sickest sweetest voice, leaning down slightly forcing the eye contact you wanted to break. When his boot dug even harder into you, stinging in the process you finally felt your resolve crumble.
"I'm your slut," you said barely above a whisper.
"Didn't quite catch that babe," he encouraged.
"I'm your slut," the words came out much more forceful this time to the point you almost shouted it. As soon as they were out of your mouth you burned in shame, looking away from the growing smirk on his face.
"All mine," the words slipped out almost absentmindedly. He reached out at cupped your burning cheeks and titled your head up.
"Come here baby,"
You obeyed him eagerly. Your hips ached a bit from the exertion but you stood perfectly still and waiting in front of him. San eyed your body up and down, reaching out to feel up every inch of you. He took special care to play with your thighs, messaging them in his strong hands for a moment. You keened happily in his touch, letting him play with you however he wanted. It helped some to ease the burn but that wasn't his goal. His hand slipped between your legs and slid between your folds.
You realized a shaky moan in response, almost jumping away as you were still so sensitive. But you stayed put.
"My little slut is being so good, letting me toy with her pussy like this." He cooed at you, fueling your blushing face. His finger ran up and down your most sensitive area sometimes stopping to pinch your clit or cup your heat entirely, but never slip inside. That he was avoiding. You felt so empty knowing he was right there, so close to filling you up but still not doing it.
You whined wantonly.
"What's wrong sweetheart," he smirks at you.
"San, please fill me up?" You begged.
"My baby wants to get fucked like a slut?" He asks, one finger prodding your hole but still not entering. You cried out in desperation.
"Yes! Yes please!"
"OK baby," he finally replied in a soothing tone, but the retracting hand made you quiver, you were so needy but you had yet to be given any kind of release and it was killing you.
"Hands and knees, baby"
You scrabbled onto the bed to do as you were told, presenting your ass to him as well as you could with a slight arch to your back. You could hear his low chuckle behind you. You felt him stand up momentarily and heard the familiar sound of a belt buckle to show he was finally undressing. You wanted to look at him so bad but you didn't want to take even the slightest risk right now.
Finally, he climbed onto the bed behind you, cupping your ass tenderly in both hands with a small squeeze.
"So pretty, and it's all mine" you heard him speak. You mumbled in agreement with a nod. You breathed heavily in anticipation, waiting to finally feel something.
In one unexpected movement, San sheathed his cock into you. Your cries were so loud you were sure they could be heard over the pending music in the next room, but you didn't care. It felt so nice to be full.
San was never one for preamble so it only took a moment for him to start to pound his cock into you at an inhuman pace. The sound of the music was now being completely drowned out by the cries from you, the grunts from San, the slapping skin, and the obscene wet sound coming from your pussy.
San knew his way around your body so well, it only took a moment for him to find that special spot inside you that had you spiraling, your front half collapsed onto the bed, muffling the sounds coming out of you. It only lasted a second though before a rough grip took hold on the back of your head. San yanked you up by your hair keeping your mouth free to spew filth.
The pain in your scalp returned as your boyfriend leaned down to whisper in your ear through his own panting breath, still nailing into your hole.
"Don't you dare, keep your head up and let them hear just how much of a slut you are for me." He spoke deadly serious. Your reply was a loud cry of his name that echoed around the room.
His focus returned to fucking you to tears, which is about where you were as you felt the first pricks of wetness in the corners of your eyes.
San was speaking again,
"Whos are you baby? Tell me who is it that's fucking you this good?" He practically shouted the words at you, his cock was sliding deliciously in and out so quickly that before you could even register his pull out he was slamming back in dragging your walls as he went pulling even more wetness out with each thrust. Your eyes were rolling back but you answered somewhat absently.
"Yours San, all yours" after the words left your mouth the first time you couldn't seem to stop, constantly spewing the word "yours" over and over again. San began repeating his reply as well with a little more force,
"All mine."
San removed his hand from your hair but you kept your head up however difficult it was when he was fucking you like that. Instead, both of your boyfriend's hands took hold of your waist, and with this newfound grip, he was pulling you back to meet his thrusts. Each push now had even more force behind it and you could feel your release fast approaching.
"San-" you tried to speak but lost the words in your mouth.
"I know baby, my little cockslut is going to cum all over me isn't she?" You cried out your affirmation when your words failed you.
"Go ahead sweetheart, cum while a fill your pussy up even more."
You finally came and came hard. It was by the will of God you kept yourself upright as your orgasm washed over you, especially with San still keeping pace although it began faltering as his orgasm crashed around him. You felt the sticky cum shoot into you in ropes coating your inner walls, making your orgasm even more fulfilling.
After a moment San stops moving. You could feel him begin to soften inside you but you were still clenching hopelessly against him. Your arms finally gave way and you came crashing down. San kneeled above you catching his breath before falling onto the bed beside you. He dared to pull you close to observe your face.
A sudden smirk arose on his perfect features.
"I won,"
"You asswipe."
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kaashiboo · 3 years
ahah heeeey!!!!! can i request kenma, akaashi and sugawara as best friends with gender neutral reader?
thank you for your hard work i really enjoy reading your headcannons (灬º‿º灬)♡
haikyuu boys as your best friend
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┇ kenma, akaashi, and suga
【warnings: none】
➢ general note: ohoho this is a very long one so buckle up!
✎ a/n: aaww this is request is cute! thank you for appreciating my work and i'm so glad you enjoy reading them! take care of yourself!<3
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you've been friends with kenma and kuroo ever since you were a child but you're more close with kenma due to his chill personality.
but that doesn't mean that you're less chaotic
kenma honestly questions himself as to why he's best friends with you
but you're a bit more tolerable than kuroo he guesses.
"say, if i hypothetically and accidentally broke your swi— kenma, you're gonna kill me with your stare." you laugh nervously.
"give it to me." you removed your hand behind your back and gave him his switch with a pout.
"are you mad at me?" you asked, rubbing your nape. awkwardly.
kenma sighed loudly, "yeah."
"oh" your shoulders dropped.
"but it's fine since i already bought a new one. i'm mad because i was planning to give you this one but i guess we have to make someone check it out if it's still repairable." he replied and your eyes lit up in excitement.
"but i don't have the money for it."
"we'll make kuroo pay." he shrugged and you tilted your head in confusion.
"eh? do you really think he would agree to that?"
"i don't know. maybe. just do all his work or compliment him everyday, that might work."
"are you two planning on how to murder me?" kuroo appears out of nowhere, ruffling kenma's and your hair.
"yes." the setter and you answered in unison.
people also wonder how you can keep up with kenma but you're honestly one of the people that can see through him and could tell whether something is bothering him.
and he never hesitated to show you what he really feels. if he's mad then you'd let him vent and let out all his frustrations.
and there were times as well where he just wanted to be away from anyone so you gave him space.
but because he finds you tolerable, he begged you to not distance yourself from him.
now, in terms of YOU being sad, we all know he's not the greatest when it comes to comforting people but he would always find a way to cheer you up like offering you to play games with him.
he would even let you do the interior design of his house in minecraft as long as he can see you're enjoying.
just like what others do, he would typically protect you from mobs while you pick up flowers.
but most of the time, you would have a competition on which person could kill as many mobs as they can.
you also would do stupid challenges that you see on youtube.
and late night walks with him are the best since you never had to worry about bothering him when he rarely sleeps early.
let me rephrase that real quick, it's mostly you walking around while kenma sits on a bench,,, still playing.
but he would occasionally look for you to make sure you weren't lost or kidnapped.
you would eventually get tired so you just... lay on the grass and roll around.
kenma puts down his switch, "what are you doing, y/n?"
"i'm bored. you're not even paying attention." you whispered the last part but he still caught it.
"alright, sorry. stand up now. let's go to the convenience store and crash at kuroo's house." he offered and you immediately agreed.
because the two of you never failed to be in the same class every year, your classmates would be confused since you two would verbally fight and give each other a silent treatment and then one second later, you would give him food and he tries to help you beat the level you're currently on with the game you're playing.
and in the timeskip, the three of you have stable jobs like, rich rich rich very rich.
"at this point, we can be your sugar daddies." kuroo jokes but you paid no attention to him as you were still busy processing with what kenma gave you as a present.
literally everything you need for streaming— heck, you're not even sure if you would use all of them.
but kenma still wanted to drag you along with him to do things that he loves
not that you'd complain about it anyway.
"you're helping me set everything up." you finally recovered from your state of shock and pulled kenma up from your couch.
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and the best 'best friend' award goes to akaashi keiji!
look, just because he's a laid-back person, doesn't mean he's unaware of how to push your buttons.
he would subtly annoy you. so subtle that not everyone could notice that you wanted to murder him on the spot.
"akaashi keiji, i will seriously ki—"
"it's settled then! y/n, please come to my office now." the teacher spoke, making you groan in frustration before standing up but you made sure to purposely step on his foot and he silently winced in pain.
the chat with the teacher didn't take long and when you exited the office, you saw your best friend standing outside, waiting for you with a barely noticeable smirk.
yeah, we might have to take back his award.
you rolled your eyes and walked past him but he grabbed your bag and pulled you back.
"sorry, do i know you?" you scoffed.
"look, i'm sorry. i already told you that you shouldn't sleep in class." he reminded, implying that him dragging you into doing something was a sort of consequence from sleeping in class.
"i know! but you decided to be annoying again and volunteered that i would help with some activity." you complained. he still hasn't let go of your bag but you continued walking which may or may not made it look like you were his pet.
akaashi knows you're not actually mad at him and so he didn't have to bother to apologize again.
"if it makes you feel better, i volunteered first before you. at least we're now both busy."
you didn't respond and continued walking, "where are you going?" he asks.
"i have practice," he said.
"what does that have to do with me?!" you wailed.
"nothing." you facepalmed and let him pull you to the gym.
the first time you met was during middle school. you were crying because you lost a competition and unfortunately for you, akaashi was the one who won.
he tried comforting you but you pushed him away.
akaashi was persistent though. he didn't want you to stay mad at him and so he bothered you everyday until you finally started to warm up to him.
you sighed for the ninth time. deciding to make a paper plane and throw it to akaashi's way.
it fortunately hit his forehead and he 'tsk-ed' at your action but he continued reading the book anyway.
you reached for the plane, crumpling it until it's round.
"i thought you were gonna teach me?" you question and threw the paper at him, again but lucky for him, he caught it.
he pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration, "how am i supposed to teach you if you keep throwing things at me?"
you see, you're smart but there are certain subjects that you really hate and you coincidentally got sick during a discussion and now you and akaashi are currently studying in the library.
he knows he could have just lent you his notes and you can just take a photo of it but he wouldn't let you do that because his reasoning was, "you'll learn better if you write it down." you've complained to him about it many times and he'll eventually get tired and not give you anything so now you've learned your lesson,
don't annoy keiji.
but sometimes, he's kind enough to cover for you when you're asleep during class and would lie to the teachers by saying you're sick.
which rarely happens since he doesn't always tolerate you so being friends with him feels like having a parent watch you all the time.
"maybe if i befriended konoha then i'm already done with this." you huffed.
"he doesn't have the patience to deal with you, y/n." you let out an offended gasp before throwing your pencil case at him.
honestly speaking, the two of you get along really well. you're more talkative and he tends to listen to your rants a lot.
and of course, he would also share to you how his day went and how he found a new way to get bokuto out of his emo mode.
hanging out with him outside of school can be chaotic at times.
especially if you decide to go to the arcade because expect him to tease you a lot when you couldn't get the prize you wanted.
he would help you though:)
and since you two are a popular duo, you would often get a lot of confessions from boys and akaashi would ramble about how it's a waste of time and that you should focus on your studies.
but he would also reassure you that he'll support you no matter what decision you make.
in conclusion, he's a bit confusing and indecisive but he just wants the best for you but then he would also start thinking that he's being controlling of your own life.
akaashi also can't keep his cool sometimes,
"i can't believe they cheated on me." you hugged your legs closer to your chest as you sob.
his practice was already over but he insisted that the two of you stay at the gym so that you could talk to him about your problems.
"they’re an asshole, y/n." he replied.
usually, he would rub circles on your back when you're crying but this time, he stayed still on his seat so you glanced at him and frowned.
"you weren't even paying attention," you said.
"i was," he stopped typing on his phone to look at you.
"i was just searching up ways how to murder someone without getting caught." he joked and you chuckled.
"just kidding. i was ordering your favorite food. now stand up and wipe your tears. don't let that asshole see you vulnerable. show him that you don't even need him in the first place because you don't need anyone, 'kay?" he pulled you up and nodded at his advice.
"except for me, of course. how else would you be alive if it weren't for me?"
"i have my own parents." you rolled your eyes playfully.
"they don't love you— they prefer me." he teased once again. earning a punch from you.
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like sureeee he would help you most of the time
but he's also the same person that would get you in trouble.
"vice principal, i am so sorry! i didn't mean to knock off your wig! please don't suspend me—"
"it's fine, l/n. just go and don't tell anyone." the old man sighed.
you bowed and left, running to where suga was standing.
you saw your friend biting his lower lip to stifle a laugh.
you glared at him but you couldn't help but to cackle at what happened and now you two are being noisy in the hallway that made others look at you weirdly.
"i told you, he's bald!" he exclaimed and your laugh couldn't get any louder until you start coughing from the lack of oxygen.
"oH MY GOD— DON'T DIE ON ME Y/N," he said dramatically before offering you a bottle of water.
"you're so dramatic, please shut up." you rolled your eyes after drinking.
you and suga have been arguing for a week about how he witnessed himself how the vice principal's wig flew off and it was too good to be true so you didn't believe him.
not until your beloved best friend pushed you to the vp's direction accidentally.
you were taller than the old man so when you bumped into him, you wanted to grab onto something for support but instead, you knocked off his hairpiece.
and suga ran away instead of helping you.
we love a supportive friend.
"well at least he was kind enough to not give you a punishment." suga shrugged and you just nodded your head in agreement.
when you transferred to karasuno during second year, you luckily met suga when you asked for directions.
you two were in the same class so he accompanied you the whole day.
he was very talkative and you loved hearing him talk about volleyball.
at first, you admired him for how approachable and kind he is
but now you just want to kick him.
"i said he wasn't my crush!" you convinced him but suga ony hummed in response.
"but you were staring at him with heart eyes." he quirked a brow.
"i wasn't!"
"you were!"
"i wasn't!"
"you we—"
"suga and y/n, that's enough." daichi sighed. pushing the two of you apart from each other.
"daichi! your vice captain is being annoying again."
"daichi, did you know that y/n has a crush on y—" his words were cut off when you covered his mouth with your hand and he had no choice but to bite your palm and you backed away in disgust.
"i don't like you anymore." you huffed and he just ruffled your hair.
"ah really now?" he smiled but you knew that behind that smile was an evil intention.
"nevermind." you muttered. not trusting your own friend.
oh and your parents adore suga.
like, they know you have other friends as well but suga is the only person they trust to be with you all the time.
and honestly, you agree with them. no words or numbers could describe how much you trust the setter.
despite his naughty and chaotic attitude, he always takes care of you.
kind of like akaashi but he's a bit more loose.
he's very good at giving you advice.
he's also the type of friend that sulks when you miss a game.
like, he would literally ignore you.
and now you're struggling how to make him forgive you.
"kōshi, enough. you've been ignoring me for a week! it was just one game, come on." you persuaded, poking his side but he didn't budge and continued writing down notes.
"i'm sorry for missing your game. i swear, it was an accident! i would never miss your next match again!"
he shifted in his seat and your eyes were filled with hope.
he looks at you with a slight hint of disappointment, "even if i'm not a regular anymore?" the question caught you off guard.
"what do you mean?" he remained quiet and you took that as a sign that he didn't wanna talk and so you impatiently waited for classes to be over.
as soon as you were dismissed, you pulled him out of the classroom to take him to your favorite spot just near the gym.
"i don't like how you're doubting my ability to support you. it doesn't matter what you do— heck, you could even commit a crime and i might bail you out of jail." you uttered. finally breaking the silence that engulfed the two of you the past few minutes.
you struggle with expressing how you feel sometimes and being able to decipher your analogies is one of suga's skills.
"your comforting skill is top tier." he replied.
you know how he would playfully hit his teammates? he'd do the same to you but he would only give you head pats, not wanting to hurt you physically.
and you unexpectedly just learned how to love it.
it somehow inspires you to work harder since he only gives you head pats when you achieve something and it's his way of congratulating you!
he also likes to drag you along with him. he wants to watch a movie? he would buy an extra ticket just for you!
but sometimes, he would whine about being broke when he's with you🤡
would also be ready to make a presentation as to why you are his platonic soulmate.
please just agree with him so he won't be sad</3
last but not the least, gossiping.
literally, the two of you will not call it a day if you haven't talked about any issues at all.
so even if you were sleepy, he would call or text you in the middle of the night and be like, 'tea time?'
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aaahh imagine how shock i was when i saw that this was about 2k words overall AHAHA. i know that akaashi's part seems a bit off but honestly i just imagine him being a bit mischevious and more open to people he's genuinely close with so yeah! i had so much fun writing but i feel bad becaue it was so long- anyway, thank you for reading!<3
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
Intro to Criminal Minds: Why They Did It
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Criminal Minds x Mindhunter AU
Spencer Reid x Peggy Carr (OC) Part 2: The Case
Summary: Spencer is teaching a 7-week seminar on the most interesting criminal cases, explaining their actions to understand why they took place. Only, not everyone in the audience is a student.
warnings: strangers to lovers, mutual pining, slow burn! flirting, fluff, eventual smut, idiots in love, OC is Wendy Carr and Jason Gideon's biological daughter. mentions of rape and murder (typical canon violence)
word count: 2.2K
He’s not expecting her to roll out a full map after the waitress clears the food from their table. They’ve been in the booth for barely 20 minutes. Having mindless conversations about their day and small get to know each other questions while they ate.
“So, I brought all this to my dad,” she explained, dropping 33 files on the table as well as 2 spiral notebooks and a handful of pens. “He thinks I have a case, but he’s refusing to look at the evidence because he’s still triggered by it, which I get, but he said you’d be the best at helping me because I really just need a geo-profile consult.”
“How is he doing?”
She’s been waiting for him to ask but she still didn’t know how to answer, no matter how much time she had to prep, “uh, he’s good. He talks about you every time I see him, how often do you talk?”
“We haven’t talked since he almost died, 6 years ago now… yes, it was in 2015,” Spencer says it like it’s nothing serious.
“Oh,” she’s confused about it all. Her father talks about him more than anyone else, always remembering a case or a conversation that he just had to tell her about.
Spencer was his buddy in her eyes. “Here I was thinking he liked you more than me like you’re his favourite kid.”
“I’m not his kid,” his eyes widen at the insinuation that they’re somehow siblings in any sense.
It makes her laugh, she knows he’s interested in her a small amount. She was hoping he would, she’s heard so many wonderful things about him and she remembers just how cute he was back in 2005. Now he’s a man and a mighty fine one at that…
“I take it you’re an only child?” He changes the subject, “you can’t handle the idea of your father having relationships with people your age when you hardly know him?”
“How about you tell me who you think I am and I’ll tell you where you went wrong?” She challenges him rather than answering, she knows he’s good but she wants to see it in action.
Spencer raised his brow, “if I get it right, you’re paying for lunch.”
He opens her notebook and takes a look at her notes, flipping through the pages reading the words just as fast as her father said he could. It was incomprehensible, but he didn’t read far… he keeps going back to her drawings, studying the pressure and how her mind worked.
“Your mom travelled a lot when you were a kid, and you always went with her. I’m thinking you have a few degrees, at least 3…” he pauses to watch her microexpressions, trailing her skin with his eyes as he looks for anything out of the ordinary. “There’s a doctorate in there but you hate being called Dr. Carr because that’s your mother’s name and it reminds you too much of people asking about her instead of how you’re doing.”
It cuts deep, but he hits the nail on the head and she just blinks. The simplest microexpression that shows him he got it right, his smile is awkward and he’s sorry for it.
“You were homeschooled so you don’t trust people very easily. You have issues with your father that you can’t place because you still don’t think you know him well enough to really have an opinion, and you’re jealous of me because you wish you knew how he brags about you when you’re not around, but he doesn’t talk about you because you told him not to.”
“I specifically told him I wanted to be left out of his life to stay safe, so it’s really my fault that he can’t brag about me. But I still wish someone would,” she admits with a soft smile. “And I think it’s not really jealousy. I’m not jealous of how he brags about his time with you. If anything, I really admire you now.”
He blushes a little, “alright, your turn.”
“You’ve never had a girlfriend before have you?” She calls him out right away. “You can’t take a compliment seriously because no one has loved you deep enough yet for you to believe them. I already know about your parents, I know that you’re scared of forgetting and that’s why you won't stop learning. I think you probably have a bucket list, you’re desperate for something exciting to happen and that’s why you like me already.”
He blinks right back, “touché.”
“I’ll still buy your lunch,” she smiled, and he smiled right back. “And I do have 3 degrees.”
“I do too.”
“I know,” she reminded him. “You’ve been working on that 4th one for the last 16 years.”
“I haven’t had the time.”
She shakes her head as she laughs, teasing him as if she’s better than him because she knows he finds her interesting already, “I had my Ph.D. by 17, as well 2 masters by the time I was 21.”
“3 Ph.D.’s by 22,” he bragged right back.
It had suddenly become a staring contest, “when exactly did your dad walk out on you?”
“I was 10.” Spencer answers. “When was the last time your mom said she was proud of you?”
“Oh, we're going that far, I see,” she laughed, hurt just a little that he dug that deep, “what happened to yours recently?”
“I’m really sorry, I knew about the schizophrenia already because of the fisher king case, that one is the one that still has my dad all fucked up,” she can’t help but rant as she apologizes, placing her hands on his in the centre of the table and he interlocks their fingers like they’ve known each other for years.
“Boston?” He asks her, changing the topic back to getting to know each other without letting go of her hands.
She nods, “Vegas?”
“You knew that already,” he catches her.
“Maybe so,” she blushes at the embarrassment of him picking up on her crush.
“How’d he describe me at chess?” There’s a cockiness behind it that she admires, smiling in response she just shakes her head.
“I don’t play chess, but he says that other than Agent Prentiss, you��re the only person who has come close to beating him.”
“Prentiss?” He looks almost offended at the fact he didn’t know that story.
“You were asleep on the jet, it was right after the trip to Azkaban,” she reminds him.
“Azkaban?” He repeats. “You mean Guantanamo?”
She’s only slightly embarrassed by the slip-up, blushing a deep red as she presses her lips together and squeezes his hand. “My mom calls it Azkaban, she hates it. If it wasn’t for the BAU, she would have never joined the bureau or the government in any way, she’s against the criminal justice system too, so…”
“She’s a woman of science and empathy, I’ve never met her, but I’ve read all her work.”
“So have I,” she’s full of butterflies for some reason as she thinks about him knowing everything that she does, she’s suddenly excited at the prospect of future conversations with him like this isn’t a one-time thing.
He’s still holding her hands over the map, both of them leaning in slightly as they kept talking, it felt overly intimate for a discussion of a case— and they haven’t even started yet.
She takes her hands out of his grip and flattens them over the map, “so I found a pattern, I was asked to look into the rape and murder of a friends sister, and now I’ve found 32 matching cases all over America going in alphabetical order by state, 2 a year since 2005.”
“Are you serious?”
She nods softly, “I’m a private investigator. I hated the academy and simply being in the BAU almost killed both of my parents so I’m not really fond of it, but I need help.”
“How did VICAP not pick this up?” Spencer’s still caught up on the fact this has been happening during his entire career and he had no way of helping. It was very clear by the look on his face.
“Because they’re college-age women getting raped in their dorms, 1 in each state, and men don’t care enough to dig a little deeper when it’s just a little girl who was probably asking for it anyway, right?”
He looks furious, but with her… not at her.
Not like most men, that’s actually exactly what any other guy would have said to her. ‘Not most men,’ they only said that if they were offended; when they knew that they were the exact type of man she was referring to.
He started opening case files then, flipping through everything as she watched carefully, “he always does it the exact same way. It’s every March and November between the 6th and 12th, he’s gotten to the O’s, which means the next hit should be in Oklahoma in exactly 2 months' time.”
“Has there been evidence?” Spencer asks, avoiding eye contact as he both listens and absorbs.
“1 footprint and some random fingerprints at the first few, other than that it’s like he was never there,” she sighs. “This is where I need your help; I’m unsure if he’s attacking randomly or if it’s planned ahead of time, so I brought the map to see if you can make any connection.”
“Alright,” he closes the folder and hands them to her so he can get a better look at everything. “I’m going to need the exact address of each one.”
“I have 32 mini maps,” she says, opening her book bag and handing him yet another folder.
“I’ve noticed they’re in every capital, and it’s always on the east side of the city,” she adds as he spreads them out on the table.
He takes his phone out of his pocket and turns on the flash, turning it face down and holding the sheets of paper over it, “If you look at them over each other, there might be a pattern. We should call my friend Penelope, she’ll be able to digitally do this and find something.”
“Okay,” Peggy nods along, “I really need to know within the week because I’m moving to Oklahoma.”
“What?” He looks overly worried.
“He’s interested in college-age brunettes,” she points at herself. “I’m going to rent an apartment with a sliding door in the kill zone, and I’m going to wait it out. I’ll make sure everyone knows I live alone, I won't make friends, I’ll keep the windows open when I go to the store, I’ll make myself a victim.”
“No, we can get the bureau to send in a team, you don’t need to be in harm's way,” he protests, “I won’t help if I know you’re throwing yourself in the middle of all this. I refuse.”
There’s an underlying panic that she doesn’t quite understand. He’s almost shaking as he thinks about her playing the victim, they stare back and forth at each other softly, eyes flickering over the other’s expression as he also reads her.
“Fine,” she agrees, finally. “But if you’re getting the team involved, I want to be able to have some say in the investigation. I don’t want to be kicked out for just being a PI.”
“On one condition,” Spencer smirks. “You have to teach the BTK seminar with me.”
“Deal,” she smiled. “But I have some conditions too.”
He was going to regret that.
“We can’t sleep together until we catch the guy— don’t look at me like that!” she catches the way his jaw drops and his eyes glisten.
He’s in complete shock, trying to say words and failing miserably as she stares at him knowingly. “I only said that because I need rules for myself too. We can’t care more about each other than the victims. Solve the case with me and then I’ll have a crush on you, okay?”
“Okay,” he finally finds the words to agree. “Was it that obvious?”
“We held hands for 5 minutes, I’ve thought you were cute since you were 23 and that seminar was a; 'my horse is bigger than your horse' flirting match,” she calls it all out, “I’m just as into you as you are into me already, if not more so because I know way too much about you thanks to my dad and uncle Rossi.”
“Dave knew about you too?” He’s more upset than she expected.
She nods, “yeah, so that I’d be taken care of if anything happened to my dad.”
He is a little upset and she can’t figure out why from what she knows already, “why?”
“You’re so interesting, you and I could have been friends for the last 15 years and things could have been so interesting but you were a secret,” he whispers.
“I was right wasn’t I?”
He nods again, “Gideon doesn’t know about Maeve, but I had a girlfriend who died in front of me before I could tell her I loved her and it broke me.”
Everything makes sense now. The stares, the stuttering, the defensiveness at the idea of her being in harm's way after only knowing her for a few hours. He was desperately looking for someone like himself to prove that he wasn’t going to be alone forever, and he wanted that to be found in her.
“Solve the case with me, then you can learn what it’s like to love someone who loves you back.”
@g0lden-cth @doctorspenceryeet @samuel-de-champagne-problems @reiding-recs @ssavanessa22 @spookyspence @shemarmooresfedora @spencers-dria@reidsfish @manuosorioh @mochionly @jswessie187 @k-k0129 @calm-and-doctor @blanchardsbk
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