#eventually by investigating how my cat could be seen through a window
h-i-raeth · 2 years
Sometimes it is a great injustice to wake from a dream.
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inknopewetrust · 3 years
A Little Chaos
Summary: A thief finds herself at the center of the kidnapping of two girls and has the attention one very attractive detective. 
Pairing: Detective Loki x Fem!Reader 
Word Count: 3.8k
Warnings: Criminal activity, flirting, sexual references, brief choking, probably 16+ based on content but no explicit smut. A mention of pedophilia but nowhere near in detail.
A/N: I don't think I've ever written something like this and can I just say that I really loved it!? So, I really hope you all do too! Requests are currently CLOSED but I hope to open them soon again and with new characters to add to my list. Check out my Masterlist for all other works. Thanks so much for requesting this @mrs-blooooom! I just loved the idea so much and thanks for being so kind about all the delays!
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One - pick the lock 
Two - lift up the screen and frame as quietly as possible but make absolutely no rough work of it. 
Three - slip on the shoe covers and assess the gloves before entering through the window. 
Four - get to work. 
That was always the structure, no questions asked. Though, you noticed the news beginning to trace your patterns. You had made a hit in another neighborhood two weeks ago and because the news began reporting the patters, you were sure the police weren’t far behind. 
And perhaps on that particular Thanksgiving, you shouldn’t have done another–or picked that house, rather.  
Detective David Loki had a million different things running through his mind on a daily basis. When a case such as the Dover-Birch one stuck itself in the middle of an already pending investigation of burglaries in the Conyer’s area, he had a hunch of who he would investigate first. But he couldn’t get to that immediately because Keller Dover convinced him and his superiors that the RV belonging to Alex Jones was the first and only way to go. 
But even after interrogating the man who had a child-like innocence to him, David Loki was convinced there was something more to the story. There had to have been a connection to who burglarized the Dover’s that same night and where the girls could be... he was certain, but then he wasn’t because he wasn’t sure you were the kind of person who would kidnap two innocent girls. 
On a particularly slow Tuesday, no new leads had come in and the investigation had stalled because Alex Jones had now gone missing without a trace. Although he was doing everything he could, Loki was far from finding a solution and decided to take the initiative into his own hands and dive into the file he had been working on for nearly five months–the one into you and your less-than-stellar activities. The post-it note sticking out of the side of the manilla folder contained an address to an apartment in the center of town. He plucked it out, tucked it into his pocket and walked straight out of the station. 
You weren’t worried about being considered a suspect in the kidnapping of two girls. You had no connection to the Dover’s, Birches’, or the Jones’, as well as no connection to the scene of the crime. You were always careful, and the Dover’s had no security cameras. So, when your comm buzzed in the middle of the day, you weren’t expecting it to be the police. 
“Ms. L/n? This is Detective Loki with the Conyer’s Police Department. I have a few questions I would like to ask you.” The voice was cackled with the circuited communication buzzer but you heard the man loud and clear. You also knew exactly who that was. 
Detective David Loki was an infamous creature of Conyers. One day he just seemed to sprout out of nowhere and into the public sphere, but you had known him for a while. You were never friends, and you were sure until now he didn’t even know your name, but he was the star pupil of the town. And the spotlight he was in, he absolutely hated it. Every time his picture appeared in the paper or when he had to speak on the television relayed that message and you laughed in pity. The poor man just wanted to do his job and that was one part he didn’t sign up for. 
“Can I ask what this is regarding?” 
“The investigation into Joy Birch and Anna Dover. I just have a few questions I’d like to ask you if you would step-” 
“I’ll buzz you up.” You pressed the button and unlocked the door, opening it just enough for you to rest on the frame with one arm on the door and the other on your hip. 
Another thing you knew about Detective David Loki was that he was one of the most attractive people you had ever laid eyes on. The man was a walking dream but unfortunately, on the other side of the law which was far from promising when it came to your vivid imagination. 
“How nice of you to not barge into my home, Detective.” You called out to him as he appeared on the steps landing just down the hall from your door. Loki gave no smile but shoved an orange post-it into his jacket as he shoved his hands into his pockets. 
“This surely won’t take long.” 
With a nod you moved away from the door, shutting it closed behind you. With the sudden and unexpected presence of this man who was a fine line between formal detective and loose cop, there was an urge to be exactly the opposite of what he wanted you to be. He had been trailing you for just enough time to learn patterns in your life, the people you associate with, the fact that you had a degree and a decent job. You had an apartment to call your own, a car that wasn’t stolen and yet you continued to break into people's homes and steal curious objects for what? Consignment sales? He wasn’t sure. But you weren’t going to give him the answers he was looking for. You enjoyed the life you built for yourself...even if you had to steal and sell things to arrive at ends meet to pay for everything in your life. 
“So... what can I do for you?” 
“Can you recall where and what you were going on the night of Thursday, November 28th?” 
“Thanksgiving?” You asked with a raised brow and he nodded. Loki pulled out no notebook to take notes, rather he watched every movement. He was trying to identify guilt, but you were a casual sleuth. It wasn’t a game he was used to because all of his suspects eventually gave in. 
“I got up around 8:30, maybe 9 and ate some breakfast, um I-” You took a seat on the arm of your couch, running a hand over your mouth trying to “remember” what exactly you were doing a few days ago. 
“-took a shower and then got started on my dish to pass at my parents dinner. I made sweet potatoes and stuffing-or dressing... I don’t know what you call it.” Loki was far from amused that you were making this appear less than serious. He couldn’t let himself believe that you were stupid enough to believe he wasn’t there on behalf of the story that captured the attention of the entire nation, so he didn’t believe a word you said. 
“When that was done I got ready, did my makeup, and headed out to my parents where my sister and her family were meeting us to have dinner. Then I left their house around 7-ish and came home.” 
“After dinner you went straight home?” 
You looked at him with an unfazed gaze which he met but didn’t buy. It was a game. A cat and mouse game that he wasn’t willing to bite into but it was too late, you already had him on a string. Loki would be lying if he didn’t find you attractive, even in the slightest. You were a beautiful woman, and it was because of how you looked that you’ve never been caught. You always covered every inch of your body and you looked unassuming. You had a perfectly pristine house, looked like someone who didn’t need to steal to live but then again, most of the time, all the people who do steal never look like they would because that is what people are taught not to look for. 
“I made some phone calls late last week and someone in your family spilled that you weren’t there. In fact, you haven’t been to a family holiday since you graduated college nearly ten years ago. Bad relationship?” 
“I can assure you–whoever you talked to, they weren’t there. I was there. I can tell you what I wore, what I ate, what was on the T.V. and what color shoe my nephew was wearing that day.” 
“Those could just be good guesses?” Loki let his eyes wander around the small living space. He looked at the picture frames, the vases, the bins, the T.V. stand, everything that could have screamed “out of place” to him but nothing did. 
“You didn’t happen to pass two little girls on your drive home, did you?” 
“Excuse me?” 
“Two girls. I’m sure you’ve seen their picture on the news.” Loki pointed to the T.V. at first but then dug into his pocket and pulled out a single picture of two girls photographed on a playground. They were smiling widely and happily at the person behind the camera. You had never seen the girls so you shook your head no and crossed your arms. 
“No. I’ve never seen them before. Am I supposed to?” 
“I don’t know, are you?” 
“What are you implying, detective?” 
“Do you know the house you broke into on Thursday, November 28th was the home of Anna Dover. Anna and her friend Joy went missing that same night after returning to the Dover residence to find a whistle. You were inside the home at the time we believe the girls went missing. So, tell me–do you know where the girls are?” Loki was zoned in accusation. The man was unwavering in his tone or his assumption and you would say it was scary if you didn’t find it attractive. Why, God WHY, did the detective working on this case have to be everything you looked for in a man? It would be so much easier if he were old and wrinkled but he was far far from it. 
“Detective, if I would have known you would come into my home and accuse me of kidnapping two innocent girls, I wouldn’t have answered the ring.” 
“Where are the two girls? Do you know where they are?” 
“No. I told you I didn’t take the girls.” 
“But you were in the house? Did you see the girls?” 
“I didn’t say that either.” 
“What if I told you that you were a sloppy thief?” 
“Excuse me?” You furrowed your brows in confusion. You were certain that you were not. There was never a time where you left as much as a trace of hair in a location that you hit. 
“The bin.” Loki walked over to the T.V. stand that had three white bins tucked into slots. The bins were generally filled with junk except for one thing that the Dover’s told him went missing yesterday afternoon. A medium size blue decorative pot with yellow flowers on its sides. It was meant for shallow flowers as a table center piece that was gifted to Keller and Grace on their wedding day. Grace was distraught over it and it was sitting the left-most bin under the television. Loki pulled open the drawer and carefully took out the pot and you looked at it with a shrug. 
“Where did you get this?” 
“My mother.” 
“I thought I told you that they told me you haven’t spoken to them in a decade?” 
“Well I obviously spoke to them before that.” 
“I am going to ask you again and I want an honest answer. Where did you get this pot?” 
What were you supposed to do? The man literally cracked the code. If only you hadn’t chosen that house. Oh! How much easier your life would be. 
“I plead the fifth.” Oh, fuck. 
Loki set the pot carefully down and pulled a pair of handcuffs from his belt. It would have been hot if you weren’t terrified of what came next. Then you made an ill-timed joke. 
“You’re not pulling those out for another reason are you?” You didn’t even laugh yourself because he simply ignored it and motioned for you to stand and turn around. 
“I am going to take you to the station and we will talk more there. Stand up, turn around, and give me your hands.” 
“I already told you I don’t know where the girls are.” Ignored again but the feeling of him pushing your shoulder with his hand and taking your wrist was something you wished you would stop replaying in your mind. 
“You have the right to remain silent. Anything-” 
The Conyer’s Police Station was wimpy compared to other cities. It was a small, single story brick building with three holding rooms and one interrogation room. You weren’t sure how long you sat in the holding cell, but it was nighttime by the time you were taken out of the room by another officer and into a brightly lit, slightly yellowed room with a mirrored window and a small desk with two chairs. There was a pencil and a pad of paper at the center of it but you were sure if it was going to be Detective Loki interrogating you, he wouldn’t need it. 
The officer uncuffed you with no words spoken and pointed at the chair facing the window. You rubbed your wrists from the friction the metal left before taking a seat and staring into the glass where your reflection met your own. You had nothing to do with the two missing girls so you had nothing to give them, or rather, nothing to give Loki to further his investigation. 
The man of the hour waltzed into the room a mere five minutes after you were sat down. He had a half-drank cup of coffee in one hand and a small grouping of papers in the other. Loki sat down, settling himself before looking up at you and beginning the interrogation. 
“Please state your name, age, and address.” 
You recited the information as told.
“How many homes a year do you burglarize?" Loki opened a file that was tucked under some papers with a series of pictures printed on a piece of computer paper. It was amalgamation of missing objects from families around Conyers. You were fucked, but you couldn't let him think that, or at least believe that you were guilty in anyway. Your stealing wasn't going to find those girls because you had no idea where in the world they were. You had never seen them before their faces were plastered on every hour of the news.
"Shouldn't my lawyer be here if you are going to accuse me of something?"
"Do you need a lawyer?"
"Do I, Detective?"
It was the attitude that angered him the most. A woman like you didn't need to steal. Based on your records, he had no reason to truly believe you would. Clean record. No screaming signs of intent or distrust popped out but he knew you were guilty. There was not a doubt. But there was something in that attitude that made him squirm. An attractive quality that he did not want to admit.
"If you answer the questions I ask truthfully, then no, you won't need a lawyer."
"Ask away." You leaned back in the chair with arms crossed and a determined narrowness to your eyes. It was a challenge. Try me, Detective. Do it, I dare you.
"When did you first start stealing?"
"When I was seven. My sister always had better stuff, so I took it."
"And that escalated to...what?" Instead of leaning back on his own chair, Loki leaned forward. His shoulders were hunched in an aggressive, intense tactic to scare you into admitting something that you didn't have any part of. He just wanted to find those girls and you happen to be a speed bump in the way.
"Minor petty theft. I never take anything over $500."
"How do you know what something is worth?"
"I'm sure you can find that in my file, Detective. Everything is there I am sure of it. You all know just how to frame the people you want. But I had nothing to do with those girls."
Loki's line of aggravation was growing thin. Sooner or later, attitude wasn't going to cut it and he was going to have to use the tactics he used on Alex Jones and other potential perpetrators on you. He never liked to get outright violent with women, but he couldn't let this go without trying to get something. The days were wearing thin and he needed to find Joy and Anna.
"You were in the Dover's house the night of the abduction. Where are the girls?"
"I told you I didn't have anything to do with that."
"Didn't or don't."
"Doesn't matter. I did not see them. I do not know where they are. Ruining children's lives isn't my MO, Detective-"
"But you do and you did! YOU were in that house. YOU were at the scene of the crime at the time they went missing. YOU are the one who knows what happened to those girls!" His voice was no longer steady and calm as he had been taught during his training. His string had snapped when in response, you laughed.
Loki flew out of his chair, rounded the table as the sound of his chair skidded across the floor and to the wall behind him. If you weren't so focused on him, you probably could have heard the surprised yells of the Detectives and Officers behind the mirror. The angered Detective roughly arrived at his destination–you, and grabbed the back of your hair, pulling your head back to look at him as he stood over you.
"Where the fuck are the girls?" It came out like a hiss. His eyes enraged with pain for the families and his own reputation if the case goes wrong and he doesn't find them in enough time. You weren't scared of him or his tactics. Rather, it was quite the opposite. If he wasn't attractive, you would have been disgusted but the man was the epitome of perfection and this scene would be one to get you off for years to come.
"I told you, I don't know where the girls are." He gripped your hair harder and you felt the chair waver underneath you. Still not scared.
"You're a liar, a fucking thief, and I don't believe you. Where are the girls? Do you like that sort of thing, huh? Do-"
"You sick fuck. I'm a thief not a fucking pedophile. I didn't take the girls!" You were slightly taken aback by his suggestion, but it was all a tactic. You had seen it on millions of police shows before. He just wanted answers, but he wasn't going to find them with you. Whatever in the sentence you had just spoken to him, Loki was worse off for it. He practically lifted you by the hair and charged you into the wall roughly. Not enough to leave a mark, but enough to make a point. He wasn't playing around but neither were you.
Loki's hand let go of your hair and one found itself on the wall next to your head as he closed in on you. You could feel his breathe on your face and his eyes pierced your goddamned soul. The other, well the other found itself right on your neck, holding you in place against the wall with a slight squeeze. Holy fuck.
"Keep this up Detective and I would have the means to believe this might lead to something else." The smile, your smile crept up on your face at your own assumption. You wouldn't complain if it did escalate to that.
There was something in your own anger that made him want to believe you didn't take the girls or had any clue where they were. He would hate to see a woman like you throw your life away for a career of crime. The proximity between the two of you was next to none. A knife wouldn't have been able to break the tension and the way he held you, unintentionally violent with a hand just a little too suggestively on your neck was a mistake but not one that he was readily going to admit. If this was any other situation, he might have let himself be willing to feel something more. But this was an interrogation, so he kept the face and squeezed just a little harder.
"Where are they? Tell me where they are?"
"Starting to sound like a broken record there. I would tell you again but I'm sure you have my admission of NOT KNOWING WHERE THEY ARE ON TAPE!"
Loki had enough and let your neck go with a jolt. His hands went to his belt where his cuffs were sitting and he pulled them out and turned you around. Your body was flush against the wall and one of his large, tattooed hands held your wrists together as he went to cuff them. This was another thing that would forever be engrained in your "sexy when it shouldn't be" file in your brain.
"Fine. You won't tell me where they are? Maybe a night in lock up will make you think." His voice was low, just at the base of your ear and his hot breath lingered on your neck as you could hear nothing but your heart beating out of your chest and the sound of cuffs closing.
But the man didn't get much further than that because the door to the room opened and like two deer in headlights, you both turned your heads to the sound of the intruder. It was another officer who looked both scared and amused and slightly embarrassed in regard to what he walked in on. He approached Loki as the latter man pulled you off the wall and forward, in front of him to walk toward the door.
"It was the hospital. Joy Birch was just admitted."
The look on Loki's face was priceless. You literally scoffed out loud and turned your face to his.
"I told you I had no fucking idea where they were."
Loki simply passed you over to the other officer and headed to the door, frustrated and confused about his own work and internal feelings about what had just happened–both the realization that you had no idea where they were and that he had been aggressive to the point where it kind of turned him on.
"Detective!" He was halfway out the door when you called out to him and if he had a mind, he would have ignored you and continued on, but he was so flustered that he did.
"If you ever want to use those cuffs sometime, you know where to find me."
Loki didn't say anything, but his eyes wandered. From your face to your body to the floor and back up. It was an unashamed look that made the officer uncomfortable, but you couldn't help but let a small, sly smile grace your face at his look. This man would be the end of your criminal career if he managed to find the time to reunite with you again.
And he did. Two days after Keller Dover was found in a hole and on a holiday he knew you were not going to spend with your family.
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wicked-mind · 3 years
The King and Queen: Chapter Five
Summary: Y/N is the Queen of Guns and James ‘Bucky’ Barnes is the King of New York City. She wants him as a buyer, but Bucky wants her to be his queen. After all, every King needs a Queen.
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: +18 only, AU, Mafia!Bucky, Dark!Bucky, sexual content, drugs and guns mentioned, swearing, heart problems, pregnancy, lots of torture ( I put anything in that could be considered a trigger warning. If I missed any, let me know )
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Chapter five - The Uncooperative Queen
Natasha and Steve watched Bucky go on a rampage through the new club with the wooden bat, smashing anything he could. Steve had never seen Bucky in such a rage to the point of destroying something he worked so hard for, “What are we going to do, Nat?” He asks softly to the redhead.
Natasha watched Bucky closely, the phone with the live stream of Y/N still in her hand, “You are going to take James home.” She said as she looked up to Steve, “You’re going to try and calm him down so he doesn’t destroy everything in his path.”
Steve’s nodded at her words, wondering how she could be so calm in a situation like this, “What are you going to do?”
“I’m going to do my job. I have to call the IRA Kings and the cartel to let them know what happened.” Natasha told Steve, passing him the phone, “Find a charger for that, don’t let it die. Try not to let him watch, but keep a close eye on it. She may try to give us some hints.” She finished before walking out the doors of the club.
Steve looked at the phone for a moment at the unconscious Y/N, before putting it in his pocket. He approached Bucky carefully, not wanting to be on the wrong side of the bat he carried, “Buck,” He said, “Let’s go home, see what we can figure out.”
Bucky turned to Steve, angry veins pulsing from his neck. He gripped the bat before swinging at glasses that were on the bar, “They fucking took her, Steve!” He yelled, “I let her get taken! I should’ve taken her to the hospital myself! Dammit!” He took another swing at a mirror on the wall, shattering it.
Steve stood in his spot, watching Bucky swing the bat, “Look, Buck,” He began, “Nobody’s home to feed Alpine. You should go feed the cat, for Y/N, right?” He asks, hoping to center his friend back from the rage that had built up.
Bucky looked at Steve at he spoke, nodding slowly at the mention of feeding Y/N’s cat. He drops the bat on the floor, “Right, Alpine.” He muttered out, at least there was something he could do for Y/N even it was just making sure her cat was taken care of. He followed Steve out of the club, getting in the car.
The ride home was silent, Bucky just staring out the window as he processed what was happening. Y/N was somewhere, probably freezing and being tortured. He couldn’t get the images of her out of his brain. He needed her back with him. How is a king supposed to function without his queen? When they got back to Bucky’s home, he walked inside in silence, immediately finding Alpine and scooping the cat up into his arms and walking over to the food bowl. He fed Alpine, stroking the white fur softly as he was lost in his own thoughts. Steve watched Bucky closely, wondering when the rage would hit him again. Natasha walked in a few moments later, clearing her throat to grab their attention, “There’s some things we need to talk about, James.” She said, keeping her face straight and emotionless.
Bucky and Steve both looked to Natasha as she spoke, curious what information was about to come out from the redhead. Bucky walked towards her, tucking his hands in his pocket as he narrowed his eyes, “What do you know, Natasha?”
Natasha watched Bucky carefully as he approached, “What do you know about the cartel deal that Y/N has?” She asks.
Bucky’s face twisted into confusion at the question, thinking he knew everything about Y/N’s business but now feeling unsure on how Nat’s question was presented, “I think the better question is what don’t I know?” He asks through his teeth.
Natasha let out small sigh, looking around the room as she thought about the information she was about to divulge before her eyes landed back to Bucky, “The cartel. Did Y/N ever tell you how she got the deal with them?”
Bucky kept his narrowed eyes on Natasha’s face, pulling a hand out of his pocket to run through his dark hair, “Her second husband wanted out of the deal, she didn’t. They decided to keep the deal going with her instead.” 
Natasha bit her lip at his words before speaking again, “That’s technically true.” She said, “But what she couldn’t tell you is that when her second husband wanted out from dealing guns to the cartel, Y/N was approached by two deep undercover CIA agents in the cartel. Even the United States Government has a side in the cartel war. They told her if she didn’t keep the pipeline to guns open as the new boss, they’d ruin everything for her. Throw her and every affiliate of her’s in jail for the rest of their lives. So they offered her a deal- keep the pipeline open as well as keeping the secret of the CIA agents and she would be considered untouchable by any law enforcement agency unless there was indisputable footage of her committing crimes. Why do you think no agency has investigated or came after you two since you’ve met? Y/N was going to have you meet the two CIA agents in a few weeks during a gun exchange, sort things out with them.”
Bucky’s nostrils flared in anger at the new information, he had no idea. He thought it was odd nobody ever asked questions when Y/N and himself committed their ruthless crimes and now he knew why, “She’s been working hand in hand with the CIA and hasn’t told me?!” He suddenly yelled at Natasha, his hands gripping into fists.
Natasha stayed calm at Bucky’s anger, “She was going to tell you. Nobody knows except Y/N, myself, and now you and Steve.” She told him, her voice even, “I’ve informed them what happened. The CIA agents are doing everything in their power to try and figure out where the stream is coming from so we can find Y/N but it is bouncing through different VPNs all over the world.”
Bucky brought his hand to his face, taking deep breath. This information was a lot to process with everything going on. Y/N, his wife, was pregnant, kidnapped, being tortured, and was working with agents of the CIA. He could feel the rage slipping in, but didn’t want to disturb Alpine from eating the food. He points his finger suddenly at Natasha, “You will tell me immediately if the CIA come up with any information.” He hissed out at her. He walks over to Steve, holding out his hand for the phone with the live stream of Y/N on it. Steve handed it over willingly, not wanting to be on the other end of Bucky’s rage if he denied giving it to him, “I’ll be in my office.” He muttered out, opening the phone to see Y/N still sitting in the chair unconscious and alone. Bucky walks to his office, shutting the door behind him and sitting in his chair. He propped the phone up on his desk and sat back in his chair, staring at the live stream.
Y/N opened her eyes slowly, lifting her head as she looked around the room. Her cheek stung, figuring the blow to her face had opened up a small cut on her cheek bone. She looked around in the darkness, the only light in the room from the blinking red light on camera in front of her. Y/N stared into the lens of the camera, wondering who was watching. Her eyes flickered down to the tight ropes around her wrists, trying to pull her hand to get the ropes to give any leeway with no avail. She clenched her teeth as she took a deep breath, trying to stay calm. Y/N closed her eyes as she focused on her breathing, plans plotting her her head for the next time Walker would come in.
Bucky didn’t sleep, instead watching Y/N all night on the phone. He had gotten a charger for it so it didn’t die. He sipped on a glass of whiskey as he watched her breathe, knowing she was trying to stay calm and keep her heart rate down. He wished he could help calm her down, know she was going to be okay. But Y/N was out of his grasp and all he could do was watch and hope she knew he was there watching over her.
Natasha and Steve came into Bucky’s office in the morning. Steve sat in a chair across from Bucky, trying to get a read on how he was holding up. Natasha walked around to stand by Bucky to look at the phone, just in time to see John Walker approaching what looked like an unconscious Y/N, “As long as she doesn’t piss him off, he won’t hurt her too bad. He has to keep her alive for the red room.”
Steve almost scoffed at Natasha’s words but held it back, “Have you met her? She specializes in pissing people off.” 
Y/N heard the steel door start to open, slumping her head down and holding her breath. She relaxed her body, making it look like she wasn’t breathing and she was lifeless.
“Shit, get the doctor.” Walker spat out thinking Y/N may have had a heart attack. He walked over and pulled Y/N’s hair to prop her head up to see if she was awake. He leans his head down, his ear by her mouth to listen for any breathing.
Y/N opened her eyes when she felt him close to her face, leaning her head forward and biting down hard on Walker’s ear before pulling her head back. She heard him scream and pull away, causing the ear to tear from his head. She spit his ear onto the floor, then spit again to get the blood out of her mouth, “Sorry not sorry.” She hissed out at him.
Walker brought his hand up to feel his ear which was now missing, looking at it on the floor, “You fucking cunt.” He screamed at Y/N, moving toward her and kicked her in the chest, causing Y/N and the chair to fall backwards. He was on her in seconds, throwing punches to her face. He was eventually pulled back by another man.
Bucky tensed at the sight of Y/N getting punched out of his view. He couldn’t see where Walker was punching her but prayed it wasn’t the stomach. Steve had stood and moved around the desk to watch also, his lips parted in shock at the sight. Bucky grips the glass of whiskey hard enough that the glass started to crack in his hands. He listened intently to the sound, hoping for any sign Y/N was alright. He felt a little relief when he saw a doctor enter the view of the camera.
A doctor came into the steel container, “Oh my god.” He gasped as he saw Walker without an ear and Y/N tipped over. This was the same doctor that had told Y/N she was pregnant the day before, he had been taken due to him knowing about Y/N’s heart condition and was tasked with keeping her alive, “If you get the dismembered ear on ice, I can stitch it back.” He told Walker, who picked up his ear and exited the container followed by the rest of his team. The doctor walked over to Y/N, “Hey, hey Y/N. It’s me, Doctor Avery.” He told her as she looked at the ceiling. Y/N’s face was all red, her eyebrow bleeding, her lip split, as well as a blood vessel popped in her right eye. Doctor Avery could tell that she had a broken nose, and knew that she was going to have large bruises and black eyes all along her face based on the fact that her face was already red and turning deeper shades of purple already, “Let’s sit you back up.” He told Y/N, pulling the chair up to the sitting position again. He noticed some blood on the back of her head and a laceration caused when she fell backwards and hit her head on the steel floor.
As soon as Bucky saw Y/N’s face, the glass in his hand cracked apart in his hard grasp. He wanted to throw everything off his desk at the wall, but contained the anger as he had to see if Y/N was okay. Natasha leaned forward to get a better look at Y/N’s injuries on the screen of the phone. Steve was promptly handing Bucky a towel for the mess of whiskey from the shattered glass.
Y/N let out a deep breath as Doctor Avery sat her back up, looking over at him, “I know you said no strenuous activities, but I just couldn’t help myself.” She breathed out with a small smile towards him, slightly wheezing as the air passed her lips.
Doctor Avery couldn’t help but smile a slight bit at her comment. At least she was awake and responsive which was a good sign. He walks over to the bag he brought with him, pulling out a machine to monitor her heart rate, oxygen, and blood pressure. He connects it to her finger and watches the stats go up on the screen. Her blood pressure was a little high, but her heart rate and oxygen were low which was of some concern, “Well, not great but alright given the situation we are in. Your oxygen and wheezing are concerning, could’ve punctured a lung when he kicked your chest.” He told her, hearing her wheeze with every breath and looking at the forming bruise of a footprint on Y/N’s chest.
Y/N blinked tiredly, her vision having  black spots from the beating she just took to her face. She looked at the doors to see if anybody was coming before leaning as close to the doctor as she could, “You brought an emergency medical bag, “ She breathed out towards him quietly, not loud enough for the speakers on the camera to pick up, “I’ve stolen enough of those I know there’s some sort of phone in there, probably satellite for emergencies.” She swallowed hard, it felt hard to breathe and some pain filled her chest with each breath, “You weren’t blindfolded when you came in, you know where we are which means they’ll kill you when you aren’t useful anymore.” She informed him, her voice still low, “I need you to make a call.”
The doctor promptly dialed the number on the phone in the bag Y/N had told him, quickly putting it in his pocket without letting the camera see. He left the line open and went back to treating Y/N, cleaning up the gash on the back of her head so he could apply some stitches.
“What are they saying? I can’t hear them!” Bucky hollered as he watched Y/N talk to the doctor and then fumbling in his bad. Natasha’s brow furrowed as her phone started ringing, looking at the screen. She didn’t recognize the number, but answered. She held the speaker to her ear, hearing Y/N’s and the doctors voice. She quickly put it on speaker and pressed the mute button so nobody would hear her voice on the other side of the line, “It’s Y/N. The doctor must’ve had a phone in his bag.” She informed Bucky and Steve, placing the phone onto the desk. They could hear Y/N wheezing with every breath, listening intently on what she and the doctor were saying.
Y/N kept blinking hard to keep her eyes open, the spots in her sight growing in size. She took deep breathes, each hitched with a soft wheeze, “Where are we besides in a shipping container?” She asked the doctor in a hushed tone so the camera audio wouldn’t pick it up but only the phone would, wanting to get information out of him and hoping that someone on the other end of the line was listening. 
The doctor cleared his throat, trying to sound as normal as possible to not give any Hydra men outside the container suspicion, “The Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn.” He answered softly so the camera didn’t hear but hoped the phone would, slowly stitching up the laceration on her skull.
Bucky stood immediately as he heard the location, “Let’s go.” He demanded. Natasha shook her head as she heard the steel doors opening, “No wait, look, somebody’s coming in."
Y/N snapped her eyes open when she heard the steel door open, looking wide awake as Walker walked in. She sat herself up not wanting to show any weakness to her captor. Her eyes narrowed to look like she was glaring but she was really just trying to focus her vision. Her heart rate jumped a little bit on the monitor, causing it to beep quickly, “What? One bite out of you wasn’t enough?” She hissed out at Walker coldly, trying to hold back the soft wheezes.
Walker glared at her. He had a large gauze bandage where his right ear should be, “You’ll pay for that, bitch.” He warned lowly as he walked towards the table which had various tools and knives placed on it. He picked up a black knife slowly, admiring it, “Zemo wants to know where your gun warehouse is. But more importantly, he wants to know where Barnes keeps his drug supply.”
Y/N rolled her eyes and laughed a little, “Is that the demands? You want to steal our supply?.” She said shaking her head at him, “I’m not telling you shit. I won’t be commanded or controlled by some man who has to tie down a woman just to get her in her underwear.”
Walker walked up to her, wrapping his hand around her throat roughly and glaring at her, “I know that you know everything. Kings tell their whores every detail.” He growled out at her, running the knife along the inside of her bare thigh with just enough pressure to draw blood in small lines, “Now tell me.”
Y/N winced slightly at the feeling of her thigh being sliced, but kept a glare on her face to the man who held her throat in his hand. It was already hard to breathe and this wasn’t helping, “Fine, fine.” She managed to hiss out at him, causing him to remove his hand from her throat. 
Bucky frowned slightly, wondering what Y/N was going to say. Whatever information she was about to give, he would have to prepare to take care of and switch around as to not let Hydra get their supply.
Y/N took in a deep breath before speaking again, “You want information on James? Fine… If you….” She breathed out softly, her head down. A slow smile painted across her lips as she continued, “If you call him ‘daddy’ he’ll make sure you have an extra orgasm.” She giggled softly.
Bucky almost smiled at her reply. That was Y/N, quick with the comebacks and a sharp, savage tongue. But his expression quickly turned to rage again.
Walker smiled darkly as if this was the reaction he was hoping for, an extra reason to cause Y/N pain. He forcefully stabbed the knife into Y/N’s left thigh, twisting it a little. He watched Y/N scream at the pain as the blade twisted in her leg. The heart rate monitor started beeping rapidly as she screamed, her heart rate jumping into the hundreds in a split second.
“You better just kill me.” Y/N growled out, “Because when I get out of here, and I will, I am going to lock you up in my basement!” Y/N screamed at Walker, “I’m going to keep you alive for weeks. I’m going to burn all the skin off of your body slowly, pull out your eyes with a grapefruit spoon, and feed them to my cat.”
Bucky looked at Natasha, “We are leaving. Now!” He yelled at her, not wanting to see Y/N be put through anymore than she already had. He didn’t know how much more her heart could take, not to mention the possibility of harm to his unborn child.
Natasha looked at him, putting our her hand on his chest to stop him, “No, you aren’t going in there. You will be killed on sight and with the state you’re in, you won’t be stealthy about it. The CIA agents have arrived in the state. The two of them and I will take care of this. You can wait in the car or meet us at the hospital.” She told him sternly. This was the best option to keep everybody alive. They couldn’t go in there guns blazing in a situation like this. Walker could kill Y/N as soon as he heard a commotion. 
Bucky glared at her command, “Are you fucking kidding me?! Wait in the car?! Do I look like someone you can boss around?!” He screamed at her, pushing Natasha’s hand away from him aggressively. He was ready to force her out of his way when Steve got between them.
Steve got in between the two, facing Bucky, “Go Nat, I’ll keep him here.” He said, knowing this was the best option. Steve was going to have to do everything he could to keep Bucky out of this situation for his own safety and Y/N’s, “Sorry Buck, it’s for your family’s own good.”
TAGLIST: @mysticapples17​ @ttalisa​ @thomaslefteyebrow​ @certainwonderlandperfection​ @rorodendra​ @hommoturttle​ @loverboyseb​
If I missed anyone on the tag list or you’d like to be added, please let me know. As always, thank you for the support (:
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someonestolemyshoes · 3 years
The Keeper’s Introduction
Here is my fic for @levihan-drabbles Fluff Friday! 
Prompt: "I know I just broke into your apartment in the middle of the night but there are some bad people after my special power over alternate universes and I've decided to put all my faith on you to save everything."
They looked oddly at home, expertly navigating his kitchen. As though they had been there before. They grabbed the honeypot from another cupboard, and found a spoon in one of the drawers.
"Oi," Levi said. "How'd you know where I keep all my shit?"
The stranger waved their hand flippantly, "Oh, I'm well acquainted with your layout. It never really changes, wherever you are."
Levi had just settled in for the night when a loud echoing crack sounded in the street below.
It was well past midnight, far too late for such a racket. The sudden violence of it was almost enough to make him spill his tea. He waited with his breath held, his heart shamefully hammering in his chest. Levi prided himself on being the type who doesn't scare so easily—but one can't be blamed for being alarmed by an unexpected noise in the dead of night, can they?
The world remained mercifully still and quiet. Levi approached the open window slowly (carefully, not frightfully; there is no indignity in being cautious) and peered out into the night. The sky outside was almost full dark, saved from the pressing black by only a smattering of stars and the moon, a papery sliver of a thing hooked high over the distant rooftops. The window, open only an inch, gave entry to a gentle breeze, still balmy despite the lateness of the hour. The town was drowsy, dozing; only the occasional candle flickered in the darkness, and no sound, prior to or following the thunderous clap, could be heard.
The street, three stories below, was empty. Levi scanned the road, but found nothing unusual. The strangest thing, perhaps, was that his face was the only one peering out. None of his neighbours had deemed the explosion worth investigating.
It was, for all the world, a night as perfectly normal as any other. Levi had seen no reason to expect anything out of the ordinary might occur.
He blew out a breath. Maybe he had imagined it. He had been quite engrossed in his novel, and it was well past time for him to be sleeping. It isn't unreasonable to assume that the sound of a cat, perhaps, rattling the bins in the alley had startled his tired, occupied mind. Resolving to finish his chapter and go straight to bed, Levi gave the street one last cursory glance, and turned away from the window.
He had just settled back into his chair and picked up his tea cup and his book, when the doorbell rang.
The chime in itself was yet another oddity, for Levi received visitors only very rarely, and never at an hour so late as this.
He set down his drink and lowered the book to his lap with a frown. Better, he thought, not to answer straight away. Then they might leave without causing him any trouble—and if they rang a second time, and even a third, Levi would suppose it might be something urgent and might finally be pressed to receive his unwanted guest.
Much to his pleasure, the bell did not sound a second time. Levi waited, poised to stand, but minutes passed by with no sound at all, and eventually, mildly disgruntled now by the persistent interruptions, he settled back and tried, once again, to read.
He turned the page. Picked up his now lukewarm tea, and took a sip. Sunk down more comfortably into the plush armchair. He felt himself begin to settle. The peculiarities of the night drifted from his thoughts as he read, mind too engaged with the story in his hands to think too deeply over the strange events that had occurred.
And then, without any warning at all, a godawful shriek rent the air as Levi's window was wrenched open from the outside, the wood frame protesting with a violent screech. Levi jerked in his seat, book falling from his hands and his tea cup shattering as it struck the stone floor.
There was a person, making no efforts at all to be quiet, unashamedly clambering in through his window. Levi watched, too shocked to move, while they pulled themself over the sill and crumpled in a heap to the floor.
Levi could do nothing but stare as the intruder heaved themself up. They unfurled long limbs, straightening to their full height, and turned quickly to poke their head out of the open window. They looked left, then right, down, and most peculiarly, up, before pulling themself back inside and slamming the window closed. They drew the curtains shut, and turned to look into the room, casting their eyes about the place as though inspecting it.
They walked with a relaxed gate, seemingly unbothered by their rude intrusion. Levi couldn't be sure if they had noticed his presence, for they made no show of knowing he was even there, and Levi was still too stunned to announce it. He watched the stranger rotate in a slow circle, looking everywhere from the ceiling down to the floor. Satisfied, they slapped their hands to their hips and nodded once, and then their gaze fell on Levi, still sitting stiff as a board in his chair. The light from Levi's lamp cast half their face in shadow, glinting off the lenses of their glasses. Their mouth stretched in a wide, manic grin.
Levi swallowed hard. His courage returned to him swiftly, urging him to his feet. He faced the stranger head on with his face twisted in a scowl.
"What the hell are you doing?"
The intruder's grin only widened.
"Oh, Mike was right after all!"
They crossed to him quickly in two great strides. Levi twisted his head this way and that to watch them as they circled him. This close, Levi could better see the sharp hook of their nose, the angle of their jaw and the whiskey colour of their eyes, with strange, dark markings around their irises, like the face of a clock. He could also see the fingerprint smudges on their lenses. They wore all black, from their muddy boots up to the overlarge hood draped over their shoulders like a small cloak.
"Shitty four-eyes, answer me."
They let out a gleeful laugh.
"Oh, Mike my friend, you are a genius!" They said. And then, to Levi, they added, "Mike can sniff out you Guardians half a universe away, I swear."
Levi had no idea who Mike was, or what a Guardian was, and frankly, he didn't care. He levelled his home invader with a sharp glare. When he spoke again, it was through gritted teeth. "I said, what the hell are you doing climbing through my window? How? I’m three stories up!"
The stranger's smile finally faltered. They tilted their head. "I did try the doorbell."
"Why did you want to be in my house?"  
"Ah, well, you see—that's kind of a long story." They turned on their heel and strode into the kitchenette. Levi watched on, incredulous, as they filled his kettle with water and set it on the stove to boil. With one hand, they reached into the cupboard above the sink and rifled through the boxes until they found Levi's stash of chamomile tea, and with the other they reached for the draining board, and plucked up two clean cups by their handles. All of this, while they watched the water begin to simmer in the pot.
They looked oddly at home expertly navigating his kitchen. As though they had been there before. They grabbed the honeypot from another cupboard, and found a spoon in one of the drawers.
"Oi," Levi said. "How'd you know where I keep all my shit?"
The stranger waved their hand flippantly, "Oh, I'm well acquainted with your layout. It never really changes, wherever you are."
"The fuck is that supposed to mean, shitty glasses?" Levi tried to inject an air of disinterested anger into his tone, but the stranger’s words, said so plainly, raised goosebumps on his skin.
They chuckled. "I can't tell you how many times we've had this conversation. I'm Hange, by the way."
Hange brought the tea over to where Levi stood, and held one cup out for Levi to take. He clenched his fists by his sides instead. The tea, upsettingly, smelled perfect; brewed at the right temperature, for the right time, and sweetened with just a drop of honey. When he didn't take the cup, Hange shrugged and set it on the little table by the armchair. They spied the broken china on the floor and smirked, "you never have much luck with that one."
"Excuse me?"
"That cup. It's the one with the gold rim, right? And all the little forget-me-nots around the outside?"
Levi said nothing. Hange, irritatingly and unexplainably, for the cup was in many pieces now and the lighting was too poor to see it in any great detail, was absolutely right.
"You still haven't answered my question," he said.
"Right, right. Like I said, it's a long story. Do you want the unabridged version or are you happy with the footnotes?"
"A summary is fine."
Hange took a great slurp of their tea. "Long story short, I pissed off some very bad people, and now they are after me for my, ah—abilities."
"But why my house?"
"Mike told me where you'd be. And boy, am I glad he did! I barely made it in time. I was aiming to land right in your sitting room, but I guess my calculations were a little off…" they trailed away with a frown. Levi watched their lips work quickly, as though they were running numbers in their head. Then they stopped, and shook themselves off. "Doesn't matter now anyway. I didn't wake you, did I? World hopping can be pretty loud."  
That, at least, accounted for the sound Levi had heard outside. But...
"Hange," Levi said. "You've explained nothing."
"Give me a minute, Levi. It's complicated! There's a lot of history and I already know you don't want to hear any of it. Besides, we wouldn't have the time. We'll have to leave early in the morning."
"I'm not going anywhere."
"Sure you are," Hange said. "I have to meet up with Erwin, and I need you to get me there."
"Where's there? Who the hell is Erwin?"
Again, Hange waved their hand at him. "Unimportant. Look, what matters is this: I might've messed with the timeline in another universe, and that may have caused some….upset, with some very important and very powerful people. I only changed a little bit!! I met this guy, Onyankopon—he's so cool, you know? Smart as hell. He had this idea that—well, it was the base model for an airplane."
"A what?"
"Well, see, that's the thing. Onyankopon asked the same question, and I just...told him. A little bit. I went a little too deep into the mechanics of it all, and he...well he might have developed a model that works. Two hundred years before it was supposed to exist in his universe. And now the Bureau is looking for me, but I’m not done with Erwin’s mission yet and so I am putting all my eggs in your basket. I need you to get me out of this in one piece.”
Hange looked more sheepish about this insane indiscretion than they had about breaking and entering.
"You're fucking insane," he said. Hange let out a bright laugh.
"So you've told me, more times than I can count."
Levi pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. He felt a headache coming on.
"You look stressed," Hange said, sounding almost sympathetic. "Drink the tea! It'll help, though it's probably a little cold by now."
"You're the reason I'm stressed, idiot."
"Sorry about that," they said, not sounding very sorry at all. "I know the circumstances aren't...ideal. I'd much rather have come to you another time and explained everything properly, but—well, I was kind of in a hurry, and Mike sniffed you out, said you were the nearest you to my location. I didn't have much of a choice."
"Who the hell is Mike? Some kind of mutt?"
"Sort of," Hange said with a grin. "He's a Seeker. It's his job to locate people like you—people like us—when the Bureau needs us. Fortunately for me, Mike isn't overly loyal to our dear overseers—his allegiance lies with Erwin, as does mine. And Erwin is decidedly less strict about most of the timelines."
Hange circled around Levi and set their hands on his shoulders. Something strange sparked there, a heat that sunk through skin and muscle and settled right in his bones. They had already ushered him into his chair by the time he shrugged them off.
"What does any of this batshit garbage you're spewing have to do with me?"
"You are a Guardian. It's your role to protect people like me from harm."
"The hell does that mean, people like you? I’m not fighting anyone to save your scrawny ass from anything. You fucked up, you deal with it. "
Hange stood up straight and puffed out their chest. "I am a Keeper. I'm supposed to keep order in the timelines. According to the Bureau, at least. Erwin has other ideas—but that's a story for another time. For now, we should rest. Like I said, we've got to leave early in the morning."
"To go where?"
"To Erwin!" Hange said brightly. "I don't have my pocket watch anymore, so we're gonna have to take the traditional route. There's no way I'll make it on my own. And don’t worry, you won’t have to fight anyone. I’ll explain it all on the journey."
"Look,” Levi said. “Can't you just...drop out of the sky whenever this Erwin guy is? I'm sure he's got his own window you can climb through."
"No can do," Hange said. "I can only hop between universes. I need my watch to move fast within any one universe, and mine took a dunk in a river, during my escape."
"Magic bullshit technology that lets you, what, teleport across the damn globe? And it can't survive a dip in a river?"
"They aren't watertight," Hange said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "And they still run on batteries. Moblit is working on improving the technology."
Levi's head throbbed. He rubbed his eyes and glowered up at Hange, who was watching him with a soft smile. Levi deepened his scowl.  
"What's that shitty face for?"
Hange's expression softened further. They looked at him with so much fondness, Levi felt his face grow warm.
"I've missed you, you know," they said. "Well, not you, but—you. It's been...a really long time."
"That makes no sense," Levi said. He meant it, too—nothing Hange had said to him made sense at all. It was the stuff of storybooks, fairy tales; the product of an imagination run wild. And yet, Hange's presence, alarming as it had been and frankly still was, felt oddly familiar. The warmth of their hands still rested on his shoulders. In spite of himself, Levi felt the corner of his lip begin to curl into a small, absent smile. He wrestled it back down.
Hange laughed, a light, lilting thing, and yawned. They crossed the room to Levi's small dining table and dropped heavily into a chair.
"I suppose you're right," they said with a lazy grin. "It doesn't make any sense at all. You'll just have to trust me."
"You broke into my house. You're not selling your reliability very well. And don't even think about it."
Hange looked over at him, surprised. "Think about what?"
"Putting your filthy feet on my damn table."
"Whatever gave you the idea I'd do something like that?"
Levi opened his mouth to answer, but snapped it closed swiftly as the thought, which had come to him thoroughly unbidden, fully registered in his mind. You do it all the time.
Levi pinched his eyes, staring at Hange. They sat with a curious little tilt of their head, watching him with an open, analytical look. Levi squirmed under their gaze.
"I don't know," he said. "Seems like the kind of shit you'd do."
"Like something I've done before?"
Levi flinched, and Hange smiled all teeth at him, a strange mix of impish and pleased. They propped their elbow on the table and rested their chin on their palm. "There it is," they said quietly.
"What?" Levi asked. Too eager. Hange looked thrilled as they straightened up in their chair, eyes gleaming in the lamplight.
"There are a lot of you's, one in every single universe, just like there are a lot of Isabel's, and Farlan's, and Petra's—"
"How do you—you know what, nevermind. Go on."
"But because you're a Guardian, all your you's are linked. And because you're my Guardian," Hange looked weirdly proud at this pronouncement, "it's only natural that you remember me. It'll happen a lot, I'm sure. Try not to freak out."
Levi snorted. "You say that now?"
"Would it have made a difference if I said it earlier?"
Levi mulled that over for a second. No, he supposed it wouldn’t. He’d have thought them completely unhinged either way. Instead of answering, he picked up the tea from the table and drained it in three gulps. When he looked back at Hange, they were smiling brightly at him.
"Just how you like it, right?"
"I prefer it hot."
Hange kicked their heels against the floor and shot him an affronted look. With a petulant pout of their lip, they said, " So unfair, Levi! That's not my fault."
He shrugged them off. He would never admit it to them, but he took some bizarre delight in watching Hange's tantrum. It felt all too natural. They slumped back in their chair, head tipped over the back rest to stare at the ceiling.
"Ah, you're as cruel as ever," they said. "It's good. Very you."
Hange pushed their glasses up to their forehead and rubbed at their eyes. The scene looked painfully familiar; Hange, smiling sleepily, bleary eyed in the low blush of candlelight. Only, in the image forming in his mind, they were resting against a plump, well-fluffed pillow, and their hair was down from its ponytail, still messy and falling over their face. In the image forming in his mind, Levi's own hand reached out to brush a few strands from their cheeks, and Hange turned into his palm, their lips brushing the sensitive skin there.
Levi shook his head, face a little warm. Hange was watching him again. He scowled at them for good measure, gathering up his own cup and theirs, and washing them in the sink. He let the water run cool over his hands for a long moment.
"You should rest, if you're tired," he said. From the table, Hange hummed.
"Good idea," they said. "The bed's big enough for two, right?"
Levi turned sharply to refute them, but Hange didn't give him the chance. They had already heaved themself up out of their chair and kicked off their boots, and now, with the practiced ease of someone who had lived in the house for years, they were wandering down the hall and straight into Levi's bedroom, leaving the door open behind them.
Levi dried his hands slowly on the dish towel. He looked at the armchair, big and well-cushioned, spacious enough for him to recline in for a few hours rest. It wouldn't be the first time, and he had no doubt it would be the last. And then he looked down the hallway, where Hange must have lit the lamp; warm light spilled out into the corridor, and Levi was reminded abruptly of his strange thoughts.
This Hange, they were crazy. Talking the most nonsense Levi had ever heard come straight from another person's mouth. He would be better off resting his eyes in his chair, and kicking Hange out at first light.
That was the logical thing to do. The reasonable thing. That was the desperate plea of his better judgement.
Instead, he blew out his lamp, and stormed down the hallway after them.  
"You lie on my fresh sheets in your filthy clothes and I'm throwing you back out the window, Guardian or not."
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kellanswritingblog · 3 years
A short piece about Jon and Martin adopting a cat for @jonsimsandcats day!
“You know, there’s only one more thing this place needs,” Jon says, a twinkle in his eye as he smiles at Martin.
“Oh yeah?  What’s that?”
“A cat.”
Jon and Martin are still acclimating to their new reality, but they’ve landed on their feet for the most part.  They have boring day jobs (a relief, truly, after their work at the Institute), an apartment (it’s small and old and smells a bit like cheese), and each other (the most important thing, and it makes it all worthwhile).
And as Jon leads the way into the animal shelter, Martin can’t help but agree that this is where they should be, ready to acquire one last piece of normalcy to help them really begin their lives in this new universe. Even if Martin does wish they would get a dog instead of a cat, but he would never deny Jon his preferred furry friend.  Especially with the way his face lights up when he sees rows and rows of mewing cats, all begging for a home.
“Kittens are a lot of work, aren’t they?”  Martin asks, his arms full of three young cats, all desperately trying to climb up and down his sweater.
“Sure,” Jon replies.  The single kitten in his hand is quiet and half-asleep as he pets it. “But aren’t they just adorable?”
Martin laughs and extracts the kittens from his body. “They are adorable, I can’t deny that.”
There are many more cats to investigate, and Jon eventually pulls himself away from the now sleeping kitten to wander the other kennels, hand in hand with Martin.  
“I’ve never had a cat before,” Martin remarks as they stop to look at a calico.  
“Really?  I’ve always had a cat.  Before working at the Institute, that is.  My grandmother had a few, and then, well, the Admiral was technically Georgie’s, but we basically shared him all through university.  I always meant to get a cat of my own, once we split up and I moved out.  It just never happened.”
“Well, now you can.”
Jon squeezes Martin’s hand.  “Now we can.”
At some point, Martin gets distracted looking over paperwork and requirements for the cat they will be bringing home eventually.  When he returns to the maze of cats, Jon is nowhere to be found.
“Jon?  Where did you go?  Did you get eaten by cats?”  He calls.
“Over here!”
Martin follows the echoes of Jon’s voice and finds him in a small room, meant for seeing how the cats got on with a potential adopter outside of the hecticness of the cages and the gaze of other felines.  He lets himself in, and smiles as he watches Jon with a shorthaired black cat.  The cat allows Jon to pet its stomach, and purrs so loudly that it practically shakes the glass windows.
“Well, hello there.”  Martin sits down on the ground next to Jon and extends a hand for the cat to sniff.  It barely smells him before pushing into his grasp and beginning a new round of purring. With the cat so close, Martin can tell there’s one thing setting this feline apart:
It’s blind.
“His name is Hollandaise.”
“Hollandaise?”  Martin laughs, now scratching the cat’s chin.
Jon chuckles too.  “It is a strange name, I suppose, but it’s not the weirdest I’ve seen.  He had both eyes removed at a young age, so they’re all sewn up now.  He’s nine years old.”
“And he’s coming home with us, right?”
Jon matches Martin’s smile.  “You were already looking at the paperwork, weren’t you?”
“I’ll go get it all filled out.”
Martin excuses himself, apologizing to Hollandaise as he exits the room.  He stops and looks back in the window to watch Jon coo at the cat and scoop him into his arms.
Jon looks so carefree, so happy, so alive.  As he watches him, and eventually carries on to fill out half a dozen forms, Martin doesn’t know who the luckiest is: him, for getting to spend the rest of his life with Jon; Jon, for finally being free of the Beholding and the Web and getting to settle down with an adorable cat; or for their new friend, Hollandaise, who gets a family, a home, and all the love and snackies he could ever desire.
In the end, they’re all the lucky ones, and they’re ready to start this next chapter of their lives together.
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ꇙꄲ꒤ꋊ꒯ ꏂꊰꊰꏂꉔ꓄ꇙ ꋬꋊ꒯ ꄲ꒦ꏂꋪ꒯ꋪꋬꂵꋬ꓄꒐ꉔꇙ (꓄꒐ꉔꉔ꒐ ꓄ꄲꃳꌦ ꉧ ꋊ꒤ꋪꇙꏂ ꍌꋪꋬꉔꏂ) 6
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Triggers: none! (For once)
Just finding me? I'm part 6 of a series! Here's chapter one!
[AN]: so I had a lot more in mind with this chapter. But I feel like it went too long, so ended it with fluff instead. Things will kick back up next chapter, tho with a couple of cameo appearances! 🧡
The following are notes transcribed by the Coloeado Bureau of Investigation after they recovered a box of tapes found at the last known location of Tobias "Ticci Toby" Adams and his hostage turned wife, Grace Adams.
I was walking down a forest trail with Millie. Sun that filtered through the tree canopy made mahogany highlights shine just like her brothers hair as she walked beside me. The forest was familiar, even though I had never been there before.
"How are you holding up, Grace?"
"Millie?" I blinked my eyes rapidly as my brain scrambled to catch up, "How is this possible?"
Millie smiled her sad smile, "It's just a dream, a really vivid one, but a dream all the same."
"Oh" I looked around at the strange but familiar forest, "That's right. Toby took Tommy and me to a hideout of his. We ate some canned food, and then passed out."
"Toby's over the moon that you wanted to go with him when Slenderman came for him." She laughed a little, "I think he's half in love with you if he isn't fully. Sometimes Toby tries to hide things from me, you're a super guarded subject in his mind, but he's not very good at it."
I shot Millie a sidelong glance, "You really, seriously think that Toby is in love. With me?"
Millie beamed at me, the proverbial cat who drank the cream, "I've seen Toby with crushes, Grace. This is that, times a hundred."
I fought my own smile and eventually failed. Millie threw her arms around me in an excited hug. After all, Millie had only been seventeen when she died. Faintly, a beeping started and the dream began to break apart, leaving me to open my eyes to a dimly lit wall, alarm clock blaring.
A pale arm was draped over my side, hugging me to the body it belonged to. Its hand bore scars from injuries both accidentally and self inflicted. Toby. I hugged his arm to me for a second before gently moving it so I could get out from under it. Toby rolled into his back, left hand clasped on his chest and one knee cocked out to the side. I stood from the bed and walked around the foot of it, taking in the rest of the room as I smoothed my wrinkled scrubs and turned off the infernal alarm. 9:35 AM.
The walls of the studio apartment were wood grain and belonged in the 70's. Thick nap gray carpet covered the floors, plush under my bare feet. Tommy slept in the middle of the floor, covered in a light gray blanket to match the one on the bed, and cuddled a pillow to him. A table was shoved up against a wall with two chairs across from me and a back corner had been turned into a bathroom, lying behind a wooden door. Morning light filtered through a window over the sink of a small kitchenette along with a small refrigerator and freezer, a hot plate and a toaster oven. Cabinets were above and below the counter. My car keys hung from a hook over a milk crate containing Toby's heavy, black boots. The three of us had circled back and gotten my car last night after the police left. They were looking for me, so Toby changed out my car tags with another plate he had here. Luckily, my car was nondescript, no identifying decals or stickers and it was a very common model.
Toby had given me some clothes to change into last night, but I'd been too tired to deal with a shower and hadn't wanted to put clean clothes on before one. I crossed the room after picking up the bundle of clothes, and closed myself into the bathroom now. I started the shower, messing with the knobs until the water temperature was perfect, and then stripped down and got in.
When I emerged from the bathroom, still drying my hair, Toby had his back to me, and was pulling a white long sleeved shirt on. He pulled it down to meet dark gray jeans, and he'd put on his heavy black boots. He pulled a dark gray sweater vest over the white shirt while he stepped over Tommy and went to the kitchenette.
Toby turned on the hot water and let it run while he gathered a mug and a jar of instant coffee from the cabinets. He pulled a spoon from the drawer next to the sink.
"I was afraid when I woke up and you weren't beside me," he said without turning around as he measured coffee into the spoon and stirred it into the mug full of hot water, "but Millie told me you were in the shower. How did you sleep, Grace?"
Of course Toby had heard you come out of the bathroom. I'd noticed that not much escaped Toby's notice, perhaps his other senses were making up for his bad eyesight. He turned to me as I stepped over Tommy, and I had to adjust to seeing Toby in something other than hospital clothes. He looked similarly stricken seeing me in the back long sleeved shirt and gray leggings type pants he had given me. I didn't ask where he got them.
"I slept great" I replied, "Right up until your alarm went off."
Toby took a sip of his coffee and even though steam was still rising thickly from it, he turned the mug up and drank at least half of it in big, thirsty gulps.
"Missed coffee, huh?"
Toby had the grace to look embarrassed before nodding, "It's been so long that even instant tastes amazing."
"How did you sleep?" I asked, getting a glass from the cabinet and then getting a jug of water from the empty refrigerator. All of the food Toby had was frozen, or in cans, and he had a friend who knew where to get his money to pay the rent, water, and electricity bills. I poured a glass of water and drank.
"I slept great too. The best nights sleep I've had in years."
I remembered my dream. What Millie had said. That Toby was in love with me.
"I'm glad" I smiled, "I saw Millie again!"
"Did you? What was she up to?"
"We were just walking in the woods together. But they weren't your Master's woods."
"That's it? Just walking?"
"No, silly, we talked too."
"Oh" Toby said , "What did you talk about?"
"It's a secret" I teased and Toby opened his mouth to object, "Uh, uh, uh, you're the one who wanted us to be friends."
"True" he said and looked down "I just didn't know you two would start keeping secrets."
"It's not so much a secret as it is Millie's opinion."
"And what's Millie's opinion?"
I sighed, deciding to just put it out there, "It's Millie's opinion that you're at least halfway in love with me, if not fully."
Toby's jaw dropped and I could have heard a pin drop, the room was so quiet.
"I can't believe Millie told you that," Toby said, rubbing the back of his neck, "She's not wrong, but damn."
"Aww! Toby loves Grace!!"
We both blushed and I pushed away from the counter where Toby and I leaned.
"Morning Tommy."
Tommy stood up from the floor and rubbed a hand through sleep touselled brown hair and blinked watery blue eyes at me, "Morning, I'm starving."
As soon as he mentioned being hungry, my stomach let out a growl which was answered by a growl from Toby's stomach. The three of us had done a lot of running last night, and Slenderman had interrupted our dinners before any of us had had the chance to eat.
Toby's freezer was packed with food, a selection of them breakfast foods, but he had no microwave to cook them. So Toby and I started pouring frozen breakfast bowls into a skillet and cooked them that way.
"Waffles?" I asked and Toby's lip curled in distaste.
"I fucking hate waffles" Toby chuckled, "Mom used to make them to try to make me feel better after fights with Frank. Tried to pretend everything was fine."
I put the waffles away, pushing them behind a box of fried stuffed jalenpeños, hiding them from Toby, and then moved over to hug Toby, trying to chase the hurt from his eyes. He wrapped his arms around me and I gathered my bravery before pressing my lips to the skin of Toby's shoulder, just above his shirt. Toby let out a breath I didn't know he was holding and pressed his lips to my temple. We stood like that, my face buried in the crook of Toby's neck, his lips kissing my temple chastely. Then I smelled the food begin to burn and rushed to take it from the burner as Toby turned the hotplate off. The toilet flushed and Tommy came out of the bathroom, freshly showered and in some of Toby's clothes.
Tommy was a small young man, at nineteen years old. He was fine boned and reminded me of some graceful bird, maybe a swan or peahen. He'd had to roll up both the sleeves and pant legs of his borrowed clothes and he was busy cinching the drawstring of his borrowed sweatpants tightly. He looked up as he noticed the thick silence in the room as we tried to pretend we hadn't just been having a moment.
"Did I interrupt something?"
I said "No" as Toby said "Yes". Tommy's eyes flicked between the two of us and he grinned.
"Okay... I'm not going to say anything but, I think you two are cute and that Grace doesn't have to be all professional anymore."
Tommy was right. You wasn't Toby's nurse anymore. I decided to force myself out of the nurse role, and relax around the two of them more. Besides, even though I had broken these two out of an asylum to the police, they were grown men and I hadn't technically done anything wrong. Tommy took his plate after I filled it with food and took it to the table. Toby and I filled our plates and joined him at the table. Toby upended the milk crate that had held his boots, pulling two hatchets out, one old and one newer, and sat them against the wall next to the door. Their edges gleamed, red stained, in the weak light from the covered window.
"Can we turn on a light, or open the curtain?"
"Bright light makes me have trouble seeing" Toby explained, not meanly, but not warmly either.
I picked up your fork and started picking onions out of my food while Toby and Tommy sucked theirs down.
"Are you picking the onions out of your food?" Toby asked, face aglow with amusement.
"I'm fine with the taste, it's just the texture of cooked onions" I explained, now using my finger to brush the diced onions off of the tines of my fork.
Toby chuckled and asked, "What is it that you don't like about the texture?"
"They're too slimy" I said with a blush.
"Slimy?" Toby shook his head grimly, "I guess mushrooms are out."
"You would be correct." I wrinkled my nose thinking about it.
I finished your food while Toby ribbed me about my pickniness in textures of food, listing things he knew I'd hate, checking if I liked them, while Tommy listened happily. He swayed side to side in his chair to unheard music with a child-like quality, full of energy.
I suggested to Toby that Tommy needed some fresh air an hour and a half later. With nowhere to be until around 9 that night, Toby had posted up at the table, trying to read a book, squinting at the words while I washed the dishes we'd used and then got the newspaper from the doormat outside. I had regretfully powered off my phone, not wanting to be able to be traced. I didn't know where to take Tommy where we wouldn't be seen.
"I know the perfect place."
Toby ended up driving us an hour away, to his hometown, Forest Lawn. He parked my car in a small, dirt pulloff in the woods. After we had walked into the forest a ways, I realized these were the woods I had walked in with Millie. The dream's setting had come from Millie's memories, curious.
"Once, me and Millie found this playground here. I guess they built a park out here a long time ago, and it didn't catch on."
Toby pushed some low hanging vines to the side for me to step through, leaving Tommy to bat them away as he passed through just as Toby let go. Since Tommy had been claimed by Toby's master, he acknowledged Tommy's existence, but he let Tommy pull his weight, instead of coddling him like I tried to.
Toby found the playground, winding through the woods, taking trails and then going off of them until he led me to a simple, old fashioned iron playground, including a swimgset with one operational swing, a jungle gym, carousel, and a slide. Tommy took off and I sat down on the swing cautiously, relaxing once I decided the chains wouldn't snap.
"I can't believe this is all out here and no one except people like you and Millie really know about it. People who randomly come across it and then remember how to find it."
Tommy released a triumphant battle cry as he slid down the slide headfirst, and then landed in a drift of fallen leaves. He laid in them, laughing for a second, then flew over to the carousel, grabbing it and running in circles, its inner workings screeching from disuse. Toby came around behind me and took the chains, pulling me back and I tucked my feet, kicking them out when Toby gave me a push at the apex. Toby pushed me on the swing for a while as we watched Tommy burn through his energy with reckless abandon.
Suddenly, Toby was in front of me and I tucked my feet so I wouldn't kick him as he stopped me. When I came to a full stop, Toby bent down and took my chin in one hand and kissed me, just a quick peck on the lips, and then he pulled back, frozen in place as he watched my face.
"What was that for?" I smiled, trying to let him know I wasn't upset. Quite the opposite, actually.
Toby hesitated, then said, "Millie said it would be a good idea" in sheepish tones.
"Millie's pretty smart" I told him and kissed him again, slower this time. I could hear Tommy singing "Toby and Grace sitting in the tree" and after a few sweet moments, Toby pulled back with a shaky breath.
"You okay?" I mumbled, touching my forehead to Toby's. My heart was beating twice as fast as normal.
Toby nodded, keeping his head pressed against mine, "Yeah. It's just been... A long time."
Tommy let out a whoop, diving into the drift of leaves, and then laid there, chest rising and falling with his fast breaths.
"But it's definitely something I can get used to." Toby kissed me again quickly, then went to stand over Tommy, "Energy spent yet, kid?"
"Uh huh" I heard Tommy say through pants.
"Good" he offered Tommy a hand and pulled him up, "You can sleep in the car while Grace and I meet Kate."
I gave Toby shit kicker boots because @whaleofatjme1920 and I have decided Toby is an honorary Southern Creep. He's a good ole ranch boy, and you can't change my mind.
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anothertimdrakestan · 4 years
Batboys Getting Betrayed By Their S/O HC
Requested? Yes! From a lovely anon!
“Hello! I'd like to make a Batboys reaction request if I may! If writing for all of them is too much please pick whoever you'd like! Have fun with it! Batboys finally catch the villain they've been after for a disgusting amount of time, they grab their mask/helmet, rip it off and BAM!! It's their S/O. How do they react? Thank you for your time!!”
THIS HC TURNED INTO AN EPIC COLLAB BETWEEN @birdy-bat-riya AND WE POPPED OFF!!! Riya really said “lets break the boys heart then give them the best fluff in the world” and I agreed then BAM this beauty. I hope you enjoy and I’m super excited to collab w my tumblr soulmate more!!!
Damian Wayne
- Damian would not see it coming
- after a painful bout of hand to hand combat, Robin had you stuck to a wall with Batarangs, and he stalked forward
- hoping he would get pulled away by Batman so wouldn’t notice your similarity to the love of his life, you sucked in a deep breath as you realized there was no escape
- “The great villainous sidekick defeated by Robin. Sounds good doesn’t it? But I want to know just who I bested” he quipped, reaching for your mask
- as he pulled it off he froze, your mask dropped to the ground as you began begging for forgiveness
- “Baby it’s not what it looks like! I’m sorry you know I couldn’t tell you! I love you Damian please understand!” you cried, pulling against the batarangs you felt your suit rip as you jumped to the ground reaching for Damian
- Damian looked beyond stunned, trying to process the idea that the one person he trusted above all had betrayed him. He’d spent months hunting, fighting, deeply wound you, then calling you beloved just a couple days later
- pulling yourself forward you flung your arms around him, trying to love him into submission
- instinctively his arms began to wrap around you and you could feel the material of his gloves grace over the exposed parts of your side from where your suit ripped, but he drew them back, pushing you off of him
- “belov- Y/N” his tone was harsh, and broken, “is this really you? You knew I was Robin, and yet you lied to me every day? Learned my weaknesses and my truths all just to use it against me?” you could see him shaking, his domino mask hid his glassy eyes but not his heart broken expression
- you realized he thought you’d only befriended him to use him and you jumped to explain “No! Babe never! I keep this life and our life completely separate! I never used anything and would never tell your secrets to anyone! This, this life [ you gestured to your suit ] is out of necessity, for my survival I have to be strong. But with you, Damian, with you life is worth living, you make my battles worth fighting, everything I do is for us!” you realized how good it felt to let everything go, tears streaming down your face
- Damian looked conflicted, broken because of your betrayal, but you could tell he still loved you
- “Y/N you know I can keep you safe, why? Why live this life when you know of the one we could’ve had together?” Damian 
- “I didn’t think of it that way” you whispered, thoughts flying through your head
- “Then let me help you” was all Damian said, and he reached out a hand
- Batman and your boss appeared behind you and Robin, both confused with what was happening
- Bruce looked shocked to see who the villain’s sidekick was, but he was trying to keep his Batman level confidence
- “C’mon kid lets go” you felt a tug on your shoulder, trying to lead you back to your base, but the look Damian was giving you stopped you, unable to turn your shoulder on him
- this was Damian asking you to pick a new life with him. And you knew he was the only thing that truly made him happy, but this would be the end of your reputation, and your safety
- you began to reach for Damian but stopped, needing his reassurance
- “you promise you’ll protect me?”
- “always.” you took his hand, falling into his arms, and decided a future with Damian was better than anything else
Dick Grayson
- Dick didn’t know you were Slade’s protege after Dick told him no all those years ago
- you knew he thought of your villain persona as his greatest opponent and you couldn’t break his heart
- you’d both been in the good guy vs bad guy business since you were kids so you couldn’t expect him to understand, so you hid it.
- he told you he was Nightwing a couple months before and your heart dropped realizing you’d been fighting the love of your life for years, and were trained by one of his greatest tormentors
- in a terrible turn of events you, Nightwing, and Slade all ended up fighting each other, Nightwing and you after Slade for seperate reasons just before his escape he noticed how you couldn’t hurt Dick like you used to
- in an act of revenge for you leaving his side all those years ago, he shouted “catch you later sweet Y/N!” before jumping out a window out of your sight
- Dick’s head whipped to you, a look of confusion at Slade knowing your identity
- hoping he’d missed it you tried to run out of the building and take off
- angy Dick is basically super powered so he caught you (yes i said angy)
- when he rips off your mask and the face he’d adored for years looks up at him he physically can’t stand
- watching the love of your life crumple to the ground is the hardest thing you’ve endured
- frantically trying to explain you keep trying to cup his face in your hand but he pulls away, refusing to look you in the eyes, eventually finding the strength to get up and grapple away
- the entire batfam goes after you. Damian especially, because he trusted you, glad Dick had someone that loved him the way he secretly did. There is no way you’re gonna get away from an angry Batfam especially when their mutual favorite brother has been broken
- I honestly don’t think Dick would let it go back to normal. His family would never approve and knowing you lied for months was too much, he knows what is good and bad for him and is surrounded by family.
- One day the two of you would team up and apologize, continuing forward as mutuals that come when the other needs you, but Dick wouldn’t be able to look at you the same, and Damian would never leave his side, refusing to let Dick get hurt again
Jason Todd
- Jason was used to coming home to you bruised and cut. He never liked to see you battered and bleeding, but he understood it was part of your job as a Criminal Investigator.
- at least that’s what he thought
- you were used to seeing him beat up too. The only difference was that you knew the real reason he came home beaten and injured. 
- it was because he would spend his nights fighting you.
- you truly loved Jason, but you couldn't bear to break his heart by telling him the truth. That the woman he loved was his sworn enemy and was lying about it.
- little did you know, he was beginning to get suspicious of your injuries. They seemed a little extreme for an investigative agent, and dare he say, they seemed to match the injuries his enemy walked away with last night.
- then one night, it happened. You were being chased by Red Hood. You thought you were in the clear. And knowing jason would be home any minute, you headed back home, hopping from rooftop-to-rooftop.
- you stopped in the parking lot of your building, about to take off your mask when you heard a voice. Red Hood was leaning on your car, looking more tense than usual. “Go on. Take off the mask.”
- you were mortified. You tried to run but he caught you and you were cornered. He took off the mask and you looked down, afraid to meet his eyes.
- he wasn’t startled or shocked. You heard the seams of his gloves rip as he clenched his fist. You looked up and saw him scowling, but behind the anger, there was so much disappointment. You could see his heart breaking.
-  he stepped back and began to walk away. You tried so hard to explain and apologize but he only turned you down, unwilling to see your face.
- realizing everything was ruined, you gave one final apology. “Jason, I know you can’t forgive me. But I truly am sorry. I'm sorry for lying, I’m sorry for hurting you, I’m sorry for everything. But I promise, I really do love you. And I know you might not believe me, but I mean every word.” Tears were streaming down your face, and he wouldn’t let you see it, but they were brimming in his.
- you left and didn’t come back. You kept your distance from Jason but made sure you knew was still alright. He was frequenting bars, skipping patrols. You began to worry when he was nowhere to be found, so you donned the mask once more, only without your usual uniform.
- that night, to your disbelief, you found the Red Hood fighting some petty cat burglars outside of a museum. You noticed how his punches held more force than they used to and felt a little pained, seeing his hurt in his movements. 
- while he was taking care of the robbers, you saw one of them run off to a car with a jade vase and instinctively charged in. You hopped in the car roof and swung into the passenger seat, knocked out the driver, and safely drove the car back.
- you put the vase back where it belonged and left the scene of the crime without anyone’s attention.
- Red Hood turned the burglars over to the cops. There was something about a tripped alarm and missing vase but the item was kept exactly where it was meant to be when they checked.
- he was about to trudge away when he heard something. “This masked broad, she jumped into the car! From the bloody window!” His mind wandered. It couldn’t be…
- that night, you returned to one of your old safehouses and headed to your closet to put away your mask, but the first thing you saw was your suit. You looked at the domino mask in your hand and all you could remember was Jason’s face when he found out. Right then and there, you threw it all away.
- months passed. You hadn’t heard from or seen Jason Todd. You revamped your suit and donned a new mask. You went by your old name still. You couldn’t change who you were, and you didn't want to either. 
- the only difference now was that you didn’t kill. something tilted the needle on your moral compass, and as much you wanted to deny it, Jason rubbed off on you.
- you took your burglary jobs, and got into your own type of trouble, but you could almost always handle it. Emphasis on the ‘almost’
- once or twice you bit off more than you could chew, for example the time when you needed to collect some money from a Bludhaven gang. you were outnumbered and unarmed. just when you thought it was all over for you, you heard two gunshots and violent cursing. 
- you found yourself standing before two gangsters with bloody hands and one Red Hood. “You’re welcome.”, he said with his usual snarky tone, muffled by his helmet. 
- this was the first of many times he would save you. You would drop in on his gigs sometimes as well, just to lend a helping gun.
- bad blood aside, you were always there for eachother. He meant it as a silent acceptance of your apology and that’s exactly how you took it.
- soon enough the tension faded, you both went down your own roads but found comfort in knowing that you were never alone. It was an unspoken pact that when one of you needed the other, you’d never be far. 
Tim Drake
- Tim would notice something, maybe you stuffing your suit in your trunk, you using a phrase his enemy always used, something that gave him the wrong feeling
- he’d push it away, always wanting to believe the best of you
- but eventually it wouldn’t add up
- Tim came over one night and made a beeline to the back of your closet, a drawer he never saw you open during all the years of knowing you
- you heard a small gasp when he pulled out the suit of his rival, the strangled sound of disbelief was the last noise he made before he threw your suit on the floor and stormed out, and it was the last you saw of him for months
- watching the news seeing “RED ROBIN GONE BAD?” or “IS THIS IS THE SAME HERO?” as you watched Tim become more and more reckless and cruel. Tim rarely got so physical the medics came instead of the police but watching him through your screen you saw a new person
- seeing Tim (and Red Robin) break down on television gave you the realization of the necessity behind Tim’s heroics
- almost as an homage to his heart break he began using the moves you’re villainous alter ego used on him on his new targets, showing you the hurt and the damage you’d done to your victims
- after weeks of watching the torture you knew villainy wasn’t worth it if it meant Tim was broken like this
- knowing he’d be on patrol like always you waited on the top of the building he’d brought you to the night you started dating, hoping he’d miss the memory as much as you did
- rushing up to him, begging for him to listen, even after the heart break Tim couldn’t say no to you, and he needed to know why, this was a mystery he really couldn’t piece together
- frantically explaining everything from your childhood forward, you couldn’t stop, the honestly was refreshing, and Tim listened the whole time
- after admitting everything you brought your suit out, and in front of Tim you began to rip it to shreds, hoping he’d see the meaning behind your words
- this was a lot for Tim, and he asked for a week to settle his feelings
- Red Robin was inactive for a week, 168 hours you spent praying to anything that he’d take you back
- and exactly one week later, you were holding your head in your hands sobbing, wishing you could’ve changed earlier and hoping Tim would go back to his heroism - when you heard your apartment window carefully opening
- Tim came back, suited up, holding a new suit for you that he’d had created
- Tim explained that he wanted you back, and he intended on helping you fix all your past mistakes, one life saved at a time
- you often looked back on the news from that week, the headlines showed a new chapter of your life
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luvshuas · 4 years
behind the oak door
pairing - soonyoung x reader
tags - horror
synopsis - having traveled for hours, soonyoung stops at a bed & breakfast for the night, but following the strange set of rules he is given, he soon discovers something that was never meant for his eyes
word count -  3.5k
note - the public did not ask for something scary, therefore i must give them something scary! 
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Four hours. That’s how long it had been since Soonyoung last saw anyone. Four hours since he left the gas station where the clerk told him to be careful, especially as he got closer to the forest of thick spruce trees. Soonyoung had laughed at the clerk’s warning, assuring the man that he would be fine as long as he had a full tank of gas and an energy drink to keep him alert. In the four hours since he had left the gas station, Soonyoung hadn’t seen a single car. No one was heading to or from the direction of the spruce trees. It was just him, his depleting tank of gas, and the empty energy drink can that sat in his cup holder next to one he had finished earlier in the drive.
The lack of any life at all — save for the trees — didn’t worry Soonyoung. Who, besides him, would come hiking through this region as winter began nearing? He laughed to himself. His friends back at home must think he’s crazy for doing something like this, but would Soonyoung be if not a thrill seeker?
It was another two hours of driving before anything other than trees and road came into view. Cleverly placed at the side of the road, the building was a large tudor-style home. A flimsy hanging sign at the edge of the road read, in large letters, “QUIET PINES BED & BREAKFAST.” Soonyoung made no hesitation turning onto the gravel driveway that led to the house. It wasn’t dark yet, but Soonyoung could see the sun beginning to set, and he didn’t have any plans to pull off to the shoulder of the road and sleep in his car.
The small parking lot was completely vacant of any cars, save for a small silver Kia. Parking in the space closest to the front of the house, Soonyoung got out of his car, opting to leave his bags inside just so it didn’t look like he was implying that the bed and breakfast had no patrons — though, by the looks of the parking lot, it definitely had none. Walking up to the house, Soonyoung was able to get a better look at all of the details. The house seemed built on a sturdy foundation with a cobbled path leading up to stone stairs, and then a small stone porch. Moss was clinging to the stones and slipping through their cracks. Ivy grew up the red brick walls and across the once white stucco.
The door knob turned easily, save for a few squeaks, and the door swung inwards. Stepping into the foyer, Soonyoung could tell most of the house would be similar to the state it was in outside. Outdated wallpaper adorned the walls, covered in some places by seemingly normal paintings that were held in wooden frames painted to look gold. The front desk — which was off to the right when entering — was made of a dark wood. It was completely barren of any decorations. Soonyoung’s attention wandered away from the front desk as he continued through the foyer.
“Welcome to Quiet Pines Bed and Breakfast,” a voice echoed down into the space. “Did you have a reservation or are you a walk-in?”
Soonyoung’s head whipped around until he caught sight of you standing halfway up the staircase that was tucked against a wall across from the front desk. Your expression was blank as you continued your descent down the remaining stairs. “Well? Are you looking to stay here or not?” You asked, impatience leaking into your tone.
“Y-yes,” Soonyoung stuttered. “I’m sorry, yes. I don’t have a reservation. I’m a walk-in, and my name is Kwon Soonyoung.” Soonyoung thought he saw the traces of a smile when he mentioned not having a reservation, but he chalked it up to his nerves just trying to calm him down.
“I don’t need your name,” you said, crossing the floor to stand behind the desk. “Do you have cash? The card reader is unfortunately broken and I don’t have much time to travel into town to buy a new one.”
Soonyoung fished in his pocket for his wallet, cursing when his hands came out empty. “It’s in my car. I’ll be back! My car is the red one!” He said, hurriedly making his way out of the house. He felt your eyes on him the entire time until he was out of the building and there was no way for you to stare straight into him. His composure was much calmer now that he was outside, and he walked to his car with no rush. Opening the door, his conscience screamed at him to get into the car and drive away, but the sun had already begun dipping behind the horizon and Soonyoung didn’t want to travel along an unfamiliar road in the dead of night.
Wallet in hand, he returned to the poorly kept bed and breakfast. “How much is the room? I’ll only be here for one night.”
“$60,” you said, sticking your hand out for him to place the money in. Nothing about the situation seemed right to Soonyoung, but he took out the owed amount anyways and set it onto your open palm. Your hand closed around the bills quickly as you opened a drawer and set the creased money into it. “Your room will be 5B. I’ll check in on you later to give you the rules.”
You left as swiftly as you came, heading up the stairs with silent steps. Soonyoung looked down at the key that was left on the counter. It looked like a normal house key, save for the blue tag labeled 5B attached to the loophole. Pocketing the key, Soonyoung turned to walk back to his car and retrieve his bags and haul them up the stairs to his room. The room in question was decorated similarly to the rest of the house with the same ugly wallpaper. A four poster bed sat in the middle of the room against a wall, with two matching nightstands and lamps on either side. A wardrobe sat opposite of the bed, though Soonyoung found it to be locked when he tried to pull the doors open. He thought it might just be kept here for decor rather than usefulness.
True to your word, Soonyoung heard you knocking thirty minutes after he settled into his room. He hadn’t had the chance to open the door, let alone allow you into the room, before you pushed the door open and stepped across the threshold. “How are you finding everything?”
“Very...nice,” Soonyoung hesitated, hoping he chose the right words. “Thank you.”
You smiled, but it did nothing to ease Soonyoung’s worries. If anything, it made him more tense. “I’m glad. Like I said earlier, I’m here to inform you of the rules. Shall we get started?” You asked, continuing when Soonyoung gestured for you to. “Great. First, check-out time is tomorrow at ten in the morning. Do not stay past that time. Second, do not go exploring. You may look around the common room downstairs and the sun room. Third, breakfast is at eight in the morning and will be cleaned up half an hour later. Lastly, do not try to open any locked doors. Especially the dark oak door at the end of the hallway.”
A chill shot through Soonyoung’s back as the last rule left your lips. The air between the two of you was charged with your warning and the beginnings of his fear, but he still managed to nod. “Good. I’ll be retiring to my bedroom for the rest of the night. You’re free to do as you please within the limits of the rules.” You said, closing the door as you left.
Soonyoung didn’t move an inch until he could no longer hear your footsteps. A mixture of fear and adrenaline coursed through him. He was sure there was an open-ended threat attached to the last rule. It didn’t need to be spoken for him to understand what was being implied. Soonyoung moved across the room to the door, locking it quickly before returning to his previous spot by the bed. Already he began feeling calmer knowing nobody could get through the locked door.
Eventually Soonyoung found himself tiring from the long day driving and began to settle into bed. The mattress was a lot comfier than he thought it would be considering the way it looked, and the blankets seemed to trap warmth against his body. He felt himself drift into sleep the moment his head landed on the pillow and he closed his eyes. In no time he was lulled into a comforting sleep.
Soonyoung slept peacefully for a few hours until he heard something scratching at his door. The sound was quiet, but it penetrated his room and pulled him from his sleep. Thoughts clouded by drowsiness, Soonyoung called out, “Hello?” As if set off by the sound of his voice, the scratching became more frantic, more desperate. Whatever was raking its nails against his door wanted entrance into the room.
Closing his eyes once more, Soonyoung tried to return back to sleep, but the scraping didn’t cease. It seemed more frantic as Soonyoung’s eyes fluttered open and close. Lifting his head, Soonyoung grabbed the pillow from under him and closed it around his face. It was a weak attempt to block out the insufferable scratching, but it was better than nothing.
Unfortunately for him, the scratching sound continued to penetrate past the attempted covering of his ears. Soonyoung let out a groan as he pushed the blankets from his body and stood to investigate the scratching coming from the hallway.
“What do-” Soonyoung’s words died in his throat as his gaze drifted towards the calico cat that sat in front of his door. It let out a pathetic mewl before padding down the dark hallway. Soonyoung poked his head across the threshold, keeping his gaze set on the cat. “Who are you and where are you going?”
The hallway was nearly devoid of light. There were no lamps lit or wall sconces burning light into the hallway, but the sheer curtains covering the few windows let in some moonlight. Forgetting his shoes, Soonyoung followed the cat out into the hallway. The woodboards of the floor were cold against his feet, but he continued the trek down the hallway, which seemed to stretch on for miles.
The cat let out a few meows every couple of feet, almost as if it was making sure Soonyoung was still following. Eventually Soonyoung reached the end of the hallway. There were three doors that he could see. One on either side of the hallway, and one right in front of him. The moonlight didn’t touch this section of the hallway, and it took a few minutes for Soonyoung’s eyes to adjust to the darkness that surrounded him.
He could feel the cat snaking between his legs, rubbing its head against his foot or ankle. Soonyoung didn’t think he was supposed to be here. Recalling the rules, he remembered your warning not to try to enter a locked oak door, but from his observations all the doors in the house were some type of wood, and he wasn’t too confident in his ability to tell different types of wood apart. Without thinking, Soonyoung reached for the brass door knob. He felt out of control when it came to his own movements as he turned the knob, though the door didn’t give way. It stayed stubbornly shut.
Soonyoung pulled his hand back from the knob, feeling as if he had been burned. But the same compelling sensation returned as his eyes flitted to the door to his right. He didn’t know what was happening to him, but the feeling that he just had to open that door wouldn’t leave him. With the same hand, he reached for the knob attached to the door to the room on his right, exhaling in relief when it allowed him entry.
The room was similar to the one that he had been staying in. The wallpaper was still just as ugly and an identical bed was against the wall and taking up most of the bedroom space. The sensation of the cat that had been rubbing against Soonyoung’s legs had left him, though he didn’t know when the cat had gone. Looking down the hallway, he couldn’t see it. Then he stepped across the threshold into this new room.
A layer of dust seemed to have settled over the furniture, causing Soonyoung to sneeze a few times. He tried to suppress or at least quiet the noise. Soonyoung briefly wondered if it would be rude to suggest that you buy a duster.
Continuing through the room, Soonyoung found a few items that set this room apart from the one he was supposed to be sleeping in. In place of a wardrobe, a vanity was pushed up against the wall. A white sheet covered what looked like a mirror and a few cosmetic items were scattered across the vanity. A dried out tube of lipstick laid on its side next to a closed powder container. Soonyoung’s hand drifted to the sheet covering the mirror as he readied himself to lift it.
The sound of glass shattering pulled Soonyoung back to himself and he dropped the little bit of the cover that he had begun lifting. Staying still, his eyes darted across the room to the bedside table. He could faintly make out the outline of the cat and the small porcelain object that was now broken into a hundred pieces on the floor. Letting out a shaky breath, Soonyoung crossed the room to where the cat sat.
“You are a troublemaker, aren’t you?” He whispered, lifting the cat into his arms. He smiled as the rumble of a purr came from the cat. Soonyoung scratched the cat’s soft chin, but when he pulled his hand away there was a dampness that stuck to his finger.
“What?” He murmured, bringing the finger up his nose to try to smell what the mystery substance was, but he found it to be odorless. Grimacing, Soonyoung lifted his finger to his mouth to touch it to his tongue, figuring it wasn’t anything from the cat’s bladder based on the lack of smell. A metallic tang rushed his taste buds as they came into contact with whatever was on his finger.
Soonyoung’s stomach dropped as he remembered what liquid tasted metallic. Blood. Holding the cat out in front of him, he puzzled as to why it would have blood on its chin. He couldn’t imagine that it was injured, otherwise it wouldn’t have let Soonyoung pet it. He tried to rationalize that the cat might’ve been hunting a bird or something outside before returning to him, but he knew the cat hadn’t been gone long enough for that to make sense.
Setting the cat down, Soonyoung moved away from the table and shattered object. He walked farther into the room, his attention wandering with him. The room gave off the feeling that it had been previously used, though he couldn’t tell how long ago that was. Besides the opened cosmetics laying on the vanity, the bed was unmade. Blankets were pushed around on the mattress and a few of the decorative pillows were tossed onto the floor.
Then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a door. Light was leaking through the bottom of the door, though he couldn’t hear anything coming from the other side of it. Thankful that he didn’t have to worry about the sounds his shoes would’ve made on the floorboards, Soonyoung crossed the space between him and the poorly hidden door. Soonyoung pressed his ear against the wood, straining to hear something, anything. But no sound came through the door. Soonyoung raised his hand to grip the door handle, turning it until he heard the click that allowed him to push the door open.
Opening it just wide enough for him to peek through the crack, the light temporarily blinded him, but after a few blinks his eyes readjusted to having light. From the little bit of the room that he could see, Soonyoung noticed the walls covered with the same white sheet that was covering the vanity mirror in the room he was in. A mop was leaning against the wall closest to him, and when he was sure there wouldn’t be anyone in the room, he pushed the door open further. The room horrified him.
Red puddles were pooling around the floor. A glass cupboard holding jars of various liquids and plants — one he recognized as hemlock — was pushed into the corner of the room. A desk sat next to it with an open journal. Soonyoung tip-toed around the pools of liquid until he stood in front of the desk. Anatomical drawings detailing where to inject needles or where veins and arteries were located filled the book as Soonyoung flipped through the pages. Shakily he set the book down.
“Are you really so rude as to not follow the basic rules of my home?” Your voice was startling as it broke through the horrifying silence that had settled into the room. Soonyoung turned to look at you over his shoulder. Your lips were set in an unimpressed line as you looked at him expectantly. Sighing, you continued to speak, “It was really so simple. Stay in your room, and you get to leave. However, I’ve noticed no one likes to follow rules.”
Soonyoung’s face blanched as he realized this was the room with the locked door leading to the hallway.
“Did I tell you what happens to those who can’t follow the simplest of rules? No? Well, they’re taught how to listen,” you continued, shutting the door behind you. “Society can’t function if no one listens.”
Soonyoung’s feet were moving before he realized he was running for the door that he had used to get in. He winced as he felt his foot land in one of the bloody puddles on the floor, but he didn’t slow down. Swinging around the door frame, he continued until he was running down the hallway. He could hear your faint laughter as he passed his bedroom and nearly threw himself down the stairs in an attempt to put more distance between himself and you.
Slipping on the bottom three steps, the adrenaline that pumped through Soonyoung’s veins helped him to quickly pull himself up and rush through the front door. Once outside, the stinging of the gravel hitting his feet slowed him down slightly. He was sure his foot would be cut on a sharp rock by the time he got to his car, which he thankfully had parked close to the building.
Soonyoung pulled on the front door’s handle frantically, but it wouldn’t budge. He had locked his car after grabbing his bags and his car keys were left in the room he was staying in. “Fuck!” He shouted, as he looked around. Soonyoung didn’t have very many options for escape now that his car was crossed out. He figured he could run out to the road, but on the drive down here he hadn’t seen any sign of life and there was no way he would’ve been able to outrun your car. His next, and seemingly only, option was to run into the woods that surrounded the lot. At least there you wouldn’t be able to follow him with a vehicle.
Sucking in a shaky breath, Soonyoung took off into the forest just as he heard the front door open, slamming against the wall of the building. The wind carried your voice as you called out his name. Soonyoung had never hated the sound more than he did in that moment.
His legs burned with effort and his feet stung everytime they came in contact with the forest floor, but he needed to get away. He needed to survive. After what felt like forever, Soonyoung stopped behind a thick tree. His chest heaved as he tried to quietly catch his breath. He was completely alone in the dark. He couldn’t hear your voice calling out his name anymore.
He didn’t dare move. The world froze around him as he closed his eyes, trying to steady his heartbeat. Silently he prayed that he would make it out alive, that he would see his friends again. He promised to whatever deity might be listening to him that he would be kinder to those around him and he would right every wrong he’d ever committed.
The sound of leaves being crushed seemed to echo in the silence, but Soonyoung didn’t want to open his eyes. That would signify the end. It would mean all the running he had just done was for nothing. That there was no hope left for him. He kept them closed until he felt your presence. His breathing was shallow as he slowly began to open his eyes, filling his gaze with the image of you.
And then Soonyoung screamed.
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eeemarvel · 3 years
Hope you're having a good week!
If every single OC (including the villains) and the YOI cast were at a slumber party together watching a horrow movie at night in the thunderstorm, who would be be fine/laughing and who would be the scaredy cats?
I wasn't going to answer asks until I had officially caught up to my own writing and stuff but I absolutely adore this one.....Also, I've seen one and half horror movies and it will definitely show.
Victor isn't scared at all but he is definitely talking throughout the whole thing when characters do stupid stuff or when something suspicious happens that no one else notices. It's because he's kind of taking the plot personally. I mean, he's not the only one taking it personally, but he is the most vocal about it.
Victor, throwing popcorn at the screen: "You can trust me." Yeah, right! You know who else said that? Styx. And he ended up stabbing me in the kidney.
Chris: That one's on you, love.
He's pointing accusatorily at the screen at bad guys like
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and when he notices sus stuff, he usually notices it before everyone else so he looks positively unhinged until he's eventually proven right.
Victor: Wait, why doesn't he have a shadow?
Robin: ... because he's in the kitchen...?
Victor: Uuuuuuh....the lights are off, it's sundown and the windows are open for dramatic effect but he doesn't have a shadow. No, no, let's keep watching, I could be wrong. I'm just saying that it's weird that he's the only thing in the entire room—oh. And there ya go. He was a demon. That explains it.
Victor is also the guy who yells at the characters for doing DUMB STUFF like investigating things that are most definitely haunted, leaving their friends behind when they know danger is present, or moving into houses that have seen the murders of entire families (Why on Earth would you try to fight that thing?! Yakov, are you seeing this?! Run, 0 star civilian, run! Find a hero!)
Yes, he's being a bit of a pain but in his defense, it's a miracle that he even has free time to do this; he spends most of his waking hours being highly suspicious and cautious of the world around him and it's hard for him to turn it off. No one really minds though. Except Yuri who minds that Victor exists in the first place.
Yuuri isn't really scared but he can't stand to see people scared and/or in pain so he often flinches when it happens on screen or he turns into someone's (😏😏😏) shoulder. Unlike Victor who is constantly pointing out all the suspicious stuff, Yuuri just kind of watches quietly. Unless of course there is a poorly done fight/action/violent scene. It's one of his biggest pet peeves in movies.
Yuuri: Ok, I've seen what a head looks like with its ear severed off and this is not it.
Kenza: .......I'm sorry????????????
Yuuri's face when he's supposed to believe that someone just got shot but the effects are lacking:
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Phichit is talking through the movie with Victor because they're both trying to piece things together and make sense of everything. Only difference is that Phichit is on edge and scared the whole time and always falls victim to jump scares. After screaming his head off, he laughs hysterically as he catches his breath at how ridiculous he looked.
Phichit: Oh my god, why is she opening the door?? She should be running!
Victor: But that would make too much sense!
Phichit: Why is she doing this to me? Why—OH MY GOD, I JUST REMEMBERED SHE THINKS IT'S GONNA BE HER DEAD DOG.
Victor: And we all know—
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Chris is a thousand percent not paying attention. His attention is split between his insta where he's posting #movienight #sleepover #horrornight with candid pics of everyone and like 50 selfies, the popcorn, whoever is currently leaning their head on his shoulder, his cat napping in his lap, and Victor's outbursts
Victor: How many times do we practice monster attack evacuation drills in this city?? How is this even a plot point??
Chris: Everyone in this city is so bad at following directions—if a Spring Gate resident was in a horror movie, they'd be the first to die.
Victor: ....... Ok you're right but—
He'll sometimes catch like 2% of the movie. This is usually for when an actor delivers a line badly or someone gives a character a weird look for no reason at all. So, if someone asks him how was the movie, he'll say it was "funny" for this reason and this reason only.
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Yuri P. starts off fine but gets progressively more scared as time goes on and it's all Victor and Phichit's fault.
Victor: Well, that's not suspicious at all.
YP: What.... what do you mean?
Victor: Yuri, no one is that in to animal pelts in a horror movie unless it's gonna come up later.
YP: But there are no animals in this movie so it's unrelated, right?
Victor: ....
And then whenever Phichit screams, Yuri screams louder...
Phichit: AAAAHHH!!!!!
*person entering room on screen is smol son and not a monster*
YP, punching Phichit's arm: Why'd you scream?!?
Phichit: the music was intense! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Somehow, Yakov and Lilia have both been dragged into this movie and they're not amused at all. They're beyond bored, appalled at all the bad decision making, unfazed by the gore, violence, and horror aspects, and feel no sympathy when someone dies horribly if they felt as if the character was acting foolishly. Sometimes, Yakov will snicker quietly to himself when Yuuri complains about the unrealistic depictions of violence/actions/etc. He'll also glance sideways at Yuri P. if he sounds particularly scared, but doesn't say anything. He's already asked YP once if he wants to go to bed so he won't push the matter. Lilia honestly has no concept of how scary this movie is for normal people so she hadn't even considered that maybe the movie is too much for YP.
But, in general, Yakov and Lilia are both like:
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Except they can't actually leave because the entire agency will hound them for weeks if they do.
Celestino is suffering. He's scared senseless. He came out to have a good time at this sleepover do some quality bonding time, but he's feeling very attacked and very vulnerable. If he's sitting by Victor, he's holding Victor's hand. The hand that Victor keeps using to point angrily at the screen. Who am I kidding, he's holding the closest hand to him, regardless of whether or not it's Victor. When everything is done, he's a good sport about the light, playful teasing but makes everyone promise to not force him to watch another horror movie.
Minako can not stop laughing. It started off with concealed giggling. But as the movie progresses and they're in the thick of the horror, she's just cackling uncontrollably which makes Lilia roll her eyes and Yuri P. very confused and even more scared than before.
Minako: *low snickering*
YP: .....what?
Minako: Nothing, I'm sorry.
*silence and then more snickering*
Minako: *incomprehensible wheezing and pointing at the screen*
Yuuri K. is mildly embarrassed as Minako hits his arm and points at the movie but he is trying very hard not to laugh with her. No one knows what they think is so funny..... except ofc for Lilia but she'll never admit that. She understands. But she is not amused.
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I'll continue this soon because there's just so many characters but i looooooooove this ask :'))))
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giggly-squiggily · 3 years
Get Along, Children (Collar X Malice)
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Heyo everyone! So, it comes to no surprise I’m sure that I’ve fallen head over heels for this game, and these characters! X3 Also Aiji is slowly becoming the love of my life HAVE YOU SEEN THIS MAN’S SMILE AHHH! *Dies
Anywho, I wrote this fic a bit ago, and decided I wanted to share it! I hope you like it!
Summary: Takeru and Mineo are fighting. Again. Maybe Aiji can teach them to get along better.
Aiji was a patient man.
At least, he tried to be.
He rarely got involved with Mineo and Takeru’s antics, only stepping in when their fights got so bad it started to disrupt the flow of the investigation (or when his head started to hurt. Whichever came first).
Today, however, they were truly testing his patience.
It really didn’t matter who started it- Mineo’s insistent teasing of the hacker or Takeru’s sharp tongue towards the redhead; they were at each other's throats once more. 
Aiji pinched the bridge of his nose as Mineo stormed out the front, dramatically slamming the door behind him. Takeru had already left, laptop in hand and a gruff remark about going to the roof. The brunette only could only thank whomever was listening that Ichika wasn’t here to witness their tantrums.
“My my, it seems tensions are high today. Looks like you’re on your last leg.” From the couch, Kageyuki peered up from his files, his expression holding it’s usual smile as he watched the ex-cop from afar. Aiji let out a huff of a sigh before turning to the profiler, knowing it was useless to hide anything from him. 
“Things...aren’t going so well with their cases. We’re losing time, and eventually, we’re gonna lose Ms. Hoshino. I think the reality of that is starting to get to them…”
Humming softly, Kageyuki stretched out across Aiji’s couch, resembling a cat getting ready for a nap. “Sounds like they need a distraction. Something to take their minds off the case, even if it’s momentarily.” 
Aiji nodded, closing his eyes while letting out a sigh through his nose, leaning  into the wall behind him. “And were would one even begin with a distraction as such?
“You’ll figure something out. I’m sure of it.” Kageyuki’s soft voice was closer suddenly, and a gentle poke to his belly made him yelp with a start. The older man’s eyes gleaned with mischief as he passed Aiji the files he reviewed. “I’ve got to get back to the office. Good luck.” He smiled teasingly before heading out the door. 
Aiji watched him go, a new idea forming in his mind.
“We’re wasting time. I’ve still got work to do.” Takeru grumbled from his place next to Mineo, who was also looking rather grumpy. A few hours had passed since their fight. While work had continued on without much issue, there was still this ever present tension between the two men.
“I’m aware, but this is also important.” Aiji walked over to them, keeping his expression firm yet kind. “I know things have been difficult lately, and time is running out. That said, I need you two to get along. We get things done more efficiently when we work together, so what do you say?.” He quirked his lips in his best smile, a small span of hope in his chest.
“I understand that, Aiji-san, so go tell Takeru over here to stop being so mean to me!” Mineo fumed, an edge of a whine in his voice. 
“I’ll stop being mean when you stop being a dumbass.” Takeru replied, glaring right back.
Aiji’s eye twitched, his smile growing forced as the two went at each other once more. Well, he’d figure this is how it would go down. Any hope his little speech could end with maturity went out the window.
Letting out a sigh, he rolled up his sleeves and cracked his knuckles. “Very well then. Time for plan B.”
Mineo and Takeru paused at the comment, only just noticing Aiji. “What do you-” was all Mineo got out before Aiji attacked. There was a flash, followed by a grunt. 
“Gah! A-Aiji! What the hell?” Takeru yelped as he and Mineo were wrestled into the couch, pinned. “When the hell you’d get this strong?”
“Ai-Jihihihiihihihihihihihiihi!” Mineo squawked, laughing helplessly when he felt a hand patch onto his side, squeezing and pinching at the sensitive skin. Beside him, Takeru wasn’t much better, childlike giggles escaping his lips as he tried to curl up. “Gah! Ahahahahahhaji! Stahahhahahp!”
The older investigator laughed softly, expertly trapping both boys and tickling them senseless. “I asked you to get along! And instead you decide to fight again! No more arguing!” He teased, a soft smile playing on his lips. It was nice, hearing them laugh. Really took out the tension.
“Ahehahhahahhahaha! A-Ahahahahahahahaji! Plehehehehahhahase!” Mineo cackled, his cheeks flushing almost as red as his hair. Takeru couldn’t even make words, only squeaks and curses as Aiji’s hand clawed at his belly. It was utterly adorable. 
“Ahehahahhhahahahahaha!  Shihihihiht stahahahap! Ahehheahhaha!”
“Will you two stop fighting?” Aiji asked, never relenting his wiggling fingers. “I’ll only stop tickling you if you both agree.” 
The boys nodded rapidly, tears of mirth dotting their eyes threatening to spill down their flushed cheeks. “Ohhoohohohohookay! Ohohohohohohokay!” Mineo cried, his laughter taking on a new pitch when Aiji dug into his armpit.
 Takeru tried to nod, but he was too overwhelmed with squeaky yelps and snorts when Aiji squeezed his thigh. “Ahahahhahahalright! Ahahahahahahlright! Ihihiihihihi prohohoohohhoohmise!”
The ex-cop laughed, finally stopping his evil tickle attack and giving them space. Mineo slumped back into the couch cushions, sucking down greedy breaths with his arms wrapped around his torso. Beside him, Takeru flopped over, his head falling against Mineo’s thigh, light green hair falling over his embarrassed expression as his giggles turned with hiccups.
“Hehehe...heh...y-you suck…” Mineo gasped out, making Aiji smile. Takeru didn’t even have the energy to glare, opting to close his eyes. 
“Maybe, but it was worth it. Do you two feel better?” There was a moment of silence, the only sound being the soft breaths and residue hiccups from the boys. 
Eventually, Mineo nodded, giving Aiji a tired grin. “You know...I kinda do. Thanks Aiji...I appreciate it. I guess..we can get along. Right, Takeru?”
Takeru merely groaned from his spot, but the older detective knew he meant well. “Fihine..but do that again and I’ll end you.”
Aiji would take it!
“Erm...g-good evening.” The three men froze, turning to the front door. Ichika stood by, eyes wide with both surprise and amusement. “Is this a bad time?” She asked softly, her lips quirking up at the deep blushes scorching Takeru and Mineo’s cheeks. 
“Not at all. Please, come in Ms. Hoshino.” Aiji recovered, his own lips tilted up in amusement. “Let’s have some tea.”
The rest of the night was still rather tense, but for a new reason. It wasn’t long before things returned to normal.
Thanks for reading!
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wreckofawriter · 4 years
Pulled Apart
~Part 2~ ~Part 3~
Pairings: Sirius Black x reader, Regulus Black x reader, Redacted x reader and Redacted x reader
Word Count: 3.9k
Warnings: Mentions of anxiety and death, swearing
Summary: Everyone is lost in the world as the man soon to be called the Dark Lord rises to power. Your parents are already ready to give their life along with your own for this man. You spend your seventh year in Hogwarts being pulled apart by the expectations for you and the hope placed in you by your childhood friend Sirius and his closest companions.
A/n: The first part to my seires! I'm going to be posting new parts once a week, there are going to be around 10 of them. I hope you guys enjoy!
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    The night was a pitch black, the moon hid from the horrors that had taken the earth behind layers of deep grey clouds. The stars gave no signs as they did every other night, they too were afraid. The wind came in nervous gusts which whipped through the dark robes of the pale wizard as he walked through the silent town. Not one window gave off a warm light, but that was normal in Clovelly, people were never up past midnight. 
    The soft footsteps on cobblestone were far too gentle considering where they were leading. A deafening stomp followed by the scream of broken glass would have been more appropriate. But things were rarely as they were seen. The man -if you could call him that much-  didn’t bother knocking on the small wooden door but instead pulled a wand from his pocket and whispered a spell. The hinges which hadn’t been tended to in years creaked as they parted way for the wizard. He padded into the small entry investigating the photographs which hung on the beige walls. 
    The stairs were carpeted, silencing death’s warnings as he continued with his shrunken, bladeless scythe. The prey he sought was fast asleep, her deep blue eyes closed, unaware they would never re-open. The man didn’t linger in front of her bed for long, he had no intention of looking at the woman’s face for longer than necessary. 
    A gust of wind shook the windows, ruffling the small cat’s dark fur as it watched the windows flash green. Life was taken, yet the world spun on, it always would. Life wasn’t the world’s worry.
    “Black!” You snapped stomping into the red and gold common room. No one was quite sure how you knew the passwords each week but no one dared to ask. 
    The called boy turned his head looking over his shoulder to see you marching towards him. 
    James cringed when he caught the expression on your face, “Good luck man.” he murmured moving from his spot next to Sirius on the couch to the chair across from him. 
    “Hey y/n,” Sirius spoke, plastering a smile onto his thin lips.
    You scoffed in disgust as you placed yourself in front of him, hands on your hips, “Can you possibly keep your dick in your pants for more than a minute?” you scowled and James turned a laugh into a cough behind your back.
    “Wow y/n, I didn’t know you wanted my dick too, but I mean I’m game if y- Mother fucker!” Sirius doubled over in pain clutching his soon to be bruised shin.
    “I told you not to fuck around with any of my friends Black.” You said, “And yet. What do I wake up to but Pearl gushing about how she and the infamous Sirius Black are now dating.”
    Sirius scrunched his nose in disgust, “What no way, Pearl and I are not dating.” 
    “Yeah, no shit!” You yelled smacking him upside the head with the back of your hand.
    The boy moaned, rubbing his head, “Come on y/n.” He whined, “It’s too early to be abused.” 
    “It’s also too early to hear one of your best friend’s heart break but here we are.” You spoke, gesturing wildly around you, “I can’t believe you slept with her.” 
    “I told you not to mess with Pearl, Sirius.” Remus called from the top of the stairs, beginning down towards the scene you had created. 
    “Chime out Moony.” Sirius huffed, “This is none of your business.” 
    You now had your head buried in your hands, mumbling tiredly about Sirius’s absolute stupidity.
    “Pearl is the really nice blonde one right?” James asked behind you and Remus nodded taking the armchair next to him. 
    “She sure was nice in bed,” Sirius grinned. His smirk was wiped away as the toe of your dress shoe connected with his shin again.
    “I swear to Salazar, Black!” You shrieked.
    Remus winced, “We’re on last names?” He whispered to James who nodded.
“She hasn’t called him Sirius yet.”  
    Sirius shrugged, “I told her it was only for one night, I didn’t think it would be an issue.” he explained.
“The issue is they always come to me expecting me to get them a date!” You wailed, “And then I have to break their hearts, you dumbass!”
Sirius pondered this for a moment, “Okay I can see how that would be annoying.”
You let out a sigh, “So you’ll stop sleeping with my friends then.” you questioned eyebrows raised. 
    Sirius frowned pouting, “But your friends are so hot.” 
    You threw your hands up in the air, turning to James and Remus who both shrugged giving you looks of pity. Giving up, you dropped beside Sirius on the couch. 
    “You’re such an asshole.” You mumbled, leaning your head onto his shoulder, blowing at the hair which fell into your eyes.
    “You love me.” He chuckled, glancing down at you in amusement.
    You bit your lip humming, “Do I?” 
    You had always hated cold weather, it didn’t help that your common room seemed to be ten degrees colder than the rest of the castle. It was nice in the summer but the winter was miserable. Goosebumps ripped up your arm as you approached the stone wall that had been submitted to memory by every green-robed student in the school. 
    “Purity.” You mumbled and the stones parted. You never liked Slytherins passwords, you always felt sick to your stomach as you watch some muggle-born speak horrible things against themselves simply to get to bed. Your mother had told you she thought the passwords were nothing short of adequate, fitting the house quite well. You had learned that your mother was usually wrong. 
    As you entered the room your eyes wandered to a group of students you knew a bit too well. The rest of the common room was empty as it always was when your meetings -or hangouts as most of the group called them- took place. 
Lucious turned towards you with a sneer. “Where were you y/l/n?” He snapped, voice icy as his eyes. “You’re late.”
    “None of your business Malfoy.” You replied, “You’re not my mother.”
    “He kinda looks like her.” Avery laughed behind the blonde.
    You cracked a grin, “Don’t insult my mother like that, even her nose isn’t that big.” 
    Malfoy scoffed as you placed yourself next to Avery, who always seemed a bit too close. The Black sisters glanced up at you, Narssicia with a soft smile and Bellatrix with a frown of disgust, you didn’t take it personally. 
    “She’s obviously been with our dreadful cousin.” The curly-haired girl spat.
    You rolled your eyes with a sigh, “Where is Regulus anyway?” you mumbled hoping to move the conversation away from your whereabouts. 
    “He said he was going to be here in a few minutes,” Narssicia answered, her eyes returning to the book in her lap. 
    You nodded nervously picking at the dark polish on your nails. You hated these meetings, they made your stomach twist in knots and your heart hammer too quickly in your chest. Despite the often joking nature of the students, you each knew the other would take your life if given the order. It caused your anxiety to spike and eyes to flirt dangerously form person to person. 
    Your gaze lingered on Snape, the newest member of your little club. His hair was plastered down onto his pale face, lips a thin pink which seemed to be bitten raw. He felt your stare and glanced up in a silent challenge.  You thanked Regulus for his timing as the common room’s door slid open.  
    He nodded at the few greetings he received apologizing for his tardiness and taking a seat next to you. Your heartbeat immediately calmed, the younger Blacks presence did wonders for the terrifying thoughts that clouded your head as you stared down the future murders your parents had pushed you to be friends with. 
    You felt yourself subconsciously leaning towards the boy, he never seemed to mind. 
    Bellatrix mumbled a concealing spell and the meeting began. 
    “So any new tasks this week?” Mcruber asked, far too excited to get something terrible done.
    “Not for a while actually,” Malfoy grunted and you felt momentary ecstasy. “The old bat that runs this place knows something is up. Apparently he started his own group of fifthly mudbloods.” 
    Your stomach tightened.
    “I don’t buy it.” The elder Black sister scoffed leaning back on the couch.  
    “It doesn’t matter whether you buy it or not, Bella.” Regulus drawled, rolling his eyes at his older cousin.
    “We are supposed to lay low for a bit,” Lucious explained ignoring Bellatrix who made faces at her younger cousin, “My father suggested we find a different place to meet as well, this is open.” 
    The others nodded in agreement. 
    “So we are just supposed to sit here?” Avery asked, his voice holding a hint of a whine.
    “Sounds like it.” Snape murmured, glancing around the table, his gaze landing on you and staying there for far too long. 
    You felt Regulus stiffen beside you. You looked up at the boy to see him staring straight back at the half-blood who eventually caved. Severus didn’t trust you. You knew that and so did everyone else seated around you. You just prayed that everyone would continue to consider him paranoid as they currently were. Most of them didn’t trust the half-blood himself, but you knew it was only a matter of time before he broke through their walls. 
    The meeting only lasted another ten minutes filled with useless questions being answered as you slowly inched closer and closer to Regulus, Snape’s stares becoming downright frightening as his eyes stayed locked on your form. It didn’t help that Avery had tried to throw his arm around your shoulder twice now. You felt trapped, like a mouse in a cage.
    The third time you had to push the blonde-haired boy’s arm from your shoulders Regulus stood from his seat silencing the conversation that Lucious and Narssica had been having. 
    “She’s obviously not interested, so back off.” He growled, his fists tightening at his side. 
    Avery was taken aback by the actions of the usually quiet male, he opened his mouth to speak, shutting it quickly when he caught the glare you pointed at him. A sly smirk took his visage and he pulled up his arms in surrender, “My bad, I didn’t know she was taken.” 
    You scoffed, a snarl finding your face, “I’m not into you because you’re a disgusting pig, not because I’m dating someone else.” 
    His face grew red, anger darkening his bright eyes,  “What did you just say to me bitch?” he leaped to his feet leaning towards you. You heard Narcissa gasp. 
    Regulus pushed the other boy squarely in the shoulders, sending him back into the couch which you had stood from, backing away quickly.
    “Don’t speak to her that way.” Regulus hissed, one of his hands gripping Avery’s face roughly as he kneeled on his thigh with one leg.
    Mcruber snatched Regulus’s arms pulling him away from the other boy with a warning glance. You heard Bellatrix laughing behind you, her shriek only worsening your mood. 
    “Let’s calm down guys, no need to kill each other,” Mcruiber spoke a palm to each male’s chest, standing between them.
    “You best watch it Black.” Avery spat before shoving Mcriber away from him and storming up the stairs and slamming the door to his dorm room. 
    Regulus dropped his shoulders with a huff and glanced towards you in a soundless question.
    You nodded, Bellatrix still cackling over your shoulder.
    “So protective Reggy.” She giggled.
    Your eyes turned in their sockets, “Shut up Bella.” You glanced at Regulus who had turned away from you, sitting back down on the couch. You made you way next to him hearing Mcrubier cough awkwardly. 
    Snape stood himself, gathering a few books which were set on the dark coffee table in front of him, “If we’re done, I’m leaving.”
    He was only met with nods before he turned on his heel and made towards the common room exit.
    “This makes things easier anyway, considering they weren’t invited.” Mcruiber chuckled reaching for his bag and pulling out a stack of heavy envelopes.
As he distributed the parchment you leaned into the youngest Black, “Thanks Reg.” your voice was a sweet whisper.
The boy only nodded stiffly before you backed away from him to accept the invitation from Mcruiber. You peeled open the wax not surprised to see almost illegible thin cursive writing announcing a ball two weeks from the next day. 
“You’re supposed to bring a date.” Mcruiber huffed, clearly not a fan of the idea, “They have to be respectful to the setting of course.” He didn’t need to elaborate, you all knew what he meant. “Some families from France, Bulgaria, and Germany will be there as well.” 
You nodded along with everyone else, eyes scanning the guest list on the back catching your family’s name along with four dozen others. 
“It’s over Christmas break so if any of you are staying here then you would want to arrange something with your parents.” The brunette explained finishing his rounds and settling into his original seat. 
You felt a familiar sense of dread fill you at a mention of the approaching break, ignoring the painful pressure on your chest you got to your feet bringing your hand through your hair, “I’m heading up to bed.” You stated, “I need a nap.” 
A murmur of goodbyes met your ears as you turned to leave. Just as your foot met the first step leading towards the girls dorm a call pulled you back.  
“What’s up Reg?’ You asked looking up at the younger boy.
He paused, his bottom lip tucked between his teeth, “You know what, it’s not important.” he muttered.
You frowned, “Alright. I’ll see you later”
He nodded, “Yeah, see you.” 
    You continued up the stairs, hoping sleep would wipe away the bitterness of the gathering you had just taken part in, unaware of the set of eyes that followed you until you slipped out of their view. 
    You let the meeting slip from your head, the words exchanged in its secrecy did nothing but trouble you. You successfully distracted yourself for three days. Tests and essays made the job easy as you plunged headfirst into the deep waters of education. The last thing you wanted was to face your mother in two weeks’ time with inadequate grades, she would have your head. You found your classes easy enough, it felt good to be like everyone else for a few moments, you were just another kid stressing over Transfiguration notes and procrastinating with your friends. It was easy to forget you were anything but another kid. 
    The normalness you had grown to love was ripped away from you in one cruel movement. 
    It was late at night, the windows creaking from heavy snowfall and harsh winds. You and a few others were pushed from the library where you had taken sanctuary with a thick book under your arm. 
You headed towards the dungeons alone, the castle practically empty from the rapidly approaching curfew. Your hurried steps were cut short when a cat cut in front of you. It wasn't the raggeded Mrs. Norris you were accustomed to. Instead, you were greeted with a brown tabby, its fur neat and trimmed as it gave you an oddly familiar pointed look.
You frowned, you knew this cat. Your mind reeled as you tried to remember its origin. You gasped as the memory snapped into place, “Professor?” 
The cat nodded confirming your suspicion before trotting off towards the east wing. She paused turning to look back at you. 
Catching the message you picked up your pace to follow the disguised teacher. The halls were silent save the murmur of portraits and the occasional wisp of a ghost. You didn’t dare speak unsure of what was happening as you trailed through the castle until you stood in front of a massive gargoyle, its teeth bared at you in a warning. 
You blink owlishly before turning back to the cat which was no longer a cat. Your professor stood in front of you, but she didn’t meet your questioning eyes only muttering a password under her breath before commanding you forwards into the now opening stairwell.
    You started to climb the stone steps only for them to rotate upwards startling you into gripping the wall to your left. 
    Your anxiety had spiked into a near attack. You knew where this staircase led and you knew who was waiting for you. It was the matter of what he was going to say that caused your heart to rush in your chest. 
    The slow spiral upwards had stopped and you were opened to a circular room decorated in mumbling portraits and strange-looking artifacts. 
    “Ah, Ms. y/l/n.” 
    You pulled your eyes away from a set of strange silver instruments to meet your headmaster’s eyes. 
    “I’m assuming you are wondering what you are doing here at this ungodly hour.” He chuckled.
    You glanced at your watch, it was only ten-thirty. You nodded anyway, “Am I in trouble professor?” you asked, trying not to sound as anxious as you felt. 
    He laughed again, something you found irritating as you tried not to shake in panic, “Of course not.” 
    You wondered how that was so obvious considering the circumstances.
    “But I am afraid I am going to have to ask you for a favor.” The humor had dropped from his voice and you gulped, pressing your hands which were slick with sweat together.
    The elderly man motioned for you to take a seat in front of his desk. You did so carefully, your eyes darting around you the way they were taught to when you didn’t know what was going on.
    There was a breath of silence as Dumbledore peered at you over his half-moon spectacles, the portraits had stopped their conversations, and the strange ticking you had been exposed to when first entering had halted. 
    “I would like us to come to an agreement not to lie to each other in this conversation y/n.” He spoke pointedly, your given name sounding strange on his lips.
    You nodded numbly, deciding immediately not to follow through with that accord.
    He paused for a moment too long, a somber look taking his worn features, “I assume you have heard of the man who is calling himself Voldemort.” 
    Your eyes widened, you fought a wince, “Yes I have.” you managed to croak. Your throat felt abnormally dry.
    “You also know of his large and growing number of followers don’t you?” He inquired.
    You felt your back go stiff, “Yes sir.”
    He licked his lips leaning back in his chair, “And we both know your family is apart of that following.”
    You felt yoru breath lodge in your throat, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, professor.” you spoke so cleanly, you surprised yourself.
    He glared down at you, “I thought we agreed not to lie.”
    “I’m not lying, sir.” You respond like a well-trained dog.
    He sighed, “Minerva was right, you are going to be hard to break.”
    You did reply, your face stone, unmoving as you stared deep into midnight blue eyes.
    He broke the held eye contact leaning back in his chair slightly, “Y/n, what is your relationship with Sirius Black.”
    You furrowed your brows, “What does Sirius have to do with any of this?” 
“Sirius has everything to do with this.” 
You hesitated a moment, “We’re friends. We have been since we were young.”
“Yes, you have.” He mumbled, “And what about James Potter?”
This question only confused you more, “I’m sorry sir, if you were just going to ask me about my relationship with a list of boys I will be getting to bed.”
Dumbledore laughed loudly, the tension in the room dispersing as he mentioned for you to sit back in the seat you had risen from, “I’m offtly sorry y/n, this must all be very confusing, I suppose I should get to the point.”
“I agree.” you bit back.
His smile once again dropped, “I have started a group, an organization of sorts to help combat the actions and supporters of Lord Voldemort.” 
You felt the color drain from your face.
“I brought you here today to ask if you would be willing to join us.” 
Your head spun, your fingers instinctively found the skin of your forearm and pinched it to keep you in reality, “I-I’m sorry, what?” the confusion read very clearly in your tone.
“We would like you to join. Sirius fought very hard for us to offer you a spot, James seconded him and Remus was his third.” The headmaster explained, “They all believe that you would be a useful asset on our team.”
Your mouth dropped slightly and you blinked rapidly, “I’m sorry, I don’t think you understand what your asking me.”
“I am very sure I do. I was wondering if you understood.” The man said with raised eyebrows. 
You licked your lips trying to organize your thoughts, “So you want me- a pureblood Slytherin- to join your anti-dark lord group?” You were very aware of the fact that you may have given up your position as a supporter, but you were too baffled to care.
“We would be asking you to be a spy.” He confirmed, “Relay information about the other side for us.” 
And finally, you understood, it all came at you in a rush of dead leaves. A spy. You would be a two-faced snitch for them. An uncertain rage filled you, “You know what, I don’t think you do understand what you’re asking me.” you hissed at the man, “Because what you just asked me to do was to throw away my life.” Your voice was venom, but the man stood unmoved. 
“I do realize that.” He spoke calmly.
“You don’t” you snarled, “Because if you did then you wouldn’t be asking.” 
You stood to leave but was stopped in your tracks when a small boy appeared in front of you. He was a wisp of smoke, his dark hair a mess, grey eyes rimmed in red, heavy tears sliding down his plump cheeks as he cradled his hand close to his chest. 
You turned back to your professor, anger bubbling in your chest, “How dare you.” you sneered your own wand out in a flash.
“Sirius told me to use it.” He replied bluntly, “He told me you would agree. But that you would need a push. I know I’m asking too much of you, but you are needed y/n. The Order needs you.” 
You stood too still, your feet feeling like they were planted into cement, you had already known the answer the second he he asked, you had known it the moment you had stepped into this office. 
“Do you agree to join us y/n?” 
You felt numb, “I agree.”
@accio-rogers @roslea @k3nz-doodl3 @theseuscmander @sleepingalaska @chloe-geoghegan1 @songforhema @wangmangagavroche @evyiione @atomicpunkrock @fairywriter-oracle @moon-zodiac
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jingabitch · 4 years
Armed to the Fangs ch.8
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SUMMARY: you grew up in the hunter’s guild, understanding that it is your sacred duty as a hunter to protect humanity from the vampires that lurk in the dark, draining the life from anyone unlucky enough to be caught. while making the rounds one night, you encounter taehyung, a fabled born vampire - not that you know that when he tries to entice you into a dark alley. next thing you know, you’re kidnapped and taken to their home, where you realise that all of them somehow crave your blood and seem to know more about your past than you do. finding out about where you came from might be the key to setting humanity free.
PAIRING: eventual ot7 x reader
WARNINGS: some description of violence, angst, pining, maybe eventual smut but not for a looooong time, slow burn (really the slowest of burns), injeolmi being adorable, argument between some of the boys, hobi is sad :<
A/N: hello it’s back!! I’m alr halfway through ch9 so i hope you guys like this and are excited for more~
thanks as always to my lovely betas @jminacious and @pasteljeon for looking over this!
series index
Over the next few weeks, you were able to put your strange encounter with the man from the painting out of your mind. You asked Jimin about it once, but he just shrugged and told you that his brother didn’t really like people, before going back to playing with Injeolmi. He really was whipped for your cat, and you had to supervise him strictly to make sure that he didn’t just let Injeolmi eat a whole bag of treats at once.
Gradually, as you eased up and realized that they truly had no intention of harming you, you had the chance to interact more with the six vampires you saw on a regular basis. Meals together became a nightly occurrence, and you found things to do with each member. It was fun to watch Jin cook for you, since you’d never had a chance to cook for yourself at the Guild. Yoongi volunteered to teach you how to play the piano, Namjoon took you gardening, and the maknaes seemed to be a package deal, all of them hanging out with you (and your cat) together. You’d even managed to strike up a lukewarm relationship with Taehyung, despite him trying to eat you the first night you’d met.
Eventually, you had to admit that maybe this ambassadorship wasn’t that bad after all. Even though you missed the Guild and being with all your fellow hunters (especially Jennie), being here let you see a whole different side of vampires. You didn’t know why they were so different from the mindless, bloodthirsty creatures that roamed the streets at night, but this gave you hope that maybe there was a better future. One that didn’t involve so much death and fear for everyone involved.
Plus, being here gave you so much more freedom. You’d grown up in the Guild, unlike most of the other hunters, and your entire life had always been strictly regimented, training and more training to be a hunter. Sad as it may seem, the Head was the closest thing you had to a father figure. In comparison to the spartan life you’d led at the Guild, being able to explore your interests in music, literature and food was like opening your eyes to a whole new world.
You couldn’t remain completely insulated from what was going on in the world, however. You continued to keep in touch with the hunters at the Guild, especially those who had been your friends, and what you were hearing was concerning, to say the least. There had been a rise in the number of vampire attacks on the public, and the vampires were getting increasingly vicious. The number of deaths and injuries among the hunters’ ranks was spiking, and no one at the Guild knew what had changed among the vampires.
This put you in a bit of a dilemma. Was it your job as ambassador to talk to the vampires about this and try to find a solution? The Head hadn’t told you to investigate, or even updated you on what was going on with the hunters, but you couldn’t help but feel some responsibility for what was happening. You were supposed to help improve the relationship between humans and vampires, right?
It hadn’t occurred to you till now that you actually knew very little about the role you were supposed to be filling. You’d been too engrossed in enjoying yourself at the manor with the vampires who seemed intent on catering to your every whim to think about it, especially since you were stuck here and not out on the streets. Out of sight, out of mind, the saying went.
Maybe you should take your ambassador duties more seriously, you thought. As soon as you figured out what they were. Talking to Seokjin seemed like a good place to start.
Hoseok was so thirsty. Every breath he took felt like sandpaper rasping along his throat, and yet he was unable to quench his thirst. Blood from the bags they stocked up on smelled awful to him, and when he did force himself to drink it, it came right back up every time.
Born vampires usually didn’t need to feed that often. He’d gone longer than this without blood before and been fine, and he wished he didn’t know why this was happening now. Even if he was willing to take a mate, the last thing he needed in his life was a hunter. The irony of it all was not lost on him – it was the hunters who had murdered Minhee, and now the fates were trying to force him into this?
He’d rather starve to death, and as the weeks passed and his condition deteriorated, the possibility of it happening loomed large.
Still, he didn’t want to let his brothers know what was going on, not wanting to worry them any more than he already did. It wasn’t like he didn’t know what they said about him behind his back, although he chose to let them believe that he remained oblivious. He wished, more than anyone, that he could be the cheerful, jovial man he’d been in his past, if not for himself, then for them, but every day weighed heavily in his heart and his soul. He should have died with Minhee four hundred years ago, and he still didn’t know how he’d survived.
Curled up in bed in the dark room, he struggled to keep his breathing even. In, out, in, out, he repeated to himself. The windows were drawn shut to keep all sunshine out, since in his weakened state, there was no way he would survive exposure. In contrast to his weak, trembling muscles, his senses were heightened, and it felt like he could hear everything in the manor, from the footsteps of his brothers to the heartbeat of the human who was responsible for his condition.
His fists clenched, his nails digging into the flesh of his palms as he struggled to keep his fangs from descending. In, out, in, out. Was he burning up from the inside? The instinct to run straight to you threatened to overwhelm him, and he clutched the tiny portrait of Minhee like a talisman.
No, he told himself. It was only in his mind. He could get through this. He’d done it before, even though it was still a mystery how he’d gotten through it then.
The safety of everyone in this house depended on it. You were not for him.
“Hey, has anyone seen Hoseok-hyung recently?” Taehyung wondered. You had yet to arrive at the table for dinner, so he took the opportunity to sate his curiosity about his aloof older brother, who’d been on his mind ever since you’d asked about it.
Namjoon and Seokjin exchanged glances. “Why?” Seokjin asked cautiously. They tried not to talk to the younger vampires too often about Hoseok, since it was something of a sore spot for them. They basically thought he was just a jerk, which to be fair, the older vampires could see, but after he’d already been through so much in his life, he deserved some slack.
Taehyung shrugged. “Y/n-ie asked Jiminie about him the other day. I was just curious. I didn’t know they’d met.”
Namjoon hummed noncommittally. “Did she say anything about him?” Would he need to run interference between you and Hoseok? There was something big going on here, it seemed, and he needed to do some research.
“Just that he seemed kind of irritable,” Jimin piped up. “She’s not wrong.”
Yoongi, usually quiet and impassive, made a noise of disapproval. “Don’t be so rude about your hyung.”
“Well, he is,” Taehyung said defensively. Jungkook kept quiet. He knew his hyung could be grumpy and unsociable, but he was nice sometimes. Over the past four centuries that they’d been living together, he’d run into Hoseok a few times since his room was the closest to the other vampire. When Hoseok was in a chatty mood, they often spent hours together just talking about stuff, and Hoseok was actually happy enough to share details about what it had been like in the past – provided, of course, that Jungkook didn’t ask too many questions about his mate.
Hearing you come down the stairs, Seokjin was quick to shut the discussion down. “Stop it,” he said firmly. “You know Hoseok is struggling, and you should be more understanding,” he rebuked.
“He’s been struggling for four hundred years,” Taehyung muttered under his breath, though everyone heard it. “You’d think he’d get over whatever it is he’s moping about by now.”
Only your arrival stopped Yoongi from leaping clear across the dining table at Taehyung.
“Good evening, everyone,” you chirped, not noticing the tense atmosphere. When they merely turned to you, still wearing somber frowns, you stopped short. “Is everything okay?” you asked tentatively, standing by the entryway of the dining room.
Your question seemed to break the oppressive air. “Of course everything’s fine,” Seokjin told you, smiling warmly. The others made varying noises of assent, and the mood shifted back to normal, but you couldn’t shake the feeling that they were hiding something from you.
It seemed it wasn’t only the Guild that had its secrets it wanted to keep. The sense that you were out of your depth grew.
“Hoseok-hyung?” Jungkook stood outside Hoseok’s door, a bundle of blood bags in his hands. He hadn’t seen Hoseok leave his room in ages, and figured that his stash had to be running low by now. He didn’t bother knocking or raising his voice, knowing that his brother would hear him just fine.
Hoseok had actually heard him coming down the hall but was steadfastly ignoring him. Still in bed, huddled under the covers, he stayed as quiet as possible so that Jungkook would give up and leave. He’d heard every word of the conversation earlier, of course, and didn’t much feel like talking about you or your cat. Maybe he’d been a little rude to you, but it was for your own good (and his). He didn’t need to be scolded like a recalcitrant child.
“Hyung?” Jungkook was nothing if not tenacious, and Hoseok knew he was going to leave easily.
“Go away,” Hoseok growled.
“Come on, hyung, I brought some food for you,” Jungkook tried to cajole the older vampire.
Starvation must be weakening his willpower, because Hoseok capitulated easily enough even though he didn’t need the blood. His fridge was still full; he hadn’t even tried drinking for about two weeks. “Fine, come in.”
Jungkook opened the door slowly, peering in. It was pitch black, but that didn’t bother him – vampires had excellent night vision, after all. Still, it took him a moment to locate Hoseok, buried under a mountain of blankets and pillows.
“You doing okay there, hyung?” Jungkook asked cautiously, padding across the room.
“Yeah,” Hoseok grunted, although it was clearly a lie. Even though Hoseok was mostly covered up, Jungkook could see the way his cheekbones had hollowed slightly and hear the slight tremor in his voice, as if speaking was too much effort for him.
“Jesus, hyung, what’s going on with you?” Concerned now, Jungkook picked up his pace and was at Hoseok’s bedside in a matter of seconds.
“Nothing, just go away,” Hoseok groaned, pulling the covers over his head. The last thing he needed was for Jungkook to realise what was going on and blab to everyone in the house. It wasn’t like there were many things that could cause vampires to become sickly like this, and the deterioration was happening so quickly that there really was only one explanation. Even if Jungkook didn’t know, the older vampires would, and he wasn’t ready for that.
“Come on, you look awful,” Jungkook begged. “Are you okay?”
“What are you going to do, find a doctor for me?” Hoseok snapped, though it lacked its usual heat because he didn’t have the energy.
“I can get Namjoon-hyung,” Jungkook responded. Actually, maybe he should get him anyway. He’d know what to do.
“No!” Hoseok exclaimed, poking his head out from the covers. “No, don’t,” he repeated in a more measured tone.
“Hyung, you look awful,” Jungkook said, peering closer now. “Are you sure you don’t need any help?”
“I know what the problem is, and you can’t do anything about it.” Well, more like Hoseok was too stubborn to do anything about it, but it was the same difference in his mind.
“Really? What is it?” Far from being deterred by Hoseok’s words, Jungkook perked up curiously.
Hoseok groaned. “None of your business. Just go away.”
“Hyuuuung—” Jungkook, as the youngest, had learned that whining got him his way more often than not, and employed it now to try and coax the truth from his older brother.
This time, however, it didn’t work. Hoseok was determined to keep his secret, even if it cost him his life. Death would probably be better than the purgatory he was currently living in, anyway. Ducking back into his blanket burrito, he ignored Jungkook’s further entreaties, until finally the younger vampire had no choice but to leave, dejected and more worried than ever.
After your meal, everyone went their own separate directions, as usual. You, on the other hand, requested to speak to Seokjin privately after the meal. He accepted your request, and you made your way to the study together.
On your way there, Seokjin, ever the polite gentleman, inquired after your wellbeing at the manor, and asked whether there was anything he could do to make your stay more comfortable. You demurred, of course. Even though you were thoroughly enjoying your time at the manor, you were still confused about why they treated you so well, since you were technically here on work and not a guest. Although in all fairness, you had to acknowledge, it wasn’t like you’d been doing much work around here.
Well, that was going to change tonight, you told yourself. You’d decided to ask Seokjin what he knew about the recent spike in vampire attacks, and whether there was anything he could do. At the very least, you’d find out more about the dynamics of the vampire world. Killing every vampire that you chanced upon, while necessary for the safety of the public, wasn’t exactly the best way to understand the supernatural.
Seokjin settled into his seat behind the desk and you sank into the now-familiar chair in front of him. “Now,” he said, his fingers steepled together. “What did you want to ask me?”
You cleared your throat, wishing you’d had some diplomatic training or something before being thrust into this situation. “Well,” you started, trying to project more confidence than you were actually feeling. “It’s come to my attention that the vampire attacks on the public have increased in number and severity.”
He hummed thoughtfully. “Is that so?”
“That’s what my contacts at the Guild have told me,” you confirmed. “I just wanted to bring this to your attention, if you didn’t already know.”
Truth be told, he was very aware of what was going on outside the walls of the manor. The vampires living here (minus Hoseok, of course) took turns going out to stock up on supplies and observing. Taehyung and Namjoon had been on one such trip the night they’d found you.
However, “We aren’t typically in the habit of interfering in the events that occur outside the manor,” he informed you smoothly.
You frowned, confused. “You’re not?” That was new.
“No,” he confirmed. “There’s a reason why we retreated here.” His expression tightened as he said it, like he’d tasted something sour, and you knew that whatever it was, it was a traumatic memory for him.
That led to more questions in your mind, though. If they didn’t have anything to do with what was happening outside the manor walls, then why were you here? Obviously, the Guild Head had wanted you out of the way, but he could have just had you dishonourably discharged or something if he was that upset. And why had they wanted you here in the first place? You were once again questioning everything after having complacently accepted things for so long.
Seokjin could probably tell from your expression that you were about to implode as your mind went into overdrive. “I can find out what’s happening if you insist, though,” he said hastily. The last thing he needed was for you to start asking questions and getting all belligerent again.
Your brow furrowed. That was a very rapid 180-turn. “Really?” you asked suspiciously, wondering if he was just trying to placate you.
He was, but now that he was committed, he had every intention of following through. It wouldn’t be as difficult as you thought – he was pretty sure he knew what was going on anyway. The only thing he didn’t know was why.
“Yes, you have my word,” he promised.
“All right,” you accepted. “Thank you.”
He nodded, and you could tell from the subtle way his gaze drifted away from you that he was busy thinking about something else and you were being dismissed. “I won’t take up any more of your time, then,” you excused yourself to return to your own quarters.
Injeolmi was never pleased about being shut in your quarters alone for too long, and you didn’t know why, since your rooms here were much more spacious and luxurious than the tiny room you’d lived in at the Guild. He’d never even left your room then, so your only conclusion was that you were spoiling him way too much.
When you opened the door, he ran to you, meowing excitedly, and you rolled your eyes. “You’re such a drama queen,” you reprimanded him playfully, though you were happy enough to pick him up for a cuddle. Still carrying him, you walked over to the coffee table, where you’d left your phone.
Your chat history with Jennie was filled with mostly mindless chatter as you updated her on what you’d been up to at the manor. Gardening with Namjoon, learning how to cook from Seokjin, music lessons with Yoongi… you were excited to tell her about it all.
The last message was you telling her that you had to leave to have dinner with the boys. She’d left you on read after that, but you didn’t mind, excited to tell her your news.
Y/N: Talked to Seokjin, he says he’ll look into it!
Jennie: Did he explain anything?
Y/N: No, but he said he’d look into it.
Jennie: That doesn’t sound like much of a commitment. People are dying.
Y/N: I trust him, unnie.
Jennie: Enough to bet the lives of the hunters?
You paused. That was a strange and extreme way to look at it, you thought. Weren’t you all fighting on the same side here?
Y/N: What’s that supposed to mean?
You saw the dots that indicated Jennie was typing appear, then disappear, then appear again. This happened a few more times, and you were sure she was going to leave you on read again, when a message popped up.
Jennie: You remember that they’re vamps, right?
Y/N: I know, but they’ve been really nice. Maybe vamps aren’t that bad.
You hesitated before sending that last message. It might not be what Jennie wanted to hear, but you thought she needed to know. Being here had really changed your perspective on vampires, and you hoped she would trust you enough to understand where you were coming from. After all, hunters lived a life of discipline, filled with sacrifice and death. All of you accepted that this was necessary, but… what if it wasn’t? What if you could set all the hunters free from their burdens?
Jennie didn’t reply after that. You sighed, but it wasn’t entirely unexpected. She’d probably need some time to process things, which you fully understood. After all, it had taken a while for you to accept that there was more to vampires than you knew before, and you were living here among them, able to see with your own eyes that the things you’d been taught at the Guild weren’t necessarily true.
You’d try to talk to her again tomorrow, you decided, putting down your phone. Injeolmi meowed, pawing at your hand to ask for pets, and you turned your attention to him.
Jennie ran through the corridors of the Guild, tears streaming down her face. In her panic, it felt like her mind had fizzled out – she couldn’t think about anything but the last sentence you’d texted her. For weeks, she’d been defending you against the Head’s accusations that you’d defected and become a vampire sympathizer despite her personal doubts.
This was too much, though. How could she possibly ignore this?
She burst through the door of the Head’s office without knocking. It was an egregious violation of etiquette, but she couldn’t think about that right now.
Master Bang emerged from his bedroom door, off to the side of his office. He looked flustered, like he’d been caught doing something wrong, but Jennie was too worked up to think about what that meant right now.
“What is the meaning of this, Jennie-yah?” he reprimanded, frowning.
She ignored his scolding. “Sir,” she gasped, folding herself into a deep bow. “I’m sorry. I think Y/n has defected.”
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resinatingbeauty · 3 years
In Memory of The Best Friend I Ever Had - RIP Shadow (assumed)- 4/30/2021
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Shadow showed up at my parents house where I lived at the time, one night back in 2016. I had just gotten home from working at a local country club late in the evening, tired, and physically burnt out from working 40+ hours a week on top of going to college for my associates degree. I saw something pass by the driveway out of the corner of my eye. Something massively fluffy, tail straight up in the air, trotting along. There are many feral cat colonies in this town and many cat owners that lived on that street. Needless to say, I didn't expect this one to whip back around and start chirping at me, rubbing my legs after I called to her.
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My mother was adamant when my last two cats had past 8 or so years prior that she wasn't looking for any more pets. My mom loves animals, but she also loves her home and was thinking about doing renovations before adopting any new companions. I knew I was in trouble when this cat came to me with nothing but affection, clearly malnourished, but strangely well groomed. I knew she had to be owned by someone, I had no idea who.
That night I went inside after spending some time enjoying her company. At the time, I was calling 'Charlemange'' as a play on 'Charlemagne'. I had been taking a medieval humanities course at the time and the name seemed fitting enough considering how much scraggly fur she had. Huge paws. Big, fluffy tail and mane. I had never seen a cat so gorgeous around the area. All the feral cats are short hairs, reinforcing my notion that she had to be someone's pet.
I watched through the window slit of the front door as Charlemange played with the moths and other bugs that were attracted to the lamp post my parents have at the end of the driveway and regretted leaving her out there.
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I simply thought that Charlemange would return home where she belonged. When I went out to my back screened in patio, whom do you think was waiting for me? Meowing? Charlemange. To my mother's horror, she would launch herself at the screen and hang there to get our attention. Imagine this big ass cat hanging from your screened in porch you've been trying to renovate by all her claws.
She was persistent and Charlemange NEVER returned home, wherever home was.
Eventually, I sealed the deal, low key giving her a can of tuna. Now you see how Shadow went from Charlemange to Shadow.
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For about a month, all I had to do was make a high pitched noise and Shadow would come out of wherever brush she was stalking, running and talking until she found me. One evening, I went to give her her dinner, and she shot in the front door.
Mortified, I watched as she scooted right into the one place that I dreaded her to go. My parent's room. That night, as a 20 something, I received a lecture from my father about how my mother felt about pets. 'She isn't a kitten, you know,' he said, 'thats a grown cat. Someone else's cat.'
I just listened and acknowledged what he was saying. I knew there was no point trying to explain what exactly happened. When my dad got done going off on the back porch and went back in to bed, I heard a meow from the patio door. Shadow had been standing at the door, waiting for him to leave , almost like she was saying, 'Hey, I'm really sorry about that, sis,'
Shadow would go on to live in or around the property for nearly a month. I made an effort to find her owners and return her to no avail. Eventually, a single mom I had been working as a private tutor for as a side hustle agreed that she would take Shadow. This would only last for a few months. The family had another cat, Karma, whom had been declawed (I abhor this) and two little girls who had no respect for animals (especially cats) because of this. I knew how the oldest handled Karma and my only solace in handing Shadow over was that I knew she wouldn't be hit by a car, would be fed, loved to a degree, and would scratch the shit out of them if they fucked up.
Their mother ended up calling me, giving me money to bring Shadow in to the humane society, saying she was a wonderful cat, just not the best fit for the girls. I could only imagine what Shadow went through at that house, because the time there changed her. The collar I had on her was returned to me snapped in two. It looked like it had been pulled off. I cringed thinking about it and never put another collar back on that cat. At the time, a woman had been busted hoarding 100+ cats that had all been relinquished to the humane society and local rescues. The humane society's solution for most was euthanasia and I wasn't about that for Shadow. Back to my backyard she went.
Eventually, Shadow won over my mother and my father, especially my father, whom you would never think would love that cat so much. When my mother brought Shadow to the vet, we were surprised to find she had a chip in her ear registered to someone on our block. As per protocol, animal control was sent out to investigate. The woman told animal control that she didn't want the cat. All she did was run away. Shadow's real name was Holly, but she was still Shadow to me.
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Shadow became the best friend I ever knew. Not a night went by where she wasn't under my covers sharing the pillow with me, laying stretched out on her back or side as the little spoon. If she wasn't in my bed, she would sit at the door to the bedroom, guarding me or in a chair next to me, always watching. I could do no wrong in that cat's eyes. She was the highlight of my day when I got home from every crappy job I had since. A furry coat to soak up the tears shed during long nights of insomnia and depression. An inspiration for my art and spirituality. My familiar and kindred spirit. If I would talk to her, she would respond with chirps and meows like she knew exactly what I was saying. If someone else was in the room giving her attention and I walked in, she would perk up and run toward me like they never existed. Shadow was the second cat that chose me. I have never chosen a cat from a shelter or adoption / rescue facility. This is how I acquired both my childhood furry friend and Shadow.
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It all began when I noticed Shadow's fur was sticky and stiff, like she had been sitting in honey. Just the end of her tail at first. She always had this silly habit of sitting in her food tray, so I cleaned it and her and thought nothing of it until the drooling started.
Shadow had always been a drooler, but not to this extent. Drool bubbles would pop from her left lip. One night, when I came home from work before I started my leave to focus on my Etsy shop, I was horrified to find her sitting on the couch with a bloody chin. Now, there wasn't a large amount of blood, but this alarmed me significantly. It was time to see a vet, like, yesterday. Thankfully, my shop sales had been great and I didn't have to fret over the bill- I was ready to pay whatever it was to make her feel better.
The vet confirmed what I knew deep down and didn't want to acknowledge because the thought was just too painful. Cancer. No chance of survival even if I wanted to go through the hell of treatment, which involved removal of the tongue and jaw. I brought Shadow home and cried, hoping for the best -that the antibiotic would work. The vet said she had been wrong before, it could just be an abscess and it would heal. Shadow was still doing cat things. Shadow was still my best friend, she still loved me, she was still trying to cuddle me at night and surrounding me with the reminder of death in the odor of her breath.
Yesterday, I brought Shadow in to be put to sleep. The decision was made when I looked up from making a rune set and saw puddles of blood on the floor, a stream of it from her face as she was sitting in the window sill. I have never felt so heartbroken. Not even at a family member's funeral. I asked to bring her home, burying her under the tree where I buried my last cat and childhood familiar, Elmo. When I saw the standard biohazard bag peeking up through the dirt, I knew that was where she belonged. With her sister. Yesterday, my heart was buried with that cat. Eleven years was not long enough but each one filled with so much love and happiness. I stood with her until the end. The only peace I feel is that I know that she is no longer hurting. I know she knew I loved her.
I miss you Shadow. To those of you who have recently lost your best friend, your familiar or the love of your life, my heart goes out to you. I hope that someone else can read this and share my pain. I understand that there was nothing I could do but love her. Love your pets. Love them as long and as well as you can- nothing is immortal. We accept this when we commit to caring for our (mostly) furry (sometimes scaly or feathery) friends. This doesn't mean that it hurts any less when we lose them.
To my customers, who have been patiently and diligently awaiting orders while Etsy forced hiatus on my shop, preventing sales during this crisis in addition to my sister in law's wedding and me poking my own eye out back and February- you all are really the best turn of luck I've had. You do not know how much I appreciate you allowing me the time to spend these last few precious moments with her. It truly means the world to me and I hope at the end you receive something worth your time and patience. I have not forsaken fulfillment, and orders are still shipping. Unfortunately, I NEED to reopen and accept new orders, as Etsy is demanding payment for $600 worth of shipping labels. My shop is still appearing as in hiatus at the moment, but I ask for all the support my friends, supporters and followers can offer at this time as I essentially will be working for free when I reopen to pay these fees. Great, right?
If you are awaiting refunds, there is literally no money in the account associated with Etsy. However, as the funds become available, I will be processing refunds / cancellations. I'm sorry for the delays, I never thought I would say I found success at the worst possible time. I urge the rest of you- if you have a deadline for your order for the love of goddess TELL ME. I am getting a little frustrated with buyers (who are frustrated with me, understandably, but still, my item descriptions are clear about relaying deadlines) who are upset or complaining about meeting gift deadlines or other deadlines I literally had no idea about. I'm a decent psychic, but not perfect.
~ Samantha
(Owner/Designer/Creator blursedbaubles.etsy.com)
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prose-for-hire · 4 years
I know what you did last Halloween...
Part Two // Part Three // Part Four
Pairing: Scooby gang x reader (platonic)
This is a platonic story with the reader as part of the Scooby gang. Set season 3. It’s going to be a small multi-parted serial killer/slasher fic for Halloween. Reader lives with Giles, but is not related. The deaths in this part are not described in much detail. 
Not sure how popular it’ll be with you guys, but I’ve enjoyed writing it so far !! 🖤🦇
Warning: It is a serial killer fic, main characters are going to die (I’m sorry, it’s Halloween). Violence. Blood mention. Threat.
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Sunnydale Scare? Scythe-wielding killer strikes again
Sunnydale Express, October 1999.
Sunnydale High school, not used to such horror inflicted on their student body since Principal Flutie’s unfortunate death in office [His memorial will be on the 31st as his family reveal it was his favorite time of year].
The scythe-wielding killer, who was seen wearing all-black with a festive mask, has claimed his most recent victims. Two members of the swim team found themselves in hot water after they were found with brutal and fatal injuries. The wounds matched the scythe that is commonly associated with the widely termed ‘Sunnydale slasher’.
It makes us wonder at the Sunnydale Express, why and how this idyllic town has managed to create such a monster?
You and the Scoobies were good friends. You helped save the world more than once whilst fighting algebra homework and Principal Snyder. You had moved from your hometown to Sunnydale at the same time as Buffy, meeting her on your first day and becoming best friends since that day. You had moved into Giles’ spare room after your parents had wanted to move on again. You had been sucked into the slaying and you couldn’t leave the others. Giles had been very accommodating and very much like a parental figure. Things had been going well, you were close to graduating and finally getting the hell out of there until one life-changing event that would forever be ingrained in your minds.
You and your friends were sat around the school canteen. The mood was pretty low and you were collectively checking over your shoulders every so often. You had been discussing the latest spate of murders. Surprisingly, it was widely covered by various news outlets and hadn’t been brushed under the rug as the usual demon relating killings were.
Buffy and Faith had been doing double patrolling, making sure there was always someone out after dark. Giles had been pleased but he wasn’t aware of the real reason. Although he had noted a difference in your mood in the past year. Despite the extra patrolling, no matter how many demon-snitches they beat up and threatened, there was no changing the answer they didn’t want to hear.
“So this… slasher? He’s-it’s-she’s-?” Xander spluttered through the pronouns in his disbelief.
“Yep. Human” Buffy shrugged, sighing and staring down at her food. Nobody had eaten anything. The lunch you all had set out in front of you was just for show. None of you could stomach much at the moment.
“Shouldn’t we have found them by now?” Willow wondered, her brow furrowing in frustration.
“It could be anyone. And I’m guessing they’re not exactly wearing their ‘I’m a killer come catch me’ sweater”
“Yeah, Giles says he’s gonna look into it, but unless it says ‘Scythe killer was here’ in one of those big old books…” You tail off as Buffy picks up your sentence.
“We’ve got zip. Nothing” Buffy nodded again. Conversation then turned. You had been in a deep discussion of something in low murmurs, that was until your best friends boyfriend walked in. A dead silence blanketed your table.
“The blank stares and silence make me feel at home” oz deadpanned and you all laughed slightly too loud at this. He squinted around the room, shrugged and then kissed Willow’s forehead before staring around at the odd vibe. He had noticed that none of you had been the same for at least a year, but anytime he tried to talk to Willow about it she just shook her head vigorously and locked herself in a different room until he dropped it.
“Well, I have some place to be that’s else. Or about three tables that way” He gestured with his head to where one of his bandmates were sat. Willow assured him she would come over and sit with them in a minute. After you finished a very important conversation.
“I can’t do this anymore, lying to him hurts my heart” Willow said sadly, shifting uncomfortably as if her heart was physically aching her, “I have to tell him”
“And how’re you gonna do that exactly, Will? Oh, hey there Oz remember last Halloween, well we-” Xander cut in harshly, trying to make Will be realistic.
“Stop it! We can’t talk about this here. Anyone could overhear, they already suspect I’m a slayer” Buffy said firmly.
“We have big mouths, sorry” You shrug, smiling tightly.
“This isn’t funny!” She snapped, the events of last year had her wound even more tightly than usual. She had more responsibility than she could handle on her shoulders as it was, let alone this secret weighing down on her like a
“I’m not laughing, Buff… I’m sorry” You whisper. You did feel guilty. You felt horrible. Some nights you barely slept, and when you did you had these horrible nightmares.
Oh, right. That guy that you killed. Well, it was a total accident and you were all very sorry at the time. I mean, you still are. But, thing is, you just didn’t happen to tell anyone or alert the correct authorities. Must have slipped your mind.
Let me paint the picture in case you managed to forget…
Last Halloween, you and your friends had been attending a Halloween party. Your collective night off from saving the world. Oz, who didn’t appear to be wearing a costume, had explained it was a shindig and you had all enjoyed the live music and spooky theme. Even Buffy had managed to relax.
Buffy had chosen little red riding hood and Willow was dressed as a knight in historically accurate chainmail. Cordelia was a cat, it was the back-up she always had in case her first choice fell through. She had shrugged, at least she looked good in it. You had decided on a werewolf, after apologising profusely to Oz who didn’t appear phased.
Xander was walking around in a karate outfit, something about being inspired by the copious violence he enjoyed on screen. Every so often he did a karate chop in mid-air and you and your friends would share a collective eye roll. Especially when he chopped some jock guy that he spent the rest of the evening hiding from. Whereas Faith was wearing as little as possible and appeared to be dressed as herself.
The band was playing decent music and the atmosphere was electric. You and Buffy had danced together while Willow and Xander laughed by the punch bowl. Out of nowhere, Faith joined the both of you and muscled you out of the way to dance with Buffy. You rolled your eyes, but knew better than to make a fuss so you went back to your other friends and joined them in conversation.
Buffy had borrowed her Mom’s car and had sneaked out while Joyce was sleeping. Joyce had been feeling a little under the weather and hadn’t noticed. When it was time to leave, she drove (badly) through the streets to drop everyone home. Oz was doing another set and would get a ride with the rest of his band.
You were squished in the back with Cordy, Xander and Willow. Faith had called shotgun. There were more people than there should be, with Cordy sitting precariously on Xander’s lap. It meant you and Willow were crushed together sharing an annoyed look as the pair continued to kiss.
Buffy looked out of the side window for a nicer view and managed to hit something in the road. You all screamed as she broke suddenly. You had hit something. Something big. You all got out to investigate and saw that it was a man. You went and shook his shoulder and he immediately sat up and grabbed at you. His grip tight and strong. You screamed as you looked at his face, there were fangs and his face looked bumpy. The others saw it too and Buffy pulled you away as Faith moved in and staked him.
The man struggled for a moment before going still. Blood had started to run from his heart and the stake that had been stabbed through it. You all just stared.
“W-why isn’t he going poof?” Willow whispered as you all just stared in horror. He had been human after all.
“It was a costume!” You shrieked in horror. Everyone’s blood turned cold. 
“We’ll have to bury him” Faith said quickly. Xander stayed silent, his eyes glazed in fear.
“We can’t!” Buffy said firmly.
“Look, it’s that or another stint in juvey and I’m not goin’ back there” Faith muttered and you all frowned, having not realised she had ever been.
“I think we should see if he has any ID, maybe we could-” You started, Willow nodding along.
“No, Faith’s right. We bury him” Xander said suddenly.
“Who made you decision-gal?” Buffy said, her usual fun language lost on the moment as she stared through Faith.
“I’m a slayer too, B. You’re not the boss” Faith tilted her head to the side and shrugged. You paused, thinking it over for a while.
“Buff, we can’t risk it. You and Faith are needed here – we can’t go to prison” You sigh, not sure if you fully believed what you were saying.
“Th-that’s actually true…” Willow said eventually, not looking anyone in the eye. It was hurting her conscience.
But that’s what you decided. For better or worse. You were all complicit now as you put him in the trunk and buried him in the graveyard in the early hours of the morning.
Nobody spoke as the sun started to rise and the plot you had chosen was no longer vacant. It had been hard to come to terms with ever since.
Missing – have you seen this man?
Sunnydale Express, 1998. November 2nd.
Mr Bates of Sunnydale California has been missing since Halloween night. Last seen leaving a party in the early hours. His wife and children are anticipating his return, although with the current rate of people vanishing often with no trace the Express, with their condolences, fears that Mr Bates may be one of a hundred Sunnydale citizens on Halloween night that will never return to their families.
This begs the question, where are all the missing going? Sunnydale has one of the largest cases of missing persons never being found in the state of California and statistics suggest it has the highest number compared to towns in neighboring states.
It had been a few days and something had shifted. Your friend’s mood was lower than ever and you were really worried about her. The guilt was eating away at her. It was so bad she finally had to talk to someone about it. Buffy was the most outwardly guilty one of you all. Covering for this went against everything she believed in. Fought for. Which is why she was probably being targeted the most.
You closed your locker and jumped, she had been standing behind it, waiting for you to notice her. She gave you an apologetic glance but still asked, “Hey, y/n, can we talk?”
“Sure, I didn’t wanna go to English anyway” You smile at her as you walk to the usual place under the stairwell you would hide when you needed to talk. She pressed a note into your hand which you unfolded and read:
‘I know what you did last Halloween…’
You gasped, looking around before looking back at her for some kind of explanation, “It was in my history textbook, so, it might have been there for at least a month” Buffy said “Did you get one?” she whispered. You shook your head, nobody had left anything for you. You would remember. Buffy’s note struck a sense of fear you hadn’t felt since that night. A bubbling guilt that was squeezing your insides and threatening to spill them out. You had felt numb since then, unable to cry or even think about the events.
“We need to tell someone. Maybe Giles? I can see how much this is killing you, Buff…”  You say, trying to comfort your friend the best way you knew how.
“I know, I try and I try but I can’t tell him. He’ll get all moral and Giles-y”
“Maybe we need that. What we did was stupid, but still an accident. I wish I had never agreed with Faith” You muttered as Buffy nodded along silently. She wished you hadn’t agreed with Faith too, you had been the type people came with for answers. Advice. So you agreeing with Faith was probably the deciding vote. She told you she would meet you later and appeared to be in deep thought as she walked away.
Willow and Cordy looked spooked, sitting down silently during the break between classes. Their notes had fallen out of their lockers and they were afraid they had been seen picking them up. Buffy revealed to the others hers had said the same thing just as Xander ran in, very visibly panicking and checking behind him with every step he took.
He just slammed the note in the middle of the table without comment. He had nothing he could say. No jokes could mask the horror that came with
“That settles it. We go to Giles” Buffy said firmly. 
“No-” Xander tried to assert, but he was outvoted this time.
“We have to. He’ll help us, I know he will” You confirmed, “Walk home with me tonight, we’ll tell him then” This was to give you some time. None of you could face going to the library for the rest of the day.
The bell rang and it felt as if it were tolling for a funeral march. The walk to Giles’ house was slow. You had swung by Faith’s motel on your way, taking a detour as you explained you would have to tell him. She surprisingly didn’t put much of an argument against.
The door creaked open and you shouted to announce your presence. But when you get there, you felt it instantly. You dropped your bags and walked into the living room. Every step felt heavy and echoed around the room. 
There he was. On the floor. Surrounded in his own blood.
Your knees buckled and you had to steady yourself against the sofa. The blood-stained sofa. Someone’s arms held you up. There were gasps and mutters but your ears were ringing, you felt very far away. He was cold, his body mutilated.
It took you longer than the others to see the new centrepiece of the room. 
‘I know what you did last Halloween’ was written in what could only have been Giles’ blood smeared across the wall of his living room. It was your warning. Your note.
A warning that turned your stomach. Knocked you all sick. He was one of you and he was gone. You tuned back into the conversation around you after having stared at the words. The words meant for you. Every time you blinked, those words were now stamped into your vision.
“It’s the same thing that was written on the notes”
“Oh, I got one of those but I threw it in the trash” Faith shrugged, but she wavered. This was hard to look at.
“We’ll have to clean it up” Xander said flatly. Gesturing at the writing.
“What?! We can’t-”
“Xander Harris, your brain is barely functional anyway - but this is totally the worst thing that’s come out of your mouth!” She shouted, her voice getting higher as she continued, “I am not cleaning the bloody writing off our dead librarians wall!” She warned. They had broken up since everything had happened. Everyone collectively winced as she said Giles was dead. It hurt. It sliced too close to the bone. At least when it had been a stranger, there was some degree of separation. But now it was even worse. 
“They’ll know or start to look into it - we gotta do it” 
You stayed silent this time, every time someone’s eyes looked at you you kept your expression blank. Until you were handed a cloth and some bleach and you grimaced but followed the others. Cordy joined you, nodding her understanding at your blank look. She took the cloth and the liquid from your shaking hands and started to help with the clean up.
Teen scream
Sunnydale Express, October 1999.
Reports of a large number of young people are now rejecting the upcoming holiday in an attempt to preserve their lives. Many say that this is a kneejerk reaction and that many will lose out of the best years of their lives to fear – which is what the killer will want.
Despite this, there has been a curfew agreed amongst the young people of the town and the Mayor’s office, reports suggest. Time will tell if this will be kept or if it another attempt by those cautious to get a re-election rather than improving the spate of missing persons that has only doubled since the year previous.
You were all waking in a group. You couldn’t face staying at Giles’ place so you were going to stay over at Buffy’s for the night. There was still an argument going on around you that you weren’t listening to. Faith had lit up a cigarette and kept telling everyone to calm down. That nobody could know or people would be hauling you all off to jail. That you had chosen the right thing.
“I’m sick of you all, I’m going out. There’s a party down the block. Anyone coming?” She looks around. This, you had heard. You shrug, resigning yourself to it. You made plans based on alibis now. With this cynical thought, you manage to convince everyone else to come too. You never know, it might relax them.
...Or not. 
You and the others all sat around in silence as the bass, and Faith, jumped around you. You barely spoke, you just stared into your cups. There had been some hugging when you first left the house but since then you all felt so alone. So disconnected despite being in this together. What you had chosen to do didn’t feel right and without your constant, your compass that had been Giles you didn’t know what to do.
 “Hey, man, it’s not Halloween yet!” Someone shouted. It caught all of your attention. A collective feeling of dread. That had been before all of the screaming had started.
The figure loomed over you. Everything about him screamed menacing. He frightened you more than any demon. He was stood in a Grim reaper costume, complete with blood stained scythe. He turned, spotting you finally. He had been slicing kids down as he walked. He wasn’t aiming, just wildly enjoying the chaos he caused.
He stopped in the centre of the room, facing the group of you that had just risen to your feet. He pointed. He stood still and pointed at you all. The Scooby gang.
In that moment, you knew. You knew he was the one that was taunting you. And so did every one else.
“Well, one of us has a brief scythe of life” Buffy stated, “…and it isn’t me” She ran at him, her fists raised as Faith came up behind her. In the chaos it was hard to see what was happening, all you could feel was this descending feeling of foreboding. You knew it had happened before you saw it.
To be continued…
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Fire Keeper: Chapter 4
Douxie x fem reader
Chapter 1
Masterlist in bio!
Series Summary: You are Jim’s older sister who is taking a break from college and has moved back home to Arcadia. You end up joining Jim and his friends on their adventures. Chapter 4 Summary: Road Trip!! It's Jim's Birthday and you offer to take care of all the Trollhunting errands.
“I have to admit, I’m worried that this won’t workout,” you said to Blinky as he put up the last balloon.
“Why do you doubt Master Jim will like his surprise?”
“Jim’s never liked his birthday and I’m not that fond of it either. It marks a bad day for us.”
“Ah, my condolences.”
“Thanks Blinky.”
Soon Jim and Toby were arriving and you had to hide. Jim wouldn't need to be there to ‘stop Aaarrrgghh’ if you were there.
"Hurry run," someone yelled as soon as they saw Jim and Toby.
"It's too late, master Jim. Aaarrrgghh has lost his mind. Save yourself!" you heard Blinky yell.
"I thought Aaarrrgghh was at your house!" Jim asked Toby then he turned to see Aaarrrggh charging. "Oh my gosh. Was it the kitty litter?"
"What the-" Jim yelped as Aaarrrgghh picked him up.
“Surprise!” You called out after Jim realized what was going on.
“Happy birthday Jimbo,” Toby said.
"Happy birthday Jim!" You yelled, a bright smile on your face.
"Happy birthing day, master Jim!" Blinky exclaimed.
Jim looked around in shock.
"Good actor," Aaarrrgghh grunted. You walked up to Jim and smiled.
"Tobias informed us of your human surprise birthday customs. Are you not surprised?!" Blinky stated enthusiastically.
"Uh...that would be one word for it."
"I was convincing," Aaarrrgghh said proudly and you patted him on the back.
"Sixteen years a propitious milestone. Sixteen is when young trolls master command of their bowels." Blinky informed and you wrinkled your nose.
The fanfare came to a halt though as Vendel arrived. "The hero's forge sacred proving grounds for Trollhunters past, present, and future, reduced to mockery."
Your attention snapped to Aaarrrgghh as he popped a balloon. "Balloons pop."
You turned back to Vendel. "It is only temorary, sir. Jim has had a difficult time recently and this was just to show him a little fun," you explained.
"Fine, but you will remove them post-haste. I don't want anything to delay the troll hunters training."
You smiled as you watched Vendel leave then you turned to your brother.
“I know today isn’t your favorite day. It isn’t mine either, but I want you to be happy okay? I’ll let Toby take it from here and I’ll  take care of any trollhunting stuff,” you said hugging Jim tightly.
“Thanks Y/n.”
“Anytime and make sure you have fun,” you pulled away and placed your hands on his shoulders. He was sixteen now, it seemed like just yesterday you were holding him for the first time while your mom watched nervously.
You turned to Toby and mouthed “good luck.” Then you were off to work.
You were only taking a half day if Jim wanted to hang out, but you understood he didn’t so while you worked you pondered what to do next. If there was an emergency then that would take your time, but as far as you knew there weren’t any. You could go and read more of the book you got or you could train. But in the end you decided to go and investigate where Douxie found the book.
At around one thirty you hung up your apron and walked over to the bookshop. This time an ‘on break’ sign was hanging in the window, but you were willing to wait.
You didn’t have to wait long because after you read the sign and moved away from the window Douxie opened the door.
“What brings you here?”
“I have a couple of questions,” you explained.
“Come in.” He held open the door for you and you walked inside. Once inside he led you upstairs to and through another door which appeared to be an apartment. He took a seat at a small dining table and you sat across from him.
“Ask away.”
You took a nervous breath. “Where did you get the book that you gave me the other day?”
“Oh it’s been in the inventory for ages. I think it’s always been in the shop.”
“Okay and there wouldn’t be any more copies out there?” You asked.
“Nope, you’ve got the only one.” His words put you at ease. Somehow you managed to find the only copy of a book written nine hundred years ago by Merlin. That was incredibly lucky.
“Okay, thanks.” You leaned towards the cat to pet him and you realized that you didn’t know his name.
You opened your mouth to ask when your phone rang. You didn’t recognize the number, but it was an Arcadian area code so you decided to answer.
“Hello?” You asked and Douxie walked away towards the register.
“Is this the sorceress?!” The voice, which you recognized as Bagdwella’s, asked loudly. You looked over to Douxie to see if he had heard, but he appeared busy.
“Yes, it’s me. How did you get this number?”
“The Trollhunter left it.” You sighed, hoping that this was at least a real emergency.
“How may I help you?” You asked.
“My sister sent me something in the mail and it got sent to the human town of Hesperia. I need you to get it.”
“I’m sorry, you want me to drive all the way to Hesperia?”
“Yes and hurry. You don’t want troll magic to hurt some humans do you?” She asked then and hung up.  
You took an annoyed deep breath and looked at the time on your phone. You would make it back in time for dinner with your mom.
You turned to Douxie and began stroking his cat. “As much as I’d love to stay and chat, I unfortunately have to drive out to Hesperia.”
“Do you mind if I join you?” It took you a second to register what Douxie had asked you.
You blinked slowly. “I mean it’s not going to be much fun. I’m going to pick up a package, but, um, sure.”
“Alright, just let me close up shop.”
“Take your time.” You took a seat and looked at the texts that Bagdwella had sent you regarding the address of the post office. It was a little difficult to decipher the misspelled words, but you eventually were able to type the right address into your gps.
Douxie came back down the stairs. “Do you mind if I bring Archie? I promise he’ll be great.” He gestured to the cat and you smiled, what an adorably sophisticated name.
“Works for me.” You walked out to your car and got in.
“So,” you began, “why do you want to go to Hesperia?”
“I have a few friends I’d like to see,” he responded looking out the window as Arcadia flew past.
You smiled, “You can do that while I get the package. You don’t want to wait with me in the post office anyways.”
“Yeah.” The two of you settled in for the hour long drive.
“Are you sure you don't need me to drive you anywhere? It’s just a bunch of houses out here,” you offered and Douxie shook his head.
“It looks like a lovely day to walk and my friend doesn’t live too far from here.”
“Alright enjoy your walk.” You smirked as you got out of the car and the wind blew his hair every which way.
“Oh, don’t laugh at me. Your hair is just as wild.” You laughed, after spending the drive with Douxie, this impromptu road trip wasn’t feeling so inconvenient anymore.
“See you back here at five?”
“See you then, darling.” He walked off with Archie and you started to do the same. As you made your way through the windy parking lot you did your best to not dwell on the nickname he had given you.
After spending an hour in the car with him, talking and listening to music, he was bound to give you a nickname at some point. You had definitely seen your friendship grow as you chatted.
A ding that sounded as you entered the freezing cold post office brought you back to reality. There was unfortunately a long line and you took out your phone to pass the time. You were glad you thought ahead to scan some of the trollish books for later.
Slowly the line got shorter, but as you waited, you felt odd, as if someone was watching you. You tried to ignore the feeling as you got to the front of the line and it eventually went away.
“Hi, I’m here to pick up a package for Bagdwella,” you said with false enthusiasm.
“Your name is Bagdwella?” The girl who was helping you asked.
“Unfortunately.” The girl gave a sympathetic smile and you once again got the feeling you were being watched. You quickly spun around to look, but saw nothing.
The last time someone had been watching was the day your brother got his amulet and that was Blinky. This time Blinky was in Arcadia and it was very sunny outside.
You decided to shove the thoughts aside as the girl began to ask you questions. She left to go get the package and you turned to scan the room again. You spotted movement outside the windows and was tempted to investigate, but the girl came back.
“Here you go.”
“Thanks.” You went out to your car to wait for Douxie.
As you were waiting Jim called. “Y/n! There’s some crazy troll that can show up in sunlight and it wants to kill me!”
“A stalkling!” You let out a small yelp. “Those things are crazy dangerous. Are you okay? Why didn't you call me earlier?”
“I'm fine, Blinky says I should be fine as long as I’m not alone. I have practice for the play tonight and then mom is picking me up." He sighed. "And I didn't tell you because Bagdwella said you were busy. I didn't want to worry you, but I realized I should at least let you know.”
“Okay, thanks. I’m in Hesperia on an errand for Bagdwella, and one of my coworkers is with me. I’ll hurry home.”
“No, I should be fine.”
“Are you sure Jim?”
“Okay, stay safe and if you need to call me!”
“I will, no need to worry.” He hung up and you sighed. You were definitely worried.
Douxie showed up soon and gave you his charming smile. He held up a bag. “I got some food.”
You smiled brightly as he opened up the bag to reveal donuts. You could definitely use some comfort food.
“Yum!” You hopped in the car and began to drive. You turned towards the freeway, but last minute pulled off onto a dirt road.
The sun was slowly setting and it was filling the sky with gorgeous pinks, purples and oranges.  The few clouds that were in the sky only added to the picture. The colors against the still sky blue background stood out and shined. It was a spectacular view.
“The sunsets in the desert are the best,” you explained as you began to eat your donut.
“I’ve seen some pretty spectacular sunsets,” Douxie said, “and this one is definitely up there.”
The two of you ate as the sun began to completely disappear and the stars were barely appearing as you began to drive through the mountains.
It had been really nice to spend some time with Douxie and get to know him. Archie was adorable as well and remarkably well behaved. You would definitely treasure the memory of watching the sunset to together.
You were fifteen minutes away from Arcadia when it began to rain. Thunder sounded along with the bass in the music and the sky flashed brightly.
Your phone began to ring and you asked Douxie to answer it.
“You’re on speaker Jimbo,” you said.
“Hey, Y/n, please tell me your back from...your errand.”
“I’m fifteen minutes out, why?”
“I really need you to pick me up. Mom can’t and Claire just got picked up. There’s...something out here. I'm going to start riding for home. I'll meet you at the bridge.”
“I’ll be there soon. Call Toby.” Douxie hung up and you began to accelerate. It was dangerous with the wind and rain, but you would protect your brother at all costs.
“Please drop me off at the bookstore.” Douxie requested as you sped down the street, discreetly using magic to keep the two safe.
“Alright.” You turned onto the street and pulled to the side next to the bookstore. You anxiously waited as Douxie hopped out of your car and waved goodbye. You gave a weak smile before speeding off towards the bridge.
You arrived just in time to see Jim being carried higher and higher into the lightning riddled sky. You let out a pained scream as you saw Jim hold up his sword.
Aaarrrgghh and Toby ran up to your car as you got out.
“What do we do?” You cried. Lightning hit Jim and you screamed again. He and the Stalkling began to fall. Aaarrrggh rushed to catch Jim and the Stalkling shattered on the ground before you.
Aaarrrgghh cradled Jim and he slowly woke up. You let out a cry and hugged Toby, the two of you let tears of joy fall. Jim was alive.
The four of you made your way to Trollmarket where Blinky said he had another surprise for Jim. He covered Jim's eyes then revealed to him a 1955 Vespa, something you knew he had always wanted.
You watched the excitement in your brothers face grow as Blinky said they could build the Vespa together. Things were looking up for the two of you.
A/n: The place in Hesperia is real and the sunsets there are spectacular. The best I've ever seen. Anyways, I want to write a bit of this from Douxie’s POV so expect that tomorrow. I hope you enjoyed this and have a great day/night. Stay safe! :)
Chapter 4.5: https://writings-of-a-daphodil.tumblr.com/post/627488305535205376/fire-keeper-chapter-45
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cherry3point14 · 4 years
What Does The Fox Say?
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Pairing: Dean x Reader Warnings: Crack. Orgy. Sex Party. Don’t let your nethers tingle, it’s barely flirting. SYNONYMS. Word Count: 2,300ish.   Summary/Prompt: There’s a case. Witches or something, and they’re killing people, specifically furries, maybe. As such one Dean Winchester goes to a furry sex party to look for clues... A/N: Written for @kalesrebellion​ “Bring On the Giggles” challenge. I think hope my synonyms for this challenge will be fairly obvious. Also, shoutout to @winchesters-meaty-feast​ who entertained my panic as this deadline loomed and pretty much talked me into birthing this ~thing. Sidenote - no disrespect to the furries who walk among us. It’s all exaggerated crack!fic. Peace and love. Yiffy on friends.
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From the outside, it looks like any other two-story townhouse. There’s a car parked out front, normal mailbox, the works. Regular suburban home. The first clue that something out of the ordinary is happening inside—where the ordinary is mom, dad, and two-point four ankle-biters having dinner—is the windows. They’re all covered, curtains or blinds, it doesn’t matter. This is what it looks like when humans try to cover their tracks. Monsters choose places that are already deserted and forgotten. Humans hide in plain sight and end up sticking out like a sore thumb. Plus Dean has spent all day talking to furries about this house. Yeah, that’s the biggest clue, not the damn curtains. He’s had multiple lectures, not only from Sam but the furries, people, themselves. It’s not all about porn. They’d told him adamantly. Showed him drawings and all these things they’d made each other, and pictures from their conventions. We’re not all perverts! They could say it until they were blue in the face (they had), but Dean’s standing here looking at this house, knowing what’s inside, and it’s hard to believe the furries-are-innocent propaganda. It’s even harder to believe he’s walking in there of his own free will. The things he’ll do to save lives. Sam told him to change because “Freeze, FBI” might not go down well at this particular house party. What’s he supposed to change into? A Halloween costume? That suggestion earned him yet another talk about respecting people’s interests. Whatever. He gets it, they don’t all have full fursuit things and even the ones that do, don’t generally fuck in them, and really? Is it really fucking necessary that he knows this much about furries? At least he can put on a plain black tee and some jeans and Sam only half presses his lips together in disapproval. What is his brother expecting him to wear to a furry sex party? Cat ears? (Dean is offended by the implication even if Sam didn't say it out loud). Eventually, shuffling his feet, he makes it to the door and knocks. He doesn’t want to be here but Sam’s working another lead on the other side of town at a D&D meet up. All jokes about dungeons aside, Dean would have given up his music privileges all the way back to Kansas to switch places. Once again, scissors bit him in the ass. The door opens a few inches, enough to see, hand to god, a guy in white rabbit-ish body paint. He raises his eyebrows in Dean’s direction like he’s asking for something without saying the words. The guy definitely doesn’t twitch his nose and it definitely doesn’t remind Dean of that bunny from Bambi. Oh shit. The password. Right, because that was how you made a gathering like this more legit and less embarrassing. Dean’s throat tightens like the words don’t want to come out, or like he doesn’t want them to exist, “Yiffy Ki Yay.” Furry sons of bitches have even ruined Die Hard. The guy nods and pulls the door open enough to let Dean slide in, but not reveal too much of the clandestine activities to the outside world. Not that anyone on Maple Avenue is looking into this particular door. Either the neighbors know better or they don’t care. Although now that he’s inside Dean can see his nameless host is also wearing tall, white ears and furry cuffs on his ankles and wrists. The first of what, Dean assumes, will be many red flags that he should leave. Not that he heeds the warning. “First time?” The rabbit asks while Dean attempts to scan as much as he can see without a slack jaw. “Yeah,” he breathes out. Dean has been around the block. He’s seen the inside of more than just strip clubs. His number one use of the Internet is porn, his second? More porn. This is something else. He’s not judging, well, he's trying not to judge and failing miserably. These people aren’t hurting anyone though. In fact, someone might be trying to hurt them. Or the D&D players. They were still on the fence about how the groups were linked beside the weird deaths. Granted some of this party seems very vanilla from what he can see. He catches a glimpse of the dining room, which has been cleared of most of its furniture, and there’s your everyday orgy of mangled limbs. Those limbs happen to be a little furrier than normal is all. Thankfully not everyone is dressed as an animal. Not that anybody will be telling Sam that he was right. Some people are dotted around watching, or drinking like the sex isn’t happening, and some of the people getting involved are in plain clothes. Or, naked but not wearing any sort of animal accessory. At first glance, there’s a part of Dean that thinks he can appreciate the hedonism of it, without being bogged down by the fact that they're all cosplaying as goddamn animals. Animal enthusiasts, he corrects in his head before Sam telepathically delivers a bitch face from across town. And then he’s walking through the kitchen and there are two people nuzzling each other. People might not be the right word because they’re dressed as cats. Holding each other and stretching and bending their limbs. All feline movements and what he thinks is a purring noise, but he can’t confirm or deny because of the music coming from the cheap speakers on the counter. It might be sweet if it wasn’t in the middle of a sex party. Yeah, this is still going to take some getting used to. The rabbit is yammering, mentioning ground rules that Dean is only half listening to while he tries not to stare at the cats. He’s listening enough to follow the rules but actually, he can’t bring himself to look away from the most PC thing happening in the joint. “Did you get that because I heard the door…?” This time Floppy speaks with enough urgency that Dean snaps his focus back to the white rabbit. “Yeah, that’s fine. I’ll-” he wants to say ‘mingle’ like it’s a seventies swingers party and his biggest concern is where his car keys are. He licks his dry lips and they still feel like sandpaper, “-look around.” He does need to look around, talk to people, do his job. That’s why he’s here feeling like the spare dick at a fucking contest. Dean knows his limits though and before he investigates he's gonna need a beer.  Once he’s got a bottle in his hand, which he got from the fridge because he doesn’t trust anything that was sitting on any surface, even unopened, he starts climbing the stairs. The tinny music, the sound of bodies slapping against each other, and the low din of people talking like normal adults all fade with each step until he’s at the top. Practically not at a furry orgy anymore. Except it’s a new horrific game now. What’s behind door number one? Somewhere in the back of his mind, he remembers Whiskers going on about the rules of the rooms. Lock up if you want privacy. Unlocked and shut means viewers welcome. Open doors are an invitation to play. That’s the word Thumper had used, play. The first door is locked. He skips the second because he can hear what's going on inside and even if he was in the mood to creep (he’s not), you don't walk in on the money shot. The third room is a bathroom, a stark reminder he's in a house that people live in. The fourth door he tries is blissfully empty. It looks like a guest room. Walls that are basic beige and nothing identifying. Then he sits on the bed and presses his back into the wall. He realizes this bed has probably been used for the activities he’s already seen tonight. Out of sight, out of mind. Dean takes out his phone and stares, annoyed, at the screen. Sam hasn’t messaged him, so the case isn’t solved and he doesn’t have an excuse to leave. He takes a swig of his beer and types with his free hand, trying to make an excuse. Find anything yet? Another long drag while he waits, forcing the drink down his throat in the hopes of some small semblance of dutch courage. Or in the hopes that everything is solved, so he can go back to the motel and beat his meat to hentai like a normal person. No, but this is actually really interesting. You? Dean’s fingers twitch wanting nothing more than to throw the phone against a wall. If he wasn’t obligated to text back to illustrate that he’s still alive then he might leave Sam high and dry. As it is his reply is short and simple. Nothing. He feels no need to mention that he hasn’t actually looked yet. Dean puts his phone away and throws his head back against the wall at the exact moment the door opens. She stumbles in with the ghost of a giggle on her lips. He’s expecting there to be someone following her considering the party he’s attending. Two people blundering into a room looking for a place to get some privacy. Except she’s alone and she’s not concerned to find him alone either. Her eyes widen a little but her smile is soft, “sorry, you’re not waiting on someone are you?” “Me?” He asks, concerned that he has picked up some paraphernalia along the way. Anything that might suggest he’s a part of this. She continues to wait for an answer to her question instead of answering his. “No, Nah. Just taking a breather.” “Thank god, me too.” She blows out a relieved puff of air before shutting the door behind her. In doing so she flashes him her tail. She’s a fox. Or some version of a fox. She hasn’t gone as far as body paint. Her outfit almost seems costumey rather than serious. It’s this orange mini dress—if it could be called a dress for how little it leaves to his imagination—with a bushy, foxtail attached. He hadn’t noticed her ears immediately, but now he’s seen them, there they are. Ginger and pointed on top of her head, and when she turns back to him he finally notices the little, black nose she has painted on. She sits down next to him, scoots herself on top of the sheets making them bunch under her. She doesn’t seem to care about him having dibs over the bed or room and it only takes a few seconds for him to not care either. In this close proximity, inches apart, he doesn’t see a fox, even if she is definitely dressed up as a fox. He sees bare legs crossed at the ankle, her dress fighting to contain her cleavage and the sheen of her skin from dancing. She’s holding a red solo cup, he assumes half full of alcohol considering the pink flushing her cheeks. “I’m going to take a guess,” she leans until her shoulder is pressed against his arm, “you’re either a first-timer or you’re lost.” Dean laughs because he feels lost even if his cover is supposed to be the former. “First time, that obvious, huh? Thanks for pointing it out. Real considerate of you.” She bites her lip enough to get him looking at her mouth. Thinking about her mouth. “Wolf?” “What?” “I get it, first-timers are still trying to be normal, but the dark colors and the brooding loner thing you have going on in here. A wolf missing his pack?” She brings her knees up and bends her legs under herself while she guesses. Twists her body in his direction. He can’t tell if she’s joking. It sounds half ridiculous and makes him think of the kind of wolves he hunts. Dean lies anyway, “ding ding. Tell the woman what she’s won. Or do you prefer..?” Dean waves a hand to her everything fox related as if he might seriously start using ‘fox’ instead of ‘woman’. His gesturing hand lands on her waist while the other takes another swig from his brown bottle. “‘S fine. We’re all still people underneath. I’ve got a job and everything.” She rolls her shoulders like she’s showing off for being employed, which shuffles her whole body half an inch closer to his until her knees are touching his thigh. She’s facing him, his arm still lazily, half wrapped around her as she raises her cup to her lips. “Oh yeah, what do you do, sweetheart?” He lets the syrup fall from his mouth because foxes like honey.
She laughs, the sound tinkles in the space between them. “I’m a diner chef. Nothing exciting unless you like to eat?” His tongue peeks out between his teeth, his lips smirking suggestively. “I’ve been known to enjoy a-,” Dean's eyes flick down her body to where her dress is stretching over her thighs, and then back to her face, “fur burger.” Nowhere else on the fucking planet would he get away with saying that. Only at a furry sex party. She doesn’t just smile at his line though, she hums, pleased he’s playing along, and slides a hand along the outer hem of his jeans. Fingers slowly crawling up his leg and tracing the denim.
One blink and the air is thicker, heavier, and Dean doesn’t give a shit when it happened.
Her eyes flash playfully as she finishes her drink. “Mmm, the only way to make sure a burger is done is a good thrust of a meat thermometer.” 
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5eva tags: @divadinag​ @darthdeziewok​ @fluentinfiction​ @witch-of-letters​ @supernatural-teamfreewill-blog​​ @magnitude101999​ @alexwinchester23​ @jesseswartzwelder​ Dean babes: @thewinchesterchronicles​ @akshi8278​ @erins-culinary-service​ @bloodydaydreamer​ @iamabeautifulperson18​ @ellewritesfix05​
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