#i just got home and i am drinking so much tea with honey
ratsarecute4 · 29 days
I am doing a lot of shouting in this play. We just did the table read and my voice is now fucked
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chazzielynx · 3 months
Some Random Listener Headcanons I Wrote Down Part One
- Darlin likes cuddling in close and making Sam play a little with his powers while doing it. A little flame or sth like that. They like it because they can feel the dim light of his core that way. (Extra angsty points = they do that bc they can't bridge with him)
- Starlight didn't like the name 'Starlight' at first because they love astronomy and didn't think they deserved that title. But Avior was stubborn and the more he uses it, the more they melt at him saying it.
- Freelancer loves being in the sun but their eyes are sensitive to light. Until they met Gavin, they used to wear sunglasses a lot, but now Gavin eases their light sensitivity with magic when they're out on a walk. They didn't notice him doing it at first but he had to confess it to them when they wanted to go on another hike with Huxley and thought they didn't need to take their sunglasses (He has to actively control it).
- Sweetheart has stomach issues because of the stress at work. When they told Milo, he started learning more about what kind of foods can help with that and integrated them into the meals he cooked on date nights.
- before Lovely was turned, they used to love late night drives in general but then also with Vincent. Now they're used to them so much they forgot about the love they had for city lights at night.
- Darlin (yes, again, leave me alone) drinks tea. They never really tell anyone that bc it doesn't really fit their image but Sam found their collection when he was looking for anything edible in their kitchen again. They like Scottish Breakfast and Sam learned how they make it so that he can make them a cup of it when he's drinking his coffee.
- Baabe reads romance books, all kinds, also spicy ones and Asher loves stealing their book when they gasp at the pages and reading the spicy scenes to try them out later.
- staying with the book theme: Coworker reads High Fantasy and goes on rants just like Lasko and he loves nothing more than having his head in their lap, letting them play with his hair absent-mindedly and listens to everything they tell him.
- Asset constantly argues with James about why they can't have tattoos. One of their technicians had some and they asked about it and now they genuinely don't understand why they can't also have tattoos (this one might be a little bit of a stretch but I think it's cute).
- Honey knits (possibly also crochet). Guy likes to mess with them when they count stitches but he only does that when their project isn't that complicated or important. He proudly wears every single sock they make him and always asks for more "Honey, can I get one that says 'i am the best boyfriend ever but all I got were these lousy socks?'" followed by a pillow thrown at his head.
- Baby (Ollie's Listener) loves fairy lights. They hang them up everywhere all year round. Ollie had to set the rule in place that they aren't allowed to put up more without defending their case in front of a judge (which is Ollie and their cat).
- Bestie loves dyeing their hair on a regular basis. Not in the impulsive way, they genuinely just love looking different every two weeks and combining colours.
- Smartass likes to sing. It took them a while to be comfortable singing in front of Aaron. Once, they hadn't heard him come home and he listened to them sing in the kitchen while he just sat in the hallway. They almost tripped over him. Now he sometimes asks them to sing sth when he's holding them bc he loves hearing and feeling them sing.
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sugar-plum-writer · 2 months
Fashion Icon
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Paring: JJK!men x Fem!Reader; Gojo x Fem!Reader; Sukuna x Fem!Reader; Toji x Fem!Reader Tags: Fem!Reader; One-Shot; reader is a fashion icon!; Light comedy; slight mention of violence; Suggestive; Slight!NSFW A/n: I thought it would be fun! so I wrote this one shot, I personally love fashion~ and I though the scenarios would be fun! This might end up being my longest multiple one-shot
[P.S. If ya'll want another oneshot of this~ feel free to comment! Heart and reblog for motivation lols haha!]
"Money, money, money - Must be funny In the rich man's world, Money, money, money- Always sunny In the rich man's world."
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Senario-1 [Gojo]
"It's Valentino!"
Gojo had to agree it's not everyday to see something like this, to be called like this- he would have never come if anyone or any of his ex's had called him like this the way you had done.
He also would have never imagined himself doing what he was doing right now. Destroying the cruse while you stood looking at your nails which you had just gotten done. You were the one who was supposed to fight this curse not him.
"Gojo Honey you done?", cocking your head to the side you looked at him
"Yeah all done~ this was nothing", with a light chuckle he walked towards you
"I love you thank you so much~", giving him a light kiss you smiled
It was ridiculous on so many levels- 15 minutes ago he was sitting in his home, drinking tea as he was chatting about his mission. The next thing he knew he got a call from you
"Y/n darling what's the matter? It's rare for you to call like this", with a light chuckle he smirked
"I need you to fight a curse for me dear"
".....", he could not believe his ears
"....What? You need me to fight...a curse?" he was amused to say the least
"Yes right now~"
"..why? Is everything okay? you are not hurt are you?"
Sure he was the strongest but your strength was not something to joke about. You were a top of the line Grade-1 sorcerer after all your mission success rate? 100%. He still remembers the way you held your own against a special grade curse until he arrived when everyone else was afraid.
Blood dripping, fierce eyes, as you fought the curse- seeing you like that- it was so hot that he forgot how to breathe for a moment
"I am fine, it's just I cannot fight the curse!"
".....Huh....?", he was dumbstruck
"Honey I am wearing Valentino, I don't want to ruin my heels the curse is not-", you paused
"Not expensive enough for me to walk all over it" you cockily cooed and clicked your tongue
"Not expensive enough huh? I didn't know curses had a price", he bursted out laughing
"If the curse had some channel perfume sprayed on it- I would have considered ruining my nails over it but- it's not"
Hearing your tone he could imagine the light smug expression on your face- the arrogance of yours, the sassy attitude, confidence- he would never tell you, but- when you acted like this it was hot- after all it stroked his ego knowing- only he could indulge you.
You did not even had to force it- it just came naturally to you
Not that he did not like it when you were sweet, all caring, etc it's just it gave him a rush- it felt exclusive
"The poor curse must be crying hearing your words love", grabbing his coat from the sofa he made his way out, "How arrogant eh?" his tone carried an element of playfulness
"Well as your lover such arrogance suits me does it not?", you laughed
"Of course, it suits you very well~ I'll be there in 2 minutes"
"Alright! I'll buy some sweets for you in the mean time honey! Love you!"
And with that the phone call ended- when he arrived at the location the people were stunned to say the least
"Mr. Gojo why are you here?", the person in-charge walked towards him
"My girl said the curse is not expensive enough for her to deal with it", nonchalantly he said as if it was obvious
"...huh..?", the man looked stunned so did the people around him
"Yeah", smirking he looked at them
"It's Valentino as she said"
If anyone saw him like this they would faint, even in the Heian era he would have never done this- not even for his concubines or anyone.
To think right now after 1000's of years, having seen everything their is to see- all tricks and seduction known to ever exist, he still fell for you not even in his wildest dreams he would have imagined doing what he was right now.
"Sukuna honey carry me", your gaze was serious as you stood looking at him
"Are you serious?" he looked back into your eyes
"Yes. Right now"
How did such a situation happened? Well 1 hour ago you and Sukuna had decided to go out, everything was going well as the day progressed, he was pleased and so were you.
Wining, dining, fooling around, shopping and overall just having fun
The next thing you knew a curse jumped out and tried to attack you and him resulting it getting mutilated and destroyed by Sukuna. You felt a bit bad seeing in what terrible shape the curse was in.
"Fucking pest, how annoying", with an annoyed expression he rolled his eyes
"Y/n let's continue", He held his hand out for you to take
"Sukuna, honey, I cannot walk", you looked at him with a serious gaze
"....huh...?", his expression changed to confusion, "Why?"
"I am wearing Valentino", clicking your tongue you looked at him with a cocky expression, "I cannot walk over this curse ruining these shoes"
"......", for the first time in his life he was speechless and stunned
'Is this woman serious?'
"This curse is not worthy to be stepped over with Valentino shoes", with a straight face you spoke as if it was obvious, "It's common sense"
"hah!", he bursted out laughing, "Are you serious right now doll?", with a smirk he looked at you
"Yes and I order you to carry me", flipping your hair you looked at him
"Really?", cockily he leaned in
"Of course isn't it obvious? Don't you know who you're dealing with?", without backing away you leaned in too not breaking away eye-contact
No one- no woman in his life spoke to him the way you did, the way you demanded him and ordered him to do things for you.
Even his concubines never demanded him anything, and if they did- they always bowed their heads low.
Even geishas, all those women he had been with none of them came close to you and your attitude. And deep down he liked it- it was fun and entertaining.
Your listened to him but had your own edge- an edge that kept him hooked
A woman like you was rare- a fine bottle of Sake meant to be enjoyed and savored- and kept close for to find another like you would take centuries.
If he had you as his concubine in the Heian era- his days would be a lot better and lively. He would have bought you all you wanted as he did now.
You were expensive, exclusive and only he could afford you. Your whims were his to entertain just as you entertained him.
"Alright doll", shaking his head with a smirk he swept you off your feet and carried you in his arms bridal style
"Thank you darling~", wrapping your arms around him you gave him a light kiss as a reward, "You are the best!"
"I know. I am", with a light chuckle he kissed you passionately and your lipstick stain lingered on his lips
Entering the restaurant all eyes were on you two, he could could have just carried you a bit, but no- he carried you all the way to the table as you fixed your lipstick using your hand-mirror. It was quite a scene.
"It's Valentino huh?"
Toji never cared about his life, drinking and gambling away all his money- he had nothing to live for after all. He was only alive till now because he had decided to not die yet.
He was smart, highly intelligent but it did not matter to him, he just did- what he wanted.
But everything changed when he met you, he tried to treat you just as a fling- another one to add to his list, but, you were different.
You did not fall for his honeyed words, your confidence, your attitude, it all screamed power.
Sure you were nice, sweet, and caring but at the same time- you also had self-respect and put him in his place.
Every date you dressed up well in tip-top shape, which made him want to look good as he walked with you hence he changed his wardrobe. Kept himself more proper, put more effort into himself.
All girls and women he dated tried to change him, format him, etc- or liked the so called bad-boy troupe which he played very well.
But you- you did none of that, you dated him as he was unbothered.
Rather than him feeling that you were a fling- you made him feel that he was a fling. Not even kissing him, nothing, when he first met you- you literally shifted the table thinking he was a random stranger.
It hurt his ego, after all no matter how shabby he looked women swooned over him. But you had standards.
You did not need his validation, rather than you chasing him- you made him want to chase you, to know where you are, what you are doing etc
You made him get his shit together to be with you. Previously he had no reason but now he did- you
You were his dream girl
And one thing he knew about you was your taste was fucking expensive.
Whatever you picked in a store somehow- just somehow you picked expensive items without even knowing or looking at the price tag
And for that what was he gonna do? say no? Of course not. What he was going to do is buy you more expensive things.
"Toji honey are you sure?", you looked at him eyebrows raised
"I am, when have I ever not been sure", he smirked holding 5 shopping bags from Valentino
"Are....these real?" in disbelief you looked at the bags
"Just take it girl", tossing you the bags as if it was nothing he went and sat on the couch sipping his beer
"Wait...these shoes...are these the ones I was chatting about the other day with my friends?", wide eyed you looked at him
"Yeah seeing you looking at them I thought you wanted it?", smugly he smiled grinning
"No but ahhhh!!! I love them so much!!", tossing your flipflops aside you immediately wore the heels
"How does it look?" strutting you spun a bit showing off your nice legs
"I love you so much! to think you got me something so nice darling....", hugging him tight you beamed happily your eyes shone so bright
"Gorgeous, stunning, beautiful, what can I say eh?", he kissed you, "As long as you like it, it's all worth it"
"Oh my gosh! It's like a dream!", you kissed him back wrapping your hands around his neck making him smirk and caress your waist
"Well I can make you dream- a dream so good", kissing your neck he whispered, "Valentino would seem like reality darling"
Link to Masterlist!
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writing-in-the-impala · 5 months
Secret Smokes (Part 9)
Pairing: Teacher! Remus Lupin x Reader
Series Summary: When the reader bumps into the new DADA professor on the bridge in Hogwarts she begins to build a friendship with him all thanks to their shared feeling of not belonging and love for muggle cigarettes. Their friendship blooms while they both fight internal battles deciding what is wrong and what is right leading to a lot of fluff, angst, flirting and a rollercoaster of emotions.
Warnings: Swearing, smoking, drinking, teacher-student relationship, angst, jealousy, fluff, smut.
Word Count: 5776
A/N: At the end! No spoilers here, but it's a long one so get cosy.
 | SERIES MASTER LIST (All chapters) |
Previous Chapter, Part 9, Next Chapter
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Christmas morning began like every year except for the owl. When you made it downstairs there was an owl under the tree from Remus, you picked up the letter and thanked the owl giving it a treat before sending it home. You hadn't heard from Remus since you got home, however you couldn't be upset as you didn't attempt to write to him either. Even though you missed him a lot and you couldn't stop thinking about him life had become quite busy with work, family and your hometown friends. This was the first time you came home and didn't want to flirt with any one or meet anyone as the only person who got your heart to race was Remus. Since you first opened his present you kept re-reading what he wrote, as if you were trying to decipher it. Maybe it was him calling you "dear" and ending it with "yours" that made your heart race, maybe it was simply just the only way to feel close to him. "What's that letter honey?" Your mum asked walking out the kitchen to see you standing holding Remus's most recent letter.
"It's from my friend, I think it's just to thank for the Christmas present I got him."
"Him?" Your mother asked. "I knew those were for a boy she liked!" Your dad chimed in from the sofa. "So who's he?" Your mum asked.
That's when the doubts hit you, you shouldn't get excited by Remus sending you a letter, he's the kind of man you can't tell your parents about. How would you explain to your parents that you got involved with your defence against the dark arts professor and that he's also a werewolf. "Just a friend who's helped me a lot this year. Anybody want coffee?" You asked tucking Remus's letter into your jeans pocket and changing the subject.
When you had a moment after the busy morning you went upstairs to finally open Remus's letter that had occupied your mind all morning. You slowly opened it while sipping on a cup of tea that wasn't as tasty as the ones made by Remus in his office.
"My dearest Y/N,
Merry Christmas. Would it be inappropriate to say smoking or listening to music alone isn't the same? Thank you so much for your present, I've been listening to the vinyl from you on repeat I can't wait to listen to it with you. I hope work is good and your family is well too. Hogwarts is beautiful in the snow I'm glad I stayed but I'll be heading home to York soon - today - so if you would like to reach me please write to:
The Luna Cottage Yorkshire YO22 5AN
No pressure to write however if you do I just don't want you to feel like I'm ignoring your letters.
Yours, as always, Remus"
You wished the letter was longer, that he would tell you more about what he's been doing why he didn't write. You wanted to have a conversation about his day, you decided it was only right to reply to him straight away.
"Moony, Merry Christmas!
I am starting to realise my record collection is boring compared to yours. I'm glad you enjoyed the present, thank you so much for passing on your fathers book, I'm happy to return it to you as soon as I read it as it sounds quite sentimental.
I adore the cigarette tin, I would be lying if I said it hasn't already been useful. The camel and bridge are beautiful however I miss the real bridge.
I'm glad to hear you're enjoying Christmas, don't run to your cottage too quickly enjoy your time in Hogwarts although I do realise how stupid it is to write that as I'm sending it to your cottage.
My family is well and so am I thank you for asking, I do miss the snow in Hogwarts I look forward to coming back after new years.
Speak soon, Y/n"
You sent the letter almost as soon as you wrote it eager to continue this conversation with Remus. You could wait to read his next letter. However it did not arrive for days. Maybe he stayed in Hogwarts you thought, maybe he hasn't had time to send you one, maybe he's too busy...
You waited each day for a letter to arrive but nothing came, New Year's Eve was around the corner and you thought wether to wish him happy new year like you wished him Merry Christmas however you decided against it. The Weasleys had invited you to a New Year's party and you considered not going however you decided maybe it would be good to spent an evening with your school friends as opposed to the home town friends that you saw all Christmas break. The party wasn't at their house but rather a house in London however they assured you pre-drinks will be spent together. You met at their house where you would be spending the night after the party, it was nice to see their parents who always made you feel at home. They asked you many questions about your Christmas break and Molly even gave you a new hand knitted scarf as a gift. You hadn't arrived at their house empty handed either as you had a whole tray of home made cookies from your mum which the Weasley boys devoured. "So what's this party we're going to?" You asked the twins.
"It's one of the order parties but it should be fun." Fred began.
"And if we hate it, it's in central London so we can jump ship." George added.
"And we'll still see the muggle fireworks from there." Fred finished their joint sentence.
"But isn't everyone in the order like 50 now, I want a new years kiss." You complained
"I'm here." George quickly interrupted.
"I'm the hotter twin and I'm here too." Fred took over.
"See you have two options!"George said with a laugh.
"Three we all know dear Percy would kill for a kiss from you." Fred almost whispered so no one else in the family would hear.
"I don't want to kiss him, or you, or you." You said laughing and pushing them away in a friendly way.
"No you want to kiss your teacher." They both said simultaneously making your face go red.
"Shut up. I prefer people my age."
"Don't lie to us the only person our age you want to snog is Sebastian and he's mostly a rebound for your profesor."
"What did you get him for Christmas?"
"It doesn't matter besides he hasn't spoken to me since Christmas."
"But he wrote to you."
"Just to thank me."
"He still thought of you."
"We've gone off topic so who's gonna be at this party or did I waste my new years by agreeing to this?" You bought the conversation back.
"We promise there will be people you'll want to kiss there, you'll have fun."
"We're sure of it."
"Only thing...."
"'Mum is coming."
"WHAT? This is going to be so lame, a party with your parents?"
"Don't worry, we'll still have fun." He said handing you a shot to drink and all three of you necked it down. You got changed and ready to go out, suddenly you were all looking a lot more like you were going to party, the boys wolf whistled you when you joined them in the living room. By this point nearly the whole family was downstairs including Hermione who was also invited as Harry and Ron were going. When you walked into the room Percy's face seemed to go red, you felt bad as you knew his feelings for you but you just simply didn't feel the same about him. You relaxed in the living room for a bit before all of you traveled to the house the party was taking place at.
It was 12 Grimmauld Place. The home of the Blacks. Sirius Black was the only one left living there however he used the house to throw very extravagant parties, that's what Percy told you anyway. When you arrived it was quite littered with people already, and there was a mix of people older and younger, you spent time with the twins at first as you were a bit shy to start talking to so many strangers. As soon as the alcohol started to get to your head you became a lot more social with everyone around, one of your most interesting conversations was with the host Sirius Black who you clicked with immediately, you ended up in quite a discussion about the London firework display and he promised you could go up to the roof for the fireworks at midnight. You were quite enjoying yourself when you noticed Sirius hugging a man who was apologising for arriving late, he was taking his jacket off when you caught a glimpse of him. Remus J Lupin. He was wearing corduroy trousers, a nice clean fresh Oxford shirt that was a pale blue with a dark vest over it and a long black trench coat. You felt the temperature of the room go up and you needed a distraction so you jumped into a conversation with the twins. "Our teacher is here." You stated to them.
"Your teacher more like." Fred stated with a grin on his face as him and George shared a look.
"You knew." You pointed a finger at them both.
"He's in the order." George explained.
"Close friends with Black. And our parents." Fred finished.
"We didn't know for sure if he would come." They both said in response to your upset face.
"He hasn't replied to my letter." You said quietly.
"Well now you can talk in person." Fred said. You could see Remus but he wasn't looking at you, he was happy, he looked a bit tired but not more than usual, he seemed in his element hugging people hello and chatting with them. After about twenty minutes you both noticed each other he gave you a slight wave from across the room and you waved back while speaking to Hermione. The next hour and a half you spent stealing glances at each other from across the room but not talking even when you stood right next to each other, it felt like an unspoken rule. It was hurting you to watch him talk to an attractive girl from the order and laugh with her, a whole body laugh. You felt jealous, and upset that he didn't even acknowledge you past a small wave.
It was only when you were outside having a smoke with Fred that you finally spoke to Lupin. He was the one who started the conversation, you heard him say "No, no, no. I can't believe that you haven't heard of The Stooges, hold on, Y/N have you heard of the Stooges" he interrupted your conversation but you didn't mind.
"Of course, arguably they were the first punk rock band." You said with a small smile, eyeing the girl he was taking to in a judgmental way.
"Thank you!" Remus said to everyone before turning around to face you. "Hello by the way." He has a gently smile.
"Hi professor, I saw you earlier but didn't want to interrupt." You said hugging him hello, he already smelt like he's drank quite a bit as did you.
"You should've." He said gently in a hush tone, eyes quickly flicking down to your lips then back to your eyes, his breath really smelt like fire whiskey.
"You look nice." You replied.
"I was going to say the same about you." The small smile growing on his lips as his eyes scanned your body.
"Who are you so dressed up for?" You pried hoping the answer doesn't hurt you.
"Sirius." He said in a stern tone and continued once he saw the puzzled look on your face. "He said he was going to hex me if I showed up in the same clothes I wear every day. I don't know if you've met him yet but I believe he genuinely would have."
"I have and I agree, I think you're a wise man." You said with a laugh.
"How was Christmas?" He asked changing the topic.
"You know same, same. Spent most of the time working. What about yours?" You said putting your hands in your pockets awkwardly. When you spoke to him it's like the whole world blurred, like no one else was around you even through your were standing outside the house on a street in central London.
"Christ Y/N, I'm sorry I didn't write back." He simply answered.
"It's okay, I'm sure you were busy." You said hiding your disappointment.
"No, no I wasn't." He said with his own frown on his face. "After Christmas there was a full moon and I was knackered, once I regained energy I had so much to do and I didn't dedicate time to writing back, when I could've, I should've and I'm so sorry." He was leaning on the wall for support as if his guilt was weighing him down.
"How's the cottage?"
"It's cosy, I've been fixing things in it, Hogwarts has meant it stands empty with no one looking after it, so things have broken in my absence." He explained.
"I wish you had time to write while you were there, I had so many questions." You said instead of saying you missed him.
"Have you seen Sebastian Sallow over half term?"
"What?" You shot back in confusion.
"Just wandering as you two are close."
"Not that close." You felt weird about his question, his facial expression was hard to read.
"Fair enough." He replied after a moment of awkward silence.
"Why do you ask?" You pushed.
"Because I thought you two were slowly growing into a relationship, you know I just want the best for you."  He didn't make eye contact with you.
"What's the best for me?" You questioned.
"It's not me." He said with an intense stare into your eyes.
"So you don't want me to be with you?" You asked swallowing hard from the anxiety.
"Correct." He answered his body inching closer to you.
"But do you want to be with me?" He looked down at his empty glass after you asked him this.
"What was work like?" He asked changing the topic.
"Answer my question." You pushed.
"Answer mine."
"I asked first."
"Y/N... let's change the subject before one of us gets hurt, let's not ruin new years." He said sounding defeated as he finished the sentence you heard the front door open and saw Sirius there with two drinks in his hand.
"Remus! There you are, I made you a drink." He said in a jolly voice. "Y/N, do you want one too?" He said while handing a drink to Remus.
"It's fine I can go get it myself." You said finishing this the perfect opportunity to leave this conversation with Remus.
"Beautiful, let me show you the main reason why being a magic is the greatest thing ever." Sirius said clicking his fingers and your glass refilled itself. Remus just laughed as if this was an old trick.
"How?" You asked in shock.
"Dear old Sirius has enchanted all the glass to be self re-filling because he's too lazy to stand up and pour himself a drink."
"I didn't know this was possible." You expressed.
"It's a dangerous trick." Remus explained.
"As if you don't love it Moony." Sirius said and you have a puzzled look to the nickname but didn't ask more questions. "Now it looks like you two were having a meaningful chat I don't mean to interrupt."
"You're not, I was just about to head inside." You said.
"Sure you were." Sirius said with a wink. "Enjoy the drink moony, let me know how it tastes later!" Sirius said with a wink at Remus and head tilting to you before he left, luckily for Remus you didn't see this. A moment of silence fell upon both of you again before Remus cleared his throat. "You know all the glasses in my office have this enchantment." He said sitting down on the front door steps.
"Liar, why do you always stand up and make cups of tea if they can refill themselves?"
"I find there's something romantic about doing things the proper way, taking a moment to brew a tea and pour it. It feels like it's the right way to do it. When I'm alone I don't bother to do all the mundane but I like to do it with you." He took last sip of the cocktail he managed to already finish and you watched it magically refill itself.
"So I'm guessing you and Sirius are close?" You asked.
"How'd you guess?"
"He called you moony."
"He's my best friend from school, there's not many of us left after the war." Remus began.
"What do you mean us?"
"My friends from school and I used to call ourselves the Marauders."
"That's so lame." You laughed and he had a nostalgic smile on his face.
"I know. But we were proud of it, we were unstoppable, a force to be reckoned with. We used to preform some pranks that created new rules in Hogwarts."
"Not that pillar of morality I thought you were Professor." You winked at him and he laughed.
"Maybe not." His eyes were glued to your lips.
"So what happened?" You asked and his eyes went down to the floor, he cleared his throat and took a sip of his drink.
"We all grew up but not all of us got to grow old. You see straight after school James and Lilly got married, it was a beautiful day. Not long after Harry was born, we felt like we were on top of the world when we were leaving Hogwarts. But the wizarding war kept getting worse, I struggled for work with my condition so I focused mainly on the order, James and Sirius helped me a lot especially with money, I wouldn't have a home without them. We spent most of our days as part of the Order of the Phoenix, and we were proud, we felt like our little group was part of something special. Then the day when Peter betrayed James and Lilly came, and well you know how the story of that day goes." He said his voice breaking a bit a small tear forming in his eye. "After that day the world rejoiced, war was over, he was gone, but he took James and Lilly with them. Peter, the snitch, sold them out. It was just Sirius and I left." You placed you hand on his knee to comfort him.
"I'm sorry-"
"It's okay. I was hurt that day and I was stupid, I distanced myself from Sirius, and from everyone. I saw the world as cruel, I really treated myself like a victim, felt sorry for myself. Sirius, he saved me. Every full moon he would come to the cottage and make sure I was okay, it was only after a year that I found out when he fell asleep and when I was back to my human form he was still around. He explained he'd come in secret every month just to check in on me. He made me realise the world wasn't so cruel after all." Remus glanced back at the house behind him.
You got a glimpse at a new part of Remus, the Remus who lost friends, the Remus who used to be a boy surrounded by everyone he loved, and you understood why now being in Hogwarts he was so much more lonely than ever before. "It's funny when I met you it felt like meeting the marauders for the first time. If only you were around when I was your age, I think I would've- doesn't matter. I'm sorry for dropping my sob story on you like that." Remus said with a heavy breath.
"Moony I love to hear about your past, Sirius sounds very special... I'm glad you have him."
"I love that boy." He said honestly. "He's my brother for life." He said looking back at the house once again. A calm quiet fell upon you both before you took your cigarette tin out of your pocket, you offered one to Remus and he took it "nice tin." He said with a wink. "Where'd you get it?" He asked while you tried to light your cigarette with your lighter, he lit his with magic obviously.
"This guy got me it, I really thought he liked me because it's so special but I realise now he's just kindhearted and cares about people. It's still one of my favourite gifts though."
"What says those are mutually exclusive?" He questioned while you struggled to light your cigarette as your lighter didn't want to work.
"Can you light it for me?" You asked him gently turning around to him.
"Sure, come here." He motioned for you to get closer to him. And you shifted towards him. "Closer." He instructed. You were confused but listened, you were now inches away from him, his cigarette was in his mouth and yours was in your hand. "Put it in your mouth." He said through the cigarette. "Now come here I'll light it for you." He said quietly. So you leaned in and he lit the cigarette with the one in his mouth, your body felt like it was burning, you could smell the alcohol, you could smell him. Chocolate, cigarettes and an undertone of firewood. He placed a hand on your face to stabilise you and you felt that your cigarette was lit. You pulled away from each other and you took a drag with a shaky breath after the moment you just shared.
You felt his hand grab your chin again and turn your face back to his, his cigarette wasn't in his mouth this time, he began to lean in. "Tell me if you want me to stop." He whispered and your heart raced as you leaned into him and your lips crashed. The kiss was full of lust and longing. He had completely dropped his cigarette as both his hands were now on your face, you dropped yours and raised your hands to touch him. You felt him swoop your whole body to the side and you were suddenly straddling him on the stairs of the house. You felt him, you felt how much he wanted you, you began to slowly grind on him to tease him. His hands began to go up and down your back as you continued to make out, your hands went through his hair, something you wanted to do for a very long time. And then you heard it, the fireworks.
Remus pulled away first, shaken back into reality, you both looked into each others eyes for a few seconds. Silence. The look of complete fear and lust in both your eyes as reality crashed back in. "Happy new year dear." He said quietly.
"Happy new year Moony." Your replied and he gently kissed you on the lips with love rather than lust this time. He slowly moved you off him and stood up, reaching out a hand towards you to help you stand up. "Let's head up to the roof, the view of the fireworks is beautiful up there." He said and you gave him a sad look.
"I'm happy to miss it." You almost whispered.
"We can't. Come on." He said reaching his hand out for you to hold and you followed him holding his hand while walking up the stairs and questioning which part he was referring to with "we can't". You headed back inside and as you passed the mirrors on the stairs Remus fixed his hair, he let go of your hand and you walked side by side upstairs entering the roof quietly. Once upstairs he squeezed your shoulder and walked away from you, he started making the rounds while telling people happy new year starting from some members of the order, moving onto the Weasleys and so on. You just stood there watching him. "Happy new year Y/N. We were looking for you." Fred said. "Are you okay?" He said looking at your confused expression.
"I just kissed our teacher." You said quietly. And Fred laughed and George groaned. "Pay up." Fred said to George and they exchanged money.
"You guys bet on this? You bought me here and you bet on it?" You asked slightly annoyed but also amused.
"Only when I left you outside with him." Fred said defensively. "How do you feel?" George asked. "Relived?" Fred added.
"Horny and confused."
"Poor Percy was looking for you, wanted you to be his new years kiss, he won't be happy to find out." George added.
"No one can know." You said sternly.
"Y/N, your secret is safe with us." George said.
"However we will make fun of you for this." Fred stated.
"Constantly." George added.
"Looks Y/N is not paying attention to us." Fred pointed out as you were starring at Remus and Sirius whispering to each other and Sirius glancing over at you.
"We've lost her, next thing you know she'll be married, she won't speak to us. No time for us." Fred joked. As you continued to watch Remus, who now glanced at you, said bye to Sirius and began to walk over in your direction.
"He's coming over what should I do?" You asked in panic.
"You were the one snogging him, not us." They both said.
"Shut up." You replied and Remus was now close enough to hear. The boys turned around and smiled at him with big grins. "Happy new year professor." The both said.
"Happy new year." He replied gently. "Happy new year Y/N." He said to you pretending as if nothing happened.
"Wait so you didn't even say happy new year to each other?" Fred asked and both you and George slapped him to shut him up.
"I should've known. Sirius also knows." He said he's gesturing behind him to a smiling Sirius who waved at you as soon as you looked over at him.
"Obviously." You said with a gentle smile.
"Do you boys mind if I have a word with Y/N?" Remus asked politely.
"Just don't-" Fred began.
"Fred." You and George said in unison. "Alright nice to see you prof!" Fred said laughing and walking away.
Remus lead you off the roof and down the stairs towards one of the rooms. You didn't ask any questions. He pulled you into a room and you straight away began to make out. You explored each others lips before between kissed Remus began to speak "Let's get one thing straight, this can't happen." He then kissed you again and you tried to push out a "yes" between the kisses. "And no one can find out about this." You nodded and he leaned back in to continue. "And if anyone knew you could get expelled and I could lose my job."
"Yes professor."
"Don't. I go crazy when you call me that." He said biting your lip as he kissed you this time and moving his hands around your whole body. "Now tell me if you want me to leave this room and pretend nothing happened, tell me now and I'll leave and we'll go back to just being professional." He said looking deep into your eyes and you shook your head and leaned in to kiss him. "Good." He whispered before kissing you back, after a moment you moved your hands to his belt and began to unbuckle it. "Not so quickly my dear." He whispered in your ear. "What we're going to do is leave this room, you're going to be a good girl and mingle with your friends, while I make the rounds talking to mine. Then when it's late and everyone is saying goodbye you meet me. That way we don't raise any suspicion about both being gone all night." He explained and you nodded. "Good." He said and he kissed your lips gently before leaving the room. You stood in the dark room alone trying to process everything. After a moment you left the room and continued upstairs, on the stairs you a ran into Percy. "Y/N!" He said cheerfully. "Where have you been all evening?" He asked.
"Oh I've been floating around." You replied trying to keep it vague.
"I was searching for you." He stated.
"It's a big house." You simply replied.
"Why did you leave with professor Lupin after new years?"
"Why are you watching my every move?" You felt like your privacy was invaded.
"We're friends Y/N, I feel like this year you've been running around befriending Slytherins and doing tutoring every day we've barely seen each other." He complained.
"You're exaggerating, besides you're the one who always pushed for me to study more, now I am and you're complaining." You were getting annoyed.
"Are you and the Slytherin boy dating? Is that why you've been avoiding me?" He asked a bit too aggressively.
"Percy. Your jealousy is showing, please go home, go the bed, we'll talk tomorrow." You walked past him towards the roof, he tried to continue the conversation but you didn't turn around to reply.
Upstairs you saw Remus chatting to small group of people, he looked so handsome. You started getting involved in your own conversations however you couldn't resist to look over at Remus constantly, and he kept looking over at you. Each time he would smile, sometimes he'd lightly wink. When Molly and Arthur Weasley were leaving you and the twins said you'll come home later in the evening and they trusted you and left you behind. Finally there was very few people left behind and Remus approached you and the twins as you relaxed in the living room. "Sorry to interrupt." He began not taking his eyes off you as he scanned your body, licking his lips.
"Please do." Fred said with a grin.
"Excuse us profesor." George said pulling Fred away.
"Has anyone given you a tour of the house dear?" Remus asked you with his hands on his pockets while looking down towards you. You shook your head and he simply reached a hand out to you to help you up. He began giving you a tour from the bottom of the house towards upstairs, there were still people in the house but very few as it was nearing 4am and most people had traveled home by now. He led you all the way up before he stopped at a room. "And here is my room." He said.
"Your room?" You questioned.
"Well technically the guest room but since it's just Sirius who lives here this room has become my room, I stay here whenever I'm in London." It was mostly a simply decorated room but the small pile of books on the side table made it obvious that Remus stayed here often.
"What have you been reading?" You said picking up the top book as Remus came up behind you putting his arms around you and kissing your neck.
"Does it matter right now?" He whispered in your ear pulling you against him.
"I don't think so." You said as he turned you around to look at him.
"You drive me crazy girl." He leaned in to kiss you. "Do you want to know how crazy?" He asked and you nodded. That's when he grabbed your hand and put it against his crotch, you could feel how huge his cock was in that very moment. "Holy shit." You whispered as a genuine reaction not thinking about what's leaving your lips. Remus smiled and chuckled slightly. "Don't worry, I'll go slow." He whispered and you almost melted into his kiss. After a moment of kissing he gently pushed you against the wall where he pulled your top off and your trousers. He began kissing you from your neck down your body getting on his knees in front of you as he kissed your legs and bit your thong. "I have thought about this moment from the first time I met you. You're more beautiful than I imagined." He said before standing up and kissing you on the lips again and you ran your hands through his hair. He picked you up and lay you down on his bed as he climbed up above you leaning down and kissing you. You reached up to unbutton his shirt and he stopped your hands for a moment.
"I just want to warn you, I have scares." He said, his voice had a twang of anxiety behind it.
"I don't care." You breathed out.
"You don't understand they're bad, I can keep my shirt on."
"Remus don't be ridiculous." You said unbuttoning his shirt to reveal his chest, his scars were deep, layering on top of each other some older than others. You began to trace them with your finger as Remus watched your expression, you then leaned in to kiss his scars. He put a hand under your chin and went back to kiss you as he unbuckled his trousers slipping them off while keeping his lips on yours. He once again moved down to your underwear taking them off with his mouth as he kissed you all the way back up to your lips. "I'm going to go slow but if anything hurts tell me okay?" He confirmed and you nodded. "Dear I need you to use your words for me."
"Yes Professor." You said and it felt like his eyes darkened a little as he slowly slid into you. You could feel how large he was as began to slowly move in and out. As soon as he saw you feel comfortable he began to up the pass, kissing your neck and starting to suck and lick it as you moaned under him. "You're so beautiful." He whispered in your ear as he kissed you.
"Remus you feel amazing." You said as he picked up the pace and moaned in your ear. He held your hands above your head with one hand and kept himself up above you with the other. The kissing turned into bites with kisses as your hearts raced. "Remus I'm close." You moaned out as he was bitting your nipples and still holding your hands above your head. "I want to feel you cum for me." He said as he kissed your lips again and you moaned out in bliss. You felt him fill you right after. As soon as he pulled out he leaned in to kiss you and you kissed him back. "Happy new year." He whispered as he lay down next to you pulling you in your hug him, you skin touching his skin. "Happy new year Remus." You whispered back tracing his scars with your finger and closing your eyes as he lightly kissed the top of your head.
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A/N: AHHHHHH finally! Now I can tell you this chapter was the idea that sparked everything, it was the idea of them sitting on those bloody steps and him lighting her cigarette with his own that made me want to write all this. Don't worry it's not over yet, we're only just beginning the story I hope you carry on reading a lot as there's loads more to come as they navigate this situation. Hope you like it!
NEXT CHAPTER | More stuff I wrote
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russellsppttemplates · 2 months
Could you do a Lance blurb where reader and Genevieve are released to go home from the hospital and without reader knowing that Lance, the girls, Scotty and Chloe along with Lance and reader's parents have planned a surprise welcome party for the new member of the Stroll family
Cw: postpartum
"Do we have the cakes mummy likes?", Margot asked your mother as she set the cups on the coffee table, "she did ask for them in the hospital but the nurse said they were out of them by the time they got to her room".
"We do, grandpa got them from the pastry shop this morning", your mother smiled.
"Lance just texted me saying they're leaving the hospital now, so they'll be here in about twenty minutes, give or take", Lawrence said before he helped you father with the balloons, "they look so pretty!", Addalynn beamed, "Mummy is going to love it! Genevieve can't see much yet, can she?".
"No, princess - she can see big blurry things but they're not clear to her yet, with time she'll see just as well as you do, though", Claire-Anne assured, helping your mother bring the plates to the coffee table.
"We need to make the sofa comfy for mummy and Viv - yesterday mummy had to have pillows on her back because it was hurting on he tummy", Margot recalled, asking her older sister for help in bringing the fluffiest blankets and pillows from their bedrooms.
"Do you think that will be enough?", Addalynn wondered as Margot fluffed the blankets, "hopefully yes - and daddy also brought the other blanket for the baby so I think it's fine", Margot smiled.
The sight of your home after spending the night in hospital after giving birth to your babies was always a relief. Despite not having had any issues in hospital - and frankly, being a bit scared because you didn't have all the doctors and nurses around to help -, being home was bliss and you couldn't wait to fully embrace the newborn bubble at home.
Scotty and Chloe seemed to run a little late, getting their kids out of the car just as you got out of your own with Lance's help, "you didn't tell me we we're having visits", you noted.
Lance let out a small chuckle as he got Genevieves out of the car, "before you get scared or jumped on, my parents and your parents are inside with the girls and they organised a small afternoon tea like situation - it's just food and drinks, and they said that we just need to say the word if we need then to leave", he defended the whole situation, "Chloe is late as usual".
Scotty and Chloe stepped closer to you, their kids hugging your legs softly, "hi, auntie Y/N", they greeted.
"Since you're here, can you help with the hospital bags, please?", Lance requested as Scotty promptly got the bags from the cartrunk and headed up to the door.
"We bring guests and the guests of honour", Chloe announced as everyone got up to welcome you home, speaking softly as your babygirl was still asleep in the car seat.
"Oh, look at how sweet she looks", Lawrence cooed as they made way and room for you to sit on the sofa.
"Please, honey, sit down", your father encouraged, "you just gave birth to a baby and you should rest", he smiled, kissing your forehead, "I care about and love your girls tremendously, but you're still my babygirl", he whispered and winked.
"You didn't have to do this, but thank you for being here", you said as you arranged the pillows to accommodate you, letting Addalynn and Margot get cuddles from you, "we also have your favourite cakes, grandma Y/M/N has them in the plate there, and grandma Claire-Anne also made that pasta bake we really like, but she said that's for dinner", Margot offered gently.
Genevieve stirred on the carrier, bringing Lance to take her out and let her cuddle into his chest before needing to change her diaper. After you fed her, your babygirl was carefully passed around her family who had gathered to meet her.
"Are you feeling okay?", Lance asked once he got to sit down next to you, "I am", you held his hand on your lap and kissed his cheek before resting your head on his shoulder, "she's so loved", you cooed as you looked at the attention your youngest daughter was getting, the older kids busy in the playroom since they knew they couldn't be too loud in the living room.
"She is", Lance checked before grabbing some food for you, "I noticed you eyeing them up earlier", he nudged, offering it to your mouth, "delicious?", he giggled, kissing your cheek as you carried on eating.
(Thank you for sending this in ✨️)
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whorediaries-09 · 28 days
a pocket full of soul
pairing- sirius black x auror!reader warning(s)- hurt/comfort. a/n- don't get used to the sap ya'll it ain't lasting long 🥰.
little train. series masterlist.
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there was somebody at your door. knocking away like a maniac, about to break your wall, if you must. pushing up your reading glasses to your read you walked towards the door, book in hand, afraid of losing the page you’d been reading. you peeped through the eyehole.
it was sirius. clad in a soft cotton t-shirt, paired with black jeans, he stood in front of the door, his hands carrying a beautiful bouquet of white roses. you opened the door, and he smiled wolfishly, sparing his white teeth.
‘let me in?’ he asked, handing you the bouquet. you moved aside, nodding your head.
‘please, make yourself comfortable.’
‘thank you, sweetheart,’ he said. his gray eyes raked over your figure clad in nothing but a hot pink silk pyjamas. your hair was put up messily into a bun and your nose covered in a mask to extract out blackheads.
‘uhh, i’m sorry I’ll go freshen up myself.’ he let out a bark like laughter.
‘honey, if there’s anybody who needs to be fresh within the walls of your home, then it’s me, not you. be comfortable, this is your house.’ you laughed at his silly comment, gesturing him to sit down on the sofa.
‘do you like the flowers? i can only hope you’re not allergic to them…’
‘i’m not, don’t worry. but what do i owe this sweet gesture to?’ he raised his left eyebrow, looking at you sceptically.
‘why, do you think sweet gestures are supposed to owe the other party something?’ you stuttered,
‘i-ah well, no.’
‘i can see you lying. if i must, i’m great at occlumency.’ you made a very fast attempt to block out your thoughts.
‘i’m an auror, i too am skilled at occlumency! doesn’t mean i go around reading other people’s thoughts!’ you exclaimed, throwing a pillow at him. he laughed, gesturing you to sit down.
‘can you get me a cuppa? i need to ask you something.’ he said. you sat down beside him, wandlessly summoning a cup, hot boiling water, a tea bag and a tray of sugar cubes.
‘i’m sorry i don’t have the kind you drink…i’m just the good old tea bag person…i don’t have too much tea…i’m not very fond of it…’ you drawled. putting in a couple of sugar cubes into the cup with hot water. you dipped the bag into the cup, then carefully handed it to him. he hummed gratefully,
‘it’s fine, sweetheart,’ the nickname rolled of his tongue so sweetly rasp, it made your stomach burst into intense collywobbles. ‘don’t me sorry. i know you prefer coffees…what was that? salted caramel lattes and a butter cookie.’ you gasp playfully.
‘you remember!’
‘of course, i remember. but actually, remind me to buy you a pack of butter cookies the next time i come back here.’
‘i can buy my own, you know that right?’
‘i mean, i do. it’s just fun to gift stuff other people.’ you hummed, nodding your head in reply.
‘i saw harry today.’ he said, taking a slow sip. you stare at him. he’s got his head lowered, as if he’s ashamed of something. he doesn’t quite meet your eyes.
‘did you?’ you whisper. you see his hands shake-the one he holds the cup with. he sniffs, as if trying to hold back tears.
‘i bought gifts for him you know? for his birthday. it’s in two days. but i still haven’t figured out how to give them to him. hell, i didn’t even know what my godson would like. god i feel awful.’ he whispers. after what seems like an eternity, he stares into your eyes.
‘it’s not your fault, sirius.’ you asserted, reaching for his shaking hand. he nods.
‘but you know, i just… feel like it is. even though it is not and i know i’m being unreasonable with my irrational way of thinking…but i can’t help but feel so fucking awful.’ you listen to every word he spills from his lips.
‘i understand, sirius.’
‘dumbledore told me he’d left him within the care of petunia-lily’s sister, and her husband. but i saw how they treated the poor boy today. he was carrying a huge heavy bag of groceries while petunia’s boy was kicking her all the way through the street for a bag of candies. what horrendous manners the boy had! while harry looked so sickly and thin and pale…yet somehow a carbon copy of james,’ he stops midway before chuckling ‘but he’s got lily’s eyes of course. i turned into padfoot, and followed them to see where they live.’ you nod, allowing him to continue. he squeezes your hand harder.
‘i’ve found where they live. i came here to ask you of a favor.’
‘what, sirius? i’ll help you if i can.’ you ask.
‘well, i’d like if you’d… you know act as a sales person and show up on their step trying to sell goods…’
the helmet on your head was heavy and tight. you rolled your eyes, gripping his shoulder hard as sat on the motorcycle. he whirred the engine.
‘are you ready?’ you nodded. from the mirror, you could see his bright wide smile as you clang onto him like a koala.
‘you’re not afraid, are you?’ he asked.
how sirius black had had you agreeing to this idea was of mystery. but you supposed it some sort of pity you felt for him. and somehow hated yourself for pitying him. he was the strongest and the bravest man you knew…yet here you were, pitying on him. or perhaps it wasn’t pity. maybe you just wanted to provide him the company he needed-he desired to get back on track on like. you remembered him to be a social butterfly as a young teen.
perhaps you were allowing yourself to be drained by his presence so that he wouldn’t be stuck on the parallels of death and paradise.
‘just hold on tight, and we’ll be off.’ he said. you wrapped your arms tenderly around his waist, gently striding your chin upon his shoulder. your thighs were parallel to his, the skin touching.
‘are you gonna fly?’ you asked timidly, apparently not very concealing about your fear. sirius couldn’t help but smile.
‘i was thinking, but now that you’re with me, i think rather against of it. you might crush my ribs.’
‘sirius black i’ll wipe that grin right off your face,’ you threatened. sirius merely laughed, apparently not very afraid of your threat. there was no reason to be-if you were quite honest with yourself, it was really only an empty threat. you slightly pinched his chest.
‘ouch, you hurt me, sweetheart,’
‘fly off black,’ you demanded.
‘oh, so we’re using last names now?’ he asked, grinning. ‘as you say, sweetheart,’ he said, whirring his engine and pushing off onto the sky. you unconsciously held onto his waist, tighter than intended to. the wind bites you on your face, and you hide it into the crook of his neck. he chuckles slightly, goosebumps kissing his skin as your warmth breathe fans over his cold neck.
‘i thought you wouldn’t be afraid?’ he teases.
‘just look ahead of you!’ you exclaim.
‘there’s nothing we’d bump into! except the birds of course.’ he’s right, of course, but you feel a twinge in your stomach every time he teases you. it’s a weird juxtaposition to be stranded upon, you think, because you really aren’t one who’s likes it when somebody teases you-you aren’t one who’s up for banter either. you find it to be quite obnoxious too, spewing unnecessary nonsense for the fun of it.
yet, somehow when sirius does it, your heart leaps with joy, and you feel yourself loosen up around him-comfortable around him.
you look down as you whir past the city lights. they glow subtly, creating a beautiful effect you want to engrave in your memory forever. they whizz past you, as he rides into the air. and suddenly, you find yourself sinking into the warmth that sirius black’s presence fills you up with. it’s a rare feeling you’re foreign to. it scares you, but you stay stranded, unable to escape the sweet feeling that tingles in the depth of your stomach.
it's as if you’re tasting the pleasures of life when he laughs, the sound loud and echoing in your brain as the city whirs past you into thin air.
to put in a short phrase, handling the wrath of petunia dursley or vernon dursley was not a child’s play. they’d lock the door at your face if they could if they’d be annoyed by strangers. but of course, there was a way to everybody’s heart in some way. with the correct charm and words, they could be easily melted into a puddle.
so, you turned up at their door selling the best sausages in the locality at a reasonable-no cheap price. while they weren’t very fond of pets, and didn’t appreciate you bringing your dog along with them, they seemed to have agreed to just for this bit for the dog seemed polite.
to demonstrate the quality of the sausages, you found yourself in the kitchen, sizzling up sausages on a little pan. sirius stood by you, unreasonably quiet as he observed the slight char on the sausages. you put them neatly on a plate, offering them to a kid whom you assumed to be their kid. there was no way he’d be harry-with the rather plump body, empty eyes and the mop of blonde hair. the familiarity with vernon and the child was almost uncanny.
‘who are you?’ a small voice asked, popping his head from the door of the kitchen.
‘come here boy! give the lovely girl some water!’ vernon barked as a form of acknowledging his presence. the boy nodded, walking towards the fridge, to fetch you some water. the quiet interaction was disturbed by the sudden barking of the black dog. it turned around his body, barking at harry who stood petrified by the fridge-afraid of the sudden barks. you could’ve easily recognised harry by his messy black curls, and the bright emerald eyes which hid the same shine of kindness as lily’s did.
‘calm down snuffles, c’me here,’ you said, raking your nails through his soft hair. it was eerily familiar to sirius’ soft and silky strands.
‘he gets agitated when he smells food.’ you explained. petunia nodded, staring at the dog who was now perched on your lap. with silent mischief, he licked the blonde boy’s plate, as if proving your statement.
‘oh, lovely boy,’ you cooed at the boy, ‘do you mind if i take a sausage?’
‘take a half from a half,’ he replied, his voice thick as he swallowed down the meat. you tried not to show the slight annoyance you felt at his words, breaking a small piece from the sausage. you rubbed a spot behind sirius’ ear, silently pleading him to not get out of control.
harry slid you a cold glass of water. this was the moment to steal. you could only hope you didn’t mess this up. it was tricky to do an invisibility spell wandless and wordless-but you had trained yourself thorough and hard to try and fight any situations which could barricade your way to success. all you had to do was to put the gifts along with the letter sirius had written him into the place where he slept.
it was tricky, yet done within the few spins of the second hand on the clock. you watched as the night sky darkened, from the dursley’s window, you decided to exit. this place was extremely suffocating, and within yourself you felt something snap. you weren’t expecting the dursleys to buy anything from you anyway, so you when they refused the offer to buy the sausages, you took the opportunity and ran for it, snuffles barking after you as he ran after you.
once outside the house, you breathed slow and heavy, watching snuffles transform into sirius. with a pocket full of soul, he took your hand into his, running towards the parking spot of his motorcycle.
original idea posted by - @lilwnet
taglist - @reggieisfit @siriuslycaptainofthedawntreader @jamespottergf @eternallybipanicking @fictional-magic @iamgayforyourmom1510
taglist (for series) - @urbansaint
(if you want to be tagged please send a request through my inbox.)
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ai-luni · 1 year
HC/Drabble for domestic Hesh expecting/being a dad?
David "Hesh" Walker as a Father Headcanons
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A/N: Eeeheh Dad!Hesh makes me so happy. I love writing this boy happy. Also bless Aukuro for finding this photo for me, I'm gonna mention it every chance I can get!
Word count: 1.8k
I think genuinely Hesh would be the cutest father. Before you his only focus was the war - he always knew he’d want to start a family - but it was when he met you when he actually thought it plausible. 
He is an anxious Husband. He researches everything. You’re having a pain in your left foot? “Honey, the internet’s telling me to take you to the hospital now!” 
He would ask his dad for help too and just overall confide in him about his worries. There were many evenings he and Elias lost track of time exchanging stories and wisdom. Hesh loved hearing about his mother so Elias would tell him all the differences between his and Logan’s birth, as well what little tips and tricks he had learnt by Logan to make his wife more comfortable.
Those tips and tricks Hesh 100% pulls out on you all the time. Like the nights you just can’t seem to get comfortable, he’ll shove a pillow under you and grin at the way you groan in relief. The first time he did that for you, it was 3 am and you were incredibly exhausted so instead of thanking him, you patted his head and said “good husband.” He’s aimed to please even more ever since. 
Those chats with Elias were also really important for Hesh because he refrained from opening up to you. Especially about his worries for the baby and being a parent. He knows you’ve got so much more on your plate and thinks you deserve not to get caught up in his worries. He also fears you’ll think he’s having cold feet, which is the complete opposite of things!
So he turns to his dad instead and as much as he tries to old back, he just can’t. It all comes out in those sessions, even if it’s a random tuesday afternoon. Elias is very good at handling distressed people, so he holds his son and assures him that he’ll be a good father with a loving support team and wife around him. 
“You’ve served your country for so long, my son. You’ve made me so proud. I hate to lose a good soldier but now it’s time for you to serve your family and make her proud.” 
He’s definitely the kind of husband to make sure you don’t even move a muscle if you’ve had a bad morning. He’ll rub your feet, rub your back, he'll cook for you, he’ll make you coffee or tea and just be really annoying asking if you need anything over and over again.
If you drink, he’ll give it up with you. If you have to eat an excessive amount of some vitamin, he’ll learn new recipes. Sometimes he’ll even watch you sit at the table until you’ve finished all your vegetables like a child. 
He’s also so in love with the baby bump. He’s started sleeping with his arms around your waist, pulling you as close as possible to him. If not, he'll keep his hand on your stomach. 
You’ve had to wake him up a couple times when it gets too hot. Especially in summer and especially when you are closer to expecting and Riley’s becoming just as clingy as he is. 
Hesh isn’t much of a leisure shopper, but he is a panic buyer. “Babe, I got you more of these just in case!” “A lady at the store said these were good, I got one incase you wanted to try it.” But he is also a massive sucker for baby clothes, so expect that bag to be topped off with a little onesie or two. He especially loves baby sneakers. 
Now enough about Hesh because Riley would also KNOW. Riley knew before both of you. It was maybe about a week since you’ve been home with Hesh that Riley started trailing behind you more often, sniffing your belly and crotch. Hesh thought it was hilarious and would jokingly scold his dog, “Hey! She is mine alright.” 
You however were starting to feel a bit off and Riley’s behaviour was only confirming your intuition. It was about two weeks being home on a Thursday night, Riley sat between your feet the entirety of dinner that you knew for certain. The next morning you told Hesh you were going to go for a run and brought a couple pregnancy tests. All of your suspicions were correct. 
Riley started sleeping with the two of you in your final trimester, when he would physically refuse to leave the room no matter what. You would be crawled up in Hesh’s arms and Riley in yours. 
He’d also gotten so much more openly aggressive on walks. He’s trained and very well mannered but now if someone walked too close or tried to talk to you, he’d start growling. 
Telling Hesh will always be one of the greatest memories you have. The pregnancy wasn’t planned but you both had talked about the possibility of children in the future. It was important for the two of you to make sure you were both on the same page before anything got serious. 
Luckily the afternoon you found out, you had a dinner planned with his family. 
You were helping Elias bring casserole dishes to the dinning table as Logan entered with Hesh holding four drinks. He places your drink down with a “Your favourite, doll.”
“Thanks” You give him a peck, “but not tonight I think.” 
He pauses, thoroughly confused, “It is your favourite right?” 
“Yea... But it’s not his.” With that you put your palm to your stomach, feeling so cliche. 
It took him a moment but he eventually got there, and when he did arrive there, he couldn’t have been more overjoyed. He reacted even more excited than even he was expecting, picking you up and spinning you around. Your feet dangled off the floor as he held your face close to kiss you. 
“Hey, save it for after dinner. I’d like to keep my appetite.” Logan said entering the room again with his father. You hadn’t even noticed them leave.
Hesh didn’t pay a single piece of attention to the comment, just turning to his family with the widest grin announcing “I’m gonna be a dad!” 
The lot of you celebrated together and ate well. Elias giving you a long, warm hug nearing the end of the night, telling you how proud he is of you and that Hesh could start a family with someone like you. 
On the delivery day, Hesh was very attentive. You made it to the ER, the nurses got you set up in a room and his hand never left yours for a moment. Anytime a nurse entered the room, he’d ask if there was any job he could do to help. All the nurses loved him, they all thought he was cute. They would send you winks when he asked to help or say the sweetest thing to you and in any other circumstance, you would feel lucky but today he was the monster who caused you all this pain. 
When it came to the labour itself, he tried to talk you through all of it. 
“You’re so strong y/n, you can do this. You’ve been through so much worse! Remember when you got shot multiple times, a baby is nothing! Remember when we fell three stories off that building in Caracas and still ran miles for evac.” 
All of the nurses in the room were giving major side eye as the scenarios coming out of Hesh’s mouth were getting worse and worse. 
All of his worries from before the birth would be completely lost as a father. Of course he’ll still stay up to 3 in the morning reading about every possibility your baby might be coughing but otherwise, he was the happiest man alive. 
He would spoil them and want to give them everything his own dad gave to him. He’d sit with them on the rug and play with sensory toys because he read it was a good way to let them adapt to the world. He’d get too excited to wrap them up on his chest and sway them around.
He is 100% a baby thrower. Much to your dismay, he will toss that baby up in the air so long as they still laugh at it. 
He also sleeps with the baby a lot. Midday naps are his favourite times! Especially when Riley joins them. It gave you some alone time too which you greatly appreciated but rest assured the photo of all three of them asleep in each other's arms would stay as your phone’s wallpaper for a very long time.
There's no argument about it, the baby will be a fan of whatever sports team Hesh supports. Even if you go for a rival team, it will always be wearing Hesh’s team’s jersey over yours. 
He’s read a lot about Postpartum depression as well and tries to give you everything you need. Especially in the first few months of bringing the baby home. He’ll look after the baby if you need time alone, he’ll cook dinner and bathe you and just constantly remind you that you are loved and have brought the most beautiful thing ever onto the earth. He would constantly tell you what a wonderful job you’ve done and that he’s so proud of you that it becomes such a habit. 
Fast forward to when the baby’s 7 and going to school, all three of you continue to say how proud you are of each other almost daily because it’s just become what you do. 
Over time he does get less and less reluctant to attend to the baby in the wee hours of the morning but he’ll always do it if you ask him to. Sometimes you'll even hear him sing to it in the next room which always makes your heart swell. 
The baby also gets its fair share of the ghosts too. Merrick has one too many photos pretending to make the baby drink from his beer bottle. Logan will hold them whatever chance he gets and Elias is the super nanny of the bunch, jumping into action if they ever throw up or make a mess. 
But Keegan will always be the baby’s favourite. They alway grab his hand and try to lead him away, or they do their grabby hands in Keegans direction to climb onto his lap. He secretly loves it. 
Your baby’s very vocal so sometimes when the lot of you are sitting, sharing a drink at night, you’ll sit the baby down in their own chair and ask it questions. Everyone laughs when they give a “eeugh!” or clap their hands in response to something said. 
Overall, Hesh is a very loving father.
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I'm so glad there's someone writing for ewan! your fics of him have been great lately.
could u do one where ewan decides to do something sweet for her! she's been overworking herself in the past few days for a role and he just wants to see her relaxed and content. please? thank you 💜
Thank you 🥰 For more Ewan Mitchell/Aemond Targaryen or other HOTD characters + actors, drop a request in my inbox 💚
A Night In [Ewan Mitchell x Fem!Reader]
Other HOTD stories [requests open]
Summary: You had recently gotten a role that could boost your career massively. In order to prepare for it, you had been working nonstop it seems, your boyfriend being concerned for you. He urges you to take a weekend off and have a mini vacation away when he notices how wore out you are and wants to pamper you like the queen that you are….
You let out a sigh while walking into your small flat, taking your earbuds out. You had sweat beading down your face, having just come back from a run. You were already well into shape, yet you felt as though you needed to get more fit for this upcoming role.
“Honey, I’m home!” You called jokingly.
You smiled at your boyfriend as he walked out from the hallway, looking as though he just woke up. His brown hair was a bit messy with light bags under his eyes.
“You look like shit, love,” You teased turning to the fridge to get some water.
“Well, I’m not crazy enough to wake up before the sun rises,” Ewan said jokingly.
You giggled and smiled as he walked closer, wrapping his arms around you. “I have offered for you to go on runs with me.”
Ewan scrunched up his nose. “But I like my sleep,” He stated leaning down to kiss the side of your head before he went to make himself some tea. “Are you seriously still training though for that role?”
“Yes, Ewan.”
“Why?” He asked with furrowed brows while getting the kettle ready.
You laughed a bit. “What do you mean why, love?”
Ewan turned to you with crossed arms as he waited for the water to boil. “Well, you’re already fit enough and the diet you have yourself on is pretty intense.”
You waved him off a bit, taking a long drink of your water. “You worry too much, Ewan.”
“I’m just concerned. When was the last time you even had a break from all of this prepping?” He cocked a brow when you hesitated to respond. “The answer is never, am I correct?”
You looked down at the glass in your hand, furrowing your brows a bit. For as long as you could remember, Ewan has been protective over you and your health. It was not your first time doing an intense prepping for a role and the last time, it had ended up in a trip to the hospital. Much like your boyfriend, you were serious when it came to your roles, yet sometimes it was to the extreme. 
“Do you have any plans today with any of your girl friends?” He asked suddenly with a raised brow.
“Come on, Ewan,” You began with a small smile. “We both know I don’t have any friends,” You said jokingly.
Ewan laughed a bit and turned away to pour the boiling water into his mug. “Maybe it’s a good thing that you don’t have any friends because you’re crazy.”
You gasped, swatting at his chest when he turned back to you. “You, sir, are an asshole.”
Ewan laughed once more while pulling you close with a small smirk on his lips. He leaned down, kissing you gently on the lips before scrunching up his nose. “Love, you might want to go take a shower. You’re a bit sweaty.”
You hummed lightly while you got out of your steaming hot shower, a towel wrapped around your body and another running through your hair. You often took a while in the bathroom going between a facial routine to your hair and body routine in the shower. Ewan often teased you for taking showers as hot as the flames of hell and you returned saying you just wanted to be a Targaryen and so you bathed in extra hot water. The two of you were huge fans of the HBO series, always having Game of Thrones Sundays.
You walked into the master bedroom but slowed seeing a pair of your fluffy pajamas; pajamas you only wore on lazy days. You furrowed your brows while walking closer to the bed and picked up the sticky note which read:
Wear me :)
You giggled but decided to play Ewan’s little game. You slipped the pajamas and fuzzy socks on and headed out to the living room after drying your hair off. You looked around with a raised brow, not seeing your boyfriend.
“Ewan?” You called while walking over to the kitchen island. 
You raised a brow seeing another yellow sticky note and laughed a bit when you picked it up. “Oh my god,” You mumbled shaking your head a bit.
Ran to the store for pasta ingredients. Might be back before you get out because you take long ass showers. Love Ya! <3
You plopped down on the couch, scrolling through social media on your phone, glancing up when you heard the door open a few moments later. “I see you’re using our supply of sticky notes,” You teased with a small smirk.
Ewan chuckled a bit, setting the bags on the counter. “You’re wearing the pajamas I pulled out for you! Good, good.”
You raised a brow a bit while heading over to help him unpack the bags. You smiled lightly seeing a tub of cookies and cream ice cream, your favorite. “What are you planning here, Mitchell?” You asked with a raised brow.
He turned to you with a small but mischievous smirk. He pulled you close and kissed you lightly on the lips before smacking you playfully on the bum, chuckling when you gasped.
“Don’t you worry your pretty little head. Go and relax on the couch while I got the cooking.”
❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈
You let out a content sigh while cuddling up against Ewan, a giant bowl of cookies and cream ice cream in your lap. He had treated you to a nice dinner of spaghetti and meatballs which turned out pretty good. Between the two of you, you were more of the cook. You rarely let him cook after he almost burnt down your apartment the second time because he wanted to be cute and tried to surprise you.
You played a bit with your ice cream, smiling down at your bowl while season three of Game of Thrones was playing on the screen. He had been wanting to rewatch the show lately and you didn’t really know why, but you didn’t complain it. It brought back so many memories from when you watched it the very first time. How Ewan teased you when you cried during season three, episode nine, The Rains of Castamere or how you both cheered during season four, episode two, The Lion and the Rose.
“You don’t know how much I needed this,” You admitted with a laugh, setting your bowl on the coffee table in front of you.
Ewan smiled down at you and wrapped an arm around you, pulling you close to him. “Oh, but I do, my love,” He said softly while kissing the side of your head when you laid your head on his chest. “That is my job as the boyfriend.”
You leaned up kissing him gently. “Well, you do a good job as the boyfriend.”
Ewan chuckled while returning your kiss. “I love you so much, Y/N,” He whispered against your lips.
“I love you too,” You replied with a small smile and laid your head back on his chest, listening to his racing heartbeat.
You closed your eyes feeling him rub your back lightly. Ewan had always been your comfort, your rock through everything. You were so thankful for him and you wouldn’t trade him in for anyone else in the entire world.
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no1frogfan · 2 years
Akaashi finds out you’re sick
Akaashi Keiji x GN reader Word count: ~1k
Notes: Tooth-aching domestic sap. It gives me LIFE!! Happy bday Akaash <3 sorry you have to babysit your sick partner today
“Your voice sounds a little hoarse.”
“Really?” You shrug. “I had a lot of meetings today and probably didn’t drink enough water.”
A frown tugs at Akaashi’s lips as he puts the kettle on. He cuts up a lemon and squeezes it into a mug before dropping the wedge to the bottom and spooning some honey in. He tops it all off with boiling water and holds it out. “Here. I think you’re getting sick.”
You roll your eyes. “It’s nothing, Keiji. You worry too much.”
“Please? For me?”
“Fine, fine, I’ll drink it,” you grumble, giving him a kiss on the cheek as thanks.
The next morning, you wake up with a fever. Your throat is parched and painful, shirt sticking to your back and neck. You angrily roll over onto the other side of the bed, cool now that Keiji has gotten up. It doesn’t really help.
The bedroom door opens and he walks in carrying a tray. You petulantly roll away back to the far side of the bed. “I don’t want to hear it!”
“Hear what?”
“I told you so…”
“Well that’s good because I wasn’t going to say I told you so.” His lips twitch ever so slightly.
“You just said it!” You pout as he sits down on the edge of the bed.
“Did I? Oops,” he chuckles. The cups and bowls clink as the tray is set down in front of you. You grace him with a smile before tucking in. He always remembers exactly what you crave when you’re sick - something warm and filling and a little bland to keep the nausea at bay. A contented sigh leaves your lips as you wash it all down with a mug of tea. Akaashi gently rubs your leg as you rest your back against the headboard.
“Oh no!” You shoot up, almost spilling the rest of your tea. “What about work? You’re late!” Guilt washes over you. You’d been too busy stuffing your face to realize what day it was.
“Relax.” Akaashi says with a squeeze of your thigh. “I told them I’m working from home today so I can take care of you.”
Maybe it’s a good thing you have a fever you think, shrinking down into the duvet. Otherwise, you would have to explain the pleased blush that warms your cheeks when Akaashi tucks you in.
“Get some rest and text me if you need me. I’ll be in the other room.” He places your tea and phone on the nightstand next to you, taking the tray with him back to the kitchen.
Akaashi sits down at his desk after washing the dishes. 8:46 am. Luckily, no urgent meetings are on the schedule for today, so he's able to work from home with no pushback from his bosses. Although, feeling how feverish you were this morning, he would have stayed at home no matter what they said. He settles himself before opening his laptop and diving back into his project.
As he pens some feedback on the latest chapter (pacing feels rushed here - maybe incorporate more reflection to draw out tension), he becomes dimly aware of noises coming from the bedroom. Another round of coughs finally breaks his concentration. 10:23 am. How long had you been coughing? He immediately springs up from his chair.
You give him a weary smile as he walks in with cough medicine and another mug of tea. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you. Can’t sleep.”
“Shh.” He strides over to the bed. “Don’t talk, you’ll make it worse.”
You wiggle under the covers again after downing the tea and medicine. He’s got work to do, but you want to ask him, but you know it’s selfish. The battle raging in your head must have been playing out on your face because Akaashi abruptly asks, “Baby, do you want me to stay with you?”
“No,” you peep. It’s futile to lie to him but you try anyways. You always try, even though Keiji has always been able to read you like a book.
“Uh huh. Let me go grab my laptop.” He’s back in a flash, laying down next to you and perching the laptop on his abdomen. You rest your head on his shoulder and close your eyes. The only indications that Keiji is awake and working are the occasional strokes of your hair and tip-taps of the keyboard.
You pull him in close, but sleep eludes you. It’s been 15 minutes, if the clock in the corner of his laptop is right. “Still can’t sleep,” you murmur dejectedly.
Keiji purses his lips. “Want me to read to you?”
Your whole face lights up. “Maybe you can read me the manga you’re editing. That way it’s like working at the same time?”
“Good idea.” He gives you a peck as he adjusts the laptop screen. A sense of tranquility embraces you as soon as he utters the first syllable. What he’s reading is immaterial. The warm timbre of his voice, the gentle rumble of his chest against your cheek, and the steadfast rise and fall of his breaths are more soothing than any medicine. You’re out like a light in no time. He continues for a while after he feels your breathing settle into a slow and steady rhythm.
Some time later, you wake up, your hand accidentally slapping him in the face as you reach up to rub your eyes. “Babe? How long have I been sleeping?”
He hums and kisses you on the forehead. “Three hours.”
You suddenly realize you’re still laying on him. “Oh my god, your arm must be completely asleep by now!”
You quickly roll away so he can free it. A grimace pulls at his lips as pins and needles shoot up and down his left side. He clenches and unclenches his fist to help the feeling return to his hand more quickly.
“Sorry Keiji,” you mumble guiltily. “You don’t have to watch over me the entire time, you know.”
He shakes his head and locks eyes with you. “Yes I do,” he says firmly, devotion written all over his face.
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hizashi-lover193 · 1 year
Hey friend! Its been nice seeing you around more. I hope you’ve been well :D So, I've been suffering from night terrors and night anxiety more than usual lately. I was wondering if you could write some hcs of a gender neutral reader dealing w the same and maybe how Hawks, Dabi, Bakugo, Izuku, and/or Shinso would help?? You don't need to write all of them if you don't want, but their my current comfort characters rn so it'd be nice to see some of them
Thank you so much for this ask, and I'm so sorry that this took me so long :')
But here you go!
Hawks, Dabi, Bakugo, Izuku, and Shinsou X gender nueltralreader with sleep anxiety and night terrors
Total wordcount: 1.6k words (1,593 words)
Keigo Takami (Hawks)
Being as obserbent as he is, he quickly noticed that your sleep schedule wasn't normal. You slept during the day to avoid sleeping when he was home, and you never really told him why. One night, he decided to ask you why you slept during the day, while he was at work.
You were cleaning the kitchen when he got home, and you smiled at him and asked him how work was today.
"It was pretty good, not that many criminals today, so I got to eat dinner early tonight. I actually have a question for you tonight."
You looked up at him from cleaning the counter. "oh, sure, what's up?"
"Why don't you sleep at night, and instead sleep when I'm at work?"
You stopped cleaning off the counter, and he sat on one of the barstools on the other side. You placed your rag on the counter, making your way over to him. He opened his arms, and you climbed onto his lap.
"Well... I have serious anxiety about sleeping because I have night terrors. I don't want to wake you at night, because you already work all day and most of the night."
He ssighed, pulling you closer to himself. "Honey, you don't need to worry about waking me up. Sure, being a Hero can be a pretty stressful and tiring job, but YOU are never stressful or tiring. You clean the house every night, you do the shopping every weekend, you help me take care of my wings when I need help. You take care of everything around the house, including me. I am more than willing to take care of you. But I can only do that if you let me."
After that, he helped you get your body used to staying awake during the day and sleeping during the night, and he helped you get a schedule prior to sleep, including drinking some tea to relax your body.
Touya Todoroki (Dabi)
He's also pretty obserbant, but he's less gentle about it. The first night that you two had moved in together, he insisted on knowing why you wouldn't sleep at night. All you told him was that he didn't need to worry about you and that you slept during the day. He let it go when he realized that you wouldn't be answering his questions at that moment, and told you to talk to him about it when you were ready.
Two months later, he walked into you having a nightmare and decided to try to wake you. When he grabbed your shoulder, you started screaming. He quickly covered your mouth, cursing under his breath. "Dammit, Y/N, wake up!" He said as he started to shake you. When you didn't wake and he started to hear police sirens, he curses again and climbs out the window, closing it from the outside and climbing out onto the roof to hide from the police, as you were still screaming.
The police ended up needing to break the door open, and discovered you screaming in your sleep. The police ended up gently waking you and explaining that someone had called the police about screaming, and that you would need to go to the station to explain, that you were not under arrest, and that they just needed a statement from you.
They handcuffed you and explained your rights, then took you to the station. After you explained that you had no control over screaming in your sleep, the officers apologized and offered you a ride home. You accepted, of course, and Dabi was waiting on the couch for you.
"The hell happened?" He asked as you slid into his arms and got comfortable.
"Someone called the cops on my screaming. When I told them about my night terrors, they apologized and brought me home."
"Night terrors? So that's what it is? Why you sleep during the day while I'm not here?"
You nodded. "I...I'm sorry for not telling you sooner...."
"It's alright. I told you to tell me when you were ready. It just took you a little bit to be ready."
After you two were done discussing the situation, he didn't care that you slept during the day. He just made sure that you got medication to help your brain relax so that you didn't get the police called again for screaming in your sleep.
Katauki Bakugo (Dynamight)
Katsuki didn't really care about you sleeping during the day, as long as you kept the house clean and actually slept during the day, he was fine with it. He assumed that it was part of one of your parents Quirks, as he had never met them, and he didn't question it.
That was, until an officer told him that there was a noise complaint, specifically of screaming, coming from the house. He was quick to go to the house, throwing open the front door and screaming your name. Once he heard that the screaming was coming from the bedroom, he ran up the stairs, threw open the bedroom door and saw-
You. Laying in the bed. Screaming. You were having a nightmare. He quickly made his way next to you, gently pulling you into his chest as he heard Izuku and someone else run into the house and start searching.
When Shoto found Bakugo holding you, still screaming and now sobbing, he stopped and stared. He had never seen Bakugo so gentle before.
He was gently whispering to you, gently combing his fingers through your hair. His other hand was gently rubbing up and down your back, and he looked...Worried.
When you woke, Bakugo was quick to get your attention and make sure that you weren't hurt. He then glared up at Shoto, who quickly made his way downstairs.
Izuku Midoriya (Deku)
Izuku has several notebooks devoted to you with tons of information, including the fact that you slept during the day. You were actually really open about why you slept during the day, telling him that you had some pretty serious night terrors, and you had sleep anxiety because of it. As soon as he heard this, he did massive amounts of research about night terrors and sleep anxiety, and how he could help you.
He ended up buying some relaxing and tasty tea for you, so your body could actually relax. He also tried his best to help out around the house where he could, trying to help whatever stress you had on your shoulders.
When he got a call that there was screaming from your shared home, he immediately knew that you were having a night terror. He quickly made his way to the house, telling his agency that he wouldn't be back because he would be taking care of you after he was able to wake you, so he didn't have to worry about time.
Once he got into the house, he made his way to the bed, gently holding you to his chest to try to comfort you. He also started talking about random things, how his day was, the best joke he had heard in the agency this week, the easiest part of today, the hardest part of today, the funniest thing that happened that day, until you woke sobbing.
He pulled you closer to him, telling you that it was alright, that he was here now, that he would protect you, no mater what.
When you calmed enough to talk, he asked you if you wanted to talk about it. If you did, he would listen to whatever you wanted to talk about. If not, he'd help you out into the kitchen so you could drink some water and get a snack. Once you were hydrated and fed, he had you sit on the couch while he cleaned the bedroom. You ended up falling asleep on the couch, and he just covered you with a blanket while we cleaned the rest of the house for you.
Hitoshi Shisnou
He was no stranger to problems with sleep. His father's Quirk made it difficult to get the required 8 hours of sleep each night, so he ended up staying up with you several hours each night before going to bed.
He already knew about your night terrors and sleep anxiety, as the two of you were childhood friends. Whenever you were stressed, you had night terrors.
Because he didn't require 8 hours of sleep each night to function, he worked during the day and during the night, much like his old teacher.
When he got a call about screaming from your shared home, he was quick to get to the house. Once he got inside, he started boiling some water for tea, and grabbed some snacks and put them on the counter.
He never tried to wake you when you had a night terror, but you knew that he would always be there when you woke.
Moments later, you woke, running downstairs and hugging Shinsou tightly. He held you close while you cried, starting to steep the tea for you. Once you calmed down and the tea was finished, he had you sit on the couch and drink the tea and eat the snacks. Once you were finished with those, he washed your dishes for you, leaving them to air dry while he sat down to talk with you.
He talked with you for a while, about random things, until you were able to fall back asleep. Once you did, he was able to carry you to the bed and take a nap with you.
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fluffyllamas-23 · 9 months
If you feel inspired, Stucky for this prompt: “It was just a dream, you’re alright.” (Esp if Steve is having super bad fever dreams?) Thank you!
Hiiiii so…this has been in my inbox for literal years (I AM SO SORRY), and i’m not sure if you even want this still, BUT I do love me a good Stucky prompt. It’s getting to actually feel like fall where I live now, so what better way to kick that off than a cute stucky prompt? I haven’t written much of anything in a couple of years so I’m probably really rusty, but i hope you like it <3 <3
This is a modern AU, but Steve's got that post-serum bod I love so much lmao
Bucky walks into the apartment foot first in case the cats are trying to make yet another unsuccessful escape outside. He’s not sure what they would do if they managed to get out, but he’s also not all that interested in finding out. 
There were no cats waiting, though, which was odd, he thought to himself. They’re usually waiting at the door, ready to greet whoever was coming home and sing them the song of their people. 
He figures maybe they’re keeping Steve company. He had woken up not feeling great (but not awful) and had opted to work from home today. When one of them works from home, the cats usually like being a nuisance and playing their favorite game of “how many times can I walk across dad’s keyboard before I get myself locked out of his office?”
Also weird, he thinks, is just how dark and quiet the apartment is. Steve’s work day ended a couple of hours ago at this point, and usually he’d be hanging out on the couch, watching something on TV, or making something for the two of them for dinner while he waits for Bucky to get home. It’s really out of the norm that things would feel this quiet and still, which is kind of a dead giveaway that Steve was probably feeling worse than he had that morning. 
Bucky closes the door behind him and sets down the drink carrier and paper bag he’d been carrying on the table. He had stopped by their favorite coffee shop on his way home to pick up Steve’s favorite tea latte and the pumpkin muffin they both think about year-round until fall hits. 
“Steve?” He calls out. “Honey? I’m home! I brought you some tea. How are you feeling?”
When he gets no response, he grabs Steve’s tea and walks to their bedroom. Steve is sprawled out under the covers, snoring softly as he sleeps, completely dead to the world. Bucky sets the tea down on Steve's nightstand, and then sits down on the edge of the bed next to him. 
He reaches out to feel Steve’s forehead and frowns as the skin beneath his hand burns. He sighs and slides his hand down to feel his cheek with the backs of his fingers.  He'd tried to sneakily check if Steve had a fever this morning, and he didn't, so the fact that he was this warm was alarming.
It’s not until he feels the back of Steve’s neck that he starts to wake. He blinks awake, looking at Bucky with the cutest, sleepiest expression. 
Bucky’s heart drops when he can really take in Steve’s appearance - he doesn’t look like he feels good at all. He’s pale and clammy, flushed with dark bags under his eyes. His eyes are bright and glassy, unfocused from the fever he’s most definitely running.
Steve squints in confusion when he sees Bucky. 
“What?” He croaks, voice thick with sleep and the congestion that’s starting to creep in. “You’re home already?”
“Already? Darling, it’s six-thirty,” he chuckles. “You have a fever. How are you feeling?”
“Fantastic,” Steve deadpans. “Never better. You should try it, feels awesome.”
Bucky rolls his eyes, smile tugging at the corners of his mouth as he cards his fingers through Steve’s hair. It’s not helping the bedhead that he’s sporting, but Bucky knows how much Steve loves him playing with his hair when he’s not feeling well. 
“Alright, smartass. How long have you been asleep? Sorry for waking you.”
Steve runs a hand down his face. “I don’t know…texted my boss around noon that I was logging off for the day and fell asleep sometime after..”
Bucky frowns again, concern creeping in. “Since noon? Did you have a fever then?”
“Don’t think so,” Steve yawns, “just a really bad headache.”
“Did you take anything?”
“Some Advil…didn’t help, though.”
Bucky pats Steve’s thigh. “I’m going to go grab the thermometer and some more meds. Drink your tea.”
Steve pushes himself into a sitting position and then slumps back into the pillows. He definitely didn’t mean to sleep for as long as he did. He even set an alarm, but he vaguely remembers turning it off and tossing his phone on the floor in annoyance the moment it started blaring. 
His head is pounding and he can’t remember the last time he ached this badly. A bath sounds wonderful, but the thought of moving is enough to bring him close to tears. He can feel the congestion setting in - his face feels heavy, and his ears are starting to feel stuffy and full.  He sniffles, rubbing at his nose as he yawns. 
He should not be as tired as he is with how long he slept, but he’s ready to call it for the night and try to sleep off whatever the hell kind of bug this is. 
“Here,” Bucky says when he comes back into the room. He sets the blister pack of cold meds on the nightstand and then hands Steve the thermometer. He kisses Steve’s fever-warm forehead. “Take your temp, I’m gonna go change real quick.”
Bucky is pulling up his sweat pants when he hears the thermometer beep, followed by a pause, and then a very shocked “oh.”
“What’s it at?”
“Yikes…no wonder. Take the meds,” Bucky calls from the closet. 
He doesn’t respond, but when Bucky steps out of the closet, Steve is fussing with the blister pack of meds. Bucky can see the frustration building and then he throws it down on the bed next to him with an irritated sigh.  That launches him into a coughing fit that sounds rough enough it has Bucky wincing in sympathy. 
“Here,” Bucky says, opening the meds for him. He cups Steve’s cheek and strokes it with his thumb.  “What are you in the mood for, dinner-wise? And don’t say nothing, that’s not an option.”
“How’d you know-”
“-How’d I know you were going to say that?” He asks, raising his brows. “Contrary to popular belief, Steven, I actually know you very well. You never want to eat when you’re sick.”
Steve sighs. “Yeah, well, I’m not hungry.”
“I know. You still need to eat…at least a little bit with the meds. C’mon. Does anything sound even remotely good? Soup? Ramen? Pho? Grilled cheese?”
Steve clears his throat with a grimace, “grilled cheese does, I guess. I don’t know. I really just want to go back to sleep.”
“We’ll compromise, then.” Bucky says gently, going back to carding his fingers through Steve’s hair. “You go back to sleep for a bit while I make you some dinner.”
When Bucky returns, Steve is fast asleep, but he does not look like he’s having a restful sleep.  
His face, pale and clammy, is screwed up in discomfort.  He’s tossing and turning, getting tangled in the blankets and looking like he’s having the hardest time being comfortable. Bucky sets down the plate of grilled cheese on top of the dresser next to the door quickly before crossing the room to get to Steve.
“Hey, hey, hey,” he says softly, sitting on the edge of the bed and taking Steve’s face in his hands. “Steve. Wake up.”
Steve’s eyes open immediately, but it’s like he’s looking straight through Bucky as his eyes dart around the room, distress clear on his face. 
“Stevie…hey-it was just a dream.  Sweetheart, look at me. Look at me,” he says firmly.  After a few moments, Steve’s eyes flick to Bucky’s face. “It was just a dream, you’re alright.  You’re okay. I’m here.”
“Oh,” Steve breathes, feeling himself relaxing immediately now that he’s seen his person and realizes whatever the hell he was dreaming of isn’t real.  
“You’re okay,” Bucky repeats, stroking Steve’s cheek.  “I’m right here. It’s not real, It was just a dream.”
Steve nuzzles his face into Bucky’s hand, mumbling a “thank you,” at him.
“I made you something to eat, and then I was thinking we could watch something and call it an early night.” Bucky says, alternating before stroking his cheek and tracing patterns on his arm, something that always calms Steve down after he’s had one of his fever dreams. “How’s that sound?”
“I can’t promise I’ll stay awake during the movie.”
Bucky furrows his brows. “Who said anything about staying awake? Might just be nice to have something to fall asleep to.”
Steve nods, rubbing at his eyes with a yawn, “yeah, okay.”
Once Bucky hands him the plate, he climbs into bed next to Steve. Steve adjusts his position so he’s curled up against Bucky.  He only really manages a couple of bites before he can’t eat anymore, and he finds himself nodding off.  Bucky takes the plate from him and sets it down on his own nightstand, making a mental note to bring it into the kitchen once Steve’s asleep and he can move without bothering him.  
Steve curls up into an even tighter ball, shivering a bit as Bucky pulls the blankets up and over his shoulder and kisses Steve’s cheek. 
“Feel better, Stevie,” he says softly.  
Steve mumbles something back at him, which is the last thing he remembers before drifting off.
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batfam-slash · 1 year
Damian hasn’t returned to Wayne Manor in over six months.
He tells Jon that he has no reason to go back now that his father is dead. That’s not true, of course - it’s technically his house now, but he’s gifted it to the Todd family, and Damian desperately misses his brothers and his nephews.
It’s just too painful to go back.
Too painful to return to the place where he was once happiest. The place that transformed his childhood and made him the man he is today.
The children ask him constantly when they can go and visit Grandpa again. Damian can never bring himself to answer; Jon is normally the one who gently explains to the children that Grandpa isn’t around anymore, before giving Damian a comforting kiss and cuddle.
Damian can only bring himself to go back when Jason phones to invite them all over, explaining that Dick is unwell and wants to see him.
“What do you mean unwell?” Damian demands, his heart sinking. He’s getting flashbacks from just before his father died.
“Depression,” Jason tells him glumly. “It’s been getting worse over the last few months. He’s desperate to see you.”
That’s enough to make Damian go back.
He doesn’t take Jon or the children, deciding that it would be far better to do this alone the first time. He doesn’t want his family to see him break down in tears.
Chris, Jason and Dick’s oldest son, is there to greet him.
“Missed you, Uncle D,” the younger man says, pulling Damian into a hug.
“I missed you too,” Damian replies, hugging his nephew back. “Are your parents around?”
He feels ashamed for shutting himself away from the family for so long.
Chris’ younger brother is away at college, but Jason is around; Damian can hear him puttering around in the kitchen. Chris leads the way, and Damian immediately feels better when he sees Jason’s familiar smile.
Jason’s hairline is receding and there are wrinkles around his eyes, but he’s still impossibly handsome, and even at this age he works hard to maintain his muscle mass.
“Boy, am I glad to see you,” Jason says with a grin, pulling Damian into a hug. “Welcome home.”
Damian hasn’t thought of this place as home for a while now.
They exchange pleasantries, and Jason makes some tea, which is when Dick appears.
Damian can immediately tell that Dick is unwell. He’s smiling, but the smile doesn’t reach his eyes. Normally when Dick enters a room, the whole room brightens with him, but today he doesn’t have his normal radiant glow.
“Little D,” Dick says softly, opening his arms.
Damian goes to him immediately, hugging Dick just like he used to do when he was a child. He’s taller than Dick now though; Damian is the one who tucks Dick’s head beneath his chin.
Dick’s hair is peppered with grey, and the sharp planes of his body are more soft curves now, but he’s the kind of person who will never not be beautiful.
“You look old,” Damian says softly.
It’s not intended as an insult; it’s a running joke between them.
Dick chuckles as he fiddles with the oversized sleeves of his sweater. “I feel old. No Jon or kids today?”
“I’ll bring them next time,” Damian promises. “I just wanted to come and spend some time with you.” He kisses Dick’s cheek. “How are you feeling?”
Dick shrugs. “Tired. I’m tired all the time these days. I don’t have the energy to do much. Sometimes I feel like I’m too tired to even think.”
Jason wraps a large arm around Dick’s shoulders. “It’s okay, honey. Wanna have some tea with us?”
They sit and drink tea, and they deliberately avoid talking about Damian’s father.
It only makes Damian more worried. He can tell that Dick is not in a good place; none of them are. But seeing Dick like this is scary.
Damian decides that maybe he does need to spend more time here.
He’s the head of the family now. He’s got more people than just his husband and children to look after.
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theoffice-imagines · 6 months
1) “Are you alright?”
2) “You’re face a little flushed.”
3) “You’re so pale…”
4) “You look like you’re about to fall over.”
5) “Everything okay there?”
6) “I think so..”
7) “It’s just hot in here..”
8) “Am I?”
9) “I didn’t get much sleep last night.”
10) “I’m fine. Why?”
11) “It’s just a cold.”
12) “I feel strange..”
13) “I’ve felt kind of off all day..”
14) “I’m a little under the weather is all..”
15) “I really don’t feel good.”
16) “Let me take a look at you.”
17) “Come here, baby.”
18) “Here, sit down..”
19) “Can I check your temperature?”
20) “Stay put while I get the thermometer.”
21) “You feel so warm..”
22) “102? No wonder…”
23) “You’re burning up!”
24) “There’s something definitely going on with you.”
25) “Let me take you to the doctor.”
26) “I know you’re not hungry, but you need to eat.”
27) “Try a little broth, for me?”
28) “Drink your tea, it’ll help your throat.”
1) “She was crying because of you!”
2) “I know for a fact that you’re not fine!”
3) “You’re looking at me like you’re disgusted. What did I do? Just tell me what I did, please!”
4) “I’m fine. Stop asking.”
5) “You said you needed space.”
6) “I’m not jealous!”
7) “Are you awake?”
8) “Are you done with that?”
9) “That doesn’t even make any sense!”
10) “Don’t ask me that!”
11) “This isn’t your fault.”
12) “Just admit it. You know I’m right.”
13) “What’s with the box?”
14) “Say it!”
15) “I could kiss you right now!”
16) “Just pretend to be my date.”
17) “Excuse you?”
18) “I might have had a few shots.”
19) “You did what?!”
20) “Come here. Rest, honey.”
21) “I have never been more in love with anyone than I am with you.”
22) “Are you okay?”
23) “I just don’t like thunderstorms.”
24) “I get it alright? I messed up!”
25) “What do you need me to do?”
26) “I can’t sleep.”
27) “When was the last time you slept?”
28) “I want to protect you.”
29) “Give it back!”
30) “Well, this is just great.”
1) “You’re always on my mind.”
2) “You have no idea how much you mean to me.”
3) “You’ve always felt like home.”
4) “I can’t imagine this world without you.”
5) “Trust me.”
6) “Why are you crying?”
7) “Who hurt you?”
8) “Was it me?”
9) “Nothing is wrong with you.”
10) “You make me feel alive.”
11) “I wouldn’t change a thing about you.”
12) “Who cares about what they think?”
13) “Lets go.”
14) “I’m not going anywhere.”
15) “Tell me what’s wrong.”
16) “You’ve always got me.”
17) “You look like you could use a hug.”
18) “Did you need something?”
19) “Just talk to me.”
20) “I can’t take the silence anymore.”
21) “Why are you so jealous?”
22) “You can’t do that. Not here.”
23) “Stop pretending you’re okay, because I know you’re not.”
24) “You owe me!”
25) “That wasn’t funny.”
26) “I love that show, too!”
27) “This tastes horrible.”
28) “This is delicious!”
29) “Can I borrow that book of yours?”
30) “Let me help you with that.”
31) “Don’t make me come over there myself.”
32) “Wanna go see a movie with me sometime?”
33) “Do you believe in ghosts?”
1) “I don’t remember that..”
2) “I didn’t do it!”
3) “Well, that was pretty rude of you to say..”
4) “Don’t touch me!”
5) “Are you mad at me?”
6) “Stop ignoring me!”
7) “Take that back!”
8) “We’re not just friends and you know it!”
9) “Please don’t cry, I can’t stand to see you cry.”
10) “Where do you think you’re going?”
11) “Just leave me alone.”
12) “Just talk to me.”
13) “You’re so beautiful..”
14) “You’re making me blush!”
15) “Stop being so cute!”
16) “You’re the best!
17) “Are we good now?”
18) “Stop lying to me and tell me the truth!”
19) “You belong to me!”
20) “Don’t get up. I’ll do it.”
21) “How about a kiss?”
22) “Don’t scare me like that.”
23) “I’m here for you.”
24) “Don’t ever do that again!”
25) “Don’t say that. Not now.”
26) “Everyone deserves a second chance.”
27) “Excuse me, I’m terribly lost. Can you help me?”
28) “You don’t have to stay.”
29) “You deserve so much better.”
30) “You did all of this for me?”
Request a prompt number for any of these characters:
• Michael Scott
• Dwight Schrute
• David Wallace
• Andy Bernard
• Jim
• Pam
• Angela
• Karen
• Kelly
• Erin
• Holly
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I Just Got Done Drinking Two Liters Of Black Tea and Am Severely Overcaffeinated, So We're Doing Asher "literally me right now someone please give me sleeping meds" Talbot Headcanons!
-How to make an Ash-catcher: You put coke, orange juice, a tablespoon of sugar, a teaspoon of honey, and a colorful straw into a glass. The smell alone will make Ash come running (not so much the taste, though-).
-Dyes his hair some very obscure color once a year in hopes of it affecting his wolf form. It doesn't, but Ash isn't going to give up (and he's also not going to go through the trouble of having Baabe dye all his fur again).
-Asher plays gacha games. I say "games" but he mainly plays Honkai Impact 3rd.
^He's a Senti main.
^^He hasn't spent a single cent in those games and somehow still has about 3/4 of the available S rank units because he's just that lucky.
^^^Through Baabe, he found out about the recent release of Honkai Star Rail, and upon playing, he kept crying about Himeko.
-His Instagram is "OneBadassAshKetchum:3" but before that, it was "ThatOneBadassBeta:3" which he had to change once David asked him to for the sake of avoiding unempowered people asking questions.
^In addition to this, when he was a teenager, he had a social media account somewhere (he refuses to tell anyone what platform it was on, likely because the account still exists and he doesn't want Milo to find out) and used it to impersonate Milo on it because Ash liked the idea of an "emo blog with sad quotes and pics of a hot rockstar boy." Once Milo found out, his first concern wasn't him taking it down, it was correcting Ash on the fact that he wasn't emo. Then, he asked Ash to stop posting things of him, which he did, but the dead account still exists somewhere.
^^Ash gets weirdly nostalgic about this and yes, he has shown Sweetheart some of the pictures he still has of Milo from back then.
-Ash's favorite flower is the sunflower and he has a lot of them standing around his and Baabe's home.
^Unlike with cooking, Ash is actually pretty decent at taking care of plants. It took a lot of practice and hundreds of dead flowers, but by now he's quite alright at it.
-Ash is a sucker for physical touch. So whenever Baabe doesn't have paper or a canvas to paint on, he will happily offer up his entire body for them to work with.
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marjansmarwani · 9 months
hi jillian 💜 just here to say hi and that I hope you're doing okay despite the words not coming easy right now! question for you: your bio says "tea enthusiast" - what are your top 5 tea blends?
Hi Lola! You’re so sweet, and it’s lovely to hear from you! 💜
Things have been chaotic, to say the least, but getting into all the reasons why the start of this school year has been a mess and has taken so much out of me would take forever and I want to get to the tea question, but let’s just leave it at my classroom is so full of desks I can barely walk around it and the classes I am teaching just got finalized two days ago - several days into the school year. It’s been a lot of going with the flow, and the flow is going over a waterfall.
Anyways, onto the tea question. I am so excited you asked this.
My everyday go to that I buy in bulk and keep a large bag of at work is T2’s Melbourne Breakfast. It’s just a black tea blend with a little vanilla but it’s great, and perfect for mornings.
When I’m home with my loose leaf tea, my favorite is actually a fandom blend I found when I first joined the Lone Star fandom ages ago. This TK Strand blend (that I affectionately refer to as TeaK) is delicious and has so many flavors that work so well together. I have gone through several of the large tins of it and it never disappoints. Side note, there is a whole cast of these blends and I think I’ve tried them all. I did not hate any of them and really enjoyed most of them. (If I remember correctly Carlos and Nancy’s blends make really good iced teas, and Mateo’s and Marjan’s are tied for my second favorite spot.)
I don’t know if it’s really a blend because it’s not specific or uniform, but it’s generally 3 parts whatever loose black tea I have laying around (Scottish, Irish, or English breakfast normally) tossed into a tea pot with 1 part cream tea. But also I have never measure this so it’s really a go with your heart kind of recipe. This is one I like to let steep for a while so it’s extra strong so I can add milk and a little honey. Credit to @justaswampdemon for this one because we drank it every day while I was visiting and I continued that trend when I got back home.
For the rest you can never go wrong with Earl Grey (T2 also has a good blend for this, if you like a more lavender forward one) or a chai. And an honorable mention to any hibiscus herbal tea and Vahdam’s Turmeric tea, which I drink before bed on bad pain days.
Truly I could go on for so much longer, an alarming portion of my limited kitchen space is dedicated to my tea and I have no shame about it. My bio does not lie. Regardless, I hope you’ve enjoyed my tea novel and thank you for asking!
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helionmylove · 2 years
Spring Fever
An ACOTAR Next Gen fic. 
Word Count: 1806
Not beta read, we die like Illyrians
WARNINGS: None really, it is a sick fic though idk
Summary: After an intel mission in the Spring Court, Azriel's son gets his cousins sick.
Athena Archeron was going to kill her father. And her uncle. And her cousin. All for varying reasons regarding her current health situation. 
She was going to kill Erebus for being the one who got her sick by hanging out with her when he first started getting sick. Her uncle Rhysand was on her list because he was the one who sent Erebus to the Spring Court. And her father… he was just getting on her last nerve. 
No matter how many times she reminded him that she was 22 and capable of taking care of herself, Cassian kept fussing over her. She loved her father, but when he acted like this she was ready to strangle him.
“You need to drink more water.” Cassian said as he entered the room.
Athena promptly rolled onto her stomach and brought her covers over her head with a loud groan. The sudden movement left her feeling dizzy and nauseated. Beside her the bed dipped, the blanket being pulled away from her head. 
“Kiddo,” Cassian spoke softly. The gentleness in his voice irked her even more.
“I can take care of myself.”
“I know you can.” He rubbed her back soothingly, careful to avoid her wings. “But you don’t have to all the time. It’s okay to let people, especially your parents, help you.”
Athena removed her face from her pillow, pouting up at him. She looked so much like Nesta, but her coloring was all Cassian’s. She assessed him for a moment: the worried look on his face, the glass of water in his hand, his lack of fighting leathers. He really intended on shirking his duties just to make sure she was okay? Her eyes softened.
“I’d prefer tea with a sickening amount of honey.” 
Within a second, the House had a steaming cup placed on her bedside table. Cassian chuckled at their helpful home. 
“See? The House will take care of me, you don’t have to.” She stuck her tongue out at him as she sat up. Her face contorted as another wave of nausea washed over her.
“Want me to get you a bucket?” He jested, petting her hair gently. 
Athena kicked him in the stomach.
“Good to see your strength holds up.” Cassian wheezed as he held his stomach. She smiled as she sipped her tea. 
“Where’s mother?” She cocked her head.
“Keeping your brother’s from being as overprotective as I am.”
“They have no right to be! I’m the oldest, I’m the one who takes care of them. Not the other way around.”
“Your mother and I knew you’d say that, which is why they’re in Windhaven and you and I are here.” Cassian moved to sit beside her, pulling her to rest her head on his chest. His heart warmed at the way she cuddled into him. “You don’t have to be the strong one all the time, you know?”
“You and mother always are.” She retorted.
“And we lean on each other when we need to. She and I have been through a lot together. There’s no shame in letting the people who care about you help you.”
Athena sighed, elbowing him gently. “I hate when you’re right. Mom is the one who’s right all the time, don’t steal her job.”
“Smart ass,” he chuckled. “Get some rest, kiddo.”
Erebus felt horrible. Emotionally and physically. His throat was scratchy, his body ached, and he couldn’t breathe out of his nose. On top of that, he got his cousins sick. At least he got the intel his uncle wanted. 
He hated feeling weak in any way almost as much as he hated letting people down. He took that frustration out on the straw-stuffed dummy in the backyard of his family home. Every aching slash of his blade pissed him off to no end. He was moving slower. 
Gwyn watched from the balcony above, teal eyes filled with worry. She had basically begged him to come into the house and rest, but Erebus was as stubborn as his father. His movements grew slower, she could tell he was having trouble breathing. She didn’t know what to do. If it were Catrin, she could get her to rest with the promise of sweet pastries and sugary drinks when she was feeling better. But Erebus…
She was ashamed at how poorly she knew her son.
Two strong arms wrapped around her from behind. She tensed, but upon smelling that familiar scent and feeling the soft brush of the shadows, she knew it was her beloved mate.
“He’s running himself ragged. He won’t get better if he doesn’t rest.” She huffed, leaning into Azriel’s embrace.
“He knows his limits.” Azriel tried.
Gwyn pulled away, whipping to face him. “He might know his limits but that doesn’t mean he cares. He’s going to get worse, Azriel!”
“We can’t force him to rest, sunshine.” Azriel sighed. “I’ll try talking to him.”
“That’s all I ask.” Gwyn kissed his cheek as she stepped around him. “Catrin and I are meeting Emerie for lunch. If Erebus is still out there when I get home, you’re sleeping on the couch.”
Her sweet smile told him she wasn’t joking. He slipped down to the training ring, sneaking behind his son and quickly disarming him. Erebus whirled, his displeasure evident on his face as he looked to his father.
“Your guard is down. You're moving slower.” Azriel pointed out.
“I know. You don’t need to tell me.” He huffed, reaching for his sword. Azriel held it out of his reach, swatting him away. 
“I’m going to offer you a deal.” Azriel stated. “If you can cut the ribbon,” he gestured to the silver ribbon hanging from a nearby tree, “I’ll leave you alone. But if you can’t, you need to go inside and rest.” 
Erebus held out his hand to be given back his sword. His father complied, stepping back to give him room. The young shadowsinger adjusted his stance, slicing at the ribbon in a way he was sure would have cut the ribbon. To no avail. The ribbon blew gently in the wind not at all affected by his blow.
He turned to his father to find his arms crossed and face unreadable. Erebus sheathed his blade. “I’ll rest for a day.”
“That’s all I ask.” Azriel moved to his side, clapping a hand on his back before ruffling his hair. 
They walked into the home that Rhysand had given Azriel and Gwyn as a mating present. Erebus tried to veer off into the living room, but Azriel kept a firm grip on his shoulder, leading him to his room.
“You’re going to rest properly.” 
“That wasn’t the deal.”
“Okay, how’s this? I’m your father and you’re going to listen to me so we don’t both face the wrath of your mother.” Erebus was about to interrupt, but Azriel cut him off. “If you lay on the couch it will be easier for Catrin to make fun of you.”
“I’m not even that sick.”
“You sound like you swallowed gravel.” Azriel opened the door. “Bed. Now.”
“Hungover or sick?” Morrigan said by way of greeting as her ward entered the kitchen. She had taken the young court of nightmares female in when the girl first bled at sixteen, three years later they were thick as thieves and close as relatives. 
“Sick.” Saoirse rubbed the temples of her forehead. “Erebus brought something back from the Spring Court, said it was only allergies. Clearly, he was wrong.”
“I’m sure he’s gotten an earful from Velara and Athena.” Morrigan chuckled. “What can I do to help?”
“Oh, I’m fine.” Saoirse brushed her off, moving to pour herself a cup of tea, relishing in the soft jasmine scent. 
Mor placed a hand to her forehead before tutting softly, “You’re burning up.” 
“Mor, I’m fine.” The girl insisted, brushing past her and suppressing a cough. 
“Nope, none of that.” Mor stretched an arm out, stopping her from leaving the room.
“I don’t want to be any trouble” Saoirse avoided looking her in the eye.
Mor’s gaze softened and she pulled the girl into a tight hug, careful not to hit the cup she was holding. “You’re never trouble. I know how hard it is to accept that after all the shit you went through. But trust me, you are never ever any trouble.”
“Mor, I can handle this on my own. I’m going to drink tea, rest, and I already sent word to Madja.” 
“Okay.” Mor mulled it over. “You know I could make a couple hot toddies. Could help clear up whatever gunk is settling in your nose and chest.”
Saoirse chuckled and nodded. “I love the way you think.”
“I’m getting sick of my room. I’ve spent too much time in here.” Velara huffed, dramatically flopping onto her bed.
“You’re more than welcome to venture into any other room if you wish. You aren’t on bedrest this time, sweet girl.” Feyre hummed as she placed a tray of biscuits and tea on the table of the little sitting area in Velara’s room. 
“Yes, but if I go into the kitchen or dining room the staff fusses over me, if I go to the library or dad’s office he fusses over me, and if I go anywhere else Nyx shows up and he fusses and if he fusses, I’m going to have to push him in the Sidra.”
“I don’t think you actually have to do that.”
“No, I’m pretty sure I do. The only reason I didn’t after my…” she mulled over what to call the loss of her wings, “accident was because his worry was justifiable.”
Feyre kissed the top of her daughter’s head. “I for one think it’s sweet that your brother is so protective of you.” 
“Because it’s not directed at you.” Velara huffed.
“You look like your father when you make that face.” Feyre mused as she traced the line between her narrowed brows.
“Just what every young female wants to hear.” 
“Well, it’s a good thing I’m so good looking.” Rhysand declared from the doorway. Velara took off her slipper and threw it at him. He caught it with a chuckle. “You really are the worst patient.”
“This is your fault, you know.” Velara pointed out, to her parents’ amusement.
“Enlighten me, my darling.” Rhysand approached.
“You sent Erebus on the mission that got him sick. Erebus thought it was just allergies, so he went to Ri- the Rainbow” Velara could tell from her parents’ faces they knew the group had gone to Rita’s, “with Saoirse, Athena, and me, and he got us all sick. So yeah, your fault.”
“I am very sorry, my darling girl. Next time, I’ll tell him to not get sick.”
“But I must insist that you rest.”
“Mother, get him out of here.”
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