#i'm not even actually going to do a poly relationship on this save i just love seeing what the characters have to say about it
aerithisms · 8 months
reloading the same conversation a dozen times just to explore the full dialogue tree is Real Gaming and i'm so glad bg3 is here to provide
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avisisisis · 1 year
DC headcanons but you can tell who's my favorite
For some reason Wally cries everytime he eats chicken nuggets with the Titans
Not even Wally knows why this happens
It's only with the original Titans. No one else. They have a rule that says Wally isn't allowed to eat chicken nuggets when he's around them because they all hate to see him cry
Iris sleeptalks. Barry sometimes has full conversations that make no sense with her at four in the morning
Hal has a video that lasts 40 minutes saved on every single piece of technology he has. It's about Iris (who was asleep) and Barry (very much awake, but probably delusional) arguing about whether koalas are evil or not
Tim had a Tumblr blog where he posted photos of Batman and Robin that looked like they were taken from very close angles
Jason follows it. One time he was complaining that his favorite blog hadn't posted anything in years. When Tim asked him to show him what account it was, he panicked, tried to run away, hit his head and passed out from exhaustion
Jason is still confused about that, but no matter how much he insists, Tim refuses to give his secret away
Wally has a deep hatred for Dora the Explorer
The Young Justice once ran away to a different country for a whole month and refused to acknowledge it when they came back
Iris, Barry and Hal are all dating. Barry didn't realize it at first though (Hal didn't either)
Barry was really panicking over the fact that he seemed to be in love with his best friend when he's already married
Hal was really panicking over the fact that he was in love with his best friend who is already married
Iris thought they were all just poly. They had a very long conversation after she realized none of them knew about polyamorous relationships
Wally and Dick, even though they both have their own romantic partners, are soulmates in every universe (can be seen as romantic or platonic)
Wally once got both him and Dick (as Flash and Nightwing) banned from a cafe. Dick wasn't even there
He accidentally knocked a candle and burned the table down
But what actually got them banned was commenting to the very homophobic owner that “I don't have a major opinion on that Nightwing guy besides of the fact that he gives some really good blowjobs” (they never even fucked)
In Wally's defense, he was really unstable at the moment, and he panicked
Of course, people filmed it. And, of course, it went viral. Now all of his friends quote him on that all the time
Technically they're not banned anymore because the cafe's owner changed, but he's still too embarrassed to go so he ignores that
All speedsters are constantly vibrating, some being more obvious than others, due to the fact that being still is... really fucking difficult because of everything being slower for them
Bart's the most noticeable one. If you pay enough attention you'll notice that you can sometimes see a little bit of lightning coming out of his body
The vibrations causes them to do a low rumbling sound that isn't exactly snoring when they're sleeping. What I'm saying is that they purr
Linda was thrilled when she found out
None of the speedsters are aware of this and no one plans on telling them
One time the YJ were talking and Bart interrupted them so Tim turned around to face him and said “Cerra el orto” (shut your mouth in Spanish. The literal translation would be “shut your ass” but that sounds weird in English) in a really high pitched voice. Now the entire team quotes him on that almost everyday
Diana almost dropped a car on Bruce once and now she sometimes says stuff like “I should've let that car kill you” when he's doing something particularly stupid
The rest of the JL quotes it too. It is very common to hear the phrase “I wish Diana had dropped that car” in the Watchtower
Kori once blew up the kitchen because she thought something was climbing on her leg. It was her hair
The original Titans have a monthly meetup. It doesn't matter what kind of beef some of the members have with each other at the moment, they'll still meet. It's an unspoken rule
Hartley was Linda's best man in her and Wally's wedding
That's where him and Dick met
They now share embarassing stories about Wally. They're not really friends and they don't talk, like, at all, but they still send each other videos of Wally falling on his face almost everyday
Depression, just like ADHD, is something that almost all speedsters have, but it's almost unnoticeable because they always hide it, mostly using their superspeed to do it
Green lanterns and speedsters bond over starting to glow at the worst possible moments
Wally absolutely despises the smell of cinnamon
His parents's house smelled like that due to his mom being obssessed with adding cinnamon to every meal they ate, so it reminds him too much of the terrible childhood he had because of them
You can't really blame him for leaving social events when he smells cinnamon
Bruce has a video of Hal starting crying after Barry said “I think giraffes shouldn't be real” that he uses as blackmail sometimes
Barry's actual weakness is puns, he can't stop saying stuff like “I'll be there in a flash” and then winking like he knows something you don't. It's gonna get him in trouble someday
The YJ all have Tumblr accounts
Dick and Donna used to call each other the “Wonder Twins” so now Cassie and Tim are the Wonder Twins of their generation
The og Titans once followed Batman everywhere playing Superman by Eminem because he made Dick upset
Barry looks like he's about to cry all the time and he has no idea why
When the League revealed their identities to each other everyone was confused over why he was crying
It took him a while to convince everyone that that's just what his face looks like
He always looks like he's about to cry so when he's actually going to cry it's pretty obvious. And he hates it
When Wally and Barry first met and Wally started to talk about the Flash, he made a joke about how he always came to help “in a flash”. Now Barry repeats that joke all the time
Wally hates himself for being the reason why the ‘in a flash’ jokes started
When Barry makes a joke and Wally complains, Barry answers with “You were the one that created the joke, Wally. Live with the consequences”
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Can u do bakugou and shoyo x male reader? Maybe where people realize they are dating?
I wasn't sure if you wanted them separately or as a poly relationship, so I did both (poly is at the bottom) lol. Hope you enjoy!!
Warnings: Bakugou being Bakugou. (Very) brief mentions of homophobia.
𝔅𝔞𝔨𝔲𝔤𝔬𝔲 ��𝔞𝔱𝔰𝔲𝔨𝔦:
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When you and Bakugou first started dating, coming out to everyone was the last thing on his mind.
He's not a very public person, because to be quite frank– his love life is no one else's business.
He's the kind of person who let's his friends find out stuff about him on their own. Never ever will you catch this man directly telling anyone anything about himself because his life is no one's business and he stands by that.
It takes awhile for anyone to catch on, mainly because Bakugou isn't into PDA.
So Class 1-A practically drives themselves crazy trying to figure out if you're actually a thing.
On one hand, you both are constantly low-key flirting.
But on the other hand, Bakugou still very much calls you names such as dickhead and asswipe.
Plus no one has ever seen you two be physically affectionate so
There's no way, right??
Wrong, you two got caught kissing.
It was wrong time wrong place.
Bakugou gave you a small peck goodbye, and Mina had seen it.
And because Mina can't keep a secret to save her life, everyone found out.
Bakugou wasn't exactly thrilled, he preferred it when everyone wasn't "up his ass" about his relationship.
"Bakugou! Why didn't you tell us you were dating Y/N?!"
Now thing is, everyone is shocked up also not shocked.
On hand, you two were always together so it just made sense
But on the other...it's Bakugou. He's the least desirable person to ever exist, why in the world would you choose him?
Eventually everyone chills out, and it's back to normal.
Nothing really changes. You and Bakugou still aren't too openly affectionate...
"Katsuki? Do you ever worry about how some people are going to react to us...you know, dating?"
"What do you mean?" He turns to face you. You're sprawled out on his bed spouting out depressing shit all of a sudden while he's trying to study.
"I'm glad that our friends are supportive but...not everyone is going to be as accepting as they are. Does that not worry you?"
He scoffs. You're an idiot for thinking that.
"Of course not. I don't need anyone's permission, I can date whoever the fuck I want...and so can you. I love you, and no one's going to change that."
After that, he's determined to be more openly loving towards you.
Just to prove to you that no one else's opinions matter to him.
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𝔗𝔬𝔡𝔬𝔯𝔬𝔨𝔦 𝔖𝔥𝔬𝔱𝔬:
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Todoroki is similar to Bakugou when it comes to his private life: it's private.
He often makes impulsive decisions without consulting the people around him, and one of those decisions happened to be dating you.
You two got together...and he just never said anything to anyone.
Not because he was scared to, he's not afraid of being judged for who he loves.
And it wasn't because he's not comfy with PDA, because he's perfectly ok with it.
That's actually how everyone found out.
He straight up walked over to you in front of everyone:
"Hey babe, happy to see you."
Kiss on the cheek.
Everyone stops breathing.
Todoroki...the guy who claimed he didn't come to school to make friends...was dating someone.
Minds were blown.
"Todoroki?? Why didn't you ever say anything???"
"I didn't need to??"
"But you do??"
"Oh well...I'm dating Y/N."
No one saw this coming.
Todoroki didn't seem like the kind of guy to date, and no one ever saw you two hanging out so???
This came out of no where.
Some of his friends didn't even know who you were because they've never heard of you.
Not because Shoto is ashamed of you or anything— he just doesn't understand why he needs to talk about his personal life.
You're the person he's dating, so from his understanding, you're the only one who needs to know that.
The guy doesn't understand why everyone feels the need to know about his love life.
When you bring up your concern about some people being not so accepting towards your relationship, Todoroki shrugs.
"Would it make you more comfortable if I were less affectionate with you in public?"
If yes, Todoroki completely respects that.
He respects it a little to hard though because he'll flat out stand on the opposite side of the room.
You love him, but sometimes he was an idiot.
If no, then Todoroki questions why anyone else's input should matter.
"They aren't dating us, so why should they care? If anyone has anything to say, I will talk to them."
He 100% means that btw
Will stand up for you if someone makes a comment about your relationship.
He loves you. End of sentence.
Bonus: Endeavor isn't too happy about the relationship because he doesn't want Todoroki getting distracted from his hero work. Todoroki responds by sending his father pictures of him and you together as a sweet little fuck you.
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𝔓𝔬𝔩𝔶!𝔗𝔬𝔡𝔬𝔯𝔬𝔨𝔦 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔅𝔞𝔨𝔲𝔤𝔬𝔲:
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This relationship is a dumpster fire.
Sorry, have to be blunt with you, everything is going right and wrong again the same time.
Mainly because of thing 1 and thing 2 over here.
How they go about relationships is so different yet similar and it throws them both off.
While they both agree that their private life is private— Their views on PDA collide
Now if you ask Bakugou, it's not his fault that the secret got out about you all dating.
Todoroki was challenging him.
Todoroki likes holding ur hand in public.
Bakugou would usually oppose to it, but he felt so left out.
So being as stubborn as he is, he grabs your other hand- making sure it made a loud SMACK to grab everyone's attention. (Dw, ur hand is ok)
Todoroki looks over curiously, "Bakugou, I thought you did not like public display of affection."
"Tch, no shit I don't! But like hell you're going to third wheel me!"
"Bakugou, No one is third wheeling—"
You awkwardly stand there wishing for death to take you as everyone immediately stares at your dysfunctional trio.
Bakugou and Todoroki arguing? That's normal
But both of them holding your hands??? Bakugou telling Todoroki to call him by his first name???
"You three are totally swapping spit." Mineta is the first to say something. While everyone yells at him for his bluntness, they had to admit, he said the exact thing they were all thinking.
You three would definitely get some questions from the class
They're supportive, don't get me wrong.
They've just never been exposed to a poly couple so
They're all very confused.
More so confused about how you got Todoroki and Bakugou agree to it.
After the whole ordeal is dealt with, you gave them a stern talking to about how they need to learn to get along.
"You completely outed us, Bakugou!"
"Yeah yeah, I know Y/N. I'm sorry."
You thought you were making some progress until Todoroki opened his mouth.
"All because you were jealous about me holding his hand–"
Your boyfriends are disasters.
Get them some help.
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gvtted-ratz · 3 months
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Mission Failed
Simon “Ghost” Riley x M!Reader x John “Soap” MacTavish
Last Edited: 17/03/2023
TW: slight angst, foul language, violence, blood, gore, gunshot wound, death mention
@denzellovehazelnuts: Hi! hope you have a good day! Can you do a poly "Ghost x male reader x Soap" (if you comfortable writing poly relationship) with slow burn, angst and fluff at the end? Where Ghost and Soap already in a relationship until the reader came into their team The two male thought the reader wasn't talkative around people but few weeks later, things change at first Ghost seems interesting in the male skill using gun and how fast he can run and Soap like the male sense of humour. Both of them thought it only a friendship type of things. Until the male save Ghost from the enemy on the battlefield and him laughing at Soap jokes. That when the two males known what happen to them, they weren't sure if M/n would comfortable in a relationship with them, so they start doing small things for him like making coffee or helping training,.. And M/n notice it, he even started to fall for the both of them. But he keep denying the things they did for him because he thought that what friend do. and M/n don't think he is ready for a new relationship, he wasn't sure he is good enough for them (the male got trauma from the previous relationships) (more angst please, I would like to suffer for a little bit) (・∀・) After a while, the three of them got into a mission together, everything went good until the male got shot. He thought he going to be de@d soon (only to find out that he only got shot at his leg) so M/n confessed how he feel about the two of them. (andddd I don't know what to do with the ending cause I'm ran out of idea. I would want to see how the treated each other when got into a relationship. Sorry about the grammar, English isn't my first language)
Word Count: 2,654
Notes: hiiii! i dont do heavy angst but i did do some u know? slow burn it is!!! srry it took so long! irl things hold me back a lot. N since u wanted slow burn, n with all that uve put (about 350 words of things i can work on/with 2 get this drawn out as a full-on fic!! yay!) i had 2 like. try n put all u wanted in there so yea! hope u enjoy!! also! i threw in some other characters like gaz n roach. hope u dont mind em being in here since this is like, a mash of cod n codmw2 (canon? what cancon?) cause i rlly do wanna put some other characters in here that i find interesting n build some sort of character/personality 4 the reader. reader deserves some cool friends-2-brothers!
At first, you hadn’t wanted to join Task Force 141. You were comfortable with your position as the quiet, but light on your feet, knife specialist. Well, that wasn’t truly your title. You were just good with knives. You weren’t too shotty with a gun either. Either weapon being in your hands meant blood was going to be shed. KorTac needed those types, especially those who could use it to get in as well as out; you also couldn’t forget about using your skills to get information. Torturing the prisoners wasn’t something you particularly liked, but you were good at it too. Combining your skills with knives and guns, it truly was hell for anyone on the opposite side of your team. You also couldn’t forget that, out of the others, you were much faster. Sure, some could still beat you at times but that didn’t mean you weren’t good. Bets had been constantly taking place with you, along with others as it was one of the few things any of you could do to pass the time in a less-than-bloody manner.
The transfer from KorTac to Task Force 141 wasn’t smooth. Horangi, or Kim Hong-jin, didn’t let you go for weeks. You were part of his team, one of his men. The leader of KorTac is what most of you saw him as. He knew many of you like the back of his hand. Not to mention, a tiger can be cruel but would never devour its cubs for no reason, well, as some say. As far as you knew, because you were all together, you were a team and therefore family. While there were others who didn’t get along, out in the field, all of you had each other’s back. Very rarely did anyone get left to perish to the enemy.
With all that in mind, it took weeks for him to let you go. More or less, Laswell was the one to convince him; that is if you call bringing each plus every person in KorTac to ruins as “convincing”. She wanted you on a team she could keep tabs on you; doubting her power and skills was out of the question. Which meant leaving KorTac to ensure that everyone else was free from possible imprisonment or death was necessary.
Fitting in wasn’t too hard considering most of the people there were from all over the place. While it’s odd for a member from another team to suddenly appear on another, it didn’t bother most of the others. Just from a glance, you could tell who was into who; as well as who exactly was in a relationship. A man by the name of Ghost including another called Soap, you knew were together. Soap flirted with almost everyone, though it was more teasing and lighthearted. With Ghost though? The flirting went up by twenty percent. His dial for teasing went up tenfold too. Meanwhile, Ghost hardly looked at anyone else, nevertheless, stare at them unless they were the Scottish man. Frankly, you didn’t mind. Who were you to judge the two? Especially when they were good at what they did.
It takes weeks before you’re comfortable enough to so much as talk to anyone 141. Gaz, or Kyle as Soap tended to call him when annoyed, is the first to so much as approach you. While the others are interested, you coming from KorTac had put them off for a bit. Gaz on the other hand treats you like a brother. He’ll throw his arm around your shoulder, dragging you around as he laughs about the past or even at your jokes. At meals, he always throws a raised eyebrow at those who look at you oddly when you’re quiet or sitting with the man. He treats you like you’re part of the team, furthermore, that truly means more than anything to you.
The man is just as bloodthirsty as you are. His stories of falling out of planes along with taking out enemies only lead to you looking up to your new teammate and brother. His tales of meeting Captain Price, past missions, a few tidbits of him being with the SAS, together with some metals he’s earned, only makes you want to pry more stories from the man; not like you don’t have to try. Simply asking about his stories leads to at least an hour-long spill of them from the guy.
And with his stories comes a few of your own. You don’t share much of them, knowing Gaz spreads them to the rest of the team with more dramatics to try to get you to interact with the others. Something you do learn about him that you always keep in mind from his stories is that his blood type is B Negative and shooting any dog, wild or not, makes him feel a bit guilty; he had to shoot one a while ago and apologised to the poor mutt after having to put it down to finish his mission.
With all that he’s shared and how the both of you see each other as brothers, it’s only fair that you let yourself talk to the others in the team. Though your words are short, along with your jokes being told quickly to distract yourself from the stressful situations, you allow yourself to slowly relax with the others. Gaz’s constant support helps you finally allow yourself to bond with your new team and family. It’s only after a mission that things change. 
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
“Take the left! Keep your heads down and keep movin’!” Captain Price’s voice rings out in your earpiece. Everything has gone to shit. The intel you’ve been getting was entirely a trap. You’re running through an underground tunnel, Ghost and another man named Roach is running in front of you.
Roach is a quiet man, never talking or letting out a sound, but semi-friendly. From his actions and what you’ve been told of him, he does his best to complete the missions to the tea. The few interactions you’ve had with him were silent but nice. Whether or not he’s mute has crossed your mind time and mind again but you don’t ask; you’d rather leave the man be. After all, he has become something like a friend maybe even another brother.
“Copy. We’re nearly out. Roach and [Redacted] are with me,” Ghost responds, quickening his pace. The rifle smacks against your back as you speed up to keep up with the other two men. Despite the situation, the three of you remain as calm as you can be.
“You’re bein’ tracked like a rabbit is by a hound, Ghost! Move it!” The captain’s orders are clear and the worry is read between the lines. If you three don’t get out, it’s a huge blow to 141. Not only that, but Soap loses his boyfriend, Gaz loses two of his best friends as well as brothers, you three lose your lives, and Task Force 141 loses three of its members. Dying isn’t an option here.
“We have company,” Your words are muffled by your gear but the two soldiers in front of you hear them in their own pieces.
“Fuckin’ hell-” Ghost’s sentence gets cut off by gunfire from behind. Turning around, you fire the Lachmann Sub in your possession.
“We gotta go! They’re gaining!” You clip one of the enemies in the shoulder and another is hit in the stomach. Picking up the speed, the three of you try to beat them out of the tunnel. You cover the back, hoping the two get out before you. If you get surrounded, it’s over.
Thankfully, they haven’t reached the other end of the tunnel as the three of your burst out of the exit. You grab a grenade, pull the pin and throw it in the tunnel. As soon as it leaves your hands, you’re running faster to get to Roach and Ghost before anything else can; one arm wraps around each of your teammates’ necks, dragging them down to the ground as the little metal bomb goes off. Debris flies everywhere, looking for an area to land after being shot out of its place.
With the tunnel exist now collapsed along with no more flying rock and metal, you release the men. “How copy?” Crackles through each of your earpieces. You knock your forearm into Roach’s upper arm, eyes crinkling from your smile. He gives you a grateful nod, standing. You smack Ghost’s arm as he stands, glad to have escaped the enemies for now.
“Tunnel’s collapsed. We’re good. Ready for extraction, Sir,” Blunt and straight to the point are the skull-masked man’s words.
“Good. Heli’s close by. Move to the edge of the town.” With the three of you alive, you can practically feel Captain Price’s relief.
“Copy that, Captain,” Your muffled response comes before Ghost can send in his own. He scans you from the corner of his eye but doesn’t give you a retort. You do, however, hear a small huff of air leave him. You throw your arm around Roach’s neck again, puffs of air leaving you from happiness, meanwhile, his arm comes around your back. Seems the three of you live another day.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
After that mission, Ghost tends to lurk around you more than he originally had. It didn’t help that Soap tends to tag along as well. Thankfully, he finds your jokes hilarious if the loud, boisterous laughter he lets out all the time tells you anything. His teasing ends up piling onto you as well. Before, it was light as well as spread out. Now, it’s almost like he’s talking to Ghost with all the teasing and flirting he now does with you. His boyfriend hardly seems concerned but rather encourages his behaviour. Of course, that doesn’t mean he goes easy on you when the two of your spar together. He’s dead serious when it comes to sparring; it’s only a reminder that while he does good off, he’s just as dangerous as the rest of them.
The two men seem to be fixated on wanting to help you out in training as well. More pointers plus tips are thrown your way when you practice with either of them. Sometimes, they’ll even make you coffee for those sleepless nights. Mentioning such things to Gaz and Roach only leads to your sworn brothers giving you knowing looks or a few teasing words; Gaz is the one with the teasing remarks while Roach pats your shoulder in a mocking but teasing “you poor man” way. Neither seems keen on wanting to spill the tea on why the Scottish and British men have been more affectionate.
While you enjoy their kind gestures, including their company, you’re not sure if you’re ready to admit to yourself, or them, about such feelings or relationships. On the surface, you truly do want to ask them if this is some sort of flirting schtick they have going on. Deep down though, the idea of being with anyone again makes your stomach fill with the lead. How could you enter another relationship? After the last one ended with your soon-to-be fiance’s brains splattered all over a brick wall. How can you move past that? How can you allow yourself to find someone like them? Or even better than them? The answer to that is a sigh alongside a bitter smile. The ring hiding under your tactical gloves seems to burn your skin. Truly, how can you let your first love go? After all, if you weren’t good enough to keep them alive, how can you keep these two from meeting the same gorey end?
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
“To think I’d find myself here… How fuckin’ funny,” You mumble. Another mission, this one just like all the others. Well, it would have been if you hadn’t been shot. The blood leaking from your leg alongside a knife wound to your side leave you in pain. Feeling weak isn’t something uncommon but neither is it constantly happening. Words are being spoken to you through your headset. You were to be the lookout but ended up being the enemy's first target.
“How copy?” Rings in your ears. Your eyes stare blankly in front of you. You feel pathetic. Too tired to talk. Too tired to get up. You just sit, popped up against a tree in the heavily wooded area. You’ve failed, failed, failed.
“C’mon, Mate, how do ya copy?” Soap’s voice is worried and winded. He and Ghost are the people you’ve been teamed up with and you’ve failed.
“[Redacted], how copy?” The next tone is Ghost’s. It sounds slightly strained.
“Mission Failed,” You croak, head tilted back and against the tree.
“Status report, Mate. Where are ya?” He’s rushing, possibly panicked now.
“Got two wounds. Gunshot to the thigh. Knife to the side. Bleeding pretty bad, Soap.” You close your eyes, sighing.
“State your location.” The Brit seems to be just as worried as his Scottish counterpart.
“Dunno. Woods. Against a tree… There’s a lot of blood. Feelin’ woozy.” When you open your eyes, your sight is blurred. You’re losing too much blood.
“Keep talkin’ to us then, yeah? You’ll make it out. We’ll get out together,” The Scot’s words, though hopeful, only make you scoff quietly.
“You know… If I get outta here… Think we can go out sometime? Bourbon and whiskey? The three of us?”
“When we get out, [Redacted]. There’s no if here,” The masked man makes it sound final like there’s no way you’ll die on them.
“Yeah… Yeah..” You don’t say anymore, everything slowly hazing away. It’s like your floating in winter with how cold you feel.
“[Redacted]? Don’t sleep! C’mon! Keep ya eyes open!” Soap’s words fade away along with everything else. All that waits is cold darkness.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
“So… Think you can handle our drinking date after this?” Soap perches on the side table, messing with a lighter he took from Ghost.
“After he’s healed, Johnny. No alcohol before,” A semi-scolding is all the man gets from the brooding Ghost. You laugh slightly, jostling your wounds. You wince but wave off the concerned looks you get.
“After I’m no longer full of holes, Johnny-boy.” You take a sip of water afterwards, making Soap frown playfully.
“And to think I was gonna bring out the good shit fer ya. A shame. A damn shame.” You gently shake your head. It was a close call but Ghost got to you before you completely bled out. From what you’ve been told by Gaz, who yelled at you for an hour after you woke up from your four-day sleep, Ghost and Soap dragged you back to the helicopter. Both refused to leave your side. Captain Price ended up having to yell at the men and bribe them with a bit of alcohol to get them to even go to their own rooms. You made sure to apologize to Gaz, hugging him tightly after his blow-up. He thought he was going to lose a friend and family member so you couldn’t blame him.
Roach gave you the cold should for a while before appearing in your room with a cup of coffee. He made sure to smack the back of your head for your stupidity as well, though it was hardly rough. You grabbed the man before he could so much as bolt though when he saw you getting up to hug him. He hadn’t pushed you away though. And the captain? It felt like you were a kid again with how he pinned you with his stare. He made sure to tell you exactly how he felt, going from angry, to disappointed, to angry again. Another guy you couldn’t blame anything on. But you get to live another day at least. And you get to have that date with the two guys who were able to grab ahold of your heart after a long-time of heartache and loss.
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monstersandmaw · 3 months
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First time romancing Astarion, and I'm all aboard the ace-spec interpretation of Astarion that I've seen floating around. As someone who's ace, I definitely resonated with him in this scene anyway. That hug reaction from Astarion. Oof.
And the fact that if you also romance Halsin, one of the dialogue options Astarion can give you is to say something like: 'it's not because... we haven't... in a while... is it?'... My heart cracked painfully at that, I'm not going to lie. I have spoken almost exactly that sentence before, worrying that just kissing and physical affection is not enough for someone who's not ace. To have that validated by Astarion was really special for me.
(aka, I really didn't get to know Astarion very well in my first playthrough because he didn't approve of my absolute doormat of a Tav (Kaerlyn the drow) and I didn't spend much time with him, but now with my sassy monk...? I get it. I totally get why you all love Astarion so much).
EDIT: additional dialogue from Raphael talking about Cazador indicates that it might be linked to vampirism (my own headcanon for vampires anyway is they can't get aroused without having fed recently, not just BG3 vamps, but in general)
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[some poly-ace-astarion thoughts under the cut too]
I'm not 100% convinced that Astarion is really ok with the consensual poly situation in-game, because he famously doesn't say what he actually wants and is the king of manipulating others, especially in sexual situations (e.g. what Cazador sent him out to do, and how). I'm not sure if I'll reload a save and just have Halsin as a friend...
The dialogue when you check in with Astarion before the Halsin scene is... strained? Odd??? Maybe it's just me over-analysing it. He sounded strained though - his tone high pitched and more grandiose than he'd been in previous cut-scenes, where he was more softly-spoken. It sounded more like early-game Astarion to me...
Also, my dialogue options may have been totally randomised the next time I approached Astarion after a steamy night with Halsin, but they sounded kind of strained there too, and I got the 'I can never say no to you' one, which set my ace people-pleaser alarm bells ringing...
As someone who's poly-romantic but asexual, I can project/imagine here that Astarion has come to care for Tav a lot (more than he ever expected, for sure), and he genuinely wants Tav to be happy. He trusts Tav enough to know that Tav respects his autonomy and right to decide things for himself, and values Astarion for who he is, so Astarion is intellectually/conceptually happy for Tav to get something from Halsin that Astarion is not providing (sex), but perhaps emotionally that additional fact and dynamic is harder to deal with.
That could totally be me projecting though, because that's how I'd react if my husband (not ace) and I (ace) were in that situation (we've discussed it between us, actually XD). Feelings of guilt and inadequacy around sex itself are apparently very common with us ace folks, even in very healthy and happy relationships.
Anyway, that turned into a ramble I didn't intend on a rainy Sunday afternoon. I'm not looking to start any discourse about this though. If you don't see Astarion that way, or had a different experience and interpretation, that's all totally valid and I'm not trying to invalidate it in anyway.
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cod incorrect quotes #2
Second post and of course it's more incorrect quotes. Creature of habit and all that.
I have these saved in an entirely unorganized text editor file, so I feel like me posting something twice is inevitable. Again, mainly Y/N stuff, platonic and romantic. Also has some Soapghost and Alerudy!
I am also making this post at 4 am because I am pulling an all-nighter. Lady Gaga is blasting in the background. No guarantees for anything.
- Lila
・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。..・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。..・。.✭・♛ ♛ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)つ━━✫・*。 ⊂   ノ    ・゜+. しーーJ   °。+ *´¨)
Alejandro: I truly go into housewife mode when I'm someone's soulmate- like, I'll make you pancakes and bacon every morning. Y/N: This is a lie. Y/N: I'm literally dating him. This is a lie. Y/N: HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO COOK A PANCAKE, WHAT IS THIS.
Rodolfo: Sorry I’m late, I was doing things. Y/N: Hi, I’m ‘things’. (alternatively, if we're thinking poly!relationship: Rodolfo: Sorry I’m late, I was doing things. Y/N: Hi, I’m ‘thing 1’. Alejandro: Hey, I'm 'thing 2'.)
Y/N: Ghost, you're an asshole, man. Ghost: You are what you eat Y/N.
Y/N: You look good in that hoodie. Alejandro: You know where else I'd look good? Y/N, zero hesitation: My bed. Alejandro, at the same time: By your side- wait, what?
Soap: Wanna get out of here and grab a bite to eat. Ghost: I don’t usually eat with losers. Soap: Neither do I but I asked you, didn’t I?
Ghost: I'm going the fight the next person who insults Y/N. Y/N: I hate myself. Ghost: Alright, square up.
Y/N: Who hurt you? Ghost, snorting: What, do you want a list? Y/N: …Yes, actually.
Ghost, gently nudging Y/N aside with his foot: Y/N, move out of the way so I don’t trip on you. Y/N, their eyes enormous: You kick Y/N? You kick their body like the football? Oh! Oh! Jail for Ghost! Jail for Ghost for one thousand years! (Miette >>>>)
Y/N: A mosquito tried to bite me and I slapped it and killed it. Y/N: And I started thinking. Y/N: Like, it was just trying to get food. Y/N: What if I went to the fridge and it just slammed the door shut and snapped my neck? Price: Are you ok?
Soap: What do you call a dictionary on drugs? Y/N: If you say "addict-ionary" I swear I will cut you. Soap: I was actually going to say "high definition", but your answer's much better. Y/N:…
Soap: Everything’s fine, Y/N. Y/N: Soap, I know your relationship with the English language is strictly casual, but you- I- deep inhale ALLOW ME TO TELL YOU WHAT’S NOT FINE.
Ghost: Did you have to stab them? Y/N: You weren’t there. You didn’t hear what they said to me. Ghost: What did they say? Y/N: "What are you going to do, stab me?" Ghost: That’s fair.
Y/N: I fell— Soap: From heaven? Y/N: No, I literally fell— Soap: In love with me the moment you saw me? Y/N: MY ARM IS BROKEN! Soap: Okay, but do you think I'm pretty? Be honest.
Y/N, handing a balloon to Ghost: I have no soul. Have a good day! Ghost, walking off: I don't have one either. (I CAN JUST HEAR HIM SAYING THIS)
Soap: We all have our demons. Soap, grabbing Y/N: This one’s mine.
・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。..・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。..・。.✭・♛  ∧_∧ (。・ω・。)つ━☆・*。 ⊂   ノ    ・゜+. しーJ   °。+ *´¨) “Hie thee home, little wanderer.”
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delilahcalicocat · 17 days
☆{The Elite.}☆
{Rating: Smut.}
{Warnings: Poly relationship, Kissing, Dom/Sub dynamic, Overstimulation, Forced Orgasms, Mainly Dom!Kenny and Dom!Nick. Matt is a switch, Fem!Reader, Collar, Fingering, Unprotected Sex..}
{Pairing: The Elite (Kenny And the bucks) x Sub!Fem!Reader}
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Your were... suffice to say, an accomplice of The Elite. You never mentioned it. You couldn't even speak of how you got your job. The unforgettable night...
Everyone in AEW always asked how you got a spot as a Manager.
But you had to follow the rule Nick and Matt told you. "No One Knows"
It seemed they didn't follow their own rule too much though, as they'd occasionally crotch crop in their entrance and turn to camera.
Mouthing the words 'ya like what you see Y/N?'
Holy shit... they had you super heated up sometimes.
The only reason you never appeared alongside them though. Is because of your special necklace and Collar..
That or you were busy. Because Kenny would force you to cockwarm. As you struggled for friction. Wanting to move. But the leash in Kenny's Hand would bring you back to reality
"F..Fuck... Please... let me move..." You begged
"Have you been good enough? Or should I make you wait for Matt and Nick? So we can all fuck you senseless over your desk?" Kenny asked
You chose the latter. To just wait it out, their match wouldn't be too long. Since they were fighting some local jobbers. You knew the match was over when the hit the BTE trigger.
They hurried backstage, Walking into your office. Kenny immediately put you over the desk.
"Which one of you wants to go first?" Kenny spoke coldly.
Matt nodded, which meant he wanted firsties.
Which didn't go down too good.
You were begging for mercy at the 8th orgasm of the night. 7 of them being forced.
Your body was going to collapse if they didn't ease up. But Kenny persisted in fucking you silly.
Of course he was always doing that. His dumbafiction Kink was put in overdrive hearing you beg for more and more.
Nick was also contributing, fucking your throat raw.
Matt eventually realized you couldn't take it anymore. He was the only one to ever stay in his ring gear. Since he only used his fingers.
He felt bad and told Kenny and Nick. They didn't care. Until you physically couldn't stand up.
Matt was there for you, he has to help you stand up.
"What the actual fuck Nicholas? And you too Kenny. She can't even stand! Why the fuck did you do this?" Matt spoke
Matt quickly got you dressed and carried you out of the arena to his car. Putting you in the backseat since you wanted to sleep.
"Hey.. Adam? Is it okay if I bring Y/N to your house for the night? Nick and Kenny exhausted her and she can't even stand." Matt said to Hangman on the other side of the phone
"Uhm, sure.. I'll be waiting at the door for ya m'kay?" Hangman said
"Okay, I'll be over shortly. Because she's out like a light. Just asleep on the backseat. I'm sure Kenny and Nick will realize what they did in the morning and apologize to her."
Matt then hung up the phone and left the parking lot.
You were fast asleep, exhausted after the 8 forced orgasms and 1 actual one. From Matt.
You had to call off your relationship with Nick and Kenny. It was clear Matt was the one who cared about you.
But it was scary because Nick would use Matt to find you.
But you couldn't care. You had to break up. Because your body couldn't take much more of the abuse.
You had a hoarse voice all the time because of Nick, And you couldn't sit still because of Kenny.
You had to do it.. you had to be strong...
So when the next day arrived and you told them you just wanted to date Matt.
Everything got heated and shouting occurred. Your older brother Hangman stepped in though to save you. And told them it was your choice of who you wanted to date.
Nick and Kenny were fuming but there wasn't time since they had a match to fight in.
You eventually told Matt what you did. And he was quite happy. Since usually during those "meetings" he'd only get 30 minutes with you.
But watching you fuck yourself on his fingers the first night of your relationship made him happy enough for life.
He was glad you finally broke free of the grasp Kenny had forced upon you.
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ultrastupid · 10 months
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Do not expect me to post in main tags often, I just had to post all this because Sunny, my love, my chaotic little bird man. I had to share all the stuff I've found and/or screenshotted about him with you all because I'm obsessed to an insane degree. Commentary will be included on stuff. Hit the "read more" for more, LONG POST AHEAD!
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Some of the few bits of info we have about Sunny, from Clown's old deleted blog. Things of interest include him being friends with Barnaby, an inkling of what his house looks like and where it would be located, and what puppet type he was. Also, the hidden text on his picture. Keep in mind that "being quiet" was a large theme back in the old Welcome Home lore.
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An actual high quality version of the Sunny-getting-grabbed-by-puppet-hands pic, since I've seen too many versions of it looking crusty, along with a high-contrast version of it to show the hidden background details.
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Group photos of the OG six puppets. Also where my favorite image of Sunny screaming comes from lol. Of course, can't forget that Sunny's name is upside-down in the second pic, hinting at his nature of being different.
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Ooky Spooky™️stuff that happens to have Sunny in it. If there is a smidge of Sunny in it, I save it.
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Sunny merch. I don't know what on earth this thing is but I'd buy it /lh Also of course, getting rid of him and all that. Note, I believe Clown when they say that Sunny is truly removed and the removal isn't a part of the story or whatever... I can dream otherwise, though, because man that'd be cool if he was removed on purpose FOR a story point. But again, Clown said he was just removed because he didn't fit into the story and they don't like "hero types" for it.
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Wake up babe, the OG Frank ship is here. Franks's phone not having a 3, and also having a 6 on it could have meant something, who knows (Edit, it's their numbers from that one pic, I was tired lol). Also more "behave" and "listen" stuff included as well. Anyways observations aside, I just love how floofy Sunny is in the second pic, it gives me life. It's one of the more polished images we get of Sunny, too.
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Screenshot of the text that came with the group picture. Again, "being quiet". I'm sure that people could run with this theme for their fanart and fanfics if they wanted to, since I know beta designs have been getting some comeback.
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Some more information on what Sunny was planned to be. Points of interest include confirmation that him and Frank indeed were going to be in a relationship, Sunny being a "hero", and Sunny's purpose involving "blow the whistle", which when you pair it with the "be quiet" stuff and focus on "being quiet" really starts to paint a picture and makes me go nuts over what he could have possibly have done. Add the "you're FREE" and again, more things just fall into place. Anyways, "attributes already covered (bird)" makes me laugh.
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Anyways onto the more inane stuff (/pos), Frank and Sunny as Ducktales OCs. Everything about the Sunny pic makes me feral and bang my fists on my desk, because he is SO flaming queer, LOOK AT HIS FACE, HIS BODY LANGUAGE, HIS MOVEMENTS, FRANK'S REACTION, THEY ARE BOTH FLAMING GAYS!!! LOVE, ENDLESS LOVE FOR THESE TWO!!!
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And lastly to end this all off, Gay People Jumpscare: Electric Boogaloo 2. Sunny's beak being CONE makes me happy. Frank and him physically so close together and Frank blushing makes me happy. Them explicitly being called gay makes me happy.
These two are so delightful, and I like to imagine that in a canon where Sunny still exists, he's accepted into Eddie and Frank's relationship and it's poly and everyone is happy, THE END.
Thank you for coming to my rant about a scrapped character for something that technically hasn't even started and is a flaming queer.
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mrs-kodzuken · 4 months
Forgive me if I jump too? ♡
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Pairing: Kōtarō Bokuto x fem!reader x Keiji Akaashi
WC: 2.3k
Genre: angst to slight fluff (comfort)
CW: 3rd pov omniscient, fem!reader, switches to 1st fem!pov nearing end, poly relationship, suicide, suicidal thoughts, death, blood (kinda descriptive) angst to semi fluff (comfort) at the end
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The day felt as if it wasn't ever going to end for (Y/n). She trudged her way home, feeling more numb than usual.
She promised herself that it wasn't going to be today, that she could continue being 'happy'.
But hell, she didn't even know what being happy felt like anymore. Her two special boys came to mind, and no matter how much she tried, she couldn't shake the feeling.
(Y/n) tried so hard to be strong, to live, and to actually be happy. However, it seems as if the world didn't care.
She looked up at the moon from her bedroom window. The stars shone so brightly, as if they knew what she was going to do that night.
A small, horrific smile graced her lips as she thought of the peace she'd feel when she was gone.
Opening her window, she could feel the breeze dancing through her hair. She wanted to feel that again, and even though it was late—practically almost three in the morning—she climbed out of her window.
When she took her bike, the one she used to ride so much, memories filled her head as she peddled down the road.
She knew exactly where she wanted—no, needed—to go.
(Y/n)'s heavy breathing filled the cold air around her, pinching her lungs. She calmly walked up the staircase of the abandoned building.
With each step she took, she felt more and more at peace. It was as if she could just float up them.
When she reached the top, she pulled out her phone.
The electronic light lit up, giving her a view of her wallpaper. It was between her lovers and her; they had gotten ice cream on that hot summer day.
Kōtarō had accidentally dropped his, making Keiji share, only because he wanted to.
She immediately started a call with the two of them. wanting to hear their voices once more. Just once.
Keiji had heard the noisy mobile device wake him from his slumber. The caller ID showing 'my owls', he instantly picked it up.
"Hello? (Y/n), Kō, what are you two doing up?" Keiji's groggy voice filled the air.
"I wasn't up," Kōtarō finally said sluggishly, not wanting to be scolded this late.
"Sorry, I couldn't sleep." (Y/n) lied straight through her teeth to her boyfriends.
"Do you need us to come over? Is something wrong?" Bokuto's voice perked up.
"No, no, I just wanted to hear your voices one last time."
Those words grabbed Akaashi's attention, making him get a hold of his senses.
"(Y/n), what do you mean by that? Where are you?" He got up in a rush, grabbing a hoodie and shoes shoving them on quickly.
"Our roof top, ours, but it doesn't matter. Not anymore. Just know that I love you both so much." She could feel the tears welling in her eyes and the lump in her throat growing making her voice sound funny.
Bokuto had already woken his parents up to try and get to (Y/n) before it was too late.
"(Y/n), baby, please stay on the line, please." The desperation and begging in Bokuto's voice grew with every word.
"I'm so sorry, but you know that I will cherish everything we have." She sniffed, her voice breaking in the most saddening way.
"What about always and forever?" Akaashi had already stormed out of the house, running frantically to where she was. He needed to stall her.
His throat was burning, but he refused to cry; he wanted to believe they could save her.
"Sadly, always and forever, I will not be in this life. but I hope to meet you both in our next one." She moved her feet closer to the edge.
Looking up, she saw the night sky twinkling so brightly.
"I love you so much, Keiji, Kōtarō. Take care of one another, would you please?"
Bokuto had been yelling for her to stop her movements and for the car to go faster.
Akaashi slowed his steps, breathless. He begged her to stay over the phone.
A small 'I love you' escaped her lips before she backed away, getting a running head start.
She flew off of the building like an angel, her phone still with her. The air surrounding her sounded like whispers, giving her chills on her way down.
Her body hit the pavement and a loud, sickening sound erupted from the phone. Blood almost immediately seeping out of her delicate skull.
The grotesque sound was the last noise from the other end of the phone call before it was ended when it landed.
The pain radiated through Keiji as he was on his knees, tears flowing down his cheeks as he painfully let out a scream.
Bokuto refused to believe that she was dead; he wanted to marry her, and Keiji said that it would happen one day. She had to be alive. She had to.
His eyes filled with tears as his heart felt like it was ripped out of his chest.
'This isn't fair.' Both of the boys thought heartbreakingly. It was unfair.
As the late car neared the building, the headlights shone on her body. It was now lifeless and covered in blood, her neck bent in a weird shape.
Gasps were heard from Kō's parents.
Bokuto ran out of the car, almost instantly taking her dead, mis-shaped body into his arms.
"Please come back, please come back," he whispered over and over, cradling her bloody, lifeless body to his.
Bokuto's mother gasped again, sharply, at the state of his girlfriend. She immediately called an ambulance; however, it was too late.
Her blood had seeped into his clothes, making the crime scene look even worse.
Keiji finally had the strength to continue his saddened walk, pushing himself off the ground.
His sniffling came about in the cold air. He neared the building, seeing Bokuto cradling her body.
As he walked closer, the harsh pain in his throat grew, and the empty pit in his abdomen was increasing.
Keiji crouched down once again, his head in his hands.
He started blaming himself, thinking he should have kept a better eye on her. She would still be here if he had.
"Kōtarō, sweetie, please let go.." His mother hiccuped, not wanting to finish the sentence.
Meanwhile, his father had been on the phone with Akaashi's parents, (Y/n)'s parents, and the hospital.
"No, I can't," his voice, now rough, cried out, clenching her body to his.
The remembrance of her last words had been running through both of their minds.
A loud siren sounded, flashing lights of blue and red coming closer to the horrific scene.
It's been a week since (Y/n) (L/n) committed suicide. The skies have been covered in a dreary rain since then, and the mood was damper too.
The walls of the Fukurodani Academy were almost silent. However, no one had been affected the most by her death except for two people: Keiji Akaashi and Kōtarō Bokuto.
A week full of despair was what it was.
Once again, the sky clouded over, preparing itself for the heavy amount of rain it was going to release once again.
The boys had hardly shown up to school that week, much less practice. Being in each other's embrace without (Y/n) was too much. Too heartbreaking. Too sickening.
While it was the end of the school day, Akaashi had sat on the steps of the school when everyone left.
An empty feeling inside of him became impossibly stronger—numbness.
He was overwhelmed by his anxiety and fear most of the time. Due to his life without (Y/n) he didn't care about his future nor his grades.
She was his future, and now she was gone.
He just couldn't take it anymore. Keiji had unknowingly walked to the building where she once stood.
Letting the cold, shivering rain wash over him, trying to soothe him.
He finally let it out a long, painful scream sounded through the air and the harsh rain. He started releasing his tears, sobbing loudly, it being covered by the rain.
Pulling out his phone, he texted his last living lover. It was simple: I love you. It would do the job.
Unknowingly, Bokuto had been visiting the building every day because it was the last place you were.
He needed you like he needed air.
While he walked up the stairs, he got a ping from his messages. Not seeing the double meaning behind Keiji's text, he replied.
A horrible, sinking feeling filled him.
He opened the door to see Akaashi fall from the edge of the building. His eyes widened, reaching out to him, but he was too far away.
Kōtarō held his hand near his chest, putting his head down. It was as if electricity had struck him.
It wasn't fair.
He had lost both of his love ones in a span of two weeks. It wasn't fair; he put his hand in his hands.
"Will you forgive me if I jump too?" He said this to them, hoping that they'd heard him from wherever they were.
The sudden realization sparked in his brain: if he goes, he'll see them.
He yearned for them—their life, their touch, their happiness. For them.
Kōtarō walked and looked down at his lovers body. the rain flooding his body making the blood it stream downward. It was a mess, a horrible mess.
Flashbacks of the same thing happening to (Y/n) surfaced his mind. He swallowed harshly, letting his tears mix in with the rain.
Hair flat against his forehead, he decided not to think about it anymore.
He slowly turned around, putting his arms up. Bokuto wasn't thinking of anyone else; there wasn't anyone in the world he would want more than them.
"See you soon."
Kōtarō fell backwards from the building, his heart racing. It all seemed surreal; peacefulness wrapped around him as he plummeted downward.
His body lay close to one of his lovers on the black pavement. A loss of three lives.
An entire new feeling took over his senses. He opened his eyes to see no rain but two people.
They had watery eyes, holding each other's hands, one out for him to take.
Koutarou rushed into their arms, the embrace of his partners relaxing him.
No words were spoken except "Always and forever, right?"
I felt peace surround me, as if all my worries were taken away.
Accessing the situation in front of me, my body lying in a disgusting manner. I mentally gagged; I did look horrible when I fell.
I watched my lovers arrive at the scene, but when I saw them, a dreadful feeling came about.
One week.
Their deaths are in one week; I'm not sure how or why, but I knew. It was more than a feeling, and I hated it.
I had been watching them this entire time; I even went to my own funeral, which was kind of a power move in my opinion.
My partner's tears weren't something I liked to see, though. The days of school that they skipped, the lack of practice.
I didn't mean to cause them any pain; I just wanted to be selfish for once in my life.
I hoped that they'd be strong together, so they wouldn't die yet. However, every time they did see each other, they would burst into tears almost immediately.
Sighing, I sat beside Akaashi, his head in his hands, while he sat on the school steps.
I watched the tears roll down his pretty face, looking away because I knew I couldn't do anything to help him.
He picked himself up, leaving his school bag on the steps. I followed him to the building where I had committed suicide a week ago.
Hearing him break down broke my heart. I'm sure no one wants to see their significant other painfully cry like this.
Knowing what was about to come, I headed down the steps. I wanted to meet him there.
I froze when I saw Kōtarō; he was on his phone, which lit up his face. His eyes were a bit red, and I could see the flushed aftermarks from his tears.
Peeking over his shoulder as I heard his phone ping; it was a text from Akaashi. It stated a simple, 'I love you.'
My eyes widened as I booked it around the building.
When I came around, I saw Keiji's body fall off the building. It almost looked as if he was smiling.
I quickly tore my eyes away from him as his body cracked on the ground.
Looking around, I was met by a frantic-looking Keiji.
Running up to him, I embraced him in a longing hug. Tears pricking my eyes because I was met with him once again, but he had died. He died because of me.
"Keiji," I said, burying my head into his chest as he squeezed my body close to his.
"I missed you so much." He cupped my face, salty tears running down his face.
"I missed you more." I paused, hearing Bokuto say something from the top of the building.
"What's wrong?"
"It's Kō; he's coming." I buried my head in his chest once again, not wanting to see his death either.
When I was sure he had fallen, after I got over the horrible noise his body made when colliding with the ground, I peeked my eyes open, seeing him.
He engulfed us both in a hug as I felt our bodies trembling at each other's.
"Always and forever, right?" I heard Bokuto say, his voice muffled.
"Always and forever," Akaashi and I whispered back.
Now I knew why I hadn't moved on when I died. I was waiting for them. But now that they're here, we could all finally start a better life together in the afterlife.
Cherishing each other's boundless souls.
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a/n: this is from my book “Haikyuu x Reader One Shots” on Wattpad! I hope you enjoyed it you angsty readers and let me know if you have any requests!!
the header is made by me, please like/reblog if used <3
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victimsofyaoipoll · 11 months
Round 1
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Propaganda Under Cut
Christine Canigula
This has enraged me for YEARS. She is constantly sidelined in the fandom in favor of the main m/m ship which itself its fine but the way people treat her drives me NUTS. When I actually was in the fandom, Consistently! her crush on the main character which is a CENTRAL fucking plot point is just explained away to make room for yaoi. If they even have that kind of decency. Like 99% of the fics just say "oh! she's a lesbian actually totally this was comphet im not a misogynist" or "she's Actually Aroace" and not ponder on the optics of sanitizing the CANON fucking attraction of a chubby easian girl. It's sososo transparent and another fucking example of she's actually the Mom friend! or other annoying racist and misogynistic tropes.
She likes play rehearsal. She's the love interest of the main character, Jeremy. Jeremy also has a best friend, Michael, whom he's usually shipped with. And since she's the canonical love interest and as such often gets in the way of their beloved ship. They are very creative in finding the ways to get rid of her to ship Michael with Jeremy, ranging from making her asexual(because ace people can't date apparently), completely kicking her out of the last two songs of the musical and putting Michael in her place, to vilifying her and claiming she was never interested in Jeremy in the first place, despite musical explicitly saying the opposite.
Love interest of the main character Jeremy Heere and therefore stands in the way of the fandom's most popular ship, boyf reinds. Being specifically a love interest we don't get. A whole lot of her but she's fun! She's a theatre kid. She is silly and goofy. Also has a one off line in one of the songs that mentions she has ADD. Idk what I'm supposed to say really and I'm always bad at talking about characters so.
Constantly villainized because one way or another she gets in the way of a MLM ship (though at least one of them would probably be fine with a poly relationship). In the show version of her, her love interest bound her to him via magic, never told her until someone else brought it up despite it the bond causing them to meet over and over, her love interest didn’t understand why this upset her and brushed it off and still has never apologized for it because apparently it was the only way to save her life, she had better chemistry with Jaskier (the other half of the MLM ship) and had a semi-decent rivals to frenemies thing going on, the show took away her powers (which never happened in the books) to have her go on a pointless quest to get them back that worsened her relationship with her love interest because they had her try to kill her love interest’s adopted child (which now justifies why he doesn’t need to apologize of course), and all of that was after she’d already had an arc regarding sacrifice and how power wasn’t really what she wanted.
she's an incredibly powerful mage and drop dead gorgeous and deserved so much better!!! justice for yen
God forbid women do anything. She either gets hate or is ignored, really classic stuff. And she's Geralt's gf but you know, *gestures at geraskier*
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mammonistheman · 1 year
Headcanons of how it is like to be in a poly relationship with Solomon, Simeon, Diavolo, and Barbatos?
rjjr thank you so much for the request!! I love these guys sm istg 😭😭 I'm currently still in deep depression so life and my will to write is moving slowly
Also idk if this is good idk what i was writing I'm half asleep writing these mostly
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A poly relationship between...
You, Solomon, Simeon, Diavolo; and Barbatos;;
As of dating the "side characters"; it will be a surprise how close you've all grown as of you living in the House Of Lamentation. Most of the time, still acting as the House of Lamentation is your home, you'll also be over to visit Simeon, Solomon and Luke on a daily basis when not in school.
You'll be sleeping over on the many nights as well; only getting angered texts from Lucifer the morning after as you forget to tell him once again.
Majorly; they all will be helping you will your work and what you need to get done. With that being said; study nights will be a sneaky date thing for Solomon; while more with Simeon it would be for the fact you're studying and quality time.
You three collectively will be parental figures for Luke; and will probably find the time to also take him to arcades or festivals yourselves when the time roles round.
Actually; fair enough; Barbatos would also be a parental figure but Diavolo would be like an awkward step-dad trying to have quality time with the child.
But as of Lord Diavolo and Barbatos; you can only really come over once or twice a week depending on how much work the Lord has to do. It's not rare for you to come over randomly to save the handsome Prince with your own knowledge and understanding; helping him with his paper work up until Barbatos realizes and forces you two to have a break.(Up until its just Diavolo working again)
With this said, there will also be so many times that Diavolo will sneak out with you to hang around and cause trouble with Solomon. After all, Simeon would see the bad in the situation and call for Barbatos; and it wasn't worth the risk for the little jokes you're pulling.
You will all collectively be cooking together, helping Diavolo with anything he may need a hand with and trying to supervise Solomon and stop him from turning the food into monstrous beings of goop and slime.
Also with that being said, date nights can either go two different ways.
Way number one; with the grand money and expenses the soon to be King of the Devildom has, he'll spoil you all with a expensive treat or meal. A full coarse meal, cliche and maybe even lit by candle light, roses as decoration on the table. Or with whatever anniversary for you're relationship will be held for, so all angels demons and humans will be there on the count of the judgment of you all, to dance and sing in a marvelous ball. There will be alcohol and crazy substances, still probably landing you a goofy or messy night with them all.
Or way number two; a simple sleepover/movie night with you all cuddled up against each other, covered in blankets and eating popcorn or treats depending on your craving for the night. This could also lead onto the arcade or more fun activities you will do as a group. Luke would be devastated to hear the news that he cannot come; but you, Simeon, Barbatos and Diavolo will happily gift him with whatever he wanted in the mean time.
Oh; and for calmer, more controlled dates; would have to be mini tea party's. These may be more shared out with Simeon and Barbatos; actually enjoying the tea, Diavolo feating on actual treats to eat, with Solomon also trying to force his own food upon you all.
Naturally; you all will spend all free time texting, calling, having lunch and ect. Although this will be difficult because you have built stable relationships and pacts with the brothers, and will be interrupted by them in most cases.
You and everyone else will teach Simeon how to control mechanics for the D.D.D or other technology. No hesitation, he will always be coming up to you guys asking for help.
Overall; i actually see this as a cute poly relationship fr 😭😭 it has the perfect balance of responsibility and silly activities, with you in the middle taking whatever side you see fits for the situation
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s-creations · 6 months
26 Ways to Feel Mortal - I: Illumine
26 Chapters based around experiences that newly arrived Geno experiences while trying to find the Star Pieces.
Fandom: Super Mario & Releated Fandoms, Super Mario RPG Rating: Teen and UP Audiences Relationship: Mario/Geno (Nintendo), Mario/Princess Peach (Nintendo) Additional Tags: Rating for Teen needed for later chapters, but shouldn't be to worrisome, I'll have warnings if I'm worried, Poly relations!, Main characters will always be named, Minor characters will arrive as needed, the chapters are not in a specific order, just meets the needs of the given word, please be aware of spoilers.
Warning: It's getting a little gay in here. XD
Illumine: (verb) Light up; Brighten.
Nimbus Land was still in full swing even as the sun started to sink below the horizon. All thrilled to know that their king had not been sick and that Mallow had finally returned home. Much like the celebration at Seaside Town, there was an array of food and music filled the slowly chilling air. 
However, there were a few stark differences this time. This celebration took place in a large, outdoor dance hall. Ornately decorated and lit with the largest golden chandeliers the party had ever seen. Garro demoed his creations, each party member getting their own golden statue. Finally, Geno was actually participating this time around. 
He joyfully partook in the food that lined the large table, mainly the sweets. Even after Peach asked that he eats something sustainable. The conversations, while few and far in between, were flattering with the citizens thanking Geno from saving them. Eventually he claimed a table and chair, feeling a little overwhelmed by everything. Deciding to just enjoy his pile of sweets while he watched everyone dance. Foot tapping to the beat of the music.
“Hey you,” Mario approached, “You doing okay over here?”
Geno nodded, swallowing his latest bite before answering with, “I’m not one for socializing, apparently.” 
“That’s fine, you don’t have to. Hope you don’t mind if I join you?”
“No, go ahead.” Geno smiled as he watched Mario pull up a chair so they sat next to each other.
“So, this is, what, the second party you’ve been to?” asked Mario.
“Well, technically I wasn’t very attentive during my first one.”
“Oh, right.”
“I will note that this one is far more enjoyable.”
Mario laughed at that, Geno holding back his laughter as he’d just taken a large bite.
“That’s good to hear.”
They fell silent for a while. Geno casually follows the dancers before him. Fascinated at how people could move in such a way and make it look effortless. Some even appeared to be gliding, floating across the floor as if not held down by gravity.
“Did you want to dance?”
Geno was pulled back to Mario, the human’s cheeks holding a soft pink. “What?”
“Dance, did you want to dance?”
“Oh, uh, probably not the best idea. You didn’t see my first few steps. Not exactly graceful.”
“It’s been awhile since then. I’m sure you’ll be fine.”
Geno shifted nervously, “...I’d rather not risk ruining everyone’s good time.”
Mario frowned at that, “You won’t.”
“I’ll be safe over here. I’m okay, trust me.”
The attempt to move away from the request fell on deaf ears. As the next second Geno was gently, but strongly, pulled from his chair. His soul shivering with nervousness as Mario led him further onto the floor.
“W-Wait, Mario!”
“You’ll be fine, I promise.”
Geno’s nerves were not helped when they stopped near the center of the floor. “Are you sure about this?”
“Everyone’s enjoying themselves, no one’s even looking at us. Here, put your hands on my shoulders. And I’ll place my hands here…”
The panicked fear Geno held fell away and replaced with absolute joy as Mario placed his hands on the puppet’s waist. “O-Okay, what do we do now?”
“We just say to the beat,” Mario said easily, already moving to the music. Geno felt a little jittery when he started to move as well. Eventually falling into the same rhythm as Mario. “There, see, you got it.”
“I still feel strange,” Geno mumbled weakly, “and we’re not moving like everyone else.”
“Dancing has a lot of different movements. We’re just taking it slow. Don’t worry about what everyone else is doing.”
Letting out a slow breath, Geno lowered his shoulder to try and relax further. His eyes couldn’t remain still though. With Mario so close, Geno felt weird just staring at the human. But looking elsewhere resulted in watching everyone else dancing which would raise Geno’s worries once more.
“Have I told you that Peach attempted to teach me to ballroom dance?”
Geno’s eyes landed on Mario, who was smiling softly.
“No. I don’t think you have.”
“It was a disaster. Apparently, I can combo jumps like no one before me, But moving in an elegant formation is just not for me. Just can’t do it.”
“I’m sure it wasn’t that bad.”
“Peach couldn’t walk for a week.”
Geno couldn’t help but laugh. The sound somehow rang louder than the music playing. But he didn’t seem to notice, slowly calming down “I thought you were supposed to keep her safe?”
“Hey, I do that just fine!”
“Uh huh, sure you do.”
“Well, just for that.”
Geno let out a rather unflattering shriek as he was suddenly lifted off the ground. It quickly turned into another round of laughter as he was easily swung around. Gently being put down on the ground with Mario wrapping his arms around Geno gently.
“Don’t do that!” Geno hissed, still giggling.
“You’re laughing, you liked it.”
“Shush, I can’t believe you did that.”
“You’re still giggling.”
“Shush! I’m trying to be mad at you.”
“Oh, guess it’s time to fix that.”
The joyous laughter rang out once more. This time joined by Mario’s. Both seemed to ignore the music as they continued to rather clumsily twirl around the dance floor. Others were enjoying the display with their own, far more quiet laughter. 
This interesting dance stopped when the song started to come to an end. Both breathless from the movement and laughter, which was dying down to heavy breathing. 
“You’re ridiculous,” Geno pointed out.
“You love me for it.” Mario easily argued back.
His already furiously thumping soul seemed to leap from his body. Geno gave a nervous but please smiled as he whispered back, “I do… I really do…”
The room suddenly started to grow dim. The previous song ending with a new, slower song now starting. Following with the quiet calm, Mario silently pulled Geno closer. Wrapping his arm around the puppet’s waist tighter, having Geno rest his head on the human’s shoulder. The other hand gently gripped onto one of Geno’s.
It felt as if he soul was singing. Geno closed his eyes as he relaxed further into Mario’s hold. He hadn’t felt this comfortable, this content, this happy before. It was a confusing feeling but something that Geno was more than willing to immerse himself in the feeling. For as long as he’d been alive, even with the lowest points he’d met, he’d never felt so alive before. 
He loved being here. He loved fighting for and defending those who couldn’t. And he absolutely love and adored- 
Said puppet hummed softly.
“Are you…glowing?”
At that, Geno opened his eyes. The cracks where the joints connected had beams of lights emitting from them. The hollowed portions of his body seemed to shine from the same light. All of this was made more apparent by how dark the room had become. Geno hyper aware of how many eyes were on him. 
“T-This is new…” Geno said weakly, offering a little laugh. He looked back to Mario when he felt a hand placed on his cheek. The human looking absolutely star struck. 
Face breaking into a warm smile, Mario gently pulled the other forward to press his lips to Geno’s cheeks. 
“You’re beautiful.”
Geno was certain his Star companions could see him from their home with how brightly he shined.
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moonah-rose · 1 month
Gotta vent my frustrations with that finale because holy fuck. If you don't want negativity then don't click the cut.
So far I've been praising this series for drifting away from one of my biggest gripes with the show and that's the oversaturation of romantic couples over found family and friendships. That hasn't been much of an issue this series, I've loved all the little moments of comradery, for example how it was Isaac and Sam who came to talk to Hetty after her reveal rather than Trevor, as well as Sas bonding with Jay even if just for that one episode. I liked Flower's polyamory being brought up again and had hopes it wouldn't just be mocked again....we'll get to that.
But then this last episode decided to leave me with such a vile taste in my mouth I dunno if I'm gonna bother watching more.
First off I'm not a big Isaac and Nigel shipper so it's not like I'm super devastated they didn't get married but I thought they were cute enough. I praised the show before about having an on screen gay couple as opposed to the typical tragic bury your gays of Caphavers, even if they didn't have nearly as much chemistry as the couple who have three scenes together.
But now Nisaac is dead, or on a respite (OK that made me giggle), and we didn't even get to see them have their emotional talk, just have Isaac sum it up afterwards. The show had an opportunity for a really heartbreaking moment with just the two of them but instead we were left with "He took it well". And Isaac has been dragged into the mud which, I'll admit, was incredibly cathartic on behalf of the basement ghosts and Nancy in particular.
Honestly it's the Thor/Flower/Nancy stuff that angers me the most and had it not been there then I might not have brought up what happened with Nisaac, but it just adds into the whole "queerphobic" narrative by having your mlm couple split while the mlw couple admits their love and another random mlw couple gets their wedding (one half of which is a horrible character). I knew the throuple thing wasn't going to be long term but....why bring it in at all? Just to mock poly people? Why not just have Flower say she needed space to think before being with Thor again? Why the need to mock Nancy as the "disposable unconventionally attractive" third wheel?
As for Flower...talk about character assassination. So last week she's all "how dare you be so cruel to Nancy?" and in the premier the basement ghosts are saying how kind she was to them - now she's abandoning Nancy in the basement and doesn't care that Nisaac didn't invite them - yet Carol was there?! Flower is the only other queer main ghost besides Isaac yet her wlw relationships are treated as jokes of her being a "silly hippy" and apparently she wasn't into Nancy at all? That's that for the only wlw rep in the show I guess. It doesn't help that Thor and Flower have zero chemistry imo.
I'm not gonna pretend the main guys in the BBC show treated the plague ghosts that great but at least they were invited upstairs to watch the panto. Again the thing with Patience was the only saving grace and I like that the guys had no idea she would do that so they're not painted as evil.
As for Pete's subplot, I actually did like Donna and was glad she didn't turn out to be some femme fatal like she was coming off as. But again, we have yet another mlw romantic subplot - when instead we could have had Pete with his daughter and her family and having the same dilemma of if he wanted to disappear there or return to his new 'home'.
Not to mention how irrelevant Sam and Jay felt to the point I forgot they were even there. All previous finales have had some sort of stakes going on with them whether it be the floor collapsing or the fake cousin, but here they were barely spectators.
I think worst of all, it just wasn't that funny. Often I can forgive a comedy's writing so long as it still makes me laugh but I got nothing from this other than disgust. Maybe my feelings will cool by the time S4 rolls around but I can't see myself wanting more of this show.
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
If you don't want to answer because I attached the link please address it in a separate post, because i really can't believe he's dating a woman after doing all of that to Jimin.
This did not take long. Wow. I applaud you for being the first to allow me to mark off a Bingo card spot!
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Doesn't it amaze anyone else how people are so incapable of thinking for themselves and have no problems with photos or people who they believe have invaded a members privacy??
Just so you know, for one, Jimin is fine. He doesn't need you white knighting to save him from anyone "doing all that" to him. He seems to enjoy it. If JK is dating a women, still no one needs your white knighting and Jimin still seems fine and is releasing a song with someone he loved and admired in the industry. Focus more on that than his relationships please. Your priorities are a bit screwy here.
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Second, the links you sent me are from a Jimin akgae account who posts about wanting to kick out the other maknaes from the group all the time. They are attaching random women to Tae and JK constantly trying to stir up dating rumors. So either they are fucking a new girl/person every week, (which would be their prerogative and I hope it's good!) Or it's a bunch of baloney made up by a bitter and jealous person. Either way, it doesn't matter snd those people deserve zero amounts of anyone's attention.
Third, the photo that akgae account used came from a French Instagram celebrity gossip account. These things aren't hard to find if you actually apply yourself just a little anon. They look for clout wherever they can find it and have fixated on again, Tae and JK from BTS for their BTS gossip posts. Including posts about how they have confirmation taekook are dating. Posts about how JK is flirting hard and pursuing Lisa. Posts about how Tae and Jennie are a real couple, are still dating and how the narrative around the "leaked photos" wasn't true but the relationship is. Posts about JKs supposed non celeb girlfriend. All at the same time. So either taekook are the poly couple of the century (which if they are and JK is dating Jimin too, then clearly they are all fine with that and so your white knighting is still unnecessary, Tae also would probably want some of Jimins love too) or.... it's a bunch of clout chasing seeking engagement baloney. Use your brain. Please.
Fourth! There is zero indication that the person in the photo is even a) Jungkook, just because it sort of looks like him, doesn't necessarily mean it is, b) is him sitting down with that person because the angle is funny and the photo is blurry, he could just be walking past, c) that he is on a date with a woman because the other person's gender is unclear because all you see is a back and some black hair with undetermined length even too. And d) that if it is JK and he is sitting with someone, that the other people sitting there too aren't also with them and it was a group outing. Same thing for your other link too. From the same problematic account.
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Lastly, you successfully marked off my "deals in rumors and speculation" box and I'm marking off the "they are all straight and will marry girls" box for you as well. Since I made that one with the notion of anons pulling up with them dating girls rumors and ideations. Keep your hero complex to yourself, Jimin (or any other members) are not in need of it. Whatever their relationships are to each other, I'm sure it's all consensual so you don't need to try and insert yourself. I know for a fact they didn't consent to YOU being involved in whatever they've got going on... sooo leave it alone?
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I just posted my bingo card yesterday. I promise it wasn't an invitation to check things off! Really, the way I truly win is to not check it off! Lol and no, I will not be posting your links or photos because I don't deal in rumors and speculations. Thank you.
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what-if-nct · 4 months
Lee know: As the couples counselor I'm going to judge all of your personal relationships.
Hyunjin: How did you even become the couples counselor?
Lee know: I just do whatever I want. But let's start with you. You're Codependent, possessive, clingy and obsessive. As a fellow water sign I respect it but you're lucky she loves you so much she's blinded to your many faults.
Hyunjin: She really is blinded to my faults.
Lee know: Stop smiling like that's a good thing. Now you, you can't fight every single man who talks to her. You agreed to be poly. At least Hyunjin has a reason to be possessive. You need to let her be free.
Changbin: But, mine.
Lee know: You'll always be number one stop acting like you aren't.
Changbin: I am number one, I'm king of the boyfriend kingdom they must listen to my orders.
Lee know: I'll fix this later. You, you're actually a really amazing well rounded partner you give her space and affection when she needs it good job. Just two things.
Chan: No I've heard enough.
Lee know: No you haven't, one you are clearly in love with Hyunjin's girl also stop sending our fans messages that have them telling me to confiscate your phone.
Chan: Stop reading my journal and never!
Lee know: You, please save that poor woman from Changbin just for a week.
Seungmin: I'm trying.
Lee know: You both are little perverts, you make me proud.
Felix & Jeongin: Thank you.
Lee know: And you're married to a tree.
Han: Yes.
Lee know: Keep up the good work.
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authorred · 2 years
Roman Godfrey Relationship Headcannons cause I'm Procrastinating (Hemlock Grove)
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This'll be based on season 1 Roman Godfrey because S1 Roman is utterly superior--no, this is not up for debate, I will not be hearing ANYONE out
I'm utterly obsessed with this man (Peter is second and Olivia third, but shh) so enjoy :DDDDDDDD
yes I am down horrendously bad for this man. Might make more, haven't decided yet. Might make a series, haven't decided yet
Warning(s): Mostly SFW hc's, could be some NSFW ones in the future, haven't decided yet
As much as some of us may want it, a polyamorous relationship between Peter, Roman, and the reader is not realistic
Roman is way too possessive to share--he got super jealous over Peter talking with HIS COUSIN (at the time)--what makes you think he'd willingly share his SO with him
IN THE VERY UNLIKELY CHANCE Roman agrees to a poly relationship, it'll take a lot of compromising, security, and trust
The literal SECOND he feels second-fiddle to Peter, one of two things can and probably will happen: He distances himself or he lashes out
In the (preferable) case that he's secure enough with himself and the relationship, he still 'acts' possessive over you with Peter, but does so in a joking manner (or maybe in a spicy manner too, ykyk)
Is most likely unsure how to go about a romantic relationship at first because he's only ever dealt with sexual ones, or close familial/platonic relationships
He pretends to know what he's doing though--but it's obvious he's unsure when you look at him (his eyes are very expressive)
In an actual committed AND HEALTHY, relationship, he definitely gives off those, 'no one can make fun of you but ME' vibes, though he knows not to push
Would most likely not use his mesmerisation on you--definitely would not do anything to harm you. The only time I'd think he would, would be in a dangerous situation and you weren't listening to him (and doing so would save your life)
He gets in his head and emotions a lot. A lot. He's pigheaded and very stubborn--his way is most likely the correct way (even if it's not)
Surprisingly, it wouldn't take much to get him to yield--or at the very least--compromise. Empathy and logic combined is the best. Some sort of grounded rationality to help Roman come back down from wherever he goes to would help
Since this is S1, if Roman and Peter ever shared a dream about you (poly relationship or not), Roman would get suffocatingly protective. To the point of crying since he can't--and won't--lose you. At any cost (also Roman crying is just hnhnhnghnnhggg)
His mother isn't the hugest fan of you--but 90% of the time, he defends and/or fights her if you aren't able to. The other 10% would be a lost cause to, and even you would tell him to back off
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