#shapeshifter fiction
readwanderlust · 1 year
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Trying to include a werewolf in your story often causes an expectation they will transform for your audience. You have a lot of options for this, but once you've committed to one it's said something about the nature of a werewolf.
Painful transformations can make us feel horrified while watching it, and hope we never endure that kind of agony (AAWIL);
A swift and controlled change can emphasize the power a werewolf has, making this curse more aspiration (Underworld);
Instances where the transformation is very gradual over days leading up to the moon can be fairly tragic due to the loss of autonomy these characters experience (Silver Bullet).
It can be tempting to commit to an aesthetic, however it's essential to ensure the themes of your werewolf story match it. A werewolf who transforms relatively quickly and painlessly isn't going to mesh with a horrific and tragic narrative. They can still work. For instance, the emphasis on how easy it is to let go of their humanity, to indulge, how hard it is to keep the beast at bay. These are themes you can explore in a quick transformation. Perhaps, full moon changes are slow and painful because the human side is fighting their beast trying to tire it out before it gains control. In that we see a more heroic element to the lycanthrope.
Please reblog with your favourite werewolf transformations! Pretty sure my fav. is from Hemlock Grove, just so visceral!
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scipunk · 1 month
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
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thepenultimateword · 7 months
Skin Crawl
CW: Bugs, Bug horror, bullying
Hero scrubbed uselessly at the permanent marker, but even with the rubbing alcohol stinging their nose and their shoulders sore from vigor, an outline of obscenities stubbornly marred the top corner of the desk.
Hero sighed, leaning back on their heels. How did they even get roped into this? They’d only pointed out the spattering of language to their teacher so that they could punish those responsible. They hadn’t been volunteering to clean up the mess themselves. But the teacher had seemed so pleased with their willingness to help…how could they have refused?
They glanced to the back of the classroom where their dark haired classmate leaned way back in their seat, feet kicked up on their desk, book held open directly overhead.
“Are you…going to help?”
“Sure,” they waved without looking away from their page. “You can go if you want. I’ll do the rest.”
Hero straightened their aching back. “Will you?”
It came out a little snarkier than they’d intended, but Villain wasn’t exactly known for their work ethic. They were always coming to school late, staring off, or ignoring assignments. Unlike Hero, they hadn’t volunteered for classroom cleanup.
Villain cocked their head to the side, raising one dark brow. “How many times have you cleaned this classroom?”
“Well, just this once—“
“How many times have I cleaned this classroom?”
“How am I supposed to know? I don’t count all the times you mess around—“
“Oh yes, you do. You have that cute little book with all the tallies.”
Hero’s face burned.
But for some reason, Villain didn’t sound angry, just…making a point.
"Go on, open up to my page. Tell me how much experience I have staying after school."
Hero shouldered their backpack with a huff. "Ok, I get it. Just...make sure you drop the classroom key at the office when you're done. I don't want to lose the staff's trust because of you."
"Yes, master," Villain said and went back to their book.
Hero hesitated. Part of them still didn't trust their classmate to continue where they'd left off. Could this be a ruse to get them in trouble? Or maybe they just wanted Hero out of their hair and didn't care about the consequences.
Or maybe you need more faith in people.
Ugh. That was hard when everyone in this school had proven untrustworthy. Even the friends they'd made from the 'good crowd' hadn't lasted past the first month of the school year. None of them had what it took to stand up against immorality. They'd rather turn a blind eye and cut ties with anyone who might stir up the hornet's nest.
They grabbed their notebook off their desk and whisked out of the room. Now, what misdeeds had they borne witness to today? They flipped open to the middle of the boo; they might as well report these to the office before heading home.
11:45am--Caleb stuck gum on the inside of his desk sticking together the pages of the math textbook
11:50--Kayla texted in class for half an hour straight and did not complete any of her schoolwork.
12:30--An unknown underclassman with red hair shoved a smaller boy at lunch and took his place in line (please identify).
12:45--Taylor C. was making out with her boyfriend in front of the east stairs between classes, blocking off the way for anyone needing to use them. She also used some choice language against a well-meaning student who asked her to refrain until they left the grounds.
12:48--Victor verbally harassed an underclassman girl in the hallway despite her repeated refusals for acquaintanceship; he did not respond well to outside interven--
Hero's notebook hit the floor with a loud smack.
For a moment all they could do was stare at their empty hands in shock, then they lifted their gaze to the sneering, chiseled face in front of them.
"How many times did it make it into Book Golden Rule now?"
"Only once today, Victor," Hero said, bending for the book. Victor snatched it just before their fingers could brush the spine. At about the same moment, someone kicked them behind their right knee. Hard.
Hero gasped, collapsing onto the sneaker-smudged tile.
Victor flicked casually through the pages, stopping at his own tally sheet near the front. "Wow, my infraction rap is growing. You must be obsessed with me or something. Kinda gross but I guess you can't help it."
A chorus of laughter sounded over Hero's shoulder, and suddenly they were surrounded on all sides. They defiantly looked into the perpetrator's faces, memorizing identities: Caleb, Rick, Renna.
"Just give it back," Hero said dryly. "You're only making this worse on yourself."
Victor laughed now. "Really now? Your self-righteous ego is so big you still think you've got the upper hand here?"
"Not physically obviously, but anything you do to me, I'm just going to add it to my report."
Victor stared Hero dead in the eyes and slowly tore the notebook in half.
"I'm going to beat you so soundly, you won't even look at me without peeing yourself. You're going to look away from everything I do because all you'll remember is the pain of this moment.
"I'd never turn a blind eye for my own personal--"
The words scattered as Victor's fist met their mouth. Before they could recover he hit them again. And again. And again. A cleated food hit them from behind, sending a stab of electric agony up their spine. Dangerous. This wasn't just a scuffle. They wanted to seriously hurt them!
The next punch threw Hero on their back. They'd never been one for envy, but suddenly they wished they had one of those combat powers, super strength, invincible skin, knife fingers, anything actually useful for defeating evil!
Army boots smashed over their fingers.
Hero screamed.
"Shut them up!" Victor snarled.
Caleb's shaved head bent over them, and something knit and strongly scented of sweat was forced between their teeth and far enough in to make them gag. They spasmed but movement only made Caleb lean in harder. They couldn't breathe!
Where was the principal? Where were the teachers? Someone had to be hearing this? Someone here had to care?
The boots hit their ribs and tears gathered in their eyes.
"Aww, the wittle baby is cwying," Renna said. She balanced one foot on the center of Hero's chest and slowly leaned in her weight. "How does it feel when someone steps on you?"
Hero wanted to say that exposing someone for cheating wasn't crushing anything deserved, but there was too much sweater down their windpipe.
The group jolted and some of the wight lifted. Hero's vision was blurred, but between Victor and Rick's shoulders, they made out unkempt midnight hair and lanky limbs. Villain.
"If it isn't Psycho," Victor practically purred. "You want to get a few blows in too? Go nuts."
Hero's screaming insides twisted. They cared more about facts than rumors but they'd also never been this helpless in front of their dark classmate, as alone and outcast as they were but for totally different reasons. Villain supposedly had a penchant for macabre experimentation. Students said they had a devil in them. That they ate the raw innards of animals to feed it and placed curses on anyone who messed with them. There was even a rumor that they dissected a kid who made fun of them in class. Hero always found that one ridiculous, the student probably just moved away. But now, pinned and gagged and Villain getting closer they were having doubts.
Villain stopped directly in front of them. "Let the angel go."
Victor gaped for a moment. "Are you kidding? They write you up almost as much as me. You think all those after-school detentions come from thin air?"
Villain only slow blinked. "I'm giving you 5 seconds to get out of here before I do go psycho. Unlike angel, my problem-solving is more physical."
"Get out of here," Victor said waving Villlain away before back toward Hero, though the rest of his crew looked a little more nervous.
Villain shrugged. "Suit yourself."
Their mouth opened wide, cavernous. The inside might have actually been black for all Hero could see. Though something almost seemed...to move.
The first centipede dropped on Renna's boot.
"What the..." She kicked it off, lip curled in disgust. "Did you just throw--" As she turned back, she let out a splitting scream. Everyone whirled. Caleb lost his grip on the sweater gag, and Hero finally managed to roll to the side, coughing and spitting. When they raised their head again a mass of black centipedes scurried across the floor, swarming the group's shoes and wriggling up their legs. The great arthropods dropped in heavy droves from Villain's lips, some crawling down the sides of his face and neck in rapid desperation to get to the floor. Through it all Villain was still and unflinching though their eyes danced with dark amusement.
"You freak!" Victor shrieked slapping off bugs--all four perpetrators were already littered with angry bites. "You're possessed! You're--"
He cut off as a low buzz gathered in the back of Villain's throat, this time the bugs emerged as a cloud, a swarm of wasps, as black and large as the centipedes.
"Forget this!" Rick cried, taking off at top speed Renna and Caleb were close behind. Victor looked like he wanted to curse them out but all he managed was a rude hand gesture before taking off after his posse.
The centipedes followed in a dark wave, cutting a path on either side of Hero. Villain let them go, though a deep inhale sucked the wasp swarm, and a few stragglers on their shirt, back down.
Hero stared. Villain stared back. Hard black eyes evaluating. Hero's breath caught in their chest, which was probably for the best. It hurt to breathe right now.
“You know it’s being an insufferable goody two shoes that keeps getting you in trouble," Villain finally said.
Hero rose achily to their feet, brusquely wiping their face with a stifled sniffle. "Yeah, well...no one asked you." Tears threatened to spill full force over their lashes, so they began quickly gathering up the pages of their shredded notebook. "I'm going to have to add a tally for physical violence in school. I can't be biased."
Villain barked an incredulous laugh. "You're really something else, you know that?"
"And you have centipedes living in your stomach."
"Not sure if they actually live there, more like they materialize there when I want them."
"And how'd you figure that out?"
Villain smiled. "You mean you don't commonly dream of centipedes?"
Not really an answer but Hero snorted, catching themself with a wince on the wall as they did.
Slender fingers gripped their shoulders. "You should sit down."
Hero obeyed without argument. They probably looked completely pathetic right now. Tear stained, bruised, shaking. They'd always sworn it didn't matter how many people disliked them as long as they had their dignity. So much for that.
Hero ducked their head between their knees.
"Why'd you help me? Victor's right. I get you in trouble almost daily."
Villain slid down on the floor next to them. "Yeah. But being a massive pain in the butt doesn't mean you deserve to get beaten up. Besides, some of the things they do need to be exposed. And...it's impressive that you're not scared to do it."
Hero didn't fully know how to respond. That someone needed to care? That obviously when five students screaming at the top of their lungs didn't even crack a door there was a problem? Yes, they'd realized early on that putting things on paper was the best way to get results, but it wasn't like they were completely without ulterior motives either. Did choosing to confront the bad for self-serving motives make them any better than those who turned away? Villain had called them angel. But they were far from it.
"Is it a power?" Hero said, shoving away the thoughts and pointing at their mouth instead.
Villain nodded.
“Cool.” They couldn’t help the note of awe.
Hero looked them head on. “Yeah. I guess it’s unconventional, but you took on four people and won without moving an inch. That’s a real power.”
"You don't think it's disgusting?” For the first time Villain looked something close to vulnerable. Like Hero’s reply had thrown them off so much they’d forgotten their nonchalance. “It doesn’t make your skin crawl?"
"Not really." Hero looked up and down the vacant hallway. They wet their lips, took a deep breath, and shed their skin. They’d done it in the mirror enough times to know it was disturbing. It wasn’t the sort of shapeshifting that happened in glamorized movies. It was messy. Sometimes bloody if they went too fast. They looked at Villain with a mirror of their face. “That make your skin crawl?"
Villain grinned. "Not really."
A beat.
“So that’s how you get the dirt on so many people.”
Hero flushed and shed back into their own skin.“Most of the time yeah. They usually cover things up if they see me.”
Villain’s eyes roved them up down, hard and cutting and dark, like black diamonds. “Amazing.”
Hero shrugged, trying to pretend that gaze was not cutting them to the core. “It’s not a useful power. I connive against evil. I don’t beat it. After graduation I want to try for Allegiance Academy but…well you saw. What hero team would want someone who can’t even fight? Even with combat classes I’d never compare to the big powerhouses.”
Villain didn’t respond.
Great. Hero opened up to much. They’d gotten whiny with a practical stranger. They’d gotten Hero out is tight spot, not asked for their life’s dreams and woes
“Don’t hero teams need reconnaisance?” Villain said
Hero blinked. “I guess so.”
They’d never really thought about it before. That wasn’t the sort of role that showed up on the news. It wasn’t the thing that got peace prizes or admirers. But…maybe that was fine. They’d always craved power for the sake of being accepted into the academy and eventually chosen for a team, not for the sake of attention. Besides they were used to being alone; they were fine with it.
"Well, I better finish that cleaning," Villain said, pushing to their feet. "I wouldn't dare risk another infraction."
"Villain," Hero said before they got too far.
"Thank you. For the help. You're...good."
Villain crooked a smile. "Never been called that before. Probably won't again. But I appreciate it."
With that, they were gone.
Perhaps Hero didn't need to be alone after all.
8 years later…
Hero straightened their silk tie in the rearview mirror, a silvery ribboned thing they normally wouldn't have gone for but couldn't say they disliked. Though maybe that was because it suited this face. Round, prim, pink-lipped, nothing like their own drab, haggard countenance. They swore each time they returned to their true skin it looked worse.
They quickly double-checked their current contours with the photo in their glove box. "So, this is our target's lover?"
"Remy Navarro," their earpiece crackled. "They've been together six months, and they are very involved in this villain's inside plans. We're thinking 24 hours tops before you come across something big."
Hero stepped out of the car and began weaving their way through the menagerie of fine-dressed gala members. "Ok, well you rushed me into this, anything else I should know before I find this criminal overlord?"
Their teammate hesitated at the other end of the line. "Just don't act surprised about the legs."
"Legs?" Hero said. "As in, they look weird?"
"As in. there are extras."
"Excuse me? I'm really beginning to think I didn't get a proper debrief."
"It was an unexpected opening. We had to take it. Anyways you're good at improvising."
Hero dodged around a cocktail tray. "I appreciate your faith in me, but I'm better at improvising when I've had a week to carefully study my subject's personality and mannerisms. I mean what is my personality? Are they an affectionate couple?"
Silence and then finally, "You'll be fine."
"Are you kidding me? Other Hero! Other Hero?"
They'd dropped the line, hadn't they? Hero sighed, stuffing the earpiece into their pocket. Sure, they'd do better without distractions, but this was verging on insanity. Other Hero had better gather more info on their new identity before tomorrow.
They stopped in front of an intricately carved set of double doors at the tops of the stairs. The private quarters of the newest villainous boss their team had begun tracking. The assignment was a rush job so all they had was a blueprint layout and the supposition that tonight's gala was prepared as a cover for something big.
They rapped quietly on the wood before immediately easing the door open. Lovers would be comfortable enough to do that, right?
A tall figure turned as they entered. Long midnight hair fell over dark-clad shoulders. Dark, hard eyes stared out of an even harder face. And yes, there were extra legs, though not the kind Hero had been expecting: they were black, rigid, clawed things sticking out from their sides, almost like those of an insect. Meanwhile, a pair of pitch-colored moth wings folded on their back, the tails gliding on the floor like drapery.
"Took you long enough," the villain said. A black centipede crawled down their cheek and settled like a parrot on the villain's shoulder.
Hero froze on the threshold, desperately trying to connect their dropped jaw back to their brain so they could snap it shut.
It had been years since they'd seen this dark figure; their jaw seemed even sharper, their lankiness had turned to elegant slenderness, and the bug parts were new, but Hero recognized them immediately.
Master Taglist:
@moss-tombstone @crazytwentythrees-deactivated @just-1-lonely-person @the-vagabond-nun @willow-trees-are-beautiful @cocoasprite @insanedreamer7905 @valiantlytransparentwhispers @whovian378 @watercolorfreckles @thebluepolarbear @yulanlavender @kitsunesakii @deflated-bouncingball @lem-hhn @office-plant-in-a-trenchcoat @ghostfacepepper @pigeonwhumps @demonictumble @inkbirdie @vuvulia @bouncyartist @lunatic-moss-studio @breilobrealdi @freefallingup13 @i-am-a-story-goblin @ryunniez @rainy-knights-of-villany @distractedlydistracted @saspas-corner @echoednonny @perilous-dreamer @blood-enthusiast @randomfixation @alexkolax @pksnowie @blessupblessup @wolfeyedwitch @thedeepvoidinmyheart @cornflower-cowboy @bestblob @a-chaotic-gremlin @espresso-depresso-system @prompt-fills-and-writing-spills @paleassprince @takingawildbreath @yindo @psychiclibrariesquotestoad @harpycartoons @pickleking8 @urmyhopeeee @goldenflame2516 @tobeornottobeateacher @talesofurbania1 @sweetsigyn
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bizarreaizen · 9 months
being polykin is so bizarre, like yes i am an immortal being who has lived for millions of years, I'm a chaotic robot clown, and i'm a cute little cat ^-^
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authorbettyadams · 2 months
Flying Sparks - A Novel - A Lost Boy, A Freak Storm, An Alien Warrior, Two Worlds Colliding
#ScienceFiction #SciFi #Book #Reading #BettyAdams
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Momma bear
Pairings: Weems x Thornhill x Reader (platonic)
Word count: 1.8K
Summary: Reader is struggling with some pains and exhaustion while trying to find her feet at a new job. It's your scary boss that seems to be your saviour.
TW: Exhaustion, pain
A/n I’ve been slacking when it comes to posting on tumblr but I am still posting on my A03… I’m slowly catching up on tumblr. A03 linked in pinned post. Also this was a request i just forgot to make it a reply to the request. It was a request by 🕯anon.
It had been a long time since you walked these halls. You were a student last time you were here all those years ago. But now you were back. Nevermore seemingly hadn’t changed much. Training to teach outcasts was a hard job and so it made sense that for your first few months you had been assigned as a kind of assistant teacher to Ms Thornhill, just to show you the ropes before you stepped into a full teaching role. You were simply to shadow her and learn a bit more about the students and the way that classes were run now. With the new principal you had already seen some impressive changes around the school such as the normie teacher who was sat at her desk marking while. You watered the plants.
Your thoughts drifted back to your boss. To be honest she scared you quite a bit. She held an air of power around her than commanded respect and of course that made you more than a little nervous to be honest.
Watering the freshly potted white roses it was getting harder to ignore the pains and aches. Sneaking a glance at your future colleague who seemed still very wrapped up in her marking you brought your spare hand to gently massage the back of your neck. You bit your lip at the feeling of pain, muddled with relief. The pain in your neck traveled and you found yourself massaging your temples as it settled into a sizeable headache. Trying to focus on the task at hand you went back to watering with your now shaky hands wrapped around the white watering can. It was enchanted to always be full so at least that made it a little easier. It also felt empty which was good because your arms ached, fatigue rolling over you in crashing waves of unrelenting tiredness with the vigour of a lion it sank its teeth into you with vengeance. Noticing that Ms Thornhill has stopped scribbling on her students' papers and was now studying you closely you flushed, an uncomfortable warmth settling in your cheeks. You did your best to act normal and went back to work hoping Ms Thornhill didn’t think too much of it.
Unfortunately, she did. This wasn’t the first time she had become aware of your obvious discomfort. She knew you were anxious about the new job and the new boss, but she sensed something more was going on. This was around the fourteenth time in the last week you had seemingly been in pain, and she couldn’t in good conscience keep it to herself. She had a meeting with Larissa soon to discuss your progress anyway and had already decided to mention it to her friend then.
Deciding to take pity on you and avoid suspicion she waited a few minutes before dismissing you. The obvious look of relief on your face was palpable.
You were beyond thankful and said some quick words before hastily fleeing the classroom. You had barely taken off your shoes and flopped into bed by the time you were asleep, exhaustion winning out.
It was safe to say larissa was concerned. She quite liked you after all. You were polite and rather soft spoken but clearly highly intelligent, you would be a valuable member of her teaching staff and she was looking forward to getting to know you. However, she was quite aware of your nerves around her. When Marilyn had confided in her that you were seemingly unwell as of late, she and the botanist hatched a plan for Larissa to gain some firsthand insight into your work and discomfort. After they had polished off half a bottle of wine the two teachers had bid each other good night and gone their seperate ways.
The next afternoon you came to the observatory as always to help Ms Thornhill water the plants and set up for the next day of classes. However, upon reaching the threshold you did a slight double take at the second figure in the room. A small girl who you had seen from time to time in the halls or the back of the classroom on occasion was sat in the front row. Odd as classes were over for the day. Ms Thornhill looked up and smiled.
“Hello Y/n. I see you’ve met my friend here.” She smiled and you nodded at her and then the girl.
“Hello.” You said to the girl. “Im sorry i don’t think i caught your name.” You said studying her.
She was short, long curly blond hair which boarded on brown with light streaks in it and nevermore uniform in perfect condition. Her eyes were blue as the sky and her cheeks round and pink. She never seemed to make eye contact and had small silver sleepers in each ear. She wore lace up black combat boots and, in her hair, she had a blue bandana to keep the curls from her eyes. She wasn’t much younger than you.
“This is Lucy. Shes one of my third years. I told her she could study here this afternoon so if she needed any help with the classwork, we could provide it. Lucys a bit behind on the work.” Marylin explained and you nodded and smiled at Lucy.
“You can call me Ms L/n.” You winked. “I’ll lend a hand if you need it.” You walked over and leaned down to whisper in her ear. “Im nicer than Ms Thornhill.” You said with a joking smile and Marilyn rolled her eyes and the girl lifted a brow. “Alright.” You said clapping your hands, “the plant babies need me. Ms Thornhill here has been neglecting her parental duties again I see.” You said eyeing the plants which were looking a little sad. You shot her a look and Marilyn poked her tongue out at you making you gasp dramatically. “See what i have to put up with.” You said turning to Lucy and winking.
“Watering cans on the shelf Y/n, stop flirting and get to work.” She said with a grin. You blushed slightly and stood up straight to salute.
“Yes sir.” You said and went to grab the tools you needed. A good fifteen minutes passed, and both the student and teacher seemed to be scribbling notes while you busied yourself with the plants. With them both distracted you hovered a hand over the dragon's root and muttered some words under your breath. Warmth spread to your fingertips which glowed a soft purple and the plants leaves grew larger and healthier. You smiled and stroked the green tips of the new shoots your magic had made. Unaware of the shapeshifters eye on your back.
After deadheading some flowers and propagating some plants you were back to watering. You could feel the pain coming back and you had to bite down a groan. Why now? Why again now? You wondered and tried to subtly bring a hand to your throbbing shoulder.
Blue eyes followed your every move as you gently rubbed at your neck and left shoulder. Your head pounded and your mouth felt dry. You were beyond tired, and your shaking hands made it harder to control the flow of water as you split some on the desk. A slight pink hue took to your cheeks, and you closed your eyes to take a quiet steadying breath.
Lucy and Marilyn exchanged a silent conversation behind your back while you tried to ignore the pain.
“You’re free to go Y/n.” Ms Thornhill said, and you nodded and slowly left without a word.
The next day you were called into Larissas office. The pain from yesterday hadn’t left as you knocked on her huge oak doors.
“Come in.” A soft voice called from inside. You drew a shaky breath and entered.
Ms weems sat there in her natural poise of grace and charm. You smiled awkwardly and closed the door behind you, coming over and sitting down in the chair in front of her desk.
“Ms L/n, let’s take this to the couch why don’t we.” She said with a kind smile you nodded. Clutching your hands together to try and make the shaking less obvious. Your brow was slightly pinched as the light made your headache worse and you felt bone tired.
Ms Weems lips thinned as she took in your obviously pained state, eyes not missing a single detail on your face.
She stood and helped you up leading you with her hand on the small of your back to the couch where she sat beside you.
You stifled a yawn as she patted your knee gently.
“Ms L/n…Y/n. Can i call you Y/n?” She asked and you nodded through the fatigue. “Thank you. I can tell your exhausted darling. You’re obviously in pain. And i say this as a friend rather than your boss. What can i do to help you sweetheart?” She asked and you blinked at her owlishly before letting out a small huff of a laugh.
“I don’t think you can.” You sighed and massaged your temples with your fingers. You rested your head against the back of the couch and shut your eyes letting your hands fall to your sides.
“Oh Y/n.” Larissa said as she took in your state. “Talk to me darling.”
“I’m so tired.” You said not opening your eyes. “My head hurts, my neck hurts, my damn shoulders hurt. My hands won’t stop shaking and I’m so so tired. Im exhausted and all i do is sleep.” You said trying to keep the whine out of your voice.
“Oh sweetheart. Come here.” Larissa said as she pulled you in for a hug. You collapsed into her side and rested your head on her shoulder while she gave you a side hug. Your eyes, which had opened for a moment drifted shut again. You drew a deep breath of her expensive perfume and let your head stay nestled on her shoulder. After a moment you felt a hand start to rub at your neck and you let out a soft moan of content, your cheeks flushing.
Larissa smiled kindly. “It’s alright.” She said shushing you. “You’re in pain darling. It’s normal.” She said and you let yourself succumb slightly to the fatigue. “Rest darling.” She said and before you did you felt a blanket being draped over the both of you before her hands retuned to your neck. Kneading out the knots with just the right amount of pressure.
You felt warm and loved. Feeling sleepy and safe as you began to fall into the clutches of sleep you began to mumble to larissa.
“I thought you were scary, but your just momma bear.”
“Quite right darling. Now rest. I’ll be here when you wake up. I won't leave your side honey. Im right here and I’m going to help you feel better.” She said and you smiled as soft snores came from you, your breathing evening out nicely against Larissa’s side as she held you close.
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bestmombracket · 8 days
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Propaganda should be used to bring your side up, not the other side down! Please be respectful! The moms are watching 💚
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albaabstractions · 2 months
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I don't usually post OC art on here but, oh well. For those new here, this is my OC Atticus Altair, a dapper owl man. He's a previous silent film actor during the 1920s and 1930s who managed to transition to talkies! He can also shapeshift into an owl.
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whereserpentswalk · 19 hours
Most interdimensional entities that humans consider horrifying demons and eldrich horrors actually consider humans pretty dangerous unless they're actively trained fighters. Your average extraplaner being isn't used to dealing with a species that evolved to hunt in groups, and developed to survive in violent scenarios.
Most final girl situations happen because young entities deeply underestimate that humans have such a strong will to live, and are willing to fight back agasint a stronger foe. Most older entities keep at bay for this very reason, which is why you just see them stranding around being creepy.
That pale long limbed cryptid you spotted in a subway station moved so quickly because it doesn't want to end up near you. That shadow person whose hovering over you in the woods is trying to observe you, but it will teleport away if anyone comes near it for a good reason.
And that doppelganger that's standing by your door at night just wants to observe you too. He was smart to try to copy your roommate's face, but he doesn't realize how good humans are at recognizing eachother's faces, and that his copy will be disturbing to any human who sees it. And he got way to reckless with his movements and bad attempts to imitate human speech. Trying to trick the human who he wants to study into coming to his dimensions is an even bigger mistake, especially since he didn't realize how quickly the human would catch on. He's soon going to learn things he should have read up on before hand: humans will try to attack things they're afraid of if they can't run away, humans can use almost any hard object as a weapon by holding it and swinging, and that those decorations on your wall are called 'swords' and were not originally designed as decorations...
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rattlebear25 · 6 months
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I am working on something people will never guess what is...
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drama-glob · 5 months
Come Around Here Often?
Fizz and Ozzie go out to a club in disguise.
“You going to drink those by yourself or saving them for some lucky, loose demon?” he salaciously quipped as he quickly mixed and poured them for Fizz.
“He’s looser than you, that’s for sure,” Fizz slyly retorted with a toothy grin, earning him a wide-eyed expression from the other before he went to tend to someone else. The cybernetic imp gave a little snicker, followed by sipping on his fruity drink. While the music kept thumping, he started to tap his foot to the beat until he felt a finger delicately run along his tail. Straightening up with a start, he turned to find the demon responsible and instantly felt relief wash over him when he saw who it was.
It of course was Ozzie, although one couldn’t tell unless they knew of his magical abilities and other forms, which Fizz did (although the biggest indicator for him was always the Deadly Sin’s eyes). For tonight’s illusion, Asmodeus looked like a well-toned male imp who was a hair taller than his boyfriend. He had short, curved black and white horns, digitigrade legs, white scars on both sides of his neck that could be seen as love bites, a red, black and white-striped tail, and yellow eyes with acid-green irises. For his outfit, he went minimal with wearing a black choker with a red heart pendant, a leather vest and tight shorts that went mid-thigh.
Here is the link on AO3:
@charsawdeath @enbydemirainbowbigfoot @pastaprincess @my-dark-lord Time for a night out on the town. ;) ^_^
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thesockghost · 2 months
Astral body lore that I have gathered from vague things that Castor and Pollux have said. First created on 2/15/2024
1. If Castor or Pollux dies, then the other dies as well.
From what Pollux said in the episode ‘Castor CONFRONTS Stitchwraith?! in VRCHAT’, and I quote: “cuz if you die then I die, and I don’t want to die.”. This brings in the question of whether or not if one of them just gets hurt, does that mean that the pain/injury gets translated to the other twin as well? Or does it just transfer over when the other twin dies?
2. If an astral body dies, then they do not truly die, they just respawn.
From what (Castor? Gemini? Idk) said in the episode ‘Lunar is FLUSTERED around Gemini in VRChat’. Some of the astral body’s have died. But that brings in the question of why Pollux is so scared of dying if they just respawn? I asked this question in the comments and someone pointed out that they might lose their memories if they die (thx for that btw if your reading this :), but there’s also the possibility that it’s just extremely painful for them to regenerate.
3. If Castor and Pollux are separated from each other for a long period of time, they will die.
From both the episodes ‘Earth Learns LUNAR'S DARK SECRET?!? IN VRCHAT’ [the episode of which the Gemini twins first appeared] and ‘Lunar Needs Castors HELP in VRCHAT’. This is very self explanatory, the only question or note I have on this part is how long does it take for them to start dying? Like a day or 2 I’m guessing? Idk man I just work here.
4. The astral body’s like things to be on schedule/Pisces and sagittarius are more kind than the other astral’s (?)
In the episode ‘Castor and Pollux's PLAN for LUNAR?! in VRCHAT’ Castor and Pollux said this: “everyone’s getting angry! I mean- they like things to be punctual! They like things on their own timetable.” “Those two are very awful about it.” (Note: in this scene the twins are complaining about how the other astrals are rushing them on find out if lunar’s a threat or not, and their complaining about Leo and taurus in particular.) *sigh* “Pisces and Sagittarius are likely doing their own thing.”. I looked up what the personalities of Pisces and Sagittarius, and they generally seem like they’d probably be more nice (if google is correct), and I might be jumping to conclusions on this one, but I think that they might be friends, due to the way that castor mentioned them together, and google says that they have a very high friendship potential.
5. The really fucking weird system of how Gemini works.
In the episode ‘Earth Learns LUNAR'S DARK SECRET?!? IN VRCHAT’, apparently the original plan that Castor and Pollux had for wandering around earth, was to turn into Gemini so they would look slightly less strange because their Gemini form looks more human. And during that part of their conversation, Pollux says: “when we have to do work, you can take over!”, and in the episode ‘Lunar DATES Gemini in VRCHAT’ castor decides to take a nap while Pollux and lunar hang out. But in a previous episode (I forget which lol) Castor said that they don’t sleep??? Does that mean that Castor just doesn’t like to usually sleep??? Whatever, that part at least makes more sense than what I’m about to say next, since it seems like at least they kinda have what sun and moon had when they shared the same body. But in the latest episode ‘Earth and Monty's SURPRISE DOUBLE DATE with Lunar and Gemini!’ They say something along the lines of “when we’re Gemini, we are one. Whatever one likes, the other one likes as well.”. SO UHHH, I kinda remember Castor mentioned at one point when they were talking about their Gemini form “when we’re like that I want to do my job less…” so like- how does the personality bleed system work???? Because whenever they’re Gemini, it seems like Pollux is just the exact same as she usually is. SO IS IT ONLY CASTOR WHO GETS A PERSONALTY???? I mean I guess we wouldn’t really know the difference since we never really get any info on his likes and dislikes in the show, BUT POLLUX IS JUST NORMAL!!! HOW DOES THIS WORK????
Side notes: it’s also been demonstrated that in the episode ‘Lunar is FLUSTERED around Gemini in VRChat’, they share a headspace, and actively have conversations in their head when they’re Gemini. Also it’s kinda confusing because sometimes it seems like they slip into one person for a second, but then go back to being two different people. So is Gemini (the person) real??? Or am I just verbally hallucinating???? Also I’m not going to go into this in detail, but…..wtf is Gemini’s gender??? Because castor takes on a more masculine form and uses he/they and Pollux takes on a feminine form and uses she/they, So what’s up with Gemini??? I mean they obviously use they/them because they’re literally 2 fucking people, but flag wise, what is their gender??? Nonbinary? Trans? Gender-fluid? Bigender??? WHAT IS IT SHEEPOLE????
Update: 2/18/2024
6. Taurus, Leo, and Libra, destroy planets.
Once again this section pretty much explains itself. Mentioned in the current latest episode of S.A.M.S ‘ECLIPSE is CONFRONTED in VRCHAT’, my assumption of why this is, is because the astrals (from what we know) are all about protecting the laws of the universe, and because all things must eventually come to an end. So my theory is that some of the astrals must destroy planets to keep the balance of life and death, and kill old planets to make way for new ones (sorry that this section is poorly worded, I just don’t know how else to explain it lol.)
7. The antimatter is sentient (?)
Once again mentioned in the episode ‘ECLIPSE is CONFRONTED in VRCHAT’, castor mentioned how there are “anti constellations” (which the way castor said it makes sounds like the beginning of the plot of a really shitty marvel movie, but that’s besides the point), aka the antimatter and also not are not his kin. And also mentioned how the wither storms are like demented children of the antimatter. And I quote “did you think when you made negative star power, there’s no such thing as a negative constellation? One that draws on that power? One that wants to bring the end?” “I thought that was the damn storm?!?” “It is. The storm is…sort of like its child. It chooses to foster.” Which the way castor explained it didn’t make them sound like an unstoppable force, more like an unstoppable person (if that makes sense).
Update: 04-23-2024
As of writing this, the lovely Gemini twins have made a brief appearance in the current latest episode ‘Gemini SENDS A MESSAGE in VRChat’ and have brought a small bit of new lore with them :)
8. The astrals have their own unique culture and manners
Mentioned in the current latest episode as of writing this: ‘Gemini SENDS A MESSAGE in VRChat’, Gemini mentions that the stars have their own etiquette, but never really gave any context beyond that since they thought if they told lunar, then it would break his mind, WHICH IS COMPLETELY UNFAIR. BESTIE I DO NOT CARE IF IT MAKES ME INSANE, IN CASE YOU COULDNT TELL FROM ME WRITING THIS ENTIRE ESSY, THE ADDED INFORMATION WILL ONLY MAKE MY HYPERFIXATION STRONGER. *cough cough* so anyways yeah this section is basically just a place holder till we get more info on their culture.
Honorable mentions that I think are too small of facts/too obvious to get their own sections:
Since the astral body’s are made out of light (mentioned multiple times throughout the show, but I think the first mention is in ‘EARTH and POLLUX Become BEST FRIENDS?! In VRCHAT’) they can move through walls and most physical structures and surfaces.
(Updated 03-11-2024. got a bit distracted so this update is 2 weeks late from when the episode with this info was first released.) The astrals can for some reason not be seen by colorblind creatures??? Mentioned in the episode ’Lunar Is FRIEND ZONED! in VRChat’, because there was a deer standing near lunar and Gemini said “it must be comfortable in your presence” and when lunar asked why they didn’t care about Gemini, with which they responded with “no we are more or less invisible to them. See?” Then they started to run around the deer. And when asked why by lunar they replied with “most animals on your planet are colorblind. We are light. If light can’t reflect the way it’s meant to, then we kinda just come off as invisible.” WHICH MAKES NO F*CKING SENSE AT ALL!!! Cuz like yes. they wouldn’t be able to see them in their full glory, but if an animal were to look at them they’d at least see a glowing figure towering above them!!! So yea, it was probably just a bit to explain why a deer would be standing so close to them, but it still makes no sense.
Castor and Pollux take on the left brain and right brain atriabuts of a human being. Castor taking the left, while Pollux takes the right.
The astral body’s can naturally produce star power without creating any anti matter. (Mentioned in the episode ‘Moon is THREATENED by GEMINI?! in VRCHAT’ I think.)
The astral body’s are actively fighting the anti matter (somehow).
I’m a bit unsure about this part, but there might be an actual space court where lunar’s trial is currently taking place. once again mentioned in the episode ‘Gemini SENDS A MESSAGE in VRChat’……… what-
And lastly, and probably the most obvious of all, the astral body’s do not need to eat or sleep, since the astral body’s are made of light.
Will update if any new information pops up! Please tell me if I missed anything!
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lowebite · 1 year
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Usidore sharing his scarf with Chunt on a cold day! gotta keep your small friends warm in the winter
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ambassadorquark · 8 months
i have some kind of curse where characters whose negative or just like, not super noble or cute traits i really relate to always end up bizarrely woobiefied by a lot of fandom to the point where i feel kind of obligated to be a hater about them just bc they are important to me exclusively for insane reasons no one else shares and i don;t get where people are coming from with their characterizations at all. Odo Startrek being a notable example
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somesecretpie · 10 days
How to Make Babies (For War)
Soika paces back and forth, running their fingers through their hair. Any moment, the hostage will awaken.
I need to make an impression! A bad one. They scowl. Not bad...good. But not friendly. The good kind of bad.
Perhaps if Troop Leader Soika had been to primary school instead of the ELITE ACADEMY OF FLEXIBLE SOLDIERS, they would know more words, but now was not the time for want-thinking.
Soika flexes their fingers, forming wicked needle-like claws. Is that overdone? They try playing with their teeth, both shape and quantity, shifting the bony protrusions into an orthodontic nightmare.
In the frosted window of the wall, they watch their patchwork of skin as it changes hue, from red to light blue to obnoxious lime green. But nothing seems good bad enough.
A small voice echos from under the table. “Are you okay?”
The hostage!
“You!” Troupe Leader Soika snarls. “Yes, I am good. But you won’t be—unless you do exactly as I say!”
The hostage looks almost bored. “Alright. You want me to cook you something? You want me to make you some nice fettuccine al sangue?”
“Silly jokes! HAHAHA! As if I would kidnap a special operative to have them make me dinner!”
“I’m the chef.”
“WHAT!” Soika squawked. “But your hat is so BIG!”
“It’s a chef’s hat”
“LIAR! You must be IMPORTANT!”
The hostage smiles with a mouthful of dull herbivorous teeth. Somehow, this was more frightening than anything Soika had thought of. “The chef is very important.”
This is it. I’ve lost it. Soika turns to face the wall and lament. The ELITE ACADEMY OF PEOPLE WHO DON’T EXIST ANYMORE was soon going to be enlisting a young southern biped.
As their heart pounds, Soika hears a slooping sound suggestive of the hostage turning into a puddle, as talented shapeshifters often do to escape perilous situations. Not that being captured by Troop Leader Soika is in any way a perilous situation.
Soika is a creature of fear. They survived many battles as a footsoldier, and the orchestrators of this great conflict assumed this was because of good battle tactics and not from being excellent at hiding. And all that hiding got them here–covered in war medals and tassles. Nowhere to hide. Soika curls up into a corner and proceeds to sob indignantly as the firestorms rage outside.
“Fine, go on!” Soika says to the shambling mass. “You’re useless anyhow.”
They hear some rifling of papers and fiddling of metals.
“You’ve got some neat stuff here,” remarks the not-hostage. “Ooo, and is that a crucible? Whatever do you use it for?”
“Crystal dagger production.”
“Crystal daggers…”
More shuffling of papers.
“You must have some sorry shapeshifting soldiers if they need crystal daggers. I do think you could use some better ones.”
Soika’s hands twitch.
“I give you the opportunity to leave unharmed...noncombatant. But you stay and continue to mock me.” Troop leader Soika forms both of their arms into scythes. “This is unacceptable!”
“I mean you no disrespect, Troop Leader,” The not-hostage looks over Soika’s body, sizing them up. Then, they carefully bow. “I would like to offer you my services.”
Soika frowned. Were they still being mocked? Was this part of it? Should they turn their hands into something else?
“I am a filthy traitor and I would like to work for the enemy.” They clarify.
“Okay, thank you.”
The chef removes the crucible from the hanging wall apparatus and begins to prepare it for cooking.
“You know, we don’t really need a chef….”
“Claypot, yes.” Soika looked wistfullly outside at the fire scorched landscape. “We need more soldiers. Ours keep dying for some reason…”
“That’s quite a problem,” says Claypot. “How about the two of us...make some more.”
“More what?”
“Soldiers.” Claypot winks.
Soika crosses their arms “You can’t be serious! How does one even go about making another person, Claypot?”
Claypot begins to sweat slightly. “Did...no one ever tell you?”
“There was no such instruction at the academy…” Soika admits. “But this is a revelation! You are saying that we can simply make more soldiers?”
“We could.”
“Right now?”
“The two of us together?”
Claypot gently brushes against Soika’s knife-hand. “...only if you want to, commander.”
Claypot sighs and retrieves something from their bag. An old faded text written in fanciful handwriting entitled: Recipe for a child.
Soika examines the cover—smells it—then finally opens it and reads it like a person.
Chapter One: The miracle of life~
A warm and gracious greeting to the readers of this, our child recipe book. A tradition carried on for generations and generations and generations and generations, all the way from the first people who ever existed probably, whoever they are.
And you, dear reader, have decided to carry on the tradition by baking a sweet child of your own! By sharing the miracle of life—
Soika sweats. Can they just get to the recipe?
They flip to page fifty seven.
Parenthood should never be taken lightly, are you, dear reader, ready for the responsibility that comes with creating another living soul?
Yes! Thought Soika. Where is the damn recipe?
Finally, they found it. On page sixty nine.
STEP ONE: In one large cauldron, combine flesh of the willing parents.
STEP TWO: Melt over medium heat.
Soika looks up at Claypot. “It says I need flesh.”
“Plenty of corpses just outside.”
Soika had already cut off their thumb and tossed it in there.
“You...do realize that, in using your own flesh, you will be making a clone. A clone of you.”
The gravity of such a thing hits Soika like a sack of bricks and they clutch their face in terror. "NO! No no no, it will be very stupid and bad BAD AT EVERYTHING—"
Claypot shushes them to silence and takes the knife from them. They cuts off their own pinky, tossing it in the pot. "And now it won't."
The two fleshes melt together, swirling and becoming one. Soika's face grows hot again.
STEP THREE: Add changeable substance until you have reached the desired size. For a sweeter child, try adding sugar or a pastry you baked yourself. A pinch of cardamom can add character, but too much and your child might just be too spicy for you to handle! If you are confused on what to add, that’s okay. As long as you cook with your heart, anything is possible—
Claypot interrupted their reading. “Yeah, that whole “adding sugar” stuff is pointless sentimental drivel from the old world. Any biomass will do.” With that, Claypot goes outside and comes back with some fallen leaves and a dead raccoon. Into the pot they go with a hiss and a sizzle. The liquid begins to smell of blood.
STEP FOUR: Stir continuously or else separation may occur.
Before Soika can pick up a stick, Claypot stays their hand.
“Don’t stir it.”
“But the recipe says to stir it—“
“I know what it says,” Claypot grins from ear to ear. “And I’m telling you, don’t.”
Soika watches the bubbling mixture; the denser material sinks to the bottom, forming a distinct layer of frothy liquid
“What…is this top stuff?”
“This is what remains of the ancestral vaust. That beast that knows fear and pain and is always hungry. The Mind Above.” Claypot looks Soika dead in the eye. “If you want a soldier that is efficient, and fearless, pour it away. Pour it out!”
Soika starts to tip the cauldron over, then stops for a moment.
“That seems a bit cruel.”
“Would you rather have soldiers that feel pain and fear? That is cruel, Troop Leader Soika.”
“If they don’t get hungry, how will they remember to eat?”
“They will eat when you tell them to- here,” Claypot begins to tip the cauldron when, suddenly, the flesh screams. Claypot sighs. “It’s too late now.”
At this, the mixture begins pouring itself out of the crucible and onto the concrete floor.
“Here, have a skeleton, you abomination,” Claypot throws a couple of tree branches at the screaming mess. It absorbs the branches, assembling a disjointed frame to help keep balance, until it is able to stand upright on a couple of legs. Once it forms a pair of eyeballs, it stares at Soika judgmentally, and they feel a strong urge to disappear into the wall.
They frantically flip through the recipe book. What now? Is it done? Did I do it?
STEP 7: Name your child.
“A name…” Soika sniffs the air. “You are named Yoota.”
The creature wails.
Claypot shakes their head. “Now now, we don’t want to get attached-”
Soika is not listening to the rest of the words Claypot is saying. They look down at the end of the page, at the very last step.
STEP 8: Tell the child that it is a good child, and that it is loved.
Soika gazes upon the abomination of flesh and sticks, gritting their teeth.
The creature assumes a fighting stance.
“You...are a good child! AND YOU ARE LOVED!”
The creatures blinks.
Then smiles.
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