#which is still horrible but i like nit-picking
helluva-daughter · 5 months
So let's talk about Vivziepop's designing skills!
The amount of sadness I feel when I see Vivziepop's designs of the demons in Helluva Boss is impossibly high
Simply comparing them from where she is pulling from feels like looking at a newborn compared to a grandma. Now let's go through them!
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Viv's Lucifer, a popular depiction of Lucifer ("The Fallen Angel" by Alexandre Cabanel), and one with Jesus ("The Temptation of Christ" by Ary Scheffer)
You can see a big difference in a lot, as you can see Lucy (which will be Viv's version) has well. Clothing but we can give her a pass for that as I don't think Youtube would be fine with an animated dick on screen. Another thing is his lack of wings, bat-like or feathered along with blonde instead of red curled hair and yellow eyes instead of the blue Lucifer has in The Fallen Angel.
But what I see as the biggest thing is Lucy's lack of muscles! In both of these depictions I have chosen Lucifer appears muscular whilst Lucy has Viv's favorite smile and body shape.
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Here we have Viv's Asmodeus (Ozzie) and Asmodeus from Collin de Plancy's "Dictionnaire Infernal"
I will give Viv major props, I LOVE Ozzie's design. If we removed the feathers, made his head bigger, and some small things it would be AMAZING! But comparing it to Asmodeus it's... wooo.... very different.
First you can see is Asmodeus does not look conventionally attractive with his strange old man face, elf ears, bull head, ram head, serpent tail, and literal chicken legs. Ozzie does have the 2 heads on his shoulders (just very small) and a tail (not a serpent one) but other than that the similarities end. Though I do think taking Asmodeus the direction to being physically attractive to most people was a good way to go.
A personal nit pick is the clear lack of a BADASS DRAGON. Yes, Asmodeus has a BADASS DRAGON. On his little Dictionnaire Infernal image he's sitting on a BADASS DRAGON which he holds a banner as he rides. Viv you could have made Fizz a cool dragon demon! Make him look LESS like Blitz's twin brother and more like something that related to the Ars Goetia canon.
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Now this is Viv's Beelzebub and a fly-like Beelzebub (Beelzebul) (I've left out the more manly versions of Beelzebub to keep it fair as Beelzebub is a woman)
So a big thing we can see is Beelzebub is a furry whilst Beelzebul is a straight up fly, taking the term "Lord of the Flies" much more seriously. Now comparing these two is basically impossible minus their wings and extra arms. Now with them looking nothing alike I'll put some of my own personal critique's in.
One, Beelzebub's hair and tail makes me want to vomit. It's constantly moving thus every frame it must be moved which is HORRIBLE on an animation stand point. Two, Her clothes. A direct quote from the Helluva Boss wiki says "Beelzebub represents the animal tamer/animal shows" when her clothing looks like that it's hard to believe. If it was casual clothes? Okay I'd believe that but it being her debut episode wouldn't you want her in her normal clothes? And that's ignoring her magical disappearing bra... is that just an arm strap? Three, the ear thing. God the ear thing! Viv said they were supposed to appear like beehives... girl what beehives have you been seeing? Maybe she meant honeycomb? Still I see zero resemblance.
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Here we have Viv's Mammon, Mammon (Mam) from the painting "The Worship of Mammon" by Evelyn De Morgan, and Mammon (Mon) from Collin de Plancy's "Dictionnaire Infernal"
As we can see Mammon looks like the Teen Titans Go Robin mixed with a Christmas tree, the Christmas theming is quite clever I'll give Viv that. Christmas is a time of greedily taking all that is given to you through gifts. Now I could complain about how Mammon is poor rep for a fat character and simply is a widened version of her normal body type but I already made a post about that
But comparing him to Mam and Mon? Nothing similar. Mam we can see appears like a very large naked buff dark skinned man whilst Mon is a freakish old man with wide eyes and tattered clothes. Mammon shares zero similarities to either of them.
Another thing is Mammon's monster form... I believe everybody has seen it and hochie momma it is HORRIBLE! From the screenshots I've seen we don't see all of it but he's clearly intended to be a spider of sorts which is great! Spiders can often be seen with 6 flies trapped on their web being hoarded for later but Viv seems to have taken the lazy route of extra legs and 2 extra set of eyes. Anthro spiders can be so so SO cool but I feel scammed. Stolen from. My life savings have been taken by this shitty design.
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Here we have Vivziepop's Paimon and Paimon (Paimonia) from Collin de Plancy's "Dictionnaire Infernal"
As we can see they appear nothing alike minus the crown and odd chicken legs though Paimon lacks the camel that Paimonia has. Paimonia also has a feminine face and a humanoid body, nothing like Paimon. Though I personally think Paimon's design is stunning what made Viv connect the two, is it because the Goetia family is intended to all be ripped from the Ars Goetia? I feel though that Paimon's design takes as much as it can from Paimonia while making him look related to Stolas but why does he need to be named Paimon?
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Here we have Vivzie's Stolas and Stolas (Stolos) from Collin de Plancy's "Dictionnaire Infernal"
So, I have a lot of issues with Stolas's design, it's ugly first of all but compared to Stolos's cute yet shocked wide eyes and charming little beak it's even more obvious how ugly it is.
First, Stolos is shown as an owl (but also is described as a Raven). which Viv got right along with keeping his crown and odd horn-like feathers. However, I believe making Stolas that skinny doesn't follow the model of most owls as they can be pretty fluffy and plump. Even Stolos has a round fluffy chest that trails into his comically long legs.
Second, that cape is very horrifying but not in a good way. Nobody wants to animate a cape with that many rips! Even if they don't have to be precise. Also, why do his buttons have no lineart when everything else around it has lineart? I have the same issue with Blitz's design and his random chest orbs.
Feel free to put in your own reblogs and replies with your opinions! You can also send in asks with designs from HH or HB that aren't linked to previously existing designs unlike these fellows and I'll throw in my personal thoughts.
-Mod Paimon
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silriven · 1 year
A bit more complaining about how Wrathion is written in the 10.1 PTR
Ok last post on this for now, promise.  I'll end this one with some things that I liked about the Dragonflight 10.1 PTR (Embers of Neltharion) to counter all of the salt I've been sprinkling around here.  Here we go.
I've nit picked Wrathion's individual lines but I don't think there's any one single exchange in particular that brings him down...with maybe one exception which I'll get to.  It's more like, by the end of the campaign, his entire character winds up worse than the sum of the parts.   Because on paper I'm not opposed to Wrathion butting heads with his siblings or loosing his edge because Sabellian has thrown him off guard.  This is like a "death by a thousand cuts" situation.  Each line on its own is maybe not so bad but everything all together is...a lot.
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This bit here though is definitely the worst, my least favorite. Wrathion comes off as almost unforgivably callous. He enters this scene with a clear view of the smoking remains of a village he got to know earlier, Ebyssian and Sabellian are horribly injured, there's a DEAD BODY like a STONE'S THROW in front of him and THIS is the first thing that comes out of his mouth?  And he needs to be told by Ebyssian that this is inappropriate?  Really?  This out of everything just lingered with me in an irritating way.
It also comes right after a harrowing questline which features some very touching, mature moments between Ebyssian and Sabellian as they work together and help each other.  After watching all of that play out, Wrathion rudely crashing back in like he does is such whiplash.
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And it's not like he gets it together after Ebyssian snaps at him.  He still acts weirdly aggressive when everyone returns to Valdrakken, getting defensive and snippy with Ebyssian and Sabellian for no reason WHY IS HE LIKE THIS NOW??
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Ok, so now that's all off my chest.  Time to talk about stuff that I liked.
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I loved this bit where Wrathion helps the elderly niffen field dress her game and carry the meat back to Loamm. I have such a soft spot for characters knowing wilderness survival. It's also a rare moment where Wrathion is being courteous so it's like a breath of fresh air.
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I really liked this bit of dialogue.  I don't know what it is but something about the idea of Wrathion giving up the life he's built for himself to conform and become one of Sabellian's soldiers is so *depressing*, but in a delicious angsty way, like yes, Wrathion would hate that and I would hate watching that.  Don't know if that was the intention or not but thank you for the hearty fanfic food, that would make such an interesting AU.
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This was a nice bit of horror: the charring flesh of Sabellian's burning arm saying 'hello' to him in the voices of the old gods.  Love that, excellent suffering.
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"Salt returned to the ocean" is a really nice line.   It was also clever seeing Ebyssian use some kind of earth shaman magic to put out fires.  I liked how much he did in general during the campaign, it was really good to see him in action again.
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Ok and to close out I feel like I'd be remiss if I didn't mention this: after everything, Wrathion does get this nice little mature and considerate line at the end.  Thank you, I'll take it.
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culttvblog · 18 hours
Armchair Theatre: A Bit of a Lift
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Content warnings: suicide and rape. This post gives away an essential plot point.
This is a 1973 episode of Armchair Theatre, and as far as I can tell is a favourite of the fans. It is therefore naturally my solemn duty to do a hatchet job on it. Of course my oft-repeated policy is that rubbish won't appear here, and this is still quality drama, despite being deeply flawed in a couple of ways. The main ways in which this is quality drama are in dialogue which literally sparkles, brilliant characterisation and a plot which does actually hang together.
The plot is relatively simple: it's about a man and a woman who meet for the first time at a mutual friend's wedding and decide to book into a hotel for a quickie. At the hotel the man (Alec) goes for a bath, forgets which room they were in, and goes into the room of a second man (Frank), who has gone to the hotel to kill himself, who promises to go to the desk and find out what room he is in, which he does. Then the second man goes to their room, sleeps with the woman (Penelope) and feels so much better about himself. It ends with Frank and Penelope exchanging addresses and he's not going to kill himself any more.
You will of course readily see that this is exactly the sort of thing which would have had Mary Whitehouse up in arms, and strangely I have not found any record of her complaining about it. I think it might not be as famous as it could be (I think it's on the first volume of the DVD releases of Armchair Theatre) because of the problems I'll come to.
It's racy, for a start. As a depiction of planning of casual sex between a man and a woman who have just met it's superb. It's almost a situation comedy, in this respect, the situation being the wedding crossing with the suicide.
It also deals with the planning of the suicide in a completely matter of fact way. We see a fascinating scene of the man recording a record of his suicide note to post to his ex-wife. He does this in a machine where you put a coin in and sit in it like a photo booth. You record your record while the light is on and it gives it to you. It's absolutely fascinating. It's a striking contrast between the preparations for his suicide and the wedding reception taking place at the same time, before Alec and Penlope book into the same hotel as Frank.
And so we come to the problems with this play.
The first is the one that when Frank finds out the number of the room in which Penelope is waiting for Alec, he goes in and finds that she's fallen asleep because Alec has been so long. He then sleeps with her and Penelope is so sleepy that she still thinks she's with Alec. This of course sours the previous happy preparations for consensual sex because she isn't consenting to sex with Frank, and in fact is being raped. There is a lot of discussion online about whether this is related to changing mores, and frankly I have limited patience for this. Making yourself happy by nonconsensual sex with a woman who is expecting someone else has always been serial killer territory, even in the seventies. The fact that she apparently comes round to this idea and gets his address (personally I'd have wanted it to give to Hilda Handcuffs) just means that she's being treated as an object in the middle of a light drama bout making a suicidal man feel better about himself. This is proper screwed.
I'm slightly sceptical about the fact of Penelope confusing the two men because they don't look like each other at all and are built quite differently, no matter how sleepy she was. Would she seriously not open her eyes - the room isn't dark? But of course this problem of credibility fades into insignificance in comparison to the slight matter of rape.
Finally, and this may just be me nit picking. There's something horribly wrong with the wedding, which is that the organist plays Wagner's Bridal March far too fast and the bride charges down the aisle like she's a dog after a rabbit. This was bugging me so much that I began to wonder whether it was me, and started looking for recordings online. I was delighted to see that I was right about this and in fact have found a video of how to do it perfectly. It appears at the end of this post largely because if you can find a husband who looks like that at you and talks to you in front of the Archbishop as if there's nobody else there, you want to keep hold of him. I do say that this blog aims to be instructive as well as entertaining!
So to summarise A Bit of a Lift is a deeply flawed play which is still worth watching, if you can deal with its subject matter, for its brilliant dialogue. I just think that probably not including suicide and making all sexual activity consensual would have made it into a perfect light comedy.
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Image credit: IMDb
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crossdressingdeath · 3 years
I’m really afraid JGY is gonna turn into another JC for me because lately I’ve been seeing more and more of his fans ignore he’s a major ambitious class traitor and play off the fact he killed his son for fear he’d show signs of inbreeding and forced sex workers to commit necrophilia before killing them and burned the ones he grew up around alive along with the brothel because, as much as he loved his mother, he was ashamed of where he came from. He’s an amazing villain and antagonist, please don’t fall into the “he did nothing wrong” mindset JC stans have.
Oh I hope that doesn’t happen, I like JGY and I do not want the fandom to put me off him entirely. He’s fun because he’s a villain! Don’t take that away from him!
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yuichi-ro · 2 years
stop giving me hanma brainrot again pleaseee i am begging u-
consider smol hanma having reader as his only childhood friend. no one he actively sought out- kids didn’t like them and stayed away from him mostly- but reader just walked up to him, one day after their classes have been merged, look up and down his lanky figure and loudly declared hanma to be your friend.
and he is just sooo confused- you don’t make him do all the dirty work and don’t use him for more than sometimes opening your juice packages. he trails after you like a lost guard dog, a little unsure about everything but also awkward because hey you said you were friends and he doesn’t want to loose his first friend but at the same time… what is a friend?
a friend is you sharing half of your lunch because he didn’t bring any again, a friend is him giving you piggy back rides to win the duo race in gym class, a friend is doing homework together which he mostly copies from you, a friend is him acting as a pillow so you can rest after a long and tiring day-
but as he grows older he has to ask himself- is that really just being a friend?
you still grab his hand and drag him along, cheerfully chatting about your day but had you always intertwined your and his hand together? did you always make sure to memorise the way he liked his food? the chapstick you would always bring and apply during winter because his lips would always get so horribly chipped?
maybe its not only a friend. maybe it is love too.
help i am whipped stop it please this is ur fault
i am such a sucker for the bullied x first friend trope;;; he just deserves someone who loves him mannn
*laughs maniacally like Stich does when he emerges from his escape pod* If I'm having Hanma brainrot, I'm taking y'all down with me-
now consider, Hanma who's always been above the curve in size. He grew up hearing comments from family such as "He was just such a homely baby." "Oh he'll grow into his features...hopefully." "He's just a little tall is all, he'll play a sport of something what else is he gonna do?" It doesn't take the kids in pre-k teasing him for his too short uniform or getting called a teacher all the time for him to realize classmates are just repeating an almost identical sentiment to what he hears at home. Hanma knows he's a freak, family made sure to let him realize that long before the nit picking kids in his class did the same thing.
then you happened. And happened fast. You had no reason to include the weird leggy kid at your color station. You had no real reason to extend an olive branch to him at all. But your offer is so warm, so confusing, so...not what everyone else does. When you offer him your very cool collection of markers and stationary to color with, well, Hanma asks why. And if more than a little startled to hear you say that's what friends do.
do friends really come as easy as the bullies do?
he looks out of sorts through every single grade you both graduate into. From kindergarten to middle school to high school. He still remains a head taller than you and the rest of the class throughout. And still the target for any nasty comments that go from juvenile and reparative questions about his size to downright nasty comments about his bony joints, how he can't seem to put on any muscle and that the rest of the boys in the class think he looks like an un datable freak none of the girls would ever talk to. Are they wrong though? So far they've been right in all their accusations, so what haven't you understood about that? And why do you allow him to follow you around like a lost puppy throughout all these years...
still you sit with him at lunch. Still you pack an extra snack for him even though you're going to cram school and he's going to go do something he'll regret later. Still you can't get the tab on your soda open and now you hand it off to without even trying to open it bc he's been opening your drinks so long he forgot when it all started. Still you show up at his house like he's going to sit down and study with you even if he's puffing on a cigarette blowing it out his bedroom window telling you he's just going to drop out there's no point in going. But...still he hasn't dropped out.
Hanma still goes to school. Still thanks you for the snack you packed him. Still opens your drink like it's second nature or listens to you go on about study work even if he isn't going to use it. Still follows you around with his hands stuffed in his pockets as you both graduate grade after grade.
he could have dropped out at any point. Should have dropped out at any point. And yet here he is. Watching you try to open the seal on your jelly treat. Knowing its his favorite flavor and not yours. But you got it with the intent to share so how silly of him of course you'd pick up his favorite. Or the way you swung his hand while you crossed the bridge over to the mart that you stopped by to pick up the treat. When did you even start holding his hand?
when his brows knit together and he's staring at your hand beside you because you're fiddling with your phone. Jelly snack gone but here you still are. He can't help but reach out and take your hand. Expecting you to pull away, act like the rest of the kids he grew up around, do something that would validate him feeling like a looser. But you don't. Of course you don't. It's almost second nature for you to lace your fingers together before you even look over at him. Brimming with a smile as you jiggle your hands up between the two of you before doing something stupid like licking his knuckles or anything else impulsive. Asking if he wants to get another jelly from the mart since it's a Friday.
Hanma doesn't really know what to say. He's never really known what to say. To you of all people. The only person who's decided you were friends before he knew what a friend was. And as you drag him out of his room. Leaving both your phones behind and his pack of smokes. Hanma has to wonder, if this isn't just friendship anymore.
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reveluving · 2 years
meeting you (jacob's pov) ; andy barber x reader
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summary: the school's been treating Jacob well so far, including the students’ favourite, who just so happens to teach him literature.
warnings: minor angst + fluff
a/n: a different perspective for some context~ expect a lot of Jacob & reader bonding, okay? ^^
˚ · . series m.list
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'she's like, the only teacher I can tolerate at the crack of dawn' ;  
First day of school has always been intimidating, including to Jacob, where he already has a hard time sleeping. Just an hour before his sleepiness kicked in, he did a little research on his new school. So, he hasn't stumble upon anything shady. If anything, the articles he found had something to do with the school's clubs like debate, basketball and even volleyball representing up to the nationals.
Which, he had to admit, it was very impressive.
But at the same time, he's feeling pressured.
What if behind closed doors, it's just as bad, if not, worse than his old school? Don't people always say that high school's worse than middle school?
The only good he got out of it is the fact that he's still keeping in touch with Sarah.
At 1.03 a.m, he turned off his phone and laid in his bed, hoping to ease his mind before the big day. He knew his father's doing his absolute best. If there's a single dirt, it's enough for Andy to look for another. He’s tired of taking anymore risks, especially when it's about Jacob's future.
Now, when it comes to his mom, well, he'd rather not think about it — about her at the moment.
On his first day, Mrs May asked the class to partner up with the person physically closest to them. Jacob’s partner just so happen to be AJ Wilson, who became his first friend. Hours later, he met his younger brother, Cass.
So, he gave tomorrow's events the benefit of the doubt, and thank goodness he did. He started off extremely slow, so slow that he's surprised anyone's interested in talking him. Jacob’s major trust issues was expected but he's trying his best. If he was able to put aside his differences with his dad, albeit needing almost a year to do so, then why stop there?
"No way, you got Ms (L/N), too?" AJ's eyes sparkled, "She's like, the only teacher I can tolerate at the crack of dawn,"
He thought AJ was being dramatic but on his first literature class, he met you.
AJ wasn't lying about looking forward to Wednesday's from now on. He's never even touched a Shakespearean piece until you passed around a book for the next project — A Midsummer Night's Dream.
The story was so fucking weird. 
But, he also managed to finish the book within the same day.
Thank goodness for modern translation.
“Thank you Jacob,” He handed you his worksheet. Fortunately for Jacob, it was nothing difficult, just a simple exercise, “Oh, could you stay after class?”
Oh... oh no... but, why? He was beginning to enjoy the class!
“Nothing too serious, I promise,” You reassured, feeling guilty when the colour drained from his face. He nodded apprehensively, returning to his seat and quietly nit-picked where he could’ve went wrong.
Did he greet you formally? Was there a homework he didn't submit? But it's only been his second class! What. Went. Wrong.
He was too engrossed in finding his own faults, he didn't even realize how you glanced at him in worry once in a while.
Then, came one of his most dreaded moments yet.
“You wanted to see me, Ms (L/N)?” He approached your desk when all but AJ left, waiting outside of the class.
“Mhm, I'm a little worried. You're a little quiet in class," You began, “Mrs May told me you’re new to the school so you never got to follow the format they taught in our middle school, is that right?” 
“Yes, ma’am,” Okay, so far, nothing too horrible.
“Am I going too fast with the syllabus?” You watched his face scrunched up a little. The format wasn’t so tough but considering that he’s never taken literature before, let alone learn the format, he might need some time.
“A little...? B-but it's okay! I'll try to keep up,” You hummed in understanding, though you felt bad at the way he seemed so... scared stiff. You were only asking him about the syllabus.
Well, that and one more thing but that's a bit of a gamble.
“That’s fine. I have some notes that might be useful to you,” You responded to his look of interest with a single nod, “I hope you understand that I’m doing this ‘cause I know you have other subjects to worry about. So the last thing I want is for you or anyone else to stress out in my subject, y’know?” 
Aw, that's really nice of you.
"But, uh," You cleared your throat — you curiosity's too strong to hold back, "Are you okay?"
Huh. Jacob doesn't recall those words being that impactful and yet, he's not sure how to respond.
He knew he's not okay.
You observed the way his eyes stared into nowhere for a second, proving that he was indeed going through some stuff. Mrs May never told you anything about the teen other than being a new residence in the neighbourhood with his father. That, and he's quite reserved 'for a reason'. But, to you, he wasn't hard to read. Partially because he didn't do a great job at hiding it.
You know when you see it. It was pretty clear, even from a mile away.
Whatever happened to this boy, you could only he hope that this neighbourhood's treating him better. Way better.
"I... I am?" His answer sounded more like a question but you didn't want to pry. Not when you could tell that he's a little uncomfortable.
"That's good," You smiled softly, "Just wanted to make sure my students are doing okay, that's all,"
Oh... bless your soul, Ms (L/N).
“That’s... I really appreciate that. Thank you, Ms (L/N),” He relaxes for the first time in a while.
“No problem. If you have any problem, I'm all ears, alright?" The lump in his throat prompted him to nod.
Say any more and he's likely to break down right then and there.
"Now, go ahead. Seems like AJ’s waiting for you at the door. I’ll have the copies ready by tomorrow,” You cocked your head at the door, where the older Wilson smiled sheepishly. You and Jacob snorted, the latter followed his classmate out but not before hearing you one last time.
“Say hi to your mom and uncle Sam for me, okay?” 
“I will!” AJ grinned. Jacob tilted his head, somewhat curious but also intrigued that you knew AJ’s family much more personally. 
Towards the end of his second week, Mrs May asked him to meet her after class.
"How do you find the school so far?" She asked, arranging a number of worksheets on the desk before focusing on the teen.
"It's... quite nice," No lies there. He’s just overwhelmed with, well, everything.
"Good, good. now, I wanted to ask if you've considered any clubs to join?" Ah yes, clubs and society. Considering his poor performances in his last middle school year from... 'that thing', the board of the school still gave him the green light to enroll.  
But on one condition; he's required to join a club in his first year to make up for his previously underwhelming performance. Thankfully, there's an array of clubs to choose from.
"I'm still not sure, to be honest," Jacob scratched the back of neck but dear ol' Mrs May's smile didn't falter.
"That's alright. Hopefully you'll find one by the end of the month, though. If you're not sure, you can ask your teachers, since most of them are in-charge of their own clubs. There's Maths, Chemistry, even your literature teacher,"
Ms (L/N)?
"Yes, Ms (L/N)," She repeated. Whoops. He didn't mean to say that out loud, "She's the faculty advisor for the basketball club. Why not give it a try?" Jacob winced, remembering his therapist's exact words.
For now, stick to light physical activities.
"I... don't think I'd wanna join a sports club,"
"I see. Well, why not join as a manager instead of a player?" The tilt of his head prompted her to pull out an A4 sheet out from the desk drawer, "I'm not sure if you noticed but some clubs offer a manager position, including the basketball club. You'll still earn the same benefits as any other member,"
Hmm, that doesn’t sound so bad, to be honest.
"But, if you're still not sure, feel free to ask any of the teachers in charge. You'll find the right one, dear," She passed him the flyer, along with other clubs for his own references. God bless Mrs May for her generosity.
His options went from nine to four to eventually, the very last one, and it's no surprise what club he decided to know more about.
Reve's Basketball Club.
Fortunately, he knew exactly who to ask.
"Make sure you read the next five chapters before the next class!" You reminded your students as soon as the bell rang.
"Ms (L/N)?" You looked to your right to find Jacob standing before you, shuffling his feet.
"Hey, Jacob! You're not having lunch with your friends?" You wiped the final writings on the board before giving your full attention to the teen.
"Not today, I have my own," He took out a bar of granola out of his pocket before clearing his throat, "I wanted to ask you about... the basketball club, if you're okay with that?" Oh? You didn't expect that — he didn't seem like the sporty type. Then again, who were you to judge? He, like everyone else, is new, but him especially, considering he moved in all the way from Massachusetts. 
"Oh, that's more than alright! Is there a position you’re particularly interested in? Coach Fury’s looking for a center player but I’m sure we can squeeze you in for the other spots," You whispered with a glint in your eye, hoping to calm him down, judging by the way he's hesitating to ask. He half-smiled before showing you the club’s flyer in his hands.
“I’m, uh, actually interested in the manager position, if it’s still available?” Well, lucky you! Nobody’s ever sought the manager position for any clubs this fast, let alone basketball. Normally, you or the players had to scout for someone when time was running out. Nothing wrong with that though, you're just glad someone's interested! He might even get a kick out of it since some of his classmates are part of the team, too.
"Ahh, of course! Come, let's sit down," You motioned to the desk closest to yours.
"Alright, you’re aware that the manager position offers the same benefits as what a player would get, right?" Jacob nodded slowly, "So, my first question is how familiar are with you with basketball knowledge?"
"Uhh..." Okay, he didn't think through, "Barely...? I think I played it once or twice as a kid but, I guess not much.."
Good job, Jake.
You chuckled, "Don't worry. The first time they assigned me on board, I honestly knew nothing about it. I had to do my own research beforehand but in all honesty, they're easier to understand than you think. Do you have any questions about the role?"
"Well..." Gosh, is this worth asking?
"Is the position heavy to work with?" Jacob's face scrunched up. He didn't want to seem weak or even babied for such a question but again, he was advised to avoid vigorous activities. He’d rather not know the consequences if he neglected what’s best for him.
"Hmm..." You tapped your chin, "Tell you what, why don't you stop by the gym tomorrow or Thursday after school? I can show you the basics. That way, you’ll able to get an idea of what you’re expected to do, should you decide to join us,"
He pondered at the idea.
"Yeah, okay, thanks, Ms (L/N)," He smiled softly.
"Not a problem, kid. Now," You stood up from you seat, "You better get going. Lunch time doesn’t end until another fifteen minutes so you’ll have some time to kill," That, and you don't fancy the idea of Jacob eating just a granola bar. So, as soon as he thanked you and took his leave, you called his name, "Jacob!"
"Yes?" He paused at the door.
“Try to grab something other than a granola bar, yeah?" You advised, "At least get a drink on your way out,"
His heart ached — how could he say no to that? He couldn't say no to that. You're just looking out for him.
He purposely slowed his pace as he walked to the cafeteria.
Was he being over-emotional?
He never stopped thinking about it, not even when he got himself a chocolate milk. Not the best choice but it'll do, right Ms (L/N)?
His day continued in a blur and he walked home alone, which he has yet to get used to, considering he's been walking with his new friends who were living in the same block. But, he needed his alone-time.
Was he really into basketball or he's only interested because he feels, dare he say, safer, around Ms (L/N), for whatever reason? He knows there's a difference between the two but he can't imagine himself in another club. He's barely opened his mouth for any other classes unless they asked him a question but for the most part, he kept it to himself.
Well, there's no harm in trying, right...? He even took the liberty to do some research on the sport before bed for uh... safety measures?
He could only hope that whoever’s in the club doesn't mind him.
“JACOOOB!” He jumped as soon as he opened the gym door, only to grin when he immediately recognized the voices.
AJ and the Maximoff twins.
"We didn't know that you're joining!" Tommy shook him by the shoulders while his brother, Billy tried to pull him off. Jacob has yet to figure out where he keeps all his energy — it's already 3.30 p.m. and he's still energetic.
“Alright, alright, let’s not crowd around him,” You shooed them away, placing your hands on your hips like a mother scolding her children, “Shouldn't you guys be changing by now? Not unless you want Coach Fury to...” You drawled, knowing that was enough to send them off in a flash. 
Oh, right, the coach.
"Now, just a heads-up; Coach Fury's a bit of a grump but I can assure you that he's just a 'tough love' kinda teacher, y’know?"
Oof, don’t he know it.
The coach already sounded intimidating but he did not expect the massive scar on his left eye. Jacob instinctively stood closer to you at the very sight of him. You gave him an encouraging pats on the back, mouthing an 'it's okay' when he looked at you in fear.
"Barber, so glad that you could join us," Fury's calmness didn’t last though. At the corner of his working eye, you knew he's switched to ‘colonel mode', "Did I not tell you to work on your aim?!"
"S-sorry, Coach!" A senior player yelped and nearly ran into his teammate. He scowled and turned his attention back to Jacob, only to find him tenser than he ever was. He didn’t even have to look at you to know that you’re facepalming and sighed.
"Sorry 'bout that. You would think that as a member for almost three years, you’d know the dos and don’ts by now,” He shook his head disapprovingly, observing the older members with their juniors, carefully this time, “Anyways, Ms (L/N) told me that you’re interested in the manager position?”
“Yes, sir,” Jacob responded.
“Well, at least one of us have some manners around here,” He noted, crossing his arms, “She's going to show you the ropes. Nothing drastic for now — write down whatever that's good or bad, keep an eye out for our equipment and pass around towels and water bottles. You can do that, can you?”
“Yes sir,” Coach Fury huffed but amazingly, in amusement before patting his shoulder.
“Call me coach, kid, now get to it,” His soft(er) tone contrasted to the booming voice that he let out just moments after, calling the team in to line up for a briefing. 
“Seems like you’re on his good side already!” You congratulated before beckoning him to the bench, where the bottles, towels and basketballs perched on. You chuckled at Jacob as he breathed a great sigh of relief.
"Really!" You reassured, “So, ready to get started?”
He nodded, smiling softly as he finally sound something to look forward to in school.
Days turned to weeks, where you and the team gifted him with the official jacket, not long after his permanent decision to stay. You've figured it out after his third visit to the practice, though, and added him into the list of new members when you ordered the jackets weeks prior. He's already grown attached to his friends and even Coach Fury.
If he wasn't screaming, that is.
You didn't know this but another reason he stayed is because you made him believe that no one's here to harm him, including and especially you. His dad seemed more than okay with you too, which meant a lot.
Hell, if he's being bold, it seems like his dad almost enjoyed talking to you, even for a short while. But, this is the Andrew Barber he's talking about; his trust issues were... something else but if he didn't mind your presence, then Jacob's more than relieved.
"Welcome to the team, Jacob," You beamed — a look of pride that only a parent could have. Something he's yearned to see from here on out.
You were proud of him, meaning that he's doing something right.
Yeah, he'll do just fine here.
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˚ · . taglist: @wanniiieeee @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @0mrs-evans0 @sophiaedits @innerblizzardbird @knifevsstageprop @marvelmenwhore @nasawho @tastingcevans @liecastillo
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magicpumpkin3 · 3 years
Heyaaaa!!!! So I read the request of the reader screaming because of a spider and the dorm leaders thinking the reader was in danger and then I was like, what if we were actually in danger, like getting attacked by a person. So I wanted to request the reader being attacked by someone and the being protected by the dorm leaders. I hope this is clear enough, well have a good day 😁😁
Oh boi-
Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle hasn't felt such rage since his overbolt. No, this rage was so much bigger and greater. How dare they?!
He's immediately by your side, screaming "OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!!!". If this wasn't enough to stope your attacker, Riddle uses all protection spells and tricks he learned in NR college.
Dorm leader is well aware if he uses attack spells or overuses self-defence, it's going to backfire. He'll also be an attacker.
After some time of defending, bastard who attacked you finally was out of breath. Right in that moment, Riddle hits them in the gut. Just in case.
Incident is reported to Dire (if birdman does nothing, he'll have to face overbolting Riddle again). And person who attacked you is delt with. Properly.
After that fight, you're momentarily sent to the nurse office. Riddle is so worried, he spends all his time by your side. Only reasons why he leaves you, is lessons,l and some hella important things other then that, dorm leader is always near you.
Leona Kingscholar
Oh, that lion is pissed. Leona doesn't care what is about to happen, he only knows one thing for sure. That piece of a person is going down.
Usually Leona wouldn't interrupt fights or end them, unless it was absolutely necessary. But seeing you in one. On receiving side if it. Oh damn- someone was either stupid or had the biggest balls around for that kind of stuff. Everyone knew: If you mess with Ramshackle perfect, you mess with Leona.
Fists, magic everything is thrown into the fight. It doesn't matter of the person is stronger then Leona, that lion will get make them go down. Meanwhile Ruggie is at your side, trying to get you to a nurse office.
When Leona is done beating the living shit out of with attacker, he's by your side. He doesn't leave you. At all. He sleeps near you, eats near you (Ruggie was kind enough to deliver Leona food once in a while), sleep again- He misses damn lessons pretty often already, he doesn't care.
No one can go near you, unless it's a medical staff member or Ruggie with food.
Azul Ashengrotto
At first, He couldn't believe his own eyes. Who was stupid enough to do this? My lord was he mad. I don't think anyone has ever witnessed him being this mad before.
He gets between two of you immediately. Azul uses all protection spells he knows on you. He isn't the best in physical strength (usually twins do the dirty job) but when it comes to protecting his angelfish, oh boi- does this dude gets feral.
Like Riddle, he knows if he abuses power of self-defence, Azul will get in trouble himself. Unlike Rosehearts though, he has a whole shady business and blackmail behind his back.
After the fight is over and you're getting proper medical help and whole thing is reported, Azul calls Leech twins. No one gets away from him after hurting his Angelfish.
After all that, in private, he crys near your bed. Azul feels pathetic. He couldn't protect you! His greatest treasure. He fells like hiding in his octoput, with you near him. Azul stays by your side as long as possible. He has school and business to attend to. However, you're more important then any of those things.
Kalim Al-Asim
Poor boy has no idea what to do! Whom am I kidding, he knows what to do. BREAK THE FIGHT! He doesn't want anyone fighting. Especially you.
If attacker keeps pushing on, trying to punch or kick, Kalim would just call for help or use his unique magic. He really doesn't want to be involved in something as horrible as this!
Jamil is there to slap sense into him. After calming down after a mini panic attack, Kalim immediately gets you to the nurse office. He is there with through the whole check up and is there even after.
Kalim reports this attack to Dire (if birdman does nothing, he'll face overbolting Kalim or something close to that). He will make that person pay. Dorm leader isn't usually the one for revenge but right now, he wants justice.
Like Azul, his very sorry. Kalim doesn't care if his crying in public, he really doesn't! He was so confused, it's his fault for not being able to protect you or take care of you. If it wasn't for Jamil, bringing him back to his senses he'd still be having that panic attack.
He's willing to skip classes, if you want him near you (Jamil is typing). After tha incident, he is all tingly all over and is a bit paranoid. Please be patient with him. Kalim wasn't that traumatized from boing poisoned.
Vil Schoenheit
How dare they?! Vil was furious. He never felt so much disgust for a human being before! He was ready to tear them apart. Who do they think they are too harm his sweet potato?!
Vil has never looked this bitten up. No, wrong term. He never looked so deadly. His hair messed up a bit, face twisted with rage and his clothes being a nit wrinkly. He was truly terrifying.
Like Azul and Riddle, he understands the backfire if he overuses his magic but dear God he's in such rage. Vil isn't the one to throw hands for nothing, fortunately for you though, you're everything to him. Vil throws in every protection and 'passive-aggressive' spell he can remember.
After the fight is over, Vil makes sure himself that you get the best medical treatment. The thing is immediately reported to Dire (if birdman does nothin, he faces bunch of furious fans of youxVil). He spends every free moment he can by your side. All his meetings are cancelled and he has Rook guarding you 24/7.
Some time later, he makes Rook stalk the bastard who hurt you. After he knows enough information, Vil will hunt that piece of person. He may not be the best when it comes to strength but he is master of hurtful words and sabotages. Vil will make them pay for what they did to his sweet potato.
Idia Shroud
He's so terrified, has no idea what to do! Video games only gave him instructions how to bit the bosses not...This! Seeing you hurt, trying to defend yourself, it makes him feel weak, more pitiful.
The way you try to fight back someone so much stronger then you, it wakes something in him. Need, no must to protect.
Oldest of the Shroud brothers maybe shy and nerves wreck all over the place but when it comes to people he loves and cares about, all of his trades disappear. Before you, is not a shy and nerves Idia, it's Mr. Shroud.
With a blink of an eye, his by your side. On the outside, he is confident blackmailer but on the inside there's a killbill siren on the max volume. He's panicking inside okay?! Just because he looks like he's about to end someone's career (which he is-), doesn't mean Idia is even close to being confident.
Idia won't try to fight back, he'll just get you out of the fight. He may be a bit braver then before, that doesn't mean he's dumb now. He knows he's weaker then that bastard. He get's you to medical staff as fast as possible. Once you're save in nurse office, Idia lets himself panic all he wants.
He can't help but cry, feeling weak and pathetic. What good is he, if he couldn't protect person he loves?! Please, give this guy some love and reassurance. Idia feels absolutely broken. Don't think he forgot about that attack though...The person who did this will pay. Idia has a lot if blackmail material for a reason.
Malleus Draconia
Okay, genuine question. Does the person has a death wish? Like I'm genuinely curious. Everyone knows not to mess with Diasomnia dorm and their leader especially.
Malleus literally summons thunder when he sees this. Dark aura surrounding him, while he walks closer you and that poor unfortunate soul. How dare some, mere a fly compared to him do such things to his beloved?
Let's be real. Anyone, dumb or not, would stop attacking you and just ran away crying like a little beech baby. Though soon enough they're caught by one of Malleu's guards. Don't they dare think, that young prince just forgot about them. Let's just say that after that... There is a rumour that they got transferred to a different school.
He won't let attacker explain themselves. He doesn't want a word leaving their filthy mouth. Malleus just picks you up and carrys you to the medical staff to check you. Dorm leader doesn't leave your side and if he absolutely has to, he leaves one of his guards (or Lilia if that matters) with you.
Malleus just sits near you. Poor baby is too afraid to touch you, he thinks he'll gring you even more pain, he couldn't even hug you in fear of hurting you!
Malleus isn't the one to be a cry baby but if they're any scares left, he'll cry. It was his fault. You probably got beaten up because you were with him. Please, I beg you, give this boy some love and affection. He needs it even more then before.
Again, sorry for a delay!
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yeeyee-alumni · 3 years
Joel did not doom humanity (no matter how much the second game wants you to believe that)
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To demonize Joel’s decision at the end of the first game (saving his surrogate daughter’s life) you need to bend over backwards and ignore any and all context the first game gave us with regards to who the Fireflies truly are. Because the truth of the matter is: a) they knocked Joel unconscious while he was trying to revive a young girl b) they drugged Ellie immediately to tear her body apart for their needs c) THEY DID NOT ASK ELLIE FOR PERMISSION to give her life for their cause, they didn’t even tell her she would have to die (Ellie was making plans with Joel after the giraffe scene, “Once we're done, we'll go wherever you want. Okay?”, clearly indicating she had no idea she would have to die) d) they did not let Ellie and Joel see each other to say their goodbyes e) they were about to walk Joel out into the wilderness without any of his gear/resources, which during the zombie apocalypse is a certain death sentence f) they didn’t hold up their end of the bargain (remember how Marlene promised Joel guns in return for delivering Ellie?) So even if you show them as much goodwill as possible, the Fireflies are still a bunch of assholes. If the exact opposite had happened, they let Joel go all on good terms and then he suddenly decided to turn around and murder everyone I would have called him a terrible person, but that is not what happened. As it stands, the Fireflies are shady and questionable at best. But it actually gets worse:
a) the procedure that would 100% kill Ellie had an incredibly low success rate (the doctor mentioned in his recording that every previous operation with other test subjects had failed) b) the same recording mentions cerebrospinal fluid having been extracted, meaning they were capable of performing a non-lethal spinal tab, but they’re unable to perform a non-lethal biopsy or craniotomy on Ellie? (this may seem like nit-picking, but actually further solidifies my point about how incompetent the Fireflies/Abby’s dad were/was) c) to add to their immense incompetence, mere hours after receiving Ellie they decide to IMMEDIATELY KILL THE ONLY PERSON KNOWN TO BE IMMUNE as oppose to keeping her alive for as long as possible to run every single test in existence on her. But let's paint a picture of the best case scenario, which is Jerry, the absolute legend that he is, actually manages to get a vaccine out of Ellie, what happens then? a) How are the Fireflies, who are nearly extinct at this point, supposed to MASS PRODUCE and NATIONWIDE DISTRIBUTE a vaccine? That is logistically impossible. b) More than likely, they would use the vaccine as a bargaining chip against FEDRA (granted, this is more a guess than a fact, but to believe they wouldn’t take advantage of the vaccine in the fight for political power against the government they’ve been fighting for years is beyond naïve). But let’s be even more generous: turns out the Fireflies are the most altruistic resistance group to have ever existed, they actually manage to produce and distribute the vaccine into every last corner of the country, everyone is immune. What now? a) You might be immune to spores and bites, but your immunity doesn’t help you when a clicker rips your throat out or a bloater crushes you to death, the infected can still kill you in numerous other ways. b) The faction wars going on are not gonna disappear overnight. WLF and Seraphites will continue to kill each other by the dozens every day, one could even argue that introducing a vaccine into the conflict would only cause things to escalate further. c) Numerous cannibals, hunters and bandits still roam the country, they will not abandon their practices overnight and they are arguably a much bigger threat than the infected to begin with. Just because everyone is immune does not mean that the world returns to sunshine, rainbows, and flowers. To imply that it would, means being simplistic and naive beyond reason. It should be obvious by now that Ellie’s death WOULD NOT HAVE IMPROVED ANYTHING. The chances of actually getting a vaccine are slim to none, the chances of vaccinating everyone are even more dour, and even then the overall situation would not improve much. With such bad prospects I wouldn't be willing to sacrifice my child either. (I am aware that an argument can be made that none of these factors had an impact on Joel’s decision to save Ellie, yet they’re still crucial when making a judgement about the Fireflies/Abby’s dad). To summarize: a) Abby’s dad was incompetent and a horrible person (his conversation with Abby in the second game tells us that he would not be willing to sacrifice his own child, but if it’s someone else’s it’s a-okay for him). b) The Fireflies were a malicious and incompetent terrorist group with messed up morals. c) No, Joel did not doom humanity. Subsequently, Abby’s quest for revenge was not justified because the Fireflies and her dad were never justified in their actions to begin with. And this is only solidified by the second game having to retcon the hell out of all these arguments I just painstakingly illustrated and explained in order to even attempt to have Abby’s motivation be seen as justified. Only one example being how it was clearly established in the first game that they had MULTIPLE doctors in Salt Lake City (Marlene: “The doctors tell me that the cordyceps, the growth inside her, has somehow mutated.”; Ellie: “She said that they have their own little quarantine zone. With doctors there still trying to find a cure.”). Yet in the second game we are told by
Abby that actually no, turns out her dad was the only doctor that could have developed vaccine. And it doesn't take mental gymnastics to see why the second game takes it upon itself to alter most of the context of the first one: to (retroactively!) condemn Joel. HOWEVER, a sequel doesn’t get to pick and choose which established facts from the first entry it builds upon or what it gets to retroactively declare as non-canon only to have it fit their preferred narrative. Quite frankly, that’s bad writing. A sequel, in order to be considered well-written, has to not only be a natural continuation of the events, but has to stay consistent with the characters and the world that were previously set up. And if you have to alter much of the context to make it look like Joel condemned the world, isn't that the most obvious sign that he never actually did? And all of this effort for just one goal: to justify Abby’s quest for revenge and yet it still wasn’t and here’s why: Joel killed her dad in order to PREVENT HIM FROM KILLING HIS DAUGHTER. Abby on the other hand WILFULLY SLOW TORTURED Joel for what appears to be hours, prolonging his death for as long as possible, all for her own gratification (and we won't mention how she went through with it despite Ellie's crying and pleading). And don’t even try to make the argument about Abby wanting “justice”, Joel didn’t torture her dad out of revenge or for his own gratification - this is not justice, this is simply sadistic. A man killing someone who is about to murder their child in semi-self-defense cannot be compared to someone wilfully slow torturing someone to death for their own gratification, like Jesus, I didn’t think I’d have to spell that one out. I am aware that the second game tries to do whatever it can, including retconning their own original story, to paint Ellie and (especially!) Joel as evil. And for a considerable amount of the player base this actually worked, and while I cannot find it in me to condemn them (we all experience stories differently after all), I reserve the right to reject arguments in defense of Abby such as “all people are forced to do bad things during the apocalypse” and “does context even matter?”. If the only way you can defend/justify Abby's actions is to remove all context and nuance, then your reasoning is built on quicksand.
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arhvste · 3 years
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❝ my assumptions based on your fav hq character ❞
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these are all in good fun and not serious at all, please don’t get upset by them, my opinion doesn’t mean shit bby :,)
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-> a soft bitch with a big heart. you want others to do well and you love positive attention. you do however, get overworked by emotion and sometimes get played because of how nice you are. judge people a little harsher and don’t be shy to put a bitch back in their place, you got this
-> we get it youre a bad bitch but sometimes it comes across like you’re still going through your angsty teen phase. stop that, you’ll get permenant wrinkles if you keep it up. let yourself live a little freely and don’t be shy to leave your comfort zone more often. and stop getting sad over the smallest things okay?
-> horrible taste in men and you have a degradation kink. you wanna be called a little slut in the bedroom but would cry if you were called it anywhere else. you’re very kind people but you’re constantly putting yourself down and thinking you deserve shit over nothing. be kinder to yourself
-> you’re the supportive friend people go to when they need a pick-me-up however, you let yourself get walked over from time to time and it’s not fair on you. don’t be shy to kick a bitch and show them who’s can be the alpha >:) you’re a bad bitch with a big heart and you’re academically stable
-> shush, indoor voices please! it’s okay! we know you’re here you don’t need to shout! you’re probably between 4’0-5’3 and preach personality over looks which is fine because as everyone should. you’re insecure around others and feel the need to have a bigger presence to feel more confident. it’s okay though, i think you’re really hot and you should let yourself feel more comfortable with people you actually like more often.
-> loyal as fuck and dependable. you’re the bitch people know they can come to should they ever need it. you’re popular and you own every hallway you strut through. you let the feeling of dejection get to you though and worry about how you’re perceived by the people you’re surrounded by especially if there’s a potential love interest in your orbit. calm down and be yourself more, it’s their loss if they don’t fall for you anyway.
-> stop letting people talk over you! you’re that bitch so why the hell do you let people overpower you? you’re hot and you know you’re capable but you wallow up in self doubt and get upset over nothing. remind yourself that you’re hot, loved and talented more often because you need it.
-> you’re deceptive and it’s not always a bad thing. you’re good at switching up your personality and probably act fake to certain people which is fair enough. you can be a bit of a bitch sometimes but you’re hot and funny so you get away with it. learn to break down your barriers a little more though because when people start seeing your act they’ll become untrusting around you.
-> OKAY daddy issues pack it up now. no i’m kidding but you’re attracted to mentally stable people with good morals. someone that will take care of you and be there for you. try to be more self reliant and independent though.
-> we know you’re hot okay? you don’t need to post thrist traps on snapchat at 2AM every night we get it! you’re a little whiny and bratty but that’s a given. you’re a burnt out gifted child and you were probably in top classes or top league for a sport between ages 8-14 before you started becoming more average. that’s fine too though, just remember you have talents that lie elsewhere you just have to find them.
-> daddy issues 0.2. you’re bossy and demanding but fair. you judge others accordingly and have a good sense of who’s a good person and who’s not. you need to be more open with people and let more people in though. you’re protective of yourself and don’t let your walls down so easily. soften them and let others in more.
-> you’re just here for a good time and a good railing that’s all i have to say.
-> you’re the bitch that has to listen to the mattsun stans last hook up. you’re hot too, go have a good time.
-> you’re extremely hot and i would absolutely make out with you right here right now. no i’m kidding. i’m not but anyways, you have mommy issues and you need to get over it. you also need to stop being so analytical of people because some people don’t like being read and you step over peoples boundaries sometimes. control yourself you feral thing.
-> ah yes. everyone’s favourite ‘i have issues but i don’t want to deal with them, so i’ll be a whore online instead’. that’s a half joke but seriously, you’re doing fine bby you don’t even need to worry. nobodies judging you and even if they are they’re way uglier and dumber than you. even still you should be friendlier to those around you and let your guard down a little more.
-> you’re like a little dog. yappy and lively. you’re also very trustworthy and i would tell you my deepest and darkest secrets and feel safe about it. you’re strong willed and put others in their place at ease. you do however, need to be a little more selfish and put yourself first at times. selflessness is great but it’s okay to put yourself first sometimes and you need to do that more often.
-> you’re literally so hot and i’d be begging for your attention. you’re also slightly oblivious and have probably had several people crush on you at once but you’ve ignored them all unintentionally. you need to believe in yourself more and remind yourself that you’re that bitch. you’re capable of amazing things you just need to realise it yourself a little more
-> okay mx mood swings you need to stop acting out over nothing. you’re gorgeous don’t get me wrong but dropping your slice of bread on the floor isn’t the end of the world. get over smaller things quicker and become more aware of your surroundings. you have a really good set of close friends and you’re friendly to everyone around you. you’re very very loved but you need to stop getting caught up over pointless things.
-> you’ve probably been called ‘boring’ before but that’s far from the truth. you make snide comments and you’re witty. you’re one of the most mentally stable people and you don’t get upset over petty argument or fights. you do howver nit pick at situations and get too critical. stop that because you only annoy yourself more and put yourself in a bad mood.
-> you scare the shit out of me but in a good way. i’d be scared to talk to you because you’re so perfect? you do tend to come across as unapproachable though but that’s not your fault. smile a little more and don’t be afraid to laugh a little louder. your laugh is so pretty anyway so don’t be shy to let yourself loose a little more
-> you’re the type of person people think about for weeks after seeing you at the airport you’re that hot. you’re reliable and loved by many. you’ve got a good spirit and you’re mentally balanced. you need to stop overworking yourself though and stop getting too worried for other people in their place. you’ve already got enough on your plate so stop taking other peoples problems when you already have your own.
-> you’re a bitch. no i have more to say. you’re misunderstood. you come across as a shitty person but that’s just because you’re passionate and hard at communicating in a way that’s not so blunt. you’re petty and dislikable at first but after a couple of conversations, people find out there’s so much more to you. you’re funny, hot and talented. just remember to work on holding back on the blunt statements a little more.
-> 2nd best kinda vibes. you ARE the pretty best friend but people always ignore that because you’re kinda overshadowed by others around you. you’re like a diamond in the rough and valuable to those lucky enough to find you and get to know you. don’t put yourself down so much and show others you can be independent and unique because that’s exactly what you are
-> you’re hot and that’s it. you’re probably the type of person to not show up to classes but still manage to pass every exam with ease. you’re almost too cool to approach and people probably think you’re bitching about them when they see you on your phone. what they don’t know is that you’re really looking at pictures of cows that have been washed and blowdried. you probably own a pink princess cowboy hat and your instagram is probably everyone’s pinterest board. just stop slacking off though because you can achieve so much more.
-> you’re powerful and elegant. you’re very level headed and go about problems the efficient way. you hate time wasters and don’t let people make you their bitch. you probably have a slight god complex but that’s okay because when you’re as hot as you are, it’s understandable. stop being so uptight and sensitive about things though. be kinder to your mind and let go of the things not worth holding a grudge against.
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mugi-chan · 3 years
hi! I like your "vice dorm head : who are you talking to?" headcanon. may I request for the same content but with the dorm leaders Instead? thank you🖤
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ლ  Tea order: Dorm heads: Who are you talking to? 
ლ  Warnings: None!
ლ Tea shop notes: I actually really love doing the vice dorm leader one, and I was actually do a dorm head one as well but you beat me to it! I decided to make it more fluffy then angst since i’m not in the mood to make angst.  I also wanted to try something new with the headcanons. I hope you like it!
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Rules this rule that so much rules! Sometimes you wonder how can people from heartslabyul survive with this! Riddle isn’t so strict with rules ever since his overblot, but there are some tiny rules he’ll throw a fit about. And that’s what happened
You broke the tiniest of rules you had no idea about, Heck not even Trey or Cater knew about! Riddle was lecturing you about how “rules are important” and “we need to follow the rules” 
Yada yada all so boring 
But there was this one thing, this one thing Riddle said that to him he didn’t think would hurt you…butt it did It really hurt you
He was mid lecture when you just got up and left. Trey and Cater were surprised by this, no had ever had the guts to just get up and leave mid lecture! This made Riddle mad, he was yelling out your name and demanding you to come back But did you? nope , what riddle said was horrible and you took it really personally 
The next day Riddle was not mad but confused, what did he say to make you just leave? Was it the rule? Or was it something else? Riddle wanted to confront you about this
He saw you and Trey talking to each other, happy as a bee. When he got there he asked you a simple question “(y/n) my dear why did you leave?” No response, trey was waiting for your response but nothing, nothing at all 
Riddle asked the question one more time but still no response, “Uh (y/n) Riddle is trying to talk to you” Trey said. “Hm? What do you mean Trey-senpai there is no one here” You waved your hand around trying to prove Trey your point, and at that point Riddle just…  left 
You two will give each the other silent treatment as you are both stubborn people. It will take Trey and Cater to convince both of you to come talk to each other. Even then it would be just you two sitting there not looking at each other. Eventually you two will speak after so much convincing from Trey. 
When you two finally do talk you explained to Riddle why you were so angry at him and how it really hurt you. Riddle will apologize after realizing his mistakes, along with you as what you did was probably pretty childish
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Leona can have a big mouth sometimes. He’ll say something without even thinking about it, and sometimes those words can hurt people. 
That’s what happened, you failed a test and it was really bringing you down. Jack tried to cheer you up but it was no use. You went to Leona for cuddles since normally he wouldn’t care. When you walked in you saw Leona looking out the window looking distressed. “Leona, what’s the matter?” Leona looked over his shoulder seeing you make home in his room. “Stuff, you seem pretty distressed, what’s wrong my princess?” 
You didn’t respond and just rolled around his bed, Leona just sighed and joined you on the bed. 
You eventually told him what happened about the test and all, and Leona’s response was to laugh. Laugh and belittle you for worrying so much about it. Did Leona think you would take it seriously? No, but did you? Yes 
When Leona was laughing you just got up and left almost in tears, you knew this was going to happen! Leona never really cared about school but he should at least understand your feelings about it! 
Leona didn’t think much about this for weeks. When you started to ignore him just brushed it past him. But when you didn’t come for daily cuddles now that’s the problem. He confronts you about this but gets completely donowall by you. When someone mentions that THE Savanaclaw dorm headis talking to you, you would just respond with “huh who’s that?” 
Well two can play this game. Leona ignores you as well, it was so antagonizing seeing you two not talking to each other. It takes a lot of convincing from Ruggie to even get you two in the same room. When you do get in the same room though it’s a different story. Leona would have to think about everything he said and once he pinpoint about him laughing about your test score he would apologize. Once he does you would apologize as well for ignoring him. I mean you can admit that you miss you two’s cuddle session since those were also really nice. 
But all in all you two would make up with cuddle sessions and kisses everywhere. You can explore what happens next.
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Ahh yes Mr.Smartypants, he knows everything. Well at least he thought he knew everything. When you were talking about something Azul mentioned something that you told him you didn’t like talking about. When those words came out of Azul’s mouth you were shocked and angry by this. You told him you didn’t want to talk about it and yet he brought it up! 
The twins were watching the whole situation go down. Seeing your aura go from a nice happy to yeah i’m out. Which that’s what you did, you got up and left the mostro lounge. Azul called after you wondering why his wonderful (s/o) is leaving him be? But there was no time for him to think about that as more customers were coming and needed to sit and serve. He’ll just ask about this tomorrow
Well tomorrow comes and you completely ignore him. His insecurities skyrocketed, some many thoughts and questions ran through his head. What did he do? Did he say something? Did you want some privacy? What did he do wrong? But having to keep that calm and cool persona he would play along with you. A simple good morning and that’s it nothing else. It did hurt him to be so cold to you but if you're not going to communicate so will he. 
This all changes though when he waits by your class to walk with you, you didn’t even look at him and just walk right past him with your friends. Azul was even more confused and tried to catch up. He asked you a question but you completely donowall him, your friends mention that your boyfriend was trying to talk to you. Your response was simply “hm? I didn’t hear anything.” and continue walking leaving Azul alone in shock. 
Overthinking everything he came to the conclusion that you hated him, and that completely broke him. Jade mentioned why not go apologize, he may not know what he did but he can win your heart again right? 
I mean I guess it worked?? He came to your house with your favorite flowers and chocolate. When you opened the door you were about to close it but Azul quickly stopped you and apologized for everything.  He was really sincere with his apologies that you accepted it with a warm hug. 
Ahhh thank goodness was all Azul said while almost on the brink of tears hugged you back. Making sure not to crush those pretty flowers.
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This poor baby boy, he accidentally talked about something you didn’t like talking about it! You mentioned to him in the beginning of the relationship what you did and did not like to talk about since it can be sensitive to you. But this poor boy was too excited to talk to you. He forgot about it and accidentally said it. The shock and horror on your face when you left the room was something that confused Kalim. Was it something he said? 
Yes yes it was, was all Jamil said when asked about it. Clearly Jamil and you talk about this as well since sometimes Kalim can forget about what you said and it’s up to Jamil to put him in his place. Once Jamil explained to Kalim what he did wrong Kalim would immediately go find you and try to apologize. 
Well you weren’t ready to see Kalim and again so when he appeared at your window with his magic carpet you just shut your curtains and went to bed. What you didn’t know is that Kalim was still waiting for you to answer. He waited like a patient puppy but had to be dragged away by Jamil. 
Next day wasn’t that good either. You were completely ignoring Kalim and Kalim was like a lost puppy following you anywhere you go. Kalim would try to talk to you and apologize for everything but you just gave him the gold shoulder. 
It took every strength in you to stay mad at him. He’s so cute and adorable. How can you be mad at him? Plus it was an honest mistake and Kalim was trying to apologize. 
Eventually you cracked and accepted his apology. A strict “please don’t say that again” is all Kalim needed before smothering you with kisses and cuddles like always.
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Vil is an influencer and has to keep up his appearance. We all know that, and being Vil’s s/o you need to be either up to his standards or keep the relationship hidden. It’s hard sometimes, sometimes you just want to cuddle and love Vil. Today you just wanted to relax with Vil but sadly Vil’s busy schedule does not allow him to rest. Vil’s busy schedule stressed him out. 
You were not so confident in your appearance as much as Vil calls you beautiful and pretty it still doesn’t feel enough. Your semi self conscious and Vil stressed out cause a fume to happen. Vil nit picked you on your appearance even though you were just relaxing and not going anywhere. You even say that but Vil keeps complaining about your appearance, soon you just got too tired to fight back and left. Straight up left Vil mid rant, Vil probably didn’t even know you left until he stopped. 
Vil was offended that you would just leave him there without saying anything. The gull! He didn’t think anything wrong in what he had said, everything was true. It was just a criticism of your beauty, nothing wrong with that. At least that’s what he thought, but it had the exact opposite effect. The next day Vil acts like nothing happened which makes you really mad. You thought he didn’t care about your feelings and deeply hurted you. Now it wasn’t just about the comment he made about your appearance it’s the belief he didn’t care about you! 
Vil approached you and started a normal conversation with you not giving him the slightest attention. A cold shoulder, dono wall, whatever you want to call ignoring someone completely. Rook who is always by Vil’s side was telling you “Roi de Poison” is trying to talk to you, you just brushed him off and mumbled you had to go do something. Now this let an audible gasp from Rook as Vil looked even more offended. Fine if you want to ignore him like this so will he. Although he does that most of the time…
You two may not talk to each other for almost months until it’s just useless to stay mad at Vil forever. You just have to do what couples do, talk to each other. When you do, Vil would expect an apology from you before he ever apologized to you.  Buttt if you explain it real nicely to Vil why you were so angry about what he said he will apologize first and will actually understand sometimes. Hey most of these dorm heads are really stubborn and sometimes won’t admit their own faults. 
But Vil still love you, he may never admit it but he really does. When you ignored him the first time that really did hurt him. 
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Being a Shroud is hard enough the pressure to be the perfect “heir”, some people don't even want to be near him because of his family’s name, and the meaning behind the Shroud name always looms over Idia. 
It’s so stressful but not at the same time, being an introvert means that he doesn't have to meet said people who don’t even want to be near him and can stay in his own room where he can control the setting. But recently his family has been pressuring him to start getting more serious with the family business since he is a third year and will have to decide what internship he will do as a fourth year. This started to stress him out and wearing his patience thin. 
Sadly you were there at the wrong time when Idia lost his temper, you tried to calm him down and tell him everything will be okay but that didn’t help Idia at all. He would be ranting pacing back and forth, his hair bright red in flames. You kept telling him everything is fine and that he has you. At that moment Idia snapped, spilling every single thing that he had a problem with you and how it really is annoying. 
You know he was angry and not in the right of mind but hurt, it really did. So you just quietly walked out of his room not saying a word. Idia never noticed you left until he finished ranting. He quickly realized his mistake and wanted to apologize, but reading all the mangas and playing all those rpg games he knows that you may need some time. What he didn’t know was that this time by yourself would take weeks, and those were some agonizing weeks. 
Eventually Idia worked up the courage to go apologize to you, he got his apology idea from a certain manga series was reading. As corny as it was, it was really sweet and touching but he didn’t address the situation at hand. The awful words that he said about you during his rant. So you completely ignore his apology. Ortho would ask if you're okay since Idia was trying to talk to you, but all you said was “hm? Ortho what do you mean we’re the only ones here” that shattered Idia and he sulked away all courage he had was now gone. 
Now more agonizing weeks for Idia to plan the perfect way to apologize to you. He was scanning through all his shoujo manga to find the “perfect apology” and he did! Now time to practice and put it into action. 
After some practicing he felt confident enough to do it. He saw you walking in a very empty hallway. Great! Alone time and no one will for sure interrupt you two. You walked quietly back to your dorm and when suddenly BAM and hand stopped right in front of your face. Turning to face who just slammed their hand on the wall you were met with the shy eyes of Idia. You just sighed and duck underneath his arm walking away, but you were stopped by a soft grip on your wrist. You turn to face to Idia, you were about to rip your hand out of his grip until you saw how soft and shy his face was. So you gave him a chance and Idia spilled out a heartfelt apology and explained his wrong doings and asked for your forgiveness. It was really sweet that how can you not accept his apology! He apologized for what he said and complimented you so much that it was sweet. Although you were still mad you decided to accept him back and he immediately asked if you wanted a cuddle, because he was so socially drained.
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Being in a relationship is scary. Especially being with someone who is not exactly like you. That’s the problem Malleus was facing right now, he wants you to be happy and safe around him and that means he may mess up every once in a while. That’s what happened recently. Malleus was talking about something and then a topic popped up that you were uncomfortable with. 
You being shy you didn’t want to agner the prince so you quietly just left confusing Malleus. Sebek was yelling at you on how rude you were for just leaving the prince like that! But you just quietly walked away. Things didn’t escalate quickly until the next day. You were completely ignoring and avoiding Malleus every chance you got. You even started to avoid Lilia and Silver who are in fact the most reasonable ones in Diosmina. 
This action hurted Malleus feelings, he felt betrayed and was saddened by your action. He would try to talk to you or even get your attention but the avoidance by yours is making it really hard. The gaul of you to ignore THE Prince of Valley of Thorns as Sebek puts it. 
One day Sebek was really angered by this and confronted you right in front of Malleus. But all of you said was “Who’s Malleus?”. That caused a lot of reaction, everyone around you gave an audible gasp, Sebek was being held back by Silver while covering his mouth, Lilia was lowkey stifling a laugh, while Malleus looked shocked and offended. 
Malleus sulked for a little bit not knowing what to do and what he did wrong. Lilia told him about this really cheesy way to apologize he saw once in a romantic movie. Malleus practiced this for a little while and when he felt confident about he put it to action. 
He couldn’t wait for the next day and put it into action immediately. He teleported to your location which happens to be in your own bathroom. Brushing your teeth enjoying the silence, then BOOM your body was trapped between a towering figure. You looked up seeing Malleus with his shy face. “Malleus what’s wrong?” The way you said his name made him so happy. But that wasn’t the point, he lay it down on you and apologize for everything and he may not know what he did wrong and he is also growing and learning new things 
You accepted his apology and understand that he is still learning what is going on present day. You ended the day back in Malleus' rooms and cuddled with him making sure your safe and sound in his arms.
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balerionthedead · 2 years
I have a fair few nit-picks about the Serpentine, particularly their skeletal structure, and I will eventually talk about them, but I'm going to start at the least cursed bit, which is the way their spine connects to their skull. Here, I even drew a quick little picture for viewing pleasure.
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here on the left we have a king cobra skull and how the spine connects to the back of the skull because they spend a large majority of their time with their chins to the ground. When they do rise up, their spines curve so that it doesn’t snap anywhere because that’s not good for one’s health.
On the right we have mr broken neck serpentine man of unknown tribe. Now i would have considered the option of connecting the spine at the base of the skull, as we can see here in this screenshot from ‘once bitten, twice shy’:
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But that means the serpentine would have some fucked up eating issues because of the way their esophagus would have this random corner in it and the fact that the small bone at the base of the skull wouldn’t allow their jaws to stretch to fit their food, which means the snakes can’t snake and they’d have to eat like… regular food… all cut up and stuff like plebians… horrible… (that also adds another issue of a choking hazard since they’re unable to chew)
Then if their spines were connected at the back of the skulls like real world snakes, then anytime their heads are upright, their spines are fucking snapped. Bye bye mr broken neck serpentine man of unknown origin.
Okay so we’ll pretend they have uber flexible spine or something, and then all the previously mentioned issues are resolved. If they want to eat all cool like snakes, they’re still able to stretch their jaws and to bypass the esophagus problem, they just need to do some creative wiggling and sit still for a while (which is what real world snakes do anyway).
The only serpentine I don’t see many real neck issues with is Pythor, because of the way he holds his head (his spine very obviously connects to the back of his head) but he has some teeth issues… Actually all the serpentine have some teeth issues, but him and the rest of the anacondrai seem to have an extra set that they shouldn���t have.
Oh, and the pyrovipers, they’ve got a bit of neck issue, but nowhere near as severe.
I’m gonna be honest I don’t really remember where I was going with this, it made more sense in my head... sometimes I just ramble and it takes me nowhere and no one learns anything at all.
Also, as a side note, this isn’t Serpentine hate, I actually really enjoy the Serpentine, they’re probably my second favourite things in the show, I just tend to get a bit worked up when it comes to biology. Which by the way, I'm no biology expert but I tried to be as accurate as possible
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whale-minmin · 3 years
Could you do a scenario for skz changbin where his friend/crush went through a horrible breakup with a toxic s/o, where they’d constantly nit pick them. (Nit picking things like; their weight, and them being too clingy & affectionate)
But changbin is there to comfort them, and remind them that they’re enough.
- 🐻💙
it's okay | seo changbin
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♡ Genre : angst, fluff
♡ tw : past toxic relationship
♡ a/n : i made him as your friend! i hope you like it beloved anon! ❤❤❤
You were standing under Changbin's door, fully soaked in cold rain. Tears were running down your cheeks, getting mixed with the rain. You clicked the bell with a shaky hand, waiting.
Changbin opened the door just a little to see who it is, opening it wider when he sees it’s you. "Y/N? Come in" He let you enter before closing the door, locking the door.
"You're soaking wet. I'll give you some towels and clothes, wait a second" You nod, shaking both from the cold and the overwhelming emotions you were experiencing at the moment. He quickly rushed to the bathroom, returning with towels and clean clothes. He helped you dry off and gave you the clothes, pointing to the bathroom. "You can change in the bathroom, i'll be waiting in the living room" He let you change into his clothes which were a little too big for you, but it was fine.
You stepped into the living room, still shaking a bit. He let you take a seat next to him on the couch, giving you a blanket so you weren't cold. "Tea? Water?" He asked, but you shook your head no. "I just.. need to let out my emotions a little." He nod, gently grabbing your hand and giving you a small squeeze, encouraging you to speak. "Go on. I'm here for you" He gave you a small smile.
"I.. just had a break-up. And.. it wasn't nice." The image of shattered plates flashed before your eyes, making you tear up again. "It's okay" He caressed your hand. "Tell me about it" You knew that you could trust Changbin with anything, so you told him about everything. About how your ex would nit pick you, make you feel bad and insecure about yourself.
He closely listened to you the entire time while gently brushing his fingers over the outside of your hand, giving you comfort to speak further.
"It's okay, Y/N" He let you hug him and sob on his shoulder, making a wet stain on the shirt he was wearing, but he couldn't care less. "I'm here. You're perfect as you are, you're enough. You don't need to change anything" He wrapped his hands around you in a comforting manner as you cuddled up to him more, quietly thanking him.
"Your ex is an idiot, they didn't deserve you at all. They couldn't appreciate such a gorgeous, perfect person like you" Chanbin sighed, playing with your hair. "I'm here for you. You can stay the night if you'd want? We could cuddle and watch movies. And tomorrow, we'll make sure your ex will regret everything they did to you" He smiled, making you giggle. "Alright~" You laughed as Changbin poked your nose, already plotting a plan to take revenge. He was the best friend you could ever ask for.
❀❀❀❀❀ a/n ❀❀❀❀❀
Thank you for requesting! ♡
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belovedbangtan · 4 years
Dive | Part 4 | jjk
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<PART 3>
Pairings: Jungkook x y/n, Yoongi x oc
Word Count: 2.5k
Description:  Camping with your ex, sounds horrible right? The camping trip was   planned and payed for long before y/n’s shitty boyfriend broke up with   her. Her best friend Abby, Yoongi, Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook are there to make sure she has an amazing time. However, sharing a tent with  a smoke show like Jungkook is bound to lead to some complications.
Warnings:Language, oral sex, dom!Jk if you squint, mouth fucking... whoops.
If the sound of the heavy rain hitting the top of your tent wasn’t enough to wake you, the defining sound of lighting cracking a tree in the distance was. You gasped sitting up quickly, almost forgetting where you were. His warm palm runs up your arm, making your remember. You turn your head back to look at him, his eyes were heavy like he had just woken up. He softly wrapped his fingers around your upper arm, pulling you back into him. A sigh falling from your lips as you snuggled back into your safe space. His right arms wraps around you so that his fingers can run through your hair, while his left comes across his stomach searching for your fingers to lace his through. You quickly find them, looking up at him through your long lashes.
His soft eyes finally meet yours, “You make me feel things I’ve never felt before.” the words fell from your lips in a daze. Soft and unsure, but maybe talking about it would make it seem less foreign.
The corners of his mouth turn up while his eyes sparkled, “I can relate,’ he drew in a long breathe, “I cant really explain it either.”
You nod while readjusting yourself, sitting up and crossing your legs. He copies you, sitting up tall playing with the hem of his t-shirt.
“I just got out of a relationship a week ago,” You rake your fingers through your hair taking in a long breath.  
He cocks his head to the side taking his bottom lip in between his teeth, “Did you love Ben?” his voice is small, you can it’s not something he wants to talk about but you both know that its needed.
“I don’t know, I think so.” you rub your hands over your thighs, being forced to think about how you actually felt about one of the longest relationships you’d ever been in.
“You think?” He reaches out to take your hand in his. The instant tranquility that washes over just by being touched by him is something you can’t ignore.
“While I was in it, it felt like love to me... but,” You sigh searching his eyes hoping to find the words,“how do you know what love feels like?”
He tries to suppress a grin as he looks down quickly, he looks back up at you with adoration lacing all of his features, “I think it feels like this…”
Your chest tightens as you process what that means, you wish you weren’t so scared of everything that his words represented. You agree though, wholeheartedly. If you were ever to describe the feelings of falling in love, you would describe this moment.
“Why were you with him for so long if you weren’t sure you loved him?” His voice is soothing, almost as if you were fragile and if he spoke too loud you would break, “If you don’t mind me asking.”
You blink as his thumb brushes the back of your hand softly, “I think, maybe, I just liked having someone to call my own,” You start to explain. Telling him that you did have feelings for him, but you knew deep down that they weren’t feelings of love. You never thought about getting married, or having children, or a future at all with Ben. While you felt that way, a part of you felt secure knowing that you wouldn't be alone.
“Maybe I’m an idiot for staying as long as I did,” You look up at him and he shakes his head.
“I could say the same about all the relationships I’ve ever been in…” He starts to explain, “I think it’s normal, I think it’s what you’re supposed to do until you eventually find someone that makes you think like that. Someone that consumes your every thought, almost makes you feel like you were missing a part of you until you met them.” His hands are warm when they slide up your forearms, he tugs when he gets to your elbow. You follow his pull so that you’re straddling him.
“As scared as you might be, I promise you I’m feeling the same way,” He takes your face in between his hands letting his thumbs brush the area just below your eyes, “But it would be even scarier to stop whatever this could be.” His finger points from him to you repeatedly.
“Jungkook, we’ve literally only known each other for 3 days,” You close your eyes feeling psycho finally saying it out loud.
“Look, I’m not asking to get married or anything. I just think you should know how incredibly whipped I am for you already,” He chuckles as his lips lightly press onto the tip of your nose.
Your eyes lift to meet his galaxy filled ones, they made you feel so warm. The kind of feeling you get when you finally get to slide into your bed after a long day. They felt like home. Of course, those feelings are always accompanied by some form of fear, but he was right. You would regret it forever if you ignored the way you felt for him.
“Whipped, yeah?” you lean away from him, letting your pointer and middle finger dance along his collarbone,  “Tell me a little more about that,” your eyes widen sarcastically, he instantly scoffs loudly burying his head in your neck. His laughs are muffled, and his voice is soft, “Oh shush.”  
He pulls back his face is serious now, “Are you feeling better?”
You nod in response hoping that he believes you. Your head still hurts and your throat is as dry as the Sahara. He reaches besides you to grab his phone, picking it up and seeing the LED screen lights up with the time, 2:42am. He lays back, keeping you on his chest. His fingers combing through your hair carefully.
“I don’t want to leave tomorrow,” you whisper
“Why not?”
“I don’t know, I guess I’m nervous to get back to reality.”
He sighs, “No I’m ready for it.”
“Mhm, there’s so much I want to do with you.”
He feels you smile into his chest, butterflies in your stomach start to feel like full blown birds. The fact that his brain instantly started to place you into his life was heartwarming to say the least. Yours was doing the same though. You couldn’t stop thinking about what your friends and family would think of this amazing man. The image of all of the dates you would go on, and all the sex you would have was obviously at the forefront. You instantly feel your core start to heat up at the thought of how he would fuck you. You knew he was the giving type, which could only mean that he was also that way in bed. Picturing the way his body would look above yours, as he fucks you into the mattress. You shake the thoughts, recalling that if you wouldn't have gotten sick you might have seen him naked running into the river.
“Did they all skinny dip tonight?” you tilt your head upward so that you can see his face.
“You didn't go?”
His brows scrunch together and he looks at you like a crazy person, “You were literally white in the face, love.” He brings his hand up to your cheek, “besides... the only person I have the desire to skinny dip with is you.”
You look away, with your cheeks burning red, “Well then I’ll have to make it up to you.”
“I’ll never say no to that,” He rasps, while his fingertips dip underneath your shirt. His knuckles brushing back and forth on your hip, the simple touch alone sets your body on fire. Your breathing starts to quicken, and you need to touch him. You turn your head away from his chest to reach his neck. Your lips linger under his ear for a moment, before you drag them down to his collar bone.
His breath hitches, “Mm, your lips feel so good.”
He has no idea how good your lips feel, but you want to show him. You scoot yourself down his body, lifting his shirt so you can pay attention to the abs that he works so hard on. His cock is straining in his boxers and your cheeks redden knowing you did that to him. As your tongue traces the indentations on his stomach, your hand floats down to let him know you’re aware of his situation.
“I feel like you haven’t quite seen their potential,” you look up at him through your lashes, “Can I show you?”
His brows nit together, “Please,” he begs, tongue peeking out to wet his lips.
You smile devilishly at him before sliding his boxers down his legs. You reposition yourself to sit in front of him, between his legs. You take him in your hand pumping him slowly, as filthy thoughts flood your mind. How badly you want to sink down onto him and feel him deep inside you. Without thinking you bend forward teasing the head of his cock with your tongue. He hisses at you throwing his head back, apparently you weren’t the only one with dirty thoughts running through your mind. You wet your lips before kitten licking him again, this time his eyes are on you. His tongue jabs against the inside of his cheek. The change in his demeanor makes you feel like you might melt.
You instantly take him into your mouth, swirling your tongue around before pulling him out with a popping sound. You kitten lick him one more time before looking up at him again.
“Baby, please stop teasing me.” His voice is weak, you can see how turned on he is.
Without answering you wrap your mouth around his cock. Bobbing up and down, you take his cock deeper each time. Feeling him tap against the back of your throat, you start to moan. The vibrations from your throat earn a guttural moan from him.
You pull yourself off of him, letting your hand mimic what your mouth was doing. Your finger comes up to your lips, with a quiet ‘shh’.
He grins at you before he reaches down, tangling his long fingers in your hair. You take him off guard when you lean up to spit on his cock. His brows raise when your mouth follows the string of spit back, taking him in slowly. You start to bob your head again but slower this time. His fingers tighten at the back of your head, and he starts to push down. Slow at first, making sure it was something you were into. You start to moan, and he takes that as an invitation to keep going. He pushes you down onto his cock, making you gag for seconds before pulling you off of him.
“FUCK, Princess. That feels too good.” He sits up quickly pulling your mouth to his, your tongues dance for dominance. You whine into his mouth, needing more from him.
“Want you to fuck my mouth,“ you beg into his mouth, your hand still working mercilessly. 
He grins as he continues to peck your lips and cheeks, he loves seeing you so fucked out. He instantly starts to think about how sexy you’ll be when you’re begging for his cock inside you.
“Such a good girl, you want me to cum down your throat?” His tone is taunting, you nod your head aggressively, “Please.” You beg, and you know this is unlike you but your body is screaming for you to please him.
You lower your head again, with his head pushing gently. You control yourself at first, until he puts his hands on each side of your face, slowly lifting his hips to meet your mouth. He picks up his speed, and you feel tears start to prick in the corners of your eyes. You wont stop him though, you need to feel him finish in your mouth.
His thumb lifts to wipe your tears away, “So fucking pretty with my cock in your mouth, baby girl,” You look up at him and he rams his cock into your throat, making the tears fall harder. He keeps fucking your throat and you can tell he’s getting close with how his thrust are staggered.
“G-gonna cum- Fuck!” He grunts before pushing your head down all the way. You nose meeting his pelvis bone, and you feel his warmth coating your throat. He throws his head back, loosening his fingers from your hair. You pull off of him, licking him clean. He shivers at the touch of your tongue on his sensitive cock. You sit up, wiping your mouth with the back of your hands. You realize he’s watching with squinted eyes. You move to the side letting him put his boxers back on, once he does he pulls you into his arms.
“That was amazing,” His lips press against your temple. You bury your head into the crook of his neck, feeling slightly embarrassed for showing him this side of you so early.
“Are you shy now? Hmm?” He starts to giggle, tickling your side. You laugh hard trying to push him away from you, he stops finally, pulling your breathless figure closer to him. His hands find your face again, “Don’t be embarrassed, you turn me on more than anyone ever has. That was so unbelievably sexy… you are so unbelievably sexy.”
You press your lips into a fine line, is now the time to tell him that he makes you giddy like a teenage school girl? Should he know that even when he isn’t trying, he makes you melt like a popsicle on a hot summer day? Then when he does try your brain basically start to malfunction from lack of oxygen because he literally leaves you breathless.
“I haven’t done anything like that before,” you say quietly, praying that your lack of experience isn’t a turn off, “I’ve done it, just not like that.” You look away, tracing his tattoos with your pointer finger.
“Well, did you like it?” He asked with concern lacing his voice.
Your cheeks heat up and all you can do is nod. He laughs quietly with relief.
“Such a good girl for me,” He rasps while kissing your head again, “Get some sleep, okay?”  
Your lids are heavy and your breathing starts to match up with him. As comfortable as you were with Jungkook, you were still shocked that you allowed yourself to take things to that level so soon. When you started dating Ben you made him wait months, just because you weren’t quite sure of things. You have only known Jungkook for three days technically. You could lie to yourself and say that he was just a rebound. Tell yourself that the way you felt about him was normal. It wasn’t normal and there was no hiding it. It was a terrifying thought, and something that you really didn’t want to process. As much as you loved being wrapped in his arms, and the feeling of comfort that accompanied it; your gut warned you that things might be too good to be true.
@cainami @carolsummerlove @zeharilisharaban @jikooksgirl19 @fallen-for-luke @madygswich @sugalarity @itboykook @ggukkieeee @peachy-bhun @megs58298
A/N: PLEASEEE dont forget to tell me your thoughts! It makes me want to write more! Also Let me know if you’d like to be tagged! <3
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I’m not sure if this is the place to go, so please feel free to redirect/ignore me if it isn’t. I just need some advice.
My friend and I recently got into an argument. Shortly after the argument, the same person (let’s call her Regina) turned my childhood friends against me and now nobody wants to talk to me. I asked them why they were ignoring me, and Regina said “Why can’t you just accept the fact that nobody like you?” In all caps. Turns out they’ve hated me for some time because I “cause problems” and am “mean.” Some things my other friends told me were that I was too childish, unlikeable, and that I should choke. I felt horrible because I never insult them or belittle them- I simply joke around with them and play games with them. Even then, the jokes I make are not offensive or derogatory. If I ever hurt them then it was unintentional because I have no idea what I could have done to make me mean and a problem causer. Regina also told me to die to me. After this, they made a groupchat without me. Some minutes pass, they calm down and only Regina apologizes. She says that she acknowledges what she said wasn’t okay, but we were “both at fault.” I want to be their friends because we’ve been together since we were little but I hate how they made me feel in that moment. Right now, they’re playing games and laughing without me (they ended up letting me join the server and I’m on their call). I asked if I could join them and they avoided the question. I asked if I could play with them more often and they made up an excuse. I said, “Maybe some other time?” and they said, “Sure, I guess.” I don’t mean to victimize myself because maybe I did do something wrong that I’m not aware of to them. What they said still really hurt me and I don’t know how to advance in this situation. Do you have any advice to offer? Thank you for your time and have a great day!
Hey there,
Firstly, thank you for reaching out to us, it sounds like a really sticky situation and somewhat a confusing and exhausting too.
It sounds like to me that these friends of yours aren’t really being good friends at the moment because if they were then they would at least fill you in on what was going on and at the very least what you had done wrong – if anything at all! To me, and this is just an assumption and I don’t know you or your friends well at all, but to me it sounds like they are just nit-picking and finding any reasons that they can think of to push you away.
From what you have written it does not sound like you have done anything wrong at all, it’s great that Regina apologised to you but by saying that you had also been at fault but didn’t give you a reason or example for explaining how you were at fault/ what you had done wrong, to me this does not outline what a good friend is like at all.
I know that you mentioned that you still want to be friends with these people as you have known them for an extremely long time, but at the same time you hate how they make you feel at times which at the moment sounds like a lot.
I know that this will be hard to do but I think it maybe time to ask yourself what exactly you are getting out of these friendships. For example, do they make you happy at all, or are you always left feeling like you are being left out and are stuck on the outside of the friendship.
Depending on where these answers leave you will hopefully help you to better decide on what to do next. For example do you try to talk to your friends and explain to them how they are making you feel, or would it be for the best if you ended things with them or decreased the amount of contact you do have with them and focus your attention on other friendships you have in your life, ones where you feel like you are an equal and accepted.
In the end only you can decide what the best course of action is but I do hope that this has helped a bit.
Please also know that I am thinking of you and let us know if we can help to support you in any other way!
Take care,
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marvella15 · 4 years
Astaire & Rogers Rewatch Part 9: The Story of Vernon and Irene Castle
• It’s 1939. Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers’ partnership was box office gold and literally kept RKO from bankruptcy. But the magic has fizzled out and both actors are ready to move on. So for their last musical together you pick… a historical re-telling of another famous dancing duo?
This probably made sense at the time because the Castles were well known and who else would possibly play them in a biopic but the best-known dancing duo of the time. But it makes for a very blasé film.
• I’ll say this for The Story of Vernon and Irene Castle, the relationship between Astaire and Rogers’ characters is far more relaxed. They’re a unit for most of the film, which is a nice change. A lot of their personal friendship and connection seeps into their scenes, I think. 
The relationship also feels like a glimpse at what a real-life partnership between Astaire and Rogers might’ve looked like. In her autobiography, she theorizes that she and Astaire might’ve become a serious item had she stayed in New York and they’d continued dating. But instead, she went off to Hollywood.
• Apparently, Irene Castle was a bit of a nightmare for Rogers to deal with. She was incredibly nit-picky about the clothes Rogers wore because she (Irene) was a fashion icon in the 1910s, and since this was a tribute to her and her beloved husband, she was intent on getting her way. 
Irene was also upset with the casting of white actor Walter Brennan as her faithful servant, Walter, who in real life was black. Irene and Vernon were responsible for making African American music like ragtime and jazz popular among whites and traveled with a black orchestra so the whitewashing of Walter possibly felt extra insensitive. 
• It’s likely that without the Castles there would have been no Astaire/Rogers. The Castles helped legitimize “close dancing,” which was previously seen as scandalous, because they were so classy and respectable. They moved dancing along and then Astaire and Rogers moved it even further. 
• Our characters/actors: Vernon Castle (Fred Astaire), Irene Castle (Ginger Rogers), Walter (Walter Brennan), Maggie Sutton (Edna May Oliver)
• I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: don’t waste your time trying to make someone like you who is not interested and terrible. Just move on.
• Ah, the 1910s, when men wore suits to the beach. 
• Is that dog the same one that Rogers had in Shall We Dance?
• Rescuing a dog at the beach is a special kind of meet-cute. Being harangued into spending the rest of the day with the other person’s overbearing family is less cute. Watching the woman you just met perform a weird af “Yama Man” routine while dressed as a clown is just freaky. 
Vernon is rather high and mighty about being a “theatre actor” and Irene being an amateur when he’s the second comic in terrible slapstick shows. In fact, his comedy routine is horribly unfunny.
• Astaire does look rather right in the 1911 attire though and the peck on the cheek Vernon gives Irene is quite sweet. 
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• I really enjoy how well they look together when practicing at her house.
• The lyrics “I can see myself doing the things I never could do, It’s true, But only when you’re in my arms” is fitting for Astaire, especially to sing to Rogers.
• The kiss they share after getting engaged is sweeter than the kiss in Carefree. Fight me.
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• I like how naturally she reaches for his hand and the way his thumb strokes her fingers. There’s a lot of quiet intimacy between them in this film. 
• They really do a great job with the audition dance. You can see Astaire and Rogers themselves peek through when he spins her a few times. Their faces are just lit up. Home movies from this dance show they were having a pretty fun time. 
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• The idea that no one would pay money to see a man dance with his own wife is ludicrous. Obviously, the Castles were a successful married dancing team. But more than that, you’re telling me that if Astaire and Rogers were married irl no one would want to see them dance together? 
• I like how when asked whose idea it is that they dance together, they respond in unison, “Ours,” and then glance at each other. She turns back to the proprietor right after but he keeps gazing at her adoringly. 
• The actress Edna May Oliver plays Maggie Sutton but all I can ever think of when I see her is Lady Catherine de Bourgh, whom she played in the 1940 Pride & Prejudice film. 
Fun fact: The Castles real-life manager was an openly out lesbian named Elizabeth Marbury. One guess why that isn’t included in this 1939 film. 
• The way Vernon (Astaire) watches her while she opens the present is very affectionate and loving. 
• “Dance with me” is a line that’s repeated a few times in this film and it’s lovely. 
• The Castle Walk is the move they invent to dance quietly and it was all the rage. By the time the Castles returned to New York the following year, they were massive celebrities. As we see in the dance montage, they popularized many forms of dance including the tango and foxtrot.
Speaking of the tango, Astaire gives Rogers a few flirtatious up and down looks during that dance. 
• The dances in this film are all based on the Castles’ dances so it’s not the same as when Astaire rigorously choreographed routines specifically for himself and Rogers. However, they still manage to make the dances engaging and uniquely theirs. 
• In “The Maxixe” dance, you can again see Astaire and Rogers as themselves peek through the acting as they grin at each other in a familiar way and he watches her appreciatively during some of the moves. 
• While on the train, they sit side by side and his arm is looped through hers so his hand can rest atop hers. Sweet domesticity that we rarely get to see between Astaire and Rogers’ characters. 
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• When he explains to their agent that they want to slow down, he starts out by saying, “We’re in love…” Rogers turns to look at him and doesn’t look away for several seconds. 
• Astaire gives a particularly athletic performance for the Royal Flying Corp. There are a lot of jumps and energetic moves and he nails them all. 
• Irene was right that Vernon would make a good soldier. He was awarded the Croix de Guerre in 1917 and was later promoted to captain.
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• Their dance when he’s in his uniform is another lovely duet (you can see some rare behind the scene footage above). It’s not like anything in their previous films, particularly because it is much more demur. But there are several gorgeous moments such as when he’s looking at her and she turns to face him and smiles softly. There’s also a stunning part where he lifts her from behind using only their connected hands and she leans back into his chest, laying her head on his shoulder. 
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(gif credit)
• Vernon’s deadly crash was only deadly to him. The student pilot in the plane wasn’t seriously injured and neither was the pilot in the other plane. Vernon was 30 years old.
• In case it’s unclear, Vernon gave a list of songs for the orchestra to play and they are all songs that were meaningful to him and Irene. The ones we hear are: “By the Beautiful Sea,” which was playing the day they met, “By the Light of the Silvery Moon,” which he danced to at the train station, and “Only When You're in My Arms,” which he sang to her before proposing.
• And so the Astaire/Rogers partnership at RKO comes to an end as their characters dreamily dance into the horizon together. But don’t worry. Thanks to Gene Kelly’s broken ankle and Judy Garland’s unavailability, we’ll get to see Astaire and Rogers on screen together one last time. The Barkleys of Broadway is next and last. 
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akumageist · 4 years
I would die for Hitori Uzune. RIP to Kazuaki, but I’m different.
The Hatoful fandom consists of 13 people and a paperclip. It always has. Unfortunately, it probably always will. Where this is cause for some perks, it’s also some of its faults. In example, it’s still an anime game, made by a Japanese woman, and attracts weebs. Weebs tend to like to think of characters 2-Dimensionally, breaking the character down to what they think is their core personality traits. Hitori is no stranger to this, and is beaten down into this heartless, manipulative, selfish bastard. But I believe Moa is saying “anyone, even the best of us, is capable of becoming a monster if driven to it.” Let’s roll.
2162. Hitori was born into a world of war and hate, plopped into an orphanage at just 2 years old. This can be found in Moa’s canon spin-off manga, where Hitori at about ten years old is caring for the other war orphans along with the other older birds. Luckily for him, he was a genius. He was able to go out and get jobs tutoring birds and support his rag-tag family at his young age.
With that, we know Hitori was not originally cold and heartless, despite how the world may have birthed him. Especially when Nageki arrived frail and sickly. Hitori and the other birds were happy to put in overtime in an attempt to pay for the poor dove’s medications, even in his protest.
Then, 2180 happened. Imagine what sort of toll that would take on Hitori. he was absent. He was at work, unaware of the jeopardy that befell his family. What kind of horrible, mind-rattling survivors guilt must rack this bird’s brain, knowing he wasn’t there as his family was massacred one by one?
“What did we do? We had nothing. Our parents and homes had already been stolen by the humans. All we had left were each other.”
We can gather from this same scene Hitori blames himself for not being there. For not being able to protect his family, or even Nageki. Even though had he been there, he would have died alongside everybirdie else, and left Nageki to succumb to his illness alone. Something of this magnitude would create anxieties and trauma unfathomable to those who did not deal with it.
In Hitori, this manifested as full-blown helicopter mom. He can’t help but think of every little nit-pick detail over Nageki, terrified one feather out of place will kill him. The fandom is good about this side of his character! And of course, so is Moa. This may be the Summer Vacation Drama CD: Hitori The Worrywart (which takes place in MIRROR AU), but I love it’s portrayal of the anxious quail.
Hitori continued to care and ache over Nageki’s declining health. He was desperate. Begging doctors, even though deep in his little quail brain he knew Nageki was a lost cause, and that he was dying. But he couldn’t think of a life without Nageki, and did all in his power to try and keep the bird as well as he could. We can see a great example of this love in words you might not think of.
“How about this? From now on, ‘I’m fine’ is not allowed.”
I’ve always imagined Hitori getting mildly heated at Nageki in this conversation.The quail is on his last strands of stability, and the dove he cares endlessly for is trying to hide the very thing he ails himself over. The genuinity in his words shines through- telling Nageki he’d rather hear he’s bad and hurting.
So, in this desperation, Hitori carted Nageki off to some strange doctor in some strange prestigious school. And how couldn’t he? A doctor who claimed to know of the virus eating away at Nageki’s life, and how to cure it. Hitori’s beacon of hope in a sea of darkness. The only bird in the entire universe he had left to love, the one he had arguably always favored and adored, was dying. He would do anything in his power to keep the one thing he loved alive, no matter the irrationality or cost. No matter the very dying bird’s own lips saying “I… don’t want to go.”
Whether or not you ship these birds, I firmly believe Hitori is in love with Nageki in a romantic sense.
“I can no longer love another creature // I think we meant more to each other than anybirdie else in the world... // The love I felt soured into resentment // I should remember the beautiful face I knew, not… a photo covered in scribbles”
Not to mention admitting he can’t bear to live without the dove in BBL. And, in his route, Hiyoko goes as far as to refer to this bird as a female, which means he’s speaking so fondly she’s assuming it was a lover, and therefore a woman. Hitori’s stopped any sort of love at the idea he can only love Nageki post-mortem. That is canon. And well… that’s not very brotherly, no matter how good of a relationship you may have with your sibling (I speak from experience).
Okay, okay, this persuasive essay is NOT for convincing you of this ship, that is another essay for another time. I’ve only mentioned this opinion because I need you to understand his irrationality for the one thing he has left, and the fragility of it. And why it might drive anybirdie to… Hitori-level madness. Moving on.
2183. A mere 3 years after Hitori had lost the majority of his family to human terrorists. Nageki sends a coded letter, and… we can see Hitori’s anxieties outright.
“It’s happening again. Nageki needs me, and I’m not there.”
This is… a very powerful line in the game. We’re seeing just how vulnerable Hitori truly is. This is a traumatized individual in a panic attack- realizing the love of his goddamn life is once again faced with something horrible, and Hitori is once again absent from the scene.
And just like that, he’s gone.
The only thing. The only one Hitori had left in life to love. To live for. Taken from him without so much as a second chance. This is painful to write. This part of Hatoful is, without a doubt, the most agonizing. I know how it is to lose something so dear and feel as though maybe it’s not worth going on without them.
This is the peak of Moa’s tragedy writing ability (and yes, I’m including Holiday Star). But this is my point, is it not? Though his kanji may be “sun bird”, the actual word for his name “Hitori” quite literally means one, alone, solitary. He is now all alone in the universe, no family left. How can anybirdie even remotely remain in charge of their faculties (as Sakuya would put it) by now? You wouldn’t.
Hitori is now a husk of his former self. Anything he’s ever cared for is gone, he has nothing left to live for. He goes- my favorite coined term for him- absolutely batshit. He gets what we call “trauma-induced psychosis”, and begins to hallucinate very vividly, a form that he refers to as “Nageki”. We all know him of course, as Shadow. Shadow, from the little information we’re able to gather from BBL, is tormenting Hitori ruthlessly.
Shadow is easily misunderstood, because Moa made him fathomable, so the reader was able to understand exactly what was happening. What had become of Hitori Uzune. Shadow in all his simplicity- is Hitori. It is an introjection of Nageki, manifested to validate Hitori in his self-hatred. Don’t you get it? He hates himself just as much as you hate him!
Anything Hitori thinks of himself, Shadow is there to back up. He’s taunting him day in and day out, reminding him that he killed Nageki, and every ounce of Nageki’s suffering life was the fruit of Hitori’s inability to protect him. But again, it’s his own brain, telling him exactly what he wants to hear. What he truly believes. Telling himself what he’s done, and how he deserves this. ...And to seek revenge.
Hitori lost his mind. He had nothing else to lose, after all. He became obsessed with Nageki even moreso than he was in life, because there was no level-headed dove to calm him and tell him to stop worrying so much, or keep him at least reasonably held together by simply being there.
He listened to his psychosis, and when he made a friend (Moa gives evidence Hitori and Kazuaki were friends prior to Hitori’s ill-intentions), his psychosis got in the way of that, too. As he travelled down this relationship (which Moa herself says is pretty much romantic), we can assume he realized just how unable to love he was. He had Kazuaki around because, let’s face it. He wanted someone like Nageki who was incompetent so he could nurture and care for them. And for a while, it worked. But it didn’t. Hitori didn’t love Kazuaki. He couldn’t. He was too busy looking for Nageki.
So, you’re reading this in english. You speak english. At least a little, right? So maybe you played the english (and localized) version of the game. Well then you may not know the following. Please pay attention! This gets a bit rocky, and a bit more “Hitori...!”.
In the English version, Hitori disguised as Kazuaki is “tired”. In the Japanese version, he’s “sleepy” or “dreamy”. I’d describe him as ditsy, for sure. He kind of acts like an airhead who knows absolutely nothing, and his students don’t take him seriously. In the Hatomame Sweet Blend Drama CD, there is a track that follows Kazuaki on a little adventure of his narcolepsy, and going to Shuu for help.
In and out of comatose, Hitori, as himself, is there in his dreams as a separate bird.
“This bird with a face I had never seen spoke to me in a voice I had never heard, and this is what he said.”
“Nanaki-sensei” is clearly denying his own identity.
“I’ll sleep, just a little, and then leave… good… night…”
“But sleeping is my job… You still have a little longer. Tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that…”
This is dream Hitori telling himself that he has to continue his alias until his revenge is fulfilled. The quail that was once Hitori must remain dormant until he is reunited with Nageki again, and can be happy again. As a metaphor for depression… don’t you feel like you’re a shell of your former self?
So, going off this information… I believe Hitori has repressed himself. This is due to my own knowledge on psychology but-- Hitori doesn’t want to be Hitori anymore. It’s too hard. Hitori the war orphan. Hitori the lone survivor. Hitori the murderer and identity thief. It’s him not wanting to deal with his trauma in a healthy way, and instead locking it up and becoming somebirdie new and undamaged.
He killed Hitori.
This falls into the other delusion- that Nageki is somehow not completely dead and gone and ash- but still trapped, somehow, somewhere, and Hitori needs to find and get him. To kill Isa and the researchers who “killed” Nageki, and bring “Nageki” home. Whatever he believes Nageki is. In BBL, we see this quite literally varies! He tried to cut Ryouta open and steal his liver!
“Sir, Nageki would have never wanted this…!”
There is no difference between a serial killer and someone in a court room screaming for the serial killer to be murdered in turn. That mourning mother is then one in the same with that killer, is she not? She sees him, and wants him to die. She wants him to die and suffer. She believes that will bring her a sense of justice. Even though she knows it will not return her son to her. Hitori, is that mourning mother. He sees Isa, and all he can see is the man who murdered his dove.
I know the biggest aspect as to why the fandom hates Hitori is the sole factor that Kazuaki is #relatable. He’s a depressed college student who thinks he’s better off dead. Then, Hitori tricks him. But you’re not reading Kazuaki right. It’s okay, he’s easy to misread from Holiday Star’s plotline. 
Holiday Star was written with Kazuaki as the villain, do you forget? A grey villain as well, but a villain nonetheless. He told his tragic sob story death in such a way, you can’t help but to cry. He’s the victim! I’m not saying he’s not. But he was written specifically to be pitied in Holiday Star, and as you continue on, you begin to see he’s actually just anti-self help. He doesn’t want to face his fears. He doesn’t want to leave his safe egg and take the risk he should have.
Kazuaki is meant to be pitied, yes,  but just on the brink of annoying with his helplessness and self-deprecation. He’s, forgive me, a “sad sack of shit” who does nothing to help himself. Don’t come after me for being “ableist” or whatever- Moa literally wrote him this way.
This is also depicted in “Kazuaki-kun’s Book”. Now, this book takes place in the MIRROR AU, but it tells of how Kazuaki met Hitori. Moa starts the manga off by explaining Kazuaki had a great chickhood, a healthy life, and an easy, happy time. But then, he flunked his college exams and didn’t even get into his safety school. He lazed around, grew depressed, and let his apartment rot. He played video games until his online friends got jobs, and wasted any money he had on them as well. The only thing that scared him out of it is when his next door neighbor was found dead, having rotted into his own futon.
So imagine Hitori, who has worked so hard and lost everything he had done so for. Tirelessly, through his horrible, fucked up existence. Nageki, who had his short and miserable life robbed from him, had to die. Had to kill himself. And this random quail has the audacity to bitch and moan, thinking he’s got it bad? He’s a waste of space that could have been filled with Nageki. This is what Hitori’s brain is thinking. Hitori’s only ~20 years old when Nageki dies, after all.
I’m not saying this is cause for murder and identity theft. Don’t you dare misread me on this. But as I’ve stated prior- Hitori’s completely lost it.  But you ship him with the chukar that literally ruined his life. Hitori’s a grey villain but holy fuck why would you want him to fuck the partridge that tortured and drove his only loved one to suicide?
It was wrong to trick Kazuaki. It was wrong to insult him as he died. It was wrong to steal his identity. That’s obvious and a given. But you all seem to look at that factoid alone, chalking it up to ‘preying on a poor mentally ill man” but not taking into consideration Hitori is mentally ill himself. ...Just not #relatable enough for you.
Hitori is suicidal as well. He’s been suicidal presumably since Nageki died. Don’t you dare say Hitori isn’t at least a little in the same boat. I don’t care if he’s not as soft and uwu and cuddly as Kazuaki. Mental illness is not rainbows and butterflies and emo hair (though Kazuaki is not portrayed this way).
Holiday star bears all the answers. I raise you important points, so pay close attention. The first key component is Hitori, found upside down in the pudding. He’s crying. Why is he crying? Because he’s lost his name? Oh, but think deeper.
“I’m Nemo”.
“Nemo” is latin for nothing, and his name translates to “nothing” in every language of HoliStar. The King has vomited him up in his kingdom, and robbed him back of what he stole from him. His identity.
But it goes even deeper than that.
“I’ve lost something, and so, I think I might cry.”
From this phrase alone, it’s painful to play this game. Nageki is right in front of his beak. But what did he do? He ate his own eyes. Hitori, in his refusal to identify with himself, has robbed himself of quite literally seeing the very bird he adores and sought after. Then, he is renamed his own identity by that bird (the only identity he accepts). How surreally real.
The second key component is when everybirdie is being rescued, but Leone warns Yuuya the quail is clearly falling more rapidly into a coma, and may not be able to awake. Why is this? Because Hitori wants to die. He’s fine with it, and Kazuaki is more than happy to keep him. When Yuuya finds him, Hitori is not at all alarmed as he should be. He seems passive, and simply wants to fall back to sleep. He’s to the point of trying to strangle Yuuya in attempt to let himself fall into eternal slumber (even if he thinks Yuuya is… Kazuaki..?).
Heed these next words carefully. When Yuuya asks if The King did something to him, Hitori replies-
“...No, all The King did was close the door.”
I am a firm believer this is Hitori indirectly saying “Kazuaki did nothing wrong, and I do not resent him for hating me.” Especially since Hitori shows signs of knowing it’s Kazuaki, and repenting.
“He said I need to be punished. Apparently I did something bad… and I think I know what it was.”
This is confirmed in my next point, so bear with me.
Hitori, in this same conversation, is admitting he wants to die. The only thing that stops him- as morbid as it may be, is remembering this takes place before the events of BBL. He hasn’t fulfilled what he believes is his “something I need to do”. Which is seek revenge, and bring Nageki home, as per Shadow’s orders.
Lastly, at the bitter end of Holiday Star when everybirdie is plummeting through the air from the false star, Hitori is still blind and confused. Suddenly, The King erupts from behind Hitori, and appears to be talking to him.
“Oh, is that right?”
“...I know, I know. ...but it’s still too soon. That’s right, I’ll be along soon. I’ll catch up with you. Someday…”
This is arguably my most prominent point in the entire essay. This is Hitori, admitting not only does he still plan to kill himself, but that he intends to keep his promise and reunite with Kazuaki in the afterlife. These are not the words of a heartless quail. These are the words of somebirdie who knows they’ve taken advantage of a friend, but is continuing to do their best to keep their promises and make amends. This is Hitori telling Kazuaki he still cares for him.
Hitori is the result of trauma and hardship beyond compare, and his inability to cope. He is not meant to be hated. He is meant to have shock value, yes. What he has done his disgusting, but you want to love him. Because he raised the sweetest bird in the entire game who would rather kill himself than hurt others.
Grey-villains are difficult, and because you can’t love them for being purely evil, you end up hating them for being a good person who’s done bad things. Hitori is a cracked window. Not quite shattered, but no longer whole, with a faulty image. Hitori is not just some heartless, manipulative, selfish bastard. He’s quite literally a bird with a broken wing (or entire ribcage more like), trying to… well, Live, and be happy.
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