#Wanda x yn
imtryingbuck · 8 months
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~ gif not mine credit to owner ~
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x fem!Reader
Summary: you and Wanda were best friends until she left you in the Hydra base.
Word count: 963
Warnings: abuse. death (starvation). no happy ending.
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Today is the anniversary of escaping Hydra for Wanda, it should have been a happier time since it meant that she was no longer in the clutches of those that used and abused her, but everyday she was plagued by the constant memory of what she had done that day, and just like everyday the last words you ever spoke to her play on her mind, day in and day out.
"You were my family.”
The way your voice cracked broke her heart, she remembers the way you stuttered as you willed yourself to look at her through the thick glass window, the way you turned around and dropped your head along with your shoulders in defeat as you moved further into the room, into the darkness.
Leaving you in the Hydra base wasn’t something she wanted to do, she wanted the life you both had planned and dreamed about with each other. However, Wanda was selfish as she walked past your cell door, you clocking her straight away and begging for her to let you out, but all she said was she needed to find her brother. You told her you would help her, she told you just to wait and she’ll come back to you.
You knew, you knew she wasn’t coming back for you and you accepted it. She didn’t have any obligation to do anything for you but you still begged anyway, thinking-hoping that everything you two had planned together would become a reality.
But she left, left you alone scared and confused for what what’s happening and what was to come. 
It wasn’t until Wanda was safe up high in the sky that it dawned on her that she had left you behind.
Every night since being at the tower she sits on the soft fluffy carpet in her room and talks softly to herself through the a hole she had made in the wall. 
Every night she’s cries when you don’t reply. The realisation that you’re not there, safe just the same as she is hits her hard. Every time.
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As the years passed she thought of you daily, hoping that you were safe, hoping that you was with Pietro and causing mischief wherever you two were.
She tried to justify what she had done not like it made any difference. She tried to live her life like she thought you hoped she would, but it didn’t make it any easier as you weren’t by her side.
The only people that knew what she had done was her, you and Pietro and since you and her brother were no longer here, it made it easier for Wanda to suffer in silence.
Though Wanda did smile and laugh more there was always times where the Avengers - her found family - would notice her smile or laughter fading away quickly. Never knowing that she would torment herself for wondering if you would have smiled or laughed at the thing that was being said or done.
She didn’t have many regrets in her life but leaving you behind was number one.
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Wanda couldn’t breathe or take her eyes off the screen.
Her chest tightened painfully, her vision blurred with thick burning tears.
“-Wand? Wanda? Are you alright?” Steve asks when he noticed the change in his friends demeanour.
“I-I know h-her” she rasps.
The teams eyes bounce from Wanda to the woman in the photo. The woman was found by SHIELD chained to a wall at the Hydra base they overtook, the bruises and deep lacerations that covered her very slim frame made Steve gulp and Tony’s eyes drop down to his hands.
“She was with me when I was with Hydra, her cell was next to mine” She stutters out.
“Was she not there when we found you?” Steve asks again.
“I-I told her I’d come back for her but-but I didn’t  I didn’t go back” Wanda cries.
“I know alright I left her all alone”.
“I’m sorry”. Steve sighs, a beat or two go by before he speaks again “Wand did she have any abilities?”
“She can heal faster than normal”
“What was the main reason for her being there? Do you know?” Tony now asks.
“Because…so we-the experiments could train on her, they would make us do awful things to her but she always survived it.”
“Was-was it quick?”
“Yes or no Steve was it quick?”
Finding his eyes filling with tears, he looks at his friend with remorse. “No. Sh-she died of starvation, Wanda I’m so sorry”
“Do they know when she died?”
“Don’t do this to yourself, it’s not going to cha-“
“Steve please!” She begs him to tell her the truth no matter how much it was going to pain her.
“Th-they estimate that s-she died seven hours before they found her”
All this time and you was still alive, because she left she assumed you had died. You were alive and being tortured by god knows who. You were all alone, probably thinking no one even cared about you and it was all her fault, if she had gone back or even got you out first then you would have known the love and warmth of a family. 
You had given up, lost the fight seven hours before you were found. And it was all her fault.
The team watches as she stands up and walks away, she doesn’t get far as the heart breaking, gut wrenching scream tore through the barrier of her lips causes her to drop to her knees.
She didn’t have many regrets in her life but leaving you behind was number one and the second biggest regret she had was never being able to tell you how much she loved you.
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~ banner credit goes to @sweetpeapod ~
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hocuspocusbabyy · 2 years
Wanda: *Eating m&ms and watching the movie*
Y/N: *a little intoxicated, gazing obsessively at Wanda*
Vision: 👀
Agatha: 🤨
Nat: 🤷🏻‍♀️
Pietro: ☺️
Wanda: “Uhm thank you?”
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drunk-cryptic-witch · 2 years
Y/n: Wanda, you are like mjolnir
Wanda: How so?
Y/n: Only those worthy can hold you
Wanda: Awww
Y/n: Yet the fucking robot did it before me.
322 notes · View notes
randomshyperson · 2 years
Rulers of The Multiverse - Wanda Maximoff x Reader - Chapter Sixteen
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Summary: Strange’s faulty spell will cause a series of unexpected events, from your reunion with the love of your life in another world to the appearance of a child capable of traveling across the multiverse. This story follows the journey of a very tired Guardian alongside mischievous America Chavez and Scarlet Witch.
Warnings: (+18) explicit language and sexual content, violence, a lot of magic, found family, mentions of abusive past and trauma, mind control, use of illicit substances, mostly top!reader, soulmates analogies. || CW: some smut, some angst, closure steps, attempt at humor, one last flashback | Words: 8.535k
A/N-> The penultimate chapter is here!! I hope you're all looking forward to the finale, and enjoying the story so far.
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Chapter Sixteen - Oshtur's Blessing
You imagined that the afterlife would be peace and quiet, but as soon as you regained consciousness - and with it the intense feeling of tiredness in your body - you realized that this was not true.
When you opened your eyes, you were lying down. Your head was just a little above the water that covered all the ground around you, and you grunted softly as you sat up. 
You weren't even wearing your old clothes, you were wearing broken armor covered with blood. And at your side was a sword that a few minutes ago you saw being thrust against your wife's evil variant.
Sighing, you forced yourself to your feet, and looked around, starting to walk as soon as you could see the temple in the distance, using the sword as support.
The Temple has Greek-Roman architecture, like the In-Between Realm and Alexandria Library, so even before you saw the female figure with her back to you, you knew you were in the presence of Oshtur.
She was not the only one there, however. While Oshtur seemed distracted - if that was even possible for a goddess - by the transparent flowers strung in vases around the temple, there were very watchful eyes waiting for you. It looked like a tiger, but it was much bigger and the rest of its body was not exactly physically but a stable mist. The legendary Hoggoth. 
And meditating next to him with crossed legs was Agamotto.
You walked leisurely up the steps, throwing your sword to the ground as you entered the temple, and Oshtur jumped softly, seeming to snap out of her distracted state, as Agamatto opened his eyes.
"Oh, did I interrupt the vacation?" You ask in a sarcasm-laden voice, and Hoggoth roars softly, exposing one of his fangs to you. But Oshtur opens a little smile.
"My guardian! At last!" She says contentedly. She is almost a foot bigger than you, but still, her voice is really very warm and gentle. You frown.
"It's good to meet you again, Y/N." Agamatto comments in the same kind tone as his mother, and you roll your eyes at the scene.
"Of course, you were expecting me. This whole thing is a fucking sadistic game for you people." You accused angrily, receiving surprised looks for the hostility. You didn't care, starting to rip off the armor that had gotten warm since you got close to Oshtur. You ripped the item off with force, throwing it on the floor next to the sword. "I don't want your dirty gifts. If I am dead let me go to rest or doom for eternity at once."
"Insolent." Hoggoth roared but Oshtur shushed him gently, and the tiger returned to its relaxed position.
"You are not dead, Y/N." Agamatto informed with his hands on his knees, still very calm. "This is the Temple of the Guardian, the place where the Forge takes place."
"Fucking unbelievable." You mumble impatiently, pressing a sore spot in your belly. Your body was aching, and fever seemed to want to appear. "Look, I don't know why you guys finally decided to notice me, because the only thing I've done in the last few hours was get beaten by the evil version of my wife and bled to death. And then I had to watch Wanda die for the second time in my life, so if you can stop playing games I will be very grateful." You declare and to your surprise, Oshtur conjures an armchair next to you. You sigh impatiently but are so tired that you just accept the invitation and throw yourself on the cushions, grunting softly with the gratitude of your muscles. “That doesn't mean I trust you, guys. I'm just tired.” You warn in a whisper, closing your eyes for a moment.
Oshtur and Agamatto share a soft chuckle at your stubbornness.
And you open your eyes when you feel a touch on your cheek. 
"You are so young." Comments the goddess gently, and you move your face away.
"Don't touch me." You ask and she sighs, retracting her hand but not seeming to take it personally. 
"The fatigue comes from your magical exhaustion, guardian. And the pain comes from the restoring of the connection between the Mind Stone and your body that is being made in your world."  Oshtur informs and you widen your eyes.
"So...I didn't really die?"
"No, Y/N." Agamatto says with a small smile. "Your body is in the Scarlet Witch's Temple, where she is re-connecting the infinity stone to your spirit."
"Let me see." You ask immediately, not trusting the gods one bit. Agamatto nods, however, and with a movement of his hands, a mystical mist extends at your eye level, and you watch as if on television the image of Wanda hovering over your body on the black stone table, several candles surrounding you, and the infinity stone on top of the rune drawn on your stomach.
"She also did what you asked her to do."  Oshtur informs you as the fog dissipates. You sigh with relief to know that the mutants were safe. 
"And America?" You ask, and the goddess smiles, nodding, and you feel a weight go off your back.
"You have become attached to the child." Agamatto comments. 
"It sounds familiar to you, I imagine." Oshtur adds before you can say anything, a small smile on her lips. She moves to sit in a similar position to her son, who laughs softly.
"Yes, I understand the feeling." He says looking at you fondly. You swallow dryly, conflicting feelings in your stomach. 
"Are you...the master I knew?" You ask, and he offers you a gentle smile.
"I used to be." He replies. "Now, I am all I ever was, all my conscience combined into one. The Master you met was one of them."
"In that case, it is good to see you again." You murmur tugging at the threads of your shirt. 
"You have changed so much since we last saw each other, child." He comments and it makes you chuckle humorlessly.
"Yeah, a lot of shit has happened." You grumble, and Hoggoth growls softly, causing you to raise an eyebrow. "What? You can't swear around the gods now?"
Oshtur gives a chuckle, gesturing that it was okay. "Don't mind this cranky being, the last time he spoke to humans was almost two hundred years ago." She counters casually. "You have always been such curious creatures. But special, yes, I always thought so. My Agamatto can always see too, can't you, dear?"
"Yes, mother." Concurred the man tenderly, but the Goddess continues with a nostalgic smile.
"Ah, I still remember how you emerged my sweet boy." She recounts. "I was watching the humans, as on an ordinary day, when I saw the children playing. The world was so new and already so full of war, but there was still goodness in your kind. One of the little boys, the poor child victim of the plague, had no sight. And yet, weak and clumsy, he insisted on taking part in the game. And the other children who could see included him in the fun, it was really so beautiful. A single tear slipped from my eye, and when I looked again, there was my son."
Agamatto smiled affectionately but you sighed impatiently.
"Really very touching, Oshtur. You know what would have been even better? Giving the boy his sight back. Or, I don't know, avoid the plague. Things you had the power to do but chose to just stand by and watch."
You accuse seriously, receiving a surprised look from the Goddess.
Hoggoth grunts sarcastically. "Humans and their nonsense." Grumbles the tiger, and Oshtur moves to stroke his ears, shushing him for a moment.
"Guardian, don't forget the concepts of Free Will." Oshtur reasons but you give a wry laugh.
"For Christ's sake, what Free Will? What the gods do most is interfere! Fates, prophecies. Everything is already written. You were already waiting for me!" You charge at her impatiently and angrily, ignoring the pain to stand. "Don't talk to me about Free Will when you and your brother have been playing with my life since before I was born!"
Oshtur turns her face to you, looking really upset. And it almost makes you feel guilty, or ashamed. Almost.
Agamatto raises his hand. "Don't raise your voice, Guardian. Your anger and confusion are understandable, but don't forget who you're talking to."
You swallow dryly, locking your jaw. When Oshtur meets your gaze again, her eyes are bright as lightning.
"You are being unfair in your accusations, Guardian." The goddess says making you frown. "Your stubbornness prevents you from seeing the truth."
"What truth? That you made me kill my brother and my wife for a war that was never mine?" you retort back.
"I didn't make you do anything!" Oshtur retorts. 
"Your blessing killed my brother!" You shout.
"Enough!" Agamatto interferes and his voice makes the temple shudder. You grunt, feeling the Gods' imposition on you to bow, but you resist. "On your knees."
"Fuck you." You retort and this time, Hoggoth roars loudly and the vibration forces your knees to the ground hard and shakes your whole body. You let out a wry laugh. "That's a damn joke. Is that what matters to you guys? Whether I bow down to the oh-so-powerful gods and lower my head to your sick games. Fuck you, you've taken everything from me. You can force my body to obey, but there is no respect in my heart for any of you."
Oshtur stands up with a loud sigh. "Your lies offend me, and despite my benevolence, I should have known that your stubborn nature would make things more difficult when you finally arrived."
You look at her with a stern face, but the goddess is not intimidated.
"Despite your beliefs, there is more than you can see, Y/N." Oshtur continues. "But I must warn you, the truth will be painful. You can choose if you want to be given it."
You chuckle short, but take a deep breath to keep from cursing again. "I will choose the truth, your majesty." You retort with mild irony, and Oshtur gives a sad sigh.
“As you wish, Guardian.” She replies, waving in the air, and the short fog floating outside moves in, covering everything for a moment until the surroundings become brighter, and you realize immediately - by the figures in front of you who were on their feet in the blink of an eye - that it is a remembrance.
You looked around and stumbled with fright when a figure in armor suddenly walked toward you. Taking a step away, you understood that it wasn't even looking at you, but at the gods behind.
The knight knelt in respect, and when he took off his helmet, you choked.
"I salute the Vishanti, and offer my services." Samuel said politely, but his smile did not reach your eyes that also did not hold good intentions. You stepped forward with tears in your eyes, having never seen your brother at that old age. He also had a large scar over his eye, and you swallowed dryly when you recognized the golden glow of the stone behind his irises. 
"Your audacity impresses us." Agamatto says in a harsh voice, but Samuel is still smiling.
"What about my power, sir? Does it impress you as well?" He retorts, making your master sigh.
"Yours? Nothing you carry is yours." Agamatto remonstrates seriously, causing Samuel to lock his jaw. "You offend the Vishanti with your crimes and your presence."
Samuel grunts angrily, getting to his feet.
"My crimes may be justifiable!" He tries. "I had as much right to the blessing as that dirty mutant-"
"Silence!" It was Oshtur who cut in, sounding much angrier than the gentle figure you saw a few minutes ago. "It is I, the Gray Goddess of Balance and Order, who decide who is worthy to carry my blessing. And I would never choose a genocide for the job."
Samuel gives a short, humorless laugh, nodding. "All gods are genocidal, but suddenly if a human does the same thing, I'm in the wrong." He mocks only to have Hoggoth roar loudly enough to shudder at even you, who are not part of the remembrance. Your brother kneels down begrudgingly, the lopsided grin never leaving his face.
"Return Oshtur's gifts, you are not worthy to carry them, thief." Hoggoth demands and Samuel glares at him angrily.
"Isn't being a knight about sacrifice? I've done them all, I've completed all the challenges and training." He argues getting back to his feet, and beating his chest - the golden metal shakes and shines with the impact - "I defeated the knight! The Stone is mine! What more does Oshtur demand to share with me the power that is rightfully mine!"
You had never seen a God hit someone before, but from the noise and the way your brother was thrown against a pillar, it was easy to deduce that it had hurt. And when the stone of Mind rolled to the floor, it was a confirmation.
Samuel started to laugh, you wondered if the blow had made him insane, but realized that it was just the dissatisfaction of not having his demands met. Or perhaps he was content to annoy the gods enough.
The stone flew into meeting Oshtur's open palm again, and your brother dragged himself to stand.
"You could live up to your title all you wanted, Samuel the genocide. Being a knight was never your destiny, much less the guardian of my blessing." Oshtur declared and spun the shiny stone between her fingers. You felt your body heat up and knew immediately that it was yours. "We have tolerated your crimes long enough. The trace of destruction you have left, killing your way to us, is sufficient." 
The armor crashed off of him with a loud sound, and Samuel grunted in pain, but the item flew to the Goddess again. 
"The time for your judgment has come." Oshtur warned, and suddenly an opening appeared in the air, like an interdimensional portal, and out of it came a tall, mechanical figure with a bright purple hood. "The Vishanti greet the Living Tribunal."
The figure greeted the three with a short nod, before moving directly to your brother, who crawled away in fear, but to no avail. Without difficulty, the Tribunal held him by the back of the head and kept him pinned down as it turned to the goddess again.
"Crimes." Demanded the mechanical voice, and Oshtur sighed softly before gesturing in the air, a scroll appearing. On it, was a huge list with names. The court scanned the paper with its golden eyes. "I do not judge the death of lesser beings." He reminded the goddess, but Oshtur was undeterred, enlarging the scroll with a flick of her fingers. With the new names, the Tribunal grunted softly, the grip around the back of his brother's neck firmed and he was lifted into the air so he could see the scroll as well. " Condemnation of the 529 universes, murder of the Guardian of the Order with theft of his possessions including the forging stone and attempt to influence others of his variants with the use of the same stone. How do you plead?"
"Not guilty." Samuel grunted between teeth, causing The Tribunal to squeeze him tighter.
"Lying in the presence of the Goddess of Truth, you have some nerve, human." Says The Tribunal with a smile, making your brother swallow dryly. "Oshtur, anything else to add?"
The goddess nodded, the scroll closing in the air and flying into the Court's free hand.
"My Vishanti and I discussed the sentence." She declared. "On the parchment, the Tribunal will find a list of all the universes that have suffered the attempted influence of the genocide, and in all of these, it was decided that Time Guardians would interfere for the restoration of the original timeline, restoring its events and erasing the existence of its influence. The Vishanti voted that Hammurabi's law be applied and that for the repayment of his crimes, Samuel will die by the hand of his first victim."
His brother let out a loud exclamation, widening his eyes. He could not disagree, because the court kept him silent.
Oshtur continued his sentence.
"Mr. L/N's Reality of Origin has been condemned for his actions and desecrations of reality, but the sentence needs to be collected. The Law of Destiny will be responsible for randomly choosing in which universe the punishment will come." 
"So be it." The Tribunal declared, and Samuel squinted into the air, but the robot closed his hand around him, a light blinded you for a few seconds, and when you looked again, the remembrance was over.
You gasped in shock, and Oshtur took a step closer, but you ran to the edge of the temple, intending to vomit. But nothing came out.
You cried out in frustration, thick tears falling from your eyes. Your brother. A murderer. Worse, your murderer.
"The truth may be painful, but it is still better than the lie, Miss L/N." Said Agamatto trying to sound a little sympathetic. "Still, I regret profoundly that Samuel's sentence came in a universe where you loved him deeply."
You sniffled, hiding your face in your hands for a moment.
"If there are other questions, you should get them out soon. Your witch is about to wake you up." Hoggoth grumbled in a warning and you swallowed dryly, pushing the emotion away to turn to them again.
"My intention in calling you was to have my forge removed." You state as you wipe your face. "I understand what was done to Samuel, and the Tribunal, and I am sorry too. But that is long past and he is dead. I’m not. I want to live and I want to do that next to the woman you say I am meant to kill. So please remove-"
"I beg your pardon, kill? What are you talking about?" Oshtur interrupts you with an indignant expression. "Where did that come from?"
You frown. "From your book? It literally says that the Guardian and the Witch are destined to destroy each other and-"
"Excuse me?" Oshtur interrupts someone even more indignant, and snaps her fingers in the air, causing a Book of Vishanti to appear at the height of her lap, leaves floating at high speed until the figure of the Scarlet Witch and a guardian are at her eye level. Oshtur begins to read, muttering to herself at high speed, and then exclaims. "It says face each other, Miss L/N, not destroy, you got me for a second!" She says with a relief chuckle.
You blink in confusion, "But..."
"Agamotto, that note is so shallow. Did you transcribe that part yourself? It doesn't even mention the forge properly." Oshtur continues, giving her son a look of disapproval, but the man just sighs wearily. She flips through another page. "Look, what a mess. You didn't even mention the fall of the first demons of the original knight's names."
"The book was written decades after the battles, my mother." Justifies the scholar, receiving a hum of understanding, but you are looking at them with indignation.
"Oshtur! Hey! Are you telling me I don't have to fight the Scarlet Witch?" You question and she gives a short laugh.
"Well, that's up to her I imagine." Oshtur retorts, and to your expression, she sighs, closing the book. "Okay, Y/N, just listen. This is the problem with transcripts, you say things and people write whatever they want. Your world, earth 616B, right? The Knights of the Order were raised there to fight higher class dæmons. And when they were gone, and Chthon chose a witch, the sorcerers asked me to bless them with a being capable of defeating that warrior. But you see, I don't create monsters or killers, this is simply not my nature. I could lend my magic to a noble warrior, and I decided to do this in a way that would help him free the witch from Chthon's domain, as I had been asked." Says the goddess gesturing a bit. "And there was already a singularity in the universe where I could keep my blessing, and that would give the warrior the ability to resist Chthon and help the Witch strengthen her own mind because understand, I don't see the Scarlet Witch as anything more than a victim of my brother's ambition." She says, and waves in the air.
You feel a warmth fill your chest, and Oshtur's fingers encourage a golden thread to float in the air, forming the stone at the height of your face. She smiles. 
"Your people trusted trials, and oaths, and working hard to achieve goals. My knights were a reflection of the medieval society of that time. And when I was asked for one last miracle, I followed the same pattern." She says. "The Guardian would have to be a Knight first, someone who received my blessing and completed their training and oaths. I suppose it made sense because Chthon also chose a studied witch. I blessed the singularity of mind with Magic of Order, and thus, which was given to the warrior chosen by the warlocks at that time." Oshtur narrates, while a golden thread of the Stone forms images of figures in the air, giving visualization to her tale. 
"As I told you years ago, my son was the chosen one." Agamotto adds to the story. "And he fulfilled his mission."
"Y-yes, he killed the witch as it is written-"
Oshtur denied it with her head. "It was never written like that." She says. "See, Chthon doesn't care much about oaths or that sort of thing. He just picked a witch strong enough to take Chaos Magic, and drove her insane through his mind domination." Explains the goddess. "But you see, I have arranged things all right, but humans confuse everything. They understand to destroy when I said they should face each other. I gave the guardian the power to free his witch, and he understood that he had to subdue her. It was a very sad thing, yes? The Guardian couldn't live with what he did, especially when he found out that he did the wrong thing. Hektor was a noble and brilliant warrior, but he lacked wisdom, and forgive me for saying that in front of you, my son, but it is the truth."
Agamotto gave a chuckle, nodding. Oshur continued, straightening up a bit.
"You see, Y/N, Héktor practically went mad when he came to consult me. He also came to this very temple, thousands of years ago, with those same absurd ideas. I'm beginning to think you all need a lesson in text interpretation."
You laughed nervously, your eyes filled with tears. Was it possible, really, that you and Wanda could be together?
"Oshur, the prophecies say there can only be one of us, and darkhold says we will destroy each other." 
The goddess sighs wearily and looks at her son. "Your uncle is a very sadistic god, you know? That old demon..." She complains before looking at you. "Of course, the book of the damned says something like that. It was written for chaos worshipers, Y/N! How do you think Chthon wanted to educate his followers about a warrior of opposing magic with the power to wipe out his dominion from the mind? Of course he was going to say that the Witch needs to destroy the guardian." 
You gasp softly, hope growing in your chest at high speed. 
"And about there only being one of each, well, we had to make rules didn't we?" The goddess continues. "When the original two fell, the Tribunal intervened. Creatures powerful enough to alter the fate of the universe, you see? He made demands, conditions were set. Chthon could touch any witch out there, and baptize her with chaos magic, so I decided to use the Law of Absolute Destiny, which tied the Guardian's Forge to the Witch's Forge. It made the Tribunal happy and ensured stability in natural law, but it didn't make Chthon very pleased. A shame really."
She commented on the last part without an ounce of pity, moving her long hair over her shoulder. "With the law, it is written that a Guardian is forged together with a Scarlet Witch, no matter where in multiversal space-time they are." Explains the goddess. "You, for example, received the stone blessed with order magic, the forging stone your brother stole from the guardian of his world that was returned to your reality when you were mortally wounded in battle, and the second that happened, Wanda Maximoff touched the same stone in her universe. A connection that will remain for as long as you both exist. "
You stepped forward. "B-but what about my wife? She... she had chaos magic, she-"
"As I said, Miss L/N, bonded through the forging stone, no matter what universe they are in. Chthon can influence millions of witches around this vast multiverse, trying to lend his magic, but only one of them will be able to awaken chaos, and that will be the one forged at the same moment as their Guardian."
You swallow dryly, absorbing the Goddess's words. She sighs.
"You are thinking of the Forbidden Forge." Says the Goddess, and you immediately agree. "You see, all the mind singularities in the multiverse have a connection to each other. That's why even if Wanda is not from the same world as yours, she could be forged in another reality. The choice is random, I assure you. And more importantly, it is immutable. She was your Scarlet Witch chosen by fate, determined by natural law. And when you, bearer of the Forge Stone that carried order magic in the core, acted against natural law by creating a new one, which was your wife, things went into an unthinkable imbalance. That is why you are sick, Y/N. There is chaos in you, chaos that is not yours."
"How do I fix it?"
"Your Scarlet Witch." She answers. “She’s the one who can lend, remove and control all the chaos in you.”
You sigh. "I thought you wanted me to take an oath."
Oshtur laughs, shaking her hands. "That old thing? As I said, I was only following the customs of the time. I would only wish for an oath from you that was true from the heart, and we both know that your devotion does not belong to me."
You feel your cheeks heat up, and you lower your head, a shy smile appearing on your lips.
"So...I can just go back and be with Wanda?"
"In my understanding, that is exactly what you should do." Agamotto says to which the goddess immediately nods. “My son made a mistake and when I transcribed these events, perhaps in my grief it was easier to believe that fate demanded those sacrifices and that there was nothing to be done. But I think it's evident that Oshtur never demanded war or death, and that her intention was always for the Guardian and the Scarlet Witch to rule the multiverse together.”
You let out a long, relieved sigh, and the next tears on your face are of happiness.
"Just one more thing." You say, being able to see the fog increasing and imagining that you are about to wake up. "My daughter, America, how can she be from a planet that hasn't been born yet?"
The three wise men exchange tender glances. And it is Hoggoth who replies.
"If you already see her as your daughter, it won't be long before it's born." He assures you and you choke softly. 
The sun began to grow stronger, and you took another step forward.
"Wait! I just... I have so many more questions, I-" You begin but Oshtur points to the closed book floating near her. 
"You can keep this, I'll make sure it has my own words this time. To avoid other interpretations." She says giving a look to her son who shakes his head. "Your gifts, Y/N, if you still wish to carry them, are yours."
"I will think about it." You say with a smile, which she returns.
And when you look at the sun again, you feel all the warmth envelop you, closing your eyes when the light gets too strong.
Once the temple is empty again, Oshtur turns to the other two. "Should we have told her about the twins?"
Hoggoth growled softly and sleepily. "It would have ruined the fun."
Oshtur mutters in agreement, deciding to return to her plants.
You wake up in a jolt, rolling off the stone table and knocking over half the candles with you. 
Wanda opens her eyes at the same time, and only gives you a second to recognize the temple around you before jumping into your arms, an embrace you return equally enthusiastically, holding her by the waist and spinning her in the air.
As soon as she breaks, you are speaking. 
"I'm sorry for blacking out, you have no idea where I ended up! I had Oshtur there, and Agamatto, and a Tiger! But he was the god type, his name is Hoggoth and he's kind of a jerk, but that doesn't matter because they all kind of are and-"
Wanda kisses you, hard and intense. You gasp a little in surprise but kiss back, hesitating when you feel her tears. 
"Hey, hey, what-"
"I thought I lost you." Wanda explains tearfully, hands on her neck. "I just-" She sobs and you hug her again, as tight as you can.
"I'm so sorry Wanda. I told you I wasn't going anywhere." You say and move your face to kiss her again, and again, until she is laughing with relief, hiding her face in your collarbone. "I have like, a dozen god things to tell you, but I think we have to go to America first."
Wanda nods in agreement. "Just let me... hold you for two more minutes."
You smile, kissing her shoulder. "As long as you like, my dear."
But you don't need to look for America. Wanda clearly used the stones as you requested because a few minutes later, the Resistance personnel is arriving at the Temple courtyard, and with them, the group that was trapped in the time loop.
Chavez runs up to you two, hugging you both tight and you feel like you can breathe again.
Wanda notices when the strangers start getting calls and they start getting agitated until someone yells that the mutants were back, and suddenly she was being cheered and celebrated.
"Thank you Scarlet Witch!" and "All hail the Scarlet Witch!" were some of the phrases in the chorus, and Wanda felt her face warm, smiling shyly. You and America offer her an encouraging smile, and soon the gates are being opened and the flares and fireworks are lit to signal victory.
You hesitate when you see the bodies of the variants being carried away and ask both of them to excuse you and run to the group.
Erik is muttering a prayer, and you wait for him to finish before approaching him.
"Hey, Mr.Lehnsherr, how are things?" You ask half-heartedly, but he offers you a smile, before hugging you.
"Thank you, Guardian, for saving my people." He says, but you give a short laugh.
"All I did was fall and bleed, sir. Wanda did all the work." You say and he hesitates, looking to where the woman is talking to members of the resistance and holding America against her. "You can meet her. If you want."
Erik swallows dryly, turning his gaze back to you. 
"I didn't have a good relationship with my Wanda. I'm not sure another version of her would like me."
You give him an encouraging smile. "It can't hurt to try, sir."
Erik smiles, looking at Wanda again. You follow the gaze and see that Pietro has just approached, half hesitant.
"I think there's another family member she'd like to get to know better." Erik says half sadly, and you decide you won't push it, letting him follow his own time. He offers you a smile before walking away, and you decide to move toward Wanda.
"[...] I don't know if you had a brother in your world, but well, I'm Pietro Maximoff and I-"
Wanda didn't let him finish, hugging him tightly. He gave a half-hearted laugh but reciprocated. She let him go next, her eyes filled with tears.
"I-i'm sorry, I just... I lost my brother. And I just-"
"It's okay." He interrupts with a tearful laugh as well. "I sorta get the feeling. So, Scarlet Witch, huh? It's cool."
It's Wanda's turn to laugh tearfully, nodding slightly. "Thanks, Pietro."
Now that you're near the table again, you notice Oshtur's gifts on top, and sigh softly. Seeing the items tells you that you still have a long way to go, but when you look back at Wanda, you know that with her you can do anything.
A couple of many minutes later, after you and Wanda cleaned yourselves from the blood and dust, you with the Vishanti book under your arm, hold Wanda by the hand and lead her to one of the rooftops farther away from all the confusion. Pietro assures you that he will get America something to eat, and Wanda has returned the bracelet of Infinity Stones to the Resistance.
"Dorogaya, what are you up to?" Wanda asked curiously, receiving only a sweet smile and a mischievous look.
"Just trust me, Maximoff." You whisper back and continue guiding her until you reach a terrace. The starry sky looks even more beautiful as the Resistance and the mutants begin with their fireworks, but you are busier watching Wanda.
She smiles at the fireworks for a moment, before turning her attention back to you, and blushing when she realizes that you were looking at her. Wanda gives a gentle tug for you to come closer, and you gladly do so, breaking the distance and meeting her mouth halfway. You smile as you feel her tongue slide into yours, almost forgetting what you came to do when she scratches the back of your neck. 
"We have to talk." You murmur as you break for breath, stealing a few more kisses and laughing softly at Wanda's pout as you pull away to lean on the ledge. 
But Wanda swallowed dryly next, and you knew her anxiety was building. Not wanting her to start thinking it was bad things, you smiled at her, caressing her cheek before you began to tell her everything the gods had told you.
"[...] so that means Wanda Maximoff, that you and I are actually pretty much fated to be together, so you're not getting rid of me anytime soon." 
Wanda has tears in her eyes, and gives a tearful laugh, wasting no time in wrapping her arms around your neck. You leave the book on the edge to hug her back for long seconds, just you and her enjoying the touch and breathing deeply.
"I think I saw you." Wanda says then and breaks the hug to look at you, licking her lips. "This Wanda showed me the day she touched the Mind stone, it only amplified her powers here. But when I touched mine, I saw this golden light, strong behind my own image wearing the Scarlet Witch suit. I always thought it was the light from the Mind Stone, but it was you. Being forged in another world." She counters and you smile, nodding, one hand taking a loose strand of her hair and placing it behind her ear. 
"Oshtur says the stones are connected." You say. "I think I've been with you this whole time without even having any idea about it." You confess with a short laugh. "When I was there, she used magic to stimulate the Stone's energy to come out. The feeling was very familiar. It was like a magnetism, tugging and pulling, trying to attract my attention, or practically demanding it. And I can feel it when I'm around you."
Wanda swallows dryly, hugging you again, and you give a small laugh, but waste no time in matching it. She sniffles softly into your neck, and you hug her tighter.
"Sorry, I just...I think you just ruined my old marriage." She comments sniffling softly, and you give a confused laugh, waiting for her to look at you again. Wanda wipes her tears away, shaking her head. "Vision carried the stone of my forge in my world. That feeling, magnetic? Like you can't look away, and you know exactly when the other is in the room. I used to feel that around him. And when he died, the stone was destroyed I just couldn't feel it anymore. I even met this version of him without it, but I was just shocked, that attraction wasn't there anymore and I just-" Wanda sobs softly, and you kiss her forehead, caressing her cheek.
"I'm so sorry, Wanda."
"God, this's so messed up." She mutters bitterly, guilt in her voice, and you sigh, caressing her back as she rests her cheek against your collarbone.
"I'm sorry, Wanda, maybe he would understand." You try, not knowing much to say about the situation. It was a hard thing, finding out that you never loved someone and were only interested because of the connection to the one you were supposed to meet in reality, but those were the facts, and there wasn't much that could be done about it. Wanda seemed to know because she sighed and nodded.
"He would." She murmured, squeezing you one last time before she broke down, and you wasted no time in wiping her tears away with your fingertips, kissing the tip of her nose and making her laugh tearfully. "You would have liked him."
"He slept with you, I highly doubt it." You playfully retort making her laugh and give you a gentle nibble on the ribs.
"Idiot." She retorts and you steal another selfie.
"Your idiot." You whisper making her blush. Another kiss, and Wanda sighs. "Your wife."
"Mine." She concurs, hands holding your waist as she kisses again, with more intent this time, until she gets an excited groan from you at the feel of her tongue exploring your mouth, and you have to use all mental control to break the kiss and laugh at Wanda's impatient grunt. 
"I need to do something." You tell her in an explanatory tone for stopping the kiss, causing her to look at you curiously. "Guardian thing."
Wanda releases you so you can go to the edge and open the book, watching you expectantly. 
You grin at the 'Commented Edition by Gray Goddess of Balance and Order" written below the title, and as soon as you start to flip through, you see that Oshtur has written comments on almost every page, which make you chuckle softly and attract Wanda's attention - who moves closer and hugs you from behind so she can look too. You lean into the touch, but keep looking for the articles about the Guardian of Order.
This one is different from what Agamotto showed you so many years ago. There are two full pages with two faceless figures on their backs, and the title 'Guardian of Order and Scarlet Witch' with the subtitle 'Rulers of the Multiverse' in gold underneath. When you run your finger over it, the font glows and the figures wake up.
The Guardian - wearing the Golden Armor of Oshtur and carrying the Sword of Order on their back - steps away from the witch's design only to bow softly and extend a hand to the other, who accepts and they begin to dance.
"That is so sweet."  Wanda comments with her chin on your shoulder, and you murmur in agreement, smiling at the figures dancing together. 
You shift your attention to Oshtur's notes at the top about the oath.
The customs of the Ancient Knights required a devotion, something to be loyal to, as was necessary in times of war. Oshtur only requires the Guardian to be loyal to what is in their heart. This is the only oath for a Guardian to find the balance within oneself. 
You bite your lip thoughtfully, fingers tracing the note. Wanda sighs softly, looking at another part of the page and catching your attention.
"Look, Y/N, it's about your tattoo." She says squirming a little against you to point at it, and you feel your face warm as one of Wanda's hands reaches up inside the loose shirt the Resistance people got you to the spot of your tattoo. "Oshtur explained that the tattoo comes about when the forging happens. It serves to recognize the Guardian in the battle between the Knights or something, but it is a symbol of the connection between them and the Witch."
You only grunt softly, but Wanda seems more occupied with the runes and the lessons, her palm against your skin as she is leaning over reading. "Look, malyshka, those symbols are about devotion and loyalty, and..." Wanda stops as she sees how you are squeezing the edge of the ledge and starting to sweat, and lets out an exclamation. "Shit, I forgot! Sorry, moya lyubova'" she murmurs with a giggle, pulling her hand away and placing it on your waist, her forehead resting on your shoulder, and you give a breathless giggle.
You shake your head softly, pushing the hesitation away and clearing your throat.
"No problem, sweetheart." You gasp in a husky voice, and Wanda gives another guilty little laugh, kissing your cheek before wrapping her arm around your waist, resting more weight against you, and making you sigh at the warmth. " Does it say why it's giving you so much power over my body?"
"Hmm, I like it like that." Wanda murmurs mischievously at your ear level, and you laugh hoarsely, giving up answering back because she keeps reading. "It says here that it's just an ancient connecting spell, between our magics that appears with the forge. It's through it that we become able to share our strengths, heal wounds…” A pause to get even closer  “cause the Guardian to come with just some scratch..."
"Is that written there?" You retort amused and Wanda laughs lightly, teeth grazing at your ear and making you shudder. "God, Wanda, you're distracting me."
Wanda chuckles again, but lets her chin rest on your shoulder and strokes your skin with her thumb, encouraging you to continue reading. You sigh as you run your fingers down the pages. 
"Oshtur said that I am sick at having made the Forbidden Forge of another Scarlet Witch and that only you could take the chaos that doesn't belong to me away." You count, and Wanda settles better behind you.
"Mm-hmm." You confirm, tracing the pages. "It must have something to do with the tattoo because Oshtur put that here and-ah" Your sentence turned into a gasping moan as Wanda slid her hands into your blouse suddenly, nails digging into your skin. "Jesus Christ, Wanda." You grunted affectedly, nearly knocking the book off the roof, your whole body vibrating with excitement all at once.
"Sorry, milashka. Take off your shirt please." She ordered, and although your whole body was trembling, you pulled your blouse off in a tug, having to bite your lip to hold back the sounds. Wanda sighed softly, watching the tattoo form completely on your skin. 
She licks her lips as she traces the figure with her fingertips, letting the magic flow out of her hands and smiling in a corner when you grunt, pressing your thighs together. "Don't worry, it'll be over in a second."
"Yeah, I will if you keep this up." You retort in a husky voice, your eyes closed tightly, and Wanda gives a mischievous chuckle. Her eyes are red as well, and Wanda sighs softly as she finds, right at the height of your heart, something different.
"I think I know what Oshtur was talking about." She murmurs to you, not sure you were really listening by the way you have lowered your head, and are breathing heavily. Wanda moves her fingers, and a thread of golden light begins to come out following them, but soon, the yellow sparks turn dark, and she sighs. "It was rotting in there, Y/N, that's why you were sick. I'll make you feel better, love."
As the scarlet sparks came into contact with the dark ones, they changed to a golden color again, and Wanda shivered as the golden threads came into contact with her fingers. "Oh, is this how you feel, baby?" she asks in an affected whisper, her free hand moving to intertwine atop yours at the edge, as Wanda leans closer into you, never ceasing to clean the rotten chaos magic in you and feeling your magics blend together, an intense sensation that makes her sigh with satisfaction. "It's really very good." She slides one leg between yours, and you moan immediately with the friction, feeling your face warm. 
"N-no, I can't hold it if you-"
"Then don't hold it." 
She interrupts with her thick accent and husky voice against your neck and presses her thigh harder, and you let out an intense whimper, your climax coming all at once. Wanda is quick to hold you by the waist as your legs give way and smiles as she deposits several kisses on your shoulder and neck, waiting for you to recover from your high.
"I-I can't, Wanda..." You gasp still feeling your body shaking, her hands on your back.
"Oh, baby, is this too much for you?" She teases, and digs her nails against your back, being quick to cover your mouth when you scream to the sky, the sound muffled on her skin. You begin to push back against her thigh in search of friction and Wanda groans: "God, you're so hot."
But you only whimper, feeling your next orgasm approaching. Wanda hums contentedly, her core throbbing with the magical stimulation on her fingers that goes to her body and the sounds you are making. She kisses behind the back of your neck, smiling as she sees the runes glowing on her touch, before whispering that she was almost done. 
You were about to cum again when Wanda finished the spell, and she was going to make a joke when, without the sensation of her hand on your back, you managed to turn and kiss her hard, surprising her and eliciting an exclamation. You grabbed her by the waist, kissing her hungrily and making her head spin as you both stumble until Wanda's back hits a wall. 
"What a low blow, Maximoff." You commented as soon as you broke the kiss, running your mouth down the other's neck "So, so, mean."
Wanda only gasps, one hand firmly in your hair and the other squeezing your arm as she feels you suck on the sensitive spots on her skin. "How... How can it be mean to make you cum?" She challenges confidently but throws her head back when you slide a hand between her pants without warning. 
"Oh, you know why." You murmur against her skin, your fingers tracing patterns along her wet folds, and your thumb pressing hard against her clit. "So much power over my body, you know I like having the same over yours."
Wanda whimpers as you slide two fingers inside, your free hand moving to pull her thigh up, and the redhead follows the cue to wrap her leg behind your knee, moaning loudly at the new depth the position allows you. 
“Detka, fuck-ah-right… right t-there!” She moaned loudly, her hand firm in your hair.
"Be quiet, baby." You remind her in an affected whisper, your fingers stroking inside her in the rhythm that makes Wanda find it very hard not to scream, her hips trying to throw against your fingers. "You don't want people to come looking for us, do you?" You tease, your free hand reaching up into her blouse and grasping her breast with an open palm, and Wanda has to bite down on your shoulder to stifle the scream that rips her throat, her cunt clenching and dripping in your hand. “You can't let them know that the Scarlet Witch has such a needy pussy.” You tease against her ear, and Wanda feels her face burning, a new wave of heat hitting her lower abdomen. 
She feels you smiling against her skin, and curling your fingers in a way that makes her see stars until Wanda arches her back and loses her ability to control her sounds, and your hand comes to her mouth to lessen the noise. Your eyes meet, pupils completely dilated, but Wanda finds herself blushing even more from the adoration in yours as you continue to thrust inside her hard, and she feels like she is falling over the edge, her eyes teary with excitement. "I know, baby, I know. Cum for me, you're ready aren't you?"
She nods, and you only have to thrust one more time before Wanda moans against your hand, closing her eyes tightly as she feels the orgasm crash over her, fingers curling and her whole body tensing with the waves of pleasure. You let out an impressed sigh, watching her come down from her high, and move your hand away from her mouth to wipe the excess sweat from her face, and help her stand properly. 
Wanda is breathing hard, blinking lazily out of orgasm, and almost has another when you kiss her with your fingers still inside her, a gentle motion with your thumb on her swollen clit that makes her moan. But you break the kiss before it gets more intense, fingers sliding out that make her sigh at the loss, before you bring your hand to your own mouth, and start sucking your fingers wet with her cum in front of the witch, who grunts softly at the image. You roll your eyes at the taste, and Wanda bites her lips, hands moving to your shoulders to pull you back to her, and you remove your fingers just in time to kiss her again.
She moans at her own taste on your tongue, and you smile against her lips, matching the intensity.
"Come on pretty girl, we have things to do." You murmur between kisses hearing Wanda mumble softly. You exchange intense, slow kisses for another long moment until Wanda lets go, an expression of complete satisfaction on her face that makes you smile. "Someone's enjoying herself."
She laughs softly, stealing a few more quick pecks as she warns "We.Will.Continue.This.Later." punctuating each word with one, and joining in your hoarse laugh.
You slide your hand into hers, and call the book back, deciding that now that you're feeling better your studies can wait. And you both make your way downstairs again.
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jemilyswhor3 · 1 year
Shared Bedroom
A/N: This has been in my drafts for too long
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Female!Reader
Warning: smut, oral (r receiving), fingering, nipple playing, mommy kink, dom!wanda, sub!reader, use of pet names, light praise kink, reader in college, R (20-22), Wanda (25-27), reader is daughter of tony stark
Summary: You've just finished your training. You went to your room to study, only to be left doing something else, or rather, someone else doing you.
Word Count: 2.1K
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Your training with Nat had just finished and it was already 8:27 PM. You have an early class tomorrow, so you head towards your shared bedroom with Wanda. You opened the door, and to your shock, she was nowhere to be found. She was always the early bird- sleeping in at 8:00 PM and waking up at 5:00 AM kinda gal, so it had you wondering where she could be at this state of time. You shrugged it off, took some shorts and a camisole out of your closet for later to change in, and headed to the bathroom. You took a nice warm shower and did your night routine. After your self-care, you opened the door, ready to head to your study table to do what's left of your thesis.
''Wanda!'' You exclaimed, surprisingly seeing the woman in her robe, sitting in bed while on her phone. ''Oh, hey, Y/N'' She looked up and back down at her phone again. ''Where were you?'' You asked while taking a seat at your table. ''I was helping Clint with carrying some stuff, why?'' She puts her phone down and focuses her attention on you. ''Nothing'' You pout, ''It's just that you usually sleep in early''. ''Yeah, I- I kinda couldn't sleep without your company'' She awkwardly stated. ''Oh,'' Your cheeks flushed. You draw your attention to your table while taking out your laptop from your bag. She stands up and walked toward you. ''What's that?'' She pointed out to your laptop screen.''My thesis. I'm practically done, just have to proofread it'' You replied, pointing at the screen. ''Long day with Nat?'' She circles your back. ''Yeah. Started training at 4:30 today'' You focus your attention on the screen, avoiding staring at her figure in the mirror's reflection. ''I remember my training days with her. Your father said it's 'mandatory' '' She mocked Tony. ''You must feel very tired'' She slowly puts both her hands on your shoulders and slowly started massaging them. ''Don't bother'' You place your left hand on top of her right, that's on your shoulder, removing it from you. ''I insist'' She flutters her eyes while she carefully places your hand back on your keyboard and hers on your shoulders. "Whatever you say" You start to open the document on your screen. She continues to gently massage your shoulders while you type in corrections. You feel her hand slowly nudging the sleeve off your right shoulder. She gently places your hair on your left side, which gave shivers down your spine. She starts to lean down to your neck and you feel her cold breath hit your skin. Barely maintaining focus on your screen, trying to process what's happening in the present, your eyes fluttering, and your body slightly trembling. She starts to kiss your neck, leaving soft gentle kisses all over it. You both still don't utter a word to each other. You gave in and fully closed your eyes for a couple of seconds, trying your best for her to not notice. She starts getting aggressive and starts sucking your neck, possibly leaving hickeys. You let out a soft low moan, which she liked, given the smile you felt on your neck.
''You like that, baby? Or am I being too aggressive?'' She converses. ''No, no. You're doing perfectly fine'' You whispered to her, unable to properly let out words,  being held back by her kisses. She snuck her hand under your shirt, unclipping your bra. Once she successfully did, she slowly removed your bra straps, letting her slender fingers roam around your arms, making you feel goosebumps all over your body. She fully removed your bra and tossed it someplace else. Your hands and posture are still in front of your desk, mouth wide open, whilst your eyes are closed.
She looks at your reflection in the mirror, laughing at the sight of you being submissive. Soft moans escaped from your mouth, giving her a signal that you want more. She continues to assault your neck with kisses, as she slips her right hand under your shirt since her left is the one that's holding your hair back. She cups one of your tits and started to slowly massage them, making them hard. You create friction between your legs, as you feel that you're getting wetter by the second. She takes her hand off your chest as she slowly tries to slip into your pants. As she was getting closer, you stop her hand and say, "No, not yet" While you gasp for air. Her eyes widen and stopped kissing your neck as she removed her hands from you and walked away.
You opened your eyes and looked at her. "Wh- what are you doing?" You rattled. "You said 'No'" She raised her brow. "I said not yet. I never told you to stop" You furrowed your eyebrows. She stands up and walked toward you. "So, do you want more?" She smirked. You desperately nodded as you gulped. "Stand up" She demanded. You delightfully obliged her demand and looked at her with desperation. She closes your laptop, moved it aside, grabbed you by the waist, lifted you to the table, and aggressively pressed your lips together. She pushed you against the wall, almost breaking the mirror. "Sorry" She apologized, breaking the kiss. "No need to say sorry, Mommy" You smirk at her and pushed your lips against hers. You feel her smirk while you make out. "Mommy. I like it" "I knew you would" Your hands start to travel all over her body, removing her robe, only to reveal her in a short black silk dress. "Like what you see?" "Did you lock the doors?" You asked. "I did. Why?" She pulled your lips together before you could respond. You backed away from the kiss, making her annoyed, only to be delighted at what you have to say, "Take me to bed" You gasp for air. She looked at you from head to toe and let out a wide smile. She lifts you up while still maintaining the kiss you both are sharing.
She slams you in the middle of the bed still maintaining the kiss while your legs was wrapped around her. You relax your legs while she stabilizes herself on top of you. She starts to move her hand down your shorts, gripping your thigh. She places her hand in the middle of your legs and teased your clothed cunt, moving her index finger up and down. ''Oh, please just fuck me already'' You let out while humping on her finger. ''Not just yet'' She whispers to your ear. She moves down to your neck, placing kisses and sucking it roughly. You gasp for air and moan in awe at her movements all over your body. ''Is now the time?'' You asked in desperation. ''No, not yet'' She said in between kisses, mocking you.
''Please, Mommy'' You begged. ''You want me that bad inside of you? You think calling me Mommy will get you that?'' She looked up at you and smirked. "Yes, please" You nod in anticipation. ''Why the rush, baby?'' She continues her movements on your neck. ''I've been waiting for this for so long'' You let out. She replied in a sinister tone, ''Really?'' She replaces her index with her thumb rubbing against your clit. ''Mhm,'' You eagerly nod. ''Are you sure? What about your fa-'' You place your hand over her mouth stopping her from continuing her sentence. "Don't worry about him. He'll never know" Wanda can see the desperation in your eyes. She smirks at you and gently makes her way down to your chest, stomach, your lower belly while placing soft kisses all around your body.
She looked up at you for confirmation if you wanna go through this before going down. You give her the fastest nod you could, and to that, she made her way down. While under the covers, she slowly removes your shorts, leaving her a sight of your wet panties. "So wet, just for me" You hear her whisper. You felt the vibration from her voice teasing you. "Please. Just please fuck me already" You pant.  "What's my name" She reveals her head from under the covers. "What?" You asked, not quite comprehending the words she said earlier. "You didn't say my name" She trails her fingers along your stomach, making little swirls here and there. "Mommy. Please fuck me, Mommy" You said while you bite your lip at the last word."That's what I want" She slides her finger inside your underwear, plunging in her index finger. You gasp at her sudden movement, while you held back your moans as she thrust her finger in and out. "Was that so hard to say?" She mockingly said. "Please, one more" You begged while gripping on the sheets and biting your lower lip. "See, honey. You keep forgetting my name" She pulls her finger out.
You, desperate for her touch, released your grip from the sheets and cupped her face. "Pl- Please, Mommy. I want you inside of me- all of you" You begged with puppy dog eyes. She smirks at your request and slowly slid her fingers down again. This time, she added two fingers making your eyes roll and back arch. "Mhm, you like that, huh? Does my baby like Mommy's fingers inside of her?" She softly asked. You give her an eager nod whilst your eyes are closed, unable to utter words. "Mhm," She hums as she uses her thumb to make circles on your clit.
All of it was so much- too much. You're so close to climaxing, you're already at the edge. "Mommy," You whimper. "What is it, baby?" She responded, concerned. "I- I'm gonna cum" You replied while you thrust your body into her fingers. "Oh, no you aren't. You can cum when I tell you so" She demanded. Your eyes closed, back-arching, toe-curling, hands gripping the sheets, and lip biting, unable to keep it in you. "Please- Please let me cum- Mommy" You added, almost forgetting to say her name. "Almost, sweetheart" She teased while she slowly goes down on you.
She took her fingers off and replaced them with her tongue, flicking it all across from your entrance to your clit. She slowly started the pace, and as time went by, she started going faster. You moan your heart out while your back arched. "Come on, baby. Cum on Mommy's tongue so she can taste your sweet juices" She eagerly demanded, somehow gasping for air. You gave in and came on her tongue as she tries to catch it all by lapping her tongue all over you. "Mhm," She moans. "You taste so fucking good, malyshka" Your cheeks turned bright red, giving up from trying to hide it, just enjoying the moment you two are sharing.
She moves up beside you and lays down. "Wow. That was-" "Amazing. You were so good for Mommy" She compliments you whilst she turns to look at you. "I was gonna say magical, but amazing is also what it is" You smile at her. You grab her by the chin and pushed your lips together, sharing a passionate kiss. "I don't wanna lose you," You said, breaking the kiss. She sits up properly and cups your cheeks. "Don't worry, baby. I'll always be right here. I'm never leaving your side" She rubs your cheeks. You smile at her as you take her hand off and start to kiss her knuckles, up to her arms, and eventually to her neck.
"Oh, you want to go for round two?" She chuckles as she makes her way under you again. You stop her hands before she could go down, and look her in the eyes. "No. You've already done so much for me. It's time I return the favor" You smirk at her. You went down under the covers and started to plant kisses along your way down.
And for the rest of the night, you two made passionate love to each other until sunrise. You regret nothing of it all. Although, you remembered your thesis that you need to pass today. You mentioned it to Wanda, and just like that, she used her magic to fix your thesis and messed with the weather so you don't have to go to class later in the morning. "You should've told me you could do that before" You laughed, amazed at what she had just done. "If I did, then maybe we wouldn't be kissing and cuddling right now" She pulls you in for a soft peck on the lips that turned into a full-on make-out. After your make-out session with Wanda, you both snuggled up and went to sleep like babies.
________________________________ A/N: Omg! This is my first time writing smut and I think that I didn't do that bad for the first time. I was not at all planning on writing a full smut story, but kinda like an angsty tease and leave the rest to your imagination, cause I feel uncomfortable when it comes to writing smut with fictional characters- or just in general, but I guess I got carried away lmao.
I also wanted to write something like this to widen my writing skills and, also cause I want to try to write in all genres to see which one I'm best at.
Please don't be harsh💀 This might feel rushed, cause I kinda did, cause I felt uncomfy.
I also uploaded this on ao3, @wandaswitch
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oizysian · 1 year
Omg can you write like bottom!Lizzie x top! G!p reader x top! G!p Scarlett. And both of them overstimulating her by double penetration. With fluff in the end please please PLEASE 🥺
We're Gonna Make You Feel Good | Elizabeth Olsen
Pairing: Elizabeth Olsen x Scarlett Johansson x Fem!Reader Word Count: 1200+ Genre: Smut AN: I changed it to straps I hope you don't mind! Thank you for the request!
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“Open that pretty mouth, Lizzie. You need to get this nice and wet.”
She opened her mouth obediently, taking Scarlett’s strap to the hilt. I watched eagerly, stroking my own silicon dick, waiting for my turn with the beautiful blonde.
“Yeah, just like that.” She cooed softly, running her fingers through the younger girl’s hair.
“You’re so good at that, Lizzie.” I said, admiring how she took the length of it without gagging.
“That’s because she’s a good slut, aren’t you, Lizzie?”
She made a sound of confirmation as her head bobbed up and down on Scarlett’s cock. I couldn’t contain my excitement as I continued to watch, scooting up behind Lizzie and grabbing at her hips, positioning myself behind her.
She tried to pull off of Scarlett and look back at me, but she kept a grip on her hair, keeping her on her cock.
“Don’t worry about her,” Scarlett said softly, smirking at me as I stroked my cock, bringing it to Lizzie’s cunt. “We’re gonna make you feel good.”
She let out a low moan as I let the dick slide between her folds, getting it slick with her wetness. She pressed her ass back against me and I chuckled at her eagerness, letting my cock brush against her throbbing clit.
“Yeah, you like that, don’t you?” She taunted her, forcing her head down on the dick. “You like us using you like our little cumslut, huh?”
Lizzie’s reply was muffled by the cock down her throat, and I was distracted by the look of the veiny, purple cock slipping in and out between her legs. She moaned, letting out a low groan as I finally stopped teasing her and let the dildo slip inside her heat.
I grabbed her by the hips and thrust into her, holding her against me as she got used to the feel of me inside her. She pressed up against me again, signaling to me that she was ready for me to pound into her.
My nails dug into her skin as I fucked her, the sounds of her lewd, muffled moans fueling my inner fire that was burning just for her. I thrust myself into her, grunting like some kind of animal as I took her from behind.
Scarlett let go of Lizzie’s hair, finally allowing her to bring herself off of Scarlett’s cock and catch her breath.
“Oh, god, Y/N.” She cried out, drool dripping from her lips and down her chin.
“Y/N, get under her.” Scarlett demanded and I looked at her, the question dying on my tongue as she stared back at me.
I begrudgingly pulled out of Lizzie, her slick dripping onto the bed, and wriggled myself underneath her. She looked down at me, dazed, and I raised myself up to kiss her full, wet lips.
I grunted as Scarlett grabbed at the cock between my legs, the other half of it shifting inside me as she positioned me back at Lizzie’s entrance. Lizzie moaned into my mouth, a sweet sound as she slid down onto my cock.
I reached down to grab her ass, pulling her down onto me. Scarlett got off of the bed and went over to the closet as Lizzie lazily fucked herself on me. I was so busy with Elizabeth that I didn’t even realize Scarlett was getting ropes - to tie me up with.
She came over to the head of the bed, making intricate knots before taking my hands from Lizzie’s perfect ass and tying them to the headboard.
“H-hey!” I cried, parting from Lizzie to look up at our other lover.
“I don’t want you moving.” She said coolly, giving me a smile as she moved back behind Lizzie.
I couldn’t see Scarlett anymore, but I could hear her shuffling around. I returned my attention to Lizzie, giving her the kisses she deserved as she got fucked.
I struggled slightly against the ropes, wanting so badly to touch her as she lowered herself down onto my cock, her gasping breaths against my lips making me thrust my hips upward toward her harder.
“Calm down, Y/N.” Scarlett said, grabbing Lizzie by the hips and pressing herself up against her.
“What are you doing?” I questioned breathlessly as Lizzie continued to kiss and lick at my lips.
“I’m gonna fuck her too.” She let out a soft grunt and I watched as Lizzie’s eyes went wide.
She let out a moaning whimper, leaning her forehead against mine as Scarlett worked her cock into her ass.
“Relax,” she said softly, forcing Lizzie down onto my strap as she pushed herself inside of her. “I told you we’re gonna make you feel good.”
“Y/N,” Lizzie whimpered softly, her eyes staring deeply into my own as Scarlett slowly slid into her. “Kiss me.”
I pressed my lips to hers, muffling any further sounds she made as Scarlett began fucking her.
Lizzie stopped responding to my kisses, her mouth falling open and her brow furrowing as she got fucked in both of her holes. I continued to kiss her as my hips moved up against her.
Her arms finally gave out and she laid flat on top of me, her head resting just underneath my chin as we both pounded into her. All I wanted was to touch her, but my hands were bound and I was helpless - being forced to just watch as her cute little ass got pounded into.
She grabbed onto my arms, holding on as Scarlett and I fucked her. She made pathetic, whimpering sounds, and I had to bite my lip to keep myself from cumming just from that alone.
“Oh, fuck, I’m close.” Scarlett grunted, her nails digging deeply into the soft skin of Lizzie’s hips.
Lizzie let out a gasping cry and I realized that Scarlett had cum inside her, the sticky sweet liquid dripping down from her ass onto my legs.
“Yeah,” she said as she rode out her high, squeezing the balls of the cock for all that they were worth so that every drop of cum went into Lizzie’s ass. “Fuck yeah.”
“Untie me.” I practically begged, tugging on the ropes that held me down.
Scarlett sighed, pulling herself out from Lizzie’s abused ass, and lazily walking over to the head of the bed to release me. Once my hands were free, I flipped us over, noting that Scarlett now stood nearby and was watching as I hooked my arms under Lizzie’s knees as pressed them against her chest, fucking her deep and hard as my own orgasm approached.
Her eyes rolled in the back of her head as I hit the deepest part of her. I released one of her legs and brought my hand down between our bodies, rubbing tight circles on her clit. She babbled my name mindlessly, her hair messy, drool dripping down her chin, as I fucked her.
She let out a high pitched whine as she came and I couldn’t hold my own orgasm back any longer, pressing myself against her so I was deep inside her, I squeezed the base of my own cock, coating her insides with cum.
“Oh, god, Y/N!” She cried, completely blissed out.
I leaned my head down and captured her lips with my own, pressing myself against her so I could be as close to her as possible.
“Now, that was a show.” Scarlett said, smirking at us as we both began to relax. “How ya feeling, Lizzie?”
“Great.” She mumbled softly, her voice sounding dazed as I continued to kiss her neck and throat.
“Just like I promised.”
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bi-ss · 6 months
~ Ties that bind ~
Bucky x reader- arranged marriage.
Warnings - non, I don't think..
(This is a little bit of part 1, so I made write more I may not, we'll see. I'm also going to give the reader and her parents a positive relationship. idk I think it suits the best
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You always knew you were to be married off. Your mother was always transparent with you about that. She always told you that you may not like the man or woman, but love was always hard to find anyway. So one day, when you were 16, you typed up an agreement and gave it to your father about if you were married off, what you wanted, you do have your mother's stubbornness after all.
*knock knock*
"Come in," hearing your father grumble, you push the dark wooden doors which you are a lot heavier than your dad and his men made it seem. You stand in the doorway for a second before your dad gets up from behind his desk. He slowly walked round, motioning for you to come in and close the door. He pulled a comfy seat out a bit before sitting on his desk. You sat out looking up at him, handing him the typed papers in your hands. He looked at the title and gave it back to you.
"Read it to me, Ladybug." You smiled at the nickname he used and has used since you were a baby. "I see your mother as prepared you for this, and I see you listened for once," he joked, knowing you never liked working or school for that matter.
"I don't want to be a housewife, can't think of anything worse," you scoffed at your remark while your dad just laughed, still smiling down at you. "But I would prefer if you read it then get back to me as I told mother I'd help her cook.. it's burrito night!" He slowly nodded at you. Reading aloud wasn't something you liked doing. Taking the papers stapled together, you got up and started walking towards the doors, dreading the embarrassment of trying to open them again, but you didn't have to. Your dad was right behind you, holding it for you like you didn't just use all the strength to pry it just a little.
That's how you life's always been, your mother, a housewife. Your mother was the most beautiful and mature woman to probably ever exist, her long vibrant curly ginger hair, her pale soft skin loaded with freckle, her forest green eyes complemented everything about her even those rosy cheeks and lips. She adored your father as much or even more as he adored her. They do say opposites attract, fitting for your parents as your father, the breadwinner. Your father was a handsome and smart man, with dark chocolate hair which your mother loved putting into pigtails, his skin is covered with tattoos front to back, up and down, his toned and tan skin barely visible, his one good eye a smokie light grey colour, is other eye was sew shut while being littered with scars. Your dad has become more careful and gentle when your mother is pregnant. It wasn't hard to see that his men liked this change to, according to your mother. An example is when the twins joined, Wanda and Pietro maximoff joined, and they were put through uni with help from the family in case they wanted an out, making sure they had a choice. They stayed by the family's side.
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Now, 6 years later, you're sitting in your fathers office it hasn't changed a bit, you can't say the same about them, he was sitting on the worn-out leather chair with your mother behind him, their hair turning grey and with smile line proudly on display. You sitting at the side of the desk, not next to your dad and not next to Mrs and Mr Barnes, with their irritated son, James Barnes. The meeting was already off to a bad start when his girlfriend Sharon demanding to attend, but met with your dad saying he didn't have business with her and if that's know they did things, he'll call it off. You listened in on the conversation when your dad wasn't there, and to sum it up, Mr Barnes threatened, saying he'll disown his son and give it all to Rebecca. She's now at the bottom of the stairs being watched secretly by maids, workers, and guards. The elderly guest were very shocked at the fact they didn't even know you were there when they were giving the to toddler a reality check, which made both your parents proud and all 4 laugh about it. Before the definition of cantankerous, egocentric, and many more adjectives, you couldn't ever walk in.
. . . . .To be continued. . . .
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inkblot-inc · 5 months
A Trip Around The Sun
Summary: From the RCD Universe; It's been a year since you and Wanda made things official, so who doesn't love a little anniversary somethin' somethin'?
Pairing: Jeweler!Wanda Maximoff x Metalworker!Reader
Warning(s): There's smut in this one so just to be sure: This is 18+ ONLY so MINORS DNI. Fingering (w receiving), oral sex (w recieving). The sex aside, this one's pretty sappy overall. I don't even think there's that much language in this one, bud.
Note(s): What better way to break in 2024 than with a little sweetness between two of my favorites? Granted this would have gone up yesterday had my power not gone out after coming home from my vacation, but ah well, we're here now. I hope y'all enjoy this one :3
Word Count: well into 2.7k baybee
*squints* I give NO ONE permission to repost or translate my work. Make your own shit!
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Tonight was you and Wanda's one year anniversary and you wanted to leave with enough time to get home before Wanda and get changed for the plans you arranged tonight.
Wanda had been texting you as much as she could throughout the day in addition to packing your favorite for lunch. The texts had started out innocent and then got progressively heavier with innuendos later in the day. Needless to say, you were all but ready to finally see your girl.
You just finished cleaning up your station for the evening, making sure everything was powered off and in its proper place for when you come in the day after tomorrow. Before you walked out of the shop, you stopped in Logan's office as per usual. You walked in to see him going through papers. Inventory reports from what you were able to catch.
Logan looks up from his work, "Leaving early?"
You can't help the smile that blooms on your face as you answer. "Yeah, it's mine and Wanda's anniversary tonight. Wanted to take her out for the night, I even got reservations for seven."
Logan simply nods along with your explanation. "Where are you takin' her?"
There's a bit of hesitance in your voice as your eyes focus more on the older man's desk. "Carnivora Snow. She's never been, I don't think, But I think it'd be nice."
Logan doesn't respond for a good minute, before you wind up looking back at him. Logan sets down his paperwork. "Well, say hi for me, bub. And have a good night." His voice is just a little bit less gruff than usual.
Your smile is smaller but doesn't lose its warmth. "That's the plan."
After you leave Logan's office and close the door behind you, he just sits there for a second to have a moment to himself.
It's 4:45 PM when you get home, and the first thing you do is go to shower and change clothes. You change into a black form-fitting suit; nothing egregious, but definitely formal enough to fit the occasion. You leave the top two buttons of your gray button-down shirt undone and wear a few silver rings to accessorize. You take your time to get the look just right since you're the first one home from work.
It's 5:30PM when Wanda gets in from work, your interaction is brief seeing as you both wanted to make it to your reservations on time. You mainly stuck to quick banter about your work days as you both finished getting ready to leave.
Wanda comes out of her personal room wearing a merlot red off-shoulder gown, with a silver piece of jewelry that mimics a tied neck for the dress. You realize that it disappears under said dress as well. Before your curiosity distracts you, you realize that it's 6:20PM and that you'll make your reservation with just enough time. After a brief deliberation, you opt to drive to the restaurant in Wanda's car rather than in your truck.
Carnivora Snow is a Restaurant in New York that is well on its way to getting a Michelin star. With its reservation list almost always filled, you had to pull a few strings you hadn't used in a while to get seating for the two of you tonight, but it was more than worth it.
Both of you were having a wonderful time so far, with Wanda ordering Honey Garlic Salmon while you had the Chicken Kyiv this time around.
It was clear you both were enjoying yourselves, not just in terms of company, but food as well. Particularly when she noticed how quickly you were polishing your plate. "That good, huh?"
You swallowed the bite of food in your mouth before answering her, "I swear they snuck crack in this Chicken, Wands. The mashed potatoes are really good too,"
She smiled at your sheepish reply, "Do you mind if I try some?" You shook your head as you pushed your plate in Wanda's direction.
After cutting a piece of her own and trying it, she hummed in approval as her eyes lit up. "That's delicious,"
"Right? It's gotta be crack." Wanda laughed at the fake suspicion in your voice. Her food was quite good as well, but she made a note to herself to order this the next time she came here as she cut herself another piece. Wanda continued to laugh freely as you idly chatted over dinner and exchanged bites of the other's entrees.
You both split the cost when the check came, but you got up to go the restroom while you were waiting. You passed the Teppanyaki-style section of the restaurant on your way back, seeing two chefs in the front preparing food in front of other guests before you caught sight of another female chef in the back.
You met eyes with said chef before her eyes widened slightly. You see her talk to one of the other cooks before going through a side door to meeting you out on the floor.
The woman moved the blonde whisps peeking through her hat, surprise still settling into her features. "You're really here. Part of me thought you wouldn't show..."
You raised a brow with a teasing smile, "I contacted you, 'Lena"
She nods, more to herself than anything. "I know, it's just...been a minute you know?"
You completely understood, it's been a busy few months because of the holiday season after all. "Logan says hey, by the way."
Yelena's answering smile is more sincere, "Well 'hey' to the old man. Anyways, how have you been? You said you were bringing your lady friend here with you."
You grinned at the mere mention of Wanda. "I did I did, she's still at our table. I'll introduce you before we leave."
After a second, your bright smile turns into a somber one. "How is she?"
Yelena's smile also dims, "Busy. Quiet.... She usually throws herself into her work this time of year. There's all the events coming after the holidays for her to plan and plan."
You nod as you try not to think too hard on what you heard. It was around this time that year too... "Well, I'll see you in a minute, we'll be at the front to finish paying" You squeeze Yelena's shoulder with your hand before you turn to walk back to your table.
Yelena simply watches your back before going back to let her workers know she'd be gone for another ten minutes.
Wanda is gathering her bag when you come back, "Are we all set to go?"
She stands up to meet you with the check in her hand. "Yes we are. Was there a line at the bathroom?"
You take Wanda's hand in yours as you both walk to the front of the restaurant "it was a bit of a line, yeah. but there's someone I want you to meet before we go."
By the time the both of you get to the register, Yelena is there waiting for you. You gesture towards the blonde, "'Lena, this is my girlfriend, Wanda Maximoff. Wanda, this is my childhood friend, Yelena Belova. She also happens to own this establishment."
Yelena offers her hand to Wanda, who gladly takes it. "It's a pleasure to meet Y/n's instantly better half. They are very lucky to have you," she turns to you, "You are very lucky to have her,"
You roll your eyes at Yelena's teasing smirk as Wanda chuckles at her remark. "I don't need you to tell me that, I am highly aware."
Wanda rubs your arm in a overly soothing gesture, "We're both lucky, darling."
You lightly groan in fake irritation, "I regret this already." Both of them continue to joke at your expense, and you can't help but be relieved that they seemed to get along rather quickly.
After they exchanged phone numbers, you said your goodbyes actually getting a rare hug out of Yelena along with a promise to meet up again soon.
When You and Wanda left the restaurant, you give Wanda your suit jacket to avoid the brisk night air.
Wanda gratefully puts it on as you both make your way to her car. "Yelena seems really nice, honey. She reminds me of one of my work colleagues."
You open the car door for her before getting in yourself. "Yeah? She can be a bit much, but we're locked in like this," You crossed your fingers with one hand. "We met in middle school, so she's basically family anyway,"
"I bet the both of you were trouble together,"
"Eh, you'd win that bet," You chuckle to yourself as Wanda takes your free hand in her lap on the ride back home while you told recalled some of the things you got into (and sometimes paid for) with your oldest childhood friend.
About halfway home, the energy in the car was different. As the troublemaker stories petered out, the more the both of you were focused on each other. The moment the two of you got back home from Carnivora Snow, the atmosphere was charged with intention.
The two of you were almost glued together as you made your way to the master bedroom. Wanda only separated from you long enough to go around the opposite side of the bed to undress, albeit slowly. You're admittedly less graceful while undressing in comparison to Wanda's slow striptease. Your impatience brought you around to Wanda's side of the bed just as she took off her shoes. You grasped at Wanda's borrowed jacket to feel more of her skin, and you watched it flush as your lips went from her face to her neck. The silky cloth could hardly compare.
"You look so beautiful tonight, doll," Your hands rest on Wanda's hips as her own reach up to unzip the back of her dress, and your eyes stay on hers in the full-length mirror across from the two of you as your lips stay level with her shoulder. "Y'know, I couldn't keep my eyes off of you at dinner..."
Wanda's smirk held nothing but mischief as she turned to look at you briefly, "Is that right?"
Wanda got the zipper about halfway done before you took it upon yourself to pull it the rest of the way down, the material going slack on her body. "Mhm, but now I don't have to even try to keep my hands off of you."
Your eyes enjoyed everything about the view; Along with more exposed goosebumps, the body jewelry Wanda wore for tonight was fully visible, the fine silver innocently clasped around her neck draped over her chest and caressed just under her breasts. With Wanda's stiff peaks coming through the thin tassels, the piece flattered her figure more than you thought anything could.
You let the fabric pool on the floor and ran your hands under the jewels to knead Wanda's breasts. A sigh left Wanda's mouth as she leaned back onto your front. You took the opportunity to pinch her nipple, making her moan from the sudden sensation.
Wanda takes her other hand to turn your face to look at her. "I need more, detka."
You tweak Wanda's nipple harder, making her cry out before running your free hand down from her hip to her navel before going under Wanda's lacey underwear.
You lift your head to meet Wanda's ear, "Just relax for me, I'll make you feel good baby. Promise."
Your index and middle fingers gathered some of Wanda's slick before they made contact with her clit and started to massage the bundle of nerves. Wanda's moans began to mix with each other as she squirmed under your hold, her eyes fluttering shut.
You pressed lightly on Wanda's clit making her gasp and open her eyes again. "Ah ah, I want you to watch me, doll."
Wanda's eyes gazed at the two of you in the mirror as your fingers went further until they sunk into her fully, curling inside.
You pumped your fingers in and out of Wanda's wetness at a steady pace, making her arch into your hand in search of more friction. "Harder, please! I've been waiting for this all night,"
You can't help but oblige as you push your fingers to go deeper, even adding a third finger to stretch Wanda out more. "Yeah? this is what you wanted, baby?"
"Yes yes yes! Just like that! God, you feel so good," Wanda's voice borders on breathless as she becomes like putty in your hands, her eyes half-lidded as she keeps her eyes on the two of you.
You pull Wanda to sit down with you on the end of the bed on your lap, as you continue to fuck her with your fingers, your thumb rubbing her clit to bring her closer to her high. Wanda cries out as you start moving your fingers at a feverish pace while continuing to knead her breast with your other hand.
You put your lips to her ear again, "Are you gonna cum for me, doll?" Wanda nods her head rapidly before you pull your fingers out of her making her groan at the lost feeling.
You lift your hand covered with Wanda's slick for her to see, "Look at the mess you were making all over my hand, Wandy." She watches you as you bring the soaked digits to your mouth to suck them clean.
Before Wanda can completely lose her high though, you move her to lay down on the bed fully while you settle below her on your stomach. You snag a pillow to place under her waist for comfort. Wanda's legs settle on your shoulders as your mouth becomes level with her pussy. While your arms hook around Wanda's thighs, you keep a thumb pressed to her clit while you eat her out. It doesn't take her long to get right back to where she ached to be.
"I'm cumming, baby, I'm cumming!" Your other hand holds her entrance open as your tongue chases her release with her. Wanda's hips spasm in your hold as you continue to help her through her orgasm.
You lift your head to look up at Wanda, hair long since falling out of the updo she carefully placed it in, the auburn tresses spread out on the sheets around her. You carefully move out from underneath Wanda to join her at the top of the bed.
Both of you finally took the time to catch your breath again, tremors continued to pulse through her still.
after laying down for a while, you untangled yourself from Wanda before sitting up. "I'm gonna get the shower going so the water can heat up, Alright?"
Wanda nodded with a lazy smile as you pressed a kiss to her forehead before getting out of the bed. She lightly grabbed your wrist, "I'm going to need you to carry to the bathroom though."
With the two of you showered and dressed for bed, your hand rested on Wanda's thigh as Wanda pulled up I Love Lucy on the TV. With Wanda's head on your chest, her hand toying with the hem of your wife beater. It was a peaceful, lulling atmosphere as the two of you enjoyed your shared space.
"Y/n, sweetie," Wanda's eyes stay on the show, and you can hear Wanda swallow before she speaks up. "I wanted to ask if you'll come to Fashion Week with me."
You move your head to look at Wanda properly. New York Fashion Week was in a little over a week from now, and you were prepared to stay home again. Wanda puts very little of her private life in the public eye, preferring to keep the two separate. With how naturally nosy people are, it makes sense to want that boundary.
A small smile forming on your face as you rubbed one of her shoulders to soothe the nerves you could already feel cropping up. "You really want me to go?"
"Mhm, I want you there with me. I barely got through our phone calls without caving and having you come down last year. It scares me a little that I've gotten so attached to you in what feels like so little time. I just-... I feel better with you beside me."
You leaned down to gently press your lips to Wanda's. "I'll gladly go with you then, Wanda." Your lips caressed each other again before you separated with both of your heads still resting on each other.
A smile grew on Wanda's face to match your own. "Happy anniversary, Y/n."
Happy anniversary, Wanda."
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acciopietro · 2 years
Hi, I have a request.
So like Pietro and the reader are in a relationship and Pietro is really insecure about him being not able to give reader enough gifts and attention. (Reader is from a wealthy family)
He's scared that Reader could leave him for a wealthier person than him. Reader reassure Pietro that they won't leave him.
Yea, so angsty & fluff.
The reader can be gender neutral, I don't really care.
Thanks, I love how you write
Have a nice day.
anything from you - p.m.
pairing: pietro maximoff x gn! reader
summary: pietro’s unsure whether or not he’s enough
word count: 1662
tw: no!
a/n: this was such a cute idea! i apologize for how short this is, i'm trying to clear out my drafts LOL! this is unedited so if u see any grammar or spelling mistakes lmk!!!! <3
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"I CAN'T ACCEPT THIS," PIETRO'S mouth had fallen agape at the sight of the small box he opened, resting it on his lap. The light flashed off of the glittering silver of the watch inside, it's glass face perfectly clear, so well made that it looked like there was nothing there. "This is... this is very expensive gift."
"You have to accept it," you grinned, shrugging your shoulders. "I saw it and thought you'd like it."
"Yes, and I-- I do, but..." Pietro opened and closed his mouth like a fish. "I have never worn something so expensive before."
"Firsts for everything!" you giggled and gave him a bashful smile. He pursed his lips, melting at the sweetness of your face, and glanced back down at the watch. Your face sunk a bit at his hesitation, and you grabbed the bag that previously held the box. "I can return it, if you don't like it."
"No, I... I love it," Pietro grabbed ahold of your hand, smoothing his thumb over the top of your knuckles before bringing it to his lips and kissing it. "Multumesc, dragă."
“AHA!” Pietro mumbled to himself, pulling his hand out from behind the couch cushion of the couch in the Avengers Compound’s foyer, another quarter pinched between his fingers. He was lucky enough to live there and earn a decent wage, but he certainly did not have as much disposable income as say, Tony Stark, or even Y/N L/N. 
“Pietro,” came Wanda’s voice from behind him, her tone slow as though she were confused. He turned his head to see her standing there, arms crossed over her chest, eyebrow raised. “What on earth are you doing?”
“Right now, I am counting,” he said, sitting down and dumping out his pocket, muttering the numbers under his breath. “I have a total of twenty-three dollars and...seventy-three cents. But then once I add the money from my wallet, I’ll have about...”
“What do you need this for?” Wanda sauntered over, sitting across from him and his measly pile of dented dollar bills and dirty coins. Pietro didn’t respond, still counting in his head.
“Sixty-five dollars and eighty-two cents,” Pietro nodded his head, muttering under his breath. “That might be enough...”
“Nice watch,” Wanda complimented. “From Y/N, yes?”
“Yeah,” Pietro muttered, rubbing the band of it with his thumb. “They are very generous.”
“I see.”
“I want to buy them something,” Pietro told his sister. “But... I cannot really afford something very expensive, you know? So maybe something for fifty dollars. Or maybe more, but I... I don’t know.”
“Why don’t you just make them something? Or take them some place nice?”
“I could,” Pietro scratched his chin, dropping his shoulders in exhaustion. “But they’re always buying me things, I feel like I need to return the favor.”
“You don’t owe them anything, though,” Wanda told him gently. “Just because they buy you all these things doesn’t mean you need to buy them things, it just means you need to gift them with other things. Experiences, homemade things... as long as there is love in it, no?”
“I am not wealthy like them,” Pietro sighed. “What if they think I am using them for their money? I need to show them that --”
“They do not think that,” Wanda gave him a gentle look. “They love you, trust me. I was with them when they picked out that watch for you.”
“Yeah, well,” Pietro didn’t have much to say in response to that. “They’d be better off with someone who can afford to take care of them.”
“Don’t talk like that,” Wanda shook her head. “You take care of them just fine.”
“Hmph,” Pietro only shrugged and began to leave the room. “Maybe. But they could do better.”
“Wanda?” you said, poking your head into the kitchen. Said woman stood over a steaming pot, stirring the contents with a long wooden spoon. Vision glided into the room, holding onto a container of paprika looking triumphant. 
“Found it!” he said cheerfully. He turned his head and grinned at the sight of you. “Oh, hello, Y/N. Did you want some paprikash?”
“Maybe later, thanks Vision,” you smiled. “Have either of you seen Pietro?”
“Uhm, I’d assume he’d be in his room,” Wanda guessed.
“No, he’s not in there,” you frowned, sitting on one of the bar stools. “I’ve been looking around for him all day. I think he’s avoiding me.”
You knew Wanda and Vision shared a glance, but you were too busy staring down at the ring on your finger to say anything. Pietro had gotten it for you in the early stages of your relationship; you hadn’t the slightest clue where it was from or if the gems were real, but it was beautiful and fit like a glove. That was all that mattered, anyways. You twisted it around on your finger, frowning.
“Did I upset him?” you asked Wanda. “Has he said anything to you?”
Wanda gave a quick, almost unnoticeable glance at Vision. “Erm... he’s not upset at you, no.”
“What is it, then?” you pressed. There was a pregnant pause of silence.
“Look, I think you should talk to him,” Wanda trailed off, her brows slowly raising as she glanced behind you. Vision did nothing, however he was not slick about the way his eyes widened and he mouthed, “Go!”
You whipped your head around, and before you set eyes on Pietro, the blur of his red sweatshirt caught your eye and you knew he had run off. You sighed, running a hand across your scalp. 
“Sorry,” Vision apologized to you, bowing his head. “It’s... it’s your business, you and him.”
“Yes, I know,” you sighed again. “Thanks, I guess.”
“We’ll save some paprikash for you!” Wanda called out to you as you disappeared down the hallway. The lights of Pietro’s room were on, and you could hear the soft sound of a record playing from outside the door. It was Billy Joel’s The Stranger, one of his favorite American records; you had bought it for him, along with Songs in the Key of Life by Stevie Wonder and Goodbye Yellow Brick Road by Elton John. 
With “Vienna” playing from the old record player, you creaked open the door. Pietro was at his desk, hunched over a piece of paper with a ballpoint pen in his hand. He was humming along softly under his breath, scribbling away and not noticing you. You walked up behind him and put a hand on his arm, bending over to place your chin on his shoulder. He jumped.
“You scared me,” he muttered, hastily folding up the paper and shoving it into a drawer. “Did you knock?”
“No, sorry,” you drew your face away from him, glancing at where he hid the paper. “Did you want me to leave?”
“I--” he hesitated. “No, I don’t.”
“Okay,” you rocked on your toes for a second before crossing the room to sit on the edge of the bed. “You okay? Whatcha doing?”
“Just drawing,” he sighed, putting the pen down and leaning back in his chair. “Bored, I guess.”
“Haven’t seen you all day,” you continued.
“Been tired,” he lied through his teeth.
“Yeah, okay,” you scoffed. “You slept for like ten hours.”
Pietro’s lips quirked up. “Yeah, true.”
“What’s going on?” you asked bluntly, patting the empty space on the bed beside you. Pietro eyed it for a second, as though hesitating, before getting up and taking a seat beside you, his knees resting against yours, shoulders pressed against one another. You lifted your hand, running it through his hair. “What’s goin’ on in that brain of yours?”
“Just...” Pietro paused. “Don’t you ever... aren’t you ever upset that I can’t... that I can’t really do stuff for you?”
You furrowed your brows, unsure what he meant.
“Like this watch,” Pietro ran his thumb over the face of the shiny gold watch on his wrist, the band glinting under the soft lights of his bedroom. “It’s... it’s great. I love it. But I can’t buy you stuff like this. I can’t... I don’t have...”
“That never upsets me,” you told him honestly. “I don’t even think about that kind of stuff.”
“You could have a guy who can buy you things,” Pietro went on. “A real rich one, you know, take you shopping and whatnot.”
“I can take myself shopping,” you joked, bumping your shoulder with his. He gave a small smile. “And I don’t need that, nor do I want that. I want you, and whatever you come with is perfect.”
“Are you sure?” Pietro scrunched up his face, his pale eyes glazed over. You ran your hand through the icy tips of his hair, and he leaned into your touch like a puppy being scratched behind the ear. “Sometimes I worry that you’ll leave.”
“For someone with more money,” Pietro mumbled.
“I’m not going anywhere,” you kissed his cheek. “I don’t want to leave, and I’m not going to anytime soon.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes,” you kissed his temple. “I am.”
Pietro said nothing, his brows furrowed and his nose slightly scrunched. You put your hand under his chin, turning his face so the two of you were eye to eye.
"You are perfectly perfect, Piet,” you told him firmly. You felt his face turn hot underneath your hand. “I’ve never wished for anything more or less from you. It’s like I’m Goldilocks and you’re the porridge that’s just right."
“Mm,” was all he said for a moment, leaning into you. After a pregnant pause of silence, he said, “I don’t know what that means.”
“Yeah, I figured,” you wrapped your arms around him, hugging his side. He pressed into you, hugging you back, the warmth from his arms engulfing you. “My next gift for you will be an American nursery rhyme book. How’s that?”
He let out a laugh, holding you tighter. “Anything from you is perfect.”
"Multumesc, dragă." - Thank you, darling.
@niallhoransupremacy @childishnewt @criesinlies @fairydxll @cassiestars777@mcximffs @minbeatriz16 @slvtforfictionalcharacters @kaqua @thorrealgf @pagesbetweensheets @xlucyintheskywithdiamondsx @eichenhouseproperty
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imtryingbuck · 7 months
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Theses are the fics I’ve read each month and would highly recommend you reading. Please go and show some love to these amazing creators!
Please read the warnings to each fic🤍
Divider by @saradika
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November 2023 / December 2023
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January 2024 / February 2024 / March 2024 / April 2024 /
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hocuspocusbabyy · 2 years
*Pepper looking at her child over family lunch*
Pepper: “Y/N what happened to your nails? We only got them done last week!”
Y/N: 👀
Wanda: 😳
Tony: “They probably snapped when they were working in the garage”
Nat: *bursts out laughing*
Clint and Steve: *nudging her from either side*
Wanda: “Well—-“
Y/N: *Covering their face*
Pepper: 😯
Nat, Sam and Pietro: 🤣😭😌
Wanda: “I am said girlfriend”
Steve, Tony, Bucky and Clint: 🤭🤨😶😬
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
This One Is Mine Pt. 1 (N.R)
Billionaire Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
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Summary: As a billionaire and a successful business woman, Natasha has everything and lives her lavish life with her best friends. What will happen if Natasha wants you but Wanda gets in between?
Warning: Dark fic, 18+, bunch of sexual tensions, swearing words, drug use and alcohol consumptions. (Let me know if I miss anything)
A/N: Hello! I was gonna post this tomorrow as in the schedule but I'll be kinda busy tomorrow. So, why not post it a day early, right? Natasha and her friends wears the clothes that was shown in the cover except Wanda, she wears a dress with the same color. You don't have to listen to the songs in the fic while reading it but if you do, I hope it will make your reading experience more enjoyable. Happy reading! Here is the playlist for this series:
Series Masterlist || Main Masterlist
The moon shines up high, a cold breeze passes your legs that are fully exposed. The warmth of your short skirt only covers down to a little above your knee. If it’s not because your best friends Kate and MJ insist for you to come, you are probably home by now but you are in line with them to get into this one famous fancy night club called “Black Widow'' instead. You are not gonna lie, it is one of your favorite clubs to go to. You love the drinks, great dj not to mention the people who come here always look good. It’s not a secret that there are a lot of upper class people who love to party here. The club is always packed every time you come.
“I can’t believe that you didn’t even change your clothes before you came here. You looked like someone just came here straight from work.” Kate lets out her comment.
“Uh maybe because I came STRAIGHT from work, Kate. I could’ve gone home first to change my clothes if you didn’t text me every five minutes to hurry up.” You defend yourself with your reason. “Also, what’s wrong with the button up blouse and my mini skirt? I think it’s not that bad.” You added.
“I know. I know. I’m just excited. We are here to celebrate you. It’s your night. It would be more fun and more friends would come if you didn’t ask to keep it low-key.” Kate rolls her eyes playfully yet letting out her disappointment.
“Well, it’s okay. I don’t want it to make a big deal about it. I just want to celebrate it with you two. You two are my best friends and that’s enough for me.” You explain with a fake pout but genuinely meant every word.
“Awww, y/n, that’s really sweet. Don’t worry about what Kate just said. You look pretty and we understand. Thank you for doing this with us.” M.J responds in awe as she gives you a little hug and smiles at you and Kate.
“Yes, I’m glad I’m part of tonight’s fun. We love you. You know that?” The brown haired woman smiles and squeezes in another hug.
“Of course.” You answer as you check the time on your watch.
The night gets colder and the line is getting longer. The three of you have a great laugh and talk while waiting in line. The security lets some people in every time there are some people leaving the club.
The three of you are getting closer to your turn to get in and you get excited, especially Kate. She loves the place more than you do, hence the destination choice she made for the girls night out with you and M.J.
As soon as the security almost opens the way to let somes group of people ahead of you, someone talks to him through the COMM in his ears, and everything changes. He stops himself from letting people in.
“Sorry folks. VIP first.” He explains as he turns his back and focuses on who is coming. You hear overlapped voices of disappointment from the others in line including Kate’s and MJ’s.
“This is so unfair. How much longer we gotta wait. I wonder who’s coming. Oh maybe a celebrity? Look at those paparazzi.” MJ lets out her impatience followed by her wandering thoughts. “Or probably just another rich person, MJ. You know this place, always full of them..” You calmly respond as you playfully slap her arm with the back of your hand and patch a smirk at her.
Not too long after that, a shiny black limousine pulled up and parked in front of the club. The street light shines and reflects on some parts of the car. The windows are all dark as if it meant to avoid any attention to whoever is inside while on the road.
People start talking and wondering who it is gonna be. All eyes are on the limo as if it doesn’t matter for them anymore if they get into the club or not.
The paparazzi are all ready to snap pictures just like an army who are ready for what’s coming  in front of them. They all know who’s in the luxury moving box of steel.
All the commotions really drag your attention and your gaze to the center of it. You hear people asking each other “Oh my God, who is it?” or “I heard that she’s coming tonight. It’s her birthday today.” and “Do you think she’s coming with the others? I really want to see all of them.”
With all those overlapping comments, your mind gets so curious. You look at the limo without even blinking. Who is she? Who is this woman they were talking about?
The door finally opens, you see a woman coming out of the limo. A super attractive red-haired woman wears bright red suits and pants with a black lapel that blends in perfectly with her loose satin shirt under it. All of those paired beautifully with her black clutch. Her black and silver necklace cooperates with her same color high heels to highlight her black and red vibes.
You are so intrigued by her. You don't know why your mind imagines your fingers raking through her short red hair, caressing it. You are stunned by her look until you hear Kate’s voice.
“OMG! That’s Natasha Romanoff! Damn, she looks so good! I hope her sister Yelena will be here too. I have a huge crush on her.” Kate comments in amazement.
“Natasha who? Her sister?” You look at Kate with furrowed eyebrows as you ask confusedly. “Seriously? You don’t know who Natasha Romanoff and Yelena Belova are? Okay, I’ll tell you more after this.” Kate’s hand squeezes your hand excitedly as she looks surprised but she gets distracted with more people who get out of the limo. You look at Vision offering his hand to help his wife, Wanda, to come out. Her twin brother, Pietro comes out next followed by Tony Stark.
“Oh wow, The Maximoff twins are here too with Vision and Tony stark. So the whole gang's here.” MJ’s comment leads your gaze to bounce between the rest of them.
You know The Maximoff twins. Who doesn’t? They are the Sokovian siblings who inherit their parents’ fortune of Maximoff Co. but their business skill multiplies it. Not just that, people know them from their lavish lifestyle.
Vision, who used to be the British Royal family doctor and now the owner of many big hospitals in big states. He holds Wanda's hand as they slowly walk behind Natasha. You always adore them. To you, they are that power couple. It’s no secret that they have an open marriage and paparazzi often snap pictures of them with who they call “partner in fun”. In every snap, they are with a different person. Wanda and Vision always wear matching clothes, similar themes or at least whatever colors that compliments each other.
Of course, the brunette Wanda looks so alluring yet sophisticated. Her long sleeve burgundy red somewhat short dress with a slit exposing her thigh with a very low cut perfectly highlighted her cleavage. The dress wrapped her heavenly body perfectly. Wanda’s burgundy dress matches ideally with Vision’s shades of brown jacket and pants over his cream turtleneck.
Her brother Pietro, the ladies man,wears his black suit, spreading his charm. Clearly busy giving teaseful wink or smirks. Some girls are even lucky enough to get their hand kissed by him. From their excited reaction, you guess that they probably won’t wash their hands for a few days.
Then there is Tony Stark, the only heirs of Stark’s family wealth and company. It’s not a surprise to you that Tony’s fashion is a little more different than the others. This time he wore blue suits with black tie and pants. His gray shirts peeping out from under his jacket suit. Being eccentric he is, of course he wears different style athletic blue and black shoes and never forgets his glasses. In his defense, he once said in an interview that always wears sunglasses because of the camera flashes. But seeing he’s wearing the light blue shades right now that probably can’t really block the brightness of the flashes, it’s obviously only for fashion purposes instead. He gives a kiss on the cheek of one of the ladies who asks for a selfie with him shortly before he follows his friends into the club.
To your surprise, you caught Natasha and Wanda glance at you as they walked past in front of the line. Natasha’s glance makes your stomach somersault, instantly making your heart beat faster. Meanwhile, Wanda’s glance at you from head to toe and smirks make you feel like you are a prey, voluntarily.
“Wow, they all look so cool.” MJ doesn’t take her eyes off them until Nat and the rest get into the club. “Yeah but too bad, Yelena is not here.” Kate sighs in disappointment.
“Okay, I know the rest of them but who are Natasha and Yelena?” You ask curiously.
“She is a famous business woman. She is super rich, the CEO of Romanoff Inc. Her company is really big and goes international. She runs it with her sister Yelena. You know the twins and Tony Stark but you don’t know her? They are all best friends and hang out together. Their lifestyle is everybody’s dream.” Kate answers you in rambling.
“Well, Kate, you know me. I don’t really keep up with this whole famous people thing in social media. Work gets me really busy.” You respond to her rambling.
“That’s why you need this night! To have fun. Okay?” MJ tries to cheer you up. “Yeah, we will, After we finally get in.” You let out a sarcastic joke and made your best friends giggle.
As soon as Natasha takes a seat on her VIP couch, she takes a sip of her favorite cocktails.Tell Me When To Go by E-40 plays loud in the club. Her eyes are analyzing her club tonight. She is happy with the new manager’s work. She loves how packed the club is, her eyes subconsciously look for you and her mind wonders if you are already inside or not.
“Happy birthday, darling.” Wanda gives a small kiss to both of Nat’s cheeks as she hands the redhead an envelope before she sits on Nat’s left side. Vision takes his spot next to his wife while Tony slouches next to Nat and Pietro sits side by side with his brother in law on the comfy large black and red U shaped couch. They always sit in the VIP spot that’s always reserved only for them. It has the best view of the club. They love it because practically they can see almost every spot in the club but still a little further from public and have some more privacy. Two dancing poles in front of each end of the couch.
The black table is perfectly set up like usual with bottles of expensive alcohol, ice buckets, snacks or everything they need and even their high end custom made bongs complete with their weed stash. Their favorite drinks and cocktails have been made prior to their arrival. Some bodyguards take a stand not too far from them. Pietro lit up his cigar right away. His eyes observe the surroundings. Excited with the crowd, especially the ladies. He blows out some smoke then takes a sip of his drinks.
“What’s this?” Nat takes the black envelopes as she asks and her green eyes meet with Wanda’s. “It’s your birthday gift from me, Vision and Pietro. Open it.” The brunette answers.
Nat quickly opens it and pulls a photo out of it. “A picture of a yacht?” She tilts her head in confusion.
“YOUR yacht. You sold yours a while ago and you have been too busy to get a new yacht. So we got you one.” Wanda answered excitedly. “Oh wow, thanks Wanda. Thank you boys.” Nat’s gaze flicks from Wanda, Vision then to Pietro as she shows them her gratitude.
“You are very welcomed, Nat. They berthed it next to ours right now. We didn't want to ruin the surprise for you if they brought it to your spot.” Vision explains then proceeds to light up the weed on the bong and inhale the smoke of it.
“You are welcomed, sestra! I picked the bigger size, so you can have a bigger party. Just don’t forget to invite us when you have a party.” Pietro answered jokingly. Wanda and Vision laugh at his jokes.
“Don’t worry, I won’t forget, Piet.” Nat smiles and shakes her head to his antics. “And now, it’s my turn. Happy birthday, Romanoff.” Tony hands her a small red box then smokes a weed joint on his other hand.
Nat opens it and finds a key in it. “This is the key to..?” She asks in a playful way. “Well, it’s just a small gift. Do you remember the winery you like in Sonoma? Not too far from it, I saw this nice property with a nice Spanish style house. It would be a nice getaway for you. I added a little touch. You know, a shooting range, and a spacious gym since you and your family love shooting guns and martial arts. Plus extra space for some of your precious car collections.” Tony casually describes his so-called small birthday gift.
“Oh wow, thank you Tony. All of you gave me these huge gifts. Now, I’m gonna have to give you better gifts on your birthdays.” Nat lets out her joke. The bass from the speakers starts to pound the air as the DJ plays Flip The Switch by Valentino Khan, Chris Lorenzo in line.
“Oh, you know what I like, Nat. If you find any interesting women, share them with me. Or let us have them after you, right, Vis?” Wanda answers her best friend in a teasing way and Vision agrees with an excited “Uh-huh.” in his nods then kisses Wanda’s cheeks.
“Well, just like Pietro said, just don’t forget to invite us if you are having a party.” Tony adds.
“Speaking of parties, I have another gift for our party tonight.” Pietro announced enthusiastically. “What’s that?” Nat turns her focus from the dance floor back to Pietro. “Well, I bought a bottle of old original Absinthe liquor. It’s so strong and it even can make you hallucinate a bit.” The Sokovian billionaire describes as he takes the bong from his brother in law to take his turn to smoke.
“Oh really? I have heard about it. Where is it now?” Nat pitches her question a little louder against the loudness of the music and people partying. “I told my assistant to send it here. Your bartender should be making some drinks for us with it by now.” Pietro smiles proudly about his surprise followed by some coughs out of him.
“Oh, which assistant? The one that Wanda fucked yesterday before the big important meeting with me and the board?” Nat smirks casually joking about what Wanda did. The brunette is really open with her best friends and brother including Vision about how high her sex drive is and how much she loves women. She knows her friends are okay with it, the downfall is they sometimes poke fun out of it just like Nat did. “Yeah, that one.” Pietro laughs.
“Oh, her? Yes, I did and she is really good. A really obedient assistant. She was so…let’s say, tight.” Wanda shares her short trip to yesterday’s memory of hers as she gently bites her lower lips then gives Nat a naughty smile.
Both Natasha’s index finger and thumb softly pinch Wanda’s chin so she can look at her forest green eyes that spark from the aggressive blinking spotlights following the beats for the music. “Oh, I know that, sweetheart. I know how she is.” Nat gives her response to the brunette next to her then wink at her.
The waitress brings a tray of cocktails that has the Absinthe that Pietro got for tonight. All of them cheer and take a big gulp of the green liquor.
Just like Pietro said about the Absinthe, they all start to get tipsy in a different way not to mention the effect from smoking the weed starts to kick in. Their body starts to relax more, but their throat still feels the warmth from what they drank and their heart starts to pump a little faster.
“Look what I’ve got! Look at these white beauties. Maximoffs, yours was really good last time but trust me, this one is even better.” Tony casually tosses a medium size bag of cocaine on the table. It’s more than enough for five of them to share all night long.
Wanda slowly blows the smoke from the burning weed that she inhaled. She hands the bong to Natasha for her turn shortly before she grabs the bag to check the white substance in it. “This looks good and if it hits good, give me the seller number, Stark.” Wanda's broad accent always shows up bolder whenever she gets drunk or high.
As Natasha is taking a hit, her eyes finally lock with the person she has been waiting for, you. She casually blows the smoke out, coughing a little as she watches you and your friends get to the bar.
"Oh my god! Finally!" Kate tries her best holding herself not to jump in excitement as soon as the three of you get into the club.
You can feel the bass as if it punches your heart following the song beat. Some people bump into you when you are walking. The smells of alcohol, cigarette smokes and light marijuana fill the club. Your eyes keep trying to adjust with the light that keeps blinking in a random rhythm. The air feels sticky and warm from how many people are in there yet you also feel the cold breeze from the air conditioner that works really well.
You see two large screens on the high walls shining bright plays optical illusion video that match with the rhythm of the music. Few sexy female dancers dance on the dance pole and some of them dance inside giant bird cages. Some of them swing on the swing inside the cages like canary bird. People are dancing, jumping like crazy that you thought it was the effect of whatever they consume. You see some couples or maybe they just met there kissing in the darker part of the club like there is no tomorrow.
You and the girls walk to the bar right away. The bartender was about to greet you but he got a call. “Hey, Dimitri. Make them the same drinks you made us. Then give those three girls whatever they want, it’s on the house. Keep the drink flowing for them. Also tell Boris to tell the securities to let them do whatever they want as long as it's not dangerous.” Nat ordered from the other end of the line. “Yes, boss.” The blonde Russian bartender takes Nat’s order without any question.
Lose Control by Missy Elliot Ft, Ciara starts to play. You enjoy the vibe around you, the music makes you move your body a little unlike Kate, she literally starts dancing as she starts to sing the lyric
“Wow, this place is always a hit. Look at those beautiful people. I always love the DJ here. Look at Kate, she is not even drunk yet but already dancing like one of those dancers.” MJ looks around and comments on everything she sees including joking about Kate. “Well, you know how she is, MJ.” You laugh. Then you feel a tap on your shoulder and you turn around so do MJ and Kate as soon as they notice.
“Hi ladies. Ms. Romanoff ordered this for three of you. Don’t worry about what you order tonight. She will take care of your tab.” Dimitri informs the three of you with a smile and slides three green cocktails in front of you girls.
Kate and MJ gasp. “No, fucking way!! Ms. Romanoff, THE Ms. Romanoff?” MJ asks in such disbelief and you are more concerned about what’s in the drink.
“What’s this?” You asked. “It’s house special drink. Trust me, this is really good with a very expensive strong liquor called absinthe. You are lucky to be able to try this.” The blonde answers in a friendly manner.
“Oh, we are definitely drinking this. I've heard about that liquor. Thank  you!” Kate quickly grabs her drink. You sweetly thank him and grab yours, so does MJ. “Well normally, I wouldn’t drink anything from—” You try to express your thoughts but Kate doesn’t even let you finish your words. “Girl! Are you crazy? It’s from Natasha Romanoff, you better drink that! Wow, this is awesome. I wonder where she is watching us from.” Kate looks around the club to find Nat but the crowd is blocking the view.
“This means she is interested in you because I saw how she glanced at you. Wanda was looking at you too.” MJ tells you and Kate as she drinks her drink.
“You did too? I thought I was hallucinating when I noticed that earlier.” You finally tell them what was on your mind as you drink the strong cocktail. “How awesome would it be if she is really interested in you??” The excitement from Kate’s tone was easily heard despite how loud the club was.
“There's no way she is interested in me.” You roll your eyes playfully. “That’s a bummer.” MJ plays along with the joke. “Why not? There's a chance that she does." Kate winks at you. “You are crazy.” You shake your head at Kate’s comment and giggle but it gets into your head a little bit. Who would say no to the charming Natasha Romanoff. The first time you saw her, your mind was already all over the place. You imagine you caress her hair in a certain position, so close to you, for crying out loud.
You and the girls hang out near the bar a little longer and drink three more of the same drink. The three of you underestimated the strength of the alcohol in it from how smooth it is. You thought that the bartender was right, the drink is strong. It hits you harder than you thought it would be.
You can feel yourself start to get drunk., not tipsy but drunk. You can see that Kate and MJ are in the same state as you. You hear the DJ starting to play Heads Will Roll - A-Trak Remix by Yeah Yeah Yeah now. People start to cheer from knowing what’s gonna play soon from the intro, including Kate and MJ.
“Y/n! I love this song!! Let’s go to the dance floor now!” Kate and MJ drunkenly pull you to get to the dance floor. The more the alcohol gets in your blood, the faster your heart beats. The louder people cheer and the song gets the more you want to move and you start to dance under the alcohol influence with your friends. The three of you laugh and dance. Your eyes start to search for Nat albeit how drunk you are now. Little do you know that she has been watching you this whole time.
She watches and analyzes you. She notices that every time a man tries to dance with you, you will quickly refuse or drag yourself away but you are comfortable dancing with any girls who approach you. The more she watches the way you dance and your smile, the more she is drawn to you. She wants you. For some reason, she sees that you are different from other girls she met.
While Pietro and Tony are busy enjoying a line or two of the expensive white powder, what a coincidence that Wanda is also eye-ing you. She recognizes that you are the cute one she saw in the line when she walked by. She is watching you sharply like a hawk. Just like Nat, the brunette wants you too. Her desire skyrockets just by watching how your body moves. Both Nat and Wanda are looking at you like you are their prey yet both of them don’t notice that they are looking at you at the same time.
Wanda lets out a little growl as she feels every inch of her crave you, and being high and drunk only makes her want you even more. “Vision, dear. I want her tonight.” Wanda demands without even letting her gaze off you as she points at you.
Before Vision gets the chance to respond to his wife's words, Nat interrupts. Stern was her tone when she said “No. This one is mine.” as she keeps looking at you. Pietro and Tony laugh a little at the unexpected small competition between the Russian and the Sokovian women.
Pt. 2
A/n: Welp, that's all for today. I hope you like it. Let me know what you think. Reblog, comment and input are always appreciated. Follow me for more! See you in next!
Taglist: @madamevirgo @musicinourlips @unstable-sapphic-hoe @fanboy7794 @chloe7076 @b0mbdotc0m @trikruismybitch @ichala @californianwhiterabbit @silver-lotus @imfuckinggenius @sxfwap @chaekhan @daenerys713 @luvmcgrath @stupidsapphicsstuff @pattypavo @frvny @franfineashell @heyyoweveryone @ygtft-chen @yaaskasey @sweeet-likeeee-cinnamonn @paumxmff @dopeyouth @beaniejennie @ineedafinghug @idkwhatimwriting @lucydiibi @mainly-rebloging-fics-i-like @gloriousfoxruins @grxvitye @mcubreakdown101 @aos22 @wandanatstan @paulawand @yeeterthekeeper @femalehomosexual666 @snowdrop1026 @modernmonalisa @nothingisrealanyway @idamaemann @sweeterlust @royalityofmultifandom @playboysaleen @peabrain112 @gwhaley127 @harleyswanda @bodhi-j @darth-rain @cristin-rjd (Let me know if you want to be tagged)
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Y/n: Honey, the broken condom came over to visit while you're at work today.
Wanda: Babe. We've talked about this. Call our kids by their names! *continues angry in Sokovian.
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jemilyswhor3 · 1 year
A/N: I made this last year AND requests are open!!! (I'm begging someone to request wanda and/or nat 🙏🙏🙏)
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Female!Reader
Warning: smut, masturbation, idk what else tbh as I said this was made last year, mommy kink maybe, dom!wanda, sub!reader, this mentions aos cause I made this when I was OBSESSED with aos
Summary: Wanda caught you doing something and confronts you with her assumption
Word Count: 4k
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You had a big crush on your mentor Wanda, but you don't make it look obvious. You wanted to be seen as someone professional and serious, not a bubbly girl who has this insane crush on her mentor. You only steal glimpses of the redhead from time to time whenever you can, and she smirks and looks back down whenever she caught you. You often slip off, daydreaming about the most sinful things she can possibly do to you, and it's either Kate nudging you to get off fantasy land, or long enough to realize Wanda had caught you, which makes her giggle.
You were on your way to Natasha's class, you realized that you were the only one attending it since the rest of the mentees were in Fitzsimmons' class, which you attended earlier. You opened the door, and to your shock, you saw Wanda.
''Where are the others?'' Asked your mentor, seeing you enter the room alone.
''They're in Fitzsimmons' class.'' You replied.
''And why aren't you there?'' She asked again, tilting her head.
''I attended the class earlier today.'' You replied, awkwardly heading your way towards her.
''Mhm.'' She hummed to your response.
''Where's agent Romanoff?'' You questioned, gesturing where to your right hand.
''She's on a mission. I'll be her sub for now.''
''How long will her mission be?''
''Wanna get rid of me much?"' Wanda chuckled.
''No- no, it's not like that. I- I was just wondering since she told us to master Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, which we were supposed to perform with her today.'' You awkwardly replied.
''Well, we won't be doing any of that, since I don't even know what that is.'' She smiled.
''Oh. What we'll be doing then?'' You asked, confused about what she had in mind.
''Freestyle.'' She proudly stated.
''Freestyle?'' You repeated.
''Yeah, I mean, why not? I was planning on the mentees practicing with each other, to find out what they're best and good at, but it seems like we'll be practicing together.'' She raised her shoulders and headed her way to the center of the room.
''Okay, that seems... cool.'' You said, dropping your gym bag on the floor.
''Just to heads up, I will be using my powers.'' She cleared out.
''What?!'' You asked, confused.
''Don't worry, I'll just use it to throw stuff at you-'' She gets cut off.
''YOU'LL THROW STUFF AT ME?!'' You respond, frantically.
''No- no, just small harmless objects. Besides, it was gonna happen anyway. Stark updated the inquiries, and it makes sense since powered people are also on the list of bad guys. And you get first-hand experience.'' She winked at you.
She was never this... flirtatious? I mean, maybe she is? You only see her in her class, and sometimes bump into her. You've never had a one-on-one event with her before. Her actions left you in shambles and in a blushing mess.
''Okay, then.'' You nod and prepared yourself for what was about to come at you.
The first couple of times, you were able to dodge and hit the objects before they could touch you. But in time, you lose focus on the woman you're training with. You never got the chance to look so closely at her for a long period of time without it trying not to get caught by her. It was so hard to focus when all you can think about is your mentor. Your mentor Wanda, whose figure is perfect, her red locks in a ponytail, her leggings sculpting her ass, the way she moves to avoid your punches, and most captivating of all, her slender fingers with her scarlet power, swinging left and right as she tries to defend herself.
God, you can only imagine what her fingers could do to you. Inside of you.
''Ouch!'' You winced.
''Oof. Sorry. Caught you off guard there. Seemed like your thoughts are elsewhere''
Yeah, elsewhere to the deepest of your imagination.
''Are you okay?'' She asked, rubbing your back.
''Yeah, I'm fine.'' You replied shaking your head.
''Are you?'' She cupped your chin for your face to face hers. ''That doesn't look good.''
''Don't worry, it's just a scratch. Shall we continue?'' You deviated from the conversation.
''No, I don't think so.'' She replied, shaking her head whilst she moves your head to check out for other possible scratches. ''We were about to come to a close anyway.'' She took her arm off and headed towards the benches. ''You should probably go to the med-bey. Or to the kitchen, if icing is all it needs.'' Wanda suggested, opening her bottle to take a drink.
You nod in response as you rush your way to the kitchen, upset that your time with the redhead had been cut short. The only opportunity you probably had with her to have a one-on-one.
After fixing yourself up, you head to your designated room and cleaned yourself. You changed into a black camisole and some short shorts since you felt comfortable sleeping like that. You dried your hair and went to bed as you dim your lights to head off to sleep.
As you lay there, you weren't able to sleep, as your thoughts were clouded by Wanda. Nothing. But. Wanda. You couldn't stop thinking about earlier. About how gorgeous she was, how she was caring towards you, gentle towards you, how you two shared such intimacy, that you savored every second of, and yet again, her hands. Her slender, veiny hands moved around the room as if they owned it. How she controlled and moved it, and how you're so attracted to every single movement of hers.
First, it was all thoughts of admiration, then you start to immensely think of the nastiest thoughts. You didn't even notice your hand shift underneath the covers, teasing your clothed cunt. Stroking it up and down as you feel a wet patch create between your thighs. You can feel yourself close to your peak until you heard the door open. You shifted your hand off and besides you and jolted up as fast as you could. You look up, and there you see...
''Wanda?'' You said, eyes wide, shocked to the core.
''You're still up?'' She replied, awkwardly standing by the door. ''What are you doing?''
''Insomnia.'' You stated. You weren't lying though, you had been having trouble with your insomnia lately, but in this case, it's clearly not the cause.
''Nothing else?''
It intrigued you how invested she was in what you were doing before, and you believe that she didn't really see you do anything, since you had blankets covering you. ''Nothing.'' If nothing meant impulsively touching yourself to the thought of her.
''What brings you here?'' You asked, bringing your knees up to your chest, hugging them.
''Was about to drop this off. You forgot them.'' She said, dropping your gym bag on the floor.
''Thanks.'' You replied, looking at your gym bag.
''Yeah, no problem.'' She turned around and made her way to the door. Before she left, she turns right back around and asks you the same question. ''You sure you weren't doing anything?'' She asked, brows furrowed.
''No, nothing. Why?'' The question also made your brows furrow.
''It's just that, I swear I heard you hide your moans right before I entered.''
Her revelation made you a hot mess. Your eyes are wide open, unable to utter a word in response.
She walked closer to you and says, ''Oh, don't try to hide it, detka, I know you've been thinking about me. In class, in training, and just a few minutes ago when you lied about not doing anything, when in fact, you were touching yourself to the thought of me.'' She leaned closer to your face, almost not leaving a gap between the two of you. She pulled back and sits on the mini couch you have at your bedside.
She reads my mind? You thought to yourself. Beforehand of starting to work on the compound, it was mandatory to learn basic skills and techniques to barricade your mind, and Wanda respects too much of people's privacy to even invade their minds without their consent or valid reason.
''I know what you're thinking, detka. And I'm sorry, I just couldn't help myself. The moment you walked in the door, I knew you had to be mine.'' She creeped out a sinister smirk.
''But- we were-''
''Please, those mandatory skills are nothing. I can easily access anyone's mind whenever, wherever. Besides, your thoughts are too loud not to read.'' She laughed mischievously. "You really think some lessons could stop my scarlet magic?"
Well, that's comforting.
"Don't stop on my account. Go on. Continue. I know you were close before I entered. I just needed to see you for myself." She made herself comfortable on the couch, opening her legs, and relaxing her hands on her thigh.
You simply went under the covers. I mean, what else could you have done? Not obey her?
''Don't hide away from me. I wanna see all of you.'' Her voice became raspy with her Sokovian accent showing.
You slowly, shamefully, took off the covers on top of you, revealing you in your black velvet short shorts.
''Aww, you look so adorable in your shorts. Real deal definitely is better than what I've imagined.'' She laughed in a raspy tone, pouting at the sight of you in your shorts. ''Now, take them off.'' She commanded.
''What?"' You whispered.
''Take your shorts off.''
You slowly slipped your shorts off your thighs, then knees, until it was already in your ankles and you tossed them around somewhere with your foot. You lay comfortably in your bed as she watches you. You close your eyes, letting go of every single thought and worry in your mind and letting it get infiltrated by thoughts of Wanda. You weren't quite sure if it was you or her putting it on your mind, but either way, you were sure you were gonna think of her anyway.
Wanda watched you as your hands roamed around your body. Your eyes closed. Teasing yourself. You played around with your nipples through the fabric, making them poke through the cloth and making you whimper for more touch.
"That's it, baby. Please yourself for mommy." Her voice came from close by... too close.
You open your eyes to look at her, yet she's nowhere to be found on the couch.
"I'm right here, draga." She said, sitting on the other side of the bed beside your legs.
You close your eyes yet again, continuing your movements around your perked-up tits.
"You look so good, detka." She praised you while she takes one of her hands under her pants. "Take your top off." She demanded.
You obliged her request. Peaking a bit through your eyes while you take your top off, you saw her touching herself, and that made you feel hot flushes on your cheeks. You tossed your top someplace else, revealing your now fully bare chest.
You comfortably settled back down as your hands traveled on top of your chest. You draw circles on your nipples, occasionally pinching and pulling them to help the tension between your thighs. You removed one hand away from your chest, moving it towards your wet center.
"Uh, uh. Don't touch that pretty pussy of yours until I say otherwise." You opened your eyes while she said her command, seeing her shake her head as she spoke.
"Bu- I-" You whimper.
"Aww, is my little draga all wet and needy down there? Do you want mommy's fingers to please you, mhm?" She said with a mocking pouting face.
You eagerly nod while biting your lip. Waiting for a response or command for her to state.
"Yes, yes you are." She said while mirroring your movements, mocking you.
"Take your panties off. I wanna see that pretty little cunt of yours." She smirked.
You shake your panties off until they were on your ankles. Wanda used her scarlet magic to bring your soaked underwear to her view.
"I'll be keeping this." She said, taking her hands off her pants, as she grabbed the pair that was previously floating in the air.
She looks back at you whilst restoring your underwear in her pockets. Seeing your legs closed with your arm in the middle, but not touching your center.
"Come on, detka. You should know this by now. Open." Wanda gestures both her hands to signal you to open them. You slowly open them, revealing your dripping pussy. "Good girl." She praised, making you feel butterflies. "So wet, and all of this for... mommy?" She stoped and looks at you, waiting for a response.
You nod in reply, but that wasn't enough. "Use your words, darling" She spoke with her Sokovian accent showing when she said "darling".
"Yes- yes, mommy. All for you." You whimpered out.
She groans at your response. "Have I been teasing you too much? Should I have knocked earlier?"
"Mhm." You replied, biting your lower lip.
"Well, I'm right here, now. And I will guide you through all of it." She said, bopping her head, signaling you to mirror her movements, and you do.
"Are you gonna touch me?" You asked, needy.
"We'll see. If you're a good girl that follows mommy's orders, then maybe I'll consider it."
Her response made you feel ecstasy following around your body. Ready to follow any and all of Wanda's rules for her touch in reward.
"Now be a good girl and get comfortable." She stated as you suit yourself in bed."Nice, nice." She whispered. "Now, close your eyes-"
"But, I wanna see you, mommy." You whimpered, pouting.
"But, that's not mommy's orders. Now, close." She said as she leans in to close your lids with her index and middle finger.
You keep your eyes close as you stayed steady, waiting for her next instructions.
"Bring your hands up to your chest, and tease your nipples." You do as you are told. Your nipples erect at the sensitivity of it.
"Aww, so sensitive, aren't you?" She teased, seeing how fast your body reacted to your touch.
You nod in response. You continue to play around with your chest, while Wanda slowly moved her hand under her pants. Touching herself to the sight of you.
You took a peak at the redhead, seeing her enjoy herself while her eyes are closed to her own imagination. You took one of your hands off your chest, to which you slowly glided to your touch-starved center.
"Don't you dare continue what you're about to do." The witch exclaimed.
You jolted your hand away from your lower abdomen, staring at a furious witch, whose orders you just disobeyed.
"I-I'm sorry, mo- I ju-" You stuttered.
"You've been a bad girl. Disobeying mommy's orders, when I thought you of all people wouldn't even think about such a thing." She sinisterly laughed.
"I'm so-" You tried to apologize.
"Oh, no, detka, it's too late for that. It's time for punishment." She smirked.
Your thoughts were nothing but the idea of Wanda finally touching you. She opens your legs with her magic, and you roll your eyes at the sensation. She uses her scarlet powers to feel the wet dripping mess you are on the outside. You let out a moan at her sensation.
"Pl-please... mommy." You managed to let out.
"Do you want me inside of you, mhm? Want mommy to fill you up?" She mocked.
"Y-yes please."
"Yes, what? Come on, it seems like you're forgetting my name."
"Yes, please mommy." You let out in between moans.
"Since you've been naughty, mommy's not gonna touch you. In fact, I'll make you regret what you did, and teach you what happens to sluts that disobey their mommy." She taunted.
She inserts her scarlet magic inside of you, moving her left hand to the rhythm while the other was back under her pants.
You let out a moan at her sudden movement. Your back aching, toes curling, while your hands grip the sheets.
But, it didn't feel right. You felt something, but you also felt... nothing? It feels like something is touching you on the inside, but you couldn't really feel anything around you. This. This is the way of teaching you and making you regret disobeying her. The sensation of her touch, yet, also craving it, since she isn't really inside of you. How it aches between your legs, and how you crave her touch. For her to actually be inside of you.
You open your eyes, looking at Wanda with her mouth shaped like a small O with her eyes shut. You hesitate to disrupt her from her peak, but you couldn't help the feeling between your legs anymore.
"M-mommy..." You whispered. "Mommy..." You hesitated again.
"What is it, detka? You aren't supposed to be talking. Remember, you are being punished." She replied, breathless.
"I- I was just wondering if you could allow me to touch myself?" Your requested, head bow down while asking, ashamed of the question.
She opens her eyes. Her eyes became siren, staring back at you. She took her hand out of her pants, while she continues to do what she was doing with the powers in her mind. She crawls up to you and stops on your lower abdomen. She looks at what mess you've become between your legs, and then back up to you with a smirk. She moved her head in between your pussy and starts to talk.
"You wanna feel something inside you, mhm?" She asked, her facing your cunt. "Do you prefer mommy's fingers, mhm?" She teased.
The vibrations from her voice sent shock waves through your core and gave you goosebumps all over your body. You whimper then and there while she spoke.
"Mhm." You hum in response.
"Use your words, honey bun. I know that pretty little mouth of yours can do that, right?" Her Sokovian accent was taking control of her.
"I-I want you inside of me, please, mommy." You begged while you look down on her.
"Too bad. If you followed my rules, you would've been fucked right now to the point where you can't even stand up. This is what bad girls get when they don't follow the rules." She informed.
God, she wasn't kidding when she said you'd regret it. The fact that you would've been fucked by the Wanda Maximoff if you just kept your hands away from where it wasn't supposed to be.
She sat back up and made her way to the other end of the bed again. She continues to please you with her scarlet magic while you lay there as a moaning and whining mess.
She kept thrusting her magic in and out of you, and soon enough, you feel your peak reach.
''Mo-momm-'' You stuttered, eyes closed while you grip tightly on the sheets.
''Aww, is my baby gonna come? Hmm?'' She mocked.
You nod at her response, unable to utter words out of your mouth.
''C-can I?'' You asked politely. Hoping to get on her good side for her to allow you.
''Not just yet, you need to do something for mommy.'' She yet again took her hand off her pants and crawls up to you. ''Do you wanna come, baby?'' She cupped both your cheeks and you nod, eyes still closed. ''No. I want you to look at me and tell me.'' She demanded.
You slowly open your eyes and they gladly met hers. Her eyes, obviously filled with nothing but lust stared back at you.
''Yes, mommy. I wanna come. And I'll do anything!'' You exclaimed.
She hums at your eagerness and compliance and replied, ''Good girl, 'cause I need you to eat mommy out, okay? Can you eat mommy out?"' She cooed close to your face.
Your eyes widen at her request. You still can't process that she- Wanda Maximoff, your very very hot mentor that you've been attracted to since day one- wants you to eat. her. out. You thought that you wouldn't be able to touch her- or vice versa- since she was punishing you for being a bad girl, but turns out she might've just forgiven you.  ''Okay, mommy.'' You respond eagerly.
With the sway of her hands, her pants were thrown somewhere in the room, leaving her in her panties. She crawls up to you and situated herself in between your legs. You can see how wet she is through her panties. You teased her clothed clit, swirling your tongue around it, making her whimper.
"Enough teasing. I want you inside me." With the snap of her finger, her undergarment was nowhere to be found in front of you, leaving her bare with her glistening pussy ready to be eaten out. Your eyes widen at the view, unable to move a muscle.
"Well, come on, detka. Show mommy how much of a good girl you are." She demanded.
And with that being said, snapping you from what you should be doing, you slipped your tongue through her wet folds, getting a soft and low moan out of her. You moved your way up and down, teasing her clit, but not fully going through with it.
"Right there, right there." She repeats, almost out of breath.
You continued lapping on ber g-spot as she grinds closer to you. Her scarlet magic never leaving the presence of your own pussy, also driving you over the edge.
"'M so close, baby." She says in between moans.
You feel the knot on your stomach tighten, and you knew you were just as close as Wanda, but the leverage you had over her was: you know what'll make her come in an instant.
You swirled your way to her clit, and she was token back by your gesture. Hitting a spontaneous shock through her core, causing her to reach her peak.
"I'm gonna come, moya lyubov. Mommy's gonna come." She said, almost out of breath while she grinds herself onto your face.
"C-can I come too mommy?" You asked for permission.
"Yes, detka. Come with mommy." She allowed.
As she continues her scarlet motions into you and your gestures onto her, you both came undone with both the pleasurable look on your faces. You cleaned her up, slurping every drop of her release, as yours drip from the sides of your thighs and into your bedsheets.
"You did so well, malysh." She cooed, cupping your face from below her. Strands of hair touching your face.
"Anything for you, mommy." You replied, kissing her palm beside your face.
She smiled and gets off your shoulders. She dressed herself up while you watched her. You were still pretty groggy and unclear to what just happened, unable to utter anything.
She comes up to you and whispers in your ears, "You've been such a good girl for mommy. And this won't be the last. Next time, if you aren't gonna be too much of a needy whore again, mommy might just touch you herself." She cooed, tucking some strands of your hair back.
"Thank you, mommy. And I promise, I'll be good next time." You respond.
"Good. Because if you're still the needy whore you were earlier, I won't go easy on you. You get that?" She smirked, and you can feel it brush your ears.
"Y-yes, mommy." You giddily replied.
Wanda stood up and headed her way to the door. She pulls back up and says, "Oh, and don't forget to clean yourself up. We don't want that pretty pussy and bed of yours to be all dirty for our next time." She leaved off with a wink that left you in shambles.
You did as she told, cleaning yourself up. It was quite hard going back to sleep after such an interaction with your mentor, but after a while, you finally drifted off to sleep.
Waking up, you saw a care package placed on your chair. A dress from Wanda for you. You smile at the thought of her aftercare and what she could possibly do next as your relationship grows with her. But most importantly, how last night isn't the last and there will be next times for your mommy to treat you as her own, like you are.
A/N: PLS REBLOG👹 and again I AM OPEN FOR REQUESTS!!! (primarily with wanda and/or nat)
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wandaspetal · 11 months
An Island Made From Love
𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦: Marvel/MCU
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫(𝐬)/𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐩(𝐬): Wanda Maximoff x Reader, mentions of Kate Bishop x Yelena Belova (platonic), and Kate Bishop x Wanda Maximoff (platonic)
𝐓𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞: Established Relationship
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.4K+
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Mentions of death (no one actually died though I’m not heartless) , Mental breakdowns, panic attacks, mention of anxiety, depression, suicidal ideations, crying, angst with a happy ending, VERY GAY AND FLUFFY AT THE END I PROMISE
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: You make your island flag in animal crossing Wanda’s crown.
𝐀𝐍: Reader uses they/them pronouns! This is very much partially based on me restarting my anch island and wondering how Wanda would react after a hard day….I’m mentally ill shush.
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Wanda had been having the worst day. The team’s mission went south very fast. Hydra began implanting bombs inside their base’s so that in the case if they are ever found they can destroy the evidence of them being there. Soldiers waited outside for them with military grade weapons. The Hulk went into a fit of rage, Clint almost lost an arm and Natasha was almost crushed by rubble. Wanda was able to push herself hard enough to use her magic to make sure Natasha and her got out of the building quick enough.
They were the only ones left inside as the rest of the team fought everyone outside. After everything was said and done the ride on the quinjet back to the compound was silent. Even a small cough had an apology following suit behind it. Wanda is surprised she didn’t cry the same way Kate did as Yelena held her on the way back. The brunette simply placed a comforting hand on Kate’s back on the way home.
Wanda Maximoff had lost so many people in her life and this was another reminder of why she had to keep them out the way. The team can protect themselves. Y/n, a barista at a family owned coffee shop–one they barely work at anymore because their rich girlfriend takes care of them and Tony and the team randomly throws money and gifts their way. But that’s besides the point. The team is strong with super powers or serums or martial arts and knows how to use weapons. Y/n makes the threat that anything can be a weapon yet they ironically apologize whenever they bump into a chair, table, etc.
The mere thought of losing them the same way she almost lost half the team today nearly sent Wanda into a spiral. She convinced herself to hold on and remain strong.
Once they landed everyone was sent off to med bay, visible injury or not. Wanda had a scar on her brow and a cut on her nose and a sprained wrist. Both her arms were sore but she didn’t think that was worth mentioning. After leaving medbay she informed Jarvis to tell the team she went to see Y/n if they asked where she went.
Wanda didn’t bother driving a car, she stepped outside and immediately teleported inside Y/n’s apartment. The Sokovian wasn’t allowed to do that anymore after she scared them but she couldn’t help herself as she was on the verge of shaking from overstimulation.
“Wanda is that you?!”
“Y-Yeah!” She already felt tears coming to her eyes at hearing your voice but quickly blinked them away.
“Oh! Come look and see!!” Y/n exclaimed happily.
Wanda smiled and quickly walked pass the small foyer and to the living room. Her shoulders relaxed at the sight of her partner gazing at the TV that displayed her animal crossing game on it. She walked over and sat down on the couch.
“I restarted my island and it took like five times but I finally got villagers that aren’t ugly!” They squealed with joy.
Wanda placed her hands in her lap and smiled authentically at the screen. Y/n had already begun decorating the island and including as much villager homes as possible. There was customized pathing on the beach and grass.
“I named it Westview because you know…we said we wanted to move there.” Y/n’s voice grew quieter as their shyness increased. They shrugged. “And yeah…”
Wanda turned her head and reached out her to tuck their hair behind their ear. “That’s nice, I like it.”
Y/n blushed then cleared their throat. “Oh! Also the flag!! Look, look, look!!” They still hadn’t looked at Wanda as they could not turn their attention off the screen. Not even a bowl of the best pasta in the world could take their focus off their hyper fixation right now.
Wanda turned her head back towards the screen, still twirling their strand of hair between her two fingers. She dropped her hand at the sight of the flag that blew in the wind at the airport. It was her head piece. The one that she didn’t like at first but Y/n adored because it suited her so well. And because Y/n adored it Wanda slowly began to, too. Tony designed it for her after he heard her ranting about wanting more accessories for her costume the same way Nat and Steve did.
“I made it just for you!” They exclaimed.
“You made me a flag…with my head piece on it?” Wanda asked, her eyes glazing over with the tears she had been holding back since the mission ended.
Y/n beamed at the tv screen missing the full effect of their words. “Yeah! Because you’re my favorite person in the world and–“ They faltered and their brow furrowed with concern as they finally turned to look at the brunette. “Wanda, are you okay?” Y/n reached out and caressed her cheek with their palm as the witch begun to cry.
“I just love you…so much.” A lone tear trailed down her cheek. “You make me so happy…I-…today was awful and some of the team almost didn’t make it and it was so traumatizing and I just–” A much needed sob broke free from her mouth as she curled into Y/n’s warm embrace.
Y/n began to rock them side to side and soothingly rub their hand up and down Wanda’s back. “You’re safe now, let it all out.” Wanda sobbed harder than before, gripping on Y/n’s shirt for dear life. “I’m so sorry all of you had to go through that.” Wanda continued to cry as Y/n continued to speak.
They sat in silence until her sobs died down to sniffles and her eyes had stopped producing as much tears.
Y/n moved to pull away then stopped as Wanda whimpered. “Put your head up for me please.” Wanda complied, sitting up straight with their arms still around each other. “I love you.” Wanda felt another sob building up in her throat. “And I’m so so proud of you.” Another sob broke free but Y/n continued to speak as they wiped away Wanda’s tears. “Today was really hard and you did such a phenomenal job–yes you did.” Y/n reassured as Wanda began shaking her head. “You did a good job because you did your best.”
Wanda pulled away from their embrace, her body immediately felt the rush of cool air surrounding her. “I didn’t even tell Pietro where I was going, I just left and came straight here to you because I just felt so overstimulated and…and broken and scared.” Y/n nodded, holding their palms together. “And I know I did a great job but fuck why did my life have to be this way, I’m still here, I’m still the scared little girl who hid under a bed with her twin brother for 3 days after realizing our parents are gone and dead and…” She felt herself begin to descend into a panic and placed one hand on her chest and the other on her head. “I’m tired. I’m so tired.” She choked out.
Y/n took both Wanda’s hands in their own. “Baby, look at me, hey-” Their eyes met. “I’m right here, okay? Everything is okay now, the team is okay, your brother is okay and you are okay..you’re safe now.” Wanda blinked. Y/n brought Wanda’s hands to their chest and took a deep breath in then a deep breath out and continued this until Wanda began to follow suit.
It took five minutes until the normal color returned to Wanda’s cheeks and blood no longer felt like it was rushing to her ears. Y/n placed their hand on Wanda’s cheek, smiling as the witch sighed out of content. Wanda turned her head and kissed their hand before she spoke.
“Can you show me more of…Westview?” She asked softly while making eye contact.
“Only as long as you promise to move there with me…and also order us a pizza.” Y/n bit their lip and grinned as Wanda giggled.
“I promise.” Wanda took her phone out of her pocket and snuggled into Y/n’s side as the number for their favorite pizza place began to ring. “Extra cheese?” She hummed as Y/n kissed the top of her head.
“Sounds great.” They replied and began to decorate Westview as Wanda ordered them enough food to have leftovers for the next day.
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saraakpotter · 2 months
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imagine: being one of the original avengers and being Peters mentor and having a really playful attitude but being strict with Peter because you think he is too 'soft'
imagine: being one of the original avengers and being Peters mentor and having a really playful attitude but being strict with Peter because you think he is to 'soft'
Peter had become an avenger and since he is a new comer he needed a mentor.
"ok guys who can tolerate Peter?" Tony said jokingly
"i can be his mentor!" y\n said softly
"great! i have always appreciated your patience y\n!" Tony joked again making everyone laugh and even Peter chuckle
in the training room y\n kept giving Peter hard exercise and made him battle her even though she obviously has more experience.
in the middle of a training battle they had together, y\n was doing hard moves making Peters blocking moves harder but not impossible.
"i cant keep up!" Peter said trying to hold on.
"you know what? thats not important! i dont care, the enemy wont care, so you might as well learn to keep up!" y\n said trying to encourage Peter
after a lot of struggles Peter was able to block one of y\n s moves and push her back making her fall down and Peter having a successful training.
y\n pushed he hair back and then looked at Peter "you where saying?" she said smirking
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