#the way he holds?hugs the plushy sir is too adorable
onlyzhuyilong · 1 year
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alastor-simp · 4 months
Horror Movie Night😈 - Alastor x Reader
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Charlie wanted to find an activity to bring everyone together, since a lot of the personalities in the hotel would clash. She had made a list of ideas, but majority of them were turn down for being too childish. The last option was a movie night with everyone, and surprisingly everyone agreed. The genre of movie was the real problem. Charlie wanted a musical. Vaggie had a preference for drama. Angel dust preferred either a steamy flick (aka porn) or comedy. Niffty voted for romance. Husk didn't really care, but he wouldn't be upset if it was an action movie. Sir Pentious was interested in historical / documentaries. Alastor was not a big fan of modern technology especially television, but he would give it a try if the movie was a horror. You enjoyed all genres of movies, so it didn't matter which one you saw. Coming up with an idea, you suggested pulling a name out of the hat, to decide the genre of movie that gets picked. Borrowing Husk's hat for a bit, everyone wrote their name on a piece of paper and tossed it in. After a quick shake, you grabbed the first piece of paper and pulled it out.
Yelp, looks like it was going to be a horror movie as Al's was the name you pulled out. Everyone had made their way to the couch, while some of them sat on the floor. They were all dressed in their pajamas. Niffty had made popcorn and drinks for everyone to enjoy during the movie. Charlie was lighting some candles to add some effect when the movie was playing. Next to you on the couch was Alastor. He was wearing a red stripped top, and black lounge pants. He seemed very cozy. "Hey Al. What movie did you pick?" Alastor looked at you, smiling big as always. 'Well my dear, I picked whatever seemed interesting! I hope you will enjoy it!" Giving an awkward smile back, your eyes turned toward the TV as soon as Charlie pressed play. You didn't mind horror movies, but being the scaredy cat that you were, they still made you scream.
The movie that Alastor picked was "The Descent." The start of the film was a bit slow, but it slowly began to build up overtime. It got to the point in the movie where the characters had entered into the large cave, to explore. Yeah, that was already a red flag. Scanning your eyes around the room, you took in everyone's reactions. Charlie and Vaggie were hugging the life out of each other. Niffty was smiling, but she was clutching on to her plushie very tightly. Angel was on edge and tried to cling on to Husk, only to be pushed back by him. Angel huffed and decided to a least grab Husk's hand for comfort, and Husk allowed that at least. Sir Pentious was cowering on the floor, wrapping his whole tail around him. Alastor was just smiling next to you, obviously enjoying where the movie was going. You, on the other hand, was getting a very bad feeling in your stomach as the characters kept exploring the cave. The pillow that you were holding was being used as a shield as you kept hiding behind it, waiting for something to happen.
The climax of the movie had arrived when the grotesque bat-like monster had made an appearance and proceeded to feast on one of the characters. Everyone in the room had screamed and jumped, including you, as you covered your face with the pillow. There was a chuckle to your right as Alastor was laughing, at both the movie and your adorable reactions. From the start of the film, Al was seeking glances at you, wondering what your next reaction would be. The face you made when the dread set in was highly entertaining to him. However, he did pity you a bit, as he could see that the movie was frightening you tremendously. Unbeknownst to you, you felt someone drape their arm behind your shoulders, pulling your body closer towards them. Looking up from the pillow, it was clear that it was Al who had done it. His eyes were still watching the movie, clearly enjoying the gruesome moments. Not saying a word, you continued to watch the movie, but the feelings of fear had diminished a bit due to Alastor's actions. The movie had finally ended, as the credits began to flash on the screen. Everyone gave a sigh of relief, except Al . Clapping with glee, he found the movie quite invigorating. Vaggie rolled her eyes at him, while whispering "creepy weirdo" under her breath. It had gotten super late, so it was time to head for bed.
Wishing everyone a good night sleep, you carried yourself back to your room, despite the prickling sensation that you felt crawling up your back. That movie was still on your mind, but you tried to push the fear away. Alastor was following from behind , since the both of you were next door neighbors. "Feeling alright, my dear? That picture show had you shaking like a leaf!" He was definitely smirking when he said that. "No s✪✪✪, Sherlock." Grumbling your response back at him, you continued to make your way to your cozy abode. Having arrived at the door, you turned to Al, who had just arrived at his door. "Good night, Alastor." "You as well, my dear!" Making over to the bed, you laid down and got under the covers, adjusting yourself to get comfortable. It took a while, but the droopy feeling had taken effect on your eyes, and you fell into a deep sleep. Pitch blackness was all around you. The muscles in your body felt like they had been ripped apart. The air felt heavy, almost dry like you were underground. Something was moving around you, circling you, watching you. The monstrous sounds it made created a haunting echo. You begged your body to respond, it was no use. The sounds were coming closer. No. NO! You bellowed out a scream.
"Y/N!!" Someone was shaking you, causing your eyes to snap open. Your body was shaking and there were tears in your eyes. You slowly realized that you had a nightmare. Alastor was in front of you, hands on top of your shoulders. His glowing eyes eyeing you with concern, yet his smile was still present. "A-Al? W-what's wrong? W-why are you in m-my room?" Struggling out a response, your eyes looked at Al in confusion. "My dear, I had heard your shrieks of terror and rushed over! It appeared you were having a nightmare! A rather horrible one at that!" He was still holding on to you, which gave you some comfort. "Oh, I'm so sorry if I disturbed your sleep." Taking in a few deep breaths, helped tremendously as you were able to talk properly and control the shaking. Shaking his head, Al had let go of your shoulders, and moved his hands to your cheeks. "Darling, there is no need for you to apologize! But, may I ask what were you dreaming about?" Massaging your cheeks like a cat, Al smiled down at you, softness in his eyes. Explaining it in full detail, Al realized that the film you had witness, was the main cause of the night terror. He had known that you were scared, but not to the point it would result in you kicking and screaming in your sleep. He needed to rectify this.
"Come along, my dear!" Your body left the sanctity of your bed, and ended up in Alastors arms. He was carrying you like a bride. "W-what Al?! Where are you taking me?!" Whispering at him, while your brain was trying to wrap around this situation. Cocking his head to the side, he gave you an optimistic smile. "To my room!" There was no time to refute back as the both of you had arrived at his door. Creaking loudly, the door to his room had opened by itself. His room was like something out of a story book. One side was the normal room decor, illuminated with candle light. The walls were plastered with Alastor's personal trinkets and stag heads. The other side was saturated in moss, tall pine trees looming above. Chirps of crickets could be heard and glowing fireflies were flying around. Eyes widening in amazement, you continued to gaze around the room, earning a laugh from Al. In the center of the room, was an enormous bed, covered in satin sheets and black pillows. "How... How were you able to do this?" You breathed out, as Al placed you on the bed. Raising an eyebrow, he smiled down at you, wagging his finger. "Ah ah ah! A magician never reveals his secrets, my dear!" A thought popped in your head: "Where was he going to sleep." Snapping his fingers, Alastor used his powers to snuff out the flames from the candles, leaving only the fireflies as a source of light. Realization hit you, causing you to jump off the bed, leaving Al staring at you in confusion. "Wait Al! Are you okay with this? Sharing a bed?" Alastor looked at you, head crooked to the side. "Why of course! Are you oppose to the idea? Haven't you had your share of sleepovers with the effeminate spider?" Well yes you had, but this situation was different. "I'm not opposed to it, but I don't want you to do something you aren't comfortable with." You told Alastor this, rubbing your arm with your hand.
He was still befuddled by your statement until he began to wrap his head around of what you were saying. How charming you were! Thinking of him and his aversion to physical contact. "Darling, There is no need to worry." His body moved to crawl under the covers, sitting on the bed and looking at you. His finger pointed towards you, beckoning for you to return back to the bed. Still hesitant about the whole situation and observing his body language, it came to your decision that he was really okay with it. Your feet carried you back over, and slowly made its way under the covers, plopping your head on the pillow. Al huffed, a little annoyed that you didn't follow his instructions. He grabbed your wrist, pulling you towards him. Your head was engulfed in his chest, feeling his chin, nuzzling it. "Comfortable, Y/N?" A warm breath whispered into your ear. His voice sent chills down your back, while also causing your heart to skip a beat. "Mmph" was your response, as your mouth was muffled against his chest. Hearing a hum from above, you felt Alastor nestle closer, hooking his leg over yours. The static emanating from him had quieted down and the thumping sound of his heart sounded much clearer. Extending out a yawn, your eyelids began droop while listening to the calming sound of Al's heartbeat. Soon, your eyelids had closed and you fell into a deep sleep.
Managing to stay awake, Al had watched you, making sure you were able to relax. He never in a million years thought he would be doing something like this. He was the radio demon, the most fearsome and all powerful overlord. Everyone trembled in fear from the sight of him, yet here he was now, cuddling you in his bed. He was getting soft, which displeased him greatly, yet he couldn't help but find it comforting as well. Your very-being was changing him, in both a good and bad way. Sighing, he pushed his thoughts away as he had a busy schedule tomorrow and needed to be well rested for his broadcast. Nuzzling closer, Alastor hugged you tighter. His glowing eyes dimmed and he had fallen asleep as well.
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Hello hello! If I may, I'd like to request for fuegoleon fic
Where his wife s/o is busy with work or something so she leaves their 2 year old daughter with Fuego and he takes her to his office? Cue the crimson lion kings going crazy over their captains adorable little baby girl and they all sorta get distracted throughout the day taking care of the little bundle. But eventually she gets really fussy and sad and Fue understands it's because she misses her mom and he kisses her forehead and says he misses her too
S/o comes back home to fue and baby waiting for her and it's just a huge fluff fest basically
I love your writing so much❤️❤️❤️❤️
Hello hello!!
AAAAAAA this is so sweeeet!!! I was more than happy to write this one! I hope it makes you smile!!! AND HUGS AND KISSES RIGHT BACK TO YOU <3 and thank you!!! I might or might not be happy sobbing
Pairing: Fuegoleon x f!reader Genre: Nothing but family fluff fluff fluff Fanfic type: Oneshot Length: ~0.9k
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Sunlight filtered through the glass of the window and cascaded onto the floor of Fuegoleon’s office. The crimson carpet was practically illuminated by the gentle soft glow, against which the steam rising from Fuegoleon’s tea cup on the table could be seen.
But he wasn’t looking at the carpet, or the steam rising from the tea. He was looking at his daughter playing on the carpet. Her hair, which reminded him of his own, but was much more vibrant, glimmered in the light of the sun. And her eyes, which also reminded him of his own, sparkled full of joy and hope. But she did have a lot of your features. Which was something he’d muse while tapping the tip of his daughter’s nose at times, while telling her that she has a cute nose. Just like her mother.
She was drawing something, while occasionally glancing at, very intently, at her lion plushie.
Another masterpiece in the works, he smiled to himself, radiating nothing but pride and love he held for his daughter.
“Father watch!” She called out while stumbling onto her feet and picking up the paper.
“Hm?” He lifted his head while putting down his pen, as she stumbled over with a wide grin on her face.
“Us!” She said while showing him a picture with 4 blobs. “Mother,” she pointed to a shape on the right, “father” she pointed to a shape on the left, “me” she pointed to a shape in the middle, “Lele” she pointed to a shape below the three other ones, because she had wanted to include her lion plushie.
“Excellent work,” he patted her head. “Father is very proud,” he told her, which made her smile even wider.
There was a knock at the door, and Randal appeared from behind it.
“I’m sorry to disturber Sir, but I … thought the little lady might want something to drink,” he said while crouching down and holding a few juice boxes in hand.
“Thank you,” Fuegoleon nodded as the daughter was already happily making her way through the first juice box.
“Watch!” She showed Randal her drawing.
“Magnificent job my lady,” he smiled while getting up.
“Mhm!” She nodded her head vigorously. “Show mother?” She asked while looking back to Fuegoleon, as Randal lingered in the doorway.
“Mother is busy dear,” he told her with an apologetic shake of his head.
“When?” She asked with a frown.
“In a few hours,” he replied.
But all it did was make her teary eyed.
“But mom now!” She cried as Fue got up from his chair and Randal took a step further into the hallway.
Fuegoleon nodded to Randal who took it as a cue to leave, and closed the door, while Fue picked up his daughter into his arms.
“I understand dear,” he spoke with soft syllables while cradling her in his arms. “I miss her too,” he admitted while placing a kiss onto her forehead. “And she surely misses us too,” he told her.
Evening had started to set as you made your way back to your bedroom, or living quarters as it could be better described, since there were multiple rooms adjoined. And though you were tired from the long day, you couldn’t wait to see your husband and daughter again.
A  smile crept onto your lips as you thought about it, about how you’d see them soon again, and that smile only widened as you opened the door, entering the bedroom.
“Mother!” You heard as soon as you opened the door, having barely had time to enter.
“Well hello darling,” you said while pushing the door closed behind you and crouching down with open arms to welcome you daughter, who was already stumbling to you as fast as her little legs could carry.
“Miss you!” She said to you while clinging onto you.
“I missed you too,” you smiled while picking her up.
“Welcome back,” Fue greeted while making his way to you as well.
“Thank you,” you smiled to him. “I hope the knights weren’t too inconvenienced by you having her today.”
“No, not at all,” he shook his head as amusement was painted over his lips. “In fact, she was quite the star of the day,” he said while wrapping his arm around your waist, and pressing a kiss onto your lips.
“Hmm,” you hummed into the kiss, feeling loved and cared for. “That’s good,” you continued while looking adoringly at your husband, and who looked equally, if not more, adoringly to you.
“We missed you,” he still said while glancing to your daughter who was now pressed against your chest in your arms, and clutched to you with closed eyes.
“Looks like she’s tired,” you mused with a hushed voice.
“She had a rough day,” he chuckled under his breath.
“By missing me?” You chuckled back with a glance to him.
“It is far more taxing than you give her credit for,” he mused with a twinkle in the corner of his eye.
“I see,” you giggled. “But she should get her ready for bed,” you told him, to which he agreed. It really had been a long day for all of you. But now you were together, as a family, as it should be.
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dino-boyo-agere · 1 year
I don't think I ever posted this silly little AgeRe Steddie head canon of mine, even though I made an edit about it hehe
Eddie has a massive sweet tooth, like.. massive, even more so when he's regressed.
Eddie can also get very cranky, when he's hungry or tired.. or - god forbid - both.
One day, little Eddie decides that he will have ice cream for breakfast, from now on..
Steve's reply: "No, Tough Guy, I don't think you will."
Eddie is not happy about that. Little him is not the best at dealing with rejection. So, he throws a full blown hissy fit. Sticking out his tongue at Steve, yelling: "ur mean!", throwing plushies at him and storming off to his room. (Steve has a little room for him in his house, by the way) There, he angrily grabs the walkie talkie, to continue his arguing with Steve.
The latter just let's him.. He knows full well that Eddie is simply still tired, because he just woke up and that he doesn't really feel as betrayed as he makes it seem. Yes, Eddie is really upset at the moment, but that will definitely subside. As soon as he had something to eat (real food obviously), all will be better, as always. Besides, it's absolutely adorable to see him like this.
Eddie's nose all scrunched up in anger, his hair still all messy from sleeping and his pacie making it just a little more difficult to actually yell a fully coherent sentence..
Steve has to hold back a few chuckles with all his might. He doesn't want to seem like he is mocking his - already distressed - "Little Sir Cries-A-Lot". He doesn't want to undermine his emotions, be they proportionate to the situation or not. Steve wants Eddie to feel safe, valid, loved.
However, he also can't spoil him too much either, so he has to keep a serious demeanor. Trying to calmly explain to Eddie why exactly ice cream is not a substantial breakfast.. It hardly even qualifies as food.
At first, Eddie is not very receptive to the logic of things, but after about twenty minutes of arguing, stomping around and crying, he realizes that Steve won't budge on this one... Plus, Eddie is getting really hungry. So, he gives up the argument.. For now, at least.
Steve hugs his little daredevil tightly, after he - finally - ate his whole wheat cereal and calmed down a bit.
Eddie starts crying, profusely apologizing for acting the way he did. He didn't want to be like that, he never does, but sometimes he just can't help it. Sometimes, his emotions are just too big for him to deal with properly.
Steve reassures him, saying: "It's fine! Sometimes, feelings are hard to express, I get that. I love you, everything about you.. Even your tantrums. You're okay! We're okay!"
They just cuddle after that, for HOURS!!!
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Text on pictures says:
Eddie, yells into the walkie talkie: "Why no gib meh ice cream?!"
Steve, thinks to himself: Don't laugh, stay assertive.. darn it, why is he so cute?
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.・。»・⁠°✧ ↑ Here the pictures without text!! ↑ ✧°・«。・.
What grumpy baby Eds calls Steve: Meanie, Dummy, Stupid Head..
What Steve calls grumpy bby Eds: Tough Guy, Pal, Bud, Sassy One..
.゚.*・。゚×゚。・».゚°・⁠✧ ↓ DNI ↓ ✧・° ゚.«・。゚×゚。・*.゚.
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banner by @froggy-clubhouse
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whiskersz · 3 months
Haaaaaaiii (mysteriously) i was wondering if I could ask for both matchups? :33 (you don't know me btw...)
My name's Tezel, I'm a 20 yr old agender aromantic bisexual and I go by they/it!!
I'm not entirely sure how to describe myself, but I guess I could say I enjoy spending time with others a lot! I always try to be friendly, and when I feel comfortable enough with someone, I might end up talking way too much...Sometimes I feel like I should probably apologize to them!
Also, I'm not really one to judge people, so I always try my best to be as understanding as possible. I'm not someone who gets angry w their friends easily either...Guess that'd take a lot!
As for my interests, I really enjoy drawing, and I also really like listening to music! ^_^ Something else I enjoy is collecting plushies, so I will always be extremely thankful to anyone who'd think of giving me one as a gift! Also, I absolutely love dinosaurs, so I might accidentally go on a ramble about them with someone I'm speaking with! I just think they're neat :P
Something else about me, which I'm definitely not proud of, is that I easily end up getting anxious over the silliest things. If it gets too bad, I might try to seek comfort from my friends or anyone I'm close to. Usually, that helps a lot.
If I'm close enough with someone, I will definitely be very cuddly around them, or at least give them hugs often! Of course, if I'm not sure if they're comfortable with it, I will ask beforehand if they're ok with it! I always value people's feelings before my own.
And lastly, I know many random facts about animals, so I'll often bring them up to people I'm speaking with if a certain animal is brought up or if I'm asked something about it! I'm often told I know a lot a lot about them :3
Anyways, that should be everything. I really hope the info I gave you works just fine!! Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to do this... ^_^
Hey you!! I finally got to your matchup, yay!! Now, I know veryyy well who your favourites are – but! I tried to read this as if I didn’t know you, apologies if the characters I chose aren’t really of your liking, I tried XP
With aaall of that said, your romantic matchup is...
Sir Pentious!
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I can totally see you and Pentious bonding for a very wide number of reasons. I don’t usually do this in matchups, but I can see you approaching him first and complimenting him on how cool he looks – he’s a snake after all, and you love animals -; he even sounds cool, with all the inventions he comes up with! He’d get really flustered over someone paying this much attention to him but at the same time be very proud of himself, and he’d totally take some time to brag a little, encouraged by your shower of compliments. This is kind of how your first meeting would go, in my opinion!
After that, you two would be inseparable: you’d ramble about your interests and he’d ramble back about his, and you’d give each other opinions on what the other has said. This would continue for hours on end! He’d also grow so fond of you to let you witness him and the egg boys at work; you’d think of this as the coolest thing ever. Eventually, you’d end up dating, probably planning to confess in the same exact moment too. It’d be a bit of an awkward confession, but one full of chuckles and hugs and reassurance!
Pentious is a biiig cuddle bug – he loves hugs, snuggling up against you, hand holding and when you do all of that to him! Therefore he doesn’t mind your hugs at all, he actually asks for them himself. He’s the type to hold your hand under the table while you’re all having dinner at the Hotel and then blush about it, and he also plays with your hands a lot. his hand is probably pretty big and slender, so he loves to point out how small your hands are compared to his.
He absolutely adores when you show him your art, he definitely goes a little overboard with compliments sometimes as he tends to exaggerate things in general but he does think everything that he says, so his comments are very genuine. If you draw him sometimes he’ll be very flustered about the fact that you find him handsome enough to make him a portrait!
He’s actually the type of demon to sit down next to you if he notices you drawing and join you in your activity. Not that he’s great at it himself, but what matters is that he’s willing to spend some quality time with you doing something that you enjoy.
You and Pentious also don’t get on each other’s nerves often at all. If one of you does something mildly annoying you both always end up apologizing immediately afterwards in fear that the other will get mad at you, so it’s very rare that you get mad in this relationship.
Also, if he does do something that upsets you, he’ll be feeling awful all day and do something to cheer you up, like get you a new plushie or bake something for you. Not that he doesn’t do little acts like these randomly during your relationship too though; he’s actually a big gift giver and he loves acts of service so it’s not rare for him to show up at your bedroom door with a trail of freshly made cookies or a handmade little gift. In fact, most of his time in his room/studio is spent figuring out what to make for you next!
When you start panicking over something for the first time, he gets a little bit anxious himself as well, not going to lie. With time though he learns that all you really need from him is for him to act natural and distract you a bit with some silly jokes, and perhaps a bit of light hearted comfort and a cuddle. From that point on he cherishes it every time you turn to him for help, as you’re his first supporter too.
I hope you enjoyed reading that as much as I enjoyed writing it!! As for your platonic matchup, I think you’d be besties with...
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To start off, these will be a little bit on the shorter side as they’re platonic headcanons. Anyways, you and Charlie sure love to hang out and listen to each other ramble! She’ll stare at you with big wide eyes and wonder on her face as you spew facts about dinosaurs and animals; she’ll be especially interested on the cute ones, she adores cute things!
She’s also big on physical affection, so she will never decline a hug from you! Now, longer cuddling sessions might be a little off-limits as she’s dating Vaggie and the latter can get a bit jealous over these things, so you both decide to respect her and stick to hugs and the occasional friendly hang holding while walking around.
Charlie gladly joins you and Pentious in your drawing sessions; she’s a little better at drawing than he is, and will fill the entire page with doodles of hearts and rainbows and stars if you don’t stop her...it’s very endearing!
She values everyone’s feelings a lot, so when she senses that you’re in distress she’ll immediately be by your side. She can be a little bit awkward at offering advice sometimes as she doesn’t have much clue of what goes on in humans’ minds after all, but she’s trying her best to cheer you up and that’s what matters. She will also refrain from judging you herself, as she is the Princess of literal Hell.
Charlie loves your plushie collection; she’s got one of her own! She’s obsessed with taking pictures of her plushies so she’ll definitely do the same thing with yours, too, especially the ones that she finds adorable. When your birthday or some other kind of celebration comes around, a plushie will definitely be her main present from you; she might let the secret escape though while excitedly asking which ones you’d like to get if somebody got you one, right now...
(bgff <33)
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volleychumps · 4 years
Reacting to Puppy Dog Eyes w/ Akaashi, Iwaizumi, Tsukishima, and Sakusa
- oh lord please don’t do this to them, you’re gonna make them act tf up 
Warning(s): none
Akaashi Keiji
- “What?” “Y/N, order an actual meal before you get dessert.” 
- Sends you an even stare as you lift your head up from the menu with an innocent expression, tilting your head as if you don’t know what he’s talking about
- “What makes you say-” “You’re on the wrong page.” 
- Sighs as you physically deflate, shoulders sinking downwards as a pout begins to form on your lips 
- “But I’m not even that hungry-” “If you eat sugar on an empty stomach then it’s going to hurt later.” 
- the mother in him really jumped out I see
- watches as you dejectedly look down at the menu, puffing your cheeks out before the waiter approaches the table, and he sighs but still expects you to pick something out 
- so when he’s about to order for the two of you, you decide to bring out the secret weapon 
- “Yes, one tonkatsu ramen and-” as he closes his menu, lifting his eyes from the page before stilling in place
- your eyes were watering a little bit, looking at him in a begging gesture with a please? glint in your pupils before he pinches the bridge of his nose with a sigh
- “Sir?” “....and a parfait with macarons please.” 
- narrows his eyes at you as your back straightens, smile growing on your face before you pick up his hand resting on the table once the waiter leaves 
- “Don’t be mad....Keiji?” 
- is literally taking a moment to steady his breathing from the twinge in his chest, absolutely hating seeing you sad
- “Just give me a minute...we’ll share each dish, okay? Make sure to eat some of the hot food too.” he reasons, and your eyes brighten as one side of his lips tilt slightly upwards
- “You’re whipped.” As you kiss his knuckle playfully, and he rolls his eyes with the smallest of smiles, moving his hand to stroke your cheek gently before pinching it lightly, causing you to whine
- “I can’t believe you’ve got me wrapped around your little finger, love.” 
Iwaizumi Hajime
-  You don’t use it on him often because he doesn’t like other people seeing the look you give him because he’s a protective boi
- At least until you have to take drastic measures
- “Those things are rigged, Y/N.” He’s leaning against the brick wall next to the stall as you fiddle with the darts in your hand, an adorable look on your face as Iwa watches you enjoy yourself 
- “It is not!” Iwa waves off the guy running the booth, more interested to see how you’ll do in the game as he shoves his hands in his pockets 
- so when you lose by just a few targets, he can see the defeatedness in your stance before your eyes flit over to the really big polar bear plushie you were aiming for
- holds back his snort before you look over at him with the eyes that make his breath catch in his throat, and Iwa glares at you immediately with a heat forming in his cheeks 
- “Do you need help, miss?” “Hm? Uh...” 
- but he’s already walking over, lightly shoving the man’s hand who was running the booth off your shoulder with a competitive aura around him
- “Give me darts.” his tone drops to a deadly one, one half of him pissed off that this guy had the nerve to touch you in front of him while the other half of him needs to wipe that look out your eyes
- so in fifteen seconds he’s hit all six darts dead in the center, having unleashed all the angered determination inside of him before lazily pointing to the prize on the top shelf 
- sends one last glare to the guy before giving you the bear, plopping it over your face as he strolls past you with a pink tint to his cheeks
- “Here. Now stop pouting.” “You didn’t have to...” 
- Spins on his heel with a scoff, and you blink up at him innocently with your new plushie hugged to your chest as you hide your smile in the softness
- “I didn’t have to? Really?” Is about to dig into you for making him feel guilty for absolutely no reason before you kiss his cheek, diminishing his resolve as Iwa’s voice falters
- brings a hand to his neck as you hold your plushie with one arm, tugging on his sleeve so he could lead the way with the tips of his ears pink 
- “Thank you!” “Yeah yeah...just don’t do that, will you?” 
Tsukishima Kei
- “No.” “What? I didn’t even say anything!”
- 100% the one to pretend to be the least effected by it 
- Narrows his eyes slightly as an innocent smile graces your features, and he lets go of your hand to stand in front of you with his arms crossed
- “Whatever you’re thinking, no.” as he thumbs your forehead, and you whine a little bit before blinking up innocently
- he braces himself lmfao oh shit here it comes
- “Tsukki...can we ride the ferris wheel?” 
- how you gonna be that tall and not like heights make it make sense 
- stiffens immediately as your eyes lilt downwards sadly, but his gaze remains unaffected as he scoffs, rolling his eyes as you visibly wilt 
- “Come on, loser.” as he tugs you towards the ticket booth, and you perk up before a teasing tone emerges in your voice “Where are we going?” 
- “The fucking zoo.” “Tsukki!” 
- ignores you as he purchases the tickets, pretending not to see your sad reaction to his sarcasm before gently pushing you a long
- “I’m gonna regret this.” He mumbles once you’re both seated, and you bounce up and down in your seat excitedly as he rests his palm against his mouth, hazel eyes staring at you seriously
- Looks away when you look over at him, and you slip into the seat next to him as he warns you that it’s dangerous 
- “Hold my hand?” “You’re the one who wanted to do this.” 
- Still allows you to hold his hand anyways as the carriage lifts into the sky, and you lean your head on his shoulder
- Glances down at you with a warmth in his chest before flicking the side of your head
- “What was that for-?!” “Shut up.” 
- gently kisses the spot where he flicked quickly, going back to staring out the window as he holds your hand just a little bit tighter
- Fuck. He was too in deep. 
Sakusa Kiyoomi
- Get ready to be bluntly rejected to your face lmfao 
- “Don’t you like being clean?” “That doesn’t mean I want to wear a damn face mask.” 
- You puff your cheeks out, crossing your arms as Sakusa meets you with an even stare, wearing grey sweatpants and a fitted black shirt as his hoodie draped loosely over your figure
- The rare nights when Sakusa was home on time he’d always come back to find one of his articles of clothing gone awh
- “Please?” You tilt your head slightly, casting him a puppy dog stare before Sakusa actually scoffs, shaking his head no as you sigh defeatedly 
- “Fine. I’m gonna take a shower, you should reheat dinner if you’re hungry.” You say, fighting to keep the sad out of your voice as Sakusa watches you stalk off with a pout to the bathroom 
- Stares after you for a second before sighing deeply, tilting his head back with a hand on his forehead knowing damn well what was about to happen 
- so imagine your surprise when you emerge, towel tightly wrapped around your body to see Sakusa holding an opened face mask away from his body by the edge like it was the most horrid thing on earth
- “Kiyoomi?” “Shit-!” 
- almost drops it as he looks up at you, irritation evident on his face as you realize what he was trying to do before perking up and walking over to him 
- flinches when you softly sit him down, gently applying the facemask to his skin with a smile 
- “You didn’t have to, you know.” “Well when you look so damn sad all the time do I really have a choice?” 
- “Hey.” “What?” 
- His snappy tone is diminished as you finish applying the mask, leaning downwards to cup his face through the moist cloth before kissing him lovingly, to which he responds by wrapping an arm around your waist to tug you closer
- “Kiyoomi, do you want to apply mine?” “Seriously? There’s nothing else you want to do right now?” 
- Deadpans you as he tugs you onto his lap, unamused as you giggle, shaking your head no
- “Nope. We have to wait fifteen minutes anyway.” “But-” 
- “Fifteen minutes, Kiyoomi.” 
- Rolls his eyes, kissing you deeply as you giggle into the kiss, feeling the moisture of his mask as his eyes seem to darken 
- “Trust me, there’s a lot I can do in fifteen minutes. Now come here, get your damn mask on.” 
Do not repost or modify any original work. All rights belong to @volleychumps 2020. 
General Works: General works: @takemetovalhalla @kasandrafaye @savemesteeb @dreebbles @yams046 @let-me-have-my-own-name @deadontheinsidebut @lifeisntjustblackandwhite @curiouslilbeast @aprettyfruit @wisepandaslimeland @h0ngh0ngh0ng @lmkjimin @orangegiraffe7 @dai-tsukki-desu @kac-chowsballs @spikertrash @yamaguwuchi @lord-suneater-explosion @nekomawhore @holaaaf@babyybokutoakaashi @lexysclubhouse
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power-of-plot · 3 years
Iida, Mirio, and Aizawa dating hcs please
Of course! But holy cow apparently this seriously inspired me, i hope this is ok xd
Oh yes robot boi. Iida is someone nerdy in every aspect, his language even with close friends like Midoriya is very formal and polite, the same rule would apply when it comes to his significant other. Unlike what some would think, this doesn’t give your conversations a cold touch, on the contrary, it’d make him look chivalrous.
He’s a classic gentleman, he’d be the kind who opens the door and waits for you to walk in first or gives you his jacket when it’s too cold and you don’t have anything to cover yourself with, the second one would happen often in the classroom if you’re sensitive to cold. We are talking about U.A have you seen the measures of the classrooms and the entire area? It’s impossible they don’t have those huge air conditioners.
He highly respects the rules wich means, no PDA, on a certain level, no kisses to be specific. That doesn’t mean he won’t give you any affection, though every gear of his robotic soul is having a bad time working properly inside, he’d hold your hand or put his over your shoulder pulling you close when you’re sitting together. 
He definitely would do that thing of caressing you with his thumb. As you expected it from Tenya, this is a sort of robotic motion, his finger would move like a metronome but that doesn’t make it any less nicer, he is slow and gentle.
Honestly, he’d be nervous most of the time. ALSO! Tenya is very thoughtful, he’d ask (often verbally) if you’re okay with whatever he’d do, as times goes by the questions turn non verbal, for example he’d hold his hand above yours waiting for you to give green light or grasp it. 
“..Can i hold your hand?” “Sure!” “*DEEP INHALE AND BLUSH*” He couldn’t help to blush the first times. Specially on the firsT kiss but how would it be? A clasic scenenario after classes! And after you both have grown comfortable enough to each other’s touch. Seriously, if you like to go slow he's got you.
You two would be walking around in the campus after classes and he feels the tension grow.. he is analyzing every detail, he wants to ask but what if things get extremely awkward, he’s very tall- he’d have to bend down slightly (unless you’re nearly as tall as him) to do it so what if you flinch because it was unexpected.. he stops walking, he simply manages to say your name. You stared into each other's eye and then it happened, a big smile unexplainably forms in his lips complemented by a scarlet color across his whole face, his haircut made his head look like a strawberry.
There are going to be days you don't see him as much as you'd like, Tenya is very comitted to his hero patrols, he certainly would do extra hours from time to time or if the situation called for it. Let him know you like his hero suit! He’s thankful it has a helmet otherwise his flustered face would be exposed. 
Whatever position you cuddle in Iida would wrap his arms around you, not only that, he’d interlock his fingers so he has a nice grip. His cuddles would be the classic spooning or having your head on his shoulder with your arm over his chest and in case you worry about his arm, this guy doesn’t know limb numbness- he literally tenses and holds his arms up every five minutes.
He sends good morning/good night texts often on the weekends since you're practically living together thanks to the dormitory system, they vary depending on the day, some are a reminder to get a proper amount of sleep or! To get done with homework so you can enjoy your free time and maybe ask if he can go over to study *cough spend time together*
He'd send the classic heart emoji, very detailed but easy to comprehend videos explaining any difficult lesson and history related stuff like paint restorations or facts about iconic sculptures. Please don’t send him those videos of people accidentally breaking things on museums, he’s gonna feel like something breaks inside.
This ray of sunshine fell for you? Your luck is so big you’d get jackpot on a slot machine on the first try-. You’re undeniably going to be good friends with Tamaki and Nejire, specially her, expect to get questions one after another without the chance to reply when she finds out you’re Mirio’s significant other, Tamaki would take it way better.
Mirio’s goofyness and confidence combined with his feelings give a unique result: he literally spoke to the boss of mafia himself twice like he was the manager in a store, but, the case is different when you’re around, he’s saying and actually good joke and suddenly.. it goes away, his mind goes blank. “So what happened after Mirio..?” “Ah.. i had practiced a lot, i don’t know what happened haha my bad!”
You’re going to get tons of his jokes and something more “intense” such as the classic “What’s in your shirt?” to make you look down so he can boop your nose with his finger, you should expect some gentle headpats as well. 
If you’re shy he’s cool about it, he knows what do and adaptates to your pace, you’d start off with hand holding or rather pinky holding, he’d interwine his pinky with yours and show a bright smile. His hugs are the warmest, he doesn’t do it half-assesly, when you hug, YOU HUG, he uses both arms and slightly lifts you up! Height or strength are not a problem he’s actually one cm taller than Iida i just found out
He seems like the kind who loses their pen or eraser despite seeing it on their desk just one minute ago, if you happen to be that kind as well you’re both going to lay down your faith on poor Tamaki’s hands, i’m sure he has all his material complete.
He hardly ever gets nervous or scared by anything, things like the first kiss would go pretty smooth, instead of blushing intensely he’d just chuckle with slight disbelief, his mind is racing like “I just did that? woah!”. The biggest trouble for him would be gifts, he wants it to be perfect but asking Nejire for advice is not a good idea, roses are too formal and they don’t last long, going to the movies seems a little cliche.. his first gift would end up being a plushie of your favorite animal and a bamboo.
He’d sneak a kiss or two, specially before the class is begginning a training session, he’d send you a text telling you to go outside the changing rooms and oop! He phases through the wall poking out his head to give you a kiss kiss. If you don’t mind a prank from time to time he’d give a little scare using his quirk.
This guy is the big spoon during cuddles, no arguing! He could switch but as time goes by he’d slowly shift into the big spoon, that’s just the way he is, the most usual position would be where you’re facing each other with your limbs wrapping around the other’s body. Waking up with him would be adorable and attractive, morning and night are the only times of the day when his hair isn’t gelled into his All Might-like hairstyle, those blonde locks would frame his face, a heavenly sight.
Would send you a pic of stray animals he rescued with a “:D!” and Sir. Nighteye 'torturing' Bubble girl (half of his head visibly on a corner of the image). If you longed for a pet badly he would bring a nice dog/cat he finds around! In his hero suit to make the moment more special. 
He uses the smiling emojis and emoticons! And shares videos of animals he finds adorable, if you sent him fails videos he'd laugh as long as the falls don't seem extreme or too severe, small trips on the beach or slips on the snow are fine. Mirio sends gifs i just know.
Have you taken a look at him? You must be a big The Walking Dead fan to like him lmao. Aizawa gives me an unexplainable gut feeling that he'd prefer a civilian (perhaps quirkless?) significant other over a hero, he wouldn't want his partner to go into the same dangerous situations he does.
His affection is tired, let me explain, he'd hug you and all that physical stuff but it'd kinda feel like his arms fall limply around you, still, even with his minuscule clingyness he loves you with all his might! He doesn't fall for anyone.
Not very fond of PDA, in public he'd preferr temple/forehead kisses and having your hand on the crook of his arm instead of hand holding (thinking about it Iida would do that too), seems more discret and! you don't let go when his hands are busy. He'd initiates it by gently resting your hand on his arm and sinking his hand into his pocket.
Surprise! He does smile, not that maniactic-looking grin he has sometimes during his shifts at U.A when a student impresses him, this one is less wide but somehow more tender and sweet, he tilts his head and for once his eyes seem relaxed, a relationship would make his cheeks hurt.. either for he's not used to smile so much or he smiles more than he thought he would.
If you give him a cat.. that's a strong blow straight to one of his weakest spots, he'd stare both at you and the kitten with a dumbfounded look before picking it up in his arm like a baby, his hand gravitates towards his it's head giving some nice pets before he shows a rare and somewhat bright smile "Thank you very much." Next time have a camera ready damnit! That smile rarely shows up.
He's practical, he wants his gifts to be nice but useful as well. He’d get you those mugs with candies inside, you get the candy and you can use the mug later for your coffee or tea; a power bank with a nice color or design and in case he choses something smaller: a bamboo, those one don’t wither away. Aizawa is fine with whatever you get for him, big or small he appreciates it. Sweaters, scarfs and blankets would be his favorite thing to get though, he likes to stay warm while working late at night
He’s sneaky, as an underground hero he’s used to work at times when the streets look disolated and the dark crime has more freedom to do as it pleases, he wouldn’t want to wake you up unless you asked him to. He’d leave a note on is pillow with the time he wrote it at and a short loving phrase like “i love you, i’ll be back soon, good morning”, before he leaves he’d always lift the sheet up to your neck or drag it away if you seem to be kicking it off you and give you a small kiss.
You’d find him passed out in his sleeping bag with his laptop besides him at random spots of his appartment, if it wasn’t because of the unatura position he adopts to fit in his sleeping bag he’d give you a death scare ‘cause let’s be honest he doesn’t look one hundred percent alive even when he’s awake. “Shota..? Shota can you hear me?!” “I’m not dead.”
Hibrid of big-small spoon. Most of the times you cuddle he’s asleep and you go snuggle him, his hair is a mess so better prepare to get tickled all night. He pull you close the best way he can when you’re behind him, not very comfortable for his arm but it’s worth it. He’d have you like a pillow over him, his chin over your head and both arms around you.
This man doesn’t bother typing when he can use his voice, the only situations he uses regular text messages are when he’s on shift or with you sleeping next to him. Send him gifs of kittens and a ‘i love you’ it instanstly gives him a good mood! He’d send pics of cats he sees around and gifts he bought you, doesn’t use emojis.
*COLLAPSES ON THE GROUND* Big oof- requests are open.
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muffindaddystyles · 3 years
Hi, could you pls write something about Y/n finding out she’s pregnant and she decides not to keep the baby. Like, maybe Harry and y/n are not married (not that you have to be married to have a baby, it’s just a suggestion) and maybe Harry gets kind of mad at the beginning but then understands why she doesn’t want the baby. In every fanfiction they always end up keeping the baby, yes it’s cute, but babies take a lot of your time, they are expensive and sometimes annoying. Maybe it’s not the right time for them to be parents!! Make it extra angst pls
A/N: I agree with you, honestly it's okay for women/partner not to want kids in a relationship.
Warning: Mentions of abortion and angst.
Y/N just came back from one of the sleepovers of her bestfriend. It was fun, no offence but every food-ly item there made her sick to her core and atlast she ended up throwing. Ofcourse, all her girlie-bestie were there to give her a back rub, hold her hair for her, made her chamomile tea and most importantly did a serious talk to her in their pillow fort while sipping onto their hot bevy.
When Y/N told them she's been feeling like this from goodly two weeks they all gasped making Y/N's nerves jumble furthermore —--- what they advised her next flew over her head as she kept on poking her finger through the loops of her crotched cardigan, "Huh?" She hums innocently tucking her loose hair back.
"You could be pregnant. . ." Feli told her softly grabbing her hand, "Perhaps, could be sick too." Y/N scoffs diverting her eyes somewhere else and all her friends sighed in utter sympathy for her.
Y/N doesn't want to think about it at all. No way! This could happen. It's not right. It wouldn't be fair to anyone. She knows that the worst's been waiting for her as it hits her that her periods are late.
"We can find out, though . . ." Feli slides the offer cautiously to her and when Y/N shook her head in rejection everyone insisted because they care about her. So, they ended up taking the test and it indeed came out as positive now Y/N's a crying mess cuddled with her friends as they assured her that it's gonna be alright.
"I don't wanna go home . . Can't face, Harry." She whimpers. Her heart beating wildly at the cluster of assumptions and thoughts. What she'll do now? What will happen to them? What if their decision wouldn't be same? What if he'll leave her?
"You've to love, Nia will drive you home yeah? Talk to him, I'm super sure he'll understand, he's been so supportive of you since you guys met." They all hugged her warmly before departing her off and Nia told her to call her in the morning walking her to the door.
When she enters the whole house has been dimmed to mellow light just mere instinctive noises of telly buzzing and when she pads inside she's met by the most adorable sight of Harry lounged over the couch one leg dangled over the floor and his neck craned in a bad angle; it seems like he fell asleep waiting for her and Y/N was about to retreat when he stirred up calling for her name.
"Pet?" He tries to open his peepers rubbing them with the back of his hand stretching out like a lazy cat, "You look devastated pet, what happened? Were ye'cryin' baby?" She stays silent taking in large breathers nibbling onto her lower lip. He scoots aside patting the spot beside him to make her sit and grabs her jaw to see her properly.
She looks down lip wobbling as she struggled to utter the sentence, "Harry . . ." She sniffs and he nods caressing the corner of her lip, "'m listening my love –- promise it's not somethin' scary." It is for her.
"I'm pregnant." Time ticks by and it feels like the air has densed to the point her lungs stopped functioning. His thumb, it halts in their loving to her and his breaths hitches in his throat glossing his eyes with lack of oxygen or joy? She can't diminish.
He cackles breathily as if he's hallucinating and then gasps out of the epiphany, her heart shatters into million pieces for giving him fake beacon of happiness when he hugged her tightly to his chest.
"Jesus. 'M so happy darlin'!" He squeaks into the crook of her neck bouncing his knee in excitement and she pushes him away shaking her head, "No, no, no — Harry, I don't want it." Her voice wavered as her eyes held plead for him to understand fisting the hem of his sweater out of anxiousness and Harry feels like someone snatched his grounds, numbness sets into his toes from the distress that's bolting shut his heart chambers.
"Wha –-- what? But we talked 'bout it darlin'." He stammers baffled at her descion. He's too sensitive and all over the place right now, his mindset's isn't capable of doing something that's best for them and maybe it's because of all the images of his own lil baby in all the corners of his home, it would be such a blessing to have one wouldn't it? His conscience screamed at him.
"We did — " She says but he cuts her off, "Then why?" His own voice breaking and she clears her throat to pull some courage. His weakness makes her weak too.
"Let me speak." He nods curtly at her to continue.
"We did. Yes, I want kids with you, Harry nothing will be more beautiful than that but . . . but 'm not ready now, financially, mentally and physically." He stands up at this pacing back and forth massaging the furrowing lines at his temple. At his closed off and cold demeanour Y/N sobs throwing her hands in air.
"Would you speak somethin'!?" He turns in a snap. His eyesblooshot lips quirking up into a bitter frown, he's outraged and been burning from inside but doesn't want to dump it at her knowing it would hurt him more than it would hurt her. He wouldn't be able to forgive himself if he'll break the heart of his most precious human and the person who's been with him through thick n' thin.
He jeers furiously irritated at him and her, "What's there to speak? You've already made up ye'r mind, I've no say in it. Though, you know that 'm enough to raise our baby and could take care of you at the sametime." She grits something under her breath and he squints, "What?" His accent thick and gruff.
"I'm saying you're being a total, asshole!!" She tries not to yell at him groaning into the throw pillow.
She wants to kick him in shin when he just shrugged carelessly, "Okay."
"Trust me Harry not everyone's a rich millionaire like you!! I told you I'm not financially stable to have a kid and you rubbed it in my face, do you have any idea how your words were a jab to me!!" She wants to have an equal share of money in raising her kids, to give them the idea that in this household none of their parents are inferior or superior in bringing them up and she'd love for Harry to take extra care for them but his ruthless words made her feel so small and empty pocket infront of him for the first time.
She didn't notice until now that tears are dripping down his throat. Regret, remorse and guilt evident on his face but he wouldn't apologise and she's well aware of it. Wish she could hug him and kiss him to calm him down but he caused equal damage to her too.
"I'll go to clinic, in the morning." She mutters leaving him pooled into sorrow and the pricking shadow of telly while he cried to himself silently.
If it's the end. Then it should be a better one.
His boots click against the hard tiles getting loud hushes from people in waiting. He ducks down panting hopelessly, slamming his fist at the reception counter and looks at the nurse with furious eyes, "You're here to pick someone, sir?" He nods jutting his lips in attempt to take a good breather.
"Miss Y/N – "
She quickly points at the ward, "There, she might be unconscious at the mo'." He quickly shakes his head running towards it despite of all the stares he's getting from women of all ages.
There she was sitting at edge of bed in a gown –- looking small, defeated and devastated clutching the fabric of it from her knees. Her head perks up at the commotion taking in the sight of a disheveled Harry with a sandwich, vanilla moose, a tinsy plushie and sunflowers tucked under his armpit.
His chin quivers and eyes well up with bulky tears, "I'm sorry." He mouthes to her and she shakes her head with equally glossy eyes. He pads towards her carefully and sits beside her forwarding her the vanilla moose with shaky hand.
"Sorry couldn't get the chocolate one." A tiny sob breaks through her smile, "Don't like the vanilla anyways —" Her meeting his gaze was the ending point for him as he bunches his angel in a hug, smushing his face into the crook of her neck with little sniffles.
"It was very shitty of me." He admits tightening his arms around her waist and she calms him by rubbing his back, "We both weren't at our best last night." She whispers and he nods.
"I don't think you're any less than me baby, rather you're more stronger person than me in every way -- didn't —-- didn't wanna hurt you, promise. I love you so much for some different descion to tear us apart." His thumb runs in circles against her shoulders and she cups his face to look at him properly.
"Forgive me, please."
"I did bug —- the moment I realized you're a human being with emotions and feelings that could tipple over at their worsts. You've dreams too and I'm so sorry I wasn't able to fulfil them at the moment."
"You don't have to, yeah? No more apologising. We'll have a family when we both are ready." He kisses her temple, stroking her head affectionately and she bathes in that warmth.
"We could buy the chocolate moose on our way back home." He quips wiping his eyes with the back of his hand.
A teasing smile breaking through his caring persona and she grins, "Shut up." scooping some of it but he takes the tiny spoon from her feeding it to her himself heating her cheeks with shyness.
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hobipaint · 3 years
Graffiti and Chalk - one.
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summary: You thought you knew him. You thought him gone. Kim Taehyung was part of you that you had carefully suppressed, keeping his memories to one box near the wall of your mind. That was your fault, though - empty walls demand for art. And who other than your own neighbourhood vandal?
↳ pairing: ex police student turned vandal! taehyung x officer! female reader
↳ genres: angst, eventual fluff?
↳ word count: 4.7K
↳ disclaimers: pg15!, vandalism, police officers, criminal past and heavy discussion of it, mentions of attempted murder.
one | two
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a/n: this was supposed to be a one shot, but i decided to make it a two shot because inspiration struck at the twelfth hour. This is based on stigma tae, and has massive massive references to hyyh tae as well!! I'm warning you all. Written for the @bangtanwritingbingo prompt: chalk drawings. Beta read by @vaekth and @kookiestarlight who are possibly the most supportive and appreciative people I could have asked for, thank you so much!!
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You'd thought that being an officer would mean solving cases for people who genuinely needed help. Not hunting around for a missing pumpkin. 
"It's round, large, and I think it was slightly squishy, Y/N," the kid who had run up to you exclaimed again, while making gestures for round, large and squishy. 
If the kid weren't this adorable, you'd squish him for being too loud at 8 in the morning. 
You unlocked the door to your office, taking in the sight of the homey little cubicle that you maintained alone. Being the sole officer in a neighbourhood should be hard work, but in a neighbourhood where practically everybody is asleep? Not as much. 
You sighed as you pulled the kid in - who by now had told you that his name was Sungwoo, and he was eight years old. His mother told him that if he ever lost anything precious he should head to the police, so here he was. 
"Can you find my pumpkin?" He peered up at you as you tried to get the coffee machine started- well, as well as you can with a kid in the way. "It's round, large and squishy." 
"Round, large, squishy. Got it." You smiled wearily at him, seeing how his eyes lit up at the sight of your notebook- the one he obviously thought you wrote your cases in. You took your espresso in a mug, running over to him before he damaged it. He ran over to it, picking it up, dropping it because of its weight and picking it up again. 
"Can you write a message for Peter here?" He asked you, eyes wide and round as he stared at the brown leather bound book. 
"Peter? I thought we were talking about your pumpkin?" 
He nodded vigorously- strong enough to make you worry if his head would fall over. Flopping his hair to the side messily, he scampered to you as you settled in your chair, opening the last page of your book - where you had kept your post-its. "Peter is pumpkin! It's made of something- mom told me-" he put a hand to his head, trying to force his small head to think of big words, "Is it pushy?" 
"Do you mean it is a plushie, Sungwoo?" You said, sighing and writing it down on a post-it note and sticking it on your desk. 
"Yeah!" His eyes sparkled, and he bent his head down to the paper you gave him to scribble a hasty note for Peter. Once satisfied, he raised his head, giving the chit two pats before turning to you. "It's missing, Y/N. Can you find it?"
"Of course I can," you reassured him the best you could while half-asleep. The boy suddenly pulled you into a hug, happy tears spilling out of his eyes as he murmured thank you's over and over. 
You held him for a few more seconds, understanding the worry that the kid would have over his plushie. You didn't understand why he had to bring it to you, though. 
You felt a soft yet insistent buzz in your pant pockets all of a sudden, realizing it was your phone. You pulled yourself away from the crying child, and caressed his head while picking up the call. 
"Good morning, Officer L/N." The coarse voice of your chief barked at you. 
You sighed, not wanting to deal with any of his tantrums right after you dealt with the case of Peter the Pumpkin. "Good morning, Chief." 
"I'm arriving at your office in about ten minutes. We have to discuss something important." 
You sighed again, hand grabbing Sungwoo's as you led him outside the office. Time to clean up. "Of course, Sir."
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"Why is this place so messy?" was the first thing you had to hear in the form of a greeting. When your chief said ten minutes, he clearly meant half an hour.
You'd spent some time clearing up cookie crumbs from your table, dusting any evidence of your multiple ramen packets, arranging the tables in proper order, lining the chairs up, and stuffing all the stuff you couldn't clear into a closet. It seemed clean enough to you.
"I shall clean it, Sir." You bowed your head once, carefully maintaining your expression so that the chief doesn't think of you as any more insolent than he already does. 
"It doesn't reflect well upon the force to have a messy office, Y/N. I'm sure you were taught that," he said, pressing his finger to a certain spot on a table, and raising it up to show you. "Dust in our offices speaks of nonchalance. That is the last thing we'd want anyone to think of us is that we're nonchalant."
"I apologise, sir. I shall rectify it." 
"I expect you to. Anyways," he said, dusting his hands and moving to another corner of the office, "that is not what I came here for." He settled into the chair-  your chair, with the note for Peter the Pumpkin intact.
You prayed for him to ignore it. 
"There's been growing signs of vandalism in the neighbourhood you're patrolling, Y/N," The chief said to you in a gruff tone, looking like an angry cat with his whiskers trembling. He wore a scowl to match the whole look. Luckily, his pondering eyes missed out on the missing pumpkin report. "I want you to catch that person. Why isn't it done yet?"
"They were untraceable, Sir. All we could capture was a navy blue hoodie and jeans. Nothing else. There's only graffiti and chalk all over the places he's been at, Sir. I tried looking for clues-" 
"Keep looking, then."
"I'm trying, sir. I have asked the owners of all the shops on the street to hand over any CCTV footage they have of the person so that I can analyze it and try to nab him. It is a futile task till now, though." 
The chief rubbed his hand hard on his thigh, the sound of his palm scratching against the coarse trouser fabric reaching you. "They are being a menace, Y/N. A nuisance to those who want peace in this neighbourhood. You are supposed to bring that peace for them, not complain about not being able to get that person. That is your job." He looked you directly in the eye, anger clearly visible. "Or would you wish to leave?"
You twitched in anger, forcing yourself to remain calm. The chief had a penchant for transferring those who were unsuccessful in their cases to different stations- the more transfers, the more incompetent you seemed. You had already begun at a relatively low level, and you couldn't afford going lower. You nodded stiffly. 
"Any more complaints, and I'd be forced to transfer you somewhere else and hand this case over to someone competent. And you know it wouldn't be safe for your career, Y/N." He rose up from the chair, heading towards the door. "I want it resolved. Soon." 
You bowed your head, in a sense of respect for your senior you'd actually never felt. It was annoying, honestly, and your hatred for this man just grew more and more. You had requested since the day of your graduation from the academy to be put in the forensics department - something that actually was your specialty. But no, here you were, patrolling a neighbourhood where the only problem was a kid scribbling on walls and leaving an alphabet behind. 
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Taehyung kicked a pebble aside, letting it roll aimlessly along the half-paved, half-broken road. "I'm out of green paint, again." 
He glanced at the aluminium shutters he had decided to vandalize- no, beautify- today, deciding that the subtle decor of the florist's shop and the grim outside of the tattoo shop - both needed redecorations. He didn't care who was the owner. He didn't care how many reports they filed about the eerie similarities of the vandal to Mrs. Kim's son - they never cared about him before, so they'd never care about him now. That, he was sure of. 
His red paint had been used to make the outer petals of a rose that he had dedicatedly been drawing the previous day, until the owner had yelled from his house above for him to stop. That was early, though. 11 AM was a predictable time for a vandal to walk through the streets, spraying graffiti and dusting chalk over every nook and corner until he was satisfied by the art he had created. 
His wristwatch ticked three as he picked up his blue paint can. Just a few hours later, but effective enough for the owner to have fallen asleep - Taehyung could definitely justify that by the snores that echoed behind the shutters. 
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"Reporting. Reporting. Vandal. Street 13. I repeat. Vandal. Street 13." 
The cuckoo clock that your mom had gifted you to decorate the less than neat office struck three just when the report came through. Just when you were about to settle for the night.
You pushed your papers aside, leaving the missing car complaint on your table. Holding your baton, slipping your ID into the pocket of your jeans and dusting crumbs off your chiffon blouse, you picked up the radio. 
"Street 13. Officer Y/N reporting." 
The gruff voice of your chief growled back at you. "The vandal has been found on camera, finally. The florist's CCTV; he sent a complaint. In fact, he's been wandering the streets for half an hour now, Y/N. Where have you been?" 
You were about to form a legible enough response, say that the paperwork he had set for you was what consumed your time, but he beat you to it. Sighing into the phone, he said, "Nevermind that. Get to his location immediately, and capture him." His voice stumbled for a second. "Take the taser, just in case." 
"Yes sir," you responded meekly, and disconnected the radio. 
You looked around for your keys, going past a board full of cases that were never relevant enough to be solved - especially the one of the missing pumpkin. The types of cases you received here made you shudder, this wasn't why you had spent so much time training at the university. You tucked your radio into your jacket as you pushed it on your shoulders, grabbing onto a half-eaten sandwich to satisfy your hunger along the way.
"I have to get that person before he robs me of a chance at the forensics department forever," you thought while speeding towards the location told to you - while maintaining the speed limit, of course. No space for nonchalance. 
You'd wanted to finish all your paperwork today and get back to an analysis you were working on - preferably get a nap too. Capturing a neighbourhood graffiti artist- this isn't what you had wanted to do.
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This wasn't what Taehyung had wanted to do. 
The paint dried off slowly on the metal surface, a small drop of ink trickling down where Taehyung had stopped. The design wasn't matching what he had thought at all, he thought as he stared at it. Time to switch it up. 
He picked up the painting from right where he had stopped it - merging blue into the red petals as he was on his way to the centre of the flower. Painstakingly, he traced lines that would capture the delicate curves of the outlines, serving to further merge into the picture. 
His vandalism wasn't ugly drawings, nudity, or someone just spraying 'SUCKAZ!' all over a wall. That is for amateurs. His was nuanced art. Art that he couldn't do in the day. The ones he could never showcase in the galleries. The ones he buried in the deepest recesses of his mind, burning a hole into the boxes he stuffed them into. This was his freedom. 
Taehyung picked up the black can. Fixing the nozzle in the proper direction, he shook the bottle- once, twice. The paint came out in spurts at first, before settling into a steady spray. Black always enhances everything, doesn't it? Enhancement that never seemed beautiful - it was just there to make it stand out. Be noticed. Be shamed. Be suspected. Look deadly, or even look dead. Even the most innocent faces look devious with black. What's to say his flower would still look alive? 
The black slowly spiralled across the expanse of the shutter, coiling over and over in what Taehyung thought could be the leaves. The thorns that held the flower back from reaching the epitome of beauty- at least, outwardly beauty. He detested how overhyped a rose was- just as destructible as all other flowers. Where's the beauty in something temporary? 
The green paint can had been used up last time when he had sprayed ivy all over the fashion boutique's doors- all of which had been washed away. A shame, Taehyung thought, and picked up his airbrush. Filling a little green into the small holder, he tested it a few times on the footpath - he'd scrub chalk all over it later on, he still needed to add more to beautify the shops. He carefully painted leaves all over the black he had sprayed, letting them flatten out against the metal at the back and form a protective layer around the rose. Unnecessary by all means. 
He then switched to a darker green, picking up the airbrush once again to add some subtlety in the leaves. He watched the spray slowly settle right where he wanted it - paint, unlike his life, was something he had full control of. It was liberating. 
Standing back and twirling the can over and over in his hand, Taehyung was somewhat satisfied with what he made. A rose. Simple, overrated. Just like flowers. The leaves stood out more to him, along with the thorns; their prickly points being the focus of the picture. Perfect. 
He picked up his personal favorite - a small can of black paint who's nozzle had been crafted by him. Stooping down to the corner of the shutter, he slowly sprayed across it. Black settling on silver gray, one single alphabet. V. 
That's it. He was done. Just an hour's work. 
He turned to the tattoo artist's shop, the shutter a colourful mess littered with messy black stains and drawings the owner probably thought was hip. Taehyung cringed. How was it possible for an artist to be that bad at decorating their own shop? He walked a few steps back, admiring the size of it and thinking of what he could fill there. Something that would really annoy a tattoo artist- he deserved it after having ruined the shutter like that. Picking up a blade, Taehyung set to scrape away the skulls- which, he found, were stickers. Gross. Peeling them off, he set to chip away at the paint- the soft thunk, thunk of the blade slapping against the metal echoed around him. Hopefully, not too loud. 
The metal loudly protested as Taehyung pressed his blade against what seemed to be an outline of a body, done with black, and some random inscriptions that he could notice were wearing away. This had to be really old. 
Scratch, scratch, scratch. The blade kept pushing at the layers of colour, forcing them off the metal. He could see glints of silver shining underneath it, dim under the streetlight.
Scratch, scratch, scratch. He kept pushing at the paint, tongue poking out as his eyebrows furrowed in concentration. He had to do it now. There was no other time for him to do this. Now. Now. Now. 
The silver suddenly glinted more brightly- a shade impossible under the dull, flickering yellow of the streetlights. White lights created a halo of sorts around him, and Taehyung knew his time was up. He smiled. At least one place got the beauty they deserved. 
"Hands up!" A voice yelled behind him, and he could hear a click that definitely sounded like a taser gun. 
Looking up, he cursed loudly at everyone and anyone. He could have finished it tonight. His work would have been done, and he would have been on his way. He turned around, annoyance sparking in his eyes with sarcastic acceptance lining his lips in the way they curled. "You found me," he murmured, before letting himself get slammed against the very shutters he was painting.
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Fate played wonderful games, and for now, you were its newest loser. 
"Name." You spoke, your voice monotone yet clear. 
"You know me, Y/N. Don't pretend you don't." Taehyung crooned, smirking while he rotated the glass that rested atop the table. 
Your annoyance only grew. When you were told that there was a vandal in the streets, you didn't expect it to be a familiar face. 
Kim Taehyung was known to you. Someone who had lived right next door. Someone who had been known as a lovable, obedient boy by the neighbours- you still remembered how your mother would gush about him. Someone you knew, and once, cared for. 
Someone who was later only known as the kid who flung a bottle on his stepfather's face and was sentenced for five years - which, in fact, was a misjudgement. He was innocent, and the video of him attacking the man was manipulated. Fake. Edited. Whatever you chose wouldn't be enough to change anything in the past. 
Taehyung had come out of jail a changed man, weeping openly in the streets when he heard of his family's fate- what he had heard, though, was something you were unaware of. Two years had since passed, and you no longer heard your mother talking about the Kim's boy. He had simply vanished, for you. No traces anywhere. 
But here he was. Kim Taehyung. Alive, breathing. Smirking. And spinning a glass over and over. 
"Give that to me." You said, snatching the glass away from him and keeping it aside. Settling into your chair, you pulled your laptop closer once again, mustering the most serious look you can. "I'm not playing around, Taehyung. Talk properly. Behave. You're already in a rough spot." 
Taehyung laughed; a mirthless, almost painful laughter. "I can't see how anything can be bad here, officer. With all due respect, of course." He straightened up, still keeping that smirk on his face.
You exhaled your breath slowly, holding back all the words you wanted to hurl at him. "Name?"
"Kim Taehyung."
You typed it in, feeling the way each letter pad was pushed down before you moved over it- momentary, but fulfilling. "Age."
"As of today, 25." 
"Nothing. Add the official vandal of Street 13 if you want." 
You raised an eyebrow, fingers abruptly coming to a stop. "Behave." 
"No job, officer." Taehyung said, settling further ahead in his seat and pausing, before speaking again. "Why do you need this though? I already have a criminal record, don't I?" 
You turned your face to him, the sudden change in light exposure hurting your eyes. The hurt they felt couldn't possibly fathom the depths of pain you saw churning in Taehyung's eyes, like pits of fire. They were seemingly blank,  but you had known him. Known him long enough to know that this wasn't who he used to be. This wasn't him. 
"Once you were proven innocent, your record was wiped clean. The manipulators were given the charges that you had." You looked at him while saying this, trying to notice any emotions that would make way to his face. None. No twitching lips, no annoyance in his eyebrows. Just his eyes that seethed anger. "Family?" 
You raised an eyebrow. "None?"
Taehyung groaned, getting up from the chair and turning around, hands on his waist. "Don't make me repeat all that shit again. You know it, Y/N." 
"Sit back down, Taehyung." You said, irritated by his tantrums. It was four in the morning, for God's sake. You didn't have the energy to deal with him. "I need details if you want to get out of this without any charges." 
"Dead. Most of them. Those who aren't, disowned me as soon as I got into jail. Something about not wanting to be related to a criminal." He said lowly, a gruff tone to his voice as he spoke the last words. 
You hummed lowly, not knowing what to say. How do you possibly respond to something like this? You weren't trained for interrogation at university. You specialized in forensics. This wasn't supposed to be your job. 
"I'm sorry that happened, Taehyung." You managed after a few moments of silence. 
"Don't be." He shrugged, then looked up. "You don't mean it." 
"I still need a reason as to why you are destroying the places around here with your graffiti and chalk drawings, Taehyung." You ignored him and continued, rising from your chair to let your sore limbs relax. "Unfortunately, I can't let you leave till you give me a reason." 
Taehyung stayed mum, much to your annoyance. 
You slammed your hand on the table, a loud slap that stung your hand, but also Taehyung's ears, it seemed. "Reasons. Now."
"I just wanted to." 
"Wanted to? So you were voluntarily damaging someone else's property?" 
He raised his head to look at you; once, twice. Then with a resigned sigh, he responded. "Yeah. But I was beautifying it." 
"A beautification they never asked for?" You said, as Taehyung groaned behind you. 
"No one gives a damn, Y/N-" 
"The police do." You say, preparing to send a message to your chief over the radio. "Got him." 
"The police didn't care when I was innocent in that case, Y/N. Stop pretending like they'll care for me when I'm actually guilty of something." 
"That case was mishandled."
"Yeah, Y/N. It was mishandled. But only for you." You turned to him, shocked at the venom that suddenly laced his voice. 
In the few seconds that you had turned away from him, his eyes had turned bloodshot. Red rimmed the remaining white of his eyes. "You wouldn't know what it is to be locked up for harming people you loved, Y/N. You wouldn't understand that pain," he murmured, loud enough for you to hear him in the echoes of the office. 
You wanted to scream at him. Tell him how he had hurt you. Remind him of all the things you had forced yourself to forget over seven years. The way your heart still hurt for him. 
"You're right. I won't understand. So sit here, and explain yourself." You pulled your chair back, seating yourself in it and gazing up at him expectantly. 
He was just staring at you- you couldn't say whether his gaze held expectations or disdain. Then, shaking his head, "You're still just as stubborn, aren't you," he said, softly smiling as he slipped into his chair. "Adamant, and so, so confusing."
"You don't know me anymore, Taehyung. Don't pretend. Anyways," you said, turning to your laptop again. "I need-"
"No." He stood up once again- why was he standing? "Answer me, now." 
He rested his arms on the table, chest leaning forward to balance himself- and now, you could see the changes he had brought in himself. In place of lean muscle there were defined biceps you could see being flexed. In place of short hair was curly locks that fell until his crown, now hanging over. In place of a cheeky grin that sent your blood rushing to your cheeks was a pair of lips, set tight in one line that sent chills down your spine. There was warmth to him, yes, but it was different. This wasn't the Taehyung you knew. 
"You knew that I was back." Your eyes moved back to look into his. And you noticed more changes. Instead of a carefree twinkle, there was dark, brooding black filling his pupils. "You knew. I'd seen you that night." 
The night when you had seen him falling to his knees, soaking himself in the rain as he gave his tears as a tribute to the gushing skies. The night he returned. The night you thought he didn't know you. 
"I'd seen you after that as well. That day at the convenience store, I'd seen you buying candies. You still buy the same kind, don't you? Lemon flavoured." 
The night you gave up on your dreams to become an analyst in the forensic lab for the police. The night where you stared up to question everything you did as your feet soaked in the snow. Two years ago. The night he thought he knew you. 
"You're hurting me by not remembering us, Y/N." 
"We were nothing to begin with." You cleared your throat, settling further back into your chair. "You asked me on a date, and stood me up. We're nothing. Absolutely nothing." 
Taehyung opened his mouth to speak again, but leaned back, standing tall, straight. You almost missed his warmth - no. This wasn't the warmth of a person you had cared for. 
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"It's so cold outside, Y/N, why haven't you turned on the heater?" Your chief's voice filled the room after a few minutes of absolute silence. Taehyung had taken to leaning on the wall, now, maintaining an anxious distance. "Did you get the man?"
You simply pointed towards Taehyung, watching the chief's face flash with recognition, brows hastily furrowing as a frown formed on his face.
"Kim Taehyung?" Your chief asked, coming up to the two of you. "Is it really you? Are you the vandal?"
Taehyung remained silent, head hung. 
The chief inhaled, then exhaled; loud enough for you to hear him - "It is you, isn't it. What happened after the attempted murder case?" 
"Proven false, Sir." You informed your superior. For some odd reason, you felt like you had to come to Taehyung's defense. 
"I am aware of that, Y/N." The chief said, looking Taehyung up and down. As reported, he was in the navy blue sweatshirt and ripped jeans- and you could see in the clear light of your office that he had ripped the holes into them himself. Something he did before to look fashionable, he used to say. 
"I don't really want to put any charges on you, Taehyung. Why did you do it?"
Taehyung spoke, voice gravelly. "It was liberating, Sir." 
"You broke the law, though." 
"The law broke me, Sir." 
The chief took another deep breath and settled onto the chair where Taehyung was sitting just a few moments ago. His wrinkled skin seemed to age even more. Taehyung was close with the chief as a student, that you knew- you had seen him going multiple times to his office to get clarifications after class. You wondered how the chief felt - did he feel the same sting of recognition you had felt? 
"I don't want you to get any charges, Taehyung," he said, before laughing and adding, "all these years, and I still have my student in my head." 
He stood up and turned to face Taehyung again, worry reflecting in his eyes as he held him by the shoulders. "You're still the Taehyung I know, right?" 
Taehyung looked away, down, his face coming in your line of vision - you could see the small rivulets that flowed from the pool of emotions in his eye, down the lines that worry, anger and disbelief had formed on his face. Sniffing softly, he turned back to the chief. "Yes, Sir." 
The chief visibly relaxed, his arms coming down to his sleeves, gripping Taehyung. "Good. I hope it remains that way." 
He returned to his stern stance, and faced you. "I suggest you keep him here for the night, Y/N." he looked outside, the sky just turning sapphire. "I shall return in the morning to talk. Get some rest while you're at it. And Taehyung? Eat something." 
The chief swiftly departed the office, and Taehyung slumped into the chair. "Seven years, and the old man still remembers me," he laughed mirthlessly, lips twisting in an amused smile. "Always appreciated him." 
"And so did he," you mentioned. Taehyung was always brought up as a comparison for your batch of officers to emulate. Even when he was in jail, he was remembered among you as a diligent student and worker. "'Remember his good', he used to say. He always remembered you."
"And you?" He suddenly looked at you. His eyes were no longer bloodshot - there were small remnants of anger, but all you could see was wistfulness. "Did you remember me, Y/N?" 
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a/n: yup, I stopped there. Do leave some feedback if you liked it- in the comments, or as an ask! Also, if you wish to be tagged for the next part, you can ask for that too! Thank you for giving your time to this fic,, and I hope you enjoyed reading it! love, hazel💞
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junicai · 3 years
Relationship with NCT Dream
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➣ MARK ☾ mari
½ of the best friend crew
honestly at the beginning, mark and aria weren’t very close, having only really seen each other in passing or with johnny
but after being dropped into training together the two quickly became fast friends, and now they’re borderline inseparable
you thought you knew pain? watch aria’s reaction to mark’s graduation from dream :)
mark’s the reason why aria felt confident enough to pitch some of her lyric ideas to the team, after staying up until 4am to help her make some edits so she was as confident as possible
kinda just, rests his head on her shoulder? and wraps his arms around her waist when he’s tired
mari being confused in foreigner: ???
aria said once in a vlive that she finds mark really comforting to be around - when she feels stressed or worried about something she’ll go to mark’s room and just sit on his bed for a while
aria is so close with his parents - “ahh, how’s my favourite child” “i’m doing great mom.” “no not you, how’s aria?” “wh-hu-MOM?”
you’d swear sometimes mark is younger than her, considering the pout he puts on and how much he whines when they’re not on the same team together for promotions
mark big protecc boi but also little small cuddly boi
they’re so soft for each other ( ╥ω╥ )
in one of the fancams for mark’s solo stage during superm, someone zoomed into aria singing along with him in the wings and dancing to herself with the Proudest Smile™
he’s! so! proud! of! her! constantly! she could be walking and he’d be like “omg get it”
when aria refuses to get up and make herself food (this happens way too often, she just gets into the groove of her work and doesn’t want to move) mark gets her to by threatening to do it himself
consistently caught by czennies just standing behind her and holding her hand in crowded areas - airports, waiting rooms, etc.
mark and aria were standing off to one side as the mc explained the rules of the game they were about to be playing. mark looked totally confused, and elbowed aria in her side before looking down and mouthing “what?” to her. aria opened her mouth, before closing it and looking down at the ground, muttering to herself, “결합… 結合….. le chéile…. le… le.. oh oh - combined! we have to put them together, markie.”and thus, a new confusion meme was born
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➣ RENJUN ☾ renjaria
renjun and aria room together while she’s promoting with dream
they were so awkward around each other at the beginning :(
only really spoke in passing, or when they had to
it was renjun that broke the ice at first, asking if she wanted to go shopping for the dorm together
now it’s their thing
“no aria, we can’t get more ice-cream we’re all supposed to be on diets.” “but  。゚・ (>﹏<) ・゚。 please”
he’s lowkey soft for her but he’d rather throw himself off the roof then tell her that
piano pals
he started teaching her how to properly play once he found her messing around on a keyboard in the studio one day
they actually argue quite a bit
not about big things, but about smaller things that push each other over the edge because of stress
the first time he yelled at her, aria spent the night in hyuck’s room 
hyuck yelled at renjun for making her cry 
now they’re probably the best pairing for talking through their emotions instead of blowing up on each other
they’re both quite opinionated people, and they’ve learnt to navigate that well so fights don’t happen as often
does that stop renjun from teasing aria an within an inch of her life? absolutely not
“i’ll kill you” “can you, reach?” “LISTEN HERE-”
he acts like he’s 10ft tall, excuse you sir you are barely 5′6″
renjun was her mandarin teacher for a while, but then kun kindly told her that her “introduction” was actually calling herself an idiot 
aria has a bad problem with saesangs go away bitches and renjun is iconic for going off on them for her because she doesn’t like to make a big deal out of it all 
he gets so angry on her behalf
that was actually a topic of one of their biggest arguments smh
aria was leaning on a pile of books to prop herself up as she leant forwards to try and hang a string of lights on her bedroom wall. renjun walked in, and immediately came to her aid, speaking with a teasing tone. “need a hand?” 
aria, without ceremony just elbowed him in the stomach and used his then folded up figure to push herself up higher. “yes, thank you!”
she got hate for that one, but it was all in good fun and renjun was laughing after it
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➣ JENO ☾ nori
aria is his princess and everyone else can fight him
like they’re both doyoung’s children, but if it comes down to it he will lay down his life for her
and not even in a romantic way, just a “you’re too precious i have to protect you” kind of way
czennies thought he was in love with her for the entirety of nct 2018 promotions
this boy was hanging off of her at any given second, and there was an edited video of jeno “glaring” at lucas’ back when the taller boy walked away after hugging aria
it was faked, stan twt needs to chill out
he drags her to the gym 
he’s basically her big brother? but they’re the same age - its a weird dynamic but they make it work
they’re so LOUD together
not chaotic, but he makes her laugh so hard 
vlive 191030: “nono-ah makes my cheeks hurt so i can’t spend too long around him. my sides hurt too ~  ♡(。- ω -)”
any and all fanfictions written about the two are definitely either coffee shop, university or library AUs
this man walks like a bodyguard around her - boy got the arm over the shoulder, tucked her head into him, covering her face, its a whole ordeal
dispatch released some pictures of aria one day and accidentally blurred out jeno’s face because they thought he was her bodyguard 
is so. so mindful of how long aria spends in the training rooms
like, yes everyone else expects her home before midnight (long story)
but jeno actively makes sure to ask people what time she left the dorm at, and texts her to remind her to take water breaks and to come home at a good time so she can sleep 
these two are the creators of so many iconic vlives - they have a bad habit of going live at 1 or 2 in the morning, just doing random things
“hi hi! so, nono and i- jeno stop it, stop it! - nono and i are walking down to the park to go feed the birds - yes we’re going to feed the bird- no! we are not going to feed the ducks, bread can kill the ducks! why did you bring brea-”
jeno pulled the camera from aria’s hands. “ari and i,” he looked at her purposefully, “are going back to the dorms because someone forgot to bring the bird seed, and apparently we can’t give bread to ducks anymore.”
*sounds of aria intermittently hitting and scolding jeno ensue*
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➣ DONGHYUCK ☾ arichan
the other half of the best friend crew
absolute heathens to be around when they are together
donghyuck is the person aria is closest to, and someone she’d call her best friend (only when she was sure he wouldn’t hear her)
she calls him “the demon child i can’t get rid of” but will, and has definitely pouted when he ignored her for too long
generally aria is a pretty soft spoken person, but not with hyuck around - he brings out all her chaos energy (please pray for the patience of dotae)
the pair have a little tradition of kissing the back of each others’ hands before going on stage for good luck. they can’t even remember how it started, but now its an unnegotiable pre-show ritual
he’s so clingy with her absolutely everywhere its painfully adorable  (ಥ﹏ಥ)
interviews? hyuck has a hand on her knee, or if she’s wearing a skirt he’s tucked his hand in between their chairs so she can hold it discreetly. in the dorms? full body tackle onto the couch, where he proceeds to lay on top of her completely.
because of hyuck’s nickname being the sun, and aria always being around him, czennies gave her the nickname “moon” to go with him
fans thought that aria was older than hyuck for a good year and a half before she released her birthday on a vlive, because she’s normally the one tasked with reigning his chaotic energy in during promotions (that is, if she hasn’t already joined him)
but off-camera, aria is absolutely hyuck’s baby there is no disputing that. aria’s sad?he’s there with ice-cream and a blanket and a baseball bat.
the winnie the pooh character that is on aria’s bed was a gift from hyuck for her 17th birthday, after she made him watch seven episodes of the show on netflix with her one night
yes he complained, but he slapped her hand away when she went to change it to something else
a twitter thread of a czennie comparing their horoscopes together went viral when people realized that it was quite plausible that the pair were each others (platonic) soulmates
after an incident involving blueberries, donghyuck took it upon himself to check the ingredients of every. single. food item in their dorm to make sure it was ok for her to eat
hyuck clowns her for her irish accent, and aria curses him out in japanese
tldr: they cute or whatever
donghyuck was doing a vlive in his bedroom, sitting and talking to czennies when aria opened the door to his room quietly. she didn’t say anything, just waved slightly with almost closed eyes before she crawled underneath his covers and tucked her plushie underneath her chin. hyuck didn’t even blink at it - so it must have been a regular occurrence.
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➣ JAEMIN ☾ nari
jaemin highkey flusters her
not in a oo you’re so cute, cute boy make nerves go eeee
but he’ll wink at her and teasingly compliment her and now she looks like a firetruck this isn’t fair
he absolutely takes advantage of this where ever possible 
“riri, can i have some?” “no, i just made these you should have helped me (-_-)” “riri~ but you looked so cute making them i didn’t want to interrupt you~” *aria.exe has stopped responding*
but when aria isn’t trying to get her cheeks to stop being red, they’re really cute together 
you’d swear aria is older, by how much jaemin whines for her attention
the mighty battles between jaemin and hyuck
hyuck’s just biding his time for the rooftop fight
kinda panics around her when she’s crying, but is always the first to offer up a hug 
has a period tracker on his phone but no one knows about it 
he doesn’t like to coddle her because they’re so close in age, but that doesn’t stop him from getting protective in certain situations *cough cough the fansign cough cough*
jaemin and aria cuddling when they’re drunk? more likely than you’d think
he definitely professed his undying love for her at one point while being drunk, and chenle caught it on video 
“noona we’re playing that at your wedding” 
designated blanket/pillow hunter at award shows, and if he can’t find one then he usually just gives her his jacket
the amount of coffee these two consume should be illegal 
aria prefers to call him nana and he prefers to call her riri in the dorms, so when either of them get called by their first name by the other it means A: they’re on a schedule, or B: someone’s about to die
nct dream on idol room were trying out jaemin’s death-in-a-cup (his coffee) and as the cup got passed around, aria grew more and more concerned with each face the members made. “jaemin if i die from this-”
he only smiled at her while passing over the cup. aria held it up to look at the black liquid skeptically, before sighing in resignation and bringing the cup to her lips to take a sip. 
and then another.
“wait this is good i like this”
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➣ CHENLE ☾ leri
hide yo kids and hide yo wives because leri is entering the chat
*cue aria and chenle wearing 2000s rapper clothes with backwards baseball caps*
these two are so chaotically calm
its like the energy cancels out or something 
aria with hyuck is just so loud and obnoxious, and the same with chenle with jisung
so when you put those two together it just turns into le positive vibes
you ever meditated to those 132 hertz sounds? thats them in a sound 
aria will hold him like a baby kitten she’s expecting to try wriggle out of her grip at any moment and its comical because he’s a good head taller than her
aria definitely has a knack for making her groupmates’ parents fall in love with her
every two weeks or so she goes for dinner in chenle’s house upon his mother’s request
they have a mutual understanding of the mental toll it takes to be around the rest of the dreamies constantly
chenle and aria sitting peacefully, watching a cdrama: 
the dreamies, throttling each other: AAAAAAAAAAA
will never admit it but he misses her the most when she goes away to promote
he thinks of her as a big sister and the dorms feel empty without her there
aggressive proud hugs 
so aggressive, he legit tackles her
he had to tone it down after knocking her over once backstage and she narrowly missed clocking herself on a nearby soundboard 
he always gets a little bit anxious when they eat things outside of the dorms because he’s never seen her have an allergic reaction before and he’d like to keep it that way  (`皿´#)
chenle was particularly restless that day, constantly shuffling about in his seat to the point where renjun forcefully tossed an arm over his shoulders to hold him still while the vlive was still playing.
not one to be defeated, chenle then turned to press his lips to renjun’s cheek playfully, laughing when the older boy turned away in disgust. he turned to do the same to aria, coming closer to her cheek before aria turned her head to face his.
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➣ JISUNG ☾ jiri
oh god oh god oh god
if aria could take this boy and wrap him in a blanket and keep him in her pocket she would - no questions asked 
jisung knows she loves him the most out of dream sorry markhyuck and takes advantage of it every second
she used to coddle him a lot when he was smaller, but now that he’s older aria tries to rein it in as much as possible
that doesn’t mean it goes away completely though
“noona can you cook for me?” “of course jisungie! what do you want?” 
*jeno gobsmacked in the background* “you just told me you were too tired to cook tonight”
aria: big baby, must protect
jisung: tiny noona, must protect
jaemin and aria are really the only people jisung is ok with seeing him be super emotional - and he flip flops between the two depending on the reason why he’s emotional
self-esteem, feeling poopy side of it all? straight into aria’s bed, letting her roll him onto his side so she can tuck his head into her shoulder and covers the two of them with her duvet the way she used to do when he was shorter
this boy cannot curse around her unless he wants to get his ass Beat
dancing bros
they go so hard in their NCT Dance duet videos 
he keeps band-aids in his bag for her in exchange for her keeping an extra bottle of water in hers because jisung always forgets his own
jisung rests his elbow on her head a lot
but only briefly because the last time he stayed there for too long she stamped on his foot
tldr: aria is jisung’s emotional support gnome
jisung and aria were doing the chicken leg battle (this one) to fight for first dibs on the rooms they were going to be sharing for the next week or so. just before they were about to start, mark started laughing and pointing at how high jisung’s leg came up on aria’s, with aria’s knee barely hitting jisung’s mid-thigh
“this is an unfair advantage! this is cheating!”
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katfox · 4 years
♡ Happy Birthday Jumin ♡
Characters: Jumin x Fem Mc/Reader
Summary: Surprising Juju on his business trip for his birthday, because sometimes he needs a break. ♡
Word Count: 1450+
Jumin was away on business trip and unfortunately it had to be extended, so he was to spend his birthday away from the love of his life. That was a disappointment to him but he had to get this deal go through. He told you the bad news and you start to brew up an idea. A surprise if you will. Surprising him will be the most amazing gift you could ever give him.
You discuss things with Jaehee about helping you with this special surprise, as much as you didn't want to give her more work. She was willing to make an exception for you and take Elizabeth III as well as setting up a flight for you. To be totally honest, you were slightly afraid of how Jumin would react. Sure he might be happy that you came but also worried that something could've happened to you without him knowing. You were to take at least one guard with you any where you went; that's one rule you take with you.
You pack up before heading to the airport the evening before the big day. You were a bit fatigued from the flight but surprising Jumin was worth it. Its 3am, a knock on the door wakes him before he quizzically answers the knock. "Who is it?", the only reply given was "Sir."
He opens the door thinking it's something urgent, "Is everything alright?" He was looking tired and stressed before you popped out from behind your guard, "Happy Birthday Darling~". His eyes light up as he spots you, he couldn't believe his eyes until you hug him tightly. He let's out a sigh of relief as he holds your body close to his before relieving his guard and taking you into his room. He couldn't help scoop you to in his arms before laying you down and snuggling with you for a few hours as you slept. You wake up naturally to the sun beaming down on your body as the love of your life holds you in his arms.
You turn slightly to face him a bit more before planting the softest kiss on his lips. "Good morning darling, Happy birthday." He wakes up with a smile and peppers kisses all along your neck and chest. You blush and couldn't help but giggle softly as you just relaxed in bed with him. It wouldn't last much longer though, Jumin needed to get ready for his morning meeting.
You didn't want him to go but you know you couldn't stop him either, he really needed this deal to go through and you wanted nothing more than to support him in his endeavors. He kisses you once more before having to leave and he heads out to the meeting. You needed to do something special for him, maybe something he has never really done before. You go down to reception with your guard asking if there was anything going on around locally for a fun time. To your surprise there was a carnival fair going on for the next few nights.
Excitedly you start to head back up to the room, "Careful, Lady Han." You tell Jumin the news about wanting to go out with him tonight and he agrees to do anything that brings a smile to your face. All you can do is wait around and get ready for tonight as the guard stays watch outside the room. Jumin made sure that you eat while he's away, he's always checking up on you to make sure you're well. That's one of the reasons why you love him so much.
He comes home hours later and kisses your forehead as he takes off his jacket. You smile up at him and he couldn't refuse kissing you in that moment, it was soft but hungry. He stops himself before he goes to far and offers to take you out for dinner before you take him for his surprise. So you agree, why not have a romantic dinner with your loving husband. He looks through the clothes that you had packed and picks out your outfit for tonight.
He hands you a little black long sleeved dress and picks out your heels, he couldn't resist bowing down to place them on your feet. You get dressed and slip on a pair of pantyhose for some coverage. Jumin slips on your shoes before changing his shirt and losing the tie for a slightly more casual look. You look at him lovingly wondering how this man is even real. He is the most genuine person you've ever met in your life and you'd be utterly lost without him.
"I've made reservations, Darling. Are you ready to go?" He asks in his sultry deep voice that you love so much, "Of course, Honey." He takes your arm in his and walks you to the car his guards follow around and behind. You always feel so safe by his side, its truly amazing how much this man loves every ounce of you.
The ride to the restaurant was calm as he held your hand in his, kissing it gently. That always made you blush and he knew that, even if the atmosphere was too dark to tell. Once at your destination you go inside with Jumin, him behind you to make sure you make it in safely. You were his number one priority so he'd do anything to make sure that you're safe and sound before thinking of himself. Dinner was nice, nothing too overwhelming as he knew you made plans for him afterwards.
After paying the check he takes you by the hand leading you the car. You tell the driver the location as you start climbing into the car while Jumin follows suit. Getting to the carnival was intriguing Jumin as the lights flashed and twinkled through the car windows. You both get out from the car and start heading in to purchase tickets. The guards needed to be on guard so there was no need for them to have any.
While walking around you both try a few fair treats like cotton candy and ice cream sandwiches to share. You have the guards take plenty of cute photos of you both to remember his birthday. He purchased many small trinkets that had caught your attention. Although having told him that it was his day not yours, he still insisted on spoiling you. You thought it was adorable and couldn't help but love him more, he was so generous even though today wasn't about anything but him.
The atmosphere was colorful and romantic, with a hint of sugar and spice in the air from the concessions stands. As you both walked through the carnival you pass by a fee game stands, a giant cat plush catches Jumins eye. He's determined to win it for you, so you watch as he gives it his all in gun war against those vicious little duckies in a row. You couldn't help but give a loving chuckle watching him try with all his might, but this is the Jumin Han we're talking about. After two tries he manages to get them all winning you the huge cat plushie, it was big enough to sit on.
you hug it tenderly before thanking him with the sweetest kiss. You ask if you can go on one ride before the night is over and he agrees without question. You make your way hand in hand to the big ferris wheel and he helps you in careful before getting in himself. While you're getting comfortable Jumin tips the ride engineer to stop you both at the top for a bit. Your journey to the top was slow, quiet as you rested your head against his shoulder.
You felt so happy, so very lucky to have this man in your life after everything you've been though with each other he still treated you like his queen. The cart stops at the top and you start to grow concerned. His hand squeezes yours gently, with warmth and comfort as he reassures you that this was his idea. You smile and relish this moment in the moonlight under the same sky with the man of your dreams. "I love you, Y/N" "With all I am, I love you too." He kisses you sweetly and tenderly.
After everything you end up going back to the hotel room where Jumin offers to bathe you. You shudder slightly as he tends to get much more intimate when he does. You agree happily to tend to his wishes and the night ends blissfully filled with warmth and pleasure as he thanks you the best way he knows how.~
Thanks for Reading
N.A: I'm a few hours late to post, forgive me I was a little sick but I hope you enjoy it. Im sooooooo sorry if I missed some typos. ♡♡
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nxrthmizu · 4 years
Hello!! Could I request a number 7 and fluff for Nishinoya? platonic to romatic if possible? I'm a very friendly and energetic person. I'm very talkative and outgoing, and I tend to show my affection for others a lot! Thank you~~
| Pandas and Bamboos | Nishinoya Yuu 
prompt | #7- Animals 
pairing | Nishinoya Yuu x Reader
words | 1.9k 
author’s note | Hello! Here’s my first Nishinoya piece, so I hope it’s accurate! Enjoy~ 
“You promise?” You asked one more time for good measure, delight making your toes curl. “You promise?” 
Nishinoya Yuu, your best friend- Rolled his eyes good-naturedly. “Yes! If you help me practice, I promise I’ll take you to the zoo next week.” 
“Deal!” You grinned from ear-to-ear, picking up a ball from the net. “Here we go!” 
The two of you were in the the backyard of your house, where there was a small volleyball court that your older brother used to practice in. You had dragged up a wooden board that blocked the view of the other side of the court, and Nishinoya was stretching his muscles in the centre of the court. 
“Here we go!” You told him, taking a deep breath and sending an overhand serve straight at the wooden board. The ball bounced off the wooden board and changed direction in less than a second. It ricocheted towards the court, but before it could touch the concrete, your golden-eyed bestfriend dove for the ball, sending it up into the air. 
A wave of thrill brushed through your body as you jumped, spiking the ball towards the board. It bounced off again, like expected, and once again Nishinoya was there to dig it up. The two of you repeated the spike-dig-spike-dig routine over and over again until one of your spikes shot out of court. 
Pants clouded the air as the two of you caught your breath after an exhilarating five minutes of practice. 
A spark glinted sharply in his golden irises as he looked up at you. “Again!” 
In the end, the both of you had worn yourselves out for the next three hours until your muscles were sore and you were ready to drop. Nishinoya’s energy seemed to never deplete. By the end of three hours, your mother hollered for the two of you to come for dinner- Yuu was at your house so often that your mother had started making dinner for him, too. 
He did keep his promise, though. 
One week later, at 5am in the morning, Nishinoya had greeted your mother, who was out early to feed the chickens, and let himself into the house. 
“Y/N!” He whisper-yelled into your ear, making you jump and scream simultaneously. “Let’s go! We’re going to the zoo!” 
You caught your breath and your heart, wanting to slap your bestfriend for scaring the hell out of you at the crack of dawn. “The sun isn’t even up yet!” You complained, burrowing yourself back into your covers. 
“We’re taking an early train so we avoid the crowd!” He yanked your blanket away from you. “Come on, I’m skipping volleyball practice for this. Get up! We don’t have time to waste!” 
A groan rumbled down your throat as you begrudgingly dragged your sorry ass out of bed. “How are you always this energetic?” You whined. 
Five minutes later, the two of you said goodbye to your mother, and then the two of you were on your bike, Nishinoya cycling with your seated on the main seat with you sighing sleepily on the pillion. Both of your bags were tossed in the basket in front of the bicycle, jiggling against the metal frame as the two of you descended down a hill. 
A smile spread across Yuu’s lips as you leaned forward, your cheek resting on his back as you dozed off lightly. His heart fluttered quietly while he biked on contentedly, trying to pedal softer as not to wake you. 
“Y/N-chan.” He whispered, feeling your stir awake behind him. “We’re almost at the station.” 
You blinked sleep away from your eyes as the two of you rolled up to the front of Sendai Station, the sun just barely rising over the horizon. “That’s fast.” You yawned. 
“Of course!” He huffed. “You weren’t the one that had paddle up and down numerous hills.” 
“Look at that! We’re the earliest.” Yuu said triumphantly. You gave him a deadpanned look. 
“Yuu, the ticket counter isn’t even open yet.” You told him dryly. “Come on, that coffee shop’s open. We could go grab some coffee and wait for them to open.” 
He pouted as you dragged him into the shop. 
“Sit. Keep an eye on the ticket counter.” You told him sternly, plopping him down at one of the tables next to a window that had a view of the zoo’s ticket counter. “Don’t go anywhere, Yuu.” You warned. 
A soft laugh bubbled out your throat as you watched Yuu sit quietly by the window like a freshly-scolded puppy. “I’ll have... A mocha and a hot chocolate with extra cream, please.” You requested with a smile at the tired-looking barista. 
“Here you go.” The barista told you with a sigh. “Enjoy.” 
“You can stop looking so sad now, Yuu.” You flicked his forehead with your finger, grinning at him. “Here’s your hot chocolate with extra cream.” 
He brightened immediately. “You do love me!” Nishinoya exclaimed victoriously as you rolled your eyes and stuck your tongue out at him. 
“I do not.” 
“You do!” 
“I do not.” 
“You do!”
In the end, you stuck out your tongue at him childishly, ruffling his hair affectionately. “Fine, I do.” 
“But that’s only because no one else would love an idiot like you.” 
Nishinoya bit his lip, deep in his own thoughts as he waited for the ticket counter lady to give him two tickets. Did you mean it when you said you did love him? And... Did you love him romantically? 
“Sir.” The ticket lady snapped him out of his daze. “Here’s your tickets. The entrance is over there.” She pointed, giving him a weird look. It was not common to see teenage boys get up at the crack of dawn just to be the first one into the zoo. 
“Y/N!” He called out to you, who was sitting on a bench, scrolling through your phone as you waited for him to get the tickets. “Here you go!” He looped the ticket around your wrist, holding out his for you to do. 
“Don’t move.” You instructed, tying the plastic around his wrist. “Okay, let’s go!” 
Nishinoya bounced through the entrance with you, the two of you too overly-excited for the security guard’s liking. 
“Thank you!” You shot a bright smile at the security guard; Nishinoya dragging you off even as you spoke, already rambling about [your favourite animal]. “Oh my god, Yuu, slow down!” You panted, your hand slipping away from his as you stopped, panting. The libero of Karasuno’s volleyball team had dragged you across half of the zoo, having already memorised where the [your favourite animal] enclosure would be. 
“Hurry up, Y/N-chan!”  Yuu grinned brightly. “If we hurry up, we might be able to see the [your favourite animal] before it wakes up!” 
Your eyes brightened. “Really?” 
The two of you had eventually stopped running around like maniacs and had turned to walking around the enclosures one by one. 
“What is that?” Yuu’s jaw dropped as he stared into the platypus enclosure. “It looks so weird.” 
“That’s a platypus.” You snorted, speed-reading through the information panel next to the enclosure. “It looks like you.” 
Yuu’s eyes shone brightly, his golden irises glistening like the sun. “You think I look special?” 
“I never said that!” You reeled back indignantly. “Did you know platypuses are mammals but they lay eggs?”
“That’s so cool!” He exclaimed, jumping up into the air to get a better view of the platypus, who looked unamused at him. “Hello platypus! Y/N-chan thinks we’re both special!” 
“So cute!” You squealed, your eyes fixated on the giant panda that was munching happily on a piece of bamboo. “That bamboo looks very tasty, too.” 
“I’m going to go steal the bamboo from it.” Yuu decided before you jerked his shirt harshly, giving him a stern glare. 
“Don’t you dare steal someone else’s food.” You hissed at him, glowering. “The bamboo is very important to the panda! Look at it!” You pointed at the furry black-and-white animal. “He looks at the bamboo like it’s the thing he loves most in the world!” 
Yuu nodded like he had just been enlightened about his purpose on the planet. “I see now! You’re right!” 
“I wish someone could look at me the way the panda looks at the bamboo.” You sighed dreamily. Nishinoya turned to fix his golden irises on you, watching the way your [hair colour] hair swayed in the slight wind, feeling his heart flutter at the way you stared at the panda in utter adoration. 
“I do.” He muttered softly. 
“What was that?” You glanced up in surprise, not having heard what he said. “Yuu?” 
He grinned brightly. “We’re totally buying panda plushies at the souvenir shop later!”  
“Thank you!” You squealed, jumping into Yuu’s arms, enveloping him with a bear hug. Other visitors around the souvenir shop shot the two of you weird looks, but the two of you were too absorbed in your world to notice. “It’s so cute!” You grinned, squishing the cheeks of your new panda plushy. “I’m going to name him Yuu!” 
Nishinoya cackled victoriously. “You’re naming him Yuu because he’s cute like me, right?” 
“Oh, keep dreaming.” You scoffed, whacking his head lightly. “Say one more word and I’m naming him Ennoshita.” An evil laugh rung inside your head as Yuu reacted, looking offended and horrified at the thought. 
“You wouldn’t!” 
He hummed in response, his feet constantly pushing the bike forward as the two of you rode out of the roads leading to Sendai Station. 
“Thanks for today.” You mumbled into his shoulder, your arms wrapped around his waist. “And the plushy.” 
He coughed, feeling a blush paint itself onto his cheeks in the shade of Nekoma’s uniform. “I was just repaying you for practicing with me. Practice with me again next week, and we’ll go to...” 
“The fox village!” You suggested happily. “Squishy foxes with squishy cheeks.” 
Squishing the cheeks of foxes didn’t sound very safe to him, but what the hell, Nishinoya thought. If any of the foxes dared to bite you, he’d rolling thunder them. “Sure!” He agreed quickly. He got to spend time practicing with you- And then he’d get to bring you out to places you wanted to go. Yuu really didn’t see any downside at all. 
“And... About what you said at the panda enclosure... Did you mean it?” You asked suddenly, your voice getting softer as you burrowed your face into his back in embarrassment. 
The bike screeched to a stop as Yuu pressed the brakes too suddenly, almost sending the two of you flying forward. “You- You heard that?” He turned to look at you with an incredulous expression. 
“Y- Yeah.” 
“Oh. Um.” He coughed awkwardly.  “Yeah.” 
He squeezed his eyes shut, too scared to face whatever teasing remark you would throw at him. Instead, he felt your lips on his cheek, but by the time he shot his eyes open, you had already drew back, a fierce red on your cheeks. 
“Um. I look at you like the panda looks at the bamboo too.” You admitted. “When you’re not looking.” 
A grin slowly spread across his cheeks as he tried to keep his heart from bursting from the sheer amount of affection he had for you. “So. We’re going to the fox village next week?” 
He turned back, pedalling up the hill with renewed energy as you wrapped your arms around his waist tighter. “Yeah.” 
Thank you for the request! 💕
@owlywrites one day we are going to go to Miyagi and we’re going to cuddle foxes- Look up Miyagi Zao Fox Village, they’re too cute for me- 
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rosy-wooyoung · 4 years
The incident | Jeong Yunho
Word count: around 3.1k (wow, I’m impressed, it’s the second time I manage to do this lol) Pairing: single mom! reader x doctor! Yunho (I need to calm down with single parents AU) Genre: fluff, light angst if you squint (mostly the reader being sad that her daughter doesn’t have a dad.) A/N: I’m sorry if you find that the fic is sometimes “flat”, I tried to settle the atmosphere to make go at a “normal” pace... I also had this idea of Yunho as a doctor for a while, but @iis4d​ managed to give me a great ending plot, thank you so much!! The gif isn’t mine and as nothing to do with the fic, he’s just cute there (san too but shht) Disclaimer: I have no absolute knowledge of the medical world so if you see any incoherencies... bare with me.
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You were stroking your daughter’s head, a groan of pain escaped from her mouth. After work, you picked her up from preschool and she begged you to take her to the park. You had found a quiet corner near a playground, where she was playing and having fun on the slide as well as the swing. You were sitting at a picnic table in the shade, reading a report to save time for tonight. A piercing scream followed by cries pulled you from your concentration, recognising your daughter's voice. Several adults had rushed to Haerin, who was holding her leg at the foot of the slide, violent sobs shaking her. "Haerin, darling," you whispered, stroking your daughter's head, very worried. You touched her knee and she screamed in pain; her cries crushed your heart, and you were helpless. "You have to take her to the emergency room," a dad said and got you out of your concern. You nodded, trying to stay as calm as possible, not wanting to pass your stress on to your daughter. Trying to lift her in a way that would cause her the least harm, you couldn't help but grimace when Haerin clung to your shoulders. A mother handed her son to her husband and gathered your things for you, wrapping your jacket and bag around your shoulder. You thanked her and headed to your car.
Haerin's sobs didn't subside, screaming in pain despite your careful driving. You avoided the sharp turns and the speed bumps, but nothing helped, she yelled with each car's movement.
"We're there soon, darling, we're going to take care of you, okay? Mommy stays with you." You were trying not to panic and contain your tears, but it was hard with your daughter's sobs that served as background noise to the hospital.
When you got there, you rushed out of the car and opened the back door. "Do you see the doors over there?" You questioned your daughter, unfastening her seat belt. She wiped her tears with the back of her hand and nodded, a cry came out of her mouth when you lifted her. “People will take care of you there. It’s their job, they’ll be very nice to you, don’t worry." "Mommy, it hurts." "I know darling, but you're strong, it will be okay, Mommy promises." You walked with your daughter in your arms to the sliding emergency doors and the hospital world overwhelmed you. Everyone was running, screaming some vocabulary you didn't understand, people in beds between life and death were passing by you. A young nurse saw you standing in the middle of the hallway and ran to you. "My daughter," tears came to your eyes as you saw him approach you, your anxiety suddenly taking control of your body, "she fell from the slide, I wasn't looking after her, her leg hurts a lot and-" "Breathe, Madam, we'll take care of your daughter. Hand her to me, I'll put her in a bed.” Despite her pain, Haerin didn't want to leave your arms. She was very shy by nature and had no father by her side, she always had trouble going into the arms of a male relative or your friends. The nurse softly smiled at your daughter's whims, who had plunged her head into the crook of your neck to avoid the eyes of the nurse. "Hey," he said, stroking her cheek with his finger, looking up at you to get her name. You whispered it to him, and he continued, "Haerin, my name is San and I'm here to help you. If you let me carry you, I will put you in a bed and you will feel a bit better. Mommy will follow us, but you two will be more comfortable. What do you think about that?" Haerin pouted at the nurse and looked at you as if she wanted to be sure that she could trust him. You smiled at her, reassuring her that she was safe with him. She nodded and San took her from your arms. She continued to cry but San reassured her by softly rubbing her back while whispering comforting words. Another nurse came to take notes of the incident.
"I'm going to call the paediatrician, but I think your daughter needs an x-ray. Given her screams, her leg must be broken." You nodded, your hands shaking when the nurse handed you a pen to sign some papers. "But don't worry, the paediatrician working here is an expert, he’ll take good care of your daughter." "Thank you, sir." The man smiled at you and left to enter an office, a few doors away from you. You returned to your daughter, who was now lying in a bed, her leg immobilised. She had dozed off and the male nurse was at her bedside. "Your colleague told me it was more serious than it sounds," A tense smile appeared on his lips. "It’s likely yes, but first we’ll see the paediatrician’s diagnosis, he should be there soon." You nodded and sat on the other side of the bed, stroking her cheek.
Someone knocked on the door and entered. A tall man in a white coat and a stethoscope around his neck appeared in the room, holding the papers you signed in his hands. He was followed by the male nurse with whom you spoke in the hallway. "Hello Madam, I am Jeong Yunho and I am the paediatrician that will take of your daughter.” He held out his hand to you which you shook and smiled weakly. The smile he sent back was reassuring, but you didn't pay much attention to it. "So Haerin fell off the slide, right?" "Yes, unfortunately. I was reading a report while she was playing. It's my fault, I haven't watched her enough. If I had paid attention to her, she wouldn't have fallen, and she wouldn't have broken her leg, and all this would not have happened." "Ah kids, you always have to be careful with children, they are real little balls of energy. They sometimes think they are stronger than they are and troubles like that happen. But we're going to take care of it. San, did you give her painkillers?" "Yes," replied San, "but not much given her age and size." Yunho nodded and sanitised his hands. He grabs your daughter's leg with measured delicacy, his digits softly feeling her bones. His neutral face didn't reassure you at all.
"From what I can tell, your daughter has a severely broken leg. I could put a cast on her directly, but I want to be sure of the state of her leg by doing an x-ray, and, according to the result, it will have to be operated. Yeosang, please go prepare one in the paediatric ward. " "Immediately, Sir." The medic named Yeosang left the room, his medical phone in his hand. Yunho turned to you. "Do you have someone, your husband or... I don’t know, a friend who can bring you things in case you have to stay longer than expected?"
You bit your lower lip, doubtful, thinking about who you could call. Under the stressing situation you were currently into, no one came to mind. "I don't know who could help me," you replied, avoiding his gaze. Yunho looked surprised but said nothing. Yeosang entered the room again, warning the doctor that everything was ready. He ordered San to take your daughter there and he removed the brakes from the bed, taking her out with Yeosang's help.
"We're going to do an x-ray and during this time, you can go back home and take all the things you need. We'll take care of her, don't worry." He placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder and you nodded. "I know you are worried about your daughter, but-" "I know who I can call," you suddenly cut him off, fumbling with your pocket as you searched for your phone. You dialled your colleague's number and explained the situation. She immediately agreed and you sighed in relief. You went out to join Yunho who was waiting in the hallway, giving you some privacy while you made your phone call. "Did you find someone?" "Yes, she's coming." "Very well, then. Follow me, it's over there."
Haerin was terrified of going alone in the machine. You were trying to reassure her as best you could, but your anxiety must have shown so much on your face that she was even more opposed to going, tightly holding your hand. You sighed and San gave you a sympathetic smile. "I'm sorry, I'm wasting your time..." "You know, we've already had more temperamental children. Those who yell for nothing are much more annoying than your daughter. She is stubborn but she's adorable. And Doctor Jeong has a lot of patience, so don't worry."
The latter approached your daughter and crouched down to be at her eye level. He whispered something to her, taking out a small pink teddy bear from his pocket, waving it in front of her face with a huge smile. He made the little bear speak and your daughter laughed, her cheeks all red. He handed her the plushie which she gently took in her little hands, hugging it close to her. "Yeosang, it's all good, you can hand her to Jongho." You hug your blazer tightly as you watch your daughter’s bed go away with Yeosang and Jongho, apparently the radiologist. He brightly smiled at Haerin, noticing her worried face. San stayed by your side, trying to bring you a sort of reassurance.
"Have you eaten anything? You are livid." San looked at you from the side with a frown, waiting for an answer. "Not since noon," you admitted, still looking at the door your daughter had gone through moments ago. "Go eat something, I don't want anything to happen to you." "But I want to be there when she returns." "It won’t last long, but you have plenty of time to go buy something to eat. Please do it for your daughter, but for you too."
Once you bought a snack and a drink, you were about to close the elevator doors when a familiar figure entered your field of vision. Your colleague was there, holding a travel bag. You called out to her, blocking the doors to get out. "Thank you so much, I will return you a favour for that." "Don't worry about it. I tried to put everything you could need; I hope I didn't forget anything. How is she by the way?" "She's in radiology right now, I'm scared for her." "Will you be okay? Don't hesitate to call me if you need anything." "I hope I will. Thank you so much, you're amazing." She hugged you and left, letting you head again to the elevators to find Haerin.
Ten minutes after entering the room, the door opened onto a bed. Haerin had her whole right leg plastered and she was sleeping, still tightly holding the small pink teddy bear against her. Yunho and San entered your room, the latter blocking the bed wheels and immediately leaving, after smiling at you.
"Your daughter's condition is stable, but her leg was in worse condition than I thought." Yunho opened the file and sat on the chair next to you, showing you the x-rays. He explained that the fall had caused a significant fracture in the tibia, but it had also caused a breach that went up to the knee, hence her hellish howls. “Haerin was very courageous, a true little warrior. The x-ray and the plastering went well, she didn't flinch. However, she needs to stay in the hospital for several more days. Do you think you can stay by her side or...?" "No... no, I'm going to have to take time off from work." Too many thoughts and remorse were jostling in your head, tears coming to your eyes. "I'm such a bad mother." You murmured, bursting into tears. Yunho frowned, closing his file and placing it on the edge of the bed. "Why would you say that?"  "If I hadn't read this report, if I had watched her, we would not be there. We would be at home without a broken leg. I take care of her on my own, I have always managed like this since her birth. It's in cases like this that I wish I had someone by my side to help me." "But all of that doesn't make you a bad mother, it's quite the opposite. You are full of courage and talent. You have managed to do everything on your own for the past four years, you can be proud of yourself. It's certainly easier and more practical to raise a child with someone else, but your situation proves that you can also do it alone.” He handed you a tissue to dry your tears, which you gladly took. You could feel that he wanted to comfort you but other than words, he didn’t really know how he could make you feel better.
“Do you work 100% every day or are you sometimes off-peak?" “I work from 8am to 6pm every day, my only off-peak hours are my lunch breaks." Yunho grimaced at your answer. "Well. I will assign the two nurses you saw to look after your daughter and I will come and see her sometimes. Is that okay with you?" "But aren't you overworked?" You wiped your sobs with the back of your hand while clutching the tissue in your other hand, looking up at the doctor. "You know, I'm not the only paediatrician on this service, I can assign tasks to my colleagues. Some take advantage of the fact that I love my job to let me do everything, but I will make them work until Haerin is back on her feet. I can do this to discharge you, there is no problem." "Aren't you going to get into trouble because of us?" "No, I assure you, and that doesn't annoy me at all. Haerin is a nice, polite little girl, you educated her well. She remained calm and quiet when she was asked, it made our job easier, believe me." He smiled and dared to rub your shoulder for comfort. "Thank you, Doctor." You murmured, your voice laced with tears as a shiver ran through your body. “Go home and get some sleep, you have to be healthy for work. Your daughter wouldn’t want to see her Mommy like this. We will keep you updated if there is any problem."
A few long days after her accident, you were relieved to see Haerin awake and in great shape. Yunho and the two male nurses took great care of her, treating her like a princess and she absolutely loved it. This closeness to men she didn't personally know made you realise that, everything would have been easier if she had a father. You sighed, a twinge in your heart appearing, regretting not being able to give her the manly figure she needed. He left you as soon as you told him the happy news. You had hoped he would have come back for her birth, but he never did. 
You knew you weren't the only single mom on Earth, yet you couldn't help but feel ashamed when someone mentioned a potential partner you could have or the missing one. You blamed yourself for not having chosen someone trustworthy enough to make him Haerin's father. "Mommy?" A frail voice pulled you from your thoughts, "Mommy, are you crying?" You wiped away your tears quickly and smiled at your daughter. She narrowed her eyes to see you better, the morning rays of the sunshine tapping in her room made her look like an angel coming straight out from Heaven. "No darling, don't worry. Everything is fine." Haerin continued to stare at you, not understanding your sad face. She was too innocent to understand your situation. Preventing her from questioning you further, Yunho and San entered the room. Haerin's face lit up, arms reaching for the two men, her actions surprising you. San ruffled her hair and she wrapped her small arms around Yunho's forearm.
"Haerin! How are you? Did you sleep well?" Yunho looked up, smiling. He saw you, surprised to see you here so early in the morning. "Ma'am! Aren't you at work? I thought that- " "I know, I should be at work, but my boss heard about the accident from my colleague and ordered me to come here. She walked me out of the office and drove me there." You answered with an amused look. "Good, I'm glad you're here." He stared at you with a slight smile, a little too long according to San, who cleared his throat, bringing Yunho back to reality. "Yes, well. Once your daughter is out, she will have to recover by staying still. She's young but small, the crutches are likely to make her tired very quickly. I can either offer you to keep her here for another week or two or send you nursing staff to come and provide care and supervision." Yunho turned to your daughter and gave her a big smile which she immediately returned. "What do you choose, Haerin?"  "If I go back to Mommy, will you come home to take care of me?" You almost choked on your own saliva at your daughter's boldness. You frowned and corrected her. "Haerin! This is inappropriate!"
The two men laughed at the situation and Haerin looked at you innocently. "Normally not," Yunho answered, drawing your daughter’s attention again,"but I can visit you and your mom from time to time if you want." "And you don't want to see Yeosang or me?" San added with a pout and smiled at your daughter, tilting his head towards her. You gave her a stern look and San smiled again, his dimples appearing. Haerin didn't know what to say, and honestly neither did you.  Before, she was shy around every man she encountered, but here she can't even decide between the three men. "Can't the three of you come?" Haerin whispered and San chuckled. "Haerin." You interrupted the discussion in a firm voice. "We don't live in a mansion and you cannot ask for this! It’s impolite! You should already consider yourself lucky to have one of them coming to see you! I didn't raise you like that." You were embarrassed about your daughter's behaviour, but San shook his head and reassured you with a smile.
"Okay Haerin, I'll come." Yunho turned to look at you. "I hope you don't mind?" "Don't worry, I just hope there will be enough room for three." You murmured. San's cell phone rang, walking out of the room as he answered. Yunho sat down on the chair next to you and turned his back to your daughter. "Are you really sure? I don’t want to be assertive." "No, no. It’s already nice of you to give my daughter so much time, she’s never been that close with a man. And then Haerin will have company, she will be happy. It's the only thing that matters to me."
Yunho nodded, a smile decorating his lips. His cheeks and ears were slightly red. He rummaged in the pockets of his blouse and took out a piece of paper which he handed to you. You discovered a phone number messily written and looked up at the doctor. "It's... this is my private number, call me if you need anything. I'm bringing Haerin home Tuesday afternoon, is that okay?" "It's perfect, thank you very much, Doctor." "Call me Yunho, I think we're going to be spending a lot of time together, from now on." He smiled at you and stood up, waving at your daughter, leaving you in your chair, processing the words he had just said to you.
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oureuphoria · 4 years
Worst of You - JJK 08
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You meet him under horrible circumstances but everything feels perfect when you’re with him. Too bad you have a bitch of a best friend, anxiety and an inability to learn from your mistakes which cripples your chances to be with the man of your literal dreams. He, however, is a police officer with years worth of built-up turmoil and an inability to make attachments. Or “I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s wrong.” “Cool, I’ll let everyone know you’re moving in then.”
Genre: fluff, angst, comedy
Pairing: officer!jungkook X  collegestudent!reader
Word count: 2,304
Note: Things get sad in this chapter and :( 
| 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 
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Jungkook was confused. He was confused about how you had gotten in, who you were with and more importantly, why you were here when this seemed to be the last place you’d want to be. In spite of his confusion Jungkook knew that to his knowledge you were still 20 and definitely underage, so it was his legal obligation to check up on you. It was definitely not because he wanted to talk to you, just following procedure.
“What are you doing here?” You hadn’t noticed Jungkook sit next to you until he spoke but you refused to spare him a glance. You were worried that was all it would take, one look at his wide brown eyes that seemingly held the universe and you’d be putty in his hands. “None of your business.“ “When you’re underage it is.” “It’s my birthday, officer.” You threw your ID card to him which he checked meticulously. You snatched the card out of his hands after he’d had a good look and hopped off the stool. 
“If you don’t mind, I have to go back to Jimin.” Just as you are about to walk away from him, Jungkook lightly grabs your hand. “Wait.” You turned back around to face him but expertly avoided his eyes. “I’m sorry.” It wasn’t much but it was all Jungkook could fathom and yet both of you knew, it wasn’t enough. You gave him a small smile before you replied, one that seemed more sad than polite. “Yeah, me too.” And with that, you walked away, shoving Jungkook and his ridiculously beautiful face to the back of your mind.
“Jimin!” You had finally found your friend who hadn’t been even half as happy to see you as you were him. “Y/N, I know it’s your birthday and I promised I’d be with you but the most gorgeous boy is here and I really need a hook-up. If you’re not okay with it I understand but-” “Go! At least one of us has to get lucky tonight.” You waved him off and he retaliated with a bone-crushing hug. “I love you so much. I promise I’ll make it up to you.” Whether that promise was empty or not, you were going to hold him to it because letting him abandon you in this club all alone is definitely a sizeable sacrifice. 
You walked back to the bar where you were relieved to see that Jungkook had left. Against your better judgement, your eyes subconsciously scanned around for him and when you saw him, dancing and having the time of his life while you were there following in self-pity, you realised you definitely needed another drink. 
Perhaps it was your lack of experience or your Jungkook-induced sadness or even your empty stomach but you were drunk. Only 2 drinks in and you had completely lost all sense of rationality. Unfortunately, the bartender was unaware of just how much of a lightweight you were and proceeded to provide you with the tequila shots you weren’t sure why you asked for. 
They tasted horrible and after downing two, you realised you never wanted to drink one again but for the first time in a long time, you had felt entirely carefree. It was nice, for the blissful moment it lasted but when your eyes had landed on Jungkook again, this time sitting at a bar next to some girl who was definitely prettier than you, carefree had turned into careless and you were making your way over there before you could process it. 
“Hi, I’m sorry but I really need to speak to him.” Giving the poor girl no time to reply, you had dragged Jungkook towards the end of the bar where there were far less people and the music was softer. “You, sir, are an asshole.” In between your words, you had made the honourable decision to jab Jungkook in the chest continuously. Drunk you believed you were emphasising your point, sober you would’ve cowered at the mere mention of such an action. 
“Are you drunk, Y/N? Where’s your friend?” “He left me for someone prettier, everyone keeps doing that to me these days…” You pouted as you strayed completely off topic and tears began welling in your eyes. You were an emotional drunk, you found that out the hard way. “I’m taking you home.” “No! I still haven’t finished.” Jungkook sighed in frustration and motioned for you to continue, the girl at the bar was long forgotten and Jungkook didn’t even care. 
“Why are you such a liar?” The waterworks had begun and while it was obvious you weren’t entirely competent, Jungkook felt the sting in his heart all the same. “Please, baby don’t cry.” “Don’t call me that. Stop making me think you care when you clearly don’t and next time grow the balls to say you don’t like me you jerk!” Your words were slurred and your delivery was a little off but Jungkook heard you loud and clear. He wanted to explain, he wanted to wipe your tears away and reassure you that he was enamoured by you, he adored you and wanted nothing more than to be by your side. But you were probably too drunk to remember and it was too late to try. 
“I’m sorry, just stop crying, please.” You tried and you weren’t sure why. The pain in Jungkook’s voice had hurt you and even while drunk, you’d do anything to make that pain go away. So you stifled your tears to the best of your ability, the only thing left behind were tear stains and your quiet hiccups. “Good job, now let me take you home.”
Jungkook didn’t expect you to fall asleep in his car, but then again he also didn’t expect you to berate him at a club. “Y/N, baby, wake up.” You were a light sleeper, he knew that much, which was why he was shaking you softly. You fidgeted in his seat a little before opening your eyes ever so slightly. “I’m sleeping, go away.” Drunk, sleepy Y/N was a challenge Jungkook didn’t know how to face. He also didn’t know how he was going to get you inside or whether or not you had your keys and going through your bag felt like a violation of your privacy so Jungkook decided to take you to his apartment instead.
When you woke up the next morning, something felt off. Your bed was never silk and you never remembered it being this big. You flailed your hand around for your plushie and when you had opened your eyes, you jolted upright in shock. That action was instantly regretful because of the pounding headache you had suddenly gotten and your wincing had captured Jungkook’s attention. 
He was dressed in grey sweatpants and a tight grey t-shirt that left scarcely anything to the imagination. If you weren’t dying from a migraine you might’ve appreciated the view but all you could think about was this numbing pain. “There’s aspirin on the table and a glass of water.” You nodded, reaching for your knight in shining armour as you consumed the medication. 
“Do you remember anything?” You remembered everything but you wanted to spare yourself the shame so you kept silent. “I tried to take you to your apartment but you fell asleep so I-” “I understand. Thank you, I hope I didn’t cause too much of an inconvenience.” You had began wandering around the room, collecting your belongings so you could leave as quickly as possible but Jungkook didn’t want that. “Y/N, slow down. I’ll give you something to change into, that dress can’t be comfortable.” He was right, it wasn’t. But neither was this predicament and every second you spent there was a second spent remembering the night you’d rather forget. You never drinking, ever again. 
Jungkook had come back from raiding his closet with a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. “You can change in the bathroom. Come down and eat breakfast and then I promise I’ll take you home.” “I don’t need to eat.” You shook your head, even tried rejecting the clothing but Jungkook had dropped it into your arms. “Unless you want to puke for 3 hours I suggest you get changed and come down to eat.” You rolled your eyes but complied nonetheless. 
You looked up at your reflection and you were a mess, your makeup was inconsistent, you were assuming it was because of the tears. Luckily, you didn’t wear mascara and after washing your face and tying up your hair, you started to look like yourself again. Jungkook’s clothing, which seemed to engulf your figure, had smelt nice and felt soft. You didn’t want to get used to it so you pushed those thoughts to the back of your mind and left the room. 
You could see the stairs clearly from where you were standing so finding the kitchen was straightforward enough. Jungkook was seated on the island, phone in hand with two plates of what looked like omelettes. Jungkook had looked up at the soft patter of your feet and smiled. “You look good in my clothes.” You mumbled a quiet thank you and hopped onto the high chair that was surprisingly comfortable. “You want coffee?” You shook your head and poked around your omelette, you were never a big fan of eggs but you’d never complain. 
“Fuck Y/N, I can’t take this, please talk to me.” You wanted to but you’d already said all you wanted to say yesterday (rather harshly) and you didn’t feel like repeating yourself. “There’s nothing to talk about.” He sighed and got up to pour himself a cup of coffee, when he had returned, you had already eaten a third of your omelette. “Can we go now?” “Can you listen to my explanation first?” You nodded timidly, you wanted an explanation desperately but you were also scared of the truth. That he didn’t like you and never did. 
“My first ever love was in high school. She was my senior, I was a year younger and infinitely less experienced, but that didn’t stop me.” You both laughed, knowing that Jungkook was stubborn when he wanted to be. “She was beautiful, the kind of beautiful that took time to truly process, she was smart, book smart at least and she was kind to everyone, even when they didn’t deserve it. We dated for just over a year, it was nearing my graduation when she passed away. Car accident, drunk driver. Instead of getting the justice she deserved, her parents who barely had a dollar to their name were forced to settle for the equivalent of a used Toyota. The girl who hit her was old money rich, her family had connections with the best defence attorneys in the world. The lawyers she hired, put a price on a person I loved, they tried to tell me how much her life was worth and it wasn’t generous.”
Jungkook wasn’t crying, but you were. You knew the world was cruel but growing up in a middle-income family in a peaceful neighbourhood truly shielded you from a lot of life’s challenging aspects and knowing this had happened to a girl, just like you, really shattered your heart. You felt even worse trying to imagine how Jungkook had felt and how horrible the situation was in general. “I pursued law enforcement for her. She’s the reason I’m where I am today. I’m not asking for your pity, or excusing my actions but I want you to understand. Every time I start falling in love with someone, I pull away because no matter how tough I look, I can’t deal with loss.”
“I thought pushing you away would protect myself and that was incredibly selfish, and I’m sorry. I thought that I could do this, that’s why I confessed but the moment I was alone with my thoughts again, I realised I couldn’t. But for you, I’m willing to try. I’ll put everything I have into this, all I ask is that you forgive me for the colossal asshole I’ve been lately.” Jungkook held your hands in his and you giggled through the tears after he’d insulted himself and Jungkook felt his heart swell at you. 
“Alright but from now on, just give me the worst of you and we’ll deal with it together.” “Deal.” Jungkook inched closer to you, his hands cupped your face as he wiped the remnants of your tears. With your faces barely a centimetre apart, you could really see the pain in his eyes and all you wanted to do was kiss it away. So you did. Dragging his head down by his neck, you gave Jungkook a soft kiss on the lip that barely lasted a second but he needed more. 
Jungkook had opted to rest one of his hands on the back of your stool, the other on your cheek as he kissed you deeper. “I’m sorry I ruined your birthday.” Jungkook whispered out in-between kisses. “Nap with me and I’ll forgive you.” Jungkook chuckled before placing one last peck on your lips. He wrapped your legs around his torso and lifted you up smoothly. You squealed in shock but Jungkook ignored it, his mind solely on getting you back in his bed. You really did nap, and you enjoyed it quite a bit, after all his arms were the comfiest pillow.
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foodfan-imagines · 4 years
How about a couple winter/christmas headcanons for Sir
I think this was double asked with this one being a mistake. So instead of doing the clarified one, Imma do ALL the souls (that the wiki provides uwu) in three parts. Also note: I’m just calling it holidays, not all the souls celebrate Christmas so all headcanons will be in (or around) the festive season time. 
Rice will spend her holiday with her family. She got small sentimental gifts for Salt n’ Pepper Shrimp, Boston Lobster and her MA. Whilst she was grateful for the gifts she got in return, her favourite part of the holidays was the lack of fights. Sure there was a small shouting match but at the end of the day, everyone was together and laughing by the end of the night. 
Apple Pie goes out with Cornbread to one of those fairs. They spend most of their time at the shooting stall and karaoke bar before heading home and helping with dinner. Apple pie is apart of the music group, she’s on guitar and sings back-up/duet. By nightfall, she’ll a tad tired and sit by the fireplace with a hot chocolate (with marshmallows!!). Cornbread will carry her to bed.
B-52 will spend his holidays with the DD squad for the most part. He’ll open his gifts with them and might help Pastel de Nata with dessert prep for dinner (by holding Napo back). By noon he’ll be out on his bike for some quiet time. He’ll return for dinner but won’t tell anyone where he went. He spent the rest of the night listening to the music group.
Bamboo rice isn’t a big fan of the holidays, it’s too cold. He spends his morning in the forest, bringing food and some gifts for his friends there. He’ll head back once he starts feeling his hands shake. When he returns he’ll bring his gifts for everyone. They’re all handmade leaf animals, keep it or he’ll be sad till next year. 
Bibimbap will be in the decorating group, in charge of the details and fix-ups. Bib will make sure nothing is out of place or broken and exposed. She won’t spend all day at home, she’ll go out for the winter market to find some trinkets to remember the day by. When she returns, she’ll offer some of the trinkets to those who got less than others. 
Blue Cheese is another member of the music group. He’ll be practising most of the day, taking a break to give his gifts and a visit the fair. He’ll help others win a prize or two but not attempt to win one for himself. Once it’s time to play, he’ll be home and fed. He’ll play a solo which somehow made everyone that listened to it smile. 
Boston Lobster will spend time with his siblings during the holidays, not the entire day but a good chunk of it. If it’s chilly outside, he’ll spend most of his day there. Sunbathing? Nah, Snowbathing’s the new trend. At some point, Green Curry may have buried him in the snow whilst he took a catnap. 
Braised Noodles will first tend to her garden and then going to the fair. She’ll spend most of her time at the ‘test your strength’ booths. Will she be kicked out for nearly breaking the hammer one? Yep. Does she care? A little, she wanted to see if she could break the punch machine. It’s fine though, she got to be in charge of cutting one of the turkeys.
Buddha’s Temptation doesn’t do holiday’s, he’s busy. He’ll take the time to join the dinner and after-party but the majority of his day is dedicated to his desk and paperwork. That won’t stop him from hiding gifts for certain people around their rooms though. He claims it’s a small investment but he truly does care. 
Butter Tea uses his holiday time to relax, he doesn’t do these kinds of celebrations. He’ll partake in the meal and listen to the music but besides that, it’s a normal day for him. He won’t partake in gifts but will offer to share whatever he is given with others. All in all, another day with a little more interactions than usual. 
Candy Cane will be at church most of the morning, she’ll hand out treats to everyone that attended. She’ll ask if the Holy See lot can open their presents there, she wants to see everyone’s reactions to their gifts! After dinner, she’ll go out carol singing and volunteer with Prezel to serve dinner at a local orphanage. 
Canele spends her holiday helping that less fortunate, particularly those with no one to celebrate with. She’ll share her food, blankets and anything she can live without. Whilst she will attend dinner, she’ll go back out and spend the rest of her night finding shelter for the lost souls left in the cold. 
Caviar will do his usual “In another dimension, we’ve already eaten” thing. Besides that he enjoys the holidays, his face lights up when he gets an interdimensional space theory book that you could use as a stepping stool. His gifts can seem a bit odd though, He’ll say you like it in another timeline but one gallon of cronch slime is still a tad odd. 
Champagne adores the holiday season, he’s apart of the prep group. Under his lead, everything comes out perfect, even the origami swan-shaped napkins. Whilst he enjoys the food aspect, he would much rather watch gifts being unwrapped. He went all out and expect nothing in return. He just enjoys spoiling his loved ones. 
Cloud Tea will join the music group but only for a song or two. She’ll spend most of her time in the courtyard with Sweet and Sour enjoying the snow. She loves her quiet time and the holidays give her that extra bit of time to herself. She does enjoy that atmosphere with the others, but only in small quantities at a time. 
Crab Long Bao LOVES the holiday season, especially the big dinner. He’ll join in the celebrations and may or may not have dumped Long Bao’s tea out whilst he wasn’t looking (everyone was grateful). He’ll spend most of the night having fun but will give himself breaks throughout the night. Very balanced in his celebrations. 
Croissant will also be at church during the holidays, he’ll take maybe an hour out of his schedule to celebrate but he’ll mostly observe others. He won’t do presents but will sneak something for Candy Cane, any gifts otherwise will be kept or if he sees no use for them donated. He’s grateful but won’t emotionally show it much.
Double Scoop will go to the fair together, mainly doing to kiddy rides but might try their hand at winning a plushie each. They may give themselves a tummy ache from eating too many fair snacks but still have plenty of room for dinner! They thank (Vanilla will hug, Berry will quietly thank) anyone that got them anything
Dragon & Phoenix will buy gifts for his friend and will join the dinner, that’s about it though. He’ll join Realgar Wine and Longjing to the fair and participate in some of the games (to show off). His winnings are kept but one or two are slipped to his friends so they don’t feel left out. He enjoys the holidays more than he would admit.
Dragon’s Beard Candy spends her holiday enjoying the time off, she may go to the market if any promoted stalls catch her eye. She’ll enjoy the festivities but keep to herself, maybe join in for a game or two but that’s it. If she’s in a particularly good mood, she may put on a show, that all depends on the night’s mood though.   
Fois Gras will enjoy the atmosphere of the holidays but will not partake in much. The most being the group dinner and after-party. She’ll treat herself and attend one those not quite a musical musicals where it’s mainly dancing (dancicals? IDK). The holidays is downtime for her, not a fight or fallen angel insight. 
Fruit Tart will… help to a certain degree with the preparations. Mainly so her tea time is not interrupted but also to add some flare to the decor. She’ll be in charge of the colours, which results in a wintery silver and blue theme. She enjoys the music and is rather fond of how beautifully everything came out, thanks to her of course. 
Gingerbread is the QUEEN of the holidays, she’s head of the prep group and helps with the menu for the dinner. Besides that, she’s out at the market and fair enjoying the atmosphere and fun of it all. The Special Occassion’s Squad decked the other team in the Christmas quiz, It’s her time to shine you just can’t dull it. 
Hishi Moshi enjoys the holidays, she really likes all the pretty gifts and wrapped presents, especially the ones with pretty bows. She’s very grateful for all the gifts she receives but enjoys watching the reactions of others when they open ones from her. If she receives any plushies she’ll sleep with them for months. 
Huangshan Maofeng Tea will have a stall at the fair offering fortunes, this time not using fake fortunes. It’ll be a little more expensive though, the man needs an income. He’ll continue for a while but will pack up early to celebrate at home. He doesn’t give gifts out but will donate a small amount to others, calls it his good deed for the day. 
Junmai Dagiinjo… I mean, we all know what he’ll ‘gift’ to one or two people (he doesn’t expect them to accept but is chill either way). Besides that, he’ll spend his holidays wandering around all the set-up events, he’ll observe but not partake. By the time it’s late-noon he’ll have returned and had a rather peaceful nap. Loves the holiday peace.
Longjing Tea is very intrigued by the holidays, he’ll listen to the explanation his MA provides but won’t actively participate. He appreciates the effort but will mostly remain in the corner observing. He’ll be dragged to the fair by the others, not enjoying the crowd but quite likes the snacks and slower rides.
Matsutake Dobinmushi will have a stall at the market selling festive poems and nic-nacs from smaller trades. His poems won’t sell well but the other merchandise will. He’ll gift everyone a customized poem as a present. Watch as some of them mysteriously disappear, the fire’s nice and warm though.
Mapo Tofu still runs the shop, only for the morning though, she’ll leave just after lunch. Once she’s done her shift she’ll join in the festivities, destroying the punch-machine at the fair (getting herself kicked like noodle) and playing a few games with Hotpot. Will add some spice to some of the sides, she needs a little burn. 
Milt will cast charms on people as a present, a bit confusing when you get a piece of paper but results in hella good luck. She’ll go to the market with Caviar super early to get the good stuff before anyone else arrives, she buys a really pretty ink pot from an old merchant. It’s got a lovely fish pattern running along the sides. 
Nagashi Somen will be with Raindrop’s group (idk the group name) for the holidays. Whilst they do not exchange gifts, they do share all three meal togeather. Probably the most peaceful group when it comes to the holidays. They join the quiz for the fun of it and Somen is super happy when they get 3rd. 
Natto really wants to join in with the celebrations but’s nervous to ask. When his MA drags him in he’s shy but will enjoy the activities set up for everyone. When he does tap out he records all the events of the day and later gives them to Hotdog for when she creates her comic. It’s a good step forward in his socializing!
Osechi also wants to join the fun but doesn’t want her appearances to be tainted. She joins the prep group but only as an advisor, making sure nothing’s too extreme. She’ll splash out on lavish gifts for nearly everyone but will kindly decline many in return. Those that she does keep will be sentimental pieces or bedroom decor. 
Oyster secretly loves the holiday’s but will never openly say it. He’ll throw gifts at other members at the Pasta Platoon (in a loving manner) and will refuse any thank you hugs. When they all give him his gifts he has to stop himself from tearing up. He’ll love every single one but hide them so no one will know how grateful he truly is. 
Peking Duck will dedicate most of the holiday to the children, buying them little hats and jackets so they stay warm in the frosty weather. He’ll give gifts to members of the Pawnshop that hold sentimental value rather than a price tag. He enjoys the holidays but also spends time away from it so the children aren’t frightened by the noise. 
Pizza LOVES the holidays, a little too much at times. Spends all his savings on gifts for everyone (except Whisky) and buy massive ones for Cassata and Cheese. Get’s scolded for a bit but is quickly forgiven. Pizza literally runs around the fair and wins all sorts of prizes for everyone else. Literally hugs everyone at the after-party (except whisky).
Raindrop cake doesn’t really do the holidays. He’ll join so he’s not forcefully dragged in, but won’t be active. He’ll enjoy the company and the group meals, but won’t really comment on it. He won’t attend any other events since he’s already done a lot more than he usually does. Overall though, he really enjoys the holidays, even if it’s not openly shown. 
Rum’s a tad annoyed because she can’t go out due to the poor conditions. So instead she’ll have a go at some of the fair games, winning literally all of them, in particular, the bull one. As for the other event’s she’ll join in, really likes the feast and eats her fill. The party was alright but she’ll leave early so she can sit by the water for a bit. 
Sakura Tea enjoys the holidays a lot, she’s happy that everyone’s getting along and the fighting between souls in minimal. She’ll buy a few gifts but not that many, just little trinkets that remind her of the receiver. She spends most of the night enjoying the music group and dancing along, her MA will have to carry her to bed after she fell asleep on the sofa. 
Sichuan Hotpot is head of games! She’s in charge of all the games after dinner (don’t worry, it’s not all mahjong). Whilst she does win quite a few, she’ll let others win every-so-often so they keep playing. As for the quiz, her team may have been 5th. Not to worry though, she’s still on a high after the other games!
Souffle is another player in prep, by does most of the actual decorating. His mirror form only comes out once or twice when Lilia fell from her spot onto the floor. Besides that, he enjoys the atmosphere, not partaking in much but likes how calm everything is. Also rather happy that he’s got an entire week off!
Stargazy Pie is hyped for the holidays! Waits for everyone to open their gifts before opening her own, thus having the spotlight. She’s a little picky when it comes to the dinner, she makes Spaghetti cut her food up and remove any mixed food and undesirable bits (you know the kind). Joins the fireplace lot once she’s tired out. 
Swiss roll is another holiday lover, loves all the decoration and joy brought by it. He’ll deliberately eat little of the main course so he can stuff his face with all the sweet treats. Him and Napo will pretty much fight for the last pudding until Pastel finds the emergence pastries. Spends the night playing with all his new gifts, in particular, a new switch game. 
Toso still does her morning training, the holidays aren’t going to stop her from working out. She’ll give presents to the courtyard members, mostly small things but they’re really personal. She’ll vacuum up her meal and may or may not join the quiz for a good challenge, the courtyard team got third which ticked her off a bit. 
Tteokguk enjoys the festive season, particularly the warmth people show to one another. He’ll give his gifts with a warm smile and make sure everyone’s happy before opening any of his own presents. He’s not apart of any teams but will help out where he can. After the festivities, he’ll go out and ward evils away from the house. 
Turducken has a business to run, even if it’s the holidays. She may brighten the mood at her funeral home by playing a few tunes but that’s it for most of the day. She’ll be home for dinner and the party so it’s not all work and gloom. Whilst she does enjoy the celebration, it’s not something she actively participates in. 
Turkey is the KING of the holidays (won’t share the title with Gingerbread). Uses the holidays as a time to prove himself as a great leader. Takes charge of the food group but doesn’t cook anything himself, instead making sure there’s something for everyone and that there’s enough. Refuses to take the paper holiday crown off all night. 
Whisky for once, won’t cause too much hassle. He’ll put his work aside for one night. Dismisses the glares from certain people and instead chats up other entrepreneurial souls and discusses business tactics. He won’t take part in the games but will place bets on who will win. He’ll retire to his room early so he can have an early start to his work the next day.
White Truffle wants to continue with her experiments but will take a few hours out to celebrate. Surprised when she is given gifts because she didn’t expect it at all, she was really happy about all the new books she received. As for the group celebration, she’ll ask for all the ingredients and foods, she’ll record what she does and doesn’t like. 
Wuyi Da Hong Pao Tea is interested in the holidays and how different people celebrate it around the world. He’s glad that this time is more calm, the less chaos the better in his eyes. He joins his friends to the fair and takes part in a few games, only one or two though. He gives his prizes to a crying kid that didn’t win anything.
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xoexoxhoe · 5 years
Ateez Reacts: S/O Sex Scene on a film set
@wonhosgyrl​ Request: “Omfg can I please get an Ateez reaction on how they would react to their significant other acting and having to do a sex scene with someone else. Thank you so much. Love your writing”
A/N: Let me tell you; When I say my co-writer and I had fun creating this thread, that would be an understatement henny cuz we were SCREAMING. Thank you so much for the support and here’s the thread! Hope you love it! 
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He’d be supportive at first, ultimately congratulating you on your success as an actress no matter how big or small the job may be.
He’d come to every single one of your shoots with coffee in a canister for you as well as all of your favorite snacks, being there for you at your beckoning call.
BUT- as soon as the camera started rolling, he wouldn’t be able to watch you. He’d probably have to sit in your trailer, watching his youtube and partaking in the onset food that PD’s probably give to him to hold him back from stressing for you.
“How is she doing? I swear to God- Hey! Hey, you! Is Y/N okay? Is she drinking water? You know how she gets when she has to do a crying scene! She gets dehydrated!” *PD’s eagerly handing him free choco pie and choco puffs in order to distract him as they politely push him back into your trailer*
When you told him about your sex scene, his eyes widened, leading him to stutter, “You’re- With another- Wait, like- It’s not me? But… I’m baby.”
You’d laugh, reassuring him that you loved him, and he’d hug you, still being the most supportive little bean ever.
Seonghwa would basically be your manager, standing in the back of an episode reading with dark shades on, his starbucks in hand, just monitoring how everyone does.
He most likely jumps the director on set one morning when you are in hair and makeup
“Um hi, I was wondering why y/n doesn’t have more parts in today’s shoot.”
“…..Seonghwa, she’s the lead.”
“Exactly. That’s why I made a few revisions to the script to fit her in some more. Like you know, what are you trying to say, that I’m dating a mediocre actress? I think not, she needs more parts.” *Flips non-existent hair*
He gets your script for the sex scene before you do. You were on a different set, preparing for the wardrobe change into what is, of course, scandalous bedroom attire.
Snatches you away from your touch-up artists and starts to haul you to the car
“Y/N, you aren’t gonna do anything of this sort. We are going home.”
When you protest, not sure of the situation, he swirls around to face you and places a hand on your shoulder
“You don’t get paid enough to do this. Tell them to use your stunt double.”
The movie is literally a rom-com; you don’t have a stunt double.
He packs a lunch for you every day, sometimes surprising you at the set; but sadly, lunch in his eyes means a PB&J sandwich because you won’t let him touch the stove at home.
He loves to watch you, telling every single person walking past him that you’re his girl, sometimes too excited, but you love it.
Yunho takes advantage of all of the free food on set, sometimes sneaking cheese cubes too often resulting in a stomach ache.
The day of your shoot for your sex scene in the most recent episode of your tv show, Yunho sat behind the PD team quietly eating the PB&J sandwich you refused to accept and allowed him to eat.
You walk quickly out of hair and makeup with a long robe on, darting your eyes toward his beaming face. “Wow! Y/N; Babe. You look amazing, but why the robe? I mean it’s flattering-” *Male lead walks in on the set with a matching robe and only boxers* “WHAT IN THE GOOD LORD’S NAME IS HAPPEN-”
He most likely shoves the PB&J into a PD’s face, “Hold my sandwich.” He then proceeds to stomp on set, hitting his chest and staring at the director, “Yah! Mr. Director, PUT ME IN COACH. RIGHT. NOW.”
The PD rubs his temples, looking at you disappointedly as you just shrugged and gave him a sheepish smile while running to stop Yunho. You grab his hand, telling him you love him and it’s just acting.
“I took an acting class in high school, Y/N.” You pushed him out of the door, pecking his cheek, “Honey, it doesn’t work like that.”
As the door to the set began to close you saw him drop to his knees in the parking lot, “BUT SOFT! WHAT LIGHT THROUGH THE YONDER WINDOW BREAKS?”
Yeosang normally loved to let you work, allowing you to be private and come home to a stress free environment. But, on this day on particular, he came to set early to pick you up.
He parked near the staff lounge side of the set, reclining his seat as far as he could sporting a black hat and the darkest sunglasses money could buy.
PD’s and other staff pass his car, whispering about your potential sex scene for the movie and how it was to be filmed today.
His eyes ripped open, “Not today, Satan.”
He marched on set and into your dressing room where hair and makeup were working on you quickly. You looked up to him, “Yeosang!” You turned to your friends helping you, “Guys, this is my boyfriend, Kang Yeo-”
“Wait, what?” You tilted your head and he dismissed the makeup artists with a flick of his hand. He went up to your ear, trying to whisper but still being ~ hella ~ loud, “You don’t think I know what you’re filming today, Y/N?! This is SIN… Ister…” He pouted.
“Babe… it’s a movie, it’s my job. I have to-”
He began to pull you away but you stopped in your tracks, “Kang Yeosang, wait.” You explained to him the logistics, giving him the rundown of how safe it was and how a lot of it was fabricated.
With hesitant eyes, he nodded and just pulled you into an embrace, leaning down to whisper into your ear once more, “Fine… But I get to stay on set and watch this asshole.”
Choi San might as well be the lead role in your movie as he and Shiber were even more popular on set than you; but you wouldn’t change it for the world.
He was always cheering you on and sitting in your chair while you were filming. He cried when you cried, got angry when you got angry, and of course, he ate when you ate in the movie.
San always commented on how good you looked in your outfits, sometimes even attempting to dress you up himself, confidently presenting you to your stylist who always  shot him down, saying that he can’t dress you in leather pants every day, nor can he place a turtle neck on you when it’s 80 degrees outside.
You and San were sitting on the couch in your trailer during downtime on set when you decided to tell him of the impending sex scene.
San looked up, screaming while pressing his chest against Shiber, looking to his stuffed animal, “Shiber- Did she really just say that she was gonna do a…” He whispered, “sex scene?”
You smiled, taking Shiber into your own arms and looking to the puppy, “Please tell San that his baby will be safe and does not love the male lead, only Choi San.”
San stole the plushie back, putting Shiber to his ear, “Shiber says that this is NOT a viable option in this situation.”
You stood up to San, laughing while using your free hand to flick his forehead, “Let me work, San!”
He rubbed his forehead, pouting but eventually giving in, “Fine. Just don’t let Shiber catch you staring at the dude or he’ll have to have some words with you, got it?”
Mingi never did pay attention to your rants at home, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t supportive. He always reassured you that you were the woman for the job, kissing you constantly and reminding all the staff around him that you were his and you were the best.
Mingi was especially interested in this movie you were filming as it was an action film, and the male lead was someone he really liked to watch.
He was very polite to all of the staff, always helping them to reach things off the top shelves of the prop-set as most of the PD’s were too short.
During a production meeting with the entire set, Mingi sat quietly in your chair, holding your purse and watching you intently. The director stood on the podium, “So today, we’re filming the love scene between Y/N and Lee Min Ho.”
Mingi’s jaw dropped, he stood up from your seat, shadow boxing the air and gritting his teeth before composing himself and raising his hand. “Um- I object, your honor.”
You dropped your face into your palms. The director tilted his head back, trying to disguise his laughter, “Mr. Song, Y/N is gonna be fine.”
“MINGI!” You yelled across the set, bursting into laughter.
Wooyoung was always cocky on set, yet all of the staff adored him as they knew he was in the popular group Ateez. They enjoyed his snarky comments and charm.
He never bothered you at work, just continually took selfies and posted them on the Ateez social media but sent them to you first for approval.
On the morning of the sex scene shoot, he was strangely calm. You told him about the situation way before hand where he just nodded, giving you a kiss and telling you that you were gonna be amazing.
“Babe… I’m nervous.” You closed your eyes as he pulled you into an embrace, laying his head on yours and rubbing your arm.
“You’re gonna kill it, Y/N. You always do. And I’ll be right there if you need me.”
You smiled, thanking him and kissing him before sauntering onto set and taking your robe off, smiling and bowing slightly to your male lead who bowed back.
Wooyoung just looked at you, waving a little and winking at you. The director of the set shouted to his PD’s, “We need the mood music, people. Where’s the playlist?”
All types of ~ mood ~ music began to play but lo and behold, your Jung Wooyoung walked up to the aux cord, unplugging the old ipod and throwing it behind him. “You people call this mood music?” He scoffed, “I got a song for ya’ll.”
Wooyoung saw the surprise in your eyes and grinned. Desire by Ateez blared on the speakers, causing your heart to race, getting flushed just thinking of Wooyoung and the song and what it did to you.
As the scene proceeded, he never took his eyes off of you. Everytime you looked to him throughout the song, he mouthed the simple words: “I own you.”
Jongho never liked to come on set with you. He always stated that, “Movie sets are like scary dreams. Every time I see a green screen, I just imagine Spy Kids and the scene where they’re being chased through lava by tinker toys.”
You took his hand, “Baby, it’s not that kind of movie. This is a rom-com.” He pulled his hand away and shivered, “That’s even scarier.”
On the day he found out you had a sex scene, he just so happened to buy you your favorite lunch, marching onto set happier than you’ve seen him all week, but stopping dead in his tracks when he noticed your skimpy attire. “Um- Hi? Yeah, why are you,” He motioned his hand towards your body, “Like this?”
You told him about what was to happen in the scene and he dropped the bag of your lunch on the floor, “Oh- and now’s a good time to tell me? Yeah- Where’s the security?”
“Jongho, why do you need security?”
He paced the set, “I’m literally gonna break something, they need to hold me back.”
“Babe- No- NO!”
He screamed, “JOHN CENA- TOO LATE.” He swiftly punched through a prop door that a PD was carrying onto the sound stage, causing the poor boy to falter and ultimately get slammed by a fist.
Jongho had no remorse, kissing your cheek, “Fuck, at least you look amazing…” He began to walk away as the crowd of staff members watched him with wide eyes. “I gotta go before I start breaking more shit-” He looked to the director, “Yeah buddy and you BEST BELIEVE I am NOT supporting this film- hell no.” He punched the door on the ground again and the PD, still pinned beneath it whimpered. Jungho let out a frustrated sigh and turned to face everyone while pointing to you, “By the way let’s just set it straight now that this is coming out of her paycheck.”
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