#Monster Transformation: Vampire
whereserpentswalk · 2 months
Reblog to curse your followers and mutuals.
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itsbrucey · 3 months
Was thinking more about my monster au and if it would have substance or just be " the dads are monsters" and I realized it would be funny if they were monsters from the forgotten realms and got sucked into the normal world to find their sons. Their sons haven't fully hit " monster puberty" or some dumb shit yet so they blend in easier and the dads have to find them in mundane and safe places where they stick out.
Also it would be funny to find out that Henry wasn't always a Harpy but got adopted by harpies as a baby and he kinda. Got magicked into one. Even funnier if Jodie is a demon upon showing up but finds out he's human and has a magical girl transformation to be normal,,,
Also I'm still not over Selkie Ron like Lark cooked so hard with that. My little seal fella,,,, he winds up in an aquarium and had to pretend to be so incredibly normal but ends up stealing a herring bucket.
DIGS NAILS INTO ARMREST. Also Werewolf Darryl transforming by accident bc of emotion..... Naga Glenn trying to hide with dresses and coats ( it does NOT work).
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Welcome to the Monster4Monster ship bracket! (Work in progress, for now)
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This will be a poll bracket blog dedicated to ships between monstrous/non-human characters.
Currently work in progress for now as I’m busy with uni work and would also love more submissions from all of you!
If you’d like to submit a ship, please click the read more below and read the rules first:
What I’ll include
any ship involving all partners being visibly monsterous/non-human characters!
Both canon and fanon ships
Crossover ships
Polyamorous/ot3+ ships
Any ship involving all characters passing the harkness test
What I won’t include
anything that doesn’t pass the harkness test. (beastiality, basically). (I might make an exception for m4m ships where both are feral or something, but that’s it)
Ships between underage (18 or under) characters and adult characters. (Ships between teenagers/young characters of the same/similar age are ok, though)
Incest ships
Any ship involving irl historical figures, celebrities or real life people in general.
General etiquette things
no ship wars on this blog! You can post propaganda about your fave ship, but tearing down someone else’s ship, or personally attacking/harassing them over it just isn’t cool.
No harassment/bullying in the notes or askbox. Anyone trying that will be blocked.
If you have any ships you want to submit, please do so through the Google docs forum down below, not the ask box or messages. The ask box is only for questions, nice comments about the blog and/or ship propaganda.
You can submit multiple ships, but do not spam the doc with the same ship.
Also, credit for the monster4monster flag in my icon goes to @kiruliom
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gus-dix · 11 days
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watched one ep of a 80s cartoon and that was enough for me to make fanart. tamagotchi weren't a thing then but the werewolf deserves it anyway
do not erase the caption, use or rePOST my art (reblog ok)
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doctorecrz · 4 months
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Lady Whampire, el terror de Anur Transyl
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hymyarts · 4 months
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cursed hunger [OC]
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see-arcane · 2 years
I for one would love for you to elaborate on your Jonathan Harker = PTSD-Affected Other Human theory. It sounds really intriguing.
The gist is that Jonathan, whether he was carrying some innate supernatural potential or it was all born of Dracula's influence (bitten in or through other occult means), was 'set off' when all that Transylvanian fun happened, ditto the mess in England. I'd hesitate to say it was due to just plain stress--the dude's fresh out of law school and if stress was all it took to make him go Otherworldly, he'd have been quite interesting to see during the exam--so we'll say it's strictly the supernatural factor.
Call it stimuli, call it stressors, call it whatever. Dracula's actions and presence have been connected with every change in Jonathan Harker's shifting mental/physical state. Crawling the walls, leaving the first and only non-holy scar with the shovel, turning white-hair washed-out in literal seconds while learning about Mina's attack, the berserker moments with the Kukri, and, oh yeah, deadlifting a full fucking coffin of dirt and its vampire bastard-passenger; it all reads like the equivalent of a stone rolling faster and faster downhill in terms of his development.
Note, a sporadic development. Because unlike the vampire business or werewolves or what-have-you, Jonathan Harker's change into Something Else takes a break! Post-fever*, (*fine enough explanation for the hospital, but I wonder), Jonathan does remarkably well at maintaining his old self, not counting his nervousness. He's a boiling pot of water taken off the heat, cooling, cooling, all's fine...
...Until he crosses paths with the Count again. Until the night with Mina happens. Then he's a pot of water thrown into a furnace. He and his bodily changes increase only when Dracula's pulling his vampiric bullshit. While the man did and clearly will suffer a heaping dose of PTSD over the whole situation, the Otherworldy/Inhumanlike aspects are not a past-tense thing. It's a 'The More Exposed I Am to Count Douchebag's Radius/Activity, the More I Will Adapt and Change to Be the Thing THAT FUCKS UP HIS WHOLE UNLIFE.'
And so he does, in glorious fashion. Which leads me to another thought--and one that's at the crux of a little hefty something I'm writing--and that's this:
While a name is never put to just what Jonathan Harker's deal is by the end of the book (and a million kudos to all my fellow red-stringers out there coming up with theories), I like to think that out of the whole Vampire Hunter Gang, Jonathan Harker was the only one being altered into an entity whose purpose/talent was specifically to take down vampires. Because, really, I cannot stop thinking about that vivid, unhealed, permanent red scar on Dracula's brow. The hair? The strength? The increasing rabid hunting dog energy the longer the story goes on? All that I can almost ignore as Stoker getting creative with Harker's vendetta vibes.
But that scar. From something so mundane as a shovel blade, not sacred, not blessed. Just a plain old spade from (what seems like) an ordinary man doing the extraordinary without explanation.
That smells a lot like something there to fill a particular bogeyman niche. There's always a counterbalance in nature, and so there should be in the supernatural. Something that's been keeping the undead numbers down even in the eras when there was no holy crucifix or garlic or wafers to brandish. We always think 'werewolves' when we imagine a monstrous foe to the bloodsuckers, but...
My money is on something a little more prone to making sure the dead stay dead. Turning the Nosferatu back into proper carrion and such.
Say, something with a taste for old dead meat. Something that was brought up before by a few of our red-yarn brigade.
If you have a problem with the living dead, send in (or create) something whose specialty is consuming the dead back.
Send in a ghoul.
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vosveti · 2 years
Cute couples activity: turn your boyfriend into a vampire
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adaru32 · 1 month
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I forgot to share this here. This was done a few weeks ago. Was trying to get back into the swing of working on unfinished pieces, but it wasn't working out. Instead I had a little too much fun doodling some things. These are the results. May plan to make these as full pieces some time in the future.
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hurtmyfavsthanks · 9 months
Whumptember day 18
“You said I’d be safe here” Ambushed | Paranoia | Being watched
Content warning: betrayal
“You said I’d be safe here,” Whumpee whispered, breaking the silence of Caretaker’s guestroom. Caretaker tried not to flinch at the sound of their voice. They hadn’t expected Whumpee to wake so soon. 
They could feel Whumpee’s piercing eyes on them. Caretaker tried to ignore it. They went over their work diligently, carefully checking each strap binding Whumpee to their bed. They made sure everything was in place, tight enough where escape was impossible, but not so much as to hurt.
They saw Whumpee fight against their restraints, their movement still weak from the lingering drugs  in their system. Caretaker knew it wouldn’t last; they’d have to dose them regularly until they found a cure.
“I thought–I thought you’d be different, that you’d help me,” There was something bitter in Whumpee’s tone. “But you’re treating me like a monster, just like everyone else.”
Caretaker didn’t speak. They turned to the blinds, making sure they were securely in place so that not a hint of sun could land on Whumpee’s skin. Later, they’d have to move Whumpee to the basement, but this was their best short-term solution. 
Behind them, Whumpee growled, and Caretaker couldn’t help but flinch. 
“Say something! Why are you doing this?! You said you’d help me!” Whumpee snapped. “You said you’d help, you goddamn liar.”
Every word felt like a knife to Caretaker’s heart, and it took everything in them not to run from the accusations. “Because this is the only way to keep you safe, Whumpee!” Caretaker’s voice shook, gripping the curtains until their knuckles went white. “Please. You know there are people who want you dead. You know that you’ve hurt people. It’s not your fault, but you have, and you know you could do it again,” Caretaker sighed, exhausted in a way that sleep wouldn’t solve. “You’re not safe. Not for the people around you, not for yourself. There’s something wrong with you, and this is the only way I can help you.”
Somehow, Caretaker found the courage to turn. They saw the figure strapped to the bed, saw their familiar face, and yet it did not feel like they were staring at Whumpee. They felt like they were staring at a caged animal, at something that would eat them alive if given the chance. Whumpee’s eyes pierced through the darkness, angry and alight with something inhuman. 
“This is for the best, I promise," Caretaker whispered into the darkness. 
Whumpee didn’t respond. 
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hee-blee-art · 6 months
🌈 commission examples (part 2) 🌈
here are some other types of commissions I do! if you're interested in commissioning me, please dm me, email me at [email protected], or check my pinned post for links to my commission request form & further commission info.
robots / objectheads / tech
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anthro / creatures / monsters
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horror & pinup examples below the cut (cw: depictions of blood, spiders, christian imagery, suggestive illustrations)
horror (cw: depictions of blood, spiders)
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pinups (cw: suggestive illustrations, mild blood, christian imagery)
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(I have lots more examples to share—feel free to reach out if you're interested in seeing further / more specific examples!)
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justletmereadmycomics · 6 months
CW for descriptive speaking about body horror, blood, and overall lack of grammar tl;dr the average painful-turning-into-a-monster-transformation-sequence media isn't whumpy enough and people need to dive more into shit like turning into merfolk and mutating into weird hybrids that are in the uncanny valley of "feels like my body but not" also please note that this is all just my opinion and experience in media consumption and you are free enjoy what you like; im just bored and felt like rambling with 0 grammar or punctuation today.
hey guys I like seeing people go through intense painful physical transformations with an affect on their mental state that either makes them scared of them selves or forces them to do horrible things that also scare them and can I just say that werewolves are so underwhelming like yeah sure you get taller and turn into a buff ass furry boo hoo go cry about it like most of the time you're not even aware and it only lasts for a fucking night
give me shit like turning into a siren/merperson where they have to feel themself molting and their skin squeezing on their body as scales start to grow and they start mindlessly scratching every where from the pain when uh oh your legs are failing but you can't think about that now until whoopsie daisy your lower limbs are melting together and your pants are magically whooshed away once you're past the nakey parts also did I mention the wonderful possibility of growing fins everywhere and experiencing those tear through your muscles and skin whilst they grow on your back and arms and already painful and foreign feeling tail and also your vocal cords changing to be able to produce siren song shit in a way that makes your throat feel like its being mauled from the inside out oh yeah and also having your eyes fall out and regrown wouldn't that be a fun idea anyways vampires are about the same except a little better than werewolves bc they at least have the possibility of dealing with "the hunger" tm and way more weaknesses that can make them miserable like not being able to be in the sun or eat food anymore bc your body can't handle it one of the better examples ive seen is the one in ROTTMNT: The Movie, where (be warned of spoilers) characters are "possessed", so to speak, and this shit goes on
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its a very good movie, highly recommend it (the sereis has two seasons, and I haven't found the movie off of Netflix) also blood and struggling to adjust to a now permanent mental impairment/disadvantage/damage in a sense of "you're not human anymore and so you now have to deal with [blank] thought processes" (eg. someone gaining dragon shit would grow an affinity to hoarding things, not noticing such until their home is incredibly cluttered with piles of shiny items and hating themself for doing something so "inhuman")
things that ive seen that fall in the good transformation category are: demons* birds work most of the time, but you have to give them a beak and shit. also the wings can't just grow out of them painlessly.** most fantasy based anthros, really.*** most mutations seen in TMNT shows (that shits known to be painful bc it alters your DNA mostly through science rather than the normal mystics) bugs *only horns and a tail? weak. give 'em goofy legs and a snout or some shit, spin in a few animal traits just for fun. mental side effects that are nice for these guys tend to be a sudden lust for darkness (or just a sudden intense lust) **I recommend something like their arms falling off, OR something similar to the process in Haibane Renmei (tw for blood and minor body horror). An alternate option that I haven't seen would be to have the arms morph into wings themselves, but none of that grow feathers and get little longer bullshit. Character should feel their bones changing, the flesh forming to create a new limb and feathers piercing their skin like needles. Yes feathers are regularly soft, but imagine having a hundreds of tiny pinprick like things poking out of you and getting longer.
***this does not include fairies and unicorns. The only acceptation for these is character having weird magic fluxes and this becoming an effect of such. for example, if character is becoming a fairy, they will feel themself being compressed as wings either grow from their back or are summoned in a blast of magic that basically cuts them open where the wings "attach" so to speak.
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Monster4monster Bracket (Round 2, side 1)
Madame Pandora/Captain of the Dead (The Little Vampire franchise) VS. Scarab/Heka (Mummies Alive)
Dinobot/Rattrap (Transformers: Beast Wars) VS. Rtas Vendum/Thel Vendum (Halo)
Shrek/Fiona (Shrek Franchise) VS. Mike Wozowski/James P. Sullivan (Monsters Inc.)
Count Dracula/R. M. Renfield (Dracula, all media types) VS. Carmilla Karnstein/Geraldine (Carmilla by Sheridan Le Fanu and Christabel Samuel Coleridge)
Killian/Carey (The Adventure Zone: Balance) VS. Vicky Schmidt/Calculester Packard (Monster Prom)
Louis/Lestat (Interview with The Vampire)VS. Groot/Rocket Raccoon (Marvel)
Diggory Graves/Percy Reed (Hello from the Hollowwoods) VS. Princess/Bird Hero (Slay the Princess)
Feel free to submit your propaganda to the inbox!
Click here for side 2
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pluralprompts · 6 months
Prompt #1,239
A human on the run from a vampire gets turned into a werewolf.
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Halfway through an intense debate over whether Vampires or Werewolves where hotter when I realised that everyone else was looking at it through an aesthetic lens where I was looking at it through a thematic one
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swashbucklery · 2 years
“IS IT heALthY iF LeSTaT sTalkED hIs BoYfRIeNd and wAsn’T HONesT aBouT wHAt he THoUghT of poLyAmORy”
1) the idea of Lestat wandering through the bayou to watch Louis get a blowjob in the swamp and angrily masturbate about it, then follow Louis home and sneak into the house up the back and pretend that everything is wonderful. And then - AND THEN - to spend the whole following day planning to dramatically fuck 100 soldiers to prove a point? Is objectively hilarious. I love it. 10/10. Who cares.
3) the point of this show is not to role model a healthy relationship THEY’RE GAY VAMPIRES FROM THE TURN OF THE CENTURY just let them FUCK and KILL PEOPLE and YELL AT EACH OTHER while wearing INCREASINGLY ELABORATE DRAMATIC HOUSECOATS
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