#So I can get a good look at the cool bug before releasing them outside
lavendarniko · 11 months
Plant things I headcanon about Vash #1 Basic plant things
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A/N: @anyasathenaeum look I did it! I’m really sorry life’s been so mean to you lately, but I hope these help. And I hope you know it’s really through your encouragement and support of my silly submissions to your inbox that these get to see the day. I hope you can take a moment, sit down, and enjoy a drink and a snack.
While he does enjoy the act of eating, he doesn’t have to as he can photosynthesis. It makes him well fit for long road trips, only remembering to eat for the sake of his travel companions. If we were to go with Tristamp canon, he would only photosynthesize at night or on days the group camp outside so as to not reveal his plant markings to strangers. We do sort of see Vash do this already in the 1998 anime in the plant episode I couldn’t find an example but that scene in the plant in the 1998 anime in the lost July episode. You can’t convince me that's not him photosynthesizing.
I also think that in the 1998 canon Vash actually needs both food and photosynthesis. I think because he’s self conscious of his scars, he doesn’t photosynthesize opting to eat food instead. Only photosynthesizing at night alone when he’s camping
Like many plants he can communicate with other plant life. Just imagine how funny it would be for Vash to randomly just put his hands in some house plant to talk to it.
“No! Really, she said that to her HUSBAND?”, he says to the plant. He’s silent for a few minutes listening intently with his fingers buried in the dirt. He looks so odd nodding along to seemingly no one with a potted plant between his thighs. He gasps at the plant’s story.
Casually walking by some Sagebrush? He will stop for about 5-10 minutes and put his hands in the dirt just to chat with it. I think on nights he camps out he will find nocturnal plants to conversate with while the others sleep.
“Wow… they did that?”, Vash quietly gasps. He’s silent for a few minutes before he continues, “In front of you?! Oh that’s awful, that’s disgusting” Vash is silent for several more minutes as used one hand to draw in the dirt. Vash stares up lovingly at the sagebrush plant. He leans forward and presses his forehead against the plant causing him to glow. “No, no,” he says softly, “I’ll go to sleep soon. Thank you for spending some time with me.”
Vash, like many plants, releases scents to repel bugs and (like grass) when he gets cut or is in distress he releases a scent like grass. Why don’t bugs ever bite him? He repels them which leaves him smelling like lemongrass and pennyroyal.
I think Vash, much like sunflowers, on days he doesn’t feel good will press his forehead against trusted friends and other plants whether those plants are desert plants or not. I think he would only do it in private though so as to not freak out other townsfolk. I think he also does this with plants that spend some time with him, he knows plants take a lot of energy to talk to him directly and not through the mushroom system.
Speaking of the mushroom system, I think Vash accidentally touched into it once and immediately regretted it. Instantly becoming overwhelming by hearing every plant on Gunsmoke talking to each other at once. Some screaming, some whispering, but all are talking.
This is a real thing called mycorrhizal networks, it’s really cool!!
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aaaaa there are so many good prompts on that list, but how about Hand-Holding 37 ("not realizing they’re holding hands till someone points it out") for Vio and Shadow?
Vio. . .really wishes he had stayed home.
It's not that he doesn't like spending time with his friends. The social interaction is good for him, he knows. It's just that haunted houses aren't his idea of Halloween fun. He'd rather read a book, or catch a bad movie and make fun of it in the very back row. He's only here because the others insisted, and Zelda and Red AND Shadow gave him the puppy dog eyes and it just was not fair, the three of them ganging up on him like that.
So he finds himself wandering through a pre-scripted path, an frown of exasperation plastered across his face the entire time as Shadow leads him through the house. The effects are impressive, and the actors are really good. Honestly the thing that spooks him the most is Shadow jumping and laughing with every scare, startling him from his belated boredom.
They're almost through when they pass through a dark shed portion, after being chased inside by an axe wielding maniac. Shadow turns, breathlessly giggling, and his smile falters at the look on Vio's face.
"C'mon, are you seriously not having fun?" He asks. Vio debates on whether to give him an answer or just a very pointed look. "You've barely reacted to anything. I could hear Red screaming from two rooms ago. What's your deal?"
Vio brushes past him. "I only came because the rest of you insisted. I told you all this was not my idea of fun- it isn't like I didn't warn you."
"Can't ya at least prete-" The lights flick on in the shed, and Vio startles just a bit at the writhing, scuttling interior all around him. He startles even more at Shadow's panicked scream, and turns to see him frozen in place, eyes wide, pupils dilated, white as a sheet.
"Shadow?" Vio asks, concerned, and takes a step towards him, growing even more worried as Shadow's breath quickens. "They're just animatronic-"
"Spiders." Shadow chokes out, a pathetic whimper leaving his throat. "Wh-why'd it hafta be spiders?!"
He looks like he's about to cry, and Vio reacts without thinking, grabbing his hand. Shadow jumps and looks at him finally, eyes unfocused.
"Just close your eyes and walk." Vio says. "This is the last room." He spies an actor in the corner behind them, dressed in a skulltula costume, and gives them a venomous glare and an imperceptible shake of his head.
"Eyes closed, now." Vio says so firmly that Shadow instinctively does so. "Walk forward, I'll guide you." Vio turns, pulling Shadow along. The latter stumbles a bit, a tiny whimper escaping his throat, and Vio looks back just to check that he's still closing his eyes and that the actor isn't sneaking up on them. He leads Shadow to the end of the room, pushing aside the exit curtains and pulling him through. The air is crisp and cool outside, and Vio makes a point of steadily moving away from the house before stopping both of them. "There. You can open your eyes now." Shadow blinks, and looks at him sheepishly. "Hey. . .thanks." His voice shakes a bit. "S-sorry for freaking out back there. I. . .I really hate bugs." Vio shrugs. "It's a common phobia. There's nothing to be ashamed of- I'm just glad you didn't pass out." That earns him a nervous laugh. "Y-yeah, that would've sucked." "Wooooaaahhhhhhhhh, look at you two getting cozy!" Blue jogs over, grinning at them. "Did you get too scared?" Vio stares at him blankly. "What, excuse my Gerudo, the fuck are you talking about?" Red smiles knowingly at the two of them as he walks up. "Aw, you two are cute." Shadow jumps and jerks away from Vio, releasing his hand, and Vio blushes to the tips of his ears as realization dawns on him.
"Th-that's not-" He sputters, as Blue laughs. "We weren't-" "Vio and Shadow, sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-" "Blue!"
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gobblinhours · 3 months
I'm a bit nervous I won't finish my Mar13 fic on time, so here's the starting scene.
(oh yea i got over my writer's block yippee)
Callie scooched her body across the couch until her head was draped over the armrest. "Hey Mar?"
Marie, draped in a throw blanket and sipping a cup of tea, looked up from her book and over at her flopped-over cousin. "Yeah?"
"Why d'you think that Marina gets so flustered around us? She's an idol too!" Callie asked, kicking her feet in the air.
Marie shrugged. "I dunno, it doesn't make sense. As much as I don't like to admit it, she is more famous than us, so I don't see why she can't just act normal."
Raising her head so that she could look dead-on at her cousin, Callie squinted. "So what you're saying is that she should be fine around us because she's in the more popular group?"
"That's exactly what I'm saying."
Callie snaked her arms over the armrest and pressed her fingers together. "mhmm, and what about that time we got seated next to the Chirpy Chips during an awards show and you begged Diss-Pair to swap seats with us because you were too embarrassed to sit by them?"
Marie's eyes blew wide and she looked away, blushing furiously. "That's different!" She squealed, raising her blanket to cover more of her body.
"How?" Callie asked.
"Well, um, it just is!" Marie retorted, unable to come up with a proper answer.
Callie frowned and blew a raspberry. "Ugh, you sound like Octavio."
Marie quickly turned around. "Take that back!" She said, offended.
"What are you gonna do about it?" Callie asked, a sly smirk on her face.
Marie got up. "You're wearing a tank top right now, correct?"
Callie tilted her head. "Yeah? What's that got to do with anything- uh oh."
Callie scrambled to flip around and escape her cushioned coffin, but by the time she figured out Marie's intent it was too late.
"NO! NO! NOO-HA HA HA-OOOOOO!" Callie yelled in defeat as Marie horribly assaulted her.
Why did she have to be born ticklish?!
After an eternity, (15 seconds) Marie took and mercy on her, and released Callie from the torturous hell she induced upon her.
"You're mean!" Callie said, upset.
Marie, the jerk, said nothing and looked down upon poor, innocent, Callie, who had never done anything to deserve such a horrible attack.
The two cousins looked at eachother for a moment before Callie broke the stalemate.
"Am I gonna get an actual reason, or are you gonna keep being a jerk?!" Callie asked accusingly.
Marie sighed. "You're gonna bug me about this until you hear what you want, aren't you?"
Callie looked right at her and took a deep breath, obviously willing to annoy the info out of her.
"Fine." Marie acquiesced. "I'm, it's, well," Marie trailed off, looking for the right words as Callie stared expectantly at her.
"I just think they're really cool." Marie finished quietly, but still loud enough for Callie to pick up.
"Ooooooooooooooooo!" Callie taunted, expelling her air in one go. "You're embarrassed!"
Marie looked down, feeling exactly what Callie thought. "Yes, but it's fine."
Callie frowned. "How?"
Marie sat down next to her. "Well, Marina has to interact with us because of, you know." Marie pointed finger guns into the air and started to continue before Callie cut her off.
"And because she's our friend".
Marie sighed before continuing. "That too. But since I only have to be around them during big events where I can easily avoid them, it's not nearly as debilitating."
Callie stared at her cousin and frowned. "What if you meet them outside of one of those events?"
Marie sniffed. "The chances of that happening are about the same as a salmonid joining the splatoon. I think I'm good."
Callie frowned at that non-answer. Marie was obviously scared of meeting them. But she would help Marie face her fears, no matter how long it took!
<<ooh, tumblr doesn't copy ao3 line breaks, ooh>>
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
ML Fic: Soulmate Survey Part 37
Shout out to @asongeverlasting for beta reading for me and making sure I actually got this out.
Check her writing out on AO3 as Ramblingwren
(Master post)
(Read the fic in a more condensed on Ao3)
(The latest chapter will be up on there once this reaches over 300 notes on tumblr)
Simularé looked out over the city from the top of the school.  Using her replicated powers, she took the form of Volpina so they'd be able to alter the illusion quickly should something pop out and accidentally reveal the true form of the school. Thankfully the sentimonster didn’t need to do much in order to maintain the illusion; Paris was a surprisingly quiet city.
As far as they could tell, no one in the city outside of the school had any idea what was going on. And that worked out perfectly for them.
“So, this is where Lila has you stationed,” a voice called out, resulting in the faux fox turning around. The figure behind them was a woman clad in dark blue, with blue skin and a feathery fan. She looked confident and the sentimonster instinctively felt that this individual was very much aware of what it was.
Mayura had quickly deduced it was the sentimonster as it was in Lila’s previous akuma form, Volpina. With Lila now Masquerade, it was unlikely she would choose to take such a form. She would likely want to stay in her new form to show it off.
“Do not be alarmed, Simularé, it is your creator. Mayura,” Mayura spoke again.
The shapeshifter leveled a sharp glare at the woman. What made her so certain of that?
“How do I know that is true?” Simularé questioned.
The villainess took a moment to examine the sentimonster. Mayura had to admit that this sentimonster was her finest work to date. The amount of emotion harnessed from Lila to create it made it far more unique, much less of a mindless creature than her previous creations. Amoks were created much like akuma were, locking on to intense emotions before sending off. But unlike akuma, amok can be shaped and tailored with enough focus. Simularé was a special case, as it was made from the conclave of emotions that Lila was experiencing during her breakdown. It had been quite difficult to focus on one specific feeling but Mayura had pushed through. Simularé was sculpted to be Lila’s ideal ally, but it was also so much more than a simple asset. This Amok embodied Lila’s core personality. Her cleverness, her cunning, her mistrust of others, her playfulness, her pride and so much more. To put it simply, this Sentimonster was Lila’s spirit given a new form.
“Trust me Simularé, you would be best not to ask that,” Mayura warned.
The sentimonster felt as if it was being talked down to and clearly did not approve of anyone talking to them in such a tone, save for its master. It charged at the peacock villainess, ready to make contact, But, before it could get close, Mayura stuck out her hand and pinched her fingers together, causing the sentimonster to feel as if some force was pulling its essence out. The pain it felt was indescribable! It felt as if its very being was being ripped out. Mayura was in range to sense the Amok and could easily remove it without difficulty, much like Hawkmoth could with an akuma. Though Mayura had a feeling that letting the Sentimonster know that keeping her out of range of the item was the key to its survival would not be wise. It was best in this moment to display power.
“Stop! Please!” Simularé begged. “I … I believe you! I will do whatever you ask, just please stop the pain!”
The villainess smiled, it seemed there was even more to this Sentimonster than Mayura had anticipated. It had a powerful sense of self preservation, something controlled sentimonsters didn’t seem to have. She took note of that.
“Good. Now, you are going to explain to me your master’s end goal and where Ladybug and Chat Noir are in the building.”
Simularé felt the grip that Mayura had on its essence and held back its burning resentment towards the blue bird villainess. She would behave. For now.
“Okay… I will tell you everything.”
“Duck!” Ladyice called out as she had Ice Noir lower their bodies to avoid oncoming ice projectiles.
“Surprising that she's only attacking us with ice. She's Stormy weather. You'd think she would be attacking with more, maybe some rain or like a vol....” Ice Noir commented.
“Don't talk about that! Do not give her any ideas!”
The two had skated out of the room and made their way through the now icy hallway while Stormy Weather gave chase.
“I was just saying it seems weird how...mediocre her attacks are.
“It’s like we saw before, the akuma servants are like robots, they can’t react quickly so changing up her powers is likely just as much of a problem. She's probably not as dangerous as we initially thought.”
“So maybe we should face this problem head on now that we aren’t cornered?”
Ice Noir changed direction and began skating towards the umbrella-wielding akuma.
Stormy Weather noticed the approaching cat and raised her umbrella, creating a mighty gale to blow him back and ending him flying past Ladyice to the end of the hallway.
“She can use her other powers… can confirm,” Ice noir commented as he got off the wall, still dazed.
Ladyice skated up to the dazed cat and helped stabilize him. Despite seeming like a wasted effort, the cat’s brash antics actually inspired Ladyice with a way to take her out.
“I just figured out how we can stop her, think you can give her one last charge for me?”
“Why Bugaboo, asking me to rush headfirst into danger? How heartless.” He feigned hurt.
Ladybug rolled her eyes.
“Silly Kitty. Just be ready to hang in there when she blasts you with wind. Don’t get blown back this time.”
“Got it.”
Ice Noir quickly skated across the ice as he drew his weapon. He was ready for her this time.
“Hey breezy weezy! The weather today was supposed to be sunny with a 20% chance of raining Cats and Dogs!” Ice Noir called out, clearly happy with his lame joke.
Stormy Weather saw the cat approaching once again and prepared to send another wind blast at him.
But the cat was prepared this time around and extended his staff to anchor himself to the walls on either side.
“Nice try!” Ice Noir snarked. “But a small little puff of wind won't blow me back again.”
The storm akuma decided instead of creating just another wind blast, she was going to step it up with a cyclone attack! A powerful tornado tunnel would surely blast the cat down for good.
“We were wrong! She can amp up the power too!” Ice Noir exclaimed as he held onto his staff with all his might while his body was being blown back by the massive winds. “This was not well thought out!”
He focused on digging his claws into his staff and doing his best to remain in the wind tunnel. The powerful winds blew into his face and he could see Stormy Weather slowly approaching.
“I don’t think I can hold on much longer, Ladyice!”
He felt his grip slipping. Any second now, he was going to get blown back.
“Don’t worry, Kitty. I got this.”
Stormy Weather didn’t get a chance to react when she felt something tackle her full force and rush her into the wall on the opposite end of the hallway.
The wind died down and Ice Noir was able to land on his skates. He released his grip on his staff and fixed his windblown hair to resemble its original state before quickly skating down the hall to help his partner.
“Nice job, Ladyice.”
The red-clad heroine stood up from her grapple with the storm akuma.
Ice Noir looked up to see that his partner had shifted power ups. Her skates and ice skater aesthetic were replaced with a suit that had red spacesuit-like plating, a jetpack with retractable wings with red and light blue colors that matches her helmet.
She had changed into her space form, Cosmobug.
“Space power up! Because you can fly through the wind! Genius!”
Cosmobug smiled.
“Well, Stormy Weather is dazed but probably not for long.”
The two heroes noticed her about to grab her umbrella, but Chat Noir’s cat-like reflexes helped him snatch it first.
“Oh no you don’t!”
Ice Noir broke the umbrella over his knee.
“I don’t think she will be as mobile without her powers.”
Stormy Weather tried to stand but slipped on the icy floor she had created.
“Let’s just make our way to the boss,” Cosmobug said. She used the jet on her back to swoop up Ice Noir and fly slowly down the icy hall.
“Just like you to sweep me off my feet. But don’t think I will be a smitten kitten like usual.”
“Oh? Is that so?” The bug heroine raised an eyebrow. “It’s hard to imagine that you haven’t been dreaming about this scenario.”
“It helps that you aren’t riding a horse with the wind blowing in your hair,” Chat Noir joked back, catching Ladybug’s teasing.
Cosmobug quickly moved them to a part of the hall where there was no ice. Both undid their potion transformations, reverting back to their usual hero forms.
“Not keeping the jetpack?” Chat Noir asked. “It is really cool.”
“The room halls are pretty limited, and there's not much mobility, otherwise I might have,” Ladybug confessed.
The two heroes took a moment to catch their breaths and figure out their surroundings.
“We should thank Stormy Weather.”
The cat looked at his partner skeptically, remembering how a few minutes ago, the wind had nearly sent him flying through a brick wall.
“What makes you say that?”
“Lila probably had Stormy Weather out and about to flush out other people in the school and make sure the area was difficult to traverse. She likely sent out a bunch of other akuma to do the same, which means her forces are scattered and we have a better shot of dealing with her with fewer obstacles.”
Chat Noir nodded. He would not have deduced such a thing from one encounter with a weather akuma.
“Good to know, so the plan is to locate her and save the day.”
“No need to figure out where she is, I already have a good idea where she should be.”
Chat Noir noticed Ladybug had already started moving. He quickly followed behind, though he didn’t need an explanation this time. He already knew where Ladybug was heading — to his homeroom class, but he couldn’t say that without revealing what he knew.
‘This was a ridiculous decision.’
That was the thought running through Chloé’s mind as she ran for her life from a large group of Reflekta clones.
The two or three she had run into early were easy to avoid, but now it seemed like a horde of those tacky clones. And all of the ice that surrounded certain hallways made it impossible to traverse. She was limited in her running space and she was running out. But what made it all worse was that now those Reflekta copies had adjusted to running.
“HOW CAN YOU RUN IN THOSE HEELS!?” Chloé screamed as she ran down the hall.
She just had to try and be a hero. Why was she even doing this? The assistant probably got turned into one of those gross clones or got masked like those other students. She could have just sat back and just waited for Ladybug and Chat noir to find her or let them handle it.
“You can’t run forever” The crowd of clones sang in Rather impressive and creepy harmony.
Chloé took a turn down the hall and went into the door of the nearest room.
She closed the door and locked it before smelling the musty wet air.
“What the… EWW!” She spat in disgust as she realized she had locked herself in a janitor’s closet.
“Why did it have to be in such a gross smelly room?” she moaned.
Unfortunately, her comments caught the attention of the crowd chasing her.
She heard banging on the door.
“You can’t hide, we will find.”
Chloe put her back to the door to keep them out and felt herself slide down it in despair.
Was this how it was going to end? Getting turned into one of those fashion nightmares after hiding out in such a rank smelling closet? She didn’t even save… wait. She did save someone. She saved that old man. It hadn't been glamorous, but she did manage to save at least one person.
“I guess I did do something good after all. May not have been exceptional… but it was something.” Chloé smiled for a brief moment.
She took a moment to look at the positives, Ladybug and Chat Noir would likely come in and save the day, plus there were those other two heroes. Perhaps that would be enough. But she had to admit, finding solace in that was getting harder to do when the smell of the closet was destroying her nostrils. Just then, she remembered she had some nice perfume in her bag that she could spray to alleviate the smell.
“Well, at least I won’t smell awful when they capture me.”
She put her hand in her bag and felt around for her perfume. As she searched, she felt an unfamiliar object in her designer handbag. She pulled it out.
“What is this?”
She noticed a note on top of it. It was a bit dark to read so she pulled out her phone and turned on her flashlight.
“Return to Ladybug after mission?”
Chloé’s eyes went wide. Could this be what she thought it was? How was it possible? She didn’t have time to question it.
She opened the box and out came a floating bee creature, who Chloé recognized right away. It was real.
“Pollen!” Chloé exclaimed with cheer.
“It has been a while, my queen.” the bee kwami said.
Chloé would have loved to revel in this moment more but she knew that door was going to burst open any minute. She needed to be the bee heroine.
“As much as I would love to talk more, we need to hurry. We have some akuma clones that need bashing.”
“Right away, my queen!”
Chloe put the bee miraculous in her hair.
“Pollen, Buzz on!”
“It is a good thing there are so many copies,” Ryuuko stated as she leaped over a few Reflekta copies.
Viperion swerved and dodged the replicas of his sister’s akumatized form while avoiding getting caught in the bubbles that froze them and floated them up in the air.
Deadzone had been doing a lot of friendly fire thanks to its single minded obsession.
“After this, I really hope I never have to see my sister take this form again,” Viperion commented.
“Right, Adrien mentioned that you were Juleka’s brother. Older brother, right?”
“Older twin brother. But yes.”
“Really? You seem older.”
“I am a grade ahead of her, but we are the same age,” he explained.
“Could have sworn you were at least a year or two older.”
“A lot of people think the same thing. Even my mom forgets, sometimes. Rose, my sister’s girlfriend, says I radiate ‘big brother energy’ or something.”
“You learn something new.”
“What about you? Any siblings?”
“Sadly no. I was an only child.”
“Too bad, I think you would have made a great older sister,” Viperion encouraged
“A snake charmer, are we?”
“Well I am the snake, and I am not charming myself, so I think the more correct term would be dragon charmer.”
“Change that to fun killer because you killed my fun right there.”
Before Viperion could retort, they had made their way down to the end of the hall and noticed that it was frozen off.
“Dead end,” they say at the same time.
“No, Deadzone.”
The two turn to see the deadly akuma amalgamation pointing its blaster at them.
The two heroes looked at the deadly akuma.
“Any ideas?” Ryuuko questioned.
“Just one.”
Viperion moved his hand to his bracelet.
“Second chance!” Viperion activated his power.
“Now we have some options.” Viperion explained.
The akuma fired a bubble blast at Ryuuko, and she was frozen.
“Second chance!”
Things reset to how they were a few seconds before. Viperion grabbed Ryuuko and pulled her out of the way of the oncoming bubble blast.
“Thanks. For a minute there, I thought that thing had me.”
“It did, but I used my power to stop that. we still have to get out of here.”
“Look out!”
Ryuuko got hit with another bubble as they got up, protecting him from an attack.
“This might take a few attempts…”
Hawkmoth paced inside his lair.
Mayura was out there, his son was out there… and things were not going the way he planned. Masquerade seems to be building a base for herself and was more concerned with that than getting the miraculous. Adrien is MIA, and Mayura isn’t responding.
“I might need to step in. But there is a lot of risk in this. Far too many variables that I can't account for”
Hawkmoth never liked leaving his lair. It had too many risks to it. After Heroes' Day, he had nearly been exposed. And after that fiasco in Shanghai he didn’t want to risk getting taken out by his own akuma. He had already taken plenty of risks that had blown up in his face. Would this be another one of those times he would need to risk his miraculous?
“But it could also be just what is needed to beat Ladybug and Chat Noir once and for all.”
With an akuma this powerful, the two would likely have to use their special powers multiple times. If he can just locate them and wait for them to do so, he could potentially gain the advantage. Maybe Mayura was on to something with her actions.
Hawkmoth walked to the window.
“There will be a right time. I just need to wait for it.”
He felt an itch in the back of his neck. He wasn’t sure what it was but he could tell one thing, something big was going to go down, and he needed to figure out the right call soon or it could cost him dearly.
“…And that’s her plan.” Simularé finished. “As for Ladybug and Chat Noir… I am unsure. I lost track of them before I was given a new assignment. But they are in the building and they have not tried to leave.”
Mayura smiled at the information. While it was quite unfortunate that she didn’t have the exact location of the two heroes, it was good to know that they were still in the building, and Lila’s plan was certainly something interesting.
“Indeed, that is quite a clever plan. Ensuring everyone in the school couldn’t escape was pretty smart. You likely had a few escapes anyway, with how clumsy some of the akuma were. You are fortunate that neither one was Ladybug or Chat Noir. Still, though, it isn’t your master’s fault for that. They are basically mindless puppets. But then again, it seems that there might be zero escapes since there seems to be no new reports on the subject of a school takeover.”
Simularé let the peacock villainess muse, analyzing her movements as if trying to figure out any advantage it could handle.
“So, the next step now that all communications are cut is to send out a message that Ladybug and Chat Noir have already been defeated, so as to cause massive despair in order to create even more minions. Sounds a bit derivative, don’t you think?” Mayura mused.
Simularé said nothing. It held its tongue. Deep down, it knew that starting any dispute with this peacock was not wise. Especially given that crazy power she had over their being.
“Still, it is quite a plan. And with all those extra akuma recruited and Ladybug and Chat noir cut off from their guardian, they wouldn’t be able to get any sort of back up. They wouldn’t be able to put up much of a fight before all of Paris is under Masquerade’s thumb. I approve of the plan.”
“I am glad you do,” Simularé stated with a forced smile.
Their conversation was cut short when an akuma appeared. Seeing one it did not recognize, the artist akuma prepared to fight. But thankfully the shapeshifting sentimonster stepped in.
“Stand down Evillustrator, this one is not our enemy,” Simularé ordered.
Evillustrator eased and walked over.
“Masquerade has ordered that we start reinforcing the building. She wants this place to be like a fortress,” he parroted.
Mayura looked at the artist.
A fortress? Yes, Simularé mentioned that Masquerade wanted to reinforce the school so that she could ensure Ladybug and ChatNoir would have less chance of escape.
Simularé nodded at the akuma servant.
“Alright, so she wants us to drop the illusion, then?”
“She wants the place to be like a fortress.”
“Go ahead and start,” Simularé motioned. She figured that her master likely didn’t care about the illusion much as she was prepared for stage two. But she would maintain it for a bit.
The akuma moved to the end of the roof and begins working to reinforce the walls
Mayura began moving to the door of the roof to get back down into the school.
“Tell your boss I will be heading to her, and she best be welcoming,” Mayura ordered.
“As you command,” Simularé replied, hiding a large amount of anger and resentment towards the blue bird.
As soon as the blue peacock is out of sight.
Simularé contacts its master.
“Simularé, what is going on? Did Evilustrator reach you?”
“Yes. He is working to make this place a fortress. You want me to maintain the illusion, right?”
“I am about to go public shortly. After I make the announcement. Drop the illusion and make sure this place is a full-on fortress. After that is done, report back to me.
“Yes master. By the way, I had an idea.”
Simularé smiled sinisterly. She was going to show Peacock why she was sorely mistaken.
“I will report the details to you shortly.”
“Everything is set up,” Robostus noted.
“Excellent. Let’s do it now.”
The Reflekta camera crew was all set, and Gamer had set it up so the moment they went live, every screen in Paris would show Masquerade.
Masquerade got off her call with Simularé. Something seemed a bit off with her sentimonster but she was intrigued that she had a plan.
“We are live in 5….4…3….2…” the gamer stated before pressing the go live button.
Masquerade smiled.
“Good afternoon, citizens of Paris. You may not know who I am, but don’t worry! You will be very familiar with me very soon. I am Masquerade, and I have decided to make Paris my personal kingdom.”
She paused to let that sink in.
“Now you are likely very alarmed by this declaration and that is normal. It will only be a matter of time before I spread my influence to everyone in Paris.”
She paused to let her words hang in the air before continuing.
“Do not be afraid, I am no monster. I plan on being a fair leader. All I ask is for your undying admiration and absolute loyalty. After that, you are free to live your lives as you normally would. Do not resist and you will have no problems. However, if you do… well, I can’t guarantee your safety.”
Masquerade took a calm breath before finishing.
“This last message goes out to the heroes of Paris, Ladybug and Chat Noir. I know you are here, I know you believe you will stop me, and I know you have allies here. But you will fall to me. Your days of superheroing have come to an end, your miraculous will be taken from you, and I will expose you as the failures you are,” Masquerade finished with venom.
She ended the transmission.
“Now make sure that it is being looped,” she ordered.
“Already is,” Gamer confirmed. “And panic is starting to rise.”
Masquerade smiled. Her plan was already working.
It may have seemed like a simple ego boost, but that speech of hers was a crucial part of her plan. Her charm bracelet could hyper focus on anyone that was akumatized in the past and have their biggest insecurities exposed. But that one by one process took far too long, if the hope of the entire populace of Paris was already demoralized. Then all she needed to do was send out her masks and let them take hold. And all she needed to do was go out there and send the masks.
She could already feel massive amounts of negative emotion from outside of the school. As soon as she headed out of the school, she could easily go and get more akuma soldiers. She could feel her bracelet trembling with all the potential additions.
She was prepared to leave, activating one of the charms to give her black angel wings, but something she remembered caused her to stop.
“Simularé I am moving to phase two of my plan. Get down here.”
It only took a few seconds for the sentimonster to jump from the roof and knock on the window.
One for the Reflekta copies opened the large window to let in what appeared to be Dark Cupid, before it shifted into the phantasm form that was its base.
“Right on cue. So, what is this plan you wanted to suggest?” Masquerade inquired. “And be sure it is not a waste of my time.”
“What if I told you I could get you a Miraculous?”
The sentimonster could feel that Masquerade was very pleased with that idea.
37 attempts.
It took thirty-seven resets before Viperion figured out what they needed to do.
“Ryuuko, follow my directions exactly,” Viperion instructed. “I know how to win.”
He quickly pulled her towards him to make sure she dodged the first bubble.
The akuma was surprised by the avoidance.
Viperion smiled.
“Your next line is, ‘How did you know I was going to blast at her?'” Viperion stated confidently.
“How did you know I was going to blast at her?” Deadzone parroted in shock before realizing they had said exactly what Viperion had said they would say.
The dragon heroine looked at the determined expression of the snake. She could see experience and certainty in his posture. All her years of fencing taught Kagami the art of reading body language, and the hero in front of her was someone that exuded an aura of confidence. She knew she could trust him.
“Alright, Sassy Snake, I will let you take the reins.” Ryuuko responded.
“Jump to the left in 2 seconds and start running.”
Ryuuko followed the instructions and sure enough avoided yet another bubble attack from Deadzone.
“Head to their left and bounce off the locker at the end.”
Ryuuko dashed past the akuma and jumped as Viperion instructed, perfectly avoiding the barrage of blasts sent her way. Viperion had perfectly mirrored her motion as he explained the next steps.
“Now somersault twice and draw your sword.”
Ryuuko somersaulted as Viperion leaped over her and the dragon turned to draw her sword, now on the other side of the hall.
“Now as soon as it fires a bubble at you, activate your wind! No matter what! I believe in you Ryuuko.”
The last words seemed a bit strange to the fencer. What did he mean by that?
“Will you shut up!?” Deadzone shouted before sending a bubble at Viperion.
“For my final glimpse into the future, you will say, ‘Not so tough now are ya?'”
The bubble contacted Viperion.
“Viperion!” Ryuuko cried out.
The bubble enveloped the snake and floated to the ceiling, taking his frozen form along with it.
“No…” Ryuuko muttered. She looked down in sorrow.
I failed to protect him. He ended up protecting me. He had been backing me up to make sure I wouldn’t do anything reckless.
Ryuuko felt her mind flashback to a few days ago which now seemed almost like it happened a year ago. They had made such a good team back then and now… they get a chance to be heroes again and she couldn’t cover him like he did her.
“Ha, not so tough now are ya?” Deadzone stated with confidence.
Ryuuko’s ears perked up at the statement. That was the line Viperion predicted they would say. That means… Viperion knew this would happen! Which meant his previous statement was to show he planned this. She knew what to do.
Deadzone turned its attention to Ryuuko.
“Don’t worry, you will join him shortly.”
Deadzone fired another bubble right at her, but this time Ryuuko wasn’t moving. She was at the perfect distance to do what she needed to do.
Ryuuko smiled.
“Wind dragon!”
The dragon-themed heroine turned into a cloud and blew the bubble right back at the akuma.
The bubble encapsulated the akuma, causing it to freeze in place and then float to the ceiling.
Ryuuko returned to her original form and smiled, seeing how they had finally incapacitated the akuma.
“We did it, Viperion. We took them down. I'm sorry it cost you so much… I won't let you down!”
She raised her blade, upon realizing that her partner was indeed trapped in a bubble.
“Wait a minute…”
Ryuuko walked underneath Viperion’s bubble. She wasn’t entirely sure if this would work, since akuma magic was weird and often unpredictable, but it would make a lot of sense if it did.
“It is a bubble, so this should work right?” Ryuuko questioned as she used the tip of her sword to touch the bubble. She pushed it forward a bit causing the bubble to pop.
Her partner dropped to the floor.
“Ugh… my head.”
“You’re okay!”
Ryuuko hugged her friend, but then realized her sudden action and quickly jumped back up. A bit flustered, she could swear Marinette was rubbing off on her.
“I am glad you are alright, friend. You had me concerned — slightly,” Ryuuko corrected herself.
Viperion was surprised by the quick motions but managed to steady himself.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Of course. But make it quick, we will need to get a move on.”
“Okay… Who am I?”
Ryuuko froze at the question. She could see the confusion on his face. He was completely serious.
“Oh… that is not good at all.”
Masquerade is on phase two of her plan and Simularé is starting to make waves.
Who will get to the akuma first, Mayura or our heroes.
What will happen to Viperion now that his memory is gone?
Will Queen bee be the right choice?
Reblog and Comment . Your support is invaluable in keeping this fic alive. And I love hearing your thoughts on it
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I should have just made a damn fanfic of this Headcannon it's long enough! Lmao.
Satoru X Reader: Losing Virginity
Credit to artist on Twitter
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~ Can you say cocky mother fucker?
~ Dating Satoru you have already done everything but have sex and damnit he is more than ready to have sex with you!
~ He made you go on birth control because he plans on being very sexually active with you.
~ Plus he HATES condoms.
~ The two of you have been dating for a while now and he has been bugging you to have sex all the time.
~ You finally give in and say yes.
~ You're pretty sure Satoru has told almost everyone that you finally said yes to having sex with him.
~ Tonight is going to be amazing so be prepared for a long night of wild sex.
~ Even though he hasn’t had sex you best believe he knows what he is doing.
~ Being ‘The Worlds Strongest Sorcerer' he has amazing stamina.
~ He is convinced he will be able to last for a long time and fuck you into oblivion. (But he doesn’t know just how tight and juicy your pussy really is)
~ He takes you out on an amazing date to a very fancy restaurant for dinner and a romantic walk through the Park.
~ You and Satoru go back to his place to ‘watch a movie'.
~ Satoru just picks something really random because honestly he doesn’t give a shit.
~ He lays down on the bed next to you.
~ Before the movie has even started he is slipping his hand up your dress grabbing at your ass and making out with you.
~ Fuck you can’t resist Satoru he is so gorgeous.
~ You would let him do just about anything to you.
~ That's one of the many reasons why he loves dating you, you aren’t one to move slow. (I mean who could say no to Satoru?) ((I would be in that mans bed within like 5 minutes))
~ He starts taking off your dress as you straddle him taking off his shirt.
~ You always get so turned on when you see Satoru shirtless.
~ That gorgeous God-like body.
~ A eight pack that you just wanna bury your face in and lick. (Shut up this is my headcannon and I would lick those abs!)
~ He bucks his hips against your lace panties driving you insane as you let out a loud moan.
~ He smirks and snaps his hips again as he is getting harder by the second.
~ He unhooks your bra burying his face in your boobs he licks and bites them all over marking you, making you whimper.
~ He knows every way to get you turned on.
~ It’s a blessing and a curse because you’re always a puddle in his hands.
~ He looks at you fire gleaming in his eyes as he grabs you pinning you to the bed, he growls at you nipping your neck.
~ Satoru leaves steamy kisses down between your breasts trailing his lips showering your stomach in kisses as he makes his way between your legs.
~ Slowly he rubs outside your panties massaging your clit with his thumb.
~ “F-fuck Sa-to-ru!” You moan out.
~ You’re completely under his control as he pushes his palm against your pussy making your hips buck uncontrollably.
~ “That’s a good girl, I love the way you respond when I touch you, you submit to me so willingly (Y/N).” He leans into your ear.
~ “I have you whipped baby girl and I love it.” He bites your neck as he slips his hand in your panties.
~ “God damn you are soaking wet (Y/N).” He pulls his hand out of your panties showing you his hand completely covered in your juices. (Like I said a fucking puddle)
~ He licks your juices off his hand.
~ “Oops.” You say not so innocently. “What can I say you turn me on so much Satoru.” (But who wouldn’t be that way like seriously!)
~ Satoru's hand travels back down into your panties.
~ Inserting two fingers making you moan out as the thrusts them in and out of you.
~ He kisses you one last time before trailing his lips down your torso again, making you shudder.
~ He nips and kisses your inner thighs while he continues to pump his fingers in and out of you.
~ Every little touch is leaving you breathless as he works up every part of you.
~ He wants to make your body beg for him.
~ He finally decides to take your panties off tossing them on the floor.
~ He pulls back marveling at how beautiful you are right now. (He always does this when he gets you completely naked he worships your body)
~ To him you are perfect in every way possible.
~ He loves to lightly touch your most sensitive parts making you squirm beneath him. (Like lightly run his fingers down your sides or gently grab at your butt, it drives you mad how just a simple touch turns you on so much)
~ He finally goes down on you encircling his mouth around your clit as he fingers you again.
~ Instantly you cum squirting into his mouth.
~ He keeps licking your clit getting every last drop from you.
~ “Satoruuuuuu!” You cry out in pleasure as you grind on his face, tugging on his soft white hair.
~ Your head rolls back into the mattress as he continues to finger you going deeper with every push.
~ He nips at your clit making you squirt again.
~ “F-fuck Sa-to-ruuuuu!” You cry out in pleasure.
~ He finally comes up with a huge smirk plastered to that gorgeous face.
~ “I think that is the wettest I have ever made you baby.” He says smugly before he kisses you deeply.
~ He bucks his hips pushing his bulge against your wetness.
~ Your hands move down tearing his pants and boxers down.
~ He gently rubs his tip at your slit teasing you. (This man could edge you on for hours without even realizing what he is doing to you (yet))
~ You moan out as he continues to tease you making your body tremble beneath him.
~ “You don’t get him quite yet baby girl.” He whispers into your ear slipping just the tip in.
~ “You’re so meannnnn!” You wine out as you smack his arm.
~ “Don’t worry love he will be in you soon enough, but first” He traces your lips with his thumb. “I want you to use that amazing mouth on him.”
~ He stands up and you get on your knees.
~ You lick the pre-cum off slowly sucking the tip as you look up at him. (That turns him on so much when you look him in the eye while sucking his dick)
~ You keep looking at him as you deep throat his entire length taking him by surprise. (He's not the only one giving it their all tonight)
~ You continue to lick and suck deep throating him every so often making him as hard as a rock.
~ “F-fuck (Y-Y/N-N).” He moans out as you go faster while you play with his balls.
~ You suck him for a while, he finally pulls you off.
~ “Baby girl I could have you suck him all night, but I want you so badly now.” He says eagerly as he throws you on the bed.
~ You wrap your legs around Satoru. “I’m ready for you to take me Satoru.” You whisper into his ear.
~ He has made sure over the past few months as the two of you have explored each other that you were ready for tonight because you knew Satoru wasn’t going to be gentle, but you want it that way.
~ He kisses you passionately as he slips in.
~ Moaning into your mouth as he fits inside you feeling the tightness of your pussy makes him shudder.
~ His kisses go from long and passionate to sloppy and needy as he snaps his hips into you.
~ He didn’t realize just how good you would feel on his cock.
~ He feels like he is losing himself as his kisses become more and more sloppy.
~ Satoru is completely lost in your pussy.
~ His thrusts are erratic and slow because he feels like he is going to cum already.
~ He finally catches himself and starts fucking you hard.
~ “F-fuck you’re so tight, baby you feel so good on him…. I almost lost myself in your amazing pussy (Y/N).”
~ “Sa-to-ru! Just like that oh-oh my God fuck that feels so goooooooooood!” You moan out as he pounds into you.
~ “Yeah? You like that baby?” He asks as he lifts your legs up in the air going even deeper inside you.
~ “Take him all this dick is all for you!” He shouts out as he rails you.
~ “F-fuck Sa-Satoruuuuu I'm-I'm cuuuuummmmiiiiiinnnnnggggggg!” You moan out as your pussy sucks his cock in squirting all over the two of you.
~ “I want you to ride him baby girl.” E says as he pulls out and lays down on the bed.
~ In a flash you’re on top of him rubbing your clit on his cock making him moan out.
~ “Ohhhhhh f-fuck (Y-Y/N-N) you naughty girl teasing me like this.” He says looking down at your soaking core as you squirt all over him.
~ “Baby please put him back in…. He’s getting cold.” Satoru begs you. “He needs to be inside you.”
~ You smirk at him. “Of course baby because you asked so nicely….. Just answer one question for me, okay?” You say as you buck your hips making your slit rub all over his cock.
~ “Yes I’ll do anything!” He moans out.
~ “That’s a good Satoru.” You lean into his neck. “Do I have you pussy whipped already my dear Satoru?” You ask him as you mount him.
~ “YESSSSSSS!” He moans out as you slam down on his cock making it echo.
~ “I love your pussy so much (Y/N)! I-I can’t get enough of her!” He wails out gripping your sides as he snaps his hips into you.
~ “F-fuck Sa-to-ruuuuuuuu!” You scream out as you bounce up and down on him.
~ Mr. Cocky is losing his cool as he pounds deeper and deeper into you, your tight pussy is just too much for him.
~ He's going to cum any minute now.
~ His deep thrusts are slowing down.
~ “Are you going to cum for me baby?” You say in a sultry voice as you run your finger down his chest making him shiver.
~ With one final snap of his hips he thrusts deep into you cumming.
~ Your pussy clenches around his throbbing cock as you release your final orgasm.
~ You collapse on his chest still connected to him your breathing heavy as you find his lips wrapping your arms around his neck pulling him in for a deep passionate kiss.
~ You lay there in stillness holding each other close.
~ Finally you catch your breath. “Satoru baby that was absolutely amazing!”
~ He rolls you over so he is on top of you.
~ He leans into your neck. “Yes it was my love.”
~ You fell his member become hard again as he bucks his hips.
~ “Are you ready for round two?” He asks smugly.
@mguqiis @ivorylyon @sassyeahhhh
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moririki · 3 years
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you save your boyfriend from a massive problem which is currently in the corner of your bathroom )
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REQUEST -> n/a
CONTAINS -> spiders, bugs, you picking up said creepy crawlies, hq boys being no! help! at! all! (but that's ok bc we love them for it), fanon-ish sakusa cos i haven't read the manga and he had like 5 seconds of screen time so i'm just going off of what i've read + seen, clear favouritism despite the fact that i know basically nothing about sakusa, manga timeskip spoilers in sakusa's
MORI'S THOUGHTS -> haven't seen one where the reader is the one in the relationship who takes care of bugs so since i'm a #girlboss who throws spiders out of my room whenever i see them without breaking a sweat i'm writing that into a fun lil thing with the haikyuu boys that i strongly believe are scared of bugs. also besides the point but look at the pretty colour palette that their banners make fjfjfjdj will go back to writing the requests after this! inspiration just struck
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-> omg this fucking guy
-> don't let his pride fool you this man HATES bugs with a burning passion
-> he'll never admit it though
-> between you and the aoba johsai team he would never hear the end of how the great king oikawa would cower at the sight of a moth doing laps around a lightbulb
-> so when you pretended not to hear the shriek that left your boyfriend when he saw something flying around the bathroom light and he declined your offer to get rid of the moth for him, this left oikawa in a pretty difficult situation
-> it was just him alone in the bathroom, trying to brush his teeth while eyeing the bug warily
-> you came in a few minutes later, getting ready to go to bed as well
-> "you know, babe, that moth's been there for quite a while," you teased him
-> oikawa hummed in response, his eyes never leaving it as it continued its circumnavigation of the light fixture
-> "oh, you know. who am i to kick someone out of their home? i'm no monster"
-> you almost snorted at how poor of an excuse that was, but ruffled your boyfriend's hair anyway
-> "i'll take care of it, ru, you just finish getting ready"
-> "but y/n-chan, that moth has feelings! don't be mean to it!"
-> you gave tooru a very blank stare at that
-> "so do you want me to leave you alone with your new friend?"
-> "......no"
-> "that's what i thought"
-> you went up to the moth, managing to trap it in your hands before releasing it from a window
-> oikawa shuddered as you came back to the sink, giving your hands a quick rinse before resuming with brushing your teeth like nothing had happened
-> "you're so brave, my love"
-> "anything for you, babe"
-> bless this poor boy
-> so it's no secret that sakusa isn't the fondest of germs
-> and that extends to bugs and spiders too
-> besides a normal amount of disgust that he held for them, the thought of where the insects had been or placed one of their many feet on never failed to make his skin crawl
-> that's where you, his wonderful significant other, comes in
-> as much as he loves you, he just can't understand how you always stared at bugs with wonder in your eyes
-> you'd even pick them up, cooing at the way they crawled up your arm while sakusa just stared at you in disbelief with a can of bug spray in hand
-> tonight was one of those swelteringly hot summer nights
-> you know, the ones where the air seems to be still no matter how many windows you open and every insect in a mile radius is actively trying to enter your home
-> you were spending the night at your boyfriend's apartment, ready to have a relaxing night in with him since your schedules had finally synced up and allowed you both to enjoy a day off at the same time
-> it took months of trust before sakusa finally admitted to you how much he enjoyed doing skincare
-> so whenever you two spent the night together, you decided to start the evening with some face masks and idle binging of a tv show
-> against his half-hearted protests, you had insisted that sakusa wore a headband while this happened (one that had a very cute duck face printed on it)
-> just to keep the curls out of his face, of course
-> whenever he caught you sneaking a candid of him with facemask and duck headband on, he just shot you a halfhearted glare and threatened you to never send that to atsumu or the rest of the msby team
-> (you set it as your home screen instead)
-> anyways, i digress
-> so tonight you decided to cool down from the heat with a few facemasks and cuddling in your boyfriend's heavily air conditioned living room
-> but he kept all his skincare stuff in the bathroom, so you went to go get them as he set up a show to watch along with some snacks
-> you flicked on the light, going to his cabinet when something in the corner of the room caught your eye
-> there was a fairly large spider, desperately trying to crawl up the smooth tile wall
-> you decided to take pity on it and release it
-> but when you had it cupped safely in your hands, you decided to terrorise your poor boyfriend just a little
-> "hey, omi, look what i found!"
-> your boyfriend perked up at your signature nickname for him, though his eyes narrowed as he saw your clasped hands held in front of you
-> "no"
-> "but baby, you haven't even seen-"
-> "no"
-> you giggled at how defensive he had become
-> "come on, don't you want to name it? it's very cute"
-> "i want you to throw it out, y/n"
-> "alright, alright"
-> you took the spider to a window, releasing it back outside before heading back to the bathroom and grabbing a few masks for real this time
-> sakusa gave you the cold shoulder as you sat down next to him, humming as you gave him a face mask and putting it on without a word
-> "aww, baby, i'm sorry"
-> "..."
-> "i'll give you a head massage if you stop ignoring me?"
-> sakusa turned to you, his eyes narrowed in thought as he stared you down
-> the act soon broke, though, and he smiled against the sheet mask that was on his face
-> "it better be a good one," he huffed as he tugged the duck headband off, already sighing at the sensation of your fingers against his scalp
-> "omi, come on, what do you take me for?"
-> ngl lev gives off equal amounts of being terrified of like the tiniest spider or just finding bugs insanely cool vibes
-> it's funnier to imagine this 6-foot-something guy scramble away from a fucking crane fly in terror though so this is how it's going to play out
-> when you invited your giant of a boyfriend to your flat, you didn't anticipate just how small he made everything appear
-> he even towered in your doorway, having to stoop to step through into your hall
-> "woahh, i love your place!"
-> it was his first time staying over for the night, and lev was making sure to drink in every aspect of your interior design
-> you found it sweet of him, and watched as he stared in wide-eyed wonder at the little trinkets you had collected over the years to make your small apartment seem more like a home
-> you didn't expect him to scream at the top of his lungs and practically run back to you, though
-> you jumped at the sound, watching as he scrambled away from your lamp and pointed back at it with a shaking finger
-> you squinted at it, making out the very menacing form of a crane fly as it bumped into the lampshade and continued on its path
-> "lev, you big baby," you giggled, heading to the kitchen to grab a glass and trap it
-> "y/n, don't leave me alone with it!" he yelped, and you rolled your eyes at his antics
-> you came back, smoothly capturing the insect and throwing it out of a nearby window
-> lev was sat on your couch the whole time, hands covering his eyes as he curled in a ball
-> "is it gone?" he asked, and you you giggled at how childlike he was acting at the moment
-> "it's all good, baby" you smoothed his hair and lev gratefully leaned into your touch, a sigh of relief leaving him
-> "thank you, y/n"
-> "i'll get rid of all the bugs in the world for you, lev"
-> gives off the vibes that he used to eat bugs as a child i'm sorry but
-> have mercy on his soul lmao
-> so twins are supposed to be identical right?
-> anyone who spends more than a few minutes around the miya twins know that that's a complete fucking lie
-> and you've had the misfortune of being friends with them for a very long time
-> like your mums were friends and you were all born around the same time
-> you've been pulled into their shit before you could walk or talk
-> so you're well aware of just how different these mfs are
-> even though they were both absolute bastards, osamu always had a slightly more mellowed out approach which would always end up with atsumu getting the blame for what they got up to
-> especially as a child, osamu loved to terrorise his twin with the unwilling help of you
-> one of the ways was through osamu exploiting one of his twins' fears
-> that being bugs and spiders
-> he always cackled at the sight of atsumu screaming and trying to run away from him due to the spider he was holding
-> as they both grew up, this became less of a frequent thing for osamu to do
-> you also somehow started dating atsumu, but nobody could exactly pinpoint a moment that signified a beginning to your relationship
-> but since you're dating the world's biggest manchild in disguise, and osamu gets annoyed with atsumu quite easily, you would have to swoop in to rescue him from time to time
-> recently the twins had been getting a little snappy with each other, and it had yet to sort itself out
-> from what you had heard your boyfriend was in the wrong this time, but you still listened to him whine and rant about it
-> you were going to the inarizaki school gym to say hi to your boyfriend and best friend before practice started, only to see absolute chaos unfolding
-> with kita yet to arrive, the twins were effectively unleashed and that much was clear with the way atsumu was practically screaming his head off as he ran around the gym
-> your eyes took in the rest of the players- aran had his head in his hands, suna was snickering with his phone out to record the newest miya twin fight, and osamu's deranged laugh could be heard above everything else as he chased his brother, hand held out in front of him
-> only one thing was capable of making atsumu scream like that, so you already knew what was happening
-> atsumu quickly spotted you hovering in the doorway, and made a beeline to where you were
-> his eyes were panicked, and you were quick to wrap him in a hug as you shot osamu a nasty glare over his shoulder
-> literally this lmfao
-> "that's enough, 'samu"
-> your best friend paused, before a smile spread across his face as he dangled the centipede in front of him
-> "you know it was rubber, right?"
-> you felt your boyfriend tense in your arms and you bit your lip to stifle a small giggle
-> but at least they would be back to normal by the end of today
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back to the menu - ,, 🕷 ·˚ ༘ ꒱
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toiletwipes · 3 years
hoppípolla; part one
college!dream x afab reader but they pronouns
nervous college student you, smoked weed with dream one night and you couldn't ever forget it. starting a crush you knew would be the death of you. and at the moment, you had a terrible way of dealing with things. and things just kept happening, one thing after another.
a little author's note: i'm splitting it into parts because i like the attention and also because it feels right
2.37k words
he literally couldn't get any hotter.
you sit at a mini-bar, crossing your leg over the other, sipping at your sprite. there was he was, in all of his fucking glory, was dream. your classmate in your english course and the one person at this party who you knew, for an absolute fact, smoked weed. and although he wasn't smoking right now, the beer in his hand said that he probably wasn't going to be, tonight.
oh you knew, this was a college dorm party, and people tried all sorts of party drugs, and weed was the tip of the iceberg. no, you knew that.
but no one was also that hot.
maybe they were but they just weren't dream, not a stoner, not someone who had damn good genetics, and someone who knew how to roll a joint perfectly. not to mention, his best friend sapnap? also your best friend.
he's the one who introduced you two, despite having shared english for the past year. and he's the one who brought you and dream to the party.
(yeah, you sat in the back, pulling at the cords of your hoodie, watching the sides of his face move with quiet notions, talking to sapnap as he drove and playing soft music to match the rain.)
thinking even more, you wanted to just get up and go outside, just the urge to smoke something and anything, something to fill your lungs as your mind numbs just even the tiniest bit.
you sigh, taking one more sip of your drink before leaving it at the mini-bar, slipping your hands into the pocket of your hoodie and sliding out a cigarette out of its carton. taking a step outside, you sigh in relief seeing the dry porch. several others sat in a circle, passing around a beer and two decent blunts. sometimes sharing a kiss, sometimes the smoke between their lips.
what you would give to do that with dream, you bemoaned silently, as you lit your own cigarette, inhaling the bitter nicotine as you enjoyed the patters of the rain.
wiping your hand down on a bench, and seeing as it wasn't as wet as you thought it would be, you take a seat and take another long drag.
"so, what did he say?"
a girl with a bright green mullet and the sides of her head dyed pink, and several piercings in an non-existent eyebrow, she stares at you expectantly. as if you had an answer.
"don't know. haven't really talked to him." you shrug, trying not to think about any of your past conversations with him. all dull, all about school, all about homework. there would be no reason for him to agree to anything dealing with you in any romantic sense. or sexually, if you even dared.
"you know what that means right?" you look at her with a pinched expression. "it means you start talking to him, then ask him to blow your back out, or whatever it is you want" you almost choke on the smoke coming out of you but you mostly laugh it off.
"yeah like he'd want to talk to me," you muse, finding the stranger oddly comforting as she came over to sit next to you.
"well you don't know that, do you?" you had to give her that. you didn't know. but it wouldn't take a genius to guess the right answer. "does he smoke?" she asks, turning to you and feeling like there's nothing really stopping you from becoming besties, you pass your cigarette to her.
"i know he smokes weed but nothing else as far as i'm aware." you lean forward onto your knees, pressing your chin into your palms. "but honestly, i don't know him that much to begin with, so like, what's the point?"
the mullet hands it back to you after a pondering puff, and when you take a drag, she answers. "well, the way i see it, you can ask him out or you hookup tonight, or try to move on if you're serious about him." she pats your knees, moving to stand as she stretched. "but really, i hope it goes well, and if you need anything," she flicks out a card and watches you take it with disregarding eyes, "give me a call." and without as so much another word, she's leaving in a Beetle with her circle of friends.
glancing at it, it's a card to the floral shop but with a name on it. pocketing it and then snuffing out the bud, you leave it dead on the porch, hoping to find sapnap and beg him to take you home.
you appreciated the nice girl for the conversation and maybe the start of a healthy friendship, but even just being with someone other than dream made your heart twist in your chest.
you didn't have time to search for your best friend as he clung to dream, who was dragging his ass close to the door, where you stood now.
and when you finally appeared in his vision, you see relief and a smile sink into his face. you don't know why but you push down a smile as he approaches you with long strides. but what happens next is downright hilarious.
"we have to go right now, sap just puked all over minx and she's this close to blowing this house up," his nose wrinkles with his smile, you notice, but you nod without much thought.
"need me to drive?" you offer, though, you hates nothing more than exactly that.
"please, i've had a few beers and i don't want to risk driving tipsy," he says and you want to just cry.
you nod as you hold your hand up for the keys, and upon them being dropped in the center, you swallow down the dryest, biggest lump in your throat.
hearing several honks behind you, you don't even move above the speed limit in the neighborhood, which was five. it was fucking raining and you happened to have the biggest crush in existence on the person sitting in the passenger seat.
"i know you're driving right now, but have you heard of this song?"
the first ten seconds are tense, piano notes building up to a release after the next twenty with a guitar and drums in the back.
you recognized it easily, finding it comforting. you smile as you glance behind your shoulder and flick your turn signal on. "it's called hoppípolla, isn't it? from that one movie with the cursed girl?" he laughs and your heart clenches, wanting to hear it more.
"yeah, i just wanted to see if you'd recognize it, i've shown it to like, ten people and only a few knew it." you knew it was silly to be proud to know it but you couldn't help it. you felt easy, easy to ply with.
"yeah, well, i do have an eccentric movie taste," you smile as you turn onto the next street over, finding sapnap's house immediately. originally his parents, but they were gone for a small vacation while it was the summer.
putting the car in park, you let out a breath, just happy to be done with driving for the moment. "you okay?" you jump in your seat, finding dream already out of the car with sapnap in his arms.
the man in question babbled with incoherent words, but you paid him no mind.
"um, yeah, i uh, i just- just hate driving," you grimace as you pull yourself out of the car, getting hit with the constant pelting rain.
he frowns, of all things, walking to the porch as you beat him there already, unlocking the door.
he lays sapnap down on the couch as you make your way to the kitchen, helping yourself to the gourmet chocolate cake left there by his parents' anniversary.
tasting as sweet as you thought it would be, but somehow so fucking bitter at the same time. maybe it's the way you want to cry but how lame would that be? found in your best friend's house crying as you ate their cake?
not cool.
wiping your face with the sleeve of your hoodie, you pick yourself up and sit on the counter, desperate to change how your feeling. your skirt riding up your thighs, almost hiding in your oversized hoodie, not that you noticed.
and as if he could read your fucking mind, he walks in as he's ruffling his head of hair, as if he just got out of the shower. catching you on the counter, you had half a mind to stop eating cake and get down but you just didn't care at this point.
"want some?" you offered, sliding the platter of cake towards him while you tried to hide the fact that your face was blotchy and your nose couldn't stop sniffling. you hated the way pity looked in people. but when you turned to give dream a spoon, you saw nothing but a man with flushed cheeks and darting eyes. "are- are you good, dream?" you ask, almost disbelieving that this man is anything but flustered.
"you just, uh, well. i- i don't know how to say this but." he covers his mouth and face with one hand as he points to your lap. raising an eyebrow, you turn your head down to see the little, cyan bow on the front of your grey panties.
"oh fuck-" you dropped your fork as you yanked your skirt down and hopped from the counter, barely meeting his shoulders as you went to move away from him.
tears dropped from your eyes faster as you went to leave, when dream's arm shoots out to stop you, grabbing you by the arm as he protests you leaving.
"okay, it's bad but you can stay, um, let's just finish the cake and go to bed." you really didn't want to, dream seeing your underwear while you ate cake was forcibly checked off your bucket list.
turning around, you wanted to shrink and then be crushed like a bug underneath dream's shoe, but you settled for picking up your spoon and shoveling a bit of cake in your mouth until you couldn't think about anything else.
you flashed your crush, and he asked you to stay to eat cake. cake, of all things, you mourned.
wished somebody eat you out, you weep in your head, and come to your horror, dream starts choking on cake, coughing loudly as he punched his chest.
"i have a feeling i said something out loud." you feel humiliated as you just let the fork fall from your fingers, walking out of the kitchen, not hearing the man disagree and then as you're about to just pull your shoes on and leave, dream comes out of the kitchen and puts his hands on your shoulders.
"listen, uhh, i don't want to freak you out, but a few weeks ago, when- when we went to that party with george, he may or may not have said that you had, uh, that you have a crush on me and- is- is that right?" his words fell out of his mouth faster than he could trip over his feet. "do you like me like that?"
you wanted to melt into the ground.
"can i just go?" you whimpered out, turning your head as you tried to pull his hands off your shoulder.
"please answer the question," he begs, moving his hands from your shoulders to your cheeks, cradling it as he got closer. "because i cannot stop thinking about you, and every time we're alone, you always leave as soon as possible but then you looked so hot on the counter-" he breaks off, moaning under your stare as you listen with wide eyes.
"please say you feel the same," he begged pulling your face close to his as you gripped his arms.
"and what would you do if i did?" you whispered, eyes closing as you tried to hold onto your beating heart. his breath fanned over your lips, and all you could think about was him, him, him.
"anything you'd let me do," he says and you let out a broken moan when your two lips met, slotting against each other as if they were always meant for this. he moves his hands from your face to your shoulders and down as he moved to your waist. you grabbed a handful of his hair, the other holding the side of his face, and he moves his mouth from yours and licks a stripe down your chin to your neck.
"do you remember the day we first met," he murmured against your skin as you panted. "you were shivering while we waited for the professor, and you asked if you could borrow my jacket." it does ring a bell but you're not thinking too hard when he starts biting into your neck.
"and when you keep showing up, wearing my jacket, and that pretty, short skirt," he reaches up with one hand to hold onto your neck as he sucks a hickey right into your skin, painting as much as he could with such a pliable canvas as your skin.
"the things you do to me," he lets out a moan so broken, you wondered how he could be this affected by you and you not noticing for so long.
"we have all night, we can-" you let out a whine as he sucks hard into that sweet spot, "we can try to do it, everything, everything you and i want."
reaching down, he slipped his hands underneath your ass, picking you up with ease as he moved towards the guest bedroom. "i hope you're not planning on walking anywhere tomorrow," he pants in your ear, leaning you against the door as he uses the one hand to open it. kicking it behind him, he lays you on the bed, pushing up his hoodie to mouth kisses onto your stomach.
"as long as you'll have me," you spoke with need, your voice breaking just as much as his. and he nods hard, before he moves back over you to kiss your lips.
"you ready?"
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neopuppy · 3 years
Hot Sauce (M): Deeply Dip That
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Hot Sauce: Intro—>
Hot Sauce: Part 1–>
Hot Sauce: Part 2–>
Hot Sauce: Part 3–>
Hot Sauce: Part 4–>
a/n: To thank you for 2000 followers(little under 100 away atm), this happened so fast and I never expected more than a few 100 followers. I’m very appreciative for all your messages and support! I’ve decided on one last Hot Sauce installment to celebrate🥳 The fivesome that was requested more than a few times, hopefully will wrap this up nicely for you all😮‍💨(not that I do requests but..)
This will be a lengthy one shot- and filthy. Reader be mindful, always read to your level of comfort💙
please do not ask when I will post- if you would like to be tagged just lmk!☺️
There is also this.
“Why’s he always gotta be such a dick? What does he want? He won’t fuck any of the girls we bring back. Now he’s pissed we got his sister here..” Haechan scoffs. Hands busy behind the little bar set up by the pool mixing a drink. Renjun sighs, leaning in on his elbow.
“Step sister, when you just say sister it’s kind of weird. After what we all had to watch..” he rubs his sweaty nape with a smirk. Other hand snapping at Haechan for a beer.
“Don’t act like you didn’t like it. You came faster than all of us.” Haechan lets out an appeased laugh. Pouring golden bubbly liquid into a red cup. Under his breath, he whispers quietly “wonder why.”
“Fuck you dude, talk about Jeno being a dick.” Renjun snatches the cup out of Haechan’s hands, sniffing the contents cautiously. All too familiar with his stupid pranks by now.
“Renjun.. hear me out.. if he’s not gonna fuck her..” Haechan’s brows lift suggestively. Eyes darting back and forth between where you stand. Tension evident in your body language as irritation overcomes you the longer Jeno ignores your presence. “Been awhile since me and you shared right?..”
“Haechan, he almost killed us once already. You really want to risk that chance again for some pussy?” Renjun leans back, contemplation passing his eyes none the less.
“You know it wasn’t just some pussy. Love me a good freaky bitch.” Haechan’s grin grows. Sipping alcohol through a straw, having started early today. Slight buzz reaching his head already. Maybe with a clearer state of mind he wouldn’t dare test Jeno again- yea right.
“We’ve been 6 feet deep in ass since we got here. You just love to piss him off dude.” Renjun stands up from the bar stool, hands smoothing down his t-shirt. “I’m not completely opposed to the idea though..”
“You act like Jeno doesn’t deserve it. Look at him seething away over there like some big baby. He needs to learn his lesson already, just cause he’s hot and has chiseled abs doesn’t mean he should always get what he wants.” Haechan says shooting a lazy glare Jeno’s way.
“You have to stop watching those enemies to lovers movies. You’re one more hour of Jeno walking around shirtless away from proclaiming your undying love.” Renjun responds with a disgusted tone. Tossing back the rest of his drink. Combination of summer heat and alcohol causing sweat to pool in the crevices of his body.
“Whatever..” Haechan laughs to himself, finishing the rest of his drink off. With a spin, he grabs two cans of beer making his way out from behind the bar. “You in or what?”
Renjun sports a hesitant smile, eyes bouncing between you and Jeno. He should know better by now than to let Haechan talk him into these messes. Against his moral judgment, he nods, smile spreading wider into his cheeks. “If we get caught, I’m blaming it all on you.”
“We’re not gonna get caught. Jeno’s too busy pretending she doesn’t exists.” With a roll of his shoulders, and an elbow nudged into Renjun’s side they make their way over to you. “Act cool. Don’t make it obvious.”
Renjun scoffs, stepping ahead of Haechan. If anyone knew how to be inconspicuous out of the four of them, it’s him.
“Why are you standing here all alone? Are we not friends now?” He steps into your space under the roofs ledge where you’re trying to catch shade. Pulling a can of beer from Haechan’s clutches, earning a scoff. “We got that sugar free kind, girly spritzer stuff? You thirsty?”
“First off- ew, we are not friends. Second off- why would you idiots invite me to this party?” You spit out, snatching the can from his hands. Haechan’s expression turning amused over Renjun’s shoulder muttering- “Should have let me handle this one.”
“God she’s just like Jeno..” Renjun tucks his chin into his shoulder whispering to Haechan. Face turning back to you quickly with a kind smile. “Let’s be friend then? You’re here right? We all know each other well.”
“You know fucking doesn’t equate to friendship right?” Your tone laced in annoyance. Hand swatting at mosquitos circling around you. Haechan’s eyes light up, the bulb in his mind sparking to life.
“Bug spray!” He shouts out, a little too enthusiastically. “We have bug spray inside.. come on let’s get you some before you turn into a mosquito feast.”
Renjun looks at him with confusion. Haechan motioning for you both to step inside the house. Majority of the party goers outside by the pool- a pool party after all. He throws Renjun a look indicating ‘I got this’, glancing over his shoulder to make sure Jeno doesn’t spot the three of you. You make your way inside, Haechan placing a hand on your lower back.
“Still can’t believe Jeno ruined your summer plans over something so petty..” Haechan mumbles, throwing another knowing look at Renjun behind your back. You take in the gorgeous beach house, anger building up inside of you the more you think about it. Unable to stop yourself from picturing all the surfaces Jeno could have been fucking you into mindlessness on.
“He’s so immature.” You sigh, slumping against Haechan’s hand. Renjun nods in return, wrapping himself around your arm.
“You have no idea. He’s just lucky we all agreed to help him pay this off.” Renjun bites back his smile. Leading you down the hall toward their bedrooms.
“I know you guys are like besties, but Jeno’s just..” your hands shoot up, groaning in frustration. “Why would he even bother to rent this place out for us. It’s not like I wanted to go out with that Mark guy!”
“Oh I know..” Haechan pauses, turning you to face him. “He told us all about it.” He tsks, head shaking.
“He can be such an asshole right?” Renjun strokes your arm up and down, free hand brushing hair off your shoulder. You slump into his pets, soft warm hands sweeping up and down your bare skin.
“You need to get back at him, give him a taste of his own medicine.” Haechan’s tone deepens. Hands finding their way to your hips. “Let us help you.”
“Help me?” Your eyes widen, Haechan’s lust filled gaze pulling you in. This can’t happen again, or can it..
“Jeno abandoned you for weeks to come fuck around out here with us. He doesn’t deserve anything from you.” Renjun leans into your ear with a hushed tone. Fingers finding the tie on your bikini bottom, toying with the strings.
“I think it’s only the right thing to do..” Haechan slides a hand down your fluttering bare stomach. Fingers reaching for strings on the other side of you. His mouth falls open comically, pulling the tied knot free.
“Wait..” you look around the hallway with slight panic. Thighs squeezing together, clenching the fabric of your bottoms between you. “Here? Isn’t this..”
“What? You’re shy all of a sudden?” Renjun bites your earlobe, tugging free the other knot. Bikini bottoms betraying you as they fall to your feet. Eyes drifting down, toes kicking the cloth aside. Stomach heating up, fiery heat coiling around inside of you.
“I’m not.. I just.. what if he..” Swallowing, head tilting as Renjun’s tongue slides down your neck. Soft lips leaving hot pecks on your burning skin.
“What if he what?” Haechan clasps your chin, eyes blazing with intent. “Jeno deserves this..” fingers drag down your neck, between your chest. Lips pulling back, sucking air through teeth. “You deserve this.”
A whimper passes between your lips, legs trembling holding you up. Haechan’s head tilted down, hand slowly stroking between your abdomen. Eyes look up, half lidded and menacing. Fingers sliding in-between your squeezed thighs, tapping at your clit.
“Don’t you?” The questions dangerous, almost threatening. Biting down on your lip as Renjun’s teeth dig into your neck, humming in agreement. His fingers running along the dip in your back. Giving in you nod rapidly, cocky smirk on Haechan’s lips spreading.
“That’s right. Nasty little whores like you love getting fucked where anyone can watch.” Haechan’s grin grows. Fingers gliding between your folds. “As expected, dripping wet.”
“Let me” Renjun steps in front of you, lips pouted with a sheen of spit. Lust hazy filled eyes racking across your body. He swiftly falls to his knees, arms wrapping around your thighs.
“I got you” Haechan steps behind you, arms wrapping around your waist. “He loves to eat.”
Renjun’s face dips down, nose shoving between your shaking thighs. One of Haechan’s hands squeezes your hip, landing a smack loud enough to echo against the walls.
“Stop acting shy, that pussy’s hotter than my ps4” lips drag across your nape. Teeth skimming down skin, tongue lapping at your shoulder. Hips jolting forward Renjun’s nose pressing against the hood of your clit.
Sandwiched between their bodies has your temperature rising quickly. Haechan pressing flat against your backside. Licking the top of your back, tongue languidly dragging up and down your spine. Renjun pulls your thigh forward onto his shoulder, you tense up reluctant to relax your body weight against him.
Haechan slaps your hip again, firm hand landing on your ass after. “Stop acting innocent, where’s that whore that begged for cock in front of all of us huh?” He hisses against your ear, hips thrusting forward against your lower half with emphasis.
Pathetic whimpers fall from your lips, body slumping as you release control, giving in. Renjun’s eyes shine bright below you, cheeks bunched up with eagerness. His jaw stretching open, mouth enveloping your mound. Hot tongue forcing between your wet folds. Loud sounds of wetness burning at the tips of your ears.
“That’s more like it, dirty slut” Haechan lets out a laugh, teeth digging into the crevice of your neck. “You gonna let me fuck this ass?” Fingers reach between you, tips circling around your clenching up hole. Gasping in surprise, instinctively rolling forward against Renjun’s mouth.
“Fuck..” your eyes squeeze shut, biting down a moan. Tongue finding it’s way to your entrance, moans shivering up your core.
“Ride his tongue baby, he loves that shit” Haechan slaps your ass again. Finger prodding at your backside. Mouth marking up your neck with endless licks, sucking and biting over every expanse of flesh. Haechan thrusts forward, Renjun’s tongue gliding inside with a firm wiggle. He doesn’t stop thrusting, finger running up and down between your cheeks. Face growing hotter as you speed up, neck dropping back against Haechan’s shoulder.
“Feel good? Come on, tell him how it feels.” He hisses meanly into the back of your ear, teeth nibbling.
“Yes! Oh fuck, yes yes” eyes dropping open, the ceiling spinning above succumbing to the pleasure. Renjun knows what he’s doing, hands squeezing around your thighs. Tongue relentlessly working away inside of you. The combination from Haechan’s torment and Renjun’s stimulation too much. Haechans fingers not giving your ass a break, hole fluttering against him with each pass.
“Dirty slut..” he mutters, reaching around you. Hand sliding down your stomach. Your eyes follow the motions, head dropping forward. Eyes locked on Renjun’s squinted crazed look. Practically fucking down on his mouth. His head moving up and down with each thrust of his tongue inside.
“I’m..o-oh..oh fuck…stop stop!” You squeal out. Still too aware of your surroundings trying to control your vocals. Haechan smirks behind you, hand swiping down. Thumb teasing at your clit.
“Gonna cum?” He presses down on your clit harshly. Roughly circling it, working you from both ends. Your head shakes, waist curling forward in his hold.
“No! I’m… I’m gonna..oh f-fuckk” your face contorting tightly. You grind down on Renjun’s tongue, legs shaking around him. Body jumping forward, squirting out past his tongue. He groans beneath you, eyes falling shut in ecstasy. Continuing to work away, licking all over your drenched folds. Heavy sounds of slurping mixing in with your panted drawn out moans.
Foot steps sound around as they reach closer, stepping into the hallway. Bottoms of feet pattering down on the wooden floor approaching. Moans and a tongue swirling in your ear much louder. Distracting you from hearing any warning. A displeased huff of shock paired with a deep voice breaking your thoughts— “Are you two fucking serious right now?”
ps- they are so going to get caught🤓
pps- 💙love you all💙
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 3 years
Mon 7 June ‘21
Liam’s podcast with Steve Bartlett is out and while I still don’t care about that guy I’ll give him this-- he does great at getting out of the way and letting Liam talk. And boy does Liam talk! Liam says A LOT and let’s all just pause to send him some big hugs before we get into right? And then look to the future- Liam’s routine is to say ‘things have been terrible but it’s fine, it’s fine NOW’, always, even when that is absolutely obviously not true, and today is no different but for once I actually believe some of his hopeful bits too which is so great! I hope things really are shifting for him and I can’t wait to hear this new song of his. But there’s a lot that’s hard to hear too, oh Liam. He said that he and Maya have broken up (so yes, presumably why he just moved again such a short time after they moved into their haunted house), talked about his struggles with his alcoholism (and said he’s been sober for a month right now, go babe!), shared the usual distressing stories about his time in the band and what that was like for him (and how it still impacts him), and he talked about his new song and how it feels different for him than his past solo music. Truly though there is SO MUCH more than I can get into here or then you can get from the UA highlights- I HIGHLY recommend actually watching at least parts of the video, also because the attempt to summarize so much erases all the charm and humor, of which there is much. If you don’t think you want to watch Liam’s interviews, it has to be because you aren’t watching Liam’s interviews, they’re delightful! Plus really if you care about 1D and want information about what it was like for any of them, listen to Liam, he’s the one who’s out there talking about it.
About Maya he said, that yes, he is now single, and “I’ve just been not been very good at relationships,” and “I’m a proper perfectionist… at the start of the relationship you put out this complete false character like I might as well go in in costume, I’m like putting out something that is not there... kind of like encompassing someone else’s life with your crap rather than just doing your thing and laying out your store from day one. That’s my biggest problem is that I feel like I don’t lay out my store... and then I’m annoyed when they don’t like what I like,” and “I think my problem is I struggle to be on my own sometimes... I dive in and out of relationships too quickly. I’ve not spent enough time on my own to relearn about myself.”
He laughs about his tendency to ask his manager things during interviews; “My fans think that Steve is doing something to me, they’re like liberty for Liam because he always looks to Steve, but that’s because I like him. It’s not because he’s harming me as a person. There’s like a hashtag Liberty for Liam because they think I’m some like prison child,” and he also said “my manager’s my best friend,” (and he’s said in the past he is a big support for him) and mentioned stuff they’d talked about recently around his therapeutic awakenings.
He talked about therapy being something you have to want to do and be ready to do rather than being pushed into, like getting sober, and says that this time around with his own therapy work he’s really felt that and thrown himself into it and he talked a lot about his relationship to therapy in connection with band days. “I mean one of our old managers went to therapy from being a manager of One Direction. So if you can imagine how that feels like the rest of us definitely need some.”
“We were young,” he said, “What I found was I didn’t know I was the boss until like a few months ago, I still don’t even feel like I am now, like I’m such a child. And everyone I work with now is older than me and wiser than me and I’m like what the hell am I doing here with these people. When we were 17 I thought the security guard was like in charge of me so I was like Can we leave the room? No? Oh ok then,” and “when we were in the band, the best way to secure us was just lock us in our rooms. And of course what’s in the room? Minibar. So at a certain point, I thought Well I’m gonna have a party for one and that just seemed to carry on throughout many years of my life... You know I spoke to somebody about this in child development as a teen, the one thing you need is freedom to make choices. That we could do anything we wanted it seemed from the outside but we were always locked in a room at night and then it would be car, hotel room, stage, sing, locked. So it’s like they pulled the dust cloth off, let us out for a minute, but then it’s back underneath again,” and “the day the band ended I was like thank the lord for that. And I know a lot of people are going to be mad with me for saying that, but I needed it to stop. It would kill me.” Anyway, he said, because it wouldn’t be Liam without an upbeat coda, “I don’t want any of this to get lost in translation. I’m not 100% moaning about my life... it’s had its ups and its downs, but I would rather talk about it and it’s therapeutic for me.”
And what about that exciting new song? Liam said, “We have a really cool song in the pipeline... one of the first ones I’ve actually written myself- with some other people, I didn’t write it by myself, but it’s the first one I’ve really liked. And I think I got so used used carting around other peoples songs and not embedding myself creatively in what I do because I was so scared to find out who I was,” and “I don’t really know how I would tour again. I really want to” [on discord today he said he would be touring next year] “I always said throughout my solo career I’d let my song book speak to me. And I don’t think my song book spoke to me to get off my ass. I only became a solo artist because I had Strip That Down. I wasn’t gonna do it, I was gonna leave it alone. I was like, I survived it once thank you very much- but I’m back in now. Because the song, I knew it was right. It felt right with that song, I hadn’t had that. This year, the song we have I feel really really great about. So I’d rather let the music do the talking than me come out and force it. We don’t need any more useless music in the world, it needs to mean something,” and he mentioned the new song on the discord a lot too, most notably picking out a long comment that thanked him for making the fan feel supported and safe and for “putting your heart in everything you do” and for his support of the LGBTQ community to respond to with, “I think you will really like the new song.”
A few other random bits, he said that he thinks there should be a system to make therapy available to musicians in the industry, “I think I’m definitely gonna get a dog because I need routine,” and “I recently started jujitsu,” yeah you and everyone else huh, so do him and Louis and Oli go to the same gym or ???, and he acknowledged that as an addict he may have just transferred that to working out “but there’s a lot worse things to be addicted to then looking after yourself” hmm but he does seem to say that he’s doing better around body image stuff; he talks about having put on weight during lockdown and seeing himself in the BAFTAS performance- “I saw myself... and I was like ‘oh my god I’ve completely let myself go in this’. And it was fine...I feel so much more secure in myself now.” Oh and that he’s written a comedic movie script “based around AA” and his experiences there, such as how “I had a really weird AA experience the first time that I went. My first experience was with Russell Brand.” LMAO yes! Cannot wait, bring on auteur Liam please! Anyway as if ALL THAT wasn’t enough he’s also dove into the lead up to his NFT release; he said “I'm almost ready to share my NFTs with you guys... Who wants to see them?” and posted a tiny preview that tells us its (their?) title for the first time- Lonely Bug.
Niall and Anne Marie perform on Jimmy Fallon tonight, and the hype is already a go! I guess it’s prerecorded, as we’re already seeing pictures from it; they’re singing to each other with the cute car from the video in the background. Niall signed on to a letter to Boris Johnson asking for changes to music streaming revenue rules and signed by 232 artists (including all the artists Johnson recently named as his favorites, haha). Zayn signed on to a Billboard petition to the US senate calling for gun safety laws. The bar Zayn got into the fight in front of posted “Zayn's a regular at Amsterdam Billiards and he is a true gentleman. On Thursday night he was confronted by an inebriated passer-by outside on the street and was called a homophobic slur. We support Zayn & condemn homophobia in the strongest terms!” And also PS omg again because it just isn’t going away: Harry’s beauty company is called Pleased As, his name is Harry Edward Styles so yes when listed last name first, as legal documents do, it spells SHE but it is not a “feminist abbreviation” (WHAT? even??) nor the name of the business.
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brvdges · 3 years
Like A River Flows - Stark!Reader x Peter Parker
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Title: like a river flows
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: Y/N hopes to meet her soulmate on her eighteenth birthday. Soulmate No Blip AU
Warnings: none
A/N: I've been gone so long but here's a new imagine! I got a new laptop! So hopefully there will be tons more of these. I listened to "Can't Help Falling In Love" by Kina Grannis if you wanna get the full experience.
Word Count: 1824
You could hear the sound of glasses clinking and laughter echoing up from the main room as you tugged at your dress at the top of the stairs. You turned around and looked in the ornate mirror behind you. 
Everything about you was perfectly polished and plucked; your lace was perfectly laid with every hair beautifully framing your face. Your ears were adorned with simple gold diamond studs and a matching name necklace sat daintily on your collarbone.
Your makeup was done to perfection with your brown eyes sparkling from behind layers of shadow, liner, mascara, and false lashes. For the first time in your life, you had gotten your makeup done professionally. Your father had paid for it of course -- it was at his insistence that you had gotten it done.
In fact, the entire party was at his insistence and he had taken it upon himself to have every detail perfect. You didn’t really want a big elaborate birthday party, but today was the big day. 
Everyone had a special day when you’d finally know the person you’re meant to be with. At a young age, you’d come to the conclusion somehow your meeting would be on your eighteenth birthday. When your father was enlightened with this fact, he had taken it upon himself to make everything perfect -- including you. Thanks to him, you looked undeniably stunning.  It was the most beautiful you had seen yourself in a long while. Ever since your mom had passed, you hadn't felt the need to dress up anymore -- so it no longer felt like you.
“You look absolutely radiant, Y/N.” Pepper assured you as she joined you in looking in the mirror. “Your father outdid himself. Just wait until he sees you.” You understood immediately what she meant, you were almost a spitting image of your mother. Your mahogany skin and high cheekbones were hers, as was your smile and arched eyebrows. The only evidence of your father was the occasional facial expression. “You ready?” she asked turning you back towards the steps. 
You nodded and smiled cautiously, “You’re gonna be okay. There’s so many people down there and they’re all excited to see you.” The two of you peered over the banister down all the sea of people below. Your father had indeed gone for a more sophisticated approach, but as with all Stark parties it was pretty much promised to liven up as the night went on. 
“All right! Chin up!” You did as you were told and began your way down the grand staircase. As you made your descent, you saw the attention shift to you as everyone took you in for the first time that night. “The birthday girl is here!” Natasha raised a glass to you. You smiled to her as you were welcomed with a myriad of birthday wishes.
As the party continued on, you felt almost like a princess. So many promising people had come up and introduced themselves to you; however nothing had clicked yet. You were starting to wonder if all the theatrics had been for nothing when your dad found you. You were standing against the wall watching your friends have a ball of a time dancing to the DJ that had recently taken place of the string quartet. 
“Y/N, shouldn’t you be dancing?” he asked, his dark brows furrowing in confusion. You sighed disappointedly, “Yeah, I guess.” You picked at a string on your dress, “I thought I’d meet them today.” Your dad nodded glancing over at Pepper. She was talking excitedly to Natasha -- likely about wedding plans. The way he looked at her was so beautiful. The way you could tell everything he felt for her from just a look was absolutely amazing. That was it -- that what you wanted. 
“Well, Y/N, you never know there’s still a few hours left to your birthday.” you frowned a bit, “I’ve talked to every person here that I’ve never met. I’m pretty sure it’s not happening today.” your dad chuckled, “You know Y/N, I know I’ve told you the story of how I met your mom.”
“Italy, 1999.” you mumbled looking up at your father. He nodded, “We met and it felt right. I’m not one to be very emotional, but I knew I wanted to keep her around. There was just something about her.” you tilted your head, “She wasn’t your soulmate though. Pepper is.” He sighed, “She was the one for me -- well until she passed, of course. By that time, I had known Pepper for years and I didn’t see her in that way until one day, I just did.” He looked over at her again, her and Natasha had been joined by Maria.
“I don’t know if you're understanding what I’m getting at. I don’t know if I’m explaining it clearly. What I’m saying is -- it could be someone you’ve already met and maybe you just haven’t realized it yet. No one ever said it had to be someone new -- just that there was a day that you would know.” He gave you a small smile, “You should enjoy your night because either way, you look amazing, kiddo. Happy birthday.” he playfully hit you on the shoulder before walking away.
Taking your dad’s words to heart, you decided to let it go for the night and just have fun. You made your way out onto the dancefloor, your friends cheering at your arrival.
It was finally the end of the night, cake had been eaten and presents had been surveyed as there were too many to open. Most of the guests were beginning to go home but some still lingered out on the cul-de-sac. You stood on the front porch, your heels in your right hand as you waved people goodbye with your left.
“I seemed to have missed most of the festivities.” A familiar voice made you turn around to see your father’s prodigy, Peter Parker, standing behind you. You were pretty good friends with Peter as he had been working with your father for little over three years now. Even still, he seemed to have his moments where he seemed to shut himself off from you and get quiet. He seemed to have his moments and his secrets and so you didn’t really hang out much outside him visiting the tower.
He also wasn’t a social butterfly so even though you had invited him to your party, you didn’t actually expect him to show. Even though it was the end of the night, your spirits still rose seeing him here. “Yeah, you did. My dad got so drunk he serenaded Pepper on the bar.” the two of you laughed. 
You looked out over the seemingly never-ending property, your father had held your party at the summer home. It aided in you feeling like a princess, there was a garden maze on the south side of the home and a long driveway lit by lanterns. You glanced over at Peter and stepped off of the porch, “Would you like to join me on a walk?” He smiled and followed. 
The two of you slowly made your way towards the garden maze on the other side of the property. “You look...” he trailed off while admiring you. You could feel the heat rise to your cheeks and were glad he couldn’t actually see it, “Thank you.” The two of you turned into the garden maze as lightning bugs flew overhead and a cool breeze filled the air. As you walked, you tried to catch and release a few lightning bugs.
The sounds of late summer night hummed in the background as you spotted the small black rectangular box in his hand, “What’s that?” you asked. He looked down at it sheepishly, “It’s just something I got you. I don’t know if you’ll actually like it.” He had thought to buy you something? That was unexpected, but very welcomed. 
Without you saying anything, he slowly opened the small box to reveal another gold necklace. “It’s not 100 percent pure gold like the ones your dad gets you,” it was absolutely gorgeous. It was a small heart pendant attached to a gold chain. “It’s stupid really-” he scratched the back of his neck, looking down at it. “It’s beautiful, Peter.” You whispered in awe. 
“Would you mind? You can take the other one off.” You said turning around. He carefully removed it from the box. He put it over your head and placed the pendant on your collarbone before securing it in the back and you felt a warm sensation in your heart. Suddenly, everything changed. 
It was like your senses had sharpened. You could hear the distant conversation at the front of the property and the chirping of the crickets. You could feel the soft summer breeze across your body and Peter’s soft breath on the back of your neck where goosebumps had started to form. Every time his skin accidentally brushed yours, it felt delicate yet intense all at once. The world seemed to slow as he pulled your hair over the chain after removing the other necklace and turned you to face him. 
You studied his face and your eyes fell upon his brown ones. His hand found yours sending shivers through your body. You lightly squeezed his hand before pulling him closer feeling your knees start to get weak.
Resting your hand on the side of his face, you slowly guided him to the ground. You were close enough to lightly feel the air escaping his nose. He looked down at your lips and was about to lean in when- “Y/N! Come say goodbye to your grandmother!” your father called off from the distance somewhere. 
The two of you fell apart still sitting on the ground the closest you had ever been. You frowned slightly looking away, “I should say goodbye to my nonna. I usually give her a kiss and a hug goodbye.” You licked your lips looking down to avoid eye contact. “She flew in from Italy -- my mom’s side of the family. I don’t get to see her like that.” 
“No, no. I understand.” he mumbled as you both quickly stood. You began dusting off your dress as he helped. You looked up at him again quickly before looking back down again, “Thanks again. It’s beautiful.” You couldn’t bring yourself to look him in the eyes again because his gaze suddenly felt so intense, it felt like you’d melt. “You’re welcome.”
“Y/N!” your dad yelled off in the distance again. You gestured towards the balcony of the house where your dad was likely yelling from, “I have to go.” Peter nodded quickly, “I understand.” You admired him and watched as his eyes softly gazed over your features one last time. “Good night, Peter.” you waved quickly, “Good night, Y/N.” You gathered your dress and hurried off towards where your dad and nonna waited for you on the balcony.
That was it.
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A Lipless Face That I Want to Marry, Ch. 17
<- Part 16 | Part 18 ->
Summary: Kiss.
Warnings: Disfiguring burn injuries that Chilton thinks are gross and you absolutely do not, and intend to convince him otherwise. A long-awaited kiss on his lipless mouth. Self-loathing. The usual injury-recovery/hospital stuff, emotional hurt/comfort, healing, fluffy fluff. 
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5,000 words
As refreshing as it had been to get outside, the cool air conditioning in the hospital was a relief. Frederick couldn’t sweat anymore, and his chest felt tight even after the panic wore off. Heat shed off him in waves, and as he adjusted to the lower temperature, the pain slowly faded. The bed he had been confined to for months was almost a welcome sight. A nurse helped you lift him back into it, and he sighed as his aching body returned to its customary position.
“Cortisol takes at least twenty minutes to leave the bloodstream,” Frederick explained with a groan of relief, sinking onto the mattress. “I suggest we wait an hour before trying another kiss.”
“Right…” You twisted the engagement ring on your finger, fixated on your hands. “I’m not sure anymore. Maybe a kiss isn’t worth it.”
A cold, or maybe hot, feeling crept up the back of Frederick’s skull like spiders. “If that is how you feel about it.” He grew quiet.
You sat at the side of his bed and rummaged the laptop from its case, placing it on the mattress next to him to boot up. Since Frederick’s brush with death, you’d been handling his communications with the outside world—acting as his ghostwriter and manager. You were the only one he trusted with his passwords. Now that he was well enough to use the computer on his own, you still assisted him.
“You know, your publisher keeps bugging me about doing a publicity shoot. They want to get a documentary crew in here.”
“I know. I have read the emails,” Frederick replied. “60 Minutes wants to do a feature as well.”
“I know. I read your emails.”
Although his greatest fear was being forgotten, Frederick wasn’t eager to talk about the world’s continued interest in him, his face growing more dour and drawn.
“So,” you prompted. “Do you want me to schedule them?”
“If you search the name ‘Frederick Chilton,’ gruesome headlines turn up, but few photographs have been leaked of my… condition. The first results are headshots, awards, and accolades. If I allow myself to become a spectacle, this will be how history remembers me.” He didn’t need to gesture to any particular part of himself—his absent lips, the uneven patchwork of scars, reconstructed flesh-nubs for ears, amputated digits, the long-term hospital bed—all of it was evidence of a broken man.
“I’m sorry,” you murmured, gripping his hand over the sheets. “But you might not be able to dodge cameras once you’re released from the hospital. Freddie Lounds is dying to put you on the front page of TattleCrime. It’s better if you control how your image hits the public. A feel-good documentary about your recovery! Everyone loves those. Tell me you’re not dying to capitalize on the sensationalism,” you gently ribbed him, trying to find the silver lining in the situation. “It could launch you into the national spotlight.”
Normally, you’d be right. Frederick Chilton was eager to peacock in front of the cameras—anything to grab attention for himself. To let the world know his name. But this time, there was no sense of anticipation. No excitement. No opportunities to be exploited. Nothing but cold, numbing spider feet.
“No one will buy a book with this hideous thing on the cover. Everyone will see a monster.”
“That’s not true. People will understand. It’s an injury.” Your fingers lightly rubbed the back of his, but his tone did not soften.
“It is a miracle you bear to be with me. I wonder when your patience will run out.” He wasn’t fishing for reassurance. It was an accusation.
“My love...”
He wrenched his ugly hand from yours. “It will be years before I look remotely normal again, before I can take care of myself. God knows the psychological damage is done,” he spat. “So, when will you leave? Hmm? When will you give up this farce of an engagement and not be so stupid as to come back?!”
Your patience had run out. Just then.
“Fuck you!” you shouted. “You’re my favorite person!”
Frederick couldn’t get another self-pitying word in edgewise as you tore into him with all the reasons you loved him: he makes you laugh with his constant sarcasm and tries too hard to impress people. He’s frustrating and endearing; he’s sweet and drives you crazy. An arrogant snob, but in a charming way.
All he could do was sit back with his eyes wide and listen, tears threatening to overtake the brims of his eyelids.
“I love a kind man, bursting with affection for anyone brave enough to get past his thorns. A man who deals with serial killers and bravely puts himself in danger to catch them. A smart, shrewd, ambitious doctor. But also kind of an idiot who puts himself in way too much fucking danger. An author who sold a million copies and is going to be world-famous! Do you think being in the hospital takes away from any of that? Your cranky, insecure bullshit is much harder to deal with than your face. I could have lost you, but you’re alive, and that’s all that I care about. You’re a catch, Frederick Chilton, and I should be so lucky to be on your arm.”
He bristled at the mixed insults flavoring your affectionate tirade. Sulked. Came back with a scathingly sarcastic retort. But your hand found his again, and you set the computer aside and lay on the narrow bed beside him, trying to burrow into his side and merge into one being.
You damned, affectionate, cute… unfair… scoundrel! What could he do but stroke your arm, bury his nose in your hair, and accept how wonderful and loved he was?
He held your hand, a warm weight in his, and drew it to his chest. He remembered something Reba said: he had to believe he was not too damaged to love.
You purred contentedly, smiling at the way he basked in your attention, recognizing that he had calmed down. Sparks tingled through your arm at the brush of his thumb over your fingers.
Gazing down, he became acutely aware of the deformity of his hands—the way tightly scarred skin pinched them into a claw shape, and the loss of several fingertips left his once large hands smaller than they once were.
“Pathetic stumps,” he couldn’t help but mutter.
You held up your hand to his musingly, tilting your head as you flattened your palm against his, lining each finger up with one of his pink, scarred ones. “Still longer than mine,” you hummed.
It was an exaggeration, but not by much. His fingers used to be impressively long. For someone barely more than five foot eight, he was gifted with giant hands. The amputations left him with plenty to spare, at least compared to your stubby little fingers, he thought smugly. He slotted his pathetic stumps through yours, and you gave a gentle squeeze.
“Alright,” he said in his slow, wheezing voice. “You love me a great deal, then. But even you do not love this face. You may admit it.”
Eyes narrowed in confusion, you lifted yourself up on your elbow and searched every inch of his face for the offending part to which he was referring. He felt naked, uncomfortably seen.
“Kiss me?” he said, swallowing. It was as much a demand as it was a question. A test to prove something to himself. The sun was low on the horizon, and it filled the room with an orange glow—a reminder of the beautiful day you shared in the garden, and of the night to come.
“Right now?”
And there was his answer. A cold pit formed in his stomach, despite the excess heat. It was just as he feared—for all your big talk of unconditional love, now that you’d touched the dry, unpleasantly cool surface of his bared teeth, you were less keen to try again.
“Ah,” he said.
“Ah?” you parroted, lifting an eyebrow. “What is ah?”
He hadn’t meant to get annoyed. Really he hadn’t. He had only been curious. But the anger and insecurity flared up again like a match struck on rejection.
“It would have been less cruel if you had said from the beginning that this face repels you. I would have been content with honesty. But you lowered my guard with words of acceptance and desire, just to drive in the dagger. You dared to raise my hopes with ideas of loving kisses—that whatever vestiges of my mouth remain could bring you some meager pleasure. Now that you have convinced me to try… now you change your mind? Did I call your bluff? In the garden, did you finally realize I am disgusting?”
“No!” Your skin was stretched taut over your face, eyes big. “You dissociated.”
He stared up at you. He wished his damned glasses were not all the way over on the nightstand where he still had difficulty reaching—he could not quite tell whether tears were rolling down your cheeks.
“I’ve been pushing you to be more intimate when you’re not ready, and I made go into some kind of… flashback, or panic attack. That I triggered. Me! Because I wanted a stupid kiss. I’m supposed to take care of you. My lust is not worth your mental health. I don’t ever want to see you hurt again because of me.”
“You are not disgusted, then?” Once again, he wasn’t fishing. Somehow, no matter how many times you told him, he was surprised your answer was the same.
“Of course not.”
He breathed.
“You realize you only want to kiss me out of a compulsion to prove you are not shallow,” he stated matter-of-factly. He was so resigned that his undesirability was the factual truth. It was almost sadder than him being insecure and angry. He had reached a sort of breakthrough that he was ugly, and perhaps it did not make him unlovable, but it made all your physical advances acts of charity and self-delusion.
“It’s not to prove anything.”
He simply gave you a knowing look. “We both want to prove something. You, to show devotion, and I, that I am recovering.
You frowned slightly. “It isn’t to prove anything. Frederick, I just love you. That’s why I want to kiss you. I love you, and I miss kissing your mouth, and I miss the way you taste, and… it’s really that simple.” You quirked a brow. “You just wanted to prove something, huh?” That figured. You couldn’t even be mad. Frederick overthought everything.
“Is this honestly what you are attracted to? You enjoy burned flesh and amputated lips? Admit that this is not what you want—that you merely tolerate it, and I will accept that. This… cannot be what you would choose for yourself. This is not the face you wanted to grow old with.”
“I do if it’s your face.” You ran your hand over his jaw, over the elastic compression mask, then caressed lower to the warm skin of his neck. “Whatever you look like is beautiful, because it’s you. I want to wake up next to this face every morning, every day of my life, because it’s yours, and seeing you makes me happy.”
He took that in, and wasn’t sure what to make of it. Part of him wanted to hate you for being attracted to his mangled corpse—for enjoying his mutilation. He wanted to swell with pride that he still turned you on. He wanted to fuck you so hard you lost the breath and logic to say such irritatingly supportive things, and he lost any concept or care of what he looked like. He wanted you to fuck him until he was so surrounded by love he forgot anything else.
Waking up beside you every day of his life… that sounded wonderful.
His eyes closed under your touch, and he let out a contented sigh. Despite everything that happened to him, he could still be content and peaceful. It was almost unthinkable that he could find peace after everything he had been through, and it made your heart glow that you were the reason for his happiness in this moment.
After a moment, he blinked, swallowed the tightness in his throat, and explained with clinical, professional dryness, “In that case, if it does not bother you, effective treatment for PTSD includes exposure therapy. I can think of no better exposure to a trigger than kissing you. Repeatedly.”
“If you’re sure. I don’t want to hurt you.”
“I am a doctor. I can handle my own mind.”
“Alright,” you smiled, conceding. “But this treatment sounds quite unorthodox, doctor.”
“Hardly. Though, were we in a traditional doctor-patient relationship, kissing would be quite…” He made a thoughtful noise. “Naughty.”
He shifted a little onto his side to see you better. It had the opposite effect. When he was bound to one position—flat on his back—you typically sat on his right side, next to his sighted eye. But this meant that if he rolled to face you, his good eye was buried in the pillow along with his good ear, and he could barely see or hear you. He grumbled. It was still better than having you lean down over him. One trigger at a time.
He ran a hand over your cheek, stroking it tenderly. The compression gloves were open at the fingertips, and you appreciated that the warm pads of his fingers could caress your skin. You also appreciated that he could reach your face now at all. He was getting so much better every day.
“Please?” Frederick said softly, barely above a whisper, his eyes pleading.
You moved in close, cradling the nape of his neck gently, as if to pull him toward you, but it was just a familiar gesture. There was no force behind it. You didn’t lean in toward his mouth directly, either. The memory of Frederick’s eyes going wide with a dull, far-away stare as he screamed encouraged you to take things slow and easy. As much as he wanted to grit his teeth and bear it until he was desensitized, you didn’t trust his barbaric psychotherapy ideas.
Start with something you have already done, you thought. Something safe. So you began by nuzzling into his neck. You kissed the exposed patch of skin between his compression mask and bodysuit, moaning softly as you lavished attention on the area.
It was not as pleasant as pre-burn Frederick, if you were honest. Musky humidity hung close to his skin like ground fog—trapped body smell from compression garments that were only removed once a day. But you loved having any skin to kiss at all. Not long ago, nothing covered his neck but scabs. He screamed every morning when his bandages were changed, and was on a constant drip of painkillers that barely dulled the agony.
His clean soap-and-antiseptic smell with spicy overtones of expensive cologne would be back soon enough.
His fingers were still interlocked with yours, tucked between your bodies, and his free hand caressed your side, gently drawing you closer as your lips worked from his neck up to his jaw. There was another hole in the mask for his ear, and you gently kissed the little nub of partially reconstructed flesh there. The right side had more of the original shell, but his left ear was almost completely gone, along with some of his hearing. It was the same side as his blind eye, and you considered for a moment that Frederick could barely see you from this position. You smiled down at the green halo, and the corner of his mouth twitched upward. At home, he might have been buried deep in soft eiderdown, but the hospital pillow was not so plush that his good eye couldn’t see.
Your lips visited every part of his face, working from the outside in—first kissing his temples, his forehead, a tender kiss to each of his eyelids, which made him sigh sweetly as he closed them for you. You kissed his nose—his beautiful, straight, sharp nose, which had miraculously survived with its cartilage intact. It was the one enduring feature that made his face recognizable between his before and after images. You kissed his cheek. Then you glanced up to check his reaction.
“I’m going to go slowly, OK? If you want me to stop… remember our safe word? Or you can tap my arm three times.”
The muscles in his neck tensed beneath your cupped fingers. “How does one even kiss an open orifice like this?”
“I have a few ideas,” you smiled.
“Tell me?”
His voice was trained and level, but his eyes were pathetically pleading ovals. It was important not to surprise him, you realized. Every move you made from this point forward should come with a warning. This was dangerous territory. The violent violation of Francis Dolarhyde taking his lips was not something that simply went away.
“Well… I was thinking I’d start with our noses brushing, like this.” You tipped in close and showed him. A tingly sensation spread from the point where you were joined, breathing the white light of each other’s air, but not touching his mouth yet. “Then I’d kiss… just on your upper lip there. See how that feels to start,” you described without demonstrating, waiting for him to initiate. Your voice was low and breathy. In the garden, you barely touched him when the nightmare began—not enough time to even acknowledge how it felt. This time, you wanted to remember every detail.
His eyes closed, imagining it.
“Then I’d try kissing your teeth, right in the middle. My lips might feel nice on your gums.”
Your breath fanned his pink gums where tattered flesh failed to cover them. The warm humidity did feel good—they were always too dry, too cold. He let out a soft whine.
“I’ll trace over them with the point of my tongue.” You traced your own gums, finding the sensation ticklish, pleasant. Erogenous, even. “And then—”
He was so aroused he couldn’t help himself. Opening his lids just enough to reveal mismatched crescent slivers, he surged forward the remaining tantalizing inch.
A jagged edge of cut-off muscle pressed against your lips, and you gasped softly at the feeling.
The memory of your last kiss with Frederick overlayed with the present like a hologram—your lips passed through the point where they expected to find Frederick’s and fell through another few millimeters to his teeth. The muscle there was unusual—like lips, and yet not like lips in how it flared and contracted at the contact. It startled you more than your rational mind expected. Muscle memory is a stubborn beast that only learns by experience.
In your mind, there existed the way it felt to kiss Frederick Chilton. With practice, it would be overwritten by the new way, and eventually, you would stop feeling the cold phantom of his lips shiver through yours.
Then they would be gone—truly gone—forever.
He felt your body tense and pulled away, retracting the inch of distance he’d imposed on you. His face heated with shame for forcing you to touch his dismembered lips.
“Sorry,” he whispered.
“Don’t be. We can take all the time you need.”
“Time I need? Clearly, you are the one in need of time.”
“Don’t start that again. I’m fine! Are you fine?”
“Am I displaying any classic symptoms of dissociation?”
“I don’t know! You’re the psychiatrist!”
His eyes rolled. “I was correct. You are disgusted.” He was almost triumphant in his misery.
“I am not.”
“It is all right,” he said, voice taking on that liquid quality, rolling like syrup over his tongue. A very old impulse to slap him on his condescending face stirred in your arm muscles. “That makes you normal.”
“It’s not—how dare you call me normal?!—it’s not disgust,” you huffed. “It was just different.”
A soft chuckle burst unexpectedly from behind his teeth. His eyes shone as he reached for the adorably defiant expression on your face, slowly stroking it smooth. “You do not have to love every part of me,” he whispered earnestly, thumb circling your cheek. “It is enough that you are here.”
You turned into his hand, kissing his palm. “But I want to love every part of you. Even the parts you don’t.”
His green eye met yours, shining. He kissed you again, a light graze of teeth on your lower lip. A soft moan. He watched your face for a sign of revulsion.
He still expected it, still wanted to push you away and be rejected. Hated the idea of anyone loving him. Couldn’t bear to be alone. Needed your adoration now more than ever. Had to turn his face away from the blinding devotion radiating from you, tears pricking his eyes.
Frederick Chilton had long considered himself unloveable. Too many times, he tried to open up only to have his heart broken—to learn that nobody cared about him beyond what he could offer, and that what he could offer was rarely enough. He came from wealthy but damaged stock, and was the least impressive of his family line.
When you first appeared, his relationship with you followed an expected pattern of logic: you despised him. You found him attractive. You fucked your frustrations out together. It was easy to accept you into his life under those conditions.
He would have rejected you right away if he had seen the way you would one day look at him, big doe eyes, blazing with love. It was so contrary to his self-image, he would never have believed it. But you were telling the truth: there was not a hint of disgust there.
How had this happened? You weaseled into his heart so effortlessly—saw all of his flaws and shortcomings right from the beginning and somehow grew a blossoming affection from it, like a flower in the desert. You found something redeemable in him, deep under the desiccated soil of moral bankruptcy and intellectual mediocrity. God, it made him see himself differently, too. If only he could love himself the way you did—see his worth with all his pretense and even flesh stripped away.
“Frederick?” Your voice brought him out of his reverie.
His eyes were wet, and he held you. You held him back, and he was thankful he let you in. His walls might never lower, but there was a back door that you had the key to. He allowed you to love him—to tend flowers in his barren garden. God, he was grateful for that.
“Were you comfortable? With the kiss? What did you think?”
His chin raised up a notch. “It was interesting,” he said. “I need to gather more evidence… If you are so compelled to love my every part, you may repeat the procedure.”
“For science, of course,” you smiled, amused at the way he called a kiss a procedure.
“For advancing the understanding of the mind’s response to trauma. I may write a paper on this.”
Dear lord, he was serious.
With the weight of being a case study urging caution in your actions, you brought your lips back to the side of his mouth. Frederick hummed his approval, his blind eye focused downward in an impotent reflection of his other eye, which was studying your movement toward him. Following the steps you originally described, you pressed small kisses to the top edge of severed flesh above his teeth.
“How is this?” you murmured.
The scarred flesh undulated as it struggled in vain to purse together into lips that were no longer there. He groaned in frustration, “I want to—to kiss you, but I cannot.”
“Just relax,” you whispered. “Focus on the feelings, not what you can’t do. Does this feel good?”
A shudder traveled through him as you placed another soft kiss. “It is… not unpleasant.”
It was as optimistic a response as one could expect from the dry Doctor Chilton. You continued kissing along the writhing perimeter of flesh that moved beneath your lips in an unusual yet familiar way. It was similar to kissing lips, only placed differently and lacking some of the softness. There was no longer a difference in texture and color where pale skin and scratchy stubble met soft, pink, kissable lips. Instead, the tough scars that covered his entire face simply truncated before reaching his teeth. But it was still warm, still yielding. It satisfied a craving for intimacy.
It was different, but not unpleasant.
Next, you moved your lips down off the shelf of amputated flesh, and rested them over his teeth and gums. He tensed in surprise, afraid of drooling, afraid of being repulsive, but there was no sign of Francis Dolarhyde. Frederick was absorbed by your gentleness as you explored, and let out a moan as your tongue darted out to flick along his gums. His poor gums were constantly exposed to the air now, and the sensation of your slippery tongue dragging along them was soothing and pleasurable.
Your tongue made a tour around the circle of muscle surrounding his mouth, sucking on the tender flesh, diving under the folds. Finally, you swept into the middle of his mouth, pressing your lips over the smoothness of his permanently bared incisors, letting your lips massage the circumference of his gums, while his scarred edges of flesh desperately strained to pull together around yours, teasing the outer edges of your lips in the process. Nesting your mouth in his was strange, but exciting in its strangeness. You found your back arching with the new sensations, rocking your hips against his leg, your fingers curling around the back of his neck.
Responding to your arousal, Frederick forgot all insecurity and his tongue flicked through his open jaw to taste you. Plunging inside your inviting mouth, his tongue parted your willing lips—he groaned as you sucked it. Giving a soft growl, you deepened the reunion, tongue swirling around his and then dipping into his mouth with a click of teeth. You probed his mouth hungrily—his agile tongue, always with a sarcastic remark at the tip of it, the hard roof of his palate, and the left side of his jaw with its missing teeth. Being shot, at the time, had seemed so devastating. Once, he thought it made it too ugly for you to ever accept him without cosmetics hiding the damage. It seemed a laughably small thing, now.
He turned to nuzzle your cheek with his nose, breaking the kiss to nip down your jawline. He couldn’t suck or kiss your neck, but panting with arousal, he consumed your soft skin with a wolfish snarl, pressing his teeth against your throat as he worked his way down, pinching hard enough to leave marks then lapping at them soothingly, tasting your salt.
“Oh fuck, Frederick,” you moaned wantonly as his arms squeezed you closer to him and your hips jerked involuntarily.
With his burned skin, milky white eye, and exposed teeth biting at your neck, it would have looked to all the world like you were being attacked by an ’80s horror movie villain. But you were in paradise. Frederick was finally getting his libido back, and your skin ached to be touched, teased, and marked by his teeth.
It ended sooner than you would have liked.
In your lust-happy mind, you hadn’t considered the reality that your partner was in no condition to follow through all the way to fucking you. Besides, you were in a hospital where nurses could walk in at any moment. You knew it would have to end eventually, and it did.
Frederick was panting and out of breath from exertion and had to lie back. Blood pounded in his ears, and he was beginning to feel lightheaded.
You whined in disappointment at the loss of his hot mouth against your neck, but it only took a moment for your wits to return. Stretching out beside him, you patiently praised him as his breath recovered, a dopey smile on your lips.
“That was amazing. Doctor Chilton, you know exactly how to make me feel good.”
You wondered how much his love bites would bruise, and sort of hoped they lasted, even if they would be difficult to cover up for work in the middle of a heatwave.
“You know, this face could be my fame,” he said quietly after a time, as if he’d been giving it deep consideration. “I never wanted to rely on cheap gimmicks. So gauche. But perhaps it is best to take control of the narrative before I wind up on the front page of TattleCrime under a tacky headline. This is my life now, and the publisher is right—the public adores a survival story. I could make millions. I could be the hero of the whole Red Dragon case.”
He hadn’t panicked. It felt, for a moment, like a missing piece of him had come back. If he could do that much, perhaps more of his life was recoverable than he realized.
• ● • ━━━━━─ ••●•• ─━━━━━ • ● •
@beccabarba​ / @itsjustmyfantasyroom​ / @thatesqcrush​ / @dianilaws​ / @permanentlydizzy​ / @mrsrafaelbarba​ / @madamsnape921​ / @astrangegirlsmind​ / @neely1177​ / @onerestein​ / @dreamlover31​ / @isvvc-pvscvl​​  / @shroomiehomie / @storiesofsvu​ / @welcometothemxdhouse​​ / @feedthemadness-sweetie​ / @law-nerd105​ / @amelia-song-pond​ / @michael-rooker​ / @xecq / @madpanda75​ / @alwaysachorusgirl​ / @bananas-pajamas​ / @leanor-min​ / @mad-girl-without-a-box​ / @katierpblogg​ / @worldofvixen​ / @sassyada​ / @detectivebarba​
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fleetingpieces · 3 years
My One in a Million Chapter 8
Hiiiii! I'm back from the dead and finally got back to writing again <3
Sorry it took ages—and sorry it's not a great chapter— but thank you so much everyone for the patience and support, it means so much!
Thank you @inloveoknutzy @donttouchmycarrots and @knittingdreams for beating, love y'all! <3
Tag list: @whataboutmyfries @justdyingontheinside @heyoitslysso @sunflowerfox87 @hereforwolfstarr @potterlocked24-7 @ttylfedora @domesticatedbeetlenamedjorge @lovemeleo @im-lana
CW: Mentions of food
Chapter 8 - The morning after
Remus woke up the next morning with a splitting headache. He blinked a few times to get the tiredness out of his eyes—which seemed to want to stay glued shut—and stared at the ceiling for long moments.
His first thought was that, for a second, he thought he could hear Padfoot’s laugh. Vague images of a dream he’d had came flooding back to him; long corridors, empty beds and his gaming console. The sound must have been a remnant of that.
The second thought was that the ceiling of his room was weird. He couldn’t quite pinpoint where the bugging sensation came from, but something was off and he was way too tired to figure out what it was. Maybe he should just go back to sleep. Groaning, he turned around to do just that, and that’s when he got a good look at the rest of the room.
He sat up with a start, regretting it instantly when nausea hit him like a wave. Closing his eyes, he stayed still until the feeling ebbed away, then opened them again slowly.
This wasn’t his room. There was no sign of any of his stuff; instead, he saw a big mirror, a dark wood chest of drawers, and a trail of scattered things that either belonged to different people or to someone with diverse tastes: a blue hair tie, a black snapback, t-shirts that at a glance he could tell were of different sizes, with stamps that varied from Disney to Strand.
One by one, memories from the night before popped up as the fogginess from sleep left him completely. That’s right, Sirius had offered his home to him after he’d found Remus outside of his flat; he’d come in to take a shower and had sat on the couch as they watched a movie and drank. Things were a bit hazy from that point on.
Had he really pouted and asked Sirius to stay with him like a little kid? Fuck, please let that be a part of the drunk hallucinations. He turned around slowly, glancing to the other side of the bed with his heart beating fast in his throat, but the spot next to him was empty.
Breathing a sigh of relief, Remus threw the blankets to the side and planted his feet on the floor to get some resemblance of stability, but frowned when he stepped on something. Looking down, he noticed a pillow and a blanket lying rumpled on the floor, next to his side of the bed.
A pang of guilt made its way to his chest when he realised Sirius must have slept on the floor while Remus was on the bed, covered from head to toe and warm. Sirius had been so careful with him. Every touch had been gentle, not invasive but rather trying not to overstep, trying to comfort. So, so very careful.
Remus felt slightly ashamed for thinking Sirius would take advantage of him. Not to mention for the way he'd bawled his eyes out in front of the man. He’d made a fool of himself yet again, something that kept happening a lot as of late and to which he wasn’t used to.
“Oh, God.” He remembered how he’d felt his mother’s hand brushing his hair before he fell asleep and he desperately hoped he hadn’t called out for her in his dream. Bringing a hand to his forehead, he could almost feel that phantom touch, tracing fingertips over his hairline.
He rubbed his face in embarrassment. He wasn’t sure if he was ready to face Sirius after all that, but there was no way he could fall asleep again and a quick glance at the clock on the opposite wall told him it was barely eight in the morning. It was still too early to call Leo or go back to the clinic, plus he didn’t know how everything had panned out.
Remus glanced at the bedside table where his phone was lying face down and stretched over to grab it. He flipped it from hand to hand, back and forth, the small thing weighing him down every time it fell on his palm with a soft thud.
He could call.
He should call.
But what if something had gone wrong? What if Cocoa had had a complication during the night? Would they have notified him already if that was the case? Did he want to find out like this, far away from him and helpless to do anything? He didn’t want to show any more weaknesses in front of Sirius, he’d already shown more of his vulnerable side than he’d ever intended to.
Nodding to himself, Remus got up and threw the phone on the bed. He took two steps towards the door. The doctor had told him to go in the afternoon; he could wait a couple of hours before going back to the clinic and then he would know and—
A huff escaped him as Remus hurried back and dialed the number, plopping down on the mattress.
“Thank you for calling Mercy Animal Clinic. This is Jennifer, how can I help you?”
“Yes, hi, my name is Remus? I brought my dog in last night for chocolate poisoning and I—I was just calling to check on him?”
“Of course, Sir. What is the patient's name?”
“Cocoa,” said Remus, gripping his phone a bit tighter. Jennifer hummed and asked for a few more details to confirm his identity, to which Remus replied on autopilot, his mind going blank in a subconscious attempt to protect himself.
“Just a second, please.”
Remus busied himself counting the floorboards while he waited, trying to calm his nerves, but it had the opposite effect as he became very aware of how long Jennifer was taking to find what he wanted to know. He’d started tapping his foot when the receptionist finally came back on the other end of the line.
“Yes, everything was ok during the night and Cocoa will be ready to go home after lunch,” they said cheerfully.
Remus’ breath stopped completely and then he exhaled loudly. He could have sworn he felt his heart unclench, invisible fingers letting go of their painful grip and allowing blood to stream freely again. His shoulders dropped, releasing all the pent up tension that had been building there since he’d stepped into his apartment the night before, and he laid down, covering his eyes with his free arm.
“Sir?” Jennifer said hesitantly.
“Yes. Ok. Ok. Thanks, I’ll be there.” He hung up and let the phone fall at his side.
The silence of the room was an echo of his own head as Remus tried to let the words sink in. He peeked at the ceiling from under his arm. Cocoa was fine. The phrase repeated itself a few times until Remus took a deep breath and swung himself up.
The hall was quiet outside of the room, but he could hear some noises coming from ahead. Remus bunched the sleeves of the jumper he was wearing, not too willing to admit how comfy and warm he was in Sirius’ clothes. Especially not when he was assaulted by memories of Sirius helping him walk through this same corridor the night before and Remus almost gave in to the embarrassment. Sirius probably thought he was pathetic.
Groaning, he steeled himself as he padded the rest of the way, but his step faltered before going into the kitchen, a hand rising to settle on the wall. Something smelled amazing in there. Like melted butter and Saturday mornings back home, with his mom humming as she stood by the stove and the sun streamed in through the open windows. The sound of the sizzling pan was accompanied by a rock song playing in the background, a cool guitar distortion filling the room, followed by a gravelly voice singing a capella.
And there was Sirius in the middle of it all, moving around the kitchen gracefully, head bopping and singing into a ladle. He slid across the floor like Tom Cruise in that old movie as he moved to the fridge and a chuckle bubbled out of Remus’ chest, taking with it most of the heaviness still clinging to him.
Sirius jumped up, accidentally closing the fridge door with a bang, and turned to face Remus fully. It was only then that Remus realized what he was wearing: he had black ripped jeans and a black tee, his hair was pulled back in a loose ponytail; and on top of all that, he had one of those aprons that had a buff man printed on the front, that read “Kiss the chef”.
Remus stared for so long that Sirius followed his gaze and looked down, only to look back up quickly with a blush. “It was James’ idea of a joke.”
James, as Remus was quickly learning, took special pleasure in teasing his friends, although Lily claimed he always failed when it came to her. But Sirius clearly treasured anything that came from his best friend, no matter how silly or awkward.
Clearing his throat, Remus stepped into the kitchen and peered at the stove. “What are you making?”
“Pancakes!” Sirius exclaimed, seemingly glad for the rapid move of the subject. “I thought you could use some hangover breakfast,” he added with a shrug before turning back to the mixing bowl on the counter.
“Oh,” Remus said dumbly, taken by surprise. He scrambled for something to add. “Did you get the recipe from the same place as those cookies?”
Sirius spluttered and threw an offended look over his shoulder. “Mon Dieu, I’m never going to live that down, am I? I’ll have you know, these are my speciality. But I won’t give you anything if you keep that attitude up.”
Laughing quietly, Remus breathed a sigh of relief that Sirius wasn't looking at him with pity or mentioning his sorry state from the night before. So much had happened between them in just one day, he wasn’t sure how he was supposed to act anymore. He shuffled awkwardly to the island and, as he leaned on it, the name of the song Sirius had been dancing to dawned on him.
“I can’t believe you’re actually listening to Black Dog,” Remus said, covering his face, not sure if he wanted to laugh or cry.
“Hey,” Sirius turned to point at him with the batter-covered ladle, “Plant speaks to me on a spiritual level. I’m sending good vibes to Cocoa.”
Remus raised an eyebrow, making an effort to keep the corners of his mouth down. “You do know that the lyrics have nothing to do with dogs, right?”
“Yeah, but it’s the feeling that counts,” he waved his hand dismissively, sending a few vanilla-colored drops flying, “and the song title.” Smiling at that logic, Remus shook his head—as weird as it was, he found it reassuring. Sirius peered at him as he flipped the golden pancakes easily. “I’m glad you look better. How are you feeling?”
Remus tensed up, but it didn’t look like Sirius was making fun of him. Focusing on some point by his feet, he rubbed at his neck. "Yeah, um. Thank you for your help. And sorry about...everything. I guess it was one thing after the other and it was just too much.”
“We’ve been through this, you have nothing to be sorry for,” Sirius smiled tentatively. “Have they contacted you from the vets?”
“Actually, I called just now.” His heart rate picked up as excitement coursed through his body. Saying the words aloud made them even more real, allowed them to settle in and gave way to tiny pinpricks of impatience. “They said everything’s good. I can bring him home after lunch.”
Sirius turned to face him fully and his hand went to grip Remus’ forearm, his smile turning so bright it was almost blinding. “Remus, that’s great.”
Remus smiled too, staring straight at him. “Yeah,” he breathed. After a second too long, he coughed discreetly and moved back. “I just feel like I won’t be able to relax fully until I see him, you know? I wish I could go over now.”
“Yeah, I get that,” Sirius said as he leaned back too, fingers moving to play with the strings of his apron. “Just a few more hours, eh?” Remus hummed noncommittally and, sensing that he needed a bit of a distraction, Sirius turned his attention back to the food. “In the meantime, can you get the plates from over there?” He pointed at a cabinet as he got the pan out of the stove.
Remus did as he was asked and brought them over to the counter, where an array of toppings were waiting. His stomach grumbled as he watched Sirius cutting up some strawberries to place over the pancakes and then drizzling chocolate on top of everything, singing under his breath to the next song on his playlist. It was all oddly domestic. It was nice.
They sat in the living room to eat, though instead of sharing the couch like they had last night, Sirius—now without the ridiculous apron—sat across the coffee table on one of the armrests. Remus took a bite of the fluffy sponge and closed his eyes with a hum. “Ok, you were right. These are awesome.”
Sirius had just taken a mouthful himself, but he beamed before he swallowed and licked some of the chocolate off his finger. “Glad you like them, Re. I don’t think my reputation could have survived another fiasco.”
“Are you sure this wasn’t just a lucky mistake?” Remus joked, if only to ignore the way his stomach jumped at the nickname, prompting Sirius to throw a napkin at him.
For the next two hours or so, the conversation was light and easy while the music kept playing at a dim level. But, as time went on and the plates got piled up on the coffee table, Sirius started getting distracted.
He kept glancing at his phone like he was checking the time or waiting for a call. Remus would have thought that he was overstaying his welcome—Sirius had a life to get back to, after all—if it weren’t for the fact that the man kept the conversation going and going, asking questions and gesturing excitedly when he was telling a story about how he and his friends had once managed to get a flock of pigeons inside a train full of passengers. At this point, Remus was pretty sure that Sirius was not capable of lying.
A lazy breeze drifted in from the open window, bringing in the smell of morning dew and ruffling Sirius’ hair so that a few strands fell in front of his face. As he brushed them back, he raised his eyes and pinned Remus with a look that was slowly becoming very familiar. That look that said he wanted to say something but he was choosing his words carefully.
Remus was pretty sure he knew what that meant. So far, everything he’d blabbed about the night before had been skillfully avoided—mostly by Remus averting his eyes every time Sirius looked at him like that. He wasn’t looking away now though. Wasn’t sure he could, honestly; not with such intensity and thinly-veiled concern directed his way. Sirius opened his mouth, the words starting to form at the back of his throat when Remus’ phone pinged.
He jumped slightly and went to quickly fish it out of his pocket, holding on to the getaway it provided. Talking about his behaviour or the few hints he’d let slip about his past was not something he was ready to tackle. A quiet sigh dropped from Sirius’ lips as he got up to take the plates back to the kitchen, while Remus stared at the notification flashing on his home page. “Oh, Padfoot just uploaded a new video?”
The sound of ceramic banging in the sink startled Remus into looking up. “Um...you ok?”
“Yes! Too much soap,” Sirius’ voice came back, muffled slightly by the running water.
Remus snorted and got comfortable on one end of the couch, resting his back on the side and pulling his knees up. He wiggled his toes as he waited for the page to load, digging them into the plush sofa and then tapping his feet when the video finally started. It began like usual, with the starting screen of a game and Padfoot’s cheerful voice.
“Hello everyone and welcome! You’ve all been nagging at me to play with Prongs more often, so I hope you appreciate how much effort it took to get his ass out of bed.”
“That’s so not the introduction I was expecting,” another voice complained.
“Oh, I’m sorry, did you want to do it?”
“Why, yes, thank you. Hello y’all! By popular demand and because I know you like me more than this silly goose, I am here to play some games and have fun! Mostly at Padfoot’s expense.”
“You’re the only person in the world who could say ‘silly goose’ and not have everyone laughing at them.”
“I know, it’s a skill I honed for years.”
“What the hell,” Remus laughed, shaking his head fondly.
Sirius came back into the room, drying his hands absentmindedly on his pants as he took his seat back. He sat at the very edge of the cushion, leaning slightly forward with his hands clasped between his knees, eyes down.
Remus made a questioning sound, waving the phone in front of him. “Do you mind?”
“No,” Sirius croaked, gesturing with his hand for him to go on as he cleared his throat.
A small line of confusion pulled Remus’ brows together. Something was definitely going through Sirius’ mind. Deciding to give the man some time, Remus focused his attention back on the video and made a note to ask later if something was bothering him.
Padfoot was talking about the game they were going to play and Remus could feel his energy even through the screen. He always got like this when he was trying something new. Remus pictured him bouncing on his chair, waiting impatiently to start playing, tapping the buttons in anticipation. “He’s like a kid on sugar, isn’t he?” he said without thinking.
A cough came from Sirius’ spot. “Well, I… I think it’s...nice? He sounds happy.”
The corners of Remus’ lips tugged up in a small smile at that. “Yeah. That’s good.”
“He didn’t seem his usual self in the past few streams. I’m just glad he’s ok, is all.”
Out of the corner of his eye, Remus saw how Sirius’ hands gripped his knees tightly, slipping through the holes in his jeans. Remus watched in silence but, just when he was about to ask what was going on, the video changed. A small square appeared on one of the corners, showing a man sitting in a chair, not much to see in the background, his face covered with the black dog that was his signature logo. Remus sat up straighter. It wasn’t often that Padfoot appeared in his videos and he couldn’t help the interest that sparked inside him whenever it happened. He scanned the small image until something caught his eye.
“Huh? ...Wait. That’s—” Remus froze for a second before promptly throwing his phone to the other end of the couch. “Oh my God.” He covered his mouth, feeling the pull of his mouth as a grin lit up his face, his wide eyes not leaving the small device lying innocently face up. “Oh my God, oh my God.”
“What happened?”
Remus turned to see Sirius looking at him with a confused little smile, probably wondering if he was still drunk or just bonkers.
“He...he’s wearing my merch. My merch.” And one of his favourite hoodies from the collection, at that. “How—How does he even know about me? I know he likes to keep in shape but…”
The faintest blush crossed Sirius’ cheeks. He rubbed his hands together, looking down at them and then back up at Remus’ still astounded face. He took a deep breath and exhaled in one go. “You know, I’m...” He trailed off, mouth opening and closing a few times.
Remus tried to bring his thoughts back to the room, to the man in front of him and not the one on the screen. He bent forward to grab the discarded phone, his mind still reeling as he paused the video. “Yeah?” he prompted Sirius to go on when he straightened back up, smile still in place—he wasn’t sure he could wipe it off even if he wanted to.
Sirius’ grey eyes roamed his face, then went to the phone in his hands before they finally settled on his bright expression and he sighed, smiling and shaking his head. “No, nevermind.”
Remus tilted his head, but Sirius simply shrugged. “Are you sure? You can say it, whatever it is.”
“I don’t think it’s the right time,” Sirius admitted, letting his head fall back as he worried his lip.
Curiosity flared up, dazzling and hot, and Remus tried to water it down, unwilling to trespass Sirius’ boundaries. Instead, he looked down and tried to organise his whirring mind, eyes going to the clock on his phone. “Fuck,” he muttered. He really wanted to finish watching and keep talking with Sirius, but it was getting late. “I should probably get going.”
“Oh,” Sirius blinked as he raised his head up. “You can stay if you want to.”
“No, I…” Remus stood up. “I should go get the key from Leo. I will probably see both his mom and mine, which means it won’t be a short visit and I’d like to be at the clinic as soon as possible.”
“Do you want me to come with you?”
Stopping midstep, Remus turned to look at Sirius, eyebrows raised. “Come with me?”
“Yeah, to the clinic? You are not too fond of them.”
It wasn’t a question, but Remus replied anyway, surprised that Sirius had caught on to that at all. “No, I’m not,” he said, dumbfounded. He shook his head. “But it’s ok, you did a lot for me already.”
Sirius rolled his eyes. “Remus, anyone in my place would have done the same.”
No, they wouldn’t.
“It’s fine, really. Leo will probably come with me,” he said. He wasn’t sure how Sirius could think that everyone was that selfless, that any person would have helped an almost stranger without thinking it was too much effort. Remus chose not to say anything about it, knowing fully well that was not the case.
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haikyuuuuuhypeeeee · 3 years
Chapter 3
⚠WARNING: Mention of previous characters' deaths
• ────── ✾ ────── •
You have no idea how you got here.
Here, being in front of the lone coffee shop on campus, on your way to meet the stranger who’s had the misfortune to get Hajime’s old phone number and receive your sad ramblings meant for no one else.
And you, the author of those sad ramblings, written in moments of weakness, are going to sit with this stranger and….
You haven’t gotten that far yet.
Honestly, you’ve been more incredulous at the odds of this meeting even happening.
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What the hell am I doing???
You really have no explanation, not even for yourself. The time is 9:58 and in two minutes you’re going to walk into the cafe and meet with a stranger who is going through a traumatic life experience similar to yours.
Ok, so you can explain what you’re doing. But the why is what’s escaping you. And frankly that should scare you more than it is currently doing.
Especially seeing how you haven’t told your friends what you’re doing. You bugged off lunch (much to Oikawa’s annoyance) but didn’t tell them why. Not only would Oikawa throw a fit but he, Mattsun and Makki wouldn’t understand your reasoning for meeting a stranger you met only a few hours ago.
They really wouldn’t understand why you don’t have a solid reason for meeting this stranger.
Put all the red flags together and you would find yourself locked in your apartment with no means of escaping under Oikawa’s watch.
To be fair, you are meeting them in a public place and you have no intention of going anywhere with the stranger. You’re just going to go have a cup of tea, shoot the shit, and then leave.
Yeah, it’s definitely doable. And not at all crazy.
You take a deep breath before walking inside the shop. It’s a bit crowded - the weekend mid-morning rush makes the employees hustle behind the counter to fill orders. All of the tables are full, leaving no space for two strangers to sit and….
Oh, this was a bad idea. A really bad and stupid idea.
Your phone rings in your pocket. You pull it out and nearly jump at the caller ID.
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Your brain points out that it’s not Hajime but the stranger you’re meeting. You pick up the phone quickly. “Hello?”
“Heya, how’re ya doin’?”
You hope you’ve schooled your expression into nonchalance but you can’t help your eyebrows jumping hearing the clear Kansai dialect through the phone.
Besides the surprise at the unfamiliar drawl, you’re pleased to hear a clear and strong voice on the other line. Nothing creepy or weird or anything your brain was trying to convince would be the case.
“Hi.” You reply into the phone. You can hear background noise from his end, which assures you again that he must actually be here.
“‘M over in the corner with the baseball cap.”
Your eyes move to the corner immediately and zero-in on a figure sitting at the table there. It’s a man, wearing a dark long-sleeve shirt and a dark ball cap. And he’s staring straight at you.
You hang up the phone and walk over to him. You spot a coffee cup on the table in front of him and watch as he takes his hat off and sets it on the tabletop. His silver-grey hair is messed up from the hat but that’s the least of your concerns at the moment.
No, what has you almost faltering in your steps is the exhaustion that lies deep on his face. The bags under his eyes are heavy and stark against his pale skin. His mouth is drawn in a small frown and with his eyebrows furrowed slightly it makes him look troubled.
You recognize his weariness. This is a man who is burdened to carry an intangible weight.
However this man still meets your gaze and gives you a small, tired smile. The small gesture brightens his face considerably but doesn’t completely erase the empty look. But you feel your nerves settle when he smiles at you.
“Hi,” he says when you approach the table.
“Hello.” You sit in the chair opposite of his and shrug your jacket off. “It’s busy, thanks for grabbing a table.”
“No worries.” Hearing his calm and measured tone in person relaxed you more than you realized and you felt some tension release from your shoulders. “‘M here all the time and I figured they’d be a bit busy on Saturday. D’ya want me to grab ya something from the counter?”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that.” You shake your head to emphasize your point.
“Nah, I insist. Coffee? Tea? Fancy mocha drink?”
“Uh,” you’re startled by his insistence but relent. “A tea, please. Jasmine if they have it.”
He nodded before standing and making his way to the register, letting you fully settle in your seat and try to still comprehend what the hell you are doing.
Mid-inner freak out (oh god, what if he drugs my tea, what am I doing?!) a cup materializes in front of you. Osamu comes around with another cup for himself and sits in the chair across from you.
“They had Jasmine and it smells amazin’.” He shifts in his seat and takes a sip of his coffee. “‘M not a big tea drinker but that smells like it would calm ya down real good.”
You send him a smile before lifting the cup up. The smell of jasmine tea was soothing and the taste was even better when you took a small sip. “It’s my go-to comfort drink. I’ve probably had a few more cups than normal in the past few months.”
The sympathetic look the stranger sends you makes you purse your lips, realizing too late what you said. You look away, cursing to yourself. Great, way to go and make it awkward now. It’s quiet for a bit, now awkward by your weird ~fun fact~
“My name’s Miya Osamu.” You look up at the man and see a rueful smile on his face. “I probably shoulda told ya my name earlier. ‘M a first year student at Sendai University.”
You blink. Of fucking course you didn’t know his name. You never thought to ask when texting him earlier. You met up with a LITERAL stranger for tea and coffee.
“Wow, I’m sorry for being so rude!” You hurriedly say. “I should’ve asked AGES ago. But my name’s L/N Y/N. I’m also a first year student at Sendai.”
“Huh.” Osamu (not The Stranger) says. “What a weird coincidence.”
You nod. “Yeah, um are you not from around here? I can tell by your dialect.”
Osamu hums. For the first time you see his face fall and set into something more stone-like. It’s a subtle difference but it’s there nonetheless. “Hyogo. Came to Miyagi for school and had to get a new number.”
“Oh.” It’s a dry answer that you really don’t know how to reply to. “Do you like it so far?”
He shrugs. “It’s not bad. Pretty far.”
You nod. “Yeah, it is.”
You both lapse into a silence that is neither comfortable nor relaxing.
Oh my GOD this is so awkward! Why did you agree to this? Why did you think this was a good idea?! Yeah sure, he’s not a freaking weirdo serial killer, you can check that off your list. But you didn’t think about what you would actually TALK about!
“Do ya wanna talk about Hajime?”
Your reply to his question is to spit your tea across the table.
You look up to meet Osamu’s concerned gaze. Neither of you move before you both reach across to grab napkins from the dispenser.
“Are ya alright?”
“Oh my god I’m so sorry!”
In your haste to clean up your tea the napkin dispenser gets knocked to the ground, and the napkins explode out like an explosion of white confetti.
“Ahhhhhhhh!” The napkins springing up startle you so much that your knee knocks into the table hard, almost upending Osamu’s coffee.
“Argh!” You lean down to clutch your knee as it throbs painfully but your head collides with the table instead. “OUCH!”
“Are ya alright?!” Osamu asks frantically.
You exhale deeply. “Yep, I’m just a klutz. Fuck, that hurt my head.” You wish you could keep your head down and disappear. But you look up, your face bright red with embarrassment, and meet the concerned look from Osamu.
“I’m ok,” you reassure. “Really.” You look around at the mess surrounding your table and catch a few people gawking. Good lord. “Besides my pride taking a beating, I’m all good.” You stoop down to grab the napkins scattered around, wincing at the waste. Osamu also bends down to help.
“It looked like a pretty hard hit,” he notes.
“It’d be worse if I had something in my head worth keeping safe.”
Osamu smiles at your quip, a little half-smile. It’s nice.
Soon you both stand back up to throw out the napkins. Osamu grabs the bunch from you, letting you sit back down. You try to cool the fuck out and you will your face to not resemble a tomato when he comes back.
“Are you sure yer alright?” Osamu asks again.
“Yes, really.” You nod. “I’m sorry if I spat tea on you. I was just really surprised.”
Osamu tilted his head. “From what I said?” You nod. “Why?”
“I mean,” you start. “It mainly just caught me off guard. I’m not used to it, like just talking about him.”
“Do ya talk about him at all?”
You want to nod, but thinking about it you honestly don’t remember the last time you were able to tell someone about Hajime. Not his passing, but just talking about the person that he was.
“Oh.” Osamu pauses, looking at you considering. “Well my old therapist said it’s good to talk about this stuff, so I figured that’s what ya wanted.”
You don’t know how to reply to his simple explanation. Because you do want to talk about Hajime. You want to so badly. You want to tell the world how amazing he is, how he makes the world a better place just by existing, how strong he is and how much lighter you feel when he’s around
Or, how it was.
But you haven’t been able to talk about him. Every time you tried to talk outside of group therapy with your friends, Oikawa shuts down and Makki and Mattsun get uncomfortable. Your therapist is always able to handle anything you throw at her, but it’s not the same as just talking about a friend to someone.
So maybe Osamu is right about just talking about Hajime.
“He has hair like a porcupine.”
Osamu gives you a look of confusion before you continue. “Our friend Oikawa used to call him prickly, and we’d tease him when he’d bristle up and say he looks like a porcupine.” You laugh at the memory of Hajime bristling up, constantly egged on by Oikawa. “It wasn’t even bad hair, it was just so sharp. It was weird.”
Osamu doesn’t say anything for a second before he bursts out laughing. “Atsumu had weird hair too - dyed bleach blonde. Thought it made him look badass.” He rolls his eyes and shakes his head.
You wrap your hand around your cup of tea, hesitating. An obvious question hangs in the air but for the first time since sitting down Osamu looks a bit lively.
“Was Atsumu your brother?”
The lightness on Osamu’s face is extinguished when he nods at your question. “Yeah, he’s a pain in the ass but I love him.” He pauses, looking down at his coffee cup. “Well, he was.”
You can feel the pain radiating from that one word. You understand the horrid dread that comes when you realize you’d been speaking about Hajime in the present tense. Even more so when you have to admit it out loud.
You look at Osamu and frown upon seeing his withdrawn expression. You feel immense guilt, knowing that you’ve contributed to his change in mood.
You’re desperate to lighten the mood and bring that smile back to Osamu’s face. You search through your memories, trying to find something funny. A thought crosses your mind and you feel a small smile grace your lips.
“There was one time that my friend was determined to roast smores on Iwa’s head.” You giggle at the disbelieving look on Osamu’s face. “Yeah, it was the stupidest idea he’d ever concocted. We didn’t even get one marshmallow on his head.”
“We?” Osamu asks, his voice lifting in amusement ever so slightly.
“Of course.” You reply, a smile spreading over your face at the memory and at Osamu’s content face. “I too was curious if we could do it.”
Osamu snorts, shaking his head as he brought his coffee to his mouth. “That idea would have intrigued Atsumu for sure. He was all about the far-fetched plots to piss off everyone around him.”
You smile, leaning forward in your chair. “Oh yeah? Wanna share some notes?” Osamu’s face brightens slightly at your words and he begins to talk, more animatedly than before.
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• ────── ✾ ────── •
A/N: So nothing bad happened with Y/N meeting the stranger (besides her being a clumsy klutz, where are my fellow klutzes at?) Thank you for reading, I hope this chapter was a little soft respite from the initial angst~
Taglist Open! Please send an Ask with the request to be added to It’s [Not] Okay Fic & SMAU (bold cannot be tagged): @psycho-nightrose @camcam1617 @kamalymaly @toobsessedsstuff @shookykookie30 @roro-707 @qualitygiantshoepsychic @cerealfrdinner797 @ara-mitsue @gray-444 @tanakasimpcorner @rintarovibes @jellien
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xgryffinwhore · 3 years
mama i’m in love with a hitman
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summary: two years with barry what could go wrong? oh yeah hes a murderer-
warnings: some angst, marriage proprosal oop-
you had originally begun acting because it was the only affordable option to get you some time away from your family. ya, you still lived with your family.
anyways, acting became kind of like a release for you. you had been going for about 4 months now, you loved everyone you worked with, they were such great people.
then one day, barry berkman showed up,
and basically changed your life.
the first day you saw him, your heart basically feel out of your ass. holy shit was this guy hot; tall, mysterious, and awkward as hell. perfect.
you took him under your wing, immediately engaging with him and bugging him about his person endeavors and whatnot. you two became inseparable, youre bascially the only reason he even uses his messaging app.
you showed him the ropes of LA, giving him tours of sketchy venues, shitty Chinese restaurants. you always felt so awful for him, dragging him around to every place.
"I'm sorry, barry, im just trying to give you the full LA experience"
"its ok, being seen with the prettiest girl in LA isnt so bad"
yeah, one thing led to another, and you had moved into barry's apartment a year after. your relationship was strong; you cuddle, argue, fuck, all of that modern day romance contraband.
everything was exceptional, other than the fact that he was dragging his feet on marrying you...
yeah, you had dropped some major hints. wedding magazines everywhere, leaving honeymoon deals up on the desktop, evening face timing your friend and talking obnoxiously loud about the idea of getting hitched.
tomorrow was your two year anniversary, and you two had been buzzing about it all week, all the lovey dovey language and such.
"babe, tomorrows the day" he squeezed your shoulders from behind you. you were sitting at the coffee table, and he had just served you toast. "i know old man, didnt think we'd last did ya?" "first of all, im only like four years older than you, second" he kissed you on your temple "i knew you were the one."
in the midst of sipping your coffee and passing back and forth news papers, barry’s phone begins to vibrate; the name “Fuches” catches your eye. who was fuches and why did barry have to step out of the room to answer it?
when he came back he looked ghostly, his complexion pale and his lips quivering slightly. “all ok?” you ask, trying to sound lowkey; “uh um- yep. just have to head out for a bit, they need me at work.”
he left abruptly after, grabbing a hat and his black coat. weird. it was the middle june.
you hadn’t heard from him all day, except for a text at lunch that said
barry: Won’t be home tonight, dont forget to lock up.
your heart sunk, the day before your two year. i mean really what was his damage? you didn’t realize how hard it was to fall asleep without him, you tossed and turned until you eventually caved in and called.
ring...... ring.....
‘hey! it’s barry berk-uh um block! leave a message if you want to i guess um ok bye howthefuck do i turnthisthing off-OHH!’
oh how you missed that dorky man, true, it had only been a few hours but his touch was your saving grace. the line beeped and you decided to leave him something
“aha hey bar, y/n here. beds cold without you. miss you. be safe.”
the night way cold and long, you were drifting to sleep. but you heard the front door jangle. you sleepily run down the hall way and run straight into barry. you hugged him, his bosy was stiff and he was trying to inch away from you. "bar!" you whined looking up at him, his nose was bloody and he had a black eye.
“bar?” you wiped his cupid’s bow, the sleepy haze quickly wearing off. he pushes past you “just fell, please just wait for me in bed.” by the time you caught up with him at the bathroom, the door was already shut.
you heard the shower turn on, and you could hear him faintly hiss in pain. he was in there for a while, by the time he got back you could hear the birds chirp, which means it must have been close to 5 am. the sun was still down, and you watch his dark figure slip into bed next you to.
“i love you.” he whispered
“i love you too.” you turned to face him, you knew something was up, you knew he had been hiding something.
“you always leave in the night, when i’m sleeping you always leave barry. is it another women?” barry’s face contorts into a confused scribble. “y/n what? you’re the only one.”
“then why don’t you tell me what you’re really up to. go’s we’ve been dating for two years and you can’t even tell me why you sneak away in the night?!”
barry grabs your hands and puts them close to his face “god y/n i’m sorry happy two years” he gushed and kisses your fingers. a tear trailed down his stubbly cheek. “there are just things i can’t tell you because i don’t want to lose you.”
this hurt you, barry knew all of your deepest secrets, the things you never told anyone other then him. all of this had you worked up, how could he speak to you this way the day of your two year mark? despite his protests, you packed a tooth brush and drove to your friends to stay the night. this was just too much for 3am, you needed space. to clear your head.
you didnt sleep at all that night, you nodded off from 8am to 10, your friend waking you up. "girl i know you dont want to hear this... but barry is outside, hes been parked here since 9" she threw your jeans at you "now go outside and work this shit out, im not prepared to deal with your heart boken ass."
so you put on jeans, and headed for disaster.
you came outside, 'sleepy always looks so good on her' barry thought to himself. you loved him so much, it was so hard to fight with him.
"listen bar, im sorry im just sensitive you know th-"
barry never interrupted you. for as long as you remember there has never once been a time where barry talked over you, or interrupted what you were saying. its something you loved about him, he always seemed so interested in what you had to say, he thought your words where so important.
he pulled a rolled up magazine out of his pack pocket, it was yours, it had faded circles on what cakes and dresses you wanted. he unrolled it and scurried to the 5th page. he pointed at the big raise ranch that you put exclamation points next to.
"this house, i want this house."
he went to the 8th page.
"and this car, we could have that if i stop going to wendys so much"
he giggled to himself and mumbled something about how he knows a guy that can re pair a cooling system.
'uh-um ok barry, what does this have to do with anything? house, car, is this what you drove over here to tell me? you want a better car? you need a bigger house."
he shook his head and trialed to the second page with that beautiful sheath wedding dress, you remembered that.
"youll wear this yeah? some time in the early fall. wouldnt that be nice, still warm, and the leaves-oh the leaves- orange and yellow bring out your eyes so i just figured."
he pulled out the rock, and shit, it didn’t disappoint. you’re not materialistic but what the FUCK?! how did he even afford that-
he slipped it on your finger and you both embraced. messy kisses all over whatever skin you two could find. it was bliss, it was happiness.
you hugged for a while. just sat there reflecting on how far you two had come, and how happy he was going to make you feel for the res rod your life. it’s crazy, you thought marriage wasn’t in the cards for you. but with barry, you can see 5 kids, a dog, and a stupid picket fence.
you were so captured in this moment, you didn’t notice barry’s demeanor change. you looked up and him, he was pale white, staring behind his shoulder at the street. you leaned over his forearm and saw a beat up mom car.
in it was a shaggy dude, didn’t look too much older then barry. he was plump in the face, and his face was aged.
“fuches!?” barry exclaimed.
“come on. we have a hit, i habe your sniper in the back. now.”
another WHAT?
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sunjaesol · 3 years
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juke | spiderman au | tw: violence | title: motion // luke hemmings
"Hey, Julie," Luke greets, walking into Molina's Flowers & Gifts.
It's quiet in the store. An abundance of flowers packed together winking at him, corners stuffed with candles, books, vases and picture frames. It's a well-loved shop, within the Molina family for decades, their youngest daughter and his classmate now meandering behind the counter.
She smiles, "Hey, Luke. How are your aunt's tulips?"
"Uh," he chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck, "very... tulip-y."
"Yeah. Anyway—" he points at her "—about the assignment. I can't do it with you."
She frowns. "Why?"
Because at night, he has to patrol the city! Who else is going to protect and serve New York — or Queens, specifically! They need him! Sure, they don't appreciate him or, y'know, know who he is, but...
As much as he wants to work with Julie — and really, he does, she's amazing — he simply can't. That's the responsibility he's taken upon himself as Spiderman and he has to honour that.
"Family commitment," he lies with a grimace. "I can do some research in the library this week, but—"
"Forget it," she mutters. "I'll do it. But you present, okay? I hate public speaking."
He sighs in relief. "Thank you! Yes, you got it!"
"You owe me now, you know that?" she asks, peering. It reminds him how she, unlike him, is a full-blooded New Yorker. She has bark and bite, while he has that Los Angeles softness buffing the edges of his actions.
Unless he's Spiderman. Then there's no stopping him.
Leaning against the counter, he tries dazzling her with a charming smile. "Like what?"
She thinks for a moment, face twisting up in that cute, pensive face she has; always crossing her features during calculus or physics. Another reason why he hates bailing on her: she's mad cute — and one of the few people at school that doesn't regard his music mania as geeky.
"Every weekend, me and my dad go to the flower market and get our batch. It's at four am. My dad's sick, so you're joining me this Saturday."
He grimaces. "Four? Really?"
"I know you're not Jewish. You're free."
"I could be!"
Her head tilts, amused. "Are you, Patterson?"
Sighing, his head drops along with his resolve. She has him. "Fine. Yes, I'll help you. Don't blame me if I fall asleep with my eyes open!"
Julie giggles at his remark and it makes him look up, a giddy feeling spreading in his chest. Her face is close to his, the colours of the flowers glimmering in her eyes, and he's kind of taken by her. Wow.
"Great. Now get out of my store!" she commands, grabbing the broom beside her. "I need to sweep the floors."
Pushing himself off from the counter, he cheekily salutes at her and bids goodbye, bouncing outside mere seconds later. That went better than expected — he even made her laugh!
Reggie sends him a text. I updated your suit. Good to go for tonight with zero malfunctions!
His grin widens. This Tuesday afternoon could not have gone better!
Fuck. He should've known those words were gonna jinx him.
Luke slings from skyscraper to skyscraper after a gang of armed criminals, failing to capture them with his webs and almost being shot himself just ten minutes ago!
Yeah, sneezing loudly during their very creepy gang meeting in a quiet Queens alleyway was not his proudest moment. Fucking hay fever.
It's even worse that they're fighting in his neighborhood, the streets familiar and well-trodden by him, his friends, his family. His stomach twists up with dread, but he has to keep going. He almost has them!
There's six of them, so he's sure he can get a few from a distance. Quickly mapping out his strategy from the ledge of a building, bug eyes gleaming in the street lights, he launches into action.
(There are police sirens in the distance, likely being called after the thugs broke into that bank, but Luke can't wait. This is his time.)
Webbing two against the brick walls of a bodega, he throws a joke alongside it too and adds extra webbing to their mouths. No need to hear their response!
A third thug gets lassoed towards him, dizzying the man, and a simple swing of the fists knocks him out cold.
The other three keep sprinting, shooting over their shoulder all precariously. If Luke wasn't running on adrenaline and fright, he'd scoff at their mindless use of bullets. One hits a lamppost, a mailbox, a tree.
(On that tree, a “who is spiderman?” poster, something he'd get excited over if, again, there wasn't a crime to be solved. Damn it, thugs!)
He manages to shoot a gun out of one man's hand and then web him down on the pavement, but the last two outsmart him. Exhaustion weighs his bones down — it's one am, school starts at eight, he has to pretend to be all normal and cool — and the police still hasn't arrived.
Any nagging thought gets knocked out of his mind the second he sees them crashing the windows of the Molina's, barelling into their store. His gut plummets while anger rises, reaching a fever pitch shaped in an angry cry and a boost of energy. Screw, strategy! He needs to fix this!
Zooming into the store after them, more bullets hurl by, shattering glass and vases and flying past their faces. It works to his advantage, the criminals trying to shield themselves with their hands, a sudden weak spot. Luke webs one to the ground, extra hard.
But then two arms curl around his neck from behind.
"Whoa!" he chokes out, flailing to be released. "C'mon, man!"
"Time to sleep, Spiderman!" the criminal snarls with a thick east coast accent, tightening his iron hold.
Luke helplessly tries hitting him with his feet and elbows, but the man is rock solid and his spidey system malfunctions again from the high levels of stress. Shit!
Just as he feels lightheaded, a resounding clang! makes the arms slacken, the man slumping on the ground like a heavy sack of potatoes. Staggering away, he whirls around, only to come face to face with an enraged Julie Molina.
She squeaks out an undignified warrior cry, raising her baseball bat once more to knock him out.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" he yells, grabbing onto the end of the stick before she gives him a concussion. "I'm the good guy! I'm—" he lowers his voice "—I'm Spiderman!"
The bat clatters to the ground. Her eyes slowly drift to the webbed man and the man's ass she whooped. And then, when he thinks she'll start crying from shock, she looks back at him in confusion.
"Why did you lower your voice like that?"
He blinks. Not what he expected. "Wha-? No, I didn't."
"You did. You sounded like a boy and now you don't."
He groans, stomping his foot. "I didn't! Anyway, Ju- miss. Girl. Thanks for the help. The police is on their way."
Her shoulder sag, now seemingly registering what just transpired. Her eyes, previously so pretty in daylight, well up with tears as she takes stock of her ruined family establishment. Luke swallows back the guilt, the immense urge to comfort her.
If he had just been faster... none of this would've happened.
A sob wracks her body. "My- my store. My dad. The flowers. We- we-" Her gaze locks on his, furiously devestated. "Why did you lead them here?!"
He raises his hands in defense. "I didn't! They trespassed! I- I'm so sorry, miss."
Her head shakes, more tears slipping down her cheeks. "That's not... good enough. Please go."
"Go!" she shouts, pointing at the broken window.
He nods, obliging, utters once more the police is coming, and flies out the window. His mask rubs uncomfortably against his skin, cold sweat and tears pricking like needles.
When the next day at school Julie is nowhere to be found, he's not surprised.
@blush-and-books @bluefirewrites @thedeathdeelers @unsaid-emily @willexx @ourstarscollided @pink-flame @constantly-singing
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cheri-translates · 3 years
[CN] Gavin’s Sky Date - Prologue
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date prologue, 云霄之约, which has not been released in English servers! 🍒
Do note that you have to read this before embarking on the actual date, because it contains background information and sweet domestic bliss you wouldn't want to miss :>
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[ This date was released on 14 April 2021 ]
[ Part One: A Dream About to Take Flight ]
MC: Ahhh! My life is up to me. Not. Up. To. Fate!
The small dice in my furled hand is tossed around several times. When I loosen my grip, it rolls quickly on the map -- ‘2′.
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Gavin: Hahaha--
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Gavin laughs, but hurriedly retracts his smile when he senses my murderous gaze.
Gavin: It’s okay, things will definitely take a favourable turn in the next round.
Sulky, I let out of a huff. I watch as he picks up the dice, casually rolling a '5′. Then, he cheerfully shifts his own plane on the map by six spaces.
[Note] In the game of Aeroplane Chess, your plane can only leave the starting point if you roll a ‘5′ of ‘6′!
MC: ...
It’s a Saturday afternoon. Gavin and I had nothing to do after eating, so we randomly grabbed a set of Aeroplane Chess from the supermarket to play. But I didn’t expect to have such a terrible gaming experience!
Although it’s been the sixth or seventh round, I just can’t the ‘6′ I need to get my plane out of the hangar. On the other hand, Gavin has always been able to get it to take flight smoothly, and very quickly reaches the goal.
MC: Gavin, with your kind of luck, there’s no need to waste it on playing games with me.
After pondering for a long while, I offer him a serious suggestion.
MC: Let’s head out to buy a lottery ticket?
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Gavin: Why don’t we play something else? The paper model from last time was only half done. Since we have time today, we could get it done at one go.
At this moment, the phone on the floor beside me rings. Seeing the familiar number, I tap on the hands-free function.
Nurse: Miss MC, the physical report done at our hospital is ready. Please bring your receipt and collect it within fifteen working days.
MC: Mm, got it, thank you.
Gavin is currently storing the Aeroplane Chess pieces into the box. Hearing this conversation, he gives me a puzzled look.
Gavin: Haven’t you already gone for a physical examination this year? Are you feeling unwell?
MC: No, no. I’m using the report for the registration.
I deliberately pretend to be secretive, leaning towards him. Then, I show him the registration form that I had submitted online beforehand.
MC: I’m going to get a Private Pilot License.
[ Part Two: First Day of School ]
On the first day of aviation training, I set the alarm to wake me up at 6.30am. Even Gavin is stunned at the level of enthusiasm I have for learning.
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Gavin: The courses for the aviation license can get pretty dry. You have to be mentally prepared.
MC: Are you referring to things like meteorology, aircraft structure, air traffic regulations?
Gavin: Mm. Aside from the exams, such knowledge is necessary for aircraft pilots.
While he speaks, he lifts his head to give me a smile.
Gavin: But they definitely won’t stump you.
After packing my things, I grab a random jacket and prepare to leave.
The classes take place in the suburbs, and it takes an hour to get there. Despite waking up early, I’d be late if I don’t hurry up.
But Gavin is clearly not too worried about this matter. He holds a slice of bread in his mouth while looking at his phone.
Gavin: Since I’m sending you there, you won’t be late. Before your first official lesson, I’ll give you a flight class.
I walk over to him, pulling up the zipper of his uniform, and also picking up the motorcycle helmet from the table.
MC: To prevent this from being a mere flash in the pan, I want to leave the joy of flight to the end of the course. But if going by land would make me late...
Gavin rolls the bread into his mouth, taking the helmet from my hand.
Gavin: No matter the route, you won’t be late. Oh yes, what class are you taking today?
[ Part Two, Option 1: Principles of Meteorology ]
Instructor: I’ll ask some small questions to test your foundation and see if you take note of knowledge in this area.
He opens the PowerPoint presentation, then uses a laser pointer to point at the image on the first page - it's a cumulus cloud with a flat bottom layer and a high, upward curve at the top.
Instructor: Does anyone know what this cloud is called?
MC: Cumulus congestus cloud.
Instructor: Correct. The next question - when the International Civil Aviation Organisation observes cloud volume, how many segments do they divide the sky into?
MC: It should be eight segments.
I recall that Gavin brought this up before.
Instructor: Not bad, miss. You did preparatory work beforehand, didn’t you?
MC: No no, I have a friend who has a better understanding in this area, so I was just influenced.
After saying this, chuckles drift from the surroundings. The instructor nods in understanding.
Instructor: In that case, you won’t have a problem during the exams.
MC: ...I’ll do my best.
After all, my confidence is limited when it comes to exams.
Just as I’m thinking about this, I receive a notification on my phone. Gavin has sent me an incredibly large document file.
Gavin: I don’t know how to teach, so I compiled some materials you might need for the exam.
I grip my phone, suddenly feeling like the weather is so good that it makes one carefree and relaxed.
It’s just an exam. I’ll definitely be fine.
[ Part Two, Option 2: Aviation Regulations Class ]
At 2pm in the afternoon, the sun shines from above. I had a full meal, so fighting against the sleeping bug is a difficult challenge.
Instructor: Before the flight, the captain has to carry out the necessary inspections of the aircraft. Until the inspections are complete, you can’t take off. This regulation is easy to understand. In fact...
When the dullness of the course matches how fine the weather is, the entire classroom gets immersed in a drowsy atmosphere.
I take a few deep breaths and pat my face... but I still feel like sleeping.
Instructor: Okay, we’ll take a 10 minute break. You students look sleepy, so go wash your faces to freshen up.
The moment he finishes speaking, the sound of heads plopping down on the tables can be heard all around.
Just as I prepare to stand up and stretch, my phone suddenly vibrates.
Delivery boy: Hello, I’ve placed your take-out at the main counter.
MC: Take-out?
But I didn’t order take-out...
While I’m puzzled, the young lady from the main counter very politely brings the item to the classroom - it’s a cup of coffee.
There’s only one simple line on the note of the take-out: Persevere for a little longer. Gavin.
I retrieve the coffee from the bag, taking a tiny slip. The instructor walks past, giving me a glance from the side.
Instructor: Are you drinking coffee or milk tea? You’re smiling so happily.
MC: Being able to swim in the ocean of knowledge is always meant to be a happy thing.
The instructor gives me an expression which says, “like I’d actually believe you”.
MC: Instructor, let’s continue with the lesson. I’m not drowsy anymore. Learning for another four hours is no problem at all!
[ Part Three: Being Your Co-pilot ]
Gavin: Do you want to head out for a stroll after dinner? It seems to be really cooling outside.
I’m currently taking out plates from the kitchen drawer, subconsciously craning my head to glance outside.
MC: It’s going to rain, isn’t it...
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Gavin: Really? I’ll check the weather forecast. Earlier in the afternoon, Eli mentioned taking out some time to wash his car at night. I even thought today would be a good day.
I step into the living room, setting down plates on the dining table. 
MC: There are just some cumulonimbus clouds in the sky. It might not really rain.
Gavin scrolls through the real-time weather, then gives me a smile.
Gavin: It’s really going to rain.
He gets up, opening the rice cooker and scooping a full bowl of rice for me.
Gavin: At first, I even thought you’d find such theoretical knowledge boring. I didn’t think you’d learn them so earnestly. Looks like you really want to get the license.
MC: Of course. I want to be your co-pilot.
Although Gavin hasn’t even scooped rice for himself, he’s already served me a huge pile of vegetables.
Gavin: Sure. I’ll wait for the day you get your license.
Just as I’m about to talk about how assured I am about getting the license, I realise that the plate on my hand is becoming fuller and fuller. 
Before I can even voice my question, Gavin responds.
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Gavin: Learning is tough. You need to eat a little more. I also bought you ice-cream. It’s in the second compartment of the freezer. I remember you mentioning that as long as you eat something delicious during difficult times, you can press on easily.
MC: ...hahaha! Mm! After having this meal, I’ll complete all my post-class homework!
[ Aviation Terminology Class ]
MC: Calling for the control tower. Number N8596 has arrived, and is requesting for a landing gate.
Gavin (through the phone): Number N8596, you may use aircraft Gate Number One.
Gavin’s light-hearted laughter drifts from the phone.
Gavin: Shouldn’t your class end at 7pm? It’s only 6pm.
MC: The plan was to be dismissed at 7pm, but... for some reason, those in my class were really interested in the Aviation Terminology class, so they did their preparatory work in advance. The three hour class was over in one and a half hours. The instructor said that we already grasped all the key points, so we were dismissed early. What about you? How much longer till you’re off work?
Gavin: For me... less than half an hour. You could think about what to do with this unexpectedly free hour. I remember that there’s a new dessert shop opposite the cinema.
MC: You remembered? I never even told you about it. How could you remember? Officer Gavin, you better tell me the truth. You didn’t remember it - you specially searched it up.
Gavin: Mm, I specially searched it up. I even found that there are claw machines along the shopping street on the ground level of the cinema. 
MC: Looks like what I’m going to do in the next hour has already been scheduled. 
Gavin: Wait for me at the office first. I’ll look for you once I’m done with the work on hand.
[ Part Four: Flight Practice ]
Today’s the first flight practice class. The instructor is sitting in the co-pilot seat, watching my every move throughout the entire journey.
I wasn't nervous at first, but each time he glances at me, I involuntary wonder if I’ve done something wrong.
In an instant, I recall the fear of taking the aviation exam...
Until the plane successfully takes flight, I keep feeling as though the thing suspending in the air isn’t the plane, but my heart.
Instructor: It’s rare for you to make a trip up here. What’s there to be nervous about? Come, lift your head and look at the sky.
At this moment, countless gripes flash across my mind: What’s so nice about the sky? I’ve seen all kinds of skies. Right now, all I want is to fly the plane...
But the moment I lift my head, I’m rendered speechless.
Instructor: How is it? The first time I saw it, I was so stunned that I couldn't speak either.
MC: It’s really beautiful.
Sunlight casts a layer of golden hue on the soft and white clouds, blending the colours of gold and crimson.
I’m unable to describe how the scenery before me makes me feel. 
It’s a feeling which... makes one feel that life has meaning.
All of a sudden, another thought surfaces in my mind: I wonder what went through Gavin’s mind when he saw such a sight for the first time.
The instructor sitting next to me glances at me from the side.
Instructor: Thinking about your boyfriend again?
MC: [blushing] ...no!
Instructor: It’s normal. Each time I’m flying, I can’t help but think of my wife. There isn’t a reason to it. It’s just a sudden thought, an involuntary reaction.
The instructor laughs as he gives me advice with a contagious smile.
Instructor: If you’re thinking about him, just do it. It’s fine. It’s a normal thing. When you see certain things, your natural reaction is to think of someone.
MC: ...Instructor, I usually can’t tell, but you’re actually quite philosophical.
I grab the joystick of the plane, watching as countless clouds drift past leisurely.
All I want to do is take a photograph of this moment for Gavin.
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Date: here
Gavin watching as I drool over the thought of Eli scrubbing his car in the rain while wearing a singlet:
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