#dark acadamia habits
fairydrowning · 2 years
Me studying for five minutes after procrastinating for 1 week straight: "I studied so hard today. So, let's take some rest now."
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cursemyexistences · 2 months
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study date (w myself) <3
reviewing for the structural analysis exam 2
🎧 : Moonlight on the River, Mac DeMarco
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letsberealgenz · 11 days
2024 morning routine vlog 🌻🍯🐝💛
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poetryofmuses · 1 year
Everyday I wake up and think "mhm how must I ruin my life today?"
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inkcassetesh20 · 2 years
Let's talk about vision boards. Really what are they and why would you want to create them? Is investing ruthless hours over something like a vision board worth it?
To be absolutely, undoubtedly honest, different people have different opinion on such prompts. But to me I feel like it is necessary to fuel your limits, give you a visual of what you want and how you can get it. Some of you will agree and so do I that motivation < discipline.
But here's the catch, you need motivation to light up the fire and you need discipline to keep it going.
So, for that motivation to arise, that fire to burn, I started making a vision board so that I don't get lost in the midst of distractions and forget why I really started focusing on my dreams.
What my vision board consists of:
A journey visual (things i need to get done to get to my goal)
A HABIT forming area, where I input quotes and excerpts from books such as atomic habits
A quote section where I put quotes such as 'own your morning, elevate your life' and many more.
A periodic table lol
A personal project and achieved project lists.
A dream school info panel
Pretty pictures of the life you want
(Please comment more vision board ideas)
Anyways, what I'm trying to deliver is, without fuel, fire cannot be burnt. Without sun, day Cannot rise. Without pain, succes cannot be gained.
I hope you all are having productive days. xx <3
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angelodi11 · 1 year
> Ouvindo Mozart, Tchaikovsky ou musica clássica no geral e rocks em uma playlists aleatória a meia-noite com fones de ouvido
> Beber água gaseificada ou um refri em um copo de vinho ou xicaras da sua bisavó morta
> Chá instantâneo barato em uma xícara de chá antiga que você tem certeza que é assombrada e foi passada por pelo menos duas (2) gerações e meia (como eu disse bisavó morta )
> Tocando Tchaikovsky em um piano elétrico
> Lendo a história secreta durante madrugadas chuvosas
> Ir para a aula vestido com seu melhor tweed, ou uma jacketa de couro A chaotic academia é sobre não ser previsível e ser você mesmo seja um rebelde estudioso (não se aplica a assassinar alguém a sangue frio, no entanto)
> Acender uma vela e coloque-a no parapeito da janela (ou em qualquer lugar que não pegue fogo)
> Leia algo desafiador durante o dia (Shakespeare, Lovecraft e Edgar Alla Poe, por exemplo) e algo descontraído à noite (Agatha Christie, Huxley, Donna Tartt)
> Faça uma xícara de café ou chá em uma xícara de chá delicada OU em uma caneca realmente pesada (é impossível parecer um pouco desconfiado se você estiver segurando uma caneca de tamanho normal )
> Ouça discos antigos em vinil.
> Se você está se sentindo sem inspiração, mude sua roupa! Eu sempre me sinto mal quando estou de pijama o dia todo, então geralmente coloco uma calça de algodão um top e combino com uma blusa social bem pesada ou um suéter
> Vague pelo tumblr no DA e veja o que você encontra! customize seu Pinterest,
> Aprenda a levantar uma sobrancelha - para se sentir um estudioso pretensioso o que é o seu objetivo, esta pequena ação é obrigatória!!
> Meta diária no Duolingo - enquanto você está fazendo isso, pode não parecer muito DA, NO ENTANTO, quando você termina você se sente realizado e inteligente, o que está perfeitamente na marca. Além disso, você aprende um pouco mais do idioma escolhido todos os dias - e daqui a pouco você será fluente!
> Estilize seu cabelo - faça um penteado diferente, pinte ou corte você e um Chaotic academia ser previsível não e uma opção e estilizar seu cabelo faz você se sentir elegante e melhora seu humor, hoje em dia é raro me ver sem uma parte do cabelo pintado
> Reorganize/decore seu espaço - mesmo que seja apenas uma pequena mudança, como mover as plantas pelo seu quarto, ou desenhar pintar as paredes
> Leve um livro com você aonde quer que vá - mesmo que seja apenas para a cozinha, isso fará com que você se sinta mais inteligente em relação aos livros
> Melhore seu humor para ser espirituoso e sarcástico! Você pode aprender truques de basicamente qualquer programa britânico (por mais que não se aplique somente a programas britânicos eu gosto mais deles) como Sherlock ou Doctor Who, e quando você tem sarcasmo e inteligência na manga, você não é apenas imparável, você também está se transformando naquele estudioso pretensioso e caótico que você sonhava em ser
Bom essas são algumas dicas para você seguir ou se sentir espirado. Mas uma questão que quero pontuar é a chaotic academia pra mim e uma coisa mais leve que a dark academia mais isso depende muito de quem você é, mas pra mim a chaotic academia é sobre não se prender muito a padrões de estudiosos, você não precisa ser aquela pessoa com estereótipo de intelectual um colete óculos de aros finos com um tweed e uma calça xadrez ou você pode ninguém realmente se importa, acho que a única regra de tudo e não seja previsível não consigo imaginar um acadêmico chaotic que não tenha uma carta na manga que não possa surpreender a todos com uma palavra ou uma ação. 
Como gosto de dizer seja uma tempestade disfarçada de dia ensolarado.(pode não ser poético ou profundo mas eu gosto)
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tryingtoorbitthesun · 10 months
you know those little nervous habits you had as a kid that didn't go away so now they're just little reminders of your younger self that show up during the day 🥺
what were yours? I used put the thin and soft part of my blankie underneath my fingernails (I know it sounds a bit weird <3)
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wawakaofficial · 10 months
Pity Party
fandom: Boku no Hero Acadamia | My Hero Acadamia
warnings: idolization of dying, smoking, self-harm, depressed thoughts and overall vibe, izuku midoriya whump
summary: Izuku’s balcony is a strangely comforting place to simply sit and let your mind wander during the night. 
Exasperated and tired. 
That’s exactly how Izuku would describe what he was feeling after the day he had. Long gone were the days where Izuku could only feel pure fear and terror and hurt around Kacchan and now he was only filled with deep resignation and sadness. It felt like the other boy was constantly digging into an old, bone-deep wound that Izuku was forced to patch up throughout the day, constantly pushing down his swirl of emotions and only letting his determined smiles and forced laughs surface. 
He hadn’t slept well the previous night, too wired from his nightmares where he was surrounded by the people he had failed to help, to save, to reassure and keep his promises of never again. So he started his day at 3 in the morning, running around the border of his high school in hopes to alleviate some stress, taking a scalding hot shower to ground himself in hopes of dealing with the day without his smile looking too much like a plastic mask and rubbing some lotion over his scars before throwing on his clothes. 
Then, at breakfast, Iida felt the need to comment on his eyebags and, while Izuku could appreciate the sentiment, the other boy just continued to give Kacchan more ammunition to pelt him with as he strutted around the kitchen making deprecating comments about Izuku for everyone to hear. It felt like an entire day had passed before they finally made it out the door to head to their classroom. 
Izuku hurriedly tried to force himself to smile and ease his tense shoulders (he knew he couldn’t hide everything like he used to since they all lived together now - but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t try) and evened out his breath during their walk. Suppressing flinches every time Kacchan yelled or whenever his teacher shot him a look didn’t help get through the day with less tension or worries. He was tired and tense, focusing on making himself look like he was relaxed and carefree throughout the day. 
It was almost worse when he forced himself out of a grimace at Kacchan’s words when he noticed the pained expression on Kirishima’s face, not wanting to unintentionally let Kirishima know how bad it felt when Kacchan’s words grated against his bones like a serrated knife. Kirishima would always have a bit of Izuku’s respect (and maybe a bit of jealousy) because of how quick he was to try and diffuse Kacchan while letting him blow off steam. Izuku just wished people would notice that he didn’t want to be the thing that Kacchan blew off his steam with. Whether it was words, or deadly spars, Izuku was Kacchan’s outlet for his anger and god was he tired of playing such a role. 
So yes, currently, the only thing Izuku was feeling was exasperation and soul-deep tiredness that could not be fixed with a good night’s sleep. Apparently, being tense and tired the whole day wasn’t enough for Izuku and he found himself staring at the stars twinkling in the sky, the moon beaming down at him as he sat with his legs over his balcony’s ledge. He took a sick pleasure in relaxing outside, despite the cold and listening to whatever slow, self-deprecating music he could get his hands on. 
He sighed, inaudible to his own ears, and watched the smoke roll out of his mouth into the dark of the night. He knew, god he knew, how dangerous it was to smoke on school grounds, how much of his future was on the line all because he couldn’t, wouldn’t, find a new coping mechanism but he was also well aware of how this little habit came about. He was fond of his memories with the white-haired man who had piercing blue eyes and dangerous burn scars dancing up his jaw who used to light up the tip of his pinky with his blue flames to help him light the end of his joint. 
This wasn’t to say that this was a coping mechanism Izuku was particularly proud of, but it was the one that let him finish middle school without any scars that were self-inflicted. To him, Izuku’s chosen option was the lesser of two evils. Staring at the moon and stars dance around the inky black sky, Izuku couldn’t help to sadly smile to himself as he remembered his nights away from the stifling apartment with his hood up as he walked around the back alleys and stood near bars, offering to help women back home or wherever they were headed. He thought fondly of some of the sex workers he had come across and had psuedo-adopted him into their group, inviting him to stay and relax with them in the back rooms of dark clubs and strip bars. 
That was something he would never take advantage of; the family that his smoking habit provided him. The girls dealt with particularly rude dealers for him, let him smoke to his heart’s content but never let him give into the curiosity he had for other drugs, never let him hit rock-bottom no matter how much he wanted to give in. Soon enough, the girls asked him how he felt about their new bouncer, the man who went by the name Dabi. Izuku would be the first to admit that Dabi could be intimidating when he wanted to be but the older boy had taken one look at him and tried to chase him out of the bar, terrified of what someone so young was doing there. 
Once the girls explained, Dabi took it upon himself to limit Izuku’s consumption of weed, helping screw his head back on as he started training for UA and ran through dozens of tests to try and figure out where he was. Izuku found out early on that the teachers didn’t care about him or his grades, consistently giving him B- or C’s whenever they wanted so he stopped caring about it all, only letting himself get lost in the feeling of floating, barely registering the words other kids would taunt him with or the lectures the teachers would give. 
He thought, a bit incredulously, about how no one had ever caught him before. The girls and Dabi could tell him much he had smoked with one look, always content with giving him water and snacks to help relax. It hurt to wonder if anyone had ever cared enough to notice or if they truly didn’t look at him anymore, just let their eyes rome over him, almost as if they were looking through him. It hurt to know, even at UA, no one had ever been able to call out his behavior (he told himself it was because he knew better now - he could hide it all - but he couldn’t help but doubt, especially since he was surrounded by pro-heroes now) and that hurt just burned in his chest, settling in his gut until it tasted like disappointment and resignation. 
Although, he would never blame the one man who gave him a fighting chance for his dream. In fact, All Might was the first person he actively hid his habit from, refusing to let the hero, his hero, know what kind of means Izuku resorted to in order to get through his miserable life. The amount of effort he put into never letting the hero know anything was amiss was probably the biggest reason Izuku was somewhat comfortable smoking here, in the UA dorms rather than waiting until he was off campus next weekend. 
And even with how long they’d known each other and what he knows Kacchan should’ve picked up on, the other boy never acted as if anything was amiss, even though Izuku only put in effort to hide everything during the last year of middle school. Izuku just shook his head and dragged another long breath filled with smoke before lulling his head back and slowly breathing it all back out. 
After the day he’s had, he’d prefer not to go down that particular train of thought. Instead, he let his mind wander to different things, more peaceful ideas, such as death. It seemed dark to think about death in such a manner but Izuku couldn’t help but admire the clear out that Kami had given them all. It was strangely reassuring to know that there was a given way to leave if he had to refuse to deal with anything any longer. It was strange, to be surrounded by classmates who had fought for their lives, while Izuku found himself fighting for the exhilaration and pain. The villain attacks throughout this year had reminded him he was indeed alive, not merely floating through life anymore. 
It was oddly reassuring. 
He couldn’t help but feel a bit guilty as he took another hit from his half-finished blunt. The heroes around him, the heroes in training he went to class with, they all fought the death of others while he was content to slowly kill himself, to take pleasure in the heaviness of his lungs. He never really wanted to hurt anyone, although he couldn’t understand why anyone would be hurt by his death, so he resigned himself to a slow death, any easy death so long as no villains got in the way of his plans. He was so content to sit here, cross-legged on a balcony and relax as he felt his body slowly relax, succumbing to the slow death he’d allowed himself to face, while everyone else he was surrounded by were content to live and enjoy the moments they had together. He didn’t think he’d ever been surrounded with so many people who actively fought for their lives before. 
Shaken out of his thoughts by noticing a dark mass moving along the sidewalks, Izuku just relaxed back into his hidden position on the balcony as he watched Eraserhead make his way across the campus towards the teacher’s apartments. Sighing quietly, he resigned himself to dealing with another terrible day since Eraserheads presence meant that his patrol ended and it was far past the time Izuku could force himself to sleep, presumably around 4 or 5am. Watching his teacher slip into the apartment building, Izuku ignored the pang of hurt he felt at the action and put out his blunt, placing it back into the small box that hid his guilty pleasure.
Slipping back into his room, he chose a pair of workout clothes and silently made his way to the showers, running his fingers through his hair and closing his eyes as he soaked up the warmth the water provided him. Leaning his forehead on the wall, he sighed and shut the water off, making sure to dry his hair thoroughly before putting on his long-sleeve shirt. Wandering around the silent dorms, he placed his load of laundry in the washer, using a small amount of the smell-good softener he only used when he spent his nights like this and nodded to himself. 
Making his way back into his room, he made sure to spray everything down and place dryer sheets in and around his inconspicuous black box, guaranteeing no one would notice the faint smell that stained his room. He knew from experience the smell would be gone by the afternoon, especially if he left his balcony door open, just cracked enough to circulate new air into the space. He sat down at his desk and slipped a strong smelling leave-in conditioner through his curls and sighed happily when he placed his eyedrops in before brushing his teeth. 
Content with his efforts, Izuku made his way back downstairs and filled up a water bottle with cold water before slipping in shoes and stepping outside, getting ready to run to his spot in UA's woods and do his daily yoga routine in the thick brush that guarantees his peace and tranquility. 
Hyping himself up, he started jogging with only one resigned thought in his mind; another day under his belt, another one to go. 
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frogsmulder · 2 years
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My July Reads
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The Girl in the Red Coat by Roma Ligocka (translated by Margot Bettauer Dembo from German)
Started May 2018 finished August 2022 (mostly read in July 2022)
Dark, reflective, nonfiction, historical
Ligocka was inspired to write this autobiography when she saw the premier of Schindler's List: she recognised the girl in the redcoat as herself. She spent her childhood in the Krakow ghetto but managed to escape with her mother in 1945, constantly moving around to avoid death. It is heartbreaking in its retelling, honouring the bewilderment of children forced to face this reality, but also the trauma they are left with as they become adults in a new world. It brings to light how important communication is with loved ones and is another major influence for the penning of this book, with its dedication "For my son, Jakob" after such a complicated relationship with Ligocka's own mother.
I genuinely cried whilst reading it, the loneliness and isolation of Ligocka throughout her life, her frustration with her own identity, politics, and social conventions, and her dealings with mental health all make for a hard but worth while read. I often hard to put it down because of its intensity and cause for reflection.
The most memorable parts for me were the secret garden her mother created for her whilst they were in hiding, her close and then distant relationship with her mother, not being able to understand that the war was over/not understanding what freedom was, and (skip the rest of this paragraph if you don't want to read about bodily autonomy violation) forced abortion.
The Binding by Bridget Collins
Started February 2022 finished July 2022
Parallel world, victorian industrial, dark acadamia, mlm gay, amnesia, enemies to lovers, fantasy
You can forget things you don't want to remember by visiting a binder and putting your memories in a book. Emmett Farmer is a binder who suffers with binderbound fever. By accident he discovered his book and his lost memories. He remembers his first love, Lucian Darnay, but Lucian cannot remember him.
This is my favourite book of the year so far, maybe ever. Its also the first lgbtq book I've read and I completely understand it now, I cried when Emmett's parents found out about his gay relationship. It was heartbreaking but thankfully ends on a hopeful note. It took me a while to get into it but once there, the characters are loveable and I couldn't put it down.
My favourite moments are literally all of part 2 and the ending. Which are basically the romantic parts.
The Mad Women's Ball by Victoria Mas (translated by Frank Wynne from French)
Started and finished July 2022
Spiritualism, feminism, anti ableism, novella, industrial France
The daughter of a lawyer and well-to-do family, Eugénie, has no intentions of getting married and regularly sneaks off to bars and coffee houses. When she attends a debate with the aid of her brother about the spiritual world, she learns that she is not alone in the gift she has as a medium. She knows if she tells anyone, however she will end up in the Salêtrière.
The daughter of a country doctor, Geneviève, traumatised by the death of her sister becomes a nurse to help others to atone for not being able to help her sister. She believes only is science and fact: this is her religion.
The Mad Women's Ball was a real historical event where once a year, the Parisian elite could interact with the inmates of the Salêtrière, like viewing animals in a zoo.
I appreciated this book more after reading the author's note at the end and her intended comment on the voyeuristic habits of society and drawing comparisons to modern reality TV. The characters are all engaging but the feminist message I feel was a little heavy at times and distracted from the story. I do wish we got to know more about all of the characters and their stories but I enjoyed the read nontheless. I also wish Geneviéve and Eugénie's relationship could have been more developed. The Epilogue of the book really hit though, especially for Geneviève's character development.
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lordteivelwrites · 2 years
greetings, fellow writers on tumblr ! i go by many names, but on this blog i wish to be called teivel. here's some stuff about me !!
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i am transgender, ftm
i live in the uk
im a leo
im also an artist, and i like to do rp sometimes.
im autistic
i like good omens, sherlock, resident evil, doctor who, team fortress 2, and broadchurch
i have a habit of making insert ocs becuase even though i cant hang around my comfort characters, doesnt mean i cant make an oc that does
i really like lizards
what i write on here :
xreader (i do not write fem!readers)
anything that comes to mind
my aesthetics are cryptidcore, dark acadamia and grunge becuase they are funky
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cursed-byesexual · 3 years
Dark Academia rec list
How to tell if the rec suits your specific preffered kind of dark academia;
Classics (c)
Based on real events (r)
Modern take on an old story(m)
contains fantasy elements (f)
High fantasy (hf)
modern setting or set today (t)
time travel to the past(t*)
worth it for the knowledge/ having read or seen it makes you dark academia even if the thing itself isn't inherently da (w)
style wise da (s)
plotwise da or da characters (p)
The actual Rec:
kill your darlings(m,s,p,r)
Imitation Game(m,p,w,r, (s arguably ),
Dead poets society(c,p,c),
pride and prejudice(c,s),
Enola Holmes (m,f,s,p)
The picture of Dorian Grey (c,m,f,s,p)
Billy Elliot (m,r,p)
The devil all the time (m,p,w)
I am not an easy man (t,w,f, (p arguably) (okay this one is a bit of a reach but its really good, and weirdly intellectual, I promise!!)
the picture of Dorian Grey(c,w,s,p,f),
Pride and Prejudice(w,s,p),
A secret History by Donna Tart(c,w, ?I haven't read it yet),
Romeo and Juliet(c,w,)
The Magicians by Lev Grossman (f,t,p, (s arguably)),
Harry Potter(f,t,s,(p arguably)),
Raven Cycle (series)(f,t,p),
Infernal devices,(m,f,s,p)
Mythos, Heroes, Troy (series) by Stephen Fry (w,p,f,m)
Narnia Series (c,w,s)
A gentlemans guide to vice and virtue (m,f,(s&p arguably))
Red, white and royal blue (t,p)
Rubyred (series) (t,t*,p,s,f)
Six of Crows duology (p,s,f,hf)
Sherlock, (m,t,p,(s arguably))
Lock and Key (f,t,s)
Ratched (m,p,(s arguably))
The Queens Gambit (m,p,s,w)
His dark materials (c,m,p,s,f)
Shadow and Bone (s,p,f,hf)
How to get away with murder (t,p)
Elite (t,p)
Politician (t,p)
American Horror story (m,t,f,r,s partially)
Penny Dreadful (p,s,f,m)
Hannibal (t,p,s,m,c)
+(Bonus) any poetry book, musical, theatre play or documentary)
Comment what else I should add!
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plantystudy · 3 years
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A day spent at the professor’s old lab exploring the space.
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cursemyexistences · 4 months
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study girl weekly recap [2/1]
Worked through my structural analysis homework and two geotechnical assignments. I received my first two fluids quizzes back. I got a 92% and an 85%. The first exam is next friday, so I plan to study very thoroughly this week.
Tomorrow I’ll be working on my daylighting site model for the first half of the day. Will hopefully update with a near complete model tomorrow!
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bunnystudy · 3 years
people who loves this kind of things is hard to find in this generation
keep them if u find one
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sunsetexhaust · 2 years
just start doing something. don’t worry about being strategic about it or doing it at the peak of your motivation, just do it now. if you don’t finish, that’s ok. you don’t need to explain to anybody that you’ve abandoned writing that book or learning that song. start and see where it leads you—if that happens to be the finish line, then that’s only a bonus. i think that’s what people mean when they say look for the journey and not the destination.
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You get what you repeat.
"Your outcomes are a lagging measure of your habits. Your net worth is a lagging measure of your financial habits. Your weight is a lagging measure of your eating habits. Your knowledge is a lagging measure of your learning habits. Your clutter is a lagging measure of your cleaning habits. You get what you repeat."
—James Clear, Atomic Habits
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