#how to make ss coffee pot
bcacstuff · 9 months
The Zanzibar Saga
Disclaimer: Everything is open to interpretation. Opinions, theories or speculations I write are my own, they are not facts I merely try to make sense using logic. Opinions, theories or speculations in the comments belong to the commenters and do not necessarily reflect mine. This also goes for all the Anons quotes, which I posted in italics. I had to take parts of Anons, and could not post all I've received. (Sorry for the ones I left out)
Some advice in advance, put the kettle on and make a good pot of tea or coffee, whatever you prefer. This is going to be a very long post. I tried to be thorough expressing my thoughts during and about this saga and as unbiased as possible. I also want to do as much as possible justice to the many people who sent me their messages.
For people not having the time to read the whole post, I wrote a TLDR/some end conclusions at the end of the post.
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Where to start... perhaps at the beginning. Two weeks ago, on a Friday (night my local time) 1st of September stories appear on accounts that were involved in the SS-tour having a boat party. At first on private accounts, which I did not use, but soon they were reposted on public accounts as well. So I reported about what I saw. Some accounts we know were tagged on it so it wasn't that hard to find more footage. A tiktok was posted and later on posted on the SS account as well. Another tiktok occurred later on. Little was I to know about the aftermath of this party.
What enrolled in the following days or week could be best described as a soap worthy masterpiece saga script writers would be envious of. Depending on the agendas of the several fractions in this fandom the most fantastic fiction was written in no time, all mostly based on some tiny snippets of the videos. I was honestly wondering if I was watching another season of Bravo's Below Deck.
But first let me introduce you to the producers, the main cast and the guest stars in this saga. (for the full experience, sound on!)
Besides some nasty messages:
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[I shall spare you the ones with more colourfull language and the one that took more that 5 paragraphs to share her angry thoughts with me... 🙄]
...my inbox got flooded with generally one question:
Did you recognize the girl with the white sunglasses sitting next to Marina?
At 0.11 second of the video, you can see a girl with blue bikinis and white sunglasses and Sam is sitting next to and behind her could be his date?
I suddenly noticed a new person on the boat!!!!! She sit next to Sam and Marina. She has a bandana, white sunglasses, blue bikini and some kind of white skirt. Sam is very close to her even when he sit with his back. She lool like a model and I doubt she is from the team.
... and numerous similar ones...
Oh blimey, I thought, he appears to be sitting NEXT TO A WOMAN!!!! 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 Seriously....????
All about a few tiny snippets in the tiktok videos, blink and you will miss her. But yes, we all know how this fandom is superior in examining videos frame by frame and analyzing it into dept.
The snippets, I'm sure you've seen them, but for the sake of completeness:
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Both where he sits with his back towards her, more interested in the sea and as it looks having a conversation with Marina. It does look close, but those seats on the boat are rather large and deep. She appears to have a conversation with Melissa.
And there is one he's seen from the front, watching Joshua dancing as all others did. Joshua is blocking the view on the woman next to Sam.
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In another snippet you can see the size of these seats on the boat as well
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There's one more snippet she appears in, and seems to be standing alone while the food has apparently arrived, and again look at the size of those seats.
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In other parts he's just having conversation with others, here with Marina and her friend Michelle
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So far the snippets. I called it a day for that night, it was already quite late and I felt slightly disappointed and appalled by the reactions. Only to come back the next day to feel even more appalled finding a name in my inbox and learning that on another blog, well known for creating fanfic only from a name drop in an inbox as we have seen since the hiatus began, the woman was already declared as the new one, as well as 'she's the one'. Not only on that blog btw. but also in my inbox.
Sam is not going to join Matt because he is with his new date, Sam is so excited about this one. They are already in a romantic place together.
I think Sam has made his best choice. I like her. Sam seemed very happy and excited both on the boat and with his meeting with the fans. Maybe he has finally found the love of his life,
Sam wants everybody to know about her maybe he never thought her name will be out too soon.
And a fair number similar ones. Now I admire all your romantic feelings Anons, but I'm afraid you read too many dime novels or have seen LA a couple of times too much. I often get these Anons telling me I know nothing because social media isn't showing the real life. So it looks to me turning these one frame snippets into a romantic novel DG could use for her last book, is a bit too much for my taste to make all kind of these assumptions on.
What if that is not her at all, those were my thoughts. This woman will just get bombarded with all kind of idiocy, as we could already see how the number of followers on that private account increased. While at the same time other sides quickly created versions of the saga including some horrific names the woman was called fitting a certain agenda.
Haven't we seen this all before a fair number of times? Haven't we been appalled by this before a number of times? Does this fandom never learn anything from the past?
My inbox had questions
For months, no one reveal CM's name, then this girl's name is outed immediately, why?
How did we learn bikini woman's name? How did someone first figure out who the woman was?
The whole thing is suspicious to me. Who is this or these people who give info to Purv? No way she could be recognized so fast. someone is playing here
To be honest, I was looking for the same answers and had the same suspicious feeling as well. Profiles were searched out on other platforms, her job and a picture from Linkedin was found. Now I do the same when a name gets dropped as well, but to post it already in a fashion that it is all a fact before anything can be confirmed...not so much. And quite honestly, identifying someone from a few snippets where the person is wearing huge white sunglasses and a bandana hiding most of her hair and face.... doesn't gave me a positive confirmation at all.
Now I do not believe in some kind of PR plants or TPTB narratives dropping names in inboxes. Even me and my blog have been accused of being part of his PR team when I merely posted just a pic or video of some events happening, when it didn't fit the agendas of said fractions of the fandom. Now if only they would tell me where to send my bill!
But in all fairness I must say, this summer, or already since OL S7 wrapped, the number of names dropped of totally unknown women who could not be connected to him in any sense, got quite astonishing to me. Yes, in my inbox as well, but I just don't like to put names of women out there just throwing them under the bus, or against a well known wall just to see what sticks. We've seen quite some curious ones, just reminding fake Emily and Cinderella's Hyrox patches and all the innuendos of women being in Miami, NYC, LA, places where many go. I'm not accusing P of mischief or making things up herself, let that be clear. If anything, than I rather think she's the one that has been played on, she turned out to be an easy target. She posts most of the time blindly without any or sloppy research and doesn't question where the information actually comes from if it fits her agenda.
I chose to step away a bit, besides the weather here in the Netherlands was extraordinary for the time of year. All week temperatures in the high twenties, and last weekend even 30+.
My inbox didn't calm down, more messages but now asking me to shed my lights on things, valuing my take on it. My silence didn't go unnoticed it seems. One Anon wrote:
Hi BC I am a little surprised that this time you prefer to be quite and not to tell us about your thoughts on the new date.
While another wrote
I really enjoy your blog, mainly because of you. Whenever something happens in Sam's life, and others present a different perspective, I tend to trust your viewpoint, and more often you are correct. However, this is the first time you haven't posted anything about Sam and the girl in the blue bikini. There are some aspects that don't quite make sense to me, and I was looking forward to you confirming or addressing that. It appears that this time you do agree with Purve and have decided not to post anything.
Are you not writing anything about the new SE girl or are you investigating to find out the truth? ☺️
Yes, I was quietly doing my own research, looking for information and here and there discussed some ideas and opinions in private chats. And no I do not agree with everything P wrote.
I also was (and still am not) in the clear whether Susie is the same woman on the boat. Therefore I call Susie, Susie and the woman on the boat SusieOrNotSusie. At the end of the story, it doesn't really matter as it doesn't really change my view on things.
Some Anons were a bit more humorous
If you are on vacation again....come back right now....I repeat it is an emergency. Composition of the alphabet soup: ship, SH, dolphins, music, gin, employees with appropriate clothing, shirtless boss, new secret employee with seductive clothing, CP costume. Solution?
As well as some Anons using their logic writing to me, I had the same questions and misgivings [note some of these are parts of longer messages]
We REALLY need your take on this whole blonde in the blue bikini on the yacht with Sam story. P has already created a relationship with a couple name... again. The shippers are rabid to prove it was staged for PR and nothing else. Tell us your thinking..please! Do you think, based on Sam's patterns and history, that he would bring a date on this trip knowing she would be filmed more than once? So out in the open knowing this fandom would figure out who she is?
Can't really see SH having a date on a boat with his employees and cameras everywhere. Seems too public for him. Too hard to keep her hidden from every camera. P now thinks she's on holiday with SH. Marina tagged a woman in a story over the weekend about the yacht day and that woman follows this Susie on IG. Doesn't look to be a new follow either. Perhaps she's a friend of a friend who was visiting LA and joined Marina and her other two friends?? Just seems so different from Sam's normal MO. Especially since there were multiple TikToks.
Logically, I just cannot believe that SH would have an event for his team on a yacht, let them film what looks like some promo (AN with a gin bottle, for example), and allow his team to post two TikToks that would show a woman with him that he is dating. It also looks like his new manager, Duncan Millership was on the yacht with them. I can't imagine that private Sam (when it comes to dates) would have his new mgr, his work teams, Alex and Marina there with a new date. He knows, surely by now, how different elements of this fandom search through every photo and meeting of him with possible new gfs. I just can't get my logical brain to be okay with him allowing it to be out in the open.
Am I crazy? I just cannot believe that Sam would allow those boat videos and TikToks to be shared everywhere- including on the SS page- if he had a date on the boat. He has had some terrible experiences in the past with how potential dates/gfs were treated. He didn't even follow AM or MC when he was supposed to be dating them, probably to try to protect them or keep it quiet. Would he really do this? It doesn't seem to fit his patterns- especially since Gia. Loads of speculation about how he met the woman, but we don't even know if he knew her or if she was a friend of someone he knew was coming on the boat. It also just feels off to me. Do you think he would share or let others share so many videos with a potential date on the boat? Of course, on the one blog they've apparently known each other and/or hooked up since his visit to Austin. On the other end of the spectrum it's just fake- smoke and mirrors. Just can't see Sam going this public until he's really ready to make a relationship public.
Yes, that was, and still is, my first huge red flag 🚩 as well. I agree, he will not take a date he barely knows (even if people try to make it credible that he knew her for a longer time because of 'likes' 🙄). I don't think he had much time to date and get to know anyone that well that he'd be comfortable to take her on that boat trip with all of his team. We've all seen he worked all the while in Belgium with some visits to NYC for promo and his b-day in Miami with friends, no women involved. On top of that, if you look at the people on that boat, they're part of the SS team or the MPC team (or both), all associated to SS or MPC or GGC some with partners and friends who were invited along.
Marina posted a story of the dolphins, tagging 2 women. Michelle who is a friend of hers she took with her followed already by her and her boss as well. And she tagged Melissa P, who she started to follow after the boat trip, clearly met her first time during the trip. Melissa also followed Marina back a few days later on. However Marina didn't tag SusieOrNotSusie nor followed her! In fact nobody did.
After Marina posted her story tagging Melissa, it wasn't hard to find out that Melissa seems to be the only connection to Susie, following her on IG. She already followed Susie before the boat trip though. This is the only connection that can be made between Susie and anyone on that boat trip as far as I can see.
Now I do not know what the connection between Melissa (and her partner) to Sam, or his business is. I could find out that Melissa seems to be a sales manager at Hyundai. I don't know what the name of her partner is, he could as well be associated somehow to the business team on that boat and how these people were invited on the trip.
Anyway, for me, this boat trip was for team and the business associations. SusieOrNotSusie could easily be a connection to anyone else on that boat. What I did notice from what we can tell from the footage is how the SS (tour) team mostly interacted amongst the ones they know from the team on one side of the boat, while on the other side the rest was mostly placed and interacting. Looks a bit like 2 parties not really knowing each other.
So anyone claiming he must have met Susie in Austin, it doesn't occur they knew her to me. As for nobody following her from that boat trip nor Susie following anybody else from that trip than Melissa she already followed upfront, people claiming Sam told them not to sounds quite contradictory to him having her on that boat with everyone and allowing all the footage, not to mention the ones that are convinced they're a romantic couple for real and want to go public.
And a final thought on connections, I didn't hear or see from anyone, but what to me was quite curious. How is it that from all the people he met in Austin, or on his tour for that matter, or could have picked someone from Raya, how is it that Susie curiously is connected to one more guest on that boat! Now there's a coincidence, no? Or is it not a coincidence??? Did SusieOrNotSusie bring them along like her chaperone? I don't think so...
btw. The Anon mentioning Duncan Millership, I reckon this came from a shippers blog where this was mentioned, together with something Sam said during the private fan con in KC. Which I'm not sure was serious or just a joke. It's about this man with whom Alex seems to be in conversation:
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Now firstly I doubt this is Duncan Millership, just search his picture via Google and you find he doesn't look like this man.
Secondly fwiw, Duncan Millership is an old friend of Sam, from even before his OL breakout. he's one of the first followers of Sam.
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For the ones that do not know, Katie Rebekah, friend his London time and has been named as one of his first gfs. VickiLawson is his ex SIL, Faye Thomas took his first photographed for his Portfolio.
Meanwhile I was told by a number of people that
Susie Evans ALSO posted from Shutters a few days ago.
and it took a bit of time before this screenshot was shared...
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Now, I'm not sure when exactly she posted this story, which as I learned from bts chats, was originally a video (so people saying it's photoshopped or anything, I rule that out).
It is the Beach House Suite at Shutters, as pointed out, the same suite the interview with the tastingalliance was conducted. I have no doubts about that.
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The Tasting Alliance interview due out tomorrow was also done at Shutters , wearing the kilt he had on on Sunday .
Yes for the kilt, other shirt though. (where is the interview btw.?)
Sam's interview with the lady from The Tasting Alliance was filmed inside a suite at Shutters on the Beach that costs over $5,000 a night. Looks like that hotel is about 10 mins from Marina del Rey. P is sharing a photo supposedly from Susie Evans' IG inside a suite like that. She claims it's Sam's suite and that SE wouldn't have an expensive suite like that. She also posted late yesterday that SE is back in Austin now. .... Could this Susie E have been there as a friend of a friend, gotten to go into the suite where they were meeting/ working and took a photo of herself there? The photo looks really filtered. It's interesting to me that if you are staying in a suite that nice with a great view that you would take your photo in front of a messy table that doesn't really show the cool place where you are. Why not a video of the whole suite to show what an awesome and gorgeous place to be?
[note the above Anon is part of a longer message of which I took the relevant parts]
Of course the easiest thing is to conclude she was staying there with him in that suite, if that is what your agenda fits. And if you don't question yourself the obvious questions. Like would he conduct an interview in the same suite he was staying with a date? Quite a huge red flag 🚩 for me again. Turning it into some kind of romantic weekend or week sounds a bit reductive for my taste.
The screenshot of Susie seems to have been a video, as I was told, but not from the entire suite. As above Anon points out, why is there such a mess on the table? And for sure the helmet on the table indicated Sam was there, well we already knew because of the interview of course. But tell me if you are staying there, would you put your helmet on the table and bags on the chair, or put it in the hallway f.i. where there is room to leave stuff like that? And it is right when you enter the suite.
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The suite was for biz. He has money but not thst kind of money. Shutters has no reason to comp him a suite. It was a set for interview which is often done, not as costly, and biz expense.
I tend to lean towards him driving on the bike to the suite on Sunday, that was hired for an afternoon or day perhaps to conduct the interview and for him to change and get to the event and back. The recent fan pic at Shutters shows him in the shirt (and SS pin) he wore at the event. It also gives merit to what Anon above wrote, being possibly a friend of a friend gotten to go into the Suite to record her video. And as the other Anon above points out, he has money and he does live the luxury live at hotels for what we can see, but he doesn't spill that kind of money on a date. And if he would do so, he better put her into the the Four Seasons Hotel, where he only stays when he's in LA on Starz's account.
I heard there were people saying other team members posted from that location or suite as well. I think that's a myth, I didn't see anybody from the team post from it. I do not think it was some kind of base for the team to stay and from there went for the boat trip. Only Chrissy stayed at a hotel, as she is not living in LA, and I haven't seen her posting from a hotel. So saying so in order to make it look like the hotel Suite was hired for the whole team is false information imo. However it's still credible to me it was hired for the Sunday interview and base from where he went to the event.
Other thoughts I had were, why is this the only screenshot of her in LA? Nothing from the boat, nothing from anything in LA we've seen. Didn't he take her out to diner somewhere? Not a fancy motorbike ride along Abbot Kinney and Venice? Btw. Where is her helmet? Only one helmet on that table! And to this day I haven't seen the white sunnies nor the same bandana in any of her pictures. Older or new ones.
Typically, my attitude is, if you weren't there you don't know what happened and don't get into the hoopla, be open. This time I felt the same, until the fan picture with him at the coffee shop displaying the helmet. He's really been caught the past years in LA by a fan or at least they haven't posted such encounters. This time within 48 hours, a coincidental fan picture with him in sane Shutters clothing with same helmet in the suite picture with the woman, who was the woman on the boat. Sorry too many coincidences to not be a story someone is selling. And as you know there are many stories around. This time, seeing the watchers, the drama creators, the examiners and researchers, all with an agenda, it's becoming more strange than ever. Thoughts?
Coming back to the part I wrote above about how Susie's name came to be known at all in this realm. My inquiries did put me on a trail of an infamous group in this fandom. I do not have the answers on the how, what for or why, and I think I don't want to touch that lid of a pot so full of 'Stranger Things'! 🤐 [for the ones longer in this fandom, this should tell you enough.] Don't sent me any (anon) questions about it, I wont answer, I do not have the answers. I just have my suspicions that I keep in mind and that's enough to me.
About the picture outside Shutters and the fan pic at the coffee shop on Abbey Kinney Blv. I do not think they were 'planted' though. This are not the things I wrote about above. There are bloggers pointing out how the picture outside Shutters is removed and the fan that saw him at the coffee shop is now private. The simple reason for that we can all guess. These people are bothered and even perhaps harassed about their post. We've seen it before, some told us about it, remember how the journalist in Ratingen showed us why she removed his pic? I even noticed how that Friday when the videos of the boat party were posted, some where on Joshua's account. I didn't mention him but his account name was on one of the pics. I caught the dolphin story, and was just in time to get the video of Sam dancing between his team members. A moment later he was private! And now even Melanie has changed her tiktok account name and removed one of the videos. Going by the things I find in my inbox, you can draw your own conclusions from that.
Some other thought that was sent to me
Why hasn't anyone assumed the woman or women were Alex's date? Does one dare ask that question and get hit with body shaming comments? Certainly he was in the suite too.
No Anon, others made that assumption as well. I feel hesitant to post this, yet took this one only to show people who wrote to me thought of this as an option. But let's not forget, the man has 2 young daughters so I feel very reluctant making assumptions like this. And in fact, I don't think so.
TLDR or some end conclusions:
Is Susie the woman on the boat or not? I do not have an answer on that. Many of you wrote to me and I posted these images to compare. Her nose and chin seem different. Opinions are mixed. But it's quite hard (and to me unlikely) to confirm a positive ID on the woman on the boat as her face is hidden for a great deal. And as an Anon pointed out to me, do these women he dates not all look the same...? 🤔
Anyway, it doesn't matter that much as eyes are now peeled on Susie who seems to be Susie and took a video in the suite at Shutters. No other footage, nothing else from this supposed weekend. Only this one screenshot from a video that miraculously reached this fandom #justsaying
Red flags all over, no I don't think he'd take a date he can't have known long, on a boat with his team members and business associates where video's and pictures about the event were happily shared on known accounts. Despite P naming how he took Abby and MM to work events, he learned what the consequences are. He's not always smart, but he isn't that dumb as well.
Conducting an interview and clearly using an hotel suite as base to get to the last announced event in the same suite he's staying with a date is a huge red flag and a big no to me. There are other options how Susie got this video recorded there with his stuff so obviously showing. In no way would he be okay her showing and posting this.
He stayed at AN's house all the time he was in LA, he does so since AN owns this house. Before Sam always stayed at Airbnbs when he was for a longer time in LA, when for shorter times, say a few days, like last year when he came back from LV and went to Mexico a few days later on he stays at Shutters. When he's there on Starz's account, he stays at the Four Seasons. We've seen him doing zoom interviews from Shutters and the Four Season, as well as from airbnb's in the past. When Nic R was there, he posted a picture of the motorbike at a fuel station, which I located and was near to AN's house in the HH. As to why not use that as a base, if you know this house you know it is not the most accessible place in the HH with a huge stairway to the entrance.
Social Media times showed, how he was online most of the usual hours. Though not posting that much, as he's restricted of course because of the strike. Liking and even commenting on posts was no less. Nothing that implicated dating or having someone over for a date.
I doubt we'll see anything more from Susie. Expect the usual innuendo, but I know where to put my money. Just another is/was she or is/was she not soap bubble for this fandom, gotta say a weird one because of the suite screenshot. I do agree with the many people that notice how things do not add up to what we know about SH and his MO. And frankly he's a creature of habits he shows that all the time. But hey, stranger things happen.
For all we've seen now, she was back in Austin quite soon after the weekend and currently in Denver. While we've seen him for a week in LA at least biking around with AN, and last we've seen and heard he's been all week in NYC. So much for the 'happy couple'....
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rajukumar8926 · 11 months
06 Tips to Increase the Efficiency of U Shaped Modular Kitchens
As a great choice of excellent ergonomic solutions, U shaped modular kitchens offer efficient storage capacities that can mesmerize you. The amount of space that a U shaped modular kitchen deliver is surprisingly comforting. Still, it's quite a shame to witness that so many people fail at successfully utilizing the available area in the most effective way possible. 
  When keeping an Indian household's dream kitchen in mind, it captures the center of everyone's attention and stands as the hub for residents who engage in cooking and organizing meals. While planning for poojas and big gatherings, stacking vessels requires a massive utility margin, and a U shape modular kitchen design works wonders in offering the preferred space.  
Here are some tested tips to make the most of a Modern U Shaped Modular Kitchen.  
Create a Wall for Floor-to-Ceiling Storage Solutions 
One of the best ways to improve storage solutions in a modern U shaped modular kitchen is by incorporating vertical storage cabinetries. Do not hesitate to utilize the vertical space from the floor to the ceiling, that looks smart and innovative. To avoid monotony, explore by creating a row of chests and chambers containing all your everyday groceries, thereby lending you a hand with organization.   
Use Window Space Wisely 
A spacy atmosphere can feel calm and airy with a window. If you are lucky to have one in your kitchen, then choose to fix the sink on that side of the counter. To encourage greenery, let the window ledge be wide, holding some small herb pots instead of stacking them on the countertop, thus freeing up space and bringing positivity.  
Corner Space Tricks 
One of the main challenges that one faces with U shaped modular kitchen is the number of corners to deal with. To avoid a fuss, incorporating a variety of corner organizing solutions will be helpful. Pick from swing trays, rotating carousel trays (Lazy Susan), D-trays and magic corner accessories that perfectly align with your likings. 
Make Room for Built-in Appliances through Customizations  
Unlike other traditional kitchenettes, a U shape modular kitchen design allows a lot of storage alternatives. So, when planning the layout, discuss customizing your space with experts with a built-in storage facility. This idea lets you enjoy the accessibility along with looking seemingly clean. Let's say you don't own a dishwasher but wish to buy one. This way, you can make conditions for it and include pantry units to use every space effectively. 
Decorate your Countertop Sensibly  
Irrespective of how massive a space is, disorderly fixtures of elements can seem quite dismal. To clear off the clutter, consider the right accessories. Opt for caddies, SS rods and trays that enable you to group things more often, usually before the floating cabinetries and off the counter. A U shaped modular kitchen design's ultimate source of sophistication is a clean, open, uncluttered counter space, so invest in your accessories wisely.  
Create Islands and Peninsulas  for Enormous U shaped kitchens 
With so many heavy gadgets to fit into a massive room, you can make your modern U shaped modular kitchen include an island that can benefit you with a work triangle for utmost productivity.  
The segregation grants various work pockets, such as an entire space to set up a coffee station or the island counter for prepping to bake a cake, alongside related gadgets like an oven fit into the cabinetry and cake mixers accessible from the same station.   
Regardless of the size of your Modern U shaped modular kitchen, you can always choose to improve the layout of your spaces and de-clutter anytime in the most ingenious ways possible. Can't wait to dive deep into the world of U Shaped Modular Kitchens? To know more about U shaped modular kitchen prices and what professionals have to say about setting up a suitable kitchenette, visit Saviesa. They are one of the best interior design companies, as they offer unique modular kitchen solutions   
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yishionsunglory · 3 years
How to make stainless steel tea pot coffee pot ? - Drying Oven 
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tuiccim · 4 years
Almost Had Me Believing It - Part 2
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader    
Word Count: 1.2K
Warnings: Angst, Discussion of drug addiction, mutual pining
Summary: An undercover operation playing Bucky Barnes’ wife is a dream come true. Playing house in the suburbs while trying to take down a drug ring brings you and Bucky closer but a nosy neighbor causes trouble in paradise.
A/N: This began as a drunk drabble for the HBC @the-ss-horniest-book-club  but the response has been overwhelming! I had originally intended to make a two parter but your enthusiasm for the setting has gotten my creative juices flowing and the story is coming together to be multiple parts. It will definitely be at least five. / Divider by @whimsicalrogers​
Almost Had Me Believing It Series Masterlist
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You sit up in disbelief, “Bucky!” But he closes the door. 
Bucky immediately turns on the shower. He has to get some relief after the show you just put on. Good God, you were sweet. You had kissed him back as if you meant it and your body had cradled him like you were made to fit together. His cock was so hard it was painful. He was sure you had felt it as he had rutted against you. He was ashamed of his actions. When you had moaned he had nearly lost it. He knew you were only putting a show on for Frank, but he couldn’t keep himself from taking advantage and now he feels like the asshole he knows he is. Then the parting remark he lobbed at you as he retreated to the bathroom, he was sure cemented your loathing of him. Punishing himself, he strips and steps under the freezing cold spray.
You sit staring at the closed door. You aren’t sure for how long but, when you finally snap out of it, your movements are wooden. He had dropped you on the bed in the master bedroom. This was his room. You slept in another of the bedrooms. You had assumed since he brought you into his room he intended to finish what you had started in the living room, but now you felt sick as you realized he had only been playing the part. His parting remark had filled you with shame and as did the memory of calling his name as he walked away. You had been wanton, arching into him and moaning. Obviously, Bucky thought little of you.
In your room, you let your tears fall. For three weeks the two of you had tiptoed around each other. Shy smiles and conversation revolving around work had been most of your time together. You thought it was simply because he didn’t know you well, but now you understood that he didn’t want to. That was why he always kept you at arm's length. You tried to sleep, but the phrase he had thrown over his shoulder as he retreated to the bathroom haunted your dreams. 
You woke early the next morning feeling as if you hadn’t slept. You head to the kitchen, put coffee on, and gather ingredients to make coffee cake. You needed comfort food.
An hour and a half later the coffee cake was cooling on a rack, you were drinking your second cup of coffee, and Bucky had yet to make an appearance. A soft knock sounds on the front door and you open it to reveal your neighbor. 
“Morning, Frank.” You say, confused at his appearance. 
“Good morning. I come to beg a favor from a benevolent neighbor.” Frank grins winningly. 
“And what would that be?” You laugh lightly. 
“A cup of coffee. My pot runneth dry.” 
“Sure. Come in. I just made some coffee cake. Would you care for a slice?” You ask as you lead the way to the kitchen. 
“Sounds great, Suzie Homemaker.” Frank quips. 
“Hardly.” You motion to the table on one side of the kitchen and Frank takes a seat. You move to the counter, slice cake, and pour coffee for both of you. Arms wrap around you from behind and your eyes widen until you realize it’s Bucky. 
“Morning, Doll.” He hugs you from behind and kisses the side of your neck. 
“Morning, baby,” you sway in his arms before turning in them to grin at him. “Would you like some coffee cake?”
“Mmhmm,” Bucky’s mouth captures yours in an impassioned kiss and he begins to lift you as if to place you on the counter. 
“Babe, Frank’s here. He came by for a cup of coffee.” You pull away. Bucky knew Frank was there but he was continuing the show from last night. 
“Sorry, man. Didn’t realize.” Bucky grins at the man. 
“Don’t feel you have to stop on my account,” Frank chuckles. 
“I don’t like to share.” Bucky smiles stiffly. 
Frank laughs, “Can’t blame you. How’s work? What is it you do again?”
“Mechanic. It’s good. Business is steady. What do you do, Frank?” Bucky counters.
“Landlord. I own several properties that I rent out.” Frank accepts the plate of cake you set in front with a smile for you. “What do you do, gorgeous?”
“I’m in between jobs right now.” You say demurely, feigning embarrassment. 
“I’m sorry to hear that. I’ll keep an ear out for anything coming available. What did you do before?” Frank asks. 
Bucky pulls you into his lap, “She was a nurse, but she’s looking to get away from the medical field.”
“Why?” Frank digs. 
“No reason.” You say quietly. 
“Frank’s our friend, Doll. Maybe it would be good for him to know. Have someone else to help?” Bucky whispers in your ear loud enough for Frank to hear.
You nod and look at Frank with shame written across your features, “I’m an addict. Pain meds. I, um, lost my license because of theft. I went to treatment. Been clean for four months.”
“That’s one of the reasons we moved here. To get a fresh start.” Bucky squeezes you and you smile at him sadly. 
“I’m sorry you’ve been through that.” Frank looks as if the wheels in his head are turning. 
“Thank you.” You say. 
“No, thank you for the coffee and cake. I’ll let you get on with your morning.” Frank stands up. 
“Another cup for the long walk back?” You quip. 
“That would be great. Thank you.” Frank accepts the cup before heading home. 
When you return to the kitchen you sit across from Bucky at the table. “That was well done.”
“Yeah. You played that perfectly.” Bucky said.
“And you steered expertly.” 
Bucky looks at you surprised at the compliment, “Thank you.”
“Bucky, about last night…” you stare at him, biting your lip. 
“Yeah?” Bucky’s gut tightened remembering how he had taken advantage of you.
“What did you mean by that last comment?” 
“Comment?” Bucky was stalling, unsure of what you were asking. 
“The ‘you almost had me believing it’ comment. It… hurt. It felt like you were shaming me or something.”
“No! I didn’t mean it that way. I just meant it was convincing. That’s all.” 
“Oh, okay. Sorry, didn’t mean to overreact.” You fidget with your hands. 
“Are you okay? With what we did last night? I didn’t want to overstep…” Bucky trails off.
“Yeah. I’m fine. Nothing happened that I didn’t… It was fine. A good show, right?” You are near squirming in the chair remembering how he had kissed you and feeling his body pressed against you. You squeeze your thighs together.
“Right.” Bucky says but his thoughts were on how sexy you had sounded when you moaned his name and how much effort it took not to strip you naked in his bedroom. “So, um, what’s on the agenda for today?”
“Gardening. Planting gladiolus bulbs. You?” 
“I was gonna do some work on my bike. Maybe go for a ride.” Bucky smiles tightly. 
“Sounds good. I’ll see you later.” You put your cup and plate in the sink and head for the doorway. 
“Do you… wanna go on the ride with me?” Bucky asks suddenly. 
You turn back to look at him,  “Yeah, I’d like that.”
“Okay.” He smiles.
“Okay.” You smile as you head to your room.
Part 3
Permanent: @bubbabarnes​ @badassbaker​ @thefridgeismybestie​ @strangersstranger​ @cherthegoddess​ @buckyluvrs​ @sherlocksmanwatson​ @cap-n-stuff​ @finleyjayne​ @caplanreads​ @connie326​ @daydreamerinadazedworld​ @bugsbucky​ @chrisevanscardigan​ @harrysthiccthighss​ @palaiasaurus64​ @rebekahdawkins​ @maaaaarveeeeel​ @tllynn15​ @learisa​ @jelly-fishy-babie​ @fistmebuckyskywalker​ @nerdy-bookworm-1998​ @liebs82​ @honestly-dontknow​ @a-really-bi-girl​ @saiyanprincessswanie​ @baddie-barnes​ @aikeia​ @paleo-runaway​ @marvelgirl7​ @starlightcrystalline​ @xxloki81xx​ @slytherinambitious​ @sallycanwait68​ @slytherdorxmd​ @fangirlforever2412​ @rainbowkisses31​ @whisperlullaby​ @thejemersoninferno​ @thehumanistsdiary​ @supraveng​ @dispatchvampire​ @teamarvel @sxbby-barnes​
Almost had me believing it: @farfromjustordinary​ @iheartsebastianstan​ @7minutes-tomidnight​ @thechaoticargonaut @marylimlp​ @buckybarnesdevotee​ @janaienaae​ @its-a-simply-me-thing 
Strikethrough could not be tagged. 
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gentlybarnes · 3 years
Let’s Plan(t) A Date
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: You can’t talk to Bucky because when you do, your voice deepens and you grow shy. Thank goodness Nat is there for support?
Warnings: Shy!Reader, Nat is that friend we all need, reader becomes embarrassed, mild language.
A/N: So I snagged this prompt from @the-ss-horniest-book-club and I’m a shy person myself so I really enjoyed writing this little prompt! Thank you ❤️
Word count: 676
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Talking was hard when it came to talking to your crush. Your heart was in your throat every time you had the courage to go over and say hi to him but that never happened, your feet just refused to move from their spot.
Your growing crush on the soldier was only getting stronger, you just wished you could talk to him but each time he was near you, you’d just freeze up and end up stuttering and not making any sense. It was such a struggle because you really liked him and you really wanted to spend some time with him, even just to go out for a quick coffee.
He consumed your thoughts so much that you didn’t even notice Nat had walked in and smirked. You were in the kitchen making some coffee as you watched him laugh along with Sam in the common room. He was throwing a ball in the air and catching it with his flesh hand. His shirt was too tight for his body, giving a glimpse of what he had underneath the material made you want to drool. If you had been alone, perhaps you might have.
“You’ve been staring at him for the past 10 minutes.” Nat grinned, her tone playful and teasing as she watched the love hearts palpitate from your eyes.
You blinked and looked at her with a frown before shaking your head and clearing your throat.
“No- I’m just making coffee.” You turned around to face the pot– suddenly forgetting how to make coffee.
“My darling y/n. Look at you! Look, just go over to him and say ‘Hey Bucky!’ He’s not going to bite. I mean he might if you’re into that stuff but–”
“Oh god please stop!” You chuckled, interrupting her before she made your mind wander to the gutter. It wouldn't be the first time you’ve thought about it.
“You’re not going to go over, are you?” You shook your head and she sighed. “Bucky!” Your eyes widened as she called out to him.
“Nat! What the hell are you doing?!” You whisper-yelled. She ignores you and continues to grin.
“Come over here.” With a simple demand, Bucky drops the ball and walks over with his notorious strut.
“Hey dolls. What’s up?” He stood so close to you that you could smell the shower gel he had used in his shower this morning, and boy didn’t he smell so good.
“Y/N wants to tell you something.” She throws you a wink while you return a death glare. This was not going to end well. You turn to face him, a playful look on his face as he tilts his head and waits patiently for you to speak.
It was now or never, you thought.
“I- I like plants.” What the fuck was that. You cringed as you heard your voice drop a couple of octaves, sounding like an old man and your eyes glossed over from embarrassment.
This is why you don’t talk to him.
“Oh! That’s very cool. Guess what? I like plants too and I have some in my room. Maybe I could tell you about them over a coffee sometime, hmm?” He hummed in thought, his eyes flickering between you and Nat. Your voice was completely lost, so Nat spoke for you.
“Y/N would love to go out for a coffee and hear about your plants!”
Bucky smiled and gestures towards the door, thank goodness.
“Great! Well we’ll arrange that sometime but I gotta go and get ready for training now. See you dolls later.”
When he was out of ear shot, you flicked Nat in the shoulder.
“Are you kidding me? I have to go on a date now?”
“Isn’t that what you wanted?” She hummed, sipping her lukewarm coffee.
“Well of course but I can’t talk to him Nat!”
She waved you off and shrugged. “It’s no big deal Y/N. Just have a good suck on a helium balloon before you go and you’ll be fine.”
Correction, you will not be fine.
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chucklebucky · 4 years
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: teasing, kind of a pining situation here? I don't even know 😏
Notes: This lovely prompt was written for @the-ss-horniest-book-club 🥰
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The morning conversations flowed endlessly through the kitchen during breakfast. The occasional clang from the spoons hitting the side of the bowls to the coffee pot spluttering from use.
Sam and Bucky were bickering about something to do with space, while Tony stared at the glass tablet in one hand and nursing his coffee in the other.
Vision was talking to Scott about quantum physics, while Steve carelessly flicked through the morning paper so quickly you wondered if he was even reading it.
Natasha and Wanda had already left the compound to get their done, leaving you alone with these fine men.
You scooped up some cereal on your spoon and was about to put it in your mouth when Bucky caught your eye.
He was blowing paper balls from a straw in Steve's direction, who looked like was on his last nerve.
You clicked your tongue, lowering your spoon back down into your bowl of soggy cereal. "i swear, you have the mind of a child!" You grumbled with a shake of your head. Sam was snickering and watching his reaction closely.
Bucky threw his head back and laughed, raising his eyebrows so high they almost reached his hairline. "And yet I'm still more intelligent than you." He muttered under his breath but you heard him clearly since you were watching his lips.
"I heard that!" Narrowing your eyes at the soldier who had the audacity to laugh at you.
"Good to know your hearing is up to scratch doll. Might want some ear plugs for tonight though, I have a date I plan on bringing home." He smirks, throwing a wink at you.
"Oh don't worry about me Barnes. I can't wait to hear the sounds of their fake moans." You snicker, pushing your bowl sway from you, losing your appetite from the thought.
Bucky's expression dropped from smug to something you couldn't quite describe. Almost as if you hit the nail on the head.
The back and forth between the two of you were driving you nuts. There were days where you'd tease each other relentlessly, and others, not so much.
Why were men so confusing?
Sometimes you thought he was behaving this way to make you jealous, sometimes you thought he was playing an adult video really loudly to make you believe he was with someone else in his room.
You stood up from your spot and left the kitchen, leaving a regretful Bucky behind.
He didn't have a date tonight, but he wants to see how far he can push you before you finally give in to his charm.
Taglist (open); @jobean12-blog
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bugsbucky · 4 years
Cotton Clouds
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Request: Hiii lovely! Could I kindly request a Bucky x plus!size reader - she is really shy and insecure about her body weight and is more like the chef to the avengers (cooking breakfast and dinner for them and that kind of stuff) she is also being secretly bullied by a lower rank agent and one day the bully shoves her and she falls over, hurting herself and Bucky saw everything and just!! Protective Bucky is my life. Please don't rush! There's no pressure from me 🖤 love you!!
Warnings: Angst, body shaming, insecurities, bullying, asshole agents, protective!Bucky, protective!Steve (kinda), language, broken noses, a little pussy that probably shat his pants, fluff, happy endings.
Word Count: 3,007
Authors Notes: thank you dear anon for sending in this request. I’ve combined this request for the @the-ss-horniest-book-club​ 24 hour surprise drabble and Summer Loving Challenge and I chose Rooftop bar/restaurant.
If anyone ever makes you feel this shitty, you just tell them to fuck off and mind their own business. Nobody, NOBODY has the right to degrade you for your weight or anything else for that matter. If they are bullying you, it only means there is a problem with their own reflection and it’s not actually you. You’re loved and James Buchanan Barnes loves and worships you so much. 
My taglist is actually open so if you’d like to join please feel free to send me a message/ask :)
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Since becoming a part of the Avenger family as their personal cook, you’ve established strong bonds with just about everyone on the team. They accepted you for who you were and never once made a disrespectful comment or snicker about your soft belly or thick thighs. Of course, it didn’t stop you from wishing you had a figure like Nat or Wanda, but the team didn’t make you feel less of a human and despite their kindness, you often still felt out of place and insecure about your weight. The one person who made you feel extra special was Bucky Barnes. During movie nights his fingers would circle your soft waist, his hugs also lasted a lot longer than what was considered necessary. Over time, the two of you became close friends. You ended up developing a small crush on him, imagining yourself waking up in his arms every morning and reminding you just how beautiful you are.
Around them, you were shy and barely spoke a word other than a good morning greeting or an ‘enjoy your meal’ as you dished out their food you had cooked. You were preparing some bacon and toast in the kitchen when James, an agent on the lower rank pranced into the kitchen, puffing his chest out and grinning at your shock of seeing him.
“Can I ask you a question?” he asks and takes a step closer, forcing you to take one step back. Your eyes flicked over his shoulder and saw 3 other of his friends snickering near the doorway.
“S-sure.” your voice croaked, ignoring the splutter from the coffee pot.
“Do you sleep in a bed like a normal human being, or do you sleep on the beach like a whale? I’m not sure where whales your size sleep.” The laughter behind James formed a lump in your throat. 
“Morning folks! Uh James, you’re not supposed to be in here.” Steve walked in with his Captain America suit on and warned. His hands just above his belt as he took the burning bacon off the gas.
“Sorry Captain. Just had to ask Y/N for something.” James winked and smiled innocently at Steve. You never told anyone about the things James would say to you. They were far too embarrassing and you were secretly scared they felt the same way but just didn’t have the heart to say anything.
“No problem. Just don’t let it happen again.” Steve warned as James left, reaching up in the cupboard for a mug. He looks at you briefly, concern washes over his face as he saw you were batting tears away. “Hey are you okay? He didn’t do anything to you did he?” Steve wondered, folding his broad arms across his chest. 
“No no! I’m fine really. Breakfast won’t be too long.” you lied and busied yourself in the kitchen that Tony had put in especially for your needs. 
“Okay well look, if he or anyone is giving you any problems, you come to me alright? We don’t tolerate harassment here.” Steve gave your shoulder a squeeze, the words on the tip of your tongue that this has been going on for months. You want to tell Steve that but you’re hesitant and bite your tongue, just nodding and thanking the captain for caring so much. You quickly pull yourself back together and resume the task of breakfast.
Your hesitancy didn’t go amiss by Steve. He knew you wanted to say something but you were so shy he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. He didn’t want you suffering either and since the team were leaving for a one month mission, he chose to ask Bucky to stay behind to keep an eye on things. Since Bucky was sidelined from an injury to his flesh arm, he wouldn’t have gone on this mission anyway.
Once breakfast to the Avengers was served and they were happy, you quickly untied the apron from around your waist and hung it on the hook. The kitchen was cleaned and you headed back to your room for a much needed shower and break. You would normally join the team for breakfast but after the question James asked, you quickly came up with an excuse why you wouldn’t be joining them today.
Your gaze was kept to the floor as you walked and your shoulder bumped into someone else’s. Before you could apologise, an obnoxious laugh pierced your ears. 
“Watch where you’re going you glonk!” It was James and you sighed. 
“Sorry.” you muttered and steadied yourself. Pulling your baggy shirt away from your stomach.
“Wouldn’t bother doing that. Unless you can stick a bag over your head and hide your ugly mug too.” James snickered, encouraged by the roaring laughter of his friends standing behind him, throwing the occasion comment in your face too. 
“I said I was sorry!” hot tears rolled down your cheeks, leaving behind a wet streak in the process. “I’m sorry for everything!” you crumbled under the pressure. Apologising to this asshole for what exactly? For being softer than the other girls who worked in the compound? For being too shy to stand up for yourself? For not being good enough? In truth, you didn’t know why you were apologising. You were doing nothing wrong.
“Apologising won’t mean shit to me!” James taunted walking behind you and giving you a hard shove. You fall forwards, your knees hitting the hard marble floors first. Your hands stop your face from smashing against the floor. 
“HEY!” a loud voice and footsteps echo through the hallway. The friends of James all scattered and ran down the hall as Bucky stalked towards you. “What the fuck are you doing?!” you recognised Bucky’s voice, of course you did. It was your favourite voice in the compound because it belonged to your crush. Bucky was a sweetheart, always making sure you felt better about yourself. He was quiet just like you, but the confidence he would give you made you feel so much better about yourself. Of course, it didn’t work so well since James started bullying you.
You peeked up. Bucky’s nostrils were flared, his jaw clenched and his eyes insanely wide, anger swirling around behind his irises. His metal arm whirring down by his side as he clenched and unclenched his fist. He saw what this jerk had done to you and no woman should be treated like that.
James remained silent, looking like a deer in headlights. Bucky wasn’t impressed by his lack of answers and with his metal arm, shoved James against the wall and his hand wrapped around his throat squeezing his windpipe slightly. 
“You gonna talk now huh? Where have your fucking balls gone?” Bucky spat in his face, his flesh arm in a sling pressed against his chest.
“I- I am sorry!” James was gasping for air and Bucky eased off his throat just a little. 
“How long has this been going on?” Bucky wanted answers, and he wanted them now.
As their confrontation was just getting started, you pushed yourself up off the floor ignoring the aching in your knees as you stood next to Bucky. Your hand on his metal arm to try and diffuse the situation. It was no use, Bucky hated bullies and he wasn’t going to let go of this guy’s throat until he had the answers he was asking.
“HOW LONG?!?!” Bucky roared, saliva spraying James’ face. You have never seen Bucky like this, so enraged and protective. It was almost like something or someone had woken The Winter Soldier up inside of him. 
Bucky liked you a lot. He liked your soft belly,  thick thighs and rosy red cheeks. Your disheveled hair in the mornings and your cooking was absolutely amazing. To him, you were the perfect wife. Without you even knowing, Bucky would often daydream about the two of you living in the country with your children and you baking some homemade pies. The two of you were like the perfect balance in his eyes, you were soft and fluffy and a sweetheart and he was damn sure no man or woman was going to ever hurt you.
“Months.” James gasped out. This angered Bucky more as he growled in his face. 
“Bucky.” your voice was quiet as you pleaded with him, his eyes momentarily flicking down to yours with your soft eyes staring back at him that he loved so much. Bucky released his grip from his throat, but not before punching him square in the nose. The audible crack made you cringe and you brought your hands up to cover your mouth as blood dripped from the obvious broken nose.
“Let me tell you something you little shit. If you EVER approach Y/N again, if you EVER breathe in her direction or lay one dirty finger on her again and I promise you, not only will I break every finger on your hand and your legs but I’ll make sure you’re kicked off the team. Do you understand me you fucking asshole? You touch or speak to her ONE MORE TIME and don’t you dare test my patience.”
“Y-es Sergeant Barnes.” James was full on crying, either from the pain of his nose or the threats Bucky was spewing in his face or the combination of the two, you weren’t sure but as soon as Bucky stepped back and pulled your body close to his, James took off staggering up the hall, occasionally glancing back to make sure the winter soldier wasn’t following him, leaving droplets of blood as a trail.
“Are you alright sweetheart?” Bucky’s softer voice took you by surprise. His metal appendages stroked your warm cheeks and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
You shook her head and Bucky’s eyes narrowed. Your knees were badly bruised and he clicked his tongue. His arm wrapped around your shoulder and he walked you back to your room in silence. The anger was still radiating off him, just his very heavy breathing filling the silence. His disbelief that any human could hurt you the way James did. If you were not there, he most likely would have ripped him a new asshole. But since you weren’t a fighter, he didn’t want you scared or panicked.
When you eventually got back to your room, Bucky marveled at how beautiful, neat and tidy the space was. Books scattered over a couple of shelves and your computer neatly placed in the middle of a white desk with your pink and white office chair. You reminded him of a fluffy pink cloud with some chunks of marshmallows. 
He loved the aesthetic comfort it provided.
“Wow this is so beautiful.” He complimented as you sat on the end of your bed. You smiled back sheepishly, feeling the warmth of the blush creep back up your neck and cheeks. 
“Thank you.” you sighed. Bucky’s eyes were soft and so blue. You could stare into them for hours.
“You’re welcome doll. He won’t bother you again and if he does, you tell me immediately. I won’t be so kind next time.” 
“I know. I’m just… ashamed.” you dipped your head and fiddled with the hem of your shirt.
“Doll, let me tell you something.” Bucky sighed as he took a seat next to you, throwing his arm back over your shoulder. Nuzzling your face into the warmth of his chest, breathing in his fresh sandalwood scent. “As a man who grew up in the really old days and a man who was given the best eyesight. I can honestly say, with my hand on my heart that you are really gorgeous, beautiful and so special. You have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of, the fault is with him, not you. Maybe he’s jealous because he doesn’t have killer thighs or something.” you chuckled into his chest, his heart pounding against your ear. 
“You think I’m special?” your question was muffled but he heard you clearly. Your eyes glancing down at his thick thighs.
“Of course I do. You’re the first person I look for when I enter a room doll.” 
“Thank you Bucky. You’re just amazing in every way.” You pulled away with a triumph toothy grin on your face and pink tinted cheeks. 
“Don’t have to keep thankin’ me doll. Though if you really wanna say thanks, accept my invitation and come to dinner with me tonight.” he cocked an eyebrow and your anxiety washed through you. 
“There’s this rooftop restaurant Sam recommended and I really want to go but I don’t want to go alone.” he smiled sheepishly, rubbing the hairs on the back of his neck. “Please?” and out came the puppy eyes. You chuckled and nodded your head.
“Sure. Of course.” Bucky grinned and leaned in and pressed a kiss to your rounded cheek. 
“Thanks doll. I’ll pick you up at 7pm.”
A few hours later
A loud knock - metal on wood sounded at your door and you sighed, checking out your attire for this evening. After hours of wondering what to wear and taking Nat’s advice and smoothed the dress over with your hands, giving one final look in the long mirror. You slipped into your expensive heels and opened the door. You gasped, Bucky was wearing a dark navy sweater with a collar, one arm missing as he kept it under the sweater and dark clad jeans matched with his combat boots. You saw the silver chain shining around his neck and you assumed he was wearing the dog tags he recently retrieved, his hair slicked back into a low bun in the nape of his neck, a day old stubble peppered his chin and cheeks and you were tempted to run your fingertips over the prickly hairs. While you were busy ogling his attire, he was also checking you out. Your choice of dress was gorgeous and it hugged your curves just perfectly, revealing just the right amount of cleavage that Bucky knew he would have a hard time keeping his eyes off during dinner. Your makeup was nothing too crazy, opting for a natural look. 
“Wow doll, you look amazing.” Bucky gulped and shifted on the balls of his feet. 
“You absolutely do too, Buck.” you exchanged a smile and walked down the hall with him, occasionally stealing glances at one another. When the two of you stepped out of the elevator into the lobby, he offered his arm and you gladly took it. 
The restaurant Bucky took you to was absolutely perfect. A single candle in the middle of the 2 seater table with a rose in a vase. Champagne in a bucket of ice. 
“People are staring.” you stated as Bucky pulled your chair out for you. He leaned down and kissed your cheek lovingly, causing an eruption of tingles in the pit of your belly.
“Let ‘em stare. Probably just jealous because I’m with the most sexiest woman here.” he spoke nonchalantly. You giggled and hid behind your hands. The city lights illuminated both of your features as you sat and talked about everything and anything that came to mind.
Bucky told you about the new music he was listening to and how he didn’t like it. You laughed and agreed and told him to listen to some 80s with a promise you’ll personally create him a playlist. Bucky told jokes and you laughed heartily. Exchanging flirty glances and smiles every now and then. The one thing that really set your soul on fire was when you caught him glancing at your chest and licking his lips. You were grateful to Nat for the suggestion of a push up bra to push your boobs together and made a mental note to thank her later. 
“I have something for you.” Bucky said, putting down his glass of champagne and reaching into his front pocket of his jeans. He pulled out a small black velvet box and put it down in front of you. He laughed at the look on your face. “Don’t worry, it’s not an engagement ring.” he clarified and you blew some air out. Picking up the little black box, you gasped when you flicked the lid open. Wedged between the slit was an expensive looking silver ring with diamonds. 
“Bucky! Oh my god! What is this?” Was he sure it wasn’t an engagement ring? The two of you weren’t even dating, surely he wouldn’t.
“It’s a promise ring. I was going to give it to you on the weekend when I was hoping you’d go to dinner with me when we were alone in the compound but things changed.” his chuckle turned into a smile and you mirrored it.
“It’s absolutely gorgeous!” removing the ring from the box, you slip it onto your finger and it fits like a glove. How he guessed your size was anyone’s guess. 
“Doll. I promise you that I will be here to protect you. Nobody will ever dare speak a bad word to you again. But I also promise to take care of you and make you smile and laugh every single day. I care about you so much and I mean everything I’m saying. If you’ll have me of course.” 
Tears pooled in the corners of your eyes as his words sank in. He really did mean them. 
“My weight. It really doesn’t bother you?” you bit your lip with your eyebrows raised. 
“No it absolutely doesn’t. And if you’d let me, I’d really like to spend a long time proving it to you that I love you and your body the way it is. I’ve waited a really long time for you doll. So, will you be mine?” 
“Always.” Bucky reached over and grabbed your hand, bringing it up to his lips to kiss your knuckles. 
“My doll.”
“My Bucky.” 
“Forever your Bucky, doll. Let’s order dessert then we can go home and have some real dessert.” he winked and you chuckled, dipping your head and blushing for the hundredth time today. 
Taglist: @jobean12-blog​ @marvelgirl7​ @godofplumsandthunder​ @hawksmagnolia​ @crushedbyhyperbole​ @deanthedemon​ @sarge-barnes-sir​ @emilylyoness​ @jamesbarnesappreciationclub​ @littleredstarfish​ @kitkatd7
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Fandom: RPF, American Actor
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Characters: Chris Evans, Reader, Dodger Evans
Word Count: 1315
Rating: Teen and Up
Summary: Cause you're all that I adore, You're the one my heart beats for and I can't believe you gave your sweetheart to me
Tags/ Warnings: Established Relationship, K*ssing, S*xual Conduct, Implied S*x, Love, Singing, Guitar Playing, Morning K*sses, Proposals, Dogs, Sunday Mornings, Songfics, 
Notes: Sweetheart - Thomas Rhett [x] 
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Advent Calendar of Fics // Day Twelve
Chris woke gradually. He had slept well and given it was a Sunday morning he had nowhere to be so he didn’t have any alarms set. He was disturbed here and there as his body clock was used to getting up early until he was finally nudged awake by a wet nose. Dodger was growing impatient waiting for his dad to get up and see to his needs. Chris opened his eyes and was met with Dodger’s face smack in his eye line watching him eagerly. He could feel his tail whacking his thigh as the dog’s excitement grew now that Chris was awake. 
‘Sssh Dodge,’ Chris said nudging him off of the bed before sitting up slowly and rolling out of bed quietly so as not to wake his girlfriend. He padded through the bedroom with Dodger eagerly following him out into the hall and then downstairs. Dodger ran ahead to the back door where he danced waiting for Chris to catch up. He got there in little time at all and let the dog out into the back garden. Whilst he pottered about and had a pee Chris filled his bowl with some food and put on a pot of coffee. He rubbed his eyes and tried to come to life though he was betrayed by a yawn. The pot of coffee brewed quickly and Chris poured two cups just as Dodger came bounding in the back door almost knocking him over. He ran to his bowl and ate and drank with such speed Chris worried he might be sick. 
‘Slow down bud,’ he chuckled before walking back upstairs. 
Once in the bedroom, he walked to Y/N’s side of the bed and placed the coffee on the nightstand before climbing back into bed on his side and sipping his. She stirred as he got back in bed, rolling onto her back and rubbing her eyes. 
‘Morning,’ she said with a sleepy smile as she caught his eye. 
‘Morning,’ he said. 
‘You’ve got coffee,’ she said, ‘did you-’
‘On the nightstand,’ he said and she smiled.
‘Thank you-’ she started saying, but she was cut off as she made a little ‘oomph’ as Dodger hit her dead in the stomach as he leapt on the bed now finished with his morning routine. He licked at her face as she tried to get up into a sitting position. 
‘Dodge Hun you gotta let me get up before I can pet you,’ she giggled to which he looked at her with his head cocked as if she were speaking gibberish. He moved out of her way as she pushed him towards Chris and slid upwards to rest against the headboard. Chris took up the chore of stroking Dodger whilst she had a sip of her coffee. Once she was settled Dodger had forgotten all about Chris and was now enamoured with her. She stroked and cuddled him for a good five minutes which he lapped up. 
As she did this Chris watched her with a smile. His heart swelled as he watched them interact. He loved her so much. He didn’t think he could ever love someone this much but he was lucky to have found her. Once Dodger was calming down from the excitement of starting the day and had lied down between them settling for being gently stroked Y/N looked up and spotted Chris watching her.
‘What?’ she chuckled nervously. 
‘Nothing… it’s just that I realised I’ve not told you how much I love you in a while,’ Chris said earnestly. Y/N blushed.
‘What?’ she said, ‘you don’t have to do that.’
‘I know but I want to,’ Chris replied. 
‘Oh yeah,’ she said leaning over and placing her hand on his chest, ‘go on then.’
‘Tell me how much you love me,’ she chuckled. 
‘Well,’ he laughed as he pulled her towards him holding her to his side, ‘you’re it. Everything.’
She smiled at him and shrugged making Chris look at her with curiosity, ‘what?’ 
‘Well it’s nice but show me,’ she said. 
‘What?’ he chuckled. 
‘Show me you love me,’ she said wiggling her eyebrows. 
‘Okay then,’ he said looking around the room for a minute before he leapt out of the bed and grabbed his guitar which was sitting on the other side of the room. He was back in a flash and setting up as she cuddled back into his side as he started strumming the guitar. Y/N giggled. 
Sweetheart., God could've never made two.
Nobody quite like you,
Woke up this morning, to your sleepy smile I realized I haven't told you in a while,
That you're my life, you're my dream,
You're the reason for every song I sing
‘You think you’re funny huh?’ she chuckled as Chris winked at her singing at the top of his voice. 
You're my rock, you're my world,
You're my always and forever girl,
Sweetheart, God could've never made two
Nobody quite like you,
Woah, sweetheart one kiss and I come unglued,
You are the reason, I fall to pieces
As Chris sang Y/N’s heart thudded in her chest. He was the sweetest guy and he was all hers. She leaned up and kissed his jawline peppering small kisses down his stubbly face as he continued.
Cause you're all that I adore,
You're the one my heart beats for,
And I can't believe you gave your sweet heart to me
‘I’ve given you more than just my sweetheart,’ she chuckled, ‘you’ve had more than any other boy I’ve met.’
‘Oh yeah,’ Chris said with another wink as he delayed his singing for a moment, ‘that’s because you’re sweet like chocolate, Hot like sriracha. Yeah, girl, you got me right in your back pocket. You're smooth like whiskey, fine like wine I love how you're making my blood sugar rise 
By now it was too much Y/N was overwhelmed with how sweet Chris was being. He was so gorgeous with his freshly woken face and his bed head. She wanted to jump his bones. She placed a hand on his and stopped him strumming to which he stopped singing and looked at her curiously. 
‘What’s the matter?’ he asked and she shook her head before pushing the guitar out of his hands where it landed with a thump on the carpet. She moved quickly, throwing one leg over the other side of his thighs so she could straddle him. Her lips were on his at lightning speed and he reciprocated her advances with gusto. As her tongue probed hers she shuddered with excitement which spurred him on and he let his hands trace her curves under her pyjama top. She could feel him getting excited through his jogging bottoms and she was feeling just the same. His fingers fiddled with the bottom of her shirt and she pulled back getting ready to let him take it off but as she did Dodger’s head popped in the middle of them. His head flitted from side to side wondering what game they were now playing and how he could join in.  
The two of them burst out with laughter as he started barking with frustration as the game failed to start. With the moment well and truly ruined, Y/N clambered off Chris’ lap and sat back down next to him whilst they stroked Dodger back into a calm demeanour. 
‘Well that’s put an end to that,’ she giggled and Chris nodded and said, ‘I know and just when I was getting to the good part.’
‘Well you’ll have to sing me another song to get back there I’m afraid,’ she said with a snort.
‘Oh yeah,’ he bargained, ‘that’s more than it usually takes.’
‘Cheeky,’ she replied swatting him on the chest. 
‘Well how about this,’ he said turning to her a little, ‘you mean the world to me and even though it’s just lyrics I do really mean it. So, how about we get married?’ 
‘What?’ she said with a nervous giggle.
‘I mean it. You’re it. You’re my sweetheart. Marry me.’
‘Chris,’ she breathed, ‘yes.’
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jobean12-blog · 4 years
Always You
Pairing: Bucky x reader
Word Count: 1,185
Summary: This is based off the request sent in by @sebs-sunshine​ : ‘I was wondering if I can get one with Bucky from the new series kind of look and I have a crush on him but I fear he doesn’t like me cause I’m not really skinny like the other girls.’’ Bucky needs a date to the gala and he doesn’t want to go with anyone but YOU! 
Author’s Note: I also combined this with the prompt below for the HBC’s @the-ss-horniest-book-club​ continuation of drunk drabbles! I was writing this request and the prompt seemed to work well. Also, my thoughts are always that Bucky would love any woman based on how good her heart is and not based on what she looks like. Bucky would love any woman at any size because he knows what’s up. Thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoy it! Much love always! ❤❤❤
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Warnings: sweet and shy reader, flirty Bucky, fluff fluff fluff! 
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It felt as if Bucky was following you. Every time you walked into a room he was there, smiling your way and looking as if he wanted to say something. But you couldn’t imagine why he would want to talk you at all, so you kept giving him a small smile and running off.
It had been working so far, but it seemed today he wasn’t having any of it. “Hey doll, how are you?” You stare at him wide eyed, opening your mouth to give him a quiet, “fine, thanks.” He inches closer to you, sitting on the stool next to yours and placing his bowl of cereal down. So far so good he thinks. You haven’t run away yet.
“So, I know you’re helping Pepper plan Stark’s upcoming gala and I know you’re going to be attending. Tony invited the whole team, so I get to go too, not that I’m necessarily looking forward to it.” You laughed into your coffee, nodding your head in agreement. “I know, they aren’t always the most fun. It’s usually boring businesspeople talking about business the whole time.”
You realize how awkward you sound and dip your head to hide your blush, slowly sliding off the stool to excuse yourself. “Oh, I know. That’s exactly what I mean!” Bucky says, scrunching up his nose in that cute way you love. “So, I was wondering if you would go with me, you know. Be my date? That would make the night so much better.” You stop dead in your tracks, asking, “did you just ask me to be your date?”
“That’s exactly what I asked! So, is that a yes?” You peek over the top of your mug, trying to steady your breathing. “I uh…I don’t know, Bucky.” Just as he’s about to start pleading with you, Tony walks in. “Hey gang! Y/n, Pepper is having a problem with one of the vendors and needs your help asap. She asked me to see if you could run to her office really quick.”
You move to the sink and set your coffee cup down. “Of course, Tony, I’m heading over now.” You give Bucky one quick look before apologizing, “sorry, I’ll see you later,” and rushing off. Bucky lets out a loud sigh, dropping his head. “What’s all the huffing about, Barnes?” Tony asks, turning on the coffee pot. He gives Tony an exasperated look, “I just asked her to be my date to the gala and she never gave me a straight answer. And now she’s gone again. She always seems to want to run off when I’m around. I don’t get it.”
Tony laughs. A full on, boisterous laugh. “She probably thinks you’re a boring old man,” he teases, before heading back down the hall. “If you ever need some tips on how to win a woman, just let me know. Some of us know what we’re doing.” Bucky scowls, mumbling under his breath but setting his shoulders straight in determination. He was going to get you to be his date.
The next day you’re hanging out with Nat in her room, going over possible dresses for the gala. She always asks for your opinion on what to wear and you’re always flattered. “What color do you think?” she asks, holding up a navy and a green dress. “Oh wow,” you say, fingering the silky fabric, “they are both beautiful, but I think the navy.” She throws it on, turning and smiling at you, “you’re right, perfect!”
Nat picks up a beautiful red dress with a sweetheart neckline. “Here,” she says, holding it out to you. “Pepper left this here. She said it would be perfect for you.” Your eyes widen at the gorgeous piece of fabric. “I don’t know Nat. It looks a bit…revealing.” She scoffs, waving you off and practically demanding, “just try it on will you!”
You strip down and pull the dress up and over your hips, Nat coming over to zip it up. “Oh y/n. Wow! You look amazing!” You smooth your hands over your front, loving how the dress shows off your shape and that the color really pops. “I think I like it. But I’m not sure. Maybe I should just go with black.”
There’s a knock at the door and Nat quickly heads toward the bathroom. “Can you get that? Clint said he was coming by to grab something he left the other night and I don’t want him to see me in my dress. AND don’t just wear black. That dress is a winner!” You give her a wink and shoo her into the bathroom. “No problem.” Walking to the door you open it and instead of finding Clint on the other side you see a broad set of shoulders filling the doorway and Bucky’s shiny metal arm resting on the doorframe.
Bucky’s eyes travel from your head to your toes, his eyes darkening as he takes you in. “Wow,” he breathes out, his heated gaze finally landing on your eyes. “Is that what you’re wearing to the gala?” It takes you a moment to find your voice with the way he is looking at you as if he wants to devour you right then and there. “I…I don’t know yet. I’m not sure.”
He takes a step closer, running his calloused fingers down your arm. “You look incredible.” Your body trembles as you try to keep your composure. “Does this mean you’ll be my date?” You open your mouth to speak, watching as his eyes dart to lips, his tongue slipping out to wet his own. “Yes,” you manage to get out.
Nat calls loudly from the bathroom, “is that Clint? What’s going on?” Bucky reluctantly tears his eyes from you, answering, “it’s me, Nat. I was looking for y/n.” Nat emerges from the bathroom, smiling deviously when she sees you two standing so close and the flustered look on your face. “I was waiting for Clint,” she says, “are you coming tonight, Buck?”
His eyes come back to you before he replies, “I am, and y/n is going to be my date.” Leaning down he softly kisses your cheek, brushing his thumb over your soft skin before whispering, “can’t wait to see you tonight, I’ll come by your room at 7.” With one more lingering glance he turns and walks out, and you practically melt to the floor.
Nat runs over with a squeal. “OH MY GOD! This is so exciting! I’m so happy you finally agreed to be his date!” You look up at her, your hand shaking as she helps you up. “That was his idea, not mine! I was going to say no yesterday but he’s persistent.” Nat rolls her eyes, “yea of course he is, he’s been trying to ask you out all week, but you kept skipping out on him.” Now it’s your turn to roll your eyes, “whatever, I said yes didn’t I!” Nat curls her lips up into a smirk, “you sure did. And from the looks of it, I’d say you’re going to have an incredibly good night.”
@aesthetical-bucky​ @azurika-writes​ @auro-ora​ @bucky-on-my-mind​ @buckys-broody-muffin​ @bugsbucky​ @book-dragon-13​ @devynsdiary​ @eurynome827​ @imgaril-lindru​ @hiddles-rose​ @hawksmagnolia​ @hailmary-yramliah​ @itsunclebucky​ @jhangelface0523​ @jewels2876​ @loricameback​ @littledarlinhavefaithinme​ @littleredstarfish​ @mushyjellybeans​ @marvelandotherfandomimagines​ @marvelgirl7​ @nano--raptor​ @randomfandompenguin​ @sallycanwait68​ @softpeachbarnes​ @the-wayward-robot​ @when-the-hell-is-bucky​
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Hello, I am having a ✨mental breakdown✨ at 4:27 am for the third time again this week, so have some random headcannons, mainly for class A:
Izuku, Koda, and Hitoshi have befriended all of the cats within a three mile radius of campus. They’ll often try to sneak them into the dorms. One time, they were caught by Aizawa and bribed him with cat photos. He now has a monthly rent of 200 cat pictures in exchange for cat food, toys, and litter
When the Kiricrew hosts game night, you can imagine how intense it gets, but surprisingly Tsu ends up being one of the most competitive ones
Several UA students (specifically the kiricrew) have caught wind of Todoroki’s constant conspiracy theories, and purposefully try to evoke more theories
Class A (minus bakugou and mineta, (because I refuse to acknowledge them right now, so just assume that they aren’t included I guess,) and plus shinsou, some kids from class B, and Mei) get matching tattoos
Denki has tried to make a class show-type-thing filmed like the office. Izuku helps him edit it.
They all cuddle
They teach themselves how to read and write in ancient runes, and leave notes for each other
They have so many group chats. One for the insomniacs, one for the emos, one for talking about nightmares (you cannot tell me that they don’t all have nightmares about villain attacks and such), one for homework help and tutoring, etc.
Mei, Iida, izuku, and shinsou all test new gear babies together. Izuku and Mei often make/work on the support gear together
They gather every student they can together and watch horror movies, promptly followed by cartoons
Uraraka holds interviews with those who wish to join the izuku protection squad. Aizawa is bewildered by how intense said interviews are, and is very proud of her
Aoyama initiates staring contests very often
Jirou makes playlists for people when they are sad
Mina has started making a list of all the weird things her classmates say or do while sleep deprived. One time, shinsou poured a can of Monster, a cup of tea, and a five hour energy into a pot of coffee, chugged it, and told her that life was a lie (don’t mix the things above, it doesn’t taste good. It will however, help you finish the four chapters of homework that your teacher assigns three days before he wants it due.)
Mei, tsu, izuku, tokoyami, Toru, todoroki, and sero are all vent gremlins. Mei likes to watch people from inside the vents and pop down in the teachers lounge to ask for dangerous materials
One time, kaminari went to the common room to get a glass of water in the middle of the night, only to find Midoriya sitting on top of the fridge and muttering about world domination. They discussed the logistic of one of izuku’s many plans. Kaminari was impressed and worried
Tetsutetsu and kirishima tried to switch places for a day and hoped no one would notice. It did not work, but was amusing none the less
Kendo and Momo meet up once a week to talk about their dumb*ss kids classmates
Uraraka and ojirou hold hand to hand combat training sessions twice a week
Juzo, sero, tetsutetsu, and kirishima train together fairly often. They often race together
Shinsou and izuku once had a competition of who goes the longest without sleep. Except izuku kept trying to help shinsou fall asleep because “sleep is important” but “frick you, you hypocritical b*tch!” in the end, sero and Iida convinced Midnight to knock them out
Someone once left a note on Sato’s desk that just read, “glucose father”
Shoji once hid Aoyama in his arms so that Aoyama could make a dramatic entrance. He threw glitter everywhere. Aizawa still finds glitter in his sleeping bag
Izuku, Mina, and sero start a dance club and teach each other different styles
Mina suggests that they all do group therapy, to which everyone agrees
Monoma, tokoyami, and Aoyama host poetry nights
The LOV has game nights. Shigaraki always just wants to play video games, but toga has made them play board games as well. They played monopoly one time, and it ended with toga holding a knife to dabi’s throat while he screamed profanities at tomura, who was in a fist fight with spinner and Mr. compress. Meanwhile, twice commentated and kurogiri poured himself a drink
Momo made everyone matching pajamas
One time, a group from class A ran into the LOV at a coffee shop. They stared at each other for a solid minute and then left. It was a weekend. They deserved a break.
The teachers all make bets about the students. Who will call a teacher dad/mom first? Who’s going to date who? Who is going to get in trouble next (everyone bet on Midoriya. They all won). When Mei is going to blow something up again? Etc.
Kendo suggests that they play hide and seek all around campus, it’s very chaotic. Nezu loves watching it each time
Monoma likes messing with provoking class A anyway, but after learning what Bakugou did to Midoriya, he takes special joy in tormenting him. Kendo originally stopped this, but has recently decided that at times she is suddenly blind
Monoma and Mina started an anti-bullying campaign on campus
Mei, izuku, and shinsou are chaotic gremlins who terrorize those around campus. Izuku doesn’t mean to, shinsou does, Mei doesn’t try to but does enjoy it. They are often joined by Monoma, who also tries to terrorize those around campus and enjoys it as well.
Izuku painted a very realistic picture of him and Todoroki throat punching endeavor, and gave it to Todoroki for his birthday. Todoroki cried
Ibara, kinoko, and tsu garden together
Tokoyami and jirou share clothes sometimes. Emos stick together
Class A fears disappointed Momo more than they fear disappointing Aizawa
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rpf-bat · 4 years
We Float Among The Wreckage
Pairing: Mikey Way x Reader
Genre: Drama, Romance
Summary: Written for Gothtober 2020, Day 10.  Prompt: “Sirena”. 
Mikey makes big plans to take his girlfriend on a cruise vacation...but, she breaks up with him, the day before the ship is supposed to set sail. Heartbroken, he asks you, if you would like to accompany him, instead. 
You woke up, feeling excited. Today was the day, that your best friend, would finally return from a months-long tour with his band. You’d missed Mikey so much. You couldn’t wait to see him again. 
You dressed quickly, humming one of their songs to yourself, as you wondered, if you should call him, and ask what time he wanted to meet up. You’d bought so many comic books while he was away, that you wanted to loan him, to read. You were looking forward to hearing stories about his travels, too. 
You had just finished brewing a pot of coffee, when you heard a knock at the door. You answered - and found just the face, that you were hoping for. 
“Mikey!” you grinned, pulling your friend into a hug immediately. “Welcome back!” 
“Hey, Y/N,” Mikey smiled weakly. “It’s great to be back in New Jersey. How have you been?” 
“I’ve been great!” you replied brightly, releasing him. The excitement in your eyes began to fade, when you realized that Mikey was frowning at you. 
“What’s wrong?” you asked, realizing something was up. “You look really sad…” 
“I stopped by my girlfriend’s house, before I came here,” Mikey explained. 
“Oh, yeah?” you replied, raising an eyebrow. “How’s she doing? I bet she was even more excited to see you again, than I was.” 
“...Not really,” Mikey sighed deeply. 
“Huh?” you blinked. 
“I don’t want to have this conversation in your doorway,” Mikey said sullenly. “Can I come in?”
“Oh, yeah, of course,” you nodded. “You want a cup of coffee?” 
“Oh, yes, please,” Mikey said gratefully. He sat down at your kitchen table, and you poured him a steaming mug.
“You like it with two sugars, right?” you asked, handing him the packets. 
“Yeah! Good memory,” Mikey nodded. 
Of course I remember what he likes, you thought to yourself. He’s one of the most special people in the world to me. 
You sat down, across from him, and watched him pour the sugar into the mug, and stir the coffee around with his spoon. Satisfied, he took a sip. 
“So,” you asked softly, “are you going to tell me what happened?” 
“I went over there, thinking she’d be happy to see me, after three months, right?” Mikey groaned. “Instead...she told me, that she thinks we should see other people.” 
“She broke up with you?!” you gasped. 
“Yeah,” Mikey said, burying his head in his hands. “I…I can’t believe it.” 
“Mikey, I’m so sorry,” you said sympathetically. 
“I’m like, in shock,” he confessed. “She said that I’m never home, because of the band, and that she doesn’t want to be in a long-distance relationship.” 
“I’m really shocked, too,” you admitted. Sure, it hurt a little, having Mikey gone so often. But, that just made the days when he was home, even more special. 
“The worst part,” Mikey revealed, “is that I had just bought tickets, for a cruise, to surprise her.” 
“Really?” you gaped. 
“Yeah,” Mikey said sadly. “I was going to make it up to her, for my long absence, by taking her on a four-night cruise to Bermuda. It’s a really cool ship, called the SS Sirena. They’re supposed to set sail, from New York Harbor, tomorrow afternoon.” 
“Oh, no,” you grimaced. “Is it too late, to get your money back?” 
“Yeah, I already called the cruise line,” Mikey confirmed. “They said that the tickets are non-refundable.” 
“Fuck,” you swore. “What are you going to do with them, then? There’s not enough time, to try and sell them.” 
“Exactly,” Mikey nodded, seemingly at a loss. “I mean, I guess I could take the one ticket, and go to Bermuda by myself. But that sounds….really depressing.” 
He was right - no matter how sunny the beach might be, traveling alone, would probably suck. 
“Well,” you offered, “what if I went with you?” 
“Are you serious?” Mikey asked, eyes widening. 
“Yeah,” you nodded. “I mean, Bermuda sounds really nice, this time of year. We could just have fun, hanging out as friends. Hopefully, it will take your mind off her.”  
“That actually sounds really nice,” Mikey agreed. “Will your boss let you take off, though, on such short notice?” 
“Yeah, I have a bunch of unused vacation days, so it should be fine,” you assured him. “I’ll start packing tonight.” 
“Thank you, Y/N,” Mikey smiled softly. “I was really bummed out when I got here. But, the idea of taking a trip with my best pal, makes me feel a bit better.” 
“No, thank you!” you chuckled. “I’m really looking forward to it!” 
You only hoped, that the vacation, would be able to help him get over his heartbreak. 
He picked you up the next day, and quietly helped you load your luggage, into the trunk of his car. You could tell, by the absence of his usual chatter, that he was still feeling down. 
“What time does the Sirena leave port?” you asked, trying to distract him, from his thoughts of her. 
“Three o’clock,” Mikey replied listlessly, getting in, and buckling his seat belt. “But, they start boarding people, at one.” 
“Ok, it’s noon now,” you calculated, checking your watch, as you climbed into the passenger seat. “It only takes about half an hour, to get from here, to the Port of New York. But, there might be some traffic, when we go through the Turnpike. So, it’s probably smart, to go ahead and leave now.” 
“....Yeah,” Mikey said. His eyes, seemed a thousand miles away. 
“Mikey,” you said seriously, putting a hand on his shoulder, “listen...are you sure you want to do this?” 
“What do you mean?” Mikey asked, looking over at you. 
“I know I invited myself along,” you frowned, “but, if you’re really not feeling up to this, and you want to just stay home, I get it. It’s not too late to call the whole trip off.” 
“No, I don’t want to do that,” Mikey insisted. “If I go home now, I’ll just sit around my house, and cry about her. Besides, it’d be a waste of nine hundred dollars.” 
“That’s how much you spent on her?” you gaped. “And she just ditched you, like yesterday’s trash…”
“Her loss,” Mikey said defiantly. “Screw her….let’s go have a good time.” 
You arrived at the port, with time to spare, and completed the check-in process, without any issues. Now, you were officially on the ship. 
You looked down at the card in your hand, that the cruise liner staff had given you. 
“That’s your room key,” Mikey explained, “and also, like, a credit card, that you can use to pay for food and drinks.” 
“Oh, okay,” you nodded. You had never been on a cruise before, so this was all new to you. 
“We’re gonna be on the lower decks,” Mikey added, directing you towards the elevator. You followed him quickly. 
The elevator took you one floor down, and Mikey led you to a door, at the end of the hall. 
“This should be it,” he decided, using his card, to unlock the door. 
You entered the room, apprehensively. It wasn’t much different, you found, from a hotel room on land. But, you noticed one glaring problem, immediately. 
“Mikey,” you pointed out, reddening, “there’s only one bed.” 
“....Oh,” Mikey blushed. “Fuck, Y/N, I didn’t even think about it.” 
He originally booked this room, for him, and his girlfriend, you realized. So, of course he planned on them sleeping in the same bed. 
Bringing you instead, had been a last minute decision. So, even if it had occurred to him, he probably wouldn’t have been able, to swap the one-bed cabin, for a two-bed one.
He’s already having a really rough time, you considered, so I’m not going to pitch a fit about it. 
“There’s no couch, or anything,” Mikey noticed, looking around the room. 
“It’s fine,” you decided. “You paid for this whole trip, so, you take the bed. I’ll sleep on the floor.” 
“What?” Mikey protested. “No way - my grandma raised me to be a gentleman. If I told her I made a girl sleep on the floor for four days, she’d never forgive me! You can have the bed.” 
“I don’t want to make you sleep on a cold, hard floor for four days, either,” you argued. 
“Well, what other choice do we have?” Mikey shrugged. 
“Look,” you sighed, “how about we just decide this later? I’m hungry. I think we should go have lunch.”
“Alright, fine,” Mikey acquiesced. “I heard that the ship restaurant is actually pretty good. Let’s go.”
As soon as the hostess seated you at your table, Mikey started looking over the drinks menu. 
“It’s a little early for that, isn’t it?” you frowned. 
“It’s five o’clock somewhere,” Mikey shrugged. “We’re going somewhere tropical, so why not order one of those fruity little tiki drinks, with the paper umbrella and stuff?” 
“Yeah, why not, I guess,” you agreed. You had a feeling, that he was still depressed about his ex. But, who were you, to tell him he wasn’t allowed to drown his sorrows? 
“What can I get for you guys?” asked a smiling server. 
“Two Bahama Mamas, please,” Mikey said quickly. 
“....And we’ll try the coconut shrimp, too,” you added. You didn’t want him drinking on an empty stomach. 
“No problem,” the waitress smiled. “Coming right up! By the way, Karaoke Hour starts at four o’clock!” 
“Good to know,” Mikey said absently. 
After the woman walked away, you turned to him. 
“Would you want to try the karaoke thing?” you asked. “It sounds like it could be kind of fun.” 
“I don’t know,” Mikey hesitated. “I’ve been playing music every day, for the last few months in a row.” 
“Yeah, you’ve been playing bass,” you reminded him. “Not singing.” 
“Bass is what I’m, like, actually good at,” Mikey said nervously. “All the singing talent in the family went to Gerard.” 
“Nobody’s expecting you to be perfect at it,” you pointed out. “It’s just for fun. But, if it would make you feel better, I could do it with you.”
“Like, a duet?” Mikey asked, seemingly comforted by the idea. 
“Yeah!”, you grinned. “I think it would be fun!”
“I need a couple more drinks in me, before I get up on that stage, even if you’re gonna go with me,” Mikey insisted, reddening. 
“Alright,” you laughed. “Let’s make this night interesting.” 
After the Bahama Mama, Mikey downed a pina colada, and a Blue Hawaiian. He became more chatty, and less sad-looking, as the empty cups piled up beside him. 
“Alright, what song do you wanna do, Y/N?” Mikey grinned, flipping through the karaoke booklet, that the waitress had given to him. “We need somethin’, with a guy part, and a girl part…” 
“What about ‘Interlude’?”, you suggested. 
“You mean, the song that Morissey did with Siouxsie Sioux, back in ‘94?” Mikey guessed. 
“Yeah! That one!”
You knew that Morissey was one of Mikey’s all-time favorite musicians, so, you were hoping, that singing one of his songs, would cheer him up. 
“Yeah, let’s do it!” Mikey agreed. He swayed slightly, as he stood up, to walk over, to the karaoke stage. You took his hand, to keep him from stumbling. 
“Hey, are you sure you’re okay?” you asked, biting your lip. 
“I’m awesome,” Mikey slurred, swinging his hand in yours. “C’mon….please sing with me, Y/N?” 
You found that you couldn’t resist, his puppy dog eyes. 
You stood on the stage, clutching your mic nervously. There were a few curious people, milling about, watching you. It wasn’t a huge crowd - then again, the trip had just started. 
“You ready?” you asked, looking over at Mikey. 
“Born ready,” he said, with liquid confidence. “Let’s go.” 
The staff member, who was running the event, queued up the music for you. You began to sing Siouxsie’s part: 
Time is like a dream
And now for a time you are mine
Let's hold fast to the dream
That tastes and sparkles like wine
Mikey stepped closer to you, as his voice joined yours, singing Morisssey’s verse:
Who knows if it's real
Or just something we're both dreaming of
What seems like an interlude now
Could be the beginning of love….
Something about the way he looked at you, when he sang the last line, made your heart race. You wondered what the hell you were thinking. He had, after all, just gotten out of a two year relationship yesterday. 
You told yourself to focus on the song. Your voice harmonized with Mikey’s, as the chorus kicked in:
Loving you is a world that's strange
So much more than my heart can hold
Loving you makes the whole world change
Loving you I could not grow old
You chanced a look at Mikey again. You realized, with a start, that something in his expression, seemed off. Was he….crying? 
“N-no,” Mikey stammered, choking up, as he sang the next line, “Nobody knows, when love will end….” 
He stopped suddenly. The background instrumentals went on without him, as he failed to sing the next lyric. 
“....Shit,” Mikey swore loudly. The onlookers all stared at up at him, confused. “Shit, I’m sorry….I can’t do this….”
He dropped the mic, and suddenly ran off the stage. 
“Whoa, Mikey!” you gasped. “Where are you going?!”
You motioned for the staff member, to kill the audio track.
“....Uh, sorry, everybody,” you said awkwardly, into the microphone. “I think this performance is over….”
Without further adieu, you took off running, after your friend. 
You found him in the cabin, sitting on the bed, sobbing. 
“Mikey, what happened back there?” you demanded. 
“I didn’t know that my love was gonna end, so suddenly,” Mikey said, sniffling. 
“Oh,” you realized, feeling guilty. “The song just made you start thinking about her again, didn’t it?” 
“I...I don’t wanna think about her,” Mikey slurred. “But, I can’t stop, Y/N. It hurts.” 
“Hey,” you said gently, sitting down on the bed beside him. “It’s gonna be okay.” 
“No, it’s not,” Mikey sobbed. He dove into your arms, and pressed his face, into your shoulder. His frames poked against your collarbone. 
“Sssh,” you soothed him, stroking his hair. “Mikey, c’mon, you’re gonna bend your glasses up.”
He picked his head up, for a moment. You gently pulled the glasses off his face, and set them on the bedside table. 
“Now, you can put your head back down, if you want,” you told him softly. 
“O-Okay,” he stammered, and lay his head against you again. With the barrier of the glasses removed, you could feel his tears, wet against your collar. 
“....Why doesn’t she love me anymore, Y/N?” Mikey asked, his voice muffled, by your shirt. 
“I don’t know,” you confessed, stroking the back of his head again. “I think you’re a really lovable person.” 
“You’re just saying that to make me feel better,” Mikey wept. 
“I’m not,” you insisted. 
“How am I lovable to you?!” Mikey demanded, picking his head up. “I made you babysit me all night….I got drunk, and emotional, and I ruined your karaoke song. Everybody was staring at us, when I just took off like that. I know they were…” 
“I don’t care what they think,” you shook your head. “I care much more about you, Mikey. I just want you to be okay. I thought taking this cruise would make you feel better. But, it doesn’t seem, to be helping you at all.” 
“Nothing’s gonna help me,” Mikey said dejectedly, flopping backwards onto the pillows. “I’m hopeless, now. Nobody is ever gonna love me, ever again.” 
“That’s not true!”, you told him. “I know you loved your ex, but she’s not the only girl in the world!” 
“There’s no girl on Earth,” Mikey said, staring up at the ceiling miserably, “who would want to date a guy, who is on the road, all the time. How do you love somebody, that you never even see?” 
“I love you, Mikey,” you said emotionally. ”I’ll take whatever time I can get with you. Even if it’s short, it’s special to me.” 
“You love me, as a friend,” Mikey spat. “That’s not the same.”
“No,” you shook your head. “Mikey...I’m being serious. I love you, in the same way, that you loved her. I have, for a long time.” 
“....What?” Mikey gasped, picking his head up, and staring at you in open shock. “Y/N, what are you saying?!”
“You were with her,” you confessed, surprised to find yourself, speaking these feelings aloud. “You were taken, so I kept my feelings quiet. But….the truth is, I always wanted you for myself. I don’t care, that you tour a lot. Four days with you, is better to me, than four months, with anyone else!” 
“You...really mean that?” Mikey asked, eyes wide.  
“....From the bottom of my heart,” you vowed. 
Suddenly, Mikey grabbed your hand, pulling you forward, on top of him. 
“Wh-What are you doing?” you breathed. 
He cupped your cheek with his hand. 
“Kiss me,” he breathed. 
“I shouldn’t,” you hesitated. “You’re drunk, and you’re emotionally vulnerable, and…”
“And I want you,” Mikey insisted. “Y/N, I should have chosen you from the beginning. I’m sorry, that I never realized how you felt about me. You’re more loyal to me, than she ever was.” 
He raised his lips, to meet yours. He tasted like rum and coconut, and maybe it was wrong, but you kissed him back, savoring his sweetness. 
He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you tighter against him, and kissed you again, with greater ferocity. Your hands roamed each other as the kiss deepened. How far was this going to go?
“....There’s nowhere else, for you to sleep tonight,” Mikey panted, “so, please, please, Y/N, stay with me all night.” 
You pressed him down harder, into the bed, that you no longer had any problem sharing. 
“There’s nowhere else, that I’d rather be.” 
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chocolvte · 5 years
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BTS HEADCANONS — jeon jungkook as a boyfriend
AUTHOR’S NOTE — it’s jungkook day! everyone please enjoy this post to celebrate 🍰
LISTEN TO — crazy like you by chungha and bibi
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oh my gosh jungkook :(
this boy literally loves you to pieces
he carries you everywhere and brings you a box of macarons every other week because they’re your favorite and knows your coffee order and likes poking your cheeks
he’s got it bad
n for a long long time he was so sure you didn’t like him :( n he was big big sad
until !!!
one day,,
you’re sharing a pot of honey lavender tea on your balcony, watching the butterflies sitting on your climbing roses
and you just confess?? like he hasn’t been in love with you since birth basically??
so can you really blame him for being completely shocked and for once not having a single thing to say
which isn’t great because now you feel really embarrassed and like maybe you shouldn’t have said anything
but finally (finally!) his last lonely brain cell takes over and he’s pressing his lips to yours and kissing you with everything he’s been holding back for so so long
everyone is so relieved
especially namjoon because now he doesn’t have to hear guk pining over you every other minute
(sike biss he still got plenty to say about the smell of your shampoo and how cute you looked today in his hoodie when you got cold)
but the boys don’t mind as much anymore because at least now it’s happy pining instead of sad pining
jungkook really likes filming you
he’s always taking pictures when you’re not expecting them or filming you when you’re just, like, putting your shoes on or something
and he makes you the cutest lil compilations for your birthday
he has a soft spot for calling you honey (plus all of her cute little sisters: honey bun, honey bunny, and honey bunch)
someday he wants to adopt a pet with you, but right now you have a full time job keeping him alive
god he’s so stupid sometimes
like that time last summer when the two of you were on out on a boat in southern italy with some friends for the day and you lost your hat over the side and what did jungkook do? mf swan dived off the boat to get it back
but at the same time he’s very thoughtful and sweet and a good listener
he always knows when you need him
he also trusts you an awful lot and tells you more things than he tells most people so he always protects your secrets really well
he also really really loves seeing you in his clothes
like loves loves it
there’s not a single oversized shirt he owns that you haven’t worn at least once
jungkook might look like a boy but really he’s just a soft little slice of bread, a cute little cinnamon bun, a bunny
please take care of him :( because chances are he’s too busy taking care of you to do it himself
6:14 PM
“close your eyes.”
jungkook made sure his voice was very soft, so it wouldn’t scare you. reaching out with one hand, he cupped your face as gently as he could while the other carefully cleaned out the scrape above your left eye. you flinched, making him lower the washcloth he was holding with a sigh.
“honey, i need you to hold still,” he scolded you, keeping his hands on your waist. you were sat on the bathroom counter with your legs on either side of him, barely able to think past the throbbing of your head.
“but it hurts,” you sulked, crossing both arms over your chest. jungkook smiled in spite of himself, making a tsk sound with his tongue against his teeth in mock disappointment.
“such a baby,” he teased you, tilting your chin up so he could kiss your sad expression away. “pouting at me over a tiny cut. just let me clean it, okay?”
“no,” you glared at your boyfriend, pushing him away and keeping him there with one foot pressed against his abdomen. “not if you’re going to be mean.”
“i’m not being mean,” jungkook pushed your foot away, biting back a smile so he could kiss you again. “i just want to help, promise.”
11:27 AM
most of the time, jungkook was a sweetheart, treating you like a little prince(ss), but right now he was getting on your nerves.
“guk, stop,” you almost yelled, ducking away from your boyfriend as he nearly swiped your cheek with another glob of cake batter.
“but it’s so good,” he tried, struggling to hold back the grin threatening to take over his expression.
“yeah? eat it yourself,” you sassed playfully, knocking into his side as hard as you could to let him know you had just about had it with him.
“ow!” jungkook protested around the mixing spoon in his mouth. dropping it in the sink, he pouted at you. “that hurt, y/n.”
“you hit me in the head with the cupcake tray!” you protested in disbelief and this time jungkook couldn’t keep the grin off his face, laughing gleefully at the memory.
“okay, okay, i’m sorry,” he giggled, pulling you over to him so he could cup your face and kiss you the way he did whenever he had to apologize for something he wasn’t sorry about at all. pulling away to see your skeptical expression, his grin only got bigger. “i am! i’m totally sorry, honey, i’ll pay for your new head myself.”
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It’s The Avengers (03x08)
Loki x Reader Avengers The Office AU (Slowwwwww Burn)
Season 3 Episode 08: We Are Going Knowhere
Series Summary: Living in the Avengers facility post-apocalypse in a better timeline   Tony Stark has decided to capture every moment by pulling The Office on the Avengers. All of housemates are pretty used to the idea except for you, who had just come here to finish her degree, and the newest member- Loki.
Warnings: oooof!!!
Word Count:I sound so bad for actually turning happy that there was a positive patient in our block because that would increase the chances of my neighbourhood undergo a strict lockdown and then I wouldn’t have to go to work. My fam doesn’t understand this but I need some time with myself to recharge for good and so they look at me like I am posessed.
MASTERLIST in bio, darlings. Tags are open (check bio)
The lens focused from its blurriness over to the kitchenette where Bucky stood making himself some coffee.
Scott: Are we rolling? *nods* Cool. *clears throat* So turns out that there is another unspoken romance waiting to bloom in our midst and as a hopeless romantic with an engineering degree I am utterly disappointed in myself for not figuring it out sooner. *looks at some invisible void in the distance* Well, I would have if I wasn't so obsessed with my other couple goal. I would have. *smiles at the void* *speaks softly* those two almost gave me a heart attack last night!
A sweat-drenched Steve walked in after a run around the facility. "Hey," he greeted Bucky before turning towards the dorms. "Hey," Bucky greeted back while pouring his coffee and looking at America's ass strut down the lounge in those grey track pants that were just the right amount of tight across those butt cheeks jiggling down the hall while the camera caught that steaming hot coffee colour the -otherwise spotless- white island brown as Bucky's eyes and heart skipped with that booty while his hands holding the coffee pot forgot what they were supposed to do. Scott entered the lounge to find that coffee dripping down everywhere while Bucky was lost. "Watch out, Buck," he called out, breaking the Captain's trance on this Seargent, "your gay is showing."
Scott: *contemplates* huh...I should get that on a t-shirt.
"I don't get it. He's your best friend. Why don't you just ask him out?" Scott bit into an apple and looked at Bucky mopping up the result of his gaze and one sexy booty. "I can't ask him out because he is my best friend, Scott," Bucky sighed. "It was kinda easy to do this charade back in our day. Now, everyone is out of the closet like-" "Like your everyday lounging shorts," Scott added, getting a nod agreement from Bucky. "And I'm not even sure if he looks at me the same way." Scott had to look at the camera after on real slow blink in Bucky's direction.
Scott: *inhales while keeping his palms together in front of his face* Boy, do I have news for you! *opens his hands and tries to stop the excitement from making him scream* That dude literally fought Nazis for you! TWICE! And then brought you back to f****ng life! *tries not to cry* *whispers* Dude! Why are my OTPs so f****ng dumb!
On Our Trip to Knowhere The camera showed Lulu trying to swim in the sea of berries in a crate while popping one in his mouth whenever Loki wasn't looking. "If the merchant asks for mixed berries I'm going to sell you off to him," Loki announced from the cockpit. Well, at least Lulu thought he wasn't looking. The distraught and drooping fluff looked at you for any sign that this wasn't true. "No, he won't," you mouthed and shook your head before turning back to co-pilot - well, whatever was remaining of- the spaceship Loki had bargained from the last station. Putting the coordinates in for his stop, he turned around and brought his hands together and did one loud clap. "Alright. Everyone listen up. There are some things you need to take care of when-" You moaned incredibly loud, dramatically your head in every possible direction. "Uuuggghhhahaaaarrgggghh!!" "What." "We have heard this befoooore!" "And you will hear it again! Because Knowhere is dangerous. It has all kinds of filth gathered here hiding in the dark wh-" You wanted to groan one more time but something in the vast emptiness before you caught your eyes and took your breath away. "What...is that?!" your voice barely got out while a smirk landed on Loki's lips with a shine in his eyes. The camera quickly came forward to record what seemed like a gigantic skull being the bed of inhabitants floating in the dark of the space. From where its eyes were supposed to be, was a cavern lit with life inside while sizeable pods came and left from the jaw and ears. "That, my dear, is Knowhere," Loki declared softly, quite mesmerised for a moment by this look of awe in your eyes, "land of the lawless created when the Dark God Knull used his All Black sword to decapitate a Celestial. Seeing as the rotting skull was worth quite something to someone in some part of the universe, a notorious group by the name Tivan decided to make this their base. And as opposed to their demeanour, they are quite a dangerous group of underworld criminals, mind you." Loki had to turn his head and look at you when he did not get anything in response and found you sit there a shade lighter, looking right at the skull where you were headed. "Surely we'll be safe if we avoid that group, right?" You looked at him for a seed of hope to get out of this alive. "Right, Loki?"
Loki: *presses his lips together* *snickers* *lets the chortle slip his mouth* *guffaws for the next minute with tears streaming down his eyes while holding onto his stomach* One minute later Loki: *clears his throat* *wipes the tears from his eyes* Ah! I love humans!
"Oh, sweetheart," Loki practically sang a soft note in your direction with a gentle head tilt, "we are going to meet their leader."
The Lounge Team "Hey, would...you...like...ss-coffee?" The camera shifted from a disconcerted Bucky barely standing by the kitchenette on his wobbly legs to an encouraging- though a little disappointed- Scott standing there while Wanda sat on one of the barstools by the wall and witnessed the whole practice unfold. "Bucky, sweety," Scott pressed ever so sweetly, placing his hand on the island in his direction, "Steve would always like a coffee for his rat-like heart. We have to get him to have that coffee with you! Make him know that you want to have that coffee alone with him. Want to hold hands with him. Want to let him know how much you care for him. Want t-" "Want to let him know how much you want to bang him," Wanda commented, taking Scott by surprise. "How long have you been sitting there?" The Ant-Man asked with a hand on his chest. "Long enough," she shrugged while popping roasted almonds in her mouth. "Bucky, all you need to do is declare you like him. Rest will be easy peasy, lemons in vodka squeezy." 
Natasha: *tsks*Совсем беда с парнями. Без нас ни один из них даже не узнал бы, что второй жив. Wanda: *giggles* Ты бы видела, как Баки сегодня себя вёл в общей комнате, весь такой смущённый. Даже в глаза Стиву не мог взглянуть, не краснея. В конце концов он просто взял, молча пододвинул Стиву кружку кофе и ушёл — а у самого из ушей так пар и валит. Natasha: *rolls her eyes* Мои зверята и то сообразительней, чем эти двое. Wanda: *gasps* У тебя есть питомцы?! Natasha: *no change in emotion* Как-нибудь познакомлю. Так вот, возвращаясь к теме парней: ты замечала, что как только Баки заходит в комнату, Стив прямо весь тает? Wanda: *wide eyes* Замечала, и не только! Он только взглянет на Баки, как у него в голове начинает играть музыка из фильма "История любви", а перед глазами волосы Баки развеваются, как в рекламе шампуня. *blushes* *clears throat*  Да, и еще он почему-то переставляет себе, что на Баки из одежды только красные стринги. Natasha: *a big, toothy laugh* АХАХАХАХА!
Knowhere There were smoke and liquor everywhere the cameras swerved. There were creatures young and old, weak and bold, gathered to gamble, fight, rave, smuggle, hide. Anything unordinary you could think was there. From genderless strippers to non-binary fighters- the far corner filled with one hollered at the other, whistling, catcalling, making signs that you did not want to know the meaning of. Loki, on the other hand, was enjoying all fifty expressions your face reflected at the scenic view of the inside of Knowhere. Lulu, though mesmerised by the lights everywhere and blown away by the flying pods, still hung to your shoulder. If he had eyes, you were sure they would be wide open with their focus just on those flying machines as he made crackling noises at them. Javi caught you flinch and jump away from a creature looking like a six-year old's version of Satan but in green. Satan growled at you before pretending to bite you and lick those yellow fangs of his while he chortled with his equally appalling buddies. "Kin sibe nom torra," Satan rolled his R's while gurgling through his throat at you- someone who had no idea what that guy was talking about while trying to fiddle through your bag to find those earpieces the Hardy boys had provided you. "Ugh, is this what Clint has to go through?" That Satan dude stepped closer to you, driving you two steps back. All the onlookers could feel the sudden rush as they watched you stand one step away from backing into a murky wall while Satan smirked his dirty smirk at you, taking one potential step before Loki stepped in to put a hand on his chest. "Ukt sast nom kore grata," the God practically sang before parting his fingers with that chest while his face screamed 'yucky'. Just as he uttered those words, that smug grin on Satan's face got washed away to show confusion and fear eroding in those beady eyes. "Sica rom ni froa," Loki gestured him to walk away with a kind smile before turning to look at you with your jaw unhinged just a little. "Wha-how...what was that?" "Oh, they were catcalling you in the most vulgar way possible," Loki replied, looking at the address in his navigation device. "....okay? And?" "And-" he clicked the device close and pointed at a distant pathway- ever so casually with the other hand in his pocket- "I told them to only ask you to go with them if they liked getting their heads eaten when you orgasm." And the Silvertongue walked away, leaving that jaw to unhinge a bit more.
You: *grunts* now I wish I could do that *crosses arms in disappointment* *camera pans out to show Loki standing by your side, looking at you like a lost cause* Loki: This is why you do not have a lover You: *huff* *repeat his lines to him louder* this is why you do not have a lover!
The Collector's Den There were no guards on doors, something you thought would be a default scene considering you were walking into the Space Illuminati Warlord's lair. The neon colours breathing around you from creatures and elements unknown were too much for the eyes to deal with in one go. But it all seemed to be toned down to normal when your entire body felt itself jerk to prevent a heart attack at the sight of the four feet high and three feet wide head preserved in a tank right next to the entrance. "That's...one way to greet people," you muttered, your eyes still on that creature while your legs followed Loki further into the appropriately-named Collector's business place.  "Marvelous!" A voice boomed in the house of Tivan and you had to pull yourself back to the front, stepping closer to Loki to witness a creature anatomically very similar to a human walk towards your group with a pep in his step. "Finally someone who knows the worth of the head of a dark celestial." The white hair on his head stood as straight as a distraught anime character along with his brows. His lips were what caught your attention with an apparent thin tattoed line running down the middle, ending right before the chin. If that wasn't enough to make anyone wonder what in hell was this creature, the sudden whip of his cape was the last straw to help you innocent ones realise this one was the mad kind. "Tell me, oh beautiful one-" he bowed in front of you his hands going back in the air like a ballerina- "what do you think of that head?" You looked at Loki for some help. He simply shrugged and put his pale fingers on his lips, leaving the floor to you. "...that it's...big?" "It's hideous," the Collector grumbled. "A beauty like you should not have to see something so indigestible. EVER!" He whipped his cape again, making you shoot your brows up and turn towards the camera.
You: Ooooohohoho *giggle* my God! This guy is more dramatic than any theatre majors I have EVER seen! *gasps* Oh- Loki: No! We are not taking him to earth to meet theatre nerds. You:  You: *slump back* *grumble*
"Welcome to the humble abode of this mere creature that goes by the name Taneleer Tivan. Address me as you wish your grace. Your husband has been our esteemed partner for quite the time in this space." There was nothing but a slow blink that escaped you at the thought of the mafia lord thinking you were Loki's wife. Then, a finger rose in question at the audacity of that white-haired baboon reaching to that conclusion just by seeing you two together. "Okay, excuuuuse me," you started off with bubbling rage, "first of all, you have amazing eyesight for noticing I'm beautiful. And second of all, your partner wishes!"
Taneleer: *narrows eyes at the camera, oblivious* I am confusion
Loki simply rolled his eyes before touching a windchime next to him. "I see you still have your spies on a decent payroll, Tivan. Was it the Kou-Gare that boarded with us on the shuttle from the last station? Or was it the Djinn you had your clan's symbol etched on his back?" Taneleer blinked quite fast before breaking into a chortle, his head thrown back and his hands flailing. "You are still the same shrewd Silvertongue! I told them you would find out sooner or later." The camera focused on your expression- a swirl of shock and thrill. "But I do have to ask," he sang before turning to you, circling you like a cat, "where did you find this one? And what was so special about her that she got to stand by the side of the God of Mischief." He practically purred inside your hair while taking a sniff as you stood there frozen, looking at Loki for some sort of escape. "She is a human, Tivan," Loki called out, still looking at the windchime that refracted light into a colourful rainbow all over Loki's skin. And like a good chameleon, Taneleer's colours changed while Loki looked smug for the camera, his back still turned to you and the Collector. "By your Gods and mine! If she is a human how is she more alluring than you?!"
You: *smug* If I had a mic? I'd drop it. *still acts out a mic drop*
The colours on Loki's face washed away as fast as they had come. His lips forming as many different-sized Os as they possibly could. "What? WHAT?!" Taneleer simply nodded, observing you like an art connoisseur from a respectable distance. "Say, my ever-enchanting one-" with a leg bent out, he bowed to take your hand in his- "would you bestow upon this meagre merchant the honour to honour you by studying your essence?" "Okay, that's it," Loki muttered before covering the distance in two strides and breaking away that unwanted hand-holding; smacking away Taneleer's hand while taking yours and holding it in his. "You," he pointed his finger at the collector while the camera focused on his hand holding your wrist, "you are going to help me-" Taneleer parted his lips to say something before being shut by Loki's words- "BECAUSE you owe me for saving your life!" And then the God turned to you, the distance between the two of you lesser than Lulu lying on the ground. He was in fact lying on the ground, trying to make angels in something clearly invisible to the human eyes. "And you," Loki announced softer than he wanted to, his eyes locked onto yours. For the moment there, that was all it was. His greens shining like a freshly washed forest from rain shining under the new sun. And your eyes were the treasure quarry of y/e/c stones buried under the water looking up at that forest hiding both the light and darkness inside it. Seconds passed. Both Taneleer and the camera looked at each other for answers before the former slowly dragged his wine glass from the table to the edge, letting it fall and clunk on the floor, loud enough to break the God out of a trance. "You will stay here with Lulu. Do not cause trouble till I get back." Authority in his voice, he inhaled a lungful before furrowing his brows- trying to understand what had just happened- and turning to walk away. "Who's Lulu?" Taneleer was curious. You seemed to pop right out of your own trance by the question, beaming at the collector before picking up Lulu in your arms to let him purr in your embrace. "My baby." Taneleer took the appearance of little hairy creature in. "So much hair...or fur?" before turning to Loki, waiting for a second and then following him. "I told you not to take those drugs during your sexual endeavours for information extraction, Silvertongue."
The Lounge The flatscreen was muted, showing you sleeping in the back of the spaceship Loki just bargained for cheap. Your lips were parted and you were drooling all over the blanket underneath you while Loki set the ship on autopilot to come to take a look in the back. Javi was asleep too, with Lulu in his arms, both of them sprawled on the seats bunched up together by the last owner. What Loki did not realise- or did not bother to validate- was that the cameras were still running; those electronic bugs with space technology still buzzing around the temporary gravity.  He stood next to the makeshift bed of crates bunched together for you to sleep over, snoring loud enough to make Lulu's head vibrate in the direction of the voice. The camera focused on the screen when the expression on Loki's face bore a look barely ever seen before- soft. He was on his knees, putting the blanket wrinkled in your arms over your shoulder, securing it on both sides before moving a stray strand of your hair away from your face. He said something, apparently to you, but the only thing the camera in the lounge caught was the moving lips before frantically shifting between the screen and Natasha, Wanda, Scott and flustered Bucky; neither of them catching the lens' drift to look at the screen. Natasha and Wanda watched from the sofa as Scott still tried to get Bucky to open up a little more. "I can't watch this anymore," Natasha grumbled to Wanda with an emotionless face towards the two men, "just tell me when he comes." "Oh, oh, oh, he's coming," Wanda whispered, poking Natasha before transforming her excitement back to a dull sober self.
Wanda: So, I can always tell where this man is in the house. He does this thing where he will pick up a theme from something he is into lately and his brain keeps playing it on repeat. Last night Natasha made him watch Phineas and Ferb and so *flails her hands* *smirks* it's going to be the title sequence all day. *turns her smile into a fine line of distaste* and thanks to her I no longer have to listen to Never Gonna Give You Up for another week.
"Hey, Bucky," Natasha called out the ex-winter soldier as loud as possible, "I'm proud that you came out of the closet buddy! You should be proud of being bi. We are here with you." She clicked her tongue and finger-gunned him. Confused but delighted at the gesture, Bucky shared a chuckle with an equally excited Scott. "Thanks, Nat. But I don't know how will be able to tell to-" he turned just enough to let his eyes catch Steve standing frozen by the lounge entrance-"...Steve."
Tivan's Den "This is crazy. And so cool?! I wish I had the means to collect all the weird things around the world." Lulu chirped at you while tapping at the glass that had a pink coloured female inside it while you- bright-eyed and enthralled by the extraordinary roamed about the place, looking at the gems and flora, bugs and skeletons around this place. One little piece of quartz caught your attention for it had waves inside it as if clear water was kissing the pale dull sand on a clear beach and making it come to life. Your hand went for that crystal when you felt your brain jerk you back. "Ooooh, we're not supposed to touch anything. I don't want to be stuck in a death game again," you muttered before pouting at the crystal and walking away. Away from that shelf to turn and find yourself facing a golden music box and shrieking as low as possible. Lulu raised himself where he stood before leaping towards the shelf you were fangirling about. "Lulu, look!" You whispered in heated excitement, your toes barely keeping you on the ground, "a music box with Loki's helmet on it! You think it belongs to him?"
Lulu cautiously moved closer to the box sniffing it like a curious cat, pausing for a bit before rubbing his head with the precious trinket. "Okay. So, you approve!" You clapped and picked the box up. "Aw! You think little Loki got this as a gift on one of his birthdays?" Winding the lever as far as it went, you refrained from squirming as you opened it. A sweet sound was followed by Lulu's camera catching a hairpin inside the box. The camera caught the expression of pure awe on your face that was looking at the intricate designs on that hairpin while also catching a cloud emerging behind you that was slowly morphing into a figure; something you were not aware of. Lulu, on the other hand, seemed to feel the presence as the camera jerked and a hiss came out of the little one in the direction of the figure that was out of focus but slowly walking towards your back. "It's beautiful!" You whispered. "Do you think it belongs to his...mom, Lulu?" Another hiss came out of Lulu and this time you turned your gaze up in confusion at him. "I sure hope it does," an echo of a voice called out from behind you, making you shriek, jump away from that direction, hit your head in the shelf in front of you so hard that you went limp and fell down with one loud thump.
Back Where the Boys Are The back room of the Collector's den was rather more sophisticatedly decorated than the marketed front; not to mention the equally more bizarre antiquities surrounding the room as the God and one human entered. "I need a tool to break me out of these," Loki declared while directed Taneleer's gaze towards his handcuffs. Taneleer raised his brows and tapped his fingers onto each other. "Looks like someone forgot the key during their playtime!" A snicker left Javi and Loki almost lost it. "Why does everyone keep thinking I would voluntarily shackle myself to these forsaken cuffs!" "How many people have pointed that out by now?" Taneleer asked while supporting his weight on the nearest shelf. Loki shoved off the question, paused, blinked and then huffed. "Five," he muttered. Javi tskd from where he stood, signing something with one hand. "That Terran says eleven," Taneleer pointed out, now judging the God with his narrowed eyes. "Do not jest me, Collector!" "Jest you! You, the God of riding SOLO with nothing but self-preservation in your blood, trodding in space all mighty with a beautiful Terran and you expect the fauna to not suggest something titillating going between the two of you?!" The eye-roll Loki felt, almost made the audience wonder if they would disappear in the back of his head. "There is nothing going on between me and her. She's just. A friend." The most dramatic gasp came out of the Collector, his hand going over to his trembling lips. "He used the f-word," the poor mafia lord whispered to himself. "What? I have had friends before," Loki shrugged through his shoulders, not making eye contact with his company before getting conscious of the camera. "Oh, name one friend besides me who hasn't exploited you for their own wishes!" "Can we please get back to busi-" "That's because you don't have any-" "Peter!" Loki blurted out of nowhere before realisation hit his face and made a split-second eye contact with the camera before composing himself. "His name is Peter and if anything happened to him, I would kill everyone and then myself. Remember that." The weight in his words seemed to shift the power in the room, impressing the Collector beyond what he asked for. "Yes, yes! Don't boil your blood over it," Taneleer sang rather sweetly, swinging his hips and humming something. "Well? Are you going to help me or not?!" Loki huffed. "Give me back whatever grace I left with you." Taneleer muttered something that was not audible to the God.  "You did what?!" Taneleer groaned. "How do you have such sharp ears?" "YOU SOLD MY GRACE!!!" "Well, not sold so much as bartered for a nice sample of a fae's DNA. So, I'd say it was a good deal." The collector was in the middle of turning to face the God when he felt himself being shoved into the wall behind him by Loki. "You are-" Loki hissed- "going to get me-" and grabbed his throat- "out of these shackles-" and tightened his grip on the OverLord- "or this is the last thing you will see before you die." The Collector winced and croaked for air, begging through his eyes when Loki let go just enough for him to speak. Wheezing for as much air as possible, the Collector looked at the God with eyes of a mercy-seeking peasant. "Now, now, my sweet God! If you kill me...who will save your precious friend out there?"
to be continued...
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lovelyirony · 4 years
Are you doing that ship thing? If so....... Thor Bruce.
who’s the werewolf and who’s the hunter
Thor’s the hunter, Bruce a werewolf who really is only trying to live his life and avoid busybodies in the small town. With Thor coming in for a different monster...well. 
He just thinks Bruce is the well-mannered coroner who is oddly attractive and exceeds expectations. 
It’s a week before the full moon. Bruce is wondering how averse Thor is to seeing a rather...hairy situation. 
who’s the mermaid and who’s the fisherman
thor’s the mermaid who LOVES humanity and bruce is the fisherman who HATES humanity, but still answers thor’s questions as well as he can. He brings books down and they read together and Thor wonders how bad it would be if he brings Bruce to the ocean, with him. 
who’s the witch and who’s the familiar
Bruce is the witch who is just trying to make a living selling small little herbs and potions and tinctures or whatever, and Thor is the Huge Dog who won’t leave and flops by Bruce’s feet at night for bed.
Bruce has accepted that this dog is a Little Off and sometimes swears there’s something a bit more to him. (He’s right.) 
who’s the barista and who’s the coffee addict
Bruce is the coffee addict who literally will ask for a whole pot. Thor lets him because A.) He’s a sucker for science majors, and B.) Bruce would take it himself if denied. 
Thor also makes sure Bruce eats, and gets to try out his baking skills, which get better over time. 
Eventually after Bruce publishes his first paper and asks Thor if he would like dinner, since he has to make up for free coffee and also just likes Thor. Of course he says yes. 
who’s the professor and who’s the TA
Bruce is the professor and Thor is the Jacked TA who Should Not Be a TA For This Class. He looks like a whole football player but then goes on long-winded discussions of space and genetics and biology. He knows way more than he lets on. 
Thor is also an incorrigible flirt who makes Bruce stutter and helps the students finish Last Minute Online Questions, which makes him a pretty cool guy. 
who’s the knight and who’s the prince(ss)
Bruce makes for a surprising knight. Doubling as a healer and doctor, it’s not known to everyone why he’s the personal guard of Thor, who makes a fantastic warrior himself and could defend himself quite well. 
At least...until war breaks out and Bruce tears through the field, armor barely covering anything. It’s near-madness. 
Thor, however, is enthralled with this knight and announces to all that if he is to wed anyone, it will only be the Good, Kind Doctor Banner. 
who’s the teacher and who’s the single parent
Thor is the single parent/guardian of his much-younger brother Loki, who loves to cause trouble and thinks that his teacher needs a love life and his brother needs someone Responsible. (And Thor is responsible, he just wears board shorts a tad too often.) 
This is why Loki keeps getting parent-teacher conferences, and Bruce eventually just gets Thor’s personal number. 
And if Thor texts him to get dinner and “out of the uncomfortable, small chairs...” well. Then that’s great. 
The only problem is finding a babysitter for Loki, who is not, as he insists, “ready to be home alone.” 
who’s the writer and who’s the editor
Thor is well-known for fantasy writing, and Bruce is a well-known editor who has a quick rate of getting work back. 
Thor is quite forward and dedicates the second book to Bruce, with the inscription: 
When you see this, I hope you’ll accept dinner with me. 
This blows up on the internet, and Bruce has to actually make a social media account to confirm that “yes, I did get dinner with him please stop bothering me.” 
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spazzcat · 4 years
If still taking ships, how about Uliro?
Sure am! Uliro’s a bittersweet ship and I adore it. 
who’s the werewolf and who’s the hunter - Shiro as the battered, wounded werewolf constantly on the run, and Ulaz as the hunter who seeks him out not to kill, but to heal
who’s the mermaid and who’s the fisherman - Mermaid Ulaz utterly fascinated by this strange, scarred human fishing from a cape in the middle of nowhere
who’s the witch and who’s the familiar - Witch Shiro with familiar Ulaz who, while helpful, also greatly enjoys distracting him and being a nuisance
who’s the barista and who’s the coffee addict - Barista Shiro who works the night shift at a coffee shop and always has a pot ready when the exhausted doctor needs a shot of caffeine to make it home safely after working a double
who’s the professor and who’s the TA - Professor Ulaz and his TA who just happens to be the young man whose life he saved just before switching from professional medicine to teaching it
who’s the knight and who’s the prince(ss) - Prince Ulaz with his handsome bodyguard knight who worked his way up through the ranks of a classist society
who’s the teacher and who’s the single parent - Single parent Shiro who just really, really needs a shoulder to lean on and a sympathetic ear and finds it in his recently-orphaned nephew’s new teacher
who’s the writer and who’s the editor - Shiro as the actual disaster writer whose books shouldn’t be nearly as popular as they are given how terrible his spelling is according to Ulaz
Send me a ship and I’ll tell you which is which give you an AU concept!
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thehikingnerd · 3 years
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Day 139 (10/3).
Today I woke up and was on a mission for 30 miles. These short days kept pushing back our finish date, and it was getting dangerously close to interfering with me getting home before Halloween. After getting packed up and ready a little earlier than Butt'rs, I popped two ibuprofen and made a big pot of very very strong instant coffee... and we were off! It was a beautiful day and we were making good time right from the start. We saw bear prints everywhere in the snow as we made our first climb of the day, along with coyote and deer prints as well. The bright red huckleberries in the valleys were beautiful and we stopped for lunch at the peak of the first big climb in the snow. I cooked two ramen with some textured vegetable protein, olive oil, a few other things and then made more extra strong coffee. I needed entertainment and fuel, like I said I was on a mission and was feeling good, like 30 was possible that day if we pushed and could make up for the last 4 days being sub 20-mile days. Man... that second round of coffee must have done it... I was a hiking machine after that. I was rolling down the backside of the mountain! Butt'rs and I saw another bear and I tried to get around the bend quickly to see if I could find him and watch him run away down the mountain but I lost him. I stopped at a lake for just a minute because it was so pretty and because the water looked so nice and clear blue I wanted to try out filming under water with my phone being waterproof and hadn't tried that out yet. But then the race was back on. We made our way down into a beautiful valley and then a couple of fighter jets spaced out rolled through the valley... one came though just before our next big climb started and was low enough to hurt my hears and was pretty intense. This downhill seemed to go on forever and we could see the switchbacks up the other mountain and it was obvious that this was going to be one of the worst cases of PUDs (pointless ups and downs) on the whole trail and it certainly was! Mile and miles of steep downhill and we were just rolling at near-jogging pace.  Finally, after crossing a bridge over a stream at the bottom, the trail went down another half mile or so before turning around and heading straight back up. They really should take you around the mountainside and cut off some of this pointless up and down. Normally I wouldn't complain, but this one is 3000ft down to a random point and then right back up 3000ft. It was just killer and uncalled for. But also, I was so jacked on caffeine and had the 30 mile goal in my head, so I just kept on rolling. I was a fair bit out in front of Butt'rs and I was only just starting the big uphill when I saw a hiker going SOBO. I said hey and stopped to chat for a bit. He said he had run into several NOBO hikers today... Will (the 19yr old from TX we had met at the trail angel's place a couple of days ago) I knew he was way ahead of us... he said he had seen him that morning so I guessed that put Will at least 15 maybe 20 miles out ahead of us and that he had just walked to Butt'rs! I was like Butt'rs?! Butt'rs is behind me I'm about 99% sure, but he insisted he had just talked to Butt'rs and then complained about how cold the last two nights have been. It was possible to have crossed the stream earlier on and taken a short cut that would have saved him more than a mile of down and up. Hmm... so it looked at this point as though one of two things was going on... either there was a second guy with the trailname "Butters" ahead (which was possible) or that Butt'rs had cut a corner and was now out ahead of me. With Butt'rs and I both being purists, however, I didn't think he would cut a big corner like that, and as weird as it sounded the notion of a second Butters seemed like the more likely of these two scenerios. This SOBO guy's name was Savage, and after just a brief chat I was on my way. Now I was really driven to go faster up this climb, which I usually go slower than Butt'rs on the climbs, but I wanted to either catch up to him or catch up to the other Butters. I was in a Butter sandwich, A Tale of Two Butt'rs, I can't believe it's not Butt'rs, lol, we're all silly things that came to mind when thinking of this situation. Unfortunately this side of the hill was facing south and had dried out enough that I couldn't make out any clear shoe prints the whole way up. I would have been able to recognize Butt'rs' New Balances and could have known whether he was really ahead of me or not. I did think it was odd that we had been following a set of tracks for two days or so now from a hiker who had passed us the morning we let the sun dry our tents out and I had been following these Altra prints for a while now and I figured this must be the person savage had just talked to, but I still hoped to catch him and see if his name really was Butters/Butt'rs. Finally, after a grueling 3000 ft climb I made it to the snow line and could see clearly that Butt'rs was indeed still behind me and had not taken the shortcut and gotten out ahead of me. I had told him that I wasn't going to take a break until I reached the top, but since it was snowy I thought I would just go a little further or maybe stop of the opposite side of the flat top area before the final descent of the day. About half way across the top flat part I saw another much smaller bear who was sitting and eating huckleberries on a hillside near a small tree (for some reason I knew I was about to see one before I saw him, had this weird feeling he was there before actually seeing him). He sat there and hesitated for a second but then ran away too; it's wild how these bears just get out of dodge when a human is near. But in looking down I saw tons of nice huckleberries and decided to wait for Butt'rs while eating as many of these berries as I could. I had eaten a good number of these when Butt'rs finally rolled up and we discussed the whole situation with Savage. It was weird, but Butt'rs thinks he was tripping on acid and must have gotten confused hearing me say Butt'rs and just kept saying the wrong name of the guy ahead of us. I wasn't paying that close attention to him personally to notice if he was tripping or not, but anyway it was all figured out that at least Butt'rs was indeed behind me and we took off down the mountain. We had gotten cold sitting up at the high elevation while eating the berries. I was once again feeling driven and got out ahead of Butt'rs and I was hoping to keep pushing even after we reached the bottom and try to make it to a campsite a few miles further away. But while going downhill, I was reading through the Guthooks app and saw that the town of Stehekin had already reduced their shuttle service down to twice a day rather than the normal four times during peak season... thus meaning that even if we pushed on we would really have to haul ass to get there by 3pm on October 4th if I wanted to get into the resort/town in order to call Angie on Mid-Autumn Festival... but we would also have agree to hike into the night tonight and probably wake up at 4am or so to make it, and even still would run the chance of just not making it in time (and to be honest, I knew he had little incentive to push like that personally). I sat down on the trail disappointed knowing we wouldn't be able to make it and that I wouldn't be able to call Angie on this holiday, it would be the first I hadn't been able to swing something from the trail on a special day and the first time to not talk with her on this particular holiday. So I just sat there and waited on Butt'rs while resting and looking at all the comments on the app so I'd know what to expect whenever we would eventually make it into Stehekin. Finally, Butt'rs came and said he was beat. I told him I would have wanted to push on, but since it was impossible to make it by tomorrow night's last shuttle that there was no point in killing ourselves, and we camped at a site beside a silty river after a 24-mile day with an estimated 9,000 ft of elevation gain throughout the day! It had been a rough-@ss day, and we were both beat and hurting all over. So at Mile 2532.6 we set up camp, ate, threw out decoy thrash for mice, and went to sleep.
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