#belphegor one shot
otakusheep15 · 7 months
Obey Me Flufftober Day 31
Prompt: Haunted House
Pairing: all (separate) x reader (gender neutral) (platonic Luke)
Word count: 3,321
A/n: You guys voted, and surprise 3 won, meaning I get to write about everyone in a haunted house! I still don't know how I managed to make it through yet another October, but I'm very proud of the work I've done this month. As a reminder, my inbox is almost always open if anyone wants to send in a request. My fandom list is on my pinned post, so if you have any suggestions, feel free to ask!
He is not scared in the slightest, and it's actually very funny to watch. Like, the scare actors try so hard to get him to jump, and it does not work at all.
Lucifer is definitely the type to critique the design of the house. He'll talk about how a decoration is inaccurate or a prop is out of place. Truly a menace indeed.
I feel like he would be so into grilling the details of the house that it would be easy to scare him in this moment. None of the scare actors get him, but if you or one of his brothers sneaks up on him, he will jump. Then he'll deny it ever happened of course.
His main priority is watching over you. If you're scared of haunted houses or if you're just jumpy in general, he'll hide you behind him and threaten any actors who try to scare you. If you're not scared, he still keeps a close eye on you as you run around with the others, though he's a little less protective since you can handle yourself.
None of the scare actors particularly like him because of how he is in the house, but at least he's not as chaotic as his brothers, so he gets a minute pass.
Scared, horrified, running away from literally everything.
Poor Mammon would not last two second in a haunted house. He'd be so cocky beforehand, bragging about how brave and cool he is, and then immediately gets scared by a creaky door or something.
Scare actors love him because of how easily frightened he is. Mammon practically jumps ten feet in the air anytime someone jumpscares him.
However, Mammon does have quick reflexes, so he might accidentally punch an actor in the face and get banned for life, so make sure he avoids that.
Regardless of how brave you are in this situation, Mammon is clinging to you for dear life. If you're also a scardy-cat like him, then the two of you cower behind Lucifer the whole time to avoid the jumpscares. If you're braver than him, he'll pretend to be your knight in shining armor to impress you, immediately gets scared, and hides behind you for the rest of the night.
Once getting out, he'll deny ever being scared, but Levi got everything on tape, so no amount of denying will erase it.
You'd think he'd be scared, you you'd be so wrong. This kind of thing is like a paradise to Levi.
He loves all things horror, so haunted houses are definitely his jam. Yeah, he does get jumpscared easily, but that's all part of the fun to him. He loves it when the scare actors manage to get him, and he'll compliment them on how well they're doing before moving on.
If he's allowed to record, you best believe he is vlogging every last detail. Levi def has a Deviltube channel, and he will post the entire thing, including everyone else getting scared.
Levi will absolutely cling to your side the entire time. If you're scared by haunted houses, he might make fun of you a bit for being a normie, but he doesn't mean anything by it. This might actually be one of the few times you'll ever see confident Levi. He'll walk in front of you and tell you when he thinks a scare might come up, as he's pretty good at predicting those sorts of things. If you're also a lover of haunted houses, the two of you are having so much fun. You're so hyped up, running around and trying to find all of the hidden details and scare actors.
Levi's probably one of the best to go to a haunted house with, as he's one of the few who actually understands proper haunted house etiquette, plus he's one of the few who actually enjoys this kind of thing.
Do not, and I repeat, do not take him to a haunted house ever. It will end in disaster for everyone.
Satan hates being jumpscared. As much as he hates to admit it, he is surprisingly jumpy, so him and haunted houses do not mix. When he gets scared, he gets mad, and Satan mad is never good. He will go on an absolute tear and destroy the whole haunted house.
But, let's assume he wouldn't do such a thing. As long as he doesn't get scared, Satan is pretty good company for a haunted house. He likes exploring all of the different rooms and looking for any hidden details.
If you really wanna have fun, you should take him to a haunted escape room instead. That way, he can focus more on the puzzles and the problem solving and less on the scares.
Satan is also good company if you're afraid of haunted houses. He'll protect you from anything scary, and if he senses a scare is about to happen, he'll hide you so you don't have to see it. However, if you enjoy haunted houses, Satan is content to let you do your own thing while he stays a bit behind. If you're with a group, he prefers to stay in the back and hang out there, but if it's just the two of you, he'll walk behind you while you lead the charge.
He has a love-hate relationship with haunted houses. On the one hand, Asmo hates being scared. He does not like scary movies, books, games, or any other work of horror. On the other hand, he can appreciate the time and effort put into haunted houses, especially when it comes to wardrobe and makeup. While it may not be his personal style, he loves all of the little details inthe scare actors' costumes and makeup, and will compliment them.
He's another one to vlog his haunted house experience if he's allowed to. Honestly, even if he weren't allowed, he probably would anyway, resulting in him getting kicked out. Playing the influencer card would not help him here.
Asmo does jump easily, but he is also good at recovering quickly in order to save face, so even if he is scared, you barely notice before he's back to his usual self.
If you're jumpy like him, the two of you will hide together. this is especially true when you're in a group because you will be hiding in the middle like a protective shield. If you like haunted houses, Asmo will ramp up the drama and make you into his knight and shining armor. He'll pretend to faint so that you'll catch him, he'll cling to your arm, etc. etc. It's actually quite cute as long as it's something you enjoy as well.
He's actually a lot of fun in a haunted house. I imagine that a lot of the scare actors would actually be afraid of him considering how intimidated he looks and how he keeps commenting about how edible some of the scenery looks.
Beel is kinda bored since he's hard to scare, but he still enjoys walking around. As long as he has something to snack on, he's good with being in a haunted house for a bit.
If you're going with a group, Beel will kinda become the leader by default since he's big enough to be a shield for some of the jumpers like Mammon and Asmo. If it's just the two of you, he'll stick by you and will hold your hand if you'd like him to.
If you're someone who is easily frightened, he'll protect you. You can stand behind him and cling to his shirt while he guides you through the house. Beel will most likely glare at actors who scare you, but he knows that it's their job, so he doesn't do much more than that.
Conversely, if you're someone who likes haunted houses, he's more than happy to let you lead the way. Watching you get all excited whenever a jumpscare happens makes him smile, and he loves seeing you so happy.
This demon thrives in haunted houses. They are actually his natural habitat, but you didn't hear that from me.
Belphie is also an absolute menace. Scare actors hate him because he makes it his mission to scare them first. He's been kicked out of several haunted houses because of this, but he just keeps going back anyways.
When he's with a group, he'll usually stick towards the back, or he'll have someone carry him so that he can sleep. When he's just with you, he'll either drag along behind you if he's tired, or lead you if he's more awake and interested.
If you're not fond of haunted houses or if you're more jumpy, he'll stay in front of you, but not much more than that. He still laughs when you get scared, but he'll hold your hand for the rest of the way and comfort you when you get outside. He'd apologize for laughing, but he'd do it again the next time anyways. Not out of malice though; that's just how he is.
If you're a fan of haunted houses, you and Belphie have a blast. Just makes sure you keep him from getting kicked out again. You two run around and explore and have the best time. Like Satan, he'd also enjoy a haunted house themed escape room. The three of you hanging out and doing an escape room is the idea hangout.
Absolutely obsessed with haunted houses. Like, this man is having the most fun you've ever seen. He's like a child experiencing his first haunted house, and it's adorable. It's also most likely accurate, as he doesn't get out much and probably hasn't actually experienced one before.
Dia is a major extravert, so he's very good when in a group. He's not very jumpy, and actually laughs when the actors try to scare him, so he's good for leading the charge and protecting everyone else. If it's just the two of you, Diavolo will make sure you're having the most fun you possibly can.
If you dislike haunted houses, Diavolo will make sure you're safe at all times. He'll hide you behind him and keep you away from all possible jumpscares. It's nice to see him so protective, but it's also intimidating to the scare actors, as the last thing they want is to accidentally upset this man or his partner.
If you like haunted houses, then he'll be so excited. He's dragging you around to any and all haunted houses he can find and he's having the time of his life with you. Watching you have fun is also fun for him.
Chaos. Absolute chaos. One scare actor tries to jumpscare him and suddenly they can no longer be found. he denies everything of course, but you know.
Barbatos hates being scared. Can he sense a scare coming from a mile away? Yes. Does he still somehow get scared anyway? Also yes. He actually hates haunted houses, but he'll never let anyone know. He's super good at hiding it, and by hiding it, I mean hiding the bodies of the scare actors he accidentally kills when they scare him just a bit too much.
If you don't like haunted houses, then that's perfect for him. Instead, he'll gladly stand outside with you while your group goes inside. He's definitely the themepark mom who stands outside of all the attractions and holds the bags for everyone, and that's especially true here. please stand outside with him and keep him company. He's actually very embarrassed about it, even if he won't show it.
If you want to go into the haunted house, he'll begrudgingly agree as well. He stays quiet, and you'll never know how scared he is. Like I said, he's great at keeping his fear hidden, and he's also good at predicting jumpscares, but it's one thing to predict a scare and another to be prepared for it.
Please show him some mercy and just let him stay outside. He needs a break, plus it would keep the poor scare actors alive as well, so it's a win-win for everyone.
The confused but happy-to-be-there grandpa. He's having a good time, but he doesn't really understand the point of a haunted house. When he gets scared, he jumps then laughs it off and talks about how good the actor got him, and it's actually very cute.
Haunted houses aren't much his scene, but he doesn't mind them. Simeon isn't very jumpy, but he does get scared on occasion if it's a particularly good one. He's also the type to pretend to be scared because he'd feel bad. It's the actor's job after all, so he wants them to succeed. It's actually very adorable.
If you dislike haunted houses, he understands and would gladly stand outside with you if you need. However, if you go in anyways, he'd let you hide behind him. Simeon is a bit chaotic, so he might try to scare you himself, but not too bad. Plus, he'd protect you from the actual scares, so it's not too bad.
If you enjoy haunted houses, Simeon is more than happy to stay behind you while you lead the way. He's not scared, but he'd much rather you take the brunt of the jumpscares so that he can simply enjoy his time with you.
He tries so hard to be brave, and it does not work at all. Luke would refuse to go in without Simeon with him, and he'd cling to him the entire time. He would also stay with you because he trusts you to keep him safe.
Please keep him away from the brothers. They will make it their mission to scare poor Luke, so keep an eye on them just in case. Also make sure Luke stays somewhere in the middle of the group so that he can avoid as many jumpscares as possible.
Like I said, Luke would try so hard to put on a brave face. He'd march in all tough-looking and would immediately get scared by the opening scare.
Ideally, he would just hang out outside with Barbatos and Simeon, but he'd go in for you. He wants to look tough for you if no one else because he looks up to you so much. This is especially true if you're scared as well, as he wants you to feel like he can protect you as your guardian angel.
However, if you're not scared, he will hide behind you. He tries to convince you he's not scared and that he's just protecting your back, but you both know the truth. Just take pity on him and hype him up so that he gains some confidence.
Another menace. He's casting small spells here and there to create extra scares that never existed. He's out here scaring the scare actors because no one knows how that prop got there, meanwhile he's just goofing off. His main targets are Asmo and Barbs since they're his pactmates, but he's an equal opportunist menace, and he will go after anyone.
You're not safe either. You thought that because he loves you that you would be safe, but you're so wrong. He actively targets you more because he loves you. Nothing too major of course, but he is a prankster by nature, and this is no exception. He's out here scaring you more than the actors.
If you're genuinely scared, he won't add onto that too much. Maybe on little prank here and there, but just to make you laugh rather than to scare you.
However, if you enjoy being scared, he is not holding back. Solomon will go all out, and at this point, he's going to put the scare actors out of a job. It's silly, but please tell him to tone it down before he gets banned. Not that he'll care, but still.
Yet another menace. However, she's a nice menace. Thirteen is the type to force someone else to be at the front so that they get the brunt of the scares. She will also fight with Solomon the entire time, but that's how she usually is anyways.
Thirteen isn't jumpy at all, so none of the scares get her. However, she'll sometimes pretend to be scared because she thinks it's fun for her. She also likes to scare the actors back, so she's also one who'll get kicked out of haunted houses for messing with them.
She will bully Mammon for being scared and actively make sure he's even more scared with her own tricks. It's a little mean, but it is also very funny, and the video Levi gets is golden.
If you're easily scared, she will tone it down a bit for your sake. Unlike Solomon, she won't try to scare you at all, instead focusing more on making sure you're okay. If needed, she will stay outside with you, even if she really wants to go inside. She'd do anything to make you comfortable, even at the sacrifice of her own enjoyment.
However, if you're like her, you two will probably get arrested. She will drag you into so many pranks, and it's so much fun. Just make sure you stay away from Lucifer and Barbatos lest they punish you. Also, like I said, you might get arrested or kicked out, but she doesn't care.
Surprisingly not scared that much. He might jump a bit, but it's barely a reaction at all. He's actually so bland it's sad. Like, he doesn't get into chaos, but he also isn't jumpy. Mephisto kinda just exists within the group. The most he'll do is make fun of the ones who do get scared, which might end up in a fight, but that's it.
He wouldn't mind hanging out outside with Barbatos, but he'd prefer being inside to stay with Diavolo (simp).
If you were scared, he'd stay by you and let you hold his arm. He hides you when he senses a scare coming on, and if anyone bullies you, he will fight them. It's a sweet gesture, but the extra yelling doesn't help.
If you enjoy being in the house, he's fine letting you go off on your own. He'll look after you from afar, but he won't bother you too much so that you can have your own fun. He'd join you if you want him to, but if not, he'd rather hang back and just enjoy walking through the house.
Stoic. Calm. Not scared at all. It's actually the scariest part of this adventure. Like, he shows zero emotion when in the haunted house. No one knows how, but they fear him greatly.
He'd probably prefer to be one of the ones to stay out of the house and hang out at the entrance, but if you want him to go, he will.
He tries his best to keep the group in line, but he fails miserably. It's just him, Lucifer, and Barbatos suffering in silence while the group causes chaos around them.
If you're afraid, he'd gladly stay outside with you. He'd hang out and wait for the group with you and that would make him so happy. However, if you did go in, Raphael is your best protector. He keeps you away from any and all jumpscares and will not let you out of his sight until it's over.
If you're not scared, he'd still go in with you, but he'd be less protective. He would be fine letting you go off and have fun, but he'd still keep an eye on you just to make sure you're staying out of trouble. If he senses you causing chaos, he will step in and tell you to calm down, but he still wants you to have fun, so he tries his best to be lenient.
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khae-writes · 1 year
sleepless [ belphegor/reader ]
tags: fluff, soft, wholesome, belphegor/gn!reader
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One would think Belphegor wouldn’t have any trouble sleeping. As the Sin of Sloth, it was woven into his veins that he’d be able to sleep anywhere, anytime, anyhow with no problem whatsoever. But lately, things have been a bit different, and he suspected it had something to do with you.
The late evenings roll in and he’d still be wide awake. His purple irises staring up at the ceiling of the room he shares with his twin, turning onto his side in hopes that maybe a different sleeping position would make him fall asleep easier. Of course, the nagging sensation that he couldn’t point out was not so easily dissuaded.
With a mildly irritated sigh, he pushes off the blankets off his body before forcing his legs to move to the door. Belphegor took a quick glance over at Beelzebub, a soft smile curving up onto his caricature before walking out. He couldn’t afford to disturb his precious brother with his sleepless dilemmas.
The night was silent, and he usually liked it that way, but times like these where he was the only one awake so late when he didn’t choose so was perturbing. He wasn’t scared, no, how could he be? He was strong, and his strength was unmatched compared to most demons in Devildom. Harboring a Sin was just the bare minimum, and even with that bonus, people continue to underestimate his flaring temper when aggravated.
Should an intruder break in, he supposes he’ll take care of it swiftly.
Belphegor made his way into the kitchen after wandering the halls aimlessly, thinking maybe a midnight snack would help get his mind off things as well as put him to that long-desired sleepiness he’s been waiting to hit him. But to his slight surprise, you were there.
Dressed sleazy in your (f/c) pajamas barefoot and messy at the top of your head, both hands occupied with a carton of milk and a glass to drink from, the space between your nose and upper lip marked with white liquid—milk, he concluded. Hearing his footsteps, you immediately came to face with the indigo-haired demon staring at you with interest. Ridiculous as you looked, you were dreamy.
“(Y/n).” Belphegor called your name.
“Belphie…” You mused back, albeit confused and reluctant. “Why are you awake?”
The demon shook his head. “I can’t sleep. And you? You’re sneaking off to raid our fridge again? Beel has been influencing you lately, I see.” He teased, smiling in amusement.
You flinched, a blush overtaking your features as you attempted to defend yourself. “I-I was thirsty! Besides, I’ve been here long enough to be calling this fridge mine too.”
“Sure, sure. Anyways,” Belphegor waved you off dismissively, eyeing you with a light in his eyes, “you down for some cuddles? I think that’d get me to sleep pretty quick.”
You wiped the milk from your lips with your sleeve, “Clingy tonight, are we?”
He gave you an absent-minded shrug in response. “Is that a no?” Belphegor smiled tiredly, but he was sure you could easily see through that grin that he was exhausted. You were never been one for rejecting cuddles from him, so he was a bit hopeful to hear you say yes, but perhaps he put too much faith in you tonight.
“No, I think I could go for some cuddles too.” Or not. You smiled back at him, placing the milk carton back in the fridge and the glass onto the sink. Belphegor felt his heart soothe in a lull, smiling softly at your agreement. “But we’re staying in my room.”
Belphegor shrugged, “No complaints here.”
“Good. Let’s go, I’m feeling sleepy.” You yawned, stretching your limbs up into the air, hearing the familiar satisfying pops from your joints.
Once you’ve arrived, you set the bed with more blankets and pillows out, knowing that your dearest demon friend(?) liked his bedding extra thick and comfy for the ride. And being the generous and most hospitable person you always were, you laid it in his preferred sleeping sheet—he was very pleased you did that for him.
After preparing the bed, Belphegor quickly crashed onto your mattress, arms splayed out onto the comforters before glancing at you expectantly. Seeing as you weren’t making a move to join him, he sighed and sat up in a split second and quickly dragged you down with him with a plop, your head hitting his chest.
Now satisfied, Belphegor’s hands gently placed themselves on your waist, his grip on you firm so you don’t fall. “This… This feels right.” He breathed, smiling at you.
You chuckled, “That’s the sleepiness talking.”
“No… it really does. You in my arms, comfortable on your bed, sleeping together in peace—that sounds like a dream.” Belphegor hummed, closing his eyes softly as he tried to imagine it from a third person’s perspective. Nothing beats the firsthand experience though, he surmised in his head.
“Hmm… way to make my heart race, Belphie.” You murmured in a whisper, smiling sincerely. “Now, go to sleep.”
“Good night, (Y/n).”
A warm peck on his forehead was felt. It was quick, barely there, but he felt it. Belphegor smiled with closed eyes, allowing himself to fall into slumber for the remainder of the night.
“G’night, sweet dreams, Belphie.”
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imagineanime2022 · 10 months
Married Life With The Brothers
Lucifer X Reader, Mammon X Reader, Leviathan X Reader, Satan X Reader, Asmodeus X Reader, Beelzebub X Reader, Belphegor X Reader
Requested: Anon
Request: Can you do ‘married life’ headcannons with the obey me brothers?
📚 You are his biggest pride and joy, he literally uses your marital status as a way to tease anyone around him especially if he was amongst the first to get married. 📚 He’s always busy so he values the time that you spend together, even if you were just sitting in his office while he was working, you didn’t have to be helping him, you could be doing something else entirely but it was enough that you were there. 📚 You were the only other person that he trusted to look after his brothers when he was otherwise occupied. 📚 He’d talk to you about a lot of things and any stresses he had he’d talk to you about them and even run through solutions. 📚 Calls you sweetheart or darling usually, if he’s using your given name you’ve probably done something wrong and you should be thinking of a way to apologise. 📚 Literally throws the brothers out of the house on your anniversary so that you guys can celebrate uninterrupted (Solomon and Simeon dread that time of the years because they end up babysitting the man children) 📚 Arguments weren’t common but they did happen, given the fact that he could be quite prideful and possessive you clashed about things often. 📚 When you get sick he’ll make sure that you stay in your shared room so that he can make sure that you are actually resting and taking your medicine. He hates it when you're sick so he’ll do whatever he can to make sure that you get better in no time. 📚 If you think he’s bad when you get sick, you better hope that you never get hurt, no matter who happened to be involved the punishment will be the same (the only person that seemed to get away with it was Diavolo) 📚 You would be the person that people go to if they wanted to soften the blow of some bad news, they claimed that he was better at accepting it from him. 📚 He opens the door for you and carries things for you when you are together. 📚 While he does think that his brothers are all the childish antics that he needs he’s not against having kids. 📚 Probably the easiest to share a bed with… Well when he’s actually in it, adapts to you but will always have an arm wrapped around you. 📚 You guys are most like an old married couple, Lucifer is so careful with you, when people saw you together it was like you had been together your whole life and there was nothing that anyone could do to tear you apart.
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💳 Everyone thinks you an actual legend for tying down the most tsundere brother, literally no one knows how you did it. That's only because they didn’t see how caring he was when there was no one else around. 💳 You're the only person that Mammon would actually tell his real feelings to, when things with his brother got too much he’d find you bury his face in your neck and mumbled about how mean his brothers were. 💳 He’ll really appreciate it if you're probably his biggest defender, you always congratulate him on his achievements and thank him for all the small things he does. 💳 Always holding your hand, that way he can make sure that you're not in danger. 💳 The first person to speak up if someone says something about you that he doesn’t agree with, it will make himself the loudest person in the room just so that everyone is listening to what he is saying. 💳 Will come to you with a different get rich quick scheme every week, that’s probably the biggest cause of arguments between the two of you. 💳 People know when you're arguing because Mammon looks like a kicked puppy and often causes more trouble than usual. 💳 Everytime he did anything romantic he’d be blushing the whole time. 💳 You’ve spoken about kids on many occasions and he’d definitely be open to having them if you wanted them. 💳 Shopping sprees all the time, he’ll buy you anything that you want and if you're not someone who typically talks about things that you want, he watches to see if there’s anything that you move towards or spend a little longer looking at. 💳 Your anniversary plans solely depend on who planned it, because you will always do something else that the other will enjoy so sometimes you end up with Mammon at a casino somewhere or he’d take you on a nice night out. 💳 He’s clingy when he sleeps, he’ll wrap himself around you or lay across you depending on how you sleep. 💳 People will often tell you everything that they need to tell Mammon so he can’t claim that they never told him or that he didn’t know and any family plans are more likely to be honoured when you drag him to them. 💳 Don’t expect him to know what to do if you get sick, he’ll try his best but if he gets sick expect a whiny child who needs constant attention. 💳 You guys always seem like you are just married, you learn something new about each other or yourselves everyday, even his brothers had to admit that you just seemed unbelievably happy together.
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🎮 Cutest otaku love story of the century but let's be honest you would have to put in all the work because he honestly doesn’t believe that he’s worth it. 🎮 You’ll probably have to instigate a lot of the loving gestures at first but he’ll reciprocate, forehead kisses and cuddles while gaming are very common. 🎮 He hides behind you when he’s fighting with his brothers but any other danger and he makes sure that you're behind him (even if he’s not sure that he can protect you… He can.) 🎮 Ruri-chan is part of the marriage, no room for debate, she's like the child you didn’t birth. 🎮 Still calls you Henry all the time, to be honest your marriage continues much like your friendship and dating lives had. 🎮 Anniversaries consist of him actually leaving the room for you, what you do will always vary but if you want to go somewhere that’s the only day that he won’t argue with you. 🎮 If you argue it’s probably about his spending habits and it’s more like scolding a child as he grumbles about being about to do whatever he wants with his money. Then he pulls out something that he bought for you. 🎮 If the argument goes on for too long he just assumes that you're filing for a divorce and that's a whole other problem to sort out. 🎮 He’ll have his head on your chest most nights, with his tail wrapped around your leg, he’ll love it if you wrap an arm around his shoulder and keep him close. 🎮 He’ll keep you in his room away from his brothers if you're sick, he’ll bring everything to you and even ask Lucifer for help if he really needed to. 🎮 No one ever knows where Levi is and he very rarely answers his messages unless they are from you so people will send you with information that they need to give him because they know that he’ll listen to you. 🎮 You guys never really talked about kids and if you ended up having any it would definitely be an accident, Levi would be worried all the time but he’s one of the most loving fathers out there. 🎮 You guys are the kind of married that people often mistake for best friends, you fit well together and are rarely apart.
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🐈 Satan is a romantic deep down and when you started dating his end goal was marriage, I can’t say that anyone who really knew him was surprised. 🐈 It takes far more for Satan to get angry at you, and tries his hardest not to allow his demon form to come out but there are still moments that it happens. 🐈 Does not engage in petty argument, if he doesn’t think that it’s worth it he’ll let you rant your way through your anger before talking through it once you calmed down. 🐈 When you truly argue, everyone literally leaves the house, they don’t want to be around and they don’t come back until it’s sorted, the only person that will brave it is Lucifer (that’s usually if it’s gone on too long or results in a rampage from Satan). 🐈 When you get sick Satan knows what’s wrong and how to fix it, he’ll spend most of his time reading to you and making sure that you're getting better and not worse. 🐈 Satan doesn’t move much in his sleep but he knows if you move away from him and he’ll reach his tail out to make sure that you're okay, your bodies don’t have to touch but his tail will always be in contact with you. 🐈 Satan is the type of person to tell you that he doesn’t want kids but if you fall pregnant, he will not let you get rid of the baby and he’ll honestly be an amazing Dad. Smart, strong and protective or his little one. 🐈 Always has plans for you anniversary because he listens to you, he always remembers where you want to go, what you want from a shop so he can go back when you're not with him. 🐈 Loves to teach you things and to learn things from you, so where you are from different realms with different customs there is no shortage of knowledge to be shared. 🐈 Note down all the things that you don’t like no matter what it is, food, colours, style of clothes, he makes sure that you never have to come into contact with them if you don’t want to. 🐈 Protective, no matter what you can do for yourself, he doesn’t like having other demons around you, so he never leaves you alone with them, he just doesn’t trust them. 🐈 Random text messages about what book you're going to read together next. 🐈 Cats come with no arguments. 🐈 Everyone knows that you are going to be together forever, you are the person that Satan turned soft for, the only person he turned soft for.
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💅 No one expected him to get married but here he was married and to a human no less. 💅 Asmo doesn’t see you as anything apart from his amazing spouse and he will tell anyone the same thing. 💅 Asmo is probably one of the easiest brother’s to be married to, all of the others cause their own trouble but asmo is very rarely the centre of anything that happens to the brothers, he’s just swept up in everything afterwards. 💅 Continues to be a tease long after you are married so be ready for that. 💅 Your arguments are usually because someone was flirting with him and he entertained them instead of telling them he was married. 💅 Though this happens a lot less the longer that you are married to by about 6 months in arguments are a rare occurrence. 💅 Anniversaries are big nights out or shopping sprees followed by spa nights. 💅 Asmo doesn’t really mind how you sleep but he prefers being the little spoon or wrapped around you in some capacity. 💅 Loves to do your nails and if you’ll allow him to he makes it a mini date every week giving your hand and nails the treatment that they deserve. 💅 When you get sick he knows what to do and he’s ready to look after you, everyone thinks that he’d shy away from it but he loves you and will do anything for you (he will still whine about some things once you're better but he’ll be there the whole time). 💅 He’d love to have kids with you, he’d be worried about whatever gender they are since he doesn’t know that he’ll be about to parent them properly but with how caring and gentle he is he has nothing to worry about, he’s probably going to spoil them a little bit though (a lot). 💅 Always texting you for outfit advice and will provide the same for you, though he prefers an in person fashion show for the most accurate opinion. 💅 Has no problem with PDA, will show you that he loves you no matter where you are or who’s watching. 💅 You share clothes… He steals your clothes so you steal his and it continues like that for the rest of you married life. 💅 You guys are the hot couple that everyone wishes that they were, there have been a few demons that have tried to ruin your marriage but you both love each other too much for that to ever work.
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🍔 No one expected Beel to get married if only because he never seemed to understand the finer details of most things, however he knew that he loved you and that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you (and Belphie). 🍔 You guys literally never argue, but it can be hard to understand him sometimes. If you've ever been around a mildly autistic child he’s a little like that, he knows what he’s feeling and what he’s talking about but you have to decode it for yourself sometimes. 🍔 He’ll share any and all food that he has, especially if he hasn’t seen you eat that day, he gets worried so he feeds you. 🍔 He’ll carry you everywhere and he’ll carry anything for you no questions asked. 🍔 Dedicated to you and only you, there is no one else that could turn his head, not even for a second, he’s looking at you and talking about how much he loves you. 🍔 Will kiss you wherever he wants, whenever he wants, Lucifer is often telling him it’s not appropriate and to wait until he's back in his room. 🍔 Anniversary means going to a new restaurant and trying everything on the menu, while laughing and talking about anything and everything that comes to mind or cooking it the kitchen at home. 🍔 He sleeps on his back and he’ll just have you laying over him, he literally doesn’t care but he will notice when your not there, he’ll wait a moment before coming to find you but when he does come to find you it usually results in a midnight snack. 🍔 He’s your biggest supporter no matter what you are doing. 🍔 Will jump in front of you at the first sign of danger no matter what it is, he gets genuinely upset if you get hurt. 🍔 When you get sick he doesn’t know what to do the first time, so he ask Belphie and Lucifer so that he could properly look after you, after the first time though he was ready and he stayed with you no matter what. 🍔 Would love to have kids, he’d be amazing at keeping them entertained, however disciplining them would be all you, they’d literally shed one tear and he’d be giving them whatever he told them that they couldn’t have. 🍔 You two are and will forever be a couple of teenagers running around laughing together and enjoying time that you have together, no matter how long your together or where your life takes you.
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💤 Everyone is mildly confused because he is barely awake to know someone well enough to marry them but he chose and proposed to you and you said yes. 💤 You spend most of your time as his pillow, you’d be reading or doing your own thing while he sleeps and when he wakes up, you're both getting into some kind of trouble. 💤 Literally drags you into all of the plans that he makes to annoy Lucifer, you married him, you said until death do us part and he absolutely took that to heart. 💤 You guys don’t argue much because he does not entertain an argument at all, he’s easily angered so an argument consists of you saying something he doesn’t like, he disappears only for you to wake up cradled in his arms. 💤 Kisses you in public because sometimes he needs to remind people that you are taken but it has the added bonus of angering Lucifer as well. 💤 He looks after you while you're sick, he knows what he’s doing and he makes sure to keep the others away from you while you get better. 💤 Anniversaries are you stargazing or just spending time together without all of the others ruining it. 💤 You are the only person that can wake him up with no consequences, he’ll usually just steal kisses from you and try to distract you from the reason you came to wake him in the first place. 💤 Belphie never really cared about having kids, he’d be happy if you had them but he’d also be happy if it was just the two of you for the rest of your lives. 💤 He doesn’t move that much in his sleep and he won’t be woken up if you do. It doesn't bother him whether you want to lay over him or not, most nights though he’ll be the one falling asleep on you. 💤 Has a different ringtone for you, one that actually wakes him up so if you need him you can always reach him. 💤 Talks to you about everything, he spends a lot of time talking through feelings that he has, since he tends not to want to bother Beel and expects the others to laugh at him. He’d be okay if you talked through everything that you felt with him as well. 💤 You guys are the mostly quiet couple, you’d be happy on your own, you don’t need to world to know that you love each other, just each other, that is enough.
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Request Here!!
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your-next-daydream · 1 year
I want to start a series for the first time and I'm thinking it's gonna be with obey me, here are my ideas. After I go through all the requests I've gotten of course. Please be patient it's hard for me to find motivation sometimes due to some disorders I have.
Idea 1: the reader (MC) is basically the human equivalent of one if the brothers sins. So in Lucifer's they'd be ready prideful, Mammon's Greedy, ect. And that brother is fine with it but reader gets picked on for it and that brother defends them. (Ex: in Beel's part MC gets called names for eating so much and Beel defends them.)
Idea 2: a spell goes wrong and MC gets stuck with that brothers sin + demon form while that brother gets to be "normal" for a bit.
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Excited for some Obey Me! content agh! I was wondering if you could you do an angsty hurt/comfort one of the demon brothers being exhausted, and MC is just trying their best to help them all? Thank u! -🍥
Coming right up anon! I tried both the dateable format as well as small one-shot below... might've gotten carried away tho oof... -Ghostiewvlf
SPOILER Warning: Super light spoilers of content thru chapter 30ish.
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➢ Author: Ghostiewvlf ➢ Pairings: Demon Brothers X Reader ➢ WC: ~4k ➢ Themes: | One-shot | Angst | Hurt/Comfort? | gn! Reader | ➢ Warnings: Some light spoilers thru Chapter 30 | no beta/edit we die like men|Slightly suggestive in parts | ➢ Summary: MC helps the brothers through stress and exhaustion
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REQUEST: Midterm Stress
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It was midterms season and everyone was stressed. Exams had been more difficult than ever before lately, even Satan was struggling in areas. Diavolo had pestered Lucifer to ensure everyone’s grades at The House of Lamentation would improve, which in turn not only added to Lucifer’s stress, but everyones of course. 
When he’s not admonishing his brothers, he’s up in his room or private study either torturing himself at the desk with tasks, or pacing anxiously as he goes through the dozens of papers he’s balancing in his hands.
He’ll ignore all your attempts to get him to eat/take breaks or communicate in general, not on purpose though. He just doesn’t hear your words through the hurricane of stress. 
He’ll look up from the papers at you with exhausted yet determined eyes and his brows will furrow in guilt when he realizes you’d been trying to get his attention. 
His gaze will soften as he huffs out a stressed breath before making his way over to you, or beaconing you over if he’s at the desk. “I’m sorry, MC. What did you say?” 
His hand will easily find its way to your back/hand/shoulders. Even when stressed, he wants to ensure you feel his affection. He knows he’s not the best at showing them. He also never wants to misplace his frustration on you.
He’ll try to not make it obvious that he’s still glancing over at his papers as you gently reprimand him for not resting.
If you do somehow convince him to take a break he’ll likely be huffy about it until you can steer his mind from whatever is stressing him. Usually by leading him to the bed for late-night cuddles (or other distracting activities) or leading him to the fireplace and putting on his favorite records.
Once you get him relaxed enough, his exhaustion will likely turn to shameful, gushy, affection, either with him smothering you with ‘thank you’s and kisses, or with him becoming a blushing mess if you gave him scratches/rubs/kisses in all the right spots. 
A spot you found that always seems to work is at the base of his wings, where the feathers become more short and fuzzy. He’ll groan and relax instantly, the feathers ruffling as if you found a scratch he could never reach. Though effective as it is, you never act on this secret hack in front of anyone, due to the high mortality rate you’d expect. 
After getting him to eat and rest a bit, he’ll always be hesitant to return. His caresses, kisses, and words will all seem to linger as he desperately tries to slow time. Eventually the panic of deadlines will drag him from the warmth of your affections and he’ll return to his desk. 
On rare occasions, you can sometimes convince him into letting you help. Your grades after all- were fine- great even. And you’d been learning more and more of the language and could convince him that helping would only help you to study it better and see it used naturally within documents instead of textbooks. 
“I know that you’re manipulating me into this… fortunately for you, you’ve always been smart- and you have some bits of sound logic in there…” He’d tease with a tired smile. Of course you’d tease him back about being too prideful to admit that he just wants you to keep him company. 
“My love, have I not made it clear that I’ll happily admit that I never want you to leave my side?”
He’d act put off by it but you always seemed to catch the small upward curl in his lips as he gently pulls you to sit in his lap, piling a few (much more brief) documents in front of you. 
You knew you couldn’t do enough to put a massive dent in his everlasting to-do list, but you noted that he always seemed much more content and less burnt out with you there
He’d trace his fingers innocently along your legs or arms, or lean his face into your hair as he scans through paragraphs of text. You swore that once you could even hear him humming softly, and if you could manage to at least alleviate some stress- you always would.  
If he isn’t already trying to convince you to come shopping with him, (if he’s somehow gotten his hands on Lucifer’s card) then you’d find him either angrily tossing things around after getting lectured by his older brother- or on his bed, textbook in his lap while he scrolls through mindless content on his DDD. 
If he’s angry and tossing things, he’d stop quickly after realizing you’d come to his room. He doesn’t ever want to scare you, or assume he’s upset with you… he could never bear that. If he’s avoiding studying though, you’re a much better distraction than his phone. He’d instantly shove it all away and replace it with you. “Aw, c’mere MC… are you here to save me?” 
He’d lament to you about how unfair his situation is. If you agree, or sit by him and listen silently with that oh-so-adorable look on your face, he’ll quickly lose his train of thought and begin stuttering. 
“W- would you quit lookin’ at me like that?!” “I can’t think when yer bein’ all sweet to me like this… and lookin’ all cute”
If you interject about how you know how capable and smart he is, and that he can do it if he really wants to, or that you’re proud of him, the stuttering will only grow worse. His face will twist to a look of surprise and awe before returning back to suspicious frustration. 
“Wh- what? MC, c’mon… don’t fuck with me like that… did Beel put you up to this?” “I know it ain't true so what’s your game?”
He often doubts your feelings and compliments, no matter how many times you assure him. He’s only ever been told how stupid and unambitious he is for a simple ‘i’m not joking’ to work. So you usually amp it up a bit just to get the message across. 
Leaning closer or moving entirely to sit in his lap and dotingly shower him in affection will usually do the trick. “You really mean all that? Yer not jokin’ around and filmin’ this as a prank?” He’ll mutter out as he leans into your touch, pulling you closer, though with a bit of reservation still. 
If you continue to assure him of how you don’t view him at all the way his brothers do, he’ll often work up a little determination and ask if you’ll help him or if you could study together (after one last little break under the excuse of “Well I ain’t gonna be able to concentrate on anything else!” or more famously “I figured that’s what you’ve been wantin’... gettin’ all affectionate and sweet on me! I ain’t doin’ it cause I wanted to!!” all while turning red as a tomato.) 
Upon getting all the distractions out of the way, he’d always be difficult about getting back to work. Most of the time you could incentivize him with promises of a small (budgeted) Akuzon browsing break, more affection, or even some playful teasing. 
“No! I ain’t lettin’ the textbook writers trick me! I’m The Great Mammon!” 
After he was through with his antics, you two would actually get quite a lot done. You’d quiz each other and even make little games of it all. He’d be buzzing with excitement with each turn, not for the content of course, but just feeding off the bubbly, fun vibes that you two seemed to always have. 
Upon your first yawn though, he’d be back to getting you both off task for the night. He’d take the textbooks and toss them to the floor before pulling you to lie down beside him. 
“I ain’t makin’ a move or anything- unless you want me to of course- you just seem tired. Ya can’t overwork yourself either, MC…” 
You’d laugh at his typical sheepishness before shifting to lie on your stomach so you could freely dote on him a bit more reward him for getting so much done. It was once you took on a more serious tone, while thanking him for the help and for sticking out the study session, that he’d almost freeze up once again. 
He’d stutter a bit before shaking his head and smiling. “Yer gonna be the death of me babe, you know that?”
Although using your serious tone while praising him got him to give more honest replies- it also typically activated that infamous greed, and- damn he was always greedy for more of you. 
Typically when he was stressed, it wasn’t you that found him- but rather his shouting and screaming from down the hall that found you. 
You’d make your way over to his room, wincing at the volume but laughing at the slew of insults he’d be throwing around at whatever game he was playing. 
After you two had beaten the newest game he’d gotten, you’d both come up with a new ‘secret passcode’ to enter each other's rooms. You waited for a pause in his yelling before your knuckles tapped out the tune of the title theme of the game against his door.
He’d answer and change his demeanor almost instantly, though you didn’t miss the flush on his cheeks upon seeing you and realizing what you must’ve heard. 
“Ah! Uh, sorry MC… I- I just can’t beat this level.” “No, I know I should study but… but it's just so hard! Seducing humans isn’t as easy as you think!” 
You’d laugh as he sulked back over to his desk, often pausing to think of the best way to tease him in the moment. Usually coming up behind him and wrapping your arms loosely around him and saying out-of-pocket flirtations as you snuggled into him worked- if he wasn’t too stressed or upset. 
“Wh- I… I seduced you?! N-No I didn’t…” You could never help but laugh again as he’d tense up in your arms. “MC, how- how have I done that? I don’t even know what… what I did or said!” He’d spin around and look to you for clarification, maybe if he knew what allegedly worked on you, he could simply repeat that to pass the exam. 
 You’d pull up another chair and unpause his game, trying your luck at the level as he listened to you explain with a humorous amount of attention. 
You’d explain that one-liners and smooth talking never really impressed you, but when you were with him- he’d always been your best friend first and partner second. That the way he enthused about your shared interests and about his own passions was what made you fall for him. If you ever were curious and didn’t know something, he was happy- no, delighted- to explain it to you. 
It was by this point that he’d long forgotten the actual reason for the conversation and instead became a blushy, stuttering mess beside you when he attempted to speak. 
You continued to explain that he should think of being a demon and seducing a human as a game. That being a demon and obtaining the human’s trust are his greatest passions, while trying to find a way to spin it so that the human wishes to share those passions. That it all could be played out in his mind by just "choosing the persuasion or charisma dialogue choices."
You couldn’t help but beam at him as excitement grew in his expression, distracting you and causing you to take a fatal blow from the boss in the game and lose. He chuckled a bit as the screen faded to black. 
“MC, c’mon… are you really letting me distract you from your real objective here? I thought you came here to help me win this…” 
Upon getting the words out without a single stutter and scooching closer to you the monitor, as well as seeing the enamored look on your face, he realized how right you’d been. “D-did that just… work?!” You’d tug firmly at his jacket, pulling him closer as you teased him again. “What do you mean ‘act like I’ve been here before, because I have’?! I was unaware!” He  always laughed off his own embarrassment.
A few blushy kisses later, his mood will be entirely fixed, and both of you continue to flirt practice for the exam while taking turns on the game.  
You heard before that the best way to learn something is to teach it to someone else. With him being so similar to Lucifer, you figured this would be the best option to start with- stroking his ego. 
He’d be in the library, fervently flipping through several different books scattered around him. It was always a wonder how he managed to keep things sorted in his head when his workspaces- and room- always seemed to look like the aftermath of a natural disaster. 
He wouldn't initially notice you until you physically made your presence known, either by brushing the hair from his face or sitting calmly beside him. 
He never liked when you’d immediately tried to fix his problems for him. Asking if he needed help or what he was studying only frazzled him more. So you sat quietly beside him, switching between watching videos of cats on your DDD to draw his attention (you secretly had a folder of them saved for instances just like this), and examining the texts he was going through. 
Slowly you’d intrude more- bit by bit. You’d trace your fingers along his hand or arm, or lean in closer to him to read something from a book further from you until he opened up. You made sure to repress the urge to laugh and beam at him as he quietly muttered things to himself, his look of concentration was just too cute. 
After a few minutes, he’d usually open up by offering a short snappy complaint about whatever it was that was bothering him. “Can you believe this? I’ve been here for hours and I still cannot find the origins of this potion ingredient. These curriculums are made for morons like Mammon to pass, why can I not find this?” 
Typically, much like his brothers, his sin would be his undoing. He’d spend much of his time fuming about something when the answer was right in front of him, he was just tunnel visioning on the frustration and wrath and unable to see it.
Sometimes you could get away with offering a gentle nudge towards the answer, but if he was really worked up- you’d even gone as far as editing a Wiki article to contain it, just so he wouldn’t get more frustrated when you pointed it out, usually right where he’d spent hours searching. 
You decided the former was the way to go in this situation as you groaned in agreement, stating you’d been stuck on the same exact thing and thought that he could help you. “See?! We’re the two best performing students, and we’re struggling! This question is absolutely ridiculous.” 
You nodded and waited a moment before tugging him away from the books, nearly melting as he easily caved and moved his undivided attention to you instead. “A break doesn’t sound too bad… Perhaps I am a bit fried. I’m sorry I’m not of any help to you either…” He’d pull you closer to kiss you. 
Once you got him to let it go for the night, he was easily ushered to his room. You relaxed in his bed as he watched the new cat videos you’d saved for him, contently telling you all about the breeds and their characteristics as you massaged out the knots in his shoulders from studying. 
After he managed to calm down and eventually fall asleep, you took the book with the answer in it and left a post-it note on the page, explaining that you ‘thought it might be this’ but still didn't understand the reasoning why it was used in this potion. You curled back into bed with him, knowing that he’d grow wise to your feigned ignorance in the morning but he would still explain it to you. It was a good thing that the admonishing smirk he always made looked good on him.
Whenever he was overwhelmed, he made sure everyone in the HoL knew about it. The dramatics always went to an all time high. He would start by whining and sighing dramatically near you, hoping you’d take pity on him and make it all better. 
Of course you always would. Seeing him in such a state not only upset you- but was also unsettling- he was always in a good mood, so seeing him upset (no matter how exaggerated it was) was cause for concern to you. 
Sometimes you’d start off by questioning the validity of his dramatics, which either led to him upping the ante on them- or admitting it wasn't that bad, but you should still comfort him. Other times, you could tell he was really struggling, and you would give him an equal amount of coddling for the theatrics. This is what he adored most. 
He’d let himself melt into your arms (without putting his whole weight into your grasp, you were still his precious little human after all) and he’d begin to tell the tale of his woes; how Lucifer was cruel to him and bruising his ego, how the professors were just jealous and used the grades to get back at him for his beauty, how he didn’t even need to know these things- not when he was so charming. 
You’d play along with it, nodding in agreement and offering up complements in the pauses he took or brushing his hair from his eyes as he spoke. Your sweet words and gestures would have him swooning in seconds.
“MC, you’re the only one in this house that truly understands me… you and I are perfect for each other you know that?” You’d feel yourself blush as he’d shower you in compliments, his pupils practically turning into hearts as he gazed at you. 
Eventually you could convince him that, although you thought he was perfect as is, some people were just blinded by his beauty, and needed to be convinced that his mind was equally as beautiful. 
He’d ponder it for a moment before laughing and agreeing, of course he’d request help to improve this ‘mental beauty’ of his. You’d smile back, knowing exactly where this was headed and go to help him study. 
Every so often as you helped him though, he’d obviously become distracted and suggest breaks. (None of these boys have an attention span, bless ‘em.) He’d trace his hand up your thigh or your side, gradually but quickly losing focus as you read the textbook aloud.
“MC, how can I be expected to focus when your lips move like that as you speak?” He’d question in a suggestive tone. He’d suggest that you give him incentives to keep him on track (with your consent of course-) 
Although immune to his charm ability, you were a sucker for his cute pouty look, plus you did want to help him avoid further stress and lectures from Lucifer and Diavolo, so you’d agree to a few sultry breaks every now and again.
Once you both felt more confident with his understanding of the material, you’d usually give in to much more long lasting rewards, he was the avatar of lust, after all. 
He’d always smother you with compliments and praise afterwards- rewards included or not- he adored how much you cared for him and the time you two spent together.
You did have to admit that his honeyed words were more than nice to hear, so any time that he needed help, you’d be ready to assist. 
You always enjoyed helping the avatar of glutton cheer up. You weren't the best in the kitchen, but in the human realm you’d done your fair share of baking. The pandemic had left you with lots of time, and that time was spent honing in obscure crafts you never thought to try.
After various hours spent watching cooking videos on Youtube and practicing with all that extra time on your hands, you could throw together some amazing desserts and pastries. Since moving into the HoL, he was always begging for you to make something for him. 
You were usually alerted to his sour mood by a dreadful empty aura surrounding the kitchen as he stared into the empty fridge with contempt. You hated to imagine how hungry he must feel, but he did always look adorable when he pouted. You’d approach him and wrap yourself around his arm, knowingly asking what was wrong. 
“So hungry…” he’d murmur softly, his words always seemed like they were exhausting to voice. You’d promptly pry for more- knowing he was only this hungry when he was upset- his own exaggerated version of stress eating. 
Upon learning the real issue, you offered to make him his favorite batch of cookies if he’d promise to study while you baked. You’d swoon at his face liting up as he agreed. 
As you mixed together the ingredients, you’d explain concepts for him and quiz him afterwards- being sure to always keep his hunger in mind by giving him samples periodically to placate him. The less hungry he was- the more he could think and understand concepts better. 
He’d happily lick spoons and whisks you offered him and recite what you’d explained. You always made sure to quadruple the recipe, and always set aside some batter or dough before baking the cookies (he’d once reached in the oven and burned himself because eight minutes was just too long.) 
After he’d devoured the dough, the cookies were usually done. You’d continue quizzing him by frosting the answers onto them as they cooled. If he got it correct you’d smile and hand it to him, hoping he’d remember them for the exam being that he’d seen it atop his favorite thing besides you of course.
He usually was solid on the lesson once the cookies were gone, and you always praised him for working so hard. Not that you thought it was out of the ordinary for him, but simply because you adored the flustered face he made when you did. His cheeks would heat and he’d look at his fumbling hands in his lap, quietly thanking you for your help.
You couldn't ever resist wrapping your arms around him and planting a kiss on his forehead or lips when he was seated in the kitchen all nervous like this, especially since it was one of the few times you could ever reach.  
Once all the surgery warmth of the cookies settled in with the mental exhaustion of studying, he’d often very shyly ask you to stay in his room with him. Not only did you relieve him of his nightmares, but he loved having you to cuddle up with at night. 
Although he and Belphie shared a room, usually his twin would have already escaped to the attic to get some sleep, having missed out on so many naps due to his brother and his brother’s stomach’s loud complaints all day. You felt bad for his loss of sleep, but were more than grateful to have the room to yourselves, allowing you to be as grossly adorable together as you wanted- with no groans of embarrassment from the other side of the room. 
You could always tell when he was in distress. He always slept like a rock, a very cute rock, that was nice to snuggle up to, but when he got an earful from the eldest from bad test scores, he tossed and turned, muttering anxiously as he snoozed beside you. You would often nudge him softly to wake him, feeling bad but knowing the sleep wasn't restful. If he wasn't sleeping, you’d find him pacing in the planetarium, but he’d quickly agree to go hang out in bed once you suggested it.
He’d be grumpy for a few minutes, but eventually would come around, venting to you once you gave him some physical affection. Brushing his hair aside, showering him with dozens of soft kisses, scooching up to him to snuggle, and initiating some spicier affection, were among his favorites. 
After helping to improve his mood, he was pretty easy to motivate into studying, he didn’t like arguing with you and he knew you always had his wishes for sleep and his best interests in mind. Regardless though, he’d always do as you asked- especially if he knew you’d be proud of him after- he loved the face you made when you were. 
He’d only interrupt occasionally with yawns or requests to take  ‘just a fifteen-minute' nap. Eventually, you suggested that he try out a modified version of the study method you learned during one of your more difficult semesters in your human realm school; to work for 45 minutes and take a 30-minute break. It gave him time to sleep but also ensured that he’d wake up and work again. 
The method worked wonders for him, and he of course loved the built-in snuggled-up naps too. You couldn’t really complain, so long as he found it helpful- you were more than happy to cuddle up under his soft blankets and get some extra sleep. (Diavolo only knows you needed it with all these boys)
After making sure he was solid on all the concepts, you would both either reward yourselves with a nap and no alarm set again, or if for some reason he was feeling more well-rested, you’d go up to the attic or planetarium and talk, hangout, or reward yourselves for all the hard work.
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Hello, my name is Alex and/or Cyber! This is my master list!
- Seth freakin’ Rollins :) (any gender)
-Rhea Ripley (any gender)
-Dominik M. (Any gender)
-Damian Priest (any gender)
-Finn Balor (any gender)
You can request ppl!!!!!!!
Obey me
-any of the brothers any gender!
Any of the side characters (NOT luke only if it’s platonic!) and any gender!
Request ppl!!
Twisted wonderland
Any of heartslabyul
Any of the dorms in general lol
Any of the staff (no Grimm unless it’s platonic!! :)
Demon slayer!
Any hashira! (Even tengen’s wives)
Any demon!
Tanjiro or any one of that group! (No nezuko unless it’s platonic!)
Anything horror!
Friday the 13th
Nightmare on elm street
Please request anything else! I will happily except them! If I don’t know them I will do research!!!
I will do a angst, fluff, I will try to do smut but I still have to practice it!
Again! Please request!!! I will happily except them! You can request anything! To fandoms to oneshots to imagines!
-Alex! <3
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sparkbeast20 · 2 years
I associate you with your “he snaps” series! I really enjoyed all the stories in that one 💕
Aw~ one of my Favorite (that series) :D
So, each fic was made from Halloween right? But did you know that most of them were reuse ideas for my Blue lotus series.
Beel's story was suppose to be him and MC going to a trip with his Fangol team. But suddenly most of the team start acting strange and soon so as Beel. It was follow MC in the woods surviving the week while Beel and his team hunt them down.
Or Belphie's story was suppose to be him asking for help from his demon who is against the program because he made a mistake with a spell that cause MC be in a coma like state.
(From this asking game)
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hopeswriting · 2 years
EVENT: KHR Rare Pair Week 2022
PROMPT: Day 8 - Accidental Baby Acquisition
PAIRING: Mammon | Viper & Belphegor
Mammon goes to the bathroom for like, a second, and comes back to their table to a child calling himself a prince eating the food they ordered for themself.
They’re not happy about it.
AUTHOR: @hopeswriting
TAG WARNINGS: Swearing, Light Angst, Implied/Referenced Child Murderer, Blood
LINKS: Ao3 & Ff.net
[Plain text:
EVENT: KHR Rare Pair Week 2022
PROMPT: Day 8 - Accidental Baby Acquisition
PAIRING: Mammon | Viper & Belphegor
Mammon goes to the bathroom for like, a second, and comes back to their table to a child calling himself a prince eating the food they ordered for themself.
They’re not happy about it.
AUTHOR: @hopeswriting
TAG WARNINGS: Swearing, Light Angst, Implied/Referenced Child Murderer, Blood
LINKS: Ao3 & Ff.net /End PT]
Mammon has dealt with many complex, deadly, high stakes and time-sensitive situations before, all at the same time more often than not too, and they’re proud to say they’ve always come out on top of them flawlessly. So when they come out of the bathroom to find their table has been invaded by a child sitting in their seat and eating their food, a fairly low stakes and all around easily dealt with situation?
Of course, the first very intelligent words out of their mouth are, “What the fuck?”
No, but really, what the fuck? Where the hell did that brat come from? The hell is he covered in blood for, and is that a real tiara on top of his head? And most importantly, is he planning to pay for the food himself? Because Mammon sure as hell won’t pay for the food they didn’t even get to eat.
“Peasant,” the brat says, turning his head to them, presumably looking at them too from under the bangs covering his eyes, not stopping eating, and oh, Mammon did not just hear him call them that, “this is cheap. The prince followed you because you looked like money, but this tastes like dirt and will hurt my stomach later. Buy the prince the best this restaurant has.”
Mammon did not just hear him say all that.
First of all, they better look like money, and smell like money, and taste like money, and feel like money when they always work so hard to get their hands on money, and they’re willing to give the brat points for that accurate judgment of their person.
Second of all, the nerve of that little shit. He’s literally wolfing down their food, so much for the manners of a so-called prince—but no, he actually is a prince, meaning the tiara on his head is also the real thing, right?
That’s probably because he was starving now that Mammon looks at him more closely, his skin pale and his body too thin under his bloodied, dirty and worn-out clothes. So what, is he coming straight from the streets?
He comes from less than ideal circumstances at the very least all prince he is, but it’s his problem. He’s eating the food he clearly hasn’t the means to pay for, unless he’s not too attached to his tiara, except he’s going to give it to Mammon as compensation for eating their food whether he is or not, and his unpaid bill will just have to be between him and the restaurant.
“Whose child is it?” they ask the restaurant at large, displeased. Because the fact they let him in even while he looks like he does is one thing, as this is a mafia-run establishment, but that they let him sit at their table and start eating their food, no matter what bullshit he may have told them to get there? Here goes their tip, no matter how many might say it was always going to be a cheap one anyway.
“I mean, he’s sat at your table, isn’t he?” someone from a nearby table says, and Mammon wants to gut him open right there and then.
“You think you’re funny?”
The brat snickers, but the man not so much. And he clearly thought he was funny, but he has the common sense to realize they’re not in the mood to joke around, tensing and flinching back before ducking his head, hunching over himself.
“Peasant,” the brat calls out again, craning his neck to look them in the eye. Or where Mammon makes him think their eyes are anyway, not having been in the mood to deal with their cursed form today. The brat shakes their now empty from their strawberry milk glass at them, and oh, he just did not. “More food and drink, hurry it up.”
Mammon huffs, and almost even laughs.  It seems the brat thinks they can’t or won’t kill him, when they very much can and will and want to, that little shit. Yes, even if he’s—what, five years old? No, eight apparently, but it’s not like they care whichever it is. “How are you going to pay me back for what you already ate?”
The brat laughs. “The prince can eat whatever he wants for free.”
Yeah, he wishes. “And I’m free to claim any of your valuable belongings for myself as compensation.” Yes, they’re trying to rob an eight years old child of his tiara, so much more expensive than the food he just ate without planning to pay for it, so what of it? They live in a cruel world, and they’ve never been a nice person.
The brat laughs again, but there’s an unmistakable threat in his voice this time, and he’s suddenly holding on a silver, jagged knife. “You can’t have it. Only a prince like me can wear this crown.”
So he’s that kind of little shit. Of course he is. Not necessarily mafia, but clearly dealing in much the same shady, illegal, reprehensible things the mafia does either way.
Not that all that dry blood on him didn’t already tell them that, and yes, Mammon is focusing on that because the last thing they need is for pissed off mafiosi or the police to burst into the restaurant, and misunderstand because the brat’s sitting at their table eating their food, and talking to them like they’ve been his servant all his life.
They sigh. They’re hungry and exhausted and woke up in a bad mood, and they’re so not dealing with that right now.
They’ve literally just gone to the bathroom for like, a second. A second, and now this? That little shit of a brat?
Yeah, no, just no. Not today, or ever if they can have it their way, and they will, even if they’ll mourn that shiny and so, so expensive tiara.
They mist themself away.
Someone’s been trying to force open their door for the last five minutes, and they know he’ll just keep trying until Mammon has to make an effort to not kill him. They very reluctantly open the door, and Belphegor stands behind it, because of course it’s him.
Mammon has no idea how he keeps finding them, all by himself too because the prince hasn’t any princely means or contacts to fall back on, but they need to figure it out ASAP so they can make it stop. They’ve changed residence four times already in the last two months, and it’s bad for their businesses and reputation in various ways.
“Peasant,” Belphegor greets them, beaming, because he likes their game of hide-and-seek, especially when he keeps winning. Mammon absentmindedly takes note of how he’s covered in blood, and they have no idea either why he likes it so much he has still to show up in a clean, proper state. “Found you.”
He promptly tries to cut them open with his knives, but they go right through them.
Mammon sighs, leaving him to it, not moving an inch. They hold back on their laughter too, because even if he sometimes aims at their real body out of sheer luck and they have to phase it so his knives will cut through them like water, he’s mostly slashing air, their cursed form hidden by the illusion of their adult body.
Belphegor doesn’t try for long, not one to waste his efforts on hopeless tasks, stepping back and putting his knives away. He doesn’t look put on by his failed attempt though, instead looking more happy than before. He laughs. “You’re strong.”
Mammon holds back on another sigh. Maybe if they’d have let him “win” that first time, they’d be rid of him already. Then again, they weren’t about to let themself lose against an eight years old child, not even by just pretending to.
Not that Belphegor isn’t strong for his age, because he is. He’s a genius even, and will grow to become quite the annoying little terror running around, but he’s still only a brat.
“How do you keep finding me?”
“Of course I do, I’m a prince.”
“How come you haven’t been arrested or killed yet?” How hard can it be, really? He is but an eight years old child at the end of the day.
Belphegor actually scoffs, that little shit. “Princes don’t get arrested or killed.”
“Only because you keep killing them first. Aren’t you getting bored of it?”
He shrugs, unrepentant, and then even laughs. “The prince enjoys his fun.” He’s easily entertained is what he doesn’t say, and apparently isn’t going to get tired or bored of it any time soon, unfortunately for Mammon if he plans to keep showing up at their door. “Let me in, the prince needs a bath and food. Get to it, peasant.” He doesn’t wait for their permission to come in, and though of course Mammon could very easily stop him, they don’t.
They could very easily kill him and get rid of him for good, but what kind of low-ranked, shameful, pathetic mafiosi kill a child that isn’t more than a mild annoyance just to prove they can? Even if the child in question is very good at being a mild annoyance?
Most importantly, what kind of high-ranked mafiosi, the literal best of the best, can’t find another way to deal with an eight years old child who’s nothing more than a mild annoyance without straight-up killing them?
No, their reputation and businesses would take a big hit from that, and they can’t have that. They’ll just have to find something else to get rid of him. Which they will, because it’s not like they’re being paid to babysit him, and there’s some lines you just have to stand by firmly.
“Drop your bloodied clothes with my non-bloodied ones in my laundry basket again, and I’ll drown you in your bath.” Because of course the little shit only takes baths, as if he’s the one paying the bills or helping with them in any way.
Belphegor laughs, walking to the bathroom, having learned from that time he waited for hours for Mammon to draw his bath for him. Mammon lets themself snort at the thought. Yeah, because that was ever going to happen.
Bel lies face down in a random, dirty alley, bodies around him and covered in blood, as usual.
Mammon sighs. They still don’t know why they just keep running into each other, even when, clearly, Bel wasn’t looking for them, too busy dying in the streets. They’ve just felt like taking the long way home, losing potential enemies tailing them while they were at it which is always good in their book, but here they are now all of a sudden.
They fly down next to his face, and sure enough the brat has some kind of fever, his face sweaty and red and twisted in pain, his breathing labored. Mammon wrinkles their nose as they lift his bloodied shirt with the tip of their fingers, and wrinkles it even more at the smell of what can only be a nasty, infected wound somewhere on his back, but it’s hard to pinpoint where exactly through all the blood.
They let go of his shirt, flying a bit away, not that surprised. The surprising thing is that it had yet to happen, really. Bel probably doesn’t even know how to deal with a scratch by himself, all prince he’s been all his life. Not that it’s any of Mammon’s concerns.
He only reaped what he sewed, and they should just get on their way now, have every right to, even. Bel has nothing to do with them, and he’s sure as hell not their responsibility, nor do they care about him or if he lives or dies. It actually works out perfectly for them, because now they’ll be rid of him for good, and it won’t reflect badly on them because they wouldn’t have had anything to do with it.
Yeah, they should just go now.
They don’t, for some weird, inexplicable reason.
They transform themself in their adult body to carry him to their home, treat his injuries and settle him in their bed. They stay awake by his side through the night, checking on his fever and injuries, making sure he’ll make it through the night.
Bel regains consciousness sometime near the crack of dawn, not moving an inch for a confused beat before smiling. “Mammy.”
Mammon scowls. “Don’t call me that.” They really shouldn’t have given him their name. Why did they give him their name, actually?
Bel’s smile falls from his lips as he raises a weak hand to touch the bangs covering his eyes.
Mammon scoffs. “Unlike a certain someone I know who’s always trying to peak under my hood, I couldn’t care less, you little shit.”
Bel laughs, but raises his hand higher up his hair instead of dropping it back. "The prince will know soon."
Mammon gestures with their head at the tiara next to his pillow. "Right there."
Bel grabs it in his hand without a word, though his shoulders visibly sag. He marks a pause then during which Mammon thinks he might have fallen back asleep, but he's pursing his lips in the way he does when something confuses him.
Ah, right. It’s the first time he sees them in their cursed form.
Mammon waits for him to say something, and not anything that’ll make them want to maim him if he knows what’s good for him, but Bel just laughs again. “You’re cute.” Mammon clicks their tongue, displeased, even if they actually feel incredulous. Of course they’ve heard that a lot before, but in Bel’s mouth it’s just that, cute, and they’re not sure what to make of that. “The prince likes it,” Bel says before they can say anything. “Princes shouldn’t ever be look down upon.”
Mammon scoffs again, but it might actually have been more of a snort. “Of course this is your takeaway from this.”
Bel tries to laugh again, but only manages a huff of laughter, starting to fall back asleep. Meanwhile Mammon is… unsettled.
This is not the way they thought that particular conversation would go, not that they thought Bel would annoy them long enough for that conversation to even happen to begin with. And they usually don’t like to hear about how anyone likes that cursed, wretched form of theirs, shouldn’t like it even now, but in Bel’s mouth...
Whatever they feel now isn’t unpleasant, and would even make them comfortable staying in their cursed form in his presence if they allow it, but they aren’t about to do that.
That little shit. That brat. When the hell did he even get Mammon to a point where they’re nursing him back to health? They’re not even being paid for it, and sure as hell not by Bel!
“Don’t think I’m not meticulously keeping track of your tab, fully intending to cash on it sooner than later. And this one will cost you a lot, brat.”
“Princes don’t pay for anything,” Bel mumbles sleepily, barely loud enough for Mammon to hear him.
“Princes apparently don’t know how to treat their own wounds either. What kind of genius are you supposed to be?”
Bel grins as best he can in his half-dead, half-asleep state. “Why should I? You’ll take care of them for me.”
Mammon should have plenty to say to that, but they find themself at a loss of words, find they can’t deny it. They are taking care of his wounds for him in this very moment, aren’t they?
Oh, for fuck’s sake. They went to the bathroom for a second, and now this?
They don’t like this one bit.
“Mammy, the prince’s hungry!” Bel calls out, sauntering out of their bedroom like he owns the place.
Mammon’s taking a bit of a break in the living room, or was anyway, reading the newspapers. They don’t even bother looking away from the one they’re currently reading. “Starve and drop dead, then. Better yet, get the hell out of my house if you feel better enough to annoy me.”
“The prince demands food,” Bel says again, walking to the couch.
He reaches out to them with his arms, but Mammon sharply catches his eye. “Don’t.”
Bel stops, but he looks considering, challenging. A tense beat passes between them, but then he lowers his arms, ultimately choosing to be smart about it and stay alive.
Mammon might have stayed in their cursed form around him since that night, but it doesn’t mean they’ll ever allow anyone to carry them like they’re an actual toddler.
Bel laughs. “I angered Mammy,” he says in a sing-song tone. He then flops face down on the floor, and Mammon doesn’t even have a carpet on it.
They raise their eyebrow. “What are you doing?”
“Starving and dropping dead. Feed the prince if you want him to get up.”
Mammon snorts. “You think this isn’t an improvement for me? Just stay still and quiet right where you are.”
“These clothes are cheap, Mammy. Fitting for peasants, not a prince like me. They itch my skin, go buy me better ones.”
“Cry me a river.”
“I knew there was something weird about you,” he suddenly says, catching their eye, looking proud like he just uncovered a particularly well-kept secret. “You feel weird.”
What, so he could tell all along? It’s not really surprising seeing as he should become Active any day now, though it is a bit impressive, because Mammon isn’t just any Mist by the longest shot.
That he can feel it though?
Mammon reaches out with a bit of their flames, their newspapers completely forgotten. They poke at Bel, tasting the waters, making sure his flames won’t instinctively lash out, but Bel just laughs, wiggling as if he’s being tickled, letting their flames in.
Mammon finds his flames quickly, just there behind the last threshold separating his subconscious from his conscious realm, waiting to break through. He has Storm flames, and Mammon’s utterly unsurprised by it.
They poke carefully at them with their flames, testing the waters once again, looking for a clue on what exactly they should be looking for. They take on a firmer approach when it gives them nothing, letting their flames mingle a bit with his.
“It’s warm,” Bel says, still laughing and wiggling, maybe trying to scratch the sensation he’s not physically feeling. “How do you do that? How can the prince do it too?”
His flames instinctively press against theirs eagerly, entangling themselves further and deeper with theirs, wrapping themselves around theirs.
Mammon’s flames let them.
Mammon’s flames reciprocate just as eagerly, protectively holding onto his flames, wrapping themselves around them—
Mammon abruptly wrenches them away from Bel’s, calling them back to them and burying them deep in their core, out of reach. Blinding ragefear blacks out their vision, and they fear to see Bel dead when they come back to themself.
He isn’t, has even been left unscathed, but his sight only makes them see more red, makes them choke on—
They don’t even have the words for it, but couldn’t find them in their state even if they did.
Bel and them are bonded. That’s why they always keep running into each other, why Bel has such an easy time finding them even when they don’t want to be found, why Mammon always ends up stumbling upon him even when Bel isn’t looking for them, instinctively wanting to check up on him.
They’re bonded, and absolute dread threatens to drown them in the deepest waters, but they turn it into wrath instead.
No, no, not ever again. It’s been decades but it always feels like it happened yesterday, always feels like it just happened, and Mammon won’t ever take the risk of it ever happening to them again.
They reach into their core, into their flames, angry at themself too for letting that happen. Of course they’ve heard of flames reaching out to each other’s upon first meeting on the instinctual knowledge they’ll be able to bond together as long as they’ll be allowed and nurtured to, but when and why when they should have known better, when they do know better, and how could they possibly have not noticed it right then and there—
No, it doesn’t matter, and will not matter ever again real soon.
They hunt down the red in their indigo, sinking their claws deep into it, and they’re not kind or careful, and don’t plan to be anything but thorough. They were careless and let themself be bonded again, however superficial it still is, but they will not, ever, let themself be the one being discarded away again.
Mammon’s breath catches in their throat. Bel has never sounded like that before.
They look at him, actually seeing him when they’ve been looking at him without really seeing him. He’s on his knees, one hand clutched on his chest, his lips pursed tightly, his features tensed, confusion and worry and fear all in the same expression.
Bel’s never looked like that before either.
“What is it?”
Mammon could have laughed. They only realize now they’ve stood up on the couch, only realize now how tight their fists are, how hard they grit their teeth together, how thick and threatening their flames are in the air, even if still invisible.
What is it?
They couldn’t even begin to explain to him what this is, not when just the knowledge of what it is is always too much for them to keep waking up each day, even when they make a point to keep waking up each day anyway.
But he doesn’t need to know. Mammon has still a firm, deep hold on the part of his flames mingled with theirs, and they just have to rip them away from theirs now.
They should.
They will.
It won’t even mean anything in the long run for either of them. It will hurt, but their bond is still in the early stages so it won’t leave any lasting damages, won’t hurt any more than a good beating with a bit of prejudice would.
The pain will still likely trigger Bel’s flames, and it will leave an unfortunate lasting impression on the first time he was able to light his flames, but he’ll get over it. He’ll live. He’ll even still be able to bond with other people like everyone else.
Mammon will rip his flames away from theirs, they will.
They sink their claws deeper into them, making sure they’ll get all of it out of them.
They don’t.
They let his flames go, calling theirs back to them. They breathe out slowly and deeply then, uncurling their fists one finger at a time.
They don’t want Bel’s first experience with bonding to be that. Don’t want to be the one making it be that.
Mammon doesn’t want to ever become the type of person who’d do what has been done to them to someone else, let alone to a clueless, eight years old child.
Let alone to Bel, even if it means they might become the one being hurt again.
Mammon flops down on the couch, leaning their back against it, feeling drained. Drained, but surprisingly not defeated, and whatever they’re feeling instead, it’s not unpleasant.
“Mammy?” Bel calls out again, and sounds a bit more like his usual self. “Does the prince need to kill someone?”
Mammon snorts, but they find they mean it, and then genuinely laughs. “The day I’ll need a brat like you to kill someone for me will be the day I’ll retire so I’ll never have to show my face around again.”
“You can’t afford me anyway,” Bel says, grinning. He drops his hand from his chest, but stays on his knees, keeps his focus steady on them, still tentative, because he’s always been a little shit of a smart, perceptive, genius brat. And certainly Mammon can’t say they won’t lash out again should they be set off again even by the littlest thing.
“I call dibs.”
Bel wrinkles his nose. “On what?”
“Your tiara once you actually drop dead. You can barely afford my services even with that, you brat.”
Bel laughs, the last of his tension seeping away from his body. He lies face down against the floor again. “Princes don’t die, Mammy, don’t you know?”
“Don’t you ever jinx my peace and sanity like that ever again.”
Bel bursts out laughing, and Mammon watches him, wondering when their life has come to that.
No, they actually know when, and they’re still petty about Bel eating their food without even paying them back the money they ended up not paying for.
That little shit. That brat. And Mammon is still not being paid for any of it.
God, they really should have just stayed in their bed that day, but then again...
Yeah, whatever.
Mammon opens the door to Bel, covered in blood, as usual. An older boy stands next to him, short silver hair and grey eyes, less covered in blood and less banged up than Bel, but not any more presentable, and it’s less usual.
“This little shit is your brat?” he asks, glossing right over their cursed form and the fact they’re flying, and Mammon gives him points for it.
“You did that to him?” they ask, a purposeful, obvious edge in their voice, not looking back at Bel and his injuries.
Not that Bel himself seems to have a problem with that, but when isn’t he ever happy and pleased with himself when he gets to cover himself in blood, even when he loses? Which they know he did, because Superbi Squalo, new Sword Emperor after he beat Tyr, the previous one, fair and square, simply isn’t a foe Bel can deal with yet.
“Yeah, and he did this to me,” Squalo says, gesturing at himself up and down dismissively. “Big deal, get over it.” He grabs Bel by the back of his shirt, pulling him to his side then pushing him in front of him. “Your brat will become Varia from now on, get over it too.”
“Absolutely not,” Mammon says sharply before they even truly register what he just said.
Is he insane?
Is Bel?
The last thing they all need is for Bel to grow up in a place where his deranged self will be left loose in all its glory in the worst of ways, God forbid.
“Yes, I will,” Bel says, grinning, because of course he does. He elbows Squalo in the guts to make him let go of his shirt, and then ignores his pained cursing. “It sounds like I’ll enjoy it if the peasant shark is to be believed. Mammy, the prince demands you come along with him.”
Mammon pinches the bridge of their nose, closing their eyes, then takes a deep, deep, long breath.
They went to the bathroom for a fucking second, goddammit all.
They couldn’t ever be paid enough for all this bullshit.
Not much to say about this one except that it was a lot of fun to write lol.
Hope you enjoyed, and thank you for reading!
[Plain text: “Not much to say about this one except that it was a lot of fun to write lol.
Hope you enjoyed, and thank you for reading!” in bold. /End PT]
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daytaker · 5 months
The Gang React to You Falling Asleep on Them
*deep sigh that speaks volumes to how difficult it is for this man to get any sleep, and here you are, conked out on his shoulder...*
If you don't wake up within a few minutes, he'll have no choice but to move. He is not the sort to be so sentimental that he can't bear the thought of disturbing your precious sleeping face. Of course, he won't be an asshole about it; he'll be careful and try not to wake you up. He might even drape his jacket over you for your nap.
But only if he doesn't need it.
"Hey, my arm's gettin' a little stiff, can I just-- ...ah."
Oh. Ah. Alright. Cool. This is happening. Hmm. Damn. Not super comfortable, and it's kinda inconvenient to be trapped here, but, pshh, what's he supposed to do, wake up a sleeping human? He's heard that can lead to...cardiac arrest, or something. He ain't gonna murder you just to move a little sooner.
You did not just start snuggling him in your sleep. Did Mammon score today or did he score today? Too bad his arm's starting to fall asleep, but, well, nothin' in life is free.
"What...? WHAAAAAAT?" (But only in his brain. He doesn't want to wake you up. Mammon says that can lead to cardiac arrest in humans.)
He's pretty sure he's the one who's going to keel over from heart problems at this rate. He hadn't even realized you were getting sleepy. Are you bored watching him tackle this single-player old school RPG? Did you hate it all this time and you never even mentioned it?! Why is your face so close?! Do you not have any idea the kind of mental torture you're putting him through right now?!
Deep breaths, Levi. Deep breaths. This happens in anime all the time. It's...usually a good thing! It means that the main character and their love interest are tripping all the right flags, and... and how long is this scene going to last? Those scenes almost always end with the two still on the couch, then they skip to the next day or something. How long is he going to have to just sit here... suffering...?
After about ten minutes, he's reached his limit and he gently shakes you awake. He is so embarrassed that he insists you go to bed now, and he will not take no for an answer. Good night. Goodbye. *door slams*
"Hm? Have you been getting enough sleep...?"
Satan would be very pleased with the situation, though probably less intensely excited than Mammon. He'll make whatever small adjustment is necessary for his comfort, then settle in and read for as long as it takes you to wake up. He feels very warm and fuzzy. It's nice. Hopefully you do this more often. But he should really ask you about your sleep schedule. Levi must be forcing you to stay awake too often.
"Aww, aren't you adorable?"
This is precious. He needs to document it. As soon as he realizes what's happening, he'll carefully pull out his D.D.D., making sure not to wake you up, and start snapping pics. A few of you, a few dozen selfies with you, a few with him pretending to be asleep too, and then a perfect shot of him kissing your forehead. Grammable as fuck.
Er... is that drool he can see in one of those photos? ...You're going to have to wake up. You can't just drool on his brand-name jacket.
He's used to people falling asleep on him, so this doesn't really throw him for much of a loop. However, he's a bit more careful of waking you up. He knows that if he wakes Belphie, he'll just fall back asleep within a few seconds, but you're not quite so adaptable. So he'll do his best to stay quiet and not move much.
But no matter how hard he tries, he's never going to be able to turn off his stomach. You'll probably wake up with a start as his stomach roars at you about twenty inches from your face.
Who are we kidding, we all know he was asleep first. Probably, he's the reason you fell asleep so easily. He's soft and warm, perfect for drifting off to dreamland...
"Very bold! You really are astonishingly brave."
It's not every day someone has the stones to fall asleep in his presence, let alone fall asleep and use him as some sort of glorified pillow. What a nice change of pace.
He'll continue doing whatever it is he was doing before, but he is a busy demon, running the Devildom and all. He'll slowly and carefully extricate himself when it's time to move, then have Barbatos bring you a blanket and prepare some tea for when you wake up.
"Humans are awfully needy creatures, aren't they."
He can't help but chuckle. You just pass out during the middle of the day? Then again, it's possible you're probably not entirely well. He'll have to disturb the young master to ask what sort of accommodations to make for you. Of course, he's sure Diavolo won't mind. But it's irresponsible to let yourself drift off like this in the castle of the king of the demons, isn't it? This isn't a resort.
Sleep well, human.
"You're just looking cute on purpose now, aren't you?"
Oh well! Looks like he's stuck here for now. Too bad. He'll smile, put an arm around you, kick his feet up, and settle in for the long haul. Hopefully you're able to get a good, solid nap in.
Most likely, you both will. He'll pass out too within ten minutes, give or take.
"Oh- shh. There, there."
Well, if you aren't adorable... You must be so tired. He's glad you feel so at ease with him that you let yourself fall asleep, and you certainly look cute, but he's also a little concerned that you're this tired. He'll patiently wait for you to wake up. Then he'll make you some tea and gently remind you to take better care of your health.
"Eh...?! Hey! ...WAKE UP!"
How tired are you?! You need to get better sleep! Sheesh, you need to be more careful too. You almost crushed him.
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sunshowerwriting · 11 months
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Pact Marks
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(Obey Me!) Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor x Gender Neutral Reader (Separate)
2.4 k Words
Where the pack marks are and how the brothers react to seeing them.
I am very behind in obey me and i still dont know if im gonna get back into the game but i <3 the boys so even if im way behind im gonna keep writing for them. also i know this has been done a million times but i wanted to write one too so :3
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His pact mark showed up right below your collarbone on the right side of your body. It was in a private enough place that it wasn’t noticeable 90% of the time, but if you ever wore anything low cut or were ever shirtless then there was no way of hiding it. 
He had no intention of seeing it at first. He felt no need, it was just a silly pack mark there was no need for him to search it out. And he certainly didn't think he'd feel as drawn to it as he did when he finally saw it. 
When he did finally see it he was enthralled. He was so mesmerized by the little symbol that he had to stop you from doing whatever you were doing so he could just stare at it. (And maybe touch it if you would let him.)
It was a hot day in the devildom. Hotter than it had been in a very long time and there was no way you were going to let yourself get heat stroke while you were here. So you chose to wear a tanktop that had as little fabric on your body as possible. You hadn't even thought that your pack marks would be on display; you simply wanted some relief from the sweltering heat. However, your housemates did not let you by that easily. Or specifically one house mate, one that you least expect.
You were just leaving your room for something to drink but before you could get the sweet liquid your body desired Lucifer stopped you.
“Y/n, face me.”
You knew better than to decline a request like that so you turned around hoping to get whatever this was finished with as soon as possible. But what you weren’t prepared for was Lucifer just staring at you.
It made you a little self-conscious at first. But the self-conscious feeling quickly turns into amusement when you realize what he was staring at.
“Your pact mark.” You said teasingly.
His eyes didn't move from your chest. So you offered your next question with caution.
“Do you wanna touch it?”
His pact mark showed up on your left side right on your ribs. There was no way anyone was seeing this unless they caught you changing or you offered to show it to them. Which was bad for Mammon.
He wanted to know where it was immediately. But he wasn’t just gonna admit that to you. So he took it upon himself to pay extra close attention to any bit of exposed skin you had. Every time your shirt rode up or you took off your shoes he was examining your exposed skin with a magnifying glass. 
When he finally gave in and asked you (albeit in a very roundabout way) to show him you were more than happy to do so. He was a little thrown off at you showing so much skin to him but after the shock he was really surprised by the pack mark. It's almost like he didn’t believe that it was his pack mark.
“Sure I’ll show you.” Your words were nonchalant if not a little amused at Mammon's question.
You immediately moved to lift your shirt. It may have been better if you had just taken it off but either way lifting it certainly did the job. And there on full display was Mammons pact mark. Mammon had averted his eyes briefly when you started lifting your shirt but when you made an impatient noise he looked back at you reluctantly.
His eyes immediately met with his pact mark sitting on your ribcage. The little symbol fit perfectly there and he seemed to be in a state of disbelief. His eyes were wider than normal and his jaw hung slack.
“Why are you making that face?”
Your words shook him out of his little trance and his eyes shot up to your face.
“I’m not makin a face!” He said, placing his hands on his hips.
You rolled your eyes at him but didn't say anything else on the matter. His eyes went back to the pack mark while you slowly put your shirt back down, covering the little mark.
Mammon would definitely need to see that again at a later date.
His mark showed up on the outside of your right thigh. It was an odd place in your opinion, but the more you thought about it the more you realized just how perfect it was for the avatar of envy.
Levi hadn’t thought about it initially. In his mind he knew you had a pack mark now but it hadn't crossed his mind that you'd ever want to show it to him. But as time went on he did get a little curious. Not enough to ask you about it but enough to start theorizing about where it might be. 
Eventually you brought it up. Asked if he wanted to see it and with some coaxing you convinced him to let you show it to him. He was… embarrassed to say the least. 
When you started unbuttoning your pants Levi started to freak out. You assumed this would happen so you tried not to pay it too much attention. Simply muttering a “calm down” and continuing your action of trying to show him the mark. Once you had pulled your pants down and turned your body to show the little mark Levi had taken it upon himself to cover his eyes with his hands. 
“Levi come on, You're not gonna see anything.”
He mumbled something incoherent but with a bit more prying you got him to look at you. And as soon as his eyes made contact with his pact mark his face went a whole new shade of red.
“It's there!” He practically shouted while trying to avert his eyes again. 
But now that he knew where the mark was he was having trouble keeping his eyes off of it. That seemed to be the way it was with most of the brothers and their pack marks, it was like they were drawn to them. Levi was certainly trying to fight that feeling however.
You laughed at the demon, and started to reach to put your pants back on. You thought you were sparing him the embarrassment or at least some of it but much to your surprise Levi stopped you before you could cover up again. 
“Wait! Can you… can you let me look at it a little longer?”
Satan's mark appeared on the inside of your wrist on your dominant hand. It was one of the most obvious places any of your pack marks had been thus far and truthfully that shouldn’t come as much of a shock. 
He saw it right away. He tried to play it cool. He wasn't even that attached to you so why would he go crazy over a little pack mark. But if you paid close enough attention to him his eyes would linger on your wrist every chance he would get. 
But when he actually gave in and took a moment to REALLY look at it he didn't even bother asking. 
You found yourself situated comfortably in the library. Cozied up reading and enjoying your moment of peace. You were bound to get interrupted eventually but who interrupted you came as a bit of a shock. 
Satan came to sit next to you on the sofa with the simple greeting and you put down what you were reading for a moment to see what he was going to do. He glanced at you for a moment before gesturing to a table on the other side of you.
“Would you hand me that book?” He asked.
You did as you were asked and handed him the little book that was sitting on the other side of you. When turning to hand it to him though you were stopped in your tracks when he grabbed your wrist and not the book.
“What are you—“ 
Your words died in your throat when you realized what he was doing. Satan's eyes were boring holes into your wrist, right where your pact mark was placed. His eyes tracing every curve and line of the mark. 
You were content to let him do whatever he wanted so you both sat quietly for some time as he looked at the mark that bound you together.
His was below your belly button. It was fitting  and when you realized where it was you knew there was no way you'd let him see it right away. Perhaps you wanted to tease him or maybe you just didn't feel comfortable enough yet. But no matter how fitting the placement was, you weren't showing him right away. 
Asmo begged to see it. He had so many ideas of where it could be, and considering he couldn’t find it on any of your exposed skin, his ideas were getting worse and worse as time went on.
You eventually gave in and let him see it and he was in love immediately. He would not stop looking at it and cooing over how good it looked on you.
“Alright, fine!” 
You were more than a little frustrated at Asmo’s constant begging but at this point you didn’t actually mind showing him the pack mark that much. So you might as well show him now and get it over with. 
Asmo was very excited. You could tell just by looking at him that he was bubbling with anticipation and excitement. His eyes did not stop looking over you for even a second while you prepared yourself to show him the pack mark. 
With a quick motion you lifted your shirt and adjusted your pants to expose the little mark. Asmos eyes widened way before he could even see the mark but when his eyes finally landed on it he let out a gasp. He was enamored by the little mark and he reached out to place his hands on your sides. It was as if he was making sure you weren't going to go anywhere.
“How has it taken you so long to show me this?” He whined.
You shook your head at him but said nothing. Deciding to let him marvel at the little mark for however long he’d behave. 
His mark appeared on your left shoulder. You actually couldn’t find it at first. Like you knew one had appeal but you could not figure out where it was, but eventually you did  catch sight of it. It was in a place that someone else could maybe see depending on what you were wearing but you yourself weren’t able to get a great look at it most of the time.
Beel hadn’t thought about it much. He kinda forgot you even had a pack mark for a while but even when the thought crossed his mind he didn't have the biggest urge to see it either.
He did see it eventually though. You didn't make a point to show him but you just so happened to be wearing something that shows off your shoulders and there it was. Beel was very nonchalant about it.
You had been looking for Beel for a while. You had to give him something from Lucifer and you were looking to get the errandend over quickly so you could go back to whatever it was you actually had planned for the day. And luckily for you you finally found Beel eating a snack in one of the sitting rooms. 
“Beel, I have something for you.” You said striding over to where he sat.
He freed his hands momentarily to take whatever it was you were giving him but he didn’t look too thrilled with it.
“It’s from Lucifer… Obviously.”
You laughed as Beel’s face scrunched up at your words but you paid it no mind as you turned around and began walking out of the room. As your back was turned to him you weren't able to catch the face he made when his eyes came in contact with your pack mark. His eyes went wide for a moment and he tried to map out the mark before you really left the room. 
He didn’t say anything, just quietly let you go as he stared a hole into your shoulder. He had never had any interest in seeing the little mark before. But now, well maybe he would ask to see the mark again some time in the future. 
His mark appeared on the top of your right foot. It wasn't center to your foot though, it was slightly to the outside of your body. You found it pretty quickly as you do have to take off your shoes and socks pretty regularly, but the mark wasn't so out there that someone would see it every day.
Belphie was curious and he asked you almost immediately where it was and if he could see it. He had no shame in the question and if you really didn’t want to show him you could always say no. 
He was quite intrigued by it when he saw it. There was no way he was going to be genuine about that though. So he resorted to staring at it and making a snarky comment. 
“So can I see it?” 
You shrugged at Belphie’s request to see the pack mark. You’ve gone through this before and at this point you really didn’t mind showing him. So you sat down and took off your shoe, revealing the little mark on the top of your foot. Belphie looked at the mark with a strange look on his face, you almost wanted to ask what was up,but you kept the question to yourself as he continued to gaze at the mark. 
“That's it?”
You rolled your eyes at him but he didn’t even look up so you assumed he didn’t even notice. You could tell he was actually quite interested in the mark and you know how he can be so you let him act that way. But if he wasn’t going to ask the question you assumed he wanted to then you would offer for him. You moved your foot closer to him which made him flinch and look up at you. You only gave him an exasperated look before gesturing to your foot with your hand and spoke.
“Go on, touch it.”
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kittievampire · 1 year
idk if you’ve done this yet but like
i just need an mc that’s just sexually frustrated and lowkey touch startled like hello, you live with the living embodiment of Lust, that’s gotta hurt especially when he’s talkin bout his latest hookup while gossiping and mc’s just like “yeh that sounds.. like you had a wonderful time” words just so fulla jealousy and hurt
okay big word wall, im sorry, it’s late and this app is a bit buggish
teal deer: sexually frustrated maybe touch starved mc just wanna get dicked down hard by anyone at this point. your choice of who, cuz let’s face it all the available options are a good contender for our poor unfortunate soul
Hhhhhhh YES
I spun a wheel of names for this one lmao
Lemme see what I have in my bag, my dear~
Click here if you wanna request!
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Warnings: Smut, Masturbation, Wet Dreams, Implied Non-Con Somnophilia (MC wants it when waking up after), Teasing, Degradation, Edging, Breathplay, Slight Dacryphilia, Creampie
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"Fuck!" You cried out, rage and frustration laced in your voice.
Tears welled up in your eyes, half of the duvet on the floor from your incessant squirming, and a hand between your legs, that's what your situation had you reduced to. Anyone else would've been embarrassed to be in this state. And you would've been too, had you not been so desperate to get off.
You slipped your fingers out of you, flipping your body over and slumping against your bed in defeat. You glanced at your D.D.D., tapping it twice to see the picture of the youngest sin you'd set as your lock screen, date, and time.
It'd been two hours.
You pushed your face against the pillow and screamed against it, your sounds being muffled by the soft material.
Two hours and you couldn't cum once?!
Have the gods forsaken you? It wasn't your fault you were, quite literally, kidnapped and sent to Hell! You didn't do anything but breathe to end up here!
You clicked your tongue, pulling the duvet back up from the floor and over your heated figure.
"At this point, I'll just go fucking atheist," You grumbled, eyes sealing shut as you let sleep whisk you away, hopefully to a land where you'd get some relief.
The Avatar of Sloth was never one to purposefully eavesdrop on conversations you and his brothers had. He respected your privacy, he truly did. It's just that you decided to have such conversations in front of him. Granted, he did have his head down, but that didn't mean he was asleep. He was trying to be, but he couldn't with what you were talking about!
"It was the worst thing I've ever felt in my life," Asmodeus sighed, taking a sip of his Demonus as he rambled on about one of his hook-ups. "Like, honestly, you can't talk that much game and be horrible in bed. You get it, right, MC?" The sin glanced at the tired and irritated expression on your face. You were practically seething, not only at the fact that he was bragging but the fact that he couldn't even tell that you were upset. "Totally," You grumbled out.
Belphegor shifted in his spot, biting his lip and looking down at his lap. It was surprising that his brother couldn't tell how frustrated you were, being the Avatar of Lust and all. Anyone could tell that you were struggling to keep your cool, and he knew why. He'd see it all the time in those wet dreams of yours.
The ones where you'd seduce him in an empty classroom at RAD, or where you'd guide him to Lucifer's room to fuck in his bed (he should consider that for one of his next pranks). Whenever he'd penetrate your dreams, he'd always wake up hard as a rock.
He had considered confronting you about it, but figured he should back off.
That was until the two of you decided to have a sleepover in the attic.
You had dark circles under your eyes from how late you'd stay up trying to get yourself off. Nothing worked. Even the wet dreams you had only served to make the hours of sleep you get decrease severely due to the number of times you wake up horny and decided to take a shot at masturbating. Then, of course, you'd be up a majority of the night with a fruitless endeavor for relief. You were pissed, but you figured that you might be able to sleep properly if you got help from the Avatar of Sloth.
"Can't you, like, put me to sleep or something?" You asked, holding a pillow close to your chest. Belphegor shrugged. "I guess I could. The only issue is I'm not sure how long you'll be out." You wave your hand in dismissal, placing the pillow under your head while throwing the blanket over your and Belphie's bodies. "Make me sleep for days for all I care, just put me to sleep, yeah? I haven't gotten a full night's rest in so long."
The seventh-born chuckled and pat you on the forehead. "Alright, goodnight, MC," He whispered softly into your ear as he gently placed one of his hands over your eyes. Your breathing slowed as you felt drowsiness course through your veins and relax your muscles, readying you for slumber.
"G'night... Belphie..."
The feeling of pleasure was what you yearned for, what you chased after. However, as soon as you'd feel its warm embrace around your body, wrapped around you like a blanket, it'd always seem to disappear from your grasp. Nothing was good enough, not even the dreams you had about the youngest brother.
This one, though, was quite interesting.
You were in the attic, the same place you fell asleep in Belphegor's arms. However, your face was pushed into the pillow and your ass was in the air, his hand planted in your hair to keep you in such a degrading position. He mocked you, teased you, and fucked you so well.
"Look at you and your needy little pussy, MC," He chuckled, thrusting his cock into the warmth that was your cunt, hips bucking into your ass and thighs. "Honestly, don't you have any shame? Walking around the House of Lamentation all horny, practically begging for someone to fuck you."
All you could let out were mindless babbles as he slammed his cock deep inside of your warmth, the tip bullying that same spot that made your vision go fuzzy. You whined out his name into the pillow, only causing him to push your face further into it. "What are you over there saying, hm? I can't hear you."
The lewd way that his balls clapped against your cunt was sending the pleasure you were experiencing straight to your brain, then back down to your pussy. Your walls convulsed around him, feeling that relief just inches away from you. Just a few thrusts away and—
Belphegor pulled out of you, delivering a spiteful smack to your ass as you whined at the loss. "No! No, no, nonono!" Tears formed in your eyes as your orgasm was denied. His hand moved your hair to the side before gently pressing a sweet kiss to the back of your neck. "You're so cute when you're desperate, MC," He murmured softly, running the palms of his hands along your thighs and slowly up your ass, giving it a squeeze of appreciation. His touch was stimulating, but your peak was already too far out of reach, and you weren't going to cum anytime soon without him pleasing you. Knowing this, you pushed your ass backward, causing it to collide with his pelvis as his cock slipped between your thighs.
"Please," You begged softly, beginning to move your legs so that your thighs would rub his still-hardened cock. With a low groan, Belphie gripped your hair once more. "Please what, MC? Use your words." He ground his hips against your ass, one of his hands reaching under you to gently cup your exposed breast.
"Please, Belphie, I wanna cum," You whimpered out, blushing at the sound of his chuckle in response. "You're so needy, aren't you?"
Suddenly, you felt something push the lips of your cunt apart with its entry, letting out a soft whine. Something of similar length and size penetrated you as well, gently thrusting into your pussy. You gasped in confusion. His hands were on your ass and your breast, and his cock was between your thighs.
What the hell?
Your eyes shot wide open as you felt your body temperature rising. One of your legs was hoisted up with Belphie's hand while the other was inside of your shorts and panties, thrusting his fingers into your cunt. He gently nibbled on your neck and smiled as he watched you stir to consciousness.
"Welcome back, MC." You could feel his smile on your neck as he pressed a kiss to it. "I wonder what you were dreaming about that got you so wet down here," He teased, thumb beginning to rub slow, lazy circles over your clit as his fingers thrusted into you slowly.
You let out a sharp gasp as you gripped the bedsheets, closing your eyes and shivering as he pressed his tongue against your neck, gently gliding it over your skin. "You seemed so agitated lately... Are you sure sleep was all you needed?" He curled his fingers, making you whine. You reached one of your hands down, almost as if trying to stop the stimulation despite enjoying it so much, only for the hand that held your leg up to grab your wrist. Your leg now resting on his forearm, he leaned in close so that his lips were an inch from your ear. "If you do that kind of thing, I'm gonna start thinking you want me to stop."
You felt your heart drop at his threat, immediately lifting your leg higher to give him more access to your cunt. "That's a good girl." He pressed a kiss to your cheek, continuing his soft administrations.
However, you were quick to grow restless. You'd been trying desperately to relieve yourself for weeks, and he was going far too slow for your liking. While you didn't particularly mind him slowly pulling you apart before making love to you, you wanted him to break you, fuck you senseless into the mattress. Though, maybe you were a bit too prideful to admit that. Instead, you keened and began to roll your hips down, feeding more of his fingers into your sopping heat. Belphegor raised a brow, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you close. "What are you doing there, MC? Is there something you want to tell me?" You caught your lower lip between your teeth, muffling a moan as you buried your face in the pillow, not wanting to give him an answer for fear of embarrassment.
You heard a squelching noise as his fingers abandoned your pussy, which only made you gasp and start whining. "W-Wait! No, I was—" You cut yourself off with a small sob as you felt that familiar pleasure escape you once more. The sin pushed your shoulder down to the bed, climbing ontop of you and pulling down his pants with a small sigh. "You're so picky about what you get, aren't you? I didn't know you were so spoiled." He flicked his tongue against the tips of his fingers before launching that same hand to your throat, capturing it in a near-vice-like grip. "You want to be treated like a whore, don't you?" He pulled down your shorts and panties. "Here I was thinking I'd have to treat you all nice and stuff," He teased, a small grin forming on his face as he ground his hardened cock against your slit.
"Fine. I won't hold back then."
With that, he lined up the tip of his cock with your entrance and shoved himself between your folds, letting out a soft groan as he forced himself deep into your heat in one go. Your cunt fluttered at the stretch, and you cried out in pleasure. That ache in your stomach that had been bugging you for weeks was nearly gone. Bottoming out almost immediately, the Avatar of Sloth gave you no time to adjust. It didn't take you long to, but it would have been easier if he didn't start pounding into you from the get-go. His hand clenched around your neck, blocking your airways just enough to where you could still breathe somewhat, but your oxygen was limited. You gently wrapped your hands around his wrist, letting out choked whines as he fucked you into the bed.
"Poor lamb—" He smiled— "How frustrated have you been that your pretty little cunt is this needy? I don't even have to move that much, it's sucking me in every time I pull out," He teased, lifting your leg to press a kiss to your ankle. His hips maintained their merciless pace, the tip of his cock bullying your G-spot with its constant abuse.
Your walls were constricting around his shaft, the knot in your stomach growing tighter and tighter as your orgasm neared. Finally, that relief that you'd been craving was closer than ever. Your eyes rolled back as you clenched your teeth, nails digging into the flesh of his wrist.
So close, so fucking close.
Belphegor hummed at your expression, brushing his bangs out of his face as his magenta eyes scanned your body. "This isn't right," He murmured, pulling his still-hardened cock out of you and removing his hand from your throat. You gasped for air, taking in as much as you could before letting out a sob, tears forming in your eyes. "No! Why?"
The youngest brother snickered at your protest, grabbing your hips and flipping you over. "Was this the position we were in in that dream of yours?" He asked. Before you could answer, he grabbed a fistful of your hair and pushed your face into the pillow, bullying his cock into your pussy once more.
A muffled cry erupted from your throat and could barely reach his ears due to the pillow he'd shoved your face in as he began to thrust once more. "Jeez, you really are a slut aren't you? You like this kind of stuff?" He laughed softly to compliment his sweet tone and contradict his harsh words and demeaning actions.
Skin slapping against skin, squelching, muffled cries of pleasure, and soft grunts from the disheveled seventh-born were filling the room, bouncing off of the walls and drowning out the sound of flickering flames coming from the fireplace. You were close to your climax again. Whimpering into the pillow, almost as if begging him not to stop again, you gently clasped one of your hands over his. He looked down at your hip, where now both of your hands were placed. He let out a small groan as he felt himself getting closer the more sounds you made.
"Fuck," He grunted out. "Gonna cum... You want me to fill you up, huh? Like in your dreams? I can do that if you say please." Belphie growled at the sound of your muffled moans in response, pulling your hair to bring your head up so you could speak. "Go on then, beg for it."
"Please! P-Please, please, need it! N-Need it, please, Belphie!" You choked out between sobs and mewls of pleasure.
Your tongue lulled out of your mouth as his cock pushed against your cervix, your walls clenching as your orgasm washed over you. His cum coated in your juices, he slammed into you once more, balls pushing against your cunt as he came. His hips stuttered as he rode out his orgasm, fucking his cum deeper into you.
When he pulled out, you collapsed onto the bed, panting heavily with a thin layer of sweat coating your body. Belphegor didn't even attempt to fix his clothes, merely throwing them off and brushing his hair back, smiling in amusement at how the white liquid he'd gifted you spilled out of your opening.
One moment, he was pulling your clothes off to make you more comfortable. The next, your nude body was pushed up against his for cuddling.
"Sweet dreams, MC."
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Hope you liked it, anon!
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otakusheep15 · 9 months
Flufftober 2023 Masterlist
Here's my official Flufftober masterlist! As always, this list will stay up through October (and most likely the rest of the year) and then everything will eventually migrate over to my regular Obey Me masterlist.
All of my prompts were completely randomized, and I know some of them sound like angst prompts, but I promise all of them will be super fluffy. Both Luke prompts are completely platonic of course, and all others will be romantic. I did also include the new three since I believe I have a good handle of their personalities.
Day 1: Lucifer - Quirks
Day 2: Mammon - Movie
Day 3: Leviathan - Sightseeing
Day 4: Satan - Rain
Day 5: Asmodeus - Reunion
Day 6: Beelzebub - Cry
Day 7: Belphegor - Soulmate
Day 8: Diavolo - Beach
Day 9: Barbatos - Games
Day 10: Simeon - Blanket
Day 11: Luke - Candles
Day 12: Solomon - Art
Day 13: Thirteen - Sick
Day 14: Mephistopheles - Kiss
Day 15: Raphael - Quiet
Day 16: Lucifer - Candy
Day 17: Mammon - Clothes
Day 18: Leviathan - Moving
Day 19: Satan - Recipe
Day 20: Asmodeus - Confession
Day 21: Beelzebub - Proposal
Day 22: Belphegor - Morning
Day 23: Diavolo - Leaves
Day 24: Barbatos - Flowers
Day 25: Simeon - Stars
Day 26: Luke - Nightmare
Day 27: Solomon - Fireworks
Day 28: Thirteen - Tutor
Day 29: Mephistopheles - Gift
Day 30: Raphael - Letters
Day 31: Surprise
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stupidlovergirl · 1 year
Affection Points, +100!
Kabedoning them! Feat. Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor
Dev Notes: I love this trope so much, and wanted to write one myself. I am cringe but I am free.
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Lucifer became your victim while you two were walking past each other in the House of Lamentation. You called his name and as he turned around, you slammed your hands, successfully trapping him between you and the hallway. He looks at you and scowls.
“What is this about, little human” he says, glaring down. You just smile, and press a kiss to his lips. His eyes widen for a brief moment, before he returns it. He manages to flip you two, where you were against the wall before you knew what was happening.
He pins smirks down at you, eyes predatory.
“If that’s all, then I must take my leave. It would be best for you to come when I call you later tonight, though” He tells you, and then walks off like nothing happened.
You - 0 Lucifer - 1.
You and Mammon were walking down the hallways of RAD as he prattled on about the new scheme he had. It wasn’t like you didn’t want to listen, but your headache was really making you irritable. Finally, you just had enough.
 “Mammon,” is all you say as you approach him, pushing him towards the wall, pinning him to it.
“I love you, but please, pipe down” you tell him. Before kissing him on the lips. You walked off to your class, leaving a sputtering demon who was processing all that happened in such a small amount of time. You had already made it to the end of the hallway before you heard him yell out “You can’t do that human!” 
You smiled and went on your way
Leviathan was a tricky one to catch. You knew you couldn’t do it in public, unless you wanted him to blue screen. So, after a gaming session with him, you chance was given when he stood up to grab a drink. 
“What do you want?” he asks, turning to his mini fridge, “I have energy drinks, water, and-”
You swiftly stood up, and pinned him to the wall beside it. “ I just want you,” you said with a smirk.
You watched his brain actively short circuit and yelp. His face was completely red, and he couldn’t help but cover his face.
“You- you can’t just do that!” He cries out, and it makes you smirk wider. Pulling his hand down, you get closer. “I can do whatever I want, sweetheart” you coo, and then pressed a kiss to his lips. You pulled away after a little, and heard a thud, seeing the boy on the ground.
“Levi? Are you alive?” you ask, worried you might have overdone it
“Rebooting” is all he can strangle out, curling onto himself.
Oops, you definitely broke him.
Satan is easy to catch, but you gotta mentally prepare yourself. He’s smooth, and will easily turn this on you. So when you spot him in the library, back turned and reaching for a book, you take a chance. You go behind him, and place your hands on the bookshelf behind him. He turns, with barely enough room. 
“Hey” you say simply, smiling at him, “Come here often?” Satan chuckles at your antics, deciding to play along with whatever silly game you're playing.
“I do, actually. Why do you ask?”
“Cause I wanted to check you out.” You say with a wink, and kiss him. He smiles in the kiss, returning it quickly. You spent the rest of the day reading the book he was grabbing, but you were more focused on him.
Asmodeus had dragged you to one of his modeling gigs. It was fun at the beginning, but it was taking so long, and you 're getting bored of waiting for it to be done. They had decided to take a break, let him walk around. He came to see you, and dragged you to the snack table. You listened to him tell you about the brand, and how he liked the way they made the pieces from this collection. He kept talking, then you got a bright idea. You got in front of him, walking him to the wall behind him. When his back bumped it, your arms shot up, caging him in.
“Oh! You’re so forward!!” He squealed, smiling at you, “What do you plan on doing? I hope you don’t eat me” he tells you in a flirty tone, a wink following soon after. You just laugh at his antics, pressing a fleeting kiss to his lips.
“Don’t want to mess up your makeup, do we?” you say, backing off from him. He pouts at this, rolling his eyes. 
“You tease! I’ll get you for that later” is all he says with a smile.
Yup, prepare yourself for Asmo’s barrage of affections after the shoot.
Beelzebub is quite the tall guy, so good luck. You decided to do it on the way back from one of his Fangol practices. He was munching down on a snack you had brought him, while you were telling him about your day. Once you see him finish his snack, you decide to set your plan in action, grab him by the hand and lead him into an alley, and “push” him against the wall of a building. He just looks down at you, curious.
“What are you doing?” he asks, tilting his head like a puppy. 
“Looking at the prettiest boy in the world” you reply, trying not to giggle.
You stood there for a second more. Then, pulled him down for a kiss. He easily complied with your actions, and as your lips met, you could feel his hands on your waist. When you pulled away, Beel was beaming at you.
“I wouldn’t mind doing that again” 
You laugh, and go in for another kiss.
Belphegor is hard to catch standing some days, so that is a difficulty all on its own. On a lucky chance, you catch him on his way to your room. He was about to open the door when you caught him. You swiftly close the door, and slam your arms by his shoulders as he turns.
“What are you doing” he asks boredly, a yawn escaping
“Wondering why you are trying to enter my room when I’m not there”
He rolls his eyes in response, “To sleep” he responds simply
“I don’t think I allowed that”
“I don’t care,” he responds.
“Well, you’ll care now” you say, faking an angry voice. Then, you pull him down for a kiss, a surprised noise escaping him. He returned it lazily, not making any moves to make it more than a simple kiss. While he was dazed, you slipped into your room.
You heard him grumble when he realized you ran off. You chuckled quietly when he walks in complaining about your actions.
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imagineanime2022 · 2 months
Brother's With A Rich S/O
Lucifer X Reader, Mammon X Reader, Leviathan X Reader, Satan X Reader, Asmodeus X Reader, Beelzebub X Reader, Belphegor X Reader
Requested: Anon
Request: Hi love may I request the obey me brothers with a rich gn! s/o who loves to spoil them and take them out on lavish dates?
Hope you have an amazing day and temeber to take care of yourself
(I'm sorry my English is not great :()
📚 Lucifer often got everything that he needed so you’d get him things that you thought he’d like because if he mentioned anything he’d just go and get it the next day. 📚 Most of the things ended up being practical because those are the things that he appreciated the most. 📚 There were times when he just wanted to relax and you often bought him new teas for that he loved tasting the different flavours. 📚 Lucifer always kept an eye on you, he was the only one who somehow stopped you from spending too much money on him, he accepted the small things and made sure that you used all of the more expensive stuff as much as he did.
Lucifer was not expecting you in his office when you opened the door, holding a small bag “what’s that?” He asked. “Just a little present.” You answered as you placed it on the desk, he raised an eyebrow. “For what?” He asked. “Just because.” You answered, he smiled as he reached for the bag he had under the desk for you. “Funny I thought you deserved the same.” He said softly as he pulled out the bag handing it to you. “You didn’t have to get me a present.” You frowned as you took the bag from him, he took your hand leading you around the desk before pushing his chair back and pulling you to sit on his lap. “Open it.” He prompted squeezing your waist slightly. You opened the small bag to find a perfume that you were sure he couldn’t get here. “How did you get this?” You asked. “Don’t worry about that, do you like it?” He asked. “Yes.” You answered. “Now will you open yours.” “Of course.” He said resting hi chin on your shoulder before opening the small box in the bag, there was a fountain pen, it was beautiful, the type of pen that you kept for special occasions, he smiled as he looked at you from the corner of his eyes. “This is beautiful. I will treasure it.” “I’m glad that you like it.” You answered softly. “I am glad that you like yours.” He said kiss your shoulder gently.
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💳 Mammon always wanted something and rarely had the money to get it for himself, that being said he doesn’t abuse the amount of money that you had. 💳 At first he didn’t realise that you would get him anything that he said he wanted, even if he just said it in passing. As soon as he did he was more careful, unless he really wanted something. 💳 You won’t have to do much detective work though, it’s easy to prompt him. He won’t realise what you're doing until he tells you a little too much. 💳 He treasures everything that you buy him and there’s a special place for everything, they are the only thing that he will never sell no matter the trouble that he was in.
Mammon had been out all day, he hadn’t actually seen you which he thought was a little weird, you hadn’t even texted him, or answered the text messages that he had sent you. He sighed as he opened the door to his room, eyes widening as he caught sight of all the jackets littering his bed, he had seen none of them before, they were all new and he assumed courtesy of you. “You weren’t supposed to be back yet.” He heard your voice,he turned to look over at you standing just inside his closet. “What is all this?” He asked. “You said that you had to throw out one of your jackets.” You said. “Yeah one of them, ya bought a whole store!” He teased as he walked over to the bed. “I just thought that it must be more than one that needs swapping out but then I realised that I didn’t remember what colours you had and so I just bought all of them but-” “Do ya mean tha whole store?” He asked, you narrowed your eyes at him. “You don’t want them, I can give them to the others.” You suggested. “I never said that!” He argued as he walked over to the bed and looked at all of the different jackets on the bed. “Ya gonna have ta take some a these back.” “I’m not taking any of these back.” You informed him and he rolled his eyes before walking over to you in the closet and smiled pressing a kiss to your temple. “Thanks.” He mumbled out a blush on his face. “You're welcome.” You smiled as you pressed a kiss to the underside of his chin before helping him fit everything into the closet.
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🎮 Not hard to find out what his new venture is, he’s usually so excited that he forgets that whatever he tells you about you’ll buy. 🎮 You’ve gotten in trouble with Lucifer because you buy Levi whatever he wants and you would always do it when he has access to Akuzon. 🎮 Levi’s collection of figures has become too big for his room, so they’ve started spilling over into yours, he’d come in every now and again to swap some so he gets time with all of them. 🎮 He doesn’t know how you do it but you’ve somehow become better than him at finding some of the more vintage figures and outfits that hadn’t been able to afford or find.
You smiled as you opened the door to Levi’s room, he was sitting at his computer playing something, you bit your lip as you quietly closed the door behind you. You could see that he was really trying hard to beat whatever boss was on screen so you silently moved over to the sofa where you waited for him to finish up.
It was only 5 minutes later that he let out a frustrated groan and leaned back in his chair before spinning around to face the room. He literally jumped out of his chair when he caught sight of you on the sofa “when did you get in here?” He asked. “A few minutes ago but you were playing so I didn’t want to distract you.” You answered. “Oh.” He said softly as he walked over to where you were sitting “is there something you needed?” “No, I just bought you something.” You answered as you handed him the bag that you had brought in with you. “What?” He asked, he hadn’t mentioned anything recently, he opened the bag and his eyes widened. There was a set of exclusive figures that he had mentioned in passing almost a month ago. “Where did you find these?” “Oh there was someone looking to make some money off of them and I knew you wanted them.” You answered with a shrug. “This cost too much money.” He guessed as he pulled out the figures still in their boxes. “It’s nothing.” You waved him off, but to Levi wasn’t nothing, in fact it was something that deserved a proper thanks, something that he couldn’t give you now but rest assured he will have something for you the next time that you visit him.
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🐈 Satan very rarely needed anything but there were some books that you could get him, ones from the human world but there was something that he appreciated more than that. 🐈 Cat toys! They weren't often expensive but they were always needed considering his cats could destroy toys in less than 10 minutes. 🐈 Honestly Satan loved seeing the excited look on your face when you rushed in with your new offerings and the cats always gathered. 🐈 He looks forward to the days when you came in with you purchases, you always took the time to show him everything while sitting on his lap or between his legs on the bed, the closeness always calmed him.
“Satan! Satan!” You yelled as you opened the door to his room, he looked up at you from his book with a raised eyebrow. “Yes dear?” He asked. “Look what I bought!” You said taking his hand and dragging him over to the bed where he sat down before you climbed onto the bed pulling the bag behind you. “What did you get?” He asked. “So I got these new toys for the cats.” You bounced slightly as you pulled out the little ball “they have to bat it around the get the treats out, isn’t it cute!?” “Very cute.” He answered “I’m sure that they are going to love it.” Just as he said that, some of the little cats came through the window, you gasped as you pulled out the treats that you bought quickly filling the little ball as the little cat tried to grab the treats from you. You hopped onto the floor and rolled it around the floor showing the cats what to do with it, they easily understood and started to bat the toy around picking up the treat as they did. “Told you they would love it.” “Oh! There’s one more thing.” You said as you jumped up from the floor going over to the bag, you reached in and grabbed the book at the bottom handing it to him. “It’s the next one in the series that you're reading.” “Thank you.” He said softly as you pulled you closer pressing a soft kiss to your lips “did you get anything for yourself?” “I didn’t see anything that I wanted but, I thought it would be nice if you read to me some time.” You answered resting your chin on his chest. “I can do that for you.” He promised as the ball was hit back towards you. “It seems they’ve run out of treats.” Satan smirked as he looked at you and you both laughed.
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💅 Asmo is shopping all the time but given the fact that he loved his skin care and make up there was always something that you could get him. 💅 Asmo always appreciated anything that you got him and returned the favour by having you try out whatever you got him, face mask, nail colours even clothes. 💅 Asmo does always tell you not to buy him anymore but you never listen, considering he used them everyday in your mind he needed them all the time. 💅 He often tried to go on your shopping trips with you to limit what you got because unsupervised you would buy a whole shop.
“As, As!” You asked as you walked into the room, he was already in his dressing gown in front of his mirror it seemed like he was taking off the day's makeup. “Where have you been?” He asked. “I was shopping.” You answered. “No…” He teased eyes moving over the bags that you had placed on his bed. “Hush, hush.” You waved him away “I only went in there because I remembered you saying you were running out of your green and pink nail polish but then I saw some other things.” “What did you see?” He asked a small smile on your face as bounced in place before passing him the nail polish that you had actually gone in there to buy. “So the first thing that I saw was this face mask.” You mumbled as you sorted through the bag, it’s supposed to help open your pores and pull anything we don’t want to the top.” You explained. “Mmhm.” He hummed as he looked at the ones you had gotten, probably the most expensive ones in the store. “Some foot masks, bath salts and soaps.” You mumbled as you threw them on the bed “and the best part… Some matching PJs!” Asmo smiled as he looked at what you had bought. “Well it is Friday, shall we have a spa night?” He asked. “Yes!” You cheered heading to his bathroom.
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🍔 There was only really one thing that Beel wanted and it was food and there was never a shortage of new foods that you could buy him especially with everything that came from the human world. 🍔 You always had a snack in your bag that you had bought him, he was never hungry around you. 🍔 Honestly Beel never really put together the fact that you were using your money to feed him but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t share everything with you whenever you gave him something. 🍔 You love how happy he was when he was eating and when he told everyone about the new snack you bought.
“What are you doing?” Beel asked as he appeared behind you in your room. “I was looking at all the new things that I got.” You answered “Solomon took me back to the human world so that I could get some stuff.” You gestured, he looked over all of the food from the human world and you smiled as you passed him over your favourite snack. “I think you’ll like this one, it was my favourite before I came here.” “It was?” He asked. “Mhm.” You hummed as you opened the packet, holding one out to him. Beel took the food from your hand, you watched as he put it in his mouth, his face scrunching slightly before it settled and you giggled. “It’s not like anything here.” He said and you nodded. “I thought the same thing when I came here, I used to miss this stuff but now all those sweets that you showed me they’re normal now.” You answered. “Is that bad?” He asked. “No! My favourite thing is when you show me all your favourite food, Then I know you would like it when I get you all your snacks.” You answered. “But these are the ones that you like?” He asked as he pointed at the bag that you had brought back with you. “Mhm.” You hummed. “Show me.” He said as he moved the bag, literally picking you up and placing you on his lap after he sat down on the bed, you grabbed the next snack and explained what it was before giving it to him. Beel spent the rest of the night learning what you missed from your Realm so that he could get Solomon to get it for you whenever he went back.
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💤 Belphie very rarely wanted anything but there was two things that he loved and that was sleeping or watching the stars. 💤 You’d bought him pillows and PJs all the time but there was one thing that you knew that he would love so you decided to surprise him with that. 💤 Belphie never expected anything but he treasured everything that you got him, he slept on the pillow that you got him and no one else was allowed to use it, except for Beel on very rare occasions. 💤 Belphie will never tell you what to do with your money but he did wish that you would use it on something that you wanted too.
You had text Belphie 30 minutes ago saying that you wanted him to meet you at the observatory, he had answered and said that he was on the way. You had just finished setting everything up when you heard him “where did you get that?” He asked. “Oh you're here!” You cheered as you looked at him. “The telescope who’d you borrow it from?” He asked. “I didn’t, I bought it for you, you like looking at the stars now you can look at them properly.” You explained, he walked over looking over the telescope before looking at you. “I wish you would spend your money on yourself too.” He mumbled. “Huh?” You asked. “Since you got here, you’ve bought everything you can think of for everyone else, and when we started dating… Well before that you’ve bought everything for me.” He said. “I… Is that… Bad?” You asked. “No, it’s very kind but you should enjoy your money the way that everyone else is enjoying it.” Belphie answered. “I’ll enjoy this too, you're going to teach me all about the stars right?” You asked. “Of course.” He smiled, leaning in and connecting your lips. “Thank you for the gift.” “No problem, I like giving you gifts.” You admitted and he nodded. “I know you do, you're too kind for this place.” He said softly as he led you over to the telescope “it’s clear enough do you want your first lesson?”
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Request Here!!
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nanawritesit · 2 years
Obey Me! Characters As Types of Couples You’d Be
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A/N: No one requested this 🙃 But I couldn’t stop thinking about it while I was working at the coffee shop all day so here you go :)
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, and Solomon
Lucifer: The Old Married Couple
You two are the extremely established couple. Anyone who knows of your existence knows you’ve been together FOREVER
You have a perfect morning routine together that involves helping each other get dressed and cooking breakfast, and you guys get out the door on time every morning.
Everyone laughs at you for your duality. One minute you’ll be intensely arguing over who has to do the dishes, and the next you’re cuddling up to one another and kissing
You guys get on each other’s nerves a LOT
But you’ll always be each other’s rocks. At the end of the day, coming home and seeing him gives you so much comfort.
You can’t keep any secrets from each other, and why would you want to anyway? There’s nothing about you that he wouldn’t love
You’ll support each other through anything, and no matter what life throws at you, you always make it work ❤️
Mammon: The “Ride or Die” Couple
You’re the “most likely to survive a zombie apocalypse” pair.
Like if any of your friends could bring a couple to a back alley fight, they’d pick you.
You’re practically inseparable. Every time someone sees one of you, the other is soon seen tagging along behind them.
“Partners in crime” is your nickname from the brothers 💀
You always go on missions together, fiercely protecting one another against your enemies. You’d take a bullet for him any day and he’d do the same for you!
And it’s not just in physical fights either. If anyone ever dares to talk shit about you in front of him, he will tear them to shreds. Similarly, all the brothers know not to tease Mammon too much around you.
Leviathan: The Anti-Social Couple
People won’t see or hear from you for DAYS.
In fact if it weren’t for your couple twitch streams, they might assume you were dead 😀
Your friends know that if you aren’t given at least two weeks prior notice, you won’t be showing up to an event.
And early mornings? Yeah forget it. You two won’t untangle yourselves from each others’ arms until at least noon.
Which leads to a lot of late night anime marathons or gaming sessions! Dinners consist of ramune sodas and cup noodles, followed by a dessert of snack cakes.
You’ll go back and forth between hyperfixating on the same franchise, and not speaking to each other while on your own separate devices. Each cycle lasts about three hours.
Satan: The Smart Couple
You two are constantly fighting for the top spots in your classes.
To the innocent stranger, you could be mistaken as enemies. You engaged in heated debates, and often had different points of view.
But during study hall, people would find you curled up on a couch in the library with you in his lap as you both read your books.
On the rare occasion that you agreed on something, you were an unstoppable team against the opposing side. You’d eat them alive and leave zero crumbs.
Despite the debating, you guys are always proud of each other. He cheers the loudest when you’re awarded top exchange student at an assembly, and you’re practically his campaign manager when he runs for class representative.
Cute study dates where you wind up collapsed on top of him on the floor, books and coffee cups strewn everywhere <3
Lucifer comes in and covers you both with a blanket 🥺😭
Asmodeus: The Aesthetic Couple
You’re each others’ official photographers. If someone looked through your phones, they’d be full of well shot pictures of the two of you both together and solo.
You guys at the mall, you eating ice cream, him at the book store, you guys at the coffee shop…
And of course each photo shoot goes straight to devil gram. You’re practically an influencer couple, and everyone ships you so hard.
You guys took some spicy pics in lingerie together and they went VIRAL 🔥
Every time you go literally anywhere, random strangers will come up to you and tell you you’re the most beautiful couple they’ve ever seen
Most people didn’t know which one of you they were more jealous of, sometimes leading to them beginning to question their sexuality 💀
You have the same sense of style and always have the coolest outfits. At every event, you always look the best, and everyone is constantly raving about it afterwards.
Stealing each other’s clothes, shoes, jewelry, makeup, and bags is completely normal. What’s Asmo’s is yours and what’s yours is Asmo’s 🥰
Beelzebub: The Cuddly Couple
Also known as the “PDA couple.”
You guys HAVE to be touching in some way at all times! Whether it’s linking pinkies, his hand in your back pocket, your arm around his waist… if you’re in the same room, you’re practically attached at the hip.
You can never seem to be close enough to him when cuddling. Even if your noses are touching, he’s gripping onto you tightly and telling you to get closer.
You guys love feeding each other, much to the annoyance of the brothers
You sitting on his lap is his favorite form of non-sexual intimacy. He just loves how small you are compared to him, straddling his lap like a koala with your little legs dangling off the chair. He’ll play with your hair and tuck your head into the crook of his neck, smiling down at you affectionately.
Leaving the house without giving each other a kiss is practically sacrilege 😌
You have sickeningly cute food-themed nicknames for each other. Cupcake, honey bunch, sweetie pie, love muffin, cookie…
Belphegor: The Rebellious Couple
You two are always either plotting or executing some sort of diabolical scheme.
You plan the best pranks, and they get talked about for years afterwards. No one else could ever top them
As a result, a lot of your dates happen when you’re both grounded to the attic as punishment.
It was honestly stupid of Lucifer to consider a night trapped in the same dark room full of nothing but cozy blankets as a punishment. You didn’t need anything to entertain you when you had each other.
You’d make the world’s coolest blanket fort and hold each other close in it all night, foreheads pressed together as you talked for hours between kisses
You two never get in trouble without the other though, because that would mean you get punished separately :(
Feeding off of each others’ chaotic energy in class and annoying the teacher until you both get sent off to detention
Running away from Lucifer together, laughing and holding hands as he chases after you
Diavolo: The Power Couple
The two of you together are truly fit for royalty. All his subjects agreed that you were the rightful rulers of the Devildom.
You were a symbol of peace and love, making everyone feel safe and cared for
You always attended charity events together, making speeches and bonding with demons who needed help
You two throw the BEST parties. Your ballroom outfits are the envy of all, and everyone can’t help but swoon at the sight of you dancing the night away 🥰
You guys do interviews together, smiling at each other as you discuss your relationship with the public
Shielding each other from paparazzi, nonchalantly striding past them holding hands
“MC and Diavolo” becomes the new standard by which all other iconic couples are held.
Your fairytale wedding was the most watched program in the history of the Devildom ❤️
Barbatos: The Dependable Couple
If anyone has a job that needs to be done right, they’ll come to the two of you first.
The two of you just take care of everyone so well in addition to running the Demon Lord’s Castle.
You often tag-teamed as the brothers’ therapists. Barb would comfort Mammon while making dinner, and you would give Satan advice while doing the dishes, then you would both take a trip to Purgatory Hall to help Simeon and Solomon with a spell
Time-traveling together ❤️
You guys don’t get a lot of privacy and have been caught getting intimate by Diavolo a few times 💀 He’s also innocently interrupted your dates, not realizing how big of a third wheel he was being.
You started planning how to find the young lord a partner of his own so he’d leave you alone. And you figured you might as well get the brothers into relationships as well while you were at it.
Simeon: The Romantic Couple
Everyone thought you were the perfect couple, and they honestly weren’t that far from the truth.
You guys dominated practically every love language: writing each other poems, having regular date nights, making passionate love, helping each other with chores and school, buying each other cute little gifts…
You take spontaneous trips to the celestial realm and everyone there freaks out upon your arrival 🥺
Romantic picnic dates in the flower gardens by a pond, with champagne and chocolate covered strawberries… putting flowers in each other’s hair and lying next to each other in the grass ☺️
Every once in a while, if the weather was hot, he’d convince you to come for a swim with him in the pond. Your clothes would be left on the bank as you laughed and splashed at each other, floating out to the middle and holding onto each other, foreheads pressed together with your hair dripping wet
He actually wrote a new romance novel inspired by you, and it becomes one of history’s most beloved love stories ❤️
Solomon: The Mysterious Couple
No one ever seemed to know what you guys were up to. You were extremely private about your relationship.
You guys walked everywhere together, but hardly ever engaged in PDA. You never felt the need to, because what went on behind closed doors was enough for both of you.
You were the closest thing this world had to soulmates, being so connected to each other’s hearts… the kind of love that transcends thousands of years
Working on your magic together, going on missions and adventures to acquire mystic elements and uncover ancient secrets ✨
Everyone knows when you two are close because they can smell a strong aroma of herbs and smoke
People aren’t 100% sure whether or not they can trust you… you’re both so charismatic and charming, but at the same time there’s this suspicious air of mischief that you both seem to feed off of
You guys really don’t even care what others think of you… the only thing you care about in life is loving each other for all eternity
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
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When It's MC's Turn to Cook THE DEMON BROTHERS x gn!MC | 1.1k words | SFW Rating/Warnings: Mostly fluff and silliness. Some jealous/possessive behaviour if you squint. [ Obey Me! Masterlist ]
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It’s not surprising that he’s the least interested in helping you in the kitchen since it’s exhausting cooking for so many hungry demons every night
He complains when it’s your turn to cook because it means he has to nap alone
He has trouble napping when you’re not with him, so he’ll wander into the kitchen with a yawn and ask if you need a hand (but you both know it’s a hollow offer - he’s just trying to be polite)
Depending on how sleepy he looks, the most you ask of him is to help you set the table 
Instead of returning to the attic for a restless sleep, he’ll simply go to your room instead where he can hear you in the kitchen while he tries to doze off
You let him know that dinner’s ready first by waking him up with a kiss, followed by relentless tickles if he still pretends to be asleep
Cooking is challenging entertaining when Beel is around, but you need to strategize if you want food to actually make it to the table for everyone else
You have some quick snacks ready by the time he walks into the kitchen to see you - there are some sandwiches, cut up veggies and dip - light fare that won’t ruin his appetite but will keep his hands and mouth occupied
He’s one of the brothers that won’t shy away from making requests for certain meals, especially if there’s something he heard about that he wants to try (only if he thinks you’ll like too - he appreciates its hard work)
He likes going to the shops with you after class to help you pick out ingredients, and he’ll carry all the bags home without breaking a sweat 
Asmo loves spending time with you in the kitchen, but he’s more like your personal cooking cheerleader than a hands-on helper
He sits on a stool nearby and keeps you company while being out of the way - this also prevents him from getting his clothes or hair dirty if something splatters or spills
He talks about new pictures and gossip he sees on Devilgram, and calls you over to look at his DDD when he comes across something really interesting or scandalous 
He knows you don’t like having your picture taken so he takes candid shots of your dinner-in-progress with your blurred form somewhere in the background 
You can guess when he’s posted something on Devilgram because more of his brothers (particularly Mammon) come and visit you in the kitchen shortly after
Satan is a fantastic partner in the kitchen when you’re in the mood to try cooking something new or adventurous
He learns about a lot of human world food from the books and TV shows, so sometimes he requests things even you haven’t cooked or eaten before
He likes to help you plan things ahead of time so he gathers a couple different recipe options to see which one you want to use
Once you’ve chosen the recipe, he goes through the ingredients and adjusts the amounts on your shopping list so it'll be enough to feed everyone + Beel + leftovers (if you can hide them from Beel fast enough, anyway)
Satan is skilled with a knife and eager to show off help with the prep work
If you ask him to teach you a particular technique, he stands behind you while he holds your hands in his as he guides you through the motions until he's satisfied you can repeat it safely
He has a short fuse if Mammon his brothers barge into the kitchen and flirt with distract you while you're cooking together
Levi is happy enough to sit in his room and wait until he’s called for dinner, cooking isn’t a task that appeals to him and he’d rather spend his time catching up on new anime releases 
Some days if he feels particularly social, he’ll sit on a chair like Asmo does and play his handheld while you cook
If you’re not sure what to make for dinner that night, usually you’ll ask Levi - he never asks for something that’s complicated or takes too long
More often than not, he suggests ordering takeout instead - the sooner you eat, the sooner you can play games with him
He likes to cuddle with you in his tub while you keep an eye on the delivery tracker app 
Mammon isn’t the most skilled at food prep or cooking, but when his brothers aren’t around he’s with you in the kitchen the entire time you’re preparing dinner
After he’s helped chopped some vegetables for you, he brings them over with a faint blush on his cheeks and mumbles that it’s harder than it looks
He’ll flash you cocky smile when you tell him he’s done a wonderful job, and he says that’s why you should just ask him for help whenever you’re cooking instead of his brothers who obviously aren’t as gifted as he is
Sometimes you have to slap his hand away when he tries to stick his finger into a dish to taste it 
When you tell him to use a fork or spoon if he wants to sample something, he surprises you when he holds it to your mouth expectantly so you can have the first taste
It’s hard to resist when he offers you something you know he worked really hard to help you make, after all
You remind him to use a clean utensil for himself, but he pops yours into his mouth as soon as you look away
Later when you ask him how it tastes, he says it’s perfect (but he’s not referring to the food)
RAD business often keeps Lucifer on campus later than everyone else, so some nights you rarely see him before dinner is finished and served at the table
You’ve mentioned in the past how you had special family dinners on Sunday nights growing up, and when your cooking night falls on Sundays in the Devildom, you try to uphold the tradition
Lucifer is usually less busy on Sundays too, so cooking together to create more elaborate meals becomes something of a ritual you both take comfort in
He takes you to the market himself and helps you when you’re unsure of which Devildom ingredients to choose; he’s also more knowledgeable when it comes to choosing and cooking Devildom meats, so that is his responsibility the nights you cook together
It’s not practical to drag the record player into the kitchen, but music streams from your DDD while you both work quietly on prepping and cooking that night’s meal
Lucifer is surprisingly relaxed in the kitchen - the top buttons of his shirt are undone, his sleeves are rolled up, and he has an apron tied around his waist
When he works beside you at the counter or walks past you to retrieve something, you can feel his hand brush against you gently, an affectionate gesture that leaves a pleased smile on both your faces
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