#he ALSO keeps disappearing to run around and do chores and then pretend everything is normal
puttingwingsonwords · 1 month
Dracula scrambling around the castle pretending to be his own servants is so important in showing that aside from being a super powerful evil vampire-sorcerer he is also a huge loser
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While Casperius had been gone from her forest, Martenique had began to look about the small hut that she called home.  It wasn’t fancy, but it sufficed for her needs.  At one end was a series of hooks that her dresses hung on.  They were spun by the spiders and silk worms that also called her forest home in exchange for treats that she provided them.  Each had their own special color of silk and so she always had beautiful things to wear, even if they seemed so light and flimsy compared to what Casperius always had on.  The few pairs of shoes and boots that she owned came from the village where she traded goods with others.  That was also where she saw her friends.  For the most part, she lived a solitary life, that was until that day Casperius had wandered into her life.   All of her footwear were forms of leather and some were lined with fur for the colder months to keep her feet warm. She took special care of all of her belongings to make them last.
Everything was in its place and she kept her home clean and neat.  Before Casperius, she had never really thought much about her home.  Most sprites lived in a home much like hers, it looked very similar to the one she had grown up in with her mother.  Sprite dwellings were simple, clean, modest, and earthy.  She doubted that wherever Casperius lived was anything like she did, she could just tell from the way he dressed and carried himself.  It did make her wonder though, where did demons live?  Was it like the huge manor house that was near the village where the magistrate lived that ruled the forest and all the lands around it?  Was he as kind to the people under his purview? And would she fit into his world if she ever went to visit?
She had just finished sweeping up and doing her daily chores when she heard an unusual thumping outside, a loud male yelp that sounded like Casperius, and then a growl of some kind that she did not recognize.  Peri must be back, she had to laugh to herself, wondering what her vines and plants had done this time.  It was not at her command that the vines and foliage had started protecting her, it was just something that they did naturally.  However, she might have encouraged it a little after his last visit, enjoying the teasing and playful nature it seemed to bring out in him.  Instead of going out to see what had been done this time, she waited once more for him to call for her.  She kind of liked making him wait, more of that teasing and playfulness.
“Ok, my darling sprite.  Come out and let your minions know that the big bad demon is not here to do their goddess harm.”  Casperius’ amused voice filtered through her closed front door, sounding a little bit strange compared with the past though.  “You know you want to see me, Teni, don’t even try to pretend you don’t.” There was a definite undercurrent of tease running through it that her standing on the inside of the door, forehead pressed to the wood, smiling. “You’ll really want to see what I brought for you, although I guess I could just take it back home…” he continued to tease, knowing it would draw her out, and a little surprised she hadn’t bounded out.  But his sprite was playful, so of course she would make him wait.  Her playful and spunky personality was one of the things that the demon most liked about her. 
With a laugh, she leaned the broom that she still held in her hands against the wall then walked back over to the door and pulled it open, expecting the handsome demon to be standing somewhere in front of it.  Instead she was greeted by absolutely nothing but air and a view of the clearing in front of her home. Her brows drew together as she stepped out of the small hut to look around the clearing, wondering where he could be hiding and what trick he was playing this time.  Martenique was sure she had heard his voice close by, but she knew he held magic that could make him disappear.  So, where had he gone to, she wondered. And why had the vines let him go?
“And now you are hiding because I did not come at you beckoning, Sir Peri?” She continued to look around, wondering where he was and how he had escaped the vines. Her language had gotten slightly better, she'd been practicing. “That does not seem very gentlemanly of you?   How are we to court if you abandon me?” It was hard for her not to laugh; she was sure he was not truly gone. “Look up.” Casperius replied, clearing his throat and smirking.  He had to hand it to the vines that protected his favorite female, they were original.  Good guard dogs too.  He didn’t have to worry about someone sneaking up on his little sprite while he was gone, which was good because he did not like people messing with anything that was his. Martenique was already his in his mind, he just had to keep coming out ahead on deals. He was going to do everything in his power to ensure that she was eternally so, believing that the sprite would be a source of constant intrigue and interest. Not to mention having her beauty around the manor would be a boon.  Unlike his bedmates, he actually missed her when they were apart.  Yes, she had done something to him he quite liked.
Slowly Martenique’s head tipped back so she could look up, and when she saw Casperius suspended above her, held upside down by his ankles, her eyes went wide.  “Oh dear!  Peri! I…I…”  She was trying not to laugh, but failing quite badly.  In fact, she could not even finish her sentence from the laughter bubbling up from within her.  Her hands covered her mouth but she could not hide the merriment dancing in her eyes. “Go ahead, laugh all you want.  I’ll just take my gift back home with me if you prefer me suspended midair rather than having me down there with you.  It makes no difference to me, you know.  There are lots of sprites that I could give my attention to.”  His voice was full of teasing, as was his expression.  Just to be sure she knew he wasn’t serious, Casperius threw in a wink.  After their misunderstanding before, he did not want another where she might have hurt feelings.  The eye roll, blindingly bright smile, and shake of her head that had her chestnut brown hair fanning out that he got in return told him that unlike their confusion over the unknown phrase last time, she understood what he really meant this time. It pleased him, she was absolutely perfect in every way, and after hearing her laughter again, he couldn't’ wait to hear it once more as well.  She was spinning some kind of spell over him, he was sure.
“Maybe I’m just keeping you up there because I can’t trust you not to be running around after every sprite, faerie, and pixie you see.  You are a demon after all.”  She crossed her arms over her chest and smirked smugly up at him.  Two could play at the teasing game, and she found it fun.  From the way he reacted, she thought he did too, and she liked making him happy.
“Ah, I see how little faith you truly have in me, Teni.  I’m wounded to the core.  Heart broken.  A demon destroyed.  Here I come bearing gifts and you regale me with accusations of infidelity.”  He sniffed and pretended to wipe his eye as if there were a tear.  The laugh that erupted from his beautiful sprite below again made his chest seem to vibrate and the rhythm of his heart change.  Whatever it was she did to him, he liked it. He had spoken to his brother Cormoran about her, and couldn’t wait for the two of them to meet as well. At the moment, Cormoran thought him half mad at his description of her.
“Now, we can’t have you all like that.  You might go and make a deal that goes bad.”  Martenique blew out a big sigh and once more rolled her eyes in an exaggerated way.  “I guess I’m going to HAVE to let you down.  But you must behave.”  She smirked and laughed as she wagged a finger at him, continuing the game.
“I will be on my best demon behavior, I promise.”  he winked and grinned at her, garnering another eyeroll.  If they could keep this kind of interaction going, he would gladly hang upside down all day.  The only thing better would be whisking her away back to the manor house and keeping her there with him always.  It wasn’t quite ready yet, just a few more days…
When she began to hum a soft melody, the vines began to lower Casperius to the ground.  When he was a short distance from being all the way down,  they wrapped around him differently so that in the end he was put on his feet about a foot in front of Martenique.  Gazing up at him once he was back in front of her, she wondered if he had grown even more handsome since he had last been there two days before or if she was just a besotted fool.  It was possible that it was both, but she was sure that she was just being a fool.
“This is much better.” He grinned, stepping to her and bringing her into his arms.  This time he did not ask or prepare her for the kiss, and he would not apologize afterwards.  It was still soft and chaste, he would let her determine when it was time to move forwards, forcing her would just cause things to take longer and he was impatient as it was.  He wanted and needed her trust to be able to keep her, and for her to want to be kept by him.  That he had not been able to return the previous day had almost cost a ghast its existence.  “And now that you have been properly greeted, I did mention a gift.”
Martenique wasn’t sure if his kisses would ever stop making her entire body tingle, but she was willing to repeatedly keep testing.  He was so unlike sprite males, in that he confused her and made her keep wondering what he was going to do next.  And now a gift, what could be the meaning of that?  And what could it be?  “Yes, you did.  I hope I got you down fast enough that you don’t feel the need to take it back with you.” One hand had made it’s way into the back of his hair and she now ruffled it playfully.
Casperius pulled her in flush with him, finding he had missed the feeling of her smaller body against his more than he had realized.  “I think that it was adequate timing to get your gift.”  His fingers played in her dark tresses, almost mesmerized by how soft and silken her hair was. “Close your eyes.”
She did as she was told, and when he stepped away from her for a second, Martinique had to fight the inclination to follow.  Her teeth caught her bottom lip as she waited, trying not to seem too impatient while doing so.  It had been ages since anyone had gotten her a gift that she was having trouble remembering who it had been from or even what it was for.
“Ok, you can open them.” He told her softly and when she did, Martenique was greeted by the sight of him holding up the most gorgeous dress she’d ever seen.  It was a teal that was the color of a peacock, and it had gold threads running through it so that it sparkled as it caught the light.  Along the bottom were embroidered peacock feathers and the edge was scalloped along the feathers.  She had never seen anything like it, even when she had gone into town to do her trading.
“Oh Peri, it’s beautiful but it's too much!  I can’t imagine what you must have…” her words were cut off by one of his fingers against her lips; he had quickly closed the distance between them with one of his large steps.  She didn’t even try to fight him, just looked into those sparkling blue eyes that were creasing at the edge because he was smiling so smug and proud of himself.  He knew she loved it, and she did. “No, it is not.  I want you to have it because I believe it will look beautiful on you, and I have ideas where we can go with you wearing it.”  He then looked down at the sprite shoes she wore, which wouldn’t really go with the dress.  “And I have some little black shoes I want you to try as well.  They are supposed to be very soft and comfortable.”  He leaned in more and kissed the middle of her forehead.  “Now go try them on.”
While Casperius waited for her, he went over all the plans for his manor house in his head.  Things were already happening, and it would only be a week at the longest till it was ready for her to visit.  Horace was sure he’d lost his mind as well, or that Martenique was in danger.  He’d had to talk to his butler more than once and assure him that neither was true, he’d just found a female who had captured his interest like none before.  Horace hadn’t been wholly convinced, but he’d show him when this little sprite finally was in Imperium.  
The creaking of her front door brought him out of his thoughts of back home and Casperius turned around to see that the fae had done an excellent job with everything.  The dress fit her perfectly and the way the color worked with her skin tone and eyes was breathtaking.  “I do hope that you will wear this when I visit sometime, Teni, you look amazing, my little sprite.”  HIS.
Martenique felt the blush rise to her cheeks and she didn’t know what to say.  Her eyes fell to the floor for a minute.  Which reminded her of the shoes he’d brought.  They were much different than her shoes she wore when in the forest, but they were comfortable and the insides were lined with some fabric that felt like fur but wasn’t.  It was wonderful.  “You are too nice.”  Again she smiled and felt her cheeks flame more as her eyes once more rose to look at him.  “And the shoes are very comfortable.  I don’t deser..” how he had moved so fast to have his finger on her lips, she didn’t know. 
“Now, if we are to get along, I don’t want to hear you say such things.“  Their noses almost touching, he was looking right in her eyes so she’d know he was serious.  When he took her home he didn’t want any of the staff intimidating her by picking up on her insecurities and feeding them, but he had a feeling they’d fall in love with her.  How could they not?  She was like sunshine personified.  He was the one that was normally  the darkest and most grumblesome in the manor.  “I told you, I like you and when I like people, I enjoy making them happy.”  An arm encircled her waist to pull her flush against him. “And I want to make you very happy, my little sprite.”  Maybe he had gone insane and Horace and Cor were right, but he was at least enjoying it.  He would not hurt her, he’d sworn that to Horace, damn ghoul all concerned.  She was so untouched by anything negative that he couldn’t help but want to know more and keep her that way.  The few times they had been together he could feel himself being different, and he liked it.  Like a weight was gone.
“Who am I to argue with a demon?” She finally said when his finger had slowly slipped from her lips. 
“You’re not supposed to.”  Casperious winked.  “And I will do my best to be a good demon and not argue with you either.” Promises, promises, promises…he kept making them and wasn’t sure why other being around her made him feel more relaxed and she was still a puzzle that he wanted to solve.  Even if he got her figured out, something told him she would still be interesting.  “Just don’t leave me tied up in vines too long.”
“Never.”  She laughed. “Although you do look good tied up.” She couldn’t help but tease. Those words did something to him that almost had him growling, but not in aggression.  She had no idea about his world, and it was all he could do not to make a remark that would be pushing the boundaries of things again.  “You know that you have other ways of keeping me here.”  His voice was deeper and more strained as the thoughts of what fun could be had with either of them tied up were dancing through his head, and affecting his groin.  
“You mean you don’t always have to run off and leave me alone?”  She continued the mutual tease, but knew something had changed.  He seemed more intense and even his scent was different.  Whatever it was that was affecting Casperius, it made him more alluring to Martenique.
“I will always have to go make my deals, Teni, but I don’t have to be gone as long in between visits.” Casperius’ voice was lower and he kept his eyes firmly on hers while one finger danced along her skin, tracing the edge of the dress as the neckline descended between her perfect breasts.  The catch in her breath, the widening of her pupils, and the pebbling of her skin all made a smirk start to form on his lips.  He enjoyed the effect he had on her, and she had on him.  “All you have to do is ask.  I might be able to rearrange my schedule to slip in a few minutes for you.” 
“Just a few, I guess I must not keep your interest too much.” There was a sassiness to her smirk as she started to turn in his arms.  The feel of his hands sliding across the silken fabric of the dress, causing it to press against her skin under their weight sent a small shiver through her.  He certainly had the oddest effect on her, so unlike anyone else. “Oh, no you don’t, my little sprite.” Casperius’ arm shot out and caught her waist to bring her back against his chest with a soft thud.  Again that melodic laughter of hers floated in the air and he loved it; it bringing out his own as he picked her off of the ground and spun her around.  “I am just a busy demon.”  A kiss was dropped on the side of her head as he brought them once more to stillness.  “If I had someone who wanted me to find more time though, I might be able to clear some of that schedule up.  Would you happen to know someone?”  “Hmmm..” Martenique tapped her chin, a playful smirk playing on her lips.  “I just might know someone like that.  I mean, this courting thing we’re doing...we’re supposed to be spending time together right?”  She leaned her head back against his broad and muscled chest, tipping her head so she could look up at him.  Was there any angle he wasn’t handsome from?  More research would be needed to draw a firm conclusion, but for the moment she was quite content to stay wrapped in his arms with hers laying over his.
“You know, Teni, I think you might be right.” He feigned that enlightenment just hitting him.  “We are supposed to be spending more time together.  How could I have forgotten?  I hope you can forgive me.”  His gaze now dropped into those gorgeous chocolate pools that looked back up at him, light twinkling in them as she laughed lightly at him again.  Her little pink tongue poking out of her mouth made him chuckle.  “Is that a yes, my sprite?”
“It’s a - this time.” She teased and then dared to go up onto her toes and place her own kiss right along his jaw.  The raised brow and grin she got in return told her that he liked it.  It made her grin up at him and bite her lip a little as she swayed gently in his arms, a little proud of herself.
“I think I told you that you might be in trouble if you got to know me too well, but I think I was wrong.”  He watched one of her brows go up and the questioning look come over her face and almost laughed.  Their first miscommunication, and one he would have to tease her about for a time to come.  “I think I am the one in trouble.  Clearing my schedule, bringing gifts, what would the other demons think?”  He gave her a wink and she started to laugh.  Fuck what anyone thought.  The only one whose opinion that mattered was his brother Cormoran and he doubted that Cor would have a problem with her other than keeping his hands to himself.  But then, Casperius was having that same problem and only wanting her to offer herself to him kept him being a “good boy”.
“They will think I’m an amazing sprite.” Martenique raised her chin with a little bit of a smug smile as she kept looking up at him.  “And they will be jealous that you caught me first.”  Once more she went to pop up quickly and give his jaw or cheek a kiss, but he anticipated her move and caught her lips with his own, earning him a pleased little sound from her.  
“And if they touch you…” he cut himself off, he didn’t want to scare her.  He would cause great pain to anyone that touched her and positively kill anyone that hurt her.  A few visits and he was already to bring about ultimate suffering for her, but she was going to be the preeminent jewel in his proverbial crown.
“I would not wish to be them.” Since he did not finish, she did for him.  Even if she was not sure what he would do, there was something about the look that had flashed in his eyes that scared her a little on the inside.  He had never been anything but gentle with her, yet in that fraction of a second there was put into her a certainty that he could be capable of great and horrific violence.  It was something she never wanted to see, and hoped to never be the cause of.
“No, you would not.  But you, my beauty, never have to fear.”  He kissed her forehead softly, then the tip of her perfect nose, and then her petal soft lips.  “For you will be the most cherished and protected sprite in the history of all sprites.”  His arms around her tightened as he wondered inwardly exactly what did make him so affectionate and soft towards her, it was something he’d have to think on later to ensure that he was not allowing a weakness that others could exploit, possibly with dire consequences.
“You sound very positive of that, Peri.  You haven’t known me that long.”  It wasn’t that Martenique wanted to discourage him, but she did have her own doubts and insecurities.  “Ah, you have a point.  I guess I’m just going to have to spend  more time with you to ensure that I am not overlooking any horrid habit or thing about you.”  He narrowed his eyes at her playfully, which earned him a laugh.  “Speaking of which, I have never seen the inside of that cottage of yours.  Am I always going to be relegated to the outside and being mauled by your vines?”  
“Well, I guess if you promise to behave I can take you inside.  It’s nothing fancy, but it is home.” Martenique felt her cheeks heat up.  She wanted him to come in but was also nervous at Capseirus actually seeing her home.  What if he thought her too poor for him?  
As Casperius was getting a tour of the small cottage that Martenique lived in and wondering how she would react to the grand estate that he lived on, Horace was on that estate working with the other staff to try to ready it for the sprite’s visit.  Her cottage was much like the woman herself, beautiful and simple…and in the wrong realm.
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storyofexistence · 1 year
Growth in pain
                                             One of the most painful moments of my life happened 11 years ago. I lost my father when I am only 8 years old. It turned my world upside down. I wasn’t ready to lose him and I think I will never be. He promised me that he will never leave me. And now that he is gone, he left me hanging on those promises.  A lot of things changed since then. Including having a complete and happy family. My mom tried to be in a relationship again. I was a huge papa’s girl that’s why it is hard for me to see her with another man. But I love her that’s why I never say things to her even if it kills me inside. Christmas day since then became a reminder of his death for me. Because it was December 10 when he died, 15 days before Christmas. I remember my mom used to deduct my money because I don’t do the assigned chores for me.  My papa always picks my side, the scenario was always me crying in the stock room and he will go to me and hand me money and tell me to be responsible the next time. I had to graduate grade school and high school without him. Before, my dream was to have a tremendous debut; But when I lose my papa all I want is for him to be there on that special day. Losing is also gaining lessons. I may lose my papa at a young age but it made me do things that “only men” can do as a society say. It made me the feminist I am today. Grow up not depending my life on any man.
                                         Losing friends is normal. I had these people in my life that I met when I was in grade school. When we were in 5th grade I run for president of SPG. They are on my team, on the day of the election I found out that they voted for the other candidate. I feel betrayed; I realized they are not the ones I can count on. I never get mad at them but the feeling of betrayal was always there even how happy I am hanging out with them. From that, I tried to please everyone I met. Because for me if I am the best everyone will be wanting to be friends with me. I moved to high school and gain new people in my life. I’ve been into a lot of circles of friends. All of it failed, and it made me think if I was the one who has the problem or if life is just like that. Those people I met kept on promising me that they’ll be there for me always, but when life gets dark and sad they disappear.  When I am in junior high I have a circle of friends that made me experience things and made my whole junior life more exciting. That experience is not only about good things but it was worth it. But suddenly we have to part ways. I stay in that school and continue my senior year. While they go to different schools. But I got stuck to that world that I am with them. And then senior year come and as usual, I met other people but they made me feel excluded in their life. But I learned that you don’t have to pretend around the people that truly value and love you. Keep your circle small. Don’t be afraid to cut off ties with people who don’t give you peace. It is all about quality over quantity.
                                           Love can give you butterflies in your stomach and heart pain the next day.  Life will give you someone that will give you either love or pain. In my case, it is a mix of both. I met him when we were in 8th grade. But we never get into a relationship. We enjoy the company of each other. I wasn’t ready for commitment at that time. We stayed on that kind of connection. No commitment no worries we just enjoy our time together. But when the time I was ready to commit to him he had already gotten tired of waiting. He leaves me without any explanation. I keep seeking answers. Aside from papa he used to be the one I run to when life gets too much. That time that he is the reason for my tears I don’t know what to do. Seeing him as if nothing happened broke me so much. But maybe the love is bigger than everything that happened. I still can’t get mad at him for ruining my peace. It has gotten to the point that I beg him to come back and choose me. But as time pass I realize that what we have is not worth keeping. Because he made me beg for the bare minimum. Made me feel that I don’t have the right to ask for his time. Keep on giving me mixed signals. And never clear his intention. I never saw all of these things before.  I always believe that what we have is a big wrong timing. But I learn one important thing from this experience. It is that you never meet the right person at the wrong time because the right people are timeless.
                                               Failure has always been part of success as they say. But it will cause you so much pain. Not passing your dream college course is one of them. Ever since I was in 5th grade becoming Civil Engineer has been my greatest dream. When I was in high school I am looking forward to college but astoundingly life is not like I think it is. I applied for my preferred course which is civil engineering. But sadly I didn’t get the slot for the program. I cried heavily as I read the email. I’m not even worried if my family will know that I am crying. It made me doubt myself. I still had to enroll even though I don’t want the course. It was double tiring because the course itself is hard and not wanting the course at the same time. But when my favorite Doctor once said “There are times a decision will come first before passion” she is right.
                                               Love will cause you pain. Pain will lead you to growth. It’s a never-ending cycle. All of the struggles, failures, and pain will teach you things that books can’t. I often heard them say “hindi pedeng walang sakit”. When I was a kid I never understood them. I think it is unfair that we don’t have a choice. But as life made me experience things that turn my world upside down and made me lose myself. I started to realize that they are right, life is full of pain that we can’t control.  But we always have the choice to move forward. We don’t need to force ourselves to move on from the pain but continuing is important. Don’t allow yourself to be stuck in the storm and let the rain soak you. Put on an umbrella and watch how the rain poured from the sky.   I’ll be honest not all of the pain is worth it, but the lessons are.
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ellitx · 3 years
In honor of Father's Day, could we get some headcanons of the twins (separately) as parents?
Venti as a Father:
It would be really chaotic and a mess when it’s him watching over the kids
Just feeding them and bringing the spoon to their mouth like an airplane, and if one of his children happens to playfully throw the food to his face, it’ll be a food fight.
Of course, it didn’t last long when you entered the room and you see everything is so cluttered and dirty.
Venti can be strict with them if he has to but most of the time he’s carefree and lively with them. Often going outside to play, gliding, and maybe just a leisurely family time with you, him, and the children.
He’s not really restricting them but if they wanna play outside they have to ask his permission first so he’ll know where they are or so that he can watch over them
Venti likes it if his kids ask him to carry them! He’ll carry them on his shoulders so they can see the beautiful view of Mondstadt's scenery!
Or if he’s laying on your lap and they’re asking to be carried, he’ll lift them up and act like they’re flying in the sky. He’ll use his vision to make it really breezy so they can feel what it’s like to soar in the air.
When it’s time for dinner, he has to call for them. But the problem is they’re so mischievous that they even hide from him. It’s easy to find them but for the sake of entertaining them, he pretends he doesn’t have a single clue as to where they are.
“Now where’s my little sweetie hiding again? Looks like Detective Venti is starting another case of Disappearing Angel.” He takes his cape and flips them in the air for a dramatic effect and boy does he hear that stifled laugh behind the sofa.
He takes out his lyre and starts singing about the clues he had gathered and for suspense, he stopped strumming his instrument and stood still. Their kid covered their mouth to quiet themselves and it was unfortunate for them they didn’t notice their father was already behind them.
Venti’s hands slipped underneath them and hoisted them to his shoulder causing them to shriek and wiggle around while giggling.
“Papa, that’s unfair!!”
“Another point for Detective Venti~”
Aside from playing detectives, he’s pretty much dramatic around them if they’re playing house or prince and princess together.
“Oh, sweet child of mine, call the fairest maiden for I, Venti the Most Handsome, Charming, Powerful, and Talented Bard has fallen down because of the great dark dragon’s compelling attack.”
Your child first thought of you, immediately rushing to where you are and tugging at your sleeves.
“Mama! Mama! Help Papa come back alive! He said the only way to regain his powers is that you have to kiss him!”
You choked at your own spit, your face burning hot hearing another ridiculous idea venti started for you to kiss him. You didn’t want to disappoint them so you obliged and followed them to the living room.
There you saw venti laying down, his hands on his chest with his eyes closed, and sure you’d mistaken him as some kind of princess if not for your daughter asking you to help him.
Clearing your throat and readying yourself in acting mode, you kneeled down beside him and clasped his hands with yours.
“Oh, my darling Venti. All your power has been drained, the energy within you has been stolen by the greatest and fearful creature that has been ever lived. But fear not, for I have come to aid you by… by caressing you with a true love’s kiss.”
You slowly leaned forward and ran your finger on his face before closing your eyes until his lips brushed with yours. The tips of your ears were turning red when your child awed and watched closely, and for sure you felt your husband’s lips tugging upwards. His hand reached up behind you to hold you close to him and let the kiss last longer.
His eyelids flutter open, revealing the marvelous emerald orbs he has that were the same as your little angel, and he turned at you with clouded eyes, his cheeks beginning to tint with warm red.
Before he could latch his lips with yours once more, your child jumped at his back and cried,
“You’re alive! You’re finally alive! Quick, defeat the dark dragon before it destroys the castle!”
Venti almost forgot he was playing with them. All of a sudden, you felt your feet weren't on the ground anymore and in instinct, you held onto his shoulder and gaped at him. Venti's arm was underneath your bottom, carrying with such ease as if your weight was as light as a feather.
“Of course, my dear! Now that my power has been replenished thanks to this lovely maiden, I can finally stop the dragon’s outrage through the power of wind and freedom!”
His right hand glowed, unleashing a gentle yet powerful wind to knock down the mini dvalin stuffed toy that was standing in front of the blocks. The toy’s balance was gone, causing it to fall onto the ground as a sign the enemy’s disturbance was no longer present. Peace, harmony, and freedom were settled back to the small kingdom you, your child, and your husband had created.
Himmel as a father:
Himmel’s a househusband! Due to his frail body, he’s more inclined to work inside the house which he doesn’t mind. So all the cooking, cleaning, laundry is handled by him.
Househusband Himmel doesn’t really mind at all! In fact, he really enjoys it because he gets to watch over his kyut litol beybis playing around the house and spend time with them!
He knows you’re already home when he hears his babies screaming “MAMA!!”, it’s either a playful chase with his children on who gets to hug you first or he let them hug you first before he kisses you as a greeting of welcome home.
Whenever he goes to the grocery, he brings his children with him and they’re in the twin stroller. Everything is prepared; the pacifiers and two bottles of milk, and perhaps some extra diapers in case the line is too long and they need a bathroom break.
Himmel always takes a morning stroll and he also brings his babies with him so they can get that vitamin from the sunlight for them to be healthy. Don’t want them to risk being so unhealthy when they grow up now do we?
Maybe after the stroll, he stops in a nearby park to rest, maybe even allowing them to have some fun as long as they’re in his sight. Himmel will start planning on having a picnic time as family bonding on weekends so you can also take a break as well as you can get in touch with your own kids
While at home, carrying his two kids in his arms is no biggie for him. He can even multitask with it, though he prefers if they are in the crib just in case he doesn’t accidentally step on some toys and slip while carrying them.
He loves holding them and carrying them with him after he finishes the household chores! He’ll play with them, shower them with kisses, keep on telling them how much papa loves them and how he’s so happy they’re part of his life. When they run out of milk, he has to take the new supply you’ve readied in the refrigerator.
The babies will crawl up to him, stretching out their short arms towards their father because they wanted to be carried. Himmel chuckles then picks them up before making their drink. He hums a song while warming the milk and leaves small kisses on their head and nuzzles his nose against it as he waits
His little ball of sunshine is full of energy so he can be quick to get exhausted, but he’s trying his best to stay awake to make sure nothing dangerous happens to them. he lets them crawl up to him and play with his hair and when they also get sleepy and clings to him, it brings a smile to his face and holds them close to his chest protectively before laying them back down in the crib
Himmel may have taught them many things, from a simple reading, talking/cooing, walking, and maybe even singing. He has bought many things that can help them like rattles, squeeze toys, picture books, and also some stuffed toys they can play with.
Over the months, he’ll buy different toys for them so they can start the process of learning simple stuff like ABC blocks and even more plushies.
His kids love it when he sings or reads them a bedtime story. If you’re free, you and Himmel will reenact the story to maybe entertain them, and oh their cute little smiles and giggles tug their parents’ hearts.
Once they reach the age of three, Himmel is so excited for them that they can meet new friends. It’s the start of their preschool and he prepared everything. Now he’s the type of father who’ll take a picture of them every single year and some memorable moments to be added in the album
After school, he’s there to pick them up with you. All the mothers were gawking when he was standing near the door and looking for his cute babies. Perhaps he’s a brother to pick his siblings up?
Lol nope
Their jaws dropped when they heard a scream of papa from the running children. He opened his arms and caught them easily as they jumped at him for a hug. The mothers/guardians can’t believe Himmel's a father. Such a youthful face he has and having two children?!
He gives them a kiss on their forehead and asks how their day went. When he told them that mama was waiting outside, the twins immediately left their father’s side and ran out of the school to see you there smiling and waving.
“Mama!! Look, look, my teacher gave me a stamp that I did well!”
“I have five stars on my booklet!!”
Your eyes sparkled at their wonderful achievements and patted their head. Himmel stood next to you and smiled, admiring the wonderful warm feeling in his heart to see this growing family.
Kneeling before one of his kids, he whispered something next to them causing them to gasp out and looked at you with big curious eyes.
“I’m going to be a big sister/brother?!!”
You look at your husband with an astonished face and pout before playfully shoving his shoulder.
“That was supposed to be a surprise!” You whined. Himmel laughed and pecked your lips, whispering “I can’t help it,” before taking the hands of his child then yours. You take the other twin’s small hand and walked side-by-side with your husband and children back home
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jaskiersvalley · 3 years
I love your writing!! I love reading all of them, my favourite pieces are the ones with the wolf pack and Jaskier! Small request for the three brothers rough housing and having fun with each other and Vesemir with Jaskier are walking into the room and the brothers all scatter because when younger Vesemir use to get onto the boys and they are use to the ‘last person there has to deal with Vesemir’ and Jaskier is rolling on the ground at the sight of three buff Witcher’s scattering like kids
The façade of emotionless, stoic Witchers fell away piece by piece in Kaer Morhen and Jaskier was delighted to bear witness to it. He never could have believed Geralt was capable of not only smiling but also whining like a spoilt brat. But seeing the younger Witchers’ antics, it fill Jaskier with a bitter kind of joy. They probably never got the chance to be carefree, foolish boys, at least now they got the chance to make up for it. In all his observations and indulgent peeking, Jaskier found an unlikely accomplice; Vesemir. He had been a wonderful reassurance and guide in understanding the others.
“Just wait. It’s when they sleep more comfortably that things will start to pick up.”
Never had truer words been spoken. Jaskier was all too used to Geralt not sleeping but rather spending the night kneeling in a meditative state. The few times he slept, it was with his back pressed against a wall and curled into a tight, protective ball. It seemed to be something that all Witchers took to doing, having met a few along the Path, Jaskier had seen them all resting and it was always the same. Just watching them made him exhausted most of the time, what they did, Jaskier wouldn't call rest. That all changed in Kaer Morhen.
Contrary to popular belief, it wasn't an early morning rise for Witchers during winter. It was a time for rest, to take what comforts they could in a world that so cruelly discarded them like used toys. So, more often than not, Jaskier was the first to wake and get breakfast going. He liked to wander through halls and check in on all the Witchers, making sure they were sleeping soundly. Some mornings, Vesemir joined him, though usually he would go out to the coop to let the chickens out for the day and then milk a goat if they were planning on a treat like a hot chocolate.
The two of them took to waking the others up together if breakfast was something that was better while it was still fresh and warm. So Jaskier got to see as, ever so slowly, the others relaxed into their home. Perhaps the most noticeable one was Lambert. Over the course of the week he unfurled from a tight ball until he was sprawled on his back, limbs splayed in every direction, even his fingers were spread wide. The first time they saw him like that, Vesemir smiled.
"Even as a pup he tried to take up as much space as possible. Whether it was to see bigger or because he felt he didn't get much in his waking moments to claimed them in his sleeping ones, we'll never know."
Eskel was a little more subtle. His bed filled up with throws, pillows and anything soft, including clothes from anyone in the keep. If Jaskier stared hard enough, he was quite certain he could see the frills of his missing, softest chemise.
"You'll probably just want to send Lambert in most mornings. If we'd let him, Eskel would hibernate the day away."
Really, Jaskier couldn't blame him. Eskel was nothing more than a mop of dark hair under all the bedding. He wasn't even a lump, just straight up disappeared and melded into his bed. How he could breathe under all the weight was a wonder but he seemed happy enough.
Perhaps the least obvious but most difficult to deal with was Geralt. He was a cuddler and aggressively so. There was nothing Jaskier could do to get out of his vice-like grip in the morning. He couldn't even be mad at Vesemir when he stuck his head in and promptly chuckled.
"Guess you've replaced the pillows," he said. "If you want to get up, grab one of the big pillows and he'll hold onto that. Eventually."
Sure enough, Geralt snuggled into the pillow after a little while and Jaskier could make his escape. Thankfully, the others tended to be able to get themselves up at some point. There was no official training, no chore schedule. They were all adults, they all chipped in where needed and, somehow, everything was taken care of.
This freedom also led to some more unruly times. Namely, they seemed to love roughhousing. As Jaskier had observed before, they were like over excitable puppies who never got a chance to be young and silly. They were more than abundantly making up for it now. When they weren't sleeping, they were causing mischief somewhere. Inevitably two of them would partner up against the third, usually with very loud consequences.
Even better was their reaction when caught mid-shenanigans. Jaskier was pulled into Vesemir's secret and was permitted to join the fun.
"I just love how they scramble to pretend it wasn't them," Vesemir had admitted one morning. "They're idiots but they're my endearing idiots."
Right on cue there was an almighty crash from the library, followed by a yowl and raucous laughter. Immediately, Vesemir started towards the noise with loud, measured steps.
"Listen," he urged Jaskier.
There were definite sounds of a scuffle, grunts and yelps. It was only as Vesemir turned the door handle that a cry went up.
"Shit! Vesemir! Run!"
As the door opened, Jaskier gotto see three grown Witchers falling over each other in an attempt to...who even knew what. Maybe they were aiming to sit on the couches and look presentable, maybe they were trying to flee. Eskel had somehow managed to hop up onto an armchair and was in the process of pulling himself silently into the rafters.
"Just what is going on here then?" Vesemir asked. A smile was wisely hidden under his moustache.
"Nothing!" It was a chorus of fake innocence. When Vesemir fixed Eskel with a stare, he got a few pullups out of it.
"Just exercising."
"In the library." It wasn't even a question, Vesemir's voice was full of disbelief.
"What better place to exercise the body and the mind?" Lambert piped up, edging towards the door.
In front of Geralt was a coffee table, or rather, what was left of it. He was the unlucky one to be blamed this time.
"It wasn't me!" Geralt protested, hands up to show his innocence. "I found it like this." In the silence, Vesemir stared flatly at him. Looking around desperately, Geralt gulped. "It was Jaskier!"
Nobody moved for a moment at such a brazen lie. Jaskier was behind Vesemir, there was no way it could have possibly been him. However, Jaskier was the one to recover from the shock first. "Indeed, it was me. My apologies. I took a tumble while...dusting, yes, dusting. I was dusting the-" there was nothing in the vicinity of the table, "-carpet."
Jaskier stared Vesemir in the eye, everyone aware of how bad the lie was. In the end, Vesemir nodded.
"Very well. And because I raised three very polite and kind pups, they will help you tidy away the broken table. And they'll take over the dusting from you. Can't have you falling and breaking something again. What if it's your neck next time?"
Punishment handed out, Vesemir cast his three wayward idiots a final glare.
"Well, hop to it. Breakfast can wait until you're done."
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softyoongiionly · 4 years
Bunny Do
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You and your husband live in a cottage together in the forest.
Welcome to a day in your life.
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Fluff, smut, slice of life au, domestic au, DO I EVER WRITE ANY OTHER KIND OF JUNGKOOK? No. I have a problem
Word Count: 5.4k
A/N: Well hey there. Look it’s Aqua, back with ANOTHER Jungkook domestic au. Seriously someone needs to stop me. This is just excessive at this point. Anyways, I freaking love you. Yes you. Hi, I love YOU. Ok bye.
this fic is dedicated to @bulletproofbirdy​ whom I love with my whole entire heart. The war has begun.
IMPORTANT: Please check out this link and do what you can! All lives can’t matter until black lives do. 
Warnings: swearing, Jungkook abs, smut (18+ only plz)
Chaos is not something you’ve been apart of for quite some time.
You traded in your busy life of hustling and turned away the bustling city you were born in to retreat into what could only be described as paradise.
Sure, the bugs can be a bit overwhelming and mating season amongst your animal neighbors doesn’t provide the most serene of soundtracks but, it was home.
Home is now a small cottage nestled into the forest at the base of Mount Iridescence.  
The exterior is made of smooth grey stone and the roof, which your husband laid by hand, is made from the finest oak the two of you could find.  
Of course, the exterior is covered in greenery, it wouldn’t be a cottage paradise if it weren’t.
The front of the cottage is adorned with a massive flower garden full of white daisies, pink roses, yellow tulips and tons of baby’s breath.  
Your porch served multiple purposes; housing the ridiculous amount of plants you’ve nursed, providing shelter to the occasional racoon or squirrel and, allowing you and your husband to watch the sun kiss the crest of the mountains every evening.  
The interior of your cottage was intentionally simple. Other than your husband’s many homemade ceramic pieces, the main source of décor was of course, more greenery. White linen, chocolate colored clay and, delicate lace also accented the inside of your home.  
Behind the cottage was essentially a small zoo, complete with a dozen chickens, a handful of geese, a cow named Jezabel, a llama named Su and, two baby bunnies named Floof and Tokki.  
Beside the animals was a garden that provided many of the ingredients you use in your kitchen every day; broccoli, cauliflower, pumpkin, green peppers, jalapeños, garlic, thyme, parsley, tomatoes, strawberries, grapes and carrots. There was a lemon tree or two as well but, the garden was consistently expanded as you and your husband learned new ways to be better plant parents.  
The point is, you had made yourself a nice little life in the forest.
An odd trip into town occurred every week or so as well as visits to friends and family but overall, life had resigned to the small nook in the forest.  
You had never felt more at peace...
Your husband’s urgent call rips you out of your gratitude as you begin frantically looking towards the direction of his voice.
“What??? Are you sure?! We locked their little home last night didn’t we?”
You’re now questioning every life decision you’ve ever made and whilst you’d like to be absolutely certain you’d never do anything to endanger the lives of your two tiny fluffy children, the fear in your husbands voice is unsettling.
Finally he whips around the corner, his black hair flopping about as he does, eyes wide with panic.
“I can’t find him anywhere- I went to feed them and I can only see Floof!”
“You checked under the patch of bedding in the left corner? He’s always hiding under there...” You insure, your breathing slightly increasing.
He seems to deflate beneath your question and, suddenly a rush of pink comes across his cheeks, “I- well...ok I may have forgot to check underneath the bedding...”
He rushes out the last bit of his words before hastily running to the backyard. Despite your inability to keep up with your freakishly athletic husband, your anxiety is fueling your movements to the point that you aren’t far behind him.  
“Excuse me Su, Jezebel! Ge-Get out of my way please!”  
You hear him try and reason with the ladies currently blocking his path as he nearly trips over some stray chicken wire.  
“Slow down!” You call after him, slightly out of breath as you see Jungkook halt abruptly in front of the baby blue hutch housing the bunnies.
“Hi Floof, sorry to bother you again I’m just gonna-” Jungkook murmurs into the hutch as you finally catch up to him.
Eagerly, you peak over his shoulder, heart wildly thrashing in your chest as you see him lift up the fluffy padding on the bottom of their home.
Sure enough, Tokki is sleeping soundly beneath the padding, his small caramel colored body curled into a little ball, completely unaware of the panic over his disappearance.
“Oh god...babe I’m so sorry, I just freaked out I thought- I thought I let him out because, I was the last one out here last night.”  
You can hear the tightening in his voice and it sends a thousands pangs of sadness into your heart.
Kissing your teeth, you pull him into your chest, laughing gently as you pat his back.
“Hey, hey it’s ok sweetheart. He’s right here yeah? You’d never forget to lock them up.”
His hands quickly find the back of your cotton dress, clinging to you tigher than you’d expect before tucking his face into your neck.
With a kiss he mumbles, “ ‘m sorry I scared you, I was trying to finish all the chores since you worked so hard on the garden yesterday.”
“You’re so sweet.” You peck at his cheek, “And wonderful.” Another peck, “And amazing.” Peck. “And cute.” Your kisses move lower so they are focused on his neck, “And I love you.”
With the onslaught of kissing, Jungkook snickers and playfully wiggles away from you as the sensations overwhelm his sensitive skin.
Despite the bit of tears that stain his cheeks, his brilliant smile is out to play as his hands find your waist to pull you against him.
“Soft.” He teases, sniffling slightly but the love in his eyes is unavoidable, “I love you too...”
“You really want to talk about who is soft right now?” You quirk an eyebrow, “You’re still crying...”
At this he laughs, his body shaking as he pulls you in closer to him, the scent of his eucalyptus body wash enticing your senses.  
“Shhhh...” He giggles, pecking the shell of your ear playfully, “Our children are safe, let’s just pretend this never happened.”  
You giggle and shrink away from his kiss before your body seems to snap back like an elastic band, your arms wrapping around his waist.
“Fair enough. As long as you promise to check the ENTIRE hutch next time.”  
He nods, smirking against the side of your head, “Deal.”
As you pull away from him, you feel a pang of regret, wishing desperately that you were able to stay near him for the entire morning.
Or the entire day...
Or the entire year...
But who’s counting?
However, cottages do not tend themselves and while you have the strongest urge to pull your husband into your bedroom, you know that there are chores to finish.
Jungkook’s eyes are on you, like he’s reading the script inside your head and as much as you’d like to convince him (and yourself) that everything in there is PG, you both know it’s not.
Newlyweds are like that right?
All passion, no pause.
Sex, love, touching, laughing, getting drunk off of one another...
It’s a daily occurrence.  
The honeymoon phase isn’t supposed to last forever but, you’ve been back from your honeymoon for 4 years now and you swear you want him more than you did when you first met him.
He giggles then, like a school-boy, his eyes alight with mischief.
“Stop staring at me...” He tucks a finger underneath your chin, “Weirdo...”
His soft cherry lips tuck into yours then, slowly unwinding you with his kiss as his fingers delicately cup your face.
Of course you reciprocate, drinking up every bit of his affection that you can, your hands sliding beneath the white t-shirt that hangs loosely off of his body.
Jungkook shudders as he feels your fingers brush over his lower stomach, arousal beginning to bubble up in his gut.
However, you aren’t going to let his snarky comment go unpunished so as you peek an eye open you say, “The hutch is still open...”
With a pop, he pulls away from your kiss with wide eyes to check on the bunnies. Once he’s satisfied with their well-being, he gently shuts the hutch and turns back to you.
“Rude.” He remarks, trying to appear unamused, “I was literally trying to make out with you.”
A laugh leaves your lips, “You can make out with me later...” You lean in to peck the mole beneath his lip, “We have chores to finish.”
“wE hAvE cHorES to FInisH...” He mocks you playfully and snickers as he narrowly avoids your hand as you swat at him, “I’m kidding! I’m kidding you’re right...just c’mere one last time...”
Your eyes narrow in suspicion but because you are completely weak for him, you allow him to tug you against his chest once more.  
“I love you Mrs. Jeon...” He vows but this time, you can practically taste the sincerity in his tone as he kisses the side of your head, then your cheek, then your lips, “I’ll see you in a bit ok?”
With nothing but warmth in your chest, you offer him a cheesy smile and give him a proper hug.
“I love you too Mr. Jeon...”
As the two of you part ways he turns around to continue his tasks revealing to you the sculpt of his ass within his black jeans.
And of course, you smack it.
Because, who the hell wouldn’t?
“Don’t forget the chicken coop!”
You yell as he jumps a mile high.
“YAH!” He calls after you, chuckling to himself, his cheeks reddening involuntarily.
The rest of the morning passes easily.
You harvest the various herbs and produce from your garden, clean the bathroom, organize the refrigerator after your grocery delivery and catch up on some of your reading before deciding to make some lunch.
Jungkook had been out all morning as well: tending to the animals, fixing some of the fencing, weeding, repotting some flowers and, mowing the front lawn.
He’s probably feeling the same level of hunger that you are so, you head out to the backyard to ask him what he’s in the mood for.
It takes a minute for you to find him but, when you do...you really regret that you did.
His white t-shirt has been discarded over the fence; the only left adorning his body are the dark wash denim jeans, his black work boots and, sweat.
Before he even notices your presence, he pushes his sweaty mop of hair away from his face, squinting at the ray of sunshine currently in his eyes.  
He truly has no idea how attractive he is.  
But you certainly do.  
And you feel like you’re going to faint.
His wedding band catches the sunlight and it reminds you, once again, that this man is your husband.
Which is a fairytale within itself.
Jungkook rubs the back of his neck, wincing slightly before his hand slides down to rub over his stomach (abs), signifying in his own way that he’s hungry.
Which causes you to remember why you came to find him in the first place.
“H-hey babe!’” You call gently, your voice wavering.
Eyes widening a bit, he hones in on the sound of your voice, his face lighting up as he sees you.
“Yah! There she is! Are you all done?”
You smile, adjusting your clothes and wishing that your knees were kissing the soft grass of the garden.
Nodding, you step a little closer to him, trying to avoid full-on eye contact, “Yeah, I just finished up, do you want something to eat? I was gonna make lunch...”
“That depends...” He maneuvers his head to try and catch your attention, his body bending slightly in the process, “Are you on the menu?”
He has the audacity to throw a smirk and an over the top wink your way before immediately cackling as you roll your eyes.
“Shut up...” You shake your head, trying desperately to fight the urge to smile at him but when his face lights up with laughter, you have no other choice.
“Are you????” He insists loudly as he turns to sling his shirt over his shoulder, “I’m starving.”
The way he says the last part of his sentence is less funny as there is clearly some humor disappearing from his tone but, his charming smirk remains on his lips.
As he strolls over to you and, you almost have half a mind to retreat back into the house because, your ability to keep from ogling at him is slowly fading.
“I was going to make something with the broccoli I harvested this morning...” You insist, playfully turning away from him when he tries to lean down and kiss you.
"Kiss meee...” He pleads, pouting his pretty lips, the sweat still very present on his figure, “I’ve been working really hard.”
The way he whines at you is actually kind of hot and, coupled with his slick backed hair and his shirtless torso, it’s getting hard to bring yourself to remember why you originally came looking for your husband.
You oblige, kissing the salt from his lips, indulging in the musky scent emanating from his body.
Jungkook doesn’t like to be dirty but ever since moving to the cottage, he’s fallen in love with working outside and doesn’t focus so heavily on being spotless.  
“I came out here to ask you what you wanted to eat and, now you’re flustering me in the middle of our garden all over again.” You accuse, smiling against his lips, “You need to eat something, I didn’t see you take any fruit this morning.”
He rests his forearms atop your shoulders, grinning shamelessly, “If you weren’t so adamant on feeding me, I could be doing more than just flustering you.”
Jungkook really is an anomaly.
Hours earlier, he was crying into your neck over possibly letting out the bunnies and, now he’s using his charm and good looks to reduce you to a pile of lust.
“Did you not get enough last night? I’m pretty sure we were at it til after 1...”
Jungkook raises a brow, his grin never fading, “Did you? You’re the one pressing your thighs together right now.”  
“No, I’m not.” You lie but, to be fair, you didn’t even notice you were doing it until he pointed it out.
“Yes you are.”
“No, I’m just standing here.”
“Babe, we’ve been together for how long now? I know when you’re in the mood. I don’t know why you can never admit it.”
Because you’re stubborn.
You take one of his hands, leaving one of his forearms over your shoulder as you press a chaste kiss to his knuckles, “I don’t know why you think I’m in a mood. I’m simply asking you what you want for lunch and, its quickly turning into an interrogation.”
It’s impossible to hide the smile on your lips because, he’s completely right.
You are in a mood.
You've been in a mood for hours now.
Jungkook smiles softly, unconvinced, his thumb coming up to brush over your bottom lip, “Ok. Whatever you say. I need to shower really quick; do you need help with lunch?”
Are you disappointed that he didn’t keep at it? Yes.
Are you now left flustered and horny without a solution? Yes.
Do you still get a sense of satisfaction that your husband still tries to pursue even after so many years together? Also yes.
“Nope. I’m good. It should be ready in a half hour or so...” You lean up to press a kiss against his cheek, “Love you.”
A half smile comes over his mouth then, his eyes watching your lips, “Love you too.”
It’s later.  
You and Jungkook are sitting on your sofa, nestled under a blanket, eating homemade ice cream sundaes. The fire is crackling beneath the mounted television that is set to one of your favorite films whilst the world slowly goes to sleep outside your windows.
Life is sweet.
“Yours looks so pretty jagi, how did you get the whipped cream to do that?”
Jungkook’s lips are pouted, his head tilting to get a better look at the perfect swirl of whipped cream atop your chocolate ice cream.
“I just swirled the can around in a circle.” You giggle, tucking your spoon into the fudgy scoop of ice cream in your bowl.
Jungkook is not satisfied with that answer at all and he looks sadly at the haphazard lines of whipped cream on his ice cream.
“Mine’s ugly...” His pout deepens, pushing his spoon around his bowl.
He’s freshly showered, his hair fluffy and damp, his skin moisturized and smelling like mint and sandalwood and now he’s pouting???
This man does not let you breath.
“It’s not ugly! It’s abstract.” You assure him, kissing the pout off his lips.
He doesn’t move even as you kiss him, his eyes eagerly looking towards the kitchen, “I wanna try again...”
The laugh that leaves your lips is unavoidable as you follow his gaze to the kitchen, “You want to try to top your sundae again?”
He deadpans, “Absolutely. I need to get this right. It doesn’t look like a sundae.”
“You’re just going to eat it babe, it’s fine. We can practice whipped cream swirls tomorrow.”
You’re still laughing a little bit and he’s chuckling too but the determination never leaves his eyes.
“No, nowwww.” He whines before pushing his bowl onto the coffee table and bounding over to the kitchen.
He plops back onto the couch, slightly out of breath with the can of whipped cream in his hands.
“Ok-” He grabs his bowl off the table and hands you the can, “Show me the motion again.”
You shake your head, smirking fondly at him whilst you set your bowl down where his was.
“Like this...”
You point the tip of the can downwards at his bowl and make a circular motion with your hand, glancing up towards him to insure he’s watching you.
“Ok- Ok I think I got it. Here...”  He gestures to the can, uncapping it before meticulously following the motions you demonstrated, and just like everything else Jungkook does, it comes out perfectly, “Yahhhhh letsgetiittttttt!!!!”
This has you in a fit of a laughter, your chest filling with joy at the sound of his excitement.
Jungkook shoves his sundae into your view, “Don’t laugh! See? It’s so much better now.”
You wipe the tear that’s forming at the corner of your eye, shaking your head at him, once more, “Yes baby, it’s so much better.”
He starts laughing again too because your joy is infectious and he is weak for your smile.
“Thank you. Your expertise is appreciated.”  
With that, he wraps an arm around you and pulls you into his side, placing a kiss on the top of your head, “You’re prettier than this sundae though don’t worry.”
You’re all too eager to cuddle in close with him, admiring the way he looks in his gray sweat suit and admiring the way he makes you feel even more.  
“I’m glad you find me more attractive than the sundae Jungkook.”
He just smirks, getting to work on his ice cream and as he pulls the spoon out of his mouth, he shrugs, “I find you more edible too but, you aren’t ready for that conversation.”
Although you know there is an err of immaturity to his jokes, they still affect you.
They make you feel like a giddy teenager, sick from the pure lust and attraction you feel for your crush.
The comment also sends a rush of heat to your cheeks but, you don’t say anything, you merely kiss his chest and cuddle closer to him.
He is satisfied regardless as he enjoys the fact that he can still make you blush, even if its with cheesy jokes.
The rest of dessert passes in comfortable silence.
Jungkook finishes before you and, offers to take the dishes to the sink whilst you straighten up the living room before bed.
As you’re folding the cream throw blanket that rests over the arm of your sofa, you feel two strong arms wrap around your waist.  
He wastes no time by slowly placing kisses down the side of your neck, his hands slowly up towards your breasts but stopping just beneath the swell of them.
“Is it that time jagiya? Can I make you feel good now?”  
His request is nearing a whisper, his lips brushing up towards your ear.
You lean back, resting your head on his shoulder whilst your hands settle over the tops of his.
After resisting him for the past 10 hours, you’ve grown tired of waiting.
“Yeah- it’s that time.” You whisper assuredly and at that, he spins you around, pressing his lips eagerly against yours.
His breath stalls a bit as your hands find his hips, squeezing gently whilst the two of you settle into the kiss.  
It’s getting too frantic for Jungkook’s liking as he has specific plans for you but, the way you’re kissing him and touching on him is getting to his headspace and he knows he has to stop you before you start kissing his neck.  
Because after that, he’s a goner.
“Come here...come sit on the couch for me.” He whispers into your mouth.
Jungkook has you on the couch seconds later, ridding you of your sleep shirt, leaving you in nothing but your panties.
Instinctually, your arms come around your stomach.
You’re not exactly insecure around your husband but, old habits die hard you know?
Jungkook immediately kisses his teeth, bumping your arms with his hand, “Ah ah...don’t hide from me please, I want to see all of you...” He assures you, as he has a million times but it never gets tiring.
To solidify his sentiment, he spreads your thighs gently and leans over and kisses all along your lower stomach, focusing on the areas he knows you don’t like.
He drags his nose across the band of your panties, looking up at you through his hair, “Did I ever tell you how beautiful I think you are?”
You giggle, brushing a hand through his hair to reveal more of his face to you, “I think you have yeah, once or twice...”
He raises an eyebrow, smirking at the sound of your giggle, “Once or twice? Aish that’s certainly not enough...”
“Maybe more than that...” You mumble, a shivering as he runs his nose along your panties again, one of his hands travelling up towards your breast, “All the time.”
He chuckles lowly, “That’s more like it.” He hums, pressing a kiss above your belly button as his fingers brush over your aching nipple, “It’s still not enough though...that’s why I married you. So I’d be able to tell you every single day.”
Your back arches against his hand whilst he slowly rubs over the sensitive skin, bringing it to a frigid peak.
“I love you.”  
It’s all you’re able to whisper at the moment because your arousal is starting to invade your ability to form sentences and he clearly has a plan to continue fucking with that.
“I love you jagiya...” Jungkook smirks, kissing over your stomach again before sinking onto his knees, “Can I tease you for a little bit? I wanna make sure your nice and ready for my tongue. That sundae didn’t fill me up enough...”
With a shaky breath you nod, parting your legs further but to be honest, you can’t imagine being anymore ready than you are right now.
“Close your eyes for me.”
You’re engulfed in darkness then, surrendering yourself to whatever he has planned for you.
“Thank you.” He kisses the top of your pussy, allowing his lips to linger there as he inhales, “Fuck- you smell really good. I know you’re probably ready now but, I really want to make you drip if I can.”
His comment causes you to inhale sharply, your nipples hardening almost uncomfortably as begins tickling his fingers up the length of your inner legs. His hands are so soft, so delicate as they touch you, stopping just outside the seam of your panties before travelling back up to your knees. Over and over again, he tickles your skin and eventually he starts tracing the edges of your panties with his fingers.  
“Touch your nipples for me. We’re almost there baby, just a little longer.”
He isn’t controlling you.
He isn’t in charge.
He just knows your body so well.
He knows how to make you feel good.
And fuck, if he doesn’t want to make you feel so so good.  
You follow his instructions, bringing your fingers to your nipples and rubbing back and forth over the tops of them, the sensations going straight between your legs as your husband continues his teasing.  
He slides his index fingers beneath your panties now, allowing the backs of them to brush against the lips of your pussy ever so gently, ignoring the throbbing knot of nerves that needs it the most.
When he’s done there, he focuses the tickling motion just on the outside of your panties, tickling his fingers up and down.
Over and over and over and over...
It’s getting a little overwhelming and, just when you’re about to say something he gasps in admiration.
“Oh look at that jagiya- you did it. You dripped all over your panties for me...”
He sounds genuinely proud of you and, you react to his praise instantly, your eyes opening to catch the smile on his lips.
The darkness in his eyes is obvious but there is mixture of adoration and deviance in there too.
He’s going to destroy you.
“Good girl...” He tickles his fingers over your panties once more before kissing the top of your kneecap, “Are you ready to get your pussy eaten now?”
Your fingers are still lingering on your nipples, your legs twitching at his touch.
You're completely enamored with him.
His praise is addicting and you never want it to end.
“Please.” You clear your throat, brushing a hand through his hair, “Yes please.”
He smirks, almost darkly as he kisses the side of your wrist, “My sweet girl...”
It’s the last thing he says before he’s slipping off your panties and getting to work.
He starts by kissing down the length of your lips a few times but, he knows that the time for teasing his over.
You feel his tongue between your lips then, searching for your swollen clit before getting to work on it.
As he licks you towards bliss, his hands are wandering all over you, squeezing at your hips, brushing over your breasts, rubbing at your stomach.
He wants you to know how much he loves pleasing you.
He groans at the taste of you, his dick hardening almost painfully, precum staining the seam of his sweat pants.  
“I- Jungkook I’m gonna cum.” You whisper, hands tangling in his hair as he focuses all of his attention on your clit, licking at it faster and faster.
“Mhm- I know, you’re twitching all over the place for me. Let me taste it beautiful...”
The pleasure launches itself into your senses then, taking up every square inch inside of your body.
You feel your toes curling against the carpet, the back of the couch damp with your own seat as you press your hips towards Jungkook’s mouth.
When it’s over, he’s kissing you and his eagerness accidentally causes him to bite your lip harder than he intends to.
“Shit sorry- I'm so worked up right now. Eating you out makes me crazy...” He whispers shakily and you actually feel for him.
His erection looks painful beneath the confines of his sweat pants and, you want nothing more than to suck the discomfort away.
“Me too- it's ok.” You assure him, brushing his hair away from his face, “Switch me. It’s your turn.”
You don’t have to tell him twice.
He’s on the couch, tugging off his sweatshirt, which was sticking to his skin, his hair a mess as he leans back against the couch.
His body is beautiful; tan, toned and covered in little marks that are specific to Jungkook:
Little moles, various old scars and tan lines from working in the sun so much.
He is beautiful, it’s painful.
Chest heaving with excitement, he ushers your mouth to his “Please ride it, I wanna hold you.”
Who are you to refuse him when he asks so politely?
After yanking his sweats off, you’re sitting aside him seconds later, kissing his mouth like your life depended on it.
“Wasn’t our sex life supposed to go stale at this point? What are we doing right?” He jokes, his hands roaming over your back whilst you line him up with your entrance.
“There’s something in the water up here I think.” You giggle and he follows suit, nudging your nose as he tugs you closer to him.
“Oooh good theory.” He smirks and as you sink down on him, he locks eyes with you, allowing you to see his most vulnerable self.
In the midst of pure bliss...
His eyes widen as you engulf him, mouth opening at the sensation before his forehead falls against yours.
Bracing your hands behind his head, you start a pace you know will lull him into bliss, all while keeping your eyes on him.
The gaze is so intense between the two of you but with the only sound being labored breathing and your skin slapping together, Jungkook snickers.
“Why does it have to sound like that?” He whispers, burying his face into your neck when you laugh.
“It’s not a cute sound.” You agree, giggling despite sinking feeling in your stomach.
Jungkook’s dick is a work of art and it’s more fulfilling than anything you’ve ever experienced.  
It’s going to make you cum again regardless of the unsavory noises filling the living room.  
Speaking of cumming, Jungkook seems to be getting further away from humor as you start to bounce faster on him.
“O-oh shit. Okay- fuck keep going jagi. Please keep going- like that...” He moans now, which is something he only reserves to inform you that he’s really close, “Shit. It feels so good.”
To solidify his fate, you usher his face out of your neck to lock eyes with him again.
“Yeah? I want you to feel good. Are you gonna cum inside for me?”
“Yeah...” He nearly chokes when you tighten around him, holding onto your hips for dear life.
“Let me feel it beautiful. Cum for me.”  
Using his own words against him was a dirty move but, Jungkook makes no complaints and follows your instruction.
His stomach caves in with the force of his breath as he spills himself inside of you, digging his nails into your hips as he does.
You’re not far behind and with a hand between your legs and your husband whispering encouraging words into your ear, you soon meet the same fate.
The two of you stay wrapped up in one another for quite some time before deciding to clean each other up.  
Straightening up the living room was a fruitless endeavor as your clothes end up abandoned on the floor anyway.  
You simply can’t be bothered as you usher a very naked, very happy Jungkook to your bedroom.  
Beneath the cool cotton sheets, he pulls you against his chest, humming contently.
“I wish I could marry you again- that'd be pretty cool.”
In the darkness, you smile rubbing your face playfully against his skin.
“Mmm no. This time, I’m definitely marrying you.”
He scoffs, “Uh no. You married me last time. I wanna marry you this time.”
“Um? You literally proposed to me last time so no, you married me. This time I get to marry you.”
He snickers, “Oh so are you gonna propose to me this time?”
“Yeah- then I’m gonna marry the heck out of you.”
The lack of light prevents you from seeing how big his smile really is but, you do feel the kiss he places between your eyes, “Fine. I’ll allow it but, only because I love you.”
You unknowingly return his smile, hugging him tightly, “I love you too.”  
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warmau · 4 years
★ donation request: childhood friends-to-lovers!au jaehyun 
it’s on monday when you realize that you lost it - the necklace jaehyun gave you when you were both kids.
you’re pretty sure his mom bought it and then forced him to wrap it (he did a terrible job) and he’d given it to you with the biggest pink blush on his face for your eleventh birthday
but you’d been so starstruck by the pretty silver star hanging off of it - that you’d slipped it over your head and just,,,,,,,never took it off
after a while, it just became something special to you
years of growing up as jaehyun’s best friend and never once did you or him find it awkward
you had some other accessories you held near and dear too, but it was a silent agreement that you’d just,,,,,,,always have this one on too
even when you were kissing other boys and jaehyun was wingman-ing your invitation to prom from neighborhood heartthrob lee taeyong
you remember tinkering with it when you guys were opening college acceptance letters
and twirling the little star charm between your fingers last week, when you and jaehyun met up to study for your finals
“you still have that thing?”
“it’s my good luck charm!”
he’d grinned, saying sure - the only luck you needed was to get back to studying
you’d scrunched up your nose and told him to be quiet, not registering the dirty looks some people were throwing your way
mostly because you understood: you were close to jung jaehyun, every person on campus was jealous
but now - you were sure you had lost it 
you had gone out last night with some friends, but you were sure you had it on when you went to bed
you only took it off for the night, leaving it on top of your desk where everything else important was
but now - it was gone
you can’t search your room, as you’ve got classes to run to, but you vow you’ll turn the place upside down when you get back
but you don’t find it. you search for two whole days every second you get and then its wednesday and you still dont know where it is.
its also the day of the week where you meet up with jaehyun
he’s coming back from swim team practice, and when he walks toward you - something in your mind plays a memory from when you were both still in highschool
jaehyun had already been swimming back then, and he’d found you in your front yard after practice
he’d come toward you - dimples gleaming with his smile, hair still a little wet, an old nike gym bag that had the keychain you’d given him as a gift from your family’s trip abroad hanging off the zipper
you’d been doing chores, or something and he had dropped his stuff and started helping you 
still in those sweatpants with your highschools name written on the left leg
you blink back the memory as jaehyun reaches you in the present and tilts his head
“are you ok, you look like you’ve seen a ghost?”
you strain a smile, not sure if you want to tell him about the necklace
but, you don’t even have to
his eyes skim the line of your neck and then meet yours again
“did something happen?”
he doesn’t even have to say what he’s referring to you, but you nod enough 
“y-yeah i think i lost the necklace you gave me,,,,,,,,or maybe i just need to look through my dorm again. ive been in every corner but -”
you shrug and try to play it off like its not big deal, but jaehyun isn’t fooled
you’ve had that necklace for a long time 
“do you want me to help you search?”
you two had planned to just hangout, just talk about school and catch up - maybe plan a visit back to your hometowns
but instead you end up back in your dorm, jaehyun turning over pillows and pulling out drawers as you sweep through your room again
hours pass and neither of you find it, you end up sitting beside him on the floor
“it’s fine, i mean ive had it for like a decade or something now-”
you are saying, but jaehyun puts a large hand over yours
and another one of those memories floods back through you
you’re seniors and you’re telling jaehyun, on the floor of your bedroom, that you can’t make a decision about the future
he’s sitting so close and your shoulders are pressed against each other
you’re ranting, about the stress and fears of growing up, and he’s listening quietly
its almost dinner so you know he has to go - but then he takes your hand in his just as the prick of tears sting in your eyes
he squeezes your palm in his and says you shouldnt worry, youll never be alone in the future because hell always be by your side
you remember nodding, turning and facing him and - 
wanting to kiss him
the memory snaps to an end like a cloud of smoke disappearing - and you’re back in the moment
jaehyun is saying, “im sure youll find it, don’t worry. ill help you look anywhere.”
and squeezing your palm again - you look at him
you want to kiss him now too
but you don’t
when you wake up at the end of the week
you’ve come to conclusion that you are not going to find the necklace in your dorm, which means that its lost for good
you dress and get ready for class, picking something else to wear around your neck, but ultimately giving up
you open your door and see a small box laid out in front of you, curious, you pick it up and read the label on the front
‘from jaehyun’ 
slowly, you pull off the top and see a necklace inside - its a star with a pretty diamond in the middle
theres a note and you pluck it out
‘cant let you go on without your lucky charm. just pretend i gave you this when i was 11 instead’
you smile, and slip the necklace on - it doesnt feel weird like the others hand before
that evening you make time to stop by jaehyun’s 
his roommates arent home and he opens the door with messy hair and his glasses on
he smiles when he sees the necklace
“is it ok?”
he asks and you are about to say; “yes - it’s perfect, thank you.”
but something wont let the words come out - another memory interrupts them
you’re standing in front of jaehyuns door - the door of his family’s house - the door you’ve been in front of a million times before
and you’re crying, full on sobbing, because you’ve just been broken up with by your first real boyfriend
he’s got that messy hair and those glasses and he just tugs you into his arms 
and whispers something about how that guy is a blind, idiotic, loser to hurt you like this
but you remember now that you werent crying because you were upset about being dumped
you were crying because ,,,,,,,,, you never wanted that guy in the first place
when you were being told you just “weren’t what he was looking for” you had wanted to say
“neither are you. what im looking for has always been in front of me” 
because you had realized, time and time and time again, that it was jaehyun
and now you’re here and holding your hand over the necklace and jaehyun is standing again in front of you 
like he has so many times before
and you are about to do the thing you always do, keep pretending like being his friend is enough
but you can’t anymore
you lean forward, hands bunching up the front of his shirt and pulling him down into a kiss
you think you’re going to feel his hands gently push you away - and you embrace the real heartbreak you’re going to feel after
but instead
his hands circle around your waist, pressing you into him and letting his smile grow wider against your lips
when you pull back his eyes fixate on your own
“i thought you were just going to say thanks, but this is so much better.”
you scrunch up your nose and tell him that’s corny, but he just leans in to kiss you again
it’s on a friday that you and jaehyun realize something important - that this has been destined since you were both kids.
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roro-mo · 3 years
Nami, the manipulative witch
A/N: Another ZoNa. Set during Sabody park arc. Posted in fan fiction, you can read this here as well.  
Summary: Zoro thinks back to the first time he met Nami.
"She really was a manipulative witch." 
"He didn't know when and how but it looks like he fell under her spell." 
Angst, friendship and comfort.
Disclaimer: One piece doesn’t belong to me. 
Hope you enjoy this fanfic. BTW Italics is what Zoro is thinking.
At first, he was only saving her because of Captain's orders. During this period, he realised how weak she really was. Faking a smile, faking a life, just to save her town, how stupid? She should've just cut them. Then again, she wasn't really a swordswoman like him.
To his surprise or not, he had to share a ship with the witch, enduring all her nagging about cleaning, cooking, sleeping, woman huh? Every single day, he pretended to sleep to get away from her ridiculous chores. When did Luffy die and make her queen? He was on edge. Literally every single day. He honed his senses just to run away from the witch because she had some kind of powers enabling him to do what she says, even when he doesn't want to. He was sure she ate a devil fruit at some point in her life. How else was he going to explain all of his behaviours.
She really was a manipulative witch.
As time went by, he started saving her more often, without any orders, and started looking for her to see if she was safe. It annoyed him that she couldn't save her ass, yet she talked big about saving others. Before he knew it, his eyes searched for her first every time he emerged on the deck of Merry Go. At first, to run away from her but soon, it started to search for her naturally; where she was, what she was doing, and whether she was safe. It was as if he couldn't see anything else but her.
Her scent always lingered around her; on her hair and her clothes. Since the first day he met, she smelt like tangerines, tangy but sweet. His muscles seemed to always relax whenever her scent lingered around him. He can still remember the vague smell of tangerines when he was defeated by kuma and was unconscious for weeks. And a small soft hand that clasped around his own. Before he knew it, he started napping on Nami's tangerine grove where it was peaceful and no one would dare to come without Nami's orders. It was the perfect place to get away from luffy and his childish antics with Usopp and Chopper, allowing him to nap as much as he wanted. He tells himself that the reason he enjoys taking naps in her Mikan grove is because he gets to avoid the noisy trio, but the real reason is because it smells just like her, Nami.
Everything about that witch was bewitching.
Now, he trains harder every day in this gloomy place owned by Mihawk. Hoping and praying she is safe, along with the crew. He remembered the pale look on her face as he was about to be squashed by kuma yet again in Sabody park. Their eyes met and soon, he saw nothing. But the vivid memory of her frightened look and her piercing scream stayed on his mind. He recalled it every night when he went to bed and his eye closed with regret every night.
If only he was stronger. If only Kuma wasn't there in Sabody Park. If only...
He needed to get stronger. 2 years, he had 2 years to get stronger.
He needed to protect her.
Then came the fateful day to reunite with everyone. Now he was 21 years old and he was beaming with joy to meet his crew members again. His eyebrows suddenly twisted and his lips turned into a frown as a tiny voice told him 'they didn't survive'. His fists turned into a ball, and his knuckles turned white. He stood in front of the sunny go and held his breath.
"They better be alive." He breathed out and whispered to himself. However, he couldn't set foot inside the thousand sunny because it wasn't the same without his crew. He took in another breathe and walked towards the bar instead.
He waited a day and two, and soon Franky or some robot who looked like Franky came. He smiled at the sight of Franky, happy he was alive, but it wasn't her. They went to the thousand sunny together and his eye searched for her naturally but she wasn't there. Her bright eyes, complimented by her bright hair and smile wasn't there.
After waiting around a few more days and killing time by fishing, there she was. After 2 long years, the person his eye searched for stood in front of her.
There she was.
Her hair grew in volume and length, and reached her waist. He noticed she got taller and also noticed, her provocative ways of dressing only increased further with time. But he wasn't going to complain. Afterall, looking was free. His eye then met hers.
His heart dropped when he saw the look on her face. Her bright eyes were filled with agony and her smile disappeared as soon she saw him. She looked at his one eye, and he felt like his heart was ripped apart from his chest and cut into a thousand pieces. He saw tears dropping down her face and heard a small gasp escape her. She ran towards Zoro and hugged him. She pulled him close and whispered "Thank God. Thank God you're alive."
He didn't believe in God, but if God existed, he thanked God for keeping Nami safe as well.
His hands went to wrap her and pull her closer. He inhaled her tangerine scent, sweet and tangy, and all of his muscles relaxed when he exhaled.
He didn't know when and how, but it looks like he fell under her spell.
Hope you like it.
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wrenhyperfixates · 4 years
Of All the Places
Chapter 3
Pairing: Loki x reader Series Summary: Washing up in a small town in Oklahoma was definitely not part of Loki’s plan when he came to conquer Midgard. There is one good thing about it, though: No one recognizes him as the one who just wreaked havoc in New York. So, Loki plans to recover from the battle and move on with his life. The only problem? He’s not sure he can leave you. Chapter Summary: Loki battles with new thoughts and feelings as time goes on. While trying to convince himself to leave, he does his best to stop his growing connection to you and Matt. Chapter Warnings: some angst, but also fluff A/N: Third chapter done! For anyone wondering about James, there’s some more information on him in this chapter. And for anyone who saw that other post, this isn’t the super long chapter yet, sorry! Updates every Friday. As always, hope you enjoy :)
Tag List: @lucywrites02 @frostedgiantfavs​ @lunarmoon8​ @twhiddlestonsstuff​
✥ Start at Beginning ✥ | ← Previous Chapter | Next Chapter →
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Disclaimer: Gif not mine
One week later, Loki was ready to leave. At least, that’s what he kept telling himself. He’d done his best to keep his distance, and yet he kept getting roped into conversations with you. Surely, though, that was wholly due to your persistence and in no part because he was drawn to you. And this family breakfast he was at yet again? Simply because he was addicted to pancakes. It had nothing to do with you, or your family, or your kind eyes. Okay, maybe it had the tiniest bit to do with your kind eyes. The way you looked at him was like nothing he’d ever known before. Frigga had always done it with a gentle love, but it was always reserved and hidden behind a queenly mask. With you, he could see every thought that passed through your mind reflected in your eyes. He shouldn’t have enjoyed being seen as a bird with a broken wing, but the care you gave him was something he quite liked.
“Hey,” you whispered, nudging him in the side as the rest of the table laughed at something. “You ok?”
“Yes. Just lost in thought I suppose.”
“I hate to interrupt,” Mama curtly interjected, “but whispering at the table ain’t polite.”
Ah, now if Loki was looking for a reason to leave, he could certainly find one in Mama. Though you’d been the one to start the hushed conversation, she was looking pointedly at Loki as if he was the instigator. Then again, she acted like every bad thing that happened since his arrival was his fault, even things he had no control over. Maybe spiting her by staying was reason enough for his delayed departure.
“Sorry,” you said before he could deliver a withering insult. “It’s my fault.”
Mama just made a little humming noise in reply that obviously showed she neither blamed you nor appreciated you taking the fall. In the time that Loki had been at your farm, she either avoided him like the plague or dealt thinly veiled insults his way. It was grating on his nerves, but there wasn’t much he could do bar revealing himself as an all-powerful god. Or leaving. That was always an option, he reminded himself.
“Son, I’ve been meaning to tell you,” Papa started, ignoring the tension like always, “I’ve misplaced that dang camera again. I’ll find it again soon though, don’t you worry.”
Little did he know, that camera’s disappearing act was entirely due to Loki’s magic. He’d hidden it around the house a number of times, never anywhere too outrageous as to avoid suspicion. Perhaps this time he’d just keep it in a dimensional pocket. Or let Taffy knock it over. Maybe if it was broken, you’d give up on the missing person ad idea. He’d worried that you would just use your phone cameras instead, but Papa was convinced that the quality would not be good enough.
“It is quite alright, sir. Your hospitality is more than enough. In fact, I really ought to be on my way soon,” he finished, throwing a glance at you to gauge your reaction, feeling an odd spark of happiness when you sank down in your seat.
“No!” Matt cried. “I don’t want you to.”
He crossed his arms as if that solved everything. It did, however, soften Loki a little. As it turns out, he was very fond of the little guy. On Asgard he’d never had much time to spend with children, but it seemed like he had inherited his mother’s natural ability to be good with them. Inherited is the wrong word, actually, he bitterly thought to himself. She’s not your real mother, after all.
“Matt, if he wants to leave, we really should let him,” Mama scolded, with an almost hopeful expression.
“Actually, I do not see why I shouldn’t stay a bit longer,” Loki said, flashing a false grin at the woman. “There really is no rush, I suppose.”
“Yeah,” she muttered. “No rush.”
“Well, Loki, since Matt has taken to you so well, maybe you’d like to watch him this afternoon?” Ana asked, pretending she didn’t hear Mama’s latest remark.
“It would be my pleasure,” he responded, surprised by the sincerity of that statement.
The family had still been avoiding giving Loki strenuous tasks, believing that he was just incredibly good at hiding his ailments. To keep up appearances, he pretended to have a particularly bad ache or pain every once in a while. Whenever he did, you’d instantly appear at his side and usher him to a seat. He’d try to get up, but you would tell him to stay put in your best stern tone, which he found rather adorable, though he’d never admit it. Then you’d fetch him a glass of water and watch over him for the next hour, or until you decided he was well enough to get up again.
Fifteen minutes later, it was time to start the day and everyone helped clear the table. Your family had made the process as efficient as possible. Mama and John would bring the dishes to Papa in the kitchen, who would hand them to you to put in the dishwasher after rinsing them off. Ana and Matt would put away all the leftovers and toppings from whatever had just been on the menu. Loki helped out where he could, but most days everyone besides Mama insisted he should take it easy, that he could help when he was fully healed. It was odd, he realized, that you were all planning on him being around that long. He felt that familiar, nagging, guilty feeling he’d been getting ever since he arrived. He was not a fan.
By the time Ana and John were ready to leave, Loki had already collected the eggs, the only daily chore he was given, and was ready to watch Matt. It was only as the boy was hugging his parents goodbye that Loki realized he wasn’t really sure what to do with the child for the next few hours. He was thankful that you seemed like you were planning on sticking around, too. It did make sense, he supposed, that they hadn’t completely trusted the boy with a near stranger.
“Aren’t you healthy, mommy?” Matt asked, clinging to Ana’s leg as she tried to get away. “Why do you have to go to the doctor?”
“Because you’re going to have a little brother or sister soon,” Ana explained in a sweet tone as she gently pried her son away. “Mommy and Daddy have to go to the doctor to make sure the baby is healthy.”
Loki’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. He had not yet realized that Ana was pregnant. She must not have been very far along because she wasn’t showing much yet. Though, now that he knew to look, the god could see a small baby bump. Based on Matt’s reaction, he was already aware that he’d have a sibling soon, but he still couldn’t quite grasp the concept of everything that went along with that.
“Will you be back soon?” Matt questioned, finally giving up his efforts to keep his parents where they were.
“In the blink of an eye, small fry,” John said, placing a kiss on his head.
That seemed to satisfy Matt, who wandered over to Loki and put his arms up, clearly looking to be picked up. He hesitated for a second before scooping up the boy. It wasn’t that he was afraid of dropping him, in fact he was sure he wouldn’t, but he’d never held a child before. Up until a few days ago, he wasn’t sure he even had the slightest inkling how to be nurturing. And then there was the whole problem of Matt becoming too attached. Not to mention the way you looked at him when he did held him. That soft gaze was a problem for sure.
“Alright,” you said once Ana and John were gone. “What do you want to do, buddy?”
“Hide and seek!” he shouted. Then he put his small, chubby hands on Loki’s cheeks and used his most serious tone. “You’ll never find me. I have the best hidey spots.”
Loki let out a nervous chuckle. Truth be told, he didn’t know how to play this game. When he and Thor were kids, they played run and attack, but he felt like this was probably not very comparable. Midgard was a very different place, after all.
“Just count to sixty and then come look for us. We’ll stay in the house,” you informed Loki as he passed Matt off to you. “Oh, and just shout out when you’re starting to look.”
“Thank you,” he replied, turning around to face the wall.
It was odd, he thought, that he seemed to have said thank you more in the past week than he had in the last century of his existence. He’d never meant to let himself get so bitter, but here he was stewing in that awful feeling. When the flash of anger receded, the God of Mischief realized he was face to face with a framed family tree. Highest up were pictures of couples he could only assume were your grandparents. Next line down was Mama, Papa, and their siblings. You and Ana were in the next row, and it struck him just how much you and your sister looked alike. Matt and John were there too, but the person that most captured his attention was your brother. The middle child, he guessed, since the picture was in between those of you and Ana. He gently ran his fingers over the looping gold cursive of James’s name. Loki loved a good mystery, but he needed clues and evidence to solve one. He knew next to nothing about the guy, other than that he’d been wearing his clothes for the past seven days.  
“I am starting to look now,” Loki awkwardly shouted, feeling self-conscious about seeming like he was talking to no one.
He thought he heard a small snort coming from one of the upper levels at his gawky declaration, so he headed up first. It felt odd to go rifling through things, so he mainly tried just to peer under furniture, though he did open a closet once or twice. He huffed and considered if he should venture into any of your rooms. If you weren’t there, though, he’d feel like he was intruding on something private and sacred. Hesitating with a hand hovering over the doorknob to your room, he noticed the attic hatch out of the corner of his eye. Standing still, he could hear a very subtle shuffling noise coming from above him, so either you were there, or you’d better call pest control.
As soon as he climbed the ladder, Matt started giggling, but Loki pretended he couldn’t hear. He loudly walked in between the boxes littering the floor, every once in a while dramatically peering around an old piece of furniture. It only made the laughs louder.
“Now where could they be?” he sighed in mock exasperation. “Maybe, they’re here!”
Then he jumped around the couch you were hiding behind and started tickling Matt. The boy squealed in delight and squirmed away. When Loki looked at you, he saw something shocking on your face. Admiration. It was something he’d longed for from so many people in his life, and here you were giving it so freely to him. He moved his gaze elsewhere before his mind could wander any further.
“What’s all the ruckus up here?” Mama asked, her head appearing from the door. After spotting Loki, her eyes narrowed. “Oh. It’s you.”
“We were just playing hide and seek, Mama. Don’t worry,” you said.
“Indeed. I must say, it is much fun,” Loki added, though more to annoy her than ease her mind.
“I’m sure,” she replied before taking Matt by the hand. “Come on, let’s get you something to eat.”
You shot Loki an apologetic glance as you headed out after her. Once Matt’s snack was finished, Loki partook in some coloring. He was oddly pleased to know the little boy’s favorite color was green, and you seemed fairly partial to it, too. Ana and John returned roughly an hour later, and Loki finished the day by doing chores around the farm. Another thing he’d learned about himself was that he really didn’t mind doing manual labor. Growing up in the Royal Palace Valaskjalf, he never had to lift a finger to help cook or clean or do anything much besides training and lessons, really. Now he found himself almost eager to get into the kitchen for a cooking lesson with Papa or help out in the fields, the latter of which definitely had nothing to do with showing off for you.
He’d been on his way to the kitchen that evening sometime after dinner, his infamous sweet tooth bugging him again, when he heard Mama’s hushed voice.
“I’m telling you Earl, something about that boy just don’t sit right with me.”
“Come on, honey. He can’t even remember nothing. It’s our duty to help him out,” Loki heard Papa reply as he hid just outside the door.
“He may say he can’t remember, but I ain’t buying it. We should get him out soon as possible.”
It shouldn’t bother him as much as it did, but there was nothing to stop him from feeling the sting of those words. He really should just leave; it had been his plan after all. As if they had a will of their own, Loki’s feet carried him away from the conversation, out the door, and off the porch. He never should have taken advantage of your family’s generosity. He regretted thinking about you, though, because it made his steps falter a bit. And then there was sweet little Matt. It hadn’t really hit him until now, but Loki actually enjoyed himself today. He couldn’t recall the last day he could say that about.
“I hope you weren’t going to leave without saying goodbye.”
The trickster god whirled around at the sound of your voice. He’d been too caught up in his tumultuous thoughts to notice you leaning on one of the porch’s posts.
“Certainly not,” he lied. “I just needed some fresh air is all.”
“In that case, I know the perfect place. Come on.”
You took his hand and led him away from your land. He tried not to pay attention to the feeling of your hand in his. In fact, he tried to block it out altogether, but to no avail. Eventually, you reached a peaceful creek and picked up a rock to skip.
“If I was going to leave,” he began after a few minutes of contemplative silence, “I really would be fine. I appreciate all that you and your family have done, truly, but perhaps it’s best if I go.”
“Look, I know you’re pretty much all healed up, but you still don’t remember anything. I cannot in good conscience let you out into the world like that.”
“I suppose that is fair. Your mother certainly does not agree with your assessment, though.”
You sighed. “If Mama’s the reason you feel you should go, please just ignore her. She means well and all, but... Well, let’s just say she has her reasons for acting this way,”
Loki said nothing but raised his eyebrows at you. One part of him felt bad to press you for more information, even if it was done without words. The much larger part of himself, however, was entirely too curious to not know.
“Okay, so remember when I told you about my brother?”
Loki nodded eagerly, ready to get some answers about what exactly had happened there.
“Well, he was... He was killed in an accident with a drunk driver a couple years ago,” you recounted, tearing up a little bit. “Mama had trust issues even before, but they’re much worse now.”
“I am so sorry, darling,” Loki said, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder, but not daring to go any further than that.
He felt bad for your loss, but right now there were major alarm bells going off in his head. He’d just called you darling. It wan’t even something he’d thought about doing, it just happened. That, coupled with the fact he cared how you were feeling, had him panicking. His plan to leave after a week was already out the window, but leaving at all was becoming harder to fathom by the day.
“It’s ok,” you replied, wiping a few errant tears off your cheeks. “It was a little while ago. I’m alright now. Really.”
Neither of you said anything for a moment as he awkwardly pat your shoulder, not really certain of the correct way to comfort someone. He wanted to say something else, but he wasn’t sure what.
“I think I had a brother!” he shouted, giving in to his desire to confide in you, but his web of lies making it impossible to tell the whole truth.
“We have to put that ad in the paper then. So he can find you.”
Little did you know how awful that situation would be for everyone involved. Still, it meant a lot that you cared, especially when you’d just been saddened at the memory of your own brother.
“Maybe, but I do not seem to think we had a very good relationship.”
“All the more reason then. You never know how long you have, so you should try to make amends.”
You lapsed into silence again, not really sure where to go from there. By now, the sun had been down for a while and a chill was settling in the air. Loki noticed you shiver and shrugged off his hoodie.
“Here,” he embarrassedly mumbled, holding it out to you.
“Oh, no. I couldn’t,” you refused. “You’ll be cold then.”
“Nonsense,” he insisted, “I will be perfectly fine.”
You reluctantly agreed and pulled it on. Though it had only been in his possession for a short time, his scent had already claimed the soft fabric. He acted like his attention was averted elsewhere, but was actually watching you out of the corner of his eye. You didn’t notice his gaze on you as you took a gentle sniff, trying to take as much of it in as possible. Sandalwood, leather and something otherworldly that you just couldn’t name, other than to call it heaven. He turned his head ever so slightly and you started sheepishly picking at your nails, hoping he hadn’t caught you. He expected to be appalled by the notion, but just found himself confused. Why would you enjoy something that was so distinctly him? Then he remembered you didn’t know the truth. That’s why he had to get out as soon as possible before he, or anyone else, got hurt.
“We should probably head back before it gets too late,” you said after a bit.
“I agree,” was all he replied.
As you walked away from the creek, he tried to leave the new feelings bubbling in him by the water, but they followed him all the way back to the house, and into his dreams that night.
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world-of-aus · 4 years
To Have Loved and Lost
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 2,945
Author’s Note: My first request sent in by the lovely @jaywolf840​ (working on the three other’s hoping to have another one out tomorrow) I hope you enjoy what I’ve put together for you, thank you for sending in this request love!
“ Hey, so I have a request 😅 So, I was thinking it's after the snap, and Bucky is dusted along with others. His girlfriend, reader, was part of the half of humanity that was left and was left devastated over Bucky's "death." She drowns herself in work to try and cope, but it only really just makes things worse since everything just brings back memories of her and Bucky. Would like it to include lots of angst and pain, if that's possible and you don't mind ^.^ Thank you if you do write this!”
Find My Other Work Here: Main Masterlist
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You were carrying his memory like a half-forgotten wish. The day he and half the population were ripped from you was something you couldn’t bring yourself to forget. The painful memory, much like the nightmares, only vanish when you wake, and even then, that moment in time is a reoccurring picture in your mind,
You had been feet away from him, his back in your line of sight as you stumbled behind him. Your ears had perked up at the sound of Steve’s pained voice and you looked up in time to see him stumble into your line of sight, “Where’d he go?” You heard him question, “Thor, where’d he go?”
It’s merely a second after those words are leaving Steve’s lips that you hear Bucky call out for him, “Steve,” his voice didn’t sound right, and you watch with wide eyes as he stumbles forward, gun falling to the floor as he disintegrates into what you could only assume at the time was ashes. A scream of his name tears from your lips a second later, “Bucky No!” your racing forward on shaky legs as you fall to where he once was, tears streaming heavily down your cheek, fingers digging into the ground. Through your cries you can hear Rhodeys distressed voice, “what is this, what the hell is happening?”
He had done it, Thanos had actually done it.
You were going on the fifth year of “The Decimation” and the mourning had not run its course. Would it ever stop hurting? The heaviness laid heavy in your limbs as much as your mind. Things you used to find happiness in now only caused you further sorrow, deepening the pain you found yourself in daily. He should have been here to laugh with you, or at you, or just be near you, but he wasn’t. He should be making his coffee every morning in that damn expensive machine Tony had boughten, then complaining about how the taste “wasn’t the same” as he remembered it. He should be gaping at the front covers of DVDs in their once growing collection and planning what way they should be spending their day off. He should be whispering sweet “I love you’s” into the morning sun beneath the sheets with you. But most of all he should be here to hug you goodnight and kiss you good morning before the two of you have to part ways to start your day. You missed those moments the most, the simplicity of better days. It pained you to realize you never got the ending you had planned, to bring him back home to the compound, to start this new life and journey with him here, and eventually venture out on your own, just the two of you.
New York City was now the shell of a ghost town, seemingly abandoned; a few of the “lucky” fighting to create a new norm here and there, Steve amongst them, but everyone had a way of coping. You hadn’t been able to bring yourself to even attempt a life at a new norm if he wasn’t there by your side. Somewhere deep in your mind though you could hear Steve’s words, the ones you had heard him recite one to many times, “you gotta move on, the world is in our hands, it’s left to us guys and we got to do something with it, otherwise thanos should have killed us all.”
You couldn’t do it though, you couldn’t just pretend everything was okay, that this was your new norm, there was just no way, so you worked, you searched, and you fought, but your efforts always fell short. As busy as you tried to keep yourself, the emptiness that you felt would always be a reminder of what you had lost.
You were tired, tired of the back and forth, tired of the unknown, tired of the what if’s that laid out in the universe, how you longed to go back to that day before this world went to shit, the day he was ripped from your arms;
The first rays of the warm sun had peeked through the small hut, his arms wrapped securely around you as he held you close. You were awake, but unmoving, had been for some time as you let yourself relish in this moment.
“You plan on ever leaving this bed?” comes his soft voice, lips brushing against the top of your head.
Your head shook against his side as you buried yourself deeper into his embrace, “the chores can do themselves today, I’m not leaving this bed or your side anytime soon,”
His chest vibrates under you as a low chuckle find it’s way past his lips, “no one’s asking you to leave my side darlin’, you can hop on my back while I do all the work, but we need to leave this bed, or else nothing’s getting done.”
“Weren’t you the one trying to coax me into it last night” you grinned peeking your head up to meet his eyes.
He’s chuckling low, a shake of his head, “how about this, stay by my side while I do the work, and once we’re done I’ll try and coax you into this bed once more, how about it doll?” Pressing your toes into the mattress you pushed yourself up, your lips hovering just below his, “you play a hard bargain Barnes,” you grinned your lips pressing to his.
You should have never left that bed.
A hand falls to your shoulder startling you from your reminiscent mind, “go get some rest y/n, you’re no good to me half-awake in your daydream state,” you looked up at Natasha a pained smile on your features, “I’m also no good if I'm not here helping you look, we’re close I can tell,” you murmured, though you were no closer than you were yesterday.
Natasha took a seat next to you her hand falling to your shoulder, concern written on her features, “y/n you’ve been at it for years, we haven’t discovered anything new, you need to just-”
“don’t,” you grunted, eyes slipping closed as you looked away from her, “do not tell me to let this go, to let him go!” you argued, “23 days after Thanos snapped, we could have had him Nat, something could have been done, if we were able to do that, there has to be something else that we can do, this can’t be the end, he can’t have won”
“No one is saying it’s the end, and no one is asking you to let him go, nobody is, all we want is for you to take care of yourself, y/n your working yourself to death you’re here when I leave to bed and you’re here when I wake, you work tirelessly, and I love you for that but we haven’t discovered anything new YOU haven’t discovered anything new, there is nothing for us to do right now it’s-”
“just stop Nat, I don’t need this right now, just like I don’t need Steve breathing down my neck I don’t need it from you either!” you pushed yourself from your chair not wanting to hear anymore, because to you all that was coming out of her mouth was to stop, to just stop, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do that, you couldn’t just let them go, you couldn’t let him go. The bottom of your chair scrapes harshly against the floor as you stand, your feet carrying you away from the room. You weren’t sure where to go, because everywhere you turned, everywhere you went the littlest thing would remind you of him.  
You continued to walk the empty halls, the halls you had kept yourself from walking since you lost him, the memories had been too painful, sleeping in the room had been too much. You had hoped that it would be only a few weeks and the pain would stop, that the nightmares would disappear, but after the first month, you just couldn’t take it anymore, thus your obsession with trying to find a way to reverse this hell began, you felt if you kept your mind and yourself busy that you might began to feel even an ounce of normalcy, and five years later, nothing had changed. The pain still lingered deep within your soul, a heavy ache in your chest. The nightmares still plagued you on the nights you did force yourself to sleep, and nothing new had come from you. You had become a shell of your former self.
You stood outside of your bedroom; fingers frozen mid-air hesitant to wrap around the doorknob. Giving yourself that final push your fingers meet the cool metal, the door falling open as you pushed, the cool of the darkened room hitting you. Cautious steps led you deeper into the room, the door staying open behind you. You looked around the untouched room, your eyes searching, shaky hands reached for a picture frame, a picture of the two of you, stared back at you. Without him the days had passed you by like a bad movie, you were never locked away in your mind when he was here. He was your sun, and you were his stars, drawn to one another, without him the seasons had come and gone, none of it meant anything anymore.
Your breathing hitched, knees growing weak as you slipped to the floor, not caring of the bruises that would kiss your knees. Loose shoulders shook, hands falling limp at your side, the once stifled sobs were overcome by your emotions as you broke down entirely. It was more than just crying; it was the kind of desolate sobbing that comes from a person drained of all hope.
Steve had never seen you so taken by your grief, tears flowing heavily from you, a part of him breaking within for you. He took careful steps towards you, his body kneeling beside you, his arm reaching for your shaking form. You turned your head to face him red-hot tears running down your face, leaving trails down the tender skin of your face.
“does it ever stop hurting?” you whispered tears gathering in your eyes.
Steve didn’t know what to tell you because from what he experienced it doesn’t, given time the pain would subside slightly, but the sorrow of what you had lost would always remain. He didn’t know what words would get through to you, so he did only what he felt Bucky would have wanted him to do, he pulled you into his arms, his back falling into the side of your bed as he held you, “I don’t want to feel this pain anymore Steve, day in and day out, it’s always there, I just want it to stop,” you cried. Steve’s heart ached in his chest fingers weaving themselves into your hair as he held your shaking form, “he wouldn’t want you to do this to yourself y/n, to work yourself to death, to close in on yourself, to shut everyone out, he wouldn’t want to see you like this,”
“I just don’t know how to stop, I miss him so much Steve,” you whispered, “it’s scary to think he took a part of me with him, to have had a love and been so happy, to only have it ripped away, I have never felt a worse feeling, the constant pain, the physical ache, the emotional drain it has left in its wake, I just want it to stop,” you murmured lip wobbling as you looked at him.
Steve took your wet face in his hands, thumbs running over your damp cheeks, “you’re not the only one that has lost someone, we have all lost, but we are going to get through this together, you don’t have to do this alone, it’s going to be hard, but I'm here for you, we are all here for you,”
“do you think we’ll get them back?”
He pulled you back into him his arms wrapping around your frame his head falling onto yours “I have no idea, but we’re not going to give up, we’re going to get through this”
Steve didn’t leave your side till he was sure you were okay, and even then, he made you promise you would come find him and Natasha when you were ready too. Wiping under your eyes you left your room to go back to Natasha and Steve, you were entering the room when you heard a voice “Oh! Hi. Hi! Is anyone home? This is Scott Lang. We met a few years ago, at the airport? In Germany? I got really big, and I had my mask on. You wouldn't recognize me.”
You moved forward then Steve moving with you, “is this an old message?” you looked to Natasha who stood, “it’s the front gate,”
There was finally an answer, or what you hoped was an answer, A Time Heist, as Scott had tried to explain. There was a short second where just as quick as the hope had been reignited within you it diminished, though now that there was talk of being able to fix this, it had reignited that fight within Steve, that you had not seen for some time. It took some time but Tony had warmed up, and came around, tests had been run, and you had actually been successful with Tony’s help. With knowing the possibility of this being successful you began to plan concluding which times would be best to retrieve the stones.
The time finally came, there was only one chance, and you couldn’t mess this up if you wanted things to work. You watched as your team suited up, you would be sitting this one out, with enough hands-on deck, you would hopefully be the one greeting them all back home. You watched them disappear before your eyes, and you had never prayed harder than you did in that moment, for their safety, this was the one chance, and you just hoped they would all make it back. Your eyes never left the platform as you stood there with baited breath, the first breath you released was when Scott came through, it had worked, eventually the others came through, your hope building with each face you saw. The others were delighted, and just like you a new hope had sparked in all of them, it wasn’t until Barton came through falling to his knees that you found your heart breaking once more. Upon discovering that Natasha couldn’t be brought back, you had all agreed that her death would not be in vain and it hadn’t been. You had actually brought people back, but that victory was short lived as the building began to collapse around you. Your feet fell from under you, as the earth consumed you Rhodes, rocket, and Banner slipping with you. It was utter chaos below you as you struggled to regroup unbeknownst to what lay above you, if there was anything above you.  Your worry for not making it out of this only grew as you were swept away in a flood with Rhodey and rocket. Water quickly rising, the three of you struggling to stay afloat as Rhodey made a call, “Mayday, mayday! Does anybody copy? We're in the lower level, it's flooding! We're drowning! Does anybody copy? Mayday!”
Any hope you had left to actually make it out of here was diminishing as Rhodes spoke again, looking at the two of you, “I’ll see you two on the other side”
Your heart dropped to your chest; this couldn’t be the way things ended, there had to be more than an ending like this for you. As the water drew higher you three were practically underneath, and just when all seemed lost, there was Scott Lang.
When you crashed through the surface there was renewed hope as you touched the ground, various portals opened around the area, the others took off running, you trailing not far behind. You wanted to seek him out, to see if he was amongst the many but you barley had a second to recover before you were running off across the field towards Thanos army. Your fighting your way through a group of Sakaarans, when one comes at you from the side throwing you to the ground, you’re struggling but a shot from the far right side of you has the beast falling onto you, a pained groan falling from your lips as you shove it off. You stand on shaky legs looking for the shot that saved your life only to have your heart stop in your chest, eyes watering. Your taking quick strides to him as you fall into his awaiting arms, “oh god,” you cry your arms wrapping themselves tightly around him, “I-I,” you can’t find the words as you choke back a sob.
“I’m here sweetheart, I’m here,” he murmurs into your hair pressing a kiss to the side of your head.
He pulls away from you then his eyes meeting yours, his hands grasping at your cheeks, “your here, your actually here,” you whispered, shaky hands coming up to his face to make sure he indeed was in front of you and that life wasn’t playing some cruel joke.
Time paused for the two of you, even with the chaos going on around you, time had given you this moment, a teary chuckle was falling from his lips as they press themselves to yours, “I'm here doll, just stay by my side this time,” he murmurs pulling away from you  his gun in hand already.
“I don’t plan on going anywhere,”
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supernatural-freek · 4 years
Knife To My Throat
Dean x Sister!Reader, Sam x Sister!Reader
Synopsis: Hello! I have a very angsty request!!! Winchesters x sister!reader. The reader is the boy's half sibling and always seems to be forgotten. She goes through memories of them forgetting about her for early years to present. [Never picked up from school, left behind on a hunt, having to clean up after them,stuck with research,chores,ect.] It makes her snap when she was put in a life threatening situation[kidnapped for a couple of months] and they didn't even notice she was not in the bunker.
NOTE: This is a lot sadder than I thought it would be, I’m so sorry. I’m also sorry if this wasn’t quite what you were looking for but once I started I couldn’t stop and- I mess around with the ages too, so don't worry about the canon ages.
There is a trigger warning for this one. It’s not the happiest of one shots.
Your life passes in snapshots.
You’re 12, the product of something between your mom and a man whose two sons stare at you with blatant resentment. You’ve slandered something, soiled someone’s image or reputation. They’ve come to your school, you see, and they know who you are. They don’t take you with them when they leave, and you’re not sad to see them go.
When you tell your mom that the Winchester boys can’t possibly be your brothers, she laughs sadly until she starts crying and holds you tightly throughout the night.
She dies when you’re 14, two years after Sam and Dean had taken one look at you and decided that didn’t want you. Someone contacts John, and you hear the Impala before you see it. It’s a majestic beast, big and proud and growling. You desperately want to touch it.
John does’t let you stay for the funeral. He’s not being cruel, he’s just gotta get back to something. You sit in the back with Sam while Dean sits in the front with John.
“I don’t really hate you,” Sam whispers, sneaking you a lolly. You take it shyly. Sam smiles. “I’m Sam.”
“I know,” you say, and his smile grows instead of wavering, and you know that things won’t be too bad if Sam’s around.
Sam leaves when you’re 16, a teenage girl who’s prone to flinching at sudden movements but can stand next to a firing gun and have a spine of steel. Sam storms out the front door in a flurry of anger and deadly hate. John shouts something about not coming back, and Sam shouts back that he doesn’t care, and then the door slams.
He doesn’t say goodbye.
Dean comes to your bed that night, wordlessly asking for comfort. You roll over and let him lie next to you before you’re cuddling in to his side and crying as silently as you can. Dean’s body shakes, but the darkness hides if he’s got tears too. You fall asleep like that, and when you wake up, Dean’s already moving around the room and there’s no way to tell if last night had been real.
When you, Dean and John pile into the Impala, you think that it’s awful lonely in the backseat.
You miss your brother.
You’re almost 18 when you and John have your first real fight. You’ve argued before, fuck knows John can’t be around another living thing without arguing with it, but this time there’s a slap from you and a threat from him and Dean has to step in the middle.
He picks John over you. 
You can’t say it doesn’t hurt, but it’s expected. You stare at them, so alike in their feelings and their actions and their pain, and you scoff and shake your head and say, “I hate this family.”
“You aren’t hunting, Y/N, and that’s final!”
“And why not?” You shout back, and Dean groans because here you both go again. It’s the same argument you’ve just finished, but the anger is still rippling under your skin so you don’t walk away. “Am I just some glorified nurse? Here to clean up the messes?”
“You weren’t supposed to be my responsibility,” John seethes. He’s said it before. It doesn’t really hurt much anymore. “I’ve already lost Sam because of this life. I won’t lose you too.”
You give up fighting. It’s too tiring. You can’t be bothered.
When you’re 19, Dean comes back half-dead and without John.
You keep calm and stitch him back together again, going through too much alcohol and too many strips of cloth. You run out of dental floss for stitches, but you make fucking do, because if Dean dies on your watch, you may as well die too.
He’s not coherent the whole time he’s with you, mumbling about ghouls and blood and John, but you can’t spare a second to worry about John now, not if you want Dean to live. You manhandle him, pretending that he’s just drunk and not concussed and bleeding out. 
“Fuck you,” you hiss at him as you cover him with the sheets on the bed, sitting by his side as he sinks into a troubled sleep. “You problematic fuck.”
John doesn’t come back until three days later. He’s not horribly injured, but the claw mark on his chest has smeared blood all over his front and he looks like death incarnate. He sees Dean, still unconscious on the bed, and grunts, settling into the seat at the table and closing his eyes.
“Fucking ghoul,” he sighs, and then you’re attacking him with whatever medical supplies you have left.
Dean wakes up the next day, takes the keys, and drives you and John far away from that little town. You never tell him that you left your story book on the bedside table. 
It had been the last thing you’d had of your mothers.
You’re 22 when Sam truly settles back into hunting. 
You know he misses Jess, know that he’s got too much weight on his shoulders, know that he wants to find Dad just so he can go back to pretending he doesn’t miss his old life. But he settles into it after a while, sitting in the front seat with Dean. 
It’s still lonely in the back.
You’re 23 when John dies. 
Dean and Sam are without injuries. You have a broken arm that doesn’t get properly treated before you’re leaving the hospital in the dust, the taste of ash still on your tongues.
Everything goes to shit when you’re 24. There’s something about Sam, him being a Chosen One, and Dean says that John had wanted him to kill your brother, and it’s all so confusing. You know about the visions, and you trust the visions, but then Sam and the other kids like him are mutating into something else and you’re afraid.
You know it’s the Demon, good old Yellow-Eyes, but you don’t matter to him. You don’t matter to anybody. Bobby sees you sometimes, but that’s because Bobby is an old soul in an old body and knows what it is to be in the background.
Ellen sees you too, but only because you remind her of Jo. “Don’t let them boys walk all over you,” Ellen tells you one day, when you’re sitting at the counter at the Roadhouse after the boys had taken off on one of their adventures without remembering you. “Honey, you aren’t a doormat.”
“I’m not much of anything,” you tell her and then you finish your beer and motion for another.
You’re 25 when Sam dies and Dean sells his soul and leaves you with two brothers who are forever tainted with the cold tang of death.
Dean shoots the Demon.
You’re 25 when you look at schooling options for adults.
The Hellhounds come for Dean sometime after you turn 26, and you have nightmares about Sam’s cries and Dean’s blood until you have to start taking extreme measures, like pills and alcohol and concussions.
You and Sam crash at Bobby’s house once, and you sleep easier than you have since your brother went to Hell. 
When you wake up, Sam is gone and he doesn’t come back. Bobby looks at you with pitiful eyes, but you keep your head down and make yourself a list of permanent chores to do just so you have a purpose and won’t have to kill yourself.
Dean comes back while you’re still 26. You’ve given up on schooling, which is good, because Dean wants to look for Sam, and you have to scramble to get in the back seat of the Impala before he takes off with a squeal of the tires.
Bobby sits in the front. It’s not any less lonely in the back. You seem to care less now, and you wonder if it’s because the nightmares have sucked out your soul and no you’re just hollow and beaten and sad, and you don’t care anymore that your brothers don’t really care about you.
Sam causes the Apocalypse. You’re turning 28 the next day.
You meet Cas when you’re 28, but you aren’t important so he doesn’t see you. The angels don’t see you, your brothers don’t see you, and Bobby loses sight of you somewhere along the way. You slip through the cracks.
You go on a hunt on your own and it goes fine. 
You’re disappointed that you don’t die.
You’re 29 when Sam jumps in the Pit with Lucifer and Michael. Cas isn’t God, and you aren’t important enough for anybody to take as leverage. Zachariah had taken Adam and Sam, but he hadn’t taken you and that should tell you to quit while you’re ahead, but you’ve already decided you’re a lot cause with school and there’s nowhere else for you to go. 
Dean goes to Lisa and Ben. Cas disappears. You float around and you pretend you have purpose. You think your name becomes a legend amongst the hunters. Something about you being a ghost, here one moment and gone the next. 
You’re too cold to cry, really.
You’re 30 when you attempt to kill yourself and fail.
Nobody comes to get you until you’re 32. Sam loses and gains his soul in that time. There’s someone named Samuel. There’s Alpha monsters and Death and walls in minds that shatter far too easily, and then Cas is the new God, but he’s sick.
You run into the boys on a hunt. Dean says your name with the reverence of someone who has seen God and laughed. He talks to you, and it’s nice, and then he tells you about Leviathans and Cas and your heart breaks and you crawl into the back seat of the Impala and stare out the window.
Hunters still talk about the Ghost.
Dean doesn’t know that it’s you.
You’re 33 when Dean and Cas go to Purgatory, and you’re 34 when Dean comes back.
You’re 33 when Cas comes back, too.
You’re 35 when Metatron casts the angels out of Heaven and Sam fails the Trials. It’s a mess, but there’s Kevin and the Bunker, and the angels falling look like dying stars and it’s oddly beautiful.
Kevin likes you. It’s strange because Kevin doesn’t really like anybody else. You think that its nice to be seen, but then there’s Crowley and demons and your brothers are important again and you quietly make enough food that nobody stares and clean up afterwards. 
Your room stays bare. Nobody comments. You don’t think Sam or Dean could point out which room you claimed as your own anyway.
You’re 37 when Dean gets the Mark of Cain. It’s scary and it makes him into something harsher and more unstable. You try and keep quiet around him, because he seems almost hyper-aware of you now and he keeps eyeing you.
You make food and you do beer runs because that’s the role that they accept, and that’s the role you know. Charlie braids your hair once. It feels like something a sibling would do.
The Darkness brings Mary back when you’re 38. 
Mary looks at you once, understands who you are and what you represent, and then she turns to her boys and smiles. You are 39 years old in a world that doesn’t want you, and you’re invisible to everybody in the damn room.
You can’t harbour any anger for Mary though.
You’re just so unbearably tired.
You’re on the cusp of turning 39 when someone steals you off the road when you’re waiting for the boys to come out from questioning a witness. You don’t know who they are, but you know they want information on your brothers, they want someone to experiment with.
They want a hunter.
They want the Ghost.
Torture becomes old soon enough, so they play mind games. It takes them a while to adapt to your apathy though, but once they understand that forcing you to imagine your brothers being nice hurts more than making you think they hated you, things get going.
You don’t talk. But you hurt.
You hurt, you hurt, you hurt.
You’re 39 when you make your escape, killing everybody there and returning to the Bunker covered in blood and wounds and you are afraid.
“What the fuck,” Dean says in a tight voice as you stumble down the stairs. Cas is already charging towards you, a glowing hand held out. You flinch away. but he’s persistent, and your wounds close slowly. “Y/N?”
Sam stares at you with wide eyes. You stare back without saying anything. Cas gently brushes his hand over your shoulder. You croak miserably and he pulls away.
“Where were you?” Dean asks.
(You’re 39 when you realise that nobody had noticed you were gone.)
You turn away, intent on going back to your plain little room, but someone holds your arm and you can’t take the touch. ��Stop,” you beg and whoever is holding you lets you go. 
“What-” Sam gets cut off by the guttural wail that rips from your throat.
“I was gone for months!” You seethe, voice cracking and rasping. You are 39 and you are breaking, breaking, breaking. “You didn’t come for me, you’ve never come for me.”
The Ghost, the Ghost, the Ghost.
“I am nothing and I am nobody, but I should have been somebody  and you took that from me and I don’t know what I’m supposed to do now.”
Cas reaches for you again. “Let me ease your troubles,” he says and fingers touch your forehead and nothing happens. “You are in too much pain.” he murmurs. “I am sorry.”
“So am I,” you whisper, and then you turn away from your brothers and you go to your plain little room.
You are 39 and half-Winchester when you press a gun to your temple and pull the fucking trigger.
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smol-and-grumpy · 4 years
Something Just Like This - CH06
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Dean Winchester, mobster boss. He’s a little cocky, a lot ruthless and more often than not, short tempered. But he’s also, Dean Winchester, a war veteran and hero who suffers under a shit ton of PTS. He met her in a bar and thinks it’s fate that brought her to him. Little does he know why she’s really here.
Warnings: There is still none, what the fuck is wrong with me?! Well, maybe mention of sex trafficking, abuse of minors
WC: 3717
A/N: There are some discussions about a scandal on a classified ad website that really happened. Thank god that page has been taken down but these things will continue to happen and they dominate the lifes of minors who are captured and exploited by these people every day.
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It’s a sunny day and there are lots of dog walkers in the park. Y/N was never really a dog person but Linda is, so maybe that’s why they always meet here at the dog park. Plus, it’s always crowded and they are able to go incognito. 
Y/N schleps her bags to the closest unoccupied bench she can find and sits down. 
Thinking about it, maybe she shouldn’t have bought this much. She only wanted to go in for one bra but then another one jumps in her face and it’s so cute with the lace and all, and it was the same color as her dress and of course then she needed matching panties and then, of fucking course, she needed them in different colors too. 
She doesn’t really know why she bought so many. Why she thinks that someone will ever see her in them. It’s not like she has a boyfriend, nor does she have a boy she wants to show them off to, for that matter. She’s no prude by any means and has lost her v-card a long time ago, but work has always been more important than going on dates. Not that she hasn't tried the dating thing, it’s just— every time she met with someone, she couldn’t help but run a background check on him, which she is technically not allowed to, but she’s better safe than sorry. And even if their record is clean, they bored her to death, and when she mentions that she’s with the FBI, they usually backed off on their own anyway.
Once Y/N settles, she pulls out a book from her bag and starts to read. Of course she can’t concentrate on reading. Can’t really think about anything else but how cute Dean looked when he was mortified that he might have said something weird. She also can’t stop thinking about how big and firm Dean is. How the dress shirt stretches tightly over his chest, the buttons praying for mercy. Can’t stop thinking about his perky little nipples that poked at the shirt and screamed to be freed. And his arms. Ugh. It always looks like the shirts cling onto his biceps for dear life. Not to mention the veins in his forearms when he had his dress shirt folded back. She noticed that night that Dean Winchester’s arms and hands were, in fact, freckled.
No, she shakes her head. She has no business thinking about him that way. But also, he has no fucking business looking that good, so there’s that.
She hardly notices someone sitting down next to her until the person speaks up.
“You went shopping?” 
It’s a familiar voice. 
Y/N doesn’t turn her head, instead looks at the person through the corner of her eyes. The woman next to her pulls out her phone and puts it to her ear.
Y/N continues to pretend to read. “Yeah, got an opening to attend, remember? You got what I sent you last night?”
“We looked through it. It’s quite a finding.”
“Really?” Because Y/N couldn’t make anything from the scribbles, “Good.” 
“There’s something about Lucifer in the notes. That’s just his nickname, which is fitting because he is indeed the devil. He’s Winchester’s rival. Used to be his right hand but split with them. Now he’s up against them while simultaneously building up a reputation in human trafficking.”
Human trafficking , she remembers the time in training where they taught her about that. Knows that it’s a multi-million dollar operation behind it, knows that it’s dangerous as hell.
“Be careful, alright?”
“I will.”
“You wanna quit?”
“Because it’s getting risky. You just have to tell me and I’ll pull you out.”
“I know,” Y/N says. 
She knows that she can pull out anytime. It’s just—
—the more she gets to know Dean, the less she wants to quit. Which is unlike her at all. 
Y/N feels some kind of need in her. A need to know more about him. Wants to know how he ticks, wants to know why he’s always so reserved. She thinks there’s another layer of Dean Winchester. A layer you can’t see with your eyes, a layer you have to see with your heart. 
She thinks that there’s more to him than the mob boss and she feels weird to want to stay to see what’s beneath the hard shell. “So you’re telling me that Dean isn’t such a bad guy after all. That there’s someone out there who’s worse. Shouldn’t I try to get this Lucifer guy then?”
“No, Winchester’s bad, okay? I agree that Lucifer is worse but I can’t get you close to Lucifer. That guy is not only bad, that one is dangerous. I’d be risking your life and that’s the last thing I want to do.”
“Human trafficking, huh?” Y/N still looks down at her book and turns a page, just in case. “What kind?”
Linda nods subtly, “He started with organs but he wandered into sex-trafficking. Mostly young girls.”
“Girls from normal families, runaways, sometimes he gets them off the street, promising them shelter and care—”
“—But instead they get abused and drugged.” Y/N finishes the sentence.
“Yes,” Linda nods.
“Isn’t there a special unit for that?” Y/N remembers her dad used to tell her about the Village Voice scandal.
“There is, and there’s another team on Lucifer but we’re working close with them.”
“So, what is that about, some sort of backpage kinda thing? I thought we put that to rest?”
“Oh honey, for every page we close, there are two or three more showing up, and that’s only the pages we know of.” Linda’s voice is small. 
Y/N remembers her dad being engrossed in his work while the backpage story blew up. A place where underage girls were trafficked. Heavily. Up to 20 clients a day. Every time she went back from college to see him in the years where backpage won case by case and continued to exploit girls on their page, he’d make sure to hold her just a little bit tighter.
“Right.” Y/N sighs, doesn’t want to think about all the bad things in the world because it would only rile her up more, “I need to keep going if I want to be on time for my shift.”
“I love you.” Linda says without looking at her. 
“Love you too,” Y/N replies, stands up and grabs her bags to leave.
Dean didn’t show up that night but when her shift ends, Y/N receives a text from an unknown number. 
D: Hey sweetheart, where can I pick you up tomorrow? Dean
Her cheeks warm up and ugh, there’s the flutter in her heart. She should not be feeling this.
Y/N: Hey stranger, you were missed tonight. 
D: Yeah, sorry, have a lot on my plate. Broken any noses or jaws tonight?
Y/N: No, they behaved. 
D: Good. Would have been a shame if I would have to punch them all in the face next time I’m there.
Y/N: I can take care of myself. 
D: I know. I also know that I shouldn’t get on your bad side. 
She giggles at that.
Y/N: So, tomorrow, picking me up at the bar is okay. I’ll see if I can help Ellen before I have to leave.
D: You are really a good girl, huh? 
D: I’m kidding. I’ll see you tomorrow, sweetheart. Have a good night.
Y/N: You too.
She smiles to herself as she puts the phone back into her purse and proceeds to close the bar.
    “Alright, Ellen, everything’s in the cooler, you want me to help with anything else before I have to get myself ready?” Y/N calls to the back. Taking a look at the clock, she notices that Dean said he’ll pick her up in two hours time. There’s still plenty of time to do some other chores if Ellen wants her to.
“No, that’s alright. Just gonna hang up this sign,” Ellen comes through the door and pushes past Y/N with a sheet of paper in her hand. She notices some scribbles done with a black marker but can’t quite catch what it says.
“What’s that?” 
“Oh, I’m only open for a couple of hours tonight, gonna close earlier than usual.” Ellen shrugs and tapes the paper to the front door.
“I’m alone and I can’t possibly manage all the people. Have you noticed that there are more and more every night? I think it’s because of you, honey. They all drive out here to see you. And besides, Winchester paid me enough that I could actually close the bar for tonight, for the whole weekend even, but I guess some people still want to have a drink or two.”
“Oh,” Y/N could say she’s surprised that Dean paid Ellen, but really, she’s not for one bit. Thinks, it’s ridiculous how he always finds solutions by using money. 
“Go and get yourself ready,” Ellen pats her shoulder and disappears into the back office.
She’s sitting at the bar on Dean’s stool when the door opens to a tall guy. One she’s never seen before. 
He smiles when he sees her and waits at the door. “I take it, you’re Y/N?”
“Who’s asking?” 
“Hi, I’m Castiel. Cas,” He looks around, as if to inspect the bar but makes no further move, “Everyone calls me Cas.” 
Castiel walks in and stands in the middle of the bar now, his gaze wanders from her to the back door. From the back door to the jukebox and further to the other side of the bar, “I’m working with Dean and he sent me to pick you up.”
“Oh,” She says and swallows down the disappointment she knows she shouldn’t be feeling. Of course Dean’s busy. He’s a fucking gangster boss who helps his brother opening up a legal law-fucking-firm. It’s a wonder if he’s not busy.
“We should get going. We’re already late as it is,” Cas walks back to the door he came through and waits for her while he holds the door open, “You coming?”
“Sure,” Y/N says, and hops off the stool, bites on her tongue as not to snap at Cas and ask him why Dean couldn’t come. Because let’s be honest here, she shouldn’t care about it as much as she does anyway.
They walk out and Cas is a gentleman, lending her a hand to walk down the front of the bar. He’d parked right in front of it too, so that she doesn’t have to walk through dirt with her nice new shoes. 
“That’s Dean’s car, isn’t it?” She asks upon realizing the Impala that Dean usually drives.
“Yeah, he told me that if you should get suspicious, I can always show you his car. Told me you’ve seen it already and let’s be real here, she’s a beauty.”
Right, she definitely should have interrogated Cas. Especially because Lucifer is on the loose and he holds a grudge against Dean, apparently. Only she doesn’t think that she’d be important enough for Lucifer to consider her a person of interest at all, so it never crosses her mind that someone would want to harm her. Not even after what Linda told her yesterday.
Cas goes on after he settles in the car, “Like, he never lets me drive, ever! So who are you really that he even made me drive out here in his Baby to pick you up?” 
“I’m his barmaid.” She just shrugs and it makes Cas laugh. Loud and sharp. 
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Dean nervously flips his wrist and glances at his watch. The party has started and people are starting to pour in. Some of them mingled together in a group, talking in low hushed voices. The background music is soft. Sam had wanted some jazz music, had dismissed Dean’s suggestion that people might prefer classic rock. His firm, his party, so Sammy put his foot down. 
There were also powerful people here, judges, doctors, state reps, they’re all legal on the outside, but Dean knows their secrets — as much as they know his. Which kind of works to his disadvantage, really. 
He’s standing off to the side, grabbing a bite off the trays the servers are bringing every now and then, shaking hands with people he has never met, letting Sam introduce him as his brother, the war hero. To say that Dean’s bored and feels out of place is an understatement.
Jo’s hanging on his arm like she belongs there and Dean can’t remember when the last time was that she’s been so clingy. She’s talking to Jess who’s hanging onto Sam. Sammy’s beaming from ear to ear and Dean likes that. Finds his own comfort in Sam’s happiness. 
Sam’s been with Jess since college and Dean advised him not to spill too soon about who he is, who his family is but of course Sam did the contrary. Boy has some authority issues. To Dean’s surprise though, Jess stayed with Sam and cut all ties to her family. He guesses that it really must be love. 
Whatever love is. 
He doesn’t know it, can’t really say that he’s been in love himself. Love. It’s only a word, some utopian thing that only happens in movies. Well, or something that happens to other people. People who deserve it. Like Sammy for example.
He doesn’t have to look in the direction to know who it is. Dean would recognize the voice — or rather the noise — anywhere. Jo’s hand around him grips him tighter, as if she wants to mark her territory. Dean thinks it’s weird but before he can even form a thought in his head, he hears loud clicking of heels walking swiftly towards him.
She struts closer with her mother. Both of them dressed to impress with too much make up on their faces. It makes them look like very expensive hookers. Those kinds where Dean wouldn’t want to get involved with.
“Amara,” Dean greets her and then, he’s being hugged. Amara’s strong perfume penetrates his nostrils, her boobs rub against his chest and he knows that she does it deliberately. Jo lets go off him by the sheer force of the hug.
Dean literally plies himself from her and her arms are still hanging off his shoulders when he greets her mother, “Rowena,” He nods. 
“Hello Dean,” Rowena’s smile was bright and white. “How are you, boy?” 
Dean knows that Rowena likes him like a son. She was madly in love with his father, he didn't even know if they had something going on, didn’t really want to know, to be honest. But he knows that Rowena would have loved it if he would have married her daughter, which, of course, would only happen over Dean’s dead body.
“Good, thanks.” Dean tries to smile and somehow winding out of the grip Amara still has on him. “Oh, hey, Sammy’s here. It’s Sammy’s night tonight.” He grins and it’s all forced, hoping to avert the attention from him to Sam. 
Jo’s gripping his arm again, on his other side hangs Amara, and the two women are sending each other daggers with their eyes as they greet one another. Dean looks around the room, trying to see if someone could get him out of his misery, knows that he could do it himself, and as much as he loves to tell them both to fuck off, he has to play nice because he doesn’t want to upset Sammy on his brother’s big night.
When nobody seems to notice his state of discomfort, Dean decides to make the best out of it, talking to the group of people and making lame jokes. To his amusement the two women laugh the loudest at something that isn’t even remotely funny, making Dean frown in bewilderment.
He looks up again, his eyes scanning the room, maybe someone will take notice of him now. His eyes stall at the front door.
Cas walks in, Y/N on his arm. Their eyes meet immediately, and maybe Dean’s wrong but he sees her looking down right after, as if she tries hard to look at anything else but him. 
He can’t help but feel a pang of jealousy hitting square in his chest, right where his fucking heart is, upon seeing her hanging off Cas’ arm. 
At that moment, all he sees is her. Sees her hair loose around her face, the pretty dress hugging her beautiful body. What he also sees is the color in her cheeks, and the puff of her lips, wonders how they would feel on his, or around his cock. Feels only a little guilty that when he rubbed himself off in the showers this morning and closed his eyes, all he saw was her. 
Dean pulls himself away from Amara and Jo. Shaking off Amara’s arm when he feels her nail claw into him more, hears her say something but he doesn't even listen because he’s literally running towards Cas and Y/N.
“Hey,” He comes to a halt in front of them, and she’s still not looking at him. Dean turns to Cas instead to get them some privacy, “Cas, thanks.” 
Cas nods and holds out Dean’s key to his car but doesn’t say a word, sensing the awkward situation that Dean’s in immediately. 
“I need a fucking drink,” Cas declares and pushes himself further into the room to find the bar. 
“You okay?” Dean asks as Cas has left. It’s a stupid question really, when he could clearly see that she’s not, in fact, o-fucking-kay.
He sees her hugging her arms around herself and when she looks up, he notices something else in her eyes. Something he can’t place. Maybe hurt? Annoyance? He doesn’t know, could never read a women like a fucking book. And he can’t say that he doesn’t hate that she feels this way.
“Yeah, why shouldn’t I be?” She smiles but Dean can see that it’s a little strained. 
He rubs one of his hands over her arm and she relaxes noticeably, which he thinks it’s good, isn’t it? Dean takes her hand, pulls her with him, and he’s glad that she let him, “Come on, let me introduce you.” 
He got her drinks and it wasn’t long before she warmed up to him again while they talked and laughed with Sam and Jess, having successfully fended off the two other women as Dean stopped paying attention to them. 
Dean can see now from the corner of his eyes as he checks her out every now and then (he didn’t dare to stare at her too long though, fears that she might feel uncomfortable), that her smiles are genuine. 
Thank fucking god, Dean thinks. Wouldn’t even want to think how awkward the night would be if she would be mad at him for the majority of it. 
“Dean Winchester!” 
He knows that voice, knows it too well. Dean sighs and rolls his eyes before turning around, earning a giggle from her which actually makes him feel better too.
“Crowley,” He nods.
Crowley grins. “Nice party,” 
“Yeah, I agree,” Dean answers sharp. 
“And who is this lovely young lady?” Crowley looks at Y/N and the dude takes her hand, kisses it while Y/N clearly looks stunned. 
Dean balls his hands into fists, bites the inside of his cheeks to calm himself down.
“Y/N, this is Crowley—” He says at last.
“The mayor.” She finishes Dean’s sentence. 
Of course, Dean thinks. He tends to forget that Crowley is not the sneaky leprechaun but instead the mayor of the city. 
“Darling, mind if I borrow this giant for a moment?” Crowley asks Y/N and Dean hopes that she says no, even though he knows that he needs to talk to Crowley but tonight he’d rather let business be business and enjoy the time he has with her. Who is he kidding though, of course she’d say yes because she’s a good fucking girl. 
“Go ahead,” She smiles and nods. 
Dean didn’t see Y/N for the rest of the night. Amara’s back on hanging to his every step and every which way Dean turns, there’s always someone who wants something from him, even if it was Sam’s fucking night. 
He doesn’t complain though, playing his part — because he owns Sammy that much. He talks to people while Amara’s hanging on his arm, laughing at stupid jokes that people tell him and telling his own lame ones over and over. It’s fucking draining and he promised Sam that he won’t drink a drop, he regrets the promise right about now. 
Finally, by the end of the night, the guests start to leave one by one, and Dean looks around because he still couldn’t find her so he walks over to where Sam and Jess are saying their goodbyes to their guests. 
“Dean, you alright?” Sam asks and Dean knows that Sam can probably see in Dean’s face that he’s distressed. 
“Yeah, no,” Dean doesn’t even have it in his heart anymore to keep up the facade and lie to Sam, “Have you guys seen Y/N?”
“I saw her talking to Amara but it was almost two hours ago,” Jess says and as if on cue, Amara walks past them, grabbing at Dean’s arm again but Dean shakes her off.
“Amara, have you seen Y/N?” Dean almost shouts and it might have been louder than he wanted it to be but yeah, he’s a little worried — if not a lot. 
“I spoke to her and then she said she wanted to go outside to get some fresh air.” Amara’s tone of voice has something in it that rubs him the wrong way.
Dean pulls his phone from his pocket, thumbs over his contacts and dials Y/N’s number. It doesn’t even ring. It went straight to voicemail. He tries it again. And then again. 
“Right, Sammy, I gotta go,” Dean doesn’t even wait for Sammy to answer, instead he runs outside, and when he doesn’t see her, he runs to his car.
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imaginepirates · 5 years
Confusing Relations
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For @ilikebritsandbands, who gave me my first smut request, and I was more than happy to oblige. Basically, the reader is in a relationship with Jack, but you both see other people. What you don't know is that two of your partners have gotten together. Things get...embarrassing. :)
WARNINGS: smut ahead, my friends.
@bonjour-frens @tesserphantom
~3500 words
           You had been in a relationship with Jack for a long time. Nobody knew that, of course, because it was a bit scandalous to have a pirate as a partner. The relationship was an open one. You both saw other people, but you agreed that such things were okay with both of you. 
           You were with one of these other partners now. She was beautiful; freckles covered her body, and there was a playful look in her eye. You could spend hours with her, and not only in the bedroom. She was an interesting girl to talk to. Often, you laid in bed for hours, talking about whatever struck your fancy. Any time with her was time well spent. 
           Perhaps it was a part of who you were, doing scandalous things. Dating a pirate, for example. Fucking the Governor's daughter, for another. 
           Elizabeth wasn't innocent in the act, either. A feisty, adventurous thing such as her needed experimentation. She also needed satisfaction, which you were more than willing to give. 
           Currently, you were working on removing the clothing that hid her form. You'd already taken advantage of the low neckline of her dress, sucking small bruises into the soft skin between her neck and shoulder. She was skilled at covering the marks with powder, leaving you to attend to her however you saw fit. 
          You saw fit to divest her completely of her dress. The lacing on the back was infuriating. It was taking you much too long to untie, though perhaps that was due to the fact that you were rather distracted by her mouth on yours. 
           You hummed when she broke away. "You taste good. What did you eat before this?"
           "Admittedly, a chocolate tart. I hoped you would notice."
           "Ah. Well, you taste delicious. In more places than one, if my past experiences are any indication. But I can't seem to get this damn dress off you."
           "Well." She pushed you out of her lap and rolled onto her stomach. "We must remedy that."
           Quickly as your fingers would let you, you undid the laces of her dress. You helped her wriggle out of it, to your mutual amusement. Unfortunately, her wriggling was making you more needy between the legs. 
           Once the dress was off, you had to deal with the corset. That done, you kissed her back through her shift. She was hardly a sheepish person, and though you loved to have her bare before you, you wanted to take your time. Besides, it was rather fun to tease her. 
           She flipped over underneath you, trying to pull her dress over her head. You grabbed her hands, shoving them over her head. 
           "Don't even think about it. Not yet." You straddled her hips. With one hand, you held hers above her head. You let the other roam her body. You massaged her breasts, and she let out a little contented sigh. 
           "This really isn't fair," she mused. "You're still mostly clothed."
           You wore trousers with a shirt tucked into them for convenience. Not only were they easier to move around in and more comfortable than dresses, but they were easier to take off. 
           "I'm sure you can restrain yourself from touching me for a few more minutes." You winked. In truth, you wanted her hands on you. You had to wait just as much as she did. 
           Slowly, you pushed a hand up her skirt. You traced her skin with your thumb, inching higher. She squirmed underneath you, hips bucking up into yours. This action wasn't helping your self control.  
           Your thumb rubbed circles in her upper thigh, and she whined in frustration. So pretty. You let your fingers dance over wet underclothes. After a moment more of teasing, you rubbed her through the lacy fabric. She moaned in response, only making your own need greater. 
           You decided against wasting any time. You released her hands, and they undid the front of your shirt as you tore the slip over her head and the underclothes from her hips. There was a moment of frantic movement as you struggled to divest yourselves of clothes completely. 
           You disappeared between her legs, biting at the sensitive flesh on her thighs. Her hands flew to your hair, gripping and pulling. You moved to her core, licking over her folds. With one hand, you held down her hips. She tended to squirm under your ministrations. Your other hand was on her thigh. 
           It didn't take long for her to come. Her voice made you want to satisfy her all the more. Her moans were the only choir music you were bound to get. 
           After calming down, she flipped you over, intending to do the same for you. It was your favorite part of sex with her; you loved watching her on top of you. She loved to tease you, too. 
           As if reading your mind, she leaned down to whisper in your ear. "You're so wet." 
           "That's what happens when I get to watch you under me." You weren't ashamed to give her a reason for your need. 
           "I like to think I have such an affect on you." She smirked. 
           "Don't get cocky."
           "Not to worry. I don't have one."
           You both laughed, though it was a bit husky, voice filled with lust. Then, much to your pleasure, she began. 
           It was quite a while later that you slipped out of her room. Her servants hadn't discovered the two of you yet, and you weren't about to give them the chance. You'd stayed a while to cool off and cuddle, that way, you didn't look like an absolute mess. You just looked a bit more disheveled than when you entered. You left through the servant's entrance as not to be seen. Her father didn't know you even existed. What he doesn't know doesn't hurt him.
           You wandered back to Jack's. You stayed with him in a little house you shared. It was by no means a luxury, but it was comfortable. 
           He wasn't home. You guessed he was either seducing women or doing something piratical. He had, for some time, talked of procuring a new ship. His old one had been taken by a mutinous first mate. Sometimes, especially when drunk, he got mopey about it. 
           You sprawled out on the bed. You could use a nap after all the excitement that was Elizabeth Swann. You couldn't sleep with her; you had to keep an ear out for servants. 
           You debated what to do later in the day. You vaguely pondered meeting up with someone else, but you decided against it. Instead, you decided to go shopping. There wasn't much food at home, and you weren't about to go hungry.  
           You pulled yourself out of bed an hour later, throwing on some clothes. You weren't sure if they were yours or Jack's. Then, you headed out, meandering sleepily through the city. 
           People bustled about, taking care of their daily chores. Others were taking strolls, arm in arm with a partner. It gave you mixed feelings. You and Jack would never be able to walk together down the street. Unless he somehow received a pardon, he would remain a known criminal most places you went. 
           The public market was one of your favorite parts of the city. It was always full of people, and it sold wares from around the world. There were exotic spices, strange foods, and tools whose purposes were wholly unknown to you. 
           You made your way to a vegetable stand, intent on buying something fresh. Jack didn't have much money, but you worked odd jobs. There was nothing he could do but lie low. You didn't mind; the two of you didn't need that much money to begin with. 
           You stocked up on fruits, vegetables, breads, and meats. You believed that one of the best things in life was a good meal, and you were always intent on making them. Jack was a better cook than you had imagined; he'd picked up some skill while in different countries. 
           You were just finishing up when you noticed a familiar face a few stalls away. It was the blacksmith's apprentice, an attractive boy around your age. He was the sweetest young man, and in all aspects of life, a gentle person. You would know. 
           You approached him as he eyed a jewelry vendor. You thought it strange, but didn't dwell on it. "Will!" you called. You intercepted him near a food vendor. "How are you?"
           "I'm well, thank you. And you?" 
           "I'm alright. How has work been?"
           "Busy as usual."
           You continued on with some small talk. You hadn't seen each other in weeks. Usually, your meetings were few and far between. He wasn't particularly interested in having sex regularly, but you knew how much he liked having you in his bed every so often. You had to admit, you enjoyed the meetings too. 
           He shifted nervously, running a hand through his hair. "I was wondering if you might like to meet up later tonight? I know my room at the forge is small, but…" he trailed off. 
           "I'd love to," you said. 
           He blushed. "Ah, um, good then. See you later?"
           You winked. It still surprised you how bashful he was outside of the bedroom. Jack and Elizabeth were so unashamed of everything; you weren't used to people being shy about it. Judging by his behavior, nobody would guess that Will had even had sex before. 
           You wondered if twice in one day was too much, but decided it hardly meant a thing. You could allow yourself a little indulgence, right?
           You lay on the grass with Elizabeth, staring up at the clouds. This meeting was purely innocent. Sometimes, it was nice to just talk girl to girl. 
           From the time you first met, the two of you shared things with each other. Now, you were practically her confidante, and she was yours. You loved her secrets, and she loved yours. Life was so much easier when you knew you weren't alone. 
           "Can you believe she had the audacity? Right then? I thought it was amusing, and I admit to giggling, but I have been informed that my timing was 'inappropriate'." Elizabeth continued your earlier conversation about a ball she had just attended. Finishing her story, she rolled over onto her stomach, her head right next to yours. "I have a confession," she whispered. 
           There was a joke between the two of you. When one person needed to tell the other a secret, they'd pretend to be at confessionals in church. It made everything more amusing and less serious. 
           "I'm in a secret relationship."
           You faked a gasp. "You? The pure and innocent Governor's daughter, in a secret relationship? It will be the scandal of our age!"
           She snorted. "As it turns out, I'm not that pure and innocent. You've made sure of that."
           "I suppose I have. Now, tell me, who is this relationship with?" You asked. 
           "Oh, I can't say. Not yet. If I told you, it wouldn't be a secret, and I simply must keep it secret for a little while longer."
           "Oh, absolutely." Elizabeth had a very entertaining flair for the dramatics. You secretly loved it. 
           The afternoon continued, and you gossiped well into the early evening. It was one of your favorite times of day, and you could watch Elizabeth outlined in golden light. 
           When you drowsily headed home, you found the bedroom door ajar. Jack was sprawled out across the bed, though he wasn't asleep. He'd been gone for a few days. You were glad to have him back. 
           "You've returned! Miss me?" You teased. 
           He climbed out of bed, steering you backwards towards a wall. "I'm not ashamed to admit that I did, love." His voice had taken on a low tone, and he was close to your ear. 
           You let one hand explore his body, lightly tracing the crotch of his pants. He was deliciously hard. "Have you been touching yourself while I've been gone?" You purred. 
           He hummed into your ear, bucking slightly against your hips. You let him untie the front of your shirt, trailing kisses along your neck. He flicked his tongue over the little marks he left. 
           Soon, his hands were at your thighs, lifting you to pin you against the wall. You wrapped your legs around his back. Your hands were busy trying to take off his shirt, though he made it difficult by refusing to remove his lips from your neck. 
           "Jack, would you please let me undress you." You'd done this too many times, but he still left you breathless. 
           "I bet you'd like that," he growled, hips grinding into yours. The action made you impatient. 
           "I would."
           Suddenly, he turned, supporting you with his hands. He carried you to the bed, tossing you down before straddling your hips. You wasted no time in ridding each other of your clothes. His hot mouth attacked your chest, sucking dark bruises into your breasts. 
           You grasped his hair, tugging at the long locks. He growled into your skin, pushing himself up to capture your lips in a possessive kiss. His cock pressed against your stomach. He had his body flush against yours, and the warmth of it spread through your chest. 
           You reached down, intent on taking things further. Your fingers wrapped around his member, lazily stroking. Jack groaned, burying his face in your neck. He let you go on, moving his hips a little in response to your touch. 
           You positioned him so his cock was between your legs, still fingering him. He pushed himself onto his forearms and stared into your face. 
           "Can't wait any longer, love?" He purred. It sent a small shiver down your spine. 
           He moved one hand down, massaging your upper thigh. He stuck one finger inside of you, then another, scissoring them back and forth. 
           You moaned. You wanted him inside you, and not just his fingers. You bucked up, intent on making him know what you wanted.  
           "You really are impatient." Jack withdrew his fingers, shifting to a better position. 
           You wished you could tell him that he was the one who had needed you so badly in the first place, but words failed you. He thrust into you, not roughly, but quickly enough to make you gasp. 
           He began moving, slowly, as to begin comfortably for the both of you. You could feel your walls stretching to accommodate him. You felt full. 
           He sped up, breath quickening as he went. You felt your own breath speeding up, and it was getting harder to focus on any one thing. You were bound to come undone. 
           With one particularly sharp thrust, your body shuddered with release. Jack's hips still rolled into yours, helping you through your orgasm. Your grip on him slackened. Your body felt boneless, and you knew you weren't going to be moving much any time soon.
           He came quickly after. He rolled onto his back to steady his breathing. As you both cooled down, your hands found each other. You only released him to get a towel and clean you both up. 
           Climbing back into bed, he pulled you onto his chest. You didn't know what to expect; your experiences after having had sex with Jack were wildly different. Mostly, you both fell asleep, but you occasionally held conversations. 
           "Did you know," he began, "that dear William has a girl?" 
           Ah, and here I wanted to sleep, you thought. "Another one? He has me already."
           "Not like that. Like…" Jack struggled for an analogy. "Like us."
           That made you blush. "Like us?" 
           "Someone that you spend most of your time with."
           "Right." You thought back to when he had been looking at jewelry in the market. "Any idea who the girl is?"
           Something at the back of your mind clicked. I'm in a secret relationship. You sat bolt upright in bed. Jack stared at you with wide eyes, but you ignored him in favor of your newest revelation. 
           "The Governor's daughter? The one you've been…" he wiggled his fingers. "Seeing?"
           "That very one," you said. "She told me she was in a secret relationship, but wouldn't say with whom."
           "Interesting," Jack mused.  
           "I'm proud of dear William. Good for him."
           You had to agree. Elizabeth was the dream catch of a thousand men. 
           William and Elizabeth had ties to both you and Jack. Jack and Will were old friends, though Jack had only ever seen Elizabeth in passing. Both of them had been over to your house before. Sometimes, Will came over to speak with Jack. You'd never seen each other at the house; you didn't even think he knew you lived there. Elizabeth just enjoyed the privacy of being in your home without anyone around to see you. 
           There might have been more you and Jack wished to say, but you were both exhausted. You settled back onto his chest. You fell asleep to the feeling of his fingers running gently through your hair. 
           When you woke again, you noticed Jack's prominently hard cock against your thigh. He was already awake, humming some tune. He must've been waiting for you to wake so he could suggest another round. 
           Suggesting another round was exactly what he did. You quickly agreed, letting him position himself atop you. 
           Dutifully distracted, neither of you heard the knock on your front door. 
           It was a true blessing that blankets existed, and that you were under them. Someone entered your room, gently pushing the door open. Light streamed in over the both of you. 
           You were relieved that you and Jack hadn't started fucking quite yet. Two silhouettes were outlined in the door. When their faces came into focus, you realized they were, in fact, Will and Elizabeth. 
           You and Jack stared at them from your positions in bed. The situation was awkward, to say the least.
           "Y/N?" This was Will, whose eyebrows were sitting at the top of his forehead. "Jack?"
           "Well," Elizabeth began, regaining her composure. "This is certainly a surprise."
           You nodded, though you doubted either of them could see it from your position under Jack. As if reading your mind, Jack rolled so that he was beside you, laying down on his side. 
           "I didn't know that the two of you saw each other." Will fidgeted with his sleeve. 
           "William, my dear boy." Jack's voice had a strain of impatience to it. You expected that other parts of him were feeling similarly. "Y/N and I have been in an open relationship for years. What, may I ask, are you doing here?"
           "I knew Y/N lived here," said Elizabeth. "I didn't know you did- actually, I'm not sure I know you."
           "Not exactly the best time for introductions." You tried covering more of yourself with the sheets. 
           "I suppose not." Both Elizabeth and Will stared at the floor. 
           "Can you give us a moment to get changed?"
           "Of course." The pair left the room, shutting the door behind them. 
           You rolled over. "Looks like this is going to have to wait." You gestured between the two of you. Jack did not look pleased. 
           You stepped out of the room, now fully clothed, though looking disheveled. Will and Elizabeth waited for you at your small table. Both of them still looked embarrassed, and so did you. What were you supposed to say?
           "What did you come here for?" You asked. 
           "Well," Elizabeth began, "I wanted to tell you about that relationship of mine. Will wanted to tell one of his friends, too. We didn't know you lived together. Really, there were a lot of things neither of us knew." 
           You didn't know what to say first. "Congratulations to both of you. I think you'll make a lovely couple." You fidgeted with the untucked end of your shirt. "You…you didn't know that I was with both of you, did you?"
           "No," said Will, "we did not."
           Both of them had known you had multiple partners, but there was still an unreasonable fear inside you that they'd be mad with you. 
           "It isn't a bad thing," said Elizabeth quickly. "It's just a surprise. And a rather major coincidence." Her eyes flicked between you and Jack. 
           "I'm happy for both of you." Jack stepped over to both of them. "Will, I'm glad you've found a girl. Elizabeth…I suppose congratulations are in order, even though I don't know you. I'll trust Y/N's opinions of you. All that being said, Y/N and I were in the middle of some business, and I'm eager for it to be attended to, if you catch my meaning. Savvy?"
           Will had the good graces to look mortified. Elizabeth, however, looked amused. They left, shutting the door behind them. 
           Jack stalked over to it, locking it. "I'm never forgetting to do that again."
           "Back to business?" You suggested.  
           "Back to business," he agreed. 
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saiilorstars · 4 years
The Girl in the Forest
Chapter 13: My Dear Friends
// Story Masterlist //
Fandom: The Originals
Pairings: Klaus Mikaelson x Original Female Character
Pronunciation of OC’s name: Ma-leh-nee
No real warnings for now!
Requested tag: @queenmj10​
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Chapter Summary: Maleny struggles to keep her decision to leave the compound which, as days pass by, just make it harder not to clash with Klaus.
A/N: A reminder that Maleny is back in her original body so her new face claim is the actress Angelique Boyer!
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While things may have not been as perfect as everyone wished for, there had been a visible change in moods - all save Hayley of course. In the lounge room upstairs were Elijah and Cami, having a rousing game of chess. They had the small table between them, and while Cami was looking as if she were ready to flip the table over in frustration, she was managing to win.
"Another one," remarked Elijah as Cami took out another of his chess piece.
"Yeah, well, I'm pretty sure you're letting me win," Cami announced with a mocking smile.
"Why would you believe that?" Elijah asked, matching her smile with an innocent one.
Cami raised an eyebrow, "Because I've never played before," she smirked and placed his chess piece beside them, "and I just so happened to mention this right before we began playing."
"Coincidences," Elijah gave a shrug and pretended to focus on his move.
Cami shook her head, unable to contain a laugh, "You are full of crap!"
"Camille, I would have thought you'd have better language," Elijah looked up from the table with a less than serious face, "There are far more beautiful things to say don't you think?"
Cami rolled her eyes and motioned him to get on with his chess move. While he did so, Klaus strode into the room with an air of aggravation as he went straight for the drinks across.
"Isn't it a bit early to drink?" Cami gave a call, "It's not even noon yet."
"Well, that goes to show you how bad it's already going," Klaus waved his glass before taking a long gulp down.
"Did you retrieve the stake, brother?" Elijah finally looked up from the table after making a move. Cami gaped at how quickly she was now losing - he most certainly was playing for real now.
"I attempted to," Klaus muttered, "Hayley and I found some witches whom we tried persuading to locate the white oak stake for us."
Both chess players alarmed, shouted simultaneously, "You took Hayley on a witch hunt!?"
Klaus wasn't very surprised by the stunned question and so turned to the table to pour himself another drink, "She heard and I couldn't very well say no, could I?"
"I'm sorry isn't that what you always do?" Cami shook her head, "You realize Hayley is like inches from falling apart, right?" she began looking through her remaining chess pieces for another move.
"Perhaps the problem is your high standards? Hayley is a vampire now. Being it only exaggerates what you truly are, and wolves are wild things. Your judgment only hurts her more."
Elijah angrily looked up at his brother, "We are not judging her, we are concerned for her. Someone needs to talk to her before she does something she truly will regret."
"What about Maleny?" Cami suddenly asked, having just thought of the idea, "Think about it, Hayley lost a daughter and Maleny was a daughter who lost a mother," both brothers glanced at each other with consideration, "Not to mention they're both basically orphans. I'm sure they can connect on some level."
"I will talk to her, see if she's okay with it," Klaus volunteered after a moment. He set his glass down and turned to the two again, "Of course that would be after I find somewhere for her to live at."
"What do you mean?" Elijah asked, both he and Cami sharing confused expressions.
"You haven't heard?" Klaus bitterly huffed, "She says she must live somewhere else until we find her previous corpse and burn it. That is the only way her curse can officially be broken. And since no one knows where it is she has to 'play it safe'." He was still highly upset Maleny had persisted in that direction even after sleeping well and thinking more on it. He had been so sure she would change her mind...but he was wrong. And now he had to actually look for a place she could stay, other than the compound.
Cami leaned back on her spot, "Well, it does sound logical. I'm sure we can find a place for her nearby," but after a minute of studying Klaus she began smirking, "Oh, but that's not what you expected is it? Cos you did expect something, right?" Klaus shot her a glare warning her to stop but Cami just laughed at the attempt, "Oh c'mon, Klaus, you spend months brooding over her and you expect us not to form ideas about it?"
"If it bothers you, perhaps have a talk with her," suggested Elijah.
"You two are no bloody help at all," was all Klaus said before leaving with a glass in hand.
Cami raised her eyebrows though she wasn't surprised with the response, "Does he ever stop acting like he doesn't care?"
"It's difficult for him. Think about it, every time there is a woman - who we assumed has been Maleny - she disappears. It's not easy to openly care about someone after a while."
Cami had to agree with Elijah on that, "Alright fine. But that doesn't mean we can't help."
And judging by the smirk on her face, Elijah figured there was already a plan forging in her mind, "Anything in mind?"
"Perhaps," Cami knocked down another of his chess pieces, "but we can discuss that after I beat you."
Elijah looked at his knocked down piece with genuine surprise, "Well," he picked it up and placed it down by his other lost ones, "you're turning out to be a challenge."
Cami giggled and motioned him to make his next move. He had no idea.
~ 0 ~
In Maleny's room, that had finally been opened up last night, stood the blonde in front of a finished painting. She'd seen it last night but had been too tired to study its details. Now wide awake and changed, she took her time. It only took minutes to conclude she loved it. She recognized the painting as the one Klaus had been working on months ago, after Elijah's faction party had gone rogue. At the time there had been only scenery - the forest - but now there was a prominent figure...herself. There she sat on her knees, with her long, blonde hair cascading over her chest. One of her favorite blue dresses was the choice of clothing with her prized golden chain necklace around her neck. She was genuinely surprised that Klaus had remembered her so...perfectly. Anyone else may have forgotten her likes and dislikes in a couple years, but not him despite it being a thousand years.
Now Maleny would've continued to admire her new painting - as Klaus had told her last night it was hers to do as she pleased - but she heard the trotting of boots coming closer to her room. She looked back at the open door in time to see Hayley walking by. Though Hayley didn't acknowledge her Maleny quietly walked to the doorway and peered out. Hayley was leaving a trail of blood after her, and she herself was drenched in mud, blood, and tree twigs. Once Hayley entered a room, Maleny walked out and looked below into the courtyard, startled at seeing so many corpses, assumed to be witches. After a couple of minutes of thinking, Maleny decided to go find Hayley.
This couldn't keep going on.
Eventually, she found Hayley in a bathroom, taking a bubble bath. However the tub was oozing with running blood, even the water tainted.
"Are you kidding me?" Maleny stepped into the room, eyeing all that was wrong, "This is what your mornings consist of now?"
Hayley couldn't help roll her eyes, "Mal, you've been gone so to answer your question, yes this is kinda what I do now. I was having a crappy day, so Klaus took me out to the Cauldron. Wouldn't you know, we ran into some witches!"
"Hayley, I'm a witch, this makes me feel uncomfortable."
Hayley tilted her head back to see the blonde, seeing the genuine nervous shift in Maleny's expression, "Yeah, but you're not evil nor part of the group that nearly killed my baby. You're good."
"Gee, that makes me feel all better," Maleny crossed her arms and stared at the brunette who returned to 'relaxing'. After a minute she shook her head, "Absolutely not, nope. This can't and won't keep going," she headed for a table with towels and snatched one off, "Take it and get dressed," she ordered, "We're going to talk."
"Excuse me?" Hayley raised an eyebrow.
"No, I will not excuse you. You heard me, get dressed and meet me in my room. Ten minutes," Maleny warned with her two hands before walking out, giving Hayley no chance to put in a word of refusal.
~ 0 ~
Maleny sat on a couch just beside her window, her hands clutching a cushion as she stared out the window. She had taken the custom back in the French house during the early days when she couldn't walk for very long. She would watch everything work, whether it was the trees swaying to the wind or Isabelle's family in their daily chores. She often wished she was able to go downstairs but her body needed a lot of physical therapy before she could even think about stepping outside.
The sounds of shoes coming closer made her break her thoughts. Hayley strode into the room wearing a not so pleased face - not that Maleny cared. Hayley plopped down on the couch beside Maleny, "Well? What is it?"
"That's your greeting?" Maleny raised an eyebrow.
"Maleny, I'm not the same anymore-"
"Clearly," Maleny cut her off with a wide smile, "You're a new hybrid, you're a new mother, and you've taken up the sport of hunting? That's definitely not the Hayley I knew. But I'm pretty sure she wouldn't like the way you're behaving now."
"There is no other way to behave," snapped Hayley, "I lost my daughter to people I didn't even know. You tell me how I'm supposed to keep going with a bright smile on my face?"
"I can't, because I'm not a mother," Maleny conceded her fault, "but I am a daughter who also lost her parents. My mother died, and my father never loved me. I was like an orphan after my mother died."
"So was I," Hayley reminded, unsure of where the conversation was heading to, "except in my case both my parents died in some war."
"Hayley, I'm not going to tell you that everything is 'going to be okay' or 'things will get better' because that would only be an insult to you," Maleny leaned forwards and took her friend's hand, "but what I can tell you is that you're not alone in this. We know what it was like losing our parents and we would never want that for our children. But you know what your daughter has that neither of us did?"
"Her mother and father are both alive and willing to do anything it takes to get her back," Maleny smiled, "She will live with hope."
Hayley lightly smiled and looked down, "Have you had some sort of therapist training or something?"
"Not exactly," Maleny chuckled, "I had a lot of time in my hands when I was in France and couldn't move about. I took to reading - any genre. And, in one of those books, it mentioned something about getting in touch with your origins as a means to help you rehabilitate."
"I'm not a drug addict, Mal," Hayley shook her head, slightly amused.
"No, but the book still stands. Have you gone back to the bayou since you gave birth? To see your people?"
"No, and after ambushing them I'm pretty sure they're in no mood to see me."
"Don't you see Hayley? Those wolves are key to getting back your daughter. Why make an enemy when you can make best friends," Maleny smirked, a pointed finger at Hayley, "There's no need for them to be your enemies."
"Now you're sounding a lot like Klaus," Hayley blinked, surprised to hear such similarities.
Maleny sheepishly pushed some of her hair back, "Well, my mind's been a lot more clearer now so...there's bound to be some similarities."
"The thing that would really drive it home is if you were to say-"
"You need to be their alpha," Maleny finished for her, meaning every word spoken.
"You waged a just war on those who would harm your child! Not only will they respect you, they will answer to you! They have to."
But Hayley still refused to believe it, shaking her head, "Why would they do that now?"
"Because you're their queen - or so I've heard from Klaus."
"Stop hanging around with that guy," Hayley mockingly ordered, "I don't want to have to deal with two arrogant vampires."
"Hey," Maleny laughed, "First of all, I'm not arrogant. Second of all, I'm a witch," she gestured to herself, "I may not have all my power but I am still one, alright? And you know what, this witch is going to accompany you to the bayou so you can see your family."
"You're going to what?" Hayley's eyebrows shot up, the idea already giving her a bad ache in her stomach.
"You heard me," Maleny leaned back on her spot, giving a light shrug, "I've got to play it safe around this city and it would look less suspicious if they see me with you instead of Klaus or even Elijah. They would probably think of me some wolf friend of yours."
"Mal, I don't know…"
"I'll go with you for a while then I'll come back home so you can do all your little wolf things on your own. I want to stop by and see Davina anyways. She doesn't know I'm back yet. I don't know how she's doing."
"Word on the street is she told her coven to 'shove it' and she's now back at school," Hayley decided to share as a preview of what she would later hear.
"Really?" Maleny chuckled, "That's Davina. I'm happy for her. So, bayou?"
"...bayou," Hayley eventually agreed and watched Maleny laugh again, easily noticing there was something else that Maleny was so giddy about, "You seem in an awfully cheerful mood for someone who, I hear, is still cursed."
Maleny sobered up but still ended up smiling, "Well," she tucked some hair behind her ear and turned her head to the right, pretending to study her room, "there's just a lot more gained now for me."
"Nothing," Maleny shrugged. At that moment, Klaus appeared at her doorway, lightly knocking on her door to alert of his presence. Maleny looked at him with a cheery smile, "Morning," she greeted.
"Actually it's noon, but good morning," Klaus corrected as he came further into the room, "I came to tell you that Cami and Elijah will be looking into that apartment of yours."
"You're moving out?" Hayley immediately frowned at Maleny, "But you just got here."
"Like I said, I need to play it safe," Maleny repeated with a sigh, "How would it look that the Mikaelsons' just accepted a brand new woman in the city into their home? If someone has my corpse and the knowledge about me, it won't be long until they figured it out. I can't be here."
Hayley could see the necessity for Maleny to live somewhere else and so decided to leave the subject at that. Besides, she could already tell the idea wasn't sitting well with Klaus anyways and saw no need to keep talking about it.
"Cami and Elijah will come up with something for you," Klaus reiterated to Maleny, "Meanwhile I will go to the witches at the graveyard to meet this 'Cassie' - the last of the Harvest girls - who is now, I hear, leading both the witches and the wolves."
"What?" Hayley hissed, nearly jumping out of her spot on the couch, "Why!?"
"Because of Oliver of course," Klaus shrugged as if it were obvious, "You should see into that, little wolf. It won't bode well for us if the wolves and witches unite against us."
"She absolutely will," Maleny flashed Hayley a knowing smile, "She's going to the bayou today."
"Excellent," Klaus was severely satisfied to hear it, "and in the meantime you will stay here," he told the blonde.
"Alright," Maleny accepted though both she and Hayley knew that wasn't happening.
"I mean it Maleny," it seemed like Klaus was also doubting her easy acceptance, "You said it yourself, you need to play it safe around."
"I got it," Maleny raised both hands in her defense.
Klaus stared at Maleny longer before adding, "Cami and Elijah won't be long, so you won't have time to make an escape," and with that he left the room.
Maleny made a face as she stood up, chucking her cushion back on the couch, "So, bayou?" she looked at Hayley as if nothing had happened.
Hayley looked between Maleny and the open doorway, "Didn't you hear?"
"Oh I heard," Maleny went over to her night stand and picked up her cellphone. She entered the messaging tab and began writing to Cami.
"And you're still going to leave? Cami and Elijah are going to be back early."
"Done," Maleny cheered and stuffed her phone into her jean's pocket. She turned to Hayley and walked over, "Cami's gonna cover for me."
Hayley stared at the blonde with slight amusement, one she hadn't had in many months, "I'm glad you're back," she said after a moment.
"Me too," Maleny clapped her hands, "Let's go!"
~ 0 ~
The bright green bayou was difficult to walk through when one visits, as was the case for Maleny. Knowing she had to leave earlier, she and Hayley left the car they back where it would no longer be able to go through. Maleny was trudging along slightly behind Hayley who was having no trouble getting through. In fact, she didn't even notice Maleny struggling to keep up. Maleny had the good idea to have Hayley keep talking about the occurrences that happened after she'd 'died' at the cemetery and while Hayley was over explaining some things while briefly touching others, Maleny was putting in pieces of the big picture fairly easy.
"So you've like...distanced yourself from everyone," Maleny concluded after Hayley finished one story.
"I had to, Mal," Hayley crossed her arms, looking down as they walked, "I cried all day, I fed all night. I was no good to anyone. That's probably why I lost things."
"What kind of things?" Maleny curiously asked, though by the tone of Hayley's voice she was already forming ideas.
"My pack, for starters," Hayley huffed, "I lost connection with them when I turned. I used to be close with people and now...things have changed. Take Elijah, for starters. When I got to this city he was overbearing with all these concerns and now...I'm lucky if we have one conversation a day. He likes to spend time with Cami now…"
Maleny awkwardly cleared her throat once she sensed the smidge of jealousy covering Hayley's last words, "Cami's a new vampire, he's probably just mentoring her or something. Believe me, he does that with many people - even Marcel," she recalled lastly.
"You haven't seen them, Mal. While you've been in France, I've stayed here, remember?" she glanced back at Maleny, "I know what I see."
Maleny sadly looked at her friend, assuming Hayley had felt like she was (and had) lost everything, "I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault," Hayley continued walking, now facing straight ahead, even though Maleny was still behind she kept the calm facade on her face, "It's not Cami's fault either, nor Elijah's - it's mine. I turned into a monster and who could love that?"
"You're not a monster," Maleny scolded, wishing she could speed walk to comfort her, "You're just sad, and with great motives to be. Besides, if this didn't happen then it's probably cos someone else is waiting for you somewhere."
Hayley received that comment with a scoff, "Okay."
"I mean it Hayley," warned Maleny.
Hayley would've continued to refuse the statement if it hadn't been for the fact they'd finally found the remnants of her pack. Minutes later, Maleny finally caught up and looked out to a small clearing where several Crescents were gathering up their belongings.
"So, Jackson is MIA and Oliver seems to think he's the Alpha," Hayley gestured the obvious, "They're not going to listen to me."
"Hey," Maleny turned to the brunette, tugging on Hayley's black jacket to reveal her birthmark, "that birthmark on your shoulder did not disappear when you became a hybrid so as far as anyone's concerned you're still one of them - just with a few upgrades."
"Upgrades?" Hayley gave her a long look.
Maleny shrugged, "Or perks, whatever you want to call them. Just go," she pointed to the clearing, "Go on, talk to them."
With a deep sigh, Hayley emerged from their spot by the trees and walked for the clearing. Maleny followed behind and immediately noticed the tension that had settled in the air. The group had formed a circle around them as if they were waiting to attack.
"The hell you want?" Oliver demanded from Hayley, taking no notice of the blonde.
However, that didn't stop Maleny from making a snarkish response, "Hey, shut the hell up before you end up down in a lake," and to prove she could very well practice enough magic she snapped her fingers causing a branch from a tree behind the group to plummet to the ground.
Hayley shot her a look, both surprised of the magic and irritated for the imprudence, "Hey, I thought we were coming to talk, remember?"
"Yeah, but I'm not gonna have disrespect for either of us," Maleny crossed her arms.
"You with Cassie?" Oliver decided to ask her, suddenly realizing he had never seen her near the covens. For all he knew she could be under Cassie's order.
"Don't know who she is, don't really think I want to know," Maleny shrugged, uninterested.
"We didn't come here to fight, Oliver," Hayley clarified, "Our pack has been divided by people who want us to be their slaves. What we need right now is a leader. Someone who will reunite us and make us strong again. Someone who will fight for our pack. If you let me, I can be that person."
Oliver scoffed at the idea, "You think we can trust you? You're not one of us! Hell, you're not even a wolf, you're a blood-sucking vampire parasite!"
"And yet you're working for Cassie," Maleny spoke up again, leaving him quiet for a minute. Her eyes looked at the other wolves intently listening to them, "I mean, do you guys really trust a man who I hear, caters to a teenage witch?"
"That witch can help us all," Oliver snapped, growing more irritated with the stranger, "She can give us moonlight rings-"
"Which would then make you all her slaves for the rest of your lives," Hayley replied then.
"Yeah, they would rather follow a witch than you," Oliver stepped towards the two women, "Me? Hell, I'd rather die than follow you."
"That's it," Maleny shut her eyes and waited to feel the channeling of powers between her and Isabelle's coven. With a thrust of her hand she blew Oliver to the ground, "Follow witches and you'll so end up on your back, dead," she told the group, "That's what you want? To be dead?"
"Mal," Hayley hissed, not at all pleased with the stunt she'd pulled.
"It's time to learn politics, Hayley," Maleny stepped forwards, wearing an uncommon sinister smile on her face, "You gain support by killing your detractors!"
"What ever, look, they may not like me very much, but these people, including Oliver, are my family," Hayley softly explained, feeling slightly awkward with the burning stares everyone had on her.
Maleny smirked as she looked around, "See that?" she jerked a thumb at Hayley, "That's the kind of leader you want and need - not some fool," she then pointed at Oliver, "that only talks loud to be heard. Choose to follow this 'Cassie' witch and you'll eventually be killed, whether by her or her enemies - who knows."
She retreated back to Hayley's side, "I have to go see Davina. You can take it from here, I think. See you back at the compound."
"Thanks," Hayley whispered before the blonde left, grateful she had been forced to come and do this. Yes, she was definitely glad to have Maleny back.
~ 0 ~
It didn't take long for Maleny to locate Davina in the Quarter. It seemed like the girl had taken refuge in the church attic again. Maleny gave a light knock on the open door, already peering inside to see the teenager reading over a grimoire, "Knock, knock."
At the unfamiliar voice, Davina looked up in alarm and ready to battle, "Who ever you are," she stood up from the couch with a hand raised towards Maleny, "you need to leave."
However, her invisible companion, Mikael, was stunned to see the blonde at the doorway, "By all the Gods…" he sucked in a breath. Davina quickly looked at the man for further explanation.
Maleny laughed, clueless of the third member in the room, "Davina, it's me, Maleny. I know I look a little different," she grabbed a handful of her loose hair, "but it's good ole Mal, I promise."
Davina's head snapped back to the blonde, her eyes wide, "Maleny!?"
"I'm finally back."
"Oh my God!" Davina scurried across the room to encase Maleny in a tight hug, "I can't believe you're back!"
"Of course I was coming back," Maleny pulled back, "Did you give up hope on me or something?"
"Never," Davina declared instantly.
"So," Maleny looked around the wooden room, unable to stop thinking of the gruesome activities that took place long ago, "word on the street is you told your coven to shove it?"
Davina chuckled and moved back, "That may or may not have happened."
"You're a badass," Maleny moved around the room, missing the stiffness in Davina as she watched the blonde walk pass Mikael.
If Maleny was back then it surely meant she was also back with the Mikaelsons. She didn't doubt for a second Maleny was already living there. The most horrendous thing would be if Maleny was now actually with Klaus. That would definitely put a damper on their friendship. Her plans still consisted in letting Mikael kill Klaus after she de-linked Klaus' sireline. Could Maleny forgive her for that if she was still in love with Klaus?
"Any particular reason why you're reading a de-linking spell?" Maleny had found Esther's grimoire on the couch and become interested in the current page.
"Um…" Davina quickly racked her mind for an excuse.
"If you tell her your plans she will never forgive you," Mikael warned in all seriousness, "She was the fool who loved that bastard."
Davina stared at him for a long time, truly taking in his words. Maleny followed her gaze to the empty spot in which Mikael stood, "Davina?" she called again, making the teenager flinch and look back.
"Uh, I was just...studying," Davina settled for a weak answer, "Telling your coven to shove it kind of means you have to learn on your own."
Maleny accepted the answer with ease, "I'm sorry for that. But you know, even though I don't have all my power back doesn't mean I can't teach you what I've learned."
"You've learned?" Davina walked to the couch, stopping just behind it.
"Mhm. My original body was in a French coven's care and when I woke up Isabelle, the leader, gave me some lessons. I even have a channeling spell between her coven and myself to help me with magic."
"That's incredible," Davina was happy to hear her friend had garnered at least a little magic of what had been taken.
"Plus, I still have my mother's grimoire. You can take it any time you want."
The kindness Maleny showed towards her made Davina feel worse of her secret plans. Since Maleny arrived to the Quarter she'd done nothing but help Davina and now Davina would repay her by killing her (hopefully past) love?
That was cruel on every standard.
"Davina, you'll have to forgive me, but this time I do come with a favor to ask," admitted a sheepish Maleny.
Davina however found no offense and quickly motioned she wanted to hear, "What is it?"
"It's about my previous body's corpse. I need to have it burned so that any link between it and the curse can officially die. This way the curse would be broken and I would be, well, free. Klaus says he doesn't know what happened to it because apparently someone took it."
Davina's gaze dropped to the floor, alerting Maleny she was already in the know of the situation. "I tried to find it," Davina began quietly, the guilt visible in her stance, "but it was cloaked. There's a powerful spell covering its location."
"So someone is intentionally hiding it," Maleny turned away, running her hands through her hair in frustration, "And they're probably waiting for me to come back so that they can..." she swallowed hard, "...capture me again..."
Davina watched her friend with sympathy. Although Maleny played out to be the tough, sarcastic woman Davina knew very well Maleny was just scared beyond belief of her cursers, and now the person who held her previous corpse. The fact she could, at any time, be once again thrown back into the cycle of jumping bodies and forgetting everything had to be something traumatizing for one person to live under for centuries.
While Davina was lost in thought, Maleny heard a cellphone vibrating, and figuring it wasn't hers she turned back. She saw Davina's phone and picked it up, reading the contact name as 'Kaleb'. With a smirk, she passed it to Davina then promptly asked, "Who's that?"
Davina blushed as she took the cellphone from Maleny, "Just...someone I met," she answered quietly and read the text sent to her.
'Can I make it up to you over dinner?'
Maleny watched a bright smile spread across the teen's face after reading the message. She chuckled when Davina remembered she wasn't alone and quickly looked back with an embarrassed look.
"So, you want to tell me more about this guy?" Maleny raised an eyebrow, resisting the urge to laugh.
"Yes, definitely yes," Davina pointed, making a face, "just maybe another time?"
"Ooh, I know that, that's a nice way of telling me to leave," Maleny backed away, now fully laughing, "Rebekah used that one on me back then so she could have some fun."
"Not like that," Davina looked mortified and blushed again.
"I expect full coverage on this tomorrow," Maleny warned, turning to leave as Davina grabbed her own things to follow.
"Definitely," Davina shut the door of the attic then hurried on out, leaving a chuckling Maleny to leave afterwards.
~ 0 ~
As the day grew darker Maleny found it was time to return home before someone grew confused. She'd spent some hours on her own getting to know the Quarter again, while also discreetly looking out for any potential enemies that could be holding her previous corpse. She also had gone to a shop for certain ingredients that would help keep a strong, constant connection of power between her and Isabelle's coven. As she was coming out of the shop, she accidentally bumped into someone.
"Sorry!" the blonde quickly went.
A dark-skinned man was the receiver of the push and appeared stunned by her presence, "You…" was all that came out of his lips.
Maleny lifted an eyebrow, "I'm sorry? What was that?"
The man, named Vincent, (or so everyone thought) quickly recollected himself and shook his head, "No, no, it's my bad. I wasn't looking where I was going…" he paused to stare at her one more time before forcing himself to go, "Excuse me."
Confused, Maleny watched after the man, wondering what was wrong with him. A vibration of her phone reminded her it was time to go. She dashed for the car and made way to the compound.
~ 0 ~
Upon entering the compound Maleny walked in the midst of people she didn't know. It wasn't until she came into the courtyard and saw Hayley giving instructions to the group.
"Take any of the rooms on the first floor," she was motioning the group to head into the downstairs corridors.
"Hayley, what's going on here?" Maleny went up to the woman.
At the same time she asked the question, Klaus and Elijah emerged from the downstairs living room, "Are we running a kennel now?" Klaus called.
"I'll handle them," Hayley told the group before dragging Maleny up to the brothers.
"And where the hell have you been?" Klaus demanded once he caught sight of Maleny.
But before Maleny opened her mouth, Hayley answered, "She was with me at the bayou helping me reconnect with my pack."
Klaus looked at Maleny, studying her face for any thing that would give reason to doubt, "You agreed to stay in here."
"I was with Hayley, someone very capable of keeping me safe," Maleny swung an arm around Hayley's shoulders, "That's not bad is it?"
"No," Elijah answered before Klaus could say something, "I think it's good you two went out," he could already tell a difference it made in Hayley and he would not have anything ruining it.
"Well, these are the ones that are not with the witches," Hayley explained as more of the pack entered.
"I don't see Oliver amongst them," Klaus observed the incoming Crescents, "Am I to assume you finished him off?"
"We made a deal," Hayley said, "He'll pledge his loyalty to Cassie, report back, and tell me everything that he learns."
Maleny blinked with surprise, "Wow, you managed to do that in the span of a day?"
Hayley smugly smiled, "Yeah."
"You're good!"
"Hey," Cami entered the compound holding a rolled up paper in hand, "I got the apartment," she declared with a smile.
"I thought you two were looking into that together," Maleny looked in between Cami and Elijah.
"We were," agreed Cami, throwing Elijah a mock glare, "then I was ditched for Davina."
"Davina? What does Davina have to do with this?" Maleny frowned, seeing the change in Elijah and even Klaus.
Elijah motioned for them to follow and while Hayley took care of the remaining Crescents.
"What's going on?" Maleny asked again once they were in the living room. The air had suddenly turned dense, like something was incredibly wrong.
"It appears our troubles with the witches are far from being over," Elijah began, "more than we thought anyways."
"How so?" Cami questioned, glancing at Maleny.
"They have the white oak stake don't they?" Maleny assumed by their behavior. Hayley had told her of the predicament the two Originals found themselves in with the loss of the stake.
"Yes and no," Klaus pointed at her, appearing irritated for some reason, "Your little witch friend, Davina, has it...along with my deceased father."
"Come again?"
"Davina somehow brought our father back from the dead and has him under her control," Elijah explained thoroughly, "and with him and the stake she has the perfect weapon to finish us once and for all."
Maleny shook her head, "That can't be. I just spoke to Davina earlier today-"
Klaus immediately stopped her after she'd basically given up her lie, "So you weren't with Hayley all day."
Maleny stiffened but quickly came up with, "I left just for a bit. I only saw Davina for like five minutes. She didn't mention anything of the stake-"
"I doubt she would have even if you asked," that response had come from neither Mikaelson brother.
Stunned, Maleny turned to face Cami, "Cami! How can you say that?"
"Well, it's just what I've seen," Cami gave a shrug and went to take a seat at the couch, "Davina's changed while you've been gone. She doesn't address me the same anymore because I keep seeing those two," she nodded towards Klaus and Elijah, "I'm not doubting her love for you because she's proven it's real, but despite all that Davina has never and probably will never desist on her attempts of killing the Mikaelsons'."
Maleny ran her hands through her hair, still reluctant to believe that one of her friends was going to kill the people that were practically her family, "I have to go talk to her," but before she even turned to leave Klaus gave her a call.
"You will not go anywhere!"
Maleny glanced back, startled of his snark, "What?"
"You're not leaving this place unless one of us," Klaus gestured to his brother and Cami, "is with you."
"I don't need a babysitter," Maleny turned back with her arms crossed, "I told you that long ago and I stand by that statement."
"Maleny, in this case, I think he's right," Elijah spoke up, getting an agreeing nod from Cami.
"Yeah, if their deranged father -" Cami began but then winced at her rudeness and apologized, "Sorry -," she told the brothers before continuing with Maleny, "is back then he'll definitely use whatever he can to his advantage."
"It's not just our father we have to deal with," Klaus announced, wanting Maleny to see just how grave the situation was, "Our mother has taken the last Harvest's girl's body, Cassie, and I doubt she's here for a simple visit."
"So both your parents are back," Maleny scowled at the idea, "Well I'd love to have a chat with Esther. Let me at her."
"This isn't funny, Maleny," Klaus snapped, "Now do you see why you need to be here?"
"No, honestly, no," Maleny shook her head, "Because as bad as things are I can't remain here. I need to have my own place and you're not going to stop me," she moved to Cami and snatched the apartment's contract from her hand before leaving the room.
"MALENY!" but Maleny ignored the shout of the hybrid as she speed walked towards her room.
Down below in the courtyard, Hayley was watching the blonde hurriedly going towards her room. She then saw Klaus coming out of the upstairs living room wearing that common angry face that usually led to some violence in the end.
"Klaus?" she called and stopped the man midway towards Maleny's room, the latter now shut and loudly.
"Not now, Hayley," Klaus warned with a finger and made to move when Hayley called again.
"Yes now," Hayley mimicked his tone. After sending the last of her pack to the needed rooms, she directed herself entirely to Klaus, "I heard everything from down here and believe me when I say shouting will not get you anywhere."
"Are you really going to give me lessons on how to speak with Maleny?" Klaus scoffed at the idea, "You are forgetting I've known her since we were children."
"Then you should have learned by now that your shouting does no good to her - nor anyone," Hayley crossed her arms, "Isn't that how you lost her the first time around?" at the question she received glaring daggers from upstairs, "You shouted and told her you'd never turn her. So then she ran away and that was the horrible ending of your relationship."
"None of this is your business, why not go and attend to those of your pack you so easily let into this house?"
"I will and currently am," Hayley remained calm, "but I'm also going to take care of my friends. Look," she took a step towards the rails, "I'm on your side, I think it's a lot safer for Maleny to stay here if Esther's back, not to mention Mikael."
"Then you talk to her," Klaus angrily motioned for her to get moving, "Because she doesn't want to listen to me!"
"Maybe because you're not understanding the problem here," Hayley gave him a narrowed look, "You don't get it, do you? She's scared, Klaus, and she doesn't know how to deal with it. She wants to leave because she's scared. Show her she's protected here, and try not to shout. Good luck," she gave a pretend salute before leaving to tend to her pack.
Klaus rolled his eyes and turned for Maleny's room, taking a moment for himself to push down any shouts that could possibly come out. He needed to be in control of himself if Maleny was to agree to stay.
~ 0 ~
Inside her room, Maleny was busily pacing back and forth thinking of how exactly she would be leaving the compound without causing unnecessary commotion. She was also thinking of where her corpse was in and who had it, not to mention what the person was doing at the moment. Had they already figured out she was back? Were they going to act on their plan now? Or would it be like the Dawsons, straight to the point?
The knock on her door made her stop momentarily and out of politeness she called, "Who?"
"Klaus," came the answer.
Maleny looked around for a minute before deciding to go and open the door, "If you're here to keep ordering me what I can and can't do you might as well get going. I would have guessed that by this time you have learned that I'm a grown woman."
Klaus took a deep breath, making it clear he was doing an effort to stay at ease, "I just...want to talk…"
Maleny opened the door wider and motioned him to come in, "What about, exactly? I think we've said everything by now."
"Mal," Klaus turned to face her, "I need you to stay here," he pointed to the room, "where I can make sure that you are, in fact, safe."
"But it doesn't matter where I go, I'll be unsafe until I can find the corpse. But living somewhere else makes me just a little safer."
"Not with Mikael and Esther walking the Earth," Klaus shook his head, "No one is safe and you being out there is specifically the thing we need to avoid. Do you have any idea what my mother would do if she found out you were here in the Quarter?"
"No, I don't know, but I'm going to find out whether or not I live here. Esther has things to pay for and in that are my powers she stole. I'm seeing her no matter what."
"Then if you're going to do that, at least be with us until things are safer," Klaus nearly pleaded but maintained an aura of calmness, "Hayley lives here, Cami lives here now, Elijah is here and so am I. We can take care of you, we can protect you."
Maleny stared at him for a long while before breaking down with a long sigh and hands in her hair, "I don't...I don't know what to do..."
As much as it pained her, and perhaps Klaus if he knew, she was utterly confused on what to do with her life. On the one hand, she wanted to stay in another place (in the Quarter) and start a new life with her newfound (albeit little) freedom. She hadn't had much time to get to know the modern world after waking up in France, and now that she was back in the Quarter perhaps she could start to. There were so many things she wanted to do...but she was completely afraid. The other part of her wanted to stay in the compound, with everyone she knew, where it felt safe and secure. Her mind was going crazy trying to come up with the decision.
Klaus walked up to her and removed her hands from her hair, "Mal, it's not difficult-"
"Yes it is," Maleny meekly insisted, embarrassed he was seeing her unable to make such an apparent decision, "I don't know what to do. I was already nervous coming back but now that your parents are here I can literally feel my heart," she gulped, "I...I..."
"You're scared," Klaus thought back to Hayley's words, his gaze on her turning soft with sorrow. Maleny sniffed as the tears welled in her eyes and without a word took her hands out of his to hug him. With a light sigh, Klaus wrapped his arms around her, "How about a compromise?" he asked quietly, one hand stroking her soft hair.
"What kind?" she whispered, keeping her head resting over his shoulder.
"You can stay here until Mikael and Esther are gone," he proposed, and he was shamefully hoping that took a long while so that he would have enough time to convince her to stay permanently with him.
"I guess...that sounds okay," she said slowly, still thinking, "but you can't tell me to stay here all the time."
"Well, you can't go escaping all the time," he countered with a hint of amusement.
"I want to stay out of trouble," she admitted sheepishly, knowing that was just about the opposite of her entire person, "But it gets a little complicated sometimes. Still," she raised her head and looked at him, now wearing a small smile across her lips, "I think we can make a compromise. But you know I want to focus entirely on this curse," she shook her head, missing the brief flash of pain in Klaus' eyes, "I wouldn't want to break my promise to you and have to forcibly leave because someone stole me."
He scowled, "I've always lived with danger at my side..."
"And for that very detail I would like to change it so that I don't cause you unnecessary pain," she insisted, deeply sighing, "It's difficult, I understand, but this is merely my attempt to help. So please, just abide by this rule."
"I don't have much of a choice," he grumbled. But when she took his hands again and he saw her smiling at him, he couldn't keep up his disappointment. She would at least be staying with him where it was safer, where he could make sure it was safe for her.
But he was still going to make his attempts and persuade her to permanently stay with him. After all, soon Hope would be returning and he wanted nothing more than to introduce one to another. One day, he would have both of his girls together, and with him.
~ 0 ~
The same man Maleny had bumped into earlier hastily walked into the witches' lycee where Cassie - or Esther - was busy handling herbs.
"Mother," he called in urgency, making Esther glance back, "She's here, she's back in the Quarter. Maleny's returned."
"Has she?" Esther raised her eyebrows, clearly content with the news.
"I bumped into her by the witches' voodoo shop. It was her," her eldest son, Finn, assured.
A smirk started spreading across Esther's lips, "Then it's most definitely the appropriate time to make contact with your brothers in their home. There is much to do now."
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nnightskiess · 5 years
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Summary: Y/N's father is forcing her to marry some princess she has never met. The night before the wedding - while Y/N is trying to escape from the palace of Agrabah - she sees a girl doing the exact same thing.
[gif: @mostgirls]  
also posted this in my multifandom imagines book on wattpad, click here
Ever since your father had told you he wanted you to marry some princess who lived in the kingdom of Agrabah, life had felt like a whirlwind. Within a week of hearing the news, they were already making wedding plans and left with the Royal Caravan to the kingdom of your soon-to-be wife. Almost half the kingdom travelled along, not wanting to miss the royal wedding or the feasts that would take place the week after. 
Servants, cooks, fire-eaters, acrobats, merchants who had carts filled with fresh, exotic fruits, the prettiest carpets and fabrics, the most beautiful jewels - they pulled out all the stops to make it a big celebration. Children hopped onto carts being pulled by horses or donkeys and hid in between the crates filled with goods, wanting to see the celebrations, too. The whole kingdom was ecstatic.
In the first few carriages of the caravan, you were feeling anything but ecstatic. The news had felt like a slap to your face and while most people were counting down the days in a positive way, you were counting the days you had left being a free girl - not that you had always been free to go and do what you wanted since you were a princess, but it would definitely be better than being locked up in a palace for the rest of your life.
"Have the tales of her beauty and kind heart never reached your ears?" Iryna, your best friend and handmaid, asked.
"How can people know what she's like when they haven't seen her in years?" You sighed, "And so what? I don't want to marry a stranger. I don't care how pretty or warmhearted she is, or how wealthy her kingdom is - I don't want to marry."
The two of you let silence do the talking, while the carriage waddled through the desert surrounding Agrabah. Just a few more moments and the caravan would finally enter the gates of your new home, after having travelled for a few days.
Iryna gave you a worried look and grabbed your hands, "Listen, you're a princess and how great that might've been before, with that title also comes a duty. Unfortunately, your duty is to marry someone. Not for your own desire but solely for the safety of your people and the wealth of your country." She squeezed your hands, "You've known this your whole life so where is this coming from?"
You gave it a thought. Iryna was right - you had been told your whole life that someday you would have to marry someone and that someone had to be royal. But you had always been a sensitive girl, a girl who admired people with kind souls, not those with pockets packed with gold coins accompanied and a smug smile on their face. You hated people whose only ambitions in life was to become mighty or rich. Rotten apples, you called them. 
However, being a princess meant you were always surrounded by people with power - people who always wanted more of everything they got. You found it mesmerizing that the people that were barely able to feed themselves every day were generally the happiest. 
Once, when you were strolling through the marketplace of your kingdom, a woman had invited you to her tiny home to serve you tea and some halva that she bought with the only coins left in her pouch. You accepted the kind offer and had a wonderful afternoon. All the kids in the street had surrounded you, wanting to give you a handshake and the adults showered you with sweet words and gifts. You declined those, however, you made sure to give every household some fresh food and clothes, much to your father's dismay. It was a waste of money in his eyes but you just couldn't see how taking care of your people was a waste. 
So, having to marry another one of those princesses was the last thing you were looking forward to. Hearing the news that the people of Agrabah hadn't seen their princess in years was a red flag in your eyes - the girl didn't even care enough about her people to show her face once in a while.
"I just don't want to be restrained or have to pretend for the rest of my life."
"I'll still be here, that won't change. We'll make it work, alright?" 
Not knowing how to respond to your friend, you moved the thin, white coloured satin in front of you aside. It hung in the opening of the carriage and blew aside with every little wave of wind. 
You saw the first signs of civilization in front of your carriage. Though part of you was relieved to see a change of scenery compared to the dull desert you'd seen for the last days, you also knew that these were the last moments of freedom.
"If the tales are speaking the truth, and she does have a kind heart, she might let you out of the palace once in a while?" Iryna tried to comfort you.
You shrugged, "I doubt it, Iryna, but it's a nice thought to hold onto." You let go of the curtain. "What other tales have you heard about her? I'd like to know them since I've clearly been left in the dust about her." 
Iryna bit her lip in thought before grabbing your arm in excitement. "I heard Princess Jasmine has a tiger!"
"A..tiger?" You rose a brow, clearly not convinced. You kept observing your friend's face, half expecting her to burst out in laughter. "Yeah, that's clearly a lie. Makes me wonder if the other tales of her kind heart are lies as well."
"It's what I heard.." Iryna nibbled on her bottom lip before plopping another piece of baklava into her mouth.
"Well if it's true, I don't only have to avoid running into my dearest wife, but I also have to avoid that damned tiger if I don't want to be eaten alive." 
The girl next to you snickered, "Seems like it," 
"If he's about to attack, I'll push you in front of me," You teased, "Dying for the greater good, you know?" 
Iryna gasped playfully, "You would never, who's going to keep you company and do chores when I'm gone?"
"Fair enough," You beamed but immediately sighed as the caravan approached the gates of Agrabah. The enormous, heavy doors were being opened accompanied by the sound of drums and trumpets. The children that had previously been sat on the carts were passing by the carriage and ran in front of the caravan. Their laughter and cheers were the only things that made you feel a little less terrible. 
Here we go..
You were laying on your bed in one of the guest chambers of the palace, thinking about all that happened the hours after your arrival. The Sultan of Agrabah - who seemed like a genuine man - had welcomed your people into his palace - and your people into his city - and had been kind enough to show all of you around and introduce you to all his people at court. 
However, his daughter - Princess Jasmine - had not shown up. Not to the welcoming ceremony, nor to the big feast or the dance afterwards. Every time your father had brought her name up to ask where she was, the Sultan's smile would disappear and he would apologize for her absence.
A girl, who you later learned was one of the princess' maids, had approached you to apologize on her friend's behalf.
"She's not feeling very well and is resting in her chambers,"
She had told you before proceeding to small talk. You knew well enough that that was equivalent to: 'I don't want to be at the feast so I locked myself up in my room,' 
You told the maid to send the princess your regards and you wished she'd feel well soon, just out of courtesy. You honestly couldn't care less that the princess hadn't shown her face yet, it seemed to be her thing, after all.
"Oh you, stop this." Iryna gestured at how you looked like a puddle of sadness sitting on the bed. She put the freshly washed linen to the side and grabbed your arms, pulling you up so that both of you could sit against the headboard of the bed.
"You lied." 
Iryna squinted her eyes, not knowing what this was about.
"I didn't see a tiger anywhere," You sighed, "And neither does she have a kind heart, or she would've at least shown up. And referring to her beauty - I wouldn't be able to confirm that since-"
"She didn't show up, yes, yes," Iryna finished for you, rolling her eyes. "Stop mocking. Yes, this might not be what you had in mind, but look at today: everyone was dancing, chatting, having fun - try to have some fun, too. Might make things ten times easier."
You looked to the side and met your friend's eyes. Your mouth curved into a smile and your expression softened.
"You still want to throw me in front of that tiger? Because he's real, he exists, I'm telling you,"
You laughed, shaking your head, "Thank you, Iryna."
She gave a quick kiss on your head before hopping off the bed again, "I'm going to get us some sweet bakings left over from the feast and then I'll prepare you a warm bath. Might relax you a bit," She presented you with a half smile before disappearing through the doors.
You sighed and moved your legs to the side of the bed while looking around the big, unfamiliar room. You didn't feel at home here. The people had been nice, yes, but you still longed to go home to your own people - your own familiar surroundings. 
Your eyes scanned the room and fell upon the pile of folded linen that Iryna had just placed on the marble bench close to the balcony.
An idea wandered through your mind. The wedding couldn't happen if you weren't there. Maybe if you hid well and stayed away for long enough, the wedding plans would be cancelled and Agrabah's Sultan would find another suitor for his daughter.
Wanting to know how high up the room was located, you quickly walked over to the railing and looked down. It was too high to climb down or jump. One misstep or slip and it would be over. That clearly wasn't an option. 
You looked around the room and once again, your eyes fell upon the fabric on the bench. Grabbing one of them, you hoped it would be strong enough to hold your weight for a few minutes. You quickly tied all of the cloths together, well aware that Iryna would probably be back any moment. You tied them around one of the pillars on the balcony at least twice and yanked at it a few times before throwing the rest of it over the railing. Watching it fall down, you noticed it stopped about two meters above the ground. You'd have to jump the last part.
Walking through the chamber, you quickly undressed and unpacked the clothes you always wore to feel more at home among the commoners. Your shiny, colourful, with jewels decorated dresses would just make you feel uncomfortable if you wore them outside of your palace. You wanted the people to see you as just a normal girl - not like a privileged, spoiled, more important person. 
You finished the outfit off with a simple, yet beautiful, lilac shawl that was embroidered with white flowers - which you draped over your head. It was a present you once got from a woman after you had given her a few gold coins to take care of her children. She insisted for you to take it, even after you politely said you didn't need anything in return.
Ridding yourself of all jewellery, except your grandmother's ring, you grabbed a small pouch and threw some coins in it. 
You nodded to yourself once you realised it was time to leave. The thought of worrying Iryna and your father - and maybe even some of the common people you had become friends with - stopped you for a few seconds before your gaze fell upon the palace grounds where the wedding ceremony would be held tomorrow morning. 
They'd obviously find the cloths tied together, revealing how you got away. They'd also probably keep searching for you for a while, which could eventually lead to your downfall. And what about the many guards that were guarding the palace at night?
You shook your head, not wanting to lose the determination you had build up.
After peeking one more time over the railing, you eventually stepped over it.
"Okay, Y/N, breathe, just hold on and don't look down until your feet hit the ground," 
You whispered to yourself. You squeezed your eyes shut, tightly holding onto the rope you'd created. You let out a big breath once stepping onto the first knot, letting go of the safety the balcony gave you.
You took your time and slowly but surely reached the last knot when you heard a squeal. Quickly looking up - hoping it wasn't Iryna who had caught you in the act and feared for your life - you noticed it wasn't coming from the room.
A few balconies to the left, a girl was dangling some meters above the ground while holding onto the same kind of rope creation you had made. The girl let go and luckily landed on her feet, still having to balance herself.
You followed the girl's movements and let go only to fall down the moment your feet clumsily touched the ground.
Upon hearing your groan, the other girl turned around - eyes big, like a deer caught in the headlights. 
Quickly standing up, dusting off your clothes, you noticed the girl staring at you. You couldn't really make out her face since the girl was hiding it behind her headscarf, clearly not wanting to be caught.
You stared back before carefully approaching.  “You’re running away, too?” From this distance, it was visible that the girl had long, flowing, dark hair and big, brown eyes.
"Who are you?" The dark-haired girl asked, not replying to the previously asked question. Her voice was as soft as silk and you - unknowingly - replayed those three words and the way they had sounded coming out of her mouth.
"I'm- um, Aaira..," Saying who you really were was probably not the best move if you wanted to run away and hide. The girl nodded, her eyes taking in every little detail of your face.
"Family of the princess, I assume? Since the balcony you escaped from is where she and her attendants are staying..." 
The both of you were now a few steps apart and you caught yourself being mesmerized by the girl. You took in all her features for as long as you could. You noticed the light of the torches reflecting in the girl's eyes, her smooth skin, the tiny mole in the corner of her mouth and the few strands of hair that had escaped during her climb down.
The girl tilted her head to the side when you took too long to reply and rose her eyebrows in anticipation for an answer.
"Uh, yes! Yes, I'm one of her nieces." You blurted out. "Who are you?" 
"I'm Dalia, Princess Jasmine's maid."
The sound of four guards laughing and walking your way, interrupted the conversation. The girl pursed her lips and quickly looked at the guards, then at back at you.
"Follow me, I know how to leave the palace unseen." The dark haired girl turned around and started to walk away with you on her tail. The two of you ran down a few steps and were about to take a shortcut through the royal gardens before you were yanked behind a wall. A gasp left your mouth at the sudden movement. 
"Sorry," Dalia apologized, "Forgot there are other guards patrolling this side of the gardens." She turned her head to present you an apologetic smile. More of the girl's face revealed itself due to your close proximity. You took in every little detail.
"You seem prepared.." Unlike Dalia, you had just left without any thought out plans.
The dark-eyed girl looked around the corner, seeing the guards turn their backs. "Yes, well... I've done this before," She spoke and meanwhile grabbed your hand to make you follow. "Though, so far, I've always returned."
"But you won't this time?" 
"Not for a while, at least," She replied. Dalia stopped once they reached a gate that no one seemed to be guarding and held it open so you could get through. You followed her like a lost puppy as she walked you through a dim lit alley.
"Why are you running away?" 
The princess' maid stopped and turned around and frowned for a moment, clearly debating whether to trust you or not. After all, you were as much a stranger to her as she was to you.
"Tired of living inside the palace walls?" You tried when she didn't give an answer. You assumed that - since she was Jasmine's maid, she never left the palace either.
The dark-haired beauty nodded. "Yeah," She adjusted the scarf on her head before locking eyes with you again. "What about yourself? You just got here today, so why would you want to leave and miss the wedding tomorrow?"
"I'm to marry one of Agrabah's noblemen sons." Y/N didn't quite make that up. A lot of her cousins and second cousins had been married off to some of Agrabah's wealthiest families, just to seal off the bond between both kingdoms.
Dalia only nodded.
They reached a hallway where a little boy - probably around nine years old - was sitting in front of the last door. He perked up once they saw you two approach. 
"Baba is still at one of the feasts in town, I made sure of it!" He smiled at Dalia, who was standing next to you. 
Her mouth curved into a smile and she stroked the boy's cheek. "Thank you, Amir." She crouched down to his level and reached to get something out of her pouch.
"I got you a little something this time," The boy's eyes grew wider at the sight of a tiger carved out of wood. "A thank you for keeping our secret." 
"Thank you!" He was too busy inspecting the tiger to notice the loving look in the girl's eyes. Only when she stepped through the door he was guarding, did he look up.
"When will you be back?" 
Dalia looked down before locking eyes with Amir. 
"Soon!" She reassured the child, though the hesitation in her voice didn't go unnoticed by you.
"I'll be waiting!"
The girl next to you chuckled. "I don't doubt that. You'll be a great guard one day, just like your father." 
And with that, they left the safety the palace provided them with and they were standing in the back alleys of the market of Agrabah.
"We're outside," The dark-haired girl turned around, "I hope you'll be alright on your own?" She presented you with a genuine smile and made way to walk off until you grabbed her arm.
"Wait, I actually have no clue where to go or what to do next."
Dalia turned around, seeming somewhat amused.
"You must be really wretched about marrying a rich man when you put yourself through all this trouble." A teasing undertone laced her voice. She started to walk off again, knowing Y/N would follow her.
"I couldn't care less even if he was the richest man in all of Agrabah. I want to marry someone who I adore, who makes my heart beat faster. Not someone I have never seen before. I had to leave my home behind, I'll have to miss my family, all because the man I'll be marrying will make my family rich or will ensure the alliance between kingdoms."
The girl next to you had been listening to every word and snuck some glances your way every now and again.
"What about you? You still haven't told me why you ran away."
Dalia stopped walking, a grin on her face. "You really want to know, huh?"
You could only nod, being so captivated by her beauty and the way she carried herself so gracefully. 
"Follow me, I'll tell you all about it once we're further away from the palace walls."
"So they never let you leave? Not even for a little stroll?"
The girl shook her head.
"Wow, I can't imagine how the princess must be feeling if her maids aren't even allowed to leave. I've always thought she didn't want to go out, not that she wasn't allowed to..."
A comfortable silence fell between the two of them. Dalia had led you to the harbour of Agrabah and had found a nice and quiet place to sit and chat. You had gotten to know the girl better and had grown even more fond of her.
Dalia sighed and looked at the palace, it was such a pretty view from here. She looked at the few lights that were still on in some of the rooms, seeing hers was still on. She wondered if they had already found out she escaped.
"Sounds like we'll both be trapped." You spoke softly upon seeing the girl doze off in some sad haze. 
Hearing the news Dalia had just told you, made your whole opinion about the princess change. She probably really did have a big heart, she was just never able to show it to anyone. They kept her in the safety of the palace - not that you could blame the Sultan for wanting to keep her safe and alive, but still.
"I suppose we should go back," The girl's voice interrupted your thoughts. She gave you a weak smile. 
"You don't want to walk away anymore?" You were confused. 
She shook her head, "I don't think I could ever miss my dad or my friend...or Rajah. And I don't want them to worry about my whereabouts or safety"
"My tiger," Dalia smiled but couldn't help but notice the confusion written on your face, followed by recognization.
The girl chuckled at your facial expression. "Yes, but don't worry, he doesn't attack anyone if I'm in the room. You'll be able to walk around freely if we are to meet again,"
You nodded absentmindedly, deep in thought. Iryna had told you that Princess Jasmine owned a tiger. How many people in Agrabah have a tiger as a pet? 
The princess of Agrabah laughed, 
"I'll see you around...probably,"
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simqly-me · 5 years
Everybody talks about how great an Avengers reality TV show would be, and I totally agree, but what about an X-Men reality TV show? Like, Charles allows a TV crew to come and record around the school so more kids want to go, and it all goes to complete shit. Like, imagine what they all would be doing
He’d be annoying as he possibly could, and prank literally everyone. He’d try to make it look like the worst possible place you could go to. Sometimes Warren would get in on his pranks, unless Kurt found out and forced him out of it. He’d constantly annoy Scott to the point of Scott being completely ready to murder him, and would skip out on all of his chores. They try to get him to stop going on camera, but this little bitch always finds a way. He is super immature, but can act serious if needed. He’d make a bunch of shitty references and play video games all the time. When someone is talking, you can almost always see him doing Fortnite dances in the back for no reason but his own amusement. He plays a bunch of old songs, and is always blasting them, in the middle of the night. Scott almost throws his speakers out the window multiple times. He also has a record player- and he usually plays Queen or some shit. The show has almost gotten copyrighted so many times because of him.
Tries to make the school look perfect. Talks about the academics, the clubs, and how everyone is welcome. In a lot of angles, you can see him quietly studying in the background. He introduces the newer kids to the camera crew, and the crew follow him around as he shows them around the school. He’s completely done with Peter’s bullshit. The crew has witnessed him try to laser Peter multiple times, but he only does it because he knows Peter can quickly dodge it. He’s often the subject of Peter’s pranks. Tries to make it look like they live in a safe environment, five minutes later the kitchen and common room are both up in flames, Ororo is trying to put them out with her powers, Jean happens to be the one who started them after Peter pissed her off, Peter’s running around because somehow his jacket caught on fire, Jubilee is bawling her eyes out, Warren is pissing himself laughing, and Kurt’s no where to be seen. He has teleported all the way to Guatemala. He is starting a new life there. He can no longer deal with the constant fear he has living there. Scott is just 320% disappointed with his friends antics.
It takes the camera crew a while to find her, sometimes. She tries not to be on it a lot. She usually hides out in the back of the library, studying. She can also be found hanging out with the group, one of the only times she seems content when they film her. She also tries to help a bit with Scott’s cause, that the school is great, but often finds herself listing the shitty parts instead. She sets stuff on fire because of Peter a lot, and is quick to apologize after, begging for forgiveness. She can also be found at the archery range, but they decide not to bother her, as she seems happy and calm and not stressed for once. She’s usually the calmest one, except for one she gets really pissed. Everyone goes to her for advice, and she’s actually insanely trustworthy with information (Well, she has been hearing everyone’s secrets her whole life).
Literally has no idea what is happening. 110% confused he just wants peace and quiet. He was surprised the first time he watched a TV show, and now they’re suddenly in one? And there’s no script? What is he supposed to say?! He goes to Jean for help because he’s kind of embarrassed that he doesn’t get it. Even after getting advice, he’s still really confused. Almost every time the camera lands on him, he teleports away because he’s scared of screwing it up. Warren tries to assure him he’s fine, but he’s still scared as hell. Sometimes the camera crew catch him reacting to things he’s never seen before because of the circus. Jubilee usually is the one introducing him to them. Oh, him and Jubilee watch the Bachelor together. The camera crew find him sleeping all the time. Doesn’t matter where. He is asleep. They do not bother him. The simply get a quick shot, and move on. He’s just an oblivious adorable dork who needs help around things.
Having the time of his life. He loves the cameras, because he can say things the whole world can hear. Has criticized his dad multiple times on camera, hoping he would hear it. He gets in on Peter’s pranks a lot and loves pissing people off. He honestly does not give a fuck if people are mad at him because he holds his own opinions. They catch him drunk multiple times, and it’s always fucking hilarious. The flying shots they get of him are pretty cool, too. He’s, surprisingly, apologized on the show about the Apocalypse situation. Acts protective of Kurt, and is almost always seen with him. Warren and Peter hold a love-hate relationship. They make fun of each other a lot, but, they’re kind of best friends. They tell each other almost everything. They’ve been caught smoking on the roof and talking before, and Warren calls him his birth name to annoy him. Warren’s wings are super fluffy, and the whole group seems to think so, because they’re always all up on them. He was caught red-handed one night when they found him with a bunch of conditioner, bringing the entire bag into the bathroom to shower with. He had to admit it then and there- he conditions them in fear of anyone getting hurt because of them. He acts bitchy, but he cares. He was lucky enough to earn their trust in the first place, in his opinion.
She often talks about serious issues on camera, because she finally has the platform to do so. The camera crew comes with her to Black Lives Matter and feminism events. She protests often, and people start to recognize her at the protests because of the show. She sometimes disappears for days to weeks, confusing everyone when she comes back with a group of new mutants. “Found them, adopted them,” Is her only response when questioned. She can be insanely hilarious at times. When she’s super upset, she’ll make it storm for days and lock herself away in her room. One time they recorded her decking a guy for catcalling her, even after she said to go away. Her hair is constantly changing, and nobody knows how. She’ll not leave the mansion at all and one moment she has this hair style, the next she’ll have a different one.
Literally ecstatic about the cameras. Bubbly the whole time, she’ll bounce around and show the camera’s her favorite areas of the school. She rants about the most random shit on camera, and at random times will shout herself out. ‘Follow me on Instagram @-’ ‘My Twitter is-’. She’ll talk about her favorite shows and her dreams and such, and she’s just really pure the whole time. An absolute queen. She lets the camera crew record one of her girl nights with Jean and Ororo. Most expect it to be super cliche, with facemasks on while they paint each other’s nails. But- but no. They’re pranking everyone. Scott automatically believes it to be Peter, meanwhile the trio is climbing in the vents over him. Everyone in the mansion is surprised after seeing the episode, and Peter has a smug look on his face when Scott apologizes for getting pissed at him.
Nobody knows how the fuck this dude is getting into the mansion. He literally should not be there. He keeps sneaking in and talking about shit that no one understands. ‘Wow, a TV show in a movie franchise?!’ They try to kick him out, but he keeps coming back somehow. He is everywhere. There is no stopping him. Starts paintball fights in the corridors and where the hell did he get all of these paintball guns?! They’ve tried every single thing they could, but, Wade is there to stay. Only a few people have actually seen his face since he’s always wearing that damned mask.
A tired Mom™ . Regrets the show a few weeks in, but he can’t stop now. There’s a fan base. A fan base! And so many more young mutants have been registering to get in! Talks about mental health a lot, and how they can offer therapy sessions at the school. Tries to stop all of the shit that happens, but never can. He just needs a fucking break for Heaven’s sake. Get this man a vacation, stat! Actually very proud of all the kids, though. For everything they’ve done. They aren’t scared to talk about issues that need to be talked about, and, that makes his heart swell a bit each time.
Not there half the time. When he is, he’s hanging out with Charles or scolding Peter. The kids call him Dadneto on camera, and he pretends to hate it. Also, trains the kids, a lot. Talks about how mutants should be viewed as equals (Charles wont let him start with his usual ‘Homo-Surpremacy!’ monologuing. So, he sticks with equality instead.) Makes an apology video apologizing for every time he’s tried to end humanity. Only there to support Charles, honestly.
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