#this is sappy as hell but i wanted to give you guys something nice after all the angst
lowkeyremi · 5 months
jjk men and aftercare pt 2 ft. Yuji, Megumi, Sukuna, Yuta, and Toge.
a/n: part 2 babyyy hope u guys enjoy, everyone (except sukuna + megumi) are more on the softer side in this i think (here's part 1)
cw: slightly suggestive, how they are after sex basically :) (all characters are aged up!!)
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Yuji Itadori
He's kind of clueless at first. No doubt he's heard about it because he was nervous about his first time and called up his long time best friend Megumi to ask about.
Of course he told him to look it up himself, which he did but he wasn't patient enough to read through it thoroughly, so he scanned through the article to get the basic idea.
"Ummm, do you want snacks? Water... uhhhhh... um.." he struggles to remember what he'd read.
"Some water would be nice to start out." To start out? What does he have to do next?
Instead of stressing though, he hops up off the bed (naked), "Okay! I'll go get you some water!!" He's quick to leave the room and retrieve a nice, cold bottle of water.
As he's about to hand it to you he snatches it back and cracks it open, "Don't want you to strain anything."
"Yuji, baby, I can open a water bottle." You giggle at how cute and careful he is.
"Oh, right! Here you go." Your fingers touch his as he hands you the bottled beverage. A small smile rises on your face and his smile widens when he sees you smiling.
You gulp down the water quickly which was a terrible idea. Small sips is always the way to go, but sex has left you parched for some odd reason.
"Do you wanna hop in the bath?" His head perks at your questions.
"Oh yeah! You probably wanna get clean, right? I'll give you a massage too if you'd like!" Who are you to tell this beautiful man, "no"?
"Of course, Yuji. Thank you for taking care of me." Pride swells inside of him at the thought of taking care of you.
Megumi Fushiguro
Sigh. Like father, like son. He's not as bad as Toji, but when you guys first slept together he rolled over and fell asleep once you came.
When you told him why you were upset his response was "at least you came, right?"
Which he admits now that that was NOT the best thing to say. He's changed since then, though.
"Here," he throws pain killers and your favorite snack at you. You'd just finished showering about twenty minutes ago. Yes, you invited your boyfriend to join you but he had to resist your offer. He knew he wouldn't be able to keep his hands off of you and you already expressed your tiredness.
Anyone else would probably be offended if their partner threw stuff at them, but this is Megumi's way of expressing his love.
"You good?" He asks when you don't move to pick up your snack.
"Mhm, but you know it's best for me to take pain killers before sex. They're useless now." He dodges the pill bottle when you throw it at him.
"They won't reduce the after sex pain? Thought they did. Well anyway, you wanna watch something? I actually started getting into that one show you like."
The way your heart fluttered at his question left you all sappy and excited.
"Yeah get over here."
He's not perfect at aftercare but he's yours and he makes sure to tend to your needs in his own way.
Sukuna Ryomen
Honestly I don't even think I need to write anything for him but ima try my best!
He was confused about the way you stared at him when you joined him in the bathroom. He was brushing his teeth.
"What brat?" He asks staring at you through the mirror.
"You literally split me in half and didn't even bother to take care of me afterward.." You state awkwardly as you sit on the covered toilet seat.
"Eh? What happened to all that independent woman shit? Can't ya do it yourself?" He asks, the toothpaste and toothbrush in his mouth made his words a little bit hard to understand, but you get the gist.
"I mean I can do it myself, but it's more intimate when you do it with your partner!" Honestly it was useless trying to explain yourself because Sukuna is stubborn as hell.
"We had plenty'a intimacy when I was eatin' your pussy like less than ten minutes ago." There's sass in his voice and he rolls his eyes.
It was best to give up, because he wasn't going to listen. The walk of shame was super embarrassing and you made yourself a little spot on the couch to sleep on for the night.
Fifteen minutes later Sukuna's stomping into the living room.
"What're ya doing out here on the couch when we have a whole bed?" It's obviously a rhetorical question, he has a good idea of what you're mad about.
"You know why I'm pissed. You're an asshole, Ryomen. I don't even want to talk to you right now, so go away." The malice in your tone was evident and he switched up upon hearing you call him his full first name rather than that dumb nickname he will never admit that he likes.
"Ugh... so whiny. If I take care of ya, all the domestic shit. Will ya bring your ass back to bed?" He asks, a hand on his slutty waist.
"Yes." You quip quickly.
"Fine. Come on."
That was the start of the aftercare you deserved, and surprisingly he was good at it. When you asked him where he got all this experience from he said, "I was a human with feeling at some point. I know how to care for people, when I want."
Yuta Okkotsu
He didn't want to fuck up so he researched any and everything. From hydration to what foods are good to eat afterwards and so on.
"Thank you Yuta, this is delicious." It really is good, his cooking is phenomenal. It always warms your heart. You'd started on dinner but Yuta distracted you which led to having your legs spread on the counter for him.
"It's the least I can do for you for treating me so well." He says with a suggestive smirk and you know exactly what what he's implying.
"Also food is important to build your stamina back up after sex. Did bathing with those bath salts help any?" He's read that they're supposed to relax and calm the body. He made you soak for twenty minutes.
"It did, I don't feel as sore as I did earlier." And it's true, Yuta knew more about how to care for yourself better than you did which surprised you to some extent. Sometimes it felt more like a nagging parent than helpful advice but he usually doesn't get to that point.
"Make sure you're taking care of yourself too, babe. It's not all about me." You remind him.
He nods while chewing. "I always take care of myself after you. I'll wash up after we tackle the dishes."
Toge Inumaki
Toge is a worrier when it comes to aftercare. He wants you to be satisfied with his efforts.
Never again did you fall asleep without cleaning yourself up or letting Toge help you do it. Last time you did he commanded you to get in the tub so he could scrub you clean.
He wrote an apology on a piece of paper afterward. He just wanted you to get clean.
He cares a lot about you and your emotions, and obviously it's hard for him to do that in words, so he tries his best to do it through his actions.
Tonight is no different, he's washing your hair in the shower. The water is the perfect temperature and you can feel Toge pressed up against you. The way his finger tips graze your scalp are just right/ You about fall asleep.
"Mustard Leaf." He says in worry. He doesn't want a repeat of last week, when you fell asleep in the shower and you slipped almost causing a concussion if he hadn't caught you last second.
"I.. I'm awake. I won't fall asleep again, promise." You yawn and the worry dissipates for the most part. He trusts your words.
"Salmon." He responds and you smile lazily.
Your most earnest moments are when the two of you are in the shower. You feel the need to rid yourself of anything from the day so you tell him everything. He nods along and gives you comforting touches to assure you.
"I love you so much, Toge. Thank you for cleaning me up."
Your white haired boyfriend nods his head at you with a smile. Your eyes follow his hand as he writes " I ♡ YOU" with his finger, on the glass door of the shower.
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fairyhaos · 1 year
how seventeen react to you kissing them and then running away
requested by anon: "Hello I saw that your request were open so I wanted to know if you could make a svt reaction to their s/o running away after kissing them ??"
notes: THIS IS THE CUTEST IDEA EVER. anon i am forever indebted to you pls this is adorable i loved it so much
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he doesn't think much of it when you walk over to him while he's on his phone on the sofa, thinking that you want to ask him something. hums in acknowledgement of your presence, then gets rlly surprised when you lean down super quick and peck him on the cheek. gets doubly surprised when you turn on your heel and sprint off, sitting there in shock for a few seconds before running after you, fully prepared to tackle you in his arms and demand even more kisses until he gets his fill
you're probably taking a walk in the park, having dragged jeonghan out of the house. he's complaining, wanting to go back inside. that is, until you lean over (after having looked around to make sure there aren't too many people around) and kiss him full on the lips, right in the middle of walking. you pull away, but before he can say anything you're jogging down the path before breaking into a full-on sprint and he's yelling n running after you, wanting to know what that was about, partly aware that it's a ploy to get him to exercise but partly wanting to know if he can get more kisses
to be really honest i think that, considering the man that joshua is, he'd just do the exact same thing. when you grab his face and kiss him rlly hard and then suddenly run away, he stares after you for a long moment before turning around and running off in the opposite direction. you turn back, wondering why joshua isn't running after you, and it turns out he's zooming down the street away from you and is basically a dot in the distance.  comes back for you eventually, especially if you send him loads of annoyed phone calls cz he does Not answer his texts
thinks that something terribly dangerous is happening when you suddenly run away from him, and doesn't even look back to check if that's actually the case before he's screaming and running with you upstairs, thinking that someone has managed to set fire to the toaster again. realises it was just you being silly tho, and refuses to give you proper kisses for like a day until you apologise for making him scared and running away after giving him a kiss
is kinda a little dazed by the sudden kiss, so it takes him like 3 whole seconds to realise you're not in front of him anymore. he can hear you laughing from the other room though, and like the lovesick idiot he is, he probably just chuckles and touches his lips, staring out of the door that you ran out of with a sappy sweet smile on his face. goes to find you and kisses the hell out of you while teasingly asking if you ran away bc you became shy?? huh??? were you shy after kissing him???? <3
you're not running away from this guy lmao nice try. honestly you'll probably try to do this like 5 times and fail, bc he keeps holding your waist or your cheek or your wrist whenever you kiss him like the goddamn heart-flutterer that he is. even if you're placing the fastest kiss on his cheek known to man, you're never going to be fast enough to run away bc somehow he has a hand on your arm and he's giving you a longer, deeper kiss and oh okay maybe you don't want to run after all—
kinda just blinks there stunned, utterly confused about what just happened. finds you really cute when you pop your head back into the room when he didn't follow you tho, cz you look so adorable when you're all disappointed. tells you to do it again and that he'll definitely chase you this time, which he does, and with great vigor, and suddenly you're running for your life through the house and onto the streets with woozi sprinting after you
he's reading when you come up to him, and he offers his cheek expectantly bc he's honestly gotten used to you just kissing him randomly now. sits there still looking at his book for a good few seconds when you speed away after pecking him on the cheek, before setting it down with a sigh and running off to find you. pretends to be annoyed and exasperated, is secretly endeared. definitely does the same thing to you a few months down the line
he's impressed by the way you managed to make his heart flutter ngl, bc the job of being the flirt is meant to belong to him but you just did it so well. grins after you like an utter fool, and after he catches up with you he's sweeping you in his arms and kissing you even more. tells you often that that was the sweetest, most heart-fluttering thing you could have ever done (as if he likes getting left behind???). probably melts if you do it again pls this man is actually so whipped
when you lean in and kiss him very very gently and sweetly, he doesn't think anything of it, smiling and readily responding. but when you pull away, laugh, and then start running off, he's shocked and immediately starts whining, asking why did you start running away that's so mean :((( is complaining the entire time he's chasing after you. accidentally loses you, ends up playing impromptu hide and seek. hug this baby and give him even more kisses afterwards tho otherwise he's going to be sulking at you for days
after kissing him so nicely and gently, you have the audacity to just giggle and run off??? keeps yelling after you that you're sooo dead if he manages to catch you. almost trips over his own feet, gives up chasing you and just phone calls you n begs for you to come back and kiss him properly bc at the end of the day he's still a smol baby n he needs real kisses and not just whatever that was </3
the most confused. thinks that something must have happened, looks around confusedly but sees nothing wrong. then thinks that he was the one who did something wrong, but he's never had you run away like that before?? takes him a whole thirty seconds of thinking before he starts jogging after you to ask what was that about. gets all sulky when you tell him you did it Just Because, won't talk to you until you offer to buy him food
if you run away he's just going to laugh, if i'm being really honest. blinks after you, and then he's grinning and waving and yelling "bye! have fun!" as if you're running late to some important meeting. he's on his phone when you finally circle back to him, and just grins when you whine that he didn't react properly. apologises and tells you he'll react well next time, asks if you wanna go get something to eat and then, cz he is definitely a prank reuser, he kisses you on the cheek then runs off himself, getting you to chase him
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alleiwentcrazy · 1 year
Now with a part two!
There’s a guy that comes to the cafe Eddie’s working at. Every other day, he comes to the counter, smiles at Eddie and gives him a post-it with “hi, an americano with two sugars please :)” written on it. He has a different color of post-it assigned for every day. Eddie smiles back and makes the americano, trying to keep his heart from jumping out of his chest. 
Needless to say, the guy is insanely cute. He has swoopy chestnut hair, droopy, almost puppy-like eyes, and two moles on his neck that make him look like he’s been bitten by a vampire. Eddie’s not sure if he finds it more adorable or sexy; either way, he’s definitely developed a crush. And now, after months of trying to gather up his courage to say hi, after months of pining and staring from afar... He’s still nowhere near ready to talk to him. And Chrissy’s not letting him live it down. 
“You’re insufferable,” she whispers to him frantically when the guy comes through the door on the first Monday of December. “Do something more than smile dumbly or I’ll fire you.”
“You can’t fire me,” Eddie hisses back as he tries to dust pastry crumbs off of his shirt. 
“I’m the manager. I can do whatever I want,” she chirps back and goes on to cleaning the machines that don’t need to be cleaned, because Eddie did that twenty minutes ago. 
The guy comes to the counter. There are snowflakes in his hair, big and soft. Eddie thinks that they compliment his eyes—then he realizes that it’s a weird thing to notice about a stranger. 
The stranger smiles. Eddie smiles back. Today’s post-it is light purple.
Eddie makes the americano. It’s muscle memory at this point, he’s not even thinking about what he’s doing until he has to force a lid onto the cup and serve it to his customer. Hell, whatever. He grabs a sharpie and bends down to drabble something on the cup, trying not to spill the coffee. He manages to draw an ugly looking snake that was supposed to be a dragon, cringes, writes “Have a nice day!” underneath it and prays that it isn’t too weird.
Of course it is. But, miraculously, the guy looks at it, huffs a tiny laugh and smiles right at Eddie and – yeah, whatever, curse him – the whole room lights up. Yes, it’s sappy. Sue him. He could be sappy for this guy—if the guy wanted it.
He takes his coffee and leaves, but before he crosses the threshold, he turns back and waves at Eddie, using only three fingers. It’s a small wave, but a wave nonetheless, so Eddie sends him his best grin and waves back.
When he’s finally out, Eddie bends over the counter and groans. Chrissy pats him between the shoulderblades, mocking sympathy. “You’re on probation,” she whispers. Eddie groans once again. This is hell.
He has to call in sick on Wednesday. Now that he’s thinking about it, he kind of knew that the mayo smelled funny and it wasn’t good anymore. But he’s a broke college student and he had a choice: stale bread with mayo and a slice of tomato, or just stale bread with a slice of tomato. These weren’t even real choices. It was suffering or suffering.
Apparently, he’d chosen double suffering, and he had a whole night of hurling to prove it. Good thing he doesn’t have to send Chrissy any photos of what he had to deal with – when he calls, she cuts him off with “Just take my afternoon shift tomorrow and we’re even. You’ll miss out on your cutie, it’s a punishment in and of itself,” and goes on with her day.
Eddie’s so grateful for Chrissy. He wouldn’t get anywhere without her. 
Eddie doesn’t expect his guy to come on Thursday, it isn’t his regular schedule, so he’s in for a surprise when his morning shift ends and turns into Chrissy’s afternoon shift, and then, some time later, his guy comes in—and he’s not alone.
He’s with a girl. With a pretty, pretty girl, who has beautifully curly brown hair, inquisitive eyes and kind but determined expression on her face. There’s something quite unique about her; Eddie thinks, briefly, that she looks like she’s from another era. Like if they were living in the 80s, she would have a perm, wear bold lipstick and have a whole wall of degrees and certificates in her office. She seems to be destined for great things. She’s a badass.
Eddie’s nothing like her. He tries to swallow down the jealousy as they near the counter. His – his? – guy looks surprised, but smiles either way, his eyes lighting up in a matter of seconds.
“Hi,” the girl says. Her own smile is so nice and warm Eddie can’t stay mopey for too long. “I’ll have a latte with two shots of espresso, and…”
She turns to the guy beside her, but Eddie doesn’t have to know the answer. “An americano with two sugars. On it.”
Their eyes lock for a second. The guy seems a bit shy, but he’s still smiling. Eddie counts that as a win. But he’s still quick with their coffees. He can sense the staring contest they’re having even while he has his back turned to them. He kinda wants them gone, but they didn’t ask for to go, so he just tries to stay calm. Focused. Sharp.
Fortunately, he doesn’t spill anything. They get their order and sit in a corner. It doesn’t look like a date, they pull out books and notes, scribble and sign from time to time. The girl clearly knows more than just the basics of ASL, unlike Eddie. Since the guy started showing up, he’s been trying to learn more about it, but now he makes a mental note to enroll on a course. It’s time to commit – to what, exactly, he’s not sure. But he’s gonna make it happen.
Hours pass, but they stay in the same position. Eddie steals a glance every now and then, trying not to let his jealousy get to the surface again, but it’s hard. The guy is cute, the girl is smart and beautiful. He decides to call Chrissy on his way home – if he has to pine, she’ll suffer with him.
The end of his shift is nearing when he hears a giggle from the godforsaken corner. He looks up from the cups he’s been rearranging and sees that it’s his guy’s girl who’s laughing. She’s laughing at yet another girl, who’s standing outside and drawing hearts on the dirty window. She has a goofy grin on her face, one that makes her eyes and her prominent cheekbones pop even more, and it’s the same grin that the girl inside is wearing at the moment.
Now, Eddie doesn’t know a lot about love, but he definitely recognizes heart eyes when he sees them. He smiles to himself – don’t judge a book by its cover, huh?
His guy looks exasperated about being completely ignored, so he taps the glass a few times. The girl outside looks at him, shocked, like she’s only just seen him now, sticks out her tongue at him, and goes back to blowing kisses at her girlfriend. The guy looks truly wounded. Eddie snorts; the dynamic here is immaculate.
In the meantime, the not-his-guy's girl has gathered her things and prepared to leave. She kisses his cheek on her way out, but the guy stays put, bending over his papers again. Eddie thinks it’s quite interesting. Then, he makes a plan.
When he’s done with work, his guy is still there. Which is perfect. Eddie fixes his hair one last time, trying to gauge whether his outfit is metal enough (it is) for the occasion, and grabs the americano with two sugars he’s made.
It’s alright. Everything’s alright.
His wildly beating heart isn’t so sure about that.
When he gets to his guy’s table, he sets the piece of paper on it first. “Looks like you’re swamped – it’s on the house,” it says. The guy looks up, surprised, his mouth opened in a tiny oh. His eyes go wide for a moment and then he smiles. Something warm settles inside Eddie’s chest.
The guy picks up a pen and writes “Thank you!!!” on Eddie’s piece of paper, but before giving it back, he changes his mind. “I’m Steve,” he scribbles, and then gives it back with a flash of smile.
He smiles a lot. It’s an amazing sight.
“Hello, Steve. I’m Eddie. Nice to meet you,” Eddie replies. “What are you working on?” he adds after a second, because he’s feeling bold and he really doesn’t want to go yet.
The guy – Steve – sighs. He makes some room on the loveseat he’s occupying and pushes his books to the middle. Eddie takes it as a cue to sit down. Their knees bump, Eddie gets goosebumps, but he doesn’t move away. Neither does Steve.
“I’ve got an assignment on modern fantasy and its mythological origins, but I’m not as nerdy as my friends so I’m struggling a bit. Nance helped, but she’s not an expert either and my other nerdy friends went for a trip. Maybe you have any experience?”
Eddie’s eyes open wide and he bounces with excitement, nodding his head along the way. “YES,” he writes, all caps, and Steve huffs another laugh. They look at each other then, Eddie all hyped and ready, Steve—soft? There’s no other way to describe it. His gaze is gentle, almost caring. Eddie can feel his cheeks warm up.
His phone buzzes aggressively in his pocket. He checks it – it’s Chrissy. She’s got her period and she’s out of tampons.
“Shit,” he mumbles. Steve bumps their shoulders.
“What’s up?” he asks.
Eddie picks up the pen. “Tiny emergency, I’m sorry. Tomorrow?”
He knows that his hopeful stare must seem desperate, but Steve reads his reply, looks up and smiles, nodding. Eddie wants to scream victory, but he only nods back and gets up instead. When he’s about to turn and leave, he feels fingers wrap around his hand, delicate but firm. Slowly, Steve opens up his hand and writes something on it.
It’s a phone number. “In case you get sick again :)”
Eddie can’t hold back his dopey smile any longer. When he looks at Steve, the corners of his lips quirk up too. He’s lovely.
Eddie can’t wait for tomorrow.
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maxislvt · 11 months
pls tell us more about omega!wanda x beta!nat x alpha!reader 👁👁
warnings: amab!reader (no gendered terms), smut, omegaverse, sub!reader, dom! WandaNat, pegging, voyeurism, collaring, mating claims, breeding kinks, spanking, threesomes
i said I was gonna sleep but that's nawt happening so uhhh here!
okay so similar dynamic to my usual omega!wanda fics. You're rather soft and sappy for an alpha. since you face a lot of bullying for it, you hide your identity at work and don't really pursue a relationship because you've always been told that no omega would want an alpha like you.
for this I'd like to think Wanda and Natasha are a match made in hell. they're not dating each other yet. they have feelings for each other but both of them are really dominant and lack interest in being submissive so they're hesitant to commit
They both have their eyes on you before they even figure out you're an alpha. at first it's like a game for them. the first one to take you out on a date gets to do all the nasty and inappropriate things they want to you and tease the other for not getting you first!!
however that goes out the window really fast because they realize you're really bashful and it's just too cute to keep from the other. also you tend to turn and run the second you think you'll be alone with one of them for even a second.
Wanda is subtle. the way she touches you seems so innocent and kind that you almost ignore how close she is to your crotch. You usually don't catch on to her innuendos until much later into the conversation. She never forces you to stay but something is always compelling you to stay put and listen
Natasha on the other hand is very bold and doesn't hold back. sometimes you're literally pinned down and forced to deal with all her perverted comments. you couldn't run away even if you wanted to. her intentions are very explicit and there's little room for what she wants to do with you
it only gets worse when they find out you are an alpha. mainly because their nasty little fantasies can get really explicit now but also because they know exactly how to tease you. they never push too hard, but just enough to get you worked up
you don't know that they know but after falling victim to their coordinated attempts at courting, you assumed that they guessed incorrectly about what rank you are. in an attempt to have some peace, you make this grand reveal to them and they're so unphased. in fact, they're more focused on how good your scent is more than anything.
one thing leads to another and suddenly you're sandwiched between the two of them and fucked out of your mind. they don't even let you put up another act about how alphas should behave and keep you spoiled in bed all day until you stop pouting and promise to give them a fair chance
they do make an effort to take you on nice dates and buy you actual courting gifts. they're really expensive and have a lot of thought put into them. some of them are literally just sex toys they wanna use on you at a later date. like the first thing they buy you is a vibrator and lube. the hope was that you'd be curious but too inexperienced to do it on your own and come running to them
they're very horny romantics. so their claim bites on are either layered on top of each other to make a heart or symmetrical somewhere on your body. the choice is yours but I think it'd be the same way on all three of you.
anyways, you guys are a very practical pack I feel. the three of you would love to have everything be matching and constantly do cuddle piles but it doesn't always get to happen. sometimes it's as simple as one of you is on a mission and can't do the cuddle pile. other times it's the simple fact that Wanda likes to wear pajama pants, you only sleep in shorts, and nat typically goes without pants when sleeping.
and I think that practically carries over into sex as well. in my mind Wanda and Nat are a complementary pair. Wanda is soft and Natasha is strict. That isn't to say they can't come together and spoil or tease you though.
if it's just you and nat or you and Wanda, the whole scene was likely recorded and there's a million photos of how you looked.
Wanda prefers to get you really deep into subspace and wait until you're practically leaking through your underwear before stripping you naked and filling your ass to the brim. she'll let you cum as much as you want so long as you're good and let her have fun too
Natasha likes to tease. She'll edge you for hours before she even thinks about pegging you. Nat is not above spanking you just for fun! After she's marked up your skin and left you a sticky mess, she'll spank your ass bright red until you have a hand print
80% of the time they top you together is to spoil you. it doesn't have to be a special event, but they like making you feel good together and watching you make a mess of yourself. they'll stretch your ass out with both of their straps and go for as long as they can.
The other 20% is always a punishment and not even Wanda's pampering nature can save you. If you break their rules, then you have to suffer the consequences. Since Natasha is a sadist and spanks you all the time, they get a little more creative. They fuck each other right in front of you and make you edge yourself with a simple fleshlight.
The only time they let your top is if you're in a rut and that doesn't mean you're not subbing. most of the time, you're breeding Wanda while Natasha is controlling your hips and keeping you in check via a collar.
Natasha likes to watch while you and Wanda fuck out your cycles. Maybe she'll ride you during rut if she's really horny and wants to be knotted but she prefers to watch you try and act all dominant and tough sometimes.
also their straps are enchanted and they love fucking your face. Natasha likes actually fucking your throat but Wanda just thinks you look absolutely adorable on your knees and desperate to please her.
the aftercare is always wonderful. they follow a similar routine even if they're not fucking you together because it's tailored to what they think you need most after sex. cuddles and a bath are mandatory, even if Wanda has to drag you to the bathroom with her magic. if they've tipped you together, they prefer you just go right into taking a nap but they will let you watch TV or play a videogame if they weren't too rough.
honestly they seem like the type to not even consider sex if they know you haven't eaten anything, but they still keep a few in the mini fridge just in case you need something.
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Hi guys I'm back to begging you for fic recs bc I am desperate once again:)))
Do you happen to know any fics centered around things thay we know/theorise about season 2? I tried looking for myself but I cannot find much and I was wondering if maybe you can help me
Potential spoilers for series two! If you are trying to avoid anything to do with series two of Good Omens you are best scrolling swiftly past this post!
You have been warned.
Here are a couple of fics with Maggie and Nina, a few with Muriel, and one about an angel with memory loss...
Unlikely bebop by Nyariewen (G)
Maggie and Nina discuss about something strange in the neighborhood: Mr Fell new music choices.
She asks how my husband is by angelZfell (G)
“Maggie asks how my husband is,” he laughed. Aziraphale spun around, completely ignoring the books he was rearranging on the shelf. “Pardon me?”
OR: really short story about them realizing how they act like a married couple.
barging into bookshops while holding plants by sunglass56 (NR)
i heard the clip released at the season 2 panel today and KNEW i had to write a fic around it
basically my imagining of how that scene would look plus extra super gay and sappy
A Million Colors In Between by CaspianTheGeek (T)
Crowley's always known why he Fell, but he was careful to never share that information with Aziraphale. That is until Muriel comes to visit, and the truth comes out.
5 things Muriel doesn't understand about earth (+1 she does) by agent_p_94 (G)
Muriel stares at the teacup.
"A human police officer would accept a cup of tea to drink," Aziraphale had said. Drink. She knows about drinking. “Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again; but whosoever drinketh of the water I shall give him shall never thirst,” and so forth. Only, Muriel was always given to believe that sort of drinking was purely metaphorical, and the sort to which Aziraphale refers seems decidedly corporeal.
Muriel has a lot to learn about earth, with and without Aziraphale's help.
A Stranger Among Us by charliebradcherry (T)
"Ridiculous? Ridiculous?" Crowley released a low guttural sound after his words and his hands itched to grab the angel by the lapels of his jacket. Luckily he still possessed enough bodily control to not shake the shit out of him right then and there. "I've watched your bookshop burn to a crisp once and I've felt the fear of losing you twice. You discorporated because a fucking human stepped foot inside your property without your consent and you call me ridiculous. You can think of me as overprotective right now, but I can't promise I won't lose my shit when I hear you say it."
Aziraphale's eyes traced the lines of the floorboard gaps beneath his feet. It was a nice way to distract himself from the depressing voice cracks that Crowley emitted without the intention to.
"We both wanted peace, and what'd ya know? We won't have that for at least the first few years! But if you keep treating life like everyone's an 'angel' at heart, I'll be stuck with a lifetime of worrying myself sick that you'll trust the wrong people and get killed in the process. I'd rather chug holy water. You understand?"
(Based on the new clip)
Hello, hello, hello, what's going on here, then? by HolRose (G)
Aziraphale is in the middle of entertaining a strange angel in his bookshop who has come incognito disguised (very badly) as a police officer, when Crowley appears. After making a few pointed comments and asking a question, the demon asks Aziraphale for ‘a word in private, angel’. This is what happened during that private conversation.
The end of the world by probably_publius (T)
Crowley and Aziraphale were able to stop The End of the World, but didn't see what would come afterwards. Aziraphale has lost his memory, and Crowley doesn't know if it's Heaven or Hell or something else entirely. All he can do is try and help Aziraphale regain an idea of who he is by telling him stories from their past together.
I had a dream where I was watching season 2 and wrote this.
- Mod D
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winslete · 7 months
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*Hours later*
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Leopold: "Alice." *Every muscle in his body tenses* "Thanks for coming." Alice: "I was intrigued. Hell hasn't frozen over, and yet you wanted to talk."
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Leopold: "You told me a lot about myself when we broke up, and I let my feelings block the message." Alice: "I know. It's nice that you took this time apart to learn how to be a functioning member of society. Good job. Leopold: *annoyed* "Do you have to do that?" Alice: "Do what, Leopold?" Leopold: "Can you let me finish my thought before you start taking the cheap digs at me?" Alice: "I gave you a compliment. I'm a huge advocate for personal growth." Leopold: "This was a mistake. Forget it." Alice: "Are you sure? The situation you're in must be dire if you're calling me for help." Leopold: *groans* "It is... you're the only person I know who can give unbiased insight on how I am as a partner. " Alice: "This is about a girl? I'm a lawyer, not a miracle worker." Leopold: *swallows his pride* "Can... you... tell me... why you feel this way? Am I that bad?" Alice: "I'm not doing this in 0° weather."
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*30 minutes later* Leopold: *finishes telling Alice everything* "Now, I'm trying my best to figure out what it is about me that causes the women in my life to seek out other options." Alice: "It's simple. You chose women who are out of your league. " Leopold: *he fights to keep his tone even* "If that was the case, then why did you choose to be in a relationship with me?" Alice: "Sex, Leopold. You were a handsome young man who took directions well. Once the fun wore off, I realized that you had no ambition. No aspirations. When you purchased that abandoned shack, I realized you were content working for your parents and staying in Briarwood for the foreseeable future. Leopold: *confused* "Wanting to settle down made you cheat?" Alice: "Absolutely! You use pity as a weapon, and instead of picking some local girl who shares the same sentiments, you go after bright, worldly women. Women, who in five years will be making six figures while you glue together Legos in your parent's car shop.
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Leopold: *irritated* "You're such a liar. I never guilted you to stay with me. Hell, I would've respected you more if you broke up with me instead of having him show up at my job." Alice: "I'll admit, James was a little impulsive." Leopold: *resists the urge to yell* "I'm starting to think I give you way too much credit. Alice: "If we can go back to the matter at hand, the common denominator is you. I haven't met your new girl, but it pleases me to know that she's choosing her future over you. Outside of your looks, you have nothing to offer the modern woman.
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Alice: "Next time date a scientist. She can send you back fifty years where the world would be more to your liking." Leopold: "Where is this- Do you feel any remorse for what you did?" Alice: "Why would I? I did what was best for me at the time." Leopold: "So, why are you painting me to be the bad guy? Does it make you feel better?"
Alice: *She rolls her eyes* "Get over yourself."
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Leopold: " You said you stayed for sex, but I think you cared. I think you feel guilty and are trying to justify your actions. Going as far as to paint me as something I'm not. " Alice: "You're assuming a lot." Leopold: "You're here. You could've ignored me." Alice: *she glances away* "I was in the area for work. This was convenience, nothing more." Leopold: "If you've would've told me you wanted to leave Briarwood, I would've sold the house and had the truck packed. I was always your biggest supporter. I wanted to see you succeed." Alice: *she lets out a dry chuckle* "That's not true. You wanted to change me into something I wasn't. Having me live here and spend all that time with your mother. You were planting the seeds, and I wasn't about to let you win that." Leopold: *he faintly smiles* "Cheyenne loves our family dinners. We were supposed to spend Winterfest with them, chopping down trees and watching sappy holiday films." *looks down* "She's nothing like you. I shouldn't have treated her like she was." Alice: "I bet you're happy about that." *sips her drink* " Found a girl with no standards." Leopold: "I've got to go." *leaves money on the table* "Thank you." Alice: "For?" Leopold: "Giving me clarity... I won't contact you again."
Alice: *smirks* "We'll see if Hell freezes over."
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*Leo races outside and dials Cheyenne's number*
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Leopold: "Hey. Can I see you tonight?"
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((After talking to Alice, he finally rolled the want to get engaged to Cheyenne!))
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ultravioletwrites · 1 year
thinking about steddie celebrating their first valentine’s day together and steve’s just a mess right? he wants to make it perfect but he doesn’t know how. does eddie want gifts? some big elaborate date? eddie’s this intricate mix of loud and timid, soft and brash, cynical and sweet—a large contributor to why steve loves him so much. he’s never met someone like eddie, someone he’d gladly spend forever trying to know from the inside out.
steve thinks back to christmas. they’d spent the morning with wayne, made their rounds to all the kids’ houses, and looped back to the trailer. sure they opened presents, but from what he could gather, gifts weren’t a focal point in the munson household. not like steve’s parents, who thought a big enough box or a hefty price tag could equate to love. it was about spending time together. then again, the couple of things they did buy for each other were thoughtful. eddie splurged on new work boots for wayne because his old ones were nearly falling apart, making his feet sore as all hell after each shift. steve sat back, not uncomfortable but unaccustomed to the amount of tenderness and gratitude wayne exhibited.
besides, steve and eddie hung out all the time. what could he do to make one day stand out above the rest? eddie was also a far better wordsmith. steve gave up pretty quickly on the whole sappy love poem idea. didn’t even want to think about writing or performing a song for his musician boyfriend.
steve spends the weeks leading up to valentine’s day wracking his brain for something. some divine intervention would be nice. he tried asking robin but they ended up sharing a pack of twizzlers, getting lost in whether there was a difference between wooing guys and girls when you’re queer. should there be? did it even matter? steve wouldn’t be caught dead going to the kids for love advice, plus dustin was literally making some kind of literal love robot for suzie. so, back to the drawing board.
he settles (which drives him crazy, he shouldn’t be settling on anything when it comes to eddie) on a new fantasy novel the bookstore employee recommended and found a quaint restaurant in the phone book a couple towns over. thinks getting out of hawkins might do them both some good.
it all comes to a head the day before. steve’s restocking the back shelves when the bell above the front door of family video jingles.
“steve, can you help me with something up here?” robin hollers.
“gimme a sec!”
he makes it to the register and eddie’s there, hands behind his back with a chesire cat grin on his face.
“this customer is looking for something specific but i don’t know if we have it,” robin sighs. “tell me again what you’re looking for?”
“rob, eds—“
eddie clears his throat. “i’m looking for a pretty boy to be my valentine tomorrow. preferable one with lots of freckles,” he steps closer to the counter. “gorgeous eyes.” another step. “a big heart.” closer. “and a free schedule. do you know where i might be able to find one of those, sir?”
eddie’s leaning across the counter at this point, batting his eyelashes while steve’s asking himself if you can get a sunburn from blushing too hard. robin’s hands fly over their ancient keyboard before she points at the computer. “we do have one of those! his name’s steve harrington and there’s only one in stock!”
“i never should have let you two become friends.”
when his scheming shitheads friends finally stop giggling, eddie fishes one of steve’s hands from where his arms are crossed over his chest and kisses his knuckles.
“c’mon sweetheart, i’m trying to court you properly. i’ll pick you up at six tomorrow, yeah? also, oscar worthy performance buckley, thank you for the assist.”
robin winks. that little traitor.
steve’s floundering. he had a plan. one that involved taking his boyfriend on a nice date because he wanted to, because eddie deserved one. “but i already—“
“steve harrington.” it’s just the two of them at the counter now, robin ducking out to give them some privacy. “if you think for one minute, i’m passing up an opportunity to do something special for my self-sacrificing, flings himself into literal battle, overworked boyfriend, you’ve got another thing coming.”
“i’ll scream.”
steve’s waiting on the porch at 5:55pm the next day when eddie pulls into the driveway. he’s clutching a bundle of wildflowers and tucks one behind steve’s ear before escorting him to the van. he’s cleaned out the backseat, set down blankets and pillows. it still smells like marlboro reds but also lemon and eddie’s cleared out all his empty slushy cups from the cab. he pops in a mix with trembling hands, blubbering about how he recorded it the other night and if steve doesn’t like it, really they can turn something else on, it’s fine. steve surges forward to kiss him, tells him it’s perfect, to let it play. it’s a tape with little interludes between each track where eddie inserts a tidbit here and there about how each song reminds him of steve. he wants to cry but he won’t, just holds eddie’s hand the whole drive and sneaks kisses at red lights. eddie takes him two towns over to an old baseball field and parks.
eddie props open the back doors and they eat dinner eddie packed, tucked under a thick quilt against the late winter chill. it’s a place, eddie explains, he’d hang out with wayne as a kid before he’d officially moved in. somewhere good. somewhere not the podunk town his parents raised him in, and not hawkins, but a better third thing. somewhere quiet, good, only filled with nice memories. where no one cares they’re two boys and no other dimension looms in the dark. the dinner he made is beef stew his mama swore would make a man fall in love. too late, steve thinks.
“i got you something,” steve murmurs after a while. they’re tangled together, watching the stars, bellies full and drunk on each other.
he pulls out the wrapped book from his jacket pocket. “read it to me?”
eddie does. he uses silly voices and paints another world for the two of them within the little one they’ve created for themselves. after a couple chapters, they toss it aside, kissing and savoring exposed skin. if steve sheds a couple tears between chanting thank you, thank you honey, eddie doesn’t falter. tucks him into his side and cries a little too, grumbles something about how the world owes them this much, thanks his lucky stars a reformed jock took a chance on a fugitive (a cute fugitive, steve protests) even if saving the world together was a bit overkill on the foreplay.
“same time next year, eds?”
“i’ll mark my calendar, stevie.”
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maxhoemo · 6 years
lovers to strangers - ENDING
When Max awoke, he was surprised to find himself alone in bed. Maybe Ian was in the bathroom, or he’d got up already.... Rubbing his eyes, he got up and threw on his robe. Getting some water from the kitchen, it was apparent Ian wasn’t here. He thought maybe Ian had gone out to get them some breakfast. A long shot, but it could be true. It soon became apparent though that Ian wasn’t coming back. He’d abandoned him. He should have known this was all too good to be true. Ian didn’t want him. He wanted a “normal” life with a normal girl. To make his parents proud. Max felt a tear roll down his cheek. He didn’t particularly like feeling sorry for himself, but sometimes it couldn’t be helped. His life just seemed so bleak now. The only way he could see it was that he’d grow old and die alone, watching Ian live his life with someone else. Or, worse, he’d be stuck with Randi for the rest of his life. He’d either become so complicate and obedient he would basically cease to be himself. A spineless yesman giving into her every demand as quickly as possible. Forever flinching at the sound of her voice. Of course, there was always the possibility that she would simply wind up killing him before that could happen. Either on purpose, or by accident. Being awake was so depressing. He might as well go back to sleep.
Unfortunately, when your brain is a buzz with worry and stress, this can be the perfect recipe for a nightmare.
The sun was shining. The grass was so green, it was practically glowing. Max made his way through the flowery meadow, looking for somebody. For Ian. But why is he here? He see’s him, stepping through the hanging branches of a willow tree. He’s wearing a black tux. Kelly on his arm, dressed as she always was.
“Max!” Ian snarled, grabbing him by the shoulders. He’s suddenly closer than he seemed a second ago. “What are you doing here!?” he demanded.
“Nobody wants you here!” Kelly screams.
“Nobody likes you! Nobody wants you! Just get lost! Go away!” Ian begins to shake him violently. “You’re so stupid! Go away! Leave us alone! I’m sick of looking after you! Go home! Go home!” He pushes him away with all his might.
The sun is still shining, beating down on Max. He’s not in a meadow anymore, he’s walking down the sidewalk. Towards his house. Ian must have sent him home. He opens the door. Randi is there, laughing. “I knew you’d come back! Nobody likes you! Nobody wants you!” She grabs him by the arm and pulls him close. As soon as she does, she has a gun in her hand. Or was it always there? “You’re so stupid! You shouldn’t have come back!” She goes to pull the trigger...
Max’s eyes shot open. He clutched his chest as he caught his breath. He’d slept til 4pm, according to the bedside clock. He needed to get up. He needed to have a smoke. It was a habit he’d picked up to calm his nerves. Before, he would self medicate by getting drunk. But he was on edge far less frequently back then, and besides, he figured it wasn’t a good idea to be inebriated around Randi. He sat by himself at the kitchen table. Not even thinking, just staring into space. Needless to say he was rather startled when someone walked in.
“Hey, Max.”
“Ian. Why did you leave this morning?” More hurt coming through his voice than he intended.
“I know. I’m sorry. I just needed to be by myself for a while. I needed to think. I just....” He let out a sigh, taking a seat next to Max. “...Felt so guilty....”
“Guilty? You mean.... Because of her....?”
“Yeah. I don’t wanna be a cheater, you know? It doesn’t feel good...”
Max didn’t respond. He only feared the worst.
“I just... Have to make up my mind....”
“No. Ian, please don’t leave me again!” Max begged, voice breaking. “I can’t handle it this time! Please, please Ian!” He clutched his sweatshirt sleeve desperately, as if to prevent him from leaving though Ian made no move to leave.
“Max, please don’t cry....”
“I can’t help it. I love you. I need you.”
“I know. I love you too. I... I didn’t even think about cheating, I was only thinking about how badly I wanted you.”
“Ian. Don’t make me leave. I don’t care if you’re with her! You can keep me here in this house for the rest of my life! I don’t care! J-just come and use me if you feel like it.... I-I’ll watch you marry her... I’ll watch you raise your kids. I’ll babysit for you. As long as I can have some small piece of you, I’ll survive. But I can’t without you. Please. I’ll just love you in secret while you spend your life with her. I don’t mind.”
“No Max. I don’t want that life for you....”
“Please Ian, Please....” his voice quivering. “let me be your second choice.”
“No...” The thought made Ian weak. He wasn’t sure he wouldn’t break down like Max himself in a minute. “You’re not my second choice. I love you so much Max, I just wanna be with you. I don’t care about anything else anymore. I don’t care about leaving Kelly. I don’t care if my parents and my whole family disown me. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I just realized this right now, but it’s always been true. Ever since that summer we first met. I was just too scared. I forced myself to want something else, but that was so fucking stupid Max!” Gently, he lifted Max’s face from the crook of his arm and looked him in the eyes. 
“Y-you... Are you seriou-Do you really mean all that?”
“Fucking right I do! Let’s do it, Max! Let’s be together. You can move in with me.”
“Ian...” Max wrapped his arms around him, squeezing him as tightly as he could. He’d never let him get away again. “But...” his voice fell. “What about Randi? I’m still married to her....”
“Don’t worry about her!”
“B-but she’ll be so mad.... W-what if she comes looking for me.”
“She can’t hurt you anymore. I promise.” Ian pushed him away so they could look at each-other. 
“What if you can’t protect me?”
“Nobody is ever gonna hurt you again. Not her. Not anyone. Not some psycho on the street. Nobody. I promise.”
He sounded so stern and assured, Max couldn’t help but believe him. “What about you?”
“I’ll never hurt you!”
“You did... Emotionally, I mean....”
“I was fucking stupid to do that! I won’t make the same mistake twice.”
“I believe you.... Ian, this is all I’ve ever wanted. I used to daydream about this to make it through the day. If this is a dream I’m gonna be pissed.”
Ian laughed. “Me too, fuck!”
three weeks later
“Ahhh...” Max yawned, emerging from Ian’s hallway. “Morning.” Ian just chuckled. “What’s funny, cunt?”
“Morning was a while ago. It’s 3 in the afternoon, cunt.”
“Eh. That’s morning in my books. Let’s go get some of that all day breakfast.”
“Anything for you, Princess. Should I carry you there, Sleeping Beauty?” he teased, wrapping his arms around Max’s waist and hoisting him off the ground.
“Aye! Put me down. You’re gonna hurt yourself, scrawny-ass....”
“Scrawny?” he asked in fake offence, putting him back down. “Maybe it’s because my girlfriend has a big, round ass,” Ian gave him a smack to prove it. 
“That’s boyfriend....” 
“Oh sorry. I just get confused with all the panties I’m constantly picking up off the bathroom floor.”
“Fuck up,” he smirked. “You love it.”
“There’s nobody else’s mess I’d rather live in, babe.”
Max leaned over the kitchen island to give Ian a kiss as he grabbed the car keys from the other side. As he did, a second, colder wetness touched his face. He opened his eyes, laughing as he pulled away. Sohma had jumped up, her wet nose being what he felt being rubbed on his face. “Aww, she’s jealous! You want a kiss too?” He bent down, only to have his kitty let out a huge sneeze. “Ahhh, sick!”
Ian practically keeled over laughing. 
“It aint that funny....” He crinkled his nose in annoyance, wiping his face with his sleeve. 
“Hey. Even covered in cat snot, you still look beautiful.”
“Gross.... You always know just what to say.” 
“How pathetic that that’s really what I think.”
“Maybe a little...  But only a little.” 
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cognitosclowns · 2 years
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!! Any The Gang x reader valentines stuff?
ALL SFW!! (brief existential/immortality stuff w/ Myc!!)
He just <333 he gives me the vibe of smb who goes absolutely batshit for every holiday, AND he's such a naturally loving guy??? dear god valentines day is gonna be so cute??
 its a lot more like valentines week
BECAUSE,,,, he always gets a lot of ideas of stuff he wants to do, and he can never choose because they're all so good, so he ends up doing all of em??
<33333 he always wakes you up w/ breakfast anyways, but during the valentines season its SPECIFICALLY super cute breakfasts?? Like,, pancakes in the shape of hearts? eggs in the shape of lips? Scones and raspberry butter with lil heart sprinkles in it???? OUGHE its so cute
he has a tradition of giving,, multi-part gifts that all have a theme for the final gift? ( ex: all apple-themed things, the final gift is running around an apple orchard)
<33333 he tries to be subtle but usually you end up figuring it out smndsmd. even if you do, you aren’t gonna say anything bc <3333 he’s having so much fun smdnsd
tbh she struggles with gift giving? she feels like she isnt supposed to give you a gift unless,, its a special occasion? and what kind of gift is TOO much for a
VALENTINES IS KINDA HER NO-HOLDS-BARRED KINDA HOLIDAY <3 where she doesn’t need to worry about making something TOO sappy or too big
LIKE <333 just this giant folder w/ photos and memos and half-legible scribbles?? <333 its her own little way of easing her mind when it comes to thinking of smth nice to get you!!
<33 this means you usually end up getting,,, Care Boxes?? Absolutely jam packed w/ stuff because she kept thinking it wasn’t enough <3
OH <333 her ideal date is a nap. genuinely if you just surprise her w/ ‘oh i cleared your schedule, wanna cozy up on the couch and slip into a coma?’ she will <3333333333333333333
<3333 OH expect to be positively hounded with notes <333
SHE HIDES EM EVERYWHERE DURING THE 13TH FOR YOU TO DESCOVER ON YOUR OWN!!!! little compliments, things she loves about you, lovey-dovey little thoughts shes had about you <3
You absolutely won't find all of them on valentines day, so <333 sometimes you'll get little surprises during the weeks after. It's extremely cute
OH <333 you'd expect something super big and fancy but she much prefers <3333 smth small and personal. It's easy to do smth super big and bright but,, <333 she likes to take the time to set up smth cute
IDEALLY??? A little weekend getaway to her cottage up north <333 its a little chilly but you two aren't going anywhere!!!
It's really nice <33 it reminds her of a simpler time where she didn't have quite so much to worry about smnsd. Sometimes she kinda misses having a normal life <3
JUST <333 all cozied up by the fireplace, giggling about nothing in particular and sipping cocoa <3333 oughghe <3333
HE,,,, probably doesn’t really celebrate valentines? i have the feeling that he sees himself as,, ‘Too Mature’ for it, etc, etc. Valentines was never really a thing his parents did growing up, its not smth him and his ex-wife did?
doesn’t even need to be smth big <333 a simple dinner-date and some new cufflinks and he’s gonna be putty in your hands <3333
OH AND,, if you bring him flowers he’ll 10000% gonna huff about how its such a Girly Gift, etc... but there’s also no way in hell he’s gonna throw em out. 
he might even snip them when they start wilting, and leave them by his windowsill so they can dry out and preserve <333 for all his hemming and hawing, he really does appreciate the gesture <333 oughghgeouehe
he isn’t really the type for Grant gestures? He likes little stuff <333 just,, stuff he knows you like. Making your favorite dinner, or a few cases of your favorite drink - some little stuff to show he cares, and make the day a bit more special!!
oH he is wayyyyy too nervous to read it out loud or,, even be in the room while you read it but <333 expect a little letter on your bedside while he’s in the shower.
OH <3333 and what y’all do with your day is entirely dependent on you!!!
Because yeah ofc you two could go to a Rave or,, some assorted wacky shenanigans and he’d love that BUT <33 IF YOU’D RATHER STAY IN W/ TAKEOUT AND CHEESY MOVIES THEN HE’D ALSO LOVE THAT?? He’s extremely pliable 
<3 tbh as long as he’s with you he doesn’t really care!!
‘you wouldn’t have anything to do with the wad of cash that mysteriously appeared on my desk this morning?’
‘How dare you imply I care about you ;)’
‘mhm <3′
YEAH HE <333 isn’t really the sort for mushy gifts - he’s much more practical? Also his,, concept of time is kinda skewed? He’s been around for so long!! He knows that most gifts get tossed or eventually lose their use, and he doesn’t see the point of getting you smth Sappy Just Because It’s Expected?
like sure he COULD get you some super expensive glitzy necklace but,,,,,,
MONEY THOUGH??? Nah that shits always gonna be useful and appreciated!!
(ALSO ALL OF THIS MEANS,, the rare GIFT gifts he gets you are,, surprisingly thoughtful?? Its stuff you’re gonna love for a really long time. It always feels super out of nowhere but <333 you never say that bc its such a lovely, unexpected surprise <33 oughghoughoughge)
OH <333 YOU KNOW THIS LITTLE RICH BOY IS GONNA GO ALL OUT. Nobody is pulling him away from you <3
there’s maybe,, 3 times a year where his phone is gonna be completely off <3 AND THIS IS ONE OF EM SO HE REALLY LOOKS FORWARD TO IT <333
you always insist that,, he should keep his phone on him in case smth goes wrong but NOPE HE RARELY HAS AN EXCUSE TO BE UNPLUGGED FROM THE CHAOS OF COGNITO AND GOD DAMMIT HE’S GONNA TAKE ANY CHANCE HE CAN <333
<333 yea he’s bringing you to a fancy restaurant, we all knew that, but afterwards? The sky’s the limit.
helicopter rides are his personal favorite, because Virginia looks beautiful from up so high, but if you’re not a fan of heights then its BOAT TIME <333
‘‘‘‘dinky’’‘‘‘ its still big but not quite,, Mega Yacht levels of big?? A small staff for the kitchen + to make sure it doesn’t steer into any rocks. Something a bit more subtle and special - he rarely takes it out except for the two of you <3
SNIFFLES LOUDLY <333 having dinner near a balcony area under the light of the moon <333 the soft sound of the ocean <333 ougghhgoughe
it’s extremely sappy and he wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s exactly what you deserve <3
OH he absolutely hates valentines day. He sees it as ‘dull human nonsense’, etc, etc and will tell you as much.
‘you didn’t get me anything then?’
‘what? of course I did. do you think so little of me? ;)’
yeah he’s a hypocrite but honestly what’d you expect <333 cause sure, Valentines Day is mostly just another opportunity for companies to make money BUT <3 that doesn’t mean he can’t use it as an excuse
besides, he’s a hopeless romantic at heart <3 and yeah, the heart-shaped candies are kinda cute. Sue him.
OH <333 he enlists Gigi’s help in actually,, setting stuff up, since he’s currently in Tube Jail and unable to buy stuff for you </3 they make the basement area all cozy w/ a bunch of pillows and blankets so you can sleep down there <3 ouguughgoughhee
It’s a 20/80 on whether or not it works.
IF IT DOES??? <333 a little bracelet/ring made using some of his metal, probably engraved w/ your initials? <33333
some part of him distantly hates that he can’t,,,,,, take you anywhere. or hand you the gift himself. or give you a kiss. >:(
BUT ALSO <333 he can appreciate just having you near him <333 for now that will be enough
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outlustings · 2 years
i saw you did Eddie and that was Top Tier takes... can you do naughty abc's for Miles? 👀 love reading your smut, it's *chefs kiss*
(my essays sitting in microsoft word with 40 words in them, watching me write porn: >:(
also thank you <3 haha i love writing smut because when i write fluff/angst/whatever people are like oh that's very nice but people lose their minds over some cock and balls and it gives me life.
also miles likes toys and public sex so if ur not into that sorry but skip this lmao!!!! ur loss babe.)
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Aftercare | Miles is very attentive when it comes to aftercare. He'll spring up immediately (even if on wobbly legs) and go fetch some towels and get a bath running. Will constantly ask if his partner is okay, to the point where it gets annoying, but in an endearing way. But sometimes, when the fuck has been too good, he'll just lay there with a glazed over look in his eyes and a lazy grin, just trying to recover. Then it's his partner who has to do all the work and make sure he gets back to this world in an orderly manner. After cleaning up, lots of cuddles. Maybe takeout.
Body part | He loves a good, chunky ass. The more it jiggles when he fucks his partner from behind, the better. On his own body, he likes his legs. He has beautiful, defined calves. Would you believe me if I told you he runs a lot?
Cum | Let's just say Miles drinks pineapple juice on the daily. He likes to make sure his partner is craving for him to cum down their throat, begging for his musky, bittersweet, potent seed. Also, Miles cums a lot. Lots of precum, too. Quite the load to take.
Dirty secret | If his partner wears panties, he will want to masturbate with them. Something about the naughtiness of his partner's used panties wrapped around his cock as he pumps it on lonely nights, hoping he'd get caught and maybe - he'd get punished.
Experience | Miles has had a few boyfriends and girlfriends in his college times, so he knows what to do and is confident about it. Knows what works and what doesn't and a lot of techniques he's learned from here and there.
Favorite position | Doggy and reverse-anything. Pretty much every position where he can grab his partner's ass or pull their hair from behind, leaning in to whisper sweet, giggly nothings into his partner's ear as his thrusts grow sloppy and erratic as he's about to cum.
Goofy | Miles is very goofy and non-serious, especially when it comes to aftercare and even foreplay. When things get intense, he'll of course shut up (save for his moaning), but he'll be cracking jokes, making sure to ask if his partner's okay or if he needs to adjust that pillow under their hips before diving in - basically, Miles likes to keep the atmosphere light and loving with no shame or discomfort involved. Unless it's a roleplay situation or his partner specifically asks him to be serious, he'll be acting funny all the time.
Hair | Honestly, Miles likes everything to be neat and well groomed when it comes to his downstairs area. But he can sometimes get a little wild with it. He's definitely the kind of guy to run to his partner after the shower and drop his towel and present what wonky shape ("It's a heart, babe - does it really look like a triangle to you? What the hell?") he just shaved in on his pubes, razor burn and all. It's kind of adorable.
Intimacy | Miles is always very intimate and romantic, even when he's spitting in his partner's mouth or spanking them. He's always loving and kind of sappy, lots of compliments and sweet talk throughout, mixed in with little jokes.
Jack off | He masturbates pretty often. It's just a habit, especially if his partner and him live apart. Sometimes he just needs a good orgasm before going on with his day. He'll be kind of annoyed with his body, though, and will reluctantly pull down his jeans while spitting into his hand, but the frustration melts away as soon as he starts to deal with his little problem.
Kink | Exhibitionism, maybe a little bit of voyeurism, mutual masturbation and watching porn together, face sitting, clothed sex and frottage.
Location | His jeep, the bathroom of a bar, against the washing machine - the more unorthodox and semi-public (or very public) the more he likes it. Gets his adrenaline pumping. But he can't deny his soft and comfortable bed is probably the best for everyone's backs. And sanity.
Motivation | PDA. If his partner is all over him outside of the house, he's toast. He'll want to bend them over the nearest surface, even if it's out in public. Of course he won't, but it doesn't change the fact that he gets painfully hard if his partner teases him in public. Also just the usual lovey dovey stuff gets him going. Cuddling always turns into him being all handsy.
No | Petplay and ageplay. He thinks it's weird. Not up his alley.
Oral | When Miles needs to unwind for the day, he'll ask his partner if they can give him a blowjob. But in almost every other scenario, he prefers giving oral rather than receiving. Mostly because he doesn't really know what to do with himself when he's being blown - his hands will wander as he's basically just begging to touch his partner. He needs to be tied up if his partner wants to drain his balls with their mouth. Otherwise he'll just be too eager to return the favour.
Pace | Miles is quite fast, when he's very horny or otherwise pent up. Clothes flying off, sloppy, quick kisses, all that. But he'll slow down if his sweetheart asks him to. He'll blush and apologize profusely for being too fast - but once he's balls deep, all thoughts of taking things slow disappear from his mind.
Quickie | Quickies are one of his favourite things. He likes the casual nature of a good quickie, loves how his partner has to fix themselves up before leaving the room so that nothing's suspicious. Semi-public quickies, car quickies, things like that turn him on so much. It also comes down to the risk factor - will he be able to make his partner cum on his tongue before their lunch break ends? It's almost like a challenge to him and he loves it. Miles loves quickies.
Risk | Miles likes to experiment. And his exhibitionism is also very risky sometimes, as it is dependent on taking risks in public. So, overall, he enjoys a little bit of risk with everything he does.
Stamina | Miles has pretty good stamina. Especially with a cockring, he could go for an hour or so without getting tired at all. He can go two rounds at most before his body shuts down, though. He wants more but his brain tells him not to.
Toys | Miles owns so many toys. He'll definitely use them on himself as well as on his partner. He loves using toys on his partner because he thinks it's incredibly arousing so see someone lost in pleasure. In his opinion, toys exist to augment fantasies and make sex more enjoyable - and who doesn't want that? Miles loves those couple vibrators, too. And mutual masturbation with a whole arsenal of sex toys at his and his partner's disposal. He also loves writing reviews on them. Anonymously, of course.
Unfair | Teasing depends on Miles' mood. Sometimes, when he's feeling super frisky, he'll be very teasing and unfair in the bedroom. However, he also just loves giving in, having cuddly sex where no one gets teased.
Volume | Miles mostly lets out little grunts and groans here and there, but when he cums, he'll be very loud, hissing through his teeth, letting needy moans spill from his lips. Lots of swearing, too.
Wild card | He has a "sex playlist" on Spotify but he always forgets to put it on so it just sits in his library.
X-ray | His cock is a solid six and a half inches with a thick shaft and a somewhat smaller glans. Uncut. Firm balls. Curved, perfect for those hard-to-reach spots.
Yearning | Miles has a pretty high sex drive, but he'll respect his partner's wishes, if they have a lower libido. That's what all of his toys are for, not to mention his hand!
Zzz | Miles will not fall asleep afterwards, at least not very quickly. Miles gets a little boost of energy from his orgasm, but when it fades out, he'll feel pretty tired.
161 notes · View notes
teasty · 3 years
hold on tight || b.c (m)
"hi! can you write something about streetracer!chan x f reader where things got heated up 🥺🥺 i really like your works by the way, kiss yourself really is one of my jisung’s fav fic !!" - anon
a/n: holyashjdljzhldsa just the thought of streetracer!chan makes me... omg i don’t even KNOW, i'd actually go crazy... and omg tysm! that means so much to me :,( and you're gonna have to excuse me since there's so many things heated could mean i'm just gonna make it angsty and smutty,, also kinda went off for a fluffy ending because it's bang chan, the christiano bangnaldo, how can i not???
● pairing: bang chan x (fem) reader
● genre: a lil bit of fluff at the beginning | angst | smut (mdi!)
● warnings: chan acts like a dick but he really isn't | illegal gambling/street racing | established relationship | angry sex | (of course) car sex | hair pulling | degradation + praise | dom!chan, sub!reader | fighting :( | semi - public sex | profanity | suggestive dialogue | reader slaps chan once :( | unprotected sex (please be safe!) | choking | kind of a quickie???? | super happy ending because i'm sappy like that
● requested? yes!
● words: 8.7k
→ summary:
You’ve never known about your boyfriend’s secret and very illegal job, if you could even call it that.
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"Shut up, buckle up and hold on tight 'cause it's gonna be one hell of a night for us, darling."
It’s a cold, rainy night. You’re waiting comfortably on the couch, sitting there wrapped up in one of Chan’s blankets, waiting ever so patiently for his return. He’s not usually out this late, neither did his job usually end this late. Your mind was getting the worst kinds of ideas as you held your phone in your hand, more worry than anger coming over you. You couldn’t be mad at him, really, you were just worried something happened to him, since he wasn’t picking up your calls or even looking at your texts.
It’s around midnight, and you swore you wouldn’t sleep until you watched Chan, in all his glory, walk through the front door of your guys’s shared apartment. You’ve been dating Chan for years, ever since high school. And, now, even after graduating college and finding a stable job and apartment, Chan still tended to keep things from you. It was a bad habit of his, yes, but you couldn’t really be too mad at him for it. Besides, you’ll be able to help him out of that habit. Once he comes back, at least.
To wait, you decided to watch a bit of television to let your mind wander from the thought of something bad happening to Chan. Of course, the subtle thought of him cheating crossed your mind a few times, but Chan’s only ever been the most loyal and dedicated boyfriend, even past his pretty hard shell. He acts pretty tough sometimes, but you know that he’s just a little bit insecure about himself on the inside. Which, to you, is completely normal. Everyone’s at least a little bit insecure. You couldn’t blame him for that.
Getting with Chan was actually very difficult at first. You both had a rocky start before you started dating, since Chan was kind of like the cliche popular bad boy, and you were the snarky book nerd. You both started off arguing and bickering about everything. But, when you both got closer and closer, you began to see a softer, kinder side to him. And, like magic, you two started dating. You don’t really remember how it happened. It might’ve been just Chan saying, “Wanna date me?” or something like that just ‘cause it’s simple. However, getting it past your parents about your relationship with Chan was the most difficult in the world. They did not approve of him whatsoever. Even today, they’re still cautious of him even though Chan’s already proven his loyalty to you and swore to your parents that he’d never lay an aggressive finger on you.
You’re parents didn’t really like him because of his choice of outfits and friends, which was a stupid way to judge somebody in your opinion. So, no matter how many times they tried to break things off or distance you from Chan, you two always found your way back to each other. Though it was fun, all the sneaking out at three in the morning, saying you’re going over to a friends house when you’re really going to go see Chan and all the late night calls in a hushed tone, you’re glad you can finally relax about it and live peacefully with Chan without the need to sneak around.
But, your mind hasn’t been so peaceful these last few hours. There’s still no sign of Chan and no opened messages. You gave up on calling him after the fifth call had gone unanswered, and just decided to wait. Clutching your phone to your chest in case he were to call or text. Your eyes switch between the screen and the front door (which led into the living room).
You nearly jumped out of your blanket when your phone started ringing obnoxiously loud. Your heart beat loudly as you scrambled to look at the caller’s I.D. And, thankfully, it’s Chan. You’ve never answered so quickly.
“Chan?” Your excited voice squeaked out when you brought the phone close to your ear, a bright smile etching over your lips. Just happy that he’s in contact with you.
“Hey, darling,” Chan’s voice was husky and tired, and a little deeper than you remember. He must be exhausted, and you wondered if he had to stay late at work, “I’m so sorry for being out late. I’ll be home soon.”
“Alright… Is everything okay? What were you doing out so late?” You ask carefully, wrapping the blanket tightly around you.
“Work. My boss had me work over time. I would have texted you, but I was pretty busy,” in the distance, you can hear the sound of his car’s engine. He must be driving pretty fast. Chan also has a really nice car he saved up for and worked really hard for. It’s a smaller, good looking and really, really fast car. You could recognize that engine anywhere.
“Oh… I’m sorry about that,” You respond after a moment.
“It’s alright. Nothing to worry too much over,” you can hear Chan’s smile even through the phone, “And, by the way, could you do something for me before I get home?”
“Could you make me something small to eat? I didn’t have the chance to eat dinner at work. If you could do that, that’d be so great, baby.” Chan says, and you get up off of the couch. Already heading for the kitchen.
“I could make you some jjajangmyeon? We have all the ingredients,” you say, surfing through your pantry.
“That’d be great, (Y/N). Thank you,” Chan sighs through the phone, and you pull out the ingredients.
“Of course. When will you be home?” You ask before he could hang up.
“I’ll be home in the next ten to fifteen minutes, at the least.” He says, and you can hear the engine get a little bit louder behind him, “I have to focus on the road. I’ll be home soon. I love you, baby.”
“Love you, too, Chan.” You respond, and hang up. Now with the satisfaction and the relief of knowing Chan’s coming home, you separate the ingredients out and start cooking (thank god you took that home economics class back in high school. You couldn’t cook for shit before that). Since Jjajangmyeon is a pretty slow cooked dish, you try your best with temperature control to fit it into the timeframe for when Chan gets home, wanting it to be ready for him.
You had your hair tied back as you cooked, occasionally looking up to watch the television, which was still on the random news channel from before. It talked about things you weren’t too interested in, so you only kept it on for background noise.
You were so immersed in cooking, you didn’t even notice the door slamming open and closed and a pair of heavy footsteps walking up to the kitchen. You jumped when Chan’s arms wrapped around your waist, his chin planting itself on your shoulder. He laughs tiredly at your reaction, and you turn to give him a subtle glare, but your smile deceived you.
“Hey, baby. I’m sorry for coming home so late. I promise it wasn’t my intention,” Chan grumbles out, his words low and slightly slurred, mostly because he’s tired.
“It’s alright, don’t apologize,” you chuckle softly as you arrange two portions of the jjajangmyeon into two different bowls. Chan watches silently over your shoulder, “I’m just glad you’re home. You worried me. Please text me next time, before you stay overtime and don’t bother texting me. I worry a lot, you know?”
“I know, (Y/N). I know you worry too much for your own good,” Chan smiles softly, chuckling tiredly, “It’s one of the reasons I love you so much.”
You smile, flustered, and raise a warm hand to press against Chan’s cheek, turning your head to press a loving kiss to his temple, which is cold, even in the warm kitchen. “Dinner’s ready. Do you want to eat in bed?”
“Not if you’ll make me do the dishes directly afterwards,” Chan lets go of you to take his dish, and you take yours.
You cock a brow at him, “I was going to make you do them anyways. You’re not getting out of it that easily.” You giggle and tap his nose with the tip of your finger. “Come on. Take mine, too. I’ll shut everything down.” You hand your bowl to Chan, who takes it quickly as you scurry around, turning off the television. Turning off lights and putting the dishes in the sink.
Once Chan’s changed into more comfortable wear and you’re both comfortable in bed, watching some show on the TV while eating. Time at home was usually like this; relaxing. You’re cuddled up to Chan while he ate slowly. Once you both finished, you placed them on the nightstands for the time being.
Chan was asleep instantly. You were up a bit longer, still a bit run on adrenaline from worrying so much earlier, despite knowing you have to be up early for work. Chan didn’t have to work till the afternoon, but you had to be up early since you’re a librarian at the local public high school. Chan’s an assistant producer and works under a decently big entertainment company. It’s quite the drastic difference, but you being a pretty big book worm yourself, you decided it would be fun to be a librarian (mostly using your literature degree), even if it’s stressful at times. Chan’s work, however, is much more tedious than your own. Where you can usually go at your own pace, he has more strict deadlines and sometimes more difficult work.
So, you let Chan sleep on your stomach. His arms wrapped around you securely as his face nuzzled into the soft fabric of the oversized shirt you were wearing. You were up a bit longer, watching the TV while running your hands through Chan’s soft hair. Enjoying the moment for the time being before you, yourself, drifted off into a deep sleep.
You were the first one to wake up the next morning, per usual. You woke up to your alarm that Chan thankfully slept through. You got ready as quickly and quietly as you could. Since you work in a pretty professional environment, you wear something modest, but fits well with the fall weather and your fashion style. You wore a white long sleeved shirt and a pair of black slacks under a jacket with your university’s logo on it and a pair of sneakers. They weren’t too big on dress code for the teachers at the school, but the students still had to wear uniforms.
Before you left, you made Chan lunch for the day and yourself a lunch. You even bothered to wake him up briefly to give him a kiss goodbye and that you’ll be back early afternoon, although he’ll probably be at work, then. Chan, although three fourths asleep, gave you a tight hug and a kiss with a slurred ‘Love you’ before plopping back onto the bed and instantly falling back asleep.
Although Chan had quite the expensive car, he wasn’t quite fond of you driving it. You have your own car, and it’s fine. Mostly used to drive to and from work and nothing more, since most other things you were with Chan, so you both usually took his car. It’s not so much a matter of richer and poorer, his car just had more little trinkets and things that are just more convenient. You’re not completely sure what model his car is, all you know is that it’s expensive.
The school isn’t too far. It’s actually a ten minute drive from your apartment. You have to make it there pretty early, so the roads aren’t jam packed like they would be when Chan has to drive to work. So, you have a bit of an advantage there. When you get there, you’re met with the people in the front office, who bow respectfully to you, and you make your way to the library.
You set up at the large, round desk. You especially like being a librarian, because it’s quiet. You don’t think you’d do too well as a teacher, so you settled for a librarian since it was a good and easy way to use your literature degree and put it to good use, other than the fact you’re writing a novel, but that’s a whole other story (hehet).
It’s about half an hour before some students pile in, bidding you good morning and sitting down at the tables to study for whatever assignment or test they have, or to finish homework. Some of them go around to look at books, but most just sit by their lonesome and work on whatever while blasting profane music into their poor ears.
You were busying yourself going through overdue books, and emailing parents about student’s overdue books. You were immersed in your work, so you were somewhat shocked when someone tapped your shoulder. When you turned, you were met with the smiling face of your coworker. A middle aged, pretty woman named Jung Migyeong, who gave you the permission to call her ‘unnie’. She’s considerably your work - best friend. She’s the only person who really delved into conversation with you, unlike most of the other teachers who only talked to you about whatever book they’re class reading or for book suggestions (and you just choose the first book in the library that comes to mind).
“Oh, you scared me!” You giggle in a hushed tone, and Eunmi smiled brightly, her motherly aura giving you a sense of calmness.
“Sorry, sorry!” Eunmi sits on your desk, more leaning against it. Eunmi is really a pretty lady. Her hair is cut short to her shoulders, and she never wears makeup. Her natural tone is without blemishes or acne. She always wears pretty dresses to work, and she always carries around her purse for some odd reason. “I wanted to catch up with you. I didn’t realize you were so immersed in your work. I should’ve known, you’re more responsible than half the teachers here.”
“I try, I really do,” You respond, leaning back in the chair and smiling up at her, “Do you have a free period for the first hour?”
Eunmi nods, “Yes, I do. They switched it up just ‘cause of something wrong in the student's schedules. But, that’s past the point. How have things been going? In the home life?”
You shrug a shoulder, your smile dropping, “It’s… going. My boyfriend didn’t come home until, like, twelve - thirty last night. He said he had to stay late for work, but I don’t get it, Eunmi. He wouldn’t answer my calls or texts, and I don’t think his job prevents him from at least opening a text until he gets off, you know?”
“You said he’s a producer, right?” Eunmi asks, her head tilting down to look at you more clearly. You nod, “Well, he might’ve been busy with the idol. It’s pretty difficult work, I’m surprised he’s been able to keep up with it well.”
“Well, he came home hungry and tired,” you sigh again, “Which is weird because if he stays late he usually grabs something from the kitchen at the company building or fast food and eats it before he comes home. But, he was hungry… not super hungry, but I made him jjajangmyeon.”
"Jajangmyeon?" Eunmi’s head tilts, and one brow lifts and she scoffs, “That’s like a fifty minute dinner.”
“Not if you toy around with the temperatures, no,” you smile, and Eunmi shrugs a shoulder, “Eh, I was the one who suggested it to him. It’s one of his favorites, and he sounded exhausted and overworked so I though, you know, might as well. But, after eating, he was out like a light. You wouldn’t think that producing would make someone so tired.”
“You never know,” Eunmi reassures, “You seem to be really worried about this. You don’t think he’s cheating, do you?”
You quickly shake your head, “No, no! I know him, and I know that he would never do that to me. I think he’s just trying to hide something from me. I’m not mad at him, I just don’t want him to keep anything from me.”
“You’re not mad… yet!” Eunmi corrects, and your lips purse, “If he’s really hiding something from you, it must be pretty big. I would personally be surprised if you were able to keep your temper if you found out whatever it is he’s hiding. Cheating or not.”
You’ve never really been one to get extremely mad or even start arguments. As said before, you and Chan did have petty arguments back in high school, but since then, you’ve both matured. Chan always shut down a fight if you were getting too agitated, and you were usually never the first one to start up an argument, since your patience isn’t as thin as before. You will admit, though, you’d be decently upset if you found out Chan really was hiding something from you. You trust him so much, you thought there should’ve been nothing to hide.
“I suppose you’re right,” you lean your head against your hand, resting your elbow on the desk, “If there’s a good chance, I’ll talk to him about it tonight. If I want things to really work out with him, then there has to be complete trust and honesty with each other.”
“That’s the spirit,” Eunmi proudly says, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder.
“I want to spend the rest of my life with him, unnie,” you admit shamelessly, and Eunmi smiles wistfully, “I want to grow old with him. But I don’t want to live waking up every day at four in the morning and coming home to no one for hours on end. And, sometimes he won't come till midnight or morning.”
“Well, my husband and I used to have a lot of secrets, too. That we kept from each other,” Eunmi admits, reassuring you that you’re not the only one going through something like this, “The only way we were able to sort things through was by sitting down and talking to each other. Just telling all of our secrets to each other, even if they’re embarrassing or stupid. Just knowing the fact that we can trust each other with everything gives us that reassurance that we’re meant to be. Honesty is everything.”
You look down, thinking about the advice Eunmi had just given you, and you swallow down the growing lump of frustration in your throat, “Thank you for the advice, unnie. It means a lot to me.”
“Of course. I’m always free to talk, and you have my number if anything happens,” Eunmi smiles fondly, “And my doors are always open to you. I’ve spoken to my husband about you and he said that he’s always willing to keep our doors open. Just in case anything happens. You can’t be too careful, right?”
“Right,” you smile, flustered by Eunmi’s kindness, “Thank you so much. I’m… you’re right. If the worst of the worst happens and I’m booted out of my own apartment, then I’m at least glad to know that there’s some place I can go to that’s not three cities over.”
Eunmi laughs softly, and you laugh along with her, “I’m glad. Anyways, it’s about that time. I’m going to start heading back to my classroom. Let Chan know that I said hello, and that I wish you both well. Good luck, (Y/N).”
“Thanks, unnie. I’ll call you later,” you wave briefly as Eunmi makes her way out of the library, students bowing briefly to her as she passes.
You’re glad to have a friend like Eunmi. You’re lucky to have someone open their doors to you. Sometimes, you wonder if Eunmi views you as a younger sister, since she constantly rambles on and on about how she loves being called unnie or noona by her younger coworkers, even if she’s among the younger teachers. She’s like the sister you’ve never had. Sure, things had to be professional, but you’d like to spend more time with her out of the workplace. That would be fun.
The rest of the day is pretty slow. You had a few classes come in to pick up literature books, math books and to check out some books, but that was really it. You didn’t see Eunmi again, and left a few hours after the school closed. There was a bit of traffic on the way home, but it was mostly cleared up.
When you got home, you weren’t surprised to be met with an empty house. No sign of Chan, except the lunch you made him was gone, meaning he took it with him, thankfully, and he left a cute little note on a sticky note saying his thanks to you for making it for him. Which he usually did for you (you never bothered to throw them away. You actually kept them all in a little cigar box for safekeeping. Why? You didn’t know. You just felt like it.)
Like every day when you come home, you change into a pair of more comfortable clothing, which was just one of Chan’s hoodies you took out of his side of the closet, and a pair of ripped jeans. Since Chan didn’t do the dishes before he left, like you thought he would, you decided to do them to pass the time. In doing so, you turned on the TV for some background noise as you rolled up your sleeves to start scrubbing the dishes.
However, your attention was soon caught by the TV when the regular news anchor started talking about crime. At first, it was just about a robbery that took place in uptown, and that didn’t really suit your interest. What did catch your attention, enough to turn off the faucet and ignore the dishes to watch the TV, was when an all - too familiar black car with tinted windows and no license plate appeared on the screen, and there was a red car, too, but you didn’t recognize that one.
You turned up the volume, “Today, police are trying to look for these cars with no license plates caught on camera last night. They were suspected to be illegally street racing and gambling last night at around eleven o’ clock at night before being caught on security footage of a hotel nearby. If you can identify these cars, please contact the police immediately. One has been identified as a black Ferrari SF90 Stradale. The other has yet to be identified. If you see anything suspicious on the streets, please contact authorities. Here’s a clearer picture of both cars.”
And, that’s when it sparked you. One of the pictures of the black Ferrari was of the front. Despite the tinted window, you could clearly see a black ice Little Tree air freshener hanging from the mirror and a familiar hand gripping the wheel tightly. How could you recognize it? Despite the low quality, you can see a familiar ring on the middle finger. A celtic design Chan loved so much.
“Oh… my fucking god,” your mouth drops open as realization hits, and you immediately dash to the bedroom to yank open Chan’s dresser drawer, one left vacant for paperwork to “keep things safe”, and you pull out his insurance for his car. And, there it is, in plain sight. Ferrari SF90 Stradale. Color; black. Windows; tinted. At first, shock pools through you. Doubt climbing up. There’s no way Chan’s a criminal. There’s no way that he’s the one in the Ferrari. It has to be someone else.
But, there was only one way to find out. You had to be sure it was him.
So, you grabbed your purse and your keys and threw on a pair of slip - on vans. The sun was already setting, and you nearly forgot to lock up before running to your car. Barely unlocking it before you throw yourself into it, not even bothering to buckle your seatbelt before driving off to god knows where. Your gut leading you, immediately driving towards the area shown on the news. You pull out your phone, trusting the wheel in one hand as you pull up Chan’s profile and call him, pressing the phone to your ear.
The ringing carries on and on until the familiar voice of Chan speaks up, telling you that he’s not available and to leave a message after the beep.
“Oh, fuck off!” You scream at your phone before trying to call him again. Again and again it led to voicemail. Voicemail after voicemail. You couldn’t text him, not with you driving.
After the tenth call, you let out a frustrated yell, hitting your wheel with your palm and trying your best not to cry. You might be overreacting, since there’s a large chance that it isn’t Chan. But, for some reason, you believed it. You believed, at least somewhat, that it was Chan’s car. That it was Chan in the car. You didn’t want to believe it, but you did.
And your questions coursing through your mind were soon answered when you pulled up to the spot from the news, it now twilight, the sun just being set over the city’s horizon. You pulled onto an empty freeway, and parked in an alley between two buildings. There’s a group of people and a ton of expensive cars around the freeway. There were people crowded around a table. Some girls sat on top of cars, talking and laughing to each other while wearing vulgar and revealing clothes. Your brows furrow, deciding to stay low for a while. You turn off the engine to your car and watch carefully, gripping your phone in your hand. They seemed to be enjoying themselves, popping beer bottles, laughing and talking amongst themselves.
But, it’s when the sound of a loud engine came into earshot, and everyone, including you, turned to see the source of the sound. The moment the crowd of people see who it is, they start to cheer loudly. Throwing up their hands. However, your mouth falls open once more as the black Ferrari SF90 Stradale with tinted windows and a black ice Little Tree air freshener hanging from the rear - view mirror. It pulls up to the crowd, and they all part to make way for it.
Instead of shock or sadness, anger and rage begins to boil inside of you, and you grip your steering wheel tightly as you watch Chan, Christopher Bang, step out of the car. People pat his shoulder, and he smiles widely at them. Giving a few people hugs and even smiling to some of the women, who tried to steal a hug from him, too. He’s wearing clothes you don’t ever remember seeing. He wears a black leather jacket over a white button up and black skinny jeans. You’d be impressed by how good he looks if you weren’t so upset.
You didn’t even have to look at your phone as you pulled up Chan’s profile and called him, pressing the phone roughly to your ear.
“Pick up… Pick the fuck up,” you grumble under your breath as you watch Chan. He pulls his phone out of his pocket, and looks at it briefly.
Not even hesitating to hang up.
As you heard the familiar sound of Chan’s sweet voice telling you he’s not available at the moment and to leave a message after the beep, you finally have enough courage to get out of your car. Slamming the door shut and making your way out of the alley. They’re not too far, but it's a long enough walk for you to catch the eye of some people. You don’t even pause to rethink your decisions when a girl taps the chest of one of the guys, who glares at you with a raised brow.
The man that glared at you stepped away from the crowd, and you could barely see Chan over the people. He walks over to you, and you stop when the man is right in front of you, peering down you. The smell of cheap beer oozing off of him.
“And who the fuck are you?”
“Chan’s girlfriend, now get the fuck out of my way,” you try to push past him, but he grabs you by the arm. Tightly, too. Probably tight enough to leave a bruise after a while. “Hey! Let go of me.”
“No can do, princess,” the man says, smirking mercilessly down at you, his grip not loosening one bit, “Whether or not you’re Chan’s bitch doesn’t matter to me. It’s either you leave or I take you home and we have a good time. Well, I will, at least.” So, you tried to yank your arm from his, trying your best not to use your free hand to punch him in the face.
“Where’s Chan? Bring him to me.” You demand, and the man scoffs, chuckling.
“Fine, have it your way,” the man turns his head towards the crowd, a few people watch, and he says, “Grab Chan. This chick says she’s his girlfriend.” A few of them laugh at him, thinking it’s a joke. But, you stand your ground, glaring through the crowd. One of the people that laughed pushed through a few people. It takes a minute, and there’s a tense silence between you and the man as you try to pry his hand off.
But, as you suspected, a smiling Chan pushes through, but his smile instantly drops when he sees you.
“Hey, Chan. This chick’s babbling on about being your girl. Should I kick-”
“Get your hands off her right now before I shoot you in the face.” Chan interrupts, anger lacing his dark, deep voice. The man holding your arm instantly lets go and steps away, his hands rising in defense. Mumbling something about just ‘trying to keep things safe’. Once the man is away, Chan walks up to you, now being the one tightly gripping your arms. Leaning down so his face is close to yours.
“Why are you here, (Y/N)? Why the hell are you here?” He asks harshly, his voice full of surprise and desperation. He even shakes you slightly.
“You seriously thought I wouldn’t find out?” You snap, ignoring his question all together, “You thought I was dumb enough to let this go under? Well, I’ve been dumb for too long, Christopher. I’m not going to be like that anymore.” You know he’s not too big a fan of being called by his real name, but you do it anyway.
“Go home (Y/N). I’ll explain everything to you afterwards.” Chan says, placing a hand on your shoulder, trying to turn you away.
“No!” You yell, pushing his arms off you, “I am not going home, Chan! I am staying with you. I need to know what the hell all of this is. Right. Now.” You demand, and Chan shakes his head.
“No. You’re going home, (Y/N),” Chan tries to push you away again, his hands gripping your shoulders tightly and trying to turn you from the curious crowd. However, you weren’t going to be let off so easily. You swiftly turned around, letting your flying hand come in contact with Chan’s cheek. Smacking him. You made sure not to backhand him, knowing how much that could hurt. Besides, you don’t want to hurt him too much, you just want to get your point across, and he wasn’t listening to your words. He lets go of you again, his head flinging to the side because of the impact.
“I said no. I’m staying here,” You repeat yourself, and Chan’s eyes no longer lace with aggression, but worry. He doesn’t seem upset that you hit him. In fact, he seems to gloss over it. “I need to know what’s going on-”
You weren’t able to finish your sentence until Chan grabs you by the wrist and pulls you into the crowd. They part to make way for him, and you aren’t able to muster out a sentence before Chan unlocked his car and shoves you forcefully into the passenger seat.
“Chan, what -”
“Shut up, buckle up and hold on tight ‘cause it’s gonna be one hell of a night for us, darling,” Chan snaps, and your lips clamp close at his harsh words. You didn’t expect that out of him. You could nearly cry right there. Chan backs away and slams the door shut, and you quickly scramble to put the seatbelt on as Chan yells something at the crowd, and they erupt in cheers. A few people scramble to get into different cars, and the rest stay back, keeping their distance. However, Chan didn’t seem too pleased as he walked around the car and into the passenger’s seat, locking the doors.
“Quiet,” Chan snaps, revving the engine of the car. You can faintly hear the cheer of the onlookers behind as Chan pulls alongside the other three cars. A young woman wearing small shorts and an exposed shirt too small for fall walks ahead, and pulls a red cloth out of her back pocket. Her red lips smile bright as she lifts her red cloth. She holds up one finger, and Chan’s engine growls from behind, the car shaking along with it. Your hands go to grip the first thing, which is the cup holder in the center console and the door. Bracing yourself for what’s about to happen.
“I said quiet!” Chan yells, sparing you a glance and your brows creased with worry as the woman holds up a second finger, and Chan’s hand grips the wheel as the other rests over the buttons.
She doesn’t hold up a third finger. Instead, she throws down the red cloth, and the moment she does so, Chan is off on the road. His foot slammed against the gas as he pushed his back against the seat and used one hand to effortlessly steer. You feel so impossibly scared in the car. A small part of you was debating whether or not you should have gone home, but you knew that it was the right decision to stay. To truly understand what’s been going on and what this is all about.
You try your best not to scream as the loud engine nearly bursts your eardrums.
“Chan… Chan, stop the car!” You scream, the need to vomit creeping up, even though you try to gulp it down.
“I can’t, (Y/N). I really can’t right now.” He says loudly over the engine.
“Please, Chan, just stop the car…!” You yell out again, and Chan finally glances at you, seeing your distressed look before his head snaps ahead again.
His hand swiftly reaches over to grip your thigh, as if trying to prove that you’re secure, “Calm down, (Y/N). You’ll be fine. We’re fine. I’m not stopping the car. Sorry, but I just can’t.”
“I should hate you for this, Chan!” You say, and you can see the way his knuckles turn white from gripping the wheel. “But I can’t… I just… Goddamn it, why!?”
“I can’t tell you that right now!” He yells back, looking over briefly before making a sharp turn, making you clutch onto the seat belt for protection, his hand now back over the buttons, “You just need to sit there until this is over, got it? I don’t care how scared you are, you’re gonna get through it like the strong woman you are, (Y/N), and I’m not taking no for an answer.”
You look over to Chan, and his lips are downturned, his brows furrowed and his eyes glossed over, as if he could cry right there.
“But why didn’t you just tell me?! We wouldn’t be like this right now if you just told me, Chan, and that’s the truth.” You yell over the engine, and Chan bitterly and breathily chuckles, shaking his head as an angry smile casts over his lips.
“You wouldn’t have stayed with me if I told you, (Y/N), you know that.” His voice is a little softer. If any softer, you wouldn’t have heard him. “You would’ve left me.”
Your mouth falls open, and you shake your head, “Never… Never! Never, ever, accuse me of that. I would never leave you even if you killed a man, Chan, and that’s the truth!” He doesn’t respond. He doesn’t even look at you as he turns another sharp corner, and you can see the other cars following behind, closing in. He sees it, too, and he presses some buttons you didn’t bother reading and slams his foot on the gas again. You let out a deep breath, still clutching the seat belt, “I just want to know why, Chan. Why are you resulting to this even though you have a stable job at the entertainment company, I-... I just want you to be honest with me.”
“I’ll tell you later, (Y/N). Just sit tight and keep your mouth shut. I need to focus or we’ll fucking crash, you got it!” He yells, and you flinch at his harsh tone. Finally keeping quiet.
The race seems like it lasts forever, when it was probably only five minutes. With sharp twists and turns and screeching of the engine in wheels, it feels like torture. You hate this, but there’s no backing out yet.
Chan doesn’t utter a word. Only cursing at the other cars when they do something that they weren’t supposed to do, or somehow start catching up to him. You let a few tears slip as you watch his hands and Chan as he focuses solely on the road. The lump in your throat is growing bigger and bigger, and swallowing it down seems to get more and more difficult.
But, it’s over at some point. You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding and Chan finally slowed down after reaching a pathetic excuse of a finish line. Your trembling hands grip the hem of the hoodie you were wearing as Chan comes to a steady stop. People come cheering as the other three cars pull up behind, being careful not to bump into anyone from the crowd. You breath heavily, and look over to Chan, who rolls down his window, plastering a triumphant smile on his lips.
“I don’t even get why I race against you, mate. You always win. Just take the money and get outta here,” says one of the racers playfully, tossing Chan a briefcase through the window.
“Thanks man. Good race,” Chan says, “Now, I have business to attend to. If you’ll excuse me.”
He rolls up the window, and the man who handed Chan the briefcase smacks the window playfully as Chan rushes off, his smile instantly vanishing as he goes through backgrounds to try and get to a main road without drawing too much attention. Chan’s smile drops, and he hands you the briefcase.
“You want to know so badly? Open it and be careful. It’ll be hell to clean up if you drop it,” Chan grumbles, looking over as you look to him for reassurance. He only gives you a cocked brow as you look back to the case in your lap before unlocking it and opening it. Your jaw falls as you look at the thousands of bills stacked on top of each other, rubber bands holding equal stacks together, and you gawk at just how much money Chan won from one race.
After a minute of you staring at the money, Chan slams the case closed in your lap, locking it with one hand and tossing it in the backseat making you jump at how hasty he is.
You both sit there, Chan driving to god knows where in tense silence. You're holding your head in your hands as Chan shifted his gaze between you and the road.
It’s about fifteen minutes until you look up, surprised that he’s still driving and nowhere near home. It’s an emptier city, but Chan seems to know the area well.
“Chan, where are we?” You ask, but Chan gives no answer. Only driving a bit further before pulling into an alley between two old buildings. “Chan, I said -”
You were quickly by Chan yanking off his seatbelt and leaning over the center console to firmly grab your face and pull you into a rough kiss. It isn’t too rushed, but it’s not at all gentle. You’re caught by surprise at first, but couldn’t help melting into it. It’s almost instinct at this point to kiss him back, but you push him away after a moment. “What… What the fuck are you doing?”
“Kissing you,” Chan answers briefly before grabbing locks of your hair at the back of your head and pulling you into another kiss, his other hand creeping down to unbuckle your seatbelt, and you let it slam against the car as it flies off you.
“No, Chan… We need to talk,” You grumble out as you try to pull away, and he presses wet, sloppy kisses to the side of your mouth. His eyes are fluttered shut, and your’s are half lidded. You will admit, you love this. The kisses and how unnaturally aggressive Chan is being. But, you knew that you have to talk things out, or you’d never get to figure out how the hell things turned out like this, “Chan, I’m serious right now.”
“Then relax, baby,” Chan breathily whispers out, and your thighs squeeze together, “Let me make things up to you, okay? I’ll fuck you so good, baby.” He pulls away for a moment, and he stares at you with a teasing smirk, “Think of it as my apology, alright?”
“Chan, I’m… I’m - ah! Chan!” You gasp when Chan’s lips come in contact with the side of your neck. Your neck is already tilting to give him more room, despite trying pathetically to push him away. There’s no getting through to him anymore. You’ve passed the point of no return, and there’s not much you could get past him without slapping him again. And that didn’t seem like a very good idea to you. Your hand flies up to grip the back of his neck, the other loosely clutching the hem of his button up.
“You know that… ah… that we are going to talk about this at some point…” you groan out, and Chan only groans against your neck, sucking on the sensitive skin. “You can’t get out of it like this…”
“Shut it, (Y/N),” Chan snaps, and your head falls back. Chan leans his seat back, aggressively grabbing you by the thighs to pull you over and sit on top of him. Straddling his waist despite it being such a tight environment. He pulls you down by the hoodie, into another kiss. You could feel how frustrated Chan is by the way he grips you tightly, as if you’re going to magically vanish, and by how he talks to you.
It’s rushed, too. Chan is impossibly quick to pull up your hoodie, his hot, sweaty hands creeping up your warm back, caressing it with a different, quick sense of gentleness. His lips connect with yours once again. His tongue already pressing against your lips. The quick, sloppy kiss all too lust filled. The erotic sounds coming from the both of you almost making you gloss over the fact that you should still be very mad at Chan. But, you just can’t find the need to pull away from him. You need to let off the steam, too.
You flush your body firm against him, one hand on his chest and the other by his head, holding onto the head of the seat for support. Breathing as slowly as you can through your nose to savor the air Chan so selfishly takes from you from the heated kiss. Your thoughts begin to vanish and your worry and concern for Chan’s life choices begin to falter for the time being. So immersed in the heated kiss to forget about it entirely. All your focus is now on Chan. You can tell how stressed he is, and the loving part of you wants to help him let off that steam. But, now, you’re in the same boat. So, he’s going to have to do so much for you as you’ve been doing for him.
Chan’s hands don’t bother to hesitate before they loop underneath your jeans, not caring to unbutton them as he tries his best to pull them off by himself. Because of how restricted you both are because of the size of the car, you had to do it yourself. You parted from the kiss and pressed your head against his shoulder to unbutton your jeans and pull them down as quickly as you could before throwing them in the back (along with your shoes and socks. You can already see how hard Chan’s gotten as his rough hands massage and knead your ass, only covered by the thin, black cloth keeping you at least somewhat covered. But, if this was like any other time, they’d be gone quicker than you’d imagine.
Your hands fly up again once your pants are thrown to the back, resting on either side of Chan’s head as he grips your hips, grinding your womanhood against his clothed hardon (you’re also clothed, but it’s so wet from your juices that it basically attaches itself to your skin). His head throws itself back, his eyes closing and a pleasure filled smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. You press yourself against him, now propped up to be looming over him, sitting on him.
When you do press against him, his head snaps forward again, and his dark eyes glare up at you, “Don’t start getting proud, (Y/N). I’m gonna fucking break you.” His hand crawls up to grip your face in his hand. One of your hands weakly comes up to grip his wrist. His hand moving down to grip your throat, and your lips part blissfully as his fingers press into the sides of your neck, still allowing airflow through you. “Oh, fuck. You like being choked, huh? You like being choked like a slut don’t you?” You don’t answer, too nervous to and too caught up in the pleasure to actually let something other than a moan escape your lips.
“Talk to me, (Y/N). Use your fucking words,” Chan growls, and you swallow. The lump in your throat pressing painfully, yet blissfully against Chan’s hand.
“Fuck me, Chris. Fuck me…” You utter out his name, and Chan’s brow raises. But, he smirks nonetheless and lets go of your neck, and you let out a breath as he undoes his jeans and pulls them down to his feet. His hand palming his clothed cock briefly before pulling it out. His hard dick already leaking with precum.
“Condom…” You mutter, and Chan shakes his head. You look up to him with worry.
“Trust me, baby,” he mutters, and you sigh, leaning against him, pressing your body against his as Chan moves your panties out of the way before he aligns your throbbing cunt with his dick, and slowly pushing himself into you, raw. As his raw cock slowly becomes engulfed by your heat, Chan lets out low groans. Your face nuzzles into the side of his neck as Chan slowly guides you down until you’re sitting on his cock.
At first, he stays there like that. Not moving. You suspect it’s because the sane part of him wants you to get used to the feeling of his cock so deep in you without a condom, but Chan seems to keep you there for a few moments just for the sake of how good it feels without a condom. The way his head is leaned back, his lips slightly ajar and his eyes fluttered shut.
But, it doesn’t last long before Chan’s strong arms wrap around your waist, holding you up and starts ramming into you. His hips move so quickly, yet so efficiently as he burns your wet walls. You erupt in a series of loud moans, mixtures of Chan’s name and curses spilling out, too. Chan groans sometimes, right next to your ear. The sound of skin slapping against the fabric of Chan’s boxers echoing through the air tight car.
Your pussy burns from how fast Chan thrusts into you, keeping you at a steady position so he could have an easier time ramming himself into you without the difficulty of it being such a confined and restrictive place in the car (especially in the driver’s seat). The burn is so good for you, though. It’s such a numbing, euphoric feeling that you’ll crave later. A type of burn you could never provide yourself, only Chan.
Chan’s hands go from gripping your body to sliding up your side to gripping your hair and yanking your head back so he could look at you. A judgemental, sexy smirk adorning his lips as he sees how fucked out you are. Your mouth open as you moan, and your half lidded eyes occasionally closing from the bliss.
“Fucking hell… you’re so good for me, (Y/N). You take my cock so fucking well, don’t you?” You let out a choked moan as Chan’s hand grips harder on your hair, craning your neck. “Mmm… Baby girl can’t even talk to me… I know I said to shut it…” he laughs darkly through his moans, and your moans get louder when Chan lets go of your hair, letting your face fall back onto his shoulder as his hands grip your ass. Kneading them as he fucks himself into you. You clench helplessly around his cock.
“Oh… fuck, you’re gonna cum, aren’t you? You wanna cum around my cock, baby girl?” You nod frantically, your climax climbing up as you push your body back to meet with Chan’s aggressive thrusts. Your overstimulated cunt only being destroyed by Chan’s cock as he thrusts harder into you, his hips staggering slightly as you clench around him. “Mmm! - Cum for me, baby. Cum for me.” Chan growls out as his hand grips your face again, forcing your head up as your eyes roll into the back of your head, a loud string of moans escaping your lips as you cum all over Chan’s cock, and he pulls out just quick enough to spurt out a string of cum along your ass.
He lets go of your face, and you breath heavily as you rest your head on Chan’s chest, closing your eyes to catch your breath. A burning sensation still resting in your core as you relax, your womanhood’s muscles contracting every now and then from the orgasm.
Chan cleans you both up with a napkin he had in the center console and helped you put your jeans back on (deciding to toss your soiled panties) and he slipped his jeans back on silently. It’s not until you’re sitting on his lap, resting your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat when he speaks.
“You know I love you so much, right?” Chan mumbles out, and you look up to him. “I was so mean to you today… when you must’ve been so confused.” His head falls back, and he looks out the window with a longing look in his eyes, “I’m the worst boyfriend in the world, aren’t I?”
“No, you’re not. Don’t even think things like that. Yes, I am still a bit upset, but you know what? We’re going to get past this because I love you, too, Channie.” You stare at him with an adoring expression adorning your sparkling eyes (trying to ignore the burning in your core).
“You… You want to know the real reason I’m a street racer, (Y/N)? Why the fuck I'm doing this?” Chan asks softly, his hand stroking your hair.
“If you could… I’ve been asking all day,” you chuckle softly, and Chan smiles bitterly.
“Well… I… I’m doing this all for you.”
“What do you mean?”
“No job will pay for the things I want to give you, (Y/N).” He turns over, reaching into the center console to pull out a black box, and your eyes widen as he opens it. You can’t see it, but you can barely see the sparkle of a something reflective. “I… I couldn’t pay for this myself. I knew I couldn’t. I hate how this is how I’m asking you… but, (Y/N), will you-”
“Oh my god, yes!”
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slashersangel · 2 years
poly lost boys x reader who loves singing?? that would make my dumb little heart so happy 🥲🥲
Poly! Lost Boys w/ S/O who loves singing
as a singer I can’t believe i haven’t thought of this, i’m ashamed
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• the boys knew you loved music, you sung along to every song Paul played once you knew them. But the loudness always drowned out your voice, so they didn’t really hear just how pretty you sounded
• it wasn’t until they were at your place to pick you up when they heard. You have left your window open for the boys to come in when you were getting ready, you had been mindlessly singing a song that was stuck in your head, no music with you, just your singing.
• the boys heard because of their special hearing and were immediately interested. They crawled into your window, effectively startling you when you turned around and saw them.
• “when’d you learn how to sing like that, babe?” Paul spoke up with a goofy smirk on his face, he was so ready to make you sing all his favorite songs to him. You just shrugged, saying you always could, you didn’t know exactly when it started
• queue the boys asking you to sing all the time. Well not asking per say, more like telling you to (nicely tho). When it’s a chiller night in the cave, you’re sitting in one of the boy’s laps just quietly messing around, and David, out of nowhere is just like “sing us something, kitten.” david calls you kitten no you can not change my mind >:(
• you’re just like, you guys won’t like it and they’re just like “uhm yes we will not shut up and sing >:(“. but in a a nicer way so you actually do it
• you’re nervous, they can tell, you’ve only ever sung in front of family before, or friends and they’ve all been nice. But you decided, ah what the hell? You had to decide on a song before singing it, and even then, they might not like the song, but once you started singing, they didn’t care whether they liked the actual song or not, it sounded better when it came out of your mouth
• After that night, they wanted you to sing all the time, to make you more comfortable doing it and to hear your beautiful voice.
• Paul liked hearing you sing his favorite rock songs, even some soft rock ballads, he’d get you to learn the lyrics well so you can sing them without the music playing. He’d even sing it with you, even if he wasn’t as good as you. He’ll still try! Maybe do the guitar solos with his mouth, anything to hype you up more so you’re more comfortable singing in front of them. He’d even turn around if that’s what you wanted! But not for long because he just needs ti see that beautiful face of yours along with your voice (and he’d forget why he was turnt around after a while and be like, wait—)
• You’d sing to Marko every time it was just the two of you and he was laying on his designated spot right on your chest. He could feel the vibrations in your chest as you sang to him softly and it lulled him to sleep slowly and eventually you’d fall asleep too. That’s how most of your naps go because you’re still human and you can’t stay up all day and all night without at least a few hours of sleep in between.
• You’d hum to Dwayne while playing with his hair. He’d be sitting with you and you’d be messing with his hair, either putting little braids in it or just playing with the strands. You’d do it mindlessly, probably not even knowing you’re doing it, but he doesn’t mind. He prefers it, he likes hearing the sound of your voice as much as the others, even if he doesn’t outright a say it. He will softly compliment you though, saying that he liked when you sung a certain song, or he’d give you requests as well.
• david has no shame in asking or telling you to sing to him. He knows at first if it makes you uncomfortable, he’d only ask when it’s the two of you. He didn’t care what you sung as long as it isn’t too much of that sappy romance stuff, (though he likes it when you sing love songs while looking at him but he would never admit that) he’d have that cocky smirk on his face whenever you sang to him, but don’t let his expression fool you, he’s actually very relaxed when he hears your voice
• they love that you like to sing, they find it cute when you hum a soft tune or sing along with a song. You could be cooking or baking and humming along to whatever song was on your mind and they’d stare at you all heart eyed like to the point where you get a little self conscious because they’re just staring at you and not saying a word. but they’d complain once you stopped and get you to hum again
• they have absolutely no shame when it comes to your singing, oh you’re humming a tune to yourself while in the cave? If they know the song then Paul and Marko will sing the lyrics at the top of their lungs to get you to smile or do it with them
• if you’re humming to yourself while you’re in public and someone tells you to shut up, Marko is in a fight, doesn’t matter if they’re young or older, his hands are rated e for everyone.
• Paul and Marko can and will sing a song just to get you to sing too, they’ll do this randomly, in public or in private, though you’re less likely to do it in public they still try because everyone should hear what an amazing voice you have! But there are times when all of them just want you and your voice to themselves, just for the four of them to hear.
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sugar-petals · 3 years
🌹 Sub!SuperM 18+ HC: Riding Their Faces
↳ NOTE. These guys... I swear. Bringing some heat to the dash right here. Enjoy the SuperMadness 👀
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word count. 3.7k | bullet points | ot7
WARNINGS. ⚠️  all explicit, cum play, latex, hair & sweat kink, bondage, spit, brat taming, toys, breath play, ass fixation going strong, dominant reader, femdom, degradation, hardcore, veins kink, graphic language, strap-ons, crying kink, clothed sex, some crack
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⌜ 💋  byun baekhyun ⌟
▸ strength: energy
not for the faint of heart. baekhyun thoroughly enjoys you giving it to him roughly; it’s the leader being led, how sexy is that
i spy with my femdom eye, baekhyun likes the bossy dommes who bring him to his knees — quite literally.
case in point: hates seeing you hold back. tells you to just bounce on him how you want it. no fumbling around, it’s gotta be hot and proper.
whatever you’re insecure about he hasn’t even noticed. the more confidently you’re taking your designated seat, the better. this shit’s gotta make him all loud and squeaky, baekhyun can’t get enough of your wild and demanding side. “don’t you dare move your hands!” — he’s already hooked.
yep, he’s part of the feral squad. and louder than the bass in jopping for that matter
small as hell face but the jaw is sharp, you can literally feel it, he fits between your legs so well
endless breath. put your pussy all over that nose, grind on it, cum all over him. society will thank you for suffocating a millionaire
like seriously the breath play is off the charts. if he’s into asphyxiation you’d not be surprised
meanwile baek’s naughty hips keep on bucking, like hello there, giving you a cheeky 69 invitation
such a cocky little shit, whiny byun all the way from those ruined orgasms he’ll be getting cuz you might just touch him with two fingers at best, you know how to keep him on his toes
swallows everything he’s like whatever, almost chokes because he’s so messy and greedy to taste you. damn baekhyun
does a “mmhhhnnn...!” sound all the time, this guy has pussy all over his face and is still more vocal than you no matter what you do
eats ass, all day if he can, knows the most shocking techniques, wants to get crushed by booty he’ll end up admitting it. no matter how big or small yours is. because remember, that face is small, everything is big to him
the type to cum on his stomach way before you do. groans a lot, then goes on even more intensely, how the hell did he just leak out five ounces of semen and still manage a whole tongue workout
slobbery and all over the place, those are tongue movements you can’t even think of in your wildest dreams
baekhyun is never content just making you cum once or just really lowkey, much less hearing you being silent. he’s a moodmaker, he naturally wants to hear you, and see you twitch like the world ends for goodness sake
brattiest tongue ever, always pulls out the taunting puppy licks, tries to grope you all the time, he’ll get a rough spanking later believe me
also gets his payback from you being crazy wet, as beautiful and cute his face might be it’s gonna end up damn ruined
not gonna lie his voice acrobatics will turn you into a waterfall that’s coming down on him
you can punish him for teasing by going raw with your hips, mochi is in wonderland, seeing stars. put his wrists in a spreader bar and go off is what i’m saying, YOLO
since baekhyun annoys the members by being so hyper in the evening, they appreciate you knocking him out for sleep. and indeed baekhyun dozes like a baby, probably using your ass as a pillow or something
you’ve drained the shit out of him and um watered the flower that is his face, so
another cupcake down, mission success, baekhyun certainly had his fill not to mention lucky you having to deal with his wildly talented mouth ahem, moral of the story annihilate him with your ass
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⌜ 💋  lee taemin ⌟
▸ strength: steaminess
you will come (heh) to discover that none of his lyrics were a lie
yeah he’s busy hot boy shit for his gal
taemin has an all-soft and plush tongue that’s super pinkish. it literally feels so good, how to ever get enough of it holy shit
it also happens to be very long so buckle up, he wants to be deep inside of you, serve and please you
probably the most slow and agile movement in the group, tantalizing is the right word for sure
prefers kissing and sucking over just licking because he’s sappy, good on him and good on you those lips are heaven and need to be used by all means
once you go on the pill, taemin will eat his own creampies straight out of you, maybe even two at once, it’s taemin c’mon he’s above-average horny lord knows how much sperm he’s hoarding
loves drowning it seems
raunchy stuff aside, he always dresses up nicely or wears the fluffy sweaters you like the most on him. what an exclusive ride, the scent of the clothing turns you on even more he’s pulling all the registers taemin is so docile and giggly
most sensual style in the group, will edge and give you goosebumps first before the main course even remotely goes down, taemin thinks in several stages hot damn he calculated this 
his face heats up so much it’s crazy, then again kkoongie capitalizes on all the warmth from the radiator so you might as well be taemin’s personal heating alright. it’s fun seeing him sweat like mad, see his neck veins bulge... ugh 
is gonna be a provocateur and try to nibble on your folds, man he just wants to get slapped around you can see right through this brat’s rowdy plan
might even want his ass played with while you ride his face so prepare for some intense contortions, fingering, butt plugs, prostate massage, the whole array, gladly taemin is flexible
always pulls it off hands-free because he’s a pro and well yeah he’s always tied up how um totally surprising
and any challenge he will meet that i guarantee you
he has immediately apparent shinee concert stamina, longevity like his career, taemin can lend his face to your purposes for the whole night he doesn’t care if he needs to chuck it in the freezer afterwards
bonus: if taemin doesn’t at some point wear one of his glittery masks for sexy time, somebody is probably impersonating him and it’s not the real lee taemin i’m afraid
so many orgasms you’ll stop counting, one blends into the other, even if you’re not moving much, how does he do it
that being said gee can we just appreciate how beautiful his face is, everything about him, it’s gonna be so sexy and soft to kiss him to sleep oh my god
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⌜ 💋  kim jongin ⌟
▸ strength: escalating
just how industrious is he? dammit kai is the rent due or something, this shit is not a comeback stage cool down
jongin is needy as fuck, he’s desperate to taste you especially in the morning when his lips are all plump
since then he’s skipped his skin care routine you do the bulk of the moisturizing you see
jokes aside get ready for whimpery kai thrusting his face right into you because he can, should you need something to hold onto, his thighs are literally right there
constant high-pitched moans, some during quick pauses, others stifled, kai are you okay he’s really going all out 
so thirsty
if you don’t put a harness on him for this you’re missing out, also you need something to hold this wild slutty motherfucker in place
rock-hard throughout, harder than a goddamn superm choreography
also: sturdy chin that can take a lot, it’s made to be sat on
does a lot of the work, very active, main dancer vibes you know, you can be lazy and just enjoy
most continuous style in the group, gradually getting more and more passionate and nervous — the second you thought it gets boring he goes off, have fun losing your mind and seeing him basically K.O. himself
if he wants to make you cum, rapid tongue jabs deep into your clit, and his hard breath against it, no fair play in here
absolutely has a thing for your shaking thighs, like what the hell he’s blowing a huge load the more you tremble, and he’s goddamn crying from pleasure every time woah
those big ole lips are an absolute treat, yeah i’ll say it again his face is meant for this
wants to be called all kinds of names wow jongin, it just spurs him more
kai. is. so. good. 
you can most definitely film your own POV cam, jongin can put on one hell of a show. just this time it’s not his eyes flirting with the camera, it’s his tongue getting a nice rough treatment oh yum
don’t get me wrong he can deliver a romantic version of this, but kai just likes you being tough on his face he can’t deny it
uses his hands so you can ride him even harder, all his teddy bears will be falling off the bed like dominoes
might one day ascend to heaven while giving head, wouldn’t regret it
can do it until complete exhaustion you guys just pass out
being such an oral workaholic do i sense a masochist streak in him there? 
fucking typical capricorn
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⌜ 💋  wong yukhei ⌟
▸ strength: appetite
first off yukhei is hilarious
it’s called eating out and that’s exactly what he does duh, he’s not nicknamed foodcas for no reason — the restaurant is open my dear, and he just served himself five courses (you)
gets super sweaty, forehead and down the neck, a 6′0 glazed bun can you imagine
giggles a lot, makes the atmosphere relaxed, loves banter before and after, an allround sweet experience
though beware, this guy is hungry. most prone to open his mouth super wide he wants to eat all of you at once
don’t tell kun how nasty he is, much less leader baekhyun, promise me that
and especially nosy kai should not hear about what sexy shit yukhei is doing in his freetime unless you want to trigger a war 
that being said the wayv dorm is still the safest place to sit on his face, so. it’s a lawless land there, nobody gives a fuck anymore at this point. yangyang would not even blink if ten murdered someone in cold blood on the balcony, that’s how the atmosphere there can be best described
lucas being a far more harmless himbo still ironically fits into the environment being so sexually insatiable, just how often are you going to fuck? it’s only natural to lose the overview
he loudly pouts and complains when it ends, wants to go on and on, you need a lotta stamina to get with this guy this is not a warning it’s a fact — yukhei really wants to tire himself out and give everything
if you lower your thighs just a little you can feel his dangly earrings. kinda sexy but also a safety concern i know i know, he’s not gonna wear them next time 
noisy as heck, wants to do well, always goes the extra mile to be sure you are all happy and satisfied with today’s dining
his tongue is... big...
we’re not gonna talk about that giant bulge either, such a huge tent in those pants it’s a whole camping ground. anyway
what we’ll talk about. his super soft blonde hair, we’re talking salon quality soft, that’s amazing to feel against your legs, it’s great to pull as well, or to twirl really playfully
though there’s not much playful going down when the initial inhibition drops
he’s not made of glass you can really get those hips going
sliding down his nose when you’re all wet... damn good stuff.
lucas is the kinda guy that has you grunting and gritting he loves your reactions, and how aggressive you can get. usually he’s the reaction king but like this? he can get used to it.
totally into having that kinda frog perspective it’s a whole new thing, he’s such a giant now he’s below you, the sight is just superb to him
less likely to have toys involved, but rather a bunch of rope for his chest, his arms, his long ass legs. yukhei is a bondage insider tip y’all
stable as a block of metal. if you go a little too wild on baekhyun he’s probably gonna break his mochi neck but lucas is a different calibre, this mf is made of giant muscles galore, i can only say one thing: finish him
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⌜ 💋  mark lee ⌟
▸ strength: speed
talks a lot, even occasionally curses — instantly apologizing, but you curse right back, so this becomes the cussing olympics at some point, taeyong would bury his face in the ground all his parenting efforts have gone to waste
mark basically chokes himself
he can’t control his spit by all means jesus... in his own words: must be the drip then
next to taemin and baekhyun here we have the third drowning victim, mark is in serious need of multiple tissues or towels afterwards but that’s exactly what he likes
mark’s slutty side is not to be underestimated i’m warning you
that’s a healthy young man right here
loves to do quickies to get you off during daytime, if you’re horny just tell him and he’ll find a quiet spot, might do it on his knees rather than you riding him sometimes for practical reasons 
all options open, mark is flexible af. if someone can promote with nct dream and superm at the same time that’s the result
so yeah you’ll experiment with positions and even outfits, what’s the most comfortable to wear? 
few people even remotely think about this. mark himself stays in his signature sweater but the glasses come off, you know very well he’s a nerd without them he has nothing to prove lmao!
the clothes will be cozy but don’t let that fool you yet alright
this guy has watched too much porn to just keep it light and cute
don’t get me wrong you can baby him ad nauseam for the more gentle femdom moods
but at the end of the day mark loves some intense shit, he likes feisty girls who aren’t coy and subby, the more perverted you are the better, in fact he enjoys being shocked with brazen attitude and getting orders on what to do.
loves it when you to take it all out on him, rough is good. mark lee’s face is the rodeo range of super m alright, just don’t break his glorious jaw or anything, he still needs it okay
but yeah mark’s face is tempting to ride hard not gonna lie
his tongue can go so fast it’s at the speed of sound, no, the speed of fucking light. mark goes crazy on your clit, wait a few seconds, boom five orgasms rain down on you. 
it’s like an anime swordsman just lifting the sword hilt, walking off calmly, and one minute later things are in shambles like how? mark’s sword tech is just epic like that
he’s a leo what did we expect, show-off
in the meantime, RIP to mark lee’s pants. they’ll be soaked with cum, gonna be a bitch to hide your clothes from taeyong who’s always eager to wash everything by himself
that aside, mark really enjoys the position, he doesn’t need much else to be honest, he goes “oh my god oh shit” enough for you to know
thank god he’s a rapper, otherwise his dang technique would be dangerous, he doesn’t breathe for half a minute or so
enjoys you really doing shallow thrusts, super fast and sloppy, loves how much you enjoy it
needless to say: breaks a guinness world record for most licks per second, it’s that mark lee flow
long story short his face is your favorite spot he can prepare for a daily session
all that practice on water melons paid off good job markly
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⌜ 💋  ten lee ⌟
▸ strength: allround skill
you know a pro by how he’s offering you a tall glass of water beforehand
and by the way he’s chugging one himself
champion, a keeper
you’re guaranteed to love it, ten is amazing
takes his time, gets to know your every inch, figures out your soft spots in a matter of minutes to seconds
everything for his sexy mama, service sub right here
take him on a leash, grind on his lips, make him kiss your clit, he’ll respond by circling his tongue around obediently
chittaphon might be a little fidgety at the beginning, but the atmosphere is not as tense anymore after doing it two or three times. 
ten is actually quite good cracking lighthearted jokes and showing his more extroverted side, he always gets like that with a partner. 
you have an easy time with build-up conversations and communicating in general, same with aftercare pillow talk
that being said the degree of professionalism this guy is heading for needs a lot of talk in the first place. 
ten likes doing advanced things that aren’t just intuitively understood, you need to exchange yourself a lot
through trial and error you figure out how to incorporate sex toys into the little routine you have going on
the pleasure will be so intense you’ll never want anything else fuck
ten is also down for a lot of moving around, some athletic shit
you’ll go from bouncing on his dick to smothering his face back and forth pretty much, let’s see how fast you’re gonna bust a huge nut like that my bet is five minutes
those like “oh... ah—” moans are just angelic
since he focuses so much on your erogenous zones and always keeps his hands involved, ten is always guaranteed to have you breaking a major sweat
ten does not like to eat any fruits, they say. well that’s true, because he’s too busy eating you that is. boy can basically retire from citizenhood, he’s that busy between your legs. 
enough fruit juice for an entire week impending, don’t worry about his nutrients, this is also a form of diet.
uses his chin, his cheeks, the nose especially, the damn nose it’s perfectly shaped
wants you to really ride him hard, and fast, no holds barred at all, going so feral he’ll be squeezing his eyes shut
sometimes his hair gets in the way, it’s just so damn long. the result: hair ties for face-sitting, always on his wrist
among all members, buries his face the deepest, turns him on so much
always makes sure you’re both washed up, no impromptu sessions. ten is a hygiene priest and he’s right
the mattress is kinda bouncy and he always uses his favorite soft pillow under his head so you can definitely take mister ten lee to pound town like work your hips give it to him
in case he survives i send my congrats, you got yourself the right guy, terrific choice queen
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⌜ 💋  lee taeyong ⌟
▸ strength: ideas
how much more religiously can he eat you out, he treats this like the best reward he can get
as you can probably tell by now, all the lee surname members are definitely a certain brand and clan of highly distinguished pussy eaters like, these guys are a fucking gang like... well taeyong is no different
reckless abandon oral, eats you like it’s the last day, even death fears lee taeyong when he’s in giving head mode
you might be showering together beforehand and be all shy and kissy like it’s puppy love. but that is all for naught when the tongue of god is unleashed and taeyong gets himself as messed up as he can
yeah i like the thought of god being incarnated as kinky taeyong begging to have his mouth spit and cummed in it just makes sense
very deep mumbles, very hard breathing, those veiny hands on your waist, he wants to make you feel good so bad, fuck he’s so sexy
intense facial expressions, need i say more
also um... he likes to be... threatened. he’s the student you’re the teacher, strict as hell surveying his every move, the more you yell at him the harder he gets, jesus christ he has a thing for you acting mad and shit
taeyong doesn’t even need you to pull off your underwear, he’s gone get through any type of fabric with that leaking mouth
let’s just say he likes to experiment with innovative techniques... anyway, taeyong is a nasty fucking freak, he’s a grade A hoe, you never know what to expect
one time he just licks like a shy doe, the next second slurping explosion 5000
imagine whipping his thighs with a riding crop while sitting right on that ultra gorgeous elven prince face like
taeyong is almost always getting super emotional. he sheds even more tears than kai, like at some point you’ll develop a crying kink because of him SOS
nervous as hell, shaky hands. that can easily be fixed sir let’s tie em up
has you moaning nonstop, he’s so engaged and so dead-on with his movements. don’t be surprised if this damned man has your eyes almost falling out
beware, this guy is into full-on sensual deprivation as well. blindfolds are only the start. 
you might end up with a whole lotta black latex involved, who knows, a whole gimp on him he’s down for that, he learned from ten what it is blame chittaphon’s vast kinky knowledge
even better: while you’re grinding on him, taeyong likes you pumping his cock with a fleshlight with zero mercy until he yelps in tiny oops
hell he might ask you to roughly fuck his face with a strap and then ride it, the mister likes double treats huh
then again: wants it to be degrading and dirty and intense on some days, and really wholesome and romantic on others
especially aftercare will be sweet and dulcet, you take care of him, pepper him with kisses for being such a dutiful boy.
looks pretty no matter what. maybe he’s born with it maybe it’s tyongbelline. yeah just how handsome is that face and hair like... t’yongreal paris in full splendor
long story short he’s an oral deity. i rest my case howdy and goodbye see you next time aye
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superm masterlist
© submissive-bangtan 2017-2021. all rights reserved. do not repost or translate. all depictions fictional.
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hannahhasnofriends · 3 years
happier | dream
summary: based off the song happier by olivia rodrigo!
pairing: dream x reader
warnings: angst, break ups, this is just fucking sad lmao, real names are used (srry not srry)
word count: 1.2k
a/n: i love olivia rodrigos new album i literally have not listened to anything else since it came out omfg😎 also i think i like this fic?? idk gimme some thoughts n feedback :)
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We broke up a month ago Your friends are mine, you know I know You've moved on, found someone new One more girl who brings out the better in you And I thought my heart was detached From all the sunlight of our past But she's so sweet, she's so pretty Does she mean you forgot about me?
"Hey guys! I've missed you all so much." I hug Sapnap tightly and move on to the next person I was greeting.
A "reunion" we were calling it, it'd been a year since the SMP ended and everyone wanted to get into touch again. It was bittersweet seeing everyone , it seemed like we'd grown up so much since then. Hell, I know I have.
"Hey darling, " I turn and see Niki, I missed her so much. We were the first female streamers on the SMP, she'd been my best friend. "How are you?"
"I'm good, really." I could see the sympathy in her eyes. I pretended not to notice when everyone did a double take when I walked into the room, they really thought I wasn't going to come today.
"That's good, I've missed you." She had a tight smile on her face. "You know he's coming today, right?"
I swallowed the lump in my throat, I knew someone was going to ask. It was fine, I had prepared myself for the questions and stares. It'd been 6 months, half a year, 6 damn full moons since we'd ended. We share the same friends, it was hard knowing they were going to pick sides, we both knew it wasn't going to be mine.
"Clay? Yeah, I know. Don't worry, we've both moved on. We're adults and I don't need to hide from him. We're friends!" I was lying through my fucking teeth. I saw his instagram posts, the subtweets, and everything else that had her named burned into it.
"Ok, I just wanted to check in. I know we all took the erm- break-up pretty hard." Her eyes avoided mine but I know she truly meant well by everything she was saying. "Anyway, I'm going to say hi to a few others. I really want us to talk more, ok?"
She squeezed my arm as she was walking off, I nodded my head even though I probably wouldn't be able to bring myself to message her after this.
I took a deep breath and eyed my other company. I was sticking out like a sore thumb, everyone was laughing and enjoying themselves. Honestly, it'd probably be best to make a cowardly dash before he showed up.
Just as I'd made up my mind, I saw it. The main doors opened and there they were. Well. Too damn late for that.
He was as tall and gorgeous as he was 6 months ago and she was stunningly perched on his arm. The worst part wasn't how goddamn good they looked, it was how you could just tell they were right. You could simply glance in their direction and tell she was nice and kind and he was completely devoted to her.
Oh, I hope you're happy But not like how you were with me I'm selfish, I know, I can't let you go So find someone great, but don't find no one better I hope you're happy, but don't be happier
Just like that, all the air in the room had been sucked out. I was doomed.
As he made his way around the room, his eyes finally found mine. His smile faltered and I could tell he was taken aback. I averted my eyes quickly, this was so stupid.
“Y/n! Hi!” I jumped as I heard his voice, sneaky little bastard. I forced my best smile on my face as I turned to face them. She was standing next to him, still arm in arm but she stayed silent.
“Hey! How’s it going.” I pressed my lips together, he seemed so… ok? His eyes no longer had those dark circles and the cuts on his knuckles look healed.
“I’m good! How about you?” He tilts his head, curious.
“I’m doing good, too. Pretty busy, but you know.” I nodded along to what I said, it wasn’t a complete lie.
Abruptly, she clears her throat and side eyes Clay, obviously wanting something. “Oh, right! This is Grace.”
“Hi, I’ve heard great things about you.” She smiles so warmly, she seems so great. I could feel the jealously sinking into my skin, it was suffocating.
“Hello, it’s really nice to meet you.” This time I really was lying. But I couldn’t tell her the truth. How I couldn’t let her boyfriend go.
And do you tell her she's the most beautiful girl you've ever seen? An eternal love bullshit you know you'll never mean Remember when I believed You meant it when you said it first to me? And now I'm pickin' her apart Like cuttin' her down will make you miss my wretched heart But she's beautiful, she looks kind She probably gives you butterflies
She kept up the small talk with me. I learned she was an artist and slightly older than him. She taught art to kids on the weekends and her parents were still married. She even volunteered to help me move.
I noticed the rings she wore and thought about whether he gave them to her. If he gave her the same gifts he gave me. Maybe she knew too. Maybe she knew he took her to the same places we went. Did the same things, laughed at the same jokes. I hope she did.
But the conversation continued, and I kept searching for a flaw. Something to make him realize she wasn’t meant for him. Something I could point out and have my aha moment.
But she was perfect. And I had nothing that would make him pick me instead of her.
I wish you all the best, really Say you love her, baby Just not like you loved me And think of me fondly when your hands are on her I hope you're happy, but don't be happier
The music picked up again and they excused themselves to the dance floor. It was a sappy, corny love song. It fit them perfectly. I could see him whisper in her ear and rock her back forth to the beat. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes.
As they swayed, I was hoping he was thinking of me. I hoped he would drop her right then and there and grab my hand and lead me out of this mess. I hoped he would lock eyes with me and pretend none of this happened. I hoped they weren't as happy as they looked.
I hope you're happy Just not like how you were with me I'm selfish, I know, can't let you go So find someone great, but don't find no one better I hope you're happy, but don't be happier
As I watched them, I swear every memory we shared came fleeting into my mind. Every smile, every laugh, every fight, everything. The way he’d let me wear his sunglasses in the car and the time we danced in the rain and we’re sick for days after.
As I watched them I wondered wether they were truly happy together. If he was in love, if he loved her more than he loved me. If he ever thought of me when he was with her.
I wonder if he watched me as I left.
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angel-anoetic · 3 years
Hello! Hope you have a great day or night ahead of you! Could I have some platonic HC's of irl!Quackity who becomes friends with the reader when they were around 10 years old. The reader had recently lost their friend in a car crash, and was scared to open up to Quackity, in fear of losing him too. But eventually, they become close friends, and now reader lives with him. How would other irl!mcyts meet the reader. Reader is gn and shorter than Quackity. Its all just platonic stuff! :D
hiii, of course! im not going to lie i got all sappy reading this, so i hope this is what you expect and apologies for taking such a long time to publish this. enjoy!
don't forget to like to save, reblog to share!
irl!Quackity x [gn!]Reader - Little Talks
genre: /plat, irl!Quackity, cc!Quackity, head canons, hurt comfort if you will
warnings: light mention of death, car crash
masterlist <3
When you met
You were both around 10 or 11, and he was super nice. He found you playing at a playground and decided to join you.
What he didn't know was you were there to escape the gray that had plagued your head space for the last week.
He refused to leave you alone, following you around and trying to talk to you as much as possible and eventually you had to give in.
That day before he left he asked if you'd want to hang out again, and you figured it couldn't hurt so you agreed that in two days you'd meet back up at the park.
Eventually you two became inseparable. Almost joined at the hip. If he wasn't at your house you were usually at his.
Then the one year anniversary of your friends passing hit you hard. You didn't want to speak to anyone, couldn't leave your bed, much less your room.
Q showed up and refused to leave you until you told him what was wrong. He was super comforting, telling you that you'd be okay, and that your friend wouldn't want to see you like this. He was really the one that pulled you out of a dark place.
It wasn't the last time he would have to do that, but he made it a hell of a lot easier.
When you become roommates
You both decided to become roommates right as you both turned 18, you both already basically lived with one another, why not just move out of your parents and start living your own lives.
You worried that it would drive a wedge between your friendship but instead it made you both closer, since you both recognized each others boundaries and respected them.
Late night movies and terrible sleeping schedules are all you both know, except when either of you has to study for school
In which case you both are very supportive and try to help one another as best as you.
Sometimes you get up early to make you both breakfast, since otherwise its likely he won't eat till after noon.
To be honest, I feel like takeout is a normal part of your diets, since you both can tend to be busy.
He makes fun of your bed head every morning.
How other MCYT's meet you
He gets invited to hang out with others a lot and sometimes you'll tag along.
Notably, you've met Karl and Charlie mostly.
When you met Karl he would not shut up about how lucky you were to live with Q, and begged to paint your nails.
He was super sweet about making sure you had anything you needed.
Q complained about how you both had ditched him for each other (joking obviously)
Was very sad about you and Quackity having to leave and made you promise to come back and visit sometime.
When you met Charlie he was funny as ever and made you feel comfortable, your nerves about meeting with him irl just disappeared.
You loved hanging out with him so much that he introduced you to others, like Ted.
Absolutely no rest while you and Q hang out with him. It was a fun but absolutely crazy.
I feel like the first time you meet Sapnap is during a voice call.
Q walked away to go grab something and you could hear the typing so you decided to say hi.
"Who the hell is this?"
"Oh. Hey." You guys talked a little bit before Q finally came back and you still have no idea why you didn't talk to him more prior to that encounter. You both clicked pretty quickly.
You both could build on one another's jokes and keep everyone laughing for a long time.
You get to tell him all the embarrassing stuff that Q does, which he then uses against Quackity.
Jack Manifold
Met when Quackity was doing the YLYL challenge with him.
You guys clicked really well also, and stayed on call for a while.
Quackity took this opportunity to tell Jack all the embarrassing stuff you did.
Jack was super kind yet was willing to have really heavy discussions with you, a nice change from the usual jokey atmosphere that followed him.
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seijorhi · 3 years
i’ve been thinking for a while and i’ve kinda come to the conclusion that i wanna take this blog in a different direction, focus on some softer stuff for a little while. so with that in mind... i hope you guys like it 💕
Atsumu x female reader
tw: nothing, just soft and sweet vibes :) 
It’s a little after dawn when Atsumu’s alarm goes off, rudely jerking him awake.
One alarm, loud and blaring, aggravating enough for him to grunt and groan, hitting blindly around his nightstand until finally he manages to silence the stupid fucking thing. It’s only a snooze though, he knows he’ll have to wake up enough to turn it off properly otherwise it’ll just go off again and again and again and he’ll be late.
And today of all days, he really can’t afford to be late. Doesn’t wanna deal with Meian bitching at him about it all day, either.
His eyes are heavy, bleary with sleep when he reluctantly forces them open, but the first thing they settle on is you. Asleep still, your nose scrunching up all cute from the noise, but otherwise dead to the world. He’s never been much of a morning person, and ever since he brought you home with him, it’s only gotten worse. He doesn’t mind the actual waking up so much, but leaving you and a warm bed at some unholy hour of the morning; fuck, that’s almost more than he’s capable of.
Even now, watching you mumble a little in your sleep, burrow into his side as if you can sense he’s about to get up and leave you behind, he’s tempted to be a little selfish. It doesn’t help matters that you’re still naked from the night before, curled up around him all soft and warm and inviting.
And there’s something else, a fluttering warmth that lights up his body, makes a smile tug at his lips as he watches your chest rise and fall with even breaths. He’d do anything for you, you know that right? That even though he’s an arrogant son of a bitch and he spends too much time focused on his career and sometimes forgets to take care of you the way he’s supposed to (the way he knows you deserve), he’d move heaven and earth if it’d make you happy.
Whipped, Samu calls it, but he’s seen the look in his brother’s eyes when he catches the way you stare at him, that lovestruck little grin that makes him feel like he’s just a kid again, wildly out of his depth and giddy, careening headfirst into god knows what. He’s happy, though, happier than he’s ever been, and Samu can tease the shit out of him for it, but he knows his brother would give an arm and a leg to be in his place right now.
The funny thing is, he’d never thought he’d want something like this. Sex with a beautiful girl, sure, but relationships and actual honest to god love – nah, those might as well have been foreign concepts to him. He had an on again off again girlfriend in high school, but he could never actually say that he really loved her. Loved fucking her, maybe, but nothing beyond that. And by the time he signed with the Jackals there were more than enough girls lining up to get in his pants, he didn’t even have to try anymore.
But volleyball was his life, and there wasn’t a pussy on earth good enough to distract him from that for too long. Outside of sex, women were really nothing more than a distraction, always whining for attention and trying to run off with his credit cards for yet another damn shopping spree. They never stuck around for too long, he made sure of it.
One day, he told himself, he’d be old enough to retire and he’d go off and find some nice, pretty young thing half his age to settle down with. Or maybe he’d be like those rich old playboys; forever single, a different girl on his arm every night. He had his friends, he had Samu and his family, and he had volleyball. Atsumu didn’t need anything more than that.
It’s different with you. There’s no choices there. Volleyball is his passion and you’re his fucking world.
And he fought it. Fuck, Atsumu doesn’t think he’s ever fought anything harder. He didn’t want to be reduced to some sappy mess, didn’t want to deal with feelings and emotions and relationships. He was perfectly happy with the way his life was and no girl, stupidly attractive or otherwise, was just gonna swoop in and mess with that.
You were supposed to be easy, and then when you weren’t you became a challenge – a conquest. Atsumu wasn’t used to girls who didn’t pay him attention when he wanted it, couldn’t say that he really liked it, ‘specially when you were always just so damn sweet to his teammates.
Atsumu should’ve known he was fucked the moment he genuinely considered knocking that dopey, proud little grin off of Bokuto’s face just for making you laugh.
(Tried not to think about how the sound of that laugh made his heart race.)
It was solely about getting you to lower your impossibly high fucking standards to sleep with him so he could prove to you what you were missing out on – until it wasn’t. He’s an asshole, he’ll admit that readily enough, but at the end of the day he is your asshole.
And he knows it’s not some fleeting, rose-tinted dream he’s stuck in, because he loves you when he’s exhausted and you’re irritating the hell out of him. He loves you when you’re infuriating and stubborn and you make him wanna tear his hair out.
He loves you when he has no right to. Always. Without question.
Right now, he wants nothing more than to slide back under the covers, pull you close and sleep for another few blissful hours, but he can’t. So instead he leans over and ghosts an affectionate kiss over your cheek, murmurs a quiet, ‘Love ya, baby,’ and starts to get his shit together so he can head out.
The Championship’s in three days time, and when he wins – and he will win, there’s no doubt about it – Atsumu’s gonna make an honest woman out of you. He can’t fucking wait.
lmao did you really think i was gonna turn into a fluff blog?? stop writing dc??fghdjksfghjkdl april fools i guess 
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