#America just needs time to be a normal kid bless her
Do you like someone?
You know, weirdly enough I haven't really had much time to think of that between almost being killed by a friend who betrayed me and then almost being killed by a giant eyeball monster and THEN almost being killed by a witch who wanted to steal my powers to break reality. -and no, I'm still not 'over it' yet, either, if you're wondering.
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calypsoff3 · 2 years
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Being back in Jamaica has been a blessing, I’m becoming so accustomed to their way of living and just being normal. It’s nice to feel like this, it’s nice to feel like I’m not different. Meeting and making new friends, staying at this villa and being me really. I have my friends here, they are generally here for company, and I appreciate them not airing anything out, they haven’t even mentioned where they are at. I went to Cali and came back in peace, there was nothing told or anything. I am in contact with Jeff which he does say it’s a little tense still; I think with what Robyn is doing with trying to get me off the label everything is a lot, and the label is questioning where I am now, which of course I’ve been hiding out here again, it’s been a month and today is a big day for me, well not big day but Maxwell is coming soon and he wants to know, he wants to question me where I am at right now, I mean he’s been here since, but he hasn’t seen me for a week. He doesn’t want it to be too intense and push me into making a decision of me accepting of the person I am. He wants me to stop smoking weed and cigarettes, but I can’t, it calms my nerves. This country is beautiful, and it gives me great peace. I want to move here, like Robyn wants to move to Barbados I think maybe here would be best. Speaking of Robyn she has been good, we keep in contact, and I like that, she still tries to ask what I may have but I can’t say it to her “having fun?” I said to Taina as I put out my blunt “free holiday, why not. But yeah I’m having fun, I couldn’t be here for a month. I miss the parties” I laughed nodding my head “Herb was saying, she will come later, I’m like she can’t hang. But yeah” looking away from her “your kids must miss you; don’t you think?” Nodding my head “they do, but I think it’s only right they have the better me. I mean you must see how crazy I can be” she smiled “not crazy but what I see was a real nigga, like you keep it real, and people come at you. I think people came at you, from looking in people provoked you, and that’s being real. Like Herb was saying he even thinks you was tempted by that Rita chick, like they test you. I just think you ain’t crazy but you just been through shit” that is a nice way of putting it “appreciate it, nigga is crazy. If we being real” getting up from the chair “nice you keep Herb happy, he deserves it” walking off, she’s a nice person.
Shaking Maxwell hand “how are you? You had a week away from me” sitting down smiling “I’m smiling, so it’s good. But I’m well, just a lot of thinking and you know trying to accept it. And using my music has an escape, I made so much music here and I’m enjoying it” looking up at Maxwell “and I said this is a form of escape from this, this is going to help you. Go back to art too, you stopped doing that, use these as an escape from the reality, you said you did art? You enjoyed it but stopped, what made you stop?” He asked “erm, when I got with Robyn I kind just stopped, I became engrossed in her life, and tried to fit in I guess” he nodded his head “and you tried to change yourself which you didn’t need too because the only person that matters is your wife, changing yourself is very stressing for you and you as a person. So you ended up moving away from your own therapy you had, which we know you didn’t know you had this. Music, dance, art. Is therapy for you and we need to keep that because Chris there will be times of crisis, and you need to help yourself don’t you” nodding my head “I don’t feel like America is good for me, I go back and it’s just dread. And like going there and knowing my dad is at any time able to come and just be there, I hate it” rubbing my head “your dad is a trigger and we have found this trigger right, we need to cancel this trigger out, and I am so proud of you. You handled the situation; you are the better man Chris. How did it make you feel seeing your dad close to you and asking for you?” Good question “wow erm, I felt a little panicked you know. I just think he’s done so much and even if I ever bring it to home even when I told you I wanted to hit him and I didn’t because he laughed at my mother being the way she is, and I feel like” I paused looking down “it’s ok to be upset Chris, cry” I don’t want to cry “I feel like if I speak on it, to anyone that I’ll be judged and laughed at as a man that is bad tempered and I am pictured as a violent man. And that if they find out, if they hear it then I’m just going to be called crazy like he did with my mom and even she, and that bugs me. It sets me back and I don’t want to go and ever see them” wiping my tear that fell “ok, I understand how you feel, and you don’t want to be judged as the crazy man. Imagine how many young black men are being pictured as this crazy man, how many people you could help. The image of you storming out of the studio topless, you was in crisis. Imagine the thousands of men that don’t understand and like you, imagine how you can help them Chris” chewing on my bottom lip.
“Tell me something Chris, who are your loved ones. We have spoken on this before you tell me who you love” he moved his paperwork to the side “my mom, wife, kids. My niggas, some peers that are around us, like there is a cousin or two that like me, my fans” he nodded his head “and don’t you think they want to see you at your best, you are hindering yourself because of people that don’t matter, why should you hide?” He said, “what do you suppose happens?” I asked him “no Chris what do you suppose happens, you need to let life happen. You can live a happy life with or without your dad around and if you see Curtis, then so what? Because Chris you have the love of your kids and wife and the world that support you, what more would you want” I swallowed hard “I want to be there for them” I mumbled “and nothing is stopping you but you, you have the tools to beat temptation. Not saying you won’t ever have a crisis because you can, but you have the tools to help you, you need to know that in life you have control. You do Chris, your disorder will always try to taint your mind, try and take over but you have all the control you need with you. Anything you feel not in control of you need to know you have it. I think what we need to do, we need to make you feel comfortable in saying what you have aloud. Are you ready to take that next step? Because really that is what we need from you” clenching my jaw “who would be the person you want to tell? Because we need to push this, don’t we” licking my bottom lip nodding my head “how are you feeling? Speak to me Chris, don’t hold back. You know with what you have you don’t need to change everything about you, you’re a light hearted truthful man that has been pushed to the side as being a rude, cocky, mean, violent man when speaking the truth. You just need to stop the impulsive mannerisms that you have, telling the truth is not your disorder, that is you being truthful. But speak to me” I sighed out “I just like you said, I don’t want to change me, how I am and who I am. I just feel like it’s hard to speak on what I have to people because of being judged, I don’t want to be judged, you know. It’s just demeaning to me, or even treat me different, it worries me. I want to accept me, but I feel it will never be a moment unless I jump, so yeah” it’s so hard for me “can I make a call? Also can you be with me? If so?” He smiled at me “of course” getting my phone out from my pocket.
I am calling Robyn, we have both been talking and just getting to know each other and I feel the closeness with her, so I want to tell her really “hi” Robyn answered, it felt like a lifetime “hey, you busy?” I can hear a lot of talk “I’m just at a brunch right now, I answered because you never know. Just wanted to make sure you’re ok” my smile grew “appreciate it, erm you know what. Call me when you have less noise and time. Have fun, it’s nothing serious” I don’t want to say it and whoever is there she can’t speak “I’ll be back, just one of the kids” she said, “no I will go somewhere quieter, just give me a second” I can hear her heels clicking away, she didn’t need to move but she did “how are the kids?” I asked “oh good grief, Junior and Raihan both fought each other and then made up, used my stairs to push their toy cars down, just loads of banging” I chuckled “boys are different, they just be on some shit every time” I prefer daughters, I’ve realised this “constantly having to shout at them Chris; it’s just draining but I’m somewhere quieter” nodding my head “you want to meet me in either Jamaica or London” looking at Maxwell; he smiled at me “meet you? Why?” She is shocked “I just need to speak to you on things, just maybe a weekend, you can choose? Just nowhere in America” Robyn is so silent “I want to say why but I won’t, is everything ok?” She asked again “yeah, just need to get this off my chest and done really. I said when I’m ready, I am” she let out an oh “I’ll come Jamaica that’s fine, I will come to you” I appreciate her so much “thank you” I smiled, she got me always “you just want to get away from the kids” I said, she laughed so I know she does “well I’m nervous coming there so yeah, I don’t know” I am nervous that she is coming here too.
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The fact Chris wants me to come to him, I don’t know what for actually, but I will be going. I just want to be there for him like he asked, I mean I don’t know really. With how we are now, this is the person I know. He is my person; I do honestly see the person he is and how he is talking to me. I just want to see what he has to say, the divorce hangs in the balance. It is still there; I don’t want to do anything right now but just wait it out. I want this whole Chris thing to be a secret, I am not going to give the kids hope. I am not doing that to them, I refuse to do that when they are rooting for it to happen, I want to not give them that hope “Amerie” I said, catching her before she runs up the steps “can I speak to you please, privately. Tianna. Go away” I said to her, she is so nosey. Walking off to go to the office, Amerie looks a little scared. She probably thinks she is in trouble when she isn’t, I just need her to take care of the house for me while I go. Turning to her as she closed the office door “you’re not in trouble” I laughed “calm down” she is so nervous “oh I thought that I did something wrong, is everything ok?” she is so sweet “erm things are ok but I need to go away for a few days, business meeting you see and it’s overseas. I will be back, but I won’t be taking the kids with me, are you ok to take care of them for me? I will probably be about three or four days? It’s important that I do go to this meeting you see” Amerie nodded her head “that is fine, I don’t mind” well this is good “I will leave behind Noella for you, is that ok?” I am sure it will be best for her “thank you, that is more then fine” now I need to discuss this with Noella and Jah.
Putting out my blunt “that was a long silence, just sat here watching you smoke” Jah said, I was thinking about everything “I needed to just think that is all, so I have a favour to ask” blowing the smoke out from my lips “go on” Noella said, “I am going to see Chris” I admitted, Noella gasped “oh, is this a reunion or dick appointment?” Jah asked “neither, just he has something he wants to tell me. You two will be the only ones to know this, because someone needs to know the truth and you both aren’t the ones to judge me or say bad and negative things, besides the random shit from Jah but I am going Jamaica. The kids aren’t going to be aware; I need you to leave with me from this home to make it seem like I am going on a business trip, but you can’t post until I am back, please Jah. The kids aren’t going to know a thing, I refuse to let them get happy about it. This is something I need to do with Chris and just see what happens, and Noella if you can stay. Help Amerie where needed. I don’t have many Chris supporters around me” Noella smiled at me “I will be more then happy to stay and help” she is sweet “let me go with you?” shaking my head “I want this to be about us, no games or anything. Well not us but whatever he tells me, so is it a plan?” I know they will both agree “I suppose” I chuckled “thank you” I need them for this.
I don’t even know how to pack my stuff, I mean I am going to travel somewhat light, but do I pack cute things too, what if we go out. I mean you never know; do I pack kinky stuff. I mean I could do with some dick; it’s been a while “mhmm” I said staring at my bikini “mom” I jumped at the boom of Rylee’ voice “don’t you know how to knock?” turning to her “the door was open, Amerie told us you have a business trip? With a bikini?” she pointed “you sound just like your father there, I am just packing it, you never know. I may want to dip my toes in the water. Also I am working” Rylee nodded her head “anything else? You’re acting like my mother, judgemental girl” she is staring at me down “just checking on you, as long as you’re ok I guess” she sounds just like Chris “I am fine, just need to pack, I will be back. Four days max, I will be back. Just please be good, no boys in the house including Melo, nothing like that. Remember I can see it all, I have cameras in this house” Rylee rolled her eyes “mhmmm try telling Tianna that, she wants to bring that white boy here” shaking my head “and you tell her off, you do not let any boy here, I mean it” these girls “anyways, are you still being hard on Melo?” I asked “mhmmm, he is annoyed because I am talking to Sire” I frowned “who is that again?” I can’t keep up “fifty cent son, we are friends, but he just got annoyed because he is now sitting with me and whatever” she is being not good “you know he likes you and you’re playing this game; I don’t like it Rylee Brown, I am serious now. You tell him properly you’re not interested” Rylee laughed slowly walking off, I need to have a word with her.
Landing in Jamaica, I have no idea if Chris is picking me up, he did say he would have someone here of course but I think I would like him to be here, but I made it. I am in Jamaica reluctantly leaving the kids behind, they didn’t want me to go, they are sad that both parents aren’t around, but I will be going back, I need too. I can’t leave them for too long now. Stepping off of the jet and making my way down, seeing Chris is here. He came, I didn’t think he would actually. He waved at me, stepping down the last steps as he made his way over to me “you didn’t say you was coming?” I said, he grinned at me "I did come, I drove here. I am like a citizen here now” he shouted, it’s awkward. I mean, do we hug, do we not hug. We just stared at each other and then did a little awkward hug “thank you for coming out” he said, nodding my head smiling “so you driving?” I asked, he pointed at the BMW “this the car I hired, I will take that. Thank you” he took my case from the staff member “wow, you really at home” I laughed, he is enjoying himself here “and you’re ok with knowing where to go?” I am concerned “yeah, I know this place. Trust me” I am scared to just fully trust him with that but I have no choice, he seems so happy to see me, likewise with him.
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hardestgrove · 2 years
her fave band is America.
she learned to surf with Billy as a kid. was only allowed to keep surfing once she started to hit puberty if she wore a wetsuit. she owns a few bikinis but has worn any without them being under a wetsuit or cover up 💀
as big into marine biology has a kid and still thinks it’s Neat
has only ever gone to dances with her friends and sometimes just opted out completely bc all her friends had dates and billy had a date so she was just gonna be third wheeling like crazy. 100% cried like crazy. hates dances. always feels like a freak in a dress pretending she’s a normal girl. especially since all her friends would have better hair and make up since she’s not like, allowed to do shit.
goes between “just keep your head down and do whatever you need to to survive this shit” and “well if i’m gonna get hit i might as well have earned it [hurls a vase at neil]”. just a switch flips randomly and she begins to Commit Violence. the periods of keeping her head down have gotten shorter as she gets older.
don’t ask her what she wants to do with her life or what jobs she’d like she doesn’t know 💀
worked as a sales associate at the Merry-Go-Round at the Starcourt Mall until it you know.... i’m assuming it opened before may-june/when steve and robin started working in the mall so she’d been working there for several months
lost like half her friends over the years because of her own or billy’s behavior and her making excuses for him.
likes animals and would kill to have a pet cat or dog.
is just as snarky as max and billy. usually her humor tho is more of the like “cry for help but with a laugh track” kind. bc..... it’s a cry for help with a clown nose slapped on it LOL
doesn’t even try to make friends in Hawkins. just doesn’t see the point since she’s never allowed out as is. the closest she gets is jonathan but even that doesn’t get very far since billy keeps inserting himself or dragging her away. eventually she makes friends with billy’s friends like tommy and eddie and steve. and considers it good enough.
100000% been just 👀 at steve since they got here. just stares appreciatively for months until her hand slips and she accidentally does a flirt then just says “fuck it” and commits. this is a pattern in her behavior “did it once, okay fuck it do it a million times seal’s broken”.
steals billy’s jackets and books.
helps brandon with his homework.
max once called her a barbie doll and she proceeded to wrestle/horseplay max into submission and lock her in a closet. then asked her who was the barbie now. genuinely had no time for max’s “i’m not like other girls” era from like 8-12.
bc the idea of the hargroves knowing argyle growing up is SO blessed-- argyle was her first crush and she still thinks he’s Super Neat. they talk about movies a lot. he taught her how to smoke and shotgun a beer. billy is not aware of these facts.
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aikoiya · 9 months
Curse Shoulder Spirits AU: How do you think Sans would react, if after he destroyed the Justice Cowboy… the next day, he woke up and looked himself in the mirror, only to see the kid that he killed yesterday… is right on his shoulders: “SURPRISE, BONEHEAD!”… How would Sans react, when he realizes his powers have ZERO effect, on his Shoulder Spirit?… How would Undyne react to the Integrity Ballerina’s Spirit, on her shoulders? 👻💛💙
Hmm... Well, Sans would definitely hate it. Justin McLock (that's the name I gave him) is a very gentlemanly & polite sort. Never even wore his hat inside. However, his secondary virtue I believe would be integrity. Definitely the wise sort & very hardworking & diligent with an innate sense of justice taught to him by his father, who was the sheriff of a small wild west town in midwest America. A down home, salt of the earth sort.
This kid wasn't simply playing at being a cowboy, he was one during the height of the wild west era & was the oldest human when Sans killed him, being around 16-18 & had been in the Underground since he was around 11, so he managed to avoid detection the longest out of the kids. And that "toy" gun he had? It was 100% real. It was just empty once Frisk got it & fires magic bullets now. He likely blessed it to do so somehow.
He was a free spirit & loved to sing & play his guitar (a voice like an angel that one), having managed to make friends with Grillby & worked as both a bartender & a singer while there. You see, he wore a mask when out & about. He also has a deep & abiding respect for the truth as he was always taught that it was important to hear all sides of an argument before coming to a conclusion. The truth is extremely important to him which ties back into his secondary virtue being integrity & makes him Sans' perfect narrative foil.
He was also a sort of vigilante as, growing up in the west, people often had to administer justice on their own. In my head, since monsters pride themselves on being merciful & compassionate (or, at least, these ones do), I figured that either the Underground monsters don't have jails or dungeons, or they do but they don't keep criminals in there long, & they're only used as sort of a short time out & a place to lecture monsters who do something wrong. Thinking that because monsters are full of compassion & mercy, that the ones who do wrong don't realize that what they're doing is wrong & thus informing them should be enough.
Problem is, I do not in any way think that this is the case. Evil is everywhere. And I believe that everyone, regardless of their beginning, starts off with the same amount of mercy & compassion inside them. Including monsters. In fact, every conceivable soul virtue all exists within every soul & the color that you see is simply the individual's most predominant virtue.
However, at the end of the day, these virtues are like muscles in that they need to be used in order for them to grow stronger. So, even though a person has compassion in their heart, that means nothing if they don't make the choice to exercise it.
As a result, there are still things like murderers, thieves, & rapists in the Underground because every society has them, they're just better at hiding it & know how to make it look like an accident, while the normal everyday monsters are very good at denying it exists.
Because of the Underground's catch & release sort of justice system, the Royal Guard doesn't even try to investigate things beyond a certain point.
When Justice realized this & witnessed an ongoing mugging, he immediately jumped in & protected the victim. This individual having been Greatest Dog, or as Justin named him later, Rex. Anyway, Justin tied up the other monster & took them to the Royal Guard then took Rex to a doctor. Rex became steadfastly loyal to Justin & was his best friend from then on. However, just a week after that, Justin found that same criminal out & about trying to mug some other poor monster & that's when Justin realized that there was a pile of dust next to them & the current victim was begging for mercy. In a moment, Justin shot & killed the attacker. The victim thanked him & Justin helped the poor fella collect the dust of his friend & break the news to the poor guy's family before helping the young monster get back home. Justin was just a very good boy.
He then went back to the dog guards at Grillby's & demanded to know why he just found that bastard trying to kill another monster even after he brought them to the guard on a silver platter.
The guard in charge said that he must be mistaken as they already lectured the individual in question, so they shouldn't be a problem anymore. To which Justin gasped "Lecture?! You really think tha' a scoldin' is enough to stop someone willin' to end a fella's life for a measily handful a' Gold??" The captain of Snowdin's dog guard then said that he was sure that he wasn't trying to kill anyone. Then Justin shouted that there was already a pile of dust there when he came on the scene. He had to help his poor buddy collect the remains & break the news to his family!
This caused the captain & the rest of the guard to pause in shock before shaking his head & saying that that was terrible, but that he was sure it was an accident.
This... utterly stunned Justin. He looked over to Grillby, holding his toddler daughter, Fuku, who didn't know what was happening. Grillby, by that point, knew that Justin was a good judge of character & wouldn't jump to conclusions. He shook his head sadly at the boy as if to say that it was a lost cause. To which Justin just stared off into space for a moment before walking away to process.
Anyway, that was when Justin realized that he couldn't leave this alone & started going around fighting crime, protecting monsters, & investigating & gathering evidence, incontrovertable proof, of said crimes. Rex later started helping him to protect innocent monsters from rotten ones. Though, they wore bandanas to keep their identies a secret.
The captain hated him (not Justin himself, but the bandana'd man who was executing people) & for the first time ever, began to actively go out & search for who they considered a seriel murderer. The truth was that they were angry that they were making them look bad. What they refused to admit, even to themselves, was that there were far fewer crimes being committed due to his presence.
Anyway, Justin meets Sighren (Shyren's sister who was a teenager like him & thus had grown a more human body), who had broken up with Ian (Aaron's brother who was abusive & a cheater), they started dating, fell in love, Justin became something of an older brother figure to Shy (he'd also been a bit of an older brother figure to Fuku), & Justin & Sigh sang together, filling the Underground with song. Then, one night, Ian went to Sigh's house to beg for her to take him back, she refused, & in a drunken stupor, he hit her, she fell back & hit her head on the corner of a coffee table, & 'fell down.' Ian told her to get up & when she didn't he tried to make her get up, only to realize that she'd 'fallen down,' freaked out, & ran away into the night. Shy had woken up in the middle of the night hearing a commotion, went to see what it was, then seeing that it was Sigh & Ian arguing, kept quiet. Then, her sister got hurt & Ian ran away, so when he was gone, she ran out & tried to wake her, only to find that she wouldn't.
Shy then ran all the way to Snowdin & got Justin & Rex. Justin went with her back to her house & found Sigh, but he couldn't wake her so he brought her to the nearest doctor who told them that Sigh had 'fallen down.'
Hearing that Sigh would never wake up, Justin gave Shy his guitar & told Rex to keep Shy safe, after which he hunted Ian down like an animal & beat him to near death before pulling out his gun & pointing it at the bastard. Ian, in that moment, realized that Justin was the guy that had been giving the Guard the runaround. He called Justin a murderer. To which Justin asked what that made Ian. Ian begged for his life & said that he didn't mean to do it & Justin realized that he really didn't. It hadn't been premeditated. Really examining him, Justin came to a conclusion. That Ian was just such a person that leaving him alive was a far worse punishment than killing him because the guilt would eat him alive. So, after a few pointed, convicting words, Justin left & went to give Asgore his soul, because while he wasn't normally a suicidal person, he was now in the throws of grief. He figured that maybe, just maybe, doing this could show the king that not all humans were as horrible as he believed. But he met Sans in the Judgement Hall.
Despite explaining to the skeleton why he was there, Sans didn't believe him & went to kill him. As strong as Justin was, he didn't have the benefit of RESETs or forknowledge of Sans' attacks, so he very quickly was defeated. (Though, not before giving the asshole a run for his money.) In his last moments, Justin gave him his father's old sheriff's badge. That badge that you find in Sans' workshop was actually Justin's. And when he gave it to Sans, he convicted the bone head. As Justin's father gave it to Justin & told him that whenever he wore that badge, he was to always protect the innocent & that it was his responsibility to make discerning judgements. He told Sans this & said that since he called himself a "Judge" he would convict him with the responsibility of one.
See, Justice's main abilities are called Scan, Discern, & Shoot. Scan gives insight on a target's status, while Discern is something like Apollo Justice's Percieve ability if you've ever played the Apollo Justice Ace Attorney game. If not, then basically, it helps the user to 'zoom in' & pick up on the target's bodily twitches & intuit the reasoning behind them. Which is a hallmark of something called Helstromism or contact mind-reading which is famously used by magicians & is known to be quite effective.
For a good idea of how helstromism looks in the movies, go watch Now You See Me & its sequel. (Extremely good movies, highly recommend.)
Anyway, this ability helps him to be a good judge of those around him & discern the truth. So, in a way, he sort of has a similar ability to Sans' karma thing.
So in a situation where Justin sticks with him, Sans will always feel his own sins crawling down his back.
Unfortunately, when Rex learns about Justin's fate, he eventually falls down himself. The biggest tragedy is that Sigh & Ian end up merging into Lemonbread, which is why they say that it's "their own special hell." Because, think about it, Sigh has lost her boyfriend & is now forever stuck with the man who essentially killed her, while Ian is forever stuck with the woman he lost & then basically killed & who hates him. Pure hell.
As for Undyne & Clarissa? Well, I've never seen Undyne as the type to like Mettaton & in fact, he rubs her the wrong way, so Clarissa would do likewise.
Being Integrity, I see Clarissa as not only being honest with others, but also with herself & having a very strong understanding of who she is. In this way, she really isn't given to delusion & doesn't allow others to be taken in by such things either. This, however, often results in her being blunt. As such, she is a very genuine person.
So, she would not let Undyne get away with thinking that she was the good guy. She would very bluntly remind her that she chased a young girl who did nothing to her or anyone else through the swamps & caused her untimely demise. She then harvested her victim's soul with the expectation that it'd be used up like a battery.
Also, we know that Kindness (Kindra Lockhart who I hc as having lived during the Victorian era & was 5-6 years old) died in Hotland, so it'd have naturally been someone who lived there. In this case, my hc was that it wasn't intentional. She made friends with a kid Grillby, they bonded over cooking, she taught him her family's burger recipe, & they promised each other that they'd run a grill together someday. But, one day, they were out together when they saw a monster standing on a very small outcropping below a cliff & trying to climb back up.
In my original hc, it was just a random Hotland resident with no arms to lift themselves up, but I can also see Alphys being in this position. Anyway, the idea was that Kindra reached out & used her frying pan as an extention so that Alphys could reach, a kid Grillby holding Kindra so she wouldn't be pulled off too. They managed to get Alphys up & everything was okay. Then a cracking sound rang out & the cliff broke with Kindra on it. Before either could catch her, she plummeted. In utter shock, they sort of just stared for a second before running down to find her. When they got there, they saw the girl crumbled on the ground, her limbs at odd angles, & there was already a Guard there standing over her with her soul in his hand.
Grillby was inconsolable while Alphys was horrified & felt terribly guilty. Grillby grew up to hate Hotland & eventually moved away to Snowdin to get as far away from the memories as possible. While the grill was successful, he fell into a depression & his magic began to build up.
Now, because Grillby is an elemental-based monster with even less physical matter than other monsters, though not as little as a ghost monster, he is capable of an odd type of reproduction. Which, I know, sounds weird, but hear me out. Being male, he could only do this at such a time as when his magic has built up to a very high point, while a female could do so whenever so long as they had a male partner, as they were built to do so.
Now, monsters need to use up a certain amount of magic per day or that magic could build up to a point where they get sick. However, at such times, their soul can "bud," but only if their soulmate lends them a small piece of their soul. As such, it is possible for the soul of a dead person to do so & it result in a child. Though, to the dead person in question, it is like plucking a hair & giving it to someone. Weird, but nothing that hurts them. It is also in no way sexual in any capacity & is not a biological pregnancy. Being more so a magical, spiritual one.
This sort of thing is exceedingly rare & has not been done by a member of Asgore's kingdom since before they were Underground.
Anyway, Grillby was going to fall down if Kindra didn't do something & her ghost was panicking. Alphys, in a bid of real compassion, made such a suggestion, but posed it as something theoretical.
Kindra gave him a small piece of her soul & Fuku came to be. This gave Grillby a reason to keep going. Though, he was hella confused as to how it happened.
Now, that isn't to say that Alphys is a good person here, but even a bad person can have moments of goodness.
In the case of Kindra, she wouldn't confront her directly about what she was doing, but then again she wouldn't need to with Alphys. The horrified expression on her face, the sorrow, the pain, the open empathy for those she was hurting, the crying, begging, & the screaming when Sans was extracting her DT from her soul (because I do not see Alphys being able to do so herself). Those would all be enough to guilt the shit outta Alphys. Problem is that Alphys is a coward.
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fromasgardandback · 3 years
New Recruitment
Avengers x Reader
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masterlist | oneshots
Today was my first day with the Avenger family. I was their new recruit, and having connections with Clint Barton, helped immensely. My mother and Clint grew up as neighbors; therefore, naturally, we were all a family. Since I was thirteen, due to my mother’s passing, I lived with them; so, being close with the Barton’s made me feel like I had a home wherever I went. Clint considered me a daughter, his kids I considered my siblings, and Laura I considered as a loving second-mother.
The Avengers Compound in upstate New York was a beautiful sight I knew I’d grow to yearn for. It was similar to what was back home. Without all the technology and superheroes. 
“Y/N, my shining star. How was your trip in?” Clint hugged me close. 
“Quicker than I expected.” I looked around, “Where’s the team?” 
“Eager?” He smirked pulling me along down the hallway.
“As always. You know how I get about starting somewhere. Remember when we switched high schools and I had to make a name for myself, which resulted in getting suspended for three days.” I smiled knowing he hated that memory.
“Yes, not a fun or proud moment for me.” He commented hitting my shoulder.
“Ah yes, but one for me.” I chuckled as he chased me down the hallway into the common room.
Sitting there in all their glory, there they were. Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, The Incredible Hulk, Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, Wasp, Vision, Falcon, The Winter Soldier, Antman, Spiderman, and War Machine. They were in normal attire instead of their marvelous suits. One by one they introduced themselves to me.
“Welcome to have you aboard Y/N. Clint has said wonderful things about you. I hope we make it welcoming for you.” Steve smiled placing his hands on his hips.
“Thank you. I’m honored to even be standing in the same room as you all.” I nervously got out.
“Well, it is great to have another girl here. In a family full of men, women heroes don’t come often.” Wanda smiled. 
“Most of our girls are elsewhere in the world, and being with these men, it’s a nice change.” Natasha stood next to Wanda. “Yeah, we’re just gonna take her to get set up and talk crap about you men.” Nat dragged me away towards the rooms.
I looked over. “These men don’t seem so bad. Some are easy on the eyes.” 
“Woah, already? Mm, might be more incorrigible than me.” We all chuckled walking into my respectable room.
Six months had gone by and I was feeling like family in the first three weeks. I trained with Wanda and Bucky every other day. Wanda would help me with maneuvering unseen and sudden attacks, while Bucky helped with hand-to-hand combat. My skills improved over time to where if I wanted to, I could beat some of the guys in the team. 
Clint sat next to me on the roof overlooking the stars. “Bringing you here was the best decision I have made for you.” I smiled leaning my head on his shoulder.  “Thank you for being here when I need you most. I am honored and blessed to be a part of this Avenger family. I wouldn’t have life any different.”
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I Loved Her First
Bucky Barnes X Daughter!Reader, Peter Parker X Barnes!Reader
Summary: He was enough for you not long ago he was your number one, you told him so and you still mean the world to him
Warnings: none that I know of, fluff, meaningless threats father's give to their daughters boyfriend.
Song: I Loved Her First By Heartland
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Look at the two of you dancin' that way lost in the moment and each other's face so much in love, you're alone in this place like there's nobody else in the world
You stared at Peter as you danced around the dance floor. Just a couple of hours after you got married. You guys met in high school, you both went to the same school. Then when he got the stark internship you guys hung out a lot more. Eventually, you started dating and your dad was against it but didn't stop it.
I was enough for her not long ago I was her number one, she told me so
"Daddy why do we have to move in with the avengers?" You asked, 10 years old. Him and Steve were able to convince Tony to let him and you move into the tower. You didn't want to though. You liked living with just your dad. Sure you didn't like living on the run but you like it just being you and him.
"Because Uncle Steve got us this opportunity and we need it Doll." Bucky said, watching you adjust your bag. "And I think you'll like having company, a lady figure in your life?"
"No, I only need you, daddy! You're my number one and I don't need a lady figure in my life!" You said pouting.
"Enough doll."
And she still means the world to me, just so you know so be careful when you hold my girl
Bucky sighed as he walked into your room, you and Peter on the bed asleep cuddling. He didn't like it, he missed being the only guy you needed. He wouldn't admit it but Peter was a good guy and he liked him but he didn't like that he was stealing his little girl. He grabbed the blanket from the end of the bed, and draped it over the two of you.
"Good night doll." He kissed the top of your head. He looked at Peter. He really had to resist the urge to move you away from him. He left the room leaving you two to sleep but he kept the door open.
Time changes everything, life must go on and I'm not gonna stand in your way
"Peter what's wrong?" Bucky asked as Peter bounced his leg nervously. Peter was there to ask for his blessing. He didn't have to do this of course, it's a bit old fashioned and rare that men ask for their girl's father's blessing but he knew Bucky was old fashioned coming from the 40s and he hoped Bucky would appreciate it. "Spit it out kid."
"Canihaveyourblessingtomarryy/n!" Peter rushed out looking anywhere but your father.
"You're gonna have to slow down I couldn't understand you." Bucky said. He caught a few words and other words sounded wrong so he heard, "can I have your lessing bury y/n." And he was really confused.
"Can I have your blessing to." Peter froze taking a deep breath. "Propose to y/n." Bucky sighed in relief.
"Yeah kid." Bucky nodded.
"I thought you hated me?" Peter blurted out in confusion.
"I don't hate you. Just don't forget I loved her first, she's my baby girl I won't hesitate to kill you if you hurt her." Bucky said.
"And I'd help!" Sam said as he walked through the common room.
"Yes sir. Mr. Barnes and Mr. Wilson."
But I loved her first, I held her first and a place in my heart will always be hers
Bucky walked into his newest apartment. He's on the run he doesn't stay one place long. The apartment was dirty, rough looking but he didn't care. He heard whimpering coming from the kitchen. He took slow cautious steps toward it, he saw nothing but the sobs and whimpers got louder. He opened all the cupboards before he spotted a four year old girl.
"You okay little lady?" Bucky leaned down doing his best to seem less scary. You looked at him and nodded.
"Daddy?" You asked looking at him tears in your eyes.
"No, I'm not your daddy... Doll what's your name?" He asked you. You sobbed.
"Y/n... Where's daddy? He said he would be right back!" You crawled out of the cupboard and hugged him sobbing. He tensed patting your back with his right hand hesitantly.
From the first breath she breathed when she first smiled at me I knew the love of a father runs deep
It's been a few days since he found you. He didn't know what to do, you were attached to his hip. You had to be near him. For some reason it comforted him. You didn't know what he did, didn't know his past. You saw him and felt safe. He didn't think that anyone would feel safe around him.
"Mister Bucky! Can I get a teddy?" You asked as the two of you walked through the market. You both had "disguises" on. You had a hood and sun glasses, while he had a baseball cap and sunglasses. Bucky looked toward where you were pointing, it was across the street at a thrift store. In the window was a teddy bear in a captain America suit. He looked at the money he had. Deciding he could spend a couple extra dollars on the bear he nodded.
"Sure doll. Come on." He looked down at you and you were smiling.
"Thank you!!"
And I prayed that she'd find you someday but it's still hard to give her away I loved her first
Life settled down for you and your dad when you moved into the tower. It gave him a chance to worry about the normal stuff dads worry about. Whether you were passing school, or if you were bullied. Most importantly he worried you wouldn't find a good guy, it's not as though you cared. You found boys gross, then again it was just the age you were at. He could only hope you'd find a good one.
How could that beautiful woman with you be the same freckle face kid that I knew
You walked out of the room you and your bridesmaids were getting ready in to see your dad and the groomsmen. Your dad smiled sadly.
"You look so beautiful doll." He said.
"Thank you dad." You giggled.
The one that I read all those fairytales to and tucked into bed all those nights
You couldn't sleep without a story. He didn't know any when he found you. He would tuck you into his side and a tell you what he remembered about life in the forties. Just the good stuff though. Before you even met Steve you believed him to be the coolest person ever.
"Okay stories over sleep." He rolled to his side.
And I knew the first time I saw you with her it was only a matter of time
You walked into the common room after F.R.I.D.A.Y alerted you that there was someone for you to meet. You were confused to see your friend from school, who you had a crush on was standing there.
"Peter?" You asked. Everyone looked at you.
"Y/n! What are you doing here?" Peter asked you smiled.
"I live here what are you doing here?"
"He's my intern... How do you two know each other?" Tony asked.
Bucky watched as you and Peter started talking and laughing ignoring the others. He knew guys and girls could be friends, but he had a feeling this wasn't the case.
I loved her first, I held her first and a place in my heart will always be hers
Bucky picked you up, grabbing your bag, lifting your hood before he left the apartment. You were asleep, but you guys had to move again. He just decided to carry you instead of waking you up. It's been two years since you came into his life, your 6 now.
"Daddy? What's going on?" You whined shuffling in his arms.
"We're moving again doll. Go back to sleep." He said as he walked up to a train station. You nodded resting your head on his shoulder once again. Once on the train he sat you on the seat putting a blanket that came with the seat over you.
From the first breath she breathed when she first smiled at me I knew the love of a father runs deep
"Daddy! Can I do to the park?" You pointed at a park asking to go play.
"Yeah keep your hat and sunglasses on though doll." He said walking over with you before sitting on a bench. You didn't need the disguise no one knew who you were. But it made him feel better.
"Okay daddy!" You smiled running over to the park.
And I prayed that she'd find you someday but it's still hard to give her away I loved her first
Bucky linked arms with you as here comes the bride began to play. He looked at you once more doing his best to keep the tears in. The avengers wouldn't let it down if they caught him crying.
"I love you doll." He whispered before you began down the aisle.
From the first breath she breathed when she first smiled at me
"We have an announcement!" You said as you walked into the compound with Peter. "Friday call everyone to the living room please!" You were going to give your dad a shirt to announce this so you had a present. Peter had something for Tony as well.
"Hey doll." Bucky smiled at you giving you a hug as he walked in, Steve and Sam following.
"Hi dad! Sit down!" You said as you hugged Steve, then Sam. Soon everyone was piled on the couch.
"We have things for Mr. Stark and Mr-." Peter began but Bucky game him a look. "And Bucky."
"The why are we here?" Sam asked. "Did you get us something?"
"Uncle Sammy." You said.
"Sorry little Barnes." He gave you a smile. You rolled your eyes, before you and Peter pulled the gifts out and handed them to their respective person.
"Open them at the same time!" Peter said.
Bucky looked at you cautiously before he unwrapped his while Tony opened his. Bucky pulled out a shirt, while won't pulled out a baby onesie.
"Why did you get me a baby onesie? Morgan grew out of these." Tony said.
"Read them."
"The best dad's get promoted to grandpa." Bucky read. "Wait! Your? I'm gonna be a grandfather!"
"Mr. Stark read yours!"
"Ironman is my grandpa. Are you calling me old?" Tony asked.
"Your going to be grandfathers! And you are old."
"Congrats you two." Steve said smiling.
"I'm gonna be their favorite uncle!" Sam exclaimed.
I knew the love of a father runs deep someday you might know what I'm goin' through when a miracle smiles up at you I loved her first
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A/n: would tony even be the kid’s grandpa? probably not but whatever.
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ladywinterwitch · 3 years
Run Away (Ten - Strangers)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Avenger! Reader
Summary: You and Steve complete each other. Your love is that strong and devoted kind of love that pushes people to things like marriage, making a family. You couldn't imagine that a baby would be something you really wished, until the possibility wasn't your choice anymore.
Warnings: pregnancy talk, fluff, A N G S T, I think that's it??
Words Count: 3739
A/n: Next chapter is longer and INTENSE
Series masterlist , main masterlist
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(GIF not mine)
Y/n and Steve ended up falling asleep, which was a bit embarassing especially on his part. In the end tho they woke up around two in the afternoon and were starving. You also thought about the fact that Helen must've already set in by now. After cleaning up a bit and getting redressed the two actually went to separate directions, Steve to the gym because he had a bunch of new recruits to train by three sharp, while Y/n was heading to the kitchen.
-FRIDAY, would you call up ms Simon for me?- she found Tony, Vision and Thor in the common room so she quickly greeted them.
-Hey guys, taking a break?- she smiled when Thor got up to greet her properly. He was such a physical and affectionate person. He reminded her of a golden retriever; huge, with long hair and a heart of gold. Your smile widened when he bent down to press his ear to her belly.
-Well yes darling, do you forget that aside from kicking some ass every now and then we're basically jobless?- Tony joked. Both he and Vision were looking at you two.
-How is your pregnancy going, Y/n?- Vision asked in his posh and polite manner. She tilted her head to the side. Thor still touching the smooth and round surface. She didn't mind at all.
-It's going smoothly, thank you. Tho if I have to be honest I can't wait to at least give birth. I love my belly but it's so complicated to live with. I also miss actually moving around and exiting the tower. I don't think I've ever been so still and babyed in my life.-
-If it was an easy job, God wouldn't have gave it to women.- they all turn around when you hear an unfamiliar voice, which they soon found out to be Helen's. Thor stands straight in all his tallness and gets in front of her protectively.
-Who are you?- he asks suspiciously. She put a hand on his arm to calm him down.
-It's okay, Thor. This is Helen Simon, she's my new midwife. The one me and Steve hired this morning.- her head turns quickly to Tony then back to Helen. Tony stands up, fixing the invisible fold in his tracksuit pants and smugly walks to the older woman.
-Stark. Tony Stark. I actually hired you, but I'll let the happy couple have the glory.- he joked and you shook your head amused. They shook hands and then Vision introduced himself as well. Thor just acknowleged her with a nod. It's not like the God of Thunder had to introduce himself.
-Okay guys, see you later. I'm starving so.- you decided to cut it, but obviously Tony had to sneak in a joke. Had to.
-I'm sure cap worn you out.- Thor, which didn't know what timing was, bless his heart, decided to burst out laughing. You rolled your eyes not looking back.
-Jealousy doesn't match with your shoes Anthony.- you clapped back, still hearing Thor laugh and Tony calling him out.
A few feet down the corridor there was the kitchen, and when Y/n finally tought that her and Helen could have a minute alone, they found Wanda intently reading a book while she mover her finger around to spin the teaspoon in a mug. She looked up when they entered the room. Her finger stopped working and so did the spoon, the faint magenta colored aura disappearing.
-Hello?- she said, tentatively. Y/n ignored her cold stare and walked to the fridge taking out the leftover chicken and some salad to mix.
-She's Helen, the midwife me and Steve talked about.- there was a subtle warning in Y/n's voice. She thought 'Be nice' in her mind, and when Wanda sighed she knew she read her mind.
-Nice to meet you. If you'll excuse m- - Wanda was about to get up from the stool but the old woman's voice stopped her.
-You aren't eating that chicken cold are you? How old is it?- she walked closer, grabbing the plastic box from her hands. Both her and Wanda were a little taken aback by her bluntness, and shared a look.
-Uh..Yeah? I was actually going to put it in the salad. And it's..I'm not sure, a couple of days old? Still perfectly fresh and untouched.- she answered trying to reassure her, but she wasn't having it at all.
-This isn't eating healthy. If you want a healthy baby you need to eat properly. I'll take care of your meals from now on. - she stated, putting the box aside. - The non pregnant teammates can risk getting sick with that chicken. - Wanda's gaze darkened and her eyes took a light shade of red.
-What's that supposed to mean, old lady? - Y/n saw her fingers starting to move around with the corner of her eye and put her own hand on hers.
-Helen didn't mean anything, Wanda. She just meant that I have to be extra careful in comparison to the rest of you, ok? Don't you have to be somewhere right now?- she asked in the most calm way. The last hting she needed was Wanda yeeting Helen out of the tower on the first day. Wanda closed and picked up her book and mug, walking towards the exit of the kitchen.
-I mean, I'd like to go to the terrace to chill, but I can't.- Y/n frowned while sitting on a stool. Meanwhile Helen had already started to inspect their whole frige.
-I can feel Bucky and his girl going at it so yeah, I did not plan to watch a live performance.- she choked on water and the old lady turned around with a rather disgusted face. Wanda just shrugged and left them. The girl turned towards the older woman with an awkward smile.
-Welcome I guess.- the short fake laugh was over as soon as Helen sat in front of her, her hands conjoined in front of her.
-This isn't good.- the girl shifted uncomfortably, then uncosciously starting to rub her belly as a sign of comfort.
-What isn't?- the lady sighed. -First off, there are way too many people here. This place is chaotic, the people aren't giving you the peace that you need. This isn't a baby-space. At all. I just looked into your frigde and there isn't a single thing ready or 100% healthy probably except vegetables. Y/n if you want to be a good mother and be healthy for your baby you need to change a few things.- her words at first irritated her, setting off her protectiveness towards the people she called family, but then as she went on, she made her feel little. Like a little girl who wasn't good enough. She sighed silently.
-What would you have me do then?- she asked. Helen shrugged, still mantaining her perfect posture.
-I'm not gonna suggest you to buy a new place, because where you'll live after the baby is born is your business, but..- she paused, -I can offer you to come live at my place for these last two months or so. I have a nice, peaceful place a little outside New York. I already had eight of my patients do this, it's not so absurd.- she explained like it was the most normal thing in the world. Y/n was listening, but she wasn't convinced. She decided that she had to think about it first. She had to know for sure that she was professional and competent.
-I don't know, Helen. I'll admit that it isn't the most tranquil place to live, but...these people are my family. They have always been by my side, pregnant or not. And what about Steve? The father of my firstborn?- she marked the last phrase, tilting her head to the side. A little habit she probably took from Wanda.
-Because they care about you. But in truth, tell me, aren't you feeling like a burden? Like you get into their business?- she mirrored the young woman's expression. Y/n didn't answer at first.
-You're really not going soft on this are you?- Helen released a dry laugh. Shook her head and paused before talking.
-Yes. I began working as a nurse unofficially when I was 13 years old, during the Prague Spring reforms in '68. The hospital was in short of nurses so.- she explained, -That time wasn't easy. Not that the one before it and after it wasn't, that is. You either grow a thick skin or you don't survive.- Y/n felt for her, as she had a very similar destiny. First she doesn't know how she ended up in an orphanage, and then when she was fifteen and nobody took her, they kicked her out. She was homeless for a year until SHIELD recruited her, and the rest is history.
The older woman got up and took some vegetables, washed them and then placed them down to slice them. Y/n got up as well and started helping. She eyed the fresh eggs, so she guessed that Helen wanted to make a quick frittata.
-How did you end up in America? As midwife, nonetheless.- she asked.
-Why most foreign people come to America? Certainly not the food.- The woman responded with a slight hint of irony. The girl chuckled.
-In any case, I've been here more than half of my live, moved many states mainly for my own choice. Being a private midwife pays decently.- she paused to dump the sliced vegetables into a pan with a little oil and salt.
-I became one because I was fascinated by the whole process that the woman's body goes through both before, during and after birth. I assisted two of my older sisters, and in the end ended up doing it as a job.- Y/n nodded, listening.
-That's actually amazing. But if I can ask, you do not have kids yourself?-
-No. Didn't have the possibility at first. Then decided that just it was my profession but not my future. No regrets.- she answered even tho the girl could sense that something was off. She decided not to intrude.
Silence fell between them while they were cooking, and the younger woman took the popularity to think about what she said. The woman was practical, a bit harsh maybe. But she also had a lot of experience. She didn't like the thought of leaving her family, but she had to admit that she often felt like a burden lately. More than once someone stayed behind to look after her, and even tho they didn't seem to mind at all, she did. She wasn't used to being so pampered and looked after, and sometimes she almost felt suffocated. Guess that spending many years of your life having to take care of yourself takes a toll on you.
She didn't want to decide anything without talking it out with Steve first. And it wouldn't be permanent, just for the last couple months or so, until she had the baby. If she really thought about it maybe she needed some time to reconnect with herself, to learn how to take care of her baby in the best way possible. Even the stupidest thing like cold chicken could potentially make her sick, and it was such a small thing. But that doesn't change the fact that she didn't knew. She wasn't one of those moms who surrounded herself with books teaching her every do's and don'ts, but at this point insecurity was kicking in. The last thing she would ever want was to be a bad mother even before actually becoming one.
Between a baby shop and another, and a whole new diet including an embarrassing amount of tea, Y/n finished her eight month of pregnancy. She was feeling as tired and as big as ever. Helen actually helped a lot both with the cooking, the health tips and with the shopping. She actually sobbed when they bought the crib. Both because she was emotional, a bit because hormones and also because Steve was again away on a mission. The whole team was actually. They had new leads in the Hungarian case and another completely different mission in South Korea, a tough one. So it required the whole team split up. That was the fist time Y/n was left alone since she knew she were pregnant. It all went smoothly, the tower actually felt quiet for once.
Y/n and Helen had found a nice dynamic, and most of the time spent time in a comfortable silence, each doing their thing. A downside that she wasn't realizing was the distance that was slowly creeping from her to the team. They didn't really like the midwife that much, Wanda, Thor and Bucky especially didn't like her at all. But Y/n felt for her, she felt like she knew her better than them so she often took her side, which hurt them back.
Steve on the other hand wasn't realizing it almost at all. All he cared about was his wife being healthy and that she got along with the midwife. They didn't sleep together often anymore, due to the fact that he was often away and she was constantly tired. Bruce did warn her at the beggining that this 'enhanced' baby would've probably tired her out, and it did at first but then she was feeling very well. She and Helen both blamed it on the tiredness of the pregnancy as a whole.
The last straw was when some of the guys, specifically Sam, Thor and Peter, whom didn't live at the tower and was rarely involved in missions because of Tony, went to see them and in some way, nobody actually know how, they made a whole ass hole in the floor above the library. Fate wanted that Y/n and Helen were reading just a few feet away. If they were just a bit closer to the door, they would've been hit by the pavement pieces.
Helen gasped and jumped out of her seat, book still in her hand by the corner. The younger woman on the other hand was more mad than anything.
She rose from the armchair, struggling a bit and marched towards the now destroyed door. The damage wasn't so bad, but it was still damage and it could've been way worse. She was fuming.
-Y/n! Shit are you okay? - Sam yelled from above. The three guys looking down from the hole they created.
-I'm so sorry it wasn't me! It was Thor! - Peter joined in and caused the God to respond, and from that a whole lot of mess arose.
The people who weren't on a mission, which were Wanda, Bucky and Tony, came running.
Y/n didn't know where to look and all of a sudden started felling a bit suffocated. She brought a hand to her forehead, distubed by the chaos arouns her.
-Stop! Fucking stop it! - she yelled, groaning from frustration. Everyone stopped talking while the girl started to feel her eyes prickle with tears of frustration.
-Why is never, ever a single day if peace in here? There's always someone around, making a mess, making noise, complaining- - she almost stumbled on a piece of ceiling that had fallen, but Bucky and Tony were right behind her and helped her stabilize herself, but she shoved them off.
-Leave me be!- she exclaimed frustrated. She huffed, trying to take a deep breath. -I'm moving out.- a chorus of 'What' arose. Bucky stepped forward and grabbed her wrist gently.
-What are you talking about?- his eyes showed confusion and panic.
-And when would have you decided this stupid thing?- Tony crossed his arms and went straight up 'Tony Stark' on her. Y/n rolled her eyes, ignoring both questions and walked out of the now damaged library. Helen followed suit.
-At least wait for Steve to return!- Wanda said. Thor jumped down, through the new hole in the ceiling and followed her like the others.
-Y/n, we're sorry! Look, I'm gonna fix the ceiling myself okay? Please don't go- Y/n's ached to see them upset, but she was tired. Too tired. She was afraid that if she had stayed more than she could withstand, their relationships could've been ruined. That was the last thing she wanted. She didn't knew exactly what was that overwhelmed her so much. She felt constantly tired and in pain, all the noise, number of people..it had become just too much. She needed to finish this pregnancy alone, or at least in a more quiet place.
She stopped in her tracks and exhaled silently. Her eyes passed through everyone in the room. Even in that moment, they were decimated because of the mission, yet there were still eight people in the room. When normally it would've been around 15. That's too many people.
-It's not your fault. It's not anyone's fault, specifically. I just.. I feel overwhelmed. There's too much going on here at the tower. And for me it's like seeing life go on without being able to do anything. I need some space, okay? It won't be forever. Hell, if everything goes well it's gonna be a month, at best. But I really, really need a break. I am going to pack and leave by afternoon, when Steve returns, just send him to the address that I'll leave for him. Okay? I love you guys, you're my family and I wouldn't be where I am today without you. Its just temporary.- she smiled softly, trying not to get emotional. Wanda was visibly upset, on the verge of crying. The others just looked sad, maybe disappointed. But nobody said anything, so she turned her heels and went straight to her room.
By five pm she and Helen were already gone. The older woman called them a cab, the driver took care of their stuff and then they were gone. Y/n was silent during most of the trip, both because of the extreme tiredness and sadness. She never changed home since she moved to the tower. She also thought about what she would tell Steve. She knew she couldn't contact him, so she didn't. They had left two days prior, so it was a bit early to know when he'll be coming home. But she knew a hundred percent that he would've gotten to her even before going home.
The two women were headed to the older one's house, which was in Avalon, New Jersey. Helen had told her about her beach house, quite far from the city. Y/n did actually fall asleep after the first hour or so, they had around three in total so she didn't worry about not waking up. By her surprise though, she did sleep throughout the whole trip, and yet, she was still tired. In those days her head gave her particular discomfort, so any noise at all really disturbed her.
Helen woke her up gently when they arrived, the she helped her get out of the car. Meanwhile the driver, which was a quite young man, probably around her age, which was 27, with curly black hair, stubble and dark green eyes, took their luggage off of the trunk.
-That's all. Have a nice stay.- he smiled slightly. Y/n frowned, what about the money?
-How much do we owe you?- she asked sweetly. He waved his hand dismissively, going back in the driver's seat.
-The lady already paid me, I'm ok. Bye.- he waved goodbye and drove off. Y/n and Helen dragged the luggage insider her villa, by which the girl definitely was taken aback.
-You didn't tell me that you live in a Villa?-
-Maybe, but I did tell you that being a private midwife pays well. I also need space if I want to take people living with me.- she explained. The first thing that you could see was the huge open space which showed a not exaggeratedly large living room with a window door on the right, on the left there was the kitchen and in the middle a staircase.
It wasn't very decorated, but the light palette of the whole place defines had a calming effect. Y/n was so used to the high rise and high technology of the Avengers tower that she had almost forgot how nice and intimate a normal house could be.
Helen showed y/n around a little, then ended up in the spare room, which had a large bed, a balcony and some essential forniture pieces such as a wardrobe, a vanity, a full length mirror, an armchair.
-This is really nice, Helen.- she smiled tiredly, caressing her big belly while she walked around. But as she was walking towards the balcony, she had a slight attack of vertigo, and her knees buckle for a second. The woman was at her side in a few seconds, helping her onto the bed. Y/n huffed, the back of her hand on her eyes.
-Why am I so shitty? I was pretty good until a few months ago.- she whined, and Helen shook her head while she stroked her arm.
-Every pregnancy is different, Y/n. You're just tired, from the car and that chaotic place.- the disdain in her voice didn't really pleased Y/n, but she didn't say anything. She didn't have the strength and besides, it's not like she was particularly liked at the tower anyway.
-I'll get you a tea, be right back.- Y/n chuckled.
-I drank more of your Hungarian tea than water in the last months.- Helen pulled a tight smile.
-Well, it is a traditional recipe for pregnant women. Not that you seem to mind it either.- the girl relaxed her eyes and discarded her sneakers to the ground.
-No, it has a peculiar taste but not bad.-
-Good.- and with that she left the girl alone. Helen went down the stairs, and turned on the stove to warm some water. She then opened a drawer, forcing the wood layer to come up by using her fingernails, pulling out an old fashioned phone.
She went to the contacts and dialed the only one there was. She waited a few minutes, when someone picked up.
-Közeledünk. Készülj fel.- she said, hanging up.
Translation from Hungarian: ‘Yes?’ ‘We’re close. Get ready.’
Hiii, this is quite a short chapter but I wanted to end it with ✨ suspense ✨ the next one tho is gonna be way longer. Lastly, friendly reminder that my taglist and my ask inbox are open!
Taglist : @polarcrystall @a--1--1--3  @jessyballet​
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mimisempai · 3 years
I am here to ask you something special
Sam wants to do things the right way. He visits an old friend to talk about his relationship with Bucky and ask for his blessing
5 times where Sam asks old Steve for his blessing and one time where he realizes he never needed it.
Many people talk about Steve as if he were dead, but I imagine him living a peaceful life in a cottage with his sweetheart. Sam and Bucky still in contact with him, one way or another.
🌈 Happy Pride month ! 🌈
To celebrate, 1 day, 1 story.
Be ready for smiles, laugh, fluff, tooth rotthing fluff, positive vibes and a lot of love!
2265 words - Rating G
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Sam hesitated a bit before reaching for the small gate that led to the entrance of a small cottage surrounded by trees.
When he decided to open it, a voice said, "I thought you wouldn't come in."
Sam looked up and his gaze went to the source of the voice.
He moved forward a little, and hidden behind a flowering bush, he saw Steve, a book in his hand, sitting in a rocking chair.
"Sam, it's so good to see you! " he said with a smile that not even the years had been able to change.
He got up quietly and came over to meet Sam.
"Steve, you look great."
"No need to spare me, you can add I look great for my age. Come on in. So what brings you here my friend? We... uh I don't get many visitors, so I'm a little surprised."
Sam, who had noticed the slip of the tongue, didn't insist and followed him into a small, pleasantly arranged living room. They took seats in two armchairs.
"So Sam? How are you? How is it carrying the shield?"
"I'm fine, and as you know yourself, not always easy. But I think I'm doing okay."
Steve smiled softly and said, "You are, and I never doubted it, though I hear you don't care what Steve Rogers wants." he winked.
"I see Bucky couldn't help but open his mouth."
Steve chuckled, "He even made a point of saying it to my face, full of arrogance with his stubborn tone, 'You know what Steve, Sam's right, we don't care what you want.' and you were right. I'm glad you found your way, although as Bucky explained to me, we had no right to ask you to do something like that without knowing the consequences. I owe you an apology too Sam."
Sam, touched, didn't immediately know what to say. It moved him more than he thought to hear Steve's apology and the fact that apparently Bucky had defended him so passionately. It further confirmed why he had come to see his old friend today.
"So Sam, you still haven't told me, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?"
Sam fidgeted a little, he had thought it would be a formality, but now that he was here he realized it was harder than he had anticipated.
"Um...so here goes...you know Bucky and I are together...-" he began in a hesitant tone.
He was interrupted by a burst of laughter from Steve.
"I think I was the first to know. It was super early in the morning and I remember us...I was having breakfast when I got this facetime call from Bucky, talking all excited about a cookout, about 'Uncle Bucky' and in the midst of all this information, I managed to figure out that you two were a couple."
Steve looked at him with a fond smile.
Sam remembered what Steve was talking about like it was yesterday.
They had held a cookout on the harbor, and Bucky had come with a cake. Sam remembered how his nephews, family and friends welcomed him as if he were family. The way Bucky's face lit up when he saw Sam.
He especially remembered the end of the day, they were side by side in front of the lake and Sam had turned to Bucky and just said, "let's go home."
He had seen several emotions run over Bucky's face, shock, surprise, realization and finally a nameless joy.
He had whispered in a voice clouded with emotion, "Yes, let's go home."
And they had gone home, Sam's arm around Bucky's shoulders.
There had been no passionate kiss, no grand declarations in that moment, but like Bucky, Sam considered that from that day forward they were together.
Steve's voice snapped him out of his reverie.
"Yes, excuse me."
"No worries Sam, believe me I understand you."
Sam coughed, then resumed, "Yeah, so I was saying, Bucky and I are together and things are going pretty well and-"
"According to Bucky, things are going more than pretty well." replied Steve with a cheeky smile. "He told me about the two of you taking a house together. If that's the case, then things are going better than well between you, right?" Steve asked him playfully.
It was true that, contrary to what the beginning of their relationship suggested, everything went smoothly.After fighting with each other and Sam choosing to become Captain America, they realized that the most important thing for them was to talk and listen to each other, and this allowed them to deflect most of the conflicts that would arise. Sam had learned to lean on Bucky and Bucky had learned to listen to Sam, and the balance between them was natural.
So living together had been a very obvious step.
He still remembered Bucky's joy when he had taken him in front of their new house, surprising him. But what had moved both men the most was the sign nailed to the door, obviously made by children's hands. It read: " Sam, Bucky and Alpine's house. "
The cohabitation was really going smoothly, it was easy to live with Bucky. They had adapted well to each other.
Sam smiled fondly, thinking back on all the little things that made up their daily routine.
Bucky was caring and Sam hadn't expected that. Bucky recorded every detail about him, all his quirks, his likes, everything-
"Sam? I lost you again."
You're going to think I'm an idiot by now," Sam replied with an embarrassed chuckle as he scratched the back of his head.
"I actually find it kind of refreshing, it's been so long for me, but I remember the thrill of the early months." said Steve with an understanding look.
"With her?" asked Sam, pointing to the wedding ring with his chin.
"Sort of." replied Steve with a mysterious smile.
"Always so evasive my friend." teased Sam.
"And so?" asked Steve.
"I see..." Sam didn't insist, "So I was saying, we're together and it's going very well. Bucky's even adjusted very well to Delacroix."
"Yes it seems to me he told me about working on a boat with your sister I believe?" asked Steve, looking interested.
"When he first came to Delacroix, he had brought me my new armor, and he stayed to help me repair the boat of our family business that Sarah, my sister, runs. And when he moved here permanently, he offered to help on his own. He fit in perfectly and the people of Delacroix respect him."
Sam thought of Carlos, who kept singing Bucky's praises. Bucky had taken a liking to the old man and often Sam would find them sharing a beer on the boat deck when he returned from a mission.
"You know Sam, it doesn't surprise me, Buck has always been a friendly and helpful guy. I'm glad to know that he's been able to get back to some semblance of a normal life despite the years Hydra took from him.I'm glad to know that he knows something other than fighting."
Sam saw emotion pass over Steve's face.
Of course he had seen that Bucky was fully acclimated to life in Delacroix and he was not unhappy about that. He knew that if he needed him, the White Wolf would be there in a heartbeat and ready to help, but he was glad to know that he had a life outside the battlefield.
"Yeah, sometimes I feel like he's lived in Delacroix longer than I have, and I was born there so that's saying something. So, yes, we live happily together in Delacroix, and he's kind of part of the family."
Steve chuckled, "Haha yes, Uncle Bucky. I really wish I could have seen his face when he was called that."
"You would have seen mine," Sam retorted, "I was the most surprised."
"Pleasantly surprised I hope." asked Steve, with a slight frown, gauging Sam.
"Yes yes, don't get on your high horse, Steve the mother hen. My nephews don't have much of a male presence in their lives except for me, that's why they adopted Bucky immediately, and needless to say, the reverse is true. Besides, he's become a legend among the younger generation, you understand, the bionic arm and all, even my wings can't compete."
Steve laughs as he imagines Bucky surrounded by kids.
"Wait, let me show you!"
Sam picked up his phone and after a few seconds, he showed Steve the screen.
The older man couldn't hold back a small tear at the picture of Bucky lifting children with his arm, while others laughed around him. But what touched him the most was Bucky's own laughter.
As Sam put his cell phone back in his pocket, Steve wiped away his tears as he apologized, "Well, that's just the way it is, as we get older we get more emotional, and to see my best friend this happy, makes me incredibly pleased, thank you for showing me this Sam."
"You're welcome."
Sam cleared his throat before continuing, "So here's the thing Steve, I came today, because Bucky is an extremely important person, hell he's the most important person in my life.  I never thought I would find someone who knows me and understands me so well and who I don't have to be strong with all the time.I told you he's part of my family, but I would like him to be part of it in a more official way, and since you're all the family he has left as I know he thinks of you as his brother, although sometimes you act more like his mother, so I-"
Steve, laughing at Sam's last sentence, interrupted him with a wave of his hand.
Once he calmed down, he began to speak, "Sam, I think I understand what you came for. And I want you to know that nothing makes me happier than to give you my blessing, but you didn't have to ask for it. From the first day Bucky told me about you two, you have had this blessing. You are an exceptional person, and I am extremely happy that my two best friends have found each other. Having found happiness with the person I love, I know how precious that is. Not everyone gets a second chance like we did... like I did. So be happy, both of you. You both deserve it."
He clasped Sam's hand and put his other hand over their joined hands, just like the day he had passed the shield to him.
Once again Sam's gaze was drawn to the ring on Steve's finger.
"You still don't want to tell me about her?" asked Sam.
Letting go of Sam's hand, Steve said simply, "No..." Steve paused for a moment before continuing, "This story belongs to him and me."
Sam abruptly raised his head, but seeing that Steve had resumed his mysterious air, he simply nodded.
"I understand. I'm glad you found happiness then."
He stood up and headed for the door, "Don't walk me out I know the way. Just wish me luck."
"You don't need luck. I'm sure he'll say yes." replied Steve with a wink.
"Goodbye Steve."
Then he closed the door behind him.
As he was about to open the gate, his phone vibrated.
He picked it up, there was a message, "On your left."
He looked over his left shoulder, and saw Steve in the darkness of the window, but he wasn't alone and had his arm around the shoulders of a familiar figure. Sam tried to make out the features of the smaller man, but couldn't. He simply smiled and went on his way.
A few days later, at Delacroix, lying with his head in Bucky's lap, Sam watched him squirm to try to take a picture of his right hand with his phone.
He straightened up and asked, "What are you trying to do?"
"I want to send a picture to Steve, of this," Bucky said, waving the hand that had been sporting the engagement ring in front of Sam's nose.
Sam smiled with fondness, picked up the phone and took Bucky's hand. He captured a photo of their joined hands, the engagement ring in full view.
Then kissing Bucky's hand, he handed the phone back to him.
Bucky typed a few words and sent the message.
Several hundred miles from Delacroix, in a small cottage, reading, Steve picked up his phone, which had just vibrated.
On the screen were the words, "Buddy, you'll never guess who is going to tie himself down."
Followed by a photo of a hand adorned with what could only be an engagement ring, joined to another hand, undoubtedly Sam's.
"So that's it, Sam proposed?" said a voice behind Steve.
"And Bucky said yes." replied Steve as arms wrapped around him from behind and a kiss was placed on his head.
He set the phone down beside him and turned to put his hands around the waist of the man behind him.
He sighed softly in happiness as he said, "I hope they are as happy as we are Tony."
"I'm sure they will be, my love." the man whispered as he kissed his head again. Then he let go of him and came to sit next to Steve.
Tony leaned against Steve who put his arm around him.
Then Steve picked up his book and continued to read aloud, "Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."
Not beta'd I hope you enjoyed it 🥰
Quote at the end : Wind, Sand and Stars - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
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gaitwae · 3 years
The Blessings of Damsels [|] Batman x OC
read on AO3!
Warnings: Slightly open-ended, hinted love triangle. 
Length: 8.4k
Summary: A short timeline of how Charlene Park got over Clark Kent and set boundaries with Bruce Wayne.
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The wind felt exquisite on Charlene’s skin, calming her racing heart. It wasn’t every day where her life flashed before her — she had been left under a pillar near LexCorps, then saved by an angel named Superman. Her eyes, shut tightly and pressing away tears, helped her forget exactly why you couldn’t go back to Metropolis. It had been a week, and, yet, here you were. She was hiding from someone too important to her. Charlene was hiding from shaking buildings and crumbling roads and screams and glowing rocks and a reporter who kept disappearing every time that Superman kept showing up. 
She was done with the lying and the rejection.
She didn’t plan on jumping from the rail where she was standing. She didn’t want to hurt herself. She just wanted to see something else. 
So, in search of new scenery, of something alien to her, Charlene went to the most dangerous city in America. Albeit, it wasn’t the smartest thing to do, it was something that at least distracted her. Central City was just too far to drive, and Gotham was supposed to be the sister city of her home. She could just forget about this man who had worried her sick, she could just relax and listen to the cars run and the flags flap and smell the sulfur and petroleum and the flowers in the box on the building beneath her. Way up on this rooftop, she let her surroundings melt away her fears.
Char sat on the ledge of the roof, setting her fingers under the concrete lip.
“I hope you know what you’re doing,” a deep voice said, startling her. The stranger set a sleek, covered hand on her shoulder to secure her. “People jump all the time. I hope you’re not looking for an escape that way.” 
“Um,” Char started, trying to find her voice, “I wasn’t going to jump. I was just trying to get over someone.” She cleared her throat and dusted her clothes off. She tucked her hair behind her ear. “Not that it’s important… but he’s kind of important in Metropolis. I had to leave.”
There was a hum from the man who was behind her. Char looked up, seeing a black cowl and stubble dotting a square jaw and set lips. There was a familiarity to him — not that she knew him, but that she had seen him somewhere before. Charlene felt… well, not safe, but there was something comforting about him. As she looked closer, she noticed a large silhouette of a bat was weaved into the fabric on his breast.
“How important can he be? He’s not Lex Luthor, is he?” the vigilante asked. He sat down next to Char, setting his cape underneath his legs so it flowed beneath him. His lips twitched upwards, but not quite. 
“He’s one of the biggest writers for the Daily Planet newspaper,” she said, laughing sadly. She felt like an idiot. Why was she spilling her guts out to this stranger? “Clark Kent, such a dork, but he’s always in the building. I work with him. I’m a newscaster —”
“Charlene Park,” he filled in. He turned to look at her, bright blue eyes gazing into her own orbs.
Charlene blushed. She wasn’t surprised. This was the Batman. He was crazy smart. Who knew how much he knew about anyone at the Daily Planet. Rumor was, Superman worked there, so of course, he might have known something about it. “You know my name. Creepy.”
He gave a slight nod as if agreeing with her. “You said it yourself. You’re a newscaster. I make it my job to watch the news.”
“For Metropolis, too?”
What a stupid question, of course for Metropolis too —
“Yes,” he said, patient and friendly. “Superman lives there. I have to know if I ever need to interfere. If he was ever mind-controlled, I need to be able to step in and save the world. The other members of the Justice League aren’t capable.” Each word that came from his mouth didn’t seem arrogant or rude at all. Batman was almost… melancholy. 
“So… you’re all by yourself?” she asked.
“I have my kids. They’re trained pretty well,” he replied. He turned his gaze out to Gotham City. He had a firm stare, unwavering and determined. Her heart dipped, sorry for him, impressed by him, and so… so weirded out, too.
Charlene looked out at the city, too. “I don’t have kids. I don’t have anybody. My parents died when I was young, I was never adopted, and I don’t have siblings.” She scratched the back of her neck. “Clark was my friend back in Smallville. It’s just been so odd, recently. He hasn’t been around as much, he’s been tailing Lois Lane, and I’ve been breaking my own heart over and over.” She sighed. “Don’t get me wrong — Clark’s a great guy! But…”
“That’s why it’s hard to get over him,” the Batman supplied. He bowed his head. An understanding was hidden beneath layers of quiet. “I don’t know what it’s like to be in love with some kind of Clark Kent, but I know what loneliness is, Miss Park.”
“Char,” he corrected himself. 
She cleared her throat, unsure of what to say. “Do you still feel lonely? With your kids?”
He shook his head a little. “Not as much, no. There are times I feel lonely, but I’ve been blessed. Your blessings will come, Char.” He turned to look at her. “I hope that helps.”
“It does,” she said, smiling. “What makes you so sure I’ll have blessings? I mean, you coming to talk to me seems heaven-sent, but that’s not a guarantee.” Charlene twisted her hands together, now restless. The Batman took his time to collect his answer.
“You’re a woman in her mid-thirties who still pines over her high school sweetheart,” he started. “You had one good thing, and it either ended or you grew apart. You built others up instead of yourself. You’ve waited patiently for what you want — but not for everything. You let some things go for others. You fought for everything and you’ve sacrificed it all. The foster homes were nothing, and yet it was the worst thing to live through. A kid with no one made herself into a someone, even if it was half of a someone.” The Batman rested on his elbows. “You’re too scared to let people go, but you’ve accepted people letting go of you or setting you aside. Char, you’ve got to have something coming to you.”
Charlene was stunned. How did he know all these things? Was she that obvious? Was she an open book? Or was that the hero of Gotham doing his job, once more? Oh, she couldn’t tell. Her skin prickled from both his sheer guesswork and the chilling night air. She wrapped her arms around herself. “Wow. You got all that just by listening to me for a few seconds?”
“And from feeling it myself or seeing my kids struggle with it.” He unclipped his cape, standing up. He wrapped it around her shoulders. The Batman stood close, but not too close. This was all too surreal. Charlene didn’t know how to feel. This stranger was becoming less and less of a stranger. She knew he wouldn’t want to be too close, and it was foolish to think that they would be close. This was just a weird talk about Clark Kent on a Sunday night, on the ledge of a rooftop. Being in love with Clark Kent was the least of her worries, anyway.
“Can I ask you something?” she whispered. He didn’t say anything, but he didn’t protest. She waited about thirty seconds before saying anything. Her mouth opened and closed, but no sound came out. Her larynx didn’t want to cooperate. 
How to phrase this?
He set a hand on her head, signalling for her to continue. 
“If I wanted to talk to you again, how would I be able to do that?” she whispered. “I feel as if you’ve understood me more in ten minutes than my shrink has in years. Not to mention, you might be able to relate to me more than my shrink can. You said you felt some of this stuff yourself. Are you an orphan, too?” 
“That’s more than one thing,” he said. He looked down at her with a glint in his eyes. “Just go back to Metropolis. You’re needed there.”
Charlene stopped. Of course. Right. She put her palm to her forehead. “You’re right. I’ll have to just face Clark like normal.” She barked a laugh. “You’re a hero, Bats.”
“Good to know.” 
Char stood up. “You might want this back, won’t you?” She flapped the cape around her shoulders. She felt silly. She didn’t know this man. She knew nothing about him, and she was talking to him like she was talking to Clark. She wasn’t a writer; she wasn’t an interviewer; she was a reciter. This was all new to her. 
The cowled detective hooked a thumb in his belt. “I’ll walk you back to your hotel room — you can return it then, Char.”
=-=-= “The Batman Incident” was what Charlene came to remember that night as. It was fresh in her mind for weeks, as fresh as the minutes she had lived through it. Any time she felt crisp cool air on her neck, any time she was alone at night on her balcony, she was instantly reminded of the interaction. Charlene didn’t ache or wish or anything like that, but it didn’t stop her from trying to figure out why the moments felt so real compared to anything else she had been through. Out of all that, she had been now, instead of Clark’s hurt bothering her the most, it was the Batman’s words ringing in her ears. 
Char was sitting at Clark’s desk with the writer himself, now. He was leaning against it, scratching his head and playing with his glasses. Kent was antsy. He groaned, turned, then slapped his hands against the desk with a deep, deep sigh. “I can’t believe Lois caught an interview with Bruce Wayne. Wanna know the weirdest part?” he asked. He looked into Char’s eyes, pure confusion dressing his face.
“What’s ‘the weirdest part’?” she asked, repeating what he said exactly how he had said it. “She’s gotten interviews with the president of McDonald’s, before, Clark, I’m not exactly surprised. Lois is talented.” Char reached over the desk and grabbed a cup of coffee that had been nearly emptied, though had enough for her pleasure. She didn’t need to be an anchor, today. It was supposed to be her day off. She wouldn’t have even come in at all if Clark hadn’t asked her.
Charlene really needed to stop doing things because Clark asked. 
“The weirdest part was how he never accepts interviews. In fact, he asked if Lois still worked at the Daily Planet.” He shook his head, pinching his nose. “He asked if we could hold the interview here, otherwise it wouldn’t happen… oh, sometimes I think billionaires hate me…”
“Makes sense,” Charlene agreed. She propped herself up on her elbows. “Why wouldn’t they hate reporters and journalists? They could be talking with Superman or Batman or Wonder Woman.” 
Clark laughed dryly. “You have no idea how much I wish I was having an interview with Batman. Instead, I have to deal with Bruce Wayne.”
“Lois is having the interview with Wayne, Clark. Calm down. It’ll all be okay.” Char stood up, patted his back, then sat back behind his desk and took a long sip of his coffee. “Besides, Bruce Wayne can’t be that… scary…” She trailed off. She saw the elevator to the writing room open.
The man walking out of the elevator and toward her was not who she was supposed to be seeing. She might have been bad at recognition in general, but she remembered that square jaw, those blue eyes. She hoped against hope she was seeing things. “I take it back,” she whispered to Clark. Her old friend kept shooting his eyes back and forth between her, Wayne, and Lois Lane, trying to put the pieces together quickly. Charlene stood up, a smile tugging up her face at the sight of the man she wasn’t supposed to know. “He’s terrifying.”
“Charlene —”
“Mr. Wayne,” she greeted, speaking louder than Clark intentionally. “Welcome to the Daily Planet. How are you, this morning?” She extended her hand outwards to take his. Mr. Wayne took it, gave it a firm shake, then smiled broadly at her. 
“Charlene, right?” he asked, squinting his eyes and setting a hand on her upper arm in a friendly manner. His suit was about as straight as wrapping paper; shiny like it, too. He was just missing the Christmas bow.
“Yes!” she grinned. She set her hands on her hips. “Charlene Park: a lowly newscaster. I hope you like the Daily Planet and find some friends, here.”
Bruce smiled. “Then I suppose we’re friends already, Miss Park.”
“I guess we are,” she said. “Friends are life’s greatest blessings, aren’t they?”
“They are, I agree.” Bruce Wayne let go of her, moving back to Lois Lane. He kept his eyes on hers. He clapped his hands together lightly. “I have an interview to complete. It was nice meeting you, Char. I hope to see more of you.”
“Best of luck, Mr. Wayne.”
When Bruce Wayne walked away, Clark folded his arms tightly over his chest. “That was the strangest thing I’ve ever seen — and I’ve seen my dad in daisy dukes.”
Char cocked her head, trying to stifle a snicker. “Clark, c’mon. It wasn’t anything. I’m fine, really.”
The man fixed his tie, taking the empty coffee cup from his desk over to the office kitchen. As he walked past her, he said, “I’ll believe it when you don’t giggle at the billionaire.”
“Maybe he looks funny!” Charlene offered. 
“Har har!” Clark called. “I’m sure that’s it.”
=-=-= The interview with Bruce Wayne was done and over within record time. Charlene had never seen Lois so happy before. Bruce, on the other hand… Charlene had no idea someone could hide such a smile behind two eyes. 
She was shaking. She didn’t know if she was happy, mad, excited, or scared that she knew the man behind the mask all the way back in Gotham City. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to know what emotion she was feeling… or if she really wanted to know the man behind the mask in Gotham City. She kept replaying the Batman Incident in her head. She didn’t want to relive it. She didn’t want to have a vigilante smile at her and know exactly who she was pining for. 
Yeah, she still hurt for Clark. It wasn’t going to go away so quickly. But billionaire Bruce Wayne didn’t need to know that. 
She let her mouth run twice. She needed to keep a lid on it the next chance she got. To make sure she didn’t even risk it, Charlene packed up and left early. She was at home without another run-in with Bruce. 
Boy, did that make her feel worse. She felt terrible, cowardly. Running from her problems was just another thing Char found herself doing constantly. She had made herself some pasta, wrapped herself in a bathrobe over her T-shirt, and sat with a mug of sweet tea in her lap. 
Her newspaper clippings of the Batman littered her coffee table. Every award-winning article written by Clark was framed up. Her old dog was sitting next to her, chewing on his toy without a care in the world. For being a coward’s safe space, it was very comfortable.
“Real brave, Charlene,” she mumbled into the ceramic as she took a sip. She switched on the TV, hoping for white noise. “Just hope I was wrong about Wayne…”
“That depends on what you think you’ve found,” said the last voice she wanted to hear. Char exhaled through her nose.
“Come in,” she called. “Don’t just hang around in the shadows.”
The Batman slipped out of her bathroom door, cowl on and frown deep. He was regal and knightly, feet apart and shoulders taught. “Char,” he greeted.
“I was hoping you could tell me if I was wrong, actually.” Charlene sat up, putting her mug aside. She beckoned him over. He sat down next to her. “I just never noticed how similar the Batman is to Bruce Wayne.”
“Like your eyes are the exact same shade of blue,” she reasoned. “And you wear the same aftershave, too.”
“Charlene,” the Batman said quietly, “anyone can have similar aftershaves and blue eyes.”
“Not everyone in Gotham knows who I am.”
“Not everyone in Metropolis knows who I am, either,” he countered. “Do you really want to know who I am?”
“I know Clark is Superman. Part of the reason I’m furious with him is that he lies to me.” Char made sure her emphasis was on lies. “The allegations would be too crazy for anyone to believe, trust me.”
“There are too-crazy people in Gotham that can’t know,” he answered. “I’m sorry. Even if I trusted you above everyone, your position makes it hard for me to tell you.”
“My position?” she repeated.
The dark knight looked at her as if it were obvious. It was, but she didn’t understand why she couldn’t at least hear the truth from him. “You’re a friend of Superman’s and a newscaster. I have responsibilities, a lot of them. My kids, my city, my assets.” He said assets, not money. He was a businessman at his core, even if he had the heart of a lion there, too. 
“Just tell me if Bruce Wayne can answer me, then.” Charlene stuck her hands under her arms. “Since the two of you already know I know.”
“Charlene,” he said quietly, roughly. She turned her head away. She felt insulted. 
It took her a second to realize it, but the Batman was pleading. He didn’t do it the same way Clark did. Clark would soften up, not set up defenses. Clark would take her hand, not give her space. Clark wasn’t anything like the Batman. He just sat, frozen, waiting his turn patiently. 
She had to be patient with him, too. She wasn’t a superhero. She didn’t know what this was like for him, but she could still be patient. So to help, Charlene waited, too, for what seemed like forever. She took his hand and squeezed it. He didn’t squeeze back, but he didn’t recoil. The hand was limp despite her grip and she couldn’t say that she blamed him for it; she was thankful he didn’t rip his fingers away so soon.
“Why did you agree to an interview?” she whispered. “And… and don’t say it wasn’t you. Lois doesn’t talk about me, I wasn’t wearing a nametag, and Bruce Wayne has no reason to be watching the Metropolis Daily Planet Newscast outside of the financial updates.” 
“I figured it was time for an interview,” he answered. The Batman didn’t deny it. Bruce didn’t deny it. He kept his eyes away from hers. “I remembered that you worked there. You owe me after that talk, so I came to collect.”
“You think you’re funny,” she said with a smile. “I appreciate your thoughtfulness… Lois will be grinning ear-to-ear for weeks because of you.”
“I was supposed to be meeting Clark, anyway. I figured the pitstop might be worth it.” Bruce’s lips twitched again. Char grinned broadly. He removed his cowl then faced her. “You could really tell it was me because of the eye color?” 
He seemed more at home in his bat armor. He was comfortable in this grey/black getup. When he wore the crisp suit, he seemed fidgety, but when he was sitting next to her, his muscles weren’t so tense. His eyes didn’t dart all over. He was at rest as the Batman.
“You do a good falsetto, but yeah, it was the eye color.” She stood. “Can I get you tea? Or are you going to disappear?” 
Bruce pressed his lips into a line. “I don’t know how long I can stay.  I have to drive home tonight… and I’m not the type for this sort of domesticity.” 
“I won’t tell anyone you’re docile,” Charlene promised, crossing her heart. She took her cup and went into the kitchen. “As long as no one knows about me, no one can hurt me or my family — there is no family to hurt.”
“You’ve thought this through?” he asked, footsteps not far behind hers. He stopped in the doorway. “May I?” He pointed to the kitchen wall lined with the cupboards and appliances. Charlene nodded. Bruce poked around her cabinets and her drawers, casually picking something up every now and again. She didn’t mind — he was getting to know her. He was a detective. She had nothing to hide, and he had everything to see. Win-win. “Impressive.” 
“I’ve been dying to see you, again,” she teased. “You could say I’m crazy for you.”
“Not really my type,” he mused. Char could hear items jangling around behind her. “Desperation isn’t my style.”
“But stopping a girl from jumping — when she wasn’t — is?” She poured another cup of tea, looking back at the dark knight. He was holding a spatula and studying it carefully. He pretended as if he hadn’t heard her.
“My son, Damian,” he started. He set the spatula down, digging for something else. “He wouldn’t admit it, but he would love to rescue a damsel in distress. I think he would like you.”
“I’m a damsel in distress?” she laughed. She set a teabag in the cup, doing a one-eighty to face Bruce. “Who are you? Some kind of prince charming?”
“The term is ‘knight in shining armor,’” he corrected. He closed the drawer he was meddling in. “The prince is the kid from Smallville, Kansas.”
“I’m from Smallville, Kansas.” Charlene walked over to him. Bruce was still standing rigidly. She didn’t know if he knew how to relax. Could he relax? Was it even physically possible for Bruce “the Batman” Wayne to relax?
“I’m from New Jersey.” He crossed his arms, rubbing his fingers together. 
“Hey. You don’t have the Jersey accent,” Char pointed out. She pulled his gloves off gently, setting them on the counter. She went to get his tea. “Let it steep for about thirty more seconds.” She set the mug in his hands. They were so large that the orange cup seemed like a plaything compared to a real item.
“I never said I interacted with New Jersey,” he said dryly. “I just lived there. I was raised by my butler.” 
“Does Detroit have any superheroes?” she wondered aloud. Bruce waved the tea under his nose, scrunching his nose upwards. He took a sip without glaring at the tea again. “Your butler sounds like a wonderful man. He raised you well.”
“I’m lucky.” He paused for a moment. “Aquaman, the Green Lantern, and Amazing Man live in Detroit. Why are you asking?”
Charlene patted his shoulder, throwing away everything he had just said. Truth be told, she just wanted to hear Bruce’s voice. “Not many kids are lucky.”
“Three of my boys are adopted,” he said quietly. He rubbed the mug that she had given him. “I give to adoption centers. It’s important to me to give kids homes where they’re loved. Clark Kent’s only known family’s love, and that’s what drives him. What drives me is the chance to make sure all sorts of people never have to worry about losing it.”
“I admire that,” Char murmured. “I wish I had a family of my own, but I just don’t have the time.”
“Someday, you’ll find the time.” Bruce gave her a smile. “I promise.”
Charlene smiled back. His small smiles were infectious. “I’ll hold you to that, Bats.”
=-=-= “Hey, Charlene?” Clark called from the living room. She was too busy combing her hair out and fixing her gown. She had received a letter in the mail (honestly, who does that anymore?) from Bruce, inviting her to a charity gala with him. She almost gave Clark a heart attack when she started laughing triumphantly at some paper. He wasn’t particularly happy that Charlene was going for a night on the town with Bruce Wayne, billionaire bachelor supreme. “Are you okay up there?”
“I’m fine, Clark!” she called back. “I’m just seeing a friend, tonight. Tell Martha and Johnathan I won’t be able to come to dinner tonight. I’m going to a foster care fundraiser with Bruce Wayne. I’d think you’d be coming to interview some of the guests there since you were adopted, too.”
“I can’t! I don’t have any way to get in. It’s private, Char.” Clark was starting to sound impatient. “Are you going to meet him or is he going to meet you?”
“He said he would pick me up!” she answered, finishing her eyeliner and walking downstairs. “Does that bother you, wonderboy?” She gripped the rail, fanning out her yellow skirt around her legs. She wore simple copper chains and glass earrings — nothing expensive, but classy enough that she didn’t look like a bum. Charlene knew Bruce liked his reputation (not a lot, but still) so she thought she would save him a few steps. No jewellery, no dresses. He would just have a friend tonight.
Clark’s eyes flew open wide. His cheeks colored. “Wow… you’re going like that?” He puffed his cheeks and took off his glasses. “You look…”
“Terrible?” she fretted.
“Like an angel. Like Wonder Woman,” he said quickly. He looked down at his lenses and quickly wiped them with his shirt like they were going to melt off his face. “You’re gorgeous. Wayne is going to love it, Char.”
“Thanks, Clark.” Charlene walked over and kissed his cheek. The writer wrapped his arms around her, pressing her against his chest. He felt warm, he felt like home. She never had to worry about being something more than she was around Clark. But Bruce knew how to take her walls down. Charlene was better off with a friend than with someone who had never noticed her. Suddenly, she got an idea and pulled back to see Clark. “You should ask Lois out! I heard she likes the boys in blue.”
He stopped. “‘Boys in blue’? She knows?”
After meeting Bruce a few more times, she finally gained the courage to confront Clark about the whole Super-gig. She made sure she wasn’t going to be blown off — so sure, Char almost confessed her years-old feelings to him. She couldn’t have lived through that, even with Bruce’s support. They had talked through the deception and somehow managed to build better trust between themselves. She almost forgot why she had originally left Metropolis for that fateful encounter with Bruce Wayne.
“Clark,” she scolded gently. “You haven’t told her?”
“Listen, I’m working on it —,” he started, holding his hands up in defense. His feet slowly removed themselves from the floor. Charlene set her hand on her hip, pinching her nose. 
“You promised she would know before she kissed you, again.” 
Another reason why Charlene absolutely could not tell Clark she liked him. Lois, caught up in the rush of being a damsel, kissed her rescuer unabashedly in front of half the staff of the Daily Planet. Charlene’s heart didn’t break for the first time; it didn’t mean it didn’t crack a teeny, tiny bit. 
“I know I did —” There was a knock at the door. Clark’s face fell into a scowl. He tucked his knees up to his chest, silently moving toward the door, and straightening his clothes out once he reached his destination. “Wait there for a moment, Char.”
Charlene crossed her arms. “Clark.”
Clark opened the door. Bruce was standing on the doorstep with a single pink rose. “Hi,” he said, giving his signature subtle smirk. “Is Charlene ready? Tim’s not too patient behind the wheel.”
“Hi,” Clark greeted warily. He kept his fingers curled around the door. His gentle manner was nearly nightmarish. Every breath was a slow calculation of how to kill a billionaire and get away with it. Charlene sighed deeply into her hand. Clark continued despite her wordless sass. “She’s ready. You better know that if you hurt her —”
“I wouldn’t do it without a positive benefit,” Bruce swore. “Besides, I’m not the one who’s dancing between two ladies. Save the shovel talk.” He pat Clark’s shoulder, pushing him aside and out of the way. When his eyes hit Charlene, his jaw dropped. She had never seen that reaction before, so her temples tingled from slight self-consciousness. “Char, you look beyond stunning. You’re shining.”
A nervous laugh bubbled up Charlene’s throat. “I bet you say that to all the girls.” She grabbed her clutch on the side table where Clark was standing. Quickly, she hugged him in a farewell. “Bye, Clark.”
Clark released a big breath, hugging her back once more. He set her back next to Bruce. “Bye, Charlene. Bruce.”
“Clark,” he responded in kind. “I’ll take care of her, don’t worry.” Bruce put his arm around Charlene’s waist. “There won’t be any need to play hero; if there is, I’ve got all I need within reach.” With that, Bruce took Charlene out of the foyer and into his limousine. 
“That was weirdly intense,” Char commented. With the knight’s help, she sat next in the back of the cab. “Did he make you uncomfortable?”
Bruce took her hand and set the rose in her grasp before sitting down next to her. “No. He doesn’t make me uncomfortable.”
“Okay. Clark is very protective; I didn’t want you in the hospital for saying the wrong thing.” Charlene played with the rose in her hands, resisting the urge to breathe in the sweet aroma. The cab of the limousine was warm, spacious, and smelled comforting. It took her a second to realize it smelled like Bruce: his aftershave, his cologne, and a hint of something metallic. Her cheeks heated at the realization. 
How close had she and Bruce become? So close she knew exactly what Bruce smelled like? So close that she wasn’t nervous about the speculations tied to being on a billionaire’s arm? She looked at the rose petals. The color always meant something — Bruce always meant something. Pink… Why couldn’t she remember its meaning outside of being her favorite color? Why? Did she just forget everything the minute Bruce smiled?
“I’m fine,” she said, snapping out of her thoughts. She set the rose down next to her, clasping her hands over her lap. “I guess I got so swept up in the idea of an adoption charity… I forgot who I was going with.” She looked at Bruce with a half-smile. “Thank you for taking me to this. I have as much as I can give on me, tonight; I even sold some of my old pieces of jewellery for these kiddos.” Charlene laughed nervously. “It seems so little compared to what you have… will it even be taken? I’m not an elitist. I’m not even close to well-off.”
Bruce’s eyebrows drew together. Something in his eyes softened, but she couldn’t pin what. He held her hand. “It’ll be taken. It’ll help someone, and any help at all can go a long way. You don’t have to worry about earning a position to give.” He tilted her head upwards, locking eyes with her. “You don’t have to earn anything. Not with me.”
She laced her fingers with his to signal her acknowledgement. Char couldn’t form words. She kept opening her mouth to protest but no sound came with the action — she felt helpless, yet all the same, she knew Bats would understand. Bruce let go of her hand to favor her face, instead. She leaned into the touch with a shaky breath.
“I’m not Clark, Charlene,” he whispered. “I’m not going to keep stringing you along; I won’t compare you to anyone or make empty promises. You’re more than a comparison.” Bruce brushed her hair out of her face, keeping those electric blues trained on hers. “You don’t have to earn anything from me. You don’t have to earn me.”
“I’m not…” Charlene stopped, trying to swallow the lump in her throat. She didn’t want to talk about this; she didn’t want to beat around the bush, either. “Gosh, how do you know this stuff? Is it all estimation?”
“Observation,” he admitted. He kissed her forehead. “Cheer up. We don’t want your mascara to run just yet, do we?”
She nodded, taking a deep breath in to calm herself. She hadn’t realized her eyes were quite that full. “Bruce.”
He hummed, arching a brow. Yes?
“You don’t have to earn anything from me, either.” She kissed his cheekbone. The corners of his eyes crinkled, which made her smile. She rested her head on the dark knight’s shoulder. “You’re a good man.”
“No ‘but,’” she hummed. “You’re a good man, and that’s all.”
=-=-= Saturday morning, three weeks after the gala, Charlene’s heart felt heavy and light at the same time. She couldn’t put the gala out of her mind: the party; the guests; the smiles on the Wayne boys’ faces; Bruce’s kindness. She was trying her best to think it all over. The waiters kept offering her champagne, but she declined every time. She didn’t drink out of anxiousness, yet the whole ordeal was a blur. Blurry, except the speech about the children, and the way Bruce’s smile widened every time she smiled back.
She was sitting at the window, holding a water bottle and gazing out into the street. It was raining. She had a few pink roses in a vase, all from Bruce. A note was attached, something like “Thank you for your support,” but it didn’t really matter to her. He was gentle in his own way. That was just the way the Batman was: gentle and swift, yet blunt and cold at the same time. How had she managed to stumble into his good graces? What if she brought down his reputation? What if she did the wrong thing?
The Wayne boys were very polite. Dick was making her laugh all night long, Jason knew how to talk old-money downlookers away, Tim was a good conversationalist, and Damian asked all the good questions. All the right questions. Questions like, “What’s your relationship with my father? Do you believe in this cause? Are you using my father? Do you know how to play Mario Kart?”
She almost couldn’t answer some of the questions. Were she and Bruce friends? Were they something else? Were they acquaintances? Was she being kept around because she knew who Bruce really was? When it came to Mario Kart and the adoption cause, she couldn’t say anything but “Yes!” enthusiastically. Every now and then, Bruce would come over to recharge. He seemed tired with all the interaction. 
Then there was the turn of the night.
The most vivid part.
Dancing with Bruce Wayne.
Charlene stopped herself from clawing over her heart. It was sinking deeper as she recalled the moment.
“You’re nervous, Char,” Bruce whispered into her ear. “Why?” The question was innocent, concerning. He kept a steady hand on the small of her back, swaying to the beat of the soft jazz band. He was a natural at it. Charlene did her best to hold onto him, gripping his shoulder and his hand. 
“I’ve never been to anything like this, before. Not even some kind of prom,” she laughed quietly. She looked down at their feet. Bruce was leading, but what else was new? The floor gleamed… Bruce’s shoes were worn, despite his money and status… Worn shoes said a lot about how he spent his money on himself. Oh! Beneath the suit, it was clear that he wore a compact utility belt — at least, it was after learning he wore one everywhere. “I’m not sure what I’m supposed to be doing, at all,” Charlene continued. “After talking with your boys, it just made me realize how scared I was to be jumping into this life with you.” She cleared her throat as she prepared to tell him exactly what was on her mind. “I know I’m just on a leash to keep you guys safe. You really don’t need to worry about me.”
The dance halted. No one paid any attention to them, keeping up with the music and circling around them. “Is that what you think?” he asked. Amusement lined his words, as well as a vague hint of hurt. “You’re just a liability?”
“I don’t know what to think,” Charlene had answered honestly.
As of right now, she still felt like a liability. Even though Bruce had promised her she didn’t have to earn anything, her heart was having difficulty believing it. She looked over at her vase of roses. Were those flowers from him? Or were they a product of manners?
Was she seeing things that weren’t there?
Bruce had been so quick to answer her when she admitted her insecurities. He had taken his hand out of hers. “You’re not a liability.” He ran his hands through her hair, pulling her closer. “If you were a liability, I would have used other ways to keep an eye on you.”
Char’s heart was racing faster by the second. “Ba… Bruce…” She wanted to call him Bats. She wanted to say so many things, just then. She wondered if Bruce could feel her pulse through that utility belt he had under his suit. His eyes fluttered shut before she realized what was happening. She didn’t want to believe it was real.
With a never ending, agonizingly slow quickness, lips met hers. Moving, soft, warm lips met hers and drew a gasp from her. She wrapped her arms around his neck, trying to reciprocate the best she could without losing her cool.
Now, three weeks later, she hadn’t talked to Bruce about it. She hadn’t brought it up. He didn’t verbally acknowledge it, so neither did she. A kiss with Mr. Wayne meant nothing. Not in public. Not when he had a false reputation of being a playboy. A kiss between them would have meant the world… but that was in the middle of a gala; in the middle of a party filled with people Bruce was supposed to impress. 
So, even though she loved that kiss, she was still confused about Clark and she was miserable about the manner it came about. She wanted to know the truth. She knew if she asked he would have an obvious answer and call her a fool for believing him. 
“Hey, Charlene?” Clark called. Her ears pricked back at the sudden noise. She stood up and walked downstairs, rubbing under her eyes to make sure there weren’t any tears. She hadn’t cried, yet, but she didn’t want to start crying over it, either. “Come here.” 
“What, Clark? Can’t you see I’m busy moping about — …what is that?” she yelped. Clark was standing with his writing tablet facing outward, a glower painted over his features. She could hardly care about his nasty expression, however. There she was, her yellow evening gown and Bruce’s hands laced in her hair, plastering the first article of the month. Big, bold words read: 
“Bruce Wayne Finds New Lover — Will It LAST?” 
“Who took that picture!?”
“You’re saying this is real?” he asked angrily. He took off his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose tightly. “Charlene!”
“I’m sorry!” she apologized, not really sorry. “We’re not lovers, anyway — it was one kiss. Who wrote the article?”
“You never kiss people you don’t know.” Clark turned the screen back to his face, scrolling down and shaking his head. “Jimmy wrote this one, I think, I recognize the alias. I should have known something was going to happen when I told him to follow you…”
“For the record, Clark, all I’ve ever wanted was to kiss you,” she snapped. “Bruce is just differe— you sent Jimmy to follow me!?” She was so engulfed in her defenses that she forgot she had just told Clark she had feelings for him. She didn’t even register the implication that they didn’t matter anymore. She was angry at Jimmy, and at Bruce, and at Clark. She grabbed a throw pillow and fluffed it furiously. She needed an outlet. “I can’t believe you.”
“It’s Bruce Wayne, Char,” he said. He set his tablet down on the coffee table. “He’s not exactly the safest guy to get involved with.”
“And neither were you! I appreciate the worry, but it’s misplaced.” She spun around to stick her finger at Clark accusingly. “For ten whole years I tried to tell you I was in love with you, Clark, so don’t even try to talk to me about what’s good for me! You hear? I can kiss Bruce Wayne if I want to.”
“You tell him, Char,” a small voice came from behind the TV stand. Charlene and Clark both froze. Charlene knew who that was. She did her best not to sigh.
Muffled, a much bigger voice complained, “Look what you did! Now we’re caught. Bruce is gonna —”
Clark moved over and gently removed the TV stand. “Damian I expected, but you, Dick? That’s low. Spying on Charlene?” 
“She’s a friend of Father,” the young boy answered for his big brother. “After the gala, he went to brood in the Bat Cave and when he came up, he said she was going to be more involved.”
“I think he’ll be happy to hear you like him, Charlene,” Dick smiled. He extended his legs and sat like a toddler on the floor. “We came here on our own, by the way. We wanted to surprise you by picking you up and surprise him by bringing you to Gotham. We racked his schedule up with business meetings so that we could pull this off. Think of it as a rescue.”
“Surprise me,” she regurgitated. She wanted to cry, laugh, scream, and fall over all at once. “You wanted to surprise me.”
“Sure. Why not?” Damian shrugged. “But your friend, here, got in the way with all his mumbling and weird comments about our father. He’s scary but I could take him.” That comment made her smile. Damian taking on Clark. Dangerous, but it still tickled her mind.
“They were not weird —”
“Yeah, they were.” 
“Guys, guys,” Charlene interjected, “Bruce and I aren’t much more than friends. He’s just my knight in shining armor.” She tucked her hair behind her ear. “If anything were to happen, it would be very slow.” She made sure each male looked at her. “Very, very slow.” 
“So he does make you happy?” Clark asked quietly. 
“He does,” Charlene confirmed. “It could be more with work. Relax, Clark. You’re not going to be walking me down the aisle so soon.” 
He squeezed his eyes tightly, confusion coloring his face. “So when you said you used to want to kiss me…”
“It’s mostly ‘used to,’ now, yeah.” Charlene’s mouth moved before she even filed how truthful the statement was in her brain. She sat down on the couch, tossing her hair over her shoulder. “I hope that’s not an issue — I know you don’t approve of Bruce.”
Clark pursed his lips. He set his hands on his hips and looked at the two delinquents on Charlene’s floor. “The gala with you and Wayne wasn’t a full-on date. Was it?”
“He and I went to sponsor the same cause and spend time together as friends. It couldn’t have counted as a romantic date, anyway,” she said. “The boys spent more time talking to me than Bruce did.”
“I saw him kiss you, though —”
“Dick, shut up,” Damian hissed. “You’re not helping.”
Clark tried for a smile. “I just want you to be safe and happy, Charlene.”
Charlene nodded, feeling much better since the gala. She had made an impression on the Wayne family? “I know I will be.”
=-=-= Charlene, in the end, told the boys she wanted to stay at home and sent Clark back to the Daily Planet to do his work. She had a lot to think over. She took a seat in her loveseat and got comfortable. She had to sit there for a long while. A kiss with a billionaire, a concerned Kansas Chiefs fan, four young men who already looked up to her, and a melting pot of feelings. If this were a young adult novel, she would have already picked someone by now. She had roses in a vase that called her name. She had a heart that wanted her attention, too.
Her whole past screamed for her to let go of Clark Kent — she was learning to set those unrequited feelings aside. He had always looked out for her and been her friend. Sometimes friendship, in the end, was just friendship. Clark was in love with Lois Lane. By the looks of things, he was starting to grow closer to her. Stepping away from that, Charlene could see he was happy; for the first time in years, that didn’t sting as much as it had before. 
Then there was the new friendship: Bruce Wayne. He was more than a friend, but less than a romantic partner. His affection was a different brand than Clark’s in all the good ways. He brought some kind of freshness, a sense that she never had to pretend to be pulling herself together. She knew deep in her heart that Bruce would have a hard time being with her — she would find difficulty being with him, too. They had much in common, as well as a lot of differences. He saw through her, she saw through him. Charlene needed some kind of stability. She needed a friend that offered their hand instead of shared reliance. 
Clark was the bright summer’s day that you longed for in the winter; he was the smell of newly cut grass and the way a paintbrush head felt between someone’s fingers. He was khakis and ball caps and the colors in the sunrise. He had always been the simple pleasures in Char’s life. 
Bruce Wayne had already proved what he was. He was the necessity in life like the clap of thunder in the middle of the night or the hardwood floor on bare feet. Bruce was the crowded streets of Metropolis after dusk; he was petrichor after a much-needed rain, the thimble on your thumb, he was the flick of the light switch that you could never balance. He was the mundane, everyday wakeup call that life was buzzing everywhere around her.
That was the difference between Clark and Bruce. Charlene had always had Clark, but she could imagine life without him. When it came to the Batman, she had a hard time thinking about her life without the petrichor on concrete, the snippy wind on her ears, and the occasional clap of thunder. She didn’t need him, but he was her equal.
He was the equal. 
Not the hero. 
“I’ll have to tell him, then,” she sighed. Charlene buried her face in her hands. 
“Tell who what?” a gravelly voice came from behind her. His presence was close. Char leaned back and extended her hands. 
“You,” she said. Bruce pushed her hands back down, setting his own on the cushion behind her. “We need to talk about what happened at the gala, don’t we?” 
“I don’t see why,” he replied. “You know it was a public display of affection.”
“From the world’s Bruce Wayne,” Charlene countered. Bruce pressed his lips into a line. “Not mine.”
“I know. I figured if the world knew you were Bruce Wayne’s, it would give you a chance to find that time you wanted,” he said slowly. “The boys could teach you how to defend yourself. You’d always have a place at Wayne Manor.”
“But what about us?” she asked, turning to see him better. “C’mon, Bats, you know that kiss was a little more than just a well-rounded plan to turn me into a Bat-Person.”
The dark knight was still for a long second. “It was a moment’s weakness. Even if we wanted to pursue a relationship —”
“We both know we do.”
“— neither of us are ready for it.”
Charlene stood on the loveseat. She cupped Bruce’s face, holding his jaw with both palms. “I agree. I think we should take our time before we even worry about labeling this.”
“We cannot be involved.” He held her hands, prying them ever-so-gingerly from him. “You aren’t ready for the livestyles I come with. I’m not ready for that kind of —”
“Domesticity,” she said with him, nodding. “I know, I know. You don’t want to be a husband, I don’t want to be a wife. No, we can’t be involved, yet.” She rested on her forearms. “You can guess what that means.”
He smiled sadly. “You won’t come stay at Wayne Manor.”
“Not for extended periods of time,” she answered with the same bittersweet expression. Char stroked his cheek. He had been so open to her physical affection. “It wouldn’t really work the way we want it to.” 
“You mean Alfred will be asking about dress shopping?”
“I’ll be asking about dress shopping!” she teased. “Why are you here, exactly?”
“If I said that you no longer worked at the Daily Planet, what would you do?” he asked bluntly. 
Charlene stopped. “I would ask you to fix it, right now.”
He hummed. “You want Clark, still?”
“No,” she said defiantly. She crossed her arms. “I’m just not ready to date, yet.” Charlene was quickly learning how to own herself around Bruce. She felt at home, like he was at home in his spandex. Bruce made her feel like her own woman: strong, compassionate, and happy. If he could be her complement, she could do anything. Absolutely anything.
Bruce leaned in, smirking. Charlene hit him with a pillow, which he promptly caught. “Glad we’re on the same page.”
“Promise to try someday?” she teased.
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fangirlovestuff · 4 years
Child’s Play - Chris Evans x reader
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a/n- Hey lovely people! the movie in this is completely made up with excessive use of random plot/name generators lol. also, the Melissa I mention is Melissa Fumero who I love and plays Amy on Brooklyn 99, and Anthony is Mackie who we all know and love. Enjoy! <3
Summary: You’re a director and you finally got to direct your husband chris in a movie. Now you just need to get through the press tour...
Word Count: ~1,780
Warnings: none that i’m aware of
You stepped out onto the stage when the interviewer called your name, waving at the crowd which was cheering and clapping.
"And without further ado, let's give a round of applause to Captain America himself, Chris Evans!"
Chris lightly stepped onto the stage, waving at the screaming fans as he took his place next to you. He reached out and squeezed your hand in his, and you returned a squeeze. You both tended to get nervous at these press panels and interviews, even if this one was one you were lucky enough to do together.
"It's so great to have you all here today! The entire cast of the hit movie The Invisible Lights!" the interviewer started and the crowd applauded once more. "First off, I want to start with a question for Chris," she said. He smiled and nodded at her to continue. "Your character in this movie, William Brown, is a sorcerer, but in a casual way, that's like his thing. For you, who, I believe, have never played a character with outright magic powers before, how hard was it to find a window and relate to him?"
"Yeah, it was actually kinda easy, even easier than some other characters I've played, because—"
"He's a wizard guys, it's not that complicated," you cut in and Chris laughed.
"Almost," he says and smiles, "but what I was gonna say before my lovely wife here interrupted me," you made a kissy face at him and he chuckled once more, "was that Will is actually just a nice guy, he experiences everything with the same compassion and excitement and fears just like us normal human beings do, and magic is just a cool bonus to that. So no, I wouldn't say relating to him was any more challenging than to any other character." 
"Thank you, Chris, that was a great answer," the interviewer smiled. "Now Melissa, I actually have a question for you too," she turned to her, "we all know and love you as Amy Santiago, who is a very comedic character, so what drove you towards this part of Nancy, who's just a normal person who's trying to do her job and doesn't get to make as many jokes in this movie as other characters do?"
"Well, I think Amy and Nancy are similar in a lot of ways, you know, they're both very dedicated to their job and are very rational women, but what drew me to this was actually the differences between them. Nancy is less type A, she's a bit more unsure of herself and is more of a "normal person" whereas Amy is more the "nerd" type. Getting to play someone like that just appealed to me a lot."
The interviewer asked you a question next. "So how was directing this movie for you? What's it like directing your husband in a movie?" the audience cheers a little at that. 
"Well, I gotta say it's one of the most fun sets I've been on, and not only because Chris was there," you smiled. "I was obviously a huge fan of Melissa and I was stoked she could do this movie with us, and really the whole set was very upbeat and just fun, especially the scenes we shot with the kids, who were lovely. The lead actor was… a bit much honestly. He's just…" you shook your head, sighing, and Chris laughed. "He's just too handsome for his own good. It's terrible really," you laughed. 
"No, but honestly, working with him was so much fun. I've always known the talent he has, but being able to really witness it firsthand and going through the whole process of making a character and a movie with him was wonderful. "
The crowd "awwww" ed at that and the interviewer continued. "Would you say directing him was harder or easier than someone else, someone you don't necessarily know?"
 "Listen, directing Chris… well, it's not that different than what I do every day," you shrugged and turned to Chris, "you do need a lot of chaperoning babe," you smiled. He laughed and reached for his chest like he always does. The crowd laughed as well and you gave a little giggle as well. 
"It's true," Chris smiles and says, "she's always like, 'Chris do the dishes,' and 'Isn't it your turn to walk Dodge today?'"
"That is not true Christopher!" you put your hand to your chest as if offended. "Besides, that was a terrible impression of me, I can't believe you do this for a living!" you threw your hands up and shook your head in disbelief and you all laughed.
"Um, but to give a more serious answer," you turned to the interviewer once more, "I think in every movie you direct, you get to form a connection with the people you direct. The fact that Chris and I already have that connection is both a blessing and a curse because on the one hand, we're more comfortable trying new things and taking risks, but on the other hand that means it's easier for us to get off track and just kinda goof around instead of doing our jobs," you chuckled. "But I do think we handled it pretty well," you smiled.
"Well that leads me to my next question, which is for the rest of the cast who aren't you and Chris," the interviewer smiled, "how did they do with keeping it professional on set?"
Everyone laughed and you and Chris smiled at each other. 
"Terrible," said Anthony, who played David, a police officer in the movie who was good friends with Chris' character. "Well, no, when we were shooting the actual scenes, they were fine, but every single break we had, these two-" he looked over at Chris and you, "look at them! They're making heart eyes at each other right now!" he rolled his eyes. 
You and Chris looked away from each other and smiled while the crowd cheered a little. 
"I think we were totally fine," said Chris while he took your hand in his. 
"Well, I guess they weren't that bad," Melissa said.
"I have one more question for you guys and then we're gonna take some fan questions. So, what was it like working with the kids on set?"
"They were really cute," Melissa said, "so I had a lot of fun working with them," she shrugs and smiles. 
"Speak for yourself," you said. "Well, okay, they were very cute and it really was a blast having them on set. We basically said for people who have relatives who were about the age we looked for that they should bring them because we needed a whole class. So my niece was there, Chris' niece and nephew, Mel's kid… we had a lot of fun, but in terms of production time, kids are kind of difficult. Not to say it's the kids who were there, because they were truly lovely and it's like that with all kids. So yeah, working with them was a really good time but also cost quite a bit of time and we already were short on time, so it was definitely a challenge." 
You all took some questions from the audience and then the interviewer said, "Alright guys, we have time for one last question, who's next?"
A girl who was a bit younger than you came up to the microphone. "Hi! First of all, can I just say I'm such a big fan of all of you guys," she seemed nervous and you all smiled at her. "So, my question is a spin on an earlier question and it's for Chris – You've spoken a lot in the past about the importance of a strong-willed director to really bring in the movie nicely, so how was it having your wife direct you in a movie?"
"Wow, you're really setting me up to fail here, aren't you?" he laughed and you turned to look at him, an interested look in your eyes. 
"Sure, well, I really can't say enough good things about her. Both as a director and just as a person, she's got a real talent of making people feel very comfortable and that definitely comes in handy on a movie set. She knows really well when she wants to listen and get ideas from us and when she needs to steer the ship herself a bit more, and I think I'm speaking for everyone here when I say that with her, the vibe on set is always a good one. She's very attentive to things that I would've never thought about that really make the movie what it is and she's very capable of standing at the helm of a movie and saying 'okay, this is what needs to happen and this is how we're gonna do it.' If I already thought the world of her before making a movie with her, I can't really tell you how much I admire her now. It's an embarrassment of riches really," he smiled at you and you returned it.
The audience "awwww"s once more. "Anything else you'll be making soon?" someone shouts suddenly. Everyone on stage laughs, but the interviewer starts talking so you don't have to answer the question.  
"Sadly, that's all the time we've got, so give it up for the cast of The Invisible Lights! It was a pleasure having you here today, thank you so much!"
You all got up and waved at the audience before walking off stage. 
When you left the stage, Chris came up behind you, circling his arms around you and splaying his palms on your belly. 
"That was a close call," he said softly in your ear. 
You hummed and leaned back into him. "Yeah, we're lucky the bump isn't visible yet," you smiled and craned your neck in order to kiss him properly. 
"You know if it gets too hard, we can cut the press tour short right?" Chris says, looking at you with a worried gaze.
"If you keep saying that after every interview I'm gonna start thinking you don't want to be here," you laughed. "It's fine, really," you reassured him.
"Okay," he smiles and leans down to kiss you once more.
"Hey lovebirds! Didn't we just agree you were professional? Don't ruin that image!" Anthony yelled at you. The rest of the group has already continued, leaving you a little behind.
"Coming!" you both yelled and laughed.
"Can you believe in seven months we're gonna have the most perfect kid on this planet?" Chris asked while he moved to stand next to you and take your hand.
You simply beamed and squeezed his hand in yours. You couldn't wait.
Chris Taglist: @swatson06 @horny-nd-bored​ @shannon124 @perfectlyharolds​ @phoebe-21-99 @wintersoldierslut​ @iceebabies​ @wanessalopesueiros @sleepingpapermouse @steverogerswasalwaysworthy @holtzkinnon @angelicl-y @stydia-4-ever @thatoneperson5000 @fangirlfree​ @kaitcordx25 @bequeening​ @steve-barry-damon-logan​ @itscrazycherryblossomcollection​ @hollandxmarvel​ @darkwitchfromthesouth
if you wanna join / be removed from the taglist, comment/message me! this is a taglist for Chris and his characters. much love <3
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
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Rating: Explicit. 18+
‼️TW: Reader is EIGHTEEN! Recreational drug use, smoking and alcohol consumption, deeply internalised self-loathing, very questionable moral standards. Daddy kink taken half-seriously. BDSM themes in later chapters - explicit content will come with it’s own TWs. FIRST PERSON POV.
Summary: You’re Peter’s classmate, a child of rich and famous but uncaring parents. Getting paired up for a lengthy project with the boy was an interesting turn of events and you don’t know whether to feel blessed or cursed when you develop, seemingly, a perfectly normal, harmless crush on Tony Stark. Fueled by feelings of inadequacy and boredom, your life spirals out of control - and you’re lucky your newfound friends are there to pick up the pieces even if you cannot find it in yourself to believe these amazing human (and not so human) beings voluntarily give you more than a fleeting glance and an offhanded thought. And they brought cake!
A/N: Bad girls are sad girls! Always wondered what goes through the mind of a spoiled, rich but intelligent and perceptive teenager? Have you found yourself craving that adrenaline rush, the danger of a forbidden fruit? Okay. That was cheesy as hell. Gross.
Let’s try again. Sarcasm? Check. Vine references? Hell yes! Crude humour? Check. Blunt honesty? Double check. We’re living in a Lana del Rey song, ladies.
The author doesn’t actually condone codependent relationships in real life. This is a filthy little fantasy. Enjoy, deviants.
THE TAG LIST IS NOW OPEN! @vozit​ @another-stark-sub ​ @mostly-marvel-musings​
Beta read by the lovely and patient @miscmarvelwritings  ! She deserves all the love 💙
Peter woke me up at eight AM the next morning like the little shit that he was, demanding I make him pancakes. It wasn’t the first time I’ve had the joy to experience him in the morning and he knew exactly how to antagonise me enough to make him the special pancakes he liked so much. They had become kind of a ritual whenever he stayed over at my house, which was quite often - teachers liked me enough to pair me up with one of the most sensible kids for any projects that couldn’t be done alone by yours truly on her own.
I put on my yesterday’s dress, applied moisturizer and obediently trotted behind an excitedly mumbling Peter. The kitchen was large, beautiful and delightfully empty of any resident superheroes. I’ve indirectly crossed paths with all of the tower’s residents hanging around Tony, but I’ve yet had to speak more than polite niceties to any of them. 
Spying a bowl of boiled eggs and some sort of weird salad alongside half burned toast on the counter, I suddenly understood why Peter demanded his pancakes. I strictly instructed the disaster child to stay away from my cooking process and set to work with one ear listening to his ramblings and a headphone in the other. 
A set of thumping footsteps appeared behind me as I was pouring the batter for the first pancake. Their owner loudly sat down next to Peter, sighing, groaning, generally making “I’m not a morning person” sounds.
“Good morning, Mr. Barnes,” Peter’s tone was way, way too chipper.
“‘mrng,” The Sergeant grumbled. “Who’s this and why is she making pancakes?”
I turned around, spatula at the ready. “It’s me,” We’ve actually met before, but Barnes had left before I could even come over from my side of the work bench to say hello.
He nodded in acknowledgement after giving me a suspicious once-over. “One of Stark’s science children. I’m James but you can call me Bucky,” His voice sounded rough and gravely, and he clutched a coffee cup half the size of my head.
I snorted. “Science child, sure,” It wasn’t half-bad actually. I wisely choose to ignore the part of being Tony’s. No matter how hot the man was, I wasn’t anybody’s but my own, thank you very much. “Go get the bananas, Nutella and maple syrup, fellow science child.”
Peter scrambled to follow instructions as I plated the pancakes and cut the bananas into neat little rings to fill the sweet circles with. A tablespoon of Nutella, half a sliced banana, wrap, garnish with powdered sugar and pour maple syrup generously on top. I really didn’t see how this could be difficult but any and all attempts to teach Peter how to recreate my masterpiece always ended up in an absolute mess. I turned around to ask Bucky if he wanted any. The look of a man starved answered all my questions.
“You’re a goddess,” Peter moaned around his mouthful, nose smudged white with the powdered sugar.
“Gross, chew first then talk, you neanderthal,” I scoffed, prepping more batter for the second batch of pancakes. I wasn’t sure if everybody would show up but figured it would be rude to exclude them from the sheer magnificence that were my pancakes. I was just that good.
The music in my ear drowned most of Peter’s disgusting chewing noises, thankfully. My second batch vanished into thin air, inhaled by the two males like the garbage disposals that they were. Peter, in particular, ate an alarming quantity of food and I was surprised how he managed to stay so skinny. His daily eating schedule resembled the Hobbits.
More people appeared, this time acting less surprised regarding me standing at the stove. Hawkeye, Black Widow, Scarlet Witch and her brother, all of them wandered in wearing sleep attire with various amusing prints. Thankfully, they mostly kept quiet or chatted with Peter - I would have definitely grumbled if someone tried to talk to me. As far as my body was concerned it was still the middle of the night.
“PANCAKES,” A booming voice announced and I shuddered at the sheer intensity and devotion contained in that one word. Thor.
“Please use your indoor voice,” I snapped reflectively. My brain caught up with what I just did so I hastily backtracked. “Sorry, I’m a bitch in the mornings.”
The blonde man chuckled, coming over to poke his nose into my flurry of pour-flip-fill sequence. Then, with all the grace and manners of a prince, he dipped one (1) large finger into the jar of Nutella and wandered off with it stuck in his mouth. With this turn of events the Nutella was bound to run out sooner than expected.
I turned around, annoyed confusion in plain sight. “The fuck?.. That’s gross, don’t do that,” Finding his brother (adopted!) sitting next to Thor, wearing a haughty smirk, finger still in his mouth. So Loki turned into his brother to steal Nutella from a jar. I sighed. Nobody even batted an eye. “Your alien germs are in there now, double ew.”
“Alien germs? Where?” Bruce entered the kitchen with a tablet under his arm, wearing Hulk themed pajamas, Captain America in tow. I was honestly on the verge of breaking down into hysterical laughter. Domestic Avengers wasn’t something I’d expected to see or experience, ever, much less be a part of. It took a moment for me to remind myself that they were people, too, and each of them was entitled to their own quirks. 
“America, egg-splain,” Peter muttered under his breath, giggling. “Loki stuck his hand in the Nutella jar,” He pointed at said jar. “She got grumpy,” Peter pointed at me. “Don’t make her grumpy, please, I want more pancakes,” And turned his pleading puppy eyes in my direction again.
“This is indentured servitude,” I pointed my spatula at the little shit. “You just had, like, ten.” But I made more batter nonetheless. I must admit it was kind of cool, seeing the earth’s mightiest defenders so relaxed. And Pete being happy, that was just… The best. I don’t know how to explain it. His eternal cheerfulness was highly contagious.
Chuckles filled up the room, the adults chatting and bickering amongst themselves while they patiently waited for their own breakfast. 
“Do you need some help?” Bruce approached me after stopping to fetch himself a cup of tea. It smelled strongly of tangy herbs and honey.
“I need more Nutella and bananas,” I admitted, surveying the sheer amount of people I had to feed. I didn’t doubt the Captain and two Asgardians had an appetite to match Peter’s which meant a literal extra set of condiments was required. Thankfully, Bruce fetched them for me, coming to a stop next to me. “Anything else?”
“You know, I tried making these with Peter and he just ended up with powdered sugar and chocolate all over himself,” I mused, noting the way Banner was carefully observing the assembly of a pancake. “You think Doctor seven-phds can manage to add a few toppings to a pancake without causing a disaster?“ 
Bruce rolled his eyes fondly, bumping me with his hip. "I’m no Clint Barton when it comes to cooking but at least I don’t burn my toast like Steve,” True to his word, his hands made swift motions of filling, wrapping and plating each individual pancake. They were almost as good as mine albeit more messy. I had lots of practice though. We finished off a batch in companionable silence, sounds of the team and my music playing in the background. 
I didn’t notice when I started swaying to the rhythm, catching a confused look from Bruce. I brushed back my hair, revealing a wireless headphone in my ear and he chuckled in understanding. “What are you listening to?”
“Right now? Kings of Leon,” I said, leaning towards him so he could hear the chorus “Use Somebody” currently occupying my right ear. 
“I like them, too,” He said, his cheek gently touching mine. His hands slowed on the pancake, a soft hum vaguely reminding me of the song’s melody emanating from his throat. “What else do you usually listen to?”
“Mostly heavier stuff, but I have a whole separate playlist dedicated to mid-2000s bops,” I answered. “I’ve heard I’m quite old school when it comes to music.”
“Well, I am an old man, so…” Bruce grinned mischievously. “But my guilty pleasure is Lady Gaga,” He admitted with a laugh.
I laughed, too. The image of his dancing in his lab to Born This Way was too much for my brain and I hung my head, fighting giggles. Bruce bumped me with his hip again, faking a pout. “Okay, okay, that was a fucking hilarious image, you go dude,” I finally powered through my struggle to contain laughter. “My own guilty pleasure would be… Umm… Lana Del Rey, I guess.”
Bruce made a vague noise of confusion. I took a brief break from mixing the batter to dig out my second headphone, presenting it to him and switching to a song. “This is what makes us girls”. Despite the fact I have never stolen a car or had a close female friend, the nostalgia was real. “Carmen” followed after the first song and I silently thanked whatever deity that “You can be the boss” was taken out of Spotify - I don’t think I was prepared to share that kind of information with a lab partner. An older, handsome lab partner. Wait… Where did that come from?
“I like it,” He said after the song ended and my more usual stuff began playing. “It suits you, I think.”
I groaned. “Really? I think it’s edgy,” Hiding away the embarrassment, I passed him a tray of freshly baked pancakes, occupying his immediate attention.
“You’re an old soul,” He gave me a lopsided smile. I saw a very faint blush tinting his cheeks, the kind of blush that had me wondering about the meaning behind his words. 
I gave an attempt at a smile in response, the left corner of my mouth barely tilting up. We talked some more about the rock music we shared in our earphones. I had a lot of 80s hair metal and 90s grunge in my playlist. Bruce was not a Curt Cobain man but enjoyed the works of his legacy, Marcy Playground. 
A tan hand wormed its way between me and Bruce, snatching a handful of banana slices and disappeared just as swiftly. “Tonyyy,” Bruce groaned, picking up another banana to replace the stolen pieces.
The spatula in my hand became a weapon as I blindly aimed at the target behind my back. A loud “ow” indicated I hit it. When I turned around, Tony was clutching the side of his face, a hurt look in his eyes and cheeks stuffed full of stolen goods. I stared him square in the face, absolutely refusing to acknowledge the fact that he was shirtless - the arc reactor glowed brightly in the middle of his toned chest. Fuck.
His chest was honestly what I was aiming for. I constantly kept forgetting how short he actually was. There was this one time when Tony had to put his arms around me to steady a piece of tech - he felt huge, hard and enormous around me. 
“What’s that for, Princess?” He finally chewed through his food and found his voice.
“For being a Tony,” I retorted. “Stay away from my workspace and wait for your breakfast like everybody else.”
“Hey! This is my kitchen,” He whined immediately, like the adult man that he was. I nearly cried from how adorable his face became, eyebrows scrunched up. “I don’t want to wait! And why does he,” Tony’s finger accusingly pointed at Bruce, “Get the bananas?!”
“Because he’s Brucie-bear,” I stuck my nose up in the air when Bruce’s arm wrapped around my waist. “He’s my science father,” I stuck my tongue out at Tony, seeing Bruce’s triumphant smile. Banner used every opportunity to get back at Tony’s incessant sass. 
The gleaming in Tony’s eyes should have alarmed me. “But he’s not your science daddy,” Tony’s flirting was accompanied by a salacious eyebrow wiggle and Peter’s screech of “OH MY GOD!" 
It took me every ounce of willpower to not flush. It was one of those rare times that I was at a complete loss of words. Thinking on the spot, I gave a very meaningful look to Bruce - thankfully, he got the gist and returned an equally filthy smirk back. Tony gaped.
"Is this how they are in the lab?” The Captain’s quiet voice leaked horrified amusement.
“All.The.Time.” Peter’s resonating groan was followed by Romanoff’s laughter.
We went up to the lab after breakfast. Thankfully Tony stopped his dramatic bitching when I served him my pancakes, scarfing them down much like everybody else. So me and Pete were accompanied by one (1) happy engineer, all three of us tinkering away on a robot that we were supposed to present in our science class in a month. The focus that was required to solder was immense and our usual banter was missing, replaced by an occasional request for a specific tool or a water bottle.
It took a few hours to get the dirty job done even with Tony’s help (technically he wasn’t supposed to but neither me nor Pete had the heart to forbid him from it when the man looked so content and happy soldering away). By the time I uncurled from my spot on the bench, my back was in knots and my dress had oil stains and holes all over it. I immediately went to the nearest water bottle, finishing half of it in seconds, picking up my phone to see if I had any important messages from my mother.
Just a message from Bruce.
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I tapped on my phone, idly scrolling through the Instagram app, liking some pictures of people I barely knew and keeping up a general appearance of being very busy. When the ringtone started playing, it took me a whole five seconds to understand it was, in fact, coming from my phone - I certainly wouldn’t put something so… Outrageous as my main tone.
Banner had discovered the power of the internet. You Can Be The Boss played loudly, and it played from my phone and Bruce was calling me. I picked it up, turning around, fighting the incoming laughter. “Yes, Brucie?" 
To say that Tony’s and Peter’s faces were scandalised was nothing. The boy’s face was such a deep shade of red, I started worrying about his blood pressure and Tony’s mouth hung open limply, like he was witnessing the second coming of Christ. 
"Is Tony sufficiently traumatized?” Judging by the breathless tone of his voice, Banner was resisting a mighty laughing fit of his own.
“Oh, absolutely,” I happily chirped.
“Good, keep it up. Come to my lab before you leave,” Banner snorted and then, realising what he’d done, promptly hung up, the tell-tale beginning of a giggle fit abruptly interrupted by a dial tone.
I put the phone in my bag, gathering the rest of my things with a look somewhere between innocence and indifference. At least, I hoped it was - my mind kept jumping between the engineer’s ridiculously scandalised face and the way his mouth went slack, lips moist and soft and plush. That’s a very dangerous trail.
A very dangerous trail I couldn’t resist exploring in the solitude and privacy of my own bedroom, at home.
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donutloverxo · 4 years
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Authors note- listen... I'm sorry for this but at the same time I'm not. Anyway this was inspired by an arc from the anime gintama.
the female captain america graphic does not belong to me.
Do not repost or steal my works. Reblogs are welcome
Summary- Steve has been on a space mission for a week. When he gets back he's a completely different person.
Pairings- Steve Rogers x reader, Stevie x reader
Warning- smut, sex toys, bi curious reader, gender bender(Tony nat and steve get turned into the opposite sex)
Word count- 3.3k
You had been monitoring Steve’s mission status for the past week. You were both used to the other being gone on missions. But a mission in space was something else. Steve, Tony and Nat were helping Carol out with a situation in space. Since the guardians were mia. In another galaxy. It was still hard to wrap your head around. Last you heard going to Mars was considered a huge accomplishment now people are travelling to another solar systems.
It was hard not to worry. So many things could go wrong. They could be sucked into a black hole or encounter a hostile species. You were one of the few Avengers who had never been to space. As you were blipped after the snap.
You had heard about it from Steve. He had a far away melancholic look in his eyes whenever he talked about it. You understood how hard those five years must’ve been for him. You weren’t sure if you could even last 5 weeks without him.
As much as you would’ve liked to go explore space you had decided someone had to stay home.
You were going about your night drinking some coffee to help with your fatigue in front of the monitor waiting for updates from Steve’s team. You had not left the room, you pretty much lived there. They were supposed to be home two days ago. With no updates from either of them you were at the end of your rope.
You were jolted awake when you felt your chair along with the whole room vibrating. You didn’t even realise you had fallen asleep. You rushed outside hoping that the team had made it back.
You looked at Carol approaching you from the ship landed on the compound lawn.
“Hey there”, she greeted giving you a nervous smile.
“Is something wrong?”, you asked looking at the ship hoping to see Steve come out of it.
“Well yes and no. Something happened. I’m going to need you to stay calm.”
“I’m always calm”, impatient you walked towards the ship.
You stopped in your tracks when you see three more people come out of it. Two women and a man. Confused you looked back at Carol who just smiled and shrugged.
“This must be weird for you”, you heard the man say, his hoarse deep voice say.
You looked back at the three of them and wished to pinch yourself or slap yourself, anything to wake up from this dream. You looked the three of them up and down. It wasn’t too obvious but they looked a lot like Steve Tony and Nat.
The redhead man had broad shoulders, a square jaw and a Bob haircut. He was shorter than the blond woman standing beside him.
You stopped breathing for a minute when you looked at her. She was tall, taller than any woman you’d ever seen probably taller than most men. She had a sharp jawline and high cheekbones. Her short blond hair was slicked back. If you didn’t know better you would be scared by her sharp features but you couldn’t help look away from her piercing blue eyes. That’s when you realized.
“Steve?”, you breathed out after what felt like forever.
“No no, she’s Stevie now”, you whipped your heard to look at the short brunette woman standing behind the redhead. Her hair was short with flicks of grey. She had wrinkles around her eyes and mouth.
“Yeah and she’s Toni now. As in Toni with an i.”, she redhead said.
“What is going on here?!”, you yelled and looked at Carol for an explanation.
“Well we were on the mission everything was going quite well. But then somebody decided to make some sexist jokes.”, she gave Toni and the red head a icy stare. “So they changed these idiots into the opposite sex. To teach them a lesson. They will go back to their old selves soon enough.”
“Ok it was just a joke! How was I supposed to know they would be so sensitive”, Toni whined.
“Wait who are ‘they’?”, you asked her
“Aliens”, she answered and walked back to the spaceship “alright I have to leave good luck”
“Oh no you don’t. How are we supposed to fix this?” Toni chased behind her asking and then begging her to stay.
You looked at the red head who would most probably be Nat and then at Stevie. Not really knowing what to say your gaze went down Stevie’s body. Your eyes widened when you looked at the curve of her breasts. You couldn’t see them properly under her tshirt but you could tell that they were big. It was no surprise, Steve did always have big assets.
“Uh... can we go inside?”, Stevie asked awkwardly rubbing her forearm with her hand.
You hadn’t uttered a single word still speechless and in shock. Was this real life? You had solved so many problems, seen so many things over the years but never in your life did you think you would be here. Looking at your boyfriend or girlfriend, you couldn’t deal with the feelings emerging inside you or how much you wanted to touch her to see if her skin was as soft as it looked.
You could only see her arms and face as she was wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt. She had a soft sheen of blond hair on her arms, not nearly as coarse as Steve’s arm hair used to be. Her arms were still muscular and definied but much more slimmer. And she clearly wasn’t wearing a bra. Not that you were complaining.
She was looking down at her thighs closing them and then opening them again, probably not sure how to sit. She looked up at you and smiled.
“How are you feeling?”, you asked her.
“Strange”, she said running her hand through her short hair. “Are you okay?”
“Well...”, you started not knowing how to finish. Would she be mad if she knew what was going on in your head? She was confused and in distress this is neither the time nor the place to have unsavory thoughts.
Nat came into the common room and plopped down beside Stevie. “I just used the bathroom. It was quite interesting.”, she said nodding to herself and staring off into space. She looked like she was contemplating her entire life.
You looked at Toni grumbling and making herself a drink. “She left. Said we’ll be back to normal by tomorrow”, she sat down on the sofa in front of you sipping her drink. She looked down at her breast before squeezing one.
“Toni!”, Stevie chastised him and looked away. You laughed at both of them, Nat and Toni joined you as laughter filled the hall.
“Imagine if Stark was born a woman”, Nat wondered.
“They definitely wouldn’t call you a playboy. They'd call you much worse names.”, you said before going back to admiring Stevie in all her glory while you had time.
“I’m going to head out. Good night kids. Pray to your gods that we go back to our old selves tomorrow”, Toni said putting her empty glass on the coffee table before leaving.
Nat yawned and stretched her back. “I’m going to bed as well. Long mission. Good night”
“So, what do you wanna do?”, you tentatively asked Stevie. You were suddenly nervous around her, the way someone would be around a new crush. You went back and forth between looking at her eyes, breasts and your lap.
“Let’s just go to bed. But... uh.. I could just sleep in the guest room if you like.” She scratched her neck blushing just like your Steve would. You smiled at her. There was no need to be nervous. This was the same Steve you knew and loved.
“No. We can sleep together. I’ve missed you”, you take her hand in yours. It felt the same but a bit different. Maybe because her hands were much smaller than Steve’s.
“I’m not me though”, she mused looking at your fingers linked together.
“I don’t mind. In fact I like it”, maybe you were being too bold but this might be the only chance you ever get.
“Oh?”, she looked at you her pink plump lips pouting. They looked even more kissable right now. Her nose was slimmer but still a bit crooked. The cute confused expression on her face reminded you so much of your Steve. Which was bizarre because she was still your Steve.
You couldn’t help it anymore, you leaned in putting your hand on the armrest for support and joined both your lips. She was stiff at first but then relaxed. You licked her lips and she opened her mouth kissing you deeply. She had missed your lips and your touch for the past week.
You broke apart after a few minutes. You looked into her eyes trying to catch your breathe. You decided to sit on her lap like you usually do. She put her hand around you as you nuzzled into her neck breathing her in. She smelled different, more feminine, but you could still smell hints of Steve’s soap and cologne.
“Are you sure about this?”, she asked intensely looking into your eyes.
You cradled her face in your hands. “I am as long as you’re comfortable. I’ve always wanted to do that. Be with a woman. Just never got the chance.”
“I... uh.. wouldn’t know what to do to”, she murmured looking away.
Steve, bless his heart, would never go anywhere near porn. He always found it too gratuitous. Never mind that the few sex tapes the two of you did make were plenty gratuitous.
No matter how much he liked to act like a boy Scout you knew all his kinks and perversions. But you had seen and read your fair share of erotica and you knew what you liked. You could make it work.
“You’ve always wanted to be with a woman?”, he asked and you nodded “you never told me that”
“I don’t know. I like women but don’t even feel like thinking about anyone else when I have you. Man or woman”, you shrugged. She blushed at that giving you a wide grin.
“Well... maybe Carol..”, you trailed off. You had developed a slight crush on her since the moment you met her. She was so fierce and strong. She didn’t take shit from anyone. You smiled at how she just left everyone here and went on her next mission to save the universe.
She was someone admirable. Or maybe it was just because she was a lot like Steve. Captain and everything.
Stevie hummed at that. She had seen you looking at Carol in adoration, her suspicions were just confirmed. She didn’t feel bad or jealous. She knew you were hers.
You had made yourself at home between Stevies leg while she laid her head on your pillow. She was apprehensive about letting you go down on her or see her. But you were adamant about giving her the experience of a female orgasm.
Maybe you had your selfish reasons as well. You couldn’t stop looking at her pretty pink pussy. It might be the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. You were tempted to whip out your phone and click a few pictures.
There were little dirty blond hair sprinkled around it. You wondered if you liked it because it was objectively pretty or because it was attached to the love of your life.
You smiled to yourself when you noticed it was glowing. She was probably getting impatient. She had been on a tasking mission, she deserves some relief. You were a bit anxious even if you knew what you had to do, you had never done it before. Your core tingled when you remembered the first time Steve ate you out. How you had to direct him and tell him exactly what to do. He was pretty much a pro at it now.
You licked a shy stripe up her lips. You gained a little bit of confidence when you felt her gasp and shiver. You licked a few more stripes before sucking on her clit. She seemed to like it when you did it faster so you increased your pace.
You pushed your tongue inside of her while licking her up. You decide to try incorporating your fingers as well. Pushing one and then two inside of her before thrusting them in and out with purpose.
She grunted and pushed your head back towards her core. “Shit”, she screamed as you began lapping her up again.
Steve never had any qualms about cursing during love making. It gave you great pleasure knowing you’re the only one that ever gets to see this wild feral side of him. Or her.
“Oh god”, she clutched your hair fisting them in her hand before coming all over your mouth. You lapped up everything you could.
You climbed up on your bed and looked down into her eyes. “How was that?”, you asked stroking her cheek.
“Pretty good”, she smiled up at you her blue eyes twinkling.
You raised your brows at her frowning. “Just pretty good?”
“It was perfect. But nothing different, I think”, she replied bringing your hand to her lips giving it a kiss. “Now it’s your turn”, she smirked.
“No”, you said firmly and got off the bed disappearing into your closet.
“No?”, she asked before sitting up trying to see what you were up to.
You return to your bed tying your favorite strap on to your hips and coating it with a generous amount of lube. You smirked when you looked at her staring at it. “What do you think?”
You already knew the answer to that question. You had used the very same toy on Steve’s ass more times than you could count. As much as you loved being dominated by him you also liked pleasing him, having him completely at your mercy.
She visibly gulped down. “How do you want to do it?”
“I’d like to look at your face.” You said holding her face in your hands stroking her cheeks. You push her down on the bed. Kneeling between her legs. You groped and stroked her body. It was unsurprisingly as soft as you imagined it would be. You held her breasts in your hands for a minute squeezing them and stroking her nipples. “they’re so soft”, you wondered out loud.
“Now you know why I like yours so much”, she said chuckling
You squeezed her pink hard nipple between your fingers before taking it in your mouth, giving it a harsh suck.
“Fuck... doll I need you”, she whined grabbing your dildo lining it up to her pussy.
You released her nipple with a pop swatting her hands away. “Be patient”, you scolded. She pouted at you but kept her hands to herself.
After sucking on her breasts for a while you lined your dildo upto her pussy. You snaked a hand under her hips to pull her up towards you, just like Steve used to do with you. You needed to be as close to her as possible.
You have her an open mouthed kiss slowly pushing into her. She moaned into your mouth. You fucked her nicely and slowly. Holding her in your hands as if she was the most precious thing to you, which she truly was.
You increased your pace when you felt her moaning and grunting loudly, knowing she was probably very close. You looked down at her face scrunched up in pleasure as she came around your cock.
You had never been able to look at Steve’s face when he came, either you were too fucked out from your own orgasms or were focusing on making him last longer.
Now looking down at her, doing something that was only pleasure able for her felt incredibly intimate. It felt better than any orgasm could’ve.
You pulled out of her, taking the strap on off before cuddling with her.
“That was something else”, she mumbled feeling high from her intense orgasm.
Later that night you had some how convinced Stevie to let you put make up on her. She didn’t agree at first but with some pouting she was basically putty in your hands.
You lips were set in a firm straight line in concentration as you tried not to mess up her eyeliner. Her hair was incredibly short so there wasn’t much you could do with it. You wondered if she would let you take some pictures.
“So what exactly happened? Why did they turn you into women... and man”, you asked still not sure how they were able to do it.
“It was something Tony said about never understanding women and then Natasha argued with all men are the same or something along those lines”, he said a frown on his face as if he was trying hard to remember it “I was caught in the middle of it trying to get them to stop fighting” You decided to let it go for now. Maybe she’d tell you the whole story some other day.
“One good thing about this is now you can take my name”, you smiled as you imagined Steve with your last name.
“I always thought you’d take mine. I like the thought of you as Mrs Rogers”
“Oh and why would I do that? I was one of the most renowned sheild agent and I am the best avenger”,you said puffing your chest out proudly.
“You might have some competition with that”, she teased smirking at you to which you stuck out your tongue putting some final touches on her face. “I guess our kids could just hyphenate”
You gasped at that, “kids? If you think I’m having more than one child then you’ve lost your mind. You know what it’s like to have a vagina now. Imagine pushing a child the size of a watermelon out of it”, you huffed but looking at her pretty face all your anger melted away.
“I’m sorry sweetheart. You know if I could go through it instead of you I would”, she said stroking your thighs and you knew she was sincere.
Steve would never let anything bad happen to you. Not if he could help it. After he got you back he had vowed to you that he would always protect you.
You looked at her sad face hunched down staring at the ground. She looked as if she was in another world. “Stevie what’s wrong?”
“It’s just what if the kid inherits all my illness. Or the super serum. That could be a danger to you”
You knelt down between her legs so you could look into her eyes. “Hey it’s okay”, you said softly “we don’t have to have kids. And we can always adopt. That gives us much more time”
“Are you sure?”, she asked shyly playing with a strand of your hair.
“Absolutely positive”, you beamed up at her.
The next morning you woke up earlier than usual. Stretching your back muscles you smiled looking at the sun shining through the window. It was a beautiful day. Perfect for a picnic. You looked to your side smiling at Steve sleeping peacefully. Wait a minute.
“Steve”, you shook him harshly.
“What?”, he rose his voice heavy and hoarse. He looked down at his body touching his pecs and abs before looking back at you. “I’m back”
“Yeah you’re back”
You both went down to the common room to find if Toni and Nat had went back to their normal selves. They were already waiting for both of you.
“Oh Rogers is back too!”, Tony said eagerly.
“Did you two have fun last night?”, Nat smirked suggestively at the two of you.
“I see neither of you learned your lesson then”, Steve shook his head at them before looking at you, catching you staring at him. “What do you miss Stevie?”
You shook your head at him. Lightly slapping his chest. “I like what’s in here. Doesn’t matter how you look”
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consumeconstantly · 4 years
Small Buff Girl Sightings Ch. 1
Summary: The first thought that comes to mind as he looks at the scene in front of him is: wow, she’s cute. The second thought is: holy shit, did she just flip a six foot, two hundred fifty pound man into the ground without blinking an eye? 
Thank goodness there’s time for second… and third.. And fourth impressions? 
Seriously, how many creepy people and criminals does this girl deal with on a daily basis?
1(you are here) | 2 | 3 | ao3
Damian Wayne is sure that if his elder siblings were watching him right now, they would be screeching at him to go help the girl. But-- well. His siblings and his father aren’t watching, and he isn’t sure whether or not the girl needs his help. The weirdly hooded man who is rapidly closing in on her might just live in the same direction. Surely, this time, his instincts are wrong. He’s only following them for peace of mind. Nothing is going to happen.
Otherwise known as: Damian isn’t particularly feeling up to saving another girl outside of his Robin costume and then being come on to. Why girls always have to have a Thing for people who saved them, Damian will never understand. He can’t imagine attempting a relationship with somebody who saved him, though admittedly the pool of candidates of people who are superior to him in capability is small, and far too annoying or old for him to ever consider dating them. And even thinking about having a relationship with somebody who couldn’t take care of themselves gives him the chills.
This leads to a very contemplative two minutes of walking the same path that the girl and the hooded person were taking-- he is not following them--until the girl who is being stalked darts into an alleyway. Of course, the hooded person follows her. 
Is she trying to get herself killed? Damian can’t believe the sheer idiocy of the girl. At least the last girl he saved hadn’t done anything as stupid; her attacker cornered her near her home. Gotham girls know better than to duck into random alleyways. There is too much crime in Gotham for anybody with self respect to be so dumb.
With a sigh, and a wish that his brothers and father hadn’t beat a moral conscious into him, he lopes over to the alleyway, expecting to have to break up whatever futile struggle the girl put up with her stalker, or maybe even knock out the guy because by now, she must either be unconscious or on her way to other unpleasant circumstances.
By the time he gets over to the alleyway, the girl walks out unscathed, phone pressed to her cheek. 
“Yes, you should check 12th arrondissement, two streets down from the Opera Bastille. He’s 6 foot, blonde haired and brown eyed. Wearing a grey hoodie and adidas.” The girl brushes past him, blinked at his appearance, then continued on the phone. “No problem, officer.”
Damian looks into the alleyway and there the man is, head lolled to one side. Unconscious, probably. His hands are tied up with a pink plastic zip tie. He looks out of the alleyway, eyes trailing after the girl who just left. She barely reaches his shoulder. Maybe, Damian thinks drily, Parisian girls are different. 
At least Damian won’t get another adoring fangirl today.
Damian is sitting at a coffee shop across from the Louvre. It’s overpriced, and the coffee tastes awful, but it’s still coffee, and he’s tired. He’s here to check out the akuma that the Paris media keep reporting about, even though the Justice league of America shouldn’t have to deal with Europe’s problems, and also largely believed that it was a publicity stunt on Mayor Bourgeois' behalf. 
Now, the Justice League of America isn’t really sure what is happening, but surely it can’t be that bad if the city has no damage, right? 
What a joke. Damian has been here three days (count them-- three) and he is almost sure that he has been transported into some alternate dimension where some little kid’s imagination went wild and plopped the ever loving conundrum of Paris, France into Damian’s hands. 
On the first day he arrived, there was a pigeon akuma-- apparently, one of the more frequent ones that popped up. Ladybug-- one of two consistent Parisian Heroes-- made quick work of him once she arrived on the scene, but it took her a while to arrive. Almost a whole half hour. Which meant that the streets of Paris were filled with bird poop and flooded with more pigeons than Damian knew existed, and he lived in Gotham. The other hero, Chat Noir, arrived after Ladybug, but handled the situation more warily. He later found out that this was due to the superhero being allergic to feathers, as witnessed by a video on this site called the Ladyblog.
Due to some freak magic power called the Miraculous Cure that Ladybug called after her battles, the streets had been blessedly cleaned, and the pigeons flew back to their mostly hidden existence. The world was right, once more. Then, on the second day, he tried and failed to save that weird girl who knocked out a man who had a good hundred pounds on her. He’s not sure that tried and failed is applicable to the situation, as the girl seemed competent enough to take care of an issue like that on her own. 
Today, another akuma appeared. His name is Deliverer, a postman who had one too many customers complain about a package not being delivered in a timely manner.
Damian isn’t really sure how he felt about having people turning into villains over such trivial things. He is also no longer sure whether he is the best choice for this mission. His emotions tend to run hot, and there is the chance that he might become compromised. Because if there are people out there turning into villains over not being able to feed some pigeons, there is no way that Damian’s own annoyance with his family and the random people on the streets won’t be taken advantage of. However, out of his family, it’s not like there’s any better choice. Dick, maybe, but he’s busy with Kor’i and his daughter, and they won’t want to move to France. And he doubts that the superheroes of Paris want a metahuman trying to solve the case in Paris after seeing how much damage a normal citizen can do when akumatized.
It only takes ten minutes for Ladybug and Chat Noir to arrive on the scene this time. Whether it is because it is a new akuma, or whether it is because they were closer to the scene of the crime, Damian can only guess. He thinks it to be a combination of the two; Mr. Pigeon is a very common akuma and the people deal with his issues quite often, thus he is probably lower on the priority list. The heroes have their own lives to deal with, Damian is sure.
In any case, Damian rushes to the akuma when he gets an alert from the Ladyblog and is able to catch the tail end of a battle where Ladybug doesn’t even have to use her Lucky Charm. She just takes the clipboard after some bizarre yoyo moves and snaps the clipboard over her knee. When the butterfly flies out of the clipboard, she purifies it. Easy breezy, and no involvement from Chat Noir, yet again. The cat looks tired and Ladybug says something to him, her posture reminiscent of a mother scolding her child, after which he flees the scene.
Then, Damian gets caught up in a wave of exhaustion. Forgoing sleep for the past two days trying to catch himself up on the situation in Paris before making any major reports back to the league will do that. He needs coffee, badly, which is why he finds himself in this tourist trap coffee shop with some of the worst coffee-- wait. That girl seems familiar.
He spends a few seconds trying to place her. Short, pig-tails, part asian, blue hair and blue eyes. The girl he saw coming out of the alleyway yesterday. Of course. She is on her phone walking slowly and frowning, purse hanging at her side. Damian traces her movements. She is naturally graceful, but closes in on herself. He looks a little closer. Her eyes look red. Perhaps she is dealing with the aftermath of yesterday’s situation.
From the side, a guy darts out at her, reaching for her purse. The girl drops her phone to the floor in shock, clutches her purse, and then side-swipes the guy. A hand to his neck, a foot to his knees, and then her arms pulling his behind his back. She pulls a zip tie from her purse and ties his hands up, then picks up her phone almost exasperatedly and before calling someone. 
Vaguely curious, Damian picks up his coffee and approaches the girl and criminal. Several others have done the same, only to be waved off with a blindingly bright smile and a yes, she’s fine, thank you very much.
“Need help?” More of a courtesy than anything else. 
“No thanks, Monsieur.” The girl looks down at the time on her phone, then scrunches her face up. Freckles dot her pale skin. A text message alert from her phone causes her to scowl, and she looks down at her phone, then back up at Damian. 
“Actually, could you do me a favor? I’ve really got to get back with my class, and I don’t really want to leave this guy in the middle of the street like this. I just called the police, and they should be here any minute. Stay with him?”
It’s not like his research on Ladybug and Chat Noir can’t wait a few minutes. 
Then, the girl runs off without another glance backwards. True to her word, the police do arrive a few minutes later. 
“Where’s the girl that called?” The policeman asked with a furrowed brow. 
“She had to leave.” Damian eyes the man, who has barely looked at him. The policeman is assessing the scene, taking in the handiwork of the pigtailed girl.
“Half-asian, blue eyes, freckles?” 
The policeman handcuffs the criminal. “That poor girl. She always seems to attract these street thugs. It’s really a blessing that she can take care of herself.”
This piques Damian’s interest. “This happens often?”
“She’s almost like an urban legend, at this point. Whenever we find a criminal tied up with a neon pink zip tie, we know it’s her. A real shame, too. She’s such a nice girl.”
He’s not sure if nice was the word to use. She looked slightly stressed and harried. Polite enough, but she certainly has no trouble putting guys twice her size down. 
“Well, thank you for your help.” The policeman tips his cap and makes his way to the patrol car. 
Damian goes back to drinking his coffee and scrolling through the Ladyblog on his phone.
“I’ve heard you do this quite often.” Damian appears at the girl’s side like a ghost, but she doesn’t jump. Doesn’t even flinch. Just takes a step back to reposition herself and gives him a side eye. Tactically, a good decision if he is another potential attacker. She created just enough distance that it would make it harder to attack her, but had moved in a smooth fashion that said she wasn’t going to run and was prepared to stand her ground. Her body half faces him, like she is ready to put up her guard at any moment.
“I’m not sure what you’re talking about.” 
Her victim this time is unconscious. Damian isn’t exactly sure what happened, but the quivering girl only a few feet away from them made him think that the girl in front of him has a bit of vigilante in her, because it is clear that this time she hadn’t acted in self defense. 
In an act of goodwill, Damian takes his hands out of his pockets slowly, showing that he doesn’t have anything to hide. In response, the girl-- who Damian mentally decides to call Pigtails, since she’s had the same ridiculously childish hairstyle for their past three encounters-- relaxes, just a little, and turns her attention to the crying girl instead. 
“Do you want me to call the police?” 
Pigtails eyes flicker towards the man on the ground, who is what Damian approximates to be six foot three and two hundred and fifty pounds, and then towards the crying girl looks to be in her mid twenties.
Pigtails hasn’t tied this one up, yet, but she has flipped him onto his stomach. Judging by the lingering look that she gives the man’s unbound hands, and the ziptie that she pulls out of her small purse, she’s ready and willing to tie him up at the slightest movement, or at the other girl’s command. 
“I’m going to tie him up, okay?”
The other girl manages a yes, please. And so, Pigtails brandishes her ziptie, directs Damian to call the police; tell them they’re on Barbes Boulevard.
Damian assesses the situation before the operator comes on. The would-be victim is somewhere around twenty four, is slender and full of what his brother, Dick, would call French girl charm before getting hit by Cass or Barbara. She has brown hair that’s a mess on the left side of her hair, probably from the man grabbing her on that side, and is lightly tanned. There are bruises on her wrist and on her cheek that are quite visible and continuing to darken. 
Now that Pigtails has tied him up, Damian nudges the man’s face with his foot to see what he looks like. Average looking at best, and he reeks of alcohol. Damian crinkles his nose. Midday drinking is not a good look on anyone. His clothes are also cheap. Fast fashion, but bad.
Then, there’s Pigtails herself. Evidently she trusted him enough to look after the brute, because after giving him a once over and nodding, she goes over to the other girl to comfort her. Damian is sure that Pigtails can’t be much older than himself, but he's not sure. She has a sort of timelessness about her, between the lightness in her step and the sharp, intelligent look in her eyes. Her sense of fashion is simple but chic, and whatever she is wearing looks pretty high end. Designer, even. 
After relaying the information that he has gathered to the operator, he is told to please wait there with the victim and the attacker, and if he could have the other party involved stay there as well, that would be fantastic.
Pigtails is surprisingly good at calming people down. The other girl seemed seconds away from a complete breakdown and was rocking back and forth, muttering to herself before Pigtails started talking to her. Already, the other girl’s crying turns to hiccups, and then stops. She is then embraced by Pigtails, circles rubbed soothingly on her back, and a gentle smile that makes Damian purse his lips. He doesn’t see that kind of smile often in Gotham. Everybody is harder there, less willing to help. If they see somebody in danger, most times citizens hurry on their way because they don’t want to get involved. When citizens do get involved, their aftercare is fairly rough, if there is any aftercare at all. Even as a vigilante, Robin didn’t often comfort victims afterwards. He helped them to police stations or the hospital occasionally, but never stopped to talk with them.
By the time the police get there, Pigtails has the girl standing with a watery smile on her face. What a feat. Damian wonders, briefly, if having Pigtails’ social capabilities would help victims back in Gotham. 
“Ah, Marinette,” the police officer smiles warmly. “We meet again.”
“Officer Raincomprix,” Pigtails inclines her head. 
The officer is of stocky build, red headed and green-eyed. He cuffs the man, lugs him to the back seat of his cruiser, locks the door, and then comes back out. “I’d like to take your statements, now.”
Damian learns that the attacker, Fraser Barbot, was in several of Nicolette Deanne’s master classes this year. Both were studying business with an emphasis on fashion, which resulted in a lot of time spent together. Fraser thought that a relationship was the inevitable next step. She refused, because besides their master’s emphasis, they didn’t really have much in common. She also just wasn’t interested in him. He became slightly more hostile to her after her rejection. Then, as the months went by, they started vying for a lot of the same job opportunities. Nicolette had gotten the most prestigious one, and had many other companies attempting to persuade her into joining their business instead. Fraser had gotten very few, and was convinced that Nicolette had stolen those job opportunities away from him, had seduced her potential employers, and asked her why she wouldn’t do him if she was so willing to put out. 
That was when Marinette had come in. She was walking to a fabric store when she heard the commotion and saw Fraser hitting Nicolette. By the time she got over to them, Nicolette had already acquired several bruises on her arms, shoulder, and face. After arriving, she promptly knocked him out. 
By the time the three of them finish their statements, nearly ten minutes have passed, and Officer Raincomprix bids them farewell. 
“If you ever feel like you’re in danger again, Miss Deanne, feel free to call. Since you want to press charges, we’ll be in contact with you soon. Call us if more than three days go by without hearing from us. A taxi has been called for you, so you can get wherever you were going in peace.” 
Officer Raincomprix turns to Marinette and Damian with a slightly sunnier disposition. “And thank you two for helping. Especially you, Miss Dupain-Cheng. If you ever change your mind about wanting to go into law enforcement, just give me a call. I should really have Sabrina do whatever training you’re doing, because it’s clearly effective!”
Marinette laughs. “The bakery is magic. Between lifting bags of flour, running around the city for deliveries, and Maman’s cooking, anybody could do what I do. I’ve heard a lot of good things about the studio down the street from our school, though, so you could have her look into that.”
This, Damian thinks, is such a bald-faced lie he almost chokes on his own spit. There is no sort of magic food that imbues a person with the ability to fight like Pigtails does and lifting flour bags in a bakery doesn’t suddenly allow people to take down people with ease. She has to have had some professional training, though if he is being honest, her movements feel like they have more of an origin in street fighting than they do in any martial arts. 
She’s remarkably good at lying, mixing jokes with statements that had the possibility of truth. Maybe Damian is just being paranoid. Maybe she trained at some studio that she didn’t want to mention and the studio taught amazing self defense. Maybe she is just an excellent study. Somehow, Damian doubts that was the truth of the matter, but there isn’t much of a reason for Damian to spend his precious time determining the reason why this girl lies to policemen. It’s her business. It doesn’t concern him.
Then, Officer Raincomprix heads back to the police cruiser and Nicolette gets into the taxi she ordered for herself, looking worlds better. Marinette turns to him with a smile. The smile is so blindingly bright and pure that he suspects it lets the girl get away with a lot of things. “Thanks for the save. It was a lot easier to calm Nicolette down since you handled the call. I’m Marinette, it’s nice to meet you.”
Damian nods in return to her wave and smile. “No problem. I guess this answers my earlier question. You do get caught up with criminals quite often.”
She flushes, and it makes the freckles on her pale skin show even more. “What do you mean by that?”
“You seemed to be on very good terms with that police officer.”
“Oh, that. He’s a classmate’s dad. I’ve seen him around plenty of times.” She waves him off.
A very good liar, indeed. Pigtails keeps to half truths and vague statements. Damian gets the feeling that she definitely saw him more often in the capacity of a police officer than he did as a friend’s father. Understandable to lie to him, though. He is just a stranger, and he certainly doesn’t go around telling every person on the street his life story. Maybe Pigtails values privacy, just like he does.
The movement of the police cruiser catches his eye. Fraser has woken up, and he is not happy about being handcuffed in a police cruiser; they can hear him screaming at Officer Raincomprix from the street. Marinette’s eyes jump to the cruiser as well, eyes narrowing as she sees a butterfly approach the cruiser.
“Oh, for--” Marinette glances at Damian, at the butterfly, and then at Fraser. She makes a split decision. “Come on, let’s get out of here. This is not going to be pretty.”
“What do you--” Pigtails is pulling his arm with more strength than he thought possible. If this is just her pulling him, it’s no small wonder that she fares so easily against all her opponents. She definitely has strength behind her small frame.
“Fraser is probably going to get akumatized and we have to get you to the nearest shelter. Then, you’re going to wait there until the all-clear alert is given, got it?” She pushes him into a building, says by way of explanation to the bewildered looking employees, “Akuma,” and  then rushes off, saying, “I’m going to go home, because clearly I’m not going to be able to go shopping for fabric today.”
Damian doesn’t stay in the shelter that Pigtails has so kindly guided him to, and there are a few people who look at him in confusion; people should be entering the building if there’s an akuma attack, not leaving. But Damian has a job to do and watching the battles up close is much better than watching the footage on the Ladyblog, which, in recent years, has turned into little more than poor speculations and attempts to stoke relationships between heroes that haven’t been used in years. When he looks at the information the website had up years ago, Damian finds a bunch of interviews that clearly haven’t been fact checked done with a girl named Lila, who is in the class he’s going to be transferring into, and despite the fact that they’ve been taken down since then, he doesn’t trust most of the Ladyblog’s information without video evidence. Not the most reliable news source about akuma, however, most other blogs he found didn’t have any videos taken up close. The older footage of past battles on the Ladyblog were pretty good quality, but they had gotten worse and worse, which meant that Damian and the Justice League didn’t have a clear picture about the heroes’ or villain’s capabilities. 
By the time Damian arrives, back on the scene, Ladybug is already there in her red and black spotted glory. She has pulled Officer Raincomprix to safety.
“I am Shackled! Burdened by unfair double standards that allow incompetent tramps to get jobs before other, clearly more superior candidates do and by the corrupt justice system that wants me to go to jail, I desire what I should have been given to begin with! The affections of ladies clearly below me, and jobs that were made for me.” Convenient. If every villain explains their modus operandi to the heroes, it is probably easier to take them down. “Give me your Miraculous, Ladybug!”
The hero scoffs, avoids the chains that Shackled controls, and crouches atop a car a fairly good distance away. 
Chat Noir lands, quick to make a pun. “If you feel so tied down by society, why don’t you just bug off? No woman wants to deal with somebody who has such a su-paw-riority complex.”
Ladybug rolls her eyes, but allows the pun. “Chat Noir’s right. You need to get taught a lesson on ethics and morality. If a woman got a job and you didn’t, that just means she’s better than you. Your interviewers probably saw that you had an awful attitude and work ethic. Nobody wants such a toxic person in their work environment.”
“Don’t you mean clawful, m’lady?”
“Chat,” Ladybug reprimands. She tosses her yoyo in the air. “Let’s get this over with. Dealing with misogynistic akumas is annoying. Just talking to them uses up all of my common sense.”
She throws her yoyo in the air, and calls, “Lucky Charm!”
A pack of zipties falls from the sky. Ladybug groans. “You have got to be kidding me. Zip ties? Really? You couldn’t have given me anything else? This is going to take forever. Chat, grab some of his chains and zip tie them together.”
“You’ve got to be yanking my chain, m’lady. We can just take him out without using the Lucky Charm.”
“No, the akuma is in the chain that’s between his handcuffs. And we can’t get there unless we immobilize all of these.” She gestures around wildly, then begins the process of grabbing chains and zip tying them together. As she continues to tie more and more together, it begins to get harder and harder for Shackled to move them as he wants, and a butterfly mask flashes over the akuma’s face. 
After almost thirty minutes of tying and avoiding the few free flying chains that there are left, Chat Noir and Ladybug finally get all of the chains in one messy bundle that is too heavy for Shackled to control. At one point in the battle, Ladybug darts towards Chat Noir, a concerned look on her face, but he brushes her off and they continue working. Chat Noir cataclysms the chain between Shackled’s hands, and sure enough, a butterfly flies out. Damian watches as Ladybug shoves the butterfly into her yoyo and feels his eye twitch as the black-purple butterfly comes out white. He hates magic. It makes things so much more complicated than they should be.
“Bien Joue,” the two superheroes say to each other before heading off in opposite directions. 
Damian sticks to his first thought. Whatever is going on in Paris is definitely the equivalent of some kid having a series of very weird dreams.
All the way up to ch 4 is already posted on ao3! I’ll be posting this fic daily up until i catch up :) also how do you decide where to put the keep reading for all you experienced tumblr users? idk where a good place to break is
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writingwhywhywhy · 3 years
Right Where You Left Me
A/N: This is for @idkhaylijah 3K follower count. I love her a lot, so maybe follow her? I did Right Where You Left Me by Taylor Swift and um I decided to edit in a happier ending. I would like it to be noted that, like most Marvel Fans, I take cannon as a suggestion at best.
You looked at Steve, not hearing his words. You had dressed up to the nines. The past year was crazy. Yet what he just said was crazier. You looked at him. You tried to find the elegant way to say what the hell. No matter what, you could not come up with words. Any words would work. You knew you could speak but words would die before reaching your tongue.
"I am going back in time. Back to Peggy." Steve repeated without you needing to ask.
You wanted to laugh. This had to be a joke. A lot of things could happen and you had seen most of it while dating Steve, but time traveling to a dead ex was crazy. Peggy had a full life and she had lived it already. You had seen pictures of her husband and he sure as hell was not Steve. This had to be a joke. Logic would not let you believe otherwise.
"To the founder of Shield?”
“Yes.” Steve sighed, almost annoyed.
There was no way Steve was throwing way the future you could build to run off to a woman, who had lived her life. She had kids and a husband. She may have adopted but she had a husband, who had lived a happy life. Steve was reasonable, and he was level headed. Steve could not be suggesting the impossible. So what the hell was he talking about?
"I just thought I should let you know where I'm going." He said.
You almost laughed. A gracious man letting you know that he was leaving the time you existed in to time travel backwards to a formerly and/or currently married woman. What the hell was wrong with him? No sane person would ever consider this. You were going to scream.
Steve stared at you like he expected your blessing. "When do you leave?" You asked.
"After this." He said.
This, like you weren't wanted. This, like it was normal. This, like he had never told you he loved you. This, like you were a task on his to do list. This, like you had not expected a proposal tonight when he called and said you two were going out to talk about the future. This, that word broke you.
You stared at him. You looked at him. You kept your eyes on him. You were sure this was not an illusion. There he was, and he was yours a few moments ago. You looked at him and took in what you saw. It was true and you were not imaging it. He was going to leave you for a dead woman and it was just as natural to him as breathing. You remembered his story about asthma and how the serum fixed it.  With all the difficulties he used to have, this truly was as natural as breathing for him. Part of you wanted to laugh at your own twisted joke.
“Sure you can go. If the plan does not work, feel free to come back.” You somehow managed to say.
Steve took you in for a moment. Then he left and you made it home. You were sure that when you opened your eyes tomorrow, Steve would be there. He had to be. This was a bad dream you had to endure. 
You got up the following day. You went about your normal routine. You called Steve’s cellphone. There was no answer. You knew that there was no way he had done what he had said. Peggy had been married and she had a family. Steve would be back, if he had time traveled at all. 
You kept up with the motions of life and you kept calling Steve’s cellphone as long as it was in service.There was nothing wrong with that. You just stopped dating. You had, what you would have called, a normal reaction to your boyfriend leaving you for a dead woman by time traveling back to her. You still replayed that evening over in your mind and you still knew he would be back.
Like what could he want there. What could he be doing with her? Did they become the normal American family? You could see Peggy and him in a Norman Rockwell painting. Steve would never be satisfied with that. Even if he could be, Peggy would never be. She always forms S.H.I.E.L.D. and she always spent her life kicking butt. They would not fall into such a dully normal life.
Your life went on, without your full engagement until Sam knocked on your door. You invited him in. “I need you to face what Steve did.” Sam said
“Bucky is following your lead and will not acknowledge that Steve is gone. You have to face this so he can.”
“You act like we love Steve in the same way.”
“The two of you always did.”
You were processing what he said, when he added a new bombshell. “I saw the older version of him. He gave me the shield. Y/N, he is not coming back.” And as if you needed proof, he pulled it out and showed you.
You were struck silent. You had felt something inside shatter. “I wish it wasn’t the case, but this is the path that Steve chose.”
“Thank you, Sam. I will call Bucky.” You said, just to get him to leave.
Sam could tell you were lying, but he did not want to start a fight with a broken woman. 
“Hey you make a great Captain America.” you said as he left.
“Thanks.” You could hear the hint of sadness, that indicated he never wanted the job if it meant he lost his best friend.
You called Bucky. “You got a visit from Sam also?” He asked instead of hello.
“Steve has to be coming back.”
“I know, but Sam has the shield.”
“Maybe Steve wants to retire?”
“Or he just wants to use a different weapon?”
“All valid reasons to give the shields away.”
There was silence. “You know, you are the first person to talk sensible to me about Steve. It is nice to have someone. Would you like to do this more often?” Bucky asked.
“Sure.” You said.
So you kept your life the same but included Bucky in a few times a week. The only thing the two of you talked about at first was Steve. About 3 stories in, you could tell Bucky was in love with Steve. It hurt, but it felt good to finally have someone who agreed that Steve was going to come back. Slowly, the two of you started talking about other things. 
Sam hated the fact that the two of you wouldn’t face the facts, but what choice did either of you have. The man you both loved had left you in the future. Sam stopped trying to directly force you and Bucky to face the fact Steve was not coming back. Sam had taken the Captain America mantle a few days after you started to meet up with Bucky. Bucky and you talked about how it would be easier for Steve to retire when he got back. It was two years of delusions before the night it changed.
Bucky was walking you home like he normally did. You were walking a bit close. There was a chill in the air the two of you were ignoring. “Then Steve ended up throwing up. He never went to Coney Island with me again and swore to make me pay.” Bucky said, smiling.
You pushed down the feelings that had been developing over the past two years down again. You would never tell him but you preferred Bucky’s smile to Steve’s. Steve smiled like he had never known hardship, but Bucky smiled like life had hurt him but this moment was better than the rest. Steve had a smile that lit up a room, but Bucky smiled just for the one person. It felt personal and you liked that. You never felt like you had to share Bucky.
It was still a bit of a walk to your apartment, and it seemed to grow a bit colder as you walked. You cursed yourself for leaving your jacket at work. You were going to make it back to your apartment. You were going to overcome the cold. Mind over matter. You were strong and it wasn’t that cold. Then you shivered. 
“You should have brought your jacket.”
“I heard the cold builds character.”
“You look like you are going to be a Popsicle.”
You felt like you were becoming one, but you were not about to let him know that especially after he told you about his metal arm. If it got too cold, it could malfunction. Failing to do that, it would make him extremely cold on that side. You were fine and not sporting a cold metal arm on your left side. “I will be fine.”
Bucky stopped you and took off his coat. As he wrapped you in it, his hands grazed your shoulders. You shivered again, but not from the cold. Bucky, with his hands still on his jacket, he looked you in the eyes and said “Sorry, metal arm.” 
You would have formed some words to tell him the arm did not bother you, but you found all words escaped you. Your eyes slipped to Bucky’s lips and you felt those feelings that you thought you had shoved down and out, surfaced. You saw the same want reflecting in his eyes. He leaned down and kissed you. One moment you had been freezing, and now you were melting into him. And for the first time since Steve had left, the two of you did not miss him.
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a-la-la-llama · 4 years
The One Where Marinette Meets Her 2nd Wayne #6
Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 7
  Panic. Panic wasn’t an uncommon feeling but one that was not welcomed. She had felt it everyday in Paris. The alarms with their high pitched screeches alerting everyone of the danger. That it was time for their heroes’ to come out and save the day like every time beforehand. Akuma alarms were something she was all for but the sounds they made terrified Marinette to her core. Yet, this wasn’t what was causing her to freak out. No, it was something else entirely but the same amount of panic.
Marinette was running late to school. Her first day of school.
You would think she would have kicked the habit but Marinette still couldn’t get her life together enough to wake up with her alarm.
‘Maybe she should change the ringtone to an akuma alarm? That would surely get her out of bed.”, she thought while hopping down the sidewalk pulling her sock up.
Once secured just below her knee, Marinette took off into a sprint towards her school.
‘If I changed it into an akuma alarm I might transform and jump out my window half-asleep.’, she reasoned with herself.
Slowing her speed down to a fast walk, Marinette started her way towards her first class. She had just toured this god-forsaken building and couldn’t remember for the life of her where to go! Everything looked so different with students now in the hallways, most taller than her. Seriously, what did people in America eat? Everyone looked like they grew like weeds.
Focus! She stared at her schedule shuffling her feet to ensure she didn’t trip. Shifting her gaze just above the paper to avoid bodies coming towards her Marinette began to commit it to memory. There must have been a crowd because she got stuck behind people not walking and had to maneuver her way past all of them. What she didn’t realize was that they were surrounding someone. Then she walked straight into that someone.
  Damian was anything but a ‘happy camper’ this morning. Jon had left that summer on some out of this world mission for who knows how long. His father no longer wanted him to attend the school the two had previously gone to and transferred him to one closer to home. It was his first year of high school and to add to it, he was given the task of babysitting one of Selina’s pets. So no, he was not looking forward to this school year. As if it couldn't get worse, many of Gotham’s Academy's students knew of his name and decided that the best way to interact was to gawk. Seriously, Damian was only rich; it's not like he was an idol or something. He was trudging his way to his class when he felt something ram straight into his back.
‘Breath. Father would be disappointed if you snapped at a fellow student on the first day’, he told himself. Luckily, the person who ran into him spoke before he could insult her.
  Marinette was panicking. Again! Isn't she carrying the goddess of luck in her backpack? Why is her life so unlucky? Not only did she bump into someone, they were super tall compared to her. They were also the person the crowd had been surrounding. Which in turn meant they were important. So what did Marinette do?
“Je suis vraiment désolé monsieur! Je ne voulais pas faire ça, mais je dois y aller!”, she rushed out before walking past him.
( Translation: I'm very sorry sir! I didn't mean to do that, but I must get going! )
Why did she speak in French! Stupid fight or flight instincts making her switch to her native language. Hopefully no one paid attention and wouldn’t question her on it. Cover story, cover story, think of your cover story. Oh who was she kidding, Marinette couldn’t lie to save her life!
  She calmed down before entering the classroom. The desks were the standard science class tables and you were supposed to sit with a partner much like Ms. Mendeleive’s class back in Paris. Most students already knew others from previous grades so it would be easier for her to stay out of peoples ways for now. Her mind drifted back to Paris as she claimed an empty seat. They would have already started school last week. Could they be struggling on the information? Hawkmoth interrupted a lot of school days with his akuma’s. Then again, it was only Ms. Bustier’s class that ever ran off then followed the school's protocols. Alya who would risk anything for the scoop. Lila or Cholé would run because they would be the main targets. Her and Adrien would have run to transform and defeat them.
Marinette knew the Kwami magic protected their identity but she still kicked herself for not recognizing it until Adrien detransformed in front of her. He was very upset that she took his ring without giving him her identity. Adrien eventually understood that as Grand Guardian it would be a liability.
  The bell ringing drew her back to reality as she turned back to what the teacher was saying.
“ Good morning, everyone! I’m Ms. Jones and I’ll be your Pre-AP Biology teacher this year. I’ll call roll while you guys get out your science journals! Be sure to say ‘here’ when I say your name.”, she explained.
Marinette pulled her black bag onto her lap and smiled as she took out the 3-subject spiral. The Kwami’s had encouraged her to make a bag to carry the box back in Paris. It was a simple backpack but had the symbol for each Kwami. Tikki explained the symbols were forms of blessings. Like how Master Fu’s box actually represented prosperity in Chinese culture. Each Kwami symbol gave her blessings, like good luck and protection with Tikki and Wayzz. It even had a false bottom where the condensed version of her Ladybug egg fit. Neither she nor the kwami’s wanted to leave it at the apartment all day. So she sewed some extra material to cover it and put all her school supplies on top. Setting it back down under her desk, she flipped to the first page of her journal. She said here when her name was called and tuned out until Ms. Jones started speaking again.
  “Now that I have taken attendance, feel free to talk to your neighbor while I hand out this year's syllabus! These will be your seats until the end of the six-weeks.”, the teacher announced. This would have been fine for Marinette if it wasn’t for who decided to sit next to her. She turned in her seat to meet the boy from the hallway.
“Je m'appelle Damian. Ravi de vous rencontrer.”, he said. In French.
“I can speak English. My name is Marinette, again sorry for running into you! There were just so many people, some weren’t even moving and I wasn’t paying attention and I am rambling. Sorry.”, she muttered with a shy smile at the end.
“It’s quite alright. May I ask what caused the language change? Usually I make the mistake when I am passionate about something. Though, I don’t think you are passionate about apologizing.”, Damian asked.
  This could go two ways. She could admit she was terrified of him or play it cool and stick to her backstory?
The latter of the two for sure!
“This is my first time in Amer- real school! I have been homeschooled until now. I got nervous about what I was supposed to say, overthinked, and reverted to my first language.”, Marinette explained.
He let out a hum as the teacher put the syllabus on their desk with information on the class, tutorials, and how to contact her. They were told to glue or tape it onto the first page.
“So, your language trigger is the feeling of being overwhelmed. How many do you know?”, he asked.
“I guess you could say that. For sure French, English, and Mandarin. I learned the basics of Japanese and Vietnamese for old acquaintances. Oh, and Italian because of my grandmother!”, she exclaimed. The Guardian language couldn’t be mentioned but that made seven.
  That’s what they did in their free time. The two talked about everything they knew and had learned. Turns out they both were ahead than normal students, but Marinette knew she was anything but normal. They actually had five of the seven classes together. Neither he or she knew sign-language so that was deemed a fun class to Marinette. American school was not as bad as Marinette had thought it would be as she walked to work.
  She tied her apron on before starting her task of meeting each plant's needs. The Daisies were already complaining about how thirsty they were and begged to be water.
“Ah, Hello Mari-gold! Wasn’t today your first day of school?”, Ivy questioned.
Marinette grabbed the water mister, “Yup!”
‘Well, how was it? Harley and Selina would want to know.”, she continued.
“Hmm. It was great! The clubs will be opening in two weeks so I plan to join an art one. Do we have more plant food in the back?”, Marinette said.
“Yes, just behind flower pots. I’m glad you enjoyed it.”, answered Ivy.
“I think I’ll have to start packing lunch, however. I know it’s an academy but the cafeteria food is still terrible.”, she joked.
“Yeah, I think it’s just a school thing. Oh, that reminds me, Harley wants to bake more of those cookies with you. I quote, ‘I would totally adopt her if we had more room at our place just for cookies.’ She has a serious love of chocolate chips!”, sighed out Ivy.
“While the thought is nice, I have to decline the adoption. How does Friday sound?”, Marinette laughed.
Guess What! I actually have the outline for this story and how it will end and everything! Now I just have to write it all... T . T
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calypsoff2 · 3 years
One. Part 3
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It’s made me realise how hard work this all is, just dragging the kids along with me and it’s like I’m doing it alone and relying on Rylee too, I’ve been needing to pee since I landed but I don’t trust anyone or anything near my daughters so we are at a Starbucks, Rylee chose to be here because she wants to be bougie for no reason at all “but why do we need to go with you to the toilet dad?” Rylee complained “because I don’t trust people baby” opening the door “but we will wait here, just here dad. I will make sure we don’t move” looking around me, this is a foreign place, but I know with Rylee she will not let anything happen “I will be one second ok?” My phone started ringing, digging into my pocket “Auntie calling” answering the call from Mel “what’s good?” I answered “I broke away from her, which Starbucks you at? Like you dropped your location but there is two, is it the smaller one?” Mel asked “no, the bigger one. We are outside the toilets, come inside. Wait” stepping to the side, Mel pointed at me and disconnected the call “look who’s here, Auntie Mel” Rylee and Tianna both made their way over to me “Melly!!!” Rylee shouted and ran at Mel, Tianna just watched on “Aunties babies! Oh my god, I have missed you girls so much. Look at you all” Rylee really missed Mel; I mean she had to deal with me, so I don’t blame her “how is my TT? My deuce how are you baby” Mel crouched down with Rylee in her arms still “god I love you girls so much, my whole heart and Imani. I ain’t forget you girl! You are all aunties’ babies, kisses for you all” Mel started giving them all kisses “where my kiss?” Mel snorted laughing as she placed Rylee down “nigga please, good to see you” hugging Mel close “same, I am so tired” I am so very tired, like this shit has been draining on me “I am surprised you not bought any bodyguard with you. You should have bought one Chris; you ain’t just anyone, you got these stuff too. But it’s ok, you’re here now. We can catch up, shall we get drinks?” I was going to get them but like I needed to pee “you go and get a table and I will be with you” the girls are so excited to see Mel, it’s so cute to see how much they adore her.
Resting my chin atop of Imani’ head “what did you get for your birthday girl? You see how we was turning up for you?” Mel said to Tianna, she just smiled “Jah can’t dance you know that but what did you get?” She shook her head “I didn’t want anything” she said in a whisper “she is having a tantrum about mom” Rylee answered for her “let Tianna talk, you’re not her mother” she does that a lot “I am helping dad” rolling my eyes “I thought you got gifts at least, nothing in the post?” Mel looked at me “yeah, air” Mel side eyed me “what do you want me to say, people are busy. But it’s not the end of the world, we are doing one better. We are going to go present shopping together in London, didn’t I say that? Then when you go to school, and they ask you can say I went all the way to London to get stuff, that is super cool?” Tianna nodded her head smiling “can I come?” Shaking my head “no ma’am, it’s going to be just me and Tianna. You can leave us alone” Rylee side eyed me; she is a brat “Melly can we go to shop instead?” She always had to do the same as Tianna, I know pretty much they are like twins but still. I feel like Tianna should have her day out, but Rylee will end up getting her way, Mel looked at me and I shook my head “ask your mother” Mel got out of that one “what is my mom doing?” Tianna asked Mel “she is taking over the world TT baby; she is doing things I didn’t think she would be doing. You know when you’re older, you’re going to appreciate it” Tianna doesn’t really care, she just wants to know what she is doing “mom does makeup, I have her lipgloss but dad took it off me” Rylee added, she damn right I did “why?” Mel asked, “because she kept kissing my cheek with that on, and then she put it on Imani, that was it” I chuckled “then those two fought over it” Which they did, so I had to take it off them.
So this is where Robyn has been staying, this home is nice and fancy. Mel bought us here now she has left, the house is a mess like not something Robyn would be like at home, it’s full of boxes and empty boxes and material and things “Imani, come here. Don’t play with that” god knows what stuff and small parts are around, the home isn’t child friendly. Picking her up “Imani is terrible as it is, this home is no good” turning to Mel, she just didn’t know what to say but I don’t blame her “it isn’t child friendly no” nodding my head “maybe we should stay at a hotel, I just don’t know. Is there space for the kids?” Mel cringed “it’s a packed house, we partied a lot and stayed up a lot doing this. But I think the girls will be ok, maybe like lock the door when you go to sleep. I think maybe you all need to sleep in one room, it’s a mess but we had to all help her to get the shit done for her moment, the Fenty fashion show was going to shit, you know? We had to work day and night, my girl has been working hard for this and I don’t want you to say she hasn’t” my daughters have gone to explore clearly “I didn’t say anything, but you are because you know how wack she has been, who doesn’t wish their child happy birthday? Not even on social media or anything, yes we knew she would be here for her day, but she could have made the effort, no present? Is she deluded” Mel sighed out “she probably is, I thought she did, but it’s been so hectic here. It’s been really busy trying to fit everything in, I get she has sacrificed her kids” rolling my eyes “she really has” I mean I’m not gonna take up for her “I just think it was bad times to be having more kids, I said it to you both but it happened, Robyn was going onto a path which made her busy, I think going forward you need it both agree on how to deal with the kid situation because Jen has kids too and she is without you, I think maybe a nanny needs to come into play with this, I am not taking away from what Robyn has done but it needed to be more organised even though you both spoke on it” shaking my head “we knew she would miss her birthday, we said it would happen but she could have made that effort to call or send presents, but they are coming back now” Rylee is walking back with Tianna behind her.
I didn’t know Robyn was having a red carpet here too, I’ve been informed she been and gone now. She’s walked the carpet so I can now make my way out with my daughters, I decided to match my daughters and wear Burberry also. I got my Burberry tee on, matching my daughters of course “come on TT babies, let’s go” Mel said, Rylee and Tianna both got out of the car to go to Mel “awww my angels!” Yusuf spat, shuffling out of the car with Imani in my arms, I do not trust my daughter to be walking, she does shit out of nowhere just because. Getting out of the car finally, placing Imani onto the ground as I fixed my tee “Robyn is inside, y’all can roam the carpet, she is busy. We made space for you, well Tina did” Tina waved at me, smiling at her “you girls look so beautiful, Robyn has missed you all so much” placing my hand atop of Imani shoulder, I refuse to let this girl go “come, let’s go” Tina said waving us along, leaning down to my daughters “hold Rylee’ hand, stay close” holding Tianna’ hand as we made our way to the red carpet “so many lights!” Tianna spat, the crowd of photographers acted like they just woke up, I mean there was other celebrities here but no, they were fighting for pictures “stand here baby, come on” Imani looks so lost right now, moving out of the way and standing to the side “say hi baby” the people are so loud shouting at my daughters, Rylee is posing and so is Tianna but Imani, she is like why are they shouting.
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I have been nervous for many of my ventures, Fenty Beauty was really the nerve wrecking one but this, my Fenty clothing seemed to have been so hard to break. I struggled even to the last minute, it was like I was clashing with the big bosses on my decision like I didn’t know fashion, I am proving myself. I am here having to prove my worth, I am having to prove if I am good enough for this. I want the name FENTY to be luxury, and with the outcome and the pouring for people that wanted to model for was a blessing, the Hadid sisters, Cara. They all came out for me, I couldn’t be more thankful for them because they didn’t need too, I mean it’s not like I am paying them this is just them being friends, but I am so many famous faces here, I am just happy. The whole show is going as it should, I wanted to originally do this in New York at least, I tried to keep it in New York but that was something that ended coming out of my hands, then it turned to be France, because I Was pissed off I said no, London just to be spiteful. I just didn’t want the base for my clothing to be overseas, it worked out it is but it’s whatever, we move forward, and I am taking this blessing. It’s been a hard fucking process, I took that decision to miss out on my kids and I haven’t been away from them longer than a week, I knew I was going to be away from them a long time, and it’s not like I jumped to it. I spoke on it to Chris; we spoke on it and we came to this decision together. I don’t ever do anything without Chris, we discuss these things all the time. I knew I would miss Tianna’ birthday, and that hurts me. I haven’t missed a birthday, even with the beauty line I have been there, I think it’s made it difficult with school, but I can’t wait to go back home, I just want to get back to normality with my girls.
Watching from the monitors as the models walked, I am really just proud of it. I know that I am giving my all, these clothes is something I see my peers, my fans, everyone wearing and I just want to get in the luxury brand, I know I can do it. I wanted to do this first because with my lingerie I can work on that in America, that is easier for me then this “the yare loving it” Jah said at the side of me “I know, I swear I am so happy. I couldn’t have done it without any of you here, long days and nights. I am glad that my family is here to see this, I know mommy is proud of me. I just wish my family was here, I want that” Jah cooed out “but it’s your turn, you need to go. It’s near the end” letting out an oh, I have been so engrossed in making so everyone is doing right that I forgot that I will be walking it “go, go, go. I will be out behind you” now I am rushing “you look great” Mel said, he started pulling my dress down with Yusuf chasing behind me to fix my hair, I am so stupid. I wasn’t watching the countdown that was going, stupid bitch “in three, two, one” the producer said and then gestured for me to go on, taking in a deep breath as I stepped onto the catwalk. I hate this, I get shy, and I don’t care how many events I do, I get shy as fuck. Waving as I walked, the crowd cheered and clapped for me, placing my hand over my mouth giggling, I am so blessed with the love I am getting right now. Blowing kisses to each side of the catwalk “mommy!” my ears perked up, that voice alone I will know. I heard that over the music, looking to my side and stopped walking. I gasped, seeing my daughters and Chris, placing my hands over my mouth. The emotion hit me straight away, my babies are really here. They all are waving, and waving “Robyn” Jah said behind me, remembering where I am. Biting on my bottom lip, I can’t stop it. I am teary eyed now; I am going to cry. Jah held my hand, my lower lip quivering.
I didn’t wait a second, I went straight to my daughters as soon as I got off the catwalk “you knew!?” I said to Mel, of course she knew. Rich is trying to catch up with me, I can’t believe they are here. Oh my god, I have missed them so fucking much. Seeing Chris is already stood up with Imani, they are on the move. Nobody will ever understand how much I missed these girls, Chris smiled at me. The girls are just lost, looking around. Rushing over to them “mom!” Rylee spat, falling onto my knees and wrapped my arms around both Tianna and Rylee “oh my god” just to have my babies in my arms again “I missed you girls so much” I sobbed out “I missed you more mom, don’t cry” pressing a kiss to Rylee’ cheek and then Tianna’ “I am sorry” moving back from them both, moving my arms from them “pumpkin, oh my god” Imani jumped into my arms “look at you, I am so sorry girls. This has been so hard for me; I have missed you all so much. I really have” looking at Tianna “are you coming home now?” she asked “one hundred percent, this is the best surprise ever. You all made my event, and you saw it” I am a wreck, getting up from the floor and picked Imani up “you came” my voice broke with Chris “you know I would come” Chris pressed a kiss to my cheek and hugged me “you have lost weight” he said in my ear “I am ready to go home” I need it, I am just ready to have that break for this, let Chris and Jen do the rest “the rest is yours” I said and he laughed “I will pass it to Jen” of course he would say that.
My kids are harassing my brothers, they deserve it. Every time I go Barbados with my daughters they say they are making too much noise, but they are good uncles “can I borrow her” looking behind me “as long as it’s PG” Jah said laughing “it will, I won’t be long. It’s the girl’s bedtime coming up, so I won’t” walking off with my wine glass “I just want to say your fashion show was amazing, you killed it Robyn, I am proud of you and seeing the end product. I get the hard work; I saw it with my own eyes” my smile grew, we stopped walking. Turning to face him “there is a but, I can tell on your face” I know my husband now “but you were wack for Tianna, she deserved more from you. She deserved a lot more; this is the girl you gave birth too and you couldn’t say happy birthday to her? So what you were crying, cry in front of her, show her you care Robyn. You need to do better, I am not judging your parenting skills at all but you doing that was not nice, she was crying because of you. I mean you didn’t even send presents, Tianna got nothing” nodding my head understanding what he is saying “and I am not excusing what happened, it’s happened, and I will make it up to her” what does he want me to say “that isn’t the point though? You just flat out didn’t acknowledge her on her day, I have struggled, and I could have asked my mother to come but for you I didn’t to save you from your own mother, I am going now with the girls. They need sleep, they are jet lagged and Imani is having a breakdown in tears, but we came for you. See what you do for the people you love Robyn” he is making me feel like a shit mother when I didn’t do this on purpose, this is so unfair what he is saying.
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