#Is it obvious I've just woken up and need breakfast?
chimericchaos · 2 months
Something I just realized about the lucid dreaming community is that they're all catholic
Ok I don't know that BUT one time, back in my lucid dreaming days, I found a tutorial on how to lucid dream and it also said stuff about what to do in the dream
The guy in the video said something that really stood out to me: in response to the common question of "can you have sex in a lucid dream" he responded with you cannot, because you won't even think to do so
Because, in your dream, you are the purest form of yourself, free from any earthly desires. So, why would you want sex when you can fly? Shoot lazers? Create things from nothing?
And little me heard that and thought "yes, that makes sense. One does not have sexual feelings in dreams because those feelings are a body-thing and not a you-thing"
Which is the biggest load of bullshit I believed at the time
The glaring issue: sexual dreams happen to everyone, everywhere, all the time. Even me, before watching said video. Yet, I had completely forgotten my own fleshly desires upon watching it. I still don't quite understand how
But now I look back on it and think, wow, that's an easy mental trap to fall into, and paints sexuality as something inherently not-you and therefore you're better without it. I feel like I've heard this somewhere before...
So to finally patch things up: sexuality is a normal part of being human. Yes, you will dream about sexual things, everyone does. It's not an issue. You should never need to feel ashamed for a basic human want, as one should never feel ashamed for wanting ice cream. Ice cream is a delicious little treat that you *could* go without your whole life, but there really isn't a need to besides social pressure
It's a brain-chemistry thing. That chemistry will carry over into dreams very often and into other areas of your life, and that's perfectly normal
And so, I should probably adress the great asexual elephant in the room: this can apply to asexual people too, sex is a normal thing everybody does. If you don't feel like that's for you, that's ok. It's like pineapple on pizza, you hear talk of people wanting and enjoying it, but you very much don't and can't understand why they would. It's ok to not like pineapple on pizza, as much as it is *to* like pineapple on pizza. And sometimes, someone may not like it, but will eat the pizza anyway. There are no real rules to it, just eat whatever you feel like at the moment, you have an entire menu available to you
Yes I know the specifics of sexuality don't 100% fit into a food analogy, but in my experience it seems like sex and food are very close together in the brain, lust and hunger are essentially the same thing. And so to simplify the entire thing: if you need to eat, then eat
So back to the lucid dreaming community, this post really was never about that. Neither was the original video I think, that video was about control, about giving people information that not only isn't true, but is also harmful to them. I think we should be careful about what information we take from a youtube video
There are many things can can easily be said without words
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Genshin Gorls waking up the night after with S/O!
(Obvious NSFT Implications)
(Genshin Impact) The morning after with Amber, Ayaka, Arlecchino, Beidou, Candace, Chiori, Furina, Kokomi, Lisa, Lumine, Navia, Rosaria, Shenhe, Xianyun and Yae
Very mild NSF-W Implications
Not too big of a NSF-W warning this time around, gonna be 99% fluff for this one because SWEET LIBERTY do we need more fluff for the girls on this site! Also, I don't normally include THIS many gals in a single ask but this shall be a very rare exception!
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Amber yawns loudly as she stretches out her arm, accidentally squishing her hand against S/O's face.
(Amber) "O-Oh! Sorry!"
She can't help but laugh at their expression, before giving a playful kiss on their nose.
(Amber) "At least you're up now!"
(S/O) "Amber...It's six in the morning..."
If anything, it looked like Amber was eager to get out of bed.
Even after last night, she was still bustling with energy.
The sun had yet to rise, but Amber still adored S/O in this lighting, giving them one last kiss on the lips before getting up and dressed.
(Amber) "See you at breakfast, S/O!"
She puts a Baron Bunny in their arms and a blanket over S/O, finally departing.
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When S/O's eyes flutter open, the first thing they see besides the light coming into the room is Ayaka gently smiling at them, with a similarly tired expression.
Her hand gently cups S/O's face, making them relax into her hold.
(Ayaka) "Good morning, my love."
(S/O) "Sleep well?"
Ayaka giggles and moves closer, her forehead resting on theirs as her eyes close.
(Ayaka) "Very."
Her cheeks begin to flush when their bare skin touch, but it doesn't stop the love she feels growing in her chest.
(Ayaka) "...If only I could stay like this forever with you. But, would one more hour suffice for now?"
(S/O) "For now..."
Ayaka smiles before feeling S/O's arms wrap around her, not saying anything else and simply enjoying the mutual silence.
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S/O is woken up by Arlecchino already moving out of bed and dressed. Her eyes glance over to them and finishes putting her gloves on.
(Arlecchino) "Good morning."
(S/O) "Already going?"
Arlecchino hums in reply, one hand going over S/O's and giving it a gentle squeeze before finally rising from the bed.
(Arlecchino) "There is always much to be done. The same applies for you."
S/O couldn't argue with that point, as much as they would like to lay in bed with her for the next few hours doing nothing.
Many people assumed Arlecchino was stone-hearted, especially since she didn't look that affectionate during mornings like these.
But S/O knew better. With just the grip of her hand, and the way she turned back a final time to look at S/O before departing:
Arlecchino cared.
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Beidou feels a heavy weight on her chest when she opens her eyes, seeing S/O's head gently resting near her shoulders.
With a smile, she ruffles their hair just gently enough to wake them up.
(Beidou) "Mornin' sleepyhead. I see you made yourself comfortable."
(S/O) "Heh, who wouldn't be? Better than any pillow I've ever used."
Beidou gently pushes S/O off so she can sit up, the blanket resting on her lap as it fell off their shoulders.
She didn't mind the cold air on her skin, since the only thing she was focusing on was S/O.
(Beidou) "Come on, let's go grab something to eat."
(S/O) "Can't admire you like this for a little longer?"
(Beidou) "Psh, there's always tonight."
She gives them a light kiss before finally getting up to get dressed with S/O following behind.
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Candace's arms still have S/O locked in a tight embrace, just as she had them last night.
Feeling her hands gently raise up and down made Candace feel at ease.
Though it was still quite early, she did have to begin her usual rounds soon.
Very slowly and carefully, Candace gently lets go of S/O, giving them a kiss on their forehead before putting her gear on.
(Candace) I will see you later today, S/O.
Candace makes sure not to wake them up as she says goodbye in her head.
With a final smile, she covers them with a blanket and leaves.
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Chiori's eyes reluctantly open, with a yawn and foreign warmth enveloping her.
She's about ready to shove it off before realizing what it was.
...Oh, right. S/O.
(S/O) "Mmnn...Mornin', Chiori."
(Chiori) "Morning. Do you plan on moving your hands anytime soon?"
Laughing at her response, S/O just gently squeezes her.
(S/O) "I dunno. Plan to move out of it?"
Directly after that, she rolls her eyes and moves closer.
(Chiori) "Maybe in a little bit. If you get coffee for me when I open up."
(S/O) "Deal."
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Furina is slightly drooling with her arms and hair sprawled out wildly, her hand on S/O's face.
S/O moves her hand off, slightly irritated at being woken up by being slapped.
Meanwhile, Furina is quietly snoring, all the while hogging the blanket.
Annoyed as S/O was, they couldn't deny that Furina was a little cute.
...Even in such a unflattering state.
(S/O) "You're lucky you're so cute..."
(Furina) "...mneh..." snore
(S/O) "...Most of the time."
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Kokomi stifles a yawn as she stretches in bed, feeling S/O's arms around her.
She giggles as tries her best to move without waking them up, getting to stare at their sleeping expression.
Just being this close enough to them was enough to power Kokomi for the entire day.
Especially since they'd be back by her side like this during the morning and nights.
(Kokomi) "S/O~!"
She gently taps their nose with a single finger, and sees their eyes slowly open.
Their eyes staring at her with such love made her heart race.
(S/O) "What a beautiful sight in the morning..."
(Kokomi) "Hm, I could say the same thing...!"
She knows that she has to get up eventually, but she would spend every second she can with them.
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Lisa does not want to move at all.
She holds onto S/O tighter before attempting to go back to sleep, but she felt them stir awake.
(S/O) "Lisa...?"
(Lisa) "Ssshhh...Too early still."
One eye glanced over to the wall.
Ten-o-clock? WAY too early for her.
With one hand, Lisa idly traces their shoulder before hugging them.
(Lisa) "We'll get up in an hour. We don't have to be anywhere today..."
(S/O) "Hah, will you be awake when an hour passes?"
(Lisa) yawn "I guess we'll see..."
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Lumine breathes a sigh of relief, seeing S/O still by her side.
She didn't have any nightmares, at least not when she knew they were sleeping next to her.
One of her hand gently brushes the hair out of their eyes, seeing their face move from her touch.
(Lumine) "Oh, sorry! Didn't mean to wake you."
(S/O) "Hm...It's okay..."
Both of their hands reach for hers, gently holding them.
(S/O) "I always wanna wake up from you, anyway."
She can't contain the embarassed laugh that escapes her lips, embracing them with her strength.
(Lumine) "...Same here."
Lumine sits up in the bed, not really caring that either of them were wearing anything.
(Lumine) "I can cook us up something, what do you want?"
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Navia's hair is tickling S/O's nose, making their face slightly shake it off as they see her beautiful smile in the sunlight.
Even when she looked a bit unkempt in the morning, Navia still looked absolutely gorgeous.
Doubly so when she wakes up with that infectious smile of hers.
She lays on her stomach as she gives S/O a wink.
(Navia) "Heya, S/O.~"
(S/O) "Morning, Navia..."
She immediately begins to pepper their face with kisses, making the both of them giggle.
(Navia) "Now, what shall we do for breakfast? Should we get it in bed?"
(S/O) "Hah, if I don't get up, then I'll want to be with you here forever."
(Navia) "And that's a bad thing how, exactly?"
She asks them with a toothy grin.
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Rosaria knows its about the afternoon when she finally wakes up, but notices the bed isn't empty.
(S/O) "Finally awake?"
(Rosaria) "Ugh, unfortunately."
She freezes up when S/O's hands ruffles her hair, but she doesn't move to shove it off.
Instead, she sits there and sees that S/O was reading a book in bed.
Notably, they have yet to put on a shirt.
(Rosaria) "Were you waiting for me to wake up this entire time?"
(S/O) "Yeah, but don't worry, I don't mind!"
Rosaria hums a little before she sits up with them, a small smile growing.
(Rosaria) "You didn't have to but...it's nice to wake up with you."
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Shenhe has already been awake for quite some time, but she did not want to wake up S/O.
Instead, she waits for them to do so before greeting them in her usual cool voice.
(Shenhe) "Good morning."
(S/O) "Hey, Shnehe-"
As they try to move, they notice that her arm's iron grip has not budged a single inch.
S/O shivered from Shenhe's cooler temperature due to her Cryo vision, but that didn't stop them from quickly heating up.
(S/O) "How long were you waiting?"
(Shenhe) "An hour or so, but it doesn't matter. I just wanted to be here when you woke up."
She feels their arms wrap around her waist, making her embrace them tighter.
It was almost to the point S/O's back was beginning to get sore, but that was a small price to pay.
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Xianyun finally feels S/O stir awake, her meditation finally coming to an end.
(Xianyun) "Ah, finally awake. One has noted that mortals tend to sleep in quite an extraordinary amount."
(S/O) "Well, when you did as much as we did last night...!"
Xianyun reaches for her glasses before turning to S/O with a smile.
(Xianyun) "One should develop something to help with your energy...Perhaps a cuisine of some kind?"
S/O couldn't help but feel curious.
(S/O) "What would even help with that?"
(Xianyun) "Dress yourself and come along now, we shall find the answer together."
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Yae's usual smug expression is more subdued this early in the morning, especially next to someone she loved.
Much to the surprise of S/O.
(Yae) "My, you can sleep for quite a while. Were you truly that tired?"
S/O yawned before turning to see Yae at them staring with a mischievous smile.
(S/O) "I wonder why..."
Their tone sounded a bit dry, making Yae laugh.
(Yae) "I suppose you'll just have to get better stamina."
Her finger traced down their waist before quickly bopping them on the nose, her ears slightly going up as she did so.
(Yae) "Do you plan on getting up, or keep staring at my beautiful face all day? Not that I would mind being lavished with praise."
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owliellder · 9 months
I need more Bunny Hybrid!Reader x Leon in my life 💖💖💖 smut, fluff, it doesn't matter to me 🥺
I'll make this one hurt/comfort since I need a whole bunch of hybrid content under my belt. Also I don't see a lot of content with hybrids other than smut. I want everyone to make hybrid content (feed me seymour)
Leon Kennedy x fem Bunny Hybrid! Reader
The routine you and Leon had fallen into during his work days was rather easygoing. He's usually gone before you wake up, leaving you to your own devices until he returns home around 7 or 8pm where you and him would then eat dinner, relax, and go to bed only to repeat the cycle.
It was mundane, you being able to occupy yourself for a short while until quickly growing bored of the quiet house. You didn't want to express to him just how much you hated being left alone all day since it would only stress Leon out. He couldn't do anything about his work schedule, why change the established routine when it'd been working out so far?
Days went by with you only growing more agitated and upset with the loneliness. You started waking up when Leon did just to spend that little extra time with him before he left in the mornings, sometimes getting up even earlier to put out his work clothes and make him a small breakfast.
Of course he didn't protest, he loved the extra time with his little bunny. Though he wasn't quite sure what had you up with him in the mornings now, he didn't feel the need to question it. He was so swamped with work, returning too tired in the evenings to notice your increasingly bad behavior.
You did your best to hide your disdain of the routine from Leon, but that could only go on for so long before you really started to display a bad attitude. You were becoming snappy, suddenly avoiding all time spent with him before and after he would come home.
It didn't help that Leon barely noticed your switch up until last minute. He'd woken up confused in the middle of the night to an empty bed, walking out into the living room to find you laying curled up in your pet bed next to the couch.
"Bun..?" Leon muttered quietly, rubbing at his eyes as he sauntered over to you. "What're y'doin out here?"
You heard him as soon as he walked out since it was near impossible to fall asleep out here in the living room all alone like this. "Nothin..." An obvious lie to egg him to question you further.
"That's convincing.." He grumbled, stepping to the side to sit down on the couch closest to your pet bed. He placed one of his arms across his stomach, groaning softly as he relaxed into the couch.
The two of you sat in the dark, silent for a few minutes. You were hoping Leon would ask again, yet he said the few words you didn't want to hear. "I've got work in the mornin', so c'mon to bed, okay?"
That only made you angry. He didn't even ask what was wrong, only ever thinking about work work work. He only seemed more confused when you grabbed at your soft ears, pulling them down so you could cover them.
"Hey, what's all that about?" He furrowed his brow as he watched your ears disappear from his view, resting his elbow on the arm of the couch before leaning over to look down at where you were laying. You kept quiet, shutting your eyes closed tightly to emphasize the fact that you were blatantly ignoring him.
"Okay, that's it." Leon pulled a yelp from you as he suddenly reached over and picked you up from the small bed, setting you on his lap. "What's going on with you lately?" Oh, so he had noticed everything!
You crossed your arms with a pout and turned your head to look away from him, though he fixed that immediately by grabbing your chin to force you to look at him. "Don't even with that."
Avoiding Leon to make this silly point had really taken it's toll on you since you barely got to spend time with him in the first place, so hearing Leon use such a stern tone was enough to break your tough act. Your bottom lip wobbled, vision blurring, and before he could do anything you burst into tears, your hands flying up to pull your bunny ears down to cover your face.
Leon was taken aback by your outburst, hesitating for a moment before quickly bringing you into tight hug. "Hey hey hey.. shhh.. I've got ya.." He rubbed your back with one hand while the other held the back of your head, keeping your head buried in his neck. A frown tugged at the corner of his lips, guilt settling in his chest.
He let you cry for some time since it was obvious that you needed to let it out. He noticed your change in behavior a big ago, but he didn't realize whatever it was had been weighing on you so heavily.
He whispered sweet nothings to you until your cries lessened to a soft weep, feeling your breath stutter as you hiccupped. "Alright.. alright, there ya go, baby..." He craned his neck to kiss the top of your head after brushing your hair flat with his hand.
You were eventually able to get a deep enough breath in you let go of your ears, letting them move to flop over the sides of your head. "You ready to talk?" Leon's soft voice grabbed your attention, now looking up at him through wet eyelashes.
"I-.. I miss you..." Is all you could muster before starting to weep again, hiding your face right back into his neck. He ran his fingers through your hair before rubbing your soft bunny ears with his fingers.
Leon's chest vibrated as he hummed, slowly rocking you side to side all the while. "Missin' me, huh?" He smiled slightly and cocked an eyebrow when he felt you nod. "Care to explain, baby bun?"
You mumbled against his bare skin about him never being home, how lonely you were, and whatever else came to your mind at that moment. He couldn't hear all of it, but he got the gist of your small ramble.
"You should've just asked. I have more power at work than you think." Leon whispered in your ear with a playful smirk, pulling your head away from his shoulder so he could look at you again. "I do have a lot of vacation time that needs to be used up, so how do you feel about taking a little trip somewhere next week?"
The mere suggestion had your little cotton tail wagging and a watery smile on your face, head nodding vigorously with growing excitement. You did feel a little silly acting out over something that could've been resolved so easily, but it did feel nice to cry in the safety of Leon's strong arms.
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wh0sl3i · 11 months
♥︎𝑴𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒇𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏 ♥︎
Bill Kaulitz x Fem!Reader - Fluff
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(for context, you had this crush on Bill, but never thought he was the type to get into relationships so you were trying hard to distance yourself, but little did you know there was much to be reciprocated)
It was a Saturday morning and you were woken up by the laughter of 4 teen boys downstairs. You instantly knew your brother, Gustav, had his friends over. You tried to go back to sleep, but couldn't so you put a pair of shorts on with a tank top and groggily walk down stairs to the living room where the boys sat.
"Look who's awake!" the bassist of the band joked, "why the hell are you guys being so loud at 7am on a Saturday??" I asked, clearly sounding annoyed. "We were not!" your brother exclaimed, "Then explain why I could hear you all the way upstairs and over my t.v." they all pointed at Tom and he put his arms up in surprise at how they would throw him under the bus like that. "It's not my fault, I just thought it was funny how easily Bill got worked up when we told him it was obvious the he-" Georg quickly slapped his hand over Toms mouth, making me send him a confused glance. "You guys are weird.." I said walking to the kitchen to get breakfast.
As I pull out a bowl from the cabinet, I hear hushed chatter and someone whisper yelling "go, go, go!". I ignore it and grab the cereal I wanted and poured it into bowl, out of the corner of my eye, I see Bill walk in the kitchen. "uh hey, [name]" I turn to look at him before getting the milk, "Hi, Bill. What's up?" I say with a smile. "I'm sorry we woke you" I look at him and chuckle, "It's all good, I probably shouldn't be sleeping in anyway. Wouldn't wanna miss the chance to say Hi to you guys". Bill smiles, "Is that all you came in here to say?" I felt slightly disappointed until he walked closer to me and spoke again "Uhm.. actually I need to get something off my chest," I nod as he hesitates, "so.. I wont lie, I've been putting this off for a couple years now, but ever since we met I felt this overwhelming admiration towards you and at first I didn't think anything of it, because I assumed it would go away eventually and I couldn't really tell how you felt, but I just want you to know that.. I like you. Hell, I might even love you, [name].." My cheeks got heated and my eyes widened, causing him to look even more tense. "Look, it's okay if you don-" I snapped out of my daze "No, no, no, Bill I've had a crush on you for so long now. You have no clue!" he smiled widely and ran to hug me. "You have no idea how relieved I am!!" I exclaimed. His soft brown eyes looked contently into my (y/e/c) ones and he slowly leaned in, I closed the rest of the space as our lips finally met. It felt amazing, I could've done this forever.
We soon walked back into the living room hand in hand and when the other 3 boys saw, the started cheering and clapping. "Finally, the tension is over" Gustav sighed in relief, "Yeah now there will be a different kind of tension~" Tom said smirking and sipping his drink. Me and Bill blushed and sat down to engage in conversation, finally happy we were able to express our feelings to each other.
Thank you for reading!! I'm open to requests, questions, and constructive criticism!
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staryscorner · 1 year
I need you
Mikey x reader One-shot
Dating Mikey was hectic at times,he would come home sometime till 4am and would be injured badly.Of course I would treat his injuries for him but he would always tell me why I was budding in and that it was never my problem.Im always bothered by his questions but I never answered them.One day he came home to the worst wound I've seen.
*Ding ding*
I heard someone ringing the doorbell. It was obvious who it was, no other than Mikey.it was dark so I couldn't really tell how bad he was injured so I turned on the lights and the horror that awaited me,a bleeding head,a broken arm,and cuts everywhere.
"MIKEY WHAT HAPPENED!" I said in shock
"It's none of your business"he grumbled back
I stood there in shock did he ready not want me to be his girlfriend
I looked over at him he wasn't even surprised of what even came out his mouth
I silently went to bandage his wounds and left to bed
Mikey just sat there not doing anything.
Later on he went to sleep on the couch.
It was early morning and Mikey had woken up because he smelled something good.
"Y/n are you awake already I want to apologize to what I said to you last night I was just too exhausted to think right"
No response
He got up and noticed some of your stuff was missing, ignored it and continued over to the kitchen where he saw a plate of his favorite breakfast y/n would always make for him,and a note it read…
*I'm sorry for being such a burden to you.The answer to why I always cared was because I love you and I never wanted to see you hurt. I can't fight or protect you,so the best thing I could do to help was take care of you. I don't want to be a problem anymore so I'll be leaving somewhere far away so please don't come looking for me.I love you with all my heart.So please take care of yourself… Y/n*
Mikey was devastated. He didn't know what to do. Why was he so ignorant to notice how much work you put into each bandage placed on him.Why did he lose someone as important as you.
After that Mikey was never the same again…
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smallrainybee · 2 months
little snippet of something i've been writing:
Having Scott as his caregiver is… new to say the least. 
Up until this point, Jimmy had been very fairly adamant about letting anyone know about his status of being a regressor. It wasn't like he required care all the time, he regressed maybe once every couple of weeks and that was enough to hold him over until he inevitably dropped once more into the headspace. While it wasn't exactly healthy it was far better than what he had been doing, which was just acting like it didn't exist. 
It was like a routine for him until Scott came around, but then Scott did come around. The prince of Chromia had found out after Jimmy had stormed off from a meeting with fWhip and Joel (where they were being particularly mean mind you) and followed after him, accidentally finding Jimmy half way into his little space and crying in a desolate hallway. 
Jimmy himself couldn't remember much of this happening, his memories when little were always a bit fuzzy, but he could remember Scott offering to be his caregiver a few days after the incident. 
He doesn't really know why he agreed to it, but so far it had been pretty nice. Scott respected his boundaries and let him have space when he wanted it. He didn't push Jimmy to talk about things he didn't want to share and was overall a really great caregiver. 
Of course, they had slip ups but so came with having a caregiver for the first time ever. Scott made sure that it was obvious that Jimmy could ask him for anything at all (within reason of course). And while hesitant, Jimmy did his best to communicate what he needed to Scott. 
It's slow, but never stopping and that's all that Jimmy wanted. He liked having Scott as his caregiver, despite it's slow tug along. Sometimes he had to remind himself that asking for things was okay, and his blue haired caregiver did his best. 
Which brings Jimmy to his current dilemma. 
It was one of few times since gaining Scott as a caregiver that Jimmy had woken up still regressed. Though, it had been happening more recently after Scott had pushed Jimmy to start regressing slightly more often after founding out about his little 'schedule'.
And waking up small was slightly disorienting to him. He always felt so warm and floaty after first waking up and he really didn't want to get out of bed. But of course, Scott coaxed him out, gentle and soft voice filling his brain nicely with the promise of waffles and syrup. He would grumble a bit, but always follow Scott to the kitchen, demanding that the oher carry him there."Yes yes, I'm soooo mean for waking you up, I know it's just so unfair isn't it?" Scott would always coo at him while setting him gently on he kitchen counter. 
And that was their morning routine, wheather Jimmy was big or small, Scott would cook breakfast for the two of them while Jimmy would talk (or babble when little) to whatever came to his mind. They would eat and then Scott would usually help Jimmy get ready before getting ready himself. 
Jimmy would usually sit and watch while Scott moved around and did his daily morning routine. Fixing his hair so it look presentable, getting dressed in whatever he was feeling like that the moment, and doing his make up. And this, well, this interested Jimmy. 
Scott always looked like a real prince after doing his make up. And while yes, Jimmy knew he was a real prince, it was still magical to him. Scott didn't look like the stuffy, pompus princes he had met all his life but like the ones for his storybooks! He wanted to look like that too!
Only… he didn't really know how to articulate that to Scott. He couldn't find a way to say the words he wanted to say without sounding silly.
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ryv-chan · 6 months
Ryu's Creepypasta Life: Two
Alright, chapter two is finally here. I've been mainly focusing on artwork and other projects like iceberg videos (I'm on my last installment).
This is coming from a Wattpad series I'm working on currently, so I'll have a link to the original source cause the description has some useful info.
I'll take feedback from anyone if there's something that needs improvement or just doesn't make any sense. But please refrain from saying stuff like "I don't like this" or "this sucks" cause that's not actual criticism in my eyes.
Three days left. Three days left until Ryu’s final decision to meet up with Alex. For the most part, he just sorta existed. He didn’t contribute much to the world, besides working and socializing with his coworkers. But Ryu did care about other people’s well being, and Alex was no exception. 
Ryu didn’t really have any preferences when it came to dating people. He did have a few crushes throughout his school years. Nearly all of them were the shy, awkward, nerdy type. So, there was something about them that drew Ryu in close. 
Ryu having these types of shower thoughts wasn’t anything new, but it left Ryu in the bathroom for a while. But it also led to his water bill increasing by a few dollars which made him die inside. So when Ryu caught himself thinking very deeply about his life, he immediately turned off the water and got out and ready for the day. 
When Ryu finished getting dressed and walked out into the kitchen, he spotted the dining table’s chair laid on the floor. Ryu froze, he always locked his doors, made sure everything was nice and neat, and would’ve known what caused the chair to fall. But no gusts of wind could’ve done it, and Ryu probably would’ve noticed something was off before going to bed. And the sound of a chair falling just a door away would have woken Ryu up. 
He walked over and picked up the chair, setting it back in its original place. It was like he was in the middle of a stage, having just screwed up his performance and was left to deal with all eyes on him, before going back to acting like nothing happened. But something really did happen. Ryu’s brain was trying to rationalize what he had seen, but of course he knew someone had gotten in. 
Ryu then did a vigorous search of the place to make sure nothing wasn’t misplaced or stolen. It seemed like everything was in order, it was just that one chair that had fallen. 
Ryu couldn’t eat, so he just went to work without having breakfast, a decision that he would later come to regret. But he was too anxious to even touch food in fear he would throw it up. Before Ryu left, he went around the house to make sure all the windows were closed and locked. And did the same thing with the doors right before he left, and tested them too. 
Arriving at work Ryu walked in to see Lisa and Mia, greeting him with friendly smiles. Then he saw Alex, yikes… 
Ryu felt a bit awkward as he went to clock himself in for work. He didn’t want to make that obvious on top of his possible date plans and paranoia. 
Ryu looked over and caught Alex staring at him, he quickly turned his head around and acted like he wasn’t looking at Ryu in the first place. Ryu could feel butterflies suddenly. He also then caught Mia staring as well, over by the register, making kissy faces at Ryu like a teenager. 
Ryu could feel his fears dissipating, being replaced by awkward fluff. He hadn’t realized how interested he had been in Alex. Which just made him mad that he was so open with his coworkers about childhood crushes and what he liked in people. 
“Well? Are you just going to stand there, or are you gonna actually do something?” Mia snickered. 
Ryu enjoyed the company of his coworkers, but sometimes they just acted like a bunch of babysitters.
“You have yet to tell me where I could be working…” said Ryu, slightly irritated. 
At some point during his shift, Ryu had to use the restroom. Behind the curtain, and halfway down a long, concrete hallway was the bathroom. Continuing down the hallway, just to the left lead into the cafe. In a rather trashed city, of course the public bathroom smelt terrible, with uncleaned mold growing on the walls and tile. It was a fly’s paradise, which just made it worse for Ryu since he hated insects. 
The hallway was only lit up by the neon bathroom sign that hung over the bathroom entrance. It was a small room with no stalls, just a toilet and a sink with a busted mirror. Ryu was able to power through the awful smell, he would only be in there for a few minutes at max. 
When he went to wash his hands, he turned on the rusted faucet as he looked at himself. Himself that had more than one face from the broken pieces clinging to its frame. He wasn’t bothering to look down as he washed his hands. But when he went to get soap, he saw the crimson tint of the water. Either something died and somehow had gotten into the water supply, or something was terribly wrong. 
Ryu recoiled, turning off the water before quickly unlocking and leaving through the slim bathroom door. He could just wash his hands in the dish-pit. Ryu peered down the hallway towards the coffee shop, and someone was standing there. Nothing was of much detail to Ryu’s naked eye, since it was such a dingy, sketchy hallway. They just stood there, unmoving. Ryu didn’t know where they came from or why they were just there, but it frightened him. So he hastily made his way back to the diner. He couldn’t help but make a quicker dash while he was halfway there, afraid that whoever was there was following him. 
A sudden relief washed over the man as he blew past the curtain to enter the restaurant. None of his coworkers seemed to notice that he was in such a hurry to get back. 
“Welcome back.” Lisa smiled, “Didn’t notice you there.”
As Ryu was washing his hands over the other sink, he tried to rationalize the previous situation he was in. It could’ve been another crackhead or a person who was spooked by the sudden appearance of Ryu leaving. But it all felt wrong, a person couldn’t have been just there for no reason. 
Ryu’s gaze snapped over to the redhead trying to get his attention, “Mia…?”
“Are you ok? You’re zoning out.” Mia tilted her head. 
“Ya, why are you so worried…?” Ryu spoke jokingly, nearly chuckling. 
“Because you’re usually busy with something.” 
“Sorry… I guess I just didn’t get enough sleep last night…” Ryu muttered, making up an excuse for what happened around an hour ago. 
“It be like that sometimes.” Mia sighed, beginning to clean a section of counter with an old, damp rag. 
After a few moments of silence between the two, Ryu finally spoke up once more, “How… many crackheads do you see on the streets usually…?” he asked softly.
Mia hummed, “Well, they’re everywhere. It’s really not that hard to find them lurking around in an alleyway.”
“What about in buildings…?”
Mia paused, “It’s hard to say… either shooting up in their apartments or getting kicked out of establishments. Can’t say I’ve seen them get booted outside.”
Another few moments of silence pass by, “Why do you ask?” Mia suddenly questioned, glancing over at her soft friend. 
“Well… when I came out of the bathroom, I saw this dude standing at the other end… Y’know, where that coffee shop is…” Ryu confessed, “I wouldn’t be surprised if it was because of the lack of sleep I got, and because of how dark it is down that hall…”
“Maybe, that’s why I carry pepper spray with me everywhere I go.” Mia smiled softly over at Ryu, pulling a small red and black cylinder out of her front pocket to show the man, “It’s dangerous being a girl in this type of city. Not that I’m saying you are one, just appearance wise.”
“Ya, I’ll consider it…” Ryu smiled softly back at the redhead. 
After Ryu’s shift ended, he stopped at a small convenience store to look for some pepper spray. It was one of those trips where if he couldn’t get it now, he had all the time in the world to look for it later. Bless his luck because Ryu actually found the same kind of pepper gel Mia had. 
Ryu was able to catch one of the last subways going home, it was a bit empty. Emptier than usual. As the train made its rounds, the few people that shared the carrier Ryu soon departed. And very soon Ryu was left alone with the sounds of the speeding subway on the rails echoing in his ears. 
The visual of the silhouette at the end of the hallway was stuck in Ryu’s mind. He felt lucky that nothing bad happened while in that hall, but it was frightening to think if the person began to run after him. Ryu was beginning to think that maybe using a restroom in another establishment was the best option. 
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cycle-verse · 7 months
At some point early in the morning, about a week later, Killer had woken up and was getting up to shower. The night before had been one of those where he'd confused Malevolence and Nightmare, and he ended up glancing back at Malevolence, making sure he didn't wake him up, and seeing that he wasn't bothered, Killer headed toward the nearest bathroom.
Dust and Horror were heard downstairs, having also confused the two and thought it was a good morning. They were being a bit noisy downstairs but as long as they didn’t get too loud, or bring it upstairs, Malevolence wasn’t likely to wake up and hurt them for it.  That relaxed Killer a bit.
Killer stepped into the bathroom and closed the door, moving to undress, but pausing when he lifted his shirt enough to see his abdomen. Panic struck through him at the sight, and he decided to skip the shower, pulling his shirt back down and heading downstairs. When Horror and Dust saw him, it was a little obvious that something was fairly wrong.
“Killer? What’s wrong?” Dust whispered as he spotted his friend. Horror went silent
Killer didn't say anything at first, finding a spot to sit and hide his face in his hands for a few moments, but he mumbled something after.
“Hmm?” Dust crouched in front of Killer while Horror took his spot beside him, leaning against Killer sightly in an attempt to comfort him.
"I-I'm... I'm..." Killer took a breath. "P-Pregnant..."
He was distressed about it, for various reasons.
Dust fell backward at that with a shocked look on his face, which quickly turned into fear and then defeat. Horror didn’t move but he tensed up.
“Okay so this is bad,” Dust whispered. They didn’t mean exactly the idea of the child being bad, but the timing and the situation was bad, dangerous, deadly even.
Killer nodded, letting out a soft sob, "I d-don't know what t-to do..."
Dust moved again to hug him.
“If we were in a better situation, what would you want to do? Because Horror and I will be beside you no matter what and whatever you choose, we will protect you,” he whispered
"I d-don't really h-have a choice... t-terminating is d-dangerous..."
“Then what’s next… do you need us to…” Dust didn’t risk saying it out loud but he was trying to ask if Killer wanted them to get him out.
“Yea… we can handle him on our own for a while… and we know you wouldn’t leave us here forever,” Horror piped up although he sounded unsure, which was fair.
Killer shook his head, "No... n-no... I c-can j-just try t-to hide it..."
“And we want you to be safe, Killer. Hiding it isn’t safe for you or the soul,” Dust whispered
"I d-don't want t-to l-leave him..."
“But he’s not… him… half the time,”
"S-Still... I c-can't..."
Horror and Dust looked at each other before Dust sighed. “Then what do you want us to do first? We are behind you and with you every step of the way,”
"I d-don't kn-know... I've n-never been in th-this situation..."
“Let’s start simple. Food? Breakfast? Horror makes the best food,”
Killer nodded, "P-Please..."
“I’ll get started on that…” Horror gave Dust a look before he left. ‘Stay with him’ it said, and they’d be doing a lot more of that.
Killer ended up moving to lie down, having sat on the couch, to quietly cry.
Dust stayed beside him, likely holding one of his hands, “We’ll be with you the entire time, I promise…”
"Th-Thank you..."
“Of course… we’re family and we stick together… that’s what Night told us, remember? When Error was really having a hard time and he told us to go? Night told him he wasn’t alone and nothing changed that,”
Killer nodded with a hiccup.
Dust didn’t move, resting his head on the couch beside Killer.
Killer quietly cried for a bit, but soon seemed more calmed down.
Dust stayed beside him the entire time, not even moving when Horror came back with some food.
Killer moved to sit up to eat, quietly thanking Horror.
Horror nodded and moved to sit beside him, Dust taking up his other side.
Killer ate quietly, calming down more while he did.
Dust and Horror leaned against him, both eating until footsteps were heard upstairs. Dust immediately took Horror's plate and tucked it underneath his. Malevolence didn’t let horror eat much, aiming that hunger would continue to drive up negativity
Killer glanced up at Malevolence, having managed to get rid of his tears by then and revert to giving off his usual amount of negativity.
Malevolence smiled at them all and wandered over. “Last night was… fun. Can I expect a repeat or are you gonna shut yourself away until the dog wakes up and rolls over again?” He puffed and Dust bit back a snap at Malevolence calling Night a dog
"Not exactly in the mood today," Killer looked back down at his plate to shove a bite of food in his mouth.
“Such a shame,” Malevolence ran his hand over Killer's shoulder and Horror hissed at him. He raised a browbone and laughed at Horror's attempt to get him to leave Killer alone.
Killer didn't say anything about it, mimicking a sense of not caring.
“I hate you,” Horror whispered and Malevolence smiled.
Killer stood once he finished eating, heading to the kitchen to take care of his plate.
Dust and Horror followed although it didn’t build any suspicion as they did that all the time anyway. Killer was the only one who ever really risked being in a room alone with him.
“He called Night a dog… a fucking dog… I hate him,” Dust whispered.
“He thrives on pissing us off, Dust, negative emotions,” Horror whispered back
Killer simply nodded, taking the dishes to scrape and wash for them, but otherwise silent. It was how he usually was when Malevolence was awake and nearby.
“Think he’s gonna bother us or…”
“I’d rather us than go after the others again,” Dust whispered as he and Horror stood guard around Killer.
Killer dried and put the plates away before turning to leave the kitchen again.
The two continued to follow him.
“So, did any of you think to tell me that Error and Ink put up ‘defenses’ or was I expected to figure that out myself?” Malevolence was standing in the kitchen doorway. Of course, none of them had known that but it didn’t matter, not once he was mad.
Killer stayed silent, biting back a bit of a mocking question to respond with.
“Well?” He scoffed.
“You told us to stay away from their house sir, so we didn’t know-“Dust was cut off as Malevolence lashed out, cutting Dust's cheek and knocking him down.
“Not good enough,”
Killer spoke up, "Per your request, none of us have even left the mansion since they took Cross. How will we know if we aren't there?"
Malevolence attacked again and Dust nudged Killer so it hit him instead. Malevolence didn’t care who got hurt, he was just pissed and Dust would rather get hit twice rather than Horror or Killer.
Killer was quiet again after that, but kind of stared Malevolence down. He felt bad for Dust.
Malevolence stared at the trio before scoffing and leaving. “I won’t be back until late tonight. Don’t expect anything, if you’re lucky,”
Killer let out a sigh once Malevolence left, "Of all the times to want to tell him to shut up..."
“I hate him…” Dust whispered as Horror rushed to look him over.
“That’s a pretty deep gash,” Horror whispered.
Killer nodded, moving to look at the gash, "Let me see..."
It was pretty deep, definitely deep enough to leave a scar and would need stitches, not to mention that the second strike had hit his shoulder which he definitely wasn’t holding well.
“At least he left you two alone,”
“You’re an idiot,” Horror grumbled.
Killer guided him to sit down before going to get a few medical supplies.
“Listen, I’ve been his biggest target already so it’s fine,” Dust was the one Malevolence hit the most but that didn’t make it fine, no matter what he said
Killer came back and immediately started to work trying to fix up Dust, "It's never fine, he shouldn't be hurting you.”
“I don’t want Malevolence to hurt all of us and Night come back to that… one hurt person is better than three…”
“Then you’re just hurt enough for us all and that could get you killed,” Horror whispered
"But no hurt people is best," Killer made sure to work quickly, his hands as steady as ever.
“No hurt people is rare,” Dust mumbled
"But it's possible."
“Yea, it is,”
"So maybe we should aim more for that," Killer tightly secured the bandages around the gash after stitching it, before moving to his shoulder.
“Yea yea,” Dust sighed.
"I care about you, Dust, but it's not fun having to fix you every time."
“I don’t want to watch you fix Horror, or to have to try and fix you,” Dust said. “but I’ll try not to piss him off anymore,”
"I can fix myself, but we should be alright if no one ticks him off."
Dust nodded and sighed.
Killer pulled away once he'd fixed Dust's shoulder the best he could, sighing softly, "There..."
Dust couldn’t really move his shoulder but it hurt less and he has some movement in his arm so it’ll be good for now. “Thanks,”
"Of course, let me know if you need any painkillers, alright?"
“Sounds good,”
"But please try to rest while he's gone. Horror, don't forget to eat."
“Oh definitely… I’m gonna nap and Horror, eat,”
"Good, you guys need it."
Dust nodded and horror gulped, “Just stay near one of us, okay?”
"I will if he comes back.  I'm probably going to go cry into a pillow until then."
Killer is now open for asks!
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allexthakatt · 3 years
Okay so this idea has been running around my head for like a week and I think I have it all together. I hope this is readable cx
Pairing: Spencer Reid x FEM! Reader
CW: insecurities, poor body image, Spencer being a simp for reader, a little bit of alcohol (very brief), mentions of a case (not explicit)
Not Like The Others
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"Hey Pen Pen! We still on for dinner this weekend? I've been craving that tai food place for ages!" Y/n walked into the bat cave that was Penelope Garcia's office. It was a good day today, y/n had woken up earlier than she needed to, ate a healthy breakfast for once, got a little makeup on and even had enough time to do a little makeup. It was the beginning of a good day, she was hoping.
"Of course sista. You know I would never ever turn down a tai food night with my best friend." Penelope's bright attitude shined through every crevice of the room. It was hard to have a bad day around her in general. Penelope was just the sun in human form.
"Great. I got a brand new bottle of that Vanilla Crown and some Peppermint flavored Vodka! Some new movies, even though we don't really agree on some, I think I got a good selection of-"
Y/n was cut off by a knock at the door. Spencer walked in with files in his hand, intending to give them to Penelope for Rossi. However his tongue got caught in his mouth as he laid eyes upon y/n. She always made him feel like this; tongue tied and shy. Something about her just made his brain short circuit.
"I-uh. Ahem- I came to bring you these files for Rossi. He wanted you to go through them for him." It was impossible to keep up a cool demeanor with her around. He felt like a teenager.
"Well thank you, boy wonder." The air got suddenly awkward. No one really knew why- well maybe Spencer did. And it was not an awesome reason.
"Hi Spencer." Y/n said with a shy smile. Spencer had this same affect on her too. He just didn't know it even though it was so painfully obvious to Garcia in the room. "G-Good morning y/n. How uh.. How are you?" It was clear to Penelope that he was nervous. Y/n, however didn't seem to catch on. "I'm good, me and pen were talking of getting dinner this weekend is all..." The blush on y/ns cheeks also did not go unnoticed by Penelope. She makes a mental note to bring up this painful transaction later at dinner. Thankfully, before anymore torture can continue, JJ knocks on the door announcing there's a new case.
"So what the heck was up with you the other day with Spencer? You were so shy! Y/n is not a shy person." Saturday evening, Penelope and y/n sitting on her couch drinking Crown and watching Twilight. (It was Penelope's turn to pick the movie) Y/n let's her head fall, an apparent blush forming on her cheeks.
"I don't knooow pen. He makes me feel so shy and awkward. Like he's so attractive and sweet I just freeze up and forget how to speak words." Her best friend laughs and takes another sip, preparing to pause the movie because this is much more interesting than anything Bella could ever do.
"You have a crush on boy wonder! Who would've guessed! Can I plan your wedding? Ooh oh oh! Can I name your kids? Wait no- I'll gladly just take one named after me." Before she could continue Y/n put her hand over her friends mouth. "Hold on there, tiger. He probably doesn't even like me back! I mean you saw him that day. He wouldn't even look at me. And let's be honest, pen. Im not exactly his type." Penelope cocked her head to the side, urging Y/n to go on.
"Seriously pen? Spencer likes petite pretty girls. Smart and athletic, or shy and booky. I'm not at all like the girls he's liked or dated in the past. Face it, pen pen he's too good for me.." Whether it was the built up insecurities or the alcohol making her loose, she went on. "I'm no Maeve Donovan, or Lila Archer. Hell I'm not even close to JJ. And his latest girlfriend Max? She was perfect for him. Penelope I'm just not good enough and it sucks but it's true."
Y/n was nothing like JJ, or Lila, or even Maeve. She was more on the plus size, had a more colorful vocabulary. She knew how to play guitar, didn't really read books but rather preferred to listen to music and just chill. She was nothing like the pretty little women that typically caught Spencer's attention. And nothing broke her heart more.
"Y/n just because he's dated different people in the past doesn't mean you're no good for him. Maybe all those relationships didn't work out because they weren't right for him to begin with. Don't assume his feelings, Y/n. Just saying." Y/n took another sip and pressed play. "Please can we talk about something else? I don't wanna be sad tonight." Garcia smiled and changes the subject to Keanu Reeves and puppies.
Monday came around quicker than anyone anticipated. She couldn't get Penelope's words out of her head. Could she really have a chance with Spencer Reid? The thought sent butterflies in her stomach. She was practically in love with the man. He was always in the back of her mind, taunting her with those beautiful lips she'd do anything to kiss. His long curly hair she'd love to grip and pull. His-
"Good morning miss Y/n! How was your weekend?" Tara was in a great mood this morning it seems. "Oh hey, it was pretty good actually. And yours? What'd you do?" Out of everyone on the team, (except Penelope of course) Y/n gets along with Tara best. Their personalities bounce off each other in such a way Y/n never feels judged. Penelope and Tara are probably her two best friends in the whole world.
"It was rather great! You know I heard so very interesting gossip about you and pretty boy over there.~" Tara says with a coy look in her eye. "Oh God, pen told you?!" She whisper-yells. The last thing she needed was people teasing her about something that will most likely never happen.
"Hey I'm not saying who told! But what I will say, is that if there anyone in this entire world who's into you, it's Spencer freakin Reid." Y/n's face heated up as she says his name. "Tara! Shut. Up!" She whispers in her face trying her best not to draw attention to them.
"I know you and Penelope just wanna make me feel better but please don't give me false hope. Please." Tara felt a little bad. Y/n has a lot of insecurities built up. She's tried very hard to keep it under control, however those horrible image problems tend to creep up from time to time. Especially when she develops feelings for someone.
Spencer sees Tara and Y/n talking, seeing y/n blush up and Tara and give her a knowing smile. The curious cat he is, walks up close to them to see exactly what's going on. Trying to be sneaky, he doesn't announce he's on his way. If there's something that makes y/n blush like that, he really wants to know.
Pretending to blend in and work on files closer, Spencers ears perk up at his name being said. "I don't understand why you don't just tell Spencer. He likes you back! We all see it, why cant you?" Tell him what? Likes her back? Was it really that obvious? And if it was why hasn't y/n said anything?
"Because there's nothing to see, Tara. I love you guys but please stop telling me stuff that isn't true. I'm not his type. I'm chunky and loud and inappropriate. I don't read a lot of books, I play guitar. Why on earth would someone as smart and intellectual as Spencer fall for someone dull and weird like me?"
Now Spencer was invested. How he not fall for someone like her? Everyone he's been with before let him down or broke his heart. Y/n was different. She runs around his mind daily, her smile, her curves, her laugh and personality. Everything about her makes him weak in the knees. How could someone so beautiful inside and out think something so bad about themselves?
"Y/n..." Tara had no idea her friends insecurities went this deep. However before she could console y/n, JJ speaks up bringing forth yet another case.
A week and a half later. This case went as well as any case can. It ended with the unsub behind bars for life, yes, but not without victims under his belt. It had been particularly brutal, involving naive young women in high school looking to fit in. You could say it hit the women in the BAU harder than the fellas. Every girl in the world knows how hard it is to find yourself, especially in high school.
On the jet ride back everyone was doing their own thing. Luke and Tara talking about the case, JJ texting Will on her phone, Emily fell asleep at the table, and y/n had her earphones in listening to one of her favorite songs.
Spencer on the other hand was trying (key word trying) to read his book. However all that filled his mind was Y/n. He's barely had a chance to speak with her during the case, Emily keeping everyone busy. It was a blessing in disguise, truth be told. It gave him time to think of what needed to be said to her. He realized she deserved to know the truth of his feelings for her. It was decided that he was going to tell her as soon as possible.
After a painfully long ride back to Quantico, everyone bid their farewells to each other, Emily saying not to come in tomorrow. Spencer figured it was good a time as any to talk with y/n.
"Do you want me to walk you to your car?" It was a good first line, a good opening. Of course, Y/n could never say no to him. "Sure, that sounds great actually." They both grabbed their things and headed out.
The walk to her car was quiet, but peaceful. It was never tense or weird with Spencer, she always felt safe and happy just being in his presence. "I could give you a ride home if you'd like. The subway wouldn't be safe this late." She took a risk by asking him. If they were alone in the car together she wouldn't be able to control herself.
"I'd like that a lot actually. Thank you." This is perfect. He can have a one on one with her, be as upfront as possible. "Great, let's go then!" She remained calm on the outside. However inside she was a fucking mess. Why she was so nervous, she couldn't say. And that just made it worse.
When they finally pulled up to spencers apartment, he knew he had to take this moment for all its worth. "You can come up if you'd want. I know nights right after a case is hard on everyone.." Hes nervous and worried he may have crossed a line, but again, Y/n could never say no to him. With a smile, she responds. "I'd love to."
Once finally up, Spencer closes the door behind them. "Would you like some tea or water?" Grateful for something in her system, she accepts the tea and sits on his couch. His home is exactly like she'd imagined. Full of books and artifacts. No tv, she's not surprised. He's always prefer reading rather than watching.
Sitting down next to her with his own cup of tea, he figured it was now or never. "I uh.. I have to talk to you about something."
Her mind starts racing with a million thoughts, but she puts on a brave face and urges him to go on.
"I heard you and Tara talking the other day. And I know how... How you feel about me."
At that point her whole world turns upside down. He heard? She should've paid more attention! Why? How could she be so stupid?! What in the world was she thinking??
She took a deep shaky breath, "So you heard.. Everything?" The air in the room was thick and quiet, Y/n's anxieties growing by the minute.
"I did.. And I need you to know that you're wrong. About it all. I do feel the same, I wouldn't want anyone else. You're perfect for me, y/n. You deserve to know that." At this point Y/n was now up on her feet.
"No no no no... You're lying. Spencer I'm nothing like the women who get your attention. I'm not JJ or Lila.. I'm not Max... Or Maeve... I'm not smart or petite. I'm just... Me." All the insecurities she'd built up, all the nights she lost sleep staying up fantasizing about what will never be.
Spencer could feel his heart breaking with each word that comes out of her mouth. How can someone so beautifully wonderful think something so wrong about themselves?
"Y/n... Please stop telling yourself those lies." He stood up and grabbed her hands. "If there's any word to describe you, it'd be perfect. You're beautiful, inside and out. You don't judge me when I ramble about nonsense and you actually listen to the facts I have to say. You're absolutely stunning, you make me laugh and smile no matter how hard my day was. You're the one thing I look forward to when I walk into the bull pen every morning. You deserve to see what I see: a beautiful woman that I would literally do anything for."
Words caught in y/ns throat. A few tears slipped down her cheek and Spencer leaned in to wipe it away with his thumb. "If you'll allow me... I'd love to prove to you just how amazing you are."
By now they were centimetres apart. Y/n could feel his breath on her lips. Lips that he'd been dying to kiss since the moment they met.
"I'd really love that.." Their lips met for the first time. Finally, Spencer got to feel her this close to him. All those times fantasizing on the jet is nothing compared to the real deal.
When they separated, Spencer leaned his forehead against hers, stroking her still damp cheek with his hand. "You're everything to me. And I will gladly spend the rest of my days proving it." With that, Y/n leaned in again, promising the same to him.
I'm so sorry this took a fucking lifetime. I just started a new job! And with Christmas around the corner it's very stressful. Not to mention I'm a mother and a wife 🤭
Please tell me how I did! And also feel free to send in requests via private message or an ask! 🥰🥰🥰
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londonalozzy · 3 years
Stop Pretending (TFATWS)
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Genre: Romance, Angst
Summary: The reader thinks she's doing a stellar job of keeping her feelings for a certain soldier buried deep inside. Turns out, all it takes is an observant new friend to begin the unraveling of her most precious secret (Spoilers for TFATWS)
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Word: Pretence
Definition: A way of acting that is intended to deceive people.
Example: Saying that he's just a friend when he's really the love of your life.
Your POV
Being caught in the midst of war is something that I, (Y/N) (Y/L/N)  know all too well. As a war vet, former shield agent, and now Avenger I'm used to being centered amongst conflict. When the fight begins within me though, a battle between what I want and what I think is right, how will I react? Will I listen to my heart, my head, or will the winner be chosen for me?
Delacroix, Louisiana.....
I love my sleep, always have, always will. It's not necessarily the comfort of the bed, the quiet or even the rest. It's the fact that I'm at peace when I sleep. My life has a tendency to fall apart when I'm awake, so anything that will put that off for as long as possible I savor.
I wish it were the same for a certain super soldier in my life. I look forward to going to bed, everything calms down then, and for most people it's the same. For Bucky however, it's when everything starts, the nightmares, the terrors, the seemingly unending darkness. If only I could take his pain away like he has with mine.
For the last few weeks, my life had, for want of a better word, been hectic. Hectic to say the least.
After the eventual defeat of Thanos and the loses we endured as a result, I thought naively that life might calm down a bit, that I'd have time to breathe, to live. How wrong I was.
It all began with John Walker being announced to the world as the new Captain America.
I was baking cookies with Morgan in the Stark family kitchen when it came over the radio. As that latest turn of events sunk in, my first thoughts were of Bucky, what that would do to him. Not even an hour later I had said my goodbyes and was on my way to help him get the shield back.
Since then even more had happened. We'd regrouped with Sam, busted Zemo out of prison which in turn ruffled the feathers of Ayo and the Dora Milaje. We came face to face with Morgenthou and the Flag Smashers, and finally witnessed the man who thought he could even compete with Steve, make himself judge, jury and most significantly executioner.
After that went around the world we knew we had to end it sooner rather than later. It couldn't get much worse than Captain America becoming a murderer. We got the shield back, which was a fight all in itself. Handed Zemo over to Ayo, to try and recompense for the distrust we'd instilled in the people who'd helped us so much. Then we travelled to stay with Sam and his family in Louisiana whilst we waited for Karli's next move.
This is where we found ourselves now, in the eye of it, the calm before the storm.
Waking up in the Wilson households guest room, I was greeted to the golden hue of the rising sun penetrating through the single glaze windows, and the melodic sounds of gulls on the hunt for their morning meal down by the docks.
Actually, no that's not right. What I could hear was most certainly not birds, and it was definitely not melodic. What were those boys doing?
Quickly and quietly I threw on the first clothes I could get my hands on and made my way downstairs towards the noise. What caught my attention when I discovered the source, was not the two youngest Wilson boys playing with our newly reacquired shield in the living room, but the super solider who was blissfully ignorant to it all, sleeping peacefully on the couch in front of them. I don't think I'd ever been so happy.
"Right you two, if you're determined to play Avengers all morning then I suggest you re-assemble in the back yard. You're gonna wake Bucky up," I whispered out in one breath, stepping between the boys, then placing my hands on their backs and tip toeing them towards the door.
"So what if we wake him up? It's gone 10am," Cass questioned in protest, pulling on his sneakers and jacket.
"Exactly! Which is why if you do as I say, I will make you the biggest plate of waffles for breakfast that you've ever seen."
The boys eyes lit up. "Can we have ice cream with it? Mum never lets us have ice cream for breakfast, and I'm sure there's a tub of Stark raving hazelnuts in the freezer," AJ clapped in muted excitement. "Oh, for God's sake.....Yes. You can have whatever you want if you get out of this house now and keep the noise down."
Once the boys were outside, I made my way over to the kitchen, stopping on the way to lean over my favourite senior citizen and make sure that he was still peaceful in his slumber. He'd never looked so relaxed, so at ease. It was a brand new Bucky I'd never seen before, a Bucky that had my heart pounding for him even more than it normally did. Not that he knew any of that.
Half an hour later and up to my elbows in waffle mix, I failed to notice my new friend and host Sarah making her way to my side at the counter, the huge smile on my face not going unnoticed. "What's got you grinning like the Cheshire cat, like I need to ask?"
"Bucky's sleeping. Isn't it amazing?" I spoke softly, bouncing up and down on my feet as I did so.
"And why is that?" She couldn't looked more confused if she tried.
"In all the years I've known him, I don't think I've ever woken up before he has. If his nightmares don't keep him awake all night, they normally have him up before the crack of dawn. I don't think I've ever seen him so still."
"Good answer," Sarah nodded in a hush, understanding why this meant so much to me, but not done yet with her morning interrogations, "Now on to my next question......"
"I'm already not liking the sound of this."
"Sleeping Beauty over there follows you around like a little puppy dog. He hangs on your every word, looks at you like you hung the stars or something. It's pretty obvious how crazy he is about you, so when are you gonna stop pretending that you're not head over heels in love with him?"
"I don't know what you're talking about Wilson," I smiled forcefully, making out like the waffle maker deserved my attention way more than the conversation I was being made to have.
This was all Sam's doing, without a shadow of a doubt. He'd tried to have this conversation with me on multiple occasions and I shut him down every time. He obviously hadn't given up like I thought he did, and decided to draft in his sister. He is seriously gonna regret it when I find him.
"Sure you know what I'm talking about. Sam sees it, I don't even know you that well and I see it. The only reason Bucky doesn't, is because he doesn't believe he could ever be that lucky. You're a smitten kitten." These Wilson's are all as annoying as each other.
Knowing I wasn't getting out of this one, I grabbed Sarah by the arm and pulled her right into the corner of the room, trying my best to keep this convo as private as possible. "Look, I'm not pretending.....I'm ignoring. There's a difference."
"Care to explain what that difference is?" Sarah spoke softly, but with a sarcastic air.
Turning to look over my shoulder at the subject of our conversation, making sure he was still safely in the land of nod, I decided to just be honest. Sarah was much like her brother. Once she wanted to get to the bottom of something she wasn't about to give up.
"I love Bucky, more than I've ever loved anyone...and that terrifies me," the rawness of finally being honest making my voice shake, and tears come to my eyes. "Nat was like my sister, and she's dead. Tony was the closest I've ever gotten to having a Dad...and he's dead too. Then there's Steve, Vision, God knows where Wanda is....Everyone I love, either leaves or dies. If I admit my feelings for Buck then I face the risk of losing him too."
"Do you have any idea how crazy you sound right now? He's not going to die because you love him (Y/N)."
Silent tears were falling now. I was revealing my deepest fears to a woman I'd only known a few days, and I'm not underplaying it when I say it was like a colossal weight off my chest, a release I didn't know I needed. "Believe me...I know, but I can't take that risk. I can't lose anyone else, especially not him."
"Let's just say for a second that you're right, that there is some higher power somewhere, set on destroying everyone you love. Do you really think ignoring your feelings is going to make them disappear?" I didn't know what to say to that. "Natasha and Stark died so that everyone could continue living, and (Y/N) you're not living as long as you keep this to yourself. They wouldn't want that for you."
"But what if I lose him?" I whispered with a choked sigh.
"Then at least he'll die knowing how you felt about him. After everything he's been through don't you think he deserves to know there's someone out there who loves him like you do?"
"Of course..."
Sarah's lips pulled upwards in a satisfied smirk, wrapping her arm around my shoulder and giving it a comforting squeeze, "then you owe it to yourself, and to him, to tell him the truth."
"Why do all you Wilson's have to be so clever?" I voiced in mock irritation, pushing her away from me and acting like I was annoyed she had gotten one up on me.
"I don't know," she thought aloud and with a cheeky grin, grabbing a plate to start piling on the long forgotten waffles, "I think it might be the sea air or something."
"Nah, it's in the genes," I chuckled quietly, grabbing my jacket and deciding it was time to get this conversation wrapped up. "I'll go find Sam and the boys for breakfast. Clear my head a little bit."
"You promise you're gonna tell him?" Sarah stopped me as I went to push the door open.
"I'll think about it."
3rd person POV
Once (Y/N) was out of ear shot, Sarah couldn't help but start jumping up and down in excitement, clapping her hands loudly as she did so. That went even better than she thought it would, and she was so proud of herself. Sarah Wilson could now add matchmaker to her resume.
"Coast is clear Barnes. You can open your eyes now."
(Y/N) had no idea what she had metaphorically walked into just minutes earlier, entering that very revealing conversation with her overly inquisitive host.
What drew Sarah to come down that morning was the sounds of both the front porch door opening and the smell of homemade waffles wafting up the stairs. As she entered the kitchen she was met with two sights. One being (Y/N), facing the counter and looking very smiley, the other being a wide awake super soldier who was just laying on the couch and staring at her, the sole object of his affection. Sarah could work with this.
Every time (Y/N) turned back in his direction, Bucky would close his eyes and pretend to be asleep again. He had never slept so soundly, so peacefully, thoughts of (Y/N) and his new friends filling his nightmare free dreams.
He'd initially woken to (Y/N) ushering the boys outside because she was afraid they would wake him up. He didn't want to disappoint her by proving her right. Besides, he liked just watching her move around the kitchen, completely unaware he was observing her the whole time. He had no idea about the conversation that was just about to happen.
After (Y/N) had left and Sarah had confirmed so, Bucky sat himself up, his body shaking with adrenaline and a look of complete shock fixed on his face. Had he definitely woken up, or had the whole thing been a part of his dream? Did (Y/N) seriously just admit that she was in love with him?
Bucky didn't know how to react, didn't know what to say as he looked up at a smug Sarah from his spot. All he'd ever wanted was for (Y/N) to feel the same way about him as he did about her. Now he knew that she did.
"You're welcome by the way."
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dripping-starlight · 2 years
A new life
Note, Alright Chapter 3!!! We have a small Azriel Pov which I'm really happy about! I'm going to keep it short, I've edited this chapter and the other two so I'd suggest going back and just skimming through them, I didn't make any major changes but re-wrote some small things just to make stuff a bit more clear, but if you don't want to go back you'll be absolutely fine either way. Azriel and Zephyra are obviously mates. They won't figure it out til much later though since they're young and have never really had time in their life to actually think about a potential mate and that kind of future. Words, 1174
Chapter I, Chapter II, Chapter III, Chapter IIII
”Gods, she has white wings.” he breathed as he entered his room. He wasn’t really surprised about the wings other than the fact that they were white. He hadn’t thought about it when he first saw her since she’d been running. When it was clear that she was half Illyrian he’d at least considered it but to see them. He thought he was going to die right there and then. White. White wings. Never before had he heard about anything like it. He understood why she’d kept them a secret they weren’t clipped either.
But wings. The question at hand was just exactly how powerful she was though, if she was able to hide them from the world she had to be strong. He hadn’t known about her mother, of course, none of them did, Asteria maybe. But who she was, or been. Unknown, for now. They’d grown close to each other, that much was sure. Cassian didn’t know about her though he’d talk his head off about it if he had known.
He’d guessed it though, her mother's death, it wasn’t hard to figure out. Almost all bastard Illyrians were left without a mother, it was rare for them to survive the birth, and if they did the father normally finished the job.
When he had seen her up there on the roof she’d looked ethereal, like a fallen star. She was breathtaking, that much was obvious. He didn’t understand it. The pull he felt towards her, the need to be close. He had almost lost it when she walked right into him on the stairs, trying to hold onto her for as long as possible. As if he needed her to breathe. When he'd finally pulled himself together and let go, he felt as if a piece of him was left there with her. Every time she laughed with the others he felt as if his heart would burst. Never understanding why. Why would this one female have such an effect on him? Never before had something like this happened?
”Gods.” He breathed out again.
You woke up to a heavy feeling right next to your body, opening your eyes lying next to you was no other than Asteria, smiling as if she knew about something she shouldn’t.
You sat up, ”What?” You asked her rather reluctantly.
”You were gone last night.” She practically sang, believing she’d stumbled upon some huge secret.
You wouldn’t have to lie, just avoid bringing up Azriel, for both of your sake.
You answered her carefully, ”Yeah… I was on the roof, I needed to see the stars.” Her face fell, you’d told her about your mother and you were pretty sure she realized it’d been last night.
”You could have woken me up y’know.” She took your hand as you laid back down on the bed.
”Yeah I know, but I think I needed to do this by myself, it’s always been just me, after it was me and her. So I think it needed to be just the two of us again. At least this time.” You looked at your friend smiling slightly. Suddenly Asteria’s stomach rumbled, you burst out laughing.
”C’mon it’s time for breakfast and we better get down there before Cassian eats it all.” She laughed as she hauled you out of bed.
Once you were in the kitchen the others were there, except for Azriel. You weren’t surprised, it was rare to see him at breakfast. Cassian as usual was shovelling food into his mouth, grinning as the two of you came over and sat down.
After a while, Azriel came down the stairs, briefly locking eyes with you across the table as he sat down next to Rhys. As far from you as possible. Some part of you hurt seeing him so far away. It was weird, to say the least. The pull you felt towards him.
Asteria nudged you in the side whispering, ”What was that?”
You almost choked on your coffee before you managed to breathe back a, ”Nothing, what are you talking about.”
She just looked at you with a raised brow, ”Sure, nothing.” She mused smiling mischievously. Fuck.
Everyone except for Azriel was eating and laughing, savouring the last of the time they had together before Asteria would go back to Velaris. He kept looking over at you. When he thought that no one would notice. You did though, feeling whenever his eyes were upon you.
”Zeph, are you sure you don’t want to go back to Velaris with me?” Asteria pleaded, grabbing onto your arm. Further down the table, you could hear someone choke as cutlery hit the plate rather harshly.
Everything went quiet as Rhys started patting Azriel’s back, ”Cauldron, Az are you okay?”
”Yeah I’m fine, sorry.” He rasped before he looked up at you. It was only for a second, which was all you needed to make your choice.
”I think I’m staying. I’m not ready to leave the Illyrian camps just yet. Maybe next time?” You looked away from Azriel diverting your attention to Asteria.
She just smiled at you, ”Yeah that’s alright I understand, it’s only for three months either way. Mother will probably let me visit—” She beamed at everyone. It was clear that she’d prefer to stay if she could. You would have liked it better too, ”—besides, you’ll be pretty busy here anyways.” She chimed. It was Cassian’s turn to choke on his food having caught the looks between you and Az and the tone Asteria used.
At that moment her mother entered the room, ”Cassian dear, you have to actually chew your food, we’ve talked about this before —.” You laughed at this. Everyone did, even Azriel smiled. It wasn’t hard to see where Asteria got her sarcasm from. She was identical to her mother in every way, a bit bolder maybe, considering her lack of a filter. ”— I’m sorry to break up this merry gathering but Asteria darling, it’s time to go. Now the rest of you take care of each other, make sure to look after Zephyra. I have a feeling that you might get a visit from the lord of Ironcrest. If you do, you tell him that she belongs to our family now, and if he has something to say about that he can take it up with the high lord of the night court himself.” She smiled.
Reaching her hand out at her daughter, Asteria got up and bid everyone goodbye before she took her mother's hand and left through the front door.
The room went quiet after that. It was as if a light had disappeared from the world. ”So let’s say that the worst thing possible actually happens and your father does come here, what’s he like Zeph?” Cass exclaimed cheerfully looking at you, making Rhys snort.
You stared him dead in the eye as you drawled, ”Oh he’s delightful, you’ll love him.” Smiling sweetly.
"I'm sure I will—" Cassian looked you in the eyes, "—Witch."
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johnsamericano · 3 years
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『 ‎ ‎لąҽհվմղ / ᎠҽӀմʂìօղ 』
warnings: mental illness implied, hallucinations, meds, aggressive jaehyun, implied sexual relations.
taglist: @nakamotocore @jisooapproved @la-ra-rumi @winwiniee @yijiujiujiu @nctlovesme
loveholic masterlist.
That's what Jaehyun hated the most in the world, lies.
He hated the way you'd smile at him during class, only to pretend he wasn't even there as soon as you exited the room. It wasn't fair. He wanted to confront you, wanted to ask for an explanation for your uninterested attitude, but anytime he'd try, words got stuck in his throat, choking him uncomfortably.
Jaehyun wasn't sure when his interest in you began growing. He was never one to have secret crushes, so then, why you? What made you special enough for him to like you?
The answer came one lucky day when the professor paired you up together for a project. While people usually whined when being put in the same team with someone other than their friends, you seemed all but annoyed, smiling with your white, pearly teeth and waving at him as if he were your very best friend.
“Guess you’re stuck with me.” It was his first time speaking to you, beads of sweat collecting on his upper lip. “Jaehyun, right?”
He hated small talk almost as much as lies. Almost. But when it came to you, he could do it all day long if it meant listening to your delightful voice. All of his pent-up frustrations scattered as you started planning your schedule to work on the project. He’d only hum in approval, still too shy to speak to you.
“So tomorrow's okay with you?” Your head was tilted to the side, the tender skin of your neck looking awfully tempting. He pictured himself kissing it, having you struggle under his weight while he kissed it for hours on end. “Jae?” He was pulled out of the scenario his mind was working through by a gentle hand on his wrist.
There were no mirrors nearby, but the tips of his ears were surely tinted red by now. But most importantly, his pants were becoming uncomfortably tight in his crotch area. A touch from you was all his body needed to go insane.
“Sure.” You smiled, removing your hand from its previous spot. His skin itched for more contact, but he was too shy to initiate anything. “I need to go to the restroom.”
He rushed out of the classroom with his hands in the pockets of his jeans, pushing the fabric forward to conceal his growing boner. He relieved himself inside the small cubicle, his own heavy breathing muffled under the sound of a couple doing less than appropriate things inside the following stall. Would that be you and him one day? Probably, but not quite yet.
Your kindness had no limits. That's what Jaehyun thought when you sat down to have lunch with him, the guy who no one ever liked enough to hang out with.
“Why?” He asked on the second occasion you sit with him.
“Because I like you.”
You started hanging out more often not long after that. Even after you handed in your work, you were keen on staying by his side, and he had nothing to complain about. It was as if the universe was finally smiling at him, all the times you'd ignored him after class now long forgotten. He was happier, brighter than usual. He told his roommate, the closest friend he had, about you. He was happy for Jaehyun, of course, but a feeling in his gut told him something was off.
The night before your spring break started, you invited him to a frat party. He’d never been to one, he didn't like them. But you were so insisting that he had no other choice but to oblige. The entire house smelled like sweat, alcohol, and drugs, disgusting, he thought. However, it was all worth it when he finally got to see you, tucked inside a tight dress that showed the figure you'd so thoroughly hide in baggy shirts. He approached you, wanting to greet you, but one of your friends dragged you away. He didn't mind it, the night was still young and he'd have plenty of time to be with you.
Not even five minutes later, you reappeared by his side, giving him one of your signature eye smiles.
“Having fun, pretty boy?” A light blush crept up his face, settling at the tip of his ears. “Let’s dance.”
His hands were firmly gripping your hips as you rubbed your body on his, causing a more than an obvious problem in his pants. Before his brain could register the current events happening, your lips were on his. It all felt too sudden, yet, he enjoyed the way you'd nip at his lower lip. It sent him to frenzy.
“I’m so wet, Jae.” You mumbled seductively against his fleshy pillows. “Want you to make me feel good.”
You dragged him to the closest room, increasing under his adoring gaze. You were so beautiful, and all his. The promise of your union was sealed that night, as you fell asleep between his arms after three intense rounds of pure bliss.
“Jaehyun?” He felt someone shaking his shoulder, it was a male voice. His arms instinctively closed tighter around your naked body to hide it from whoever was calling him, only to realize it wasn't you who was between them, but a mere pillow. “Dude, get up.” It was his roommate Johnny, picking him up after he got a call from one of the frat members. “You got so wasted yesterday, let's go, I'll take you for food.”
Wasted? He hadn't drunk anything the previous night. Nonetheless, he left the house after dressing up. He tried calling you as they waited for their waffles to no avail.
“Jaehyun, I saw your pills today in the trash bin. Have you stopped taking them?” Johnny seemed truly concerned.
“I’m better now, John. For real.” The sincerity in his words put his roommate’s heart at ease. “I found someone, I like her a lot and it seems like she does as well.”
“Dude, that's awesome. We should hang out soon, I'll invite my girlfriend.” A double date, it felt like you and Jaehyun were finally official. But the question remained, why had you left the house early in the morning?
Because you wouldn't pick up any of his calls, he had to wait until Monday to confront you. During breakfast, Johnny had crushed some of his pills and sneaked them into his eggs, you can never be too safe, he thought. And, oh boy was he right.
You were picking up your belongings from your locker, getting ready to go back home during the break.
“Hey.” He leaned against the closest wall, flashing you a dimpled smile.
“Oh, hey...Jay, right?” Was that a joke?
“Sure, whatever you want. So, my roommate wants to meet you, just let me know whenever you have time and I'll tell him. By the way...” He leaned in, lips brushing against the shell of your ears. Some curious eyes were looking at you, eager to know what was happening. “I really enjoyed that night, but it would've been better if I'd woken up with you between my arms.”
“Excuse me?” You backed away abruptly, escaping his proximity. “I think you're taking me for someone else.”
“What do you mean?”
Realization hit him like a truck. You were ignoring him yet again, but he wasn't gonna take it this time. He hated lies.
“Come with me.” He gripped your forearm, easily dragging you all the way to the janitor's closet. “You don't get to play dumb with me anymore. Stop fucking lying.” You looked like a scared little mouse about to be eaten by a cat.
“I-I’m sorry, but I'm not lying, the only time I've spoken to you was when we worked together. We haven't been in touch ever since.” Even in a situation like this, you still pretended to be kind.
“Lies.” His hands closed against your neck, slightly choking you. “I don't like them, so you better be good and tell me the truth before I do something we'll both regret.” Your eyes welled with tears as you begged for your life, his grip getting tighter with every second. “Come on, angel.”
“I’m sorry, I'm a liar!” Your air supply was running short and your only option was to say what he wanted to hear, even if it was just a lie. “Please!”
“That’s a good doll.” He let go of your bruised neck, letting you fall on your knees as you coughed. “Now, you better stop lying for your own good, are we clear?”
“Yes!” You choked out, unsure of what was happening at the moment.
“I’ll call you later, have your phone by your side.”
You had walked into a trap without even knowing it.
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bored-storyteller · 3 years
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Here we are, I hope that this meets your expectations
33 - Twisted Wonderland - Post overblot Riddle, Azul, Leona x Reader
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Sitting on Riddle's bed, you look at him with deep concern. His beautiful big eyes are deeply surrounded by a black halo on his pale skin. It's the fourth time he's come back from the bathroom, and you can't help but wonder if it's a way to try to keep himself busy so he doesn't give in to his obvious discomfort.
The fact that you are there is already a sign of discomfort. He needs you, but he doesn't want to tell you why.
"Are you unwell?" You try to ask him vague. Since the overbolt incident, Riddle seems to be increasingly out of energy despite the fact that he should instead rest as much as possible.
Unexpectedly he shakes his head, catching you by surprise in his complacency.
"You know, you have a tendency to get into trouble too often even in dreams, you should really get yourself settled."
His sour voice makes you turn up your nose. He is scolding you, and you don't understand why.
He realizes it; the realization of him crosses his silver eyes, and he gulps.
"Forgive me…" he murmurs, as his hands grip his shirt on his chest "I'm sorry… it's not your fault. Just ... you shouldn't be so close to me, after what happened."
His pupils can no longer meet you as he sits next to you.
You can't really understand, and you can't really think about what he is saying, but he comes before you.
“It often happens to me lately… to dream about something. To hurt someone ... to hurt you, without being able to do anything to stop it ..." He swallow "And every morning I'm always terrified that someone will suddenly run to me while we're having breakfast, to tell me that I ... that you ... "
He can't finish explaining, but you don't care. Under all that stiffness of him, he's such a lovely guy.
You call him softly, and gently wrap your arms around him. You hear him protest, but he doesn't have enough energy to convince himself that this isn't what he wants, and so he finds himself there, in your arms. His shining eyes close as he focuses on the warmth of your body - healthy - and the sweet beat of your heart.
With closed lips, he lightly intones a gentle lullaby, trying to relax the little great leader who now seems so fragile, so scared of losing you, because of him.
"I would really like to protect you, you know?" His murmur is dictated by sleep, that sleep that relieves the filters and leaves the deepest thoughts free.
"You do ..." You answer reassuringly, as you stroke his hair, enjoying his protective arms squeezing you.
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"You should really go to sleep."
You say, staring at the Octavinelle leader's shoulders hunched over his papers. You're sitting on his bed, cross-legged, while he insists on staying awake.
The Leach twins had informed you of the troubling situation, and tonight you decided that you would get to the bottom of it, whether he wanted it or not.
"I still have a lot of work to do ..." he replies he absently, but you recognize the voice broken by fatigue.
The problem is clearly one: Azul doesn't want to sleep.
Since he went into an overbolt state he has evidently had some problems that had affected his health.
"Azul… please. You're weakening, you shouldn't ... "
"Shut up!" He interrupts you with a scream that is a little too violent and that really makes you shut up. Now that he looks at you, you see how battered his face is.
As if he had suddenly woken up from a dream he gets up from his chair: "Sorry-!" He exclaims, then taking a deep breath and clearing his throat, to regain his composure "I meant, forgive me."
You frown slightly, almost pouting: "Azul ... you're ruining yourself."
He just snorts, but he surrenders to you, sitting next to you. Evidently he has reached the limit.
"I've long been ruined, you know." He says explanatory, and you would like to contradict him, but he immediately interrupts you: "Don't say no. I am obviously a danger, and you are tremendously good at putting yourself in danger." A hand of his painfully passes through his hair, now free from the typical hat.
"I can not sleep. I don't want to sleep, because if I sleep ... I remember how much I could ... I can hurt you."
You are surprised. He must have really suffered so much to get to surrender in this way, to open up like this, even with you.
"Azul ..." You call him softly, but before he can react you are already on him, your arms around his chest. You both fall on the bed, and you hear him groan under your weight.
"What are you-??"
"Sssh!" You stop him, now it's your turn to speak.
You slowly slide to the side, and as you do this you move slightly higher. His head can now lean against you, hide against your neck, protective. You caress him softly, lull him against you.
"Don't say absurd things, Azul. Who would get me out of trouble if you weren't there? " Ask, as your chin rests on his fair hair.
He stiffens, for a moment he seems almost frightened, but then you hear him sigh, relaxing.
"You're so good at messing around ..." He murmurs, but you're sure he's smiling against your neck, as his finally placid arms hug you, in the sleep he is slowly taking with you.
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The painful moan makes you jump in your seat.
Sitting on the parapet of the balcony of the room owned by the leader of the Savanaclaw, you can see Leona lying on his bed belly up. His arms spread wide on the mattress, his chest rising and falling too quickly, his emerald eyes fixed on the ceiling with a sheen of terror in them.
"Leona ..." You call him, closing the book you were reading in the light of the torch.
He quickly gets up into a sitting position as soon as his ears hear your voice. His eyes look for you desperately in the room, until he meets your gaze… and finally he relaxes.
"Aaah ... what are you still doing here?" He asks in a gasp as he rubs his palms against his face until his hair are gripped in his fingers.
You stayed with him because everyone realized that after the overbolt incident the prince was no longer well, and Ruggie was sure he heard him complain at night.
"Leona ... where is the problem? You can't sleep ... it's not like you. "
"You know well that I sleep out of desire and not out of need." He snaps, but at least his gaze finally meets you "I don't really want to sleep lately."
"You don't even eat as usual."
"Did you become my mother?" He asks in a snarl, but then sighs, compliant, letting himself fall back on the mattress.
You dare to approach and sit next to him, and he doesn't stop you.
You are both silent for a while, and when you think there is no way to break his barrier, he speaks.
"I don't want to hurt you, you know this, right? Even if I growl, I threaten to eat you, or reduce you to dust ... I would never want to hurt you. "
The exposure of him surprises you. You curl up on the pillow, your back against the wall and Leona's head lies right next to your knees: "I know." You mutter, daring to reach out to stroke his ear. He doesn't threaten to bite you, only he turns his face to you.
"At night ... I often wake up imagining the smell of your blood in my nostrils ... on my hands. I hate it, it makes me want to throw up. "
He must have really come to the limit to confess such a thing, you know.
Your fingers don't stray from his hair; you gently massage his temples, brush his forehead, caress his cheeks.
"I hurt Ruggie... It could have happened to you, and I-"
"You would be a good king." You interrupt him. He looks at you dazed, and you continue: "You would be a good king, if only your mirror neurons weren't so atrophied. And if you knew what diplomacy is."
He snorts, but in that snort you can hear the hint of laughter: "It's your mirror neurons that make you so stupid as to stay here." He murmurs as his weary eyelids drop, and his head snuggles into your lap as his strong arm encircles your waist, anchoring the prince away from his nightmares.
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classysassy9791 · 3 years
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Fandom: Inuyasha Genre: Romance/Humor/Fluff Pairing: InuKag Rating: T
The conclusion for this little fic that has waited 6 years for completion. Hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think!
Thank you to @akitokihojo for being such a stellar beta for this fic, and helping it come to its completion. Couldn't have done it without you!
For @inukag-week Day 6: Transformation.
Part 1 l Part 2 l Part 3 l
Part 4 Word Count: 2,000
Can also be found on FFN and AO3
It had been a very long time since Kagome had experienced a hangover.
The buzzing in her brain soon became too much to ignore as it beckoned her to consciousness. She opened her eyes to the dimly lit room. Sunlight peeking from beneath the closed curtains indicated it was daytime and she silently thanked herself for being smart enough to close them before leaving her apartment the evening before.
Kagome wrapped the duvet around herself and tried to grasp a hold on the fleeting darkness of unconsciousness. She knew nothing would cure a hangover except time, and she would rather spend it floating through dreamless sleep than deal with the repercussions head-on. Waves of nausea added to her misery and she could faintly smell whiskey with each exhale - a scent that was intoxicating last night, yet this morning it only caused her stomach to twist further.
Her phone pinged with a message, but she didn't dare even try to reach for it, the annoyingly bright glare of her phone not exactly something she wanted to sabotage herself with. As the minutes passed by, she became more acutely aware of her brain feeling like it would swell beyond the capacity of her skull, and her dehydration became too obvious to ignore. Her tongue felt like cotton as she licked her dry, cracked lips. Damn, why did the morning after always have to remind her of what a bad decision the night before was?
She squinted and finally set her gaze on her nightstand. A surprising wave of relief washed over her. Drunk Kagome must have had an intelligent moment, for on her nightstand stood a bottle of painkillers and a glass of water. As quickly as she dared, she propped herself up on one elbow, trying to ignore the slight spin of the room, before greedily popping two pills and finishing the water. Even so, her thirst was far from quenched.
As Kagome tried to sort through her memories of the night before, she quickly registered that she had no memory of coming home last night. The last, clear recollection she could come up with had her sitting at the bar with Inuyasha and sharing a shot with the bartender.
"Shit," she groaned, hanging her head before precariously pulling her legs from beneath her blanket. Blacking out from drinking had been a favorite past time of hers back in her early college days. It wasn't because she didn't know her own limits when it came to being intoxicated, but back then, she simply didn't care. Drinking had been her favorite vice when it came to dealing with the pressures of school, boyfriends, and girl drama. It had been years since she had felt the need to get obliterated so completely.
Finally finding her courage, Kagome reached over and unlocked her phone. The red battery sign at the top meant it was almost dead, so she quickly scrolled through all the alerts on her phone. There had been way too many messages and missed calls from Hojo, which triggered the memory of the picture she had sent him. Her nausea increased ten-fold. Regret was a spiteful bitch.
Hojo was going to be the afternoon's problem. Maybe even tomorrow's problem. All Kagome knew was that it wasn't going to be a now problem.
Kagome plugged in her phone and once she was on her feet, the room swayed, almost causing her to lose balance. She stumbled out into the hallway to her bathroom to relieve herself. When she finished, she washed her hands and splashed cold water on her face just to feel something refreshing. The person's face who greeted her in the mirror no longer resembled the glamorous girl of the night. Only a woman's face awash with guilt, a wrinkled set of pajamas, and hair that was far from attractive.
From the other end of the apartment, Kagome suddenly heard a key turning in her front door. Immediately, she felt panic rise in her throat, eyes going wide. No one had a key to her apartment, not even Hojo, so unless she had been robbed last night - which she very may well have considering she had very little memory of it - no one should be coming over.
She swallowed thickly against her cotton throat and grabbed the first weapon at her fingertips - a plunger. Yeah, she wasn't winning any awards for being clever, but she was hungover and scared for her life.
Kagome crept down the hallway toward the front door and nearly lost her breath at who she saw standing in her entryway. The man from the bar last night - Inuyasha? - was making his way to her kitchen with a carrier filled with coffee and a bag from her favorite breakfast joint down the block.
"Good morning," he greeted casually, not at all thrown off by her presence as he set down his packages on the counter. "I brought you breakfast."
Rage and astonishment swelled in her chest. "What the fuck are you doing in my apartment?!"
He winced and held his hands over his ears before turning to glare at her. "If you could wait until after eight in the morning to start yelling, I'd really appreciate it."
"You didn't answer my question," she seethed, wide eyes sweeping the rest of the apartment for evidence as to what exactly happened last night?!
Inuyasha studied her from across the room and laughed at her dumbfounded expression. "Did you think I was a burglar or something? What's with the plunger?"
Kagome looked down at the plunger she held in his direction like a sword, and felt a blush bloom across her cheeks. She hurriedly hid it behind her back. "W-What was I supposed to think?"
He simply rolled his eyes. "Do you want breakfast or not?"
She bit her lip, but couldn't deny the ravenous hunger eating away at her stomach. Probably half the reason why she was so nauseous. Without saying another word, she slipped back into the bathroom to put away her weapon before meeting him in the kitchen. The sweet aroma of coffee and fresh bagels greeted her. She could've kissed him all over again.
"I didn't know how you liked your coffee, so I got cream and sugar just in case."
Kagome slowly sat down in the chair across from him, watching him slather some cream cheese on his bagel and drink his black coffee. She racked her brain as to exactly why Inuyasha was in her apartment, and then flashes of the night before came rushing back, of sloppy passionate kisses and tangled sheets.
Her heart dropped to her stomach.
Inuyasha studied the array of emotions that flickered across her face while he slowly chewed his bite of bagel and then swallowed. "Kagome, how much do you remember of last night?"
She bit her lip, shameful eyes lifting to his. "Um, well…" Her gaze fell to her person, realizing she was no longer wearing the sequined black dress she had gone out in. All the evidence pointed to a girl she wanted no relation to, making decisions that were very, very regrettable.
"We didn't sleep together."
Kagome's eyes flew to Inuyasha's, his deep voice quelling her fears. "We-We didn't?"
Amber eyes watched her carefully before turning back to his bagel. "No, we didn't. I'm not the kinda guy who beds a girl when she's drunk. Not my style."
A breath Kagome didn't know she had been holding escaped her lips. She had never been the type of girl to have one-night-stands. Her friends always teased her about it, but it was something she prided herself in. Having sex with someone wasn't something she did on a whim. She wanted to know she meant more to someone than an easy lay.
Her brows furrowed as she sipped on her coffee. "If we didn't sleep together, then why are you here?" she questioned. It would've been one thing if she had woken up with a naked man in her bed and kicked him out because of sheer embarrassment. It was another thing entirely that a man she didn't sleep with would bring her breakfast in the morning.
Inuyasha shrugged. "I was too tired to get another ride home last night, so I slept on your couch."
Kagome glanced over the breakfast bar to see a blanket and pillow on her couch as evidence that it had been occupied the night before.
"You know, you probably shouldn't drink so much."
She threw him a glare. "Did I ask for your judgement?"
He shrugged. "I'm just sayin'. Letting a stranger take you home because you're too drunk isn't exactly attractive."
Kagome scoffed. "Oh, thanks for the help," she snipped sarcastically. "What would I've done without you?"
Inuyasha grinned. "Probably throw a party to celebrate my absence."
"Probably, yeah," she hotly agreed. "I would've been just fine on my own."
She frowned, flashes of last night starting to come back. They had been two heartbroken strangers in a bar who found comfort in their shared misery. Under the neon flashing lights and upbeat techno music, they gravitated toward one another like moths to a flame. But by morning they had transformed; she no longer represented the alluring woman who bewitched him, and he no longer appeared as the mysterious man who captivated her.
Now, she was simply Kagome Higurashi - a woman who was dumped by her fiance and had a mile-long to-do list regarding cleaning up their frayed relationship. And he was simply Inuyasha.
Kagome inwardly cringed. She didn't even know his last name. Or what he did for work. Or anything about him really.
Just fucking great.
"Look, Inuyasha," she began, setting down her coffee. "I appreciate everything you, er, did for me, but-"
"When we're done here, we should go on a real date."
Her mouth fell open. "What?"
Inuyasha shrugged. "Why not?"
"You have got to be joking," Kagome said while shaking her head. "One-night stands are literally just for one night, and we definitely would not work out."
He grinned. "Damn. That's a quick deduction there."
Kagome blushed. "I just mean that, last night… it was great and all, but…"
"It's daytime and the whole world's changed?" Inuyasha finished for her.
She sighed and looked away. He was right. Things were different. Last night didn't happen often for her, and bringing home a guy to her apartment never happened. If it were up to her, she'd stuff last night in a box as a precious memory and then forget it ever happened.
"I'm not saying I'm over Kikyou."
Kagome met his gaze. His eyes locked onto her, and held not an ounce of mirth. He was serious about this. He wanted to see if this could become something.
"And I doubt you're over your ex-fiance," he continued. "But, last night was fun. You're different and piss me off to no end-"
"Is that supposed to be a compliment?" she asked with narrowed eyes.
He sighed and after a moment finally stood up. "Look. You seem like a great girl. But I'm not one to beg. Thanks for the couch." Slipping his phone into his back pocket, he turned to leave.
"Inuyasha, wait!" Kagome called as she chased after him.
Dammit. This guy was so infuriating! He insulted her, and called her names, and angered her enough to make her slap him upside the head. But he also made her laugh, and feel alive, and made her want to kiss him again and again.
She couldn't deny that she wanted to see him again.
Grabbing his elbow, she made him stop in his tracks and look over his shoulder at her. "What?"
"This…" she started, fumbling for the right words. "This is never going to work. You and I."
He gave her a lopsided smile. "I'll pick you up at six."
And then he was gone, closing the door behind him.
Within a moment of him leaving, Kagome realized something: Meeting Inuyasha was either going to be the best luck she ever had, or the very worst. At least, on the bright side, he had already witnessed her at her lowest.
How bad could it be?
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Serva me, Servabo te
save me and I will save you
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pairing: photographer!Taehyung x f.reader
genre: angst, slight enemies to lovers, slow burn, lil spooky, lil fluffy
word count: 7.7k | reading time: 40 min
chapter summary: perhaps staying close is going to be better
warnings: as always a little spooky house and a little twist
All chapters | Masterlist | Read on AO3
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Chapter 4: Meticulous chaos
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You didn't want Taehyung to be the first thing you thought about when you woke up, yet he was. Probably because you woke up due to noises coming from another room, and you must have subconsciously connected that to the only other person living there with you. Nevertheless, there you were, lying in bed with your eyes fixed on the ceiling but only seeing the face of a pretty boy. You shook your head. See, this is why you didn't want to stay there with him. This is why you didn't want to spend too much time around him; because you can easily get used to it.
Because when you looked through your clothes to pick what to wear, the idea of him seeing you in that outfit crossed your mind and surely affected your choice. Because when you kept hearing noises from around the house, you couldn't help but wonder what he was up to. And because you worried about how it was your turn to cook, as if there was a dire need to impress him. When you hopped down the staircase, you walked around the rooms with a clear intention of spotting him. He wasn't in the kitchen, nor the hallways. Not in the sitting room either, that solely boasted its fireplace with a strong flame.
That fire was almost out last night. Yet there it was, dancing about as if it was immortal.
You headed back to the kitchen after your small search was proved fruitless. Even though you had thought you wouldn't have to eat again for the rest of the week after the feast you had the previous night, your stomach was tight from hunger. There was, of course, the easy solution of buttering up some toast along with all the toppings the Manor provided. But Taehyung had gone out of his way to make pancakes for the two of you, it would be a weak admission of defeat to settle for less. You chewed on your lower lip as you investigated the cupboards for ideas; it almost felt like you had put yourself in a competition no one had asked for. A competition that you were doomed to fail, considering the skill Taehyung had displayed in the field already. But if he had to brag about making his hook-ups fall for him through breakfast, you had to at least try to go against him, didn't you?
And then you saw the perfect item: a pudding mix. All you had to do was add milk and bring it to a boil, no extravagant cooking talent needed. And you'd get nice little bowls of vanilla cream that not only would be a unique breakfast but would also fit the aesthetic of the Victorian house and appear as intricate as his pancakes. He didn't have to know it was actually an instant mix.
The wooden floors from upstairs kept making loud noises while you stirred the cream in the flower garnished pot. It almost sounded like he was moving around furniture, but why? You tried to take your mind off him -he had been in there too long, you thought- and finished up your breakfast, serving four small balls. The pudding smelled absolutely delicious but was still steaming, so you opened a window and put two of the bowls out to help them cool down faster since you were impatient to eat. The yellow pot had gained a couple of dark spots at the bottom, a clear sign that you hadn't stirred the milk as much as you should have. You went straight to rubbing it, hoping to fix it, while you noticed the noises had died down and you assumed the other man would walk into the kitchen any time now.
Then you heard the obvious sound of the front door closing. You dropped the pot. Where was he going? Without eating breakfast? Without even saying a "good morning"?
"Tae?" you found yourself calling out. Then you cleared your throat. "I mean... Kim Taehyung?"
There was just silence. You looked out the window but he wasn't in the garden. A sort of itch bothered your right hip, something like curiosity, or even affection for the man, that you had buried and embodied deep in your gut. An itch that acted up when you decided to ignore your thoughts of him once again and go back to scrubbing that pot.
But then the unmistakable sound of the door was heard again. You froze and bit your lip, trying to stop yourself from calling out his name again. However, you couldn't stop the way your head slowly turned towards the door, peeping from the corner of your eye at the hallway, waiting. You heard the footsteps, then you saw just the tip of his shoe before you jerked your head back forward. You wouldn't be caught watching the door, waiting for him to enter. That would be embarrassing.
"Something smells delicious." His voice was husky, his tone lower than normal, as if that sentence was the first one he had spoken that day. Which could very easily be the case.
Your eyes ran to his form the moment you deemed to be safe, and even though you knew who you would see, you still didn't expect the exact sight and ended up smiling sheepishly. Taehyung's somewhat long and curly hair was falling over and under a pair of clear glasses that hung low on his nose, poking at his eyes, looking like he had just woken up and hadn't even run one hand through it. His head was tilted back so that he could stare at you from under his locks, and his jaw was slightly turned to the side as he was probably biting his tongue. Lips and cheeks a soft pink; long fingers stroking his chin. His hair tucked behind his ears made them stand out, along with his thick neck that was framed by a short turtleneck he was wearing.
All that and your eyes hadn't even traveled further down yet.
"Hey," you simply said, your voice small, barely escaping your tight throat.
How could a man look so good in such a sight of sloppiness and untidiness?
"Hey," he rasped, let his arm fall to his side, and smiled at you. He had his camera hanging from his neck and hovering over his stomach. One hand in a pocket of his dark jeans, and a jacket on. Took two steps closer while keeping his eyes to the ground. "Did you cook something? What's the smell?"
"Yeah, breakfast," you responded and gave up on the pot you were cleaning altogether, washing your hands to turn to him. You swallowed hard when you realized Taehyung was standing right in front of you, close enough that you had to look up to see his face, yet far enough to not guarantee a complaint. And there you were again, almost uncomfortable just by existing around him. Though this time it was a different kind of uncomfortable. Something that derived from a sense of comfort that you, but mostly he, displayed right now. You couldn't quite place what it was.
"What kind of breakfast?"
"Vanilla pudding." You noticed his eyebrows rise under his fringe.
"Sounds nice." He gave you a smirk. "Didn't think you'd do that for me." He tilted his head to the side, trying to make you look at him, but you avoided eye contact.
"Don't worry, princess, it's not because of you." You bit the inside of your cheek, regretting immediately having called him that, even if it was his own words you were using against him. And the silence that followed for a heartbeat made you grow with worry.
But then Taehyung laughed. Loudly. He pulled away, swinging his feet towards the island with his back turned to you, clearly enjoying your remark. Enjoying the air in the room, the entire moment and interaction between the two of you, so casually, as if it was all going according to a plan he had made.
And then you realized. There was something in his aura that had changed. Looked a lot like the one he exuded when you first met him. Yeah, those past couple of days he had been walking around as if he was sorry he was taking up space. Now he was walking around as if he knew he could seduce you just by standing next to you. He probably wasn't wrong. Yoonji had said the fact that Taehyung was attractive made the whole situation of being stuck with him there easier, but you were certain it was the exact opposite. Just how attractive that man was, was starting to make staying there with him so, so difficult.
"Uh, well... I had breakfast hours ago when I woke up but- I'll indulge in some pudding since you made it," Taehyung murmured, leaning on the counter with his elbows and looking you up and down as if he was talking about eating something else.
You frowned a bit as you processed his words, along with his outfit. "Where have you been?"
He grinned in a way you knew he had been waiting for you to ask. Then he took the camera off his neck and placed it on the table. "Actually, I thought I'd go find that fairy ring you talked about."
"You've been out?"
"Yeah, I took the mushroom trail you said you took, the one in the tour guide. But I didn't find it."
"You've been out all morning?" you insisted.
"Yeah, I told you. But I didn't find any mushrooms. Like, how far into the woods did you go? I was walking for half an hour and I still hadn't found a single mushroom."
You stared blankly out the windows. "That's weird, when I went, the path was filled."
"Weird, huh?" he mumbled. He hummed and looked around a bit before he turned his attention back on you and your frozen stare. "How many days do mushrooms live? Maybe I was too late?"
"So, you just got home? You were out up until now?" you asked again.
Taehyung frowned. "Yeah, I already told you. Why do you keep asking?" His frown deepen when you didn't answer. When you just kept looking off at nothing like a statue. "Amy? Why, what happened?" he asked concerned, something in your expression not sitting right with him.
Finally, you looked at him. The inner corners of your eyebrows turned upwards as you took a deep breath. "I... I've been hearing... noises."
He pushed away from the counter and walked closer to you. If he did that to make you feel more protected, or himself, you didn't know. "What do you mean? What kind of noises?"
You shrugged, still staring at him without even blinking. "I don't know, just- noises. From upstairs. I thought it was you."
You felt his right palm fold nicely around your left elbow, a touch you almost didn't register right away. He didn't speak immediately, nor did you. Perhaps because there was only one thing that crossed both of your minds, yet neither of you wanted to admit it. It was foolish, wasn't it? You were adults. Adults don't believe in those kinds of things. So you kept quiet, looking with wide eyes and searching in each other what was proper to say. Because you wouldn't profess what you really wanted to say.
Perhaps that is the most adult thing you could ever do; not admit your true thoughts and feelings.
"It's an old house," the photographer was the first one to speak, starting a sentence even he didn't know the ending. "Sometimes it just makes old house noises."
"What are old house noises?"
"Maybe it's just the pipes."
"Yeah, that's what they always say," you snorted. "In horror movies!"
And then Taehyung laughed. With the hand that was on your arm, he ruffled your hair like you were some kind of adorable kid making up stories, completely invalidating your comment. I guess he chose to play the grown-up.
"Well, good thing we're not in one then, right?" he chuckled as he walked away and sat down in one of the chairs.
He was probably right. But still, how dare he pretend to be the logical one and insinuate you weren't. You rolled your eyes and puffed, crossing your arms over your chest.
"I mean, you never know," you grunted.
Taehyung bit his tongued visibly between his front teeth as he smirked at you. "Don't you think that if this place was haunted or something, they would advertise it as such? They'd make a lot more money that way."
"Not if it was really dangerous," you argued. "Then I think they would keep it a secret and offer the place at a great price to lure people in. Which is probably how Jimin and Yoonji could afford this in the first place."
"Ha!" Taehyung simply said in a way you couldn't tell if it was a genuine laugh or a sarcastic one. "No, Jimin is a lot richer than you think." He frowned as if scolding himself. "Motherfucker is richer than me!" he complained. "That's not fair, I'm the one who made him famous. What's a model without his photographer, huh?"
You tried not to break character, rolling your eyes back to avoid smiling. "That's beside the point. The noises?"
"Probably the housekeepers."
The truth was you hadn't thought about that, had almost completely forgotten about them. Possibly, you had even started doubting their existence; what kind of housekeepers are completely invisible?
"I didn't see them," you said. "Did you?" He shook his head in response. "Did you light the fireplace in the sitting room?" He shook his head again and you had to sigh in defeat. "Well, I guess that was them, too. Even if this house had ghosts, I doubt they'd be lighting us a fire to keep us warm."
"Or cleaning our rooms," he added with an amused grin.
You reciprocated his energy. "Unless the housekeepers are the ghosts. That would be convenient."
"Maybe that lady that was here the first day was a ghost, too. Maybe the whole Manor is run by ghosts."
You both laughed at the idea. Yeah, it was indeed ridiculous. You had to laugh.
"So... pudding?" Taehyung suggested then, pressing his lips together and motioning towards the bowls that were sitting on the counter next to you.
"Oh, right." You jumped a bit at remembering. "I have some here," you mumbled as you turned around and opened the window that put up little resistance.
You frowned at the sight. The two bowls you had placed on that window sill not long ago were still there, but...
"The bowls are only half-way full," you announced, bringing them inside while you stared at them confused the entire time.
"It's okay, I'm not that hungry."
"No, I mean they were full, then I put them outside to cool down, and now half of it is gone!"
Taehyung narrowed his eyes at you, considering how to reply for a second. "Are you suggesting I ate them somehow?"
"No!" you exclaimed, your frown deepening.
"Then what are you suggesting?"
You shook your head, exhaling. "I don't know," you said, and you really didn't. "Do you know if there's a cat or something around here?"
He humored you for a moment and thought about it. "No, actually... Haven't seen any cats. Have you?"
"Or- do you know if fairies, perchance, like pudding?"
Taehyung smiled at you and shook his head. But he didn't argue that any kind of mystical being was out of the question to be the culprit responsible for your pudding disappearing, so you guessed there could be a part of him that believed it. Or at least thought about it. And yet again was too pragmatic to admit.
"If we don't know what ate those, I suggest we just throw them away," he said eventually.
You agreed. "There's more, anyway." And with a motion, you emptied the little cream left in the bowl in the bin. The two spare bowls were still filled to the brim and warm to the touch. "But these haven't cooled down yet."
"It's okay, I prefer them hot anyway."
"You do?"
You raised your eyebrows as you grabbed two little spoons and sat down next to him. "Hm... I'd never have guessed that about you," you whispered and pushed one bowl in front of him.
He opened his mouth dramatically. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"I don't know," you said biting back a smile, shrugging too, for added effect. "You just seem like a cold guy."
Taehyung snapped his head away, his chin raised high. "I'm not cold. You just don't allow yourself to get to know me better."
"I'm talking about pudding, princess."
"Stop calling me princess!"
"You first."
A small battle of stares and smirks ensued between the two of you before he gave up and picked up his spoon. You remained, and watched, waiting for his reaction like it would be your payment. And the boy, as if he knew, dragged him movements out; dipped that little spoon in the jiggling, runny cream slowly, moving the bite close to his lips ever more so, as though he was filming a commercial. He held the spoon there long enough for you to lose your thought while staring at his lips, the deep cupid bow decorating the top. Then, finally, he tried your pudding and you had to hold your breath when he closed his eyes. Was it because it was really good, or really bad?
"Oh, that's really good."
You sighed in relief. Then snorted at his act. "Don't sound so surprised." You had a taste too and you mentally congratulated yourself. Not that you had done anything much, but he didn't know that, and the result was good enough to boast about.
"I mean-" Taehyung continued while taking another bite, "-I did notice you almost burned that pot over there, so excuse me if I am pleasantly taken aback."
You rolled your eyes and smacked his upper arm, but decided to stay silent. At least for as long as you ate. Taehyung didn't speak either, simply gave you a quick glance after every bite, almost as if he was checking you were still next to him. Next to him, so close to him... You could have easily chosen a seat farther away, but let's be honest, whether it was consciously or unconsciously done, you needed to be in as low of a proximity as possible. It felt safe.
Which is probably why you got up at the same moment as he did, walked to the sink right after him, left the kitchen, and headed down the hall right behind his steps. Taehyung didn't notice, or if he did, he didn't mention it; even if it could be a nice excuse for the teasing he loved to do. He simply stopped in front of the main staircase, looked up, then around him, and then straight to you and said:
"What are you going to do now?"
"Eh?" Were you supposed to do something other than follow him around all day? Well, damn... "Um, I don't know. What about you?" you chewed out your words.
"I wanted to continue some of my work."
You remembered what he had said the previous day. "Right... And you need the sitting room to yourself, I assume?"
He shook his head. "I don't mind sharing," he said in a near whisper.
Your chest puffed as you took in a deep breath at that, trying not to let your face light up. Then again, you couldn't see your face and you could only hope it didn't betray the way your toes curled at the thought of Taehyung implying he wanted to stay in the same room as you. The way his eyes searched your own for a reaction, however, let you know he probably hadn't detected it.
"Oh, good," you mimicked his voice. "I mean, that room is easily the coziest one here, so I'd like to do my reading there, too." You felt proud of your quick and believable excuse.
"Right." Taehyung smiled at you. "It has a lit fireplace, too, so of course we both wanna stay there," he said, basically revealing an excuse of his own.
Inarguably, those were the true reasons to stay in the sitting room. It had nothing to do with the fact that both of you were starting to think the place might be haunted or, God forbid, the fact that you craved each other's company.
Satisfied with yourselves, you jogged up the stairs with the same pace, parting ways for only a minute in order for either of you to fetch your laptop and your books respectively. Taehyung called dibs on the large armchair by the window facing south and you settled for the side of the sofa that was closest to the fireplace. That way you were opposite one another and it was not only easy, but unavoidable, slipping a glance over your work and onto the other. And, simply due to the laws of statistics, it was therefore easy and unavoidable making eye contact a few times as well. He seemed more comfortable when that happened than you, giving you his usual smirk, or even the occasional wink. You, instead, cleared your throat or pretended you were taking a break from staring at the same page all the time, rereading the same sentence.
Yet it was impossible to stop. Taehyung was like a colorful flower in a garden and you were like a starving bee; simply put, you were drawn to him. Both your eyes and mind were incapable of staying focused on your books, every few seconds drifting off across the room in search of the same image again and again: the photographer's serious face, his eyebrows naturally set in a frown, his lips moving along with his thoughts, his jaw clenching and unclenching. Despite that, you weren't upset when that wasn't what you got. You weren't upset when you were met with his smug expression instead, or his head thrown back, or his attention on the dancing flame. Sure, getting caught made your face burn disagreeably, but you were never upset.
You thought being there with him -and I am referring to the entire week- would just make your blood boil. Yet it didn't. Was it because he was acting unexpectantly nice to you, an indication of a different character than the one you were counting on? Had you simply stopped hating him so much with the passage of time? Or had you gotten used to him already? Was it a combination of all three?
Whatever it was, it was definitely causing you to appreciate his presence right now.
"What are you working on?" Right, and it was definitely helping in wanting to know more about him.
Taehyung smiled at you. "I'm editing some photos for the magazine I work for."
"Oh. The ones you took in the garden?"
His smile grew, his teeth showing. "No, no. Those were just for me." He seemed so happy with the interrogation, so happy that you were showing interest. It almost made you cower a little, but he went on right away. "These are from a photoshoot I did right before I came here."
"With Jimin?"
"No, unfortunately," he chuckled. "This one was a lot harder to work with."
You nodded to show you understood. You gave your books a glance, debating whether you should keep the conversation going or go back to silence. Not that you could focus on those books, but perhaps Taehyung could focus on his thing and you were preventing that. "What magazine do you work for?" you asked, anyway.
You choked. "Wha-" He had said it so nonchalantly you weren't sure you had heard that right. "Vogue? As in, the Vogue?"
"Vogue Korea, yes."
You laughed, shaking your head. "And you just say the magazine I work for? As if it's not a Devil wears Prada kind of situation?"
He licked his lips, his eyes running over your whole face. "What do you want me to do, brag? Isn't that the type of thing that made you dislike me in the first place?"
You raised an eyebrow at his words. "You don't even remember meeting me, how do you know the reason I dislike you?"
Taehyung tilted his face and lied back in his chair. "An assumption," he said casually. "Anyway, I thought you already knew I worked there."
Your tongue poked the inside of your cheek as you narrowed your eyes at him. "Believe it or not, Taehyungie, I didn't spend my free time looking up facts about you."
"Such a shame, I happen to like stalkers."
You snorted at his odd sense of humor, one of the things you clearly remembered about him. But the implication that he wanted to like you didn’t go by unnoticed. In fact, you had picked up on every single comment that served some type of flirting role, at first brushing it off as just the way the man is -he probably did the same to everyone- but you couldn’t help but question whether it was more than making conversation and if it had something to do with you. If, namely, he thought you were pretty or liked you enough to toy with you that way. It didn’t sound improbable.
“How does someone like you get a job at a place like that?” you asked again, seeing you had room to annoy him further with your questions. He didn’t seem exactly eager to get back to editing.
“Someone like me?”
“You know what I mean,” you said, rolling your eyes.
“Do I?” he asked again, but raised his eyebrows in a way you knew he was more entertained than offended.
“You’re so young.”
“Touché. Well, um…” He placed his laptop on the coffee table and leaned closer. “I made a video with Jimin and I in it as my last project in college, and then when I uploaded it on Instagram it went kind of viral. That way I was able to find a job right after I graduated, meanwhile, my follower count kept growing. Jimin gained traction too, and when he was scouted as a model for a commercial, he asked that I be his photographer. We’ve been working together ever since.”
You nodded along. You knew parts of that story, like how Jimin started his modeling career, but you had never considered it from Taehyung’s point of view.
“And Vogue?” you questioned.
He shrugged casually. “Started working there about half a year ago, when Jimin had a photoshoot for the magazine. They offered me a two-year contract.”
You hummed in response. You knew Taehyung was not doing bad in terms of his career, but you had never grasped just how good of a career that was. In your head, you thought of him on the same level as some random influencer; simply had a cute face and a few million followers online. But he seemed to be on his way to becoming one of the greatest photographers in our days, given the exponential growth of his fame in just some years.
And you… You were staying in an old house alone with this celebrity. It should be overwhelming, and it was, but not for that reason.
“Wow. It had never dawned on me just how big you and Jimin are,” you mumbled. “Like, how is Yoonji managing to keep such a man around, still?”
Taehyung laughed. “Yoonji is one of the coolest girls I know, of course she has Jimin. Also, I remember the man had a crush on her since day one of meeting her, and also she was one of the few people that were nice to him back then. He had a lot of bullies, you know.”
You fidgeted a little, looking away. “Even so, he could have cheated or left her for someone better,” you almost whispered. “Isn’t that what celebrities always do?”
You noticed out of the corner of your eyes that he was chewing on his bottom lip aggressively, staring at you unblinkingly. He didn’t respond. Neither to deny nor affirm your words. You cleared your throat and looked around the room, spotting the grandfather clock next to the door, and decided to change the subject.
“When should we have lunch?”
Taehyung finally looked away, picking up his laptop again and placing it on his lap. “I’m in no rush.”
You puffed your cheeks full of air. Maybe it was just an excuse to leave now, but you said: “Yeah, but making food takes a while.” You closed your books and held them tight in your arms, getting up and heading for the door. “Perhaps I should start cooking. Or, at least, see what there is to cook, I don’t know.”
You were almost out of the room when he quickly spoke up, hasting to stop you. “Hey! What… What do you think about having a picnic?”
That really caught you off guard. “A what?”
Taehyung licked his lips when you looked at him over your shoulder. “A picnic. The weather forecast says there’s going to be heavy rain from tomorrow on, and the woods seemed lovely this morning. I was thinking today might be our last chance to get outside a bit.”
You turned fully to face him, trying to digest his words. “You wanna go into the woods?”
He shrugged just one shoulder. “We could go towards the river. I mean, do you really like being in here so much right now?”
Oh, he knew you were scared of these walls. What he didn’t know, however, was that the outside sounded just as scary. Especially after something ate your pudding. What the hell was that?
“I don’t know,” you mumbled. “A picnic, though?”
“We can just get something, like, to eat, some snacks and stuff, fill up that basket in the kitchen, and go for an afternoon walk by the river,” he tried further to sell the idea to you. “It doesn’t sound too bad, does it?”
You fidgeted again. “No, it- it sounds romantic.”
“And that’s a bad thing?”
Maybe it was. You weren’t sure yet. Then again, the idea did sound nice, something that you would have definitely liked to do normally. You switched your weight from one leg to the other, back and forth, thinking about what to say. But the longer you took to respond, the more intense his look seemed to get. It put you on the spot, it prevented you from thinking straight, only making your mind focus on his eyes and the way he was waiting for your agreement. And the longer you couldn’t think straight, the harder it was, the more anxious you got.
“Fine,” you blurted out then. Why, you didn’t know. Maybe because you couldn’t think of a decent reason to say no.
You missed the way he smiled at you in favor of getting out of there quickly. You hid away in your room, no longer concerned with being alone since you had other things to keep your mind busy with. The other things being Taehyung and Taehyung alone. You tried contacting your roommate in need of some advice or a simple willing ear to listen to you, but she either was ignoring you or the signal was so bad she didn’t even get your texts. So all you were left to do was walk up and down the room, rummage through your clothes to find something to wear, sigh repeatedly while lying face down on the bed, bounce your leg and pull your hair… Nervous as if you were going on a date. Feeling funny in your stomach and you didn’t know why.
Taehyung was already in the kitchen, making a couple of sandwiches. You joined him without too much noise, packing up some crackers, some cheese, some charcuterie, some fruit. The basket was already looking deliciously full, and it was all starting to seem like a good idea, after all, ignoring the itch that was against this whole thing. You even smiled and agreed to the bottle of wine he suggested completing the meal. You covered everything up with a blanket you borrowed from a spare room and left the house with the hiking guide in your hands.
“The stream seems to be very close, only about a ten, fifteen-minute walk,” you let him know as you read the guide.
Taehyung was walking ahead of you, caring the basket he had insisted on, leaving you in charge of recognizing the path. He had his small camera with him, hanging from his shoulder like a purse, and every now and then he stopped to take a picture of the scenery. He was right; the forest seemed inviting today. Looking around you almost couldn’t believe it was the same trees surrounding you. There was ample sunlight boring through the branches and the leaves, hitting your face gently and providing some warmth. The trail was wide and easy, making the walk enjoyable enough, something the other trail had barely offered. What you didn’t expect to find was wild, purple little flowers by the egde as if it was already springtime.
Taehyung bent down and collected every single one of them, making room for them inside the basket.
“Why are you picking flowers?” you asked.
“For you,” he simply answered.
You clicked your tongue, not quite believing him. “Seriously.”
“I just thought they’ll look good with our picnic,” he said, changing his original answer.
You hadn’t even walked ten minutes and you could already hear the running water, gentle yet loud enough to reach your ears. And then it appeared next to the trail. The river was wider than you expected and boasted the bluest waters you had ever seen. White, roundish rocks were inside and around the stream, causing it to splash onto them violently and make all the noise. It was shallow, you could easily see the bottom of it, and the trees were almost falling over it, hiding it away, giving the water its bright, turquoise color.
“There should be a bridge here,” you said, checking the guide again, while Taehyung had already placed the basket down and was taking pictures of the place.
“There is,” he said, pointing upstream without taking his eyes off his camera.
When you walked closer to him and leaned over the edge, you spotted the stone, single arched bridge that was definitely older than the Manor. Its grey stones having turned dark for the most part where the water hit. Over it, it was clear enough for you to be able to see the peaks for a couple of mountains in the background, the river probably having begun up there and gotten so far in its search for the sea.
“Here.” Taehyung’s voice pulled you from your thoughts, along with his hand that landed on your arm. He pushed you in front of him. “Stand over there.”
“Wha- why?”
“Let me take your picture.”
You stayed still, where he needed you to be, and stared at him as you felt your entire head fire up. “Me? Why would you do that?”
Taehyung just looked at you as if you were acting weird and this was something normal you did all the time. “Isn’t that what people do on vacation? Take pictures?”
“Do you not want a picture with the bridge?”
You gulped, pushing your hair behind your ear and then immediately undoing it because you knew you looked bad that way. “Alright,” you whispered. Truly, it wasn’t anything that crazy, you had your photo taken so many times before, by so many people -even strangers- and still, you had no idea what to do, how to pose. You just stood there, looking not at the camera but at the man hiding behind it.
“Right!” he called once he was done. Gave the screen a glance and nodded, satisfied with himself. “Not bad at all. Wanna see?”
He wasn’t lying. The picture was more zoomed than you expected, your face taking up most of the space and outshining the scenery, but it wasn’t bad. Apparently, your a little confused-a little awkward face appeared pretty nice through the lens. Or maybe it was all just the talent of the photographer.
“Where do you want to sit?” he asked you.
Happy to be back to occupying yourself with anything but your thoughts regarding him, you looked around and walked deeper into the path. “Let’s get closer to the bridge, there’s an opening there.”
And so you did, found some grass you could put the blanket down on right by the foot of the bridge. Taehyung gave you the piece of clothing to lay down, and right after the bouquet of flowers he had gathered. Shaking your head at his antics, you placed them on the side, by the basket. The photographer left you alone to take the food out as he got distracted by the beauty of the place again, walking right to the middle of the bridge and taking many pictures. Up the mountain, down the stream, back at you and your little picnic set.
You arranged all your food on the two plates that proved themselves too small for everything, keeping the sandwiches along with the bottle of white wine inside the basket, two glasses on each side of the blanket. It was a nice spot, you thought. It had a nice view and the sun reached down to cover you, the wind blocked away from the forest to your left and all of it together making for a cold-free location.
“Tae,” you whined his name when he got back down there yet was still just taking pictures here and there. Pictures of nature, of the food, of you. Again. “We’re not here for a photo shoot, we’re here to eat!”
He hit himself on the head. “Oh, right. How could I forget,” he said in a teasing voice, yet put the camera away and finally sat down crossed legged in front of you. He gave you a big, boxy smile. “This is nice, isn’t it?”
You looked away, kind of not wanting to admit it, but nodded anyway. “Let’s eat,” you announced, picking up a sandwich.
Taehyung opened the wine bottle and pour both of you some. He clicked his glass onto yours and smiled at you before tasting it. And you were taken aback; that was the best white wine you had ever had.
“Hold on!” you mumbled, taking a look at the bottle to double-check the name. “This is really good!” It was a Sauvignon Blanc, but that wasn’t surprising. It must have been the specific variety because it had such an aroma, just a fruity taste, it seemed more like drinking juice than a dry wine.
“I know,” Taehyung told you. “You know, I’m not a big fan of alcohol but I always make an exception for this wine. It’s my favorite.”
“I’ve never heard of it.”
He sucked some air through his teeth. “Probably because it’s a little pricy…”
“Are you implying I’m poor?”
He laughed. “No, I’m implying I’m rich.”
You chuckled while rolling your eyes at him, too. Then you both started biting down on your sandwiches that, needless to say, were delicious, the bread soft and crunchy as if it was baked just that morning. You filled your mouth up with all other snacks as well, appreciating the combination of the wine with the cheese. Oh, and you gulped down that ambrosia-like drink so fast. One glass, then another… You couldn’t have enough.
“I swear, I’ll get too drunk to walk back home at this rate,” you chuckled as Taehyung was pouring you the third glass.
“Then I’ll carry you.”
You dismissed him with a push on the arm. He wasn’t drinking as much but was reciprocating your energy easily. Your chuckles, your jokes, your openness. He threw a grape in the air and caught it in his mouth, which in turn gave you the brilliant idea to turn this into a game. The rest of the food was all gone save for a couple of crackers, the sun was getting more golden as it was slipping downwards, the birds’ chirping getting louder and the temperature falling just enough to make you squirm.
Your brain felt fuzzy but you would argue it was in a good way. You lied down on the blanket with a giggle, folding your arms behind your head, looking at the sky. It was pink.
“We should head back before it gets too dark,” you shared your thought.
Taehyung hovered over you, enjoying your eyes instead of the view. He hummed. “I don’t want to leave yet.”
You smiled at him. “Me neither,” you admitted, and it was true. “Look at the sky!”
He glanced up just as a flock of birds flew over, making him decide to grab his camera one more time. As he was too busy to notice, you let yourself look at him. Stare at him. He blended so well with the artistry of nature, you thought. And he was acting so nice lately, he was making you feel so nice. You knew that meant you were letting your icy cold walls break down in front of him, but at the moment you didn’t have the mental strength to stop that.
“Can I take a picture of you just like that?” he asked when he turned to you again.
You didn’t flinch, you didn’t cower away. You just grinned and let him. The man hovered over you again, hiding his face behind the lens, and you kept giving him the brightest beam you had to offer. Not because you suddenly knew how to pose; it came effortlessly. Taehyung stood up to photograph you from farther away, then got back on his knees and literally crawled to you. Your expression couldn’t help but get more and more serious, the closer and closer he got. Kneeling next to your hip and holding himself up with an arm next to your head, you heard his camera snap a couple more times, and he was so close to you now you felt like there was barely enough space to breathe.
“Tae…” you purred in an attempt to bring his attention back on earth, feeling like he had drifted away somewhere.
He heard you, and with one last snap, he pulled the camera away from his face. You couldn’t have predicted how much worse that would be; how much worse it was to be looking at his eyes -his lips when he licked them- instead of an inanimate object. And he was, oh, so close.
He smiled at you sweetly and completely dropped the camera next to you but still didn’t move an inch. Perhaps he was even getting closer as he used both hands to trap you under him- you didn’t know, you couldn’t fully understand.
“You know, Amy, I’m really glad we came here,” he spoke, his voice as low as it was that morning, basically resonating in a whole different frequency, nearly hard to be registered by a human ear.
You pressed your lips together as you gave him a curt nod. “Yeah, the picnic was a good idea.” He wasn’t even touching you but you felt like you couldn’t move. Why couldn’t you move? Why didn’t he move?
He licked his lips again and pushed his glasses up his nose with his middle finger. “I mean- hmm…” his voice vibrated in his throat. ”I’m glad we both came to this Manor. It’s better that you’re here.”
You had to bite your lower lip and your legs pressed well together. “Uh, yeah…” you said, clearing your throat immediately after. “I’m glad you’re here, too. To be frank, it would have been very boring if I was staying here alone.”
He licked his lips a third time- what the hell? Was he doing it on purpose, solely to keep your attention on them? Or had he always been doing it and you were just noticing now? Noticing because your eyes were on his lips anyway.
“I’m good company, then?” he chirped.
“You’re not terrible.”
Taehyung chuckled. You noticed his eyes traveling down your body with an amused smirk. “You’re not so bad yourself, princess.”
The way the nickname rolled off his tongue made your stomach do a flip. It wasn’t like all the other times he used it to make fun of you. Or maybe it was, but this time you liked it. Maybe you were too tipsy, or too lost in the moment, but your breath was heavy and his eyes felt like beams of fire burning into your form. And you couldn’t get a hold of yourself; you couldn’t stop, you couldn’t pull away, you couldn’t think straight. Your muscles moved on their own, your body taking control over your mind and you leaned in without knowing, without realizing. You really didn’t realize what you were doing until your lips hit his.
Taehyung immediately kissed you back. One of his hands snaked under your head and held the back of your throat to pull you closer to him as he swallowed you desperately. It was impossible to escape- his lips were soft and fit on yours with practiced ease. He was warm, and your body craved this heat as if it was freezing to death. And you couldn’t stop, you couldn’t pull away, you couldn’t think straight. And perhaps you didn’t want to.
He broke away only for a second to catch his breath; it was a second too long. The moment his lips left yours it was like you were freed from a prison spell. You could move, you could think. And you did, pushing him away.
“No…” you mumbled. Got on your feet right away, looking around as if you were lost. “No, no!” you basically screamed.
And you started running away.
“Amy!” Taehyung called your name as he got up too. He called you again, and again as he saw you run down the path you had taken to get there. “Amy, wait up!” you heard his voice get fainter as you got farther. But you didn’t wait up. You didn’t slow down. Now that you had started running from him, you didn’t know how you would stop.
Next Chapter
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coreastories · 4 years
The Morning Before
Part 11 of Days and Nights of Forever 
The morning before she let him go, for what could well have been forever. 
Companion to the first part of The Thirteenth Rule
I love Episode 15. So much tenderness there, and so much heartbreak that it's my first time rewatching certain scenes when I finally decided to flesh out THIS outline. 
This is for Patty @pateetsie, who sent me a bucket of joy, and wanted some fluff. There's fluff here. :)
I've been cussed out told that there is no fluff in this chapter at all AT ALL. 😅
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It was raining. Soft rain. The kind that washed away sleet if any had come in the cold night, the kind that spring asserted against any last vestiges of winter. And she was warm, so very warm with Gon spooning her and breathing onto her hair under their shared blanket. 
She wiped her eyes and swallowed the sniffling that had woken her up. He was here. There was no need for this.  
Gon tightened his arms around her--gently, without disturbing her wound--and kissed her on her hairline. “I’m sorry,” he whispered. 
She turned in his arms and she saw love and… something else in his eyes. She focused on love. Focused on how he looked like he wanted to kiss her. Focused on all the affection in that gaze. So she smiled at him and smiled wider when she saw that other thing recede from his eyes, even if just for now. 
His eyes brightened even more when she stroked his arm, clad in the sleeves of hospital pajamas. “What happened to your clothes? You didn’t get stabbed too while I was asleep?”
“Your nurse happened. She gave me this to wear and took my clothes to the laundry. She felt sorry for me trying to fit into this bed in those clothes.” 
“Oh yeah. That jacket certainly wasn’t for sleeping in.” She made a face. “Were they filthy?”
He grinned. “I don’t know. Probably. Frozen time and space also worked on my entire excretory system but I did go out of that place several times. Did I smell when you saw me in 2016? And last night? I’ve showered before getting back in here with you.” 
She shook her head, laughing. 
The rain continued in the background, falling a little harder, but still a soft, pleasant background as he kissed her. 
Tae-Eul sighed into that kiss, loving the feel of his lips and tongue against hers and ignoring the tears that spilled from her eyes again. He had also kissed her last night, but she was already half asleep by then, exhausted from everything, her adrenaline and her brain shutting down the moment Gon was finally there beside her, promising he wouldn’t leave her. 
So now she focused on that kiss. And nothing else. The sound of the rain helped. 
He brushed his thumbs against her cheeks and eyes, and kissed her eyelids and forehead, his hand a warm, solid weight on her cheek and neck. She placed her hand over his, wrapping her fingers around his thumb. 
He nodded. 
“I’m sorry,” he said again.
She shook her head again. “Don’t mind me. I’m just glad you’re here. Don’t go.” 
They both ignored what returned to his eyes. 
She moved to get up and he nimbly jumped off the bed and rounded it to help her sit up without straining her middle. 
She usually had to roll to her right side and then use her elbow and arm to lever herself up. But he made things simple, wrapping his arm around her and simply lifting her up. 
She smiled up at him. “Thanks. Can you help me? My hair wash day was supposed to be yesterday. But I was busy.” 
His expression said he wasn’t happy about that, but he grinned all the same. “Of course. I can help you wash everything.” 
She slapped him on the arm and left him to laugh at his own dorkiness, pushing him aside to go to the bathroom. 
Having him there helped. Instead of struggling over the sink and getting the front of her hospital gown wet anyway despite covering it with a towel, he held a wash basin under her chin so she didn’t have to bend over to wash her face. 
They did the same thing when she brushed her teeth. 
Then he used the already damp towel to cushion the rim of the sink. He helped her position her head on that towel cushion just so, and he washed her hair, digging his fingers into her scalp, his eyes warm and attentive. Watching for any discomfort. Watching, period. She held his gaze for the first minute, then closed her eyes because the sight of him just...filled her so much and made her spill over with tears. It was ridiculous. 
But was it only yesterday that she didn’t know if she was ever going to see him again? 
Only yesterday when she felt both sad and relieved that she wasn’t--
She took a deep breath. She wasn’t going to dwell on any of that today. 
They had today and she hoped it was going to be a long day. 
She opened her eyes and he was still looking at her, now with one hand guiding the handheld shower over her hair and the other on her forehead so the water from her rinse wouldn’t run down her face. 
“You’re really good at this. You can go professional.” 
“No one would hire me. Everyone else would lose their tips because the customers would flock to me.” 
They both laughed. She loved seeing him laugh. She had missed that laugh so much. 
He wrapped her hair in the towel, tucking everything carefully so she wouldn’t drip, and then helped her get up again. Once she was on her feet, he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and tucked her against him. 
Her arms were already around his waist, her hands stroking his back. She loved how warm he felt under the thick cotton pajamas. Loved the solid feel of him enclosing her. Loved the weight of his head as he pressed his cheek against the towel securely knotted around her hair. 
Loved that he was there for her to hold. 
They stayed like that, just holding each other, until they heard someone enter her hospital room outside the en suite. He took her hand and they went out together. The nurse paused on her way out the door. She looked at them and smiled. 
“I left your clothes there for you,” she said to Gon, then turned to Tae-Eul. “They’ll send breakfast in a bit. I’ll make sure it’s enough for two. Then I’ll come back with your IV and check on your wound.”
She just smiled again when they both bowed to thank her. 
Tae-Eul looked at Gon. “What did you tell her? Why does she love us so much? She wasn’t happy with me last night.”
He raised his eyebrows and smiled in that half-smug, half-self-deprecating way only he could pull off. “Maybe we just look good and romantic?” 
“Romantic is not the word in my head right now, but it rhymes.” 
Breakfast was quick. She just wanted to start the day. Maybe they could sneak out now that the rain had stopped and the sun was out. She was already done with her bowl of dakjuk before it occurred to her that she could have made Gon feed her. Ridiculous thought. But maybe later. 
The nurse came back and scolded Tae-Eul for removing her IV while she redid it all. Tae-Eul didn’t flinch, but Gon did. When the nurse left, Tae-Eul said, “You’re not scared of needles, are you?” 
“Of course not. But this is the second time I’m seeing you with an IV. That’s two times too many.” 
“I’ll take an IV over a cast any day.”
He rolled his eyes but only shook his head in wry amusement. 
He changed back to his black pullover and trousers in the en suite and then they were back to staring at each other while he blow dried her hair. 
She wanted to ask him what he was thinking of, but she already knew, so she took hold of his pullover between her fingers, and it was enough to quiet her rising panic. 
“I bet you take longer getting your hair done.”
“Not really. It’s fast when you have the right tools and two people doing the work,” he said with a straight face. He laughed at the look on her face. “It’s really just mousse and gel, you know.” 
“Why don’t you just slick it back like Jo Yeong does with his hair?”
“Too easy. And he’s been doing it since he got tired of his bowl cut. So I can’t exactly copy him.” 
“He had a bowl cut?” 
“Yeah. It looked ridiculous. You were so cute as a kid. I saw your pictures at your house, of course, but seeing you in person was different. You were probably so cute as a baby.” 
“No, no, I wasn’t a pretty baby.” This wasn’t a subject she wanted, though she applauded herself for being able to say the word baby now. She was going to be fine. “Let’s go downstairs for my checkup so we can go outside.” 
She was glad Gon didn’t have to be there when her bandage was changed. The wound was clean but still angry, and it was going to leave an inch of scarring despite the good stitching. She took her antibiotics and the nurse injected another dose of pain meds in her IV. 
She wondered how long she could stay awake with those doses in her bloodstream, but she managed. Oh, she managed. 
That morning was beautiful, even if she was warned against straining herself and had to be wheeled around, even if Gon was already steeling himself against that regret and unassailable decision she’d seen in his eyes, even with her barely hanging on to composure by touching him all she could. 
He fed her bibimbap, and she fed him his bowl of instant ramyeon in return. When one noodle was too violent and broth splashed all over both their faces, they wiped each other’s cheeks and mouths with their hands, laughing hard enough for her wound to twinge and remind her it was still there. 
He helped her wash up, and then he helped her lie down because it was probably so obvious that she was fighting sleep. 
She curled up facing him in his seat, and she memorized everything about him, that ridiculously perfect hair, his beautiful eyes, that nose, that cheek that hid her favorite dimple, those lips she knew could turn her breathless and mindless and boneless. 
And his hands, both clasped and completely enveloping her hand. Those big hands that could deftly handle chalk, shoot hoops, fix cars, knock men down with a single stroke from his sword or his crop, hands that commanded the manpasikjeok and yet were also trapped by the manpasikjeok. 
She closed her eyes so she wouldn’t cry again. “You’ll probably leave when I sleep.”
All right. She’d take that. She smiled. She wanted to say, “Don’t go.” But that was no longer right to say now, not when their morning was fast turning into evening. She would sleep, and then maybe when she woke up, she would have a better argument than simply telling him they should just… not save the world. 
She opened her eyes to drink him in, one last time. “Saranghae.” 
He stroked her hair and pressed his lips to hers for several long moments. “Nado.” 
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