#one day happy asks rhodey why him? why did rhodey choose him to be his guy in the chair when he could literally have picked anyone else
heliads · 1 year
Hello! Sorry if this request is too vague, please let me know, but I wanted to request a Tony Stark x reader Soulmate AU
Thank u have a good day/night :)
it was a little vague lol which is why i had the people vote in a poll. your soulmate au is that every time soulmates are close but don't meet, they repeat the same day until they do meet. enjoy!
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Tony Stark is beginning to think that he’s lived through this day before.
He’s no stranger to deja vu, or not as much as anyone else, at least. Usually, his days and nights are so bizarre that he has no problem differentiating any given set of twenty-four hours. Aliens only tend to invade the planet once every few weeks, inhumans only go bad once a month, and so he has time in between ends of days to tell which Monday is which.
Still, there’s today, and Tony swears that today has already happened. He woke up this morning, bleary-eyed and not in his own bed. He’d stayed up past his necessary bedtime in the lab again, a practice which is frowned upon by most but produces the results he needs. Maybe that’s why his head isn’t clear. Either that, or someone’s trying to kill him again.
Tony opens his eyes in a mess of gears and wires and thinks, didn’t he just clean that up? Rhodey’s been after him recently to get his shit together, which obviously hasn’t happened yet, given the fact that Hurricane Machine Parts has had yet another landfall on his chosen sleeping desk. Tony blinks unhappily at the bits and bobs scattered helter-skelter in front of him and chooses to solve his problems the usual way, by sweeping everything into a nearby bin and pretending everything is fine.
An alarm goes off on his phone and Tony glares at it before the panic surges. That’s not meant to wake him up, that’s meant to get him out the door in time to make it to a conference. Tony is giving a speech on, well, something he was supposed to remember. Something important. In the end, does it really matter? He’ll say something snarky and possibly brilliant, then pepper in the fact that he’s Iron Man and saves everyone’s asses on a weekly basis so no one can complain. It’s a wonderful scare tactic.
Tony is aware of the fact that he should know what he’s doing, but why should he care when no one else does? Regardless of what he says, he’ll get the same reaction. Everyone in the audience is just there in the hopes that being in the proximity of a billionaire will improve their own trajectory in life. 
Tony used to pour his heart and soul into press conferences and scientific discussions until he looked out into the audience one day and realized that no one was paying attention in the slightest. They were pretending marvelously, of course, even had him fooled up until that point, but their focus was just superficial. They nodded along self-importantly with every one of his bullet points, but their heart wasn’t in it, so why should his? 
Besides, he gives one of these talks what feels like every day, so it’s not like he’ll have anything new to say anyway. Tony did one of these exact things yesterday, even slept late too. He can’t remember where this conference is being held, nor where yesterday’s was, or even the location of tomorrow’s talk. He’ll ask Happy in the car. Surely his head of security should be aware of where Tony is going.
One rushed morning routine later, Tony is in the car, knuckles clenched bone-white around the steering wheel. Happy has to give him course corrections only three times, increasingly let down with each one. Tony reads between the lines in each and every pursed lip, wincing with the disappointed side eyes. Yes, he’s a trainwreck, yes he’s worse than ever, but does he really have to be reminded of that right now?
Tony makes it to the function in time, smooths his tie and waves soullessly to the press. A woman greets him at the door. Her lipsticked smile says, We’re glad to have you! Her pained stare says, Why are you only here thirty seconds before the show begins?
Tony has no excuses, so he doesn’t give them, only recites the usual dialogue about how delighted he is to be at this conference. You know, the conference. The one for this day, the day that’s different from all the others. 
Tony settles into his seat on stage once the moderator introduces him. The funniest thing happens as he waits for the crowd to finish cheering. Although this could be just brushed off as Tony obviously not being as focused as he could be, he swears that this moment seems familiar. The moderator is wearing a rather lurid lime green coat, and wasn’t it just yesterday that Tony was thinking to himself that the man resembled the Grinch if he tried to go corporate?
Tony tears his gaze from the moderator to the crowd. No, this time he’s sure of it. The woman in the front row, left aisle, with the navy jacket asked him a tough question on the possibility of nuclear energy in the future just yesterday. The balding man on the far right nearly knocked himself out trying to get Tony to take a photo with him as he left the event. This is all the exact same as it was before. He has been here before, and if his suspicions are correct, he will repeat this exact same day again and again until he can get something right. Something crazy. Something like a soulmate.
God, Tony didn’t really think he’d get to this point. Soulmates are hypothetically for everybody, but it wouldn’t surprise Tony if they would skip a guy like him. It’s said you can go your entire life without meeting your soulmate, that you end up falling in love with whoever will make do and doing your best to forget that you were slighted by fate’s best gift to humanity. Something about Tony always seemed to fit that bill to a T. Maybe he’d manufacture destiny by finding someone he could love instead. He has always liked to Macgyver his way out of difficult problems, so conjuring up a soulmate out of conjecture would not be his worst hat trick.
Yet here Tony is, stuck in the soulmate loop. There’s only one way to know for sure to know that you’ve met your soulmate. More specifically, there’s only one way to know that you’re meant to meet your soulmate on a particular day:  you can’t get out of the same set of twenty-four hours.
The lore goes like this:  if you end up in close proximity to your soulmate without actually meeting them, you’ll have to repeat the same day over and over until the two of you make contact. Tony’s parents apparently took five days to get to know each other, but that’s on the low end. He’s heard of bad cases that took months of the same damn day for two people to finally figure each other out. And in a city like this, a place like New York? There are quite literally millions of people who could possibly cross Tony’s path. God, he might even be here for years.
It’s a flawed system, that’s for sure, but Tony has no way to fix this. None at all. The only thing he can do is start going about the process of fixing things. So his soulmate’s somewhere in this day, and it’s someone he’s never met. Maybe they were in the parking garage at the same time as him. Maybe they’re somewhere in this conference center. Maybe they were walking outside Stark Tower when he goes home for late night work.
There are so many places and so many possibilities that it’s starting to freak Tony out, so much so that he almost misses it when the moderator starts asking him questions. Were it not for the fact that Tony’s already lived through this once, he might have stumbled a little. Thankfully, he remembers enough of what he said last time that the words flow like water, giving Tony some space to think about his soulmate instead of which brand of coffee he attributes to giving him the most energy to seize his day. That’s a stupid question anyway.
This also helps him the next day, and the next day, and the next. One week of todays later, Tony is ready to scream. He knew the process of finding one’s soulmate would be difficult, but he didn’t count on it being this difficult. Tony is already going out of his way to meet new people, but even then, how would he know which stranger of dozens is actually his soulmate? 
At this point, Tony would settle for just getting out of the loop altogether, soulmate be damned. Maybe that’s not the right attitude to have, but it’s his nonetheless. Every day, he works late into the night, and every morning, all of his progress is gone. Tony can’t even note his discoveries on his phone because his memos clear out overnight, all those breakthroughs vanished into pixels of days past. Happy tells him that he looks tense. Tony fights the urge to hurl himself through a glass window. Such is the way of life.
He tries to look for the bright side of things, if he can’t think about anything else. It’s nice that he gets so many days guaranteed without threats made on his life. If he sticks to schedule, Tony always makes it to the crosswalk in front of the conference center right when the walking man appears. There’s this pretty girl in the back of the auditorium who always gives him this encouraging smile when he takes the stage, like even though Tony starts each show feeling like a trainwreck, she knows he’s going to be alright no matter what.
There are resources available to him. Tony’s had plenty of time to look. There are scores of websites online dedicated to people stuck in a loop and trying to find their soulmate. So long as you don’t mind making the same post every single morning, you can tell people where you’re located and see if you can track down someone in your vicinity. Tony’s been visiting them as of late, hovering over discussion boards like they’ll give him any sort of clue.
Four weeks of the same day. Four weeks of getting nowhere. Tony runs into traffic so he can stare into car windows. He lurks in coffee shops. Pepper thinks he’s going insane, but she changes her mind every twenty-four hours when the day resets, so he doesn’t have it in himself to care much. He just needs to get out of this day. He just needs his life back.
Some part of him wonders, too, who this person must be. Would they be kind or clever? Are they trying half as hard to find him as he is? Have they given up on him already? Tony would like to think that they’re fighting a battle for him, but who truly knows in the end. All he remembers is the same day over and over again.
Then, just when desolation is starting to kick in, Tony sees something. It’s a message on one of a thousand soulmate finding sites. Anyone stuck in today for a really long time? Thirty-three repetitions and counting. I’m in NYC if anyone else is out there. I keep going to Tony Stark’s conference at 10am, but not even his motivational speeches can keep me hopeful for much longer.
Tony almost chokes, then laughs, then lets himself wonder. Thirty-three days sounds about right, and if they’re in the audience of one of his shows, then maybe–
He hits reply before he can stop himself. Also in NYC, also 33 days. 
Tony doesn’t dare say anything else. On the car ride over to his conference, Happy asks him why he looks so confused. “It’s like you’re excited about something but you’re trying to pretend you’re not. What, have you annoyed another competitor into folding?” His head of security comments.
“No,” Tony mutters, “and besides, that was only one time. It’s not going to happen again.”
“You tell yourself that,” Happy chuckles, and then they’re at the conference center and they don’t have much to talk about anything, business ventures or soulmates or otherwise.
Tony checks his phone before he goes onstage. The person has responded to him. Wait, really? Where are you?
Tony glances around him. One of the event hosts, that passive aggressive woman, is coming to escort him to the stage, so he doesn’t have much time. Conference center. The one where Stark is speaking.
Then he’s on stage again, repeating the same stupid answers for the same bad questions. Now that he’s been here a couple dozen times, Tony can confirm that they really, really need to get better topics for him to discuss. He would be dozing off were it not for the fact that his soulmate might actually be somewhere in this building. Maybe somewhere in the same hall.
The interview ends, and Tony dares breach public etiquette by pulling out his phone. The stranger has replied again. I’m there too! What’s your seat number? Maybe we can finally break out of this.
Actually, Tony says, I’m the one on stage.
Tony looks around for someone, sees no one, tries to hide his despair. He stands on that stage for a little too long, past the point where the moderator is standing there blankly, grin frozen and eyes wide with the same expression everyone gets when someone does something they shouldn’t in a public setting.
One of Tony’s aides appears out of nowhere, gently tugging on his arm to get him to move off stage. Just as he goes, though, he hears a shout from somewhere in the back of the auditorium.
“Wait! It’s me!”
Tony cannot describe it, this certainty looming in his chest, but he knows it’s his soulmate. They’re here. He whips his head around even as his aide yanks him away. Tony sees a blur of faces, someone pushing through the crowd in the aisle, but the face–
Nothing. No one he can recognize. No one he could find later. They’re a woman, that’s all he’s learned. Tony frantically checks his phone, sees a message saying that she’s figured him out. Tony tries to fight to stay around longer, but now Happy’s determined he’s delusional and Tony is all but packaged into his car and driven away. He’s put on house arrest once he gets back, Pepper and Happy taking turns asking what the hell has gotten into him. Tony tries to explain, but they don’t want to listen. No matter how many times you’ve repeated the same day, you wouldn’t be acting like this. Please be rational.
Tony doesn’t want to be rational, though, he wants to find his damn soulmate. He tries to message his soulmate that he can’t get out of the house, but she’s not answering her phone. Just before the day ends, Tony memorizes her username and prays she’ll have the same one the next iteration of the loop.
He messages her the second he wakes. Is it still you?
Yeah, she says, my phone died, sorry. What happened?
My friends staged an intervention. Apparently I’m acting irrationally.
He can practically sense her laughing on the other end. Repeating the same day 34 times will do that to you.
That’s what I tried to say, he replies, but did they believe me? No.
There’s about a minute pause, and then they message again. Do you think we can do it today? Try to meet again?
I think we can try, Tony says, and that does it.
They make plans. Tony gets ready early. He lingers backstage, waiting, checking his phone every ten seconds. Happy must pick up on this tension, because when he approaches Tony about eight minutes after they arrive, he lingers on the edges of Tony’s peripheral vision, not wanting to interrupt whatever is clearly wrong with him.
“What is it?” Tony asks, distracted.
“There’s someone here for you,” Happy says slowly, “They say they’re your, uh, soulmate. Should I just tell them to leave?”
Tony feels his eyes grow wide. This is not the first time someone has tried to meet him by playing the soulmate card. He gets it:  he’s rich, he’s distracted, of course someone would try it. This, however, might be the first time it was real.
“Yeah,” Tony says, “it’s them. Where is she?”
Happy blinks, surprised. “Wait, you’re serious? It’s actually–” At Tony’s exasperated hand waving, Happy hurries himself along. “Sorry, sorry. She’s waiting by the door.”
Happy might be saying something else, but Tony doesn’t hear it. He’s already spinning around, walking as fast as his dress shoes will let him. There’s a woman standing by the east exit. She looks nervous, and half a second after he sees her Tony realizes that she’s the pretty woman from his show. He saw her every single day, and he never even knew it was her.
Tony wondered what it would be like to meet your soulmate after so many days of waiting, if there was any way of knowing for sure that it was them. So many weeks later, Tony has an answer:  you feel it in your chest, right between your ribs, an electric shock that makes his entire body stand alert.
She must feel it too, because all of a sudden she looks up from where she’s been scanning the crowd and her eyes land on him. She smiles, and it’s because of him. No other reason. Just him.
Words are hard to come by. Should he say something impactful, the perfect sentiment for such an important moment? Surely this is a time for something to remember. Tony’s been repeating this day for a while, though, never truly believing it would come to an end, so when his mental wheels stop spinning, all he can do is something simple, something real.
“Hi,” he says, “I’m Tony.”
She grins at him. He doesn’t know that he’s ever seen an expression so sweet.
“I’m Y/N,” she replies, “it’s great to finally meet you.”
marvel tag list: @thatfangirl42, @rogueanschel, @mycosmicparadise, @ellobruv, @callsign-scully, @with-inked-solace, @sher-lokid7, @amortensie, @23victoria, @watchreadfangirlrepeat, @gods-fools-heroes, @w1shes43, @deafsuperhero, @fadedver
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absolutelyfizzing · 3 years
little dove
loki x reader
description - Loki acted so caring around you, more so than anyone else in his life. He loved to take care of you, especially when you had a long day, and he got teased by some of the team for it.
warnings - fem reader, cute loki and pet names, implications of gender fluid loki?, reader gets picked up, slight implications of a nsfw theme the night before
word count - 1900
A/N - this is a pretty plotless blurb but i just love this man, i have been obsessed with the new series and just wanted to write anything about him. i will inevitably be writing for him more so please end me now. there are no spoilers for the new series and it takes place in an AU after new york but pretty much otherwise out of timeline. all the avengers live at the compound together, endgame didnt happen and no i wont talk about it.
Loki was not someone who was overly friendly. To most of the people in the compound, he was courteous at best. That rule, however, was bent occasionally. The only exceptions were you and his brother (some of the time). He had been smitten with you the moment he saw you though he would never admit it. You were bubbly and light and the exact opposite of him. You were so friendly and kind that it almost made him want to be the same.
You were kind to him, which he was shocked by. Most of the people in the compound tolerated him but they were never caught being too nice. You, on the other hand, were friendly to him the day you met him.
You weren't an Avenger, you weren't really even a fighter. You were a genius in the medical field as well as the unofficial caretaker of everyone on the team. You made sure that they all ate, they didn't overwork themselves, that they were getting enough sleep every night because they were your closest friends. Everyone listened to you. You had this power over them all that they just wanted to make sure you were happy and that meant they wanted to do what you asked of them. They tried their best to take care of you as well.
When you met Loki and were very nice to him, he expected some ulterior motive. He assumed that there was something you wanted or that you would gain his trust and then humiliate him later. So he kept his guard up. This was proved wrong over the months to come. He noticed that you were that kind to everyone and you were just happy to be around other people. He let you in over time.
You became the only person who he opened up to, even more than his brother. You would keep him company even when he lashed out at others and when he was filled with guilt. You forgave him for his past without question and opened up to him as well. It took probably 3 months for Loki to realize that he was in love with you.
He couldn't believe himself. In love with a midgardian? What was he thinking?
But it was undeniable and uncontrollable. He just couldn't help himself. You would read to him and watch movies with him. You would braid his hair when he was stressed and would teach him how to cook when he asked. You were just everything to him. It took him a long time to confess. He was terrified that you would reject him. You could have had anyone you wanted, why would you choose him?
When he did confess, you were thrilled and he couldn't believe it. You kissed him and he thought he could die happy right then and there. He had never felt this much love for anyone besides his mother.
You continued to break his walls down and he fell deeper in love with you every day. He didn't, however, change his behavior towards others very much. He had grown closer to the team, having regained some trust from them all. He was no longer aggressive and he tried very hard not to lash out. Most of that was out of his own desire to be trusted. He realized that he was going to have to make his life work to remain with you and he slowly learned that most of the people in the compound weren't actually as awful as he might have originally guessed. That didn't mean that his personality changed toward them though. He was still slightly cold and short. He wouldn't smile too much and he was what some might call grumpy most of the time.
That only changed around you and everyone noticed. Loki got teased for it constantly and he couldn't care less. He just wanted to make you happy and he had no regard for what anyone thought of your relationship.
He was waiting patiently in the common area of the compound on the couch. Steve and Rhodey were sat on the couch watching something that Loki didn't recognize or care for, it was some kind of reality TV. When he heard the elevator door open he looked toward the door and you were walking towards him. A grin spread over his face and his posture relaxed. He could hear the men on the couch scoff at his sudden change in demeanor. When you got close to him he picked you up and pulled you to straddle his hips on his lap and immediately began kissing all over you. You buried your face in his chest and he kissed your hair.
"How are you, my love?" He mumbled sweetly and you hummed. "Long day?" he questioned and you nodded in affirmation. "Lets go get you some food then, yes?" He asked lightly and you hummed happily. He picked you up and you clung to him, arms and legs wrapping around him. He carried you with ease toward the kitchen. It shocked you sometimes how much he could lift and how easily he lifted you but you had to remind yourself that he was indeed a god.
"How come you never treat us that way?" Rhodey called from the couch and Loki grumbled a bit.
"Oh I'm sorry did you want me to pick you up and make you some tea?" He asked sarcastically and you giggled from where your face was pressed into his chest. He smiled at the fact that he had gotten you to laugh and he set you on the countertop. He tried to pull away to make you some food but you did not let him leave you, still holding on to the front of the shirt that he was wearing. "Do you want to talk about your day?" He asked sweetly, kissing your forehead lightly. You gazed up at him lovingly and his heart skipped a beat.
"I'm just tired. People are annoying and I didn't exactly sleep much last night." You winked at the last part. He smirked at your comment.
"I'm sorry, my love. I was under the impression that you enjoyed what we did last night but I would be happy to give you plenty of time to sleep tonight if that's what you would prefer." he teased and you punched him lightly in the chest.
"Okay fine you're right, I like getting kept up." You confessed. You paused for a moment and his eyes remained on you as he waited patiently for you to continue. "I was mistaken for an intern again today. You would think that after over a year of working here that people would recognize my name and my work but today there were some new investors walking through the facility. When they came to look at my work they started to talk to one of my coworkers and then turned to me to ask me to get them a coffee order while they waited for the doctor to arrive." You grumbled, your mood now sour at the memory. Loki frowned and he felt his anger begin to take shape inside of him. His eyes flashed green for a moment.
"Would you like me to go and teach them a lesson? Perhaps just to mildly terrify them?" he asked, fully serious. That cheered you up plenty and you chuckled. Loki knew that you were laughing because of the absurdity of his statement and the fact that he was dead serious but he was just happy to see you smile again. "I will never understand the midgardian obsession with gender roles. Though I suppose my own identity is more fluid than most asgardians as well." He confessed and you brought your hand to rest on the side of his face. He leaned his head into your hand as he beamed at you. You loved when he compared his home to yours. It reminded you just how powerful he was and that he still chose to spend his days with you. There was suddenly a flash of green before he held his hand out to you, now holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers. When you gasped and moved to grab them he slipped from your grasp to move towards the refrigerator.
"Hey that's not fair, you tricked me." You pouted at him, now grumbling that you couldn't hold him anymore.
"Little dove, I cannot make you food when you hold onto me. When I am finished cooking then you can stay with me for as long as you would like." He promised and you nodded solemnly. He quickly pressed another kiss to your cheek before moving around the kitchen to prepare you waffles as he often did when you were having a long day. You observed the beautiful flowers in your hand and watched him as he moved around the kitchen, a million times more comfortable than he had been when he first moved into the compound. You talked contentedly with the people passing by as well as the man who was diligently trying to improve your mood. Occasionally one of the other team members would walk by and laugh a bit at how caring he was acting toward you, all of them just happy you were content though. Eventually Thor stopped by while Loki put some batter into the waffle iron and sliced some fruit.
"You know, this is the happiest I have ever seen him." He stated simply, a smile in is voice.
"It's the happiest I've been too." You responded with a small grin.
"The last time I saw him open up to someone the way that he opens up to you was on Asgard with our mother. She would be happy to see him being so vulnerable again." He patted your back and walked away as tears started to come to your eyes. The brothers would talk of their mother sometimes and Loki often mention the fact that he believed she would have loved you, if not for your own personality then for what you did for her son. You wished that you could meet her.
You were suddenly taken out of your thoughts by someone handing you a plate of waffles and sliced up fruit with a little container of syrup on the side. You looked up at Loki and nearly cried right there. You put the plate aside for a moment to reach out and pull him into a crushing hug. He was a bit startled but responded quickly, a hand going to the back of your head and his fingers brushing through your hair soothingly.
"Did something happen, my love?" He asked softly and you sniffled a bit.
"Just love you and I'm very thankful for everything you do for me." You got out and he affirmed to himself that he would die for you in an instant.
"I love you too, darling, but I slaved away at those waffles and now they are getting cold." He teased and he kissed your hair gently. You took a deep breath before pulling away, looking up at him with love. You smiled and then hopped off of the counter. He walked with you over to the dining table where he sat next to you and serenely waited as you ate, the food lifting your spirits a bit and easing your anxiety of the day. You planned on spending the rest of it with the man next to you as well as every day after that.
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zemosreader · 3 years
want you to stay ⎛ oneshot ⎠
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MAIN PAIRING: Zemo x reader.
summary: if you had known that Zemo was as lonely as you, perhaps you would have invited him over more often, every night even. if you'd known he only came over occasionally to keep up a false air of casualty, you might have called his bluff.
warnings: none.
word count: 1.7k
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“Why are you here?” you watched your words heat the frigid night air before your breath spindled away like a wisp of smoke.
You didn’t wait for a response, leaving the door open behind you as you stepped back inside. It was as close as you could get to inviting him in, but you knew he’d come anyway. He always did.
You made it all the way to the kitchen, past your darkened living room and the shadowy stairs, without the echo of a second pair of footsteps. You pulled two mugs from the cupboard to the sound of the front door closing. You listened to the familiar sound of Zemo’s heavy shoes trudging towards the light, all too settled yet all too loud.
“I wanted attention.”
You snorted at his bluntness. When didn’t he want attention? When didn’t Helmut Zemo enter a room and demand all the attention in it. He was starved for it.
You ignored him while you made your tea. Could you really ignore him though? Truly? You stirred three spoonfuls of honey into Zemo’s tea because that’s how he takes it. That’s why you bought honey and keep it in your kitchen. You didn’t actually care for honey. You stirred two spoonfuls of sugar into yours.
“The baron life not entertaining enough for you?” you quipped with a false air of lightness, but when you turned your head he wasn’t there. You couldn’t force your heart not to speed up at his absence. You felt the sudden loneliness again with a pang. You were alone.
You steadied your breath enough that your voice wouldn’t quiver when you called “Helmut?” into the emptiness.
He emerged from the illuminated stairwell, a half-amused smirk playing at his lips. “You missed me?”
When you didn’t answer he continued, his smirk begrudgingly sliding from his mouth like honey from a teaspoon, “You keep it too dark in here.”
You gave him a shrug with his tea. What could you say? The truth? I don’t like shedding light on the fact that this house doesn’t feel like home.
The drawer of Zemo's things in your bedroom was crammed with hair products and cologne and little bits of him to the point of bursting. Your clothes barely filled your drawers. You couldn’t remember what your favorite perfume smelled like. Did you even have one? You liked the smell of his aftershave. You supposed that didn’t count.
You hadn’t hung a single picture on the walls or properly stocked the kitchen with more than tea, coffee, and take away menus.
“I’ve gotten used to it.” It wasn’t a lie. Coming home to solitude and silence wasn’t a comfort, but it was a routine.
“You haven’t been around in a while,” you tried prompting, despite knowing Zemo wouldn’t tell you what he did when he wasn’t with you. Spending nights with Zemo wasn’t a routine, but it was a comfort.
“I was waiting for an invitation,” he snarked. It earned him a smile. Half a smile? It made your lip twitch.
If you had known that Zemo was as lonely as you, perhaps you would have invited him over more often, every night even. If you'd known he only came over occasionally to keep up a false air of casualty, you might have called his bluff. If Zemo had told you he felt more at home in your dim, drafty little house than he ever had in all his life at his old home, you might have invited him to stay, permanently.
But, as it was, both of you were ignorant to the other’s longing for companionship that you always sought out in each other.
Zemo set down the still full mug, already cold, already leeched of any warmth it had to offer.
The two of you slipped up the stairs without a sound, as if you were sneaking around, as if you were a secret even the house shouldn’t know. Of course, everyone knew. They found out slowly. You made Sharon and Natasha swear not to tell a soul. The whiskey confessed for Zemo over drinks with Sam and Bucky. Natasha had to tell Clint. Sam had to tell Rhodey. Sharon had to tell Wanda. Bucky had to tell Steve. And tell and tell and tell until there was no one left to tell. But still, it’s a secret.
You wouldn’t have sex. Sometimes you did. Sometimes you straddled Zemo and moved your hips with the slow sureness of someone who isn’t in a rush to finish and is happy to take their time teasing soft moans from their partner. Other times Zemo bent you over the arm of your reading chair and pretended not to notice that you always got distracted studying the spines of the books on your shelf, no doubt thinking about how you should reorganize them after he left. He pretended he didn’t find it endearing. He never mentioned that your book shelf was rearranged.
No. Tonight Helmut said he wanted attention. So you would curl up in bed and fall asleep to the sound of each other breathing, not through the phone.
Zemo waited until you were pretending to be asleep to kiss your forehead. You considered opening your eyes and kissing him back, but decided against it. You told yourself that he’s just lonely tonight. He only wants attention tonight. You reminded youself that he would be gone in the morning. He was always gone in the morning.
You weren't sure when you stopped pretending and finally fell asleep.
The familiar yet unexpected pressure around your waist made your stomach drop. You gasped and your eyes shot open in panic to...to...nothing? Or, not nothing, to Zemo. To an arm around your waist. To the the most startling and most startled pair of brown eyes you'd ever seen.
“What’s wrong?” His surrounding grip on your body tightened protectively. No, not protectively, you told yourself, just instinctively.
“What time is it?” you asked. Zemo wondered then if you had somewhere to be in the morning and if he made a mistake staying the night. You wondered, did Helmut stay the night?
Before he could answer you found your bearings. You saw the sun peaking through the gaps in the curtains and saw the very discreet, backpack Zemo must have had with him when he came last night. Oh! That must be why he went upstairs as soon as he got here, you realized, to drop his overnight bag in your room.
You were right of course. Except that Zemo also had to make sure you wouldn’t see his backpack at all, just in case he got scared and changed his mind. Or you didn’t want him overnight.
“You stayed the night.” you weren't sure if it was a question or a statement of fact. It sounded like both to your ears.
Unsure how to answer, Zemo nodded. He sighed with relief when you closed your eyes and curled into his body like a puzzle piece sliding into place. He kissed your forehead, and let you feel his smile against your skin.
You didn’t open your eyes. You held on as if your bare hands could catch smoke. You told yourself this didn’t change a thing and he’d still leave soon and you’d be alone when he did. You held him and waited. Waited for the feel of bed dipping to one side and waited the sound of the door closing and waited the ache of abandonment. Waited and waited and waited. But he didn’t move.
You opened your eyes to check and he gave you his signature smirk.
“You’re...” you swirled your options around with your tongue, struggling to choose your next words. “staying?”
Zemo's smirk fell. Did you want him to stay? He should have asked. But how could he bring up without sounding like...like...he wasn’t sure. Like something he didn’t want to sound like.
“Do you want me to?”
Questions about how long and what this meant swirled dizzyingly through both of your heads.
He was sure you’d say no, that he’d made a huge mistake. You were sure this was still temporary, that a few more hours in the morning wouldn’t change anything.
You rested your head on Zemo's chest and closed your eyes again, without giving him an answer, or perhaps that was your answer. Either way you were sure you’d wake to him slipping out of bed.
But you didn’t. You woke to him fast asleep under you. You reminded yourself he’d leave soon. Kissed his forehead. And slipped downstairs to the kitchen.
Last night’s tea was still on the counter, disgusting and cold. You debated with yourself whether to spill it out or microwave it. Then you debated with yourself whether to microwave both mugs or just your own.
The beeping of the microwave must have woken Zemo because he came downstairs just as you were pulling out two mugs of old, reheated tea. He plucked his own from your hand without a word and sipped it.
You studied him in boxer shorts and bed head. He looked nice in the morning. You could get used to seeing it.
“You’re staying?” you asked again.
He raised a questioning eyebrow at you. Zemo needed to know if you meant for the day or until tonight so he could have sex with you properly, or if, he dared to hope, you meant you wanted him to stay.
“Do you want me to?”
Yes. You knew the answer without having to think about it. Yet, you didn’t know how to answer the question.
“Yes?” Helmut stepped closer. Into your personal space. He brushed a curl behind your ear and you realized you were nodding yes even when you hadn’t said it yet.
Zemo's hand steadied your head and pressed warmth from his mug into your cheek.
“You want me to stay?” Zemo's voice was a whisper ghosting across the other side of you face. His breath smelled like mint and honey and you wanted to kiss him but you didn’t want him to disappear. He smelled like mint. Did he brush his teeth before he came downstairs? And you didn’t even like honey.
“Stay?” you repeated.
He wasn’t sure it was a yes but it was enough to calm his anxiety that you'd reject him, at least for now.
You wanted to tell him you’d always want him. You never wanted him to go. But that might scare him off. Casual. You’re casual. You nodded and you both sat down to drink your tea and look over the takeaway menus to find a place that would deliver breakfast.
“I want you to stay.”
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infernal-fire · 3 years
five types of love.
what to expect: smut, swearing, friends w/ benefits arrangement, mention of Imposter syndrome, fluff, angst, heartbreak, overstimulation, implied creampie, rough sex
a/n: a little warning; you will be choosing your ending - there is a happy one and a sad one. a huge shoutout to @mollygetssherlockcoffee​ and @angrybirdcr​ for talking to me about the fic and offering such amazing advice! and @tuiccim​ was so damn lovely, even offered to beta this (though all mistakes are my own).
summary: you once heard that there were eight types of love. you only knew of five; the five that caused you to fall for one, blue-eyed menace.
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Ludus: uncommitted, casual love that can attribute to a flirtatious and fun conquest. Not to be mistaken for Eros.
“I think we’re forgetting the reason why the mission failed in the first place. If the older fellow took a suggestion once in a-”
“-Tony, you know damn well that there were civilians in there.”
Steve and Tony glared at each other from across the briefing room. The tension in the room was exorbitant, but then again, it had been that way since Bucky joined the team. 
“This is exactly why we need the new girl. You super-soldiers and billionaires are getting tangled up in each others’ asses and forgetting about what it’s like for the normal people,” Rhodey sighed.
“The last thing we need is another trainee fucking up orders,” Tony snorted and began messing with his tech. The projector flipped through random screens, FRIDAY most likely filtering out the irrelevant news. 
“If you have a problem, maybe you should say it to his face,” Steve seethed, now standing up to match Tony’s stance. Usually, this type of jab at Bucky wouldn’t rile him up, but the super-soldier was at his wit’s end following the events of the latest mission.
Beside him, Bucky lightly tugged on his friend’s hand, signalling him to disengage.
“You’re with them?” Tony incredulously questioned Rhodey. 
“I’m with the idea of calming this room down.”
“Besides, she’s already been prepped for her first mission,” Natasha piped up. “We’re supposed to have a sit-down in 5 minutes... that is, if you boys can get your shit together.”
The room broke out into a chorus of muttering and everyone settled in their seats again. Captain strode to the front of the room and pulled up his game plan, fiddling with the map FRIDAY was projecting. 
You, on the other hand, could not decide how to act in front of the Avengers: Laidback? They wouldn’t take you seriously. Know-it-all? No, that was Stark’s play. Timid Tiffany? If you wanted to seem secretly conceited? Sure. That would work for now.
When Vision floated out to bring you in, you didn’t even flinch at the unforeseen phasing. Impressed at your lack of a reaction, Vision faltered before ever-so-courteously introducing himself. 
Could this sentient being laugh of his own volition? You gave him your name and dramatically curtsied to test your theory; he could laugh, and you were pleasantly surprised to find that it was not at all robotic. 
You felt the room intently eye you as you ambled to your seat beside one, blue-eyed menace. You half-expected the team to introduce themselves, but who were you kidding - anyone could hear the argument from three corridors away. There was no point in pretending like they wanted you here, but that wouldn’t deter you.
You glanced at your neighbour, met with the pleasant face of the one and only. James Buchanan Barnes was known to be a handsome devil, but the reputation of the Winter Soldier often precedes him; that, unfortunately, does not stop you from eyeing him. 
When he caught your stare, you scolded yourself. You’re such a creep. 
When he smirked at your ogling, you praised yourself. Oh, hello there. 
This is gonna be fun.
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Eros: sexual, passionate love that is fueled by lust.
It didn’t happen after the first mission; he had the decency to wait until the fourth mission to knock on your door. 
You had been putting away the last of your belongings, finally adjusting to the grandiose living conditions the Avengers Tower provided.
As soon as you unlocked your knob, the door flung open; Bucky's stare was partially inhibited by his hooded eyes. He hadn’t always looked at you like that. 
Like what?
With unadulterated craving. 
That day, he strode in like he owned the place. You didn’t expect the shove that caused you to land on your bed with an oomph. Bucky wasted no time, climbing onto your form, straddling you. By the time you understood what was happening, a single finger was pressed into your lips.
“Either tell me you don’t want this right fucking now,” he leaned in, close to your face, “or shut the fuck up and let me use you.”
You whimpered in response.
“Not good enough.”
“Use me.”
That’s all the affirmation he needed. 
You pushed off the bed to try and meet his lips but he firmly pinned you down by your shoulders. Bucky reached into your panties and circled your clit without hesitation. It only took some swivelling, his intense gaze and the unexpected plunge of his fingers in your channel to make you see stars. Bucky had made you come before kissing you.
When he finally slotted his lips against yours, it was nothing short of all-consuming; you hadn’t even realized the absence of clothes on your body. Had it been ten minutes? Or thirty? It was hard to tell when you were being ravaged by another.
He made you come twice more: once with his fingers’ repeated dipping and pressing into the soft, spongy part of your cunt. The second time was with the talented sucking and flicking of his tongue. Technically, it was the third time.
None of your past partners had been this steadfast in their duty to pleasure you. You were already putty in his hands, ready to be moulded according to his needs. Part of you was ready to tap out, unable to fathom the likelihood of coming over his cock again, but the better half of you needed it.
In your orgasmic haze, you failed to notice that his clothes were being discarded - if you did, it would have given you the opportunity to gawk at the body that you so desperately wanted to see shirtless. When you finally registered his naked person, your hand involuntarily traced the connection between the metal arm and flesh. He threw his head back and groaned before kissing you again. 
He pulled off, just enough to get a good look. 
“Look at you, all fucked out. I didn’t even put my cock in.”
He pumped his shaft with fervour before pushing the blunt head against your slit. You winced at his attempt to put it in.
“Made you cum three times and you’re still too fucking tight,” he muttered and ran his length up and down your folds. Once he had accumulated enough slick he tried again, this time, successful.
You moaned as he slowly sunk in and buried his cock to its absolute limit. If the walls of your pussy had a voice, it would be absolutely hoarse. You also realized that he only bestowed the three orgasms in hopes of reprieving the pain of the stretch. Without the preparation, he might have torn you in half.
When he began moving, the only thing that was slow or soft about him was his lips against your skin. The thrusts were punishing; if it wasn’t obvious that he was angry before, this made it clear as day.
You screamed and moaned, alternating between keening and arching your back; the pleas did nothing to falter his furious pace. The smacking of your skin was only heightened by the slick that your cunt produced in attempts to accommodate his length. Every time he pulled out, his balls were connected to your sex with a string of come.
If someone told you that you could come five times within forty minutes, you would have face painted and dressed them up like a clown.
Now you laid in bed, being used like a rag doll, begging Bucky to stop you from coming a sixth time that session. It was usually the dirty talk that got you off, but he hadn’t said anything aside from the occasional ‘shut up’ or ‘shhh’. His movements alone had you convulsing around his length.
His thrusts didn’t get sloppy. Rather, they increased in force, as his cock sought space beyond your cervix. You tried to scream, but all that came out was more broken tears and cries. At last, he let out a pornographic moan as his load flooded your insides. Sure, you had let past boyfriends come in you, but you never actually felt the liquid shoot up inside you, until today.
Following the pop sound that his cock made as it pulled out, you whined again. You could feel your heartbeat throb down there. 
He flipped you onto your stomach and smacked your ass, laughing at the way you sobbed in pain before disappearing from your room altogether. 
He was gone as fast as he showed up. 
And he ruined everyone else for you.
In all fairness... you asked for it.
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Philia: the deep, virtuous love that is formed in a good friendship. Lovers share a strong bond when Eros and Philia feed into each other.
What started as a release from the frustrations that accrue on the battlefield turned into a deep connection that neither of you had anticipated. Sex had only been used as a tool in the act of psychological detachment until that day. 
It was a failed date of some sort: either you had been stood up or the guy was a total moron. You could wrack your brain for the memory, but in any matter, it was all irrelevant now. 
You were upset, not just at your lack of a love life, but at the imposter syndrome that had weaselled its way into your liveliness. Feeling like you weren’t enough was catching up to your daily life and even Bucky had noticed the hesitation during your post-mission escapades. 
Before you knew it, your hand was knocking on Bucky’s door at the ripe hour of 1 AM. 
You heard the muffled thumps of his footsteps and considered booking it out of there, but before you made up your mind, the door opened.  As you had predicted, Bucky was wide-awake. 
You had wanted to sass him for his tone but decided against it since you were the one who interrupted his 1 AM activities. You shook your head from the clouds and mumbled incoherently, starting to walk away. The coldness of his metal arm abruptly gripped your wrist.
“Are you okay?”
You hated that question. You could be doing so good, holding in the burden of a horrible week, but the moment someone asks you that question, the dam would disintegrate into dust, only to be washed away by the inevitable waterworks. 
The sob you let out didn’t loosen his hold. He let you cry and watched as you tried to wipe away the unrelenting tears, still refusing to close the gap between your bodies. Finally, you shuffled into his arms where he bear-hugged you, cupping the back of your neck and holding it to the junction of his neck. 
"You smell nice,” you sniffled. 
He lightly chuckled before dragging you into his room and seating you on the bed. He ordered you to stay there and rummaged around his cupboard before pulling out a bottle with red liquid sloshing around. 
“You keep that in your room?” you snickered, wiping your nose with the back of your hand, before blanching at your state. Hell, he had seen you naked, how you look right now is the least of your concerns. 
“In case of emergencies,” he winked. “This seems like a real emergency.”
A fresh wave of tears pooled in your waterline as you peered at your hands that were picking at each other. 
“I don’t have wine glasses, so we can just chug.”
Bucky stuck out the bottle and you grasped it firmly before gulping one-fourth of it. That’s all the coaxing it took to get you to spill. 
You don’t even remember what you talked about, but before either of you realized, 3 AM blinked on the digital clock that hung above the bed frame. You were almost asleep, now resting on Bucky’s lap while he occasionally hummed or offered his two cents. Right before you drifted off, the super-soldier lifted you, placing you under a cover. He climbed in from the other side, one hand cupping your face, the other snaking around your waist.
“Thanks, Buck.”
“It’s gonna be okay. You’re okay,” he whispered.
Your eyes drooped but swiftly opened as Bucky leaned in, resting his forehead against yours. His lips barely touched yours, grazing their presence, but you moved, tenderly catching them. He returned the movement, the delicacy of his actions reflected in the softness of his eyes. 
You pulled away and the two of you wordlessly bore into each other’s eyes. At last, you succumbed to the fatigue, as did he; both of you resting in the others’ possession. 
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Mania: an unhealthy, obsessive love that plagues the mind.
It was the third time Bucky didn’t show up at your door after a mission. Three missions, each of them ending in something that would have indubitably pissed him off - after all, they were HYDRA bases. That’s when you first suspected it.
The second was when you noted his intentional avoidance of your presence. Whether it be the kitchen, the gym or the hallways, the stealthy ex-assassin didn’t have trouble actively dodging you. Initially, you chalked it up to wanting space or simply taking a break.
Then you heard it.
Why was it that your gut told you to go right then? All this time you had been biding, yet it was at this precise moment that your hunch asked you to speak to him. It could’ve been the duration of the month that it took you to prepare yourself, but it had to be now. You raised your hand, prepping to knock on the door, but stopped.
Your hand froze mid-air. The elegant laugh of another girl sounded behind the door. It was faint, the noise slightly suppressed by the wall between you. 
It could be anyone. 
But it wasn’t. Your intuition, the one that told you to come here right now, was wise enough to know that this wasn’t just anyone. It was her. 
You cupped your mouth to stop the sob that threatened to liberate itself from the confines of your constricted airway. You fell forward, onto your knees, as if to pray to the gods to not let it happen. But it already did.  You let go of your mouth, gasping for air from holding your breath all this time. 
Shoulders sagged and spine bent, you stalked back to your room like a zombie. Face devoid of all emotion, you fell onto the corner of your bed and crumpled into a ball.  For twelve hours, you laid there. Sometimes sleeping, other times letting the tears leak out of the corners of your eyes. Memories of his fingers weaving through your own, the pleasures that chilled you to the bone. Most of all, the way you held his head to your chest as he whimpered about the nightmares that invaded his nights. It felt like those things happened to someone else. Nothing more than a distant memory.
Your heart clenched, tugging on the heartstring that you once thought was connected to him.
It was as if he knew you stood outside his door that day. There was an unspoken agreement to never speak of it. Yes, yes, don’t ever speak of it. The dam that you built so carefully will come crashing down.  He stopped avoiding you, but you wished he didn’t; it was crueller to be reminded, easier to pretend he didn’t exist. 
Be honest with yourself.
You didn’t pretend like he didn’t exist. 
In fact, the first thought after waking up? Bucky. Last thought before going to sleep? My Buck. Every time he wasn’t around? James Buchanan Barnes.
Please, don’t act like every waking moment isn’t spent loving him. Because deep down, you know what’s true.
He never did introduce the mystery girl to anyone at the Tower, but you knew his disappearance after missions could be credited to her. Did he take out his anger on her as he did to you? Or were you nothing more than a toy?
Guilt was one of the few emotions you could make out from the rare occasions you caught his stare. Longing was there too, but you couldn’t be sure that you weren’t projecting.  Months went by, waiting for thoughts of him to abandon your disturbed mind. The time never came.
As promised, he ruined anyone else for you. 
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Pragma: the type of love that endures all shortcomings. Committed relationships that stay in love have an element of significant Pragma to them.
a happy ending.
That relationship may have ended but it didn’t mean he would come back to you.
He did come back. But he wasn’t yours.  Bucky made that clear when two more relationships ensued the last. Each time, the buffer period between them was filled by you. 
His back-up plan. That’s what you had been reduced to. 
After the third time he brought a new girl, you’d think you would be used to it, maybe even uncaring. Unfortunately, the opposite would always prevail.
Steve caught your fist and tutted, commenting on the bad form. You stopped, shook your shoulders and began hopping on the balls of your feet again.  Jab, jab. Swing.  At first, you’d imagine the faces of those girls. Nowadays, it was easier to envision the pads Steve held as his best friend’s face. 
“Bucky’s girl broke up with him.”
“Oh,” you made out, focus slightly wavering. 
“You know what happened?”
“Are you asking me ‘cause you wanna know or because you already know?”
“I already know,” he sighed, lowering the hand pads. 
He exhaled your name, shaking his and rubbing the bridge of his nose. “When are you two gonna stop playing around?”
“I really don’t understand, Steve.”
“You know why she broke up with him?” You blinked, tongue poking the inside of your cheek in anticipation of an answer. 
“He moaned your name during sex.” 
“God, that’s so corny,” you huffed, now beginning to make your way out of the boxing ring. 
“So what, you’re gonna do nothing? Keep letting him use you?” Steve jogged to catch up to you.
“No,” you faced him, “I’m not letting him use me as a fallback anymore. I’m putting an end to it.” 
Steve pursed his lips and shot you and exasperated look before shaking his head.  “Don’t let something good go to waste.”
It used to be something good.
You wondered if you could hold up the promise you had just declared to Steve; in the past, you failed every time he showed up at your door. Bucky knew exactly how to play into your emotions, how to say the right things every time. And just like that, the next morning you’d end up in his arms. That stops today.
Determined, you practically punched the button to go up on the elevator and impatiently tapped your foot. As the doors slid closed, you took one look at yourself and turned away, fighting the urge to fix your appearance for him. The doors opened again and you check the floor number, ready to step out, but stopped at the sound of your name.  His ex. You almost ran off, unwilling to put up with an angry ex, but she called on you again. You sheepishly stood there, as if you were the one who did something wrong, until she stepped in and pressed the button to go to the lobby.
The silence stretched on, much like your patience. Does she even know who you are?
“We were both fooling ourselves.”
You turn to check if she was speaking to you. Her stare was unwavering and she maintained eye contact that almost made you squirm.
“We both love different people.” She smiled, an obvious melancholy tainting her face. You stood there, absolutely clueless as to how you should respond.
“It’s too late for me, but it’s not for the two of you. Just... don’t let him go. He’s one of the good ones.”
You turned again, now looking down at the ground. Even if she expected you to say something back, it was impossible, at this point. Your mind was in shambles, everything she said contradicting the choice you made five minutes ago. 
After what seemed like an eternity, the doors opened and she stepped out. She turned one last time and nodded as if you knew what to do now. 
Bucky’s door was unlocked. You called out his name, barely above a whisper and sauntered with hesitation lining your every step.  Nothing. Empty. He wasn’t there. 
It was a sign. You almost ignored the advice his ex gave, ready to walk into his room and end things. Your shoulder slumped as if your bore the weight of the world on them as you slunk back to your room. Now it would take another outburst or another month to prepare yourself to talk to him again.
As the days went by, you barely saw him around. It reminded you of the times he intentionally ignored you, except this time, you weren’t sure it was intentional. When you did see him, it was clear that he wasn’t doing good; his beard was unkept and scraggly, the bags under his eyes heavier than any trauma he carried. You pretended as though you didn’t notice and went about your routine. 
1 AM
A knock sounded at your door. You knew who it was, how could you not, but hoped it wasn’t him anyway. The encounter would most likely end with tears or sex and you didn’t favour either outcome. 
You waited a minute. Maybe he would leave if he assumed you were asleep. The knock sounded again.
You cracked the door open.  Whatever you were expecting, surely, it wasn’t this. Eyes red and puffy, it was clear he had been crying and most definitely not sleeping. 
He held up a wine bottle, and chuckled pathetically at himself. 
“Maybe this is bad idea,” he sniffled and wiped his nose with the sleeve of his left arm. 
It didn’t feel right to say anything. Rather, you opened the door wider and beckoned for him to step in.
“Emergency?” you asked with a little smile. God, you were so close to crying and he hasn’t even said anything.
“Oh yeah. Big emergency.”
He sat on your bed and felt the sheets, trying to remember the feeling of it on his knees. The days he would buck into you while you clutched them like a vice. The soldier pursed his lips and watched as you settled beside him.
“You don’t have to talk... if you don’t want to,” you said. Your voice cracked and you almost smacked yourself for being so weak around him. 
“But I do. I should talk. I have so much to say... Can I explain?” He turned to face you, reaching out for your hands, holding them in his own. You didn’t say anything, opting to return his request with a pleading look in your eyes. He knew what the look meant: just don’t break my heart. Again. He took a deep breath in acknowledgement, trying to form the words that would help you understand. 
“I can’t believe I hurt you. I swear, I didn’t know I was doing it, at first.” You mustered your best unbelieving look, almost scoffing for good measure. “No, really,” he hastily added. 
A few tears streamed down your face and you frantically tried to wipe them. Bucky took one look at you before he began breaking down, tears slipping down his face.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to cry... I just- I don’t understand? I thought things were good?” you questioned. You had given up on trying to wipe your tears, as did he.
“I wasn’t supposed to fall for you. And by the time I realized, we were so far in. Then I found a distraction... and I really thought I was over you,” he paused, wondering if he should continue or not. You showed no sign of speaking up, so he went on.
“I didn’t think you cared. I didn’t think you felt the same way. I was so convinced that you wouldn’t blink twice but then... but, I-... I heard you at the door that day. I wanted to kick her out and hold you, but I-...”
“But you what? You what, Bucky?”
“I thought it was too late for us. I thought I ruined everything.”
“Then why are you here now?”
“Don’t be mad,” he murmured, retracting his hands and fiddling with his fingers.
“I don’t think anyone can ever replace what we had. Maybe... still have? Because you’re it for me. I’m sorry it took me this long to realize that. I was on the brink of losing myself.” He looked up at you, eyes brimming with a new wave of tears. He mumbled your name weakly, croaking out a please at the end.
You curled in on yourself and fell into his arms, hoping that was enough of a answer.
“I can’t promise you that everything will be back to normal by tomorrow morning... but with some time, I can learn to trust you again.”
Above you, Bucky hurriedly nodded. At the state he’s in right now, you suspected that you could ask him to sell his soul and he would agree.
“And if you ever break my heart again-,” 
“-I would die before that happens,” he finished for you, kissing the top of your head for good measure.
“I love you,” you whimpered, “so fucking much.” 
“I love you too. I really love you too,” he affirmed and encased you with his arms again.
Though there had been some rough patches on the road to happiness, with Bucky by your side, you felt as though you could make it through anything; for that, is the power of pragmatic love.
an unfortunate ending.
The tears that would’ve been shed during the ceremony have dried on your pillowcase about five hours ago. Now, you sat beside the team, waiting for her to walk down the aisle. 
Bucky looked nervous, as if he were reconsidering his life decisions. The little devil on your shoulder was holding onto every little thing he did: the wrinkle of his forehead, his repeated tugging on the suit and his flustered glancing around. Oh lord, and when he accidentally locked eyes with you? You may have bitten your lip and looked away in contempt but the shoulder-devil was as persistent as ever.
He secretly still wants you.
Shut up.
He wants to call it off.
Get a life.
At last, the lucky girl stood at the end of the winding path and you couldn’t help but sneak a look at the groom. His tension and nervousness crumbled at the sight of her; it was difficult not to feel happy that he had found the one that made him feel this way. 
It may have been him for you, but that notion was long forgotten, a nuisance of memory at most. Your love for him, regardless of the storms it has endured, is no longer respected or wanted by either party.
If he loves her, why does he come to you when things get bad?
You shook your head at that, having no answer for the nature of his secret infidelity. It was nothing more than taking out his frustrations on you - much like the old days.
Your reminiscing was cut short when a voice asked everyone to rise for the bride. You stood and straightened out your outfit, flicking off the little white petal that clung to your maroon dress. A hand grasped your own, and you turned to see Steve smile reassuringly. You squeeze his hand in appreciation and turned your attention to the white-clad figure walking down the aisle.
And that’s all you remember. You wish you could recall the rest of the wedding. You really do. Too preoccupied with what was going to happen after the event, you disassociated from the ordeal altogether. No matter how hard you grilled yourself, nothing would come to mind - dissociative amnesia only occurs as a protective coping mechanism during traumatic events; was that what Bucky’s wedding was to you?
What type of question is that?
For once, you agreed with the little red beast that sat on your shoulder. Long ago, the first time you saw someone else Bucky’s arms, the devil pierced the pitchfork right through the angel’s heart. These days, it was all you could think of. 
After the bride and groom exchanged ‘I do’s’, you willed yourself to stay a while longer. Your only companion, Steve, slow danced with you in silence, knowing that whatever he says would be of no consolation. Bucky did have half a mind to ask you for a dance, but he saw you leave. You didn’t think anyone did. He waited for you to turn and look at him one last time, but you never did. It’s okay, he thought. I didn’t deserve her anyway.
No one saw you after that.
On your bed, Steve found a single note that didn’t explain anything more than what he already knew. If anything, it simply affirmed that you were gone for good. Your things packed up, no trace of a person ever having lived there. Even if he pulled some strings, it would take years to find you again. 
After all, you had already been lost for quite some time.
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hey folks. i know this seems a little desperate-sounding but i would really appreciate reblogs and would absolutely love to hear your thoughts on the story. what was you favourite part? which part made you feel some way? i really love knowing these things. love each and every single one of you.
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It’s Always Been You ~ 151
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Word Count: 2,170ish
Summary: Talks and a memorial are had. Steve takes the Stones back.
Notes: You must read Out Of Time in order to understand this. The chapter numbers continue from Out Of Time.
The next day came with little rest. The world needed to be put back together, almost immediately. Plus, there was Natasha’s memorial that needed to be organized. Telling Morgan about what happened to her aunt was tough. Luckily, Tony and Y/N did it together. Morgan clung to Tony, Y/N, or her uncle Steve for most of the day. None of them minded, in a way the little Stark grounded them.
As the three began putting this together for Natasha’s memorial and began putting things together to help people, Bruce and Rocket began rebuilding the quantum tunnel. They needed to take the Stones back sooner than later.
It had been a long day, so Y/N decided to make dinner for everyone. She was busy in the kitchen when she heard Morgan speak.
“Mommy?” The girl called. 
“Yes, dear?” Y/N responded, looking up to see Morgan climbing to sit on a bar stool.
“Why are Daddy and Uncle Steve getting along?”
Y/N couldn’t hold back the laugh. “Well, I guess they’ve finally decided that it was time to forgive each other.”
“Forgive each other for what? What did they do?”
“You’ll know when you’re older.”
“I am older!”
“Not quite old enough for this, love. I’m sorry.”
She folded her arms and pouted. “Yes I am.”
“Okay, if you think that, why don’t you come help mommy with dinner?”
“I’m going to go see if Uncle Rhodey needs me!” 
Morgan quickly hopped off the stool and hurried away. Y/N laughed as she continued working. 
“What’s got you in such a happy mood?” Tony asked as him and Steve entered the kitchen. Tony went straight to his wife, kissing her temple.
“Morgan just asked why you and Steve were getting along?”
“What did you tell her?” Steve asked, sitting where Morgan once was.
“That I’d tell her when she’s older.”
“I’m sure that went over well,” Tony commented, helping Y/N with dinner prep.
“Oh it did, but I got her to stop after I told her that she was old enough to help me make dinner then. I think she’s now with Rhodey.”
“I don’t think we should tell her until she’s like 25. We don’t need her picking sides.”
“Why? You scared she’d choose mine, Stark?” Steve joked.
“Let’s stop right there, please,” Y/N requested. “We do not need another civil war, especially in my kitchen.”
“Now that I have you two together, I do need to bring up something.”
Y/N was immediately worried. What something wrong with Steve? Was she going to lose him as well? After all this time, everything they’ve been through? She had stopped what she was doing to give her brother his full attention.
“I’m volunteering to take back the Stones,” he stated.
“No,” Y/N quickly replied. “I’m going to.”
“Y/N, it’s dan—“
“No. I’m the one that can control them, that knows them. I should be the one to put them back.”
“What if something happens?” Tony questioned.
“That’s exactly my point! What if something happens? I would be able to handle it.”
“Y/N, I can’t let you do that,” Steve shook his head. “You have Tony and Morgan you need to come back to. I have… I have—“
“You have us too.” Y/N rushed around the counter and grabbed her brothers hands. “If you do this, you have to come back to us.”
“Yeah, Cap,” Tony agreed, coming up behind his wife. He wrapped an arm around her waist. “You have a family to come back to.”
Steve smiled. “Yeah, I do.”
Y/N was up and ready before any one else was in the house was the next morning, wanting everything to be perfect for Natasha’s memorial. She was outside, watering some flowers when Bucky walked up to her.
“Need help?” He asked.
“Sure,” she responded. “There’s another watering can next to the faucet over there.”
Bucky nodded, quickly going to where Y/N pointed. He was back by her in a matter of seconds, watering some more plants.
“He forgave me,” he whispered.
“He did?” Y/N questioned, a little surprised.
“Yeah… while you were out… and I… I don’t think he should.”
“Stop that right now.” Y/N paused what she was doing to give Bucky her full attention. “You do deserve forgiveness. Tony wouldn’t have said anything to you if he didn’t mean it… it’s not easy for him.”
Bucky nodded. “You two are good together.”
“I’m serious. Seeing you two together, with Morgan, it’s helped realize that it wasn’t meant for me. We weren’t meant to be.”
“I am sorry, Buck.”
“I know. Don’t be though. There’s no need. As long as you’re happy, that’s all that matters.”
“You deserve to be happy too.”
“Maybe… one day.”
“I hope to be there when it happens.”
“I plan on you being there.”
All the heroes that fought and their families came for Natasha’s memorial. Clint, Y/N, and Fury led it, having known the fallen Avenger the longest. Tears were shed and laughs were had. The memorial ended with Clint and his family letting a wreath of flowers go on the lake. It had a sash down the middle that read “no more red”. 
The heroes all spread out around the yard with plates of food afterwards. The chatted and watched the children play, even some of them played with the children (aka Thor). It was nice, it was needed. As Y/N watched on from the porch, Tony came behind her. He pulled her back into his chest and rested his chin on her shoulder.
“What are you thinking about?” He whispered, pressing a kiss under her ear.
She sighed contently. “How, even after everything, we’re still connected… we’re all one big, messed up family.”
Tony chuckled, slightly. “We are, aren’t we?”
“It’s nice. I’m going to miss everyone when they all go their separate ways.”
“They’ll all be back, sooner or later. Everyone always is.”
Y/N turned around in Tony’s arms, wrapping hers around his neck. “Bucky told me you forgave him.”
“I thought it was about time.”
“I’m so very proud of you, you know that?” She smiled at him. “So very proud.”
Tony leaned in and kissed her softly. “I love you,” he whispered before kissing you again.
“Ew!” Peter and Morgan shrieked together.
Y/N broke apart from the kiss, laughing as she set her head on Tony’s chest. Tony playfully glared at the two at the other end of the porch. Peter was carrying Morgan on his hip, the two already the best of friends after a few short days.
“What are you two troublemakers doing?” Tony teased, helping Y/N turn to face them while still keeping her close.
“We want cheeseburgers!” Morgan squealed, throwing her arms up in the air.
“She,” Peter corrected, “she wants cheeseburgers. She just convinced me to want them too.”
“And you couldn’t say no?” Y/N giggled.
“It’s hard… I’ve never had a sister before…”
“Mo, how about we get cheeseburgers tomorrow? We can’t just leave our guests.”
“Rocket said he’d take us in his space ship!” The little girl exclaimed.
“Like the kid said,” Rocket appeared behind them, “she’s hard to say no to.”
Y/N and Tony looked at each other. “What do you think?” Y/N used her thoughts to ask her husband.
“I say, why not?” Tony responded. “We both know that they’d never let anything happen to her.”
“Fine,” Y/N spoke up. “But make sure she’s strapped in for the flight.”
“Yay!” Morgan squealed. “Thanks, mom and dad!”
The couple watched as the three hurried towards the ship, convincing others to come along as they went.
“Definitely a crazy family,” Tony muttered. “But worth it.”
The next morning, Tony, Y/N, Bruce, Sam, Bucky, and Steve went to the new quantum platform. Tony and Bruce were getting it stared up, while Y/N was making sure the Stones were going to be good. Bruce was also telling Steve what he needed to do.
“Now, remember, you have to return the Stones to the exact moment you got them,” Bruce said. “Or you’re gonna open up a bunch of nasty alternative realities.”
“Don’t worry, Bruce,” Steve replied. “Clip all the branches.”
“Seriously though, Steve,” Y/N added. “You have to or I’m coming after you and I don’t need to clean up anymore of your messes.”
“I got it, Y/N. I promise.”
“You know, I tried,” Bruce said. “When I had the gauntlet, the Stones, I really tried to bring her back.” 
“I did too,” Y/N quietly admitted. Tony stepped closer to her, grabbed her hand and giving it slight squeeze.
“I miss her.”
“Me, too,” Steve responded.
Y/N grabbed the case of Stones with her free hand. She and Tony followed Steve as he walked towards Sam.
“You know, if you ant, I can come with you,” Sam offered.
“You’re a good man, Sam,” Steve told his friend. “This one’s on me, though.” Steve then walked over to Bucky. “Don’t do anything stupid ‘till I get back.”
“How can I? You’re taking all the stupid with you,” Bucky responded. 
The two lifelong friends pulled each other into a hug. The hug was longer than it should have been, Y/N noted. Steve wasn’t leaving forever. He was coming back, right? She knew she could just peek inside of her brother’s mind, but she didn’t want to do that to him. If Steve had something to tell her, he would when he was ready. Y/N had to give him the trust that he struggled to give her. Steve came up to Tony and Y/N next. He brought Y/N in for a hug, kissing her cheek. 
“Stay safe,” Y/N whispered. “I don’t want to come after you.”
“You won’t need to,” he replied. “I promise.” Steve turned to Tony next. “Did you get it?”
“It’s all ready to go,” Tony responded.
“Thank you, Tony.”
“What’s all ready?” Y/N wondered.
Steve smiled softly. “You’ll figure it out soon.” 
He lifted up it hand, allowing her to hand over the case. Steve went over to the quantum portal and donned the quantum suit. Tony joined Bruce at the control panel.
“How long is this gonna take?” Sam asked.
“For him? As long as he needs,” Bruce answered. “For us? Five seconds.”
“Ready, Cap?” Tony wondered. Steve nodded and picked up Mjolnir, needing to take that back as well. “Alright. We’ll meet you back here, okay?”
“You bet.”
“Going quantum,” Bruce announced. “Three, two, one—“ 
Steve disappeared into the quantum portal and Y/N could immediately feel the Stones affect on her leave. Only ever so slightly though. She knew she still had powers.
“And returning in, five, four, three, two, one—“ 
When Steve didn’t appear on the pad, Y/N’s heart stopped. Where was her brother?
“Where is he?” Sam asked.
“I don’t know,” Bruce panicked. “He blew right by his time stamp. He should be here.”
“Well, get him back.”
Y/N noticed that Tony was too calm. “Tony,” she called. “Where the hell is Steve?”
“He’ll be here, sweetheart,” Tony replied. “He had something he needed to do first.”
“What did he need—“
Y/N failed to finish her sentence as Steve appeared back on the platform. He appeared normal. Just like he had left.
“Steve!” Y/N called, her and Sam rushing up to him. “What happened?”
“I’m sorry if I worried you,” Steve said, bringing his sister in for a hug. “I had promised a dame a dance. And it didn’t feel right to come back until she got it.”
“I was so worried.” She smacked his chest. “Don’t do anything like that again without telling me.”
“Same here,” Sam agreed. The three headed down the platform.
“Actually, Sam, I need to talk to you about something. Tony.”
Tony came around the control panel with a large round leather pouch. “Here ya go, Rogers,” he said, handing the pouch over. “Everything is the way it should be.”
“What?” Y/N questioned. “What’s going on here?”
Tony pulled his wife into his side. “Patience, my dear.”
Steve turned to give Sam his full attention. “Try this on,” Steve told his friend.
“What?” Sam said, confused. “Why?”
“It’s time for me to step down. Take care of my family.”
“Why me?”
“You’re a good man, Sam. That’s why.”
Sam looked back at Bucky and then at Y/N, both who gave approving nods. He carefully took the shield from the leather pouch and slipped it onto his arm.
“How does it feel?” Steve wondered.
“Like it’s someone else’s,” Sam answered.
“It isn’t.”
“Really, though,” Tony added. “It isn’t. I made it to fit you.”
“Thank you,” Sam said. “I’ll do my best.”
“That’s why it’s yours,” Steve told him, shaking Sam’s hand. “Now, I want to see my niece and get some ice cream. Anyone want to join?"
next chapter >
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yourmcu · 3 years
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Stark!reader (platonic), Tony Stark x daughter!reader
You met Natasha for the first time while she was undercover as Natalie. You’re not overly fond of how your first meeting went.
Word count: 1,390
Warnings: none (that means fluff)
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gif not mine! credits to the owner^^
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“How was the field trip, Miss Stark?”
"Good actually, just feeling a bit under the weather,” you sniffle while the front door slides close behind you. “It was probably the heavy air conditioning on the bus.”
You drop your duffel bag beside the couch while Jarvis reassures you that somebody will get you a hot meal to make you feel better. You had gotten back in the early hours of the morning so Pepper and even Tony would still be asleep, and you're already sure Happy is going to be upset when he finds out you took the bus home instead of calling him.
You go to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water and sit down by the kitchen island. It’s almost six, anyone would wake up soon. So you just sit there trying to deal with your headache.
Natasha is always up early ever since she got the position as an assistant for Stark’s company. As much as possible she keeps the snooping around to a minimal, or makes sure to finish the tasks Pepper gave her first before looking out for Tony to see what he was up to.
She had seen a framed photo of you and Tony in the living room. She immediately wondered who you were, seeing as the public doesn’t fully know Tony Stark had a child, and if Fury knew about you. She casually brought it up when both her and Pepper were working though: “Tony’s daughter. Y/N doesn’t like to be in the spotlight that much.”
When Jarvis notifies her that “Miss Stark has arrived and could use some soup.”, she puts her paperwork aside and strides out of the room. Natasha doesn’t trust this whole daughter thing. Tony Stark is a busy - and a reckless man, he doesn’t have time for one, at least, that’s what she thinks. Maybe she’s a child prodigy he hired or something, or possibly an agent.
You raise your head a bit when you hear the clopping of heals, feeling very much relieved that Pepper’s awake - except it isn’t Pepper.
Her movements are swift as she enters the room. She clutches her clipboard at her side as she got a good look at you. Huh. I thought she’d be much younger.
“Uh, hello,” you say awkwardly, eyes flicking from her, to your side, and at the door. Oh god, dad’s having one night stands again. You thought for sure he'll end up with Pepper. This woman looks like a reporter, except she managed to dress herself unlike-
“Do you have a soup preference?”
“What?” You blink. You don’t like it when your father sleeps with women who wander around the house in the morning. When they see you they want to take photos, sometimes an interview when you were still in your pajamas. But this one is asking you what kind of soup you like. Maybe she’s hungover? “The... uh, the exit’s down the hall on the left, I can ring a driver if you need a ride, if you want,”
You really wish Tony or Pepper would walk in now.
“What gave you the impression that I want to leave?”
Something about the way she said that made an alarm go off inside you. You want nothing more than to run. “Okay, I’m-” you get up, taking your water bottle with you. You try to avoid her gaze because it follows you until you're at the door. “I’m just gonna... just gonna go.” And you sprint away.
You head to Tony’s lab and enter your code when you see him working on an old red car. “Dad,” you breathe out and his eyes light up when he sees you.
“Hey bud, when did you get home?” His breath reeks of alcohol and it isn’t surprising that he's getting no sleep again.
“The reporter you mingled with is still here and she doesn’t want to leave.”
“Yes, reporter, or I don’t know... whatever her occupation is,” you raise your voice a bit. “You know I can’t do anything about when you - when you take someone home-”
Tony stops his fidgeting. “That’s none of your business.”
“Okay fine, sorry, but-”
“Look, I’m sure you’ve had a rough trip back,” he gets up and wipes his hands. “But there’s not a single reporter, or whatever you’re talking about, here. Let’s go, I’m sure Natalie has breakfast ready.”
You open your mouth to object but Tony already has an arm around you and leads you out of his workplace. You’re only gone for a few weeks, curse them for not bothering to shoot you a text or something, just so that you're informed with everything that’s been going on-
“Mr. Stark?” That same, gentle but almost kind of robotic voice speaks. Well, that’s how you’d describe the red-headed stranger. You scoot closer to Tony when she came to view. “Miss Potts has specifically ordered me to tell you not to disturb her today. She’s very busy. Can I get both of you anything?”
You feel your lips part slowly, gaping at the two adults.
“I’m gonna go shower, you can assist Y/N here to whatever she needs,” Tony replies absentmindedly and walks away.
The man forgot you had no idea who the woman is and what she's doing here. “Who... who are you?” You turn to face her after you watchs your dad walk away and is now out of view.
“Natalie Rushman,” she replies matter-of-factly.
“But who - wait, why... what?”
Natasha could tell you really are Tony’s daughter and now found your confusion amusing. She decides to fill you in on everything that happened while you were away.
“Pepper’s CEO?! Hang on, I have to go see her-” But she gently places a hand on your shoulder.
“She doesn’t want to be disturbed today.”
After that interaction the both of you became close. You warmed up to her, and despite Natasha still being undercover she became softer around you, thinking you wouldn’t be able to put the pieces together and figure out what she was really doing here.
You’d ask her for advice, help for homework sometimes, talk about random shit, it was great.
Every time you both had the chance to talk you’d ask her random questions, they’d always leave you speculating.
“Dad said you modeled in Tokyo,” you point out one day while she’s filing paperwork and you had nothing better to do. “Why didn’t you pursue it? You know, modeling?”
She could’ve pursued being a boxer or something too, Happy also told you about the time she flipped him over in the boxing ring. You couldn’t imagine why she’d choose being an assistant over the other cool ones.
Natasha just glances at you for a moment and shrugs, returning to the task at hand. “It wasn’t my thing.”
But what made you upset? The day she left. You just built this bond with her, a friendship, and you didn’t see any reason why she had to leave. No one had any complaints with her, so why?
You ask Tony after him and Rhodey were honored in Washington. “Did you fire Ms. Rushman?”
“Sorry?” Tony removes his sunglasses hastily.
“I was just wondering why Natalie doesn’t work for you anymore.”
“Natasha.” He corrects.
Your eyebrows furrow as you look at him, “wh-”
“I didn’t fire her, kid,” he sighs. “But something tells me we’re gonna see her again soon.”
And you did, two years later.
“C’mon, Nat, stop,” you drag out after you leapt onto her and tried to cover her mouth. “It’s not funny!”
“And then - and then Y/N gave me this look when I walked in - oh god, she looked so creeped out, then-”
The room fills with laughter from the other avengers but the loudest ones were coming from Sam and Clint. She told them the story a few times and it still never gets old.
 “I still can’t believe you thought she was one of Tony’s flings,” Sam wipes a tear from his eye. “God, that’s gold!”
When she finishes, Natasha pulls you closer and tilts her head when she sees the pout on your face. “Aww, are you mad at me?”
“I know you are,” oh no. She put on the voice she uses whenever she’s about to do something you didn’t like. Without warning, her hands go to your sides, tickling you mercilessly.
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shades-of-stony · 3 years
Heavy Angst (And Not-So-Heavy but Still Angsty) Stony Fanfics!
I’m absolutely love a good Tony whump and hurt story so prepare to see a lot of those here! Get your tissues ready!
Push by phoenixreal
Summary: Tony Stark was known for pissing people off, it was a given. Then, after the man everyone thought was nothing more than a selfish prick decided to nearly kill himself saving Manhattan from a nuclear bomb, even the most sure of Tony's bastard status had to rethink it. And then, his team who were sure they had him pegged, they were invited (ordered) to move into Stark Tower with him. To their surprise, they found he had furnished full floors for each of them, somehow knowing their tastes exactly, including a floor dedicated to the resident Asgardian who would only be there some of the time. Surprised, and please, they all wonder at the enigma that is their host. After a couple months, Pepper Potts stops coming around so much, and they realize that something has exchanged between them because they are rather professional to each other. Pepper still frets over Tony, but instead tells the others to keep an eye on him rather than doing it herself. They easily forget that Tony is, and always has been, simply a human civilian. Then things get strange when they find themselves locked down within Stark tower, and after a harrowing viewing of a mysterious video, they find their resident playboy is completely gone.
Note: Prepare to cry and be hurt! This fanfic dabbles with Tony’s insecurity, self-worth, and issues. Please heed the warnings!
The words you choose to say by masterlokisev159
Summary: After the SHRA, the events around Steve’s death and Tony discovering he deleted part of his brain, Tony finally decides he's done enough. With Osborn taken care of, Tony leaves the Avengers and decides to quit being Ironman effective immediately.
He tells himself it doesn't hurt when Steve agrees. Why should it? After everything he's done, the team's better off without him.
However before he can truly move on, there are things he needs to take care of, and it's not long before he realizes he's dangerously close to losing his company. He's desperate and willing to do anything to keep it together.
So when, after months of silence, Steve asks him to drop everything and come work for Shield, Tony finds he doesn't have a choice. He agrees, no matter how much he knows he shouldn't. His reputation isn't exactly the best after the SHRA and he's heard stories of what he'd done as Director. He's knows what he's done. He's knows he's responsible for what happened to Steve.
He just wishes someone had warned him first. He hadn't been prepared to deal with the consequences.
Note: A 1000/10 angst fanfic that made me weep at 3 am in the morning. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. READ IT AND PREPARE TO CRY BUCKETS
Protocol SOTERIA by GoldenFinches
Summary: Friday's primary objective at all times is to protect one Anthony Edward Stark. And she will fulfill that objective no matter what it takes. Even if it means including certain people she thought she would never have to deal with again.
(Basically the Rogue Avengers get some sense knocked into them with the help of Friday and handful of videos.)
Straight to Voicemail by YouMakeMeDokiDoki
Summary: "I DID!" Tony screamed, cutting Steve off mid-sentence and whirling around to glare at him. 
The one where no one answered their phone and things got out of hand. 
Note: this will absolutely break you heart.
Sunshine and Luck by ImportedfromMunich2
Summary: Months after Siberia, Steve and the rest of the defectors are pardoned and allowed back onto the Avengers, with the help of Tony Stark. Now that they're back - nothing is the same as before. Tony is even avoiding Steve at all costs.
Then one night - Tony barges into Steve's bedroom while he sleeps, and they have spontaneous, passionate sex.
Only, the Tony Stark he just fucked isn't from this universe.
Now, Steve has to find a way to explain to Tony that he had sex with his counterpart from another dimension.
Note: A good Steve whump fic! 
When You Mess With Him... by REM_It_Up
Summary: During an event with the Avengers, Tony is kidnapped by an unknown group of men right in front of the team. The group who took Tony taunt the Avengers by leaving small clues to Tony's whereabouts. When the kidnappers finally get in contact with the team, they are forced to watch Tony get tortured on camera.
The Avengers desperately search for their missing friend before they never see him again.
The kidnappers are smart and fast, they have everything figured out in order to get away with their plan...They just forgot one thing--
Colonel James Rhodes
Note: Now this is really heavy! Brace yourselves for a kidnapped and tortured tony! Also, protective honey bear aka Rhodey bonus here!
To Need is Not To Want by Brixon
Summary: All his life Tony has been used as a means to someone's end. Always someone's tool in a game. Carelessly thrown aside, once they had no longer use of him. He keeps it bottled up because, because he's Tony Stark. But he's always had this desire that one day someone would come who would stay because they wanted and needed him. He thought he had that with the Avengers, but after everything with the Accords and everyone leaving after Civil War that hope of having something of his to stay was gone.
Despite being burned constantly, Tony still has this wanting. So when Ryder, an old college friend, comes back into his life and actually seems to want to stay because he wants AND needs Tony, Tony is beyond thrilled. Because Ryder is staying. It doesn't matter if the bruises stay too.
But what happens when the Avengers return and Tony finds himself wondering once again exactly what he wants and what he needs.
Note: I’m sure, from the summary, you can tell that it’s a heartbreak here. 
Hiding Things Is All Too Easy - Until It Isn't by audhds
Summary: Tony hasn't been the same since Bucky arrived at Stark Tower. That much is obvious. But Steve is overjoyed to have his best friend back and is somewhat oblivious to how Tony is withdrawing away from him. Because surely Tony is just overworked as usual. He must be quiet and jumpy because he is sleep deprived. And of course he has a few cuts and bruises on the visible parts of his skin - he fights and works for the Avengers as a living. It's part of the job description. Until it isn't.
Will Steve discover the physical and mental trauma that Tony is going through before it is too late?
Note: This is even heavier! Please read the tags carefully! Also, this has some serious Bucky bashing! If you are a Bucky fan but still interested in this, please prepare yourself. 
No Trait As Much As This by KandiSheek
Summary: Tony gets hit with truth serum. It's a terrible time for everyone.
Note: A bit lighter than the others but still angst nonetheless. The added truth serum element makes this even more interesting!
Good For You by @orbingarrow
Summary: Steve doesn't understand why Tony dates people who abuse him. Tony doesn't understand why Steve cares.
The rest is bad choices, good choices, rehab, milkshakes, paintball, YouTube videos, couples therapy and learning to put the past in the past. Or: How Tony finds his happy ending.
Note: Another Tony-in-abusive-relationships fanfic!!
hold the things you wanna say by SailorChibi
Summary: Tony is still a consultant, and between SI, the team and SHIELD he's overworked and exhausted. That's okay.
He and Steve have been having sex for weeks but that's all it is, just sex, and Tony wants more but he'll never get it and that's okay. Really.
What's not okay is the fact that Howard Stark has somehow appeared in the future and is the same as always.
This is definitely going to fuck up his schedule.
Note: Anyone up for some Howard-travels-to-the-future fanfic?
Childhood is the Kingdom Where Nobody Dies by MemoryDragon
Summary: Seven-year-old Tony Stark wakes up on a Hydra base, lost, afraid, and alone. He has to overcome his fears before it's too late for the Avengers and Captain America.
Note: De-aged Tony just screams heavy angst and hurt!
Advanced Protocol by masterlokisev159
Summary: The Incursions are coming. The Illuminati have surrendered and everyone has come together to take one last stand.
Everyone except Tony. And Steve is tired of waiting. He wants answers.
There's something the Illuminati aren't telling him.
Note: If you don’t know what the Avalon is in Marvel, I recommend you search it up, or you could read this fic. You will be heartbroken with what you find. 
Flower Child by itsallAvengers
Summary: The point was this, though:
In a hundred million universes, in a hundred million different lives, there would never be a single one of them in which Tony Stark deserved anyone like Steve Rogers. Ever.
So this? Nonsensical.
Note: Another fanfic that highlights child abuse and Tony’s insecurities! 
What Pays All Debts by KandiSheek
Summary: No one is supposed to survive the date written on their skin. And yet Tony's numbers keep piling up.
Note: Angst + Death dates? You could probably foretell how much of a gut-wrench journey this is.
Falling Into You by sabrecmc
Summary: Tony and Steve end up as fuck buddies after the events of The Winter Soldier until Steve calls it off. When Loki's spell wipes all of Steve's memories since the last time Loki was in town, Tony decides it will be so much easier to just not tell Steve they had something of a relationship. Spoiler: It isn't.
Or, how Steve fell in love with Tony and forgot about it, and how Tony fell in love with Steve and realized it.
Note: There are just something about amnesia fanfics that makes it so goddamn heartbreaking. 
Art Freaks and Comic Geeks by Coil
Summary: Tony Stark had made himself a phenomenally renowned writer. The world had fallen in love with the heroes that appeared in his novels; captivated by his vivid words of life and colour.
His next ambition was to publish a comic book series starring the much-beloved heroes of his novels. There was just one problem. Brilliant as Tony may have been with his words, his skills in the field of drawing were less than great. It didn’t help that he barely knew what his characters ought to look like in the first place.
Enter: Mister Steve Rogers – an up-and-coming artist/illustrator with the potential to be brilliant.
Their paths happen to cross at Comic-Con.
Note: this is a much lighter angsty fanfic but is still angsty. It is a Modern AU mixed with Artist!Steve and Writer!Tony.
Unwritten Endings by XtaticPearl
Summary: Tony takes the bullet meant for Captain America at the end of their war and through his death, brings together the team again. Only, he isn't really dead and when he comes back, the equations between the team-mates begin to alter and reform, writing a new story altogether.
Note: Of course, you can’t have an angst fanfic rec without a fake death fanfic!
Need Is Just A Word by masterlokisev159
Summary: A month has gone by since the war and Tony has never felt more alone. of course, with the unrest within the government, the disappearance of the Avengers and the obvious lack of Steve Rogers, it was only a matter of time before the UN finally flipped out and decided to act on the last available Avenger. Too bad they didn't realise a promise had been made by Captain America to be there when Iron man needed him.
Note: a gut-wrenching Post CA:CW fanfic where tony is suffering the consequences of the civil war.
Take me out tonight by masterlokisev159
Summary: When Steve gets invited to a formal party with the government, Fury tells him he can bring a plus one of his choosing. While listening quietly in the corner, Tony heaves a sigh of relief because the team could really do with some positive publicity and any of the Avengers are a good choice for Steve. Tony just wants Steve to be happy after all, even if he knows Steve's gonna pick Natasha. He knows Steve doesn't like him and he's aware there's never going to be anything more between them. They're barely even friends really.
So of course he's absolutely shocked when a gold filigree letter rests in his palms two days later. He's the worst person for this.
Why on earth did Steve choose him?
Note: AHHHHHHHH, INSECURE TONY IS JUST A FAVORITE. Also, confident!Steve that knows who he wants is just a whole new mood!
The Soul Stone's Sacrifice by masterlokisev159
The soul stone demands a sacrifice that Tony and Steve are not prepared for, but in the end, one life is sacrificed for the many. Steve lets Tony go for the last time and mourns a future they never had.
That is until Tony comes back.
Note: A scenario where Tony and Steve where the ones to go to Vormir. 
102 notes · View notes
thran-duils · 3 years
Doll Me Up (P.4)
Title: Doll Me Up (Part Four) Summary: Fem!Reader x Dark Mob!Tony Stark. On good days, you and Tony were a power couple. You, a perfect trophy wife with your hands in local charities to promote a wholesome image. Tony, business man but sullied with organized crime. He indulged in his illegal gambling, extortion, and political corruption. And he indulged in his escort business. Hell, that is where he had found you. You were a brat, and he loved a challenge. Words: 2,965 Warnings: Unhealthy relationships, smut, daddy kink, dom/sub, manipulation, death, violence, possessive behavior
Part Three || Part Five || Masterpost (mobile) || Fanfic masterpost
Tony’s office was expansive, but you were in such a small space of it.
You had just gotten back from your honeymoon and he stopped by the office to grab some paperwork and you had trailed along behind him. As soon as he had closed the door to his office, he had grabbed your hand, forcing it to his crotch. One thing led to another and you found yourself tucked underneath his desk, your mouth wrapped around his balls as he stroked himself, his head thrown back against his chair.
“Just like that,” Tony panted. “Keep flicking your tongue like that, princess.”
There was a sharp knock at the door and the two of you froze. His door opened and your eyes widened at the prospect of being caught in this position. Tony was chill as a cucumber though, both his hands coming up on his desk immediately.
“Rhodey,” Tony said sounding surprised to see him and for good reason. You had only stopped in, not announcing you were going to be here. You breathed evenly through your nose but the feeling of it made his cock twitch, it brushing your face. He shifted at the even slight contact, hopefully unnoticed.
“Huh, you are here,” Rhodey said from over by the door. “Maria said she saw you come in. Aren’t you supposed to be on your honeymoon?”
“Just got back. Landed the helicopter outside actually.”
“Where’s Y/N?”
You were not moving, waiting for Rhodey to leave. Tony’s balls were still settled in your mouth as you sat suspended in the lewd act.
“Uh, went to get something to drink I think. She should be back. Just… stopped in to grab some stuff.”
There was a small pause, and you could only imagine the awkwardness exchanged in their looks.
“You alright?” Rhodey asked uncertainly.
“Perfect. Why?”
Another pause.
“No reason...” Rhodey said trailing off. “Well, you should finish your vacation. You work too much. Gotta make sure that you’re doting on the missus too.”
“Is the single man trying to give me relationship advice about my marriage?” Tony could not help but to quip.
Rhodey laughed and said, “Jackass. I’ll see you next week. Stay out of the office until then after this, you hear me? You’ll thank me for forcing that and so will Y/N.”
“Loud and clear.”
When the door closed, you sucked hard. Tony grunted in response and then a strangled laugh left his throat.
“Good girl. You’re so well trained,” he praised, guiding his dick to your eager mouth.
You sat in the back of the car with Tony, your arms crossed tightly across your chest, staring out the window. You were not even trying to hide the tears trailing down your cheeks, thinking of how hurt Liam was in and the aftermath of it. Tony had been angry with you before, Cassandra’s party for one example. And you had both been inebriated which only exacerbated the situation. But him sober though and angry? This was a new experience. You felt a twinge of fear of if he had gotten it out of his system or if he had something else planned. He threatened punishment though, hadn’t he?
He was silent the whole way home, but you could feel the fury. He would not even look at you, sitting as far away as possible.
When Happy pulled into the garage and parked the car, Tony was out of the car quickly. You gathered up your bags before getting out of the car. Tony was striding ahead of you down the garage, not waiting for you.
You caught Happy’s eyes and huffed when he tried to take the bags from you. “I can do it myself, thanks.”
Happy’s hands fell back down to his sides and he looked miffed, but you ignored it, beginning to follow Tony. He stormed inside and was making a beeline for your bedroom. You were already tensing, thinking of the spanking you were going to get. You followed him all the same into the master bedroom and went into your closet to put your bags down.
When you turned back around, you found him looming in the doorway.
He let out a humorless laugh, breaking the silence the two of you had been suspended in. You bit at your cheeks, waiting for him to explode because you had seen him like this before; that manic type laughter.
Tony threw out his arms, “I just don’t get it, baby! I mean, are you really that fucking stupid? You thought taking a plane to another state – let alone city – wasn’t going to piss me off to high heaven? And you hole up in some hotel with some guy like some skank—”
“I didn’t have sex with him!” you interrupted him, offended.
He looked furious at your interjection. “Don’t interrupt me!” He took steps towards you, hands on his hips. “Why the fuck did he answer your phone?”
“I was in the bath! I was telling him to hang up!”
“Didn’t hear that. Odd.”
“Yeah, because it would sound really suspicious if you could. Like I had something to hide!” you said defensively. “He’s stupid but he’s harmless. He didn’t know it was going to piss you off so much.”
“Sure, nothing to hide. I mean you even said you loved him in front of me.”
“I say that to all my friends. It didn’t mean—"
“And then I tell you to come home,” Tony interrupted you now, his voice rising, and you felt it about to boil over. “And what do you do? You can’t even follow that direction even though everything is perfectly laid out for you. Perfectly! Every little fucking step of the way! All you had to do was listen. But no! You have to go and make it difficult for no. good. goddamn. reason!”
He bellowed the last, slamming his hand down on one of your dressers, making you flinch back. He was burning holes into you with how intensely he was staring at you and you folded, your eyes downcast, heat coming to your cheeks. You did not like it when he yelled, especially when it was directed at you. You were truly regretting stoking his anger this much.
“Tell me why, Y/N!” Tony continued shouting. “Tell me why you have to push my fucking buttons! Why can’t you just be good?”
“I’m sorry,” you said hoarsely, tears stinging your eyes.
Tony inhaled deeply, exhaling shakily. He turned on his heel suddenly, leaving you alone in the closet. You heard him slam the bedroom door closed as he left.
You stood in silence, not knowing what to do. After a few minutes, you timidly walked out of the closet, finding the bedroom empty. You shuffled to the bed, sitting down tensely, waiting worriedly.
He returned to the bedroom, the buttons undone on his shirt along his chest and at his wrists. You knew it was because he was getting ready to put effort into making sure you learned your lesson and he would need all the range of motion he could get.
“Go,” he ordered you.
You followed his direction without a moment’s hesitation, knowing he wanted you in the room behind his study where all your toys were. The door in the bookcase was already open and you scurried inside, him on your heels.
His next demand came the moment you crossed the threshold, “Strip.”
You did as he asked hearing him close the door behind him. Quickly, you were standing naked before him. He was barely sparing you a glance, not taking the time to acknowledge you and that cut deep.
“The bench,” he ordered tautly.
Dragging your feet only a little at his icy demeanor, your body shook in anticipation. You climbed up onto the restraint bench, feeling the air move beside you as he came to stand by you. You chewed on your bottom lip, your head hanging, staying still as he tightened the restraints around your wrists and then moved down to your calves.
He was still not speaking to you past the curt commands, and you heard him walk off. You did not dare try to lift your head to follow him, keeping yourself curled in as much as you could. You thought worriedly of what whip or paddle he was going to choose to dole out your punishment. You prayed it was not the ball chain because that one would hurt. He had only used that one to stimulate you, but you only thought now of how much that impact would hurt if he used his full strength.
His footfalls met your ears and you twitched, trying to will yourself to not tense up because that was going to make it worse.
The sound cracked through the room and you gasped, your toes curling. There was no massage or build up to get you warmed up this time. He was using the leather slapper, the triple impact increasing the hit. One you knew all too well, whether it be for pleasure or to teach you a lesson. He was able to be close with it too, increasing his precision.
Tony had not asked you to count, so you did not before the second blow hit. You hissed when the third hit and tears stung when the fourth landed directly dead center across your ass. He was leaving small breaks in between but not too long. The next hit lower near your thighs and you choked out a whimper; he had done that on purpose, he knew it hurt. The next was higher and you could hear him breathing heavier. He was putting his back into the hits.
The tenth fell finally and you almost breathed in relief when you heard him walk away from you. Your ass was stinging, and you thought miserably of the bruises that were to show up.
He only gave you a moment’s reprieve. Tony’s hands were at your calves, undoing the restraints and he did the same for your wrists. Changing positions was bittersweet; your muscles stretched but the pain on your backside caused you to wince. Your legs shook as he helped you to your feet and he pulled you along to beside the bed. You thought for a moment he was going to let you lay down and relief began to flood through you, foolishly thinking that it had not been so bad after all. But you saw the pillows on the ground beside the bed and the toy mounted on the ground.
“On your knees,” he said letting go of your arm.
You painfully lowered to the ground, resting your knees on the pillows – something he had thankfully considered, you fleetingly thought.
Reflexively, you began to lower to rest your head on your elbows to release some pressure from your legs and he snapped his fingers at you, “No. Up.”
You did your best to bite back a complaint, sighing pathetically instead. You kept your eyes downcast still, not sending him a challenge with meeting his eyes.
The toy slid in slowly and your fingers flexed on the floor as you adjusted to it. Tony was controlling it, the speed, the depth. It was shallow at first, working you up. He was pacing and you could feel his stare as he watched the silicone go in and out. He had ultimate control of how hard you were going to get impaled and a first row seat to watch. You did your best to stay in the same position that he wanted, trying to be good. This was without restraints, he wanted you to do it on your own, and you wanted him to forgive you.
Tony turned on the vibrator setting suddenly, and you keened at the sensation. It dragged across your clit, sending reverberations through you as the toy continued thrusting in and out. You were growing slick, relaxing into the movement the deeper it plunged. The dull ache was being overpowered by the tightening in your core with every brush against your g-spot. It was getting harder now to not push back into the toy for more stimulation to release and come.
Fidgeting, your breath was becoming short as you felt yourself spiraling towards release.
Tony turned the toy off.
You blinked, feeling sorrow at the quickly dissipating high you had almost reached the apex of.
His breath was hot on your ear, “If you come on this toy, I’ll put you right back up on the bench. You got me?” You nodded and he demanded, “Answer me!”
“Yes, daddy,” you choked out pathetically. “I understand.”
“You better,” he warned, straightening back up. “You’re not coming until it’s on my dick and until you’ve proved you deserve it and earned my forgiveness, you’re not getting me.”
He only gave you a few more moments reprieve before the toy turned back on. You bit at your bottom lip, trying to ignore the sensation in the toy’s movements now that you knew what the stakes were. He was pacing again and you could imagine his glossed over eyes as he watched the toy sliding in past your folds, taking in the redness on your ass that he had put there. Your chest was rising and falling as you moved to try to keep your thoughts anywhere but here.
Tony pushed you right to the edge and when it was getting hard to ignore it, he turned it off again to your immense relief. Your breaths were coming short and heavy, your arms beginning to shake. You just wanted to lay down.
He started it up again and you let out a small cry. Everything was going to be so sore.
The sound of him walking away while the toy was still thrusting, at a slower pace thankfully, drew your attention and you almost turned your head to follow him. You managed to catch yourself at the last second, swallowing sharply and forcing yourself to look back down at the ground. The pressure was building quicker this time with how worked up you already were, and you hoped he was not gone for long. You did not want to come undone and disappoint him. And you sure as hell did not want to be back on the bench.
It felt like forever but logically it had to have been a handful of minutes. The toy was still thrusting steadily, working you gradually towards an orgasm rather than rushing. You could handle this. You could do this. It was going okay.
Until it was not. The dildo increased in speed and you sighed, closing your eyes tight. You heard a creak and you hoped it was him returning.
Another change, it moved deeper. And the vibration.
“Daddy, please,” you whimpered, unable to help yourself.
You knew he could hear you if he was still able to control the toy from where he was. He had not completely abandoned you. Broken, soft cries left your lips as your fingers dug into the floor, willing yourself to try to keep yourself from tumbling.
A gasp of relief exploded from you when the toy turned off. You heard the door open fully again and you sniffled, visibly shaking on your arms now as the toy retracted.
Tony’s shoes appeared in your line of sight and he swooped down, helping you stand. You were weak in the knees, letting him guide you. You mournfully watched the bed disappear from view as he moved you along towards the door back to his study. Where was he taking you now?
Hope blossomed at the sight of the light on in the bathroom down the hall. And your wishes were answered: he had drawn up a warm bath and you almost cried.
“There’s Epsom salt in there,” he told you stiffly.
“Thank you,” you said immediately.
He did not respond and instead put his hand in the water, testing the temperature. “It should be fine now.”
Lowering into the tub, you hissed half in pleasure feeling the warmth and half because of how sore your ass was, touching the bottom of the tub. Slowly, you relaxed, relishing in the tension release that was provided by the salts. Your eyes followed Tony freely now as he walked out of the bathroom.
When he returned, he had a pair of pajamas that he placed on the counter, before shooting you a look.
“Don’t stay in too long. It’s almost 2 in the morning. You need to sleep,” he said sternly. You nodded feebly and his eyes swept over you once before he turned on his heel and left the bathroom again.
You woke up with your head buried in your pillow, your arms tucked safely underneath it. You had opted to sleep on your stomach, relieving the ache in your ass. You spotted that Tony’s side of the bed was still empty, which meant he had not come to bed. The bed felt cold without him, even though you were snuggled far underneath the blankets. Maybe he had slept in another room or on the couch. The thought of that only made you feel guilty.
You got out of bed, wincing at having to sit up to stand. Your leg caught as you moved, and you took a moment to stretch as much as you could. You pushed the button next to the window, opening the heavy curtains, letting the sun come in. Squinting against the light, you stared out over the ocean.
A couple of minutes of fresh air might do you some good, you thought sleepily.
Your hand fell onto the balcony door, the handle reading your fingerprint to unlock.
F.R.I.D.A.Y echoed over the speaker, “You are not authorized to open this door, Mrs. Stark.”
Forever tags: @coconutqueen21
Fic tags: @kvzctam, @farihafangirls, @teenageregression, @mrsnegan25
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thepartyresponsible · 3 years
For the wip ask (they all sound very interesting ngl it was hard to pick just one!) LostSteve
lost steve! yeah, so. what if shield defrosted captain america, and he broke out and just...kept running? what if they lost him? what if he ended up hiding out in tony’s tower, away from the fight for long enough to get his feet underneath him?
this fic is mostly about steve and tony finding each other first, so they can form the heart of the avengers, instead of the fault line that splits the team in half. here’s the first part of it.
There’s an alert from Nick Fury that Tony chooses to ignore, for the sake of his convenience and Fury’s ongoing character growth. JARVIS announces its arrival and then diligently reminds Tony about the message twice before Tony tells him to mute it until morning.
“If it’s really that important,” he says, “they’ll just send someone to break in anyway.”
Which is why, on some level, he’s not at all surprised to find a man sitting on a couch in his penthouse twenty-seven hours later. He will admit to being caught somewhat off-guard by the specifics of the situation, though, because Steve Rogers has been dead for longer than Tony’s been alive.
“Zombie?” Tony asks. “Hallucination? Oh, clone? Are you a clone?”
Steve Rogers looks at him the way people look at wax sculptures. Like he’s interested in the details of the creation in front of him, but doesn’t believe for a second that what he’s looking at is real. “Mr. Stark,” he says, politely. His voice is deeper than Tony would’ve guessed.
“Robot,” Tony theorizes. “Sexbot? Updated Trojan Horse? If I let you inside me, are you gonna--”
The man’s brow furrows, and his mouth twists down, and his eyes are too sad for circuitry. No one would code that kind of grief.
Tony pauses for a moment, rocks forward onto the balls of his feet and then back onto his heels. He studies this intruder carefully. Someone sent him a Steve Rogers lookalike in a white t-shirt and stained khakis. He’s hale and healthy, built like a god, but his feet are bare and dirty.
Bloody, too. There are bloody footprints on the carpet.
“Wait,” Tony says. “Wait. Who the hell are you?”
There’s a long beat of silence. The man on his couch just stares at him, eyes tracing over Tony’s face, his shoulders, looking at him like he’s starving for something. He’s quiet and small, somehow, in a way that doesn’t relate at all to the amount of space his body takes up.
And then he stands, light and graceful on his bloody feet. His jaw tightens, and his shoulders pull up, and he’s an American Hero, suddenly and decisively, like he’s made some kind of choice about it.
“Mr. Stark,” he says, again, “I’m Captain America.”
And he is, Tony thinks. The same way that he’s Iron Man. Because once you put on that kind of armor, whatever else you used to be is irrelevant.
He’s Captain America, and he’s back from the dead. SHIELD had him and lost him, and Nick Fury wants Tony to go looking for him. That’s the message he left with JARVIS over a day ago. And Tony can’t imagine he was the first name on their list, which means Steve Rogers has been alone in the wrong century for an unknown but considerable amount of time.
“Hey,” he says, calling out from where he’s slouched against the kitchen island, watching Captain America dutifully eat through every scrap of leftovers Tony had in the fridge. “How long have you been here?”
“I was born here,” he says, through a mouthful of fried rice that he hides behind a napkin. He chews, swallows, and jabs his fork over Tony’s shoulder. “In Brooklyn.”
Tony knew that. Of course he knew that. He memorized everything about Steve Rogers back when he thought he could become enough like him to make Howard consider him worthwhile. “No, I mean,” he says, waving his hands, “in this century. How long have you been--- Jesus. I dunno. Awake? Aware? Unfrosted flakes?”
Steve blinks at him. He stares for a second and then ducks his head, stirs his fork through the open takeout box in front of him. “Spent a couple days,” he says. “Looking around.”
Looking around. Steve Rogers, unwitting time-traveler, barefoot in New York. What had he been looking for? Why did he come here?
“Why didn’t you get any shoes?” Tony asks, instead of any of the more complicated questions.
Steve tucks his feet under his chair. He washed them half an hour or so back, walking uneasily into the bathroom Tony showed him and then locking the door behind him, like he thought Tony was some kind of pervert who would bodyslam through the door to catch a glimpse of him sudsing up his bare ankles.
“Didn’t have any money,” he says, surprisingly mulish about it.
“You couldn’t smash and grab a pair of Sketchers?” Tony shakes his head. “If you get lockjaw, you’re gonna have to tell Fury you caught it from somewhere else. Fuck’s sake, when was your last tetanus booster? 1943?”
He shrugs. He doesn’t seem concerned. He’s busy eating his way through enough calories to keep your average winter-starved grizzly happy.
It’s hungry work, coming back from the dead. Tony remembers the unholy things he would’ve done for a cheeseburger.
“Didn’t have any money,” he repeats, scraping his fork around the sides of the takeout box, diligent and serious, like it’s the very last scrap of food he’ll ever get.
Tony clears his throat, hip-checks the counter to heave himself to standing. “I’ll get you some cash.”
There’s a weird moment, when Tony gives him the money. It’s just a few hundred dollars. He’s not Tony’s problem, not his project raised from the dead, but he still doesn’t want to give Steve Rogers the means to get himself truly lost in a world he doesn’t know.
Five hundred dollars will get him some food and somewhere to sleep for a few days, but it won’t get him far enough out of SHIELD’s orbit to get himself in trouble.
He looks up when Tony gets close. There’s a well-worn wariness in his eyes. He watches him the way a dog from a bad home might watch him through the bars of the shelter’s kennel. Resigned instead of hopeful, like he knows how this goes, like he knows he can survive it.
“Here,” Tony says. He leaves the money two chairs away from him, within easy grabbing distance. “And I have shoes your size, if you want to borrow them.”
“I don’t need that,” Rogers says, pointing at the money.
Tony lets his mouth tip up sideways, smirks like this is the part of the whole situation he finds truly unbelievable. “You’re going to come into my house,” he says, “uninvited, unannounced, and then you’re going to refuse to accept my hospitality? Rogers, what would your mother think?”
There’s a stall point in Roger’s stare, like watching a bird fly into a window. There’s a moment, right around the word mother, when those blue eyes blank out, and Tony’s just staring into empty space.
“She didn’t,” he says, and it’s fascinating. He’s stitching himself up right here at Tony’s dining table. Tony can practically see it happening, vertebrae stacking up, pulling him taunt like a needle tugging on a thread. “She never liked charity.”
Tony is familiar with pride. He has something of an overabundance himself, although he comes by it honestly. He knows hurt pride hates an audience, so he looks away.
“I imagine she hated the idea of you starving, too,” Tony says. “Probably worked very hard to make sure that didn’t happen. Going to waste all her work now, Rogers? Seems ungrateful.”
He’s half-taunting by the end of it. He’s not sure why. He finds weak points like a magnet finds iron. Sometimes he doesn’t even know what he’s pulling on until after he’s accidentally ripped out someone’s heart. It’s not one of the traits he’s proud of, but, like his pride, he knows where it came from.
Rogers glares at him, but he hooks the next takeout container over anyway.
“I’ll get those shoes,” Tony says. JARVIS has already measured; Rhodey left some boots that should fit.
Steve doesn’t say anything, but, when Tony comes back, the money is gone, and so is he.
Tony doesn’t tell Fury a damn thing. If Fury lost a national icon, that’s his problem. And anyway, Tony’s still not completely convinced that the blonde who materialized in his penthouse was actually Steve Rogers and not some kind of really confused, really well-built homeless man. Or a stripper.
Tony’s never actually met a stripper who showed up in khakis, refused to disrobe, and then ate ten pounds of takeout before silently disappearing, but he’d be willing to pay another five hundred dollars for a repeat performance.
He figures out how the maybe-Steve got into his penthouse. He upgrades the security, but he tells JARVIS to let him in if he ever comes back. He’s not sure what he’s hoping for, but he’s too curious to lock him out.
There’s a bit of nothing that kicks off in New York, some Hammer tech that goes haywire. Tony puts it down like the cheap knockoff that it is, but he gets stuck in debrief with Phil Coulson afterwards, because he’s not quite quick enough to abandon the scene after the fight’s over. In his defense, he was holding a car above a partially-trapped bicyclist, and Coulson caught him before the EMTs could finish disentangling her.
He makes it back to the Tower after an hour of mostly-wasted time. Steve Rogers is sitting at his dining table. Tony bites back the ludicrous urge to “honey, I’m home!” him.
“Hey,” he says instead, as he steps in from the balcony, stripped down to the skintight suit he wears under the armor. He didn’t expect company. “You get something to eat?”
Steve seems somehow offended by the question. “I didn’t break in here and steal anything,” he says.
“Okay,” Tony says, moving past him. “Well, that’s a gold star and an empty stomach for you, Rogers. We’re all very proud.”
“It’s not my food,” Steve tells him. If he had hackles, they’d be raised. Tony wants to pat him on the head, but only because he’s always had a sort of neurotic tendency to see how hard people bite before he decides whether to trust them.
“Yeah, and a twenty-dollar grocery bill is really gonna break me,” Tony says. He takes a smoothie out of the freezer. “You want pizza? I’m gonna order pizza.”
Steve stares at him for a long moment before he shrugs. “I could eat,” he says.
“Great,” Tony says. He has JARVIS order three pizzas, because he wants at least half of one for himself, and Steve Rogers is a human garbage disposal.
Steve takes a shower while they’re waiting. He asks first, which Tony supposes is the polite thing to do, and he takes his backpack with him, like he’s worried Tony’s going to steal his wallet.
“You know,” Tony says, when Steve remerges, wearing another knockout set of some grandpa’s Goodwill khakis and button-down shirt, “you keep showing up like this, and it’s gonna get harder for me to lie to Fury about having no idea where you are.”
Steve flips open a pizza box and carefully selects a slice. His hair is wet and neatly combed back from his face. He’s handsome from a distance but damn near devastating at close range. Tony takes another bite of pizza, hopes it’ll help swallow back the urge to sink a few grand into war bonds.
“Fury’s the guy with the eyepatch?” Steve doesn’t settle into a seat. He takes his pizza and wanders over to the window, stares out at the skyline.
“Yeah, that’s him,” Tony says.
Steve makes a face. Tony can see it, dulled and faded, in the reflection on the glass. “He’s persistent,” he says, slowly. Not like it’s a compliment.
“Yeah,” Tony says, again, “that’s him.”
Steve doesn’t say anything else. Tony finishes his slice of pizza, eats another one. There’s an ache in his right shoulder from being wrenched around by Hammer’s ridiculous creation, and he should be icing it, but he doesn’t want to. Not with Steve Rogers here.
He’s never liked looking human in front of an audience. His problem has always been that he couldn’t figure out how to stop. At least, not until he built his armor.
Steve comes back when he’s out of pizza. He’s catlike in his wariness, in the way he seems pissed at Tony for daring to exist in his proximity.
“That fight,” he says, apropos of approximately nothing at all. “Earlier.”
“Oh,” Tony says, rising out of his chair and moving toward the bar, giving Steve the room to loom over the pizza like he’s defending his kill. “You see that on the news?”
“Saw it on the street,” Steve says. “Heard the screams.”
Heard the screams and came running. So he’s still in the hero business. Fury will be happy to hear it.
“You’re gonna get yourself killed,” Steve tells him. He sounds angry about it. At Tony, not the situation. “Where’s your backup?”
“Backup,” Tony repeats. “Cap, c’mon. Read a newspaper. I work alone.”
Steve Rogers looks up from his pizza perusal just long enough to roll his eyes. It should feel like a slap across the face, and maybe it does. However it feels, Tony likes it. Wants more of it. There’s always been something grounding in being dismissed, like Tony’s never known where he stands until someone shows him how he doesn’t measure up.
“Is that supposed to be impressive?” Steve asks. “Men who work alone die alone, Stark. And they’re not very effective when they do.”
Tony knows he’s meant to be offended. He is, probably. But he couldn’t bite back his smile for anything. “I think I liked you better when you called me ‘Mr. Stark.’”
“Seems to me,” Steve says, “you want everyone to call you Iron Man these days.”
“Oh Captain, my Captain,” Tony says, “surely they had that line about glass houses in the ‘40’s?”
Steve frowns at him. “I never asked anyone to call me Captain America.”
“And yet,” Tony says, tipping a bottle of whiskey his direction, “that’s how to introduced yourself to me.”
Steve gives him a look like he thinks Tony’s being deliberately obtuse. “That’s who I am,” he says.
Tony rolls his eyes and flips a tumbler right side up. “But when I start using a stage name,” he says, “suddenly I’m a narcissistic asshole who doesn’t--”
“Do you think,” Steve says, looming up suddenly, shifting gears like something mechanical, going battle-ready with more decisiveness than a faceplate clicking down, “that anybody spent years, spent—I don’t know. Millions of dollars? Do you think anybody did that for Steve Rogers?”
Tony’s caught wrong-footed. He did it again. Drilled until he found the nerve, cut until he broke the skin.
“I think you don’t get one without the other,” Tony says, trying now to soothe. But he’s not very good at it. His instincts don’t run this direction. His whole life, the only things he could ever repair were machines.
Steve shakes his head. He steps away from the pizza. He looks around, eyes zeroing in on his backpack.
“Stay here,” Tony says, sidling out from behind the bar, whiskey now in hand.
Steve straightens up like a cobra, like he’s going to spit venom in Tony’s face. Tony wants to put his mouth on him, which is probably only half because he’s always been hellbent on his own destruction. The other half is that Steve Rogers is beautiful like something made in a lab for aesthetics alone, carefully designed for universal appeal. Tony likes to tell himself he has a taste for the exclusive, but the reality has always been he wants exactly what everyone else does.
“You don’t want SHIELD to find you,” Tony says, “then stay here. Trust me, this is the last place they’d think to look.”
He’s not standing between Steve and the exit. He was careful about that. Whatever SHIELD might think about him, he doesn’t have a death wish. And also, when he’s thinking about it, he’s not usually deliberately an asshole. It’s just that, most of the time, he’s not thinking about it.
“Why should I trust you?” Steve asks.
Tony shrugs. Hell, he has no idea. “Why’d you come here? The first time. When SHIELD lost you, you came here. Why?”
“I went home,” Steve says, argumentative, all squared shoulders and tight jaw. “I went to Brooklyn. But it wasn’t there anymore. None of it was—I couldn’t find…”
He trails off, shakes his head, sharp and agitated, a horse bothered by a fly. It’s hard to look in his eyes. There’s something in them that Tony doesn’t want to see. It’s like watching a statue bleed.
“I heard there was still a Stark in New York,” Steve says. “I read about you. I thought maybe you’d--”
“You thought I’d be like Howard,” Tony finishes for him. “Sorry to disappoint.”
“I thought you’d be like me,” Steve says, which doesn’t make any sense at all.
“You,” Tony says. And then, a little helplessly, “What?”
Steve looks away. He shrugs, looks back. “I saw the suit,” he says. “On the news. I saw what it can do. I didn’t think--- things have advanced a lot. I didn’t understand. I thought Howard had…”
Tony squints at him. “You thought Howard did a Rebirth redux and tested it on his kid?”
“I thought a lot of things,” Steve says, snappy. “It was a very confusing couple of days.”
Tony can imagine that it was. “So you thought I was Rebirthed, and you wanted--”
“I didn’t want anything,” Steve says, and there’s that flash of exposed nerve again, that look like a sinkhole in the backs of his eyes. “That’s not the point.”
Tony takes a sip of his whiskey. It settles, warm and sweet, into his stomach.
I didn’t want anything.
I shouldn’t be alive, unless it’s for a reason.
Tony holds the tumbler out. Steve needs the warmth more than he does. “Here,” he says.
Steve takes it, seemingly on reflex. “I can’t get drunk,” he says.
“Well,” Tony says, circling back toward the bar, “not with that attitude.”
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Crazy Rich Avengers: Chapter 2
Peter Parker x Reader
Chapter Summary: Tony is oblivious, Shuri is a queen as always, Peter is breakfast man and Y/N’s a grandma
Warnings: swearing and one mention of sex
Word count: 2589
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*Flashback to Wednesday*
“Alright troops, let’s get this party started.” Tony walked into the debriefing room that was used for only meetings, but this week it had a new purpose: discussing Wanda and Vision’s wedding plans. Everyone was gathered around a circular table with plans and maps strewn out across the table.
“What made you guys want to get married in Maui?” Nat turned to Wanda and Vision. Wanda simply shrugged, “We just wanted to see what the island has to offer.”
“Plus Mr. Stark has that lovely beach house in Spreckelsville,” Vision added.
“Are y’all inviting Peter and Y/N to the wedding?” Sam asked
“Of course! Why wouldn’t we?” Wanda seemed kind of offended that Sam would ask that. She was very close with Peter and the way he talked about you always made her warm inside knowing that he found someone he really loved. She was kind of like a second aunt to him in a way, though no one could top Aunt May.
“Oh, I love Y/N so much. Did you guys tell her happy birthday two weeks ago?” Nat asked.
A couple of ‘I forgot’’ and ‘Oh shit’ replies made their way into the group and Nat just shook her head.
“Wait wait wait. Who’s Y/N?” Tony was so confused. He had never heard of a Y/N Y/L/N before. Was she an employee close with Wanda? And why was she with Peter?
“What do mean who’s Y/N?” Steve asked.
“She’s Peter’s girlfriend, Stark.” Bucky stated it like it was the most obvious thing in the world. And it kind of was. Peter would come into the Compound on the weekends sometimes for training and just gush about you to everyone and even Bucky seemed to know who you were. And he never pays attention to Peter. Tony just sat there, not knowing what to say to hearing his intern having a girlfriend.
“Pete has girlfriend?” How come you all knew and I didn’t?”
Thor took a swig of his drink. “Because you do not listen to the Man of Spiders.”
At this moment Shuri, T’Challa, and Okoye walk in, with papers and blueprints in only T’Challa and Okoye’s hands, while Shuri sips her iced coffee, like the bad bitch she is.
“Hey what’s up losers?” She walked in and took the papers from their hands and spread them out on the table. She turned to Wanda and Vision. “Okay so I developed a knew sound system for the reception that does not require a DJ, and you can choose which one you want!” They all look at the plans and sure enough, there were about four different designs that they could choose from. Wanda and Vision had put Shuri in charge of all the technological elements of the wedding because she was clearly the smartest out of all of them.
T’Challa stepped up to the table. “Sorry we are late; my sister had to bring all of her designs and took about three hours to pack.”
“What? I have to look my best for the wedding. We all know you just throw clothes into a suitcase and call it a day.” She turned towards everyone else. “The only shoes he brought were his flip flops.”
“What you don’t like my royal sandals?” He puts up his foot to show off his shoes and turned to Okoye for support. She just shook her head. “I’m not getting in the middle of this, but if I were to choose a side, I agree with Shuri.”
Shuri laughed in T’Challa’s face and fist bumped Okoye and he looked at them and shook his head.
“What do you two know what fashion?” He asked.
“More than you,” they both said at the same time. This got everyone laughing around the table and Steve did his classic belly laugh where he grabbed the side of his chest and basically fell over.
Shuri turned to Wanda, “So, whose all invited to your big day?”
“Well, we invited Peter and Y/N –“
“Yes! Sorry I just can’t wait to meet her for the first time. Go on.”
Wanda laughed, “Aren’t we all? Also, Peter’s friend Ned is invited because he helps us all out on missions. What is it he calls himself?”
“The Guy in the Chair,” Vision replied.
“Ah yes, and of course all of you people. We wanted to keep it small,” Wanda finished.
“You know,” Sam started, turning to the royal bunch. “Stark over here didn’t know that Pete had a girlfriend.”
“What?” They all three gasped.
Okoye spoke this time, “We live all the way in Wakanda, and knew about this. You live twenty minutes away.”
“We know. It’s ridiculous,” Rhodey spoke.
“Okay and is there a specific song that you are walking down to?” Shuri asked.
“We chose the song ‘To My Future Wife’ by Mr. Jon Bellion,” Vision replied
“Oh, I love his songs!”
“We figured it represented our love for each other,” Wanda looked at Vision and gave him a peck on the lips, with hearts in both of their eyes. A bunch of aw’s filled the room as a response to the couple.
*Flashback ends*
You wake up at around three thirty in the morning to your alarm. You were essentially trapped in Peter’s arms and had to pry yourself out to get up and get ready. You threw a pillow at him to wake him up.
“What was that for?” He groaned.
“Come on. We got to get up or we’ll miss the flight.”
He got up with a sigh and got ready. He just dressed in jeans and that tight black t-shirt that you loved. Why would he pick that for a flight? You bit your lip and just turned away getting ready yourself. You picked out your black leggings and a white shirt because you wanted to be comfy for the 12+ hour flight ahead of you.
You packed your purse as your carry on which had your phone chargers, headphones, perfume, you know, the essentials for flying.
“What are we going to do for breakfast?” He asked. Peter was a breakfast man and so deciding what to eat in the morning was very important for him.
“There’s a coffee place at the airport; don’t worry, Pete.”
You left your apartment at around four in the morning and made sure that everything was turned off and nothing was out of the ordinary. You two take an Uber to JFK and almost fell asleep again. One thing was for sure, you were taking a nap as soon as you got on the plane. When you got there, you checked in with the front desk and saw that your flight would take off at 5:30am. So, you took Peter to the little coffee stand in the airport to get him some energy and food. He got a mocha iced coffee with a blueberry scone and you got a caramel macchiato and a breakfast bagel. You sat down near where your flight would be boarding and ate your food. You were so excited to eat because your favorite breakfast item was just a good bacon, egg, and cheese bagel. You bit into it and sighed out in a state of peace.
You had downloaded a few episodes of your favorite shows on your laptop so you and Peter could watch them together. You had downloaded some from The Office, Brooklyn 99, Parks and Rec, and The Good Place. You pulled out your laptop and headphones and gave one earbud to Peter so he could watch too. You decided to watch the episode of The Office where Michael hosts the Fun Run for Rabies.
About an hour later they started to board for your flight and packed everything up and walked over to the flight attendant.
“Right this way,” she said. She led you past the economy class and into first class and you started to get suspicious. There was no way you could afford this. Sure, you had some money put into savings, but it wasn’t much. She led you into one of cabins and you put your purse down.
“Uh ma’am?” You called out.
“Um there must be some mistake, I mean… we’re economy people. Like, we’re broke, there’s no way that we’re in first class.”
“Are you sure? You two are Y/N Y/L/N and Peter Parker, right?” She asked confused.
“Tony, I swear,” Peter sighed.
“I told Mr. Stark to not upgrade us because we were fine, but I guess he didn’t listen.”
The flight attendant walked away and you fell on the bed. The cabin had a little TV on the opposite wall and the bed facing it. Night tables were on both sides of the bed with little lamps that made it kind of cozy. You walked around the small room looking at the different little pictures of beaches from different countries. There were a set of silk pajamas on your nightstand and you held them up to Peter.
“These are nicer than my actual clothes!” Peter just laughed at how excited you were and pulled you down on the bed. He rubbed your thighs and started to kiss your neck and sucked lightly and slowly worked his way up to your ear and nibbled on it.
“As much as I would love to continue this, I am not having sex on a plane,” you laughed.
He laid down on the bed with you, “Well what do you wanna do then?”
“Tell me about everyone that’s going to be there. I want to be prepared to meet them when we get there.”
“Okay for starters, there’s Wanda and Vision, Wanda has like these mind-reading powers, so be careful about what you’re thinking around her. There have been plenty of times where I’ve thought about you in an adult way that’s caused her to not to be near me sometimes. But she’s awesome. She’s kind of like my second aunt when May’s not around; we’re really close.”
“Good to know. It’s also a good thing she’s not here right now because all I can think about is you in that shirt,” you wink at him.
He laughs and kisses your nose, “Vision is also pretty cool. You’ve seen Vision in like pictures and everything so you know he can shift between robot and human form, so that’s cool. Um, he’s just really chill and laid back. There’s also Sam and Bucky.”
“Oh yeah you’ve told me about them. Do they still tease you a lot?”
“Not much anymore, but I’m sure they will when they see us together,” he sighed. Yesterday when he went to the Compound for his camera, they had mentioned that Peter wouldn’t be getting much packing done if he knew what they meant. Peter did know what they meant and just rolled his eyes at them.
“Sam’s pretty cool when he’s not teasing me, and then he’s kind of a jerk, but overall he’s cool; you’ll probably get along more with him than anyone. He’s got a good sense of humor so,” he trailed off.
“Oh okay. Now what about Bucky?”
“Bucky still doesn’t really like me, all because of what happened in Berlin.”
“Sounds like he’s petty.”
“Yeah he kind of is,” he laughed.
He goes through telling you about all the Avengers and what they’re like. They all sounded pretty chill and fun to hang around.
“By the way, Ned is going to be there.”
“What? Really?” You neatly shouted because you haven’t seen him since about a month before college classes started. He had gone all the way to MIT for college, and the last time you saw him, was when you and Peter had helped him move into his dorm.
“Why is he going?”
“He’s like our ‘Guy in the Chair’ for the team. Tells us where to go on missions, and helps out with the team, so I guess Wanda and Vision wanted him there.”
“At least there will be someone I know and close with,” you laugh at Peter’s fake hurt expression.
“You’ll have me, baby.”
“Yeah, but you’ll probably be talking to everyone and doing wedding stuff and I’ll be just hanging out. But now I have Ned! Now, tell me about Mr. Tony Stark. I know he’s kind of like your father-figure as you put it sometimes. Do you think he’ll like me, or will he go all Papa Bear on me and tell me that I’m not good enough?” You joked.
“He should be cool with you. Mr. Stark’s a pretty easy-going guy so I don’t think there will be a problem. Unless you try to crash the wedding,” he smiled.
“Yeah I’m totally gonna crash it and just get shit-faced at the wedding.” It was now close to seven o’clock in the morning and you and Peter were wide awake and couldn’t go back to sleep and still had another thirteen hours to go, so you just pulled your laptop back out and put on one of your shows and cuddled with Peter.
He held your waist against his and laid his head on top of yours. Your arms were wrapped around his torso and head on his chest, watching TV. You stayed like this for a couple of hours. You eventually got bored and started playing a game on your phone.
“Whatcha playing?” He asked.
“Candy Crush.”
He laughed at your game choice. “You’re such a grandma.”
“What? Just because I like candy crush that makes me grandma?’
You lightly slap his chest as a response and watched his smile turn wide into a laugh. God those eye crinkles, I swear, you thought. It was kind of true though, everyone in your family and in high school called you the grandma friend of the group because you picked crocheting and baking of all hobbies, just like a grandma. And apparently Candy Crush was now considered a grandma game.
“Okay, I’d like to see you beat an ultra-hard level where you only have twenty moves to save 10 gummy bears,” you challenged him.
“Is that seriously a level on there?”
“Yes, and I beat it on the first try. Why, you scared?”
“No, had me your phone.”
You gladly give it to him and throughout the level you have to hold in your laughs because seeing his face scrunch up in frustration may have been the best thing ever.
“Shit!” He exclaimed
“What, did you lose?”
“No,” he lied. You held out your hand for your phone and saw that he lost on the level.
“Ha! Loser,” you poked his chest as you teased him. “It’s a shame you lost though, because losers don’t get prizes.”
“Oh yeah? And what’s my prize?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at you.
You shrugged. “Guess you got to win if you want to find out.”
This time he held out his hand for your phone. “Just know, you got four more chances to win before you run out of lives.” Peter tried so hard at the game and gently slammed your phone in frustration and you giggled. Let’s just say that Peter didn’t get his prize. The rest of the flight consisted of watching TV and eating the surprisingly amazing airline snacks. When the nighttime came, the flight attendants turned all the lights off, kind of like a silent go to sleep call for all the passengers. You and Peter snuggled up against each other and waited for the rest of the flight to be over.  
Tag-List: @randomstufflol29 @spideyspeaches @binnotjin @lolooo22 @multi-universe21​ @ladykxxx08​ 
A/N: We got an Avengers flashback! Yay! I really wanted to incorporate the Wakandan bunch because a) Black Panther is my favorite movie, and b) They are all just amazing and I love the way that Shuri and Okoye tease T’Challa all the time and wanted to put that in this. The whole Candy Crush scene had actually happened to me before and I thought it would be nice to add a piece of me in the story, and Candy Crush is honestly underrated if you ask me lol. I hope you all really like this chapter, because the next one is going to be awesome! Thank you all for reading!
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marvelsbetch · 3 years
Peter Parker’s field trip. Part 1
Warnings: Trans!Peter, Spidypool, sex references, superfamily, transphobia, supportive avengers
Tony POV
I was in my lab waiting for Peter, my newly adopted son, to come home from school when Friday told me I had an email from Peters school. Turning to my phone I opened the email and was completely annoyed. The email read
'Dear Parent/Carer of Patricia Parker,
We are delighted to inform you that we have a surprise field trip for the student to none other than Stark Laboratories. The trip with be a residential starting on March 7th with a trip to Stark Tower, staying the night there with Mr Tony Stark-Rodgers and then having a trip to the Avengers Tower where we will have the opportunity to meet the Avengers and ask them questions. This is a once in a life time opportunity and we hope you allow your daughter to attend. Also, we would like to keep the trip as a surprise for the student so we urge you not to tell them the destinations of the trip.
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs Robbins.'
I was livid. My child Peter is a boy. I do not have a daughter I have a son. I couldn't believe the nerve of this teacher so I stormed out of my lab and in to the main living area of the penthouse and saw my handsome husband lay on the couch watching tv. He looked so calm and collected but I feel this might change.
"Honey, I just got this email from Peters school that I think you should have a look at." I told him handing him my phone.
He looked confused at first but then the anger set in and by time my phone was placed back in my hand he had an evil smirk on his face. I had an idea of why he had that smirk but just to be sure I asked him,
"What's the smirk for?" I asked.
"Tell the teacher our son can go on the trip while I make a few phone calls. Nobody purposely misgenders my son and gets away with it." He is trusted before grabbing his cell phone and walking down the corridor to one of the training room. Probably going to blow off a little steam and anger. Might watch in a little while.
After a second I simply responded to the email stating'
I as Peters legal guardian allow my son to attend this field trip. Is there any additional information that we should be aware of?' It seemed like the appropriate response.
In all honesty I had Pepper invite the school to the towers as a reward for how well they did at the decathlon competition. I was not expecting to receive an email like this.
-5 hours later-
Peter arrived home shortly after the email incident and was greeted to everyone being in the room. Everyone being Me, Cap, Bucky, Nat, Banner, Pepper, Sam, T'Challa, Shuri, Rhodey, Wanda, Vision, Thor, Loki, Clint and Strange along with the Guardians on a Skype call on the tv. We told him it was a spur of the moment gathering as well all missed each other, not an entire lie, but in reality we were plotting to a) embarrass Peter as much as possible on the field trip and b) get back at the teacher for what they did.
We decided to order enough pizza for an entire 3rd world country and discuss Peter's school life as we ate.
"So Peter, has anyone been giving you trouble lately in School? You can tell us the truth." Steve, Peter's other father and my husband, asked.
"No everything just fine." He terribly lied.
"Come on kid. I've known you for almost two years now, don't try and lie. If there's anyone giving you any type of shit for whatever reason please know that you can tell us." I explained to him all of a sudden getting very serious. I could see him fighting with himself on weather to tell us something or not but decided not to as he then said he had homework to do and went to his room.
"So, he's either lying or the teacher isn't as bad as we think." Loki observed.
"No, he was lying. I could feel his conflict and pain in remembrance of what people have said to him. I'm not one for violence but someone needs to pay for what he's been dealing with." Wanda told us with tears in her eyes.
Cap and Barton walked over to comfort her and hopefully stop her crying. My blood started boiling, Wanda was a strong person and if what Peter's going through brings her to tears then that's a lot for one person to go through. What else has this teacher or student done? Why won't he tell us? Does he not trust us? That last question broke my heart.
"Baby, you okay?" I hear Steve ask moving towards me and holding both my hands in his.
"No. I'm pissed. I'm pissed at any one who hurt my son. I'm pissed at us for not making sure he knows he can talk to us. And I'm pissed at the world for making his go through all of this." I told him with tears coming to my eyes.
Steve pulled me close to my chest and held me tight. He stroked his hands through my hair as he tried to calm me down. I could tell he was mad to, we all were, but he was trying to hold it in despite everyone being here to essentially punish this teacher was his idea. Embarrassing Peter was mine.
"Right, so what do we do about this? I'm not letting anyone hurt my nephew and get away with it." Nat said sitting up and pulling a knife from who knows where to sharped her nails. That women scares me so much.
"How about we just drop in during the day and make sure one of us is always with him. If he has one of us always there and we make it apparent that we know and support him the I doubt even someone as bigoted as his teacher is going to say something. Then we can embarrass him when we're with him." Sam suggested.
"I like that. Where are we all going to be stationed?" Loki asked.
"Well if I speak to the tour guide I could get Banner to give them a lesson on Gamma radiation as the first. Then, Barton or somebody drops in. After that they will be taken to a different lab with Shuri and T'Challa. By that time it should be lunch where Thor and Loki could drop in and the guardians land near the level 7 outside cafeteria. Then we can have Sam drop some stuff from above like a water balloon or something and Bucky bake his favourite cookies to bring to him. After Lunch they're looking around some other labs where Shuri could also be along with Banner. I think they're also going to be visiting the training rooms so Nat, Cap, Bucky and T'Challa could be fighting and Wanda, Vision and Strange could be training their magic." I suggested feeling better now that we were planning this.
March 6th
-Peter's POV-
I was in Chemistry faintly heading the teacher, Mrs Robbins, drone on and on about ionic bonding and how it differs to covalent bonding. It was something I already knew so I didn't need to listen until Ned started hitting my arm. Turning to look at him he simply nodded to the direction of the teacher. I turned around just to catch two words that made my heart drop.
"-Field trip!" Our teacher cheered with a big smile on her face.
Field trip? To where and why?
"That's right, we have organised a surprise field trip for you all as a reward for how well you've all done on your recent exams. Only the top 20 student of the entire school will have the privilege of going. The destination will be a surprise but I will say to bring an overnight bag and money for food and such. You're parents have already got an email consenting for your attendance and the bus will be leaving at 8am tomorrow so don't be late." She further explained.
The whole surprise field trip thing made me nervous beyond all belief. I may not technically be a Parker anymore but the luck definitely followed me and the idea of having to go on an overnight field trip made me terrified. Also, our parents got an email. This means that either Dad (Tony) or Pops (Steve) knew about this probably weeks ago and didn't tell me, this only fulled my anxiety.
Soon the bell went signalling the end of the day and our temporary liberation from this educational prison. On the way out Mrs Robins pulled me aside. It confused me at first until she put our most recent test infront of me. My name circled in big red circles, I know what's about to happen.
"Patricia, you must stop this. You're name is not Peter, you're not a boy. You were born a girl and therefore are, there is no picking and choosing with what God gave you. You must understand this by now. This little joke has gone too far that you're name has been requested to change on our register. Get it through you're head that you are not a boy and you will go to hell for thinking otherwise. One more incident like this and you'll have detention for the rest of the year. Got it?" She basically shouted at me pointing to my circled name on the test.
"No. My name is Peter and I am a boy, I don't care what God assigned me because he got it wrong. I am a boy and my name is Peter as we have gotten it legally changed." I rebutted getting impatient with her ignorance.
"Don't speak to me like that young man. You have no right to change Gods idea and destiny for you. Just thing, you're a girl meaning you can have kids and spread God's message to others and have many kids. Just what God planned for all women." She told me trying to sound sweet but came off and incredibly patronising.
At this point I was too angry to listen to her bulls**t (Gotta keep it Steve friendly people) so I stormed out the room. She started yelling for me to come back to the classroom but I didn't listen and continued walking till I reached the car Happy was in to take me home.
I got in the car and started telling Happy about my day while playing classic songs on my phone such as Highway to Hell, You gave love a bad name and Living on a Prayer. He pretended like he didn't care but I could tell he was listening and hanging onto every word I was saying. I love that about Happy, he acts like he doesn't care but in reality he does and he does a lot. He once caught Flash saying stuff about me and threatened to hit him with the car, he almost did as well but we were running late to a meeting I had to go to with Dad. Of course that didn't stop Flash as he still likes to torment me daily but he now does it more secretly making it more bearable.
We soon made it home and I found all of my dysfunctional family,minus the guardians who were on a Skype call, sat in the living room watching a movie on the tv. I quickly set my bag down on the kitchen island and settled right next to Tony (Dad) who was cuddling Cap (Pops). Everyone was asking me questions about my day and school life in general. They focused mostly on if people were bullying on me. It worried me a little because as much as I know I can go to them, I don't want to because I know that if I tell them everything that's happened they'll kill people and I don't want that for my family. Half of them only just got pardoned and I don't want the governments to revoke that.
"Sorry guys but I got homework. The pizza was delicious, is it okay if I invite Wade around?" I pleaded with Pops knowing he's more likely to say yes.
"Yes but that door stays open hound man. Do I make myself clear?" Pops asked in a stern voice.
"Crystal." I responded before taking out my phone to call Wade, grabbed my bag and walked to my room.
"Hey Baby Boy, what's up?" Wade asked after picking up his phone.
"Not much, Pops said you could come around." I told him making him slightly squeal.
"Okay Baby Boy, I'll be there in 10 minutes. I love you." Wade informed.
"I love you to Babe." I said before hanging up with a smile on my face.
-10 minutes later-
I was sat at my desk finishing my algebra homework when I heard someone knock on the window. Knowing it was Wade I turned with a smile on my face and let him in.
"Hey Baby Boy, how was your day?" Wade asked making himself comfortable on my bed.
"It was fine, quite boring if I'm honest. We did get told about this residential field trip tomorrow though. Sorry I won't be here for most of the weekend. I'm sure my Dads will love having you around." I joked sitting on his lap and cuddling into his chest.
"It's fine Pete. I'll just have to savour our time together now." He said wiggling his eyebrows and kissing me passionately.
"My Pops said to keep the door open." I told him pulling away with a massive blush spread across my cheeks.
"Does that rule apply to your en-suite?" Wade asked.
"I don't believe so." I answered getting up from his lap and dragging him into my en-suite, which is where we stayed for the rest of the night.
To be continued...
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holylulusworld · 4 years
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Summary: Will you fight back and try to give the people hurting you what they deserve?
Pairing: Alpha!Steve Rogers x Omega!Reader
Characters: Bruce Banner, James Rhodes, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Ofc’s
Warnings: angst, mention of abuse of power/physical abuse, mentions of drugs, protective/soft Alpha!Steve, traumatized omega, hurt & comfort, cuddling & snuggling, scenting, mentions of heat
A/N: Post Infinity War
Sequel to: Untamable
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Steve watches you snuggle into his pillow, almost clinging to the cushion wearing his scent.
The people who locked you away tried to condition you with a new drug. While your mind works again, just like your sharp tongue your body still feels the drugs influencing your system. Bruce said you will feel the influence for a few more weeks, maybe even months.
“Tired,” you whine, teeth shattering again. “Cold…alpha.” You don’t recognize you used Steve’s presentation, but his heart fluttered for a moment. “Please.”
“What do you need, doll?” You smile at the pet name, looking at Steve, silently asking him to hold you as he did so often during your nightmares or only to warm you. “If you want me to warm you up, I’ll do so, Y/N.”
“Please, alpha,” you purr this time, nuzzling your cheek into the hand cupping your cheek. “Need you. You’re so warm.” The strong and independent woman in you would hate your behavior, but the wounded and vulnerable omega is seeking Steve’s closeness.
“I will ask Bruce and Tony to check your blood samples again,” you nod, reaching out for Steve. Only he gave you comfort and treated you like a human being in the last two years. It’s no surprise you cling to him.
“Cold,” demanding his closeness you tug at Steve’s wrist. “Can you stay?” Steve fights to keep the purrs in his throat but you heard the deep guttural sound leave his lips. “Alpha,” you snarl now pointing toward Steve’s usual spot.
“Wait, Doll,” he’s rounding the bed to lie on his side of the large bed. Steve barely has the time to lie down before you carefully crawl toward him to curl in his side. “I’m sorry for what they did to you, Y/N.” Steve hates that a strong woman, a fighter like you got reduced to a frightened girl.
“I hate how I feel, Steve,” you sniffle, hiding your face in the palms of your hands. “My instinct and mind fight a battle I can’t win. My body is fighting me too and I’m so confused.”
“I know,” he whispers, holding out his arms to let you decide if you want to lie on his chest. “Bruce and Tony will try anything to find out what kind of damage the drugs did to your metabolism, your physis and something I didn’t get,” Steve tries not to talk about the things Bruce told you this morning.
“You mean my stronger heat? That it could kill me next time it breaks?” you snuggle into Steve’s chest, sighing deeply when he wraps his arms around your body. “They wanted to condition me at all cost, I guess.”
“That’s,” Steve’s jaw ticks, his nostrils flare and you need to nuzzle his cheek to calm the angry alpha. “They wanted to force you to mate with any alpha. That’s…that’s…”
“Steve,” whispering his name you place one hand onto his racing heart. “I feel safe with you. Maybe it’s because you came into my room and didn’t hurt me or as you are a good man but,” purring you look at the hand on his heart, “I know you would never take advantage of me.”
“Doll, of course not,” he pants heavily, looking at you in his arms. “Please, I would never force you to do anything you don’t want to do. I would hate myself for taking advantage of you, ‘mega.” Your presentation on his lips rather a purr than a word Steve covers your bodies with a warm blanket.
“You see, Bruce and doctor Cho, they said I will need an alpha taking care of me, maybe even claim me,” nervously chewing on your lower lip you look up at Steve, whining. “I want you to be that alpha.”
“Y/N,” Steve’s heart beats even faster when you lean over him to press a soft kiss to his lips. “I could never use you. I want you to choose a mate you love, the one you deserve.”
“I deserve you, alpha,” you hide your face in Steve’s neck, inhale his calming scent deeply before you speak again. “I want you, Steve. The moment you brought me out of this room I knew, you are different. If you don’t want me, want to claim me, I’ll understand.”
“It’s not like that, Y/N,” believing Steve only tries to shelter your feelings you push the tears away. “Doll, I’m not sure that you will be happy with me.”
“I get it, Steve. No one wants damaged goods. An alpha will always choose a healthy omega,” your voice cracks when you want to roll off Steve’s body.
“No, baby girl,” the new pet name makes your heart flutter and a warm feeling spreads through your belly. Steve cups your face, looking at you. “I want you, doll. Y/N, I would do anything to be your alpha. I wanted to give you a choice, that’s all.”
“I’ll always choose you, alpha…”
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“So, check this. We dug a bit deeper,” Tony watches you curl on Steve’s lap, clinging to the alpha offering safety.
You got better over the last days, but your instinct still won’t let you leave Steve for longer than a few hours.
“Fill us in, Tony,” Steve looks at the monitor, a frown on his face. “The sanctuary? I thought we wanted to leave them alone. Sharon wasn’t there and according to Y/N the omegas seek shelter at this place on free terms.”
“We thought so too,” Bruce sighs deeply, glancing at you. “Let’s say Tony and F.R.I.D.A.Y. hacked into their system. According to the footage, Y/N was out cold most of the time, separated from the omegas. The ones she met already got conditioned, Steve.”
“What?” Lips quivering you look at the monitor, watching another woman scream for help, ramming her fists into the wall, just like you did during the first weeks. “I believed they are all happy. I told you to not intervene and now it’s my fault they suffered…”
“Doll, you didn’t know. Those people pumped you full of drugs, manipulated you for almost two years. How could you have known they tricked you, Y/N?” you nod, still, tears run down your cheeks. “It’s not your fault.”
“Natasha suggested to sneak in, get the omega on the footage out, and see if she knows more about the ‘sanctuary’. She came to this place a few weeks ago, so the girl can still remember most of what happened,” Tony explains, watching you cling to his friend. “We took blood samples of Sarah too. They didn’t get the chance to drug her yet.”
“Phase 1, food and warm clothes, protection, safety,” mumbling the words you look at Tony. “I guess she was in Phase 2, no food for a few days, changing of clothes only once a week. Isolation. Loud music in the middle of the night.”
“Exactly,” Natasha enters the room, a confused omega by her side. “Sarah confirmed the reason why she hit the wall with her fists was the music.”
“Will she tell us more?” Sarah nods, shyly glancing at you in Steve’s arms. “Don’t worry, Sarah. I’m Steve, this is Y/N, she was at the sanctuary too. You already met Tony, Natasha, and Bruce. Over there that’s Rhodey.” Steve speaks slow, using his soothing voice to calm the omega.
“Hi,” the scared omega chokes out. “I’m Sarah, thank you for saving me.” You sniffle at the bruises at her arm, hiding your face in Steve’s neck.
“This is my fault, Steve. If only I told you and the others to check on the sanctuary.”
“We did, darling,” Tony nods at Steve who tries to soothe you. “Bruce and I checked on the people behind the sanctuary, their organization, and how to infiltrate the building. We needed a plan to invade that place.”
“We should listen to Sarah before we come up with a plan, Tony. I think no one listened to Y/N, Sarah and the other omegas for a damn long time,” Natasha pulls a chair for Sarah, encourages her to tell the remaining Avengers her story.
“It’s a crime they forced you to stay! We should,” Clint grumbles. “Isn’t there anything we can do? There is no time to waste. They drugged Y/N, tortured Sarah. I bet the other omegas are no better.”
“The government will argue they did it to keep her safe, Clint,” Bruce argues. “We have to come up with more than two hurt omegas. You know how they like to hide things. Let’s make a plan, listen to Sarah, and smash faces later…”
“I saw what happened to the ‘rescued’ omegas firsthand, Mr. Barton,” Sarah’s voice trembles when she looks at you and Steve who has his hands on your back, subtle sniffing at your hair.
“Just Clint, we are all friends here,” Clint huffs, giving Sarah a grin. “What do you mean with firsthand?”
“A friend of mine, she was alone after he alpha got dusted. One day she decided to go to the sanctuary to feel safe,” all eyes are glued to Sarah when she wipes a few tears away. 
“They found a new alpha, a strong one according to the guy in the suit. She was happy to have a mate who wants pups but he wanted a slave to use whenever he needed to put his knot into a hole. A few months later I found her on the street, half-dead, beaten up and bloody,” you look at your broken wrist, knowing you could’ve ended up like Sarah’s friend too.
“What happened? Did the guy punished?” Natasha gulps audibly watching Sarah’s face turn into a grimace of anger and disgust.
“Punished. Yes. The guy. No,” Sarah’s eyes sadden remembering the way the sanctuary treated her friend. “They sent her back to him unbeknownst by me. I left my friend at that place after they assured me they’ll take care of her.”
“I assume it did not end well,” sarcasm dripping from his lips Tony slam the fist into the wall when Sarah tells him the alpha killed her friend and that after she went to the police they captured her too. “They pretend to protect the omegas and hurt them instead or worse.”
Tony grits his teeth looking around the room. “Alright, we can’t undo what Thanos did, not yet. What we can do is go in there, free the omegas and kick some asses,” Tony grunts. “Let me check the blueprints and make a plan. We will strike soon…”
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“What will happen after you freed the omegas? There is no place for them, not a safe one,” whispering the words you try to keep your eyes open. 
“Tony has an idea or two, doll,” Steve whispers as you scoot closer to him on the couch. “You should sleep now, tomorrow we will explain the plan to you, promised.”
“Do you think the omegas will be happy we invade their safe place? I am still unsure if we will cause more damage than do any good this time,” while you let Steve’s words sink you shake your head.
“Anything is better than what happened to me, Sarah and her friend. Those men, they treat omegas like dolls they can play with. Even though there are omegas who did not get hurt or forced to stay at this place, we can’t let the others, like Sarah, suffer.” Nodding Steve brings you in his arms to carry you toward his bed.
“The others work on a plan; I will let you know when we are ready to strike. Sarah can stay at Natasha’s place for the time being. Tony said we will come up with a plan for the omegas after we freed them,” whilst you let Steve place you onto his bed you feel the pull getting stronger.
“Steve,” you whine, looking up at the tall alpha with glowing eyes, “I’m sorry but, I think my heat will break any minute,” you grasp for Steve, purring low in your throat. “I need you…”
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wannabe-fic-writer · 4 years
WandaNat x Reader : Kiss The Chef
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Summary: Food is the way to the heart! In this case at least.
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1,883
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“I said minced, this is chopped.” You resist the urge to shout, instead choosing a mild anger.
The man frowns, eyes glancing at the garlic on the cutting board and back to you.
He clearly doesn’t know the difference.
A deep sigh wracks your body before you fan him aside, picking up the chef’s knife and a fresh garlic clove. Then mincing it yourself and making sure he sees the difference.
“Now you certainly don’t sound like someone who loves their job.” 
Setting the knife down, you wipe your hands off on your towel, and turn to your long time friend and pain in the ass, Mister Tony Stark. 
“Why are you in my kitchen Anthony?” You ask, passing him, and stopping at the sauce station to taste test.
Tony feigns hurt, hand over his heart,“ that is no way to greet a friend.” 
You simply look at him, a bored expression on your face. In short telling him to get on with it because you have a kitchen to run.
He nods,“ alright alright. I’m here to cash in that favor you owe me.” 
“Did you not do that already? Cause I’m pretty sure I catered your second wedding my friend.” You remind him.
Clicking his tongue, he tells you,“ you got paid. That was a job, this is a favor.” 
The urge to groan is high but you don’t. A deal is a deal.
“What is it?”
* * * * *
Adjusting your bag on your shoulder, you eye the large facility, before heading inside with a sigh.
Tony is waiting at the door for you with an all too familiar smug grin on his face. If you were the violent type you would’ve smacked it off. 
“Don’t look so proud.” You huff.
Chuckling, he throws his arm around your shoulder and begins the tour of his compound. He takes you around to the gym, shows you his lab, and the living quarters where your temporary room is, then finally shows you the way to the kitchen.
As you walk you memorize where you’re going, since this’ll be the route you take most often for the next month. 
Once inside, you survey the room with narrowed eyes, checking all of the equipment it’s fitted with. It’s all state of the art, which Tony brags about, and it’s not a problem but it does mean you’ll have to get acquainted with it all. 
Tony also informs you of F.R.I.D.A.Y his fully automated A.I. He let’s you know how it works, how to order fresh ingredients, and how to pull up recipes(mainly his favorite meals but also those of his teammates. 
“And the pièce de résistance.” He jokes, then grabbing a f/c fabric and shaking it out.
‘Kiss The Chef’ is written across the front of the apron in white and Tony happily places it around your neck, despite the blank expression on your face.
The man always finds your stoic and aloof personality amusing. Especially since, while cautious, he proves to be the exact opposite. Still you two are friends. 
You’re expecting Tony to leave. With it being well past six you decide to prepare dinner and the man knows you’d rather he not hover. But he does. 
Still you move through the kitchen with the same grace as you do your restaurant. 
With this being your first day as their chef, you want to make a good impression, so you fix a meal you’d perfected long before you’d become a professional chef. 
All the while you’d had to stop Tony from dipping into the food you made. Snapping at him more than once and slapping his hands away from the food. Until eventually you kicked him from the kitchen with a task to go get everyone. 
Using that time to set each plate on the table, with white wine as it’s a compliment to the pasta dish. Making sure they all look presentable and that the table looks nice but not cluttered, you go back into the kitchen to give them their space to eat.
You don’t even try to hide your proud grin when you hear their reactions to it. First their awe at the set up and then the silent chatter about how much they enjoy the meal. 
As you wait, you nibble on the leftover food and drink a beer. Until Tony comes in to bring you to meet everyone.
“Guys this is a friend of mine, Y/n. Y/n this is Steve, Sam, Bucky, Wanda, Natasha, Carol, and Rhodey.” You nod to everyone, eyes lingering on the brunette Wanda and the red head Natasha. 
They look familiar you just can’t place where you’d seen them, so you move past that.
“Y/n is the chef who prepared this meal. As a favor to me, she’s agreed to be our chef for the next month, hopefully by which we can have the position filled permanently.
Everyone nods at his information and the man you now know as Rhodey speaks up,“ well thank god for that. This was incredible. I’m assuming you have experience as a chef.”
Nodding you tell him,“ I’m head chef at a restaurant in Manhattan called-”
“Pezzo di Paradiso.” Wanda interrupts with wide eyes.
Beside her, her redhead girlfriend holds the same expression.
How had they not noticed? You work at their favorite restaurant. And this is a dish they’d thought tasted familiar. 
They’d seen you more than a few times there. They even considered asking to thank you after a meal on more than one occasion but always became flustered at the idea of having an actual conversation with you.
Mainly Wanda. The young woman had developed a crush on you that grew with each visit to your restaurant. A crush that Natasha had continuously teased her about, despite her own attraction to you. 
Now you’re to be in their home for an entire month.  
That seems to fly by quicker than anyone liked.
Over the next couple weeks the team finds themselves loving absolutely everything you cook and growing to like you as a person in general, which admittedly takes a moment since you’re pretty closed off. 
Some nights were spent teaching one of them a certain recipe or valuable techniques. Your two main “students” being Wanda and Natasha.
At first the women weren’t sure about invading your environment as you worked but you’d assured them you didn’t mind showing them some stuff. Especially since you allowed their teammates to learn from you.
What everyone had begun to notice was your approach to the women. While with everyone else you were stern and slightly frustrated, you were much more patient and forgiving with them.
On more than one occasion Tony found you smiling or chuckling softly at Natasha’s mistakes with meals or Wanda’s curiosity toward the meals you made.
He’d teasingly asked you why didn’t snap at them for hovering or being in your space and when you stumbled to answer him he knew. Your month in the compound had lead you to develop feelings for the women.
Which had ate away at you. 
The women are in a relationship. Clearly in love with one another. You knew that your feelings for them would amount to nothing as they are obviously happy together.
But that doesn’t make leaving any less hard.
Your month is up. Tonight is your last night as their chef. So you plan to go all out, as both a thank you and a goodbye. 
Using F.R.I.D.A.Y, you pull together everyone’s favorite meals. It’d been a while since you yourself cooked eight different meals but you still give it your all. Even when you set the table. 
You have F.R.I.D.A.Y call everyone down after you’ve set name cards around the table. You know there’s a chance that you’ve overstepped, having left red roses at Wanda’s and Natasha’s spots.
It’s your way of telling them that they are indeed special to you, without the risk of saying the words to them and having that blow up.
As had become usual, you hear their excited chatter as they sit down, and even their comments pointing out the difference in their spots to Wanda’s and Natasha’s. 
You present them all with a three course meal. Starting simply with salads for everyone, again being special with Natasha and Wanda as you give them soups from their countries of origin. 
The second the smell of the Shchi hits Natasha her mouth waters and while she is mesmerized by the food, she finds herself mainly focused on you as you place a bowl of Zöldségleves in front of Wanda.
Both women then look at you. 
It’s clear you’d paid more than enough attention to them as they spent time with you in the kitchen. And you’d noticed the few times the women mentioned missing the taste of food from their homes. 
Which is further proven when you serve them their favorite meals from their home countries. Chicken Paprikash for Wanda and Pelmeni for Natasha. 
By the end of the night everyone is stuffed, not leaving though until they toast to you and thank you for your services. 
Natasha and Wanda, set on one particular goal, wait for everyone to leave, before going into the kitchen. 
They find you putting away the leftovers from each dish, named sticker labels pressed to the side of the tupperware. As always they’re flustered and attracted to the sight of you moving in the kitchen so elegantly. Like this is truly your element. 
“Oh,” you finally notice them, taking a hardly noticeable step back in shock,“ is there something I can help you ladies with?” You ask, ignoring the heat that’s begun to rush up your neck at the realization of your situation.
“In fact there is.” Natasha says, a smirk tugging at her lips.
You’re almost positive this is the moment they tear you a new one for leaving the roses and obviously making their meals more special than the rest of the teams.
“We were hoping we could give our compliments to the chef.” Wanda speaks slowly, a small purposeful step forward.
Fighting a confused frown, you nod,“ um, well, compliments received.” 
The women take notice of your nervous state. It isn’t often that you act this way. As you usually keep a cool and collected air around yourself. 
And unbeknownst to you, this gives them every bit of information they need. Their thoughts that you are attracted to them as they are you had just been confirmed by you.
“Actually, Wanda and I believe our actions could speak much louder than our words.” Natasha’s voice drops to a flirty tone.
You aren’t sure if you heard her right, but it’s clear you did when Wanda nods and takes yet another step forward.
Hesitantly, she reaches for your hand, and releases a breath when you let her take it.“ We’d really like to show you are gratitude.”
Her innocent words hold a suggestive tone and you swallow, glancing at Natasha who simply smiles reassuringly. So you nod and let them pull you from the kitchen.
You aren’t sure if this will be more than it’s implied to be but you’re eager to find out.
* * * * * * 
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parkrstark · 4 years
dna be damned
written for @whumptober2020 day 2: kidnapping, pick who dies Even though Peter tries not to think about it, he knows Tony's favorite is Morgan. Why wouldn't she be? She's his real, biological daughter. Peter's just an intern that stuck around. But when a bad guy uses this against him, it feels even worse than he imagined. 2.k, ao3
"Keep it moving, brats. I don't have all day." The masked man behind Peter jabbed him in the back with the tip of his gun again.
Normally, this was when Peter made a quick witted response, but he couldn't. Not when he had Morgan by his side. If he said one wrong word, she got punished. He learned that the hard way when he didn't answer a question and she got slapped. 
That was the first and last time he let her get hurt. 
Peter, on the other hand, had an eye swollen shut, a bruise covering the left side of his face, and dried blood dripping from his eyebrow. 
He wasn't even Spider-Man; he was just Peter Parker picking up his little sister from school. They were snatched before he could even feel his spidey sense could go off.
That was a few hours ago, and now, they were being dragged off to another spot without even a word of what they were doing. 
Peter wasn't sure where they were going, but wherever it was, he was going to make sure that Morgan stayed by his side, unarmed. He made sure that she kept up and didn’t give the man any excuses to hurt her. 
They stopped in another room, that was much more open than the other room they were crapped in. He shoved Peter in a chair first and started tying his wrists and ankles to the chair. Peter didn’t struggle, even though he could have easily beat him. “Don’t hurt her.” 
“Oh, I won’t. As long as she behaves.” 
Morgan was too terrified to say a word. She’d been quiet since she woke up. She was strong for a 5-year-old. The man wasn’t as rough with her as he was with Peter when he tied her down. 
“Wait here.” 
Then he was out of the room, and a few minutes later, he was back with another man. This man, however he wasn’t masked, and Peter recognized him immediately. “Mr. Stark?”
Tony looked like hell. His eyes were wide and he was dressed in dirty jeans and a sweatshirt. Ever since the snap, he’d retired from being Iron Man. He could barely move his right arm anymore and the right side of his body was heavily scarred. He shouldn’t be out here getting his heart rate up. His voice shook when he spoke. “Hey, kiddos. Didn’t you remember when I told you to come right home after school? Mom needed help with dinner.” 
Tony wasn’t as good with his sarcastic remarks as he usually was, not when his children were tied to chairs. 
“Sorry, Mr. Stark--.” Peter was cut off with a quick slap. 
Tony raised his left arm. “Hey, now...no need for all that. I brought you the money. That’s all you wanted, now let them go.�� 
The man laughed. “Are you really this foolish? Yes, the money does help for all of the pain you caused my family...but I’m not done.” 
“Then let’s talk it out. You and me. No need to bring my kids into this.” Tony’s voice was calm and he didn’t make any sudden movements. 
“I used to have two kids, too.” He put a hand on Peter’s shoulder and squeezed ever so slightly. “I was with them in the park during the battle of New York. They were scared and they ran...I heard them both screaming for help. I went to my daughter, thinking I could save her, and then find my son. But when I went to find him...it was too late.” 
“Okay, first of all, that was like-- a dozen years ago. I’ve honestly lost track between all of the time traveling I’ve done. And second of all, how the hell is that my fault?”
“You’re the only one left. Thor is gone, Hawkeye went crazy, Hulk is some hybrid, Captain America is gone, and Black Widow is dead.” 
Peter could see the pain in Tony’s eyes. At a time, all of them had been Tony’s family, and they were gone. “Gee, thanks for reminding me.” 
“You’re the only one left to pay. So I’ll give you a choice. Which kid are you saving?’
Tony frowned with a blink. “I’m sorry, what?”
“You get to bring one home with one you. The other stays here with me and dies.” The man started to rub Peter’s hair softly. 
“O-one of them?”
“I went home that day with one. So will you.” 
Peter’s heart started to beat wildly. He could tell by the look on Tony’s face that he wasn’t expecting this. He had no plans to get out of this. He couldn’t let Tony make this choice...or maybe...maybe Peter didn’t want to hear Tony’s answer. “Tony, take her home.” 
Tony was still reeling from the choice given. He furrowed his brow and turned to Peter. “W-What? Peter, what the hell are you talking about?”
“You need to bring Morgan home. She’s terrified. She’s a child-- leave me here. I’ll handle this.” 
“Yeah, Daddy,” the man cooed. “Bring little sissy home.” 
“I’m not leaving you here, Pete. You’re ridiculous.” Tony fidgeted on the spot, and it was so unlike Tony that it scared Peter. 
“Please. Take her and go.” 
“You’re running out of time.” The man moved his hand from Peter’s hair and pulled out a gun, pressing it against Morgan’s head. Now, she started to cry, speaking for the first time since they were taken. 
“Daddy! Please!” 
Tony took a step forward, his voice sounding choked up. “Okay! I’ll take her-- just get the fucking gun off her head!” 
“Is that your final answer? Are you choosing her?”
Tony glanced over to Peter only for a second, but it was long enough for Peter to see the anguish in them. “Y-Yes.” 
He pulled the gun away from Morgan’s head and moved it to Peter’s. “Come on then. Untie her.” 
Tony hesitated. 
“Do you want me to shoot her too?”
“No!” Then he hurried forward and fell to his knees in front of Morgan. His right hand was shaking as he tried untying the knots from her wrists. He fumbled, unable to get them undone. He cursed under his breath as Morgan continued to cry. 
“Hurry up,” he sang, digging the gun deeper into Peter’s head. 
Peter tried not to make a sound because he knew Tony was having enough trouble with Morgan. He stared ahead, focusing on the thump thump of his heart as his spidey senses screamed at him. 
Eventually, his right hand cooperated enough to untie all four knots and Morgan jumped into his arms. Tony put a hand on her back to hold her in close. “Please. Let me take him too. Please.” 
“You get one.” 
“Peter, don’t worry-- I won’t let him. Okay? Just-- just hold on.” Tony stood up with Morgan in his arms and took a step toward Peter. 
“It’s alright, Mr. Stark. Don’t worry about me. She’s your daughter...and I’m well, me. You made the right choice.” He gave him a small smile, just in case this was the last time he’d be seeing him. 
“You have five seconds to get out of here or I shoot her while she’s still in your arms.” 
“Don’t! He’s leaving!” 
“Peter,” Tony said, sounding incredibly reluctant. 
“Go, Mr. Stark!” Peter squeezed his shut so he didn’t have to look at Tony anymore. He kept them shut until he heard Tony’s feet running out of the room, and the man started laughing. 
“How does it feel knowing that you’re not Daddy’s favorite?” 
Peter tried not to believe his words. Even though Morgan was Tony’s biological child, and Peter was really just an intern that stayed around a little too often. Even though she was his baby girl. Even though he replaced Peter with Morgan and Tony loved her every moment of her life from before her first breath. Peter knew him for less years than Morgan was old-- not including those 5 years of time, at least. 
Peter felt his eyes burn at the thoughts. “He was in an impossible spot. You know more than anyone else. He made the right choice.” 
The gun clicked and Peter tensed. He could fight now. He could rip out of these shitty knots and knock the man unconscious within a minute. But why didn’t he? Why did he just sit there, thinking about how he was left, even though he told Tony to pick Morgan? He was right. She should have been saved. He could save himself if he just pulled it together and stopped feeling sorry for himself. 
Before he could let his thoughts go any more wild, there was a gunshot. 
Peter thought he pissed away his chance at escaping, but if he did, then why was he still alive? And why didn’t he feel the bullet’s entry? 
“Take that, prick.” 
That wasn’t Tony, but that was someone just as familiar. Peter glanced over his shoulder and saw Happy standing behind him with his gun still raised. Then he looked down at the ground where the man was lying unconscious. 
“Did you…?”
“Kill him?” Happy asked, walking closer. “No. It’s nonlethal. Kinda like a tranq, but it’s more of a pellet than a dart. Hurts like a bitch. Wanted to kill him but something tells me you’d have a problem with that.” 
“I thought…” 
Happy walked around the chair, kneeled down, and started to untie the ropes. “You thought he came in alone? No backup? I know Rhodey is usually his Starsky, but I called shotgun.” 
Peter was speechless, trying to calm his heart down enough to realize he was alive. Tony may have chosen Morgan, but he was alive. 
Happy lifted his chin up gently so he could get a good look at the side of his face. “They got you pretty good, huh?”
“You would have laughed at his form,” Peter said in a small voice. 
That startled a laugh from Happy. “Oh, yeah, kid?” Peter nodded his head as he stood up and Happy immediately helped him up. “Easy, kiddo.”
“Where’s Morgan? Is she okay?’
“She’s fine.” Happy shook his head. “You know, sometimes, you should worry about yourself too.” 
Peter could walk on his own, but he liked the comfort of Happy supporting him too much to let him go. So he leaned against him as they walked out of the warehouse and was met with blinding lights from the police and ambulance all waiting nearby. He didn’t even get a second to let his senses adjust to his surroundings before he was being engulfed in a hug. 
Happy laughed and took a step back, “Hey, Tony.” 
Tony didn’t pay attention to Happy, he was too focused on Peter. He cupped Peter’s cheeks, and Peter could feel his right hand shaking. “Peter.” 
“Mr. Stark, where’s Morgan?”
“She’s fine. She’s with Pepper.” His eyes scanned over Peter’s body. “Are you okay? That gunshot-- were you hit?”
“No. It was Happy. I’m fine.” Peter held onto Tony’s wrists. He never thought he’d get a chance to see him again. 
“I was so scared. I thought I lost you again. Don’t ever pull that shit. Never again.” Tony moved his hands to pull him into a hug. “I’m sorry.”
Peter immediately shook his head. He didn’t want to hear this apology. “You don’t need to.” 
“I do. I need you to understand that I would never choose one over the other if I didn’t know Happy was in the other room waiting.” 
Peter swallowed around the lump in his throat. “She’s your daughter. It’s okay.” 
Tony pulled back and looked him in the eyes. “And you’re my son. DNA be damned. Morgan is my baby, but you’re my baby too. So don’t make me ever live a nightmare like that again.” 
Peter couldn’t help his small smile. “Really?” Tony huffed, and gave him a small smile of his own. “Don’t make me repeat it. I may have some experience with being a dad, but I still get hives.” 
Peter hugged him tightly, hiding his face in Tony’s neck. “I love you too, Mr. Stark.” 
“Yeah, yeah...just keep hugging me, squirt.”
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It’s Always Been You ~ 149
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Word Count: 2,820ish
Summary: Y/N sacrificed herself to end it all. But is she really dead?
Notes: You must read Out Of Time in order to understand this. The chapter numbers continue from Out Of Time.
Once the blinding white light subsided, the heroes all looked around as the enemy quickly turned to dust. Strange let Tony go from his magic hold, the two men watching Y/N collapse onto the ground.
“Y/N!!” Tony cried, rushing over to his wife. As he lifted her up to cradle her in his arms, he noticed the Stones were still seared into her arm and blood was trickling out of her nose and ears. “Honey, come on.”
Steve was the next to notice the scene. “No!” He exclaimed as he ran over, causing others to see as well. “Y/N!” He fell to his knees beside the couple. Tears ran down both mens faces, creating pathways through the dirt and grime covering them.
“She’s not breathing….”
“What?” Bucky gasped, suddenly appearing near them.
“She’s not breathing…” Tony rocked back and forth, Y/N held close. “Don’t do this… please… I can’t— You can’t—“ He sobbed into the base of her limp neck as he clung to her and begged.
Clint was the first to get down on one knee in respect, the other heroes slowly following. Some bowed their heads, others shed tears, but they all felt an immense amount of pain and sorrow. Their hearts cracked a little more each time they heard a sob, whimper, or sniffle from one of the three men that loved Y/N the most.
With a hand on Steve’s shoulder, Bucky collapsed next to his friend. “No…” he cried. “Doll…”
“Mom!” The boy’s voice was worried. It sounded like it was underwater. “Mom! Wake up!” She groaned as someone began shaking her, still not opening her eyes. “Come on, mom! You did it! Wake up!”
“W-what…?” She rasped. She slowly blinked, trying to get her eyes used to the light and the orange tint around her. When her eyes finally focused on the boy leaned over her, she gasped. “AJ?”
“Hey, mom,” he smiled.
“Where…” Y/N pushed herself up, with AJ’s help. She studied her surroundings. She was at the cabin, laying on the grass. But it wasn’t the cabin. “How did I—“
“You used the Stones. You did it, mom.”
“I did it,” she breathed out.
“Now you have a choice,” the Ancient One’s voice said. AJ and Y/N turned their heads to see Phil, Natasha, and the Ancient One standing there.
“Phil, Natasha?”
“Hey, Y/N,” she greeted. “You did good.”
“You did,” the Ancient One agreed. “And now the Stones have given you a choice.”
AJ helped Y/N to her feet. “What kind of choice?” She asked.
“Whether to stay here or go back… there are consequences, good and bad for either choice.”
“I can’t make that call,” she shook her head. “I have family—children on either side of that equation. Why are they giving me a choice?”
“Because your journey is not over with the Stones, but they want it to be up to you.”
“What do you mean?”
“If you choose to go back, you will be granted certain abilities. That you will not need the Stones to use. You will not be as powerful as you are when you channel all the Stones, but you will still be very powerful.”
“And if I stay?”
“Your daughter would lose her mother and your husband, his wife. The whole team would be affected. But, there are many significant events that would still play out. They will just be harder—longer, without your help.”
“Mom,” AJ tugged on her hand, turning Y/N’s attention to him. “If you’re worried about me, I’ll be fine. I have Uncle Phil, Auntie Nat, Grandma and Grandpa Rogers and Stark!”
“Stark? Like… Howard?”
“Yes.” The boy nodded. “He didn’t want to be here just incase he could be a distraction. Said something like you always had a thing for Starks.”
Y/N laughed. “He wishes.” She took a deep breath and looked around. This would be a hard decision either way, but she knew what she had to do. She looked at her son before looking back at the Ancient One. “How much time do I have?”
“You have until they take the Stones back,” the Ancient One responded.
“Okay,” she nodded. Y/N gazed down at her son, grabbing his hand. “How about we go for a walk AJ?”
“Tony,” Rhodey gently called, coming to a stop a foot or to away from the three men. “We need to get her to a hospital. Or home.”
The man shook his head. “I’m not letting go of her,” Tony replied. “And I— I can’t… Morgan needs her mother.”
“She also needs her father.”
“Mr. Stark?” Peter called, coming up beside Rhodey. It was clear that he had been crying as well. “You don’t have to let her go… you—you can carry her the whole way.”
“They have a point, Tony,” Steve agreed through the tears. “We need to get her and the Stones out of the open, just in case.”
“They asked too much of her,” Tony mumbled as he continued to rock. “Too damn much…”
Steve stood up and walked around to help Tony stand, Bucky joining him. Tony didn’t resist, standing and fixing Y/N’s position in his arms. The other heroes watched, their hearts breaking further as they realized how limp Y/N truly was. But upon further observation, Wanda noticed something.
“She’s being preserved,” she whispered.
“What was that Wanda?” Clint asked, standing beside her.
“She’s dead, but she’s being preserved. Her coloring is too normal.”
“Are you saying there’s a chance we could bring her back?” Sam asked, joining them.
“Not we,” Wanda shook her head. Her eyes were glued to Y/N as she was carried away. “It’s all her… it’s all up to her…”
AJ lead Y/N around, talking her here off about anything and everything. And she was enjoying every minute of it. Eventually, the two came to a stop at the edge of the pier. They sat down, letting their feet touch the water.
“AJ… You know I love you, right?” Y/N nervously said.
“Yes,” he answered with confidence.
“And that I would never want to leave you?”
“Mom,” AJ looked at her, firmly, “you need to go. Morgan, Dad, Uncle Steve, and Uncle Bucky need you more than I do. I’ll be fine.”
“Uncle Bucky?” Y/N chuckled.
“He’ll be okay, mom. He will… Bucky understands that he kept you waiting too long, too many times.”
She pulled the boy into her side, kissing the top of his head. “You’re so much stronger and wiser than me… I love you. So very much.”
AJ hugged his mother. “I love you too.” 
Happy and Pepper immediately sensed that something was wrong when the quinjet landed and Rhodey was the first one out. He walked to the house and simply asked them to keep Morgan away from any of the windows and the garage. They didn’t question it, already knowing they weren’t ready for any answers that may come.
Rhodey went straight to the garage, Bucky and Steve joining him. They cleared off desks and tables, putting them together. Steve grabbed blankets and a pillow, laying them out on the large table they created. FRIDAY then informed Tony that he was clear to bring Y/N in. Bruce was with him as Tony carried Y/N in, having noticed how much the man was trembling. Bruce was scared that he’d have to carry two bodies in.
Tony gently laid Y/N on the table. He began pulling a blanket up to her chest, pausing when he noticed the Stones still seared into his wife’s arm. He clenched his teeth and let out an angry, grief-filled cry. Tony raised his hand had shot around the room, everyone having to duck.
“Tony!” / “Shit!” / “Woah!”
“Tony, you need to—“
Everyone froze at the little voice. Tony was breathing heavily  as he clenched his eyes closed, unable to turn himself around and face his daughter. Morgan was being held by Happy, clinging to his neck as she stared at Tony’s back. The others quickly moved so that Y/N’s body was blocked from Morgan’s view.
“Get her out of here, Hap,” Rhodey ordered. “We’ll all be in soon.”
“No, Daddy,” Morgan pushed. “Where’s mom?”
Tears cascaded down Tony’s cheeks as he thought about having to tell his daughter that she had lost both her auntie Nat and her mother in the same day. Steve, trying to hold strong, quickly took control of the situation.
“How about we going inside, Mo?” Steve suggested, stepping up. He was still all dirty from the battle. “I’ll hurry and clean up while you and Pepper get dinner situated. I’ll come join you after.”
“But dad—“
“You’re dad… He just needs a moment. Okay? He’ll be in soon too.”
Though a bit hesitant to, Morgan agreed. Steve let out a sigh a relieve before following Happy back inside. He couldn’t fall apart, not when Tony and Morgan needed him. 
“You should get out of the suit, Tony,” Rhodey said. “Get cleaned up.”
“I…” Tony spoke quietly, still not opening his eyes. “I can’t tell her… I can’t bare to see her face about Nat. I can’t imagine telling her about—about Y/N…”
“You won’t have to do it alone.” Rhodey set a hand on Tony’s shoulder. “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up."
“You shouldn’t have done what you did,” Y/N told Natasha as they walked allow the edge of the lake together.
“If I hadn’t, we wouldn’t have gotten everything back,” she responded. “It was worth it.”
“As long as you believe so… Morgan will be devastated, so will the Bartons.”
“They’ll mourn, you all will. But it will make you all stronger. Individually and together.”
Y/N grabbed Nat’s hand and stopped her. “You are the sister I always wanted. You were always there for me, basically since I left the ice. Thank you.”
“Oh, Y/N,” Natasha wrapped Y/N up, pulling her close. “Thank you.”
“I’ll keep your memory alive.”
“You better. And I’ll keep an eye on AJ. He’s a great kid.”
“I know… I only wish that I had more to do with that."
Everything around him was muted. Color, light, sound. Everything, as Tony finished dressing himself after his shower. He didn’t want to believe it—he couldn’t. Y/N could not be gone. Not his wife… After everything they had survived—she had survived. How was he now suppose to go on without her? How was he suppose to help his daughter do the same?
A soft knock sounded on the bedroom door, before Pepper peeked her head in.
“Tony?” She called. “I’m just checking in on you. Do you need anything?”
“Where’s Morgan?” Tony’s horse voice was quiet as exited the bathroom.
“Downstairs with Steve, Bruce, Happy, and Rhodey. They’re putting dinner together.”
“Where’d Barnes go?”
The redhead sighed. “He won’t leave Y/N’s side.” Tony inhaled sharply as his eyes closed. “Tony…” Pepper slowly made his way over to him. “What do you want to do?”
“I want… I want my wife back… I want Morgan to have her mother…” A tear slipped through his closed eyes. “And I— I would do anything to trade her places…”
“I wish that I could bring her back, I really do, Tony. And I know that you need time to grief, but Morgan needs her father. She’s confused and those men downstairs keep staring at her with pity. She’s smart and has started questioning it.” Pepper moved so that she was standing in front of Tony. “Just go down and hold her.”
“I need to see Y/N first.”
“Okay. Let’s go then."
“Why must we always say goodbye?” Y/N asked Coulson as they sat on the steps of the cabin.
“I don’t know,” Phil answered. “But it seems like we always say hello again.”
“It does,” she nodded. “Thank you for taking care of AJ.”
“He’s a good kid. Though, too much like you and Tony.” He chuckled. “Always finding some way to get into trouble.”
“And you’re always there to help get him out of it, I’m sure.” Y/N laughed. “Some things never change.” She sighed as she moved closer and rested her head on his shoulder. “Are the others okay?”
“They’re great… they miss us though, that much is clear.”
“I miss them too.”
“I check on them every once and awhile. They’ve all gone on their separate ways, but they’re still a team. They’re still our team.”
Bucky couldn’t bare to leave Y/N’s side. Not like this. Never like this. It wasn’t suppose to be her. She had a daughter, a husband. For a few moments, he let himself hold her hand and cry. But then be decided to put himself to use. Bucky found a few towels and wet them. Gently, he cleaned off any skin he could see, being extremely careful around the Stones still imbedded in her arm.
He then brushed her hair out. Bucky couldn’t stand the thought of Morgan seeing her mother untidy. Tony entered the room not too long later. The men stayed on opposite sides, focusing on the woman in the middle.
“I forgive you,” Tony said quietly. Bucky’s head snapped up to look at Stark, who was still focused on Y/N.
“Wh-what?” Bucky stammered. “H-how… I… I killed your parents…”
“Trust me. I tried to hold it against you, and Steve for keeping the secret… But… Y/N… she never held it against you. Even though it was Howard. She never did.”
“I don’t deserve your forgiveness.”
“Don’t say that too loud. Y/N might come back and smack some sense into you…”
“I wish she would… She, uh… we ran into each other before the fight… I know that it was always going to be you. You’re good for her.”
Tony scoffed. “No I’m not. She’s too good for me.”
“That might be true,” Bucky nodded. “Your, uh, your daughter… she’s pretty.”
“She is. You know, Barnes, we don’t have to make small talk. We can just sit here and wish for her to wake up, together.”
“Good, cause I was running out of things to say.” Tony sat down. “Thank you though… for forgiving me… I’m still working on forgiving myself for it all…”
“You’re welcome.”
Coulson, Natasha, AJ, the Ancient One, and Y/N were all gathered together in front of the cabin.
“I guess this is it then,” Y/N said, nodding as she tried not to cry. “I don’t want to have to say good-bye to y’all again.”
“It’s not good-bye, mom,” AJ smiled. “We’ll see each other again.”
“You’re right… you’re always right. I love you, my son. I’ll see you—“
“You think you can leave without me actually making an appearance?” A voice came from behind Y/N.
She gasped, slowly turning around. “Howard?”
“Hey, Y/N,” he stepped forward. He was young, the Howard that Y/N was most used to. “Seems like my favorite Rogers is still getting into trouble.”
“Always.” They stared at each other for a moment before Y/N brought him into a hug. “Oh, Howard.”
“I remember,” he whispered. “I died and it all came back to me.”
“What?” She pulled away slightly.
“You erased my memory when you appeared in 1970. After I had talked to Tony.”
“You know.”
“I do. Way to not lie to me. You wouldn’t have met Tony without me, for multiple reasons. And I did end up knowing him.”
“I couldn’t lie to you. I just couldn’t tell you the truth either.”
“I understand. I guess I’ll let you go back now. Tony and Morgan need you.”
“Yeah… they do.”
“Can you… uh… can you tell Tony how proud I am of him?”
“Of course.”
Howard leaned forward and pressed a kiss on her cheek. He smiled before he turned around and headed over to a woman standing near a tree not too far off. Y/N knew that must’ve been Maria. She waved, Maria waving back.
“Okay…” Y/N breathed out. “It’s time…”
“How is she?” Wanda asked, coming into the garage.
“How do you think, Maximoff?” Tony responded, annoyed. “She’s dead.”
“No she’s not.” Both me sat up straighter and looked at Wanda.
“What are you talking about?”
“Haven’t either of you noticed how her body isn’t acting out a normal dead body would?”
The two men shared a look before focusing back on Wanda. “No,” Bucky replied. “We haven’t.”
“Well, the Stones are—“
Y/N gasped, head lurching up before coming back down to the table again. She coughed as she opened her eyes and took in her surroundings.
“Y/N!” The men exclaimed.
“And just when I was beginning to explain it all,” Wanda mumbled.
next chapter >
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spooderboyandtincan · 3 years
Happy Halloween!
A/N: Here are the actual episodes of Buzzfeed Unsolved mentioned in this fic! The Terrifying Axeman of New Orleans and The Horrors of Pennhurst Asylum. As a warning, both of these videos describe both very grisly and gory things, so please watch them with caution! 
(Also, the author in no way claims to own or use these videos for commercial property. Just wanted to include them!)
Peter was having a great day, even when an apple tried to give him a concussion. 
Normally, he would have caught the traitorous fruit, but there were several families around who might have noticed his outstanding reflexes, so with some split second thinking he let the apple bounce off his head.
“Ow!” Peter massaged the top of his head. Tony and May turned to him, both slightly concerned. “I think this tree is trying to kill me.”
“Oh, spare us!” Tony said to the tree, reaching out to ruffle Peter’s curls. “Not my darling son! Take me instead!” 
Peter rolled his eyes at the dorky genius, actually finding himself feeling a little bad for the poor apple tree. “Don’t worry,” he muttered, patting the rough bark. “It wasn’t your fault.” 
There was something very adorable about watching Peter trying to comfort a tree, both Tony and May observed. Their kid’s heart was so pure and kind it was blinding. 
Peter snatched an apple off a low-hanging branch and, before Tony or May could stop him, bit into it. “Wow,” he mumbled through a mouthful of fruit, “this’s really good! Can we pick some?”
“That’s what we’re here for!” May sang. “Did you check for worms before you bit into that, Petey?”
Tony shook his head in fond exasperation. Peter spat his mouthful of apple on the ground in disgust, chucking the half eaten red orb to the side. “Ew ew ew ew ew!”
“Buddy, I’m pretty sure there weren’t worms in there,” Tony suggested.
Peter shrugged. “But are you sure? Now we have to pick more apples just in case they’re all wormy.” He stuck out his tongue in a mature display of unhappiness. 
“Thought you liked picking apples,” he questioned, suddenly worried that Peter had only been pretending to enjoy himself.
“No, no I do! It’s really fun! But now I can’t eat any,” he pouted. “I’m so huuuungry.”
He frowned in concern. “Why don’t we get some food and come back, kiddo? We can grab an extra coat from the car while we do.”
“Mr. Stark, I’m already wearing, like three of yours,” Peter laughed. He gestured to the layers of puffy jackets he was bundled up in, along with his favorite Spider-Man hat and thin black gloves.
“Actually, I think you need a scarf,” Tony observed. “We can’t have any spider-baby popsicles on our hands, now can we?”
Peter rolled his eyes. Tony began fussing over him like a mother hen, wrapping his own scarf around his neck and zipping up his third coat. He took the boy’s small hands in his and winced, rubbing them to bring some warmth. 
“You’re gonna lose fingers if we don’t get you some better gloves, bud.”
“I’m fiiiine.”
Peter heaved the bag of crisp, red apples into his arms with ease. Tony and May grabbed their own separate ones and heaved them over their shoulders with a lot less ease. They headed toward the muddy dirt road, lugging their apples and stopping for a moment to admire some chickens. 
“Ooooh!” Peter exclaimed suddenly, spotting a glimpse of orange behind the tall pine trees. “Mr. Stark, May! There’re pumpkins!” He jogged off. 
“Don’t you wanna get food before this, Pete?” Tony called, following the boy.
“I’ll eat the pumpkins!” 
“Look out for worms!” May teased. Tony found himself thinking of the classic nursery rhyme, Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater.
May found the perfect pumpkin almost at once. It was on the opposite side of the small field under a beautiful towering oak tree with red and golden leaves still on its branches. The pumpkin was a beautiful shade of dark orange and wonderfully round. She held it against the chest like it was a baby. 
Tony didn’t have any particular pumpkin in mind that he wanted so he decided to let Peter choose for him. 
“Are you sure? I don’t wanna get the wrong one,” Peter worried. 
“It won’t be the wrong one, kiddo,” Tony promised.
“Get that lumpy one, it looks like his head!” May advised from across the pumpkin patch. Peter sniggered.
“I’m offended. My head is perfectly oval-shaped,” Tony objected. 
“Smooth as a shark,” Peter muttered to himself, completely missing the perplexed look from his father-figure.
He picked up the lumpy pumpkin and then began to scavenge for a second one, humming. “This is Halloween, this is Halloween, pumpkins scream in the dead of night… ooh.” Peter knelt down and began to inspect this potential nominee. 
It was huge. Wide and tall with a round face and a flat back. The stem was long and twisting. The color was beautiful.
It. Was. Perfect.
“I found it!” he yelled. May and Tony turned to long at him and Peter displayed his pumpkin proudly. 
“Congrats,” said May, her grin wide. Tony applauded. 
“Can we get it?”
“Of course, Roo.” He smiled, kneeling down to take the lumpy pumpkin while Peter stood up with his own. “Do you wanna get another?”   
“Are you sure? I mean, I kinda do…”
“Yes, Petey, I’m sure.” Tony bent to press a quick kiss to his forehead. “Actually, I’d be delighted if you got another one. Really.” He loved seeing Peter so happy over a simple fruit. (Vegetable? Gourd?) Tony would gladly buy thousands of pumpkins if Peter could always be this happy. 
Soon Peter had selected two more pumpkins, a wide, squat one, and round, light orange one. They made their way back to the parking lot and the barn, where lots of fresh produce stands were set up. 
There was a beautiful, towering willow tree that Peter admired, watching its long limbs sway in the wind peacefully. He breathed in deeply, inhaling the scent of rain and hay and something just distinctly fall. He trotted back to where his family stood in a line to buy their pumpkins and leaned into Tony, letting him wrap strong arms around him and hug him close. 
They bought their pumpkins and sat down at a picnic bench under the willow tree and basked in the sunlight. Tony left to the car and came back with a picnic basket akin to the ones in cartoons.
Peter’s eyes lit up when he noticed the mac and cheese in a plastic container and immediately he dug in. After inhaling his pasta, he dug through the basket. His eyes sparkled like stars. 
“Rhodey made us brownies!” Colonel Rhodes’s brownies were the best. They were gooey and somehow always warm, with extra chocolate-chips and an oreo in the middle. Rhodey had drowned them in jack-o’-lantern shaped sprinkles. He had even included a bottle of whipped cream, though most of it had probably been used on the current brownie Peter had just bit into.
“Oh, yummy,” May said, helping herself to a large one. Tony took his own and sprayed almost as much whipped cream on it as Peter had. 
Before he took a bite, he laughed. “Pete, how did you get whipped-cream on your forehead?” He balled up his sleeve and wiped it off. Peter squirmed away.
He played a quick rhythm on his pumpkin before glancing toward the various stands by the barn. “We should get apple cider,” he said, having a sudden realization. “I guess they probably wouldn’t go very good with brownies but maybe with pumpkin pie or something…?”
“Good idea, bud. How about some candy apples while we’re at it?”
Peter was bouncing in his seat while he waited for May and Tony to finish their sandwiches. He helped himself to a few more delicious brownies, trying to savor every bite. (And failing because they were so good.”
When they finished their food, they took a quick moment to put their pumpkins in the trunk of the car, then Peter led the way to the barn. At the back of the big room there was a large assortment of fresh produce, which May made a beeline to. On the right wall were four tall refrigerators, chock full of apple cider. 
“Why are they in milk cartons?” Peter wondered, opening the door and pulling the juice out. “Here!”
“Just one? You need to hydrate, young man,” he teased, pulling out three more jugs.
“I won’t just drink apple cider, Mr. Stark.”
“Actually, I think your blood is gonna be 75% apples, kiddo.”
“Carrots or asparagus, Pete?” May called. 
“Good choice, honey.”
Tony noticed wonderfully red candy apples displayed on one of those cupcake stands he always saw at fancy parties. He pointed them out to Peter, who grinned and asked if they could have some.
“That’s what we're here for, Petey-Pie.” 
The young man at the stand wrapped the tree apples individually with cellophane and placed them in a bag. 
“That’s smart,” Peter said as they joined May at the checkout line. “Apples probably wouldn’t taste good with a paper bag.”
The cashier recognized Tony when they bought their food. Her hand flew to her open mouth and she shook her head in amazement. “You’re… you’re….” 
He offered a smile. Peter inched behind him and grabbed his hand. Tony squeezed his hand comfortingly and moved in front of him so no one could see his face. 
The cashier began to check out their items robotically, staring at Tony for an uncomfortably long time before she blinked and asked, “Do you want a bag, sir?”
Once they stuffed the groceries into the trunk of Tony’s car, Peter admired the farm one last time. The big willow tree swayed gracefully in the brisk wind as if it were saying farewell. 
Peter crawled into the back seat and slammed the door, curling up and shivering. Tony glanced in the back mirror and quickly moved to turn up the heat. 
He rested his chin on the edge of the window. The position was far from comfortable but at least he could watch the trees fly past as they drove. 
“You okay back there, Petey?” Tony asked, sounding concerned.
“‘M good. Just thinking,” he mumbled. It was hard to talk with his jaw pressed against a hard surface. 
“You sure, bud?” Tony still sounded worried. Peter sighed.
“Stop worrying,” he groaned. “I’m fine.”
“Okay, Petey, I trust you.” If he hadn’t been driving the car he would have held up his hands in mock surrender. “But you know that you can come to me for anything, right? Even if it’s just a stubbed toe, okay?”
“I know, Mr. Stark, really.” 
A snore filled the car, and they both laughed when they looked to May and realized she was already asleep. 
“So kiddie, whatcha thinkin’ about?” he asked. 
“How I’m gonna carve my pumpkin!” 
Peter dramatically threw the three pumpkins he was carrying down onto the kitchen island, pretending to wipe sweat off his forehead. He snickered when May rolled her eyes.
Peter took off his layers of coats and threw them on the couch, hanging his scarf up and then ripping off his hat. His hair frizzed everywhere and Tony laughed, his eyes soft and adoring. He flattened it down with his hand and pulled Peter into a crushing hug, bending to kiss his still slightly puffy curls.
They sat down at the kitchen island and chose their respective pumpkins. Peter looked around. “Where’re the knives?” he asked. 
“Oh, I know.” May stood up and rummaged through the upper cabinets, bringing out an orange carton. “Here!”
Tony watched nervously as Peter grabbed a carving knife from the box and stabbed the top of his pumpkin without any regard for his personal safety. 
“Careful, bubba,” he warned. He was about to take the knife from Peter’s small hands and bend it into pieces for being so dangerous and trying to hurt his kid. “No lost limbs today, okay?”
Peter laughed and continued to cut the top of his pumpkin. He yanked the stem out and sliced off the stringy guts. He took an orange plastic scooper and started scraping the seeds and guts out of the inside. Tony took his own pumpkin and did the same, keeping a watchful eye on his reckless kid all the same.
“What are you carving Pete?” May asked. 
“Secret,” Peter grinned, turning the pumpkin so they couldn’t see it. “You can see later!” 
“Well, fine. What about you, Tony?”
Tony hadn’t given much thought about it yet. He wasn’t sure, but he thought he had an idea that might work. “Secret,” he said.
May sighed in amused exasperation. “Suit yourself, lumpy. I’m going with the classic.” She took a purple sharpie and started drawing.
“Why aren’t there Halloween Carols?” Peter wondered aloud. “I don’t know like, any spooky songs and it’s sad.”
“There’s that one, um…” Tony trailed off. He did know the actual name of the song, but the look on Peter’s face would be priceless. “Spooky Scary Pumpkins? Ghosts? Is that it?”
Peter slowly raised his head, his eyes wide. “What?”
“You know, that one you’re always singing,” May said, joining in. “‘Spooky scary pumpkins’ sounds right.” 
Peter groaned and buried his head in his arms. “No. This isn't happeniiiiiing.”
“I believe the correct title is ‘Spooky Scary Skeletons, Boss,” said FRIDAY’s disembodied voice. 
“Thank you!” Peter threw up his hands in relief. “Spooky scary pumpkins. Ugh. Thanks for the nightmares.”
Tony ruffled his hair. “FRI, play it for us uncultured zombies, will ya?”
The first few notes of the song played and Peter started headbanging exaggeratedly, doing a dance in his seat. “Such a bop,” he said to himself, then went back to carving his pumpkin. 
A bop? Tony decided not to ask. He sketched out his idea on the pumpkin with a light pencil and rummaged through their carving tools.
“Mr. Stark, you didn’t get the guts out!” Peter protested. 
“Don’t worry, bud, you’ll see. Trust me.”
Tony finally found what he was looking for. “A-ha!”
“Is that..?” Peter leaned over. “Is that a dremel drill? Isn’t that for like, trimming dog nails?” 
“One of its many uses!” Tony switched it on. “Carving time.”
“Ooh. That’s cool, I wanna try!”
He handed the drill over to him. Peter turned his pumpkin around to the back and started carving. “Oh, so it only gets like the fleshy parts! The flesh? So then it kinda glows through.”
“That’s right,” he said. “It looks pretty cool when you put a candle in it.” Tony took the drill and got back to work. Their song was still playing in the background, and at some parts Peter would do a dance and sing along. 
After about fifteen minutes of ridiculous chatter and multiple songs played, May jumped up. “Finished!”
“Already?!” Peter exclaimed. “Lemme see!”
“Just a sec.” May ran off and grabbed a candle from one of the drawers in the living room, then hurried back. She put it in the pumpkin and lit it carefully. “Ta-da!”
May had carved a traditional pumpkin with a big, spiky jaw, a triangle nose, and big triangle eyes. She had taken seeds and put them in the corners of the eyes to act as pupils. 
“Oh, he’s cross eyed!” Peter laughed. “That’s really cool.” 
Tony grinned. “Clever. I like it.”
“Thanks, Tony. I think I’ll borrow that drill from you when you’re done. I want to make a flower on the back.”
“Sure.” Tony continued working on theinrticate design, squinting and trying to make it as precise as possible. He caught Peter trying to sneak a peak and shooed him off cheerfully. 
When Tony looked up to check on Peter, he nearly cooed. His kid had the most adorable look of concentration on his face. His tongue poked out between his lips and his brow was furrowed. Peter worked carefully, selecting the tools he knew would work best and using them delicately.
 When Peter looked up again, the sky was considerably darker. He looked at the clock. “How is it already five?!” No way had he been working for one and a half hours straight. 
Tony blinked and snapped out of his stupor. “Huh. Time flies, I guess. I’m about done, how about you, kiddo?”
“Almost… I kinda messed up a few details but I think it looks okay!” He scraped the pumpkin more and looked up. “There! Where are the candles?”
“Here you go.” May smiled and handed him a red candle that smelled like cinnamon. He took the lighter and dipped his hand in the pumpkin while Tony watched anxiously. 
“Don’t burn yourself, baby.” He bit his lip in worry. “Be careful.”
“I am!”
May dimmed the lights and pulled the curtains shut. The candle glowed brightly in the dark room and Peter turned the pumpkin to face them. 
May gasped. “Oh. Oh my goodness! Peter, that’s gorgeous!” 
The boy blushed in the candlelight. “Thanks.” He looked to Tony, who had been strangely silent this whole time. 
“Mr. Stark?”
“Petey….” Tony felt his arc reactor and in his mind, compared it to Peter’s intricate, detailed carving that he had spent so much time on. “Petey… you made my reactor?” 
“Uh-huh! I kinda messed up some parts, but I think it looks pretty good. What do you think?”
“I… I… oh my god, baby, I love it. I love it so much.” He pulled his kid into a hug, squeezing him tight. Tony kissed his head and blinked away the tears in his eyes. Peter, surprised at first, hugged him back. “Thank you, Petey.”
“No problem,” he said, voice muffled in Tony’s sweatshirt. “Does it look good?”
“It looks beautiful, baby.”
“I had no idea you could make something like this,” May murmured, tracing the arc reactor with her fingers. “Wow, honey. This is spectacular!”
“Thanks.” Peter’s face heated from the praise and he pushed his head further into Tony’s chest. “What did you make?”
“I was wondering when you’d ask.” Reluctantly, he let go of Peter (but not without another forehead kiss) and grabbed the lighter, He lit the candle, turned it around, and-
It was Peter’s turn to gasp. “Is that me?!” He admired the glowing spider emblem with wide eyes. It matched the one on his suit exactly. “Oh my god!”
Tony beamed. “Do you see the resemblance?” 
“I’m pretty sure you just stole my suit and like, made it into a pumpkin. It’s so cool! I love it, thank you!”
“It was my pleasure,” he said graciously, giving a little bow. “Where do you think we should put them?”
“Um, I dunno. Where’s a good spot?”
Tony looked around. Eventually they decided to put them on the mantle above the fireplace. Peter worried they might rot, but the man assured him they wouldn’t and turned off the fireplace just to ease his kid’s fear.
Peter took a look at the room. A few days ago he and Tony had draped bright orange and purple lights around the room and Peter had added some webs that would definitely leave stains. There was a black spiderweb table runner on the coffee table, and in the kitchen there stood a plastic cauldron filled with dry ice. Ghosts made of tissue and paper mache balls hung from strings by the fireplace and above the couch and tv. Peter took a black and orange oreo from a pumpkin shaped plate cheerfully. 
“When’s dinner?” he asked, realizing how hungry he was getting.
“Are you hungry, bud? We can order a pizza, how does that sound?” Tony replied, smoothing down his curls and then ruffling them so they puffed back up again. 
“Great!” Peter patted his curls back down and flopped on the couch, taking out his phone. 
Only fifteen minutes later the pizza arrived. Peter jumped up happily and opened the box.
“It’s pumpkin shaped!” he exclaimed. “That’s so cool!” The pepperoni slices had been arranged in jack o’ lantern face and Peter laughed. He took four big slices for himself and sat down at the table while May joined him. Tony poured three glasses of apple cider and gave the biggest one to his kid, then sat down next to him. 
Peter wolfed down his pizza in the blink of an eye and downed the cider just as quickly. May and Tony started on their second slices while he started on his fifth. 
He was about to ask May if she knew that some spiders had blue blood when her phone rang. She smiled apologetically at them and stood up to take the call.
“Sandra? Oh, hi.” She wandered into the living room. “Uh-huh? Oh, that’s too bad, I’m so sorry.” A pause. “I could. Yeah, no problem. It’s okay. I hope everyone feels better.” May put her phone down. 
“I’m sorry, guys. I have to fill in for a friend for a few hours.” She sighed. “Her twins are sick and she really needs this. I have to go but I’ll be back soon, okay?” May grabbed her coat and gloves. “I’m sorry, sweetheart.” 
“It’s okay, Aunt May,” Peter said, offering a smile. “What time will you be back?”
“Around two.” She titled his head back to kiss his forehead. “Get some sleep, both of you. No scary movies. Larb you!” She headed toward the elevator.
“Larb you too!” he called back as the doors closed behind her. Peter sighed. 
The room was oddly silent without May’s laughter, but soon Peter started chatting and laughing and they relaxed into their normal banter. 
When they finished their pumpkin pizza, they sat down on the couch. Peter snuggled into Tony’s side and yawned, grabbing his Starkpad. He scrolled to a video and poked Tony’s shoulder.
“What’s this, kiddo?” he asked, wrapping an arm around Peter’s shoulders and pulling him closer.
“Buzzfeed Unsolved,” he mumbled. “That’s Ryan and that’s Shane.” 
“Huh. That’s cool. They solve mysteries?”
“Sometimes. They don’t really solve them, I mean, it’s called Buzzfeed Unsolved, but they do talk about suspects or theories or whatever. Sometimes they do supernatural ones and they’re really funny. And spooky,” Peter rambled. Tony chuckled and turned his attention to the video.
The Haunted Halls of Waverly Hills, read the title. As the creepy introduction played, Tony frowned. The two men he assumed were Ryan and Shane were walking around a long, spooky hallway with cameras that made everything look like it was tinged green.
“You sure this isn’t too scary, Pete?” he asked, not wanting his kid to have nightmares. 
“It’s not,” Peter grumbled. “I’m fine. This one is cool!”
“If you’re sure, Roo.” Tony still sounded skeptical. He was prepared to turn off that tablet the second Peter showed any sign of fright, but he never did.
“This week on Buzzfeed Unsolved we explore Waverly Hills Sanatorium as part of our ongoing investigation, ‘are ghosts real?’” said Ryan.
The camera panned to Shane as he shook his head. They went on to explain the history of the sanatorium. Peter giggled at their many jokes, especially when Shane made snarky remarks. Tony deduced that Shane was the sceptic while Ryan strongly believed in paranormal happenings. He was inclined to side with Shane, but Peter looked just as nervous as Ryan was when he walked down an empty hallway all alone. 
“Pete, are you sure this isn’t too scary?” he repeated after a particularly gruesome description of the horrors that took place in that old building.
“Yes, Mr. Stark.” Despite his annoyed tone, Peter was smiling. 
“Okay, okay.” Tony turned to press a tender kiss to his temple. “I just don’t want you to have nightmares.”
“I won’t. It’s okay.” Peter flopped against him and pressed the next video. “Promise.” He yawned.
The videos, Tony admitted, were pretty cool. He liked how they listed theories and possibilities instead of just leaving the mysteries unended. The two men were funny and entertaining, and he found himself enjoying the videos. 
By now they had watched at least nine or ten episodes. It was easy to get lost in all the videos, which were only twenty minutes long each, but when you watched a few more, time had passed faster than you expected. When Tony checked the time he was surprised to find it was already nine-thirty. 
“You tired, bubba?” he asked gently as Peter yawned. “You’ve had a pretty big day.”
Peter shrugged. “A little.”
“Do you wanna go to bed now, sweetheart?”
“Sure.” He stretched and yawned again. “Tomorrow’s Halloween, right?”
“That’s right,” he hummed. He helped Peter stand up and they made their way down the hallway. “Good night, baby,” he murmured, pulling him into a hug. 
Peter felt a warm kiss pressed to his curls. “G’night.” He hugged Mr. Stark and stumbled into his bedroom, rubbing his eyes. 
Tony watched with love shining bright in his eyes. He headed to his own bed and climbed under the covers, curling up and turning on the bedside lamp. He grabbed his glasses and perched them on the edge of his nose, planning to get a little reading done before he went to bed. 
He couldn’t help but worry about his kid, who had just binge-watched ten episodes about terrible deaths and tortures. “FRI, tell me if he can’t fall asleep, or if he does and wakes up. Just tell me if he’s scared.”
“Certainly, boss,” the AI said smoothly. Tony nodded and began reading, though he barely took in a word, much more focused on the boy in the room next to him. 
Peter thought he had been tired. He had nearly unhinged his jaw from yawning so much. But now, he lay in bed, staring blankly at the ceiling, unable to sleep.
He shifted around, trying to get comfortable. Heavy blankets tangled around his legs as he thrashed. Peter sighed and mashed his pillow over his face.
After what felt like an hour (but in reality was only fifteen minutes) Peter rolled over and sat up, yawning and scratching the back of his neck.
He grabbed his Starkpad and earbuds. Peter only used one, because two was too overwhelming. He went to youtube and clicked on the first unsolved episode he found, just wanting to sleep. 
The intro played loudly in his ear and Peter relaxed. 
“This week on Buzzfeed Unsolved we’ll cover the Axeman Killer of New Orleans,” said Ryan Bergara. “One of the strangest serial killer cases I’ve ever read.”
“And you’ve read a lot,” Shane replied.
Ryan explained the timeline, which began in 1918 in, of course, New Orleans and ended around eighteen months later. He detailed the mysterious and morbid attempted killings, saying, “In chilling fashion, he only seemed to strike people while they slept in their beds.”
Just to make sure, Peter peeked out the curtain. He shivered and hid further under his blankets. He snickered quietly when Shane made a joke right off the bat.
When the video ended, he turned it off and lay back down. He scrubbed his eyes, feeling refreshed but sleepy at the same time.
Except now, he was having a lot harder of a time falling asleep.
Peter stared at his bedroom door nervously, expecting someone to burst in brandishing an axe. 
It never came.
He watched apprehensively, knowing this was stupid, and rolled over so he faced the wall.
Now his back felt even more exposed. Peter shivered and faced the door in a panic, swearing he heard something. 
He sighed shakily and curled up under the blankets, his heart racing and his eyes wide. The shadows seemed to dance and his eyes flitted from corner to corner as he expected some creature with razor sharp teeth to come leaping out of them. 
A chair, which he had thrown some dirty clothes on the other day, now looked like some skeletal creature with a huge head that could swallow him in one bite.
Peter, in a sudden burst of adrenaline, threw off his covers and sprinted the few feet down the hall to Tony’s room, the door slamming open. Peter leapt onto Tony’s bed, shaking, and wrapped his arms around the man.
Tony went rigid with surprise. “Peter?” He straightened up, squeezing his kid tight protectively and looking murderously around the room for the source of Peter’s fear. “What is it, baby? Are you okay? Are you hurt?” 
Peter shook his head and crawled shakily into his lap, pressing his face into his chest. “Petey? What happened?” His voice was soft and gentle but somehow worried and protective at the same time. “Did you have a nightmare?”
Peter sniffed and blinked a few tears out of his eyes. His cheeks heated in embarrassment. He wilted in Tony’s arms both out of shame and overwhelming relief that he was safe now. 
“Oh, baby,” he cooed. “You’re okay, I got you, you’re okay. I’m here, shh.” He kissed his delicate brown curls. “I’m here, I’m here.”
Peter sighed in relief and squashed his nose against Tony’s reactor. “‘M sorry,” he mumbled.
“Why are you sorry, bubba? You didn’t do anything wrong, okay?” Tony murmured. 
Peter nodded. “I- I just got scared.” His voice cracked and he tried not to cry. 
“Oh, sweetheart, it’s okay, you’re okay. I got you. Nothing’s gonna happen to you, ‘kay?” He brushed his fingers through his curls. “Pete?”
A soft snore filled the peaceful quiet of the room. Peter’s breathing was slow and even, his face lax. Tony’s face softened. He carefully maneuvered Peter’s limp body under the war covers and wrapped his arms around him, pressing his nose into his curls. “I won’t ever let anything hurt you, kay?” He sighed in contentment, holding his kid tightly. “I love you so much baby.”
Tony’s eyes fluttered shut. “G’night, sweetheart.”
Taglist: @imissyoutoo @aj-that-person @tonystark-deserves-better @nathaly-ab @skeeter-110 @peter-and-tony-vlogs @teammightypen @joyful-soul-collector @loveliestdisappointment @depuella @scwene-qween @honeythepooh @pixiethefirecat7 @spider-man-lover @jami161 @bringitonvoldie @queen-of-sarcasm-25 @roxy3457 @memilon @iron-loyalty @gralaca @bitchingpretty @pillowspace @thatminecraftgal @clockworkteacup @hatakehikari @wtfischeese @keep-a-bucket-full-of-stars @skydiving-without-a-parachute @yansi1923 
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