#you’re so kind and smart and i can’t wait for you to have everything in this world
melzula · 3 months
Can you please write jealous Zuko? It can be however you like😊
a/n: i love jealous zuko! however this ended up being more angsty than i intended😭 hope you enjoy!
summary: a party at the palace leads to a deep revelation for zuko
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He was miserable.
The palace didn’t throw parties very often these days, but the recent conquering of another Earth colony was deemed a call for celebration, and so all of the noble families in the Capital City were invited to attend. A grand feast was held and praises were showered upon Ozai throughout the night. It was one of the rare times Zuko didn’t have to worry about his father’s wrath, and so he should have been enjoying himself.
But he couldn’t, not when he could see that across the way another boy was flirting with you right in front of him.
You were Zuko’s everything- his childhood best friend that he’d always held harbored feelings for. During his banishment he thought of you constantly, and upon his arrival he immediately asked you to be his girlfriend. You were sweet and friendly, easily approachable and always able to cheer him up despite his moodiness, you were perfect. And apparently this other boy could see this too.
You smile out of politeness and nod along to the boy’s rambling story about his fire bending skills and high IQ, not very interested in listening but too nice to brush him off. It infuriates Zuko to see someone else take advantage of your kindness, and he’s unable to just sit back and watch any longer.
A harsh hand lands upon the boy’s shoulder, startling both of you in the process. Zuko’s eyes are blazing with fury, his palm scorching the fabric of the boy’s robes and scaring the spirits out of him in the process.
“Can’t you take a hint? She doesn’t want to talk to you!” the Prince bellow angrily, prompting a few guests nearby to turn their heads curiously towards the commotion. A bit embarrassed at the sudden attention, you gently pull Zuko’s hand away and drag him out to the gardens before he can escalate the situation any further. The last thing you need is for him to cause a scene at his father’s party.
“What?” Zuko says defensively as you wordlessly walk through the palace hallways. “I was helping you!”
“You were acting jealous again,” you chide gently.
“No I wasn’t!” He argues defensively only to shrink under your pointed gaze. “…I was.”
“I love you, Zuko, but I don’t love how jealous you can get sometimes. I’m your girlfriend, don’t you trust me?”
“Of course I do!” He interjects quickly, almost offended at the notion.
“Then what is it? Why do you act this way?”
Zuko is silent, his eyes casted sullenly to the floor as you patiently wait for his answer. You take his hands in your own and give them a reassuring squeeze to let him know you’re there for him, and the act seems to coax him out of his stupor.
“I’m afraid you’ll change your mind about being with me, and once the right guy comes along you’ll realize you’re better off without me,” he admits quietly, almost ashamed to voice the thought out loud.
“Zuko…” you utter sadly, heartbroken at the fact that he could even believe such a thing.
“Why do you want to be with a boy who’s been exiled from his own country before? Whose own father burned his face? Who’s so messed up in every way possible?”
Gently carefully cupping his face in your hands, you tilt his head upward to meet your sincere gaze. His eyes are glossy with tears he refuses to let fall, and your heart aches for the poor boy before you. You wish you could take away all of his hurt in agony, but you can’t, so you do your best to take away his insecurity instead.
“I wish you could yourself the way I see you,” you tell him lovingly. “You are more than enough for me, more than I could ever ask for. You’re strong, you’re brave, you’re smart. You’re you. I love you, Zuko. No one’s ever going to get into the way of that.”
He says nothing in response but simply yanks you into his arms for the tightest hug you’ve ever possibly received. You know he isn’t the best at words or emotions, but his embrace conveys that he is grateful for every word to come out of your mouth.
He knows he may be jealous at times, but he also knows that he doesn’t have to be anymore.
Because you’re not going anywhere.
| atla tags: @sirkekselord @niktwazny303
| zuko tags: @thebluelcdy @royahllty @the-firebender-girl @ilovespideyyy @yiyibetch @eridanuswave @lammello @a-monsters-love @knaite-solo @taeeemin
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seumyo · 2 months
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You tell Bakugou once that you don’t know how to take the train home, and he almost blasted your ears off with semi-yelling (or full-on yelling at some point) insults. 
“Hah?” He scoffs, eyes narrowing. This information is new to him, and a surprising one at that. 
You? The nerd that always bested him when it came to academics, which pissed him off the first few months in U.A.? The person who was not only book smart but was street and people smart as well? 
The whole goddamn package doesn’t know how to take the train?
He’s calling bull.
“What do you mean you don’t know how to take the train home? What kind of idiot doesn’t know that?”
“I just—“ you’re abashed and really don’t know what to say, “I didn’t really— I’ve never had the chance to take one until now!” For a consistent honors student, you can’t really have everything, can you?
“How’ve you been getting to school and back, then?”
“We had a driver—“
“Fuckin’ course—“
“But hey! Listen—in my defense—my schools were usually a walking distance from our house.”
“And now what? Gonna stand here and wait for a miracle to happen?”
You nudge his side with a frustrated frown (more like a pout, Bakugou thinks.) “Quit it, asshole.”
He backtracks briefly, though you could barely tell at this point. And it’s clear enough that he takes your words into consideration. It could be the fact that you actually look scared shitless right now, something foreign to your typical lax and carefree persona.
“C’mon.” Bakugou grabs you by the arm.
“Ow— hey! Where are we going?”
“You have to learn somehow, or else you’ll look fuckin’ clueless and dumb, nerd.”
You don’t argue because you really just wanted to get home, and while you could just call in your driver, you considered that this was important information that would help you in the long run. Besides, you do agree with Bakugou that not knowing how to commute like this is embarrassing, especially at your age.
“What’s this?” 
Bakugou hands you a card. It’s decorated with a minimalist logo of Musutafu’s native flower, whose color is your favorite.
“An IC card,” he simply answers.
It’s cute, you thought. You noticed how the other commuters had the standard design, so Bakugou must've gotten it personalized to your preference. How thoughtful.
“You could’ve just helped me get a ticket, though,” you murmur. You fiddle with the card in your hand, glancing at him with a puzzled expression. “I don’t think I’ll be using this card that often. It’ll be a waste.”
“Then try and use it as often as you can, nerd.”
“I’ll pay you back for this—how much was it?”
“Forget it.”
“Really, Bak—“
“Forget it,” he barks. “Keep up, you shitty extra. Or else you’d miss the last train to your station.” Bakugou starts walking, and you follow suit.
You can load your IC card at the ticket machines or the nearest ATMs. Different stations call for different ticket gates that obviously have different fares. The expiration of cards usually depends on what provider you got them from—
“What do I do now?”
You’re hesitantly in front of the ticket gate, with Bakugou on the other side. You’re like a kid who’s lost their mother in the mall.
“Just—“ Bakugou had to take a deep breath and not make a scene in the train station. He pinched the bridge of his nose, calling for all his ancestors to give him the strength to remain patient.
“Place your shitty card on the card reader. That’s it.”
You do as you’re taught, and you awed when the gates opened and let yourself walk through with a stupidly big smile on your face. “I did it!”
Bakugou thinks it’s fucking stupid of him to think that your enthusiasm for mundane things was cute. But fuck, something must be wrong with him because suddenly he feels a flurry of butterflies lodged in his throat, his heart beating ridiculously fast. 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” 
He gives you directions, how to navigate through Musutafu without getting lost, and the basic stations you’ll be passing by to get to your station. He sees you type most of the things he says on your phone, and the way you were so eager to learn was a sight to see, really.
Boarding the metro, people were just as eager to get home as you two. So you two stood, not that there was much room to do anything about it.
“Hold onto the handle unless you want to fall on your ass,” Bakugou says. His tone is hushed to not disturb the other passengers. At least he followed basic commuting etiquette. 
“It’s so beautiful,” you breathe out. The passing buildings were as huge as those of U.A.’s, if not bigger. With the golden hue of the apparent descent of the sun below the horizon, Musutafu just became more beautiful in your eyes.
He scoffs.
“What’s so interestin’ about a buncha tacky buildings? Never seen one before you came here?”
“Of course I have; they’re just not like this.”
Bakugou follows your line of sight, and he thinks about it carefully. He couldn’t see what you saw, but maybe it’s because he grew up looking at this scenery. It doesn’t amaze him as much as it did when he was younger, he concludes. To you, this was a first. 
An experience that could become a core memory in this city. And he’s with you as you live through it. The thought causes a familiar feeling of pride to exude from his chest.
Maybe he’ll learn to appreciate more mundane things with you too in the future.
The train stops at another station, and the people scurry out. Once in motion, you were surprised by the speed when it took off, and the motion had you stumbling back. You stumble against Bakugou.
“What did I say about keeping a firm hold on the handles, you shitty extra? That’s what those are for.” Whether it’s by instinct or unintentional, Bakugou guides your hand to hold onto the support pole. He doesn’t let go, and you didn’t make a comment about it.
“Sorry! Still getting used to it,” you quietly laugh. “I hope the people here don’t think I’m really that inexperienced when it comes to taking the metro home,” you told him. “It’s embarrassing to think that I haven’t taken one until now.”
Bakugou thinks it’s alright because you were actually on set to learn. No matter what those other extras say or comment, no matter if they give you unimpressed glances, he’s there to grant them one of his own spine-chilling glares if they had the balls to do so. 
A passenger who appeared to be around your age stood up from his seat. “Excuse me, you can take my seat. I get off at the next stop,” he says. You’re a bit hesitant to take the offer, but he reassures you that it’s fine. It’ll be an awkward death for you if you don’t accept it, because now he’s standing. “Please, I insist.”
Unknown to you, Bakugou had an obvious scowl on his face until the stranger left.
“You look like you’re about to shit yourself.”
“Shut up, I’m not.”
“Hah? Why would I be—”
“Shh!” you kicked his shoe with yours.
“Quiet, remember?”
Bakugou rolls his eyes, still frowning. You hold his free hand, cheekily smiling when he tries to free it from your hold. And in the end, he lets you do whatever the fuck it is that you want, but he would never ever admit that he was jealous of some nameless extra. He’s too far into liking you to help you board a train, get you a personalized IC card, miss his stop two stations ago because yours was still three stations after his, but he doesn’t think he’d be vocal about it anytime soon.
He’ll leave it to you to confess.
Then again, you already knew.
Bakugou Katsuki would not go above and beyond like this for anyone else, but he unknowingly does for you.
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sugarlywhispers · 1 year
i.hajime + gf makes him do something cute
☆— fem reader, crack, fluff
☆— a/n; this is a repost. i think i posted last time at the same time with the nishinoya drabble, can't remember if it was a request though.😊
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“I bet you my favorite lunch that you can’t make Iwa-chan do something cute,” Oikawa said daringly, sitting next to you on the bench you were observing your boyfriend and his volleyball team train.
You looked at him, amused by his childish behaviour, “Why would I want your favorite lunch?”
“Y/N, come one, don’t be such a boring grown up like Iwa-chan…” He whined, but then he smiled devilishly, “Or is it that you know you're gonna lose, so you don’t want to try? Ah, I can’t blame you for that. If I knew I was going to lose, I wouldn’t accept any dare either. Smart girl,” he sat there, with his head held high as if he had won the best prize ever.
Ugh, you hated him.
You wouldn’t normally follow him or any idea he had, simply because you knew it made Hajime explode with annoyance–especially if Oikawa was responsible. But you felt kind of adventurous that day, so why not give it a try?
“Fine, diva, I accept your bet,” you said sitting two spots away from him, where you looked directly at where your boyfriend, Iwaizumi Hajime, was standing waiting for a ball.
You ignored the whining and protesting Oikawa did when you called him ‘diva’, smiling proud of yourself internally for upsetting him.
Oikawa crossed his arms over his chest offended and watched as you extended your arm, your thumb and index finger connected, making an ‘o’ shape. He frowned, confused at what you were doing. Then you smiled cutely and whistled in Iwa-chan’s direction.
He saw how his former teammate turned to his girlfriend–obviously having recognized her style of whistling, and rolled his eyes at her action, but instantly jogged to where she was and surprised every single person in that gym who paid attention to the couple.
You smiled when your boyfriend approached you, a light blush that most would blame it on the heavy training he was doing, but you knew your boyfriend; he was kind of embarrassed by what he was about to do. Yet he didn’t care what people could say; you were his priority and he always did everything for you–mostly in private, but he had said that he didn’t mind doing cute things in public either. Not with you.
From the little ‘o’ shape your fingers were making, you watched with a smile your boyfriend come closer to you, until he kneeled in front of you and you laughed when his nose booped through the circle, before his lips did. You bent closer and pecked his lips cutely. A lot of “aww”s were heard around, but Hajime just smiled proud of himself while he jogged back to his previous position to keep training.
Your head turned to Oikawa, who had his eyes opened wide and jaw dropped to the floor. You regretted not having a camera rolling to capture that image.
“Are you sure you follow your own advice of not making bets you’re going to lose, Tooru-senpai?” He grumbled at you because he knew you were just mocking him, before jogging in Hajime's direction and complaining how he wasn’t that cute with him.
You smiled amused; sometimes, you wondered if you had a relationship with two guys, and not just one, because Oikawa was definitely always there, in the middle of you and Iwaizumi. And neither Iwaizumi nor you actually cared that much to actually feel annoyed by that fact.
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calypsocolada · 6 months
how the jjk boys react to being jealous...ft. itadori, megumi, gojo, nanami, & takuma
authors note: MERRY CHRISTMAS
cw: slightly suggestive, angst, healthy jealousy
wc: 3.6k
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Itadori doesn’t really get jealous much but when he does he’s pouty. He’s late for a date one night and when he opens the door to your favorite restaurant he spots you in the corner. You’re smiling and laughing at something the waiter had said. Itadori felt a pang of jealousy in his chest. He was just about the only one who could make you laugh like that and he didn’t like some random guy trying to take his place. Your eyes meet Itadori and they light up. The waiter looks back, a bit flustered when he spots the sour faced Itadori. 
“I’ll get those drinks in for ya.” He says and walks away rather fast. Itadori leans over the table and kisses your cheek as he slides into the booth across from you. 
“Sorry I was late,” he starts as you smile. 
“Everything okay?” You ask, your infinite kindness speaking. He nods his head. 
“Christmas traffic.” He shrugs as you nod your head in understanding. 
He obviously didn’t want to say but he was out getting you a present. He didn’t fancy himself good with gift giving but he had an idea late last night and was hunting around for the item all morning. He finally found it then realized he was gonna be late. 
“I’m glad I got all that crap done early.” You said as he reached for your hand, pulling your knuckles to his lips to press a kiss. The waiter comes back and sets the drinks down on the table and Itadori can’t hide the look on his face when the waiter smiles down at you. He pouts a bit when you smile back. He knows you’re being polite and he also knows he’s being pouty. He can’t help it. You’re a lot of things Itadori likes. You’re kind and caring, funny and smart. He likes the way you think and your attention to detail. He’s lost a lot of people he loves and lately the way he thinks about them has changed. He’s become over protective but he can’t help it. He can’t lose anyone else. 
“Yuji?” Your voice breaks through to him, he was lost in thought. He blinks, clearing his throat. He tells the waiter his order and watches as the man shoots another one last flirty look at you before leaving. You hadn’t even given the waiter the attention he wanted. Instead you were reaching across the table for Itadori’s hands. “You sure you’re okay?” You ask and he gives your hand a gentle squeeze. 
“I think the waiter has a crush.” He says and you start to laugh. 
“Yeah I noticed that. I’m glad you got here when you did.” You say and he calms. He knows you’re not the type who would cheat, that's not really where his jealousy was stemming from. It was just the fact that he liked being the one to make you happy and didn’t trust strangers. He gives you a soft smile and you cock your head slightly. “Wait…” you trail off and when he looks at you you have a smirk on your lips. “Are you jealous, Yuji?” You ask and Itadori shakes his head. 
“I- Of course not! I just- I noticed he was a little smiley that’s all.” He stutters out as you raise a brow, slowly nodding your head. 
“Uh huh.” You jest, hiding a giggle behind your hand. 
“Okay fine. Yes a little,” he relents as you nod along with his words. 
“That’s cute.” You say and he gets up, sliding into your booth. It was all very smooth. 
“No I’m not,” he says, pink cheeked as he presses a kiss to your lips.
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Megumi is very protective, and gets jealous pretty easily. He doesn’t open up to many people and so when you cracked him wide open with your kindness and patience he didn’t know what to do. He also didn’t know what to do when you became good friends with Todo. That freaked him right out. You two were polar opposites but he’d see you across campus with that giant idiot drinking tea or laughing together. That made him sick to his stomach with jealousy. Nobara and Itadori are sick of hearing about it. They’ve told him time and time again to just ask you out but he couldn’t. He couldn’t just ask you out, it had to be special. He had to know you felt the same, he didn’t want to embarrass you or make things awkward. 
So instead he got stuck in a cycle. Of hanging out with you and blushing and crushing and being crushed when he’d see you giggling with Todo the next day. 
After about three weeks of this cycle Megumi couldn’t take it anymore. He couldn’t think of you being with someone else. He wanted you so bad it was messing him up inside and out. He saw you across the courtyard one day and suddenly his feet were taking him to you. Todo was first to look up. He gave him a sharp look. Todo didn’t like him very well for stupid reasons Megumi didn’t care to think about anymore. You turned once you saw Todo’s face. Your face lit up, a smile overtaking your lips. 
“Fushiguro,” You crooned, “Want to join us?” You asked. Megumi cleared his throat. 
“Can we talk?” He asked and your brows raised slightly as you nodded your head. You excused yourself and jogged to catch up with Megumi who had wandered off a few feet away. 
“Is everything okay?” You asked as you caught up with him. He had his head down, his hands stuffed inside his pocket, he looked almost nervous. 
“Uh yeah, everything’s fine.” He mumbled quickly. He couldn’t look at you, he was so damn nervous. “I just- I was wondering,” he cleared his throat again. “Are you and Todo- uh, together?” For a moment you stared at him, processing his words. 
“Together?” You echoed and he finally met your eyes. He was blushing, cheeks rosy red. And that’s when it all clicked together for you. The red cheeks, the hopeful look. You sucked in a breath. “Oh, Fushiguro.” You said and then couldn’t help but let a small laugh escape your lips. He looked tortured. “Are you jealous?” You asked and his eyes widened. 
“What- of course not! I was just- I was asking.” He said all in one breath. You smiled up at him, his hair was a mess from him nervously running his hands through it. You reach up and run your fingers through it to smooth it out. He froze under your touch, like a deer in headlights. 
“Todo and I are friends. In fact he’s like a brother.” You said but your words did nothing to ease his thumping heart. He was still nervous and the fact there was no romantic connection between you and Todo meant something that made his hands shake slightly. 
“Oh, okay- that’s yeah- that’s good.” He stuttered. You smiled at his words. 
“That’s good, huh?” You asked with a sly smile. He swallowed as he nodded his head. “Why’s that, Fushiguro?” Seeing him like this was a treat. Megumi was always very put together. Very stoic and calm. But right now you were making a mess of him in this courtyard. 
“I just- well,” He scratched at the back of his head. “Todo’s not right for you. That’s why. I was just looking out for you.”
“Looking out for me, huh,” You smirked, you reached for his hands, he was trembling slightly. “That’s awful kind of you.” You say as your warm fingers meet his cold ones. “And what would be right for me?”
“Hmm?” He barely mumbled out, eyes locked to your hands on his. 
“You said Todo’s not right for me, so what would be right?” You ask, thumb tracing circles in his palm. You were being very distracting on purpose. You liked Megumi and Todo had recently been coaching you on how to possibly get Megumi to confess. Most of his pointers were very direct so you took a few and decided to be sly. 
“You need someone smart,” he starts out, it makes you laugh. 
“Todo’s very smart.” You say and Megumi makes a face that makes you giggle. “Alright, so someone smart.”
“Uh huh, and patient,” he adds. You nod. “Someone who’s not a meathead.”
“You sound a bit judgmental, Fushiguro.” You jest, your teasing must’ve calmed the situation down because Megumi looked less nervous. His fingers interlock with yours, shocking you slightly. 
“I am judgmental, I want the best for you.” He says and your heart skips a much needed beat. It was your turn to be nervous this time. “Todo’s not the best.“
“Then who is?” You ask and he looks at you with those pretty eyes. 
“I am.” He says and something shifts in the air when he steps closer. 
“Fushiguro,” you start, as his hand slides against your cheek, fingers brushing your hair behind your ear. 
“Don’t you agree?” He asks huskily.
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Gojo is the worst. He’s more jealous than any man you’ve ever known. A waiter will bring your food and smile, Gojo a moment later will say, “Your boyfriend is so nice.” Always stuff like that. 
So one day you decide to play into it. Gojo has always been a little jealous of you and Nanami’s friendship. You two met in school, you couldn’t stand Gojo back then, you hung out with Nanami and Haibara. 
You got early to a Jujutsu High meeting and instead of saving a seat for Gojo you sat beside Nanami. Gojo got there late and when you turned his eyes met yours and you just gave him a sly wink. After the meeting you hugged Nanami goodbye and walked over to your boyfriend. You could tell he was annoyed, you gave him a smile and a quick kiss on the cheek. 
“That meeting ran long.”
“It sure did,” He pouted, following you out to the parking lot. “It would've gone faster if you had saved me a seat.”
“How would that make it go faster, Satoru?” He grabs you by the wrist, pulling you out of the hall and into a dark back room. 
“We could’ve slipped away,” he whispers against your neck before pressing a kiss there. “Instead you chose to sit next to stuffy.” He trails kisses up your neck to your lips and presses his body against yours, pinning you to the door. 
“That’s not nice.” You say slightly out of breath. 
“That’s why I said it,” he mumbles against your lips.
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Nanami sat straightening himself at his desk. He took in a deep breath and ran his hands through his hair. The deadline was creeping closer and closer and god dammit he couldn’t get ahead of this thing. He’d been working on this damn project for hours now. He reached up and loosened his tie, nearly taking it off. There's a soft knock on the door and you peek your head in.
“Sir, can I interrupt?” You asked and he looked up, he could feel his stress depleting just at the sight of you. 
“Yes, of course.” He waves you in. You shoulder softly inside, a tray in your hands. You give him a soft smile as you set it down on his desk. 
“I brought you your favorite sandwich, Sir, and some hot tea.” You say and Nanami can’t help but give you the smallest of smiles.
“You are an angel.” he says, pushing his keyboard out of the way. You go to slip out of his office. “Wait.” He asks, you stop turning back to him. He cuts his sandwich in half. “Have you eaten?” He asks as you glance at the sandwich then back to him, shaking your head. “Sit with me,” He offers. You walk across the room and sit opposite of him. He slides half a sandwich over to you and you smile at him.
“Thank you sir.” You say.
“Please, you can call me Nanami.” He says he's told you this a few times but he is your boss after all. You nodded your head, soft apologizing as you bit into your sandwich.
“Nanami,” There was another knock at the door. Nanami’s boss walked inside as you straightened. “How’s the project going?” He asked, his eagle eyes skimming along the curves of your body before looking at Nanami. Nanami saw the whole thing, saw the clammy uncomfortable look on your face. Nanami didn’t know this but the higher up boss was quite the ass, he constantly hit on you, never remembered your name and also never looked you in the eyes, he was always too busy checking you out. 
“It’s going.” Nanami answered shortly. The boss walked a few steps in, cocking his head to the side. 
“Take a break there, sweetheart?” He asked you as you went red, instantly embarrassed.
“Y/n, her name is Y/n. And I asked her to since she’s working overtime with me.” Nanami says coolly. The boss raises his brows, looking between the pair. 
“Well don’t work her too hard there, Nanami.” He says, winking to you before exiting the room. You turn back but your appetite has gone slightly. 
“Does he talk like that to you often?” He asks as you look down at your hands. 
“It’s okay,” You say. 
“It’s really not.” He says softly. You look up and meet his kind eyes. Usually when you went to HR about things like that you were ignored. You need the money and you liked working here, especially working for Nanami. He had a trusting deposition about him. You swallowed dryly.
“Yes, he talks like that to me all the time. It’s-- it’s not a big deal, I can put up with it.”
“I’ll take care of it.” He says simply, taking a sip of his tea. 
“You’ll take care of it?” You ask as he gives you a nod. 
“You don’t have to put up with anything, you're not some pretty thing for him to ogle.” He says and meets your eyes. You wonder if Nanami thought you were pretty before your mind realized how silly you were being. You cleared your throat.
“Thank you very much, Sir-- Nanami.” You said. 
Nanami did take care of things. In fact you never saw that ignorant boss ever again. You also accidentally ran into him outside of work a few days after the big boss was fired. You waved at him, from across the bar. You didn’t know if it was inappropriate to share a drink outside of work but Nanami waved you over.
“I didn’t want to interrupt,” You said. “I just wanted to thank you for taking my side.”
“You're not interrupting.” He says, his voice warm like cinnamon whiskey in your stomach, something fluttering at the way he looks down at you. “I’m sorry I didn’t notice sooner.”
“You couldn’t have.” You say. “All that matters is he’s gone.” You say and he nods his head, raising a glass to that. You and Nanami spend the entire night talking and when it’s time for the last call he buys you one last drink and you two leave. He walks you back to your house and drapes his jacket over your shoulders, you two talk the entire way there. You get to your door and unlock it, holding it open. “Want to come in, warm up a bit? I could make some coffee?” You ask. Nanami leans on the door, he looks behind you like he is contemplating the pros and cons of coming into your house past midnight. You think for a second he’ll turn you down but then he pushes off the doorframe and nods his head. He brushes past you as you shut the door behind him. You fix him coffee and stay up talking with him until the sun starts to rise. You laugh when he gasps at his watch. 
“Fuck,” He groans. “I have to work in forty-five minutes.” He pushes up from the table. 
“Oh, shit, I’m so sorry.” You apologize, springing up from the table. “I can give you a ride.”
“You stay home, take the day off.” He says, reaching for his jacket. 
“I can’t do that to you.” You say, reaching for your own coat but he catches you by the wrist, the contact shooting through your body. 
“I want you to.” He says softly, your eyes locking. You can’t help it, you spent the night trying not to stare at his lips, trying to be very professional but dammit you weren’t perfect. Your eyes dipped to his lips as you cleared your throat. 
“Maybe you should take the day off too.” You say and Nanami looks down at you with those searching eyes. You're standing right by the front door, the hallway never felt smaller between the two of you. 
“And do what?” He asked, his voice husky. Your throat went dry. 
“Well, you're already here so maybe have some breakfast.” You say, taking a half step closer to him.
“Thought you said you couldn’t cook?” He asked teasingly, taking a step closer to you.
“Eggs and bacon are fairly easy.” You whisper and reach across the small space to straighten his tie. His eyes follow your hands. 
“It's hard to mess them up.” He whispers back, hands slowly sliding onto your waist, fingers dipping into your hips. You try very hard to hide your smirk.
“I could use some help,” You say, letting your fingers slide off his tie and around the back of his neck.
“Thank god I’m here then.” He says and dips his head down, you tilt your head and your lips meet.
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You rushed forwards, shouldering through hospital doors. You race around the corner and scan the door numbers, searching for thirteen. You spot it at the end of the hall and pick up speed, tears pricking at the sides of your eyes as your hand meets the cold steel of the door handle. You wrench it open, you see Nanami first, he stands, hands in his pockets. You brush right past him and see Takuma. He’s sat up in the bed, awake, despite what the doctors told you on the phone. He has bandages across his torso and two cuts on his face. Fresh tears spring to your eyes as you rush to the bed and he opens his arms for you to fall into. 
“I’m sorry,” He mumbles against the top of your head. He knows he scared you, that's why he’s apologizing. You knew nothing about the Jujutsu world, only bits that Takuma had told you, which is few and far between and also just really out of reach to understand. The only thing you did know was that Takuma came from most of his missions badly roughed up. You hated his job, it scared you shitless everytime he was gone and your phone would ring. You knew a lot of those sorcerers didn’t make it home after missions.
You sniffed, as Takuma wiped the tears from your face gently. This happens every time. 
“I’m alright, I’m right here.” He spoke softly to you. A sort of mantra that calms you down. You pushed up slightly and pressed a kiss to his lips, your finger tracing a new scar down the side of his face. You turned to Nanami. 
“Can we have a moment?” You asked and the blond man nodded his head, leaving the room. 
“Ino, I told you. I told you how much I hated this job of yours.” You start. “Do you know how fucking scared I was driving over here?” You were crying again, Takuma pulled you back into his chest. 
“I know,” He sounded so guilty, so apologetic. “I told Nanami to let me call you, so you wouldn’t worry.” He said, kissing the top of your head. 
“I hate this. That no good mentor of yours is gonna get you killed.” You grumbled.
“I thought you liked Nanami?” He asked as you pushed up slightly to be able to look at him. “Thought maybe you liked him even more than me.” You scoffed at that but when he didn’t laugh you realized he was a bit jealous. 
“Ino, I am your girlfriend, we live together, I’m currently crying on top of you. I love you, not your stuffy mentor.”
“He’s not stuffy.” He says as you press a kiss to his lips. 
“He’s not you either.” You say and Takuma can’t help but smile at that. “Is that why you’ve been working so much? Because you think I like Nanami more?”
“Maybe…” Takuma mumbles. Your hand slides against his jaw, running through his hair, fingers playing with the ends. 
“That’s really cute, Ino.” You say as he throws an arm around your waist, tossing the blanket over you two. You kick off your shoes as he presses another kiss to the top of your head.
“Sorry, we're spending Christmas night in the hospital.” He says as he grabs the remote, clicking through channels.
“We spent your birthday and thanksgiving here too, it’s like our little tradition.” You say, knowing how macabre that sounded. He shuffled down a bit and pecked a kiss to your lips.
“I’ll get better, baby, I promise.” He promises as you turn to face him in the bed. 
“I know you will. I have no doubt about that.” You say with a sure smile.
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grimm-writings · 3 months
…ft! dan heng, topaz, argenti, seele x gn! reader
…tags! fluff, pining, reader is oblivious as HELL!!!, seele’s slightly suggestive
…wc! 210 ; 319 ; 258 ; 305 = 1092
…notes! pathetic crushing… i cannot and will not ever stop vouching for pathetic pining in this house !!!!!!!
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Dan Heng is painfully aware of how he looks right now.  If it wasn’t March giving him the biggest shit-eating grin, it was Himeko trying hard to look polite as she hides her giggles, or even Mr Yang pretending he isn’t paying attention.
You.  You really haven’t the slightest clue what you’re doing to him.
Every time you visit him in the Express’s archives, Dan Heng would light up.  He wouldn’t do that for any such person usually.  His excuse is that you bring him snacks.  You would never complain, saying that you’d take this Dan Heng over the one with a poker face and sarcastic bites, even if he is just as cute.
How can you say that so casually?
One particular visit, he couldn’t take your sweet words any longer.  His hand envelops yours before you could turn away from him.  The way you look back at Dan Heng makes his heart swell in ways he couldn’t comprehend.
He couldn’t get the words out.
His grip loosens and he lets you go, albeit with confusion on your face.
The door closes with a quiet goodbye, and Dan Heng throws his head back in frustration, staring at the decorated ceiling above him.
How can he go on like this...?
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Topaz is not the kind of person to sit idly by waiting for something to happen.  She knows what she wants, and what she wants takes the shape of you.
You’re just so adorable!  Really, the way you act so clueless whenever you flirt with her is just so endearing!  How could she not melt?
…Well, it used to be easy.  Flirting, complimenting you, relishing in how you react; she even asked you out to dinner, and took you to the nicest place possible!  …But you’re still so shocked every time.  You still didn’t pick up on any of her advances.
For once, Topaz is at a complete loss.  What is she to do?  Grab you by the shoulders and shake you around telling you that she’s completely enamoured with everything about you, and though that includes your cluelessness, she can’t take much of it anymore?
She could nearly keel over.  Complete overkill.  She needs to be smart about this; clear, but also suave and mature.  Yeah, she can do this!
That’s how you find Numby making their way up to you, and there they drop a card in front of your feet.  They curiously look up at you as you read, although you could sense another pair of eyes watching you closely.
‘You’re cute!  Go out with me!  Love, Topaz!’
Topaz could nearly explode from joy watching your face heat up.  Finally.  Finally!  You get it now, don’t you?!
Her heart steps as you throw the card away and lean down and pet Numby.  “Oh, Numby.  Someone must have put you up to this for a prank, huh?  You should find your way back to Topaz!”
Said companion of the Warp Trotter has already fallen to her knees with her face in her hands.  You’re more work than she bargained for… but she’ll be struck down by an Aeon before she gives up on you!  Just watch her!
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Argenti doesn’t know what to do with himself.
Truly, he’s making all the right moves.  He’s following examples from stories and myths, step by step.  It’s not his fault that they always end up going wrong somehow.  Maybe it’s just harsh luck…
He’s on one knee, taking your hand in his own.  Like you are royalty, he kisses the back of it, and looks up at you.
“Thank you for saving me!”  You beam, and Argenti’s brain freezes.
That’s how it all goes wrong, every single time.
He’s hopeless, how the knight of beauty stands up, turns around, and immediately feels his knees buckle and he’s down on the ground again.  Maybe he’ll stay like this for a few minutes when he finishes crying.
He feels you kneel at his side, and prod against his armour.  “Argenti…?” your sweet, sweet voice calls out to him quietly.
“Worry not.  I am simply fighting the dirt in your honour.  Keeping the worms off of you.”
You pause.  He wouldn’t dislike being buried here like this.  Then he hears your confused laughter.  “Alright then!  Thank you very much, sir knight!”
You pet his hair and stand up again, making your way back to a safe zone.
Yes, Argenti thinks, I will stay here and fend off the insects for you, my dear.  And that is the only reason why I can’t move…
He certainly refuses to believe it’s your patience and kindness.  How silly would it be for a knight of beauty to become so immobilised by it!  How silly indeed…
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Seele encourages you to stand up again.  A simple sparring doesn’t do too much harm every now and again.  She isn’t Luka; she won’t beg you for a match, but practice is good, and practice is better if it’s with a friend.
Haha.  Keep telling yourself that, Seele. 
Is it obvious yet she really wants you to just defeat her already?  She knows you have it in you.  Yeah, you’re more on the air-headed side, but you’re a reliable teammate!  Maybe it’s the fact you refuse to actually hurt her…
You apologise again when you’re back on your feet.  She doesn’t want any apologies, dang you!  Can’t you see she’s just desperate to get you to at least brush your knuckles against hers as her scythe comes in conflict with your blade?!
…So that does it.  In her mental ramblings, you manage to get her on the ground beneath you.  Your thighs cage her under you as you push her down.  Aeons, your smile is so wide.
“I got you!” you exclaim.
Seele can’t help the small laugh that escapes her.  She hopes that her face is only red to you because of your fighting.  You’re so close to her face.  You could just kiss her right now…
“Yep, you really did!” is what comes out, shakier than she would have liked.  How did you get her so weak?  You’re not even making a big deal over straddling her like this…
You shimmy off her eventually, offering your hand out.  “Time for lunch?”
Seele doesn’t move for a few seconds, before letting you pick her up.  If not a kiss, she can at least get some quality time.  The way you smile at her is enough for her.
…How you pushed her down will definitely haunt her dreams for the next week or so, though.
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imfinereallyy · 8 months
Dinner Date
For STWG daily drabble and, more importantly, for Goldie @steventhusiast. Happy Birthday, you deserve the world. I know you’re asleep right now, but it’s technically still your bday here. 
“Dingus, this is a really fancy restaurant.” Robin leans back in her chair, but her hand plays with the fork on her napkin. 
Steve sips his wine; some of it tips over the edge onto the tablecloth. “What? Can’t a guy take his best friend out to a fancy dinner?” He tilts his head and takes in his best friend. What was once an awkward teen now had a beautiful, but still awkward, woman in her place. 
“Steve, I love our friend dates, but usually they take place in a greasy diner or dollar pizza.” Robin picks the fork up and starts twirling it into her napkin. Steve watches her get mesmerized by the wrinkles that wrapped around the silverware, even though they both know the napkin should be in her lap by now. 
Steve smiles softly, moves his napkin from his lap to the table, and begins to mimic Robin. “Okay, maybe I wanted it to be a special occasion.”
Robin giggles at Steve's poor fork-twirling form and leans over the table to fix it for him. “All occasions are special when we are together, so that doesn’t really mean much.” Robin’s nose scrunches in concentration as she gently guides Steve’s hand. She has done this plenty of times before, guiding Steve where he needed to be. Like taking him to the bookstore near her college so he wouldn’t have to go into sex with Eddie blind, or when she taught him how to whisk eggs properly. Both are equally important skills he now uses in his everyday life. “But you seemed nervous. You keep sipping your wine, and I know for a fact that you hate dry wine.”
Steve puts down the glass that was halfway to his mouth, “It’s not my fault Moscato tastes like candy!”
Robin snorts, “Seriously, Dingus. It’s just me. What’s up?”
Steve puts down the fork and his glass and looks Robin in the eye. “I wanted to ask you to be my best man.”
Steve expects a lot of reactions out of her: excitement, an eye roll, hell, even straight-up rejection. Maybe a little speech about how weddings for them aren’t even legal. Instead, a look of betrayal crosses her face. “You asked Eddie to marry you, and you didn’t even tell me you were proposing?”
Immediately, Steve clenches his stomach in outrageous laughter, nearly having to bend over the table. Steve tries to take Robin seriously; he really does. But she is supposed to be the smart one out of the two of them. 
Rage takes over Robin completely as she reaches over the table to start slapping Steve’s arm. “Don’t laugh, you asshat! I am actually mad at you!”
“Ow—” Steve laughs. “Ow, Robin!” Another giggle escapes him as he gets her to sit back in her chair. “I’m laughing because, of course, I didn’t propose to Eddie without talking to you first.”
Robin settles a bit at this, “I’m confused.”
Steve reaches for her hand across the table; Robin doesn’t hesitate to wrap her fingers around his. “I’m asking you to be my Best Man first, doofus. Before I even pick out the damn ring. Which I definitely need you to steal one of Eddie’s rings for me so I can get the size; man watches those things like a hawk.” 
Robin squeezes his hand, “Wait, why would you ask me that first? Isn’t that kind of backwards.”
“I do everything kind of backwards, babe. Kinda the Steve Harrington special.” Steve rubs a thumb against the back of soulmate's hand. “Of course, I ask you about being my best man first. There would be no wedding without you, so if you say no, there would be no proposing.”
Steve could see tears beginning to fill Robin’s eyes, “What are you saying?”
“Whoever gets stuck with me gets stuck with you. We’re a package deal, babe.” 
Robin throws herself across the table, knocking the wine everywhere. Steve laughs and clenches her tightly. “Of course, I’ll be your best man! Someone’s gotta make sure you don’t hurt yourself going down the aisle.” She sobs.
Steve’s throat gets thick, “Pretty sure that’s the father's job, Robs. And you’d have to fight Jim for that role.”
“Fine.” Robin sniffs, leaning back to look him in the eye. “But I get stand by your side as you make a complete fool of yourself with your vows.” 
Robin leans forward, placing her forehead against Steve’s. “You and me against the world, babe.”
Steve hugs her tight, “You and me against the world.”
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straykeedz · 6 months
Can you do a Bangchan x reader smut/fluff? Also, keep up the great work!
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𝒾'𝓂 𝓈𝑜 𝓈𝑜𝓇𝓇𝓎 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓁𝑜𝓃𝑔 𝓌𝒶𝒾𝓉 🥺 𝒽𝑜𝓅𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 @linosssss ♡
𝐭𝐰: 𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐲 ; 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 (𝐟 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠) ; 𝐮𝐧𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐩𝐢𝐯 𝐬𝐞𝐱 (𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐝𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬!) ; 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐞 ;
𝐰𝐜: 3,7𝐤
-> 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐞𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐡𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝, 𝐚𝐬 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐬 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝/𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦
𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐭, 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐝𝐧𝐢 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞.
The house is full of boxes. 
Not just the house. Your house. The house you and Chan have just moved into. Literally just - considering you carried the last carton box inside your new apartment half an hour ago with the help of Chan’ friends. Your house - your dream has finally become true, and from now on you and Chan will be living together. Crazy.
Your eyes take in the small, yet welcoming living room, and a big smile spreads on your face. You can’t wait for the furniture to be here - which should be tomorrow, if everything goes according to plan. However right now, as you’re sitting on the hard, cold floor with your back leaning against the wall with Chan by your side and an empty carton of pizza on his legs, you can’t bring yourself to complain about not having a couch to lie down on. Or a table. Or a bed frame. You have everything you need by your side anyway - him. 
“Whatcha thinkin’ of, love?” Chan’ voice interrupts your thoughts. 
You turn to look at him, and find him already smiling at you - cute dimples and everything. How is it even possible, to be so in love with a person? 
“Just how much I love you,” you shrug, turning your face to look at him. “And how happy I am that we’re here, in our house,” you can’t help but smile widely at him. “It feels weird to say, our house,” you giggle.
“Good weird, I hope,” Chan teases, leaning in to brush your nose with his. He knows you’re as excited and happy as he is, you’ve both been dreaming it for a long time and now that it’s finally true you almost can’t believe it, it’s a happiness neither of you ever felt before. 
With you being busy with college and Chan always being snowed under work, there was never a good time to move in together - not to mention that neither of you made enough money to afford living alone. So you would live with your roommates and split rent, and he’d do the same, and you’d only see each other during the weekends - needless to say, the intimacy was pretty much nonexistent. But now everything’s different, and from now on you’ll have a whole place by yourself and you’ll be free to do whatever you want, so yeah, it’s definitely a “good” weird. 
“Of course it’s a good weird!”, you peck his lips, still a bit salty from the pizza he ate. “Gosh, I’m so happy…” you repeat for the millionth time today. 
“I am, too, love,” he bites his lip. “Like, we finally have our own place, it’s crazy!”, he places a kiss on your naked shoulder. 
It’s spring, your anniversary is approaching. This year will be your fourth. 
Four years sound like a big deal. Part of you is scared of what adult life holds for you: responsibilities, bills to pay, changes to face, ageing - another part of you, though, can’t wait to face it all with Chan by your side, the man you want to be with for the rest of your life. It sounds crazy, to think you’ve found the love of your life at such a young age, but you also know it’s one hundred percent the truth. He’s incredible, everything you ever wished for in a partner and so much more: smart, kind, in touch with his emotion in a healthy way, mature, and last but not least - he’s fucking great in bed. Like - fucking great. He’s a dream.
Now that you’re thinking about it, having a whole place by yourselves also means that you’ll finally be able to have sex whenever you want without worrying about your or his roommates catching you or interrupting you while you’re at it - like that time his dear friend Jisung bursted inside Chan’ bedroom while he was giving it to you from behind real good. And from now on you won’t have to worry about keeping quiet anymore, nor to lock your bedroom door. You could have sex in the kitchen in broad daylight if you wanted to. 
“Mh-hm, we have our own place, which means…”, you take the pizza box from his lap and place it on the floor. Then, you straddle him, and his arms immediately find their way around your waist,  pulling you even closer so that you’re now sitting on his crotch. 
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”, he whispers on your lips, drawing imaginary shapes over your clothes with his thumbs. Under your body, you can feel his cock beginning to stir inside his sweats. 
“That depends…” you place the palms of your hands on his chest, then latch your mouth on the skin of his neck. He sucks in a breath, and you feel his Adam apple bobble. By now, his cock is fully hard in his underwear, pressing right on your clothed cunt, creating the perfect friction against your clit, and he grips your hips, keeping you in place. “If you’re thinking of your naked body on top of mine… then yes,” you breathe out, slowly grinding on the bulge in his sweats as you continue to suck on his neck. 
“Oh, I’m totally thinking of you, naked, under me…” Chan breathes heavily, one of his hands moving from your hips to grope one of your boobs. He squeezes his eyes shut, when you let your hand roam down his body - down, down, down, until it reaches the tent in his sweats. He sucks in a breath when you palm him over the fabric, and he squeezes your ass. “You- shit,” he curses under his breath when you grind on his erection, “you want that?”
You keep leaving kiss on his neck, running your tongue all over his soft skin, leaving open mouthed kisses as your hand is pressed against his chest. “You’re seriously asking if I want to have sex with you after I’ve been grinding on your dick for the past five minutes?”, you quirk an eyebrow at him and he chuckles, pulling you closer, and it’s his turn now to latch his mouth to your neck, and you gasp.
“Just wanted to make sure we’re on the same page,” he breathes against your skin, then pulls you even closer, and you both moan at the friction his action causes. 
“Oh, we so are,” you kick your head slightly back when he sucks on that sensitive spot on your neck that he knows drives you crazy. His other hand, in the mean time, finds its way on one of your breasts. He chuckles when you let out a squeak. 
“Our first night in our home…” Chan mumbles while still leaving kisses on your neck, and you arch your back. “We should really do something about it, shouldn’t we?” 
“Mh-hm,” you hum in agreement, “You know what else you should do something about?” you wrap your fingers around his wrist. 
“What?” he places a kiss on your clavicle, right below the crook of you neck as he breathes in your familiar scent. 
You drag his hand all over your body, then allow his fingers to slip under the waistband of your sweats and your underwear, brushing your mound. He smiles and bites his lip as his fingers move to brush your entrance, but sucks in a breath once he feels how wet you are - panties completely soaked. “This.”
“Fucking hell,” he swears under his breath. “You’re so wet. How are you so wet? Fuck,” his eyes flutter shut as his fingers, damp with your arousal, circle your clit. You moan in response and let go of his wrist - he knows what to do. “You drive me fucking crazy, fuck. Sitting on my cock, acting all cute and stuff while you’re soaking your panties,” he mumbles, more to himself actually. 
Chan is good with his fingers. 
The first time he fingered you, you ended up cumming all over his digits only a couple of minutes later - and he hadn’t even touched your clit. He’s the one who introduced you to the wonders of the orgasm from penetration, making you cum and literally see stars just from rubbing your g-spot for seconds - which your ex never ever found in the first place, then around his dick. 
“Don’t make fun of me!” you pout, but are immediately cut off by two of Chan’ digits entering you, and you gasp at the feeling of his fingers filling you up. “Oh.”
“What’s that, hm? Cat got your tongue?” Chan teases you as he gives a slow pump of his fingers inside of you, hissing at the way your arousal coats them completely. He likes to act all cocky and stuff, but the both of you know that, the second he’s inside you, he’ll lose his mind. 
“Ass-“ you’re cut off by his fingers lifting your tank top, revealing your chest. Asshole,” you chuckle. “You know the effect your fingers have on me.”
“Just my fingers?”, he chuckles, before his lips close around one of your nipples. “What about my cock?”
He presses the pad of his thumb on your clit. You whimper, shaking your head. “All of you. All of you drives me crazy - the way you kiss me, the way you touch me, the way your eyes stare into mine when you make love to me- fuck.”
You hiss the last word when Chan bites your exposed shoulder and grunts. He keeps moving his fingers inside of you, at a much quicker pace, determined to make you cum, and it’s working, because you’re already so close. The pad of his thumb is brushing your clit with every slight movement of his fingers inside of you, and he smirks when he hears you let out a shaky breath - he knows your body well, maybe even better than you do. 
“Chan, I-“ you pant against his skin, one hand desperately gripping his tank top as your legs start to shake. 
“I know, love. You can let go, I’m right here,” he whispers in your ear, “I’m gonna take care of you.” 
Not just now, he’s always gonna take care of you. 
You release around his fingers with a muffled sob, hiding your face in the crook of his neck as a couple of swear words leave your mouth. Your orgasm washes all over you and Chan helps you ride it out, stopping the movements of his fingers inside of you only when he knows you can’t take it anymore - meanwhile, he presses soft kisses on your bare shoulder as you come down your high. 
“Are you alright, love?” He asks you after he’s made sure your heartbeat has finally slowed down to a much more regular pace. You hum a faint “yes”, and he slowly pulls his fingers out of you, wet with your sweet release. 
He puts them near his mouth and you know what he’s about to do. He wraps his plump lips around his own fingers and swirls his tongue all over his digits, determined to lick them clean. He hums as soon as his tastebuds recognize your taste. “Always taste so sweet, love. Here,” he pulls his fingers out of your mouth and taps your lips with his pads. 
His digit taste of your release and Chan’s saliva mixed up. You hum too, and he watches you closely with full-blown pupils and parted lips how you suck on his fingers, which were previously in his mouth and, before that, deep inside your pussy. Chan loves it when you’re filthy, but tonight he’s in a whole other mood - it’s your first day in your new home after all, he wants it to be special.
It’s gonna be nothing but sweet lovemaking tonight.
“Shall we take this to the bedroom?” Chan asks you, sucking a bright pink mark on the sensitive skin of your clavicle.
To call it a bedroom would be a euphemism, considering there’s just your mattress inside the room, together with three of four boxes. Just your mattress. Placed on the ground, in the center of the empty room. The furniture is being delivered tomorrow, so tonight you’ll be sleeping like this, although your sixth sense is telling you that perhaps you won’t be sleeping at all tonight. The mattress looks funny with the sheets messily wedged in under it, but neither you nor Chan seem to care about the sheets right now, not with how eager the both of you are. 
Lying on a mattress that’s lying on the floor isn’t the most comfortable thing in the world, but it’ll work for tonight. Chan’s hands are immediately all over you, his lips on yours within seconds as soon as you both lie down on the bed, lips on your neck as his body is pressed on top of yours, your legs wrapped around his as his hard-on brushes your clothed cunt. 
“Chan…” you whine, the friction between your legs becoming unbearable - you need to feel him without any layer between your bodies. “Take these off,” you huff, tugging at his sweats. 
He kneels between your legs, and you quickly sit on the mattress to take off your tank top. Chan gasps at the sight of your naked boobs, even though he’s seen them many, many times. His tank top comes off, then his sweats and boxers are next. The second your gaze falls on his hard cock, all you want to do is wrap your lips around its tip, then take the rest of his length in your mouth and milk him dry - his balls look so full, and you want nothing more than to taste him. That may be a lie, though, because you also want him to cum inside of you… you just can’t chose with him. 
“Take off yours now, love? Show me that pretty pussy?”
You slide your own sweats down the curve of your ass too, together with your damp underwear, and Chan bites his lips at the sight of the wet patch on your panties, even though it shouldn’t surprise him, since he was the one who made you cum before. 
“How do you want me?” You whisper to him, and he swears he felt a shiver run down his spine - you’re just so hot, and he loves you so much. 
“Just like this, fuck, you’re so hot,“ Chan grunts as his eyes take in your naked figure sprawled in front of him, legs open wide to welcome his body between them. “Want to look at your pretty face when I make love to you, want to see your eyes roll in the back of your head when I stick my cock in you,” he grunts. 
It’s true, you do it every time - it’s hard not to, when the cock’s this good. 
“What are you waiting for, then? Put it in,” you smirk, biting your lip. 
Chan pumps his cock with his fist for a couple of seconds, smearing pre-cum all over his tip to make sure it doesn’t sting when he enters you, although you’re wet enough to take him. His veiny hand looks insanely good wrapped around himself, pumping his length with a familiarity and a confidence only he can have with his body. You don’t miss the way his balls tighten, looking heavy and full, and you’re ready to take all he has to give you. You want him to empty his load inside of you - mouth or pussy, you don’t really care. His cock looks harder than before, tip pink and angry, the vein that runs along the underside thick and pulsating. 
You gasp when he gets closer and aligns his cockhead at your entrance, brushing your swollen clit in the process. “You ready?” He asks you, and after you nod, he pushes inside. 
Just like he predicted, you roll your eyes in the back of your skill at the feeling of his cock finally stretching you out. He sinks inside of you at an incredibly slow pace that makes you shiver and gasp. “Fuck,” you moan. He intertwines his fingers with yours as he continues pushing inside. It feels big, hot and hard inside of you. “’s big,” you whine out of pleasure. 
Chan’s cock throbs inside of you as he pushes another inch inside. “Yeah?” Then chuckles when you nod. “You’re taking it so well, tho, love. Just a couple inches left, you’re doing so good,” he whimpers. 
When he finally bottoms out, you feel so full it almost hurts - every single one of the inches of his beautiful cock sheathed inside of you. Chan lets his body fall on top of yours, pressing his bare torso on your chest and placing his strong hands at each side of your head while he balances his weight on his elbows. “You alright?” He asks, kissing you on the corner of your lips. 
“Feel so full,” you gasp, and he smirks, pecking your lips. 
“Does it feel good?” He asks you, brushing your soft hair with his fingers. “Because you feel amazing around me, love,” he whispers, kissing your cheek softly. 
“So good, baby. So, so good,” you whimper, “You can move now.”
You don’t know how he does that, but Chan always manages to find the perfect angle when it comes to thrusting inside of you. He starts by pulling almost all the way out, arching his back a little and then sinking back inside of you. It’s his turn to roll his eyes in the back of his head now, when he feels your tight walls welcoming him, pulsating around his thick length. It’s a slow thrust - the first one. A thrust that allows him to test the waters, a thrust that makes the both of you shiver. 
You arch your back and pelvis, allowing him to sink even deeper inside of you. 
“My God, love, you feel so good around me,” Chan grunts, hiding his face in the crook of your neck, then repeats his previous movements with his hips once again. “So warm, so tight…”
His hips meet yours once more, and a shaky breath leaves your lips - the way he’s moving inside of you combined with the hot, open-mouthed kisses he’s leaving on the skin of your neck are making you feel dizzy already. You wrap your arms around Chan’s torso, scratching his naked back with your fingernails - you hear him whimper and you bite your lips at his reaction, because you know just what to do to drive him crazy. 
“Wrap your legs around me, love,” Chan moans and you oblige, entangling your legs with his, pulling him closer than he already is until it feels like you’re melting at each other’s touch. 
His thrusts are slow, not rushed, reaching that deep spot inside of you that makes your toes curl and scratch his back a bit harder. His kisses burn on your skin, his swollen lips feel hot when he presses them on yours to muffle the sounds that escape his own lips - it’s the force of habit. For years the both of you had had to keep quiet in bed in order not to get caught by Chan’s or your roommates - now, though, you can be as loud and whiny as you want. That’s why you pull away from the kiss, then cup his face with your hands. He doesn’t stop moving inside of you. 
“I want to hear those pretty sounds you make,” you whisper on his lips. 
Chan is whiny. The softest whimpers fall from his lips as he moves inside of you, rocking his hips back and forth to meet your thrusts. It’s almost addicting, the way he sounds when he’s fucking you. He also grunts and groans, but it’s the soft cries he lets out every time he bottoms out inside of you that are your favorites, especially when he looks at you with those eyes. His chocolate brown eyes are fully blown, cheeks flustered and brows slightly furrowed as the pace of his thrusts increases. He’s getting close, and you are too. 
“Touch yourself, love,” Chan whispers on your lips, “‘M not gonna last much longer. Wanna cum together.”
You delicately push two digits in Chan’s mouth, and he sucks and licks them to get them wet enough - when you take them out, there’s a string of saliva that connects them to his lips, and it’s the hottest thing ever. You whine when your own fingers brush your clit, wet with Chan’s spit. Rubbing fast circles on your sensitive bud, you manage to get yourself off right before he finds his own release. 
“Look at me,” Chan whimpers, “Look at me when you cum, fuck.” 
You do exactly that, and when he feels you clenching around him, he finds his own release much quicker than he thought he would. Chan looks beautiful when he cums. Eyes rolled in the back of his skull, swollen lips parted as he releases the sweetest sounds, Adam’s apple bobbing as he shoots his load inside of you. 
“Fuck, love, there’s so much cum. ‘M cumming so much, fuck,” he curses under his breath as he keeps on releasing and releasing, filling you up to the brim until it starts to spill out of you, wetting the sheets. 
You place your hand on the back of his neck, pulling him closer, and he crashes his lips onto yours as he continues to ride out his orgasm as you play with his soft curls. Eventually, with a sigh, his body collapses on top of yours and he hides his face in your cleavage, chest rising and falling quickly. 
“Chan, baby,” you call his name after a while, “Can you hand me a towel?”
He nods, but as he kneels between your legs he realizes something. “Shit, they’re still inside the boxes, love.”
You smile at him. “It’s fine. It just means we’ll have our first shower in our new home.”
Chan smiles at you too. When you sit on the mattress, the action causes his seed to eventually drip from your hole, and when you look down, you find out the sheets are completely drenched in Chan’s cum. 
“Yeah,” he scratches the back of his neck, guilty, “maybe we should do our first laundry, too.”
-> 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 - “𝐢𝐭’𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧” 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐝.
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Hello, I hope your having a nice day, can I request Yandere 1st Years + Grim (Platonic) with a Komi Reader? (From Komi can’t Communicate)
Reader’s known for being incredibly beautiful, intelligent, athletic and elegant in everything she does, however she has crippling Social Anxiety and ends up scaring everyone away with her ‘mean/scary’ look so everyone tends to avoid her (When it’s actually herself that’s nervous since she doesn’t know what to say)
Except for Ace, Deuce and Grim after they spent time with Reader in the mine, they discovered her anxiety she wrote it out so now they’re mostly the ones who do the talking for her and try to help her reach her goal of making 100 Friends in NRC, even though they both think that’s a ‘weird/bad goal’ because this IS NRC
Reader loves cats, so she spoils Grim and Lucius (The latter likes laying in her lap and even follows her around) with pets, treats and affection and helping her friends with studying since she gets perfect marks
How would they react to hearing Reader’s voice for the first time? Not to mention have Reader tell write out that she made a friend all by herself who visits her dorm at night and does nightly walks (You know who it is)
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Komi-San Reader | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
You’re quiet and intimidating but not because others find you scary. The exact opposite, they’re obsessed. You’re athletic, you’re smart, you’re beautiful, you’re kind, and the list goes on. Without so much as opening your mouth, the school is at its hands and knees all for you. Little do they know about your silent struggle, not like your dearest first-year friends. More than anyone they know how hard you work and if their hearts could overfill with love for you it already has.  So imagine your stalkers' friends; reaction to you’re never heard before voice:
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Ace Trappola
“Aw man, (Y/n) I can’t begin to explain how much of a pain he is! With his moodiness, we’re not going to win the game.”
“Don’t say that, I am great but not that great.”
“...Y-you c-can d-do it!” 
He plays 10x better 
All while running on his excitement and embarrassment
“Whoa, Ace! W-were you holding out on us!”
Everyone is floored that he’s suddenly just doing so well
He’s keeping your quiet cheers to himself 
Replaying it in his head
He will teasingly ask you for a recording even when you cutely shake your head
“Oi oi don’t get all shy now, you were doing so well!”
He does circle back having already written down the names of those who turned their heads
If they’re so inclined to hear your voice in a roaring crowd 
Then they should be alright with their ears no longer working 
He’s being merciful when he does just this
And if you mention any mysterious friends, he’d no doubt try to follow up on that same treatment
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Deuce Spade
“M-maybe being an honor student was too high of a goal.”
You shake your head
“Ahh I appreciate it, (Y/n) but if I’m going to flunk again I’ll be in trouble. Both with Riddle and my mom, I just can’t measure up. ”
“You…are a good student.”
He blushes 
“G-g-g-g-good j-job (Y/n)!”
He knows how much this is taking for you to try 
But he just can’t keep it together 
He’s among the first to hear your precious voice
He has to be the only one
He doesn’t know what this feeling is but he doesn’t want to share
It especially rubs him the wrong way when you mention a mysterious friend 
He decides to wait it out
See who this new friend he’s going to gut he has to meet
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Epel Felmier
“Grrrr I can’t stand it! Why can’t I be taken seriously? I just hate my face!”
“Don’t hafta lie ta me, (Y/n)! I know I’m not handsome.”
“I think you’re handsome.”
“Aw shucks, (Y/n)!”
He definitely wasn’t was expecting that
You’re just the sweetest as he predicted
He already keeps the notebook you’ve lost+ gone through with your written words
And the apple cores he lovingly retrieves from Ramshackle’s trash no doubt cultivating whatever ends up growing from them
He avoids the impulse to tear his book open at the mention of a new friend 
Well I hope they like a poison-apple
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Jack Howl 
“I have a magift practice later on…are you still going to come?”
You nod your head
“T-thank you, I’d appreciate your support from the stands.”
When he says that he doesn’t expect you to actually whisper anything out
“G-go Jack!”
His keen ears pick it up and suddenly he’s breezing through obstacles like never before
And of course, he did his mate practically cheered him on
It makes it much earlier to replay that encouragement when he’s fighting for your honor his ownership of you
No doubt Savvannclaw is filled with your admirers
But some are a little too bold
So leave it to your mate to take action first
And while he’s at it he might as well guard your home more intensely
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Sebek Zigvolt
“C-can you please be quiet?”
“...?....!..Y-you think y-you, a mere human, can tell me what to do?!” 
Yes you can, having the loud half-fae go down two whole octaves was a feat
And he keeps replaying the moment in his head specifically the way your lips moved
Burning hot all over he’s not really listening to anyone for the next week month
But once he’s broken out of it he’s determined to repeat the miracle
And it seems it works best if your alone?
Then he’ll be sure to chase off the gaggle of scum+ admirers who you claim to be friends with
And he thinks nothing of a midnight friend…that is if you’re alone with them than that’s completely unacceptable
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“Henchhuman! Everyone is soooo mean! Why doesn’t anyone like me? I know I’m so cool and maybe that’s why–”
“I like you.”
“Well of course you w–W-wait did you speak? T-t to me! Whoopee, I’m going to tell everyone the great Grim is who you spoke to first!” 
He runs off to do just that 
Bragging to anyone who would listen
He has to dodge a lot of assassination hits that day
But it gives him the content whenever that icky feeling comes up sometimes
And as for your ‘Hornton’ friend he’s seen him and next time he comes around he’ll boast all about his greatness and how you spoke to him
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pepsiconcoction · 1 year
Bathroom Breakdown | Bang Chan x Reader
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pairing: bang chan x fem!reader
tags: insecurity, comfort, fluff, chan is so sweet y'all, minor explicit language
requested? nope, this was all me baybee!
wc: 1,450
If you had to say, getting in your own head was probably your strongest skill. You do it a lot, more than most people, but the funniest thing is, you don’t even realise you’re doing it half of the time. The thoughts in your head are so common that you truly believe them now, they’re just facts!
The recent topic of discussion inside your brain has been your love life. Specifically, your wonderful boyfriend, Chan. He really is wonderful, he’s kind, generous, funny, smart, and handsome as hell. You consider yourself lucky to be his girlfriend for the past six months. Insecurity has been slowly eating you recently, gnawing at you in the back of your head. You know everything that it’s saying is wrong, and that he loves you, and he’s lucky to have you too, but there’s just something convincing you he’s lying, that one day he is going to turn around and decide to leave.
Sniffling, you fold up a wad of toilet paper and bring it to your face, wiping your eyes one last time. You throw it into the toilet from your place on the cold tile floor and grab onto the edge of the sink to help hoist yourself up. You see your reflection in the mirror and let out a long, shaky breath. You were seemingly done crying, using the last 45 minutes as a good release, and your legs wobbled as you stood. 
You turned on the tap, feeling the cool water on your fingers. Gathering some water in your hands, you bring the coolness up to your face, gently pressing your face, and massaging around your eyes, attempting to wrangle the puffiness of your post-sob face. The cold water was refreshing and helped to bring you back to reality.
A few minutes later you were ready to face the world again, the world inside your apartment at least. Unlocking the bathroom door, you take one final deep breath. You swing the door open and nearly scream. There, leaning against the wall opposite, is Chan. 
“Jesus Christ.” You clutch your chest.
“Sorry, I did text you but,” he trails off. Oh, right. You didn’t have your phone on you, you had left it in the living room.
“Oh, sorry, yeah, it’s in the other room. How long have you been here?” You ask. He must have let himself in with the spare key you had given him.
“Uh, not long, maybe 15 minutes?” He stands up, awkwardly. You think he’s lying to save you the embarrassment.
“Oh,” you say, neither of you really knowing where to go with this.
“I didn’t know you were coming.”
“Are you okay?”
You speak at the same time. Your eyes widen at his question, and you think for a second that you look like a deer in headlights.
“Ah, yeah, I got a free evening so thought I’d come over,” he explains. “But maybe I should’ve waited for a response.”
“No it’s okay, I was just, thinking too much.” You don’t know what to say. He opens his arms and you fall into them, wrapping around you gently.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” He speaks softly into your hair.
“I think I’d cry again.”
“That’s okay, you’re allowed to cry.”
You take a deep breath hearing his words and you feel everything coming back.
“Hey, let’s get you somewhere comfy first, sofa or bed?” 
“Bed,” you mumble into his chest. He’s wearing a soft, black hoodie that smells just like him, the scent of his cologne faintly clinging to the material. With ease, he guides you to your bedroom, and you get into the safety of your covers. He excuses himself for a second, and leaves the room, returning a few minutes later with a few things. Your phone is one of them, your heart crying a little as you read his texts from earlier on the lock screen. He climbs into bed next to you and gets comfy. You keep him at a distance, thinking it would be better to put space between yourself. He insists on at least holding your hand.
“Okay, tell me everything.”
“I’m just feeling insecure. It’s stupid, but I can’t stop thinking about it. I feel like I don’t deserve any of this.” You begin to put it into words.
“This?” he asks, gently.
“You, Chan. I don’t deserve you, and I know I do, I know you’ll say I do, but my brain is so good at convincing me, and I don’t know how to get her to shut up. Like, I look in the mirror and I don’t understand why you love me, like look at you, you’re perfect, I’m not.” You see his eyebrows furrow but you don’t give him a chance to say anything.
“I just feel so fundamentally unlovable, which is stupid, but there’s just something in my head. And I’m so scared, I’m scared that I let you in fully, and get so comfortable with you, and one day you decide I’m too much, or not enough, or too weird, or too something, and you leave me for some stupid or shallow reason that I was a fool to think wouldn’t happen.” The tears are flowing now, not as hard as before but you wipe at them. You’re no longer looking at Chan, but down at your hands where your fingers are pulling threads from the bed sheets. 
“So I guess my head has just decided that you’re better off without me, and I want  to disagree so badly, but she’s so fucking convincing, Chan, I’m sorry.” You wipe at your tears roughly, but Chan quickly replaces your hands with his own, taking your face in his hands gently. His thumbs are wiping at the tears still slowly falling.
“Hey, it’s okay. Just breathe.” You do as he says, and your tears begin to slow down even more. 
“Can I say something?” Chan says after a minute. You nod, preparing for the worst.
“I’m not going anywhere.”
Your eyes look up and meet his, a look of sincerity in his own glassy eyes.
“I could never leave you, not as easy as you seem to think. No part of you could be too much or too little, or too anything for me. I love you. I love all of you. I love the parts of you I’ve seen, and I can’t wait to see the parts I haven’t seen yet so that I can love them too. I know this isn’t easy, I feel the same things sometimes, but you just have to believe me, and if you ever doubt me, I will fight you.” He ends with a chuckle. 
“Okay?” He runs his fingers through your hair gently. You nod, smiling.
“Also, who are you to decide who I love, hm?” he asks.
“An idiot,” you mumble, making him chuckle.
“I decide who I love, got it? I am choosing to love you.”
You nod your head, utterly defeated, and fall into his chest. He catches you swiftly, rubbing your back with one hand and petting your hair with the other. After a few minutes, you pop your head up to look at him. He looks at you questioningly.
“Be honest, how long were you here before I came out of the bathroom?”
“Oh, I, uh, think I heard most of it,” he says sheepishly. You groan, burying your face into his chest once more. You feel him laugh more than you hear it. 
“Thank you,” you say.
“For what?”
“I don’t know…” you trail off. “Loving me? Letting me cry? Being here? Something like that.” You play with one of his hoodie strings, avoiding his intense stare.
“Something like that,” he repeats quietly, half chuckling at your words. “Of course, I'd do all those things, I love you.”
“I love you too,” you say, finally looking up at him. He’s smiling at you, eyes soft. You lean up and press a kiss to his soft lips. He accepts it, indulging you for a few seconds until he pulls back. You’re about to pout but he catches you off guard by planting kiss after kiss on your face. Your cheeks, nose, forehead, and finally your mouth once more. You’re giggling by the time he’s done, and he pulls back, eyes sparkling. 
“Feeling any better?” he asks.
“No, I think I need one more.” You giggle up at him. He rolls his eyes but leans down, capturing your lips in a soft kiss that the both of you are smiling into. The kiss feels right, and for the first time in a little while, the voice in the back of your head is quiet.
taglist (lmk if u wanna be added!): @lethallyprotected
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moonstruckme · 7 months
hi! i hope you're having a good day<3 i was wondering if you could write a remus x fem!reader where they aren't really dating but everyone knows they like each other (them included) where r has kinda mean friends? like, they leave her out of everything and she constantly feels bad about it. and ever time she tells remus he's like "you should drop them, you deserve better" and he's just trying to get her to see that she deserves better?
Thank you <3
modern au
Remus Lupin x fem!reader ♡ 736 words
Remus can feel a heaviness building where you sit on the couch next to him. 
He lets his eyes slide subtly in your direction, and you’re frowning at your phone. Not an upset frown, no pursed lips or drawn brows, just a slight downturn of the corners of your mouth. You look defeated, and Remus can’t abide it. 
“Everything alright, love?”
Predictably, you soften like butter at the endearment, and your expression as you turn to him is kind if not happy. “Yeah, I’m good,” you say, and Remus pretends not to know it’s a lie. He waits. Your eyes drop to his shoulder, one thumbnail picking at the other distractedly. “I just wish…I wish that if my friends were going to hang out without me, they’d at least not post so much about it.” 
A familiar ache starts up in his chest. “Oh no. What’ve they done?” 
You shrug like it’s little to you, but he sees the way you press your lips together, the faint redness creeping up from your neck. He hopes you don’t cry, if only to spare his delicate heart. 
“They’re all at Hannah’s place, I guess. Going to go see the new movie premiere.” You laugh. It sounds raw. “I actually asked them if they wanted to go do that tonight, and they all said they were busy.” 
The frailty of your voice works like glass shards, cleaving Remus clean open. “Darling,” he says, and he doesn’t care that you’re not official enough to acknowledge the endearment in its full capacity. You both know he means it well enough. His hand slides atop yours the way one tempers one ingredient by adding a tiny bit of another before the rest. You soften at his touch, and Remus goes all the way, curling his arms under yours to give your back a firm squeeze. “I know you’re sick of hearing it from me, but they really don’t deserve you.” 
A tiny drop of warm wetness slides from your face to his shirt. His own fault, really, but if a good cry is what you need he’s ready to indulge you. “I just want to know what it is about me that makes me so terrible to be around,” you weep, and Remus crushes you to his front unthinkingly, a protective ire swelling within him. He wishes he could go to your friend’s house and give these girls a talking-to right now, but you probably wouldn’t thank him for it. He settles for dragging his palm up and down your back, hip to shoulder and back again. 
“Don’t say that,” he pleads with you. 
“I know, I’m sorry.” Your sigh is a stilted, shuddering thing. “I’m putting you in an awful position. I don’t mean to fish for compliments.” 
“I know,” he promises, his hand stopping where Remus can feel your heart beating through the material of your shirt. “And I’m not saying it out of any sense of obligation, but you really are lovely to be around. I mean” —he pulls back so you can see his face, hoping the sincerity in it will make some headway against your self-doubt— “would I be here if you weren’t?”
You give him a small smile, thin-lipped. “You’re very nice.” 
Remus laughs, wrapping his fingers around your upper arms and barely restraining himself from trying to shake some sense into you. “I’m not that nice. But okay, Sirius would never hang around anyone he didn’t actually like, can we agree there?” He takes your silence for acquiescence, and, with a gentle smile, goes on. “Every one of our friends sees how kind, and smart, and lovely you are. They” —he shoots a pointed look at your phone— “are the only ones who don’t. That’s how I know you’re not the problem, sweetheart,” he says, softer now. “They are.” 
You look him in the eyes as you take a deep breath. This one goes in and out steadier than the last, and some of the tension in his own chest eases. “Thank you,” you tell him. 
Remus can’t help himself; he pulls you in for another hug, selfish to his core. “No thanks necessary,” he says firmly.
“I guess the only thing to do,” you say, voice muffled against his shoulder, “is to stop trying to make plans with them and hang out exclusively with you.” 
Remus laughs. He doesn’t hate the sound of that.
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writesleah · 7 months
the way i loved you ౨ৎ m. riddle
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౨ৎ mattheo riddle x fem!reader, brief cedric diggory x fem!reader
౨ৎ angst/fluff
౨ৎ after a hard breakup, you had finally moved on and found your perfect man. he was everything you could’ve asked for, but the lingering thoughts of your ex take a toll on you
౨ৎ swearing, mentions of blood and fighting, borderline betraying cedric :(
౨ৎ 1.8k words
౨ৎ if it’s not already completely obvious, i was listening to the way i loved you by taylor swift when i thought of this lmaooo i couldn’t fight the taylor references so there is a couple in here, it’s just my deep rooted swiftie mindset
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“hey baby. you look beautiful today,” cedric smiled, sitting down at the slytherin table next to you, a bold move for a hufflepuff, but everybody thought he was far too good looking to say anything. well, some people.
mattheo riddle had the absolute nerve to speak up, as if he hadn’t completely ruined your life only months before.
“alright, diggory?” he snorted, looking your boyfriend up and down with disgust. he and cedric probably could’ve gotten along just fine if it wasn’t for the clashing common interest that seemed to have mattheo spitting as many nasty comments as he could - you, “i see you’re still pissing about with her.”
he didn’t even bother to say your name when he was talking about you. twat. you felt your anger starting to pool up in your stomach, a force threatening to take over until a soft hand placed itself on your hip.
“just ignore him, okay?” cedric smiled down at you, encouraging you to do exactly what he was doing. you nodded.
“it’s fine. he’s just… yeah,” you sighed, scrunching your eyes a couple times before continuing to eat, doing your best to ignore mattheo’s presence on just a couple seats down.
“he’s perfect,” pansy sighed, practically drooling over your relationship.
you had shown the girls the card he had made for valentines day, which was honestly the smallest thing he’d done for you on the day. he had a tendency to show his affection as much as he possibly could, making you experience every single love language at least once a week.
“that’s adorable, oh my god,” daphne gushed, reading the card over and over. it was a sweet message where he described his love for you, and it definitely warmed your heart, “i’m actually so jealous of what you guys have, it’s not even funny. astoria, come read this.”
astoria made her way over to the group and took the pale pink card from her sister’s hands, her eyes scanning the words that practically formed a letter with how many cedric had written. the three of you watched as her face contorted into an expression of admiration and light jealousy, her cheeks slightly pink.
“stop it, you’re going to make me cry knowing that i don’t have a man that loves me like this,” she whined, punctuating her words with a small laugh.
cedric was your ideal boyfriend. he was attractive, sensible, smart and kind. he got along with your parents and siblings, and always made sure to compliment you in some way every time he saw you. he said everything you ever wanted to hear, and was just perfect for you, so why couldn’t you get mattheo out of your head?
“i need to ask you all something,” you blurted out, a little annoyed at yourself for doing so, but also relieved that you could get it off your chest.
the trio looked over at you with raised eyebrows, waiting for you to continue.
“what is it?” pansy murmured, her head tilted just slightly as her eyes studied you.
"okay, let's just say... hypothetically, you have the most perfect, incredible boyfriend and could never ask for anything better, but… there’s this pesky little lingering thought about a certain past endeavour that you can’t get out of your head.”
the girls looked at you a little confused, though daphne’s expression quickly hardened. she knew exactly what you were talking about.
“please tell me you’re not still thinking about riddle,” she groaned in disappointment, shaking her head whilst running her hands over her face. the other two expressed disapproving noises and sighs, looking at you as if you’d just told them you were going to kill someone.
“it’s mattheo, what do you want me to do?” you mumbled defensively, helping it would support your case a little, but it just made them give you a glare.
“i don’t get what you see in him. he’s a boring, lazy prick who skips every class he possibly can to smoke weed and get plastered with his equally as boring and lazy roadman gang,” astoria huffed with a small shrug, looking at you with more concern than anything, “all you guys would do was scream at each other and cry about it all, and then go and make out in the rain or something, which i suppose is pretty hot, but it doesn’t make up for all the arguing.”
“you go insane when you’re with him. i didn’t even know it was possible to feel that much, but you definitely proved that it is,” pansy snorted, though it was clear her comment wasn’t really a joke.
you just sighed and brushed it off, promising that you wouldn’t do anything. it was just something on your mind, right?
you were walking in the corridor on your own, cedric just having left to get to his class, which was on the complete other side of the school to yours.
“rare to see you without prince charming these days. have you broken up already?”
you knew who it was when the first word was spoken, and after days of trying to get him out of your mind, you couldn’t take it anymore.
“do you have nothing better to do than terrorise me and my relationship, riddle?” you spat, turning around to face the boy, though your expression quickly dropped when you saw crimson blood spattered across his face, “why am i not surprised?”
“wow, last name basis now, princess?” he chuckled, brushing off your comment about his injuries with a small huff of either annoyance or amusement, you couldn’t really tell.
you tried to walk away, not wanting to involve yourself in his antics when you couldn’t trust yourself to not snap without somebody nearby to warn you not to. it was hard to control yourself around mattheo for some reason. probably all the pent up anger you had from the relationship and its ending.
“just piss off. i honestly can’t be bothered with you right now,” you sighed, shaking your head. his face dropped at that, seeming much less entertained now that you had say that you genuinely didn’t want to speak to him. he didn’t like that.
“no, absolutely not. what you’re not gonna do is act like a bitch because you’re in a mood about something,” mattheo scoffed, grabbing your wrist to pull you back, leaving a faint, bloody handprint on your skin, to which you groaned at.
“can you not?” you murmured, trying to wipe it off, but only smearing it across your arm further. at this, he sighed and pulled you into the prefect’s bathroom, the nearest place with a sink.
“here, since you apparently need everything done for you. i see some things haven’t changed,” he tugged your arm under the sink and lightly rinsed it away, rolling his eyes as he did so, and taking the chance to wash his own hands, “you’re a real piece of work, you know that? especially these last couple months. i don’t even know what’s happened, but it’s annoying.”
“what happened is we broke up. i’m not going to be your sweet little angel every single day, riddle,” you retorted, shaking your head and patting your arm dry with a paper towel.
“i still don’t get why we ended things,” the brunette shrugged, as if the comment he had just made meant absolutely nothing, “i mean, you’d probably be sat in my lap cleaning me up right now if we hadn’t.”
his words were a harsh reminder of how much things had changed. if he had come to you battered and bruised when you were together, which he had done multiple times before, you would end up sitting in his lap whilst cleaning off all the blood, reprimanding him for getting into fights again whilst trying to fight the incessant butterflies that flapped around so aggressively in your stomach. you were feeling those same butterflies now, too.
“well… we’re not, so you’ll have to settle for some water and a paper towel. maybe you’ll get a plaster if you can find one somewhere,” you scoffed, trying to act as nonchalant as he was.
“come on, princess, don’t be like that,” mattheo groaned, looking at you with a frustrated expression. you didn’t get why he was still calling you princess. he’d taken the pet name he loved using for you so much and turned it into a mocking insult. that hurt you, you had to admit, how he took something so precious and made it into a nickname only used for when he wanted to be rude.
you glanced over at him, meeting his eyes. those eyes. those perfect, dark eyes that, when in the sunlight, turned into a gorgeous, flowing blend of various chocolate shades that sparkled and told so many tales in such little space. you had to chastise yourself for thinking about him so fondly when you swore you disliked him so much.
“why are you doing this to me? acting as if everything’s just perfectly fine and like there isn’t so much shit between us?” you sighed, running your hands over your face out of pure annoyance. why was he acting like this? why were you okay with it?
“i know you. i know every single facial expression you make. every single word you say,” he muttered, studying your face rapidly, “and i know that half the smiles you show off when you’re with diggory are fake. he’s boring you, i can see that clear as day. at least when you were with me, it was fun.”
you shook your head at his words, a soft huff of disbelief forcing itself out of you. deep down inside of you, you know that everything he was saying was true, but you couldn’t admit that. cedric was your boyfriend, you loved him, didn’t you?
“stop it, mattheo,” you pleaded, looking up at the blood-drenched face of the boy you didn’t know whether you adored or despised.
“i was your first… everything, princess. you can’t just deny that what we had was special,” he scoffed, rolling his eyes as if he was getting annoyed again, his soft facade crumbling.
“what do you want me to do? apologise?” you breathed out in disbelief, looking at him as if he was insane, “if that’s what you want, then this is me standing in front of you and saying that i’m sorry for what happened that night, and it hurts my pride to say this, but i sometimes find myself wishing i could change my mind. is that what you want from me? i’m sick of these games.”
mattheo seemed to pause at your words, each syllable playing over and over in his head as he registered what you had just admitted. it was as if his entire body just glitched, every muscle coming to a standstill, though his eyes flicked back and forth as if he was reading the words from a book. it took a moment, but he eventually cracked a small smile, his head tilting.
“did you just reference a taylor swift song in your apology, love?”
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angstober (2)
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Prompt: "I want to believe you"
Pairing: college!athlete bucky x reader
A/n: This is the day four prompt so that I'm sorta following the timeline 😅 Enjoy more angst ♡
He was staring at you, eyes beseeching you for an ending you had no ability to provide. The phone—the awful, wretched thing—was still pressed to the skin of your hand, burning your fingers as the screen dimmed. You shouldn’t have looked. She had just gotten to you, riled you up enough yesterday to make you concerned. 
“That’s not… it’s not—baby,” Bucky stressed. He had just woken up. His hair was endearingly messy, a big sweater shifting along his shoulders. If you weren’t so upset it would have had your heart melting. 
“You told me it was nothing. That she was nothing,” you breathed out, pain lacing your throat as you spoke. 
“It—she is! I don’t know what you’re seeing on there, but it’s not true.” 
You bit into your bottom lip in an attempt to quell the onslaught of tears prying at your eyes. Bucky took a step towards you, cautious. You were in the doorway, he was in the bedroom. If you wanted to leave there was nothing stopping you. 
“I want to believe you,” you choked out. “But I can’t. There is no other explanation for this, Bucky.” 
Why you were being kind, you had no idea. You should be angry, enraged. Furious. But more than any of that, you were miserable. This man you were besotted by, his brow twisted into an uncomfortable shape, his eyes flickering with panic, he was all you had considered. It was a lot to put that on a college relationship, but there was no one else. 
Bucky was so gentle with you. There was no one else in the world that knew how to kiss you right. No one that held you under the harsh lights of football stadiums and let you press your nose to their neck to warm it on those fall nights. There was no one able to distract you the way he did in the library, eyes boring into the side of your face without fail, smile small and private and years in the making. 
There was no one that could have hurt you this much. 
“What’re you seeing?” he asked, a rasp to his voice. The words were so small. 
It was cruel to make you read it aloud, to make you look at the pictures again, but you did anyway. “I’m seeing your ex-girlfriend's nudes plastered all over your phone. I’m seeing her text from last night—‘can’t wait to do that again,’” your voice broke, tears stinging your eyes. “I can’t believe you. You said… you said—” 
You couldn’t finish. It didn’t matter what Bucky had said—that he’d spun pretty words and promised you things that were impossible now. Your breathing was shallow as you flung his phone at the bed. 
He was quick to grab it, head shaking as he scrolled through everything you’d already seen. “No,” he whispered. “No, this isn’t—sweetheart, I would never do anything like this. Not to you.” 
You laughed, the sound wet and sardonic. “Well, you did. There’s no use acting like this, Bucky.” 
It had been risky with Bucky, at the beginning. College athletes were always risky. You had pulled away after the first date, assuming that was it; it had been fun, but there was nothing else he could have possibly wanted. But then he'd asked you on another. And another. The relationship has snowballed into something unexpected. You went somewhere and he followed. He called you every night and you brought him dinner after every game. 
This wasn’t something you had expected. Maybe a few years ago, but not now. This was unfair. It was agonizing. 
Bucky threw the phone back down without a second glance at where it landed. He took long steps to meet you in the doorway, and even though you knew it wasn’t smart, you let him hold you. He pressed his forehead to yours, your wet cheeks brushing his, his eyes boring into yours. 
This would be the last time. 
“Listen to me,” he spoke, more determined than you had ever heard him. “I don’t have an explanation, I only have the truth I got, baby. I don’t know how any of that shit got on my phone or whatever she’s talking about. You know she’s been on one lately. You gotta believe me.” 
A forlorn cry left your lips. Bucky was talking to you, but you were more concerned with the way he felt as he held you. 
This would be the last time. 
“You hearing me?” he asked, shifting to meet your gaze as it flew down to the floor. “Please, you gotta believe me. I love you so much, baby. Only you. There’s no one else in this goddamn world I would give that up for. After college, we're gonna go away, okay? Wherever I get drafted I’m taking you with me.” 
Everyone had told you you were being dumb. That athletes wander. That they have millions of options and you were just the pick of the moment. You had defended Bucky to no end. How idiotic. How unfair. 
A kiss pressed to your forehead, firm and steady from the way he held the sides of your head. Desperate. 
This would be the last time. 
“Say something. Anything. Please.”
“Goodbye, Bucky,” you whispered.
Later, much later, you’d learn that there were never any lies between the two of you. You’d learn that Bucky couldn’t explain because there was nothing he’d done. Getting someone’s phone was easy when they left it in a locker room all night. When they raced home to their girl after practice without a second glance at the thing. 
But later wasn’t now. And now, you were gone. 
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yanderemommabean · 14 days
Drider Mahito please mama I am begging on my hands and knees
The spider crawls forward, humming and tilting his head as he examines a few spots of his surroundings. A small bush here, a skittering critter over there, and of course a terrified bounding deer that’s trying to avoid the fate of the current one dangling and bleeding in the creature's mouth. 
He’s so excited,the electricity thrumming over his skin. He wants to catch as many meals as he can, he’s sure if he catches the most then things will go just as planned! 
Mahito was positive that all he needed to do was show he could hunt, gather, and track to be able to win your heart. He’s kept an eye on you for about a month now, watched you celebrate a holiday here and there, and was just in awe. You’re so intriguing. Most humans have boring and too bland of a life for him to care for, but you…You have a way about you. The way you carry yourself, the way you stand up to people despite their rank in your nest, the way you favor one thing yet despise another. 
He wonders if you’re the kind to appreciate the beauties of eating one's family members. He could scoop up that pesky relative who questions too much, you seem to have an ire of sorts towards them. 
Ah, maybe as a first courting sort of gift. For now he has to at least get his feet in the door! 
Maybe you’d like that street cat as well? You cuddle the other ones though…mmm…No, best to leave it be. You humans have weird ways to show some creatures affection, and others horror and disdain. 
Though, he supposes that's every creature. 
Trudging around in the trees, he hums a small tune and waves to the other Driders and Nagas, finding their meals and their bones to chew on. Some wave with a smile, others move on with their eyes down or a soured look on their faces. 
They’re smart. They see the markings that Mahito bears and know to stay a good distance. He has a reputation for mauling and using his venom just because some dare to look him in the eye. But that doesn't mean he’s a monster! What? He can’t have fun and play around?! 
A crackle of leaves and twins makes everyone alert, and a wide, almost manic smile grows on Mahitos face. It's you! That scent, that heart beat, the heat he can see on your flesh-It’s you! Oh he can't wait! He can’t wait! 
He scurries forward, blood and meat dripping down his chin and chest as he hurries toward you, pupils wide and wild as he manages to pinpoint exactly where you are. Ah! Now that he’s this close, he’s suddenly nervous! 
But you look so pretty, so delicate, so easy to break and eat and devour if you were more of his prey….
Thankfully you’re his mate! Or, well, you will be! See, he isn’t keen on being told no to something he desperately wants. Be it food, territory, or a way to be with you every single day for the rest of his life. 
You��ll accept, you’ll come home with him, learn his name and learn to stay inside at all times when he isn’t beside you. You’ll kiss and laugh and you’ll tell him how much you love him, how he’s such a good boy for you, how he’s such a hard working hunter who deserves your attention and love and- 
He’s so lost in his excitement he doesn't hear the horrified screams you make as he drops the raw meat and bones at your feet. He just grins, a large tongue coming to swipe at his blood stained teeth as he waits like a dog for your answer and your praise. Surely you see how hard he’s worked on this right?! 
Oh…you’re…scurrying away again? 
Well that’s rather ungrateful don’t you think? 
After everything he’s done? 
His expression sours, but he doesn’t let you get away as he easily gets ahead of you, lifting you up with ease as you dangle in his grasp, begging for your life and terrified of the creature holding your life in his hands, literally. 
“Insolent little wretch. I swear. I did all of this and you’re just going to turn away?!” he hisses, teeth coming close to nipping your skin as you feel your heart seize in your chest. Your voice, quivering and weak, speaks out as he dangles you higher, wanting to see the fear in your eyes for denying him your courtship. 
“Please don’t kill me”. What? What the fuck are you talking about?! Why would you assume-
It clicks. You see him as a predator on the hunt rather than a mate to be loved by. Huh. How did you ever come to that conclusion? It’s like you think he’d eat your bone marrow or something! 
Then there’s a simple solution to this! He just holds you in his hand, tight and firm, carrying you and your wriggling body away to the dark edges of his territory as he explains how he’ll prove himself. 
It’s easy! You just have to let him show you how much he wants you! Well, it's more of a need at this point. He went feral just thinking of you with some other mate, human or not. And if those Naga's want their tails intact they’ll know to keep their distance.
-Mommabean (I hope you enjoyed!)
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holylulusworld · 2 months
Mr. Holmes Maid (3)
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Summary: You’re his maid.
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x Maid!Reader
Warnings: angst, power imbalance, dub-con (just in case cuddling/sharing a bed), master-servant relationship, the reader was an orphan, inappropriate behavior
Mr. Holmes Maid (2)
Mr. Holmes’ maid masterlist
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The red dress is even more opulent and expensive than the others. You feel like an imposter standing in front of your master in a dress that shouldn’t cover your body.
“Wonderful,” the needlewoman coos. She clasps her hands together and smiles at you. “She looks so beautiful, doesn’t she, Mr. Holmes.” She wants to hear a compliment for her handiwork, not how you look in the dress.
“Mr. Holmes,” you dare not complain, but you don’t feel comfortable wearing a dress made for a lady, not a peasant. “Isn’t that too much? I can’t clean in this kind of dress.”
“It’s for special occasions,” he hastily says while pushing a few looks out of his face. “If we receive guests and such.” The lie easily rolls off his tongue. He straightens his back and looks at the owner of the shop straight in the eyes. “Right, Mr. Stevenson.”
“Oh, of course, Mr. Holmes,” the man almost cowers in front of your master. If he’d lick Sherlock’s polished shoes, you wouldn’t be surprised. “She will look lovely while serving your guests.”
No one at the shop believes Sherlock wants you to wear this dress for his guests. He wants you to wear them only for you.
“Wonderful,” your master finally says. “We will take them all. Maid,” he sternly looks at you. “You can redress after I paid for everything. I’ll be waiting outside for you. Don’t waste time, we need shoes for you too.”
“Shoes,” you murmur while watching Sherlock with curiosity. He’s so different now. Moments ago, he was all soft on you and placed his hand on the small of your back. And now, he orders you around.
“Yes, shoes, maid,” he grumbles. “Let’s proceed then.”
You wrinkle your forehead. What else does he want to buy for you today?
Sherlock leaves you and the needlewoman alone to talk to the owner about payment, and another order.
“My dear,” the woman whispers so no one can hear her. “He’s charming, smart, and very handsome. But be careful. You’re only a maid. If anyone finds out about your affair,” she looks around the shop, “you will be the one to blame.”
“I—no,” you gasp at her bluntness. “I…we…no. We never... I wouldn’t dare…” You shake your head. “Mr. Holmes never did such a thing, madame.”
“I’m not a madame, my dear,” she chuckles lightly. “I was you not so long ago.” She dips her head to watch her husband and Sherlock talk. “My husband saved me from ending up on the street after my master promised me love and devotion.”
You don’t know what to say, so you remain silent.
“After he stole my innocence, he tossed me out on the street like a stray cat,” she whispers. “If you ever need help,” she grabs your hand, squeezing it, “come back here. We have a spare room.”
You nod and give her a quick smile. Your heart is racing, just like your mind.
Is that what Sherlock wants? Steal your innocence and kick you out. Is this his way to remind you of your place? Maybe he tries to fool you, believing you’re just a dull maid, unable to think for yourself.
“Thank you,” you utter and ask her to help you redress. You need to get the expensive dress off of your body, or you’ll faint imagining all the things Sherlock could do to you if you let him…
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“Are you unwell,” Sherlock watches you fidget in your seat at the carriage. “What is it, Y/N?”
“The dresses and all that,” you dare not to meet his gaze, “I can’t wear them. It’s inappropriate. I got my clothes and…guests wouldn’t want to see me in such a dress. It’s too…pretty.”
“I bought them,” he sternly replies. “So, you will wear them.” Sherlock’s features soften when you choke out a sob. “Y/N, you helped me so often while I was lost in a case. You made sure that I ate properly and got dressed. You even brushed my locks. Consider the dresses and coat a gift to thank you for your assistance with my cases.”
“I did my duty, Master Holmes,” your voice trembles when he looks at you with soft blue eyes. “Helping you and taking care of you is my honor.”
He smiles at your words. “You’re so…” Sherlock swallows the sweet words he wanted to say. He cannot say them. This would confuse you even more. “Caring and selfless.” He says instead. “If I offer a gift to you, I expect you to take it.”
“Yes, master.”
Sherlock sighs deeply. His words came out wrong, and now you shy away, believing you did something wrong. He wants to take the words back, but that’s just not him.
“We will be home soon, maid,” he softly says. “We should rest soon. It was a rather long and exhausting day for you.”
“What about dinner? I can still prepare everything,” you try to make things up to Sherlock. He bought all these nice things for you, and you could only think of the things the needlewoman said to you.
Sherlock brushes his hand over yours, gently touching it for a moment. “We have leftovers from last night. You need to rest. Tomorrow, we need to talk about a few things.”
You nod and drop your gaze. “Will you send me away now? Did I anger you?”
“What?” He gasps at your words. “No…I…” Sherlock grabs your hand to hold it tightly. “I would never let you go. And you did not anger me, Y/N.” He murmurs. “It’s late and we should not think of anything but to rest.”
Your heart races feeling his large hand hold yours. He doesn’t let go and interlaces his fingers with yours. Sherlock breaks another rule, but there is no one but you and him in that carriage.
Who shall judge him for wanting to hold your hand?
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You pace back and forth in your bedroom. Sherlock said goodnight and tried to read some papers while he sent you to bed.
Now the words of needlewoman echo in your mind. What if she’s right? Maybe he tries to charm his way into your bed. You heard stories from other maids. Their masters did the same.
Sherlock never made any promises. He just came to your bed and slept next to you, seeking your warmth and closeness.
It’s all so confusing and you don’t know if you can resist his advances. Your heart, and maybe your soul too belongs to Sherlock for the longest time.
The moment he took you to his maid, you were lost, and you don’t know if that’s a bad thing…
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Tags in reblog.
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kimbappykidding · 8 months
Hot things Ateez do that drive you crazy
Hongjoong - How he speaks about you when you're not there
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Some guys like to complain about their girlfriends in front of their friends to maintain a false sense of masculinity. That was not Hongjoong. He really didn't care who knew about his feelings for you and expressed them willingly no matter who we was around...or what state he was in. It was Wooyoung's birthday so all the guys had gone out. You hadn't heard anything from them and then suddenly got a message from Seonghwa that they were outside. You opened the door surprised to see Mingi and Yunho carrying a very clearly drunk Hongjoong. "Y/n!" he cried seeing you and rushed from their arms to yours. "Y/n I missed you so much and I nailed mini golf". "Did you?" you asked "you won?". "No I came second to last but I got it in the pirate ship!" he cried ecstatic and you nodded "wow well done!". The guys helped you get Hongjoong to bed and when he was all tucked up, you thanked the guys for bringing him home. 
"Was he much trouble?" you asked. Seonghwa went to say no while Jongho and Wooyoung nodded. You laughed "well thank you for putting up with him, I know he can be a handful sometimes". "Yeah especially when drunk but he was in Y/n mode tonight" San said and you paused "Y/n mode?". "Yeah where he basically just can't stop talking about you" Yeosang explained and when you still looked confused Yunho showed you a video. It was of Hongjoong and he was smiling to himself. "Hongjoong why are you smiling?" you heard Wooyoung ask and Hongjoong smiled more "Y/n likes this song". "Oh yeah?" Wooyoung replied and Hongjoong nodded "she's the best. She's so nice and kind. She's also so smart and her job is so hard but she smashes it. Not to mention she's pretty, she always smells nice and her hair is so soft". The video cut out and Wooyoung smiled "that's when he reached the video limit but it went on a while longer. The guys all nodded and you felt so touched. "And he goes into Y/n mode often?". Mingi nodded "yeah pretty much anytime he gets drunk and you're not there". You blushed "that's so sweet!".
After the guys left you got into bed beside Hongjoong and watched him softly. "Tomorrow you are getting a reward but for now you'll just have to settle for this" and you kissed his forehead. In his sleep Hongjoong smiled and moved closer to you. As if he couldn't be any more adorable. 
Seonghwa - How he stands up for you
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One of the things you liked most about Seonghwa was how he was the perfect balance between being nice and assertive. He tried to be polite and kind to everyone but if someone tried taking advantage of him or treated him badly, he let them know he wasn't taking it. He was especially good at this when it came to you.
It was your birthday and you'd been planning a weekend away to Japan for ages. He'd told work almost a year in advance and had everything ready. You were leaving from his work as it was closer to the airport and so you arrived with your suitcase and his ready to go. When the guys saw you they smiled "all ready for the trip Y/n?" Yunho asked and the manager looked around. He was a new manager and clearly wanted to make an impression because he'd been really rude ever since he started to try and assert dominance. The manager frowned "oh is that Japan trip this weekend? I need you to come in this weekend Seonghwa". You were a people pleaser so immediately thought this was it, your weekend plans gone but Seonghwa had other ideas. "I can't come in this weekend I'll do next weekend" Seonghwa said in a tone that left little room for discussion but the manager still tried. "No it has this weekend so the trip will have to wait". "No, we've had this planned for a year and the company has known for that amount of time too. It's Y/n's birthday and we're going to Japan". "But this is your career, are you really putting you girlfriend's birthday ahead of your work?" the manager asked in a sneering tone that made you feel bad but Seonghwa just stood up taller. "Put my girlfriend before my job? Every single time and if you disagree with that then we're going to have a problem. Y/n is nothing but supportive of my career. She never complains about the late nights or long working hours. She’s always there to pick me up when I’m sad of give me energy when I’m exhausted so really it's in your best interest to make her happy because she's what makes me happy. So I ask, are we going to have a problem?" Seonghwa asked staring right at the manager! You and the boys all watched awe struck through Seonghwa's speech and waited for the manager's response. Finally the manager looked down "no not at all, have a nice trip" and he left the room. The boys all cheered and you laughed hugging Seonghwa. A little later when you were waiting for the taxi you kissed Seonghwa and he laughed "what was that for?" holding you close. "For fighting for me" you said and he smiled "I'll always fight for you Y/n and I’m going to personally make sure you have an amazing birthday...starting right now" and he gave you an earth-shattering kiss. You didn't doubt his promise for a second.
Yunho - His body
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You had a thing for tall guys and had dated a few in your time but none of them even mastered their height like Yunho. He always knew exactly how to style himself or pose in photos. Not to mention he used his body magnificently when dancing. He had such long legs but never looks uncomfortable or awkward. He was meant to be a performer and watching him always reminded you of that. You came to Ateez's training room to meet Yunho after work. You hadn't seen each other in a week and Yunho was working late tonight but asked if you wanted to get a late dinner. You agreed and hurried along the corridor anxious to see Yunho. You found him alone in a practice room and he ran to hug you when he saw you. He engulfed you, wrapping his arms around you and holding you securely against his chest. "I missed you" he said and you smiled "I missed you too" and gently kissed him "you almost done?". He nodded "yeah let me just run through the number once more, can you tell me what you think?". You nodded "sure thing" and got comfy on the floor "hit it". Yunho pressed play and started dancing. When he finished, your jaw had dropped and you stared amazed. Yunho chuckled "so it wasn't terrible then?". The opposite, you were amazing. The way you move your body is just...so hot". Yunho paused and a smile appeared on his face "is it huh?" he asked coming towards you. He gave you a hand to help you up and yanked you close to his body. You nodded "so hot, you roll your hips so well and your legs seem to go on forever, not to mention your face”. You were smirking the whole time so don't pretend you didn't know what you were doing to me". Yunho smiled "I did think you looked like you were enjoying it". "Very much" you nodded playing with the collar of his shirt gently "what time did you book the table for...". "We have an hour to go" Yunho said and you smiled "you so planned this!". Yunho smiled "and? I haven't seen you in a week! That does things to me". "Well you're doing things to me" you replied back and Yunho nodded "that's the plan". Your dinner could wait.
Yeosang - Oblivious to other people flirting with him because he only sees you
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Yeosang had a very beautiful face. His eyes were stunning and he looked like some mythical elf or an angel or something. So anywhere you went he tended to attract attention and had lots of people flirting with him. The funny thing is he never noticed because his mind was only on one thing...you. You were both kpop idols and your relationship wasn't public so you couldn't act like a couple at events. However Yeosang would always acknowledge you in some way with a smile or just eye contact until he could come over to you later. You were used to seeing idols check him out or ask him about his muscles (*cough*Soobin*cough*) but tonight the interviewer was really flirting with him. You could tell she was attracted to him just from how she looked at him and how she positioned herself in front of him. Then she directed every question she could to him and must’ve told him he was in shape 5 times in their 2-minute interview. Yeosang clearly had no idea though, he didn't even register she was flirting and just kept thanking her formally. His members were all trying not to laugh and your members were smiling too more than a little proud of your boyfriend. Later at the afterparty all the press was gone and so Yeosang came right over to you and hugged you from behind "how’s the most beautiful girl in the world". You smiled "good, how's the most in shape boy in the world because you’re really in shape Yeosang and I don’t know if anyone's told you that". Yeosang paused "what?" and you laughed "don’t tell you didn’t realise that interviewer said it like 10 times!". He chuckled "the guys mentioned something like that but I didn’t notice! Honestly I kept just listening out for you to speak and was a bit stunned with how amazing you look. You know I can’t speak for like 3 minutes after I see you". You shook your head "you're that type of guy that is so nice and respectful that you just want to rip his clothes off". Yeosang blushed slightly but smiled "well if you really feel that way we can leave early?". You nodded "yes please" and Yeosang nodded "anything my girlfriend wants" and he led you out of the door, his eyes still on you the whole time.
San - His performance skills
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San and yourself had been family friends as kids and mainly got along because you both liked performing. You went to dance class together as kids and always enjoyed being on stage together but didn't see each other again until he became an idol and you were hired as his backup dancer. You were thrilled to be working together and quickly resumed your friendship but the second you saw him perform you were in awe. Your number was next so you were waiting in the wings to go on when you heard the fans scream and were confused why. Then you saw San shaking his hips while running his hands down his chest. You'd seen him go for it in practice but this was something else. You'd never seen anyone move like this and the fact he was only wearing a half-intact crop top really helped. You were staring so much that you almost missed your cue to go on and had to be prompted. When you got off stage you felt so warm because dancing with this San was such a turn-on. You were hoping to go get some air but it was the intermission and San followed you. He gently touched your waist and smiled "woah you were so good out there, you looked so hot" he said and you shot him a look "me? I looked hot?". San smirked "why did you find something else hotter?" coming closer to you. His skin was glowing and he looked so good it hurt. You couldn't even lie "you" you replied honestly "you're so sexy" and San smiled. "Really? I happen to find you incredibly sexy too, dancing with you gave me a lot of ideas, fancy going home with me after this and trying them out?". You nodded "very much so" and San smiled "good, try and last through the rest of the show" and with a wink he walked away.
Mingi - Even if he's scared he protects you
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Mingi was scared of lots of things and so were you which either made you a perfect couple or a terrible one because you'd both scream if any bug appeared. However Mingi had one great motivator and that was you. If you needed him, his fear went out the window and he only thought of you.
The start of your holiday was off to a shaky start when minutes through walking through the door you spotted an eight-legged “friend” on your jacket. The spider moved and you screamed and so did Mingi. He yelled and hit it off you and then threw a magazine at it for good measure. He then grabbed you and picked you up, carrying you to the other side of the room where he jumped onto the bed still holding you. Only then did he let you down but you both still clutched one another. "Is it dead?" you asked "I can't sleep if it's not". Mingi frowned but he heard the fear in your voice and knew you were telling the truth. So he grabbed some big boots and approached the corner. "Mingi...are you sure?" you asked and he nodded "I just won't think about it". He reached the area and at the count of 3 lifted the magazine. With a war cry that turned into more of a scream, he began attacking the floor. You could see his hands shaking and felt just as scared as him but finally he held up the shoe triumpant "it's dead!" he cried and you cheered running to hug him. Mingi happily accepted you into his arms and you rubbed his arms "you're shaking like a leaf". He nodded "I know". "I can't believe you did that, it was so scary but you were so brave". He nodded "well you needed me" and you melted. "Wow...you’re amazing, you know that". He blushed and bashfully tried to push away your comment but you wouldn't have it. You made him look at you and smiled "you're amazing Mingi, my hero and I love you". Mingi blushed bright red but smiled "love you too" and kissed you. Once you separated he paused "your hero huh?". You smirked "yep want me to prove it to you?". His eyes lit up and he nodded taking your outstretched hand eagerly. This holiday promised to be extremely eventful.
Wooyoung - Endlessly flirts with you
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One of the things you loved most about Wooyoung is how he always made you feel beautiful by how he acted around you. You could be doing the most ordinary thing or be wearing something baggy with messy hair and he'd be amazed by you.
You’d recently moved in together and it was such a stressful experience. First you had a work emergency the day you were meant to pack meaning you had to do it all at night. Then the van to move all your stuff never showed up and to top it all off the road leading to your new house was closed. So by the time you'd gotten to your home and moved all the boxes inside were feeling pretty tense and frustrated. You would leave unpacking for another day but had to get the basics running like the fridge and the bed etc. Wooyoung had sorted the fridge and came upstairs to find you finishing off the bed. You'd assembled the frame and were pushing the mattress onto the bed with lots of sighing and a few choice swear words. Wooyoung smiled as the mattress finally admitted defeat and fell onto the frame. You let out a sigh of relief and Wooyoung laughed.
You turned to see Wooyoung watching you and put your hands on your hips "how long have you been watching me fight that thing?". "Only a few seconds but honestly you didn't look like you needed any help". "Yes but some might've been nice" you replied when you frowned "why are you staring at me?". "Because you look so hot" he smiled and you blushed "how? I'm all sweaty and dirty from moving everything". Wooyoung shrugged "In my eyes you’re the most beautiful person I've ever seen and it makes sense. You helped buy this house with me and I did just see you take on an opponent more than double your weight, very impressive". You blushed shaking your head but Wooyoung wouldn’t let up "even the way you roll your eyes is hot, you have such beautiful eyes..." and he trailed off his voice going husky. You turned to him "really?". "Really?" he nodded coming closer to you "but I love every part of you, your eyes, your ears, your cheeks, your hair" he said gently touching each one "and of course your lips" but he used his own lips to press them. You of course kissed him back straight away and unpacking was well and truly left for another day.
Jongho - How effortlessly he hits those high notes
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Sometimes you forgot how insanely talented your boyfriend was and then he'd do something amazing to remind you.
It was your sister's wedding and everything was going great until the singer your sister had hired for their first dance got violently ill. It wasn't his fault of course but your sister was freaking out because she'd wanted live music and not a tape. You were unsure what to do when Jongho who'd be calm through all of this spoke up. "I could sing if you'd like?" he asked and you all froze. "I know the song and think I could imitate it" he said "but of course if you'd prefer I didn't that's fine too". Your sister shook her head "no I'd love that thank you so much!".
So Jongho was rushed to the stage to stand with the band and you watched anxiously as the music started but you never should've doubted him. The minute Jongho opened his mouth you relaxed. His voice was so beautiful and smooth it was like honey. You saw your parents smile realising everything was going to be okay and saw your sister and her wife relax. The song was beautiful but challenging, there were several high notes and difficult notes...however Jongho smashed them all. The last note was the highest and he met it wonderfully. The crowd applauded both for your sister and her wife as well as Jongho.
He turned around and clapped the band, not taking any of the applause for himself before stepping down from the stage to come to you. "Good?" he asked you and you shook your head "you're amazing, you did all of that live and without any planning or warm-ups. How are you so talented?". Jongho shrugged "oh it's nothing, any singer could do it". "Yeah but it wasn’t any singer it was you and you saved my sister's wedding". "I wouldn't say saved..." he argued but you shook your head "are you kidding me? My parents will be here any second now to propose for me". Jongho smiled "a proposal huh?" pulling you closer and you wrapped your arms around his neck "they asked not me". Jongho smiled "right..." and before he could ask any more questions you kissed him. 
When you separated you held onto him tightly but Jongho wasn’t done. "Maybe I can sing at our wedding too" he whispered in your ear and that's when you lost it and marched him right out of the hall and into your room.
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Hey if it’s not to much trouble, could I please get a tanjiro! Fem reader with yandere ouran high school host club? I just feel like the sunny personality and hard work would pair nicely.
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Tanjiro Reader | Yandere Ouran Host Club 
Your smiles, your optimism, and your empathy make you a perfect guest at the Ouran Academy’s host club. Your sweetness is irresistible and your willingness to help just makes keeping you at the Host club all the better. Too bad you seem intent on chasing after one:
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Tamaki Suoh
“W-whoa y-your strong!”
“Well thank you! I do a lot of training.”
Is amazed by how much power you have 
Over him and in general
Just the way you’re so willing to scoop him up when he dramatically pretends he can’t move
Not to mention you seem so ambitious
But for whatever reason you just won’t share
“Its kinda….yeah I think its best if I don’t talk about it.”
“B-b-but (Y/n)! I have to know everything!”
He couldn’t not know the love of his life’s personal struggles
While he could hire someone to find out its just more fun if he goes exploring stalking himself
Let’s just hope he doesn’t die on the way
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Kyoya Ootori
You’re an elusive character he can’t help but fall in love with 
So sweet, so kind but there’s something more
Something fiery 
And through all his employee’s research he can find nothing
Only that your funded by the Ubayashiki group and that your sibling is a mute allergic to the sun
But he needs to know more
Like where those scars came from or why your so strong
“Well I guess there’s only one way to find out. Oh (Y/n) why don’t you travel with m-us to the Ootori resort?”
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Hikaru Hitachin
Why were you so perfect?
He was just genuinely asking 
It was a little weird how you could tell him apart from his brother by smell 
but he wasn’t complaining when you can smell exactly what he’s feeling
And what he’s been through
“W-what are you doing here (Y/n)?”
“Well it smelt like some blood on you, are you hurt anywhere?”
“Ah uh yeah, right uhm here.”
He can’t help but want more of you
Your just so smart
Its hard to protect his place in your heart
But no worries that’s nothing money can’t fix right
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Kaoru Hitachin
“Y’know you’re almost too perfect. Theres got to be something wrong with you.”
“Heheh maybe there is!”
You’re so sweet 
Everyone loves you and you listen to everyone
But who listens to you
What are you hiding
To be so strong, so powerful, so skilled 
He’d love to protect you at least once
He can be worthy of you
Just you wait and see
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Takashi Morinozuka
“Ah you remind me of Nezukuro. Oh! That’s my sibling!”
He likes you 
A lot
Always responsible, always kind
Who wouldn’t love you
Which is what he tries to reason with when others pine for you
“Leave them alone.”
He doesn’t like hurting others 
Unless its for you
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Mitskuni Haninozuka “Honey”
“(YYYY/NNNN)! I have some cake for you!” 
Not many are strong like you or as disciplined
But that doesn’t beat how sweet you are 
Sweeter than cake!
He just can’t get enough
But he’s an experienced fighter 
He knows the look of vengeful anger
Who IS IT?!
He’ll make sure they never breathe again.
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