#Injustice gods among us
theglidingbat · 1 day
Injustice superbat oh I miss you...
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"you're looking for me?"
Okay get a room Jesus....
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This panel is so funny cause they really do be fighting below wayne manor in the middle of the night like bro 😭😭
Literally reminds me of those couples who break up outside your house when you're trying to sleep.
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I just thought this was silly.
Can you tell I have the inability to take anything too seriously...
(it's to cope with the angst it helps)
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EVERYONE is like "you're gonna lose Bruce." Even clark like why do you want him to lose...to join you?? So that he finally gives up and joins your side clark??
"As long as it takes" your boyfriend isn't coming back.
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Why didn't Diana tackle him from behind or something why are they all standing there-
Also bruce please stop flirting with the dictator you're trying to take down...
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"he wants the big bat" well that just confirmed so many fanfics as possible canon. He wants Bruce. (Carnally)
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They're divorcing guys :(( in the rain :((
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frownyalfred · 1 month
Re-reading Injustice made me realize why Kate Kane (Batwoman) and Bruce don’t fight together more often. They serve an ungodly amount of cunt when they do.
They’re too cool. Two pretty best friends (okay, cousins) from Gotham, ready to topple the Regime.
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hawkofkrypton · 4 months
And now, a trope that never fails to fuck me up, yet I love it every time:
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joyisoverparty · 30 days
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Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013)
Every adaptation of Harleen Quinzel, a never-ending list [12/?]
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danthepest · 2 months
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Character trophies of the Earth One Justice League from Injustice: Gods Among Us. Included are Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Green Arrow, Hal Jordan, John Stewart, the Flash, Martian Manhunter, Shazam, Hawkgirl, Zatanna and Batgirl.
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soullessjack · 10 months
okay now that maws has officially introduced the evil alternate superman concept into the show I think it’s necessary to point out that across nearly every dc media revolving around Superman going rogue (not including ones where his upbringing is changed) the tipping point for his every downfall is almost always the death of Lois Lane.
Superman The Animated Series - Brave New Metropolis - Lois is doing a story on Intergang and getting too close to exposing them, so they bomb her car. Clark takes this as a realization that he’s fighting a war, and so has to take extreme measures to protect people; these extreme measures include teaming up with Lex Luthor for the sake of his vast resources and establishing a dystopian police state within Metropolis, however it’s important to note that Luthor abused his newfound authority to that dystopian extent, and Clark was genuinely unaware of the city’s true conditions.
Injustice - The Joker tricks Superman into killing [a pregnant] Lois and destroying Metropolis by detonating a nuclear bomb she is strapped to. Superman goes mad with grief and rage, kills the Joker in that infamous fist-through-the-chest-heart-ripping panel, and continues to slowly deteriorate into an amoral dictator over the course of five years. Eventually he establishes a borderline-fascist regime called One Force Earth, ironically intended to “enforce global peace,” but at the cost of the entire world’s personal freedoms (STAS also had an episode about this, featuring Mala and General Zod as the dictators in question).
MAWS is heavily focused on Clark and Lois’ relationship and his status as an alien as elements of his becoming Superman–and given that we’ve already been shown glimpses of the multiverse, alternate Super-tyrants, and an entire legion of Loises who more or less survived their respective Clarks, I think it’s very possible that some of the Soups we see in Mxy’s orb are Supermen who’ve either lost their Loises or their upbringing with the Kents—Supermen who have utterly lost or utterly lacked the very elements that this show emphasizes as being what makes Clark who he is, and I think it would add so much more tension between Clark and Lois and the rest of the world to know that their safety and his sanity basically hinges on this one woman he’s fallen into major puppy-love with.
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dalekofchaos · 21 days
Injustice au:Batman's regime
Been thinking of an alternate Injustice where Batman goes bad and leads an authoritarian regime.
Instead of Joker nuking Metropolis and Superman killing Lois. What starts it off is Selina is pregnant and it's Bruce and Selina's wedding. Joker shoots Selina killing her and Bruce's unborn child. Joker leads them on a merry chase to Metropolis and then the nuke goes off in Arkham.
Bruce kills Joker.
Clark, in horror. "Bruce, what have you done"
Bruce, full of heartbreak and in a fit of rage. "What I should have done a long time ago"
Bruce regroups with the only surviving members of the Batfamily. Damian and Cassandra. And decides to do what he should've done a long time ago.
Bruce seeks out Ra's and Talia. Bruce finally gives in and agrees to lead the League Of Assassins. Bruce kills Ra's and takes the LOA for himself. Talia takes Diana's place as his lover and second in command.(while Diana thankfully isn't cartoonishly evil)
Batman is known as Khuffash(translates The Bat)
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Art by Richard Quintero
Bruce's plans would be what Superman was in Injustice canon. Build a better world. Cleanse crime, end war and destroy everything Batman represented and make the Bat a symbol for the whole world to fear and if the Justice League dares to stop him, he will enforce his contingency plans on a world wide scale.
Bruce's regime council would be the following
Talia Al Ghul
Amanda Waller
Lex Luthor
Lady Shiva
Damian Wayne
Cassandra Cain
Ocean Master
Villains implanted with suicide squad type bombs being enforced to follow the Regime
Solomon Grundy
Black Adam
Killer Frost
He gives the Justice League a chance. Join him and help him bring justice and order to the world or die out with the cleansing fire.
The Justice League are the insurgency. They will stop their old friend or die trying.
Unbeknownst to Bruce, Barbara survived. She's been helping the Justice League with her Oracle network. Barbara broke through to Cassandra and Cassandra has been working on the inside out to save her father from himself.
And instead of Lex always working with the Justice League, it's Amanda Waller working with the League.
Bruce has Gotham rebuilt using the Wayne fortune and Arkham rebuilt set to imprison the Justice League.
Bruce imprisons almost all of the Justice League.
Clark causes a breakout and Barbara and Waller disable the bombs in the villains, thus causing the tide to shift against the regime.
Wonder Woman defeats Talia
Aquaman stops Orm.
Cassandra defeats Damian
Eventually the whole regime is neutralized, until it's just Bruce.
The villains have Bruce at their mercy and Bane breaks him. But to their misfortune, Bruce had planned for this and had a Lazarus Pit built in New Arkham. Bruce crawls into the Lazarus Pit. Game over. He destroys them one by one.
The final fight would be between Superman and Head of the Demon Batman.
Batman has Superman where he has him. And as he has his Kryptonite sword at Clark's throat, Bruce gives him TDKR speech
"I want you to remember, Clark…in all the years to come…in your most private moments…I want you to remember…my hand…at your throat…I want…you to remember…the one man who beat you.”
And then Cassandra stabs stops him. Together Clark and Cassandra take him down together.
Cassandra Wayne dedicates her life as the new Batman to clean up her father's mess and dedicating her life to making the bat to be a symbol of hope. While Damian swears revenge for his sister's treachery.
Bruce and his cohorts is kept in the bowels of new Arkham, being insured they will never escape, while Bruce vows to come back and finish what he started, while Clark vows he will be there to stop him.
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fandomnerd9602 · 6 months
Oliver: seriously you’re dating a knock off of me?!
Dinah: at least he doesn’t make me cry
Oliver: but I’m a billionaire
Dinah: and Y/N gives me home cooked meals and cuddles. A girl needs more than wealth, Queen
Y/N swings in…
Y/N: hey my canary, ready to go?
Dinah: baby I’m ready to sing for you…all night long
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For @konstantin609
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jesterraconteuse · 2 years
Was reading a bit of Injustice and Alfred told Superman he's disappointed in him and I'm shocked that didn't halt the entire storyline. Honestly I think in main comics canon nothing can hurt more than Alfred being disappointed in you, he's a man who will stick by you despite your flaws so that must sting like a burning bullet. I think even the Justice League fears that shit. Only few who maybe don't is Diana and J'onn only because they probably think it couldn't happen to them.
If Alfred said it to Clark? No he's crying, that's his cool uncle man, there's no coming back from that
Said it to Barry? He's on the floor, he's not been running for the last week
Said it to Olly? Man doesn't even realize it, but he's in absolute shock
Hal is cocky at first like "what do I care what that guy's father thinks?" but it chips away at him slowly
Everyone knows what happens to Batman and his kids when that happens
Feel free to add ❤️
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frownyalfred · 28 days
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crying at this comment
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stolen-wolfbread · 1 month
so. damian was like that™ in injustice because he never met jon.
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bobert-man · 2 months
Every day I curse Injustice for giving us literally the best Suicide Squad lineup in decades just for a quick joke then killing them all
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Not joking all these characters are so interesting, distinct and fun with them all having completely different types of engaging motivations and pathos, completely unique looks and power sets and there are so many different types of neuro divergence and mental illness within them you could make such an engaging story about these villains who are all treated as jokes being forced together.
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strangledwires · 2 years
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Riddler having a swing at Batman in Injustice: Gods Among Us 💚
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theonewiththecrown · 10 months
I just noticed...
Damian did what Jon adviced. He went to Alfred.
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It's an explanation for those who thought "Superman Jon Kent" takes place after "IGAU" or even "I2". No, it happened during year 5, before issues 13-14.
And then this Alfred died as well. Ha.
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undertale-anomaly20 · 3 months
Injustice gods among us x Reader: preview
(NAME): Oh, what the fu-
[The black screen fades out showing a woman in her 20s, wearing long bottom pyjamas and an oversized (f/c) shirt, frazzled (h/c) hair and bare feet, looking over the city of metropolis from a roof top as the city light are the only thing lighting up the dark before fading to black]
[Scene changes to superman and hal Jordan, a yellow lantern]
We have a problem. I ran into Diana's twin. And someone who looked a lot like Oliver Queen. And Hal Jordan.
[This catches the High Councilor's attention as his expression changes.]
R.SUPERMAN: Find them. And any others that might be out there. I want to know everything.
HAL JORDAN: That's not all...I saw (name)
[The High Councilor's eyes widen as he stares in shock at Hal Jordan, a flicker of hope in his normally stoic eyes]
[Scene changes to a shocked looking Harley staring at the woman in front of her]
HARLEY: Pumpkin?
[Scene changes to the reader being cornered by Damian Wayne,a look of relief and desperation on his face. He grips her shoulders in his hands tightly]
DAMIAN: You're not going anywhere this time
[The screen goes black]
(Name): I just want to go home
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hoolay-boobs · 11 months
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Harley and Ivy were the embodiment of “I swordfought my ex gf in a Denny’s parking lot” in Injustice 2 and we love them for that
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