#so i bet i’m just gonna get rid of it entirely eventually
pencilpat · 6 months
Sanders Sides: College AU
Part two of this AU! Here are the character sheets for everyone. Both Logan & Janus are transfem in this AU. Prequel, Part 1
Featuring queerplatonic logince and implied future dukeceit!
Janus and Remus have some realizations about each other as they begin to settle into sharing a space. Roman attempts a confession again, with much more success. Virgil and Patton are doing well, and enjoying pulling the strings behind getting their friends together.
3,970 words
CW: brief mention of ableism from a parent, character living in poverty, swearing
Janus leans against her wall, pinching her eyebrows with a sigh. “So, a whole coffee shop right at your disposal wasn’t enough?”
Remus barely acknowledges her, simply continuing to set up the coffee maker he purchased while she was at school, humming to himself.
“Remus, I don’t even drink coffee. How do you expect this to be of use to me? In my apartment.”
“Ah please, it’s fine! If anything, I’ll just take it with me when I leave!”
“Yeah. Leave.” She pans her gaze over what once was her living room, however small and crappy it was. It’s now covered in folded piles of Remus’s clothing and miscellaneous junk. Sighing, she stumbles out of her crutches to rest them by the door, pressing her weight on the kitchen counter. “Remus…” she begins, but doesn’t even know what to say.
Hell, this is just as strange and surreal as it was last night when she got the text. Remus looks different, older, and healthier, with significantly more piercings and obscene tattoos. She can’t tell if he did them himself or got them done, but they do suit his ‘quirky’ nature. The wisp of a mustache above his lip is now filled out and curled. Him being entirely shirtless when she got home was also a surprise. When he said he needed a place to sleep she had assumed he would be sleeping here and not much else. It makes sense that the twin’s shitty parents got rid of Remus eventually, and the thought makes her pinch her lips together tightly. She observes him working to screw tiny screws into plastic, ashamed as she finds herself eyeing his lean muscular build. She scoffs at herself and walks the rest of the way over. It's just Remus, same idiot as he was in high school – she knows him and how to handle his eccentricity.
“Remus, the instructions call for the bigger screw for that hole-“
“Oh, I bet they do!” Remus chuckles, standing up with his hands on his hips to glare at the machine like it purposefully caused him to pick up the wrong screw. “Everyone’s always looking for a bigger screw aren’t they,” he says, this dramatic, pouting lilt coating the words. She snorts out a small laugh, a sound that seems uncharacteristic for her, yet one that Remus always used to draw forth.
“I’m sure they are with you, maybe,” she says in mock sympathy. Remus stands up straight and gasps at her, mockingly offended.
“Are you only good for witty quips or are you gonna help me build this thing?”
“I don’t drink coffee.”
“Huh, makes sense you don’t have the energy to help then!” Remus sticks his tongue out at her and goes back to his fiddling. She laughs breathily, and walks along the walls to her bedroom, overwhelmed.
She drops against her bed like a sack, muscles aching from a day of walking. She lays against her pillows and listens to her own breathing rasp slightly. Living with the mildew is taking its toll as well, she assumes. She blindly fumbles on her bedside table for the familiar feel of her over-the-counter pain medicine, taking two dry. Too tired to get a drink. Too tired to get up much more at all for the day, most likely.
Ah, but she does have to. She groans. Bananaconda, curse you and your feeding schedule, she grits her teeth, cursing her beloved pet for being so beloved. Her snake’s cage takes up and entire wall of her room pretty much, always present in her mind. She’s one of her main joys in life though, and God damn her if she doesn’t take better care of Banana than herself. She sits up again, giving herself a moment before pulling herself up fully to standing, stumbling over to the minifridge full of mice.
Bananaconda eats very willingly, thankfully, making her life slightly easier in its turmoil. She made sure to stroke her scales gently for a moment a bit before feeding her as well. Anyone who says snakes don’t thrive on affection is an idiot in her eyes. Janus sighs, watching the monthly lump of food slip along her pet’s belly. “I’m jealous of you, baby. If only I could sleep that much.” She laughs at her own murmured words, and half-stumbles half-crawls back to bed.
She’s resolved to study in the morning already when there’s a knock on her door. She hides her face in her pillow and groans. Loudly.
“Janus! There’s a whole horror movie marathon on! Remember watching all those old things? You should come watch!” Before she can say anything, her doorknob is turning. At the very least Remus has the decency to have his eyes covered as he opens the door, but he was seemingly too excited to talk through a door.
“Remus, I’m… very tired right now.”
“Huh? It’s only like 7!”
“Remus, please.” She holds up a hand, trying to pause him. “I… I can’t even get up right now, let alone get to the living room. I’d prefer to rest.”
“Oh.” Remus pauses, blinking behind his hand. “Well, I just know you used to love them a lot. I saw you lookin’ all sad and figured it might cheer you up?”
“Even if I do want to… I can’t get up, ok? I’m sorry, I know it’s annoying and inconvenient and whatever else, I’ve heard it before-“
“Why don’t I just carry you!”
Now that does pause her. “Remus, what?”
“Y’know, pick you up! Er, if you’re decent and all.”
“Yes, I’m decent.”
Remus immediately uncovers his eyes, still seemingly slightly disappointed as she says it. “I can carry you out here! You’re not heavy!”
“What, am I going to grow extra arms to hold on or something?” She can’t help laughing. She’s a grown woman only a few inches shorter than him – he can’t be serious.
He most definitely is, she realizes, as he steps over and begins putting his arms under her legs and back. She lets out a tiny yelp, and is up in the air before she knows it. Thank god the room is dark, because her entire face goes half dark half pink with flush. “Remus!”
Remus just cackles, and starts carrying her into the living room. The lights are also off out here, and she sees in the light of the TV screen that her cabinets have been scoured as there are packets of hot cocoa on the counter along with two mugs. Remus sets her on the pull-out bed with surprising gentleness, and she sees the beginning of the first Scream playing already. Remus goes to the kitchen and comes back with a cream yellow mug held out to her, steam glimmering in the TV light. She accepts it, still a bit breathless. Remus crawls over the bed, careful with his own mug of coffee – coffee, at 7 pm, she notes – and settles beside her. Their backs are pressed onto the backing cushions of the sofa.
She watches his face, glowing excitedly as he blows on his mug. He looks enraptured by a movie she knows he’s seen at least 6 times. It’s bizarrely cute to her, and she refocuses her gaze onto the movie, though not really watching. Was he always like this? She finds it hard to remember. She doesn’t remember being so… taken with him? She used to find him more of an annoying side-piece to the friendship with Virgil and Roman – a jester to their catty monarchy - though he was genuinely good to her and enjoyed being around her. She glances again at his brown eyes, seeming slightly red when lit up. He’s laughing through the first kill of the film, that high pitched cackle he’s always done. She supposes neither of them really knew what it was like to have people enjoy being around you before that little group.
She can’t help a light chuff of a laugh at herself, taking a drink of hot cocoa. What is she thinking about right now? It’s just Remus, that dumb kid from her high school. Any amount of loneliness on her part wouldn’t be a fair reason to tug at his heart, anyways.
Janus does enjoy the cocoa, and the movies – well, the three of them she makes it through. Remus made sure she was laughing and made as many inappropriate jokes as he could. He noticed her drifting to sleep as it got fully dark outside, and didn’t interrupt her, letting her fall to sleep. Her cocoa was fully drunk, and he lets her just… rest, for a while. He’s not an idiot, he did notice how exhausted she looked from the moment she opened the door. His eyes glance away from The Bride of Chucky onto her crutches. She didn’t have those in high school. Flitting back over to her face, Remus sighs out a low breath. Three years is longer than he thought, truly.
The molded apartment and impoverished conditions aren’t… new, for her, either. Virgil brought up to him once, during a panic attack, noticing Janus living in her car through most of the time they’d known her. Of course, himself and his brother were too rich and privileged to notice something like that. He glares at the television spitefully. If he had known, if she had ever mentioned it, if, if, if. Whatever. It’s unchangeable, and now he’s also cut off from that money and lifestyle. Turns out rich actors aren’t fond of ‘schizo’ sons. He shakes his head out from the thoughts as the marathon’s end title pops up, downs the last of his coffee, and then crawls off the bed. It doesn’t feel right to physically move her, so he sets the two blankets and pillow down on the kitchen floor and resolves to sleep there. Faces flit at him from the shadows of a new environment, but he's too at peace to feel distress.
“Heh, night Janus,” he whispers into the silent room. “Enjoy the bed.”
Apparently 9 pm on a Friday was the best Logan could manage, as their texts show, and Roman is chugging coffee just in case. Patton and Virgil will not stop being lovebirds in the living room, and Roman seethes over his mug at them from the chair across from the sofa.
“Geeze, Rom, if you glare any harder you might actually put holes in us,” Virgil chuckles, sitting up just slightly, laying against Patton’s chest and stomach. This only makes Roman glare harder at him, and Virgil rolls his eyes. “Roman, dude, it’s ok. We have the plan remember? Subtly clearing out once she gets here?”
“You could just go now!” Roman whines, very loudly.
Patton giggles at him. “Roman, c’mon, you know she thinks it’s a friendly hang out! She would be confused if it’s just you when she gets here.”
Roman groans, but he knows they’re right. It feels… icky? Just weird, to do to her, but if Patton thinks she’ll be ok with it, he trusts their advice. Roman takes a large drink of lukewarm coffee and pulls out his phone again. He is still in dress pants, his black gloves, and a slightly undone blouse despite Virgil and Patton having chosen to be in pyjamas. Casual elegance is always his expectation for himself, even when a cutie isn’t due over any minute. His phone has yet to show any signs of Logan getting any closer though.
Only a few minutes later, it seems Logan just doesn’t announce her arrival. Roman lets out a startled squeal as a knock comes on the door. He instinctively hides behind his hands for a moment, and Virgil laughs at him. He huffs and stands up to open it to her, coaxing his cheeks to lose their flush. He pulls the door open with a smile, and finds her standing calmly, dressed in a simple black polo shirt and jeans, the porch lights glinting off her piercings. Shockingly it’s the most casual he’s ever seen her, and he’s caught staring at her. The undone top button may as well be pornography as far as her usual attire is concerned.
She clears her throat. “Roman? Are you ok?”
He stands up straight, nodding. “Yeah- Yes! Yes, I’m fine. Why don’t you come in.” He bows to the side and gives her room to enter. She raises and eyebrow and smiles just slightly and his unnecessary grandiosity. Logan walks inside, already knowing where the living room is due to visiting Patton here once or twice. Roman trails behind her, brushing at his white streak of hair, tucking it behind his ear. He tries to watch her move without actually staring, her light and poised way of walking enrapturing him as always.     
“Hello Patton, hello Virgil,�� she waves as she walks in, settling on one of the other free chairs that doesn’t have Roman’s cup on the table beside.
“I made coffee if you would like a cup? I even let it cool so I can put some ice in it!”
“That’s very kind, Roman, thank you.”
Roman smiles, proud of himself, and practically skips to the kitchen to get her a glass. Virgil turns his head to look at her, picking up the remote to turn off whatever gameshow was on previously. He switches to Netflix and smiles. “Going for the classic Doctor Who tonight, L? Or did you have anything new you wanted to check out?”
“I actually have not watched any of Doctor 12, my studies really picked up before I could get that far.”
“Actually shocking you haven’t seen Matt Smith yet,” Virgil teases. Logan raises her eyebrows at him with a playful smile. “Just saying, you’re a nerd for this show, I figured you would have seen literally everything it has to offer.”
“Eh, school has always been top priority, even if it means not doing much else.”
“Still, you should schedule in a free day, or something. Just like, a day for doing things for fun.”
Logan seems to consider it, touching her chin. “That is true, doing things for enjoyment is a necessary part of life – it’s just difficult to fit it in, what with work and school taking up almost every day I have.” She shrugs, closing her eyes with a sigh.
“You need something fun, Lo!” Patton calls, obviously already sleepy based on their voice. “Even if it’s a silly show or just going out to eat instead of… well, eating oatmeal for every meal.”
“I like oatmeal,” she retorts, sitting up slightly and crossing her arms.
“You like other things too, though!”
She sighs and nods, conceding. “You’re right, Patton. Other foods can be enjoyable.”
Virgil and Patton exchange a glance as Roman reenters the room. “Y’know, me and Pat are busy most of the week too, but Roman has pretty light courses – you two should go get dinner some time.”
“Oh! Why yes, Virge, that does sound lovely!” Roman hands her the cold caffeine and she smiles in thanks. Their hands touch slightly, and Roman rushes back to the other chair to try hiding the way his face darkens.
“Mm, very well. Getting food is an acceptable activity to lose time on, considering I would need to eat either way.”
“And I will be paying, of course!” Roman touches his chest as it puffs out proudly.
“Roman, I make my own money, I assure you I can-“
“Ugh, just let me do something nice for you!” he says, a bit too aggressively. Paton giggles at him and hides their face against Virgil. “You deserve someone to treat you, Logan.”
Logan sighs, not fully grasping the reason he wants to, but supposing that it won’t hurt. “Alright, Roman, if you insist. We can alternate who pays.”
Roman’s mouth shuts, and he tries not to look annoyed at Logan’s refusal to be spoiled. Patton and Virgil certainly never complain, considering his incredibly large allowance from his parents. Even with all the clothing he buys, it would still be difficult to spend $7,000 monthly without friends to support. He chooses to gripe in silence though, as Virgil turns on Doctor Who and the title theme sounds its sci-fi score through the room. Roman glances over at Logan again, pleased to see a relaxed grin on her lips as she drinks coffee.
They all relax through the first four episodes of the season, Logan occasionally asking for clarification on the emotional themes and Patton in return requesting clarification on the scientific themes. Roman makes occasional compliments to certain shot framing and lighting choices, and Virgil remains mostly silent.
After the end of the fourth episode, Virgil yawns exaggeratedly. “Well, L, I think me and Patton are going to head to bed, but since you don’t work until like 2 tomorrow, you and Roman should stay up and keep watching. If needed you can stay over, too, you know the couches rock.”
Logan smirks slightly. “Yes, the couches are quite comfortable. Very well, you two. Rest well, remember to brush your teeth.”
“If the couches are so nice, perhaps we should slide over onto that one now that they’ve cleared off!” Roman declares as the couple disappears down the hall to the bedrooms. Logan hums in agreement and they both move over. Their coffees are gone, and Roman finds himself with nothing to fidget with. He ends up picking at the leg of his pants and tapping his foot, barely able to pay attention to the show. How could he when she’s right there, breathing and shifting so close to him? He tries sneaking his hand closer to her own, trying to build tension. She doesn’t seem to notice, focused on the show.
Roman takes a breath, and fully slides his hand over to rest on top of hers. She immediately begins to pull it away, turning to glance at him. “Do you need something, Roman?”
“U-uh- Nothing, no! Your… hands… just look soft?”
She pauses, tilting her head at him. “Soft?”
Roman is screaming curses at himself in his head, but he tries to smile casually through it. “Y-yes! They look,” he picks one up gently, lightly running his gloved fingers over the back of her hand, “really smooth, and your fingers are very long and thin… They are quite dainty.”
“Um. Thank you, Roman.” Logan seems taken aback; her face confused. “Why do you bring it up?”
Roman meets her eyes, her light blue ones clear enough to hold his reflection, and a small sigh leaves him. “I don’t know. All of you has always looked quite soft to me. Truthfully… I think about it probably a bit too often.” He smiles bashfully, glancing down away from her eyes. “I think about you a bit too often.”
Logan tries to piece together what he’s talking about in her mind. Thinks about her? Her being soft? It’s not tracking with her – Roman thinking of her often doesn’t seem like a characteristic she would expect. “What do you mean by that, Roman?”
“I- I mean,” Roman glances up to her face again, something passionate and soft filling his features. “What I mean is that- is that I like you, Logan.”
“I like you too, Roman, you’re an excellent friend.”
“No! No, as- as more than that. I like you in ways beyond friendship.”
Logan blinks rapidly, mouth falling open slightly. “Oh- Goodness, Roman- I’m sorry, I- I don’t- I’m not exactly interested in romance. With anyone, not just you in particular.”
“Ah. Oh.” Roman chews at his lip awkwardly. Of course she wouldn’t be. It makes sense given how romantically illiterate she is. “I mean… we don’t necessarily have to be romantic?” he proposes.
“What do you mean?”
Roman licks his lips, sighing, trying to put his words in order. “What I mean is, while I do like you as more than a friend, that doesn’t necessarily mean we have to be romantic partners!”
“How so?”
“Well- There are other types of attraction! Like how I’m mostly homoromantic, but sexually I don’t have much preference at all!”
“So… you are implying we would only be sexual?”
“Er, well no! Not necessarily. Oh, goshdarnit, words can be hard. There’s more than just romance and sex too! Like, even though you are feminine in your gender and not my typical type, aesthetically I find you incredibly beautiful! And- and I picture you erotically or sensually quite often as well.”
It’s Logan’s turn to go pink, glancing away to process her thoughts. Before Roman mentioned experiencing these feelings, she hadn’t thought to consider him in that way at all. But she quickly glances him over again, his dark skin with light markings glowing in the television lights and his perfect, slightly long hair. His golden jewelry and greenish eyes, filled with hope and warmth as he looks at her. Perhaps she gets what he means by aesthetic beauty.
Logan breathes in slowly, and fully meets his gaze once again. “Well, Roman- I suppose- I mean, I understand your thoughts. You are also a very attractive person.” Doctor Who is nothing but background noise now, their gazes locked solely on each other. Roman is clinging to every word she speaks, holding her hand in his own trembling ones. “If it would make you happy, I would… be willing to attempt non-romantic partnership. I need to do further research on this whole subject of attraction, I think. There seems to be more to it than I realized.” Logan touches her chin. “What do you call a partnership like this? I don’t know, ‘non-romantic partner’ seems a mouth full.”
Roman tries to tamper down the joy for a moment to properly explain the topic to her - it’s rare he’s the one to teach Logan something. “Well, in queer spaces most of the time they call it a ‘queerplatonic’ or ‘queererotic’ relationship.”
“That is also a mouthful.”
“Hence why they shorten it! ‘QPR’, ‘QPP’- er, as in ‘queerplatonic partnership’.”
Logan hums, seeming to rotate the words over in her mind. “Very well. I suppose, then, that you are my queerplatonic partner.”
Roman grins at her widely, his slightly crooked teeth shining in the low light. She smiles back, a bit shocked with herself. Roman squeezes her hand, and chuckles. “Er, for boundary reasons- Am I allowed to kiss you?”
Logan can’t help a single sharp syllable of an embarrassed laugh slipping out of her, her face blushing deeper. “Sure, Roman, if it’s quick. I’m not very big on physical affection most times.”
Roman nods, and plants a quick respectful kiss on her cheek, giggling at himself. “This is so stupid- I’m being so awkward, I’m sorry!”
“It’s quite alright, I also feel awkward.”
“I can tell, nerd, your face is so bright it’s shining.”
Logan looks away, adjusting her glasses on her nose. “You don’t look much better, frankly.”
They meet eyes again, exchanging tiny smiles. “I suppose those dinner plans are a definite now, hm?”
“I suppose they are.”
“Want to finish watching this stupid nerd show?”
“Of course I do.”
“Can I cuddle you during it?”
“Of course you can.”         
Roman and Logan lay against each other, their bodies warm with embarrassment. Logan lets herself get so wrapped up that she does end up having to stay the night for time’s sake, and Roman leaves her to rest on the sofa for the night with one more quick, flushed kiss. Logan curls into the throw blanket and lets a geeky smile fully fill her face in the cover of darkness. She doesn’t know how she got here, with a careless, dramatic theatre major of all things. Logically they’ll be incompatible, right? She doesn’t know.
What Logan does know is that Roman’s confession felt right, in some way – like it was meant to happen. And the brief kisses certainly didn’t feel bad either. She falls asleep warmly, with no idea what the future might hold for the first time in years.            
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queerdilf · 2 years
- First we have the 100% will not be dying tier. These are the characters I am not worried about and if they do die, I will admit to having egg on my face.
• Eleven- Eleven will not be dying this season. They’re not even thinking about killing El. She’s their main character super hero money maker and I really don’t think she’s going anywhere anytime soon.
• Mike- I don’t think they’ve built Mike’s story up enough as a main character this season enough to justify killing him. They just gave him some side stuff to do with the Cali gang and his entire story revolves around El and Will right now. In order to kill him in a satisfactory way, they would have needed to focus on him more in this specific season.
• Hopper- They’re not going to kill him because they tried that last season. That would be the weakest fake out ever if they fake killed him, tortured him for a season and then killed him. There wasn’t enough time in between close calls for him to build up the suspense. Hop is pretty safe I believe.
- This next tier is my “I think they’re pretty safe and I’d be surprised if it happened but I’m not writing it off” tier. These people are most likely safe but I’m not writing them off totally.
• Max- Max, like Hopper, had her near death earlier in the season. I think she’s going to be okay this season for the rest of it, I think she’s a risky bet to put in this tier, but I think she’s safe for now.
• Lucas- I also think this is a similar idea with Mike. I think Lucas’ arc is so caught up in Max’s this season that I don’t think they’d kill him without some serious setting him up in the next few episodes. I think he has more of a solo story this season than Mike did and I’m so happy to see that, but I’m not that worried about him staying alive.
• Joyce- I can’t fully explain this one, but I don’t think they’ll kill Joyce mainly bc I don’t think they’ll stop using Winona Ryder, they’re gonna milk her for all she is worth. Also, what would be the point of killing her? Literally there would be no point.
- This is my tier of characters who I’m actually worried about potentially dying but not as much as the final tier. These are the characters I can easily see dying this season if the Duffers wanted and I don’t see that they have any plot armor. If they died this season, their stories could potentially be satisfactory and it would make sense looking back that the Duffers were setting it up.
• Dustin- I think Dustin is on the fence right now between this tier and the previous one. I see them potentially setting up a Dustin death, and even though I don’t think it’s the most likely, I think if Dustin keeps trying to get into the older kids’ business, he might be in some serious trouble. He’s too smart for his own good and the brains of the operation has to die eventually.
• Robin- I actually think that Robin is the least likely of the older kids to die. First off, it would be major bury your gays and I’m just hoping we’ve moved past that as a society, but Robin’s been set up so much as this character we’re watching grow and a foil/duo with Steve. With her attachment to Nancy as well, her character and storyline still has a lot more to develop and I don’t think we’ve had enough time with her as an audience for them to kill her. If the Duffers are going to kill Robin, realistically they would do it in a later season after we’ve gotten to love her more.
• Will- I know this is an odd choice, but hear me out. I’m worried about Will, but not as worried as I am about a few other characters. I believe that the Cali gang is currently in the least danger and the people in the most danger are the Scooby gang kids, and I just think Will is really far removed from everything right now. Will could also go higher on this list, but I think he hasn’t gotten enough individual focus this season either and getting rid of him here wouldn’t mean anything unless something major happens in the next few episodes.
•Erica- Erica sits on the border here for me for one reason and one reason alone. The Duffers tweeted that Lucas’ actor Caleb McLaughlin, performed a gut wrenching scene, potentially the saddest in Stranger Things history. Now, this is either for Erica or for Max (or maybe one of the other three original kids) but Erica has gotten a lot of attention this season and last season and I feel like even though she’s a little girl, that might be a part of the shock value they’re going for. I am so very on the fence about Erica but I lean towards fear.
- This final tier is the tier of characters that I am actually extremely worried about, good god someone please protect these characters, they have done literally nothing wrong and I need someone to keep them safe please please please or I will die and so will everyone else.
• Eddie- Eddie is going on the line here along with Erica. The reason Eddie isn’t higher is because he’s been featured too prominently in this season to get a satisfying ending to his arc this season. I think he’s a two season character at the very least, like Billy. He’s too developed and I think they still have more for him. The biggest three things that make me put him this high are A. his little intro speech about walking at graduation would be super ironic if he died and I think that’s just the irony the Duffers are into, B. What the hell is he supposed to do if he doesn’t die, he’s literally being chased by the whole town, he’s gonna get arrested if he doesn’t die, and C. He does fit the archetype of the “character we only get for one season and then dies” like Alexei and Bob and Barb. I think he’s the safest character of the ones that are the most in danger.
•Nancy- Miss Thing is in a fuck ton of danger and I’m very afraid for her. They have built her up so much this season, they’re rebuilding her connection with Steve, building one with Robin and wrecking her perfect relationship with Johnathan, which leads me to believe that either she or Johnathan are dying (spoilers for one of my higher characters on this list). The only reason that she is this low is because they’re genuinely trying to build up her and Steve as a thing and I think in the love triangle we have built here, Nancy is the most likely to live, but the chances are high that she doesn’t.
•Murray- There is something about Murray that just screams that the Duffers are trying to figure out ways to squeeze in this comedic character into every season. He works so, so well and I love everything about him, but you can’t tell me the idea of him flying a plane to Russia with Joyce wasn’t the most coked out shit of this season. I think he’s played his part very well in the script, but I can absolutely see him dying in this season.
•Steve- Fan favorite Mr. Steve Harrington is a very popular choice for most likely to die this season. While I agree with the fact that they might be setting him up to die, there’s something about this that seems way too obvious. The “Protect Steve” sign that Netflix put up plays straight into the theory that Steve will die, and I don’t think they would do that if they seriously killed him. I do however, think he is perfectly set up to have a satisfying death this season, complete with heart wrenching unrequited love (whether that be Eddie or Nancy, most likely Nancy but a girl can dream and ship). Steve is an extremely popular side character who has served his purpose and niche, and if they’re introducing an Eddie, they have similar but not the same archetypes. I don’t know if they keep both Steve and Eddie alive together for too long.
• Argyle/Enzo- These two are going right here together because I have the same reason for both of them. It’s the Barb/Bob/Alexei effect, we always need one single season character to kill off with just enough emotion impact planted in them to make you feel upset when they die. We aren’t getting through the season with both of these two in tact. One of them is dying, I think Enzo is the more likely one, but you never know.
• Johnathan- My most likely to die this season is shockingly (she said sarcastically) Johnathan Byers. Johnathan’s role has always been to protect Will, and I genuinely think this is going to be the season we see him get seriously hurt and killed doing so. Maybe even protecting Nancy. Johnathan’s role just is protector and I genuinely believe that they’re breaking down Johnathan and Nancy’s relationship in order to kill one of them. Johnathan has very little impact on the story right now, they have practically stripped him back role wise from being the main love interest to the biggest side character. Of all the character on the show, I do think his has suffered the most from the growing cast and I think they’re trying to phase him out and then they’ll pop him back into relevance right before they kill him. Nancy will be crushed and then will try to run to Steve. I see it all set up ahead of us. I think they’re gearing up to rip the Byers family to shreds and honestly I will absolutely sob if this happens.
It is currently 1am EST and I’m so excited for the show to drop. I won’t be able to watch it right when it comes out, but starting tomorrow night I’ll be watching and I’m very hyped to see if my guesses are right, even though I hope to god that they aren’t and everyone miraculously stays alive.
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mermaid-butterfly · 1 year
not to be rude but
i don’t believe in the pureness of your heart
i bet you’re telling no lies
i just can’t fully believe it’s the truth
and i’m not gonna lie
i don’t feel so pure myself, you know?
not that i don’t deserve good things
it’s just that i still feel so stained from the profound past gashes
i wanna get rid of them
and maybe i could wash the blood off in a river
but they wouldn’t come off
so i’d have to take off the blood stained dress
let it go,
some stains aren’t worth washing off
i’d get out of the water
entire new flesh surfacing out of it
and leave the bloody past there
leave her, for she’s a liability
without her i’m pure again
but i don’t want to leave her like the others did
alone, injured and suffering
not taken care off, taken for a fool
taken for granted
i don’t want to leave her behind
i don’t want to leave her for you
and it’s not that you’re not worth it
from the looks of it, i see you are
i don’t want to be like them
i don’t want to leave her to rot
and if i did leave her, i wouldn’t be forever pure
it would only be for a while
leaving her would mean killing me
bc leaving her to rot is leaving that piece of me
and leaving every hurt piece of me would be fatal
because i would eventually run out of them
and there would be nothing left
and i don’t want to be nothing because of my fault
i need to do it all for me right now
0 notes
drabbles-of-writing · 3 years
You’ll Be Okay
fourth owl fight attack! This one’s prompt was “Hunter and Luz being siblings” and I went a whole Direction with it
Summary: The Emperor was defeated. Amongst the ruins of a half-destroyed castle, Luz finds Hunter. While waiting for the others to find them, Hunter's shields finally fall apart. After all, at the end of the day, he was just a kid.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Luz found Hunter in the wreckage of the Emperor’s Castle, using his staff (the one that had Rascal perched atop, not the other, artificial staff. That one had been snapped in two) to support himself, his other hand clutching his side.
“There you are!” She breathed, rushing forward.
Hunter flinched at the noise and whirled around, lifting his staff to aim it before falling over at the lack of support. He hissed and curled up on the ground, eyes squeezed shut.
Luz faltered for a moment before continuing towards him, albeit much slower and cautiously now.
“Hunter?” She called, crouched down low.
He cracked open a wild, unfocused eye. It took a moment till it landed on her, and a few more until she could start to see him process who she was.
“Hey,” He croaked, slowly raising his head. “I was beginning to think I’d gotten rid of you for good.” He chuckled, before he was wracked with coughs and curled back in on himself.
“Oh please, you’ll have to try way harder than that.” Luz huffed, though the forced teasing in her tone didn’t work much. “Are you…okay?”
“Take a wild guess,” Hunter muttered, bracing one hand on the ground as the other stayed wrapped around his side.
And yeah, in hindsight, he really wasn’t. His white cloak was ratty and torn all over, the piece of under armor he often used barely hanging on by one strap. He was covered in gashes, bruises, grime, and who-knows-what. His breathing was ragged and raspy, and she figured that, yeah, when one is used as a living portal-booster they aren’t going to come out of it okay.
“Alright, fair, bad question.” Luz admitted, inching closer and placing a hand on his leg. “You need any help?”
“If I say no,” Hunter wheezed, eyeing her hand for a moment. “You’ll help me anyway.”
“Yeah,” Luz shrugged. “But it’s polite to ask.”
“Never stopped you before,” He rasped with the faintest of smiles, slowly leaning back until he was flat on the ground, staring up at the sky.
“Need a minute?” Luz asked, scooting until she was sitting right beside him.
“Or three,” Hunter agreed, shutting his eyes. “Everything kinda hurts.”
“Then rest, someone will find us eventually.” Luz assured. “I…may have run off to find you when I realized you weren’t with the others.” She admitted sheepishly, rubbing her neck.
“If they accuse me of kidnapping, I’ll break your shins.” Hunter threatened, though his tone never changed, and his eyes stayed shut.
“Understood,” Luz smiled, watching as Rascal transformed back into his usual self, chirping as he settled himself on Hunter’s stomach.
And the two remained silent for what felt like hours, though Luz was willing to bet it had been no more than ten minutes. She just looked out at the rubble around them, aching all over as a light wind breezed by. Had she not seen Hunter’s ear flicking periodically with the wind tickling it, she probably would’ve thought he’d died then. His breathing barely even disturbed Rascal, which she had to wonder if he was doing on purpose or not.
“When are you leaving?”
Luz blinked, turning her head down, finding Hunter had cracked open a single eye and was peering up at her.
“The portal, you went through all this trouble to go back to the human realm, right?” He said. “So, when are you leaving?”
“Oh, uh,” Luz swallowed, shoving down the memory of standing before blinding car lights, reaching for a hand she phased right through. “I...I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?” Hunter repeated, giving her an incredulous look. “You went through all this trouble--”
“Okay, in my defense, this goes a little beyond getting the portal back, there were other reasons.” Luz said, waving her arms to the ruins around them.
“Still,” Hunter braced his arms under him, grunting with the effort as he pushed himself upright, disturbing Rascal. “Last I checked, the portal’s fine. How come you’re not making a beeline for it?”
“Uh, because I need to make sure my friends are okay?” Luz said, like this was the most obvious thing in the world, which, really, it should’ve been. “I’m not gonna leave right away. I need a day or two to make sure everyone's alright and figure out what they’re gonna do now.”
“Go back to normal?” Hunter raised a brow.
“An entire government was just dismantled, Hunter.” Luz deadpanned. “My fantasy books never really got to the part of explaining how they fixed a toppled tyrannical way of ruling, but knowing the Boiling Isles, I doubt this is gonna be easy.”
“Let the people good with politics handle that,” Hunter said casually, slumping back down on the ground and throwing an arm over his face. “They’re not gonna listen to a teenage human and her band of misfits for a new government, anyway.”
“Lilith might be good at figuring that out,” Luz hummed, ignoring him. “She has experience. Raine, too, technically.”
“If you put Lilith in charge, every witch and demon in the Isles will riot in the street.” 
“We’re not putting her in charge,” Luz stressed, appalled at the thought. “Just guiding people. See? This is why I need to stay for a little bit, I gotta know what's gonna happen!”
“Do you actually want to go back, or was this all a game of keepsies?” Hunter muttered.
“Of course I--I’m not arguing with you, you’re wounded.” Luz said stubbornly, crossing her arms.
“I'm not in that bad of shape."
“Really now,” Luz said drawled, reaching out a hand towards his chest before Hunter batted it away.
"You trying to hurt me more?" Hunter grumbled, rolling onto his side and wincing with the movement.
"I don't think you could get any more hurt if you tried." Luz deadpanned.
“I’ve had worse than this.” Hunter wheezed out, Rascal fluttering around him anxiously.
“Worse than a living portal puppet...thing?” Luz lifted a brow disbelievingly.
“...alright, fair,” Hunter sighed, a wheezing, noisy one as he shook his head. “This is probably the worst. New record.”
“I don’t want to know what the old record was.” Luz cringed as Hunter rolled onto his back once more, wincing with the movement. “You think the worst of it came from the portal, or being thrown around like a ragdoll by an eldritch abomination?”
“Portal thing,” Hunter said, eyes shut. “I’m used to…” He trailed off, mouth clicking shut as he refused to finish the sentence.
Used to Belos, Luz reasoned, was likely where he was going with that. She gazed at him sadly, his hands clenched into fists over his stomach now, Rascal nudging at his shoulder.
“He didn’t make it, right?” Hunter asked softly, and she didn’t ask him to clarify who.
“I don’t think so, we didn’t find anything.” Luz answered. “We could go check where we last saw him...if you’d like.”
“...later,” Hunter sighed, raising his hands to press the heels of them up against his eyes, fingers gripping his hair. “I don’t wanna think about it much right now.”
“I’m,” Luz started, fiddling with her sleeve. “I’m sorry, about all this.” She said, because she didn’t know what else she could say.
“No, you’re not.” Hunter scoffed bitterly. “You’re glad it’s over.”
“I am,” Luz agreed. “That doesn’t mean I’m still not sorry.”
“I’m not mad at you, I get it.” Hunter said, agonizingly gently. “I don’t need your pity.”
“I’m not--Dios,” Luz muttered as she ran a hand over her face. “Me olvidé de lo reprimido que estabas. You are my friend,” Luz shoved lightly at his shoulder, and he jerked and raised one hand away to give her an offended look. “And as your friend, should the stars align, I am sorry that this terrible situation happened to you, because I care about your well being.” She said, perhaps a few notches more aggressively than intended.
“...I’m your friend?” Hunter blinked, removing his other hand.
“Yes! Yes, you’re my friend! Are we seriously still on that page?” Luz demanded, almost yanking at her hair. She raised a hand when he opened his mouth to speak. “If you start protesting about all the times you were a jerk to me before you switched sides, I’m going to hit you.”
“...you have a very mean way of expressing concern.” Hunter settled on, voice small.
“Because you,” Luz poked at his forehead and got a growl in return. “Can’t get it through your thick head that other people can care about you. Newsflash, buddy. Eda’s already talking to Hooty about making another room for you.”
“She what--”
“So I’m sorry that the castle is destroyed, and I’m sorry that your uncle is gone, because you cared about him.” Luz continued before he could butt-in. “And about that whole...Grimwalker thing, which is a whole other pile of messed up things, but you get the point.” She waved her hands around. “You...you deserved better.” She finally finished, realizing she’d sat up at one point to face him, and now leaned back on her knees.
Hunter stared at her for a moment, opening and closing his mouth repeatedly. Rascal had crawled his way up and onto his shoulder now, looking between the two of them.
Eventually, the tension left his body, and he lay on his side, cheek pressed into the dirty, rocky ground. Rascal jolted, fluttering up onto his head.
“He was awful,” Hunter mumbled, like he was trying to convince someone.
“I know,” Luz sighed, looking down at him. “But you loved him.” She said, and Hunter didn’t dispute it. 
“...m’sorry,” Hunter got out, which sounded like a shuttering gasp, as though his throat was closing up.
“What for?” Luz tilted her head.
“You want the list?” Hunter managed, his snark falling short as he rapidly blinked his eyes. “I’d ask why you care at all, but you’re Luz.” He said, shaking his head slightly. “You’re too nice for your own good.”
“It worked out this time, didn’t it?” Luz said, offering a tiny smile as she held out a hand, just short of touching him.
He eyed her hand for a moment, then his gaze flicked across her face, searching. He must’ve seen something, because the little resolve he had left broke, and he reached for Luz’s hand and gripped onto it far more forcefully than needed.
She hoisted him upright, and barely had a moment to spare until he was grabbing onto her, hands fisted in the back of her shirt as he pressed his face into her shoulder. She froze for just a moment before she returned the hug, forcing herself not to protest against the tight grip along her back, definitely going to form nasty bruises later.
She saw that the white of his cloak was covered in dirt and blood all across his back, from injuries he must’ve sustained, though most of it looked dried now. She wondered if it hurt for him to lay on his back like that, and avoided disturbing those wounds as he trembled in her arms.
He shook with cries that were barely choked back, and she pressed the side of her face against his head. Rascal warbled sadly and nuzzled into his head from where he was perched in his hair.
Luz murmured words she couldn’t remember for the life of her, rubbing small circles across the uninjured parts of his back. He only pressed closer, clinging desperately like she’d vanish if he didn’t, and Luz had to put in effort to not fall back.
It might’ve been a few minutes, it might’ve been longer, but gradually, Hunter ran out of steam. His strained cries became muffled sniffles, slumping against Luz like dead weight.
“Sorry,” Hunter hiccupped again, voice muffled against her shoulder. “I think I got your cloak dirty.”
“It was already pretty messy.” Luz assured. “You wanna talk about it?”
“No,” Hunter muffled, hunching his shoulders. 
“Okay,” Luz said simply. “We’ve got time.”
“And ain’t that a new concept,” Hunter mumbled, raising his head slightly to instead rest his chin on top of Luz’s shoulder, and she could already feel him wiping at his face. “Having time. I didn’t think I’d make it past nineteen, if I was lucky.” He sniffled, voice hoarse and raspy.
“That…” Luz frowned. “Yeah, we’re gonna make you see someone for all of that.”
“Make me?” Hunter repeated, a faint, fading amusement to his tone.
“We have our ways.” Luz said with a hint of pride. “You’d be surprised.”
Hunter remained quiet for a moment, and Luz watched the old, ripped tapestries in the rubble wave when the wind went by them. She wondered if Eda would be stealing any of those as a trophy, and how long it’d take before Lilith took it away from her.
“Are you going to come back?” Hunter asked, quietly, curiously, without any hint of pleading in his tone, which she was quite impressed by. The subtle grip around her sides tightening just an inch gave him away, though.
“Of course,” Luz said, not needing clarification on what he had meant. “I couldn’t leave this place forever, not even if I wanted to.” She said, and prayed she wasn't lying.
“Yeah, you couldn’t.” Hunter snorted, slowly pulling back as he wiped up the last of his face, though it was still pretty damp as he faced Luz. “They’d be insufferable trying to get you back.” He said, frazzled hair hanging into his eyes.
“Oh, so you wouldn’t put in an effort, then?” Luz scoffed good-naturedly. “Can’t wait to get rid of me, huh?”
“Well now how am I supposed to respond to that?” Hunter demanded in a whine. “I say yes, and you start getting melodramatic and bringing up pointless random acts of kindness like I’m a liar. I say no, and you get all starry-eyed and unbearable.” He complained.
Luz laughed, despite it all. Hunter rolled his eyes and sat back, looking up at Rascal on his head like they were in on some joke she was missing. He chuckled along with her and shook his head, ears twitching down.
“You’re impossible,” He huffed, though he bore a smile.
“I know,” Luz grinned. “And what’s it say about you, still caring anyway?”
“Don’t push it.” Hunter warned, shoving her shoulder as he leaned further back, her only giggling in response.
A call sounded off in the distance, and they both snapped their heads in the direction of the sound. Hunter’s ears pricked high, the sudden shift in personality from relaxed to alert being another slightly alarming thing to put on Luz’s list of traits Hunter had. 
The call sounded again, and Luz could recognize the sound of Eda’s voice. She smiled and stood, untangling herself from Hunter as she peered out at the terrain, seeing a figure off in the distance, and if she squinted enough, she could see a few more not too far away.
“Over here!” Luz shouted, hands cupped around her mouth.
“Ow,” Hunter winced, rubbing at his ears.
“Oh, are they sensitive?” Luz worried, lowering her voice.
“Just a bit, I think I had a concussion earlier.” Hunter said, shaking his head to clear it.
“You’re seeing a healer,” Luz said firmly, looking back out to the figures in the distance. “Cover your ears.”
Hunter grumbled something about Luz being dramatic, covering his ears as Luz continued waving her hands and hollering to the others. It took a moment, but she saw one of them break away before the others followed suit, and Eda’s wild nest of hair could be recognizable from anywhere.
“Are you ready to make formal introductions?” Luz grinned down at Hunter, who slowly drew his hands away from his ears.
“Do I have to?” Hunter whined. “I could just live off the land, making a tent isn’t that hard. I know how to steal.”
“Nice try,” Luz lightly pushed at his head. “Unless you’ve got a proper living space, you’re staying in the Owl House.”
“I’m sixteen, no place in Bonesborough will give me an apartment unless I’m rich.” Hunter complained.
“Precisely,” Luz said simply, offering a hand to him. “Wanna try standing up?”
“I guess,” Hunter grumbled, taking her hand and letting her pull him to his feet.
He stumbled for a moment, hissing and favoring his right foot, and would’ve fallen right back over if Luz didn’t stop his fall with her body, hanging onto his arm to steady him.
“Yeah, that’s sprained. Or twisted, don’t really feel like checking.” Hunter gritted out, Rascal cheeping from his head before flying off, transforming into a staff that Hunter was quick to grab and then lean on, taking his weight off Luz.
“Viney can take a look at it, I’m pretty sure she came with us.” Luz said, grabbing Hunter’s hand and slinging it over her shoulder. “C’mon, let’s meet them halfway. You’re lighter than a sack of lumpy potatoes, it’s not hard to carry you.”
“I resent that,” Hunter growled, though he let her do as she wished. “You're just weirdly strong.”
“You live in the Boiling Isles, you're telling me you're not?” Luz scoffed, beginning to walk with Hunter, who used his staff occasionally to push aside heaps of rock or try and limp himself along.
“Well, I don’t exactly have a frame of reference.” Hunter drawled, looking up, his ears pinning back against his head when he could make out who was approaching in the distance. Luz could now see that King was sitting atop Eda’s shoulder, too.
“You didn’t answer my question,” Luz said, noting Hunter’s nerves suddenly spiking. “Are you ready to meet everyone, outside of, you know, portal mishaps?” 
Hunter swallowed, looking down at Luz with something that might’ve been fear swirling in his eyes. He searched her face, closing his eyes and taking in half a breath, anything more causing him to cough, exhaling as he opened his eyes again, facing off towards where the others were gathered, the fear replaced with determination.
“Yeah,” He said, clearing his throat when his voice started to shake. “Yeah, I think so.”
Luz smiled, bumping her body against his, and he looked at her with a smile of his own that might just have been hopeful.
She turned back to call a greeting to her friends as Eda was already scolding her for running off the moment she was in earshot, King wailing something about being worried. Hunter gave them his best crooked smile, despite his earlier claims, insisting she’d only come to drag him out of the rubble.
Yeah, Luz thought as she watched Eda and King pause and look Hunter over, easily slipping into mocking him for how beat up he looked, like nothing had ever gone sideways, and it was any other day in the Isles. They’d be okay.
209 notes · View notes
felassan · 3 years
Some DA trivia and dev commentary from Twitter
There’s a lot of different tweets, so I’m just pasting and linking to the source rather than screencapping them all or making several different posts or something. Post under cut for length.
User: Was dragon age 2 your favourite in the franchise?
David Gaider: DA2 was the project where my writing team was firing on all cylinders, and they wrote like the wind- because they had to! Second draft? Pfft. Plot reviews? Pfft. I was so proud of what we all accomplished in such a brief time. I didn't think it was possible. [source] DA2 is, however, also where the goal posts kept moving. Things kept getting cut, even while we worked. I had to write that dialogue where Orsino turned even if you sided with him, because his boss battle had been cut and there was no time to fix the plot. A real WTF moment. >:( [source]
Mike Rousseau: I remember bugging that! And then being told it wasn't a bug, and being so confused. Doing QA for DA2 was an experience. Trial by fire. [source]
DG: So I think it's safe to say DA2 is my favorite entry in the DA franchise and also the sort of thing I never want to live through ever again. Mixed feelings galore. [source]
User: (I personally blame whoever it was for ruining most romance arcs in other games for me; they don't live up to Fenris's romance storyline)
DG: I wrote Fenris, so uh - me, I guess? Or maybe his cinematic designer, who put in the puppy dog eyes. [source]
User: If DA2 had just been an expansion, do you think it would have been better received? There was a lot of great stuff in there, and I think my initial dislike of it was because of the zone reuse. If it hadn't needed to be a full game, would that issue not have arisen?
DG: Hard to say. It was either going to be an over-scoped expansion or an under-scoped sequel. If it had stayed an expansion, it might never have received the resources/push it DID get. [source]
User: I'd love to visit the universe where you had an extra year or so to work on it. You did a very good job as it stands, but it definitely had rough edges. Not just the writing team either. The whole game had hit and miss moments, that just a little more dev time could have fixed.
DG: On one hand, DA2 existed to fill a hole in the release schedule. More time was never in the cards. DA2 was originally planned as an expansion! On the other, if we had more time, would we have started doing that thing where we second guess/iterate ourselves into mediocrity? [shrug emoji] [source] 
Jennifer Hepler: This is what I love about DA2. Personally, I greatly prefer something that's rough and raw and sincere to something that's had all the soul polished out of it. Extra time would have helped for art and levels, but it would have lost something too. [source]
DG: Right? I think we could have used some time for peer reviews (and fewer cuts), but I think the rawness of the writing lent a certain spark that we usually polished out. [source]
JH: Definitely. I think the structure (more character-driven) and the tightness of the timeframe let each individual writer's voice really come through. Polish can be very homogenizing. [source]
DG: I should add I'm not, by any means, against iteration. Some iteration is good and necessary. The problem that BioWare often had is that we never knew when to stop. Like a goldfish, we would fill the space given to us by constantly re-iterating on things that were "good enough". [source]
Patrick Weekes: I appreciate your incredibly diplomatic use of the past tense on "had". :D [source]
User: DA2 was my gateway into the series and I’m so happy it is. I love the game the way that it is. It’s one of my favorites of all time. But I am also aware of everything that was said here. If it were remastered, do you think it would change?
DG: I'd be surprised if it was ever remastered. If it was, do you really think they'd change things? Do remasters do that? No idea. [source]
User: Both sides got undercut as I recall. Didn't that whole sequence also end with the mage leader embracing blood magic? It was very much "a plague on both your houses" moment, at least for me.
DG: Yep. Orsino was supposed to have his own version of Meredith's end battle, which only happened if you sided with the templars. That got cut, but the team still wanted to use the model we'd made for him. So... that happened. [source]
DG: I would personally say that DA2 is a fantastic game hidden under a mountain of compromises, cut corners, and tight deadlines. If you can see past all that, you'll see a fantastic game. I don't doubt, however, that it's very difficult for most to do that. [source]
PW: I love DAI with all my selfish "I worked on this" heart, but DA2's follower arcs and relationships are probably my favorite in the series. [source]
User: As I've expressed many times, I love the game, especially it's writing and characters but, for me, the most impressive aspect of it, in consideration of it's lack of time for drafts and revisions, is the 2nd act with Arishok.  What amazingly complex character and fantastic duel
User: Just played it again and I have to agree. Though he is bound by the harsher tenants of the Qun, he makes valid points about free marcher society. Though it is obvious that he and Hawke will come to blows eventually, the tension builds gradually and understandably
DG: Luke did such a fantastic job with the Arishok I found myself sometimes wishing the Qunari plot had just been THE plot. [source]
User: What do you think would have changed, story wise, if you had more time for DA2?
DG: I would have taken out that thing where Meredith gets the idol. It was forced on me because she needed to be "super-powered" with red lyrium for her final battle. Being "crazy", however, robbed her side of the mage/templar argument of any legitimacy. I hated hated hated that. [source]
User: I deeply lament that there wasn't/couldn't be some sort of DA2 equivalent of Throne of Bhaal's Ascension mod.
DG: I'd have done it, if DA2 had allowed for anything but the most rudimentary of modding. ;) [source]
User: I mean, and I think I understand where you were trying, but how much legitimacy did the Templars and her as top Templar have after they're keeping the mages locked up against their will in the old slave quarters? Feel free to not reply.
DG: I think it's the kind of discussion which requires nuance, and which discussions on the Internet are not prone to. [source]
User: Was a compromise that the quest lines don’t branch? It felt like it was supposed to be that way but then you end up in the same place later regardless of what you pick. Like I hoodwinked the templars so good to help the apostates escape but in Act II they were caught anyway.
DG: I remember us having a lot more branching in the initial planning yes. Most of this got trimmed out in the first or second wave of cuts, in an effort to not cut the plots altogether. [source]
DG: "If you could Zack Snyder DA2, what would you change?" Wow. I'm willing to bet Mark or Mike (or anyone else on the team) would give very different answers than me, but it's enough to give a sober man pause, because that was THE Project of Multiple Regrets. [source] I mean, it's the most hypothetical of hypotheticals. It's never gonna happen. I wouldn't be surprised if EA considered DA2 its embarrassing red-headed stepchild. We'd also need to ignore that in many ways DA2 was as good as it was bad BECAUSE of how it was made. But that aside? [source] First, either restore the progressive changes to Kirkwall we'd planned over the passing of in-game years or reduce the time between acts to months instead of years... which, in hindsight, probably should have been done as soon as the progressive stuff was cut. [source] I'm sure you're like "get rid of repeated levels!" ...but I don't care about that. All I wanted was for Kirkwall to feel like a bigger city. Way more crowded. More alive! Fewer blood mages. [source] I'd want to restore the plot where a mage Hawke came THIS close to becoming an abomination. An entire story spent trapped in one's own head while trapped on the edge of possession. Why? Because Hawke is the only mage who apparently never struggles with this. It was a hard cut. [source]
User: I would LOVE to hear more details about this! I don’t suppose there’s any chance of a short story?
DG: I don't even remember the details of the story, sorry. There was a fight, and you caught the bad guy and then realized none of it was real and woke up idk [source]
DG: I'd want to restore all those alternate lines we cut, meaning people forget they'd met you. Or that they knew you were a mage. Or, oh god, that maybe they'd romanced you in DAO. So much carnage. [source] I'd want to restore the Act 3 plots we cut only because they were worked on too late, but which would have made the buildup to the mage/templar clash less sudden. Though I don't remember what they were, now. Some never got beyond being index cards posted on the wall. [grimace emoji] [source] As I mentioned elsewhere, I'd want to restore Orsino's end battle so he wouldn't need to turn on you even if you sided with him. And I'd want an end fight with the templars that didn't require Meredith to have red lyrium and go full Tetsuo. [source] Heck, maybe an end decision where you sided with neither the mages nor the templars. Because it certainly ended up feeling like you could brand both sides as batshit pretty legitimately, no? That was never planned, tho. No idea how to make that feel like an actual path atm. [source] Maybe an option to go "umm, Anders... what are you DOING?" 👀 [source] And, of course, a Varric romance, because Mary took that "slimy car salesman" character we'd planned and did the impossible with him. I can feel Mary glaring at me for even suggesting this, tho. [source] Lastly, the original expanded opening to the game which allowed you to spend time with Bethany and Carver BEFORE the darkspawn attacked. And, um, that's about it off the top of my head. Zack Snyder, WHAT PANDORA'S BOX HAVE YOU OPENED. [source] Shit, I remembered two more things: 1) Restore the "Varric exaggerates the heck out of the story" at the beginning of every Act, until Cassandra calls him on it. Yes, that was a thing. 2) Make DA: Exodus. Yes, I am still bitter. [source] God damn it, I meant "Make DA: Exalted March". The DA2 expansion, NOT Exodus since that was DA2's original name and makes no sense. Because the expansion ended with Varric dying, and that will always be on my "things left undone" list. [source]
User: Whaaaat?
DG: Well, you know that scene in Wrath of Khan where Spock goes into the dilithium chamber because he's a Vulcan? Well, imagine that but with Varric and red lyrium and because he's a dwarf. ;) [source]
John Epler: I distinctly remember referencing the bit from MGS4 where you crawl through the microwave corridor in the split screen, while cinematic battle rages on the other half. [source]
DG: It would have been glorious, John. Glorious. [source]
JE: I don't think I've ever been so certain what a shot should look like as I did Hawke coming in and finding Varric in the broken throne, just like when he was telling Cassandra his story. [source]
DG: It would have come full circle! Auggghh, it still kills me. [source]
User: Lord, you folks are a little too good at this.
JE: The true secret behind videogame narrative is knowing how to make yourself seem a lot more clever than you actually are. [source] 'Oh, we TOTALLY planned that.' [source]
User: Ok, this thread [the DA2 regrets thread, which is the big chunks above] but Inquisition.
DG: My regrets about Inquisition are, more or less, the normal kind. Nothing so dramatic, I'm afraid. [source]
User: You can keep your Varric romance, I want a Flemeth romance goddamnit!
DG: I would allow for one flirt option, and then a recording of Kate Mulgrew laughing for three minutes straight. [source]
User: I had a hypothesis about the repetitive caves in DA2. They're repetitive because it's Varric telling the story and he didn't consider them important.  They're like sets in a play.  (Okay, I really suspect it was a time/money/resources thing but I like my fake explanation better.)
DG: Hang a lampshade on it, maybe? Cassandra: "But that's the exact cave you were in last time?" Varric: "Whatever. They all look the same, I'm not THAT kind of dwarf. Can we move on?" [source]
User: that makes sense, hypothetically to make Varric romanceable and keep his arc—that had to happen for the main plot—I imagine you would have to make double the content (or more)? which would've been a tall order given the time/budget constraints the game was under
DG: Right. When it comes to "romance arc" vs. "follower story arc", we generally only had time to do one or the other. Never both. Romancing Varric would have meant not getting the story of his that you did. [source]
Mary Kirby: The one exaggeration I really, REALLY wanted, that we never got to do was Varric narrating his own death scene with Hawke weeping over him, then cutting to Cassandra's pissed off glaring at him. [source]
DG: Haha! The one I wanted was Varric's plot where he takes on the baddies single-handedly, sliding across the floor like Jet Lee, action movie-style, until finally Cassandra gets irritated and he has to admit Hawke & the rest of the party showed up to help. [source]
MK: We did that one! (He didn't do any Jet Lee moves, though.) Jepler gave him letterboxing to get The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly showdown vibes while he shot a ton of mooks single-handed. [source]
DG: Wow. Shows how much I remember. [source]
JE: I found it! I remember seeing this sequence as my treat for doing a bunch of much more challenging work. It was fun to see how far I could push our limited library of animations. [link] [source]
DG: Heh awesome. I could have sworn it was cut, honestly. I think I was even in that meeting. [source]
User: no disrespect but that’s surprising and rich of Mary “Hard in Hightown” Kirby to think DA2 shouldn’t have had a Varric romance when she wrote an entire book of Varric’s self-insert character pining over his Hawke insert character… HIH is the reason we had VHawke Summer 2018
DG: I can't *really* speak for Mary, or how she feels about it now compared to back then. I only know how she felt about it back then, and I'm not sure it was as much the concept of the romance but that Varric's entire story would be bent to "romance arc" ...a very different thing. [source]
JH: I remember pushing to have the first DLC start with Hawke having an option to ask Varric, "Did you tell Cassandra about us?" and if you picked it, Varric would answer, "Of course not, baby. I told her you were sleeping with X..." and then proceed as if you had had a full romance. [source]
DG: I still wonder how that would have gone over. x) [source]
JE: Okay, one more DA2 thing. Putting together the cinematics for this scene was a blast. [link] [source]
MK: These lines are my greatest legacy. I want "Make sure the world knows I died... at Chateau Haine!" inscribed on my tombstone. [source]
JE: I was so glad no one said 'no' to the crane shot. [source]
MK: It needs that crane shot. It's the perfect icing on that cake made from solid cheese. [source]
DG: The designers were all "we need more combat" and I think we were all "I think you underestimate just HOW interesting we can make this dinner party". [source]
JE: And finally. I think @SherylChee wrote the one-liner. I think we had a collection of like, 20. [link] [source]
Sheryl Chee: Yeah! Something like that! I remember submitted a whole bunch and Frank said you only needed one. Wish I'd kept the other fifteen. [source]
JE: A random chooser where, each time through the scene, you get a different one-liner. [source]
JE: DA2 is the project I'm the proudest of. I also absolutely get that it didn't land for a lot of people. But I don't think it's inaccurate to say that, in a lot of ways, DA2 defined my career. [source]  Everyone spent a year working at their maximum ability. I was a fresh cinematic designer and was given all of Varric's content, as well as the Act 1 Finale mission. It was a lot for someone who had been doing the Cinematics thing for literally 6 months. [source]  There's some stuff in there I can't look at without wincing. And there's some stuff I'm genuinely proud of. Not to mention, it was my introduction to most of the writing team. Several of whom I'm still working with today! Albeit in a different capacity [source] Also, weirdly, one of my most enduring memories of Dragon Age 2 is how much Bad Company 2 we'd play at lunch. It was a LOT. [source] Every game I've worked on has a game I played attached to it. ME2 is Borderlands. DA2 is Bad Company 2. DAI is DayZ. I, hmm. There's a progression there. I don't know how I feel about it. [source]
User: Is DA4 going to be tarkov then?
JE: I've kind of churned out of Tarkov for now. Probably Hunt Showdown, at least right now. [source]
User: I think people also don't take nuance into consideration -- like I FULLY acknowledge the flaws in my favorite games and will openly criticize them, but that doesn't mean they're not my favorite games anymore??? You can like and thing and still be critical of it.
JE: A lot of my favourite shit is deeply flawed! I acknowledge it and I think it's interesting to dissect the flaws. [source]
User: I still wish Justice was an actual character in DA2 rather than a plot point.
DG: There was a moment during DAI where we *almost* put in you running into Justice with the Grey Wardens, and he's all "Kirkwall? I never went to Kirkwall" [source]
User: Does that imply that Justice was shoehorned in to DA2?
DG: Nah, it was an in-joke where we thought it'd be fun to suggest that "Justice" was simply some demon that tricked Anders in DA2. Wooo those tricky demons! We didn't do it, though. [source]
User: [about templars]  except, I don't think it had very much legitimacy to begin with. keep in mind, we interact with other characters with the same argument. The one that comes to mind is Cullen, a sane templar in power. The templar's side of the argument is inherently flawed.
DG: I don't doubt that many people agree with you, and yet people can and do argue on behalf of the templars as well. My place isn't to pick a side, but to provide evidence that players can interpret for themselves [source]
User: Can you shed some light for us on how DA was able to do multiple same-sex romance options for different genders but the Mass Effect team treated them like the plague? What process existed for your team that just wasn't their for the other tentpole franchise?
DG: Different people making the decisions, almost different cultures. I don't know what it's like now, but for many years the Mass Effect team and the Dragon Age team were almost like two different studios working within the same building. [source]
User: It truly boggles the mind. Kudos for doing demonstrably better on consistent queer representation than the ME teams. Y'all never needed us to make petitions to try to get the studio's attention and ask them to do better by us. That's the fight we're once again embroiled in now.
DG: Honestly, I don't feel like tut-tutting the Mass Effect team. They did their part, and if they were a bit later to the show than the DA team they certainly did more than almost every other game out there -- and willingly. [source]
Updates begin here
User: So what was the reason for naming Dragon age 2 "Dragon age II" and not using a subtitle?
DG: As I recall, that was purely a publisher decision. I think they wanted to avoid the impression it was an expansion. [source]
User: Is there no chance of ever remaking DA2 under better circumstances? -Somehow remove the repetitiveness of gameplay by making changes and updating the tech and adding much more to the storyline. It could almost be a new very exciting game.
DG: I'd say there's zero chance of that. Let's keep our hopes up for the next DA title instead. [source]
User: I am a little confused here, help me out here please! How exactly was the cut boss battle with Orsino supposed to work out? How it would've kept him from turning against the player?
DG: It means that, if you sided with the templars, the entire boss bottle at the end would have been against Orsino and the mages. No fight against Meredith. The end decision would have been more divergent. [source]
User: I do remember that one of the reasons going around for that, was that resources were going to the transition to Frostbite. I'm still not fully sold on that having been a good choice. I felt that more time should have been given for that transition considering it was made for FPSs
DG: We didn't transition to Frostbite until DAI. Given our time frame for DA2, I don't think we *could* have transitioned to a new engine. [source]
User: Since your talking about the what could have been for DA2. Could you say what your script was for Anthem? Cause I remember reading that you wrote the plot on that game.
DG: I created a setting for Anthem and scripted out a plot - but, as I understand it, almost none of that ended up being used. So it's a bit pointless to talk about what I'd planned, as that'd be for some completely different type of game. [source]
User: [in reference to the exchange above where DG said “Being "crazy", however, robbed her side of the mage/templar argument of any legitimacy. I hated hated hated that.” re: Meredith] except, I don't think it had very much legitimacy to begin with. keep in mind, we interact with other characters with the same argument. The one that comes to mind is Cullen, a sane templar in power. The templar's side of the argument is inherently flawed.
DG: I don't doubt that many people agree with you, and yet people can and do argue on behalf of the templars as well. My place isn't to pick a side, but to provide evidence that players can interpret for themselves. [source]
If I missed a tweet, got the wrong source link or included a tweet twice, feel free to let me know and I’ll correct.
Edit / Update: Post update 22nd April
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((copy and pasted from my notes app)
* bakugo like likes all of 1a (sue him his class is hella strong and he likes tht) and he’s hella confused abt tht
- so he goes to mina abt it
- and she’s like
- “ok maybe ur poly”
- “,,, hang on” he looks it up
- “no i don’t wanna- you can’t tell ne one this raccoon eyes”
- “got it, blasty”
- “i don’t wanna date all of em, just like kirishima”
- “ah, maybe like? a qpr then?”
- “,,,a squip?”
- “,,,,, so you are a dork”
- (he blushes bc yh no he is a dork)
- “a qpr: queer platonic relationship. you wanna do all the lovey dovey thngs but? purely as friends.”
- “ah. so it has a name. how does this help 🧍🏼‍♂️”
- “i- so you tell them you wanna be in a qpr duh!!”
- “pinky?”
- “yh bkg”
- makes eye contact
- “i’ll keep all my emotions right here”
- maintains eye contact and points to his chest
- “then one day, i’ll die”
- mina blinks, grabs her phone types in the squad chat
: “blastys a memer”
- he frowns in confusion gets the notif and looks at his phone
- “YOU MF”
- she’s fucking cackling while hes (not actually) trying to blast the shit out of her
* (he does eventually tell the class he wants to be in a qpr and he does shortly after get in a romantic relationship with kirishima)
He's 100% into people who could beat his ass, fucking loves that shit
"Listen here bubblegum bitch-" "I like that, continue." "-I got this stupid ass feelings, tell me wtf they mean and how do I get rid of them."
He is blushing through this ENTIRE thing, I know it
"So you're telling me, to go out there and talk about my feelings?" "Yea, pretty much." "Tf? Hell no, I'm not doing that dumbshit"
He got tired of not understanding Hanta and Denki when they spoke Meme, but he binged like 10 1 hour vine comps
I like to think at some point, one of them named the group either "Baku's hoes" or "Bakustay"
Todoroki accidently burnt his shirt off
I think Izuku fainted, or he's dead, who knows?
Shinsou's in the corner, hiding his face like the wittle baby (I almost wrote bitch LMAOOO) he is
I think Denki's catonic? He hasn't fried himself yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if he does soon
Hanta's grinning like really really big, this mf been knew
Kiri's like really happy, bouncing around like a puppy, 100% pecked Baku on the cheek
Iida's stammering and just kinda gliching
Uraraka's up in the ceiling because like, when is she not?
Tsu's just covering up her face like the cutie she is
Shoji's dying, but on the inside
Tokoyami looks really chill, but he's blushing and Dark Shadow's going fucking feral beside him because I headcanon her having the BIGGEST puppy crush on Baku
I'm gonna stop here because tagging this is gonna be a NIGHTMARE
I gave up on tagging
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2-cute-4-school · 4 years
NCT Dream reaction to you getting your wisdom teeth removed
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babysitting the dreamies is part of his daily job so he thinks ‘how hard can it be to take care of you for a few hours pffft’
he’s never regretted underestimating you so bad in his entire life ◑.◑
you’re not just a nightmare
he was so embarrassed when he had to gently drag you out of the dentist’s office while you were crying cuz
“mY TOOTH!! mark, i lost my tooth, what am i gonna do?!?! i should have put a leash on it, i knew it!!!! now it’s gone and it’s all my fault!!!!” (˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )
*ugly sobbing* *mark awkwardly patting your back while pulling you away from the scrutinizing glares of a few karens in the waiting room*
“mark. i didn’t even get to name it!!!”
poor bby cheetah mark is SO lost
“baby, hey, don’t cry! we’ll uh…. i’ll get you a new one!” ヾ(゚Д゚;ヾ)
you look up with your glassy eyes and your right cheek chubbier than your left from the cotton lodged where your tooth used to be, your bottom lip trembling oh so cutely 
and mark just…stops functioning for a moment because
“ rweally? would you really do that for me, markie?” (◞‸◟;)
 and he still insists he’s not 120% whipped for you can you believe it
he ends up piggybacking you all the way back home because your giggles were just too cute for him to resist so he can’t even get tired with how happy he is to witness you so carefree and joyful
and his heart just melts when you leave a huuuge kith with the loudest *MWAH* ever on his cheek and you nuzzle your nose in the crook of his neck that’s like the fatal combination of cute acts ʚ♡⃛ɞ(ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
in conclusion : this man just adores you with every bit of his heart :((((
probably asked kun to pick you both up from the dentist 
you’re just too much for him smh
you’re cute and all but renjun is a tired uncle
so you’re both in the backseat with kun as your driver and it’s silent
renjun just knows something is wrong there’s no way you’re so calm 
but you’re just staring at him like ◎_◎
“uh..babe, you alright?”
silence and then *GASP*
renjun just knows he’s about to facepalm himself into another dimension when you grip his cheeks in both hands
“you’re a fAIRY!!!!!!!” (*゚ロ゚)
*sigh* *muffled words* “y/n let’s calm down and just-”
he doesn’t get another word out before you shove his face in your lap and literally raise his shirt up to the nape of his neck
damn beach you know what you want huh go off
“where are they???!!?!?! where are you hiding them you impostor??!!!?”
and then you start slapping his back
renjun is this 👌 close to knocking you out for good with a karate chop
so he just pushes you off and straps you to your seat with a second safety belt as he huffs under his breath
“i can’t guarantee you’ll live to see next week” (⊙_◎)
kun watching in the rear mirror like (͡°͜ʖ͡°)
“you know what? i’d really eat some chicken wings right now!! jun, let’s go get chicken wings!!!” ⊂((・▽・))⊃
he’s surprised you even remember his name
but you eventually exhaust yourself and pass out in the backseat of the car so renjun and kun drag you to bed 
and renjun just tucks you in like the soft loving boyfriend that he is
and he just stares at you fondly and smooches you all over your face cuz
“how tf can you be so cute, you lil overexcited evil? you’re like the cutest thing in the world and it just!!!not!!!fair!!!!!” (♡ ‸ ♡ )
so even though he complains about you a lot, he’d sell his kidney just to see his lil cute bub happy i’m so soft :((((
Lee Jeno
“let’s go to the playground!!”
“y/n, no, let’s go home and put some ice on that cheek”
“but baaaabe i wanna go one the swing” ( ´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥` )
“then we’ll have to ice both cheeks”
“what did ya say???!!?!”
so jeno’s headache only worsened once you both arrived home with no prior stop to the playground
and as much as he loves you he also wants to bang his head against a wall and end his suffering yay o((*^▽^*))o
“just stay still for a second please, i’m really trying to tie this thing properly around your head”
you’re just so restless and jeno is just so done
“does it hurt?”
“ywes, my heart hurts because my own boyfriend doesn’t love me!!!”
“y/n, we already had this conversation, now just-”
“i just wanted a swing!!!” *bursts into tears* *jeno sighs half of his soul out* ଽ (৺ੋ ௦ ৺ੋ )৴
so jeno sits down beside you and pulls you into his lap gently, rocking you back and forth in an attempt to soothe your sobs jeno best boyfriend no cap
“there there, baby, we can’t go out-” *sobs intensify* “BUT i promise i’ll get you a swing right here if you let me take care of you first”
you leech yourself onto jeno’s sleeve and wipe your tears on his shirt but he doesn’t seem to mind the wet patch left on the material as he watches you with that soft look of his (´-ω-`)
so you let him patch you up after his reassurance and after he just pats your head affectionately and motions for you to stand up
and this man just flexes his arms and nudges you to latch on
that’s how jeno ends up with a squealing you as you swing back and forth with your fingers gripping his arm ╰(✧∇✧╰)
Lee Haechan
you want to pretty him up
because “since my left cheek looks like it’s stuffed with a tennis ball, i can’t carry the visuals in this relationship for a while, so i need to hand the responsibility over to you”
“who even said you’re the one carrying the visuals” ℃ↂ_ↂ
“oh honey you’re only now realizing?”
he blames the anesthesia for your severe accusations
but the only way to shut you up is give in to your wishes
so that’s how he found himself seated down on the carpet of your home with your legs draped over his and your totally professional make up applied over his face
“i look like a clown”
“not even make up can cover your true identity, hyuck”
deep breaths, donghyuck, in and out, take it easy (◎ω◎*)
“any preferences for the nail polish color?”
“to match my soul”
“so hot pink” o(≧∇≦o)
*poker face* “you know i could obliviate you if i wanted to clown you”
*pout that hurts hyuck’s lil heart* “but you wouldn’t do that to your hurting baby, would you” *blinks rapidly with puppy eyes*
“you bet i would” (no he wouldn’t you’re just too cute and he loves you too much) *totally not whipped (♥ω♥*)*
painting his nails is the hugest struggle in your entire life
on second thought, mercy is no longer available for you
“hyuck, you should tape your fingers so you won’t bite your nails like a preschooler anymore”
“i’ll tape your mouth shut, that’s what i’ll tape” *_*
“hUH???!?!!?”  (*゚ロ゚)
Na Jaemin
“okay jisung is an easy task compared to you right now”
even though this man is used to being the mom of the group
he’s still most likely in disbelief watching his otherwise angel flap around like a headless chicken 
but you’re even cutter with your swollen cheek so he forgives you (︶▽︶)
“hey, jaem, did you know i’m closely related to snails??”
“entertain me” (∩_∩)
“they can sleep for years at once. that’s like my main talent.”
“it would be great for me if you’d put this talent of yours to work now”
jaemin ends up sprawled over the couch and watching dramas like a tired mom of 3 hyperactive children with you curled up at his side playing games on his phone
jaemin’s brain before he even registered the sound : something’s wrong
“y/n baby?” (。•́︿•̀。)
*hiccup* *sniffle* *hiccup* 
jaemin’s overprotective instincts kicked in ಠ╭╮ಠ
he knocks the phone out of the way and swings your legs over his lap to cradle you against his chest and hush you with the gentlest coos while rubbing your back up and down softly
“what happened, my love? does it hurt? tell nana what’s wrong and he’ll get rid in a second of what dared hurt his precious baby” just imagine this man this would be like the peak of my life  🥺
so in between your boyfriend’s comforting whispers and your harsh breaths of air you managed to let out a few words
“e-elephants, nana”
he already knows the biggest facepalm is coming his way -_-
“tHEy CAn’T jUmP, tHE poOR ELephANTs”
he just sighs and continues rocking you in his arms until you doze off, slumped on his chest, your head cushioned by his shoulder
he softly shakes his head at you and lays a butterfly kiss on your forehead
“i would make elephants jump just for you, my cute big baby” ♡♡(→ε←*)
Zhong Chenle
he halfway panics at the way you act
you’re usually the one who takes care of him so your childish act that surfaced because of the anesthesia took him by surprise
“dude they brainwashed y/n” (ノ`□´)ノ
once you start babbling to him about the end of the rainbow and the elf that awaits there with a pot full of golden coins he knew you lost it
calls renjun
“hyung i’m sorry for saying you’re batshit crazy with your conspiracies, but aliens kidnapped y/n”
*muffled voices on the other side*
“NO, I’M NOT DRUNK!! they brainwashed y/n or even worse… returned a cheap copy of them”
renjun probably just tells him to put you to sleep and advises chenle to do the same with himself -_-
so chenle just approaches you very carefully, his voice barely above a whisper
“hey, babe, aren’t you tired?”
“actually no, how about a walk in the park???”
“idk y/n, it doesn’t seem like the best idea”
this man is royally whipped for you so he takes you to the nearest park and keeps a careful watch on you as you bend down to pet every dog that passes by ⊂((・▽・))⊃
while he would do anything for you, he’s very panicky about your safety so he has to hold your hand the entire time and you’re not allowed to leave his side for even a second overprotective boyfriend check
mid walk you take a break on a bench and you lean your head on cheble’s shoulder before muttering sleepily
“lele, i’m tired, imma take a nap”
“are you serious rn” (ಠ_ಠ)
but you’re already a goner and chenle is left fuming by himself
despite his annoyance he still adjusts you so he can piggyback you home and hums songs softly every time you stir (灬♥ω♥灬)
you’ll have to baby him an entire week to pay him back
Park Jisung
this boy is actually quite pleased
because for once he can take care of you and not the other way around without any complaints coming from you
so you both end up curled into each other under a blanket while watching the Frozen movies :((((((((
and for once he ends up watching you more than he watches the movie because you’re so cute reciting all of Olaf’s lines ꒰˘̩̩̩⌣˘̩̩̩๑꒱
but the fun can only last for so long
and when your mouth starts feeling ‘funny’ jisung’s mind goes haywire
“sung, i’m gonna die”
panic panic PANIC (シ;゚Д゚)シ
“they poisoned you didn’t they??? i knew it!! i knew dentists are evil, how am i gonna explain i let crazy doctors perform dark magic on you???!!?!?” no offense to dentists y’all are life savers
so you have at least 2 ice packs and a bag of frozen peas clutched against your cheek and you swear you’re about to die from frostbite rather than the weird feeling coming from your teeth 
and then jisung wraps you in a mountain of blankets cuz ‘we can’t have you catching a cold now too’ as if sweating your ass off is gonna fight off the numbing cold on your face  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
but babie is confused a tad lot bit scared for both his and your life
and you’re kinda very dazed so comforting him isn’t really in your agenda
he probably worries within an inch of his life ヾ( ๑´д`๑)ツ
too afraid to let you fall asleep just in case
so every time you doz off sweet cutie jisung just kithes you (๑°꒵°๑)・*♡
and you wake up just to kiss back your cute boyfriend
and he just chuckles and blows raspberries on your neck man jisung would be such a cute whipped boyfriend
but he ends up asleep next to you with his face buried in your hair and arms tightly wrapped around you cocooning you close to himself ah i’m getting soft again ♡(㋭ ਊ ㋲)♡
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fictionalabyss · 3 years
Mated : You should be out there, somewhere, happy.
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Pairings : Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader, Alpha!Sam.
Word count : 4,130
Written for : @spnabobingo
Square : Motor oil / cut grass / gunpowder
Warning : Angst ahead! a/b/o dynamics, heat / rut, minor smut, possessive Dean, Dean doesn't think he deserves nice things,  lonely Sam, hunting talked about, some fluff too.
Masterlist • Patreon • Ko-fi.
Part 2 of Mated.
SPN A/B/O Bingo Round 5 Masterlist.
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Dean had had to leave Palo Alto the day after meeting him in the bar, and you had a feeling that had something to do with Sam. Dean had called, apologizing and mumbling something about work, but you assured him it was fine, that you understood. You’d be seeing him in a few days anyways.
Now here you were, the same motel room as every other time, sitting on the edge of the bed and waiting for him. He had shot you a quick text earlier saying he was about an hour or so away. You glanced down at your phone, checking to see if another had come through when you hear the engine outside and smile to yourself.
Putting the phone down, you barely had time to stand before the door burst open and you’re faced with Dean. There’s a sheen of sweat on his brow and his chest moves with heavy breaths. “You smell so fucking good.” He growls, shoving the door shut before surging forward to grab hold of you. His lips are on yours in a bruising kiss, and his body relaxes a little as it presses up against yours. “So fucking good.” he whispers, mouthing down to your jaw.
“Bet I taste better.” you tease with a smile, your fingers running through his hair.
“Oh, I know you do baby. Can’t fucking wait to taste it again.” You couldn’t help but giggle as his tongue ran up the length of your throat. “Get it all off before I tear through it like last time.” he breathed out heavily, his lips just leaving your skin as he started to yank off his jacket. “Need you so fucking bad.”
You smiled as you reached for his bulge, cupping it in your hand and giving him a squeeze. He was throbbing hard under that denim and you could feel slick pooling between your thighs at the thought of it soon being inside you. “I couldn’t tell.” you teased.
Dean growled, throwing his jacket aside. “Don’t tease me. I can smell you want me just as bad.” his hand cupped the back of your head and pulled you closer again, his lips latching onto your throat as he sucked and bit into it. “Get it off.” the rumble of his words vibrating against your throat making you whimper.
The two of you barely parted, both of you watching the other with parted lips and heavy breath as you scrambled to rid yourselves of the rest of your clothing. As soon as you were bare to him, he was on you again. His overheating body tight against yours, one hand cupping the back of your neck as his tongue invaded your mouth to seek out yours, while his other grabbed at your ass and tried to pull you closer, not that you could get any closer.
A step at a time, he moved you backwards until you felt the bed behind you. It took a coordination the two of you developed over the last year, but without breaking the kiss, without fully parting, you found yourself laying in the bed with him over you, his hands running down your thighs to your calves before wrapping them around his waist.
As he finally settled over you, he rutted against you, his cock sliding through slick soaked folds, and he groaned. “So fuckin’ wet for me.”
“Been wet since you told me your rut was coming.”
Dean chuckled as he nuzzled into your neck. “Just the thought of me fucking you gets you going, huh?.” You nod, bottom lip between your teeth and whimper when his hips rut forward again and you feel him slide the entire length of his cock along your clit. It’s covered in your slick, and so warm against you. “What a good little Omega.”
You smile at the praise as Dean’s hips pull back and he reaches down to line himself up. He teases you with the tip, prodding at your entrance but never pushing in, and you give him a frustrated whine as you try to pull him with your legs. “Come on, don’t tease me.” Dean chuckles again and pushes home, your lips fall open in a soft gasp.
“Did you miss me?” Dean smiles against your throat, and you nod. “Good. Because, baby, I’m going to fuck you senseless right now, I can’t hold back much longer, but afterwards,” he pressed a soft kiss under your ear. “I’m gonna make you feel really fucking good.”
“You always do, Alpha.” Dean growled at the title, hips pulling back then slammed them forward making you cry out.
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It took Sam a bit, but he eventually managed to track down his brother. Dean had ditched him 3 days ago with barely a word. A simple note that said “I’ll be back” left on the motel room table, calls going right to voicemail. The car Sam had hotwired to get down here, he left parked in some back alley two blocks away, and he walked his way to the motel.
The Impala was parked right outside room 9, and a peek through the crack in the curtain confirmed that Dean was inside. Sam could see his bag on the bed, open.  Heading for the door, Sam glanced around before trying the knob. Locked, which didn’t surprise him, so he got to work getting it unlocked. Didn’t take too long before he was stepping into the room, hearing the shower going in the bathroom.
Sam shut the door behind him, and glanced around. Dean wasn’t alone, that much was obvious, but it wasn’t just the items scattered around that confirmed it, it was the smell. The room reeked of rut and sex, and-
Sam froze.
He could smell fresh cut grass of an open field after a cool autumn rainfall. He knew that scent, he’d smelt it a thousand times and could pick it out of anything, even this room, overpowered by Dean's own scent. Motor oil, gunpowder, and his own fresh cut grass, though more like a hot summer day than a cool autumn.  Slight difference, so slight most people might not notice but Sam knew both of these people really well.
Dean hadn’t just left, Dean went to you.
“Sammy?” Sam snapped out of his thoughts and looked up to see his brother, sweat pants low on his waist, hair wet and a few stray water droplets running down the side of his face. “What are you doing here?”
“Uh, got a call for a case, I-”
“No. Not taking it.”  Dean cut it right off and started for the bed.
“Dean, someone called in a favor, we can’t-”
“Can and will. I’m busy.”
“I already said yes.”
“Then you call back, and say you're sending in someone else.” Dean shot his little brother a glare. “How the fuck did you even get here?”
“Hotwired a car..” Sam’s words trailed off as he turned at the sound of the bathroom door opening and he saw you walking out, not yet seeing him as you towel dried your hair. But he saw you, so much of you. His brother’s t-shirt showed off the swell of your breasts perfectly, and likely brushed along the tops of your thighs but currently giving him a peek at the panties underneath since your arms were up drying your hair. A ghost of a smile on your face before you looked up and it faded when your eyes landed on him.
“He’s leaving.” Dean practically growled.
“We have a job.” Sam countered, unable to take his eyes off of you.  Yours were on him too, watching him as his eyes scanned over you once more.
Suddenly Dean was behind you, arm wrapped tight around your waist, pulling your back against him and a step farther from Sam, his growl loud and threatening and directed at his baby brother. “Fuck off, Sam, before you get hurt.” Dean threatened.
Sam was confused by the threat, his eyes shooting to Dean with a furrowed brow. “Dean, what the hell? Since when do you threaten me? Especially over some girl-” His eyes had shifted to you again, as he gestured, but another growl from Dean cut him off.
Dean’s grip on you got tighter, pulling you impossibly closer. He was possessive as all hell, and honestly, it was kind of a turn on. Sam just looked more confused. “He’s 3 days into his rut, Sam.” You informed him. “His rut is throwing me into my heat a week early, and you just walked into the room.”
“I’m his brother, I’d never-”
“You’re another Alpha. Do you think straight mid rut?” Sam seemed to stop and consider that for a moment. “If Dean had walked into your house when it was you and blondie-”
“You're not his mate.” Sam snapped, but calmed when he saw Dean’s lip curl back. “But I get what you’re saying.” His attention turned to his brother. “I’m sorry, okay? I’ll find someone else for the job.”
“Good.” Dean grumbled, glare still holding firm on Sam.
“I’ll get a room close by. If you need anything, just call me.” You gave Sam a small smile, letting him know you would if anything came up. “I’ll drop off dinner later, okay? I know how you sometimes forget to eat.”
“Thanks, Sammy. But you really need to go. Now.”
Sam nodded, sending you one last look before he left the room, the door closing quietly behind him. You breathed out a sigh of relief before turning to face Dean, who was still glaring at the door. “Hey.”
“Look at me.” You cupped his cheek as he looked down at you. “He’s gone. It’s just you and me again. He wasn’t going to touch me, Dean.”
“You didn’t see how he was looking at you.”
“I did see it. It’s how I used to look at him.” you gave him a shrug. Dean growled, and you chuckled. “But now, it’s how I look at you.” you smiled fondly at him. “But I must say, I am tempted to call him back in here.”
“I like possessive Dean.” you teased with a wide grin, reaching up on your toes to nip at his chin.
“Don’t you fucking dare.” he growled. “I swear to god-”
“You’ll what?” you asked, pulling away from him and taking a few steps backwards. “What will you do, Alpha?” With a growl, Dean surged forward, scooping you up into his arms, his lips pressing to yours with bruising force. You couldn’t help but giggle. “Oh yeah, I like possessive Dean.”
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When Dean opened his eyes, he couldn’t help but smile. You were still asleep in the bed next to him, and he let himself admire you unnoticed and uninterrupted. The way your hair was mussed, not just from the romp in the late night hours, but also from how you moved in your sleep. The breath that lightly fell from slightly parted lips, making your chest rise and fall. The softness of your face as you sleep safe and warm in his bed, not a worry in the world to be had.
He enjoyed these quiet little moments where he could just marvel in how beautiful you looked to him. His rut over, your heat finally died down. No biology dictating what happens. He liked this. It was just him, and you.
He was so lost in thought that he didn’t notice the intake of breath, not until there was someone looking back at him. “Morning.” you smiled, stretching your arms and legs, back arching before settling in again.
“What? Did I drool?” you ask, wiping off your mouth with the back of your hand, and Dean just smiles even more and shakes his head.
“No. Just glad you’re here.”
“Where else would I be?” you chuckle softly and Dean shrugs.
“Living your life.”
“I am living it.” your eyes start searching his face. “What’s going on, Dean?”
“I just can’t believe an Omega like you isn’t mated yet. What is it? What’s stopping that? Is it you? Is it them?”
You chuckled softly and shook your head, looking up at the ceiling. “Honestly, I just never went looking for it. I wanted college, I wanted a fun and free life, I didn’t want to just be someone’s Omega, ya know?” you glanced at Dean, hoping to see understanding in his face. “I wanted to live for myself. Do what I wanted to do, so that’s what I did. And then…” you sighed.
“Yeah.” the chuckle you let out that time was half scoff. “It crept up on me. Literally, one day he’s just Sam and the next… he’s Sam.” you sighed. “I realized I was in love with him, but.. He met her, and he was barely even my friend anymore.”
“But after that? After you left, after you headed home? Why me and not someone who wanted more?”
“I was hurt. Casual was easier to deal with at the time.”
Dean’s beautiful green eyes have been watching you, studying your face as you answer him. Taking in the words you say and how you’re saying them. “What about now? What if I stop calling?” Your eyes shoot to his and he can see something in them, something he didn’t expect. Worry.
“Do you regret me?”
“No, I don’t regret you.” Dean reaches over, fingers brushing over your cheek to try and soothe you. “But I regret keeping you.” The worry in your eyes changed to something else, something that made him need to explain. “You should be mated, sweetheart. You should be out there, somewhere, happy.”
“I am happy.”
“With someone who can make you happy.”
“You made me happy!” Dean sighed and got out of the bed, and you shot up, clutching the blanket to your chest as you sat there in the bed and watched him. “What the fuck, Dean?”
“You deserve more, you deserve a mate who can give you everything. A house, kids, happiness, the whole 9 fucking yards. All I got to give is a week in a shitty motel room once a month. That’s not a life, it’s not happiness.”
You swallowed, trying to keep as calm as you could. “I come because I want to, I come because I love being here with you.” your eyes, locking on his, not letting him turn away or shut you down, not until he heard you. “I know I can go look for more, Dean, I know full and damn well what this is, but I don’t. I don’t because this, right here, you and me, it makes me happy. Nothing else exists when I’m in here with you. It’s just us, and I like that. I look forward to you, Dean. When you text or call, it makes my fucking day because I know I make you smile too. You say it’s not enough, but it’s open, it’s honest, there’s no bullshit between us and for the first time in a long fucking time I feel wanted. I don’t have to beg for your time because you give it, even if it's just a text, you give it.”
Dean stood there quietly, eyes searching your face as he weighed those words.
“You make me happy, Dean. And I know I make you happy, too, so I don’t know why you’re doing this right now.”
With a sigh, Dean got back into bed, wrapping his arms around you as he pulled you down against him. “I’m sorry.” he mumbled, nuzzling himself into your neck. “I just get in my own head sometimes. I’m sorry. You’re just so fucking perfect, and I’m-”
“Perfect.” you assured him with a smile. “Perfect enough for me, anyways.” you corrected, before he could protest. “I promise you, Dean, if I’m ever unhappy, I’ll tell you. But I’m not. I’m exactly where I want to be.”
Dean buried his face deeper into your neck and breathed you in, letting your scent soothe him. “It’s so fucking hard not to claim you sometimes.” he muttered to himself, not meaning for you to hear him.
“Then why don’t you?” Dean froze and remained quiet for a while. You were about to pull back from him and ask again when he spoke.
“It doesn’t end well for us.”
“How do you know, we’ve never-”
“Winchesters, I mean. Mates, they.. they die.”
“Everyone dies.”
He shook his head, but didn’t pull it out of your neck. It was like he was afraid to. “They get killed. Killed for just being with us. Mom, Jess.. As shit as it is to say, I’m glad Sam hurt you because if he hadn’t, it would have been you who died in that fire.”
“What are you saying, Dean?”
“There’s something you don't know about us. A lot you don’t know about us.”
“Tell me.” Your voice was as quiet as a whisper, half afraid to hear, but needing to know. He was quiet again, but you gave him time, let him tell you at his own pace.
“It started with mom. She died in a fire, like Jess did. Exactly like Jess. Sam in bed, her in flames on the ceiling above him, me pulling him out before he burns too.”
“On the-”
“It wasn’t a house fire.. It was so much more.. Been hunting the fucking thing my whole life, it consumed my dad, it’s consuming Sam now. It’s what we do, we hunt. Sam tried to leave it, tried to do college, tried to have a mate and a life outside of this, but no one gets out, not alive. I’m scared. Every fucking time I meet up with you, I’m scared that I’m followed. I’m scared that I’ll leave and something else will walk in and you’ll stand no fucking chance..”
“Then teach me what I need to know.” At that, Dean pulled away. “Living your life in fear is not living, Dean. You’ll let it taint what we have, you’re already doing it. So teach me. Whatever it is that you do, whatever it is that you’re afraid will get me, prepare me so I have a fighting chance.”
“You’re serious?”
“I told you, Dean. You’re my happy.” Leaning in, you pressed a soft kiss to his lips. “Happiness is worth fighting for, so teach me to fight.” Dean nodded, letting his forehead rest against yours as he shut his eyes and took a deep breath. “And stop holding back. If you want to claim me, Dean,  just ask.”
Dean pulled back. “But I thought-”
“How many times do I have to say that I’m happiest with you?”
The grin that spread over his face was the most beautiful one you’d ever seen. He pressed his lips to yours, soft, tender and loving. “I want to, I’ve wanted to for months.”
“I’ve been yours for months.” you answered with a smile.
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It was a bit after 10 when Sam knocked on the motel room door with two bags of takeout in his hands. He waited patiently, not wanting to risk getting his head ripped off if he just walked in like the first time. He’d been dropping off a meal or two all week to be sure you were both eating, and this was how it went, he’d knock, the door would open, Dean would snatch the food and grumble a thanks before shutting the door in his face. It’s what he was expecting when the door opened.
“Hey, Sammy.”
“Hey.” Sam greeted his brother, and held out one of the bags.
“Is that Sam?” Sam heard you from inside. “Stop being mean to your brother, Dean, invite him in.” Sam cocked an eyebrow at that, but Dean just smiled.
“Would you like to join us?”
“Are you sure?” Sam asked cautiously.
“Wouldn’t ask if I wasn’t, Sammy.” Dean took the bag from his brother and walked away from the door, leaving it open as an invitation to Sam.
Sam weighed the options, join you and Dean for breakfast and be reminded of the best friend he’d lost and what his brother found in her, or go eat in his own room and be reminded of just how alone he was. Both options sucked. With a sigh, Sam stepped inside and shut the door.
Dean was taking out the containers from the bag when he glanced over and motioned for Sam to come in and sit. The table was small, only two chairs, one on either side, so Sam sat in the closest one, Dean dropping into the one opposite him.
The water in the bathroom turned off, and Sam glanced up from opening his breakfast container to see you come out with a smile. “Morning, Sam.”
“Morning.” he answered, taking you in. You were wearing a hoodie and sleep shorts, and he almost smiled to himself about how some things don’t change. He remembers countless times showing up at your dorm room to find you dressed like that, nose buried in a book. He could smell you, not as strong as last time, but you smelt different. The same, but something about it was different. It was so slight, but he chalked it up to the week you’d spent with Dean locked away in this room.
“Oh, he brought breakfast.” you grinned, happily making your way to the table. Sam was about to offer up his seat when Dean wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you onto his lap. You didn’t seem to care as Dean held on to you and ate with his free hand, just focused on getting your own breakfast container opened before reaching for the plastic fork that had come with it. “So where were we?” Sam furrowed his brow as Dean seemed to be thinking. “Ghosts?” you asked, fork coming up to your mouth and taking a bite.
“Hmm.” Dean nodded and swallowed. “Salt. You got a ghost problem, salt lines, salt circles, shoot ‘em with rocksalt.”
“Why is everything bothered by salt?”
“What is going on?” Sam looked between the two of you.
“I’m learning.” you smiled over at him between bites.
“Why?” Sam asked.
“Iron.” Dean added, ignoring his brother’s question. “Crowbar or fire poker, swing at ‘em. They won’t leave for good, but it’ll give you time to move.”
“Oh! Finally, a reason to buy one of those nice fake fireplace heater things.” You got a weird look from both of them and shrugged. “It’s going to be weird having a fire poker but no fireplace. People will think I’m crazy.”  Dean just rolled his eyes and went back to his breakfast. “I suppose I could just say I collect them..”
“Shifters.” Dean continued. “Look human, but not human. Not fully.”
“Why are they called shifters?” You turned to look at Dean behind you, and that’s when Sam saw it, the mark at the base of your neck.
“Because they can shift to look like anyone. Oh! Hang on, I’ve got something for you.” Dean gave you a nudge, and you stood, letting him up and he hurried to his bag.
“You claimed her?!” Sam was stunned.
“Yeah, Sammy, I did.” Dean answered, digging through his bag. “We got a problem?”
Sam looked to you and you gave him a soft smile. “He makes me happy, Sam.”
Sam just looked away, looked down at his food and nodded. “Just be careful.” he mumbled, making you furrow your brow in confusion.
“Here.” You turned to Dean and found him holding a ring. “Silver.” he smiled, taking your hand and sliding it over your finger on your dominant hand. “If you touch someone, and they pull back like they were burned, run. So many things are hurt by silver.”
You gave him a nod, looking down at the plain silver band, then looked over at Sam who still wasn’t looking up at either of you. Dean sat back in his chair and pulled you back onto his lap so you can both continue eating.
“Now you know why I’m teaching her.” Sam looked up at that, meeting his brother's eyes. “She won’t end up like them.” Sam just nodded and looked back down at his meal. “Oh, and I’m going to have to teach you Latin.”
“Demons.” Sam piped up, but didn’t look up. As much as he hated this, he wasn’t going to let Dean’s decision lead you to your death as much as he could help it. “Exorcism is in Latin.”
“It’s going to be difficult, isn’t it?” you pouted.
“Oh yeah.” Dean chuckled. “But you’re smart, you’ll get it.”
“God I hope so..” you sighed.
“Speaking of demons..” Dean took a bite of bacon. “Salt.” he chuckled.
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Tagging :  Dean - @akshi8278  @adoptdontshoppets   @evyiione @karikatz12481 @idksupernatural  @deandreamernp
Sam -  @evyiione  @hoboal87
SPN -  @sandlee44  @just-another-busy-fangirl  @mrswhozeewhatsis   @deanandsamsbitch  @deans-baby-momma  @thebescht @67-chevy-baby @supraveng   @musiclovinchic93 @holyfuckloueh  @ksgeekgirl   @hobby27 @maddiepants  @roxyspearing @onethirstyunicorn    @fandom-princess-forevermore     @kalesrebellion   @deanwanddamons   @thoughts-and-funnies
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184 notes · View notes
not-all-dead · 3 years
"It’s not a surprise when the Chief of Police comes out. There have been betting pools for years, and the announcement is met with mostly indifference. What is a surprise, however, is the interview that comes out alongside the announcement. The interview that is complete with a photoshoot of Lin Beifong in civilian clothes, talking about the challenges of her position. No one can remember the last time the Chief has given an interview, and the photo becomes the talk of the town."
How do you think the interview goes? What would Lin say?
link to (what i believe was) the original post of this! with some amazing art that VERY much helped me write this :DD (by @mgthejerkbender)
i was originally just gonna write a dialogue or notes for this but uh- i got a little carried away so here’s a 3687 word fic of the interview oops
CW: implications of past trauma (mentions of r@pe/s*xual assa*lt, public humiliation, not graphic at all), homophobia, sexism
fic under the cut :)
Lin walked into the room in a soft green turtleneck and dark brown pants that almost looked black without the light. There was sound equipment set up all over the place, with two armchairs in the middle of it all. A desk sat over to the side, a typewriter and paper sitting atop it. Quite a few people were rushing around, making sure that everything was in place for the broadcast. She watched a young woman sit at the desk, prepping the typewriter to transcribe the entire thing.
“Oh good, you’re here,” Lin turned to see a man in his early forties standing with a small journal behind her.
He wore a plain suit with a pale orange tie, his greying hair slicked back neatly. His eyes flitted around the room, checking things briefly for himself before focusing on Lin. He opened the notebook to a page about a quarter of the way through and smiled at Lin, nodding at the chairs behind her.
“Care to sit?” he asked, moving toward the chairs.
She took the seat farthest from where they’d just been standing, shifting to get comfortable while she waited for him to sit and get things rolling. She didn’t want to admit it, but her heart was racing. She hadn’t done anything like this is ages, especially not so casually. The topic of discussion also made her nervous, both because her job was something she rarely spoke of with anyone outside a professional context, and because of the announcement that would come with the interview. She’d encountered plenty of bigoted people in the past, and had no doubt that her officially coming out would only press them to question her position more than usual.
She picked idly at the fuzzballs on her turtleneck until the man sitting beside her cleared his throat. Her head snapped up to look at him, her body tensing briefly before seeing that he was testing the microphones. She sighed and relaxed slightly, speaking into the microphone placed before her when the sound technician prompted her to do so. Once everything seemed to be in place and ready to go, the broadcast started.
“Welcome, listeners, to tonight’s special program. I’m your host, Kaja Posicopolis, here with our esteemed Chief of Police, Lin Beifong. So, Chief, how are you on this fine night?” he started, putting on his radio voice.
“Good, I’m good,” Lin responded, leaning slightly forwards in her seat.
“That’s good to hear. I think I’ll launch right into our questions if you don’t mind, we’ve got a lot to get through tonight,” Lin nodded when he looked over to her, giving him the go ahead.
“Why don’t we start with something positive. What’s your favourite thing about your position as Chief? What about the job brings you the most joy?” he turned to watch her while waiting for her answer.
She looked at the floor for a moment, thinking before speaking.
“I think I’d have to say getting to help people. Ever since I was young I’ve wanted to protect others as much as possible, and being Chief makes that a lot easier and a lot more… legal,” he joined her when she chuckled lightly, but her smile only lasted a moment.
“Of course, I’m not perfect, and there are always times when things go wrong. I can’t say that those times don’t affect me, but I try to think of the people we as a force have helped over the years and that keeps me going,” she took a deep breath and looked to Kaja as he glanced at his notepad.
“That leads right into my next question; how do you do it? Not even your infamous mother was Chief for as long as you’ve been, and her time was already impressive. You’ve given so much to Republic City already, why, and how, do you keep giving?” there was a look of wonder and admiration on his face when he finished the question.
“I grew up in Republic City. It always has been, and will be, my home. And who doesn’t want to protect their home? I think that as long as I live here, I’ll be working to do anything in my power to help the city. I hate watching neighborhoods suffer… actually, I’m working on a plan with President Moon at the moment with the hopes of helping out the poorer parts of the city, providing homes for the homeless, all that good stuff. I just want to see Republic City thriving, and I want to help it get to that point. As I said before, it’s my home; everyone here is part of a community, a family, if you will, and that means everything to me,” Lin leaned back, resting against the cushion behind her, setting her right foot on her left knee.
“That’s a beautiful sentiment, thank you. I love the idea of the city being one big family, and that project sounds like it’ll be very good for the future of Republic City,” Kaja turned his gaze back to his notes, stopping the conversation briefly.
“The next question I have here is less uppity; what has your biggest struggle been with regards to your job?”
“That’s a hard one,” she paused. “I’ve had many struggles with work over my years as Chief, but I think of everything that’s happened… being a woman, and a queer one at that, has definetly taken it’s toll. Other things have been more directly challenging, but that’s been present since day one.”
“Would you care to elaborate on that?” he prompted leaning slightly towards her.
She inhaled and held her breath for a split second before sighing lightly.
“Sure, why not,” she gave a small smile to Kaja before starting.
“When I was much younger, just starting out in the force, I could already see the inherent bias against women that so many male officers held. My mother wasn’t immune to their verbal attacks, though she would give them a good… sparring match, lets say, if they ever so much as laid a finger on her. After a few times, that generally stopped happening, but people would still talk. The number of disgusting, awful things I heard coming from some of those men…” she huffed and shifted in her seat, putting one elbow on her armrest and resting her head on her hand.
“Anyway, I started to pay attention to every little thing. I noticed how many male politicians talked down to my mother, and not because of her blindness. Even a few of the men on our own council at the time would treat her as less-than for no apparent reason.
“I saw it happening in my own life and career, too. How my male counterparts got the promotion before I was even considered, despite performing just as well as them, if not better. How I was never asked for input on supposedly collective decisions or plans, and if I was or tried to interject, I was almost always dismissed. It seemed like any man of higher or equal rank to me thought I was some… assistant to bring him coffee and reports and not do any actual work.
“Seeing that attitude so often pissed me off. I made it my mission to prove myself beyond what was necessary. I wanted to show them that I could do anything they could just as well, sometimes even better. My work paid off eventually and I began to climb the ranks, not letting myself rest for a second. And I wanted to help people as well, of course, but it started out more as wanting to teach those bastards a lesson,” she moved again, uncrossing her legs and leaning forward on her elbows.
“Once I became Chief, a lot of people seemed determined to put me down. Practically every man, be he politician or merchant on the street, told me something insinuating that I was handed the position just because my mother was Chief before me. Every time I wanted to yell at them, to show them records of how hard I’d worked to get there, how much harder I’d had to work than most of my colleagues. With the politicians and other major figureheads, how much harder I’d had to work than they probably had.
“It was frustrating, but I got used to it. It was a constant that came with working a so-called, and I’m not making this up, it’s been said directly to my face before, ‘Man’s job’,” she stopped for a moment and looked over at Kaja, who was staring at her in disbelief.
She couldn’t help but let out a small laugh at his expression before looking back down and continuing.
“There was also the issue of my queerness,” she shook her head and took a deep breath, sitting back as she continued.
“I started working as a proper officer when I was about eighteen. Within my first year working, I was-,” she closed her eyes and clenched her teeth for a second.
“I had an encounter with a man, an older officer who was overseeing the training group I was a part of. He tried to initiate certain… activities with me, none of which I wanted to partake in. I did manage to get rid of him and filed a report against him, but it wasn’t the last time it happened.
“I was a pretty regular customer at a few of the underground bars for people like me at the time. I did my best to hide my face when I left, but there were always times I was careless, or somebody saw me in the seconds I let my guard down. Usually it was no big deal, but occasionally it was someone from work. Once, it was that man.
“He found me at work the next day and asked me about it. Yelled at me, really. He tried to make it seem like that’s why I’d denied him, and the names he called me weren’t pretty to say the least. He started to physically attack me, throwing punch after punch and not giving me the slightest chance to fight back.
“After that day, I stopped going to those bars altogether. The first time I went back to one was actually just a few years ago. I started dating Tenzin a few years later, and though people weren’t so outwardly expressive of their opinions on my relationships, the disapproval was still present.
“By the time Tenzin and I split up, I think some people still suspected my queerness, but it wasn’t a widely adopted theory. I had my fair share of men approach me, some with better intentions than others, and turned down most of them. Some of them didn’t react all that well, and I ended up filing several more reports. I don’t think any of them actually got charged, though.
“I entertained short romances with some men, some women too. Nothing stuck, not really anyway. I kept every relationship very quiet, including those with men, just for the sake of privacy. When I was with women, it was also to avoid getting hate-crimed, but I really did prefer to keep at least some things private.
“In the context of work, there were also challenges. That first superior to try getting at me like that must’ve talked, telling anyone who would listen about my excursions to the underground bars. People looked at me oddly in just about any shared workspace there was, though a few times I made friends because of it. Those were always good times, even if few and far between.
“Some people just gave a judgemental stare or vaguely rude comment every so often, but a few others took it further. Much further,” she looked up to the ceiling as she recalled another story.
“I had a supervisor when I was probably about, oh, twenty seven or so. He was a few ranks below my mother, and I one below him. He decided that one day it would be absolutely hysterical to cover my desk in obscene printed images of women I didn’t recognize, along with toys of a certain nature. I was mortified when I came in and saw the spectacle. The worst part was that almost everyone working in that part of the building at the time laughed with him, and those who didn’t weren’t exactly helpful.
“I didn’t come back to work for a week after that. It was awful, his stupid prank making me so shamed of who I was, who I loved. I know now that my loving both women and men isn’t a bad thing, and is simply part of me. It was harder to accept that, to accept myself, when I saw people like him in positions of power over me.
“I kept working though, and there was never an incident quite like that one again. A few others were more directly hateful than most, but it was easier to deal with. As with people treating me as less because of my gender, I got used to it,” she turned to Kaja, a hint of guilt on her face after talking for so long.
He shook his head, disbelief still spread across his face. His eyes flitted back and forth between floor tiles as he searched for the right words to respond.
“That sounds awful. I’m so sorry you had to deal with people like that,” he looked back up at Lin.
“So am I,” she scoffed, her fingers picking at her turtleneck again.
There was a small silence before Kaja looked back down at his notepad and then at the clock on the wall.
“We’ve got enough time for one last question, so is there anything you’d like to tell young women and queer people living in the city?” His expression was almost hopeful now, desperate to end off on a lighter note.
Lin smiled in amusement at him before looking down at her hands, fiddling her thumbs in her lap. After a moment, she looked back up at him and started speaking again.
“Absolutely,” she began, her gaze drifting around the room and landing on each individual at least once.
“To all the women working your asses off in the workforce: stand up for yourself. Don’t let any man devalue you because of your gender. Be the best you can be and wipe the smiles clean off their faces as you do it. Start your own businesses, get that promotion, set goals for yourself and fly past them. You can do just about anything you put your mind to, despite what many men might say,” her voice was strong, almost commanding as she began her final statement.
“And to all the young queer people out there; you are so, so strong. Keep loving each other, keep being yourselves. I know how awful people can be, but their opinions do not define you. You are perfect exactly as you are, and nothing can change that. It might seem like it’ll never be true, but I believe we will live in a time when acceptance is the norm. I believe that that time, with hard work and patience with those who need teaching, will be here soon.”
“Perfect. Thank you so much for your time, Chief,” Kaja said, looking at the clock again.
“Thank you for having me,” Lin replied, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath.
“And with that, folks, we wrap up today’s special broadcast. I’ll be back in the studio tomorrow resuming our usual radio program. Until then, I’m Kaja Posicopolis, and this is eighty six point four, your favourite music station,” Kaja finished, staying silent for a few seconds until a man from across the room nodded at him.
He rolled his head around and got up from his chair, setting his notepad down behind him.
“How are you now?” he asked Lin as he stretched his arms out and cracked his back.
Lin scoffed and stood, going through a couple of her own stretches. She straightened her shirt and tucked a few stray hairs back before responding.
“I feel like I just stood naked in front of the entire city,” she said, unable to hold back a small smile when Kaja laughed.
“Well, we’re about to expose you even more. You ready for the photo shoot?” he grabbed his notebook and pen and closed them, watching Lin for an answer.
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” Lin sighed before following him out of the room.
They walked down several long hallways, eventually coming to a large open room. The walls and floor were a pale grey cement, and there were expensive looking lights set up all over the place. A dark green upholstered bench sat to one side of the room, a tall light shining down on it. A few people saw them coming in and rushed around, turning off almost every other light. One of them knocked on a door that was on the other end of the room, calling for someone inside.
“This seems a bit excessive,” Lin muttered, her eyes wandering the room.
“Only the best for you, Chief,” a man said from somewhere in the shadows.
Lin glanced behind her only to see Kaja talking to someone near the door. When she turned back to where the voice had come from, she had to bite back a laugh. She tried not to, but couldn’t help smiling at the absolute glow that radiated from the man in front of her.
“You like my outfit?” he asked with a grin, twirling around for her.
He had on bright red fit-and-flare pants with a stripe of gold sequins down their side; a matching red low-cut tank top; a purple feather-covered knee-length jacket; gold sparkly platform shoes that made him tower over Lin more than he already would have; and a top hat that belonged with a businessman’s black tie attire.
“It’s incredible,” Lin chuckled, crossing her arms casually over her chest.
“You look sharp yourself today, Chief,” he said with a grin, taking a few steps towards her.
Before she could object, he pulled her into a tight hug. His arms squashed her face against his lower chest, making Lin painfully aware of the extent of their height difference. She laughed and patted his arm, thankfully getting him to release her.
“I’m assuming you’re the photographer, then?” she asked, grinning up at him.
He nodded enthusiastically and spun on his heel, walking back into the darkness. She heard a couple of small crashes and a string of profanities before he came back, a large camera and it’s stand filling his arms.
“Uh- where am I going?” he asked Lin, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye.
She let out a small laugh and stepped towards him, placing her hand on his arm. She guided him towards the bench setup, stopping them near where the light stood.
“Thank you, thank you!” he exclaimed, setting down the camera’s stand first and then fastening the camera to it.
“Of course,” Lin breathed, suddenly nervous to have her photo taken.
The photographer immediately noticed her mood change and put his hands on her shoulders.
“Don’t worry, I’ll make you look,” he closed his eyes and blew a chef's kiss to the side.
Lin nodded and took a deep breath, filling her lungs as much as she could before letting it all out. The photographer made a few adjustments to the camera stand, making sure it would stay while he got her in position, and then led her to the bench. He sat her down in the middle of it and walked back to his camera, dragging the stand loudly over so he was more to her right.
“Don’t be so stiff,” he called, looking at her through the viewfinder and flapping his hand in the air.
“Just- pretend I’m not here, you’re just sitting at home listening to the radio.”
He stepped back from the camera and watched Lin as she settled her head on her left fist with her right elbow on her knee. The photographer gave her a big thumbs up, calling “Much better!” and going back to looking through his camera.
He shifted it a few times before taking any photos, wanting to get it right in as few shots as possible considering the price and rarity of film in stores. Lin looked at the camera for the first few, looking away because of her boredom growing steadily. When he seemed satisfied with the shots, he took the camera off the stand and walked over to the bench.
“Room for another?” he asked, not letting Lin answer before settling himself beside her.
The images printed slowly, one at a time. After each was out, he placed them in the shadow under the bench to protect them from overexposure. Once the last one printed, he reached down and grabbed the first. It had settled well, the colours coming out nice and bright.
“It’s perfect,” Lin gasped, staring in wonder at the photo that managed to make her alright with how she looked out-of-uniform.
The photographer grinned at her, holding the photo up.
“I agree,” he said proudly, forgetting his other photos and standing.
Lin watched as he brought the photo to Kaja, engaging the shorter man in a quick and lively discussion before handing off the photo and walking back. He grinned ear to ear at her, and she sighed before relenting and giving a small smile back.
“Nervous, Chief?” he asked, standing before her with his hands shoved into the pockets of his jacket.
Lin chuckled and shook her head.
“I just haven’t done something like this in ages… or ever, really,” she said, her hands moving to grip the edge of the bench.
“Hey,” the photographer moved to place a hand on her shoulder, prompting her to look up at him.
“You’re doing great, Chief, trust me,” Lin let out a breath and really smiled at him this time.
“Thank you,” she said quietly, meaning it with every ounce of her being.
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shadow--writer · 3 years
So I’m writing a fic with some nice, wholesome Julian head scratchings in it because I reckon he would enjoy having his head scratched and I will make that man feel treasured whether he likes it or not. Got me thinking, I bet Volta would also love affectionate head scratches because she is a very good girl, yes she is. Anywho, what are your thoughts on the main 6 (+ courtiers, Morga, anyone you fancy) and how they feel about head scratches/ head rubs (from someone they’re comfortable with)?
Head scratches you say 👀👀👀👀. I don’t write for any of the courtiers or Morga, but I hope you like this very soft domestic main six!! But I agree Volta is very good. 10/10.
I have to admit I was rather relaxed writing these, head scratches are the best
And yes I am jealous again, scratches are the bomb.com.
Hope you enjoy!!
Main six x MC head scratches/head rubs
Ah! You’re relaxing on your shared bed, just reading when he crawls into your lap
He’s tired from working too hard for too long without sleep poor poor doctor Devorak 
Head scratches and pats only happen when he’s like this, tired and almost asleep
He’s not quite used to them but he does love them
Just doesn’t know how to ask
While reading you run your hand through his hair, making him sigh
Once you bring fingernails into the equation he is putty in your hands, leaning into your touch
Hearing his little sighs and thinking he’s asleep you stop
He cracks one eye open, a little miffed
“Don’t stop now my love. Keep going please.” (Voice rough with sleep imagine it)
Teasing him a little you oblige
He loves head scratches. When you pull on his hair gently mmm the good stuff right there
Scratch his scalp, tug his hair lightly, untangle his curls 
If he’s not already asleep he’ll sing to you. Just softly, voice thick with the promise of sleep
He’ll fall asleep and be out for a long time, just resting in your lap while you run your hands through his hair 
It’s very domestic, and it’s one of is favourite things in the whole world
It’s calming and some of the best sleep he ever gets 
He’ll kiss your finger tips and sometimes if you are in his lap he’ll run his hands through your hair too
He lives for head scratches 
Especially from you, he trusts you wholeheartedly not to hurt him
He’ll straight up just ask you for head scratches, he loves them so much
He’ll lie down in your lap, you both resting on pillows and plush blankets
He’s very warm too, hair all fluffy and curly
Faust will curl up and sleep on his chest while you run your hands through his hair
Scratch. Scratch. Scratch. Please use your nails, rub circles on his scalp, detangle his hair with a touch, just scratch gently at his scalp
His hair is so freaking fluffy it’s like running your hands through a soft stuffed animal’s fur
He will fall asleep with you scratching his head (most of the main six will, it’s quite relaxing)
He’ll spark little magic shows for you, just little shows of light and smells
Sometimes after having a rough day he just wants to lay in your lap and talk to you while you run his head
Fluff his hair up more. Please
He might even make a noise that sounds strangely like purring 
He’ll deny it but you know what you heard
He’ll tell you stories from his trip while slowly...falling...asleep...
He can’t help it he’s never been more relaxed then he is here like this with you
He’ll yawn every few seconds while talking before snuggling into your thighs
He snores softly, but don’t stop the head scratches
Stop when his hair is all mused and soft and detangled
You’ll probably fall asleep, you, Asra and Faust all snuggled together 
It’s the best sleep you’ll ever get, fully relaxed 
He’ll return the favour eventually, don’t worry.
Her head aches from her hair being pulled up for so long 
Take her hair out of the ponytail and slowly run your hands through it
If she’s talking to you she’ll stop mid sentence to let out a little sigh as you run your hands through her hair and scratch her scalp gently
She probably had a long day of countessing 
She’ll wrap blankets around the two of you as you work your magic 
Warm your hands a little bit as you scratch her scalp
She’ll be out like a light if you two aren’t talking 
Her hair is very soft and silky
And it’s long too, making your job both harder and longer 
You don’t mind though, getting her as relaxed as she is is a tough feat
Please please please tease her hair 
Fluff it up, make she she wakes up with hair that seems to poof off her scalp
It’ll make her laugh
She’ll love it
Please don’t forget the bottom half of her hair though
Tug on the tips lightly to make her arch her head into the touch
She’ll tell you little stories from her old home and about her sisters
Oh the back of her head is a golden spot 
You might need to maneuver to get it but don’t worry 
The results are worth it
She’ll let out a little gasp, sinking into your touch
Run your hands up and down, dragging your nails gently along her scalp
Has she mentioned how much she loves you?
Because prepare yourself, she’s gonna say it a lot
This man has never had a head scratch in his entire life and that is a travesty 
Lie him down, shoulders and head agains your stomach and thighs
Just enough that he’s on your lap but he’s not too on your lap to worry himself about crushing you
His hair is very smooth but super soft
After you’re done with it though, it will be just as soft and fluffy as Asra’s
Inanna will lie down on Muriel’s legs, her tail beating against the ground as she watched Muriel relax into your touch
Gently scratch his scalp, use your fingertips more than your nails
He’ll let out small content grunts and sighs as you work
He likes his hairline scratched the most
That way he can see you a bit better, and you can pull his hair back from his face with gentle caresses 
Tug gently on the hair that normally covers his face
Detangle it with your fingers too, running them up and down through his hair
Don’t forget the top of his head though 
Massage your hands through his scalp, rubbing circles with your fingertips
Scratch the back of his head and tug lightly at the hair there, make sure to untangle those rough knots
He’ll fall asleep soon unless you’re talking 
But he’s so relaxed he’ll start up a conversation 
Maybe talking about what the girls got into and their adventures 
Inanna is now asleep on his legs, him running a hand through her fur
You all are just this nice little family, relaxing in the quietness of his hut
This is the most loved he’s ever felt
Portia is also a very busy baby who doesn’t spend too much time on herself or poor hair
By the end of the week her hair is so knotted and rough it’ll take hours to brush it all out
Luckily she has a very cute and kind apprentice helping her out 
She’s very talkative, ask her about her day while the two of you relax on her pillow mound with her in you lap
Start at the base of her hair and work your way up 
It’s very knotted and if you start at her scalp it will hurt a lot 
Slowly brush your fingers through her hair, tug lightly and pull apart as needed 
Once you reach her scalp, all conversation will be cut short 
Wow you’re very good with your hands
Like really good wow
Lift up her hair a bit while you scratch at the bat of her scalp, working your way up 
She will melt into your touch with a little sigh
“MC those hands of yours are magic.”
Pull on her bangs gently while you rub at her hairline 
Take your nail and lightly run circles around her scalp
Her hair will slowly decurl while you work, each tangle you get rid of map going to make her hair so much softer 
She’s very soft and smooth hair, and once her tangles are gone you get to bask in how soft her hair is 
She love love loves headscratches and she’ll do the same to you if you ever ask
Okay so Lucio isn’t really the type to get so close to someone in an intimate setting like this
He’s always worried he’s going to do something to mess this up or maybe it’s a plot to kill him 
Hey it happened once you never know
If he’s very comfortable with you he’ll let you take his golden arm off, I know this is about head scratch’s but make sure to rub his arm gently too once you take the golden arm off
His hair is not soft at all
So much hair products and gel
Start at his hairline, brushing his bangs down over his eyes
He’ll be running that mouth of his you know he will
He’ll be talking about his day, asking about yours, telling stories all sorts of things
He’ll let out a very rough sigh when you scratch his scalp and the back of his head
Keep that up. Keep doing that yes
He doesn’t let anyone get close to his head
But now he has that tinge of regret because he loves head scratches so freaking much wow
Fluff up his hair
Your hands are going to smell like hair products after this 
They are gonna smell terrible but you don’t mind 
Seeing Lucio this relaxed and sleepy is totally worth it
He’ll babble on but his words will slowly...become...slurred...as...he grows...sleepy 
He snores
He denies it but he snores 
But you’re glad he fell asleep, it means he trusts you. Trusts you to take his arm off, trusts you with his hair and head, and trusts you enough to fall asleep
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dancingazaleas · 3 years
Can you write a modern au Historia Reiss x fem!reader imagine where the reader is in a band and has a very punk rock style, and Historias the popular cheerleader everybody drools over, and they hate each other but at a party some girl is flirting with the reader so historia takes her and fucks the reader silly in a bathroom and after confesses her feelings to r?
historia reiss | promise
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ofc!!! pls i literally love cheerleader!historia. i hope this is good enough <33 !!
18+ pls ! [unedited]
warnings/notes: cursing, use of alcohol and drugs, eventual smut, jealous dom!historia, modern au!, college au!, cheerleader!historia, bathroom sex, degradation, slight praise, enemies to lovers supremacy, fem reader!, finger fucking, hints at pegging, and aftercare
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you’re pissed, so pissed that you’re seeing white. you only know that you’re sitting under the bleachers of your college campus and that your best friend, annie, is sitting beside you.
historia reiss, the popular cheerleader adored by everyone, decided it would funny if she pulled a prank on you. the prank being drenched in ice water and then pouring pink glitter on your body from the second floor of campus.
the glitter stuck everywhere, even in your mouth. before you scrubbed some of it off, you looked like a bath bomb. the water made it stickier and made you cold.
you don’t know what kind of vendetta historia has against you, you’ve only just met her two years ago! you hadn’t even really talked her up until your freshman year of college. even then, you don’t think you had said anything rude or wrong.
you just assume she gets pleasure out of your suffering.
you’re ranting about historia to annie, who witnessed the whole incident, still covered head-to-toe in glitter. she’s smoking a cigarette and listening to you absentmindedly, a sign that she’s getting slightly annoyed. she grabs your jaw with her hand and turns your face towards her. she’s taking in a breath and you know exactly what she’s about to do.
when she pulls the cigarette away, she blows the smoke into your face and let’s go of your jaw.
“thanks for that,” you grunt, the smell always seems to calm you down for some odd reason.
“y’know, instead of ranting, you could go home and take a shower,” she looks sleepy as she holds onto her cigarette.
“i know. but she’s just so frustrating! wanna know what makes her even more frustrating?!”
annie decides to play along, she thinks you ranting is funny, “what?”
“she’s hot. scratch that, she’s literally gorgeous. she looks like a fucking goddess and has the personality of a witch,” you shout angrily, following annie’s movements of getting up and walking towards your dorm.
“i dunno,” she snickers, “she’s pretty nice to me.”
“yeah, cause she’s got some sort of vendetta against me. i swear—i have never done a single thing to her!! do you remember when she bashed our band?! does she even listen to punk?!”
annie’s made a mistake in encouraging you, “anyways. speaking of our band, don’t forget we’re playing tonight at eren’s house.”
“you mean at his frat house,” you snort, bumping your shoulder into her’s. you immediately regret it when you pull away and see pink glitter stick to her shirt and a shiver going down her spine.
“yeah, whatever. thank god he’s loaded enough to pay for a band. i can’t believe his dad just gives him and zeke cash,” annie coughs while she chuckles, smoke puffing out of her nose.
you’re laughing at her coughing, slapping her firmly on the back as you walk.
you don’t notice large blue eyes staring at you from far away.
you’re trying to ignore the idiotic comments annie’s making while mikasa does your eyeliner.
you, mikasa, annie, and—surprisngly—jean are getting ready for your show tonight.
originally, it had just been you, annie, and mikasa until mikasa and jean had started dating. she vouched that he could play the drums—and he definelty could. he also gets along surprisingly well with you and annie.
mikasa usually sings back-up for you—despite your begging for her to be the lead—and plays the electric keyboard.
annie’s on bass guitar. she gets stupidly smug everytime she’s done playing and the praise she gets from her girlfriend doesn’t help. annie also writes most of your songs.
“guys, we should make a bet,” annie’s twirling some of her hair, eyeing you and mikasa.
“what’s the bet,” jean smirks and raises a bushy brow. mikasa and you give a hum of approval.
“i bet that one girl is gonna be all over (name) tonight,” you snort sarcastically.
“elizabeth? i think she’s trying to seduce me so i’ll partner up with her for this project we have coming up in our music history class,” mikasa’s pullled away, screwing the cap of the eyeliner back onto the bottle. she hands you coal black lipstick.
“you know what i bet,” jean starts, you know it isn’t gonna be good, “historia’s gonna be eyefucking (name) all night.”
you’re in the middle of applying lipstick but you stop at his statement.
“no, before you say something, jean’s gotta point,” mikasa muses, fanning her hand.
“yeah. dunno how you didn’t noticed,” annie shrugs, hopping out of her chair and stretching her arms upwards.
you’re irritated and finished with your lipstick, eyebrows furrowed bitterly.
“anyways,” you grit your teeth, “it’s showtime.”
it’s been five minutes since you and the band performed, and after all that belting you just want a drink. you’re walking through the messy and huge kitchen, trying to avoid stepping on spilled shots and egg yolk—who knows—because these boots were expensive.
luckily, most people are partying like a mob in the main room of the smelly frat house. it smells like weed, everywhere. and when you open the fridge you see a long platter of chocolate brownies, is eren alright? you shrug internally, snatching a water bottle that’s sitting on the top shelf.
after you’ve closed the fridge door and opened it, you’re chugging the water bottle like your life depends on it. when you pull away, you try to not notice the lipstick stain and that you’ve drank the bottle more than halfway. you’re leaning on the island in the middle of the kitchen, you don’t plan on partying too much since you’re supposed to be the designated driver for annie, mikasa, and jean.
you’re about to take another swig of your water, eyes staring down at your phone and continuing to read a article. before you can bring the bottle to your lips, teasing laughter from your front is distracting you.
it’s historia, wearing a baby blue v-neck tank top that ends at her ribs. she has a white skirt on, pulled up to the middle of her bellybutton and stopping at her upper thighs. her shoes are white and chunky with sparkly blue butterflies on the sides of them. her makeup’s cute, a light blue sprinkling on the outside corners of her eyes that tickled her cheekbones, a light and natural (for her at least) pink lipstick on her lips coated with shiny gloss. she’s pretty.
“fuck do you want,” you frown with narrowed eyes, you’re praying there aren’t anymore tricks.
“nothing, nothing!,” she’s got a cheery smile on her face, “just wanted to see how you were doing! i cant even do that?”
rolling your eyes, you scoff, “not after you drenched me in ice cold water and then poured glitter on me. it took me two hours to get rid of the glitter in the shower.”
she’s opening her mouth, but you’re already done with her shit, “fuck off, dude.”
you’re stomping out of the kitchen, huffing with frustration. what the fuck was historia trying to play at? she’s such a cunt, pulling these mean pranks on you with no provocation and then coming up to you after and asking how you are?
you’re seething. you’re so angry you’re not even paying attention to where you’re going.
but it’s interrupted when you bump into someone’s back. lower... back.
said person, turns around and looks down at you. she’s tall, and you’ve seen her around campus with eren and zeke. she’s quiet and cunning, you’ve heard rumors that she gets paid to beat people up sometimes. you can’t really judge her, money’s money.
but she’s also gorgeous. glowing gold eyes and choppy blonde hair. she’s wearing a loose black blazer that closes at her sternum and down, with nothing underneath. she’s got some kind of necklace—you think it says ‘p’ or ‘z’—and pretty silver rings on her fingers. her heels make her tower over you more than she probably would without them on.
“shit, my bad,” you sigh and look away.
she shakes her head, the tiniest smile painting her face and her cheeks turn a little red.
“you’re alright,” she hums, “i don’t think i’ve met you. i’ve definitely seen you around, but no one’s ever given me a name.”
“oh, i’m (name),” you smile shyly, “i don’t know your name either.”
she chuckles a bit, somehow wrapping her hand in your’s and leading you to a nice loveseat. her nails are painted black and you feel inclined to put your legs over her lap.
“i’m surprised,” and that’s when you notice zeke and pieck on the couch next to you, “there are a lot of rumors about me. however, i guess whoever told you—or didn’t—left me anonymous. i’m yelena.”
you give a laugh, watching her throw her arm up onto the top of the couch. you’re cuddling her side within seconds, drawing a deep chuckle from her. her other hand reaches to your cheek, making you look up at her. she’s holding your chin with her thumb and staring at you with her hypnotizing eyes.
“you’re just the cutest,” she mumbles, letting go of your face and tapping your nose.
you’re getting embarrassed at the attention, and you don’t know what to say other than ‘thank you’. you’ve never been pussy whipped a day in your entire life, but you think you might change that.
she’s leaning in closer, ignoring the couple, who was staring at you two with amusement, that sat on the couch cuddling. you feel like you recognize them for a moment, but the thought it forgotten whenever yelena kisses you fervently.
she’s running her tongue across your lip and the shiver that goes down your spine makes you realize she has a tongue piercing. she’s pushing you down to lay on the couch, to which you happily oblige, her hand crawling up to your neck.
before you can even let her shove her tongue in your mouth and choke you, your hand is being tugged and all of a sudden your upper torso and body is on the floor and your head is aching. you’re dazedly looking at yelena, who’s just as surprised as you are, then turning to the couple on the couch.
holy fucking hell, how did you not realize that the couple was pieck and zeke. that isn’t even your main focus when another tug to your wrist pulls your lower half off the couch.
“what the fuck?!” you’re suddenly not dazed anymore, “let go of me!”
you’re snatching your arm away and scrambling to your feet, tugging down your short dress that rode up. you turn around to face the assaulter, only to look down and see historia.
historia grabbed you?!
before you can even scream or slap her, she’s, once again, pulling you away by your wrist. for such a small girl, she’s got a tight grip.
you’re stumbling as you follow her, not like you couldn’t, yelling profanities. you pass by annie, who spits out her drink at the sight of you, it startles her girlfriend, hitch. you mouth a ‘help!’ towards her just as you’re swung forward.
it takes you a second to balance yourself out, and before you can turn yourself around, you’re being shoved forward.
what the fuck is her deal?!
you’re pushed into a bathroom, finally turning around to see historia as you fall on your ass. she’s slammed the door closed and locked it, staring at you on the ground.
“the fuck is your damage,” you scream, leaning against the bathroom counter.
“you’re a fucking slut, that’s what!” she’s yelling back, now standing in front of you. her hands are trapping you against the counter, and you’re looking down at her.
“you’re a dirty little slut. you can’t help but get down with a woman when i’m not with you for five fucking minutes,” you can’t even open your mouth and opted to push yourself towards the counter more as you squeeze your thighs together.
“look at you,” she’s laughing mockingly, “you look like a dog in heat. are you enjoying this, you fucking whore?”
you whimper, shaking your head side-to-side.
“you’re a liar,” she’s laughing again, standing on her tip toes to brush her lips against your’s.
“i’m not.”
“if you’re not, go ahead and push me away then,” she smirks, leaning closer.
you look away, listening to the mocking giggle that she was releasing right in your face. her left hand is grabbing you by the jaw and forcing you to look at her.
“can i kiss you,” her look softens and you nod at her.
“yes,” and within a second, her lips are on your’s. the kiss is surprisingly gentle and sweet.
with a bit on your lip, her tongue is rubbing against your’s and her hands sliding under the thin straps of your dress. you’re whining when she pulls away and laughs. your dress is halfway down your body, chest jumping up and down as you pant from the lack of breath.
“look at you, baby,” she turns your head to the side, which gives you a profile view of yourself in the mirror. your lipstick’s smudged in the corner of your mouth, eyeliner’s smuged as well as your eyeshadow.
weak product.
“you need better makeup,” she’s giggling as she leans her head towards your neck.
she’s kissing and sucking almost everywhere on your neck and chest, as if she were marking her property. moans are bouncing off the walls as her hands release your boobs from the strapless bra you’re wearing and sucking on your nipples. honestly, you’re glad it’s off. it’s been tiring having to pull it up everytime it slipped even just a bit.
you tug at her blonde hair when her small hand gropes one tit and her mouth bites at the other. she’s tugging the rest of your dress down with her free hand, and it pools around your boots. she goes back up to kiss your lips, laughing in your mouth as you struggle to kick off your boots. she’s kissing at your cheek and ear, tugging at the waistline of your fishnet tights.
“might wanna take these off too if you don’t want them ripped,” yelping when she bites at your earlobe.
“i...,” you’re catching your breath, “need help.”
she giggles while nodding, helping you shimmying the tights down to your knees.
“jump up on the counter, babe. it’ll make it easier for me,” you’re obident and jumping on the cool bathroom counter, it makes you shiver.
historia’s on her knees, shoes kicked off, and her fingers tickle your legs when she’s sliding the tights off your legs. she’s got a sultry look on her face when she throws said tights over her shoulder, palming your kneecaps. she bites back her smirk when she pulls your knees apart, showing off your black panties. you fall back against the mirror and you lean mostly on your elbows, ignoring the loud bang that came from it.
her mouth’s leaving open mouthed kisses against your inner thighs, pants leaving your mouth. her fingers hook around the waistband of your panties, tugging them down quickly whenever you lift your hips.
your going to close your legs, but her hands prevent you from doing so. her eyes are glued to your pussy, lips spread open and your wetness shining in the light. you’ve got a little hair on your pubis, but that isn’t going to stop historia reiss from changing her name to sasha braus.
she’s sucking at your clit and spreading your legs apart as far as she can. she pulls away from your pussy just for a second.
“keep your legs open,” she says, a thumb rubbing circles into your clit.
it’s lazy and it’s satisfying, but it’s not enough to make you cum. she knows that.
you’re letting out high pitched moans and fingers tangled in her golden locks as she eats you out like a man starved.
‘i wish i had realized that i’m gay sooner,’ you think as historia slowly slides her middle finger inside of you.
you’re throwing your head back against the mirror when she suddenly adds a second finger, claiming that you could take it since you’re a slut.
considering your wetness is dripping down your ass and onto the counter, you can’t really object the statement.
she’s curling her fingers inside you, mouth closed around your clit. your moans go up an octave when she finds the spongy part inside of you, thrusting her fingers in and out of you after she angles her digits.
“fuck!” you moan and start clawing at historia’s free arm, which is holding down your hips.
“h-historia...,” you pant, “gonna cum... pl..please let me cum.”
her laughter sends vibrations across your clit, and that’s what sends you over the edge. you’re crying out as historia helps you ride out your orgasm by slowing her fingers down and pulling away from your clit. historia’s admiring you while she wipes off your juices from her chin, a small smile adorning her lips.
your head is thrown back against the mirror—once again. eyes rolled back and mouth opened in a silent moan. the hand that was gripping at her arm is clenched in a fist that has your knuckles painted white. your toes are curled and your back is arching in the air.
she doesn’t pull her fingers out of you until your calm, letting you catch your breath before she does it all over again.
your legs are trembling as she helps you sit down on the toilet.
you know you look like a mess—historia’s been forcing you to watch yourself. the eyeliner and mascara you have on is now smeared and ran down your face since you cried. your lipstick is smeared up and down, worse than last time, and your hair is messed up and tangled from historia pulling on it.
historia’s squatting before you, looking for a rag to wet down and clean you up with.
“next cabinet over,” you breath, throwing your head back.
“you know who’s bathroom this is?”
“yeah, jean’s in this frat too. him and marco share it. this place is pretty nice when there isn’t a party going on,” you giggle, somehow this whole situation seems funny to you.
she’s running hot water over the rag she now has, staring at herself in the mirror. historia’s got hickeys on her neck too and teeth marks on shoulders. she’s got glittery blue on her cheek, must be her mascara.
she turns off the water and wrings it out. she walks over to you, nudging your legs open with her knee. you comply and absentmindedly reach for one of her hands to hold. she takes the offer, squatting in front of you and cleaning up the slightly dried cum and juices on your thighs and vagina.
you shiver and let out little whines and whimpers, still sensitive from the previous orgasms. historia was also still wearing something. something that you didn’t even know she had.
a fucking 6 inch strap on.
“by the way,” you start, “how’d you get your strap-on here?”
“i came to the house before eren started throwing the party. i brought a bag with me and just hid it in the empty cabinet. i think eren wanted to hook up with me and mentioned something about pegging. brought it in case,” she explains, small smile spreading across her face as she starts cleaning your face.
you start giggling again, the hand that wasn’t holding her hand weakly grabbing at her wrist.
“hisu... can i get a kiss,” you pucker your lips when she pulls away the rag from you. she flips the rag to a clean slide, rubbing herself in the same areas as she did for you.
historia holds your cheek and gives you the sweetest kiss you’ve ever had.
“i’m gonna take you back to mine and ymir’s place. you’re still in sub-space and you wobble instead of walk,” she says, squatting down again to help you get your panties on.
she’s able to get your dress on the lower half of your body, but you both realize there’s a fucking cum stain on the chest. historia gives you a jacket that was in her bag, zipping it halfway. the dress stayed sitting at your waist, you’re to tired to get it open even if you have a cover up.
she’s done cleaning everything up within ten minutes, including herself. she throws the rag in a hamper in the bathroom closet that had jean’s name written on it in sharpie.
she’s slipping the bag on her shoulder and helping you walk with the other one. when you walk out, ymir is leaning on the wall by the door with a smirk.
ymir squats down a bit, laughing at your shaky legs every time you took a step. historia and her manage to get you on ymir’s back. you fall asleep before you three can get to the car.
when you wake up, your whole lower body is sore. your eyelids feel heavy as you open them, coming to your senses. you recognize ‘dance moms’ playing in the background and historia eating cereal as she watches.
you groan lowly, and historia finally notices your consciousness.
“so...,” you yawn while you stretch your arms up into the air, “talk about last night?”
historia nods while she chews, “so basically, i was jealous that you were hooking up with another girl that wasn’t me.”
“but why would you be jealous...? i thought you hated me,” you rub your cheek against the pillow you’re laying your head on.
historia blushes as she looks away with a pout, “i never hated you... i just... i didn’t like the feelings i have for you.”
“oh,” you lay on your back and ignore the heat rushing to your cheeks, “what are.... the feelings..?”
“i may or may not love you,” she hides her face by holding her bowl full of cereal to her chin.
you don’t say anything for a few moments, trying to think of what you wanted to say.
“i... i love you too. but, that doesn’t just mean i forgive and forget all the horrible shit you’ve done to me. i’ll start dating you when i feel that you’ve... ‘atoned’ for your sins,” you sigh, “it’s gonna take some time but if you want this to work or even start, you’ve gotta make it up to me and understand where i’m coming from.”
she looks at you with slight excitement, “i... of course! i was really mean to you and you didn’t deserve that, no matter how much i disliked you. i promise to make it up to you.”
she’s holding her pinky finger up to you.
you smile and link your pinkies with her’s, “promise.”
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spaceskam · 3 years
Plot twist, I wrote you something anyway @cosmicclownboy ❤️
"I blame you."
"Not a surprise, you always do."
Michael dropped the tent that was missing a few poles to glare at Alex.
"I do not."
"You literally just did," Alex said, far too smug about being right when they were literally lost in the woods.
"That doesn't count."
"Sure," Alex said, carefully getting to his feet to admire the fire he started like a good little boy scout. Michael, despite their arguing, watched him to make sure he didn't lose his balance. "I'm gonna go check the car to see if a pole or two rolled under the seat."
Michael turned his attention back to the tent until Alex's back was to him and then he watched Alex walk away. They'd agreed the best way to work on their relationship was to spend time together which meant chasing alien leads together. There was no way there was just one prison full of aliens and they intended to find another one.
They just hadn't expected for Alex's fancy SUV ("Let's just take my truck." "No offense but it's old and I don't really want to get stranded." "She's never stranded me before." "We're taking my car, it's more reliable.") to die on them in the middle of nowhere at night with no phone signal. They weren't far from a national park district though so they planned to just wait until morning before making the trek to ask the park rangers to jump them off.
That just meant many hours with nothing but each other. Which might've romantic if it wasn't so damn tense considering it'd already been five days straight with only each other's company. Now they didn't even have the radio or the internet to distract them.
Michael waited until he heard the familiar crunch of footsteps coming close again before he acted like he hadn't been giving Alex his full attention, even when he was out of sight, just in case he needed him. It was too dark and there could be anything in these woods. Michael hadn't ever thrown a bear with his telekinesis, but he wanted to be prepared to if he needed to.
"I found one more, but that's it. Think you can make it work, handyman?" Alex asked, stepping up quite close to slap the pole into his hand.
Michael blinked at him, at the fact that Alex's chest was inches away from his shoulder, at the fact that he had that cocky look on his face, at the fact that he was Alex and this was the longest they'd shared space and they weren't even fucking together. He had to take a breath.
"Yeah, give me some time," Michael said. Alex hummed, nodding before her went back to the fire.
They were lucky, really, that Alex was who he was. He had an entire emergency survivalist kit in trunk, complete with a tent, a sleeping bag, MREs, flares, a stocked first aid kit, water bottles, flashlight, matches, etc. Michael would've been more impressed if he didn't already know Alex.
It took a lot of finessing and little bit of telekinesis, but he eventually got the tent to be solid enough structure that he was sure it wouldn't collapse on Alex when he slept. He even used his telekinesis to replicate wind to double check and it didn't collapsed. When he turned to Alex to tell him, he saw him already staring with a small smile.
"Thanks," Alex said.
"No problem," Michael responded, sitting on the ground on the other side of the fire. Alex watched him openly and it was a little jarring. Michael fidgeted with the worn fabric on his jeans. "So, uh, are you gonna be okay? Your leg, I mean, I know you need to wash the liner and shit."
Alex sighed and rubbed his hand over his thigh as he thought about it. Michael watched perhaps a little too closely.
"I was gonna just rinse it with a water bottle and hope for the best," Alex said. Michael nodded.
"Where'd you say we were again?"
"About an hour south of Denver."
"Near Larkspur by chance?" Alex tilted his head in question before nodding. "Cool, I know a guy there, owes me a favor, I'll call him tomorrow when we get the car working and ask to use his shower so you don't, like, get an infection."
"You know a guy in the middle of Colorado that owes you a favor?" Alex said skeptically.
"Yeah," Michael said, smirking just a little bit, "Sanders always says not to owe anybody, but it's really cool when they owe you."
"And you're gonna use your favor on a shower?" Alex said. Michael shrugged.
"Maybe some food too. His wife says I'm too skinny so she usually force feeds me anyway," Michael said easily. Alex stared at him for a minute before huffing a laugh and shaking his head.
"How is it there's still more to learn about you?" he wondered. Michael shrugged.
"I don't know, I'm pretty boring. I know there's tons of stuff to learn about you left," Michael said. Alex took a deep breath and that warm smile never faded.
"Ask me something then."
"Don't put me on the spot, I'm not prepared," Michael said. Alex rolled his eyes. "Uh, fine, what's your favorite food?"
"Uh," Alex hummed, "You know what, I haven't had margat bamya since I was in Iraq and I remember it being incredible, maybe that."
"Maybe we'll find a place that has it somewhere," Michael said, already planning to google places as soon as he had signal.
"Doubt it. And if they do, it won't be as good."
"Then maybe I'll learn how to make it for you."
"Mm, okay, that'd be interesting."
"I bet."
They stayed up for a little while longer, talking back and forth about nothing until Alex yawned. Michael had to suggest that he go to bed and he stood, making it half way to the tent before he realized Michael was still sitting by the fire.
"Are you staying out here to keep guard or something?" Alex asked playfully. Michael grinned and turned to him.
"No, but I totally could."
"Come to bed," Alex said, soft and inviting and entirely sincere. They'd shared hotel rooms since they'd started traveling, but they'd always had different beds and Alex never said that. It made Michael's stomach drop into his feet.
"The tent's only for one person and there's only one sleeping bag, so I was just gonna sleep out here," Michael said dumbly. Alex didn't even roll his eyes, he just grinned and nodded towards the tent.
"We've fit in a sleeping bag together before."
Michael felt so fucking dizzy.
"Yeah, when we were both like 20lbs smaller each," he said. Alex rolled his eyes that time.
"I'm not gonna force you, but I think it'll be fine. But you can stay out here if you want."
"No," Michael said, maybe too quickly as he stumbled to his feet, "No, yeah, I'll–We–Uh-huh, I'll fit."
Alex smiled like the sun. "Cool."
Alex climbed into the tent after leaving his shoes on the outside, the flap closing after him. The inside lit up with his flashlight and Michael felt stupidly frozen as he watched Alex's shadow remove his jacket, his jeans, and then his prosthetic. It was weirdly erotic for a goddamn shadow. He didn't move until Alex froze and his head faced the entrance.
He was already unbuttoning his jeans on the way, stumbling as he tried to get out of his boots without wasting time. He left them on the outside of the tent and crawled inside. Alex looked at him, eyes drifting to where his jeans sat halfway down his thighs before he laughed. It was a nice sound. Michael got rid of them completely.
"Okay, I'll get in first," Alex said, getting in the sleeping back and beginning to zip it up more before he stopped. "Actually, get in and I'll zip it up the rest of the way."
Michael did as he was told.
He laid chest to chest with Alex, staring at him up close. Alex's hand slowly zipped up the sleeping bag, sliding up his back the entire way. It wasn't until it was finished and Alex rested his hand on Michael's hip that he realized he probably couldve just used his telekinesis for that. Still, he used it to shut off the flashlight.
And then it was just them. Together. Breathing. Platonically.
"Hey," Michael whispered, "Sorry for blaming you."
"You're forgiven," Alex said, his thumb rubbing small circles into his hip, "Go to sleep."
"I'm busy."
"Doing what?" Alex laughed, "Staring?"
"Go to sleep," Alex repeated, "And I promise I'll make it worth it when we wake up."
Michael didn't really know what that meant, but he trusted him enough to close his eyes in anticipation. Alex kissed him between his eyebrows and that alone was enough.
"Goodnight, Michael."
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shotofire · 3 years
There’s Just Something About Him
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•Overview: having feelings for the icy hot boy just seemed like a lost cause
•Warnings: just some cursing, meantions of anxiety.
•Season: 3
You’d always found the split haired boy attractive, but nothing ever went beyond that. It seems that even if you wanted it to nerves would just be in the way. Besides, everyone’s working to become pro-hero’s, who has time for a relationship? With all the shit going on you were almost positive that Todoroki didn’t have you in mind at all. The constant sneak attacks from villains, not knowing when the next person is going to get hurt, it was all too much.
Atleast that’s what you tried to convince yourself. The sweet, quiet boy who’d caught your eye since the first day of school just couldn’t possibly like you. He couldn’t possibly let a thought like that even make it halfway into his head. You’d lost hope a couple months into school, realizing fate definitely wasn’t on your side.
The two of you never got partnered up or even in the same group. It’s as if something is telling you it’s not meant to be. Sure you’d taken your own initiative and made conversation with the boy, but it’s always short lived. He wasn’t the best at talking unless he was on an adrenaline rush during a practice scenario. You had never gotten the luck of him wanting to use your quirks together either.
It truly felt hopeless.
You tried your best not to dwell on these things. If it was meant to be it just would’ve happened by now. Right?
The thoughts left your mind as you walked with your fellow classmates. Today is an exciting day, it was time to move into the new dorms. It took way too much convincing with your family, but eventually they caved in. You knew it’d be hard, they’re just worried about you. At this point the whole world was worried about all of the UA students safety. But everyone can agree that dorms are the safest it can get with all of the new high tech security.
You all stopped, admiring the new tall building in front of you. Knowing Todoroki was going to be in the same building as you every night had your anxiety on edge. But you were also... excited? For what, you had no idea. It was just a swirl of emotions.
Oh no, he’s gonna see my puffy morning eyes.
The happy chatter was cut short when Mr. Aizawa started talking about hero licenses, something that seemed to slip everyone’s minds. He was rather intimidating, eyes stern and serious. It sent a wave of uneasiness throughout the group. He knew the whole class was aware of the plan to save Bakugou, and he wasn’t happy. You stare at him with legs beginning to tremble.
His words cut deep as he threatened the possibility of expelling the entire class. You definitely wouldn’t put it past him, he seems like the type. But, as he said, due to All Might’s retirement the need for hero’s was strong. He couldn’t just get rid of such potential.
You looked at Todoroki’s face and it was frozen, he seemed more worried than anyone else. His heterochromia eyes stayed fixed on Mr. Aizawa, and you couldn’t help but let yourself take in his features. Sure you see the boy almost everyday but it’s hard to get good long looks when you’re sitting in class, he’d easily feel your gaze. There’s already been a couple times where he’s caught you and the embarrassment was too much to handle again.
His jaw was cleanched and sharp as ever. You just loved it. You wondered if it was weird to think about running your slim fingers along the bone of his jaw, it was just so beautiful.
“(y/n), are you even listening to me? Or are you just going to stare at Todoroki?”
In that moment it felt like you were going to throw up. All eyes shot to you, including Todoroki. Mr. Aizawa was a real ass sometimes but this definitely was the worst thing hes ever done to you, and he’d made you fall on your face after taking away your quirk infront of the whole class. That was absolutely nothing compared to this.
“I- uh, I-I wasn’t, I just-“ you were totally at loss for words. You’d never been more embarrassed in your life. The heat on your face was hotter than ever, and you knew it was visible as well.
Mr. Aizawa rolled his eyes, no longer caring about the predicament, “Anyways, that’s all. Look alive, enjoy your new home.”
That statement didn’t help anyone’s nerves after his little intimidation speech, but you had it the worst. Your face was still red and you could feel your heartbeat in your ears. Today was not going the way you hoped, and you didn’t dare even peak at Todoroki. You couldn’t help but think he thought you were weird. A girl he barely talks to constantly staring at him, there’s no way he didn’t think that.
The speech about where the boys and girls were was given, including where everything else was. But you could hardly pay attention focus on anything, and you didn’t dare look up.
It was time to decorate your rooms and make it your own, and you couldn’t be more relieved. Finally away from that embarrassment, even though it was waiting for you on the other side of your closed door.
“damnit,” you cursed. No one was going to forget that and you knew it. And the girls were beyond nosey when it came to crushes, especially Ashido.
After a couple hours of getting things together there was a knock on your door. You immediately froze. It’s like you had forgotten where you were and what had happened for a little bit, but of course you were quickly brought back to reality.
“Who is it?” You asked.
“Its Uraraka, can I come in?”
Shes always the sweetest and you knew she wouldn’t bug you about anything. Especially after seeing the way you reacted. Uraraka always had her suspicions that you found Todoroki cute, your eyes practically lit up everytime he did something.
You granted her permission and continued to put your pillows neatly on the bed. She was in her pj’s but definitely seemed wide awake.
“Oh wow, your room is so cute (y/n)! Nothing compared to mine,” her smile was huge. You just adored her, she always brightened up your mood.
“Thank you so much Uraraka, you’ll have to show me your room later before that is confirmed,” you smiled back.
“Oh course! Actually, speaking of rooms, that’s what I came here for. The girls and I convinced the guys to show us their rooms and we kinda turned it into a little contest. Wanna join?”
Her request was extremely appealing. You immediately wondered what Todoroki’s room looked like, and now was your opportunity to see it. But the nerves were still there, and the embarrassment was even stronger. You just couldn’t face everyone right not, especially Todoroki’s. He probably didn’t want your creep self in there anyways.
“Thanks for asking Uraraka, but i’m very tired. I was just planning on finishing my room and crashing. But I still would like to see your room sometime tomorrow,” you said while trying to hold your smile. But she could see the said frown behind it, but she didn’t want to bother you any further. She could only imagine how she’d react and feel if Mr. Aizawa did that to her. She’d be completely horrified.
“You got it, see you tomorrow (y/n). Sleep well!”
She leaves, shutting the door behind her. Your smile quickly fades and your shoulders fall limp.
I really wish I could see his room, I bet it’s awesome.
In all honestly you figured Todoroki would be relieved you didn’t show. God, class tomorrow was going to be hell. You just knew it, there’s no way you’d be able to focus knowing the whole class knows you’re a freak who can’t keep your eyes off the icy hot boy.
You pushed your thoughts aside, ignoring them to the best of your ability. You attempted to sleep, but the constant stamper of footsteps above you and outside your door was keeping you from the world of dreams. The world where assholes like Mr. Aizawa didn’t completely humiliate you.
Just as sleep started to creep up on you, there was another knock on your door. It was soft, and you immediately knew it wasn’t Uraraka. You sat up in the darkness, reaching for your bedside lamp. It faintly lit the room with a yellow glow, and made a light buzzing noise. You were too tired to speak up and ask who it was, so you forced yourself out of bed.
Maybe it was Momo, she did say she was looking forward to seeing your room. You pushed your wild hair out of your face before opening the door. And when you saw who was standing there a sharp breath immediately got caught in your throat. You let out a light cough.
“Todoroki?” you asked confused. He was all alone, no one with him. The lights in the hallway were out, one could only assume the competition was over and everyone else had gone to bed. Yet here he is, standing before you.
“I wanted to talk to you,” he says as if it’s the most normal thing ever. You didn’t know what to say, he’d never even approached you first. But he can knock on your door late at night to talk to you?
You looked at him in disbelief. In that moment you realized how little you knew about this boy, and how odd this situation was.
“What time is it?” You asked, completely ignoring what he said. He huffed, he knew you’d be difficult. You two may not talk much but he’s good at observing. He knew you more than you’d think.
“Almost 12, not too late. Can I talk to you?” This time he asked, therefore making it harder to avoid.
“Uh, I-In here?” You asked.
You couldn’t help but think he was here to tell you to stop being a creep. He wasn’t interested in you and would really appreciate it if you could stop with the creepy stares.
“Anywhere is fine,” he answers.
At those words, you move aside. Widening the door so that he can come in. The smell of vanilla hit you in the face as he walked past, and his eyes immediately began to observe your room.
Todoroki is in my room... what the actual fuck is going on!?
His hand comes up to point at your wall, “Did you draw those?”
Your eyes dart to the colorful art pinned to your wall.
The constant stuttering was making you loose your mind. But when your anxiety is this high you can’t manage to think straight. Not even one word can come out without a struggle.
“I like them.”
You swallow, hard. He probably heard it. The room was so quiet without one of you talking, unbearably quiet. Without words the only sound was the faint buzzing of your lamp you’d turned on only a few minutes ago.
“Oh, uh, Thanks,” a blush began to creep onto your face. Your hand came up to cover your face as you looked down. You knew you looked odd in the moment, but it was better than him seeing how much he can effect you so easily.
Todoroki looked at you with sweet eyes, although you couldn’t see them due to your current state. He thought you looked cute right now, all bashful. That’s something he has always liked about you. Your cheeks got red so easily when you were embarrassed, nervous, flustered, even when you were tired.
He noticed these things because you interested him, you always had. You were way too cute and sweet to not catch his attention. He just truly sucked when it came to talking to girls. Especially pretty girls like you.
“I, um,” this time it was Todoroki at a loss for words. He had a plan before he came in, but now as he stood in your room it was much harder to think clearly.
You looked up at him, his hand was raking through his hair. He seemed almost... nervous.
Why the hell would he be nervous?
“I was uh wondering if you, uh, would like to,” he took a deep breath to clear his mind. He was stuttering too much and overthinking, it was just a simple question he was trying to get out.
He locked eyes with you, “Would you like to go grab some food after school tomorrow?”
Your mouth fell open, but you quickly covered it with your hand. There was no way, no damn way.
“You mean, j-just me and you?” You asked, making sure you were  interpretating this correctly.
“Yeah, Yeah,” He nervously laughs, “Like a uh, date.”
Like a what now?
There was absolutely no way this was real, you had to be dreaming.
“is this a joke?” You ask, but you meant to only think it.
His eyes widen and he quickly began waving his hands, “W-What? No, of course not! I really want to go on a date with you, I think it’d be fun. Plus you’re super sweet and pre-“ he stops himself.
C’mon man, you’re gonna scare her off by being too forward.
“Yeah, i’d really like that Todoroki,” your smile was surpressed by your teeth sinking into your bottom lip. At this point you wanted to jump for joy, but you didn’t want to scare this chance away.
“Okay cool, so after school. Tomorrow, you and me,” his nervous laugh comes back, “on a date.”
You can’t help but giggle, you’d never seen Todoroki so nervous before. Not in this way at least. It was one of the cutest things you’d ever seen.
“You got me after school Todoroki,” you giggled again, “You and me on a date.”
And with that, the two of you said your goodbyes, which were a little awkward considering the two of you kept letting nervous laughter slip.
As soon at the door shut, you let out a happy squeal. It didn’t even bother you that he might of heard it, you really didn’t care. You were so overjoyed that nothing could kill your mood.
On the other side of the door Todoroki had the geekiest smile on his face. He walked to his room completely satisfied. He did it, he finally asked the girl he liked on a date.
“Hell yeah,” he whispered to himself.
This definitely was heading in the right direction.
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libraryofsouls · 4 years
How would the slashers react to a serial killer s/o? Feisty, deadly and cunning. I am just so curious and also love your interpretation of them. ❤️👌
thanks so much! I’m glad. 💖
slashers reactions to: a serial killer s/o
Asa Emory / The Collector
chances are, he’s already done some investigating on you. depending on how far you’ve gone with him - it’s sink or swim.
if he cares about you enough he’ll risk introducing you to his collection. don’t expect too much though, as he would still prefer to work alone.
if you somehow use him in some way for your own goals, you’ll quickly find yourself being the newest addition to the collection, so try not to get any funny ideas.
would definitely feel like you’re walking on eggshells with him. he’s notoriously cautious so he might not be a fan of the idea of you walking the same path as him.
be extra domestic with him and he’ll eventually warm up to the idea. sweet-talk him, offer to wash his bloodied clothes along with yours and he just might start convincing himself that it doesn’t sound so bad after all.
Billy Lenz
if he found out before you even started dating - he's likely to save you for last just to observe how you really work. you’re dangerous and he doesn’t like that. (just pray he doesn’t end you in your sleep.)
or if you choose to drop the bomb on him mid-relationship, he’ll be shocked. is that why you’re so understanding? so patient with him?
if he happens to witness you killing, he’ll incorporate those in his obscene phone calls. maybe mumble it to himself sometimes as well.
compliments from billy! you’re not just a “regular piggy” anymore. smart piggy! pretty piggy! bloody piggy.
maybe it would be better if you don’t get in his way though. he tends to lose control when going after someone so he might hurt you by accident. likewise he won’t intercept you if you’re busy butchering someone.
god forbid someone goes after you, he’ll go beserk. if you save him from someone he’s not gonna thank you directly, instead just rest on you and compliment you some more.
Bo Sinclair
ah you’re hot but also fuck right off. ambrose is his territory and he’s not willing to share.
mid-relationship: he’ll be less trusting towards you. how long have you kept this from him, and why? what are you really after?
reassure him and earn that trust back again before he even lets you anywhere near his victims. the only way he’ll agree to work with you is if he’s the one calling the shots.
it’s pretty easy to fall into place once you’ve gotten used to his habits. he won’t admit it but it’s much easier to handle bigger groups with an extra pair of hands.
rage level increase! he’ll be especially violent towards anyone who takes a swing at you, only to snap back at you with “are you fuckin’ stupid? you could’ve gotten hurt!”
he’s actually much better at patching up wounds than vincent - and you better believe he’ll be patching you up before anybody else. (including himself) shut up, he already knows he’s bleeding and he doesn’t care.
Brahms Heelshire
another observant lad. like billy, he’ll take time to watch you very closely to see how you work. you’re his nanny and you kill too? hot.
it’ll be hard to keep secrets in such a huge house with very thin walls so you’re not likely to get away with this without him knowing. downside is it’ll take a much longer time for brahmsy to reveal himself.
kill for him and he’s yours to keep. usually it’s the other way around but now that he knows you’re capable, he’ll be a lot more laid-back. unless of course his jealousy gets the best of him.
still expects you to keep up with the list, however. there’s not really a lot of victims needing immediate attention so your first priority should always be him.
surprisingly helpful. he won’t feel the need to butcher anyone anymore (again, unless his jealousy acts up.) so he might actually give you a hand - just make sure to reward him properly for his efforts.
Bubba Sawyer
nervous bubby is hesitant to even go near you. sure he’s big and has a chainsaw but you look really good at what you do so he’s a bit scared.
mid-relationship: you’re a WHAT? gasps. actually, now that he thinks about it, that explains a lot. that’s okay he still loves you a whole lot!
quick to inform the entire family. hey everybody!! guess who has the coolest s/o ever?! he does! makes sure grandpa sawyer gets to see just how impressive you are. he’s so proud!
drayton’s undoubtedly going to hear about this so congrats! you’ve now levelled up to meat-wrangler, just like bubby. the whole family will be quick to accept you - no questions asked.
bubba still panics whenever you get hurt though! so maybe don’t get too carried away. he’s quick to make sure the tougher victims are taken care of first so they don’t hurt his precious s/o.
Jason Voorhees
big boy is THREATENED. why are you here and what do you want? please leave right now. though you do seem oddly nice for someone who just beheaded a guy at the dock.
mid-relationship: frozen in shock. his beloved s/o? the one that kisses him every morning? struggles to believe it. he might even refuse to accept it unless you have a good reason to do so.
he might be more accepting if you do it to protect yourself or as a way to rid the camp of trespassers. for him? he’s not sure how to feel about that.
very against the idea. bad people won’t think twice about hurting you. it doesn’t matter if you’re good at defending yourself or not - jason just doesn’t want strangers near you.
help him and he’s thankful, but he’s still gonna remind you to stay away from the trespassers as much as possible. 
but jason, you cry out - no no no, he taps your nose, don’t you worry your pretty little head. he’ll do all the protecting, thank you very much.
Jesse Cromeans / Chromeskull
if you make it on the news chromey is going to know about you asap. he’s got all the proper sources so you won’t exactly be as well-hidden as you thought. as long as you don’t go for his targets, he’ll leave you be.
if you happen to cross paths with him and things turn romantic then that makes things much easier on him. he’s more likely to keep you around in the long run knowing you’re okay with the lifestyle.
fucked-up games? you bet. this man is always up to no good and often tries to one-up you. bet his body count is bigger than yours. yeah? do you want proof?
would be very willing to let you tag along and watch. just don’t interact with his victims. at all. he’s fiercely possessive to a point that he’s not above fucking you in front of them to prove a point.
he’s not gonna assist you during your activities unless you’re in mortal danger but he’s also known to stalk you during your escapades. what do you mean “what the fuck are you doing here?” he brought you flowers like a good boyfriend and this is how you greet him? rude!
Michael Myers
hmm hot. even if you don’t tell him he already would have known before approaching you. he’ll be apprehensive if you choose to keep secrets from him, especially if he knows about them already.
if you trust him enough to tell him about this he’ll appreciate your honesty and might keep you around longer. hm sure okay but he knows already. (he’s not about to tell you that though)
do your own thing and leave him be. he doesn’t really care. upside is he won’t have to worry about you being attacked because he knows you’re capable of defending yourself even without him.
but that doesn’t stop him from being petty and obsessive. bashes the already motionless corpse of the idiot that attacked you. he’s not gonna stop until they turn into paste.
he works alone. don’t even try to follow him. stop it. don’t you have other places to be? shoo. firmly carries you back to the house and locks you there.
Thomas Hewitt
is it bad that he finds you.... kinda hot? you handle yourself well but he’s also lowkey afraid of you.
mid-relationship: like jason, he has trouble accepting the fact that his darling would be capable of such a horrid thing. he’ll be okay with it if you do it for the hewitts or for your own protection. otherwise he’s not into it.
killing bad. please leave it to him instead, okay? he doesn’t want you getting hurt. he’ll insist to do all the butchering despite hoyt’s loud protests that you should be pulling your own weight.
go ahead and brush up on your convincing skills because it’s not impossible to persuade him. (unlike jason). you would need to earn your right to provide for the family.
the hewitts are quicker to accept you into the family once you’ve proven yourself. you’ll fit right in! tommy’s always going to be a worrywart though regardless of how good you actually are.
Vincent Sinclair
might actually target you first because you’re the most dangerous. he’s much less likely to trust you since you’ve killed before.
mid-relationship: tell him very early in the relationship otherwise he might not trust you again. he’ll be understanding regardless of your intentions. (unless of course if it’s to harm him or his brothers, then he’s troubled.)
mother hen vincent would also prefer you don’t help out with the victims. bo’s already a handful by himself and he’s confident that the three of them (along with lester) can manage.
but he’s not going to forbid you, per se. he’s not gonna go out of his way to stop you. just as long as you’re smart about it and you don’t get hurt, then you can carry on.
again, an extra pair of hands means less work for everybody involved so as much as bo bitches about how trusting you might come back to bite them in the ass, they’re appreciative of your efforts.
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that-random-one · 3 years
I'm Lost... Again
Todoroki Shouto x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, Reader has a terrible sense of direction
Date Posted: 2/22/21
A/N: When I was writing this I didn't know where it was going with it. I meant for this to be angst or something because I was feeling angsty and then I ended up with this. I also meant for this to be shorter, but my fingers said no. I have no fucking idea how to write proposals either so that part ended up shitty and too cheesy for my taste, but my brain said no to different ideas so it's staying there.
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It was your and Shouto's anniversary. It has been 4 years since you started dating and it's been a little over 5 years when the both of you met.
You met at the Hero Gala when your mentor, Hawks, introduced you to him. He was a sidekick of Endeavor's at the time. You were only 19 years old when you were introduced, roughly half a year out of Shiketsu High. Shouto, being a year older than you, was 20 when you met. You frequently saw him on the news and always thought that his quirk was cool.
After the Hero Gala, you ended up seeing more of him for some reason. Hawks and Endeavor worked together often, so you constantly saw him on missions. Sometimes your patrol routes would cross each other too. Occasionally, you trained together when either Hawks or Endeavor had to talk to each other for something and had to go to the other's agency. Somehow one of you was dragged along or willingly went. Either way, you ended up seeing each other and decided to train together to pass time.
About a year of this went on and you both grew undeniably closer to each other. Eventually, Shouto asked you out while you were training together. You were surprised and ended up getting frozen by Shouto's quirk. After he defrosted you, you said yes.
Throughout your 4 years together you told each other an unmeasurable amount of I love you's, moved in together, and have had plenty of interrupted dates because of the duties of being pro heroes.
You also can't forget the many fights you've had with each other. They reach from play fights about your terrible sense of direction or Shouto's terrible theories to small fights that could be easily fixed with an 'I'm sorry' and an 'I love you', or to that single big fight you've had where you almost left him. Shouto quickly chased after you when you slammed the front door closed with tears streaming down your face. That fight took a bit more to fix than an 'I'm sorry' and an 'I love you.
Throughout your entire relationship, Shouto never regretted chasing you when you left through that door. He has never regretted being with you. He never thought that it was possible to love someone this much. That's why he planned something special for your 4th anniversary.
Shouto asked Midoriya and Uraraka for help setting everything up. Uraraka was a big help with making sure everything looked perfect. She was also a good second opinion on confirming if you were to like something or not.
It's not that Shouto didn't know if you liked something or not, he just wanted everything to be perfect for you. Asking the female that just so happens to be your best friend seemed like a favorable person to ask for a second opinion.
With the help from the other two everything was ready before he knew it.
"Wow. It looks so beautiful." Uraraka took in the sight that they all put hard work into.
"It does. I bet Y/n is going to love it!" Midoriya enthusiastically said with a big smile on his face, clearly proud of what he helped do.
"Yeah, I think they will." A small smile taking place on Shouto's face. His stomach filled with butterflies, anxious for your reaction even though he's sure you'll love it.
You were supposed to meet Shouto two hours ago for the night he had planned. You ended up getting lost though. You were currently driving on a road that you have no idea where it leads.
You have no idea how you got here. Shouto gave you the address that you were supposed to meet at. You put the address into the GPS, doubled no, tripled checked that it was correct, and began driving.
You ended up taking a left instead of a right, then a right instead of a left. You took a bunch of more wrong turns and the poor GPS couldn't keep up with your constant turning and froze.
You pulled over and put your head on the steering wheel for a while. When you had enough self-pity you sat up straight again and looked at the time. Shit. An hour and a half have passed. You were late. Very late.
"I swear I wasn't driving around that long. Shouto's gonna kill me." You muttered to yourself and put your head on the steering wheel again. "Okay. I'll just retrace my steps- turns? Whatever. I'll make my way back home then retry and not get lost again. Yeah, a great idea."
You looked to make sure no one was coming in either direction. When it was clear you made a U-turn.
"Ok, so I turned left to get on this street. That means I need to turn right. Wait, fuck which way is left and right." You quickly held up your fingers to make L's. "Nope, that's wrong. I need to turn left."
You kept on driving straight, looking for a road on the left. One problem, there were so many left turns and you didn't know which one you came out of.
"Shit. Going left brings me closer either way right?" You turned left on a road you randomly picked. "Ok, I went another left next, right? Fuck I can't remember. I should have stayed where I was."
You take another left hoping that you would see something familiar. Your hopes soon got crushed. You looked at the time. It's been another half hour.
Shouto was sitting at a nearby bench to where you were supposed to meet, his leg bouncing up and down at a concerning speed. He knew you had the day off. He knew you would finish everything you needed to do today hours before the arranged time. So where were you?
A lump caught in his throat as his mind wandered. Did you stand him up? Were you done with him? Did you not love him anymore?
He shook his head as if to rid himself from those thoughts. No, Y/n isn't like that. They wouldn't do that…, right? He furrowed his eyebrows and looked at the ground. You idiot. This is Y/n we're talking about here.
Even though he kept trying to reassure himself, that you weren't standing him up, that you still loved him. He couldn't stop the burning he was feeling behind his eyes. All of his insecurities reaching the surface.
He looked back up, taking in the view in front of him. He was sitting on a cliff that overlooked the water, a beach to the right of it. All of the surrounding trees had fairy lights around them, multiple strings of lights connecting each tree.
The sun had long past set. A sunset you were supposed to watch together while you had dinner and talked of everything and nothing. Just enjoying each other's presence since your jobs have been more demanding than usual and you've barely had any time together lately. The moon was shining on the water, making it glitter. The only light around was coming from the fairy lights.
He stood up from his seat on the bench and lifted his arms above his head, stretching. He walked to the edge of the cliff and stood at the edge. He gazed at the sight and took in a deep breath, the wind ruffling his red and white hair. The air was much fresher here than in the city.
He then felt his phone buzz in his pocket, disrupting the peaceful silence. Someone was calling him, but he didn't feel like picking it up. He let the call go to voicemail.
It started to buzz again, signaling another call. He sighed out of annoyance, what the hell was so important that they couldn't leave a voicemail or text. It was his day off anyway, it's his time to relax. He fished his phone out of his pocket and looked at who was calling.
It was you. A picture he took of you laughing when the both of you went to a cafe for a date. When you saw it you scrunched your nose up in disgust, but let him keep it since he said it made him happy to see you laughing.
Before he could answer the phone and demand answers to where you are and what's so important that you stood him up, the call went to voicemail. He unlocked his phone and went to his contacts. He found your contact and just as he was about to hit the call button you called him first. He quickly picked up and instantly started talking, not allowing you to say anything.
"Where the hell are you? What's so important that you had to stand me up? Are you…" He paused, a lump in his throat but forced the words out. "Are you with someone?"
~~~7 minutes earlier~~~
"I have no idea where I am. I'm completely fucking lost. I am now hitting the 3-hour mark of being late." You laughed out. Half of you were surprised because you didn't expect to get this lost. The other half of you honestly expected this considering your terrible sense of direction that no GPS could help you with.
You give up, screw your pride. You need fucking help finding your way to where Shouto is, or your home at least. You pulled over and turned off the ignition.
You grabbed your phone out of your pocket and turned it on. You were immediately greeted with a picture of you and your friends. You smiled at the memory of going to the park and goofing off with all of them.
You unlocked your phone and saw the picture you took of Shouto when he was sleeping. He looked so peaceful and cute that you couldn't help it.
You went to your contacts and found Shouto's contact. You clicked the call button and held the phone up to your ear, waiting for him to pick it up. After what seemed like forever the call went to his voicemail. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
You called again only to end up with the same result. You decided that the third time's the charm and if he didn't pick up you would call someone else for help. You clicked the call button and held the phone up to your ear one more time.
Almost immediately Shouto picked up. You were about to greet him when you were attacked with questions. "Where are you? What's so important that you had to stand me up? Are you…" He paused, you could tell from his voice that he was upset. You waited for him to finish his last question. A sudden feeling of dread filled you. Nothing could prevent the shock you felt with his next question and how soft and hurt his voice sounded whispering it. "Are you with someone else?"
"What?" That is all you could manage out due to your shock.
"Are you with someone else?" His voice was louder but just as hurt.
"No! No, Shouto why would you ever think that?" You heard him let out a breath of air out of relief.
"I'm sorry. It's just that it's been 3 hours since you were supposed to be here. I assumed the worst and forgot it was you. You would never do that." You let out a small chuckle. "Um… where are you anyway?"
"Oh. Um…" You cleared your throat as you felt your cheeks heat up out of embarrassment. "I don't know."
This utterly confused Shouto. "What do you mean you don't know?"
"I may be lost. Again."
Shouto laughed, feeling like an idiot about forgetting your awful sense of direction, and assumed everything but that. He started walking towards his car. "What street are you on? I'll come to find you."
"Uhh… I'm on Willow and 3rd." You took another look at the signs in front of you to make sure you read them correctly.
"Wow. It's beautiful." You took in the view in front of you. You walked to the edge of the cliff, taking in all of your surroundings.
"I had help from Midoriya and Uraraka." Shouto felt around in his pocket for the small black velvet box he had in it. When he found it he pulled it out and opened it, the piece of jewelry shining in the moonlight. He got down on one knee. His heart was beating so fast, it was like it was determined to burst right out of Shouto's chest.
"We'll have to thank them later. The air is so fresh here. It's nice." You turned around and your breath hitched in your throat.
"Y/n, I love you so much that the word can't come close to how I feel. I love you so much that it hurts." You felt tears well up in your eyes and your heart start to beat faster. " I want to have to find you whenever you get lost forever. I want to have our movie nights and cooking together forever. I want to fall asleep in each other's arms forever. I want to wake up to your beautiful face forever. I want memories of you, of us, forever. Y/n, I want you forever. Will you marry me?"
A few tears escaped your eyes. "You just need the unicorn and 6 years old me would be shrieking yes." That did not help Shouto's nerves. Was that a yes or a no? Shouto's expression must have shown his confusion because you were giggling. "It's a yes, Shouto."
Shouto took the ring out of the box and took your left hand. He slid it onto your ring finger, letting go of your hand as stood up. He then placed a hand on the back of your neck and gently slotted his lips against yours. You kissed him back until you both ran out of air.
"I love you."
"I want my unicorn before I tell you those words again." You teased him.
"Unicorns don't exist though." His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as to how he could get a unicorn.
You giggled, "I love you too, Todoroki Shouto."
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Ship: Cody/Fox/Wolffe
Rating: E
Cody, Fox and Wolffe make a bet. Will Cody be able to win, or will Fox and Wolffe best him?
AO3 link
It begins, like many other things, with a more drunk than sober conversation at 79’s, but then it turns into a bet: if Cody prides himself on his self-control so much - unlike Fox and Wolffe, according to him - then he’d surely be able to resist if they… toy with him a bit.
The bet is this: Cody will be able to resist for a whole day with a remote-controlled vibrator up his ass, with the controller of course in Wolffe and Fox’s hands. Cody sustains that it wouldn’t be a big deal for him, which prompts Fox and Wolffe to share an amused gaze; sure, he’s saying it now, but they’re certain that eventually, he’d crumble too, and they know it.
Of course, they say nothing of this, actually encouraging Cody in his endeavor: it’ll be sweeter once he falls. After all, they have no intentions of going easy on him.
 It’s hard to find a moment in which they’re all three on Coruscant, but with a little bit of luck by their side they manage.
Now, the fun can begin.
 Cody whines as Fox presses the toy inside him. He’s had to pull a few strings to get it manufactured for this specific occasion, but the result is worth it: it’s not too big, not enough to make moving around difficult - after all, something can still happen, and they want Cody to be able to defend himself if it does. A small vibrating plug bright orange colored, just like the 212th armor - he thought Cody would appreciate it.
Once it’s completely seated inside, Fox gives it a few tugs, just to test it, but it’s still enough to make Cody moan. He can feel his cock beginning to twitch in interest at the ministrations, but he wills it down, knowing that it’s going to take a long time before he’ll be able to get some release, so he’d better keep himself in check.
He’s not expecting Wolffe to slap his ass with so much force behind it that it makes him almost stumble. Before he can stop himself, he yelps, sending then a glare towards the other, who’s smirking.
“What?” he says, like he doesn’t know what he did wrong.
“You’re an asshole,” Cody replies, though by the way Wolffe chuckles, he doubts he’s taken it seriously.
 As it often happens, Fox’s the one who puts them both back in line, though he uses a method similar to Wolffe’s: he spanks Cody as well, though with way less energy in the slap, and calls them both to attention.
“Don’t you have duties to attend to?” he tells Cody, eyebrow raises. Cody huffs as he begins to get dressed again without deigning that affirmation of a reply, as if the act will ever convince the others that he has everything under control.
“Tell that to Wolffe, he’s the one who wasn’t letting me go,” he points out then, to which Wolffe just rolls his eyes. They’re not going to bicker like a couple of cadets… And yet Wolffe can’t help but to retort. “You’re gonna miss me, later.”
Now it’s Cody’s turn to roll his eyes. “Suuure,” he says, doubtful.
 Once he finishes getting dressed again, he begins to walk towards the door. It’s weird doing it with the thing stuck up his ass, but it’s not too bad; only a very attentive eye would notice that there’s something weird in the way he’s moving, which Cody hopes won’t happen because how could he explain this without dying for the embarrassment?
Oh well, it’s too late to worry about that now. After all, it’s not like he’s gonna step back from this.
He turns towards the others again.
“Don’t have too much fun without me,” he says, though deep inside himself he knows that’s going to be exactly the case. They’ll try to make his life a living hell until the end of the challenge, but he knows this already, so he’s prepared to resist them.
As to confirm his suspicions, Wolffe sends the biggest grin his way.
“That’s exactly what we’re going to do,” he replies, waving his hand at Cody.
“Have fun,” Fox says then, imitating Wolffe.
Cody huffs, but otherwise doesn’t respond, knowing that they’re provoking him for their own amusement. He’s going to be the bigger person and not give them the satisfaction of a reply, even though the frown on his face is enough to give himself away.
He shakes his head then, turning back towards the door.
“Right… See you later,” he says, and with that, he’s out, leaving Fox and Wolffe alone in Fox’s quarters.
 “So…” Wolffe begins. “How long do you think he’s going to last?”
“Who cares, as long as we make it hard for him,” Fox replies, and in a moment he’s beside Wolffe, closing his arms around the other’s neck with an inviting smile on his face. “I say that we have some fun between us, for now.”
“Mmmh… That’s an excellent idea,” Wolffe replies, and without needing to exchange any more words, they walk to Fox’s bedroom to enjoy some private time.
 It’s like they’ve forgotten about Cody, but what they’re really doing is biding their time in order to make the other fall into a false sense of security; that, or Cody is going to be tense all the time because they still haven’t made their move. Either way it’s going to be good.
Besides, they have some pent-up frustration to get rid of. In a way, it’s Cody’s fault: how were Fox and Wolffe supposed not to get aroused as they inserted the plug inside him? Yes, it’s definitely his fault.
They kiss and touch and rub against each other like two eager shinies. It doesn’t matter how they do it, as long as they get off. They really need to take off the edge.
 Growing impatient, Wolffe grabs their cocks with his fist, jerking both of them off at the same time. Fox howls - such a nice sound - and grinds into it, adding even more friction.
“Oh fuck, Wolffe! Yeah… Like that…”
Wolffe kisses him to shut him up, but by the way Fox melts into it, he must not mind it, especially when Wolffe slides his tongue between his lips.
They come embarrassingly fast, but it doesn’t matter to them. After all, it’s going to take a while before Cody comes back to them, so they have all the time in the world to get going again. The important thing is that they’ve taken the edge off now.
 After a moment of catching their breath, they both lay down, with Fox almost entirely on top of Wolffe, resting his head against the other’s chest.
“Think we can begin messing with Cody?” he asks then, eager to get the game going. Wolffe hums.
“I think so…” he begins, then he seems to think about something, and backtracks. “But wait, what if he just gets off on his own and then acts like we didn’t get him at all?”
Mmmh, he’s right, but it’s also true that while Cody might pretend he’s not, but he’s a prideful one: he’ll do his best not to resort to that, which will make things exciting, they’re sure of it.
“No, he’d feel like he’d lose if he does it. Trust me,” Fox replies. He and Wolffe exchange a gaze and oh, they know they’re going to make Cody’s day a living hell.
 They begin tamely, just turning the vibrator occasionally on and off, just to make him jolt by the surprise, but then things, of course, escalate: they begin keeping it on for longer periods of time, even turning it to higher settings, then they begin sending him holopics of each other while they’re getting frisky - because of course they’re not going to wait for him to come back at the end of the day - with captions like “we miss you” and “can’t wait for you” accompanied by a few hearts just to make it sting more.
Cody never responds, but he visualizes their messages, so at least they know that he’s seeing them. He must surely be fuming.
 And indeed, Cody is fuming.
He still looks at the messages he receives, if anything because he wants to make a point that he doesn’t care about what they’re doing right now and that he’s not bothered by the game.
Still, each time, looking at his comms becomes harder and harder, especially as the shabuire begin to get meaner and meaner in the way they activate the plug inside him: sometimes they keep it on at a lower setting for so long that it only manages to get Cody frustrated, and then end it without any kind of ceremony; other times, they suddenly turn it on at the highest setting, never failing to take Cody by surprise, only to abruptly end it immediately, just to get a rise out of him.
The worst thing of it all is their timing: even though they can’t monitor his movements, they still manage to activate the plug at the worst times, especially while Cody’s talking and is surrounded by multiple people.
He’s even been asked if he’s alright or if he needs to be seen by a medic, for Prime’s sake! He swears he’s going to make them pay so hard when he gets there--
 Agh! Here it goes again!
 After calming himself down, Cody frantically looks around, afraid that someone noticed his sudden tensing, but it looks like everyone’s busy enough not to have given him a single thought, which is excellent.
Luckily, he’ll be done with this job soon, meaning that he won’t have to be anywhere else involving a great amount of people, meaning that he can go back to his quarters and wait until the evening, when he’ll be allowed to join Fox and Wolffe back, at least according to the game. Sure, it won’t be easy, but at least he’ll be on his own; he might even touch himself… No, he can’t do that. That would be like admitting defeat!
 “Hey, Commander, should we load in this crate too?”
Oh, yeah, he should stay focused on the here and now. Let’s see: they’re resupplying the Negotiator before their next military campaign, but is that crate part of the supplies as well? Cody walks towards it to inspect the serial number; only once he’s done he replies: “Yeah, this one goes in too--!”
Fucking Sith hells, not now!
The trooper was about to grab the crate, but he startles at the sound Cody makes. Is he in pain?
“Huh… Commander? Is everything alright?” Cody is going to murder them so hard.
“Y-Yeah, I’m good. Just pulled a muscle,” he lies, hoping to be convincing enough. The trooper gives him a sympathetic nod.
“Oh, that happens to me all the time. Make sure to go to a medic, yeah?” he says, before lifting the crate and bringing it inside the ship, while Cody thanks him.
Now more than ever he’s thankful for wearing his helmet, so nobody can see the flushed expression on his face, nor him gritting his teeth from the frustration.
 It’s now that he admits to himself that he might’ve overestimated his endurance.
Resisting is getting harder and harder, but he refuses to go to them early, he refuses to undergo that humiliation.
He can do it. He will do it.
 Fox and Wolffe have lost count of how many times they’ve got off since Cody’s departure. Of course they’ve been mindful to take breaks and stay hydrated, but apart from that they haven’t been doing much else except fucking.
Cody has officially surpassed their expectations: they thought he was going to resist way less than this. They weren’t expecting him to barge in per se, but at least trying to get them to stop sending him stuff - and they’ve sent him some pretty filthy stuff - or to stop playing with the plug too much, but no, they’ve received only silence from Cody.
 “Maybe we should call him,” Fox wonders.
Wolffe huffs; leave it to Fox to start a conversation right while they’re fucking.
“You mean right now?” he asks, emphasizing each word by thrusting upwards into Fox’s heat, making him lose balance completely and fall on top of Wolffe, completely at his mercy.
“Yeah, right now… Oh! Right there! We can… Yes! Tell him we miss him…”
At those words, Wolffe can’t help but to smirk. He’s sure Cody would enjoy a call from them, and by enjoy he means not enjoying at all; he bets he’d get all jealous that they’re having sex while he can’t even get himself off alone. Still, despite how good that idea is, he doesn’t make any motion to stop himself, and actually claws at Fox’s shoulder, keeping him there as he begins to thrust deeper, more wildly.
“Don’t feel like sharing at the moment,” is all he says, before he makes Fox forget how to speak.
 At least an hour has passed since that moment, and the two are completely spent, at least for now. The good thing is that they’ve finally taken a shower so that they could get rid of the filth that they’ve been accumulating for a while. Now that they’re clean, they feel a lot better.
“Should we watch something?” Fox asks, joining Wolffe back to bed, waiting for him to leave him some space before laying down as well.
At the risk to sound insatiable, Wolffe has to admit that he still feels quite horny, though he supposes he’d better save this energy for when Cody arrives; the poor thing will surely be in need of a lot of care.
“Sure, why not,” he replies then. He doesn’t even bother to make any suggestion, knowing that whatever will be picked will end up making Wolffe fall asleep, which is something he’s counting on. He wouldn’t mind a nap. Given Fox’s choice, a boring old ass holomovie, he might be thinking the same.
As they get comfortable, Wolffe hisses when Fox’s thigh brushes against his soft cock - yes, they’re still naked - and sends him a glare.
“Really?” he asks, deadpan.
“I’m sorry!” Fox exclaims immediately, huffing and getting into a better position, away from any kind of appendages. Wolffe, however, doesn’t believe him not even for a second.
“Sure you are.”
“I swear I didn’t mean to!” Fox huffs, unamused by Wolffe’s behavior. “You’re so annoying.”
“But you love me anyway.” Wolffe smirks, and even though Fox hates every second of it, he can only agree with him.
“You’re lucky I do.”
 There’s a knock at the door.
Both Wolffe and Fox freeze, pulling away from each other just to exchange a silent look. This is Fox’s free day, so who can it be?
It could be an emergency, though Fox supposes if that were the case, they would’ve commed him. That might not be the case, however, which prompts Fox to jump down the bed frantically, looking for his blacks, at least until he hears another knock, this time accompanied by a voice.
“Fox? A-Are you here?”
Oh, that’s Cody’s voice.
 Fox turns towards Wolffe, who has heard him as well, and they exchange a smirk.
This should be fun.
 They don’t even bother to get dressed as they both move towards the door.
When Fox unlocks it, they’re met by the sight of a very distressed Cody. The poor thing looks like he’s about to explode any moment.
The expression he makes when he sees Fox and Wolffe, naked at the doorstep, is quite comical: it’s almost like his eyes are going to fall from his eye sockets, and Wolffe’s pretty sure that he could fit his entire fist in his mouth for how open it is.
“Hello there, Kote,” Wolffe greets him in a voice that would’ve irritated Fox if it was directed towards him and not the other. “What are you doing here, this early?”
Cody wobbles inside, pushing past the two without even bothering to say anything. Once he’s inside, Fox closes the door again, not wanting to be walked on by someone who shouldn’t be made privy of the game they’re playing.
 “I…” Cody tries, turning around them, but he can’t even complete the sentence.
Looking at his wrecked state, they both realize that they might’ve been a bit too cruel to him.
“Aw, look at you, you’re barely standing…” Fox observes, circling around Cody like one would do with their prey. He barely touches his shoulder and it sends a jolt through Cody’s spine. “You’re so wired up.”
“And whose fault is that?” Cody retorts, but he doesn’t sound as menacing as he’d like, not when Wolffe turns the vibrator on again, making his legs lose the last of his energy. If it wasn’t for Fox that catches him in time, he would’ve fallen on the ground. He looks so pitiful, just like the gaze he sends Wolffe’s way.
“Please…” He must be very desperate if he’s already resorting to begging already. Fox and Wolffe exchange a gaze; alright, they’ve played with him enough.
 Wolffe turns the vibrator off again while Fox helps Cody on the bed. Once they all get there, it takes them just a moment to strip him bare like they are. Wolffe licks Cody’s ear, making him shiver.
“We’re going to take such a good care of you now…” he whispers, before sliding his tongue inside the other’s parted lips, kissing him breathless while Fox takes his cock in hand, smearing the precum he’s already leaking all over its length.
Right then Wolffe activates the vibrator again, and with a last shake Cody comes already, unable to hold back anymore.
Still, Fox doesn’t stop, and it seems that Cody doesn’t mind. He’s probably already good to go again.
“Kriffing hells,” he moans, face one or two shades darker than it usually is. It’s such a hot view.
 “I want to fuck him,” Fox blurts out, turning towards Cody. “Would that be okay with you?”
“Please…” is all Cody is able to get out. It’s enough.
They get to bed immediately, with Wolffe laying onto it on his back - he wants to enjoy the show - Cody on his lap and Fox behind him.
Speaking of Fox, he runs his nails from Cody’s shoulders to his back, leaving soft marks - nothing that would be uncomfortable once he’s back to wear blacks - then he cups his ass, spreading it over. Cody’s hole, now empty, is left twitching in the wake of being filled again. Fox hums appreciatively.
When Cody presses his body against his, Fox decides to stop wasting time.
“Keep him still,” he orders Wolffe, who dutifully grabs Cody by his hips, keeping him pinned there. Fox then begins to rub his cock against his entrance waiting for him to get used to it - thus complacent - in order to press the tip inside.
The sound Cody lets out at the intrusion isn’t like anything they’ve ever heard coming from him. It makes Fox’s cock twitch in interest.
“Fuuuuuuuck!” Cody sounds way past his limit, and yet he’s not doing anything to push neither Fox nor Wolffe away. If it wasn’t for the fact that he’s quickly getting hard again, they wouldn’t be pushing him this much.
 Figuring that he would just swear at them if he does it slow, Fox begins to fuck Cody in earnest, earning himself a grunt each time he sinks in. His gaze is low, focused on the way his cock vanishes inside Cody’s eager hole.
Wolffe, on the other side, is enjoying a different kind of show: he can’t hold back a smirk at how wrecked Cody looks right now, even though the asshole is getting some saliva droppings on him, but it’s something Wolffe easily forgives, if anything because it means that they’re fucking his brains out for him not to even realize that he’s doing that.
He takes his flushed face between his hands, forcing Cody to keep his gaze on him. He won’t let him look away and get away from this so easily. “Aw, look at you, so needy for cock,” he mocks him, but Cody only whines at his words, making it hard to understand if he’s even heard what he said. Oh well, it doesn’t matter, not when Wolffe decides that he’d rather kiss him, which he does, pressing his lips against Cody none too gently.
 Fox is getting closer and closer to reaching the peak. The more he keeps going, the less he’s going to last.
He grits his teeth, grabbing Cody’s hips with even more strength, uncaring of the marks and bruises he’s leaving; Cody’s going to feel them for a long time, and Fox hopes he’ll get hard each time he remembers how he’s gotten them. It would be amusing seeing him trying to keep composure in the middle of a debrief or something.
He reaches down for Cody’s cock, taking it in his hand. After doing that, he immediately begins to jerk him off, despite the pained sounds that are leaving Cody’s mouth at the way he’s treating his oversensitive cock.
“Come on, I know you like it,” he whispers to his ear before licking it, making Cody shiver at the sensation. Cody doesn’t reply, still busy with Wolffe’s mouth, but a loud whine leaves his lips, which counts as an affirmative response.
When Wolffe finally pulls away, Cody finds himself struggling for breath. The fact that Fox doesn’t stop pounding into him doesn’t help at all. “Are you close?” he asks, accompanying each sentence with a snap of his hips. Cody moans, shaking his head yes. “Show me,” Fox says then. “Come.”
All it takes is another couple of thrusts for Cody to come; he opens his mouth to scream, but as soon as he does, Wolffe - the shabuir - decides to shove his fingers in there, forcing Cody to suck on them while Fox chases his own orgasm, which to be fair, doesn’t take too long to reach, not when Fox can feel Cody clench frantically around him, oversensitive and spent.
He doesn’t even pull away, coming still buried deep inside him, chuckling at the way Cody twitches as he fills him up with cum. Such an endearing sight.
 Only when it looks like Cody’s more stable, Fox begins pulling out, though as soon as he does, Cody slumps forward, but he’s thankfully caught by Wolffe. Fox rubs his thighs, leaning down to kiss his shoulder. “Are you ok?”
Cody doesn’t say anything except for a long whine, so they suppose he’s fine. Besides…
“My turn now,” Wolffe grunts, moving Cody by the hips so that he can line the tip of his cock against his entrance. It’s like lifting a dead weight, but he doesn’t mind it; he’s going to wake up Cody soon, after all. He has at least the kindness to lower him down slowly, despite how loosened up he is, but Wolffe doesn’t want to force it.
Once he’s completely seated inside, he lets Cody lean against him, chest against chest, and closes his arms around his waist, keeping him there - not that he has enough strength to leave, even if he wanted to. He can’t help the smile that appears on his face when Cody nuzzles against his neck, but the soft quiet lasts little: after planting his feet on the mattress to get better leverage, Wolffe begins to slowly rock his body against Cody’s, making him whine softly at the sensation.
After making sure that Cody’s getting into it, Wolffe doesn’t waste any more time as he begins to pound into him the way he wanted to do from the start. Cody is completely powerless in front of such an assault, and all he can do it to arch his body, screaming from the intensity of the pleasure as Wolffe nails his prostate each single kriffing time.
 It’s a great visual, or it would be if Fox were able to keep his eyes open for more than one mere second.
After having laid down beside Wolffe and Cody, he’s been attacked by a sense of sleepiness that has taken him by surprise, though considering what he’s been doing while he and Wolffe waited for Cody maybe he should’ve expected it. The thing is, he’d really like to go for a nap now, but on the other hand, how is he supposed to miss the show in front of him?
Cody’s voice is really doing a marvellous job waking him up, he has to say. His throat is surely going to get hoarse once they’re done with him; oh yeah, he’s getting completely wrecked.
Still, for now he’d rather watch than actively participate, especially considering the excellent job Wolffe is doing. He’s not going to lie, it’s quite tender the way they’re holding onto each other, it makes Fox smile that damned stupid smile he does only when he’s with them.
Ooh, Cody’s beginning to move along Wolffe’s thrusts, making him penetrate even deeper. He must be close if he’s finding the strength to move his hips like that.
 That knowledge is enough to shake Fox up. He says: “Wolffe, wait.”
Wolffe immediately stops, much to Cody’s disappointment as he grunts, clearly displeased by the unnecessary interruption. He soon changes idea however when Fox speaks again. “Turn him over, I want to blow him.”
A moan leaves Cody’s lips at those words. “You’d like that, would you?” Fox asks him, delighted by the frantic way he nods, then letting himself be moved with ease, turning around so that he’s giving his back to Wolffe.
The way he sinks back on his cock is almost feverish, but damn if it doesn’t make for a very pretty picture, a picture that Fox would happily stare at for the rest of his life, but he has a job to do.
He goes down immediately, parting his lips around Cody’s cock, swallowing him whole. He doesn’t even need to move much since Cody already does it enough on his own; no matter where he goes, he either impales himself on Wolffe’s cock or thrust into Fox’s delicious mouth. A true win-win situation.
The moans that are coming out of him are absolutely obscene; they should’ve recorded him, just for posterity’s sake.
 “Close…” he manages to croak between a moan and another.
Hearing that, Wolffe’s grabs Cody by the hips, forcing him still; Cody whines at that sudden pause and he’s about to protest, only that Wolffe begins to hammer inside him just like he was doing before; he begins pushing into Cody with all the fury in his body, in and out, in and out.
The shouts that leave Cody’s lips are so loud that, if Fox hadn’t made his room get soundproofed, they would’ve certainly been heard from outside as well.
Amidst the shouts there are also a few sobs, and it’s with a chocked one that Cody comes. His entire body tenses and arches, while his cock twitches, but Fox’s already relaxed his throat, he already knows what to expect and he doesn’t bat one eye when he begins to unload.
Wolffe doesn’t slow down his assault not one bit, not even when Cody begins to shake, oversensitive. It’s not like he can pull away, even if he wanted to.
With that pace, plus the fact that Cody’s clenching around him so tightly that it almost hurts, it doesn’t take long for Wolffe to come, getting his load up there to join up with the one Fox has already left before. He keeps pounding into him until it’s over; only then he stops, and as soon as he does Cody collapses over him, completely spent.
 Wolffe and Fox exchange a look.
… Did they kill him or something?
 No, his eyes flutter open, so he’s fine. Just tired. Still not entirely convinced, Fox waves a hand in front of him. “Hey, you ok there?”
Cody doesn’t utter a word, but he weakly nods, meaning that he’s understood what Fox has told him. Good. His body is shaking, both from the sudden cold and the tiredness, but at least he finds some solace when Wolffe rubs his arms to produce some warmth.
An exchanged gaze with Fox is enough for them to reach an agreement. “I’ll prepare a bath.”
 By the time the bath is ready, Cody is at least able to move on his own, at least a little bit; his legs are still quite wobbly, so he has to lean on Wolffe in order to move, not that Wolffe minds, at all. He’s always found cute how Cody gets after a good couple of orgasms.
Fox’s tub is big enough to fit all three of them - one of the few perks of being stationed on Coruscant - so they manage to get cleaned up all at the same time, although they have to help Cody since he’s unable to do it on his own.
“How are you?” Fox asks as he rinses his hair, gently scratching his scalp while Wolffe massages his shoulders. Cody has his eyes closed, enjoying the sensation fully; he might fall asleep from one moment to another, but frankly he doesn’t care. The only thing keeping him awake is the fact that he doesn’t want to be a complete deadweight to the others, and also the burn of shame at the fact that, in the end, he didn’t manage to win the bet, thought at the moment his mind is so clouded that isn’t exactly his priority. Besides, if he doesn’t mention it, maybe the others will forget about it.
“Good,” he manages to mutter in reply despite his throat hurting like hell. They really got him screaming before, the shabuire. He must be pouting, because Fox leans in to kiss him, just a quick peck on his lips.
“C’mon now, let’s get you to bed.”
 If there’s something that the bath managed to do, it’s to make Cody feel even more drowsy. The more time passes, the harder he’s finding it to keep his eyes open.
At least he’s not being teased for it; actually, both Wolffe and Fox are treating him with extreme care now, something that he’ll always be grateful for. No matter how hard they go at it - and he means all of them - at the end of their games they’re always nice to each other.
 He softly groans when they help him onto the bed, and he wastes no time finding a comfortable position, pressed between the other two. Not that he minds it, of course: it’s nice feeling them so close; it’s reassuring.
Between the other two’s caresses and kisses, he finds himself drifting more and more to sleep… At least until Wolffe speaks up.
“You know…” he says, “You still lost the bet.” Damn it, they’ve remembered.
Cody mutters something unintelligible to both the others. He’s too tired to even speak, which prompts them to leave him alone for now.
“We’ll talk about it another time,” Fox interjects then, caressing Cody’s hair. “Rest now.”
By the way Cody falls asleep almost immediately, he must’ve taken that to heart. At that point, Fox turns towards Wolffe.
“You’re such an asshole.”
“Am I?” Wolffe immediately retorts. “I was just stating the facts!”
“Exactly!” Fox replies, though his annoyed expression soon turns into a smirk. “We’ll remind him when he least expects it.”
At those words, Wolffe mutters a small oh, then he lowers his gaze towards Cody, sleeping soundly unaware of their machinations. He chuckles.
“And you said I am the asshole.”
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